by A student
Dear YB,
I have some question to ask on JPA Scholarship which I don’t understand.
1. Perkongsian kuasa dengan kaum-kaum lain di dalam pilihan raya 1955 membuktikan bahawa
i. orang melayu berupaya menwujudkan perpaduan antara kaum
ii. tindakan pemimpin pada masa itu adalah keterlaluan
iii. orang melayu sanggup berkorban demi mencapai kemerdekaan
iv. orang bukan melayu terhutang budi kepada orang melayu
– This is the sample question of “mock examination” for JPA Scholar students who are to be sent to Canada sponsored by JPA. The choice number iv. is most racist and offensive, as without Orang Bukan Melayu, i.e. Chinese and Indians, Malaysia won’t get independence.
2.Why government spends (sponsored) almost RM 500,000 for a student to study at Canada?
– For so many years, we keep increasing the number of students who get JPA scholarships to study overseas. Is Malaysia getting better day by day with so many “scholars” being sent overseas?
3. Before students get JPA scholarship to Canada University, they have to study a year of Canadian Pre-University at Taylor’s University College. They need to get an average of 6 subjects with at least 80% to qualify them to study in Canada for the following years.
a. After completing Canadian Pre-University, some scholars do not get 80% and above and are blocked from studying overseas.
b. Is a private student (not JPA sponsored student) who might not have done well in SPM but can get 80% and above in Canadian Pre-University qualified to apply for JPA Scholarship to study overseas?
4. Why can’t our government (JPA) stop sending student overseas but use the money to hire good lecturers from overseas to teach at local University?
a. Government had sent so many students overseas for so many years but Malaysia didn’t look better than yesterday which means this system FAILED.
b. Hiring good lecturers to teach at local university, more students will have opportunity to get better knowledge because the costs are much cheaper.
5. What can the students sponsored using taxpayers’ money do for Malaysian after they graduate?
a. I being told that they had to sign contract that they will work with JPA for few year if there are jobs suitable for them.
b. Under the racist system for so many years, lots of JPA sponsored students already think of working overseas next time or even getting PR from other country! (especially Chinese because they feel that they being discriminated by some policy)
c. Is it worth to invest so much money on the students?
6. If students who get JPA scholarships are categorised as “smart” students, why can’t government send them to Local University to improve the rating of our own University? Is it worth sending our “experts” to make other’s university much better than Malaysia?
7. JPA scholars to Canada sent to study a year of Canadian Pre-University at Taylor’s University College which cost about RM 16k per student. This means that our government knows that Canadian Pre-University is better than Malaysia Pre-University.
a. Why can’t government implement the Canadian system (70% Course Works and 30% exam) into our STPM which is also Malaysian Pre-University? Because government know that their system is better than Malaysia so that government send scholar for this pre-university. If the system is implemented for STPM, more Malaysians can afford to get the better education. Why can’t government change our STPM system which is 100% exam?
8. Some parents always work hard to make sure their children will get the best education in the future. But there are parents who still cannot afford to send their children overseas for education because they have to use their money to pay Income Tax.
a. I am very sad because part of their money being spent to sponsor others people’s children to study overseas while we have to study locally because our dad’s money being used to pay income tax.
b. What are so special about them? Because they score many ‘A’ in SPM? Students who didn’t score many A didn’t mean they didn’t work hard, it might be because of the system not suitable for them.
c. We are willing to pay income tax if the money are used to help us or all Malaysians to get best education, not some only (which is JPA scholar in this case. )
You should know how lame our education system are from day one…even the Kerismuddin send his children study oversea and international school…what can i say? he know…we know…everyone know…just they dont want to admit it….Ketuanan Melayu ma…jaga air muka, x pernah mengaku when make mistake…ALWAYS know how to blame other race ONLY….
Hire oversea lecture to teach? I doubt only 3rd world country lecturer will come to take up the job… other 1st world lecture rather take lower pay than come to this country to enjoy the DISCRIMINATION…
Next year’s sample question of “mock examination” for JPA Scholarship:
Why is Dollah Bad the BESTEST PM in the world?
A. He sent angkasawan to space
B. He kept inflation at 2%(!!!) since 2003
C. He has the fairest skin among the malays
D. He can fool Dr M, Najeeb and the rest of umno
my dear student,
welcome to the real malaysia.
malaysia practises apartheid. ketuanan melayu and discrimination is the order and policy. nonmalays are irrelevant and will continue to be marginalised … there is no such thing as freedom of religion, freedom of speech, equal opportunity, all taxes paid by nonmalays are used to fund bumi education, glc’s leakages and bloated civil service and corruption. if you have opportunity, pls pack your bag and go. free and sensible advice. there is no hope in this country anymore. gone to the dogs.
The only way to stop all these scholarship problem is to wipe out the idea of sending students overseas at undergraduate level by the government.All these students should do STPM (do away with matriculation) and enter into a university specially set up to do undergraduate studies the government wants.Those good students who did not do that well in STPMcan be accomodated into other universities.The top undergraduate student should be sent to do their postgraduate studies overseas.In this way the government will save the billions spent only to get knowledge which is now found everywhere in this country.To all private students the choice is theirs.We had enough of this bickering because what does 16As mean? The student did not get 100% in all his subjects.If only the government could reveal the percentage scored in both SPM and STPM our students will make to the best.Sadly it is not the case.The education ministry will take another century to start revealing marks because there is a disparity among the rural and the urban students!To those JPA scholars you actually do not deserve the scholarships because you know you are not the best.The three hour paper had all the elements of luck.To those who fail there is the MIT open university for you to study!You do not need a qualification to click and know what and how they teach at MIT.
If Malaysia is so bad and undemocratic, why did the rakyat returned BN to power in the last GE??
As long as UMNO’s principle of “divide and rule” is practised, there is no hope for Malaysia. If one can change Malaysian history, what else one cannot do!
Narrow minded policies will create chaos and imbalance in a society. A system will not work efficiently when there is inequilibrium, be it a mechanical system or social system. It will collapse in no time.
Great civilisation collapsed because of ill-treatment of the citizens. Every righteous human wants fair treatment. If this is not fulfilled, the society will collapse. The governed will overthrow the government. This is the fact of history.
While the Malaysian political leaders were able to raise their stature through Racist Tones, especially with the approaching UMNO Elections, Government Servants have also cultivate the culture of entrenching racialist ideals into the administrative machinerys.
Through the educational systems, non-malays are ingrained with defeatish mind which is totally aginst the norms of International Human Rights.
All Malaysians should stay resolved to fight against these Racist Leaders who have gained POPULAR standings through Racist and Fascist Ideals.
Nations of the world have gained momentous economic gain during this period of globalisation through a united struggle under Sincere National Leaders who have the welfare of their people at heart. Whereas the current Malaysian Leaders are bent on Glorifying their Political standings.
They keep on dividing us, and encourage us to look above our shoulder against our Malaysian Brothers of other race.
In meetings at village levels, they keep on preaching words like, ” ORANG KITA…”
Even the national slogans proudly sang through RTM sounds………..” DEMI, AGAMA, BANGSA DAN NEGARA…” Meaning, Malaysians should place Fascist, then Rascist, then only national interest… as the last of priorities.
Do we have to wait for another 50 years before the realisation of a united Malaysian Ideals can evolved??? By then, even the African countries of Sudan, Tanzania or Laos and Cambodia would see Far Greater Economic Advancement Than Us !!!
The current economic downturn has brought much sufferings to all Malaysians, but the one race facing the most difficulties would be the Malays! This is all the fault of Dr. M who during his reign, wanted a 70 million population for Malaysia and had encouraged the Malays to reproduce quickly. In today’s economic environment, a non-Malay family with 2-3 children finds it difficult to make ends meet, so what with Malay families who have 5-6-7 children? Furthermore, most of them depended on government aid from BN those days but today, BN itself is suffering from deficiencies, so not enough bread to hand out to all these families.
A Student,
Welcome to the “REAL WORLD”…frustration isn’t it!
This is what we have been fighting for…”To CHANGE”.
I have personally see a student with only 2 “A” and got a SCHOLARSHIP to study in a local institution of higher learning! Shocking isn’t it?
Since when has BN ruled for one and all? NEP was discriminatory from day one but today, none in BN will openly admit it.
Such policies may work for some time but with the rest of the world developing by leaps and bounds, Malaysia got anchored in self interests by the warlords.
Even today, BN refuses to acknowledge the failures of their affirmative actions and DO NOT EXPECT THEM TO DO SO!
Make your own decisions on how best to safeguard the interests of the future of your family and if there is some left over, kindly lend a helping hand to the less fortunate. And continue to support a gomen that will take care of the nation, not its own cronies.
Bias , unfair , you can start to see how this is systematically agend-ised, just start looking at your child’s text books on history, how they ridicule and infuse hatred unto the colonial government and the british rule. And even distort facts about other races and their contribution to the the birth of boilihland ….but not he state of affairs of the nation now, it has been taken away by the nnn ee pee.
Why i wonder they hate and jealous about others but forgotten they are wearing bally shoes.
Malaysia is about the only country in the world still practising de facto apartheid policy.
Non-Malays must continue to fight for equality and freedom and must be steadfast in this struggle for our race, religions and country. Hindraf had shown a good example.
We should not follow Umno to use the term Bumiputera. This is a political terminology invented by Umno to enlarge their constituents to include the Christian Dayaks and Kadazan-Dusun.
Unity is strenght. We should emulate Gandhi or Nelson Mandela in our struggle.
Before i comment,i would like to know if its just me or it happen to anyone else.Every time i log-in.I get wrong past word.and every time i have to ask for a new password.
Going back to the topic…. Like i said Its the UMNO led BN goverment who are making all Malays look stupid.They always been shouting to all Malays.. Without UMNO and BNs help the Malays will suffer.The Malays will be left behind like the orang ASLI.
KETUANAN and KEKUATAN MELAYU IS THE ONLY TOPIC THAT IS KEEPING THE UMNO PARTY ALIVE.Is UMNO really talking about getting rid of corruption.A BIG NO. The article on M.EZAM in the NST papers today want to made me puke.The more he open his mouth ,The more i believe he was bought by UMNO.I was there at the hight of the reformacy movement fighting side by side with EZAM and many others.
Not once did i hear Ezam talk about corruption and the 60 pages DOZIER that he handed to the ACA and Pak lah.The correct Idiom is.. “” ONE BAD APPLE CAN SPOIL THE WHOLE BUNCH “” But in UMNO it is.. “” THE WHOLE BUNCH CAN SPOIL THE ONE GOOD APPLE “” EZAM said he join UMNO again because he wants to get rid of corruption from whitin.
Its really funny when UMNO which is actully closing it eyes on corruption among its top leaders.The KLANG palace issue is one good exemple.
I am glad I have brought all my children to Australia and they have graduated fairly and squarely in the Australian universities. No discrimination here, glad to leave ‘wonderful’ Bolehland. Only regret is I could not fight along side you, YB LKS.
If you double check those JPA list again, don’t be surprised to find out that most of the names listed there are belong to their cronies or have some links to the VIP. Yes, sound dissapointment right? They’re rich and they’re still sucking our taxpayers’ money, and the saddess part is they filled up half of those quotas. I’m not accusing anyone here but from my experience in chatting with the oversea students who are sponsored by JPA, I found out that most of them not all have some links with those VIP or have known someone or through someone in JPA. I think JPA should change or someone should change the JPA’s policy, put those who is eligible and comes the low or mid income background at the very top priority of the list.
“1. Perkongsian kuasa dengan kaum-kaum lain di dalam pilihan raya 1955 membuktikan bahawa
i. orang melayu berupaya menwujudkan perpaduan antara kaum
ii. tindakan pemimpin pada masa itu adalah keterlaluan
iii. orang melayu sanggup berkorban demi mencapai kemerdekaan
iv. orang bukan melayu terhutang budi kepada orang melayu ”
This is a classic social manifestation of a deep seated inferiority complex. Distort history to “shiok sendiri”?
these fellows are so stupid to argue with them will be like arguing with …
//If Malaysia is so bad and undemocratic, why did the rakyat returned BN to power in the last GE??//
BN has always been returned to power with two third majority (except in 1969) so the correct question is “if Malaysia is not so bad and not so undemocratic (under BN), why did the rakyat deprive the BN its usual bench mark of two third majority in the last election?
“If you double check those JPA list again, don’t be surprised to find out that most of the names listed there are belong to their cronies or have some links to the VIP.” (Food Thought, 2008)
Yes Indeed It can be notice, ‘scholar’ with a Merc back in “Kampung”.
YEs, everything is tougher for the poor…and what more devastating effect could it be for the poor as a result from food and fuel hike?
The govn. is using highly unreasonable measure scale to measure the percentage of poverty in Malaysia. I do not need to go further with the stats as it is vague but true.
‘WHY’ is the question the Rakyat should always be asking the govn. and STILL will be asking… that the money is not use to develop the country properly?
Scholars are worth investing for the country to practise prudence, however, every plan there is a possibly for mishap and flaws to exist. THIS PLAN IS ONE OF THEM. DOES the govn. really expect the “scholars” to repay the govn? Where as many of them rather have themselves as PRs in abroad rather than serve the govn. back in M’sia~
Dear All,
Meritocracy it seems is at least praticed by JPA as far as non bumi students are concerned. Note: NON BUMIS ONLY
While some 10As non bumi students are screaming foul for not getting a JPA scholarship, there are those who do get 12-15A1. And these indeed do get the JPA scholarship. For those with 12A1 but don’t get, they maybe faulted with non active activity in school?, or some other reasons. There are also some very lucky ones with 11A1 and a A2 that do get the JPA scholarship and now studying at Taylors.
Where do the top 12-15As non bumi JPA scholars go? Well they are tuck away in middle of a very unknown place somewhere between Nilai and Banting. Here is where there are abt 700+ scholars. 350+ for yr 1 and 350+ for yr 2. And the bumi scholars are the majority maybe 80%? Ahh here you can find lots of 10A bumi scholars.
//If Malaysia is so bad and undemocratic, why did the rakyat returned BN to power in the last GE??// — RealWorld
BN has always been returned to power with two third majority (except in 1969) so the correct question is “if Malaysia is not so bad and not so undemocratic (under BN), why did the rakyat deprive the BN its usual bench mark of two third majority in the last election? — Jeffrey
Well said, Jeffrey. It’s obvious RealWorld aka Killer is making a feeble attempt to “syiok sendiri” in true BN style after failing to come to terms with the thrashing the people handed the BN in 5 states.
When a nation wants to sail in the high sea with the best ship
Gather your very best sailors from all over the land for the ship
Be sure to have the right calibre and fair captain to head the ship
Lest you want only lost sheep in an eventually leaking sinking ship
(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng – 130708
Sun. 13th July 2008.
Everything in Malaysia are double standard. It’s happened to me when i am in form 3. I wanted so much to go into science stream to study engineering after form 5 i was instead given art stream. My math and science got C3 but bahasa malaysia p7. My parent went to the education department to appeal but was brush aside.
Anyway life has been kind to me, i am doing quite well now. Running my own business.
Those GOONS are always contradicting themselves by words or actions.
Wasn’t it so that the education ministry is trying to make M’sia the educational hub of SEA. Setting up unis here and there and doing twinning programmes with overseas unis.
Encouraging more foreign students to study in these unis when they themselves are sending their own siblings to study abroad (mostly using the JPA scholarships)
Such hypocrites and blood suckers.
how can malaysia be the educational hub of Sea when the education ministry is staffed by goons and racist like Dr noor and headed by a moron and another racist called kerimuddin. lets be serious la
BolehLand aka MaluSia will continue to become Malaysian Inc to UMNO and BN cronies if we do not do something about it. It is a lucrative racket. Many have benefited from this system. Their children and saudara enjoyed the many scholarships meant for the poor and more deserving among other things, went to these rich and spoilt brats.
Trust me, it is a matter of time ONLY. BN and UMNO will be unhinged from their stranglehold on Malaysians. They are now holding on to power by their finger nails. You can hear the screech sound now as they hold on while PR pull them down.
Once this remnant of post-colonial masters of ours are gone, then we will be emancipated. Malaysia will then be incorporatized and shall truly belong to Malaysians. Malays, Chinese, Indian, Kadazandusun, Dayak, Iban etc will then enjoy the fruits of this land.
EZAM said “” This shows a strong statemanship on the part of PAK LAH and this show that we have a leader who puts party interests above himself.””
If any UMNO members or leaders reading this blog..Please remember UMNO is a DEMOCRETIC PARTY.Like i have always said PAK LAH IS ONE SMART COOKIE.By announscing the transition he had in fact seal his own interest.EZAM is so busy that he don,t read the papers.Last week as reported in most papers .This was what Najib said.”” I might go for the number one post if thing are right”” PAK LAH Caught every one by surprise.
Just by this annoucment,Now if anyone who wants to challenge him for the number one post will look like a traitor to the party.Now both NAJIB and T. Razaligh,Will not have the guts to go for the number one post in this coming UMNO election.
BN is so good at stealing that we decided to reduce its majority to below two-thirds. If BN continues to plunder the nation, then it’s slender majority will also disappear at the next GE.
RealWorld, can you please pass on this message to your UMNO masters ? They should stop the hallucination, and start working harder. Stop the stealing for a start.
Back to the issue raised in this thread, do you think the person who framed this offensive question would ever be disciplined, or even stripped of his/her job ? Or do you think he/she deserves a promotion for being so loyal to UMNO ?
“Everything in Malaysia are double standard. It’s happened to me when i am in form 3. I wanted so much to go into science stream to study engineering after form 5 i was instead given art stream. My math and science got C3 but bahasa malaysia p7. My parent went to the education department to appeal but was brush aside.”
AND they force us to recite the Sajak and learn bahasa Melayu purba….maksud tersirat wtf
Just wanted to an option ‘E’ to k1980 multiple choice question.
Next year’s sample question of “mock examination” for JPA Scholarship:
Why is Dollah Bad the BESTEST PM in the world?
A. He sent angkasawan to space
B. He kept inflation at 2%(!!!) since 2003
C. He has the fairest skin among the malays
D. He can fool Dr M, Najeeb and the rest of umno
E. All of the above
You are not alone,it happened to me so often but, I will not shut my mouth. It is payback time!
As part of my job, I have spoken to many Malaysian students sponsored by JPA in the UK in the past 3 years ( newed not mention, yes, most of them are Malay student). Most of them if given a choice do not want to return to Malaysia after graduating. Some of them can hardly speak simple English and after digging for a bit more info, as expected, some didn’t even do well in SPM but have ‘good’ connection!! Other non-sponsored Malaysian students whom I spoke to were furious when we spoke about this. If JPA continue to treating non-bumis so unfairly, more younger generation will rebel and more talented ‘second class Malaysian citizen’ will have no choice but to leave the country for good! What is the point for having to struggle so much just to being treated like dirt in your own country. JPA should stop spoon-feeding Malay students and teach them how to fight for a place in sponsorship program by getting good results in the first place! Of course, not all Malays are weak, I have met a few very capable and intellingent Malay students with excellent results who deserved the sponsorship but again, the majority didn’t! What a shame.
What’s new?? BN have been playing the racist card for the past 50 years and its time to kick them out of Putrajaya!!
On one hand they are crying that this country is facing brain drain, etc, trying to woo back our Malaysian citizens currently working in other country but on the other hand they seems to be helping & assisting those less qualified people by giving them scholarships to study overseas.
What BN arrogantly refused to realised is that the ones that they refused to help & give scholarships will find their way to obtain education overseas and after that they would settle down in other countries and wouldn’t want to come back to Malaysia to work.
And here BN is crying like a little baby… Even babies are more intelligent that those BN goons!
i m not too sure. from what i have read pkr youth is no different from umno youth. very feudal and autocratic. its like jumping from fire to a hot pan.
On the topic: Sure, it would be better and cheaper to employ real crack professors from overseas. They would even come, under normal circumstances. Now think about the consequences, and those currently employed in the universities can surely confirm this, would they want to work more than 50% on stupid administrative stuff, like ISO? Stand to honour the arrival of The Dean? Pressured into marking grades up? Having to ‘lend’ their good name to a local for funding?
Or, you staff the universities to merits, but then social unrest sets in, when certain people ‘feel overlooked’.
Catch-22; and the perfect solution is the one we have, sending students overseas and let the local universities rot in self-aggrandizement.
to extend on what dap8888 says. my sister, an average hardworking ex-malaysian without phd or mba now works for the american govt heading a dept with some local americans in boston area. another sister works for the australian govt as a teacher in sydney. free education for children. the point i am trying to make is that these countries practise democracy, equal opportunities for all irrespective of colour, creed or race or religion. if one is prepared to work, opportunities are abundant. unlike this country which practises apartheid and discrimination. opportunities such as ceo of glcs, principals of schools, heads of ministries and scholarships are only reserved for bumis or little/big napolean mullahs. and this is a unashamed fact as it is taken as malay right as indoctrinated by btn and umno-ketuanan melayu
Its bad! The UMNOputra Malay leaders have severe inferiority complex. They will do anything even to the extent of derailing the country’s progress to ‘show’ to the world that the Malays ‘bolih’; like sending the ‘outer space passenger’. They are doing all these things and at the same time pocketing big chunk of the rakyat’s money for their own and cronies’ benefit! The non-Malays are the ‘scapegoat’. It is sad that all the useless component parties in the BN are keeping mum on such idiotic questions for JPA scholars! That’s why OKT have to run away.
Nothing more can be said and done!
Beyond repair and beyond all other mean!
Forget our local uni, the quality is just good enough to house those lower qualified through some matriculation system, what else can the government do to screw up our education system?
Shiok Guy
“orang bukan melayu terhutang budi kepada orang melayu ”
hmmm, tak perlu terhutang sini sana lah. Mari kita semua terima balik British lah. Jadikan Malaysia jajahan British semula. Lebih baik macam itu. Tak perlu lagi tuan sini, tuan sana, siapa kuasa siapa tak berkuasa. Kita semua panggil Orang Putih Tuan. Biar Orang Puteh berkuasa. Malaysia jadi Falkland, baik bukan? Semua boleh masuk UK tanpa Visa!
Welcome to the real World. Let me tell you, I have a classmate who was always the last 3 bottom in the class, she obtained a Grade 2 and yet got a full scholarship to study in UK. Today she drives a BMW and live comfortably. Among our classmates we always ask ourselves why we have to work so hard yet she is so lucky? Sometimes I wonder Malaysia still has any hope, since 8th Mar there is non-stop bickering around and at times I don’t know who to believe. My plan now is try to pay the least tax and send my kids abroad.
to marginalise the nonmalays was an evil plan hatched by the bigot mamak using the education system. malays were given scholarships to study to improve their english and technical skills whilst the nonmalays were not only not given scholarships but not even admitted to local univs although their results are better as univs places/quota are given to bumis first. so nonmalays are pushed into a corner with no choice with no univs places or scholarships for further studies. they are then expected to work as coolies to serve malay supremacy who are given ample opportunity and free scholarships to further improve their english and technical skills overseas despite having poorer qualification results. a devious plan by umno to create malay supremacy
YB, Lim
UMNO is not for Malays.
UMNO is for the UMNO leaders.
Even we, Malays don’t enjoy what we suppost enjoy.
Its just high time for the Pakatan Rakyat to turn-off
this Idiot BN.
I m a Malay and I dont vote for that useless umno.
Valid questions without any possibilty of truthful answers from the UMNOputras -for that matter no answer will be forthcoming as they will just ignore it.
Any hope of a change will come through a change of government!!
The answer to the first question lies in the Malaysian tourism advertisement seen at home and abroad. The tag line is, “Malaysia, truly racist”.
The answer to the other questions on the government sending students all over the whole is..err..well…it’s run by stupid people who make stupid decisions because they are…stupid? You’ve been to school with them, what do you think?
National treasure or national disaster?
Link: http://www.kingsmary.blogspot.com/
why cant malays aim to be like obama hussein, michelle hussain, fareez zakaria, farish noor, bakri musa, dr azly, imtaiz, queen rani etc etc. queen rani is elegant, progressive, smart, educated. why do malays have to follow the saudis who are backwards and spoonfed and act like bigots who like to oppress and deny their women all the rights? why do malays have to take the corrupt and violent taliban route?
pgsilai, you are not alone. i can assue you most if not all nonmalays have the same thought. leave if possible before this country becomes zimbabwe.
RealWorld Says:
Today at 13: 57.11 (7 hours ago)
“If Malaysia is so bad and undemocratic, why did the rakyat returned BN to power in the last GE??”
Good question. Now it is my turn.
Why do cocks crow during a solar eclipse?
im a malay. so, this is how i failed to get JPA
SPM 2004 10A1, 2A2, 1B4 and 1 C5
A2s are for IT and Geography
B4 is for Add Math
C5 is for Arabic
no JPA. not even invitation for interview…
Matriculation CGPA 3.737. No JPA. Still the same.
Maybe theres something wrong up there?
If you want to find out more about the mindset of some of the Malays with respect to their “entitlement” a la the Social Contract, read Mahathir’s thread under his blog http://www.chedet.com. It basically reflects the thinking of an UMNOputra like RealWorld.
Why don’t you give your real name so it could be verified. You got nothing to lose.
Essentially UMNO knows that there can be no true meritocracy in Bolehland. True meritocracy means that the Malays will lose out and this undeniable fact causes UMNO to constantly play the good-cop/bad-cop routine when it comes to matters under the social contract.
UMNO also knows that without true meritocracy, the country will slide further down the slippery slope to economic oblivion, but instead of addressing the issue head on, they prefer to stick their heads into the sand, and allow their relatives and cronies to dip their hands into the national coffers, at a rapidly increasing pace.
Malaysia will be this way unless there is a change of Leadershipat the federal level. Meanwhile it appear the UMNO dominated Civil Service is happy doing its way. These fellows had no accountability and transparency at all.
If realworld,is log into this blog because Big brother ask him to,Then i pity UMNO ,Why because is this all UMNO got.
Saw the 8pm news on TV3.,Now that PR is ruling the state,Finally we can get back our field.How pathetic UMNO is, having a demonstration againts somthing that is so wrong.
When BN was ruling the state .No open field was left untouch we can find cabins all over the state,With UMNOs flags waving in the wind.Now local councils are taking action ,this bigots are having a demonstration.
My first cousin brother who is graduating at the end of 2008 in Melbourne will be applying to work as an medical intern in a local hospital. All of us here are happy as he decided not to come back to a country which practices apartheid policy based on race and religion.
How i wish i can join him too.
From what I see most of our Youth is in this state be it Malay Chinese and Indians:
1- Are not patriotic.
2- they only wish to study overseas
3- Work Overseas
4- Forget about their home country.
5- Dont know about politics at all.
6- Will not fight for a better Malaysia
7- Will not defend Malaysia if anything happen
8- Bunch of Cowards
9- Being led Astray with too much entertainment
Conclusion : Our youth is in a mess. Our ppl are mostly cowards and unaware of the situation. No wonder 50years BN ruled without challenge !
Why cant we be like koreans ? US Beef Import = 50,000 Farmer coming protest and giving their Riot Police a tough time.
In Malaysia, The BN Government telll lies and act cruel towards us… only a few thousands Daring enough to take to the streets.
NOTHING BEATS People’s Power !
They make themselves out to be such heroes. Anyway, we have a Khairy Jamaluddin in our midst who is an Oxford graduate. What do you all think of him ? We have some politicians who are graduates from some great universities. If you know them, what do you think of them ? My former boss is a Harvard University graduate. If you read between the lines, you will know what he had to put up with. He did not have the “”” edge “”” to make it to the top. But just before he retired, he got it. Probably it is a way of saying they are sorry but they too cannot do anything. The most they can is to give him that consolation. Whereas others because of their race, because of their religion, because of their privilege; can get everything that easily without tears, without sweat, without problems. This is our Malaysia. So you see, all the bright brains are somewhere else in the world. You really think Malaysia can be developed not just in terms of buildings and materials, but also the human minds, the human assets ?
50 years under BN , You people asking for more ?
Dont just point fingers at the UMNO Malays for being RACIST.
Some of Chinese are the same. Racist.
Just take a look at a chinese company. They only let Chinese to be high ranking.
No offence.
If you all want to stop racism, PR Gov will be able to do it.
and at the same time, EVERYONE IS RESPONSIBLE TO STOP RACISM, be it Malay Chinese Indians.
Dear YB LKS,
I had written to our Dr. Azli on this matter :
Posted by MT Super Admin
Wednesday, 18 June 2008
Our students are being treated like extensions of the Malaysian secondary schools and they in turn treat the university as a place wherein facts are merely to be regurgitated at the end of the semester examinations.
Dr. Azly Rahman dr.azly.rahman@gmail.com This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Dear Dr. Azli,
You are one of the few Malay Muslim academic Scholars with a very Global outlook & I would like to commend you on your person & your views which I totally agree.
A they say “Bapak borek, anak rentek ” & it is BN way or no way in this Bolehland !
The buck must stop with the present Minister & not blame the previous many Ministers !
Look at our young children & my grandchildren carrying their 20 pound school bags of useless, irrelevant books, workbooks, etc for std 1 right through their Primary education.
The system should encourage the learning process in the class, not loads of homework which they do not even understand requiring tuition after classes…conducted sometimes by the same teachers.
That is what the Diploma in Education is all about… the art/skills of teaching students & not overload them with irrelevant notes, homework, etc. with the irrelevant syllabus to achieve 11, 12 & some 18 As for the schools !
School Head’s ego at the students’ expense…
For the Higher Education system look at successful models like the Sunway – Monash University, Lim Kok Wing Institution, KDU, Help Institute, etc where “Critical Thinking, Creativity, Innovation, Practical Application, etc” are encouraged & practiced earning them several Local & Regional awards.
Their graduates are very much in demand by Local & regional employers & they now have quite a sizeable foreign student population.
Instead of LOOKING at, LEARNING from, APPLYING the GOOD examples & maybe AFFILIATING with them…..Government Institutions are created at inflated costs with useless administrators & policies churning out graduates that are unemployable !
All Colleges & Universities must be an Institution of PRODUCTIVE LEARNING / EDUCATION for ALL MALAYSIANS & not Institution of INDOCTRINATION / INTIMIDATION by any Political / Racial / Religious organisations.
We have wasted all these 30 years, resources & our taxpayers’ money, in going “Backwards” when we should be at PAR with Singapore, etc in this 21st century.
First the Education Minister must have the Intelligence, the Understanding of the system both Universally & Locally, have a proven track record of Academic / Professional excellence, have Autonomy to select the BEST qualified advisers (Malaysians – on a ratio of 04 Malays, 03 Chinese, 03 Indians & also others) who still maintain links to International standards of practice, to have the Correct “COST EFFECTIVE” Policies, Build the most “COST EFFECTIVE” schools / Universities, monitor & maintain the most “COST EFFECTIVE” Higher & Lower Education System (including selection of School Heads / teachers, University VCs, Deans, Lecturers, etc under him. To also keep moving people every 3 to 5 years to maintain them on their toes !
To encourage the following to achieve a COST EFFECTIVE solution to the wastages in our Education system :
a. Practical application of English Language writing & conversational skills, “Living Skills”, “Critical Thinking” with projects / assignments from the Upper Secondary levels right through University.
b. Next, to ensure our so called TOP Schools/Universities are places to educate our “Bright but needy students” on a fair ratio basis to have a “Balanced” Academic Excellence with “Meritocracy” including from the needy ones.
c. Full scholarships to be given to the “Bright needy students” of the “Critical” streams at schools/Faculties at Universities – based on the National Academic/Research/Professional/Arts etc NEEDS of Malaysia.
d. Then Half scholarships to the “Bright students” who have achieved the set MINIMUM criteria for that University Faculty entrance.
e. Other College/University courses not meeting the National’s CRITICAL needs will have to be self sponsored.
f. Students Exchange Programmes with the BETTER foreign Universities which most NGOs like Rotary, Lions, etc have & not the LESSER foreign Universities the Education system subscribe to.
g. Ensure the indentified TOP Schools / Colleges / Universities do not become or degrade into Racial/Religious fanatical biased institutions.
h. We have here in Malaysia the best Schools, Colleges, Universities, Lecturers, teachers, English educators, etc to COMPARE & LEARN from, TWIN / AFFILIATE with, to achieve Educational / Academic Excellence if only they “think out of the box”, stop the colour coding preferences, apply Meritocracy instead of Mediocracy & less.
i. Only then will our Graduates of quality be accepted for “Post Graduate” courses at Top Overseas Universities to do their Masters, Phds, etc
It is pure STUPID & sure SUICIDAL to compare our Universities with the World’s best when our Educational infrastructure is so Chaotic & a total MESS!
j. We have our many, many Universities that are useless to the CRITICAL NEEDS of this nation – White elaphants churning out duplicated surplus graduates – what a waste of taxpayers’ money.
k. Even after sending our Bumi / Non Bumi students overseas at the taxpayers’ expense , what is the ratio & success rate of Bumi / Non Bumi within the course time ???
l. For the less academic students, to have Further Education Colleges to affiliate with successful models (like Monfort School, FIT previously, MIA, etc) on VOCATIONAL skills enabling our other students (including our Mat Rempits who need other skills) to take up vocational skills to earn a decent living & maybe be an Entrepreuner later.
I have personally met alot of young people who want to improve themselves to be self made like me, so I have encouraged them & assisted them to enrol in private courses to learn a trade like tailoring, hairdressing, motor mechanic, welding, plumbing, electrical, electronics, etc & a few of them are now successful sub-contractors.
There are also alot of successful people who never made it to University but made it in Life as “SELF-MADE MILLIONAIRES”, through the University of “Hard-knocks” in Malaysia & overseas.
Lastly, let us look at, study, understand & apply where applicable the Singapore Education model to be at PAR with our successful neighbour.
Every cabinet Minister has the minimum Cambridge / Oxford Masters Degree with a Phd Havard / Cornell certification.
The Singapore Govt. scholarship Policy – allocated for their Intellectual / Research & Development / Professional , Arts, etc NEEDS not SURPLUS.
Other courses / preferences have to be self financed.
To control the demand / supply & not have wastages that does not meet the market employment demands.
Their Raffles Institution, Singapore University, Nanyang University have ACHIEVED & REMAINED the TOP even after many DECADES.
Now that is what we call Accountability & Taxpayers’ money well spent by the Singapore Education model!
Please wake up people & stop the ROT in our Education system !
yes… say NO to racism… i am malay, i have many chinese & indian friends… my son in law is half chinese… pls think positive… sayangilah negara kita walau apa pun yang terjadi… kita harus bertolak ansur… jangan bermain api, nanti terbakar sendiri.
umno does not only believe n practise apartheid,they preach n survive on imposing ‘slavery’ on minorities!!don’t agree??jus check out how many percent of income tax are paid by the minorities??it is totally unacceptable for the JPA to come up with this kind of lowlife stuff!!outrageous indeed!!
on the other hand,why should the rakyat complain??u are the ones that gave the mandate to the racist!!!!when are u going to wake up n shore them off??
This man has been to many parts of the world at tax-payers expense but I hope he wasn’t a government scholar and we are “gaining” from his experiences.
Melaka To Beautify City With Vegetables – Ali Rustam
MELAKA, July 13 (Bernama) — The Melaka government is encouraging residents to plant vegetables instead of flowers outside their home and on road dividers as part of the Green Book campaign.
Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam said 50 per cent of the allocation to plant flowers in the Melaka city would be used to plant vegetables.
“Brinjals, pegaga (centella), lemon grass, wild ginger, ginger, pandan besides pineapples will soon replace flowers in the city,” he told reporters after opening the state level Green Book programme at Kampung Bukit Katil here Sunday.
On the possibility that the vegetables will be stolen, he said it might happen at the initial stage but the people would appreciate it in the long run.
What a gem.
racial profiling policy is sending malaysia nowhere !
but too bad,what is most fearful to umno in fact are the ‘bangsa malaysia”!!
very simple,umno does not spell start their god with an “A”
they spell start their god with G for greed,the comes with P for power n last but not least,M for money!!
racial profiling policies are the curtains they hav chosen to hide behind all these while in order to attain their G,P n M!
nation building? it is a stranger to them in fact!
Ali Rustam is one of the kings in malaysia version of”orgy of lootings”!
When a person is born with a golden spoon in his/her mouth,the attidute towards life will be one of indifference.
The `ketuanan melayu’ concept had brought about all these discriminations against us the non-malays,which had indirectly made us resilient.But surely this concept had stunted the intellectual growth of the malays and bumis.It has made them non-competitve,poor self confidence and worst still, had instiled in them some sort of unreasonable fear towards the non-malays.
Anything excessive is bad for the mind and soul.Even honey can harm our body if taken in excess amount,what more if it has long expired.So this `ketuanan melayu’ thing has long passed its shelf life and to continue it further is to the detriment of the malays.I have seen some hard working bumis too,but these numbers are simply too small to strengthen the malay community.
In fact I would say most malays are in a dilemma too.One whole generation had grown up under this racist policy and it is not easy for them to change their mindset overnight.But its always better to be late than never.A healthy competition is always good for the mind and soul there fore I urge our malay brethrens to see the light of the day.Say no to `ketuanan melayu’,treat all Malaysians with justice.Do not deprive deserving and harworking children of their rights to education all in the name of racism,it holds no water in this fast paced,globalized world.More so its also bad in the eye of the lords to discriminate one’s own citizens.
The size of the pie is big enough for all,you work for it and you will get your piece surely.There is no short cut to success.Equip yourselves with a good knowledge,self confidence,competitveness and sprituality.Give precedence to merit and you will achieve all these qualities,then Malaysia can be a power house in the region and the world even.
God bless our nation.
wah…. i’m so suprised with this kind of question! this is so typical lame umno question… soalan gila ke apa ni ?
This has been happening way back in the 70’s and 80’s. It is an open secret. Not surprising, its still happening now. I find it absolutely amusing after my graduation from Canada to find that we, the people, still keep returning the BN to power with 2/3rd majority elections after elections.
I have as varsity “mates”, the following JPA sponsored Malays:
1. failed or marginally passed their grades semester after semester until the dean had to “request” them to just settle for a general degree which has a much much lower passing mark. Some were even asked to move to another varsity.
And privately sponsored students were acing course after course and toping their respective courses. Some were even on the dean’s list for excellence. Most of us were offered MBA programs from universities from across Canada.
We even had some who were offered jobs in the US at very reputable corporations like Boeing.
2. English – can hardly speak fluently nor write proficiently.
3. Some of them purposely delayed their course so that they can stay an extra year or so.
4. Still others, bought sports cars with personalized number plates.
5. I failed to come across any JPA scholars who excelled. They were mediocre and yet they had scholarships! I bet you they probably just scraped through their pre-mat.
6. There were even some who smoked pots.
This is just a sample of the “scholars” and I can go on and on and on ……….. These stories will never be openly reported. Even if they were, the govt would strongly deny them.
When the Malaysian govt personnels came to our varsity, they would meet up with the Malaysian students here. They would get the univ. people to invite us. But there is a catch – they specifically requested that those in attendance be Malays not Malaysians! Even the Canadians were amused and most wondered why.
So, my dear student, this is reality. I’m sure lots of others had other stories to tell. Look at what WE, the TAXPAYERS are paying for!!!!
Malaysia have a reverse apartheid policy. South Africa policy is one that ensures the minority had favorable policies. Malaysia has one that favors the majority (55%) of the population.
It no different from what the Nazis did to the gays, jews, cripples and anybody they felt was not of their race. They also had a policy where you could not question their race as the Aryan race was the supreme race in the country – If any BN or UNMO members would like to comment on that ?
i feel sorry for our malay brothers, umno is stereotyping them as forever needing :
1. intellectual handicap points
2. business handicap points
3. housing handicap points
4. cultural handicap points
It is sad that the malays allowed themselves to be painted into an incapable/kindergarten group of people instead of one capable of holding out on their own merits. A mindset change is required. Are they ready instead of harping about the ketuanan inferiority complex?
The context of the questions is an accurate reflection of UMNO’s fear of its own political mortality.
Today, people are more concerned with movie stars and karaoke and X-games and reality tv shows then with politics. David Beckam could well be their hero and not Abdullah Badawi. Pursuing the old and outdated course in the manner UMNO is doing, will not get them anywhere.
Of course, they hoped to whip up the sentiments of the educated malays. But that is the wrong place to drive the nail. Because they are educated therefore they question. Bakri is one example. Maybe a few might be influenced. But the rest would be likely to say “Oh yeh, big deal huh.”
Then they also hoped to cut down the sentiments of non-malays to a size they thought is appropriate and comfortable. After decades of suppression, non-malays learned the skills of ignoring and seeing beyond all these insults and imbalance. They will go on as a matter of fact and produce first class essays on those topics. For them “hey man, dats life. You gotta take it man.”
UMNO is in a hurried pursuit of cipher and is dispensing great energy and zeal in the process. Let them for god’s sake. For it definitely has palliative effect on them. Be compassionate, shall we all?
Creating a synthetic supremacy for their race will not do them or the nation any good! Forget about WAWASAN 2020! They cannot even achieve what they plan by 3030!!!!
what an idiot of u student…………..i guest u’re not deserved a place when u dont even know the ‘sejarah’…………..Tanah Melayu…………….dont u find it familiar…………………
So, that the malays willing for all of non bumi to recognize as warganegara otherwise u were long b4 today including Uncle Kit been sent to your home country….
Plz….no more such stupid thing, do u think u’re marginalize when u’re the one that driving BMW while the malays still using buses.
Plz, act like a really educated people, for me as a malay n i know the roots of the malaysian history but deep in my heart its always about malaysian (Malay, Chinese and Indian plus other)……to develop the nation n country. It is fair as u’re the landlord but u’re poor………………..its not, but we have to stay competitive with each other of u (non bumis) but give sum times. Plz dont let this irrational emotions n tots tarnished the nation that been built……..
Wasn’t it the Chinese who develop the cities when the British still rule?
Wasn’t it the Indians who supported the economy of the country by supplying rubber for our country?
iii. orang melayu sanggup berkorban demi mencapai kemerdekaan
iv. orang bukan melayu terhutang budi kepada orang melayu
I believe that when it comes to these statements, Chinese and Indians can’t really say much as the Malaysian history books didn’t actually mention much about Indians and Chinese.
This is where I believe that they will keep on using these statements to claim their ‘special rights’ and this is where Chinese and Indians have trouble.
I believe that Malaysia is Malaysia today because of the people in it.
First of all, Chinese and Indians cannot be blamed for their claims that they didn’t fight for the country. It was the British that brought us here, so in fact, the British were to blamed for dividing us and conquering us. Malays being the majority will of course supply the most manpower in the military. Minorities like Chinese and Indians in the military may not be mentioned in the history books, but it has also not be proven that there aren’t any Chinese and Indians who served in the military at that time.
Therefore, I suggest that one should conduct research regarding on this matter through records that the British may have. Otherwise, it would be assumed by default that there were no Chinese or Indians that died protecting Malaysia.
Secondly, Indians were brought here to help in the development of the rubber plantation. This is to say that the Indians DID CONTRIBUTED in terms of economy towards the country. Without them, the current Malaysia economy would be not as good as now. Let us be reminded that the rubber plantations that our country has are actually inherited from the Indian communities.
The Chinese brought technology to the mining industry and also developed cities like Kuching and so on. I believe that KL wouldn’t be KL if there weren’t for the Chinese. Let us be reminded that the cities we have today are actually inherited from the Chinese communities.
The Malays produced rice that feed the people in the country which consist of all races during those times and stayed in the rural areas where there are wetland. The British can’t force to move the Malays so they hire the Chinese from China and Indians from India where they have conquered to this country, Malaysia to develop the economy in rubber, mining, and business.
The British had the money from exploiting our resources through the production of Chinese and the Indians that allows them to develop railroad and other development that leads to better education, more cities, and ends with independence.
This means that we depend on each other during that time and the blame should all be on the British. Hence, the statement “orang bukan melayu terhutang budi kepada orang melayu” should be false. Those who stick to that statement are proud but blind of the contributions of other people.
Let us be reminded that the Malays weren’t the one who developed cities and they weren’t the one who developed the rubber plantations.
well, being a student in IPTA, almost everything is at risk should the real identity be out, somehow… so, better to stay in the shade, for now. huhuhu…
The whole idea of non-bumis being ‘victimised’ in the education system have many of my friends (in their 30s and 40s) migrating to Australia, Canada and NZ within this past three years as they have lost faith in Malaysia.
# RealWorld Says:
Yesterday at 13: 57.11
If Malaysia is so bad and undemocratic, why did the rakyat returned BN to power in the last GE??
Well that’s because BN ‘forced’ their must-win-GE down the throats of the ordinary M’asian citizens – if you know what I mean
1. Perkongsian kuasa dengan kaum-kaum lain di dalam pilihan raya 1955 membuktikan bahawa
i. orang melayu berupaya menwujudkan perpaduan antara kaum
ii. tindakan pemimpin pada masa itu adalah keterlaluan
iii. orang melayu sanggup berkorban demi mencapai kemerdekaan
iv. orang bukan melayu terhutang budi kepada orang melayu
This is blatant racism at its best.
I quote Bra888 statement below
“The Malays produced rice that feed the people in the country which consist of all races during those times and stayed in the rural areas where there are wetland. The British can’t force to move the Malays so they hire the Chinese from China and Indians from India where they have conquered to this country, Malaysia to develop the economy in rubber, mining, and business.”
I don’t know whether it could be said that the chinese and indians were so-called ‘hired’ as from what we can see from the historical dramas and movies, most of them were coerced to work here in mining industry due to forced labours or extreme poverty in their homelands and lived here until current generation of ours. South-East Asia was last known as Nanyang by the Chinese.
And to add insult to the forced labourers, namely the chinese and indian, the British last referred them as COOLY
Hi kosmoalpha,
How about Rahim Thamby `and his chicks’?
It may not be much to say this and most people will feel powerless. Do not forget that I and other have been in that position. Yes, I am not one of those privilege party members and think that I have done quite well in life.
Like many others, I have tried to contribute to Malaysia only to be “spat” because of being the wrong race. Giving up high salary and put my career on hold to comeback on the Govt call – only in the end leaving again.
Malaysia has changed but not the people nor the politics – why ? BN has been in power since Malaysia was free. Policies are still the same and racist attitude in normal in UNMO. No, there is no question about who the Malay, Chinese or Indians are – we all have contributed something in nation building. UNMO only seeks to use racist policies to win support – why ? It’s because BN have RUN out of IDEAS for Malaysia and only have FEAR and corruption left.
Until the Malaysian people wake up and make people that vote into power accountable to us – the voters. We hold the power to vote them in and out of office. This is not a football game where we support teams in a game. This is Malaysia’s future that all are voting for.
With internet and PR in power – we can see the amount of corruption and mismanagement of the people’s wealth. Wealth that should help ALL Malaysia regardless of race. There is no race difference of the poor and underprivileged Malaysians. If you are poor, you are POOR and does NOT discriminate if you are Chinese, Malay, Indian or “Lain-lain”. NEP should be geared towards these people and if Tun thinks that a certain race is still poor, then they will get most of the NEP benefit when it is not race based.
Until then, it is better to join other Malaysia who have made it internationally – a living proof that you and I – the average Malaysia.
If Malaysia is so bad and undemocratic, why did the rakyat returned BN to power in the last GE?? asked Realworld.
Realworld’s world is clearly unreal. His observation therefore is irrelevant and devoid of meaning.
A world with ISA, OSA, Printing Presses Act, seemingly impartial judiciary and law enforcers, C4s, threats of May13, and what not cannot be a realworld.
The election result in such a world cannot be a real result.
This is as simply as I can put it.
Hope it is clear.
Dear A Sudent,
Perhaps A student should reflect on what said by JPA. I am a Malay myself. Maybe A student does not realize that Malay communities did a commendable act by granting citizenships to non Malays.
I mean no disrespect to Dear A Student. No Malay is denying the role of Chinese , Indians in struggle for independence or development of modern Malaysia. What irk Malays is that with ease people like A Student and majority of people in this blog condemning Malays as being racist.
During independence, UMNO( the much maligned Malay party) , held 35 out of 52 seats in Parliament. Nobody can say anything if it simply announce to the world that this is A Malay country. Out of respect to non Malay, it still include non Malas into cabinet .
Despite Anwar Ibrahim dangling carrots to Malays to “choose a mosque or a temple” during Ijok by election, UMNO still held to time tested formula of putting an Indian as a candidate of BN.
Despite PAS going all out tellimg Muslims it is haram to vote for non Muslims( in constituency won by Nizar, currently MB of Perak, UMNO still willing to honour the pledge to Indians by putting an Indian at a Malay majority area.
UMNO is accused a behaving like “senior partner ” in BN just like what DAP did in Perak. While MB is a Malay, Malays in Perak see that the real power is DAP witrh 6 excos.
But the bloggers are right. UMNO behaves like Senior Partner as it is the senior partner. It does not force other coalitions to accept it as the controliing shareholders. Other parties on their own accord accepted the reality. As UMNO controls 79 out of 14 seats won BN, it is accorded as the first among equal in BN.
Nothing strange about it. Everybody knows DAP is in charge in Penanfg and PAS in Kedah.
JPA is right in reminding students of the history. Ask your father and he will tell that once this land is called “Persekutuan Tanah Melayu”. It is recognised by the whole world ( before independence as a Malay land). You may not realize that the Independence agrrement were actually signed between Queen Elizabeth 11 and the Malay Sultans.
Many non Malays do not realize how Malays reluctantly agreed to the change in name”Persekutuan Tanah Melayu” to Malaysia. Why the change. Malay leaders wanted the name to reflect the diversity of races in Malaysia. Hence, the word “Malaysia” is chosen.
No Malays is denying your rights as Chinese, Indians or whatever races. But surely, it is not too much to ask to accept history as foundation of this country. Racism is alive in Malaysia and PARTLY contributed by the very political party that LIM Kit siang represnt.
When Dr Mahathir wanted to try the concept “Wawasan School”, Lim Kit siang wasted no time in objecting it, scaring the Chinese with lies about closure of Chinese School.
About Chinese School, boy ho lucky you are. My friends from Thailand, Singapore and Indonesia and USA questioned me why on earh Malaysia allows such separate vernacular schools.
And you want to look into Maxis advertisement recently that ask Malaysians to apply . However, preference is given to those who can speak in Mandarin.
YOu would find this in other countries. Talk about racism.
This letter is not about racism, bumiputra, non bumiputra or even UMNO. I am writing because I disagree with the system sending Scholar to over sea which is failed in my point of views. I am not interested in how many Bumi or Non-Bum getting scholarship, I wish govt to stop this scholarship! Because of this system, so many students being discriminate including Malay, Chinese, and Indian etc.
I am replying some of the question by commenter. This is just my point of view, no right and wrong. No Heart Feeling. Please don’t read if you think that you might feel offensive.
Have anyone being to Kelantan that being rules under Nik Aziz for about 19 years? After 50 years under BN, When you use the words Malay, which category’s Malay do you mean? UMNO’s Malay or Non-UMNO’s Malay. Please don’t mix this 2 category of Malay into one which they are different where Non-UMNO Malay will feel very shameful!
According to Tok Guru Nik Aziz, UMNO Tolak ISLAM! I am not a Muslim but I agree with what he said because he had shown Kelantan’s People especially Chinese what is ISLAM under PAS. Of Corse I don’t agree with the idea on “Islamic State” but most of the Chinese can accept the ides on ISLAM brought by Tok Guru Nik Aziz. Today, If you go to Jalan Kebun Sultan which is consider China Town in Kota Bharu , you will find almost all the Chinese over there support Tok Guru Nik Aziz that rules Kelantan with Islamic Idea. It is very hard to get MCA supporter at the China Town! Why do Chinese which is not Muslim will support PAS than MCA which is the representative of Chinese and their job is “defending” the right of Chinese from the enemies which is – Malay(UMNO) and Indian(MIC)? Is the Chinese supporting PAS in Kelantan stupid?
No, Chinese in Kelantan are not stupid. We have use our eyes to see how Nik Aziz helping Chinese. I just give one example – Under PAS government, PAS set rules to protect Chinese’s Land because Chinese is Minority in Kelantan and they need an act to protect their interest.
Nik Aziz always tell us that according to ISLAM, all of us are from Adam and Eve, if you don’t believe that we are from Adam and Eve, Nik Aziz are more than willing to hear and learn from you where are our ancestor from ? So when all of us is the kids of Adam and Eve, so we didn’t not categories (or divided) our sibling into different group like Bumiputra and Non-Bumiputra. We talk in different language, our skin with different colour is because of geography. Nik Aziz always gives us example on Kelantan’s Malay Language and Kedah Malay language which is different in the dialect. Even though Kedah and Kelantan are so near but their language is different, can you imagine people from China and Malaysia on their cultural? According to Nik Aziz, Chinese and Indian is the sibling of Malay, Not Enemies! As what UMNO always “brain wash” the mind of Malay that Chinese and Indian is their “enemies” because Chinese going to grab away their right! When Malay + Chinese + Indian is sibling, why can’t we share whatever we have fairly?
“Maybe A student does not realize that Malay communities did a commendable act by granting citizenships to non Malays.”
Do you means at the time, if Malay doesn’t grand citizenships to non Malays, Malaya will also get independent? If you think it is possible I have nothing to say. To get independent had shown how 3 major races had tolerated with each other with their own right being protected. I don’t think Chinese is asking for more than what should they get as Malaysian like entering UNIVERSITY.
Can you imagine, a Chinese baby that just being born in the Hospital? He /She had yet known how to speak; who is his parent, what is his religion etc had being categories as Non-Bumiputra by UMNO and BN! What do the baby did wrong until UMNO and BN penalise the baby by categories the baby as non-bumi? Is this what ISLAM teach those UMNO Leaders? Or discriminate is what had thought in ISLAM? Please tell me, Nik Aziz had told me that ISLAM do not allow discrimination, I wonder is Nik Aziz “lying” to me!
On independent, no one is in debt with anyone! It is how we tolerate for the same aim! “JPA is right in reminding students of the history” – than JPA should tell student that HS Lee is the first one who came out with the idea independence but WW2 begins, if without him, we, the Malays cannot become TUAN! This information is from Raja Petra in his talks. But Chinese never said that Malay is in debt with Chinese for the idea! Today, after 50 years – you should no longer use the words “orang bukan melayu terhutang budi kepada orang melayu”. This is very racist and sound offended. This is to tell Chinese to hate Malay and tell Malay that Chinese is their “enemies” in directly! How can you educate Malaysian in such ways?
In our mind, a camp that organised by government is to unite Malaysian. The camp should teach all Malaysian Scholar, when you are in others country, all of you should stand as one as Malaysian and defending our country. But what happening is different, the camp being a platform to “remind” student that Malay is Tuan! This is not the way to Unite Malaysian. I guess after the camp, more Non-Malay student is thinking of leaving Malaysia.
So sorry, I wish to get support to add that “majority of people in this blog condemning UMNO Malays as being racist!” not non-UMNo’s Malay !
I think you are wrong if you think that nobody can say anything if it simply announces to the world that this is A Malay country. Please understand that our cabinet must be run by Malaysian not Malay!
If there are 100 people in a village, 60 Muslim, 30 Buddha, 10 Hindu! Are you going to build 10 Mosque, 10 Buddha Temple, and 10 Hindu Temple or 20 Mosque, 0 Buddha Temple and 0 of Hindu temple? This is because Anwar understand that under BN, non-Muslim had being discriminate so he ask people to choose a mosque or a temple because he know that there is already enough Mosque for Muslim and it is responsibility of Government to ready temple for the use of Non-Muslim. If the Malay is smart, he should also choose a temple because they have enough of mosque. This is Ajaran ISLAM.
I wonder where you listen that “PAS going all out telling Muslims it is haram to vote for non Muslims”? Please give us info where you get this info, we can write to Nik Aziz to ask whether any PAS members being ask to do so. This is because from what I understand the ISLAM that brought by Nik Aziz, ISLAM is fair; He won’t ask his member to tell thing like that.
Last time, we vote for BN because UMNO, MCA, MIC is at the same level, no one as senior partner. But what happening today, everyone knows! My friend said that today, UMNO is no longer a Senior Partner but a DICTATOR. This is so different from Pakatan Rakyat. Can you imagine if DAP leader try to discriminate any races in Malaysia, what PKR and PAS will do to DAP? We had seemed that 3 of this party keep reminding each other that they have the responsibility to serve Malaysian! This is a healthy relationship which is different from MCA and UMNO!
“Racism is alive in Malaysia and PARTLY contributed by the very political party that LIM Kit siang represent.” I am so sad when you said this! All of us know that BN is the most racist party that telling every race that another race is your enemies so we need MCA, MIC, UMNO! At lease Lim Kit Siang do not educated Chinese that Malay and Indian is their enemies. DAP is trying to telling us their point of view but so many of their leader being put into jail! Racism is alive in Malaysia wholly (not partly) contribute by Barisan Nasional e.g. the JPA camp! But do they being arrest and put into jail without court trial?
Do you think the racist government is able to conduct Wawasan School? It will be racist School, you want non-bumi to listen that Malay is Tuan everyday when they are in the school? If Pakatan Rakyat tack over the federal government, than we should reconsider the Wawasan School.
“Maxis advertisement” – This is global trend and global needs, mandarin is one of the most spoken language in the world after English. So that it is perfectly reasonable if Maxis listed Mandrin as the requirement.
I am not promoting any party – This is my opinion – No heart feeling!
Dear shamsul anuar,
It appears that in the very first paragraph, you have made it seem that after 50 years, we shall still be grateful to you for granting citizenship to us…and all those about Persekutuan Tanah Melayu…
Great! Lets change the shoes a wee bit…
If you were 15 years old, and have decent results in your SRP exams but couldnt get into the good class in school AND was told by your HM to “look at the color of your skin” -your first baby step in education stopped cold but learnt a bitter lesson in Human Genetics instead
Let us not even dwell on the fact that there is disparity in the allocation of scholarships-the whole secondary school system reeks! From HM to teachers, distorted history books etc-lets face it-the indoctrination of hate starts from there..
I would like to see myself as a moderate Chinese-I am also not comfortable with some of the ultra comments posted here and in other blogs-but I am not going to be apologetic about it- plainly because I have been on the receiving end based on GENETICS
If only you were of the same genomes as me and go about your everyday small business- you will see the special treatment we get from enforcement officers-DBkl, police,district polis,state contingent polis, bkt aman polis,etc
you said: ”No Malays is denying your rights as Chinese, Indians or whatever races. But surely, it is not too much to ask to accept history as foundation of this country.
YES! You are very right in saying history as the foundation
We turned a new leaf in ’57, Together should have been the motto
We were there TOGETHER too in ’52, shoulder to shoulder , slugging it out in the elections..but over the years,senior partner insisted on the juicier posts like Education post and what have we got today? And with the ever expanding Cabinet-all the putras wants a piece of the cake and in the end, the whole food chain is there!
The past 50years we also worked equally hard, we also got hit by 74 oil crisis, 80’s recession,97 turmoil and the now oil crisis..so why exclude us from from a decent life? why exclude our children from getting scholarships? why provoke by demolishing our temples? why start closing our animal farms?
Who then is racsist?
Were we the ones who set exam papers like the above questions for students to sit before granting them scholarship?
Who is advocating a Malaysian Malaysia?
Who is advocating Bangsa Malaysia?
Who dares advocate it?
Is it not a noble universal value to have diverse races in a Malaysia and all living under our star and moon and stripes are called Bangsa Malaysia?
Who continues to deny and refuse to accept?
Who still wants to maintain status quo based on genetics?
In this generation where the US have Obama as a Presidential candidate..how near are we…?
Your last line in your posting..
“Talk about racism”
1) …(especially Chinese because they feel that they being discriminated by some policy)…
Answer :
It’s not “feel” BUT “IS”..
2) …b. Hiring good lecturers to teach at local university, more students will have opportunity to get better knowledge because the costs are much cheaper…
Answer :
Q : Can these “lecturers” withstand our “culture” and “practice” – ie; “quota based on race”?? AND not to forget, “policies”!
3) General Maximus Decimus Meridius Says:
July 13th, 2008 (4 days ago) at 21: 31.19
im a malay. so, this is how i failed to get JPA
SPM 2004 10A1, 2A2, 1B4 and 1 C5
A2s are for IT and Geography
B4 is for Add Math
C5 is for Arabic
no JPA. not even invitation for interview…
Matriculation CGPA 3.737. No JPA. Still the same.
Maybe theres something wrong up there?
Answer :
What is 3.737 compared to my (Chinese) bro’s 4.00?? Fyi, he was an active librarian, scout and represented the school, district and state in various academic competitions and etc..
I don’t know whether anyone here has attended “sekolah cemerlang / bistari”. My brother’s school is a “sekolah bistari”, so does 2 other “famous schools” in town. I realised that these “sekolah bistari” sure is “special”. They practice something which the “sekolah TAK bistari” doesn’t do, ie; segregate “the BEST class for 100% Malays” and for the BEST Chinese and others, the best class starts (for them) from the “second onwards” – (get what I mean?)
Eg : If the best class is A, followed by second best being B and so forth; Class A will consist 100% of Malays, wherein Class B with the best Chinese and others “and some top Malays”. Why is there a need for such segregation?
I couldn’t understand why my alma mater being the best in town wasn’t good enough for “sekolah bistari” but after “being exposed” to other year-mates (students of “sekolah bistari”), I now fully understand the “WHY” and am SO GLAD my alma mater isn’t (and wasn’t “sekolah bistari”!!!).
Dear Saint Jam3s,
Many thanks for your reply. At least you have the courtesy in replying using fine language. Surely that is a hallmark of a real gentleman.
Perhaps I should clarify my points.
1) I am not suggesting that non Malays do not contribute to well being of tis country.
2) Never did I ever mention that it is OK to deny scholarship simply because the skin.
However, the problem should be tackled in a holistic manner. I am not sure whether you are aware of a recent advertisement by Maxis whereby it clearly said that It PREFERS Mandarin speaking applicants.
My point is that there is always the other side of the coin.
Why provoke by demolishing our temples. Quite a genuine question. Why the temple ( and also a surau) was demolished. To make room for roas widening. Besides, an alternative site was given.
If demolition of temples is a norm, please explain why in Selangor alone there are more temples than mosques and surau put together. Why for example, there are more temples in Puchong alone when the number of Malays is higher than their Indian brethren.
Why closing our animal farms. Again thanks for raising this question. The truth is that I am surprise about this. None of my colleagues( mostly Indians) and colleagues in my industry( mostly Chinese) had ever said this.
I did not realise that there is grouse here irrespective of its validity.To better understand your point, I appreciate if you could at least give a farm that was forced closed. Then if there is any, I can try to ask around about the reason before I try to answer.
As for Obama having the striking chance of occupying White House, well they say it takes two to tango. At least in banks owned by Bumiputra, one Chinese lady had became its CEO. I am noit so sure about chances of Malays accepted as a CEO in a Chinese controlled bank.
Dear Raihana,
Many thanks for the timely reminder. Nowadays, many tend to write in anger. Hence, coarse language become a trend.
As for Taiking, let me tell a story about these PAS people . It is so nice to listen a humble leader like Nik Aziz talk. BUt the reality on the ground is different.
Several years ago, a mosque in Taman Kosas , Ampang was preaching hatred. Every sermon on Friday( I attended the Friday prayer there) was filled with lies and hatred. One of the preacher, a young boy in his 20s, condemned Dr Khir as a “MunafiQ'( two face) simply because of state holiday being on Sunday instead of Friday.
Not to mention UMNO’s liason with MCA and MIC. UMNO was potrayed as a party that betrayed Islam and Malays. Who are they? No price for guessing. Harakah was openly sold in the mosque.
Finally, The Sultan having enough of this rubbish acted by appointing a new mosque committee which involves some physical fracas.
Dear Shamshul Anuar,
“As for Obama having the striking chance of occupying White House, well they say it takes two to tango. At least in banks owned by Bumiputra, one Chinese lady had became its CEO. I am noit so sure about chances of Malays accepted as a CEO in a Chinese controlled bank.”
Reply :
I think they sre not stupid until choose a “stupid” CEO to hold the position of CEO. The Chinese Lady must have her ability or qualification to hold the post. In bank I not sure, but in Taylors University College, Dr. Adnan Omar had being give a very hig position which is Head Counsellor of Taylor’s. This position is consider a very high position in Taylors.
“Why provoke by demolishing our temples. Quite a genuine question. Why the temple ( and also a surau) was demolished. To make room for roas widening. Besides, an alternative site was given.”
Reply :
This is how the government tell public, but you always have to re-consider if that is 100 years old temple. Alternative site had not yet ready when the temple being demolished. IF not mistaken, the temple is being demolish fews day before deepavali. There are more “political” reason than “developmental” reason (for temple), don’t you agree ?
“If demolition of temples is a norm, please explain why in Selangor alone there are more temples than mosques and surau put together. Why for example, there are more temples in Puchong alone when the number of Malays is higher than their Indian brethren.”
Reply :
Kelantan is the only place is Malaysia have the most Temples, but yet the mosque and surrau is more, I wonder is it true when you said why in Selangor alone there are more temples than mosques and surau put together.
This letter is not about racism, bumiputra, non bumiputra or even UMNO. I am writing because I disagree with the system sending Scholar to over sea which is failed in my point of views. I am not interested in how many Bumi or Non-Bum getting scholarship, I wish govt to stop this scholarship! Because of this system, so many students being discriminate including Malay, Chinese, and Indian etc.
I am replying some of the question by commenter. This is just my point of view, no right and wrong. No Heart Feeling. Please don’t read if you think that you might feel offensive.
“I mean no disrespect to Dear A Student. No Malay is denying the role of Chinese , Indians in struggle for independence or development of modern Malaysia. What irk Malays is that with ease people like A Student and majority of people in this blog condemning Malays as being racist.”
Reply : Have anyone being to Kelantan that being rules under Nik Aziz for about 19 years? After 50 years under BN, When you use the words Malay, which category’s Malay do you mean? UMNO’s Malay or Non-UMNO’s Malay. Please don’t mix this 2 category of Malay into one which they are different where Non-UMNO Malay will feel very shameful!
According to Tok Guru Nik Aziz, UMNO Tolak ISLAM! I am not a Muslim but I agree with what he said because he had shown Kelantan’s People especially Chinese what is ISLAM under PAS. Of Corse I don’t agree with the idea on “Islamic State” but most of the Chinese can accept the ides on ISLAM brought by Tok Guru Nik Aziz. Today, If you go to Jalan Kebun Sultan which is consider China Town in Kota Bharu , you will find almost all the Chinese over there support Tok Guru Nik Aziz that rules Kelantan with Islamic Idea. It is very hard to get MCA supporter at the China Town! Why do Chinese which is not Muslim will support PAS than MCA which is the representative of Chinese and their job is “defending” the right of Chinese from the enemies which is – Malay(UMNO) and Indian(MIC)? Is the Chinese supporting PAS in Kelantan stupid?
No, Chinese in Kelantan are not stupid. We have use our eyes to see how Nik Aziz helping Chinese. I just give one example – Under PAS government, PAS set rules to protect Chinese’s Land because Chinese is Minority in Kelantan and they need an act to protect their interest.
Nik Aziz always tell us that according to ISLAM, all of us are from Adam and Eve, if you don’t believe that we are from Adam and Eve, Nik Aziz are more than willing to hear and learn from you where are our ancestor from ? So when all of us is the kids of Adam and Eve, so we didn’t not categories (or divided) our sibling into different group like Bumiputra and Non-Bumiputra. We talk in different language, our skin with different colour is because of geography. Nik Aziz always gives us example on Kelantan’s Malay Language and Kedah Malay language which is different in the dialect. Even though Kedah and Kelantan are so near but their language is different, can you imagine people from China and Malaysia on their cultural? According to Nik Aziz, Chinese and Indian is the sibling of Malay, Not Enemies! As what UMNO always “brain wash” the mind of Malay that Chinese and Indian is their “enemies” because Chinese going to grab away their right! When Malay + Chinese + Indian is sibling, why can’t we share whatever we have fairly?
“Perhaps A student should reflect on what said by JPA. I am a Malay myself. Maybe A student does not realize that Malay communities did a commendable act by granting citizenships to non Malays.”
Reply : Do you means at the time, if Malay doesn’t grand citizenships to non Malays, Malaya will also get independent? If you think it is possible I have nothing to say. To get independent had shown how 3 major races had tolerated with each other with their own right being protected. I don’t think Chinese is asking for more than what should they get as Malaysian like entering UNIVERSITY.
Can you imagine, a Chinese baby that just being born in the Hospital? He /She had yet known how to speak; who is his parent, what is his religion etc had being categories as Non-Bumiputra by UMNO and BN! What do the baby did wrong until UMNO and BN penalise the baby by categories the baby as non-bumi? Is this what ISLAM teach those UMNO Leaders? Or discriminate is what had thought in ISLAM? Please tell me, Nik Aziz had told me that ISLAM do not allow discrimination, I wonder is Nik Aziz “lying” to me!
“During independence, UMNO( the much maligned Malay party) , held 35 out of 52 seats in Parliament. Nobody can say anything if it simply announce to the world that this is A Malay country. Out of respect to non Malay, it still include non Malas into cabinet .”
Reply :I think you are wrong if you think that nobody can say anything if it simply announces to the world that this is A Malay country. Please understand that our cabinet must be run by Malaysian not Malay!
“Despite Anwar Ibrahim dangling carrots to Malays to “choose a mosque or a temple” during Ijok by election, UMNO still held to time tested formula of putting an Indian as a candidate of BN.”
Reply :
If there are 100 people in a village, 60 Muslim, 30 Buddha, 10 Hindu! Are you going to build 10 Mosque, 10 Buddha Temple, and 10 Hindu Temple or 20 Mosque, 0 Buddha Temple and 0 of Hindu temple? This is because Anwar understand that under BN, non-Muslim had being discriminate so he ask people to choose a mosque or a temple because he know that there is already enough Mosque for Muslim and it is responsibility of Government to ready temple for the use of Non-Muslim. If the Malay is smart, he should also choose a temple because they have enough of mosque. This is Ajaran ISLAM.
“Despite PAS going all out tellimg Muslims it is haram to vote for non Muslims( in constituency won by Nizar, currently MB of Perak, UMNO still willing to honour the pledge to Indians by putting an Indian at a Malay majority area.”
Reply :
I wonder where you listen that “PAS going all out telling Muslims it is haram to vote for non Muslims”? Please give us info where you get this info, we can write to Nik Aziz to ask whether any PAS members being ask to do so. This is because from what I understand the ISLAM that brought by Nik Aziz, ISLAM is fair; He won’t ask his member to tell thing like that.
“UMNO is accused a behaving like “senior partner ” in BN just like what DAP did in Perak. While MB is a Malay, Malays in Perak see that the real power is DAP witrh 6 excos.”
Reply :
Last time, we vote for BN because UMNO, MCA, MIC is at the same level, no one as senior partner. But what happening today, everyone knows! My friend said that today, UMNO is no longer a Senior Partner but a DICTATOR. This is so different from Pakatan Rakyat. Can you imagine if DAP leader try to discriminate any races in Malaysia, what PKR and PAS will do to DAP? We had seemed that 3 of this party keep reminding each other that they have the responsibility to serve Malaysian! This is a healthy relationship which is different from MCA and UMNO!
“JPA is right in reminding students of the history. Ask your father and he will tell that once this land is called “Persekutuan Tanah Melayu”.It is recognised by the whole world ( before independence as a Malay land). You may not realize that the Independence agrrement were actually signed between Queen Elizabeth 11 and the Malay Sultans. ”
Reply :
On independent, no one is in debt with anyone! It is how we tolerate for the same aim! “JPA is right in reminding students of the history” – than JPA should tell student that HS Lee is the first one who came out with the idea independence but WW2 begins, if without him, we, the Malays cannot become TUAN! This information is from Raja Petra in his talks. But Chinese never said that Malay is in debt with Chinese for the idea! Today, after 50 years – you should no longer use the words “orang bukan melayu terhutang budi kepada orang melayu”. This is very racist and sound offended. This is to tell Chinese to hate Malay and tell Malay that Chinese is their “enemies” in directly! How can you educate Malaysian in such ways?
In our mind, a camp that organised by government is to unite Malaysian. The camp should teach all Malaysian Scholar, when you are in others country, all of you should stand as one as Malaysian and defending our country. But what happening is different, the camp being a platform to “remind” student that Malay is Tuan! This is not the way to Unite Malaysian. I guess after the camp, more Non-Malay student is thinking of leaving Malaysia.
“No Malays is denying your rights as Chinese, Indians or whatever races. But surely, it is not too much to ask to accept history as foundation of this country. Racism is alive in Malaysia and PARTLY contributed by the very political party that LIM Kit siang represnt.”
Reply :
I am so sad when you said this! All of us know that BN is the most racist party that telling every race that another race is your enemies so we need MCA, MIC, UMNO! At lease Lim Kit Siang do not educated Chinese that Malay and Indian is their enemies. DAP is trying to telling us their point of view but so many of their leader being put into jail! Racism is alive in Malaysia wholly (not partly) contribute by Barisan Nasional e.g. the JPA camp! But do they being arrest and put into jail without court trial?
“When Dr Mahathir wanted to try the concept “Wawasan School”, Lim Kit siang wasted no time in objecting it, scaring the Chinese with lies about closure of Chinese School.”
Reply :
Do you think the racist government is able to conduct Wawasan School? It will be racist School, you want non-bumi to listen that Malay is Tuan everyday when they are in the school? If Pakatan Rakyat tack over the federal government, than we should reconsider the Wawasan School.
“And you want to look into Maxis advertisement recently that ask Malaysians to apply . However, preference is given to those who can speak in Mandarin. ”
Reply :
This is global trend and global needs, mandarin is one of the most spoken language in the world after English. So that it is perfectly reasonable if Maxis listed Mandrin as the requirement.
I am not promoting any party – This is my opinion – No heart feeling!
More Question to ask
1. The scholar being send to oversea is to make Malaysia Better ot to Get Commision ?
2. Do any scholar that being send oversea entering a university that is worst than our Best University (ranking)?
I do not work at Maxis..maybe the respectable Tan Sri AKrishnan may be able to shed some light : )
While you have stated that there is 1 (ONE, uno,) Ceo , I do not wish to elaborate more…the 1 speaks volume of itself : )
Looking at all the threads here and elsewhere..it saddens me that while we appreciate free speech, there are some who are not able to present their views without invoking uncouth language..Have our education system degenerated and stooped to such low levels that the language of the markets and the streets are the only way to put forward their views
The reason I am contributing is because I would like to have pragmatic discourse with the intention of allowing all to see that in the present mess , there are us in the middle of the spectrum without leaning to the left or right,without reference to color , creed etc, we would like to see good governance and responsible government- honest people at the top who become ministers to MAKE OUR LAND FLOURISH and afford us a greater and better environment than when we first found it and to pass it on to my sons and daughters and that they in turn can have a better future..not the current situation where ministers TAKE OUR LAND AND FLOURISH and their sons and daughters and their sons and daughters and so on HAVE A BETTER FUTURE than us.
I work hard also..as do the rest of 27million Malaysians
Please YAB AAB, please do not allow the warlords to dictate-lead us out of this mess because a lot of us in the middle ground are suffering because of the private duels of a few..
Spare us the public circus and show us leadership- for once in my breathing years-let me taste good governance free of corruption,cynicism, racism, cronyism..that will be the day that I say my vote counts!
Dear YAB AAB-wishful thinking perhaps? TOo idealistic perhaps?
My question to the chinese commentors….If the chinese instead of the malays are accorded these special previledges as enshrined in the Constitution, will the chinese ever willing to forego the previledges? Hehehe……you don’t have to answer