Chinese “squatters” in Malaysia – why no MCA/Gerakan ultimatum in PP by-election?

In the past three days, spokespersons and branches of MCA and Gerakan and their youth sections have been protesting in the media against the racist remark by the Bukit Bendera Umno division chief Ahmad Ismail during the Permatang Pauh by-election campaign making derogatory reference to the Malaysian Chinese as “squatters” in the country.

Daily protests are being made in the MCA and Gerakan, including calling for MCA and Gerakan to quit the Barisan Nasional, if top Umno leaders do not take strong disciplinary action against Ahmad.

Ahmad’s speech was reported in the Chinese media on Monday, 25th August 2008 – the eve of the Permatang Pauh by-election on August 26.

Why didn’t the MCA and Gerakan Ministers and leaders take a strong stand on Monday itself to issue an ultimatum that Ahmad apologise and withdraw the racist remark, failing which they would pull out of the Barisan Nasional by-election campaign in Permatang Pauh?

Wouldn’t this be more effective and fruitful than just making protests “after the event”, although it would still get them into the newspapers despite being ignored not only by Umno, the Barisan Nasional Supreme Council but also the Cabinet?


173 Replies to “Chinese “squatters” in Malaysia – why no MCA/Gerakan ultimatum in PP by-election?”

  1. Look at the top figures of Gerakan and MCA, they still feel honoured to be mistresses of UMNO. These weak Chinese parties (including SUPP) have no more room in politics, unless they get shares from UMNO. They are afraid of losing the minister posts by offending UMNO. To them, personal gain is above anything

  2. obviously, MCA & Gerakan is still for ther own interest. They silent when the racist remark because they don’t want to piss off UMNO, afraid of their political interest affected. They knew UMNO is racist, yet they are still with them. After PP result out, with a mandate favor to PR, only they voice out. What does that show you? Well, to me, JUST A ACTING TO FOOL MALAYSIAN.

    let’s see what they will do next about this. I can tell you, nothing will happen and they are back to normal and hope Rakyat forget about this. I urge the media keep follow up with them for the status, and one day they will realise that their acting is suck.

  3. All component parties of BN stand up to Umno otherwise you would be irrelevant (if not already) by GE13. Demand to be equal partners. You are all percieved to be decorations to give BN a multiracial multicultural and mutlireligious veneer.In the eyes of your supporters you are now just servants to Umno begging them for ministerial post and not equal partners.

  4. Well, MCA & Gerakan are players in S&M. They enjoy been abused by UMNO. Let them be. The parties will be irrelevant by the of 2008 anyway. I know their grassroots are angry but they have themselves to blame for voting in the wrong leaders. Period !

  5. It is unbecoming of any leader to make derogatory remarks about others. Such behaviour must be censured by the authorities and all other leaders as such mindset and inclination are unacceptable for the good of the nation.

    As we are approaching the 51st anniversary of the nation’s birth, it is sad that such inappropriate and senseless attitude still exist in our society. It also confirms that among the leaders there are bigots, racists and those who harbour prejudice and discrimination.

    It does not augur well for Malaysia if such is the trend and tendency among those who are suppose to lead by example.

  6. MCA n Gerakan used the word “HOPE” and not “DEMAND” Ahmad Ismail to apologise and withdraw this stupid racist remark !

    SO We will HOPE n HOPE n HOPE….for another 51 years ?

    Sudah lah MCA n Gerakan….dun be a hero now…it is too late !

    Just stay away form UMNO !

  7. MCA and Gerakan really are bunch of people without backbone. Please don’t call yourself representative of Malaysian Chinese, we all Malaysian Chinese don’t think so. More like sida-sida besides the emperor. Ofcos will get ‘share’ after begging…

  8. “Why didn’t the MCA and Gerakan Ministers and leaders take a strong stand on Monday itself to issue an ultimatum…” kit

    By to do this they need to have ba**s. Unfortunately they are eunuchs, whose oragns have been cut off by UMNO.

  9. Actually, MCA, MIC and GERAKAN are squatters in Barisan Nasional. Barisan Nasional my foot ! Its Basiran ‘NAK SEMUA’.

    MCA, MIC and GERAKAN are traitors to non malay people in Malaysia. Pakatan should give them DEADLINE after which you wil not accept them. We cannot allow these traitors to be rewarded the best of both world at their own leisure.

    Lets see if they really have b-lls to stand up against the very those who ‘piss’ on them everyday.

  10. Kit,

    Remember the day you shouted in Parliament that Malaysia was not made up of once race only, why all this “Ketuanan Melayu” and why MCA and Gerakan were keeping silent (diam diam). None of them dared stand up to take their stand! From here we can see that MCA and Gerakan are only “acting” politicians. Behind their political facade, they are just cowards – they cannot and will not do the job the Chinese entrusted to them.

  11. Mr Lim

    Dont forget SUPP. They are worst than MCA and Gerakan. Thinking only their ownself big belly.
    The racist remark by the Bukit Bendera Umno division chief Ahmad Ismail is unbecoming. The next mile stone will be the Iban, Kayan, Murut, Kenyah, Bidayuh etc..etc..etc..squatters


  12. MCA and Gerakan barking on a small timer, a division chief of UMNO, ineffective, how are we going to expect them to confront the ‘BIG BOYS’.
    Sudah lah, you can bark but, your tail is always between your legs.
    The only honorable thing to do is, move out, or forever, be tagged as political beggars to UMNO.

  13. as long as there are still grassroot members for the MCA leaders and UMNO think it is worth keeping them, the MCA leader will still enjoy the benefits given to them, why they want to pull out ??

    it is this type of attitude from the past leaders that now we face the consequences, a weak weak voice in BN, let the Taikoh bully and dare not voice out. How sad it is. Sometime, we can’t blame UMNO because our community leaders behave this way, they just pawn our future for their own benefit. With UMNO in BN, there is no way it can be fair to everyone, every race.

    Look ahead and each of us can make things happen.

    just forget about them and let PR build up the fair government, DAP should learn from MCA/Gerakan and never make it the same mistake again.

  14. In politics, just as in any “game”, there must be rules and regulations. If they are broken, action must be taken. The running of the game must be seen to be fair and just at all times. The judges and referees must be impartial and not biased.

    If the sanctity of rules and regulations are adhered to and not broken wantonly, then the game can be said to have been well-played and acceptable to one and all. Winners and losers alike would be deemed to have displayed discipline ad sportsmanship – the hallmark of integrity and responsibility.

    Anything else will not do.

    Can we expect the same from our politicians and leaders and political parties?

  15. DAP should work harder in Sarawak, get the support of the iban ,Bidayuh and orang Ulu of Sarawak. These indegeneous group are the mjority voters in almost 70% of the DUN & MP seats in Sarawak,so by winning the heart of these lovely & freindly people will really help DAP & PR . Dap should start from today to win their heart and recruit them to join DAP.

  16. Its been an ‘excruciating’ experience with MCA’s (Mana Cina-Ada?) attitude. It has been decades since ‘hopeless idiots’ ever
    carry out the fundemental duty of ( forget about defending rights of Chinese, never has and never able, never will, I’ll explain later.. ) indoctrinate the existance of Chinese in Malaysia as OUR country also.

    They have had ‘infinite’ opportunities to do so and each time they missed it. You know why? The simple truth is… It has NEVER been their priority!! Its about the very few who only wants more for themselves first – this explained why all along the Reluctance to curb this racial thing by these bigots – ‘Extremist’.

    The only and the same excuse is … Not now, wait for the right timing. Why rock the boat ya?
    Let it be known, There is no such thing as Right timing!!
    Matter of fact, each delay means getting into terminal stage –
    What we are experiencing today!

    Imagine this, when this blog generation are gone, your childrens and the next, next, will have to justify their existance here in Malaysia whenever bigot feels like bronging it out?

    This whole thing has always promote Chinese on the defensive mode and many a time, its being ‘view’ as Sensitive by you know who. Pls man, I hope YB and the entire DAP don’t ever forget this.
    Get down to the roots!!! No one should ever question the existance and sovereign rights to be Chinese here and this is our country and home too.

    Why? We don’t question the about Islam, Malays, Indians, Buddist, etc…, right? So why the he%# it is so unique about Chinese that allows bigots to question Chinese rights? multi-racial country?

    Outburst of racial remarks by the Malays (Not all) were the DIRECT result of blessing given by MCA and Gerakan, Period!!!
    Why? Dogs don’t talk, right?

    MCA and Gerakan allows it to manifest, Silence means consent!!
    Thats why, today , Extremist piggy-back on this ‘racist’ thing with police protection also. Sickening to say the least.

    YB, do this? Apologised for my outburst also ya? 51 yrs, too long.

    This is the right moment for Chinese to make a stand. Im not promoting any form of protest here but When would be the right time to ‘SHUT UP’ this issue for good? malays here ever accept the rights of Chinese being Malaysian?

    Fine, some bigots well forever reamain bigots, but that does not
    mean we need to defense our existance every time this ‘racial’ remarks are being made.

  17. Since the other political parties are declining in popularity in Sarawak and thousands are the mood of ” berkorbar-kobar untuk berubah”, so this should be the best time foR DAP AND PR win the heart of The Iban, Bidayuh, orang ulu, chinese ….. in Sarawak.

  18. People still very much have to learn “to call a spade a spade”.

    It calls for will and determination. The very sense of fair-play has to be acquired and practised and imbibed, so much so that it becomes a habit or second nature to all who aspire for leadership positions. Wisdom is another attribute which is not often displayed by many a (so-called) leader.

    Malaysian politics and their practitioners have to be re-engineered and revamped to reflect the actual scenario and era in order to serve their purposes well and meaningfully. Else it would be a waste of time and resources and be could made a joke fit for a comic stand and a comedy fit for a silly movie.

    Surely Malaysia can do better than that?

    Happy Merdeka!

  19. I wish that MCA, MIC, Gerakan and other BN subservient component parties will find their AGM below quorum. I wish that their grass root base desert them…

    These subservient parties are just empty shells. Their grass root support has moved on.


  20. And move towards a more equitable, fair and just Malaysia where all have a place under the bright Malaysian sun.

    Let’s pray and wish for a better and enlightened Malaysia.

    Let’s move on…

  21. YB Lim, a few postings here are making desperate calls for you to divert a little attention towards the state of Sarawak.

    Sarawakians are made of 1. Squatters, 2. pribumi (in contrast to to Bumiputera). There are some ketuanan too, of course. If “ketuanan” here continued to be supported by the “white-hair” man, the pribumi have no place to express their disatisfaction other than going to DAP and PKR. Time is ripe, YB Lim and of course it is taxing on your time and resources, but find a way to answer some of the desperate calls.

    (Recent cases: Salt for timber and “stealing” from their own land)

  22. Actually for MCA, most of the members prefer to leave UMNO long ago. As an MCA life member for 27 years, I qualify to talk about this. The MCA leaders who are also ministers in the UMNO cabinet, have too much monetary interests to be with UMNO. Contracts and commisions made these MCA so-called leaders to lose their dignity and their conscience.

    Bread crumbs that spilled thru the UMNO fingers are licked up by undignified ppl like the Ong brothers, CKC, porn king and many of those who claim they represent the community.

    In doing so, they have sold out the rights, respect and dignity of the Chinese.

    Recently, OKC was officiating an art exhibition in Jusco Ipoh. My 20 and 22 year-old daughters commented to each other, “that spineless moron is there, I’m not going to look at the art pieces’!!!

    As an MCA member, I shouldn’t be feeling disgusted with my party leader. But the present crop of office bearers have no balls, no guts, no morals, no feelings, no dignity and no shame.

    Leave BN/UMNO. Don’t be a party in destroying this country.

  23. “Why didn’t the MCA and Gerakan Ministers and leaders take a strong stand on Monday itself to issue an ultimatum that Ahmad apologise and withdraw the racist remark, failing which they would pull out of the Barisan Nasional by-election campaign in Permatang Pauh?”

    It is for the sake of cultivating a healthy political environment, according to Ong Ka Ting.

  24. Agree with you totally max2811.
    These people are actually ‘hoodwinking’ the Chinese at large.
    Giving false hope!!!! False promises!!!
    Worst of the lot. Spinless indeed.
    Stop all the smoke and mirrors MCA and Gerakan,
    Move on Gerak lah.

  25. “Wouldn’t this be more effective and fruitful than just making protests “after the event”, although it would still get them into the newspapers despite being ignored not only by Umno, the Barisan Nasional Supreme Council but also the Cabinet?”

    UMNO sh*ts MCA and Gerakan clean up, then they complain it is smelly. What else can MCA and Gerakan do?

  26. My father who is a BN component party life member for 30 years and whom was very active has not attended any of their events after Tsunami’08.

    I have chosen to remain non-partisan thus far, but if PR keep up the good work, they may gain a new member perhaps.


  27. YB kit, i would follow the call to look into Sabah. Interact and pay attention to them, gain their support. Let’s the resident convey a msg to their political grassroot and further press on their leader. Hopefully, cross over can happen and we can have a new born Malaysia. I normally do not support the MP crossover, but looking at our current Goverment performance, which is truly disgrace and bias, we can’t keep downing. But i hope PR only choose the qualify and good MP, don’t simply accept the rubbish.

  28. To be fair to that UMNO guy, did he really say that Chinese were ‘squatters’? As far as I know, he seemed to have said that ‘Orang Cina “tumpang” di Malaysia’, and ‘tumpang’ doesn’t really mean ‘squatting’ (i.e. occupying a building or land without permission).

    I don’t think racists in UMNO go so far as to perceive or say that Chinese Malaysians are squatters, i.e. illegal occupants or migrants (given that they often say that we Chinese should be grateful to the Malays for permitting us to obtain citizenship here). When they say that we ‘tumpang’, they see us as ‘sojourners’ (i.e. those who stay in a place temporarily). Of course, that itself is sufficiently insulting, since many Chinese Malaysians were born and bred in Malaysia and are by no means sojourners. The claim that we should be grateful to them for allowing us to obtain citizenship is also insulting.

    But we shouldn’t attribute to someone what he has not said. Neither should we exaggerate. We should focus on what he did say and demand and apology on that basis.

  29. I see it this way. If they (meaning the card bearing members of MCA and Gerakan) are conscious that Chinese and Indian Malaysians are people of the land by the constitution, then they will take UMNO to task. But if they consider themselves drifters, here as long as the sun shine, then they will duck into a corner so as not to make things more difficult. Out of sight and out of mind, and the persecutors will tone down after a while, and they are back in business. There is still the last buck to make before scooting off somewhere. In a word, they are internationalists who owes no alligience to any people or any country. Only to themselves.

    We are fighting racial bigotry because this is our country and we aim to make it as good as we want the country to be. We work together to make the country good. They don’t seem to think it this way. At least they don’t behave that way if they do at heart.

    We know that Malays are not fighting to take away our rights, only UMNO system of racial divide to stay in power does.

    The task before us is to show up to the other few Malays who still do not realize that UNNO had all along enslaved them via racial politics. MCA, MIC and Gerakan CONNIVED, and should face the wrath once the other Malays awaken. They sinned against Malays. Please bear in mind, not the Chinese and/or Indians Malaysians. The card bearing members sided UMNO against you!

  30. Knowing they can’t cheat any vote out from the younger generation, MCA’s Dr. Ng Yen Yen was openly seen giving out vote buying money under the pretext of charity to help the elderly in PP. She could not have chosen a better time & place to confirm what MCA really stands for – a running dog of UMNO.

    If this is the prevailing mentality of MCA, then what we are seeing about the current “signing” protests organised by MCA are just wayang wayang to cheat & hopefully quiet down Chinese public. How disgusting!

    Is there no one else left in MCA who dares to effect change????

  31. # william62 wrote

    DAP should work harder in Sarawak, get the support of the iban ,Bidayuh and orang Ulu of Sarawak. These indegeneous group are the mjority voters in almost 70% of the DUN & MP seats in Sarawak,so by winning the heart of these lovely & freindly people will really help DAP & PR . Dap should start from today to win their heart and recruit them to join DAP. unquote.

    Let us be down to earth. DAP can never gain a meaning foothold there because of a fact we chose to ignore. The majority vote by affiliation, race, clan, and for people familiar to them. It is kampong politics all the way. The voter will get direction from the village headman.

    Unless of course such a candidate will enroll as a DAP member/leader.

    With due respect to the Sabahans and Sarawakians, the truth is they have no interest whatsoever in national issues for they are not educated enough. Another crucial factor is they are largely too poor to care about what great harm UMNO is doing to the country.

    Please, I know that the urbanites and the progressive are aware as us in the west.

  32. Ladies & Gentlemen

    Pls don’t get angry , Let …said what ever he want , Just respect the so called freedom of Speech for the Malay only.If any chinese man said that to the malay , that chinese will be arrest under ISA. JUst be patience, I Love to see the BN make Mistake bcoz the more they make mistake now the more they will loose the GE13 , they may win 60 MP seat in the GE13 & win 4 states out of 13 IF the opposition work hard now. Those 2 eastern states (Sabah & sarawak) are good for the PKR to make inroad as they have been neglect by the Fed. for so many years.None of the non malay parties in BN are good , they are just cari makan sendiri only , they afraid to loose their balls, they are Yes man to UMNO & most of umno ppl are not smart & racist even we have been living together for more than 100 yrs

  33. Bloody MORON this Ahmad Ismail!
    Calling us MALAYSIAN of Chinese origin squatters, pendatangs and what not!
    Wonder whether his ancestors are also pendatangs! Just because he has the kulitfication does not give him the right to call any MALAYSIANS such remarks.
    We, the RAKYAT, are MALAYSIANS irrespective of race or religion, understand that BANGGAU!
    Forget about the leaders of MCA and Gerakan and MIC!
    They only have their own pockets to care about. So do not claim that you represent the various races!
    There is no race to represent except representing MALAYSIANS! Get it GOONS!
    The grassroots of these groups should be those who are leaving them and join DSAI and TEAM PR!
    Leave them with an empty cocoon and see what happens then!

  34. MCA? hahahahahaha .. allow me to quote what i wrote in my blog …

    In the war of dares between Chua Soi Lek and Ong Tee Kiat, regards MCA leaving BN, I do have an opinion ….

    Ong Tee Kiat : “The morally-tainted blogger who urged me to write to Umno to state my stand was virtually concerned that the reports in the Chinese dailies would not reach the Umno top brass. This is totally uncalled for as I always speak my mind freely and fearlessly, without having to seek prior approval from any party.

    Chua Soi Lek : It is our responsibility and obligation in MCA to convince our partner Umno to see the light. If Umno does not change nothing will happen. That is for sure because it is the biggest party.

    Has the ex-Health Minister already thrown in the towel before attempting? Is he saying that since UMNO is the biggest party and therefore even if MCA tries to convince it to change and fails, nothing happens? Isn’t this as good as to say “let’s wayang kulit?”

    Let’s face the truth that MCA is a party that is, has been and will always be nothing more than a ‘running dog’ to UMNO.

  35. UMNO MPs should learn how to think like a Malaysian.If they think like a Malay they should leave Umno and form another party.UMNO,MCA,MIC and GERAKAN are going in different ways because Malay MPs still think that Malaya belongs to them and the others are Pendatang.Annuar’s winning had clearly shown to the Malay racist/racialist that they have no place in the ruling of this country.We do not want another fight among the races.What we want is peace and freedom of thought.The extremists have a place but they will not be in a majority in this country.

  36. i am not angry at this wat so called ahmad ismail has to say abt chinese or watever races cos hes just one of those brainless guys whos trying to act smart in his own ways.i am only angry at the way mca and gerakan handling this issue.its no big deal really…but if someone were to smack u right in the face and u retaliated by just backing off after all the yelling…u might as well go back and hide ur face in the toilet long hv we really seen…i mean really seen leaders fr these 2 parties ever voice out to go against sumthing thats very wrong towards umno?….none…sad to say…none hv the real guts and the real one has the might and the determination to fight for the people i mean real malaysian people regardless of races besides YB Lim and Son,DSAI and the rest fr th PR.
    a lot of us knw the fact that these people fr bn will always korek and korek fr the people and will hv lots of cover ups for these misdeeds.its been too long.and a lot of us really cant wait for a change of true government.a government for the people,by the people and to the people.

  37. To me, it’s these hound-dogs that bought their way into politic using monies are now the so-called young leaders UMNO. It’s clear to see that they have no interest about this country affair and public interest to enhance harmony and peace. What they came for is the wealth that they can doubled when they are in the driver seat.
    See, it’s not the other Malaysian that are having issue with this country, these are plainly UMNO issue that they wanted to be so so rich in such a hurry speed that everyone must give way to them.
    So, now … the Malays realized that it is more so their future that were taken away by UMNO rather than any of the untrue slandering about other Malaysian … the Malays also realized further that this loving country are great enoug hwith all Malaysian coming together.
    So, UMNO …. we never ‘kill’ you ….. you have just committed suicide by having those wicked and greedy leaders within the party.

  38. I want to put it this way. After March 8, frankly MCA and Gerakan can no longer claim to represent Chinese this country anymore. So if we have racist remark of this nature being made, may I know what PR component parties are doing about it? I assume PR is non racial and non bigotry. How can PR make people like Ahmad suffer the consequence of his racist slur? How can we pursue this relentlessly so that future leaders (no matter where they come from) who harbour the same intention will think twice before doing the same?

    Before March 8, it was easy for us to criticise because PR seems so powerless. Now, PR is in control of 5 states and surely it could galvanise some action against racist like Ahmad. By the way, may I know what is likely to happen to that PKR MP from Kulim Bandar Baru who created a mess in the BAR meeting? Please don’t think we have forgotten. One more issue – the declaration of assets by EXCO members of PR controlled states, may I know what is the status now?

  39. thanx
    look at this mess,u have create more racist here.
    i put it to u all those that giving all the comment here must be a salary worker somewhere…
    just think by yourself your words dont mean anything to the superior level class…what an idiotic people..

  40. All citizens irrespective of their ethnic origin are Malaysians and have the right to enjoy all the privileges of a citizen. In fact everyone in Malaysia is a squatter/pendatang or whatever because his or her anscestors were from a foreign land.

    Only the aborigines or pribumis are the real son of the soil or bumiputra.

    If that racist says the Chinese are squatters, then he is also one of them unless he has his family tree that shows he is a senoi, semang or jakun or any number of the pribumi tribes in Peninsular Malaysia.

    In fact it is quite difficult to blame that tolol because our country’s history has gone through so much of censorship and infusion of new stories in the so-called nationalist spirit that our older generation would think it the history of a different land.

    If the botak, the bottox man called toyo or the others who came from Minangkabau lands can pride themselves as Malaysians, why can’t we who are natural citizens by being, born, bred and educated here and have citizenship rights?

    Every Chinese, Indian, Kadazan, Iban, Bajau, Bidayuh and orang ulu of Sarawak has equal rights as citizens of Malaysia.

    There is no such animal as Ketuanan this race or that. The so-called Tuans (the British Colonialists) left the country more than 50 years ago.

    If the proponants of the master race still want to utter racist remarks without being held in check by the govenment of the day (BN) then ALL component parties that give support and strength to BN should MOVE OUT of this ugly coalition.


    Such a show of PEOPLE POWER would bring a close to the hagemony of UMNO and their KETUANAN mindset.

    All the component party leaders of BN should make their stand now because Malaysia is heading towards A NEW ERA of CHANGE where ethnic politics will be a thing of the past.

    As it is only PAKATAN RAKYAT can bring about this CHANGE.

  41. Dear Malaysian,

    The MCA and Gerakan is only playing to the media. Now that the By-election is finished. They are trying to get back some support, so they might as well co-act with Ahmad Ismail so they are comment and be seen as the protector of Chinese or Indian. We dont buy those crap anymore.

    Action first than ask for my vote!

    This Merdeka is call Candle Light Merdeka. Please light ONE WHITE CANDLE in front of your front gate at 12:00 midnight, 8pm and 10pm

    Lets have a Candle Light Merdeka!

    Shiok Guy

  42. Max2811
    today at 15: 03.35, you said:

    “As an MCA(Life) member, I shouldn’t be feeling disgusted with my party leader. But the present crop of office bearers have no balls, no guts, no morals, no feelings, no dignity and no shame.”

    – Why are you still a member then? Resign and get your friends to do likewise! Too much to lose?

  43. “As an MCA(Life) member, I shouldn’t be feeling disgusted with my party leader. But the present crop of office bearers have .” – Max2811

    “- Why are you still a member then? Resign and get your friends to do likewise! Too much to lose?” – Jong

    That’s typical of all MCA members. No balls, no guts, no morals, no feelings, no dignity and no shame to disassociate themselves with such group of SAME-SELF people. Prefer to be bed-fellows for 27 years. he he he.

  44. A government with a superiority complex will always want to brag about what they did & what they have done for the people. Only want to take credit. They forget that the credit goes to the people who elected them to be there in the first place. A sincere government, with humbleness & humility, will always give credit to the people. That is democracy. The elected ministers are there only because the people put them there. However, some (if not most) ministers think it is their birthright…somewhat like royalty that they deserved to be at that position. This is the 3rd world politician mentality. Why? Greed. That’s why.

    Any government of the day, be it BN or PR, must do their job first & foremost for the people. Do not take credit for it. The credit of any ministers getting elected to the position is itself a credit given to them by the people. There’s no need to brag about it. It becomes, like how we talk in the kopitiams, “banyak aksi”. This “banyak aksi” attitude is common in many politicians in most parts of developing Asian countries.

    Take for instance, the budget. To me, whatever goodies is thought up for the people, that is deserving. That is the job of the ruling government. Do not make it sound like we owe the government something in return when we the people are giving our taxes away to pay for the government service in return. When we do vote the minister out, there is like vengeance at heart? In reality, sabotage the opposition parties (ie 5 PR states). Kelantan state is a prime example of BN dirty politics. Neglecting the state for 18 years & blaming it on PAS. Now they will do the same to Penang, Kedah, Selangor, Kelantan & Perak.

  45. Another thing that BN failed to recognise is that every tax paying citizen is a somewhat like a shareholder of the country. So the ruling government must treat us like shareholders, not slaves for their bank account.

  46. quoting what Max2811 had said”

    “As an MCA(Life) member, I shouldn’t be feeling disgusted with my party leader. But the present crop of office bearers have no balls, no guts, no morals, no feelings, no dignity and no shame.” unquote.

    This is a hoodwink; MCA had never had those things you mentioned. I know that before this crop the previous party leaders back to the founding days, were not worse or better – the same all the way. Thats why we are in predicament.

    After 51 years:

    Worthless UMNO and the Malays still want the cover of special survival favours! Many can’t even see that they had been made slaves to it Worthless MCA and Chinese are still being attacked on racial lines. Worthless MIC and Indians have finally formed a new base HINDRAF.

    quote ‘As an MCA(Life) member, I shouldn’t be feeling disgusted with my party leader unquote.

    This is most irresponsible and immoral! You mean to say that since you are a member, you should agree and support all the immoral things the party had done? Have you sold yourself? No more self worth?

    I think were are being made fools by the racist remarks about pendatang, squatters etc.

    This is a non issue. Till when shall we be free of this ploy? He throws a ball and we scuttle after it. Anwar was brilliant when he said he won’t jump whenever BN wants him to jump. We shouldn’t respond to it in kind BUT TAKE HIM to court.

    In this I think PR is proving to be inadequate.

    Being born a Malay does not mean he cannot be driven out. We can say ‘you jump into the sea,’ as you have no where to go to. If he (a Malay) is not a citizen – he may be kicked out but not us who are citizens. Race is not an automatic qualifier for citizenship.

  47. UMNO’s idea of life in Malaysia is keep the Malays uneducated, the more the easier to sell the inferiority complex charges and claim preferential treatment for being challenged on all fronts..

    From the recent fiasco it’s evident that they even dare to blaspheme their own religion. One thing’s certain – someone damned his own family to retribution …..if God exist … in whichever form.

    Non-UMNO BN affiliates – if they still have some dignity and respect for themselves and the people they purport to represent it’s time to bailout and support the new Malaysian identity….

  48. pjboy, you are proposing the S’porean way of seeing things. LKY described S’pore citizens and “digits” in the economic game :^) What about those who have no “shares” in the country or those who do not pay tax because of their circumstance?

  49. The Trusth Is:

    This Gerakan/MCA Knowing The Strategy applied behind those qoutes. The leader of both party gets “Dog Treat”, but the lower rank has no idea what it is.

    Atleast they braved enough to bark at their owner! great start for a chinese dog. Remember this quote by Bruce Lee (Fist of Fury)?…

    “No Dogs and Chinese Allowed” (Traditional Chinese: ??????????). !

  50. The squaters and the non-muslim in this country need to pay their 2nd tax, i.e :their contribution and donation to the chinese schools,religious instituition and their children’s education as well. Really hope that will be a CHANGE soon, so that we can get rid off all those burden! JIAYOU DAP and PKR!

  51. At the very least, Max2811 has seen & shared with others what MCA really is … all of them has lost the trust & respect of the majority of Chinese.

    All (or almost all) of them, the likes of Ong Bros Co, Liow T Lie, Ling Liong S & sons, Chua Yen2, Chua Suay Lek and many more enjoy the master & slave relationships & happily wait for the crumbs to be thrown at their faces.

    They do not mind being spat on, & being spineless leaders the Chinese long ago do not place any more hopes on them to ever speak out for them. MCA is no more relevant, they are only relevant for themselves begging & picking up crumbs thrown to them. They are worse than dogs!

  52. What did MCA do about this racist gutter politician? Well, MCA Youth is starting a signature campaign to plead Umno to discipline him. Can you imagine how powerless, subservient and impotent MCA is to have to resort to a signature campaign just to beg disciplinatory action on a minor leader in Umno who hurt the sensitivity of another race?

    In a coalition of equals, the top leaders of the party slighted should demand action from the top leaders of the offending party. But do you hear the MCA national leaders speaking up? Why so quiet, Ong Ka Ting, Ong Ka Chuan and Ong Tee Keat? Where are your balls? Oh, I forgot, you’re all castrated eunuchs with no balls.

    Take your signature campaign and shaft it up yours. Even though I’m Chinese, I won’t degrade myself signing it. Signature campaigns are for important national issues like repealing unjust laws, not this!! Your weak, subservient, timid action doesn’t even dignify any Chinese to sign.

  53. As long as MIC,MCA,PPP and GERAKAN are still in BARISAN,We will never see a MALAYSIA for all MALAYSIAN.UMNO is brave because of th support of this parties.
    As long as UMNO are fighting for KEKUATAN MELAYU. They are not helping the MALAYS at all.By spoon feeding the MALAYS they are in fact spoiling them.”” SPOIL YOUR KIDS AND THEY GROW UP TO SPOILT ADULTS””

  54. What the PKR must do from now to prepare for next GE:
    – Focus to capture Sarawak and Sabah with more ceramah. The Dayak and Kadazan are marginalised in their own homeland; they need to be liberalised from the bondage by UMNOputras and the CMS!

    Is it morally wrong to persuade BN MP to crossover for a take over by PR before the next GE?
    – Not at all! During the 12th GE, BN had unfairly abused their position to monopolised the use of RTM, TV3, all government radio stations, all mainstream Malay and Enlish newspapers to campaign for them; denying the rakyat from getting the truth from the PR parties. It was an unfair election hence it is not wrong for MP elected under BN banner to cross over for betterment of the country. Had the election campaign been carried out fairly, BN could probably lost all the seats won with small majority! So, it is the will of the rakyat! PP voters had made it very clear! Moreover, how could all sound minded Malaysians tolerate the ‘wasteful, racist extremist’ to ruin the country for a few more years?

  55. The Ong brothers have too much to lose, definitely nothing will come from that ‘smiling fox’ Ka Chuan – MCA Sec General!
    Remember this rascle was rejected by Perakians, had to run from Ipoh to Batu Gajah, defeated by the young “chilly-padi” of DAP Fong Po Kuan. If not for the practice of cronism by his President bro Ong Ka Ting, where do you think he will be? …operating some out-of-town budget hotel? :D

    He managed to survive March GE-12 because his brother put him in a very safe UMNO constituent of Tg Malim, and you think he ‘dare’ to speak up?

  56. As Cromwell said to King Charles I, let the same be said to the mullah:
    “You have sat too long for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!”

  57. It sad and pathetic that MCA and Gerakan leaders are COWARDS when they DARE not send a WRITTEN protest to UMNO leaders—PM and DPM—when a a small fry in UMNO could call Malaysian Chinese SQUATTERS . They should ask for a RETRACTION and an APLOGY, failing which, they should LEAVE BN!!!

    If they fail to do so, then they are NOT fit to be leaders . They are mere PUPPETS and dance to UMNO’s tune! QUIT BN!!! SHOW that you have DIGNITY and SUBSTANCE! If you still cling onto the SARONG for your OWN POSITIONS in the Government, then you have shown your true colours: you SERVE only yourselves , and not the people you are supposed to represent.

    S.H. Huang

  58. MCA/MIC/GERAKAN etc… all are hypocrites. I bet they dare not utter any words to anger their master Umnoputras. We hope…what we hope..? Why dont u guys demand from your Umno masters to punish that scumbag racist.
    I award all u hypocrites 5d (dudok diam diam dapat duit).
    Leave PKR to represent the malays, chinese, indians sabahans, sarawakians etc….

  59. If MCA and Gerakan leaders do not have the guts to face AAB and the rest of BN to demand a proper apology to the Rakyat, then let us as Rakyat demand the apology being given to us.

    If Ahmad wants to use the word “squatter”, then he is also one. Unless we are natives of Malaysia (including Sabah and Sarawak), we are all squatters/pendatang’s decendents. What makes him think that he is so special???

  60. Ahmad Ismail is an Indian Muslim politician who used to support former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir. Involved in the building and construction industry, Ahmad is now riding into the sunset.

    Just ignore the clown since he is trying to create as much trouble as he can.

    I know that many Indian Muslims are not like that.

    Before we get irate at politicians, just study their background. As for this guy, it is not worth our trouble. Just treat him like a barking dog and treat ourselves like the caravan.

    Remember that line? The dogs barked and the caravan moved on …

  61. AAB think he is God, he merely asking ppl not to raise the issue any more, will the issue just fade ?

    damages already done, just like the petrol hike and the reduction of 15 cents, nothing will go down.

    he is not resolving problem, he doesn’t practise racial harmony, he should have warned or sack the idiot, to have some discipline within the UMNOputras.

    Why can’t he do it ? he is a PM and Kepala UMNO ?

  62. It may interest people to know that the silent boycott launched after the post-election demonstration in Penang against Indian Muslim restaurateurs was very effective.

    We just have to be vigilant against such provocateurs. These clowns act against the collective interest of Penangites. We must identify them and put them where they belong – on the lunatic fringe.

  63. If MCA and Gerakan still insist on using the word “fight”, then they might as well get out of BN. This is because I believe everyone will agree that only the OPPOSITION needs to FIGHT for this and that. Why should component parties within BN “fight” for this and “fight” for that, unless these component parties have silently admitted that they are second class and subordinate to UMNO! If at all the parties within BN share the same powers, then there is no such thing as the need to fight! And there should be no such thing as “Malay supremacy”!

    And if at all these parties want to put up a good fight, they might as well leave BN and stand as opposition!!!!!

  64. From Star paper: KEPALA BATAS: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi will personally see to it that Bukit Bendera Umno chief Datuk Ahmad Ismail does not repeat his remarks about the Chinese community. ( How?, just tell him lah )

    “I’ll tell him not to do it again. You know during campaigning all sorts of things can come up. I don’t think he meant it. I’ll make sure to tell him not to say it again,” he said Saturday after chairing the Bertam Umno division meeting here.

    That’s how this ppl are being reprimanded at best. ‘Next time don’t do it’. There are many more Ahmads like these around.
    We can’t blame others really, we just need to blame our own leaders. Leaders who told us They’ll be responsible for us.
    So, shame to MCA and Gerakan.

  65. Bukit Bendera Umno division chief Ahmad Ismail during the Permatang Pauh by-election campaign making derogatory reference to the Malaysian Chinese as “squatters” in the country.

    I believe Ahmad Ismail’s comment is fair comment. There is no need for an appology to the Chinese.

    MCA was squatting around doing nothing at the Permatang Pauh by-election, this is a fact; they had already acknowledged that BN would not win. The MCA are squatters!

    Uneducated Chinese are primary school dropouts and you can readily see them squatting around doing nothing important. Some of the females are lying around also but earning a living by immoral means.

    This is the sad state of affairs in Malaysia whereby the minority’s poor are not accorded government support to educate themselves; unlike what the Bumiputras are getting.

    The MCA should be complaining about how the government has turned the minorities into squatters instead of refuting this fact!!!!!!!

  66. MCA and Gerakan can’t do this because then the ACA will be super-efficient and the Port Klang scandal, the sex video tape case of Chua Siok Lek and the Penang land grabs will be dragged out. So understand their predicament!

  67. winterman05 wrote: ‘They should ask for a RETRACTION and an APLOGY, failing which, they should LEAVE BN!!! end.

    But you don’t understand winterman05. AAB will tell ‘they’ to withdraw their complain. Even the small fry is more important than them . MCA knows that.

    They know the MCA/Gerakan need UMNO more than UMNO need them. So the threat to with draw will never come from them. Remember the carrot and stick theory? It works.

    If these two rebel, the stick. Jail time by judge Augostone. If no rebel, the carrot -you may stay on the last train from gold hill. It is the last gravy train ride – 4 years long ride.

  68. What can “Ah Pow” (MCA) and “Ah Piow” (Gerakan) do?

    Nothing! They are good at NOTHING except KOW TOW with their MASTER, UMNO.

    Wherever these POW PIOW go to chinese area, they are only good at ‘MAKAN-MAKAN” AND “MINUM-MINUM” ONLY!

  69. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi will personally see to it that Bukit Bendera Umno chief Datuk Ahmad Ismail does not repeat his remarks about the Chinese community.

    “I’ll tell him not to do it again. You know during campaigning all sorts of things can come up. I don’t think he meant it. I’ll make sure to tell him not to say it again,” he said Saturday after chairing the Bertam Umno division meeting here. – The Star

    RIDICULOUS! But that’s expected from the stupid PM.

    MCA, GERAKAN & SUPP members, if you have guts, get ready all the rotten eggs & the next time you see the stupid PM again, throw them at him. After the incidence is reported all over the world, then your president can just come out & say ‘I’ll tell them not to do it again!’.

  70. Wahai umat manusia! Sesungguhnya Kami telah menciptakan kamu dari lelaki dan perempuan, dan Kami telah menjadikan kamu berbagai bangsa dan bersuku puak, supaya kamu berkenal-kenalan (dan beramah mesra antara satu dengan yang lain). Sesungguhnya semulia-mulia kamu di sisi Allah ialah orang yang lebih taqwanya di antara kamu, (bukan yang lebih keturunan atau bangsanya). Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui, lagi Maha Mendalam PengetahuanNya (akan keadaan dan amalan kamu).Al-Hujuraat 49:13

    Datuk Ahmad Ismail is a failed product of the UMNO system. Somebody please remind him that even Malays do not support UMNO. Tell him don’t be so proud unless he wishes to see UMNO members leaving UMNO one by one until only those sleepy heads still hang around. As for MCA, Gerakan; please know that TDM knows the Chineses are kautauing before the UMNO. He used the word “kautauing “.

  71. GE 11, i was a fan to Bodowi. I was extremly happy for him when he gained mandate victory. However, unfortunately, day after day, his credibility is in questions. Too many wrong doing. I thought he would wake up after another Tsunami -PP defeat, but what the hell he is doing now? Just a reminder to Ismail not to repeat again without apology and disiplin taken? what does this tell you? It means to me that Bodowi himself agree to what Ismail say at bottom of his heart and he thinks no need for apology either. He think just not to say it in public again but underground, the mindset and policy still racist.

    Bodowi, you indeed not qualified as PM and don’t ever say about unity and work for people, PM for all races bla bla bla. It is so digusting.

  72. MCA, MIC and GERAKAN be smart like SAPP. Become a thorn in UMNO’s backside. Dare UMNO to sack you from BN. You will become instant martyrs to your supporters instead of eunuchs. But then again you guys have the balls to that to your boss?

  73. “Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi will personally see to it that Bukit Bendera Umno chief Datuk Ahmad Ismail does not repeat his remarks about the Chinese community.

    I’ll tell him not to do it again. You know during campaigning all sorts of things can come up. I don’t think he meant it. I’ll make sure to tell him not to say it again,” he said Saturday after chairing the Bertam Umno division meeting here. – The Star”
    What kind of a remark is that “I’ll tell him not to do it again” ????

    Yes we all can understand all sorts of things can come up but
    I thought the least PM should do is to get his UMNO chief Ahmad Ismail to make a public apology HIMSELF, afterall he is already grown man or isn’t he????

  74. Wind Of Change ….. only started when 308 Tsunami, and continued with PP By-Election….and we are looking forward….the new Era for Malaysia….

    Hidup Pakatan Rakyat Hidup PKR/DAP/PAS

  75. “I’ll tell him not to do it again. You know during campaigning all sorts of things can come up. I don’t think he meant it. I’ll make sure to tell him not to say it again,” Bodowi said Saturday after chairing the Bertam Umno division meeting here. – The Star

    If you read between the lines, what Bodowi implied is this: don’t say it again for the time being BUT when OPPORTUNITY arise I have no qualms if you say it again. I’ll cover you again, and again if needed.

    Anything short of an open apology, show cause and disciplinary action by Amnoo on him is NOT ACCEPTABLE for a divisional chief!

  76. Ha Haaa I like these comments :-

    To them, personal gain is above anything.

    They are silent when the racist remark because they don’t want to piss off UMNO.

    MCA and Gerakan’s threats do not mean anything to UMNO.

    MCA n Gerakan used the word “HOPE” and not “DEMAND” Ahmad Ismail to apologise and withdraw this stupid racist remark !

    MCA and Gerakan really are bunch of people without backbone. Please don’t call yourself representative of Malaysian Chinese, we all Malaysian Chinese don’t think so.

    These subservient parties are just empty shells. Their grass root support has moved on.

    They have sold out the rights, respect and dignity of the Chinese.

    In conclusion,
    wouldn’t it be great to live like Kings in PR govt than remain the slaves of UMNO ? If BN really represented all Malaysians, there would be no PR. If BN had CAT concept, there would be no PR Chief Minister in Penang. If the people thought UMNO was great, Selangor, Kedah, Sabah, Sarawak, Kelantan, Perak and Penang would still be ruled by BN.

  77. To all MCA leaders and members.

    You have failed to defend the legitimate rights and dignity of all the malaysian chinese, including you and your family members. You claim that you don’t believe in open confrontation and you believe in working quietly working at the back.

    We all know you are spineless and don’t have any b*lls to stand in front of these racists and condemn them of their racist remarks and we also doubt that you have been working quietly at the back to protect the legitimate rights of the malaysian chinese for all these 51 years.

    If you have, we should not be having these kind of remarks coming from all these extremists all the time and ultra-extremists holding and waving keris for the chinese blood, including you and your family members.

    Do something and don’t let the chinese and your family members suffer these humiliation anymore. If you don’t have any guts to do something, why not just resign from the humiliated mca and let it die by itself. Don’t let the whole chinese community boycott not only you but also your whole family one of these days.

  78. We have the right to squat. It is written in our constitution. Indonesians came and squat and were later given TOL – no, not that toll but temporary occupation license. Indians squat – and one rose to be the country’s Prime Minister. Pakistanis too and one was said to have been sodomised and was given asylee status in the U.S.

    You don’t know squat!!

  79. PM SAID “I’ll tell him not to do it again. You know during campaigning all sorts of things can come up. I don’t think he meant it. I’ll make sure to tell him not to say it again”……………………….






  80. Ahmad’s comments are indeed reckless and unacceptable. As the pressure mounts on the UMNO machinery, it’s imploding from within.

    I read that Tengku Razaleigh said many non-Malays believed that Umno or the Malays are the drivers of Malaysia. ”Of late, the Malays have become reckless and bad drivers until the Government is branded as inefficient,” he said.

    Surely if a driver is known to be bad and reckless, no sane person would hitch a ride with him for fear of an accident or worse still, fatality. UMNO’s ‘mati bus’ is full of die-hard putras and puteris.

    mauriyaII, although I concur with most of your post, race-based politics will not disappear over-night, even if Pakatan came into power. It is not a set of policies that are fundamentally flawed within BN but interpretations and more importantly, it is the mindset of the people. Like the fight against all Qaida, it is a fight against an extremist ideology, which can neither be won by physical force, nor with policy change. It is achieved through moulding of the mindset.

    I believe if done with patience and wisdom, this change can happen within a decade. If handled incorrectly, the damage can be worse than it is today. Changing from one extreme to another takes an evolutionary approach, I have not seen anything in Pakatan that brings confidence to reflect their ability to take the middle ground.

  81. mauriyaII, although I concur with most of your post, race-based politics will not disappear over-night, even if Pakatan came into power. It is not a set of policies that are fundamentally flawed within BN but interpretations and more importantly, it is the mindset of the people. Like the fight against all Qaida, it is a fight against an extremist ideology, which can neither be won by physical force, nor with policy change. It is achieved through moulding of the mindset.

    I believe if done with patience and wisdom, this change can happen within a decade. If handled incorrectly, the damage can be worse than it is today. Changing from one extreme to another takes an evolutionary approach, I have not seen anything in Pakatan that brings confidence to reflect their ability to take the middle ground.

  82. catharsis

    Forget what Pak Lah said. Maintain clarity of mind. Ahmad Ismail knows what he said and he knows the timing of his statement.

    For all we know, it may be outward sign of the unhealthy rivalry within the Indian Muslim community in Penang.

    It may be Ahmad Ismail’s way of doing a number on OCBC Arif Shah Omar Shah.

    Penangites, just be very vigilant of any possible spillover effect of this intense rivalry.

  83. BN Government got some very good policies,Problem is that corruption is so bad that from office boys to DG,s all want a share,Yes ACA is going around catching people ,BUt can the ACA sent those caught to prison .Maybe after 10 years down the road.
    For now ACA is all bark without the bite.
    Let PR rule if they screw up.. kick them out.

  84. Jong Says:

    Yesterday at 19: 29.20
    The Ong brothers have too much to lose, definitely nothing will come from that ’smiling fox’ Ka Chuan – MCA Sec General!
    Remember this rascle was rejected by Perakians, had to run from Ipoh to Batu Gajah, defeated by the young “chilly-padi” of DAP Fong Po Kuan. If not for the practice of cronism by his President bro Ong Ka Ting, where do you think he will be? …operating some out-of-town budget hotel?

    He managed to survive March GE-12 because his brother put him in a very safe UMNO constituent of Tg Malim, and you think he ‘dare’ to speak up?


    Not only that, Ong Ka Sting had the cheek to openly practice his Ong Bros Company business by handing over his ministership to Ong Ka Chng (too lucrative not to carry on in the family … own family member continue to makan & loot).

    These brothers have no sense of shame like the Umnoputras. They only care for themselves & are trying to scoop as much as they can before they lose their money spinning positions.

    All these so called Chinese leaders do not want to jeopardise their chances of raking in more crumbs handed down by Bodowi & goons.
    If they are true in wanting to stand up for the Chinese, the best & easiest tactic is simply giving an ultimatum to Bodowi that if no apology MCA/Gerakan will quit BN. Only that will shake up Bodowi & Najis & stop manipulating MCA/Gerakan by the nose.

    If they dare not demand, more racist slurs will be forthcoming as Ahmad Ismail & that racist teacher has the backings of Bodowi & Najis respectively. And who knows, similar to that teacher Ahmad may be rewarded rather than disciplined.

  85. Undergrad2,

    If you would notice, most who practise the ‘squat culture’, are a resilient lot – capable, hardworking, frugal and ever prepared to spring up at a drop of a hat, and never say “die” . This generation of people are sadly missing in today’s world.

  86. This racist remark is engineered by UMNO to garner support from their grass roots and to split the unity among the different races in PR. So please do not flare up the issue as we will be lured into a trap setup by our sleepy but crafty Bodohwi.

    Why? I remember how much I have hated a religion because their followers protested violently when someone just whispered some words that rub against their feathers. So if we protest, we will be seen in the eye of our Malay friends, you Chinese are no better than any ‘pendatang’. And if DAP lead the protest, you will be seen by our Malay friends as Chinese centric and therefore no different from our UMNO goons. This will then split the unity among in Pakatan Rakyat partners.

    So my thinking is, do not go so low as this idiotic Ahmad as he will never change even if you skin him alive.

  87. To deprive a man of his natural liberty and to deny to him the ordinary amenities of life is worse than starving the body, it is starvation of the soul, the dweller in the body. Gandhi 1934

    The essence of all religions is one. Only their approaches are different. Gandhi 1937

    A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history. Gandhi 1938

    There is a higher court than courts of justice and that is the court of conscience. It supersedes all other courts. Gandhi 1921

    Never has man reached his destination by persistence in deviation from the straight path. Gandhi 1922

    Before the throne of the Almighty, man will be judged not by his acts but by his intentions. For God alone reads our hearts. Gandhi 1940

  88. UMNO masih lagi menyangka mereka sahaja yang layak mentadbir negara atas dasar ketuanan melayu… mereka bagai katak dibawah tempurung yang masih lagi terkongkong dengan falsafah sempit, murung dan racist… ketuanan melayu..
    Tunjang kekuatan UMNO adalah kononnya untuk mempertahankan hak melayu… tetapi sebaliknya… bukan semua melayu mendapat keutamaan atas hak melayu… hanya melayu UMNO dan kroni2 sahaja mendapat tempat…
    Wajar UMNO di muziumkan dengan kadar segera termasuk lain2 komponen parti BN… Kami sekeluarga akan tetap berjuang bersama Pakatan Rakyat untuk sebuah negara yang berdaulat dan berKetuanan Rakyat..

  89. mca youth-singnature campaign pls lah stop being the fool of yourselves you can treat yourself a fool but don’t treat others as an idiot go straight and ask the umno head to take action on this small fly idiot show the chineses that your represent the chinese

  90. If a similar racial slur is made by others in MCA or Gerakan or DAP or PKR or PAS, I think sedition act or ISA will be slapped on the face. Our enforcement boys will be very busy. A nation with two different set of laws, one for UMNO and the other for the rest. This is 51 years of nationhood run by UMNO.

  91. This Ahamd is what the Malay like and often said anak sia or kurang ajar. Obviously he hasnt,havent read or learnt enough how to give a speech or to behave in the public. His type of spicies are just a carbon copy of Krismudin or Najis waving kris to their own species to show how supremacy they are. And this*boredway show* also repeat themselves in parliament, the recent malaysian bar council. etc and etc…The most scariest part is they are the MPs, ministers …supposed to be leaders and where common people should look up to them. But it turned out to be the clown of Malaysia..and highly paid some more. I dont know how they feel but I am so embarassed especially when my foreign friends made fun of the our Malaysia politicians????!!!!

  92. To add on, after reading some bloggers written into Chedet`s, it is indeed we are like squatters and is just that they short of spill this word out. One blogger wrote, orang cina di malaysia adalah bagai tuan punya rumah menjemput pelawat ke rumah tetapi lama lama , pelawat ini pun nak jadi tuan rumah pulak…he used this to air his girviences that the chinese and indian are trying to grab this land now and we should be grateful that Malaysia is the only country in this WORLD that allow to give citizenship FREE to us!

  93. This morning the PM said that he will ask Ahmad not to repeat it. So basically UMNO people can do something wrong and then all they need to do is not repeat it. Hmmm… So can they steal a billion dollar and just don’t repeat it? Does it mean they can then go and say commit rape and so long as they don’t repeat it?

    So Ahmad is not going to repeat it, well he can still go commit a million other despicable act and just don’t have to repeat it. Better yet, get someone else to do the same thing – i.e. call the Chinese pendatang AND then don’t repeat it…

    What a merdeka message of unity our PM gives.. If it is not so painful, it would be funny…

  94. The Sleepy Head says Ahmad won’t do it again. He says Ahmad probably didn’t mean it. Can he say what he will do if Ahmad does it again ? Will Ahmad ignore him like everyone else ?

    Next time anyone utters something seditious or inflammatory, the person need not say sorry. Just say he or she doesn’t mean it. Just say he or she won’t do it again.

    Ahmad and Sleepy Head have created a precedent. Lawyers should take note.

  95. According to the Star “[Bodohwi] will personally see to it that Bukit Bendera Umno chief Ahmad Ismail does not repeat his remarks about the Chinese community.

    “I will tell him not to do it again. You know in a campaign all sorts of things can come up. I don’t think he meant it. I’ll make sure to tell him not to use it again,” the Prime Minister said after chairing the Bertam Umno division meeting yesterday.

    Is that the only response he can come out with?????????? Not even asking that racist PIG to apologise? Can we accept that PIG to represent the people in the government (I do hope that PIG called Ahmad Ismail and UMNO will never come back to power in Penang and will lose power in the next election)

    Bodohwi, a SOW himself has lost complete control over UMNO. He cares only to enrich himself, his family and his cronies and not the people. I bet to my last cent that SCOMI will get most of the contracts to build the LRT lines. Mark my word………billions will flow into the pocket of that nonsense SOW some people call PM.

  96. Yes, changing the mindset is a good way but before the mindset changes, we all need a punching bag. To spill out our frustrations as to why Malays boleh and others tak boleh. I’ve noticed there is already a paradigm shift in the mindset of Malaysians under PR. All equal concept. Even if you watch even they are preaching why Malays have been let down in Pulau Pinang. Their cara menerangkan isu ni is that the UMNO govt who has been in power uses the age-old tactic of divide and rule.
    By causing hatred amongst the citizens of Malaysia by ethnic descent. The peoples’ elected MPs and State Excos are labeling some as snakes and others as squatters.
    The leaders are setting a bad example of changing the mindset.

  97. The Rivalry PKR shakes UMNO thats the truth, with DSAI bridge ofcourse. His a change man with virtue and a man of wisdom to lead PKR and march agains this imminent dictatorship such as UMNO, i considerate this ppl as saint^^.

    Throughout decades after MERDEKA, our leader has dont nothing good for the Nation but their own pocket. If this UMNO kept playing fascism cards to gain their own will, this guys are not much defferent than all-Qaida terrorist.

    Theres none such AAB claim as transparency nor freedom of speech by the media nor adds or internet that spares by the wrath of this dominate dictatorship(silently).

    For the future Malaysian Malaysia. Dont stop fighting and trusting our beloved PKR. Together we are imminent rival could make a defferent for our Nation. ;)


  98. How can Ong who is elected in Malay Majority Tg. Malim constituency speak up for the Chinese ?

    Is it possible ? Just a psychological trap for Ong.

    We Chinese made a mistake in electing him as leader. Because he CANNOT represent the Chinese. How the hell is he MCA president then ?

  99. Why is this UMNO man not charged for sedition? All PM AAB is going to do is give him warning??? If any PR members said that, kena ISA. YAB LGE protected a rape victim, kena ISA. WHY??? This is even more seditious than any of the articles by RPK. Can this UMNO man prove that he is also not a pendatang? or is he an Orang Asli?

  100. other components parties especially MCA,MIC and Gerakan are just like a bird in Umno’s hand.Umno squeezes them as and when it like.If Umno wants them dead then all it has to do is squeezeeee….a little bit tighter and suffocate the already suffocating bird matter what the so called bird needed to heed the whim and fancies of its master or else more squeezing…..will occur.See this is the actual scenario.

  101. why are they questioning chinese rights in this country since that they say we are living in harmony here in malaysia? are they trying to anger the chinese??? they should not question the racial issues when if the chinese talks about malays, they will be very furious where as when the malays question about the chinese, the malay leaders will only say i will sound him out..erksss????????????? not fair.. should have sack ahmad on the spot.. why give any chance to him..???

  102. Like an marriages . BN have come to another crossroad ….
    We all realized that in all marriages journey , perties involved have to constantly improve their personal part in order to allow the other halves learn to adapt to all changes that around them.
    Like any loving couples. all must continue to learn about mistakes and chose to listen to the other halves for close opinion for the betterment of both.
    UMNO went too far ahead with their own agendas like an ego husband that went astray with lifestyle …
    MIC , MCA and Gerakan have been the passengr in this marriage. Most fo their leader have be awarded TUN fort heir part in keeping their party members in line to follow the instruction and enrich the UMNO chosen members ..
    Yeah.. sad to say .. even UMNO have shortchanged their own members for the benefit of their ‘own people’.
    Well, like any family environment, when both parents have differences , what can you have their offsprings learn about family values …?????
    Not all marriages will end up perfectly as there are plenty of sarcrifies that both must engaged before they can clear from each stage. The next stage always depend on how they ended with the choice from the previous stage. ..
    BN .. as good as goner now..
    MCA,MIC and Gerakan … widow and brainless individuals that cannot make it alone anyway as they have been living in the comfort zone far far too long … MALAS ..

  103. Dear Friends,

    Let’s be moderate in our language, please. It seems that many of us did not restrain ourselves when voicing our views. Yea, we may have strong opinions about certain issues, but they could be articulated effective without foul and crude languages.

    If we can’t and don’t control ourselves, and others choose to do the same, then there would be no end to the bickering and confrontational way of trading arguments and insults.

    The blogs should be platforms for us to exchange views and opinions constructively, so that something good may come out of it to benefit all of us. It would defeat the purpose if what is done is just to throw insult for its own sake. It certainly defiles the blog and also damages our very own image and character to take a free for all stance.

    Let’s try to be cultured and show each other respect. Then only can we expect others to show the same decorum. Argue and disagree all you would, and make your strong views known, but keep the language clean.

    All the best.

  104. Mongolian,

    We are talking about two Ong brothers. The MCA president is the younger Ong Ka-Ting.

    The Sec-General of MCA is the elder Ong Ka-Chuan, and he is the MP for Tanjong Malim- a Malaya populated area(very safe constituency for BN). Malu yah?!

  105. YB Lim,
    We Malaysian Chinese are extremely disappointed with the MCA and Gerakan. They dare not lift a finger to shot that UMNO “devil down”.

    In UMNO eyes, they have really disgrace the Chinese and other races in Malaysia. ByNajis saying it is just a slip of tongue good enough for them.

    Just imagine if MCA or Gerakan call UMNO Malays ” Pendatang”, let us see their reaction……… PENDATANG MCA AND GERAKAN.

  106. Chinese Malaysians and nonMalay Malaysians should thank Bukit Bendera Umno division chief Ahmad Ismail for openly uttering his Chinese squatters statement, rather than saying it behind their back only among Malays in Umno meetings, coffee shops, surau, or mosques.

    NonMalay Malaysians must always remember that there are always Malays (regardless of their political parties) who feel strongly that nonMalays are pendatang, squatters, and 2nd or 3rd class people in Malaysia.

    So, NonMalay Malaysians, even those who have been here for many generations, while striving to live in Malaysia, must always think of survival outside Malaysia. It’s NOT “Ask not what your country can do for you–ask what you can do for your country.” Because there are certain Malays who do not want you to do for the country. They want you to vamoosh and disappear from Malaysia. Life is unpredictable and challenging!

    Are you still in a mood to celebrate Merdeka?

  107. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    # cemerlang Says:
    Yesterday at 23: 00.41
    Wahai umat manusia! Sesungguhnya Kami telah menciptakan kamu dari lelaki dan perempuan, dan Kami telah menjadikan kamu berbagai bangsa dan bersuku puak, supaya kamu berkenal-kenalan (dan beramah mesra antara satu dengan yang lain). Sesungguhnya semulia-mulia kamu di sisi Allah ialah orang yang lebih taqwanya di antara kamu, (bukan yang lebih keturunan atau bangsanya). Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui, lagi Maha Mendalam PengetahuanNya (akan keadaan dan amalan kamu).Al-Hujuraat 49:13 #


    Since all religions(Including Islam) prohibit discrimination against fellow human beings,

    the MUFTI NEGARA should issue a FATWA that ‘KETUANAN MELAYU’ is HARAM

  108. My mind turns to the Hindraf who put on a show and were showered with the water canons. They only wanted the British to pay them compensation for bringing them here. Now we are called squatters. Will we now stand up and be counted !!!!!!

  109. H’ng Khoon Leng, Gerakan Tanjung Youth division and the party’s Youth secretary, Oh Tong Teong is barking up the wrong tree by making a police report about squatting Chinese. There is a law against loitering and the police will lock up the squatters!

    Gerakan too is another failed entity breeding mosquitoes in its stagnant youth division. Shame on you.

  110. If anyone plans on waiting for MCA or Gerakan to issue ultimatums, they can wait until the cows come home.

    AAB’s inaction against Ahmad Ismail shows clearly what is important first and foremost for him. Voters who fall into that category of people that Ahmad described as “squatters” should use their votes wisely at the ballot boxes. As long as a candidate belongs to the same party as the party which called them “squatters”, vote for their strongest opponents.

    This is the most effective way of dealing with such jokers.

  111. Hindraf came into limelight becos of these UMNO morons who were racialist. Their struggle seems to be a waste. They have been shut off so that UMNO can continue with their racial drama. MIC which has no backbone and a faithful dog to UMNO can’t do much for indians. Now they have turned their heads to chinese by calling them “squatters”. MCA and gerakan is equally good as MIC so after some time they too will be shut off. Then one fine day again you will hear the UMNO morons calling the non-malays with another racial remark. When Kerismudin waved his keris and said it has not tasted chinese blood, everyone protested, followed by another politician said said something about the indians as snakes, again the indians protested and now this remark. Do we see an end to these? No, because the MCA, MIC and Gerakan are still loyal to UMNO. If these 3 parties have some self respect, then they should walk out from BN. All these racial remarks would stop immediately and UMNO morons will think twice to open their big mouths.

    PM’s words that he will make sure that “I will tell him not to do it again. You know in a campaign all sorts of things can come up. I don’t think he meant it. I’ll make sure to tell him not to use it again,” the Prime Minister said after chairing the Bertam Umno division meeting yesterday. Don’t you think it is like telling a small boy, patting on his head don’t be naughty. Did PM realise the seriousness of this remark? All non-malays who had cast their votes for BN, blame yourselves for it.

  112. With all the bitter words againest the Chinese by umno and kekuatan melayu,I call on all Chinese to just close shop in all the intrest they have for just 2 days in the whole country and see who the kekuatan. They all will come begging on your foot.
    Then the Chinese will be Kekuatan Cina and call umno and kekuatan melayu anything and do as told.

  113. MCA has already become an irrelevant component party in BN. The first blow was by the Regent of Kelantan when he said that no matter how hard the Chinese in Malaysia fights, they are still second class citizens!

    Then came 308 when MCA lost badly even in Chinese electorates and now after 826, they can close shop, pack up and balik kampong!

  114. If only all these “squatters” take a 7 days rest, don’t work, don’t open shops, take 7 days sick leave or annual leave or whatever at the same time, and see what happen to Msia!
    And all “squatter” shall hv nothing to do with this Ahmad Ismail, dont repair his house, dont sell anything to him, dont treat any of his sick family member, absolutely no business with him or his family member, directly or indirectly, dont service his cars, dont carry anything food or anything for him. Print his pictures and pasted all over the places, post this racist in you tube etc.
    Do you know that Indonesia is asking their Chinese Indonesians who are outside Indonesia to return to Indonesia?

  115. I agree with MGR1940 and cheng

    Yes, all “squatters” should not have anything to do with this Ahmad Ismail. In a recent tv show on the Uitm issue, a politician said so clearly that chinese and indians are pendatang and have overstayed in Bodohland oooop sorry Bolehland. Another product of Uitm ‘a pea brain politician’

  116. this Ahmad Ismail, if any chinese or indian see him, pls slab him on the face! TV news just now, he said he has not said anything wrong! non malay also love this country, but being quote as pendatang, and they never know how non malays do business, spur the economy, paying high taxes, and increase the general income level of Malaysian, although malays also contribute. how non malays bring up the reputation for Malaysia in oversea, but this has been wipe off because nobody knows.

    this few days, we so called “pendatang” really get hurt, if this Ahmad Ismail do not know how to respect others, we shd not respect him as well. Manusia yang buat, Tuhan yang sedang lihat, jangan anggap tiada balasan nanti.

    MCA and Gerakan cannot do much although they stand by chinese community, pak lah do not have kuasa at all, same like previous menteri besar isuue, his words does not valid and having authority, Dato Seri Anwar, what are your say? Now, according to Ahmad Ismail, non malays in Tanah Melayu is just pendatang, so i believe this also means no difference to foreign labour like Indonesian.

    we love tanairku yang tercinta ni, tetapi adanya orang yang tidak cintakan kita, Malaysia, di mana hala tujuan kamu jika lebih AHmad Ismail yang wujud di dunia ni, Allah s.w.t, pls help us!

  117. what is the use of ISA? now Ahmad Ismail is creating hates between malay and non malays, and possible to create chaos in the country, then ISA is just for those opponents? and all UMNO members are immune on it?

    politicians that are always fishing for votes and thought of creating chaos for all Rakyat for own interest, u will get ur balasan nanti. Rakyat sekarang ni masih kukuh dan berpadu, we see many chinese and indian buka puasa with Muslim and Malays. We see malay is buying things frm non malays, non malays is alo buying things from malays.

    Once upon a time, we are proud because we are the model of perpaduan di antara masyarakat yang berbilang kaum in the world, but what is happening now? Dear Rakyat and anak malaysia semua, jangan terbawa-bawa, dont be mislead by those politicians as a tool for their own interest, stop maki and scolding. After releasing the negative emotions, then get back to work, we have to work hard for the ekonomi of Malaysia!

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