Minyak Oh Minyak…!

by Dr. ASM

Harga minyak kita jauh lebih murah jika dibandingkan dengan negara jiran. Kenaikan harga tak dapat dielakkan lagi. Rakyat digesa ubah cara hidup. Itulah antara kenyataan yang menguasai dada akhbar dimasa ini. Semua ini seolah-olah memperbodohkan rakyat Malaysia.

Harga minyak kita jauh lebih murah dari negara jiran, Singapura, Thailand dan juga beberapa negara lain. Jangan bandingkan harga kita dengan negara jiran yang bukannya pengeluar minyak. Bandingkanlah harga kita dengan negara pengeluar minyak lain (Iran(0.35), UAE (1.19), Arab Saudi (0.38), Venezuela (0.16), Mesir (1.03), Bahrain (0.87), Qatar (0.68) , Kuwait (0.67), Nigeria (0.32) dll). Jangan fikir rakyat Malaysia bodoh dan mudah diperdayakan dengan fakta dan perbandingan yang tidak tepat.

Rakyat digesa ubah cara hidup. Kita disuruh ubah, tapi pemimpin semuanya masih berkereta mewah. Kerajaan sepatutnya ubah cara berbelanja. Tangguhkan dulu projek mega. Tukar semua kereta mewah kepada Proton Perdana. Barulah cakap serupa bikin.

Kerajaan tidak pernah menjawab soalan yang ditanya. Kita tanya, kemana pergi minyak yang dikeluarkan oleh negara kita sehingga kita terpaksa membayar harga minyak mengikut pasaran antarabangsa. Kerajaan jawab, harga pasaran minyak antarabangsa telah meningkat berlipat kali ganda. Tahun lepas USD40 setong sekarang mencecah USD140 setong. Kerajaan boleh bankrap jika subsidi diteruskan. Jawapan ini bukan sahaja diberikan oleh pihak menteri kerajaan bahkan oleh pakar-pakar ekonomi dan professor universiti yang kononnya ahli. Mungkinkah ahli pengampu kot. Kalau ikutkan teknik peperiksaan disekolah mereka semua ini akan gagal kerana jawapan yang diberi tidak menepati soalan. Lain yang kita tanya lain pula yang mereka jawab. Maklumlah pakar semuanya. Pakar apa, anda fikirkanlah sendiri.

Jadi, kalau nak tutup cerita ini senang sahaja. Jawab soalan yang ditanya:

Kenapa harga kita jauh lebih tinggi daripada negara pengeluar minyak yang lain.

Kenapa kita tak guna minyak kita untuk dalam negara terlebih dahulu sebelum diekspot apa jua lebihan keluar negara.

Kemana dana atau keuntungan yang disumbang oleh Petronas dibelanjakan selama ini.

Kerajaan tidak perlu takut untuk berterus terang dengan rakyat. Rakyat bukannya tak berakal. Sekiranya jawapan yang diberikan tersebut memuaskan hati rakyat, maka mereka sudah tentu boleh menerimanya. Tetapi jika sebaliknya, maka perasaan tidak puas hati akan berterusan. Dan seperti biasa, rakyat akan tersenyum simpul. Ramai antara mereka hanya akan memendam perasaan dalam hati mereka. Tak semua yang berani untuk keluar memboikot dan protes dijalanan. Sampai masanya PRU-13 kita semua akan tahu apa yang perlu dibuat.

76 Replies to “Minyak Oh Minyak…!”

  1. Country IQ (2006)

    Hong Kong 108
    Singapore 108
    North Korea 106 (Dictatorial Regime)
    South Korea 106
    Japan 105
    Peoples Republic of China 105 (Communism)
    Republic of China 105
    Italy 102
    Iceland 101
    Mongolia 101

    Very interesting – the entire top 7 slots are occupied by yellow skins.

  2. Kerajaan kita sangat bodoh. Tak tahu urus ekonomi. Melakukan banyak pembaziran. Mereka bersikap angkuh bodoh sombong. Tahun lepas, RM100 juta dibakar begitu sahaja di angkasa, gara-gara mahu hantar anak UMNO putra ke angkasa.

  3. We had… “Orang MinyaK”….Malaysia’s own original… horror film.
    Now we have orang2 di UMNO want to continue fooling around with Malaysians minyak.
    Orang2 di Malaysia have enough!
    Bro. Anwar is acting…come September 16th.
    Malaysians need to tanan… tiga bulan….and make sure UMNO do not take our Minyak..like belonging to them …to do a they like.
    50 years is enough.

  4. Cuba kira beribu juta billion ringgit lesap disebabkan projek-projek gajah putih tokoh-tokoh kerajaan pimpinan Barisan Nasional:-

    i. PFKZ – sampai hari ni kerajaan masih belum dapat memberi ulasan tentang kos pembaziran. Ong Tee Keat kata semua akan dibongkar, tidak ada apa-apa yang perlu disembunyikan. Semuanya bohong!
    ii. Putrajaya – apakah keuntungan kepada rakyat hari ini selepas 10 tahun projek dijayakan?
    iii. Komisen 500 juta ringgit dari pembelian jet perjuang russia
    iv. Komisen ?? juta ringgit dari pembelian kapal selam – masih fungsi lagi ke atau sudah terselam?
    v. Kos berbillion pembinaan kapal perang oleh Bostead. Kapal menangkap ikan atau kapal berperang?
    vi. Penghantaran angkasawan pertama yang menghasibkan 400 juta? Angkasawan sekarang telah jadi celebrity menjual buku-buku. Apakah keuntungan kepada generasi muda? Manakah hasil ujian-ujian yang dikata-katakan? Ujian-ujian = Rosak, takde graviti lah.
    vii. RM1 billion telah dibazirkan untuk gajah putih ICQ di Selatan mengikut TDM. Siapakah yang bertanggung jawab? Tiada lah, semua sudah tanggung beres.
    … dll.
    xxxxxx. banyak lagi kot, DBKL piki makan angin minggu lepas, belum balik lagi.

    Barisan Nasional perlu bertukar nama kepada Bankrupt Nasional.

    Cemerlang, Gemilang, Terberang Bankrupt Nasioanl!

  5. The government of today must come up with VERY simple explanation and VERY simple reasons to the public for this rediculous hike in fuel price. They must assume we the rakyat do not understand their jargons words of futuristics. Come up with common sense that can be accepted by the common lower and middle class public who remains the most affected of them all.

  6. Badawi won’t sell the new A320 government jet as he can’t adjust to normal commercial flights. Rosmah can’t stop her shopping sprees. Reezal can’t stop using his Bentley 6.0 coupe. Zaid Ibrahim can’t stop using his Cayenne 4.4 SUV.

    Alamak, cakap tak serupa bikin caused the political tsunami of March 8th. Obviously, it will take a bigger tsunami for them to understand the rakyat’s message.

  7. Let us be realistic.Do not be carried away by illusion.We are peanut producers compared to others.We are almost developed and we consume more petrol although our population is still small.We need to save for the future.Malaysian still can afford the price.The government want us to live independently without the subsidies.Face it now or we will go bankrupt.The government cannot mishandle the funds.See what had happened.The next election will see the UMNO_BN routed and buried in history.They have held meetings to look into everything and so be patient.Abdullah and his advisers are having sleepless nights.Their indirect subsidy for petrol rise should be looked into carefully.They collect the money first and that money generates enough money to pay for the petrol subsidies.They have become smart but a bit too late.They think when pressured otherwise they are not futuristic.The alternative government must have a better solution otherwise what is the difference.

  8. Finally, after days of public anger and threats of protest marches, the Gomen has decided to cut back on the expenses of its ministers – according to CNN. This is simply too little, too late. What were these clowns thinking of ?

    If we sell the now white elephant ICQ in Johore, it would probably fetch around RM 2 billion since it is regarded as prime real estate in JB. If we cancel the new palace, it could save up to RM 800 million. If we sell the new Airbus A320 government jet now, it could fetch up to US$150 million or RM 500 million. What about the Halal Hub ? What about the agricultural Hub in Selangor ? How about stopping the subsidies for Bank Islam, AgroBank and SME Bank ?

  9. I am not convinced by the govt’s explanation. It doesn’t carry water and full of holes like a sieve. It is more unfortunate that we have academics and economists spouting statements as if they are facts to make the ministers look intelligent in making those obtuse policies. The country’s natural resources should be used to ease the burdens of its citizens, not to extract profits. I urge the govt to stop fooling the population with bad economic policies and reveal all and sundry about the true nature of Petronas’ profits over the decades.

  10. Jikalau mahu ubah cara hidup,
    Sila majukan sistem pengangkutan negara,
    Rakyat boleh ulang-alih dengan MRT,LRT dan Bas.
    Itulah cara hidup seperti di Jepun atau Singapore.
    Kalau kerajaan tak mahu ubah, macam mana panggil rakyat ubah?

    Kalau kerajan belum berubah, macam mana rakyat ubah?
    Lagi pun perubahan mendadak umpamanya tsunami!
    Kenaikan 41% petrol dan 60% Diesel merupakan tsunami!
    Rakyat belum bersedia lagi, oleh itu kepada mereka ,itu betul betul tsunami !

  11. Barisan Government ask Rakyat to change lifestyle?

    Imagine what will happen if everyone leave their cars at home and use the public transport to go to work….

    Imagine what will happen if everyone pack sandwich and skip eating out during lunch hours…

    Even if eat roti chanai also got to eat thre3 pieces now to be full. :(

    .. Rakyat is not sore about petrol price increase… but we are damn mad about mismanagement,
    lack of foresight to plan for the future,
    corruptions by Leaders (not looked into),
    wastage in building white elephants and
    blowing away billions to send a Malaysian to the moon “just to look good.”

    Barisan Government betul betul “Gaya ada, Isi tiada…”

    Mr Bodohwi, …The Rakyat is not as stupid as you think…

  12. I’m from Sabah. Now Sarawak pun nak goodies frm PM like Sabah. Nothing less than what Sabah is getting. Hah, later all the other states also want goodies. How is he going to sustain this(his Santa Claus act), I wonder? Poor fiscal planning. I don’t think they even have a plan. So far, they are just reacting to situation and not anticipating them. As a Sabahan, I welcome the goodies albeit with reservations on it’s direct impact on ordinary Sabahan folks. However, I would have preferred that he had given a sustainable, accountable, transparent, fiscal goodies to Sabah.

    I only foresee that the situation getting from worst to chronically critical if he keeps up with this mismanagement.

  13. Actually…our country’s position is quite similar to Germany WW2.
    They have Hitler…to talk and hypnotized listeners.
    We have Mahathir doing that for 22 years.
    Both successfully achieve their objectives.
    Hitler got the German citizens ….believing…they have the rights to rule the world.His is a great orator.
    Mahathir got majority Malaysians accepting him ….as a Dictator.
    He is a great orator too.
    They hero worship him..instead of condemm
    . him…now found out…he picked and choose who to enrich…just like a dictator.He made things complicated to manage….no straight forward managements. This will create confusions…lots of garbage paper works..to hide the actions on corruptions.
    Remember…we are talking of huge huge hundreds of millions….to steal…and it must be done ….in ways….not easy to detect.
    You see..no matter how smart they are to cover up…massive corruptions..the so call logics they put out on 78 sen increase and no more subsidy…have let the cat ….out of the bag.
    Dollah have no choice…and I suspect..out to kill UMNO BARU.
    Dollah knows…most UMNO ministers and influencial politicians… totally forgot…Malaysia exports more oil ….than using locally. They forgot this..because all the profits are sucked up by them..year in year out.
    Now with 5 States plus K.Lumpur.. under oppositions…their hand are tight……and they need funds urgently.
    To conclude..there is no such thing for Malayans to suffer so much……if UMNO is truthful and honest.

  14. Nice if LKS can contact Lee Kaw and get him back to be recogized. Lee Kaw was my class mate…and he did finance DAP…at initial stage.
    He is managing a Shell petrol station in Kluang….if LKS wants to know. Lee Kaw is a simple and truthful man.

  15. Ubah…. Ubah….
    Bila kita nak ubah sikap kita?
    Bila kita betul-betul nak hapus rasuah?
    Bila kita nak elakkan gajah putih?
    Pemimpin negara perlulah mengubah sikap dan cara hidup!

  16. Memang betul cakap Dr.ASM, tahniah! The government and the bodoh ministers must know we rakyat are not fool. The crisis today is an implication of their wasteful spending.

  17. We should liberalise the auto industry as all other industries such as steel, cement, crude oil recently to lower inflation and be fair to all Malaysia consumers. Why are we still protecting Proton?

  18. All MPs regardless of party should also take the challeange by having a pay cut during this difficult period instead of keep on harping for subsidy in order to achieve a highly competitive nation in the long run. We can’t expect to be forever pampered by Mahathirian style of governance.

  19. I guess Pak Lah currently are in the right track. Another way of adding government treasuries fast is by forfeiting the assets of any corrupted officers in from the past and present governments.

  20. Ya, jangan tipu lagi lah. Sering kata jumlah perbelanjaaan pembangunan hanya RM40 bilion, tetapi perbelanjaan untuk subsidi sahaja sampai RM50 bilion. Ini semua tidak betul. Bagi tahun 2007, jumlah subsidi langsung iaitu subsidi yang dibayar melalui bajet hanya RM12.2 bilion sahaja. Yang lain itu subsidi diberi oleh Petronas kepada saudagar saudagar kaya lah. Perlu juga lihat perbelanjaan mengurus sampai RM128 bilion bagi tahun 2007. Perlu tanya apa yang dibelanjakan sampai RM128 bilion – kebanyakannya perbelanjaan tidak masuk akal seperti bekalan dan perkidmatan, pemberian kepada badan-badan berkanun, pemberian kepada perusahaan awam, bayaran tabung sini dan tabung sana dan “lain lain” perbelanjaan. Apa itu “lain lain” perbelanjaan sampai RM11.8 bilion bagi tahun 2007? Termasuk private jet A320 kah? Semua kaduk, semua tipu, semua rasuah. Pergilah taman rekreasi dekat Taman Tun Dr Ismail, tengok lah jamban dibina disana. Macam bungalow jamban itu. Apa gunanya menbina jamban macam bungalow. Semua rasuah lah, habiskan peruntukan sahaja, tidak kira samada projek itu munasabah atau tidak. Jadi muflis lah kalau ini cara kita belanja.

  21. Stop manufacturing vehicles. Those who can truely afford it can buy imported cars. Afterall, the price of locally made cars and imported ones are almost the same. And the quality of imported cars is better, no doubt.

    For fairness’ sake, Datuk Anwar should be back in Parliament.

  22. Tun M is a “Vision 2020Developer” created mega projects like KLCC, Proton, Penang Bridge, FI circuit, Langkawi projecs, Menara Telekom, Sepang International Airport, PutraJaya, LRT, Monorail and many mega projects using taxpayers funds for the benefits of the people and country.

    Pak Lah is a “Corridor Dreamer” that he has yet to deliver any single proven sucessful mega project and all his dream corridor projects are on papers only with no action and talk only but billions of taxpayers funds utilised but not supported and not substantiate or accountable towards any completed mega projects.

    Rakyat Malaysia are damn sour and angry to know huge misused and mismanaged of public funds reported by the General Audit and Akauntan Negara. No actions are taken against any people by AG on such cases. But Rakyat Malaysia deserved to know the answer from Pak Lah government instead of listening to the announcements of prices increased for petrol, rice, electricity, flour and essential groceries and foods. No actions to resolve the economic and financial problems in Malaysia but listening to the crying of spoilt milk on the defeat of BN to rule the prosperous states where all BN leaders cannot continued to take advantages in creating more wealth from the five states controlled by Pakatan Rakyat.

    What a shame?

    TUN M is damn RIGHT to quit UMNO since TUN has lost faith in the present leadership and continue to voice out disastisfaction on how they are going to destroy the resources of the country and misused of public funds and misused of power for their own benefits and victimised the people of Malaysia.

    Bangsa Malaysia invites all MALAYSIANs to participate and join the entire nation to protest the prices hike for petrol and electricity in the forthcoming nation rally at KLCC in July 2008.





    June 9, 2008 11:29 PM

  23. I smell something really fishy here. Maybe the Gomen is consolidating all their monies, channeling to somewhere in order to use the fund for their own projects, own umno usage, or maybe for their by-election funding . I also wonder why gomen decides to announce the price hike now. Why gomen hide from us for so long if they really feel the difficulty of “subsidise” the oil for us?? Will they keep on hiding all this from us if the opposition did not win so many seats??

  24. Sheer stupidity has been presented here. Malaysia oil reserves will only last till 2020 and we will be a net oil importer by 2014. I suppose it is alright to squandering our resources to pander to the rich people who can afford to buy a car and yet not be able to pay to fuel it.

    For your reading, the gasoline problem in Iran.

    Majlis is studying to supply petrol at floating price and lift the quota for the motor-cars, Head of Majlis Energy Commission Kamal Daneshyar said on Sunday.

    He said that the petrol quota for the vehicles will be lifted by the end of the current Iranian year (March 20, 2009).

    He told reporters that a debate is underway at the parliamentary commission on energy to lift the rationing enforced since June 22 throughout the country.

    The MP said that the plan to allocate quota for each car failed to reach the objective of reducing gasoline consumption.

    He argued that the reason behind failure of the plan was the annual addition of one million new cars to the existing seven million cars nationwide.

    At the early stages of gasoline rationing, it was reported that the gasoline consumption had reached 15 million liters per day from 35-36 million liters per day before the rationing plan came into effect.

    “That was a temporary measure,” said the MP adding that the move should continue only for a short time.

    He suggested two ways to solve the problem of high rate of gasoline consumption in Iran.

    Increasing of gasoline price based on a “step-by-step method upward” and paying subsidies to gasoline by government are two effective ways to curb gasoline consumption nationwide, Daneshyar added.

    Based on the present rationing system each private car is allowed to receive 100 liters per month at about 10 cents per liter.

    Currently, the petrol price outside the quota is 40 cents.

    Under the plan, gasoline is only supplied through smart cards, an initiative taken by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to stop lavish fuel consumption.

    It was previously suggested that gasoline rationing would help the government save over three billion dollars a year.


  25. “June 27, 2007 (Bloomberg) — Iranians rioted in the streets of Tehran after the government imposed rationing of gasoline, which the country spends $5 billion a year to import.”

    “The second-biggest oil producer in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries spends about 52 U.S. cents to import a liter of gasoline, Hojatollah Ghanimifard, National Iranian Oil Co.’s executive director for international affairs, said yesterday.

    Domestic consumption of gasoline has increased 10 percent a year on average over the past five years, according to the International Monetary Fund. Iran won’t have oil to export by 2019 if consumption keeps growing at the same pace, Seyed Mohsen Yahyavi, the deputy chairman of Iran’s parliamentary energy commission, said last November.”

  26. It is the Givernment’s thoughtless spending of our money and expanding into projects without proper thought (if they do any thinking at all for the good of the rakyat).

    It is time to make them pay back all the money that they have siphion out from the rakyat and put it back to good use (a detail, transparent method should be employed).

    We no longer just sit down and accept whatever the PM tells us. Now we demand proper explaination. By the way, is there a way to kick the Minister of Transportation since he did not explain about the PFKZ fiasco? Does it take so long to give the explaination to the people when all the documentations are on his hands already? Or did he burn them up earlier and forgot what to say?

  27. “I will explain all” Ong Tee Keat has his tails between his legs after he got a call from Azim telling him that MCA actually reports to UMNO. The minister’s job is only to nominate the PKFZ chairman, nothing else.

  28. Minister from the components “Barang Naik” party are smart enough to spend or divert all the budget allocated as they knew PL will announce budget cut.

    So ppl. of M’sian pls wake up and recognize the faces of ur children killer.

    With this increase, the person who suffer the most is our children as at present we can no longer save more for our children future’s every month because the govt. has taken away our subsidies.

    How the poor and middle income earner kid become rich compare to Singapore, and Thailand? Vote wisely, think abt. ur kids future!

  29. Toyota Camry 2.4 in Thailand costs RM110,00 , whereas in Malaysia it costs RM170,000 . Mercedes E200 in China costs RM220,000 whereas in Malaysia it costs RM350,000 . The price difference of the these vehicles more than enough to buy the non-subsidised fuel for the entire life-span of these vehicles . What the present BN govt. now talking is just pure nonsense. Mind you also the price of diesel and petrol in China is same as in Malaysia now !!!! . Where have the excise and sale taxes gone ?????

  30. Badawi knew very well BN can’t hold on to power very long, that’s why he raised the fuel price ( which he knew very well it’s not a smart move ) so that treasury can swindle as much money from the rakyat and then channel to his families and cronies. Therefore once the BN collapse , what’s left behind is just an empty shell !!!
    Believe me , all the BN govt depts are having their spending spree . Thus once the BN collapse what’s left is just empty shell.

  31. satu perkara,memang kena akur dgn UMNO,mereka memang benar-2 meningkatkan status orang melayu dari segi kekayaan,ya,tapi,bukan orang-2 melayu yg u dan i kenal,semuanya kuncu-2 mereka!
    dulu,kekayaan mereka setanding dgn tokoh-2 usahawan tempatan macam vincent tan,lim kok tai,yeo tiong lay,tony fernandes,ananda,syed ali dan sebagainya,tapi mereka tak puas hati,kini,dibimbing oleh KJ,mereka nak naikkan satu langkah yg besar lagi,untuk menandingi kekayaan ‘rich and famous’ seperti david becham,sir richard branson,tomcriuse,michael jordan,george soros,trump,antony robbin dll………

  32. Price increase is driven by economy. Usually. So our government attempts to justify the increase economically. That is understandable. We all can accept the reasonings.

    But. But its petrol price they are increasing. And petrol is very much unlike any other commodities.

    Petrol is tied to politics. That is the root of the problem. It does not permit applications of pure economic principles.

    So the government’s reasons which is based on pure economics will of course be rejected, no matter how well they explain them.

    The use of petroleum revenue by the government as funds for projects and purposes which are undesirable or suspicious is the root cause of our dissatisfaction with the increase.

    Poor governing and mismanagement/abuse (actual or perceived) of the country’s wealth by the BN government is our complain.

    They should address our complain by its horns. Its no use hiding behind the cloak of economic principles.

    Not having done so for decades, I dont expect them to do so now. In any case, not having done so for decases, I dont expect them to have the skills or ability to do so now.

    Like the rest, I lost my hope in BN – all of it.

  33. Don’t dare to dream rich if things goes up and up…..
    In real life, we are breaking the law of nature.
    We no longer follow the nature’s path anymore…..
    If we look at the habit of animals or birds in the morning, we will understand.
    Daytime looking for food and when night fall, they rest..
    That is the law of nature.
    What about human being???
    We need to survive. feed our family and have to work hard and through the night…
    We are just a humble daytime worker and moonlighting in the evening.
    The government are not helping us at all.

  34. The price diference of diesel and petrol fuels is less than RM0.20 now. Sabah and Sarawak have the most diesel power 4WDs and vehicles in Malaysia due to bad roads and even no-roads in these states. Diesel price used to be RM1.00 cheaper than petrol price, so is this what we call “goodies” to Sabah and Sarawak ????

  35. Tan Sri Nor Mhd. Yakcop, can I borrow Rm50.00 from you every month because my car road tax expires in March 2009. I need RM30.00 to buy petrol to balik kampong and Rm20.00 to give to my parents to buy food. I will pay you back when I receive my rebates next year.

  36. Does it make sense giving with RM625 rebates for private vehicles of engine capacity of 2,000cc, whereby after petrol has increase but foods follow to increase as well!!!

    Do those idiots knows their Maths???

  37. Semua Yang Dihormati,

    Tatkala kita petah mangkritik dasar-dasar kerajaan menangani krisis harga minyak jangan lupa pada keadaan yang mengakibatkan negara masih belum bersedia menghadapinya. Kerajaan kita nampak seolah-olah sudah lama terlena dan hanya baru dikejutkan dengan bahang kenaikan harga minyak antarabangsa. Isu kenaikan harga minyak di pasaran antarabangsa sudah lama berlaku sejak tahun 2003 ekoran permintaan yang amat mendadak dari negara-negara seperti China dan India. Permintaan mendadak mereka telah menyebabkan pengeluar-pengeluar minyak dan ahli-ahli spekulasi mula mengambil langkah untuk mengaut keuntungan. Perkara seperti ini penuh dibahaskan dan diperkatakan di internet dan majalah-majalah kewangan antarabangsa. Malangnya pengurus-pengurus dana negara tidak begitu pantas mengambil langkah-langkah yang sepatutnya untuk menyediakan negara kita menghadapi keadaan sekiranya harga minyak naik mendadak semasa itu.

    Bak kata pepatah sudah trehantuk baru terngadah.

  38. Increasing the price of petrol without offseting anything else is bad policy. Cars seems to be a big topic in LKS blog, one way or another. Putting the issue of Proton aside, Malaysians require better fuel efficient vehicle and Proton is just not delivering it. Where is the incentive to drive say a Toyota hybrid vehicle or an MCC smart car? Taxes on those vehicle should be reduced or abolished to be affordable otherwise, better public transport for both city and country folks.

    It is sad that the Govt of the day is still causing pain after so many years

  39. The billions of RM saved by cutting fuel subsidies is to be put into BN’s war chest for a snap general elections. Under the present terrible economic conditions, it would be rare to find voters who cannot be persuaded to vote for BN when promised several thousand ringgit not to vote for PR. So be prepared for snap elections before December!

  40. kanasai said

    “We should liberalise the auto industry as all other industries such as steel, cement, crude oil recently to lower inflation and be fair to all Malaysia consumers. Why are we still protecting Proton?”

    Come on lah….you think gov is protecting Proton!! They are JUz the tools to protect the interest of AP holder & proton vendors who are own by Umno putera…lah. That’s Y they can Z-up the AP price….and put our finance systems in a greater risk of buble ….US face subprime crisis…malaysia soon will face autofinance crisis bcoz if the gov lift the tax, then second hand car will drop and ppl can’t paid up and at the end the finance campany will collapse…..only fattening umnoputera happy counting their wealth!

    pitty those blind BN suporter…..

  41. “June 27, 2007 (Bloomberg) — Iranians rioted in the streets of Tehran after the government imposed rationing of gasoline, which the country spends $5 billion a year to import.

    Starting today, drivers will be allowed 100 liters, or about 26 gallons, of gasoline a month, Oil Minister Kazem Vaziri-Hamaneh said on state television. ”

    “Domestic consumption of gasoline has increased 10 percent a year on average over the past five years, according to the International Monetary Fund. Iran won’t have oil to export by 2019 if consumption keeps growing at the same pace, Seyed Mohsen Yahyavi, the deputy chairman of Iran’s parliamentary energy commission, said last November.”

    Ours is by 2014.

    May 18, 2008
    Petrol to be supplied at floating price,

    Majlis is studying to supply petrol at floating price and lift the quota for the motor-cars, Head of Majlis Energy Commission Kamal Daneshyar said on Sunday.


  42. yes,’his’ aircraft is 24 hour standing-by mode,any moment will cabut like tatsin,the ex thai PM!
    he do nothing as finance minister,yet he still reciv huge incentives!but these incentives if were to compare with mega projects and petronas fund,it is small tiny dot to him,but he just doesnt care,boleh sapu,berapa pun nak!still remember the united nation aid fund?

  43. Whenever there is new announcement or system launch by government, it sounds like had take care and due consideration of peoples difficulties. But, how far all these are true?

    Those UMNO idiot leaders are only care about own benefit when they are in the post…

    Who else care about those people work in non-gov sector? Who should fight for us?

  44. Kerajaan adalah satu mandat tinggi yang diberi oleh Maha Pencipta kepada Manusia. Ciri-ciri mandat ini tertakluk kepada undang-undang & peraturan Maha Pencipta yang telah ditentukan sebelum adanya Dunia Manusia. Oleh kerana Maha Pencipta juga merupakan Maha Pemurah, peraturannya tidak membebankan Manusia, malah sangat mudah dilaksanakan.

    Manusia yang menyeleweng dan salahgunakan mandat ini dikatakan telah berdosa atau “guilty”, dan harus didenda!

    Tujuan sebuah kerajaan adalah untuk melindungi Rakyat jelatanya. Dan perlindungan ini termasuklah dari segi keperluan asas, kesihatan, kemakmuran, dan juga dari serangan pihak musuh – iaitu perlindungan nyawa Rakyat.

    Kerajaan juga seharusnya menyediakan tapak kukuh untuk Rakyat mencapai kemajuan ekonomi, pendidikan dan diri agar dapat mengharumkan nama Negara. Dalam pada itu, kekayaan yang diperolehi juga harus dikongsikan bersama oleh seluruh Rakyat dan harus dipastikan tiada seorang pun yang tertinggal!

    Hal ehwal dan juga hak Rakyat MESTI diutamakan dalam segala urusan pentadbiran kerajaan. Bukannya hak seseorang individu, kumpulan atau sebarang parti politik. Jadi, perkataan Deputy Botak adalah angkuh, bodoh dan kurang ajar sangat!

    “Revenue” atau wang, atau pendapatan atau sumber kepada kerajaan adalah untuk tujuan-tujuan seperti dibawah, iaitu:

    1. Keperluan asas
    2. Kesihatan
    3. Kemakmuran
    4. Kemajuan
    5. Infrastruktur dan pengangkutan

    Justeru, kepada semua Rakyat, terutamanya penyokong UMNO/BN, yang saya harap juga sekali-sekala datang ke blog LKS ini untuk mencungkil pendapat alternatif, bolehkah maklumkan kepada saya bahawa selepas 50 tahun UMNO/BN berkuasa, 5 keperluan diatas telah dilaksanakan dengan jujur, adil, ikhlas dan sempurna?

    Anda tidak perlu berjujur dengan sesiapa juga. Anda cuma perlu berjujur dengan diri sendiri dalam menjawab soalan mudah ini.

    Ratusan billion ringgit Malaysia tidak dapat diketahui penggunaannya, di bank antarabangsa mana ia berada?!?!

    Jikalau satu set “screwdriver” boleh dibeli kerajaan dengan harga yang tak masuk akal, iaitu RM1500 (per set), tahu tahu sajalah apa yang terjadi pada projek-projek lain! Semuanya “terlebih” dari harga yang sepatutnya.

    Oleh yang demikian, sesiapa yang telah undi UMNO/BN pada PRU-12, maaf terlebih dahulu, anda sememangnya bodoh, makan “suap”, dan padan muka sangat. Pak Blah janji minyak tak naik sehingga kurang-kurangnya bulan Ogos, sekarang apa jadi?!!

    Saya geram sangat dengan Rakyat Malaysia yang menyokong UMNO/BN ini. Kerana kamu semualah yang menyebabkan Malaysia ketinggalan 5 tahun lagi dalam perlumbaan Global kini! Kerana kamulah, Malaysia hilang berbillion lagi!

    UMNO/BN seharusnya didenda kerana engkar kemahuan Maha Pencipta, dan denda sewajarnya adalah digulingkan atau DITUKARKAN!!! SEGERA!!!

    Rakyat yang menyokong UMNO/BN juga perlu didenda, dengan membayar minyak RM2.70 seliter kerana salah dalam penilaian kerajaan penipu ini!!!

    Kalau PRU-13, UMNO/BN masih bermaharajalela, terbuktilah “tahap” penilaian dan pemikiran Rakyat Malaysia adalah sangat “naive” dan tidak matang. Saya berdoa “for the best” kepada Malaysia!

  45. in chinese words,they said you killed the dog before negotiations!

    the dog is death,how to negotiate?you mean do a human heart transplant into it?rily stupid idiot bodowi!

    the cabinet and PM cant make drastic decision at such!the rakyat didnt give them the authority to do so,they were just ‘lucky’ to be the federal gomen,afterall,the oppositions’ MPs are half of the total,they must respect our representatives!

    now only they come out with some sort of measurements!they are,again,putting the cart infront the horse,when the horse hit the cart,it will die too!

    they are not fit to be gomen!they do things without serious analysis and thoughts,they follow their feelings,these are creatures,not human,human has brains!they dont give solutions,they give pollutions,worsening the situations!

    resign immediately,all of you BN goons,let the PR manages the administrations for you to enjoy the fruits!

  46. With the minyak going up and other goods and service also going up.. what is next…?? inflation is going to skyrocketing.. (sorry DAP, no offend in using the word skyrocketing)

    If the inflation is going up, the central bank has no choice but to increase BLR to control the inflation. If that happen we might loss our HOME due to NPL…

    My advise on BLR-Free Home Loan in my blog

    Shiok Guy

  47. Hi ShiokGuy, let me tell you the brutal fact, inflation definitely will go up. Here is the formula : Bank’s interest rate = real interest rate + expected inflation rate. Now our present BLR or bank’s interesr rate is 6.75% and present inflation is 4%, the real interest rate is only 3.75% . So this 3.75% is fact the so-called “real return”or profit-margin to the banks. Now , with the present situation, the expected inflation rate will go up to let say 10%. The banks must maintain their profit-margin/return ie the 3.75%. So if we add up the Bank’s return(3.75%) and expected inflation(10%) then you would have a BLR of 13.75% !!!! Now, as a businessman, an increase of 7% interest rate is catastropnic !! A lot of businesses will go bust . Therefore, we can’t run away with foreseeable higher BLR !! Just wait, Bank Negara will annouce it sooner than you think.

  48. Just wonder how would you called yorself briliant people could actually bring down the global oil prices (as its opportunity costs to petronas if not been taken off). Maybe Mr Lim that graduated from Harvard Business School can find a solutions ;)

  49. I doubt if the government will improve our public transport system to that of advanced countries where 70% of the population takes buses or trains. This is because the more efficient the public transport system is, the bigger is the drop in sales for Proton cars!

  50. this is the first time i’m leaving a comment, there is so much of frustration’s in every1’s comments. all sort of treaths. but frankly speaking.. no action..very disappointing….please some1 come up with some plan or realistic idea to force a change…

  51. “Nice if LKS can contact Lee Kaw and get him back to be recogized. Lee Kaw was my class mate…and he did finance DAP…at initial stage.
    He is managing a Shell petrol station in Kluang….if LKS wants to know. Lee Kaw is a simple and truthful man.” – MonsterBall

    FYI, Lee Kaw has no longer manage any petrol station for many years now. He is still in Kluang. Thanks for the kind words. I will send him your regards.

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