Set Raja Petra free – this true defender of Islam and the rights of many

by Azly Rahman

To be, or not to be: that is the question:

Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,

And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;

No more; and by a sleep to say we end

The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks

That flesh is heir to, ’tis a consummation

Devoutly to be wish’d.

— from William Shakespeare, Hamlet

Saudara RPK,

I hope they are treating you well, in this holy month of Ramadhan that is turning our nation into our Ramallah.

I write in a state of being free while you languish in sadness incarcerated by those in their dying days breathing painfully.

They say that you are anti-Islam and anti-government. The are wrong on both counts. You are a great defender not only of Islam but of other faiths. You are a great defender of a sane government yet to be installed and one that will gladly set you free.

They are fearing not you nor the voices of conscience no longer in the wilderness; they are fearing themselves – their Inner Self – that they are answering to in their scramble to satisfy their greed for material wealth and lust for power.

They have not made you a bankrupt, RPK. They themselves are drowned in riches that will bury them.

Sdr. RPK. I hope your incarceration will be brief. So too will be of the others.

The rakyat feels that the present government will not be the one freeing you. A new one will.

Below I reproduce a tribute to you I wrote sometime ago.


There is so much sadness in our nation as we bemoan the imprisonment of a voice of conscience manifested in this individual called Raja Petra Kamaruddin.

There is so much anger in our consciousness as we wonder what justice denied can do to us as we see the rot in our cultural values and political lives — right in front of our eyes, feasted through the media.

Raja Petra is seeking deep in his inner self and journeying deep into the archeology of his consciousness and into the history of his self and his ancestors, seeking solace and guidance in what next to be done in this world in which the self argues and revolts against systems of oppression. His psyche and the journey of his soul perhaps bring him to a hill in Melaka some several centuries ago — a place where the legendary philosopher-king and the Bugis warrior stood on a hill riddled with bullets from the advancing Dutch colonials. Raja Haji died standing .

Raja Petra is a gifted human being who is showing us what Henry David Thoreau, the American transcendentalist, spoke about “civil disobedience. He is what the philosopher Karl Jaspers reminded us of the urge to disobey and ideology that has become corrupt to the core and has employed the state apparatuses to silence those who speak truth to power.

Raja Petra is what Che Guevara means to Malaysians, a gung-ho revolutioner whose interest in motorcycles helped him craft his own hugely successful “motorcycle diaries” and helped him symbolize and embody the free-wheeling spirit of Americanism of the “Easy Rider era”.

Raja Petra is the symbol of the yearning in us to break free and to let out these “screams of consciousness” so that we may learn to understand better what actually is the problem with this nation that needs therapy as a consequence of its obsession with law and order it creates and it destroys. It is the Brahma-Shiva-Vishnu of politics that we are seeing at play in the cosmic cycle, this karma of Malaysian politics that is meeting its end of the yuga as consequences to the production of many duryodanas (Durjanas) in the process of birth and rebirth.

Raja Petra is a Bugis warrior who installs kings and umpires and players in this game of politics we all are asked to play for fifty years. He make us conscious of the complexities of power relations, the roles of individuals in installing ideologies, the power of institutions in designing “inscriptions that alienate people” and helps us understand the nature of Malaysia’s interlocking directorates — of who owns what and what are the consequences of these.

Raja Petra is a commander-in-chief of a movement that exists in cyberspace and orchestrates the powerful dialogues that send shivers to the spines of those who cheats in this political game.

Raja Petra has shown us what jihad means and how we must carry on this revolution to its final destiny — a republic of virtue in which philosophy reigns supreme over ideology, whatever the ideology may be.

Raja Petra will be out soon, to carry on the revolution in the consciousness of men and women — a perpetual revolution that forces us to look at ourselves as historical beings and wonder “what have we done to make this country as it is in which justice is denied, delayed, and dictated by the few.”

But there will always be Divine Justice, if one believes in the power of the Divine — in a Just God and God of Mercy and Compassionate who works in mysterious ways and one who works through the agency called human beings — that will make things end well, even if all is not well in the beginning of things.

“Man proposes God disposes”, many have said. In us all, in the humiliation wrought upon this human being called Raja Petra and in the imprisonment of this voice of conscience, lies the mystery of revelation of justice. We shall see what lies ahead. We must, however continue to become makers of history — to protest either silently or out loud either in solitude or with others in pomp and pageantry, protest we must as we are essentially human beings born free with natural rights endowed by the Creator. Borrowing Rousseau, we believe that “Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains…”

Protest we must. Investigate we must too. Demands we will orchestrate in order to have corrupt men and women, powers abusers amongst us, and swindling robber-barons amidst us to be brought to justice in the court of law that shall be governed by the people, through the will of the rakyat.

The rakyat awaits your homecoming, a candlelight vigil will adorn the street in front of the prison-industrial complex built by those who designed architecture of structural-violence, unseen by the naked eyes of the rakyat. Like the candles that await Sita Devi and like the candle-lights that bathes Jelaluddin Rumi, the light from the rakyat soothes and calms your bruised spirit in their patient wait for your freedom.

A grandchild of that Bugis warrior prince, a philosopher-ruler, better that many a prince Machiavelli pays tribute to– you are a voice of conscience and you shall be free. Free at last.. free at last…

Hang in there, RPK. This is your bohemian rhapsody.

Hang in there for a few days, weeks, Saudara RPK.

This is my humble gift to thee. May these words renew your spirit.

And the rakyat will not take it to the streets either. They will stay home and watch the soap opera on race and religion played to an audience of none. They will wait and see which government will set you free.

Here is Shakespeare’s piece for thee, in its entirety:

To be, or not to be (from Hamlet 3/1)
To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,

And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;

No more; and by a sleep to say we end

The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks

That flesh is heir to, ’tis a consummation

Devoutly to be wish’d. To die, to sleep;

To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub;

For in that sleep of death what dreams may come

When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,

Must give us pause: there’s the respect

That makes calamity of so long life;

For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,

The oppressor’s wrong, the proud man’s contumely,

The pangs of despised love, the law’s delay,

The insolence of office and the spurns

That patient merit of the unworthy takes,

When he himself might his quietus make

With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear,

To grunt and sweat under a weary life,

But that the dread of something after death,

The undiscover’d country from whose bourn

No traveller returns, puzzles the will

And makes us rather bear those ills we have

Than fly to others that we know not of?

Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;

And thus the native hue of resolution

Is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought,

And enterprises of great pith and moment

With this regard their currents turn awry,

And lose the name of action. – Soft you now!

The fair Ophelia! Nymph, in thy orisons

Be all my sins remember’d.





64 Replies to “Set Raja Petra free – this true defender of Islam and the rights of many”

  1. RPK’s final blog entry was The REAL story of May 13 (part 1) … was the exposure of the evil entity which has been promoting racial and religious instability to ensure the continuation of its malevolence rule over peace loving Malaysians.

    All the recent events had been “engineered” to create anger and frustration between Malaysians, which is why we need to keep our calm, practice tolerance, preach peace and most importantly “turn the other cheek” and give no excuse for the tyrants to pit one race against the other!

    RPK knew this and selflessly at the highest cost of his personal freedom and the sorrow of his family, was willing to pay the price…. for the sake of peace for all Malaysian!

    To honor the sacrifice,he and his family made…. We, Malaysians ( muslims and non-muslims ) must continue to stand together hand-in-hand against the greatest threat that has ever face our nation!

    Remember that he fought so that we do not have too… so do not make his sacrifice in vain.

    United we must stand – Satu Bangsa, Satu Negara!

  2. at the end, the much awaiting answers for the questions:

    Why AHmad Ismail, the person who was came out in front of media, saying those insulting words, behave like gangsters to tear off photos, why he is not being detained? Syed Hamid said police is still investigating? and a big joke by protecting a person under ISA, which let the news and the person picture exposed widely?

    why this round Teressa Kok detained under ISA after shortwhile the police report made by those muslim organisations? why police need such a long time to investigate Ahmad Ismail? with many wirness and DPM was there? even if he did not speak those words in Permatang Pauh, his words in the press conference after that is also insulting and creating instability of the multi racial community, and need to be detained under ISA!

    why no same treatment? and immediately after the UMNO council announced the suspension of UMNO positions, Ahmad ISmail straight away said HIDUP MELAYU, and said he will not apologize but will accept the punishment, come on, what the hell is stern action of this? and the word HIDUP MELAYU is insulting, did u even hear hear HIDUP CINA, HIDUP INDIA before? Is that means HIDUP MELAYU, MATIKAN CINA dan INDIA?????

    Initially the non Malays keep patient and do not want to say anything after disappointed by the Ahmad Ismail is just merely being shown got punished, but this time the fire being sparks after detention of reporter Tan, which she is just reporting the fact and words by Ahmad Ismail, and the person who decided on this ISA detention shd go to jail under ISA, because they also contributed to the unstable conditions of the country. And another Malay newspaper (Uxxxxxxx)? their reporter is reporting the truth abt Teresa and being the UMNO alliance? and ISA immune?

    why our country being led into such stupid ways?

  3. at the end, the much awaiting answers for the questions:

    Why AHmad Ismail, the person who was came out in front of media, saying those insulting words, behave like gangsters to tear off photos, why he is not being detained? Syed Hamid said police is still investigating? and a big joke by protecting a person under ISA, which let the news and the person picture exposed widely?

    why this round Teressa Kok detained under ISA after shortwhile the police report made by those muslim organisations? why police need such a long time to investigate Ahmad Ismail? with many witness and DPM was there? even if he did not speak those words in Permatang Pauh, his words in the press conference after that is also insulting and creating instability of the multi racial community, and need to be detained under ISA!

    why no same treatment? and immediately after the UMNO council announced the suspension of UMNO positions, Ahmad ISmail straight away said HIDUP MELAYU, and said he will not apologize but will accept the punishment, come on, what the hell is stern action of this? and the word HIDUP MELAYU is insulting, did u even hear hear HIDUP CINA, HIDUP INDIA before? Is that means HIDUP MELAYU, MATIKAN CINA dan INDIA?????

    Initially the non Malays keep patient and do not want to say anything after disappointed by the Ahmad Ismail is just merely being shown got punished, but this time the fire being sparks after detention of reporter Tan, which she is just reporting the fact and words by Ahmad Ismail, and the person who decided on this ISA detention shd go to jail under ISA, because they also contributed to the unstable conditions of the country. And another Malay newspaper (Uxxxxxxx)? their reporter is reporting the truth abt Teresa and being the UMNO alliance? and ISA immune?

    why our country being led into such stupid ways?

  4. Ya, I was frustrated coz Im eager to get May13 Part (2)
    and then he was detained. Man, the entire truth will be told.
    Thats why RPK is truly God Sent. Ppl for the truth.

    I sincerely wish one day we all rakyat, regardless of race,creeks, and religion must honour this man. Don’t care how, but we do owe him this much. “Human Right Champion?” “Freedom fighter?” You all can come out with better title for him, Im sure.

    He is an icon for the New Malaysia. He has guts, He has balls, He has all – that called him a True Man and top it off – Just a simple man.

  5. i’d put my signature already, how about you…?

    the nation just need your simple support to free our HERO and freedom fighters, what are you waiting for…?

    do you still expect MCA, MIC, Gerakan or UMNO to help? then you should go back to sleep now.

    dont forget your children and grand children will ask one day, why you’re sleeping while RPK & Teresa are detained under UMNO’s draconian ISA…!


    2 groups lodge report against ISA detainee Teresa

    KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 14 ~ The Muslim Consumers” Association of Malaysia
    (PPIM) and the Islamic NGOs, Heritage Associations, Malay Cultural
    Organisations and Related Bodies Cooperation Network (Pewaris) today
    lodged police reports against Selangor executive councillor Teresa Kok
    over her alleged act to prohibit the “azan” call to prayer at mosques
    and surau in Kota Damansara, Sri Serdang and Puchong Jaya.

    The reports were made by Pewaris advisor Rahimuddin Md Harun and PPIM
    complaints officer Mohd Nor Imran Yusuf at the Sentul district police
    headquarters at 11am.

    Rahimuddin told reporters later the police reports were lodged because
    Kok’s statements could allegedly hurt the feelings of the Muslim

    “We have made the reports so that the police can carry out the
    investigations on her because it is feared that the statements can
    spark racial animosity in Malaysia,” he said.

    PPIM secretary-general Datuk Dr Ma’amor Osman said in a statement that
    PPIM supported the government’s detention of Kok, Malaysia Today
    blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin and Sin Chew Daily reporter Tan Hoon
    Cheng under the Internal Security Act (ISA) on Friday.

    Tan was released yesterday.

    “The detentions are proof that the government does not remain silent
    in matters involving racial sensitivities and the Federal

    “Matters such as these should be viewed seriously because, if ignored,
    they could incite hatred in the people, especially the Malays, because
    their special position has often been disputed by certain quarters,”
    he said. Bernama

    How shameful and stupid they are to lodge another police report…. are they still living in a cave and not exposed to the truth behind the whole story… shame on them…

  7. “We must never allow our country to be turned into a racial battlefield again. Let politics be issues concerning policies, civil rights, good governance and justice. Let us not allow anyone to bring race and religion into our politics lest we suffer the fate of many countries around us where mass murders of entire families are made in the name of ‘bangsa’ and ‘agama’ ”

    In time, Raja Petra’s final 2 sentences above (in The REAL story of May 13) will in history books…

    but this will not happen if DSAI/Pakatan Rakyat is not able to assume control in non-violent, non-racial transition….

    Put aside our anger ( no more angry comments), turn the other cheek…. ( ignore negative comments ) and love thy neighbor ( regardless of race, religion and creed ) if you truly want a new Malaysia, the one our true Raja, RPK sacrificed himself for…

  8. I totally agree that all of us the sane citizens of Malaysia must keep calm. UMNO is getting insane and they are talking like lunatics. Arresting a person, under ISA because she is under threat and danger are typical of insane people talking because they have no more logical reasoning. They are getting insane because of fear and desperation and they have to play their last card, the racial card which they had become very skillful through constant practice. They are really desperate and wants chaos to destroy the country to prevent PR for an easy takeover. They are devil in disguise for 50 years and now that the rakyat had taken off their masks, they choose to destroy to cover their path of deceit and evil deeds.
    Fortunately most Malaysians, be they Malays, Chinese or Indians are sane. We cannot fight insanity with insanity but we will win if we fight insanity with sanity.

  9. Yes! I have signed the petition during the early call for justice.

    As I have said:

    When your friend is being treated unfairly and put in jail, you do nothing.

    When your relative is being treated unfairly and put in jail, you speak nothing.

    When your brother is being treated unfairly and put in jail, you still say nothing.

    When your are being treated unfairly and put in jail, there will be nobody else to fight for you.

  10. ” Let us not allow anyone to bring race and religion into our politics lest we suffer the fate of many countries around us where mass murders of entire families are made in the name of ‘bangsa’ and ‘agama’ ” READ RPK’s final sentence again…

    <> also refer to you,me and all who leave angry comments on our favorite Blogs…

    RPK fought so that we, the RAKYAT will not have to!!!!!!!!!

  11. In 2001 sept 11, I was watching live broadcast on TV the burning twin towers of New York world trade centre in another pastor’s apartment in Paris. To actually witnessed the footage of small human figures of helpless INNOCENT victims leaping out of the windows and plunging several hundred feets below to meet their death was just too much to stomach. it left such a horrifying impression of Islam in the minds of millions upon millions of people on earth for being a religion of madness and violence.

    I must thank God that after reading all the writings of RPK about Islam, I have come to know that Islam is indeed a religion of peace and care.
    I thank & salute RPK, a great and respected Muslim for defending Islam and projecting a positive image of Islam to the whole world. He has indeed glorified the name of ALLAH!
    It is Muslim like Syed Hamid who has chosen the wicked path especially in the month of Ramadhan accusing his own brother in Islam and shaming the name of ALLAH!

    Muslim leaders from PKR and PAS should come out to speak STRONGLY against this barbaric act of the federal government.
    We the rakyat of Malaysia demand the release of RPK IMMEDIATELY!

  12. ada expert cakap macam lawyer – kita sekarang zaman moden ada undang-undang,
    wa cakap ini, dia cakap wa paranoid kerana ini bukan zaman kuku besi, wa pikir kepala dia manyak square,
    apa boleh buat… mental pun sudah incarcerated
    apakah ini takdir rakyat Malaysia?

  13. Can someone or anyone here enlighten me on the various Islam bodies, association, etc..and which is the right legitimate one that Malaysia follows? Which are finance or supported by BN, Umno and which are not? Im bloody confuse here. Or are they all the same?
    Pls help. Thanks

  14. The truth is BN government is so desperate in trying to create racial unrest or riots so that they can declare a state of emergency. In that way, they can continue to rule the country.

    But there is no unrest in the country! Victory to all matured Malaysians from all races and religions!

    However, there is a real state of emergency from within UMNO now!

  15. Just back home from CLV at Bogger House at Damansara KL. Almost 100 ppl participated despite of the rain and short notice.

    Jom lakukan HARTAL untuk selamatkan negara tercinta ini.


    Let’s do HARTAL for our beloved country.


  16. Dear YB LKS,

    Thank you for sharing that very touching piece by Dr Azly Rahman & his message to our Barisan Rayaat icon YM RPK – I salute you Dr Azly Rahman.

    I would also like to extend my prayers to God Almighty for His Blessings, Protection & Guidance to YM RPK, “Saint” Theresa & all the other ISA detainees wherever they maybe.

    As they say, “When the Going gets tough, the Tough gets going & God helps those that help themselves”.

    Insha’Allah, we shall overcome…..

    Here’s one Divine Intervention – God Almighty is Great…

    Malaysiakini – Beh Lih Yi | Sep 14, 08 2:42pm – Quote – “Law minister threatens to quit over ISA….

    De facto Law Minister Zaid Ibrahim today threatened to resign if the government continues to use the Internal Security Act, which allows detention without trial, against any individuals. ” Unquote.

    “Devine Intervention” works wonders & with the “Anarchy” developing within their ranks of “Wannabe Young UMNO Heroes” vs the “Righteous Leaders”, they are having their own “Enemies” from within !

    PM & DPM have lost the “Plot” altogether & this “UMNO Anarchy” will be the “Mother of the BN Self-Desruct” mechanism in full action.

    Just give them more rope to “Hang” themselves at every turn towards their “Demise” soon.

    We have to be virgilant, stay UNITED, stay calm, have Faith in God Almighty for His Blessings, Protection & Guidance so that we will not fall into the BN “Chaos Trap”.

  17. We must do something, this is outrage, i wonder syed hamid would to be detain for a week. So he knows every bitter momment to sleep behind bars 24/7.

    I really felt sorry i couldn’t do anything, as our heroes fighting for our freedom agains this evil regime.

    Uncle Lim, your truely a hero of all. Your bravery inspires all today, Pete-teresa-dsai including ur son LGE knows the real pain being inside. And you still fighting for us today.

    Thank You Guys, God speed.

  18. I start wonder what is Anwar waiting for ?

    “Pakatan have to move now. Anwar has to stop this nonsense of waiting for enough Malay MPs to crossover before he seeks the audience with the Agong to intimate that Pak Lah has lost the confidence of the majority of MPs in Parliament. Didn’t the rakyat reject race-based politics at the last general elections and at Permatang Pauh? Go form the federal government now.”

    I also believe Anwar have the number of MP, but wondering what is him waiting for ? After read the article on Malaysia Today, I wonder is Anwar is waiting for more Malay MP to cross over ? Why can’t Anwar just form a new government with whatever he has ? Yes, may be there is more non-malay in his new government, so what ? They are still Malaysian. Non-Malay MP will also look after Malay , what you worry Anwar ? Don’t be racist at this critical moment. Ignore this if waiting for Malay MP is not your reason, but if it is the reason , then you lose a mark in people’s heart.

    I really wish Anwar announce to form new government at the next second.

  19. It looks like nowadays there are lots of questions – depending who you are!
    For examples:
    To Hamid, it would be: to unleash the ISA further or to release RPK and Theresa: that is the question.
    To Zaid, KTK & some BN component parties it would be : to leave BN fold and defect or not that is the question.
    To Pak Lah ,it is : to stay according to succession pact or to resign is the question.
    To his nemesis, to re- join UMNO or not is the question..
    To Kataks, to defect now or not is the question.
    To Anwar : to see the King and make the move now or not : that is the other question.
    And to many 0ppressed here, to stay and fight for one’s rights or to migrate : that is the question…

  20. Readers may be interested to know more about the context of Hamlet’s “To be or not to be” soliloquy used by Dr Azly Rahman here.

    It is about dilemma: “To be or not to be” means (in Shakespeare’s English) – “to carry on living and existing or not” that is the question!

    Hamlet Prince of Denmark (1600)’s dilemma is this:

    Hamlet’s father (Denmark’s late king)has been murdered recently by his brother, Hamlet’s uncle, who two months later marries his widow (Hamlet’s mother). The ghost of Hamlet’s father reveals this murderous scheme to Hamlet in a dramatic midnight scene on the cliffs overlooking a churning, angry ocean.

    Armed with this knowledge, Hamlet is in dilemma as he reflects his options.

    To run away from he contemplates suicide by stabbing himself.
    Death seems good, a kind of dream but he is also worried because death represents unknown – “The undiscover’d country from whose boundary no traveller returns” to tell what’s there…
    He agonizes because if he were to continue to keep alive he faces :“the heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to” – meaning “health problems, and “the oppressor’s wrong, the proud man’s contumely (pride), insolence of office, the law’s delay” – his uncle’s hypocrisy and betrayal backed by power of office.

    In the end he is indecisive – doesn’t know which course to take because “conscience does make cowards of us all”.

    “Conscience” is not the normal meaning for example RPK a prisoner of conscience.’Conscience’ in Shakespearean language means reflection, thinking too much until one is indecisive.

    Later Hamlet says “Frailty thy name is woman” because he blames his woes on women – eg his mother Queen Gertrude for seducing his uncle to the extent he murders his own brother to get to the throne and her pants! And he blames his girl friend Ophelia for rejecting his attentions and committing suicide by jumping into the river and drowns. He tells “get thee to the nunnery”!

    That’s the context of “to be or not to be”.

  21. To be sure, Raja Petra Kamarudin is definitely no Hamlet and to liken him to Hamlet is a discredit to him.. No “to be or not to be” for him!

    Certainly, RPK is not indecisive. He is clear what he wants to do and prepared for ‘consequences’. He shaved bald because he joked that he went in and out of prison so many times – each time compulsory haircut required as procedure – that it would be more convenient to shave off his hair!

    He is in no dilemma; he knows exacly what he is doing : it is his oppressors who don’t know what he is up to next, where the incriminating evidence is stored and when revealed – and that is why they ransacked his house trying to search and retrieve any incriminating evidence he might have against their master before detaining him – which under ISA, they don’t need evidence because his writings in MT blog say it all!

    Although he attended (opposition) political rallies he has joined no Opposition party because he feels politics (either side of fence) is “dirty”. He is not partisan and is pro-country on issues.

    RPK also does not have this ‘thing’ against women in his lives. He is close to Marina Lee and lovely daughter.

    He was treated a celebrity everywhere he went giving autographs etc and ladies came up and asked Marina, “can I hug your husband” and she always said (with no hinge of insecurity), “go ahead!”.

  22. Dr Azly Rahman may I, with respect, suggest that you don’t give “To be or not to be” to RPK at this time of his trial and tribulation. Hamlet’s self doubt, indecision, vacillation between contemplation of death by suicide and continuing to live and fight, skewed views of women gender from unplesant personal experiences are the last thing RPK needs at this moment in solitary confinement.

  23. Raja Petra has done no wrong. Teresa Kok has done no wrong.

    Their lives have so far been a life of service to the country and its future.

    The charges are trumped up and cannot bear the scrutiny of an open court trial.

    The ISA is a short-hand legislation for for putting people like Raja Petra and Teresa Kok into detention – without a prior trial.

    The ISA has been abused in the circumstances. Look at the release of Tan Hoon Cheng, the 32-year-old lady journalist who was doing her job.

    The ISA has outlived its purpose. It was intended to be used against the communist during their campaign of armed insurrection.

    It was never intended for use against the democratic and loyal Opposition.

    High time to repeal the insidious and reprehensible Act.

  24. All know who is RPK.
    That is why UMNO fear him most in blogsphere.
    He is very dynamic and influential writer.
    He moves people.
    He is brave and so many corruptions and evil deeds are exposed by him.
    LKS exposed UMNO as a politician.
    RPK exposed UMNO as a Freedom Fighter.
    Both of them have same desires….same objectives…different strokes.
    UMNO may desire an uprising..with RPK’s arrest.
    We will not be so stupid to fall into the trap.
    Vast majority loves and respect RPK.
    Yes..we will light a candle and pray for him…in silence.

  25. Islam is not really something that corrupted politicians should talk about. Together with the terrorists, these people hijacked one of the nicest religions. They used religion as a political tool to gain own benefit. This kind of people should be rejected by the religion, and without doubt, will be sent to hell at the end.

  26. Unfortunately we have a regime that clings to power – by hook or by crook – for only one purpose, which is to preserve its right to steal.

    “Check and balance” in governance refers to their bank balances only.

  27. “His psyche and the journey of his soul perhaps bring him to a hill in Melaka some several centuries ago — a place where the legendary philosopher-king and the Bugis warrior stood on a hill riddled with bullets from the advancing Dutch colonials. Raja Haji died standing”

    Died standing is a little too difficult for me to grasp – perhaps died fighting?

  28. With such anarchy going on, I am hoping that PR kick BeEnd out and install a new Government now.
    Those ministers who claim that we should wait until the next ballot must be deaf and blind. The Rakyat are warning them that change a must, but we have not seen any changes but instead they remain in the state of denial.
    Those ministers who criticize the takeover and belittle 916, I think they have a lot to loose and are shitting in their pants. Otherwise it does not make any sense. Such an abuse can be tolerated tells the Rakyat what kind of human being they are.
    Anyway, will I be disappointed if 916 doesn’t take place in a day or two? Hell no, we will continue to spread the misdeeds of the current corrupted Be End that is blundering the wealth of this country.
    They are in fact no different from the colonist, whose main intention of ruling is to steal (legitimately) from the Rakyat.

  29. I wonder what is the Zak Hamaad, the foreigner who is an expert in Malaysian affairs, thinking of right now. He has called RPK an “Islamo-fascist” but I wonder if Zak the foreigner now approves the use of the ISA against RPK.

  30. Malaysia – A nation of DOUBLE STANDARDS
    Double standards on classification of citizenship!
    Double standards in the execution of the law!
    Double standards in the award of government contracts!
    Double standards in the schools!
    Double standards in allocating places in universities!
    Double standards in punishment!
    Double standards in investigation of crimes!
    Double standards in…………. you name it, they have it!!!!

    Malaysia BOLEH (mati) Lor!

  31. To be or not to be!
    To topple or not to topple the selfish, corrupted, and inhumane BN government!

    It’s time to storm the Bastille and set Malaysians free from the long suppression imposed by the BN government.

    It’s time to storm the Bastille and set Malaysians on a democratic and just path to create a nation of the people and for the people!

    Let 0916 be a true Malaysia Day – a Malaysian Malaysia that all Malaysians can be proud of!

    Let not the sacrifice and pain of RPK be wasted!!

  32. RPK writings denouced the followers of the said religion for the their misleading interpretation of the teachings. If you read and understand the whole article in english, at no time RPK is being disrespectful to the religion.
    Just perhaps, the complainer(s) is/are weak in his/their command of english and misunderstand the enlightening writing of RPK or they are just following instructions from their leaders who does not seem to have “akal” based on their recent decisions made.
    For those who comprehend, please translate it to the language which the above mention persons can understand and then hopefully the wisdom arises in them and realised their actions.

  33. Greetings!

    I strongly urged the Government that to release the victim (Political trap) for a cause who’s only reporting or spelling their own Right/Truth from the current affairs and issues faced in Malaysia.

    It seems to me that simply one of the improvements checks & balance tools and not a weapon which kills thousand. Thus, why detained them under ISA if it’s solely to seek a good purpose. Please abolish it with immediate effect.

    Free RPK as well as Teresa Kok!









  35. The arrest of RPK, Teresa Kok and Miss Tan Hoon Cheng is a slap on the face of all decent Malaysian and call on all decent Malaysian with a conscience to condemn such barbaric act.

    There are no justifications for their arrest. If you think RPK has offended islam, why not just charge him in court. Surely the AG will be delighted to prosecute him to test his legal knowledge and ability! The only reason you dare not charge him because he has done nothing wrong and you wanted him lock up because he has been exposing all your corruptions, abuse of power and wrongful doings.

    The arrest of Teresa Kok and Miss Tan Hoon Cheng is just pure racism and anti-chinese. What have they done to deserve such draconian actions against them unless you are racist and anti-chinese.

    You lie and claim that Teresa Kok was involved in the mosque petition based on that racist KHIR TOYO’s blog and now the mosque has come out to say that she was not involved in the petition. By falsely using the name of your islam religion to detain her, you have shown no respect to islam and the Agung. Let us hope Agung as head of the islamic religion, will condemn those who treat islam with disrespect.

    We demand that she be released immediately since the mosque has confirmed that she was not involved in the petition and hope that the people of that mosque will find the courage and sense of righteousness to petition to the government to release her and to restore the integrity of their islamic religion. If you don’t, the non-muslims will always have a negative view of your islamic religion.

    Although Miss Tan Hoon Cheng has now been released, there was no justification for her arrest in the first place. It was very crystal clear that she was just doing her duty as a reporter, to report the speech by that racist Ahmad Ismail. What is wrong in reporting a public speech unless you are a racist all out to humiliate the chinese?

    You also claimed that her arrest was for her own protection. The last time I check, when DSAI was arrested, his face was badly punched by your goons and swollen and his eye was black? Was this the kind of protection that you give to the detainee? By detaining a poor defenseless young lady, you have cause her to suffer severe mental trauma and we demand that you should apologize and compensate her for her mental sufferings.

  36. Here’s an idea I picked up from another blog. On behalf of RPK and other detainees under the evil ISA let’s sing the song(loudly) “I shall be released.”

    They say everything can be replaced
    They say every distance is not near
    So I remember every face
    Of every man who put me here

    I see my light come shining
    From the west down to the east
    Any day now, any day now
    I shall be released

    They say every man needs protection
    They say that every man must fall
    Yet I swear I see my reflection
    Somewhere so high above this wall

    Now yonder stands a man in this lonely crowd
    A man who swears he’s not to blame
    All day long I hear him shouting so loud
    Just crying out that he was framed

  37. ‘We are stupid to have voted for BN.’. m.hwang.

    That is not so surprising.But what is so incomprehensible is that we have kept returning them back for the last 51 years.I am sure no Stone Wall Jackson would not have kept knocking his head against a brickwall for 51 years!!!

  38. East Malaysians, please do something good to safe Malaysia out of all these rots. It seems your masters in Semenanjung have lost their directions.

    Creating history is in your hands now. We don’t want our basic rights to be hijacked anymore.

    Safe RPK, Teresa Kok, Hindraf 5 and the rest of justice fighters so that all can enjoy the coming Hari Raya.

    As reported in The People’s Parliament, RPK is in danger now, please help.

  39. There were comments that Anwar should not recruit MPs from BN to form a new government, because that might cause uncertainty in his and subsequent governments. They argued that the practice might make MPs very valuable tradable commodity, and a switch of party allegiance accompanying the change of government can take place all the time. We will recall that the Bersatu government won the election in Sabah but lost the government to BN in the 1990s. PM AAB is now saying that such practice is unethical. He is showing that he differed from TDM, in policy for once.

    The argument that MPs should stay with their party until the next election appealed to me for a while. But the way the government was willing to sacrifice communal peace to cling on to power, such as the clear and public demonstration of double standards in its dealing with people of different communities using the ISA, indicates that the country cannot wait any longer for a change in government. BN must he dethroned, the sooner the better.

  40. How could a government whose every act and every policy are engulfed in great controversies and consumed by wide public outcry, still stand in public office?

    It is preposterousity of the highest order and an attack on basic common sense.

    Their mandate to act is shored by artificial means – by suppression and oppression.

    And the recent arrests are clear examples of their employ of those artificial powers.

  41. If BN continue to rule Msia for next 45 years, Msian may use 5 different currencies, US$,(general), and Thai Baht, SG $, BR$, and Indon Rp. at the respectve border areas by 2053? Something similar to Zimbabwe today, Anybody fancy that?

  42. “How could a government whose every act and every policy are engulfed in great controversies and consumed by wide public outcry,still stand in public office?”. taiking.

    I suppose this is symptomatic of regimes in the throes of death hoping to hold on to anything that might sustain them a little longer much like the drowning man trying to grasp at anything.

  43. The recent ahmad ismail affair and the azan issue are planned and orchastrated by an unseen hand. To find out who is the “dalang” behind this is not difficult.
    Who will benefit from all this?
    Who is most fearful of RPK exposing the truth?
    Who came out smelling like roses in the ahmad ismail affair?
    Who “baling batu sembunyi tangan”

  44. Muslim NGOs were the ones that lodged police reports against Teresa Kok & RPK.

    Of course anyone or any organisation has the right to lodge report. That does not however mean that their complaints have merits. It does not mean that there is really a potential for any civil disturbance based on allegations in the complaint.

    Police may investigate this without invoking the ISA or its 60 day detention period to conduct its investigations. It is not a prerequisite of investigations that they are conducted in circumstances requiring the detention of the person complaint against. Authorities can always rely on the Criminal Procedure Code to request any person to call in to give a statement, without preemptively curtailing his liberty and right to counsel under the ISA.

    Home Minister Datuk Syed Hamid Albar got it all wrong. The case of detaining Sin Chew Jit Poh reporter Tan Hoon Cheng and releasing her within 24 hours – making it the shortest detention in ISA’s history – is an utter fiasco, proving for all to see, that the draconian legislation has been cavalierly used against her without proper basis, and therefore inevitably cast a long shadow of doubt and taint of political motivation on the legitimacy of detaining (simultaneously) Theresa and RPK as well!

    UMNO/BN should realise that their political “branding” has been rejected by the rakyat consumers on 08/03 reaffirmed in Permatang Pauh on 26/08 : so why keep on trying the sell the old product based on traditional branding and packaging – of which the intimidation by ISA is one of the promotive materials – the demand for which by more and more Malaysian consumers (electors/voters) are shifting away to that of Pakatan Rakyat’s? It is a sure way of accelerating your own irrelevance. Wake up lah and smell the coffee!

    Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has got a poor marketing director in Hamid – the latter degrades the brand further with such lame excuses that the ISA was used for Tan Hoon Cheng’s protection – I suppose this could be extended to detention of Theresa and RPK for their protection of religious extremists – that even his own cabinet ministers, traditional opinion spinners and even NST editorial find it difficult to support!

    BN/UMNO needs a brand to show its an administration that is just, no double standards and competent. The invocation of the ISA and poor handling of Tan Hoon Cheng’s case show just the opposite.

    They’re just shooting themselves in own foot and helping Anwar’s cause.

    Now Anwar does not even need 30 to 40 BN Kataks on 16/9 or soon after.

    All he needs is just 50% of Dewan Rakyat’s aggregate no. of MPs + 1 additional BN katak to make a plausible case before the Yang di Pertuan Agong that the BN cannot pass any legislation in parliament and that it is necessary to now dissolve parliament pursuant to Article 43 (2) of the Federal Constitution to pave the way for the 13th Malaysian General Election with the new usuper Pakatan Rakyat as caretaker government until election day to ensure fair elections.

    More likely, in the momentum of sentiments, helped in no small way by this latest ISA bungling, the 13th General Election will finish off what the 12th has just failed to do by a margin.

  45. Looks like umno has lost all its weapons and ammunitions. ISA is their only usable weapon now.

    Yes with a bit more time, we may be able to witness the sinking of umno without any need for anwar to flash his trump card.

    The button for “Self-Destruct” has been triggered guys.




  46. I shoke hands with Raja Petra before and I am very honoured to say that I have shaken hands with RPK.I have seen many politician walking around but have never had the urge to shake hands or greet them.I just do not want to dirty my hands.RPK, “I respect you”

  47. RPK doesn’t know me yet he is fighting for my right to live in Malaysia, in this country of my birth, as equals with all other Malaysians. RPK is a Malay fighting for the rights of all Malaysian Chinese even as he fights to rescue Malays from under the evil yoke of UMNO and to free them to live with dignity, pride and belief in self.

    God be with you, RPK.

    MCA is bankrupt but doesn’t know it. We bless the name of RPK and curse the names of MCA, MIC and UMNO, racist parties which are pillars of the BN coalition that is now abusing the ISA to cause fear in Malaysians.

  48. A pears of the RPK could clear thousands of MCA crooks…

    His the ever living apotheosis today.

    Hang in there Pete DSAI are clossing in! Happy Malaysia Day Thanks To your sacrifise of freedom and your wisdom will be written in our history.

  49. Tks, although a lot of “Muslim” condemn you but I should say that I have learn alot of things concerning the Islamic practices and religion from your website. This sort of discussion and argument is very healthy and a step forward in forging racial harmony. it could help other race understand more on Islam as a noble religion. I did not feel any sense of anger or any racial hatred cause by those article written by you. The only problem is all those comment posted which some are racialist and vulgar. But some are very logical and refreshing. But this is anyway te actual make up of our society.

  50. In God we trust no matter what race we are , it is from him we come from and it is to him we go back too !!! So all we Malaysians should pray for the early release of Sdr. RPK, not for his enticing stories but for revealing that if nothing is done immediately to make the current Govenment more effective, till doomsday we ALL rot in this country called Malaysiaaaa!!!

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