One “black eye” after another – Hamid’s special briefing to diplomats on Anwar “a big flop”

The special briefing on Wednesday by Home Minister, Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar to 96 foreign diplomats on government action and police investigations into the sodomy allegations against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is clearly a big flop, with the caustic criticism by the United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice within 24 hours with her call for transparency and the rule of law into the new allegations against Anwar.

Rice rejected the earlier claim by her Malaysian counterpart, Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Dr. Rais Yatim that the United States was meddling in Malaysia’s internal affairs by raising concern over Anwar’s arrest.

She said the United States would continue to speak on cases involving human rights and politics although it did so “in a spirit of respect for Malaysia”.

She stressed that the United States “doesn’t recognise this very firm barrier that it is simply internal affairs when a case of this kind comes up, but we are going to continue to work with Malaysia”.

Rice made these remarks at the ASEAN Ministerial talks in Singapore yesterday, just before her bilateral meeting with Rais.

In these circumstances, Rais’ claim after their meeting that Rice had “acquiesced” to Malaysia’s stance that Washington abstain from making further statements pertaining to Anwar and the country’s rule of law will have to be taken with a pinch of salt.

Rais subsequently said he was unaware of Rice’s statement prior to their meeting – giving the bad impression that the Malaysian foreign service is not as well-informed as it should be.

Be that as it may, Hamid’s special briefing for 96 diplomats suffered a second blow today when three leading figures on the international stage called for the dropping of the sodomy charges against Anwar.

The trio who issued a joint statement are former Canadian prime minister Paul Martin, ex-World Bank chief James Wolfensohn, and Michel Camdessus, the former head of the International Monetary Fund.

As former Foreign Minister, Hamid should be particularly sensitive to Malaysia global faux pas in getting one “black eye” after another in the international arena over the government and police action on the sodomy allegations against Anwar and he should do his utmost to end the national agony and shame with the spate of adverse international publicity for Malaysia which is not helpful at all in enhancing the nation’s competitiveness to ensure the success of the Ninth Malaysia Plan, the National Mission and Vision 2020.


120 Replies to “One “black eye” after another – Hamid’s special briefing to diplomats on Anwar “a big flop””

  1. /// The trio who issued a joint statement are former Canadian prime minister Paul Martin, ex-World Bank chief James Wolfensohn, and Michel. ///

    These 3 plus Dr Rice totalled 4 black eyes. Hopefully, when the counts are tallied, it will result in 96 black eyes. 92 more to go …

  2. Despite Malaysia pretty economic growth over these past few months, something just doesn’t seem to be right. It is almost as if the GDP growth figures were manipulated or spiced up.

    Well, they weren’t. Contrary to popular belief, the government does not really “jack up” economic figures. It just found clever ways to “spice up” growth figures. That is all.

    Let us use last year as an example. Abdullah found out that the economic figures were not good, and it couldn’t have been at a worse time. Elections were just around the corner and he didn’t want the economy to appear weak.

    So he did something very clever – he increased the wages of civil servants. This of course, leads to higher spending. And as we know, spending helps boost the economy.

    I am not saying that civil servants do not deserve a pay rise. But the reason why they were given one couldn’t be any worse. Yes, Malaysia is actually a failing economy. China and India are fast replacing Malaysia as manufacturing powerhouses. Half of Malaysia GDP figure comes from the manufacturing sector.

    If oil and palm oil prices did not increase last year by a mile, Malaysia would have registered an economic growth of somewhere near 3.5%. This is a measly figure for a developing country.

    By 2014, Malaysia will no longer be a net exporter of oil. In turn, this translates to losses for every sen oil prices go up.

    To achieve developed status by 2020, Malaysia should have registered at least an 8% economic growth annually since 1995 (a developed country should have Purchasing Power Parity of at least RM25000, and GDP per capita should be close to PPP figures).

    Right now, Malaysia has PPP of RM14700 and a GDP per capita of RM6500.

    We have only done an average of 5% increase in GDP growth from 1995- 2007. So Vision 2020 will not be achieved despite what the government might claim. Furthermore, for Malaysia to move up the value chain (I define this as a country that is able to innovate and produce high-quality products, e.g. companies such as LG, Samsung from Korea), large amounts of foreign direct investments (FDI) are needed.

    To show you how low our FDI is, Malaysia has a pathetic RM7 billion of FDI annually while Singapore, a country 100 times smaller than Malaysia, has FDI of RM55 billion annually. Last year, nearly 50% of our FDI went into the Iskandar Development Region.

    This, in my opinion, is a project bound to be a major failure. When Singaporeans were invited to invest, they did. But when they started to invest, our smart politicians said this would chase the malays into the jungles.

    To summarise everything up:

    (1) All the people tax money is being used for stupid subsidies and unnecessary mega-projects.

    (2) Immigrants from Indonesia, Philippines are causing wages to remain stagnant.

    (3) Malaysia economic growth is now based on oil and palm oil prices. (Malaysia will soon be a net importer of oil, and palm oil prices have reached their peak, meaning it will be downhill from here on.)

    (4) Malaysia is suffering from a “brain drain”. No qualified professionals want to work in Malaysia anymore.

    (5) Malaysia manufacturing sector is shrinking, thus unemployment rates will go up.

  3. Adam, not only Hamid. The report from MSM was the acceptance of Hamid’s explanation by the foreign diplomat. MSM, the liar and I guess the sun-glasses have to increase prices soon.

  4. Let’s look at the scenario. 15 cars blocked a 61-yr man. Personnel using ski-mask brandishing automatics. 15 cars must at least be 60 personnel. Anwar or no Anwar, is this the way to treat a Malaysian in this peace time? And what criminal intend is in Anwar police records? Is there any history of violence and that he is an exponent of martial arts?

    I would like to hear from some of the UMNO apologists here, Samsul Anuar… who else? Hopefully I can buy theirs instead of Hamid’s story.

  5. “if the political situation were reversed, I am sure PR will do the same thing to a BN politician.” Oops, am I putting words into the mouth of RealWorld or Shamshul Anuar ?

    They are still figuring out with Mike Tyson when and how to respond to the latest international outcry.

  6. “James Wolfensohn and Michel Camdessus: We don’t need you. We know how to withdraw money from our own country.” Oops, another classic quote from RealWorld or Shamshul Anuar ?

  7. Since the same kind of comment was made by four influential persons, i.e. Condoleezza Rice, former Canadian prime minister Paul Martin, ex-World Bank chief James Wolfensohn, and Michel Camdessus, the former head of the International Monetary Fund, surely there is truth in what they said. Hamid should stop acting like an ostrich sticking his head in the sand.

  8. Up to this point, probably the only way to prevent Malaysia to become international laughing stock is to guarantee ourself like Cuba.

    Oh yes! another way is more practical. Change government.

  9. Announcement tomorrow:

    Syed Hamid : Is is obvious that Anwar have link with IMF. He is also a spy from US.

    Rais Yatim : This is our internal affair, Anwar should not sell off our dignity to outsider.

    Abullah : kalau dia orang nak percaya ada conspiracy, percayalah! Apa kita boleh buat?

  10. The corruption and crime of UMNO and the BN “government” stinks even in the international arena now. This brings great shame and dishonour to Malaysia. The downgrading of Suhakam is another slap in the face for UMNO. Malaysia needs a new and better government fast before the whole country sinks into oblivion.

  11. The recent much publicised news on talks between Umno and PAS may be part of the strategy by Umno to create mistrust among non-Malay voters, who gave overwhelming support to PAS.

    As the deadline of Sept 16 is getting near, Umno may decide to call for snap election so to counteract the exodus of its MPs to Pakatan. So, creating mistrust of non-Malay voters on PAS will benefited Umno if call for snap election before Sept 16.

    If my guess is true, then Pakatan Rakyat should be aware of this and convince Malaysian at large that these are Umno’s ploy and should remain even more united .

    Just hope MCA and Gerakan will do us a big favour, ie pull out from BN. There is no hope Umno will change.

    Just keep our fingers crossed.

  12. It was stupid of Hamid to hold a briefing for the diplomats.What was he thinking.Anwar case in being investigated by the police.If one lie is told..There will be afew more lies to justify the first lie.
    From day one the case againts ANWAR is full of holds.From the first statement by the CID Director to Hamids briefing to the diplomats.
    If there is solid evidence go ahead and charge ANWAR in court.If there is none ..Just say sorry and shame the devil.Give the RAKYAT, at the most 2 weeks and they will forget about this incident..
    I have already forgotten about the LIMGAM guy.Just like i have forgotten about the 18 VVIPs that PakLah said was under ACA,s investigation.

  13. Our Ministers must keep in touch with world affairs; and should not be contented with living under the coconut-shell and with heads buried in the sand. They shoudl move on and be at par with other diplomats. Regrettably, our Foreign Minister was unaware that the US State Secretary had already made her sharp remark that US followed human rights and justice very religiously and would voice its concerns wherever they arise. It had done it several times in the past regarding Myanmar ( Burma), Zimbabwee, Sudan, to name three. So, the question of non-interference in the internal affairs of another country does not arise; and will not unnerve it. It is not a “firm barrier” to criticising any country that goes against the grain of truth and justice.

    Man is not an island; he lives in a community. And in a community there are rules and regulations, and the rule of law must always prevail; and “no man is above the law ” , as pronounced repeatedly by the PM and DPM. Let us all PRACTISE this principle, not just mouth it!

    Democracy demands that justice will never be cock-eyed; it must be impartial. There is no fixing of judges and fixing of cases as evidenced by the Royal Commission of Enquiry on teh Lingam Video clip. Foreign investors, whom we would like to have in our country in order to boost our economy, will have confidence in our judiciary when it is impartial.

    So, let the beacon of light shine upon our beloved land.

    S.H. Huang

  14. ‘She said the United States would continue to speak on cases involving human rights and politics although it did so “in a spirit of respect for Malaysia”.’

    Ha! Ha! human rights must be joking . In boleh land there’s only UMNO RIGHTS. Our UMNO can set c4 or ISA to anyone.

  15. New Development.

    PM and DPM approved the 14 Merc by Terengganu MB
    Just when it was out in the NEWS I told some of my frens that. The BN government will not punished any of the UMNO members for wrong doing.

    Some examples…..

    SEE .What the outcome in the Datuk Zakaria CASE.
    SEE. What happen to LINGAM case.
    SEE. What happen to those day light ROBBERIES of prime land transfer from OWNERS without owners knowledge.
    and …….

    We may 1 fine day see all the RAKYAT money in their bank account empty!!

    OK lah for SYED HAMID

    Once need not justify to the whole world that if they are truelly angel. People will have good words about you without you say anything.

    We are all interested to know when all these NONSENSE will stop.

  16. New Development.

    PM and DPM approved the 14 Merc by Terengganu MB
    Just when it was out in the NEWS I told some of my frens that. The BN government will not punished any of the UMNO members for wrong doing.

    Some examples…..

    SEE .What the outcome in the Datuk Zakaria CASE.
    SEE. What happen to LINGAM case.
    SEE. What happen to those day light ROBBERIES of prime land transfer from OWNERS without owners knowledge.
    and …….

    We may 1 fine day see all the RAKYAT money in their bank account empty!!

    OK lah for SYED HAMID

    Once need not justify to the whole world that if they are truelly angel. People will have good words about you without you say anything.

    We are all interested to know when all these NONSENSE will stop.

  17. Why the pre-emptive move?
    Take it easy man.
    Isnt the matter now only at investigation stage?
    No charge.
    No detention.
    No court appearance.
    Aint no nutin’ happenin yet man.
    Aint no nutin’ to fear man.

    I got this lousy feeling somethin big is coming.
    Mendela was in jail for 25 years.
    See what I mean?

  18. Taiking, comparing Anwar to Mendela is offensive to say the least. Mandela had no aspirations for leadership and he was not willing to play dirty to get his way. Leadership should not be given to people who hunger for it, it is something that is earned through righteousness. Anwar is many things to many people, with no principles. He is an amphibian who has no proven track record in economy (despite previously being finance minister) and no visionary.

    What Malaysia needs are new younger and dynamic leaders who command the respect of the majority and are not tainted by scandals and crime. Leaders who are sincere and regard themselves as workers for the people and not narrow selfish agendas.

  19. This UMNO led BN Government is full of shit.Corruption is every where.In Gemas a policeman made a report againts his own colleagues,that he is not getting his equal share on the monthly corruption payment.The OC of the Gemas station made a counter report saying that this policeman had been selling police properties.
    What happen after that is comical.This policemen were just transfered out.Case close.
    Blame ACA .. Maybe ,ACA,s hands are tied, before they investigate they must get permission from the AG,s chambers.Corruption cases are hard to prove in a court of law.Why not use the ISA ON CORUPPTED OFFICIALS.This might put some fear in them.

  20. So, what if Anwar is bisexual?
    What happens behind closed doors between two consenting adults is none of the government’s business in this time and age!
    So, how can the government claim there’s no political agenda to the sodomy allegations when no less a personality than the DPM chosed to ‘counsel’ the accuser 3 days before the police report?
    Alright, Anwar is not perfect – did he ever claim he is? But he’s targetted again as he’s on the threshold [though I was doubtful initially] of pulling the carpet from the BN’s feet on sept. 16th.

  21. undergrad2, clearly you hate continues to cloud your objectivity. Instead of jumping the to conclusions all the time, take some time to read my full post in the context it is written in. Your Islamophobia is becoming apparent from other threads, now you’d like to assume some sort of anti-Malay supremacy. I am as much anti-UMNO (in it’s current form) as you are pro-UMNO. Have some respect for others and at least appreciate the differences even though you do not accept them. I believe this is what they call mutual-respect and co-existance.

  22. he is not the father to jessica alba rite?

    for a dungu like this he thot he could fool the world just becos the MSM do his bidding.

    if we average lame plain joes cant accept the reasons and modus operandi used by the authorities, he expect the foreign ammbassadors who are more learned to be fooled? Hey hamid, these ppl are there becos they are capable people not becos of some connection.

    i believe all 96 of them will laugh out loud in the toilet after u left.

  23. pathetic group of desperados.

    As the Chinese saying goes ” if walk straight and stand straight , nothing to be afraid of ”

    If all these drama are dragged on, my goodness !!! , our economy , micro or macro , will be destroyed.

  24. ” zak_hamaad, What Malaysia needs are new younger and dynamic leaders who command the respect of the majority and are not tainted by scandals and crime. Leaders who are sincere and regard themselves as workers for the people and not narrow selfish agendas ”

    Are you implying that we need more people like KJ , Shaby , Krismudin to detroy our beloved Malaysia ??? Then you must be really sleeping.

    Has any of these people proven themselves ? Any of the current/past finance ministers proven themselves ? If not for Petroleum, Malaysia would probably be the same as Somalia now under BN

  25. Why is he briefing the diplomats in the 1st place? He is a penty hose nanny and not a FM, though he once was. Rais Yatim should be the one to brief. He may so a better job, don’t u think so MR PM? You always send the wrong man for the wrong tasks. What a shame on u, Now, the si botak is giving this beloved country another BIG BLACK eye!

  26. Sdr Lim,
    International support is good but frankly it does not count very much. You mentioned about Paul Martin, James Wolfensohn and Michel Camdessus, but these are all former heads of government or international organisations. What difference can they make other than giving the bullets to the BN to shoot at us.

    In 1998, Camdessus and Wolfensohn were serving heads of the IMF and the World Bank respectively, and I remembered they gave their full support to Anwar (Wolfensohn met Dato wan Azizah at KLIA when Anwar was in prison) and yet there was not much difference made. Ultimately, we the people must take charge and you and your party must find the way to galvanise the power of the people. Don’t let the spirit and zeal of March 8 fade away (I am beginning to sense it).

    International support were sometimes used as an excuse to attack us. You know how main stream media work in Malaysia. They are not just pro-government. They are master spin doctors and they serve money and power rather than the truth. I think we still have a long way to go whatever we may have achieved in March 8.

  27. Undergrad2,
    despite the advice given by Adam and Godfather (and I really appreciate that), I think your time could be more productively spent quarrelling with me instead of arguing with that brain dead bigot. Alternatively, please continue to contribute your two cents worth. I am sure many are looking forward to reading your views.

  28. StevePCH Says:

    >> Are you implying…

    Please keep your shallow implications to yourself and stop reading between the lines.

    What aspect of “new younger and dynamic leaders who command the respect of the majority and are not tainted by scandals and crime. Leaders who are sincere and regard themselves as workers for the people and not narrow selfish agendas ” do you find difficult to understand? As far as I know, KJ , Shaby , Krismudin and the rest of the cabal are neither “new” nor “dynamic” nor “command the rest of the majority” nor untainted by “scandal” – Gawd, give me strength!

    On the same note, as I suggested to undergrad2, having a blind partisanship or aligning oneself to any individual or party is detrimental for pluralism. Surely this is what you want isn’t it?

  29. The pee-em said it the purpose of the PAS-UMNO talk is to prevent DAP (or more precisely, rakyat of non-bumi origin) to be in the state government. A big slap on his own face for saying he is the PEE-EM of all Malaysia. This is the large scale sodomy of rakyat of all races!

  30. hamid thot that he can treat 96 diplomats like how aab treats his ketua cwg umno. dish out goodies to keep them happy n keep their mouth shut while emptying their brains and integrity.

    sorry la hamid…this aint UMNOooooo

  31. limkamput Says:

    Today at 21: 37.10 (18 minutes ago)
    despite the advice given by Adam and Godfather (and I really appreciate that), I think your time could be more productively spent quarrelling with me instead of arguing with that brain dead bigot.”

    LOL – my 2-cents worth.

    Kathy seems nice. I’ll ‘quarrel’ with her instead. However, my thoughts have been distracted with images of PAS leaders drooling watching Inul Daratista doing the bump and grind!

  32. International support in the form of comments are good enough. It shows that the world is watching any see the circus crowns performing in our country. Those DUMB fools with mentality limited to 10 years expiry lah.

  33. Sorry folks, just can’t wait for new title. Know what? Our PM after many complaints and ACA investigation on purchase of New toy Merz, has gave the blessing to go ahead – Spend the Millions Rm, with MY MONEY!!! What the f#@% is going on?
    Today Government are not servants but the rakyat is. We are the servant to serve ‘PIP’ with all these.Try telling your children on the logics of owing a Proton and Merz. Look Dad, its much cheaper to own a Merz!!Our PM said so.I suppose our education Minister should also include this into school Mathematics case study.
    Decisions like this defy all logics.
    I know lah, politics ma. Its not politics – Its Poly-Freaks!!!. These people talk as if ….. Aiyo, give up lah..
    Another black-eye on PM himself. Cheers, Malaysia mesti Boleh!! Ha ha ha

  34. Not only has he given the blessing to proceed with the 14 Mercs, they now have to buy another 14 Perdanas so that the Mercs can only be exclusively used to ferry guests of the Trengganu state government.

    These people are so brain dead it’s unbelievable.

  35. Sec. Rice rejected the earlier claim by Minister Rais Yatim that the U.S. was meddling in Malaysia’s internal affairs. She said the United States would continue to speak on cases involving human rights and politics although it did so “in a spirit of respect for Malaysia” – stressing in the process that the U.S. “doesn’t recognize this very firm barrier.”

    Rice is right in saying so but the timing cannot be worse. Now our attention is being diverted away from domestic to international issues.

  36. Dear Malaysians,
    I wrote the following previously on the roots of Syed Hamid Albar.
    I’m posting it again to show why Syed Hamid is behaving in such a way.

    ” Syed Albar is not only a major security threat to the country, but if you see the basis or the root of such actions, it is to protect the Malay rights. Yes, Syed Albar’s Ketuanan Melayu’s sentiment is strong, probably due to the strong influence of his father’s ( Syed Jaafar Albar) ketuanan Melayu strong sentiment feelings. It’s not surprising to realize this fact as we can see the fanatism behind Syed Albar’s actions.

    Syed Jaafar Alba’s famous state of ” Wherever I am, I am a Malay”, received critical remarks from Lee Kuan Yew who said,
    ” If I had been going round and saying what [he] has been saying — wherever I am, I am a Chinese — where would we be? But I keep on reminding the people that I am a Malaysian. I am learning Bahasa Kebangsaan (Malay, the national language) and I accept Article 153 of the Constitution” ( Reference: Keith, Patrick (2005). Ousted!, p. 128. Media Masters. ISBN 981-05-3865-0. )

    Syed Jaafar Alba accused Lee Kuan Yew and some other Chinese by ” referring to them as kaum pendatang or pendatang asing (immigrants) — of being lodgers (orang tumpangan), abusing the hospitality of the Malays who were the “masters of the house”. This provoked a response from Cabinet member Lim Swee Aun, who insisted “we are co-owners, not lodgers, not guests” ( Reference : Lee, Kuan Yew (1998). The Singapore Story, p. 620. Marshall Cavendish Editions. ISBN 981-204-983-5.).

    Lee Kuan Yew lashed out at Syed Jaafar Alba by saying ” According to history, Malays began to migrate to Malaysia in noticeable numbers only about 700 years ago. Of the 39% Malays in Malaysia today, about one-third are comparatively new immigrants like the secretary-general of UMNO, Dato’ Syed Jaafar Albar, who came to Malaya from Indonesia just before the war at the age of more than thirty” ( Reference : Nancy McHenry Fletcher. The Separation of Singapore from Malaysia. Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University). He further remarked, ” Therefore it is wrong and illogical for a particular racial group to think that they are more justified to be called Malaysians and that the others can become Malaysian only through their favour.” ( Reference : Ye, Lin-Sheng (2003). The Chinese Dilemma, p. 143. East West Publishing. ISBN 0-9751646-1-9).

    It’s not all the time that we can deduce that by analyzing a father’s psychological buil-up, that the children’s psychological make-up will be similar, but in the case of this father and son ( Syed Jaafar Albar and Syed Hamid Albar), we can confidently deduce that the Ketuanan Melayu sentiments felt strongly by Syed Jaafar Albar is indeed shared strongly by his son, Syed Hamid Albar.”

    May justice and truth set us free.

    God bless.

  37. What to do? They are running short of lies to cover the previous lies they said. Let’s just see how far they can go! Would the international community believe what our Home Minister has to say when international news has it otherwise?

  38. limkamput Said:

    despite the advice given by Adam and Godfather (and I really appreciate that), I think your time could be more productively spent quarrelling with me instead of arguing with that brain dead bigot. Alternatively, please continue to contribute your two cents worth. I am sure many are looking forward to reading your views.

    – Hey, you guys are cute! :D What will this blog be without you two, huh? Keep it up!

  39. According to R. Sivarasa regarding the video footage that the jokers were planning to release: what was not videotaped was the forensic team swarming all over Anwar’s cell immediately after the latter’s release.

    Whatever is to their benefit, the den of thieves will videotape. Whatever is evidence against themselves, they will leave it out.

  40. hamid is a clear loser, rais is a clear failure,… don’t try to beat around the bush….a truth remains a truth, you are now seemed to be displaying injustice, you are just displaying how you want to downplay truth and justice. think, don’t just drive over.

  41. Like I said earlier, Jong.

    limkamput Says:

    Today at 21: 37.10 (18 minutes ago)
    despite the advice given by Adam and Godfather (and I really appreciate that), I think your time could be more productively spent quarrelling with me instead of arguing with that brain dead bigot.”

    LOL – my 2-cents worth.

    Kathy seems nice. I’ll ‘quarrel’ with her instead. However, my thoughts have been distracted with images of PAS leaders drooling watching Inul Daratista doing the bump and grind!

  42. The whole episode is nothing but a political conspiracy as far as Malaysia’s public are concerned. For international community it would not be something that can be easily acceptable. Mind it; we are talking to Singapore, US, Australia and many others who are much more advanced in technology than Malaysia. Are you saying that you could convince them why Anwar needed to provide his DNA samples again or why Police is yet to extend a copy of police report to Anwar?

    Dear Mr. Albar, after Shabery broke his nose in the televised debate now its’ your turn to break yours. So have you broken your nose? I presume the answer is YES.


    The more they become defensive the more damage they do to themselves. Their credibility is gone, they are proven corrupt, and they are proven suppressive and oppressive. They are proven Islamic hypocrites. Own citizens don’t respect them. International communities don’t respect them.

    One thing is certain. Without positions the whole BN leaders and their police and AG coolies will be considered worst than rapists.

  43. “The pee-em said it the purpose of the PAS-UMNO talk is to prevent DAP (or more precisely, rakyat of non-bumi origin) to be in the state government. A big slap on his own face for saying he is the PEE-EM of all Malaysia. This is the large scale sodomy of rakyat of all races”
    this speaks its own volume on what kind of person,this ‘hadhari’ bodowi is!!besides professing himself as the no brainer,jus like his comrades,they constitute the biggest super hypocritical n racist machine on earth…umno!!

  44. limkamput Says:

    Today at 21: 37.10 (18 minutes ago)
    despite the advice given by Adam and Godfather (and I really appreciate that), I think your time could be more productively spent quarrelling with me instead of arguing with that brain dead bigot.”

    Pls do not call him brain dead. You need a brain in the first place before it can be dead.

  45. Hari Penamaan Calon 04.09.08

    Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi yang terkenal dengan berbagai kejutan sekali lagi memecahkan rekod terkejutnya dengan mengadakan dua pilihanraya umum dalam tahun yang sama setelah dia berjaya menyakinkan jemaah menterinya.

    Hari ini 25hb July 2008. Pada 01.09.08 Parlimen akan dibubarkan untuk memberi laluan kepada pilihanraya umum.

    Tarikh 04.09.08 adalah hari penamaan calon dan pada 13.09.2008 adalah hari pembuangan undi.

    Pilihanraya umum ini terpaksa diadakan oleh Barisan Nasional demi menyelamatkan pengkhianat, pencuri, perompak dan kaki bodek yang berada dalam umno daripada kehilangan kuasa.

    Kebimbangan kehilangan kuasa ini membuak-buak apabila Bahagian Risikan Politik UMNO mengesahkan bahawa plan induk Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim bersama Pakatan Rakyat untuk mengambil alih pentadbiran Kerajaan Pusat pada 16 September 2008 telah dirancang rapi dan akan benar-benar berlaku.

  46. “Rais told reporters, adding that Malaysia does not need any more statements from Rice’s office….”We have got an entrenched, recognized system of criminal law administration….”

    Can any of you trust this bodohbolehland so called entrenched “cronies” legal system?

    If Malaysians don’t trust the system, for Heaven’s sake don’t expect the foreigners to believe it..!!! Only the UMNO fools believe it works…and oh works only for thee cronies…!!!

  47. zak_hammaad, according to your barometer that leaders should be appointed based on righteousness, shouldn’t the entire cabinet of aab be fired? including the pm and dpm?

    mutual-respect is earned, and co-existance is nurtured. in the past 2 months, what respect has umno earned? in the past 50 years, what co-existance has umno nurtured?

  48. “trublumsian Says:

    Today at 02: 01.36 (16 minutes ago)
    zak_hammaad, according to your barometer that leaders should be appointed based on righteousness, shouldn’t the entire cabinet…”

    Turblumsian, this guy would kiss the floor Mahathir walked on because, according to him, there isn’t a more self-righteous leader untainted by scandals.

  49. Sabah and Sarawak MPs to join up in two weeks, claims Anwar

    BANTING, July 26 – Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has declared just now that he would announce in a week or two his plan to run for Parliament.

    By that time, he said, he would also have some Barisan Nasional MPs from Sabah and Sarawak to join him.

    “I want to see how much they (BN) are willing to spend (in the by-election). By that time (the by-election), our friends from Sabah, Sarawak and the Peninsular would be joining us,” Anwar told a crowd of thousands people at the Jugra stadium in Kuala Langat here, about 100km from Kuala Lumpur.

    He added that it was necessary for him and the federal opposition to take over the government because the country was facing an economic crisis caused by BN’s mismanagement.

    “I can tell you that things will get worse in two months,” Anwar told the cheering crowd.

  50. dawsheng : The writing is on the wall. You may have seen the Malaysiakini interview with Goh Leng Chua, senior SUPP leader, where he said,

    ‘This Sarawak’s oldest political party (founded in 1959) lost eight seats in the 2006 state election, a loss Goh attributes to weaknesses in political communication within the BN, corruption, religious issues, land issues” and a host of problems which were left unresolved.

    “This makes the people angry and Supp suffered as a result,” he said.’

    To Goh, the political tsunami started in Sarawak way back in 2006. He also added that he was suprised that BN only lost 1 seat in 2008.

  51. If Hamid has any CCTV footage that painted Anwar in a bad light, he would have released it to the whole world by now. If they have a molehill, they will make a mountain out of it. Problem is they have nothing.

  52. (reposting…)

    undergrad2, well said.

    hey, r u still an undergrad? as in forever young? :) just playin.

    zak_hammaad, history is what it is, and mahathir did lead the country from the 3rd world backwaters to developing nation status. it is a compliment, in case you didn’t get it. for all it’s worth, we “crawled” to some respectability through the 80’s and 90’s, but we could have just “run”! my friend, vis-a-vis our southern neighbor. now we have hello-dollah, najis-libre, sh_t-my-hammy, shambully, must-have-hate-em’, i-do-pad-thai, and the lots leading the country. do you smell it? the backwaters where we came from?

  53. “Furthermore, it’s bemusing how you add words that were not said nor implied – “sons of God”? lol, maybe this would explain the reason why Trinity remains the single biggest cause of desertion from the Church…” as per zak-hammaad



    What gives you the right to come on this blog and insult church going Christians like limkamput??

    The phrase “sons of God” is taken from Genesis 6: 1-4

    “The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them.”

    The country’s Federal Constitution of 1957 has always been secular until your holier-than-thou master, Mahathir, ran short of ideas as how to rally his own people behind him and came across Article 3 as he was taking a dump!

    He read Article 3 and managed to convince himself that Malaysia has always been an Islamic state. Had he continued reading he would have come across Article 11 but he was driven by the foul smell and left without reading it!

  54. Now the PM is saying he approved the purchase of the 14 mercs and they will be used for visiting foreign dignitaries only, not for excos. He said selling them will incur huge lost. This is BS. WHO is to take the responsibility for putting the state in this situation in the first place? No one.

    And the 14 mercs will be used only for foreign guests? who is to monitor that? No one.

    Quote from the Star: “We (Abdullah and Najib) reached a consensus on the matter during the meeting at Putra World Trade Centre. The matter has been solved.” Classic BSing the rakyat. The ultimate law of this land is when UMNO say something is solved. These 5 words just cost the rakyat RM3.5 million.

  55. zak_hammaad, are you blurring the lines between your religion and your race in your justification for second-class treatment of the non-bumis? will ketuanan melayu prevail if islam does not exist? with the 62% you harp so much on, i bet it will.

    tell me, will you condemn muslim suicide bombers? they are merely following what the quran provisioned for aren’t they? or are they creatively interpreting what can and cannot be done?

    i can tell you this, a progressive, developed country and an islamic country cannot be one of the same. you can’t find one ever. if you ask tdm and aab, they will tell you they want the former. they’ve tasted the riches it allows, and they want more. but they are not capable of creating one so they resort to manipulating the numbers. in this case, it’s the number 62, using islam as the agenda to get votes.

  56. All truth is safe
    and nothing else is safe?
    and he who keeps back the truth,
    or withholds it from men,
    from motives of expediency,
    is either a coward or a criminal
    or both.
    ?Max Muller)

  57. Despin, you are right. Syed Hamid Albar and the gang does not have anything on DSAI and that is why they are so desperate. Rais Yatim suppose to be well-informed – maybe he is but pandai to lakon so that he can deflect anything coming from the media that he is not ready for.

    from boilihland, never work this hard before and had used so much of nation resources to prove their worth,,,,,
    and never expected international audience….
    ….for them who claimed they can do this and that for whatever agenda but on pretext all done not for the nation interest but deep down an attempt to fool their other blind memebers so that both can woo sympathisers and maintained their warm stool in their sunset the forth coming clowns symposium/

  59. Tun (Mahathir), to me … remains the best PM Malaysia has had. No one is perfect…” says UMNO lap dog, zak_hammaad

    Mahathir has destroyed all our institutions – single handedly destroyed the independence of the third pillar of government i.e. the judiciary, ridiculed the country’s traditional adherence to the concept of separation of powers and the use of English common law, destroyed the concept of civil service neutrality, brought corruption, nepotism and cronyism to new heights, used corruption as a shield and as a sword to strengthen his political position; introduced, strengthened, perpetuated the politics of patronage and money politics in a way no other PM has done to benefit the select few among his loyal adherents.

    And you got the cheek to appear here and claim him as the best PM the country has ever had?? Gimee a break!!

  60. Don’t get so upset, Undergrad2. Look from Zak’s perspective…. TDM is the best PM to those that wants to know how to destroy all the good there is in a country inlcuding the judiciary system, concept of civil service without biasness and prejudice, how to improve corruption rate and methods, nepotism and cronyism.

  61. There is no such thing as best PM in Malaysia. Each of the previous PM as well as the current one has their faults and contributions (good and bad).

    Anyway, what yardstick do we grade them by?????

  62. wanderer Says

    Zak hamaad, Do you have any proposal for up and coming leaders that you like to share with us? If not, I will stick to the one I have for now, and i.e. Anwar. If you do not agree with my choice, vote your Umno man.

    well said !!!

  63. A survey conducted on Sodomy 2008 shows only 6% believed it is true, 60% said the allegation was politically motivated and the 34% could be sitting on the fence or did not give an answer.

    If the government cannot convince its own people of Sodomy 2008, how can it convince foreigners??

  64. “International support were sometimes used as an excuse to attack us. You know how main stream media work in Malaysia.” – Limkamput

    Well, that doesn’t mean that we forsake international support.
    It is our conduit to the whole world.
    The MSM will continue to do its dirty work for the government even when we are completely submissive, and believe me, we have been very, very submissive for the past fifty or more years!!
    Whatever support we can garner, we will garner.
    The people will have use whatever means at its disposal to dethrone the BN.
    We simply cannot afford to have them anymore!

  65. on the Merz issues . if AAB is proving himself to be a fool again.
    14 Merz for foreign dignitaries only ??? How often does one visits Terengganu ? Monsoon Cup maybe ? Then it will be white elephants again. after a few years , sell off cheap to councillors …
    Better just to use,sell or distribute it to the various MBs and Chief Minister etc.

  66. No thanks to the Malaysian education system, the country is producing more bodoh and amoral youngsters who will be leaders in UMNO/MCA/MIC/Gerakan Youth.

    That’s what you get when you make everything simple so that the Malays can catch up. Must have everything and more right? Forget about hardwork and all that. Malas lah…

    Thank goodness the UMNO MPs are sending their kids overseas, including the Kerismuddin, the so-called Education Minister. Then again, an expensive education wouldn’t make a monkey any brighter. Might make more corrupt leaders though, a prerequisite for any aspiring MPs in Malaysia.

    About that ugly mutt Hamid, who really looks like a cross between a bull dog and a pitt bull, he thinks that everything is a show and the other diplomats lack brains like him. But that’s okay, at least he put on a show for the Malaysians.

  67. Undergrad2:

    For all the ills that the Mamak wrought on Bolehland, he still commands a strong, albeit small, force of diehard loyalists who still think that their leader did no wrong. If you go to his website, you will find the same nauseating comments (they run into the hundreds on each thread) of “We love you…”, “you are the greatest…”, “you are my hero….”.

    And yet the Mamak makes hypocrtical remarks on the Sleepy Head (not that Sleepy Head doesn’t deserve it !), on DSAI, and on government wastage of funds.

    Zak, you should know why God still keeps your hero alive. God wants to make sure that the Mamak can see for himself the deepseated problems he has wrought on Bolehland.

  68. The latest intelligence report indicates that Abdullah Badawi will attempt to dissolve the Parliament on September 1st since he has now gotten the nods from the Yes Men Ministers today at behind doors. Following that, the nomination day will be on the 4th of September and the 13th General elections would be held on 13th September.

    The reasoning is simple: UMNO intelligence has discovered that the Anwar’s promise of crossover of MPs by 16 September is no hoax and no joke. This has shocked the BN top level echelon people to the core and they are trying one last attempt to cling on to power, especially UMNO.

  69. The issue really is both Rais, Hamid and the PM has not made ANY NEW ARGUMENT we have NOT heard before. Its standard platitudes.

    Singapore and other Asian nations have done the same kind of protesting when the US and others make these kinds of statements BUT their ministers and official take their CASE to them making solid arguments and even though they do not win the argument, they do make their case.

    These guys are NOT making their case. In a the court of global opinion, they are losing big time and worst they don’t care, hiding in the sand, don’t feel they have to. Its not that different than Mugabe’s way – the damage is just less but nevertheless significant.

  70. I quote this from a comment above:

    “mahathir did lead the country from the 3rd world backwaters to developing nation status. it is a compliment”

    Its quoted out of context of course. But I just would like to add a view. When we have progressed from third world backwaters to developing nation status, Korea, taiwan, hk, Singapore have move to developed nation status in the same time span.

    And Dr.M’s greatest contribution in his 22yrs? The creation of an elite group of mega greedy power crazy umnoputras.

    And the present PM is guilty of allowing the creation to trive and grow.

    Someone in this blogsite reminded me of the RAHMAN thingy – and commented that “N” could be Ng Yen2. That’s a nice one.

    Going by the order of things, indications show that Najib will be the next PM (that’s what Badawi said although how Najib can do it when he is engulfed in controversies is a real wonder) about two years from now – or middle of this term before the next GE.

    If the RAHMAN thingy is true, does it mean that our country will be without an UMNO PM after Najib? If the writings on the wall is true i.e. that UMNO is on the downhill ride, does it mean that UMNO will end this term, and a new political face will appear in our nation after the next GE?

    Summon Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny pls, someone. Quickly. There is something X about the whole matter.

  71. Goodness gracious! What the hell we have for leaders of our country? Listen to this: ‘KUALA LUMPUR: Terengganu can keep its 14 Mercedes Benzes bought for RM3.43mil recently but they can only be used for foreign dignitaries.

    That was the decision reached by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, his deputy Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and Terengganu Mentri Besar Datuk Ahmad Said.’

    How many and how often foreign dignitaries visit Trengganu? 14 mercs in the garage!! Can you believe it? Not even a slap on the wrist!!

    Here is another: ‘ PUTRAJAYA: Malaysia hopes that other countries, in commenting on allegations of sodomy against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, will respect Malaysia’s sovereignty as a country with its own set of laws.

    Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said the Malaysian Government would always act in accordance with the country’s laws.’

    Good grief! Respecting our country’s law was never in question. The bottom line is trump up charges against Anwar and blatant, infamously prejudiced judiciary… are what foreigners are up in arms against – because we the populace is helpless in confronting dictatorial state powers. They are doing what our so-called subservient leaders have failed to do. Speak up for god’s sake.

    We have one too many John Conyers in the ruling class. (Conyers role is to stop Bush’s impeachment!)

    On second thoughts, they better don’t! They will put themselves to more shame.

    Inaptitude is rife in this governance! If the AG was an able fella in his profession we would not have lost Pulau Putih to Singapore. Their legal advisors (Singapore) knew perfectly well that ours would fail to put forward a convincing case and therefore they enticed this law failure to IJC.

    How much more we have to lose before laidback, outback elected representatives who are given the power to act, step in and do the honourable thing – sack the BN.

  72. Both the Home minister and the Foreign minister should resign immediately after the interference by America and respected people of the world.Just drop the case and let Annuar go free.The complainant should be referred to the Syariah court where the accusation will be nullified.The planned move orchestrated by the police and Umno had failed badly.It is better to close now before we are tarnished internationally.Day by day, support for Annuar is growing.The people of Malysia are really behind Annuar because they want a clean government.PKR is on its way so give in honourably.

  73. YB LKS. I sincerely hope you do not mind me using your site to seek info.

    Readers of MT, please advise when the “An evening with an accomplice” part 2 will appear. I really cannot wait for more relevations from RPK.

  74. isahbiazhar Wrote:
    Today at 11: 22.06 (8 minutes ago)

    “……Just drop the case and let Annuar go free……”

    The government, at this juncture, would not drop charges against Anwar. Should they do so, they are perceived as tacitly admit the sodomy accusation against Anwar is a frame-up. That also implies the 1998 sodomy charge was also a frame-up.

    To save face, the government would probably bring the case to court and then release Anwar in the “absence of concrete evidence”. By so doing the government give the world community the impression that they have been fair to Anwar and that their rotten integrity and morals will not be wagged finger at by the world community.

    The government may have to think very hard whether to release Anwar after court proceedings because they know once he is released, he will take over federal government.

    Let us wait and see how events unfold.

  75. Can the Bar Council do something to stop this endless circus of our effete leaders with assinine remarks protecting the so called rule of law? And the lawyers, maybe another Lawyers’ March to Putrajaya?

  76. UMNO ministers like to criticize other countries like Israel but cannot take criticism from leaders from other countries. What a bunch of hypocrites we have!!!

    I am ashamed of the leaders of this country. No, I don’t consider UMNO leaders as the leader of my country.

  77. Dear Onkyua,

    Many thanks for your remarks. I thought you are not interested on my view.

    In the first place, I am not an UMNO apologist . I am not even an UMNO members. Perhaps you are not aware how I criticize UMNO, PAS not to mention PKR, also DAP.

    THe truth is that for some countries, Dr Mahathir, Abdullah had already been guilty. Dr Mahathir, in his usual self is an outspoken PM. He, unlike some Western Leaders who are more concerned about rating, could not be bothered with whether people like him or not.

    They do not like him. But they respect him. One of my Saudi friend indeed asked me why we( meaning people like you or DAP) hate him when they admire him.

    AS for Anwar, well there is nothing to be afraid of if he is not guilty. Why not he follows the advice by the esteemed Mufti of Perlis. Use the time honoured method among muslims to emphasize one’s honesty; that is swearing in the name of Allah and wishimg for divine punishment should you lie.

    I take it you do not understand such a significant move. This is considered the act of ultimate truth.

    It may not have any legal implication though. But it will enhance your reputation among Muslim community.

    So, what is he waiting for? OR is he hiding something. As for incident of Anwar’s entourage intercepted by police, well Anwar is alive and healthy here. What is the problem then?

    Please understand that the police is not accompanying the Queen to open a flower arranging competition. Some measure of firmness is required here.

    As goes the saying, the truth shall prevail. By the way, please understand that the claim on homosexuality was first publicly said by Mohd Sabu, Vice President of PAS. Even Karpal challegened Dr Mahathir to sack Anwar before he was actually sacked.

    I respect Dr Mahathir on his courage to tell the truth about Anwar. He took the risk on his political life and that of BN.

  78. DEar Citizenwatch,

    Before Bar Council and the august President, Ambiga should try another walk to Putrajaya, perhaps they should address to the rising cases of dishonest lawyers.

  79. The ex-MB is suing the current MB for defamation on the repair of his car as the current MB has indicated his (ex-MB) car repair bill was RM200k+. However, it was also noted that this ex-MB is overseas (France) to attend a management course.

    WOW! Loser can also be sent overseas to attend a 6 month management course. Mind you, it is in France and I believe the language is French. Does our ex-MB understand French? Or English as well? Don’t think he is attending this course with his own money. Must be our Rakyat money. What sort of management course did he need after all he was an MB who should be very competent in Management. What about our local university or INTAN? Aren’t the management course conducted by them good enough for him? It looks like a good 6 month holiday for him to enjoy and watch some can can show as well. When the govt asks us to tighten our belt, they spend our rakyat money by attending oversea course for a period of 6 months.
    Mr Lim. Please find out from Parliament what course is he studying and also find out the bill for the course including his stay in Paris. Don’t think it is a small amount.


  81. We are made to believe that we are pursuing to attain a first class world mentality. How far is the truth in this statement. Only UMNO/BN and their cronies believe in this. What is rather strange is that UMNO/BN has really not learned from their defeat in the previous general election.

    Realising 16th. September is getting closer, every effort and time are being geared towards retaining power in the country at whatever cost. It will be a good efforts if collectively we could list out the various scandalous events that had taken place over the 50 years period BN/UMNO (Perikatan/UMNO) ruled Malaysia. Here are just some of them and hopefully they will be others who could continue to list out those shamfully events (not in a chronological order):

    1. Sacking of Tun Salleh Abas as Chief Justice of Malaysia
    2. The Sacking of 5 Judges following sacking of Tun Salleh
    3. Constitutional Crisis with the Malay Rulers
    4. Sacking of Anuar Ibrahim as Deputy PM
    5. Operation Lallang

    Just to name the 5 events above. I hope others will add more to the list. All you need to do is cut and paste and continue to list out the events that have not been listed yet.


  82. after that shaubery guy’s total humiliation at the hands of Datuk Seri Anwar, rais botak want to gain popularity also what! That shaubery foam in mouth fool suddenly became famous overnight with his ill prepared attempt to humiliate DSAI, now rais wants to trump shaubery by making a bigger fool of himself in front of 96 diplomats? But the joker of the lot has to be badawi with his new law of dna science that it expires after 10years! I wonder,did khairy put him up to that to back stab him? Could be, could be. We might see khairy attempting to challenge badawi next?

  83. Anwar has created a ‘storm’ in the international political & diplomatic arena by exposing the weaknesses of the BN government for the last 50 years or so. He is a ntional hero in a sense by exposing the abuses, excessess, corruption, mismanagement, nepotism and cronism practiced by the power that be.

    It is conter productive of Hamid to take pain and resources to ‘explain’ the osdomy case to the diplomats from other countries just because of the case. Is that necessary?

    If they are righteously correct why the necessity to specifically brief diplomats on just a so called internal localised case against Anwar? Some smells fishy here again.

  84. According to Minister Hamid, the U.S. is wrong with regard to Guantanamo, therefore Malaysia is right to prosecute/persecute Annuar. Our ministers do not like adverse foreign comments on Malaysia’s internal affairs; if the comments are favourable, however, our ministers will admire them enough to frame them up in glass. By the way, the U.S. is not going to follow the Asean principle of non-interference: no closing one eye and shutting the other with respect to the nonsense going on in Malaysia!

  85. It is unfortunate that with so much potential, Malaysia remains supressed by the incompetencies of it’s leadership. At this point in time, there remain no visionaries nor worthy leaders within the main political parties; this also includes the short-sighted, amphibian called Anwar.

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