BN forced to seclude its MPs in 12-day “overseas retreat” as it is not sure of the allegiance of 30 to 40 per cent of its MPs come “916”

The Barisan Nasional leadership has been forced to come out with the idea to corral and seclude its Members of Parliament in a mysterious “overseas retreat” for 12 days from Sept. 7 – 19 as it is not sure of the allegiance of 30 to 40 per cent of its MPs come ”916”.

Some BN leaders are getting “cold feet” and more than a touch of panic.

While the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, have been claiming that nothing would happen on September 16, with the former even invoking the name of the Yang di Pertuan Agong as if the King is taking political sides, there is undoubtedly growing nervousness and jitters among the various levels of Barisan Nasional leadership with every passing day.

In the past six months since the first political tsunami on March 8, there has been rising rather than the reduction of restiveness among the Barisan Nasional MPs, not confined to Sabah and Sarawak – and it is no exaggeration to say that for the first time in the nation’s history, the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition has lost the unquestioned allegiance of its MPs from the various component parties, including UMNO itself.

The second political tsunami of the Permatang Pauh by-election on August 26 has sealed and reinforced the restiveness of the BN MPs – especially as there are no signs of any light at the end of the tunnel to resolve the multiple crisis of confidence besetting the government and nation, whether political, economic, educational, institutional or nation-building.

This is why there is the sudden despatch of urgent SMS to all BN MPs two days ago in the name of the BN Backbenchers Club (BNBBC) of a compulsory “retreat overseas from Sept 7 to Sept 19” meant to be compulsory attendance for all BN MPs.

The fact that there is protest by BN MPs at the 12-day compulsory “overseas retreat” – whether Australia, China or Taiwan – like the earlier refusal of all Sabah BN MPs to sign a pledge of loyalty to the Prime Minister, is symptomatic of the gravity of the BN crisis of confidence. This is completely unthinkable just six months ago before the 12th general election!

All in all, it is a national shame that BN MPs should be treated like delinquent children who have to be packed off overseas and secluded from mischief – treating BN MPs as no better than chattel. Poor BN MPs!


150 Replies to “BN forced to seclude its MPs in 12-day “overseas retreat” as it is not sure of the allegiance of 30 to 40 per cent of its MPs come “916””

  1. Their denial on DSAI record pre-election already slam hard on their face, throw everything they got. Heavy machineries including mass distruction warlord A.Ismail was defeated.


  2. Don’t you think it is a waste of public money? Whatever BN does, it is at the expenses of our people’s money.

    Another issue is no one should take or keep our passport. Only in the black society, the gangsters take the passport of the prostitutes so that they don’t run home, and they work days and nights. Are BN MPs now simialr to prostitutes?

  3. I thought the country is poor and the government decided to cut study trips to oversea destinations.

    Apa ini? Study trip to china / taiwan / Australia? Or BTN camp?

    Or is this a desparate measure to determine who is not interested in the trip and by deduction, who is likely to cross-over come 916?

    Refusal by BN MPs in sabah to give pledge is definately a worrying indication for umno. Now they desparately need to find out the true extend of the cross-over impact.

  4. This looks like a big joke. I have always been told not to part with my passport and here our lawmakers have to surrender their passports. They have not even decided where to go or what to do. Its like a pack of wolves running around without any aim. Looks like they want to be out of the country on the anniversary of the formation of Malaysia and not be at home to celebrate. Shame on you Sabah and Sarawak its your birthday!!!!!!!!

  5. While they are going for a ‘study’ trip, and since they are all adults, can we also assume that their ‘pocket-money’ for lunch would be rather substantial?

    Mummy oredi bungus fly-rice for lunch wor, so can or not we take lunch-money to buy big house near seaside ah? Can or not ah, ah, can or not?????

  6. Agriculture expedition, huh?

    After looking at a few plants and weeds, they will adjoined to a foreign bank!

    They will be asked to open a foreign account. A fat wad of $ in foreign currency will be a sample for them to deposit into the foreign account which will be sufficient for the rest of their lives!

    They will be staying put in BN after the agriculture trip!

  7. My guess is that this trip is not so much to get the MPs out of the country but a SCHEME to separate out the SHEEP from the GOATS. So SHEEP beware. Action can then be taken against you B4 that deadline comes closer! So watch your back.

  8. Maybe the MPs are migrating as when PR become the ruling gov all their corrupt practises will land them in jail.

    This is another prime example of how BN-UMNO waste tax-$. Cut the crap about going for retreat…holiday lah.

    If Sept.16 is all talk as claimed by BN-UMNO, why the holiday trip before Sept.16? It clearly demonstrates that BN-UMNO is willing to waste millions of tax-$ (maybe that’s why the budget has ballooned to cover such expenses ie holidays expenses for MPs). The desperate signs are there.

  9. Though BN can temporarily “banish” their MPs to Australia, China and Taiwan to foil “916”, yet it cannot “banish” the heart of those who have already made up their minds to crossover to PR.

    I believe that if Abdullah is willing to step down, the number of BN MPs defecting to PR will be smaller. If Japan’s Prime Minister had the courage to resign, there is no reason why Abdullah could not do likewise.

  10. It’s reported that according to DSAI while in Indonesia, he received a called from one MP that he be counted in for defection. Since the limited membership places available in PR is only 30 +-5 come 916, why not make a special announced last chance offer to the other MPs on a first come first serve basis before the door is closed on them. It may work on the fence sitters!

  11. An ill disguised, shameful, undemocratic and panicky act that will earn people’s contempt and will ultimately be unsuccessful to thwart a crossover. It does not have to be ‘916’, it can be ‘928’ or ‘1016’ or whatever date. Treat the illness, not hide it. The illness happens to be a rotten government that people want to change.

  12. MP supposed to be highly respected and is people elected, hope they will not disapponited the ppl who voted them. Else, why we voted them into the office.

    if they think this is a waste of time and money, why go???

    government can’t be against the MP who standby the people.

    think before act.

  13. Definition by Abdullah (this list is added on today in addition to the many that transpired).

    Austerity: Overseas trips for all MPs in the midst of biggest deficit and declining reserves.
    Puasa Month: Enjoy overseas with wives or mistresses, not lah, not mistresses, but enjoy with wives got lah.
    Confident no MPs would leave Barisan: Get allegiance form signed.

  14. I’m all for field trips for our MPs but surely this must be planned months ahead:-
    1) Which field to be studied;
    2) Who should go;
    3) How long is the period of study;
    4) When to go;
    5) Where to go, who is the host;
    etc etc.
    But what we are told here that we have a large contingent of Memebers of Parliament from the ruling Barisan National all packed up to go tomorrow BUT not knowing WHERE TO GO.
    This has to be kidding or a bad international joke!

  15. Anwarwood Productions – The Biggest Blockbuster Show on Earth!
    (Anwarwood Produksi – Tayangan Paling Besar dan Hebat di Dunia!)

    Beware! Politics is a game not for the faint hearted in Malaysia. Malaysians will have heart attacks when you see the end. Even if you don’t, you will suffer a mild stroke or high blood pressure. Why? The Titanic 2 show this time directed and scriptwritten by Anwarwood Productions will continue with the following scenes:

    1. Little Napoleons will continue with the phrase “The End Justifies The Means” in protecting their interests.
    2. Some passengers will lose all sense of conscience and humanity when the ship is finally sinking.
    3. Everyone in the ship will rush to get on the lifeboats.
    4. Money is used to buy anything to safe oneself from impending doom.
    5. The Best Actor and Supporting Casts together with Trojan Horses are finally shown at the end of the show.

    Whatever the emotions left at the end of the show, please remember that it was just a show, just like what politics is all about. The reality of living together continues in this land.

  16. All in all, it is a national shame that BN MPs should be treated like delinquent children who have to be packed off overseas and secluded from mischief – treating BN MPs as no better than chattel. KIT

    No, you are wrong Kit. It is not BN MPs are treated like delinquent children. BN MPs are prostitutes in three piece suits. May I ask why do they need constant enticement? And if they ever cross over to PR, what kind of MPs would they be? Why can’t for once MPs make a decision based on national interest? We just have too many spineless scam bag politicians in this country.

  17. According to news report the field trip was hatched as a result of some MPs’ conversation.

    So gofortruth, you have a point there. Compulsory trip it seems. For the purpose of studying and understanding more about agriculture so that they are better equipped to debate in parliament over some agriculture issues when they return.

    Me Not Stupid.

    Rakyat Not Stupid.

  18. How long can this “retreat” be?
    Is this another unique culture from bn? 48 MP (from ruling party) suddenly all go oversea for what?, where?How long? only to be know last minutes? Compulsory to go?

  19. Don’t blame UMNO leadership for able to pack off BN MPs. It is BN MPs’ choice to be packed off. If they are brave enough (and righteous enough), why wait till Sept 16. Do it now. All of them fly to Jakarta now and make the declaration there with Anwar. I am sure they can afford AirAsia tickets and get reimbursement later, scam bags. I will pay for one of the BN MP’s air ticket.

  20. But what we are told here that we have a large contingent of Memebers of Parliament from the ruling Barisan National all packed up to go tomorrow BUT not knowing WHERE TO GO.
    This has to be kidding or a bad international joke!…….we are all laughing,because it is so funny

  21. @ oknyua…

    NOT ONE in Million Chances AAB will resign!
    JAPANESE carries the bloondline, definition of value virtue and honor from aka “SAMURAI”.

    Malaysian UMNOputras carries bloodline of pre-parameswara, HIS ALLY “Sea-people”(orang laut). Today we name them “Pirates” from exile strait of melaka.

    Tho “Pirates” have NO HONOR nor VIRTUE, how on earth they understand Value of Being Graceful!

  22. As usual…….it is just a coincidence…..there are many coincidences nowadays for BN and its ‘korek…korek..korek’ fixed system…ACA actions, Police actions, ‘sumpah’s, ‘educational trips to Australia’, – just to name a few….

    Do you believe that there are really so many ‘coincidences’ can occur at the same time? (this question is not for those who are mentally-retarded).

  23. BN MPs should give priority to the rakyat they serve instead of going for this ‘wasteful field trip’! We should blacklist those MPs that go for this ‘wasteful trip’. Pak Lah asked the rakyat to adjust their lifestyle when he increased the petrol price, now he endorsed this so call study trip.

  24. Does physically isolating or coralling of BN MPs and incarcerating those suspected of intending to do so in one 5 star hotel and sending them on overseas agricultural study trip actually stall or prevent defections?

    Is physical presence of a defecting MP in Malaysia or the capital city a prerequisite for a valid defection? Does a defecting MP have to actually cross the floor in Dewan Rakyat? Where does it state so? The Dewan Rakyat is not even having parliamentary sessions on or around 16th September or else they won’t be going overseas : scared of vote of no confidence with so many MPs away! I am also not aware of any constitutional,legal or parliamentary standing order prescribing how a proper defection is supposed to be executed.

    Now we are in the seasons of statutory declarations (“SDs”). RPK knows their utility; Baginda’s private investigator P. Balasubramaniam used it; Pusrawi Hospital’s Dr Mohd Osman Abdul Hamid used SDs to swear that he performed a sodomy-related examination on Mohd Saiful Bukhari.

    The importance of SDs is that the making of any false statements in a SD is a criminal offence and it is assumed that no maker of a SD would knowingly make declarations that he knew false for fear of being implicated in a criminal offence.

    That being the case what is there to stop Anwar from having already collected in advance 30+ SDs from BN Defectors, keeping them in his drawer or safe place so that at the pyschologically corect moment of September 16th to submit to the Speaker of Parliament these SDs supported by Pakatan Rakyat’s written confirmation (also addressed to the Speaker) that PR has accepted all these defectors as member of (say) PKR, DAP or PAS asthe case may be applicable?

    Wouldn’t this satisfy all requirements of valid defections having been effected?

    So what’s the point of keeping would-be defecting overseas when Anwar already have their SDs from which they could not make a aboutface change?

  25. I had commented on the expected “mode of defection” before. Why is Anwar so damn confident. I think he has got an undertaking in black and white from all those defecting MPs. The list will be submitted to the Speaker (whose name might also be in it) and another copy to the King.

  26. Of course Anwar has to be confident. Or the Katak’s won’t be able to find the courage to jump.

    Sep 16 is not in the bag. Only when that day arrives, we will get to see Anwar’s hand whether he was just calling a bluff or he really has the aces in his hand.

  27. One word -> Fool! Stupid! Naive! Poor man, MPs!

    Timid & Coward!
    Irrespective and irresponsibility!
    BN PM & DPM, waste Malaysian’s tens of year RM, direct or indirectly invite(force) own party MPs to fulfill your personal interest!

    Sound like traveling, seem like (will it?) detainee!
    Poor MPs, 0 human right & freedom, totally nothing!


    MPs, Poor man, Untrusted by PM-&-DPM?
    WHY WAIT, why not RESIGN and then JOIN PR!

    Warmest regards.

  28. I am only speculating only about Anwar having collected more than 30 or 40 SDs. It is not impossible! You think when Anwar stitched a commitment on defection with a MP, he is going to rely on mere verbal commitment that person could renege? It must have been in writing, whether in form of SD as speculated or not!

    Why else do you think, with only 10 days to go Anwar Ibrahim still persist in telling the press in Jakarta that he had secured at least 30 members and was on track to meet the Sept 16 deadline to recruit enough members of parliament to topple the government?? (see Malaysiakni’s report of Sep 6, 08 2:55pm)

    One may say he hypes and playing a psychological game on BN….but this is unlikely because of the overwhelming costs and undesirable consequences on his credibility – and by extension the credibility of all Pakatan Rakyat’s leaders acquisecing silently with his 916 project? If it does not happen on 16 Sept, his credibility is at stake and so is Pakatan Rakyat whom he leads. Why would he take such a risk? When he does not really need to stipulate a date for take over why would he unnecessarily state a date, keep on affirming it thereby placing his and entire PR’s credibility at stake if the scheme does not carry through because it has been a hype and hot air all along?

    He is a seasoned politcian and knows the high stakes involved. I don’t think he is so naive and cavalier to put not only himself but the entire Opposition’s credibility at risk by stirring up hopes and desires that he has no prospects at all of gratifying. He should have learnt the lesson from our PM who whipped up high expectations of reforms in 2003 and now at the reciving end of the back lash when hopes are dashed and disappointment all abound.

  29. It is so sad that even in its death throes, BN continues to lie to Malaysians. It can never ever come clean, can it? Study trip? For ALL BN MPs? And that too with them dragging along MCA MPs who are as good as decaying political cadavers. Hah! They will be BURIED by the time they get back…if they do.

    DSAI for PM 16th SEPT 2008.


  30. Of course defecting MPs need not say they have defected or intending to defect. The finality only is evidenced when their SDs or written agreements to defect are submitted in a bundle to the Speaker and the King. As to the timing of such submission they have left it to Anwar’s call (which depends on the aggregate of such documents colected by that fateful date!). Then they all take effect! :)

  31. As long as defecting BN MPs having already signed and delivered to Anwar irrevocable and unconditional undertakings/SDs to defect are not identified until the fateful date and no pressures are brought to bear on them to retract, they will not, like P. Balasubramaniam, make SD 2 to retract SD1! :)

  32. For the past 51 years, people only hear that the government tell their MPs to stay home or to have holidays in the country. There are various valid reasons for doing that. It is strange that now the government is sending a group of MPs on paid holidays, and that too on compulsion. It cannot be a study tour as the reason given, because a study tour would reqiuire planning for those who provide substance for study, and the persons performing such study should have the aptitude to study. So, it is clear that the government has some other motive in sending enmass MPs out of the country from 9 to 16 September 2008.

    The date 16 September 2008 has been marked for a change of government. So the BN powers-that-be want to ensure that on that day, the 16th of September, those MPs on tour overseas would not be able to be counted as members of the new government. It was further hoped that with their absence from the national territory, the BN government could still continue until 16 September 2008. The BN leaders, especially PM AAB only wanted to endure that the BN government does not fall on 16 September 2008. It would appear that he had won if BN falls on 17th September, since Anwar would have been wrong by a day for taking over power. That is the fighting spirit of PM AAB. He must have learned the teaching that even if he falls fighting, he should grab something standing up, if he could ever stand up again. After having lost to Anwar in almost every sphere of living, he now wants to make sure that Anwar miss his target date by a day.

    PM AAB is a fighter, fighting for or against the wrong things all the time.

  33. tahn Sri Kho Tsu K mengatakan bahawa Ahmad Ismail memgambil peluang untuk membalas dendam kerana kononnya Tan Sri Kho pada beberapa tahun yang lepasa permah menolak permintaan Ahmad untuk memanjangkan tempohnya sebagai Ahli Majlis di Georgetown

  34. ///By the way, why DSAI needs to fix this day 916 to take over the government? Can it be done earlier or in a later date?/// – Js

    916 has symbolic significance – so Anwar would have us believe – that that is a day East Malaysians are freed from yoke of BN’s neo colonialism and the day marking their formal inclusion and participation in all benefits and responsibilities of truly being part of Malaysia. Besides MPs with whom he stitched the deals in writing of crossovers are likely initially majority from Sabah and Sarawak whom he said.

  35. why all minister compulsory to go oversea trip? Let one minister of PLANTATION go la….why all minister interested in FARMING?
    this surely setup up by pak lah and najib….so obvious they are SCARED!

  36. 1. A proper defection need not be evinced by physical presence of the defecting MP in KL or at the time Parliament is in session for a physical walk from govt benches to opposition’s bench.

    2. All that is required is proper documentation to prove and etablish authenticity and legal effect.

    3. Documentation comprioses (a) signed irevocable resignation letter from Defecting MP addressed to the component party of which he is member; (b) an unconditional and irrevocable letter from Defecting MP to the relevant component party of Pakatan Pakyat to join as member or a Statutory Declaration to that effect (c) a letter from the relevant Pakatan Rakyat component party to Defecting MPO to accept his membership .

    4. Armed with 30 or 40 of such documentation stated in 3, Anwar could submit a tabulation of all existing PR’s MPs and the the 30 or 40 of the defectors supported by documentation in 3 above as proof to Speaker and King, laying claim that he is the one who asOposition head fulfills the constitutional requirement of being the proper person to be PM to form govt as constitutionally prescribed.

    5. Anwar takes advantage of the fact that the Constitution does not specifically specify how to effect a vote of no confidence – so the procedures in 4 will oiperate indirectly as the Oposition’s vote of no confidence, thereby circumventing the obstacle to get the Speaker to approve a Motion of No Confidence in normal parlliamentary proceedings. (Parliament is not on any way on Sept 16th).

    In circumstances of 5 above it would be necesary for govt to resign or the King to dissolve parliament for another election – unless the existing govt. has earlier declared an emergency.

  37. Aiyah, it’s a one way ticket. These BN MPs will not be coming back because of plane crash. All gone and BN Government also gone. Blessing in disguise, ANWAR will take over as an interim Prime Minister of Malaysia until such time, when new MPs are elected to replace the perished BN MPs.

  38. I hope Parlimen will be dissolved if there are MPs defecting. It makes the new ruling Gov authentic and not bought over. Only the rakyat has the say in who can be the Gov.

    But then again, I dunno whether we Chinese can vote as we are only on ‘tumpang’ in Msia. Pure stupidity of Ahmad Shithead.

    I hope we don’t have to be like Thailand. A snap election will suffice.

  39. Sleepy to his BN GOONS:

    Come on children, pack your bags. We’re going on a trip to NOWHERE. I don’t trust any of you cos’ of the fact 916 is just round the corner. If I can’t keep you in then I’ll make sure no one gets out!

    That’s the mentality of the BN government now.
    Please get the hell out!

  40. why poor BN MPs?

    They get a free trip at the rakyat’s expense and if they wanna jump ship, they could still do so after 16/9. What’s stopping them? UNless of cos UMNO taikors decided to lock them up for good till the next GE la like naughty boys/girls they are.

    If I am the MP, I would be thrilled with this holiday.

    Another stupid project by BN!

  41. We are only at the beginning ….
    The best is yet to come ……….
    Guess BN are looking at their investment in Australia and check out their new homes there …
    For all we know …it’s a one way ticket and PR will take over the governement ……
    Papparazzies would have to follow them this trip too….
    The Done Master could have check out his home in South Africa by now …..

  42. Sorry to digress. PM has just come out to cover for Abdul Ismail.

    Apparently they are putting the blame on the news reporters.( Najib was present sharing the same stage and even he has apologized using UMNO’s name). Why the sudden twist now to protect Abdul Ismail, is it because he has the whole of 13 Penang UMNO divisions backing him, including AAB’s home division?
    Abdul Ismail also claimed to have received tremendous support all across the country.
    This could be a racial landmine that the gomen hopes PR will fall into and set off racial havocs and use that as an excuse to declare emergency rule.

  43. Thereare some much top secret files pertaining to each MPs wrong-doings hidden in that Australia home that AAB want all of them to go there to be ‘grilled’. All their balls are in AAB’s hand now.
    You really think AAB is that stupid meh …
    All these MPs are ‘tainted’ people that UMNO can used to control the government ……….. caught you all bare-naked here

  44. we all need to understand that it’s rakyat power that will bring new hope to everyone.
    as far as UMNO concern ,they will kill among themselves so as not enough monies to go around … BN have long gone after 080308.
    AAB is gunning on his last trump card to sweep this pool from the poker table .. last game lah.

  45. rakyat Malaysia are the only ones that can provide future to Malaysia ..we have been working far to hard lately to achieved this far of freedom and true sprirt of Merdeka ..
    these are only the beginning … we still have a long long journey to walk together

  46. DSAI needs to move fast to accomplish his “916” plan before the court decides whether he is guilty of sodomy.

    In fact political analysts hinted that whether or not DSAI can gain political ascendancy, it depends on how soon he can get the BN MPs crossover to PR before UMNO gets him (e.g. through passing the DNA bill).

  47. Excerpts from Melney & Sydbourne SumTimes

    Every year in September, Melbourne hosts its Royal Melbourne Show. It is a regular feature in the show to have livestock of various kinds paraded for public display. These livestock could include ayam, kambing, kerbau of varied breeds.

    This year there is to be a consignment of ‘livestock’ from Malaysia. Apparently, it has been a rather late decision by the organisers to now include the Malaysian specimen. Rumour has it that there was a bit of arm-twisting behind the scenes before this shocking decision. Undisclosed sources said what’s surprising about the incoming foreign ‘livestock’ was the batch of frogs. They are due to arrive on or around 16 September.

    It is widely believed that these 40 or more frogs had been in quarantine in Malaysia for some time. This measure was taken out of fear that they will multiply rapidly if allowed to be free in their natural surroundings. Like their northern Australian counterparts, the cane-toads, these frogs are noted for their leaping prowess and have the ability to irk authorities from time to time. It has taken no less than the government of Malaysia to step in and take precautionary measures to corral these frogs, regarded as delinquents, and to seclude them to far away land especially at a time when the government is going through a trough in its biorhythmic cycle. Once noted for frog-worshipping, the government of Malaysia had recently developed a very rare and acute form of ranidaphobia.

    Unnamed ‘shrinks’ have attributed this fear to two traumatic incidents the first of which occurred in March 2008 when several top leaders had nightly nightmares of amputated frogs on wheelchairs, led by a Pied Piper who was once inflicted with a black-eyed injury, chanting and singing to the tunes of very haunting songs demanding their rightful prosthetic legs. The second traumatic incident involved the appearance of apparitions in the form of strong-legged frogs occurring in the northern regions of Malaysia some time in late August this year. But it was rumoured that some ‘secret bomoh’ (witch-doctor) who had conducted ‘milk-bath’ rituals for some noted VIPs had interpreted these nightmares and apparitions as omens of imminent retribution for their past heinous deeds.

    It is not known how these frogs will survive the spring weather in Melbourne. Bigger questions have been asked about their reaction to this peculiar quarantine in particular how their sensitive nictitating membrane would take to Melbourne’s spring air laden with pollen from the blooming wattle and stone fruit trees. Seasonal rhinitis similar to the human affliction might well compromise their respiratory organs. However, some frog breeders believe that these frogs might turn out to be stronger. The variety and number of insects present during this spring season, breeders say, would suit these frogs to build stronger muscles in their hind legs.

    In the final analysis, a more nightmarish outcome awaits the party responsible for the frog sojourn for if the breeders are correct, the frog will return home more resilient having honed their leaping skills in their new environment. Otherwise, a returning batch of frogs carrying unknown influences of a new environment could pose unforeseen hazards. If however the frogs were abandoned at the end of the show, the ever vociferous animal rights group here will definitely make a meal of this and yet again tarnish the reputation of the government of Malaysia which in recent days had been in a tailspin of sorts.

  48. Bodowi just woke up from his sleep than realize the MP is about to jump ship. So ask all of them to go for holiday under the pretext of study tour. What to study …….maybe how to use C4. This is how he save cost. Don’t worry the Auditor General will review the spending
    later on.

  49. js said :
    By the way, why DSAI needs to fix this day 916 to take over the government? Can it be done earlier or in a later date? I suspect DSAI does not have the numbers yet…let’s wait and see lah…


    If DSAI is really to do it on 916, then I salute him for the simple fact of NOT flip-flopping. Remember how many times our flip-floppers in Government now have said no but it turned out to be a yes, they say “no, not now” then the do it the very next day. For example… no petrol decrease announcement until 31 August… then what do they do… 15sen reduction just before Permatang Pauh by election.

  50. whats wrong with Langkawi? Sipadan? Redang? Not good enough for our super rich MPs?

    Tourism minister asks us rakyat to holiday in Malaysia, while they jet off!


    We get burdened with high prices, they use public money to live good life!

  51. You mean to say that the BN does not know that defectng MPs could enjoy the holiday and still send in their resignation by telegram? We know that voters who were given money for old age, only in the PP by-election, can pocket the money and still kick out the BN candidate and sent spawling into the market street.

    Maybe they are running away, just in case the police turn against them for crimes? Yes?

    Bear in mind this is bolehland.

  52. TASEK GELUGOR 6 Sept. – Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi mengingatkan semua pihak supaya tidak mensensasikan isu sensitif sehingga menimbulkan rasa marah dan tidak senang hati di kalangan kaum di negara ini.

    Menurut Perdana Menteri, perkara yang berkaitan dengan agama, kontrak sosial atau melibatkan perkauman tidak sepatutnya ditimbulkan kerana ia akan menye babkan kaum-kaum berkenaan berasa bahawa sensitiviti mereka diketepikan. – Utusan

    Huh, rupa-rupanya masyarakat Cina yang salah bukan Ahmad Ismail yang bercakap tanpa berfir itu…. nampaknya Matahari akan terbit dari Barat esok!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  53. The BN government led by Abdullah and Najib continues to make the same mistakes again and again. They show us how poor and unorganized in everything they do.

    -police investigation a flop
    -ministers’ statements are full of inconsistencies and discrepancies
    -Planning very poor
    -proactiveness zero

    Now they have this “overseas retreat” but than unsure or undecided of their destination, yet still name this educational tour.

    BNBC chairman and deputy chairman,

    Do you know the reason why fellow Malaysians repeatedly calling you all a bunch of idiots?
    – I hope you know by now!

  54. The BN MPs need a break. Give them a break, will you, cruel people. They are also humans and needed a much overdue rest in China … ooops … need some revision study on growing veg. in their garden when they come home.

  55. Richardqed says:
    The MPs who intend to crossover, can say they are not defecting, just saving Malaysia and its citizens.

    no matter how u look at it , watever reasons they give , defect is still a decection.

    do u really think those who really switch are really tat sincere in wanting to improve our nation ? i doubt so……..

  56. sA1nT_Jam3s Says:

    Yesterday at 23: 19.26
    whats wrong with Langkawi? Sipadan? Redang? Not good enough for our super rich MPs?

    Tourism minister asks us rakyat to holiday in Malaysia, while they jet off!


    We get burdened with high prices, they use public money to live good life!


    BeEND goons are used to good living… so local retreat is below standard mah, afterall we rakyat will foot their bill while they enjoy themselves.

    This whole idea of packing them off like kids has projected the BeEnd gomen as an international laughing stock…best joke of the year!!

    Unless Bodowi & Najis can come up with more sensible reasons for the silly idea, convincing enough lah as we rakyats are no fools.

    Outwardly they say nothing to fear but deep inside they are cowering with fright & anxiety…idiotic clowns!

  57. Former chief minister Datuk Harris Mohd Salleh is talking rubbish now to ask the Sabah and Sarawak state governments to pass a resolution in their respective legislative assemblies to demand 25% oil royalty instead of the current 5%.

    During Harris prime time under Dr M regime, he kept his big mouth closed like a dead rat dare not even voice out a single word to Dr M and also to fight for Sabahans’ rights but for his own greed and corrupt power between 1976 and 1985.

    Malay saying “It is better to trust a Ghost than this human Syaitan”. Do you that believe a Devil is preaching a Saint story about his Guardian of Hell to be fair to the Saints in Heaven ?

    Interesting to read the replies and feedbacks from all Sabahans and their leaders on Harris suggestion.

    Now BN-MPs packing to learn how to “Bercucuk Tanam ” in the Agri cum Pleasure trip to nowhere using our hardearned taxpayer monies. What a stupid ideas from BBC ? Find a place to hide their faces in even Pakatan Rakyat take over and they need to cucuk tanam ubi kentang dan sayur to subsidise their cronies, sons and son-in-laws too.

    Let Malaysians wait and listen what will happen on 916 People Power Revolution D-Day.

  58. Never seen UMNO deny…accused…apply dirty tricks….create tensions…provoke…in house fighting…and few more.
    Never seen an UMNO DPM apologise so humbly.
    Never seen budget …so much help for Sarawak and Sabah.
    And only 5 months after election…so many goodies to Chinese and Indians.
    Now trips arranged for those they know will cross over.
    Yet the say…16th September is a bluff?
    Well…if so…it sure creates alot of worries for UMNO…out of nothing..except having nightmares…what to do next…if they loose run away or stay and possible jail sentences…sooner or later for corruptions.

  59. Something is still very wrong in this country. Many people like to see DSAI’s promise comes true, many people like to see a change of government, but this can only take place through “katak”ing. Don’t we Malaysians have a better way to do it, a more respectable mean? In the end even if it comes true, either b4 or after 916, do you think we can trust the kataks? Imagine, some of these kataks will become our ministers! Do we really have hope?

  60. I afraid these MPs will be meeting Bala at the same place. They may not be able to reenter boleh later on, and send for political exile in one of the African nations such as Somalia…haha Good luck.

    Or Anwar will show up there with these MPs?

    Looking at Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing organising the trip, I simply call it the typical chinese way of doing thing, angkat balls of UMNO.

  61. parliament is not in session but the King can call for one, is this correct? and if Anwar has the numbers which I pray he does, he can inform the King and we shall see what happens then. Pak Lah will need to say he does have the numbers which means parliament has to be called into sessions.

    Pak Lah is running scared and so is BN cos their survival is at stake and they brains are not working cos Anwar has them in a spin.Just going overseas and not sure where just shows the kind of band aid approach to keep the MPs away from Anwar.

    I hope Anwar makes something happen 916 be it over throw the government or shake it enough that he can take over very shortly after the 16th.Thus far Anwar is winning the hearts and mind of all malaysians and BN is shooting itself in its foot, more so UMNO!!!

  62. My speculation is that UNMO is busy packing to form an alternate government in exile. Taiwan, China, or Australia is just a transit point. The final destination may be Zimbabwe, Myanmar or Pakistan. They don’t know where to go because they are still waiting for permission from these countries. TDM is desperately trying to contact his god brother Mugabe for help. Beware! They will empty the government coffer before leaving.

  63. It is a sign that BN is REALLY REALLY getting very worried and FEAR of 916!

    AND MCA’s Ong KC! listen! U r not in a position to say Annuar can’t be PM! MCA DO NOT represent ALL chinese in Malaysia. STOP barking there! Why u so worry? Afraid that u might be ‘buang pulau’?

  64. It has happened before where lawmakers and legislators from one political party “flee” in order to thwart laws from being passed by the opposing political party.

    The following links detail the story of how Texas Democrats fled to neighbouring Oklahoma to thwart a Texas Republican drive to pass a Bill to redraw Texas congressional districts in May 2003. 51 Texas Democrats fled across the state line to break a House quorum, thus killing the Bill.

    While the political circumstances in Texas and Malaysia are very different, such legislative shenanigans are plentiful and they draw remarkable parallels.

    Maybe our Bolehland MPs are just imitating First World politicians albeit in the guise of a “study trip” at our expense. Let’s hope they fail to stop the takeover from happening.

  65. ‘He explained that he was merely expressing his “disgust” over Malay leaders’ inability to control racism and the culprit should face the Umno disciplinary committee if he refused to apologise.’ – TDM says.

    Can any supporter of TDM just ‘EXPLAIN’ to him to stop bising-bising? Why TDM have to ‘EXPLAIN’ all the time on what he has written? Does it mean that he has been writing without thinking?

    Come on TDM! U WERE my idol before and stop posting such NO-BRAIN comment to waste the Internet bandwidth!

  66. Under BN’s weak leadership, ‘overseas retreat’ is the only way to go. Look at the word ‘retreat’, doesn’t it clearly spell out their current situation? Why do you have to ‘retreat’ if you are not losing a battle?

    Call on MCA Youth leaders, maybe you all should consider ‘detach’ from MCA instead of ‘advising’ the big brothers to quit BN?

  67. waste of private or public money ? BeEnd has got no confidence with their own MPs. PL has got no gut to act tough on AI. Jib ? credibility really shattered by the Mongols.

    Are these MPs going “missing” after the trip ? or going to be hidden and running forever ? This is a very odd and desperate attempt to shield MPs from acting. Whether 916 is true or not, Ameno is so suree it happening from the way they behave.

    MPs from Sabah and Sarawak too had been shamed by this crude act of no confidence.

  68. and at least jib is talking and handling better than PL on the Ahmad’s spoof case that he is talking in a pree independence political ceramah. Just so sad to see PL defending this racist speaker.
    Since Chinese/Indians are immigrants, are we slaves of Malaysia to the Tuan Melayu ?

  69. To Malaysian Mummy who wrote :
    Former chief minister Datuk Harris Mohd Salleh is talking rubbish now to ask the Sabah and Sarawak state governments to pass a resolution in their respective legislative assemblies to demand 25% oil royalty instead of the current 5%. snip.

    No Lah. Just like PAS did, ask for something the BN cannot give and then they have reason to say, “Go to hell, we are leaving a sinking ship. Ta ta, and learn gardening all you ministers. Plant tanjung rambutan.

  70. ” MCA DO NOT represent ALL chinese in Malaysia.” Anak Sarawak wrote.

    Not Fully Correct. MCA does not represent any chinese except those who are party members. UMNO indicates which person should be party president, deputy and all, and so the members know what to do at the elections.

    Have you not learned about Kapitan Cina of colonial days? Same now, UMNO colonists and kapitan cina. They deliver messages from master to the chinese slaves, and take back intelligence to the masters – oops they were spies on the chinese. No need to use disguise as chinese among chinese.

    UMNO angry because chinese slaves revolt; how dare they.

  71. It is the end for the bee’s end.

    It takes 50 years for some to speak up but i wonder can they stand it , after all it has been 50 years of comfort and favours.

    Well it seem it too late to buy back trusts, just like you get blacklisted by BN, you never issue another cheque.

    And do you believe it the little napoleans are having a free for all time, everybody is minding their own business.

    The paper shredder would be in demand now.

  72. Yes, the PR government may be full of ‘kataks’ but still it would be a refreshing change after 34 years of BN rule since 1974. I hope we will soon have the opportunity to rejoice in celebrating the 27 Malaysians’ new birth of freedom. Will it be only a dream that will never come true?

  73. This is a very, very important overseas study tour for all BN MPs.

    They are going to learn first hand from a number of people like the UMNO Information Chief Muhammad2 Taib, Khairy, Saiful, Ahmad Ismail, etc., the following topics, among others:

    1. How to carry suitcases of cash overseas without being caught and without declaration to the authorities overseas.

    2. How to escape legal punishment in case they are caught redhanded with suitcases of cash overseas.

    3. How to buy properties overseas, especially to choose properties close to restaurants set up by some of the incumbent BN ministers.

    4. How to set up accounts overseas in order to facilitate the transfer of RM obtained through NEP and corrupted means to these accounts.

    5. How to set up shops selling luxury items like designer handbags, designer shoes, designer jeans, designer clothes, invisble designer lingerie and underwear, etc in malls overseas.

    6. 5. How to set up restaurants selling Malaysian foods overseas.

    7. How to tackle sodomy and collect evidence of sodomy – by first experiencing sodomy themselves during the study tour (double room accommodation for each pair of male BN MPs).

    8. How to tackle statutory declarations and make the people who made them disappear.

    9. How to insult non-Malays, stir up racial issues, and get away with it.

    10. How to say no to AI and PR.

  74. i was taught by malayan trained teachers, many of them were in their 30 thirties and some in the twenties and had thier education and training by no other than the academias of the british crown.
    Man I was just 7 years old then, are you of my generation?

    How time passes by, some of my friends opine …”hey what the hell bother those nkp will never change” when you get fanatics and lairs at the helm after the TAR ministerialship”.
    And we …huh you and me got only years ahead left if we are lucky to be alive., leave the matter to the younger generations.

    I would do my teachers no more than shame and heartbreak as I know they have expend their valuable time and effort to churn out a breed of malaysians not unlike the malayans among them and entrusted that our minds would mature and developed through their coaching us in a way that would make and form a prosperous nation that they had deliberated with the British Crown before the independence approval.

    Can you see why we have to change I asked? and fast and there is no better way that the proven way that we had enjoyed but until the 70s.
    And how do you fair in your exams by global standards may i asked but already you are blogging

  75. DO YOU WANT TO MAKE EVERY MINISTER A DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER? Perhaps a minister for Indian affairs, a minister for Chinese affairs, a minister for Muslim affairs, a minister for Iban affairs and another minister for Sabah affairs…… no more other ministries?

    Call for Government to appoint four DPMs

    SUNGAI PETANI: It is high time the Government appointed four deputy prime ministers – one each from among the Chinese, Indian, Sabah and Sarawak leaders, said outgoing Kedah MCA Youth chief Datuk Boey Chin Gan.

    Proposing this at the state MCA Youth annual general assembly here yesterday, he said a Chinese deputy prime minister should be entrusted to handle affairs relating to the Chinese in the country while an Indian deputy prime minister would take care of the needs of his community.

    Another deputy prime minister should be appointed solely to take charge of Sabah and one more for Sarawak, he said.

  76. There is simply “NO LOGIC” to send 70 over MPs (not agriculture Expert or what?) to go at same time (to one country) and learn “advance agriculture technic” Anybody would believe such explanation?
    Come on BN, do you thinks Rakyat are all small kid of 5 year-old??

  77. Pulau Sibu, all these talks are just showing how ingrained racism is within each of us. Somehow we must have Melayu becoming PM to take care of Malays, and Chinese, Indian and other ministers taking care of their respective communities. Next minute we will be talking about Bangsa Malaysia – how we ought to share a common destiny where all Malaysians are treated equally.

    If ever PR comes into power, I don’t want a Chinese or Indian appointed Deputy Prime Ministers. We must differentiate form from substance. We want the Prime Minster (from whatever racial background) to ensure that all different races in the country are treated fairly. I want Malay ministers to take care of Chinese interests and I want Chinese and Indian ministers to take care of Malay interests. This is what we ought to aspire as a nation, not the stupid deputy prime minister posts from Chinese and Indian communities. If the intention is not right, you can have Chinese deputy prime minister in charge of nothing, may be as protocol officer, i.e. receiving and sending off foreign dignitaries visiting our country.

    Dear Najib, if all Malaysians are indeed equal, there is no need for you to assure that all Chinese will be treated fairly. It is really an oxymoron issue if you think about it.

  78. pulau_sibu, regarding your comment…perhaps a better solution would be that the PM would be someone from the Malay race always, as in accordance with the constitution, however, the DPM post could be given to a person of any race who has the capability to be one. Why must the 2 posts be given to 1 party only. When PR becomes the government, a Malay leader from either one of the component parties could become the PM whilst the DPM could also be selected from one of the party irrespective of race.

  79. Pulau Sibu, all these talks are just showing how ingrained racism is within each of us. Somehow we must have Melayu becoming PM to take care of Malays, and Chinese, Indian and other ministers taking care of their respective communities. Next minute we will be talking about Bangsa Malaysia – how we ought to share a common destiny where all Malaysians are treated equally.

    If ever PR comes into power, I don’t want a Chinese or Indian appointed Deputy Prime Ministers. We must differentiate form from substance. We want the Prime Minster (from whatever racial background) to ensure that all different races in the country are treated fairly. I want Malay ministers to take care of Chinese interests and I want Chinese and Indian ministers to take care of Malay interests. This is what we ought to aspire as a nation, not the stupid deputy prime minister posts from Chinese and Indian communities. If the intention is not right, you can have Chinese deputy prime minister in charge of nothing, may be as protocol officer, i.e. receiving and sending off foreign dignitaries visiting our country.

    Dear DPM (Naj!b), if all Malaysians are indeed equal, there is no need for you to assure that all Chinese will be treated fairly. It is really an oxymoron issue if you think about it.

  80. Steven, show me which part of the Federal Constitution that says that the Prime Minister must be a Malay. We shouldn’t say things or making statements that we are not sure or know nothing!

  81. There goes again the taxpayers’ hard earned money.

    Basically, everything has been put to a stop in the administration ever since the “916” came into the picture. BN looks like has put full focus in “916” rather than administrating and governing the country. The 2 main good things of “916” that could be seen are ACA is “extra” hardworking in doing their job and BN government trying to match DSAI’s promise of reducing petrol price by reducing petrol by RM0.15 per Lit and another RM0.15 per Lit in October if the present global crude oil price sustain or becoming lower. Other than that, the existence and happenings arising due to “916” has taken the front seat instead of the country’s direction and future. The longer this “916” issue drag, the more the country is going to lose due to uncertainties.

    For whatever it is, please do not take the people for the ride. The people has voted all of you in to work and to bring the country forward….MOVING FORWARD!!

  82. it is guessed that the so-called deserters are being called up to go over-sea to australia. it is further guessed that each MP would be
    promised a hugh sum of money to be banked at that foreign country and ‘forcing’ them to sign a pledge in black and white as testimonial to back-up / support bodowi and bn . This document will be presented to the Agung when the need arises.

    there is condition to receiving this ‘rakyat’s money’. they must surrender their passports to bn custody and this money cannot be transferred to malaysia for personal usage without the guardian’s consent. in other words, these bank accounts are joint accounts between the MPs and BN!!!

    i so pity these MPs but as for the king kong namely moktar rudin, he would jump into the band even if is not invited because he’s the most brainless MP.

    i certainly hope PK has viewed my suggestion like already has made certain prior arrangements with those MPs that wanted to leave bn like documenting them via video plus getting a pledge to be presented to the Agung if neccessary!!

    shame on bodowi who dares to drag Agung into this scenairo like telling the rakyat that he and the Agung are like ‘abang dan adik’ relation. in other words, he gives no respect to Agung and USED Agung to protect him and BN from PK.

    many reasons to oust bodowi and bn out. some of them are:
    1) especially using Agung’s name!
    2) racial remarks by ahmad and those that support him with the idea of no apology needed and it shouild be vice-versa
    3) the world oil has dropped drastically from us115 (the time they reduced it by merely 0.15cents) to us107 at present and bodowi said will REVIEW only at end of this month!!
    4) poor econmomy management and agreeing to allow a raise 30% surcharge for public transport but at the same time, giving MORE SUBSIDY diesel to these operators.
    5) the average malaysia has to struggle to buy less because of fuel hikes and the government consumer department is doing nothing at all to monitor day to day price hikes
    6) the use of AG, police and even going for hospital is an abuse of power which deals in double standard form rather than fair treatment for all MALAYSIANS!!
    7) the stubborn-ness and cowardness to arrest people under ISA instead to chareging them in courts like the pitiful hindraf!!
    8) the use of rakyats money to spend lavishly at ANY ELECTIONS plus the COSTS INCURRED for these ‘defectors’ over-seas trips and still has the brains to TELLING the rakyat to change style !!

    anyhow, i pray that PK will emerge on 916 with the blessings of our Wise Agung !!! Long live PK which means also Long Live Malaysia Rakyat and DOOM EARLY to Barbaric Nationalists especially !!

  83. Ahhhh, I found it, it is another ACT OF PREVENTION

    you r in dire straits, got VSS and had no proper skill , so went hawking and then got arrested and saman.
    You thought let go learn a skill, you got caught again , this time by your age or you dont have the education prerequisites.
    You thought u can learn the ropes from hard knocks, oops they are no more sifu around , most of them went out of business or retired or stopped due to incessant troubles from cityhall and thier agendas
    You apply for govt training , the officer says you need to proof you are malaysian.
    So now they are asking your MP to go for a trip overseas, and they have been advocation visit malaysia, what nonsense….it begining to smells

  84. Can we have the names of those sent on this so called study tour.

    Other countries send their scientists on overseas conferences or seminars so they can come back and make wise decisions. These scientists then advise policy makers on the right way to move forward in passing legislation. Here we have it the other way around. And we wonder why we are not reaching anywhere much in the scientific arena.

  85. This retreat and subsequently re-named as study trip by the honourable MPs from Barisan is a serious affair. We have many member of the house on this trip and hope proper security and safety measures are taken. They must not be put into harms way for actions or inactions of the YBs.

    This is the survival guide for the BN Study Guide.

    1. Make sure you are not being taken to Mongolia. The trip was arranged in such haste, mistake could be made. Malaysians, especially BN MPs are not very welcome there now. Some of you may be unfortunate enough to be blow to smithereens by C4.
    2. Make sure you keep your passport personally. Do not let your tour leader keep it for you. Your tour leader can loose your passport if you are not cooperative. We do not want that to happen, do we?.
    3. Do not switch on your mobile phone. If you are taken to an area which do not have mobile phone coverage, so much the better. Anwar may call you. You do not want to receive this call.
    4. Do not use the hotel telephone. Use public telephone. And do not use the same public telephone every day. Make it difficult for other people to listen in.
    5. If you hold any discussion in your room, use the bath room. Keep the tap running. It is more difficult for listening devices to work properly with running water.
    6. If you have to talk in public, use code words. Anwar’s agents may be anywhere.
    7. If you have meeting, do not sit near the window. Conversation can be listened in by using laser beams to modulate the window glass. If you not sure what this mean, go ask an engineer.
    8. Do not go out alone. Go in 2s or 3s. That way :

    (a) you have witnesses if you approached by Anwar’s agent
    (b) You reduce risk of being kidnapped and brainwashed to cross over to the opposition
    (c) You reduce risk of being kidnapped and disappear without a trace if you are a suspect of crossover

    9. If you want to have some fun in your room. You know what I mean. Check for hidden cameras. If you need more advise, call Chua Soi Lek..
    10. Do not fall for any enticement trap. There is no free lunch. You can be blackmailed to things you don’t want to do.
    11, Ask you fellow MPs to surrender their mobile phones and cameras when they go to your room. You don’t want a Lingamgate, do you?
    12. Check with your family every 24hours. Instruct them to inform the authority when they don’t hear from you after 24 hours. Give them a copy of your itinenary.
    13. Make sure you have travel insurance.

    Have a safe trip!

  86. Whoa so many things to be wary of, can i take my secretary ah,

    These days it is no more safe in the conference venues in bolihland, the walls have ears and the birds could be camera mounted.

    It looks to secretive and at my part of the taxes , which any way short grow the inflation rate.

    Hey wait those fiquires may be orchestrated too, what else do we beleive in bolihland.
    Even the gomen servant takes becomes cynical, of their superior decisions, remember the old tagged line saya yang mengikut perintah…..whatever it means
    Man it the biggest behind close door meeting ever since 1957.

    It has overshadow the national day itself, it must be a desperate and do or die scenario.

    Well if our pressman cannot tagged along , one thing for sure bolihland watchers sure want a good story.

    Lets our ears open this is going to be good entertainment.

  87. There were typos and grammar mistakes in my earlier entry. Also added a few more points.

    This retreat and subsequently re-named as study trip by the honourable MPs from Barisan is a serious affair. We have many member of the house on this trip and hope proper security and safety measures are taken. They must not be put into harms way for actions or inactions of the YBs.

    This is the survival guide for the BN Study Tour.

    1. Make sure you are not being taken to Mongolia. The trip was arranged in such haste, mistake could be made. Malaysians, especially BN MPs are not very welcome there now. Some of you may be unfortunate enough to be blown to smithereens with C4.
    2. Make sure you keep your passport personally. Do not let your tour leader keep it for you. Your tour leader can loose your passport if you are not cooperative. We do not want that to happen, do we?.
    3. Do not switch on your mobile phone. If you are taken to an area that do not have mobile phone coverage, so much the better. Anwar may call you. You do not want to receive this call.
    4. Do not use the hotel telephone. Use the public telephone. And do not use the same public telephone every day. Make it difficult for other people to listen in.
    5. If you hold any discussion in your room, use the bath room. Keep the tap running. It is more difficult for listening devices to work properly with running water.
    6. If you have to talk in public, use code words. Anwar’s agents can be anywhere.
    7. If you have meeting, do not sit near the window. Conversation can be listened from a distance by using laser beams to modulate the window glass. If you are not sure what this mean, go ask an engineer.
    8. Do not go out alone. Go in 2s or 3s. In this way, :

    (a) you have witnesses if you approached by Anwar’s agent
    (b) You reduce the risk of being kidnapped and brainwashed to cross over to the opposition
    (c) You reduce the risk of being kidnapped and disappeared without a trace if you are a suspect of crossover

    9. If you want to have some fun in your room. You know what I mean. Check for hidden cameras. If you need more advise, call Chua Soi Lek..
    10. Do not fall for the honey pot trap. It can be a male or female kind. If you fall into one, make a police report. Else you will be blackmailed to do things you don’t want to do. That is not good for you. Also, be prepared for DVDs with you as the star.
    11. If you hear a knock on your hotel door, pretend you do not hear it. If it become persistent, call hotel security. This is not Santa Clause.on the other side of the door.
    12. Practice safe sex. Otherwise the good lady Marina Mahatir will become very upset with a YB who increases the HIV+ count and set a bad example to boot. You don’t want to cross the good lady.
    13, Ask you fellow MPs to surrender their mobile phones and cameras when they go o your room. You don’t want a Lingamgate, do you?
    14. Check with your family every 24hours. Instruct them to inform the authority when they don’t hear from you after 24 hours. Give them a copy of your itinerary.
    15 . It is strongly suggested that you give a copy of your itinerary to the friendly press. In the event no one ever hear from you again, there may be a curious soul from the press who want to investigate the case of the missing YB. There is still hope for closure.
    16. Make sure you bring along your rubber boots. This is an agriculture study tour. You may step over some manure along the way.
    7. Finally, make sure you have travel insurance.

    Have a safe trip!

  88. limkamput ,

    i think wat steven trying to tell us is , so long as BN is still in control of bolehland , the top 2 post will automatically go to UMNO’s top 2 person… far we haven’t seen any non malays being accepted as members of umno & all these while the top 2 posts been always held by malays isn’t it ?????

  89. King cobra, I do not know what you fellows are talking about. So you want the deputy prime minister to be non Malay, but can he/she be PM eventually? It is the substance of power that we should be concerned with, not the form. Non Malays could be appointed to 10 deputy prime minster posts and it will still not make any difference if genuine multiracialism is not there. We Malaysians must support politicians who promote genuine multiracialism and multiculturalism. Irrespective of our racial background, our outlook must be Malaysian, not Islamic Malay, or Christian or Buddhist Chinese or Hindu Indian. No matter how helpless and pessimistic we may feel, I still believe the majority of Malaysians can be convinced that multiracialism and multiculturalism will prevail because this is what the future is going to be.

  90. Pity them…BN MPs…Dulu Kini dan Selamanya they were treated like “school children” by UMNO/BN leaders.
    Is this what so called MERDEKA ???
    Enough is enough, it’s time for change and say goodbye to BN.
    Be a part of us Pakatan Rakyat, civilize mentality for NEW Msia.

    PAS for all…Hidup Pakatan

  91. limkamput ,

    i have never said tat i want DPM to be non malay .
    all i said is all these while top2 post always been held by malays , the malays come from the top 2 umno person , who is also the president & deputy of BN.

    wat steven trying to say was why these top 2 posts been given to only 1 party which he is referring to UMNO……

  92. In fact this so-called agricultural trip (study trip) is actually to ensure all our BN MP are taught and mastered how to plant and grow vege in Kamunting Camp or in Sungai Buloh Camp. How thoughtful our PM Badawi….

  93. Dear All

    This MP trip is silly and stupid. Yes, we are angry. But, do we have make a serious discussion of this. Let us make this “study trip” look silly and stupid. Onkly then would the power to be realise how ridiculous this trip is. What we can change with serious words can be changed with humour and jokes.

    Do you know that silly acts in history had been immortalised by ditties and rhymes. People remembered them for a thousand years.
    Yes. We shoud immortalise this trip for generations to come.

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