Permatang Pauh reinforces message of March 8th

by Dr. Chen Man Hin


Anwar Ibrahim won by a clear majority of 15,671 votes in a constituency representative of the multiracial composition in Malaysia.

It is a very significant victory for the Pakatan Rakyat philosopy of democracy, justice, racial equality, freedom of religion, rule of law and transparency.

It is particularly significant as Malays form 69% of the electorate (41,000) with a good mix of Chinese and other races.

This is particulary galling to UMNO to see that their traditional Malay ground has rejected their policy of ketuanan melayu, corruption and cronysm.

The people of Permatang Pauh have spoken for the people of malaysia. They want change for a new Malaysia where all Malaysians whether Malays, Chinese, Indians, and indigenous races of Kadazans, Ibans, Bidayuhs and others, have an equal and just place under the Malaysian sun.

Prime Minister Datuk Abdullah should also take heed of Permatang Pauh’s rejection of his government’s conspiracy to charge Anwar of sodomy to prevent him from challenging his government and become the new Prime Minister of Malaysia. They regard the sodomy charge as fictitious. Only 11% of the people believe it according to prominent pollster Merdeka Centre, while 89% reject the sodomy charge.

The people have spoken. Anwar is THE ONE. He will lead the country to a new Malaysia of democracy, justice, rule of law and equal opportunities for all.


69 Replies to “Permatang Pauh reinforces message of March 8th”

  1. Absolute right and thank you to Pakatan Rakyat(PR)!
    It was a very significant victory for the Pakatan Rakyat philosopy of democracy, justice, racial equality, freedom of religion, rule of law and transparency.

    In believe no matter what’s the next upcoming dirty politic threat or strategy, majority of us will transform “defensive shield” alongside PR till mission accomplish!

    Congratulation to En. Anwar!
    Thank you very much, P44 voters!
    New rewrite politic history, foreseeing PR government, the best!

    Warmest regards.

  2. So far, we have been hearing everywhere – people have been happy with the by-election result, being majority win for DSAI and such has been talk of the town… Yes, it’s a clear sign, loud and clear. Everyone shares the same feeling…go to markets, coffee shops, teh tarik sessions, office, lunch breaks, hangouts… so on.

  3. Most rational thinking Malaysians will concur with what Oknyua just said in the last thread:-

    Nor am I a fan of Anwar. Personally I think he changed too much for my likings. Most of us will choose the “lesser of 2 evils …. or should we say 3 evils”.

    Between AAB, Najib and Anwar, who would most Malaysians choose to be the next Prime Minister?

    AAB failed to carrying out his duty as PM, one term is enough for him, nobody want to waste another 4 yrs and watch the country economy doomed by his SIL and co. Najib, carries too much garbage and Watergates scandals, do we still wants such flip flop controversial figure to be the next PM. Our future is at stake. As for Anwar, yes, previously part of the crony, suffered 6 yrs injustice in the prison. He should have learnt enough to risk his political life again. We should give him a chance to proof himself. On top of that, Anwar no doubt is an ‘International Man’. He knows the outside world is watching too, not like AAB and Najib only confine in their own cocoon. His support from the rakyat and international reputation is more important than to flip flop once again. We should give him a second chance to lead the nation.

  4. Dr Chen, I want to hear from BN (UMNO) apologist, Miss Kassim Amat. She has yet to post here. We are happy with the election result, but what about UMNO? Kassim Amat’s posting should give a clue, because she always follow the party line when posting.

  5. liberation liberation liberation liberation liberation liberation
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  6. The Rakyat is sending a message loud and clear, it is just that Pak Bodoh and Co. that are ignoring the message.

    Vote of No-Confident!

    I can’t stand the sight of that completely and utterly disgusting Idiot anymore.

    Come MPs send Pak Bodoh into retirement ASAP!


  7. Where is the missy Kassim Amat???
    Hv not heard from her.
    Really miss her “super” comments la!
    Now that PKR has won, they should move forward to make Malayasia a better place for all not only to live, but work and enjoy. Long live PKR.

    Stop press: Those idiots r trying to rush the DNA bill thru parliament. Even the blind and stupid can see that there is a hidden agenda. We must prevent this bill to be bulldozed thru before any screening by the rakyat. Hope DSAI will wallop those guys especially the “Baldie ” one real hard, if he can enter parliament coming Thursday.
    By the way, how come those parties that r supposed to represent chinese, indians, etc.. guys are so quiet. Must have gone into 5d category, “dudok diam diam dapat duit”.

  8. People, rejoice. Soon we will have a people’s government.

    We reject a government that condone corruption, promotes cronism, practices divides and rule, has no accountability and encourages wasteful unnecessary spending.

    BN = the beginning of the end, is near.

    Repent, before it is too late.

  9. The small fart SIL who said he is going to bury DSAI. Where the hell is he? Hiding under Nori’s sarung?

    If you are not the SIL, you would only be good enough to collect rubbish with the Local Govs. Only the naive Nori listens to you. Bloody arrogant racist!

    The kerisman, C4 man and the 2Mohd, will all have to wait for judgement day. All of you corrupts have been hiding behind the behind of UMNO.

    We are all suffering bcos of UMNO. MCA and Gerakan must make their move to make UMNO history. No more ‘one-eyes’, istanas, RM50million divorce payments, Perwaja, Port Klang, Agusta, Altantuyas, keris wielding, balik China, sodomies and an endless list.

  10. Tengku Razaleigh: “BN’s vote count was less than the number of Umno members in the constituency.”

    it means total votes received by BN is lower than the number of registered umno voters in permatang pauh.

    it is significant because our Malay brothers and sisters have made the move to dump the politics of umno, and have gone beyond umno.

    clearly, and without a doubt, the umno grassroots have gone over to pakatan rakyat.

  11. I do hope that democracy could live to its expectation. No corruption, justice upheld, and so on. More so for a country like Malaysia. We have seen how democracy uprooted the traditional political livelihood of a people and nation. And we also see how democracy could stumble if the leaders are only good at rhetorics than justice, misinterprate peoples’ aspiration, too involve in political strategy than proper and morally management, etc.etc.

    As for Permatang Pauh, we do see also the elements of force from the people who are suppose to behave democratically. If this element of force could not be identified and allowed to exist persistently, than Malaysia will be like Pakistan. And by then, there will be no Malaysia sun anymore!

  12. While PR in on course in the right direction, we must not loose sight of the difficulties that lie ahead, mainly, the strength of the glue that thus far been able to hold the alternative coalition together.Unless and until a stronger foundation is found where the 3 parties can work unitedly on a more longer term basis, I doubt, the partnership will last. Internal squabble may raise it ugly head once PR settles down to it’s stable self. Hope the leaders of the respective parties wise up and exhibit political maturity by not letting trivial issues get the better of them.

  13. My friend commented tht he was tensed as though he was a candidate standing for election. I asked why? He replied that he was bowled over by the amount of dirty tricks and was fearful that the tricksters could turn the table on Anwar, and that means on the whole nation. We could be cheated.

    That perception speaks out what the people thinks of the BN administration. On that note, if there is still the slightest amount of self pride in themselves, the BN government should resign and call for a snap election to gain legitimacy.

    As it is they have no moral right to continue ruling. MCA, Gerakan, do you understand this?

    Unfortunately no, does any body think BN will do the honorable?

    Instead all eyes are on the ‘supporters’ of UMNO – will they again be true to their form of saying ‘yes’ to everything UMNO wants? – even if it is detrimental to the nation in the long run? If the supporting BN parliamentarians vote yes to the DNA bill, be they forever shamed themselves. Let them avoid our eyes, let them know that we detest them when they appear in public.

    Mala, Malu, Malu BN coalition.

    Malu the woman who blatantly gave out bribes a day before the election. Hitting the old and poor people where they hurt most! ACA please investigate her for corruption.

  14. No, I don’t think that BN will be calling for snap elections anytime soon because they know that this time, they will lose the federal government for sure. It’s always better to hold on to the keys to the national Treasury so that the looting can continue for a few more years.

  15. Godfather is correct. I am of the same view.

    Its suicidal to snap now for UMNO will surely disintegrate into pieces.

    Look. After the GE tsunami, they did not even bother to implement damage control or to make amends.

    The people’s desire for a real and genuine change is not only still burning it is in fact burning more intensely than ever.

    Snap election? They must be out of their minds.

    Pee in their pants? That of course is an event certain.

  16. We can be happy but not too happy. There is much more work to be done. Anwar has only retained 1 seat for the PR. PR has not formed the government yet. Let’s see who will make the 1st move, hopefully it will be before the Kulim by-election.

  17. I am sure the BN does not want elections now but if MPs cross-over, that has to be the final move; apart from declaring an emergency.

    Even if the PM can keep UMNO from imploding before the planned handover, in 2 years time the new leader is not going to be in a better position to win in the next GE, if the EC can be relied on to provide a free and fair elections.

    Remember in 2012, the five opposition states will not provide state government facilities to federal leaders.

  18. BN ‘reputation’ (if there is any left) has gone into the monsoon drain since last night.

    Rakyat perception of this gomen has gone from bad to worst. The last attempt to ditch Anwar in the last hour with the sodomy case couple with Dewan Speaker attempt to delay swearing in Parliament causing BN to lose even more respect and trust from the rakyat. Basically these id**ts are scoring their own goals!

    These disgraceful political creatures should be arrested and sent to Sungai Buluh asap before the country doom.

  19. SENILE child, im chanting ur worse nightmare!~ ~ ~

    liberation liberation liberation liberation liberation…
    liberation liberation liberation liberation liberation…
    liberation liberation liberation liberation liberation…

    The coalition betwen nominees of “Republican” vs “Democrats” in U.S.
    We, Malaysia had “BN” vs “PKR” haha! nice nice this country has hope if we truely practice democratic.

  20. AI and PKR are working with DAP and PAS, and they appear to treat all Malaysians as equals.

    This, to NR and Umnoputras, is not acceptable and is regarded as a sell-out of Malay rights. They labelled AI as a traitor to the Malays! Umnoputras only accept Malay dominance and demand other racial groups to be subservient to Umnoputras. This is the naked truth of Umnoputras!

    So, in the BN, Umno is supreme and untouchable, while MCA, MIC, Gerakan, and other component political parties must kow tow to Umnoputras. This is what Umno demands and it irks Umno no end that AI and PR are working towards a Malaysian Malaysia and the voters are demanding it!

    The writing is on the wall and the wind of change is blowing across the land. Can Umno and the BN stop the perfect storm and the political tsunami?

  21. Kit,
    I have nothing but adoration for you and Anwar on your tenacity and faith for a better tomorrow by always championing the cause of all Malaysians.
    The country is presently rudderless devoid of leadership.The country desperately need a leader and i see no other than Anwar and assisted ably by you.We need to restore not only the moral standing of the Government but also restore the dignity of all Malaysians as embedded in the Constitution.
    Let us all be reminded that in this country of all countries there are opportunities for all Malaysians.
    To my fellow Malaysians,let us be inspired by these leaders to struggle for a new dawn for Malaysia on the eve of Merdeka Day.Let us listen to hope and not to our fears!

  22. Friends please read this.

    This is my reason why I will always remain an ooposition supporter.
    Make your own conclusion.
    (extract from Anil’s blog)

    Dear Anil,

    Your biased live coverage of the PP buy-election was disgusting to say the least. It seemed like the Barisan Nasional was non-existent in PP. The fact that more than 15,000 people voted for Arif Shah is testimony to BN’s popularity. If it were not for the rough house tactics of the PKR goons, more legitimate voters would have made it to the polling stations. You and your ilk ought to be detained under the ISA and the keys thrown away.

    You are partisan, unfair, biased, and a false witness to the events in PP. Like the 31,000 odd who voted for Anwar, you are ungrateful for the development and progress wrought by the BN. Honestly ask yourself: Would you even own a laptop or even know how to use the Internet if not for the education that the BN gave you? Just like the other bloggers and commentators on the blogsites, you bite the hand that feeds you. You are despicable and so is Raja Petra and the likes of him.

    When the BN government finally wipes out the Opposition from the face of this Earth, we’ll be coming after you and all of your ilk for the lies and ridiculous untrue propaganda that you spread to the innocent rakyat. Unfortunately it seems now that a large minority of the rakyat are stupid enough to pay attention to the lies of the Opposition. The BN will educate them very soon and I assure you it will be a painful lesson indeed.

    BN Sakthi

  23. HJ Angus,
    The probability of UMNO imploding is very real.There are few who are potently vociferous in demanding the PM to resign his presidency of the party as well as the premiership.Within UMNO itself there are many members including MPs who are sympathizers of Anwar.They are disgusted with the top leadership in depriving Anwar his dignity as a human being by concocting sodomy2 and using the full force of ACA to go after him as if they themselves are saints!
    Many UMNO members still do like Anwar.I am hearing that once the gate is open , a stampede of UMNO members will join Anwar.
    Muhammad Mohd Taib will be left panting running after them!

  24. Wanderer,
    Obviously BN Sakti is a BN goon who is a product of BTN indoctrinated with oppressive mentality.Tell you what, when PAKATAN takes over the Federal Government get this fella and tie him under a mango tree somewhere in Permatang Pauh and throw a pail of fleas from a thousand cows inside his pants!

  25. BN Sakthi’s threat of “When the BN government finally wipes out the Opposition from the face of this Earth, we’ll be coming after you and all of your ilk…” sounds very much like the threats of Adolf Hitler

  26. HJ Angus:

    You have got to ask yourself if you are in Badawi’s shoes: Would I risk losing everything in a few months’ time or would I continue to hold the key to the country’s treasury for the next 3 years ? A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

  27. Godfather,
    The truth is,Badawi has no more shoes except his underwear!
    UMNO members wants him desperately out of PutraJaya.What is holding him is his wife Jeanne Abdullah who is resisting leaving the Palace!

  28. I hear KJ is making last minute arrangements to move to Vancouver, Canada.

    Mahathir too. In the case of Mahathir, it is already second home to one of his sons. So that shouldn’t be too much of a problem.

    But as they say, “You can run but you cannot hide”.

  29. I heard that Mahathir’s request to move to Harare was turned down by his old friend Mugabe. Seems that Mugabe isn’t very sure that he is going to continue to be in power.

    Zak, Mahathir’s rabid supporter, is gonna have a hard time choosing a foreign destination.

  30. 30 PERCENT of Malaysians still don,t trust DSAI,One of them is Zak Hammad.His enimies still talk about him when he was in UMNO ,ABIM or even when he was the DPM.Even now NALLA has accused DSAI for taking RM60 MILLION from MAGNUM.

    One think we all must remember DSAI spent 6 years in prison on some trump up charge by UMNO.DSAI knows that because of him the REFORMACY MOVEMENT was set up .Because of him thousands of Malaysians was sent to prison,Because of him thousands more was slap ,bunch and kicked by the FRU.Because of him chemical laced water was fired at them.

    Not only were the MALAYS behind him ,The INDIANS ,CHINESS and all other minority groups were there fighting on his behalf.

    So now that he is back in PARLIAMENT do you think he will let us MALAYSIAN down.I don,t think so.But what im sure is DSAI WILL BE THE BEST PM WE WILL EVER HAVE.

  31. lol… thats our of line guys.

    I do still respect DrM in some ways, i really do. But its all politics, like Animal Kingdom. DSAI saids it well “I FORGIVE NOT FORGET” heheh… i wonders.

  32. AAB failed to take the necessary steps to carry out reforms after Tsunami 308 and that had caused UMNO to lose in the PP by-election. Perhaps it was not in AAB’s expectation that a by-election could take place so quickly.

    AAB did not give the people the impression that he is a serious leader – he always does things half heartedly.

  33. Godfather, speaking behind my back is not very nice :^) As I have told you on many occasions, Mahathir will have a state funeral as should be accorded to the father of modern Malaysia. Your envy and hate will not change that! It takes more than the humble likes of me to defend the likes of Mahathir.

    Reposting from the other thread (as you have a tendency to avoid and repeat yourself):

    “Mahathir is going nowhere. His record of national development has earned him a state funeral at the very least. Even in a nightmare scenario where Anwar does become PM, he will have no mandate to try Mahathir. Anwar will want to be seen as “gracious” in “pardoning” his nemesis’ as AsalUsul points out in his remark about “forgiveness”.

    My move to Malaysia was not based upon the premiership of Mahathir and it will not end with his passing away. Malaysia can however, only dream of having another figurehead like him for decades to come!

    Going back to the topic of this thread; I wonder if Anwar would have been accorded the chance to compete if Malaysia followed S’pore’s example. The latest news item at channelnewsasia is interesting:

    “PM Lee said Singapore must never blindly follow others but should adapt its political system to suit its own circumstances.”

  34. quote bobster: Rakyat perception of this gomen has gone from bad to worst. The last attempt to ditch Anwar in the last hour with the sodomy case couple with Dewan Speaker attempt to delay swearing in Parliament causing BN to lose even more respect and trust from the rakyat. Basically these id**ts are scoring their own goals! unquote.

    How right you are – we don’t have to do anyhing to shake up the BN; let it be and whenever they meet up with the bogey man DSAI they fall apart. They become blundering idiots. All of them.

    You know what the astonishment is? They still don’t get it. What use is blocking the site for example? Yet they did that and made more people see their propensity for injustice, intimidation, and all the bad qualities. Sure reflect back to their policy of lying by not saying. Example: don’t report on the bad air pollution and the tourists will continue to come. See what I mean?

    Again, the tsunami election results clearly spell out that BN Has No Moral Right To Administer the country from this day 26 Aug.

    Again, BN component parties should know the equation has changed and it is upon them to effect the change of government. We can’t sustain another 4 years of damage to our beloved country. Get on with it man, the onus is on you to do what is right for the nation. Can we hope on you?


  35. yhsiew, the March election was not a “tsunami”, as once the tsunami settles, the sea returns to normality. The election was an earthquake where the plates alter forever; politics in Malaysia changed forever last March.

    Night night all.

  36. Zak
    I admired Dr. M at one point but that is no longer valid because what he did to the country to achieve his personal goals. Nothing was done because he want better future for the country. All was done because he want UMNO and his legacieis stay forever.

    It took a weak leadership to expose all of the damage Dr M. did. So, we need to thank Abdullad Badawi because without him we are heading the wrong direction….

    Our thanks to the current PM…. That annoy you didn’t it… and on DSAI what comes around goes around. The sodomy case 10 years ago become a strength for DSAI this time and truth will set him free.. and you know why because the God I worship is in Heaven and the one you worship has a blog call…

    :) God Bless

  37. It time to start cleaning what underneath the carpet,
    lets start at the GLC, who approves to the “entrprenuers” and for all the WRONG reasons/
    Every body knows GLC gets the Ocntracts BUT….
    Who awards the sub contracts to who

    check them out yourself

  38. Ever since I read Mathatir Malay Dilemma way back in the 1960s I have never trusted this man. I know he would destroy this country and sure it does. Yet he does not has the grace to admit any of his wrongdoings. What a sorry mess of a man he is!

  39. Even a small town like PP can understand that racial politics has no place in a modern Malaysia. The people realise that the more they hold on to race and religion, the further apart the respective races become. For us to move forward, we have to work as one, one aim, one concept, one people. We have to call ourselves Malaysians.

    UMNO will not allow this to happen as they believe it will dilute their power and hence their hold on money! They will try to force the races apart by playing racial card time and again. How are we to compete in the global arena if we do not know who we are? UMNO’s policy of divide and conquer must not be allowed to take root. It is hence a breath of relief and gives us hope that the majority of the voters in PP has rejected BN.

  40. 1. I am amazed that there are still people in this country who think that the opposition parties “won” the general elections because they promised a more open society with transparency and whatnots, including of course doing away with the Internal Security Act.

    2. Do they think that the swing; the mass desertion of the Malay villagers from UMNO, the Chinese from Chinese parties and the Indians from MIC in order to vote for the opposition parties, be they PAS or DAP or PKR (Parti Keadilan Rakyat), was due to their wish to see the abolition of the ISA or to seek for greater transparency, or desire for greater human rights, for free speech and open discussions at intellectual levels?

    3. Are these the subjects that padi farmers, food stall holders and hawkers, the rubber tappers, the Class F contractors talk in the coffee shops at “intellectual” levels?

    4. Do they care that our democracy is not as liberal as the western democracies? Do they care about detached intellectual discourse by intellectuals who want to display their intellect?

    5. If they, the intellectuals think or believe that these kampong people, petty traders and hawkers voted for the opposition because of these ideals, because they have become very mature, because they want to see change, then think again. Go down to the very “unintellectual” level of these ordinary voters and try talking to them about your ideas.

    6. You will find that their concerns are about their cost of living, the price of padi, jobs for them and their children, some of whom are graduates, their small businesses, the little development for their villages and urban slums, their dissatisfaction with their treatment by Government officers and their wakil rakyat not visiting them etc.

    7. Whom do they blame? They blame UMNO and its leaders and the kowtow-ing leaders of MCA, Gerakan, MIC. In particular they blame the Prime Minister, Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

    8. Why did they blame Abdullah? Their reasoning was simple. Under previous Prime Ministers they were very much better off; the prices of goods did not go up too high, their incomes had increased, the officials were more attentive and so were their wakils etc etc.

    9. Besides these there were no other changes. UMNO, MCA, Gerakan, MIC were all still there although they were somewhat different, being led at the local and national level by grasping politicians concerned with holding posts which gave them opportunities to enrich themselves, getting JPs (Justice of Peace), Datuk-ship, Tan Sri-ship and other ships, kissing the PM’s hand in order to win his favour. They cared more for what they could get from him than what they could do for the people. And his response was to favour these leaders and not the people. These leaders and party hacks would keep him as their President and therefore his Premiership. For the people he proposed Corridors in the future.

    10. The people did not object too much to the corruption. It would be good if they got a piece of the goodies themselves. But the Prime Minister did not bother. Comfortable with the support of his party people he did not see the need to bribe the people. So the people owed him nothing.

    11. They regarded him as being responsible for all their misfortunes simply because all these misfortunes came during his time, or more crudely it came from him. So it seems to them.

    12. One of the things that the simple people did not like was a lack of gratefulness shown by these leaders. They, the ordinary voters were too scared to protest over this show of ungratefulness on the part of the Prime Minister and his minions. But they felt strongly about Abdullah’s lack of gratefulness, especially as he let his minions show crudely their ungratefulness, cursing and condemning the people who had been responsible for their exalted position as Ministers etc.

    13. The people feared the reaction of the Government and did not voice their disgust at such uncouth behaviour. But that did not mean that they were prepared to overlook such displays of ungratefulness. And so the first time they felt free to express their views without fear they did – by voting against the Barisan Nasional.

    14. And so the BN lost. But the opposition did not win, certainly not because the simple voters liked the opposition. They won by default because that was the only way the erstwhile BN supporters could show their dislike for the people they blame for their problems. The BN lost, the opposition really did not win.

    15. The liberal intellectuals should be able to see this. But they wanted so much to believe that they had convinced the opposition parties and the voters about their ideals of liberal democracy, their free speech, transparency etc etc. that they took the apparent success of the opposition as being due to their espousing and the electorate being convinced of the kind of politics the intellectuals preach.

    16. And so when recently opposition party members behaved in the old ways, reverting to racism and religious intolerance, to disliking sensitive issues to be openly discussed, to regarding those of their own kind joining the liberals as betrayers, they became unhappy at what they consider to be treachery on the part of the opposition.

    17. But the opposition led by the wily master of spin, Anwar Ibrahim, only made a show of being liberal, of being advocates of freedom of expression, as being above racialism, of being against detendtion without trial and of being all the way with the liberal intellectuals. They have no intention of being all these. But it was good politics and a good way to hoodwink the naive intellectuals and their even more naive followers.

    18. The intellectuals and the pretenders had allowed themselves to be led by the nose up the garden path. The hard nosed real politicians, especially of the oppositions are laughing.

    19. It is time the so-called intellectuals realise they were being duped by the Master of Spin, the pious Muslim who is also the bosom pal of Paul Wolfowitz, the neo-con Jew, the killer of Muslims, the supporter of Hindraf and of the Chinese schools etc. etc.

    20. But intellectuals will not admit they have made a grave mistake. They see what they want to see. Carry on dreaming. Hold your forum, discuss what you like. You are driving the people further and further apart, pushing them back to their old racialism. You are helping to hold up a regime that is incompetent and thoroughly corrupt. You are helping to destroy this country.

  41. Dr. M said…….

    “1. I am amazed that there are still people in this country who think that the opposition parties “won” the general elections because they promised a more open society with transparency and whatnots, including of course doing away with the Internal Security Act.”

    19. It is time the so-called intellectuals realise they were being duped by the Master of Spin, the pious Muslim who is also the bosom pal of Paul Wolfowitz, the neo-con Jew, the killer of Muslims, the supporter of Hindraf and of the Chinese schools etc. etc.

    20. But intellectuals will not admit they have made a grave mistake. They see what they want to see. Carry on dreaming. Hold your forum, discuss what you like. You are driving the people further and further apart, pushing them back to their old racialism. You are helping to hold up a regime that is incompetent and thoroughly corrupt. You are helping to destroy this country.”

    I am shocked ! We were once ruled by a man of such “intellectual”

    A man once PM using the words “Jew, Hindrad, Chinese School and Muslim show nothing but more a man with immerse emotional problems ! hallucinating ! an extreme racist !

    And people like Zak admiring him for that ! very much like a cult !

    A State Funeral for him ! Please Use UMNO’s money and your kinds

    I would just shed a tear since he is also human with blood as red as mine.

    Dr.M had already use up his times … Let Anwar “Speak!

  42. OMG i once respect him so much and for this i got slap hard in the face for nothing. Why is he saying this?…

    Evaluate from his words i can see his desperate and struggling hard, maybe he really fears DSAI might go after him. Poor devil. “What you plants, is what you get”, you dont get Rambutan tree from Durian seeds u ass.

  43. not much i guess, he was decent enough to stored some in bank negara, but wasted by this goons in 5years… they starts fighting like monkey in the cage… my storage bananas become peanuts u ass RAWR FIghtfightfight!~ roflmao

  44. Yes, when MM passes away, his grave should well be protected and guarded with cctv, lest people urinate on his grave.

    Guess we will definitely have an ang moh volunteer and fan to do the job.

  45. Dear contributors,

    It is observed that name-calling and bad mouthing are without limits here. It surely does not reflect well on us and the blog itself that there are no restraints at all. For good measure, there must be some semblance of respect of others. Then only can we expect the same from others.

    We should not go to the extent of levelling accusations without basis or smearing someone’s name and character. We can disagree with others but that does not mean we can simply discredit their opinions and beliefs with glee and disrespect. It only shows one’s immaturity and crudeness, poor upbringing, and bad faith.

    Debate and disagree all you want. But please do not resort to crude and foul languages. It is just not right and uncouth to do so.

    Thank you.

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