We are all “pendatangs”

Jac Tan emailed a very interesting and timely blog from Syed Iman’s kuda ranggi.

Syed Imran is an Arab-Malaysian born in Penang, Malaysia, ex-Bernama journalist (1971-1998) and former press secretary to Minister in PM’s Department.

Syed Imran provides a Bangsa Malaysia voice in the nation-wide furore which had erupted as a result of Ahmad Ismail’s irresponsible, opportunist and racist reference of Malaysian Chinese as “pendatang” and “penumpang”.

Syed Imran blogged:

“Secara peribadi, saya tidak setuju dengan apa yang didakwa dikata oleh Ahmad Ismail atas beberapa sebab.

“Bagi saya, hampir 90 peratus rakyat Malaysia, khususnya di Semenanjung, adalah pendatang dan kita semua sebenarnya menumpang hidup di bumi Allah. Kita bukan pemilik kekal tetapi hanya menumpang…

“Kita adalah kaum pendatang yang menumpang hidup di negeri ini. Golongan yang boleh diiktiraf sebagai orang asal atau anak bumi tulen adalah mereka yang kita kenali sebagai Negrito, Jakun, Semang, Jahut, Orang Laut, Orang Darat, Senoi dan suku kaum masyarakat Asli lain yang masih menjadi penghuni belantara.

“Kita semua adalah rakyat Malaysia.”

Syed Imran’s blog touching on the lineage of the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir, Home Minister, Syed Hamid Albar, Ahmad Ismail himself should be compulsory read for the agent provocateurs out to sabotage the realisation of a Bangsa Malaysia – whether by constant keris-wielding or the canard of “pendatang” and “penumpang”.

Monday, September 08, 2008Antara pendatang dan penumpang

Pada mulanya saya agak keberatan nak ulas kekecohan yang berpunca ekoran daripada kenyataan ketua UMNO bahagian Bukit Bendera, Pulau Pinang bernama Ahmad bin Ismail. Sama ada benar atau tidak apa yang didakwa dikatakan olehnya mengenai rakyat Malaysia keturunan Cina bukan persoalannya kerana isu tersebut sudahpun merebak dan mengapi-apikan keadaan.

Jika tidak ditangani dengan cermat, teliti dan bijak, isu itu boleh ditangguk dalam air yang keruh oleh anasir-anasir yang ingin melihat negara ini hancur serta mengundang campur tangan kuasa asing. Dalam zaman dunia tanpa sempadan dan liputan meluas dan segera oleh media elektronik antarabangsa, apa yang berlaku di sesebuah negara itu tidak dapat disembunyi atau dinafikan.

Isu pokok yang dibangkitkan oleh Ahmad Ismail membabitkan persoalan “menumpang” iaitu rakyat Malaysia keturunan Cina adalah penumpang di negara ini. Beliau menjelaskan bahawa ia merujuk kepada zaman pra-Merdeka. Bagaimanapun, sensitiviti rakyat Malaysia keturunan Cina telah terguris.

Saya tidak mengenali secara peribadi Ahmad Ismail, tetapi kenal agak rapat dengan Allahyarham abangnya, Abdul Rahim Ismail, pemilik Syarikat Pembinaan Rahim yang pada satu ketika dahulu agak terkenal sebagai sebuah firma pembinaan Bumiputera yang unggul di Pulau Pinang. Saya tidak tahu apa dah jadi dengan syarikat itu selepas Abdul Rahim meninggal dunia.

Secara peribadi, saya tidak setuju dengan apa yang didakwa dikata oleh Ahmad Ismail atas beberapa sebab.

Bagi saya, hampir 90 peratus rakyat Malaysia, khususnya di Semenanjung, adalah pendatang dan kita semua sebenarnya menumpang hidup di bumi Allah. Kita bukan pemilik kekal tetapi hanya menumpang.

Sebagai contoh, saya sendiri adalah keturunan pendatang yang menumpang hidup di bumi bertuah ini. Datuk nenek di sebelah bapa saya berhijrah dari Makkah dan dari Brunei ke sini manakala di sebelah ibu pula dari Hadhramut, Yaman. Kami adalah pendatang dan penumpang sama seperti hampir semua penduduk negara ini khususnya di Pulau Pinang.

Bagi Ahmad Ismail, dia juga datang dari keluarga pendatang dan menumpang hidup di negara ini. Ahmad Ismail tidak boleh menafikan hakikat bahawa datuk neneknya adalah pendatang dari India untuk menerokai penghidupan yang lebih baik dan selesa di bumi bertuah ini.

Perdana Menteri Abdullah bin Ahmad juga tergolong dalam kategori yang sama. Datuknya di sebelah ibu adalah pendatang dari wilayah Guandong, China. Pendek kata, datuk Pak Lah iaitu bapa Allahyarhamah Kailan bernama Hassan Salleh atau Hah Su Chiang adalah seorang pendatang. Beliau berhijrah ke Tanah Melayu dari wilayah Guandong (Kwantung) pada pertengahan abad ke-19 dan menetap di Bayan Lepas sebagai pekebun getah, pesawah padi dan kemudian saudagar intan berlian.

Najib Tun Razak, Timbalan PM juga berasal daripada keluarga pendatang iaitu dari Sulawesi, Indonesia atau lebih senang disebut orang Bugis manakala sepupunya Hishamudin Hussein tidak terlepas daripada darah keturunan Turki.

Datuk nenek mantan PM Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad juga pendatang dari Kerala, India manakala ibu Almarhum Tunku Abul Rahman berasal dari negeri Siam (Thailand).

Kesultanan Melayu Melaka pun dibuka oleh orang pendatang dari Sumatra bernama Parameswara, seorang anak raja atau bangsawan beragama Hindu.

Dalam sejarah kesultanan Melayu, kita dapati ada yang ditubuh oleh pendatang dari Bugis dan ada pula dari Hadhramut selain dari Minangkabau.

Hampir semua orang Melayu di sini berasal dari luar Tanah Melayu tetapi diiktiraf sebagai “bangsa Melayu” oleh Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Kita adalah “Melayu mengikut takrifan Perlembagaan” iaitu beragama Islam, mengamalkan adat resam Melayu dan bertutur dalam bahasa Melayu. Malangnya, bahasa Melayu nampaknya dimatikan oleh orang Melayu (UMNO) sendiri apabila dinamakan sebagai bahasa Malaysia.

Oleh itu, orang Arab seperti Syed Hamid Albar dan saya, orang Aceh seperti Sanusi Junid, orang India seperti Kader Sheikh Fadzir dan Nor Mohamed Yakcop, orang Bugis seperti Najib, orang Minang seperti Rais Yatim, orang Jawa seperti Mohamad Rahmat dan yang lain seperti dari Madura, Pulau Boyan, Siam, Burma, Yunnan (China) dan selatan Filipina dengan mudah boleh diiktirf sebagai “Melayu”.

Mereka diterima sebagai orang Melayu tidak kira sama ada mereka bertutur bahasa Melayu atau tidak di rumah umpamanya si Arab berbahasa Arab, si Jawa berbahasa Jawa dan si Minang berbahasa Minang atupun si Mamak berbahasa Tamil.

Bahasa-bahasa yang disebut itu bukan bahasa Melayu dan jika dilihat dari sudut Perlembagaan Persekutuan, tidak boleh diterima atau diiktiraf sebagai bangsa Melayu. Walau bagaimanapun, atas kepentingan dan faktor politik, semuanya diterima sebagai Melayu dan Bumiputera.

Oleh itu, adalah tidak adil untuk menuding jari kepada orang Cina yang juga kaum pendatang sama seperti orang Arab, India, Aceh, Minang, Batak, Mandailing, Jawa, Madura mahupun Bugis, sebagai menumpang di negeri ini. Kita tidak boleh menafikan bahawa sebilangan besar datuk nenek orang Cina telah berhijrah ke negeri ini semasa Kesultanan Melayu Melaka, bahkan kesultanan-kesultanan terdahulu di Kedah mahupun Terengganu dan Kelantan serta semasa Francis Light berjaya menipu Sultan Kedah untuk menduduki Pulau Pinang pada 1786.

Kita adalah kaum pendatang yang menumpang hidup di negeri ini. Golongan yang boleh diiktiraf sebagai orang asal atau anak bumi tulen adalah mereka yang kita kenali sebagai Negrito, Jakun, Semang, Jahut, Orang Laut, Orang Darat, Senoi dan suku kaum masyarakat Asli lain yang masih menjadi penghuni belantara.

Kita tidak harus lupa akan sumbangan dan pengorbanan semua kaum dan suku kaum untuk membangunkan Malaysia sama ada dari sudut ekonomi, kemasyarakatan, keselamatan dan yang paling penting kesepakatan dan perpaduan. Semua orang yang kena dan seharusnya membayar cukai, berbuat demikian tanpa mengira kaum atau asal keturunan, sama ada pendatang atau penumpang.


98 Replies to “We are all “pendatangs””

  1. As per my earlier notes…

    I am myself a pendatang. With heritage from Ceylon+Chinese+Jawa+Minang with a mix of Orang Asli. My great grandfather was a Javanese and could hardly speak Malay. My grandmother was a Chinese. So I do agree, that we are all pendatang here. We do not need to deny what others have strive in the name of a nation…

    Why don’t we just be Malaysian….

  2. What happen to this country? Please stop and stop this racial issues llaaahh… Im a Malay, 22 years old and Im a University of Malaya student. In my class, Im really happy I can interact with each other as a Malaysian. Sure!!! In my class from 30 students, there are only 5 Malay and the other 25 are Chinese. Even after class, there’s not a big deal we can makan-makan and minum-minum together without realized that we are all “penumpang”, “pendatang” or wuteva the damned thing you call it. If I dont understand anything or facing any difficulties in the subject that I learn, my Chinese friends dont even hesitate to teach me and so when they ask me, I will share my knowledge also. Then again, we makan-makan again at mamak stall eating a roti canai and glass of teh tarik. EERRGGHH!!!

    Do you think the current our politician leaders never experienced this warmth moment with their friends different in races during their study period on youth time??? How come? We live in Malaysia laaahh… Its healthy when you getting know each other… Come and visit their house during Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Deepavali and so on…. Even Im a Malay, I really hate when UITM students “berarak”, “berdemo” or “berpekik-pekik” when Selangor MB suggested at least 10% quota for UITM students opened for non-bumis. AARRGGHH!!! They are stupid, really-really stupid. In UM, in our college activities, we Malay dont even have any problem to hold any occasion collaborating with Chinese or Indian. We engineered an event together until it success- for example, a choir competition, a Sultan Azlan Shah Hockey Competition, an Annual Dinner of the college. We work together. But when I read the newspaper, puuuff!!!! Seems every single of my joy losssttt, destroyed!!!! Eeeevvvveryday racial tense issues!!!! AAAARRGGHH!!! Cant we respect each other….??? Im a muslim and my religion teach us, in Holy Quran – “Nor will you worship that I which worship, to you be your religion, and to me my religion (Islamic monotheism)” – Surah Al-Kafirun : sentence 4-5…. Means that even you are from other religion – can applied also other races, there’s nothing to do with that. You are free to apply or live with your own life and religious style if you are different than a Muslim also. So, just respect other races or religions laaahh… Cant our leaders do that?? Its really makes me paaaiinnn heeelll!!!

  3. A thought struck me.
    Over and above what Syed Iman said i.e. that we are all pendatang and therefore stand on equal footing I hv a point to make.
    There are about 6 million chinese in malaysia.
    6 million of us here as Han chinese (??).
    Playing a simple number game, we ?? could well stand as a majority race.
    There may be 15 million or so bumiputras in malaysia but this number is actually made up of
    (1) Orang Asli
    (2) Orang Arab
    (3) Orang Aceh
    (4) Orang India
    (5) Orang Bugis
    (6) Orang Jawa
    (7) Orang Madura
    (8) Orang Siam
    (9) Orang Burma
    (10) Orang Yunnan
    (11) Orang Filipina.
    It would be interesting to know the actual breakdown for each of these sub-categories of bumiputras.
    Without any details on the breakdown we can only say that the majority umno spoke of is nothing more than a politically created majority and not a true majority.

  4. How many ancestors does one person have?

    2 parents (one previous generation)
    4 grand parents (two previous generations)
    8 great grand parents (three previous generations)
    16 great great grand parents (four previous generations)
    32 great great great grand parents (five previous generations)
    2^6=64 great great great great grand parents or ancestors (six previous generations)
    2^10=1,024 ancestors (10 previous generations)
    2^20=1,048,576 ancestors (20 previous generations)

    So, Ahmad Ismail and his racially narrow minded Penang Umno perverts should study their genealogy/family tree before they condemned everyone else as pendatang or penumpang, unless they intended to insult their own ancestors and themselves. Or, unless they dare to claim themselves to be racially pure, which means that they are products of vegetative reproduction or cloning!

    There are 46 chromosomes in each of our cells. In view of the large number of ancestors we each have, don’t be surprised that we share one or more of our chromosomes and genes with those in a Malay, Chinese, Indian, Iban, Kadazan, Mongolian, Turk, African, or what have you!

    In fact, we can 100% guarantee Ahmad Ismail and his racially narrow minded Penang Umno perverts that they are 100% descendants of their ancestors who were at once upon a time pendatang or penumpang! Yes, yak, they may utter.

  5. “Perdana Menteri Abdullah bin Ahmad juga tergolong dalam kategori yang sama. Datuknya di sebelah ibu adalah pendatang dari wilayah Guandong, China. Pendek kata, datuk Pak Lah iaitu bapa Allahyarhamah Kailan bernama Hassan Salleh atau Hah Su Chiang adalah seorang pendatang.”

    You seee!! Even our PM, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s family also were from Guandong, China…. How comeee he is being like this noooww!!!

  6. We may all be children under the Malaysian sun but some will always want to be more equal than others. These are usually two faced parasites in disguise who are unable or unwilling to put in their own efforts to create a better place for all. Ignore them. It is, however, heartwarming to see people of all ethnic and social background speaking up for Bangsa Malaysia, reminding us of our common origins as ‘pendatang’, no one being more original than the next. We should celebrate our cultural diversity and make it our competitive strength in a globalized world, for indeed that is what it is, a unique key to enter many different worlds. Instead, we deny our key edge and waste away in communal discord. Why are our political leaders so petty, selfish and myopic? Is it true we deserve the leaders we now have because we did not speak up in the past? Well, no more. We are going to stand up and fight injustice in any form.

  7. well…i ponder why people have to differenciatte everyone….i mean,we are all “human”….we have eyes….we have mouth….we have ears..we all have the same red liquid running through our vein called “blood”…..we have everything….except for this man-made thing called “race”….what is the big deal…we are all born in Malaysia…raised in Malaysia….so we are Malaysians aren’t we ?…..

    and another point…religion is something which makes human strive for perfection…to be good,to do good etc….i dont think any religion in this world teaches their followers to do bad stuff….islam,hinduism,buddhism,christianity,bahai,judaism,pagan,celtic,jainism,sikhism…..all have one thing in common…believe in god,and be good to others…..

    so,i would love to conclude that ahmad ismail is a non believer,well,i dont wish to call him an atheist,coz even an atheist believes in ethics….but this guy,he is good for nothing racist f*ckwit !!


    I am proud to be a MALAYSIAN !!

  8. Frankly, I don’t like this whole ‘we are all pendatang’ argument. I find it besides the point. The focus is wrong, about the past and not about the future.

    I am not advocating throwing everything of the past out the door but if you look at the future, claim of property and rights becomes more and more complex. Its no so simple anymore.

    The truth is the future of claims on property and rights becomes more diverse with various forms of legitimacy. Competition of claims is dynamic, ever changing. You can’t say, well, we have this thing but I did not do anything for a long long time while others have dont so much more with it but its still mine. Resources, property even intellectual are ever scarcer and indefinite unconditional claims is just not practical.

  9. Off topic but this is of interest:
    The Alumni of USM placed a half-page advertisement in The Star today (Sept 10) with the following words.
    NOTE the spelling: ‘alma matter’
    To view the ad go here- http://mrsmith2.blogspot.com.
    Heartiest Congratulations

    We salute our alma matter
    University Sains Malaysia
    on being conferred the
    Accelerated Programma for Excellence (APEX) status

    The Alumni of USM

  10. homeblogger Says:
    Today at 08: 28.16 (55 minutes ago)
    One finger pointing at Chinese, three fingers pointing back at Ahmad Ismail…

    in malay culture, one points with the thumb. therefore, to a racist ahmad, FOUR fingers point back at him, not three!

  11. I would really love to have Barack Obama to come to Malaysia and lecture our bunch of leaders on racial issues …

    He is right about racial issues !!!

    The root of our problems is not racial in nature but common issues encountered by everyone regardless of race. Food, health care, standard of living, employment, housing & security, these are all common issues that do not discriminate between race, gender, age or even sexual orientation.

    Unfortunately, it is impossible for us to tackle these main issues at heart without first breaking down the racial barriers.

    It is time for us to resolve these racial issues that have been ignored and swept under the floor by the previous generations until it festers and breaks out like this.

    We have to gather our courage and resolve this once and for all, before we can move and tackle the REAL problems that affect us all.

  12. the writer missed a point, though aab, bijan and hisamudin has cina, bugis and turki blood, but they too has malay or native blood in their veins. to say about limkitsiang, lingleongsik and kohtsukoon which have 0% malay blood in them, so ahmad ismail has valid point. what’s wrong to have malay kacukan that yield better gene and fulfilling “malay supremacy” principle. and ahmad ismail is speaking out of his mind and stand up to his principle, he should earn better respect than aab who is coward, indecisive and stupid…..

  13. Something dawned on me as I read thru the comments posted…Don’t u think we r wasting time, energy n space analysing and rebuffing the words of an individual whom u guyz claim is “striving for attention”. Y r we granting his wish then? Geez…

  14. I don’t think this racial issue will stop for now… So sad that this Ahmad fella, being so educated, in a MP post, of a wise age behaving like an idiot…!

    Our children, especially the teenagers are always online & reading & watching whatever is going on. They are our future generations.

    Is this how they are going to go thru life? Being racist…?

    Ahmad & his goons are fathers. I am sure they’ve got children too. By them behaving soooo………….. racist, their kids are sure to follow.

    The buck doesn’t stop there..!

    Our PM still…. not doing anything about this racist! And his gangsters..!

    Bet you that they will ask him to be low profile & use tax payers money to send him to Taiwan to learn farming…!

  15. All gone haywire!

    This Ahmad fella truly caused a ruckus. Whatever we are …we are Malaysian..thats what our IC says..our citizenship..our birth-right. If the government should do otherwise – revoking our citizenship..then they can refund all our tax payables and all monies we ‘loan’ the government to run the sham call government. It will be too much for them to handle.

    As for Abdullah…well we know whats gonna happen to him soon.



  16. Mr Smith, please don’t ridicule the graduates of the world’s one and only APEX university. Please applause. Clap clap.

    What to do, that was what their alma matter taught them while they were studying their Inggeris there. What matters most is their grey matter is filled with alma matter.

  17. A second thought is that …… shouldn’t we feel more alarmed if the Chinese DO NOT feel offended being labeled as immigrants?

    What will this imply?

    Is it a bad thing to see the Chinese getting angry at those statement?

    There is no need to further define Malay, Malay blood etc.

  18. by: boh-liao
    Will someone please define ‘Malay’ and ‘Malay blood’?

    Malays (Malay: Melayu) are an ethnic group of Austronesian peoples predominantly inhabiting the Malay Peninsula, the east coast of Sumatra, the coast of Borneo, and the smaller islands between these locations. The Malay ethnic group is distinct from the concept of a Malay race, which encompasses a wider group of people, including most of Indonesia and the Philippines. The Malay language is a member of the Austronesian family of languages.

    Early History, has pointed out a total of 3 theories of the origin of Malay:

    1. The Yunnan theory, Mekong river migration (published 1889)
    2. The New Guinea theory (published 1965)
    3. The Taiwan theory (published 1997)

  19. As human we could not avoid to differentiate one from the other by many many differences, such as color and religion. Even among the some community we still can sub differentiate into geographical and territorial. Such is human being. In Ahmad case, I believe it is not the calling of pendatang that matters, what is matter is the interpretation when you call certain community as pendatang and what that group of people perception and interpretation on that meaning. The first thing come into the mind will be that the so call pendatang were not pendatang as many are born and breed here and have been given citizenship and their rights are being guaranteed and provides for by the constitution of the land.

    Second thought was that pendatang carry the meaning of come and go, ie just like visitors from one country to the other, after visiting or doing what ever business they will finally go back from where they come from. And these group of people that be call pendatang are not as they are rightful citizen in this land, and they are no difference from any others.

    Thirdly, when you label certain people as pendatang, that also carry the meaning that these group of people have not contributing anything to this land, which is also total not right, as we all known Chinese has contributed much to the nation building of this land.

    So those being call pendatang are of course not happy and naturally they fell hurt on that label. Many are very hurt in deed and strong feel being insulted.

    Next all Malaysian should not fall into this Ahmad trick and his intention of so doing has no other than to achieve his political support and popularity.

  20. Unrelated but serious issue:

    Twenty-three Puspakom employees will be dismissed after the company found them guilty of approving non-roadworthy vehicles and accepting bribes.

    1. Were the non-roadworthy vehicles subsequently involved in road accidents that killed innocent people? If they did, what is the legal implication to the families of those killed, in the light of this news.

    2. What happens to the ill-gotten wealth accumulated through bribes by the 23 Puspakom employees? To be confiscated?

  21. Actually… One can said Malay is from China I thought…
    But I dunno how can it be… HHIIEEHHIIE!! During I learned,
    they said the Malay was from Yunnan or Taiwan… Was it?

    p/s: boh-liao, how old are you? Can I call you a Mr or uncle?
    Im just 22 years old… Still young maa….

  22. Thanks, owlz.
    I like the 3rd theory of the origin of Malay:
    1. The Yunnan theory, Mekong river migration (published 1889)
    2. The New Guinea theory (published 1965)
    3. The Taiwan theory (published 1997)

    Now I’m enlightened why 49 BN MPs are visiting Taiwan now! To seek their roots!

  23. That idiot should read the article written by Syed Imran.The Chinese being a minority like the Indians have been discriminated for 38 years.I have said before we are all the descendents of immigrants to this land.Some came here earlier than others.Time makes the difference.But we are citizens of this country irrespective of race and religion.However instead of uniting the people,the devilish regime of 51 years keep on dividing the people by bulldozing the bumiputra and non bumiputra policies.Is it fair to others when one can become a bumi by embracing Islam and enjoy all the privileges the non bumis never enjoy?Like the Indian who becomes a mamak and shout out loud to the sky that he is a Malay and a bumi.Just think and ponder this is all rubbish and it is high time that discriminatory policy like NEP be abolished.To MCA and Gerakan who have been dozing for 38 years,what should you do to alleviate the brain drain among the Chinese?This brain drain problem is largely caused by the regressive NEP.

  24. With the very same cruise missile which he passionately called “the Pendatang”, Ahmad Ismail inadvertantly downed badawi, najib, mahathir, nor mohamad and a whole load of other people and possibly a friendly ship known as “The MV U.M.N.O.” too.

    He is now back at his drawing table re-wiring the missile and re-programing its software. He will soon be contacting the US military for a crash advise on how to identify friendly parties, vehicles and equipment from a distant.

  25. this author is so hipokrit. he should look into himself before commenting on ahmad, i.e filling race column as arab, voluntary decline bumi rights, stop refering himself as malay. all what ahmad did was fighting for malay dignity and honor……

  26. To OLWZ,

    I am a Chinese and touched by your courage to speak out as Bangsa Malaysia.

    Your words are sincere, your heart is pure and your soul has the spirit of a true Muslim.

    I agree with you that most of us today have friends compose of various religious backgrounds. When we come out for teh tarik, play golf, doing business or assignment, there is only enjoyment. To quote one example, my Muslim brother wants me to be his photographer for his wedding in December. To be frank with you, I love him as much as my own brother because he is the one who got me a good job in the multinational company. We have been buddies for past 20 years and nothing will break our BROTHERHOOD apart! Another example, Mr. Yusoff is my favourite law lecturer. He is passionate with his job and I remembered he spent extra hours with us (students of all races) to make sure we all pass our papers. I missed him dearly as he was very entertaining and a understanding person.

    Politicians on the other hand are dirty. They will do whatever to sustain their position in the comfort zone. They (Chinese, Indian and Malay politicians) will become dirtier and do evil when they are losing their position. How can these people without wisdom be our leaders? We should build a nation BETTER than Singapore, Korea, Germany and alike !!!!!

    I wish to quote this from Josei Toda from his work on Human Revolution, “Peace in the family is worth more than a fortune. National leaders who fail to give the people a chance to create happy families cannot be called leaders.”

    Sincerely yours,

  27. There are still idiots in this blog who still think they are superior than others because they have Malay blood.Ya,I agree.We should invite Obama to lecture the oxymorons and the tongkat dependent people in this country.What a shame?

  28. Even Im a Malay, Im still thinking that the Ahmad Ismail is really a totally idiot. Really stupid. How come he said the Chinese are “pendatang” while Mahathir’s family, as we know were from Kerala, India and PM, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s family (his grandfather-Hassan Salleh atau Hah Su Chiang) were from Guandong (Kwantung), China.

    “Perdana Menteri Abdullah bin Ahmad juga tergolong dalam kategori yang sama. Datuknya di sebelah ibu adalah pendatang dari wilayah Guandong, China. Pendek kata, datuk Pak Lah iaitu bapa Allahyarhamah Kailan bernama Hassan Salleh atau Hah Su Chiang adalah seorang pendatang.”

    This moron must be thrown into the Selat Melaka until die. I admit that Chinese and Indians had contribute a superb massive to the development of Malaysia. So why cant we share the wealth. We are really in a competitive country compared than what happen in Indonesia, Thailand , Vietnam, Phillipines and so on…

    p/s: One of my nice moment during studying at University of Malaya was last year. I was doing my practical at a Chinese company. Even the manager and the programmers there taught me a lot of things and advice me, “You kerja baik-baik hhhaa…” They even offer me a job after I grad. But this Ahmad Ismail is an idiot that might be never make friends with the non-Malay I thought even during his study and youth period previously. EERRGGHH!!!

  29. The problem arises, when some ‘small fly’ politicians speak with a loose tongue, instigate others with sensitive statements for their own motives.
    After half a century of Merdeka, we are still harping on race issues, what a shame. Is there still a need to define on one’s racial origin? UMNO-BN should take full responsibility for the situation we are in ….not promoting Bangsa Malaysia aggressively and truthfully.

  30. One should not politicize the issue. It is misleading and meaningless to quarrel over who are more indigenous or who among the citizen are more “immigrant”. Such arguments in this multi-ethnic country can only lead to distrust and hostility between ethnic groups. In a democratic nation-state every citizen is equal before the law and no category of people can claim to have more rights.Malaysia should move towards a vision of prosperity and justice for all.

  31. Today’s Star:
    “The Barisan Nasional supreme council meeting yesterday was more open and sincere compared to previous meetings as component party leaders discussed the Datuk Ahmad Ismail issue that threatened the coalition’s unity, said PPP president Datuk M. Kayveas.

    He said he was impressed with the way the meeting proceeded without anyone getting emotionally charged.

    “For the first time in my 15 years in politics, it was a different sort of Barisan meeting. Everybody spoke frankly,” he told reporters yesterday.”

    Wow, CHANGE sudah berlaku!!

    All Rakyat who dared to vote against BN on 308 should cheer and give themselves a pat on the shoulder! All bloggers, blog owners, and commentators who dared to expose the arrogance and wrong doings of Umno and the BN should also rejoice!

    Through the ballot boxes and transparent communication via the Internet, they have taught BN a lesson in humility and decency (hopefully).

    Reading between the lines, we can be certain that Kayveas, deep in his heart, is very grateful to all the above people for forcing Umnoputras not to be haughty towards their nonUmno partners now, after all these years of bullying and suppression within the BN by Umno.

    We can also be certain that the suffering-from-being-suppressed members of MCA, Gerakan, and other nonUmno parties within the BN are also very grateful to all the above people.

    What they could not achieve internally within the BN over the years was achieved through outside forces!

    Well done, rakyat! We are on the right path of nation re-building. Do continue to express our dissatisfaction to Umno for the betterment of the nation.

    CHANGE! Speak out as Malaysians!

  32. I think we all missed the point.

    When we are born in Malaysia after 1957 August 31st, we are Malaysian under the Federation, given a Malaysian Identify Card. And it did not say “Pendatang” or “Penumpang”. Our fore fathers who were not given citizenship or applied to be one under the post colonial administration, then yes, they are no different from the banglas, indons or Grukas.

    Even my cute dog ‘coco’ is born in Malaysia, I too recognize her (yep, it a she) as Malaysian. LOL

    Maybe its time that all wakils read and understand the history of Malaya Federation or Malaysia (after Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore joined in 1963)

    You see, if you distort the history book, we get monkeys to be our wakils that still apply the rules of the jungle. To Ahmad and the likes I say “Go join the monkeys where you always differentiate yourself from other species and have to fight for food and sex.”

  33. History has taught us that before the fall of all dynasties and powerful kingdom, there were tell tale signs of corruption, arrogance, deceit, and disgrace.

    The ungrateful behaviour of Ahmad Ismail and many others are signs that UMNO are falling!

  34. Especially to owlz,

    I admire your sincerity and courage to speak your mind. You are a real Malaysian from the Malay race. (May be your great grand parent from China, ha….ha…..). I wish (sincerely) one day you will be among one good politician up there, advocating all fairness for all Malaysian.

    3 Cheers to you!!

  35. Everyone in Malaysia should know by now that UMNO got it’s support by playing the Race Card.

    As Malays is the Majority in Malaysia and the Government is decided by votes, that is why they are giving special rights and saying things like what Ahmad Ismail said to win votes during elections.

    By doing so, they have sold the country and every citizens’ dignity and there is no progress as government is taking care of only one race. There is no Unity.

    This is UMNO’s idea of monopolization of the government so that UMNO can continue to corrupt and abuse their power while in control..

    Let us all reject this selfish and primitive government once and for all.

  36. My Dear Fellow Malaysians,

    How about a very small and unique community called `chittis'(not to be confused with `chettis’)who live in Gajah Berang,Melaka?This unique community who habitually speaks the malay langguage at home and wear the malay dress like the kebaya and never speaks any indian langguages other than malay and some even have the malay looks and have been living in melaka since the malay sultanate there but carry Indian names and profess hinduism.Are these people considered bumiputras/malays as the other descendants from arab and indonesia or they are also called as `pendatangs’ because they are hindus?How about the baba nyonyas and the seranis?These people have been living there for more than 500 years and had married local malay women and they dont even remember where their ancestors came from.

    Instead of taking the nation forward using our melting pot and rich history as a pillar of strength and the envy of the world,look what our umnoputras have done to our delicate social fabric?Ranting about `pendatangs’ in this digital age and destroying the bond of the people on the ground.Why all these fear and suspicions after 51 years of merdeka?UMNOputras can all of you for once wake up from your deep slumber and behave like human beings instead of selfish politicians and call us all as Malaysians?What you fellas are doing now to the nation by immersing in racism is tantamount to a great sin in the eyes of the lords.Please make amends and dont rot the nation further and destroy the unity of all Malaysians on the ground just to fulfil your selfish and despicable political ambitions.
    May god save the nation.

  37. I can’t help but to compare the Indian Muslims of Singapore and Malaysia. The Singapore Indian Muslims don’t distance themselves with other Indians – they speak Tamil and they dress and behave like any Indians – absolutely happy about their roots.

    On the contrary, the Malaysian Indian Muslims behave as though they are the original Malays. All of them would pretend as if they don’t speak Tamil. You can always encounter bad experience with these creatures in the public service like police, immigration. They would shun away from Indians. Why the betrayal? Just for the crumbs?

  38. Hohoho!… Tepat dan Cerdas! Thank you encik Syed Imran.

    Tidakah Kerismuddin merasa Malu seakan-akan dia mangagungkan budaya kerisnya itu secara tidak beransur, apatah lagi sebagai seorg Pengerusi Sayap Pemuda UMNO yg sepatutnya memainkan sikap dan teladan pd masyakat muda kini. Haiz apalah org smua ni.

    Duit yg kami beri(tax) adalah halal akan duit Gaji yg kamu hendap serta perasan keji dan membinasakan hak org bukan melayu itu adalah dosa. Fikir2kan lah.

    What makes you special kerisman, we owe you nothing.

  39. So we should be one big ” HAPPY FAMILY ” in this mother earth which we inherited TOGETHER & we should struggle TOGETHER for a more richer & vibrant MALAYSIA!

    How are we to achieve unity TOGETHER if we have so many unnecessary & ‘good-for-nothing’ “ketuanans”?!

    It should be RAKYAT MALAYSIA & BANGSA MALAYSIA; because


  40. It is obvious the words ” penumpang ” or ” pendatang ” were used by some politicians with the intention to hurt innocent people feelings and making them feel they do not belong in the country.

    This is cruel.

  41. To me, this AHMAD guy is just like a big bully on a school field.He is showing of his strenght because he has the backing of the other bullies .Take away the other BULLIES i don,t think this AHMAD guy dare stand and fight.To name a few of the other bullies behind AHMAD.They are UMNO MIC MCA PPP and GERAKAN.Not forgetting KRISSMUDIN,NAJIB,and the 13 UMNO DIVISIONS.

  42. boh-liao,

    Do you know that there is another reason why the BN Supreme Council meeting went on so decently and properly?

    It is because for once, they are talking about an issue which is trully of common interest to all of them.

    You see, they are all pendatangs. Yes, all of them.

  43. “I’d like to ask everyone, especially those categorised as ‘Malays’, to list their family histories. And see how many of us can really go back further than three generations born in this land. I know I can’t.” [Marina Mahathir]

  44. Just to share.
    My parents came to Malaysia from Singapore during the Japanese occupation and my brothers and I were all born in Ipoh.

    So we became citizens by birth.
    Of my 4 children, 2 daughters have married Singaporeans so I guess my wife and I have kind of given back the 2 that left.

  45. Zak,

    Both my paternal and maternal grandparents were from China. Parents were all born in this country and so are we. Surviving parent already in her early eighties and my generation is in their fifties and early sixties. Our children are all Malaysian by birth so we are into the 3rd generation. The third generation are now in their late twenties. You know Chinese tend to marry only in their late twenties or early/mid thirties so the fourth generation has to wait a couple of years more.I believe this very typical of the pendatangs’ ancestry in this country mentioned by warlord Ahmad Ismail. By the way we see ourselves as Malaysians and not as citizens of China.

  46. taiking, it’s not the pendatang issue.

    Previously when Umno was cocky, mighty, and haughty, Umnoputras had no eyes for anyone outside Umno (whether from BN component parties or not). The arrogant Umnoputras did not give them the time of the day. All nonUmno cabinet members were barked down and not given a chance to talk freely and frankly on any issue at all. It was Umno way or no way or the highway! Kayveas already clearly mentioned it in The Star. Lim KY would droolingly testify to that. So would Semivalue, KTK, OKT, and others.

    Previously when Umnoputras yelled, frothing in their mouths, with unsheathed keris “Balik here, balik there, pendatang”, when Umnoputras openly insulted Indians “Kami tak perlu u”, did Umnoputras even bother to call a Barisan Nasional supreme council meeting to stop these insults or to demand apologies from those who hurled the insults?

    Not the issue, my friend.

    Times are different. Then was then, now is now. Things are getting a bit more transparent now and a bit more accountable now.

    Hopefully, after more than 45 years, Malaysians are having a glimpse of silver lining behind the dark bad cloud of BN/Umno rule! May the force be with all Malaysians!

  47. hi all,

    i think we should have this entry test for those elected MPs to go for the Sesame Street TV programme. Because it is fun and they never teach their children racism. got flu and fever oledi, haiya.

  48. Perhaps we should show our solidarity and in the spirit of this article orgainize a ‘squat’ protest. That is to say on the 16th of September, at precisely 12pm noon time, everyone who disagrees with Ahmad Ismail or who is against racial politics will demonstrate where ever you are by squatting for 51 seconds. :D

  49. Excellent! Syed Imran. Doing it this Syed’s way bring all the mileage one needs when handling an incendiary as that Ahmad is, and more. Instantly the sensitivity of whatever in it is also diffused in this afterglow of knowledgeable discourse!

    Saudara LKS how is it that you missed on this, and a Syed has to do it for you?

  50. Ahmad Ismail is right in saying that the Chinese are Pendatang or Penumpang. But he forgot to add in the fact that the pendatang also include all the Melayu including himself and even the Orang Asli. On a bigger concept, one one in this world, no matter what race he/she being belongs to, “really” own even one inch of land.

    Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul…1 Peter2:11

  51. Thank you Syed Imran, Thank you Jac Tan.


    It looks like this Ahmad guy never study history or know his own family tree, I guess! And only good at shouting, shouting and nothing but shouting…and it it sad that the 13 UMNO heads from Penang follow him SO BLINDLY!


  52. zak_hammaad Says:
    “I’d like to ask everyone, especially those categorised as ‘Malays’, to list their family histories. And see how many of us can really go back further than three generations born in this land. I know I can’t.” [Marina Mahathir]

    Oh looks like i am equal to Marina Mahathir then. My grandfather was born in Malaysia. My great great grandfather first arrived in Malaysia at the turn of the century. My children are fourth generation born Malaysians. Unfortunately we are all still ‘pendatangs’.

  53. By a broader prospective, we are all pendatang in this world. We came to this world for few decades and we will leave without taking away anything. It doesn’t matter how rich we are, what race we belong to: Malay or chinese, Indian or orang Asli, how much land we owned. We came as a pendatang and will go as a pendatang. The earth does not belong to any putra or putri.

  54. This Ahmad Ismail mamak has been only given 3 years suspension from UMNO. This is double standard to the core. The Hindraf people were put under ISA because they were fighting for their race’s rights in Malaysia. This UMNO guy gets only suspension and no ISA?

    If Koh Tsu Koon does not speak out and does not write to Penang Govt to withdraw both the DSPN and DMPN awarded to the land thief, the Gerakan leader is a pondan. All Gerakan men who have the least in between their ears, should leave and join DAP or PKR.

    UMNO can never be fair to other races. Therefore everyone should make up their mind, UMNO must be eliminated from History not only from being the Lord thief of our beloved nation.

    By the way, going by Imran’s writing, Badawi is as much a pendatang as Ong Tee Kiat. His daughter is half japanese, half chinese having the most 1% malay blood.

    Some historian told me the Silawesi lineage mentioned …. they were actually thieves buang negeri to Malaya. Here they reka themselves as bangsawan ?

    One of the most vocal purpoted malay in Penang UMNO is ex Minister Kader’s brother. This fella must be having thick skin to claim bumi status. Ask anyone from Tawar in Baling, they will tell you, his father was an North Indian 100% tulen and his mother was a tamil rubber tapper. He don’t even have a single drop of malay blood. How did he become a malay?

  55. owlz Says:

    Today at 09: 57.09 (12 hours ago)
    by: boh-liao
    Will someone please define ‘Malay’ and ‘Malay blood’?

    Malays (Malay: Melayu) are an ethnic group of Austronesian peoples predominantly inhabiting the Malay Peninsula, the east coast of Sumatra, the coast of Borneo, and the smaller islands between these locations. The Malay ethnic group is distinct from the concept of a Malay race, which encompasses a wider group of people, including most of Indonesia and the Philippines. The Malay language is a member of the Austronesian family of languages.

    Early History, has pointed out a total of 3 theories of the origin of Malay:

    1. The Yunnan theory, Mekong river migration (published 1889)
    2. The New Guinea theory (published 1965)
    3. The Taiwan theory (published 1997)

    ***** *****

    Please remember that the three theories are mere theories. Nothing is conclusive.

    Look at the book 1841 by a former British submarine commander. It questioned the very basis of the history as we know it.

    The historical discourse has been inspired by the colonialists.

    Even serious Maori scholars in New Zealand suspect that they come from China and not the coplonial-dictated Hawaiki, an unknown country.

    I was the only Malaysian Chinese in my year did an anthropology course and Maoridom. I find that the Maori folklore even have rudimentary traces of the Eight Trigrams or Pa Kua. To the initiated, this is I Ching, but in its most rudimentary form.

  56. Dear Captain,

    I refer to your remarks on UMNO and Ahmad Ismail. As goes the saying “One swallow does not make a summer”. I am not from UMNO and I am not here for damage control.

    Rather to voice my objection to your statement. You said “UMNO can never be fair to other races”. If UMNO is not fair to other races, Tan Lian Hoe can never dream of winning in Gunung Semanggol in 2004 and later in Grik this year. She represents Gerakan and she win in Malay area.

    Why on earth that UMNO does such a peculiar act as per world standard. Because it cares for other races views. I never imagine that a Malay can win in Chinese area.

    Who are actually playng with racial issue. Who continuously play the fear on vernacular school as if they are under threat from UMNo led Govt just to gain political support from Chinese community.

    If UMNO is racist, why the number of temples in Selangor exceeds that of mosques and surau put together.

    Gerakan and MCa together with MIC said that their poor performances is due to association with UMNO. the truth is the opposite. UMNO is the life line for Gerakan . If not for UMNO, Gerakan is wipe out.

    The poor performance is their internal affair. When Chus Soi Lek’ saga of adultery can be seen by anyone in this planet, only a moron will say that this will not affect performance in election.

    As for MIC, the inability of Samy Vellu to accept reality that he is overstaying the limit is damaging to himself and MIC.

    Gerakan, MCA refuse to accept reality that in order to win the votes, they have to tell the truth to Chinese and Indians that association with UMNO is time tested relationship. In order not to upset the Chinese, Gerakan and MCA tolerate DAP’s racial policies of inciting the Chinese that any parties which cooperates with UMNO are weak.

    Gerakan and MCA play along with lies that they kowtow to UMNO. The truth is that UMNo’s position as a senior partner in BN is simply due to its being the dominant with largest number of seats in Parliament. Just imagine that it won 79 outr of 140 seats in Parliament.

    If UMNO is a shareholder, it would have controlled more than 60% in a company. Meaning it is considered the controlling shareholder. It is as simple as that.

    Now both Gerakan and MCA are almost wiped out. If not for UMNO’s support, I am sure they are relegated to museum.

    As for DAP, please do not try to play with racial issue and then hide behind facade of freedom of expression. You are actually inviting another May 13. And when you are burnt, you are bringing together everybody, including your loved one.

  57. According to a thread on multiracial malaysia by TDM you are always a” pendatang “in this country if you dont follow or assimilate the malay way of life. So what if you are a 4th or 5th or more generation born and bred in this country .That doesnt count or mean a thing. A first generation child of say a pendatang from Indonesia or Philipines is entitled to be a bumi/malay because of his or her similiarity with the malays here. So that is why we need to divide and subdivide malaysians into this and that. Great for national unity according to this kind of logic.

  58. Ha ha, Shamshul Annuar very funny. What a load of crock!

    Btw, are you pendatang as well? Whereabouts from? Just asking cause I notice it’s the pendatang’s that usually spout this kind of BS to prove that they are more original than the original.

  59. O God, now Ahmad Ismail is shown to be what he truly is: a loud-mouthed usurper.

    We have know all along that Malaysia is a melting pot of cultures and peoples. The only way to survive is to be colour-blind and adopt policies akin to the United States where now a black can be a serious contender for the presidency. All men are created equal. Only in an “Animal farm” are pigs more equal than the other creatures.

    But are we an animal farm?

  60. ‘Even serious Maori scholars in New Zealand suspect they came from China and not the colonial dictated Hawaiki, an unknown country.’. Tulip Crescent.

    You will find the carvings of the Maoris on poles strangely resembling those done by the aborigines in the Taroka Gorge in Hualien, Taiwan.Perhaps this is the particular place in China where the Maoris originate as suspected by Maori scholars in New Zealand.

  61. The basic reason why “pendatang” who have married Malays and converted is that there are so many goodies available.

    Also their children are somewhat smarter and able to take advantage of the NEP policies for many years.

    I am sure if you do a survey of the wealthy (I mean the top businessmen) you will find that most of them only have at most 25% pure Malay blood. ( based on conventional convention and not the Malaysian construct )

    All most need to do to cultivate some UMNO big-wigs and presto the road to immense wealth is opened.
    Meanwhile the real natives get a few crumbs here and there all in the name of the NEP.

  62. Hey , this sounds all too familiar from a penang loud mouth

    because it had happen before between Tun Ali and Tun Perak back in malaka for post of bendahara.

    Their election is on the way, in these boilihland times where to get popular support…used what was successful lah…..so u see such people have to original ideas , but knows the word innovation but yet does not understand the rest but but they will argue till cows come home that they are right all along…a show of limited or maybe restricted reasoning power.

    Phew what a pain in the neck..what the heck a dummy stays a dumpy and it is his choosing not anybody else.

    cheers ….sorry no mamk store for me lah ,,,got stomach ache lah

  63. If there are riots, it is because our leaders in position of power, trust and influence surrendered their leadership to racists, bigots and bullies who uses threat, intimidation and inciting racial aggression and hatred.

  64. People,
    the malays can be the ‘kings’ in Malaysia and see how the world viewed the ‘kings’ in Taiwan.

    The battle for survival in outside of Malaysia. If you Malaysians don’t unite, it will be game over for the next generation.

    Remember Sri Lanka? It was once a leader in terms of development in Asia, many many many years ago.

    I could say this now:
    Good Bye Malaysia and I don’t hope to meet you in the future. If this goes on, you will be a fourth world country and I don’t want to be there.

    Malaysia did not and still don’t have a place for me. It is tiring to strive for a place to stand here.

  65. “Bagi saya, hampir 90 peratus rakyat Malaysia, khususnya di Semenanjung, adalah pendatang dan kita semua sebenarnya menumpang hidup di bumi Allah. Kita bukan pemilik kekal tetapi hanya menumpang…”

    Yes, we are all ‘penumpang”. We were passengers in a spaceship in the form of human DNA, a space ship still embedded at the bottom of the Dead Sea preserved by salt water, waiting to be discovered.

  66. Once and for all, there has never been, is no, and will never be such thing as one type of claim that is above every other type of claim INDEFINITELY. The idea there is only one narrowly definied standard for legal claims over a property that is in perpetuity is NEANDERTHAL. Its not only unjust, its non-functioning eventually.

    You can’t say, I was here first and no matter what else, I always have superior claim over you. The world is not static and claims are not static. Its dynamic, has been and always will be.

    Put it this way, can we pass a law that says anything found using the substance of our rainforest is ours no matter how much others have put in in research and intellectual property? Obviously not. Similarly, just because the Malays were here first does not give it absolute right over the land no matter what the other facts of history are.

    There is this confidence of Malays that eventually there will be 80% Malay Muslim in this country in the future because of birth rate and migration. Its possible but its also not going to be perpetual. Every country in the world is experiencing a diversity of their population and its a matter of time before that 80% Malay Muslim population will go down, if this country progress. Unless this country choose to not progress at some point, it must eventually accept the issue of diversity of claims of equal citizenship. When it does, how is it going to compensate those it will be unjust to all the years before that? The non-bumi percentage in this country may decline but they are not going to go away for centuries and their claim against injustice will never be forgotten and cannot be swept away.

    If we are going to use ‘first here’ claim as superior and absolute to other claims indefinitely, we might as well use clubs to beat each other over the head as the better standard.. That actually is more lasting given that only one party survives eventually..

  67. Shamsul said:

    “If UMNO is a shareholder, it would have controlled more than 60% in a company [i.e. BN company of umno, mca, mic etc shareholders]. Meaning it is considered the controlling shareholder. It is as simple as that.”

    and advised DAP not to play racial issues.

    That shamsul statement is in itself a play of racial issue. What basis has he to postulate that umno would be the majority shareholder, other than race?

    I would say business acumen and financial strength are in fact better criteria than race in the hypothesis of his, in which case mca and gerakan would together hold 70% – if not more – of the shares in the “BN company”.

    This is a simple illustration of the fallacy behind umno or umno-like philosophy. We are living in a fast shrinking and highly competitive world. And Umno is obviously out of phase with reality.

    If not checked and corrected, umno would soon have to content itself with a sub-space somewhere within the greater dark space that makes up the edge of universe. There umno at least would be far far away from the enegy-sucking and mass-eating black hole. And that is a consolation.

  68. MELURIAN said:
    “What’s wrong to hv malay kacukan that yield better gene & fullfilling ‘malay supremacy’ principle”. I personally feel that u don’t understand the whole issue here. For yr info….we r talking about “pendatangs”…kacukan are still “pendatangs”…and if u don’t agree with that, don’t call the other races particularly the chinese as “pendatangs”….many of us Malaysians who r Chettis, Baba, Nyonyas & Seranis whom descendants lived in Melaka since the malay sultanate hv malay blood too (as said by DR SURESH KUMAR). If we r “pendatangs”, so r our PM, DPM, Ministers & many Malays whom descendants hv Chinese, Indian, Bugis etc blood r also “pendatangs”…maybe u r also “pendatangs”.
    I hv to agree with WANDERER…”What so big deal with malay blood…Nationalility, we r all Malaysians. Grow Up!”

  69. The ‘Out of Africa’ theory buttress the view that the modern human first
    migrated from Africa crossing the Red Sea (during that period the sea was 70 metre shallower and also narrower with islands in between to facilitate the crossing).Investigation of the patterns of genetic variation in modern human populations supports the view that the origin of Homo Sapiens is the result of a recent event with the Out Of Africa Model.

    (1) Studies of contemporary DNA,especially mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) which occurs only in cellular organelles called mitochondria reveal that humans are estonishingly homogeneous with relatively little genetic variation.
    (2) The high degree of similarity between human populationsstands in sharp contrast to the condition seen in our closest relative,the chimpanzees.In fact
    there is significantly more genetic variation between two individual chimpanzees drawn from the same population than there is between two humans drawn randomly from a single population.
    (3) In support of an African origin for the Homo Sapien,the work of Cann and Wilson has demonstrated that the highest level of genetic variation in mtDNAoccurs in African populations.This implies that Homo Sapiens arose first in Africa and has therefore had a longer period of time to accumulate genetic diversity.Using the genetic distance between African populations and others as a measure of time,they furthermore suggested that the Homo Sapiens arose between 100,000 and 400,000 years ago.
    (4) The low amount of genetic variation in modern human populations suggest our origins may reflect a relatively small founding population for Homo Sapiens.Analysis of mtDNA by Rogers and Harpending supports the view that a small population of Homo Sapiens,numbering 10,000 to 50,000 people left Africa somewhere between 50,000 and 100,000 yeaars ago.

    Scientists recently took DNA from several Neanderthal skeleton and found from the studies of mtDNA as well as nuclear DNA that the Neanderthal DNA is very distinct from our own.Also genetic studies show that Neanderthals did not interbreed with Homo Sapiens who migrated to Europe.Thus it is highly likely that modern humans do not carry Neanderthal genes in their DNA.

    To all the mamak racists who brandish their racism without shame through acting and behaving more Malay than Malays,the message here is We Are All Penumpangs and this land and in fact Planet Earth is meant for earthlings (humans plus all creatures).

  70. Shamsul,
    Surely Chua Soi Lek’s saga of sexual exploits can’t be as scandalous as someone high up in authority perceived by the public both domestic and foreign as being involved in the murder of Altantuya or many of the exploits by UMNOPUTRAS involving big time corruptions.Your attempt at defending the indefensible is laughable.

  71. Really?

    So what about UK lands in the Peninsula? What was that called Tanah UK?

    And what about the 4 northern states that belonged to Thailand, that the Sultan groveled to the UK to take back? Tanah Thai?

    And previous to that all the lands owned by Portugal and Holland? Tanah Portugal and Holland?

    And how about the fiefdom of Raja Brooke in Borneo? Tanah Brooke?

    Each state may have had its own Sultan and government but that does not = Malaysia!

    If Malaysia was your own land to control then how come we had to have independence? I suppose Umno teach you that you have to declare independence from yourself?

    Stupidest thing I ever heard!

    You should go study Malaysia history, real Malaysia history not that doctored Umno garbage!

  72. taiking,
    tolong baca balik apa yg you dah tulis. think & rethink. why is the need to make such insult like that?

    taiking Says:
    September 11th, 2008 (2 days ago) at 09: 34.29
    Is “MALAY” properly a race?

    Or is it a term which denotes a politically-defined (and constitutionally entrenched) composition of a number of races?

  73. Rojak Penang consists of pineapple, turnip, cucumber, prawn crackers, prawn paste, thick black soy sauce, etc while mongrels originate from cross breeding pedigrees such as German shepherds, Labrador retrievers, Pekingnese, Doberman, Rotweiller, etc.

  74. This Pandatang agitation, Theresa detention, are just some scheme that failed to create unrest. Someone was hopping these will get people to the street and protest so that Anwar will be roped in. Tsk Tsk..
    Thanks a lot to all the Malaysians levelheadedness.. let the schemers learn their bitter lessons by getting the boot, soon!

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