RPK just arrested under ISA

The police have just taken Raja Petra Kamarudin from his house in Sg Buloh under the Internal Security Act.

Seems to be the beginning of a crack down.


142 Replies to “RPK just arrested under ISA”

  1. A crackdown means that the powers-that-be take the threat of Sept 16 seriously.

    I repeat what I said in preceding thread – Is Anwar he’s serious about 9/16?? This question begs answers in a crackdown that he plays no small part in instigating. I hope he’s real : he cannot just excite hopes amongst his supporters without any concrete means to gratify them in the process getting his supporters like RPK – and perhaps many others too along the way – incarcerated under ISA without the political means to extricate him/them from their predicament caused in part by supporting the promise of 9/16 that Anwar repeatedly made.

  2. fellow friends n bloggers,

    yang mulia raja petra kamarudin saw this coming. he may be in isa, but he is not the least afraid . it is no fun even being in police remand. refrain from causing yb lim any problems by postings that may cause actions to be taken against him.

    offer sympathy to marina abdullah and family.
    offer courage and prayers to dear rpk.

    watch your words.

  3. Ask your BN MP’s to leave BN now! Go talk to them. Say you are disgusted with BN and can not see yourself and your family supporting them if they remain within bn. Lets put pressure on them to force them to quit BN.

  4. dear ahkok 1982,

    …………….going out in force would be the next action…………
    ( no violence please ) . innocent malaysians will suffer.

    dear jeffrey,

    you are half right. ym raja petra was the man behind fac ( free anwar campaign ). he is also the man that support mahathir to oust abdullah badawi. he serve no master. he seek the truth. under isa, all court charges will now be academic. and truth will not be reveal as YET in open court.

  5. Going out in force does not equal to using violence to overcome this matter. It could be a peaceful way to take down the present gov.
    Some of the methods would be:

    1) Going out on a yellow wave again


  7. Going out in force does not equal to using violence to overcome this matter. It could be a peaceful way to take down the present gov.
    Some of the methods would be:

    1) Going out on a yellow wave again
    2) Social Disobedience such as everyone stop paying taxes which feeds these leeches.
    3) Everyone support the signing of a petition to the Agong to change gov
    4) Go to Kamunting to show support.

    Well, it does not have to be violence.

  8. RPK interned under ISA! This is a lesson to all those who dare to instigate hatred and racial divides, detrimental to national peace and stability, public order and community cohesion. I applaud the authorities for taking the right decision, albeit a little late. And I hope it will be a lot longer than a mere 60 days!

    His arrest comes a day after the Cabinet ordered the Multimedia and Communications Commission (MCMC) to re­instate access to all blocked websites, including the controversial Malaysia Today.

    Energy, Water and Com­mu­nications Minister Datuk Shaziman Abu Mansor said on Thursday the order was made because there were other “harsher” laws in the country, under which authorities could take action against the owners of blogs and websites, instead of blocking it.

    “The Cabinet has asked the ministry to direct MCMC to reinstate access to any blocked website with immediate effect.

    “At the same time, it is asking MCMC to closely cooperate with the police, the Attorney-General’s Office and the Home Minister to monitor any website or blog to ensure that this does not contain seditious, racist or religiously insensitive remarks.

    “Instead of blocking access to offensive websites, the Cabinet wants authorities to investigate and act quickly against the owners of these sites,” he said in Putrajaya.

  9. js
    I do not know how is DSAI going to face the rakyat should the 916 plan fail? Rakyat will lost confident on him.

    We will NEVER loose confidence on DSAI just because UMNO is playing dirty tricks. In fact this will strengthen our resolve to support him until the present government is overthrown. Who else can we hope for to do this? I also hope that it will be a priority for PAKATAN RAKYAT to secure the release of RPK. Organise whatever you deem fit and we will join you!!

  10. please guys dont call for a road protest………….no violence…..silently something great will prevail………..lets pray for rpk and for his health………..maybe he can even look after some of our kamunting detainees…..RPK will be out soon and that will be our prayers……..i mean by all indian, chinese and also malays…..

  11. What’s happening to the Hip-Hop government plan for the 916 is it still on or just Hope-Hop just to de-stabilise the nation and to incite anger and hatred. Hope the ‘crackdown’ will be more thorough even a small fish that incite racial in-stability will be cuffed

  12. butul Says:

    >> We will NEVER loose confidence on DSAI

    Such is the black magic that Anwar has put on the deluded portion of the rakyat who have put all their eggs in this basketcase called Anwar.

    The statement from PR suggested they are still confident of getting a sufficient number of MPs to oust the ruling coalition “soon”.

    Soon = Next GE, lol!

  13. zak_hammaad Says:

    Today at 15: 17.37 (3 minutes ago)
    RPK interned under ISA! This is a lesson to all those who dare to instigate hatred and racial divides, detrimental to national peace and stability, public order and community cohesion. I applaud the authorities for taking the right decision, albeit a little late. And I hope it will be a lot longer than a mere 60 days!

    My reply to Zak:
    The person who instigated hatred and racial divide is Ahmad Ismail and UMO, not Raja Petra.

    You show signs of insecurity, insensitivity and sheer ignorance here.

    Please don’t post your baseless comments here. This blog is meant for people with common sense!


  14. # Anti-Monarchy Says:

    >> The person who instigated hatred and racial divide is Ahmad Ismail and UMO, not Raja Petra.

    If you had a clock that wound back long before the Ahmad saga, you would understand the futility of your comments. Ahmad is not the first and will not be the last to make racist remarks. Racism is NOT the privy or the monopoly of the UMNO, no matter how decadent they are. Racism exists in every race and every political party. This is a fact.

    RPK is a cog within the huge machinery of bigotry dissent and instability. He will be made an example of so that other cogs do not follow his vile and menacing methods of sowing discord and religious hatred.

    >> You show signs of insecurity, insensitivity and sheer ignorance here.

    And you don’t see the irony in your post? lol. I am promoting security and sensitivity by welcoming the taking out of those who are a public nuisance.

    >> Please don’t post your baseless comments here. This blog is meant for people with common sense! Kumar

    Blogs by their very nature are inherently baseless, just visit MT and you will find many an example :^)

    Good day.

  15. Ahmad Ismail has done far worst than Raja Petra. Why isn’t he detained under ISA? Ahmad Ismail has brought the whole nation to the brink of chaos, almost on the verge of May 13! He is not only unrepented but has even given notice that he will be going on a national road show to create further racial hatred and tension in the country!

    For doing worst than RPK, Ahmad Ismail is only suspended for 3 years? He can appeal when the storm blows over and could easily be pardoned soon next year. Anyhow, he is still eligible for the next election in 4 year’s time.

    Now the sandiwara becomes clearer – why Ahmad Ismail was so brave in playing up the racial sentiments of malays, going head to head with Gerakan while ignoring the president and vice-president! He has taken this punishment as a joke even to the extent of praising Badawi and Najib for the bold action. He looks almost happy that he is suspended and knows he will be rewarded in future for doing his duty.

    The real target was Raja Petra and later those people who are responsible for UMNO’s slipping grip on power in Malaysia.

    By sacrificing Ahmad Ismail, they could turn around and say that in order to be fair and show that they don’t practise double standard, all people considered as threat to racial harmony will be rounded up and detained under ISA. In doing so, NGOs, foreigners and oppositions in Malaysia cannot argue that only action is taken on Ahmad Ismail for creating racial tension but the others like Raja Petra, Bloggers and opposition parties would be spared from action.

    They would sacrifice only one low level UMNO politician, albeit Ahmad Ismail, but they are able to put the big fishes like Raja Petra, LKS, LGE or Anwar behind bars which would slow down or stop completely their march to Putrajaya!

    At the moment, the UMNO malays are very worked up and angry; they want equal action treatment and heads to roll. To satisfy this group of people, UMNO will present the head of somebody important, for the time being RPK!

    MCA, Gerakan and MIC have fallen all over themselves in praising UMNO for practising fairness and justice to the non-malays. They have been duped into believing that BN will be setting up a code of conduct but when the punishment comes, UMNO will be the one deciding on the type of punishment – one set of rules for itself and another set for the rest of BN members.

    Ahmad Ismail has no intention of repenting and UMNO is still supporting him as shown in the press conference held by him using the facilities meant for UMNO and Badawi with the support of certain UMNO leaders. It just shows that UMNO, MCA, Gerakan and MIC are all in cahoots in acting out the sandiwara.

    Very soon, they will go after more targets with greater zeal and greater force!

    It is a slap on the wrist for Ahmad Ismail but ISA for Raja Petra for the lesser offence of going against the powers that be! Ahmad Ismail is due to go on a holiday while the punishment is meted out but Raja Petra and those people who will be targeted by UMNO will be sitting in Kamunting for a long, long time!

    This beloved country of ours runned by BN has gone to the way of Zimbabwe and Myanmar!

    DAP, just be extra careful in this volatile period on what you say or act or else we rakyat will have no leaders left to send this corrupt and arrogant UMNO government to the annuals of history!

  16. What would Malaysian do if Anwar, Lim Kit Siang, Hadi, Aziz, Karpal…..etc all also Round up under ISA……

    What will be our actions??

    Is the time for whatever it takes to remove UMNO-BN come?…..

    Mat Kilau is ready. All remaining leaders of Barisan Rakyat should make their location Unknown NOW!!

  17. zak_hammaad

    So the arrest of RPK is to show example to others not play with racial right…..hmmm than ….let the clock wound back…

    Let get the NAJIS…for what he said in 1988….that would set an exampel right? Or shall we get the old MAMAK for what he done and said in 1969 era? Or maybe for what he said in Johor a few months ago on. That would also be an great exampel…

    Like what I said…bye..bye junk.

  18. “Onam is the national festival of Kerala. It is celebrated in honour of Mahabali, the mythical Asura king of ancient Kerala. Malayalees believe that on Onam day Bali visits his subjects.” Thanks for sharing that with us drmaharajahrk.

    Do you think think Mahabali was punished for his good deeds? Perhaps this can apply to RPK too where you can consider his arrest as a punishment for his “good deeds” that he has sown through his fatalistic blog.

  19. prelude3372 Says:

    >> So the arrest of RPK is to show example to others not play with racial right

    WRONG. His arrest is in connection to his insulting posts on Islam, and not the political palaver that we are so used to.

    >> Let get the NAJIS…for what he said in 1988….that would set an exampel right?

    Please clarify?

    >> Or shall we get the old MAMAK for what he done and said in 1969 era?

    Please clarify?

    Or maybe for what he said in Johor a few months ago on. That would also be an great exampel…

    Please clarify?

  20. ///Organise whatever you deem fit and we will join you!!/// – butul

    They’re waiting for the demos to begin to serve as an excuse in name of public security and order to impose an emergency rule, in the process, arresting Anwar & Pakatan Rakyat’s leaders, sidelining the present PM….

    No wonder Ahmad Ismail is unrepentent : he seems he has factored into his calculations the bigger scheme of things and think that one day like TDM, he would be rehabilitated in glory.

    Meanwhile TDM could even twist and say that the Chinese don’t mind race politics, its Pak lah they can’t stand – see MalaysiaInsider.

    The reactionary elements have struck back with 9/12 card to challenge Anwar/PR – where is your 9/16 card? The guantlet – Got show or no show?

    Crackdown is more or less expected as more and more BN’s vested interest lobby for a strong solution to stop the implosion of UMNO vis-a-vis Anwar’s sabre rattling of 16th September (true or hype). Datuk Seri Tiong even deemed fit to bring back BN MPs from Taiwan so that “there is still time to Sept 16” – he told The Straits Times.

    As far as RPK goes, he has expected this more than a week ago : he has his sources, and might well be prepared not just the arrest but the form of his retaliation. (after all Syed Hamid did warn on September 6th that RPK could be charged under the ISA for comments allegedly insulting Islam and Prophet Muhammad).

    I guess his incarceration under ISA just made him a political dissident vested with martyr status. Immediately he might missed his computer more than his liberty.

    On the point of unlocking the block on MalaysiaToday ostensibly to uphold pledge of Internet Freedom under Bill of guarantee to international community, one can’t uphold such a pledge by such a means by arresting, at the same time, its alter ego (RPK) under ISA – what’s the difference???

  21. There is now a popular believe among the UMNO people that only Mahathir has the solution to their fast crumbling organisation. How wrong!

    I thought God has allowed Mahathir to stay alive (2 by pass in 2 weeks at age 80plus!) to repent of his wrongful past for planting a racist tree over a period of 22 years and is now bearing all kinds of poisonous fruits – from fixing of Judiciary (Lingam), corruption (police & legislators), Nepotism (cronies), education standard deterioration (where are we?), soaring crimes etc etc sending a great nation further & further down in the global arena.

    How long more UMNO wants to continue to go on this filthy path bringing along MCA, Gerakan , MIC & the rest?

  22. Syed Hamid Apa has lost his brains! I bet you his brain cells are equal to the number of hairs on his head.

    I wonder how his kids can look up to such an imbecile.

    What national threat has RPK inflicted upon Msia? You see anyone going to the streets and running amok?

    All the more reason now for Anwar to take over the gomen.

  23. Actung!! WARNING !!! It has began,
    Keep calm pls…. This is expected.

    The greatest IMMEDIATE threat is right here!

    PLS IGNORE THIS Zak..hammaad, the instigator of this blog.
    Do not React!! SKIP any thread that comes from Zak…
    For your own good.

    Everyone try to show some respect to this blog here.
    I urge no one show be tempt to reply to his thread.
    Let him go on. Have nothing to do with this virus!!

    Can we all do it? Ignore Zak…..He’ll be more visible from now on. Just Skip his thread? Garuantee you would loose anything. You’ll be sane without reading his thread.

    Pls do it. Pray hard for ppl in ISA and DSAI and rakyat who just want peace in this country.

  24. zak_hammaad

    For a guy who can say “Blogs by their very nature are inherently baseless, just visit MT and you will find many an example” which made us thinking that you must have been regular at these blogs like MT….and also reads those posted there….so that’s why you justified your above statement.

    But suprised that you need clarify on what Najis said in 1988, on what the old fellow have done in late 1960s and few months ago in Johor.

    If you need clarification on all these…then surely you must be one that logs in to MT once in a blue moon ….so how come you can say the above statement??

    Or unless you are the person like RPK says …ignore the 99% of the issue and hangs on the 1% that is not the real issue that was been deliver out by the postings.

    I think I rest my case with you.

  25. 9to5 Says:

    Today at 15: 44.27 (3 minutes ago)
    Ahmad Ismail has done far worst than Raja Petra. Why isn’t he detained under ISA?

    Welcome to the state of BURMA-MALAYSIA, bunch of filthy rich extortionist. If you’re bloodthirst enough to join their cronies and Suck their own kind you would be spared, else extruded without mercy. This cronies are pirates who applies their own policy and claim we are the Democratic Nation.

  26. Ahmad Ismail is just one of many UMNO opportunist who is waiting for the right time to garner support. He’s just doing what many others have done before. Have we forgotten Najib? Have we forgotten Hishammudin? How about Khairy? Haven’t they cried out loud for Chinese blood if we choose to raise our objections to their leadership? Have they not reminded us a thousand times before that if we continue to question their special rights, there would be another May 13 riot? Honestly, the rakyat have grown matured & more understanding then what these social/racial experts seem to know bests. As usual this has been an UMNO tactic from the days of Mahathir & now to remind the people which political party their ass belongs to [Just look at the color] & you should know who to join up with or support. Anyway, the people have gotten smarter, the Malays, Chinese, Indians & all of us knows very well what needs to be done & where the root cause of the problem is coming from.

    In the spirit of togetherness and racial harmony & positive culture for all Malaysians, we should reject UMNO, MCA & MIC all together.

    We don’t NEED racial politics anymore.

    We don’t WANT racial politics anymore.

    We can’t CONTINUE with racial politics anymore.

    I close this comment with two famous quotes:-

    (1) “For evil to truimph is for good men to do nothing”
    (2) “You either shape up or ship out”

  27. Ooops, talk about the devil,

    correction. You have NOTHING to loose if you ignore this Zak..’thing’. His intention are clear cut. He enjoys it each time he is able to get a ‘respond’. He craved for attention, doesn’t matter the quality of comments. The more rediculous, the better, get it folks?

    So, just do some justice here to the blog, Watch our words! He will tempt you to say things that may get you in trouble?

    All yours Zak…. rock n roll, You’ll be invisible from here on!!!

  28. Hi everyone,

    I think we should know that this zak_hammaad fellow has an UMNO leash around his neck so why even bother to reply to his comments or remarks?
    We do not need to stir up any more strong emotions of hatred right? So just choose to ignore and forgive and give pity to his mental capacity which is on a leash.

  29. Lets pray for Marina and Raja Petra my buddy.

    It is a sad day for Malaysia. It’s selective prosecution and the Government is using the mighty and dreadful Internal Security Act again to shut him. The Government must explain clearly how Petra is a threat to national security and why he has been detained under the dreadful ISA. It is not fair as Petra has been charged and has not attempted to flee and has indicated his desire to defend himself in court. Besides, he is not even the blog’s owner and is not responsible for the contents published.

    Ahmad Ismail should have been rightfully charged instead of Petra as he is the instigator of racial riot and he is the real threat to Malaysia’s peace & stability. Even him I do not suggest be put away under ISA but bring him to book in open court.

    I spoke to Petra lastnight and he told me something was not right and they are up to no good as the sudden turn around on the unblocking of MalaysiaToday is a sure sign that they are planning something big on him. I did not understand then. Now I understand what Petra was trying to tell me.

  30. i believe UMNO-BN statement cant a single drop of water now & forever…

    is this TDM or ABB instructions of throwing RPK into Kamunting…???
    in what sense RPK was charge…???

    what about UMNO [deleted] which kept barking “pendatang”..?
    are UMNO trying to tell RAKYAT, they will be safe to bark as long as they’re UMNO [deleted]…!

    if today DSAI announce to have a snap poll, i can guarantee the beruk-beruk of UMNO-BN that this is the last [deleted] cabinet…!

  31. The use of ISA by the BN govt has been arbitrary and inconsistent as we have seen in recent days. As such it is used in a way that smacks of double standards.

    But that does not mean I am in favour of the ISA. As a piece of legislation that was originally meant to combat communist terrorists, it has been used to marginalise non-violent legitimate opposition to the govt. Its arbitrary use with no recourse for appeal by the victim and with the possibility of police violence on the victim certainly makes this piece of legislation quite immoral, as the right of the person to legal recourse is stripped from him. If RPK has done wrong there are more than adequate laws to charge him.

    Charge RPK or set him free. But why is RPK detained at this time? May I proffer a guess. It has to do with his court case which will be heard next month. My guess is that if RPK claims to have the kind of credible evidence that he has to defend himself and incriminating evidence against the person whom he has accused, then the govt or the said official will certainly be put in a very difficult position to explain matters. The use of the ISA solves this problem quite neatly for the govt. If so, then the use of the ISA is highly politically motivated.

    Further, the political situation with Anwar Ibrahim coming back to the scene is too hot for the govt to handle.

    Using the ISA to contain an aspect of the multi-fold problems that the govt is facing is not a civilised solution that we want to see today. It is liken to a person who loses an argument going into his house and brings a parang and comes charging at his opponent.

    For the flagrant abuse of its use, and also the immorality of it as a piece of legislation, I am against ISA and calls for its abolishment!

  32. prelude3372 Says:

    Today at 16: 35.32 (52 seconds ago)
    Guys….if you all want to something to resolve this current issues….sign the petition to the King….50K signature is so hard to achieve….please help RPK…..

    How do i sign? post a link pls…

  33. La Pax Says:

    >> RPK did’nt do anything wrong!!!!! why?? why??

    Either your ilk actually believe what you write or you all prefer a “head-in-the-sand” approach to issues. MT is available for everyone to see. RPK was NOT interned because of his political or indeed racial views. It was his insults against Islam that has got him what he deserves. For too long people tried to reason with him (this can be seen from some comments) and reproached him for his lies, slander and deliberate twisting of words and historical facts. He preferred infamy and sensationalism over substance.

    An Islamophobe who claims to be Muslim? Such is his moronic logic. He is fortunate to be in Malaysia, in other Muslim countries, he would have long had the noose around his neck!

  34. to zak_hammaad:
    Thanks for the history lesson, would love to walk down the memory lane with you but alas I have no time.

    I have visited MK and have read what RPK has written.

    Racism exists I agree but it is not tolerated. It’s a different story altogether in this country in that it is ok to practice racism in this here by way of say Bumiputra rights. Ketuanan Melayu, keris wielding acts and many more.
    This is what I called institutionalised racism (in which the ruling govenment says that it’s ok to be racist as long as we could protect our own interests) which you will not find in any other country practising democracy.

    You say you promote security and sensitivity. How so I wonder. By condemning a man who was transparent and responsible to open the eyes of many Malaysians?

    What’s wrong if RPK spoke about religion? The very religion hatred you allege RPK was writing about in his blog is actually being practised by UMNO!! Just look at what they have done to tarnish Teresa Kok’s name!!

    You say racism is not the privy or monopoly of UMNO but I beg to differ. Just look at the yearly meetings they have at PWTC, there’s nothing but racism spoken about at the expense of they taxpayers money.

  35. Mahathir is putting the rot fully & squarely on AAB’s head. Poor AAB! He is just tending the Mahathir’s racist tree which is now in the peak season of bearing all types of poisonous fruits. Like the saying says – “the white dog steals the food but the black dog takes the blame”.
    But AAB must be blamed for taking too long a time to change.

    Why the rakyat vote opposition? – WE WANT BETTER CHECKS & BALANCES, not what race based politics!

  36. >> ….sign the petition to the King….

    The king as a defender of Islam will give scant credence to a bigot like RPK.

    He should have taken the sincere advice of many and stuck with subjects pertaining to the politics of the country rather than delving into Islam. He ignored it at his own risk and will now pay the price. We hope that he is not released after 60 days unless he has been truly rehabilitated and promises not to speak about matters he has no knowledge of re: Islam.

    Repeat: PRK is not interned because of the political and racial content of his blog. It is his insults of Islam under the guise of freedom of expression accorded to him for many years. His irresponsibility and lack of self-regulation (unlike our dear Lim Kit) has finally caught up with him.

    While Ahmad Ismail was trying to incite racial conflict among races and got away with three yrs suspension. RPK is detained for no obvious reasons.
    Now Toyol fella too simply accused theresa of complaining against the mosque. Was he detained. Now we have a shining example Muslim of the said mosque secretary Ahmad Redzuan Samsudin wjo personally lodged a report against Toyol.
    Shame on Toyol. Praise be to Ahmad Redzua , a true Muslim who treasure peace.






  39. RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA

    RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA

    RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA

    RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA

    RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA

    RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA RPK just arrested under ISA

  40. ///It was his insults against Islam that has got him what he deserves./// Who determines and has credentials and scholarship to determine fairly, justly and correctly he has insulted Islam? Should it not be determined by the Syariah Court rather than officials in Hiome Ministry proceeding under the ISA, traditionally used against non believers like Communists???

  41. zak_hammaad says:

    An Islamophobe who claims to be Muslim? Such is his moronic logic. He is fortunate to be in Malaysia, in other Muslim countries, he would have long had the noose around his neck!

    My reply:
    First of all, how many Muslim countries practices democracy? Are you trying to compare Malaysia with countries where it says it needs 4 male witness when a female is raped?

    Ahmad Ismail is Buddistphobe/Christianphobe (he is clearly anti-Jew) and the govenment is Hinduphobe for destructing temples and using water with chemical substance on Hindraf supporters?

    Institutionalised racism to the core.

  42. a bad case of botak lawan botak … syed botak tangkap raja botak pulak!

    we had operasi lalang years ago. operasi belalang this time? i want to think so that this would be apt. while badawi sleeps …. as in the story of pak belalang…

  43. Who issued orders that RPK be arrested under ISA? They are real desperate!

    What about racist Ahmad Ismail, Azhar Ibrahim of UMNO Bukit Bendera who uttered racial slurs against the Chinese citizens of this country? Is that not a bigger threat to national security of this country? What is the government waiting for?

  44. gofortruth Says:

    >> Mahathir is putting the rot fully & squarely on AAB’s head.

    There is a tendency these days to condemn the National Front as being effete and an obstacle to the modern concepts of a free democratic Government. The miserable performance of the Barisan Nasional in the March elections is attributed by foreign observers as evidence of a wind of change, as a rejection of race-based politics of the past.

    They believe that the Malay, Chinese and Indian voters voted for a change to a more liberal regime.

    The debacle suffered by the Barisan Nasional was due to the voters’ disgust with the leadership of Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

    Let us examine the course of Malaysian politics leading up to the 2008 debacle in order to appreciate what happened. For almost half a century the Alliance / Barisan Nasional Governments had had the full support of the peoples of all races. There were ups and downs but the Barisan Nasional would invariably win elections with a 2/3 majority in Parliament. Other than Kelantan, the states had always elected Barisan Nasional Governments. Sabah for a time was not with Barisan Nasional.

    In 1999 Elections Malay support of the Barisan Nasional was eroded because of sympathy for Anwar Ibrahim. But the Chinese strongly backed the Barisan Nasional to give it its usual 2/3rd majority and opposition stalwarts like Karpal Singh and Lim Kit Siang, who had never been defeated before, lost their seats.

    Had the trend been towards change and rejection of the Barisan Nasional the 2004 election would show this. But far from being rejected the Barisan Nasional swept through with its best ever result, getting 9/10th of the seats in Parliament, regaining Terengganu and almost capturing Kelantan.

    All signs point to the total acceptance of the Barisan Nasional and the Governments it had formed. And why not? Had not the Barisan Nasional built this country until it has become the most developed of developing countries, conducted free elections, brought stability and unprecedented economic development and achieved a degree of racial harmony which is the model for many multiracial countries of the world.

    The remainder can be read at chedet.


  45. oh dear, what the super-duper double standard!

    Y UTUSAN MALAYSIA did not received show case letter whereas it has been stoking fire since pre-election up to recent Khir Toyoh’s statemet?

    Y the FAT Ahmad only been stripped off UMNO membership la, instead he should hv put in kamunting much earlier…

    Yo, UMNO has proven to us again that it is indeed a SUPER hypocrite piece of crap.

    UNCLE KIT and PR, please send them to the oblivion once PR seize power…

  46. They are taking out RPK for 60 days. They hope people will protest and turn to riots so that they can declare a state of emergency & start Ops Lalang 2. Don’t fall for this disgusting, degrading ploy. Notice how quietly MCA & Gerakan have stepped aside???
    10 days are a long time for Ahmad Ismail to make a response. All pre planned show lah!

    Don’t fall into this dirty trap!!!!!

  47. Dear YB,
    OPERATION LALANG II have just started,so how are you goin to anticipate?I read the articles of RPK which sounds we are all equal but diferences in colour,race and religion.This UMNO led govt are heading to hell since the arrest of HINDRAF 5.They are not learning anything since march 8 except for arrogannce.They need to arrest the adun in perak who compared indians with snake,ahmad ismail for racist act,kerismuddin,najis for murdering altantuya,bodhowi for iraq oil for food scam etc.We need to do something b4 they start putting everyone in kamunting.

  48. ya dude, i strongly believe that the ahmah-tsu kun saga sandiwara is a ploy to stoke racial tension…

    so they hv excuse to declare state of emergency…pls remain calm and pray hard for PR.

    Uncle Lim and PR, pls make RPK the last person of ISA arrest.

  49. RPK has made it VERY CLEAR that ISA will be used on him and he also made it VERY CLEAR that only a change of Federal government can save him. So, all supporters should remain calm and hopefully a change of government will materialize soon, no matter its 916, 1016, 1116 or … but soon. Be patient!!! Lets pray!

  50. zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says: zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says: zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says: zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says: zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says: zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says: zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says: zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says: zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says: zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:zak_hammaad Says:

  51. It is not worth wasting time on people like zak_hammaad. We should just ignore him although allowing him the right to express his views.

    We all know that the BN is shamelessly practising double standards. They should have arrested Ahmad Ismail rather than RPK. We can argue until we are blue in the face and they will still be as detestable as they have been, even more now.

    We all know that the BN has to be toppled because they are leading this country to hell.

    But I tend to agree with Jeffrey on the question he raised about whether Anwar is genuinely confident and really ready to topple the BN soon. If he is not really ready with or genuinely confident about the 30 or more MPs to cross over and is just playing ‘poker’ by trying to confuse or persuade a couple of the BN MPs to take the lead in the jump and hoping or calculating that this jump will be followed by a herd who do not wish to remain in a seemingly sinking ship, if all Anwar is doing is like ‘gambling’, we will just be stakes in that dangerous game and some of us like RPK will have to suffer the grave consequences of following or supporting a reckless gambler. The game can lead the whole country into chaos.

    Already the market is badly affected. Of course not all is due to the uncertainty created by Anwar and 916 threats but that plan has a big part to play in dampening the market by the uncertainties that it creates and in inciting the people especially the politicians to affirm or re-assess their positions which would invariably lead to squabbles and harsh words and more confusion and uncertainties. It is a vicious cycle made worse with the uncertainties and lack of firm leadership within UMNO.

    Though I agree that the BN is no longer fit to govern and ought to be replaced, the sooner the better, I feel that if Anwar is not certain or confident of or real with the 916 plan (and for this, only he and a few others would know), then we should just wait for the next GE rather than using the ordinary people as stakes in the big gamble to win the right to govern next week or the following week.

    As it is now, there are so many glued to their computers, TV or radio or hanging around in coffeshops and cafes just waiting for the next big political news, neglecting all other things. This is not healthy at all and may be too high a price to pay unless Anwar and the PR are seriously confident and genuine in the 916 plan.

    The longer I wait, the more I think that 916 is just a ruse, the more I think I have been deceived and the more I think, seeing the grave consequences of uncertainties and dangers in this high political game, that it may be better to stay until trhe next GE with the devil I know than the angel I don’t. Anwar and his gang may be enjoying the game and delighting in seeing the BN scurrying about like chickens without heads but they must remember that we, the ordinary Malaysians are the pawns, the stakes.

    It may be better, for the sake of peace, for the PR to show us that they can govern much better than the BN in the 5 states that they now have and if they can prove themselves, then they should have no problem taking over the right to govern the whole country in the next GE rather than forcing a change in a dubious and uncertain way.

    It is very confusing for me – I want the BN to go, the sooner the better, but at the same time, I think we should have a more peaceful transition than what we are going through now or what I fear we have to go through, a crackdown reminiscent of Operation Lallang.

    So, YB Lim and Anwar and all those in the forefront of the game, although we are willing to take the risk and bear the consequences for the sake of a better Malaysia, please make sure that we will not be burned recklessly. And if the plan is real. please get it done and over with quickly.

  52. Anti-Monarchy Says:

    >> First of all, how many Muslim countries practices democracy?

    Democracy is a very broad concept and there remains no specific definition of it. Remnants of democracy may be practised in some Muslims countries, but it is molded to local customs and sentiments. Muslim nations generally are more accustomed to one party, authoritarian setup.

    >> and the govenment is Hinduphobe for destructing temples and using water with chemical substance on Hindraf supporters?

    Err, . As for water cannons, they have been used in the past on other people as well. It is not a pre-meditated act of blind fury; if you break the law, be prepared to pay the price.

    Untrue to the rumours that most of the temples are being destroyed on the orders of local councils to make way for new state development projects. The fact is that some are illegally built without permits. The authorities are willing to relocate them to other places; but such news rarely gets noticed!

    The temples, many built before Malaysia won its independence in 1957, are illegal structures because they lack proper registration and are situated on government lands. Agreed that the government has failed to draw up clear policies regarding the status of the more than 6,000 Hindu temples across the country. But the process needs to begin somewhere.

    >> Institutionalised racism to the core.

    And you can thank the NEP for that! No one denies that the status quo needs to change, but it is how this change must come that will determine the smoothness or recklessness of the transition.

  53. shadow Says:

    >> RPK was arrested for other reasons everyone knows.

    Prove it!? He was detained under Section 73 (1) of the ISA as he was deemed a threat to security, peace and public order.

    Utusan Malaysia reported on Saturday that SKMM had banned MT not for political reasons or because it was very critical of politicians, but because the website had insulted Prophet Muhammad.

    As most of RP’s supporters seem to be non-Muslim, you can be forgiven for over-looking this aspect. Those from amongst the so-called “progressive” or “moderate” Muslims riding the pro-RP band-wagon need to re-assess his blog in accordance with the referential integrity of their faith.

    Good day.

  54. milduser Says:


    That may explain why Pakatan has sent 5 of it’s PMs to Taiwan for counter agriculture lessons :^)

    The truth is that BN and Pakatan are 2 cheeks from the same bottom! Both are well accustomed to dirty politicking and psyche warfare. Pakatan has not been given the opportunity to lead the nation, but if it ever gets the chance, you will see the race relations deteriorate at a faster rate. Why? Because DAP’s secularism is diametrically opposed to Islam and thus majority Muslim country. And far from the opposition’s win being brought about by rejection of racial politics, it has actually enhanced racial politics.

    Bangsa Malaysia is a tough cookie to crack. I believe this can be possible through integration as someone pointed as as part of 3 possible scenarios. How do we get this integration when the various races do not even mix with each other and are continually suspicious of each other?

    Political change is never a 100% surety for change of the mindset. Again, I repeat that geo-social politics is a global trend that is as old as governments themselves. Thia can not be ignored and will be close to impossible to change this.

    For example, how do you convince a state like Kelantan that their interests will be best served by a secular DAP? Even if the DAP are more than competent, they will be rejected on the simple platform of religious affiliation. How do you convince a state like Sarawak that their interests will be best served by a PAS? Even if PAS are more than competent, they will be rejected on the simple platform of racial/religious affiliation.

  55. zak_the_beever u shouldn’t belong here…

    His artical are definition and facts of misuse authority by UMNOputras as extortionist to manipulate and bind the muslim-malay for self gain.

    The sign was clear as they pretend to be dolphin with their HUGE SHARK FIN stay afloat on the water surface!

    But pity most of the Malay authority had been used as their hands filled with bloodstain, they follow the devils lead. The mamak(AI) who self-proclaim Malay-muslim deserve more to put into the ISA instead!

  56. Zak. As all religion preaches “”God is all forgiving”” If RPK or anyone else,who had spoken or written anything bad on ISLAM,or any other religion.Then let them be punish by god ,Let GOD sent them to hell .Who are we MORTALS to pass judgement.
    God is so powerful, if he wants he can strike RPK or anyone else with a bolt of lightning.If RPK had broken any man made laws then charged him in court.RPK must be given the chance to fight his case in open court.

  57. Bobster Says:

    >> It is time for the nation to call for REFORMASI and bring down the evil and corrupted BN!

    Bobster, empty slogans do nothing. I dare you and the anti-establishment rakyat to take direct action and publically intervene. Do not cry foul when the water cannons come out.

    cheng, I’m sure that PR’s case will eventually go to court. At the moment, the pressing item was to remove him from public discourse so that he does not cause any more damage. After 60 days, we shall see what the decision is and how the case will be prepared.

  58. zak_hammaad Says:

    Bobster, empty slogans do nothing. I dare you and the anti-establishment rakyat to take direct action and publically intervene. Do not cry foul when the

    To Zak Hammaad and BN goons:-

    You shall see, these are many ways to sink the sinking ship. Of course not necessary have to go head on collision with this corrupt goons. Just wait and see!

  59. To live in peace .We must see each and every as HUMANS first.Not Muslim ,Christians,Hindus,or even as a free thinker.
    Not Indians ,Chiness,Malays.Not as Americans ,British,Russians or even Africans. But then again it will never happen.

  60. zak_hammaad says:

    “Repeat: PRK is not interned because of the political and racial content of his blog. It is his insults of Islam under the guise of freedom of expression accorded to him for many years.”

    The government has not explained clearly WHY, HOW or WHICH SENTENCE in the article quoted is insulting to Islam.

    Hardly anyone who read MT are insulted.

    So, zak_hammaad – will you quote SPECIFIC sentences from that article which you claimed have insulted Islam?

    Or are you just going to hide behind the skirt of the government and hallowly claimed that he insulted Islam?

    As to pointing to “Islamic bodies” that rejected and has filed whatever police report, don’t hide behind that skirt too.


    I for one who reads MT simply don’t understand how it is an insult to Islam.

  61. so many visit your blog to hurl insults and negative comments. May I suggest something more productive. Most of them, trying to be PROFESSORS in politics…

    Charge each RM500 for any comments submitted. Baru ler worth it. As you bark, you pay….

    Make use of these funds to help the flood victims, the poor, the sick and the excess funds, sent to the Quake/Landslide/Hurricane victims.

  62. Such is the nature of the ISA Law that it gives unfettered powers to the Home Minister.
    I watched him recently on al-Jazeera and he mentioned something about “freedom ending when your fist reaches someone’s nose” but unfortunately the interviewer was too mild and did not press him to explain the concept of detention without trial.

    Having demos is not the answer as the Armed Forces Chief has already sounded a dire warning about public security.
    Just remember not to have more than 3 persons in a group as the law states you require a police permit.

    Adam Yong makes some of the more sensible comments here and we should not be trying to stir unrest. Let’s support PR’s quest peacefully.

  63. zak-hammaad said this –

    “Institutionalised racism to the core.

    And you can thank the NEP for that! No one denies that the status quo needs to change, but it is how this change must come that will determine the smoothness or recklessness of the transition.”

    I think we should not just dismiss zak_hammaad as coming from the enemy camp and therefore not to be friendly with. I may have been wrong to state earlier that zak_hammaad should just be ignored.

    The question is indeed not whether the status quo has to be changed. It has to be changed for many obvious reasons and for the benefits of all, even the Malays. The issue is how we change. And that is zak_hammaad’s stand and I think we should respect the sensibility of that stand. It is no use shouting and ranting for a change without stopping to think about how to go about doing that. Oft-time, I think there are merits in the criticism levied against Obama that he is more rhetoric than real. Change is an attractive war-cry. But what and how is another thing altogether.

    The fear amongst many Malays is that once PR takes over the helm of government, they will be replaced by and have to fend for themselves against the more successful non-Malays. Amongst the non-Malays, the fear is that if sufficient number of Malays have the same fear and suspicion against the non-Malays, a civil strife would erupt.

    Any change therefore must be incremental and gradual. Like a serious medical problem, the healing must be gradual and be allowed to take its natural course.

    That is why I feel sometimes that the PR should just for now until the next GE focus on doing a good job in the 5 states that they are now controlling than to have this ambitious plan to take over the governance of the whole country in the next few days. Already we are more and more convinced by the good job done in Perak, Selangor and Penang. I see no reason why the PR cannot take Negeri Sembilan and maybe even Johor and Pahang in the next GE.

    Stay in the opposition for a while yet, form a shadow cabinet, get down to the business of providing checks and balances, curb the excesses, expose the corruption and cheating, let democracy run its natural course. That is what the PR should do now in Federal politics and not create so much uncertainty by wanting a quick take-over of the Federal Government. However, if they really are able to do so, then do so quickly. But after having taken over, I think they should call for a GE as soon as practicable to have the endorsement of and hence legitimacy from the people. I think Sivarasa of the PKR has announced that the PR will call for a GE after they have taken over the right to govern.

    It will not be easy to list down one by one what you would do if you are in power. It would be better if for a while you stay in the opposite camp and state what you would have done in real issues and situations which have cropped up. What would you have done in the body snatching cases? What would you have done to people like Ahmad Ismail? What would you have done to the quota for Malays in the public universities? Do you scrap that immediately when you get into power or would it be a gradual process? What about the requirements to have a certain percentage of bumiputra contractors or sub-contractors in government or other projects?

    What I am saying is that there are many things which have to be reversed. How are we to do those? I think it may be best if the PR will tell us step by step, gradually, as the real issues and situation arise. And the PR will be able to do that best when they are still in the opposition. I do not want to jump from the frying pan into the fire. I am not even sure that the DAP can work with PAS and hold together the PR. I want more proof of the permanence and the workability of the marriage between DAP and PAS.

    At the same time, as I have said before, the BN government has become really, really disgusting and intolerable. We are all caught in a very unenviable position. What we all hope for is a quick solution so that we can quickly get back to business as usual and to build up this nation again. I am sure there are many like me who are mired in a deep dilemma as to what is best for the nation. It is time to stop the rhetoric and the emotional outburst and comments and to start thinking about how best to effect the changes that are so obviously needed while maintaining peace and order.



  65. Ha ha! Zak always talk using fancy words but always very hard to capture the meaning as the meaning always changes from one post to the next.

    RPK interned under ISA! This is a lesson to all those who dare to instigate hatred and racial divides -zak_hammaad

    This sentence implied that he believed that RPK was ISA’ed because RPK was instigating racial hatred.

    “WRONG. His arrest is in connection to his insulting posts on Islam, and not the political palaver that we are so used to.” -zak_hammaad

    But then later he specifically answers that RPK was ISA’ed because of insulting Islam.

    Zak. Stop using so many fancy words. I think you are confusing yourself.

    RPK was ISA’ed under the pretext of insulting Islam, so why you bother to talk about ‘RPK instigating racial divide’ when RPK has always been calling for racial unity?

    You keep dropping all sorts of suggestive comments then quickly change your tune when it becomes blatantly obvious that only a moron would believe it.

  66. Siapa agaknya yang perlu dimasokkan dalam ISA, walaupun tiada orang bersetuju dengan cara kuku besi ini……. dan kalo pun antara RPK dan Si Ahmad Ismail, siapa sebenarnya lebih serius…

    Memang tidak adil, dan kata-kata yang mencetuskan ketidakharmornian antara berunsul jenis perkauman yang patut kita tegur ….

    Apajua, undi saya tetap kepada Pakatan Rakyat, kepada PKR, kepada DAP, kepada PAS, kepada mana-mana parti yang betul-betul berjuang untuk semua lapisan masyarakat…………. dan saya tegaskan disini…
    dalam sepanjang hayat dan dulu jugak selepas berlayak membuat undi dalam pilihanraya, UNDI SAYA TETAP PADA PAKATAN RAKYAT, PKR, DAP, PAS……………..



    HIDUP PKR, PAS, DAP……………….


  67. it is a joke , and it is happening as if all are dumb and blind

    but maybe we are really dumb and blind…still they are others more dumb and more blind….

    heck is there such a thing as more stupid than stupid.

    perhaps confused and disorientated seem an apt feeling…..who ? …you or me.

  68. While I am not a fan of ISA, I must say RPK deserved it. He knows and we all know he had it coming. We need people who are constructive in their comments, not someone who is full of hatred, is emotional and writes what he wants without any respect for people’s feelings and thoughts.

  69. Hypocrisy at its highest. Our Minister go Myanmar & preach about democracy. Meantime, back home let’s use the ISA on our political enemies. Malaysia Boleh ISA. Lain tak boleh. Hanya BN-UMNO boleh.

    Let’s do something to show our solitude with RPK & family. Best is some NGO to do it. Otherwise BN will politicise it as they like to politicise everything from pig farm to automatic toilets.

  70. Why ISA? Why not get RPK to justify what he wrote in a debate with those who think are holier than him. Those who claim holier than RPK should be given a chance to defend their knowledge & challenge RPK. This is not about having the b***s but brains. This is what maturity is about. Not just go & lock someone you don’t like without trial. The ISA should only apply to terrorist. At the same time, Datuk Ahmad Ismail got a 3 year holiday cum forced paid leave for what he said – & that was not seditious??? Are we all still on diapers?

  71. katdog, it’s called English. You should try and learn it, lol.

    Anyway, back to the news at hand:

    KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 12 (Bernama) — Deputy Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar said blogger Raja Petra Raja Kamarudin was arrested Friday under the Internal Security Act (ISA) after police found his actions to be a threat to national security.

    In a statement issued here Friday, he said the arrest of the ‘Malaysia Today’ website operator was made after police were satisfied with the evidence from their monitoring of Raja Petra’s blogging activities.

    “Our monitoring shows that his actions could cause tension among the country’s multi-racial and multi-religious society.

    “He had to be detained to enable police to conduct further investigation into his actions,” Ismail said.

    He added that Raja Petra’s detention was also to curb actions that could cause disunity and religious conflicts among the races.

    According to the statement, Raja Petra was arrested under Section 73 (1) of the ISA 1960, at his house, No. 5, Jalan BRP 5/5, Bukit Rahman Putra, Sungai Buloh, Selangor at about 1.10pm Friday.

  72. HB Lim, your post, from 3rd paragraph onwards is the best piece of analytical read I have had today. If there were more objective people like you on this board, we’d be fast approaching a tangible solution. Thank you!

  73. September 12, 2008 22:26 PM

    KEMAMAN, Sept 12 (Bernama) – Blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin’s detention under the Internal Security Act (ISA) is appropriate as his articles, which allegedly ridiculed Islam and Prophet Muhammad, could stoke anger among Muslims worldwide, Information Minister Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek said.

    He said the government had to act as the blogger’s action had touched the sensitivities among Muslims and could undermine national security.

    “I hope that Malaysians will look at this positively as the detention is not because the government is against freedom of expression, but rather, it’s because the freedom has been abused.

    “The blogger has allowed statements which insulted Prophet Muhammad and this is a very sensitive thing to Muslims in the country and worldwide,” he told reporters after breaking fast at the Felda Neram Satu Mosque near here.

    He was commenting on Raja Petra’s detention under the ISA for his article “I promise to be a good, non-hypocritical Muslim” which contained sentences that ridiculed Muslims besides allowing a commentary which ridiculed Islam and Prophet Muhammad with reference to the article “Not all Arabs are descendants of the Prophet” published in the “Malaysia Today” blog.

    Commenting further, Ahmad Shabery said the government did not want Raja Petra’s action to go the extent of antagonising Muslims worldwide the way the publication of Prophet Muhammad carricature by a Danish daily or the production of the film “Fitna” by a Dutch politician did.

    “I hope Muslims in the country support the government’s move which serve as a stern warning to whoever is abusing the freedom of expression by allowing people to write, express opinion or make statements that could hurt the feelings of members of a particular faith.

    “The government does not want articles written by people in the country to cause anger among Muslims worldwide,” he said.

    In a related development, he said the government’s move to free up access to websites or blogs was to allow freedom of expression.

    However, if the sites had postings that could cause racial and religious tension, the government would have no choice but to take action against the bloggers to protect the interest of others, he said.

    “In principle, they (the bloggers) are free to write of express opinion… it’s just that they should not abuse that freedom,” he said.- BERNAMA

  74. Struggle needs courage and perseverence. Dr Sun Yet Sen took a long time to succeed in his revolution.

    Surely the government is playing dirty. Chaos we will have when fools govern the country.

    If we were to fail this time, we will do it again in another time. I am sure there must be one time that we can succeed.

  75. The arrest of Raja Petra is an utter outrage. This is NOT democracy. This is a violation against one’s right to exercise his freedom to speech and expression. Freedom of speech is not a crime. To arrest a man for expressing his opinions just to silence him is a genuine crime.

    Are we going to take this issue lying down? NO!!! Are we going to pray and hope that the hopes and dreams towards freedom of speech will stay alive for our fellow Malaysians as well as the release of Raja Petra? YES!!! We condemn the arrest of RPK.

  76. zak_hammaad, don’t thank me. I only agreed with you that there need to be changes and there are many ways to effect them, some smooth and others reckless. But I do not agree with your other views especially when you argue in favour of RPK’s arrest, saying that he has insulted Islam and that his arrest is not political. You have an impeccable command of English and therefore I think you are a smart person and I hope you understand this message and take it in a right spirit.

    Assuming that RPK has insulted Islam, which I do not agree as I have read and re-read his allegedly offending articles and did not find those offending, my view is that the most important message or teaching in any religion or of God is humility. To be truly humble is to be truly great. Vice versa, to be great is to be humble. God has always ask us to be humble and to forgive in the face of criticisms and insult. I am a Christian and I speak from the Christian perspective but I think that perspective is shared by Islam. Jesus was persecuted, tortured and hanged. And his last words about his persecutors were, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing”. I believe your God also asks you to be humble and to be forgiving. Would you say that He would be angry or take offence when insulted and ask or allow you or His believers to arrest or punish the person who allegedly insulted Him? Would you make Him lesser than His teaching?

    I believe in the Greatness of your God. I believe in the Great Mercy of your God. I believe He wants you also to be humble so as to be great, to forgive so as to be merciful. I don’t think a Great Wise Merciful God would sanction the incarceration and punishment of anyone who may seem to have insulted Him. Being merciful, He would say “Forgive him for he does not know what he is saying” and He would find ways to bring that offender back to Him in His own Merciful way for I think the greatest happiness for God would be the salvation of a soul, for another “sinner” to have come back to Him.

    We mortals have no right to pass a religious judgment on another for we are all sinners in our own ways, sins being just a matter of degree, and while we can try to convince, persuade and cajol a fellow brother to go back to the ways of God, all matters of religion should be left to God and that man. I do not think that God is so helpless that He requires mortals to protect Him and His teachings. Because He is God and we mere mortals, He will protect us and preserve His teachings forever and ever. We mortals would be most offensive to Him if we start to play God.

    Understood? This is only a personal opinion and should not be taken to be an insult to you or your God. I respect Islam and your right to believe in Islam. Let that be very clear. Having said that, I think most right thinking Malaysians have no problems with the true teachings of Islam which is one of the greatest and perhaps the most popular religion of the world. Only some God-playing mortals have put Islam in a bad light and that is not only truly regrettable and definitely painful to God but has the even more regrettable effect or result of making many shy away from Islam. Would not that be more offensive and insulting to your God?

    My view is that RPK has been arrested for a political reason for he is one of the greatest factor in the sinking of UMNO but a religious reason was put forth as an aberration to hide the real reason and to appease or to hookwink the Malay Muslims or to provide a more noble justification to incarcerate him. This is cowardice at its best.

    I think the greatest mistake of the UMNO mad leaders is that they think we Malaysians, Malays or not, are stupid. They think they can lie to all or most of the people all the time and still be victorious. They think the the country belongs to them. They think that they can get away with any atrocities. They think that they and only they are capable of managing this country.

    zak_hammaad, you and I know it is time we stop these bandits from further sending us and our country to hell. I truly hope and pray that your God will touch you so that you will be humbled to acknowledge the Truth and condemn, reject and eject the totally corrupted ones for the sake of our common destiny.

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