Lim Kit Siang

Sanusi sacked as UIA President – Abdullah not ready for “1st-world infrastructure, 1st-world mentality”

The sacking of Sanusi Junid, who was formerly Cabinet Minister, Kedah Mentri Besar and Umno secretary-general, as International Islamic University (UIA) president because he had left Umno together with former Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, is most shocking, deplorable and testimony that the Abdullah administration is not ready for a “first-world infrastructure, first-world mentality” culture to catapult Malaysia into the ranks of fully developed nations.

The UIA termination letter dated June 2 but which Sanusi received only yesterday (eight days later) did not give any reason for the abrupt sacking although his contract is not due to expire for another two years.

It would appear that quitting Umno has become a proper reason for the sacking of administrators and academicians in Malaysian universities.

Shouldn’t the authorities adopt a “hands-off” policy on the political inclinations of university administrators or academicians so long as they do not allow their political affiliations to intrude into their university duties?

An explanation is clearly called for from Abdullah for Sanusi’s sacking from UIA.