Lim Kit Siang

The Ipoh Timur 2008 Election Campaign Account Summary

Walk-in Donation –
      Ipoh Timur Centre 30,073.20
Canning Centre 16,469.10
Tebing Tinggi Centre 759.00
Pasir Pinji Centre 3,538.80
Online Donation 4,105.00
Ceramah Collections 142,647.90
Total: 197,593.00
Rental — Hall & Centres 4,900.00
Operation Centres set-up & maintenance 23,050.14
Ceramah set-up 19,876.21
Logistic 8,182.00
Postering — materials & labour 31,255.95
Voting day — food & stationary 2,571.27
Thanksgiving — dinner & gifts 13,761.50
Service Centres — set-up/renovations* 26,000.00
Total: 129,597.07
**Balance 67,995.93

* Pasir Pinji RM8,000, Canning RM8,000, Tebing Tinggi RM10,000
** The balance fund will be kept for future activities/next election in Ipoh Timur.