FLASH NEWS (2)! Anwar’s majority more than Azizah’s

Permatang Pauh by-election – history in the making. Anwar’s majority should be a few thousands more than azizah’s majority – in the 16,000 region.

[ sys admin – we are moving into strip down mode to cope with the increased load on the server ]


178 Replies to “FLASH NEWS (2)! Anwar’s majority more than Azizah’s”

  1. # seage Says:
    Today at 20: 10.59 (18 seconds ago) e


    TMNet is blocking all Streamyx users from accessing Malaysia Today. The updating is being done from outside Malaysia or else we can’t even do that [Malaysia Today]

    TM Nut’s DNS server has been poisoned. A resolution request on malaysia-today.net returns which is a special IP for localhost.

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  2. Based on figures from Malaysia-Today’s 7:50pm updates, Anwar seems to have captured an average 74% of votes counted thus far.

    Even taking this success rate at a more conservative 65% and voter turnout of 60% (worst case, which I doubt it is), majority might well turn out to be a whopping at least 22K.

  3. k1980.

    tsu koon and company will have to close shop.



    and please remember raja petra , he has to go to the police station this week again.

  4. Oh! What a beautiful night!
    There’ll be many obstacles more for Anwar, that’s for sure.
    But if the UMNOputras will only listen and heed what the ordinary rakyat’s message is from the Permatang Pauh’s results, they will know it’s really simple: Stop and desist from plotting against Anwar.
    We have enough of your mismanagement of our country.
    We want change – change for a more fair, just , civil and democractic country!!

  5. Will the Mongolian now eat his own words?

    Datuk Seri Najib Razak, yesterday said the groundswell of support had tilted in favour of BN candidate Datuk Arif Shah Omar who is contesting against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

    “When we first started the campaign, people said the BN did not stand any chance of a victory. “However, after two weeks of effort, pleading and praying, the support has tilted our way,” he said.

  6. YB,

    Please tell BN loud and clear that we, rakyat rejected racist politic and we, rakyat don’t prefer all nonsense rubbish tactic like “chicken rape” (translate from mandarin :)

    Also, ask MCA and Gerakan go to sleep!

    Feel release to know DSAI won by majority around 16000 with only 65% of voting rate…

  7. Yes, Anwar is winning~
    BN created too many dramas and thought they can manipulate our mind, no chance.

    I am telling most of my Malaysian friends in Brisbane Australia. None of them support BN, lol

  8. Thanks Kit for keeping us updated. Thanks for the great job your doing. Malaysian Insider website also down. Unable to get in. As usual this is the BN sad state of affairs. Now they must be all sitting down shiverring in their pants and planning what to do next. I can in my mind’s eye see Mr. Flipflop. Najis and Baldie thinking hard with sweat on their brows wondering what evil scheme to hatch next.





    PROVERBS 10: 30-32

  10. Game seem over and it is a matter of make it official and this result will sink into Malaysia in its history and this also will mark the new begging of new era. This is Malaysia way of we want change as its mirror Obama’sin US.

    Let hope DASI will start off this change as soon as possible.

  11. Great news! The people of Permatang Pauh have spoken, the people of Malaysia have risen.
    Many congrats to Anwar & the whole PR coalition! One mountain climbed but expect tougher ones to come. But together,the rakyat shall prevail.
    Just go for the CHANGE!

    All the best to uncle Lim and please advise everyone to take extra personal security precaution.

  12. Congratulations to Anwar and Pakatan Rakyat. The final lap, and possibly the toughest, has just begun.

    Now that the DNA Bill is rushed through second reading, we know very clearly what diabolical plan that the BN government has in store for Anwar.

    Anwar will need to galvanise the cross over to throw a spanner into their plans once and for all, and rid Malaysia of a whole organisation of corrupt people.

  13. This win also shown that BN can’t fool the people even those simple folks into thinking that all their dirty trick will works. Please take this another lesson to learn if you have not learn it on 308 GE.

    Even Singapore PM’s has given credit to Jeff Ooi the blogger the blog has won over the evil tactic used by BN. This win has lot more implication that a mere win per se.

    Should BN wish to learn please learn now before you will ultimately finish off.

  14. Despite all the dirty tricks by BN, Anwar still wins with a bigger majority than his wife. The dirty tricks include:

    1) Polling day on working day
    2) Ruthless character attacks
    3) Sodomy allegations
    4) Saifool swearing on the Koran
    5) Rousing racial and religious tension
    6) Fake banners and leaflets including fake shadow cabinet
    7) Handouts to schools, mosque, surau and old folks
    8) Bribery
    9) Collecting I.C. cards on pretext of giving loan
    10) Phantom voters
    11) Blocking roads to polling centres

    The people of Permatang Pauh have spoken loud and clear. All races including the Malays prefer PR’s multi-racial politics to BN’s racial politics. Shockwaves from this victory will reverberate throughout BN and hasten their irrelevance.

  15. So DPM please do not just promise during a by election it is just to late. Even you lower the petrol price just to please PP’s voters also do not work. All the swearing also gone with the wind. Learn your lesson, the people are not as stupid as you think. Never think all those bloggers and readers of blogs are stupid they are much more well inform that any others.

  16. During the March 08 GE, Azizah obtained a vote-majority of 13,388 at 82% voter turnout rate.

    In the PP by-election Anwar’s vote-majority is 16,210 at 65.25% voter turnout rate; if converted to be at 82% voter turnout rate, it will be:
    (82/65.25) X 16210 = 20,371

    which is far higher than Azizah’s 13,388.

  17. con’t…More BN dirty tricks

    12) Lowering the price of petrol and diesel before polling day
    13) Helicopter intimidation of PKR ceramah
    14) Arrest and rush to charge 2 PKR exco in Perak
    15) Najib swearing in the mosque


    These are the early results received. More updates and confirmations to come.





    SIAKAP 3 411 104 307 515 80%
    SIAKAP 4 369 141 228 510 72%
    SIAKAP 5 356 156 200 512 70%

    JDM 6 1 178 78 100 256 70%
    JDM 6 2 192 80 112 272 71%
    JDM 6 3 179 95 84 274 65%

    SEBERANG JAYA 158 97 61 255 62%
    SEBERANG JAYA 258 7 251 265 97%
    SEBERANG JAYA 335 201 134 536 63%
    SEBERANG JAYA 369 141 228 510 72%
    SEBERANG JAYA 356 156 200 512 70%

    TMN TUN HUSSEIN ONN 1 334 131 203 465 72%
    TMN TUN HUSSEIN ONN 2 329 106 223 435 76%
    TMN TUN HUSSEIN ONN 3 159 100 59 259 61%
    TMN TUN HUSSEIN ONN 4 320 156 164 476 67%

    P PAUH 1
    P PAUH 2 314 95 219 409 77%
    P PAUH 3 337 60 277 397 85%
    P PAUH 4

    KG CROSS 1 179 29 150 208 86%
    KG CROSS 2 411 49 362 460 89%
    KG CROSS 3 441 34 407 475 93%
    KG CROSS 4 381 66 315 447 85%

    TUNA 1 163 95 68 258 63%
    TUNA 2 342 193 149 535 64%
    TUNA 3 344 116 228 460 75%
    TUNA 4 325 145 180 470 69%

    TOTAL 7540 2631 4909 10171 74%

  19. Well, the campaign speech by Anwar Ibrahim ended with Elvis Presley’s “Its Now Or Never.”

    Without a doubt, Anwar will win, and win big. But whether he will be allowed to take office is another question.

    But knowing UMNO’s dirty tricks and underhand tactics, I am willing to bet that Anwar will end up either in “Heartbreak Hotel”, or doing his “Jailhouse Rock” soon.

    “There Goes My Everything”…


  20. This is the best Merdeka gift from the voters of Permatang Pauh to all of us. They have made history and a new chapter for our nation.

    Let us hope and pray that this gift will not be taken away from us.

    Enough is Enough. The people want change and let this change renew and refresh this nation once again. A Malaysian Dream, a Nation with a common destiny for its people and a prosperous nation for all

  21. slap BN, slap Utusan, Slap Bernama, Slap, Slap, Slap. What a happy day today. For the 2nd time ( 1st time is last GE), i feel the force is with people to fight bravely with monster BN and it’s cronies.

  22. I just can’t figure out how a mighty political coalition Barisan National, that has ruled the nation for 51years would choose go into an all important election based on someone’s anus instead of fighting it out on solid past social & economical achievements and future development plans & strategies. What a humiliating shame!Who is the BN person in charge of this election campaign? He/she ought to be FIRED!

  23. Cannot believe it…Malaysians in P44 have shown BN and its Lap dogs that they cant be sai fooled anymore….DSAI has now got to get DAP,PAS & Others to work to govern the country.

    cheers from Sydney

  24. This is what our police can do best… even to a YB :-

    “8.55pm : Report from M. Ramachandran

    Saw YB Gopalakrishnan handcuffed at the Seberang Jaya hospital. He said he was okay although he appeared to be in a state of shock.

    At the time of reporting, he is understood to sstill be at the emergency centre awaiting examination and treatment. He has already beenx-rayed.

    His sons are still in the police station lock-up.”-


  25. As I said before, even if Anwar wins the By-election, it is in serious doubt that he can still continue his campaign in the midst of the sodomy charge. Can his dream come true on 16 Sept? Can he do all this while he is in jail? His story will come to an abrupt end when he walks into the iron cell and what he leaves behind is the biggest joke ever in the political history.

    So Rakyat, stop hallucinating and see who is in charge here. UMNO is the backbone of the modern Malaysia and Malaysia needs UMNO. We will never fall. Please accept the reality and stop dreaming.

    For MCA and MIC, it is up to them to show their report card. They would have to be responsible for the loss of Chinese and Indian votes. What I can say is unless appropriate actions are taken by MCA and MIC against those who voted against BN, BN will have to take action against MCA and MIC.

    At the end of the day, Malay will finally unite and I can see UMNO partnering PAS to form a formidable government that is stronger ever in the history. Those who betray Bangsa Melayu will soon be a Goner!

  26. Kasim…..yes BN is the backbone..a Backbone for all corruption scandal the political crime they have been manifesting for so long that it is like tooth ache thats need an urgent extraxtion.

    What load of crap you talking about MIC and MCA and UMNO goons!

    Enuff La…go home and cry…(if you not home already)


  27. “As I said before, even if Anwar wins the By-election, it is in serious doubt that he can still continue his campaign in the midst of the sodomy charge.” — Kasim Amat

    Kasim, you’re a big-time joker. Don’t try to shy away from what the bigger majority means. It shows that all the sodomy frame-ups, and idiotic swearings are NOT WORKING, and voters in Permatang Pauh are telling the Barang Naik thieves to go to hell.

  28. Kasim, read this


    Wonder how long more before our Malay brothers wake up to the harsh realities of this globalised world?


    by Dr Syed Alwi of Singapore

    Dear Editor,

    As you know, I am an avid watcher of Malaysian affairs. I must confess that lately, Malaysia appears to be failing. Not a day passes by without more events that clearly highlight Malaysia ‘s race-religion fault-line. If things keep going this way, I fear for Malaysia ‘s future.

    Today, schools in Singapore celebrate Racial Harmony Day. I can
    visibly see the joy in the children’s faces as they wear their ethnic
    costumes and have fun together at school. But in Malaysia – even the right to choose a religion has become a sensitive, national issue. No doubt, there are many in Malaysia who hate my liberal views on Islam, family included. But I will say what I must say openly. I have come to the conclusion that Malaysia cannot progress any further without first addressing fundamental questions regarding its identity and soul.

    I remember the days when we can laugh at Lat’s cartoons on everyday Malaysian life. But sadly, the Islamic tide has polarised Malaysians. Some people ask why I should bother about Malaysian affairs since I am a Singaporean. May I remind Malaysians that it was Tan Siew Sin who once said that Singapore and Malaysia are Siamese Twins. Should Malaysia go down – it would hurt the region tremendously. Especially Singapore ..

    Where do you think Malay apostates would head for if Lina Joy loses her case? Singapore of course! I find the Malaysian Malay to be very under-exposed. For them, it’s all Islam and the NEP and everything under the sun would sort itself out. I am sorry to say this – but Islam and the NEP may be the cause of the undoing of the Malaysian Malay.

    There is nothing wrong with religion or affirmative action. But, like
    everything else in life, they must be taken in moderation and with a pinch of salt. A little doubt is good. Unfortunately in Malaysia ,
    emotions over Islam have overcome reason. What we see today is the result of the NEP and Islamisation policies of the past thirty years or so.

    No one owes Malaysian Malays a living. Let me assure you that should Malaysia fail – the Malaysian Malay will suffer enormously. And rightly so. After all – they have been pampered with all sorts of goodies over the years. They cannot now expect more goodies. Perhaps the day of reckoning for them, is near. Whatever it is, Malaysia had better wake up to the realities around her. The globalised world of the 21st century has no NEP to offer the Malaysian Malay. And humans cannot live by religion alone.


    Dr Syed Alwi.



    May your day be filled with all things good.

  29. Biggest joke is the Syed fella in parliment trying to justify the tabling of the DNA act today.What they think we are morons and that STUPID???

    Enuff BN…now you know the power of the people united can ‘bury’ you instead of you burying ‘us’ with the whole load of crap.

    We know u tabling and pushing it to try and get it approve for your bl**dy devious moves.


  30. “BN will have to take action against MCA and MIC” By Kasim

    Hey! We all actually glad to see if BN take action again MCA, MIC & Gerakan as they’re crooks that pinch the poor to make them rich and should not represented us. Hell – we will send them heading to.

  31. The Rakyat Dare to Dream. And it became a reality tonight.
    As for Kasim Amat, I hope U can go to sleep tonight with your own sweet dreams.
    We Love U Permatang Pauh voters! U created history. Merdeka!

  32. What I can say is unless appropriate actions are taken by MCA and MIC against those who voted against BN, BN will have to take action against MCA and MIC. – Kasim Amat

    Good, go ahead and take whatever action necessary. I dare and challenge UMNO to sack these 2 party from BN. Go ahead, I don’t care.

    And Kasim Amat – you and your Malays, Malays, Malays, Melayu, Melayu, Melayu, Ketuanan Melayu, lagi?? lagi?? Wake up lah. You are living in a dinosaur era.

    When Najib was so “confident” that BN could win in PP, I thought it was the biggest joke of the day. BN had obviously not woken up from their sleep and I think they probably don’t intend to! Go ahead, continue sleeping! By the time you wake up, you’ll find yourselves in JAIL!! HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!

    If I was a voter in PP, I’d LOVE, I stress again- JUST LOVE to play along with the BN guys. If they approach me and ask me to vote for them, I’ll tell them, “Yeah, I vote for you, I support you”. But behind the scene, I sure am a hypocrite!!! KAH KAH KAH!!! Wanna play along with us? We’ll play along with you as well!!!

    To the voters of PP – CONGRATULATIONS!! You have definitely made a wise decision!! HURRAH!

  33. This is only the first step to Putrajaya and there will be many more hurdles laid by his enemies before he can reach his destination.
    I hope he is strong enough both mentaly and physically to fight the evils of politics.

    May Allah gives him strength.

    Let us all unite to lead this country back to peace and prosperity for all Malaysians.

    Link: http://kingsmary.blogspot.com/

  34. Another Pain In the Ass: Kasim
    Look here Pathetic Outdated Mummy malay.
    No one bothers about what your own division
    of Malay trying to do.
    Here we are, trying to celebrate a new Dawn, you
    still talk about Stoneage issues.

    Ah Podah!!!Go back to your cave and talk to your own kind only.
    We are not interested to even know your own unity of ‘Malay”

    The New PKR Malays are the modern type, These Malays wants to progress, so stop preventing other Malays who wants to get away from people like you.

    If you have nothing else to do, go get yourself some haemorrhoid
    and scratch yourself till kingdom come.

  35. Congratulation to DSAI for winning the PP Parliament seat; and to all Malaysians- a new Bolehland is on the way. : )
    And a BIG thank you to all PP residents, you guys have done a very good job. : )


  36. What I can say is unless appropriate actions are taken by MCA and MIC against those who voted against BN, BN will have to take action against MCA and MIC. – Kasim Amat

    Good, go ahead and take whatever action necessary. I dare and challenge UMNO to sack these 2 party from BN. Go ahead, I don’t care.

    And Kasim Amat – you and your Malays, Malays, Malays, Melayu, Melayu, Melayu, Ketuanan Melayu, lagi?? lagi?? Wake up lah. You are living in a dinosaur era.

    When Najib was so “confident” that BN could win in PP, I thought it was the biggest joke of the day. BN had obviously not woken up from their sleep and I think they probably don’t intend to! Go ahead, continue sleeping! By the time you wake up, you’ll find yourselves in JAIL!!

    If I was a voter in PP, I’d LOVE, I stress again- JUST LOVE to play along with the BN guys. If they approach me and ask me to vote for them, I’ll tell then, “Yeah, I vote for you, I support you”. BUt behind the scene, I sure am a hypocrite! Wanna play along with us? We’ll play along as well!

    To the voters of PP – CONGRATULATIONS!! You have definitely made a vise decision!! HURRAH!

  37. Bulletins from Permatang Pauh on 26/8/2008
    August 26, 2008

    9.13pm : Din Merican reporting from the counting centre

    Final unofficial ( whatever that means ) figures

    Votes in favour of Anwar -31,579

    Votes for Arif – 16,045

  38. Kasim Amat Says:
    Today at 21: 22.53 (19 minutes ago)

    UMNO is the backbone of the modern Malaysia and Malaysia needs UMNO. We will never fall. Please accept the reality and stop dreaming. For MCA and MIC, it is up to them to show their report card. They would have to be responsible for the loss of Chinese and Indian votes. What I can say is unless appropriate actions are taken by MCA and MIC against those who voted against BN, BN will have to take action against MCA and MIC.


    Umno, like Count Dracula, has long ago sucked out the blood of the MCA, MIC and Gerakan. Have you not realised it yet?

    Poor thing, Kasim Amat, you are like the green hat guy, always the last to know that you are wearing a green hat.

    What Umno now has are not MCA leaders, only pretenders to the party that was set up by Tun Tan Cheng Lock. His vision was for a cultural democracy. We are getting there, after being stymied for the last 40 years.

    Are you okay, Kasim Amat? Or you need help?

    We are already in a new paradigm. We are now into computers. And you are still talking about the wonder of the typewriter. You better use your hand to write. Layan diri.

  39. I am sad not because UMNO is likely to lose the By-election but the fact that these ignorant people thought Anwar is such a great person who can “save” the country. People has been painted too deep a picture by him that the country is in big trouble and therefore we need a change and the country needs a saviour. Wake up! Anwar is an extremely ambitious person and it is obvious that he is purely eying for the PM seat to achieve his own agenda motivated by grievances and vengeance. Does he has what it takes to become a PM? Does he has a talented team with him? Let’s don’t talk about the sodomy charge, if he can betray Orang Melayu, can he not do the same to Chinese and Indians? Think about it Rakyat and Chinese and Indians have to accept the fact that majority of Malay would not want to see Anwar as PM and the view of the majority has to be respected.

  40. Kasim Amat

    Actually, it is not Anwar betraying Orang Melayu. It is Dr Mahathir betraying Anwar. And there are reasons for Dr M to do that, although unfortunately they are personal ones. Please don’t abuse the racial dimension.

    For far too long, race and religion has been abused by the powers-that-be in this country.

    Stop this nonsense.

  41. zak, we found a partner for you.
    Kasim will be your kind.
    so happy together.

    No matter what you guys think of plotting, its not gonna work.
    Perhaps you should try a better platform like, our local TV station
    or the local papers. They all say the same thing as you.
    You should try to see how close your kind are, happy together.

  42. baochingtian, there is no such thing as racial unity and never has been in the history of mankind. Malay uniting is a pre-requisite to national unity because they comprise the largest race and because of the social hegemony they occupy in Malaysia.

    First and foremost, you should expect wholesome unity within each respective race and then build ways and means to unite as a nation upon common bonds and patriotism; living is an amalgamated and cohesive society. S’pore has nearly got it right, Malaysia can perfect it if it has the will and courage.

  43. 2154: The final tally is a majority of around 16,500, according to unofficial sources. On a more sobering note, the simple kampong shopkeeper here says,”We don’t get anything whoever wins, you know.” Two little boys were peering into my laptop as I wrote this, a 12-year-old and a younger boy around 6. I asked the older boy what he wanted to be when he grew up. “Dreber (driver),” he said proudly. “A lorry driver.”

  44. Kasim Amat.. only UMNO is fighting for the MALAYS,Please lahhh UMNO is FIGHTING FOR THE RIGHT TO CHEAT THE MALAYS.UMNO had been sodomizing the MALAYS and MALAYSIAN for the past 30 years.If UMNO is really fighting for the MALAYS there won,t be any poor MALAYS ,Like the MALAY lady living in a chiken coop.
    UMNO is fighting for its cronies all TOP UMNO leaders are MILLIONAIRS.Driving around in MILLION RM cars paid by APs.
    So Kasim Amat Malaysians have finally open their eyes.If UMNO don,t change you can say bye bye to UMNO.

  45. Kasim Amat:

    “Think about it Rakyat and Chinese and Indians have to accept the fact that majority of Malay would not want to see Anwar as PM and the view of the majority has to be respected.”

    The majority has spoken on 8th March, and they have spoken once again at Permatang Pauh by-election.

    As you said, “the view of the majority has to be respected.”

  46. I am sad not because UMNO is likely to lose the By-election but the fact that these ignorant people thought Anwar is such a great person who can “save” the country. People has been painted too deep a picture by him that the country is in big trouble and therefore we need a change and the country needs a saviour. Wake up! Anwar is an extremely ambitious person and it is obvious that he is purely eying for the PM seat to achieve his own agenda motivated by grievances and vengeance. Does he has what it takes to become a PM? Does he has a talented team with him? Let’s don’t talk about the sodomy charge, if he can betray Orang Melayu, can he not do the same to Chinese and Indians? Think about it Rakyat and Chinese and Indians have to accept the fact that majority of Malay would not want to see Anwar as PM and the view of the majority has to be respected.

  47. carboncopy,

    “TMNet is blocking all Streamyx users from accessing Malaysia Today. The updating is being done from outside Malaysia or else we can’t even do that [Malaysia Today]”


    If what you said is accurate. For SHAME on TM! De-senthrall us from TM monopoly. They ARE LIKE THE RULING BN.

  48. Kasim Amat, I concur that Anwar is a snake, this he has shown through his contradictory actions as finance minister and then DPM. His words of late reflect the audience he is addressing and it is the Malays who will pay the ultimate price for his selfish ambitions. If he gets to Putrajaya (which I believe is highly unlikely), there is a very real risk of a civil strife.

    The opposition knows that Anwar remains the only viable Malay puppet for them to get into government. The DAP are the only winners from Anwar’s “fame” and the minorities who want a larger share of political stake and representation should know always remember May 13th; not as a scaremongering tactic, but as a serious lesson in racial harmony gone bad.

  49. Kasim Amat i dont wish to spoil the sweetdream you are having,so I would like to ask you to keep dreaming,if you can all your life.You have proven that some malays under umno led by the sleepy head PM just like you are not interested in waking up.So please sleep all your life with the PM and UMNO putras.

    To the great people of PP,THANK YOU,you didnt let us down.You all have created a national history and soon we will get rid of all the dirt created by UMNO and annihiliate them totally.Our day has started.THANK YOU AGAIN.Dont forget BERSIH,dont forget MAKKAL SAKTHI and HINDRAF,dont forget the bloggers and dont forget RPK.Without these great and brave souls ,we couldnt have achieved this historical success.God bless Malaysia.Let us all rejoice while KASIM AMAT sleeps and continues his dreams till eternity.

  50. Everyone here seems to be overjoyed with a peanut victory and I would say underestimating the power of UMNO will be the greatest mistake. A lot of you still don’t get the message. Nevermind, please continue to be happy and we shall see.

  51. parameswara Says:

    >> The majority has spoken on 8th March, and they have spoken once again at Permatang Pauh by-election.

    How do you define a “majority”? Non-Malays make up approx 38% of Malaysia. If they all voted for Anwar, this does not constitute a majority. Secondly, even if 20% of Malays voted for Anwar along with the non-Malays, this again does not constitute a majority.

    Anwar’s “majority” lies with the Chinese and Indians; this is what I mean when I speak of civil strife; antagonising the majority race will not help build an equitable Malaysia as Pakatan hope.

  52. What I can say is unless appropriate actions are taken by MCA and MIC against those who voted against BN, BN will have to take action against MCA and MIC. – Kasim Amat

    Good, go ahead and take whatever action necessary. I dare and challenge UMNO to sack these 2 party from BN. Go ahead, I don’t care.

    And Kasim Amat – you and your Malays, Malays, Malays, Melayu, Melayu, Melayu, Ketuanan Melayu, lagi?? lagi?? Wake up lah. You are living in a dinosaur era.

    When Najib was so “confident” that BN could win in PP, I thought it was the biggest joke of the day. BN had obviously not woken up from their sleep and I think they probably don’t intend to! Go ahead, continue sleeping!

    If I was a voter in PP, I’d LOVE, I stress again- JUST LOVE to play along with the BN guys. If they approach me and ask me to vote for them, I’ll tell then, “Yeah, I vote for you, I support you”. BUt behind the scene, I sure am a hypocrite! Wanna play along with us? We’ll play along as well!

    To the voters of PP – CONGRATULATIONS!! You have definitely made a vise decision!! HURRAH!

  53. Dear Kasim,

    Anwar may not be the saviour we long for…but at least he hasnt bastardise us and patronised us…yet… BN goons are talking down to us everyday like as if we rakyat still live in caves and do not know economics (corruption) ,rule of law(freedom) , common sense (sodomy andMongolian cases) etc..

    Gosh..BN has sodomised us for more than 51 years… Sdr Anwar , we’ll let u try heal us in 5 years!

    Make good for us and our children!

  54. zak_hammaad Says:
    ”…the minorities who want a larger share of political stake and representation should know always remember May 13th; not as a scaremongering tactic, but as a serious lesson in racial harmony gone bad.”

    Be very careful of what U just mentioned.
    Today is 26-8-2008, not 13-5-1969!

  55. parameswara, PP is NOT a microcosm of Malay sentiments across the country; if you want to live in self-conceit good for you, but the real battles still await for Anwar and his band of merry men.

  56. ‘wanting change simply for the sake of change is a foolish strategy.’

    The fissures were there since’98 ouster of Anwar…they should have changed and morphed faster for the sake of rakyat…but instead..?

    They climbed even higher onto their pedestal and thrones, got even richer..but made us suffer higher prices, cracking highways, billions wasted in submarines and ships, forever spoilt trains…etc…

    10 years to change..even 2004 wasnt too distant far away..change shoud had swept forth..but then again..is it HISTORY


    THE Permatang Pauh By-Election was won by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. AT the end of the vote count at about 9:47pm, the PKR de facto leader received a total majority of 15,671 votes to beat BN’s Datuk Arif Shah Omar Shah.

    The results at the final tally are:

    Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim: 31,195 votes
    Datuk Arif Shah Omar Shah: 15,524 votes
    Hanafi Hamat: 92 votes
    Majority: 15,671 votes
    Turnout: 65.25%

  58. Kasim,

    Answer this question – did you get to bury Anwar Ibrahim? Poo-dah!!!! Go hide your beruk face. You are a case of barking dog……… In this case, it is barking mental dog!

    How pathetic!! The only way you and the BN goons can get back at DSAI’s victory is to bring him down with another conspiracy or trumped up charge. What else then, throw him in jail. What a disgrace, an entire BN machinery against one man. Ptui!!!

    What a sad lot. The truth is you, Badawi, Najis or the other goons are not man enough to face DS Anwar Ibrahim one-to-one in a clean game. You dare only talk big here. Can you take DSAI on a clean game? So, STFU!!

    I know DSAI’s victory will be short lived because you evil pariahs will resort to cheap and dirty tactics to bring him down. Bring it on, it is clear the Rakyat has awakened with his victory in PP.

  59. Zak & Kasim, I don’t blame you for being what you are, I blame BN for the programming of your psi, if truly you want to help yourself to understand reality, just read some book from other country, keyword is Equality/Just/Humane.

  60. Saint, when Badawi won a landslide in 2003, it was because of his “mr clean” image, we clearly know that he is no mr clean but an incompetent and corrupt individual. Are you expecting us to believe that “mr liar” Anwar should be made PM just in case he turns out the real mr clean?

    Have you seen Pakatan’s manifesto? Do you know HOW Anwar is going to implement policies for a “fairer” and “just” Malaysia? You may be brainwashed by Anwar’s amphibious nature and words, the rest of us require concrete and tangible evidence.

  61. zak_hammaad, CHANGE is a feared word.
    People like U doesn’t like it because it’s uncomfortable.
    Worse, it’s never tried in Malaysia.
    Worst still, it doesn’t come with a crutch.
    So, why change?
    Dream on.

  62. sudokuku, primarily people give allegiance to their religion before their race and country. The fundamental point is that Anwar’s victory will be a win for Islamophobes. DAP’s secularism is inherently unreconcilable with Islam and thus a formula for civil strive. Instead of forcing secularism upon a Muslim country, you should find ways to find a middle path that is acceptable to all.

    As I said before, the opposition knows that Anwar remains the only viable Malay puppet for them to get into government.

  63. Zak & Kasim,

    What Malays ? Are you graduates from UITM no wonder. There are no more Malay in this country maybe you still can find some in Indonesia.

    200 yrs ago…. Malay +Malay = Malay

    The last 80 yrs…
    Indon+ Malay = Malay celup
    Javanese+ Malay= Malay celup
    Bugis + Malay = Malay celup
    Malay celup + Thais = Malay celup
    Malay celup + Fillipinas = Malay celup
    Malay celup+Chinese Muslim = Malay celup
    Malay celup+ Indian Muslim= Malay mamak celup
    Malay celup+Bangla,Pakistani,Turki,Arabs, dll = Melayu lagi bercelup-celup!!

    Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!

  64. we gave them a chance in 04, we’ll giv DAP a chance now..

    You might be right about the amphibious part… but whats the harm in caressing the amphibian while for soooo long we have been snarled and gnawed by a pack of the double faced wolves.. READ: a PACK OF them WOLVES!

    OOOoo..poor little ms riding Hood…

  65. Now we know why EC choose Tuesday for polling. If they choose a Saturday as is traditional, then the first available day is August 30! And if Anwar wins on August 30, as expected, can you imagine how much more embarrassed the government must feel the next day, which is National Day???

  66. Thank you … all resident in PP that came out and did the right thing to all Malaysian … that one sense of true Merdeka …
    Thank you Thank you Thank you ..

    As for some of us that debated about DSAI , no one is perfect ..we jsut learn from mistakes and learn fast from each one and do not repeat them …
    DSAI have learnt well and reminded by his own shadow .. not to repeat his past mistakes ..however put all of them into good use and weapon to bring down UMNO .. we, the rakyat benefitted from his decision .. RESPECT that…. RESPECT HIM ..

  67. tunglang, I have been through many changes in my life and career and in fact I enjoy it very much. However, when this change is applied on a nation-wide scale that effects millions of people, this is where the dynamics and seriousness change.

    This issue of leadership is far bigger and important that BN or Pakatan, it is about the very soul of Malaysia and the direction it will take for years to come. Each racial entity sees things with a slant towards their own agenda and who is best to serve that. As I said before, Malaysia can never have a national stability with the pre-requisite of a Malay unity who comprise the majority. Equally, it is impossible to have racial unity amongst everyone because this is a misnomer that has not historical precedence. What we should aim for is unity first and foremost amongst our respective races and then find common bonds and values that unites us all as a cohesive society.

    Fundamentally, the issue in Malaysia is one of religion and not race or politics per say; until we are brave enough to accept this fact, we are only going to make superficial changes and cosmetic progress.

  68. All changes must come about sooner or later ..
    This tsunami waves are created by rakyat that have been suffered under BN … it’s so powerful that PR can take charge of the momentum ….. it’s powerful ..
    Thank you all the people in PP for your contribution ..

  69. Vidya, I have been accused of that before :^) During my time here, I have seen Malaysia go from strength to strength and simply do not want to see a reversal of it’s fortunes. Yes, there has been abuse of power by BN over the years and i would definitely advocate impeaching Badawi and putting him on trial for corruption. This does not alter the fact that Pakatan is a hollow hodge-podge opposition that has produced nothing tangible, either in terms of a manifesto or concrete policies. How do you trust someone on the basis of a need for change?

  70. Fair enough..

    Even within the chinese there are the Buddhist and Christian factions, the professionals and the hawkers, the business men and the working class…

    The MCA has failed us..Mr Lings, Mr Ongs, Mr Chuas ..whereever you are..MCa has failed my generation..what bigger piece of the cake to share that u guys were singing about few years back? If only then that I know now..the bigger piece of cake was to be shared among you elitist guys only

    I grew up idealistic, devouring books about tan siew sin,tan cheng lock, hs lee…you guys now are nowhere near their toe nails..

    start now..

    I dont want to see another generation raised to be hawkers, Ah Longs, pimps and pill popping Ah Bengs..

    Let there be giants among us!

  71. zak_hammaad Says:
    “DAP’s secular agenda is incompatible with Islam.”

    MCA eat pork, Umno doesn’t.
    Umno eat beef, MIC doesn’t.
    yet they are the Barisan (ie. Alliance).

    therefore, religious background is not a problem
    at all because it is a “pakatan”

  72. From MT:

    These are the final results of the Permatang Pauh by-election
    PARTI KEADILAN RAKYAT: 31,195 (= 67% votes)
    BARISAN NASIONAL: 15,524 (= 33% votes)

    Kasim Amat Says:

    Today at 21: 52.35 (36 minutes ago)

    … Think about it Rakyat and Chinese and Indians have to accept the fact that majority of Malay would not want to see Anwar as PM and the view of the majority has to be respected.


    I wonder and question if Kasim Amat’s assumption that “majority of Malay would not want to see Anwar as PM” is true.

    It is widely reported that Permatang Pauh voters comprise aproximately 70% Malays, 30% Non-Malays.

    So, if Kasim’s hypothesis is true, then, if the majority of Malays rejected DSAI, then, we should see 35+% vote for BN at the least, since half of 70% = 35%.

    But BN only received 33%, which is less than 35%!

    So, even the Permatang Pauh Malays have rejected UMNO by themselves, without any assistance from the non-Malays!

    In reality, since not all non-Malays voted for PKR, so, the actual % Malays who voted for UMNO is even fewer!

    We can safely conclude that UMNO in Permatang Pauh only commanded a MINORITY of Malay votes, not majority!

    This is a huge slap to UMNO’s face both left, right and centre who keeps harping they represent Malays, when PP Malay voters said NO in a huge way!

    I wonder when will the likes of Kasim and Zak wakes up to the fact that the Malays everywhere are now questioning the relevance of UMNO, if the latest Permatang Pauh voting results is of any indication?

    And more importantly, when will the likes of Kasim and Zak wakes up to the fact that the vast majority of the “non-Malays” have voted for a Malay by the name of Anwar Ibrahim?

    And does Kasim and Zak condones what UMNO has done over the past 5 months since Mar 8 elections?

    Despite the lower voter turnout, and working against the entire BN money and machinery, DSAI’s majority has grown to become even larger than Kak Wan’s. What does this tell you?

    I’m sure we’ll see more analysis coming out in later days.

  73. Zak, what reversal of fortunes? What fortunes are left to reverse? All fortunes in the bank accounts of BN leaders.

    Your “Pakatan is a hollow hodge podge opposition” is in itself hollow, even shallow. We all know what the Pakatan state governments have achieved – corrupt free states and transparency!

    Give Pakatan a chance before you clamp them down. They have only just got their foot inside the door.

  74. Zak you are still no in reality yet, if you really mix with the poor and the needy, first thing for this MAJORITY of PEOPLE is Survival, which mean finding the next meal for your whole family is your first priority, generally this group of MAJORITY of PEOPLE do not choose or pick, they will work & mix with anyone in the COMMUNITY for better mutual goal & income, so unless BN can support everybody to Study in UITM and employ everybody to work in Putrajaya chances are PR with will win, Malaysia Unity will win, Just & Fair will win, majority is not the upper & middle class, majority is the lower & lowest income group, understand this and you will understand why Anwar Win in PP.

  75. zak_hammaad,
    The fact that Change has to come doesn’t mean it’s the end of a
    particular race, ie Malays. Change is for the better of the Nation, for every Malaysian.
    Can’t U envisage a Change for better race relation, equitable share
    of the nation’s wealth, a more competitive Malaysian globally, whether a Malay, Chinese, Indian or Eurasian?
    What about a Nation that speaks the same challenge, the same goals, the same struggle. See what has Misbun done for Malaysia at the recent Beijing Olmypics together with Lee Chong Wei (a non-bumi). He doesn’t talk religion at the badminton courts. U mean he can’t Change? Kudos to Misbun.
    Then there is a need for Change for better management of our National resources. Do U know our ranking in terms of economic achievements in the last 10 years? We are losing out to Singapore, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China and now Thailand. Next will be Vietnam.
    U fancy that? Of course U have been enjoying life all this
    while like a Katak dibawah Tempurong. No competition, life’s a relax.
    NO CHANGE? I dare not fancy that.

  76. “Is this the level of your intellectual discourse? Do you find it hard to respond to my posts? Why not try broadening your horizon and taking your Anwar blinkers off for a while and ask yourself the same questions and attempt to answer them!” — zak_hammaad

    Zak_hammaad aka Kasim Amat aka Killer aka RealWorld aka Umno Agent, go take off your Bodohwi blinkers before asking others to take off their Anwar blinkers lah. You Barang Naik thieves, want to steal, also please do it with style la. You do it the daylight robbery way, of course Permatang Pauh voters going to whack the daylights out of you.

    I think judging by the number of posts zak made today, he is EXTRA EXTRA PISSED by the election results. Knowing that, you can rest assured that everyone else here are extremely pleased.


  77. Today at 22: 18.25 (56 minutes ago)
    parameswara, PP is NOT a microcosm of Malay sentiments across the country; if you want to live in self-conceit good for you, but the real battles still await for Anwar and his band of merry men”
    — zak_hammaad

    Typical Barang Naik rhetoric, if Barang Naik wins that means Permatang Pauh is echoing Malay sentiments in the whole country. However, if Barang Naik gets humiliated, where Anwar’s majority itself is even more than the votes Arif received, then they deny it reflects sentiments.

    As old.observer correctly noted with the phrase frequently used by Barang Naik, you have to respect the decision of the voters (they are not as dumb as zak thinks!)

  78. Congratulations to the Opposition. This is a cold day in hell…..

    The entire ruling coalition and its mechanisations, the Police, EC, scheming BN numbnuts have gone so far ahead with their policies without considering the common man that they have given the Opposition a victory based on that simple fact of democracy. The common man can choose.

    And chosen they have. I just want to see whether there will be sleeping faces at the Merdeka parade or not. Maybe the pained looks will no longer be on the rakyat. Hehee……

    As for the phantom buses reported in Malaysia kini…. I dont suppose the EC is going to lift a finger. I remember a speech somewhere in YouTube where the top dog said the entire team would resign if fraud was uncovered.

    Its time to resign.

    A new order is here. Congratulations again……. Tomorrow road block again ah? If BN people make noise will there be water cannons or riot police?


  79. To the voters of PPauh,

    Ribuan terima kasih,
    Siak siak, Um koi, Kam siah,
    Rumer Nandri,
    Thank you.

    You voters have made the RAKYAT proud and OUR voices heard!
    The first small step is taken. Now, is the march to make our beautiful country MALAYSIA rightfully MALAYSIAN’s.

    On another note, uncle YB Lim, heard from the news this afternoon even before the results are known that the stupid speaker,
    PENDIGGER, says that DSAI will not be sworn in as MP this week. Are they trying to drag their feet to delay DSAI’s entry cos’ of the budget speech this Friday?
    Bloody dirty GOONS!

  80. Independent report by CNN, (don’t read biased M’sian news)

    Anwar Ibrahim can now pressed forward with his bid to topple the government.

    At stake was a single seat in Parliament that will not change the balance of power, but the widely forecast victory for Anwar would strengthen his hand as he marches ahead in his bid to become the next prime minister.

    “It is Anwar versus the entire government. God willing I am confident of winning.”

    Anwar’s re-entry into Parliament would formally complete the political rehabilitation of a man who was fired as deputy prime minister in 1998 and jailed for six years amid a similar ignominy

    Tuesday’s election also was a gauge of public anger against Abdullah’s administration, which the opposition has painted as corrupt, inefficient and uncaring toward minorities.

    The opposition promises to scrap Malaysia’s decades-old system of preferences for ethnic Malays. The government says that would jeopardize the country’s unity.

  81. People of PP44, we salute you! You have spoken & loudly indeed in a small piece of humble paper. The result is a pie in the face for BN.

    1st of all, placing the BE on a working day was 1st sign of dirty BN tactic. Trying to ‘keep’ the working class in the factories, plantation, etc etc from coming out to vote. Not that it will make any difference. By shouting that YAB LGE declared Tuesday a holiday as politically motivated…?…coming from the DPM? Betul kah kita punya leader leader otak macam ni?

    The bigger work ahead has only just started. The people have spoken & replied the request by P-R giving P-R a chance to showcase itself over BN.

  82. Malaysian Former Deputy PM Anwar Ibrahim TalkAsia Interview Transcript
    Tuesday, October 5, 2004 Posted: 0528 GMT (1328 HKT)

    Airdate: September 25th 2004

    LH: Lorraine Hahn
    AI: Anwar Ibrahim

    Block A

    This week on TalkAsia: We’re in Munich for a special, in-depth interview with Malaysia’s former Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim. This is Talkasia.

    Welcome to Talkasia. I’m Lorraine Hahn. On September 20th, 1998, the former deputy prime minister was arrested under the Internal Security Act after leading one of Malaysia’s largest anti-government protest. Since then, he’s been tried and found guilty for corruption and sodomy. Been imprisoned and beatened. Lost loved ones. And this, to a man who was once former Malaysian Prime Minister’s Mahathir’s protégé and heir apparent. Earlier this month, his sodomy charges were unexpectedly overturned, allowing Anwar to become a free man overnight. But the federal court’s decision to reject his corruption appeal bars him from holding political office, until 2008.

    We’re in Munich now at the clinic where he’s recuperating from back surgery. Six years to the day he was arrested, we’re going to hear in detail what life was like behind bars. What are his political ambitions. And much more.

    Datuk Ser Anwar thank you very much for joining us. I wanted to ask you –the only avenue you have now to get into political office is get a royal pardon. Will you be doing this?

    AH: I will be discussing with my counsels what is the implication. I have consistently stated that I am innocent. I will act accordingly. But the judgment does not preclude my ability to participate in politics or active social life. What it disallows is only holding political positions or contesting in elections and I think I have to think and go beyond that. It should transcend pure partisan politics and that is why it does not concern or worry me in the least.

    LH: The reaction in terms of you yourself when they overturned the sodomy charge-five times you tried. Why do you think this was the time they changed heir minds?

    AI: There was a change in leadership-PM Abdullah had made it categorically clear that he wanted an independent judiciary so there is a possibility of a changing climate. Some judges are quite credible and they want to assert their independence. But this is initial change we have seen taking place. I think all this practice to contribute to and allow the judges to come up with this decision.

    LH: Now despite the 2-1 ruling some continue to question the truth and this includes the judges themselves-and I would like to quote you something that I read “we find evidence to confirm the appellants, Anwar and Sukma, were involved in homosexual activity and we are more inclined to believe that the alleged incident at Tivoli villas — Sukma’s apartment — some time — did happen.” I have to ask you-what do you say to that?

    AI: They allowed the appeal and freed me based on substantive legal arguments and facts. They then proceeded to affirming an innuendo, which was politically expedient. So there is therefore a substantive legal decision coupled with a political compromise, which was clearly seen. Because that innuendo was unprecedented in legal history. You either deal with the facts and the law and you lave the innuendo’s aside.

    LH: So what you’re really saying is they let you go-but they’re still leaving a seed of doubt in people’s minds?

    AI: I don’t think it’s a matter of a seed of doubt because I think a large part of Malaysians understand that Tivoli Villa was not there-they amended the charge-there was this conspiracy involving the judiciary –the police, the attorney general-

    -this was clear. It was all exposed. And this was confirmed by the international commission of juries, Amnesty international, the Malaysian Bar Association. What they wanted to do as a compromise was to allow for the executive to use this argument in case I decide to participate in politics. But to me it’s quite irrelevant not withstanding what they say-I will proceed with my belief and call for reform,

    LH: Datuk Seri there’s also speculation that a deal was struck between you and the PM…

    AI: I must affirm what the PM said-that there’s absolutely no pact or deal. Of course there were discussions about facilitating my departure-because I have no passport-I can’t leave the country without him or the authorities helping or assisting in facilitating the arrangements. But of course I look forward to meeting him and discussing with him and I believe that is the new sort of approach towards a more civil relationship in politics.

    LH: Which is what Badawi comes across as…the softer face of Malaysia-pushing for reforms / anti –corruption quite vehemently…? Is that how you see the PM?

    AI: I see a departure from the past. But I want to see more action. Because if you say vehemently in terms of anti-corruption measures certainly it is not. A lot of ministers surrounding him are involved in serious corruption. Many have –we have produced evidence to that effect. Probably he should be given some time and the necessary support. But he must be encouraged to move on. We have wasted too much time. Investors are not coming in precisely because of the image and credibility of the judiciary. Or the perceived corruption, which is quite endemic. So we remove this and therefore restore confidence in Malaysian public and the international community among the foreign investors. And we need it critically in this country. In Malaysia I mean.

    LH: Datuk Sri we’re going to take a short break-Up next on TalkAsia- Life in prison, for Anwar Ibrahim.

    Block B

    LH: Welcome back to TalkAsia. For six years, Malaysia’s former deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim spent life in prison under solitary confinement. Under 24 hour surveillance. With little access to media, and the outside world.

    Datuk Seri I wanted to ask you-six years-that is a long time. How did you cope? You were the man who was in control. And now there were people controlling you?

    AI: It was tough-very difficult. But we have to deal with it-we have to be realistic. I kept very rigid regime of my life-I slept at 12:30 – wake up at 5:30 without fail. And entered into very serious prayers and meditation –and read voraciously all the classics and novels. But of course I can’t help but thinking of Azizah and the children-the 6 years were difficult. Particularly when I hear about the deteriorating condition of my mother-she died when I was in prison. Two of my elder brothers died when I was in prison-and there was so much difficulty in getting access to visit them. But it’s over. And we have to move on.

    LH: How do you handle such moments when it comes to somebody like your mother-you must have wanted to be by her bed side…

    AI: I was devastated. Here was just waiting-just knowing that it was just a matter of time before my mother ends her life. Just struggling …waiting whether I could have just had the chance to see her. And after much difficulty Azizah managed to get the permission and I went-but just to see her-in her last minute of her life.

    LH: Did she say anything to you?

    AI: No she was already unconscious…then. And I was unable to converse with her anymore.

    LH: What was your treatment like both mentally and physically while you were in prison?

    AI: I was treated as a common criminal-but more so because the conditions and the additional rules only applied to me. Which means I am considered a political prisoner. Other than the initial assault-on the day I was arrested-which is severe beating by Tan Sri Rahim Noor -I was left unconscious-when I regained consciousness I thought

    they will just let me die-or cripple because the beating was targeted mainly on the face and the head. But other than that the police personnel and later prison guards were exceedingly kind. They treat me as a part of the family. In fact many of them showed so much kindness. You know many of them after I was released-that night they came back in plain clothes and shed tears and said you know we miss you. I said I miss you too but not in prison!

    LH: There was little conversation though right? I mean some people go crazy not being able to talk to anybody…

    AI: Well I sing a lot in the morning-well so all the 60’s songs from Elvis-, Paul Anka, Cliff Richard you keep on singing but of course in he bathroom. So you spend more time in the bathroom singing… And of course some Malay songs. You just keep yourself deeply occupied. To the extent that when I was released I realized oh my god-I didn’t-I have not finished reading that… – or written some reviews. So you have to keep a very tight regime. And accept the fact that you are in for some time. You are fighting for a cause – and it’s not only you but your family-close friends are being harassed and are in difficulty

    LH: What has this experience done to you as a human being? Has it changed you? What has the impact been?

    AI: You mature in the process. You realize what is the meaning of freedom in human dignity, And I feel – what Azizah says you know – the resolve is greater. The struggle-the principles are more clear and profound. You talk about democracy and freedom. I mean from a life of ease. But if you talk about democracy and freedom from prison life-so you know how much you value the rule of law.

    LH: So the man who went to jail 6 years ago-and the man who’s recently come out-are two different people?

    AI: The same principles-but better comprehension of the issues-better understanding. And no malice towards anyone. But very determined to ensure that justice is done and applied for all.

    LH: Datuk Sri Anwar we’re going to take another very short break. Just ahead on TalkAsia- What is Anwar Ibrahim’s ultimate political ambition?

    Block C

    LH: Welcome back to TalkAsia. From Malaysia’s deputy prime minister, to prisoner, to a free man. At 57-Anwar Ibrahim now has the future before him. But what of the past?

    Datuk Sri I must ask you…Tun Dr Mahathir groomed you to be his heir…you were very close-that even family I’m told couldn’t come between you. How did this happen? How?

    AI: I think a lot of factors. The region was quite turbulent then-the way we manage it: the economy, corruption, transparency, interest of cronies and family came into play.

    LH: What do you mean by that?

    AI: Well-Mahathir in the 80’s and early 90’s didn’t have a problem with children being actively involved in business. By the 90’s they were involved in practically every major industries in the country-by ’96-97 they were in great difficulty. And he wanted to salvage and build out one of the children. I was not unsympathetic to the son’s particular predicament. But I did caution that you cannot use public funds because I have as a matter of procedure calls to table it to parliament. I can’t go and use public funds. Finally he resorted to Petronas. I mean that is one instance. And there’s the issue of corruption and then of course the IMF and the WorldBank. We were not Indonesia, or Thailand, or South Korea – to be subjected to conditionalities and prescription of IMF because we did not seek IMF funds But some prescriptions like slowing down the mega projects-or taking a bolder action against corrupt elements within the political elite and also civil service. These are examples. Which I endorse. And he thought these are moves to embarrass him-and therefore I was planning to unseat him. Naturally this excited a number of colleagues in the party who used this opportunity to finish me off.

    LH: But being so close to …the then PM-you would obviously have an open door policy where you could explained yourself-couldn’t you? Directly to him?

    AI: I did try-but when it comes to Anwar and the son-I lost. When it comes to action against his pet project the Pruwaja, I lost. When it comes to 30-40 billion ringgitt to Putrajaya which I did not oppose-but advised him strongly to do it in phases so that it is not a drain to the economy so the fundamentals remain strong.-I lost. But that was not enough-because he thought that given half a chance-I would then assert my authority or influence,

    LH: Would you have?

    AI: I would because if it means you’re going to destroy and squander the nation’s funds I would have little option. But I was patient enough to say you deal with it-but I cannot be part of it. But with the fall of Suharto I think he saw the signals and there were lots of demands among the UMNO party leaders and the youth and he took it a s clearly as a signal that would encourage me to challenge him. Which I was not in the position or willing to do.

    LH: What are your feelings towards him now?

    AI: Well it’s done. I mean I have no malice towards him: he has his strength. He has done certainly well in many reaches of the country. The only unfortunate thing about Dr. Mahathir is that he has destroyed the institutions of civil society because he represents the old –obsolete views about Asian values and the need for authoritarian rule in many Asian countries. To him the destruction of the democratic process is nothing. It’s nothing to be considered. It’s quite irrelevant. Because those who call or clamor for reforms are only seen to be tools of the west. On the contrary I see it as very much Asian value. Very much as Islamic position to respect human dignity freedom and justice.

    LH: After all that’s happened-no anger-no sense of betrayal?

    AI: Yes uh…there is of course a sense of betrayal but why do I need to continue deliberate-on the same subject. Why not call on Malaysians to move on? That is in the past. Mahathir represents the past. We move on. Of course I will not forget. Malaysians must not forget. But we must forgive.

    LH: Would you like to one day become PM of Malaysia?

    AI: I’ve only been out for a few weeks and I think I will have to consider all the options. My immediate preoccupation now is to transcend partisan politics. My major priority now is to help support this process. This building bridges and engaging with all cultures and religions. That to me is more urgent than this issue you’re considering.

    LH: But you’re not ruling it out.

    AI: I wouldn’t rule out anything. But right now-and even in the foreseeable future my immediate priority has been clear.

    LH: Datuk Sri thank you very much.

    AI: Thank you.

    LH: And that is our very special TalkAsia this week, with Malaysia’s former deputy Prime Minister, Anwar Ibrahim. Goodbye, from Munich. I’m Lorraine Hahn. Let’s talk again next week.

  83. Landslide for Malaysia’s moderates
    Thursday, May 6, 2004 Posted: 1550 GMT (2350 HKT)

    KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — — Malaysia’s ruling moderates have won an unexpected landslide victory over the fundamentalist Islamic opposition in Sunday’s elections.

    The results are being seen as a personal endorsement for Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and a setback for Islamic hardliners.

    Voters were choosing 219 members of paliament and 505 state assembly members. Abdullah’s National Party has so far taken almost 90 percent of parliament’s seats giving the prime minister a mandate for change.

    Abdullah, who took over from longtime leader Mahathir Mohamad in October, was always expected to win, but the margin was a surprise.

    Success in the national election was matched in the provincial assembly polls.

    Reports project the governing National Party that UMNO heads will win two key Muslim states in the rural north, the stronghold of the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS).

    The National Party retained control of the key state of Kedah and its tiny neighbor Perlis — both of which the opposition PAS had targeted to take over, Reuters reported.

    Final results from the Election Commission showed Abdullah’s party claimed Terengganu state with 28 seats to three for the Islamic party, with one being recounted, The Associated Press reported.

    The parties were neck-and-neck in Kelantan — held by the Islamic party since 1990. UMNO went from two seats in Kelantan to at least 16.

    More than 50,000 police backed by helicopters, dogs and water cannons were deployed throughout Malaysia for the election, but no trouble was reported.

    Malaysia’s elections have become a battle for the Muslim soul, with the key question being which political party has the true vision of Islam.

    PAS wants to turn Malaysia into a strict Islamic state with laws sanctioning execution by stoning and amputating thieves’ hands.

    PAS, which tripled its parliamentary seats and won power in a second state in 1999 amid a wave of Malay anger at former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, claims the UMNO is not Islamic enough.

    But Mahathir, who retired in October, has said PAS’s vision of Islam is wrong and outdated.

    When PAS tried to impose strict Islamic law in two Malaysian states it controlled, Mahathir said PAS leaders “deviated from Islam and should be condemned to hell.”

    Yet, after many Muslims felt targeted by a global war on terror, many Muslim nations elected fundamentalist groups like PAS.

    “A lot of Muslims feel hemmed in. They feel that they’ve been pushed against the wall … and they responded to it by supporting parties that waved the Islamic flag,” political analyst Chandra Muzaffar told CNN.

    But Mahathir has laid a more conservative groundwork for his successor, Abdullah.

    “We have taken what we consider to be the correct attitude. We are not blindly supportive of the U.S. We support the fight against terror, but we also want to stand up for the Muslim countries and the Muslim people who are oppressed,” Mahathir says.

    Jailed former deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim’s party lost all five of its seats — disappearing as fast as it burst onto Malaysia’s political scene five years ago, when Anwar was dumped as Mahathir’s anointed successor, The Associated Press reported.

    Azizah Ismail, Anwar’s wife, also lost her parliamentary seat.

    — CNN’s Maria Ressa contributed to this report.

  84. Bernama reports—August 27, 2008 00:32 AM

    Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak who had led the BN by-election machinery during campaigning, meanwhile, said BN accepted the results and that democracy was still alive in Malaysia.

    “This proves that there had been no manipulation of the democratic process,” he said.

    BUKIT MERTAJAM, Aug 26 (Bernama) — A group of more than 20 men who were believed to be Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) supporters Tuesday obstructed three tour buses which they suspected of carrying ‘phantom voters’ along the Butterworth-Kulim Expressway (BKE), near here.

    BUKIT MERTAJAM, Aug 26 (Bernama) — Police Tuesday picked up Padang Serai MP N. Gobalakrishnan and three Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) members to facilitate investigations into the seizure of four tour buses which they alleged was ferrying ‘phantom voters’ at the Butterworth-Kulim expressway.

    Election Commission denies fraud charges
    Aug 26, 08 5:06pm
    The Election Commission has angrily rejected opposition claims it had rigged the voter list for a critical by-election expected to return Anwar Ibrahim to parliament.

    SEVENTY police reports have been lodged in Permatang Pauh, Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar said. The reports were lodged by Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Keadilan Rakyat supporters. Syed Hamid said the police had opened investigations into 26 cases.

    KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 25 (Bernama) — The Permatang Pauh by-election is the most aggressive and violent in Malaysian history, says Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar.

    DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng has urged the Election Commission to take action against Barisan Nasional candidate for the Permatang Pauh by-election Datuk Arif Shah Omar Shah for allegedly engaging in money politics. Lim said Arif Shah had flouted the election regulations by offering cash to the electorate in Permatang Pauh. He was responding to reports in Chinese dailies that Arif Shah was allegedly offering between RM50 and RM500 to some people in the constituency.

    PENANG, Malaysia (AFP) — Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim’s political future hinges on a by-election this week which has been marred by violence and accusations of dirty tricks.

    Two photographers were attacked then by a group wearing Keadilan shirts, but party officials said they suspected they were planted by political opponents.

    Last week, three Keadilan members were arrested for graft, triggering more accusations of “dirty tricks” by the opposition which said the trio had been set up.

    The government has been forced to deny that a cut in national fuel prices announced Friday was a gimmick to drum up support in the by-election.

    My comments:-
    To Najib’s surprise democracy is still alive in Malaysia and the democratic process could not be manipulated this time!!!

  85. I hope DSAI will implement what is written in the RUKUNEGARA which was nothing else but a tattered piece of paper prior to this historic moment. “membina masyarakat yang ADIL” should be his first priority!

  86. Based on what AI told Lorraine Hahn during the interview in 2004, we can see that the only way Umno politicians can change is to put them behind bars for a number of years.

    As AI said: “You mature in the process. You realize what is the meaning of freedom in human dignity. …… The struggle-the principles are more clear and profound. ……. But if you talk about democracy and freedom from prison life-so you know how much you value the rule of law.”

  87. In a way, the best contribution of MM to Malaysia is to concoct a crime to lock up AI! In the process, we have the born-again (hopefully) AI to lead a truly united Malaysia – hopefully where all Malaysians are valued and where all economically disadvantaged Malaysians are given the necessary support to uplift them.

    Had AI remained in Umno, most likely he is no different from NR and other Umnoputras.

    Is this fate?

  88. For starter, I shall not be using the word UMNOputras anymore. Its too cumbersome. I shall use UMNOP instead which will read as “UMNOPE”.

    Kasim Amat is a die hard UMNO guy. He said somewhere above that we the rakyat are merely dreaming because anwar would be going to jail soon. I can almost see him grinning.

    But I think he missed the sun completely like the rest of UMNOP and landed himself on a tiny free drifting rock somewhere in space.

    The 308 GE is a clear sign of the people’s utter dissatisfaction with the UMNO controlled government and all of UMNO’s policies and corrupt, incompetent, inefficient and unfair ways.

    I would expect UMNO to pick up the signs and implement damage control measures immediately after the GE. But then the UMNOP are too arrogant to accept the signs. After 50 years of authority and power of course they became blind. And so they decided to disregard the fact that UMNO is not longer relevant.

    Instead, in the months after the GE upto now, UMNO saw it fit to punish those who turned their back on them by cancelling crucial public projects in the name of economics. UMNO has spared no effort in drumming up racial and religious issues like before; and pay only lip service to the rights of non-malays like before; and basically went back to its old ways. And the worst of all must be the adoption of their old tactics in nailing anwar ibrahim.

    They thought that the whole opposition movement is about anwar ibrahim only, pure and simple. That by removing anwar the setbacks they suffered in the recent GE would be wiped-out completely. They thought that the people basically are still supportive of them. Hence, they still speak of strong mandate by the people to govern the country. They believed that the strong showing by the opposition in that election was merely the culmination of the people’s general desire to rebuke them merely and not a result of change of political ideals and preference for the party they would like to see govern the country.

    This by-election is a test of their beliefs. And the result shows that non-malay voters who left the ruling coalition during the recent GE did not return to support the UMNO candidate. Malay voters who supported Wan Azizah stood their grounds unwaivered by all of UMNO’s election propaganda, promises and threats.

    One critical issue stood out. Nothing they have said about anwar’s sodomy 2 charge, both legal and religious perspective, was accepted by the people. Perhaps anwar was really stupid (which he is not) to have committed sodomy 2 (which he did not) on the back of sodomy 1 experience (which the Federal Court decided in his favour). The wholesale rejection by the people of UMNO’s side of the sodomy 2 charge is a clear sign of the deep distrust which the people have for that party.

    Without the trust and support of the people, UMNO will sink. The complication with trust and distrust, is they are not connected by a two-way traffic. Its a one way flow from trust to distrust. The flow back never happens.

    So UMNOP, the smarter amoungst you lot, my advise is to abandon ship. Kasim pls stay behind. Perhaps you could find a beautiful romance in the sinking ship just like Leonard diCaprio did on the Titanic.

    For the rest of us TO INFINITY AND BEYOND of course.

  89. Zak Hamaad,
    You are an outsider surviving in this country,bcoz you are a muslim you have been easily accepted and dont try to argue on this point,after all 16 years in Malaysia and you think you are qualified enough to talk about our political and socio-economical condition.We non-malays have been living here for nearly 3 generations,so we know what we are talking about.Dont try to be smart and make a fool of your self.Who the hell are you anyway?

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