Lim Kit Siang

Call on Abdullah to disband BTN – Trojan Horse to subvert Bangsa Malaysia

The Biro Tatanegara (BTN) should be disbanded as it is a Trojan Horse in the Prime Minister’s Department which undermines and subverts the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s National Day message of national unity and solidarity and Vision 2020 objective of Bangsa Malaysia.

In his 51st National Day message last Saturday, Abdullah said united citizens were a bulwark against any threat, either from within or outside the country.

He said solidarity was the cornerstone of the country’s political stability, social harmony and economic competitiveness.

However, in the bosom of the Prime Minister’s Department, the BTN had been assaulting the national “bulwark” and chipping away the Malaysian “cornerstone” in the past quarter of a century, with its unrelenting and unashamed purveying of racist poison among government servants, JPA scholars, university students and youths – using public funds running into RM76.3 million last year and RM 72 million next year to destroy the public policy of creating a Bangsa Malaysia out of the diverse peoples of Malaysia.

All Cabinet Ministers, whether Umno, MCA, Gerakan, MIC, SUPP and the Sabah and Sarawak component parties of Barisan Nasional who had served for the past quarter of a century should explain why they had closed their eyes and shut their ears to complaints that BTN had been conducting divisive and racist indoctrination courses for JPA scholars, government servants, university students and youths right under their noses?

Even more more important, what is the stand of the present batch of Barisan Nasional Ministers and leaders from Umno, MCA, Gerakan, MIC, SUPP and the BN component parties from Sarawak and Sabah?

Yesterday, I had blogged about a letter from an outraged parent at the trauma his daughter underwent in one such BTN indoctrination course for JPA scholars and the blog had evoked a firestorm of complaints and protests about the rank racism of the BTN.

One poster referred to a BTN indoctrination course for university students at UiTM in Shah Alam on 6th July 2008, where one BTN speaker, under the pretext of giving a talk on “Pendidikan”, launched into a racist harangue, criticising the Bar Council forum on social contract, accusing one of the forum speakers Farish A. Noor as a traitor of the Malay race and making disparaging remarks against Karpal Singh.

Among the “atrocious” things this speaker said were:

• “Kalau ular dengan India depan mata, ketuk India dulu.”

• That the Malays aren’t racist but ”others are racist towards us”.

• Bangsa Malaysia does not exist, neither does Malaysian Chinese and Indians, only in the strict sense Malay, Chinese and Indians.

• Bahasa Malaysia does not exist, it is Bahasa Melayu.

• Nothing wrong with waving the Keris.

• Bumiputra hanya 55% di Malaysia, give birth to more people!

• The University and University Colleges Act was partly made to ensure a Malay Vice-Chancellor in Universities which should be the way.

• Blogs are “berdosa” or sinful.

• That the Pakatan Rakyat-ruled states are all going down the drain – “this is what you get if you vote for the opposition!”

• Criticism of Anwar Ibrahim and Pakatan Rakyat.

As the BTN is under the direct jurisdiction of the Prime Minister, Abdullah should explain why BTN is allowed to conduct such divisive and racist indoctrination courses, which are compulsory for JPA scholars and government officials but which are also held for selected university students and youths – like the BTN course in UiTM Shah Alam on 6th July 2008.

The negative, divisive and destructive role of BTN as the Trojan Horse in the Prime Minister’s Department to undermine and subvert the Prime Minister’s repeated call for national unity and solidarity as well as the Vision 2020 objective of Bangsa Malaysia could be gleaned from some of the postings on my blog yesterday, viz:

1. StevePCH Says:
As the theme of this Merdeka is “Perpaduan Teras K