Teresa Kok arrested!

[UPDATE – Teresa was taken to Wangsa Maju Police Station from the condominium and at 2.50 a.m (13th September 2008), she left the Wangsa Maju police station and was taken to the an unknown custody centre where she would be held for her police custodial detention which could be up to 60 days. After that, it is up to the Home Minister to decide whether to issue a formal order of detention without trial, which could be for two years, renewable indefinitely]

I have just been informed that Selangor Senior Exco Member and DAP MP for Seputeh Teresa Kok has been arrested under the Internal Security Act by the police at 11.18 p.m. when returning to her condominium in Kuala Lumpur from a Mooncake Festival reception in her constituency office.

Three police cars with over 10 police personnel stopped Teresa at the condominium entrance and took her away.


322 Replies to “Teresa Kok arrested!”

  1. I am really angry now and wonder why the people still want to vote for BN all these years. Their fault too!
    The BN now are so consumed by greed of power that they let us, the rakyat suffer in the end. PR must do something to prevent this!

  2. Stay calm everyone. After every storm there’s always calmer waters to look ahead. Do not fight the storm as the storm will engulf you. Ride through it. I think the Bar Council & the Agong (Daulat Tuanku) have to act before BN go into an ISA frenzy. We are no different to Myanmar after all.

  3. let all of us not get angry…maybe this is what the bloody govt wants th public to feel and go to the street.Please stay calm and not give this desperate govt an excuse to clamp down in the name of internal security.

  4. Pure MADNESS in Malaysia!
    They tried Mahathir’s “sodomy charge” on Anwar and now they move to Mahathir’s “Ops Lalang”. UMNO is made to believed that this will work just as well like 20 years ago.

    The fact still remains – UMNO’s house is crumbling and they are bringing others under the debris. Sigh!

  5. The Pengerusi jawatankuasa Masjid Kinara, Abdul Rahman Nasir said in Malaysiakini that no politician, including Teresa came to the Masjid regarding suara azan controversy….besides there are a police report by PAS member on Toyol on this….so why arrest Teresa????

  6. Dear YAB LKS,
    We hope there will not be any mass protest. This is what BN want. They are provoking P-R & rakyat. All the sinister plans have failed. Going to the streets is not the way anymore. We need to show solidarity by other means. We need to act with our brains.

  7. Disgraceful, disgusting, lowest of the low and no respect left for this inhumane government. The Rakyat has to stay focus and calm. This is a trap set up to snare the Rakyat. So please do not fall into their trap. We must fight them but we must use the political and legal platform to fight them. We will prevail as we are on the right side of truth and just.

  8. A person detained under the ISA during the first 60 days is held incommunicado, with no access to the outside world. Furthermore, lawyers and family members are not allowed access to the detainee during this initial period. If a two-year detention order is signed, the detainee is taken to the Kamunting Detention Centre to serve his or her two-year term, during which family members are allowed to visit. Otherwise, the detainee may be released.

  9. Ppl, pray for justice will prevail, it won’t be too long.Keep our faith.
    Meanwhile, stay calm. We know its not easy.
    As a reminder:

    Watch out for instigator here by the name as Zak
    Pls ignore and skip his thread, quickly. Don’t respond?

  10. Let it be known that a cloud of evil has enveloped this country.There are forces of darkness at work right now working out the evil that the have plotted.All this with the mandate given by the rakyat in the past GE.
    There will be no stopping them now.It is a feeding frenzy!
    All this out of their own fear of the rakyat!Trust me it is simply out of this fear.
    More will follow tomorrow or even right now as I write.No guesses as to who is behind this all.
    God protect us all from this evil!

  11. Stay calm…i think it’s a plot. A plot to make the opposition to staged a huge street protest so the BN can declared state of emergency and also to make DSAI can’t form the new goverment. What do you all think?


  13. Badawi, if you want to hang on to power, suppressing the voice of truth and opposition by violating their basic human rights and dignity is not the way to go. By doing this, you are only showing your cowardice and your inability to defend your actions in a rational, democratic and civilized manner. It tells right-minded people of your serious inability to govern the country anymore. I say to you move aside and let the better person take charge for the sake of Malaysia. Please step down or call for snap polls.

  14. People, calm down and think…
    RPK, Tan, Teressa, all arrested in one day. They know this will anger the rakyat. But why are they doing this? Is this their last resort to create “something” before Sep 16 so that they can do “something”?!
    I highly suspect that

    IT’S A TRAP!!! Don’t fall for it.

  15. Real criminals, can’t catch them & still roaming free preying on next victim.

    Innocent citizens, no harm to anyone locked away for 60 days. Welcome to Malaysia. Visit Malaysia, you never know if you will stay for another 60 days free!!!

  16. This it ridiculous.

    Ahmad Ismail who really incite racial hatred is not being detained under ISA.

    Anwar has to be very careful in what he says. With failed sodomy II, ISA is the alternative. Uncle Lim, please be cautious in what you say.

    When malaysia-today was unblocked, we knew something is on the way.

    Badawi is deperate.

  17. That’s the plot. Let the ‘orang asli’ or ‘orang utan’ walk. Arrest the innocent to build up anger, etc – when they go to the streets, just need one, only one, even just to push the FRU or Police, it will be declared emergency.

    1st: holiday camp for 50 MPs to Taiwan. Now this. If BN was so confident they will retain rule, they would not have done this.

    Moreover, all the other plots have failed. That’s why the sodomy case was also postponed to 26-sept. There was no evidence!

  18. I think ‘the government’ is desperate and without direction for now.

    The more arrest they make, the more idiotic our ‘government’

    Or are they trying to instigate racial resurgent in order to enforce emergency in our country?

    I think we should wait and see and be patience. Let them play their cards.

    Retaliation moves like the few morons will make us play into their game.

    I pray to God for Our Heros RPK, Tan Hoon Cheng and Teresa Kok safety and stay strong during their inhuman detention.

  19. Lets say…is this the best you can come up with Bodowi? This is so old a tactic! It wont work as the Rakyat is no longer a moron!

    I suggest we wait and see with ease and laugh at these UNNO heads, their heads will roll in the votes of the RAKYAT! Sooner than expected!

  20. Another plot by UMNO to stir tension and part of their plan to create an emergency state. They are now desperate to do anything to stay in power, yes, which means sacrificing the people if they need to.

    We must now stay very alert and be very careful of what is going to happen in the next few days.

    I have a feeling that these ISA episodes is just the beginning.

  21. Oh, how to calm down! This is really mad! I urge MCA, Gerakan & MIC please get out from BN. They are so cruel, cruel, cruel!
    Here we have “AMAD” only 3 years suspended while they put the journalist under ISA instead. Please don’t associate with them any more. In one voice let’s remove them before they put more into ISA.

  22. To all Malaysians please stay calm and united to overcome this disgusting matter. Everyone is placing an eye on Malaysia. World leaders would be disgusted by the act of detaining the opposition politicians. There is no democracy. Hope that they will be no arrest anymore. Something need to be done.

    Those who have not supported the Pakatan Rakyat, is time to support the Pakatan Rakyat now and give them the full pledge to make this country a better place to stay in.

  23. Salam sejahtera semua

    Orang bukan Islam tidak berhak bercakap untuk Islam begitu juga Orang Islam tidak berhak mengkritik agama yang lain. Kebebasan bersuara ada hadnya.

    YB LKS,
    Minta kawan-kawan kita bersabar, kalau tidak BN akan ambil tindakan yang lebih teruk lagi.

    Saya sebagai seorang Islam tidak bersetuju dengan tindakan yang diambil kerajaan BN sekarang. Namun demikian saya juga tidak rela agama saya Islam di kotak-katikkan. Kami tidak marah kawan-kawan ingin memasang tanglung, berarak di jalan bersama tanglung, berarak di jalan membawa kavadi, sembahyang dikuil waktu kami sembahyang maghrib, membela anjing dan melepaskan sesuka hati ( bukan semua, tapi di taman sekitar tempat saya banyak macam itu ) dan lain-lain lagi tetapi gahamilah kami juga berhak membuat perkara yang sama. BILA MANA AGAMA KAMI DIPERSOAL KEADILANNYA OLEH BUKAN ISLAM, BILA MANA BAHASA KAMI DIPERSOAL ( JAWI ) BUKAN ISLAM, BILA MANA BENDA YANG HARAM KAMI MAKAN DILETAK SECARA TERBUKA, BILA MANA KAUM BUKAN MELAYU BERAGAMA ISLAM DIHINA KELUARGA SENDIRI MAKA KAMI AKAN MEMPERTAHANKAN HAK KAMI.


  24. I am shocked and speechless.

    I appeal to the Ruler’s Council to intervene and restore law and justice immediately.

    I hope that Pakatan Rakyat will come into power as soon as possible and perhaps leaders of Pakatan Rakyat should seek “shelter” as anyone could be detained once ISA is invoked including Uncle Lim Kit Siang.

    I pray that God Almighty will look after Malaysia and restore justice and peace to the Great Nation of Malaysia.

    I urge all Malaysians to be united in one heart, one voice and one prayer. We will show and heed Pak Lah’s call for UNITY AMONG MALAYSIANS regardless race, religion and culture to stand UNITED in the face of oppression and injustice.

    DICTATORS are creating “Political Hurricane” to punish the righteous selectively and whoever are in their path of greed and corrupt practices but MALAYSIANS will create another wave of “Political Tsunami” – The Third and the Biggest to wipe out the wicked!


  25. Starting today onwards they will be no more truth in Malaysia as it’s totally control by ISAed cum UMNO. Reporter get ISAed, Blogger get ISAed now Strong opposition MP also get ISAed soon all Malaysian who support DSAI will also get ISAed.

    Advice to all >>> be calm 916 is just mere 3days away don’t let those in UMNO trap us and scare us away with Dictatorship rules of ISA.

    We believe PR can help us to CHANGE MALAYSIA……..

  26. And so the story goes… I believe there will be more. This is how injustice is carried out. This is how Malaysia is going to pan out. When they have no way out and losing it all, they will use whatever means to protect themselves to stay put. Just stay cool all, if not it will just get worse…

  27. Yes PJboy,
    The power of darkness has revealed itself.Even now it is still working out it’s evil schemes.
    The MCA,Gerakan or other parties will not protest or make a sound as they too will be rounded up.They will play it safe.
    All this is just an excuse to stir us up,please remember.There is one big stirrer who wants to rejoin UMNO.It may just be him behind all this madness.He is well aquainted with ISA.He’s used it well enough.
    Stay calm.Tell your overseas friends and families on whats taking place here.Write to foreign media.Get the world’s attention on this matter but remain calm.
    They are waiting for any excuse to declre emergency rule & shut down PR.That’s the grand plan of things.

  28. The gomen has gone mad. We are angry and feel the injustice. It is so unfair. Fellow Malaysians, like jt84, let us show that we are Malaysians for a new Malaysia. Let us not take to the streets. Let us fly the Jalur Gemilang on 16th September.

  29. Looks like more detention is in the pipeline. Not surprising if Uncle Lim, LGE and other noble Pakatan leaders are in the list. Pls take care, we shall stand by you if it does happen.

    The desperados are facing a do or die situation. Therefore they will silence the outspoken leaders & daring bloggers to paralyse support & communication. Tian Chua & Co better dont come back from Taiwan cos Umnoputras have gone bonkers.

    If SEP16 fails, come next GE the rakyat should know where they should throw their support. Pakatan will then not even need to campaign as the rotten BeEND’s last sympathiser would have woken up and kiss them goodbye.

  30. Uncle Kit,

    Please tell your Pakatan members as what Mr.Hsu wrote in his blog:-

    I would like to call upon all Malaysians to do these:

    1. Remain calm

    2. Do not do anything rash

    3. Do not take to the street

    4. Do not be instigated by people to demonstrate

    5. Just voice it out in your blog, your comments to the blogs, and inform your friends and relatives about the situation

    6. Call your Aduns or MPs and voice out your objection about these arrests and urge your representatives to voice out

    7. Members of political parties, sms your leaders to pressure them to voice out

    We shall object to these draconian acts by using civility and do not fall into the traps of giving the big brother a chance to declare emergency rule……

  31. you would really wonder who is inciting racial discontent , what actions is the culprit that heat up the racial resentment. with the ISA and AHmad Ismail outburst, is it any wonder that the various races in Malaysia are upset? The world looking at us in Malaysia could see so clearly that the ISA and Ahmad Ismail are the sparks that actually inflamed racial sentiments. Not the journalist, not Teresa, not RPK!!!

  32. Dear Moderators & YB Lim ,

    I think its best to scrutinize every comment posted here before its made visible for others to browse & read in this blog.

    if anything goes wrong we bloggers will also be at high risk facing ISAed……

    Thank You

  33. I’m pretty sure they wanted to use the emergency ordinance, that’s why they are acting in this manner.

    To arrested 3 persons under ISA consecutively, shows that they wanted to enrage a certain racial group to prove that “racial politic” is still needed for M’sia.


  34. Just as bentoh mentioned about Mid-Autumn Festival.

    It reminded me of how moon cake was first invented by our good-old forefathers.

    Perhaps we could borrow some ancient wisdom to fight against the evil govt.

  35. Whoever is too chicken to express their view in this blog… i wud say to them go away!
    as long as what u say is righteous, what r u afraid of??????
    IDA detention??
    Do catch me if UMNO devil wwant!
    Pls… those with conscience…Teresa is in under ISA… if u have balls between yr legs, pls at least show yr moral support in this blog. U r not aksed to protest in the streets.

  36. Tolong dengar baik-baik. SIla bertenang dan jangan bertindak. Don’t retaliate. Don’t panic, be calm. Your negative reactions will cause AMNO to invite military intervene and the worst will happen. Anuar KENA, Raja Petra KENA, Teresa KENA… this is nothing to do will racial or PILIH KASIH. Don’t make any wrong move. Let the police do their work first and let ANUAR do the works too. Have a lot of prayer and let God help directly or indirectly.

    But… i really don’t know what to say. Seems like “The dog has finally gone crazy.” Whatever it is DO NOT RETALIATE.

  37. Dr Koh TK,

    Say something to help the poor journalist! Do something to help her!

    She reported, you latched on it to flex your muscles-she gets detained and you keep quiet?

    Cme on, freedom of expression does not only belong to you and your political circles..it belongs to all Malaysians!

    Why you say, I cannot say?

    Why ar?

  38. To Antiracist,

    No ideology, philosophy, and religion can be immune from criticism. When you say that someone who is not a believer of religion X has no right to criticise X, this claim seems to rest on the assumption that a non-adherent of a particular view Z has no right to criticise Z. If you were to follow this principle consistently, then you will find yourself having no right to criticise those who think that they have a right to criticise a religion in which they do not believe, since you do not adhere to that view (i.e. the view that one has a right to criticise a religion in which one does not believe).

    Therefore, the claim that someone who is not a believer of religion X has no right to criticise X does not hold water. I’m not a liberal atheist. In fact, I have pretty conservative religious belief. However, I think that any religious, philosophical or scientific claim to truth must not shun criticisms, whether they are offered by adherents or non-adherents. There is nothing to fear when others (i.e. non-adherents) question, challenge or criticise our deep-held beliefs, be they scientific, philosophical or religious, unless we are not really interested in truth and wish only to cling on to whatever we want to believe at all cost. That is, in my view, contrary to the spirit of any great religion.

    Several years ago, I met some charming Indonesian Muslim scholars who candidly shared what they believed, patiently listened to objections brought up by the audience and charitably responded to them. You cannot win others over by ignoring their questions, challenges, and criticisms, and worse still, by asking them to shut up on the grounds that they do not have the right to do so. Any way, you have no right to criticise them on your own principle. Of course, as I’ve said above, you should give up that principle.

  39. cazz Says:

    Today at 01: 16.26 (7 minutes ago)
    Uncle Lim… u have been through the toughest storm… pls lead us!


    In the toughest storm, those who survive are those who keep their wits about them. Don’t panick. Stay cool and stay calm.

    The darkest hour is just before dawn.

  40. i am ANGRY and SADDENED by this uncalled for action taken by the government, the real culprit of the situation is now sitting at home, defiant, arrogant, and outright disrespectful and he is not detained by the ISA and was just given a mere 3 year suspension, is that even considered a severe punishment? defiant towards the punishment he even had the cheek to say a post will be created for him as an advisor, hence he will still be in the decision making process of the party? the people who reported the truth and seek justice were punished extremely. All they asked was JUST AN APOLOGY, and they were detained indefinately. even the blind can see this is wrong. i usually mind my own business but this is too much, i hope Teresa and Ms. Tan will be released soon as they do not deserve this INJUSTICE!

  41. Im tired… Is it about racists again?
    Is it? Im a Malay youngsters… Im not
    good in this politic stuffs…
    Any uncle here can explain to me?
    We the young graduates already been
    brainwashed in the BTN- Tatanegara…
    Dunno anything. I only depend on
    the blog and the World Wide Web
    content… I think it is much more
    appropriate to arrest Ahmad Ismail also
    to be fair…. Tired laa….

  42. CAZZ ,

    sometimes there’s a limit to what we could or should comment on certain matters , we can’t just anyhow comment for the sake of commenting.

    if anything malicious or seditious comments is posted in a blog , it not only lands the blog owner into trouble but also the commentor himself / herself.

  43. King Cobra, Then you should have made it clear and not sounded like a coward. I admire yr ability of staying cool at this emergency moment. This operasi lalang 2 is madness… but then who r u reasoning with? Look at the smiling ahmad ismail and the constrast of Teresa and all other vistimized under ISA, u really think that UMNO is a bunch of ppl u can reason with? Get real.

  44. The time may have come for us to re-visit the concept of non-cooperation that Mahatma Gandhi posed in his response to the British challenge.

    Without the cooperation of the masses, no government, however powerful it deems itself to be, will survive.

    Of course, there will be casualties, just as they were casualties in the Opposition DAP struggle that took the political lives of people such as Dr Eng Seng Chai and his generation of elected representatives back in the mid-1980s.

    These people gave up in the face of a challenge. Let us see now what kind of stuff the present generation of DAP elected representatives are made of.

  45. Much as we don’t like the ISA to be used on the 3 persons, that should also apply to the Ahmad guy.

    After all, the police have reports about his behaviour and could have charged him with damage of property, incitement etc.

    Especially after the DPM made that public apology. It’s like Ferguson apologising for Cantona’s flying kick and then all is forgotten?
    Defies all logic these ISA arrests.

  46. Stay calm brothers and sisters.. We all as part of a family should not get over react with what Umno is doing now. The worst is yet to come.
    First RPK, then Sin chew’s tan, and Ms Kok, and yet nothing happened to ahmad ismail. These are just part of evil plan of umno. Making it obvious that Umno is being double standard and thus fanning racial sentiment among the opposition.

    Then the government will detain the rest of the opposition party. Thus, provoking opposition supporter to organize demonstration. During the demo, Umno will dispatch the some phantom and clash with the opposition supporter.

    The national media will report the incident as a result of the minorities clashing with the malay. and here comes dalurat and the army.

    So, please dont fall into Umno’s trap. and don’t go for demo.

  47. Honestly, is not safe to stay in our country as anybody would be detained if “they” want to. I wonder why, what and how for me to explain in logical manner to my kids on the questionable arrests as the younger generation were equipped with news and they always looking for an answer from their parents. I’m deeply sympathised for the detainee’s family and pray for their safety.

  48. People voted for YAB Teresa. She had also won with one of the biggest, if not the most, majority among all the MPs. By putting her under the ISA is almost as if putting all those people who voted for her under ISA as well. Every Malaysian demands an explanation for this ridiculous action on YAB Teresa. As well as for the brave journalist & RPK.

  49. The govt is stupid if it thinks the same tactic as 1987 will work again. Malaysians are networked together unlike 20 years ago. We must unite together for civil disobedience. We will defeat the scumbags.

    As for Gerakan and MCA, pull your sorry excuse for a party out of BN now or forever suffer the wrath of the people you purport to represent. Weak statements of regret is not going to work. We want to see firm action, not political clowns and lapdogs.

  50. Dear cazz Says: and King Cobra and all smart ppl, pls stop commenting on each other here. This is the time we need encouragement? Be as One? Not now pls!
    We need everyone here for support as well?
    We are experiencing first hand managing Chaos!!
    Im as bloody sad and angry as you all. But we need to grow?
    Thanks bros and sis. Stay strong and have faith.

  51. Dear LKS and all Bloggers and Bangsa Malaysians,

    Let Malaysians and myself pray to God, Buddha, Allah and Jesus for Our Saint Heros – Raja Petra, Tan Hoon Cheng and Teresa Kok safety and stay strong during their inhuman detention under ISA Dragonian Law created by the White British against the enemies. But now it is freely and wrongly used against the Saints of rakyat Malaysia today.

    Malaysians of all races must stay cool, calm and patience to keep peace and always united to avoid the “Fire Ball Dragon” created by the Evils to destroy the nation.

    Goddess of Mercy, Her Almight Kuan Yin and Buddha are watching closely and blessing the two Saints, Teresa and Tan HC for their safety, health and strong minds from the mental tortures, inhuman detention and questionings without trials. Where is HUMAN RIGHTS and RULE of LAW here ? Almighty GOD is ever ready to protect the innocent victims and will punish the wrong ones sooner or later.

    Malaysians are advised to stay away from sucj dirty rat trap set up for their political survival because the history 1987 Operation has just repeated when 3 Saints are detained unlawfully today.

    Be cool, calm, patience and use common sense to stay in peace and silent for all Malaysians. Let us burn candle lights, joss sticks, open bible, quran or buddhism books…let us keep chanting to his Almighty GOD, BUDDHA, ALLAH and JESUS to bless for 3 Saints Freedom and Safety from tonite onwards until their release (also include all ISA detainess in Kamunting ).

    Namo Amitabha, Amen, InsyAllah

    P/s: Let us closed our eyes and silent for 3 mins and pray to GOD now. Terima kasih and Thank you

  52. I am shocked by the actions taken. How is it that someone who makes racist statements is not even charged under the Sedition Act but other people, people who are trying to fight for justice and truth are detained under the ISA.
    What is happening to this country?
    We need to find a way to stop this madness here and now, we have to say that enough is enough, the powers that be cant detained all 13 million people (cause the country will grind to a halt).
    Put fear and play on fear that is what the BN government is doing

  53. KennyGan Says:
    “Teresa Kok is blameless as the mosque management has come forward to explain things. Why isn’t Botox Face in jail for stirring up the issue with malicious intent?”

    hah! the mosque management will soon be transferred to join ramlang porigi.

  54. Why the UMNO mob that tore Koh Tsu Koon picture walk away free? Is that not causing racial tension?

    Does this mean that all UMNO members are immune to ISA or Seditious acts?

    I can’t understand the logic of our PM. He warned that he will not hesitate to arrest those under ISA for causing racial tension. Shockingly, RPK, journalist Tan & Teresa get arrested.

    Who made the lies against Teresa to cause racial tension? UMNO members – Khir Toyo & Utusan reporter.

    Similarly, YAB LGE highlighted the truth of a innocent Malay girl sexually assaulted …YAB LGE get the ISA.

    I am waiting for MCA-MIC-PPP-all other BN components parties to make their stand on this.

    Thus, looking at the events, ISA is under the purvew of UMNO to use that against those against them or when they feel that they no longer feel wanted by the people.

  55. In another thread I have expressed my view that all the changes that are so much needed in this country of ours should have been done incrementally and gradually. With the present madness, it may be too late to advocate for a gradual change.

    I have also commented that if Anwar’s 916 plan is not real and if he was just taking a gamble that by applying and buiding up pressure by playing the politico-psychological game it would ignite a political exodus of MPs from the sinking BN to the promising PR, then he would be unfairly using the people as political pawns or as his stakes to be sacrificed recklessly. The question is – is that 916 cross-over plan real? Or was it just a gamble?

    The present madness can be reversed easily and quickly if there is a change of government as ‘promised’ by Anwar. The problem as stated is – is that plan real? If Anwar and his gang have all along been playing a psychological warfare with no real prospect of a cross-over, then it is not unfair to point an accusing finger at them for instigating this madness. If the take-over plan is real, then for goodness sake, please execute it with haste.

    I am sure there are still good MPs in the BN and I pray that they act quickly and cross over so as to save the nation. While in 1987 there was not much you could do to save the situation, the opposition being of small number then, now all we need is for 30 to 40 of you to cross over to end the madness. Search your conscience and act fast.

    For the ordinary citizens, I think the best thing to do is to go to your BN MPs and plead with and pressure them to do the right thing and cross over to reverse the madness and save yourselves and your loved ones and this nation that we all share.

    Once PR has the numbers, Anwar and YB Lim and the other PR leaders can then approach our beloved and respected Agung to declare a change of government and the present madness can then be legally reversed.

    The madness has to end somehow. Let us have a majority of the MPs tell the Agung that they have lost confidence in the present government. To all the influential leaders of the MCA, MIC, Gerakan, Sabah and Sarawak and all the other smaller BN component parties, let not history judge you as the culprits who saved UMNO and allow it to continue to rape and abuse this only nation of ours when it is so close to a collapse. Let it collapse, make it happen so that we can have a new dawn….

    Why RPK, why Theresa, why Tan, why all these good people and true Malaysians? And that mad Ahmad is allowed the freedom to even plan a national road show? This is madness that has to be stopped!!

  56. I have this story to tell.

    When your friend is being unfairly treated and kept away, you do nothing and say nothing to fight.

    When your relative is being unfairly treated and kept away, you also keep quiet.

    When your brother is being unfairly treated and kept away, you still keep quiet.

    When you are being unfairly treated and kept away, there will be noone else to fight for you.

  57. First it was the arrest of our great man, RPK and now this! The arrest of Teresa is unacceptable and we condemn it. Now all we demand is the release of PRK and Teresa Kok. Long live freedom of speech and expression. Down with the silencing of those who do their jobs in keeping the public informed of the truth.

  58. Uncle Lim, I’m very sad and angry lar. I cannot sleep already thinking how come those innocent people like RPK, Teresa kok and Tan kena slap by ISA while those UMNO goons got scot free just like that. Can they sleep too especially our PM ?

  59. pjboy Says:

    Today at 01: 50.57 (10 minutes ago)
    People voted for YAB Teresa. She had also won with one of the biggest, if not the most, majority among all the MPs

    Teresa Kok holds the distinguished record of commanding the highest majority in the GE.

    KennyGan Says:

    Today at 01: 56.14 (5 minutes ago)
    Teresa Kok is blameless as the mosque management has come forward to explain things. Why isn’t Botox Face in jail for stirring up the issue with malicious intent?


    Many of the scumbags must have gone for Botox jabs to look good when they have gone rotten. Is your Botox Face none other than the infamous Khir Toyol the broomstick holder?

  60. Uncle kit,
    Please make a press statement to all the MSM to call for the Rakyat to stay calm and not fall into their traps.

    Beware, next I’m afraid they will arrest Ahmad (sandiwara) to provoke the Malays to take it to the street.

  61. There are 2 models where UMNO has successfully used in the past to solve their own internal conflict.

    In the 1969 model, Tun Abdul Razak used the riots to instate an Emergency and eventually force Tunku Abdul Rahman out of power.

    In the 1987 model, where a massive internal struggle within Umno moved Mahathir to attack imaginary exterior “enemies (non-malays)” in a massive Operation Lallang to strengthen his own fledgling position within UMNO.

    This time UMNO is facing 2 problems in one go. There is now an internal struggle within UMNO like in 1969 as well as fledgling support from the malay voters as in 1987. So their natural instinct is to apply a combination of the 2 models to solve their own internal problems.

    To kill two birds with one stone, they intend to create riots to instate an emergency rule to prevent Anwar from toppling the present UMNO Government. Coupled with this, they will also make imaginary “exterior enemies” out of thin air to justify a Operation Lallang II to strengthen their own fledgling position with the malays. Their intention is to make one race hate another race and appease one race by arresting the other to shore up their fledgling support!

    Guys, don’t fall for their tricks and help them to solve their internal problems!

  62. I am just too stress to voice out and also afraid of saying the wrong thing and get this blog into trouble.

    I am quite happy to see the Penang CM Lim Guan Eng, Jeff Ooi, Liew Chin Tong, Chow Koon Yeow and other supporters and PAS Parit Buntar MP at the Penang Police Headquarters.

    More details on the latest at my blog,


    GE 13 – No matter what, we must ensure that racist umno bn do not regain the power like they had for the past fifty one years.

  63. As a reminder,
    Listen to what Marina Lee has to say first, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJJ8b1g0J5Y&eurl=http://dinmerican.wordpress.com/

    This is the person whose husband should be with her, and hear her plea. We do not not want to REPEAT what we have gone thru and play right into the hands of plotters.

    There are proper channels PKR would want to respond and the manner we ‘react’ will determine the results of it too, ok?

    We don’t mean sit down and die! Its pretty clear by now. Look what time is it now? We are still awake, why? We care, thats why. But be prudent, thats all.Im happy with the number of people in this blog here this morning. we keep vigil and pray.
    Yes and be strong mentally and spiritually.

  64. It is now or probably never!
    There might be no next election.
    In my humble opinion, Pak Lah is relatively a good guy. If Dr M was still in power, victory in March would not have been accomplished; there might have been mass arresemnt on the eve of election.
    Unfortunately, we are faced up with the spiteful group of beasts. Those who asked questions like why Ismail is not jailed instead of Sin Chew reporter Miss Tan, why RPK is arrested istead of DPM r simply too naive. The chinese and indians r minority n weak in this country, whether Malaysia will progress or doomed like her neighbours now falls in the hand of the Malays with senses and the MPs with conscience. Put yr hands against yr heart and aks: ” R u doing the right thing?”

    For the country’s sake, for Malaysia’s sake, i hereby pray………….. No another 513, no another Lalang, no blood-shed, no kris, no kung-fu

  65. Imagine this scenario:

    A reporter reports about a murderer. The reporter got sent to prison and the murderer got off with a warning.

    Now read this:
    Sin Chew Daily reporter Tan Hoon Cheng got arrested for reporting Ahmad Ismail’s racist remarks and Ahmad Ismail got off with a warning.

  66. Hi Uncle Kit and everybody!

    I’m tired but I cannot sleep. I’m afraid that when I wake up in the morning, police and military personnel on streets imposing an curfew, literally put the entire Malaysia under ISA.

    I hope that HM DYMM Yang Di-Pertuan Agong will help us the Rakyat.

    I have underestimated the desperation of dictators and therefore still being shocked by what has just happened in the past few hours.

    Lets all of us pray, Malaysians. Take care everyone. God save Malaysia!

  67. Emm …waiting for moderation again?

    Pls do not confuse between responding and reacting. Right now, I do not mean shut-up and don’t say a word. The number of ppl here right now already shows how unhappy, sad, and mad.

    The point is, there are proper channel PKR will want to respond tomorrow and the manner ppl in this blog behaved will have a bearing on the results later on, ok?

    Lets be civilised and not REPEAT what Marina Lee (RPK’s wife) has warn us. Do not fall into this trap again!

  68. AAARGGHH!!! I think there’s someone wants the Malays
    and Chinese go to the street!!! And when Malays and
    Chinese go to the street, do you all know what will happen?
    Sure you are!!! Damned!!! Damned!!! Damned!!! Who’s
    behind this???!!!! I just want a peace country so that
    I can study, finding a job, happy with family, enjoy with
    my Chinese and Indians friends, and die in peace.
    AAARRRGGHH!!! What happen to this country???!!!

  69. Desperate times call for desperate (despicable) measures (by BN-UMNO). Agree with 9to5 on the possibility of arresting Datuk Ahmad Ismail as part of the act. This is a sinister plot to fool all Malaysians. All else have failed, UMNO going for broke. Not only to stop opposition but also Tun DM. Not to mention the rakyat as well.

  70. Dear Kit:
    I have been a silent reader of your blog recently. I am completely flabbergasted by the recent indiscriminate ISA round-ups that are a travesty of human rights. It seems that the rogues are left free to cause further mischief while the innocent who does nothing but reports what is said is being harassed, intimidated, and incarcerated without due legal process. Note that the goverment has made International committments on human rights especially point (4) in the link here with respect to free media: http://www.un.org/ga/60/elect/hrc/malaysia.pdf
    May I suggest that this be escalated to the UN level by filing complaints with the Working Group on Arbitrary Detentions of the Human Rights Committee. Just follow the link here and click on “Contact” at the bottom of the web page:
    It’s about time we shine the international spotlight on the dark side of a government that is completely out of control.

  71. YB

    It is a good timing to takeover the Government, PM is panic. Even his Deputy is not supporting him anymore and not to mention some in the cabinet.

    We stay calm with no emotion at our face, BN will lagi panic. Semakin BN panic, semakin bodoh BN will be. Continue to stay calm til PKR become a Government, then korek til BN evaporate.

  72. Dear owlz Says: Pls stay calm. switch off this blog now or play one of your best nice music before you go any further. Rest well pal. Like someone says here, after this Storm there will be sunshine!!
    Pray and rest well.

  73. Yeah – PEACE is more POWERFUL. Follow the Mahatma Gandhi principle.

    Not only DAP should hold an EGM but also P-R. This will show how united P-R is on this issues. P-R must also demonstrate calm & cool. Explain to all supporters the evil plot of BN – by staying calm & cool, BN plot will fail again. BN is still living in 1969. P-R must live in 2008.

  74. Dilarang menahan seseorang tanpa perbicaraan. Kalau tidak, mereka adalah orang yg dizalimi. Doa orang yg dizalimi, muslim atau bukan muslim, akan dimakbulkan Allah.

    Dilarang menyakiti dhimmi @ non-Muslim. Menyakiti mereka sama seperti menyakiti nabi.

    Orang yang meniupkan api perkauman secara terang-terangan tanpa mahu memohon maaf haruslah ditahan sekarang. Tidak boleh menahan orang yang melaporkan berita yang sah mengenai pemain api perkauman itu. Itu ialah kezaliman, dan doa orang yg dizalimi dimakbulkan Allah.

    Apabila kaum fasik seperti Ut*s*n membawa berita, haruslah menyiasat terlebih dahulu. Dan siasatlah juga blog-blog lain yang anda baca supaya anda tidak terlalu fanatik.

    Tak perlu fitnah-memfitnah pasal Azan. Fitnah itu dosanya besar. Orang yg difitnah ialah orang yg dizalimi. Orang yg dizalimi, doanya akan dimakbulkan Allah.

    Mempelajari kaedah pertanian betik dalam bulan Ramadhan adalah suatu perkara yang mulia. Lebih mulia lagi apabila tidak membazirkan wang rakyat.

    Ramadhan ialah bulan yang mulia. Mari kita memuliakannya dengan mengaku kalah bila dah kalah. Terima kekalahan dengan bermaruah itu lebih baik.

    Kalau tak mahu terima kekalahan, tak mengapa. Asalkan tidak menzalimi manusia lain. Menzalimi manusia tidaklah membatalkan puasa, tetapi akan membatalkan pahala puasa. Dan doa orang yg dizalimi akan dimakbulkan Allah.

  75. Anger, angry, frustration, pissed off, confused, driving me up the wall, felt cornered, annoyed, betrayed, fuming, mad, gnashing my teeth, because…

    UMNO is blind, biased, corrupted, unethical, no different from Gestapo, dirty, tainted, dishonored, uncivilized, Mugabe styled, weak, no integrity, mafia, …

  76. Datuk Rais Yatim has called for the use of ‘rule of law’ on Datuk Ahmad Ismail. Why not on RPK, et al? But what has Tan Hoon Cheng & YAB Teresa done to justify the use of ISA? The real culprits are Datuk Ahmad Ismail & Datuk Botox.

  77. yet the 1 who speak it out only have suspension?r they immune from isa being the special catagories person?in the tanah malaysia,i believe the truth tanah malaysia is belong to orang asli and NOT orang melayu,cina,india dan sebagainya n yet if we were born in in Malaysia we r MALAYSIAN without race bountries n not MALAYSIAN MELAYU , CINA INDIA DAN SEBAGAINYA

  78. Desperate people calls for desperate action at desperate times.



    We are here to kick out a desperate tyrant through DEMOCRATIC means.

    PLEASE, for the sake of MALAYSIA, THINK!

  79. Well, I am speechless.. I guess, everyone here who cares for Malaysia now knows that BN is hopeless.
    They can arrest anyone as they like as long as they are not BN or Badawi konco konco. No one shd trust BN/Umno/Polis/Tentera/FRU and anything which related to BN components.
    What we can do now is.. to pray and hope that MCA/MIC/Gerakan and other parties underneath the BN umbrella..
    TIME TO WAKE UP PLS… People voted you earlier under BN b’cos they trust you can work for them and serve your people.. not to hide behind BN and let them do the stupid acts against the people.
    MCA/MIC/Gerakan and others.. Wake up. Is this the correct government that you still wanted to see and work with them? One day.. they can simply come and arrest you. Things could be happen to you or ur family one day.
    To outsiders or foreigners who seeing this..We might need your kind support as well.
    For now, keep in calm, although I am very angry after seeing this.
    Let DSAI and Mr. Lim battling face to face with this so called Dacing Component.

  80. Its clearly that the arresting of Teresa Kok and Sin Chew
    Daily senior journalist Tan Hoon Cheng are not legal unless the
    accusation proven confirmed. Its not fair the Ahmad Ismail that
    was totally obvious racist just can been let go of. Im as a Malay
    is really ashamed by this UMNO government leaders action. As I
    said before, I think certain of them are not good muslims. They
    just use the Islam as their religious tool to play with the flame
    of the racial and religious sentiments to gather the support of
    the Malays. Really-really a bad person!!!
    Aren’t they were not reading the Quran as our god, Allah said,
    “Let not the enmity (hostility) and hatred of others make
    you avoid justice. Be justice (to other races / tribes), that is
    nearer to a piety, and fear to Allah.”
    -Surah Al-Maidah,
    Sentence 8.
    – My religion teach that the feeling or hatred cannot be brought
    into the action of justice and the justice must be practiced to
    all people onto whatever their races, skins color and religion.
    These UMNO government people they just talk about religion
    teach a justice but they dont even apply it in their life. Im
    really ashamed as a muslim having a leaders like them. We
    suppose to be in a peace country where the Malays, Chinese
    and Indians develop the nation together without prejudice and
    hatred. There’s no justice. Im really sad today…

  81. The double-standardization is plainly evident.
    “Hold the opposition and supporters of the opposition in custody for straining racial and religious relations in this country!”
    “But what about Ahmad?”
    “But we already punished him, what. 3 years some more.
    ” 3 years under ISA?”
    “ISA?? How can? He has to go through the proper process of law first. We can’t be too hasty.”
    “But he stands by what he says, and he’s also incited a following, and condoned tearing up Koh Tsu Koon’s picture. Or at least, the reports from Sin Chew say so.”
    “WHAT?! Find the reporter who reported all this and DETAIN HER!!”

  82. # rainstorm Says:
    Today at 01: 00.25 (2 hours ago)

    Everyone must stay calm. Dont let the gomen use this opportunity to destroy us permenantly. Whatever your believes, pray that this nation will unite us Malaysians espcially during this trying time.

    Hi all, i’m agree with what rainstorm text above. Let’s not get things worst upon us as citizen of Malaysia killing each other or riot or what ever. They, the powerful people will only laugh at us.Think again, they have wealth and money o travel to other country but then what do we have. I pray that there’s no bloodshed in the street between any race. We are one and unite. With the unity we have power!!!

    just like what # JeyS Says:
    “Are we in 21st century or going backwards?” Well think again do we need riots in the streets? Hell no… think of our kids future…we can do this with our power mind…intelligence..knowledge is the POWER!!! PEACE to all Malaysians be it Chinese, Malays, Indian, Sikh, Kadazan, etc. We are all one. There’s an old saying that “Let’s kill the one (u know who), for the sake of millions (us lor)….rather that killing amongst us (millions) just to back up 1 or 2 people (u know who). Once again..may God bless us all…

  83. After 50 years of independence, ISA is still being used for politician purposes. These ISA may cause possibility of riot if keep going on. Please stop it and let’s make this country peacefully, justice and fair.

    May i hope Teresa, Tan and RPK is being taken care well and will be released soon.

  84. I can’t sleep thinking of our fellow comrades being detained behind the bars, how can i sleep for doing nothing as they did so much for us.


    Tuan Yang Berhormat Perdana Menteri Datuk Sri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

    I am Truely Sorry I have made a some Jokes About You before, If you read this. Please released them for god sake, you can’t FIGHT this evil regime alone YB, the DPM are not your friend. They’re coming for your crown and they want it bad.

    Theres an option for you to stop all this nonesense, you can pull the plug YB! If you understand what i mean i Plea you to listen for the Nation interest, stop all this extortionist from taking over.

    Today the BN component doesn’t have its quality nor dignity left for you to saved. You must PULL THE PLUG YB! STOP THEM NOW, You’re the only capable to stop this madness, its for the Nation and our history lies on your hands.

    I close my plea for you with this qoutes:

    1) Anger can be revered to joy, ruff become delight, but the land destroyed cannot be restores existents and the dead cannot be restore to life.

    2) Nobody in the world is capable of everything, if we look for the men who can do everything, even the wises of the wised are not qualified.

    We understood your situation there, but you have a choice to change a BETTER History!

  85. Double standard. When will Ahmad Ismail be even questioned, not to say be detained under ISA, by the police?

    Malaysian population has never been so angry before against the police and the government. Do you police know that because of the people you have the job? You should serve the people and not the few politicians. You victimised the weak women that is inexcusable.

    MCA, Gerakan, MIC, SUPP,…. should no longer cooperate with UMNO in marginalising the public. It is time you should act. You should break away from UMNO and let the deadwood sink.

    I thought Abdullah has become a bit smarter, but not. He become even less smart and worse. The day to the hell is getting very close.

  86. If the top leadership of MCA, Gerakan and SUPP wants to disassociate themselves from the action of UMNO in arresting innocent citizens by abusing the ISA they have to protest by leaving BN. They can not remain silent or just talk without action.
    If they choose to remain as partners of BN then we will hold them responsible together with UMNO for all the abuses of the BN government.

  87. I can’t believe my eyes when I read about the arrests. This is a total madness!!!! god bless all 3 of them and I hope they are being treated with respect and well, wherever they are now. To the families, friends and the nation – be strong, stay united and pray hard.

  88. now the so call mr clean have show is true colours…..the pm 4 all malaysian….the pm with the golden silence……….the pm who zzzzzzzzzzzz……..one thing 4 sure he wont flip-flop over this,although we hope he will……..Now my question is what those mca and gerakan people will do or say about it?i know what they will say….kami di gerakan/mca berharap pm akan charge mereka in court…..they dont even have the guts to come out from bn when their president face was tear to pieces…what more can they do……..it looks like it is up to u guys in pakatan rakyat to do something………….

  89. I pray DAP will not have streets demonstrations!
    This is exactly what UMNO wants..to have reasons for Emergency Rule.
    This is a holy month for Muslims.
    Let us all go to mosques…temples..churches …to pray for ALL arrested under ISA…that they be well and good.
    Lets us pray for those families..their children….be well and good too.
    Let us all pray….to forgive UMNO’s sins……and pray..we are determind to cast our votes for change of government….with no fear.
    Don’t fall into this obvious trap of UMNO.
    Teresa Kok…..RPK..and the newspaper reporter should approve our Malaysians … smart moves…to frustrate UMNO..

  90. “So, the sword has been unsheathed.
    But not for the course of justice and fairness.
    But as a tool for intimidation and punishing the messenger, while that Ahmad rascal can swagger about with his road show on ketuanan Melayu and pendatang.
    So, as of now 3 personalities who each in their way are trying to bring about a more just. fair , democratic and civil society in Malaysia have been incarcerated under the ISA.
    I have no doubt many will follow.
    So, even as I have misgivings about the morality of Anwar’s 916 plan, this development shows such concerns are misplaced.
    The UMNOputras have no qualms about using all underhanded, evil and draconian tools at their disposal.
    And, so now a public prayer that Anwar and his strategists have factored this into their plans , and if 916 has been derailed please make sure PR can form the next federal government as soon as possible”

  91. “pilihanrayaexpert Says:
    MCA and GERAKAN only can talk like Pakatan Rakyat
    They are part of the government but NO POWER at all”
    Yes, fully agreed. Also, so long they are associated with crooks party they can’t do much.

  92. what will they write in the history books?

    1. Most inept /incompetent PM in the history of malaysia?

    In management dissertations

    1. The effect of incompetent CEOs – rampaging princelings and organization failure

  93. I think BN is doing great damage to its party. Do you think the Chinese community, which has already been angered by Ahmad Ismail’s racist remarks, will still support BN after the arrest of Tan Hoon Cheng and Teresa Kok for no obvious reasons? Maybe BN thinks Chinese support is not important to the party.

  94. Be mentally strong for RPK, Tan Hoon Cheng and Teresa Kok…..

    We will remember this day Sept-12, as another sad day and darkness …

    My hope to PR, PKR, DAP, PAS ….to continue strive ….as you will represent voice thru Democracy…. .

    Yesterday news, the ARMMMMMM NOOOOOOO said that We are Democratic party…. sure or not….. then why such a sad day for yesterday… happened….

  95. it is like asoccer match, the crazy referee is flashing red card to his whims and fancies , how many times is he allowed to flash the red . How many roars from the spectators is heard before they leave the game.

    it is another entertainment found only in bolihland

    south Africa used to have a similar scenario but the jersey are different

  96. Khir (Botox Face) Toyo was the one who falsely wrote in his blog that Teresa approached the mosque with a petition to tone down their Azan. The Malay dailies picked this up and played up the issue. The Iman has reported to the police that no politician approached the mosque and their Azan was silent because their PA is spoilt. This was all reported in malaysiakini. But still Teresa was detained under ISA. Why? Isn’t Khir the one to be detained?

    But racism is a zero sum game. The arrest of Tan and Teresa to appease the Malay community has inflamed the Chinese community. Unless MCA and Gerakan pull out of BN now, they will be devastated in the next G.E. Gerakan will be wiped out, MCA will the suffer the fate of MIC.

    The Chinese community expect no less than pullout from BN to show their displeasure. Weak expressions of regret will not do. Gerakan and MCA, wake up or die!

  97. I cant belived this,why TERESA KOK .?why not AHMAD.What the HELL.
    To all MALAYSIAN be ready for ur support.. YB LIM you to be verycareful.
    Lets all wait and see wht YB LKS will do .we all will support u all the way.

  98. the only person who i think can save this ISA arrest madness is the respected and beloved AGUNG and the Sultans of Malaysia !! but the problem is how to get in touch with them and convince them to get involved ??

    simple. those arrested have to be charged in courts based on evidences and not based on hearsays or as wish by the government. police won’t act unless there is a proper order from home ministry WHO MUST HAS CONCRETE DOCUMENTS!! those arrested ‘illegally’ under the disguise of ISA are made abuse in favor of the present government who should be FAIR AND JUST to all no matter if don’t see eye to eye. These pitiful arrested people are HUMANS and have FAMILIES just like you and I !!

    maybe the rakyat has to really be really UNITED this time to mean business before all things go upside down .

  99. Pak Lah claimed lately that he stayed on not for pleasure but to complete reform. However, the ISA events that unfold clearly show he was lying – he is not interested in reform but stays back for personal agenda.

  100. UNCLE



  101. Greetings!

    Don’t know what to say the day that they’ve spoil our morning woke up and read the F..K news.

    Pak Lah, let me tell you, you’re quoting for reform… that reform my foot. Hell the only sentense GOD will send you to…

  102. to lew1328,

    imagine how i felt when i read it at 6.50am this morning….sigh,no mood to even pray…and i dont think i can perform my meditation this morning…the news just freaked me out…..

    when will Malaysia get its “kemerdekaan” from this @$$holes !!?

  103. Can’t believe MP Teresa Kok been arrested!

    Easy accused MP, politically detain innocents, might fulfilling personal politic interest! Now is Selangor, will it Penang, Perak, Kedah and Kelantan, or me (rakyat) be the next target or victim?

    Personally disappointed to PM, DPM, HM, I/we encourage (persuaded us) not to have ISA towards Ahmad Ismail even he refused to apologize to publicity; but why must sacrifice others (senior journalist, PR MP) to cover own members’ mistakes!

    308 & 826 lessons were not 100%, 916 yes or no, PR was rakyat government ministry! BN, petition for a general election asap, let us to decide! Personally, I can predict and guarantee PR will always RAKYAT choice, as to be next government!

    One word to BN, disappointment, shame!

    Malaysia in the grip of another ISA madness?

    ReformMalaysia Says:
    Today at 00: 42.32 (7 hours ago)

    “As an objection to injustice done, we should get our voice heard by boycotting all products and services offered by any company that are related to UMNO(cronies and members).” ..

    MP Teresa Kok, will always alongside you! Our loves, cares, votes only on you! In believe, angel or PR knight wouldn’t easily defeated by evil-devils!

    Warmest regards.

  104. well, BN already idea bankrupt. they want create 513 repeat
    so umno can get back malay supporter again, mca will also get back SOME supporter and also mic.then BN conquer malaysia 50 years again.
    a smart citizen. please dont be trap. and our respestive opposition please beware every single word so dont let them take advantage
    this is obviously they want play final card.

  105. This event makes us really helpless from day ONE.
    To me, my journey for a true freedom and independence of my beloved country just begin to gain more strong faith and courage. All my daily prayers to God ,seeking HIM to guide me with the right path to serve HIM and HIS people.
    God will lead me through each day …… all these events are HIS answer to all my clear question about Malaysia.

  106. This is not Badawi’s doing. He is simply too weak and indecisive to do anything. He has lost control of the hardline faction within UMNO. Even Ahmad Ismail issued a thinly veiled threat against Badawi when the latter announced Ahmad’s suspension.

    If there is one sure way to p!ss off the rakyat, this is it. UMNO will be consigned to the rubbish bins. Hear that, Kasim Amat ?

  107. Malaysia goverment must be crazy… Over Power (Gila Kuasa)…

    Ahmad issue was raised into a heat for the pass few days, he was not been detained under ISA after immediate stear the issue of racial issue, WHY?

  108. http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/89556

    Faulty PA system the cause of ‘silent’ azan
    Fauwaz Abdul Aziz | Sep 12, 08 2:59pm [extract]

    Masjid Kota Damansara officials have denied that their mosque had ceased sounding the azan from its loudspeakers due to pressure from non-Muslims.

    They clarified that it was a damaged amplifier that resulted in the calls to prayers to be made without the aide of a PA system.

    Secretary of the three-week-old mosque Ahmad Redzuan Samsudin said a police report was lodged on Wednesday against former Selangor menteri besar Dr Mohd Khir Toyo for claiming pressure from non-Muslims and a state exco-backed petition had forced them to stop making the azan through the loudspeaker.

    “Last Saturday (Aug 30), lightning during a thunderstorm had struck and damaged the PA system. Thereafter, we borrowed equipment from the SMK Kota Damansara in Section 10, but problems with the wiring further delayed us from sounding the azans through the loudspeaker.

    “There was no pressure from non-Muslims,” said Redzuan when contacted.

  109. Alas, i just wonder that why Ahmad still roam freely after his racial remarks in Permatang Pauh and escaped with so-called 3 years suspension but those people who just reported and supported the truth had been arrested by ISA…same old tactic used in the past to crush their opponents.

    Rights and freedom of a person had be taken away in this long period of dark age. May god bless them.

  110. bodohwi is bodoh! it is not his style. he taking his mothers advice to him to save the rakyat. he doing this to hand over his post to Anwar. Jib hugs bodowi with a dagger behind bodowi’s back.

    Jib is the mastermind with Mad Mamak advice. He want to murder Malaysia now. Ahmad Ismail and all the mamak politicians are one gang.

    ooooo! i scared now i might be next to go in ISA.

  111. It is disgusting. How can we sleep while our friends are in jail for no wrong doing. We call for the powers that be, we call on the MCA n Gerakan, we call on the Sultans n the Agong, to help secure the early release of these RPK, Tan n Theresa. We call upon God to bring peace to our nation.
    Friends, I again suggest that we all passively protest the wrongful arrest of our friends, and signify a new Malaysian Malaysia, by flying our Jalur Gemilang on the 16th September. Kit and Anwar, dont you think that is a good idea?

  112. It is disgusting. How can we sleep while our friends are in jail for no wrong doing. We call for the powers that be, we call on the MCA n Gerakan, we call on the Sultans n the Agong, to help secure the immediate release of RPK, Tan n Theresa. We call upon God to bring peace to our nation.
    Friends, I again suggest that we all passively protest the wrongful arrest of our friends, and signify a new Malaysian Malaysia, by flying our Jalur Gemilang on the 16th September. Kit and Anwar, dont you think that is a good idea?

  113. What a stupid and most brainless things ever seen.13 Sept 2008 really marked the day of Malaysia… again and again ISA detention. I just wonder how the world will look at our country.. our country developement, economy…”habislah semua”.

    I urge all the “malaysian” who understand what’s happening now to our country, please be united and start to voice out…

    May the god bless those who are innocent arrested under ISA..

  114. What the hell is goin on in Malaysia? It must be a century joke! Why the person who should be under arrested can escape from the punishment but those innocents were getting caught under that stupid ISA? The reporter was just on her duty as a professional reporter la weii. The justice in our country was gone.. totally gone! Obviously the ISA is more towards the other two races rather than Ixlam… Speechless with those disgusting action by gov n BN…. God bless.

    Release RPK, Tan & Teresa now, Dollah! Utilize your power in your hand!

  115. think you should all be careful about what you write here or anywhere.
    There were quite a few programs on Sept 11 yesterday and how tragic the event was; even after 7 years.

    I am sure our Sept 12 ISA arrests will go down in our history books as a bad memory too for many years.

  116. Let’s pray for our 3 ISA detainees. Uncle Lim, you have been there before and you will be our guiding light of hope during this testing time.

    To all our Wakil Rakyat, we will be watching you even closer now. It is now that we will see the true character and leadership of the representatives that we have chosen to represent us, the rakyat.

  117. If all these totally STUPID, MAD jobs that they did were to make Bodowi step down, well, I think they are doing a fantastic job!


  118. To the STUPID BN, small matters like this warrants the use of the ISA but look what they did to Ahmad the racist? Just a stupid party warning and suspension, no legal action! Such double standards is what makes everyone fed up of BN style politics! Bring it down before it is too late!!!!!!

  119. You guys had OVERRIDE PEOPLES WILL. You guys had BLIND PEOPLES EYES. You guys had DEPRESS PEOPLE VOICES. Where is the TRUTH ? Where is DEMOCRACY ? The whole world is watching what you guys are doing with this STUPID ACTS. They are Real Malaysian’s who’ll save this country from going destroy, trouble and chaos. Please without any further delay RELEASE THEM NOW immediately before its too late. You’ll leave NO ground to face the Malaysian and the whole world and leave a big big malevolent, unwashed names in the history of Malaysia. And your desendents will face the consequences what you have done now and it will be too late. What sin you sow now you get the repentant, regretful and repercussion later. So DON’T PLAY PLAY.

    So, before its TOO late without any further delay and condition RELEASE THEM ALL NOW. We’ll pray for the good and well beings of their work done whatsoever and the peace for this country. LONG LIVE MALAYSIA AND LONG LIVE DEMOCRACY.

  120. wrote : If all these totally STUPID, MAD jobs that they did were to make Bodowi step down, well, I think they are doing a fantastic job!

    MCA, Gerakan, MIC and other leaders of the member parties! DONT JUST ‘EXPRESSED YOUR SHOCK’! DO SOMETHING! OR ELSE YOU ALL WONT HAVE ANY CHANCE TO ANYTHING AFTER the D-DAY! ***********

    We know them too well. Indeed we must give them the greater condemnation. This could not happen if they had stood up front rejected the draconian action.

    In fact this act serves as a warning to them, ‘don’t try to stand up for the nation – you are next’.

    Boy, are they at a dilemma, and shaking in the pants and panties.

    This is what is meant of the saying, ‘kill the chicken to frighten the moneys.’ But we could also say it, ‘kill the opposition to frighten the chicken.’

  121. we support Teressa!Raja Petra and Reprorter Tan, what has Teressa said or did for being arrested under ISA? and Reporter Tan, she is preforming her duty, govt shd arrest Ahmad ISmail, pencetus isu perkauman, Ahmas Ismail is the one who had said those stupid words and many other reporters and DPM Najib was there as well. What kind of world here in Malaysia? upside down!

  122. it appears Bee n has two alternative in their final days

    1)give in and step down as by popular demand

    2) continue to their usual business of marginalisation, wilful acts for prevention, realigned and resettled the population, divide and rule,

    It appears time is the greatest enemy.

    If this is the type of change that Bee end spoke in their GE promise, then some of us has to take the blame too but it is never too late.

    For those who need to… just slap yourselves in front of another and shout lets begin again.

    Lets breathe anew and look far and wide.

    Lets all enjoy in doing it for our children and their children before the we are overrun by our competitors

    I am sure the investors cannot wait forever.

  123. The next PM? Mahatir no way too old. KuLi tried and fail so no chance. Najid so many stories about him therefore, no integrity and so no chance. Mujadin is the most like one but can he beat Anwar to the finishing line? So UMNO is is finish and irrelevant!!!!!!!!
    Good bye. Start all over again!!!

  124. This is totally OUTRAGES!!! The widespread use of the ISA is against fundamental human rights.

    There is no reason to believe that the detained 3 could cause more harm pending a fair trial. There is no reason to believe that a court injunction could not be attained against them pending a fair trial.

    I’ve lost faith in the peace of the country and I do not feel secure when I could be taken from my home and detained without trial.

    The ISA should be abolished immediately and everyone be given a fair trial. Malaysia is very ill.

  125. The leader and supporters of PR must be cool headed and plan what are the next move. It is the tactic of the gomen to get the PR members one after another starting from DSAI then Teresa…then..on n on.. Watch out for the pattern…!!! It is the gomen tactic to irritate PR and get us all. As long as TDM is in the picture, it is going to get very very dirty.

    It is disappointing to see how low handed the gomen has been now. Democracy is dead in Malaysia. May RPK, Teresa & Tan can sail through this hard time.

  126. I felt very sad and the feeling is very real. I have been not comfortable since the news break out. The worst was the ISA retention of the Sin Chew Reporter. It is really bad. I can not really reconcile with the action taken by the arresting and retention of this young reporter. I ask myself what has she done wrong by reporting what one has been say. The only reason that was that she has reported some that should not be say by anybody. But reporting something that should not be say was arrested what happen on those who has say. Well to be fair we should not ask those people who has say something wrong to be arrested under ISa, as we all believe ISA has not place in this democratic country no matter who you are.
    People are confused now on what is right and what is wrong now?

  127. dont fall into UMNO’s trap!!!! they want to increase racial tension! damn..huhu.i WONDER why ahmad ismail didnt put under ISA.OMG!!

    but i DONT AGREE WITH TERESA KOK action: delete jawi word on the signboard and put another race’s language.jawi was there,its a malaysia language as well.why have to put so MANY languages on 1 signboard.how about bahasa iban,kadazan etc?moreover its hard to read from a distance.it shows we dont have nationalism.fact is fact.im dissappointed as others try to hurt each other.then im very dissappointed as UMNO leaders are soooo desperate now.they are loosing their power!

  128. Ampun Tuanku, Sembah patik harap di ampun
    Ampun Tuanku Sultan Selangor,
    Ahli Exco kerajaan Tuanku di tahan ISA…
    Adakah Tuanku tidak akan mempertahankan kedaulatan Tuanku…

    Ampun Tuanku, pohon patik agar tuanku pertahankan kebebasan rakyat Selangor.

    Patik akui Tuanku se-orang Sultan yang adil, bijak dan saksama…
    Patik harap Tuanku dapat mempetahankan maruah kami sebagai rakyat yang di hina.


    Please MB Selangor & EXCO & ADUN Selangor…
    Present our petition to Tuanku…
    YAB MB Selangor, tolonglah pergi mengadap Tuanku supaya selamatkan Cik Teresa Kok, Ahli Exco kerajaan Tuan…


    To all my fellow Malaysian…
    We must invoke the name and soverienity of DYMM Yan Di Pertuan Agong, to save our country in this time of CRISIS…
    This world is in pain because of earthquake, flood, tyhphoon and Tsunami…
    But out blessed land of Malaysia is in CRISIS because of “FOOLS” whole want to hold on to political powers within their own party…
    HELP!!!! Allah save our country… Have Mercy on our People…


    Jangan bagi negara kita merosot sampai tahap dunia ketiga… and lagi teruk… adakah kita nak jadi lebi truk dari Myanmar…
    Adakah kita lebih teruk dari Zimbabwe… Timur Timur…


    Mari Kita Selamatkan NEGARA MALAYSIA untuk anak cucu kita…


  129. My random thought today, 13 September 2008

    A hopeless nation

    We thought we got it, didn’t we?
    It is a false spring
    When push comes to shove
    This is what we exactly are
    A third world country
    Governed by third world tribal people

    Don’t ever say again we are a nation on the verge of greatness
    We will never be
    We have lousy politicians
    We have stupid Malaysians
    We are a hopeless nation

    We waited too long to prompt us into doing something
    Didn’t we support Mahathir as if he was our lord and saviour?
    Then we woke up and gather our false sense of courage
    We played exactly into the hand of tribal people
    And the process starts all over again
    See you all in twenty years if some of us are still alive then


    Teresa Kok, RPK, and news reporters who spoke the truth are detained while damn racist Mamak Ismail is only “suspended” for 3 years from UMNO.

    Who is next?

    YAB Lim Kit Siang, Anwar Ibrahim, Tok Guru Nik Aziz???

    Dear MCA, MIC & Gerakan members!

    It is time for you guys to quit BN to join Pakatan Rakyat. Aren’t you guys ashamed to be part of this damn wicked evil UMNO government? Where is your good conscience?

    I hope Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin will challenge Abdullah BAD Awi for UMNO Presidency.

  131. People, it is time for us to show our SOLIDARITY!

    Regardless of race and religion, lets us all pray hard for the well being of all detainees and the FAST COLLAPSE OF bEeND GOVERNMENT being it 916 or thereafter.

  132. Sin CHew Daily website could not be acess today? why? is the MCMC shut it down? or heavy surfing traffic?

    SIN CHEW DAILY , no fear and always remain professional in reporting the truth, we are backing u! we have 5 million Malaysian Chinese is backing u!

  133. All the anger, leading Pakatan Rakyat to the federal government, but we must not let the anger gone over our heads, Malay, Chinese and Indians must be united, if we fight each other, Malay will back to UMNO, chinese back to MCA, indian back to MIC, we’re back in 1957

  134. Real despicable act! When Ahmad ismail uttered inflamatoty words, Pak Lah excused him because in election he can use the wrong words.
    For reporting the truth, the journalists got ISA!!!
    Theresa Kok already denied that she complain against the mosque. Even the said mosque secretary, a TRUE MUSLIM vouched that no such complains was lodged by THERESA. Yet Pak Lah choosed to listent to liars.

  135. One way to down UMNO is to hurt it where it hurts most. No… not the groin but next to it…their pockets that have been lined with ill gotten monies.

    Have a RAKYAT Economic Sanction against UMNO.

    Stop all international events that prosper UMNO cronies like events in PWTC, visit Malaysia, Fly Everyday Free,

    Also, fill up your petrol only for 1~2 days use, then wait n see where they will store the extra petrols if not already stored in your car all this while….

    and many more ways

  136. next who will be detained? possibly Anwar? ISA on 2 Chinese has cause real uneasiness amongst Chinese in Malaysia! May 13 is on the mind of Chinese once again. Military will not stay apolitical. but lets hope UMNO will sink if such similar tragedy recur. USA may be requested to intervene, why not? It is a matter of life and death!

  137. >> Sources told The Malaysian Insider that Ahmad also could be detained under the ISA.

    it seems that ahmad ismail is close to detention under ISA. abdullah could be doing it since ahmad slapped at his face. let’s see.

  138. I call to all, lets join hands. MCA,MIC,Gerakan,Sarawakians & Sabahans. This is not a dream, its real. It will happen to you guys as it had happen to us now. I beg you to JOIN HANDS now. The reality of the current situation is cruel and dis-grace.

  139. panda_lonely Says:
    “they all are involve in same issues but,the one who said something “nonsense” get away, the one who reported it being arrested by ISA. Justice?”


    it’s the sign of moral ruins.

  140. Again some of our politicians would not hesitate to use politics of race and religion to achieve their narrow, divisive, damaging and dangerous political aims at the great expense of the country.

    These dangerous politicians playing politics of race and religion should be put away immediately – Islam is tolerance to Muslims and non Muslims. But grossly misguided Muslims are not and they a great danger to our society.

    Our leaders must show real leadership now and not surrender their leadership of our multi racial and religious country to racists, bigots, religious extremists and criminals!!!

  141. I am not a DAP member nor BN member but today what i saw is our dignity were taken away, stripped and raped. The wrong were set free and the right and just were taken in. What a huge humilation had befalls on me right now even i am not involve with politics. As citizen of Malaysia, we had pledge to uphold the 5 Rukun Negara. Now i pledge to all, whoever out there to pledge on to these 5 Rukuns, stand firm as a Malaysian.

  142. To Reporter Tan of Sin Chew. ISA is a badge of honor.
    I think there is no greater symbol to tell the world that you
    are a professional telling the truth. You have join the rank
    of the elite.

    You shall walk the street and the power to be shall tremble in fear.

    God Bless.

  143. release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..release her..

    Apai sudah marah…..

  144. Dear YB Lim

    There is an international organisation called Reporter Wihout Borders who can help reporters in trouble and can bring world pressure on the govt. Google the internet for more info.

    Do you think it is good to ask them to help?

  145. With all this unfair events happening to our country what more can i say.
    These evil doers never listen. All they know is power and greed.
    Hope our beloved King and royalties rise up to the occasion and do something before the country goes to ruins.
    I beg them to act and act fast.

  146. to the family , friends and concern people, be strong.

    to other BN components parties, stand up and abolish the ISA, it is not an human act.

    What a reporter basic duty is to report without fear the real situation, why ISA ?

    What MP’s job is to highlight the problem face by the people, it is not an sensitive issue at all. In fact, there is nothing sensitive if we open and debate open mindedly, sensitive issue will become non sensitive and accepted by all, only if we sweep under the carpet, the issue will drag for century and is still sensitive without solution.

  147. Shame on BN/UMNO. Caveman style of arrest. ISA is the easiest place for AAB administration to hide the truth.So they hide all the country’s truth in ISA.


    enough is enough. I cant waith for 13th GE anymore.

  148. It seems that the government of Malaysia has lost its grip on reality.

    The rakyat is crying for actions which would help them in these times of economic and social uncertainties.

    They are disappointed that much of their woes and problems are left unattended and not acted upon. And many are in a state of despair and frustration.

    Instead they are faced with a myriad of events which do not have any bearing on their daily subsistence and survival. Irrelevance seems to be the order of the day.

    Political party matters should not have been made into public issues. One may ask what the political parties’ elections have to do with the public at large? There ought to be a clear cut separation of political issues from public administrative matters.
    What are the public servants, who should have been apolitical, doing? If the administrative machineries are working orderly and effectively, there should not be much troubles, hiccups, and all round unhappiness and disappointment among the rakyat with the administration.

    Seems like the public administrative bodies are taking sides and thus too much affected by the political whirlwind and turbulence that is Malaysia now?

    Malaysian public administration have to be strictly apolitical so that whatever the political situation or whoever is helming the nation’s leadership, they could function normally and uninterruptedly in serving the rakyat. That’s their prime responsibility and calling.

  149. This is madness. If Teresa Kok is arrested due to the Azan issue then the government must be joking. If there’s a really a petition by Teresa as claim by former Selangor Menteri Besar then bring her to court why arrest without trial.

    Furthermore I just read from news that a joke of this century where our Home Minister said the reason the SIn Chew reporter is arrested under ISA due to there were a threat to her life. WHAT a stupid reason he taught Malaysian Adult is having a 10 years old brain. In that case all politician need to be arrested too for protection. Please our BN government be a gentlement to use dirty tactic

  150. What threat to her life?
    You,the politicians are the threat to her life!And no,we are not 10 years old.
    This is ridiculous!
    More bullshit on the way for our beloved Malaysians!
    Take her to court and let her defend herself if you dare,Mr.Home Minister.

    So fed up with you all and your dirty tactics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  151. DEar Jeys,

    No. You can talk about Islam. But please spare insulting remarks on Prophet or the religion. Never mind if you are not Muslim but show respects to all religions.

    What I mean as “Insulting”. The like that what Salman Rushdie in his rubbish “Satanic Verse” that compares Lady Khadija, wife of Prophet Muhammad, with a prostitute.

    And for efenem, I think RPK is real lucky. Should he had written this kind of rubbish in Saudi Arabia, He will have his head chopped off. When Al Arqam leader deviated from Islam by creating impression that its leader is a Messiah, Dr Mahathir just asked Islamic Council to advise him to repent. Every Muslim will know how Saudi Arabia or some Arab countries will react.

    They may tolerate scathing remarks. BUt they will not tolerate nonsense about Prophet. Their time tested way is to chop off the head .

    And for A malaysian, yes there are racist here. But UMNO is not racist. If UMNO is racist, it would have closed all vernacular schools 50 years ago. And Tan Lian Hoe will never win in Malay majority areas.

  152. DEar Emily Pratt,

    Yes you can have the petition to the Sultan if you wish. But maybe you do not realize how upset Muslims are especially in Puchong at Teresa.

    Thousands of them send petition , asking action taken against her. Like Tetesa, these people also have right. Mind you that they also include PAS members.

  153. The Agong is the defender of Islam isn’t he? I do not think he would intercede for Teresa as Muslim opinion on the street will not allow him to do that. Teresa simply needs to clarify what he said and meant as this would go a long way in setting the record straight.

  154. shamshul anuar Says:
    Thousands of them send petition , asking action taken against her. Like Tetesa, these people also have right. Mind you that they also include PAS members.

    It is not funny in trying to fabricate a story to accuse someone.

    But UMNO is not racist. If UMNO is racist, it would have closed all vernacular schools 50 years ago.

    This statement alone made you on par with those occupants in Hospital Bahagia.

  155. God/Allah is Almighty.

    To think that God/Allah needs protection and support from imperfect human being, this is the greatest insult to the Almighty.

    Stop using religion to mislead the ordinary people for narrow, divisive, damaging and dangerous political aims!

  156. A person apolog… on behalf on Ah Mad (said Ah Mad was wrong). Another senior politici.. said apolog… hurts, or insults someone….. (no need to apolog… lah), so either Ah Mad or the apolog… person is wrong lah! then can either person be ISA..ed?? or can the senior politici.. be ISA..ed?? Aiyah, Very confuse lah!

  157. It is an old tool in UMNO’s tool bag.

    When everything else fails, stir up racial sentiments on emotional issues. If there is none, create one. Use agent-provocateurs to help create a situation when public order is threatened. Then declare a state of emergency and suspend Parliament. Have the Cabinet replaced by a council to include representatives from the Armed Forces to give a semblance that the country’s public order and national security is under threat.

    Round up key politicians and political activists and detain them without charge for as long as possible. Let things simmer down. People forget and life goes back to where it was.

    Sounds familiar?

    We have passed that! The issue now is what do we do? Do we let them go down the same path as they did once before? Have more petitions signed? Call on the people to remain calm? Do nothing. Malaysians are a patient and docile lot – practical too because when their economic livelihood is threatened, they abandon their struggle for freedom in droves. They rationalise that freedom cannot help feed their families but a stable economy does.

    When will we learn as Malaysians that there are certain things in life that matter more than bread and butter?

  158. I was really so shocked this morning when picked p the papers and learnt that Teresa Kok has been arrested under ISA.

    I only have one sentence to say about this BN government – THEY ARE SUFFERING FROM MENTAL ILLNESS!! – Depression, Schizophrenia, Alzheimer, etc.

    And I think our government owned newspapers are also contracting the disease from them – writing all sort of nonsense – so pro-BN. I couldn’t stand it an longer – the more I read the more angry I get with this BN goons. I ahve decided that from tomorrow onwards, I AM NOT GOING TO BUY ANY OF THE GOVERNMENT OWNED PAPERS ANYMORE.

    I can’t stand looking at the picture of Abdullah, Najib, Hishamuddin, Khairy Jamaluddin, Syed Hamid (the picture & sight of this person gets me on my nerves), Ong Ka Ting, Ong Ka Chuan, Koh Tsu Koon, Samy Vellu, and the list goes on and on.

    Until now, can someone please enlighten me why the HELL the government still wanna arrest Teresa Kok when the mosque authorities have denied that Teresa Kok was involved in the lowering of the azan??

    Fellow Malaysians, I am a chinese. I have lots of Malay & Indian friends. And I respect them for who they are. In fact, I tend to be closer to some of my Malay friends than the chinese. Why? I don’t know, I guess we just get along well. I respect them for their beliefs, their religion. their custom, etc

    I don’t hate our Malays & Indians brothers & sisters. I HATE UMNO & BN. And I think we all know that UMNO & BN are the ones who are stirring the honet’s nest!!

    UMNO & BN – Go F*** OFF!!

  159. Dear Better Future ,

    tat time when 2 sabah mps from sapp wanted to fly to KL in support for no condidence against PM , they could not come as both mps claim they receive death threats , tat time why were they not arrested for protection too ?

  160. Many people are waiting for the time when all these UMNO criminals will be brought to justice. They are nothing but a bunch of liars acting in their selfish interest. We all have seen how they can constantly lie and deny the truth with a straight face. How evil can that be! Uuuum No we did not say that, Uuuum No we did not do that, ad nauseum. I would like to coin a new word “mengumnokan” meaning to deny the truth without shame or conscience. Example: Badawi, janganlah mengumnokan kesalahan dan kesilapan kamu dalam menangkap rakyat yang tidak bersalah dibawah ISA.

  161. it’s the time for Malaysian to decide whether to join the “Darth force” or Pakatan Rakyat which uphold the Constitutional Rights for every single Malaysian.

    UMNO-BN no longer relevant, land without UMNO continue to prosperous and dynamically moving towards the future.


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