128 Replies to “STOP PRESS! Latest! Anwar’s majority more than Azizah’s”

  1. Great news. BUT, its not over yet. Don’t be too optimistic. These BN guys can still do wonders. Please ensure all PKR members are on their toes for any untoward incidents and any hanky pankies by the BN guys during the ballot count in all polling stations. Heard that there r 3 buses load of “BN voters” coming to PP have been sighted by a fellow PKR member. Heard also he was arrested by police. We need all the help from all to get this situation in control by PKR.
    Best of luck.

  2. Way to go….way to go. Salute to all the good people of Permatang Pauh! You have done us all a huge favour and we thank you very much! Congratulations to Anwar and his family. May God be with you always. Let’s now march on to Putrajaya and make the change.


    Postal votes can only help if the margin of win is small, not when it’s a huge majority. And besides, for PP, there are only 500 postal votes. BN is buried!

  4. This is great if the final results bear out this projection.
    It’ll be be a real cause for celebration granted the lower turnout of about 65%.
    So it must a larger number of Malaysians in Permatang Pauh have embraced the agenda of change.
    Forward ho, Anwar to Putrajaya you shall go!

  5. I promised to give free lunch to a friend if Arif Shah loses his deposit and I Will Glading Throw In a Can of Beer when the official result is out.

    Cantonese saying ‘shee tou lat foo!’ That should attract Saifool.

    I am afraind that BN will resort of dirty tricks to change the equation.

  6. YB, please make sure you ask PKR members to bring candle along with them just in case they “TUTUP API” like the one use to happen in Sarawak…

    When they TUTUP API then we LIGHT UP our candle.

  7. Also concerned about YB Gobalakrishnan, who is reported to have been beaten up by police, together with his sons, and then arrested, is also reported to be held at Seberang Jaya Police station.

    Lilian of People’s Parliment reports that Gobala saw police escorting one of the buses and wanted to know why they were escorting the bus into Permatang Pauh.

    Any updates, guys?

  8. This will be another new mile stone for MALAYSIA history and we all hope this will lead to fresh changes and rooted off all BN bad practices. We also hope good will prevail and whatever actions taken should take the All Malaysian interest into top consideration. We want to move forward from now and we want all leaders concentrate on the real issues that have affecting all Malaysians.

  9. Great news! Hooray for democracy! Malaysians have come of age!

    However, final count still not out yet. But assuming 65% turnout, and DSAI has 15k majority, then BN bloke only got about 11-12k! Malu for BN lah!

    Well done again DSAI and PR!!

  10. do anyone here have Arif Shah’s email address? or does he have any blog?
    i would like to drop him a message saying: “hey u kalah dalam pilihan raya kecil? apakah perasaannya anda kalah?
    HEHEHEEH(batman’s joker laugh)”

  11. There are signs of significant swing to PKR despite the lower turnout. In the state constituency of Penanti, which PKR won at the March 8 general elections, the party has bagged the sole polling station, Telok Wang, it failed to win five months ago.

    March 8 result: BN – 261 votes, PKR – 227
    Aug 26 result: BN – 232 votes, PKR – 260

    Anwar is also making gains in the state constitutency of Seberang Jaya, where PKR had lost to BN candidate Arif on March 8.

  12. 6.33 petang: Keputusan terkini:

    – Pauh Jaya: KeADILan menang 413 undi

    – Penanti: KeADILan menang 1605 undi

    – Mukim 9 Tanah Liat: KeADILan menang 162 undi

    – Taman Tun Hussien Onn: KeADILan menang 649 undi

    – Kg. Cross Street: KeADILan menang 1234 undi

    7.00 petang: Keputusan terkini:

    – Penanti: KeADILan menang 1605 undi

    – Mukim 9 Tanah Liat: KeADILan menang 162 undi

    – Jalan Tuna, Seberang Jaya: KeADILan menang 625 undi

    7.20 petang: Keputusan terkini:

    – Telok Wang: KeADILang menang 28 undi (KeADILan tidak pernah menang di sini sejak 1999!)

    source from DSAI blog

  13. sickandtired Says:

    Today at 19: 33.13 (7 minutes ago)
    Heard some PKR supporters start throwing mineral bottles at najis. True….eh?

    Roflmao i hope NOT we should show them were educated supporters unlike BeEnd gummy bears lol.

    WOW What a great news indeed! im still working till 10pm before i offwork cant wait tv anouncement! YES YES!

  14. Anwar’s press conference at 9pm is believed to declare his victory. The press conference was rescheduled to 9pm from its original time of 7.45pm

    Not sure if it televised or what channels, you guys just have to explore.

  15. Could not get onto Malaysiakini, Malaysianinisder and Malaysia-today! What happened? Traffic jam? Or some wise guy did not want the news to break out concerning the Permatang Pauh results ?

    But Saudara Lim Kit Siang had the news! Three Cheers to Kit!

    S.H. Huang

  16. Aiya! The whole BN machinery was used to back up one poor fellow! What happened BN? Haha the machinery broke down mid-way Lah – poor maintenance, no genuine spare parts, all spareparts used are local-made!

    Never mind, the new future PM will ensure machinery is always in tiptop condition, I hope!!

  17. If DSAI won this, the next he has to beware is what The BN guys will do in the sodomise court case. I swear, they will try best to acheive what they want. They have publicly told Permatang Pauh – if DSAI is guilty, there will be another by-election which they claimed it is costly, wasting people time etc.

  18. If Anwar wins officially, its like an angel has come down to save us!! May God / Allah bless these wise permatang pauh residents for their far-sight of a more harmonies multi-racial malaysians and hoprfully that PK can guide each and everyone to better and more prosperous future.

    however, i fear BN will not go down well and accept defeat because of their ever ignorance attitude. they will start to make up fabulous stories as an excuse to go head-hunting arrests people especially oppositions via police and the infamous ISA . they will for sure even threaten their own MPs not to jump ship at this time so WE MUST BE STRONG to oppose their barbaris acts if this should happen !!

    As for BN MPs, this is the MOST PERFECT TIME to make the BOLD MOVE to jump ship for the betterment of MALAYSIAN no matter we are black,brown,blue or what-ever color we are. To these BN who think they should do it for their children future sake and for MALAYSIA RAKYAT, let me be the first person to BOW AND SALUTE YOU DATUKS !! you will go down to HISTORY WITH HONOR AND DIGNITY instead of other scam-bag BN who shall be spit and curse forever !!! i will really their children who has to endure and face the rakyat’s wrath for their wrong-doings !!

    Let’s hope this time around, MERDEKA DAY will ONCE AGAIN BE REVATALISED under Anwar’s PK REGIME !! MERDEKA ! MERDEKA ! MERDEKA !

  19. Anyone got any idea what happened to Malaysia Today’s site, read that the site has been hacked by some pig head.

    Anyway, it is a DAMN GOOD news if DSAI wins … some tooth is gonna fall …

  20. 7.43pm The EC starts to announce official results as per the ballot boxes it has counted. As it stands, Anwar is leading by 3,507 votes (or 48.11 percent).

    The breakdown is as follows: Akim’s Hanafi Hamat (nine votes), Anwar (5,398 votes) and Arif Shah (1,891).

    So far 20 ballot boxes of a total of 111 have been opened and counted. Anwar had won in ALL these 20 boxes. In one particular box, he had obtained 441 votes compared to Arif’s 14.

  21. ) Mengkuang

    Box 1 : anwar 170 / Arif 115

    Box 2 : Anwar 267 /Arif 183

    Box 3 : anwar 310 / Arif 136

    Box 4 : Anwar 282 / Arif 126

    2) Guah Perahu

    Box 1 : anwar 136 / Arif 161

    Box 2 : Anwar 232 / Arif 236

    Box 3 ; Anwar 284 / Arif 176

    Box 4 : Anwar 258 / Arif 153

    3) Kuala Mengkuang

    Box 1 : Anwar 136 / Arif 157

    Box 2 : anwar 268 / Arif 274

    Box 3 : Anwar 285 / Arif 233

    Box 4 : Anwar 291 / Arif 192

    Box 5 : Anwar 227 / Arif 206


    7.42pm : Based on news reports coming in

    1) Taman Tun Hussein Onn

    Box 1 : Anwar 159 / Arif 100

    Box 2 : Anwar 320 / Arif 156

    Box 3 : Anwar 334 / Arif 131

    Box 4 : Anwar 329 / Arif 106

    2) Seberang Jaya

    Box 1 : Anwar 158 / Arif 97

    Box 2 : Anwar 258 / Arif 7

    Box 3 : Anwar 335 / Arif 201

    Box 4 : Anwar 369 / Arif 141

    Box 5 : Anwar 356 / Arif 161

    3) JDM 6

    Box 1 : Anwar 178 / Arif 78

    Box 2 : Anwar 192 / Arif 80

    Box 3 : Anwar 179 / Arif 95

    4 ) Kg Cross Station 2

    Box 1 : Anwar 179 / Arif 29

    Box 2 : Anwar 411 / Arif 49

    Box 3 : Anwar 441 / Arif 34

    Box 4 : anwar 381 / Arif 66

    5) Siakap

    Box 1 : anwar 358 / Arif 203

    Box 2 : anwar 411/ Arif 104

    Box 3 : Anwar 369 / Arif 141

    Box 4 : Anwar 356 / Arif 156

    6) Jalan Tuna

    Box 1 : Anwar 163 / Arif 95

    Box 2 : Anwar 342 / Arif 193

    Box 3 : Anwar 344 / Arif 116

    Box 4 : anwar 325 / Arif 145

    7) Permatang Puah

    Box 1 : Anwar 314 / Arif 95

    Box 2 : anwar 337 / Arif 60

  22. People of Malaysia,

    We need to remember that it is always hard for any ruling party to relinquish power even if they lose to a democratically elected opposition. Two striking examples jumps to mind: Myanmar and Zimbabwe.
    So don’t think that BN will quietly leave town. Too much is at stake, especially all their dirty dealings. What LGE has uncovered is just the tip of the iceberg.
    To unseat BN, all patriotic Malaysians need to remain resolute.
    DSAI – WELL DONE. PP is just but a small step. More hurdles need to be overcome and OVERCOME SHALL OBSTACLES BE as Malaysia awaits its RIGHTFUL PM!

  23. Up to 7:54pm results as follows:

    Anwar – 11,044 (68%)
    Arif – 5,187 (32%)

    15,000 PKR supporters are at counting centre to receive the final results. The barricade separating the BN/PKR supporters have been removed ‘cos the BN supporters have gone home?

    Cheers! :D

  24. At the end, it has been proven – BeEng actually could have saved millions of RAKYAT money by declaring a walkover in the beginning.

    A high price to pay for wanting to look at the last poker card.

  25. 15,000 PKR supporters are at counting centre to receive the final results. The barricade separating the BN/PKR supporters have been removed ‘cos the BN supporters have gone home? [lkt-56]

    I smell a RAT! Calm before the storm. What is BN hatching??? PR supporters pls be vigilant! Someone pls sms or call the ppl they know who are at the counting station, PRONTO!

  26. Congratulations! Sincere thanks to all the voters who played a hand in DSAI’s victory.

    The next step is to get the necessary MPs to join Pakatan Rakyat and march on to Putrajaya.

    That should be the goal of all the parties in the Pakatan Rakyat. Get the MPs from Sabah/Sarawak and the disillusioned ones from BN.

  27. I smell a RAT! Calm before the storm. What is BN hatching??? PR supporters pls be vigilant! Someone pls sms or call the ppl they know who are at the counting station, PRONTO! [seage]

    Nah!!! They just needed extra space to accomodate 15,000 people. ;)

  28. 8pm: Unofficial: Anwar Ibrahim is the winner, obtaining a majority of 16,210 votes. He garnered 26,646 votes while Arif Shah Arif Omar got 10,436. His wife, Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, won the seat with a 13,400 majority in the March 8 general election.

  29. 20:26

    After the counting of ballot papers of 65 polling streams, the EC has announced that PKR’s Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is leading with 18,671 votes. BN’s Datuk Ariff Shah Omar Shah has garnered 8,379 votes while AKIM’s Hanafi Hamat only managed 51. Only results from 45 streams have yet to be counted.

  30. Don’t be so happy. The count is not yet over. Arif will never lose and UMNO will never fall. I want to caution those who are being over excited here. It sounds as if Anwar has been elected as PM. Mind your words and open your eye wide and see who is the government here!

  31. Kasim Amat

    What “consequence”? Is that another veiled threat inspired by the bully tactics of your bosses?

    Democracy is about choices. Citizens as taxpayers are free to make their choices. These choices must be respected, whichever they go.

    So, poo-dah. Stop issuing threats. Don’t be a bully. A bully is someone who is unsure of himself or herself. Go figure.

  32. Kasim Amat, what happened la? You were going to bury Anwar’s politics? Instead, you, together with your BN beruks have been buried in PP.

    Hear ye, hear ye, this kucing kurap has lost all face, so he is now threatening we should be “ready to bear the consequence”. Kasim aka Beruk aka JK aka Kaki Perempuan, we are ready for you! You make sure you dont run and hide behind your FIL. You RAT!

  33. Kasim Amat Says:

    Today at 20: 57.38 (7 minutes ago)
    I just want to give my final word to those who vote against UMNO, be responsible for your action and be ready to bear the consequence.

    Ha ha ha ha ha……..

  34. 8.55pm Source: M. Ramachandran ( The People’s Parliment )

    Saw YB Gopalakrishnan handcuffed at the Seberang Jaya hospital. He said he was okay although he appeared to be in a state of shock.

    At the time of reporting, he is understood to sstill be at the emergency centre awaiting examination and treatment. He has already been x-rayed.

    His sons are still in the police station lock-up.

  35. Kasim

    Your earlier posting about who the government is. What’s wrong with you?

    Do you mean to tell me that we must “fear” the government? Is the government you purport to represent founded on FEAR? And must the government you purport to represent operate on BULLY tactics such as THREATS and all that?


  36. We are all born with with a free will. Kasim Amat has chosen to believe in BN politics whereas the majority here has chosen to give Anwar a chance to show us that he can do a better job.

    Let us not quarrel and leave brother Kasim to get over his sadness. His reaction is only natural. If the results has been the other way around most of us here would be unhappy too.

    Give him a break folks!

  37. Vidya Yong

    Don’t bash Kasim Amat.

    He is just telling all of us that his government, the government he purports to represent, is founded on FEAR and adopted BULLY tactics like THREATS to turn tax-paying citizens into COWS.

    If I am in the government, I do not think I want him as my spokesman … unless he is telling the truth.

    Kasim, now you explain or poo-dah!

  38. Hei Kasim, with the entire mainstream media (broadcast and print) on BN’s payroll, with the entire BN leadership (from AAB to Najis, Hisap Mu Din et al) arriving at PP, with all the vote rigging and vote buying, you FAILED miserably. People of PP cannot be bought. But you, you still don’t get the picture.

    I say man, had you been to Oxford, you would get it. But then, you studied at Oxfart, didn’t you? That explains it. Hahahaha……..

  39. The margin is certainly bigger than Wan Azizah’s.



    Congratulations! Looks like you have to postpone retirement. It is your destiny to stay on a little bit longer to impart your wisdom to the younger generation. ;)

  40. Thanks my friend…. Honestly nobody knows the true numbers because results are posted enthusiastically by bloggers. Just thought it would be helpful if we can have at least some indication of what’s happening. My information are from Harris Ibrahim Blog which seems the least congested.

    What matters is that despite the Sodomy allegation this results shows that negatives deeds begets negative outcome and ….


    Caution: Do not be over exuberant for nothing is permanent.

  41. Elizabeth John of NST reported from the Vote Tally Centre
    at 21:14 :

    After the counting of ballot papers of 99 polling streams, the EC has announced that PKR’s Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is leading with 29,195 votes. BN’s Datuk Ariff Shah Omar Shah has garnered 14,444 votes while AKIM’s Hanafi Hamat only managed 89. Only results from 7 streams have yet to be tabulated.

    ps: I, too am confused as the total votes casts seem to have exceed 40,000

  42. Bulletins from Permatang Pauh on 26/8/2008
    August 26, 2008

    9.13pm : Din Merican reporting from the counting centre

    Final unofficial ( whatever that means ) figures

    Votes in favour of Anwar -31,579

    Votes for Arif – 16,045

  43. yhsiew Says:

    Today at 21: 47.25 (2 minutes ago)
    Bulletins from Permatang Pauh on 26/8/2008
    August 26, 2008

    9.13pm : Din Merican reporting from the counting centre

    Final unofficial ( whatever that means ) figures

    Votes in favour of Anwar -31,579

    Votes for Arif – 16,045

    Total registered voters: 58459.

    Total turnout based on above figure :47624

    % turn out : 81.5%

    Is the figure correct?????

  44. Hopefully no tukar2 lagi!

    NST mainpage just announced via A. KATHIRASEN and ELIZABETH JOHN :

    THE Permatang Pauh By-Election was won by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. AT the end of the vote count at about 9:47pm, the PKR de facto leader received a total majority of 15,671 votes to beat BN’s Datuk Arif Shah Omar Shah.

    The results at the final tally are:

    Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim: 31,195 votes
    Datuk Arif Shah Omar Shah: 15,524 votes
    Hanafi Hamat: 92 votes
    Majority: 15,671 votes
    Turnout: 65.25%

  45. I waited for this day to come and to hear the good news is like the sun is shining brightly at night. All those MIC ladies who went to PP without any shame after losing terribly during the last GE, what do they have to say now. Samy value said their members are doing door to door campaign, dia orang dapat penyapu ka. I hope the sodomy, economy, saiful mee, Nalla mee will end soon. What new tricks do the UMNO beruks going to have on DSAI? Can’t wait to see DSAI walking into parliment.

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