Power transfer at national level – matter of time

Kenyataan Akhbar

11 September 2008
Peralihan Kuasa Tetap Akan Berlaku Kerana BN Telah Gagal

Kepimpinan Pakatan Rakyat yang bertemu hari ini yakin proses pembentukan kerajaan baru yang berlandasan Agenda Reformasi sedang berjalan secara lancar. Kami percaya kerajaan Barisan Nasional akan diganti dalam masa terdekat.

Pakatan Rakyat yakin mendapat bilangan ahli Parlimen yang mencukupi untuk mempunyai majoriti dalam Parlimen yang membolehkan penubuhan kerajaan baru. Bagaimanapun tarikh sebenar penubuhan kerajaan mungkin terpaksa dilewatkan dari 16 September sebagaimana rancangan awal akibat beberapa ahli Parlimen telah dipaksa ke Taiwan.

Umum mengetahui negara kini masih dicengkam permasalahan politik, ekonomi dan sosial yang getir. Akibat kehilangan keyakinan rakyat terhadap kepimpinan UMNO dan BN, timbul percubaan mengalih pandangan kepada isu perkauman sempit.

Masalah perkauman yang diapi-apikan berterusan sehingga kini menunjukkan formula BN yang dihantui kebejatan rasuah dan korupsi gagal mentadbir negara ini. Api perkauman yang cuba dibakar akan mengancam kestabilan negara dan kebajikan rakyat. Kepimpinan BN yang semakin lemah juga menyaksikan parti tersebut semakin berpecah dan semakin hilang arah.

Melihat kepada perkembangan semasa inilah ramai Ahli Parlimen BN telah hilang kepercayaan terhadap kepimpinan BN dan memutuskan untuk bersama dengan Pakatan Rakyat. Pakatan Rakyat menegaskan bahawa kami tidak pernah dan tidak perlu membeli atau menyogok Ahli Parlimen berkenaan untuk menyertai kami. Mereka didorong oleh kesedaran sendiri serta memberikan komitmen menyokong agenda perubahan.

Kami yakin terdapat segelintir elit pemerintah BN yang diketuai UMNO bercita-cita untuk mencipta huru hara agar dapat membantut perubahan, melumpuhkan demokrasi dan merampas hak-hak rakyat Malaysia yang dilindungi Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Kami khuatir seandainya masalah sengaja dibiar merebak dan berlarutan untuk memberikan alasan kepada pemerintah bertindak keras termasuk penangkapan beramai-ramai menggunakan Undang-undang Darurat untuk membendung kemaraan rakyat yang menuntut pembelaan.

Kami menyeru kepada rakyat Malaysia termasuk penyokong UMNO untuk bertenang dan tidak terperangkap dengan retorik perkauman. Marilah kita rakyat Malaysia bersama-sama berusaha keras untuk memperbaiki keadaan ekonomi kita yang semakin teruk dan menyambut perubahan yang akan memberi harapan baru kepada kita semua.

Kami percaya apa pun jua usaha BN hanyalah dapat melambatkan proses pertukaran kerajaan tetapi tidak dapat menggagalkannya kerana formula BN telah gagal.

Dato’ Salehuddin Hashim
Setiausaha Agung

YB Loke Siew Fook,
Pengarah Pendidikan Politik

YB Dato’ Kamarudin Jaffar
Setiausaha Agung


39 Replies to “Power transfer at national level – matter of time”

  1. I can accept any party who recognises me as a Malaysian and treats me equally and by my merits.

    BN/UMNO is obsolete. The recalcitrant Ahmad [deleted] thinks he can incite. But luckily his supporters are few.

  2. a Ministers daughter told me yesterday……….” Anwar is acting, the Rakyat will realise it when he comes to power ”

    I told her……. we dont mind giving Anwar a try, bcos we know for a fact BN has gone bonkers !


    Star Online – Thurs, Sept 11. 2008 at 6:30p.m.

    “The Cabinet has ordered the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (SKMM) to reinstate access to all blocked websites including Malaysia Today, says Energy, Water and Communications Minister Datuk Shaziman Abu Mansor.”

  4. taiking Says:
    Today at 18: 40.14 (2 minutes ago)


    Star Online – Thurs, Sept 11. 2008 at 6:30p.m.

    “The Cabinet has ordered the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (SKMM) to reinstate access to all blocked websites including Malaysia Today………………

    Too late! Damage has already been done; investors confidence has already been dented. The guy who ordered Malaysia-Today website to be blocked has no brain.

  5. The Malaysian Rakyat are much more learned in every aspect than 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, and one year ago. Our brains are dynamic and that God-given unique piece of organ is indeed driving us to an Excellent Malaysia that we all had wanted and aspired.

  6. PR, pls don’t take the word lightly and try the best to achieve that, Even if you unable to get 30MPs, but there must be a good news for Rakyat and let Rakyat know you have done your effort and will be keep going.

    promises but never achieve can be no good and will tarnish PR credibility. Don’t be like Badawi who always flip flop.

    “jia you”

  7. max2811 Says:

    >> I can accept any party who recognises me as a Malaysian and treats me equally and by my merits.


    >> BN/UMNO is obsolete.

    Not quite. Whether they remain or morph into a new political entity depends on how Anwar conducts the remainder of his campaign.

    >> The recalcitrant Ahmad [deleted] thinks he can incite.

    Agreed. btw, what do you think of Hindraf’s inciting?

  8. chinymin, the founding fathers of Malaysia were not ignorant. They were visionaries who forged ahead with national development with wisdom and foresight. Every citizen of Malaysia knew their responsibilities towards each other and the nation.

    Today, we do not have visionaries. We have selfish inward looking bigots who claim to be speaking for others when no one identifies with their cause, each fighting for their own political agendas.

    The Malaysian Rakyat is not “much more learned” today, they have simply drawn political battle-lines that were never their during the time of their forefathers. Sweeping the social contract under the carpet does not sweep responsibility that each citizen of Malaysia has towards the country.

  9. The social contract again. Isn’t this another political invention by the Umno politicians like Ketuanan Melayu?

    If there ever was social contract, it should have been written down in the constitution. How can future generations debate some supposedly “gentlemen agreement” which was never written down? Are we supposed interview the ghosts of our forefathers to find out the truth?

    Whatever gentlemen agreement if ever there was one should only last as long as the lifetime of those making it. Do you expect your grandchildren to follow what you agree with your buddy now?

    It’s sad that after so many generations of Chinese born and bred in Malaysia, their citizenship is still being perceived as subject to certain conditions. Chinese and other races help to build this country pre-Independence, don’t they have the right of citizenship?

    How will treating the non-Malays as equals take away the rights of the Malays who are already the majority? Haven’t racial policies retarded our growth long enough? Why hark back to a “social contract” which serves no purpose to nation building and is probably a tool of self-serving politicians?

  10. Can I Ask Pakatan Rakyat one Favour????????????????????

    After PR over turn the current jokers. The FIRST thing I would like to humbly request is to REMOVE all the idiots in ACA, and reform ACA as an independant department.

    THEN, can you sent the NEW ACA over to Sabah? We have the small fish, big fish, the sharks, crocodiles, dinosours, WHALES…etc etc.

    I suggest the NEW ACA start fishing at the OLD ACA first…….

    So many to catch!!!

  11. When will PR politicians especially DSAI get it into their head that trying to cease power through cross overs is not only highly unethical, but also undemocratic and a plain violation of the electoral wishes of the rakyat in GE12?

    The rakyat has already chosen who they want to govern the country for the next 5 years. Do DSAI, PR and the supposedly 30 cross over MPs think that they are so great that they can make the decision for the rakyat who has already spoken in GE12? That speaks of arrogance and extreme thirst for power!

    The only government that is to be recognized is one chosen through a general election. In GE12, BN was chosen and PR was given the great opportunity to rule 5 states. Do well in those 5 states and maybe PR can form the federal government in GE13. A government formed in any other way especially through defections is undemocratic and will lead to instability….!

  12. “… the founding fathers of Malaysia were not ignorant. They were visionaries who forged ahead with national development with wisdom and foresight.” Zak

    And that wisdom and foresight of our founding fathers were the main reason that kept Malaysians ignorant about their rights for half a century. Speaking of wisdom and foresight, when a country end up with a leader like Abdullah, how far do you think we can go?

  13. “Today, we do not have visionaries. We have selfish inward looking bigots who claim to be speaking for others when no one identifies with their cause, each fighting for their own political agendas.” – Zak

    Go and jump Zak!

  14. “The Malaysian Rakyat is not “much more learned” today, they have simply drawn political battle-lines that were never their during the time of their forefathers. Sweeping the social contract under the carpet does not sweep responsibility that each citizen of Malaysia has towards the country.” – Zak

    If there’s a social contract and it did not fulfill its promises, than it should be null and void. As far as I concern, I did not sign this contract, I wasn’t even born yet, so how can there be a social contract that binds me?

    We have the Federal Constitution and the rights of all Malaysians are guaranteed. Who needs a social contract?

  15. When the federal constitution spells out the special position of Malay, naturally everyone will regards its meaning to be associated with all things virtuous, since when that special position took a different connotation to become the license to corrupt and plunder?


    Coillision between infinite Umno has come closer to Be End.

    1) Stronghold or not your well is getting smaller to feed your harpies, those who hunger for more would start berserk among themselves via Ahmad Ismail.

    2) The Castle was surrounded by PK Crusaders while the imps had betrayed the Dungeon Keeper(AAB) by letting in the Ex-premier Vampire(TDM) through back door!

    3) The reinforcement had yet to come, missing in action in no where land. Some says they had been enjoying the time of their lives in “Shangrila Leisure”.

    4) Triangle fight starts between the Keeper(AAB) himself and his ex-premier Vampire(TDM) who blood thirst for his next successor the Soul Reaper(Najis).

    5) Mean while, outside of the dungeon Crusader had preparing to sent their Griffins to negotiate with their inforcement in NO Where Land.

    6) From the inside, demons captain(Muhyiddin) had provides convenience way for Vampire by ringing the bell calling for premier to hasten his exit plan.

    WELL KNIGHTS!… have faith, as the silver lining shines bright above the skies! Both weakening demons and vampires had no teeth! HAHah…


  17. “Today, we do not have visionaries. We have selfish inward looking bigots who claim to be speaking for others when no one identifies with their cause, each fighting for their own political agendas.” – Zak

    Go and jump Zak! -dawsheng.

    dawsheng, I think if Zak refers to leaders in position of trust, power and influence, his assessment is fairly reasonable.

  18. Visionary politicians. Are they important? Must the leader of a country be visionary? Is Gordon Brown a visionary? And Bush jr? What about Rudd, the chap from the land of “So where the hell are you?”. I dont think such expression has ever been used to describe these people. And if my memory serves me well, certainly throughout the recently just ended primaries in America none of the 4 presidential hopefuls ever described him/her self as being visionary.

    If being visionary is to be regarded as a positive attribute of a person, then to my mind it would stand as an attribute of the indefinite and indeterminable sort. In other words, it lies more on the wishy washy side of what people would recognise as good attributes.

    Being visionary means having the ability to foresee – the ability to predict what lies ahead in terms of time. That that is an advantage is undeniable. However, this obviously logical concession of mine is founded upon an important assumption – the same assumption which people often were not mindful of.

    The ability to foresee will not by or of itself turn into an advantage. Efforts are needed before any advantage can be gleaned from foresight. And appropriate actions are crucial. The ability to do the correct thing, the courage and the determination that go with it, are paramount.

    In the absence of this one other attribute, the ability to foresee will just lie like piece of useless tool, disused and used. And the world is certainly not short of such tools for anyone and everyone can be visionary – just serve him some coffee. It is no different from the public speaker who emerge from beneath one’s skin after several pints of lager.

  19. We’re just around da corner and BeeNd just going Bananas ! Dying moments – managed to get rpk in da net.
    Never falter from our divine aim of transition towards Pakatan Rakyat Government. Lets all spread the message to the public – to prevent any distortion of msm. Salute Pakatan Rakyat Leaders for your Bravery, Smartwork, Teamwork, Strong Heart, Persistence, Strong Willpower and Execution for the Benefit of all Rakyat, for the Rakyat !
    Keep it up Guys ! May the Supreme GOD Bless you all and the repressed, depressed and oppressed Rakyat with Good Health, Abundant Optimism, Unwavering Stamina – much needed for the final stages of our last lap !!!

    GOD Bless the King & Queen !
    GOD Bless Pakatan Rakyat !!!

  20. swipenter, as I wrote at length before, the “social contract in Malaysia” refers to the agreement made by the country’s founding fathers in the Constitution. Therefore the social contract is part of the constitution that you read today. It refers to a quid pro quo trade-off through Articles 14–18 of the Constitution, pertaining to the granting of citizenship to the non-Malay people of Malaysia, and Article 153, which grants the Malays special rights and privileges (in particular political control).

    You may feel free to read upon it from a both points of view, those who support it and those who criticise it; make your own informed conclusions.

  21. Zak., you seem blind to all the corruptions being openly practised by your great meglomania. No one is saying that the poor Bumis should not be given help. this includes Bumis in East Malaysia. You seem to think that the Bumis in Sabah and Sarawak have no rights. Hence BN keeps the Aug.31th celebration. It should be Sept.16th the date they joined Malaysia as equal partners. You keep talking of Bumis’ rights but in reality you know UMNO had taken all the BUMIS for a long hard ride!! And you keep talking as if nothing had happened!!

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