New Straits Times
23 August 2008, page 43
D.K.II, S.P.M.J., S.P.C.M.Yang Amat Mulia Raja Zarith Sofiah binti Almarhum Sultan Idris Al-Mutawakil Alallahi Shah has born on 14th of August 1959 in Hospital Batu Gajah, Perak. Yang Amat Mulia Raja Zarith is a third son to Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Sultan Perak Darul Ridzwan and Duli Yang Maha Mulia Raja Mazuwin binti almarhum Raja Arif Shah.
Yang Amat Mulia Raja Zarith Sofiah get early education in Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan Datin Khadijah Kuala Kangsar in the state his birthplace namely in Perak. After end of the education in primary school, Yang Amat Mulia continue the education to form one at Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Raja Perempuan Kalsom Kuala Kangsar, Perak.
In the month of September 1972, Yang Amat Mulia Raja Zarith Sofiah have set forth to England for further education in Chaltenham Ladies College, Gloucestershire to form six. Then, Yang Amat Mulia continue learning it in Davies College London in September 1977 and his following year in receive enter to Somerville College, London after having passed Oxford Entrance Examination.
After graduated at Oxford University with Bachelor of Art in June 1983 and follow the traditional University of Oxford, Yang Amat Mulia Raja Zarith will receive Master of Art after three years in 1986. Yang Amat Mulia also is a linguist follow several courses including language Mandarin at the tertiary level, French and Italy language.
As his father, Yang Amat Mulia Raja Zarith Sofiah is a person that talented in picture arts. Refinement of soul, Yang Amat Mulia always watching natural beauty environment immortalize in the form photograph and painting to make look and reference. Yang Amat Mulia Raja Zarith performance become guide to deliver the message education to general public. Yang Amat Mulia concern on women and natural world and it custody aspect in become deep theme in painting.Yang Amat Mulia Raja Zarith Sofiah comply have interest profoundest field documentation. Apart from producing book, Yang Amat Mulia Raja Zarith doubled up guest writer in the The New Straits Times newspapers and in personal column it “Mind Matters” in The Star newspaper. Besides writing, Yang Amat Mulia comply active presenting a working paper at the conference national level and international.
Education from her father and mother over concern to the people, make Yang Amat Mulia Raja Zarith Sofiah likes engaged in voluntary activities about as Deputy President of Majlis Wanita Johor (ROSE), Chief of Persatuan Pandu Puteri Malaysia Johor branch, Chairman of Nationalistic Community Service Red Crescent Malaysia, Patron of Spastic Children School in Johor Bahru, Patron Rotary Club of Tebrau Foundation, Advisor of Traditional Arts School International in London and become Pro Chancellor University Technology Malaysia (UTM) and becomen Royal Felllow Faculty of Language and Linguistic University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM).
As the appreciation towards her contributions of ideas and efforts in the development of education in Malaysia, Chancellor of University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Duli Yang Amat Mulia Tunku lbrahim lsmail lbni Sultan lskandar, Tunku Mahkota Johor, has approbation to presented the awards to Yang Amat Mulia Raja Zarith Sofiah binti Almarhum Sultan Idris Al-Mutawakil Alallahi Shah the Honorary Doctorate of Philosophy in Education at 7th Convocation Ceremony of University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia in this year. Congratulation from us, University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia members.
Click on the image to download the scanned advertorial (pdf).
Gosh! Even Zimbabwe has better English standard than us. This is what happens cast aside meritocracy for skin colour.
Correction – This is what happens when you cast aside meritocracy for skin colour.
University Tun Hussein Onn grants PhD?
The boleh universities are tools serving the politicians.
what about this …. a secondary student essay ….
First, we see a bog of you not see him you can call the neighbours contact numbers and saw training what to look out for the home.
Second sometime you can cut bushes to give neighbours can see you in home and hide to easily broken in windows and doors.
After, some time you get out you home let radia and lights on even you are not at home burglas think people are at home.
Last you can use this to not give burglars in your home.
yea yea … English …. Made-in-Malaysia!!
hahahahahahaha or how about this one here …
Dear John,
How are you? I well and hope you in the well also.
and then the famed English from a certain teacher teaching Maths …
5-2 as in ‘five push two’ (direct translation from BM lima tolak dua)
or this one here, a student asked to fill in the form to state his father’s occupation…
Occupation: Caterpillar driver … (because the kid went home and saw the word ‘caterpillar’ on the excavator)
Inggerrish as it is broke…
Who was the person who switched the language of instruction from English to Malay?
the university probably testing their “translation” bm to english software, and it’s obviously failed……..
Lee Kuan Yew was smart; he made Malay, Mandarin, Tamil and English the official languages of Singapore and each of the four languages was given equal attention and emphasis. Lee Kuan Yew was a far-sighted minister.
Now i believe that a former Menteri Besar of Selangor was innocent. He really didn’t understand English, as proven here.
This is August, and I thought it was an April’s Joke.
But never mind lah, Malaysia sudah berjaya!
I GO BACK HOME ‘aKu balik rumah”… byebye!
When you put this in, I didn’t understand it at first. I was worried that you were attacking YAM Raja Zarith Sofiah who is held in high regard both in Perak and Johor.
Its only now that I realise that it was an advertorial that appeared in NST. And she is a Princess (not a son?). They have sooooo murdered the language and in the process, …..
I hope NST and the Uni is hauled up and made to apologise for this!
Congratulations UMNO, for achievement profoundest in language English. LOL
One has to witness “Seeing Is Believing!”
Higly ludicrous!! Reminds me of “Mind Your Language”
Thats Why lah, No wonder lah, patut lah –
Don’t ever let others get into our one race Uni.
Its a mockery, other students will laugh till drop.
Only, only if they ask for help from ppl on this blog.
Good enough lah. Cannot imagine the rest of it..
perhaps Phua Chu kang can make something out of this.
Sure hit.
Malay ‘patriotism’ blinded the UMNOputeras and now the state education quality as a whole is paying the price! To think you can compete globally without a proficient grasp of English 2/3 decades ago was a treacherous decision.
I think by using Google Translating tool, we will yield better translation! ;(
for goodness sake, why dont they just have that in bahasa malaysia.
YAM Raja Zarith Sofiah should demand an apology from the university for portraying her in such an horrible manner. She deserves better profile narration. You are dealing with Royalty and not the ordinary Yang Berhormat here. Better still, sack the person who did this write up.
No wonder all our ministers are sending their children overseas to study. Our Education system is really screwed up. All the time we are wondering how our Malaysians are trained when all the technical and instruction books are in English. Not surprised if our sophisticated equipments are left idle without proper understanding of the manuals.
The Rakyat knows the Education system is no good for global competition. Yet our BN Govt doesn’t think so. Too bad, we will be left behind.
To secure for a better future and education system, we need a change of government. One who has the vision and foresight to map out a strategy for our children to compete with the world!!!!
Why worry? Nothing to worry about
We are getting rid of English from the school syllabus…right.
//Occupation: Caterpillar driver//
I think this student has good sense of humour.
I have a friend who is a Chartered Accountant and expert in handling bankruptcy and receivership. All his friends refer him as an undertaker.
Mind you language, PCK , your england as bad as mine!
must be a by product of UiTM. Syabas malaysia boleh!
Thought Raja Zarith is a woman, then how can she be the third son to ……..???
Totally funny!
There are too many mistakes for anyone to correct !
This is what happens when you have NEP/Ketuanan UMNO. I am an English teacher for the past 28 years. I was English educated. One of the few remaining dinosaurs. I have a distinction in English.
I was rejected when I applied for an English degree course many years back. Ppl with a degree in English now can’t even speak or write proper English. They have no confidence in presentation or conversation. Some feel threatened by my fluency.
This article is just one of the many that has plenty of mistakes. It will take another generation to undo what TDM has done.
Ha..ha..but now, are you sure this English is the product of a Malaysian University? Lets look at just one paragraph:
“As his father, Yang Amat Mulia Raja Zarith Sofiah is a person that talented in picture arts. Refinement of soul, Yang Amat Mulia always watching natural beauty environment immortalize in the form photograph and painting to make look and reference. Yang Amat Mulia Raja Zarith performance become guide to deliver the message education to general public. Yang Amat Mulia concern on women and natural world and it custody aspect in become deep theme in painting.”
No, I refuse to acknowledge this as a product of our education. I spent three months among the Papua New Guinea natives and this English seemed to originate from one of the orginal mountain tribes in that area – the tribe that has nothing over their bodies. I was there teaching them English and this is the product of my three months’ work. Good.
I’m from chinese school, and yet I can see many mistakes, I got only a C6 in SPM
It is an insult to our Malaysian English language. I would suggest a good English teacher be employed to thoroughly scrutinize and correct such articles before publication.
“Malaysia Boleh?”
One can forgive the author; to the university, some forgiveness since it is run by ppl who also don’t have command of the language. But NST???? Supposedly THE English language newspaper that has been around for so many decades? To print and advertorial without even looking at it? Don’t they have any sense of responsibility to make sure that whatever is being printed in their paper is grammatically correct? Remember, some students buy their paper to improve their language skills. This also reflects on the poor quality standards of NST.
Correction: Malay ‘patriotism’ blinded the UMNOputeras and now the state education quality as a whole is paying the price!
Its the other way round, Umnoputeras blinded the Malays.
As leaders, they should know what’s trully beneficial for the Malays.
Theres nothing wrong being patrotic, but not be lead by Blind and egocentric leaders.
Bottom line, Stop the self-denial or blaming game, open up and move on with the New Goment.
Err … YB Lim
Are you sure this was not written by a member of the
Nigdip Hsilgne tribe that was somehow completely
isolated (after mid 1969) and evolved their own special
dialect of Pigdin English in Malaysia? Maybe we should be
proud that the Nigdip tribe is contributing to the continuing
evolution of English in this part of the world.
(Notwithstanding that reading the writings of this tribe can
give the rest of us a splitting headache. :) )
Phua Kai Lit
Wow ! This is ” England ” at its worst. I beleve our beloved YAM Raja Zarith Sofiah does not deserve such advertorial written by an England expert in University Tun Hussein Onn.
The least the University should have done was to double check the correctness of the language and grammar before sending it to the press. Then The NST itself just accept without proof reading the text. What a shame NST and a big letdown to our YAM Raja Zarith Sofiah. Was the text censored by the Dean of the Language dept in the University as well as the VC ?
For goodness sake , if the University lecturers are not proficient in the English language , then write them in BM. Jangan ” tunjuk tunjuk sahaja “.
Wow ! This is ” England ” at its worst. I beleve our beloved YAM Raja Zarith Sofiah does not deserve such advertorial written by an England expert in University Tun Hussein Onn.
The least the University should have done was to double check the correctness of the language and grammar before sending it to the press. Then The NST itself just accept without proof reading the text. What a shame NST and a big letdown to our YAM Raja Zarith Sofiah. Was the text censored by the Dean of the Language dept in the University as well as the VC ?
For goodness sake , if the University lecturers are not proficient in the English language , then write them in BM. Jangan ” tunjuk tunjuk sahaja “.
Not suprising with such standards! Hey…this is MANGLISH (malay-english) for you.
actually, if the translation tool software (probably created by the univ) able to convert bm to english at this level, it’s already consider good …..
a bit of fine tuning and patching up might be able to turn the software into world-class translation tool…..
“Remember, some students buy their paper to improve their language skills. This also reflects on the poor quality standards of NST.”
now i remember that ad …. don belok-belok, straight saje….
Off hand, I’d say that this was a translation done by either a synonym-generating software or an internal staff.
If not, then shame on them because they did not have the sense to run it through a qualified editor or proofreader.
And so as the Government continues to deliberate on the necessity of continuing to teach Maths and Science in English, I laugh. I have told my children that if they revert to Malay, we will still be okay because my wife and I were educated in these 2 subjects in Malay. At the most, they will have to work harder for a couple of months to get the feel for the language and they will then move on from there. But the Malays will continue to languish in their blissful ignorance, proud and happy to be jaguh kampungs when they are in school. Sooner or later, reality will hit them.
And when my children graduate (even if they only have a diploma), they will be highly employable because they are proficient in English and are able to express themselves, while their Malay friends who so eloquently and galantly fought to protect the sanctity of their mother tongue will humbly seek government aid to re-learn English like kindergarten children.
If we care to look (sign boards, web-sites, explanatory write-up in museums etc), mistakes of such nature are quite common nowadays especially amongst government departments.
It is quite embarassing as these write-up are also read by our foreign visitors. Actually it takes just a couple of minutes to correct some of the mistakes. Persons in charge should be more careful before publishing them.
Kind of reminds me of this guy who wrote this essay in primary school…
“During Chinese New Year, please do come to my house. I will cut my cock and let you eat.”
But then what was written by this Made-In-UMNO is far far worse…
Horrible! An utterly atrocious advertorial with grave implications to the prestige & image of the higher institution of learning. I shall download this and give it to my students as a good example of bad grammar and vocabulary (what’s approbation?).
I’m sure our English teachers will cringe when they read this article but I’m not surprised if some of them fail to detect any mistakes ;)
Sigh…this is the result of a f****ed up education system.
Wat is wrong the Engrish? I red & red butt culden fin anythink wrong. YB Kit, nuthing is wrung, our Engrish is vely purfek OK!
JeyS, Manglish is not Malaysian English but Mangled English. The UiTM students should probably come out in droves and demonstrate for the right to mangle the English Language our own way and the right to determine and set our own linguistic standards. Truly soul-crushing to reflect on how we have deteriorated in so many aspects over the last 50 years. And totally exasperated to see so many politicians and citizens still exhorting a completely twisted version of ugama, bangsa dan negara. Where do I run to to get away from all this shamelessness? Believe me, the writer of that advertorial and the English Language experts surrounding him are still in a state of denial and asking what the fuss is all about over a small matter. It is not just a piece of bad writing. It is a sad reflection of how much the Malaysian standards in most things have deteriorated as a result of the displacement of meritocracy.
The writer of the above Advertorial, instead of being penalised by his bosses, will be made Chief Editor of the NST in a couple of years. As the saying goes, ‘He who laughs last, laughs loudest.”
I wrote to malaysiakini expressing my shock over this advertorial but for some reason it did not appear. Subsequently I forwarded to Tony Pua after reading his blog on education bill. Now I reproduce that letter here..
Date: 8/25/2008 12:37:31 PM
Subject: Fw: Inept Accolade to Award
Dear Tony,
I sent this article to Malaysiakini upon reading a gibberish advertorial in NST. After viewing your blog today I believe it is important that you too need to know the traumatic experience I had after reading the said message. Please bring this up!
God bless all Malaysians
——-Original Message——-
Date: 8/24/2008 2:33:56 AM
Subject: Inept Accolade to Award
Inept Accolade to Award
University Tun Hussein Onn, published an advertorial in the NST (23.8.08) on page page 43, to congratulate Her Highness, Yang Amat Mulia Raja Zarith Sofiah, on the award of an honorary doctorate of Philosophy in Education at its 7th convocation ceremony.
Virtually every sentence in every paragraph is not only wrong grammatically, the gender of Her Highness has also been changed. One has to pause and wonder with dismay and disgust at the ineptitude of the administrators of this University who are guilty of gross negligence in allowing this advertorial to be published.
They are also guilty of committing an act bordering “Lesse Majeste” (disrespect of Royalty) to not only the recipient of the award but also to the chancellor of the University, who happens to be her husband, His Highness the Tengku Mahkota of Johor.
Her Highness Raja Zarith Sofiah, is a lady who is an author of distinction who writes in beautiful English. Her writing on family values, ethical behaviour as well as her pieces on “Mind Matters” have been well received by her numerous readers.
This advertorial demeans Her Highness and all that she has achieved. If this is the level of competence in the English language at tertiary level, especially amongst University administrators and academics, then it is indeed a very sorry state of affairs.
The minister of Higher Education should ensure that those responsible for the publication of this gibberish should publicly apologize to their majesties. The Vice-Chancellor should take responsibility of this disgraceful episode and resign forthwith.
All institutions of higher learning in this country have been tainted by this advertorial. Perhaps the NIE should conduct a suitable programme to ensure all administrators and academics in our Institutions of higher learning are competent in the English Language.
Oh my….god….
This is the type of people we have in our university. My friends sons in std 6 (chinese school) may even write better than this.
I am no “englishi” expert. I was real confuse to understand this piece of work wriiten this brilliant guy. I dont know whether i want to laugh or what.
Really amazing that our education especially English (which is an international language) has gone down to such a low level. See this brilliant guy is a by-product of our education policy expounded by our Umnoputras. These scumbags even got the cheek to encourage foreign students to come and study in our so called universities. I pity those foreign students la.
This so called Education minister should be the first person to be kicked out of his job WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT.
Alas, I know this call will be in vain. Because these scumbags either have no brains or still in slumber and denial mode. God help Malaysia!!!
Ahkok, you had me ROFLMAO-RH (RH-Real Hard) HAHAHAHA.
Anyway, lets see some re-translation hehehe:
“As his father, Yang Amat Mulia Raja Zarith Sofiah is a person that talented in picture arts.”
Suggested BM translation:
Seperti Ayahnya, Yang Amat Mulia Raja Zarith Sofiah adalah seorang yang berbakat dalam gambar seni.
“Education from her father and mother over concern to the people, make Yang Amat Mulia Raja Zarith Sofiah likes engaged in voluntary activities”
Suggested BM translation:
Pendidikan daripada Ayah dan Ibu beliau tentang keprihatinan terhadap rakyat membuat Yang Amat Mulia Raja Zarith Sofiah suka terlibat dalam aktiviti sukarela.
hmm…. seems like a direct translation…? No?
The VC of Universiti Tun Hussein Onn have apologized in another advertorial published in NST, I guess it was Friday last week. This time their English was of high standard.
I can’t believe what I am reading here. 51yrs of independence and we still have people writing like this? I hope he did not read it word for word in the presentation ceremony. The receipient must have dug a whole for his/her head. Reading this really brings back memory of my trip to Shanghai. So soli, I hope I no hurt people here.
May I remind the readers here who are critical on the mistakes of the advertorial that some of us here displayed a lack of proficiency in English as well when leaving our comments. One should always be conscious of his own shortcomings before passing judgement on others.
How come nobody edited it before it was published?
“The VC of Universiti Tun Hussein Onn have apologized in another advertorial published in NST, I guess it was Friday last week. This time their English was of high standard.” — I Malaysian
Apology or not, it comes too late. It’s already a laughing stock. As usual, no heads need to roll for screw-ups like this in Bolehland.
I will never condemn this English; i’ve got a job because of their standard of English. As I can write for many more years, I really pray hard that nothing will wake them up from their sleep.
I must admit i’m not at all surprised, when i was overseas in the UK a good friend of mine who is a Brit told me that when he was in university there were a whole bunch of Malaysian students learning there on scholarships and they were there for a number of years, they could barely converse in english, he was shocked at how they managed to enter the UK with ghastly command of the language. He was absolutely shocked when he knew me as a malaysian and wondered if there were certain regions in malaysia which probably had a different education system!
Does any one really have the final say about what is good or bad English?
For all its violation of grammatical rules, the advertorial seems clearer and easier to understand than this one :
“This frere bosteth that he knoweth helle,
And God it woot, that it is litel wonder;
Freres and feendes been but lyte asonder.
For, pardee, ye han ofte tyme herd telle
How that a frere ravyshed was to helle
In spirit ones by a visioun;
And as an angel ladde hym up and doun,
To shewen hym the peynes that the were,
In al the place saugh he nat a frere;
Of oother folk he saugh ynowe in wo.
Unto this angel spak the frere tho:”
The above written and standard English by Geoffrey Chaucer (1343 – October 25, 1400?), an English author, poet, philosopher, bureaucrat, courtier and diplomat and reputedly father of English Literature.
An attempt at translation of the above:And God knows that it is little wonder;
“Friars and fiends are seldom far apart.
For, by God, you have ofttimes heard tell
How a friar was taken to hell
In spirit, once by a vision;
And as an angel led him up and down,
To show him the pains that were there,
In the whole place he saw not one friar;
He saw enough of other folk in woe”.
The advertorial is still clearer and easier to understand than the translated version. :)
Can’t blame the NST – it is up to the advertising agency.
I guess someone from Admin of the University asked a friend’s agency to do it.
I send a regular email to M’kini headed “Today’s Correction” whenever I spot a mistake!
BTW even BBC and channelNewsAsia do have errors on the subtitles.
Any idea when University Tun Hussein will award the PM with an Honorary PhD in Pure Statistics in lieu of his failure to pass elementary statistics earlier on?
I think the Title is passable.
AT least the Title is passable.
Jeffrey, you are appling the orange, or oranging the apple. That was written more than 600 years ago. I suppose that style and spelling were crystal clear then and the epitome of goode olde Engleesh.
“Malay ‘patriotism’ blinded the UMNOputeras and now the state education quality as a whole is paying the price! To think you can compete globally without a proficient grasp of English 2/3 decades ago was a treacherous decision.” CoconutHead.
Care to explain your Engrish, particularly the second sentence ? The person who set the country to ruin in terms of English language proficiency was none other than the hero of many, the mamak.
Life can be funny. To me, this is the supreme irony.
Prime Minister Hussein Onn, when arguing unsuccessfully for the reinstatement of English in the late 1970s, actually cast his mind 20 to 30 years forward.
The late Premier warned that unless English was reinstated at that time, there would come a time when Malaysian representatives at overseas conferences would be unable to understand what would be in progress and would thus be unable address their fellow conferees. Such an eventuality would prove detrimental to our country.
This was his “national interest” argument for the reinstatement of English as a medium of instruction. And the fact that as the Prime Minister, he could not do what he wanted to speaks volumes for that reluctant politician’s understanding and practice of democracy.
The naked irony is this: Such a display of Malaysian English did not occur overseas, but in a local university named after the very Prime Minister who feared such an eventuality.
Truly, God is great! Of course, Tun Hussein deserved more, his memory even more still.
George Bernard Shaw once said pidgin English is the best English. I suspect we have some learned academics at this university who are great admirers and followers of George Bernard Shaw because how else can you explain this atrocious English being proudly flaunted in public.
I will be generous and accept their poor English, which is a clear product of our education system which do not give priority to English. But I find it hard to accept stupidity as well from an institution of higher learning. They should have done the very simple thing of having this ad proof read by someone competent in the language before releasing it for publication. Such ‘tidak apa’ attitude is worrying.
@queequeg: approbation means approval, basically.
Seriously though, I hardly noticed the grammar was teh fail when I skimmed the post. It’s only when I actually read it oh so slowly did I notice that things were not quite right. If this done by software then: “Good job!”
Let us not go into linguistics. It’s enough to say that language, being a living thing, does evolve.
Your quotation of Chaucerian English is olde Engleesh. Pray tell me where we get lines like:
“A woman, a woman
With a beard …”
Of course, Chaucer was discoursing on things cuntal, a word that never existed then!
I’m not surprised at all. What we reap is what we sow. We wanted the easy way out, and this is the classical easy product.
TheWrathOfGrapes, what you said is true but this is to give perspective on this point : defenders of our “Manglish” would contend that Global English is not English standard ala Anglo Saxon version.
The sheer variety in the way English is spoen/writen world wide is mind boggling. An example of Caribbean/Jamaican English : “me can come an go as me please or he clear he throat”; English in parts of India ‘He is having very much of property’ when referring to person of property wealth; takingt from signboards and bill boards – “Lets Wedding” describes bridal stores, “traing” is Japan’s railway slogan, apparently the prevailing correct English verb to use while riding train by Japanese.
In our context (re thread subject) whoever who wrote advertorial probably did a litral translation from Bahasa – he thought in Bahasa – and translated to English using Bahasa’s suffix & prefix etc.
Now we think this is bad and ungrammatical English, which is right if one compare with English standard taught, spoken and written 30 years ago before Malay nationalists took it ought.
I am not exaggerating but the same nationalists will defend (marginalisation of English standard) and say there is no such thing as English standard UK & Anglo Saxon kind but global English with contributions from local cultures, words and sentence formation and the above cited in this thread will be touted a malaysian contribution to this living & growing Global language – exactly like what Tulip Crescent said about “It’s enough to say that language, being a living thing, does evolve”! :)
During my younger days in primary school during the 60’s , we read this kind of English in joke books. Now the joke is on our kind of education.
Hey , I like the joke that goes like this ” I am well and hope you are in the well too” hahahahaha
good one.
I have stomach cramps now. hahahahaha can’t help it. University English phuik.
The princess will surely be swearing and calling the writer whatnot, after reading the advert.
God help the future generation.
typo errors – “spoken/written” “literal translations”
Which “Professor” wrote this rubbish? Is he/she still teaching?
Who read out the Presentation at the Award Ceremony? Did the receipient “bocor” during the reading?
Was the Universiti confused whether the receipient is a male or a female?
Was the Universiti insulting the memory of our Past Prime Minister Tun Hussein Onn? Was Hishamuddin amused?
Will the Universiti’s ranking drop from 4,477 to 7,000 after this?
Utterly disgraceful.
Blame it on UMNO and then let the sleeping dog lie. Forget UMNO. They are simply & completely useless!
It’s time Pakatan Rakyat takes over and make meaningful changes to the education system which has lost well nigh a generation of school-leavers.
See with emphasis on Bahasa even sheriff singh spells “university” bahasa style – “universiti”. That’s how it influences all of us subtly, so defenders of national language (ilk of Dewan Bahasa types) will say this is the way we articulate English and contribute to its richness globally. :)
And to think even 10% of non malays in uitm created one big march and protest. This comes from in breeding.The Mininsters and UMNO big wigs can’t care a hell about our system of education. Why? Their children and grandchildren are in private schools and then to England, Australia, Canada and USA for furthur education. They are taking teir own for a big ride and these jokers like the guy from Bukit Bendera only distracts them with his crap
The present education minister must be amused. Anyway those days we used to say-my brake no eat and my tire no flower- ha,..ha,.,ha,..aku anak Malaysia tapi jangan lah bodoh sombong. Disgusting. Krismuddin, we don’t expect queen’s English, nor American but reasonable depending on the situation and purpose. But this is too much-apa punya university- See YB kit, there are so many flaws, are you sure you can handle it? Education, economy, govt institution and you name it. 51 years of situation normal but all fuck up.
Maybe its a joke on us by the NST. Or maybe its a contest, see who spots the article first since no one reads the MSMs now…first prize…?
You would have heard of this racist statement uttered in Parliament before : don’t threaten or question Ketuanan or we will run “amok” with this!
The word “amok” is an example of our contribution to English language. Today if you look at English dictionary, there is such a word “amok” meaning wildly in frenzy without self-control. It was derived from the colony here.
The cross fertilisation, I was told, had been mutual. Our word “gostan” referring to retreating backwards or reversing was supposedly derived from the English word “going astern”. Going astern is reference to behind a vessel, or backwards.
“Universiti” was deliberately used Tuan Jeffrey to refer specifically to Universiti Tun Hussein Onn.
Picky aren’t you?
Korek! Korek! Korek!!!!!!!!!
This is not the place that sells fake degree to Arif Shah?
How dare LKS and others made fun of this brilliant piece of advertorial! This is the pièce de résistance from University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, where the highest level of creative English writing is encouraged – let not our mind be bounded by traditional boundaries (i.e., no kepala terbatas), let our creative expression soar!
Wait lah, the son will show you his keris for laughing at the university named in his father’s honor!
Did YAM RZS accept the honorary degree from UTHOM?
What is the purpose of us paying and let other people patent it? With that, the government is very satisfied. I cannot follow this news very well.
Dr Sheikh Muszaphar’s research work patented
PUTRAJAYA: The results of one of Malaysia’s five research works conducted at the International Space Station (ISS) last year has been patented by other countries – proof that the country can make a significant contribution to the world in the field of science and research.
Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Maximus Ongkili said the results of protein crystallisation, research headed by Prof Dr Raja Noor Zaliha Raja Abd Rahman of Unitersiti Putra Malaysia, has been patented not only by Malaysia but also in Europe, the United States and Japan.
“The findings on protein crystallisation is of industrial importance and we expect a lot of companies including those dealing in pharmaceutical, food supplement and oleo-chemical to benefit from this.
“This is certainly a milestone for Malaysia and it quashes the perception that Datuk Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor was a space tourist. He is a true Angkasawan and we have proven our ability in conducting world-class research,” he told reporters Tuesday after opening a workshop on micro-gravity sciences.
Maximus said the workshop would look into the results of other research work and would later present the findings to the Cabinet for it to decide on the future of the country’s space programme.
I have always been fascinated by the subject philosophy.
Can anyone tell me where I can get a degree in Philosophy.
A bachelor degree would do.
I know that traditionally it is treated as a subject in the Faculty of Acts.
So the degree I would like to have is B.A. (Philosophy).
And oh yes preferably B.A. (Philosophy) Hons.
For the benefit of those who are unfamiliar, Hons is actually an accepted short-form for Honours.
PS. make it w.s. ok.
w.s. = without studying.
That would be just great.
Thank you guys in anticipation.
It is a disgrace; that’s all.
Every year, tens of thousands of ENGINEERING students graduates from these universities. This is a highly professional field of study.
Among all these engineers, i would say at least 80% are civil & structural engineers.
Just think, who will be providing the structural design for your houses, shopping malls, tunnels, fly overs….etc…..
scary isn’t it…engineering graduates of local universities……..
Angkasawan’s research work already patented?
The application process for grant of patent is a long one.
It takes years and years.
I think it is more like an application for grant of patent has been filed.
And that means he is still very far away from the grant (assuming his research resulted in something which is patentable).
Anyone cowboy can file such application for any invention he may have.
Whether he is successful or not is an entirely different matter.
# yhsiew Says:
Today at 14: 00.25 (4 hours ago)
Lee Kuan Yew was smart; he made Malay, Mandarin, Tamil and English the official languages of Singapore and each of the four languages was given equal attention and emphasis. Lee Kuan Yew was a far-sighted minister.
Hilarious reply… EQUAL attention? My foot…
sorry about that sheriff singh
I’ve knew a person who received the Yayasan Sabah scholarship to study Business in Australia.
I knew her because i was there doing my studies also.
I was told that in Marketing, they had 4 subjects in a semester.
Strangely enough, with all the facilities(cars, computers, nice clothes,good food..etc) provided by the scholarship; she manage to score the following results:
1) F – subject 1
2) F – subject 2
3) F – subject 3
4) N – subject 4
F.Y.I, F is Failure, N is Non-attempted.
What a total waste of tax payer’s money……..
How did she get the scholarship in the first place….?!?!!?
taiking Says:
Today at 18: 06.17 (11 minutes ago)
I have always been fascinated by the subject philosophy.
Can anyone tell me where I can get a degree in Philosophy.
A bachelor degree would do.
Actually, i am also interested in a Degree in Classical Physics.
How much they selling in the local universities arhhh????
“The application process for grant of patent is a long one.
It takes years and years.”
You are right taiking. Furthermore if you read what the minister says: “…has been patented not only by Malaysia but also in Europe, the United States and Japan…” Notice he uses the word “in” and not “by”. That’s because the patent was probably done by his own ministry!
You don’t have to be Japanese to apply for a Japanese patent!
I think the univeristy authority must investigate who wrote this piece and have his/her qualifications re-examined. May be he/she is a professor in the English department of the university.
I think it is not our concern how people in the past, in Caribbean or India write or speak English. That is not our problem. We should as far as possible speak and write Standard English understood internationally by most people. I think someone is trying to be “liberal” and “understanding” when in actual fact he is not.
After spending a few mintues reading through all the comments above… i have finally reached a conclusion….
My wife told me something a few days ago and i think its very true:
Kindergarden : Malaysia
Primary School : Malaysia
Secondary School : Malaysia
STPM : Malaysia (equavalent to “A-Levels”… i suppose)
University : rejected by quota system….
(Education period : 12 years approx.)
Full Scholarship to University : Provided by Singapore Government
(If you are good enough)
(Educatioin period : 4 to 5 years)
Contract to Work for Scholarship: 4 to 5 years (Singapore)
Stay in Singapore for 4 to 5 years…. you think they will come back???
wow… writer Ingland super powerderfull… :-)
why keep praising “Yang Amat Mulia” so many times…? sound so sarcastic & no “language” value can be found in the “tale story”…
what to do…?
Malaysian Un-Education System. Totally boleh! I like it very much. It is very funny!
Why bother about english… manderin or even tamil..We are MALAYSIAN we must only learn about Malay.If other countries don,t want to learn Malay that is their problem NOT OURS .
It is all about KEKUATAN MELAYU.
Malaysia Boleh ,Merdeka tiga batu jauh=three stone away
I felt sick and my stomach felt of vomiting after reading it. This is just a horror story!!!
I must admit my English is quite horrible, but i wouldn’t believe this University English is equivalent to kindergarten or standard 1 essays.
Why they don’t pay some money to NST editor for proofreading? I hope University Malaya, UKM and another boleh university will not publish something like this otherwise the 200th ranking will immediately drop to no ranking.
Very bad…very bad…very bad! Bring shame to Malaysia..
Even (Phua Chu Kang)’s English is more acceptable than that!
Forefathers were wrong…especialy MIC and MCA….should have opted for the Malayan Union…..
When will be (was) the convocation? Will (or has) Yang Amat Mulia attend it? I’m real curious about this. Can anyone help?
Sorry off topic
///3. This is a new idea by the Bar Council to invalidate the findings of the Tribunals set up according to the Constitution of Malaysia, the Supreme Law of Malaysia. It is a negation of the rule of law and a slap in the face for the Malaysian King, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
4. It was the Agong who complained against Tun Salleh for writing two letters, one to complain about the noise made in repairing the Agong’s residence and one alleging that the then Prime Minister was undermining the independence of the judiciary. Both letters were extended to all the Rulers which the Agong regarded as putting pressure on him. He found the letters offensive and against the Malay custom in which the customary thing to do was to have an audience with his Majesty and to make verbal complaints. The letters could follow but should be to him alone. He then requested me as PM to remove Tun Salleh as Lord President.///–TDM from, 2 Sept 2008
The law of the country did not say that writing letters against Malay custom shall cost a Lord President his job. The law allowed the setting up of a tribunal. So the Prime Minister TDM used the law to cause the Lord President to be sacked.
The judiciary has lost its independence since the removal of Saleh Abas. Was it worth the dismantling of a respected institution just so that the King’s anger could be ameliorated? It would be a slap on the face of the Prime Minister who was willing to go through killing the institution so that he would be in the good book of the King, if that was what TDM said that he cared. But TDM had on record gone against the interest of the royal households in amending the Constitution for providing a special court so that royalties could be tried on their personal actions. TDM bold actions against the royalties did not agree with his claim for being obedient to the King and his wishes. TDM chose to remove Tun Salleh so that the outcome of the court case regarding UMNO party election in 1987 would come out as he wanted.
A good PM would have been able to arrange for the Lord President to appease the king for ‘going against Malay custom’; and the Tribunal would not have been necessary. But TDM found the opportunity to remove Tun Salleh too good to miss. If TDM considered the adverse opinion on the removal of Tun Salleh a slap in the face for the Malaysian King, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, he should have the foresight to know that people around the world would consider the removal of the Lord President for the reasons TDM advanced a case of pettishness. He should have taken the opportunity to prevent that from happening. In following through what TDM claimed that the King wanted him done, he is keeping this for history. His explanation on why the King wanted Tun Salleh removed only exposed the King to a possible slap in the face.
Both my children, a boy and girl are sitting for their PMR and UPSR respectively this year and having read the editorial, launched a unified attack on me stating that I have set a very high standard for their English paper (their normal marks for their english papers are between 95-100).
They have requested that I should not be upset in the event they do not score in their English papers because even the standards in the universities are nothing to shout about. What am I to do?
“To print and advertorial without even looking at it? Don’t they have any sense of responsibility to make sure that whatever is being printed in their paper is grammatically correct?” – Boiling mad
Newspapers don’t have any responsibility to edit anyone’s advert.
It’s not their job at all.
The person who advertises must ensure the correctness of his English otherwise he/she will make a fool of himself/herself.
There are also people who do not like to have their errors pointed out as well; so why bother to take on this onerous, yet unrewarding job!
Tak payah bacalah….Squatter language only.
Come on lah. Give people face. Typo error only ma……………….. Once the people get over the superiority complex thingy, they will realize that Melayu is not one of the universal languages. Either they major themselves in London which they should or French or German and work in Europe and never come back to Malaysia.
I believed my oldman graduated from Senior Cambridge during pre-WW2 was very much talented and able to converse and write better English than many local grads in Malaysia. No wonder, Ministry of Education and Higher Learning Education Dept allowed many sub-standard local universities, colleges and uni-colleges were set up to create huge profits but downgrading the quality and supremacy standard of tertiary education in Malaysia. They produced quantity of grads with low quality tertiary standards.
No wonder UM, UKM and USM rankings have dropped drastically as compared with other Asian universities. Our universities were top in Asia and ranked higher during the early 70s and 80s but gone down to drain in mid 90 and now.
Simple answers :- Malaysia BOLEH !
BRAIN DRAIN Policy , QUOTA System, Kulification and Racist Education Policies in Malaysia Education System ……. Believe It or Not !!
I was a past victim of brain drain policy and other marginalised and discrimated “Squatter” student in our own nation called Malaysia. But I am a successful person today because I learned hard and work smart as long as GOD willing to HELP !
Some of comments posted here are as badly written as the advertorial! So please don’t talk big.
he he … mr limkamput, least at do we not award honarory PDhs.
if do you my understand comment !?
junk U like “U i Tak Mau” will award diplomas and degrees of questionable qualities. So many other Us in Malaysia and I really think it’s the easy ways for someone to get Prof., Dr., AP , etc.
Bolehland has got the most unique education system in the whole wide world where kulit-fication and kulitocracy matters much more than qualification and meritocracy. Sooner or later, our Malaysian education system is going to be out of the world! No puns intended here but sarcasm of course.
Is this a newer version of english ‘perfected’ by dato muzapar from space? I mean from outerspace, so UFOs can understand us better?
It is such a shame. Hussein Onn (incidently education minister’s father) english?
The prostitutes from timbuktu speaks better english lah.
My comments never seem to get approval here. :/
Hey! What are all of you yapping about poor English by Universiti Tun Hussein Onn? To borrow a famous line from our former Foreign Minister when he could not answer the probing questions from the interviewer on Hard Talk, “we write English our way” .
In terms of the English standard, this country in general is very much lacking behind in comparison to Singapore where I just came back from. Average students in Singapore are able to communicate and express in decent English without much difficulty although they speak Singlish most of the time. This shitty piece of advertorial is not even up to Singlish standard to say the very least. The irony is, however, some Malaysians even have the cheek to condemn the standard of English among Singaporeans when their own fellow countrymen’s English proficiency level is not even half as good as theirs. They think every Singaporean speaks like Phua Chu Kang which is pure bollocks. The children of my uncles and aunts over in Singapore can communicate and express themselves so articulately, unlike those average Malaysian students who are either Malay or Chinese educated speak horrendous English even though they could be master degree holders! Thanks to our rotten education ministry and on top of all, the architect of modern Malaysia – TDM.
Isn’t it ironic that the advertorial had to be written in English? Firstly, the contents were obviously for local consumption and secondly the use of English in Malaysia generally attracts disdainful treatment.
Whatever may be the reason for that choice, it is a sad indictment on the state of English education in Malaysia (not the teachers’ fault, though) and the falling standard of its grasp and usage.
Decades ago, Malaysians abroad or at home had always been held in high esteem for their command and proficiency in English.
correction…should be “secondly the use of English in Malaysia now generally attracts…”
Wow, these man one Inglish I feel very the best, i thinking we from school the same one. The school our one name is calling Sekolah Rendah Tanah Boleh, our teacher inglish very good all of them, SPM all our score goodest then many schools, the most highest mark we getting: 9
You are not believe? Really one, no bluff we.
You want me repeated once more time again?
We should be proud that after 50 years we have finally made some progress in the english language. Maybe the university should also give one to mohathir for his contributions in raising the english standard to the university level!
I thought my english is bad but I didn’t know it was that bad in the university! I pity the students coming out from the local universities with that kind of english communication skill. Who is going to employ them talking in garbage language?
we all see this daily.
Blissfully unaware…. they strut their stuff…. and wait for applause. Thank God for the Internet…..
Ignorance is bliss.
We have some blissfully happy people here in Malaysia. I thot Samy Value’s Malays was bad…. at least we understood him.
This ones goes into my facebook……………
Hi Guys,
Sorry to divert!
A primary school in Damansara KL do not allow non-Muslim
students to drink water in their classrooms during this fasting
month but can only drink during recess time!!!
Are we “educating” our young ones that this is what Islam
As the old cliché goes, English is the lingua franca of communication internationally. Hence it’s undisputable that one should at least know how to read, write and converse in English decently.
Even while corresponding via email at work, more often than not I cringe when I spot so many grammatical errors and inappropriate choices of words. I wouldn’t dare to claim that my English is free from error either, but just imagine reading some write-ups which are to be presented or communicated with these errors. I personally do not think it’s acceptable.
Speaking of our national language, BM, there was one funny incident where my colleagues and I found hilarious.
Guess what? Retail Banking in English has been translated into “Perbankan Runcit” in one of the Berita Harian articles sometimes ago. We were laughing our heads off all day long. Even though until today we still do not know what the actual term is supposed to be in BM, we know for sure it shouldn’t be Perbankan Runcit.
And not too long ago, I have discovered and learnt a new “malay” word while watching the debate between Anwar and Shabby Cheek. All the while I had been cracking my head thinking “what the heck does “debat” mean”? After a short while, I was suddenly enlightened that it actually meant debate. It’s kinda lame and silly isn’t it? During my old school days, I had never come across such word and the word “perbahasan” was used to mean debate instead. The malay language has indeed gone through a massive evolution so much so that it would be a misnomer to use the term pure or standard BM.
people, what is the deal here over the article? is it the bad english or that it was printed in an english daily? we KNOW how bad things are so why r we acting surprised?
This blog reminds me of our secondary school days learning English during Form 1. We were asked to speak about the way we came to school.
Some gave correct answers as in; “I come to school by bus.”.
And some not so correct answers. One particular answer that still rings in my mind is:
“I come to school by legs.”
Well that was 40 years ago. Back then we had very good qualified graduate English teacher to correct us. I don’t know we have one now.
i agree some comments here r english just as bad as the advertorial, but for these folks the language may not be their first. lest we banish them to a chinese blog, i say cut some slack here. even non-english speaking folks should be deploring the sorry state of the english language n education as a whole in the country.
A Prayer (whatever your religion may be):
Let us observe a moment of silence and pay our respects to the late Tun Hussein Onn, the true great Malaysian. May he rest in peace, and let not his spirit be troubled by the degradation that has befallen this country that he must have loved so much. Let us, in our prayers, reassure him that we will do all that is within our capability to alleviate this country from its decent to darkness, that we will right all the wrongs, and cure all its evils with all the love and care we can shower on our beloved land. Let us relieve him of his pain by propelling Malaysia to release its full potential, by stopping the brain drain, by eradicating corruption and racial politics, by over-taking Singapore and making Malaysia the country that every country wishes to emulate! Let not Tun’s efforts and struggles be in vain! Let us reassure him that there is still much life and hope in his fight for the Malaysia he envisioned!
Long live Malaysia!
Please enlighten me, what is going on? I dont understand what is written above. Is it a joke?
What ALtPJK says is so true and I just can’t second it more!
For one to be proficient in a language, one needs to PRACTISE using the language in his/her daily life! However, Malaysians in general are not doing it for some reasons. They just refuse or do not know how to do it…(Perhaps because they have some pre-conceived notion that this is a Mat Salleh language (Bahasa Penjajah), or rather they just lack the confidence to converse in English.
The problem is, Malaysians in general have been brought up in inconducive conditions that have had a damaging impact on the mastery of a particular language. The social environment of this country, especially the education system, does not provide the key ingredients that are integral for a particular language to thrive firmly.
Talk about the vicious cycle of the English language in Malaysia;
In the first place, English has never been given enough emphasis; it has been scrambled with other languages during the life of the students in this country & society. The students were then influenced by the “Rojak” environment and turned out to be “Rojaks”. As those students grew up, they became more and more “Rojak” as they mixed with the other “Rojaks” who also came from the same “Rojak” environment. Eventually, those students grew up and became parents of “Rojak” language quality. Those parents raised children who were then automatically assimilated into all those “Rojak” languages that had become the lingua franca of Malaysia; the children picked them up and made this their second nature. Today, the finished products full of defects are all out there, and probably right under your nose.
Only those parents who were educated during the British colonial era would know how to educate their children in English. It baffles me to think if “Rojak” people are qualified to teach English too? (Note: “Rojak” people normally do not realise that they are “Rojaks”.) They would usually think that their English is good enough to survive and then impart their version of English to their students who will eventually become the next generation of “Rojaks”. OR, some teachers cannot be bothered about teaching the correct usage of English (Perhaps because they do not have a solid grasp of the language, or they just find it too hard and impractical to teach correct English), consequently their students do not learn anything beneficial from English classes. As the students are constantly taught, shaped, and moulded by their teachers, they would most likely automatically be influenced by their teachers’ poor command of the English language.
My definition of “Rojak” is those people who claim to be able to converse in several languages, and yet are not even eloquent in one of the languages, and they like to mix the languages together (probably due to too much of zak fan :-D). I wonder if our government is trying to breed a generation of social pariahs so that they could stay on in power? One that is incompetent and will eventually be cut off from the rest of the world due to their lack of good education and English language proficiency.
In English the general reference to any person is to use the male he or his being a general reference to both gender, I would take it that Uni Tun Hussein Onn wants to publicise that they sokong this royalty and have conferred an honorary degree to her. Safe to say she had never studied in UNi Tun Hussein Onn at all. Amen! Amin!
This is so embarrassing. Especially this article was written on somebody graduating from such a prestigious University. I really can’t imagine U Tun Hussein Onn’s standard. It has disgraced Tun Hussein Onn’s name as well.
My Lord
Usually I comments on blog without any proof reading on my grammar or structure of my sentece but just on contents. I always tell people I was educated in Bahasa Malaysia not English. But, I believe I can do much better than that.
Poor education system is one thing but for them to publish that in a MSM newspaper that is another and especially without quality control. I guess MSM doesn’t censor this type of publication only political issues..
All you guys must be tired reading the above. With no apologies, I’ll continue with the torture unabated. I received this e-meow from a friend. Enjoy.
Dear Ah Lian
Thanks you for your litter. Wrong time no see you. How everything? For me, I am quiet find.
You say in your litter your taukeh soh want you to chain your look? Somemore you must wear kick kok soo, hope you can wok properly.
You know, Ah Kau Kia working in a soft where company now. Last week, he take I, Muthu & few of his friend to MayNonut to eat barger. After that he take we all go to kalah ok. Muthu sing and sing no stop until the sky bright.
Next week, my father mother going to sellerbread 20 years annie wear sari. My father mother going to give a fist to all the kampong people. So you must come with your hole family.
I only hope one day we no need to write and send letter to you and to me. Better I e-meow you, you e-meow me.
I will ketchup with you soon. And when you got time, please few free to call me. Goo bye…..
Worm regard,
> Ah Beng
Worm regard to you too!
Tun Hussein Onn. I hope he is not turning in his grave. It would have been ok if the Uni is named say Universiti Paklah Cermelang Malaysia.
as I always said, “amatlah men sia-sueh kan” !!! LOL
Malaysian Always
Will Amen to that
Maybe is why that they now very scare they are uITM open to others races of peoples who talking very many goods Inglish.
How can to competition with even a small 10 percent who will be many more better to talk Inglish then they all?
In fact, in my children school, they were supposed to talking Inglish on the Tuesday also the Thursday, but the only word they using is “Goot Morneeeng” and than they proceeding to spoke in Malay. I think is because many they all feel very shame-shame when talk Inglisht it make them looking like fools.
Is it any surprise that in Primary school, the year 3 Malay syllabus is what we oldies would only have encountered in Form 1? And now, they have split the BM papers to BM 1 and BM 2 and these papers contribute individual marks to the overall score, BUT the English papers (1 & 2) marks are combined to give just one mark. Forgive me if my facts on the English paper marks are incorrect. My son is currently in year 4 and their internal tests are calculated as such.
This is obviously an attempt to level the playing field because Maths and Science are in English, which pulls down the overall score of Malays. However, as the results in my children’s school has proven time and time again, you can split the BM paper into 10 separate and individual marks and split the English paper into 10 individual papers contributing to one overall mark and the result will still be the same – the malays will still lag behind because the non-malays have learnt to adapt to an unfair system in Malaysia.
And so as this goes on and on. Our education system builds a false sense of confidence in the majority of Malays that they feel soooo proud that they can speak like a lightning train in Malay (and many try to copy this as you can hear on radio and TV) and their A1’s in BM, but when it’s time to attend a job interview, they will look like a lost 4 year old.
hehe… apologies.. I used HTML “open and close” tags to indicate that the first 3 paras in my comment above were written in Tun Hussein Onn Uni English. They did not appear, which now sort of makes me look silly…
Shame on me… ;-)
Dear Nadzri, I would like to make some corrections on your statement.
Those staffs of University Tun Hussein Onn dumb appearance weren’t due to their weak command in English, but rather because they are a bunch of amateurs. First, they are already stupid and second, the weak English issue came in.
i) Their inability to recognize that their English knowledge is terrible. That is why they dare to publish advertorial in honor of Yang Amat Mulia Raja Zarith Sofiah binti Almarhum Sultan Idris Al-Mutawakil Alallahi Shah, the consort of the Tengku Mahkota of Johor, to whom the write-up in broken English was dedicated.
ii) Their failure to notice the difference between unofficial, official, and highly official functions. For if they do, they certainly had asked around to find somebody with good English command, including you Syed Nadzri, to come up with a better write-up supposedly for the said advertorial.
iii) Not only that they are dumb, they proudly think that idiocy is God-given, and being idiot is special. They think whatever they write on will turn to be a perfect writeup, without any needs for repeat-reading it, or any other kind of improvement whatsoever.
iv) They failed to realized that in the writing world, there is a concept of editing. And for this, there are editors that work to beautify the writeup up to the level of Shakespearian or Victorian English.
Those are the real reasons why they committed the mistake. And here, English had made themselves look dumber.
No joke! This country is very, very serious where education is concerned.
We’ve two ministers-in-charge of education.
They are the Minister of Education and the Minister of Higher Education!
“It would be ok if the uni is named say University Paklah Cemerlang Malaysia.”.
Or maybe it should be University Mamak Amanah University since the mamak who is responsible for destroying English in this country can also have the cheek to claim that he is the one who brings English back to the country!
Never mind lah! This is English for Msia readers lah! So long as most Msian can understand, ok lah!
After all, modern youth also hv their own SMS Ng’sh or BM lah!
“Isn’t it ironic that the advertorial had to be written in English? Firstly, the contents were obviously for local consumption.”
Betul, betul, betul! Exactly so. The advertorial was meant for local consumption. That’s why it was written like this – a literal translation (“verbum pro verbo”) from BM so that when a local reader read it, the person could translate it back instantly into BM to appreciate the advertorial. Most NST local readers no understand English as written in the white man’s Queen English way, only know BM-nized English. Why people here so pah pai one?
Aiya!!don’t play play with english language lah..later it become like this lor…direct we c how good they manage our education..who suppose 2 blame??”mereka dan keluarga mereka..”(THEY answer our question)
When I made the comment that “language, being a living thing, does evolve,” I meant that it does evolve.
Surely, there must be certain norms in the usage of any language. The evolution occurs within these norms.
That citation by the university certainly does not fall within the norms I refer to.
So, I am not making a case to defend our language or cultural nationalists, as my subsequent post on the “supreme irony” can attest.
I can’t help but wish it was longer…this article has definitely made my day!
/// passerby Says:
Today at 00: 03.55 (14 hours ago)
We should be proud that after 50 years we have finally made some progress in the english language. Maybe the university should also give one to mohathir for his contributions in raising the english standard to the university level! ///
Passerby – I second that. If you go to TDM’s blog, in one of his newer posts, he keeps lamenting that he is not given any recognition, whereas he named Putrajaya after TAR and also the Putra WTC. So, the current PM should be gracious and renamed Hussein Onn University as Mahathir University.
Can some kind soul please translate the advertorial into English please?
What lah, it’s already in English.
If no understand, plz go attend English classes at Hussein Onn University, sure improve and understand one.
Actually….UTHM using this stupid letter to make the university famous!!!so don’t over react…shock sendiri….anytimes we will welcome you all to learn english in UTHM……i love UTHM~~
Here’s a forwarded mail I received from a friend of mine and it goes like this:
We, PR Malaysians of Arab UAE were laughing loudly when we read some articles wrote by a top Malay scholar in a prestigous university in Middle East. The Malay scholar was graduated from local ITMara holding 1st class honour degree in science and mathematics. He was under your government scholarship programme to do his Master degree and PHD in an ArArab country.
What a nice joke from his article wrote by this top Malay scholar ? He wrote a simple essay about the good teaching of science and art in both English and Malay languages in the local ITM. The local university allowed combination of both languages in order to pass the public exam.
Let us share with you his short essay message here :-
” Malaysia government kini encouraged all rakyat to read more rujukan books in sains and teknologi semasa. Ini can memperkembangkan ilmu science and technology bagi semua rakyat Malaysia to compete dalam zaman globalisation sekarang. This is also because rakyat kita masih
weak in both bidang sains and teknology for bersaing with graduates from overseas unversities. Akan tetapi sikap our goverment masih kiasi dan kiasu to post many brilliant students and tak kasi many scholarship kepada other smart races pasal sistem education quota dalam Minister of
Education ”
We dont understand …. apa dia tulis ? Do you ? Maybe a First Class Professor from UITM read it with excellent answer to reward him with 1st class honour’s degree. MY GOD!
I am student from UTHM.
I admit that is a real disgrace. But hey don’t do this to us, i mean UTHM student.
This is not an article written by student nor the lecturer, is the admin staff who wrote it.
Some may think we are leftover student from a leftover university and teach by leftover lecturers. Yes, i agree it at some point, but we are not stupid students. We are not rubbish, maybe some of them are.
But what I am trying to do here is to step on the rubbish and get to the highest point. Please give us who really work hard a chance.
Thank You.
I would think this is a ‘No-Brainer’ at work there.
If you are that bad in English language, just hire people to write them, or consider sending it perhaps to school teacher to get it corrected properly.
hahahaha, mr bombastic is very funny. he has some gems that really should be posted on sites that feature mangled English.
‘…comply have interest profoundest field documentation.’ oh, man this is priceless!
but what’s worse, i think, is ultraman trying to distance himself from such gems with a few nuggets of his own,
‘…Some may think we are leftover student from a leftover university and teach by leftover lecturers. Yes, i agree it at some point, but we are not stupid students. We are not rubbish, maybe some of them are.
But what I am trying to do here is to step on the rubbish and get to the highest point.’
ultraman, ever heard the phrase, ‘…standing on the shoulders of giants…’? know what it means? well, you are NOT going to get very far if you choose to step on rubbish
do yourself and all of us a favour – DO NOT EVER ATTEMPT TO BE A COPYWRITER…heh, heh
Seriously, when I first read the advertorial, I thought it was a joke!!
It would be certainly a direct translation from Bahasa Malaysia. Learning the English language is not much of a problem if one takes the time to read in English, in fact any English book in the market.
Notwithstanding the statement made by takazawa, written English even in Singapore is limited to those who have taken the trouble to learn it. Even at some of the larger firms, we know that the language isn’t Queen English as envisaged by Lau Lee.
As for our local UNIs they better do something sensible instead taking to the road to demonstrate over sensible suggestion of admitting 10% non-Bumis who would surely help to bring up the standard of any UNI in the country. My fear is,the better ones will not even want to go near such low standard institution!!
This highlight by YB should set the BN Gomen thinking hard; otherwise it is a waste of all these comments put in by good Malaysians!!
This is what happens when we advance the triple apartheid education policy of Malay, Chinese and Tamil streams – you get lousy universities which have official use of mangled English, and people and politicians who are racists even after 50 years of nationhood.
Enough been said and we all know the causes to the pathetic and chaotic state in Malaysia. The Government needs to tackle these issues immediately and no more denial. All Malaysians need to feel equal in the nation. Abolish the NEP… revamp the education system, inculcate zero tolerance towards corruption, and many many more.
I seriously do not think BN has the political will to implement sweeping reforms. I have doubts the PKR can do it too. But BN is rotten to the point of no return. I look forward to a new Government on 16th Sep and I hope for changes.
# TheWrathOfGrapes Says:
September 2nd, 2008 (2 days ago) at 13: 58.49
“Who was the person who switched the language of instruction from English to Malay?”
I read in Lee Kuan Yew’s memoir and if I still remember correctly – When Singapore was still part of Malaysia and at a time when the Parliament was debating the ways to raise the standards of living of the people, someone tabled the motion of making Bahasa Malaysia the national language. LKY argued in Bahasa and in fervor questioning how making Bahasa Malaysia the national language can help raise standards of living of the people. His speech was convincing to house. It also irked the UMNO ultras. It became part of the events that led to the ouster of Singapore from Malaysia.
Yes, leekb0 – Lee Kuan Yew’s facility with the Malay language can put many Bumis to shame.
* * *
Memoirs of Lee Kuan Yew. The Singapore Story.(Excerpts from pages 325-328 of the Abridged Edition)
The next day, I made my most important speech in the federal parliament to a hostile and tense audience, including a large number of Malay MPs who had been fed daily with anti-PAP, anti-Lee Kuan Yew and anti-Chinese propaganda by the Utusan over the past year. I moved an amendment to express regret that the King’s address did not reassure the nation that it would continue to progress in accordance with its democratic constitution towards a Malaysian Malaysia.
But Dr Mahathir’s speech implied that this could never happen. I quoted what he had said the day before about the Chinese in Singapore. “They have never known Malay rule and couldn’t bear the idea that the people they have so long kept under their heels should now be in a position to rule them”. To rule them? I drew a distinction between political equality and the special rights for the economic and social uplift of the Malays. I accepted the special rights, but if the other peoples of Malaysia were denied political equality with the Malays, we would not need Sukarno and the Confrontation to crush us.
Having reached the most sensitive part of my speech, in which I would expose the inadequacy of UMNO’s policies, I decided to speak in Malay. Although my Malay was not as good as my English, I was fluent compared with other non-Malay MPs. I said that while I accepted Malay as the sole official language, I did not see how it could raise the economic position of the people. Would it mean that the produce of the Malay farmer would increase in price, that he would get better prices? Would he get improved facilities from the government?
I said that the Tunku had frequently said in public and in private that the Chinese were rich and the Malays poor, but I used some simple examples to highlight a few points, still speaking in Malay. “Special rights and Malay as the national language were not the answer to this economic problem. If out of 4 and a ½ million Malays and another 3/4s of a million Ibans, Kadazans and others, we made 0.3% of them company shareholders, would we solve the problem of Malay poverty?”
“How does a Malay in the kampong find his way out into this modernized civil society? By becoming servants of the 0.3% who would have the money to hire them to clean their shoes, open their motorcar doors? Of course there are Chinese millionaires in big cars and big houses. Is it the answer to make a few Malay millionaires with big cars and big houses? How does telling a Malay bus driver that he should support the party of his Malay director (UMNO) and the Chinese bus conductor to join another party of his Chinese director (MCA) – how does that improve the standards of the Malay bus driver and the Chinese bus conductor who are both workers in the same company?”
“If we delude people into believing that they are poor because there are no Malay rights or because opposition members oppose Malay rights, where are we going to end up? You let people in the kampongs believe that they are poor because we don’t speak Malay, because the government does not write in Malay, so he expects a miracle to take place in 1967 (the year Malay would become the national and sole official language). The moment we all start speaking Malay, he is going to have an uplift in the standard of living, and if it doesn’t happen, what happens then?”
“Meanwhile , whenever there is a failure of economic, social and educational policies, you come back and say, oh, these wicked Chinese, Indians and others opposing Malay rights. They don’t oppose Malay rights. They, the Malays, have the right as Malaysian citizens to go up to the level of training and education that the more competitive societies, the non-Malay society, has produced. That is what must be done, isn’t it? Not feed them with this obscurantist doctrime that all they have got to do is get Malay rights for a few special Malays and theIr problem has been resolved…”
Dear Uncle Lim,
Chinese school is not necessary good for all Malaysian Chinese.
The reasons are……
Most of those Malaysian Chinese who can’t speak and write proper English or BM were from Chinese School.
Most of those Malaysian Chinese who are low income earners ie hawkers, mechanics, contractors and etc were from Chinese school.
Most of those who are Chinese fanatics or the most racist Malaysian chinese were from Chinese school.
Most of those Malaysian Chinese who are unemployed were from Chinese school
Most of those Malaysian Chinese who are school dropouts were from Chinese school
Most of those Malaysian Chinese who involved in vice activities such as ah long, gangsters, bookies and etc were from Chinese school.
Most of those Malaysian Chinese who are professional or with good employment were those English educated Chinese.
Most of those Malaysian Chinese who can interact better with other races were those English educated Chinese.
Nowadays, most of the MCA members were from Chinese school that explained why MCA is full of corruptors and gangsters. Previously MCA was a good party as during that time, MCA does not has so many Chinese educated members, but now MCA is full of Chinese educated members, therefore had turned into a useless party.
Why DAP is better than MCA? Because DAP had more English educated Chinese than MCA.
Assalammualaikum & salam sejahtera…
Saya ni tak fasih nak berbahasa inggeris..
Nanti mahsyuk pula tiba-tiba..
Izinkan saya berbahasa Melayu agar saya tak akan lupa asal usul saya sebagai rakyat Malaysia.. (memang alasan,tapi logik!)
Bagi pendapat saya sebagai rakyat malaysia..
Apa yang sedang berlaku kepada UTHM ini merupakan satu musibah akibat perbuatan khianat daripada pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawap..
Cuba anda fikirkan..
1) Logikkah kalau ada pihak atasan UTHM yang tidak tahu/ sedar mengenai kewujudan artikel berkenaan? (bagi saya logik)..
– Penganugerahan ini merupakan sesuatu yang amat disanjung dan penting! Tambahan pula untuk orang kenamaan! Mana logik kalau pihak UTHM akan biarkan. Konvokesyen UTHM ada organisasi yang ditubuhkan khas. Bagi saya.. mana logik kalau AJK Konvokesyen ni tak perasan? Kecualilah kalau PENGKHIANAT yang memang nak UTHM ni JATUH!
2) Adakah ini semua sekadar SAMPAH yang dilakukan oleh pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab untuk menggugat Institusi Pendidikan Malaysia.
-Kita tak boleh jangka siapakah orang berkenaan kerana semua orang boleh meluahkan pendapat secara bebas.. Inikan Malaysia.. Negara demokrasi..
Saya sendiri tahu tahap Pencapaian UTHM dan insyallah semua yang pernah dilahirkan di sini tahu bagaimana situasi sebenar UTHM! Jangan kerana nila setitis, habis susu sebelanga! Cuba fikir secara terbuka! Kita semua manusia, hamba Tuhan! Hanya Tuhan yang tahu segala kebenaran…
Kepada pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawap,cubalah anda sedar! Bawa-bawalah Insaf, solat taubat, kembali ke jalan benar! Tuah itu maha Adil, DIA yang maha kuasa! Astafirullah al-Azim!
Semua manusia memang ada kelemahannya..
Makanya.. Tak bolehlah kita nak salahkan sesiapa! Kebenaran akan muncul jua akhirnya!
Perbanyakkan ibadah semasa bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini.. Kuranagkan kontroversi,tingkatkan prestasi! Insyallah Allah S.W.T. akan memberikan cahaya Taufiq & Hidayah kepada yang berkenaan! Amin!
Saya sekadar ingin meluahkan perasaan saya sebagai rakyat Malaysia! Bukan niat saya untuk melakukan sesuatu yang salah/ tidak berfaedah.. Sebagai manusia,kita hendaklah saling ingat mengingati antara satu sama lain..
Saya ingin meminta maaf jika ada yang terasa dengan komen saya, saya sekadar seorang rakyat Malaysia yang kerdil. Maafkan saya jika ada kesalahan yang telah dilakukan!
Sekian,terima kasih..
My sister said that her student from a so called ‘elite’ school wrote in his essay about his grandmother and supergrandmother (with reference to his great grandmother). Sigh!
Many thanks’s very funny
Dear Ah Lian
Thanks you for your litter. Wrong time no see you. How everything? For me, I am quiet find.
You say in your litter your taukeh soh want you to chain your look? Somemore you must wear kick kok soo, hope you can wok properly.
You know, Ah Kau Kia working in a soft where company now. Last week, he take I, Muthu & few of his friend to MayNonut to eat barger. After that he take we all go to kalah ok. Muthu sing and sing no stop until the sky bright.
Next week, my father mother going to sellerbread 20 years annie wear sari. My father mother going to give a fist to all the kampong people. So you must come with your hole family.
I only hope one day we no need to write and send letter to you and to me. Better I e-meow you, you e-meow me.
I will ketchup with you soon. And when you got time, please few free to call me. Goo bye…..
Worm regard,
> Ah Beng
it’s not fair to just put the blame on students. we don’t even know who wrote the advertorial. we’re not that stupid in English anyway. But hey…we’ve been famous!!! who cares!!!! pretty good gimmick i could say…yeay!!!
I have heard that there are a lot of issues in this UNIlah…..even their Professor does not have enough quality either in research and publication or etc. See their websitelah…not much knowledge outputs…Not many papers have been published by this UNI…
How come they got soooo many Professors + Prof Madya and yet can not proofread this stupid mistake ? Duduk goyang kaki kah ? Makan gaji buta kah ? What a shame….
Siapa dia punya NC…tak malukah ?
Mana itu ahli senat UNI ? Tidorkah ?
Mana itu Dekan-dekan ? Tak tau malukah ?
Sapa itu English punya Dean, pencen saja lah….
Shame, shame. Tsk…tsk… what a shame. To quote: Stupid mistake is like erasing ink on paper, the mark is no longer there, but the paper is never as smooth as before.( or smeared with liquid paper ) Shame on you UTHO. Do you read this blog? Do you? And Tun Mahathir: shame on you. RM 5 billion for Englishing the nation goes into the drain.
Just listen to our PM, DPM and all the STUPID MINISTER talk .They rojak english with malay. If you don’t believe me pay attention during prime time news be it TV3 or RTM.Leadership by example from the “Leader from Barisan Najis”
Hey uthm student,
No, you are not that stupid in English…you are just lousy.
you wrote:
‘But hey…we’ve been famous!!! who cares!!!! pretty good gimmick i could say…yeay!!!
you are a ‘have been’?
you mean you ‘…would say..’
nice try.
I feel shame to admit a student of Univ. Hussein Onn University M`sia. However, those people are really worst in their english somemore didn`t ask help from the good ones. Shame of them!~ Making this univeristy lousy. Shit!
hey keris bla bla bla..your name so long!!can’t you just put it in short??
students are innocent in this stage, they are not the person who make the mistake!!can’t you just comment on the issue?!
i would like to ask?are you an english expert?are you a Malaysian?are you a student before?you are a GOOD person all the while?
OR you just do not know the issue here, WRONGLY comment on people who respond to the issue here..
Since the 1970s the MOE had some radical changes planned and enforced, but silently too it added strong religious practices into the regular curriculum and applied across the citizens of bolihland whether they like it or not because their so called representatives has agreed to it or pretend not to know.
Yeah it was great years then those formative years turn out successfooly without hoo haa from other BN clubmembers and has set into as culture of bolihland incorporated . These products of the reengineered education system is now vibrant and driving the nation predominately in the government service.
The damn thorn is that we were lead round and round and round a never ending roundabout….
It is also very clear that these so called new blood as academia of bolihland also “excels” as professionals although only gets government jobs and many a millionaire were created….well who cares cannot get the doe so you jealous ka?
All this at the expense of other people of bolihland, and those who are comfortable as full time academians can decorate themselves in what ever colour of their mortars board…green seemed very acceptable or gold braided songkok to go with it, one thing will and cannot be changed in the global world….if you aint up to standards you are just not there yet.
Dream on …..
As a student from our Beloved Malaysia..i am sure we have our basic education in Malaysia (Primary + Secondary) don’t you?It means that you are the same as (in term of english) the person who wrote the speech??i am sure all of you same NO!!
In my opinion, the false only came from the person who translated the speech to english..
As proverb goes: “Don’t judge a book by its cover”
Don’t you all studied before?
Come on LAR, the false is not came from the VC, of so called the “high post” staff..they will not see this SMALL matter anyway..
ONLY the SMALL potatoes are doing this EASY JOB..
if PAK LAH want to settle all the minor things, what for we need PM???we need leaders because they are the one who decide on BIG matters..
However…i say however!!
Choose our leaders correctly..we bank on them!!
Malaysia can only be a FIRST WORLD country if ALL of us contribute towards what we think is correct…especially in education!!our future generation will be the leaders, education is the key to turn tem on to be the leaders..
I appreciate Malaysia as my country..
but please…please…please (The Barison Najis don’t heard what the citizen demanded)…
Dear all,
Thanks for the “brilliant” comment towards our university(UTHM). We might be poor in English, but it’s not appropriate to use the term “lousy”. How good can u be? This is an unfair comment to those who are really good (in terms of english) in our university.
Mockery and blames; is this what everyone should do? This will not bring any good to us. Why not show some concern towards the local university? Help to enhance their/our english language rather than sit back and do nothing. Government? Why blame others when we don’t even initiate the effort? Have you done your part as a Malaysian ? Lend them/us a helping hand. Mocking and blaming is just like pushing them/us into a much deeper pit. Everyone learn through mistakes.
By the way, start English young!!
I’m still proud to be a UTHM student.
To: kerishamuddinitis …kelabuasap….
i just want to say if u all don’t know anything just keep quite..
your comment is useless and not fair to other ppl….
pls do some “research” or study before u post the comment….
“”””””How come they got soooo many Professors + Prof Madya and yet can not proofread this stupid mistake ? Duduk goyang kaki kah ? Makan gaji buta kah ? What a shame….
Siapa dia punya NC…tak malukah ?
Mana itu ahli senat UNI ? Tidorkah ?
Mana itu Dekan-dekan ? Tak tau malukah ?
Sapa itu English punya Dean, pencen saja lah….”””””””From kelabuasap
=.= lll……………so sad another lousy comment from malaysian……just know how to blame and comment……
Hello semua. Sudahlah…semua orang sudah minta maaf. Biar UTHM selesaikan perkara ini. Mungkin ini kesilapan yang tidak diketahui apa sebabnya. Mari kita semua perkasakan Bahasa Inggeris kita okay ? Yang tulis cuma ‘seorang’…jangan salahkan semua orang. Kalau ‘seorang’ buat salah, takkanlah ‘semua orang’ nak masuk penjara ? Tolong jangan komen sesedap rasa.
UTHM sendiri ada banyak pencapaian yang hebat-hebat. Saya percaya mereka memiliki banyak Profesor, Prof Madya, Pensyarah dan para pelajar yang cemerlang. Sila layari laman web UTHM. UTHM universiti yang masih baru, tapi lihat mereka telah mencapai banyak pengiktirafan juga….masih banyak perlu diperbaiki.
Cuma berhati-hatilah dilain masa berhubung dengan isu ‘advertorial’ ini.
Kepada semua…apa kata bagi cadangan macamana nak mengatasi masalah ini ?
Dear All,
I would like to APOLOGISE for the inappropriate comments. Yes, I agree that it was too much and not fair to other people. Feel bad and sorry to UTHM. Hope this will not happen again.
Thanks for the reminder EDWARDWORLD
I really shame on you, “Jibai”..
You are the most lousy one..
I don’t think you are from the univ. because i strongly believe you are the uneducated person due to your BRILLIANT nick name OF “Jibai”…
I am shame on you..
P/S:We are giving comments in a good manner, by using constructing opinions.
Alhamdulillah.. Thanks God..
Ada juga yang bagi komen yang memberangsangkan..
Tapi, ada juga yang HANYA TAHU MENYALAHKAN tanpa mencari jalan penyelesaian..
Saya rasa, baik kita sama-sama memberikan komen untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini agar semua pihak akan berpuas hati! Betul tak?
bahasamelayuku.. Awak telah menjalankan tanggungjawab sebagi seorang warga Malaysia yang bertanggungjawab.. TAHNIAH..
Sepatutnya semua RAKYAT MALAYSIA bertindak ke arah positif.. Jangan cepat melatah..
Kita pemimpin masa depan Malaysia.. Semua institusi pendidikan melahirkan modal insan yang berfikiran kelas pertama.. Tak kisah IPTA mana sekalipun seseorang itu berasal, namun yang pasti.. Kita mesti bersyukur dan memikirkan cara terbaik untuk menaiktarafkan modal insan untuk masa depan Malaysia..
“Jangan hanya kerana najis seketul, habis bau satu rumah” (ini kiasan,kalau tak faham.. fahamlfahamkanlah) Hidupkan semangat cinta akan Malaysia. Kita dah merdeka 51 tahun, Otak kita pun sepatutnya semakin cergas.. Rakyatnya sekmakin bertamadun & berfikiran kelas pertama.. Bukan kelas TERAKHIR!
Kuatkan semangat,semoga Allah S.W.T. akan memberkati segala usaha & kesungguhan yang kita lakukan! Semoga semuanya akan berjalan dengan lancar.. Besatulah wahai rakyat Malaysia agar kita tidak DITINDAS kemudian hari..
Pemimin Gemilang, Negara Cemerlang…
Perpaduan Teras Kecemerlangan..
At the outset that piece of shit address is either being translated by a fella who struggles to complete it with a dictionary and/or an electronic dictionary.
This thick skin nkp knows how to do translation but he does know the language too bad but good try. I hope the subject person is not offended.
Well they are many like him or she in todays civil service and bolihland’s acadamia, great isn’t it, we always never have funny day everyday.
And we are thankful to those who runs and leads the moe , lets look it the other way, it could be worse we may be reading arabic for all i know if those in moe did not stand firm.
Kasihanilah kami student2 UTHM yg baru grade… Nak mencari kerja… berbekalkan segulung ijazah dari UTHM… Jangan kerana setitik nila rosak susu sebelanga….
Tidak mustahil yang menulis tu tidak belajar di UTHM… tetapi sebaliknya dari institusi lain…
Don’t judge a book by its cover…
I’ll always luv UTHM…
hello I’m was one of uthm student, got a word to say, uthm are very sorry about this, it was a careless mistakes made by one of our staff, EDWARDWORLD, U ask about where are our prof and nc right? for our information they keep in silence because their waiting for us to fight for our uni and for our name
aqish88 terima kasih sebab pertahankan u aku, betul kata kau, lagipun manusia mana yang tak pernah buat silap, everyone learn from their mistakes, right?
To: donhatesu
did u see the comment correctly? when did i say that?……….pls read it again…….thanks
Kepada: donhatesu
Saya selaku insan biasa hanya mampu memberikan apa yang terbaik untuk semua manusia. Saya tak sesempurna Nabi Muhammad S.A.W., tapi saya umat nabi & khalifah Allah S.W.T. dan kita(umat manusia) seharusnya berfikiran sedemikian..
Saling memaafi adalah satu amalan yang mulia, baru hidup aman! Tak kisah siapa pun yang bersalah dalam hal ni. Jika nawaitu PENGKHIANAT itu memang untuk menjatuhkan UTHM, maka dengan doa PENGHUNI UTHM.. Insyallah PENGKHIANAT itu akan sedar & mengakui kesalahannya.. PENGHUNI UTHM hendaklah sentiasa berdoa, buat solat hajat & terus berdoa di bulan yang mulia ini agar kes ini selesai dengan aman..
donhatesu, saya memang kagum dengan banyak pembaharuan yg dilakukan oleh UTHM, secara tak langsung telah membuka minda saya untuk menerajui bidang kejuruteraan. Saya rasa, mungkin ada banyak IPT yang tidak mempunyai kemamuan sedemikian. Walaupun UTHM masih baru & banyak yang mendengki, namun bagi saya, UTHM telah meletakkan namanya pada satu aras yang agak membanggakan. Tak semua IPT di Malaysia mungkin mengetahui kewujudan UTHM, namun saya melihat banyak syarikat dalam bidang Industri yang menggemari Graduan lepasan UTHM berbanding IPT lain.. Ini satu fakta, saya sendiri pernah melihat & mendengar pengakuan daripada pihak industri..
Kita seharusnya bersyukur.. Semuanya lengkap, persekitaran pembelajaran yang konduksif, kemudahan yang lengkap.. Mungkin ada yang kurang memuskan, namun.. Itu semua memang akan berlaku di mana sahaja.. Tambahan ada Kilang yang agak merbahayakan kesihatan PENGHUNI UTHM kan?! (Tu lain ceritalah)..
Mungkin kontroversi ini akan mengundang ketidak selesaan kepada PENGHUNI UTHM & orang awam.. Malah mungkin ada dikalangan PENGHUNI UTHM yang mempertikaikan kedudukan mereka apabila bergelar Graduan nanti.. Betul? Semu yang berlaku ada hikmahnya.. Allah S.W.T. sedang menguji kita. Namun,bagi saya.. Semua itu tidak perlu dibimbang.. Bagi syarikat yang mengutamakan kualiti pekerja.. Insyallah semuanya akan diterima.. Jika PENGHUNI UTHM berkualiti, tak ada masalah untuk dipertikaikan..
Jika benarlah PENGHUNI UTHM menghadapi masalah berbahasa Inggeris. Makanya.. UTHM hendaklah mengenal pasti mereka (PELAJAR UTHM) dan membantu mereka agar peluang pekerjaan mereka akan lebih luas.. Lagi satu, UTHM juga menawarkan subjek Bahasa Asing seperti Bahasa JEPUN, GERMAN, MANDRIN, SPANYOL, & banyak lagi.. Bagi saya, isu bahasa inggeris ini tidak perlu diheboh-hebohkan kerana bukannya semua syarikat@industri di Malaysia memerlukan tenanga yang hanya tahu berbahasa Inggeris. Betul tak? Kalau tak, apa gunanya syarikat-syarikat luar yang menggajikan pekerja mereka & memberikan mereka peluang untuk mempelajari bahasa asing… Betul?
Namun, kita seharusnya memandang ke arah positif & jangan cepat melatah.. Jangan kerana nila setitis,habis susu sebelanga! Kita seharusnya ambil yang jernih, buang yang keruh.. Jadi yang terbaik,baru cemerlang dunia akhirat!
Semoga Berjaya kepada semua PENGHUNI UTHM..
Banyakkan beramal..
Kuatkan Iman..
Bersatu membawa muafakat..
Jangan asyik pertikaikan kemampuan orang lain..
Cuba duduk depan cermin, renung wajah kita dengan keadaan yang tenang.. Nilai diri kita sendri,barulah kita boleh bersuara untuk menilai orang lain..
Tak kisah taraf apa Pelajar & Pensyarah UTHM..
Namun yang pasti, mesti ada hikmah mengapa Pelajar & Pensyarah UTHM ini ditematkan di UTHM..
Tak ada kes buangan atau reject di sini..
Kalau semuanya reject..
Cuba anda nyatakan/ senaraikan IPT di Malaysia yang mempunyai Pelajar & Pensyarah yang benar-benar EXCELLENT,BERKUALITI & BERTARAF KELAS PERTAMA..
Ingatlah.. Tak ada yang sempurna dalam dunia ni! Allah S.W.T. memberikan kejayaan kepada kita bukan untuk MEMBANGGA DIRI, tapi untuk menjadi lebih BERSYUKUR.. Insaflah wahai PENGKHIANAT.. Semua yang anda lakukan akan dibalas oleh ALLAH S.W.T., jika bukan di dunia,maka mesti di akhirat! Berjaga-jagalah anda! Allah S.W.T. MAHA ESA.. Subhanallah!
Kepada Nami:
Sememangnya awak tak perlu berasa segan/malu/takut sebagai graduan UTHM..
Jika kamu benar-benar berkualiti & layak untuk bekerja.. Tak ada masalah pun industri/ masyarakat nak terima awak.. Yang penting, awak mesti tahu cara untuk memertahankan diri awak & UTHM bila ada mulut-mulut yang mula berbunyi..
kelabuasap Says:
September 5th, 2008 (4 days ago) at 22: 51.19
I have heard that there are a lot of issues in this UNIlah…..even their Professor does not have enough quality either in research and publication or etc. See their websitelah…not much knowledge outputs…Not many papers have been published by this UNI…
How come they got soooo many Professors + Prof Madya and yet can not proofread this stupid mistake ? Duduk goyang kaki kah ? Makan gaji buta kah ? What a shame….
Siapa dia punya NC…tak malukah ?
Mana itu ahli senat UNI ? Tidorkah ?
Mana itu Dekan-dekan ? Tak tau malukah ?
Sapa itu English punya Dean, pencen saja lah….
nikah komen daripada seorang rakyat Malaysia?
Alangkah malunya saya untuk mengaku awak ni sebagai sebahagian daripada rakyat Malaysia..
Awak tahukah apa yang sebenarnya sedang berlaku?
Awak cuba nyatakan IPT mana di Malaysia ni tak ada konflik@ masalah.. (Saya cabar awak!)
Ingatlah.. Semuanya tak sempurna.. Hanya ALLAH S.W.T. yang sempurna.. Subhanallah!!
Awak ada BUKTI KUKUH yang menyokong apa yang awak nyatakan?
Awak seatutnya jangan cepat melatah..
Awak pergi cermin muka dulu,renungkan apa yang awak dah tulis!
Kita mesti berfikir menggunakan akal/ otak yang WARAS!
Bukannya CETEK.. Jangan cakap pakai HEMBUS(cakap ikut perasaan)! Bayangkan awak adalah salah seorang daripada PENGHUNI UTHM.. Apa awak rasa???
Don’t judge a book by it’s cover..
Tak ada yang sempurna selain ALLAH S.W.T…
to aqish88:
thanks aqish88 for your comment…actually im one of the UTHM student.i was shocked when i knew about the advertorial but no one perfect in this world right?….so please to everyone else…don’t just post your comment and condemn us without knowing the truth….
“budaya Malaysia kaya dengan budi dan bahasa….apabila hati telah ditawan dengan arus kemodenan yang melampau sikap angkuh dan takbur menguasai diri…kemana perginya budi bahasa yang dipertahankan oleh nenek moyang kita selama ini?tidakkah kita malu dengan ALLAH dan pesuruhNya dengan keangkuhan dan kelebihan yang telah ALLAH kurniakan kepada kita?sedangkan dosa yang kita lakukan ALLAH ampunkan dengan bertaubat inikan pula kesalahan sebegitu dan seperti tiada kemaafan bagi pihak terbabit dalam menyelesaikan isu tersebut…kita dicipta untuk saling mengingati dan memperbetulkan kesilapan antara satu sama lain demi keharmonian sejagat bukan untuk memperkecil-kecilkan maruah orang lain dan mengharu birukan lagi keadaan yang sedia tegang…so,fikir-fikirkanlah….”
sorry nif i’m mistaken your word, i;m in a little bit upset about this, sorry edward
to: aqish88
betul kata anda, walaupn uthm masih lg baru namun sekurang-kurangnya u ini cuba untuk memperbaiki kelemahannya, tentang kilang yg merbahaya itu xleh kata ape kerana dh dekat sangat kedudukannya,bagi aku kalau salah berbahasa inggeris xpe tp kalo salah bahas melayu nya itu yg teruk, tunggu 5 tahun lg dan lihatlah uthm yg membangun
jgn malu kita budak uthm, nam x membawa sebarang makna, dimana pn kita belajar selagi ade usaha kita akan berjaya, aku rasa syarikat2 kt luar xkisah sngt sebab kesalahan itu hanya kecil jer
takazawa Says:
September 2nd, 2008 (2 weeks ago) at 23: 22.11
In terms of the English standard, this country in general is very much lacking behind in comparison to Singapore where I just came back from. Average students in Singapore are able to communicate and express in decent English without much difficulty although they speak Singlish most of the time. This shitty piece of advertorial is not even up to Singlish standard to say the very least. The irony is, however, some Malaysians even have the cheek to condemn the standard of English among Singaporeans when their own fellow countrymen’s English proficiency level is not even half as good as theirs. They think every Singaporean speaks like Phua Chu Kang which is pure bollocks. The children of my uncles and aunts over in Singapore can communicate and express themselves so articulately, unlike those average Malaysian students who are either Malay or Chinese educated speak horrendous English even though they could be master degree holders! Thanks to our rotten education ministry and on top of all, the architect of modern Malaysia – TDM.
Awak ambil Singapura sebagai contoh..
Awak pernah fikir tak?
Berapa bilangan penduduk di Singapura dibandingkan dengan Malaysia? Cuba kira?
Macam mana nak dibandingkan dengan Malaysia? Sila berfikiran jauh.. Saya bukan nak marah, tapi kecewa dengan orang yang tidak berwawasan..
Lagi satu…
Singapura tu majoritinya berbangsa cina..
Awak cuba try tanya…
ramai tak dikalangan rakyatnya yang boleh berbahasa mandrin? Sedangkan, asal usul mereka adalah dari China, betul?
Bahasa mandrin itu digunakan meluas di China (untuk semua bidang)…
Ada pernah awak tengok Lin Dan berbahasa Inggeris?
Sedangkan dia Pemain Badminton No 1 dunia! Ramai lagi rakyat negara lain yang tidak berbahasa Inggeris untuk berkomunikasi..
Namun,mereka tetap disegani atas kejayaan mereka!
Kalau awak nak bandingkan Malaysia..
Cubalah bandingkan dengan negara yang mempunyai bilangan penduduk yang lebih kurang sama bilangannya dengan Malaysia..
Bukannya yang sedikit daripada Malaysia..
Jangan sempitkan pemikiran..
Cuba explore dunia ni…
Banyak lagi negara yang boleh awak bandingkan dengan Malaysia!
*Sila berikan idea yang bernas untuk pertingkatkan penguasaan bahasa Inggeris di Malaysia..
P/S: Saya bukan nak jatuhkan sesiapa, tapi.. kita semua boleh fikir sendiri.. Malaysia ni negara yang bebas bersuara.. Maka, fikir-fikirkanlah..
wau wau..
i am glad there are some of you who still support local education fact i think our education system is good but stiil can be improved!!
but please brush up your language here, at lease please leave a comment in english LAR..
i don’t say Malays language is not good, but just do not neglect English, for those who say we need not to learn English!!!
Why our PM want the Maths and Science subject to be in Eng??
Why other most established countries such as Japan, Korea and China start to learn Eng, since they “langsung” don’t use Eng for a decade ago???
can some one explains to me why English is not important?
aqish88 and donhatesu can you??
To aqish88:
I don’t see any reason why we can’t compared to Singapore?this is a compatative world, don’t give reasons to escape from comparing to other..
For example,
Can i say you are stupid because you are simply shorter as compared to a person who are taller than you???
I am sure you say CAN NOT….!!am i right?
AGAIN, Don’t judge a book by its cover..
i saw this sentence from your comments; just the same as my previous comments..
then why are you judging Malaysia is a bigger country and can’t be compared to S’pore???why, why, why???
regardless of the size, we are evaluating the performance our what we call “hasil”….can you understand English??
we should take up the lesson from the advertorial and improve on the education system in M’sia..please anyone, don’t deny that..don’t deny the English language standard in IPTA is low..
meanwhile, i don’t deny those students who have good command of english in IPTA..i respect YOU, keep up the good work!!
especially moving towards 2020…so please wake up!!
to those academicians who took a “SILENT” glance on this blog!!
Saya langsung tidak menyatakan bahawa bahasa Inggeris “HARUS/MESTI/WAJIB” TIDAK dipelajari di mana-mana Institusi Pendidikan di Malaysia(Sila baca & fahami apa yang saya tulis).. Saya juga dah nyatakan, kita seharusnya dibandingkan dengan negara lain! Ambil contoh negara yang pada dasarnya menggunakan bahasa ibunda mereka & berubah ke bahasa Inggeris dalam sistem pendidikan. Sama seperti anda nyatakan Japan, Korea & China.. (saya rasa,anda kurang faham bahasa Malaysia.. Sila pertingkatkan penguasaan anda,TQ!)
Memang benar, saya KURANG setuju apabila Malaysia dibandingkan dengan Singapura. Hal ini kerana
1) Sekali lagi,bilangan penduduk di Malaysia jauh lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan Singapura. Jika ditambah dengan Sabah & Sarawak.. Besar tu kawasannya,macam mana nak kawal?!
2) Malaysia kekurangan tenanga pelatih yang fasih berbahasa Inggeris. (Tak semua tenaga pelatih di SK,SMK,IPT yang mengajar dalam bahasa Inggeris!)
3) Faktor bahasa pertuturan seharian. (Sedangakan orang KL pun kurang faham bahasa UTARA..Inikan pula bahasa Sabah & Sarawak yang mengikut kaum & etnik mereka..) Sila fikirlah dengan tenang apa maksud saya!
4) Faktor budaya & adat resam. Jika dibandingkan dengan Singapura yang Majoritinya Cina! Kita ni terdiri dari pelbagai kaum & bangsa. Pemikiran pun berlainan! Mungkin anda kurang faham tentang hal ini, tapi anda boleh jalankan survey di kawasan-kawasan pedalaman & anda akan faham..(Sila rujuk siri Cerika Rama,filem Good Morning,Teacher)
5) Mentaliti yang berlainan.. Mentaliti rakyat Malaysia bukannya 100% TAHAP KELAS PERTAMA/ EXCELLENT..Semua rakyat malaysia ada pemikiran yang berlainan. Rambut sama hitam,hati lain-lain(fahamkan!)
Jika ini tak cukup mempertahankan mengapa saya tidak setuju mengapa dibandingkan dengan Singapura.. Saya tak ada komen. Mungkin anda lebih arif & bijaksana! Saya RESPECT anda!
Saya juga TIDAK mengatakan penguasaan bahasa Inggeris ini MUSTAHIL untuk rakyat Malaysia & salah jika menggunakan Bahasa Inggeris! Cuma usaha ini akan memakan masa untuk dicapai.. Anda juga jangan cepet melatah, anda harus berfikiran terbuka.
Anda juga harus faham.. Banyak yang perlu diperbaiki & diberi tunjuk ajar. Ubah mentaliti rakyat Malaysia! Kita sebagai generasi sekaranglah yang mencorakkan apa yang terbaik untuk generasi masa akan datang.
Anda seharusnya bagi komen yang dikatagorikan sebagai “CADANGAN UNTUK MEMPERBAIKI INSTITUSI PENDIDIKAN DI MALAYSIA”. Agar generasi masa depan & termasuk anak-anak anda juga terjamin,boleh kuasai semua bahasa, terutama bahasa Inggeris! Betul? Kan kita nak masuk tahun 2020..
“AGAIN, Don’t judge a book by its cover..”
Tak semestinya jika saya berbahsa Malaysia, saya TIDAK TAHU berbahsa inggeris. Cuba renung diri dulu, jangan terlalu prajudis terhadap orang lain.. Fikir-fikirkan!
P/S:Tak semua manusia sempurna, hanya Allah S.W.T. yang semurna!
maaf kalau sya menggunakan bahasa malaysia di sini tapi sya xgemar berbahasa inggeris,saya tak menggunakan bahasa inggeris x bermksd saya xreti tp ckplah berbahasa inggeris di kuliah dan majlis2 yang kena berbahasa inggeris,macam saudara katakan, kerajaan menggalakkan pengajaran mate n sains dan itu saya sokong kerana dpt menarik mnat pelajar dgn bahasa inggeris,ini dpat menghasilkan modal insan yg berkualiti nanti, saya xbermaksud bahawa bahasa inggeris xwajib tp ada masa dan ketikanya kita menggunakannya, bg saya pengunjung blog ini kebanyakkannya org malaysia dan sebab itulah sya menggunakan bahasa kita semua
I shamefully have to admit (make an announcement actually) that, I worked at THE university (you know….)… what I’m going to ask you is, does French or Japanese even bother about talking in English, even to tourist like we did? I know English is the world’s international language, it bridges this and that and all sort of things, but what’s more important is how we view it, use it in our daily life.
Yes, I do agree that our education system isn’t that good, and something has to be done. English proficiency level…. well, is low, but that fact does not necessarily show our overall performance. Our doctors, scientists, engineers etc. were taught in Malay, yet they were very good in their respective field(s). If you can still remember about scholars from time more ancient than ours, they all use their own mother language.
What I want to point out is, out mindset has to be re-set. Period. If you want to blame some people, like Malays or Orang Asli who can’t speak and write in English properly, I also can blame others. Why Chinese and Indian can’t speak Malay properly? How many years have they lived on Malaysian soil?
Finger pointing won’t settle the problems at hand. Furthermore, with corrupt, stupid and arrogant leaders, we can only voice out our opinion…. individually or collectively… this is OUR responsibility, not down to one particular person only (or perhaps a bunch of monkeys in expensive dress and cars)
To all,
Hey, I`ve observed this all the while, since when this became a Malay Forum. So, many malays. If you want to improve your English Or for those who keep praising your local Universities standards are good enough, Why can`t you give comments in English. Prove that you are good to the world.
To friend- OBSERVER_KL, Why suddenly blaming the non-Malays. You know the point here, all these happen are due to What the government had made us over the 50 years, very unfair. As said, the non-malays are anticipating changes to this country. Sadly, the malays had been manipulating the non-malays and took away the rights from them. We are sick with all these. This is what “Bangsa Malaysia” we called? an unequal rights according to races. Malays are too much dependent on the government, this is the truth and undeniable fact known to everyone out there. We all are trying to change and help this country, but the government is too arrogant and proud with their achievements until we seems only UMNO/BN dominating the stage and thinking what they are doing is the best.
Try to compare with other advanced countries! What had they done to their people. Do they have so much useless “Hak keistimewaan”? Why more and more citizens from malaysia`ve migrated away to other countries rather chose to be secondary residence than primary, If we are good enough here? Think about it, all these came from the same reason, I am just summarizing of all the comments above.
“”””Try to compare with other advanced countries! What had they done to their people. Do they have so much useless “Hak keistimewaan”? Why more and more citizens from malaysia`ve migrated away to other countries rather chose to be secondary residence than primary, If we are good enough here?”””””” From: Jibai
i agree with u…..since malaysia alrdy 51 years old…we must be more competitive to survive…..although there are many unfair policies.. but, in MALAYSIA it’s impossible and hard to wipe out all the policies..
so i think that “Hak keistimewaan” have to be review and revised for a better MALAYSIA
””””To friend- OBSERVER_KL, Why suddenly blaming the non-Malays. You know the point here, all these happen are due to What the government had made us over the 50 years, very unfair.””” From: Jibai
i don’t think that OBSERVER_KL didn’t blaming non-malays…..he alrdy done a good job.
i don’t think that….. OBSERVER_KL didn’t blaming non-malays…..he alrdy done a good job.
Ni dah kuar isu bangsa pula..
Kenapa nak gaduh2..
Kita semua rakyat Malaysia..
Memang benar, saya pun sapatutnya berbahasa Inggeris untuk memuaskan hati semua pihak..
Saya tetap akan berbahasa Malaysia..
Kita rakyat Malaysia berhak untuk bersuara..
Kitakan negara demokrasi.. Everyone can talk.. Betul?
Macam saya katakan sebelum ni..
Dah.. Jangan asyik nak gaduh2..
Cuba berdamai & memberikan komen2 bernas anda!
Kalau ada yang tak faham bahasa Malaysia,
saya cadangkan agar memperbaiki bahasa Malaysia anda!
Jangan lupa asal usul anda.. Bangsa anda!
Perpaduan menentukan segalanya! Ingat..!
To friend aqish88,
I don`t think we need to do that, it is useless! don`t we know that the government/UMNO/BN is very smart in planning, what they think is always correct and mainly bias to the Bumis, see what rubbish had they produced and don`t forget, these institutions today are also what they made. This is already a 50-years tradition here, malas, malas, malas! Tak percaya, datanglah kunjungi universiti-universiti kerajaan.
Orang lain(Negara lain) punya Universiti semakin lama semakin baik dan berprestij. Tapi sini, semakin lama, semakin buruk dan busuk. What reason behind this? According to negarakuku lyric “Melayu buka kepala, wawasan 2020!” is true.
To friends,
Think the logic here, If something is good enough, sure there won`t be any complaints. Otherwise, vice versa.
I am really sick of all these. I think i better migrate too. Apa yang Malaysia suka, buat sajalah. Buatlah terbaik dan terima nikmat sajalah, kita akan lihat.
Sorry if I have over expressed, I am just only a medium delivering the thinking of the rest to this blog. Am I? It only depends on whether you want to accept or don`t.
Kepada Jibai..
Saya rasa,awak memang berhak untuk express apa yang awak fikirkan.. Kita semua rakyat Malaysia & saya memang tak nafikan awak memang salah seorang yang dikatakan AGAK BERANI untuk bersuara sedemikian.. Nampak sangat awak ni bukan jenis open minded tapi seperti katak dibawah tempurung!
Saya dapat lihat di sini bahawa awak sedang MENGHINA semua MAHASISWA/ MAHASISWI yang sedang/telah menuntut di IPTA di Malaysia.. SEMUA BANGSA yang belajar di IPTA termasuk Melayu, Cina, India & bangsa lain! Tindakan awak ini amat tidak wajar.. Awak selaku rakyat malaysia seharusnya memberikan cadangan yang bernas untuk improve diri & negara.. Bukannya menunding jadi ke arah orang lain. Saya nasihatkan awak.. Balik rumah, duduk depan cermin & SEDARKAN DIRI..
Memang ada kelemahan pada Institusi Pendidikan di Malaysia.. Tak tak dapat nafikan kebenaran itu.. Kita memang agak ketinggalan daripada Universiti-universiti luar negara.. Makanya.. Sebab itulah ramai rakyat malaysia dihantar untuk menyambung pelajaran ke LUAR NEGARA agar mereka dapat mempelajari ilmu daripada universiti2 luar.. Awak memang cakap tak pakai kajian.. Cuba buat kajian dulu.. Jangan cepat melatah..! Awak asyik cakap IPTA ni MACAM SAMPAH,maka.. Saya perlukan awak.sebagai rakyat Malaysia untuk memberikan CADANGAN yang bernas untuk menaiktarafkan IPTA di Malaysia.. Jangan pandai cakap sahaja..
Dalam dunia ni.. Mana ada benda yang sempurna.. sebab itulah ada complaints.. memang semuanya seba kekurangan! Kita jadi manusia MESTI tahu BERSYUKUR.. JANGAN JAHIL..Think it over again! Awak ni terlalu obses dengan politik sehingga menyebabkan awak hilang identiti awak sebenar.. Awak rakyat Malaysia.. Bukan BANGSA ASING!(itu pun kalau betul awak rakyat MALAYSIA)..
Ingat.. Malaysia ni terdiri daripada PELBAGAI kaum & agama.. Jangan sesekali memertikaikan HAK orang Melayu yang telah termaktub dalam perlembagaan! Orang Melayu tak semestinya JAHIL.. Bangsa lain pun tak semstinya SEMPURNA..Kalau awak dah ada niat nak BERAMBUS dari Malaysia.. Silakan! Tak ada siapa pun nak HALANG! Ayat “I am really sick of all these. I think i better migrate too.” Ini ayat orang yang “berwawasan” seperti awak, tapi bukan mencerminkan awak sebagai rakyat Malaysia.. Fikir2kanlah.. Sedar diri tu.. Dunia ni milik ALLAH S.W.T, bukannya milik manusia.. Awak memang seorang yang TIDAK BERSYUKUR.. SUBHANALLAH!
Jika awak still rasa awak tu sempurna, saya nasihatkan awak bawa banyak2 mengucap & solat TAUBAT.. Minta ampun & maaf kepada ALLAH S.W.T. kecualilah awak ni KAFIR.. SUBHANALLAH!
Saya bukan berniat nak menghina@memarahi awak..
Cuma.. Saya agak kecewa dengan tindakan awak..
Awak ni betul ke rakyat Malaysia? Saya rasa pelik?!
Kekacauan politik di Malaysia bukannya salah kita…
Tetapi salah mereka yang berpolitik..
Kalau awak benci sangan Barisan Pemimin Kerajaan sekarang ni!
Awak cuba bagi Buah Fikiran kepada mereka agar mereka berubah.. Bukannya nak menghina mereka tanpa sebab..
Kalau awak rasa perti pembangkang yang awak obses sangat tu boleh membawa perubahan pada Malaysia..
Saya amat mengalu-alukan sokongan awak yang tidak berbelah bahagi tu.. Teruskan dengan membangkang! Bangkang tu tak salah.. Cuma.. Cubalah bangkang benda2 yang berfaedah & membuahkan hasil.. Kalau tak boleh bangkang.. Bagi idea untuk Pemimpin kita memperbaiki situasi Malaysia.. Ada faham..?!
Jangan GILA KUASA.. Setiap manusia melakukan kesilapan.. Jangan pertikaikan apa yang telah berlaku.. Lupakan yang dah berlalu.. Kita buka halaman baru.. Coretkan dengan inspirasi yang baru.. Awak fikir2kanlah.. Saya tak suka nak berbetah dengan manusia yang kurang memahami BAHASA MALAYSIA..
Saya ni orang Malaysia, maka saya sedar & bersyukur dengan apa yang ada.. Saya tak tahulah apa yang awak fikir.. SUBHANALLAH! Sekali lagi saya minta maaf kalau awak rasa saya ni over expressed!Kita semua mesti bersatu untuk kemakmuran negara..
P/S:We are giving comments in a good manner, by using constructing opinions. Inagt tu…