101 East : The Anwar Comeback

From Jeffooi.com :

The Al-Jazeera channel will air The Anwar Comeback on the 101 East programme at 8.30pm (Malaysian time) tonight.

It will be repeated on

– August 29: 3.30am, 11.00am & 2.30pm
– August 30: 10.00pm
– August 31: 1.30pm
– September 1: 9.30am
– September 2: 6.30pm
– September 3: 3.30pm
– September 4: 2.00pm

Kit Siang et al will appear briefly as guests at the beginning, to be followed by anchor Teymour Nabili’s one-on-one with Anwar.


57 Replies to “101 East : The Anwar Comeback”

  1. While PR and the component parties are promoting racial harmony and ‘let no single Malaysian be deprived of equal opportunites because of race, and creed’, Umno division chief Ahmad Ismail, typical of Umnoputras, made racist remarks of ‘Chinese squatter’ during the recent Permatang Pauh by-election campaign.

    MCA now is protesting. Is it just a wayang?

  2. Sorry to sidetrack.

    He has said he will call a confidence vote on Sept. 16 — six days after he is due to appear in court on the new sodomy charges — but parliament is in recess for the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

    Asked if he was still on track, Anwar simply said: “Yes”.

    There is no provision for a confidence vote under the Malaysian constitution. If Anwar wins over enough MPs, he will send a letter to the king who will either appoint a new government or call new elections, said James Chin, Professor of Political Science at Monash University’s Malaysia Campus.

    “The way you do it in Malaysia is you lock all of the MPs in a hotel and get them to sign a letter saying that they have lost confidence in the government,” he said.

  3. In view of Ahmad Ismail’s ‘Chinese squatter’ statement (which must be OKed by Umno), if they have an dignity left, Chinese Malaysian MPs should all quit BN and let Umno be the taiko there.

    Tomorrow’s budget – AAB should allocate more money for the outer space project to send some ex-Umnoputras and current Umnoputras on a one-way trip to the outer space. They have all packed their bags and ready to leave Malaysia.


    The wind blows, ah, the painful memories that never disappear.
    Hey, BN, hey BN.
    What did you think that you collected the old song OF harping on racial rhetoric and sodomy into one?

    Hey, there’s a second chance, there’s a second chance.
    I know how foolish I look, I know how foolish I look before March 08.
    Before the tsunami tide swathed through Malaya
    Before the BN hegemony started to crack
    This definitely won’t end….

    The rise of the people party, PR
    The flaming sight of my passion
    Crossing this envious dream
    Passing over the inhuman beasts of BN
    I seize the world in my hand through my vote
    Shredding through the clouds
    With the world of racism neglected again

    One man’s parade starts to move post 26th August
    30 more to follow him
    And the DAWN of MALAYSIA has begun!

  5. The weather is God’s servant..

    The weather is God’s servant…….or rather,His Servants are like the weather!
    Sometimes,He uses them to bless the ground,and at other times to flood the earth and wash away whatever there is.
    Sometimes,He uses them to shine so that things grow as they
    should or at other times to dry up all things,so that there is nothing left!
    Sometimes to cool with breeze, at other times to blow everything away.Sometimes blessings,sometimes curses!
    The weather is God’s servant……or rather His Servants are like the weather.

    TheThird wave of Tsunami is on its way, without fail.

  6. When the govt says & preach – don’t believe Western media, now it is an Islamic influnced Middle-eastern media showing a documentary on Anwar…

    So,….? What has BN has got to say now?
    Backlash at Al-Jazeera? – condemn all foreign media???

    The best way to look at yourself is from the eyes of others…

  7. BN will implode, soon. They are desperate and they know the BN ship will sink. Dr Ng Yen Yen was seen in broad daylight distributing ‘ang-pows’ of rm200 each to senior voters registered in their electoral roll.

    The event was held at the Persatuan Bomba Sukarela Permatang Pauh on sunday afternoon of 24 Aug 2008 under pretext of her ministry’s project of helping the poor and aged, and blatant abuse of public property(Bomba building), Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat(JKM) vehicles and personnel(civil servants) deployed to assist in campaigning.

    Check out Mafrel’s website/blog:


  8. sorry to move away from current topic.

    Just would like to comment on the remarks made by SHA today in Parliament against YB Mahfuz Omar from Pas.

    Did he really said Mahfuz is hard to handle because he stays on “pokok” tree —Pokok Sena ??

    Is he saying people in Kuala Lumpur stay in the Mud/Lumpur , Hutan Melintang / Jungle , Batu Gajah on the Rock , Kepala Batas / Dyke ?

    I really think a minister should not utter such deragotory remarks to Rakyat and MPs.

  9. People from PR is treating Anwar swearing in as MP as if he has become the PM. MP and PM is two totally different positions. Only ignorant people would think that the result for the PP by-election is so great and worth noticing. Even though Anwar is in the Parlimen, there is nothing being changed except that the face of constituent PP has changed from a lady’s to man’s. What is so significant about the win in PP,which has only merely 50K population? Now the BN’s MP from East Malaysia have already pledged their loyalty to BN and the PM, so what’s next for Anwar? What happen to his joke regarding 16 Sept? Is he going to postpone the date and explain that he has miscalculated so please give him more time? I can say nothing can move the BN’s MP because they are immuned from money politics. PR will not be able to bride them because they are already richer than Anwar.

    On the other hand, Anwar’s days in the Parliment is numbered because many believe the sodomy case need to be expedited in the search of justice and whoever has to face justice, has to face it.

    The ongoing investigation by ACA on the exco members of the State Government of Perak shows that PR policies are prone to corruption and their delegates cannot be entrusted. Because of this, the Rakyat is starting to distrust PR. PAS is also likely to form a potential coalition with BN. Can PR and DAP survive without PAS? Can Anwar win the hearts of all Malays as a result of his dismissal of the notion of “Ketuanan Melayu”. By down playing the concept of “Ketuanan Melayu”, this shows his ignorance and disrespect to all the Malays. So ultimately who will win this game? The one that betray the Malay or the one that re-affirm the special rights of Malay? As Malays are the only rightful owner of this land, the answer is obviously the latter. So please don’t use the result of PP by-election as an indication of the wishes of all Malaysian. The people in PP has been too deeply brainwashed by Anwar. That certainly does not reflect the wish of people from other places especially East Malaysia.

  10. Hello Kasim…hopefully you are not one of those mamaks who is trying to be more Melayu then Melayu……..but as for the Ketuanan Melayu bit…..you are not my Tuan….and I am not your slave……you want a slave go look for an Indon or a Filipino….

  11. Dear Kasim Amat,
    You are obviously very hurt by the decision of Permatang Pauh voters to support Anwar’s vision of a New Malaysia wherein the leader considers everyone his child. A leader is one who leads and not lord over his subjects. He knows how to win the hearts and minds of his people. Anwar will lead us as a nation with renewed confidence to take on the challenge of globalisation NOT perpetuate internal squabbles of who is the master and who should be slave.

    I understand your frustration and I feel compassion for you. Years of being in prison compels brother Anwar to reflect on his role as a leader of Malaysia and I am glad that he realized that divide and rule only benefits a few and not all. More importantly is his enlightenment to the fact that we are one family. I hope that you to will be blessed with this enlightenment but I cettainly do not hope that you have to go through what brother Anwar has to go through to achieve his realization.

    Calm your mind… Calm your mind brother Kasim and you begin to become aware how much suffering the “Ketuanan Melayu” concept has inflicted on so many innocent people. If you find it hard to accept that we are the same. Begin by think…

    I have two eyes, two ears, a nose, four limbs… I have feelings, I love my family… They also have two eyes, two ears,…

    Something common between to start with? ;)

  12. OH ouch hate this ppl kept coming lol!

    Wahai Kasim Ahmat…
    Well, obviously ur kinda immune to the truth that is, click link below read it and check those pictures. If this is not misuse/corruption, u explain to me what is…


    2nd… This country are less peaceful bcuz we fighting for liberation and Unity like American Obama doing now, his black and a candidates for next Presidential seats in majority white country as much arrogant as u are now.

    I say it again incase u leaving in jungle wasnt reading much update on this days. Read more study more as it would help ur ignorant self-proclaim of yours back to the sea where u belongs… Yes Pirates.

  13. Kasim needs to be selamat….from BN!

    lol…kASIM….sudah la….DSAI pun dah menang…dah lah..dropit,accept the defeat and learn from mistakes…Please tell your beloved PM and cro-onies to change la.Why bark at the wrong tree. The reason DSAI won is bcos BN NOT DOING THEIR JOB!!!!!!

    So….bruther…do not cry la…ok…

  14. I read somewhere that September 16 corresponds with the date when the East Malaysian States joined Malaya and Malaysia was born. It would be nice if the New Dawn begins on the same date…

    But… the future is a mystery. The precious present tells us that the energy for change has gained momentum! If September 16 does not materialize it certainly WILL in the next general election.


  15. Helloo Kasim Mat

    You should brush up your understanding level. Your grey matter is tilted one side. DSAI has never denied about the special malay privileges. He has mentioned many times that besides this malay privilege, the privileges of the minorities need to be taken care off too. Aren’t you keeping your eyes open to see how the umno is making themselves richer and corrupted by cheating the malays of ‘ketuanan melayu’. My malay friends still find certain issues difficult to approach because the government is not what they say. Please grow up and make a research in what way malays are deprived and by whom.

  16. Mind-boggling how BPR is trying to convince us that they are doing their job. If BPR has true pratices, then it should go after blatant cases of corruption i.e how did Beruk KJ amass such wealth at sucha young age via ownership of ECM LIbra shares…. and proportedly sold at a loss!!!! As uncle Kit said it……. Beruk is “the world’s richest unemployed!”

  17. Kasim Amat,
    I cannot help myself but to comment on your views expressed.

    You are in a state of denial of the implications of the lost of votes from half of UMNO members, all of the votes from MCA, MIC and Gerakan members residing in Permatang Pauh.

    The PKR EXCO members involved in the ACA investigation are not yet guilty until proven so. They have complained of entrapment and they did not take the bait. It is their word against the ACA’s. As usual the charge will not stick. It is difficult to put a good man down! The Rakyat is not so gullable as you so don’t make sweeping assumptions.

    16 September is not for another 3 weeks. Look what your Grandmasters managed to do in 10 days only!

    They are richer than Anwar no doubt, but by perhaps by unjust means? Good of you to reveal this. The ACA may want your comment substantiated soon.

    Ketuanan melayu or rather the special provisions is specifically for the Malays in East Malaysia. Anwar understands the English language in our Constitution more than you. For peninsular malays that may only be a fiction of your imagination. What is there to play down?

    Anwar does not act like he is treating this as a game. Lives are at stake here, it is no game! The good always wins; the bad always lose. You are playing the part of the bad guy but unknowingly.

    As for the rightful owner of land in Malaysia you could perhaps search the Land Office records. Unless you plan to tarik balik, then the Land Act does have provisions that you may capitalise on.

    East Malaysia has the benefit of the special provisions, whether or not UMNO rules the country. If PR becomes the ruling party, their right is still unchanged unless PR pushes for a change in the Constitution.

  18. Kassim Amat: “Only ignorant people would think that the result for the PP by-election is so great and worth noticing”….kalau PP pun tak larat jaga…need I say more??Oii Kassim,mimpi lagi kah?The truth hurts,eh?

  19. Funny thing observed no statements from all the usual loud mouths from their club elite but only remnants or the samll fries mumblings.

    Cut the fuel line and their remainder small flame goes down.

    They are very rich but rich people forms the samll tip of any triangle and their triangle is going to shrink very soon

    Let us clean what underneath the carpet, people of bolihland can now see a small but brighter twinkle at their tunnel of 50 years of darkness.

    Unless you think it is already bright enough now for you, continue dreaming, please

  20. 50 years after Merdeka, this is what the nation had achieved. Our forefathers had cooperated and trusted Umno and agreed to support them in the effort to gain independence from the British so that Umno can take control of the sovereignty of the nation and .help build a Malaysia for Malaysians, establishing a just and equitable government of the people, by the people, and for the people. But, observing the reality, we are only left to ponder whether we would had been better off under the British colonialism.


  21. You are in a state of denial of the implications of the lost of votes from half of UMNO members, all of the votes from MCA, MIC and Gerakan members residing in Permatang Pauh.

    The PKR EXCO members involved in the ACA investigation are not yet guilty until proven so. They have complained of entrapment and they did not take the bait. It is their word against the ACA’s. As usual the charge will not stick. It is difficult to put a good man down! The Rakyat is not so gullable as you so don’t make sweeping assumptions.

    16 September is not for another 3 weeks. Look what your Grandmasters managed to do in 10 days only!

    They are richer than Anwar no doubt, but by perhaps by unjust means? Good of you to reveal this. The ACA may want your comment substantiated soon.

    Ketuanan melayu or rather the special provisions is specifically for the Malays in East Malaysia. Anwar understands the English language in our Constitution more than you. For peninsular malays that may only be a fiction of your imagination. What is there to play down?

    Anwar does not act like he is treating this as a game. Lives are at stake here, it is no game! The good always wins; the bad always lose. You are playing the part of the bad guy but unknowingly.

    As for

  22. Kasim Amat:

    I wanted to start by saying “shame on you”, but then I realised that “shame” isn’t in your vocabulary.

    UMNO threw everything it had at Anwar – RM 200 angpows, RM 3000 personal loans, racial incitement, swearing on the Koran, outright threats – and still Anwar won. His win was more remarkable when the Barang Naik thieves threw the entire government machinery and the mainstream press at him, but ultimately the truth prevailed. Yes, truth prevailed over lies, righteousness prevailed over corruption.

    I am not encouraging you to take Anwar’s victory seriously. Follow the leader of the den of thieves when he said that Anwar’s victory isn’t going to make a difference. Follow the Kera Jantan who boasted that Anwar will be buried. Keep thinking that way. One day soon, you will awake to find that all of UMNO has been stripped naked, and that all of the clothes in The Emperor’s New Clothes will be insufficient to cover UMNO’s modesty.

    The Malays have one phrase for people like you and your UMNO bosses – bodoh sombong.

  23. The pressure on Anwar is really building. What is he going to do by Sept 16. Does he really have to have 30+ MPs crossover? People want it and something else will dissapoint.

    But I say its not absolutely necessary. People are realistic, knowing its ideal if it happens. They can take some dissapointment but not much. Anwar still need to pull something very good out of the hat – like a scandal that will rock PM and DPM office i.e., absolute proof of link between Najib, Altantuya or the submarine deal?

    If Anwar dissapoint, he can still recover over the next few years if he keeps the momentum going. But if the dissapointment is too big recovering could be difficult in terms of building momentum especially in recruiting strong candidates for Keadilan

    The pressure on Anwar is just intense and its not on global telivision that matters now..

  24. Tell Anwar to mention that BN politics is driving away from investors. LGE said it cost Penang RM1billion solar plant. Now censorship of Malaysia-today may cost Google investment in malaysia.

  25. Repost : Whilst Google investment is important, political survival of ruling coalition is More Important the imperative when balancing the scales of considerations. Take for eg Permatang Pauh by election : they probaly believe that had MT not published Bala’s 1st SD, or Pushwara Hospital’s report etc Saiful’s allegations would have been more believed by voters/electors as to enable BN’s candidate win rather than DSAI with increased majority!

  26. “Tell Anwar to mention that BN politics is driving away from investors. LGE said it cost Penang RM1billion solar plant. Now censorship of Malaysia-today may cost Google investment in malaysia.”

    This is called Scorched Earth policy.
    You start with green pastures. Someone chases you out. You burn and destroy as much as you can. Then the new inhabitant has the real estate, but a worthless one.

  27. Re Al-Jazeera interview DSAI was saying tounge-in-cheek about howe strange Malaysians were seeking to celebrate (after Permatang Pauh) a second Merdeka after the first one in 1957! :)

    So on 31st Aug, one group will be celebrating Merdeka of 1957 when their progenitor Alliance came to power and the second group, merdeka from rule of first group!

  28. See Kasim Amat, I was waiting for your party-line posting, how true. Delusionary and denial had been played by your boss, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, o..I forgot, PM Dato’ Seri should be added in front of his name, forgive me.

    If we are the ignorant, then you must be the enlightened, how wonderful. This is what we want to know from you, though your posting came a little late.

    Your “Malay” rhetoric is interesting but who is the real Malay, Kasim? Look around you for the answer. What was PM Abdullah lineage? His chromosomes have 60% Chinese contents. Look at Hishamuddin, his blood has 70% turkisk contents. Look at Syed Hamid, Nor Yacob etc, etc. Please don’t try to hoodwink the real Malays. We, the real Malays are robbed off by the UMNOputera, legitimised by their “ketuanan” rhetoric. If you are a real Malay, please wake up, wake up.

    But then, nice to hear from you. Have a good day, sister.

  29. Dear Kasim Amat,

    Thank you for this attitude. I truely appropriate it, and hope many Malays follow your example. Our children are being hardened and are moving global and are fit enough to survive in this competitive world. Your race (with your kind of attitude) one day will be working in all kinds or “low and immoral jobs” around the world in the next 50 years. You can keep your country as how many of the Islamic countries are now.

  30. Anwar represents change. Change that we can believe in. Not like the empty promises of the Barang Naik coalition. Cakap tak serupa bikin. I don’t think the den of thieves realise that they are the joke of this decade.

  31. Godfather, don’t torture your biz partner; she worked until midnight last night, see the time of her posting, neglecting her husband. But the name fits well, Kasian. Kasian, please see P Ramlee’s movie, “Madu Empat.” Kasian.

  32. We hope a culture of accountability will emerge. Just look at the Puspacom fiasco of corrupt officials. The top management, directors and owners of Puspacom should be made responsible for the acts of their employees as they have failed to set up a system of checks to ensure that their vehicle inspection is above board allowing corruption in their system to become a culture. The Government meantime happily extend puspacom’s contract for vehicle inspection for many more years. Government should allow another company to operate (by open tender) and stop the monopoly of Puspacom. Only then will the greedy directors wake up.

  33. “Only ignorant people would think that the result for the PP by-election is so great and worth noticing.” — kasim amat

    Tell that to Barang Naik and Najis lah. If not important, why would they try so hard to win in PP? All the lies being spread, two jokers going all out to swear (but still lost to the guy who didn’t have to swear) and even going to the extent of ordering Malaysia Today blocked just when MT are going to post the result on the election day.

    This is exactly what people call sour grapes. Pathetic.

  34. Before PR came around, things like Puspakom which we all knew had been happening for a long time, no one got caught or punished. Every scandal that is being revealed, we have to thank Pakatan Rakyat for it – not BN. In fact, Tony Pua said it after 308, competition means BN improves. So if we want BN to up their performance even more, we have to support PR even more until some day they send someone like KJ or Najib to jail, then we can vote BN again…

  35. Puspacom – this is one way that Umno and the BN create rich Malays in line with NEP. A smart way indeed – create a group of rich Malay entrepreneurs, who are not officially listed as rich Malays (and hence not taken into account in the BN’s statistics of % of rich Malays achieved under NEP; hence, Umno kept insisting that the NEP has not achieved its target and must be extended again and again) and who do not even have to pay tax. Just let the non-Bumis pay the bulk of the taxes.

    Maybe, because of the inefficient system, many people of all ethnic groups like the current practice – bribe your way to get the vehicles certified quickly. Otherwise, vehicles get stuck at Puspacom, leading to loss of man hours, incomes, and business opportunities. Results: Puspacom officers kaya raya and many road unworthy vehicles are on the road, some causing fatal accidents! An OK price to pay?

    Likewise, JPJ is the mother of all corruptions in Malaysia. Every child, when reaching the tender driving age and going for their driving licence, will experience first hand corruption at work. Pay a certain sum of money, an incompetent driver will most probably get their driving licence on the first try. Don’t pay a certain sum of money, a competent driver will most probably not get their driving licence on the first try. Repeat, repeat.

    Almost every family in Malaysia experiences this sort of encounter. And we wonder why some JPJ officers have lifestyle way, way beyond their official incomes, and why the accident rates are so high in Malaysia!

    Inefficiency of the system? Or, you know it, I know it, but close one eye syndrome?

  36. My 2 cents contributions.

    Knowing very well that PKR will win the PP by election and yet BN go a head. The result shows that the BN votes less than the UMNO members in PP

    The money spend can be use helping the poor.
    I believe that will benefit more the rakyat.

    This will not happen because BN=UMNO have been the same for 50 yrs that make no sense they will change now. And never admit defeat and give a walk over to PKR.

    Only way is. It will die of OBSOLESCENCE.

    Let see what next.

  37. The Barang Naik coalition will never change until and unless they are relegated at the next GE to being the Opposition. We have to take away their penchant for stealing, lying and cheating.

  38. if bn becomes the opposition, i doubt the current lot with all the court side access to loot and steal will hv what it takes to be opposition leaders. aab, nj, shab, syed, rais, ezam, not one comes close.

  39. kasim

    malays r the rightful owners of the land?? if that is not a seditious statement, what is? let me top u on that. malays like u (not all, but ur kind is many) r parasites. big parasites w/ umno the mother of all parasites. u hv numbers but u r weak. ur schools, ur roads, n everything u enjoy from the government, who paid the taxes to fund them?

  40. Sorry I’m digressing but I have 2 questions, can anybody answer please.

    1) The NEP has ‘forced’ non-Malay businesses to give 30% of their company shares to Malays. Can someone tell me, how many rich Malay businesses have opened their company shares to the ‘poorer’ Malays, so as to help out their own kind?

    2) All Malays are required to pay ‘zakat’. Since the large proportion of the workforce is Malay, contributions would be enormous. So what has happened to that money to help the poor Malays?

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