Free Teresa, Abolish ISA!

Please forward to all Malaysians:

The Barisan Nasional Government has on the 12 September detained Member of Parliament for Seputeh, state assemblywoman for Kinrara as well the senior state executive councillor for Selangor, Sdri Teresa Kok without trial under the draconian Internal Security Act (ISA).

She has been accused of stirring up racial sentiments by instigating residents to petition against mosques in Kinrara and Kota Damansara to lower the volume of their speakers. Teresa has denied these allegations and both mosques have come out to deny these accusations. There is hence absolutely no basis for this arrest. She has already threatened to sue Dr Mohd Khir Toyo, the former Selangor Menteri Besar and Utusan Malaysia for making and publishing these unfounded allegations.

The arrest of Sdri Teresa Kok,Raja Petra Kamaruddin, the Hindraf 5 as well as others is hence arbitrary, high-handed and a mockery of democracy. By labelling Teresa and others as threats to national security without any shred of evidence is a travesty of justice and a gross violation of human rights.

The petitioners hence resolves that the BN government should not use draconian powers under the ISA to cling on to power and demands the immediate and unconditional release of Teresa, Raja Petra, the Hindraf 5 and other detainees. In addition, we the petitioners demand the immediate repeal of the ISA to prevent abuses that oppresses the fundamental liberties of each and every Malaysian.

As loyal and upright Malaysians, sign the petition today!


98 Replies to “Free Teresa, Abolish ISA!”

  1. See this Bernama news:

    PPIM, Pewaris Lodge Police Reports Against Teresa Kok

    KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 14 (Bernama) — The Muslim Consumers Association of Malaysia (PPIM) and the Islamic NGOs, Heritage Associations, Malay Cultural Organisations and Related Bodies Cooperation Network (Pewaris) Sunday lodged police reports against Selangor state executive councillor Teresa Kok over her alleged act to prohibit the “azan” call to prayer at mosques and surau in Kota Damansara, Sri Serdang and Puchong Jaya.

    The reports were made by Pewaris advisor Rahimuddin Md Harun and PPIM Complaints Officer Mohd Nor Imran Yusuf at the Sentul district police headquarters at 11 am.

    Rahimuddin told reporters later the police reports were lodged because Kok’s statements could allegedly hurt the feelings of the Muslim community.

    “We have made the reports so that the police can carry out the investigations on her because it is feared that the statements can spark racial animosity in Malaysia,” he said.

    PPIM secretary-general Datuk Dr Ma’amor Osman said in a statement that PPIM supported the government’s detention of Kok, Malaysia Today blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin and Sin Chew Daily reporter Tan Hoon Cheng under the Internal Security Act (ISA) on Friday. Tan was released Saturday.

    “The detentions are proof that the government does not remain silent in matters involving racial sensitivities and the Federal Constitution.

    “Matters such as these should be viewed seriously because, if ignored, they could incite hatred in the people, especially the Malays, because their special position has often been disputed by certain quarters,” he said.


  2. The Government must release Theresa Kok and RPK immediately.I agree with Kit that the action of the Government is a travesty of justice devoid oh human dignity and should deserve condemnation on strongest term possible.
    If the government can abuse ISA ,they have no qualms that the DNA bill introduced in Parliament by the very same Minister will also be abused in the future.
    BN MPs should reflect very seriously on a non -partisan stand to refer the bill to a Select committee whether such a bill in its present form is appropriate to be passed in Parliament!

  3. I would like to suggest that all of us stop buying UTUSAN MELAYU. It is obvious that this newspaper and Khir Toyo, are responsible for what this injustice to Theresa Kok and Ahmad Ismail and Utusan Melayu is mainly responsible for what happened to Reporter Tan, Looks like the Editor of Utusan Melayu, likes to stir up racial issues. We can’t change Utusan management, but we could drop their readership, and let them suffer.

  4. I would like to suggest that all of us stop buying UTUSAN MELAYU. It is obvious that this newspaper and Khir Toyo, are responsible for this injustice to Theresa Kok and Ahmad Ismail and Utusan Melayu is mainly responsible for what happened to Reporter Tan, Looks like the Editor of Utusan Melayu, likes to stir up racial issues. We can’t change Utusan management, but we could drop their readership, and let them suffer.

  5. now showing arrogant lairs and their sins

    starring botak and ahamd loudmouth toyo yoyo.
    xahil mama, kerimuddin, najis and sleepy head

    due to popular demand admission is free

    please queue up to avoid jumpies and drive courteously avoid traffic jam

  6. I think the ISA should not be abolished but drastically amended so that the powers of detention are properly resticted and not based on the whims and fancies of the Home Minister and any police officer.

    For example
    1.It can be used for terrorist activities such as planning to bomb public places.
    2.Religious and political extremism such as calling followers to destroy public property and other groups.
    3.Must be based on definitive evidence.
    4.Subject to judicial review of the grounds to arrest within 1 week.
    5.Maximum detention limited to total of say 2 years preventive detention only after judicial review.
    6.Minister must report to Parliamentary Committee on Internal Security for ISA cases.

  7. HJ Angus,
    There are sufficient laws in the country that are applicable to prosecute perpetrators of such crimes you have just mentioned.The fact that such act has been abused repeatedly deserve to be repealed.

  8. “drngsc Says:

    Today at 19: 39.57 (8 minutes ago)
    I would like to suggest that all of us stop buying UTUSAN MELAYU. It is obvious that this newspaper and Khir Toyo, are responsible for this injustice to Theresa Kok and Ahmad Ismail and Utusan Melayu is mainly responsible for what happened to Reporter Tan, Looks like the Editor of Utusan Melayu, likes to stir up racial issues. We can’t change Utusan management, but we could drop their readership, and let them suffer. ”

    I think the Utusan Malaysia reporter is in a life threatening situation too …… Is he gonna get “protection” under ISA tooo ??
    I question this to Mr. S. Albar @ Mister Potato @ Kepala B*toh …….. YOU THINK ALL THE MALAYSIAN ARE STUPID ?????

    I.S.A my SSSSSSSSSSSSS ….!!!!!!!!!

    “I” ni …… “S” emua ……. “A” lasan ……..
    “I” mmigrant ………. ” S” erving …… “A” ssylum ……..


    ” MAKKAL SAKTI ” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Free RPK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Free Teresa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Free Hindraf Brothers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. De facto law minister Zaid Ibrahim threatens to resign if the government continues to use the Internal Security Act against political dissidents? We are extremely surprised to learn this and it is the most ridiculous statement I have heard from a Law Minister so far. I think Zaid does not understand the law. If he wants to resign, so be it. The gist is ISA should not be abolished as long as UMNO is in power. To abolish ISA is sweetener used by PR. Even if PR takes on the ruling power, I am sure that they will not abolish ISA so why must we abolish it now??? I would urge all the people stay calm and do not join any illegal gatherings if you do not wish to be the next detainee. Take heed of my words or face the action.

  10. For crying out loud can the foolish Federal governmnet find a better person to BULLY other than a three-term MP for Seputeh and Selangor Senior Exo for Investment, Trade and Industry Teresa Kok??????????
    She is a vital key to bring financial wealth into Malaysia through investment, trade & Industry. Syed Hamid,you are brainlessly trying to break Malaysians’ “rice bowl”.

    Uncle Lim, how can we Malaysians sue Syed Haimd for wrecking our nation’s economy through such a STUPID action in arresting a noble & respected & key figure in the Selangor state government ?

  11. By the way, who is Kasim Amat? Looks like an UMNO politician…
    But sorry lah what we want to tell you is that we cannot accept all the points that you brought out. We really start to respect Zaid, who is more reasonable and really work for Malaysia.

  12. Why arrest the person who report the “murder” case and let me “murderer” free? Why is the government treating all M’sian like idiot??? Don’t be arrogant BN, see what we the “Rakyat” can do in the next election…..

    Why is the person who utter racial remarks not arrested under ISA? Damn it!

  13. If the owner of this blog does not already know the Zimbabwenisation of Malaysia has already begun. In 1998 Mugabe took Zimbabwe down the slippery slope and 10 years later we all know what happened. If leaders like you and your colleagues in Pakatan Rakyat do not do something now believe me by the year 2018 we will find oueselves where Zimbabwe is today.

    Use all your political skills to set things right.

  14. Theresa Kok’s arrest is male fide. End of story.

    To Syed “The Clown” Hamid, show the court prima facie or release Theresa Kok immediately.

    Stop using cowardly and draconian law on civilian.

  15. Dear uncle kit,
    Where this pewaris and ppim were when UMNO demolish the 100 years old temple?How the indians would have felt when they toredown the temple?The HINDRAF leaders fought for indians basic right and now detained under isa.I have participated many forum,protest,dialogue under gmi but i dont see anything at the end of the day.WE NEED TO CHANGE THIS ISA BN REGIME(topple) to get RPK,TS,H5 AND OTHER ISA DETAINEES OUT.HELL WITH BN!!

  16. Zaid try to be another Hero or wat ???? How on earth we know if he is sincere ????

    Or he’s just another Ahmad Ismail trying to gain popularity among the people ???

    Nowadays , just can’t trust any of UmNO people, can we ???

    Well to me, Muhyddin Yassin looks smarter and more sincere, in fighting for a better future of M’sia. I respect him. Agree ??

  17. If the news about the de facto law minister Zaid Ibrahim breaking ranks with his fellow ministers in UMNO is true then we have at least one decent human being who is willing to standby the principles he holds dear to his heart.

    Kudos to him. Can we expect such intergrity and decency from the likes of AAB, Syed Albar, Najis, Kerismuddin and Rais Yatim?

  18. At least.we have the Law Minister and a MIC minister in the BN…spoke out clearly against ISA.
    Great idea from LIM Eng Guan calling every party to sit together..and talk ISA.
    If UMNO is such a fair and democratic government….they should welcome this talk.
    Yes….so nice to hear reporter is freed.
    What bloody nonsense to put a reporter under ISA!!
    What bloody nice excuse from Home Minister..Albar…saying he is not aware…and then he said…she is be protected from
    “something”…. going to happen to her.
    This is the typical UMNO idiotic explainations..that try to fool Malaysians…..all the time.
    This is ac holy month.
    Lets all pray for RPK and Teresa safe and well.
    This will make UMNO…very shameful and hopping mad.
    Maybe don’t feel shameful..but certainly disappointed…another ruse…did not work.

  19. Pihak kerajaan yang diterajui oleh OMH NO perlu mengkaji semula tindakan mereka yang menahan teresa, RPK dan Tan di bawah ISA. Tiada alasan bahawa apa-apa pendapat yang mereka berikan berkaitan agama boleh membawa kepada ketegangan kaum yang seperti yang digembar gemburkan oleh pihak kerajaan. Sejauhmanakah ketegangan kaum sudah wujud? Rakyat sekarang sudah terbuka dan boleh membuat penilaian sendiri sejauhmana pendapat ketiga-tiga mereka yang ditahan ini boleh mencetuskan ketegangan kaum seperti yang diuar-uar oleh kerajaan. Atau ini hanya adalah sesuatu ‘sandiwara’ yang cuba dimainkan oleh OHM NO yang sedang ‘tenat’ sekarang kerana kehilangan sokongan dan tidak lagi relevan khas di kalangan golongan muda kelas pertengahan dan profesional. Idea OHM No yang menggunakan atau memanipulasikan ISA jelas satu tindakan yang telah ketinggalan zaman dan tidak bertamadun dan tidak demokratik. Kami golongan muda tidak buta sejarah. ISA tujuan utama di awal penubuhannya hanyalah untuk tindakan pencegahan untuk menghalang ‘pengganas’ daripada mengancam keselamatan negara. Adakah ketiga-tiga mereka tersebut adalah pengganas yang boleh membawa kepada ketegangan kaum. Kalau kita lihat sendiri pun teresa adalah anggota DAP yang mengganggotai pakatan rakyat. Dan PR sendiri terdiri daripada pelbagai kaum dan agama. Mana mungkin ada ketegangan kaum. OHM NO sebenarnya takut dan bermain dengan bayang-bayangnya sendiri! Bagaimana pula dengan Ahmad Ismail. Khir Toyo dan Utusan Melayu (Semua kroni OHM NO) yang turut sama membuat kenyataan yang ditafsirkan sebagai ‘bermain isu perkauman dan agama’…kenapa mereka tidak ditahan polis atau ditahan ISA? siapa sebenarnya yang bermain isu perkauman? OHM NO sendiri mau ingat. Kita rakyat Malaysia sudah matang berfikir. Kita bukan rakyat yang hidup masa zaman 50an, 60an dan 70an yang pemikiran mereka dikawal kerajaan. Anyway selamat menyambut Hari Malaysia (16 Sept), semoga kita menjadi rakyat Malaysia yang matang berfikir..Jangan sempitkan pemikiran kita dengan ideologi politik perkauman melampau yang boleh mengancam keharmonian negara kita yang berbilang kaum

  20. “The gist is ISA should not be abolished as long as UMNO is in power.” Kasim Amat

    We know…we know. UMNO uses the ISA and every draconian law at its disposal for one purpose only – that of retaining their right to steal.

    Kasim, stealing is a hard habit to break. Tell this to your bosses when you collect your RM200 from Mike Tyson.

  21. It dooesn’t really matter if Sept 16 is inmaterialised in time coz i think that the whole BN government is sinking like Titanic. It’s just a matter of time for PR to take over and bring hopes to millions of people here.

    So if the current government is incapable of maintaining the stability………….. and refuse to CHANGE their arrogance ….. they should leave !

    YB LIM, the malaysians are with PR and the support is endless …………… unless the alliance in PR screw it up …..

    No matter if u r PKR, PAS , DAP , UMNO , MCA , Gerakan , MIC , SAPP , chinese , indian , malay , kadazan , iban , Muslim , Buddhist , Christian , Imam, Monk, Priest ……….. no one will live in peace if the country is in chaos, don’t you people see it ??

  22. “I would urge all the people stay calm and do not join any illegal gatherings if you do not wish to be the next detainee. Take heed of my words or face the action.” Kasim Amat.

    Hey Kasim, what is going to happen to our Ali-Baba bisnes if I am going to be detained ? I mean, our bisnes is based on me doing the work, and you providing the UMNO political connections.

  23. Warning!!
    Preserve your intelligence thru skipping any message from
    Kasim Amat.
    He/She, In-btween, It is bad for health. Avoid at all cost. It crave for attention and wld say anything to get it. Save your energy. Jusk skip if you see this name Kasim Amat.
    Those who are new, will learned fast.

  24. Now i finally understood the blogger flies our national flag upside down.. i remember a guy said becuz govern do thing upside down lol

    And now the crooks get away but the good guys get in jail, ni ape hal mia kerajaan kepala otak tak betol mia mangkok ayun. Org cakap die kena tangkap die cakap org sesuke hati celaka u.

  25. Reborn and mauriyall,

    You can trust him. He’s actually the only person in UMNO I’d trust.
    The only thing I don’t know, is why he ended up in UMNO. He is a principled person, read his essays or his book. Talk to him.
    I met him once as guest of honour, and he was the first and only one I ever met, who was right on time, unassuming, and gave his speech a length of 10 minutes and was right on topic. Also, he didn’t even insist on being seated on the VIP seats.
    I’d still like to know how he ended up being an UMNO person!

  26. Hey, tat Kasim guy sounds like an Oxford or Harvrd grad..speaks good English,probabbly been througn the whole patronage process from birth , through education and now still drawing immense patronage through business , and now comfortable enough to feed 9 generations etc..

    wonder if he had to be asked the color of his skin in primary school just to get into a class?

    wonder if his parents hav to forgo some expenses,skimp on some extra food so that they can save for childrens education?

    wonder if he has seen what poor really means..

    There are Malaysians living on just plain white rice for a meal…

    It pains to see the railroads(wrinkles) and eye bags on my mothers face knowing the hardship that she went through bringing me up and sending me to school and further education with every little sen saved…

    tell me honestly, did any of the elites been through that ?

    And what are you now in the Government doing about the poor and helpless- not just when elections are around the corner?

  27. Asmat Kasim @ coconut head, what can we say? We fervently hope that someday, you or your loved ones will get arrested under ISA, locked up, thrown away the key and forgotten.

    Look at the bright side. After this may be Theresa Kok will become the Secretary General of DAP and the first female PM of Malaysia. Farfetched? Well, may be, but one’s destiny is not for the coconut head to determine.

  28. digard,
    i really wish i can trust Zaid Ibrahim, but ….. people can change ……… especially those who are in a corrupted party like UMNO …… Money, status, may blinded him .

    I used to admire him and Shahrir Samad, i even admired Pak Lah at the beginning , for his effort to fight against corruption, but hey look , he turned out to be the BIGGEST CORRUPTOR !!!!

    Well , Muhyddin Yassin and Zaid Ibrahim both are bold , ( S.Albar is Bald ) , but i’m questioning their political motive behind these.

    and i’m sorry to say so , if he’s an idol to you.

  29. Folks, continue to be steadfast and press on.

    From previous thread
    Freddy Says:
    Today at 18: 54.02 (2 hours ago)
    and sheriff singh Says:
    Today at 19: 14.33 (2 hours ago)
    See this Bernama news

    I just saw it in bernama TV news.
    TV is an excellent propoganda tool used by #$@!!

    Picture this: Prime time slot for the rakyat to see..
    Sceen 1.
    Two Guys wearing bandana headstripes with “Melayu”
    as if looking for trouble walks in an Public service Office.
    Sceen 2.
    ‘Herds’ of ppl holding some Islamic writtings protesting under
    broad-day light in a public roads.
    Sceen 3.
    A spokeman probably looks more like ‘#@#!!, giving stern warnings not to stir racial and the rights of Malays. Standing behind, another herd-mob-something like that, wearing black T-shirts in support.
    Then the news read that the Police reminded that action will be taken should anyone else start racial disturbaces.

    That explain: Probably the last resort (running out of ideas) is to get some ppl like this to start some issues again which I think has worked in the PAST.
    Suddenly Im seeing this ‘herds’ spring up from no-where and started giving warning, not sure from which ‘sakai tripes’ they represent. The best part is:

    Its approved to be televised!
    You also get a sense of backing from the authority. No problem with this sort of protest in the street!!!No arrest!
    Truly, words fails to described the appaling standard the Authority is excercising. Anyway, it’s surely a sign of desperation upon desperation. Keep up ppl. Won’t be too long. God is watching.

  30. So, these are the last frontiers of Malay Rights Groups?

    The Muslim Consumers Association of Malaysia (PPIM) and the Islamic NGOs, Heritage Associations, Malay Cultural Organisations and Related Bodies Cooperation Network (Pewaris) have lodged police reports against Selangor state executive councillor Teresa Kok.

    I believed the Non-Malay in this country should take effort to get acquainted with these ppl, the roots of Malays? It will be good to educate and learned from each other and see what mark difference we have and try to bridge it? I hate to see these groups thats being used, manipulated, and being used as propoganda against Non-muslims. Any true religious groups are for the better of man-kind especially in our country. They are probably mis-informed, thats all.

  31. Jamaah Islam Malaysia (JIM) kecam penahanan Teresa. This is a Muslim organization that has honestly elaborate the situation. You can find it very useful. Click here for detail.

    THis report is taken from teresakok

    Only malay-based organization influenced by UMNO is doing this job. True MUSLIM ORGANIZATION (Islamic-based association) rejects ISA right from the start. ISA is not in line with ISLAM and those who practice ISA can be purnished.

  32. From here, it can be clearly seen that there is a strong case of xenophobia. After 50 years, those who speak out, those in the opposition, those who write honestly got to be led away by the Police Di Raja Malaysia after being ordered to do by politicians who are protecting their own kind. If there is a real bangsa Malaysia, the first few people to be led away should be Datuk Ahmad Ismail, Datuk Khir Toyo and the Muslim Consumers Association of Malaysia (PPIM) and the Islamic NGOs, Heritage Associations, Malay Cultural Organisations and Related Bodies Cooperation Network (Pewaris) If these representatives have already made a police report, then the case is official and should be presented to the court. Who is the strong fellow who managed to get Miss Teresa ISAed ? To say that Barisan Nasional is not racially based is to fool Malaysians. ISA is illegal, uncivilized and is used in the dark ages. People of the law should not be afraid to push for the correct reforms. Reporters and journalists should be more knowledgeable in asking hard questions and not to be seen as not knowing anything. All detained under ISA should be released immediately and be allowed to have their voices heard in the court of law.

  33. About 600 Malaysians were at the candle light vigil to express solidarity with ISA detainees Raja Petra and Teresa Kok.

    The 9pm vigil for the detainees, including the Hindraf Five, began with about 350 Malaysians of all races. Most were dressed in black.

    At the vigil which was organized, among others, by Suaram and Aliran progressed peacefully with the shouting of slogans punctuated by songs and speeches, the crowd swelled to more than 600 people,

    It is understood that police made a polite request to the organisers to stop the vigil at 9.35pm. Up till then, two elected representatives from the DAP, Chow Kon Yeow and Prof. Ramasamy, had addressed the crowd, compromising a mix of all ages.

    A larger crowd was expected until what was understood to be last-minute SMSes flying around.

  34. wee need to respect Zaid . At least he speak up. Not like the rest, either KFC or invisible or a bunch of bozos.
    Ignore Kasim, he is good for his roti canai bizs. too little grey matter to talk proper.

  35. Agree with you StevePCH Says:

    Today at 23: 39.24 (3 minutes ago)
    wee need to respect Zaid

    I saw him over the TV. Can’t really tell yet, but he seemed honest though. We need to shortlist these candidates. Under such circumstances, true colours may be exhibited but need to assess true motive behind it as well.

  36. /// Pakatan Rakyat has announced a mass rally against the government crackdown on the eve of Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim’s deadline to take power through defections from the ruling coalition. ///

    Just heard over the news that the government has approved this rally. Somehow I am not happy at all. Somehow, I have this foreboding that history is going to repeat itself. That some agent provocateurs will try to disrupt the rally and the government will have the excuse to move in. More arrests. More ISA detention. And maybe worse…….

  37. at the end, the much awaiting answers for the questions:

    Why AHmad Ismail, the person who was came out in front of media, saying those insulting words, behave like gangsters to tear off photos, why he is not being detained? Syed Hamid said police is still investigating? and a big joke by protecting a person under ISA, which let the news and the person picture exposed widely?

    why this round Teressa Kok detained under ISA after shortwhile the police report made by those muslim organisations? why police need such a long time to investigate Ahmad Ismail? with many witness and DPM was there? even if he did not speak those words in Permatang Pauh, his words in the press conference after that is also insulting and creating instability of the multi racial community, and need to be detained under ISA!

    why no same treatment? and immediately after the UMNO council announced the suspension of UMNO positions, Ahmad ISmail straight away said HIDUP MELAYU, and said he will not apologize but will accept the punishment, come on, what the hell is stern action of this? and the word HIDUP MELAYU is insulting, did u even hear hear HIDUP CINA, HIDUP INDIA before? Is that means HIDUP MELAYU, MATIKAN CINA dan INDIA?????

    Initially the non Malays keep patient and do not want to say anything after disappointed by the Ahmad Ismail is just merely being shown got punished, but this time the fire being sparks after detention of reporter Tan, which she is just reporting the fact and words by Ahmad Ismail, and the person who decided on this ISA detention shd go to jail under ISA, because they also contributed to the unstable conditions of the country. And another Malay newspaper (Uxxxxxxx)? their reporter is reporting the truth abt Teresa and being the UMNO alliance? and ISA immune?

    why our country being led into such stupid ways?

  38. already flooding in 3of Pakatan states!!! one after another…. and when those clowns followed the MPs to Taiwan, they even brought Typhoon there upon their arrival?? Wonder if they are still trapped there….

    Isn’t that bad OMEN they are bringging to not only the Rakyat, but even to Taiwanese?? Bad Fung Shui??

    Remember years ago, the huge KualaLumpur flood and, WHAT happened next??

    Religious matters should never to be manipulated in whatever ways… I once had a colleague whose family of 3, died being trampled in MINA, while performing their Haj…


  39. Its past midnight and I am preparing for bed. I learnt alot of things today and I feel “safe”.

    If anyone threatens me, I am comforted that the Police will send 10 officers in 3 cars to come and arrest me, place me under ISA, to protect me.

    I am comforted that Sayed Hamid is “in charge” but will not interfere but merely watch the goings on as he is only a “politician”.

    I am comforted by Sayed Hamid’s comments and statements that the Police has the public’s interest at heart and will do their utmost to ensure security, peace and harmony based on their assessment of the situation.

    I am comforted by the 3 sleeping pills and prozac that I have just taken.

    Good night. Sleep well.

    Syed Hamid has the situation under control.

  40. Soemhow I don’t RPK and Teressa Kok were arrested on religious matters. Did you read the article RPK worte that gov. claims was insulting Islam. Please read it first.

    Anybody knows the real reason Teressa was arrested under ISA

  41. Do you notice that whenever the government executes something drastic, it only backfires? This is most obvious in the case of Tan who was arrested and released.
    Similarly they accuse Teresa and RPK of inciting racial tensions, the former for her alleged involvement with the mosques’ azan and the latter for his writings in his blog.

    If at all there was someone responsible for inciting racial tensions leading to chaos and disorder it would only be UMNO.

    Message to MCA:
    Wake up and look at the reality. How long will it take before you come to your senses?

    Message to Gerakan:
    I hope the recent incident in Penang would have been strong enough a case for you to think about your stand in the current coalition. Too bad, Keng Yaik’s saliva spraying would not stop them from repeating it.

    Message to MIC:
    No message as MIC is a complete write off!! This is a classic example of the fate of a party that is dominated by gangsters and uneducated bruts!!


  42. When I was a young boy in the 1960s, my Chinese parents took me to the just completed National Mosque. I ran playfully and fell, my parents came and told me not to play but to respect this place of worship of a great religion of love and compassion, they also told me they had donated towards the building of National Mosque. But 513 came and turned Malaysia upside down, from that day onwards I have never stepped inside a mosque. Now, I ready pissed off with these ungrateful umno goons threathening another 513 using religion to suppress this helpless dap lady, to hell with these umno goons. I have always admired and respected Islam and I will continue to do so. God bless Malaysia!

  43. The abuse of ISA is an obvious indication of turmoil in Badawis administration. There is uncertainty in his leadership and perhaps there is a mutiny in progress. Exciting…we shall wait and see.

  44. The longer they detained RPK and TK, the more they are going to arouse rakyat’s anger. The outcome, the rakyat will vote BN out and bury them once and for all. It is not to late to release them, do it now. BN MP, follow Zaid Ibrahim, voice you objection to ISA and resign if no action to release.

  45. Have to hand it to Zaid Ibrahim for coming out against ISA the way he did although I was wondering if its also because he think the end is near for Badawi and its symbolic for him.

    Zaid Ibrahim for next UMNO president!!!

  46. Umno is evil, that’s all I can say. They are morally bankrupt. Why is MCA, Gerakan and MIC associating with an evil party? They must be morally bankrupt themselves.

    Zaid Ibrahim will resign from the Cabinet. There’s no place for a decent guy in a moral cesspool.

  47. This is not just about the ISA, its about losing it completely. Teresa arrest makes no sense. Its machinery and poor judgement run amok. Arrested for her own protection? To avoid chaos? Who are these ‘people’ who can threaten chaos?

    The only midly possible reason to do is to for Badawi to send Khir Toyo a warning not to go against him in the coming election or stirring up a hornets nest to weaken Badawi himself. But the problem with even these reason is its PATHETIC. There are better ways to deal with Khir Toyo and weakening Badawi is just NOT legitimate.

    To me it smells of an administration that is just out of control!!!

  48. Abdullah Ahmad Badawi bad reputation has gone from BAD to WORST following the baseless arrest.

    Good work AAB & cronies, you guys just put nails on own coffin. International bodies are watching Malaysian Government screwed up the whole nation!

  49. “i really wish i can trust Zaid Ibrahim, but ….. people can change ……… especially those who are in a corrupted party like UMNO …… Money, status, may blinded him .”

    Zaid Ibrahim is not an Umno guy. He’s an outsider brought into the Cabinet with a Senatorship to help reform the judiciary. His proposed reforms have all been stymied by Umno ministers who fear an independent judiciary. When he leaves the last veneer of respectability for this regime will be gone.

  50. Well, at least BN and UMNO were “environmentally friendly” enough to RECYCLE the ISA which is an outdated and obsolete draconian law. Since now that the communists have disappeared from the surface of Malaysia, it would be a waste to throw away such a useful law (that’s what they think). So “recycling” it for use to protect these dictators is the next best alternative, thus its implementation all these years.

    But I never thought there were such INNOVATIVE people in UMNO such as Syed Hamid who could think of using the ISA to “protect” people from “danger”. May I nominate Syed Hamid to receive the next NOBEL PRIZE for such INNOVATION!!!

  51. ISA not only brought distress to the Sin Chew Daily reporter, Tan Hoon Cheng and family but bring shame to Malaysia and causing anxiety to the media and pressman and general public.

    The law is being abused and used as a political tools to silent the dissenting voices. I was stunned by the actions of those used this law that allows arrestment of civilian without a court warrant. It is akin to having a licence to kidnap law-abiding citizen by force with no recourse to legal redress as even the family of the detainee is not informed of the detention centre.

  52. in penang, there will be a special mass for teresa kok and all other ISA detainees. actually it is to pray for the country in general, seeing the situation of the country now getting from bad to worst. if you are in penang do drop by the cathedral of the holy spirit at green lane. mass start at 8.00pm.

  53. (The Star) BIDOR: Cabinet members or Barisan Nasional component party leaders should be consulted before the Government issues any detention order, said MCA secretary-general Datuk Seri Ong Ka Chuan.

    Ong, who is also Housing and Local Government Minister, said the detention of Sin Chew Daily reporter Tan Hoon Cheng under the Internal Security Act was not raised.

    “We hope in future there will be more consultation among Cabinet members or component party leaders because we were not informed about this,” he told reporters after opening the joint sports day of the Choong Hua and Taman Ria kindergartens here yesterday.

    MCA and Gerakan should quit BN immediately since they have been relegated to observer status in BN.

  54. ‘When he leaves the last veneer of respectability for this regime will be gone.’. KennyGan.

    Absolutely true for Zaid Ibrahim for this man is a man of substance whobelieves in the rule of law and a man who is prepared to walk the talk in upholding his beliefs.ISA he says is only to be applied to terrorists and not for dissidents or even to those who the authorities view as seditious for there are adequate laws in the country to deal with such cases.And he is prepared to face the wrath of Bodohwi!

  55. Molester and victim nabbed.

    KUALA TERENGGANU, MALAYSIA: An illegal immigrant who molested an 18-year-old student at the City Council bus terminal here was caught by bystanders minutes after his victim screamed for help.

    In the 6.50pm incident on Saturday, the Mamak in his 30s was handed to a policeman on patrol in the area. After performing a ‘sumpah’ that he will be good and and swear never to molest again, he was set free.

    The victim, from Chukai, Kemaman, lodged a report at the police station here at 8.25pm on the same day. Immediately after lodging her report, she was remanded and detained under ISA for her safety.

    A police spokesman said that she will be detained indefinitely under ISA to prevent her from being molested in future.

    WARNING … Warning … warning ……This is a satire…..

  56. Malaysia is sinking by the day due to the antics of our BN ministers. They are oblivious to the fact that billions of RM of potential investments are being diverted away to our neighbours like Philipines and Thailands…countries which had military coup in the past. Yet one wonders why foreign investors are shying away from M’sia.

    The reason I believe is that M’sia is NOT demonstrating any democracy, no transparency, no leadership succession, weak and stupid leaders etc. The whole episode summarises the fear of uncertainty in the minds of investors. No one can see where M’sia is heading other than down the drain and this is not investment material. At least Philipine and Thailand were honest about their political policies.

  57. All this while we have seen silence from MCA and MIC. They no longer represent the voice of the people. They are redundant and irrelevant. If they really want to serve, please join PR and you will make a different. Stand by your principles…its not too late.

  58. AsalUsulMalaysiaHacker,

    My dear grandson… your level of mentallity from your comments definitely are not the same as mine… I have lived through British rule, Japanese occupation, Independence day, thro May13, thro the Communist insurgents… to understand and appreciate the beautiful and tranquil Malaysia of TODAY….

    Read and understand Al Falaq and Al Ikhlas..

  59. I think I am one of the youngest victim of ISA. I was detained under ISA when I was 17 (From 4). They detained on 13/06/1978 before 1978 General Election under the allegations of communist and release unconditional on 20/07/1978 after GE.

    They only query me three times duing the first few days of detention and threaten to put me in jail for indefinite time because I am very “keras kepala” by not answering their questions. In actual fact I do not know how to answer them as I am not communist and do not know anythings about communist. One of the question they ask me is whether I am from which group of communist. I do not even know there are different groups of communist.

    Until now I still wondering why they detain me and I do not even have chance to defend my selves and suffers for 38 “black days” in my teenage life.

    “Free Teresa, RPK and all others ISA detainees. Abolish ISA!”

  60. (The Star) BIDOR: Cabinet members or Barisan Nasional component party leaders should be consulted before the Government issues any detention order, said MCA secretary-general Datuk Seri Ong Ka Chuan.

    Ong, who is also Housing and Local Government Minister, said the detention of Sin Chew Daily reporter Tan Hoon Cheng under the Internal Security Act was not raised.

    “We hope in future there will be more consultation among Cabinet members or component party leaders because we were not informed about this,” he told reporters after opening the joint sports day of the Choong Hua and Taman Ria kindergartens here yesterday.

    Two major observations from the above report –

    1. The complete irrelevance of the MCA

    I don’t know how you MCA goons can admit to us how irrelevant you are or have become in the BN and yet not feeling ashamed. You are obviously and completely irrelevant in the BN and you are tolerated in the BN merely because UMNO needs you as their agents to bluff the Chinese and for being the dogs, you are awarded the privilege to lick up the bread crumbs swept to the ground from the feasting tables of UMNO. Unfortunately for you, the majority of the Chinese are not easily bluffed by you and therefore you have also become irrelevant to the Chinese community and because you have become irrelevant to the Chinese community, you are becoming more and more a pariah in the BN. Adding to your woes, it has now reached a time when the consciousness of Malaysian is fast ejecting all race-based parties and politics. You will become even more irrelevant. ?ore of a big pain in the a-se. I think the best thing you can do is to disband, get all your MPs to resign as MPs. Do us a favour – for once please think of the future of Malaysia and Malaysians. Gives me the s-it everytime I think how you are willing to be the dogs to screw up the country and all Malaysians’ future.

    2. No exercise of ISA powers by the Executive collectively as a whole

    It is obvious that although the ISA empowers the Executive to arrest and detain without trial for national security reasons, the recent exercise of that power was arbitrarily done by only one or two Ministers. This is evident from the “shock” expressed by so many Ministers and the resignation of Zaid Ibrahim who were and still are part of the Executive. In the habeas corpus application which has been filed, this fact should be highlighted – the fact that such a drastic Executive power had been exercised so arbitrarily and so lackadaisically and illegally by only a few. The Executive power to invoke the ISA must be exercised by the Executive as a collective body as a whole. The “internal thinking” of the Executive regarding the existence of a threat to national security before deciding on the arrest and detention is obvious – it was completely lacking. Syed made the stupid move to dump responsibility on the Police. Say what you may of the procedure for arrest and detention under the ISA – I think the police is empowered to make the initial arrest and authorise the initial short period of detention – the first requirement of the existence of a threat to national security and the need to invoke and execise ISA power to save the nation from that threat must first be based on a collective decision of the Executive, not the police, because the ISA is at its root an Act to confer an Executive power of arrest and detention without trial for the specific purpose of saving the nation from grave threats to national secuirty on the Executive as a constitutional institution not government administrative bodies e.g. the police. The Judiciary is completely bypassed and such drastic power cannot be simply handed or relegated to the police. Nor can it be execised by only a couple of Ministers. As we can see now, the recent exercise of the ISA powers not only bypassed the Judiciary, it bypassed the Executive as well. The end result if the Judiciary allowed such a manner of invocation and exercise of ISA powers would be that we are now under the despotic rule of a few Ministers or have become a police state.

  61. @ cksp…

    Granny/pa no offence, im not agains any ur believe what so ever…

    As for i believe and seen so far, you’re only witness and experience the history as bystander in political realm.

    YB LKS and his fellow comrades today include those who had been ISA’ed today are Freedom fighter, their determination enthusiasm wisdom and their noble spirits inspires me. I believe their sacrificed and warship today are considerate the rank of god “apotheosis”.

    My english might not as good as you, but atleast i do understand every contrary of betterment i experience had its morals and lessons to be learn in happenings today.

    You’re so called “tranquil” are no longer relevant to be used in our manifesto governs today, all this ISA’ed thingy are not just a frame up but it shows how arrogant this godlike cronies agains democratic rules and human rights.

    I leave this believe to urself to digest as im not interested with your “Read and understand Al Falaq and Al Ikhlas” ideology.

    Im a Buddhist, my believe are simple, as “what goes around comes around, he who does not consider where is far off, will soon fined trouble close ahead.”

  62. Teresa, you are the scapegoat in this detention.Don’t worry we are all supporting you.Next thing we will do is to put Syed Albar to lock up.Not under ISA, but to protect him from danger.Oh we will also send Khir Toyo back to Indonesian lock up to protect him too.

  63. Correct spelling:

    Read what holy ulamaks of ISLAM say about ISA (forget for a while about what PAS thinks about ISA because it may be bias). But pls read this:

    1) Mufti Perlis: ISA tidak diperlukan untuk bela ajaran Islam

    2) Islam is more beautiful than UMNO

  64. Dear My Foot,

    Perhaps you are not aware that RPK is asking for trouble. I take it you are not a Muslim and therefore, do not understand the anger among Muslim community over his writing.

    He continously spread lies, unconfirmed news worst still belittle Islam, Prophet Muhammad , Malay communities. What do you expect people to do. Keep quiet and put up with his antics.

    I have no respect with a blogger who spreads lies and hatred. He deserves what he gets. How lucky he is. If he is in some Arab countries, they just chop off his head for poking fun on the religion.

    Is this the kind of freedom he cherished? Oh do not worry about Uncle Sam’s reaction. Everybody knows how detached White House is. The are the the biggest culprit. Remember Guantanamo Bay and invasion of Iraq on imaginery weapon.

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