Permatang Pauh by-election – who is the silliest of them all?

1. The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi?

The loss suffered by the Barisan Nasional in the Permatang Pauh by-election should not be read as an emerging trend for other constituencies.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi stressed that while the loss was something to be concerned about, the situation had not reached a “worrying level” as Barisan Nasional still controlled 140 seats after the March 8 general election.

“We can still continue with the government. We are aware of the mandate given to us and we will work hard to deliver,” he said. (The Star 28.8.08)

“After all, the last general election gave us a strong victory. We are only eight seats short of a two-thirds majority, it is not that we lost by 20 or 30 seats, only eight seats. We have a very strong government.” (New Straits Times 28.8.08)

Comment: Barisan Nasional achieved “a strong victory” in the March 8, 2008 general election? Abdullah must be living in a completely different world, when he could console himself as having achieved “a strong victory” what had been described as a “political tsunami” with BN candidates falling like nine-pins, sending the BN into the Opposition in five states and ending the hitherto unbroken BN two-thirds parliamentary majority?

Abdullah is in double trouble – he has not woken up from his slumber and he is suffering from terminal denial syndrome.

Is Abdullah prepared to test whether the greater loss of popular support for Barisan Nasional as compared to six months ago as demonstrated by the Permatang Pauh by-election is “an emerging trend for other constituencies” by getting one Barisan Nasional MP to resign to create a by-election test-case?

2. Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak?

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s victory in the Permatang Pauh by-election shows that democracy is very much alive in the country, said Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

Congratulating Anwar on his win, Najib said it also proved that there was no manipulation of democracy as alleged by the PKR adviser. (The Star 27.8.08)

Comment: What bunkum. Anwar won with a thumping and even greater majority six months ago despite and not because “there was no manipulation of democracy” – in fact it is to Najib’s shame that he had spearheaded what I had described as a 4Ds campaign – the dirtiest and the most disgraceful, dishonourable and divisive – in the Permatang Pauh by-election.

3. Gerakan acting president, Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon?

Barisan’s defeat in the Permatang Pauh by-election is another wake-up call for the ruling coalition, said Gerakan acting president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon. (The Star 28.8.08)

Comment: If Abdullah and all the Barisan Nasional l eaders including Tsu Koon cannot “wake up” after the March 8 political tsunami, can they “wake up” after the second “political tsunami” of August 26 to realise that they are on the Malaysian Titanic?

4. MCA Secretary-General Datuk Seri Ong Ka Chuan?

“Ka Chuan hopes Barisan will learn from Permatang Pauh loss”(Star headline 29.8.08)

Comment: MCA had been “hoping” and “begging” the Umno leaders for 51 years. Are they going to continue to “hope” and “beg” for the next 50 years?

5. Information Minister, Datuk Shabery Cik?

Information Minister Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek immediately hit back: “The live broadcast is strictly for Question Time and we can’t change our policy for just one person.”

Shabery, who was involved in the country’s first-ever live television debate with Anwar last month over fuel subsidy, added: “Traditionally, we’ve never telecast the oath-taking so there is no reason we should make an exception for him. ” (New Straits Times 29.8.08)

Comment: If Barisan Nasional candidate Datuk Arif Shah Omar Shah had created an upset and won in the Permatang Pauh by-election, wouldn’t there be a live telecast of his swearing-in? If Arif had defeated Anwar, RTM would have special programmes featuring him as a hero and the entire Cabinet led by the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister would be in attendance in Parliament and not the empty Cabinet and BN parliamentary backbenches yesterday during Anwar’s oath-taking.


120 Replies to “Permatang Pauh by-election – who is the silliest of them all?”

  1. Dear Uncle Lim

    as much as I am pleased with the outcome, my thoughts are firmly cast on the states of Perlis, Terengganu, Pahang, Melaka, N Sembilan and Johor where UMNO won and won well. Sarawak and Sabah voters voted overwhelming against Change.

    Anwar’s handsome victory in Permatang Pauh may be construed as preaching to the converted (and I don’t meant it in a Christian way, any opportunists around?) and I interpreted that the bigger majority was mainly due to backfire of negative and ill-willed campaigning.

    Unless there is a more open and fair dissemination of information & different view points, I am cautious that voters in those state I mentioned would remain in the 20th century mindset

    just look at the UiTM undergraduates’ irrational and techinically illegal yet sanctioned action, as well as some who wrote in and support the protest in MSMs.

    publishing the rocket in Bahasa Malaysia is the right step. getting DAP to reflect a truly Malaysian composition in leadership,membership and action would be a giant leap.

    I hope way forward for all, the political rallying calls will be based on national issues, livelihood and nation building; instead of personal attacks, and divided based on race and religion

    however, if BN continue with the existing modus operandi, or PR let emotions run above sense, there could be escalation and we really don’t want that.

  2. YB Lim,
    Yes, BN have won 140 out of the 222 seats. But have they ever wonder they have how many percentage of the rakyat support. Just over 50% to be exact.

    I read it somewhere that they have only 49% support in the Penisular Malaysia and 51% in East Malaysia only. So they still dare say they won by not cheating and manipulation ?

    If the postal votes are done fairly and supervised properly, they would already have lost the election by now.

    What is he talking about when he say he got the people mandate and majority to rule ? Dreaming again

  3. You can see that BN politicians are all living in a different world, totally isolated. There is no way to communicate between them and the people.

    Now some BN politicians from Sabah and Sarawak wanted to sign/pledge their royalty toward UMNO. What a joke. You think people are so stupid to see this performance? The one who will leave BN must be afraid of possible sodomy and aca investigations if their names will be revealed.

    But we really want to see this change in government.

    I don’t know how Mahathir felt about Anwar returning to the parliament. Did he felt it was a total failure for him, or it was fine with him since Anwar has been kept away from toppling him. Perhaps he does not feel so bad now, since he saw that Abdullah is so bad and who needs to be kicked out. Will Mahathir tell the truth?

  4. Procrastination is one of the worst traits one could have especially leaders. Such attitude will only make one to deteriorate further from his qualities.

    BN and Pak Lah are good examples of worst procrastinators in Malaysia. No wonder they continue losing support of Malaysians.

  5. Greetings!

    Well comments kit.

    I think they’re all still sleeping after the second tsunami and I don’t think they will present a flying budget 2009 for “Rakyat” but only to create opportunity to grab money before the new government change.

    Among all from BN members, SC is the lousiest minister I ever see. This can tell from the last live television debate with DSAI last month, we could only saw his slaver instead of words. BN may need to feed wording right into his mouth because he is the one minister who doesn’t know how to talk & no brain too.

  6. Malacca?

    NEW Shopping open after one another, road side parking 7days a week, 11 hours a daily!

    Must prepared ur parking coupon even Holidays or else summons will be issued. Great warm welcome for tourist eh?!…

    What about development to attract investor to create job opportunities? The investor in retail outlets suffered dramatic losses due to poor buying power.

    The tourist input are not up to par with the mass shopping development in Malacca. Inflation in market hits the end users, buying power are running down stream. Its the worse nightmare ever HIT Malacca. :(

    p.s: Sorry for my secondery english, hope u understand hehe.

  7. Though we should celebrate Anwar victory. DAP and PKR must work harder to broaden their support base. We have a long road to ride, DAP and PKR must work a lot harder to garner more supporters.

  8. Now it seems that the government wants to ban blogging because it has woken up the electorate.
    For the past half century or so, it has done a very good job of it by owning and controlling the MSM.
    So much so that the brains of Malaysians have been completely subverted by the government controlled medium.
    Now, with the advent of the Internet, the playing field is more level.
    Those of us who are freedom loving must not let them destroy the blogosphere.

  9. Umno division chief Ahmad Ismail still insisted that “Orang cina hanya tumpang di sini”.

    Ahmad Ismail refused to accept that there are nonMalays who live in this country for several generations, much much longer than say the ex-MB of Selangor Md Khir Toyo, pendatang from Indonesia.

  10. I miss my point, BN Melaka were not doing anything to eased burden, SME loan are fake, bank authority denial for such loan for none bumi, what is there left in our future as we also paid tax and services every year.

    PKR… uncle LIM HELP US! Malaccan are not aware the danger lies beyond mountain, SAVE US!

  11. News quoted from

    Information Minister Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek said no exception will be made for any MP who wins in a by-election to have his swearing-in broadcast live.

    “The daily live telecast begins only at the first question, so we maintain it. No exception for today (Thursday). There was no live telecast for the 219 MPs taking their oath when parliament first started, so no way for a person to enjoy special treatment,” he said.

    It was learned later that there was a live telecast of the oath-taking of the 219 new MPs on April 28.

    Datuk Shabery …. please swallow back your own bubble saliva…

  12. DAP is really a good & responsible opposition party in Malaysia in telling the BN-UMNO govt to change for the better even though it would be good for the opposition to size power sooner than later if the BN-UMNO govt failed!!! Bravo to DAP!!!

  13. As I hv said, this sleepy, flipflop guy after this PP by-election,
    not only he is still in his usual slumber zzzzzz.. but his brain is also completely disconnected from what is going on around him.
    Meanwhile, that strawberry man must be talking thru his frothing mouthpiece. If that so called up and coming “PHD” guy have won, I can bet all TV stations will be asked to broadcast live not only to the nation but also to the whole world.
    So either the strawberry guy go back to Cameroun H’land to pick strawberries or swallow back all his froth.
    Please make sure he do this “LIVE” on your TV.

  14. Maybe there is nothing silly about the PM, n or is he sleeping – he is afraind of his deputy and his firm control over UMNO.

    There is also the back beat called Mahathir.

    He is looking anxikously who will save him – definitly not any of his supporting BN members – he knows that these are mere tag along on the gracy train – has not loyalty to king and country and the nation – loyalty for themselves.

    Hell, what a terrible state to be in. Do you think he is getting the best advice from his ahem new wife? Blunder after blunder.

  15. A competent govt of the day, should embrace the rakyat and work along with the rakyat. Sadly, UMNO is doing just the opposite. Arrogance, self-denial and corruption practice by the so called ‘privileged politicians’ have brought this country into a shamble…what the country needs now is a leader with future visions, hard work and discipline, to repair all the damages created by BN’s administration for the past 51 years.

  16. flip flop . AIDS , mongolia , NATO , again AIDS , how bout Bo tarak otak SHA SHA , he should be in the list to.

    One thing for sure, we are not short of any loser in the list.

    All can be declared winner and deserve “gold” medals for the tie !!!

  17. What Ahmad Ismail said was correct that Chinese are only “tumpang” in Malaysia. What he didnt say was that all other races are also “tumpang” in Malaysia!!! Why? because we are only living temporary on earth and not forever!!!

  18. ” Terminal DENIAL syndrome” ? I thought it was “terminal CANCER syndrome ” which has no cure at all. DEATH is on the way; and the caretaker must get ready with the casket! ” Death” could come as early as 16th Sepetmber, 2008 , or earlier ! So, just like the GERAKAN TRIO vying for the Chief Minister’s post, UMNO need not fight among themselves as who should be Prime Minister! Of course, in teh so-called UMNO -style of DEMOCKERY, the NEXT Prime Minister is hand-picked, not thrown open to ALL UMNO members like in USA! Forget the other BN Component Parties: they simply do NOT count in the schemes of Prime Ministership!

    The only SHIP they should look out for is the PAKATAN RAKYAT; and if they are feeling UNCOMFORTABLE ina SINKING ship, they should take the first LIFE-BOAT and speed away to a safer ship which is sailing away to PUTRAJAYA! LATE-comers will indeed miss the boat; and will MOURN the death of BN! The sickness si TERMINAL; and there is no CURE for this sort of sickness.

    So, if they are still in SUMBERLAND and in dreamland, their dreams will turn into NIGHTMARES! So, SAPP should jump first into the life-boat. Then it will be MUTINY on the BOUNTY! Then the ship will be a ghost ship, rudderless !

    So, who is the silliest of them all ? Take your pick! Your guess is as good as mine!

    In the meantime, sail away to Putrajaya, ANWAR IBRAHIM! You will save Malaysia from disaster. A new dawn has arisen on the horizon; and ALL Malaysians will greet the dawn with the “AUDACITY of HOPE” of OBAMA!!!

    S.H. Huang

  19. Information Minisiter said “we cant change the policy just for one person” but Umno/BN can amend the Constitution for just one person just to extend his retirement age by one year.

    Every Umno/Bn minister just utter nonsense and do things out of expediency. One moment they can say things to threaten and divide as well and use the fear factor on the raykat and the next moment talk of racial and national unity. PR you must do things right for the rakyat and country and not out of expediency

  20. What else can we expect these people to say???

    BN’s decline started some time ago with advent and proliferation of Internet use in Malaysia. TDM had all authoritarian controls in place including though though control via manacled Mainstream media.

    However pusuing the objectives of crony captalism and development goals, he had no choice but to embrace Internet and Information Communication Technologies (“ICT”) in the interest of promoting Multimedia Super corridor (“MSC”).

    The signing of the Bill of Guarantee for Internet Freedom to the international community for MSC immediately broke the government’s control and monopoly over dissemination of information. It undercuts the State and though control over the masses. Pioneers like Malaysiakini immediately took advantage and provided alternative information. Then the blogs next proliferated, the most controversial being Malaysia Today (“MT”)!

    Because of the Bill of Guarantee Government could not even actively block web sites disseminating information against it, monitor chatrooms or even engage in selective high profile prosecutions of Netizens’ default – like China, Cuba or Singapore – without appearing to back pedal on the national commitment to Internet Freedom.

    Increasingly online bulletins and blogs mounted a credible discourse space to contradict and dispel the government’s version and interpretations of events posing an insurmountable threat to BN’s authoritarian rule, promising to unravel it.

    Of course a government determined to stay on course and in power could also leverage on the power of the World Wide Web by having its own credible web sites , planting the right cyber troopers to channel on line commuication and discourse to augment and credible information favourable and supportive of its governance. It could also embark on widespread e government procedures to lessen opportunities for corruption on part of public service.

    However there are three factors why they could not leverage on the Internet to give a positive impression to rakyat as effectively as its detractors.

    One, is 50 years of continuous rule has made the ruling party complacent and entrenched in bad and sloppy governance that the government cannot be defended by no matter how good the spin!

    Second, the top decision makers in ruling party are not net savvy (as against its detractors) : for example ‘Mike Tyson’ went to Dang Wangi police station to lodge a report of sedition against MT without knowing how to access MT to identify the alleged offensive postings; Hamid got MCMC to order ISPs to block MT web site without knowing that RPK could circumvent the ban by a few clicks of the mouse to create a mirror site or if necessary to use the OpenDNS system.

    Thirdly, the government’s repudiation of Meritocracy means those who are staffing the rank and file of the government to preserve and defend the regime are by and large not at par as against those outside and hell bent on discrediting or taking the government on.

    When the government makes a major decision to either withdraw subsidies or prosecute a political opponent or inflitrate the blogs, one can also almost bet that the implementers will make some major bungle along the way making the government appears incompetent or undemocratic; the advisers, who are sychopants will be giving wrong advice and so on.

    When a block of not so competent people supportive of the regime are arrayed in a propaganda war for the hearts and minds of the Rakyat against the detractors, the civil society and NGO and political opponents who are more competent and meritorious, is there a doubt who will emerge looking sillier both before or after elections or by elections?

    This image of competence or incompetence is something to worry about especially by the Information/Disinformation Minister.

    Persistent appearance of incompetence will cause even existing supporters including those in component parties to move in alignment with the competent other side.

  21. The more these guys talk, they more they put their foot in. At least the Kera Jantan had the sense to slunk away quietly after the by-election with his tail between his legs.

    I still think that Badawi is the Opposition’s best weapon. Wait to see him stutter and flail about at the budget presentation.

  22. Re-do Election using thumb print identication tecknology even with postal voters.

    I DARE bodowi since he is so confident that rakyat still ‘sleep with him’ !!! by the way, where is khairy,ezam and nalla? I really hope khairy is looking for the perefect site to BURY HIMSELF !! as for ezam and nalla, come out out of hidings since you people claim to have dark stories of DSAI. does nalla knows ACA is looking for him for the 60M case? ACA is desperate for the money too!!! These two numb-skulls just pandai pandai spit dirty insults against an old man like DSAI . I hope khairy has the hole big enough for them too . by the way, invite najib to join too but not bodowi because najib was the admiral who took charge of permatang pauh election !! don’t forget about syaitan saiful also who can also serve these barbaric nationalists with coffee and maybe provide his back serice also !!!

    why i say spare DSAI is because mainly it is because of bodowi who made the mistake to let a lion like DSAI out of the cage. i just hope DSAI will really forgive this old junk as he ‘sleep on his work’ and carries no weight or power .

    when MPs calls him Pak Lah especially BN, they are actually giving NO RESPECT !! he should have deserved being called at least ‘datuk’ since he is the PM of Malaysia!!

    how the sudden need to go around demanding a black n white paper pledge by BN MPs ?? is it all BN are afraid that DSAI WILL REALLY HAS 30MPS to join ?? so childish play again by this stupid person who start off with this idea !!

    anyhow, i say again – REDO A GENERAL ELECTION AGAIN intead of UMNO General Election.

  23. Today I will play the devil’s advocate:

    Pak Bodoh is right, in the numbers game he is way ahead of PR, i.e., he has 140 votes vs 81 (PR) vs 1 (Ind).

    At the moment he can still be cocky and still do command the confidence of the House. Let’s get this into our brain.

    DSAI has been telling us kataks will be jumping soon, but there is nothing concrete seen so far.

    In the absence of concrete proof about kataks, I still think Pak Bodod has the upper hand.


  24. The way Badawi chose to interprete the 308 result clearly reflects how irresponsible a person he is. But what he doesn’t realize is these words will go down in the Malaysian history that we had a Prime Minister who runs his country with his head buried in the sand. No doubt he will become one the biggest international political jokes!

    There has been no change in BN mentality – ARROGANCE.
    The saddest part is MCA; GERAKAN & MIC seem happy to continue to tag along. Sigh!

  25. “…should not be read as an emerging trend for other constituencies.” – Is this PM for real!? How stupid can one man be?

    It unfortunate that UMNOputras and puteris will continue to support this fool and his lack of leadership!! (to their own detriment)

    We can thank the stupid and incompetent UMNOputras for Badawi’s sense of immunity. They are still not willing to change their old ways and still taking forever to bring about the change that people want.

    I was also amused to learn that UMNO asked it’s 24 BN Sabah MPs to sign a loyalty pledge to Badawi, lol. Naturally they’ve rejected the move. In face of utter BN failure and loss of mandate (which I already stated last week), I can’t see UMNO goliath surviving in it’s current form for much longer.

  26. Abdullah should be reminded that BN secured only 49% of the popular votes in the Peninsular on March 8.
    Nation wide it was a mere 51%. So what strong government is he talking about. If it were so why is the strong government running helter-skelter at the very mention of Anwar’s name?
    Why the fear to have his oath taking banned from TV?
    Why the need for BN MPs to take pledges of loyalty?
    Abdullah is actually
    a frightened chicken.

  27. The problem with these BN guys is their process of reinventing, re-engineering, rebranding and rejuvenating their mindset and psyche takes such a long time that by the time they finish they would not have any BN.

    Moreover they have the pechant to deviate and create so many unnecessary sandiwaras that take them off their main goal. In short they are not focussed.

  28. Not everybody can be a good and visionary LEADER, definitely not our current PM judging from the many things he has done or has not done thus far sitting on the seat.

    It is a pity that by the stroke of luck he was being placed at the position that he should know he does not deserve at all.

    Look at the economy, competency, foreign investments are retreating, jobs are getting scarce for new entrants into the job market.

    Corruptions at all government departments are getting rampant, racial slurs are the order of the day, freedom of speech and human right are stringently curtailed like a police state now.

    Crimes are just like our daily food now, we have them every day and every other hours.

  29. Swearing on holy books, loyalty pledges, oath taking and what have you must be in vogue. Taking a cue from Umno perhaps now we should ask the same from our children,friends,relatives,biz associates, partners, etc etc that they are true to us and will stand by us. WHAT THE F…!!! Goes to show how much trust the BN MPs have amongst themselves. AMUSING & BEMUSING

  30. Hi Progressive Friends

    Latest rumour I read is that
    all BN Cabinet Ministers and BN MPs
    are being tailed by Special Branch
    officers. Whom they meet is being monitored
    by FIL-SIL regime. And no doubt reported back to the
    4th Floor Boys and the SIL.

    SB officers are now being used for “katak control?”
    I thought we have a mosquito-dengue problem and not a
    katak problem?

    Malaysian politics is becoming more and more amusing by the day!

    Phua Kai Lit

  31. The katak is in a pan of water and the fire below is slowly burning with increasing heat. Soon the katak will be hopping for survival!

    AAB may not last long. Now an upside down flag is being raised – sign of ‘in distress’. Soon a white flag will be hoisted.

  32. Everywhere in the world we see elections being fought over social economical, educational, development, nation building issues but here BN under the leadership of Badawi & Najib has chosen to make someone’s ANUS THE election issue. Can you blame our neigbours & the world for looking down at us??? Sigh!

  33. PHUAKL Says:

    >> Latest rumour I read is that all BN Cabinet Ministers and BN MPs are being tailed by Special Branch officers.

    This would not come as a surprise and I think this would have happened regardless of Anwar’s claim of forth-coming cross-overs. I think Anwar preempted them by publicly declaring this so that UMNO gets less leverage to hide their covert ops. Something he perhaps learnt when a member of the UMNO machinery.

    It’s time that we have less brinksmanship on the political front from Pakatan and more on the policy front. Still waiting for answers to my 2 simple questions:

    1. What does Pakatan’s “reform agenda” consist of?
    2. How will it be implemented?

    Good day.

  34. /// zak_hammaad Says:
    Today at 15: 35.13 (1 hour ago)
    We can thank the stupid and incompetent UMNOputras for Badawi’s sense of immunity. ///

    zak – you should thank your Master TDM for rigging the UMNO election system such that it is near impossible to topple the incumbent.

  35. Godfather Says:

    >> I still think that Badawi is the Opposition’s best weapon.

    Yes, this is a no brainer. That’s why we saw the likes of Karpal and his ilk trying to censure anyone (even within UMNO) for coming down too hard on him, lol. Perhaps Badawi has been “bought” by Pakatan :^) In realty though, Badawi is a God-sent for the opposition.

    If Badawi steps down, another loser is going to step up. When this loser steps up, Anwar ‘I MUST BE PM’ Ibrahim will squash him like mash potato. Then Anwar ‘I MUST BE PM’ Ibrahim will lead this beautiful country to the ground and destroy all that you have built since independence. Anwar ‘I MUST BE PM’ Ibrahim, Lim ‘MALAYSIAN MALAYSIA LIKE SINGAPORE’ Kit Siang and KARPAL ‘I HAVE A BIG MOUTH’ Singh will capitalise on Anwar’s position to destroy our beautifully unique country. Reducing Islam to mere private rituals and removing it from government’s public life will be the first steps towards implementing their secular and therefore consequently anti-Islamic agendas.

  36. We are all familiar with the Bodowi Flip flop antics. When he says we have a big mandate, he means we are losing support. So take his comments as a pinch of salt and let history (no to repeat itself like the sodomee II) in the making prove him wrong once and for all. Be patience, that’s the key word, but DSAI please don’t take forever lah.

  37. ‘zak_hammaad Says:

    Today at 17: 04.22 (4 minutes ago)
    Mr Smith, thanks for sharing the link to RP’s facist and bigoted blog.’

    Ummm, how shall I say it? It takes a one to know another?

  38. Zak:

    Stop your inconsistencies. You appear to suggest that Badawi is not acceptable, Najis is not acceptable, Anwar is not acceptable, LKS is not acceptable, Karpal is not acceptable. Only your hero the Mamak is acceptable ?

  39. ‘zak_hammaad Says: If Badawi steps down, another loser is going to step up. When this loser steps up, Anwar ‘I MUST BE PM’ Ibrahim will squash him like mash potato. Then Anwar ‘I MUST BE PM’ Ibrahim will lead this beautiful country to the ground and destroy all that you have built since independence. Anwar ‘I MUST BE PM’ Ibrahim, Lim ‘MALAYSIAN MALAYSIA LIKE SINGAPORE’ Kit Siang and KARPAL ‘I HAVE A BIG MOUTH’ Singh will capitalise on Anwar’s position to destroy our beautifully unique country. Reducing Islam to mere private rituals and removing it from government’s public life will be the first steps towards implementing their secular and therefore consequently anti-Islamic agendas.’

    Whom do you think is better able to lead the country? zak_hammaad?

  40. “Still waiting for answers to my 2 simple questions:

    1. What does Pakatan’s “reform agenda” consist of?
    2. How will it be implemented? ” – Zak

    I suggests you point your browser to the PKR website and Youtube and listen to the many speeches of DSAI.

    If you are still not satisfied, why not drop a line to the PM-in-waiting and find out more from the horse’s month himself?

    Hope this help.

  41. m.hwang, I challenge you to provide just ONE example where I have posted a facist or a bigoted comment!? Thank you.

    Godfather Says:

    >> Stop your inconsistencies. You appear to suggest that Badawi is not acceptable, Najis is not acceptable, Anwar is not acceptable, LKS is not acceptable, Karpal is not acceptable.

    Where is the inconsistency in this? You seeing what you want to see (again).

    It is not a requirement that I either support BN for it’s incompetencies or Pakatan for it’s brazen and unknown ambitions.

  42. m.hwang Says:

    >> Whom do you think is better able to lead the country?

    A fresh and new breed of innovatory and evolutionary politicians who connect with all members of Malaysian society and provide equal and fair representation to all and their needs without fear or favour.

    This may be a far fetched idea you think, but there are individuals who need to be given this chance to build a new broad-based system. I have always believed that leadership should never be given to those who clamour and shout for it.

    Godfather, I clearly do not agree with Mahathir’s stance on the recent block on MT. I’ve noted this clearly in the relevant thread :^)

    milduser, if you are so infatuated with Anwar and support Pakatan, you should be able to list them succinctly. Why is it so difficult?

  43. “Malaysia Today latest harapan web site seems to be down too. But we can get around it here” – Mr Smith

    It appears that the battle of censorship of MT will be a long drawn affair. However, i chance upon a tip (thanks to international IT experts who have battled with China’s heavy internet censorship for years) with a very useful tool bar called Gproxy which can be downloaded via this link –

    Spread the link and word around, please. Thanks.

  44. Gold Medal – KJ – we came to be buried

    Silver Medal – Sharizat – jihad, jihad, jihad

    Bronze Medals – Najib – swearing on the Koran
    (Joint winner) – Saiful – swearing that he’s full of sai

  45. “milduser, if you are so infatuated with Anwar and support Pakatan, you should be able to list them succinctly. Why is it so difficult?” – Zak

    1) this thread is NOT about PR policy or ideological debate. Please read the post above: it’s about silly people after PP. (are u one of them?)
    2) i not infatuate with DSAI. I believe in their struggle of reformasi and the New Malaysian Economic Agenda (MEP) based on very sound time tested social principles. (i dont need to elaborate, as this spaces are meant for comments and not write-up)
    3) That’s the trouble with NEP, people who need to be spoon fed and even lazy to point the browser to the given sites and take the time to listen and understand and learn!
    That said, I rest my case, Mr Zak!

  46. m.hwang, come on you can do better than that! We are judged upon our words and actions aren’t we? You clearly are not familiar with MT, otherwise you would know the liberties he has taken with sensitives issues like race and religion over the years to gain infamy as he has and provoke the type of response and outrage that he is now so rightly paying for!

    haris01 Says:

    >> pakatan rakyat have say,they are going to abolish poorness and be more efficiency

    HOW!!!!!!? Every government promises this and even BN continues to promise this; it does not mean they can deliver. How will it be implemented!?

    Coming back to this thread, there’s an interesting article entitled “Anwar Ibrahim’s radioactive cult of personality” at NST. Elucidates my take on Anwar’s thirst for power and status and what he considers as his birth-right to rule Malaysia. Such arrogance and self-beatification amply justifies the title of the article. His is a cult of personality and nothing else.

    Have a good weekend.

  47. YB Lim,
    After reading so much about our AAB, why should the people want him to step down now ? He is the pefect weapon the PR need to be in office.

    He is stupid, ignorance, day dreaming and sleeping on his job. Probably the best job he knows is jetting around honey mooning with his new wife.

    Keeping him there is the best thing the PR can hope fall. With him the BN will surely fall, it will just be a matter of time. It will be sooner tahn later.

    My next hope is that the PK can hold together and iron all their differences out.

  48. So now we have a “foreigner” in Zak who tells us that no politician is acceptable in Bolehland. Maybe he is suggesting that we take in all those candidates who stood as independents to govern this country. That way, they won’t be tainted by the incompetence of BN or the brazen and unknown ambitions of Pakatan.

  49. Zak tells us to read the NST article on Anwar. You gotta be kidding me, foreigner. The NST is banned in my household and like you, they spew venom at anyone who dares criticize their masters.

  50. Dear All,

    We must reconcile with the fact that UMNO and most BN’s leaders are ill-prepared to receive such shocking setbacks as they have never been defeated so badly over the years. They have always been returned with the two-third majority in parliament and the recently concluded election in March woke them up from their slumber but not good enough for them to carry out the changes badly needed by the rakyat. In the Permatang Pauh election, UMNO warlords continued with their racial politics approach and we can notice the resistance of them to change. It has been a culture to intimidate and play up politic of fear hoping that the rakyat would choose BN in order to maintain peace and harmony. Well, these type of rhetoric politics had failed miserably. However, the question is whether they are willing to listen and change? Clearly demonstrated they are unwilling and will probably never until a salutary example be shown to them.

    Pakatan Rakyat has put forward an agenda which is appealing to the rakyat and should be given a chance to further expand the concept more widely. MCA and MIC are still subservient to UMNO and clearly demonstrated to us that they are waiting for their big brother to signal the way forward. It goes to show that there have never been consensus achieved among them. It has always been one single decision making body in BN and it had been UMNO. This type of politics and decision making policy will soon be consigned to the thrash bin.

    The Malays particularly the younger ones had demonstrated strong support to PKR despite its more liberal approach and this goes to show that racial politics is something of the past.

    The comments from the above 4 leaders show that they are in self denial. The adage i.e. “Knowledge is the facts you know and wisdom is what you would do with the facts that you know”. All the leaders know the facts but they have been sorely lacking as to the act on the facts. Anwar saw the facts and acted on them and the rakyat went GAGA over it.

  51. zak_hammaad Says:
    Today at 17: 19.50 (15 minutes ago)
    * It is not a requirement that I either support BN for it’s incompetencies or Pakatan for it’s brazen and unknown ambitions.

    You have totaly distorted PKR DSAI as u input the word “brazen” to describe an embodied man himself, he is a bridge for both PAS and DAP throughout the years as opposition without any consensus to agree upon and unite for the sake of Nation.

    It clearly shown their keen to work for better future where else the BN situation atm are clearly shown in latest event had described as a 4Ds campaign, it’s strictly forbidden and their abusing it as autority on daylight.

    So why do have to we hesitate on our choice by giving full support for Dsai and PKR as he inspired all to realisation our dream as UNITED NATION. Like Barack Obama saids theres only ONE RACE in a Nation and that is “Human Race”.

  52. milduser, I have asked this question on many relevant threads but am not getting a straight forward answer. The only conclusion I thus draw is that many of you “reformasi” shouters don’t even know what it entails.

    I totally agree with you on NEP and concur it needs to be over-hauled for a more equitable Malaysia and the removal of soft crutches for those who have abused it. If you are making your whole case of Pakatan’s appeal on their amendment of the NEP, then I be sure that many will remain short-changed.

    Godfather, please stop lying and trying to put words in my mouth and be courteous enough to read my posts properly. I specially said “…but there are individuals who need to be given this chance…” – I do not have to choose to follow your political allegiances.

    If you have no competence to comprehend, it might be ideal if you do not respond to my comments at all.


  53. Fascism noun [U]
    a political system based on a very powerful leader, state control and extreme pride in country and race, and in which political opposition is not allowed

    fascist noun [C]
    1 someone who supports fascism

    2 a person of the far right in politics

    3 DISAPPROVING someone who does not allow any opposition:

    Bigot noun [C] DISAPPROVING
    a person who has strong, unreasonable beliefs and who thinks that anyone who does not have the same beliefs is wrong:


    RPK does not condone racism. To say he is anti-racism is an understatement. According to the Cambridge dictionary, someone like RPK can be termed as anti-fascist.

    RPK is not a bigot either cause you can always dissent in your comments in MT. It will not be censored coz MT encourages differences in opinion.

    On the analysis above, I admit I have to take back my comments on taking one to know one. From reading some of your comments, I cannot see how you can be deemed to know someone like RPK lest be equated with him.

    If RPK or his supporters are reading this, my sincerest apologies.

  54. Godfather Says:

    >> The NST is banned in my household

    This proves how restricitve your reading horizon is. It may also explain your narrow-mindedness and lemming like mentality. I would assume no one reads popular government dailies except to gain a take on the slant by which stories are reported.

    AsalUsuLMalaysiaHacked, I will take your metaphor on Anwar being a “bridge between DAP and PAS” with a pinch of salt; I see it as a bridge that leads straight into the sea. Anwar’s ego, no matter how bloated can not fathom reconciliation between DAP’s secularism and PAS’s Islamic agenda.

    Perhaps now you would be so kind to answer the following questions, which are specific in nature:

    1. What does Pakatan’s “reform agenda” consist of?
    2. How will it be implemented? ” – Zak

    See you around…

  55. ‘Godfather Says: Today at 18: 15.12 (10 minutes ago)
    Zak tells us to read the NST article on Anwar. You gotta be kidding me, foreigner. The NST is banned in my household and like you, they spew venom at anyone who dares criticize their masters.’

    Godfather, are you sure zak is a foreigner? zak, can you confirm? If the answer is in the affirmative then he has to be forgiven. He may not know NST as well as we do.

  56. Zak:

    Maybe your original country teaches its people to have warped logic. You clearly said that BN and PR are not acceptable, and even though you did say that there are “individuals who should be given the chance”, these people can’t possibly come from the political spectrum in this adopted country of yours. It’s either BN or PR or a bunch of independents led by Mamakthir.

    As to your comment about my restrictive reading horizon and narrow-mindedness and lemming like mentality just because I don’t read the mainstream press, that’s my right and not for you to denigrate.

  57. zak did say in another thread that he came here 16 years ago, but then we can take that with a pinch of salt. The only commonality we have with him/her is our distaste for the Sleepy Head.

  58. Dipetik daripada Malaysiatoday – untuk semua malaysian yang mencintai negara ini
    The majority of the Malays support UMNO; and UMNO has plundered and mismanaged the wealth of this country with impunity. Therefore, to change the fate of our nation is to change the mentality of the Malays. This is the ONLY solution!
    Without doubt, DAP has struggled and fought fearlessly and tirelessly over the past 4 decades aspiring to build a democratic and progressive Malaysia regardless of race and religion. However, I can only conclude that over the past 4 decades, DAP has completely failed to fight against the UMNO hegemony in the country.
    DAP had never prepared itself to be the alternative of BN until 08 March 2008. And we have to acknowledge that DAP had been dragged and manipulated by UMNO to become or at least seen to become a Chinese-Chauvinist political party. The fact is that without PAS or Anwar Ibrahim, DAP will NEVER be able to engage the Malay electorate. The leadership of DAP has long been luxuriating in being recognized as the “Chinese Hero” or “Non-Muslims’ Rights Defender”.
    Since DAP’s inception in 1966, the Party has failed to recognize the basic and simple fact that it is the Malays who decide the sort of leaders they want and they have voted UMNO in for 12 consecutive General Elections.
    UMNO had always been perceived as the sole defender of Malay supremacy with their special rights and privileges, even if it is at the expense of other ethnic groups. It doesn’t require complex political analysis to understand that the MAJORITY of Malays had always been staunch supporters of UMNO. If they refuse to change their voting preference, the status quo is going to remain. The more we challenge it, the stronger UMNO will be. Thus, for DAP to directly clash with UMNO will further enhance its image as a Chinese-based party and provide UMNO with an opportunity to have more Malay sympathizers.
    An example is, if they increase the number of scholarships for non-bumis, UMNO can easily tell the Kampong Malays that they have succumbed to the pressure of MCA, Gerakan and MIC. The Malays will immediately give their strong endorsement to UMNO to defend their rights. DAP, as one of the strongest opposition parties in Malaysia, is still failing to comprehend the racial game played by UMNO.
    Instead of directly engaging the Malay electorate, DAP chooses to play the ZERO SUM GAME with MCA and Gerakan. These 3 Chinese-based political parties lack the basic political wisdom to survive independently in our multi-racial country where Malays/Muslims are the majority. At least we know UMNO can easily survive by means of communalism and form the government with smaller political parties.
    No matter how hard DAP argues or debates with MCA or Gerakan, it won’t change the fixed mindset or mentality of the Malay electorate. Neither will MCA or Gerakan be forced to change the mindset of the Malays by DAP!
    Remember the iron fact that the majority of the Malays support UMNO; and UMNO has plundered and mismanaged the wealth of this country with impunity. Therefore, to change the fate of our nation is to change the mentality of the Malays. This is the ONLY solution!
    As our most respected Regent of Perak, Dr. Nazrin Shah put it, “The Malay mindset is a crucial factor in our nation’s stability”. Dr. Nazrin further elaborated that, “racial prejudice can be erased if the Malay mindset is stable and comfortable towards forging harmony. It is a pre-condition to our nation’s stability”.
    May I ask Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng, Karpal Singh, or even the writer Liew Chin Tong, how much has DAP done over the past 40 years to change the mindset of the Malays? How much has DAP done to win the trust of the Malays? How many times has DAP challenged UMNO in open debate on the academic performance of Malay students?
    Instead of getting closer and winning the hearts and trust of the Malay electorate, DAP has chosen to fight with MCA and Gerakan to play the role of Chinese Hero.
    Worse still, after struggling for more than 40 years in Malaysia’s political history, DAP still doesn’t have the slightest inkling of what “political courtship” is all about. Even the MOST STUPID salesman knows how to be courteous to customers and win their trust.
    DAP chooses to shun Malay electorate and frighten them by:
    a) Refusing to wear songkok,
    b) Raising the issue of Social Contract,
    c) Immediate abolition of positive discrimination policies
    It’s made me wonder whether DAP is paid by UMNO to strengthen their grass root supporters! If I were a DAP leader, I would ostentatiously wear the Songkok to pro-actively court and seek Malay support for DAP. I would put aside the issue of the Social Contract and would clearly and carefully pinpoint the weaknesses of the NEP to the Malay masses before revising it.
    If the Umnoputras liken the fate of the Malays in Penang to the Malays in Singapore, how is YAB Mr. Lim Guan Eng going to answer this question or “accusation”? What YAB Mr. Lim Guan Eng will do is to imitate his predecessor Dr. Koh by keeping his mouth shut and be speechless. Silence means consent!
    DAP should pro-actively and sincerely urge the Malay masses to look beyond the tiny island of Singapore and focus on the plight of Malays in Batam, Bintang, Karimun and even the slum areas in Jakarta. Ask them to compare whether Singapore Malays are better off or Batam Malays are better off.
    I can help organize special tours for all the Malays/bumiputras in Malaysia to visit all the Indonesian islands surrounding Singapore to see for themselves how the Malays there are living in abject poverty and sordid conditions. Many young girls in Batam, Bintang and Karimun have to prostitute themselves to feed their family. They are also deprived of the opportunity to receive basic education and training. And we know many of them have to leave their families to become maids in Singapore and Malaysia.
    We should challenge UMNO – NOT to protect the Malays in Singapore, but the Malays in Batam, Bintang and Karimun! We are not defending Singapore, but we have to speak the truth to the Malay masses. Enlighten them and so they won’t be blinded and misguided by UMNO. Shame on our Education Minister who expressed the need to travel to the UK to save “our” so-called prodigy Sufiah. He should go to Batam Island to join the UN’s efforts to curb child prostitution!
    For DAP’s information, Singapore Malays have progressed very well. Over the last 15 years, they have improved significantly in their academic performance. Singapore Malays have the highest percentage of home ownership as compared to the Malays in Malaysia and Indonesia! DAP does not have to defend PAP, but I would encourage YAB Mr. Lim to invite Dr. Mahathir for a telecast debate on the plight of Malays in Singapore.
    Dr. Mahathir always reminds the Malays in our country to look at the Malays in Singapore, how “miserable” they are without firm control in politics. For Mahathir’s information, the Singapore Parliament Speaker is a Malay and the Finance Minister an Indian Muslim like Mahathir. And so far, I have not heard of Singapore Malays being maids in Malaysia or Indonesia, and neither have I heard of a large number of young Malay girls in Singapore prostituting themselves to feed their family.
    As Islam is the official religion of Malaysia, DAP leaders should openly and publicly support the teachings of the Quran in our country. I voted for PAS on 8th March to close down casinos, horse-racing, 4D and TOTO. Non-Muslims have long been paying a second tax to the UMNO government by “gambling-off” their whole family savings and children’s education to win the trust and respect of Malays and Muslims.
    DAP should advocate the closure of casinos, 4D, TOTO, and horse-racing as all these vice activities operators are UMNO agents. They take gambling money from non-Muslims and pay it to their UMNO Master. To cut off this source of revenue for UMNO, DAP should explain to the non-Muslim community how this gambling system works in Malaysia – and teach UMNO a lesson as we must expose UMNO’s hypocrisy!
    Unfortunately, DAP leaders don’t appear to have the intelligence, wit, courage and political will to have the paradigm shift and think out of the box politically. As mentioned earlier, DAP is just a political party helplessly manipulated by UMNO. By just simply advocating the banning of gambling, DAP could win the respect and trust of Malays and Muslims plus save many non-Muslims from bankruptcy and family problems. But most importantly, it cuts off a large chunk of revenue from UMNO. ONE stone killing 3 birds.
    Instead of shouting and arguing with ridiculous Umnoputras in Parliament, I urge DAP to instruct each of their members to befriend at least 10 Malays to explain to them the challenge of this ever-changing globalized economy and how we have to work together regardless of race and religion for a better Malaysia. When the Malay mindsets change, Malaysia will change; and vice-versa.
    DAP, hear me and hear me well. You may be sincere, but you are sincerely wrong in Malaysian politics. Go and study what made UMNO strong. Do your political analysis. Also, DAP, you must remember that PAS is your true friend, even though they talked with UMNO. They are righteous and godly people that won’t succumb to the temptation of money. That is not the case with Keadilan. Except Anwar and a few top leaders, many Keadilan people are still carrying the UMNO-DNA, as we have witnessed with the running dog Ezam and Nalla betraying the party.
    DAP, you should acknowledge the fact that the special rights and position of Malays/bumiputras are enshrined in our constitution. You have to respect it. You must have a complete and comprehensive Malay agenda to compete with UMNO. For example, the Penang state government can provide free but compulsory tuition for Penang Malay students at schools. DAP must cultivate and nurture the Malays in Penang to excel in academics and be able to compete on equal footing with others. Penang Malays must be the locomotive change of mindset to the rest of the Malays in our country. If DAP fails to change the Malay mindset in Penang, DAP will never be qualified to be addressed as a “National” party.

    Lastly, DAP, you still have a long way to go and you really have to learn again who’s given UMNO power. Go to their power base, seize their power and cut off their power supply! For a progressive and better Malaysia, wearing the songkok is a trivial matter.
    If necessary, let Anwar’s new cabinet be full of capable Malays like Dr. Syed Husin Ali, Dr. Azly Rahman, Dr. Bakri Musa, Tuanku Abdul Aziz, etc. to prove to the Malay masses that we, Chinese, are not power hungry; we don’t choose to “pegang” so as to destroy their livelihood as UMNO has claimed. We can prove to them that even though there is only 1 Chinese Minister in the Cabinet, it is still okay to us if the highly capable and honest Malay leaders can lead our country to greater heights and serve the rakyat wholeheartedly regardless of race, language and religion!
    Please learn, understand and even master the UMNO’s Art of War in Politics.
    “Know your enemies and know yourself, hundred battles hundred victories” – “Sun Tzu’s Art of War”.
    Hidup Malaysia…
    Mr. Loi Bih Siang Benjamin
    Political Scientist

  59. zak,

    To answer your question:
    1. What does Pakatan’s “reform agenda” consist of?
    2. How will it be implemented?

    1. A total overhaul of the affirmative action policy of rewarding UMNO and its kins and cronies (in the name of Bumiputera rights) with the Malaysian Economic Agenda. Emphasis is on the poor and underprivileged sans race.

    Awarding contracts via open tender.
    Special privilege for the poor.
    Independent ACA to eradicate corruption.
    Freedom of speech, assembly and association to question the administration. That means abolish ISA, OSA and amend UUCA and PPA
    Regain the independence of the judiciary by prohibiting executive interference
    Proper planning of fiscal economic policies.

    I agree with you about one thing though, they just have not listed all these down into 1 list for all PR parties and governments. I think its high time they did!

    Now back to my earlier question….who is the best person to helm Malaysia?

  60. If the Suruhanjaya PilihanRaya really impartial , UMNO and Barisan Nasional should be investigated for not submitting the actual election expenses returns.

    It was reported by the Star onnline as per excerpts below:
    Tuesday August 12, 2008
    Umno ordered to pay supplier

    KUALA LUMPUR: The High Court has ordered Umno to pay RM218mil to a supplier for printed materials, transportation and mineral water used by the party in the 2004 general election.

    The party had failed to respond to a suit filed by the supplier Elegant Advisory Sdn Bhd. It also has to pay RM225 in costs.

    High Court deputy registrar Ahmad Faizadh Yahaya had on July 17 issued the judgment in default.


    It was clearly shown that UMNO had spent more that the permitted by election law but they under-declare the expenses.

    Which is more serious offence – failing to submit election expenses return or filing false declaration of expenses in Election return?

    All UMNO parliamentarians and state assemblymen should be disqualified in 2008 election due to the election offence that UMNO committed in 2004

    -RM218 million means overspend – and that is only for the amount not settled…. there are other expenses too…..

    IF they are disqualified, BN be no longer in the government now.

  61. william62,

    This Mr. Loi Bih Siang Benjamin does make some sense. But in my opinion if DAP did what he says in the 70s, 30 years on there will not be a DAP today. DAP wld probably be a merged Parti Rakyat Demokratik Malaysia 10 years ago and now part of Parti Keadilan Rakyat Malaysia. It’s not a case of killing 3 birds with 1 stone but a bird in hand’s worth 2 in the bush.

    DAP knows their own strength and they know UMNO’s strength. In a hundred battles they will not win the Malay hearts and mind. But now with PR it’s a totally different ball game. Now it’s time they listen to this Benjamin guy.

  62. Budget or no budget, it does not benefit the needy or the rakyat.
    The entire speech shows “Just do it lah” attitude with frivolous remarks. Looks and smell like “Senile” but can it be?
    Cheap political shots were fired, hoping to hit its mark.
    On the whole, it’s in the hole! Saifo……..What the heck.
    Lots of craps.

  63. “milduser, I have asked this question on many relevant threads but am not getting a straight forward answer. The only conclusion I thus draw is that many of you “reformasi” shouters don’t even know what it entails.” – Zak

    After postings the relevant link to assist you, you insinuated that i should list out succinctly the answers to you 2 questions. And I gave my reasons for not elaborating – with the suspicion that you might come out with the above remark – “that we are all ignorant of what we are standing for”.

    So you are here to test us and not to sincerely find out? Then please go to some other forum to test and display your knowledge and intelligence instead of wasting your time with “ignorant, bigoted, and arrogant people like us?”

  64. Good news for OCBC pek moh Arif Shah Omar Shah, who is searching for a place to get a Doctorate, after dropping out from Edison University of Technology!

    Search no further!

    Harry Doggy, the pet beagle of Straits Times’ Senior Writer Sandra Davie, just received a Doctorate in Social and Behavioural Sciences from Ashwood University for US$599. (Straits Times, 29.8.08)

    Please go to, choose the degree that you want, click here, click there, pay via credit card, and viola you will be Dr Arif Shah Omar Shah, a classmate of Dr Harry Doggy!

    More people will hormat and kow tow to Doctoooorrrrrrrr!

  65. Nice post William62

    Mr. Loi Bih Siang Benjamin(Political Scientist)…
    Your truely the man in this post, THANK YOU for posting the link.

    First thing first, we must implement the freedom of speech through mediums in this country. Like Barack Obama, he has his apportunity to debate/campaign’s broadcast.

    We need to send the clear message for the Malay’s that been blindfolded by BN sarcastic ridicule.

    DAP PKR members and Uncle Lim, i plea u to read “william62” Post!

  66. YB,

    When I received my copy of Suara Keadilan this morning, after running through the pages, and seeing a few congratulatory messages for Anwar on his victory in PP, I was surprised that non from the DAP actually placed an ad!

    The congratulatory messages were from:
    1. YB Zuraida Kamaruddin
    2. YAB Tuan Guru Dato’ Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat
    3. Mursyidul Am, Presiden, Timbalan Presiden dan AJK PAS Pusat
    4. Jawatankuasa Pusat Khidmat Kerohanian
    5. Pengerusi dan ahli Jawatankuasa Perhubungan, Parti Keadilan Rakyat Negeri Pulau Pinang.
    6. Menteri Besar, Exco dan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak
    7. Ybhg. Dato Haji Hashim bin Ismail, Timbalan Iman Khalifah Persatuan Silat Seni Pusaka Gayong Malaysia

    I would expect at least a congratulatory message from DAP or Penang State Government. Perhaps DAP overlooked?

  67. boh-liau said:

    Please go to, choose the degree that you want, click here, click there, pay via credit card, and viola you will be Dr Arif Shah Omar Shah, a classmate of Dr Harry Doggy!

    wah lou eh! it’s true! $1115 and I get a degree plus a master’s plus a doctorate!

    hmmm… tempting …. think i might as well decide to honour myself as DR Toh!!! hahahahahahahahaha

  68. I think it is only rightful that the Government ban this blog totally as it only knows how to ridicule and criticise the Government everyday and did not bring about any constructive views that are useful for racial harmony and economy development. The Government is trying to help the people and no doubt that all of us must be thankful for what the Government has done. If this blog continues to post insulting comments, we will not hesitate to take action. I am sure this site will be pretty soon be the second Malaysia Today.

  69. @zak i have no consensus with ur redundant debate, u and ur ridiculous question, like asking a fresh graduate Doctor how does he gonna raise his unborn child.

    It takes time to implement, but half the Nation already accepted the Theory/Concept to have a great start. With concept comes implementation through ideas, if they were keen to Unite im sure their keen to work for it.

  70. William 62 are you advocating that PR be merged into one single political party and not be a coalition of 3 parties as of now? Given the demograhic realities it is something that merit serious consideration to kill communal and race based politics effectively which I think is the root source of many problems facing the country. Maybe the time has arrived for such a poltical party. It is a prerequisite that nothing short f a revolution in the minds and thinking of the rakyat is needed to have a united Malaysia based on ideologies and not race

  71. “If this blog continues to post insulting comments, we will not hesitate to take action. I am sure this site will be pretty soon be the second Malaysia Today.” Kesian Amat

    Hahahaha…..typical of Sleepy Head bravado. Cakap tak serupa bikin. For making this stupid comment, Kesian Amat is now placed on top of the list for the silliest of them all.

  72. zak_hammaad Says:
    Today at 16: 50.36 (5 hours ago)
    It’s time that we have less brinksmanship on the political front from Pakatan and more on the policy front. Still waiting for answers to my 2 simple questions:

    1. What does Pakatan’s “reform agenda” consist of?
    2. How will it be implemented?

    Good day.

    Mr. Hammad… not a fan of Anwar and our PM and sound knowledgeable indeed.

    But if he wishes to get his message across, he could perhaps be a little bit less patronizing and people will hear what he has to say. The majority of Malaysians know what they want:

    1) Demolish corruption,
    2) Freedom to speak their mind,
    3) Respect for each others religious beliefs,
    4) More tolerance between the races,
    5) No more communalism that pit us against one another for the benefit of a few with vested interests….
    6) Do something about the rising cost of living instead of telling us to change our lifestyle,
    7) A leadership that truly cares and sincere it what in what it promises,… The list goes on and on….

    AND to simple folks like us Anwar and PKR has given us that hope. They UNDERSTAND and we are prepared to give them a chance. Anwar fires our imagination of a leadership that will eradicate divisive politics and we are prepared to give him a chance.

    Mr. Hammadi, it is about winning hearts and mind and support will come to you without you even needing to try. Intellectual argument will not bring you many votes. Neither will a strong dictatorial leader (which is what I suspect you are advocating) ensure for when the citizens are oppressed they will eventually throw him out.

  73. Sorry… typo in last paragraph:

    “…Neither will a strong dictatorial leader (which is what I suspect you are advocating) endure for when the citizens are oppressed they will eventually throw him out…”

  74. :D I just come across this posting:

    zak_hammaad Says:
    Today at 17: 28.10 (5 hours ago)

    m.hwang Says:

    >> Whom do you think is better able to lead the country?

    A fresh and new breed of innovatory and evolutionary politicians who connect with all members of Malaysian society and provide equal and fair representation to all and their needs without fear or favour.

    Anwar and PKR seems to be just such a breed you are talking about. ;) … Anyway I expect you to disagree. It is in our human nature to take position and resolutely defend our point of view. Argue until the cow comes home. Some would say.

    Perhaps you can do us a favour by naming the person or party that fits your ideals.

    If you are a foreigner like the others say. I say thank you for your contribution. However please be sincere and make an effort to know what truly our struggles are all about.

  75. William62, Benjamin, thanks for the splendid article. It so aptly puts what we’ve somehow realized subconsciously all this while into words. However, I’d agree with all but one point. Please don’t close down the casinos.

    To me, it’s more like a form of entertainment than gambling, and something of a math thingie. Blackjack is the game I’d single out. In my understanding, it’s the one and only game where the player’s advantage actually exceeds that of the house, if played correctly. :D

    Yes, sometimes we do lose money, but hey, aren’t we paying to go to the movies as well? Of course I’m not saying all this on behalf of those who gamble for a living.

    Sorry for digressing here…

  76. The silliest of them all was obviously BN with all their lousy leaders such as najis, badwi, khairy, nala, ezam…what a bunch of sore losers who gave speeches trying to defame DSAI but unconvincingly. the people decided back in march, and now again…these losers should be thrown out in exile probably to seychelles or something!

  77. “We are only eight seats short of a two-thirds majority, it is not that we lost by 20 or 30 seats, only eight seats. We have a very strong government.” Abdullah Bad*S

    It is about reading the tea leaves for what is to come – and it could come sooner that you thought!

    Like Barack Obama says it, “Eight is enough!”

  78. BN is still unrepentant and shows no remorse after Tsunami 308 and Tornado PP. They:

    1. made life difficult for the Catholic threatening stern actions against their publications.
    2. introduced the DNA bill which is an intrusion on civil freedom and privacy.
    3. violated the MSC Bill of Guarantees which is intended to attract foreign investments in the IT sector.

    BN is expected to lose a big chunk of supporters because of such repressive and unpopular policies taken by their inexperienced President and ministers.

    PR is well positioned to capitalize on their stupidity and shortsightedness to garner more support from the rakyat in the next general election or in the anticipated snap election after 16 September 08.

  79. There is no doubt in my mind if an election is held again soon, Anwar will be PM. Sabah and Sarawak as well as pockets in Kedah and Kelantan did not vote PR because they did not believe it was possible for Anwar to be PM. Its clear that he can now.

    The problem is that its 4 more years to the next GE, plenty of time for anything to happen and we are a blessed country. Frankly who would have thought US$140 dollar per barrel oil and RM4000/ton palm oil is possible 4 years ago. You never know what could be around the corner.. Also, its too long for Anwar to sustain his momentum of hype. Malaysian are long-suffering but they suffer fools not easily.

    If Sept 16, don’t happen, Anwar need to pull up a doozer or the momentum will not last. Its time PR partners sit down and discuss a real strategy to keep the momentum going. Its supporters need to see progress and not just attacks on the BN that they have to wait 4 years to see the results..

  80. Hidup Pakatan Rakyat, DAP, PKR, PAS,

    whatever it is, Sept 16 will be the D-day, even it is not, we must “lawan tetap lawan”, lawan pagi, lawan petang, lawan malam as said by Anwar………………… as Rome Is Not Build By 1 Day, thus we must have faith that we want to achieve this, therefore, we must strive for it….

    bravo again, as PP has sent a tsunami to Putrajaya….

  81. “Who’s the silliest of them All?” – check this out at

    Zorro’s website:

    Mafrel’s website:

    Anwar Ibrahim, PKR and Pakatan Rakyat should thank
    those UMNO/BN scumbags for their ‘contribution’!

    Indeed, if not for them, some laid back Permatang Pauhans would still be sticking to what they had been doing all along -‘undi-lah Barisan Nasional’, but this time around the ‘fitnah’ was too much to bear, Enough was Enough and they wanted CHANGE!

  82. DAP/PKR is focusing too much in Penisular, it is four years from now to next election, why not draw up a good strategy and win over the vote from Sabah and Sarawak, this is the basic thing should do if PR need to be in command of the Federal Government. PR need to be in every corner of the nation.

    Work hard, we really need you to make the different.

  83. The Barisan’s candidate for Permatang Pauh may portray himself as ‘OCBC’ (orang cina bukan cina). But can the chinese support him?

    The big problem is his friends and leaders in UMNO says ‘OCBC’ -Orang Cina Balik China!!

    so Arif…. sorrylah…. no votes for you.

  84. In my opinion, the person who made the decision to front a candidate against Anwar Ibrahim is now looking very silly. Now he is denying that there are consequences resulting from the humiliating defeat.

    Next down the line another one feeling more silly would be Aziz Shah Omar Shah who would now be feeling double siily i.e. the Muslim as well as the Mandarin meanig for silly.

    Next down the line is Najib Razak who was first to have this silly feeling even before the results came out. He was booed out by the residents of Permatang Pauh even before he could start the campaign.

    Lastly the MCA is feeling very silly now that they are being blamed for squatting around doing nothing. No wonder the Malays are saying the Chinese are squatters, the MCA is giving the Chinese a bad reputation.

  85. The gold medal for being the SILiest obviously goes to the FIL who took advice from his SIL on which candidate to field against Anwar and is so cock sure that BN can still (mis)rule with the dominance of 140 seats. Next is the Sh!thead, the silver medalist for attributing credit to the government for promoting “democracy” on Anwar’s victory, and the bronze medalist goes to the shabby one who had the cheek to say “The live broadcast is strictly for Question Time and we can’t change our policy for just one person.”

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