Ahmad Ismail’s racist remarks – test case for all BN Ministers/leaders whether they are Bangsa Malaysia

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in his 51st National Day Message called on every Malaysian to give importance to solidarity, as “it is the cornerstone of the country’s political stability, social harmony and economic competitiveness”.

However, the Prime Minister has caused great dismay and distress among right-thinking Malaysians as he has chosen to demonstrate his “solidarity” with the Bukit Bendera Umno chief, Datuk Ahmad Ismail who had made offensive, insensitive, derogatory and racist remarks about the Malaysian Chinese during the Permatang Pauh by-election campaign –referring to the Chinese as pendatang, orang tumpang and totally untrustworthy Malaysians.

Why is the Prime Minister not prepared to show “solidarity” with right-thinking Malaysians who deplore Ahmad Ismail’s insensitive, offensive, derogatory and racist remarks about the Malaysian Chinese.

I will declare my solidarity with what is right, just and true – including deploring insensitive, offensive, derogatory and racist remarks whether referring to the Malays, Indians, Kadazans or Ibans, whether it is made by a Chinese or non-Chinese leader.

Why is Abdullah not prepared to take a similar stand?

MCA, Gerakan and SUPP Ministers, Deputy Ministers and leaders may not dare to tell Abdullah, then let me say it loud and clear to the Prime Minister – that his protection and condonation of Ahmad Ismail’s offensive and derogatory references to the Chinese in Malaysia, seeking to make light of the furore, has caused even more dismay and distress than Ahmad’s original offence.

It raises the question whether Abdullah has forgotten his pledge to be Prime Minister for all Malaysians and not just for any one race or one political party.

It also raises the question whether the Prime Minister and all Cabinet Ministers realize that they should always be exemplars of Bangsa Malaysia, who not only respect all races, religions, languages and cultures in plural Malaysia but ever-prepared to be role models to admonish all conduct unbecoming of a Bangsa Malaysia in showing insensitivity, disrespect or contempt for other races, religions, languages or cultures like what Ahmad Ismail had done especially when such disgraceful misconduct come from within their ranks.

The Ahmad Ismail furore has become a test case, not only for MCA, Gerakan and SUPP Ministers, Deputy Ministers, MPs and leaders but for everyone from the Barisan Nasional component parties, including Umno, as well.

Malaysians are entitled to ask whether, on the 51st National Day anniversary, there are any and if so, how many BN Ministers and leaders regard themselves as Bangsa Malaysia and are prepared to stand up in Cabinet on Wedneday, the Barisan Nasional Supreme Council and in public to make clear that derogatory references to the Malaysian Chinese or any other community, religion, language or culture is reprehensible, completely unacceptable and must attract the severest censure.

Ten days before the 51st Merdeka anniversary, there were UMNO MPs who behaved most boorishly in shouting “Balik Cina” in Parliament – the height of disrespect and contempt for a plural Malaysia after more than half-a-century of nation-building – and yet there had not been any censure by any Umno leader or a squeak of protest by any MCA, Gerakan or SUPP leader over this episode!

Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said two days ago that the Barisan Nasional had taken cognizance of the thrashing the BN received in the Permatang Pauh by-election and is taking steps to restore the people’s confidence in the coalition.

He said that “it is natural that we have to listen to the people and the BN, as a political party, will have to listen and evaluate the voices and feedback”.

But the BN has learnt nothing if Ahmad Ismail is allowed to get away scot-free despite making such insensitive, offensive, racist and derogatory remarks about the Chinese in Malaysia. What is most shocking is that Ahmad Ismail had made such offensive remarks at a Permatang Pauh by-election ceramah which was attended by Najib himself, and the Deputy Prime Minister had done nothing to reprimand Ahmad Ismail.

It is not only MCA, Gerakan, SUPP, but all other BN parties including UMNO who are facing this acid test – whether all their claim that they had heard the voices of the people and are prepared to learn from the lessons of the two “political tsunamis” in six months are just empty and meaningless words!


199 Replies to “Ahmad Ismail’s racist remarks – test case for all BN Ministers/leaders whether they are Bangsa Malaysia”

  1. Ahmad Ismail will be re-elected Chairman of Bkt Bendara UMNO division.
    In UMNO, the more vociferously one speaks against the non-Malays, the better the chances of ascending the UMNO heirachy. Theirs is always a tw-prong strategy – undermine the non-Malays and project Malay Superiority.
    Then why do you think Najib and Hishammudin brought out the keris?
    Why did they run berserk by a mere proposal to admit 10% non-Malays into UiTM?
    And Abdullah is not going to lift his finger to warn them.

  2. If I were a Malaysian PM, I would arrest Ahmad Ismail and charge him in court (dare not propose ISA), sack him from UMNO and all his given positions and condemn him.

    It bleeds my heart when Abdullah Badawi fails nonmalays who are as much Malaysian as any malay. What gives the idiot Ahmad the impunity to utter such disgusting words? He cannot insult other malaysians.

    If Badawi does not at once take action against this moron Ahmad, it means Badawi agrees with him and similarly feels that Chinese and Indians are squatters in this country.

    In such a situation, MIC, MCA and Gerakan should commit harakiri out of shame for being tools of UMNOputras and to letting their own race to be regularly ‘sodomised’ like this.

    It is such a shame …… how wicked can UMNO people be? We feel so grateful to Permatang Pauh people ….

  3. Forget about MCA, MIC…. they are but nothing now…. they dont represent the chinese or indian communities, they only represents themselves…..

    Why is Ahmad Ismail not charged under the Seditious Act? or even the ISA ? What he said can cause another 513.

    Who can exercise the Seditous Act or ISA against him???

  4. There should be a code of ethics for ALL our MPs , elected reps and govt servants.Those who utter sensitive issues and hurt the feelings of other races MUST be hauled up and punished severely.Only then our beloved nation will survive.Please do not have two sets of laws for the rakyat.By the way what has happened to the police reports lodged against the UMNO delegates who raised sensitive and provocative statements a few years ago?Are the police going to take actions or otherwise?I think we know the answers already.

  5. Such blatant racism is intolerable in this day and age. As a Malaysian who has lived for 25 years in the UK, when I come back here I am literally dumbfounded by these kinds of statements. Shouting “Balik Cina” in Parliament? Try that in the UK: your political career would be over before you sat down. Furthermore, it is a crime in the UK to make racist statements such as these. You would be arrested and charged. Every quarter (with the exception of the far right wing BNP) would condemn you from the press to most of the pollitical parties.

  6. This evil regime are being state of senile syndrome, whatever they did and sweet promises they claim had failed through all appropriating amendment(corruption).

    The Nation had no “solidarity” definition with BN, the common responsibilities and interests shared by the Nation are clear. Stop and take the right to playing corruption, fascism, dictators cards from them.

    I doubt those goons had ever evaluate what they did to understand a simple fact, ur loosing in fact goons, ull win hearts by uplifting right and put those corrupted goons in bars, NOT by playing fascism cards to save ur own GoonAss.

    GG! (good game)!

  7. Saya sebagai rakyat Malaysia berharap Datuk Ahmad Ismail menarik balik kenyataan beliau dan memohon maaf kepada masyarakat cina yang telah tersinggung oleh kenyataannya sesuai dengan hari dan bulan yang mulia ini.

  8. racist Ahmad Ismail, another extemist frm UMNO again! Same like the previous UMNO AGM especially in yr 2006, those persons who are deserved to be detained ISA was not caught, and Pak Lah and others just being too nice to them, by saying : oh, they shd not say that…the disciplinary board will question them.” that’s it? what the punishment? and Ahmad Ismail conferred fro his datukship? now, MCA and Gerakan starting to voice out, its quite late but better than none, i think they did a good job also to give pressure to the UMNOt his time. And dont forget, PR, the PAS is now “action”, thought voters are supporting them…sikh! to disturb and was trying to stop Avril Lavigne to have consert here…friend, dont play show in front of public, out your hand on ur chest, and close ur eye to think, have you take any bribes before? joined any immoral activities before? pls lah, majority 80% would have done as politician, why you not obey the Hudud or Syariah
    ? why u want to do this? to ban gaming center and entertainment center.

    Malaysian especially chinese, is now thinking of these, and do not think PAS is winning, we are planning to vote u out of PR anytime if you still behave like this, remember, what happened to UMNO, we only want PKR and DAP, not ekstremist like Zulkifli, thought you all very smart and to fish for support.

  9. Abdullah badawi says Ahmad didn’t mean it? It is because Badawi stands up for such UMNOputras and the like of the ‘kurang ajar’ Noraini of Umnoputri and kerismuddin that his administration has become ….

    Morbid, tainted, vitiated, peccant, contaminated, poisoned, tabid, mangy, leprous, cankered; rotten, rotten to the core, rotten at the core; withered, palsied, paralytic;dyspeptic; luetic, pneumonic, pulmonic, phthisic, rachitic; syntectic, syntectical; tabetic, varicose.

    Impotence Paralytic, paralyzed; palsied, imbecile; nerveless, sinewless, marrowless, pithless, lustless; emasculate, disjointed; out of joint, out of gear; unnerved, unhinged; water-logged, on one’s beam ends, rudderless; laid on one’s back; done up, dead beat, exhausted, shattered, demoralized; graveled; (in difficulty); helpless, unfriended, fatherless; without a leg to stand on, hors de combat, laid on the shelf.

    Insensible, unfeeling, senseless, impercipient, callous, thick-skinned, pachydermatous; hard, hardened; case hardened; proof, obtuse, dull; anaesthetic; comatose, paralytic, palsied, numb, dead.

    get it? the next thesaures for the above would be ‘badawiad’.

  10. Pak Lah s just too soft again! he shd take stern action towards Ahmad Ismail, not to fear anyone just to protect the own interest!

    Sudahlah, kekecewaan yang berlanjut ni tidak ada harapan kecuali Datuk Seri Anwar menjadi PM, walaupun PAS ni memang suka eksyen skrg, tapi, kami, modern muslim and non muslim, will know what to do on next election, to vote PAS out, and DAP dan PKR, pls, pls do not work with PAS for the sake of getting votes from traditional bumi malay and ekstremist, Agama Islam ni tidak mengajar kebencian dan menghasut, umat Islam ingin kedamaian dan kemakmuran.

    If the country still have such chaos because of some minor ppl from UMNO, and the leader do not take action, you will know in one day, dont think Chinese is stupid in this country, after being contribute so much to economy and income level of Anak Malaysia, being accused and as pendatang, dan tiada peluang saksama seperti Rakyat Malaysia yang lain, chinese also will go out to street one day if the situation persist.

  11. what is the use of ISA? its said to detain those who are threaten to country such as racist ppl? but only to detain those threaten to someone interst and his cronies?

    what is pak lah doing? we need you to take stern action, come on, do something, and MCA is getting signature, not stern enough, we need more effective ways untill Ahmad Ismail do his public apology.

  12. AAB is not soft, only his priority is different..

    1) For the people
    2) For the Government
    3) For the Party
    4) For his ownself

    Clearly his priority is for his ownself and the party, Without his party support can AAB survive in his own UMNO election come year end.
    AAB had personally give his indication when he take a ride on the LRT a few weeks ago, the publicity had him justify the whopping 25 Billion Transportation budget , Guess who got the cake?

  13. I don’t think UMNO is prepared to have Bangsa Malaysia. If Bangsa Malaysia were to be materialized racial politic would be in for natural death. And if that is so what would be the position of UMNO, MCA and MIC?

    It is PR and we general Malaysians must push for Bangsa Malaysia call. In fact the famous phrase of Anwar, anak Melayu anak saya, anak Cina anak saya, anak India anak saya must be made a motto of all leaders of PR. It must be heard in every speeches made by YB Lim, Karpal, Hadi and everyone. This must be the next wave in Malaysia and this is the direction toward united Bangsa Malaysia.

  14. He must have prepared the Merdeka message, while half-asleep. What audacity, when he chose not to discipline his ‘small fly’ (Umno division chief)with the racist remark….yet, he called for solidarity.
    “When a small spark is not put off, a huge fire will arise”

  15. The Sleepy Head has no CHOICE. He wants to be the President of UMNO so that he can get his SIL a top post in UMNO. Only during his tenure as President of UMNO can he help his SIL of achieving his dream of being PM by the time he is 40.

    If the SH dares to SACK or even REPRIMAND the racist Ahmad Ismail, all the other racists in UMNO will be up in arms and demand that SH be impeached for not upholding the KETUANAN mindset.

    The day he proposed his Islam Hadhari he exposed his shallow understanding of Islam. Other Muslims would have been condemned as deviants if they had tried to interpret Islam as he has done.

    Islam is and aspires to be a moderate civilization except in the eyes of fanatics who have adulterated it for their own selfish ends.

    The MPs from all the other component parties of BN would be doing the country a great service if they just WALK OUT of the racist UMNO controlled BN to show they are really pissed off with the complacency, and inaction of the SH on racists, not only of the ilk of Ahmad Ismail but racists of any hue or creed.

  16. Such kind of scenario is not something new in Malaysia. It had been allowed to brew for far too long that it seems to be commonplace that if a bumiputra (especially if he/she is a malay, and sorry, that is my observation, correct me if I am wrong, and censure me If I am wrong in saying so! As I do not have any intention to be seen as a racist or bigot. And I categorically claim to be an Anak Malaysia 100%. I love and respect my Malay, Indian, Sabahan and Sarawakian friends.) mentions something that smacks of racialism and prejudice, he/she normally would not be acted upon severely. Unlike when a non-bumi mentions something that seems to be racial or prejudicial, even if the remarks made are warranted, he/she would suffer a torrent of insults, rebuke, censure, and what-nots, even threatened with legal recourse. Such is the state of affairs in our beloved Malaysia.

    Such kind of situation should have been addressed and nipped in the bud a long time ago, and not be allowed to breed and be perpetuated. More so, that should be the nature and standard of elected members of political parties who are suppose to lead by example. Leaders at all levels are expected to be fair and accountable at all times, without exceptions. Not during elections or any other occasions.

    Whoever crossing the line should be reprimanded, censured, and be counselled; publicly, if they are leaders and intend to remain as one. It is important that everyone respects the sanctity of the laws of the nation which accords everyone their rights and privileges.

  17. Ahmad didn’t mean what he said about Chinese being squatters.
    I guess we could also excuse our PM – he too does not mean what he says.

    He seems to have lost the charts to steer our nation to calmer waters. Maybe that is what happens when you know for sure you wll be retiring soon.


  19. Yes, Abdullah has pledged to be Prime Minister for all Malaysians and not just for any one race or one political party.
    Not only that, he has appealed for the nation’s support in a Merdeka day message and said; “No one citizen is recognised as being of a higher position than another in this nation. This nation belongs to all of us. Whether we rise or fall depends on all of us.”
    So if he is serious about this call, he should initiate seditious charge against this Bukit Bendera Umno chief to show equal treatment to all Malaysians irrespective of position, race etc.
    He should also instruct his deputy who’s the poarty whip to take action against the UMNO MPs who behaved most boorishly in shouting “Balik Cina” in Parliament! and not having different sets of law; one for BN and another for PR.

  20. come September 16th, few things will matter Mr Flip-Flop anymore, showing solidarity with right thinking Malaysian is not one of them, infact, the few things that will matter to him is indictment to the world court for his family’s role in OIL for FOOD scandal, Nuclear Centrifuge, and on the Malaysian front, how best to stash away his family’s ill gotten gains undetected.

    and most important of all, how best to faced those croonies in the court.

  21. Abdullah says Ahmad Ismail didn’t mean it – that merely shows Abdullah is a weak PM. He is afraid of Ahmad Ismail.

    People in UMNO are so entrenched in “ketuanan Malayu” that they probably think what Ahmad Ismail said is normal.

  22. How can our sleepy flipflop guy declared that this stupid idiotic racialist doe not mean what he said?? No wonder, this idiot now has catch on with his disease. He flipflop but do not mean whatever he says. Oh my goosh…Malaysia are so “blessed” with this kind of character running the country!!!
    Did Hindraf utter any racial or any offensive remarks to other races during their rallies?? What did they do to be locked up under ISA???
    And yet we have this stupid racialistic idiot who stirred racial feelings and yet got scott free. What a great government we have.

  23. People like Ahmad Ismail are beyond repair and I think they are psychologically damaged just like some hardcore criminals that cannot be restored whatever you may do. Racism is so much alive in Malaysia that people grow up disliking other races. Racism is fed to children in their childhood by parents and other adults around them.

    I remember every time I went (many years ago) to a nearby New Village, children would run away crying as though they have seen a ghost. This fear is perpetuated by their parents when they say “Mangali kuai lai lo”, “Mangali kuai lai lo”. I am sure Chinese, Indians and Malay parents do this to instill such fear using other races as the object.

    While in New Zealand recently, very young children happily say “hello” and “hi” and “Mangali” is not seen as a threat. Why so? Parenting I guess.

    Ahmad Ismail and the likes are merely the product of bad parenting.

  24. All the scene broadcast by RTM 1 already showed that our “Parliament”(If we still call it by that name) and some of the “ministers”(If we still call them by that title) are really politicians that show bad examples. we don’t want these in our Parliament. We want ministers that discuss and solve our national problems. The rakyat problems. Can’t these people just learn from the nearest neighbouring countries. Good one – Singapore; Bad one – Thailand. Choose one you like, dear Ministers… In management theory, every foul play in a organization, the top level is to be blamed. Learn also from Japanese, isn’t that is what Malaysia is doing for the pass 40 years?

  25. Good, another scandal to show that our PM does not care about this country and only for the sake of his family. Yet, we will see Gerakan and MCA publishing NATO (No Action Talk Only) article to newspaper.

    It is clear that MCA and Gerakan only represent themselves and not Chinese while the same as MIC do not represent Indian. Only DAP will care about chinese and other races by making strong argument however it will not published to the mainstream media.

  26. Permatang Pauh has shown that BN still need the support of non-Malays to win. Racial mongering which alienates non-Malays will not get BN enough votes to win even in a Malay majority area like PP. Now that Umno knows this will they change? I think they are quite incapable of changing.

  27. If MCA, MIC. Gerakan and SUPP are serious, they should move a motion to demand action against Ahmad Ismail in Parliament. But as usual, talk only to make a show for the non-Malay community but no real action. In a week, it’ll be forgotten.

  28. People –

    please do not forget that a party which is solely comprised of one ethnic group and whose stated aim is the welfare of that particular ethnic group can only be but racist. Racism is built into their DNA…there is only one solution and that is to be rid of them altogether.

    Thankfully demographics is against the incumbent government here. 60% of people are under the age of 30. These are the internet generation and they will rid us once and for all of racism and race-based politics.

  29. what I would like to know is why is there a Hari Raya greetings on a small billboard inside of a compound of a mosque. Mosque in Feringghi area, walking distance from Park Royal Hotel. Message is from him and all other UMNO leaders from Bukit Bendera. Thought mosques is apolitical and we surely do not need message from a racist like him.

    PR – do something.

  30. PM too weak to chastise, says Klang MP

    The DAP’s Charles Santiago today described Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s refusal to take stern action against Bukit Bendera Umno division chief Datuk Ahmad Ismail as a sign of his weakened position in the party……….

    ……..“Abdullah is not able to severely reprimand Ahmad as he fears a further backlash from party members during the upcoming Umno division elections. The premier wants to keep his job at whatever cost and at the expense of further alienating the people,” said Santiago in a statement.


  31. It is not just all BN component parties who must show displeasure over this racist remark. All PR component parties must also do the same. ALL must relentlessly pursue him and make him pay. For too long and for too often some scam bag politicians have routinely make pig remarks and get away with it. It is time he pays. This is the only way to stop all these bunkum.

  32. Ahmad Ismail has opened the road to all MCA/ Gerakan party leaders to use as an excuse to leave BN to join the opposition!

    If its was me, I rather all these UMNO lackeys party alliances should just drop dead rather than swing over to Pakatan Rakyat now, which I seriously doubt would be the case, had DSAI and Pakatan lost in the general elections.

  33. another absurd,dollah talked about ‘UNITY” as PM while ‘he is at helm umno’ is letting goons like that AhMad from bukit bendera survive on “DISUNITY” rubbish, seditious racial rhetoric!where is the logic n relevancy??jus get to do ur ‘catch’!!

  34. Pak Lah is such a weak leader and does not deserve to be the PM of Malaysia. He doesn’t mean it, that’s all he could say. I guess he would say the same to all the corrupted cronies in UMNO, they don’t mean to be so corrupt. It is just the circumstances they are in forced them to be corrupt.

  35. umno suvives on racist rhetoric n doctrine,the minute bangsa malaysia prevails,umno/BN would become perishable…. hence,do u think that umno esp. believes in racial unity n harmony???umno believes in divide n rule,stay behind the racial veils they created as such so that they could rob n rape the nation n rakyat big time!!

  36. Racial divide and rule doesn’t work anymore, the people are sick of racial politics. Too bad Umno cannot re-invent itself, so it will keep on clinging to something which doesn’t work until is wiped out.

  37. Dear Mr Lim KS
    If Dap and the PR can assure that by supporting the PR the people of Saabh and Sarawak is safe and they will not be punished(it had happened always the opposition constituency were being punished, no allocation and no development, pendatang haram was purposely allowed to come and etc) I am sure all Sarawakian and Sabahan plus all the MPs here will support you wholeheartedly.

  38. Dear Yang Berhormat Lim

    It is of very little use for us to just point out what is going on. The opposition now has a larger number of MPs on its side. They must initiate action in parliament if and whenever they see wrong doing.How do you do this.? Keep knocking on the Speaker’s door to table resolutions. We know that it may not see the light of day. But it must be on record that a resolution was tabled and debated.

    The Speaker in the name of fairness cannot reject all the resolutions tabled by the opposition. If that happens then you in the opposition know what to do.

  39. Are we all witnessing the disintegration of this nation-state?

    Has this nation-state failed as in a “failed state”?

    Has our dream of a nation-state become the nightmare that we feared many years ago?

  40. One thing that made my Malaysian blood inside me boiled over was the explanation AAB gave that in a campaign anything can come out and so he reckoned Ahmad Ismial did not really mean what he said. It seems to be a wise & true statement to cover for Ahmad Ismail & hope to defuse the situation. But AAB forgets he could & should have used the same explanation to cover for the Hindraf 5 instead of sending them to Kamumting.

    What are we seeing from this about AAB’s real personality:-
    He chose to cover for the Malays but ignored the Indians. He is not a leader of the 27 millions multi-ethnic Malayisans.
    This qualified him as a bigger racist in the country.

  41. OIII!!!! MCA !!!

    Why don’t your top ranks lead an investigation and charge Ahmad with the Seditious Act?

    Show some guts lah…. remember…. we don’t accept MPs with no guts………

    The 916 count down has already started… so… show some guts for once!!!!!!

  42. MCA, MIC and Gerakan party leaders are equally as guilty/ corrupt as UMNOlah..

    We should not support those who only now is making a stand for the rakyat because they are losing rakyat’s support!

    If they move over to the opposition, its only to retain power; power to get rich for themselves and no other reason;

  43. Enough its enough! Many youths in MCA,GERAKKAN,MIC,PPP and Sabah/Sarawak parties are not happy with this racist UMNOPUTRAS. Its the right time for the BN coalition parties to pull out and leave the UMNO to run the government. Lets watch the FUN.

  44. I wanna tell the “Kurang Ajar” Ahmad Ismail. Without chinese’s contribution in the country. Perhaps today Malaysia is just a very poor country. May be just like Laos or Combodia. Umno leaders are always vey very kind to extremist malay leaders. They always make racist remarks to hurt other races community. But….this group of extremist are always safe, just like nothing happens. In my opinion the … Ahmad Ismail should be arrested under ISA act or sedition Act.

  45. I agreed with Ramesh. Must do something because time after anoter these ppl insults and threathen the Chinese and Indian race and can get away with it! Now that opposition rep has increased, please do something. Otherwise, it is not a question about these …trying to climb onto our head but it seems like how long do you wanna stand? Uncle Lim are chinese in Malaysia a bunch of cowardice and just NATO only?

  46. PM is as usual. what do you get from someone of his integrity. But the clown Ahmad Ismail was speaking in the present of DPM.So what about Najib-biasa la he will try to “typical of his character” play safe la brother. Takut kena hantam. Pretending la… as though it never happen and quietly try to avoid the issue and let PM be the punching bag . Oh man real shit… leaders.

  47. If a chinese or indian man make such a remark to the malay community , I ‘ m sure he will be arrest under the ISA or the sedition Act.Failure to take any disciplinary action against Ahmad Ismail by the PM mean he doesn’t care about the chinese community and a very WEAK Leader. He doesn’t posses any Leadership at all , don’t understand why TDM pick him as his DPM. Yet the PM called for a UNity in his merdeka speech !

    MCA , MIC ,SUPP & SAPP is just a puppet party.

  48. “I don’t think he means it”

    ok, if he does not believe it, why did he say it?

    if he did not mean it but he said it, he said it in a election ceramah so what Badawi means is that in election ceramahs, UMNO people say thinks they do not mean it, is it? So what’s the point of attending the ceramah let alone believe what UMNO people talk in the ceramah.

    Keep it up PM, you are consistently inconsistently between words and action. Reading your speech for Merdeka made me felt like I belong to the best, fairest and harmonious country in the world…anybody see the mountain of salt next to where I am standing?

    MCA and Gerakan made some noises that UMNO’s unilateralism cost them in the election so are they comfortable with more of it?

  49. Sigh, what is so surprising about this. Aren’t we Malaysian Chinese used to this sort of racist remarks by now? Half the time these people aren’t even really racist, they just say these things to gather support. And this is the scary part, they ACTUALLY CAN garner support by making these racist remarks.

    Therefore there is no use in putting people like Ahmad behind bars, or even to bother charging him with sedition.

    What really needs to be done, is to EDUCATE the grassroot Malays on the evils of racism, educate them on economics, the advantages of competition, the benefits of a society consisting of mixed races and cultures, basically, the TRUE Malaysian spirit. Show them that the presence of Chinese is not adverse to their survival, but in fact advantageous to their economic and social development. Show them that the Chinese are not here to steal their livelihood. Show them that Malaysia is such a beautiful and wonderful country exactly because of our varied and colourful cultures and traditions, all blended together to form one big happy family.

    There is no need for anger and resentment here. It’s not like this is a new trick that has not been used before. Instead, let the grassroot Malays see, through our persistent and gentle approach, that our country is lovely because of our harmonious mix, and that the removal of BN will make Malaysia a paradise for all!

  50. “The tongue is mightier than the sword” had been proven true by the Bukit Bendera UMNO chief.

    By a mere few words it had roused emotions, anger, protests, uneasiness, suspicion, disbelief, doubts, and created an awkward situation for Malaysia and Malaysians in general.

    By a mere few words, a certain amount of goodwill, which had been painstakingly built over the years and which serves as the magic bond that binds our people together, had been severed somewhat among the people. It is a sad day for Malaysia indeed.

    But, of course, under the current politico-socio scenario, it would be easy for the situation to be blown out of proportion and be taken advantage of by interest groups, for reasons known to themselves. The recent remarks could also be the last straw which broke the proverbial camel’s back.

    In order to bring the situation under control, cool heads must prevail and a balanced and qualified approach must taken to dissect the entire episode, so that important and valuable lessons are learnt to avoid such a silly, foolish and unnecessary pitfall in the future. It should also be noted that such incidents had happened before, but weren’t handled in the best of ways. Perhaps, it is time to do so.

    Malaysia can do without such blunders. After fifty years, such senseless and unthoughtful remarks should not have come from leaders of any political parties. Even if it was unpremeditated, it was bound to draw flaks from every right thinking Malaysians. However, for such utterances to be made, there must be some fore-thought to that effect. It certainly does not reflect well on the individual concern and the only way out is to retract, apologise, and repent and to show sincere remorse.

    Perhaps it is only through that that the situation could be placated and the people be expected to return some goodwill and forgive the person concerned.

    It will also do damage-control if the national leaders of the political party apologise for the untoward incident and reprimand the person at fault so that the party would not be seen as condoning such blatant disregard for the communities’ sensitivities. Not doing so could be construed otherwise and the consequences would be dire and unpalatable.

  51. NST latest news:

    KOTA BARU, Mon.:

    Kelantan Umno today asked fellow Barisan Nasional (BN) component party Gerakan to stop demanding that Umno and the BN penalise an Umno division chief over his alleged racially sensitive remarks about the Chinese community.

    Its chairman, Tan Sri Annuar Musa, said the remarks by Bukit Bendera Umno Division chief Datuk Ahmad Ismail were made in a personal capacity, similar to the statements by several Gerakan leaders who had wanted Gerakan to leave the BN.

    “Gerakan has of late issued statements which threatened harmony in the BN but Umno leaders have been patient. But the moderation of Umno leaders, particularly Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, should not be taken advantage of,” he said in a statement.

    Gerakan secretary-general Datuk Seri Chia Kwang Chye had yesterday asked Umno to take action against Ahmad, saying his remarks amounted to racial provocation and any sign of BN compromising with such leaders would send a wrong picture to the people. Similar sentiments were raised by Gerakan vice-president Datuk Dr Teng Hock Nan.

    Annuar said this was not the appropriate time for any party in the BN to make such demands as it could aggravate the situation, adding that that it was preferable for component party leaders to reflect and improve themselves.

    I just wonder why Gerakan,MCA MIC still can clip with this people.

  52. PM for all Malaysian. Yes, for all Malaysian. How he is correct.

    Since when have he considered the non Malays as Malaysian ? The Kadazan, Chinese, Indians, Ibans, Asli etc etc. They are all Pendatang.

    Since when have he considered the other BN components parties in BN as equal partners….. None, they are also all Pendatang.

    Maybe he will remember them come election time.

    In this sense he is correct, correct and correct.


  53. WHY did bad awi not censure the culprit who dared to go against the multi-racial formulae long practised in the country which is formally endorsed & supported by all?

    Answer vey simple. He has his whole attention focussed at the coming umno party elections when he would impress all those members who are racists (obviously they are the majority) to vote for him. Such cowardice in this moron who sacrificed his soul, which has been sold to the devil, for continued power. Now we know who bad awi truly is………………….

  54. He didnt mean what he said.
    That is so true of BN / UMNO, isnt it?
    Always saying things without meaning them.
    Look at the guarantee that parliament roof will not leak; that MRR2 will be ok; that there will be reform to the judiciary etc etc.
    How can we take them seriously?

  55. “Zak…if you’re still around, whats your comment now! Are you still very contended or you’re looking for a new government like the rest.” asks shadow.

    Zak’s agenda is to bring back his hero the Mamak. Zak is out to discredit both BN and PR, and to bring back the glory days.

  56. Saya meminta maaf jika apa yang saya tulis di bawah ini membuat atau menyinggung perasaan kalian. Malaysia negara kita telah menyambut kemerdekaan ke 51 tetapi ramai lagi ahli politik masih berotak zaman batu . Sungguh sedihnya ahmad dari bkt bendera kata orang cina adalah pendatang tumpang dan balik cina di parlimen.Kepada mereka yang gunakan isu kaum, kalau ada baca di blog ini, awak ini pengkhianat kepada kaum awak sendiri dan juga menjatuhkan maruah kaum awak sendiri.Walaupun orang selalu mengatakan bodoh macam babi tetapi babi bukan bodoh kerana mereka dapat makan untuk tunggu mati.Semua yg dilahir di sini adalah rakyat Malaysia.Tiada siapa yang boleh halau mereka keluar dari negara kita. Kepada ahmad bb mulut awak busuk bau tahi.Kalau semua ahli umno seperti awak,negara kita nak mencapai bangsa Malaysia tak mungkin tetapi bangsat Malaysia boleh.Malaysia tak dapat maju tetapi junam ke hadapan. Parti umno harus ambil tindakan terhadap ahli tersebut dan kerajaan bn harus dakwa orang itu. Tetapi pm Malaysia tidak di mana saya panggil pengecut mengambil tindakan yg keras terhadap mereka. Masih ingat di mana abdullah memberi amaran kepada lge mengenai nep. Mungkin kerana kedudukan pengerusi umno tidak stabil, oleh itu dia tidak berani mengambil tindakan terhadap ahlinya.Tunjukan kepada dunia kita rakyatMalaysia sudah matang pemikiran mereka bukan memperbodohkan rakyat Malaysia

  57. It seems that the unsavoury episode has galvanised people from all walks of life and cutting through political divides.

    There seems to be a common consensus among the rakyat that the uncalled for remarks are not only damaging but had crossed the legal boundary.

    It has also grown into a big enough rallying point of sort for the people to call upon the government to take necessary action against the “accused”.

    Missing glaringly are comments from leaders whose views are sought by the rakyat. The silence is indeed deafening.

    Let good sense and justice prevail.

  58. The 8 million-plus Chinese in Malaysia are the clear victims of this injustice by a senior UMNO member. It’s a shame that all of UMNO is focused on ONE dubious “victim” in a sodomy allegation.

  59. The Courage to Build a New Malaysia.
    (Keberanian Membina sebuah Malaysia Baru.)

    (Versi Bahasa Melayu dibawah)

    The year is 2008. This is the year most Malaysians finally woke up from a deep slumber. Most Malaysians were just too busy earning their living and building up their lives to take notice that times have changed and the idealism spouted by our founding Fathers have still not been accomplished for this country even today.

    It was not so long ago in 1957 and then for our fellow East Malaysians in 1963 when the ideals and dreams preached by the late Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj (Bapa Kemerdekaan and Bapa Malaysia) for Malaysia were first announced and was greeted with joy in the hearts and minds of all Malaysians. The late Tunku Abdul Rahman had a dream and ideals, just like Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and many others including the prophets over the history of mankind.

    Many a times such dreams were hijacked and led astray under the guise of nationalistic, racist and religious idealism by so called politicians and self declared and appointed righteous and religious persons (Little Napoleons). Individuals who have risen to continue some of such idealisms are gagged, isolated, bankcrupted, blasphemied, rehabilitated or worst jailed, for it is deemed not in consonance with the dreams and idealism of the elected parties agendas.

    cont’d at http://patek1472.wordpress.com

  60. Anwar was right when he said Ahmad Ismail is a low class politican. A politician with stature would never have to resort to such crass comment to emphasize a point shocking as it may be was that it was uttered in the presence of BN Chief Whip.

    What is really tragic is the Prime Minister of all Malaysians’ response to the remark. In 2004 we were all rooting for Badawi and all his electoral promises of a better Malaysia. This a classic example of how Abdullah Badawi has truly lost the plot.

    Its time to plan for your retirement Prime Minister!

  61. ///Abdullah badawi says Ahmad didn’t mean it?///

    Did AAB ask Ahmad whether he meant it? He obviousely did not. Otherwise AAB could have asked Ahmad to retract his statement.

    AAB did not even dare to ask Ahmad to apologise, so he chose to say that Ahmad did not mean what he said. So AAB lied to Malaysians for telling what he could not be sure. AAB was a liar.

    If AAB was not a liar, then it is UMNO rule that the leaders do not mean what they say. Thus, AAB did not mean it when he said he was a PM for all Malaysians. When he did not mean what he said, then he is a liar.

    Whatever AAB chooses, his statement that Ahmad did not mean what he said confirms that AAB is a liar.

  62. I suppose it is hard for any Malaysian after being made to go through the indignity of having to accept their second class status over decades of misrule by UMNO and their lackeys in MCA and MIC, to express full moral outrage at such blatantly racist statements.

    But it is never too late for Generation-X of post-Permatang Pauh to see the pitfalls in a new light and correct the direction this country is going before it is too late.

  63. Latest joke in Bolehland: The Bermuda Traiangle -Malaysian style.

    Now, Ahmad is missing – hillarious indeed.
    DAP had asked Ahmad to retract his statement and issue an apology but till now he just kept quiet about it. He has also been missing and no one has seen him over the past few days,” Rayer said.

  64. Sorry to digress, ACA has been seen to be really busy the last few days “showing” people that they are working at last. But I think they are just BN’s tool of fear and are now poised at red alert to get at any suspected MPs who contemplate “jump ship”. Disgusting!

  65. ‘He didn’t mean it’ – by Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi

    We probably would forgive if that nonsense came from a kid.
    But this remarks is spoken by an adult, and from a politician who speaks first without thinking.

    Its a disgrace to us all Malaysians who vote some morons into the Parliament.

  66. Ahmad Ismail made the remark so he should be the one to come out and say whether he meant it or not to clear the air and not plays disappearing act and hides under AAB’s sarong. Is he a grown up or is he still a small boy?

    If AAB can come out so openly to cover for a Malay – Ahmad Ismail, he should for his love for all Malaysians also come out and cover for the Hindraf 5 – Indians and release them IMMEDIATELY!!!!!

  67. That Najis can yell, “Soak (the kris) in Chinese blood” and no action was taken against him.

    In comparison, what Ahmad ISmell said is nothing. If Gomen take action against him, how is it going to look?

    Hopeless caselah….

  68. I was extremely disappointed with pm abdullah’s brush off of the racist comments made by ahmad as it strongly demonstrate that UMNO is a racist party and is unfit to lead this country. Abdullah has once again fail us… his promise of being the pm for all m’sians is a big big lie!

  69. This is more interesting than Ahmad’s news!

    Special Branch probes defection rumours: S’wak MP
    Tony Thien | Sep 1, 08 6:24pm
    A Sarawak parliamentarian has today spoken out strongly about the urgent need to end the long rule of the ‘arrogant’ Barisan Nasional government as rumours of potential crossovers pick up steam with Sept 16 only two weeks away.

  70. A leader without leadership quality.Mr Nice guy,but nightmare for the malaysian.He is having hidden agenda from the begining and has so many names.Bapa Penipu MALAYSIA,Sleeping Ugly,Pretend to be very religious,Protector of the RACIST.This country is gone bad to worst under his leadership.

  71. MCA, Gerakan, MIC etc should walk out on BN now or never. The simple logic is this: if no action taken against the culprit, it means that this type of behaviour is acceptable in Amnoo. If BN component parties do not threaten to leave BN, and in fact do not leave, Amnoo will know it has a upper hand on all other parties. Amnoo will continue to be the BIG bully, inside and outside the coalition. So, the window of opportunity to leave is NOW! Else, all will become irrelevant come 916.

  72. The DAP has got the guts to report to the PDRM regarding Datuk Ahmad Ismail and his racist remarks. The Barisan Nasional Chinese components prefer to play it nice. Until when ? Once he receives his summon, he will know that it is no fun joking with what he does not mean outwardly but mean it inwardly. Yeah. Drag him to the court and hear him out. Why is he being such a racist ? Why is he one of the Prime Minister’s pets ?

    The Prime Minister tries not to make the issue big. But UMNO is not trying at all in uniting the different races. The other component parties of BN just let it be because they are selfish and want to hold on to powerful positions. It is not just a sleepy Prime Minister but also the whole of UMNO. They are too wrapped up in this superiority complex that they forget not all Malays support them. In fact, they are divided among themselves. Team A. Team B. May be even more teams. They think they are so superior, so great, so powerful, so educated, so intelligent. Well if they are all these, they should know how to think and make peace instead of creating a havoc. They should be more civilized than before but it looks like they are back to the dark ages when people did not know God. Instead of opening up and sharing, they are closing themselves in and refuse to share. They want their own community with the sign ” All trespasses will be prosecuted “. May be they should do just that. Have all the signs posted up at immigration checkpoints. ” Visitors welcome but must leave ” in addition to the signpost regarding trespasses.

    Somehow it does not occur to the Malays that they too migrated from elsewhere once upon a time ago. The sad thing about the Malays is they do not know their place of origin. Chineses know their ancestors come from China. Indians know their ancestors come from India. Portugueses know their ancestors come from Portugal. But Malays ? Try reading in the internet. Malays come from somewhere. Not Malaysia. Not Malaya. But somewhere out there. May be 6000 years ago from China. May be from the Pacific. May be from Indonesia. May be from Etiopia. But one for sure is Malays come from somewhere and are not the original people of Malaya or Malaysia. When will they wake up ? And may be because of this, they hunger for attention and recognition and that is why they fight hard to have an identity on their own. Even UMNO does not consist of only Malays or pure Malays members. Islam does not change your race. You believe in Islam but you still retain your own race. You cannot islamise your DNA, can you? Therefore it is wrong, very wrong, 100 % wrong to tell people that you are a Muslim and you are a Malay.

  73. Our PM is absolutely useless, and malaysians at large have no respect for him, throwing saliva to him…he is too useless so much so he cannot manage at all any UMNO member who has committed wrong. balik bodohwi. he is real ‘sak pai’, and in malaysian history books, he is not recognised as PM but Bodohwi… Balik Bodohwi..

  74. Thanks gofortruth Says:

    Today at 20: 47.30 (44 minutes ago)
    “Gerakan asked to cease demanding action against Umno division chief Sep 01, 17:49?

    PPl, here’s yet another classical examples of how Umno bigots reacting in a animal fashion towards any Chinese race issues.

    Kelantan Umno, Tan Sri Annuar Musa: “Gerakan has of late issued statements which threatened harmony in the BN ( 1.See? Who threatens harmony? Gerakan Chinese, Not Ahmad!! They have always used the same tactic, just turn around stuff – sodomy style?. They are good at it. )(2. Umno bigots expect Chinese never to raised any of its rights!)

    but Umno leaders have been patient. (This is the best Yet. Don’t test our patient!! Whose patient? Umno bigots. This bullying tactics have work wonders with MCA and Gerakan. Clear indication how the minds of these animals and their genetic make-up have been in function all this while.)
    Is Gerakan gonna give in AGAIN?, We’ll see

    But the moderation of Umno leaders, particularly Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, should not be taken advantage of,” he said in a statement. ( Well said – Its their own kind that should not take Advantage! ) By saying this, his is the first one who’ll lead the pack.

  75. I say, those BN / UMNO goons are really testing our patience, no??

    Enough is enough. We, the chinese community have been patient far too long with all these nonsense by the BN. Despite being “bullied” all these years, we have never taken to the streets to show our dissatisfaction openly.

    But come GE13, we will show our dissatisfaction by voting the BN goons out of parliament!

    I don’t see any credible people in BN who is suitable to be the next PM of Malaysia but I see the potential in Anwar Ibrahim. I hope I am not wrong this time!

  76. gofortruth Says:

    “Sorry to digress, ACA has been seen to be really busy the last few days “showing” people that they are working at last. But I think they are just BN’s tool of fear and are now poised at red alert to get at any suspected MPs who contemplate “jump ship”. Disgusting! ”

    I strongly agree with this. It really seems like they are so much more efficient than before. Incredible rates of arrests. Be careful PR, especially when 916 is so near. What does SB got to do with strong response of a BeEnd MP ? Is BeEnd pissing in their pants now ? Somehow, 916 and ACA is related.

  77. Grab a copy of the Auditor-General’s Report for 2007, read the many horror stories of how government/tax payers’ money was callously spent or siphoned off, and then we will shudder to think how the billions allocated under the 2009 budget will be siphoned off very quickly by Umnoputras and their cronies before the fall of the present Federal Government! Kaya raya time again for the connected few!

  78. Latest news reported by BBC: “Japan’s Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda has announced his resignation at a news conference at his official residence.

    The surprise announcement means the prime minister is resigning after fewer than 12 months in the post.

    His government has suffered chronic unpopularity. Lost pension records, an unpopular healthcare scheme and a sliding economy have added to his woes. ”

    Bodowi, why can’t you do the same? You are not needed by the rakyat at all. Pls go!

  79. just a moment said – “Latest joke in Bolehland: Now, Ahmad is missing”.

    He better be. He not only caused many Malaysian Chinese distress by referring to them as ‘pendatang, orang tumpang’ (MCA, Gerakan and now DAP have lofdged police report against him – he has also caused the premier and the BN equal if not greater distress…..

    Sure, we have heard racist remarks before from politicians of ilk about which UMNO had done nothing, one example of the many : “Malaysia is an Islamic state, you don’t like it, you get out of Malaysia!” attributed to Badrudin Amiruldin (BN), July 2005 – Debating on the status of Malaysia as an Islamic state – or worse than that “Datuk Hisham has unsheathed his keris, waved his keris, kissed his keris. We want to ask Datuk Hisham when is he going to use it?” spoken in UMNO Assembly November 2006.

    Where it is unfortunate for Datuk Ahmad Ismail is the timing he made these remarks much more than their contents. He could have chosen a worse timing. It was a time just before Merdeka on which the PM main theme was “solidarity” of all Malysians. “No one citizen is recognised as being of a higher position than another in this nation. This nation belongs to all of us. Whether we rise or fall depends on all of us,” the PM said. Besides, it was also spoken in Permatang Pauh by election campaign in which Opposition leader contesting on the banner of multiracialism won spectacularly against BN’s campaign based on race; it was a time when the victor Anwar is rooting for cross overs from BN’s side and will find what Ahmad said most favourable to engender support especially from MCA and Gerakan’s rank and file.

    In a political commentary Wan Hamidi (political editor) of MalaysiaInsider puts it best : Is Ahmad’s tongue undermining the BN???? Will his racist remarks be trigger and catalyst for rank and file topressure MCA, Gerakan and other BN component parties to heed DSAI’s call to defect BN to PR’s side, especialy when he made remarks in presence of BN chief Whip Najib and the PM is perceived to have apologised for him by the statement : “I will tell him (Ahmad) not to do it again. You know in a campaign all sorts of things can come up. I don’t think he meant it. I’ll make sure to tell him not to use it again.”

    These events lend credenceto Opposition allegations that non Malay componet parties within BN especialy MCA are subservient to UMNO and hence cannot represent and in fact betray their constitutencies’ interest making it more untenable for these parties to remain within BN’s fold when DSAI is calling……….

    What Ahmad has done is to unwittingly deliver to Pakatan Rakyat a bountiful plate of political capital that Pakatan needs to meet its 16th September deadline. :)

  80. Repost : the latest joke Datuk Ahmad Ismail has joined ranks of Private detective Bala & Hospital Pusrawi’s Dr Muhamad Osman Abdul Hamid and gone (reportedly) “missing”. He better be. He not only caused many Malaysian Chinese distress by referring to them as ‘pendatang, orang tumpang’ (MCA, Gerakan and now DAP have lofdged police report against him – he has also caused the premier and the BN equal if not greater distress…..
    Sure, we have heard racist remarks before from politicians of ilk about which UMNO had done nothing, one example of the many : “Malaysia is an Islamic state, you don’t like it, you get out of Malaysia!” attributed to Badrudin Amiruldin (BN), July 2005 – Debating on the status of Malaysia as an Islamic state – or worse than that “Datuk Hisham has unsheathed his keris, waved his keris, kissed his keris. We want to ask Datuk Hisham when is he going to use it?” spoken in UMNO Assembly November 2006.
    Where it is unfortunate for Datuk Ahmad Ismail is the timing he made these remarks much more than their contents. He could NOT have chosen a worse timing. It was a time just before Merdeka on which the PM main theme was “solidarity” of all Malysians. “No one citizen is recognised as being of a higher position than another in this nation. This nation belongs to all of us. Whether we rise or fall depends on all of us,” the PM said. Besides, it was also spoken in Permatang Pauh by election campaign in which Opposition leader contesting on the banner of multiracialism won spectacularly against BN’s campaign based on race; it was a time when the victor Anwar is rooting for cross overs from BN’s side and will find what Ahmad said most favourable to engender support especially from MCA and Gerakan’s rank and file.

  81. In a political commentary Wan Hamidi (political editor) of MalaysiaInsider puts it best : Is Ahmad’s tongue undermining the BN???? Will his racist remarks be trigger and catalyst for rank and file topressure MCA, Gerakan and other BN component parties to heed DSAI’s call to defect BN to PR’s side, especialy when he made remarks in presence of BN chief Whip Najib and the PM is perceived to have apologised for him by the statement : “I will tell him (Ahmad) not to do it again. You know in a campaign all sorts of things can come up. I don’t think he meant it. I’ll make sure to tell him not to use it again.”

    These events lend credenceto Opposition allegations that non Malay componet parties within BN especialy MCA are subservient to UMNO and hence cannot represent and in fact betray their constitutencies’ interest making it more untenable for these parties to remain within BN’s fold when DSAI is calling……….

  82. BN_UMNO know by now they can’t match PR on multiracialism. They used the racial card for too long. Since it is too late for them to embrace change, they think it is logical for them to retreat to racist cocoon. This is precisely what they are doing now. With docile non-UMNO component parties, this will be their last bastion to revive ketuanan and parochialism. Don’t write them off yet. Racism and bigotry in this country is still very much alive.

  83. As LKS has wryly observed, it was the PM’s mild comments which generated a greater storm than the original racist comments.

    A real leader would have demanded that Ahmad apologize and refer him to the disciplinary committee. The matter would have ended there and then.

    But Badawi is no leader, he is a follower. He is totally devoid of leadership qualities. He doesn’t deserve to sit in the highest office in the land.

  84. By the way, the silence from other Umno leaders is deafening. The only comment is by that Kelantan Umno guy and he came out not to condemn Ahmad but to chastise Gerakan for demanding action .

    So Gerakan and MCA should know what their bedfellows are made of. Shame on them for compromising their dignity to stay in BN.

  85. hadi Says:

    Today at 17: 47.19 (4 hours ago)
    PM is as usual. what do you get from someone of his integrity. But the clown Ahmad Ismail was speaking in the present of DPM.So what about Najib-biasa la he will try to “typical of his character” play safe la brother. Takut kena hantam. Pretending la… as though it never happen and quietly try to avoid the issue and let PM be the punching bag . Oh man real shit… leaders.

    Haha i found that one pretty 100% perfect shot!…
    Budget anounce Bodowi embrace KAWAN by clap on Najis shoulder haha!…
    KAWAN stab you from behind you also dunno! both perfecting their act but stabbing eachother silently, i really salut u both as Most Phetatic Actor Of The Year!…

    Guys, Ismail were nothing but a tool, his superior behind the role and get away with it are most evil character above all.


  86. Hey, can someone please tell me Ahmad Ismail’s genealogy. I just want to see who has the last laugh – squatting!

    I am an nth generation malaysian. I don’t even know when my grandparents or greta-grandparents or great-great grandparents come to malaysia.

    And I know all members of my genealogy tree pay their taxes, the fruits of which the likes of Ahmad Ismail plucks from! Besides, in a globalised world and economy, the likes of hoity-toity people like Ahmad Ismail deserves nothing but pure contempt.

    And whilst we are looking for Ahmad Ismail’s genealogy, can someone also reveal his IRS’s records? Would like to know how big a sucker he is.

  87. “the silence from other Umno leaders is deafening.” Kenny

    That is why Ahmad’s word can’t be unintentional. In the final analysis, UMNO may as well use the racist card to draw whatever support that is left. The strategy is quite simple – get the Malays and natives of Sarawak and Sabah solidly behind UMNO, Gerakan, MCA and SUPP can all go timbaktu.

  88. Can we keep this Ahmad Ismail words unitl next GE, highlight this every months til next GE.
    Meanwhile, all non bumi should boycott him or his family members, hv absolutely nothing to do with him. No business whatsoever, dont sell him anything (food, tools, services, etc)

  89. HOW COME EVERYONE FORGOT about the malaysian rapper incident where he had to apologise for singing the truth about the state of the nation in his song. The same should and must apply

    Make the moron apologise to the nation

  90. cheng on Says:

    Today at 22: 53.19 (1 hour ago)
    If only all these “squatters” take a 7 days rest, don’t work, don’t open shops, take 7 days sick leave or annual leave or whatever at the same time, and see what happen to Msia!
    And all “squatter” shall hv nothing to do with this Ahmad Ismail, dont repair his house, dont sell anything to him, dont treat any of his sick family member, absolutely no business with him or his family member, directly or indirectly, dont service his cars, dont carry anything food or anything for him. Print his pictures and pasted all over the places, post this racist in you tube etc.
    Do you know that Indonesia is asking their Chinese Indonesians who are outside Indonesia to return to Indonesia?

  91. Abdullah is WEAK, WEAKENING, WEAKENED, Abdullah was, is, will be IRRELEVANT, IRRELEVANT, IRRELEVANT. Same goes for MCA, MIC, GERAKAN …Let’s all move on and make Malaysia a BETTER PLACE from now.

  92. It has always been like that, let’s get used to it. When Karpal made some comments about Perak Sultan’s decision, they made police reports, and the police also responded very efficiently. Then Karpal reported about AAB’s comments with regards to the appointment of Terengganu’s MB, in which AAB claimed that the appointment by the Terengganu Sultan was unconstitutional, everything quiet down.
    Ahmad Ismail didn’t mean what he said, even if he say it again tomorrow he still doesn’t mean it. But Lim Guan Eng must not say anything about abolishing NEP, UMNO will gather a group of people to surround KOMTAR, police will also investigate, because he means it. You got it? Let’s get used to it.
    A suggestion to YAB LGE, next time you talk about abolishing NEP, tell them you don’t mean it. I mean it!

  93. It’s not enough to refer to them as GOONS anymore!
    From now on they should be refered to as BLOODY RACIST GOONS!
    To the other component parties at BN, see for yourselves what the BLOODY RACIST GOONS have evolved into!
    Think ahead for your future generations!
    Make them proud MALAYSIANS who will always remember you by!
    Do not create OSTRICHES out of them, always burying their heads as though nothing happens, the moment your name is mentioned!
    To the grassroots of the other component parties, if your leaders are chicken heads cos’ of their personal benefits, then you yourselves, the grassroot levels leave them behind enmass!
    This time round is the best opportunity for us RAKYAT to make what this beautiful country is suppose to be, FOR ALL MALAYSIANS IRRESPECTIVE OF RACE OR RELIGION!

  94. wtf…
    You are comparing unsocialized child with a People representative thats been officially elected by peaple!

    His refusal to apologize shows how much arrogant this self-master is going to far. They kept playing fascism cards around is going to ruin the country prosperity for the sake of their colony(pockets) not the Nation.

    Are you one of them?

  95. Since we have discussed for so long for ahmad, it’s good to have the evidence (such like recording of his speech) so that they CANNOT twist and turn in future.
    Noticed that different terms are used …..”tumpang” in chinese newspaper; “pendatang” by BN newspaper.
    diff severe level for this two words..
    tumpang = racist;
    pendatang = is a fact, nothing wrong
    …seems like “somebody” has started to twist~~~~~
    So, whoever has the evidence and believe the justice, please share it
    only if it is well spread thru internet, the evidence will be forever there and WILL NOT be destroyed by “somebody”!

  96. While previous racially inciting ‘keris’ and ‘balik cina’ incidents seem to have ‘advanced’ UMNO’s ketuanan melayu with impunity, Ahmad Ismail’s remarks this time may well prove to be a spanner in the works.

    It comes at a time when the opposition bloc, now much stronger and the prospect of soon forming a new government appears within reach, are denouncing ketuanan-melayu and are adopting a more inclusive and appealing ketuanan-rakyat. The PM too may well have been caught in an awkward position of desperately propping up appeasing measures to prevent a collapse of his government and yet not wanting to be seen chastising an UMNO chieftan for such damaging remarks.

    While the ‘blocking’ of Malaysia-Today on the grounds of incitement is seen as undemocratically censuring what is seen as a formidable challenge to UMNO, Ahmad Ismail’s racially inciting statement gets away with a ‘protection under the sarong’. Now disgusted bloggers and Malaysians are ever more on PR’s side urging and egging them on.

    It is also interesting that MCA, Gerakan and other BN component parties who on previous ocassions were too timid to even squeak any form of protestation are now plucking enough courage to grumble. Reading the shift in their grassroots from recent elections results they too realise their relevance will be vanishing fast given their sorry state of decades long silence. In the light of a fractious UMNO possibly facing imminent demise, it must surely be time now, if it had not already begun, for passengers on a ship with many leaks rushing for limited numbers of life boat or life vests. And what better opportunity for them to do ‘grandstanding’ than this ocassion of UMNO faux pas.

  97. Ahmad Ismail is racist! should be kicked out..never learnt history ka..i hated when people blamed other races.ahh,all of us are Malaysians.hmm but hey,he is just 1 person.he is not going to be our PM.Anwar is.dont worry so much.ignore him! just like when 1 MP from Holland negatively commented about Islam last time..doesnt mean that country is racist blabla..hope it wont get worse like HINDRAF (bloody hell racist but nobody try to remember) or so called TRULY MALAYSIAN RAPPER sang damn racist Negarakuku (remember but try to forget right?? bias)..i wonder! nationalism konon.when 1 single unpowerful malay (read umnoputra) said something,people keep on bashing UMNO in total.only stupid UMNO leaders should be blamed,not all la..we shouldnt blame Malaysian chinese regarding negarakuku right?? why not bashing people who says bad things about Malaysia?? ohh forgot already.

    this is the same issue as i told before,a MALAYSIAN doesnt know how to understand Malaysia language.again,want to claim a Malaysian.no nationalism.

  98. Digress a little, budget 2009,
    If do some maths, a family of 4, pay how much (average) for budget of RM 206 bil,
    4 X (206 bil/ 27 mil) = 30,500, wow , RM30,500 per year , i.e. more than average annual pay of a fresh graduate.
    Will get bankrupt or not ???

  99. Solidarity origiates from the word sou and solidare

    sou Pronunciation[soo]
    –either of two bronze coins of France, equal to 5 centimes and 10 centimes

    Sol”i*dare\, n. [LL. solidus. Cf. Sou.] A small piece of money.

    sol·i·dar·i·ty [sol-i-dar-i-tee]
    –noun, plural -ties. 1. union or fellowship arising from common responsibilities and interests, as between members of a group or between classes, peoples, etc.: to promote solidarity among union members.
    2. community of feelings, purposes, etc.
    3. community of responsibilities and interests.

    What AAB means is for every Malaysian on Merdeka Day to have union or fellowship with each other, based on a common responsbility and interest over two bronze coins equivalent to not more than 10 cents given to us by AAB in the Budget 2009.

    Yes! We should all have union with our mate or rejoice with another fellow for the 28 million 5 cent and 10 cent coins thrown to us by our great benevolent PM for he has been so kind and have ordered us to rejoice. Perform solidarity, my fellow beggars, solidarity!

    P.S. Careful you don’t lose your 5 cent coin whilst rejoicing!

  100. Arguing with those monkeys having Pentium 1 brain is a waste of time.They just enjoy reading our forum condeming them left n right.

    Just vote them out of power.Nothing else is more powerful than uniting all our votes and kick them off the cliff.

    Right now they are just enjoying their last laugh..just like the chicken kicking the cover before being boiled.

    MCA n Gerakan is given the last chance to redeem themself.If they hide like the tortoises let them be…at least we know they are true tortoise.

    Childlish and narrow minded monkeys….poor fellow.

  101. good point!

    let us recalled:
    Thursday August 16, 2007
    Cabinet rejects apology from Negaraku rapper
    KUALA LUMPUR: The Cabinet has not accepted student Wee Meng Chee’s apology for the furore caused by his Negaraku rap videoclip on video-sharing web portal YouTube.

    Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz said the Cabinet had decided yesterday that they were not in the position to forgive him and that “the law would have to take its course”.

    “The offence was not against the Prime Minister or ministers concerned but against the nation,” Nazri told reporters after the launch of the International Conference on Media and Information Warfare: A Global Challenge of the 21st Century here.

    “If he had committed an offence, which I think was an offence, then we must allow the Attorney General to investigate and decide whether to take him to court,” he said.

    Wee had on Tuesday apologised for the parody and agreed to remove the videoclip from his blog.

    Nazri said Wee’s apology could be used as mitigation in sentencing but not as a reason to not prosecute him.

    “To not prosecute him is not ‘on’ at all because he has committed an offence against the nation and no one, not the Cabinet or political parties, are in the position to forgive him,” he said.

    Wee could be charged under the Sedition Act because he had insulted the symbol of the nation, he said.

    “We cannot be like the West where you can have the underwear with the design of the Union Jack. In Britain, you can insult the Queen or the flag, I don’t care, but in this country we have laws and we cannot create a precedent where you commit an offence, apologise and get away with it,” he said adding that Wee was not a boy but a 24-year-old man and he should be held responsible for the act.

    “It is not an issue of ethnicity or being racial but against national interest,” he said.

    When asked how Wee had insulted the national anthem, Nazri said the song was supposed to be sung based on how it should be sung, otherwise, it would mean insulting the song, especially when the lyrics were changed.

    “Malaysia Negaraku ku. ‘Ku ku’ can also mean ‘cuckoo’ so it was insulting. I don’t think this was done out of ignorance. He was a university student and he meant to insult the national song,” he said.

    …..to be continued….

  102. There is no doubt..PM IQ is low….but he does have a kind hearted personality……if he chooses to be himself….and not listen to Khairy.
    But then……lower than him….IQ… is his DPM.
    Mahathir thought he could rule from outside…..like Lee Kuan Yew….with his smart choices.
    God help Malaysia with such jokers… governing our country.

  103. See: UMNO has really lose direction. 51 yrs MERDEKA but racial issue plus all racial-related matters are still in their mind. Yes they give you UTAR, (refer to Shamsul Anuar’s comment) etc. But in the Parliment recently, during Ahmad’s recent speech in PP… see? ANd the PM said Ahmad didn’t mean it?

    C’mon UMNO! You failed to unite all Malaysian! Not even Ibrahim Ali – sounded like UMNO to.

    No doubt there are some PAS members who talk like UMNO on this racial matter. But still PAS officially doesn’t take RACIAL as an important issue. All hardcore PAS members do talk about HUDUD and Qizas etc. DAP could continue trying to work with PAS because it is hoped that PAS will continue not interested in promoting ASSOBIYYAH (racial-based issues).

    Why don’t you all see what Eng (Pinang CM) is addressing now. He did talk about “Umar Abd Aziz” and he recently talk about “Amar Makruf Nahi Mungkar” What is he talking about?

    Simply because PAS will be very happy if you use the “same language”. See: Kacang only!!! He is working hard to make PAS happy. PAS happily wrote this report down in her harakahdaily. THis will make many PAS members happy too. Thanks Eng Guan. Wa caya lu!!!

    Let’s work hard to please each other. Hidup PR.

  104. CHAPTER 2….


    SAT AUG 30, 2008

    Minister in the La-Pak’s Department BATUK SRI BOHAMID NaJIS AA KEPT SILENCE AND the Cabin-Net had decided TODAY that they were not in the position to CHARGE him and that “the law would have to take its course”.

    “The offence was not against the Prime Minister or ministers concerned but against the nation,” NaJIS told reporters.

    “If he had committed an offence, which I DON’T think was an offence, then we must allow the Attorney General to investigate and decide whether to take him to court,” he said.


    NaJIS said AHMAD’S SILENCE AND IGNORE TO THE WHOLE NATION’S ANGER could NOT be used as mitigation in sentencing but as a reason to prosecute him.

    “To not prosecute him is not ‘on’ at all because he has committed an offence against the nation and no one, EXCEPT La-Pak AND BN, are in the position to forgive him,” he said.

    AHMAD could be charged under the Sedition Act because he had insulted the symbol of the nation, he said.

    “We cannot be like the West where you can have the underwear with the design of the Union Jack. In Britain, you can insult the Queen or the flag, I don’t care, I DON’T CARE. I DON’T CARE,…AS LONG AS BN STILL HOLD THE POWER, WE CAN ACCEPT IT AND FORGIVE HIM EVEN in this country we have laws! We HAVE createD MANY precedentSSSS where you commit an offence, apologise and get away with it, SUCH IS KRIS,…” he said adding that AHMAD was not a boy but a DATUK-OLD MAN and he should be held responsible for the act.

    “It is not an issue of ethnicity or being racial but against national interest, BUT IS OK, AS LONG AS La-Pak BELIEVED THAT HE DID NOT MEANT THAT” he said.

    When asked how AHMAD had insulted the CHINESE, NaJIS said the ”

    “TUMPANG, can also mean ‘DUDUK’ so it was NOT insulting. AS I REPEATED MANY TIMES BEFORE THIS, La-PaK think this was done out of ignorance. He was a DATUK and he DID NOT mean to insult the CHINESE ONLY, BUT ALL NON-BUMIPTRA,” he said.


  105. Only Malaysian Malays practice such remarks and get away with it, after all, this is Malaysia BOLEH land, ain’t it so????

    be it Indians or Chinese or other races……….

    Give a us a chance and we’ll show them how we feel.

    Look at what they have been able to achieve so far????


    HIDUP LKS !!!!!

  106. wasted Says:

    Today at 01: 33.18 (33 minutes ago)
    Only [“Malaysian Malays” ] practice such remarks and get away with it, after all, this is Malaysia BOLEH land, ain’t it so????

    Think be more accurate to say, only [“Malaysian Umno Malays”]…..

  107. Honestly…. Ahmad’s remarks were indeed racist… but as far as racist remarks are concerned… they were f#@ken weak lah!! my pre-teen niece shouts better insults…

    I dun mind anyone calling me an immigrant… well it’s not 100% accurate…. descedent of immigrant would be more precise….but nevermind… i dun mind… as long as the bugger dun mind me digging where his bloodline originates…..

    full post on more on http://delcapo.wordpress.com/

  108. Something is seriously wrong with the political culture of Umno when it can throw up a division leader who is divisive and disruptive of our social fabric.

    I recall have read why the visionary leaders of America asked for equality for the Negroes. The bottom line was to prevent the average American from having double standards.

    So, in a sense, the dismantling of Separate but Equal treatment for the American Negroes in the 1950s was done to also help all Americans although, at first glance, it was done to help the Negroes.

    Can Malaysian leaders command the same vision and so the same to help such psychologically challenged Umno leaders?

  109. Race Relations Act Needed

    In the wake of the recent disgusting statement about the Chinese being squatters made by a Umno division chief in Penang, our national political leaders should seriously consider passing a Bill on Race Relations.

    Such remarks demean the noble efforts of our Bapa Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman and our other Founding Fathers such as Tun Tan Cheng Lock and Tun V.T. Sambanthan in establishing our nation in August 1957.

    It is never a wonder that calls have been made and police reports lodged about the “seditious” nature of the statement.

    What will remain a wonder is whether such calls and such reports will be forgotten over time as other problems crop up in the next few days.

    One of our basic problems seems to be enforcement of our existing laws. Somehow, we cannot in all sincerity say that enforcement has not been selective when it is in fact selective.

    If the enforcement of law is selective, then wew strain the very rule of law where all are equal.

    It is in this connection that I wrote about how our laws have failed my late family friend, Dr Ooi Kee Saik, the first Malaysian to find the Sedition Act thrown his way.

    What the late Dr Ooi said actually pales in comparison with what is being bandied around by these so-called divisional leaders almost at the drop of the hat.

  110. In recent days there have been articles on the net defending Ketuanan Melayu the gist of which is that the Malays must be tuans of their land like the Germans are of theirs, as the Japanese are of theirs since they have been here a few hundred years more than us ‘pendatang’.

    Lets think through even this claim of first right by term of residency.

    As RPK points out, if our grandfathers spilled their blood against the Japanese more than did the Malays, does even the argument of being here first is still valid? The truth is the history of Chinese and Indian sacrifice for this country has been whitewashed. In terms of contribution, if you think about it, its the immigrant that have contributed more, much more and not just economically but in blood and sweat despite the Malay longer term residency.

    Even in modern real estate law, if an owner is not responsible for the land he holds title and someone else resides and work it, the law deem the residency and sweat equity as claim to the right of the land. After all that is how Batu Putih was lost to Singapore. Illegal tenants given long enough time, have more rights over a land than absent owner. If you think about it, the Sultans when they gave up administration to the Europeans, were basically absent owners and so on independence all claims by those in residence, namely including us pendatangs are equal. So even if you don’t subcribe to the ‘liberal idea of equality’, this claim is, was and always…

  111. the sad thing about it all is that there are many many more like ahmad. behind closed doors and out of ear shots, what goes on in conversations are much worse than what ahmad said. most choose not to be open about it, but we’ve seen increasing breakouts from radicals like ahmad, keris j, and UiTM vc. umno is using race as a tool, but i’m not sure they can handle it.

  112. This goes forward from what Bigjoe commented at 07:51.16
    Red Indians were original inhabitants of USA; abrogines, Australia,NZ and even Malaya : but its Anglo Saxons that first built civilisation, system of government social, economic and cultural order in USA, Australia & NZ just like Malays did in Malacca Sultanate making rest “pendatangs”.

    In our context, because of accidents of colonial history Chinese and Indians helped built the social/economic system –before 1957, and especially after, therefore earning equal right of having contributed to the modern civilisation we know now today.

    Besides the “social contract”was forged in Federal Constitution in 1957 when non Malays then were given citizenship whilst Malays were given Special privileges (reviewable every 15 years until TDM Admin changed it and made it almost perennial at electionb of Malay community exercisable via the King). Non Malays borned after 1957 toany one or both citizen parents are also citizens. By definition a citizen is not and cannot be a ‘Pendatang’ unless one gives the word an ‘especial’ meaning in historical sense relating to times way back in early days of Chines & Indian migrants to work in Tin Mines and Estates.

    To refer non Malays as same status as the forefathers more than a century ago is to abuse the word immigrant, anyhow one uses it. By that definition many American citizens would be immigrants as well.

  113. I remember it was one of the slogans for Merdeka “KEPIMPINAN MELALUI TELADAN” that was used in one of the Independence celebrations. This IDIOT has taken on this practice. If the government can sack FIVE High Court Judges in one single day and then turn back to pay them ex-gratia payment not amounting to an apology, this IDIOT is doing the same out of pure example! Blame not the follower, only the leader!

  114. /// HJ Angus Says:
    Yesterday at 13: 28.35
    He seems to have lost the charts to steer our nation to calmer waters. ///

    No, HJ – he is steering the ship of state into calmer waters by navigating into the inland river instead of braving the open seas and storms created by his underlings.

    He has not lost the charts. He is using an inland waterway chart. With Ketuanuan Melayu, fear of global competition, lack of meritocracy and rampant corruption, it will be suicidal to navigate in the open seas and vast oceans – which almost by definition will not be calm. But with a sturdy ship, a skillful helmsman should be able to sail through.

    So, he’s right. He’s bringing Malaysia into the protected inland lake so that he can be king prawn in a small pond.

    Dead calm…

  115. ahmad’s racist statement has definitely caused a stir and has angered many. test case for mca, gerakan, mic? that’s a joke because we know what the outcome will be …

    from soi lek’s blog : If Umno does not change nothing will happen. That is for sure because it is the biggest party.

    from chun wai’s blog: Let Ahmad apologise, let’s not go over board with talks of sacking or charging him with sedition.

    so, case close lah ….. hahahahahahahaha no wonder mca will become extinct very very very soon…….

  116. PHUAKL, Where are you from? We already have more laws than required to handle remarks like Ahmad’s. This is politics, so we need political solution.

    For PR, don’t forget Zul, the MP for Kulim bandar baru. Same action must be taken against him.

  117. Morning folks,

    In case you wanna make a direct suggestion or “Give it to them” you could access these clowns website for MCA. I tell you, the entire MCA elephant have 13 contactable Datuks only.
    They should learn a thing or two from DAP website.
    Shame on MCA.

    Anyway, here it is: perhaps we can also direct our thoughts to these ppl directly.

    Complete MCA: 13 Datuk’s websites

    Perhaps next one for Gerakan also.
    Have a great productive day ahead.

  118. k1980 says:”Lim Keng Yaik had said that the mood among Gerakan party leaders and members is to opt out of BN.”

    Lim Keng Yaik can go fly kite. That mood he was talking about was there before he became minister. Of course while he was enjoying the little perks, all the responsibilities entrusted on him were conveniently forgotten. So also were other non Malay ministers. All of them can go to Timbuktu. It is best they disappear into oblivion and never to resurface again. They are the disgrace to this nation for generations to come. They are scum bags politicians. The malaise of this nation did not start with AAB. It began more than 20 years ago and ALL past UMNO, MCA, Gerakan, MIC and SUPP leaders equally culpable. We Malaysians are just good sleepers. We wake up too late. Even if Anwar come into power, I have the strong inkling that the same thing will happen if we Malaysians are not vigilant enough to ensure multiculturalism, cosmopolitanism and liberalism. We shall see.

  119. We human beings are all subject to errors or imperfections at one time or another. A wrong is a wrong; no doubt about it. Who is always right? I dare say God is always right. But it takes real courage to admit a wrong, for some, be it done on purpose or otherwise. Genuine prayers will help and people will all feel love and happiness.
    Believe in prayers, I mean genuine prayers.
    Be happy and cheers!

  120. MCA/Gerakan , Wake up! Your Barisan Chairman does not care about you! He also DOES NOT MEAN when he talked about “so-called” unity in his National Day Speech. He was talking about Malay unity not national unity. Resign from Barisan and join PR where the theme is BANGSA MALAYSIA not Ketuanan Melayu

  121. Enough Said,

    Low Class UMNOputras!

    Learn From Japanese Leader who had guts and dignity for sake of Nation!

    Not ur fat pockets ans stop playing Fascism to protect ur GooonAss!

    You can run but you cant Hide!

  122. Hi limkamput 9:42:17

    I’m not a lawyer or a law-maker.
    I am a sociologist/public health guy. :-)

    I am aware that we have laws against “sedition”. And that these laws are used selectively against people the govt does not like. But do we have the equivalent of UK-type laws against racial hatred? Can the lawyers and experts out there answer this question? Thanks!

    Phua Kai Lit

  123. I am thoroughly disgusted with Pak Lah’s ‘lembik’ response for action to be taken against Ahmad Ismail.
    In the first place he should not presume Ahmad’s intention and speak in his defence. A fair-minded leader would question the perpetrator for his explanation. How could a person’s statements be absolved just because it was spoken in the heat of election fever? As a leader he should be held to a higher code of conduct, not one of an ignoramus.The words were definitely seditious and reports should be lodged against this rogue.
    If he has an iota of remorse and a man of principles he ought to resign and apologise to all Malaysians.
    What’s shocking was the fact that DPM Najib was present when the seditious words were uttered? He did nothing to correct the statement and censure the speaker. DPM Najib owes all Malaysians an apology for his inaction.

  124. Just because the Malays are given a chance to increase their Listed company Shares from 1% to 30% with the NEP policy, they have taken it for granted that this policy is made for them to be a superior Race in Malaysia, untill they have things like: Ketuanan Malayu.

    That is the main problem with UMNO, things are always given to the Malays and not earned by themselves. What do you have at the end, a whole bunch of people waiting for others to earn for them.

    UMNO has abused their powers since Merdeka, by brain washing the Malays to believe that with special rights, they will live an easy life and wait for the other races to earn for them.
    UMNO and the bunch of selfish Malays have overlooked that by doing so, they have created a race that is lacking behind to all other races in this world in terms of educations, knowledge and the attitude to improve the overall human race.

    Ahmad Ismail being an UMNO chief for Bukit Bendera can say a remark like : Chinese are immigrants and it is impossible to have equal rights with the Malays.
    Ahmad Ismail has said this speech which has represented the whole UMNO party( UMNO’s slogan) since Najib is there and he has not uttered a single word to condemn Ahmad’s speech.
    So, if Najib would be our next PM, all other races and the poor Malays will 100% be slaves to UMNO.

    Since Ahmad Ismail has said a racial provacative speech which will only disunite the race and creat racial disharmony, he must be jailed in the ISA act since ISA is created to jail anyone who has said any racial provocative statement in Public which will lead to racial riot.
    Instead, you hear our PM siding him that he did not mean it and let us all forget it, if this speech is from Guan Eng or Karpal, they are already in ISA now.

    If Ahmad Ismail is not Put in ISA, you can clearly see that ISA is created not to protect harmony in the Malaysian races or religion, but to stop anyone who would want to expose the UMNO goverment for corruptions and cronyism during their governance.

    All Malaysians including the Malays have been made a fool by UMNO for the past 51 years and we are still continue to be used by them if they continue as our government.
    Let us all reject this selfish government.

  125. As time passes, maybe call it ignorant or maybe call it that I had been brainwashed. But I wasn’t alone. I looked around and witnessed fellow Chinese being shouted at to ‘balik Cina’. No, nobody stood up to tell the other off. We were all zombies programmed to accept this as a fact of life that we are living in someone else land and therefore we must submit. Yes, we were brought up to accept that we are all squatters in this land called Malaysia.

    read more at http://terangbulannegaraku.blogspot.com/

  126. Since Ahmad Ismail as one of the UMNO chief has said a seditious and racial provocative remarks which would disrupt Malaysia’s racial harmony and could creat racial riots.

    He must be jailed using the ISA act as Guan Eng and the Hindraf members did.

    If he is not put to jail by ISA, this means that ISA is really created by the UMNO bunch to stop anyone who would try to expose their corruption and cronyism activity and the statement by Mahathir and Pak Lah that “ISA is created to jail anyone who make a racial remarks ” is really just a cover-up story or excuse.

  127. I think this is the right time for Gerakan and MCA to leave BN not to join PR but be Independents because more and more racist UMNOputras are asking them to shut up for their recent call to reprimand the racist Ahmad Ismail. Maybe MIC could also join the exodus and this will make it easier for PR as DSAI would not need 30 more MPs to jump ship in order to form the next goverment.

  128. Terima Kasih Sdr Ahmad Ismail, thank you sir, for giving the BN Component Parti MPs reason to “lompat” to the PR side.

    Your racist remark is the exact reason that gives the MPs a legitimate reason to lompat. Thank you sir, thank you very much, sir.

    I hope PR did not pay you to do this, that would be most unfortunate.


  129. You see that Ahmad Is-something is envious of us chinese. Soon he will also be envious of our indian brothers.

    Here is my reason. The same reason will applly to indians in due course I am sure when the Union of India grow strong economically. When that day arrive, our fellow malaysian malays would simply be left behind.

    Unlike them (i.e. the malays), we chinese have a very very large stage on which we could stand, to perform and to benefit from. And the stage is not just within the confine of our national boundary. It extends worldwide – it is a global stage. We could go westwards or eastwards, northwards or southwards, anywhere and everywhere (just about) and where ever we are, we could still in a relatively short time begin to earn a living and with some effort turn our life into a reasonably comfortable one.

    Now how is that possible? Simple. We are chinese. That is why. There are plenty of us in this world. Look. Chinatown is a sure feature in all major cities of the world. And that is proof of our extensive presence in the world. That is our strength our advantage. We will always start there – mingle with the local chinese and find out information and opportunities available. It is not a difficult thing for us to do at all for language, food and culture are no barrier to us, malaysians, singaporeans, hongkongers, taiwanese, mainland chinese etc.

    It is a global community. And a very strange community indeed. Ask any chinese (wherever they may come from) living overseas about his race and the likely answer is “I am chinese”. And only when asked further, or where situation requires elaboration, he would add “I am from …………”

    Then there is the issue on opportunities. We have plenty and we have all sorts. Lawyers, doctors, engineers, architects, academicians, scientists, researchers, businessmen, entertainers, sportsmen, prostitudes (yes yes whores and pimps) etc etc. We are represented in almost all fields. That makes things somewhat easier for us in terms of establishing contacts and starting out in a strange new country.

    Malays can’t. They only have malaysia. They have to compete with indonesia and Thailand and Singapore. Of course, they may try to extend their sphere of contact through islam and hope to become integrated with the middle east in order to bolster their influence and presence. But religion is the only common factor there is between them. Everything else is uncommon. So they have a high hurdle to clear. Hence, they do not have the benefit of numbers internationally like us, chinese.

    What about opportunities? Now this is one pathetic aspect of the malay race. UMNO played a big role in it – in stiffling able and talented malays by ignoring merits and meritocracy. And they know it. That is why they are so insecure about themselves and their position.

    A simple and obvious solution is available to them. Just latch on to us malaysian chinese and immediatly they too could tap into the global community that we are in. We are all malaysians. We understand the malays and they understand us. We should have no problem working side-by-side a la ali-baba (or baba-ali) style – just do not insist that malays must play the lead or dominant role (i.e. no tuan and hamba arrangement).

    I for one would not want them (the malays) to fall behind. Hey because I am malaysian and they are my fellow countrymen.

    Its just the umno-led government. They have a very different view of things. And (in my view) the wrong, inefficient and incompetent way of doing things.

  130. In a nut shell, UMNO-Malays are can only ever be Jaguh Kampung! Time to ditch the UMNO SOB and explore your true potentials my Malay friends. No need to see far, just ask your cousins across the causeway.


  131. bodowi is really a racist PM. he just only care for his people only! really nut pm in malaysia history! ahmad ismail should be sacked and prison. i dont know why bodowi still protect him! why bodowi?

  132. Errr… just wondering where the h*** is that UMNOPutra Kasim Amat fella?? Noticed that he hasn’t been posting any comments regarding this issue here.

    I want to see what has he to say about this? That the bast*** Ahmad Ismail was very correct, correct, correct in what he says and that AAB was also very correct, correct, correct in his words on this??

  133. Cina ‘menumpang’: Najib mohon maaf
    Sep 2, 08 5:41pm
    Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak hari ini memohon maaf atas kenyataan yang dibuat oleh ketua Umno Bukit Bendera, Datuk Ahmad Ismail yang telah menimbulkan kemarahan di kalangan kaum Cina.

    how come najib pulak minta maaf atas kesalahan Ahmad?

    Ahmad tidak wakili ‘suara Umno’
    Abdul Rahim Sabri | Sep 2, 08 4:25pm
    Kenyataan Ketua Umno bahagian Bukit Bendera, Datuk Ahmad Ismail yang didakwa berunsur perkauman, tidak boleh dianggap sebagai mewakili ‘suara Umno’, kata pergerakan Pemuda Umno Perak.

    how come your umno keyman no represent umno when ceramah palihanraya?

  134. the statement make me pening, ahmad can’t be cantacted after the incident but our PM said he didn’t mean it, and then suddenly najib came out said minta maaf,and perak umno said what ahmad said in pilihanraya no represent umno view. which one is correct.

    pening pening

  135. We can see and conclude that silly and unthoughtful remarks can and will contribute towards segregation and polarisation among the rakyat.

    So it would be best and wise to take a leaf from such a case and refrain from uttering it, let alone harbouring thoughts about it.

    Let’s learn to be open minded.
    Let’s accept everyone else as saudara.
    Let’s see to it that the world is also everyone else’s universe.

    Let’s live with one another and do away with imaginary borders which separate us. There are just too many artificial boundaries which are made to secure our own narrow interest. Why can’t we share and do things together? Why can’t we move forward in life together even if we have different views and opinions? Why can’t we expand our horizon of experience and learning, which are precisely the prerequisites for advancement?

    Why do we fear and abhor other’s ideology? Why must we confine ourselves to just our very own thinking? Why can’t we learn from others which would in turn encourage them to learn from us?

    We know the world is moving towards being borderless due to the explosion of knowledge, the construction and development of information highways, and the advancement of science & technology. We have to jump into the bandwagon of progress and learning, lest we be left behind.

    There is so much to grapple with that we have to chart our path carefully and meticulously. Let’s busy ourselves with life’s chores and reject unproductive and wasteful bickering and silly arguments.

    The DPM’s apology for the silly statement made by the Bkt Bendera UMNO division chief should be taken in good faith and accepted with an open heart. That is what leadership is all about: accountability. It is now the very person who made the remarks who should do the same to show his sincerity.

    In return we ourselves should refrain from uttering and writing negatively about others. We must reciprocate goodwill with goodwill, good faith with good faith, magnanimity with magnanimity.
    And it should all be done with utmost sincerity.

  136. when i’am in school teacher alway said be a responsisble person when u are wrong please say sorry with open heart. don’t hide yourseft,at this junture ahmad ismail is no a small fish Datok man…

    That is what leadership is all about: accountability. mah..

  137. read this silly statement:

    Mengulas lanjut mengenainya, Zainol berkata, Ahmad ketika itu berucap di hadapan majoriti orang Melayu untuk menaikkan semangat mereka sewaktu pilihanraya.

    “Bila bercakap banyak, kadang-kadang kita terlupa… jadi jangan bersentimen. Oleh itu, Gerakan harus faham tentang perkongsian kuasa.

    “(Oleh itu) Gerakan harus bertanggungjawab menjaga ahli-ahlinya supaya tidak bertindak sehingga sampai ke tahap mengganggu (parti-parti komponen BN yang lain),” katanya.

    how to minta maaf?

  138. Bila bercakap banyak,kadang-kadang kita terlupa.. very good sentense.
    when we ask for our right a very good sentense against

    “Gerakan harus bertanggungjawab menjaga ahli-ahlinya supaya tidak bertindak sehingga sampai ke tahap mengganggu”

    when we ask for our right kita mangganggu umno.

    i don’t think he now what he said.

  139. Will the real devil stand out and be counted! Who is it that has instilled such racial malice upon up and coming politicians? Is it their education system that has failed or has this been hereditary in their genes? Surely with hindsight and foresight this will not materialise in a multiracial culture. Children should be exposed to what is reality in order to gain a correct perspective of the current situation that has evolved over 5o years. God forsaken inbreeding within a coconut shell will never survive in an ever changing world.

    Can the people of Malaysia united, if not for prosperity then for peace.

  140. No wonder the Merdeka Spirit was not felt on Aug 31. Aside from the standard celebration procession, most people I observed went about their daily grind…hardly noticed any cars flying the JG either. Malaysia is on its knees, thanks to UMNO people like AI.

  141. why Ahmad Ismail does not apologise himself, but TPM- Najib? this is not the first time UMNO leaders saying that the one or two members does not represent the whole UMNO, they dont mean it??? but then, if the subordinate behave wrongly, the superior also shd penalised him and bring him to apologise to public, somemore Ahmad ISmail is an adult with datukship! this is really an insult to Raja/ Royal as his behavior is really hurting the multi racial society in Malaysia, such person suppose shd be chase out frm Malaysia, and not qualify as Malaysian, but this person got nothing after saying brainless statement and safe with his Datukship. is this fair and reflecting the goodness of a Datuk conferred by our respectful Raja/ Sultan/ Ketua Negeri?

    Police will take him for questioning….ONLY!!!! But Raja Petra? and many people detained under ISA? where is the equality?

    Many and more UMNO members insulting and creating the non harmonious feels to society for Malaysian, look at our left and right, all races are happy living together, but just those Politician with brainless and self interest to spoilt the harmony society, Perpaduan Teras Kejayaan, what its mean to those extremist? Remember, Rakyat Bersatu, Negara Maju, and our competitors are those stronger countries in the rest the world, not the races in the country! think wider and grow! if those extremist do not undestand, check out the OLYMPIC medal ranking, so many countries are ahead of us in sports

  142. Let’s watch our language guys/gals. No offensive name calling and obscenity, pleaseeeee.

    If we don’t know how to respect others, we should not be writing anything, really. Thought we are championing equal rights and freedom? But they have to come with a price…which is respect, accountability, honour, responsibility, and integrity.

    Back biting and badmouthing are not acceptable at all.

    Debate, argue and criticise all you want, but with decorum please.

    Perhaps the administrator should look at all these more seriously and ensure contributors toe the line?

    Good luck!

  143. Ahmad Ismail tidak perlu minta maaf
    05/09/2008 4:38pm

    PULAU PINANG 5 Sept. – Semua 13 UMNO Bahagian di Pulau Pinang bersetuju dengan pendirian Ketua UMNO Bukit Bendera, Datuk Ahmad Ismail bahawa beliau tidak perlu minta maaf atas kenyataan yang dibuatnya berhubung dakwaan kaum Cina adalah pendatang.

    Timbalan Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan UMNO Negeri, Datuk Rashid Abdullah berkata, ini kerana perkara yang disebut adalah fakta sejarah yang tidak patut diragui oleh mana-mana pihak. – Utusan.
    (end of article)

    if non-malays were to utter ‘racist’ word, straight away kena ISA.
    I’m not angry what Ahmad Said said that chinese are immigrants, but I AM ANGRY that he only pointed at CHINESE. HIS statement is indeed very racist. what about other races? I must admit chinese are immigrants very long time ago. Now let me ask them…. Are Malays the originated from this country? i dun think so. Malaya actually resides by orang asli long long time ago.

  144. the prime minister is again making a mockery of himself in public for not being able to clamp down on this kind of stuff…what a joke for our nation which just celebrated 51 years of independence and “so called” unity….this skin colour stuff has been getting too much…even our former PM is coming around to back one of his kind in insulting the chinese in particular,Malaysia will not be so rich today if it was not for the chinese “so called” immigrants…so in fact they should be thankful that the chinese resided in Malaysia,if Malaysia would to only be able to depend on one of their kind to build up this country’s economy,i guess our streets will be empty and the country will have a very stagnent economy that only revolves around burger stalls or roti canai outlets…

  145. why so much fuss over the racist issu??? He (ahmad Ismail) wants publicity.
    I am not against any race.I got malay,india ,kadazan,Iban and other various friends.He can be anti chinese.chinese can be anti him personnally. Not all malay re anti chinese.Alot intermarried !!!
    He is just a few balack sheeps of the family.

  146. You are dead right Shadow, we are all looking for a new government. The now PM and his goonist are all outdated. I am just wondering, what those Chinese parties linked to BN are thinking right now?? Your friend AI who is just round corner, is throwing verbal abuses and calling you a squatter in your own country. And worse his remarks were supported by the PM and most UMNO leaders. It just goes to show what kind of a government we have in Malaysia! How on earth are they going to sustain harmony in the country when idiots like that are allowed such idiotic remarks and left off the hook??!! Hey Chinese friends, especially those in the BN, if you have a brain still, make it work!! You are a squatter remember? So says your friend the idiotic Ahmad!! THINK if its still deserving to serve them??? Maybe its time you jump ship!!!

  147. The funny thing is, what has Najib got to do with another man’s voice or say? Dont u think the person who has done wrong should be the right person to apologies? I thought we live by the motto Malaysia Boleh? In this instance, I think, Malaysia tak Boleh lah!!! Sudah kaput, sorry ah!!

  148. Ahmad Ismail would not be influential enough to cause any chaos as in 1969. He’s just a pathetic sick MADman barking like a wild animal trying to climb over Badawi’s head. he thinks he can be the PM. He should be the laughing object of the millenium. I hope someone could make him dumb for the rest of his life. Sick of hearing his voice.

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