A week to 51st Merdeka anniversary – completely devoid of National Day enthusiasm

A week to go for the 51st Merdeka anniversary on 31st August.

Never before is the country so devoid of National Day enthusiasm.

This the point I tried to make during question time in Parliament on Wednesday but it ended up in a pandemonium. (video)

The Sun report on the parliamentary proceeding as follows:
Continue reading “A week to 51st Merdeka anniversary – completely devoid of National Day enthusiasm”

Fifth police raid of RPK’s house – Malaysia lurching towards police state?

It is most deplorable that the police today raided the house of blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin – for the fifth time!

This time the raid is in connection with the statutory declaration made by a Burmese doctor from Hospital Pusrawi, Dr. Mohamed Osman Abdul Hamid, on August 1 standing by his medical report which ruled out that Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan had been sodomised.

Saiful was examined by Osman before he lodged a police report on June 28 claiming that PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim had sodomised him.

In his statutory declaration, the doctor claimed that he had fled the country with his family following several visits by the police.

Malaysiakini, which broke the story of the fifth police raid on RPK’s house today, reported: Continue reading “Fifth police raid of RPK’s house – Malaysia lurching towards police state?”

ACA – extraordinarily efficient against PR but terribly incompetent against BN

This morning, DAP MP for Kota Kinabalu Dr. Hiew King Cheu, accompanied by DAP’s sole Sabah State Assemblyman, Jimmy Wong Sze Phin (Sri Tanjong) and Sabah DAP leader Edward Mujie was at the Dang Wangi police station to lodge a police report to demand that the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) investigate the allegation which had appeared in the press and the Internet about a Hong Kong seizure of RM16 million cash meant for the Umno Permatang Pauh by-election campaign. DAP MP for Segambut Lim Lip Eng and I were also present to witness Hiew lodging the police report.

In the past few days, the Internet had been abuzz with the news and report that Michael Chia, a confidante of the Sabah Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Musa Aman had been arrested at the Hong Kong International Airport on August 14 for alleged money trafficking and laundering with Singapore currency worth RM16 million before boarding a flight bound for Kuala Lumpur.

Although Musa has denied that he had any political or financial connection with Michael Chia, why is the ACA so silent on this issue.

The ACA had been extraordinarily efficient in arresting two Perak Exco members from Pakatan Rakyat and four others in connection with a RM180 million housing project in Seri Iskandar which the Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin has said did not exist.

As far as the DAP and Pakatan Rakyat are concerned, the corrupt whether from Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat, must face the full weight of the law. Continue reading “ACA – extraordinarily efficient against PR but terribly incompetent against BN”


by Dr. Chen Man Hin

Despite intensive propaganda by the government and Umno publicity machines against Anwar Ibrahim, the people still trust him. This is shown by the polls taken by Merdeka Centre research which indicate that only 11% of those polled believe the allegation that Anwar sodomised Saiful. An overwhelming 89% prefer to trust Anwar – that even 76% of Malays polled do not believe the government propaganda about Anwar

When news about allegations of sodomy against Anwar were spread in the international print and electronic media, there was shock and dismay.

Condoleeza Rice, US secretary of state, a Canadian ex-prime minister, former World Bank president, former IMF president, Gus Dur ex president of Indonesia, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch – all expressed dismay and disbelief. Continue reading “ANWAR – THE ONE LEADER THE PEOPLE TRUST”

Pakatan Rakyat “Cabinet” – mischief-makers at work

A Pakatan Rakyat “Cabinet” list was mysteriously circulated to parliamentary reporters yesterday and I was asked whether there is any basis to it.

It is utter bunkum as the Pakatan Rakyat leaders had never discussed any such Cabinet line-up.

It is in fact the second so-called Pakatan Rakyat “Cabinet” line-up concocted by Barisan Nasional mischief-makers.

Malaysiakini has carried a story on it, viz:

Bogus Pakatan ‘shadow’ cabinet list appears
Syed Jaymal Zahiid
Aug 21, 08 6:50pm

A bogus list – purportedly the ‘new’ cabinet line-up to be unveiled by the Pakatan Rakyat alliance should they succeed in forming a new government – is being distributed in Parliament.

The origin of the list, which features PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim as prime minister and finance minister, is unknown.

However, Pakatan MPs said it is not from them. Continue reading “Pakatan Rakyat “Cabinet” – mischief-makers at work”