UMNO-PAS “Malay Unity” talks

The Federal Government spent RM100 million for the 50th Merdeka anniversary celebrations last year. For what?

It should be to celebrate half-a-century of nationhood to build a multi-racial, multi-religious, multi-cultural and multi-lingual nation where our diversity is the strongest national asset and to chart out the path to achieve the Vision 2020 objective of a Bangsa Malaysia in the remaining 13 years.

But Malaysian nation-building has gone backwards and the Vision 2020 objective of a “Bangsa Malaysia” is increasingly frowned upon as a misplaced target.

The recent revelation by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi that there has been three Umno-PAS talks to address issues of Muslim and Malay unity since the March 8, 2008 general election has raised to the fore the question why the pre-eminent issue bothering the Prime Minister is still that of Malay unity rather than Malaysian unity.

Has he forgotten another of his pledges to be the Prime Minister of all Malaysians and not just for any race?

223 Replies to “UMNO-PAS “Malay Unity” talks”

  1. If at all the Malays can be united, then there won’t be so many factions of Malays and the previous Prime Ministers need not shout for Malay unity. And this is a total disgrace to UMNO who displays this shameful signboard with the name “UNITED MALAYS NATIONAL ORGANIZATION” when it has failed to even unite malays within any given state in Malaysia since its inception in 1946. So how can it claim this name and that it has achieved National Unity among the Malays? Such a disgrace!!!!!

  2. PM is directionless and clueless; and just like johnny english, the man who knows no fear, who knows no danger, who knows nothing, he strikes out in any which way he takes a fancy.

    Let us confuse him. Remind him of Hainan, of his connection with china and his family roots there. Perhaps, he would then treat us malaysia chinese better.

    Indians and all the rest of you lot, set your minds ticking now to find a way to sway him.

  3. A two face PM (some call it a two headed snake), one face, “I am the PM for all Malaysian, and the other face, “we must fight to maintain the malay agenda”.


    GE 13 – No matter what, we must ensure that racist umno bn do not regain the power like they had for the past fifty years.

  4. Abdullah is the Malaysian equivalent of Mr Bean. A dumb fool.
    He is now scraping the bottom of the barrel to get hold of whatever he can to redeem his sliding fortunes.
    He now needs to cling onto PAS and ride on the elusive Malay-unity horse.
    Unity for what? Unity against whom? Unity to rule the world or to plunder the country?

  5. If at all the Malays can be united, then there won’t be so many factions of Malays and the previous Prime Ministers need not shout for Malay unity. [ktteokt]

    Well said! One only shout a slogan that has not been achieved, thus by shouting malay unity, Pigi Lah is actually saying that the Malays are not united, which equals to failure in UMNO, which also equates to… sedition? Can fill sedition charges against the Pee Emm>?

  6. PM has proven himself completely incapable of making good on his promises to the Rakyat. If I recall correctly, immediately after the celebration, he went sailing in Australia and open his brother’s nasi kandar restaurant!

    Can’t blame him really, as he doesn’t even write his own speeches, be in the country at the time of need, or keep awake during functions..

  7. if at all anyone has to be suspicious and forge unity anywhere it should be the minorities i.e the chinese, indians, ceylonese, iban, kadazans and others.

    what we have in malaysia is the majority seems to be vulnerable and insecure of themselves and their position.

    what we actually need is DAP, Gerakan and MCA joining hands to forge chinese unity and MIC, PPP and Hindraf forging for indian unity

    what will happen if everyone starts uniting among themselves? what about Malaysia then ?

  8. TO Mr. Smith:
    “Abdullah is the Malaysian equivalent of Mr Bean. A dumb fool.” I fully agreed with your statement perfectly describing our PM. Let me tell you what, Bodowi doesn’t know how to use PC, so whatever you wrote, he doesn’t give a damn! Can you imagine the comment he made on the DNA issue on Anwar case? It’s a laughing stock of all nations due to his stupidity and ignorance on DNA preservation, what a fool!

  9. Forgot to add on one issue – if you look at the debate by Anwar vs Shaberry, Anwar by far a more intelligent and talented person to be the next PM. When Anwar challenged PM / DPM for debate, none dares to come out to face Anwar as they don’t have guts, man! Instead he asked Shabery to take on the stage to save their face but Shaberry is peanut – no fight at all with Anwar, look at the survey, I think all Malaysians voted Anwar is the ultimate winner but media said otherwise – no winner, can you see the stupid main stream media tried to fool the people?? PM – if you are fool, please don’t assume everyone is as fool as you!!!!!! Step down, dumb fool!!

  10. Unrelenting emphasis on Malay supremacy and Malay economic empowerment will lead to severe racial polarization in the Malaysian society and an underperformed Malaysia in terms of national throughput and GDP count.

    Malaysian politicians should realize that in this age of globalization, real competition comes from people of another country. The weak and the less fortunate of our society, IRRESPECTIVE OF RACE, need to be assisted to face up to such competition and challenges (be it in trade, education and employment). The nation can only optimize its throughput and GDP performance when the weak and the less fortunate (irrespective of race) made progress and compete favorably internationally.

    The government should be mindful of the fact that race-oriented policies will dampen investment climate and people’s spirit to compete and advance. That could cause the country to lose its economic dynamism and professionals (e.g. doctors and engineers) who seek to emigrate to avoid such policies.

  11. This is the last strategy Umno is left with, playing the race card to hold on to power. After the last GE, they realized this last option is fast loosing ground, so trying to hoodwink PAS again as their final resort. I hope, PAS realize how they were sodomized by Umno, the last time they got together. The Chinese have a different saying from Nik Aziz but, carry the same weight, “A good horse will not return to old pasture”
    Playing old politics are for spent politicians, the nation has grown and we move on…with better leaders and new ideas to face the challenges of tomorrow.

  12. You think UMNO cares who they talk to? They will do whatever to keep themselves in power and out of jail in the name of whatever unity talk.

    They have so much at stake. What is MCA and Gerakan doing? Harping on chinese road signs!! Pure stupidity and childish.

  13. UMNO is using PAS for their political ambiguity due to lack of Malay supports in recent GE and in other intention to break the Pakatan Rakyat. Anwar slowly convinces the Malays and winning their support. I say Malays are in dilemma.

    While Chinese and Indians are united under DAP and PKR, Malays are still divided 50-50 under PAS and UMNO. It is clear that there are some of PAS leaders are too ambitious particularly in Selangor and Terengganu. Their short term goal is the dumbest ever. When UMNO didn’t need them anymore, UMNO will kick their butt.

    If the intention is for Pakatan Rakyat to take PAS more seriously, I think they have get the objective, but if they are actually serious about the Malay Unity talks then I say it is stupid. UMNO supposed to begging PAS with their knee on the floor to get the PAS mercy, not PAS come to rescue them like Nik Aziz said. You have been fighting for 50 years and now you want to rescue them? PAS must give a K.O punch right in the UMNO face.

    Maybe Malays are too weak and have a lot of mercy especially when it comes to their own race.

    The question arises, who do you believe, Chinese Malaysian or Malay UMNO?

  14. Mengapa perlu satu muzakarah untuk menyelamatkan bangsa Melayu? Mengapa perlu PAS bermuzakarah dengan UMNO untuk menyelamatkan bangsa Melayu.

    • PAS bukan Parti yang memperjuangkan Bangsa Melayu.
    • UMNO sudah memperjuangkan hak Bangsa Melayu sejak 1946 lagi.
    • Kalau UMNO dianggap gagal memperjuangkan hak Bangsa Melayu sejak 1946 lagi, mengapa perlu PAS menghulurkan bantuan buat UMNO.

    PAS sefaham saya memperjuangkan sebuah Kerajaan Berteraskan Ajaran Islam untuk semua umat manusia. Mengapa PAS hari ini perlu kecilkan skop menyebarkan kebaikan seperti skop UMNO.

    PAS era kepimpinan Ulama’ telah memerintah Kelantan 18 tahun,

    • Apakah PAS gagal membela hak orang Melayu di Kelantan sepanjang tempoh itu hingga perlu bermuzakarah dengan UMNO?
    • Apakah PAS yang memerintah Kelantan sepanjang 18 tahun berteraskan Islam perlu menjadi sebuah Parti Nasionalis.
    • Apakah PAS gagal dengan Pemerintahan Islamnya hingga perlu bermuzakarah dengan Parti yang memperjuangkan Islam Hadhari yang selama ini menjadi kritikan PAS?

    PAS kini mempunyai rakan kongsi yang prihatin dan menyanjung satu sama lain. PKR dan DAP bersama PAS didalam Pakatan Rakyat telah membuktikan ianya adalah satu resipi yang berjaya,

    • Lim Guan Eng, Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang dari DAP sendiri menerima teknik-teknik pemerintahan tokoh Islam dan beberapa kali membuktikan bahawa dia jauh lebih prihatin terhadap orang-orang Islam di bawah pemerintahannya berbanding dengan UMNO sendiri.
    • Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, Menteri Besar Selangor dari PKR membuktikan beliau mengutamakan ketelusan sambil mengambil berat tentang masyarakat Cina dan India dibawah pemerintahannya.
    • Di negeri Perak, walaupun PAS adalah minoriti tetapi PAS berjaya membuktikan kewibawaan Menteri Besar Nizar dari PAS dengan bakat kepimpinan tinggi dan amat prihatin dan amat disanjung oleh masyarakat bukan Islam.

    Apa yang berlaku hari ini adalah satu persediaan untuk anggota komponen Pakatan Rakyat merubah sikap ektremis mereka dan menjadikan komponennya parti politik untuk semua yang kelak mempunyai masa depan yang amat cerah di dalam pilihanraya umum akan datang.

  15. All readers of LKS page, if you have not seen the video on ANWAR speech at Cheng, Melaka, please do take some time to see this video.

    Anwar is back and there is no turning back for him now. Most people of Malaysia are backing DSAI for next PM.

    All thanks should rightfully go to current government for the much needed and correct publicity accorded to DSAI.


  16. Pengumuman sebelah pihak oleh Abdullah tentunya ada motif tersirat. Jujurkah Abdullah bila beliau umumkan pemimpin ‘decision-makers’ PAS telah tiga kali menemui beliau? Atau beliau sedang memainkan PAS dengan satu strategi politik dengan umpan yang enak? Sekurang-kurang, dalam keadaan terlalu terdesak, beliau boleh mencapai matlamat politik jangka pendek;

    a. Mengukuhkan kedudukan beliau dalam UMNO di tengah pergolakan dalaman yang tidak menentu.
    b. Menabur benih perpecahan di dalam PAS yang mungkin mara mengambil alih tempat UMNO pada masa depan.
    c. Menghilangkan keyakinan dalam Pakatan Rakyat dan menghalang Agenda Post Pilhanraya 2008.
    d. Menjarakkan semula PAS dari sokongan masyarakat bukan Melayu, mungkin 40 tahun kebelakang semula.

    Mungkin Abdullah mendapat inspirasi umpan ‘Negara Islam’ yang dilemparkan oleh Dr. Mahathir selepas melihat kemaraan Pembangkang dalam pilihanraya 1999 dan umpan itu menjadi sehingga Pembangkang undur semula dalam pilihanraya 2004.

    Perjuangan Islam yang dibawa oleh PAS sudah tentu tidak akan mengkesampingkan perpaduan ummat Islam dan tidak pula menjadikan Perpaduan Nasional agenda kedua selepas Perpaduan Islam. Malah, Perpaduan Islam dicapai dalam konteks Perpaduan Nasional yang semestinya diasaskan bukan di atas asas kaum semata-mata seperti dilakukan oleh UMNO selama ini, tetapi di atas asas yang lebih kukuh seperti tiada diskriminasi kaum, tiada diskriminasi berdasarkan fahaman politik dan keadilan untuk semua.

  17. I am not in the least concerned about what UMNO is doing. In fact I would be very surprised if they sit down and do nothing to sabotage Pakatan, which is what this whole exercise is all about. They are trying to hide it under the guise of Malay unity when all they are interested in is to drive a wedge between the Pakatan parties.

    And if PAS is dumb enough to fall into their trap, then PAS deserves to be wiped out in the next GE. Because that is what will happen to them for betraying their comrades for material gains, which obviously is their intention whatever they may claim about Malay unity talks. We can even tolerate some degree of Islamisation but there is no compromise where betrayal of people who helped voted you in is concerned. You will go the path of Gerakan, PPP, MIC and eventually MCA too and you can bet your bottom dollar UMNO will dump you like a bunch of hot potatoes the moment you are of no purpose to them. So to those in PAS who are still sincere about their cause to build a new and fair nation, get rid of those scums in your party.

  18. There is clearly a hidden agenda in AAB and UMNO’s mind organising the Malay unity talks between PAS and UMNO. They would want to break up PAS into camps. Divide and rule is BN’s strong point. If PAS is gullible then the PR govt in the 5 states will become disunited. PAS should recall their bitter mistake after sleeping and sodomised by UMNO in the past and waking up from the slumber to realise that the party had walkover by UMNO.

    Once this happens, UMNO will just walk in and form the govt which the PR govt had tried so hard to wrest it from BN in PRU12.

    If UMNO is sincere , why not talk to all PR component parties namely Keadilan, DAP and PAS jointly for a united Malaysia and help the PR govt to rule the state now in their development programmes rather than spending huge sums of unnecessary and wasteful taxpayer’s money forming a parallel govt. in PR ruled states.

    I hope DSAI is fully aware of these developments and the UMNO controlled govt. is going all out to destabilse and destroy the PR state govts to prevent them from giving a better and transparent alternative. In fact, the BN is slowly but surely heading for catastrophic disaster considering the state of confusion in MCA, Gerakan , MIC and UMNO. They have no direction and rudderless.

  19. YB,

    As a non-malay, I wish to know what is the position of the non-malays in this country. If it is that of third class citizen, I and many others dont need that kind of crap. Tell us clearly. MIC/MCA/Gerakan/PPP etc. What is your stand regarding this?

    If this is going to be a nation of non equal citizens, I want out. Yes when the umnoputras keep taunting us to balik balik, they looked down on China and India.

    Well I hope these kataks di bawah tempurung realize the pace at which these two nations have developed. And the calls to us to balik balik may soon become a reality.

    Of course its no loss to the umnoputras, but it WILL be a loss to Malaysia.

    But I do want to know. If I am to remain a thrid class citizen in this country, I’d rather place my loyalties elsewhere, and start new somewhere else, where my children will become equal citizens. Not here where they have to constantly face discrimination.

    What the heck, even an Indon can get better rights than a person born and brought up in Malaysia. What sort of justice is this?

    MCA/MIC/Gerakan/PPP, you guys are ok because you have sold your souls to umno and thrive on the dregs thrown at you. Well you guys keep it up, and lets see who is going to vote for you in future. If you know what is good for your own selves, your family, relatives and friends, do leave BN and join PR.

  20. This is another desperate measure by PM. Last draw of the racial card. This is his last joker. His previous cards were used on Chinese, Indian & Sabahans. All of which didn’t work. If there’s a 5th joker, then he cheated. Only 1 stack of cards allowed. So last draw is make this “Malay Unity” an issue. I am sure RPK will disagree on this. First, there are more Malay MPs in Parliament than before. Secondly, it is because the Malays are united that we have a chance to move towards a 2 party system. It shows that majority of Malays are actually more politically mature & would like to see an end to racial politics which serves no purpose to take the country forward. They are not against UMNO or BN, they are against the weak government. Regardless BN or PR, the Malays will come united & vote out or in as they please. So, what PM is saying is just utter rubbish to stir the soup. Isn’t this sedition??? Evil politicians do not like stability. Stability make them lose grip of power. It is them who are trying to break up the Malays. Eg possible outcome, PAS will become a smaller political party. The whole issue is OIL/GAS in Kelantan. The moment BN take over, they will say they have found new reserves that will take us to another 100 years. All hail BN for it. Hope PAS do not fall into this political trap. Kelantan will become another Terengganu otherwise.

  21. You guys want to know why UMNO is sinking? Read on…

    SHAH ALAM, July 22 — Rural and Regional Development Minister Tan Sri Muhammad Muhd Taib today offered himself as a candidate for the Umno vice-presidency in the party elections in December.
    “I intend to strengthen the party in the face of new challenges, particularly in helping Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Datuk Seri Najib Razak champion the cause of the Malays,” he said at a media conference.

  22. Unless we have sufficient number of Malays who believe in multiracial liberalism, this nation will be a goner.

    When push comes shove, it is always that Malay and ketuanan things. From day one of our independence, the Malays had always fought for Malay Malaysia. LKY saw it as early as 1964. But we have enough reactionary forces (both Malays and non-Malays in the country then to eject LKY out of the Federation). If we can’t do it in 1960s, what makes us think that we could do it in 2008.

    We are counting for the Malays to be more open and inclusive. But are they? Education means nothing if national policies remain divisive to the core. Instead of nurturing togetherness, we are inculcating hatred and suspicions for the last 50 years. So I must say after 50 years, it is still the same. Never mind that without the contributions of many non-Malays, this country would have been nothing. Of course all these arguments mean little to the Malays now. They think they are capable of achieving greatness without others now. From first Malay doctor, engineer, dentist, to now first Malay in space and first Malay to swim across the English Channel, etc, do you think they will give a hoot to the non-Malays now? Ya, misplaced confidence and arrogance are everywhere, including the highly educated and those holding high positions in government, GLCs and the private sector.

    I think it is pointless to continue arguing how valuable the non-Malays are to this country anymore. The majority of the Malays and their leaders must be made to recognise their own follies of continuing sticking to the ill-conceived greatness among themselves. We (Chinese, Indians, Malays and all the natives in Sabah and Sarawak) are all nothing, but together may be we can achieve something. But this is not to be. It is like the curse of the nation. Never ending racism, parochialism, religious bigotry and Nazism. Why can’t we just get along in peace and harmony in this world first before worrying about our next world. If we truly believe in Almighty, we ought to know he loves justice and all men are created in His image. What the heck is going on?

  23. Dear ALL,
    At the end of the day People must look after Peoples’ welfare(P4P).When it comes to hunger & poverty , racial sentiments and politicians ploys leads nowhere. We the rakyat shall be here suffering and those millionaire trouble makers will be enjoying life with their family & cronies in Las Vegas & Miami Beach ! Time has come where “PEOPLE come First”. We have no choice other than to rebuild this motherland ! We must keep out the equals of Marcos, Mugabe, Idi Amin, Saddam and the North Korea Clown in Malaysia to protect our next generation’s welfare ! Only one action left, UNITE !

  24. Of course the UMNO would want to unite the Malays, this is the constitution of the organization. Unite the Malay, blame the Chinese and Indians and at the same time korek the national treasury. Just like what MCA and MIC do.

    Since March 2008 set back, UMNO worries about losing the confidence of the Malay, and they approach PAS in attempt to build a new “brotherhood” connection. It is totally understandable since they share 2 vital common grounds:- they are both Malay majority party, and they are both Islamic “hypothetically”.

    Be it the old gang with MCA and MIC or the new (again hypothetically) brotherhood with PAS, these allies work on the same routes. 1) Hypnotize the ppl of the same race or same religion that they are there to protectt heir interest, 2) Blame whatever mishaps, misachievement on other races, 3) at the same time work with the cronies (which ironically can possibily be of any races or religions) to syphon national wealth.

    Whom to blame for what we are suffering now? It is you and it is me, the electorates! So, dont fall for it! Never again.

  25. concurred with limkamput. today the malays, Gapem, BTN, Pas, PM, Umno are still talking about malay unity and improving nep to ensure they have 70% equity on the pretext of only having achieved 18.9%. if umno/bn cannot be purged by the next election, hopefully earlier, then this country is a goner like zimbabwe.

  26. UMNO has come with a strategic blue print of a script to stay in power plus contingency plans thrown in. They have always be seen as dim-witted but the going-ons since 8th March manifest some intelligently sinister but wholesale and grand design plans at play, albeit with some assinine back-firing consequences. If they can use Israeli security system in software and hardware for PDRM, they are in a way accessible to a whole package of consultation for political survival.

    Thus far, these are already happening :

    1) Raise price of oil drastically and use ‘scorched earth policy’ in case they are usurped of their powers by PR. Also ready to cut and run in short term when more funds accumulated through taking away subsidy from rakyat.

    2) Get Ezam into their fold as a ‘credible’ voice for UMNO

    3) Attack Anwar with sodomy accusation at same time buy more time.

    3) Have ‘talks’ with PAS to regain some credibility among the Malays and cause an eventual split among PR. Divide and rule.

    Side issues to be addressed as contingencies to resolve matters:

    1) Keep Bala away (so far so good)

    2) ‘Raid’ on top brass of Immigration Dept and replace them to stop any leakage of missing travel documents of a particular person from a salubrious country. The new Immy chief installed was formerly from Ministry of Defence!

    3) Get as many people as possible to ask Anwar to give DNA sample.

    As far as PAS is concerned, Nik Aziz had enough of UMNO.

    1) Previously, UMNO took PAS for a ride

    2) BN govt detained his son under ISA for about 5 years.

  27. A letter submitted to Harakahdaily

    Sebagai salah seorang pengundi satu-satunya parti Islam di Malaysia ini di PRU 12, saya merasakan segalanya sia-sia setelah mendengar sendiri pengakuan daripada Dato’ Seri Tuan Guru Presiden PAS berkenaan pertemuan-pertemuan dan muzakarah yang bakal diadakan dengan parti UMNO.

    Hasrat dan tujuannya murni, tetapi amat malang ia menyerlahkan kepincangan PAS sebagai sebuah parti yang konsisten berpegang kepada janji. Dengan segala macam huru-hara dalam negara pada hari ini, langkah yang diambil PAS ini menambah kecelaruan politik dalam negara. Ketika BN kian tenat dan UMNO di ambang perpecahan yang parah, PAS sepatutnya komited dengan Pakatan Rakyat serta komited dengan harapan menggunung penyokong-penyokong dan pengundi-pengundi PAS ketika ini yang mahukan perubahan pemerintahan di peringkat pusat secara total!!! Detik ini adalah detik terbaik bagi PAS dan Pakatan Rakyat bukan hanya mengukuhkan kerjasama malah memperkasakan persefahaman!!! Amat penting bagi PAS sebagai sebahagian daripada Pakatan Rakyat menunjukkan solidariti kepada rakyat terbanyak. Sebaliknya tindakan PAS ini menyebabkan kami hilang punca!!!! Siapa lagi yang harus kami percaya???? Perlukah kami kembali ke pangkuan UMNO???

    Tindakan menghulur tangan persahabatan dengan UMNO walau apapun labelnya sama ada ‘pertemuan, muzakarah atau kerjasama’ samalah ertinya dengan mengkhianati kepercayaan rakyat Malaysia yang BERBILANG KAUM yang menyokong, mengundi dan mempercayai PAS. Pengkhianatan ini bakal menyaksikan kepupusan ahli-ahli parlimen PAS dari Dewan Rakyat selepas PRU 13 kelak. Rakyat akan menghukum PAS sebagaimana kami telah menghukum UMNO.

    Walaupun PRU 13 lambat lagi menjelang tetapi sedarlah, tindakan PAS ini telang menghilangkan kepercayaan separuh daripada pengundi-pengundi PAS pada PRU 12 yang lalu. Hal ini berikutan pengundi-pengundi ini (yang berbilang kaum) bukanlah penyokong tegar PAS atau ahli PAS. Mereka adalah kalangan yang ingin menghulurkan tangan persahabatan dengan PAS dan mengenali dengan lebih dalam perjuangan PAS. PAS diyakini tidak sesekali akan mengkhianati mereka.

    Adalah malang apabila Dato’ Seri Tuan Guru Presiden yang sering melaung-laungkan tentang prinsip-prinsip demokrasi, kepentingan nilai-nilai universal dan kesaksamaan dalam masyarakat (yang semuanya selari dengan ajaran Islam) tetapi ternyata terperangkap dalam kerangka lama perkauman / communal / assabiah. Kerangka perkauman ini bukan hanya hasil produk pecah dan perintah penjajah British, malah terhasil dari polisi-polisi pentadbiran Perikatan / Barisan Nasional selama 50 tahun memerintah Malaysia. Oleh yang demikian PAS yang mendukung Islam yang universal kenapa tiba-tiba perlu menjadi jagoan Melayu? Kami tidak perlu kepada pahlawan Melayu menghunus keris. Kami perlukan pejuang Islam sejati yang pastinya melindungi kepentingan semua (tidak mengenal ras). Terutamanya, golongan kelas paling bawah yang benar-benar memerlukan dalam masyarakat Malaysia yang semakin berstrata.

    Kami undi PAS kerana ia bukan UMNO, kami undi DAP kerana ia bukan UMNO, kami undi PKR kerana ia bukan UMNO. Muzakarah ini tidak memberi manfaat kepada Islam, ia tidak memberikan faedah kepada Malaysia, ia tidak memberikan apa-apa kepada Melayu. Di akui ia kerana Melayu, tetapi bukan kepada Melayu macam kami, ia kepada Melayu dalam UMNO terutama yang bernama Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Khairy Jamaludin, Najib Razak, Rosmah Mansor, Mukhriz Mahathir…..


  28. BN sodah GAGAL!!! they do not have any good cards at hand..even now they want to create confusion among the Malays and now they try to menular kedalam PAS.

    PAS is far better cleaner and wiser than them ..and now they want to damage PAS..

    BN are all poison snakes with double face and head…

  29. To limkamput:

    I hope you realize the racist card has always being played by UMNO and after the March 8 defeat they are becoming defensive and thus go on the offensive. Among other things they claim the Malays are getting disunited, but which in actual fact UMNO was in trouble and crumbling with an impending implosion.

    Many Malays are rejecting UMNO especially when it all started in 1998.

    This is the situation now. Let me reiterate as in my previous comments.

    Malays who are sympathetic to Anwar (now even non-sympathizers of Anwar) REFUSE to support and vote for UMNO/BN. In 1998, UMNO/BN lost many Malay support when Anwar suffered trumped-up charges of sodomy and corruption. One of the characteristics of a Malay culture is that the villagers (in a kampung setting) or the rakyat (national setting)will NOT stand for the mistreatment of their leader and putting him to shame and especially when the mistreatment is perceived to be malicious and defamatory, or more specifically, politically motivated. Many Malays were beaten up, sprayed with chemical-laced water and detained when they fought for Anwar.

    In 2004, UMNO/BN won back the Malay support after Paklah took over as PM. Now, 2008, it’s deja vu for Anwar, UMNO/BN and rakyat. This time around, it’s going to be different and inter alia, the Chinese and Indians are supporting PR and Anwar!

    Those Malays who still support UMNO/BN are mainly from the rural areas without access to alternative media, who mostly watch and listen to RTM and those, especially the more senior citizens with tradition steeped in supporting UMNO. That’s the reason Anwar-Shabery debate was not on RTM TV.

    During the BERSIH rally and the fuel price hike rally at Kelana Jaya, the majority was Malays followed by Indians. Those Chinese who were present were mainly from NGOs. Not sounding as though pushing for demonstrations, it is hoped that the Chinese especially, be prepared and can be as hard hitting in physical presence at rallies as they are at ballot boxes and blogs. It will be good if they can make their presence felt. We may wait for the next general election to show our displeasure through the election box. But if there were to be rallies (not necessarily an event ala-people power to topple the govt) organized by PR, it will be ideal if the rakyat of every race join in in equal force. The Chinese being substantial in number in the city will definitely make a great impact. We don’t want BN to say that PR is not getting the support everytime they hold rallies. And the mainstream media (MSM) will provide further miscommunication to the rural folks about the non-support and inefficacy of PR. Just look at Thailand and South Korea as among the examples. Their citizens are with one voice when they don’t agree with their govts.

    Those who are against demonstrations should look at our history where our founding fathers for independence resorted to street marches to make a point. Besides, it is part of our inalienable right as rakyat to have peaceful assemblies.

    We are in this together. It is not about one race but about all the citizens. It’s not about the micro of one person we fight for but for our beloved nation where the macro comes into play where the whole world is watching how the Ministers, MSM media, police, judiciary and other relevant govt agencies are behaving.

    We can wait patiently for the the next general election in 4 years time. But in the interim do we want to be a perpetual and perennial laughing stock of the world? Foreigners and foreign investors will not take us serioulsy. Now we hope the govt can on its own accord drastically change its own ways. Otherwise we the rakyat will find legitimate ways and means in this interim period for the govt to transform for the common good. Change or BE changed.

  30. I pity all you poor Chinese and Indians who are stuck in Malaysia. You have all dug a hole for yourselves due to your apathy and inaction over the Malay hegemony Subject to the prejudice and discrimination for decades and only belatedly speaking up when the house of cards have started tumbling down. It’s too late. You have a failing economy, a nation which is unable to compete and you are forever governed by fools. Your ringgit has no value and your education system have gone backwards over the last two decades, no thanks to your Malay brothers. The current generation is slack and lazy and they feed off the wasteful baby boomers who will leave nothing for the future generations. The hardwork of the Chinese and Indian forefathers/migrants have all gone to waste as no-one dared to stand up against the apartheid government and their discriminatory policies. It’s all too late. You have the money then save yourselves by sending the Chinese and Indian children abroad. Save them from these bumis who feast only greed but do not toil.

  31. If now UMNO calls all the shots in BN.Imagine what will happen if PAS joins BN. Even now non- muslims are losing their freedom of religion.
    It is so hard to build non muslim house of worship.With PAS coming into the picture.We can say bye bye to most entertainment.All the female singers will be out of a job.

  32. What can we do to people who do not want to listen?

    I am begining to suspect that it is because they cant understand.

    Simply put, they are plain thick.

    And instead of letting their stupidity show, they decided to shroud them with an oversized arrogance.

    But of course, their stupidity still show.

    Look at proton, and the spaceman, and the look east policy.

    At best, these are not clever ideas.

    There are many more examples – including worse ones.

    I am not bothered actually.

    But I am affected by their stupidity – my country, my rights, my health, my wealth.

    Now that is worrying – outright annoying.

    A couple of millions spent on 14 brand new Mercs in this lousy economic climate because it would be cheaper at the end of the day!

    A few hundred million to build a sports centre in London to give our sportsmen and women foreign experience! Fortunately this one failed to take off.

    What more? paint our roads pink and then blue and then purple and then repeat the cycle again for 20 years to come for a guaranteed profit of hundreds millions so that our cities would appear attractive when seen in Google Earth?

    That would be nice.

    Things like these. Yes. They annoy me to no end.

  33. You are slow, taiking.

    What used to be million-ringgit projects are now in the billions. Why so many of these lame and ultimately dumb projects? Why all these inflated figures?

    Duit masuk poket lah.

    No other reason. No need to think about it.


    Who needs crooks when you have the government robbing the people?

  34. I am one of the many Malays who believes in multiculturalism. We do appreciate the existence of Chinese and Indians in this country. Being multicultural, being multilingual, being multireligious, being heterogeneous is definitely a big advantage for the country.

    I also believe in affirmative action, but instead in communal-centric basis it should be class-based. There are millions of Malays, Chinese, Indian and minorities of Sabah & Sarawak who really need assistance.

    We must work hand in hand together to get rid UMNO & co from their positions in government. It is not too late…

  35. It is so disgusting to hear about Umno and Pas taking about Malay Unity. I doubt this is going to unite the country. Look at the political parties in the country. Umno for the Malays, MIC for the Indians, MCA for the Chinese. Do u think for one moment that UMNO will do anything to strengthen the aspiration of the Chinese or MIC will do anything to help the Malays economically? Fat hope!

    Unless, there’s a shift from the racial-lined politics, the country will not be united. So, i dont believe that the PM is that stupid just to talk about Malay unity but a hidden agenda to save the BN by trying to drive a wedge into the PK alliance.

  36. This thing about religion and race is nothing but a smokescreen for a bigger agenda – Money, money, money. The perpetuation of NEP to 2050, the issuance of APs until 2020, etc etc.

    It’s good that this issue comes out into the open now so that PAS can take a stand – stick with PR or join the den of thieves. Then we will know how strong a hold their religion has on the Muslims of Bolehland.

  37. It’s all about staying in power rather than Malay-unity. It’s a prelude under cover to project for the sake of the Malay-unity issue.

    After the 12th GE, they the UMNOputras know they are losing ground and in order to save their skin or rather to hang on to power, they have no choice but to look towards the best “bride” to “marry”.

    Only PAS, or to be precise, some PAS opportunists has/have fallen into this UMNO-trap to propagate towards Malay-unity.

    This only shows, a leopard never changes its spots. Has PAs forgotten how UMNO played them out previously? Memories seem short. Why? Because of individualistic egos for individual gains, so UMNOputras tapped upon the greed of some PAS individualistic & egoistic leaders and at the expense of all Malaysians.

    YB, you hit it right!!!. AAB has no balls to keep his words. When pushed towards the edge, AAB and all UMNOputras can and will do anything for their own sake. DSAI said it right. These UMNOputras are just enriching themselves by holding onto power, lest when they are “kicked” out, the can of worms will be exposed!!

  38. Simply a bunch of old-schoolers.

    These umno spin doctors of yours should all be fired.

    Still the same old tricks? Firstly, DSAI’s sodomy then secondly, umno-pas’s racial talk?

    Move on laaaah~ ha ha ha~

  39. So my earlier blogs on Malaysia being an Islamic state is being realized. As I have said, Malaysia could only qualify as an Islamic state on two conditions, i.e.

    1) UMNO inviting PAS as its political partner as both profess Islam as their official religion. Having PAS as an opposition will only result in a case of Islam v. Islam.

    2) UMNO will have to kick out all non-Muslim political parties from BN, ie. MCA, MIC, PPP, Gerakan and others, otherwise BN will look so UNISLAMIC.

    Looks like they have taken the first step, so the next step will be to kick out MCA, MIC, PPP, Gerakan and the other non-Islamic parties from BN!!!!! So, I would like to see what the IDIOTS from MCA has to say about their support for Malaysia to be an Islamic nation the way they express their support when AAB announced Malaysia as an Islamic State some time back!!!!!

  40. I am a Malaysian Chinese and I share strongly the views of MPSKP who is a Malaysian Malay.

    We should not harp consistently on any one race. There are indeed many Malays out there who need assistance. Likewise many more Chines and Indians. Worst of all, the Ibans, Kadazans, other ethnic groups in Sabah & Sarawak who are in dire straits and who needed government assistance.

    Who cares for these unfortunate people? If we Malaysians do not even wink an eye for them, who would? Together, we Malaysians must unite to rid the corrupted corrupts so that there is a vision and chance for these to be elevated.

    Come on, Malaysian!! We have each a responsibility upon our shoulders. Show the solidarity amongst us as Malaysians to our part and create a future for us ans our future generations to come.

  41. Dear Limkamput and bystander,

    I am a Malay who has been fighting against my own parents who are staunch Umno members. I have been called rude and ungrateful daughter. I am a Malay who told her own cousin to get lost when she asked me to join Puteri Umno. I love my parents, I love my cousin and it hurts me deeply when they are so blind to see the truth.
    I am a Malay who fight and defend my Chinese and Indian brother. Now, Limkamput, if there is one Malay like me there are many more out there, okay? Not all Malay think and act like the Umnos. Not all.. And you by whacking the Malays are nothing but racist yourselves!

  42. I just Khir Toyo’s article in Malaysiakini… It is indeed aimed at casting AI as a destroyer of Malay Unity. Anwar an obstacle to the continued dominance of Malays in the country.

    There is really nothing much we can do as it is within his right as an individual to express his communal opinions in an attempt to influence the others. I do not think he will succeed:

    1. PAS is a party of strong ideologists and not opportunists.
    2. Nik Aziz is a man guided by strong spiritual values and he commands fomidable respect in the party.
    3. The momentum for change is strong and will overcome any obstacle being put in its way.
    4. Good sense will prevail: The citizens of Malaysia do not want continued corruption that is draining its resources. Malaysians know that we live in a multi-racial society and there is only one way to achieve success: Moving forward together.

    I am not having sleepless nights over the latest move by UMNO. If they were serious in working together it would alreadyhave happened. ;)

  43. Again this move might shake the Malaysia political structure. I personally feel that PAS and UNMO have one common view, viz. Islamic Country,thus I am not surprise they make these kind of discussion or even they might merge as one when time come.

  44. Nik Aziz himself does not believe in Umno.Nik Aziz had his education in India and he had seen everything.Abdullah can extend his hand but it will not be touched wholeheartedly.PAS is divided ,as it is made to, because PAS sees a great split in UMNO and they are in a position for the first time to be in the centre.PAS had bargained the best for the party just in case UMNO falls but their demands are a bit too much.They want the DPM post and half of the ministers.It means they are thinking of MCA, MIC.GERAKAN, joining the PKR leaving UMNO to take in PAS and together Sabah and Sarawak.This will work but that is the start of a great divide in this country where it will be Bumiputra hegemony.Nik Aziz has a vision and he sees it coming.

  45. The actual destroyer of Malay unity is UMNO themselves. Again and again when comes to crunch time, they will play “race card” which is so so so invalid strategy. UMNO is too blinded with their own fault and administration malfunction. If UMNO really selfless and with true intention to bring good to the Malays, there won’t be so many Malays out there who are still struggling with their livelihood and there won’t be so many self-enriched millionaires and billionaires in UMNO who are with big cars and big bungalows. The salary earned by them simply do not jive up with their lifestyles. Malays are NOT fools and they are more matured, educated and with eyes to see what had happened and happening to our beloved country. Malays have learned and refused to be used shield again and again to enrich those politicians who proclaimed to defenders of the Malays. What PM or even DPM should talk about is “Malaysia Unity” rather than Malays alone. As a leader of the country, they should look at broader picture rather than micro-manage…!!! Anyway, it is too late..!!!

  46. WATCH OUT! Here they go again, Khir Toyo now blames Anwar for derailing malay Unity. Wow, talk about passing the bucket. Where we are today has absolute nothing to do with Anwar as he was serving in jail, out of Politic? but has Everything to do with people like himself – khir toyo, Ini bukan toyota, boleh kostan. Umno talks about ONLY Malay unity to run Selangor and deliberately left out the Chinese and Indians, trying to show off its myopic handicap. Intend to create ‘racial problem’ again. Sudah lah, dah tunjuk banyak kali, tak malu ka? This won’t work, any never will. The rakyat have grown, You and all your people be ‘insignificant’ and line up behind Dinasours, ready for extinction.

  47. The Chinese saying, “A good horse never turns back on the pasture it has left” and I think Nik Aziz would be wise enough to take heed of this saying. Having been a partner in BN umpteen years ago, why did PAS leave BN? The reason was obvious, BN had different ideologies from PAS. So don’t tell me a leopard is about to shed its spots after these years and come to terms with an ex-partner?

  48. All this Malay unity trash talks happened because there are some gung ho leaders in PAS who think they are very great after winning two states and have three Menteri Besar. Well, since they like to talk to UMNO so much might as well join them, Pakatan Rakyat will be better without this kind of leaders.

  49. After 50 years of national independence we are still at square one: talking about unity among Malays, among Chinese, among Indians, among other races, and ALSO among races! What a shame. These should be the issues of the past and as a nation we should get on and see fruits of progress and developments – not still harping on those issues which will bring much benefits but more discord and distrust. The government of the day should at all cost ensure there are peace and harmony, UNLESS THEY INTENT TO DE-STABILIZE the nation to PREVENT THE NEXT LAWFULLY ELECTED government of the people from exposing their PAST CORRUPTED system and made to account for them.

  50. I like this race card. I think it’s Ace. Sure win card.

    I like this rakyat word. I also like boleh and bangsa M’sia. Nice catchy words to capture the hearts (sorry no minds) of the rakyat.

    I like this Malay unity thing. It’s good to see Malays united.

    What happens if MIC decides to talk to Hindraf? Will they be kicked out of BN?

    What happens if MCA/Gerakan talk to DAP and Uncle Kit? Will that be treason? Or will it be good for Chinese Unity?

    To the melayu readers out there, sorry for the racist cinas and hindus on this website. They have been so oppressed that they feel sodomized like Saiful and left behind by kerajaan rakyat bangsa Malazy. You must forgive them.

  51. The GOONS are just trying to create suspicion among the PR team. Dangling the carrot in front of PAS is their only choice, from the race and religion point of view. Hang on in there the brotherhood team of PR. The GOONS are out of ammo already.

    Fence sitting BN MPs, follow the steps taken by Datin Paduka TKY and make the jump over to PR. Do you all think that Datin is mad for jumping after being in MCA for twenty years? No. She realised that she still has CONSCIENCE. She and her loved ones want to be remembered as fair, honest and peaceloving RAKYATS. They do not wish to be cursed even after death. Consult her and join her in the effort to serve the RAKYAT better and with a light heart, knowing that the RAKYAT prays for your well being.

    Anyway, the D day is fast approaching. We pray for the ‘ketuanan Malaysia’ to be a reality.

  52. At the end of the day, it is the race and religion that will count to the Malays, whatever their their political leanings might be.

    So when it is crunch time, don’t expect them to stand by you.

  53. Having persuaded ourselves over some fifty years that ‘nations can be built’, it is perhaps time we take the bull by the horns and admit that millions spent in ‘nation building’ are better spent building public toilets for the convenience of the public.

  54. So who started it? The so called ‘pact talks’ reveals that UMNO is to be blamed for Malay disunity. And probably trying to put the blame on PAS, since now PAS is with Pakatan. Otherwise, UMNO can unite the Malays on their own, if only they preach honesty !

  55. dawsheng,
    I agree. PR would be better off without PAS being a thorn in the flesh with its unending Islamic rhetoric. And no, I don’t believe a PAS-Umno coalition will take the majority of the Malay votes. Does anybody thinks all Malays want an Islamic state with Syariah laws? So the Malay votes will be split. On the other hand, a PAS-Umno coalition will cause almost the non-Malays to vote PR including those in Sabah and Sarawak. So you guess the outcome.

  56. “If we truly believe in Almighty, we ought to know he loves justice and all men are created in His image. What the heck is going on?” limkamput

    Then God said, “Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness”: Genesis 1:26.

    More than one God!

  57. “Does anybody thinks all Malays want an Islamic state with Syariah laws?” – KennyGan

    The Malays can have an Islamic state with Syariah or Hudud laws if they want, they are the majority. But the question is not about want or don’t want, the question is about whether Islamic state will work for them and be better than now. How long can the Islamic state can sustain? What if Islamic state fails? I thought the Malays are better briefed the condition in the middle east than the non-Malays, no?

  58. a bat is always a bat, it can never be a bird
    regardless he wears the blazer or not,
    regardless he speaks the lang or not
    regardless he goes barefoot or not

    it is deep deep under

    some need harder persuasion, some already knew some play stupid some are outright

    so start sooul searching,

    whatever you turn out to be or pretend to be or feel to be or just wannabe you cannot cheat another even micheal weirdo and his sis are trapped with this denial syndrome episode

  59. Did any of you people read Malaysiakini today on the news entitled “Umno-PAS rule in S’gor – ‘Anwar ruined it” – says Khir Toyol.

    After reading that whole damn article, I was so so angry at UMNO’s mentality. Here we are talking about equality, building a Malaysian Malaysia, unity, racial integration, etc, and there those damn UMNO goons that singing the racial tunes again.

    Read this sentence said by Khir Toyol – quoted from the Malaysiakini news : “As long as Anwar is important in Pakatan Rakyat, the muzakarah will not succeed. Anwar does not want to see Malays unite and that is why he formed Pakatan that thrives on the ideals of equality to the extent of elevating other religions on the same par as the primary religion in this country, Islam,” he added.

    Uncle Lim, why are WE, the non-Malays Malaysians are veing treated as a second class citizen?? Aren’t we all Malaysians, born in this country, working in this country, contributing to the economic development in this country, paying tax to the government in this country???

  60. when “unity” is mentioned, it’s “unity” of UMNO and so called Bumiputras.
    That’s UMNO’s definition and a lot of Malays do not see it this way now. They are actually much more unified in rejecting UMNO.

    UMNO is playing a mind game now in cracking the PR.

    PR should be very very careful because it is a very concerted effort.
    In Penang :- Trying to spread rumors and degrade the current admin.
    In Selangor :- Toyol and Mike Tyson also trying to make plenty of issues.
    In Perak :- Tajol trying to break the PR
    On PKR :- Anwar issues , Firdaus , Ezam etc.
    On DAP :- various issues , extremist etc
    On PAS :- Muzakarah issue and Islam state

    BE VERY CAREFUL. AAB might be a fool but a cunning one. SIL etc is trying hard to destroy the cohesiveness of PR.

  61. I may be wrong, but I still think that those who voted for BN in the last GE12 MADE A VERY VERY GRAVE BIG MISTAKE!!! You voted for them to stay in power, this is what you get in return!! A country full of mess and a laughing stock of other countries!!!

    On record, I am a Malaysian Chinese and because my area have no DAP, I voted for PKR (Parliament) and PAS (State). You see, I voted for PAS, and I NEVER regret it till now. Until and unless they decide to join UMNO one day, then I will know what bunch of people & their mentality they have in their party!!!

  62. If ever the 2 parties wanted to talk, they should be looking at the national issues to bring the country to the next level of development in every aspects. There are so many unresolved issues facing the nations, yet the 2 of them are still talking the jurrassic-aged issues of race and religion, the ketuanan melayu and the islamic religion.

    If they want to look backward and move backward in tandem, so be it, that is their choice and people shall be the judge comes the next general election. 4 years will pass very fast. The bashing will ensue soon.

  63. “But the question is not about want or don’t want, the question is about whether Islamic state will work for them and be better than now” -dawsheng

    The issue is not whether an Islamic state can work or not but whether it can be created in the first place with a PAS-Umno alliance. If it cannot be created, whether it can work or not is moot.

    And I repeat, a PAS-Umno alliance will fail to create an Islamic state because not all Malays want an Islamic state. With the Malay votes split, non-Malays will be the kingmakers. With an Islamic state on the way, I guarantee practically all non-Malays will vote PR giving a huge victory to PR.

  64. Khir Toyol’s statements would end up encouraging all other races to vote against his Umno. Clearly, they have only their own interests in mind. He should come out with more statements like this. It does wonders for Pakatan.

    Also, I doubt that our Malay friends will buy this sort of crap from Khir either. They are not going to vote for this sort of so-called Malay unity when the Barang Naik thieves have been grabbing all the riches for themselves. It’s not as if they don’t know what the joker’s wife had been doing with all that charity money.

  65. It is real classic case of misappropriation and abuse of fund by the Terenggu state government in purchasing 14 C200 Kompressors brand new Mercedes Benz for their EXCO and SS, SFO & SLA to the tune of RM3.43 million and the MB has the cheek to justify with lunatic justification through condemnation of Proton Perdana, a national car.

    Not the MB Terengganu & his EXCO do not support national projects, they had seriously condemned the car project and run for the luxury in Mercedes.

    Who does not know Mercedes Benz is a good car and superb luxury to own and use?

    How is he and his exco members going to tell his electorates to tighten their belts, to change their lifestyles in the onslaught of inflation and price hikes of all consumables and goods whilst they immersed themselves in the extravagence and luxuries??

    What kind of ‘caring’ and ‘sensitive’ government is that under BN in general and UMNO in particular?

  66. At a time like this , my thoughts go back to our first PM , the beloved Tungku Abdul Rahman .How fortunate we were to have known such a man .He had a big heart that could sincerely embrace all of us , Malays ,Chinese , Indians and others . He never had to shout that he was PM for all Malaysians . We just knew he cared for all . He was a natural leader because he had his perspectives right . He was not power crazy . He did not seek to enrich himself . He was in fact against the Government getting involved in business . He had advised that Science and Mathematics should continue to be taught in English when the medium of instruction in schools was changed to Malay . He had great wisdom which was not appreciated .

  67. To me, this sort of news about Umno-Pas meetings does not change anything. If you had to vote between Umno and Pas, it’s still better to give it to Pas. At the very least the vote is not in Umno’s hands.

    Whether Pas really wants to join up with Umno is not something we can control, but everyone has to remember: if you had directly voted for Umno during the PRU12 and given them enough votes, do you think Umno is going to BEG to work with Pas now?

    Hello! Everyone knows that these jokers only ever think about joining with Pas whenever they have been defeated heavily in an election. That’s how “sincere” they are.

    Under AAB, the country has seen a record number of corpse-snatching cases, and AAB has chosen to close both eyes on such incidents. To people who tend to be afraid of an Islamic state, they should fear AAB and his party more.

  68. sikembangcina,
    I want to think that I am not a racist. I just want to talk frank and open. What I posted earlier was more of disillusionment rather than racism. After 50 years, if you want my sincere and frank opinion, I must say that most Malays today still think they have more rights than others in this country. Most Malays think privileges accorded in the constitution is their perpetual right to be enjoyed. Most Malays think that other races are mere guests in this country and therefore ought to pay “ rent” if they choose to remain here. Most Malays also have very little tolerance for other religions and their cultural heritage. Due to their own insecurity, they see ghosts behind every pillar and the tendency to dominate and “hegemonise” is everywhere. I see this as the curse of nation.

    Why most of the Malays are like what I described? Well, the state apparatuses are organised this way. Feudalism and indoctrination are overwhelming among the Malay community since independence. If truly liberal Malays can’t stand it, do you think the non Malays can breathe in this kind of environment?

    For the non Malays, I think they just want to be part of Malaysia, not a Chinese Malaysia, or an Indian Malaysia. I believe most non Malays are ever willing to work, contribute and sacrifice for the greatness of this nation if they are treated fairly and given the opportunity. I think most non Malays want to see prosperity for all, including the Malays. There is really no other alternative. But all must work and all must contribute. Those who don’t work, don’t eat. As I said earlier, I don’t think most Malays appreciate this kind of arguments anymore. This frighten me a lot. For the first time I am beginning to feel that the prospect of Malaysia gravitating toward Zimbabwe way is rather real. Please, if Malaysia was ever great thus far, it was because we were lucky, never we were good. Don’t forget that.

  69. Then God said, “Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness”: Genesis 1:26.

    More than one God! undergrad2

    You asking me? Not too sure, may be even then God has already thought of God “the Father”, “the Son” and “the Holy Spirit”, hence in plural. What do you think? You never asked questions that you don’t know the answers.

  70. Dear YB Lim,

    UMNo & PAS talks evolved from DSAI case.

    It is no longer willingly or not. It is a matter of whether that happen, 8 times as claimed.

    To most of us, we pray to our GOD, is a matter of up to which level of sincerity.

    According to Saiful’s father recently , his son is willing to swear to his GOD, this is very very serious.

    Human court can punish wrongly but not our GOD. He who swear to his GOD has to take the consequences . No jokes.

    DSAI action to bring the case to Islamic court is seriously a wrong move, which demanded 4 saksi. Anyone knows that is not possible in this kind of issue. It is just looking for LAW Loop Holes to escape.

    PAS and UMNO talks , apparently on Malay unity talks, PAS’s move is more on better Alliance and protection of PAS integrity and image.

    Recently, lots of friends and contacts who are strong supporters to PR started to suspect and question on their support to PR and PKR . Support for DAP & PAS have no question at all.

    This matter really needs attention .

  71. Enough is enough. Why are these leaders always talking about race, male and female segregation, temples, mosques, churches, sodomy or what not. What’s next? This is totally outrageous!! The world have far more important things to handle, for a start our economy – FDI are gradually and in fact, of late, even more aggresively moving out of the country to other countries, stock market plunged like nobody’s business, consumer confidence is at an all-time low, inflation is causing everyone to resort to working two jobs and not to mention the bad image Malaysia is giving to the rest of the world. I’m so disgraced with our leaders. Why can’t they concentrate on administering and developing our country rather than taking part in this circus which is not at all entertaining. Malaysians deserved the right to be heard and have their concerns resolved by the leaders.

  72. I don’t know what all the fuss is about on the PAS-UMNO talks. I am glad and am encouraged by such talks and hope that there will be more! All the jealousy, accusations and general ignorance are uncalled for.

    Yes we should strive to be Malaysians but at the same time we want to maintain our distinctiveness right? Similar as the Chinese religiously defend their Chinese schools and language, the Malays also have their religion and their constitutional right to defend. If the Chinese (and Indians) can defend their rights, why not the Malays?

    To me, as long as the discussions do not negatively impact the minorities and is for the benefit of Malaysia as a whole, I don’t see anything wrong. Kudos to AAB and Hadi!

  73. Yes we should strive to be Malaysians but at the same time we want to maintain our distinctiveness right? Similar as the Chinese religiously defend their Chinese schools and language, the Malays also have their religion and their constitutional right to defend. If the Chinese (and Indians) can defend their rights, why not the Malays? — imranj78

    No one is oppressing the Malays. No one is tearing down Malay schools nor mosques. You don’t defend when no one is even attacking.

    But when people are tearing down Chinese schools and Indian temples here there and everywhere, that’s when you need to defend your rights.

    It’s all a political ploy by AAB (who purposely revealed the news of the secret meetings) to gain sympathy from Malays.

  74. today’s paper said famous former Selangor MB Muhammad Tahi, who is now a minister in PM office gunning for UMNO post again. Aren’t he was charged for having not declared 12 million cash in a briefcase going into Australia? Where those money come from? No ACA report kah? hahaha….give him some headache, since he always doing all the dirty things behind lately.

  75. As a non-Malays, non-Moslem Malaysian (NMNMM), I feel violated with what the BN politicians are saying when they talk about how the Malays are backwards and still far behind other races. I resent the fact that these Malay BN politicians count us NMNMMs when talking about the poorness of the Malays and conveniently discount us when disbursing aid and grants or even government positions. I wish someone would point this out in Parliament. Point out to the BN government that when they produce statistics about poor Malays to not include us NMNMMs. One good thing Dr. M did was to sub-categorise us into Sarawak & Sabah Bumiputera Minorities (SSBM). However, as I mature in my political thinking, categorising us into sub-category just makes it worse. I’ve opened my eyes to the light of multi-culturalism and the realisation of that to achieve a fair and meaningful development, no group should go at it alone, but together in unity. But please, BN… stop using us as statistics to show Malay supremacy needs to be extended. We’re not statistics or numbers, we’re Malaysians too.

  76. And the usual suspects? MCA, MIC, Gerakan, PPP? No reaction, they are not even consulted. If need be, evicted. Thank you for a job well done!

    This is what Badawi thinks might turn the flow, getting all but Penang back into UMNO-hands, and he himself as a statue of Bapa Hadhari into the history books.
    Not only that, he will as well enter history as the great unifier of the Malays.
    Go ahead, try your luck. Dream on, because it won’t work. And we will all suffer heavy casualties, with the Malays suffering most.

  77. And when will the Malays accept the fact that Malaysia was born out of the unity of all races and not only the Malays? Isn’t it time to recognise the Chinese and the Indians as Malaysians and not non-Bumiputeras? I think, after 45 years of Malaysia, we should do a paradigm shift and refocus our attention to building a Malaysia for Malaysians, rather than a Malaysia for Malays. If it were not for the Chinese and Indians, and to a lesser extent the Dayaks and Kadazandusuns, Malaysia won’t be what it is today. as a NMNMM, I am a rightful owner of Malaysia, at the same level as the Malays of Peninsular and if they want to shout Malay supremacy or Malay unity, I think I should have the same right also to shout Dayak unity. Don’t forget, Dayaks were already in Malaysia ages before Malays ever thought of migrating to Malaysia. Who has more rights to be called Bumiputera? Food for thought, I say…

  78. Greetings! YB

    What is the meaning to talk about the “Unity” when we had so many unsolved puzzles or jokes happening here in Malaysia.

    1.. C4… C4… I Love U
    2.. Sound like me, Looks like me…but it’s not me
    3.. Bala.. Bala… where are you
    4.. Musa… Musa… musang atau rusa

  79. “I believe most non Malays are ever willing to work, contribute and sacrifice for the greatness of this nation if they are treated fairly and given the opportunity.” Limkamput

    To put it in another way, you’re saying the Chinese are not willing to work, contribute “and sacrifice for the greatness of this nation” (whatever that may mean) “if they are not treated fairly”. I fail to see the nexus between the two!

    What I do know is that the Chinese more than anything else wish to be left alone to do their business. It is all about business and more business. Should some develop political interests along the way, it is to protect their right to do business and more business.

    The Malays have no business interfering in their business.

  80. undergrad2,
    please don’t try to split hair here.

    First, I agree that Chinese are generally inclined to doing business. I must say, even in business, the Chinese are subjected to unnecessary red tape, corruption and unreasonable and often conflicting regulations and licensing requirements.

    Second, Chinese pre-occupation with business is also due to other opportunities not being available to them. I have often thought that civil service is one of the most important pillars of national development. Have more Chinese be given the opportunities to serve in meaningful positions (not tokenism) in the civil service, I believe this country will be much more efficient and dynamic.

    Third, you just have to look at Singapore and Hong Kong. How the Chinese with Confucian value plus English education and civil law and liberty can create wonder.

    Fourth, more Chinese involvement in Government, both at political and civil service levels will enhance multiracialism, cultural diversities and religious tolerance and hence promoting a national ethos that is more cosmopolitan and liberal.

    I believe you know what is killing this nation? Like you, I usually do not ask questions that I do not already know the answers.

  81. Richardqed wrote:
    `No one is oppressing the Malays. No one is tearing down Malay schools nor mosques. You don’t defend when no one is even attacking.

    But when people are tearing down Chinese schools and Indian temples here there and everywhere, that’s when you need to defend your rights’

    Malay and Muslim’s rights are being questioned when Syariah courts are being questioned, when Bumiputera status is being questioned etc etc so I disagree with when you say no one is attacking.

    I agree that Chinese schools and Indian temples built in legally allocated land should be left alone. Remember suraus and mosques have also been torn down because of their `illegal’ status. I also believe that national schools should be given priority and that mother tongue language should be more widely taught in national schools to give people more choices. If we all go to different schools, how are we supposed to integrate as Malaysians?

  82. imranj78,

    May I know who is questioning the decisions of Syariah courts other than those that infringe on non-Muslim?

    With regard to Bumi Status, the questions are usually related to the implementation of Bumi rights, not the rights per se. Besides, do you want to tell us what does the Bumi status entail? Please, we need to know. If Bumi status means deprivation of non Malays, what do you expect us to do? I think every one should earn his/her own upkeep. Nobody own no one a living. This is 21st century.

  83. “Like you, I usually do not ask questions that I do not already know the answers.” limkamput

    No. I always ask questions to which I do not know the answers! Why ask if you already know the answer??!

    I only ask questions to a witness on the stand to which I already know the answer when I’m cross examining him or her. It is important that counsel knows where he or she is taking the witness to with the questioning – or else he or she may end up going to places he or she does not want to go! How embarrassing!

  84. Dear Malaysians,
    Is the UMNO-PAS Malay unity talk just to strengten the Ketuanan Melayu sentiments or to unite Malaysians of all races and religion. Since all UMNO and PAS members are Mulsims and all Malays are Muslims, can we expect the UMNO-PAS Malay unity talk to include the peace for all races in Malaysia.

    Nevertheless,UMNO and PAS have fundamental differences in accordance to their Islaic beliefs. Let’s read the folowing excerp from Wkipedia:

    The Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party or the Islamic Party of Malaysia (Malay: Parti Islam Se-Malaysia), commonly known as PAS or Pas, is an Islamist political party in Malaysia and is currently headed by Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang. PAS positions itself as a political party that aims to establish Malaysia as a country based on Islamic legal theory derived from the primary sources of Islam, the Quran, Sunnah as well as Hadiths, as opposed to Barisan Nasional’s Islam Hadhari, which PAS sees as based on a watered-down understanding of Islam.

    Can they meet eye to eye and discuss?

    God bless.

  85. “Have more Chinese be given the opportunities to serve in meaningful positions (not tokenism) in the civil service, I believe this country will be much more efficient and dynamic.” Limkamput

    You’re saying that Malays are lazy and inefficient because they are Malays. Sir, that makes you a racist.

  86. limkamput,
    Come on, there has been so many calls for Syariah courts to be disregarded as a parallel system to the civil courts and make it a `lesser’ court. While I agree that rights of non-Muslims should not be infringed upon, it is also important that the rights of the Muslim MAJORITY is upheld.

    I am not supportive of uncompetitive Bumi rights in the long term. But like it or not, this will have to stay for awhile longer till we have a more equitable wealth distribution in the country. Its implementation needs to be fine tuned to include people of other races who need such help and also remove any corrupt practices.

    Everyone has to earn his/her own upkeep – yes everyone should work hard for his/her own upkeep but those who are at a disadvantaged at the start should be assisted.

  87. Undergrad2,

    NO, you are putting words into my mouth again, which is not unusual.

    What I have in mind is we must leverage on the expertise and capability of all races in the country, more so some communities have proven to be more dynamic, efficient and experienced. That is why I feel that there should be more Chinese given important positions in civil service to help propel this nation forward. If all races are encouraged to work together more, surely the opportunity to learn from the strength of each other is greater. If you just want to pick one or two lines out of context and label me a racist, then we better stop debating. It is hurtful to me when I know right in my heart I am not a racist.

  88. Hei kawan2 semua… relax! bertenang! Nik Aziz has made the best stance on this issue. That “holy” man (!) rejected the PAS-UMNO talks whatsoever. he wanted to work closer with all friends in Pakatan Rakyat. Is that ok with you?

  89. Racism is embedded in our psyche more than anyone is willing to admit.

    Many of the decisions we make in our daily lives are rooted in racism and our need for a racial identity. We are not even conscious of it. So perhaps you should not be in such a hurry to rebut allegations of racism.

    Instead of saying we should tap on the best talent the country has to offer, you opted to say that the government service would be better off if more Chinese are employed because then government service would be “more efficient and dynamic” – efficient as in being industrious, opposite to being lazy and indolent.

    That is clearly a racist statement!

    There are lazy Chinese as there are lazy Malays or Indians. Laziness is not the monopoly of any one race.

  90. limkamput says,

    “I am not supportive of uncompetitive Bumi rights in the long term. But like it or not, this will have to stay for awhile longer till we have a more equitable wealth distribution in the country.”

    Haah! Now you’re an apologist for the UMNO sponsored NEP!

  91. undergrad2, you are a best of both world hypocrite which you will never admit.
    YA, THE best the country has to offer, i am sure is not white or black or latino, it is the races here in Malaysia. What is why i like to call all the good for nothing political correct people hypocrites. You are the epitome of that. The NEP itself is the admission that the Chinese are more dynamic and business like. If you can’t see it, you are moron who is also a hypocrite – a hypocrite moron, hmmm, can’t imagine what you will do!

  92. The DAP should ask its “partner” within Pakatan Rakyat (PAS) why the pre-eminent issue is still that of Malay unity rather than Malaysian unity before it asks the Prime Minister of the rival political camp this question!

    When one’s ‘wife’ were enticed by a third party previous suitor/lover, does one question or blame the third party first before one’s own wife with whom one has exchanged ‘marital vows’ of betrayal and unfaithfulness?

    Or shouldn’t one blame one ownself for entering (despite counsel to the contrary) into a “marriage of convenience” more out of the pleasure to spite and spurn that previous suitor/lover on March 8th than a genuine trust of and compatibility with one’s own partner??

    That really is the crux of the question.

  93. Instead of counting on sufficient defections from the Barisan Nasional camp for Pakatan Rakyat (PR) to engineer a vote of no confidence on Pak Lah and form the Federal Government the prospect has now arisen whether Pak lah could engineer sufficient defections from the PR camp (from Hadi of PAS) to regain the BN’s threshold of parliamentary 2/3 majority. Anwar started this game of enticing cross overs from the other side. What can be said if the other side now plays the same game? What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander….

  94. Those voters who voted for PAS thinking that they have moved from a radical position to a centrist position will be disappointed. Those who voted for UMNO thinking that UMNO actually cares for all races (as per AAB’s “I am a PM for all races”) will also be disappointed. Will the two opposing forces cancel each other out and maintain the status quo at the next GE?

  95. the everyday malays, those who are blue collar, white collar, and no collar (kampungs), are between a rock and a hard place. accept racial equality and they’ll get dropped with a thud by the merits of chinese and indians. reject umno and there goes the gravy train.

    i’m sure some malays know the predicament they’re in, but they’re taking what they can and leave the future, or lack of, to the next generation.

    the racial riots that gripped indonesia a few years ago were due to a tipping over of 90% concentration of wealth in the 5% chinese hands. but without the chinese what would indonesia be? so the question beckons, without the chinese and indians what would malaysia be today?

    malaysia is going the path of oblivion. a country competes best by producing goods and services. if one is lacking, maximize the other (case in point singapore, hk, korea, tw, etc). natural resources are temporary at best, and one should parlay that into capital to fund the production of, guess what, goods and services! malaysia can’t compete on cost of goods produced. that has long gone to china. the service industry is its best bet, but look where we are on the competitiveness ladder. as a country, our skillsets are mired as an afterthought to global employers. didn’t we wanted to be the hub for financial, travel, entertainment, technological, and creative services? what the hell happened to that?

  96. Barisan Nasional has always won and maintained political power on communal approach based on praxis and double talk of “Malay Unity”, “Chinese Unity” and “Indian Unity” within the larger “Malaysian Unity” when the fact to it is that the objectives of “Malay Unity”, “Chinese Unity” and “Indian Unity” are inconsistent and diametrically opposed to that of Malaysian Unity.

    To maintain otherwise is a pretext so shallow that it imposes even on the naive. This communal approach has been a scourge on our national life that is destined to accelerate our descent to the ranks of Nigeria and Somalia…It is an approach that is supposedly rejected by significant portion of Malaysians embrace the supposedly more inclusive agenda of the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) to give them a resounding victory by the much touted ‘political tsunamy’ of 8th March election but lo what do we see here??? A component of PR – Pas or a significant splinter of it – is having talks of “Malay Unity” with UMNO – the very approach that PR is supposedly opposed against .

    Now if UMNO talks of “Malay Unity”, that is well known and discounted – but PAS?

    What more is there to say further when DAP’s collaboration with PAS knowing fully well the dangers of PAS using PR for its own exclusive agenda for power to further its theocratic aims has already been gainsaid long ago?

    The fact is that you cannot trust the majority of politicians, whichever side of the political divide. They will promise a bridge even where there is no river to get that which is the raison de etre of the profession – power, public position, influence and wealth at the rakyat’s expense.

    This is why people who are serious about their integrity and principles – whether one agrees with their principles or not – shun politics and do not join political party : one example, RPK.

    When Kit talks about politics being a serious business based on intregrity, he is merely talking about an aspiration which only the smallest minority like himself or even Nik Aziz can live up to.

    The rest are mere philistines interested in personal prestige of positions and wealth, luxury cars, mansions, good education for their children and expensive jewelley for their wives…And they get to win and keep their positions because somehow and somewhere a bunch of suckers will buy their story and vote them in.

    The real enemy is not the politicians, philistines as they may be. It is our mindset. We vote them in and let them be. It is our mindset to think based not on logic but on emotions aroused by appeals to our primodial and basic passions regarding race, religion and of late even sex (as our politics gets more sexualised by allegations of sodomy, an MP giving the hand sign etc). If we were not like that, the bunch of politicians will not be here to keep their positions; they will have long ago been booted out.

    The purpose of blog is for us to share thoughts and change this mind set. That is why we must maintain a rational discourse here or else where in other blogs or forums having an influence on public opinion. This mindset is the ultimate primary problem, not the secondary politicians. Democracy grows from bottom upwards and not top down.

  97. Isn’t it sad that a ruling party that champion multi-racial unity instigate race and religion disturbance every time they are challenge. It is even worst that all our MSM are part of the propanganda as well. So, do you still believe in BN. If you do you must really be clueless or you are racist just like UMNO.

  98. Why is it that protecting a majority group is more important than the minority groups who are the weakest and need extra protection. The minority groups doesn’t feel safe. Who can help them?

  99. “The real enemy is not the politicians… It is our mindset.” Jeffrey

    Correct, correct, correct!

    The real enemy is limkamput who doesn’t know whether he’s going or he’s coming. One minute he says he’s no racist and that it pains him when others accuse of him of being a racist. Then the next minute he lambasted the Malays for being an indolent lot, unsuitable recruits for the country’s civil service which would be more “efficient” and “dynamic” if it opens its doors to the Chinese. One minute he says we are ready for change. The next minute he says he would like to see the NEP continued until there is a “more equitable distribution of wealth”! He not only endorses the UMNO sponsored NEP but he is an apologist for the racist policies of the UMNO led government.

    The likes of limkamput is public enemy #1, a danger to himself and must be eliminated with extreme prejudice.

  100. Dear YB LKS,

    UMNO-PAS “Malay Unity” talks

    Quote: “The Federal Government spent RM100 million for the 50th Merdeka anniversary celebrations last year. For what?” unquote.

    Very well said & it shows “Desperation” in its last throes of “Death”.

    I am of the same opinion with you. Do keep up the good effort as we are all in this “sinking Titanic” together.

    Where are ALL you God fearing, Law abiding, Tax paying, Peace loving Malaysians…..

    Have no fear….if God brought us there….have Faith & He will surely guide us out of there !

    Ultimately God will anoint the “True” Leaders of this great nation, not necessary from any party….

    In the mid 40s after the 2nd World War & japanese administration…..the Colonials administered Malaya with their “Divide & Rule !”….

    Our Forefathers & the “Malayan Independence” groups also had their Trials & Tribulations….& had to be UNITED in their struggles to achieve “ONE GOAL”……

    “ONE GOAL” – The Independence of Malaya from the British Colonial administration – Merdeka.

    Tunku our Bapa Merdeka together with his first cabinet were established, honest, sincere “Noble” individuals of multi-race & multi religion who had worked & struggled to give Malaya, later Malaysia including all of us “Democracy, Justice & Freedom”….until Tunku was “Betrayed” by the Elite Nationalist Ketetuanan group (maybe some are still alive !)

    Sadly, the the Powers-that-be (Elite Nationalist Ketetuanan group have “Divided us yet again & Ruled” !) have screwed this great nation, its assets & all of us for almost three decades….

    We are now at the CROSSROADS….and YOU have a CHOICE…..Do we all want to allow the Powers-that-be continue to destroy this great nation, our nation’s assets including our Children & Grandchildrens’ Future…..OR…

    We UNITE & FOCUS on the main issue TOGETHER to support our “Defenders of TRUTH, JUSTICE & FREEDOM…

    For the BETTERMENT of our great nation, its assets, its Downtrodden rayaat & our Children & Grandchildrens’ Future !

    Yes, I have a dream….that soon we will Overcome…to See….!

    Malaysia for Malaysians…where EVERY Malaysian citizen can dream about, be given a chance to work hard towards it….to ACHIEVE their “Malaysian Dreams!” Insha Allah.

  101. “The NEP itself is the admission that the Chinese are more dynamic and business like. If you can’t see it, you are moron” lmkamput

    If the NEP is admission of anything, it is an acknowledgment that it is a major tool in the tool bag of UMNOputras and their leaders without which they cannot re-distribute the country’s wealth among themselves, their cronies and their families in the ratio of one for you three for me.

    Morons not included.

  102. kosong Says:

    Yesterday at 18: 16.40
    I pity all you poor Chinese and Indians who are stuck in Malaysia. You have all dug a hole for yourselves due to your apathy and inaction over the Malay hegemony Subject to the prejudice and discrimination for decades and only belatedly speaking up when the house of cards have started tumbling down. It’s too late. You have a failing economy, a nation which is unable to compete and you are forever governed by fools. Your ringgit has no value and your education system have gone backwards over the last two decades, no thanks to your Malay brothers. The current generation is slack and lazy and they feed off the wasteful baby boomers who will leave nothing for the future generations. The hardwork of the Chinese and Indian forefathers/migrants have all gone to waste as no-one dared to stand up against the apartheid government and their discriminatory policies. It’s all too late. You have the money then save yourselves by sending the Chinese and Indian children abroad. Save them from these bumis who feast only greed but do not toil

    Kosong, most of us non-malays that decided to remain here in Malaysia have our own reasons. Yes, many Chinese and Indians are migrating or sending their children overseas so that they would have a better life here (who wouldn’t?!).

    But to me, I chose to come back to Malaysia as I see myself as a Malaysian, not as a Malaysian Chinese but just plain and simple, Malaysian. That means I want to do something for my country, but that does not mean that I totally agree to be treated like a third class citizen and face all the racism that the BN has created.

    We are here to make this country a better place for the future generations and I am proud to say that I am a Malaysian.

    By the way, the whole world economy is also in the limbo (if you have not notice) not just Malaysia. Laziness is not form in one race – it can be found in all races all over the world.

    It is time for people like you to stop talking about the disunity and start taking action on how to unite all races of Malaysians. Start standardizing the policies and laws (especially those in Sabah and Sarawak) to be aligned with the Peninsular side.

    Start seeing ourselves as Malaysians and not as Malay, Chinese, Indian, Iban, etc….

  103. Culture, Arts and Heritage Minister Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal welcomed Malay Unity talks between political rivals, PAS & UMNO. He said the meetings would not only unite the Malays but also other races.

    “It doesn’t mean that if one race is united, the rest will be left out. If a good consensus is made, everyone will benefit,” he said.
    PM Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was quoted to have also said any decision to strengthen Malay unity would take into consideration the interests of non-Malays.

    Source – NST at this link

    By same token and if their logic holds, then it would be good for the DAP to likewise also hold talks with MCA, Gerakan, MIC, PPP and East Malaysian Parties that are predominantly non Malay to talk about the Non Malay Unity.

    For it doesn’t mean that if Non Malays were united, the Malays will be left out. If a good consensus is made, everyone will benefit.

    And any decision to strengthen Non Malay unity would take into consideration the interests and Special Rights of the Malays under the Constitution. This is the way to go to foster greater Malaysian Unity.

  104. Jeffrey, agreed with your comment above. If the non-malays hold talks about unity, then UMNO and PAS should not worry at all since it would also benefit them.

    But I can bet that , UMNO would send MCA and MIC out to rattle the others in fostering the UMNO way than fostering the Malaysian way.

  105. Non-Malay unity talks ? Who are we kidding here ? What’s the “glue” that is going to hold the non-Malays together ? UMNO and PAS can “justify” their unity talks through a common religion. The non-Malay parties have nothing in common, except for “ki-ki-ku-ki-ki” and that’s no basis for unity talks.

  106. What Mahathir has taught us during his tenure as PM is that there is a price for everything, and that includes those who cling strongly to their religious tenets. If you can’t win them over with rhetoric, win them over with money. If that doesn’t work, use the ISA.

    Hadi and Nasaruddin know what they are getting themselves into. For them to want to talk, despite people like Mike Tyson and Tengku Adnan – implicated in haram activities – holding senior positions in UMNO, can only mean that certain key PAS officials are nothing more than hypocrites.

  107. He talked, she talked!
    ONLY they can talked, purposely talked abt race!

    Who are we, as M’sian?
    Since 1957 independent day, who and/or which race are including/excluding as M’sian? Should we refer backward this history retain our country harmony? Show our respect to M’sia knight(nenek moyang) whom fight for independence?

    Whether or not, do you (our current admin, PM) study pendidikan moral or sejarah? Respect, peaceful, harmony, warmest country ~is important or if just comparing to personal benefit (or only for one race)? Come on, you shame, don’t try to influence others!

    Throughout 50years, confidence to all races of M’sian, open-minded and ‘tolong-menolong’ ~retain peaceful and warmest environment! To certain ‘tricks’ or ‘darkness’ which might created by “them”, hereby allow us to say: NO, we’re smart enough, wouldn’t easily been influenced by you! We’re peace, wouldn’t prejudice upon race benefit topic!

    Do they actually studied or understood, nowadays why certain majority changed to be PR supporter? In believe, Pakatan Rakyat is multi-race and work for rakyat, not benefit for personal! So that, I/we confident and willing to walk alongside PR, will you? You know the ans, don’t you!

    Not just only 308, even the following election, still will vote and support PR! One day, willing await and welcome PR to become federal administration!

    Warmest regards.

  108. If Non Malays cannot find the “glue” to unite even amongst themselves, then what hope is that to find the “glue” to forge wider unity between Non Malays and Malays under the banner of Malaysian Unity”? May as well forget it! Any community or collection of communities divided by disparate and divergent selfish interests and incapable of uniting under a common glue will fall and be defeated by a more united community and could blame and protest to no one but only themselves for being continually subordinated and subject to the hegemony of the more united community.

  109. I for one don’t believe that UMNO-PAS can even work together so long as BN is still in power. The feudal culture just makes it impossible. However, the issue really is whether UMNO-PAS will get together if BN loses power and the threat is real. Many of UMNO MP will defect to PAS if BN loses.

    Inevitably that will mean it will come down to Malay Islamic state vs secular-multi-racial. It does not necessary mean that PAS-UMNO will rule but its very real possibility.

    UMNO multi-raciality is a facade and is no defense against Islamic state ambitions.

    This is not about Malay unity otherwise, talk with Keadilan makes more sense than with PAS. No this is about a defensive move on UMNO part and it reveals the ultimate chess play of UMNO. When the chips come down, they will turn their backs on multi-raciality and secularity.

  110. The Malays use Islam as their “glue”. What is the common thing among the non-malays then?

    Peace, harmony, prosperity, strength in diversity, the common identity as Malaysian? Are these not some of the things that all of us want in common?

    We need to stand firm and forget the previous teachings on taking care of our own race only and not bothered about the others. As Malaysians, we stand united in all causes.

  111. The glue that binds PR since March 8 is simply not strong enough to hold the disparate interests together. Like Jeffrey QC has said, it is more likely that crossovers will occur from PR to BN as opposed to what DSAI has been saying all along. There is a price for everything in politics, and BN can afford that price by virtue of their incumbency.

  112. Perhaps it’s time for DAP, Gerakan, MCA & MIC and all the other parties unite. We should promote non-racial politics and the bests way is to form a TRUE multi-racial party consisting of EVERY RACE in this country & shed that 200 year old British left-over stigma called race segregation policy. This is provided, MCA & MIC are willing to change. PAS has lost it’s focus, they now harp on racial & religious tones to regain power. They are no different than UMNO anyway. One a religious fanatic, the other, racists power mongers.

  113. How true Hennesy. But do you think that MIC and MCA will leave the table scrapes that UMNO toss to them on and off for the last 50 years? I don’t think so. If they wanted to change and do what is right, they would have done it within the last 50 years and not wait until everyone tells that they have not done anything for the country.

  114. Limkamput, at least you have a job to go to. Unlike some of us wanting to work and unable to do so as the Malays in the organizations that we applied to said that the number of non-malays in the organization as exceeded.

  115. yes,for all the stupid trengganu bn voters,now u see an ugly face has surfaced!
    14 brand new E200 compressor mercedes!
    which company in bolehland can one shot,purchase it?
    correct me if i m wrong,mb md said just completed a taklimat called”plan your work n work your plan”!
    even he says merze got better 2nd hand values,but after 3-4 years,he will sell all these 14 merze to a ‘self-owned’ used car company for an extremely low price,and later ofcourse will follow the market price,my fren,simpan satu sendiri pakai,lain semua jual,walauyeh,lebih satu jutalah!

    is it a good plan?

    btw,dear mb md said,can u make a phonecall to ingvar kamprad,ask him despite being a billionaire,how the hell does he still driving an 20- year-old old-junk called volvo?dun also forget to ask him,is LORENZO sofa good?u do not want to buy IKEA bcos it is very cheap n common!U want your guests to stick to the seat for hours so tat u can tell them your successful stories!

  116. Don’t PAS leaders have better things to do than talk with Umno.
    Umno leaders had/have so much dirt on them from corruption to abuse of power to injustices that PAS should steer clear of them or mix with them and become like them as it is easier to change from good to evil than the reverse.
    Pas should focus strengthening PR.

  117. “I for one don’t believe that UMNO-PAS can even work together so long as BN is still in power.” Bigjoe

    Agree, yet what is that unsettling feelings among us? The unifying agenda among the Malays is religion; the same factor where we read of their blind support for unknown religious fanatics worldwide, or the joint condemnation of what they perceived as a challenge to Islam.

    Theocratic PAS and secular UMNO can’t meet; that’s our perception. But the crafty UMNO can change its coating to suit its purpose eg appointing more PAS ulamaks at every corner. They did this when Anwar Ibrahim was kicked off by Mahathir. UMNO shifted from a secular political party to embrace more visible Islamic (Arab) practices. They were fighting for Malay supports. Islam Hadhari is the pinnacle of this Islamic coating, except many Malays regard Hadhari as total failure.

    If we follow this argument further, we must remember PAS and DAP as sworn enemies. “Over-my-dead-body” comment has not been buried, yet PAS and DAP forged this PR alliance for what is expedient. To me, PAS-DAP was harder to forge when compared to PAS-UMNO.

    No, YB Lim KS, it was not for “Malay-Unity.” I may be alone in this view – but for the sake of Islam they are willing to sacrifice the fine racial balance that has existed for the last 50 years.

  118. “The fact is that you cannot trust the majority of politicians, whichever side of the political divide. They will promise a bridge even where there is no river…” Jeffrey

    Promising a bridge where there is no river??

    First they tell us we need a bridge. Next they call for a tender – a closed one, of course. Then they appoint their cronies to do the job. No river to flow under the bridge? Make one. I think that’s one hell of a way to ‘do business’.

  119. racial divide is as old as human genus. where and when do we see truly race-blind culture that thrived? not 10,000 b.c., not 0 a.d., not now. as a species and sub-species, all living things subscribe to the notion of survival of the fittest, and boy, do we band to ensure we’re the last one standing! and some does it better than others, the minority, the ill-adept, and the fringe. malaysian chinese is a minority, and make no mistake, a 3rd class citizen. but the chinese race on this planet dwarfs everyone with sheer numbers. the “han” tribe (yes, that likely includes you, him, her, and me) total more than 1 billion, were never ingrained to work together for a common good, not for long anyways. chinese do practice “ki ki ku ki ki”, fill my pockets then we’ll talk. to the chinese datuks and datuk aspirants of this land, we say, good job! don’t get me wrong, the chinese are self-sufficient people, sometimes through hard work, but more often a product of ingenuity and smarts. isn’t that why the nep is a living document? it’s never a done deal as long as the chinese stays!

    so, either we keep status quo by gaming whatever umno deals us, oh yeah, and pray for our next generation, OR we wake up and smell the roses! the latter requires a grass root upheaval. easier said than done.

  120. As ALL practising polititians know, in politics (maybe limited to BOLEHLAND, there is NO PERMENANT friend or enemies! For example, DSAI was once DAP enemy no.2 of DAP and PAS and NOW coalition partners! PAS WILL never work with DAP (accused of only championing the Chinese cause) because it is against the ISLAMIC state. After GE12, the whole scenario has changed. See how cooperative they are! So, it’s no surprise if PAS was to talk to UMNO, MCA, MIC or what have you, it’s all in a days work. So, dont be too perturbed cos as long as MP are allow to JUMP SHIP, which ever ship is sinking, our politics will be as such, racialism aside.

  121. Talking about corruption being haram, and therefore unacceptable to PAS, the Trengganu state government announced the purchase of 14 Mercedes E200K cars at a cost of above RM 3 million. Their rationale ? The E200 series is cheaper to maintain than Proton Perdana cars. To support this rationale, and to quell public anger over this blatant abuse of funds at a time when everyone is asked to tighten his/her belt, the state is going to release maintenance figures on the Proton Perdana cars. It appears that maintenance per car was in excess of RM 100,000 over the past 4 years. Now who can believe such maintenance numbers ? Who is taking a “cut” from the maintenance of those cars ?

    I am willing to bet on one thing – they won’t release the maintenance numbers because it would mean digging a deeper hole for themselves. Such is the culture of the den of thieves, and the culture of AAB – make promises, live to fight another day, and then forget about the promises.

    Is this what Islam is all about ? Is this what certain people in PAS are willing to compromise on ? If the answers are “yes”, then I say that UMNO and PAS are a match made in heaven.

  122. I guess UMNO (Pak Lah) wants to achieve the following:-

    1/ Continue with the “Ketuanan Melayu” (he forgets that his children are 1/2 Japanese & his current wife is of Portugese Lineage) agenda
    2/ Cause a split in PAS or if the talks really works,
    3/ Cause a split in the PR
    4/ Show that he is a “champion” of “Bangsa & Negara”

    Sorry to say as far as UMNO is concerned, to hell with the Non-Malays & National Integration (I guess the MCA, MIC & Gerakan being the Lap Dogs of UMNO, can’t see that!).

  123. “Is this what Islam is all about ? Is this what certain people in PAS are willing to compromise on ? If the answers are “yes”, then I say that UMNO and PAS are a match made in heaven.” Godfather.


  124. UMNO is not Malay it is illegal all this while, else why they are talking and saw there is a need to unite.

    Sharizat – Did not wear tudung
    Rafidah (AP Queen) – Did not wear tudung
    Azalina (Brickendory scandal) – Did not wear tudung not even been recognized by or belong to Puteri UMNO

    All these bad Malay ladies are unislamic, why are they interested to join back the parti Islam?

  125. Look at the latest episode of Anwar Ibrahim. The court will not be able to find a settle to this.

    The answer and the cry now are for “Swearing on the Koran.” That is the mentality we are facing – where “full settlement” of all crimes and woes are settled. Every conviction for murderers and thieves would be obliterated just by swearing. Imagine our Undergrad2 addressing the court, prepared with all his submissions, only to be told by the judge that the defender had sworn before the Koran last night. No case for undergrad2. Case closed.

    So would it be surprised if UMNO and PAS treat each other that way? “kou-tim” everything with God and man by swearing.

    I view this “unity talk” seriously. I am not worried of Malay Unity. Malays are fine people that I easily live with.

  126. ///These type of talks should not be taken that seriously as people will anything to retain power. It is up to the moderate Malaysians to reject parties that resort to race and religion to garner support/// -HJ Angus said Today at 11: 43.56 (8 minutes ago)
    This is not just “talk” and it is serious if you believe what former menteri besar and Umno supreme council member Dr Mohd Khir Toyo said as was reported by Malaysiakini (Syed Jaymal Zahiid | Jul 22, 08 4:13pm)

    I quote the report:
    “In a posting on his blog, Khir said Umno had offered its arch-rival PAS the menteri besar post during a dialogue session held shortly after the elections. Apart from this, he said PAS was also offered the deputy menteri besar as well as four executive councillors posts if it agreed to form the coalition. “I brought them (PAS) for a muzakarah (dialogue) with the prime minister and suggested to Abdullah (Ahmad Badawi) that PAS leaders in Selangor be offered those posts,” he added. He said Umno and PAS could form a synthesis in championing Malay interests in the state which fell into opposition control. “Unfortunately the influence of Anwar in PAS through the party’s secretary-general Kamaruddin Jaafar blocked the initiative. “As long as Anwar is important in Pakatan Rakyat, the muzakarah will not succeed. Anwar does not want to see Malays unite and that is why he formed Pakatan that thrives on the ideals of equality to the extent of elevating other religions on the same par as the primary religion in this country, Islam,” he added. Khir said this was proven by the fact that Anwar was being supported by ‘extremist’ Chinese and Indians via opposition party DAP and the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf).

    Yesterday, Malaysiakini quoted a PAS leader as saying that Umno had offered them the Selangor menteri besar post during a meeting held two or three days after the general election.

    PAS central committee member Abdul Khalid Samad, who attended the meeting, disclosed that the agenda was issues pertaining to Islam and the Malays. Also present were PAS deputy president Nasharudin Mat Isa and the party’s Terengganu commissioner Mustafa Ali.

    Despite the offer, PAS chose to back the Pakatan Rakyat state government with PKR supreme council member Khalid Ibrahim as menteri besar. PAS has three state executive councillors.
    However, Khir is still optimistic about the possibility of Umno and PAS striking a working relationship.

    On Sunday night, PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang confirmed that top-level meetings had taken place between the two parties.
    However, it is believed that the talks had caused a rift in PAS with certain leaders, including Nik Aziz, not keen on collaborating with Umno”. [Unquote]

  127. Can they insert Anwar semen old specimen into Saiful anal?

    U kno the police can put a cocaine into ur pocket and cause serious problem, they can oso rape ur gal fren if u r unfortunate driving a bike without license. They do all sorts of thing at low level, do u think at high level they dun? in many countries i went and stayed, especially 3rd world country u can even escaped from murder charge, at 1st u must admit u did it, then at the end the case drag on till 1 day it will disperse and u wun get charge, provided tat fellow is filthy rich, like OJ Simpsons.

  128. A report from Malaysian Insider 23rd July:
    (Quote) “After her concert in Johor Baru last week was cancelled by a district officer, Indonesian dangdut superstar Inul Daratista will face another obstacle in trying to entertain thousands of her fans in the capital city here this Sunday.
    This time, Pas is building the momentum to protest her planned concert at Stadium Putra in Bukit Jalil. It made a similar protest at her previous show in Stadium Merdeka a few years ago.
    Kuala Lumpur Pas Youth information chief Herman Samsudeen yesterday demanded the authorities ban the new show, describing it as an insult to Malaysians.
    He said the government should not entertain such an artiste who had been rejected by some Indonesian Muslim scholars for her erotic and almost pornographic dancing style. Besides corrupting moral values, (the concert) is also a waste of money because of the soaring fuel prices. The government should prevent wasteful and moral corrupting programmes such as this one,” the organisation said in a statement.
    Inul who was shocked with the cancellation of concert scheduled to be held at Stadium Tan Sri Haji Hassan Yunos in Larkin Johor Baru recently had also indicated she was unsure whether she could perform this Sunday.
    Herman is adamant that the Kuala Lumpur PAS Youth would send a protest note to City Hall and the Federal Territories Ministry.
    “Whatever the excuse, we will remind (the authorities) that the locals reject this concert. Most of the people who attended her (Inul) concert before this are Indonesians who never had a chance to see her in their own country.
    “If this concert is on, this country’s sovereignty will be “prostituted” merely to satisfy the needs of Indonesian citizens here who could fulfill their wish in their own country. We hope the government will be serious in handling this matter to protect the image of our country as a member of the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC),” said Herman. (Unquote)

    Question : Is Selangor under Pakatan Rakyat becoming like Kelantan?

  129. If it is genuinely a Malay Unity talk…

    Then it should not be just UMNO-PAS. PKR should also be included because they have Malay leaders/members.

    PAS and UMNO is not THE ONLY MALAY PARTY in Malaysia. Even PAS allow non-Malay as members.


  130. Dear All,

    It does not need a rocket scientist to tell us that the demographical numbers in this nation favours the Malays. The population ratio between Bumi and non-Bumi of 67:33 as tabulated by the government barely a year ago would have moved the political parties from MCA, DAP, MIC and Gerakan to come up with ideas as to how to encourage the non-Bumi to have more children. But I tend to believe that they are lacking the will power or financial resources to move forward strongly with such a programme. It is a fallacy to believe in totality that Malaysia will one day become a nation for all if only 30% of the population subscribes to such a notion. What we are hearing now from certain BN’s component parties of merging and forging with a more multi-racial outlook are mere political rhetorics and would not take place in reality. UMNO has yet to give up on racial politics and how would the other component parties break away from the norm? For example, I could not imagine Ong Tee Keat or Samy Vellu coming out in public that they are defending the rights of the Malays as that would put UMNO in a rather awkward position.

    The alternative platform offered and being actively pursued by Anwar Ibrahim under Pakatan Rakyat also does not reflect a real Malaysian Malaysia outlook although I must say that it is the best available option there is given our current political and racial landscape now. Even if Pakatan Rakyat forms the federal government I would believe that there will be discontentment from all sides in the distribution of power. PAS would like to further its cause on Islamic state which DAP is dead against but may have to compromise in one way or another in order to avoid disintegration of the pact.

    Malaysia has been deeply rooted on racial politics and the resistant to change to adopt new method is the biggest stumbling block for us to move forward with this Malaysian Malaysia notion. There are so many other social and economic disparity issues that stand its way to a Malaysian Malaysia nation. It is rather unfortunate but that’s the truth.

    The truth hurts but we have to be pragmatic to learn to live in reality.

  131. Kathy says: “PAS allows non-malay as members provided they are already converted to Islam.”

    Then isn’t it true that PAS is not a Malay only party but an Muslim only party?

    And we also know that Islam is not a Malay only religion but a religion for all mankind regardless of race and creed.

    Dear PAS, it is high time you recognizes that Islam does not equate Malayness and Malayness does not equate Islam, they are two different thing.


  132. Increasing the Malay population may have been an excellent idea in winning more votes for BN but in these times of economic crisis, I think the Malays are the most affected with so many mouths to feed and after this lesson, do you think the Malays themselves will take the advise of TDM in achieving a 70 million population target consisting mainly of Malays in Malaysia??? Then again, not all Malays will vote for BN and thus this programme is a total failure.

  133. Look at the bright side if PAS join BN … Then the other non Malay Parties in BN will have to look really hard on where they stand.Sabah and Sarawak will accept PAS. The top leaders may still want to be in BN for WEALTH and POWER.. But the grassroot will surely back out .

  134. In today’s papers, Liow Tiong Lai is calling the Chinese to unite because UMNO and PAS are going to unite the Malays. I say this is a big shame on MCA which professes to “represent” the Chinese in Malaysia and “fighting” for this and “fighting” for that when in fact each time it does so, its powers are being diluted. I remembered in the early days, MCA held many important ministerial positions in the government including the Minister of Finance. Today, we see MCA holding lousy portfolios such as Minister of Transport, Minister of Health, Minister of Housing and Local Government and Minister of Women Affairs.

    In view of all these, MCA still has the guts to say they represent the Chinese in Malaysia. Such thick skin fellas just don’t know what “shame” means!!!!!! And as I have said many times in many of the blogs, why the hell should MCA be fighting for this and fighting for that? Isn’t MCA a component party in BN which is the ruling party in Malaysia? Ever heard of a component party in a ruling party having to “fight” for anything? Only the opposition need to do so!!!!!! So, is MCA telling the whole world that it is the “opposition” within the ruling party?????

  135. “kcb Says:
    Yesterday at 14: 38.52
    Now I know why some people have to pray 5 times a day!!! ”

    I believe this statement is inappropriate especially in our due course to pursue for Malaysia Baru. Why should utter this kind of words when we know for sure it would provoke other people? We condemned racist – but we think and act like one – but this time we attack on other people religion practice.

  136. KTTEOKT, MCA has never represented the Chinese race at all. It only represented its own party members. Since its inception, its leaders have already sold out their own kind. It is okay for one of them to be Finance Minister, then relinquish it to the Malays but have never given any thought for the future generations.

    This is as long as they. MCA members get the benefits from the UMNO party.

  137. Those who sees PAS willingness to talk to UMNO as a indication of the weakness of PR, I beg to differ.

    Many in PAS is frustrated because they don’t see the Islamic state goal being achieved under PR. Hence it is willing to explore joining with UMNO to reach for that goal. But if it also realise that it can’t either with UMNO, it will actually strengthen PR.

    Think of it this way. UMNO-PAS partnership must be a marriage where PAS is the head. It can never be a friendship or partnership of equal. They are too feudal for that to happen. However, PAS with PR may never be a marriage BUT it can be friends and faithful partners. If you can’t marry well, no sense in marrying badly.

    What is important is PR sticks to its goal of transparent accountable govt and politics. They must be honest with each other. So far, its doing a pretty decent job of that. If it falls into the trap of feudal politics then it is lost. Anwar’s opportunistic way is worrying because of this. If he keep playing games without results and it spills over to into Keadilan membership and partners, we may be feudal politics in PR and all will be lost then.

    So longa as PR stick to THE PROCESS of transparency, accountability to its partners and constituent, PAS really have no choice but be friend and partner.

  138. Bigjoe said:

    “Think of it this way. UMNO-PAS partnership must be a marriage where PAS is the head.”

    You sure of this ? The den of thieves giving up its right to steal ? Nah, that won’t happen in a million years.

  139. If the Malays can have their unity talks, can we the non-Malays hold such talks too among ourselves, the Chinese, Indians and all the natives of Sabah and Sarawak? I wonder what UMNO would say if there’s such a talk and would the Malays feel threaten by this?

  140. Please bear in mind that PAS’s final objective is to establish a theocratic Islamic country in Malaysia as soon as possible with all cost!!! Some top guns in PAS is willing to work with UMNO kafirs to achieve the final objective!!! Those who voted for PAS (including myself) might see a United UMNO-PAS very soon!!! It might be a mistake to vote for PAS in the first place i.e. voting the wolf with the sheep skins!!!

  141. 1. ///Those who sees PAS willingness to talk to UMNO as a indication of the weakness of PR, I beg to differ/// – Big Joe.

    This is not so. It is UMNO’s willingness to talk to PAS, and not the other way around. In a posting on his blog, Mohd Khir Toyo said Umno had offered its arch-rival PAS the menteri besar post during a dialogue session held shortly after the elections. Apart from this, he said PAS was also offered the deputy menteri besar as well as four executive councillors posts if it agreed to form the coalition. “I brought them (PAS) for a muzakarah (dialogue) with the prime minister and suggested to Abdullah (Ahmad Badawi) that PAS leaders in Selangor be offered those posts,” he added. (Source Malaysiakini report, Jul 22.

    2. ///UMNO-PAS partnership must be a marriage where PAS is the head. It can never be a friendship or partnership of equal. They are too feudal for that to happen. However, PAS with PR may never be a marriage BUT it can be friends and faithful partners. If you can’t marry well, no sense in marrying badly.///- Big Joe.

    UMNO may be feudal, PAS is medieval – and DAP/PKR more pluralistic and inclusive, gap between feudal and medieval less than that between medieval and pluralistic/inclusive. How can PAS be friends and faithful partners (outside “marriage”) when a segment of their senior leaders held secret talk with UMNO, which is not denied, and had it not been for DSAI putting his foot down Selangor would have been controlled by PAS/UMNO coalition with MB & Deputy MB position held by PAS (per Khir Toyo)?

    3. ///So long as PR sticks to THE PROCESS of transparency, accountability to its partners and constituent, PAS really have no choice but be friend and partner/// – Bigjoe.

    The rest of PR (DAP+PKR) have been transparent : Have we heard imputaion to the contrary? No. it is PAS that has not been transparent. And the untransparent party is not going to stick with the transparent ones because here the former is not transparent (proven by deed) because it puts in party’s interest (perceived as divine ordained) above the coalition’s temporal interest & manifesto.

  142. Artemus22, UMNO always feels threaten when the non-malays all over Malaysia (definitely including Sabah and Sarawak) unite and discuss on how to further strengthen their ties.

    Why do you think they are always talking about ketuaan Melayu?

  143. the world is becoming smaller, one day everyone is free to live and work anywhere he/she likes.

    race is no longer an issue, it’ll be about the survival of an individual.

    the shallowness of the current leaders might be a curse for his own ethnic in long run.

  144. I am born and live in Malaysia for 36 yrs. I spend last 2 yrs in Germany. You know what I notice? The Chinese in Malaysia is among the most bullied in the world. I am employed by Malaysia chinaman company and I brought back billion and billion of ringgit / business back to Malaysia. And I don’t think I am getting the right respect. I am seriously considering saying bye bye to my birthday place.

  145. limkamput,
    It is true that in most countries the rights of the minorities needs to be protected more. But in Malaysia, it seems that the minorities are questioning the rights of the majority. Constructive comments through proper dialog I can accept, but to openly question such rights is not only arrogant, but without any due thought to the rights of the majorities (of course this should work both ways as well)

  146. “Dear PAS, it is high time you recognizes that Islam does not equate Malayness and Malayness does not equate Islam, they are two different thing.” Pratt

    To help you i.e. an ‘orang putih’ understand, may I refer you to Article 160(2) of the country’s constitution. All this talk about ‘Malays being Muslims’ and ‘Muslims being Malays’ are confusing to them. Can you blame them??

  147. Why Malay unity and not Malaysian unity? To answer this question, the country’s geo-social, political and economic realities will need to be addressed and understood. Malays constitute 65% of the population of the country and of this, 62% are Muslim – 20% of the population is Buddhist; 10% Christian and 6% Hindu and 2% other.

    The Chinese population currently stands at 26%, while the Indians make up 8% – Demographically Malays are a majority in the northern, eastern and southern parts of Peninsular Malaysia, dispersed within rural areas primarily.

    Malays are not a monolithic entity and do not all share a same level of social and economic balance; neither are they politically affiliated with one party. Unity amongst the majority Malay race is first and foremost crucial to the strengthening and consolidation of their identity and values. When unity is strong amongst the majority race, the stability and the security that is created by this, is shared and reflected within the country as a whole; this will benefit the non-Malays and the non-Muslims.

    The concept of ‘Malaysian unity’ is a misnomer in its very essence. Malaysian unity requires that each citizen agree to find a common bond that all Malaysians can relate to and unite under. The single greatest unifier for the Malays is religion because it transcends all social and political boundaries. When the Malay unity is strong, so shall their religious identity; when their religious identity is strong, political activism and affiliation will not be a stumbling block in their alternate visions for Malaysia’s direction towards development and success.

    Chinese and Indians are not all willing to do away with their cultural baggage from “back home” and neither are they willing to do away with their respective language schools for example, so how then do you promote a “Malaysian Malaysia” or Malaysian unity? Upon what platform do you want to unite all races and religions and cultures that are present within Malaysia?

    Human rights and personal freedoms are not a uniting force because they mean different things to different people. Nationalism is also not a tangibly defined proposal for unity. Chinese continue to control over 65% of Malaysian equity and therefore a unity of perceived inequality has shown to fail.

    It can therefore be concluded that the best chance for Malaysia’s continued success lies first and foremost in Malay unity, whereby the institutions of the government are strengthened for the betterment of all Malaysians. This is a task that all Malaysians need to help with.

    The best foundation for any Malaysian unity however, needs to be based upon social justice. In the context of the geo-social race reality, it is with Malay unity first and foremost, where this social justice needs to be streamlined within a workable consensus from all Malaysians.

  148. “It is true that in most countries the rights of the minorities needs to be protected more. But in Malaysia, it seems that the minorities are questioning the rights of the majority.” imranj78

    When it involves universal values and human rights, your membership in a minority group should have no relevance. Any need to impose a nexus between those rights and those enjoyed by the rest of society can only stem from the desire to keep the former in their oppressed state simply because of who they are – and that’s just wrong.

  149. “Chinese and Indians are not all willing to do away with their cultural baggage from “back home” …”

    This could help ‘explain’ why someone who despite having made a life long career in the service of the UMNO government – and despite having been decorated for his very long service with a PPN medal – chooses to come out swinging with both hands against his employer. Could he be lugging a luggage we may not be aware of??

  150. Perhaps PM using Plan-B (stir up Malay Unity as issue) coz Plan-Sodome don’t seem to be working under DPM’s orchestration to make sure DSAI got no chance to come to power. Otherwise not enough $$$ to sustain the bungalow in Perth. So, Plan-B is desperate attempt to make sure can stay in power next 2 years to oversee all the pet-projects of various money-corridors to suck tax-payers $$$.

    Malaysia Boleh…ada banyak VIPs (Very Idiotic Politicians) dalam cabinet.

  151. undergrad2,
    I am sorry if my post disturbed your `idealistic’ mind. Yes universal values and human rights is true; to a certain extent! Values are different from culture to culture and this extends to so called `human rights’ as well. In an Islamic country, it is fine to broadcast your azan and to Muslims, this is a natural right. But do you think this will be allowed in a mosque in many towns say in US or UK? Of course not as this is against their values there. Should the Muslims there demand for the azan to be blared out loud? Of course not unless agreement with the local community is obtained.

    But having different values should not mean one should be oppressed or another. It is understanding how to coexist. It is also just natural that the group in the majority has the right to prioritize some of their values over the minorities. This is by no means oppression, but for the sake of integration. One simple example is in UK where any new citizens are required to know the English language irrespective of where you come from. If you don’t know how to speak English, no nationality for you. Is this oppression? No! it’s for the sake of integration and is a fact of human social interaction from the dawn of humanity.

  152. First: I salute all you Malaysians out there who are trying to make a positive difference: the Malays, Chinese, Indians, and all the other races who make up the demographics of this beloved land. I also salute Islam, which preaches tolerance and is color blind, and all the other major religions that propagate the message of compassion and peace.

    Amidst all the racial overtones within the Malaysian political landscape, I sincerely do hope that one day, all Malaysian children will be judged, based on the content of their character rather than the color of thier skin (paraphrasing MLK Jr.).

  153. DEar Sikembangcina,

    Perhaps you should try to listen to advice by Dr Nazrin, the learned Raja Muda of Perak.

    His Excellency said that “Anak bangsa janganlah terlalu ghairah untuk mencantas dahan tempat bergantung….”. It is a timely reminder that one’s action today have a great implication on times to come.

    UMNO may have its warts and all. It is accused of helping UMNOputras only. If that is the case then all Malays and also other races are UMNOputras.

    I know many of my friend who hail from remotes areas and born and bred by very humble backgrounds are now holding senior posts in civil servant.

    I remember one of my classmate now is an engineer in Sudan. Another is MITI Director in northern state. One of my senior holds a very senior post in MIDF. Many receive scholarships from this govt( meaning UMNO). Quite a number joined the bandwagon in ridiculing the Govt that enables them to further studies in reputable Universities in UK, USA, Australia, Canada .

    I saw nothing harm in criticizing. But when someone denies the help from his own govt, then he is actually being an ungrateful lot.
    Search your heart. Be honest to yourselves. No need to be pretentious. Try to remember one instance that the much hated UMNO ( through its influence in politics) has ever enabled poor Malays( and also non Malays) to come out from poverty through good education.

    It is your right to be a member of any political party. But surely, you do not have to mock the party that gives so much to your own race.

    The scenariom in Malaysia reminds me of what happen to the Arab way back around 90 years ago. Much of Arab territory currently known as Saudi arabia, Oman, Qatar, Iraq, Kuwait, Syria, Lebanon was then ruled by Ottoman Empire.

    One Arab nobility who was then Governor of Saudi Arabia was instigated by the British to fight against Ottoman Sultan . The reward is independence. So fought he did. But the result
    ( if you ask any Arab) was a disaster. Arab lost a homeland in places currently called Israel.

    My point is very simple. Be careful , as advised by Raja Dr Nazrin. Or have you heard “Mendengar guruh di langit, air di tempayan dibuang”. Maybe that is what exactly Malays are doing.

  154. imranj78,
    minority does not equate to 2nd or 3rd class citizens. u speak of the uk. i tell u what the uk and u.s. is like. ALL citizens are equal. equal economic access, equal education access, equal housing access. IN FACT, in the u.s., affirmative action is reserved for the minorities. what kind of crack r u smoking???

  155. imranj78,
    majority has the right to prioritize their values over the minorities?? why don’t umno and the malays tell it to the face of ALL chinese and indians they’re 2nd class citizens and they don’t deserve equal treatment? if it’s a fact, say it ain’t!

    tell me something more, why is it despite the 60% population clout and 50 years of prioritizing your values over others we’re still debating the merits of all the convoluted practices of special treatment? because malays are…what?? say the word, bro, say the word!!

    and shamshul anuar,
    being sponsored as a scholar by the government does not mean one can be indifferent to the mistakes the government is making. many, many, and i mean MANY more chinese and indian kids have better academic and brain smarts to take on the rigors of a foreign education than malays, but in the name of race supremacy, they are told their skin color sucks! THINK what the country will be like if all the deserving ones, in the name of all-men-are-created-equal, are sent to engineering, law, medical, and business schools, and choose to return to an even playing field. we’d be a developed nation like, yesterday! we’d be thumbing our noses at the competition.

    and get this, u ought to be grateful the kids we sent abroad did learn and did pick up the critical capacity to tell what works and what doesn’t, ought u not??

  156. trublumsian,
    maybe before you read this response, you should stop smoking crack or whatever that is making you hyper. A more civilised and non-emotional post would be better don’t you think so?

    I never ever mentioned about the minorities being 2nd or 3rd class citizens. Did I? I was just making a practical point. Yes in the UK and US, all citizens are equal in the eyes of the law. It is the same here in Malaysia as well. But there are certains norms that the minorities are expected to follow even in those countries. In UK, it is the mastering of the English language. Also in these countries, you can’t expect a mosque to blast azan. This doesn’t make non-English speaking people and Muslims in those countries 2nd or 3rd class citizens, it just means that these people have to follow the norms of the particular country that they are in. Is that wrong? No! This is not a policy nor something that is formally set on stone, it is just how things should be if you want to main harmony and peace in a country.

  157. YB Lim and all,

    This is indeed something of grave concern to all Malaysians who wants a Malaysia for all. Our dear Prime Minister in his capacity of Umno leader has just starkly shown to Malaysians that he is indeed a PM who fights for the Malays more than other races, if we were ever to believe Khir Toyo of course. This is in fact, a highly sensitive issue and YB is right that PM owes the rakyat a proper explanation! But as he always does, remaining silent when he ought to speak up and speaking up when he should be silent

    True, AAB as Umno president and Khir as an Umno supreme council member are qualified to fight for Malay unity..but they must not forget they are also PM and ex S’gor MB who represent all races!

    In fact, this revelation of Umno-PAS unity talk is not surprising given that today, BN’s support during the last GE was mostly frm the Malays (largely rural) rather than Chinese or Indians compared to 1998 or 2004. So, it is of their interest to gain credit for looking after Malays interest while discrediting DSAI/PKR/PR for having neglected the Malays or become ‘the tools of Chinese/Indians’ as mentioned by DSAI in his speech in Cheng, Melaka.

    But I do not think Malays are disunited today because of the PAS/extremist or Umno/secular divide, but rather more between an honest/clean/moderate and corrupt/self-centered/extravagant leadership! Obviously, BN is still not awaken from their pre-election mentality of racial politics…Even MCA president-to-be Ong Tee Keat commented on this saying, MCA should also pick up this lesson for perhaps, a Chinese unity talk?!

    To all my Malay frens..don’t be fooled. This is not a Malay unity effort so to say, it is merely political gain for Umno and PAS (if ever happens). Though I am very glad that PAS has stood firm against any political business with Umno..and remains committed to PR’s agenda. Khir Toyo is such a fool to doom Umno himself by revealing all the deals about MB post and 4 executive councillors post to PAS should they agree to form S’gor govn with Umno. And dragging DSAI into the picture for preventing this from happening will only strengthen DSAI position as a leader who fights for all races! And hello..hasn’t the rakyat already chosen by the ballot box who to rule S’gor? Are u not trying to thwart the rule of law and democracy? Wake up, ‘Toyol’!

    What we need now is Malaysian unity, not Malay unity. We are now in the end of 21st century now, close to 10 years before 2020, not in post-independence era anymore. Much challenges lie ahead for Malaysia to compete in the world stage with developed countries, esp S’pore or even Thailand..and this can only be done if Malaysians of all races are truly united as one!

  158. Mr Khir Toyo once declared to clear opposition political parties from the state of Selangor. That happened just before GE12. What do PAS have to say about that? And then he suggested to form the state government with PAS after UMNO’s dismal failure? What a contradiction! It smacks of intrigue and sinister aims. And being hypocritical at that. What should PAS read into this?

  159. Malay are united… they are united like the rest of the rakyat in wanting a fair, democratic, just government.

    UMNO is not united, not the Malay. Let’s all just be clear about this fact.


  160. To : imraj78 & zak_hammaad

    First of all I admire your courage to posy your comments here. Without your participant this cyber space may become a place for showing dissatisfaction and siok sendiri.
    It’s through dialog that understanding among groups can possible be achieved. Even though I can not agree with most of your point, I think your opinion should be respected by everyone.

    “# imranj78 Says:
    It is true that in most countries the rights of the minorities needs to be protected more. But in Malaysia, it seems that the minorities are questioning the rights of the majority.”

    Which rights we are talking about? The right to have supremacy above others? The only country that I know to have such policy was South Africa, and that was decades ago.

    “# zak_hammaad Says:
    The best foundation for any Malaysian unity however, needs to be based upon social justice. In the context of the geo-social race reality, it is with Malay unity first and foremost, where this social justice needs to be streamlined within a workable consensus from all Malaysians.”

    When you talk about unity, have you ever consider unity to do what? For what? Or against what?
    If PAS and UMNO discuss about how to improve Malaysia economy, reduce crime of pursue for justice, no one regardless his race will ever object or feel threaten. From this aspect, it is even baseless to claim Malay is not united. However, if this is the real purpose of the muzakarah, it simply can not be the same UMNO that we all know.
    Since this is about forming a Malay center “paksi Melayu” to marginalize the other race, I can’t see how you can convince yourself that this will lead to a unity of all Malaysian.

    “# imranj78 Says:
    “Values are different from culture to culture and this extends to so called `human rights’ as well. In an Islamic country, it is fine to broadcast your azan and to Muslims”
    “It is also just natural that the group in the majority has the right to prioritize some of their values over the minorities.”

    “Broadcast azan” is not a value, it’s just a norm. And norm is no way at same level as value.
    Value is about the principle of life, which is universal acceptable and even agreeable by different religions. One of it is the freedom to act (under condition not effect to others).
    And regarding “majority to prioritize some of their value over the minorities”, I would say this is particular mentality of Malaysian Muslim.

    It’s probably true that azan is not broadcasted in many towns in US, but mind you, even if you broadcast Christine Sunday prayer through load speaker, you may still end up get sued for disturbing others.
    See the different? It’s about respect to other people’s choice.

  161. AhLiew,
    I disagree that any race should have any supremacy over others and this is not what I meant in my posts above. `Rights’ of the majority above primarily refers to the rights that have been enshrined in the constitution, special positions of the Bumiputras, Islam as the official religion, Bahasa Melayu as the official language etc. I also extend this to policies such as NEP (which by the way should be expanded to include those of other races who are poor), the power and jurisdiction of the Syariah courts etc.

    A norm in a society is closely tied to its values. Something not compatible with a society’s values will never be considered a norm. I disagree that the “majority have the right to prioritize some of their values over the minorities” as a particular mentality of Malaysian Muslims. This is a social fact everywhere in the world. Probably my choice of word `priority’ was not the best though.

    The point is we are in Malaysia where 65% of the population is Malay and Muslim. It is only natural that the outlook and character of the country would be more slanted towards the majority. Tell me you disagree with this? This should not be at the expense of the rights to other races and religions though. But everyone should understand that the freedom that the minorities enjoy should also not openly infringe upon the values of the majority.

  162. DEar Trublumsian,

    Many thanks for your reply. Nowhere in my writing I said that simply bercause you were given scholarship, you can tolerate any nonsense by the govt of the day.

    What I stressed is a crucial and simple fact. Do not deny the truth that the govt you hate so much did help you. And I emphasize the virtue of being careful as mentioned by Dr Nazrin, the esteemed Raja Muda of Perak.

    As for AhLiew, what I think Imranj trying to say is that the very basis of the Modern Malaysia is acknowledgement of history. Denying this fact is a disaster for Malaysia.

    UMNO never imposes its will on non Malays. Many here concluded that one o the reason why UMNO rejected by majority non Malays is due to its bullying of non Malay parties like MCA, MIC.

    UMNO is the senior partner in BN. That is the truth. without asking, UMNO is accorded the status simple as it has the most number of seats as compared to MCA, MIC, GErakan put together. Hence the recognition.

    What UMNO does is not that peculiar. DAP holds the reign in Penang with PAS holds on Kedah. Why MB of Kedah is PAS member. Because PAS has the most number as compared to PKR and DAP.

    If scholarship is the issue, rest assured no govt of the day can give scholarship to all top students. Simply because you do not get scholarship does not mean that you fail in life.

    Accept reality that sometimes we do not get what we want. But there are other alternatives. There are many colleges and universities around.

    And if someone says it is unfair to Chinese student who gets 10a, please understand there are also top students from Malay community who do not get scholarship.

    And understand that the percentage of Malays studying abroad is lower than that of non Malays .

    As for claim that Chinese is 2nd class, boy you have yet to see the world. If you are in USA, please forget asking Govt funding on vernacular school. And of you are in USA, chances are you will not get white oeople to let you win in White majority area.

    I am not trying to preach. Rather telling you no other countries in the world are willing to sponsor vernacular schools in thousands. According to them that is not the right of minorities. That is the privilege.

    By saying that, I am not saying that mother tounges to be forbidden. Rather it should be retained.

  163. imranj78,

    so the norm you so fond of speaking about in malaysia is quotas to the majority in EVERY single thing? who imposed the so called norm? on what fair play basis was it concocted out of? in the u.k., if i don’t speak english as well as a local brit, n the position does not require a whole lot of communication skills, u bet i get as much chance of landing that job as the next guy up. in malaysia, non-bumis need not apply! i’m only saying u smoke crack if u insist on what malaysia is practicing is comparable to what the uk or u.s. is doing.

  164. imranj78,

    you say “values of the majority”, is quota-everything to less qualified bumis a VALUE?? do you even know why the quota exists? umno said it loud and clear. after 50 years of this norm, the bumis still don’t get it. again, if quota-everything to less qualified bumis a VALUE, tell me u are PROUD of it.

  165. shamshul anuar

    Thanks for your reply as well.

    I’m sure most non-bumis do not question the political structure we have in the country. We do not question the need for an UMNO led alliance. You know full well it’s the people filling the important posts we have a problem with. These blogs exists because we love the country and want to vent, we just hate the guts and integrity of some of the half-wits running the country.

    Here’s response to some of your commens.

    “What I stressed is a crucial and simple fact. Do not deny the truth that the govt you hate so much did help you.”
    We do not hate the country. Why would we be so passionate if we don’t love the country? And to your second point, if the government provides full opportunity to me, I would repay in full.
    Give me a fish vs. Teach me to fish…

    “If scholarship is the issue, rest assured no govt of the day can give scholarship to all top students.”
    Define top students. In most cases, a top bumi student is not like a top chinese student. Come on.

    “Simply because you do not get scholarship does not mean that you fail in life.”
    How about doing that and saying that to a bumi? For many willing Chinese and Indians, “life” is not just personal riches. It’s contributing to the country. Who’s depriving us?

    “Accept reality that sometimes we do not get what we want. But there are other alternatives. There are many colleges and universities around.”
    What if non-bumis can’t afford it? What if the better qualified don’t get to major in engineering or medicine? How about doing that and saying that to a bumi?

    “And if someone says it is unfair to Chinese student who gets 10a, please understand there are also top students from Malay community who do not get scholarship.”
    Apples to apples??

    “And understand that the percentage of Malays studying abroad is lower than that of non Malays.”
    Because of…..?? Must I spell it out?

    “As for claim that Chinese is 2nd class, boy you have yet to see the world. If you are in USA, please forget asking Govt funding on vernacular school. And of you are in USA, chances are you will not get white oeople to let you win in White majority area.”
    In the USA, if you’re a non-white minority company bidding on a govt contract, YOU GET special consideration.
    In the USA, if you’re a non-white minority applicant applying for college, YOU GET special consideration.
    In the USA, if you’re a non-white minority wanting to be hired as CEO of Cisco, your chances are slim, BUT you GET to go to a top school based on your merits, and you get to be lead engineer, chief scientist, head accountant, because you’re good and the CEO knows what good you can bring.

  166. “imranj78 say :…….special positions of the Bumiputras, Islam as the official religion, Bahasa Melayu as the official language..”

    You start to sound like a politician. I suspect you are KJ from Rembau trying to polish your skill here. Yes, I’m kidding. Ummm no, I really mean you sound like a politician. Because what you say is generally correct but non so if go deeper. I do not think any rational non-Malay ever challenge any of special right you mention above as a whole. However, it’s the detail which is questionable.

    Special right of Bumiputra, what right we are talking about?
    Kedaulatan Sultan and Agong as the Malay ruler? No body question that.
    Right to get privilege on politic & economy? That is questionable, especially after 50years of independence, most of the Malay walking on the land of Malaysia has not stay here any longer that non-Malay.

    Islam as a national religion. I don’t remember ever see any incident where this status have been challenged, at least, directly.
    However, religion is no more then a personal believe, until what extend that Islam to be treated more superior then other religion? In Melaka, we have Islam mosque, Indian Temple and Chinese Tokong near each others. Why the same kind on tolerance can not be allowed in other place.
    Just like to ask you, do build more Chine tokong challenge Islam’s national religion status?
    Like you mention, it’s “natural that the outlook and character of the country would be more slanted towards the majority”. Naturally, we will see more mosque then tokong in Malaysia, we can life with that. It’s go beyond the “natural” that non-Malay not happy about. But then, you probably do not know that non-Malay facing many red tape and political roadblock in building their place for warship.

    Bahasa Melayu as the official language. The concern is the same.
    Do using non-malay in primary school challenge this? Do set Chinese road sign (together with Malay) in Chinese heritage area challenge this?
    Bahasa Malay is the de facto language in government business. In order to go further up of national education system, a credit in Malay subject is compulsory. Believe me, we are OK with this. However, when a company want to recruit staff who can speak Chinese to communicate with Chinese customer, some say this is challenging bahasa Malay and make an issue. Why do Rais Yatim speak to Condoleezza Rice in English then? Why not just using bahasa Malay.

  167. We can continue to argue about supremacy, ketuanan and privileges. It will never end. And we are not even questioning the rights per se, merely the implementation and abuse. See how arrogant and blind they have become.

    It is the Sicillian thing, trust me. It will end only when the Malayu think it is time to end. We can talk ideally, but who want the good life and privileges to end. Take EPF as an example. Whose money (the bulk of it at least) is it in EPF? Who get to manage those money and hold high and mighty positions there? Just a simple example, but it is not a insignifant one.

  168. AhLiew, many Malays would disagree with the notion that “religion is no more then a personal believe” – This is actually the cause of much misinformation and confusion. Islam is not like any other religion, it is a complete and comprehensive way of life that incorporates every facet of life, whether it be social, economic, political, military etc. The secularism you are promoting is wholly rejected by Islam and the struggle between Islam and secularism is nothing new and will continue. Non-Muslim minorities in Malaysia can not change nor impose their secular ideas on the majority Muslims.

  169. zak_hammaad, that your where your brain all got scr*wed up. We never impose. We never stop you from believing what you are believing. If you want to pray, to sing to do whatever in the name of your religion, may i know who is stopping you. Just don’t expect and force us to follow you, that is enough for us, got it? We just want to follow our way of life, and we are not interested in imposing on you.

  170. limkamput, I will excuse you for your lack of English comprehension. Is it or is it not true that DAP are fighting for a secular Malaysia? If it is true then you should know by now that secularism can not co-exist with Islam on par.

    Social justice is not about imposing our values on each other, it is firstly about respect and appreciation of the differences and working to find a common ground to come together as Malaysians.

    We can not come together under one religion or culture or language, therefore we must try much harder to be accommodating of each others needs. Being 62%+ Muslim, surely you must acknowledge that the need for Muslim Malaysians will be greater in ratio to the needs of the non-Muslim minorities?

    Where Muslims are a minority in some parts of Malaysia, you will see how they live in peaceful co-existence.

  171. Hey! Are we talking about religion now? Why, now only you people want to learn about Islam ha? I thought you know already?

    LIM KITSIANG! You can now peacefully withdraw this page because it is all over! If the issue is “PAS join BN”, then, NIK AZIZ .. OUR (my?) SPIRITUAL BOSS has said “NO WAY! – Not Keen!) ANd that holy man said “WE WILL WORK VERY CLOSELY WITH DAP” Isn’t that good enough? And do you know that SOFT HOLYMAN is actually VERY POWERFUL and highly respected?

    Hei! do you know how painful is it for NIK AZIZ to agree to work together with “ClearCUT NONMUSLIM (DAP)” and REJECT to work with his own muslim-brother (UMNO)??? You think easy ha to make that decision? So? Still no good???

    He knows ISLAM must accept the existence of non-muslim and at the same time, stupid or “inhuman” MUSLIM (“golongan fasik, munafik” etc.) must be REJECTED or AVOIDED… If you people agree to work and coorperate with us, we, in ISLAM, required YOU to be PROTECTED and equally enjoy life … Be christian, Buddhist whatsoever…. heard that before?

    Don’t cry baby, learn to trust PAS and accept PAS’s weaknesses too. We have already put you all in our group, K? Let’s do some work for the Rakyat. Go GO GO!!!

  172. trublumsian,
    i think you have terribly missed the point of my post. Maybe you should re-read my posts. and again, quotas and values are not the same nor related. I shall not respond to comments on words that have been put in my mouth by you.

    UK and US do not need such quotas as the majority whites do control the majority of the wealth. So it is fair. quotas are not norms nor are they sustainable. But again, the situation in Malaysia is also far from acceptable. How could it be that a particular minority race in a country controls about 2/3 of the economy? Is this fair? Is this acceptable in the long run? I can only think of Indonesia and South Africa as countries with similar predicament. Some of you might say that everyone should earn their own keep and I totally agree. But lets look at it from a big picture. Our country will not be stable in the long term with such uneven wealth distribution. Or do you think otherwise? Don’t just criticize without giving your alternate resolution to the problem.

    The problem is not with the concept of NEP. Rather, the implementation has left much to be desired.

    I suggest you read and respond to comments more constructively and not emotionally. We’re here for constructive engagement.

  173. AhLiew78,
    I am sorry to dissapoint you but I am no politician and never intend to be one, and even if I was, UMNO would be the last party I would join, at least in its current form. You say that what I post is generally correct but not so when you go deeper. You are saying this because what I say is not inline with your ideas and that is fine. Plus, I don’t need your endorsement. I have received positive and negative feedback to my comments in this blog and that shows that what I write is not all `crap’ as you might try to indicate.

    Right to get priveledges on politic and economy? Is it right that a minority of a particular race in our country controls 2/3 of the countries wealth? Lets not talk about priveledges and right until wealth distribution is fair. I rather not use the word priveldge rather affirmative action. Yes I agree its implementation of NEP is not best and has to be improved drastically but its concept is righteous.

    Your comments on place of worship and language I agree. But in my view, vernacular schools do not promote a `Malaysian’ identity. Rather national schools should be strengthen and made more acceptable to all races. Teaching of mother tongue languages should be promoted in all national schools to encourage people of all races to send their children there.
    Islam is not only a personal religion, it encompasses a way of life. And like it or not, this way of life will come into public domain and you will see it whether you are Muslim or non-Muslim. And yes, I agree that it should not affect non-Muslims, but again, the freedom of non-Muslims should not be construed as a license to step on the way of life Islam is promoting.

  174. Dear Trublumsian,

    It is a pleasure to read your comment. At least I have one shared value with you; that we can exchange ideas minus name calling and insulting remarks.

    There are certain things I would like to emphasize:
    1) That I do not question your love to this great country
    2) That I understand not all Chinese are multi millionaires who can
    afford sending their children to respected universities in foreign countries.

    By the way, you are right. In USA, if you are from minority race, you are entitled to benefits under affirmative action. BUt in USA, the WASP, besides being the largest group is also the most economically dominant. The minority races such as Hispanic, Asian, Native Indians or Hawaain economic achievement pale in comparison of WASP economic achievement. As such, affirmative action is reasonable here.

    In Malaysia, the minority race like Chinese is economically superior as compared to that majority, Malay. I am not suggesting denial of scholarship to brilliant student from Chinese or Indian community.. Rather reform the scholarship. I suggest JPA should not sent undergrad to overseas. LImit the study overseas to post graduate students. In this case, more money would be available to these bright students.

    It is matter of wisdom here. If we do not offer scholarship or partial scholarship, other countries may offer them.

    And Yes. I told one upset mother( A malay) whose son with 11As does not get scholarship to study medicine in UK. Accept the fact that Govt is not obligated to help. It is a privilege not a right. Now that boy is studying medicine in Bandung, Indonesia.

    Problem with some people( with due respect) they always make it a racial issue out of limited fund available. I however understand the letdown over scholarship issue. I strongly advise JPA to issue clear guidelines over this matter. If not it is going to be an annual heart wrenching affair.

    As for Malay community, I urge them to start early education plan for children. As for rich Malay, perhaps they should chip in just like much appreciated Chinese support to UTAR. This is one particular trait that I believe Malay community should learn from the Chinese.

    As for limited fund, I even suggest that Govt sets up another 1 billion fund for bright students. It is a very good investment. Remember, if we do not offer scholarship, other countries will.

    i will write later. Again may I emphasize my heartfelt appreciation on your point.

  175. ///Search your heart. Be honest to yourselves. No need to be pretentious. Try to remember one instance that the much hated UMNO ( through its influence in politics) has ever enabled poor Malays( and also non Malays) to come out from poverty through good education.///— Shamsul Anuar

    That would be true if UMNO was like Bill Gate using his own funds to help all those who deserve help. But UMNO used public money to create social problems through implementing racist policies, and through such policies enriched UMNOputras.

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