Hamid Albar the greatest national security threat

Datuk Seri Syed Albar is a major security threat if the Home Minister is so gullible as to launch a massive three-day 1,600-personnel police operation to lock down Kuala Lumpur and Klang Valley causing great financial losses and inconveniencing hundreds of thousands of people based on “rubbish” intelligence about a non-existent high-level Pakatan Rakyat leadership meeting, two speeches, two blogs and two SMS.

Hamid had promised Parliament on Tuesday to retract his allegation that DAP Secretary-General and Penang Chief Minister, Lim Guan Eng, DAP National Vice Chairman and MP for Kepong, Dr. Tan Seng Giaw and I had attended a top leadership meeting of Pakatan Rakyat at the Parti Keadilan Rakyat headquarters on July 9 to plot a mass demonstration in or at Parliament last Monday to justify the deployment of 1,600 police personnel to create a three-day gridlock of the Federal capital and the Klang Valley.

Why is Hamid so conspicuously silent about his promise in Parliament in the past three days?

Is he still checking on whether he had been taken for a ride by his dishonest informers who had concocted such tall tale about a fictitious meeting of top Pakatan Rakyat leaders on July 9, purportedly attended by Guan Eng, Seng Giaw and myself – when it is just a pack of lies?

Hamid said yesterday that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim should not worry about giving his DNA samples if he were interested to seek the truth behind the sodomy allegations against him.

Anwar has said that he has no faith in the system as he is concerned about the fabrication of DNA test results.

If there is a national opinion poll, I believe the majority of Malaysians is behind Anwar in having grave doubts about the credibility and integrity of the institutions of government, particularly those headed by Hamid.

Hamid’s own conduct has given ammunition not only to justify Anwar’s lack of faith in the integrity of the system of police investigations and administration of justice, but also public skepticism that government institutions, whether the police, the judiciary or the Home Ministry could be fair, independent, impartial and professional in the handling of the latest sodomy allegation against Anwar.

If a Home Minister, the No. 1 man in charge of the Police force in the country, can so blatantly and without shame and impunity, purvey a lie about a non-existent top leadership meeting of Pakatan Rakyat on July 9 purportedly attended by Guan Eng, Seng Giaw and I to plot a non-existent demonstration in Parliament on July 14, using it as an excuse to launch a massive three-day police operation to lock down Kuala Lumpur and the Klang Valley, who could ever trust in the credibility and integrity of government institutions?

Hamid should stop advising Anwar or any Malaysian to trust in the integrity of national institutions, organs and agencies until and unless he is prepared to set the example of being a Home Minister who understands the meaning of honesty, credibility, impartiality and integrity.

Hamid had been doubly offensive when he had said that he wanted to check on our alibis to establish that the three DAP leaders were not present at the so-called July 9 Pakatan Rakyat leadership meeting.

It is not for Guan Eng, Seng Giaw and I to prove our alibis but for Hamid to prove that there was indeed a top Pakatan Rakyat leadership meeting on July 9 which was attended by the three of us.

Hamid should stop his double standards of applying the principle that Pakatan Rakyat leaders are guilty until proven innocent, while for Barisan Nasional the principle to be applied is that they are innocent unless proven guilty.

This was why I had asked in Parliament on Wednesday why Hamid had not launched police actions against the Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak and other Cabinet Ministers as there were so many blogs and SMS making serious allegations against them – if two speeches, two blogs and two SMS were sufficient to justify the launching of a three-day 1,600-personnel massive police operation to lock down Kuala Lumpur and Klang Valley.

When is Hamid going to own up that the so-called July 9 top Pakatan Rakyat leadership meeting attended by Guan Eng, Seng Giaw and I is a pure figment of imagination and accept responsibility for the totally unnecessary and unjustified three-day inconveniencing of hundreds of thousands of people in Kuala Lumpur and the Klang Valley by getting Cabinet approval to pay compensation to all those who suffered financial losses, whether major or minor?

223 Replies to “Hamid Albar the greatest national security threat”

  1. Dear YB Lim

    More roadblocks and he will win the “unpopularity contest”!


    1. Dress rehearsal for future police action
    2. Show of force to intimidate the public
    3. Fooled by disinformation/dirty tricks planted by SIL and his Boys?

  2. Malaysian are too docile and not demanding enough of their leaders.

    They know that they are taken for a ride and yet the continue to vote for the same incompetent leaders, election after election. They never learn.


  3. KUALA LUMPUR: If truth is what he is after, then Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim should just give a blood sample for DNA tests, said Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar. ” NST

    See? In Malaysia, you have to prove your innocence. And the government has the right to make innuendos about you. And harrass and bully you too with the help of the main stream media.

    Human rights? They never heard about it.

  4. the majority of the majority are so still gullible, naive, immature politically as to keep bn/umno in power. thats why most islamic countries are not politically mature enough to handle the right kind of democracy. year in year out for some reason they still vote in incompetent and HP6 MPs and ministers.

  5. “Hamid should stop his double standards of applying the principle that Pakatan Rakyat leaders are guilty until proven innocent, while for Barisan Nasional the principle to be applied is that they are innocent unless proven guilty.

    This was why I had asked in Parliament on Wednesday why Hamid had not launched police actions against the Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak and other Cabinet Ministers as there were so many blogs and SMS making serious allegations against them – if two speeches, two blogs and two SMS were sufficient to justify the launching of a three-day 1,600-personnel massive police operation to lock down Kuala Lumpur and Klang Valley.”

    Well said, Uncle Kit
    If Syed Akhbar is so sincere in wanting to know the truth, he should ask police to investigate the DPM and all those mentioned in RPK’s SD. Then he will be unholding transparency and accountability, which the govt is so keen to implement.

    Why is he so silent on the matter? Isn’t the use of C4 a threat to national security not to mention murder of a foreign narional?

    And oh, BTW, how can RPK be charged with slander and defamation if the allegations are not investigated and the truth be known.

  6. Umno/BN childish pranks – they think that they can make PR be odious to the people.
    Such idiotic measures only result in making the public more incensed towards them as the public can assess the internet for more truthful news.
    These Umno goons still live in bygone days of old.
    Wake up BN desperados.
    We are in the 21st century – uncensored news at the click of a mouse!

  7. Only Anwar himself can guarantee that his DNA will not be tempered, misused and abused. Cannot trust anyone anymore. The home minister can tell Anwar that there is nothing to fear. But when it happens, he will not only give the stupidest excuses but deny that he said it.He accused the PKR and DAP leaders of plotting a demostration. When it was proved that there was no such thing, has he apologise to them? The PM should sacked him.

  8. the burden of proof lies in the person who makes the claim..

    it’s not for mr guan eng, seng giaw, and kit siang to prove their alibis, but for hamid to prove that they were indeed there in the meeting..

  9. I agree fully with Sdr. Lim that Syed Hamid is a danger to our national security. In the same interview on Anwar and his DNA, Syed Hamid, in response to a question, said that a new DNA law was being formulated that would force people to give the DNA. The way he said this was so laissez-faire that I literally was shocked!

    DNA access goes to the core private rights and private property. You already have police that says they can search people’s house as they like without warrant which is a joke itself. If such a law is past giving unprecedented power to police to take my DNA, I say its the end of private rights and property itself.

    My response to police and Syed Hamid that says they want to take my DNA as they please, is that they might as well shoot me first, and that stealing, violence, abuse, rape is legal first before I would let it happen.

  10. Aiya, that guy is rubbish la, a real rubbish!! See the way he talked in the interview then you will know the standard of Malaysia’s cabinet menbers……..Yes, “memang tiada tandingannya”……

    Well done Malaysia! Boleh Boleh Boleh!!!

  11. anwar said his DNA sample has been taken 10yrs ago..
    hamid said that was 10yrs ago and now they want a fresh sample..
    i’m going to ask hamid will his DNA changes in 10yrs’ time?
    perhaps hamid is a mutant where his DNA changes daily..

  12. It just shows how stupid these UMNO/BN MPs are. Msia has rotted. Luckily for us, CKC and OKT of MCA is not standing. If not, Msian cabinet consists mainly of morons and gravediggers.

    Syed Mamak thinks that the public is easily duped. He thinks that everyone thinks like he does. For goodness sake, send the whole lot of them to Ambon.

  13. The small boy from Rembau showed how a stupid person talks like. If the other BN MPs are lesser than him, it would be ashame for MCA MPs to remain in BN.

    Get the hell out and declare your allegience to LKS and DAP.

  14. “Hamid should stop his double standards of applying the principle that Pakatan Rakyat leaders are guilty until proven innocent, while for Barisan Nasional the principle to be applied is that they are innocent unless proven guilty.”

    how true.

  15. “Hamid said yesterday that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim should not worry about giving his DNA samples if he were interested to seek the truth behind the sodomy allegations against him.”

    If Hamid could say these words, then it is only natural for one to draw the conclusion that he, IGP and AG belong to the same gang which seeks to bring down Anwar.

  16. It is becoming obvious that Police-Judiciary ARE the UMNO tools. No need to seek anymore comfirmation and clarification. Anything involving Opposition is carried out swiftly and efficiently in the name of instilling Fear and intimidation.

    This is a Rakyat game and come this August…we MUST Line the streets of Malaysia in Black and show once and for all the Death of Law and Order in Malaysia and for a CLEAR sign to Agong and Sultan to take out these …..How much longer do these Royalty want to see the anger and suffering of the people Unleashed.

    In the words or Morgan Tsangarai

    “Don’t make Malaysian Do what is NOT Natural in our DNA”!!!


    you are nothing but a moronic windbag and an incompetant bafoon. After turning wisma putra in to the laughing stock of the world, your now doing the same thing to our country. The least you could do is shut up and stop issuing your idiotic statments. Every word you utter only serves to show how big a fool you are and only increases the rakyat’s disdain for you.

    Honestly, people coud’nt care less about what you think or have to say.

    Uncle Lim, lets start a signature campaign to demand Syed Hamid’s immediate resignation. His astronomical incompetance in such a important ministry is only hurting the country and the rakyat…

  18. When RPK makes a declaration, not accusation rosmah were interviewed first, not interrogated, in the comfort of her home.
    RPK got summon to IPK the hauled up.

    when anwar was accused, the accuser get interviewed first then anwar was hauled up.

    when anwar made an ACA report, the accused gets interviewed first, and anwar were the last.

    see, the similarity?

    it does not matter wether you are the accuser or the accused. you will get questioned LATER and then brought to court.

    for them there’s no court date whatsoever.

    thats what the called a fair and sound justice system…

    but what can we do? when there’s a lot more idiots in malaysia than brains.

    and most of them even hold ministries…

  19. I agreed with DSAI that there is no need to take another DNA sample. DNA profile is specific and characteristic to only one individual in the world. No two individuals can have the exactly the same DNA profile, not even close family members. Additionally, DNA profile cannot change with time and that is why in US crime investigation the police can rely on DNA results even more than 10 years old to prove innocence or guilt of a person.
    The only reason why the police want a new sample is suspicious.

    For one, they can use this new sample and stick around the alleged victims anus and say that they found this sample on his body and therefore linked to DSAI. Alternatively, the police will subdivide the sample submitted into 2 sub-samples and send one sub-sample ( labelled taken from DSAI ) to foreign forensic lab and the other sub-sample ( taken from the victim’s body ) to the same forensic lab. The conclusion then is very obvious.

    Our police can do everything under the sun to achieve their own ends.

  20. Nothing suprising as it comes from a unintelligent person like him and his fellow UMNO-ites. KJ and gang plus that guy Tajudin…all the same la.

    No need poll, we all know whats the result, they (kampung guys and folks) will support the PR.

    How can AAB seat still and hear all these dumb things around him..(no i have not forgotten he is sleeping or a dumb himself) but come on la…enuff is enuff.

    YB, i read the parliment proceedings scripts…if i was there i guess i would have acted the way you guys did. SO geram. KJ was surely the master mind…no doubt, he knows all the details in the p. report. Hamid is his hands-man (amongst the few he hand-picked) for his devious deeds. ALL will rot in HELL

  21. boaqingtien says “Hamid sugggets a DNA test on Anwar, so can I suggest an I.Q test on Hamid.”

    I totally agree.

    I think such UMO scumbags might probably have an IQ lower than a dog!

  22. To all PR members and PR supporters:
    It is fight back time!
    We have enough of all the shits the past 1 week!

    We MUST put all the hyenas and scumbags to where they belong — hell!

  23. Yes, more Malaysians will be behind Anwar now. I spoke to a Malay person who prefer to stay away from politics (still…) said that her mom is a BN supporter all along. But after they heard the Oil debate recently on Astro, their entire family is behind Anwar! They start to feel BN government is hiding something from them.

    Can there be another debate on the recently roadblock? Get Hamid to debate with Anwar again. :-)

  24. Agreed with FY Lim. I for one don’t trust the authorities. It is easier than most people might think to alter information in the lab, especially when most procedures are not transparent. Lab personnels will work according to the label and barcode only. How the sample was obtained is another question.

  25. YB Lim KS, you are stating the obvious, the mouth-piece of what we feel, yet not being able to say. If there is a danger to Malaysian, let Syed Hamid Albar understand:

    1. The police-report of police against another police is a concrete evidence of the link between PDRM and the underworld/syndicates. What level of investigation had been initiated? We, the public is not surprised that the links themselves lead to Peace Hill and maybe Putra Jaya. Is this a threat to national security?

    2. The use of government machinery to prop an unpopular regime do not give an immediate danger to Malaysia, but this is a potential time-bomb that could erupt. As a former foreign minister Syed Hamid must have witnessed the eruption of violence in every nation where people’s dissatisfaction is being suppressed.

    3. Two sets of laws pertaining to police reports and Statutory Declarations is already seen. Whistle blowers in Malaysia are being harassed and prosecuted if their information implicate senior member of the Malaysian politicians. However other police reports and SD are totally ignored. This would promote heartless criminals into the forefront of Malaysian leadership. Syed Hamid, this is a real threat to the existence of Malaysia.

    Syed Hamid, I hope you look at the future on Malaysia not from the eyes of a politician. The way UMNO and BN run this nation, I am saying here that Malaysia as you see today will not last another 50 years.

  26. Coward -&- Timid!

    Dare not challenge, do nothing, know nothing!
    Lack of guts, empty promises, again and again burdening us!

    This kind of administration, do you still intend to standby ‘it’? You know about it, don’t you!

    No matter what-how, PR administration CAT system is my choice!
    Welcoming PR Federal Administration!

    Warmest regards.

  27. They always say the road block or whatsoever is for public safety. But what they are doing shouts so loud that all these nonsensical actions are for their own safety.
    They are soooo terribly afraid.

  28. Are those voters that voted in Hamid (the constituents supported BN) the accomplice in delivering the massive Jam in KL?

    The newspaper highlighted that the root cause of massive Jam is the demonstrators. Is it really true?
    Fish Bone analysis may further breakdown to the party, causing the demonstrators to react, as the root cause. After some analysis effort, it could well be that the incompetent Home Minister is the ultimate root cause of all the financial losses.

  29. Can Pakatan Rakyat MPs please file a vote-of-no confidence on Hamid Albar or whatever vote allowed by the parliament standing order to get rid of this incompetent nincompoop. Thank you.


  30. Come on lah…we all know that this was “master-minded” by UMNO because of the “no confidence motion”. So they “blame” the Opposition to get the heat off Pak Lah!
    UMNO can do anything in Malaysia. They are above the law!
    We can debate about this forever but let’s face it, as long as they are in power, they will do whatever they want, whenever they want & however they want. AND NOONE CAN DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!

  31. The same bullshit again.

    Remember before PRU-12 they say they had to cancel the indelible ink after receiving ‘intelligence report’ on the grounds of “threat to national security”.

    Then later, Hamid can coolly say in Parliment it was also actually based on hearsay and no evidence that there was actually threat to national security on the use of the ink.

    And now, here we go again. They expect us to swallow the same bullshit twice.

  32. Dear PSM

    You are too negative. Learn from history – there is strength in numbers!

    Some examples of popular responses to tyranny:

    1. General strike e.g. May 1968 in Paris, France (ended Charles de Gaulle’s rule)

    2. Refusal to obey unjust laws e.g. Mahatma Gandhi’s Salt March of 1930. The British did not have any enough space in their prisons to house all the people arrested! British rule ended in India in 1947

    3. Mothers of the Plaza de Mayor in Buenos Aires, Argentina i.e. weekly protests for their loved ones who had been “disappeared” by the military regime of the mid-1970s. Even the fascist thugs dared not beat up little old ladies holding photos of their loves ones.

    4. Chilean women banging pots and pans to protest hyperinflation during the rule of President Salvador Allende

    5. People Power movement of the Philippines (ended the rule of Ferdinand Marcos and Joseph Estrada)

    6. Mass movements ended KMT one-party regime (KMT has reformed, embraced democracy and was recently re-elected to form the Taiwan government), military dictatorship in South Korea and overthrew th East European Communist governments (who are much better at surveillance, harassment and intimidation than our buffoon regime)

  33. PSM,

    Yes we can do something about it, we can do it via the ballot. March 2008 was a good start. Look, Be-End did not get 2/3, and they start to show cracks here and there, although they still command more than 1/2 of the seats in the parliament. If a ruling government rules well, they would not be afraid even they have a one-seat majority.

    Be-End of Bolehland got a majority of 30 seats and they still throw tantrum.

    Sad, really sad…


  34. What has Syed Hamid to say abou this happening in his home state?

    ” Teachers robbed at knife-point in front of pupils

    JOHOR BARU – MORE than 50 children at a kindergarten were left traumatised after their teachers were robbed at knife-point in class on Thursday.

    However, the brave action of one teacher saved her colleagues from being hurt.

    Two men, in their 20s, had come to the kindergarten in Taman Sri Skudai about 10.30am, reported The New Straits Times on Friday.

    One of them entered a classroom on the pretext of enquiring about a pupil while the other waited outside.

    As the teacher turned to ask her colleague, he brandished a hunting knife and pointed it at her stomach.

    ‘I told him to take whatever he wanted and not to harm us,’ the 21-year-old teacher told NST, adding that the man then ordered her and three other teachers to hand over their jewellery and money.

    ‘They took two handphones, three gold chains and RM240,’ said the teacher, who declined to be named.

    The teacher pleaded with the robber not to harm them. Instead, he became enraged when told that one of the handbags did not contain any money.

    The teachers were then herded into a classroom.

    The pupils, who had witnessed the robbery unfolding, were in tears, said NST.

    The robber and his accomplice rode off on their motor-cycle.

    NST said another kindergarten had been robbed 10 minutes earlier in neighbouring Taman Ungku Tun Aminah.

    Police have not ruled out that both cases were committed by the same robbers. — NST

    Welcome to Mugabeland. Sleep well, Mugabeans.

  35. Anwar also disclosed that during his medical examination at the KL Hospital, he was stripped naked, had his whole body examined including his private parts measured. ” The Star.


    Welcome to Mugabeland. Sleep well, Mugabeans.

  36. That Hamid CLOWN will always be a CLOWN. He will continue to “entertain” the rakyat will all his STUPID antics and make a grand fool of himself and the people who elected him. Keep up the “good work”, En CLOWN!

  37. The country is already under security threats created by umno themselves. They just want to create a suitable situation in order for them to stay in power forever.

    YB Kit on a side note:

    Please advise all your Penang Aduns to wear the full attire for the State Assembly on Monday. Do not allow any slight mishap for umno to create a big scene.


    GE 13 – No matter what, we must ensure that racist umno bn do not regain the power like they had for the past fifty years.

  38. Whats new? I guess its easy to point the finger at some one else…..thats easier than proving the person wrong. What happend to Raja Petra? How come he is charged when in fact Rosemary should have sued RPK for defamation…….very fishy……very fishy!

  39. If there is going to be a demo by Pakatan Rakyat, surely Raja Petra would have posted something at his world famous blog Malaysia-Today.Net urging the rakyat to go to Parlimen.

    Whose blogs? Unknown blogs that nobody visit made by an UMNO member?

    Hamid Albar can fool all UMNO members all the time
    Hamid Albar can fool some kampung folks some of the time BUT
    Hamid Albar cannot fool all Malaysians all the time.

  40. @Mobileworld,
    the answer is very simple. So that they don’t have to pay their own legal fee. The Tax payers have to foot the bill for them when they use the AG’s chamber to sue RPK. Do you see that, consistent abuse of governmental assets for their own affairs!

  41. Not to worry about the roadblock too much. Eventually their own supporters will get fed up and curse him to stop. Know that we are not the only one affected. Ha!

    He lost Pulau Batu Putih. He will lose more!

  42. YB Lim, can’t agree with you more… the Arab, Humid Elba is just a blowhard! We use to think he was a nobody back in Penang, and he still a nobody now….( no more Boon Siew backing him )

    Can’t even get his facts right!

  43. Mr Lim, Maybe u have archive of people who have tried to defame PM Lee K Y of Singapore and got sued. See whether he use his own private lawyers or the AG’s chamber. Check your facts and maybe you can bring this up with the ACA or in Parliament for CBT or abuse of government assets for private gain. Maybe there is a catch: they use criminal defamation to get away with it, as criminal matters belongs to the state. But can they use such thing as criminal defamation? Many NGOs are against such move. Abuse of power, again?

  44. Great piece YB Lim

    Ahaaa,,..We can say Syed Hamid Albar spread false news and that was a threat to national security. Just like what happened to Guan Eng back in the 90’s when he exposed Rahim Thamby Chik sex scandal. Guan Eng was jailed under the Sedition Act.. What about Syed Hamid Albar..jailed??? Called up for questioning????Investigated???

    Wishful thinking… NOt a chance…This is Bolehland where ministers can go scot free spewing rubbish and lies day in and day out..

    What a load of bullsh*t from an incompetent and irresponsible coconut head Cabinet minister!! It sucks big time

    We can rival Zimbabwe anytime. Malaysia boleh..!!!

  45. He didn’t make his mark as the Minister of Defence so don’t expect him to do any better as the Home Minister. He’s a poor copy of Nazri, good at talking nonsense and empty between the ears. If anyone deserves to be in detention for endangering our security, it’s him.

  46. Syed Hamid.
    Please fill in the blanks.
    You have ten minutes.
    Starting now!

    “A” for … (a) apa (b) ada (c) abagn (d) aroplen (e) none of the above

    “B” for … (a) buat (b) bolih (c) bodoh (d) backside (e) one or more of the above

    “C” for … (a) cokc (b) duit (c) kaya (d) cont (e) not sure.

    Q.1. (e); Q.2. (d); Q.3. (e)

  47. In certain countries where everyone is a yes-man, don’t even think for a moment that ministers are acting on their own. Clearly, they take instructions from their bosses.

    If a PM agrees with the people that his minister was wrong, he should just sack him, instead of defending all the actions taken by his subordinates.

    In a right-thinking country, the way they would go about it:

    – if the police actions are seen as wrong, the Home Minister should be questioned if he condones that actions. If yes, he is automatically taking prime responsibility. If not, he should be taking immediate action by sacking the officers responsible.

    – if the Home Minister defends the actions, but does not take any action, then his boss the PM should be questioned as to whether he condones what the HM is doing. If yes, he is shouldering the responsibility. If not, he should be sacking the minister.

    – if the PM shoulders the responsibility but does not take any action, then obviously he cannot blame the people if they blame him for the mess.

  48. the BN govt practises double standard and on top of that they think we are stupid. wah this rally was so top secret that nothing was on the blogs and key rally guys like harris ibrahim don’t even know about it. same intelligence people that found about ink that was smuggled thru other countries which was going to disrupt the last election. Can they speak the truth in parliament for heaven sake? and no need to swear on the Quran etc.

    I see statements like others in sodomy case people beg to give DNA what. He should give DNA, why worry. have others been in his shoes and whacked till he almost die and bloody hell he is an ex DPM in 98.Have they been thru this charges twice with the 1st one being highly suspect. so stop talking nonsense please. Anwar is not your comment criminal. what you guys did with RPK SD? charge him lo.

    Syed Albar can go and flight kite.Most Msian do not trust the gomen or the police in this matter. That is the fact based on the people I discussed. Don’t believe it, do an opinion poll BN gomen.where is Zam the man who can do mysterious polling? call him lo. Public opinion is against the gomen. And arresting Anwar before the 2pm dateline was a major snafu!!! Really stupid move.

  49. YB

    Please keep raising this issue of Mr. Magoo lying blatantly in Parliament and on TV until he apoligises and resigns or is referred to the Parliamentary Committee and sacked.

    You and every DAP, Pakatan & PAS MP must do this without fail, day in day out, so we send a clear message that the Rakyat should not be illegally intimidated by any Minister, the Police, Judiciary or the AG.

    Please, please, be PERSISTENT to get results.

    You all seem to have allowed the Indian Ink fiasco to die down and a possible $2.4 million fraud on the people to stand!!

  50. “Humid Elbow” bukan yes-manlah…

    When he’s not provided with half baked info, he’s just echoing what the other said. Can’t differentiate between facts and friction but thinks that he’s PANDAI!

    No wonder, they lost!

  51. Its real sad that sooner or later, the whole government machinery will be activated to bear down on one man and leave hard core criminals to run riot in bolehland. Why is this happening? Power and money which is the cause of such evil without due respect for the ratyat.

  52. These UMNO people always making things up. Worse still, the PDRM and so-called judges all in cahoots with them. There will be no justice in Malaysia. Best to just leave the country and let it rot.

  53. the greatest threat thus far comes from pakatan by being totally disregard of rule and order. Blaming the police for every single little thing and putting the morale of the force at extremely low point. anarchy will eventually rule if this were to continue….thugs will continue to roam freely around the housing estates….snatch thieves will be a way of life……robbers will just rob you at knife point with having to fear the police….all this will be done according to freedom of rights…..is this the msg uncle kit and gang is sending out? God forbids! We must not and must never will allow our PDRM’s morale to go to a point where they feel there is no point going out to the field… Give credit where it is due kit. time to lift up the spirits of our law guardians and not testing them to the brink of explosion.

  54. I agree with the police that DNA has to be taken because the DNA of human being changes everyday. If you don’t believe look at the MPs from BN and our cabinet Ministers…

    a. One former CEO of a State in Selangor was a Teacher and when was caught in Australia say he cannot speak English anymore! If that is not DNA change what is?

    b. A former Prime Minister cannot remembers many things when brought to court! But he remembers that Anwar sodomises, where how, how many people, places, times etc. How come? It must be attributed to DNA change mah!

    c. A lawyer when brought to a Royal comission cannot remember that the character caught on film was himself and said that it sounded like him, acts like him but not him! If this is not DNA change what is?

    …lots more for me to write but I won’t! If I continue my DNA will also change!

    Phark Lah

  55. this syed botak creature was not born to speak the truth;retract his unfounded statement in parliment,it would be jus ‘fat hope’!after all,he is a good for nothing;as a matter of fact..he is the very one that couldn’t even safe that little rack in malaysian water,what else could he do right??this goon does not even hav the ability to see the today world in proper perspective!!he is only one of those bandits who worship ‘power’ , ‘money’ n ‘greed’as their gods!!!



  57. YB LIM!!! YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!!! Your method to explain our pain is absolutely how we feel (at least for myself)

    “Pakatan Rakyat leaders are guilty until proven innocent, while for Barisan Nasional the principle to be applied is that they are innocent unless proven guilty.”

    “why Hamid had not launched police actions against the Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak and other Cabinet Ministers as there were so many blogs and SMS making serious allegations against them – if two speeches, two blogs and two SMS were sufficient to justify the launching of a three-day 1,600-personnel massive police operation to lock down Kuala Lumpur and Klang Valley.”

    “totally unnecessary and unjustified three-day inconveniencing of hundreds of thousands of people in Kuala Lumpur and the Klang Valley by getting Cabinet approval to pay compensation to all those who suffered financial losses”

    Those BEST explain our BN minister brain and butt all terbalik!!!! use your brain to think not your butt….sad to say they use their brain think and use their butt to speak (all FONG PEI)!!


    1. Lingam case – MAHAHIR
    2. Altantuya & C4 – NAJIB
    3. Bala SD and his Loss
    4. misconduct of ICP and AG

    arent those millions time more important than a sodomy case? if Anwar’s is not political motivated, what is that??!!!dont fool us around and thought will divert our attention!!! You aint as stupid as you. [deleted]

  59. As I hv said, the baldie is a real big clown. Its a shame to hv clowns like this running the government on foriegn affairs. Never get the facts right. I think I can do better job than although I am just a small time clerk.

  60. # One4All4One Says:
    July 16th, 2008 (2 days ago) at 11: 45.40

    First of all, would a demonstration or protest by a few thousand rakyat of Malaysia over matters which are affecting the daily lives of every Malaysian, even if it did happen, warrant a road block of such a massive proportion?

    It cannot be justified at all, not in any conceivable way. A minister cannot always be right, if he chooses to ignore realities on the ground. Be man and honest enough to admit that the very unnecessary had been done. And what sort of intelligence did the said minister fall back on? If we take that as a yardstick, it makes one think of what the ’snitches’ are capable of or rather incapable of. Malaysians at large are truly in grave danger and at risk from ‘misinformation’.

    For goodness sake, the nation is NOT in a state of ‘emergency’, is it? Why such a massive exercise in the city over such a relatively normal incident? A vote of no confidence being tabled in the parliament does not constitute a threat to the nation. The duly elected MPs are just doing their job to initiate changes that should be done and to send a signal to the government that something is wrong with the administration of the country? It is not that they are revolting or initiating a revolt against the government. Every right thinking Malaysian can tell that, and no Malaysians would support a ‘revolt’ or ‘rebellion’. It is just not a Malaysian approach.

    The roadblocks did achieve one great objective, which is to have “lined as many cars as possible on the city roads” in an as orderly manner as possible. Another Malaysian record of sort, or maybe the Guinness Book of Record is interested to enter it in their annals as well?

    People as well as businesses suffered terribly. The result cannot justify the inconveniences. And the police said it had been a great ’success’ and would do it again in the name of safety and security of the country and people? What a claim! From the rakyat’s point of view, it had been an exercise of utter futility.

    What sort of insecurity and safety are they talking about? Mobilize, instead, the police to help curb the daily crime and social problems. Make the streets safer. Nab crooks and prevent illegal activities.

    But the minister ( read, the government) and the police seemed bent on taking measures which portray otherwise. They have to remember that the rakyat do have rights to have their voices heard on matters that affect them badly. They are the ones who are suffering, not the well-heeled, the filthy rich, and those who have licenses and access to contracts and government coffers.

    The government was over-reacting, and seemed to have done it for reasons they know best. And the rakyat and businesses suffered unnecessarily. Let’s put a stop to all these.

  61. Syede Albar should quit as a home minister.He is sick psycholigically for having asked the police to be in a state of alert just because of rumours.No home minster works on hearsay unless police intelligent work has been hampered by untrusted police officials.It is high time those concerned who had given the wrong advice to be assigned other jobs.On the part of the home minister he must have another set of officials to see whether those he relies on are doing their work well.On his part he should travel incognito to find out the real state of affairs.He should not be driven to work and driven back home and believe what his officials wholeheartedly.Learn from Mahathir and how he kept himself very well informed.Many examples can be sighted.

  62. <> Emily Pratt.

    <> bystander

    Now that voters have cast the ballot, it is up to the elected representatives to act, that is to take the government to task. As we can see, the BN is still intimidating the public, acting against the interest of the nation, it is incumbent of the MPs to defect en masse and bring in a new and effective government.

    I see it as a failure of the so-called leaders who are now empowered to do the right thing – sack the BN government. The ball is now in their court.

    Unless of course we have another crack at a snap election.

    The sad fact is BN MPs think that they owe it to the leadership – and not to the people and nation. They are the rascals.

  63. I say we must seek relentlessly on those who caused miseries to others without any qualm. Never give up; scumbags must pay for their malicious and inept actions. It is time those in power are called to account. They can not routinely make decisions that create miseries to others without being punished. Make them pay – resign, sacked, demoted, fined, whatever, they must pay.

  64. Thing started to smell more fishy as ministers and prime minister started to open their mouths. Why do they have to talk about a case the police is working on? They are trying to influence the police and public, no doubt.

    If the DNA samples have age problem, then there is no need to create the data base. We want to hear more about the expert opinion, not those of the school drop outs.

    I hate to see how much efforts and money are spent by the government in trying to knock out Anwar. Why wasting our money to achieve their aim?

    Please wake up, UMNO and BN. Malaysia is no doubt the second Myammar in the eyes of the world.

  65. Can the rakyat take the false alarm – that there would be a mass protest and demonstration at the parliament house on Monday, which did not happen at all, and proved to be a lie, and which was taken as the reason to launch a massive lock down on KL and its vicinity that caused immense losses and inconvenience, to be a rumour?

    Isn’t it an offense to disseminate a rumor and lie? And punishable by law? Also one that had caused tension, great unease, loss of time, resources and finance to so many parties, inconvenience of an immense proportion.

    What can the government say on this?

  66. Pardon me I did not do get it right to have the quotes posted. Here they are.

    quote: Malaysian are too docile and not demanding enough of their leaders.

    They know that they are taken for a ride and yet the continue to vote for the same incompetent leaders, election after election. They never learn. Emily Pratt.

    Quote: the majority of the majority are so still gullible, naive, immature politically as to keep bn/umno in power. bystander


    The sad fact is BN MPs think that they owe it to the top leadership – and not to the people and nation. They are the rascals.

  67. A DNA profile is a DNA profile…just like a fingerprint…valid then, valid now, valid in the future…

    No such thing as discarding the old DNA profile …and needing a new one..

  68. The thing that makes my blood boil is how ignorant our Govt and Ministers are that they would still think that we ( the Rakyat ) will just swallow the Bull they’ve been feeding us!

    Humid Albar makes a press statement to the world that DSAI can have his personal Doctors present and does have to worry about giving his DNA. How is that even relevant to the issue at hand!

    When ask by reporters, why ask for the DNA again when they ( PDRM ) obviously already have it ( 1998 fiasco ), the only answer was… that was past case!

    Please shut up, or better still resign… U are embarrassing the country…

  69. The authorities require a fresh DNA sample from Anwar Ibrahim because the sample extracted 10 years ago is old, said Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi today. — malaysiakini.com

    This is the joker who says one thing today, and the opposite happens tomorrow. Another load of crap from him.

    He should spent his time commenting about Syed Albar’s incompetency rather than pretend to be a forensic expert.

  70. Orang utang as Home Minister?
    There was once a crooked man, who married a crooked wife,
    have a crooked son and gave him a crooked name, sYed HamMiD AlbAr.

    The rakyat must respond with more drastic measures to counter this corrupted govt. For a start, see how best we can ‘Road Blocks’ (boycott) all Umno connected companies, with these money worshipers, hit them where it hurts most. If this is is not viable, think of ways where we need not take to the streets. I am confident, there is enough brains out there to come out with something workable. A little sacrifice from all of us will go a long way. Start with boycotting MSM !!
    “Actions speak louder than words”

  71. next rally or false rally shld be held in putrajaya then those idiotic goons and his numbskull leader can close all the roads that leads to putrajaya for all we care.

    again i m saying this, God is fair. Other countries have various natural disasters and we have our Umno scums.

  72. Dear Syed Hamid Albar,

    How can 2 cops standing there doing nothing & just talking to each other while letting ANY cars to pass as keeping us SAFE? Well , Can you stop all HINDRAF protester from reaching KLCC last time?? Punishing the citizen just because they dont VOTE for you and frightening us when somebody dare to go against corrupted UMNO wont work…please get that.

  73. a new vocation for the home of misministry, create oversize traffic jams , stop all business activity, stop ambulance from saving lives, stop children go to schools, stop peddlars earn a living,
    and let men in blue take back on the public.

    Sad habit next objective stop the KLSE , hurray……we dont own a cent ……we can now go back to stone age…it is free for all…

  74. This ignorent pee-eem dare to say that they need fresh DNA sample as the old DNA sample is too ‘old’. Ooooi, even schoold children can tell you that DNA records are recorded in paper and digital format. And does these records ‘change’ with time? Maybe he wants the sample to stick it up that sodom kid’s A** that’s more likely……old fool!

  75. The pm just said that Anwar’s dna was too old and a new one is required. This is embarrassing. Does he know what is dna. Even a primary school boy or girl will tell you that one’s dna does not change. Mr. pm, your ignorance embarrass the whole nation.

  76. Bodowi keeps saying the govt is not involved in any conspiracy against Anwar. How does he know? He’s not part of the conspiracy and he may have lost control over all the key institutions.

    As for saying the DNA sample from Anwar 10 years ago is too old, that I agree. It’s too old to be used to shaft up Saiful’s ar** as fabricated ecidence.

  77. i’m from Sarawak.. it’s hard to believe that our BN government don’t watch much dramas or do any readings.. CSI.. they just bla nonsense.. We all know that DNAs are recorded in digital format nowadays. (Probably digital format they have cannot frame Anwar 2nd time)..

  78. I just read in The Star, the Tamby guy from The Federation of Malay Economic Bodies (Gabem) wants the Government to act against “irresponsible parties” who have eroded investor confidence.
    Here are my list of suggestions:
    1. Datuk Seri Syed Albar for the senseless deployment of 1,600 police personell which caused massive three day lock-down of Kuala Lumpur and Klang Valley.
    2. Those involved in using government-owned C4 explosives to blow up a foreigner.
    3. The police for not following the law for its in-ability to produce Saiful’s police report, thus eroding investor’s confidence in Malaysia’s judiciary.
    4. The politicians including Badawi who insisted on Anwar having to provide DNA for the sodomy investigation when the police report is yet to be produced, which means the report is most probably awaiting manipulation by conspirators.

  79. A few days ago the pm said that he would announce some cost saving reliefs for the rakyat. Today he announced a device for use in taxis called hydrofuel which will save 20 to 30% of petrol. This technology is nothing new. It is more than 20 years old. Use it and in less than 6 months you will have to replace your car engine because it inject water into the fuel intake system.

  80. the police report against Anwar really have to shown to Malaysian before anything else.. otherwise it means that police are really ‘very efficient’ in fabricating evidence to protect someone..

  81. Some of you are too naïve talking about GE13. We are only 100 days away from GE12, our country already facing political and economical turmoil. We are at the brink to collapse anytime. Can we last that long as a country until GE13? Those who think that we really can change government by the ballot box are too naïve or idealistic. Do you think UMNO will be caught with their pants down again in GE13? By hook or by crook or by the gun point these morons will cling to power.
    Today they can accuse Anwar with sodomy, tomorrow maybe LGE or perhaps Uncle Kit. They are the law. By the time GE13, all PR leaders might landed behind bar.
    I still believe the best way to change government is to invite those MPs that still have some moral obligation or conscience to cross over. We need to pull ourselves up as a country urgently. Now is not the time to talk about principle. It takes a thief to catch a thief and we have to lower our principle to deal with morons.

  82. I think if there is a segment called “The Most idiot politician or government official response” I believe we will at least have 5 Top five. This year we already have a few like the current Shake Hamid Alban response to DSAI accuser (the one shall not be name because he is under DPM protection) about his access to DPM… Listen a PKR worker have free access to DPM…. Those of you sitting on the fence please repeat that and ask yourself if there is a conspiracy here or not…..

  83. (smeagroo Says:
    “…God is fair. Other countries have various natural disasters and we have our Umno scums.”)

    Can’t agree more, its a disaster and its gonna take ages before we can mend the bent unless we act now to bring about change. I wonder how we can mend the bent now??? Ummm-No fellows are taking advantage of our fears and freedom. 1st Petrol, then road blocks I wonder whats next… Tepuk dada tanya selera…

    God fearing politicians… My foooottttt!!!!!

  84. What road block, don’t the police realise that they are causing a lot of inconvenience to the public. As you drive past them you can see that they looked bored. They must silently be cursing their superiors. They could have made better use of their time $$$ if you know what i meant $$$ In actuality they should be cursing the bloody short, fat, bald headed eagle with a moustache minister for loss of income. Trust me Malaysians, expect more road blocks to come. These people never learn

  85. Not only will Anwars case be judged in a court of law.It will also be judged in the virtual world.Which is the inter-net.DSAI CASE WILL BE THE DOWN FALL OF THE UMNO LED BN GOVERMENT.
    The more this UMNO bigots and its cronies open their mouth.The stronger DSAI GETS.
    Pak Lah statement is a gem..DNA is too old.Another GEM comes from Hamid..Its because of Police intel, two blogs and two SMSes.

  86. Im no lawyer.. But i would like to know,RPK is charged for defarmation by the UMNO led BN Goverment.In RPK SD he name Najib,Rosmah and her Aids.There is no mention at all that the UMNO led BN Goverment is involve.
    My question is why is the UMNO led BN Goverment charging RPK.Why are those mention in the SD not taking any action at all.

  87. Smeagroo said, “God is fair. Other countries have various natural disasters and we have our Umno scums.”.

    Sadly, it is so true.

    Our UMO scums are 1 millions times more deadly than the recent SiChuan earth quake in China. 10 Million times more deadly than the Katrina typhon at New Orleans.

  88. taxpayer said “Today he announced a device for use in taxis called hydrofuel which will save 20 to 30% of petrol. This technology is nothing new….”.

    The company is a Bumiputra company. Sure it will get all the tax breaks from the Gomen. Sure it will get financial assistance from the Gomen.

    Read my lips, this company will collapse within 3 years!
    I have seen too many such scams all these years.

  89. Just because of one of the many dishonest and stupid ministers we have in our country, all Malaysians in the city of KL have to suffer in the historical jam, an event of the century. Malaysians who have voted for the BN in the past, please wake up! It is time to go for a change.

  90. The not so intelligent ‘intelligence agent’ has provided inaccurate information to the principal -caused wrong and damaging actions being taken.

    The quality of the agents on a principal reflects on the quality of the principal himself.

  91. I can’t stop laughing every time I read “two speeches, two blogs and two SMS”. It sounds so amusing and rhythmic, like two-bit or two-timer.

    Maybe we should to use these phrase to describe anything idiotic, stupid or useless like “two speeches, two blogs and two SMS” Hamid , or

    some useless “two speeches, two blogs and two SMS” informations.

    Make this as a contribution from a “two speeches, two blogs and two SMS” Malaysia in the English language!

  92. Dictionary Bolehland :- “hydrofuel”

    * to inject DSAI’s DNA into Saiful’s buntut! and tipu Rakyat lagi!

    Quiet ppl are usually wise, tapi bila PM buka mulut, lies after lies…

    Enoughlah, Bodowi! only you and your ministers tak tahu guna internet! Rakyat not stupid anymore….

  93. We can see a pattern here:

    1.Based on unreliable hearsay that a demonstration would take place , 1600 police personnel mobilised to lock down Kuala Lumpur and Klang Valley.

    2.Based on unreliable hearsay that Hindraf have connections with terrorist(most probably was politically motivated), Hindraf leaders was detained without trial under Internal Security Act (ISA)

    How many more actions and decisions are made based on unreliable informations? Who have to bear the losses due to the wrong, costly and unnecessary actions?

  94. “I still believe the best way to change government is to invite those MPs that still have some moral obligation or conscience to cross over.” – madguyho

    But you also said by hook or by crook or by the gun point these morons will cling to power.

  95. Albar is full of crap.

    How can hiring more police personnel to reduce crime rate in the country when the top fellas committed crimes to get where they are today?

    thats why the lower rank people are following their footstep.

    When the day comes when BN loses power, all these “vacuum cleaners” and SOBs need to be brought to justice and strip of all their wealth.

  96. Don’t blame the Hamid and PM about the DNA knowledge, they haven’t got time to watch the CSI and the new Forensic.Heroes.II from TVB. The human DNA can get from a teeth even more than 10 years from corpse. And the report after DNA sample test can print out in paper or saved in database more than centuries, unless they lost the files.

    So why need new sample to test and compare?

    They need to proof that the semen sample get from the crime scene are fresh. If they got only hair or blood sample, they can only proof that the suspect was appear at the crime scene or the suspect was bleeding there.

    They ask for blood sample, do they want to check his healthy? HIV, cancer, or other disease?

    If they had the semen sample from the casualty, then print out the report with all the DNA test first to his lawyer, then ask a fresh DNA test on his semen to compare, that is the justice should be.

  97. I remember a police friend of mine told me this story.

    This is to spice up the cop-against-cop report that I have read.

    In Sarawak cock fighting is a common social event. Of course betting is involved. An “unfortunate” organiser was charged in court for organising the cock fight. During court hearing the “fighting cock” was produced as an exhibit to proof the case. When the magistrate asked what breed of fighting cock was that, the answer was instead of a fighting cock, ” a broiler” (chicken raised for meat). Since broiler is no fighting cock, there was no case against the organiser.

    The trick here was the police personnel in charge of the case (or somebody in the police station who had access to this exhibit) had swapped the real fighting cock to broiler along the chain of actions.

    The moral here is when one has the power to doctor evidence, one will unless he is so holy like our Nik Aziz. This depends on the integrity of the person involves as well.

    Is our Sahih Elba a person with integrity?

  98. I find he somehow has become one of the most stupidest minister in the cabinet. He does not show any wisdom his remarks or statements at all. He contradicts a lot, he behave like an uniform guy and does not show any maturity in his behaviour.

    Without ministerial position Syed Albar is nothing and even a dog would not its’ face to his direction. Embarrassment.

  99. The big fat h–k of s–t has badawied himself big time when he used the evidence of ‘two speeches, two blogs,two SMS’ as sufficient reason to believe a big demo is organised by PR and therefore to break it up he has to launch a 3-day 1600 personnel massive police operation to lock down KL and the Klang Valley.

  100. “Hamid should stop his double standards of applying the principle that Pakatan Rakyat leaders are guilty until proven innocent, while for Barisan Nasional the principle to be applied is that they are innocent unless proven guilty.” Kit

    Hamid is re-writing the law of evidence to fill up the gap left between his ears.

  101. Dear YB LKS,

    I totally agree with you.

    What he has done to this great nation, its reputation, etc & it Downtrodden rayaat is Criminal…maybe equivalent to Treason!

    With the Powers-that-be still in “Denial” & maintaining their “Auto-Pilot Self-Destruct” mode path there is nothing much more that your team, our new MPs, State Leaders, Aduns, Intellectuals, etc can do to change their “Paradigm”.

    Their motto has been, is still & will always be “Heads I win, Tails you Lose!” for their own Personal agendas at the nation’s & rayaat’s expense.

    Our “Defenders of Justice & Freedom” in their “Noble” pursuit
    have all suffered in one way or another will never give up their struggle for this great nation & for us citizens.

    So let us all stand UNITED, stay COOL & not fall for their “Barbaric” intimidations right into their “TRAP”.

    We just have to give them more rope to hang themselves at every turn !

    “Divine Intervention” works “Wonders”!

  102. In Penang, Health Minister Datuk Liow Tiong Lai said Anwar should have cooperated and undergone a DNA test. He said it was normal for the police to seek DNA tests from suspects involved in rape and sodomy cases. “As a responsible citizen, Anwar should have cooperated with the police. “Nobody is above the law.”

    What do you think of this MCA minister??

  103. that stupid misminister is typical moron and is a slave to his cheef, is very predictable and just follow his vice men orders ,
    typical case of a millennium caption : rubbish in = rubbish out.
    How come no statements from the other bee ends club members on the World’s first traffic jam purposely created by a gomen.
    does it mean they all agreed and are full support of a stupid idea or just being super paranoidal or are fearful of losing all they gold hill and position
    does it mean they NEED to show thier solidarity on the matter and all of them are responsible for creating that griplock
    or were arm twisted or cooerced to be silent or were chosen because they were obedient or are beneficaries to more at stake…better be silent.
    or that they were bound by fuedal oaths of brothership to belittle everyone else.

  104. Police-Judiciary = UMNO Unleashing their War Veteren ala Zimbabwe.

    ALL FOREIGN INVESTORS START AVOIDING and LEAVING MALAYSIA.!!….No transparency and Law and Order in Malaysia!!

    MALAYSIAN Make it a POINT TO BOYCOTT AIR Asia For One month and Let make an example of it to UMNO-BN Crony. Keep Up Proton, Naza, Kancil Boycott….buy used Jap cars.

    It will Fall if we STOP using AIR ASIA One Month……Use your People Power!!

  105. “Anwar wanted police to establish certain facts before he would give a blood sample for DNA tests.

    This were how he, with a back problem, could have sodomised a healthy 23-year-old youth, where the alleged sodomy took place and who were the witnesses.

    He said this when speaking at a political gathering attended by some 1,000 people in Cheng here.” – Bernama

  106. kentutoyol Says:
    What do you think of this MCA minister??

    This Health Minister Datuk Liow Tiong Lai would do or say anything to be a good dog to UMNO. Last year, he was the first in MCA to condemn namewee for his creative negara-ku-ku song. He even say that namewee should face the consequences. Most MCA fellows are in for the money.

  107. (Report from the Star)

    Let’s not have a repeat of 1998, says US senator

    PETALING JAYA: A United States senator has urged Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi not to repeat mistakes of the past and to stop political attacks on PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

    Foreign Relations Committee chairman Joseph R. Biden said charges against Anwar closely mirrored those levied against him in 1998.

    “Then too, politically motivated allegations were made against Anwar at the precise moment when he seemed poised to challenge a sitting Prime Minister,” he said in a statement Friday.

    “I am shocked and disheartened by the arrest of Anwar Ibrahim. This action appears to be motivated by political considerations.”

    He said Anwar’s mistreatment and imprisonment a decade ago had discredited Malaysia in the eyes of the world community and tarnished former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s reputation.

  108. Bumi-non- malay says: Boycott….buy used Jap cars.

    Aledi been doing that since proton came out. My 1.3 old car(24yr) like me has done 700,000km, and still in excellent condition. A 1000km round trip in a day is not a problem for me and my car.

    Yeah, rakyat should not just talk only, just do it.

  109. Existing DNA sample too old, says PM.

    Hmm old again. Ok the DNA sample is too old.

    Now how about a DNA profile record? Can it be too old ? PM?

    A DNA profile is a RECORD which can be kept on paper, just like finger print.

    The PRDM can use the the DNA profile record just like finger print record.

  110. issue of Anwar is big but issues surrounding Altantuya’s case is a much bigger issue. and Gomen is in a PANIC state.

    Driving the attention to DSAI gives Najis a good break.
    I really pity with PI Bala bcos of the predicament he’s in now. If he returns to Malaysia, he’s either going to be Hero or Zero. BN sure knows which country he’s in bcos of the Chips n Immigration Dept. record and probably hidden somewhere to prevent access to them until Altantuya’s case is closed.

    If SHA follows every rumors received then we would be at war with the US , Singapore , Israel , Indonesia etc. Malaysia would be under emergency state. As Homo Minister, his solid info credibility. Not just based on rumors and predictions. Truly shameful antics by such a senior minister. I would not have even accepted his apologies because he had shown himself to be unworthy of one.

  111. Dear Malaysians,
    Unce Lim wrote,
    ” Datuk Seri Syed Albar is a major security threat if the Home Minister is so gullible as to launch a massive three-day 1,600-personnel police operation to lock down Kuala Lumpur and Klang Valley causing great financial losses and inconveniencing hundreds of thousands of people based on “rubbish” intelligence about a non-existent high-level Pakatan Rakyat leadership meeting, two speeches, two blogs and two SMS.”

    Syed Albar is not only a major security threat to the country, but if you see the basis or the root of such actions, it is to protect the Malay rights. Yes, Syed Albar’s Ketuanan Melayu’s sentiment is strong, probably due to the strong influence of his father’s ( Syed Jaafar Albar) ketuanan Melayu strong sentiment feelings. It’s not surprising to realize this fact as we can see the fanatism behind Syed Albar’s actions.

    Syed Jaafar Alba’s famous state of ” Wherever I am, I am a Malay”, received critical remarks from Lee Kuan Yew who said,
    ” If I had been going round and saying what [he] has been saying — wherever I am, I am a Chinese — where would we be? But I keep on reminding the people that I am a Malaysian. I am learning Bahasa Kebangsaan (Malay, the national language) and I accept Article 153 of the Constitution” ( Reference: Keith, Patrick (2005). Ousted!, p. 128. Media Masters. ISBN 981-05-3865-0. )

    Syed Jaafar Alba accused Lee Kuan Yew and some other Chinese by ” referring to them as kaum pendatang or pendatang asing (immigrants) — of being lodgers (orang tumpangan), abusing the hospitality of the Malays who were the “masters of the house”. This provoked a response from Cabinet member Lim Swee Aun, who insisted “we are co-owners, not lodgers, not guests” ( Reference : Lee, Kuan Yew (1998). The Singapore Story, p. 620. Marshall Cavendish Editions. ISBN 981-204-983-5.).

    Lee Kuan Yew lashed out at Syed Jaafar Alba by saying ” According to history, Malays began to migrate to Malaysia in noticeable numbers only about 700 years ago. Of the 39% Malays in Malaysia today, about one-third are comparatively new immigrants like the secretary-general of UMNO, Dato’ Syed Jaafar Albar, who came to Malaya from Indonesia just before the war at the age of more than thirty” ( Reference : Nancy McHenry Fletcher. The Separation of Singapore from Malaysia. Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University). He further remarked, ” Therefore it is wrong and illogical for a particular racial group to think that they are more justified to be called Malaysians and that the others can become Malaysian only through their favour.” ( Reference : Ye, Lin-Sheng (2003). The Chinese Dilemma, p. 143. East West Publishing. ISBN 0-9751646-1-9).

    It’s not all the time that we can deduce that by analyzing a father’s psychological buil-up, that the children’s psychological make-up will be similar, but in the case of this father and son ( Syed Jaafar Albar and Syed Hamid Albar), we can confidently deduce that the Ketuanan Melayu sentiments felt strongly by Syed Jaafar Albar is indeed shared strongly by his son, Syed Hamid Albar.

    May truth and justice set us free.

    God bless.

  112. Events in 1998/99 showed the clear role played by a single dominant player. This time there are primary and there are secondary players working not in unison but working at times to cancel out moves made another player or players. There are signs of compromise and no clear signals moving in a single direction.

    The opposition would do well to exploit this fractured leadership. They are in disarray and to allow them to regroup over time and to consolidate their position could be fatal in the long run.

  113. Greetings! YB

    I just wonder the bunch of “wakil” from BN know the differential within the following: –

    Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms and some viruses. The main role of DNA molecules is the long-term storage of information. DNA is often compared to a set of blueprints or a recipe, since it contains the instructions needed to construct other components of cells, such as proteins and RNA molecules. The DNA segments that carry this genetic information are called genes, but other DNA sequences have structural purposes, or are involved in regulating the use of this genetic information. OR – just DNA for Democratic National Party. (Both are from Wikipedia.)

    This is “blind leading the blind” issued. Well – it’s too sad for Malaysian & BN declared in this “BolehLand”

    First is Shabery with slaver, follow by the lies Hamid…. Musa, Najis the C4.. wow… too many crooks here to point out…

  114. Since when did this bald headed stupid minister ever shown any sign of intellect? He has time and again shown how stupid he is not only to Malaysians but to the rest of the world. It is precisely these types of ‘pea brained’ ministers that we have in our country’s executive that is running down the country and at our expense, the bosses (rakyat)! And it is precisely so that, these are the types of stupid ministers that we need to collectively get rid of.

  115. Let’s give this Hump-It Alpa the sack for his incompetence. I’m ashamed of this pathetic guy for purveying lies about top PR leaders conspiring. He should own up to his blatant abuse of his position as Home Minister in making false accusations. He should be sued for slander and defamation of DAP leaders.
    He has not learnt anything from his previous term as Foreign Minister. What a waste of public funds!

  116. Syed Hamid? Oh he is only good for the post of min in PM office with the portfolio of looking after tea ladies, pantry and toilets.

    But PM put him in Home. That is good proof that UMNO is now a complete bankrupt in terms of brain-power – not that it has a lot to start with but that it have none now. Look PM even had to recylce an expired politician and to use some outside people.

    I mean, who in UMNO now has the capability to lead the party and the country? PM himself is not a good example. Anyway he is expiring. Najib? He is being drown by controversies. Razaleigh? Kinda old aint he? Muyidin (pardon my spelling)? Not a heavyweight in UMNO. Will everyone in the party accept him? The keris man cant either because non-malays in the country will not accept him. In any case, its not time for him yet nor for Mahatir’s son nor Khairy. These people too are unpopular in and out of the party.

    So who else is there?

    Well we have Anwar. Uncle Kit, Guan Eng. I could roll three names off my tongue quickly. There are others. So isnt it obvious where the future of our country lies?

    It is to me.

  117. Lets forget about the lawyer and his unwarrented statements, lets assume that he is just out for some publicity.

    And out of this subject, I have been reading malaysiakini today and very interestingly the subject of KULIM by-election which may materialise if court goes in favour of BN.

    If this is to happen and ANWAR BIN IBRAHIM is to stand against the famous BN candidate or a new one as selected by the head of BN. I think it will be a repeat of the live telecast of the fuel controversy in terms of support. By now AI has established his support throughout Malaysia and if he stands in any election anywhere in this soil, lets be assured he will gain 90% or more support from the Malaysian public who beleive that ANWAR BIN IBRAHIM is the only one who can reverse the rotten adminstration.The moral support he is going to receive if he stands in the election is going to be mind blowing to the BN people.

  118. Dear bzbody,

    In countries you mentioned, its leaders then were more than willing to accept lies and send soldiers to find imaginary nuclear weapon and in the process killed thousands innocent lives.

    Yes Sir. Reading fom these forum will make one think that Syed Hamid is a cruel person. I am not so sure about that. I believe it is very simple. It is not UMNO or BN engineered this whole accusation. There is a boy by the name Saiful who accused Anwar.

    No UMNO leader is saying Anwar had committed the act. Justice must be accorded to both Anwar and that accuser. What is there to be afraid of if you are not guilty.

    Contrary to what people think, the accusation was first uttered by PAS Vice President, Mohd Sabu, around 10 years ago. He condemned Anwar of being a homosex and challenged Dr Mahathir to sack Anwar.

    Karpal said the same thing. But of course, these 2 people share the same values. When Dr Mahather did the exact thing( sacking Anwar), both sprang to Anwar’s defence.

    Someone mentioned that what Malays in kampung areas think of Anwar. They do not know about the homosexuality charge. But they “meluat” to observe Anwar’s antic in general. Gelojoh, they said. Apa yang tak sabar sangat nak jadi PM, another said. Kenapa tak bersumpah seperti yang Mufti Perlis cakap, one imam asked me.

    Despite 10 year period, no Malay ever escape the one glaring fact. That Anwar had never use the time tested formula that Muslims accord recognition. That is to swear in the name of Allah and ask for Allah’s punishment should one lie.

    As there was glaring difference between Anwar and Dr Mahathir before the former was sacked, people tend to assume that Dr Mahather was only creating a story to spite Anwar.

    As the nature of allegation is of personal nature and embarassing( aib as Malay called it), many UMNO leaders tend to keep silent. This was mistaken as feeling guilty by Western Press. The truth is that UMNO leaders were unconfortable to talk as it ivolves dignity and pride of Anwar and also his family.

    It is a very Malay thing. But it was mistaken as a ploy by Dr Mahathir.

    Once again I would like to ask Anwar this one million dollar question that all Malays ask? Why on earth you are reluctant to swear in the name of Allah. It does not have any legal implication. But it is hallmark of truth in your own community and also Muslim world.

  119. Why so much fuss about DNA?

    K-hairy orang utan aping about it
    Bodowi sleep talk about it
    Botak Alba-bi oink oink about it
    PDRM CSI wannabe wanna fabricate it

    Strange? Why they (all the above) didn’t ask from Najis since he bragged about anal sex (sodomizing) with Altantuya? Najis should also provide his DNA to prove his innocent. Comeon Najis! do it dont just swear. Political motivated indeed and conspiracy is so much alive.

    I am so sick of the word DNA being mentioned thousand of times in the gov control news and newspaper. Please think of another conspiracy theory. This one is older than Jurassic park.

    UMNO will fall just like the Romans, Nazis etc they will be wiped out soon and the people will be free from oppressions from this regime!


  120. Please fellow readers and writers,

    Let’s keep our cool ( we are mature and wanted to be treated as one, don’t we?) and let’s refrain from calling others names (especially unwarranted and unacceptable ones) which we do not wish others calling us…

    Do exercise some decorum, as we are indeed in a public forum. Let’s respect others as we wish others to respect us. Criticize and disagree with all you want, but to call others by unwarranted names is indeed unacceptable. There should be some self-restrain and conformation to certain code of ethics.

    I do not side anyone, just to share my two-cents worth here, just like the rest of you here.

    Thank you and good luck.

  121. Which is more important, records on DNA or bullets? The police have proven that they do not even keep track of the bullets they are issued in the Altantuya case….you expect them to have DSAI’s DNA profile after 10 years? This is PRDM la…their CSI also can get lost in Shah Alam forest reserve, notice every time they jaga traffic it actually gets worst? The only thing you can expect them to be extensively trained in is the use of C4…..

  122. Humid Alba is not even pure Malay, but of Hadhrami Arab descent. ( from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )

    The origin of the Hadhrami or Hadhramaut is not exactly known. There are various theories. One (Islamic) theory, is that the region is named after a nickname of Amar bin Qahtan (???? ?? ?????), meaning “death has come” from /?a?ara/ (Arabic for “has come”) and /maut/ (“death”), the reason being that when he entered a battle, many people always died.

  123. Pm & Syed hamid are idiots. many have said that DNA forever dont change. if igp has evidence from saiful, then just match it with the 1998 dna records or 1998 samples. also dna can be from hair or skin i believe. So WHY PM & SYED HAMID STUPID do you need a recent blood sample from anwar? so that you can fabricate this new blood evidence into saiful’s a-se for a lack of recent evidence to incriminate him. how stupid can umno get. and yet hypocrite tdm says govt is not so stupid despite him calling the govt HP6.

  124. The corrupt ministers and PDRM heads are so desperate now that they have to turn to Bodowi who is shameless having to go back on his words that the Govt will not be involved in DSAI’s case.

    How embarrassing for a Prime Minister to go and ask DSAI’s wife and DSAI to give his DNA…. Only in Malaysia

    The world is laughing their head off…

  125. the egghead thinks everyone is as stupid or more stupid than he already is, he can’t even begin to understand the meaning of intelligence. Any more stupid the apes will already be smarter than he is.

    In regards to swearing this and that on God’s name – if a person can sin to the extent of taking another’s person’s life, do you think his swearing on God’s name will have integrity ? i.e. he’s already damned, how much worse can another damning sin be?

  126. Dear Shamshul,

    The topic by YB LKS is Syed Hamid is the greatest national security threat. I suppose one can either agree / disagree with YB LKS. However, I find it interesting that you prefer to divert attention to something else, which is Anwar.

    “Yes Sir. Reading fom these forum will make one think that Syed Hamid is a cruel person. I am not so sure about that. I believe it is very simple. It is not UMNO or BN engineered this whole accusation. There is a boy by the name Saiful who accused Anwar.

    No UMNO leader is saying Anwar had committed the act. ….”

    You see, to me, whether Anwar is gay or not is irrelevant to the topic, as well as irrelevant to me.


    Because there are greater sins conducted by the present government.

    Since you want to talk about Anwar, then, I want to talk about corruption by UMNO and BN government.

    One for one. Fair enuff?

    To everyone in this country – whether the simple man on the street or kampungs, the large middle class in the city, etc. – the question they are all asking is why is it that BN politicians can live in big houses (and we are talking mansions), drive super expensive cars with drivers, send their children for expensive overseas education, go for expensive overseas holidays, etc.?


    How can someone who earns purportedly 5 digit a month can afford to amass wealth in the figure of 8, 9 or even 10 digit?

    Let’s take Zakaria’s mansion as a simple example.

    Let say he gets paid a generous $15,000 per month salary.

    Times 12 = $180k per year.

    Over 10 years = $1.8 million.

    Over 50 years = $9 million.

    That would be the absolute maximum figure, as it is gross figure before taxes. And definitely before expenses. Must consume some to live, take care of the family, etc. right?

    So, where got left over to buy super-expensive mansion, super expensive cars, with super expenses?

    I’m quite sure his wealth that is readily visible is worth much more
    a paltry $9 million.

    $9 million is only 7 digit. Zakaria must be worth at least 8 digit.

    Which means he must be – instead of 50 years – 500 years of working lar!

    And he didn’t start earning $15k per month when he was still in school …

    So, macam mana ini?

    Mana dia dapat itu wang?

    Itu lah issue yang paling penting bagi saya.

    I rather have a gay and clean leader (not that I think Anwar is gay, but that is his private life matter), than a straight but hugely corrupted leader.

    In fact, who cares about the leader’s sexual preferences?

    Very simplistic choice I know.

    Old Observer.

  127. Star Online Quoted :-
    BAR Council :- PKR adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is innocent until proven guilty and the burden of proof rests with the prosecution, Bar Council chairman Datuk Ambiga Sreenivasan said.

    In making a cautionary statement to those making statements about the case, Ambiga said what appeared to be happening now was the shifting of the burden of proof to Anwar to prove his innocence.

    “It is basic and an established legal principle that he is innocent until proven guilty and this cannot be deviated from.”

    Great to hear this type of statement !!!! As YB repeatedly mentioned many times including ISA detainees :- no one is guilty until proven so. After going through a fair trial !!!
    Anwar does not need to prove his innocence, it’s the prosecution’s job to prove he is guiltly. Not KJ and Mukriz to claim he is guilty. Jokerz

  128. When i saw news yesterday i thought Syed Hamid should be awarded the stupidest person of the year but i am wrong because when i open up my newspaper this morning i realize there are another person sharing the award with Syed Hamid by giving candies to convince another person to give DNA.

  129. If is very clear that they r playing dirty game. When SAPP president declare UNDI TIDAK PERCAYA towards PM, next day BPR want to investigate Mr. Yong. This time they want to fabricated another person. How could we believe on BPR? I think BPR should be changed to BADAN PENGAMAL RASUAN.

  130. What do they mean they need a fresh sample of DNA.

    Once a DNA is tested its profile is recorded down onto a piece of paper like a DNA fingerprint. Once you have this paper record you do not need a fresh sample of DNA.

  131. The POLICE is now going to spent hundred men hours and a few thousand RM to get to the souce of the two blogs and 2 SMSes.
    The POLICE even have a SPCIAL BRANCH ( SB ) Just to get as much information on all opposition supporters.
    This is one reason no goverment servants dare support the opposition.
    A goverment servant can be lazy and corrupted as long as he openly support BN.Goverment servants are not allowed to join any POLITICAL PARTY.But it is ok to join BN.From drivers to division one officers most of them are card carrying members of BN Component parties.

  132. I had thought that they already realise how pathetic it looks to be begging DSAI for his DNA… now ” Boh ” Liow TL pulak begging!

    Hello “Boh” Liow “Tu Lan”, jgn buka mulutlah… your position so disgrace, only in Bolehland, no medical degree….can be Health Minister

    U no different from Saiful, GPA below 2, tak malu minta scholarship… both sell Buntut! Tak boleh tahanlah…

  133. What Old.observer says is that the general citizenry are less concerned about the small issue of whether there is any truth in allegations of sodomy in respect of Anwar than the big issue that they have long been too long ‘sodomised’ by the few in or connected to power, from whom the Rakyat are more interested to get their DNA!

  134. So the issue here is really whether Malaysians are still that dumb and obtuse to be unable still to differentiate between what is relevant from what is not that relevant, what is important from that which is not that important, where is their larger interests placed as distinguished from that which is only peripheral in the larger scheme of national life and what is essentially Evil and Harmful in their moral universe from that which may be just Deviant and less Harmful.

  135. quote : In Penang, Health Minister Datuk Liow Tiong Lai said Anwar should have cooperated and undergone a DNA test. He said it was normal for the police to seek DNA tests from suspects involved in rape and sodomy cases. “As a responsible citizen, Anwar should have cooperated with the police. “Nobody is above the law.”

    What do you think of this MCA minister?? unquote

    Have you ever heard anyone from MCA say anything intellient?
    They have the little book to speak from. Nothing original, vetted by UMNO.

    He probably is not into the conspiracy to get sample to stick it up into the little Judas’ ar sehole.

  136. Everybody in the world is looking at MALAYSIAN run by a set of CLOWNS


    DURESS mean willingly agree upon and made under NO compulsion and FREE WILL.

    Judicial System
    Homesexual case HIGHER priority to national security than MURDER case.

    They treating the public as idiot.

    Malaysia is a rich country sad to say buy 2013 we have only 3 YEAR of oil reserve.By then we will become an UNDERDEVELOP country so then we will really HABIS liow liow

  137. Malaysians of all colours and faiths…yes…unite and vote Pakatan in. If Anwar cannot be the PM, so be it, let’s have Wan Azizah leads us. What have we got to lose after all these years of bad and corrupted governing by a bunch of incompetent racists. Let’s call on Malaysian Chinese especially, put aside your fears and submissive nature and unite with our Malay and Indian brothers and sisters to help put Pakatan in power. 50 years is a long time and the time for change is now!

  138. In an animal kingdom, the baboons are the rulers and the dogs become the police. The baboons made a deal with the dogs. The top brass among the dogs who are the police enjoy absolute power.The dogs are given unlimited powers to do whatever they want as long as the baboons can go on ruling the kingdom.

    That’s what the baboons can offer to the dogs as police of the kingdom. In return the dogs protect the baboon rulers.

  139. Rais Yatim said Malaysia’s rule of law is unquestionable. And he is willing to debate with anyone in the world to prove it. No need for him to go far.

    LKS – what say you? Take up the challenge and show Rais and the world a long shopping list of abuses and rule by law by the BN govt.

  140. Is this Sy.. Ham.. one of team member responsible for losing the case of Pulau Batu Putih in The Hague? Should hv resign from govt long ago ! he don’t even know if that Bala is inside / outside Msia now !

  141. All BN leaders are saying that the police are fair.We have rule of law.But what the rakyat are seeing and hearing is just the opposite.

    ( 1 ) On RPK SD.Did the police called those name in the SD to give their statement.Police said they did.But where is the prove.

    ( 2 ) On Bala,s SD .did the police called those name in the SD to give their statement.Police said they did.But where is the prove.Prove means photographs.When RPK and Bala gave their statement to the police, all main stream medias were there to report on it.

    ( 3 ) Why are the police harrasing the lawyers representing Bala?

    ( 4 ) Why have police road blocks ,When there are no policemen manning most of the road blocks?

    ( 5 ) Why are all the BN leaders so riled up with DSAI for not wanting to give his blood for a DNA test?A persons DNA can be retrieved in so many other ways.

    ( 6 ) Why did the police need to arrest DSAI in such a brutal manner with guns drawn and well before the date line given by the CID Director? DSAI is not a hard core criminal and there is no evidence what so ever to show that DSAI is violent.

    With just this six points raise by me .How can the rakyat trust that the police will be fair towards DSAI.

  142. Hamid, Pak Lah and deputy police chief should stop urging Anwar to submit a DNA sample since Malaysian law said it was not necessary for Anwar to do so.

    The three of them should have faith in Malaysian law and stop wasting time in challenging Malaysian law.

    They should focus on Altantuya’s case which is more serious because even a taxi driver said how could the country’s no. 2 do that kind of thing. They should immediately conduct a Royal Commission of Inquiry to investigate Bala’s statutory declarations so as to clear Najis’ name and to restore the country’s image internationally.

  143. I feel so sorry for all Malaysians (excluded UM-No and Bn people) because we are led by shallow minded people. Can Syed Albar be arrested for posting internal security in the country??

    When he directed 1.6k police personnel just for some silly misinformations, did he ever thought what would happen at places where no police guarded at that time? (though it never brings much difference if there were)

    So thieves might grabbed this opportunity to rob, to steal or to rape. Could we charge him for this internal security and put him into ISA??

  144. “I still believe the best way to change government is to invite those MPs that still have some moral obligation or conscience to cross over.” – madguyho

    dawsheng Says:
    But you also said by hook or by crook or by the gun point these morons will cling to power.

    But I will say only the wrath of the people will be able to change the gov. The question now is how are you going to get the those malays who will always vote for the umno no matter what, to vote or rise up against the corrupt gov.

    If you look at history, you will see the only time when they will rise up to change the gov. is when they have nothing to eat. Only at that time no gov. will be able to put down the revolting hungry mob because the masses are prepared to fight and die for the change. When that happens, all soldiers or police will think twice before shooting their own people simply because they are hungry and their children are dying.

    If we can create that situation, yes, we can get those malays to vote for change. Like I said before, all we need to do is to move our money out and push the economy down. This is the best opportunity now because we have DSAI who could lead and give the malays the comfort level that they will not be sold out to other races. Act now and you will have a new gov.

  145. Dear Shamshul Anuar,
    Hi there. Looks like you are still the truth bearer for the corrupt and unethical and the ‘kacang lupakan kulit’ UMNO party. The party elders like Tunku Abdul Rahman wold have been embarrased and shameful with the acts of the current UMNO leadership.
    Hopefully you read my article on Syed Hamid Albar and his father, Syed Jaafar Alba, who in my opinion was influential to the way Syed Hamid Albar acting today. The priveleges given by UMNO to the Malay people in Malaysia have caused the creation of Malays like you, who, despite all the evidences of UMNO’s Malay supremacy manifestation ( NEP as one of examples), still defend it’s legality without looking at how the other races have been displaced n many angles.

    The current turmoil between Anuar Ibrahim and the UMNO leadership is a result of the extreme measures taken by UMNO in trying to shun anyone from voicing out. In essence, Anuar Ibrahim is receiving the insults faced by Indians and Chinese for decades. Anuar’s so called ‘sodomy’ case is but a reflection of the ‘sodomy’ faced by Indians and Chinese for decades.

    Shamsul, wake up fro your illusion and begin to realize the truth, for God’s sake, please awake to the truth.

    May truth and justice set us free.
    God bless.

  146. How come no one`s made a police report against Badawi and Hamid Albar for interefering/directing police investigations.
    They are behaving worse than a similar offence which DSAI went to prison for.

  147. rule of law,,,,,whatever it means in the minds of croonies loonies bee end bullies.

    how can someone say something as stupid when it was hardly just days ago when his colleague just introductory try out another goony attempt to frighten the fence seaters to stay put, and tell his adversary what he can do, so dont play play and to show his colleagues he is better suited for the job to bring glory again to their club.

    Another buull shxx is how they treat tourists, at the immigration, at the customs, at all check points, oops sorry also how they treat certain type of people who return,
    How and what had the education system has produxed, lack in other people’s language and customs, values and beliefs and incite others to obligatorily observed their mislearnt knowledge and misintepreted beliefs.

    So who they Heeell has taught such narrow mindedness, and terowong vision of the world around them.

    Do the newspapers also to be blamed or just the political commissars in the m o e and his predecessors or the lame sympathetic fools who turn the other eye onto other schools of thought.

  148. Someone explain to me how defaming Rosmah who has called herself ‘only a politician’s wife’, criminal i.e., unlawful? It may be civil but criminal?

    I already thought through whether the defamation is against the police and army and I believe the SD as I read it clearly don’t defame them.

  149. Not only is Alban a hypocrite, other Barisan Nasional MPs and Ministers do not have a face. If they do, some ministers will not be holding to their respective portfolios.

    They do not have face so they do not know what shame is.

    They make mistakes over and over but do not regret. Only others make mistakes, Barisan Nasional does not make mistakes. They will not resign for their errors.

    They can waste public – even pocket money; no body can question them. They are above law. They can organise massive police deployment and waste public money and time. Has ever the minister thought that he has wasted millions of man hours of companies, the time of each person wasted on the roads caught in a jam, has ever thought of the money wasted on petrol during the operation? His answer is Public Security – Security of the nation.

  150. Woman Raped By 18 Zanu PF Thugs: MDC
    Zim Standard

    Saturday, 19 July 2008 17:57
    NEARLY 20 suspected Zanu PF youths and war veterans allegedly raped a
    Buhera woman in the four days she was detained at their base in Nhamo
    village, Buhera Central, in Manicaland after the youths failed to find her
    husband, the MDC has said.

    The woman, who is 32 and cannot be identified, is being treated at a
    private clinic in the eastern border town of Mutare.

    Pishai Muchauraya, the MDC Manicaland provincial spokesperson, said
    the woman was taken to Baravara base in Nhamo village after they failed to
    locate her husband, who was an MDC election agent during the March 29

    Her husband is in hiding.

    “They raided the homestead on the 19th of June looking for the husband
    and when they were told that he was not there, they force-marched the wife
    to the base,” Muchauraya said. “She told me she was raped by over 18 men in
    the four days she was kept at the base.”

    Authorities at the private clinic confirmed to The Standard last week
    that they were treating a woman, who was raped in Buhera.

    “I can confirm that she is here and still going through assessments,”
    said an official.

    The youth militia and war veterans, said Muchauraya, released the
    woman after noticing that she was bleeding excessively.

    “On learning that she had been set free we sent our car to pick her
    up. This is when we realised that her condition was serious. We took her to
    a private clinic here in Mutare,” said Muchauraya, who is MDC MP-elect for
    Makoni South. “I hear she is getting worse even though a doctor (name
    supplied) drained semen from her.”

    The medical doctor was reported to be in the operating theatre when
    The Standard called for comment.

    Muchauraya said they did not report the matter to the police because
    “when an MDC supporter goes to report an incident he or she is the one who
    gets arrested, accused of inciting violence. In most police stations they
    actually refuse to attend to our supporters.”

    Police spokesperson Wayne Bvudzijena said he had not received a
    report, but dismissed MDC claims that the police were arresting opposition
    supporters who went to report cases of violence at their stations.

    “I have said this time and again that, we as the police are impartial
    and we arrest anybody who commits a crime,” Bvudzijena said. “Their
    statement is misleading and it’s not true.”

    There have been several reports of women who were reportedly raped by
    Zanu PF militia and war veterans in bases that were established countrywide
    to drum up support for President Robert Mugabe in the 27 June election
    run-off, in which he was the sole candidate.

    MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai withdrew from the race a few days before
    the poll, citing violence against his supporters.

    By Caiphas Chimhete

  151. What lahhhh ..NewDAP.. UMNO led BN Goverment not that bad. It will not be like CHINA or ZIMBAWE. Want to know why? Because we have DAP,KEADILAN, PAS and PEOPLE like you who will not let it happen .

  152. passerby Says:

    Today at 01: 04.16 (11 hours ago)
    “I still believe the best way to change government is to invite those MPs that still have some moral obligation or conscience to cross over.” – madguyho

    dawsheng Says:
    But you also said by hook or by crook or by the gun point these morons will cling to power.

    But I will say only the wrath of the people will be able to change the gov. The question now is how are you going to get the those malays who will always vote for the umno no matter what, to vote or rise up against the corrupt gov. …”


    Malays who are sympathetic to Anwar REFUSE to vote for UMNO/BN. In 1998, UMNO/BN lost many Malay support when Anwar suffered trumped-up charges of sodomy and corruption. One of the characteristics of a Malay culture is that the villagers (in a kampung setting) or the rakyat (national setting)will NOT stand for the mistreatment of their leader and putting him to shame and especially when the mistreatment is perceived to be malicious and defamatory, or more specifically, politically motivated. Many Malays were beaten up, sprayed with chemical-laced water and detained when they fought for Anwar.

    In 2004, UMNO/BN won back the Malay support after Paklah took over as PM. Now, 2008, it’s deja vu for Anwar, UMNO/BN and rakyat. This time around, it’s going to be different and inter alia, the Chinese and Indians are supporting PR and Anwar!

    Those Malays who still support UMNO/BN are mainly from the rural areas without access to alternative media, who mostly watch and listen to RTM and those, especially the more senior citizens with tradition steeped in supporting UMNO. That’s the reason Anwar-Shabery debate was not on RTM TV.

    During the BERSIH rally and the fuel price hike rally at Kelana Jaya, the majority was Malays followed by Indians. Those Chinese who were present were mainly from NGOs. Not sounding as though pushing for demonstrations, it is hoped that the Chinese especially, be prepared and can be as hard hitting in physical presence at rallies as they are at ballot boxes and blogs. It will be good if they can make their presence felt. We may wait for the next general election to show our displeasure through the election box. But if there were to be rallies (not necessarily an event ala-people power to topple the govt) organized by PR, it will be ideal if the rakyat of every race join in in equal force. The Chinese being substantial in number in the city will definitely make a great impact. We don’t want BN to say that PR is not getting the support everytime they hold rallies. And the mainstream media (MSM) will provide further miscommunication to the rural folks about the non-support and inefficacy of PR. Just look at Thailand and South Korea as among the examples. Their citizens are with one voice when they don’t agree with their govts.

    Those who are against demonstrations should look at our history where our founding fathers for independence resorted to street marches to make a point. Besides, it is part of our inalienable right as rakyat to have peaceful assemblies.

    We are in this together. It is not about one race but about all the citizens. It’s not about the micro of one person we fight for but for our beloved nation where the macro comes into play where the whole world is watching how the Ministers, MSM media, police, judiciary and other relevant govt agencies are behaving.

    We can wait patiently for the the next general election in 4 years time. But in the interim do we want to be a perpetual and perennial laughing stock of the world? Foreigners and foreign investors will not take us serioulsy. Now we hope the govt can on its own accord drastically change its own ways. Otherwise we the rakyat will find legitimate ways and means in this interim period for the govt to transform for the common good. Change or BE changed.

  153. I have been also thinking if Abdullah is trying to use Anwar sodomy to make Mahathir look bad. Perhaps to make Anwar and Mahathir look bad. In order to do so, he has to prove that the former IGP and AG of Mahathir’s time was fabricating evidence. Then he has to show that the judges involved in the trial were corrupted. What he is doing now is to bring the people’s attention back to the sodomy case. The whole case could also be out of his control, being manipulated by another group of people in UMNO?

  154. Shamsul,

    Why have you tried to keep quiet when you have 2 commemters Old observer and Jeffrey saying that the powers- that-be are obsessed with possible deviant sexual behavoir that they have placed undue interest and priority in investigating that rather than investigating into the possible connection of a VVIP with the Altantuya murder case or the common public knowledge of the plundering of the nation’s coffer by UMNOPUTRAS? Trying to act like the proverbial case of the ostrich burying its head under the sand is not going to convince anybody of your arguments.
    And even if I were the same sentiments with you that homosexuality is in fact far worse than murder and rampant corruption as found in Malaysia,I am extremely curious as to why Badawi is still keeping Azalina in the cabinet.Doesn’t this Imam realise that her presence in his cabinet is doing untold harm and damage to not only his image but also that of Islam Hadhari!!
    And I take you to Australia where lesbian Penny (a self confessed one at that) is a cabinet minister in Kevin Rudd’s cabinet without any damage to Kevin or his party for the simple reason the Australians couldn’t give two hoots about one’s sexual orientation or preference.

  155. Corrections. ‘WHY have you …………………………powers-that-be are so obsessed ………………………..plundering of the nation’s coffer by UMNOPUTRAS?.’

    ‘And even if I were to have the same sentiments as you………………….
    ……………………………………..Azalina in the cabinet.’.

  156. Acording to The Star’s report Thursday July 17, 2008 Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Dr Ng Yen Yen. Said:-

    · “All Malaysians, including homosexuals, can apply and receive welfare aid if they meet the necessary welfare requirements”;

    · “We do not discriminate based on sexual inclination. As long as you are a Malaysian and are entitled to receive welfare aid, we will give it to you, especially the poor.”

    · “We should not judge them as they too are entitled to get help,” she said yesterday when asked to comment on a Parliament debate over the presence of homosexuals in the Klang Valley.

    · Dr Ng said her ministry had submitted a research paper to the Cabinet a month ago on problems faced by homosexuals, including no legal entity.

    · “According to our research, these non-heterosexuals are often shunned by society, ashamed, laughed at and bullied.

    · “Most of them are not keen to come forward because of the treatment they had received,” she told a press conference yesterday.

    Se link here- http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2008/7/17/nation/21846232&sec=nation

    Now Ng Yen Yen represents the more enlightened government’s position on treatment of gays.

    So may I know where is the consistency in policies when on one hand a member of the government talks of being more sympathetic to the marginalised community of homosexuals and gays and on the other hand another section of government is trying their very best to dig, investigate, vilify, condemn and arrest an Opposition icon on similar basis that he is suspected of being a homosexual?

    Where is the consistency – if it were not political motives what else could be motive to assist and help and extend welfare aid to the homosexual and gay comunuity and yet selectively go all out to destroy a single Opposition leader whom his aide implies is a homosexual who had sodomised him?

  157. And if Kevin Rudd were to have a suspect in his cabinet perceived by the public to be involved in a murder case I am dead sure Kevin will place that as top priority in his business agenda to ferret out the truth.Australia has this two party system whereby the opposition will always keep an owl’s eye over possible misdeeds of the governing party and Australians will definitely not tolerate having such a suspect in government.

  158. What about the Muslim gay community.. It is againts their religion to be gay.This BN leaders like to shoot their mouth just to gain points without thinking.
    The gay community will not want to fill up some forms just to get some aid.I can imagine the look on the officers faces when a gay come for help.How is Dr NG and the welfare staff going to know if that person is really a gay.There are many gays out there who are married with kids.Most are not happy but they have to put up a brave front.Yes there are some who married, yet still have a lover of the same sex.

    If she really want to help,The right community to help is the MAKNYA.This are the group that really needs help.But first she must get trough to the MUSLIM COMMUNITY.

    When a MAKNYA get arrested they are thrown in the same cell with male inmates.So many were molested in police lock ups ,The worse part is, with the policemen looking and having a good show.

    So next time any leader who shoots from the shouders remember this…” ” BEFORE YOU OPEN YOuR MOUTH, MADE VERY SURE YOUR BRAIN IS ENGAGED “”

  159. Dear Old Observer,

    Many thanks for your reply. It is refreshing to realize there are still people who can write without name calling.

    Indeed whatI wrote is relevant to the topic. They say there is always another side of the coin. Meaning I disagree if someone said that Syed Hamid Albar is a threat.

    He is in charge in security. He must act. And act he did. It is better to err in the side of caution. i would do the same thing in his position.

    As for DNA, why it is becoming an issue. What is wrpng in getting a DNA sample. If no new sample is taken, who knows Anwar may condemn the investigation by saying that the old sample is tainted.

    The question being asked by Malays nowadays in mosques, coffee houses, surau, or wedding reception is this. Why the reluctance to give the sample? Why refuse to swear in the name of Allah if you are innocent.

    THe question that I asked was not abled to be answered by any of PAS officials. Why Mohamad Sabu condemned Anwar as being homosexual and this accusation was published by Harakah even before Anwar was sacked. This question I notice never fail to make all of them red faced.

    As for corruption, I NEVER DENY that although it is not as widespread as people think. Once I heard people condemned the MP of my constituent. I defended him as I knew he comes from a very rich family. His father himself was a millionaire. To outsiders like you, this MP is a corrupt as you do not know the whole story.

    And I never deny that UMNO and all political parties must be vigilant. Choose correctly candidates for the post of MP and state assemblymen during election.

    As for corruption, Anwar was not eligible to speak as he is the most corrupt leader in Malaysia whom I ever met. So do not talk about a clean governance as only ignorant people will believe him.

  160. Hello Kawan, you talk so much about the issue of old sample and new sample. But can’t you see the irony when they cannot even produce a copy of the police report in the first place….habis cerita!

  161. “As for corruption, I NEVER DENY that although it is not as widespread as people think.” UMNO cybertrooper Shamshul Anuar.

    Hahahaha….do you see us rolling about on the floor in laughter ? You guys at UMNO can’t possibly con all of the people all of the time.

  162. Undergrad2,

    What you say is absolutely true and I couldn’t agree any less. What I also think is that quite a few of us are trying to ask UMNO apologists in an indirect way how come sodomy is seen to be more heinous a crime than murder or rampant plundering of tax payer’s money.Something odd somewhere if one has to rank the order of things!

  163. ….. “As for corruption, Anwar was not eligible to speak as he is the most corrupt leader in Malaysia whom I ever met. So do not talk about a clean governance as only ignorant people will believe him.”
    – Shamshul

    Care to quote some instances when Anwar was involved in corruption? Come on, let us know the “whole story”!

  164. hey Shamshul don’t try to confuse people, do some research about DNA before asking Anwar to give a fresh sample. The DNA profiling data done last time can be retrieved as easy as retrieving a finger print scan. If a DNA is tainted the it will show up as tainted in the profiling result any expert can see it right away. If Anwar was convicted based on his DNA last time means the Data was not tainted and the data should be available to police now.
    If sodomy is the best they can do, then I believe Anwar is clean of corruption.

    Plus why they need semen and blood, every law enforcement agency in the world just need a few swap of inner mouth or a few hair sample with roots. The fact they keep insisting on blood and semen is very suspicious.

    Malaysian are very smart people.

    I even begin to suspect this sodomy charge to keep Anwar from interfering with other plans going on right now

  165. It is not about sodomy but about the continued abuse of power by a handful of desperate politicians fighting for their lives! undergrad2

    I don’t think so. It is not a handful of desperate politicians. Most politicians are, certainly most of the BN MPs. Otherwise how do we explain their continued support for a regime that is totally devoid of any decency and substance. The whole country is totally and unequivocally corrupted to the core – the politicians, the civil service, the police, the GLCS, and even the private sector. It is our national ethos now, thanks to Mahathir, the father of all corruption, rent seeking and cronyism culture of Malaysia. We need another 22 years to fix this problem, that is provided PR starts the process now.

  166. I agree with limkamput 100 %, well put!

    Those right thinking MPs should stop supporting those murders and evil plotters. Don’t just stand there and watch Anwar Ibrahim being harrassed, embarrassed and framed.

    Are they so blind and deaf to the pain, agony, emotional & mental torture the families of Altantuya Shaariibuu, Anwar Ibrahim and Private Investigator Balasubramaniam are suffering? Do they deserve all these and the evil leaders be allowed to play GOD?

  167. Self-inflicted incompetence and surreal stupidity is imo, exactly what the PM needs more of right now.

    Plus isn’t it somewhat fun for him to just sit back, relax and watch SHA squirm as he hangs himself on that gullible rope?

    “Imagine Power To The People” John Lennon

  168. ///The ‘evidence’ is ready. The semen specimen on Saiful’s underwear has been confirmed as Anwar’s. ///—Malaysia2day.

    Male Muslim politicians should take note that their underwear stained with semen should not be left unattended. They can be taken away and be claimed by other as evidence of sodomy!

  169. The question is whether Saiful was idiotic enough to be sodomized by an old man? Is it that easy to gain “entry” unless the victim was “willing”? Come on! I am sure Saiful is younger than Anwar and certainly stronger. So how can an old man force a young punk to be sodomized by him. And was Saiful ever physically injured as what happened to rape victims? if there are none, and if sodomy was indeed committed, then he must be god-willing and probably enjoyed every moment of it at that point of time. Then what the hell is he complaining about?????

  170. “Yesterday at 23: 55.47

    ….. “As for corruption, Anwar was not eligible to speak as he is the most corrupt leader in Malaysia whom I ever met. So do not talk about a clean governance as only ignorant people will believe him.”
    – Shamshul

    Care to quote some instances when Anwar was involved in corruption? Come on, let us know the “whole story”!”

    Looks like there is not going to be any response from our dear friend Shamshul.

    My advice – don’t say things that you cannot substantiate!!!

  171. LOL that’s what these people are good for, making claims but no proof.
    63 old man can rape 23 young guy not once, not twice but on 8 separate occasions. Does any of the reporter ask this question when they took Saiful’s family statements or interview any of the BN people involve.

  172. Dear YAB LKS

    DAP – PAS – PKR must go on a register-for-elections-drive to encourage the young voters & old voters (not registered) to make the difference. There will be at least another 1 million new voters coming into the next GE. This cannot be missed out. Rather than bickering with the VIPs (very idiotic politicians on the other side), PR must strategize now for the next GE. PR cannot just depend on DSAI – with all respect – as there must be a natural 2nd leader to hold the PR together. BN knows very well that the weakest link of the chain is also the strongest chain. Break that chain, everything else falls apart. That’s what I believe they are trying to do. Of course, we do hope this so-do-me episode will end up a laughing stock of an attempt by BN to try to lock up DSAI again. This is their last desperate attempt. Let’s hope they will not resort to using Army/Police to intimidate the rakyat again. They forget that their wages come from our hard earned tax-$$$.

  173. Dear Prkrisnin,

    Yes Sir. Someone is trying to confuse Malaysians. Rest assured it is not me or IGP or UMNO. The honour ( or rather dishonour) belongs to Anwar.

    What is the fuss about DNA. Just give the fresh sample as required. If old sample is used, Anwar will cry out loud saying that it is “tainted”. If new sample is used, he will also cry out loud saying that the charge is a ploy by UMNO to thwart his overated poltical significance.

    I take it that you are not a Muslim. As such , like Lim Kit siang, you may fail to understand the significance of the challenge by Saiful for Anwar to swear in the name of Allah. Contrary to what you may feel, Malay community is waiting for Anwar to swear in the name of Allah to emphasize that he is telling the truth.

    10 years ago, many Muslims waited for him to do the same. If I were to be accused of sodomy that resulted in my sacking( and If I did not do such abnormal act) , I would rush to the mosque and performed the act of swearing in full view of the press.

    What is he trying to hide?

    As for the charge of being the most corrupt, well that is the truth. If not many UMNO members would not have told him of how “enekope presents” were given to induce votes for him, even in toilets at UMNO General assembly. Of course, as you will not trust me. What about foreign press that reported how they saw such bribery took place.

    The result is history. Those who refuse to bribe( Ghafar Baba, Abdulklah Badawi and Sanusi Junid lost in that assembly.

    As for KCB, I meant what I said. And I said what I meant.

  174. ///If I were to be accused of sodomy that resulted in my sacking( and If I did not do such abnormal act) , I would rush to the mosque and performed the act of swearing in full view of the press.///—Shamshul Anuar

    Would AG and the police drop the case after swearing?

  175. “If I were to be accused of sodomy that resulted in my sacking( and If I did not do such abnormal act) , I would rush to the mosque and performed the act of swearing in full view of the press.” — Shamshul Anuar

    Would AG and the police drop the case after swearing? — Loh

    The answer is yes and no, depending on whether you are an UMNO member or not. If yes, then yes, if no, then no. Simple, right? As you can see in the Tan Hoon Cheng case, Ahmad Ismail is not subject to ISA nor the laws of this country because he has already been “punished” by UMNO with a 3-year membership suspension, while the one who reports it is harrassed by the state police. UMNO wants Malaysia to be an Islamic state, but are they practising Islamic justice? Islam is more than abstention from pork and alcoholic drinks and praying 5 times a day! Sometimes I wonder whether they know this or not!

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