Anwar’s arrest – police provocative, untrustworthy and unprofessional

In arresting Anwar Ibrahim outside his Bukit Segambut home just before 1 pm today, the police are being most provocative, unprofessional and untrustworthy.

Anwar had already undertaken to report to the police at 2 p.m after he had given his statement to the Anti-Corruption Agency in the morning, and to spring such an arrest well before 2 pm outside his house has deepened public concerns and fears that the police cannot be independent, professional, responsible and trustworthy in handling the latest Anwar case.

Coming close in the heel of the three-day 1,600-member police operation inconveniencing hundreds of thousands of people in the Federal capital and the Klang Valley completely without basis or justification – purportedly on the basis of “two speeches, two blogs and two SMS” and the lie of a top-level Pakatan Rakyat leadership meeting on July 9 to plot the non-existent demonstration in Parliament on Monday – public confidence in the credibility, efficiency and professionalism of the police has reached an all-time low.

206 Replies to “Anwar’s arrest – police provocative, untrustworthy and unprofessional”

  1. On becoming PM in 2003, old dollah was summoned to the presence of His Mamakness and was handed 2 sealed letters numbered ONE and TWO. He was told to open them in the correct sequence only when threatened of being toppled from the throne.

    On 16.7.2008, faced with furious calls for his head, the old fella opened Letter ONE. It says, “Arrest Anwar” and so he did….

    A few days later, faced with violent street demos, he reluctanatly opened Letter TWO. It says simply, “Write 2 letters”….

  2. We have all these while never trusted the police in their professionalism. Its a joke to report the IGP and AG and asked the police to conduct investigations.

    We have seen how high handedness the mata-mata can be. Was any action taken against the bunch of hooligans mata-mata who attacked an unarmed youth in BMC recently? If that case was in the US, I bet you the mata-mata concerned will be hauled up and identified and given their due legal actions due.

    Let us all rakyat be resilient and come together to offer our strength. We should not take to the streets but lets use a more powerful measure thru the net and have a slient protest by organising some boycott and stay indoor for 1 day or even stick black stickers or wear black armbands and more.

    Lets do something sensible and not resort to violence.

    Wan Azizah & Nurul, we are with you. Its the time for Pakatan Rakyat to show their power by coming together with measures to protest this unsensible mata-mata action.

  3. the government seem didnt aware the 308 election that people strongly show out their signal to government, so better we organize another biggest protest in KL and i will be the one in there…….reformasi…

  4. The time of Anwar Ibrahim’s arrest was about 12.55 p.m. based on Malaysiakini’s reports and 65 minutes short of a deadline at 14.00hrs to present at a police station in lieu of Anwar’s presence, he may face arrest. Those are the words of CID Director Bakri Zinin at a press conference on several occasions.

    His arrest before the expiry of the stipulated time-frame reflected the CID Director’s reneging on his very own words in press conferences. He has repeatedly averred that Anwar was called in to have his (caution) statement recorded and even assured that “this is not an arrest”.

    For the records, Anwar was physically present at a ACA Office to have his statement taken at about 10.00a.m. the same day before his arrest.

    The arrest of Anwar Ibrahim reeks out a systematically orchestrated foul-play to besmirch and seek his downfall and probably put him out of politics for good (considering the ACA handling of Anwar’s allegations of misconduct on the parts of the interim IGP and the AG whom the former filed a 15million civil suit against Anwar).

    The Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s repeated promises of reforms in the plethora of Government institutions only reflected a pitfall and a negation of all his promises with the sorry state of affairs Malaysia is facing and the possibilities of Anwar Ibrahim being charged. Will a fair trial be guaranteed for Anwar?

    And Yes, I am offended by the instrument of the institution to protect us and maintain a neutrality of arbitration, maintanence of peace and order we called the Police whom in reality is an institution of the venal and vicious.

    And Yes, I am offended.

  5. The only options out of this bind are, either:
    (1) people power forcing a change of government;
    (2) the king & malay rulers dismiss the government;
    (3) the supposed 30 MPs jump now.

    It’s do or die, now or never.

  6. These amoral people and their entire gang (police, judges, ACA etc) will do whatever it takes to remain in power. They will turn the country into a circus, turn the economy into mud and throw people into jail to claim victory. Little do they know, this will not last for long. Once the oil runs out, they will be nothing to fight over any more.

    No more money for NEP
    No more money for CRONY
    No more money for SODOMY
    No more money for BADAWI
    No more money for KHAIRY

    And the house built on cards will all fall down and the people will all cry but in vain……..

    How can you keep quiet when your country is turning into a JOKE, Mr. Badawi? Who is running the country? Is this a communist country?

  7. Mr. Lim I am sure we all feel the injustice. Just now my son was just swearing foul languages condemning the govt for this act.

    If Anwar is in the custody of the police who are under the orders of IGP and DPP isn’t it dangerous ? They might cause him bodily harm like last time.

    Is there a court order or special allowance under the law to house him in a safer place rather than in police hands?? Maybe get sultan for clemency etc?or alternatively house arrest like Ang sangsuki???

  8. Forget about 30 MPs jumping ship to PR. Forget about the Agong invoking emergency powers. Forget about a transparent and fair trial. Even forget about bail.

    Just wait for the next GE. These BN thieves, liars and cheats must be taught a lesson such that the present circumstances can never be repeated by anyone in the future.

  9. Those in power are very fearful to lose govt. They are too mired in corruption and wrong doings and could be brought to justice by an alternative govt. Therefore it’s no surprise they are clamping down hard on the opposition. Anwar is the biggest threat that’s why he’s first to be brought in. All these sodomy thing is just plain sandiwara to trap him.

  10. Don’t talk about MPs jumping ship. Money talks and no one in politics is a saint. Look at that Ezam fellow. Opposition MPs can easily go the other way. People are easily bought – rich, old, young, poor, Malay, Chinese and Indians, and of course the Malaysian police.

    The whole country now is rotten to the core. It has gone to the dogs…..Who let the dogs out? Woof! Woof! Wooof!

  11. What is this year’s catchphrase by the police again?
    Looks like whatever this stupid gomen is promoting, it’s all for show only. Their flowery talks are just to mislead the masses but their actions, on the other hand, are dastardly and despicable.
    PDRM is Malaysia’s GESTAPO.

  12. No doubt about provocations….to find go one step further..and further and further.
    Fear factor is also the name of the game. Failed….provocation is applied now. Hope all Malaysians stay calm and peaceful….with loving kindness to those that want to harm us.
    My dozens of friends standing at the roadside…near Pudu Jail…said Anwar is not expected to be released so soon…and they will be hungry and thirsty.
    They will be there…until Anwar is released…on bail.
    I intend to load up hundreds of bottles of mineral water in my small 4×4 and find ways to get as much people as possible….by 9.30pm.
    Hopefully….by 8.30pm…I get good news…and need not go.
    Most of all….may Allah protects Anwar Ibrahim.

  13. The way he was arrested was done purposely to to humiliate Anwar to the maximun. This is the ‘professionalism’ of our police. It proves only one thing and that is the police are just the running dog of the government and cannot be trusted one inch. Abdullah is a nice and religious man? You got to be kidding.

  14. Well, the IGP, AG, Internal Security Minister, DPM, PM, Speaker would soon say any one of the following soon:

    “The BN government has got nothing to do with it”.

    “The Police are only doing their jobs”.

    “We are protecting the people from undesireable elements”.

    “It was purely a crime prevention exercise”.

    “We are only protecting him from people who want to do him harm”.

    “Its sub-judice to talk about it”.

    “We were only taking preventive measures”.

    “Duduk, Yang Berhormat, Duduk”

    “You quoted the wrong Standing Order”.

    “There were two speeches, two blogs, and two SMSes”.

    “Our intelligence shows that there was a potential threat”.

    etc etc.

    Sleep well, Mugabeans.

  15. All is not loss.

    The police’s silly mistake, or rather, the miscalculation of UMNO, in arresting Anwar before 2.00PM will only drive more people to give sympathy support to Anwar.

    Public concerns and fears that the police cannot be independent, professional, responsible and trustworthy in handling the latest Anwar case will only further erode credibility of UMNO and hasten its fall in the next election.

  16. As I commented at the other post, just get prepared and ready. They are gonna find ways to lock him up for good.

    With Pas splitting in their decision whether to leave PR and join umno, all the more DAP and PKR must find a quick solution on standby.

    We will just have to be a little more patience till the next election. There is no way PR can change the government for now. Mass rallies or demonstrations are not the way.

    PR must also start to look into any possible way to seek the Royalty intervention.


    GE 13 – No matter what, we must ensure that racist umno bn do not regain the power like they had for the past fifty years.

  17. Just watched Bloomberg – reported 20 masked men sprung on him, same way they did a decade ago. Foreign investors are also leaving the share market.
    This is going to be very costly to the country if the UMNO-led government behaves in such an irresponsible manner without respect for the rule of law!

  18. When the police, armed forces, CJ, AG, IGP and lots more who share the pies with the head and sub-head, this what happens.

    None of the act as indepedent.

    Don’ no how they are going to justify to God when the time comes. God bless them.

  19. Will PAS join UMNO? That means a PR govt is not likely come Sept.
    The bait has to be huge for PAS to bite, a DPM post perhaps and a few ministries thrown in.
    For the non malays who voted PAS they are starting to regret like hell.

  20. The Night of the Long Knives (German: Nacht der langen Messer) or “Operation Hummingbird”, was a purge that took place in Nazi Germany………Hitler used the purge to go against conservative critics of his regime”……Wiki.

    They are after Raja Petra too and who knows who else?

  21. Asked why the police had not waited until 2pm before making the arrest, Wan Farid said: “What’s the difference between 20 or 50 minutes?”

    A hell lot of difference. It is like saying “We know that in the distant future you will commit a murder, so we’re arresting you now”.

  22. “Will PAS join UMNO? That means a PR govt is not likely come Sept.
    The bait has to be huge for PAS to bite, a DPM post perhaps and a few ministries thrown in.” – Jan

    PAS will not join UMNO but the party may split into three factions, one loyal to PAS and Nik Aziz, another joining PKR after some joining UMNO. UMNO cannot destroy PAS and UMNO no need the whole of PAS to join them, all UMNO want is for PAS to split.

  23. “For the non malays who voted PAS they are starting to regret like hell.” – Jan

    I don’t think “regret” is the word. The non-Malays knew the risk in supporting PAS, anyway if your vote is not for UMNO it’ll be for PAS because of the electoral pact between PAS and PKR to prevent three cornered fight. It was step necessary.

  24. another way of saving malaysia future,the rakyat must stand up against all these ‘sodomee’ from umno/BN regime!no need street protest n blood shed…lets play ‘baseball’ n ‘strike’ them out!

  25. A civilized Malaysian society would not want a barbaric police force – holding “machine guns” to force an unarmed civilian into a police vehicle.

    Pak Lah’s government will come under fiery tests in the next election.

  26. The incident today just goes to reinforce the perception that the police force here is a slave to the political masters.
    For law and order we see only a continued decline generally in our country for the top leadership in the police are more interested in buttering up the political leaders rather than undertaking any serious police work.
    To use 10 police vehicles and 20 fully armed UTK personnel to arrest an unarmed suspect can only be described as ludicrous. But this will probably earn whoever planned the operation a promotion!!!

  27. All Malaysians, please wake up!!! There is no justice in Malaysia, I strongly believe that Anwar is innocent as most of the Malaysians believe. BN can’t think of any better tactics to kill the PM-in-waiting, they used back the same tactics AAB’s predecessor – Mamathir used before. Malaysia government thought that we bloggers all are stupid, I challenge them to arrest all online bloggers and detain us under ISA!!!! Do that – because our comments also provoke instability to the country. Anwar – we are all with you!!!!

  28. I think the BN govt fears a change of govt. That’s why people like Anwar and RPK are being arrested to clampdown on any chance of it happening. They are even talking to PAS members to make sure the required numbers to effect a change of govt becomes even more remote. I believe the bait must be very attractive to make some PAS members interested to meet up. All this talk about religon and Malay interests are just to deflect the real agenda. If these PAS people falls for it that’s the end of the Pakatan dream of forming the next govt and the rape of the country will continue infinitum.

  29. “This is going to be very costly to the country if the UMNO-led government behaves in such an irresponsible manner without respect for the rule of law!” Jong

    I’m glad I got out a long time ago!

    If Anwar is not released within the next 24 hours, and if you have substantial savings, assets which could be converted to cash it is not too late to do it now. Convert them all to US dollars and put them in off-shore accounts – Singapore, Hong Kong.

  30. suggest of hiring the best criminal defence QC to assist anwar/rpk to fight their cases. can defence call razak. najis, bala, rosemary, the 2 police officers, colonel & wife (c4 expert) and the whole lot as witnesses to build up a defence case by implicating these people involved in the murder plot of altantuya and as such the need to fabricate anwar by najis as diversationally tactic? jeffrey qc perhaps?

  31. Why has the issue of sodomy become so obsessive that the issue of the Altantuya case pales in comparison?Even if Anwar is guilty which is most unlikely (since this case looks more likely a trumped up case), I would still root for him.This once archaic British law has been done away with in UK and what’s more how does a person’s sexual preference be connected with his or her ability as a leader? After all Kevin Rudd has Penny a self-confessed lesbian in his cabinet!
    The only reason to make sense is that Anwar’s challenge to the power of gang of thieves has been too much of a pain.Anwar’s appeal to the ordinary Malaysians is just too great and therefore dangerous for their comfort.They are prepared to stay in power at all cost for they can’t afford to be out of power.

  32. I am unsure to be amused or angry. Why an unarmed and non-violent man like the opposition leader should be taken in so forcefully.Was this an overacting drama, displayed by the police just to humiliate him and to make him appeared like a criminal to cater for public consumption. They may have scored a few points to impress their political masters as for me I will spit on them. I am ashamed of these lowly actions of the police and the whole of the scumbags in the BN. How low can you go? Mr PM is this the type of reforms that you were talking about? Give me another one!

  33. “When contacted, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan said Anwar was supposed to proceed to the Kuala Lumpur police contingent after making his statement to the Anti-Corruption Agency.
    “But he headed towards his house (in Bukit Segambut) instead,” he said.”

    can’t he go back to have lunch first?

  34. It is with a very heavy heart that I write today. I am writing about my country and what is happening to it.
    When I opened the Malaysiakini website today , I found a stripped down version and the first news I read made my heart sink down to my feet as I had a deja vu feeling of a similar incident that happened in 1998 .Policemen in balaclava masks came to arrest a man who was seen as a threat to the then leadership. The current leadership seems to fear the same man and I think for a very good reason. This man has courage, wit , charisma and a will to right wrongs and work for the greatest good of the Rakyat.
    This versus a government that has become bogged down with building personal gains and saving cronies’ skins.
    Anwar may have his faults , he has flaws like any other man, some small , some slightly bigger, I admit that . Then again so have all of us, we are not perfect .
    What sets him apart is his courage in the face of danger, his firmness in his actions for the sake of justice and honor .
    One can tell the manners and ethics of a person by how he conducts himself .
    In last night’s debate on the topic of oil prices against Shabery Cheek , Anwar did not even once react to taunts and slurs by his opponent in the debate.When asked why he wanted to take over the government he replied very gently,with a tinge of sadness that it would be good for the rakyat if the current government could consider his suggestions and do what it takes to bring down the oil prices before the people sink even deeper in a financial quagmire and the country plunges ever more into a disastrous downward spiral .

    Did the government listen? Maybe they did understand the words but the blackness that surrounds them made them unable to respond , only to react with a wounding action that has torn open old wounds in the Rakyat’s hearts , by arresting the very man who could probably turn this country around !
    Posted by Dr Su at 7:51 PM 0 comments Link

  35. YB Lim you need to make sure PR stays intact. Make it work with PAS.

    as for our police, arresting him was part of the plan? really do you need police in mask to arrest one for sodomy? The gomen wants Anwar subdued as an Anwar that is in jail is easier to deal with. and if the rakyat comes out the street, will they call the army?

  36. The govt have just guaranteed 100% change in govt by the next election. I dont think the people will take this lying down.

    THE STAR wrote “The two lieutenant colonels had filed defamation suits against Raja Petra on the allegations, seeking several things including an “unreserved and unqualified” apology to be published in websites and all national papers and RM1mil to be paid in damages (to be donated to a charitable foundation).”

    QUESTION: If the government/police had promised to investigate all the SDs fairly from both parties point of view, HOW COULD THEY POSSIBLY COME TO A CONCLUSION WITHIN A MONTH since the SD was filed to render an apology and damages as the suitable judgement??

    I think we clearly need international pressure. Btw, whats happen to the “we only sent the protest letter to US on Friday”. No response yet?

  37. igp is deeply involved in the fabrication of anwar and the cover-up of the murder of altantuya up to his eyebrow. he is instructed by najis and he has no choice/option but to go for broke as instructed. najis is behind all these moves and plot.

  38. “YB Lim you need to make sure PR stays intact. Make it work with PAS.” – Rocky

    Don’t worry, PR will stay intact, maybe within PAS they won’t. PAS will join the rank of MCA, Gerakan, MIC and PPP in the next GE if they didn’t stay intact with PR.

  39. this tiga suku government will attempt to jail him till his shelf life expires. Has anyone seen the police report or the medical report on the 23 yo poof wannabe? Ever wanting to climb to success every which way he can when he fails miserably in the exams – would you want him anywhere near a position of responsibility?

    Whenever I look at PDRM now the words: corruption, incorrigible and incompetent cross my mind. Time for the royalty to remove DR from the PDRM if they value their namesake.

    Will Malaysia improve? Odds are huge seemingly…

  40. A statement issued by Anwar’s Office reads:

    ”We have been able to communicate with Anwar Ibrahim, who calls upon his supporters and the people of Malaysia to remain calm and to reject any attempts at provocation, which will give a pretext for an emergency to be declared“.

    The widespread use of road blocks by the police of roads leading to the Parliament Building, based on some dubious sources of information that public order is under threat is not the result of the imagination and stupidity of the Home Minister. Neither is it the symptom of the deep paranoia of some senior UMNO leaders. It is obvious where they are going with this – a declaration of a state of emergency and suspension of Parliament followed by the setting up of a national operations council with very wide executive powers.

    Now with the arrest of Anwar, the final piece finally falls into place.

    The stage is set. The dye is cast. It is your call, people!

  41. “I think we clearly need international pressure. Btw, whats happen to the “we only sent the protest letter to US on Friday”. No response yet?” -stjames

    What can international pressure do? Nothing but trouble.

  42. The case to arrest Anwar is so ridiculous that anybody would laugh if the situation isn’t so grave. Anwar is is being arrested as if he raped his accuser by force. If at all sodomy has occurred, it could only be consensual. So why isn’t Saiful investigated as well?

    Let’s see what “evidence” they bring up in court. Will there be another stained mattress? No matter what these bumbling fools fabricate, Malaysians will not be convinced. There’ll be hell to pay in the next G.E.

    As for PAS joining Umno, I’ll say, Go!. PAS is the thorn in PR’s flesh. PR can survive without PAS. The beauty of PAS joining Umno is that they will destroy their own vote banks while non-Malays will vote en mass for PR fearing an Islamic State is on the cards. Neither will moderate Malays nor God-fearing Malays vote for Umno-PAS.

  43. Jan Says:

    Today at 18: 51.37 (1 hour ago)
    Will PAS join UMNO? That means a PR govt is not likely come Sept.
    The bait has to be huge for PAS to bite, a DPM post perhaps and a few ministries thrown in.
    For the non malays who voted PAS they are starting to regret like hell.

    To Mr Jan… Dont talk shit lah… Pas will never join Umno…. dont try to make stupid assumption…. dah kena tikam dengan umno.. and that pisau is still stuck at the back.. still wanna join UMNO? hey please lah!!! no such thing PAS will join UMNO!

    Oh God.. kami doakan yg benar akan terbukti benar! To Azizah and family… we will always support you!


    The arrest of Anwar is yet another example of the moribund BN tottering inexorably destined to the dung heap of history. This latest saga is a sheer desperation – only accelerating the process of consigning BN to history. Every decent minded Malaysia will see it for what it is – a big step towards a police state.

    The Inspector-General of Police’s statement that the arrest is a due process of the law is inane to these point of absurdity. Anyone with even the faintest knowledge of the due process of the law is able to understand the difference between a police report and a criminal case. The police is obliged to investigate a police report and can instruct the person concerned to attend and give a statement. If this person refuses, the police can apply to the court for a warrant of arrest. The court is obliged to satisfy itself the a crime has been committed involving the person names in the warrant. However if the police is satisfied that there is sufficient evidence that the person so detain has commit crime tot eh extent that a criminal charge can be preferred against This power is limited to a short duration after which the police will have to apply to the court to extend the remand. What the police cannot do is to modify this due process. It cannot arbitrarily arrogate to itself the right to declare that a mere police report constitute sufficient evidence to be classified as ‘sufficient evidence’ This is a fundamental tenet of the rule of law without which we would be living in a police state. This must surely be the last nail on the coffin of BN. What is the difference between Malaysia and the fascism of Robert Mugabe’s Zanu-PF government in utilising a state apparatus of the state to suppress the opposition – for its political end..

    This latest saga alienate the WHOLE populace to see how desperate BN is really is. It is committing political suicide. We are verging dangerously close towards emergency which may see the military moving in .

  45. YB Lim,

    I believe street demos are not the best way to express our disgust yet. How about calling for a general 1 day work strike to send a message to the govt? This is something the police cannot set up road blocks against nor can FRU use tear gas and water cannon on. It’s totally safe for all concerned Malaysians to participate. YB Lim, please consider this.

  46. This Government is indeed run by a bunch of autocratic and totally professional wankers; what a farce it’s making the country look like in the eyes of the international communnity. Matters are spiriling out of control at the treatment of DSAI, who has more brains than the sum of the administration put together!

  47. There is no road of return. BN has shown total failure to grasp the new political realities. People power have spoken via the ballot. They will not be denied. BN is going down.

    Down with tyranny!

  48. dawsheng,

    I agree, international pressure could be messy. What would you suggest then?

    I dont think the people can win this by playing by the rules, its simply impossible. We need to start a guerilla fund :o).


    Today at 20: 41.13 (8 minutes ago)

    I believe it is more accurate to say some senior leaders within UMNO have committed political suicide.

    The only way Malaysians and the country could walk out of this détente avoiding the prospect of an emergency rule and all the uncertainties that accompany it, is for rival leaders within UMNO to act now to save their party. Why are they hesitating??

  50. I am so sad after reading about the arrest. 15 cars SWAT team convoy just to bring one unarmed man in for questioning. Is that necessary can’t a free man go home anymore?

    The IGP Musa-ng really get on everyone’s nerve. The rembau boy made so much noise not knowing what he is rembau-ing about. He think he is a smart ass but ass he is and botak home minister is a joker every time he open his big mouth. Evryone here would have probably know their actions are all pre-planned e.g. road blocks, ACA, Police, debate to bait the rakyat sentiments.

    This tick for tack tactic only prove how small these people are. I truly believe Hell already has a place for them.

    There a time for all time on earth. I pray that change will come sooner and when that happen we will rejoice in the streets and proclaim our merdeka in one glorious voice!

    We shall overcome!

  51. The denial syndrome in the government as well as the PDRM has finally reached its climax!

    These scums dared to put up such a foolish challenge despite the intense concern of DSAI expressed widely among the international and local communities.

    An old man accused of ridiculous sexual misconduct is arrested by fully-loaded swat team while people having all the reasons to execute a helpless foreign woman in the most brutal manner could still run around freely.

    They questioned about the motives behind Altantuya’s murder should Najis is to be painted in the picture. Well you fool PDRM, sex and money are the obvious motives and you can’t see it? While an old, well-respected, Islamic, opposition leader also a father of 6 children with spine injury was violently arrested because you chose to believe he sodomized someone who has many proven connections with the DPM office??

    And, we will never forget how the chinese teenagers in Bandar Makhota Cheras was brutally attacked by a flock of scums who call themselves people’s servant. I have to bring up this issue repeatedly so that we will always remember their crimes until the 13th GE.


  52. as long as these idiots are in power…u can bet they will do anything within their grasp to stay thr.they cant afford to lose out cos if they do they will be finished.look at all these schemes and lies they hv come up with.sigh….such a laughing stock and idiots they hv made malaysia to watch at.and they can call themselves a government.they are the dirtiest lot in malaysian history.they hv done the dirtiest sins but the wudnt even admit it.ask them a question and they will take u to fairyland…ISA.

  53. My God! How far is UMNO going to go with all its evil politics? How far are WE THE RAKYAT going to allow UMNO to carry on with its crimes and false persecution? May the people of Malaysia rise to defend the truth and justice. This is our beloved country, and all power lies with US THE RAKYAT. We must not allow UMNO to rape and C4 our country into oblivion.

  54. Dont be fooled by AAB’s silence – he is the mastermind and jedi behind all these. And he is successful in making everyone thinks that he is still sound asleep! That’s what I call “black belt” political tactic. Let u guys go heads on, and AAB + KJ will be the winners in the end!

  55. “Just wait for the next GE. These BN thieves, liars and cheats must be taught a lesson such that the present circumstances can never be repeated by anyone in the future.” – Godfather

    The problem is that the country may not last until then!!

  56. I am sorry to say that the police are just doing their job, even though it’s distasteful. But please don’t get me wrong. Why blame the small fry of the police force. After all they are trained to obey orders without questions. The rots starts at the very top, I suspect, the minister of home affairs -of course with some his like minded cabinet ministers with vested interest – including the IGP and AG. So blame the hands behind all these cowards and put a stop to all these highhanded show of force and authority!

  57. dawsheng Says:
    Today at 21: 03.41 (11 minutes ago)
    “If the US wants to put pressure or any kind of sanction on Malaysia, they don’t need Anwar …”

    Forget the U.S. dawsheng!

    In this post 9/11 world, the U.S. is in desperate need of a friend in this part of the world in their fight against radical Islam. But the U.S. President or his Secretary of State Condi Rice may just lift the phone to talk to Badawi – but only “may”.

  58. hiro Says:

    Today at 21: 23.21 (3 seconds ago)
    I’m more concerned about dna profiling they are doing on Anwar – could they use that as evidence that the dna was found in the anus of Saiful?

    Why do you think they are taking Anwar’s DNA in the first place? To frame him, of course!

  59. We just don’t have large enough oil field for the US to be interested. When the US say you are a friend, you are also the enemy because you are a muslim country. Nothing will change even if Obama is elected as the next president.

  60. To side-track: It is scary. A tough guy like Bala (an ex special branch police) can be “neutraled” or even “turn-up-side-down” over night by the scums and we can imagine how much stress our PR MPs and ADUNs are each facing now.

    Frankly, both Penang and Perak state Governments would crumble if just a few of state assemblymen could not stand the pressure and jump ship. Such pressure from the scumbags can be either threats of criminal charges, monetary seduction, kidnapping, etc.

    All PR elected members need to have steel hearts and minds to tackle the desperate UMO scumbags!

  61. This move to detain Anwar is Govt’s effort to sidetrack the Rakyat’s attention to many cover-ups which has been brought up since the election; BN and all its cronies are well aware of the public’s anger towards their bull&*^$ and will reelected if there was to be a re-election.

    if Govt still believes we can be blindsided to their injustice against the Rakyat, they must be stupid beyond comprehension.

  62. Its not getting direct pressure from US that is important but its important to get US to raise the profile of the matter and escalate it to other countries (who may have an interest – prob. none!).

    How about this… Middle Eastern investors! they are the only once with heavy and vested interest in this country now.

    Could PAS broker something?

  63. dawsheng Says:
    Today at 21: 29.39 (4 minutes ago)

    “We just don’t have large enough oil field for the US to be interested. When the US say you are a friend, you are also the enemy because you are a muslim country.”

    Radical Islam is their enemy. Not Islam.

  64. malaysianwood blockbuster movie:

    So you and me – Part 1 release date 1998
    Cast : DSAI, AZ etc
    Director : TDM
    Producer : BN

    So you and me, again – Part 2 release date 2008
    Cast : DSAI, Saiful etc
    Director : ABB? ANR
    Producer : BN

  65. If…s.

    If this sodomy accusation against Anwar was done before the GE, PR will surely win the GE, even without Anwar contesting.

    If the prices of oil is increased before the GE, the same will happen.

    If the above 2 cannot happen, then hop-overs from BN to PR will topple the BN govt…

  66. We must all keep our cool…All this is a provocation by the UMNO led BN goverment.The BN goverment want all of ANWAR,S supporters to start a REFORMASY again.So they call for an Emegenncy rule.Remember our ARMY is on STAND BY MODE.Or they might have another operation lalang.
    They were Anwar was arrested all point towards this.
    NST HEAD LINES “” DEADLINE FOR ANWAR TURN UP AT 2PM OR FACE ARREST””.On 8 PM TV3 NEWS They first reported that Anwar was arrested just before 1 pm.Then it was follwed by a statement from Anwar ,Who said “” a warrant of arrest was serve on me, to be at the police station by 2pm sorry, i have to go..”” This statement was made around 11.45 am atfer he gave his statement to the ACA.
    Base on this it clearly shows it is just a form of provocation.

  67. Remember the case of Aquino and family in the late ’70s and early ’80s. U.S. President Carter personally intervened to have Sen. Aquino released from prison and be allowed to come to the U.S.?

    But seeking political asylum is not in Anwar’s calculation. Not right now.

  68. Washington will surely interfere… Let’s sit back, wait & see…..

    It will be Najib & Pak Lah’s turn to be use the ‘Populist’ way then by lashing back at them. Shabery’s party will then be pot calling the kettle black.

  69. IF the poof was sodomised 8 times previously it’s obvious he’s willing and gay about it. The way this guy is reporting the act is as if he had unprotected sex i.e. there’s sperm in his anus. I do wonder if the medical staff extracted sperm from his anus or they got something from somewhere else…

  70. UTK – C4 … haha sounds familiar. DSAI is right in telling everyone to be calm. The BIG crooks are planning something. As in the debate, it was mentioned, we are doing it for the best of “RAKYAT”. I think RAKYAT = UMNO for them.
    Too hard for them to swallow the bitterness of embarassment following the debate. He just can’t get the point that the whole idea is about saving cost and not punishing BN.

    The PDRM again praticed the extreme caution in securing the most wanted person in their 1 most wanted list by deploying the UTK.

    The sincerity of detaining DSAI in such a way is really questionable now in view that the most wanted person had just appeared in the most viewed show of the year other than the last election live telecast.

    As for DNA and other evidence, I believe DSAI has got all the benefit of doubts. DNA from anus after 2 weeks. unless the joker has not shit for the pass 2 weeks.

  71. Any attempt for Anwar seeking political asylum will surely derail all Pakatan Rakyat’s plan to form the govt. It is not a ‘populist’ action. It is, however, ‘populist’ to submit including any jail term.

    Let Wan Azizah take over, even be the PM. Anwar can be the PM in waiting. But if he is released, all is good & let the 16 Sept target be victorious.

  72. Govt keeps comparing Malaysia to several 3rd world countries, and are dreaming if they think the rakyat will take such atrocities by their show of Police Power and water pistols….

    We, the educated public fears for our safety and the safety of our family thus may not attend protests and rallys; but remember this, when its time to vote, no amount of media manipulation or police intimidation is going to alter our vote!

  73. wtf2 Says:
    IF the poof was sodomised 8 times previously it’s obvious he’s willing and gay about it.

    Unfortunately, sodomy, whether there is consent or not is, unfortunately, illegal in this Muslim country.

    I believe, don’t need any sperm samples, medical reports can be faked easily by those who want to do it. It is great that Anwar is lucky & smart to manage to lodge a report at ACA just before he is nabbed.

  74. Do you guys really believe there is one iota of truth in the allegation against Anwar? They would have to transform the image of the poor fella first as a sex addict. We just do not have that image. All we have is the image of a loving father, grandfather and husband!

    So why are we letting ourselves be drawn into this discussion about evidence?

  75. Dear Bros,
    Do not be surprise they are now preparing for the next election.

    They will use army, police votes and all the method ever know to man to cheat and win again.

    Believe me. The only solution they will not win is Sabah and Sarawak becoming Independent by the next election.

  76. I am not a certified body language reader.But as my scope of work needs me to observe people.I was sent to learn body language.
    By looking at the BODY LANGUAGE of the CID director today compared with his BODY LANGUAGE on the other days, on the 8 pm TV3 news.Today it clearly showed that he is feeling very unconfortorble and not sure of himself.( This signs showed that he is hiding something ).

  77. To side track again:

    I almost vomited when I saw the Shaby guy debated last night with both ends of his stupid mouth filled with saliva foam!

    Is this Shaby guy the only material UMO can provide?

  78. There was no warrant of arrest, according to the news. So that does not look good on the PDRM. If Datuk Anwar did not show up at the PDRM quarters, the PDRM could have sent some officers to his house and take a statement.

    It is confusing because just yesterday Datuk Anwar had that debate with Datuk Cheek and today he got arrested. According to the news, 95 % of the people thought that Datuk Anwar argued better.

    Saiful is a very young man and he is already creating some heat wave which will not help him much in many aspects of his life. Did he really think through before taking action ? There are a lot of questions and people would not just accept what he said at face value.

  79. mendela Says:
    Today at 21: 59.00 (3 minutes ago)

    To side track again:

    I almost vomited when I saw the Shaby guy debated last night with both ends of his stupid mouth filled with saliva foam!

    yeah, you are rite, just so ugly showing to all malaysians.

  80. I can’t help but to lend whatever support I have to DSAI. Since the last election, I have lost total total confidence with the PM, DPM, UMNO, PDRM and the AG. To my honest belief, these group of leaders and enforcers are pure collabarators to suppress and kill off PR. 50 years has brought nothing to the poor malaysians but greed, power and corruption to UMNO. God is fair and they will be punished in due time.

  81. Come to think of it, maybe it was a wrong tactic by Anwar Ibrahim by announcing that he’s got the numbers to form the next govt. In my personal opinion, he shouldn’t have made that piece of news known. Anwar Ibrahim should have been intelligent enough to know that the moment he said that sentence, and not once but many times, would have got the BN goons all panicky.

    Bcoz can you imagine the effect if PR were to form the federal govt?? All those BN goon’s next home will be the JAIL!! Obviously, right? First to end up in jail would be the DPM, then the SIL, and followed by the rest of the other goons.

    In fact, when Anwar Ibrahim made the statement that he’s got enough numbers to form the next federal govt by 16 Sept, I already had this funny feeling that BN would have somthing up their sleeves!! And I was right!!!

  82. The manner the police orchestrated this arrest is no better than a cheap and repulsive drama but with very high stakes.

    This IGP is behaving every bit like a ‘gangster’. Once I saw him on TV ticking off reporters with a gruff voice. Boy, was he arrogant? He thinks he will be the IGP forever. Well, he should learn from Tun M who also thought and acted like he would be the PM forever.

    Hello, IGP, no position is permanent in this world – no, not your chair, not your titles, not even your soul! It belongs to GOD, in case you forget. When policemen sow wild oats…did they reckon that the whirlwinds of GOD will be an unforgettable reckoning. Fikir, fikir-lah!

  83. # mingshing Says:

    “we malaysia got no hope here, i think better you all become rich and migrate to overseas, better future for our next generation.

    what do all think?”

    It makes sense to go elsewhere. 30 years ago, Malaysia can compare to Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan. Now the govt compares Malaysia to Myanmar, Zimbabwee, Somalia and still thinks Malaysia is a BolehLand.

  84. when the phase “malaysia boleh” first came up , little did we know that the police use it whole heartedly as their motto.

    If through proper election could not get BN out of government, could people power be the next best action?

    No point making police report…information and evidence get supressed. let’s see if ACA will be surpressed or will they are tulang belakang.

    There are some moral in these whole laughable episode. When you have the cuff on the IGP and the AG, you can do no wrong.

  85. Anwar dibawa ke hospital KL
    Jul 16, 08 8:38pm
    kemaskini 10:41pm Sepuluh kenderaan polis, termasuk yang membawa Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, keluar dari bangunan ibu pejabat polis kontinjen Kuala Lumpur menuju ke hospital Kuala Lumpur – dipercayai untuk ujian DNA.

    Konvoi kenderaan dengan kawalan ketat itu keluar dari jam 8:35 malam dan sampai kira-kira 8.45 malam.

    Anwar dimasukkan ke wad diraja dengan kawalan kira-kira 40 anggota polis.

    Naib presiden PKR Mohamad Azmin Ali masuk ke wad itu jam 10 malam.

    Sebelum itu, Mohamad Azmin bersama ketua perhubungan Pulau Pinang Datuk Zaharin Mohd Hashim bertemu perdana menteri Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi di bangunan Parlimen.

    Pertemuan bermula jam 9 malam, yang melibatkan menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz, berlangsung kira-kira 45 minit.

    Mohamad Azmin berkata Abdullah memberi jaminan “tiada kejadian mata lebam” seperti 1998.

    Anwar kelihatan keluar jam 10.20 malam dengan konvoi lima kenderaan polis menuju IPK.

    Beliau tiba kira-kira 10.35 malam dan sempat melambai kepada kumpulan penyokongnya di pinggir Jalan Hang Tuah yang menunggu sejak siang.

    Kira-kira 50 penyokongnya yang berkumpul di hospital melaungkan slogan reformasi dengan disambut lambaian tangan Anwar.

    Lebih 30 wartawan dan jurugambar berada di luar wad itu yang dipisahkan oleh garisan polis.

    Anwar sebelum ini memberi keterangan kepada polis enam jam mulai 2.30 petang selepas dibawa ke IPK jam 1.11 petang tadi.

    Beliau ditangkap sewaktu hampir tiba di kediamannya di Segambut Dalam, Kuala Lumpur tengah hari tadi selepas memberikan keterangan kepada Badan Pencegah Rasuah (BPR) di Putrajaya berhubung isu dakwaan pemalsuan laporan ketua polis negara Tan Sri Musa Hassan dan peguam negara Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail.

    Sementara 500 penyokong penasihat PKR masih lagi berkumpul di pinggir Jalan Hang Tuah.

    Mereka diketuai ahli parlimen Batu dan juga ketua penerangan parti Tian Chua – kemudian meninggalkan selepas jam 9.

    Mereka menyalakan lilin dan melaungkan slogan “reformasi.”

    Manakala sekumpulan 50 anggota polis, termasuk berpakaian biasa, berada di seberang jalan – sebelah bangunan IPK.

    Malaysiakini difahamkan satu mesyuarat tergempar Majlis Pimpinan Tertinggi PKR akan diadakan di ibu pejabat parti di Tropicana, Petaling Jaya.

  86. i guess the investigating officer was also in a shock. probably he is still holding the arrest warrant at that time and the UTK guy is unable to execute it to Anwar at the so called ” arrest “. As YB Karpal Singh said, DSAI technically cannot be arrested because a statement is not given yet.
    I smell dead rats…

  87. It is very clear the BN cannot win Anwar in fair fight so have to resort to anal trickery to win him.

    I don’t know whether I am right but talking without action is dead.
    In a small way I try to contribute by posting comments on malaysia for anti-sodomy laws to be abolished.
    It was a colonial law left behind by British, who abolished the law long ago. India also abolished the law subsequently.This law actually violates human rights on private matters.

    Our bolehland used the law to lock up Annuar and now they are threatening to use it again. Let’s all fight legally or by voicing out to abolish this law to save our future leader.

  88. I can understand if DSAI was known to be violent and have bodyguards that are arm and dangerous or known to run away from accusations. However, he doesn’t have any history all that and PDRM need to be wiser when handling this.

    PDRM you are to keep rakyat from the bad guys and not be the bad guys. You guys cannot go any lower anymore. Also, all your officers does is make threats after threats for no apparent reasons other than you MSM highligthing them.

  89. To show support for Anwar, mass demonstration won,t do, it only make things worse.In fact UMNO and the police are expecting a mass demonstration.Yes Anwar supporters will say that, it will be peaceful.BUT REMEMBER UMNO WILL SENT ITS MEMBERS TO CAUSE TROUBLE.I WAS THERE AT THE HIGHT OF THE REFORMACY MOVEMENT.All it take is just one stone to hit an officer all hell will break lose.This time the ARMY will be called.
    The best way to show that you guys support ANWAR and the truth.Is to wear a batch or a hand band.
    I hope KEADILAN will produce it ..I will buy some and pass it on to all my family and friends.
    No one can stop us wearing IT.The UMNO led goverment can do nothing.Let Anwar win this case in court.With this win UMNO is doomed to the cutter of hell.

  90. you know what our problem is? We’re not a society like Philipines, Thailand or even Indonesia. We spend far too much time talking, talking and talking through mediums such as this one.

    I’m willing to stake a bet – 90% of you guys won’t even go out to the streets to fight for our rights – as a united people. You’ll be on your screens reading Malaysiakini – just like me. And nothing will happen…..ever.

  91. This is a political conspiracy. What do you think will be the outcome of any trial? If the police are fair and professional, this stupid case would have been dismissed straightaway and Saiful charged for making a false police report.

    My God! A 60 year old man accused of forcibly sodomizing a 23 year old youth and the police threw all their resources at it like it’s the security of the nation is threatened.

    [deleted] That’s all I can say. I’m lost for words to properly describe them.

  92. Lim Kit Siang:

    “In arresting Anwar Ibrahim outside his Bukit Segambut home just before 1 pm today, the police are being most provocative, unprofessional and untrustworthy.”

    Dear Leader,

    They have always been. They show no intention of being different. This is not the time to let ourselves be boxed into an all too familiar argument – of law and the rule of law. Enough said!

    It is your call to make, people!!

  93. Puppy-Power Says:

    Today at 23: 11.55 (3 minutes ago)

    “you know what our problem is? We’re not a society like Philipines, Thailand or even Indonesia. We spend far too much time talking, talking and talking through mediums such as this one.

    I’m willing to stake a bet – 90% of you guys won’t even go out to the streets to fight for our rights – as a united people. You’ll be on your screens reading Malaysiakini – just like me. And nothing will happen…..ever.”

    Well spoken! Now walk the talk!

  94. why was anwar getting such special ‘treatment’ from the police?

    he’s not a terrorist.

    he’s now only a normal malaysian citizen jst like u and me.

    why so many police cars and personnels needed?

    a waste of public resources and not environmental friendly too.

  95. Im indeed sadden by the arrest of Anwar although I see it coming. The sudden sense of “hoplessness” start creeping into me.. much like JFK to US. Pleople “Wake Up”! If Anwar is not about our future “Hope” then what else is there to look forward? Its really one of those “oppression” where freedom as democrat can only be practise by “People In Power.” Last night debate between Anwar and … (too shame to mention name), are the people who’s going to run the country. From beginning till the end, its all fury, frustration, intimidations, resignations, much like a mad man foaming from the mouth. I was fearful he would turn into ….( kamu imagine lah) if the debate did not end.Its ever clear now that if things remains the same with our “PIP” – People In Power -, all of us can be in jail for the smallest of ‘discomfort’ not threats and PIP can get away with ANYTHING.May God have mercy on us all.

  96. “The purpose of the investigations is not to fix someone but is to really help him clear his name,” Domestic Trade Minister Shahrir Samad said.

    Why Anwar but not Najis nor the big mama, Shahrir Samad?

  97. If anything bad and wicked falls upon our beloved Anwar again, it signifies the end of democracy in Malaysia and the rise of dictatorship under UMNO leadership. It is the time for all Sultans in Malaysia should takeover control just like the wise King of Thailand and seize power that their forefathers once had looking at His subjects in His land are SUFFERING due to the self-enriching UMNOputras.

  98. It’s now crystal clear that a sodomy case is more serious and urgent than a murder case. Talking about helping to clear his name, shame on you Shahrir.I used to have some respect for you for possessing some degree of indepedence in having a mind of your own, Shahrir, now I know better for you are also not much better than the goons.

  99. Ah Pek, it’s about Saifull future… as UMNO is the ONLY party protecting Malay’s interest UMNO must find a justice for this donkey in the kangaroo court…

    those dead are died already not worth to mention as it’s kawtim liao…

    dont worry, we’ve UMNO appointed Judge in the Kangaroo Court based on LAW of the Jungle preset by UMNO and BN…

    SEMUA BOLEH… :-)

  100. Just wait and see.

    They will be a lot more MICKEY mouse game by the govt.

    Justice dont work on logic or right and wrong.
    But on who have the POWER.

    The GE-12 have SHAKEN their power.
    These is the natural after effect.

  101. Think that guy from CID who gave the instruction to arrest DSAI just came back from T’land with his BOSS and forgot to adjust his watch’s time. They are 65 mins. earlier from the deadline of 2pm which is supposed to be the deadline right?
    So technical error here or is the PRDM so arrogant and trying to push the patience of the RAKYAT to the limit!
    Anyway, peace loving RAKYAT of this beautiful country. Please be cool and patience and do not be fooled by the GOONS strategy of instigation. Once WE loose our cool and take their bait, then they’ll declare EMERGENCY state and all our efforts will be gone!
    To the couple of bloggers who are on the GOONS payroll, please do not try to instigate cos’ we are peace loving RAKYAT and always have the guidance of the ALMIGHTY above!

  102. I wonder, if Anwar was a suspect in a case, why was he arrested while all these are just allegations and no solid evidence was presented just yet. Is an arrest possible solely on allegations? If you can arrest someone solely on allegations, Najib was alleged to be involved in the Altantuya murder case, why isn’t he get arrested too?

    Ah… I know, they must be afraid of the C4s…

    Lame government. Lousy police force. Laughable judiciary.


  103. Zimbabwe is nothing compared to Malaysia. Mugabe is one man destroying the country whereas in Malaysia the whole institution strategically destroying the country.

    If the whole government and their machinery are all out to destroy one man can you believe what else could they do. I have lost all my hopes for prosperous Malaysia.

  104. Puppy-Power Says:

    “you know what our problem is? We’re not a society like Philipines, Thailand or even Indonesia. We spend far too much time talking, talking and talking through mediums such as this one.

    I’m willing to stake a bet – 90% of you guys won’t even go out to the streets to fight for our rights – as a united people. You’ll be on your screens reading Malaysiakini – just like me. And nothing will happen…..ever.”

    undergrad2 Says:
    Well spoken! Now walk the talk!

    There is one very important thing all citizen can do is to move all your money out as what undergrad2 said earlier and this is your most important weapon. You don’t have to risk your live to walk the talk and be detained under isa.

    I have been saying that many years ago and this is the only way you all can force the change, a very drastic change like in Indonesia. The Indonesian chinese has been moving their money out since independence and the drain finally drove the country bankrupt. As a result the gov. were force to change.

    We can all do that too in Malaysia if we are seriously about a real change, a change that will break the whole corrupt system that has affected all level of government and departments. If you don’t break the deep seeded corruption, umno will continue to use their connections in the various department to destroy anyone in power.

    Petronas said they are going to pay the government a 6 bil. dividend. Why don’t the people collectively try to move double the amount out? The fun will begin when they don’t have the money to pay salary and the corruption and this way the people can force the gov. to change and be accountable.

    The choice is yours.

  105. limkamput Says:

    Yesterday at 23: 31.37
    Ya, true. Enough of talk. It is time PR shows leadership, galvanise support and show what we got. Otherwise, we are going back to BN. Enough of talk and no action.”

    I throw my support behind limkamput.

  106. Walking the talk means different things to different people – like what passerby just said. To some they’ve been walking the talk for some time now. They cash their chips and walk away! I expect more will be walking the talk now that Anwar is going to be ‘sodomised’ for the second time.

  107. The Agenda is simple:

    they may not be able to prove that Anwar is guilty as charged.
    (They need to prove beyond reasonable doubts for that).

    The agenda is -to cast doubts on the conservative Malaysians/Malaysians who are not able to think critically(at least a very big population are in this group) that whether Anwar’s could be trusted….whether he is clean…. whether he is really guilty…..

    The beneficiary of the doubts on the Anwar is none other than UMNO /Barisan NAsional…..

    Just refer Abdullah Badawi commenton the allegation against Anwar-source BERNAMA:” Abdullah Asks Police To Probe Sodomy Allegation On Anwar

    (PUTRAJAYA, June 29 (Bernama) — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi says he is leaving to the police to investigate to determine the authenticity of the sodomy allegation against Parti Keadilan Rakyat de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim by a 23-year-old youth claiming to be his aide.

    He said investigations must be carried out and not merely rely on Anwar’s denial as was the usual case in any criminal case the accused person would surely deny committing the offence.

    “It is the police who should take appropriate action. Since a report has been lodged, the police should investigate to establish whether the allegation was true or otherwise.

    “What Anwar has said is not for us to decide. He will surely deny. Normally, it’s like that. The accused will normally deny the allegation,” he told reporters after launching the “Green Earth Programme of Putrajaya Residents With The Prime Minister” here Sunday. )

    This is what Abdullah Badawi had said (He will surely deny. Normally, it’s like that. The accused will normally deny the allegation,” )

    So, what had Abdullah said should be applicable to his own denials, Najib denials, Rosmah’s denials, Khairy denials too…..

    We Malaysians should not take eveything thrown to us at its face value…

    from another aspect: If sodomy an offence in Malaysia..

    Question to ponder about:

    1. Is the accuser too guilty because it is unlikely that he was forced to do the act -he as a 23-year old young man should be much stronger than a 60-year-old man….. was he ‘raped”? ….. if not, he is guilty too

    2.If he was really ‘raped’. why did he let is to happen ‘a few times’ as what he claimed?

    3. If he had made a false accusation, would he be charges in the court of law? Would the system treat him the same way as they treat Raja Petra Kamarudin and Bala claims in their respective Statutory declarations? and Anwar report against the misconduct of Attorny General and IGP?

  108. Walk the talk NOW! Don’t wait for next GE. Why? The GE will be RIGGED, you fool! Since they can do anything now what is there to prevent them from rigging the election in the future to just continue to stay in power. If you can’t win now, you will never win in the future, OK DUDE? Time to ACT! How? I don’t know. Ask uncle LIM. He had more experience!

  109. If you want to help DSAI seriously, then move your money out and deny them the money. This is the only way you can put tremendous pressure on them to fight fairly and transparently.

    UMNO will never give up so easily and with the police, army and the judiciary in their pocket, they can easily deny anyone from running the government.

  110. Yes, but if you intend to bring currency notes exceeding USDSL5,000 (at least that was the limit when I was there) you better think twice. Customs may confiscate the difference! Don’t know if you are allowed to bring out RM in currency notes exceding RM10k. What are the limits today?

    A better way is to simply TT it out or convert it to bank draft in USDLS. Cashing a bank draft drawn on a Malaysian bank with a bank overseas say with Barclays or Lloyd’s may take some time. Banks overseas are not as efficient and are slow. Try and complain about services and they’ll call security and kick you out.

  111. defiance of the law should be met with even harsher treatments. You politicians are sending the wrong message to our youths and future generations. No wonder crimes commited by our youths are mostly in definace of the process of law with total disregard for civil and public security. Well done yb kit, you are the father of all defiance!

  112. The whole episode is a political conspiracy involving the Police, ACA and UMNO.
    1. DSAI and his lawyers were purposely questioned and told to complete their statements first while they were at ACA Putrajaya in order to delay DSAI’s appointment with the police at the city police HQ . Tis is despite DSAI’s lawyers informing the ACA that they have another appointment with the city police. This will then give them the chance to say that DSAI will abscond after the 2 pm timeframe.
    2. Failing to delay their supposedly report time to the city police HQ, the police then hijacked DSAI’s car near to his house in Segambut in order to embarass , demean and humiliate him using a team of men clad in baraclava.
    3. The police , UMNO govt and ACA are working hand in glove to perpetuate the political aspirations of their UMNO political masters and will go to any dubious means and ways to finish off their political opponents.
    4. The same group of people from the police, AG chambers and a new set of political masters who are fighting for their survival in UMNO as in 1998 are involved.
    5. What does the country expect ? Create fear and intimidate the rakyat into submission and allow them to rule arrogantly under no
    opposition to their acts of corruption, deceit , murder and more lies.
    6. The police is now famous for selective enforcement of rules. Where is the fairness and impartiality ? Can we still believe in the enforcement arm ?

  113. Sense of deja vu as Anwar gets arrested ahead of deadline
    The police officers were wearing balaclavas. The roads leading to his house were cordoned off. Order of arrest had been issued, but no reason was given.

    The crowd had gathered outside. He was bundled into a police vehicle with dark tinted windows. So it is not surprising for Anwar’s wife, Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah to feel a little apprehensive.

    Anwar called on her cell phone after being arrested. “He has a bad back, he’s had surgery. And (during our) the brief conversation he said they (police) were not gentle,” she said.

    The police had on Tuesday given Anwar a 2pm deadline to answer allegations of sodomy. But later decided not to wait.

    Anwar was stopped outside the gates of his home this morning, by armed police. He was subsequently taken to police HQ in a large convoy.

    The arrest which received wide coverage on all the major news networks, has been described as “highly provocative and shocking” by DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang. Meanwhile, Azmin Ali, the vice president of PKR, called the arrest “outrageous and very uncivilized”.

    Whether the arrest will lead to large demonstrations remains to be seen. However the added instability will surely be negative to an already weakened economy.

  114. “Heard it was RM250,000. Not sure. Anyone can confirm? Jeffrey

    You can’t be serious! RM250k in currency notes?? Don’t think so. My GM used to smuggle a fraction of that into S’pore to get them converted to Sing dollars and bring them back!

  115. If I am not mistaken, on the M’sian Immi card, a limit of RM10000 is mentioned. If this is the figure, it relates to carrying currency notes.
    Even if by TT, doesn’t it require BN (I mean Bank Negara) approval beyond a certain figure?

  116. Conclusions :

    a) Our police force is too free to act so seriously and “conservatively” on rumours based on 2 sms, 2 blogs and 2 speeches. Seems the rising crimes and unsolved murders are not a concern at all.

    b) Our police said they treat DSAI equally as a M’sian citizen, which warrants them to arrest him if needed. But yet, they need 20 special squad balaclava men and hordes of police car to bring him to police headquarters? :)

    c) Our police simply do not know how to follow SOP and rule of law – “20 mins or 50 mins earlier, what’s the difference?” Lolz…laughing my pants off! Such comments coming from CID CHIEF by the way..Kudos! :)

    d) Our police acted out of “bad faith” not facts and evidence – “We KNEW he is not going to turn up anyway..”

    Gone for PDRM, guys. If you cannot even trust the police in a country anymore, how can we stay there with assurance of our security and that of our families?
    And our international reputation will suffer further, not to mention effects on the economy too.

  117. ALtPJK Says:

    Today at 13: 07.04 (5 hours ago)

    “If I am not mistaken, on the M’sian Immi card, a limit of RM10000 is mentioned. If this is the figure, it relates to carrying currency notes. Even if by TT, doesn’t it require BN (I mean Bank Negara) approval beyond a certain figure?”

    The banks act as agents of BNM for any sums lower than a certain figure and approve such transactions after filling up some forms to comply with Foreign Exchange regulations. Anything above that figure would require prior approval.

    The approval for bank clients to draw on their non-resident controlled accounts above a certain figure is delegated to the bank. If it exceeds that figure, what bank clients do is to write multiple checks. It is that easy.

  118. Point noted for future situation.

    For the moment, whatever I have left may just be about enough for a few of us to have a couple of rounds at the pub…ohh..on second thought may be not even enough considering harga Barang Naik; perhaps we may just settle for roti canai and teh tarik.

  119. A simple way is to buy foreign shares. It is easy and all you have to do is to ask your broker to do that for you. The shares of all the world best companies are traded at an all time low and have good dividend yield of 3 -6 % .

    Buying long term is the best method and that is what Mr. Buffet of Bershire did. I made a very costly mistake of selling my HK bank shares and I had kept them until now, it would have worth a few millions US with a yearly dividend income of a few hundred thousand.

    Here is a link to a very nice article and hope it will inspire you to “BUY, HOLD AND PROSPER” like what Mr. Lee-Chin of AIC did.

    6 Secrets to Finding
    Dividend “Money Machines”

    Good luck to you all.

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