PM and DPM – time to have new advisers after another round of savage but avoidable battering to their credibility with delayed denials

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, have finally broken their silence on blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin’s statutory declaration with the “mind-boggling” accusation that Najib’s wife, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor was among three individuals who were also present when Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu was murdered on Oct 19, 2006.

Raja Petra also alleged that the Prime Minister “has received a written report from the Military Intelligence” confirming his allegations and this report was subsequently handed over to his son-in-law Khairy Jamaluddin for safekeeping”.

Raja Petra also claimed that “one of the Rulers has been briefed about this matter” and “is fully aware” of the allegations.

Abdullah and Najib should have broken their silence and made their denials five days ago when Raja Petra’s allegations in his statutory declaration dated 18th June 2008 first surfaced on the Internet, reported by Malaysiakini and picked up by the blogs.

This was why I had issued a media statement four days ago on Saturday calling for public responses from Abdullah, Najib and Rosmah to Raja Petra’s statutory declaration, warning that “the credibility and legitimacy of the Abdullah premiership and government will suffer a mortal blow if Abdullah, Najib and Rosmah remain silent on Raja Petra’s bombshell allegations”.

This was also why I had given notice to Parliament on Sunday to invoke Standing Order 18 to seek an emergency debate on Raja Petra’s allegations to safeguard the credibility and legitimacy of the government.

Although my Standing Order 18 motion was rejected by the Speaker yesterday on the ground of sub judice with the ongoing Altantuya murder trials – quite irrelevant to the intent of my application – the Prime Minister spoke up yesterday followed by Najib today.

If Abdullah and Najib had instantly responded to Raja Petra’s “mind-boggling” allegations five days ago, there would have been no need for me to invoke Standing Order 18 for an emergency debate of a matter of urgent, definite public importance and the reputation, credibility and legitimacy of the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister would have been saved from another round of savage and haemorrhaging battering in the court of public opinion not only in the country but also world-wide.

It is time that the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister have new advisers as both are not being well-served by their present coterie of political advisers – whether stationed in the Putrajaya fourth storey or not.

In his response yesterday, Abdullah dismissed Raja Petra’s allegations that he had seen a military intelligence report on the murder that backed the allegations.

The Prime Minister said: “No, I can’t remember receiving anything. He can say anything but I have not seen it.”

As Abdullah’s statement gives room for doubt as to whether the Prime Minister’s memory could be faulty, it has made it imperative for Khairy to respond, as Raja Petra alleged that the written report from the Military Intelligence to the Prime Minister “was subsequently handed over to his son-in-law Khairy Jamaluddin for safekeeping”.


141 Replies to “PM and DPM – time to have new advisers after another round of savage but avoidable battering to their credibility with delayed denials”

  1. This is a very serious issue that cannot be taken lightly as it involves the integrity of the highest office.

    Talking about late responses, if these two senior leaders, especially the PM have had good and proactive assistants and advisors, these sort of confusion would not have happened and BN would not have lost 2/3 majority in parliament and the corruption level would be far lower.

    Politicians always give priority to those close to them without seriously considering who actually can do a better job. To this, BN or Pakatan Govt. is the same. The case of Selangor MB aide and election of local councillors is a good example.

    So, PM is not alone in having to work with ‘half baked ‘ assistants.

  2. Two years ago, GERAK submitted a 600 page report to Badawi regarding the wrongdoings of a senior minister (who is still in the current cabinet). Badawi promised that he would read it. Assuming that it takes him to read one page a day, he should have finished it by now. No news on this matter, and it will probably be swept under the carpet since the officer of GERAK who made that report has now rejoined UMNO.

    It is possible, though not probable, that Badawi was given a copy of a report which he never bothered to read and instead chose to pass it on to his favourite advisor. His memory lapse could be true. All that the Kera Jantan has said so far is that the matter (of the SD) is with his lawyers.

    The issue now is clearer – Najis and Rosemary have denied, Badawi has denied. The AG, at the onset of the Altantuya trial, has said that he is satisfied that no other party or parties beyond those charged are involved – so he is unlikely to investigate beyond the taking of the statements. What is next for RPK ? A warrant of arrest for creating mischief and wrongful declaration ?

  3. As expected, nobody will admit any wrong doing publicly until being proven guilty in the court of law, unless clear evidence had surfaced and there is no room for any denial. Anyway, guilty as charged from the court of public opinion. Final nail in the coffin.

  4. “What is next for RPK ? A warrant of arrest for creating mischief and wrongful declaration ?” – Godfather

    I think there’s a possibility that RPK will be arrested soon but it isn’t necessary because they would rather wait for RPK’s arraignment in October under the sedition charge. Meanwhile, Abdullah & Co will be preparing for the next selected judge to sit on the case (again, it could be Zaki) and selected witnesses to testify against RPK. What could happen between now and then is probably some image makeover campaign for the first lady in waiting instead.

  5. “It is time that the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister have new advisers as both are not being well-served by their present coterie of political advisers – whether stationed in the Putrajaya fourth storey or not.”

    It is impossible to be a good adviser to both Abdullah and Najib, it is as good as abetting to cover up a murder case, if the accusations made by RPK is true.

  6. The following is my take on the same subject at:
    Who is not telling the truth?

    RPK swears it is true. The Prime Minister says there no such thing. Now the DPM describes RPK’s SD as “total lies and fabrication”. Who is lying?

    Raja Petra had named three people whom he claimed were present at Altatunya’s murder scene and that a Military Intelligence Report on it had been handed to the PM who in turn gave it to SIL for safe-keeping.

    The PM says he did not receive such a report and that Raja Petra is lying. So, who is not telling the truth?

    In a public trial, the people act as judges ( lawyer burok). They then analyse one’s credibility, weigh the evidence and make an educated guess or a judgement.

    Talking of credibility, the PM has none. He has many lies to his credit and he does it (lying) with finesse, without even blinking an eye or twitching his cheeks. He looks straight and says ‘No’ when it is a Yes and ‘Yes’ when it is a ‘No’. On other occasions he had had brushed aside allegations with a “I don’t know” or’ I cannot remember’.

    Moreover, the PM has more reasons to lie since he is also a subject matter of the SD.

    PRK thrives on sensationalism, they say. Sensationalism, may be, but most of the time he has been proven to be true, or at least partially.

    But personally, he has nothing to gain and everything to lose by making such an explosive Statutory Declaration and put his head on the chopping block?

    Why would RPK make such a SD from which he has nothing to gain? Perhaps it is his conscience, that truth must prevail. Perhaps, he feels that it is a citizen’s duty to expose criminals. Perhaps, it is his faith in the tenets of his religion.

    But why a SD and not a police report?

    Again, who trusts the police these days? If past experiences are anything to go by, no sane citizen will every walk into a police den to file a report against the ‘untouchables in the corridors of power’. It is the whistle blower who risks persecution.

    What legal avenue is open to RPK to expose the wrong doings of the high and mighty in this country. When legitimate means are closed, can he be blamed for resorting to ‘unconventional and sensational means’.

    The PM says that ‘he believes’ that his deputy’s wife is not involved in the murder. Why ‘believe’? Why not just say ‘ she is NOT involved. The DPM has come out (after almost of week) to deny the allegations. But why is the great SIL exceptionally quiet?

    After two strong denials, will someone else come forward to corroborate RPK’s SD? Or will there be another explosive SD from another person?

    It is preposterous for RPK to make a false SD and go to rot in jail for nothing, unless he is insane…..but he is not. Is he?

  7. He is telling the truth; he doesn’t remember anything. But the fact remains:

    1. C4 taken out from military: did or didn’t he receive report how it happened? If he said he never receive or request for report, then he is NOT fit to be the prime minister. As the “CEO” of a nation, he must have known this is a controlled item. He must know possession of C4 is a criminal offence. He must know this explosive in the military cannot and must not be unaccounted for. And all he can say he never seen the report?

    2. Disappearance of Immigration records: If the Prime Minister does not or don’t bother to find out WHY, then he is not fit to be the PM. Who moves in and out of the country? Criminals, paedophiles, smugglers etc and we do not have records? Tell this to the international community and we are immediately marked as a nation harbouring terrorists. We would be a PARIAH nation.

    If these two issues are not know by the CEO, the company collapse. Altantuya is one, but the nation is another issue altogether. The leaders are not fit to be leaders.

  8. The Prime Minister said: “No, I can’t remember receiving anything. He can say anything but I have not seen it.”

    This is the same line of answer given by Dr. MM during the RCI on Lingam tape. By saying he can’t remember does not mean he did not receive the Military Intelligence. He has not seen it doesn’t mean it does not exist.

  9. Najib Razak called claims by Malaysia Today editor Raja Petra Kamarudin linking him and his wife Rosmah Mansor to the Altantuya case as a total lie and complete fabrication.

    Abdullah has dismissed all of the allegations and specifically denied he has a written report on the incident from military intelligence.

    So, it looks like RPK is in a deep hole. Susah lah.

  10. This is what happens when there is a lack of credibility about leaders and the government.

    If judges can be bamboozled with “boot camps” ala TDM and police can delay IPCMC indefinitely and C4 can be returned to stores and then withdrawn without recording, it says a lot about the type of people we have in high positions and the integrity of the system.

  11. i agree with what kanthanboy said..those are the same line or verse use by politicians in declining the isssue matter..the truth is going to is just a matter of time..RPK is wise to give its statutory statement at the right moment..just after AAB finally felt happy with the supporting vote in the parliament for cutting off subsidies for petrol and diesel prices he take his action to “attack” AAB…again AAB had to defend himself once again..but its to strange why RPK is brave enough to even clarify his statutory declaration..further than that..we’ll see what are the government going to do about it..

  12. ‘When the whole body is corrupted then you will have this denial syndrome’.

    Think Sir RPK is pulling the cord slowly to gather all that corrupted BN goons denial statement before unleashing the truth. Then we can see some more of these denials. What else can these inept BN can do. Why KJ is quiet? scared the risk of denying.. you are a goner anyway.

  13. PM have denied..
    DPM + Hippo denied.

    Still waiting for AG and IGP to take action first, declare RPK guilty… then we can have the truth.. It will be more fun that way.. but as i see it.. some “magic hand” is doing it’s stuff right now. Anything is possible in Bolehland..

  14. I think the witness in the trial mentioned that if any C4 is unused and then returned, it can be taken out again without a recording in the storage place.

    Presumably anyone of higher rank than the person minding the store will be able to get C4 that had previously been recorded and subsequently returned unused.

    This creates a very poor control of C4. Suppose you were a high-ranking officer and you want to get hold of C4 for a crime – all you need to do is to withdraw say 500gm, use 300gm for a training purpose and then return 200gm that can be used later.

    What a blast! Even if you don’t return no one will bother as it’s just extra work anyway.

  15. If a police can simply bring out C4 explosive from the armoury then there is really something wrong with the police SOP.

    The govt should also invited forensic / interrogator expert from overseas to help them with the case. Maybe expert from overseas can discover more evidence than what the Malaysia team can.

  16. Credibility? What credibility?

    It is known to all that it has become the norm of the presence administration to deny and remind silence when issues blown out of proportion, painting nice pictures as if everything is well under BN. Lingam case is one of the many good examples. Rakyat’s mindset has been pre-conditioned to accept tons of sh*t thrown at them.

    PM lost all his credibility and respect since the day he lied about the GE date wouldn’t fall on 8 March 2008. DPM lost all his credibility when he finally admitted in the Parliament that $500 million paid to a local company which has no previous experience as the fees for the multi-billion ringgit military contract.

    PM & DPM = zero credibility. BN should have lost the GE if not because of the half past six EC chairmeh, phantom voters and half million military aka BN aka postal votes.

    Rakyat just counting days when DSAI ready to take over.

  17. Ah the saga continues. Like the AI sodomy case, is Altatunya going to end up with a lot of trumped up evidence because a DPM is involved? Trumped up evidence as opposed to what is the real evidence. RPK continues to champion justice and accountability. We need more of his kind to run our country before the MM legacy is continued to ensure the legitimacy of denials, corruption and inaction of those who are so used to that legacy that to do otherwise is an affront to their comfort zone. While other countries continue to progress with the times, Malaysia continues to wallow in the mud arena of internal quarrels, cover-ups and the-public-be-damned concern of the politicians. Malaysia is truly practising democracy except the beneficiaries were misplaced i.e. for the politicians by the politicians – forever and ever, amen.

  18. Bobster:

    On the part of postal vote- Many voted the opposition and got blacklisted- I was one of them.. Luckily.. i’m no longer work with them.
    A lot of us took the risk by voting the oppositions since our postal vote is never confidential. UNdi anda adalah rahsia- my foot.

  19. I do not believe the pm and dpm because they are arrogant and think that they are untouchable. Their track records show that they lied without blinking an eye. They think that the rakyat are fools and will believe everything they say. eg just because the bn got the majority vote in parliament on sharir’s motion, the pm says the people accept the price increase. If the rakyat accept the price increase, why are there so many demostrations against it. RPK is not a fool to simply make a sd. He is waiting for the ag to charge him.

  20. Malaysia is a country of resources and beauty with beautiful people and eco-system until it became populated by politicians who care not what become of the resouces and beauty etc. so long as they, the politicians, are the only ones benefiting from them. Under the guise of slogans (they are called manifestoes – more like “many-fiascos” – mission and vision statements), the uninformed and blind followers who continuously voted for them (excuse them for they know not what they are doing anyway!!) have continued to be thrown crumbs while the politicians make merry with their affluence and rich banquets. But then, the Education system have kept the popular voters simple-minded which suits the politicians fine. Don’t let them think. The crumbs the voters have are enough for what they haven’t in the past anyway. It doesn’t matter if the politicians have the cake and they lick the cake linings. They get their taste and the politicians have their belly-full. Who’s complaining?

    Well, take note of the last election. Or is the government going to revert to the MM tactics to come up tops again. Ominous, ominous…. The state of denials seems like the beginning of a reversion.

  21. yog7948 Says:

    On the part of postal vote- Many voted the opposition and got blacklisted- I was one of them.. Luckily.. i’m no longer work with them.
    A lot of us took the risk by voting the oppositions since our postal vote is never confidential. UNdi anda adalah rahsia- my foot.

    You are right yog7948. Few friends in Sarawak also confirmed that their voting slip came with serial number. In another words, they know who are the oppositions. Also, Ting PK aka the White-Hair CM’s supporter is so powerful that all his business associates, sub-contractors etc have no choice but to vote for the White-Hair else their business contract will be terminated.

  22. Who says that voting is truly rahsia ? You give your IC, they cross out your name on the list as having voted, they call out your name as countercheck with another polling officer, and they hand you your voting slips (state and parliament) – all serialised. If they wanted to, they can easily find out who you voted for, but until March 2008, they didn’t have any need to do so.

  23. “The Prime Minister said: “No, I can’t remember receiving anything.”

    Now the man is honest. He did not say he received anything like a military intelligence report. He just did not remember receiving it nor reading it.

    This is the John McCain defense should he later become President of the United States.

  24. (boh-liao said earlier:

    Today at 15: 39.17 (2 hours ago)
    Najib Razak called claims by Malaysia Today editor Raja Petra Kamarudin linking him and his wife Rosmah Mansor to the Altantuya case as a total lie and complete fabrication.

    Abdullah has dismissed all of the allegations and specifically denied he has a written report on the incident from military intelligence.

    So, it looks like RPK is in a deep hole. Susah lah)

    The most memorable line in the movie, Alien vs Predator was when one of the characters without batting an eyelid said, “The government doesn’t lie” which had the movie audience chuckling.

  25. In reference to the C4 as admitted in court, the army top brass would have naturally moved proactively to set out a detailed brief for the supreme commander in chief of the Malaysian Armed Force [the Agung] and by so preparing the brief would also have to go thru the Defense Ministry and the Prime Minister. After all, the military is one of the largest user of C4, and the Agung would naturally have asked for such brief.

    Hence, the military intelligence as mentioned in RPK SD has some very strong ground to exist.

    The other user of C4 would be the police special forces; but the military and the police move have different motivational factors, and one would move more proactively.

    The commercial licensed users of C4 would all be licensed individual companies, and they do not have such compulsion to proactively set out proactive briefs for the police [the functional approval for commercial explosives].

    Therefore RPK mention of military intelligence can very likely be the proactive brief prepared by the army top brass outlined above

  26. If PM knew nothing abt Altantuya’s case, he should straight away deny it. And if Najib did not involve, an innocent person always argue back immediately.

    PM wait until he could not bear the pressure, and forced to respond by denying. Then Najib became bold when boss gave him covering.

    People always thought PM use this case to rein in DPM. Now DPM would have all means to overthrow PM since the latter had cleared the air, as PM cannot revoke his own words.

    I am sure RPK has evidence in his hands. Soon more will be released.

  27. They need time to collaborate their story before any of them respond. I think the lobby issue with the press is to avoid a direct question by the press since the SD. They need to buy sometime to come up with a coordinated response, or should I say, a united consistent response. What the heck. If I know I’m innocent, I ‘ll immediate response and drag RPK to court for defamation. No need to wait. Sounds logical?

  28. They are now following a script conceived these past few days. Considering the incompetency of some in Bolehland, they will fumble and stumble both in the conception and execution of the script.

  29. PM and DPM denial the allegations, this is as good as challenging RPK SD. The ball is now on PRK court to produce the definite evidence to proof PM and DPM are wrong and lying.

    If RPK have the definite evidence, it will be the end of PM and DPM and if he have not then your guess is as good as my guess.

    I am already sweating for RPK ” reliably informed ” to me it is not a substantial evident and the information come from third party, how reliable is the third party ????


    The answer is “NO”!

    So “NAJIS” is no different and the “TRUTH” is out there. The chinese said “paper cannot cover up a fire”, the day will come…just wait and see…….

  31. Bobster,
    I am a registered postal voter as I am an international student in Australia. My ballot paper never arrived because the bodohwi and the EC fella knows tht Malaysian international students are gonna vote opposition.

    my prayer is you will continue to stand up for justice and for bolehland.

  32. Afraid that infomation received by RPK could have been a trap!
    Based on his SD, there is no reason why Najis wife should be there or Bodowi have to ask his SIL to keep it for safekeeping. To me it does not sound logic. God bless RPK.

  33. Now the ball is back on RPK court.If he don,t have solid prove,The BN goverment is going to throw the book at him.No way will he be arrested under ISA.AB is smart
    Without any prove, RPK can kiss his freedom good bye/.

  34. I think the best way to solve the problem on who is lying is to carry out the ancient Chinese ritual of “chopping the chicken’s head”. See if AAB or Najis dare to lift up the knife and land it on the chicken’s neck while swearing!! Swearing by the Al-Quran is what the Chinese would call “eating lettuce”, making it not so effective. Swearing by chopping the chicken’s head means the swearer has to vow that he is telling the truth otherwise it would bring curse to the whole family.

  35. Actually, the trial of Altantulya doesn’t warrant the scores of witnesses. Just two KEY witnesses would suffice and they are (1) the policewoman who escorted Altantulya and (2) the guy in charge of the arms department.

    The policewoman would definitely know when and who killed her and how her body was blown up and by whom. She cannot say she doesn’t know as it was her duty to see to the safety of the criminal she escorts.

    Next, get the guy in charge of arms to account for the taking out of C4. C4 is not a common explosive and even if it is common, it should not be easily accessible by any Tom, Dick or Harry. Check the stock records, i.e. how much balance was there before the period of the alleged blowing up, how much was purchased and how much was taken out. Is the balance after that correct? Case closed!!!!!!!

  36. I am concerned that the government has not taken an interest in the case.Now look, c4 an item that can only be purchased by governments, is involved; two government employees who are expected to protect citizens and foreigners alike
    have killed an innocent mongolian lady; three government resources have been used to commit a crime: and fourthis lady was involved in a very lucrative government contract.

    I wonder, could it be we have an underdeveloped value of the life of foreigners who set foot in this country?

  37. Who knows it could have been Abdullah’s advisor who had inform RPK about the letter from the Military Intelligence . I guess Abdullah won’t have any time to read any official letter he received.

  38. Don’t you think they have erased all records? The records is probably just a hand written entry in an school exercise book! Isn’t it clear now that the trial has been a great freak show, with sub-plots twisting and turning but never go into the actual subject of who dunnit!

  39. Hey guys, have you notice that none of the BN coalition partners have issued any statement regarding this issue?

    The leaders of those parties like MCA, MIC and Gerakan who still profess to fight for our rights have no guts to even make a stand on the prevalence of justice on this case. Or to make a declaration that the government will spare no effort nor expenses to get to the bottom of it with and assurance to the people that those perpetrators will be brought to book.

    So much for Chicken Association, Idiotic Cronies, and Corruptkan. These pathetic pukes have their tongue so far up their master’s orifice, they have to get permission just to draw em out so they could brush their teeth. They did vote en bloc to approve the hike in fuel prices knowing full well that many in the lower income group will commit suicide for not able to make ends meet. Mofos !!!!

  40. The ball is still at the pm, dpm, ag, pdrm’s feet. The ag certainly has a big headache, to charge or not to charge. If RPK is charged, what hidden card will RPK throw out. If he is not charged, pm and dpm are liars. Kirpal will bring the matter to the court. Another headache for the ag.

  41. Abdullah will be committing political suicide if he had admitted he received the report. I am sure RPK expected this. I also think the showdown is about to begin, only this time it’ll be a perfect storm.

  42. What seemed unimportant to DPM is important enough now to tell the press. If human laws cannot do anything, then Altantuya will have to come back into his dreams. Or may be she did and that is why he spoke up. No, second thought, may be he will be the next P.M. and so he thinks it is better to say something.

    Did you all realize what Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia said to the press regarding the Parliament barricade on reporters ? He mentioned something about 1st class infrastructure and 1st class journalism. Exactly what is 1st class journalism ? The way things are going, Malaysian journalists have yet to arrive at the 1st class journalism level. Example of 1st class journalism and please convey this to Tan Sri Pandikar is BBC’s show ” Hardtalk “. You will be questioned from all sides and you will be put in uncomfortable situation. Can you give good answers ? So for you journalists, reporters whoever in the mass media business, if you don’t know what is ” Hardtalk ” by BBC, I strongly suggest you watch it and learn from it. And really give intelligent questions without fear. And somebody powerful, please recommend Tan Sri Pandikar to be in
    ” Hardtalk “. Give him a topic of interest to Malaysia and to BBC.

  43. Please do not put the blame on the advisers. They have tough jobs at hand. There is a saying ‘one cannot wrap fire with paper’. The advisers have to find a fireproof paper this time.

    PM, DPM & the entire BN government are expert in denial, but this time it took them nearly 1 week to deny. What can you conclude from here?

    Long Live, RPK.

  44. For a perfect storm, we still need AG and IGP to participate.. and not to forget “Wonder-ing Boy” KJ. Then we can have a CAT 5 Storm which will sweep clean the corruptions “Fountain Of Life”- The source.
    Then with some new leaders (Hopefully Humans). We can clear up the tarnished Malaysia image. With any of these morons still up there, nothing good gonna happen here.. they won’t let it happen.
    They need to make sure the Rakyat stupid enough for them to lead. Just see our national policy and the policy makers mentality.

  45. I am just curious whether AAB get any report or feedback on what is going on from his other ministries and especially when something of national importance?

    Don’t tell me he is just like us except having a fanciful title of a pm and get his news from reading the newspapers or on his laptop checking on LKS’s blogs or Malaysia Today or Malaysiakini and now TDM’s.

    Surely there must be a report on all these issues:

    Altantuya – Since the murder has involved someone very close to the gov. and the victim is a foreigner, surely there must be some kind report, memo, or whatnot sent to him for his reading pleasure!

    Immigration file or record – Can’t believe the immigration minister will just keep quiet as if not is important and worth disturbing the busy pm!

    C4 – This is a highly controlled dangerous material and I can’t believe the Ministry of defense and security has not even bother to give him some kind of a report. Don’t tell me he has only heard of it in the news or the blog just like us!

    You don’t seems to involve in anything as a pm. Just wonder what kind of work are you doing as a pm sitting on the top every day?

  46. I have never trust what our PM says, can you recall when he said election is not around the corner yet, then he announced it when we were celebrating CNY. Now, the petrol hike, not so soon perhaps Aug!

    Next minute, when I came home to log on Malaysiakini, the hike was announced but not even shown in the Star online. Then it was too late for me to queue up for petrol. I think his teeth has too many gaps, its all lies! I can’t understand why he wants to stay so long there, both of them (DPM) are just acting on that stage, I wonder how long they can continue acting there!

  47. Read this,

    Why shelved? Aren’t we suppose to improve transportation in Penang? LGE, please help us!

    Penang’s Porr and monorail projects shelved
    Jun 25, 08 8:36pm

    In a stunning move which is likely to anger Penang, the government has put off two major projects in the state – the RM2 billion monorail and RM1.5 billion Penang Outer Ring Road (Porr).

    According to evening edition of Chinese dailies, the government has slashed the two mega-projects as part of a major review to the Ninth Malaysia Plan.

    penang monorail and penang outer ring road cancelledHowever, the government denied that the move was aimed to punish Penangnites who have voted the opposition Pakatan Rakyat coalition into power in the state.

    It stressed that the shelving of the projects was part of the government’s “relocation” of resources to cushion the impact of the unprecedented hike in global oil prices.

    The controversial Porr is a 17-kilometre expressway that stretches from Tanjung Tokong to Gelugor in the island, while the monorail was proposed two years ago to help overcome worsening traffic jams in Penang’s congested roads.

    The postponing of the two projects came despite that the government has promised to invest more on public transportation in the wake of 40 percent hike in petrol prices.

    Additional RM30 bil for 9MP

    The government has also decided to pump in another RM30 billion over the next two-and-a-half years to alleviate the increase in the cost of living among poor Malaysians.

    RM10 billion of the additional allocation will go to the five corridor projects which were announced by Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi over the past two years.

    In addition, RM2 billion will be used for the once-postponed double-tracking project from Ipoh to Rawang.

    These new measures are expected to be announced in Parliament when Abdullah submits the mid-term review of the Ninth Malaysia Plan.

  48. Trust the PM?

    remember this,

    The election date, he didnt score it right….
    The RM0.78/litre petrol price hike date, he didnt score it right neither…
    Ask Dr M, he said there is a gentlemen agreement, ask PM, he said no, no there isnt any…..
    Ask about if he would shelve the projects in Penang, he promised to look into them and ensuring project to be ongoing, and now they have to be shelved again..
    So ask PM again about the military intelligent report, he said he cant remember receiving anything???

    Oh Yes, he is too tired and too old to remember them all, so he had to leave it to his Oxford grad son-in-law or some forgetful advisors to help him to remember them all….

    Ladies and gentlemen, you judge for yourself…..

  49. RPK may have received credible information from someone from within the other camp or of high ranking personnel or sovereignty figures.

    I can only see a few things to happen in the coming months during the next twist of event:

    1) Some one will be threatened to shut their mouth
    2) The commission shall continue to blush off the allegations
    3) The judge will dismiss this statement made vs the DPM’s wife
    4) Some one will be prosecuted and may end up in jail for a while or detention by secrecy act
    5) Other camp will moot idea of debate in parliament
    6) Mongolian consulate and the murdered family will sue the govt
    7) The world’s attention will be on Msia
    8) stock market tumbles down
    9) political link stock counters will tumble further
    10) the key figures in the murder case will not be available for further comments
    11) there shall be national unstability or some other national issues may arise to overshadow this murder case
    12) party election coming
    13) someone shall be elected to lead the party, may be a blackhorse
    14) top political figures will be on holiday for uncertain time
    15) more party members will be hopping to other camp

  50. The credibility of the country is at stakes with threats of a cut-off of bilateral ties by Mongolia over this huge issue. And all Badawi could do was to use a selective memory clause (perhaps he has learnt well from Mahathir after all) while Najib said all those are lies.

    But why the many days of delays before they dare to stand out and talk of the matter. Is it to strategise and tie-up the loose ends so that the cat remains in the bag? We would only know in due course but for now, we can only learn more from unbiased news from your blog and Raja Petra’s news portal. Look at the mainstream news- how many days did it take before Rosmah’s name was finally mentioned? What a joke! If it was anything, even much smaller cases that involves the opposition like the PKR fiasco in Selangor, all details are reported to discredit the necessary individuals! The mainstream news is slowly losing its credibility!

  51. You grow what you eat. The PM and DPM surround themselves with the same people who are inept because they made them. Granted the problem stemmed way back from the times of TDM, but the trend persists. These yes-men wouldn’t be in this profession if they could have excelled in business or academia.

    And speaking of the PM “not recalling”, that’s the best these advisors can some up with in 5 days? That’s a tactic used once too often among these BNers isn’t it?

  52. Bloggers are making Abdullah and Najib to speak up.They have denied but the consequence will be serious if the allegation was true.We do not want the PM and the DPM to behave like ordinary mortals.They have been elected and placed at the highest office.They should respond immediately if it is in the public interest.As Abdullah had said that Najib will succeed him, we do not want a PM with a sword hanging over him.It looks like there are more to this Atanayu murder case.Why are these people ‘involved’?We need the answers.

  53. I believe RPK has a powerful trump card waiting to be revealed should he be charged. However by making the claim that, the trio were present when Altantuya Shaariibuu was murdered, would jeopardize his personal safety. He should take extra care and watch out for possible hostile reprisals from the enemy.

  54. The money obtained from the abandonment of the RM2 billion monorail and RM1.5 billion Penang Outer Ring Road is to be used to purchase the allegiance of MPs from Sabah and Sarawak, else Pak Lah would have to retire home to Kepala Batas as a goatherd

  55. Is this a King Gambit or the Declinded version? In the classic game of this openning moves white sacrifices a pawn to establish strong center control for Rook’s firm dominance ……. seems to me when those accused reply or not would not make any difference….coz all of them are deem involved one way or the other. It proves the sayings that ‘the higher politician goes the liar they get’!…..just look at the MB of sgor saga only 100 days in office already got power abuse issues….and our champion YB kit just chooses to keep quiet of this….I challenge him to disclose the truth and to seek out the mysterious one of the ‘rulers’ involved in the Altantuya saga.

  56. uncle kit, when are you going to write an extensive article about the crimes and criminals? With the current ‘cowboy’ and ‘pirate’ trend that is occuring in the whole country even dinning in a restaurant is not save anymore. Seems to me the police is powerless to act and lawlessness is having the upper hand. When will you start championing for the victims of snatch thieves, carjackings, house breakins, hit and runs, mugged at atm machines, etc etc….? Perhaps it is easier to write than to act…..or let those younger ones do these energy sapping chores…….

  57. lextcs, stop talking nonsense, who create, all these criminals. ‘pirates’, ‘cowboys’ , snatch thieves, etc, and powerless police, lawlessness in the first place?? who govern msia all these while??

  58. lextcs:

    I am writing a book about UMNO and the crimes committed against humanity. UMNOputera champions housebreakings, carjackings, snatch thefts. UMNO Youth champions keris waving. Old UMNO ? They dip their hands into the country’s piggy bank every day ! After 25 years of working with UMNO, I know the true extent of UMNO’s modus operandi. No need for chess moves.

  59. when is your book coming out? …. i couldnt agree with you more about stealing being a hard habit to break….but i also know that if one hands are chopped off that woul certainly make it more difficult for him to steal the next time……on top of that everyone would be fearful…if not very very fearful to steal knowing the consequences of such an action…..everyone thinks of changing the world but noone thinks of changing himself

  60. we get sensationalized by the actions of our ‘heros’ such as ridding on a bicycles to ‘work’ but do we see the entourage that follows them? I dare our heros to cycle on a daily basis till their message is embedded into the legistative thickskull……now that would be a true champion… not for show, not for gold….but for the people for Sure!

  61. Lextcs,

    Why talking about chopping this and chopping that off!!! you should know very well that there’s no justice even under your mullahs!!! if hududs were implemented (I dont think this blog should be used to discussed this) , I believe certain race will not have so many descendents!!! you know what i meant ???

  62. lextcs says

    we get sensationalized by the actions of our ‘heros’ such as ridding on a bicycles to ‘work’ but do we see the entourage that follows them? I dare our heros to cycle on a daily basis till their message is embedded into the legistative thickskull……now that would be a true champion… not for show, not for gold….but for the people for Sure!


    Perhaps it is because our heros’ valour is no match for the thickness of the legistative skull.

  63. lextcs:

    The title of my book is: The Den of Thieves: How to Steal with Impunity from the Public

    I am also writing a song with the title “Stealing is a Hard Habit to Break” to be sung by Ella.

  64. Naturally, someone is telling lie here. Issuing statement of denials through the media is not enough and the rakyat will not be convinced. Put all of them on lie detector and see what will happen.

  65. Normally if you accuse somebody of stealing a precious item from you, and if that person really did not do it, he would IMMEDIATELY hit back and angrily shout at you to prove his innocence – that is natural human behavior.

    Why it took them 5 days to break their silence – there must be something fishy going on……….

  66. yhsiew Says: Normally if you accuse somebody of stealing a precious item from you, and if that person really did not do it, he would IMMEDIATELY hit back and angrily shout at you to prove his innocence – that is natural human behavior.
    Yes if they are HUMAN..

  67. /// lextcs Says:
    Today at 10: 34.27 (3 hours ago)
    but i also know that if one hands are chopped off that would certainly make it more difficult for him to steal the next time……on top of that everyone would be fearful…if not very very fearful to steal knowing the consequences of such an action… ///

    lextcs, while you are at it, that same gang of thieves are also womanizing and committing adultery. What you you suggest be chopped off to discourage such actions?


  68. That you guys are taking the SD of a compulsive liar seriously is highly amusing.

    The reason why people “believe” RPK is not because he is saying the truth but because he saying things people want to believe to be the truth….

    Go figure it out….

  69. No sure if the PM,SIL, DPM have been told to tell the truth but nothing else?

    Next is to see how those PDRM prove their competency, fairness and free from any undue influence in carrying the investigation.

    It is the will power of the people especially those BN’s supporter to bring those suspects to justice.

    The BN compnent’s supporter shall have a guilty mind by allowing those suspects to escape by way of simple deniel statement which just as good as deceiving small kid.

  70. When these clowns need to think so hard and think so long before coming out with a delayed response, only idiots (and unfortunately there are still plenty in Malaysia) will believe they have nothing to hide.

    For people holding high public offices, the onus is on them to prove they are not involved in any scandals, NOT the other way around. As the saying goes, there is no smoke without fire.

  71. All selfish and irresponsible bunch. Non have a quality or qualify to represent the people as a whole.

    Who has ever show fairness and get compliment from the bottom of the heart of large number of Malaysian?

  72. The responses are so contrived, so coordinated, it is like a slow-motion movie. First they keep quiet, presumably to ensure a coordinated response. Then they deny, one by one. Then the Police say they have recorded their statements. Then the AG says he is investigating, when it is the Police who should be investigating – but this is excusable since the AG’s Chambers and the PDRM have been operating as one for so long.

  73. If one is not guilty, one should not be afraid.

    When one is confronted with a serious allegation, one must be “able” to clear your own good name instantly. There is no reason good enough to delay in giving a reply if you are not guilty, because your reputation and credibility are at stake!

    People who got sh!t on their body will normally act in this manner!

    Don’t tell me they need the adviser’s help to teach them how to proclaim their ‘own’ innocence?!? lol

    What the heck!!

    BRING ‘EM DOWN RPK! They are such a bunch of bool-sh!t useless stools!!

    Even if they are innocent, this is no way for government officials to carry themselves in the eyes of the People!!

    Proudly & ‘bodoh-sombong’ performing INCOMPETENCIES for all to see, I won’t blame the international community now for laughing to death looking at our government officials antics! Hah :)

    If they are not brought down by their involvement, they should be by their incompetencies!


  74. Godfather says:
    “The title of my book is: The Den of Thieves: How to Steal with Impunity from the Public

    I am also writing a song with the title “Stealing is a Hard Habit to Break” to be sung by Ella”.

    Hehehe…Godfather, your book has the sound of “Ali Baba & the forty thieves” lah! But Malaysian political history makes very good noval as the truth is indeed stranger than fiction. Have you read the book “The act of Federization”? It’s mostly about Sabah’s polities but reads like a fast action novel.

    I like your proposed song title lah! To be sung my Ella??…hehehe.. I got the hots for her too lah! Can I be there for the recording? Would be a great moment for me and…hehehe…anything can happen; right? Yes, Malaysians’ life is indeed stranger than fiction.

    As to Pak Lah’s dismissal & expected eventual burial of RPK’s allegations, that only happens because we Malaysians allow that to happen. Sad, but we Malaysians are just too docile & peace loving people and we forget too easily. Plus that ISA doesn’t encourage us to force changes.

  75. From a citizen’s view of the current Malaysia political ‘situation’:

    1. If a Malay (RPK) can’t save Malaysia or change its policies, nothing else will!

    Good luck Malaysians, its better come up with Plan B!

  76. Najib should file a civil suit against RPK. Hey Najib, it you sue RPK, please use your own money. Don’t use government lawyers who are paid by us.
    That is the right thing. Don’t simply just deny only.
    If RPK accused me a thief, I will deinitely sue him.

  77. We are expecting too much from a bunch of liars. Leopards don’t change their spots under any circumstances.
    AAB and Najis have finally been told by their advisors to deny everything. After all it is RPK’s words against theirs. Now that they have denied, hope RPK lodges another SD with more incriminating allegations. How long can they deny?
    Their crediblity is fast eroding and when RPK is finally charged in a court of law and proven true with concrete evidence, AAB, Najis and the Hippo would be finally sent to rot in the hell of their own develish designs.

  78. What say the the legal profession, the public prosecutor, ….pondering What 2 do?
    waiting for instruction ?
    or wait for expiration ?

    all this while ,so now we know all this while,,,,, it is just mumbo jumbo … the papers. in the e media, at the cer kia mah.

  79. Legal profession? Oh, most of them are busy building up their businesses leaving aging lawyers from the DAP to slug it out with the BN.
    Lawyers are smarth people, remember?

    Oh yah, those who are not carrying out businesses in law firms are either in politics or are under the employment of our Malaysian lucrative judiciary.


    Let’s ponder and be in the shoes or mind/minds of the perpetrator/perpetrators.

    What’s the motive?

    1) Money arising out of greed, not to share the takings?

    2) To maintain status quo, keep things secret not to jeopardise ambition, to be able to assume a No.1 position?

    3) Jealousy?

    Or all the above?

  81. Malik Imtiaz, President of Malaysian Human Rights Society (HAKAM) on his part has commented in the Malay Mail about the response to RPK’s SD.

    Legal profession? The Bar Council? Former judges?

    So, will there be another Lawyers’ March?

  82. The prime motive for getting rid of that poor girl is simply to teach her to mess with them and sending a very loud & clear message to others who dare to ‘blackmail’ them. They feel totally above the law and is not afraid to flaunt their powers. That was arrogance in the highest sense of the word! Money has nothing to do with the issue as these people have billions. Jealousy might possibily have been a minute underlying factor. Heck, these people can buy whatever they want to satisfy their lust!

  83. The shoes you wear tells a lot, about many things

    But these guys walks side ways and have four pairs all at once

    The number four has always been a very special and significant number.

    and it passes from master to slave

  84. “The reason why people “believe” RPK is not because he is saying the truth but because he saying things people want to believe to be the truth….” killer

    You said it all – only you omitted the word “necessarily” and it should read “not because he is necessarily saying the truth”. There is nothing wrong about ordinary folks wanting to cling to the truth, however flimsy the evidence may be, especially when ‘truth’ today is in short supply – thanks to the mainstream media.

  85. RPeeKay is hoping somebody would sue him so he could tell his story. If RPeeKay is smart he should consider selling his story to a foreign newspaper, magazine etc. for a huge sum of money. Let Rosmah sue the magazine or tabloid. They have deep pockets to meet the cost of litigation and in fact would welcome any litigation since it would improve their circulation. Didn’t an English tabloid dare Maha-thir to sue it for defamation some years back? Why didn’t he sue the tabloid like he said he would?

  86. Yes, old Pete should consider going to London and sensationalize his statutory declaration. Western media just LOVE stories like that and before you can say “C4” that news will be all over the world. Perhaps even Holywood might pick it up on a possible blockbuster movie. Just imagine the movie title: “C4-Power Terminator”. Starring: All the top Ministers of Malaysia.

  87. …And heck, if that movie turns into an international block buster, Pak Lah can use the money for subsidizing us poor Malaysians. That would be another “First”..Malaysia Boleh!

  88. A high-powered team from Bukit Aman recorded Rose’s statement on Monday and that of Kasim Amat and two others named by RPeeKay in the declaration. Police Commissioner, one Datuk confirmed statements had been taken from four of the five people named in the affidavit.

    “We will study their statements …” he says.

    What is there to study? These are self-serving statements. Get off your butts and do some real investigation.

  89. Kasim Amat said the allegation in the statutory declaration against him was “damaging” to his credibility. “I don’t know what his (Raja Petra) motive is. The statutory declaration is based on hearsay ” Kasim Amat said.

    Now who says you can’t learn a thing or two by visiting this blog??!

  90. Hmmmm, because of you guys poor saudara Kasim Amat has to changed his identity many times lah! He now comes in disguised as “RealWorld”.
    Kasian, kasian! That old fox Godfather smelled him out lah!
    Incidentally, “RealWorld” is the new company that saudara Kasim Amat has just started for Godfather & I for selling APs and, another Malaysia first, halal fuel oil. Those interested to invest has to negiotiate with our CEO saudara Kasim Amat.

  91. RPK, we’re counting on you. Nail them down and count them OUT!!! Use your trump card now. Keep on hitting the nail on the head and definitely one blow will land smack on!
    By the way, please take care of yourself cos’ when a wounded tiger is cornered ( this case four ), you’ll never know what evil actions they’ll take.
    May God bless you.

  92. drmaharajahrk Says:

    June 25th, 2008 (2 days ago) at 16: 22.35
    PM and DPM shud say this in Parliament. Why telling the Press for ?


    The convention in the Commonwealth Parliaments is that no MPs ever lies to Parliament.

  93. “The convention in the Commonwealth Parliaments is that no MPs ever lies to Parliament.”

    You sure about that ? I always thought that the converse is true of Bolehland. No BN MP ever tells the truth to Parliament.

  94. What is interesting now is the waiting – waiting to see what the AG and the PDRM will do to RPK. Foremost on their minds is this: Does RPK have further information to release to the blogsphere ?

    Hence I believe the AG and the IGP when they say that they are investigating. They are only investigating who could be RPK’s source, and if there are more damaging information to be released by RPK.

  95. This is important. RPK used Statutory Declaration to make his statement. Our PM and DPM only talk in the press. Can they also use Statutory Declaration to deny what RPK said?

    Too often we see PM said one thing in the press and subsequently flip-flop it. So talk/press is easy for them. Can’t truth them at all.

  96. The way BN and especially the PM and DPM go about with their daily routines despite RPK’s SD, among other things, as though nothing happened, is probably pointing to a bigger major plan by these heartless UMNO politicians. The 9MP Mid-Term Review is a subterfuge to buy time and also with the hope to convince the rakyat current economic woes are a result of global problems and will dilute whatever mismanagement and corruption by the government.

    Despite their flip-flop ways, they are planning something which we have to be cautious about. They can either have the strategy of cut and run or continue with ruling, ‘business as usual’ with protracted strategy of misinformation through MSM until the next GE. Meanwhile, someting is up their sleeve while we underestimate them.We can’t let our guard down and get caught unaware.

  97. There have been demands for lie detectors to be used on those named in RPK’s SD. Even if lie detectors being used, are we assured of the veracity of the outcome of the reports?

  98. RPK’s SD cannot technically be categorised as “allegations” any longer as it is a legal declaration signed and witnessed by a commisioner of oath. In view of this the “accused” parties, if they are innocent, shud immediately have issued statements that they they will sue RPK for defamation.

    They have only made statements that the SD is false, not true and of defamatory nature, but no definite statement to sue? Such a damaging issue and no “I will sue” statement?

    Odd situation! Let’s see what develops further, bound to be very interesting.

  99. “There have been demands for lie detectors to be used on those named in RPK’s SD. Even if lie detectors being used, are we assured of the veracity of the outcome of the reports?” Citizenwatch

    You mean you can’t trust the machine that they buy, that they calibrate ? You can’t trust the analyst that they hire to read the results ? Hmmmmmm……..

  100. Lt Kol Aziz Buyong has, through his lawyers, demanded a retraction of RPK’s declaration. This has just confirmed the existence of the C4 expert, and most probably, that of his wife Norhayati.

  101. (bystander Says:

    Now they all conspired to go after the messenger RPK rather than the message. whats new. it was expected. we got to help RPK to help himself. HOW?)

    By the incessant blogging of opinions and support is already assisting Pete. We can also call on pressure groups to demand more transparency and accountability from the government, police, judiciary, mainstream media and even the military. The pressure groups can be the Bar Council, (another Lawyers’ March?) Human Rights bodies, PR of course, a united bloggers community, local and internationally and the informed sympathetic public. Some of these groups may come in later into the picture when things look grim and become expedient for them to come in.

    Even later on, Mr Shaariibu may, through the Mongolian government seek international help in getting justice done.

    RPK is prepared for this and is waiting to reveal all in his upcoming trial for sedition. He has something up his sleeves and a matter of time before he produces the trump card.

    But in the interim everyone is watching what’s the next step by those concerned.

  102. (You mean you can’t trust the machine that they buy, that they calibrate ? You can’t trust the analyst that they hire to read the results ? Hmmmmmm……..Godfather).

    Unless if it is an independant team of lie detector analysts, you can’t even trust the dogs they hire to sniff out corruption!

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