Lim Kit Siang

One Bangsa – 50 years on?

by Jeff Lim
Man on the Street

I am 51 years of age, Malaysian, a self made businessman, married with 3 adult children and living in Penang. I am just a down to earth man on the street earning a decent living and community service is part of my life. If there is RM50 to give away now. There are many individuals and families who would need it desperately just to get a square meal and get by a few days.

It saddens me to see disparity amongst the races and politicians fighting pitching against themselves and within themselves. This country is a mad house. A truly Malaysia context should be fighting for all Malaysians and energy and time should be use to address other priority issues.

The wealth indicators are often used to display the racial social standing status in terms of success and wealth. Chinese have much to be proud of. They could be better if not for the brain drain and political agendas. The others have only grievances to complain about one after another, simply because their living skills to help themselves is seriously lacking.

Yes, we lack true leadership in shaping the country. Singapore, our neighbour has forever been used as an exemplary example. Irrespective of who you are, be it a Malay, Chinese, Indian, whatever colour, meritocracy is the ONLY way of life. Nothing must stand in the way, nor politics nor religion nor corruption. In the days of P.Ramlee, we were all just one. Why must it be different now.

I sincerely pray that Permatang Paud election will be a huge success for PR in terms of a whooping victory. We need a new beginning, a breath of fresh air and hope. We need to carry on, even if it means taking another next 51 years. Malaysia Boleh, Malaysia for all Malaysians. Make it happen. God bless you and congratulation on the resounding victory on March 8th and LGE a legacy in the making. You must be a proud father.

Just 1 question – do you foresee a Bangsa Malaysia? Is that possible? and How and When?

Thank you for fighting a just cause even if it means going to jail which not many have that courage. Its time to celebrate the Permatang Pauh victory.