294 Replies to “FLASH NEWS (3) Official PP result”

  1. should be confirmed

    From Malaysiakini

    Official: Anwar gets BIGGER majority
    Aug 26, 08 7:17am
    LIVE UPDATES Final EC tally – Anwar got 31,195 votes, Arif Shah, 15,524, Hanafi, 92. Anwar won with a majority of 15,671. Anwar’s wife, Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, won the seat with a 13,388 majority at the March 8 general elections

  2. Guys… you have a very good reason to celebrate MERDEKA this 31st Aug 2008. While everybody else will celebrate MERDEKA to remember Tunku Abdul Rahman’s efforts, we will now celebrate it for the real meaning of MERDEKA – we are here – to the New Era of MALAYSIA…. hidup PR!

    Let’s celebrate this 31st August with this new spirit!!! Reformation!!


    Now real work just began judging from Bernama news a while ago.
    These injured animals will be wilder.
    While we rejoice, lets continue to be ‘Wise’ and tread carefully
    from hereon.

    Tomorrow may be a different ballgame from the Gov’t.
    Anyway, lets toast to All ye ppl of PKR!!! Well DOne!!!

  4. Congrats to Pakatan Rakyat. But dunno what UMNO will do. Emergency? Military rule? Anarchy?

    It is capable of doing anything to stay in power and to prevent themselves from being prosecuted.

    Those MPs who promised DSAI that they will jump ship, pls keep your word. Let us hope this is the beginning of the end of the racist and corrupted UMNO/BN.

  5. Congratulation! to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.! well done the voters has response and put you into putrajaya .

    To LKS,Nik Aziz and other congrats as well…….

    hip hip horray…….new malaysia has been born.

  6. PR and DSAI, the hard work begins now! Wining is Phase 1, what are the plans for Phase 2 onwards?

    Great start for the democratic process. When starts the exodus of the BN lawmakers, now that the overwhelming majority number is close to confirmation?

  7. malaysians have been fooled for too long. zak_hammad , killer, amat kasim, are you sleeping ?

    the whole bn machineries are no use to the conscience of the voters. voters are no longer taken by threats nor carrots.

    once again, pp voters, you have created history.THANK YOU>
    26 september 2008, will be remembered as the day, malaysians are liberated by racists parties and bigot politicians.

  8. New dawn begins for Malaysia. So relief that we provide BeEnd wrong again despite all the dirty trick used, rakyat have matured not to take on surface value and understand the big picture…MERDEKA!

  9. UMNO is alreday preparing to throw DSAI in jail. They have submitted the controversial DNA Bill. They are going to try their dirty tricks again!
    The “cross-overs” have to occur soon or else UMNO will ensure that DSAI will be thrown into jail!!!!!
    We have not won yet…UMNO will be working in over drive now.

  10. Adam, only an antagonist like you would trust a snake like Anwar; this he has shown through his contradictory actions as finance minister and then DPM. His words of late reflect the audience he is addressing and it is the Malays who will pay the ultimate price for his selfish ambitions. If he gets to Putrajaya (which I believe is highly unlikely), there is a very real risk of a civil strife.

    The opposition knows that Anwar remains the only viable Malay puppet for them to get into government. The DAP are the only winners from Anwar’s “fame” and the minorities who want a larger share of political stake and representation should know always remember May 13th; not as a scaremongering tool, but as a serious lesson in racial harmony gone bad.

    Anwar’s “majority” lies with the Chinese and Indians; this is what I mean when I speak of civil strife; antagonising the majority race will not help build an equitable Malaysia as Pakatan hope.

  11. Thats great. Should give our sleepy flipflop guy a big jerk to wake up from his slumber.
    Hope PKR members will not overdo things wen they celebrate. It may give the apportunity for those guys to create chaos. Then we r back to square one.
    PKR now should move on and bring the country on the right track.
    Long live PKR.

  12. The rakyat of PP has spoken. My relatives who are strong BN supporters have voted for DSAI this time. Like godfather and other bloggers have said earlier, DSAI shld be given a chance to show his capabilities. DAP shld also invite more of other races to the party to show that you are one bangsa malaysia party. Until then lets hope DSAI can make a significant change to the country’ s economy and together we can hope for a better future esp for our children sake.

  13. Not true Zak, only PKR will ever trust a snake like you!!
    But then again, we won’t trust you and your figment of imaginations – its too shallow, thats why its making hell
    lot of noise like you.

  14. Syabas…DSAI, Welcome back to Parliment. Our existing BN govt is in a mess, championing too much self-centred and self-interested political actions rather than national development. Hidup Anwar to bring reformasi to BN weak leadership, we need major change…! Next general election…sapu semua states, surely.

  15. Greetings, support and much congrats to Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim from supporters in Texas and Oklahoma City!!

    We are all looking forward to return home oneday to a place called Malaysia for good soon. Please keep up all your promises!!

    Malaysia Merdeka Day celebration this year here in Texas and Oklahoma City will surly be a lively and joyous one. Once again, CONGRATS!!

  16. According to progressive declaration of results from Tuanku Bainun College -the vote accumulation centre for the Permatang Pauh by-election Anwar has won the election with only the extent of majority being uncertain. Anwar lead in almost all voting streams announced so far -except in a few locations in Seberang Jaya-the state constituency of his opponent -Arif Shah. Prediction of Anwar’s margin ranged from consevative 8000 votes to 24 000 votes. The victory counts even more when seen in the context of significant cut in voters turn out-which plunged from 81% to 65%.


    Hakim :92

    PKR: 31 195

    BN: 15 524

    Majority: 15 671

  17. Yee Siew Wah Says:

    >> PKR now should move on and bring the country on the right track.

    err, and what is that track? Have you seen Pakatan’s manifesto? Do you know HOW Anwar is going to implement policies for a “fairer” and “just” Malaysia? You may be brainwashed by Anwar’s amphibious nature and words, the rest of us require concrete and tangible evidence.

    You may have had a rough time with BN, and wanting change for the sake of change is foolish.

  18. Excellence Result!!!
    To saudara zak & saudara amat kasim,

    Do u guys dare to swear in the name of god, UMNO has never done any bad to the country? im a chinese and i understand the certain superiority of malay rights and i do respect it but UMNO has overcross the malay rights to rule!!! 1st of all, do u guys finish yr O-level education?? do u understand how hard for ppl like me, a chinese and indian & lain lain to get into a local university… im in my early 20s and tis unfair education quota system is the 1st thing i had encountered tat totally dissatisfy me with the ruling government. Opportunity to further studies in university should be divided equally or at least with a more suitable quota… a bumiputra with STPM pointer of 2.2 can get into professional course, accounting while a chinese friend of mine with 2.83 & indian friend with 2.81 get nothing… nothing….2ndly, fuel price!! we are oil producing country yet our fuel price is much expensive than some of the non oil producing countries… y? explain la pls~~ some1 enlighten me if can… we also wanna live peacefully together but the situation forced us to pro-Opposition… when i was small, MCA is something i proud of b4 i get to noe DAP’s ideology…. but now i can say is “good bye MCA, im no longer noe who r u”

  19. ahpiow Says:

    >> I think we should all ignore zak’s and amat’s postings.

    Is this the level of your intellectual discourse? Do you find it hard to respond to my posts? Why not try broadening your horizon and taking your Anwar blinkers off for a while and ask yourself the same questions and attempt to answer them!

  20. Thank God , The Almighty ..
    We are now entering the serious phase to match UMNO in Parliament and challenge the policies that they have passed for their own benefits.
    DSAI will be facing more charges thrown to him because of his past activities which closed at home to UMNO.

    9.50pm: Final official EC tally – Anwar got 31,195 votes, Arif Shah, 15,524, Hanafi, 92. Anwar won with a majority of 15,671.

    Anwar’s wife, Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, won the seat with a 13,388 majority at the March 8 general elections.

    HOORAY, Let the party begin!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS ALL ROUND!!!

  22. I wish to register my heartiest congratulations to Sdr Anwar Ibrahim on his victory in the Permatang Pauh by-election.

    It is indeed a cause for celebration.

    My best wishes also go to Dr Wan Azizah, who made it all possible.

    Best Regards.

  23. It’s not about DSAI that rakyat want to run down .. they are longing to see a new government from here ..
    DSAI will be given the opportunity to lead , just like TAR right after Merdeka …
    This time ,Malaysian able to enjoy MERDEKA from UMNO .. that’s a victory feeling going around all Malaysian … from today onwards..

  24. Zak_hammaad, I do agree on your statement but bear in mind, we are staying in multiracial country, being polite is prerequite in this country. Like the way you commented is simply no manners or more extremely – rude!!

    I do respect your right to comment, but pls put it in a more proper manner. Otherwise you will make other ppl feel that you are an extreamist. Ppl are thinking that you could another running dog of BN who are being paid to create chaos in PR team. If you are not running dog but still feeling uncomfortable seeing PR or PKR supporters giving congras to DSAI in this blog, you can simply ignore this blog what, what’s the point of criticizing ppl’s comment?

  25. # zak_hammaad Says:
    Today at 22: 26.22 (2 minutes ago)

    ahpiow Says:

    >> I think we should all ignore zak’s and amat’s postings.

    Is this the level of your intellectual discourse? Do you find it hard to respond to my posts? Why not try broadening your horizon and taking your Anwar blinkers off for a while and ask yourself the same questions and attempt to answer them!

    Well in tat case i would like to say a big thank you to u mr zak to post something in a pro-opposition.. 1, it allowed us to have fun exchanging “words” with u guys and 2, yr presence here shows that u are some how interested to check out the opposition’s ideology… look~! u c~! u even registered to drop some comments!! how cool~!.. that’s a good move!! bravo… hope 1 day u will no longer hate opposition but to love opposition… =0 Peace

  26. zak_hammaad Says:

    “Today at 22: 14.19 (9 minutes ago)
    Adam, only an antagonist….trust a snake like Anwar; this he has shown through his contradictory actions as finance minister and then DPM……”
    Why, zak, R U so blind not to see the rot in bn? any of the senior leaders in PR would make a better PM , than AAB or NTR, U really wan to see Msia go to drain to enrich only a handful currupted ppl?

    When Anwar was DPM, who was the PM? Anwar had a choice then, if he was “smart” like some, he just said “yes betul” to TDM, e would be PM now, but he is “stupid” to go against his “tuan” and get thrown in jail ! Is this your logic that rakyat should not support a “stupid” person??

    Msia surely had no future if continued to be ruled by bn! all rakyat will suffer, bumi, & non bumi, all in same boat! Suffering oledi started !

  27. soviltitus, thought I’d respond before I log off. If you are new to this blog, I will excuse you for not having gone through previous threads and my contributions to them. I am not going to change my style of writing here simply to conform with people’s expectations, after all blogging is about freedom of expression right?

    This issue of leadership is far bigger and important that BN or Pakatan, it is about the very soul of Malaysia and the direction it will take for years to come. Each racial entity sees things with a slant towards their own agenda and who is best to serve that. As I said before, Malaysia can never have a national stability with the pre-requisite of a Malay unity who comprise the majority. Equally, it is impossible to have racial unity amongst everyone because this is a misnomer that has not historical precedence. What we should aim for is unity first and foremost amongst our respective races and then find common bonds and values that unites us all as a cohesive society.

    Fundamentally, the issue in Malaysia is one of religion and not race or politics per say; until we are brave enough to accept this fact, we are only going to make superficial changes and cosmetic progress.

  28. Congrats to saudara Anwar Ibrahim for his thumping victory.I hope with his victory and soon the Opposition Leader in Parliment he will bring a new chapter to our parliment.He will speak up for ALL Malaysians and stamp down on those racist MPs.Now that the by-election is over we should all concentrate on the economy and scale down on politics.

  29. UMNO……stands for
    United Malays National Organisation (eh..eh in English??)

    Then it transformed into an ugly beast which many then aptly called…U Must Not Oppose..

    But today, UMNO stands for

    Utter Morons Nearing Oblivion

  30. It is unthinkable that Anwar could garner a vote-majority of 15,671 after having been bombarded with so many “attacks” from BN e.g. sodomy, agent for US, forsaking his own race to help the Chinese etc. Apparently his supporters were not moved by such allegations.

  31. Zak & Kasim,

    What Malays ? Are you graduates from UITM no wonder. There are no more Malay in this country maybe you still can find some in Indonesia.

    200 yrs ago…. Malay +Malay = Malay

    The last 80 yrs…
    Indon+ Malay = Malay celup
    Javanese+ Malay= Malay celup
    Bugis + Malay = Malay celup
    Malay celup + Thais = Malay celup
    Malay celup + Fillipinas = Malay celup
    Malay celup+Chinese Muslim = Malay celup
    Malay celup+ Indian Muslim= Malay mamak celup
    Malay celup+Bangla,Pakistani,Turki,Arabs, dll = Melayu lagi bercelup-celup!!

    Malaysians lets shout…. Hidup Rakyat Malaysia
    Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!

  32. Our country has all the natural resources given by Tuhan. We will soon become a developed country soon in the future if a good, fair and responsible government work together with all rakyat malaysia to achieve it.

  33. Hahahahahaha, we have waited too long for this day. Thank God for the truth inspite of all the UMNO swearing by Saiful Sodomy, Bodowi Sodomy, Najis Sodomy, Kurang Jar Sodomy, Kerishamuddin Sodomy, KT Ong Sodomy, Chua Chua Chua Sex Machine and Tan Sri SK Koh Hasbeen. Now, DSAI, take it all the wayyyyyy! Nail the C4 who has disgraced the religion. Clean up the pohliiz force that tried to nail DSAI with an double-stained underwear. And send Bodowi into political oblivion in an eternal sleeeeeeep from which his stupidity will never been given another chance to show its head – stupid head! 31195 rakyat have confirmed they do NOT believe the LIES! We are with them. We are with DSAI.


  34. Well, the campaign speech by Anwar Ibrahim ended with Elvis Presley’s “Its Now Or Never.”

    Without a doubt, Anwar will win, and win big. But whether he will be allowed to take office is another question.

    But knowing UMNO’s dirty tricks and underhand tactics, I am willing to bet that Anwar will end up either in “Heartbreak Hotel”, or doing his “Jailhouse Rock” soon.

    “There Goes My Everything”…


  35. CONGRATULATIONS….to DSAI and to all those who have supported for the truth and nothing but the truth.

    The rest can start packing up, hopefully you will find a peaceful place to go and hide your body and your soul. Even after 51 yrs they have not learn.

    Finally after 51 years, we are back to square 1 again. There are still lots of real work to be done and this is just the begining.

  36. cheng, if you think that Anwar was fettered by Mahathir and UMNO when he was DPM, what makes you think DAP or PAS etc. will not fetter him with their own agenda? It is nice to accuse one party with unfounded allegations and not have the decency to apply the same logic to the other.


  37. Well done freedom and corruption fighters. The war is not won yet. PP is only a decisive battle. More battles ahead and hope that the generals are well prepared for the final push to victory come Sept 16! Malaysia Day!

  38. yhsiew Says:

    “Today at 22: 48.57 (2 minutes ago)
    It is unthinkable that Anwar could garner a vote-majority of 15,671 after having been bombarded with so many “attacks” from BN e.g. sodomy, agent for US, forsaking his own race to help the Chinese etc. Apparently his supporters were not moved by such allegations.”

    This by-election demonstrates the sentiments of the people as expressed during the GE2008. The people want change, and this by-election gives the people such an opportunity.

    We only can hope that if PR takes the reins, things will improve for all Malaysians. We have to give the democratic process a chance, for better or for worse.

  39. It is really gratifying indeed. Now to see things in retrospect is even more fufilling. Someone -can’t remember who have recorded all the dirty tricks just to block this day.
    A real sweet victory, inspite of all the dirty tricks they
    ochestrated against DSAI and PKR.
    Against all odds!

    Can really enjoy my sleep tonite, knowing tomorrow will
    be a better day, after 51 Yrs!!!

    Ya ya, for those who are ‘backward’ sour grape.
    We’ll be ready!!!

  40. zak@coconut head, before you make more unfounded accusations against Anwar, may be you want to look at the number of Malay voters who voted for PR. I think Malaysians in general are united and want to see a better country for all. Only cronies and corrupted a**es would want to see the status quo.

  41. Wow ! Phantom voters again???

    This is the story in The Star dated 26 Aug.

    BUTTERWORTH: Padang Serai MP N. Gobalakrishnan and his two sons were arrested at the Seberang Jaya police station Tuesday for allegedly blocking three buses from ferrying voters.

    Gobalakrishnan and his sons G. Arvind aged 20 and G. Pravin aged 23 were arrested at 7.30pm after he had lodged a police report, alleging the buses were carrying “phantom voters.” Another man, in his 40s, who was with Gobalakrishnan was also arrested.

    Penang CPO Deputy Comm Datuk Ayub Yaakub CPO, who was at the police station, confirmed the arrests.

    He had earlier asked police to take three buses, including one with about 40 passengers, to the police station.

    He told newsmen that the two empty buses were found parked at the junction near the Tuanku Bainun Teacher’s Training College. He explained that as PKR and DAP supporters escorted the two buses to the police station, they found another bus filled with passengers parked at the Kubang Semang tol plaza. “These were passengers who were going back to Malacca after casting their votes,” he alleged, adding that he obtained the information from the bus driver.

    The two empty buses and one bus filled with passengers were parked outside the police station while Gobalakrishnan went in to file the police report. PKR and DAP supporters along with Jelutong MP Jeff Ooi and Sungai Puyu assemblyman Phee Boon Poh were also present.

    Riot police then dispersed the big crowd, who had gathered outside the police station and took Gobalakrishnan and his two sons into the police station compound and closed the station gates.

    After the rowdy crowd had dispersed, another bus filled passengers arrived and was parked by the police station.

    Gobalakrishnan and his sons were later sent to the Seberang Jaya Hospital for a check-up before being taken to the Central Seberang Prai police headquarters in Bukit Mertajam for further investigation.

  42. BN = Bohong rakyat banyak banyak kali kali..
    suka suka esok nail 78sen satu liter…all rakyat panic n gila rush for petrol station. suka suka esok turun 15 sen..untuk apa?
    inflation now is nearly 9 %…all malaysian are suffering now..

  43. Congratulation to Anwar and PKR for the resounding victory despite all the odds stacked against him. And not forgetting PAS and DAP too for their tremendous efforts in assisting Anwar in his victory!

    What I am perplexed is why the EC announced a voter turnout of 65% initially but in the final tally the voter turnout increased to over 80%.

    Could all these be due to phantom voters or irregularities in ballot boxes, postal voters and vote counting? We must get to the bottom of this, lest it will happen again in the next General Election!

  44. UMNO should not feel bad for loosing because it is the right of people to vote a government. UMNO members are human beings who are brain washed an do not realise it. There is enough evidence of foul play by pemimpin UMNO, so why vote for them ?

    PP voters have realized that religious principles are more important than politics. Spiritual principles come first.

  45. ChinNA, there have been reports from several blog that YB Gobalakrishnan and his two sons ( part of the PKR Ghostbusters )were beaten by the Police….

    Both Star and NST didn’t seem to mentioned this…

    can anyone confirm this?

  46. Dear YB LKS,

    Alhamdulillah, God has answered our nation’s & its Downtrodden rayaat’s prayers……

    My Heartiest Congratulations to DSAI, His Pakatan Rayaat Leaders including your goodself & the PR Team…..,

    Our Blogger’s Brigade….

    Your goodself….

    YM RPK, Marina, Haris, Bernard Khoo, Din Merican, Anil Netto, Susan Loone, Lilian, Queenie etc, for the “Magnificient” job well done !

    Also not forgetting All the PR supporters, & the People of Permatang Pauh….

    For this (People’s Power) “Historic” Permatang Pauh Landslide Victory.


  47. Congratulations!

    Having to fight all odds – the PDRM, ACA, the press, the judiciary, the threats and dirty tactics of the whole BN machinery, the people has again succeeded. Let this win be another clear message for PR to move forward with their plans for a better Malaysia!

  48. Hello all,

    I join with most of you in Congratulating the victors.

    As a Malaysian Chinese…. I feel for the 1st time, a Malay is working towards my interest. Regardless of race.

    BN has had carte blanche so far till now. You can always judge a tree by its fruit. The fruit I have seen are increased polarisation, insensitivity, greed, anarchy.

    Whatever the ruling party, we should all take a leaf out of well run countries. We need a strong opposition. ALWAYS…

    We need the voice of conscience. I bet now we wont get those damn 25k flashing light fake looking plastic coconut trees gracing our towns.

    Congratulations again. Take your places. And make sure they know you are watching. BN has been running scared for the good part of a year. Now give them a solid reason to start sprinting into oblivion again.

  49. Sdr Anwar, please stay true to what you promised since the last general election. Please do the right things for Malaysia (which is different from being populist). This country with great potential has suffered long enough. Please stay clear of all the cronies who will soon crowd around you if you come into power. And please adhere to cosmopolitanism – don’t ever be racist and religious fanatics again.

  50. The People’s Parliament 5.52pm : Lillian reporting from the Seberang Jaya police station

    Lillian reported that as she spoke to me, she was staring directly at an angry-looking FRU water cannon.

    She could also see the three ‘pengundi hantu’ buses, now empty, in the police compound.

    Many PKR supporters have converged on the station and are becoming increasingly patient.

    YB Ronnie Liu is in the station. It is rumoured that YB Karpal Singh is also in there.

    Gobalakrishnan, who is reported to have been beaten up by police, together with hiis sons, and then arrested, is also reported to be held at this station.

    Word is that Gobala saw police escorting one of the buses and wanted to know why they were escorting the bus into Permatang Pauh.

  51. zak_hammaad:

    u talk as though DSAI won purely becoz of chinese and indian votes. plz lah. everyone knows DSAI advocates abolishment of NEP. frankly, i don’t give a toss about his past. as far as i am concerned he has not committed murder (unlike some ppl from SOME other party who likes to play with C4.)

    hell even if he is a sodomizer doesn’t affect me. as long as he doesn’t feed his cronies like some people do is good enough. by the way since u r so pro bn, makes me wonder, didn’t ezam n nalla says they hav evidence against anwar that they r going to reveal it yesterday? wut happened to all those EVIDENCE? i guess must hav gone missing like how balasubramaniam gone MISSING eh ~

  52. Now we are out of Racial Politics…..

    A new era of politics based on Malaysian Malaysia, equality & meritocracy is beginning.

    Let’s hope also that religion-based politics (PAS’s idealistic lifestyle) will not interfere with PR’s dreams. Or else PR will be in jeopardy.

  53. Dear zak_hammaad:
    Sorry to tell you this. The kampung people want justice, strong economy and real harmonious between the races. Also, I think you are the minorty now if I believe and read the poll result right. SO, ready to be in the opposition and ready to go to jail once in a while. Just Kidding on the jail part… PR governemt is fair to all even you… :)

  54. http://www.suarakeadilan.com reports :

    Gobalakrisnan ditahan bersama anak

    PERMATANG PAUH, 26 OGOS (SK)- Ahli Parlimen Padang Serai, Gobala Krisnan ditahan bersama dua orang anaknya kerana menahan bas-bas yang membawa pengundi hantu.

    Dua anaknya itu, Arvind, 20, dan Pravin, 23, bersama isteri Vasanti, berumur 40+ turut dipukul anggota polis kerana memukul polis.

    Menurut Ahli Parlimen Kapar, S Manikavasagam, isteri beliau turut ditendang dan dan dipukul dengan cota.

    Manikavasagam dalam perjalan ke Balai Polis untuk mendapatkan penjelasan dari pihak polis.

  55. From what I read of Zaks’s comments, I must say he is a well educated man. However I regret to note that he still hasn’t got it in him to see the truth and reality of the situation. Are you so blind not see the injustice, corruption, manupilation & double standard application of the law by the present regime? True, we may not know what Anuar is up to, but we do know that we DONT WANT the present system to go on. People can and do change. Give him a chance, and if he doesn’t do what he has promised… well, see for yourself what is happening now. Let us make use of the People Power to strive for a better Malaysia.

  56. Zak, according to you non malays make up 38% of the population in Malaysia. Taking from here we make the assumption that 100% of non malays in PP voted for Anwar garnering him 11,854 votes out of total of 46,811 votes leaving a balance of 34,865 malay votes. Out of that Arif collected 15,524 of malay votes and balance of 19,341 of malay votes went to Anwar . In other words 55% voted for Anwar and 45% for Arif. Whichever way you want to look at it Anwar have the majority support of the malays and non malays in PP. Stop your harping on voting along racial lines and wake up to the new realities of Malaysian politics.

  57. limkamput Says:

    Today at 23: 16.41 (25 minutes ago)
    “Sdr Anwar, please stay true to what you promised since the last general election. Please do the right things …”

    Any man who has had to spend some four years in prison on trumped up charges and during all that time has had time to reflect on what went wrong with his life, deserves a break!

    Even you, limkamput, deserve a second chance!

  58. Out of 58,449 registered voters in Permatang Pauh, 69.40%, are Malays, 24.50%, Chinese and 5.70% Chinese.

    On March 8th, Anwar’s proxy wife garnered 13,398 votes. Now in August 26th the other BN side concentrated on Sodomy II (great sin in Islam), Saiful’s swearing in mosque and Anwar not swearing, addressing target majority group, the Malays, and Anwar garnered a greater majority 15,671 votes.

    This means Sodomy II is not believed. It didn’t work for BN; it worked for Anwar.

    As I said in earlier thread ‘Permatang Pauh voters tryst with destiny’ :

    “ If amid all the sodomy charges, his accuser’s swearing in mosque, Anwar still wins by an even bigger majority than his wife in March, it simply means that the idea – the idea for real reform and change from moribund ways symbolised by BN’s methods – has arrived…An idea whose time has come, if it really has come, will be difficult to fight even by an incumbent with all resources (money, control of media, police etc) at its disposal. If people like the idea, they really don’t care whether Anwar were a sodomite or not – and even if they are conservative enough to care about about a candidate’s sexual orientation, they will simply choose not to believe whatever the other side puts on the table, factual or otherwise.”

    It is the idea of change (reformasi) that sells. It means more and more are writing BN off to being able to grapple much less solve Malaysia’s socio-economic problems. BN in short has been dymystified and increasingly being written off.

    Because Anwar epitomises that idea, whatever allegations thrown on him – sodomy or anything else no matter true or false – will not stick because people don’t believe and they don’t believe because they don’t want to believe.

    That is the dilemma BN faces. BN made the strategic mistake in concentrating its fire power against the man than addressing meaningfully and seriously the idea he stands for.

    History repeatedly shows that an idea whose time has come will be difficult to resist even by an incumbent with all resources.

    So Pakatan Rakyat should leverage on this point that winds of change signalled by March 8th political tsunamy are gaining momentum finding expression in today’s poll results in Permatang Pauh.….It is a signal to significant others still tentative whether to remain within BN fold, whether they want to stand in the way of the wind or follow its direction. In a hurricane, trees that bend their stems in tandem with the force of the wind survive to stand another day : the rest break.

  59. Anwar is no angel (Are they any angels in Malaysia?) but the BN has proved to be unable to meet the aspirations of the people after being in control for so many years.
    People now want CHANGE so blame Obama.

    So even if the PR government is formed, all citizens must remain vigilant that they stay true to good ideals and ensure our progress as a nation.

    For sure, many ordinary folks were never bothered to think seriously about issues and most who were not happy voted with their feet – they migrated.

    Now we have a new hope and hopefully the BN will be able to play a proper role when they are in opposition.

  60. 826 won, 916 sure win!
    Election spirit and victory alongside PR!
    Merdeka, Malaysian Unity, greatest Pakatan Rakyat(PR)!

    Sympathy to tax payers!
    Money-out, money-in pocket!
    By-election spent millions, money of tax payers!

    Racist, Money-buying, Phantom voters!
    BN, irrespective and weakness leadership lost!

    Sympathy to PKR MPs, detained under Section 341 of the Penal Code for obstruction!

    Irresponsibility and irrespective HM, selected and took advantages in parliament! Misuse power authority to bypass or pollute member of parliaments’ spirit, submitted a controversial law that will require anyone charged with a crime to provide DNA samples! Isn’t it a measure some lawmakers fear will be used against 826 winner?

    308:politic tsunami I…
    826:politic tsunami II…
    916:52th PR Merdeka Ceremony!

    P44 voters,
    Thank you for voted En. Anwar!

    En. Anwar, MP of Permatang Pauh!

    Warmest regards.

  61. Thanks to Permatang’s folk, DAP, PAS, Bloggers, People out there who want a change and better nation to make this historical event happened. May the force still with all of us to continue our journey the way to Putrajaya.

    PR, pls do not disappoint rakyat and work for the best for Malaysian and bring Malaysia to a greater height. Pls manage the nation and Malaysian with equal, transparent and justice, but pls do not ignore those poor and bring upward the behind one when stress on fairness ( especially bumi that still need help- teach them to fish, equip them well). We, Malaysian will keep supporting you and pls don’t let us down.

    Now, i believe BN has more dirty ways to come and let’s confront this nasty with brave. Let’s move on and you have majority of Rakyat behind you supporting you.

  62. Zak zak zak, we shall see who wins the war. For the past 10 years before 2008, BN has been winning every battle against DSAI and PKR but in their arrogance they had their backsides handed to them in 2008. It is BN who won the short term battle (1998 throw Anwar to jail, 2004 election landslide) but is on the verge of losing the war.

    And stop your embarrassing nonsense about DSAI being a puppet or scare-mongering with May 13. That crap is so discredited that for you to continue harping about it after every monumental defeat suffered by your beloved BN shows what kind of fool you are. You are still living in 1969 is it? Then you will be in good company with the Americans who are still living in the Cold War!

    And let me pose this question to you Zak on a repeat of May 13 (as postulated by you and other racial extremists) in Malaysia. How is a (UMNO) mob running riot going to differentiate a Malaysian Chinese/Indian with India Indian and Mainland China Chinese? In case you haven’t been living in KL for the past 20 years there are at least 10,000 Indian and Chinese from India & China studying & working in KL. So again how is your mob going to differentiate? Can you imagine the repercussions from Beijing and New Delhi when their citizens are killed by an anti-Chinese/Indian mob?

    Oh one more thing zak, don’t you go and make a disappearing act on us here when BN is defeated at last. I distinctly remember having verbal sparring with Killer at a pro-HINDRAF blog. Killer even asked me to be grateful to MIC otherwise I would still be tapping rubber at a plantation! He like you sounded so confident and boastful and challenged the other commenter’s to face him after BN wins a landslide and yet after March 2008 he completely disappeared from the site. So much for making a fool out of yourself. Just like I bet that the Americans won’t find any WMD in Iraq and NATO will regret unilaterally carving up Serbia (Russia-Georgia), so I would bet again that BN will lose soon.

    What goes up MUST COME DOWN. Nobody can deny the truth of that. Not the Pharaoh or the British Empire or UMNO can deny that!

  63. To the voters of PPauh,

    Ribuan terima kasih,
    Siak siak, Um koi, Kam siah,
    Rumer Nandri,
    Thank you.

    You voters have made the RAKYAT proud and OUR voices heard!
    The first small step is taken. Now, is the march to make our beautiful country MALAYSIA rightfully MALAYSIAN’s.

    On another note, uncle YB Lim, heard from the news this afternoon even before the results are known that the stupid speaker,
    PENDIGGER, says that DSAI will not be sworn in as MP this week. Are they trying to drag their feet to delay DSAI’s entry cos’ of the budget speech this Friday?
    Bloody dirty GOONS!

  64. Poor AAB.

    Did his fortune teller advise him on the problem with
    the use 8 March date for the 12 GE?

    Hell Broke loose then.

    This 26 August is even more dangerous. The month is 8 and the day is 26 also 8. This is doube bogey. Wait a minute.

    Now add for day 26 = 2 + 6 = 8.

    Now for month it is 8.

    Now for year it is 2008 = 2 + 0 + 0 + 8 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1.

    Now add 8 + 8 + 1 = 17 = 1 + 7 = 8. Viola a triple times 8. Is it not three time more dangerous.

    It is a do or die (kill or be killed) case to use the 26 August date for a person with a number 8.


    I wrote before on the problem with 12 GE on 8 March 2008.

  65. Anwar was brought in by Mahathir, made Education Minister and finally Deputy Prime Minister. To think that his meteoric rise to power has left him untainted by corruption and cronyism is extremely naive. But to think this time as Prime Minister he may not under pressure succumb to the same old politics of corruption and cronyism is even more naive. But this is not such a time!

    Malaysians deserve a second chance. Having supported a corrupt government under BN for so many years, we need fresh blood and a new leadership that would take us in a new direction. Anwar was part of the old politics of corruption and cronyism, and business as usual. But this time round we would like to think it is different. Under his new leadership we look forward to a government that is responsive to the needs of the people, transparent and accountable. Under him we look forward to the return of the rule of law.

    If the Pakatan led government goes in the same direction as the BN led government, the people will withdraw their mandate. As a free people it is time we give meaning to what U.S. President Abraham Lincoln called a “government of the people, by the people and for the people.”

  66. Congratulations DSAI.

    To Saiful, Najib and the rest who wanted DSAI to swear under the quran, you said Allah will surely punish him if he is guilty.

    Now that DSAI has won and Allah has cleared all your accusations against DSAI by rewarding him this victory. Will you all dare to swear Allah is wrong by rewarding DSAI the victory?

  67. Frankly speaking, i do not care who becomes the PM. You should understand one simple facts, the government is elected by the people and to serve the people. The rakyat will decides who will be the government. Now the rakyat has already taken the steps and decided for a change in the government, so be it.

    To this guy ZAK, it is certainly up to you to decide and it is your rights. But do you really think that all the Malaysia rakyat is blind and completly stupid not to see what is happening.

    No wonder BN lost the 5 states

  68. i think hardly anybody say anwar can not win except those from BN who were “hoping against hope”. But to become PM and to be a reformist PM is entirely a different thing. Does he have sufficient number of good men and women around him to provide check and balance of each other? Government of the people, by the people and for people usually ends up with government of the elites, by the elites and for the elites. Governments execrise power everyday, the people exercise power once every five years, that is the different.

  69. The winds of change has begun from the North!

    Congrats to all those who worked hard in the P-R camp. P-R component parties have learnt how to first disagree in order to agree. This is a prime example to the nation. Not be yes-men only.

    A 2 party system should be on the way?

  70. syukur alhamdulillah.. congratulation to Dato Seri and family.. thank you penduduk Permatang Pauh for this efford…. tak sia sia aku berdoa setiap hari!

    Heck Yes! Now we have reason to celebrate Merdeka!

  71. Well, the buy erection is over, the newly elected opposition chief now needs to erect the new adminstration. The non-erection of BN’s PP scapegoat has devastated the erected govt of 2008. PM and DPM have not commented on the erection yet. What will they say?

    They will say ” This is only a buy erection! Small matter. No BN lawmakers will cross over to the guy who erected at the back of Sai Full. BN will ensure erected lawmakers will look after the welfare and needs of all Malaysians irrespective of race and religion”

    Great bool sheet!

    Syabas DSAI. Keep to your promises, or the next GE will see the end of PR!

  72. DSAI saids it right, “Its now or never”, our country are facing economic down term, its definite reality. No doubt our govern system and policy failure plays a role.

    The ghost of Obi Wan says:
    “Luke, you are going to find that many of the things we hold to be true depend greatly on our own point of view”.
    (people’s power to cast their choice by mean).

    Zak had a good reason to be fear, but if the Nation are righteous and matured enough to elaborate whats right and wrong throughout the event, it’s proven the task we are moving in the right path.

  73. The rakyat have said it again…We need a change after 50 years.

    After trusting the BN for 50 years why can’t we trust the PKR for the next 5 years.

    Cheers!! to all PKR supporters.You have taken a very important steps forward to force a change in our lives.
    A change for the better Malaysian.

    This Merdeka is really meaningful. For once I will celebrate Merdeka.

    Long live PKR. Long live Anwar.

  74. congrats Msia!!!!

    Now umno is a wounded dog. and wounded dog has the nastiest bite. Beware.

    as for dsai, we wont know how much he can keep to his promises, but we the rakyat holds the key. we hv seen what people power can do. so if anyone, MPs or PM or DPM, we are watching u closely. If u cant do a good job, out u go!!!

    As for now, let’s gv PR a chance.

    Zak, grow up and come out of ur shell.

  75. Ezam & Nalla, the PR traitors…what have you to say? You ought to be ashamed of yourselves & lucky not to have been pelted with rotten eggs. People of your kind are the most hated ones, stooping to betrayal of good friends.

    As for Zak & Mat Kassim, they need to continue being spoonfed by the BeEnd govt, 51 yrs of spoondfeeding is still not enough. They are spineless not able to stand on their own feet to play on level playing ground.

    Like it or not, they have to wake up to the stark realities and compete like a man, not hide behind the racist BeEnd.

  76. Zak and Kasim,it’s not at all about the majority of the malays ,chinese , indians or other races in this wonderful country,Malaysia.

    It’s rather the majority of Malaysians.We shall see the truth prevailed from now on for all Malaysians regardless of races and religions.

    We want great leaders,be it from PKR,PAS or DAP.We malaysians wants capable and CAT leaders to help us to compete globally.


    His words of late reflect the audience he is addressing and it is the Malays who will pay the ultimate price for his selfish ambitions.

    This statement actualy carries a heavy responsibility, if DSAI’s forgo his pwn race bring any good to him? If not , why must he jeopardise his own race? Would you do that?

    In supporting Goldenscreen:

    And let me pose this question to you Zak on a repeat of May 13 (as postulated by you and other racial extremists) in Malaysia. How is a (UMNO) mob running riot going to differentiate a Malaysian Chinese/Indian with India Indian and Mainland China Chinese? In case you haven’t been living in KL for the past 20 years there are at least 10,000 Indian and Chinese from India & China studying & working in KL. So again how is your mob going to differentiate? Can you imagine the repercussions from Beijing and New Delhi when their citizens are killed by an anti-Chinese/Indian mob?

    zak: May 13??? I knew more than you knew about the dark history from late Dato Harun Idris the former MB of Selangor personally during my short stint working at his residence at Jalan Duta though I might have not been born then.May 13 will never reoccur again as I believed our enforcerment agencies will live up to their commitment to be fair and to protect the citizens.

    Both of you were racist and I hope you both and your fellow comrades to think wisely from now on.Why even Dr Syed Alwi a pure Malay resided in Singapore decided to exposed himself to advise fellow Malaysian’s Malay to wake up?Would you think he’s not a Malay?

    Saudara Zak dan Kasim, kita dah 51 tahun Merdeka.Kenangi detik-detik pahit semua kaum-kaum di Malaysia yang bersatu demi kemerdekaan Malaysia.Tunku,Cheng Lok dan Sambanthan semua berlainan agama.Tahukah anda yang jumlah perbelanjaan yang diperlukan untuk misi di London untuk menuntut kemerdekaan dari London datangnya dari pelbagai kaum secara kempen derma dan kaum cina di Malaysia merupakan antara penyumbang utama kepada tanahair kita?

    We have to go for a change.Go and get this book at MPH..” Who moved my chesse”…

    The most unforgetable Merdeka for me…;) PR terus berjuang demi rakyat seMalaysia!!!

    Saya Anak Malaysia!!!

  77. Zak.
    Your threat of racial violence only reflects what you extremists are harboring to do should you lose the election not because what the majority of the population wanted. If you don’t believe in the fair democratic system, then you may as well make this a islamic malay country and we will see where the country will deteriorate into. Don’t forget Sabah and Sarawak are not malay states and they don’t believe in everything for the malay and nothing for themselves!

    DSAI is not under the control of anyone, least of all DAP. They are together and share the same values of a fair and uncorrupted government. You don’t have to worry that DAP or the chinese being the minority will be able to rule the country by themselves and the malays will always play the leading roll. Is there anything wrong in wanting a clean government?

    Under a fair government, everyone will be benefited and in particular the poor. Like all fair government in the world, special assistance will always be given to the poor and everyone will be encouraged to work hard to better themselves. Without corruption and with a efficient government, there will be more money for the country to develop and more benefits for the poor.

    If you are worry of losing your free lunch, forget about it because no one owes you a living, not even your god, whoever he is. Threatening violence will only reflect what kind of people you are and running away from problem will definitely not solving it.

  78. Anwar will have the toughest job now, i think no one else dare to do this job. Kassim Amat and Zak will not take up this job.

    He has to realise DAP’s inspiration and to bring DAP closer to PAS. He has to be in-charge of all Chinese, Malay and Indian interest. He is to bring muslims and non-muslims together.

    Pls forgive him because no ordinary man can do this job. Support him and be fair to him. He will try his best evnthough all kinds of obstacles are coming his way – UMNO, Zak, KAssim, Bodowi, Nala, Saufool, Najib, Khairi. Hey, man! Can you do all this jobs?

    Pls understand that he himself is not a perfect human being. He is not a superman. Pls give him enough time. Thanks!

  79. Salam,


    Tahniah Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
    Tahniah Rakyat Malaysia. Terima kasih Voters Permatang Pauh.

    Congratulations to DAP and YB Lim GE for declaring public holiday in Penang today ! Penangites are very happy to punish the arrogant leaders of BE END today. Sdr Dato Seri Anwar deserved to WIN BIG !

    ‘We declare victory, the margin is very huge,’ said Mr Tian Chua, information chief of Anwar’s Keadilan party

    ‘Yes of course we have lost… we were the underdogs going into this race,’ said Mr Muhammad Muhammad Taib, information chief of the United Malays National Organisation (Umno), which leads the coalition.

    Dengar / Listen …Bila UMNO BN jadi UnderDogs // Ajing Bawahan ? Tak Malu

    Lihat / See ….Beribu ribu voters rakyat people power tumbangkan BE END dalam “mother of all by elections ” in history of Malaysia.

    Cium / Kiss ….Tangan DSAI basah dicium oleh rakyat jelata dalam kemenangan rakyat Malaysia dalam Tsunami Permatang Pauh.

    Nangis / Cried…… Pak Lah sungguh sedih tak lena tidur malam ini.

    Cuci / Clean ….. Najis kotor kena cuci air mineral dari rakyat Permatang Paud di Polling Station petang tadi. Malu betul Pak DPM ?



  80. Zak do u know asa-lusul Malaysia? google or visit wiki Sultanate malacca, ull self-proclaim “Ketuanan Melayu” today are amusing.

    Parameswara was origin from Palembang district of Srivijaya Empire(Hinduism-Melayu prince) founded Melaka around 1402.

    His “Hindu and Indian”, hahaha… Parameswara became a Muslim when he married a Princesss of Pasai and calling himself Iskandar Shah.

    The prosperity of Malacca attracted the invasion of the Siamese.
    The development of relations between Malacca and China was at that time a strategic to ward off further Siamese attacks attempts in 1446 and 1456.

    Why Malay today needs to be racist as our history recall that our races shape this country/religion hundreds of years ago NO?

  81. zak hammy

    u question what others go on to vouch for anwar, i question what u hv on him u’r dissing him like he’s up ur behind. u’ve never been able to articulate what anwar n pr can’t do that’s better than the sorry asss umno is doing. u hv a personal vendetta against the guy? u say change for the sake of change is foolish. i say u should take a ride back in time to all the turning points n watershed moments in history. which ones aren’t due to change? isn’t merdeka borne out of a desire to change from british rule? like i said, anwar has not shown us he CAN’T, so we’re willing to take a chance on him. if he turns out to be the gravy train, will u banish urself to the nether lands because u’r not welcome on it? or is umno as we know it today IS the gravy train for u?

  82. The above “theStar.com” reported a low turnout of only 65% and attributed it to reason of violence on the part of PR. I think this is very unfair.

    In fact, the official voter turnout was 81.1 percent, or 47,410 out of 58,459 registered voters.

    Anwar Ibrahim got 31,195 votes, Arif Shah Omar Shah, 15,524, Hanafi Hamat, 92. Spoilt votes 599. ( 31195+15524+92+599 = 47410)

    47410/58459 X100% = 80.1%

    How on earth did they get 65%??????

  83. folks, i think what zakky here is saying is if pr takes the reign, all hell will break lose n we’ll see another may 13th. zak boy, buddy, no one is talking about turning the tables on the malays. we’re not foolish like umno nitwits. we know malays make up 65% and that is a number to better work with rather than against for a better malaysia. it’s the corrupted few who is manipulating the 65% + 35% rakyat we want their assses kicked. anwar’s return to mp-hood is not about the rise of chinese/indian power, it merely is representation of what the people want – the beginning of crushing aab n cohorts to return malaysia to prosperity. we know it’s merely step 1, but if u’r not w/ us, get out of the way.

  84. Annuar has won.The people has won.The country has won.We have won because Annuar thought the people as one and never divided.He went against the norm to speak as the nation.His one foot into the parliament will see one proper shudder in the future thinking of the present government.Charges can be brought against him but the people have given the verdict.All swearings had done no good.It had brought animosity among the religious.Politicians should keep religion at the place of worship and be personal about it.Any showings should not glorify or condemn.Leave religion to itself.We want to see the next PM as one who had transcended the barrier of religion and thought himself as human ( a creation of God) to serve the people and bring back the glory of a nation built by the races and not by any other comparisons.

  85. 1) congratulation to PR!! the battle has just begun, please do not disappoint us, the majority who voice out. badawi has failed us despite having 90 percent majority. DSAI should prove us how can he change the country (in a good way), failing to do that might just end up the PR politics in the next general election. please do not throw this chance away. I am neither a opposition nor bn supporter( i believed there are many of them here), therefore i am not hesitate to vote PR out should they fail to do their job.

    2) we can see stools like MCA and MIC will slowly show up their face behind their mask. they dont have their own stand, and will betray their master should they lose their power. what a disgrace to the chinese and indian communities.

    3) i have warned that the speaker in the parliament cannot be trusted even before the 12th GE, i hope you could spend some time taking note from your reader, possibly some feedback as this is the only way we could reach you > through the comment section! there is no doubt that speaker is in favour of bn or possibly a dumb guy with plenty of stupid excuses. is there by any chance to change the speaker when the opposition cum government after september 16?

    4) we should not heavily rely on one leader> DSAI. a strong party should consist several of them. BPR will selectively choose their victim, please make sure that the opposition is far different from bn . otherwise there is not much difference despite tsunami in politic

    5) there will be no leader without its people. thank you for reading. god bless you and have a wonderful journey ahead.

  86. The Dewan Speaker need to be pressured to do the right thing before Friday. If he still wants to delay the swearing in of the new MP, then he should be dislodged from his position as an impartial Dewan Speaker.

  87. Looks like the rakyat have rejected aab, and even his proposed transition plan for najib to take over. Hope bn wakes up and understands what the rakyat wants before its too late!

    Well done Rakyat! People Power!

  88. Zak:

    You asked me on a different thread to leave Bolehland. This is typical of UMNO’s mentality. Keep it up and you will accelerate UMNO’s extinction. Why should I leave Bolehland ? I was born here, and I am likely to die here. Your hero Mamakthir said publicly that he would migrate if Anwar comes to power. Why don’t you follow him ? The danger of course is that no country may take your boss and his band of supporters.

  89. My heartiest congratulations to Datuk Seri Anwar and Pakatan Rakyat.

    51 years ago, Tunku Abdul Rahman gave us Merdeka. Tunku freed us from the British. Then UMNO colonised ALL of us irrespective of race.

    Today, 51 years later, Datuk Seri Anwar gives us new meaning to Merdeka …. Ketuanan Rakyat.

    Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!

  90. Zak:

    You should cut the crap about racial politics. Anwar wasn’t voted in by the Chinese alone. PP is 70 pct Malay, so what does that tell you ? We are simply tired of the lies, the cheating, and the stealing by the Barang Naik coalition. “We” means the rakyat of all races.

  91. Zak:

    Your hero Mamakthir posted a thread about the the need for affirmative action, and the inevitability of discrimination. I posted the following reply to the Mamak:

    “Affirmative action means automatic discrimination ? What a joke. Do you think that there will be peace if the discriminated know that they have been deprived of places in university, deprived of business opportunities, deprived of their livelihood simply due to affirmative action for a particular race ?

    You are dead wrong, Tun. Affirmative action can take place with minimal discrimination if it is done properly. If there is minimal leakage, so that there is room for all. To use your golf analogy, there are handicaps, but still everyone gets to play. Nobody gets thrown off the golf course. However, you designed affirmative action so that even good players get thrown off the course. You closed the golf course to a particular race. You designed quotas for the golf course. Result ? Mediocre golf players from a particular race. Even the golf players from the minority races have their games affected through lack of proper competition. And finally – instead of playing golf, your golf players mess around with the female caddies and waste everyone’s time. They now think that it is their right to play golf.

    What a joke for Bolehland.”

  92. Congratulations to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, his wife, family, freinds & all the Oppositions. Last night, I’ve waited since 07.30pm till 11.00pm for the good news. It was also reported at CNN.
    This morning, a major English newspaper headlines reported “ANWAR IS MP”, come September 08, let’s pray hard that this English newspaper will report it the other way round, i.e. ” ANWAR IS PM”.
    PR only need 2 MPs each from each state in West Malaysia and the rest from Sabah & Sarawak.

  93. Of course its congratulation but let me start with the post-mortem

    The problem with the numbers are that the significance is not easy to explain to voters in other areas particularly in Sabah and Sarawak. In the context of a week-day election, full national machining of BN against Anwar, the increase majority is highly significant. But to tranlate that to actual ground changes especially in Sabah and Sarawak is another case altogether.

    The vote shows that Anwar and PR can hold their own against BN machinery. They threw everything at him and he still came out marching FORWARD – showing the momentum of 308 is still very much alive. Gerakan can forget making a comback anytime soon.

    But the votes also shows that BN machining is still formidable despite their obvious inferior ideas. This is what Sabah and Sarawak warlords are holding on to even as they want to switch to PR side. They are caught in a bind really. They know that the troubles of UMNO is far from over even as leadership transition takes place and this election proves it. Najib pulled out all the stops and it only backfired on him. He has way too much negatives and god only knows how much more.

    If Anwar can pull out stuff about BN leadership especially in Sabah and Sarawak politicians, he will hurt them. And this election proved that PR machinery is no longer to be sneezed at. In a mud-slinging contest, PR shows they they win.

    That leaves the positive. BN actually don’t have much room in terms of positive because well, they ran out of it. If oil does not go up anytime soon, they don’t have significant new revenues to spread around. But PR also limited in positive they can deliver because their instability is a cause for concern. The last thing Sabah & Sarawak politician want to see is them joining PR and PAS or any Keadilan idiot dropping out. They will need to have very high assurance that PR can hold together.

    The road to Putrajaya is still a difficult one. Everyone is now looking at Sept 16.

  94. my piece of advice to PKR is:dont simply accept membership frm UMNO ,these ppl will ruin your party oneday,like saiful!!!

    secondly,convincing PAS to be with PR as long as posible.

    thirdly,give some carrots to good leaders frm MCA,GERAKAN,SAPP,PPP or BERSATU to jump over to PR.

    lastly,CONGRATULATIONS,atleast this country still has some hope to be competent with other ASEAN members!


  95. /// # zak_hammaad Says:
    Yesterday at 22: 14.19
    Anwar’s “majority” lies with the Chinese and Indians; this is what I mean when I speak of civil strife; antagonising the majority race will not help build an equitable Malaysia as Pakatan hope. ///

    zak – just curious – how will Anwar’s majority lead to civil strife? Obviously, with such a landslide victory and with the racial profile of the electorate being two-third Malay, a large slice of the Malay voters voted for Anwar.

    How will Anwar antagonize the Malays?
    By getting rid of cronyism?
    By getting rid of corruption?
    By getting rid of awards of contracts without bids?
    By cleaning up the judiciary?
    By cleaning up the police force?
    By getting rid of racial politics?
    By helping the poor irrespective of race?

  96. Based on what AI told Lorraine Hahn during the interview in 2004, we can see that the only way Umno politicians can change is to put them behind bars for a number of years.

    As AI said: “You mature in the process. You realize what is the meaning of freedom in human dignity. …… The struggle-the principles are more clear and profound. ……. But if you talk about democracy and freedom from prison life-so you know how much you value the rule of law.”

    In a way, the best contribution of MM to Malaysia was to concoct a crime to lock up AI! In the process, we have the born-again (hopefully) AI to lead a truly united Malaysia – hopefully where all Malaysians are valued and where all economically disadvantaged Malaysians are given the necessary support to uplift them.

    Had AI remained in Umno, most likely he is no different from NR and other Umnoputras.

    Is this fate?

    AI will be back in the Parliament very soon. Will the SIL remain an MP and inhale the same air that AI expires? Or will the SIL resign?

  97. I don’t think BN can do anything to try to change what’s inevitable.

    The Winds of Change is a global phenomenon and once it blows, nothing can really stop it.

    It had first blown our way on March 8.

    The after effects of this phenomenon naturally is another political tsunami.

    Brace yourself for Sept 16.

  98. Congratulation! The breeze of “Mederka” finally arrive, may this victory bring another healthier air to Malaysia.

    To all the PKR Leaders.. please prepare and get ready yourself for another battle.. bear in mind…the battle just begin..

  99. YES,YES,YES…the people of PP have spoken. Down with BN tyranny, corruption,croynism etc. If there is a reason to celebrate Merdeka this weekend, this is it. The wave of PR is sweeping the nation, from small towns to large cities all over M’sia. Support for DSAI is quadrupling after the by election. Let’s keep the momentum going and send DSAI to Parlimen and ultimately Putrajaya.

  100. Zak wrote:

    “This issue of leadership is far bigger and important that BN or Pakatan, it is about the very soul of Malaysia and the direction it will take for years to come. Each racial entity sees things with a slant towards their own agenda and who is best to serve that. As I said before, Malaysia can never have a national stability with the pre-requisite of a Malay unity who comprise the majority. Equally, it is impossible to have racial unity amongst everyone because this is a misnomer that has not historical precedence. What we should aim for is unity first and foremost amongst our respective races and then find common bonds and values that unites us all as a cohesive society.

    Fundamentally, the issue in Malaysia is one of religion and not race or politics per say; until we are brave enough to accept this fact, we are only going to make superficial changes and cosmetic progress.”

    I think Zak summed it up pretty well. However, two points:

    (1) To ZAK:
    March 8 and PP elections has shown that that the people have found “common bonds and values that unites us all as a cohesive society” and “we are brave enough” to see beyond the racial and religious lines. Handing power to DSAI in itself is a long topic in itself, but MALAYSIA IS IN TRANSITION, what better option than this path. DSAI has been granted the greatest opportunity to prove his critics wrong and build a legacy for himself, the question is WHAT WOULD DSAI CHOOSE TO DO?

    (2) To other bloggers:
    I believe Zak is a PR man with devils advocate mindset, i think thought provoking points like his would prove beneficial. We have far too many cult like fans of PR. I would encourage all to take a moment to ponder about opposing points like his with an open mind or WE MAY WELL BE HERE AGAIN IN 5 YEARS SHOUTING for CHANGE BACK to BN from an underperforming abusive PR.

  101. Hi.. Zak,
    There’s not such thing of 100% right or wrong. Things can be changed along with time. What you said might be true but what about the existing government? After so many years, do you think they have done the good job.. I don’t think so.. instead of things going on rotten why not give a try..

    We are just hoping a more balance and healthier government.. no more racist issues, more freedom and only one bangsa.. “Malaysian”.

  102. battle won but war not won yet.
    Road is still long for PR to established itself.
    One thing for sure, the result shows that Rakyat disagrees with the measures taken by BeEnd.
    It’s a real wake up call for BeEnd. U do not fight your enemy with mere moral issues.
    It really backfired for BeEnd because of the lopsided actions against PR.
    Rakyat already buka mata. All the MUSAng already not trusted by Rakyat.
    Their actions rejected. AAB, NTR , KJ, LTL, KTK , SHA,SV all rejected.
    And what did the Shaby guy said ? The end of Anwar ? Ha …. BIG guns but no bullets.
    If they are still dwelling under “AIDS” BeEnd is truly looking at the End.
    Rakyat will be the judge. Not only will BeEnd lose the 2/3 majority, they will definately lose the simple majority as well.

  103. Dear YB DSAI,

    You have asked the rakyat to vote for justice, peace ad prosperity and the rakyat have listened and delivered, once on 8 March 2008 and the second on 26 March 2008.

    Please do remember your pledges to the rakyat because we, the rakyat have realised, for the first time in our country’s history, that the ballot paper is such a powerful tool.

    The rakyat have also realised (with eyes wide open) that the power to elect leaders lies with us and we need not be afraid to exercise our rights.

    The rakyat has spoken, so please YB, do your part lest you also face the same wrath (as faced by BN) in a couple of years time.

    God Bless and guide You.

  104. also…. a very courageous showpiece by Dr. Wan Azizah.
    Finally , the strong people of Permatang Pauh for not being easily swayed by BeEnd with promises all these years even during 2004 for being the last fortress of PKN.

  105. A Sinking “Titanic” (BN) in Malaysia? (The show has just begun!)

    Malaysia’s Titanic (BN) was deemed unsinkable when it was first launched. Even when it hit an iceberg on 8 March 2008, it was so hard to accept that the ship will sink. When all efforts to save the ship from sinking was finally abandoned, the Captain (DSAB) just stood silently awaiting the fate as a forlorn man. He was hoping the Carpentia or some other nearby ships will come in time to save the passengers. It was sad to see the Captain firing off some distress flares to alert the Carpentier, but the Carpentier’s Captain (DSNTR) was just not convinced that the Titanic was in distress.

    In between is a love story of Leonardo DiCaprio (DSAI) and Kate Winslet (Azizah). Azizah refused to abandon her love, even though many a times, events show she should just save herself. She held on to hopes, hoping against hope that she and her love can pull thru and both will survive this tragedy. Both suffered mentally and emotionally and in the end, it was Azizah left to tell the tale of a great man who sacrificed himself to save her.

    As for the crew of the Titanic (Little Napoleons) and their friends who are rich and powerful corporate figures, who helped run the ship, did you see the desperation when they found out that the ship is really sinking. Most of them scramble to save their lives and abandon ship and some, with loads of money found they can’t buy anything they wanted, even a place on a lifeboat to save their lives (TDM migration). But not all, for there was a few brave Napoleons who tried to show they are committed to the name of Titanic (BN) and the show continues.

    There was an old couple who just lay in bed waiting for the ship to sink (MIC & PPP) abandoned by the young and too old to move around anymore. There were also musicians still playing the ship’s songs (MCA, PBB, LDP, PBRS, PRS, SAPP, SPDP, SUPP, UPKO) and died like true musicians dedicated to their role of love for music. There were also some crew (GERAKAN) still working to plug the leaks at the bottom of the ship until they themselves died thinking they were heroes not knowing the ship cannot be saved just by plugging some holes.

    Do you know who was the director of Titanic (BN) show? James Cameron (TDM).

    Did you know this show was shown around the world?

    Did you know Malaysia has some of the best actors and actresses and supporting casts?

    Anyway, it was just a movie, for the real show has only just begun!

    Posted at http://patek1472.wordpress.com

  106. Today is the morning after. Not able to log on to malaysian insider or malaysiatoday. This is democracy in Boleh Land. The first 3 PMs of this country were never racial in their speech. All races lived and played together.It was only when mamak took over the reins that racialism roared its ugly fangs. Mamak was an Indian but he had to prove that he was a bigger Malay to be accepted. Corruption and big spending were his hallmark and these evils started with this man. This devil played the race card so often that many true Malaysians left and today we are still playing this card. When will we learn that we are all Malaysians…no one is more superior or less. The poor of all races should be helped. Why are the UMNO putras getting all the gravy. The wealth of this country should be distributed fairly. Look at S’pore they have no resources but every year money is distributed to all depending on your level of poverty. We are so rich with oil etc but where does the wealth go????? I hope in my lifetime I will be able to see malays, chinese and indians holding hands like it was in the 50s when I went to school and not fighting over places in the university etc. Its so sad to see our Malaysia such a beautiful country slowly going down the drain

  107. now they know that we can do it………..all the while they have been cheating us. now the truth is prevailing………….by the way have khairy jamaludin resigned as he promised or its another flip-flop? good luck dsai………..victory for racial unity, victory for malaysia…………..a real merdeka…………..

  108. Zak is already packing up to follow his hero Mamakthir out of Bolehland. Funny thing is that many will be wondering if we should be glad to see the backs of such hypocrites or if we should make them account for all the excesses that they wrought on Bolehland.

  109. Whilst we thank Permatang Pauh voters for sending the correct signal on behalf of Malaysians to the Powers-that-be, we should not forget to express our thanks too to Judge Puan S M Komathy Suppiah of Session Court No.1 at Jalan Duta who, in accordance to principles of law and fair and honorable exercise of judicial discretion, granted bail to Dato’ Seri on a personal bond of RM20,000 in spite of opposition of the prosecution, without such bail being given it would be difficult for DSAI to campaign from behind bars. We would need more brave judges like SM Komathy Suppiah to restore independence and dignity in our judiciary….

  110. March 8 was the crippling body blow. Permatang Pauh is the knockout punch.

    To paraphrase Winston Churchill, never in the history of Malaysian nationhood was so much (nation’s future destiny) owed by so many(26 million Malaysians and their descendents) to so few(the 32,000 Permatang Pauh voters).

    DSAI, you have been delivered a strong mandate by the people. Now you have to deliver as you have promised. If you fail to do so, the rakyat will kick you out just as they did with AAB. The rakyat knows how to use their votes now and use it wisely.

  111. Let me first say something about corruption. Corruption is no respector of person, neither is race. When one is tempted and enticed with power, money etc, as humans we may compromise our principles. That is where the weakness lies, human. So to overcome that weakness, there must be check and balances in the system.

    Just to give you a simple everyday example. If you are a bank cashier and you count money everyday. You will definitely be tempted to help yourself with the money if you can! If you are counting alone with a huge sum, the temptation is greater, what more if the system within trusts you 100% and take you figures as correct, correct, correct without any form of counter checking like records of total amount deposited by customers for the day!

    Say the system was originally temper proof and no way the cashier can cheat. Then something happen like management restructuring and reallocation of authority. The cashier is given certain executive powers. It dawns upon him that he can downgrade the check and balances by changing the cash counting procedures- eg, no necessity to check against collection records and counting can be done alone after office hours.

    So this is what happens during BN rule. Slowly dismantling the democractic check and balances in the political system and abusing the unfair policies with rampant corruptions. What they should have done is that they should promote the high standards of meritocracy, equality and justice principles but allow exceptions (with full accountability and transparency) to any disadvantaged social groups. The high ideals should not be compromised but implementation can be accommodated to suit the realities on the ground. But as history has it, the BN started on the wrong footing 50 years ago by placing the sub-standard NEP and is now reaping its rewards. NEP is a short sighted social programme and it makes the beneficiaries more dependent over the years until it becomes a crutch. If the crutch is removed, the beneficiaries fall. This is akin to the saying, Give a man a fish, he lives for a day; teach him to fish, he’ll live a life time.

    So we hope that DSAI may be give the chance to correct the situation before it is too late. Long live, REFORMASI! Long live MEA

  112. Being truimphant in Permatang Pauh, leading the Opposition in Parliament on Thursday is mere step 1 battle victory leading to step 2 greater mother of all “wars” to re-take Putra Jaya!

    How will he fare – has he stitched together the numbers?

    By the way Moderator, please delete my earlier posting Today at 08: 44.13 (3 hours ago) (under moderation). Thanks.

  113. “What we should aim for is unity first and foremost amongst our respective races and then find common bonds and values that unites us all as a cohesive society.” — zak_hammaad

    Flowery words as usual, but before you talk about uniting, it’s best that your political masters first explain to their own race what they have been doing with their ill-gotten gains that was actually meant to benefit the rest of their own race, but which was never passed on to them. Instead such wealth are retained amongst themselves and their own cronies. Despite the tsunami on Mar 8, they still did not get the message, and they definitely deserved the thrashing in P.44.

  114. Anwar is now one step closer to his / our objective.

    Isnt it time now for Mahathir to get ready and migrate somewhere?

    I suggest outer space. Afterall it was he who first started the project isnt it?

    Get our angkasawan (the fruit of his labour) to direct him there.

    There he will be closer to GOD by a good few kilometres.

    And through radio waves, he can still keep in contact with everyone else and even read and update his blog. So dont forget your laptop sir.

    Our angkasawan could stay on to accompany him and maybe do some research on brain cells and stuff like that.

    And oh yes, he could then submit his research result for publication in some established medical journals through the web by means of radio waves. And you too dont forget your laptop.

    I hope all his cronies would go along as well.

  115. DSAi is the hope for Malaysian ?

    The corruption legacy among BN has been in existence for years..

    As far as one is from the group, it is hard to clear their position.

    As those being put to jail, one will at least experience the pain according to the punishment.

    As for DSAi, the time is against him though he might yet to check for any case link to current BN veteran. Believed there is a statement earlier from DSAi to the BN member ” Don’t force me to reveal past scandal…. ” What does it meant is for one to think.

    Back to the point, DSAi has suffered from current jurisdiction. And resort to hide himself in ambassy. Second sodomy episode.

    He shall be a better leader provided he have learn from the mistake and suffering under BN’s leadership.

  116. What we should aim for is to stop the stealing and there will be enough to satisfy the needs of all.

    Mamakthir essentially bankrupted the country with his failed monuments – Proton, Cyberjaya, Putrajaya, Perwaja, Bank Bumiputra, Bakun, etc. He also showed the way with contracts and concessions for cronies, all at inflated prices. If these funds were available for the greater good, we would not have had the need to discuss common bonds and values. As it is, the common bond that unites UMNO is the act of stealing.

  117. Response to Zak comments :

    It is easier to call one a snake or cobra and try to give the perception and scare of May 13 that there will be civil strife. The rakyat are more informed nowadays and would not play to such threats anymore ! Please ! such threats are made by those who would try to divide and rule and become the bigger brother among brothers. This mentality is in the dinosaur era.

    The PRU in March 2008 clearly showed the rakyat rejected this stance !

    If you reflect clearly, why did the rakyat abandoned BN after they had ruled for 50 years ? Because BN played racial and religious politics all along and will not find a place in our Malaysian society anymore.

    Your suggestion that Anwar is a puppet of DAP is weak in foundation. Conversely, would you say that MCA. Gerakan, SUPP , PPP , MIC are also puppets of UMNO ? From what we read, I gather you would like to see the latter happenings.

    It is sad to say that antagonising the majority will cause trouble. Please lah ! we are not living the the 1950’s anymore and everyone in Malaysia would like to see each and every race ( Malays, Chinese , Indians , Kadazans etc ) prosper equally and not at the expense of one race over the other. No one in their right mind would want to see their bretheren Malaysians suffer just because of their racial origin. As such we should move away from racial politics and think of the bigger society as Malaysians.

    It therefore need a leader of high calibre , vision and high moral standards to lift up not only the hopes and aspirations but also create a fair and just society irrespective of our racial origins. We are all Malaysians after all. Malaysians would not be happy to see only just one segment of society benefits while another is living below the poverty line , be they the Punans , Ibans , Kadazans ,orang asli , Indians , Chinese or Malays.

  118. In relation to step 2 (re above posting) ordinarily party discipline is sufficient to enable the majority coalition to defeat a motion of no confidence.

    However majority were slim and vulnerable to defections in the government party, the government would normally change its policies rather than lose in a vote of no confidence. It has also the option to call for another general election. In the momentum of events, if the government of the day is already so weakened that it could neither change its policies nor stave off defections, chances are that it would not dare to confront another general election. In such circumstances, facing such a vote from the Opposition is inevitable whether sooner on 16th September 2008 or later. This is because the Opposition will act on premises that the sooner they wait, the greater are the possibilities nay probability the government would weaken it and its leader.

    So if vote of no confidence is on the cards, defections – not just prominent individuals but even whole component parties – will be on the cards.

    Readers must understand that if defections are on the card, they need not necessarily be from BN’s side to PR’s side because they can also be from PR’s side to BN to resolve the the existing even balance of power that neither could rule….

    That is where when we are near to that point of who crosses over to which side, that PAS will likely soon make its move to assert its role as ‘king maker” to evaluate which side BN or PR will do its bidding and accept its terms to further its agenda of Islaic State!

    The natural alignment of parties will see on PR’s side a strong alliance between PKR and DAP, in part but not wholly because DAP does not question PKR’s leader as Prime Minister something that PAS is not wholly commited to or at best it wants to be puppeteer that Anwar fresh from his triumph – and by character – is not likely to accede.

    For PAS to move to BN’s side to deprive PR the majority, this could be neutralised if smaller parties within BN like Gerakan, SAPP etc take a position against PAS’s theocratic agenda injected into BN and hence move over to PR in counterbalance and restoration of PR’s majority… .

    For that PR has no choice to work out some kind of formula based on some kind of conditions granting limited amnesty to all within BN that cross over to PR to form government……

    The above proceeds on assumption that the Powers that be – or their supporters – will not do the irrational act of provoking incidents to provide pretext of a declaration of emergency that will be the last nail in the coffin of the already flagging Malaysian economy and investment climate.

  119. Jeffrey, I agree in most parts with your post. I do however believe that PAS will become the lynchpin in the opposition. Losing PAS would leave Pakatan without the “Islamic factor” or perceived Muslim representation. This in turn can have a domino effect amongst some Malays who half-heartedly support Pakatan (simply for the sake of change).

    Pakatan will then be seen generally as a non-Malay party and as such, pave the way for the kind of ugly race-based politics that we all are working to get rid of.

    Anwar will be sworn in Member of Parliament for on Thursday. The government wants to be seen as gracious in defeat and show that far from hindering democracy, they are working for it, citing PP as an example. I do however feel, that the biggest obstacle for Pakatan is yet to come and it will be a bomb-shell for those in the opposition who have pegged Anwar as the only viable alternative Malay to lead them into Putrajaya.

    It is highly unlikely that Anwar will reach the top post unless a cataclysmic event takes place where the stability of the nation hinges on the opposition taking over. For now, Anwar remains a hollow shell waiting to be filled by the opportunists within the podge-podge coalition Pakatan is so proud of.

  120. zak, domino effect and half hearted are two contrasting scenarios. Domino is domino – no half hearted and I fully believe there are sincere and wholehearted supporters of Anwar, not only in PK, but also from within UMNO.

    Why not we wait and see for the next few days, all right? Cheers.

  121. Congrats to all who want right change for Malaysia!

    Uncle Lim, im sure all of you in the Pakatan Rakyat have worked very hard and diserve a break. Take a short break, and then I hope you will move on to the next phase of the march to Putrajaya.

    Please meet with all your Pakatan Rakyat partners and begin the discussions of a shadow cabinet. It dosent have to be complete, but the people have the right to know what their viable alternative government is made up of. Knowing that DSAI will be prime minister is simply not enough. Who will be DPM, foreign minister, Home minister, finance minister? What ministries will be done away with? Internal Security, Higher Education, Information?

    These are some suggestions, but Pakatan Rakyat MUST come up with some form of shadow cabinet as the march to putrajaya continues.

    Congrats again

  122. Congrats to the voters of Permantang Pauh for their determination to vote for change.
    Congrats to Azizah for abdicating her seat to bring about a by-election.
    Congrats to the PKR, PAS AND DAP and others for their tireless efforts in campaigning for Anwar.
    Finally, last but not least, the candidate himself. Congrats to Anwar for his gumption in winning the battle against all odds!

  123. Godfather, your repetitious comments are becoming boring. Please write something of substance otherwise stop your time consuming antics. As for Mahathir, you can rest assured he will have a state funeral when he passes away.

    In case you missed the latest install of Chedet :^) – There is another great article from the father of modern Malaysia. Ungrateful citizens like you do not know what they have until it is taken away! If Pakatan are here to right all the wrongs, rest assured that the “affirmative action” will remain for the foreseeable future in one form or another.

    Damocles, we need less of brinksmanship and gumption and more substance where policies and direction is involved, thanks.

  124. Anwar’s victory is the rakyat’s victory.

    Despite the silly swearing and the various personality assassins attempt, the Rakyat is telling Pak Bodoh, F3CK OFF! Anwar is the one we are keeping.

    You and your Goons better start behaving from now on…


  125. zak_hammaad

    You are still here trying to sell your view on Malaysia. You need to go back to che det blog because they need you to peg their comments section. Dr. M pay you to comments on his web page not on LKS’s blog.
    Anyway you can argue your point all day long but if all BN can muster is on race, religion, liwat and personal attacks it will be hard for them to be relevent. If they use PDRM, BPR, courts and others their own benefit 100% of the time they are basically useless to us RAKYAT….

    Go AWAY already

  126. ///Pakatan will then be seen generally as a non-Malay party and as such, pave the way for the kind of ugly race-based politics that we all are working to get rid of/// -zak_hammaad

    It depends on who does the “seeing” when Pakatan is seen a “Non-Malay” party. It is not a Non Malay party. It is a coalition of parties for Malaysians. As for Pakatan paving “the way for the kind of ugly race-based politics that we all are working to get rid of” the truth is the opposite : it is BN is that is communally and racially based. In what has been claimed at least, Pakatan component parties are not based on race though PAS says that it is based on religion. I’ve got more to comment but will take a rain check for time being.

  127. Emily, Pak Bodoh has done more damage to Malaysia in his 5 year tenures than any other PM in our history. I would personally support any motion calling for his trial and impeachment for corruption and treachery. Furthermore, in his haste to “reform” BN, he has played right into the hands of the UMNOputras and those who think that Malaysia owes them a living. We know that UMNO is not reformable and hence their leadership will be scurrying to find answers to remain existent.

    That Bodoh be replaced has never been an issue, who he is a replaced by and what form a new UMNO will take shall remain the talking point.

  128. zak, we tolerated suffering for years; so what is a few months then? Don’t get carried away with the aguements here; sometimes we just thought our words could change the history of a nation ie Malaysia, but no, as you said, it takes months or years before we see visible changes. Its worth it to be patient and smell the air of potential freshness. To me the 8th March was an opportunity. Last night was the wave of that opportunity – something we never anticipated even a year back. If the time for changes has arrived, nothing can stand on the way. Yes, brother?

  129. daryl, this is a blog and in it’s very nature a place for freedom of expression. Are you against free speech on the internet? I am not selling you anything, I am simply questioning the support you blinkered and narrow-minded people are showing for a snake you hail as your saviour. Any sane person who like to see the whole picture objectively wouldn’t they?

    Just as you claim that chedet is a site of bias, I see that this site fairs equally (if not worse) when it comes to blind allegiance and partiality to Pakatan and it’s god Anwar. Furthermore what makes this site worse if the fact that LKS is active in the opposition party whereas chedet is simply a platform for sharing ideas by and with a former PM who has no political role any more.

    oknyua Says:

    >> Its worth it to be patient and smell the air of potential freshness.

    And what is this “potential freshness”? Have you seen Pakatan’s manifesto? Do you know what concrete policies they have and HOW they will be implemented for a “fairer and equitable” Malaysia? I keep asking these questions because no such things exist. Simply wanting change for the sake of change is foolish, especially when Anwar’s credentials as former finance minister and DPM are clear to us all and the stench of corruption they carried with them!

    Godfather said he was willing to give the opposition a chance to perform and if they did not fair better than BN, he would vote against them next time. Well, it has taken over 50 years to vote of BN, how are you sure you can do it in the following GE? Just at BN built systems and mechanisms to remain in power “forever”, so can any other in-coming government do it.

    To the argument that Anwar was fettered by UMNO during his positions within it, what makes you think that he will not become fettered by DAP or PAS with their contrasting agendas? These are the things we need to look at and seek answers for by Pakatan before we hail the emperor and go head-long into the unknown!

  130. Zak:

    My comments are repititious because you haven’t answered most of the questions raised by me and others.

    You should remember that you asked me to leave Bolehland, yet it turns out that you are a recent immigrant. So could you answer if you would follow your great hero the Mamak out of Bolehland should Anwar become PM ?

  131. As opposition leader, Anwar will be in Parliament during the Budget 2009 presentation this Friday. So, let us all hear what Pak Lah will bring to us rakyat, if at all. Also, we will be witness to what Anwar would say then.

    Let us then be the judge as to whether Anwar will have the ‘substance’ in his policies and directions. We do not have to wait months to see the first salvo.

  132. 1) //Pakatan Rakyat MUST come up with some form of shadow cabinet as the march to putrajaya continues.// – BaronV

    2) //For now, Anwar remains a hollow shell waiting to be filled by the opportunists within the podge-podge coalition Pakatan is so proud of.//

    3) //For PAS to move to BN’s side to deprive PR the majority, this could be neutralised if smaller parties within BN like Gerakan, SAPP etc take a position against PAS’s theocratic agenda injected into BN and hence move over to PR in counterbalance and restoration of PR’s majority… .// Jeffrey

    4) //PAS will likely soon make its move to assert its role as ‘king maker” to evaluate which side BN or PR will do its bidding and accept its terms to further its agenda of Islamic State!// Jeffrey

    Looks like we still have a lot of things to do. Suspicious among each component in PR is detected again. Malaysia seems to be this way, with many political parties having differences in objectives, many races with their own priorities, many kind of believes and styles etc. These problems seems to be endless. This could mean a “time-bomb”

    IF PR can be sincere to each other; respecting each other’s policies, understanding each other’s principles while tolerating with each other’s dreams, differences can be reduced. (100% elimination is of course not possible).

    PAS has been seeing not so interested in attacking DAP as hard as it attacked UMNO. Pas has nothing much to comment on PKR. But here in this blogs we can see many DAP members attack PAS. You can see everyday PAS attack UMNO in the harakahdaily.net, but can you count how many times PAS attacked DAP in her blogs?

    In this case, IF PR MUST RULE MALAYSIA, DAP has to find ways and means to prevent PAS from joining BN/UMNO. Not through curruptions, of course, but should we continue condemning the ISLAMIC STATE? For what? For being so happy? Go against PAS’s objective for a better life? Will that be so good?

  133. Dear zak_hammaad;

    I wonder if you are happy with the way the BN had “govern” the country. Let us forget about race for a moment, just governance. It is not a matter of “trusting Anwar or not” but removing BN is the main goal. If PR can even just clean up the country and “give respect to the people”; I cannot ask for more.

  134. Nor am I a fan of Anwar, Zak. Personally I think he changed too much for my likings. In his quarrel with TDM, honestly I chose the “lesser of 2 evils” ie TDM. Anwar was part of the system for 17 years. I support our blog owner, YB Lim Kit Siang.

    Yet his association with Lim KS is an important factor for me to consider. Would Anwar offend the grand old man of politics? Possible, but that would also spell his own end. Would he offend YB Lim Guan Eng? No likely and Lim GE’s reformist agenda has been seen and I am (are you?) seeing positive changes. Would that be enough to convince me to be patient? Yes, friend yes.

  135. PP voters had won another medal for Malaysia………..well done northern states voters….

    Hope this will serve as an eye opener to those southern states voters who always have no guts to vote for a change……..

    Such fair election and result will only possible under AAB’s administration……. a medal to AAB as well for allowing a fair by-elction…..

    Such thing won’t happen under the Mamakthahir’s administration………Democracy is alive in Malaysia again…….

  136. Godfather Says:

    >> My comments are repititious because you haven’t answered most of the questions raised by me and others.

    An example would suffice to put this lie to rest?

    >> You should remember that you asked me to leave Bolehland,

    They say sarcasm is the lowest form of wit and unfortunately you have not been able to see it.

    >> yet it turns out that you are a recent immigrant.

    I am not a migrant; I have dual nationality and have plenty of social and business interests in Malaysia. Are you now going to rebuke me for this :^) Furthermore, the Islamic environment of Malaysia in the 1990’s was favourable to me. I have since seen the much uneasiness that exists between the races, but to blame this on government policy rather than individual maturity is half the story. Such is the curse of intricating race with religion I guess.

    >> So could you answer if you would follow your great hero the Mamak out of Bolehland should Anwar become PM ?

    Mahathir is going nowhere. His record of national development has earned him a state funeral at the very least. Even in a nightmare scenario where Anwar does become PM, he will have no mandate to try Mahathir. Anwar will want to be seen as “gracious” in “pardoning” his nemesis’.

    My move to Malaysia was not based upon the premiership of Mahathir and it will not end with his passing away. Malaysia can however, only dream of having another figurehead like him for decades to come!

    Good day and good bye for now.

  137. During the just-concluded PP bye election, the BN pumped a lot of money and made a lot of promises to the people there. The residents there definitely benefited from tax money that we paid. Pocket the money and vote against BN. That’s smart money.

    Is there any other PR-controlled constituency that needs money urgently from the BN? The incumbent MP should do the residents a big favour by resigning and forcing a bye election. Money will rain from the BN. Roads will be built and paved. Communities will receive ang pow from NR and gang. Again the voters there should pocket the money and vote against BN.

    How about MCA and MIC MPs? Please do the residents in your respective constituencies a big favour by resigning and forcing a bye election. Even if you don’t get re-elected, the residents there will be eternally grateful to you. :)

  138. Yesterday, OCBC pek moh Arif Shah Omar Shah cast his vote at 8:08 am because, as he said, he beleived that ‘888’ (8:08 am, August) would bring good fortune and victory to him. Wow, such a scientific and visionary State Assemblyman! Must be guided by a bomoh or a feng shui sifu!

  139. So Zak is an economic migrant whose nose is so far up the Mamak’s ass that he can’t see the disasters that the Mamak wrought on this country.

    The nightmare scenario for many genuine Malaysians is that the Mamak kicks the bucket and is not brought to justice.

  140. “Simply wanting change for the sake of change is foolish, especially when Anwar’s credentials as former finance minister and DPM are clear to us all and the stench of corruption they carried with them!”

    No, many of us old enough did not forget his misdeeds; a case in point is the incident of appointment of principals and assistants, mainly malays who did not understand the chinese language, into chinese schools in 1987, and his call for a large UMNO gathering which, in some degrees, precipitate the infamous ‘Operasi Lalang’. Even my parents spout profanity at him then. But let us not forget who ordered the arrests of the oppositions then.

    Let us not forget that. But that was more than 20 years ago. We have to move on as people and as a nation.

    No, sorry, Malaysia do not need another authoritarian figurehead like Mahathir. Mahathir may or may not be going anywhere but it is not relevant anymore. He and the system he created is not relevant anymore in today’s information age.

  141. Congratulations to all DAP,PAS and PKR leaders, well done for D.S Anwar’s victory! In fact, Lim Guan Eng and Dato Nik Aziz, Hadi Awang and all the ulama had helps to rescue Anwar from the UMNO’s snake plan and dragon traps…all the undi hantu,dirty tactics and ular did not defeat their wisdom from God ! God bless Pakatan Rakyat ! Praise the Lord almighty!

    faithful supporter since birth,

  142. Zak said,

    “I have dual nationality and have plenty of social and business interests in Malaysia.”

    Malaysia does not allow dual nationality. And I hope the dual nationality he spoke of concerns his nationality in two countries other than malaysia.

    The reason is because malaysia does not allow dual nationality. Nationals of other countries can take up permanent residentship in malaysia. In which case they would be allowed to reside in the country permanently. That does not turn them into citizens. They are mere residents.

    If malaysian if one of his dual nationality, then something has gone wrong legally. The country of his origin may well allow dual nationality for all we know. But the laws of his country of origin have legal force or effect in malaysia.

    So, he could well be an illegal migrant in our country. And for that he can be jailed and deported.

    Zak, are you pakistani or a muslim convert mat salleh? You better get your status sorted out if you dont want trouble.

  143. “The Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) will definitely talk to Datuk S. Nallakaruppan about his allegation during a ceramah in Permatang Pauh that he had given his former ally Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim RM60mil from Magnum Corporation.ACA deputy director-general (I) Datuk Abu Kassim Mohamad said a formal report was not necessary for the agency to initiate investigations.”
    Wah! These guys are seriously trying to nail Anwar Ibrahim. Theyn have suddenly become so efficient – ONLY towards PR members!
    What about those cases of “CORRUPTION ALLEGATIONS” against BN members like OSU and the like??

  144. Another point to note was after that ‘Operasi’, many of our MSM has become a servant of the powers-that-be. They are not free anymore as everyone here knows.

    Then, we do not have access to the great liberator-the internet. All of us relied on the MSM for news. We do not have the chance to write what we think without getting censored as what we’re doing here, now. We could go to jail if we write or spread ‘false’ news; false in the sense that they represent ‘differing’ opinions from those of the ruling elites and would be termed treasonous.

  145. Anything is possible at this moment.

    PAS, who like to perceive themselves as kingmaker, will only be the kingmaker if PAS leaders can hold the party in one piece. But leaving Pakatan Rakyat to be independent will split the party, joining UMNO may be worse, and still, PAS have to take into consideration the reactions from the voters in the next GE should they choose any of the option above, either way will not put them in a favourable position with the voters. PAS has very limited choice because of its own survival.

    BN will also face a major shake up should PAS joined, it will no longer be known as BN then. Gerakan, MCA and MIC will leave the coalition to form another alternative, this is a good development as it will provides some form of balance in the political landscape in our country. However, it will not be much of a choice for the voters because the leaders are perceived to be corrupt and incompetent, unless these leaders are phased out, it will not be a threat to PKR or DAP.

    Whether or not there will be crossovers from BN defectors or a new government, that is not the priority. A new government built on shifting sands will not be a viable government anyway. It is preferable that there be some form of certainty first, when all the puzzles fall into place and the picture became clear already, the Rakyat will choose who they want as government in the general election. Let’s hope the crossovers will pave the way for all that.

  146. Taiking:
    “Zak, are you pakistani or a muslim convert mat salleh? You better get your status sorted out if you dont want trouble.”

    Based on what he has posted and if my guess is right, this fella called himself zak_hammaad is 99% a Chinese who has nothing better to do but merely trying to provoke some arguments for the heck of his own leisure.

  147. How on earth did Nalla’s Magnum give away $60 M of cash from a public listed company? Those who had shares in the company should sue all the directors who had taken that decision for the refund of the cash!! Of course we all knew that Zak’s super hero could do anything of his fancy then.
    And by the same token, you can judge Zak in his perception of life. So long that you are not caught, it is alright to steal! from anybody and everybody. I hope he did receive the video of the poor Iranian boy whose right hand was crushed for taking something to fill his empty stomach!!
    It is obvious that ZAk had gained through the wanton way his HERO squandered the resources of Petronas, just like Mathias Chang. this is the very least he could do to defend the megalomania!

  148. Like any promise made by politicians, we should all take a step back and welcome DSAI’s victory with a pinch of salt.

    The last thing we need are hooligan supporters messing things up and giving BN legitimate grounds to criticise PR.

    While giving DSAI and PR our support, let us all also be cautious watch closely, educate ourselves on our rights and power in the people. Let us be educated supporters who vote for the betterment of Malaysia, and not be blinded by passion and emotion.

    Keep calm, keep cool, exercise patience, perceive with clarity after proper reflection, and we shall win our battle against the BN regime. It does not matter if it is BN or PR, as long as at the end of the day, it is the voice of the rakyat that decides.

    God bless Malaysia, our beloved country.

  149. Simple fact;
    1981, SG$1 = RM1.08, TDM start,
    2003, SG$1 = RM2.28, TDM ends, similarly with US$, UK Pound, JP Yen, Yet so many people still praised him, despite from 1981 to 2003, Msia govt got hundreds of billion RM from Peronas alone
    People who praised really puzzled me !

  150. 1981, S. Korea, Taiwan, GNP/capita , about same as Msia.
    2003, What are S. Korea, Taiwan GNP/capita, ? compare with Msia,
    Further, S. Korea, Taiwan, natural resource much poorer than Msia, both of them had to spend big money on army, both also had rural area. (Exclude HK, & Spore, as they are mere city)
    Why still so many ppl so blind to praise that Mamak?

    Why some many ppl said LKS is worse than TDM? What real damages has LKS actually done?

  151. cheng on, the fact that DAP is being viewed as a Chinese party is already damaging ehough. Despite that DAP has helped many rakyat be it malay or indian or chinese or anyone that really needed help

  152. You’re wrong again ZAK. There are so many better leaders than Mahathir in Malaysia. But the rule says only a malay can become the PM. Look at Singapore, give a chance to an non-malay then you’ll see the result. This country will boom in all sectors in no time, may be the best in Asia. Would you?

  153. oknyua

    re your post on Malaysia-Today and shan misunderstanding you – wanted to say two thumbs up to you. If only there are more Bumiputras like you, there will be hope for Malaysia.

    Sincerely – I wish you well.

  154. Congaratulation PKR and DAP. This is great. Good purnishment for those extremist Umno leaders…..and those coward chinese parties leaders in BN. MCA and Gerakan’s leaders……how long u guys wanna be a “yes man” to UMNO. U all are cowards. U all are just like a dog to Umno.

  155. Zak, it is always a convert who screams die-hard fanaticism………and it is often an immigrant who swears tenacious patriotism.

    Btw, with dual nationality you are enjoying the best of both worlds eh? Very scheming

  156. saint, up to 10 ten ago, things could have been manageable by BN. Series of events look place that showed their incompetence and lack of timely responses to pressing issue and their leadership skills had much to be desired. Nepotism remains very real and they no longer have the best people to be in positions of responsibility.

    Citing these negativities of BN does not automatically prove PKR to be the opposite. Where the fundamental problems with BN lay with race pacification, PKR’s problems will be with the role of religion in public life. Primarily, most problems lead back to religion because allegiance to one’s religion is prior to that of race or country. Islam’s role in federal governance and higher status in the country may become PKR’s achilles heel if they attempt to alter the status quo.

    Godfather Says:

    >> So Zak is an economic migrant

    Err no, and it does not surprise me that your English comprehension is pretty bad. Malaysia is much less a favourabe place than surrounding countries but it is a personal choice. You cannot beg for direct foreign investment on one hand and drive it away on the other! If you bothered to read my post properly, it was the Islamic climate that attracted me and continues to attract other Muslim professionals.

    Shadow, Do you think that a Malay Muslim can ever become the PM in S’pore? Singapore’s social demography is different to Malaysia’s. You can not give the reins of leadership to a non-Muslim in a 60% Muslim country, this would never work and would lead to chaos. Having the best people in government however is what’s needed to make sure that the most competent are given positions of responsibility no matter what their race and religion.

  157. Vidya Young, “die-hard fanaticism” ? You sure know how to exeggerate and blow things out of proportion. Give me one example where I have promoted religious fanaticsm on this blog!? If you can’t, then maybe you should stop watching too many propaganda news items or questionable sources that you visit on the net.

  158. Zak the rabid Mahathirite:

    If you are an investor or permanent resident for the past 16 years, what gives you the right to determine who should or should not be the leader of Bolehland ? Since you worship the mamak so much, you should be posting on his blog together with the rest of the sycophants.

  159. Godfather, man worship is inherently against Islam, so I will excuse your ignorance on that. What gives me the right? Hmmm, I want myself and my family to live in an equally stable and successful Malaysia as you do. Being a citizen or PR does not reduce one to an observer of farce that Malaysian politics has become.

    Every person has a right to study and comment on any country, there are academics and int’l organisations who write and commend on matters pertaining to affairs of other countries; most of them are neither resident nor have any connection to the country of analysis. If this is the best you can throw at me (or wish away opposition to your orwellian dream), you are more of an amateur than I thought.

  160. You as a foreigner call Mamakthir the father of modern Malaysia. You are also obviously in agreement with the hypocritical rantings of the old man. That’s blind worship. We the citizens who have been born and bred here call him the Corrupter of Malaysia.

  161. “Every person has a right to study and comment on any country, there are academics and int’l organisations who write and commend on matters pertaining to affairs of other countries; most of them are neither resident nor have any connection to the country of analysis. ”

    Tell this to Syed Hamid and the current leadership. They call it “interference in the affairs of a sovereign nation”.

  162. Godfather, unlike you I try not to turn each thread into personal bickerings, your assumptions are indeed wild and with each desperate attempt to respond, you are losing the focus on the issue at hand. I applaud you for your vivid imagination however. Now, please can you explain the following words of Anwar today:

    “Pakatan Rakyat is bringing new hope to the people with its reform agenda.”

    2 simple questions:

    1. What does the “reform agenda” consist of?
    2. How will it be implemented?

    Please answer, without foaming at the mouth of course :^)

  163. Zak, at times you write sense and nonsense sometimes. Why is that you hate DSAI so much? Its appears as if you had been toppled by him sometimes ago during his ministership in BN. To me I want change in the Malaysian government. Only then we’ll know how good or bad the BN is. The president of Singapore is an Indian even though the indians are minorty. And most of the top posts in the civil services are filled by the able sigaporeans irrespective of races. I want the same in our country. Only then you’ll see improvements unlike now. Our education system, economy, sports and many more are far behind then the others. Why? You know the answers. Like in USA, the leaders must go for debates to prove their abilities. The RAKYAT then know whom to choose.

  164. My reform agenda is very simple: Get rid of the den of thieves known as UMNO, bring all the corrupters to book (and that includes the father of modern corruption, the Mamak) and the country will right itself.

    As to your questions, I suggest you post them on Anwar’s blog.

  165. “I have dual nationality and have plenty of social and business interests in Malaysia.” — zak_hammaad

    “Malaysia does not allow dual nationality. And I hope the dual nationality he spoke of concerns his nationality in two countries other than malaysia.” — taiking

    Obviously, in trying to answer Godfather’s questions, he shot himself in the foot trying to invent a personality that would be in sync with (and to justify) his flowery arguments. See, the more one lies, the more likely one will conflict oneself. Without inventing a “personality” to cover up the fact that he is hardcore racist, he would not be able to get anyone to read his posts.

  166. Zak ur SENILE boy, answer to ur question is…..

    1) Scrap OLD Reform NEW Policy. Yes practice “Liberation”.

    2) Read this history, its HOW “MALAYSIA” came from hundreds of years ago…

    * Parameswara was origin from Palembang district of Srivijaya Empire(Hinduism-Melayu prince) founded Melaka around 1402.

    * His “Hindu Indian”, Parameswara became a “Muslim” when he married a Princesss of Pasai and calling himself “Iskandar Shah”.

    * The prosperity of Malacca attracted the invasion of the Siamese attempts in 1446 and 1456.

    * The development of relations between Malacca and China was at that time a strategic to ward off further Siamese attacks.

    Why Malay today needs to be racist as our history recall that our races shape this country and religion hundreds of years ago!

  167. Your question was to PR, and I am not PR ! I know what Anwar stands for, and it relates to changing the ills in this country brought upon by 22 years of abuse by Mamakthir and a further 5 years of neglect by Badawi. I don’t intend to explain this fully to a self-professed foreigner, especially one foaming at the mouth at the mention of the “A” name.

  168. Timmy:

    Zak shares a common objective – his dislike of Badawi. He even calls the PM “Pak Bodoh”. Funny for a foreigner who has been here only 16 years to disrepect a host country’s head of government.

  169. Shadow, as I stated before, I do not hate for the sake of hating. Anwar is to be judged by his past performance and his contradictory position thereafter. It is a matter of trust; and what bigger trust is there than placing the responsibility of the country’s leadership into the hands of a person with personality disorder and unstable character (and I don’t mean sodomy!)

    Furthermore, money-politics is still very much at play and I concur that the 30 MPs Anwar needs to form the government will not materialise. Anwar may think he could “buy” MPs to jump to his camp but it would be impossible for him to outbid the other bidders who have more money. With Anwar in parliament, the most he can do is make life difficult for Badawi.

    The presidency of Singapore is a ceremonial role and the president does not have any executive powers at at all. It’s all honky dory for him to attend functions and open service centres etc.

    >> And most of the top posts in the civil services are filled by the able sigaporeans irrespective of races.

    Wrong, it is common knowledge that top military posts can never be given to Malay Muslims for example. This is a time-honoured understanding. Debating is all well, but what’s the point when the politicians do not practise what they preach?

    I have not condoned discrimination in any shapr or form and fully support the notion that only the best and competent people should be given roles of responsibility. On a side-note, I personally believe that the “affirmative plan” was a real bad idea that has created lazy and lackluster Malays, but once the damage has been done and a mindset moulded over a generation, it is not easy to simply revolutionise the entire government and it’s policies over weeks and months. Mahathir has given a simple outline on his thoughts on the matter over at chedet which I naturally agree with, notwithstanding admittance of his mistakes.


    AsalUsul, why are your preaching history here? No one denies the facts you outline, why don’t you drum this home to the UMNOputras!? Perhaps you have the wrong blog.

  170. “…. do not hate for the sake of hating. Anwar is to be judged by his past performance and his contradictory position thereafter. It is a matter of trust; and what bigger trust is there than placing the responsibility of the country’s leadership into the hands of a person with personality disorder and unstable character…”

    Instead of Zak uttering these ridiculous comments, you can also infer that Mamakthir has the exact same thoughts.

  171. Hey, Zak, if we wanted to know what pro-Mahathir supporters think of Anwar, we can find it at chedet’s latest posting. Here, the majority want to give Anwar a chance, so my advice to you is not to p!ss into the wind.

  172. Godfather, respect has to be earned and is not anyone’s prerogative! Badawi deserves all disrespectful titles because he has earned them through his disasterous tenure as PM. Perhaps you were one of those who gave him the landslide in 2003?

    I understand you are not PR, but you fully support PR, therefore you must know what the party you are voting for (and want to lead the country) plans, right?

    Again, this is an open question to anyone on this thread. Can anyone answer the following 2 simple questions:

    1. What does the “reform agenda” consist of?
    2. How will it be implemented?

    In light of Anwar’s statement:

    “Pakatan Rakyat is bringing new hope to the people with its reform agenda.”

    Will the schizophrenic make up policies as he goes along? Will he be brainwashed from one quarter of the coalition or another to do their bidding? After being a failure as a finance minister in the 90’s, what qualifies him to handle the country’s economy and indeed scruitise the forthcoming budget? Surely PR have better economists than Anwar? Tell me they have not put all their hope on the competence of an unstable character!?

    Thank you and good night.

  173. @Zak.. haha amusing ^^

    * The History recall China = Buddhist
    * Siamese = Buddhist
    * Malay are Muslim!

    Yet China Fought strives Siamese in behalf Malay(Muslim), u should learn the so call “lesson” and “moral” here… They do not choose color or religion but FRIENDSHIP!


    We have reason to FIGHT and its clearly shown after 50yrs MERDEKA. This guy doesnt even know why as he only knew current situation might gone wrong shake his bird nest. Sorry we dont owe u nothing!


  174. “Pakatan Rakyat is bringing new hope to the people with its reform agenda.”

    2 simple questions:

    1. What does the “reform agenda” consist of?
    2. How will it be implemented?

    Zak..U really didn’t read paper so u ask these questions.no wonder.I tell u DSAI promise he can only implement once he become PM. So now who is the caretaker? after Badawi, u wan Najib the bad apple?

  175. impossible* his nothing but beaver losing its grip to its nest with current coming in its way. :struggles:

    P/s: spelling mistake “great (R)eason and Leader”

    THERES NO FUTURE WITHOUT HISTORY, and today its future we living in. I hope u understand learn the lesson and “Moral” behind our “HISTORY”.

  176. If bn is so good, why are our car prices much more expensive than those of S. Korea or Taiwan? whereas in 1981, our car prices are cheaper than theirs? Why Spore, HK, Taiwan can face 1997 financial crisis much better than Msia? Not the failure of finance Minister then, but rather, failure of PM (bn govt) then.
    Pakatan is not the Fed govt, yet, so why hv to reveal all on how they want to govn (reform agenda etc) for bn to criticize? Wait lah !

  177. ZAK

    What make you think I am bias towards DAP, PKR or PAS. Is what they stand for that I am interested in? Also, when I told you not to comment any further doesn’t means I am stopping you from blogging. I am just execising my freedom of speech and at the same time try to stop you to sale ideas that are no longer acceptable.

    Look at that PAS and PKR guy (Zul) I totally recommend suspension or fired from the party. IF LKS or LGE talked and use race as an issue I will crucified them in the public and that goesto DSAI as well…

    So, just because I comments here doesn’t mean I blindly support PR, DAP, PKR or PAS. My stand is with the rakyat and what is good for them 50 years from now.

    God Bless.

  178. You criticise some of us of not understanding your Queen’s English. But Bro, you failed to understand my simple Form Five English. Why so uppity la?

    Have you heard of the Malay idiom…….”siapa makan chilli…….”?

  179. “Pakatan Rakyat is bringing new hope to the people with its reform agenda.”

    2 simple questions:

    1. What does the “reform agenda” consist of?
    2. How will it be implemented?

    Zak..U really didn’t read paper so u ask these questions.no wonder.I tell u DSAI promise he can only implement once he become PM. So now who is the caretaker? after Badawi, u wan Najib the bad apple?

    You criticise some of us of not understanding your Queen’s English. But Bro, you failed to understand my simple Form Five English. Why so uppity la?

    Have you heard of the Malay idiom…….”siapa makan chilli
    If bn is so good, why are our car prices much more expensive than those of S. Korea or Taiwan? whereas in 1981, our car prices are cheaper than theirs? Why Spore, HK, Taiwan can face 1997 financial crisis much better than Msia? Not the failure of finance Minister then, but rather, failure of PM (bn govt) then.
    Pakatan is not the Fed govt, yet, so why hv to reveal all on how they want to govn (reform agenda etc) for bn to criticize
    Emily, Pak Bodoh has done more damage to Malaysia in his 5 year tenures than any other PM in our history. I would personally support any motion calling for his trial and impeachment for corruption and treachery. Furthermore, in his haste to “reform” BN, he has played right into the hands of the UMNOputras and those who think that Malaysia owes them a living. We know that UMNO is not reformable and hence their leadership will be scurrying to find answers to remain existent.

    That Bodoh be replaced has never been an issue, who he is a replaced by and what form a new UMNO will take shall remain the talking point.
    Based on what AI told Lorraine Hahn during the interview in 2004, we can see that the only way Umno politicians can change is to put them behind bars for a number of years.

    As AI said: “You mature in the process. You realize what is the meaning of freedom in human dignity. …… The struggle-the principles are more clear and profound. ……. But if you talk about democracy and freedom from prison life-so you know how much you value the rule of law.”

    In a way, the best contribution of MM to Malaysia was to concoct a crime to lock up AI! In the process, we have the born-again (hopefully) AI to lead a truly united Malaysia – hopefully where all Malaysians are valued and where all economically disadvantaged Malaysians are given the necessary support to uplift them.

    Had AI remained in Umno, most likely he is no different from NR and other Umnoputras.

    Is this fate?

    AI will be back in the Parliament very soon. Will the SIL remain an MP and inhale the same air that AI expires? Or will the SIL resign?

  180. Anwar was brought in by Mahathir, made Education Minister and finally Deputy Prime Minister. To think that his meteoric rise to power has left him untainted by corruption and cronyism is extremely naive. But to think this time as Prime Minister he may not under pressure succumb to the same old politics of corruption and cronyism is even more naive. But this is not such a time!

    Malaysians deserve a second chance. Having supported a corrupt government under BN for so many years, we need fresh blood and a new leadership that would take us in a new direction. Anwar was part of the old politics of corruption and cronyism, and business as usual. But this time round we would like to think it is different. Under his new leadership we look forward to a government that is responsive to the needs of the people, transparent and accountable. Under him we look forward to the return of the rule of law.

    If the Pakatan led government goes in the same direction as the BN led government, the people will withdraw their mandate. As a free people it is time we give meaning to what U.S. President Abraham Lincoln called a “government of the people, by the people and for the people.”
    congrats Msia!!!!

    Now umno is a wounded dog. and wounded dog has the nastiest bite. Beware.

    as for dsai, we wont know how much he can keep to his promises, but we the rakyat holds the key. we hv seen what people power can do. so if anyone, MPs or PM or DPM, we are watching u closely. If u cant do a good job, out u go!!!

    As for now, let’s gv PR a chance.

    Zak, grow up and come out of ur shell.

  181. Guys,

    Zak_hahamad has had his fifteen minutes of fame and this blog is fast turning into exchanges between this ‘coconut head’ to borrow the term used by limkamput, and the rest – rather than opinions about the issues raised by YB Kit.

    It is time you guys show some respect to the host of this blog!

  182. cina Says:

    Today at 13: 21.33 (9 hours ago)
    congrats to the voters of PP who voted for PKR.
    a gold medal for these voters….
    These voters are many classes above the stupig Johorean voters….

    Cina, pls be mindful of your choice of words & kindly check up the results of the MAR08 GE in Johor.

    As Phang Hok Liong of DAP Jementah/Segamat had said, the tail end of the tsunami had reached Johor albeit with reduced force. But history was created when DAP unexpectedly won the Bakri parlimentary seat previously held by Chua Jui Meng. Pakatan also holds six state seats in Johor, DAP (4) & PAS (2). Of course, this was possible only with the united forces of the various races that finally denied BeEND 100% victory in Johor. Breakthrough was achieved & ground sentiments now are pro Pakatan.

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