Public apology to Anwar for fictitious charge of sodomy

by Dr. Chen Man Hin


The Home Minister appears to be in a hurry to close the Saiful sodomy case now that Dr. Mohd Osman medical report is widely known. Not so fast Mr Minister. There are many unanswered questions which he must explain to the people.

Gone are his old swagger and arrogant attitude. He is trying to run away fast now that the case has gone against the conspirators.

Do not let him off easy. Demand an explanation and there are lots for him to clarify and explain

Who instigated Saiful to make a police report accusing Anwar of sodomisng him?

Who were behind the conspiracy? Was it the IGP or the Attorney General? Was it the top echelon of Umno leaders who fear that Anwar might the next prime minister?

Why was the whole government machinery used to hound Anwar? A professional and independent approach was totalling lacking. At the earlier stage, the same two persons whom Anwar alleged were the principal conspirators in the 1998 sodomy case during the premiership of Tun Dr Mahathir, were directing operations.

although dr Mohd Osman’s medical report exonerated Anwar a month ago, why was the report not made public immediately?

After Dr. Mohd Osman had presented the medical report, which absolved Anwar of the sodomy charge, why did they still insisted on pursuing Anwar to give a blood sample to the extent of uttering threats and even proposing to amend the law to allow legal force to extract a blood sample. Anwar stood his ground and refused.

He refused because of the suspicion that a fresh blood sample would be used to fabricate evidence of sodomy e.g. DNA on underwear, etc. PM denied and insisted that a fresh blood sample was necessary, as the old blood samples taken between 1998 and 2004 were ‘old’.

On hindsight the suspicions were proven to be correct. A medical report on Saiful stated there was no tear, no ulcer – which would indicate there was no penetration of the anus. The report did not mention about semen. The conclusion to be drawn was there was no sodomy.

So why the insistence of a fresh blood sample when no sodomy was committed. The answer is obvious – to fabricate evidence.

There should be a demand for a full explanation by the Home Minister, and an open apology to Anwar for causing so much pain to him and his family and damaging his good name and reputation.

In the interests of justice and fair play, the conspirators must be exposed and duly punished for causing undue public disquiet and social instability, and for slurring the image of the country and causing doubts in the minds of foreign investors about justice and security of their investments.

157 Replies to “Public apology to Anwar for fictitious charge of sodomy”

  1. The Home Minister asks that the PDRM investigate quicker when such allegations appears in cyberspace, seems he is now more active than ever. Is this a coincedence our police force takes such a long time to close a case? One wonders what kind of investigation takes place?

    What about the other issues brought up? They just fades away conveniently.

    I’m not here to just give negative remarks but what does our government takes us as? Idiots?????

    Another takes the dust in BOLEHLAND !!!!!!

  2. The fear that Anwar would be elected as MP is very real. If Anwar were to become MP, the ruling parties would not have it so good.
    With Anwar, Lim Kit siang, Karpal and Gobind Sing, the opposition would be formidable.

  3. Grace, what makes you believe that Pakatan would be any better at leadership than BN? Knowing the amphibious nature of Anwar and the secular agenda of DAP and the Islamic agenda of PAS, BN has more synchrony amongst their various parties than Pakatan, and still struggle to find a common vision to move Malaysia forward. Change for sure is long over-due in, but I doubt it will come via BN or Pakatan.

  4. climb fast, get rich quick, finger pointing, back stabbing, behind the scene sex maniacs any which way they can, lazy, always giving excuses, lying to the extent of swearing on holy books, no need to work, corruption is the way of life, below the civilized world rating for intelligence, superior race with an inferiority complex etc etc

    Guys that’s what and how UMNO is representing you guys…

  5. In the world only malaysia can allowed to fabricate DNA case, , can simply charge people with no evidence,goverment corruption without problem, only VIP got license to kill, things can settled undercounter & many sorts of things they can do because they are labelled Malaysia Boleh. They are very dirty & coward & tend to join with PAS because they know they are loosing in future. Always giving fake excuses to lie public & the world

  6. zak_hammaad ,
    I fully agree with you. But at this point in time, this loosely coalition gives us the only choice. At least for now, they can reduce corruption which is bleeding our beloved nation to death.Lim Guan Eng is doing fine in Pg and so is Nizar in Perak.
    Yes, it is my hope too that one day we can find a near ideal political party which can guide Malaysia with a single vision.

  7. 49 days more to go – 16th September 2008. Form New Goverment
    63 days more to go – 1st October 2008. Hari Raya

    Open house – Malaysian New PM – Anwar Ibrahim
    Deputy PM – ????

  8. later it appeared that Saiful went to HKL for another check and the report shown otherwise compared with the first medical report. Some denied the first medical report and again some party defend the 2nd medical report against the police report made. Another wayang kulit?

  9. “Syed Hamid said it was unethical for the medical report to be leaked, as this constituted a breach of trust between the doctor and patient, and urged the medical fraternity to look into this. -Star online, 29/7/08”

    Was it more ethical for doctors to hide ‘lies’ and fabrication of evidences -when the public interest is involved??

  10. Grace & Zak,

    Whom or what ever takes government is not so much of a difference but a CHANGE is hoped and expected, rather than us being bystanders and treated as idiotic fools.

    As a Malaysian today, are we really so naive and can succumb to such brainless, coward, fearsome, strong armed, greedy, racists and uneducated leaders?

  11. Just having mentioned tha above, does a court case takes 5 YEARS for a LIFE lost??? Note : No monetary sum was mentioned :)


    Woman sues Government over son’s death wins

    KUALA LUMPUR, TUES, July 29:

    The High Court here today awarded damages to a woman who sued the police and the government for negligence over the death of her 19-year-old son while in police custody in 2003.

    Justice Datuk Abdul Wahab Patail ruled that the defendants had failed to comply with the case management direction from the court.

    Justice Wahab made the decision after the defendants failed to produce the affidavits and submissions as ordered by the court.

    “In the circumstances, the court enters judgment for the plaintiff, general and special damages to be assessed by the Deputy Registrar of the High Court,” he said Justice Abdul Wahab.

    With the decision, besides the damages, Tamil Selwee, a housewife, also succeeded in her claim for four declarations, namely that the death of her son, M.Ulaganathan, while in police custody on July 21, 2003, was caused by the Royal Malaysia Police and that Ulaganathan’s death was caused by their breach of statutory duty, recklessness and gross and wanton negligence.

    On July 17, 2006, Tamil Selwee, 50, filed a suit seeking the four declarations and damages, claiming that her son’s death while in custody at the Kajang district police headquarters was caused by police negligence.

    She named the Inspector-General of Police, Selangor police chief, Kajang OCPD and the Malaysian government as defendants.

    She said in her statement of claim that her son was well on May 12, 2003, but when she visited him at the police lockup on May 23 he was sick, could not walk properly, had swollen eyes and bruises and complained of having no appetite, She said she again visited her son a week later and found him still in a bad condition and he died on July 21 the same year.

    The defendants, in their statement of defence, admitted that the police had detained Ulaganathan at the Kajang police station but denied that his injuries were caused by their negligence.

    They said that throughout the time he was in their custody he was in good health and did not show any signs of sickness which required treatment by a doctor and that he also did not ask to be taken to see a doctor.

  12. Imagine if the police acted fast and DSAI is now in jail. How are they going to correct it? I guess never. They will just throw away the key and let whatever report surfaces.

    This is call efficiency in Malaysia Boleh Land.

  13. In this country, they always shout ” malaysiaboleh “. Absurb! Ridiculous! Bullshit! In this land, it is ” SemuaBoleh ” Bunuh Boleh, Curi Boleh, Rasuah Boleh, Tipu Boleh, Apa sahaja pun BOLEH. What a crying shame for the real Malaysians.

  14. I think Dr Chen is too optimistic that those who hatched this conspiracy against Anwar will just walk away so easily.
    Don’t forget the Deputy IGP has pronounced the leaked medical report as an effort to sabotage the sodomy charge.
    Yes, of course a public apology should be the order of the day but it’ll be like we demanding UMNO dissolves itself.

  15. On Anwar, no one believes the fabricated evidence of the police and the shameless admin of AAB will not apologise because this will mean that they had something to do with the case. Saiful is probably more $$ well off and Najib has bought more time to make sure no one snatches leadership role from him.

    On the other front, BN has been reduced to grovelling for PAS to hold more talks with them. They know the sodomy case against Anwar will fail so they need to forge alliances to stave away the opposition. PAS knows very well that it is in a position to tip the balance of power either way. They will play it very wisely and will commit themselves where their own political agenda can be better realised.

    Politics is becoming a dirty game in Malaysia and no one is immune from it.

  16. 1. Liow Tiong Lai and Ismail Merican must resign and get lost from the medical scene for bringing the medical profession to such deep disrepute……..just as Agus of Unisel was kicked out by Khalid …..people who don’t show professionalism when the public demands integrity on their part have no place in civil society… appears a Burmese doctor has got more principles then the DG of Health of Malaysia…..the MCA has repeatedly demonstrated following Chua’s video revelations, that it cannot elect reputable leaders…..Liow included………

  17. Tomorrow, we will see policemen in “Superman” suits patrolling our streets, i.e. with their underpants worn outside their pants. That was the way they went about framing DSAI. Without even a proper “police report”, they proceeded with “investigations” and demanded for DSAI’s DNA and in fact until today, the so called “police report” by the sodomized victim is still unseen. So what did the police base on to carry out the “investigations” when there is not even a complainant? Or is it the normal practice of PDRM to carry out “investigations” first before “accepting” reports?

    Sooner or later, Malaysia will come up with a unique technology in building houses where construction work begins with building of the roof downwards and what they put in last is the foundation! Malaysia BOLEH (Mati)!!!!!

  18. …. Why was the whole government machinery used to hound Anwar? ….

    And they complied.

    No professionalism, dept heads are people with no self respect. So the conspirators did not think that they would come across a doctor who had integrity, and self respect! Surprise, he is a foreign born one, not a BN appointee.

    Because people want to change the old corrupted, incompetent, self serving BN government, and Anwar is the potent threat! Every government agencies were commanded to join the conspiracy, including all component parties. Which one component of BN dared to speak for truth, honesty and honour? Not one. Covering in fear.

    …. There should be a demand for a full explanation by the Home Minister, and an open apology to Anwar for causing so much pain to him and his family and damaging his good name and reputation. …

    Please, they have to lie to cover a previous lie, again and again. We know this must happen when you tell a lie. The Malaysian government of the day – hahahahaha. Have you been fishing, and got a fish hooked to your line?

    It struggles for dear life – thrashing like mad, and the fisherman loosen the line for a minute and then kapow, another revelation. More Lies and finally this will undo the first conspiracy.

    The smart fella of previous regime must be shaking his head at the incompetency of this group.

    I am enjoying the fiasco.

    Have you seen a red face? Not with this kind.

  19. “The Government will not ask the police to drop its investigations into the Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sodomy case just because a medical report said the complainant had not been sodomised, said Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar.” – This news item is simply mind-boggling!

    And why is doctor Osman and his family had since gone into hiding? Does the police want him to change his medical report to implicate Anwar? First we had Bala vanish into hiding because of his statutory declaration against Najib and now this! UMNO wreaks of stench of corruption and the sooner we see the back of these spinless and shameless lot, the better.

  20. Anwar to be charged!!!

    Just read it from MalaysiaInsider

    so Anwar is going to be charged based on 1998 DNA. When AG dropped so many other cases because insufficient evidence to secure a conviction I wonder how this going to turn out. BTW, why did the Health Ministry said that they stand by HKL’s medical report.? You mean they can access anyone medical report?

  21. health minister liow tiong lai, is a “rice bin” namely totally useless. he is not leader, he is just plain follower. just follow even though it is against public interest. we don’t need this type of people,…wasting time and tax money. better get a more professional (just like those singapore ministers, of calibre and good standing, professional and brainy). liow tiong lai….penyapu lantai lah….

  22. Botak Hamid, why don’t you invite the same 96 foreign diplomats and explain to them the medical report is not credible. The DNA was necessary….why was there a need, (when no sodomy took place) tell those diplomats now. As a Home Minister and also, a Malaysian spokesman, you have to take responsibility on what you said.

  23. These people still don’t get the picture.

    Health Ministry director-general Dr Mohd Ismail Merican says that it will stand by findings of the medical examination conducted on Saiful at the Hospital Kuala Lumpur instead of Burmese doctor at Hospital Pusrawi. Where the DG stands is irrelevant.

    Fact is examination at Pusrawi was earlier, less likely to be affected by intervening events prejudicial to Anwar.

    Secondly, benefit of doubt in conflicting medical reports will be given to accused. It is always the case.

    Where the 1st report is incriminatory, the second is canvassed because of the need to corroborate it in view of seriousness of a citizen standing accused and could lose his liberty.

    The opposite is not necessaily true : where the 1st report is exculpatory, then unless the 1st medical examination is not properly done or doctor unqualified, weight should be given to the first, and the second report should not be canvassed to contradict it – for same reason that benefit of doubt & presumption of innocence should be given to the accused of a serious charge.
    Whats the point of blaming RPK or Malaysiakini for the leak?

    The fact that it involves Opposition defacto head Anwar suggests that any doctor, intern, nurse, hospital orderly, administrative clerk in Hospital Pusrawi who could get hold and peruse Dr Mohamed Osman’s report would be in position to take copy and leak it.
    And it may not even be for money in exchange for leak. It maty be for justice.

    Regarding what health minister Liow Tiong Lai said, it is true that the leak of the first report is beach of medical confidentiality but regrettable though is the case, the public principle of a citizen like Anwar (much more the hope of many to lead Pakatan Rakyat for a better Malaysia) not being falsely accused and punished far outweighs on scale of balance the public imperative of keeping medical records confidential in this exceptional instance.

    Meanwhile thanks to Sodomy Charges I and II levelled against Anwar, our young children are given a crash course in sex education not only of the heterosexual variety but also the homosexual one.

    And the the word “sodomise” has crept into prominance in the Malaysian lexicon : hence the “sodomy of Malaysia’s international reputation” – per YB Kit in previous thread! What does this mean? It is more than mere impairing and tarnishing Malaysia’s international reputation. It is suggestive of a vile, unnatural sinful act on the part of powers that be of buggering the national reputation. Wow, strong imagery!

    Now we use more the word ‘sodomise’. When we get buggered by any person, event, situation etc we say we’re ‘sodomised’ by it. It is more refined that the “F” word!

    Some hawker has already started the Sodo Mee & Sodo Meehoon and making great sales.. :)

  24. Watched the “Hard talk” interview in BBC? Hamid has projected an international image that in Malaysia, the gomen does things “their” way – rightly or wrongly.
    I won’t be surprised if they persist to charge Anwar by hook or by crook.
    Imigration records deleted, Private Investigator disappeared; Malaysia BOLEH!

  25. Right now, pull any murder or even rapist convicts from Sg. Buloh, & at this moment of time & place(Bolehland), I cannot tell who have more credibility..them or the PDRM ‘kepalas’, Hamid, Najip & gang ………yeah it’s that bad.

  26. Apologise publicly to Anwar? No way for after all they are merely doing whatever it takes to stay in power. As far as they are concerned their actions are perfectly legitimate.
    For things to have any hope of coming out right for this nation, the rakyat at the next available opportunity must send this bunch of thieves and cheats packing out of power.

  27. The people who conspire so that DSAI can be charged and then jail for sodomy MUST BE TAUGHT A DAMN GOOD LESSON. Ways and means must be found to get to the bottom of this. Who are actually the conspirators? FIND OUT BY ALL MEANS. If they are from the ruling government, then they have to resign. But the first to go have to be the IGP and AG. Since this is a high profile case, they should have the 1st. medical report and should understand what the medical report meant. In other words, they are hiding evidence and that is a crime. What says you Malaysians

  28. The Bloody Nuts in BN can control the MSM and make the media dance to their tune but the cyber media is exposing all the shit that these scoundrels are doing to the whole world.

    These imbeciles can’t even make a perfect plot without any loose ends. Just to refresh their memory not ours because we are only too aware of all their shenanigans.

    1. Alantuya comes to the country but they erased her immigration records on orders of these morons who had already decided to murder and get rid of her remains. That is premeditated murder.

    2. They used C4, a controlled explosive which is only available to the police commandos and army personnel. The order for C4 usage has to come from the highest authority.
    Until now they have not revealed the culprit. That amounts to collusion and being an accessory to the said murder, punishable by death.

    3. RPK drops a bombshell that the DPM’s wife, her personal assistant and an acting colonel was at the place and time when Alantuya was blown to bits. The PM, DPM , KJ as well as a royalty has been mentioned in RPK’s SD. Why wasn’t there any immediate rebuttal? It took some time for them to decide to deny and DPM’s wife was trying to be magnanimous by saying she is innocent and so she is not going to take legal action against RPK.

    4. PI Bala’s SD implicates DPM and his association with Alantuya and Razak Baginda. He denies at first and then vacillates his earlier statements.

    5. PI Bala makes a 2nd SD absolving DPM’s role and then goes missing.

    6. Then comes Saiful accusing Anwar of sodomising him. The PDRM, AG, PM, DPM , most of the cabinet especially the HOme Minister start baying for Anwar’s blood even without establishing a prima facie case.

    7. Then comes another bombshell from RPK and Malaysiakini publishes the doctor’s report establishing the whole thing was a fabrication because Saiful had not been sodomised. His arse is still virgin territory.

    From the above what can we surmise as to the intelligence of all the BN goons involved in both the Alantuya’s and Anwar’s cases? These GREAT leaders of the Malaysian political scene namely the BN scoundrels are morons of the highest order.

  29. According to the report made by a Myanmar Muslim doctor, there was no sign of Saiful being sodomized. Anwar wanted the police to close the case.

    But I think the public should not just let go like that. Now since the report was negative in supporting the claim of “the victim”, the police has to investigate on Saiful instead. The public wanted to catch the mastermind behind him.

  30. Dr Chan Man Hin
    Sadly, the conspirators are the same people in power. They have gone that far and WILL not own up to their devious plan. All appeal to commonsense for justice and fairness will be ignored. THERE IS NO WAY THEY WILL LET GO DSAI! MY BET RM 100,000,000=00. any takers. He will be charged. To the conspirators, too much is at stake. They are throwing every decency, human rights, justice, fair play, sportsmanship, integrity, ethics, you name it etc etc to the winds. What is needed NOW is to apply PRESSURE from every civil society organisations and all ‘right’ thinking rakyat to come out in force to confront the conspirators. MPs from BN conponents parties who still have a conscience should STAND UP and joint the rakyat to condemn the conspirators.

  31. MCA for real??…

    Tuesday, July 29, 2008
    Sign of UMNO/BN Demolition| Malaysiakini


    TUESDAY 29 JULY 2008, 11AM
    Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press.

    1. We meet here today because we, being members of 7 branches of MCA PJ Utara representing more than 1000 members of MCA, wish to do our civic duty to the Rakyat.

    2. We note that MCA cannot remain silent anymore, lest we be accused (if not already accused) of being accomplices to diabolical conspiracies.

    3. In particular, we refer to the medical report widely publicized on the internet by Malaysia Today, malaysiakini and countless other blogs. We had also taken the liberty to check on the comments contained in the medical report dated 28 June 2008 conducted on Mohd Saiful Bukhari Bin Azlan by Dr Mohamed Osman Abdul Hamid, the Medical Officer at Hospital Pusrawi Sdn Bhd. Three doctors we have checked with have stated that the comments meant that the results for the alleged sodomy is ‘negative’. They also confirmed that a Doctor can never change a medical report.

    4. Assuming that the said medical report is true – and we call on Hospital Pusrawi to confirm or deny this – then:

    a. We call on the Police, the Attorney-General, the MCA top leadership and the UMNO top leadership to immediately reveal in full all the evidence against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and stop withholding vital evidence and decide to charge, or not to charge, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. The Deputy IGP Tan Sri Ismail Omar should also refrain from making statements that the internet reports on the said medical report were aimed at confusing the people when, in the same breath, he declines to comment on the medical report. Such statements by the Deputy IGP only serve to further the perception that the police is pulling out all stops to withhold evidence crucial to the innocence of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, a fellow citizen of our country, while at the same time fabricates, or attempts to fabricate, evidence against a fellow citizen of our country.

    b. This “bogus charge” fiasco is also causing untold damage and hurt to our economy, our integrity as a nation. Daily, we are being compared to countries like Zimbabwe and other countries where despotic rulers reign. We cannot in all conscience be a party to the machinations by executive arms of the government to withhold/fabricate evidence against a citizen of our country.
    5. Therefore, we urge the Police, the Attorney-General and the government to treat all our citizens fairly, with transparency, without withholding of crucial evidence and with the proper application of the rule of law.

    MCA PJ Utara Branches:
    MCA SS2 Town Centre
    MCA SS2
    MCA SS4
    MCA Taman People’s Park
    MCA Gardenia Centre
    MCA Taman Mayang
    MCA Damansara Baru

    Contact Persons:
    Mr LEE CHONG BENG [Chairman, MCA SS2 Town Centre] at 012-3987851
    Mr PETER CHEN [Legal Advisor] at 012-6824902

  32. In an earlier posting, Saiful claimed a plastic rod was penetrated into his anus.

    Is this act tantamount to sodomy by medical definition? Maybe some one in authority can clarify this? If not, then what is the circus all about?

  33. Who thinks that Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan is telling the truth before the doctor’s report is known ? Looking at the positive side, this stupid young man helps to expose the evil dealings of Barisan Nasional. 50 years under Barisan Nasional and it is slowly showing its’ true colours.

  34. They like cheating, but very often & used to it. Quite normal for govt culture. They have special forces that can kidnap your for arrest without charges, assination like altantunya, secretly deporting witness to other country to clear VIP murder case. Sort like former Selangor Menteri Besar barricaded the road by police & hurrily burned all those documents before opposition take over the government building. Hmmm cos they alot things hiding from public knowledge. No wonder other countries doesnt believe much them especially investment. Cos they love suddenly change their mind & fickle minded & changing goal post. Sometimes can then later on they said cannot.

  35. In my above comment, if the insertion of a plastic rod is considered as sodomy, then what is the definition of the act of a person having bowel clearing problem inserting a plastic tube of enema? This also called sodomy? Very confusing lah, this English language.

  36. Tuesday July 29, 2008 MYT 7:50:46 PM
    Govt won’t ask police to drop probe, says Syed Hamid

    KUALA LUMPUR: The Government will not ask the police to drop its investigations into the Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sodomy case just because a medical report said the complainant had not been sodomised, said Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar.

    The Home Minister said the medical report from Hospital Pusrawi was “just one piece of evidence in a whole chain of evidences” at which the police were looking.

    “There is not even a charge preferred on him (Anwar) yet, so what are we to drop? We have to let the police complete their investigations, submit their investigating papers to the prosecutor and let the prosecutor decide if there is a case,” he told reporters Tuesday.

    He said he was not surprised that Anwar had “gone to town” with the report, declaring himself innocent, as he (Anwar) was adept at playing political games.

    Denying the Government was framing Anwar on allegations of sodomy, Syed Hamid said:

    ”It would be very irrational for the Government to create a case of this nature, at this time, against such a person.”

    He said the police were taking so long to complete investigations as they had to be “meticulous and look at every aspect”.

    “You should not blame the police for being very cautious and careful because this involves such a famous personality, especially since he (Anwar) is treated differently from ordinary mortals,” he added.

    Last month, one of Anwar’s political volunteers, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan lodged a police report that Anwar had sodomised him.

    However, a medical report from Hospital Pusrawi made just hours before the police report was made ruled out that Saiful had been sodomised as there was “zero tear and scar”, “zero active bleeding” and zero ulcer or pus in his anus.

    The medical report was put on an online news portal, following which Anwar called a press conference Tuesday and asked the police to drop its investigations as this proved he was being framed.

    Syed Hamid said it was unethical for the medical report to be leaked, as this constituted a breach of trust between the doctor and patient, and urged the medical fraternity to look into this.

    He also denied the police was concealing this piece of evidence, adding that they were in no position to disclose the contents of any report. Syed Hamid said, for the Government, the earlier the investigation was completed and the earlier a decision was made one way or another, the better it would be

  37. We are in a country that is governed by people who have no concerns for rule of law. The institutions that are responsible for law and order are guided by satanic officers.

    As Malaysians we can’t be any more shameful than this. Before me, today I see there are groups who have their clear conscience have stood their ground for justice. I salute this MCA guys. We need all those who have their conscience to come forward questioning the regimes of corrupts in this country.
    It is no more the issues of Anwar. It is all Malaysians’. If a person like Anwar who is widely respected could be subjected to such ill-treatment I can’t imagine what could be the situation for ordinary Malaysian in this country.

    I call upon all Malaysians to come together to stand firm against injustices caused by the corrupters in this country. In so doing let us create second political Tsunami to wipe out the remaining sinners.

  38. YB Lim, have you checked out the new “revelations” regarding the anwar medical report on People are emailing me the links like crazy! And one really good point is when we talk about the expose or the interpretations of the med report, should we believe what RPK has to say, or (like in revealed in that blog) a medical practitioner?

  39. this blog is outdated and not relevant. anwar is to be charged. at all costs, najis and bn will nail anwar for 2 reasons:
    1. for fear of anwar winning the by-election and becoming MP and then takeover the government by sept 16. once he is charged, he will lose his rights to stand and therefore destroy his plan/dream of taking over as in 1998
    2. if anwar takes over, najis is dead meat as the altantuya murder case will go for retrial for sure.
    for those reasons, even morally wrong, its life or death for najis and bn. so its anwar or najis. its that simple.
    so unless the rakyat revolt or the king steps in, anwar is dead meat.

  40. Damn those BN/Umno shit. By the look of it, they are no doubt speeding up the damn investigation like a speeding bullet. When Bala and Raja Petra make some sworn declaration on Najis, the police don’t even give a damn but on Anwar case, the bullets are shooting from all angles.

    What the hell is happening to Malaysia. I am really woried for Anwar, the BN shits might forcefully throw Anwar to jail regardless of the the international communities are saying. Damn…

  41. I think Saiful has been using a viberator for self-pleasure and by using old DNA, the authorities can easily implicate Anwar. It does not matter to them that the medical report contradicts their allegations or that Anwar has an alibi. As I said before, Najib is not going to go down without a dirty fight! Like PAP in S’pore, UMNO thinks that ruling the country is their birth-right and no one can take it away from them; even if they are corrupt to the core and destroying the country they claim to love!

    I personally do not have much respect for Anwar and don’t see him as a worthy PM, but this should never cloud judgements as to the right and wrongs of the current justice system and the people behind it! Fairness of the judiciary much apply to all and upheld with vigour by the independent courts. Sadly, we won’t see any of this under the inherently corrupt and shameless admin of AAB and his merry men!

  42. Taking one month just to investigate a case,When they know both the accuse and the accuser.Just does not made any sense at all.Both had given their statement.
    Why are the police refusing to give both the medical and police report to DSAI.This alone is going against natural justice.

  43. All this is in the international news. IGP, AG & Homey has shamed the country. Tourist think Malaysians love sodomy like they love nasi lemak. Economy is declining day by day because BN is too embroiled in how to bring DSAI down, rather than focus on national & important issues to rakyat. Inflation on the rise. Where’s the FDI?

    Dr.Chen is right. Tell the IGP, AG & Homey not so fast mate. The rakyat wants a total explanation & then a full public apology. Then resignation letters. Perhaps also a few rotans for LYING to the rakyat. It seems to all that our gov of the day are all compulsive liars.

    Btw, just got a circulator reported by The Sun (UK) on an alleged scandal involving a football bidding company (set up with 100pounds paid up) & former Ministry of Sports…whom is now Minister of Tourism…interesting read if go into the Sun (UK) news site.

  44. Awwww too bad the sodomy report leaked out. Need to find new victim already. Anyone interested to become new sodomy victim? govt willing to fork out money to play your backsite again then make new report.

  45. There will always be some specialist or professionals who will dispute or trying to discredit the medical report exposed by RPK, why not? But will it affect the judgements in the court of public opinion? Hardly. Why? Because it is UMNO that will have to prove that they are innocent, not Anwar Ibrahim is guilty. Some doctors just couldn’t comprehend this fact.

  46. Common sense will tell you Anwar didn’t do it, if you belong to this category, most probably you have voted for the opposition in the last GE. If you are unsure and still have doubts whether Anwar did it, you belong to the silent majority category but increasingly, you are now the minority. If you believe Anwar did it, either you are UMNO members or you have voted for BN and that, you are in the stupid & idiots category.

  47. When lies challange the truth. There is only one confirmed out come (regardless of the outcome in the courts), it will make the movie ‘There is something about Mary’ look like a court drama.

    Quick,Proficient,Right (Be Our Guest)
    Ma chere Malaysians, it is with deepest shame and greatest
    heart ache that we welcome you withness. And now we invite you to sit back and relax while the man in blue perpare your -entertainment!

    Buat Repot
    Buat repot
    Put our service to the test
    Just make the report, say-foul
    And we provide the rest
    Plastic rods
    D N A
    Why, we only live to serve
    Look the funny stuff, it’s C4
    Don’t believe me? Ask the Mogolian
    They can blog
    They can swear
    Nothing w’ll happen, guys, Malaysia boleh
    And on fabrication we are never second best
    Go on, check out the first case
    Take a glance and then you’ll see
    We are quick
    Oui We are proficient
    We are right

    No scaring
    No bleeding
    No worries, say-foul
    We’ll prepare and serve with flair
    A pervertion of justice
    You’re unsure
    And you’re scared
    But the evidence’s all prepared
    D’sai’s gloomy and complaining
    While the paper’s are entertaining
    We tell lies
    We do tricks
    With my fellow foolish man
    [Mugs:] And it’s all in the name of justice
    That you can bet
    [All:] Come on and lift your glass
    You’ve won your own free pass
    To be a star in arm-no
    [Lumiere:] If you’re stressed
    It’s Kompressors we suggest
    [All:] We are quick
    We are proficient
    We are always right

    [All] (correct,correct,correct)

    [Lumiere:] Almost all is lost
    For the rakyat who are watching
    It was not always like that
    Ah, those good old days when justice was real
    Suddenly those good old days are gone
    27 years we’ve been sodomized
    Needing so much indeed
    Needing justice, a reason to exercise our rights
    Most days we just laze around unmoved
    Broke, furious and pissed
    What do you take us for, fools?



    anyone got any updates of the LingamGate?

    correct correct correct, no update???

    forgotten case??? culprit still roaming free in malaysia???

  49. I don’t know what case the A-G Office will have when the Home Minister has more or less confirmed the existence of the first medical report of Hospital Pusrawi.

    This report gives rise to a reasonable doubt that the victim was not sodomised as he (the victim) had reported. Any law student can tell you that !

    What grounds do they have ? Video tape of the incident (or was it 8 incidences) ?

    If the victim was sodomised by someone else in the intervening 4 hrs between 2.14 pm and around 6 pm, then shouldn’t the investigations be directed elsewhere ?

  50. “In the interests of justice and fair play, the conspirators must be exposed and duly punished …” Dr Chen Man Hin

    Perhaps we should have waited for the AG to file charges against Anwar.

    There is this other doctor from the GH who examined the accuser. What did the medical record say? Do we know? We are assuming that in the event of a trial this doctor would come to court and lie. Believe me he is likely to go AWOL himself and live a life on the lam rather than face perjury charges.

    Without these two key witnesses (hospital records are hearsay without them testifying in court), there is no case for Anwar to answer. They are not stupid. They know it.

    In the unlikely event that the government proceeds to prosecute Anwar for the crime of sodomy, we would then prove that the government has withheld exculpatory evidence from the defense. We are talking prosecutorial misconduct on the part of the Attorney General himself. He could go to jail and lose his license to practice law for that.

  51. It looks fairly obvious to me. There is no need to demand for an apology. The correct thing to do is to go after the people who filed false police reports. Regardless of whether these people are small fish or not, it is the right place to start.

  52. Kudos to Dr.Chen, but we know an apology is not forthcoming. Charges definitely are. It would be a blessing if justice prevail in court, but then again, such fantasy don’t exist even in our most gratifying dreams.

    High positions are at stake here. Bulldozing away every obstacles in their path is the only way to retain membership, and that means maintaining the power and privelege for front-row seats next to the gravy train.

    Only the rakyat’s undying persistence to push for a complete revamp of the nation’s institutions will surfice to see us through. The best start is to spread the news of the decay affecting governance and the pitfalls of sitting idle. Even if we have to wait for the 13th GE, so be it. That is, if that is not too late.

  53. This country have level headed smart Malaysians with a sick and corrupt government.
    How do you expect UMNO to giver all the details…when they treat Malaysians like nobody?
    Our only making UMNO members….more and more aware of these UMNO ministers…low class acts..that MOST world leaders are warning them.
    Instead of feeling shameful…again the famous words…..”don’t interfere with Malaysian affairs”…while they do exactly that.. ….especially to USA.
    UMNO is a sick party….from top to bottom.

  54. Ai Yah! Close what case????

    Home affairs minister & Polis Raja Di Malaysia talk c*ck only!
    Where got case to close?

    Anyone seen the police report so far?

    Next Eelection, you know what to do lah!!

    We will close BN coffin case! Sure Boleh!!!

  55. Hopes for a public apology to Anwar will not materialize. This is because the government has to SAVE FACE. No matter how difficult the situation is, the government will try to convince foreign diplomats that there is credence in its claim that the sodomy is not fabricated.

    The government will do all it can to arrest Anwar and prove him guilty in order to prevent him from taking over federal government.

  56. To overcome plots and threats from UMNO, there should be a TEMPORARY power transfer scheme within PR, i.e. when Anwar is arrested then his successor (maybe his wife) will become PM. After Anwar is released the premiership is transferred back to him.

  57. Can they arrest Anwar when he hasn’t even seen the Police report of his accuser ? Perhaps the report is now version 14, having been “updated” for Anwar’s alibis and whereabouts on the dates mentioned.

    Bolehland is one country where a supposedly damaging police report is not given to an accused or made public – with the clear intention by the Police to doctor this report before it is submitted to the court. They think they have learnt a lesson from the sodomy I case many years back.

  58. fictitious my ass! (as in raja p’s justice my ass)…in the 1st place pus hospital got no credentials….the doc?..could be easily bought….have anyone checked on this guy’s background before jumping the gun?… far as we are concerned HKL is still the best source to rely upon…..who knows…

    question….why are we relying on some questionable reports by some doctor who has yet to proove where he got his medical education from…….and we just use it for our own pleasure…..besides why should the probe end if we are innocent in the 1st place……

    uncle kit…..dont be an abbetor to the sodomite.

  59. “Director-General Tan Sri Dr Ismail Merican said the examination on Mohd Saiful on June 28 was according to standard operating procedures with “strict adherence to medical ethics, confidentiality and professionalism.”

    “The details of the findings have not and will be not be disclosed to any unauthorised personnel or agency,” he said in a press statement yesterday.”

    Come on la………..! Can u guarantee me that all documents in HKL are properly secured? Unless u tell me that all your documents armoured with TITANIUM SAFETY BOX and heavily guarded with forces equiped with C4 then i will believe all your documents are fully secured. Please dont make laught la…….! Even C4 also can be taken out so what is just 2 peices of paper????????????? Come la……wake up la u guys……….! I am feed up of all the stupidity.

  60. Yup, they can erase immigration records, they can take out C4 with impunity – and they can “engineer” a strong case against Anwar. Anwar’s only hope is that the conspirators’ engineering skills are not that good or that some of those conscripted into this conspiracy are decent enough to stand for the truth.

  61. MCA is full of a$$ holes like Health Minister Datuk Liow Tiong Lai who has instructed Health director-general Tan Sri Dr Ismail Merican to look into the case and ensure that professionalism was maintained. He’s now more concerned with “professionalism” than the truth. This a$$ hole was also the first to condemned namewee for his negarakuku song.

  62. Syed Hamid said that the investigation into Anwar will not be stopped because its NOT a trial by media. The problem is that it is whether we want it or not.

    The public, media and especially the internet has taken over this case – its no greater proof of the failure of government, law and order, institutions we rely on. The fact Syed Hamid is still putting is head in the sand says a lot of the stubborness and abuse of overwhelming authority that the BN govt has.

    Are we not aware that it is bad to have a trial by media? Of course we do but the failures of govt has meant that even the most upstanding members of our community is willing to give in to such standards because the alternative – trusting the police and judicial system we know to be corrupted, is even worst.

    The fact of the matter is that we have already decided at least in this case that the trial by media is better than our police and justice system. Just as the Philippine people know that People power is not a good system but the chose to do it twice and continue to resort to it because of the failures of govt.

    The real issue really is whether the govt realize that breaking reform promises is the real issue here and this is already a judgement against CURRENT PACE OF REFORM. We are just NOT satisfied with the current pace what with no sign of a real IPCMC, imminent appointment of UMNO CJ, Terengganu investigation into Merc BUT belated investigation into Moonsoon Cup and Crystal Palace, etc. Many things are still very wrong and already the administration is backing off and reform and more interested in trumpeting a few case here and there to proof otherwise.

    In this case, HKL obviously has concluded that there is sodomy. What is so hard about matching the DNA of Saiful with the old records of Anwar to get a court order for separate irrevocable proof? My MIT roomate is a genetic scientist and worked for one of the most brilliant mind in the field and they tell me that even with decade old system, you can get proof to justify a court order. That they have not done this tells very much what the priorities are – that the Police don’t care for the truth and its politics. In the face of this, law and order is already broken down and as much as its a bad idea, a trial by media even on the internet is sadly the most logical thing.

  63. All of you are wrong including Chen Man Heng….that report was for another Saiful…..

    The Police, AG, UMNO all very relax….in time they will produce another Saiful with the same details..IC#, address…etc who has gone overseas. So they will proceed as expected with more concrete water tight details from Anwar recent interrogation. It will proceed and the rakyat is powerless to react……unless…

    Wear Black on merdeka 08, keep up the Boycott on Air Asia, Proton, Petronas and Local Banks, crony companies…etc…..YOU HAVE Double POWER During World Credit Crisis. Watch these racist companies of UMNO-BN die a slow but sure Death. Stop the cash flow and stop Racism!!

    Non Muslim Don’t wear prejudice protocol Songkok, Wear Black on Merdeka 2008 as a show of respect for Freedom of Religion

  64. The chorus calling on the home minister, minister of health, etc is not going to get an honest hearing. So I leave it at that.

    quote: MPs from BN conponents parties who still have a conscience should STAND UP and joint the rakyat to condemn the conspirators. milduser

    Do you hope on that? Never in your lifetime. These don’t know what is self worth. They (MCA) are the UMNO appointed monitors over the chinese community, to keep them in check by doubtful info. Monitors have no qualm about that. Remember Kapitan Cina, the leftover of colonial days? The truth is painful, huh?


    1. We meet here today because we, being members of 7 branches of MCA PJ Utara representing more than 1000 members of MCA, wish to do our civic duty to the Rakyat. aaa234567

    Nobody from Johor, the MCA home base? MCA members should resign en masse. Alas they think there are still lots to gain by sticking with the BN. Their system of money making is geared and meshed into the corrupt system – so they will die along side UMNO. Shed no tear for it.

    Think about that – the presence of MCA in the fold is the slow poisoning of UMNO. PR, please never accept MCA members for they are not valuable. No integrity. A ‘yes’ man is a parasite.

  65. …”So why the insistence of a fresh blood sample when no sodomy was committed. The answer is obvious – to fabricate evidence”..

    Yes. indeed, why the insistence of new blood samples from DSAI by the PM, DPM, Home Minister, AGP, AG, and other UMNO goons?
    As someone wrote earliere which I rewrote in another thread the new samples can be ram into Saiful’s ass so that they can say, “Oh my God, look! The proof is right there in Saiful’s asshole all these while.

  66. There may have been penetration with a sex toy. If there is, there is still penetration. The absent of semen could mean that a condom could have been used, however, the absent of any lubrication (KY jelly) or saliva would produce painful sodomy experience, esp in a rape case.

    Hence, if the “raped victim” had been investigated, they would have gotten a DNA sample if saliva was used or at least traces of lubrication around the hole. The fact there that is none of these, I can only draw one of two conclusion;

    a) 2 gay men decided to have sex and willing. May have done it slowly and carefully. If it was rape, it would not have been gentle and there will be some bleeding and tearing. If this is the case, both should be charged for gay sex and both men should have been arrested, charged and release on bail for unnatural sex.

    b) No rape occurred and in the attempt to claim rape, plastic sex toy was used and medical examination would indicate no trauma. I am sure he was not interested in hurting or capable of hurting himself.

    If I was going to produce a victim to frame someone of rape, would have atleast done a more credible job.

    What would be interesting is the police statement/interview by saiful as it would be easy to tell if he is a victim of rape or a victim of a power struggle. The fact that he is not even getting any victim support lead me to believe that none of this is real and all investigation should be dropped.

    Let get back to the real issue, when will BN produce a course of action considering the inflation has hit 7.7%. Maybank today is only offering the highest rate of 3.8% for fixed deposit rate and 6.75% BLR for loans. Does that mean that I should move my money out of the country to say Australia which is offering 8% ???

  67. …”…just got a circulator reported by The Sun (UK) on an alleged scandal involving a football bidding company (set up with 100pounds paid up) & former Ministry of Sports…whom is now Minister of Tourism…”

    That Dike asked…no,no,no…rather she pleaded to Pak Lah to increase her budget of over RM100 million for tourism. didn’t she? She must either think we are still in the seventies or she thinks we Rakyat are that stupid to think that the tourism sector needs that much funding.

  68. But Guys,

    Where were you during the 1998/99 DSAI 1st allegation crisis. Should you guys acted like this during that time, the Pakatan Rakyat should have been in power by now. However, last time your eyes and ears solidly believed what the gov media published that DSAI was actually guilty and you guys were going against the Pakatan in drove during the 1999 election and deep down in your heart you’re thinking that DSAI was a mere extremist. Should half of you guys voted against the BN during 1999 election, the Pakatan would have been the government till now.

    Ironically, what make the about turn now guys, is there any personal or political agenda that’s taking place

  69. “In the unlikely event that the government proceeds to prosecute Anwar for the crime of sodomy, we would then prove that the government has withheld exculpatory evidence from the defence.We are talking prosecutorial misconduct on the part of the Attorney General himself. He could go to jail and lose his license to practise law for that.”. undergrad2.

    I would certainly have no problem with those statements made by you if such an event happens in America or Canada or Norway or Finland or Switzerland.But here in Malaysia where it is seen more and more by other people as behaving more and more like a pariah state where things are stage-managed to safe guard the integrity of the authority I have grave doubts that the Attorney General would be charged for prosecutorial misconduct for withholding exculpatory evidence and even if there is such a charge would that charge see
    the light of the day?After all he is performing meritorious service doing the bidding for someone desperately holding for dear life to stay in power.

  70. Lets say a woman comes running to the police and reported that she was raped by a known person. After one month the police is still investigating the case based on she says he says allegations. They have done medical examinations, collected forensic evidence from the alleged scene of crime. They have extracted DNA from the woman’s underwear etc and have a database of the alleged rapist to compare with. Yet after one month they still need to investigate so they can submit a good investigation paper to the AG to decide to prosecute or not. Does that make sense? Is that fair to the alleged rapist. Meanwhile the police and ministers splash the name of the accused all over the media.

  71. It is too cheap for those conspirators to apologise and get away with it!!! They should resign in disgrace if not sacked, the BN-UMNO or whole BN govt should resign en mass for such act and a new general election called!!!

  72. tourman53 Says:

    Today at 10: 16.45 (4 minutes ago)
    For saiful mistake his father is to be blame. He even dare to challenge DSAI to swear appoint the koran. Damn idiot!!! ‘Bapa Kurang Ajar’

    Sometimes, you cant blame the father for he believed his son wrongly, if the father is not standing behind the son, who is going to except those conspirators!!! the father should be condemned if the father is part of the conspiracy!!! Anyway, people will still blame the father or mother for kurang ajar!!!
    So who are the fathers and mothers of those conspirators??? All of them are “Bapa dan emak kurang ajar betul!!!”

  73. Lim KIt Siang, Karpal, Anwar all are barking dogs. The clever UMNO will shut them off. with all the noise the public make does the govt bother? as long as BN are happy. who cares about public suffering?
    muslim-musliman can sumpah demi Allah! and then they toabat they are forgiven. Lie to excape is not a sin. Lie to keep family unity not a sin. Allah maha Kuasa (almighty ) he knows all. This is what PM, DPM, BM and UMNO is doing. Nabi Isa said forgive them for they don’t know what they doing. hahahahahahahaha
    i am so angry and so frust.
    quicky change the present govt.

  74. For those dont believe in anything except money, women and power, they can swear by anything as long as they achieve their objectives!!! These people only carry their religion in names but not in their hearts!!! Beware of these wolfs, as they may come at any time to steal the sheeps!!!

  75. ahluck Says:

    Today at 10: 32.46 (1 minute ago)
    Lim KIt Siang, Karpal, Anwar all are barking dogs. The clever UMNO will shut them off. with all the noise the public make does the govt bother? as long as BN are happy. who cares about public suffering?
    muslim-musliman can sumpah demi Allah! and then they toabat they are forgiven. Lie to excape is not a sin. Lie to keep family unity not a sin. Allah maha Kuasa (almighty ) he knows all. This is what PM, DPM, BM and UMNO is doing. Nabi Isa said forgive them for they don’t know what they doing. hahahahahahahaha
    i am so angry and so frust.
    quicky change the present govt
    Are you sure it is ok to lie to escape or to keep family united without sin??? if that is the case, no wonder Malaysia is full of lies and najis and so many people still in it because it allows lies!!!

  76. Amoeba Says:

    Today at 10: 38.13 (7 minutes ago)
    It is not SAIFULL and his FARTHER fault. It is their GRANDFARTHER fault for deliver this “kurang ajal” SAIFULL FARTHER

    At the end of it, it is Adam & Eve’s fault!!!

  77. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Censor…censor…censor… and more censor in this blog! Am I in the UMNO’s blog or what?????????
    Can’t we extract and post articles from other blogs which should be of interest to bloggers here????

    Anywhere, bloggers can get a much better understanding of this Saiful, his long lost father, and Uncle (or Aunty as Raja Petra wrote because of ‘his’ girlish looking features) in Raja Petra’s Blog under the heading: 1)The Malay unity sodomy conspiracy 2)Rodwan met Saiful three days earlier.

    Don’t tell me this will be censored and cut off too!!!!!!

  78. dbrutal Says:

    Today at 10: 10.19 (37 minutes ago)
    But Guys,

    Where were you during the 1998/99 DSAI 1st allegation crisis. Should you guys acted like this during that time, the Pakatan Rakyat should have been in power by now. However, last time your eyes and ears solidly believed what the gov media published that DSAI was actually guilty and you guys were going against the Pakatan in drove during the 1999 election and deep down in your heart you’re thinking that DSAI was a mere extremist. Should half of you guys voted against the BN during 1999 election, the Pakatan would have been the government till now.

    Ironically, what make the about turn now guys, is there any personal or political agenda that’s taking place


    If DSAI had not gone into jail in the past, you think many people especially the non-malays will support him (as he was well known for Islamization and a racist while he was a DPM) by just calling for equality etc etc. after that and now!!! It is a blessing in disguise indeed!!!

  79. Our bolehland gov assume that the rakyat and world is dumb. They even want to coax the diplomats into believing they do have case against Anwar behind closed doors. Is that necessary? All becos of one man whom will become the next PM maybe.

    This is power abuse at the most corrupt level in history. Indeed is a chain that leads all the way to the top ministers including Pak lah.

  80. rainbowseahorse Says:

    Today at 10: 54.56 (9 minutes ago)
    i_love_malaysia Says: …”At the end of it, it is Adam & Eve’s fault!!!”..

    Are you sure bro???…Who created Adam & Eve???
    God created Adam & Eve, but it is Satan’s fault for misleading Adam & Eve into sin!!! are you going to ask who created Satan??? yes, it is God who created Satan, but it is Satan’s own doing that cause his own downfall!!! Any one wants to find out more, can read the Bible in the internet!!! just google Bible and you will find!!!

    Anyway, please dont blame everything on your father and mother or ancestors as every one has the freewill to decide what to believe and to behave, else the father or mother may go to jail for the wrong doing of their children even if the child is an adult!!!

  81. Latest from Malaysia Today:

    I am posting this to spread the news because I been having trouble entering Malaysia Today, and I acquire the website from a friend in order to view what is going on about Anwar’s case. As you can tell you start to see more nasty stuff on what the Goverment is doing in order to stay in power. Rakyat Malaysia, now you know how rotten your goverment really is. The whole tree must be chopped down and be planted new.

  82. First we have Bala’s SD1 and SD2. Now we have Saiful’s medical report 1 (Pusrawi) and medical report 2 (HKL).

    It is amazing how in this country we can twist supposedly conclusive reports at will to suit our needs.

    What can we believe anymore?

    This really is the wrong definition of Malaysia Boleh!! Macam macam pun boleh!!!

  83. UMNO thinks it’s their birthright to rule this land….
    I believe they are more interested about what a new govt will do to them when they lose power. It’s very likely many of them will go to jail for all the abuse of power, murder, rape and massive corruption.

    Those in govt realise the consequence of losing power and will stop at nothing to prevent it, even if it means dragging the country to pariah status as it’s happening now. The opposition party must be aware of this. Right now it seems the top brass of the polis and army seems to be on the side of the ruling elite. They will not hesitate to impose military rule at the last resort.

  84. What can we believe anymore?

    I am sure people are smart enough to tell which one is right and which one is wrong. If in doubt, think, clarify and verify. Use your sense of logic and you will surely find that the loop holes of the case presented by our goverment is so full of shit. Would you rather believe people who has been lying to the Rakyat for 50 years? Still not enough? Then continued to be lied for another 50.

  85. The doctor could be reprimanded, suspended or even deregistered while the hospital can be fined and may have its licence revoked if the report is confirm by the hospital to be true.
    Looks like the Health Ministry is blackmailing the doctor and hospital to declare the report as fake.

  86. When the time comes to vote, Malaysians from all walks of life, race and belief must come together to reject oppression, dictatorship, tyranny and biased application of the constitution. Only in M’sia can the government so transparently fabricate evidence. This stems from the arrogance and high and mighty attitude of being in power for so long. If Malaysians want even a remote chance of change for the better, the first step is to vote BN out…for good.

  87. ‘In the event that the government proceeds to prosecute Anwar for the crime of sodomy,we would then prove that the government has withheld exculpatory evidence from the defence.We are talking prosecutorial misconduct on the part of the Attorney General himself. He could go to jail and lose his license to practise law for that.’.undergrad2.

    I would have no problem with your statements above if this were to take place in America,Britain,Canada,New Zealand,Australia,Switzerland,Austria,Finland or Norway where fair play and the rule of the law is held sacrosanct.But if this unlikely event mentioned were to happen here I certainly would be more persuaded to believe that they would stage-manage it in such a manner that the Attorney General could not be charged for prosecutorial misconduct or if such a charge were to be staged then that charge would not be given a chance to see the light of the day. Aftwer all the Attorney General is performing meritorious service in doing the bidding of someone desperately fighting for dear life trying to hold on to power.Foul plays like this is as common place as rampant corruptions in the country and frankly can anyone tell us whether there is any difference between the behaviour of this government with that of governments from the Banana republics.

  88. UMNO and their puppets, the police and judiciary, have probably pressured PUSPAWI to deny or change the contents of the original report. There is no justice and freedom in Malaysia anymore until UMNO is removed. UMNO is apartheid in Malaysia.

  89. ….”If Malaysians want even a remote chance of change for the better, the first step is to vote BN out…”

    It’s all well and dainty to wish for that in this blog, but it’s the ordinary Rakyat who has to be turned around and convinced. In Sabah & Sarawak politices, the rural voters can be a problem as their mindset is, “If the BN YBs are no more, how to get the RM during election?”. A very hard nut to crack but still possible if the PKR MPs will get off their butt and start educating and winning the hearts of these rural voters instead of waiting for the next election.

    For us bloggers, we should do our bit by keeping the “Time for change” momentum going with people of all walks of life.

  90. On negative site, ‘blue’ sure redundantly (again-&-again) black-dot our lovely country-M; misconduct or misuse power authority to benefit themselves or ‘mission accomplish’ by destroying ‘YELLOW’!

    To all of us, think positive, do positive always! Positive mindset-&-attitude is required! How about ‘blue’ blackhand, will they to answer in the affirmative to say:”I/we are positive! Wouldn’t be political on investigation! C.A.Transparency like 5 states yellow governed!”

    Doubts on asking ‘blue’, if private hospital without doctoring authority (no acceptance according to laws-&-legal!), why issued license authority to them? Medical report must be issued by ‘blue’ selected body(H)? Who is ruling the medical report? You know about it, don’t you!

    So much coincidences appeared here!
    ~2nd time charge of sodomy!
    :where is he(s) nowadays? is he under guarantee? or free now?
    ~Bala 1st-&-2nd SD within 24hours!
    :where is he-&-family nowadays? detained? or free now?
    ~Medical report (1stly yes)-&-(2ndly NO?) within 24hours!
    :where is the doctor-&-family nowadays? detained again? or free?

    Why asked about 2nd medical report details, there are so much ‘road blocks’ procedures set to apply! Till now, anyone of you review the exact (or original) medical report? Again, will ‘blue’ minimize MISUNDERSTANDING or realize the importance of TRANSPARENCY? Come on, purify and clean reputation/image of our lovely country-M!

    ‘Blue’, you dirty your business, don’t never-ever spoiled or influence us again-&-again!

    Warmest regards.

  91. “Earlier yesterday, Ismail denied that police were dragging their feet in the investigations.

    He said the case was given priority as it was a high-profile investigation.” – MalaysiaToday

    What Ismail said was rubbish. I am sure the rakyat agree that Bala’s two statutory declarations, in terms of priority, are way above that of Anwar’s alleged sodomy as they implicate the highest office is involved in the murder of Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu.

    What Ismail should do is give TOP priority to investigating Bala’s statutory declarations in the hope of restoring Malaysia’s international standing.

    The government cannot assume the rakyat and world community are idiots.

  92. What i about to say, i hope it make sense:

    The so call “medical” report that was leaked is NOT a medical report per se. It is a Dr’s medical notes which will be the basis for any medical report to be prepared when requested by any interested party, be it police, insurance co., patient’s employer, Dr’s to be referred to, etc etc. However, any report to be released to 3rd party need the patient’s consent. Otherwise, there is a bleach of privacy. However, not all breaches are commited by Drs. Medical record personnel, nurses, hospital assistants, hospital staff etc etc can also leaked medical info. The point is that the 1st Dr had been allegedly threaten by the police to produce a diagnosis contrary to his notes. When he refused, the so called medical report was not even prepared, so the police do not have the report. Likewise, as circulating around the blogspheres, (Susan Loone) the so call government hospital (HKL) DRs are also sticking to their guns that they will not DR the report for purposes of the police investigations. As such the police have not received any official medical report as yet.

  93. This blog is belongs to PR!
    Victory is alongside PR too!

    Hereis for us to post comment or opinion sharing upon our country politic! Not a place to ‘blue’ to promote or post or ‘push up’ own value!

    Pls ever misuse again your priority (authority) to advertise ‘blue -yes follower’! Look or search on yellow pages for advertising or marketing company yourself!

    Doubts to ask, for the past (recent) few years, is there anyone of ‘blue-M’ say NO to ‘blue-U’? No matter what topic or scenario, where is your guts? To retain equalize position, benefit to nation no exclude race, religion, & others, which role are you involve? How many of you or will you affirmative to say “I/we are clean!”?

    I/we dare to challenge you (blue-M), we are in suffer, you’re in comfort zone! We poor, you rich! Face on or challenge to ‘blue-U’, will you dare on-going? How many times I post comment to ‘blue-Micheal’ asking his favor on my labour case which pending almost 2years+? Dare to challenge private sector, why no guts face on ‘blue-U’!? WHEN WE NEED YOU, WHERE ARE YOU!

    STOP misuse your priority or authority! SAVE UP your energy to sincere contribute and deliver your promises (never-ever accuse PR again, look@ yourself in 1st place, blue-M)!

    Bare in mind, your contribution is not only benefit to us, is beneficial to our generation-by-generation too!

    Warmest regards.

  94. My last hope:

    If the police, desperate for Dr’s report that will meet their purpose, i recommend that they get the DR of all DRS, Dr Tun Mamak who would be too willing to help in writing the perfect sodomee medical report on Anwar.

  95. Indeed it is a SAD day for all Malaysians who loved the country, civil liberty and most importantly a stable and peaceful environment to live in.

    There was so much tension created and the political uncertainties which was unwarranted and uncalled for. We have wasted too much of our precious time trying to bring down your political opponents when they should be managing the country and economy.

    Today we see the truth to the whole police investigations into DSAI ‘s sodomy charge. The world now knows that such allegations were untrue, yet this case had been pursued relentlessly to the fullest just to embarass an innocent victim. It is just not fair to DSAI and his family members and all Malaysians.

    What is so unethical for the medical report to be ” leaked ” when it is much more so to conceal the truth ? Looks like those in power wants to hide this fact hoping that the world will not know. Why question the doctor when the complainant Saiful is not telling the truth ? He should rightly be charged.

    It is good to note that there are still professionals like Dr Osman who have the courage to speak and write the truth no matter how painful it is to the interested party. They are the ones who give all Malaysians the hope that Malaysia is still a good place to be in.

  96. How can medical report 1 (Pusrawi) and medical report 2 (HKL) regarding the coffeeboy’s anal distress differ from each other when they were made hours apart? Or will the Burmese doctor’s first medical report be dismissed as faulty due to the fallacy that Malaysian-trained docs are superior to Burmese ones?

  97. I think there is mass confusion here. There is no formal charge of sodomy on Anwar. What exists is a police report which alleges sodomy which implicates Anwar. There is a clear distinction between `being charged’ and `being alleged’. So Dr Chen, your article here is inaccurate.

    Now lets say, if an alleged victim reports a rape, isn’t it expected that the police should investigate? What would you say if the alleged rapist say to the police – `Drop the investigation because I am innocent!’ It doesn’t make sense isn’t it? For the sake of the victim, the investigations must be closed properly.

    Let me reiterate this – once a police report is made, the investigations must be investigated. We as citizens of this country should ensure all investigations are closed properly and not stopped just because someone thinks he is `priveledged’ to call for such a stoppage. In my view, it is more important now that the investigation be thoroughly completed. The investigations will show who is right and who is wrong; this call cannot be made by Anwar, not by Saiful and definitely not the public!

    Yes many of us already have our own theories of what is happening at the background. But whatever we propose and preach, it must be consistent with the principles of law and justice and not to our whims and fancy.

  98. The prosecution has a common law duty to disclose evidence during trial. But Anwar has not been charged and brought before the court for trial yet. So the issue on disclosure of the medical report by the doctor-on-the-run has not arisen at this point in time.

    However, the police’s reaction towards the disclosure of that report, and their denial of the said report are indicative of the possibility that they would not tender that report in court as evidence for the judge’s consideration.

    Its good that the report is now in public domain. The attention now is on whether the AG would in view of the report prefer criminal charges against anwar and, if charges were made, whether the prosecution would be bold enough not to refer the court to the report.

    For those interested pls read a canadian supreme court case on the subject: Taillefer v Canada @ [2005] Part 1 Case 11 [SCC]; or jump straight to the case here :

  99. Quote:
    Syed Hamid calls for action against those who leaked medical report
    by Tim Leonard

    KUALA LUMPUR (July 29, 2008) : Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar today urged the medical fraternity to take stern action against a Myanmar doctor from Hospital Pusrawi or anyone responsible for “leaking” a medical report on Saiful Bukhari Azlan showing no evidence of sodomy.

    What this this STUPID botak trying to do? It just confirm (another nail on BN coffin) that the investigation had a hidden agenda! Taking action against the person of institution for leaking the truth (which is the very basis of a sodomee charge against a private citizen, if convicted, may spend up to 20 years in jail) is preposterous! Unless, he wants the accused citizen to go to jail. If that is the case, please En Botak, say somthing along this line, which make better sense and more credible:

    This leak report, if authentic, only shows a Dr’s diagnostic professional opinion. Not all Drs expresses the some conclusions. We need other Drs to examine the accuser and get to the bottom of the truth. Please be patient. Let the police do their work. Anyway, what ever the outcome, we still need to nail AI for good. See you in court for further update.

  100. Anwar has said that the allegations by a young male aide…….have been made up to block his plans to topple the coalition that has ruled Malaysia for half a century.

    Syed Hamid denied Anwar’s accusation and said that it would be very “irrational for the government to create a case of this nature, at this time, against such a person.” – Yahoo Asia News (Wed July 30, 12:31 PM)

    Come on Hamid, you must not assume everybody is an idiot in Malaysia.

  101. keep on fighting DSAI, your sacrifice will be paid one day! BN thought we, the people can’t do anything, but they are wrong! we will show them what is people power, at lease during GE13! wait and see…

  102. Wow, wow, imranj78, you are sooo self righteous. Are you blind? The investigation, on the outset is already bias. Do you know what is a ‘gostan’ investigation. It is like this: We need to nail this guy! We need to plant evidence.

    Go and fill in the details yourself. I hate to explain to dumb people like you. go and fly kite and come back and post some sensible remarks, lah!

  103. The current situation in Malaysia reminds me so much of Imperial China in the early 20th century. The whole empire of China was bogged down with corruption by eunuchs, mandarins that are more concern with profiteering and enriching themselves rather than doing the job of governance. The blatantly and openly commit corrupt practice.

    Thank god, along came Sun Yat Sen to rid China of these pest. Good riddance to these corrupt officials.

    I wonder if there will be a Sun Yat Sen equivalent in Malaysia soon?


  104. I have to disagree with you on this imranj78, although what you mentioned on technicality is right, but if you look at it in another perspective, the PDRM and Home Minister themselves did not actually follow protocol or technicality isn’t it? Starting with the DNA profiling fiasco all the way to arrest Anwar in balaclava. Anwar is not even a criminal with an AK47. Do you need a freaking SWAT team to arrest him? Plus when Anwar was compelled to give information for the case at 2pm, the Police themselves did not abide to what conditions they set. Anwar was giving info to the ACA and there were still plenty of time for him to even head out to Peace Hill. Then why was he ‘arrested’ and put into jail for 24 hours?
    This is what I call VINDICTIVE. This goverment must be punished on all full account and they should be prosecuted to the fullest extend.

  105. the conspirators will now say since the doctor acted unethically by leaking the report, he can not be trusted, so is his report. they will say they did their homework and the other report is authentic and is grounds for putting anwar behind bars.

  106. The conspirators should be charged under ISA for evidence fabrication and causing massive fear among rakyat. THIS IS A HUGE THREAT TO THE NATIONAL SECURITY and what is the use of ISA if it only favors BN??????

    In another separate case, Syed Hamid Albar should be arrested under Akta Hasutan 1948 for GIVING WRONG INFORMATION, wrongly accusing Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, honorable DAP leaders Lim Kit Siang and Dr Tan Seng Giaw. Hamid also caused massive traffic congestions in KL by justifying the police’s move in putting up roadblocks in the major roads leading to Parliament House through his own made up so called “intelligence”. This is no intelligence, Hamid oh Hamid, this is SLANDER !!

  107. Please remember, that whatever the outcome, we MUST vote PR. UMNO believes that taking out Anwar means the death of PR. They believe that by taking out Anwar, we have no other choice but to vote back BN. Their desperate attempts to charge Anwar at whatever cost is clear cut evidence of this. Never before must we all be strongly united as one now. Just think, if incompetent politicians can “run” the country, any one can, even you and I, and we can even do a better job. So never lose hope, and never let the brainless UMNO even think that if Anwar is out, PR will die. In fact, IF Anwar is out, we must be even stronger in spirit to kick UMNO out at all cost.


    Qazaf and the Responsibility of Other Muslims

    “According to the philosophy of Islam, if a Muslim hears of another Muslim being accused of adultery or sodomy he should not pay heed to it. It is Haraam for him to believe it. It is also Haraam to repeat this slander to others. Till four just witnesses testify before the qazi and the qazi issues his decree, it is Haraam to associate any one with these sins. Even if one has witnessed the crime with his own eyes or believes the accuser, one should not spread the slander. Such an action would cause the accused person to lose his honour and dignity in people’s estimation. This is totally unacceptable in Islam.

    Till four just witnesses have not testified, the accuser should be regarded as a liar and a transgressor, and it is wajib upon the person who hears him to consider him so, even if what he says is true. It should be said to the accuser, “This is a great allegation. We do not accept that the statement is correct according to Shariat.”

  109. Public apology? Ya rite!!!!!
    The PDRM is planning to arrest DSAI anytime now!
    They can’t take the chance of him becoming a MP soon & then take over the Federal Government come Sept 16th!!!!!
    They don’t give a hoot if noone believes them!

  110. Imranj78 (13.3.27), thank you for your wisdom. The word “alleged and charged,” whatever word used, does it warrant the use of 20 police personnel, using skimask, brandishing automatics, fit to attack a terrorist? Do you get it?

    Secondly, there is a police report against Dato’ Anwar. I am asking you, is it against the law to show that police report to the supposedly culprit? For that mater, what part of the law that says the culprit cannot see the police report? Are you a lawyer; maybe you can show me the relevant law.

    Thirdly the police must complete its investigation, yes but look and read what the Deputy IGP says. Police report is to confuse the people; who is confused? The investigating officer is looking at all angles; what angle when police is to act based on police report?

    Imranj78, if you have been following events since the last 6 months and you still think the police had been acting fairly, you are either blind or selective in your sight. I don’t condemn the police, imranj78, as I am connected to a few family members who are in the police force. I know that in the PDRM there are many good men who are sickened by what they see.

    With the latest piece of information made known to the public, do you read that the police Deputy IGP and the DG of Health did NOT comment on the report or its contents, but focused on the “why” that report leaked. Such as the case, Dr Chen is right – apology and drop this case against Anwar.

  111. Imranj78 – I believe there is no mass confusion as alleged by you regarding Anwar’s sodomy case. If it is , it is definitely created by the police and the government.

    If it is only an allegation then the following questions need to be addressed :-

    1. Why use fully armed police to the teeth , clad in balaclavas with a convoy of unmarked police vehicles to track down Anwar. Is Anwar a known terrorist ?

    2. Why make the arrest on Anwar before the 2 pm deadline when he and his lawyers had assured the police that he will be there ?
    Is this not to create public anxiety and mass confusion ?

    3. Why didn’t the police make their decision based on the Purawi’s hospital’s Dr. Osman’s report rather than having to drag on for so long ? The police had in their possession the Universiti Kebangsaan Hospital medical report as well . Are they trying to get more documents in the hope that one of them can provide some link to the sodomy?

    4. Medical examination on the complainant is an exact science and the truth cannot be twisted.
    Only the report can be altered for dubious means.

    5. Why didn’t the police reveal that there was such a medical examination at Pusrawi on Saiful and it was negative if the police claimed that they are fair in their investigation ?

    6. The police should have wrap up their case after the two medical examinations report namely one at Pusrawi and the other at UKM’s KL hospital.

    7. I believe Anwar has the right to defend himself to the extent that his conscience is clear. All Malaysians will sympathised with Anwar and his family. I will sympathise with you or anyone is in the same predicament, wouldn’t you ? I am human as well and so are millions of Malaysians out there.

    Thw whole episode clearly showed that the authorities did not do a good job of handling the case ,incompetency at its best.

    This had made Malaysia a laughing stock in the eyes of the world :
    our judiciary with the fixing of cases ; the police with all this sodomy fiasco and last but not the least the BN govt for the poor handling of this sodomy case , the economy with rising inflation , the corruption in the police logistics dept. , the defiance on the use of brand new Mercedes in Trengganu state exco and the rising crime rate.

    I suggest the BN govt get back to real governing and not creating issues to cover their weaknesses.

  112. Excuse me, Daniel (his comments:2hrs ago), nobody uses ISA against himself.He and his mates will not hesitate to use it against you and me.Also if it is expedient they can also have the choice of using C4.
    So,please don’t kid yourself for they don’t use it on themselves!

  113. zak_hammaad, did you follow the link which was included in my post?
    “The person who accuses anyone falsely of adultery and sodomy belongs to this category.”

    Here is the link again:

    I presume that the site and its pronouncements are made by some ulama with proper accreditation. It also includes various references.
    Perhaps you would care to counter those with your own references?

    Do understand Anwar Ibrahim has indeed lodged a complaint of Qazaf against Saiful.
    You might want to google that.

  114. dranony, bringing shia sources into the Islamic equation is a folly. Neither is shi’ism accepted by vast majority of Muslims nor is it’s rulings valid without established textual integrity from sources that have a concensual agreement to both religions.

    Nevertheless, there is more to the liwat terminology than you would hear in the media, for an in-depth look at this issue, most sources are only available in Arabic unfortunately for some. It is the focus on the characteristics of the witnesses also that should be scruitinised to make sure the case stands on merit.

  115. Below is probably VERSION 2 of Pusrawi report (very much like Bala’s second statutory declaration kind of event):

    When asked to confirm whether what was stated in the leaked medical report that confirmed Saiful was never been sodomised, Wan Mahmood said, “What is in the report was the doctor’s observation. We have yet to verify it; we have already formed an internal investigation committee to confirm whether what was revealed is similar to what we have in possession.”

    It is a shame that the government is putting intense pressure on Pusrawi hospital – probably threatens them to twist the fact.

  116. What happen 10 yrs ago?

    go to Utube and search
    ‘Anwar Ibrahim – Foreign Correspondent [Part 1 of 6]’
    by TriviaTriviaTrivia

    Info on the vid

    After an extensive investigation in Malaysia, featuring candid interviews with highly placed insiders, Foreign Correspondent presents compelling evidence that the trial of Malaysiaâs Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim……………………………………

    Reporter Evan Williams and Producer Virginia Moncrieff have new evidence and first-hand accounts of an elaborate ……………….

    In an explosive letter to Foreign Correspondent, from solitary confinement, Anwar …………………………………………….


    I saw this link on another site. Is there any truth it it? Can any one shed some light on it.

  117. The new medical report that they churn out is so stupid is not even funny. They would just use the arguement saying that the good doctor is not a specialist yada yada. Can you believe it ? Even examining your ar_se you need a specialist to do so???? What do they need next? A sodomy specialist and a sodomy pyscho therapist for Saiful? This BS is getting way out of hand and they are making a mockery out of our intelligence.

  118. zak_hammaad,
    you seem to be waffling, and also introducing “you don’t read arabic, so don’t argue with me” type of arguments.
    Do you think that Anwar’s syariah lawyers are so ignorant and stupid as to cite saiful for qazaf if it is totally baseless? or are you more knowledgeable than them?
    I’m not sure that your insinuation of shia and sunni being two different religions (“both religions” (sic)), would have much support? So are you saying that Shias are not muslims? It did seem to me that when US were up against Iraq and Iran, that many malaysians were enraged that “fellow muslims” were being intimidated.
    When Shia mosques were bombed, were these not muslim places of worship?

  119. zak_hammaad,
    the following is NOT from any shia site.
    It is from Terengganu.

    Overview of the Terengganu State Syariah Criminal
    (Hudud and Qisas) Bill 2002

    6. Sodomy – Liwat
    Liwat is defined under the Bill as sodomy by a man with another person who is not his wife. Liwat is to be proven in the same manner as zina.

    5. Slanderous Accusation of Zina – Qazaf

    The Qur’anic injunction against qazaf (the slanderous accusation of illicit intercourse) is to prohibit a person from accusing chaste women of zina (illicit intercourse). However under the Bill, any person who accuses another person, man or woman, of illicit intercourse without bringing forth 4 adult male Muslim witnesses, is to be punished with whipping of 80 stripes.

    Section 9 specifically states that any person complaining of rape in a case where such rape is not proven shall be deemed to have committed qazaf.

    In relation to married couples, zina may be proven by the unrebutted sworn allegation of a person against his/her spouse. This means that the accusing person must take an oath that his/her spouse has committed zina. This is rebutted if the spouse so accused then takes an oath that the accusation is false.

  120. Zak said:

    “Liwat is defined under the [Terengganu State Syariah Criminal
    (Hudud and Qisas) Bill 2002] as sodomy by a man with another person who is not his wife.”

    Very interesting but unfortunately we dont have the benefit of the whole Act to pour over.

    That definition as it stands says two things:

    1) sodomy by a man, of his wife is permitted; and

    2) the gender neutral reference “person” in the expression “another person who is not his wife” suggest that the wife of a man could be a male “person”.

  121. Re: Hospital: It wasn’t a sodomy probe

    We don’t care whether the doctor inspected Saiful on “sodomy” or not. The hospital is using a play on words: as long as Saiful just complained about a pain in his @ss, and didn’t mention the word sodomy, the hospital claims it wasn’t a sodomy inspection, and hopes that everyone will take that as a denial.

    But the fact is: The doctor inspected Saiful’s @ss regarding the alleged pain (otherwise why would the doctor be making notes regarding his @ass), and the hospital did not refute or deny that: they NEVER said that the doctor never examined Saiful’s @ss. If the hospital dares to really deny things, they should come out and say exactly that the doctor did not look at his @ss, which they cannot because everyone knows that the doctor looked at Saiful’s @ss and found no tears or other sodomy signs.

    The rakyat must be aware of such tactics of using colourful words to mislead the people. This is not the first time. In fact, when Anwar claimed he was stripped, the hospital authorities claimed that everything was done according to medical procedures and hoped that people would think that meant he was not stripped, but in fact, it was just a nicer way of confirming he was stripped.

    Learn to question and seek the truth on everything that you read or hear in the main stream media.

  122. we can all sit in front of our computers and write about the incompetence of our politicians, the polices lack of interest in making malaysia more safe and the shameful judiciary system that we have in this country. But we the citizens of Malaysia has never made a stand on our right to be the ‘voice’ and do our

    job to ensure the right person runs our country and makes us feel safe to live here like our parents and parents before them….

    we can’t even walk in our own neighborhood to visit our neighbors across the streets, because of the fear that we would be harmed by a thief or rapist. our own children are not safe in their own housing play grounds…. why is this happening????

    its all because we the citizens are not voicing enough of our frustration in public.. i don’t mean in the internet where its only writing, but actually going head to head with our elected politicians(politicians that we vote, our votes that put them where they are now) and pressure them to be more responsible in their actions as the elected leaders in this country.

    do more public protests.. do you actually think that jails in malaysia can fit 26million malaysians??? obviously not right… and by doing this will not only impose fear in the politicians but they will definitely do they jobs well…

    we malaysians are no ‘UNITED’ in wanting what ‘WE’ want and how we want our country to be… we malaysians just gossip, talk behind backs, curse and swear but at the end of the day do not show our frustrations to ensure that there are heard. why we do this? because a typical malaysian will answer you, that they just hide it and keep mum when it comes going against the government, is because they have mouths to feed…
    let me tell you all here, if we don’t do what we have to do to make sure our country is a safe place to live for us, our children and the next generations…
    we all will not have jobs to feed them anyway… so why bicker behind the scenes??? ask yourselves why not do much more than that??? are we not capable to do so??? are we the voice of this country???? is this a democratic country??? ask yourselves these questions… i am hoping it will open all of your eyes..

  123. dranony, the first link that you gave was a shia link, the second link has some corraboration but nevertheless, it is not as clear-cut as you imagine it to be and if there ever is a court case against Anwar, you will get to learn more from both sides.

  124. zak_hammaad,
    shia link or not, it does offer Quranic basis for the pronouncements made on the site.
    Now that you have seen that the very same bases were quoted on the link with the Trengganu Hudud and Qisas Bill, it means that even sunni authorities are in agreement with shia over this matter.
    Now with both sunni and shia in agreement on the issue, you you now wish to quote your own definition?
    I never said it was clear cut, but that there was basis, that there was justification, for Anwar’s complaint of Qazaf, against saiful.
    Indeed, if the “philosophy of Islam”, as quoted in the first link, is accepted by sunni muslims as well as sunni,
    then it is Haram for other muslim believers to believe the allegation until it has been proven and decreed by a Qazi.
    That would probably mean that almost all who now believe the sodomy allegations against Anwar, are doing something Haram.
    It is “something totally unacceptable in Islam” (sic).
    Visit the link again, or google another non-shia site.

  125. It’s a good move for Azizah to make way for Anwar now. This forces the hand of the conspirators to complete their moves quickly, or never at all. As for the judges, they are no more under the menacing shadow of a powerful executive. The case would probably be thrown out if Anwar is brought to court. The real fear is as to other charges that could be brought centred on Anwar’s
    conduct during his heydays; or detention under ISA or other handy instruments of Government.
    Sodom mee – or to be nationalistic – Mee Sodom, is passe.

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