Should I cross over for those millions?

by Azly Rahman

That is a two million ringgit question.

How much does one get for ‘crossing over’ these days? I do not know. But if there are millions of ringgit involved, this nation will continue to rot as corrupt politicians continue switching allegiances, getting appointments to good positions, and making horror decisions for you and your children.

We must destroy this culture and heal anew.

We were convinced things will be better after the elections. We were sure that the revolution was going to benefit the masses and no party hopping would occur.

We are wrong. Things are getting more complex, in a complex time of rising prices.

This is my template letter to anyone on the verge of party hopping for money:

Dear sir/madam,

Don’t make this mistake.

Don’t do it if it’s for two million ringgit. Stay to be free, and speak up against internal party corruption.

You will die satisfied that you have not sold your soul to any other party in whose ideology you actually do not subscribe to. These ‘party jumpers’ have no clear intention, just clear benefits for themselves.

Principles not resource

If resource is the issue, think of how you can take your party to newer heights without more money. Make your party appeal to the younger generation. Know your party’s roots and make it dynamic.

You may not have the money, machinery, and the media at your disposal as means to influence the masses, however you have the will. Focus on helping people and problem solving at the grassroots level. ‘Small is beautiful’

Think about the ‘class’ struggle we are in. Prevent a generation of our children from the dehumanisation of a new class system. Worker rights need championing in this globalised economy and you can win them their minimum wage for starters.

Figure out how to deliver what you promised and will promise, and find your place in the party’s equation. Phenomenological questions that can help you understand your existence and purpose. Without it you are just part of a game of hypocrisy.

Don’t flatter yourself with state honours and your finer language. You are not meant to be a ‘yes man/woman’ for powerful people and make others beg for your favour. Politics is about doing societal good not Machiavellian scheming.

A simple life is a virtuous life. Love others and commit yourself to good.

On the question of limited financial resources, here are some thoughts.

Leverage the Internet as a cheap and powerful tool of your campaign, while leaning on traditional methods of appeasing your constituency. Also the SMS system to mirror ‘multilevel marketing’ for effective campaigning.

Brainstorm with the young. Be creative. The greatest tool of human progress is the two pound universe one carries around – the human brain.

Past wisdom

The great soul MK Gandhi did not have much at his disposal yet he brought down the British empire. He was armed with a deep sense of spirituality and the principle of satyagraha.

Ahmad Boestaman, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Dr Ismail, Onn Jaafar, Nik Aziz, Lim Kit Siang, V Rajaratnam, and others have shown us what dignity and ethics mean. Learn from them but enrich these concepts of ethics to meet the needs of changing times without losing sight and vision of political realism. Learn from the many around you who are not servants of money.

However if you are logically convinced that your party is on the road to destruction due to massive corruption amongst its leaders, then by all means leave! You have one life to live – make it the best life, for yourself and for others. At a time when we have entered the world of multiculturalism, do not revert to blind ideology of racism.

Ultimately if you take those millions offered, sit in Parliament making decisions for our children, you will be a major crook who continues to rationalise his or her crookedness. You too will sink with the Bahtera Merdeka. The rakyat will help you sink with your two million, bahtera and all.

71 Replies to “Should I cross over for those millions?”

  1. The living proof is non other that ….the blog owner himself!!
    He could be filthy rich…guaranteed a Minister position….had he crossed over….donkey years ago.
    What a comfortable life…he could have…instead of going to jail…several times… an idiot. Why did he refused bribes and position?
    Is he worst off….than those corrupted politicians?’
    Go ask….all the Chinese…who is Lee Lam Thye. With all his wealth and so call success…do you honestly believe…he is respected and loved by Malaysian Chinese? If so…why…..and if not…why.
    Yes….accepting money…to sell the souls of Malaysians…including their the lowest scums of the earth.. politicians…that ..that person can be.
    Only a handful of scrums of the earth in politics…in Malaysia will do that…and clearly…majority is from one greedy race.
    Ask yourself….who are they…..and with all the ill gotten money…indirectly making Malaysians suffer more….are they respected more? Are they happier? Are they healthier?
    How much does a person need …to live comfortably….with dignity?
    Have not the great Mahatma Gandhi shows us all…..about dignity and principles in life? Was he an idiot…and all those accepting bribes are smarter than him?
    Last but not least…if one accepts bribes…to sell his/her soul away…….please don’t pretend….you believe in a religion.
    It’ simply too much to imagine….you think majority Malaysians are mostly … half past sixes.

  2. Dear YB Lim Kit Siang,

    Greetings to you & do keep up your positive initiatives for Justice to this great nation & the downtrodden rayaat.

    My comments:

    Very well said Dr. Azly Rahman & good comment Monsterball.

    Whilst on this topic, I came across this Star online Citizen’s Blog Posted by: engleberthumpadink :

    Tun Sardon Foundation Website –

    Quote :
    “The Star Online – Citizen’s Blog
    Monday, May 19, 2008
    Regarding the late Tun Sardon Jubir – he was proper brilliant
    Posted by: engleberthumpadink
    I’ve just finished reading the biography of a truly great man. And yet now I’ve finished I feel nothing but sorrow as I look at the people that run the country now.

    Tun Sardon was a man of the people, ok he felt more affinity for the Malays, as he was a kampung boy himself, but the Tun Sardon Foundation that still bears his name was started to help the poor and disabled from all races, without prejudice.

    This man lived and died for Malaysia, his hard work and lifetime of sacrifice produced benifits that each and every Malaysian still feels the effects of now – he was a key player in the Merdeka movement, he personally visited every single hospital in the nation and made sure they were all improved, he oversaw the construction of Stadium Merdeka, the building of the E-W highway, expansion of Port Klang and Penang port, improved telecommunications here, was the UN envoy and pushed forward the development of Penang whilst governor, as well as being involved in charity projects and visiting a different masjid every week in order to be always with the rakyat and hear their problems.

    Here was a man of the people, by his own admission, a man. He came from humble kampung roots – his father worked hard and got together enough money to send him to London to study, even though Sardon was elligable for a grant. Tun Sardon worked every hour god sent as a student, then as a lawyer and after that as a politician.

    He never stood there with his hand out saying, “where’s my one?” he made sure that what he got was earned through hard work, long hours, sweat and campaigning. And yet, when he died, he died in debt. Why? Because he gave it all away to those who were less fortunate.

    Would you believe a government minister giving it all away to the poor and needy? Hmmm, let’s have a look at those so called “elected reprasentatives” who are currently driving the country off the proverbial cliff, would they give away any of their millions? Would they give away all of it?

    Ha ha ha

    Where have all the Tun Sardons gone? Where have all the educated politicians gone? Where has all the kindness and compassion to all races and religions gone? Where have the “elected” leaders who care about something other than their own power and pockets gone?

    Will we ever see his sort again? I sincerely hope so ” unquote.

    The monster that the rayaat chose/elected/created becomes uncontrollable & refuses to listen to the peoples’ sentiment, pleas, etc, to accept criticism, to apologise & correct the situation – in self denial !

    “Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely” – The Greed for Status, Power, Cronies, Supporters & Money !

    To step down gracefully would be POSSIBLE (like Tun Tan Siew Sin , one of our admirable Finance Minister & many others during his time ) if they have Honour, Integrity, Transparency, etc without any Skeletons in their closet…..but with our present Politicians and their “Gravy Train” which they encouraged, WILL NOT ALLOW them an “Honourable Exit”.

    Anytime anyone points their finger at somebody, three fingers are pointed at themselves – Yes, we are the cause of our problems or rather…WE allowed it to happen !

    History has shown us over and over again…but Man never wants to LISTEN & LEARN – as in the Phillipines with Marcos, Indonesia with Suharto, Singapore with LKY & now it is at our doorsteps.

    Each & everyone of the Politicians, Govt servants including us… have a choice to decide.

    Recycled politicians have past histories which might not be acceptable to Head of States, parties , constituencies , our investigative bloggers & the rayaat.

    I personally believe that ultimately God will anoint the True Leaders of this great nation not necessary from any party.

    Who knows…a Phoenix could arise from the ashes of BN as a True Leader for Malaysia & Malaysians!

    Just look at YB LGE, the new CM of Penang. God blessed him (which even he did not expect) for his sufferings & abuse by Man in trying to help the Innocent.

  3. “Cross over” for the sake of money or positions is tantamount to political corruption.

    Genuine “cross over” should not involve personal gain. For example, an MP, driven by conscience and moral obligation, may cross over to effect a change of Federal Government so as to release the people from an oppressive and authoritarian government. In this case, I would consider the MP’s action as genuine and noble as there is no personal gain involved.

  4. Mother Teresa said one can do “great things in little ways”. But we have people here who do little things in great ways.
    There are others, like Ezam, who think that they can only serve effectively by being in UMNO.

  5. It all boils down to the quality of the person. PKR put in a lot of new, untested candidates. It was a windfall to them. I think Anwar is worried about his men/women jumping ship unless he has promised them much more.

    Most politicians are untrustworthy. But I can find some who are credible in DAP. Those who were brought up well by their parents and teachers.

    The Spore system is much better. Future leaders are groomed from a pool of intellectuals. Given scholarships and guidance. They start them young, with ideals and vision.

    Msian politicians are out to make money. In the process, they become racists, bigots. If only we had the brains of LKY and not TDM, our ppl would be far so superior. Our RM would be so much stronger. We have Ministers who talk nonsense practically everyday. Senior Gov officers who don’t know their work. Selected just bcos of their loyalty and not bcos of their capabilties.

    Jump ship? Sure, it will happen.

  6. If a politician, can be bought for RM1 mil, then he can sell anything, next time if this person hold top post say, PM, he may sell Msia (or part of Msia) away. Dangerous or not??
    So, it is sad for Msia! These type of ppl who cross over for money should be thoroughly investigated by ACA ??

  7. I fully agree with max2811’s opinions.

    It takes a lot to lead and it takes a lot more to be honorable and righteous.

    Our current batch of ministers do not exhibit any of these characteristics.

  8. Dear All,

    I have been told that a business built on grace and favour will never stand the test of time. Similarly, if someone from a political party suddenly jump over for a price the person would not hesitate to do likewise to the party he had earlier jumped if things are not going as planned.

    Many would have thought that politicians join the political party of his or her choice due to conviction and belief of the particular party had been and will be fighting for.

  9. Integrity is in itself priceless! Anyone who can be “bought” over is “spiritually bankrupt” and not fit to be a people’s representative anymore. They should very well disqualify themselves for they do not live by principles!!!!

  10. Cheng on soo asks if a person who crosses over for money would be investigated by the ACA. The correct answer is that it depends on which side of the divide one is with before and after.

    If you are with the Opposition and crosses over to BN, then there is no case. Semuanya OK.

  11. Once politicians are in politics for the money, we will always be screwed. But we cant go about blindly judging or making allegations on certain people that they are doing so without any proof. But to the ones who are so obviously doing it, the same goes to the people PROMOTING it, to hell with them! To Azly Rahman, he has always written good and eye opening articles, and thank you LKS for posting this one.

  12. From Merdeka, I have watched the changes in the government and our leaders. The initial batch of them were way above what trash we have now for leaders. Most of the early leaders lived frugally, slept on table tops in classrooms instead of 5 star hotels, wore cotton pants and shirts and ties were luxury. Changes started to happen with the Bersih Amanah Cekap government of Mahathir. A good clean start began to go wrong when money overtook the willingness to serve. Ministers to Menteri Besars, MPs to ADUNs changed the culture of political leadership. Material wealth was worshiped. Where one cycled, it was being driven in Mercs and BMWs, often with escorts. From attap houses we saw the building of mansions.
    The physical development Mahathir promoted saw the decline in morality. We have ministers who should commit harakiri being elevated up the heirachy. Money politics and the whole works of corruption, nepotism and cronyism saw the rise of Billionaires while the poor remained where they were.
    March 8th showed some promise of change. Yet after 3 months, polticians are fighting to stay in power rather than look into the neccessary changes that the rakyat had demanded.
    The rise in the price of petrol gives an opportunity for the rich businesses to hike up prices for greater gains while the poor are told to tighten their belts. How much more can you suffer?
    Meanwhile, elected politicians might be expecting a windfall; a duraian runtoh to change sides. We only hope that Pakatan Rakyat is serious about reforms and working for the rakyat. We do hope that the MPs expected to cross over haven’t been greased.

  13. Couple of years ago, a prominent Professor of Sarawak origin jokingly said to me. “Dayak politicians dirt cheap. If you offer them RM100,000 they will switch party”.

    If they could jump for RM100K, imagine what a million would do. Perhaps that was then – two years ago. Maybe now they are principled lots. But why do you think they run “riot” after being sidelined for a deputy minister post.

  14. “Dayak politicians dirt cheap. If you offer them RM100,000 they will switch party”. ”

    are you joking?? some would throw their grandamothers under the bus for RM1,000 and they are not dayaks.

  15. Whether it is 2 million Ringgit Malaysia or 50 Ringgit Malaysia, the reality speaks louder than being blurish. Behaviour determines action. In this case, it is the behaviour of the population who will influence the politicians. Therefore, Malaysians should know what they need and what they want. There are two types of politicians. One, the ones who are featured heavily in the news. Two, the ones who are unknown and these are the everyday people doing their everyday thing and who are not called to officiate any opening or give any speeches or face the press.

  16. The human body is just a mechanism for us to move around. That’s why GOD gave us a body and soul. When we die, we leave behind our body which then goes back to Mother Earth but our soul lives on. That’s why the saying ‘the kind hearted soul’. Ask ourselves how many of the leaders of yester years we remember, and each time we do it, our heart aches and tears swell in our eyes!!! Would we have the same feelings if any of the present goons DIE??? What sort of name do they want to leave behind when they”re gone??? Am sure even in death are they cursed!!! Even in their daily life, can they go around anywhere they want without fear??? Nothing like YB LKS sitting alone in a coffee shop enjoying his cup of drink and seeing people passing him greeting him ‘hi Mr Lim’ and he acknowledges and replies.
    Illgotten money, is the root of all evil,( will they be happy,healthy, fearless and blessed from this sort of materialistic gains.) Money from blood, sweat and tears tastes good, enriching and blessed (even in life and death).

  17. What are these guys up to? Aren’t we in the process of stamping out corruption? These guys have begun to go astray and it is back to square one. What happened to all the promises to us the rakyat on poverty eradication, economic recovery, enhancing agriculture for food self-sufficiency, the rising cost of living..etc etc.. Are these guys still in slumberland or what ????????

    Anwar should rightfully concentrate on fulfilling all his pre-election promises to us the rakyat and cease from marketing for cross-overs. He should be thankful that the Almighty Allah has given him a second chance. There wont be a third chance and this time the fall will be disastrous and disgraceful.

    Take example of our PAS guys. They have already started their work and endeavouring their utmost to help the people and they could not care a damn about any ninkompoop crossing over.



  18. Good to know DAP is Finally approaching Muhiddin and Razaleigh to join DAP….make a LAW that every NEW PM from Barisan Rakyat Malaysia United is one term PM or 5 years Max until 2035.

    DAP needs to start playing the political game apart from the finger pointer or watch dog game. Don’t waste this opportunity as we know these 2 UMNO do not see Anwar eye to eye.

    Don’t be like Anwar offering them a no dignity carrot by saying INTERIM……Just tell them DAP will support as FULL PM. Give them dignity and tell these 2 it is for a better Malaysia in the face of the WORLD’S worst coming economic TSUNAMI we have ever seen!!

    Make no mistake that DAP supports Freedom of Religion, Freedom from Racism, Freedom from ISA and freedom of Press……time to set apart from the others…….Bring more Malay into DAP…..for a better Malaysia!!!

    Ask MB Nizar of Perak to Join DAP too……start making moves NOW.

    Who says Lompat is no good…..its all relative as long as it is for a better Malaysia!!

  19. B R E A K I N G N E W S!!

    Obama clinches the Democratic nomination for U.S. President – and is on his way to become the first African-American President, the first in its 200 plus years history!!!

    Will Malaysia see the first Deputy Prime Minister II who is a non-Malay this year???

  20. In the larger society 95% of people would seek employment, venture into professions and business for money, power and status to enhance their self interest and interest of immediate family so why should we expect people who go into politics, as a class, to have different motivations???

    The fact that public office is a position of trust and political leaders are expected to be custodian of public welfare upholding truth, justice and principle – and the best in the values of a society – is, at best, an aspiration and will not (speaking generally) change the above equation in the nature of man and prevent abuse of power ….

    The average citizen should be realistic and hold a healthy cynicism of politics and politicians – whether in ruling government or opposition. Adopting a holier-than-thou attitude does not help especially when we can do no better than our politicians if we, ourselves, as their critics and detractors, drop our other vocational pursuits to enter into politics. In no time, the majority of us too will succumb to the blandishment of positions and power and indulge in political speak – promising a bridge even where there is no river, talking one thing and doing another…

    It is not just that power provides opportunity to make money and everyone but the exceptional abjures it; it is also the system – to vie for public office, get support, principles alone will not get you there…you need to spend money and once you attain office it would be easy to think of how to make it back – return on investment, so to speak!

    Generally I would imagine the problem may be mitigated only if the following conditions prevail:-

    1. the rakyat are better educated, which includes being inculcated the right values appreciating the difference between what is right and fair from that which is not, the importance of responsibility in public office and the power that it vests. This is important because they are the ones who elect politicians; they are the pool from which politicians are drawn and recruited and are a mirror reflection. If rakyat prioritize race, money, power and status, can one reasonably expect their politicians to be any different? If rakyat indolent and not vigilant of their rights, if they are not politically conscious and not seek fruitful political involvement, even as a voter and contributor to public opinion and discourse, can pone reasonably expect their politicians not try to abuse positions and get away with it?

    2. Politicians are drawn from those who are very rich so at least they enter into politics for other motives than to make money – or they are paid very well and as recompense face strict enforcement against corruption;

    3. Institutions of check and balance are in place : free press to expose abuse of power, separation of powers – 3 branches of govt (judiciary, executive & Parliament), state from federal govt, elections at both levels, mechanism to recruit quality people to serve in ACA, AG Chambers, judiciary etc who will not selectively enforce the agreed laws and rules of society.

    Everything begins with 1. above. This is why blogs in general, and this one in particular, have a part to play in grass root development of the above conditions. When people are not educated or vigilant of their rights, when the society is not homogenous, with people of different races, religion and culture, all suspicious of the other, it becomes particularly hard to democratize and generate the above conditions. The universal quest for money, power and status will prevail instead.

  21. Just imagine the scenario. For the better part of your live, you join the legions of people having to get up early in the morning, tolerate the massive jams to clock in to work, take the rubbish from a boss who is not better than you but who evaluates whether you deserve that promotion that eludes you because some other colleagues who politik or apple polish better stole your credit… At home your wife incessantly complain that basic food prices are getting higher, the family car need to be changed, the annual vacation, the mechanic is ripping you off with hefty bill, and your children, there are four of them, they all need tuition fees, donations to school, they want to study overseas etc You live a life of quiet desperation. Of course you blame your boss, politicians, the system, sometimes your deceased parents for not giving your munificent bequests. Then one day you got to know some bigwigs who offered you a seat to contest, and on March 8th you won even though you were a novice. Then someone in BN offers you RM4 million to cross over with a promise of positions that in turn would rake in more money. Wa this seems a panacea of all ills. Life is no more quiet desperation. Your hated boss and colleagues have to address you as YB! Would you not cross over just because of some abstract principles of fighting for the rakyat’s interest? I want to ask what have the rakyat done for you to justify your foregoing of an opportunity of elevating the financial interest and standard of living of your immediate loved ones, whether spouse, children or aged parents who have been standing by you in taking the hard knocks of life?? Would the rakyat save you if you fight for them like what Hindraf leaders did and why are they still languishing in Kamunting??? Can you change things for the better just because you have principles, especially in pond of politics, as you climb higher, only the scum float to the top and they will eat you if you don’t horse trade and if you whisper as much as the word “principle”? Being opportunistic, you can make an immediate difference to lives of your loved ones. Which would you choose? You want to save your soul – but you also wonder where it would go.

  22. Thanks to the internet and blogging the rakyat are more engaging in politics. The result of the recent GE12 clearly shows that the people are not afraid to vote for the oppositions.
    What one find also lacking in our politicians are their moral responsibilties in public offices.
    Those incompetant politicians should take responsibilities to resign when caught with their pants down or other abuses.

  23. The problem here, is we never change fed govt, so the words opp, always = PR, etc. ruling always = BN,
    If in other countries with normal change of govt every 1 or 2 or 3, election, politicians hv to think more carefully, if he cross for money, who know, one day, the party he crossed over may become opp. then, he may be investigated by Anti corrupt….
    Here, ppl always think it is 100% safe to cross from opp to ruling party, what more, with big windfall of $$$.

  24. What Jeffrey said above is most depressing although generally true. How then should we proceed from here. Democracy does not work, people are generally greedy (and I certainly disagree with him that the rich are less greedy by his observation that the rich enter “politics for other motives than to make money”), people are generally ungrateful of the sacrifice made by their leaders, and most people are not aware or well “educated” enough to exercise their political rights.

    I think we must all realise that we are not striving for a perfect system. Weaknesses and rotten apples are everywhere. I think what we are aiming for is a reasonable working system that the majority can depend on. Of the so many things you said, the one thing I can relate most is to quicken the process of strengthening our governance institutions to ensure transparency, checks and balance, and independence. The rest I think will properly have to take a little more time but they are not and should not be totally hopeless as you implied.

    I think we can all generally look to Singapore as an example although many probably may disagree as well. But to me it is a government that generally works for the majority of the people. Government leaders there are generally accountable and earn their upkeep although democracy principles as we understood are not the most robust there.

    So the next question we need to ask is how and why Singapore Government works? Is it leadership? If so, what will Singapore be like after MMLee and the present PM? How do they choose potential leaders for leadership positions? How do they select potential candidates to stand for election?

    One observation I have, if I am not mistaken, is that Singapore has an elaborate process to wipe out potential rotten apples before these people have to opportunity to hold leadership positions and hence do damage to the system. They only pick people who have proven themselves in terms of competence, knowledge and integrity to stand for election for example. This is unlike our system here where almost anybody get to stand as a candidates and we will only talk about controlling corruption and abuse of power after these people have been voted in as MPs or have become ministers or deputies. To me it is easier to prevent a rotten apple from becoming a leader than to remove a rotten apple after he/she has become a leader.

    I can sense the feeling of futility to talk about reform, transparency, and accountability when so many of our leaders at various levels have chequered past. I think most of us know the problems, but we need to debate and discuss more on how we go about to get that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow rather than just discussing there is a pot of gold there for us to take but it is rather difficult to reach there.

  25. While some may say spore govt works, but remeber, their ministers MP, are among the highest paid in the world as compare with ministers in other countries,
    spore govt concept, if want good leaders (minister, MP etc) pay them well officially. punish if corrupt (no play play). their anti corruption really means business !

  26. Good education, indeed, is one of the desired asset of a good leader.. But if our ‘kampong’ kids are being educated by ‘half backed’ religious teachers, how the hell can we gat away from these brain washing at an early age?

  27. the truth is our politicians look upon public office as a chance to make money for themselves. the spoils of office is what they are after.

    you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to know that.

  28. It is true that rich people are not necessarily above greed – for some the richer, the greedier – and therefore the possession of personal wealth is not an absolutely verifiable benchmark to weed out greedy politicians.

    However, there is an element there that when you are already rich legitimately either from inheritance, work or business, why would you seek public office and power to get richer bearing in mind that holding such office subject your acts and behaviour to public scrutiny and criticism?

    Here we assume a degree of truth to Abraham Maslow’s theory of hierarchy of needs when lower basic physiological needs that money provide are satisfied one ascends to the apex needs for esteem and actualisation including something one can be remembered and honoured by people…..

    This is one of the basis of Lee Kuan Yew’s position to attract able men to government, pay ministers handsomely so that they have no excuse to abuse their position and come down hard on them if they do so. “ Low salaries will draw in the hypocrites who sweet talk their way into power in the name of public services, but once in charge will show their true colour, and ruin the country. …” so the Senior Minister opined….

    Notwithstanding it is not easy to generalise : take for example JF Kennedy or Winston Churchill. They came from well to to do families and they sought public office for glory or to make the difference. You reflect on our leaders, present and past, find out their financial background and see whether there is an element of truth here…

    Hoever as I said, there may well be poor politicians who were/are exemplary – Mahatma Ghandi, Nelson Mendela, Abraham Lincoln but here again we do not know whether they were great because of honest principles or events during that time gave them an opportunity to make a mark!

    Fact is many factors play on the equation. Leadership is a combination of strategy and character (yes these play in part) but there must also exist events ie upheaval, change, opportunity and tumultuous happenings that provide context and opportunity to bring to surface such innate qualities – in the absence of which, even some such leaders may get lazy and spend his time thinking of ways and means to fritter the national coffers and self aggrandize himself and cronies…

    However on a standalone basis, there is some logic in what Singapore government does – make their ministers financially well off so that they have one less motivation to use public office for self enrichment.

  29. It has to be stressed that it is illogical to contend that money incentives alone for political leaders and ministers are sufficient to uphold integrity of governance.

    There are people with talent or wealth but without scruples. So indeed one cannot ignore character and past record of his dealings with people in his work no more than one could ignore talent etc. Neither can one ignore the necessity of political will to enforce laws strictly against corruption. However with the operation not one but combination of several mutually reinforcing factors ie –

    · criteria of character & integrity, existence of talent in choice of government ministers (because these are essential attributes to foster pride in one’s work)

    · strict enforcement of laws against corruption,

    · then financial rewards for ministerial positions may on standalone basis have a part to play to lessen or rather ‘mitigate’ as distinct from obliterate entirely the motivation to exercise ministerial discretion to make money for oneself….

  30. I forget that the top leader is also important. He sets the tone and style for the rest of the flock to follow – leadership by example so to speak. If one has a top leader of impeccable integrity, his example and his style and values will permeate and broaden down to the rest and things may turn better (if he is not ousted that is by the baddies). Or vice versa.

  31. We can fall back on the “good will triumph over evil”, “the pen is mightier than the sword” and some other equally wise sayings. But the truth is Malaysian Politicians from the ruling parties have always been corrupted and becoming a Malaysian Politician is the sure road to wealth and power.
    Heck, come to think of it, being a government official is also one way to get your hands into the cookie jar. How many times have we came across or heard of government officials getting their wealth through their position in the service? I have heard (better not say “know” due to implication) of government prosecutors who never or hardly win any major court cases which runs into the millions. Why?? Simple really!…These unscrupulous prosecutors teach the defendants how to win the case…at a fee of course!..and hey presto! The case is thrown out due to some technicality.

    The majority of us Malaysians still have a long way to being educated on good governance. We are still at the basic stage where racial, emotions, and religion play a major role in picking our politicians. In most parts, our Malaysian political arena is still very hierarchic with money, title, and power having significant influence over selection of political candidates. As long as this persists, changes in our political pattern will be slow and long in coming. Opposition parties, like the DAP and perhaps the PKR, help hasten the process, but it’s still going to be a long and bumpy road. Perhaps in another two generations can the Bangsa Malaysia become a reality…but then it is still a “Perhaps!”.

  32. Well, it is well known fact that Singapore paid its minister million in salary to do an outstanding job, and Singaporeans are contented with the performances so far with only few (opposition parties) objections. But will the salary scheme amounted to million of dollars annually can be justify in the future is a question mark. Singaporeans are not thinking people when it comes to politic.

  33. But do you agree with me that we must have a robust system that prevent rotten people from seeking political office? In other words, we pre-select them first before we allow them to contest for positions. As I said, it is easier to prevent rotten people from assuming positions than to remove rotten people after they have got into positions of power and influence. I think Singapore’s stringent democracy is before the election – how they identify, nurture and inculcate men and women of character and ability for public offices. They probably studied and watched them for years before putting them forward for contest.

    In the name of democracy and equality, we allow almost anybody to contest, never mind some of these have proven nothing in their life. Within the context of our populace which you yourself have alluded to as uneducated and undiscerning, it is important that people allowed to contest for office must be screened first – what they do for a living, their background, education, their achievements and accomplishment etc.

    Given our present system, I think there is totally no basis to assume that the moment someone is a MP or ADUN, he/she must be cleverer or wiser or has greater ability and energy.

  34. Singapore is probably many years ahead of us in term of economic development but they are many years behind Malaysia in term of political development. Of course, Singapore’s achievement is something we should emulate, but surely its one party system is a no no to us.

  35. Singaporeans are not eager to find out if the Lees are among the super rich families in the world because they already know the answer, but shouldn’t they be eager to find out just how much the Lees made from governing the tiny country?

  36. Jeffrey,
    You have written extensively about the role of eduction play in shaping leadership and type of government in a nation.Whilst I agree to a large extent with what you have written I feel it is the prevailing political system that is the most important factor determining how well a country is governed.If you have a dictatorship,the chances are the country will be robbed and abused by the dictator (eg Mugabe’s Zimbabwe,Sierra Leone,Haiti etc) unless of course it is ruled by a benevolent dictator.On the other hand if you have a free press,a vibrant opposition party which is a government in waiting and an independent judiciary then the people of that nation can expect their government to be transparent,not to abuse power and their rights protected eg New Zealand, Australia , Norway etc. A system is most important more important than depending on the performance of an outstanding leader.We can expect the citizens of New Zealand to have their governments ruling transparent and non abusive in their exercise of power for years to come. It is a sustainable system.
    Whereas in the case of Singapore, it is not sustainable. Whilst Harry Lee is alive all is well with Singapore for LKY stands no nonsense But what happens when he departs from the scene.Who is to say that corruption will not surface there? Who says that highly educated men wouldn’t be corrupt. Paul Getty sums up best the true nature of man when he says ‘Every man has a price.’. Beautifully done for here is a wise and worldly who knows that greed is the culprit for the downfall of man.

  37. Correction:’You have written extensively on the role education plays in shaping
    leaders and type of government in a nation.’.

    ‘We can expect the citizens of New Zealand to have their government ruling transparently and non abusively in their exercise of power for years to come.The system they have guarantees it and is sustainable.’.

  38. 2 more mistakes. “Whilst Harry Lee is alive …………for LKY stands no nonsense as far as corruption goes.”.

    ‘ Beautifully expressed for here is a wise and worldly man who knows that greed is the culprit for the downfall of man.’.

  39. In response to AhPek’s post Today at 14: 21.08 (1 hour ago) –
    it is not a simple measurement of which is more important for the Cause of Good Governance/Democracy – role of education in shaping leadership and type of government or the prevailing political system!

    Although the prevailing political system moulds people’s behaviors, practices, and norms, it is also true – more so – that the people’s behaviors, practices, and norms also mould their voting of political candidates, their demand of what is expected of political standards of public officers, in short the political system itself and changes thereof.

    Ultimately, the people’s behaviors, practices, and norms are the final arbiter of the political system you get, and by reason that the more important of the two in terms of sustainability of good political practices. There must be check & balance. The most effective check is Rakyat themselves.

    And that’s where education of rights and what constitutes political civic and fair practices become important.

  40. Off topic. Just heard, petrol price increase effective midnight by 50sen. I can imagine the response from the ordinary ppl. If the country had been governed better, our natural resources could have offset any price increase in commodities.

    We could hv enjoyed a better quality of life, better pay, higher productivity, stronger currency. All bcos of the racists UMNO/BN gov.

  41. ///Singapore’s achievement is something we should emulate, but surely its one party system is a no no to us/// – dawsheng.

    The achievement is because of Human Capital. Singapore scours for political talent to fill the posts of ministers, civil servants and even PAP cadres…Basic degree is also not enough; must have first class honours, double degrees etc and if that’s not enough long for those who besides having these qualifications also have experience in running successfully conglomerates and corporations…

    What we have is an elitist system, Singapore being small place easy to micro-manage, big brain-power on a small place will bring forward disproportionate achievement. This form of recruitment of political talent is unique – I doubt it is replicated elsewhere….

    Whilst it works for Singapore up to an extent, the question however is, for how long, and at what price long term in this Globalised era???

    The question is what is “talent” and in particular political talent….A person replete with academic qualifications has a disciplined mind to analyze, dissect, synthesize and draw logical conclusions but are logical conclusions the right conclusions? Will a good technocrat or administrator of a conglomerate necessarily translate to good CEO for the country? Sometimes so and sometimes not.

    The danger is when recruiting talent they also look for those whose behaviors, practices, values and norms are similar to those held by the ruling class. There is little room for diversity and contrariety. Will guys who show promise of an independent mind – to question the prevailing thinking and criticize policies of the ruling class be recruited? I doubt so.

    Lee Kuan Yew himself said that “if we continue to reproduce ourselves in lop-sided way, we will be unable to maintain our present standards…” Aren’t they reproducing themselves by this recruitment method?

    How can there be not one party system when their system work that way? In many ways the achievement is also because of the one party system where the put all the brain power into something and there is no effective opposition or impediment.

    That is fine in Singapore but how do this elitist system and elite work with others outside? Are they streetwise enough?

    Take two or three examples.

    S’pore agreed with China in 1994 to build a giant $30 billion industrial park in the eastern Chinese city of Suzhou to serve as a model for attracting foreign investment to the world’s most populous nation. Five years later, the venture was heavily in debt — undermined and outwitted by local mayor & officials who set up a rival park close by, forcing Singapore to cut its interests in the original project. Many said it was greed. Singaporeans priced products high, locals who supplied land envied, and did their own show!

    The other Thai Danu Bank, Singapore expertise did all due diligence, bought the bank, forgot about asset quality and the potential Non Performing loans that suddenly mushgroomed a year or two down the road causing them to throw in some more money until it is not worth to “tahan” further and they sold it to military bank. Temaek’s acquisition of Thaksin’s Shin Corp. also ran into problems on the PR side as locals allege ”Our country has become a colony of Singapore.”

    The “I know better” & “go by law” attitude without regard to local nuances and sensitivities run into problems in Indonesia where SingTel (having lots of money) purchased majority control in the two biggest cellular companies in Indonesia. It is now in legal battle against Indonesia Competition (Anti-Trust) regulator that ruled against it owning directly or indirectly.

    I agree that these examples may be selective – I have not, for example, heard anything adverse of their acquisition of Dao Heng bank in order to gain access to the Hong Kong banking market – but they are points to ponder.

    One thing I must give to these technocrats. They make mistakes by being not that streetwise but they learn fast not to repeat them. :)

  42. From NST online, 3/6/08 6.00 p.m.

    [ BREAKING NEWS: Petrol will be RM2.70 a litre at midnight tonight
    The new price of petrol is RM2.70 per litre beginning midnight tonight, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi announced just a moment ago. The 78 sen hike or 40 per cent increase is still below the antiticpated RM4 per litre price projected earlier and among the cheapest in Asia.]

    This increase would burden many (or most) ordinary people on the street.

    There will be chain reaction from this increase , for example :

    1.Transportation cost increase, leading to increase of price in all goods.

    2. National Car producer, PROTON may face closure threat – PROTON’S position already weak; the increase of 40% in fuel price make many people can afford to run a car (especially lower income group. Proton buyers come from this group)

    3.Poor PARENT now have too chose between using money to buy food or using it for children education expenses – a difficult choice . indeed!

    4. Many families live in poverty – this is really bad !

    5. Crime rate would increase

    6. Many small businesses facing closure due to overly high operating cost, resulting an increase in unemployment rate too.

    7. The government tax collection would be reduced too -because many companies closed down.

    8. PEOPLE force will bring down the government.

    Now due to this new development, if MPs from BN jump ships for the sake of Rakyats, it is acceptable……. if that s the only option available…

    The government should stop the NATIONAL SERVICE PROGRAM- use the money to help the poor rakyat instead!

    and don’t waste money another SPACE TOURIST! Help the Rakyat, instead of wasting RAKYAT’S money….

  43. Greetings! All

    This is something we’re expecting and it’s happened in view of the lumpish government who does only know to steal from the “Rakyat”.

    This is the only measurement they can figure out whereas the subsidiary of minyak goes to Najib and Petronas enjoy the strong profits.

    Thanks to UMNO.

  44. Well, thanks to voters who still loved BN so much in PRU12, and voted them back to hold the power to decide on petrol prices.

    Now we all have to pay the price for decision made by fools.

  45. “But do you agree with me that we must have a robust system that prevent rotten people from seeking political office? In other words, we pre-select them first before we allow them to contest for positions.” limkamput

    Who is “we”??

    The present practice is for the ruling party’s national leadership to nominate the candidates – not the people. The electorate has no role in their selection.

    You know of a better way?

  46. The present practice is for the ruling party’s national leadership to nominate the candidates – not the people. The electorate has no role in their selection.
    You know of a better way? undergrad2

    This is something that all of us need to discuss further. Of course if the leadership is trustworthy, then it is likely good men and women will be selected to stand for election or for leadership positions. I know it is a party’s national leadership that nominates the candidates. But if the leadership is rotten then the nomination is likely to result in rotten candidates being selected. Another way is for the educated or more informed people (like yourself) to jointly petition the party leadership to adhere to certain minimum criteria before a person can be qualified as a candidate. It may be elitist, but given our vast majority of “uneducated” and undiscerning populace, this may be one way.

    Like many others here, I am entitled to throw the ideas around and it is up to you to add further if you feel that my idea is incomplete. Sometimes given the time and space constraints I have not really explained clearly what was in my mind. But if you want to know more about what I stand for, may be you can visit: I have just started out and so far I have written a few pieces again without much thinking. If you disagree please tell me there.

  47. ‘There must be check and balance.The most effective checkis the Rakyat themselves.’. Jeffrey.

    How very true but I differ in that that effective check has to come from a system of check and balance that is to say the most effective check would have to come from a system which is non monolithic (such as a 2 or more party system whereby there is always a party which is the government in waiting), a free press and a fiercely independent judiciary.You have it in New Zealand,you have it in Norway, you have it in Australia,United States,Britain.Sure you may have corruption here and there or maybe some abuse of power but it would be unearthed sooner or later.Thus I don’t think you’ll ever find for example Britain descending to the likes of Mugabe’s Zimbabwe.
    A monolithic one party state such as the former communist states are incredibly
    corrupt (because of its multi-layered bureaucracy) and also incredibly abusive of power.Russia ,for example, at its height has a fantastic high literacy rate if I am not mistaken 99%more literate than all of western democracy.It is the iron curtain whereby one hardly know about its corruption as well as its abuse of power.After she has opened up to the outside world people has come to know of its corruption.In fact during the period Gorbachev went around bandying his concept ofperestroika, the Kazakhs were fighting for independence and lying in the streets of Almaty (the biggest city in Kazakhstan where the administrative centre was). Gorbachev ordered his tank units to run them over and the world knew nothing about this incident (Russia is iron curtain).It is believed that Deng Xiaoping got his idea from this episode when he ran his tanks over students at Tiananmen Square!!

  48. Correction:’Russia,for example, ………………………………………..a fantastically high literacy rate if I am not mistaken 99%, more literate than all of the western democracy.

  49. Dear Bumi non Malay,

    I refer to your posting with regards on DAP had invited Muhyiddin and Tunku Razaleigh to join DAP. If that invitation had ever taken place, there is nothing to stop these 2 people to join DAP.

    But the pricing can be political suicide. They will likely be seen as becoming allies of a political party that interests clashes with that of the Malays. These 2 gentlemen won on UMNo’s ticket. Should they join DAP( God forbid) , they should vacate the seats. Then , as goes the Malay’s saying ” Baru tahu langit tinggi rendah”.

    With regards to “Godfather’s remarks, perhap I should enlighten you on the much abused “Umnoputras”. Who are they? Well, for a start kindly do check the lists of those who received scholarships . They includes many MPS froms PKR, PAS not to mention thousands of vernacular schools who are funded by the UMNO led govt. Yes, sir. The very vernacular schools that maybe your children are studying there. You know these types of schools are actually a rarity in this planet. How come you allow separate schools, my Canadian, Indonesian, Thai and Singaporean friend asked me .

    As for Reform Malaysia, perhaps you could advise the govt on how to find RM56 billion to cater for subsidy. If you are able to provide the fund or any reasonable solution to stop the ever increasing global oil price, you can be assured PM Abdullah will implement your “advices”.

  50. One of the advice for PM is to spend wisely the saving derived from the removal of subsidies. Please just look at the budget and find out where most of the money goes. Look at the expenditure on transfers to statutory bodies, GLCs, good for nothing development banks like Agro bank, bank industri, infrastructure banks, this tabung and that tabung. At least fuel subsidies go directly to the people. Other expenditure by the govt go to all the cronies like Shamshul Anuar may be.

  51. Dear Shamshul,
    With the spiraling increase and world records on the global crude oil price , the subsidy was unsustainable. The government is caught between a rock and a hard place. The early GE12 preceding the announcement of the increase is inevitable otherwise the UMNO led government may not even got that simple majority. The PM has to be brave for taking this unpopular measures which is bringing it to his knees.

    What is the government doing in encouraging the people to use alternative fuel and vehicles that uses less fuel ? In EU , they were company tax cuts and other incentives to use hybrid and diesel power cars so as to reduce the reliant on petrol fuel.
    Is the government going to encourage the use of more diesel cars here which is cleaner and more environment friendly and most importantly gets 50% more mileage to the litre.
    For starters, the government can do away with those exorbitant road tax and company tax for diesel and hybrid cars.
    How much effort has our government put into our national car industries in developing these technologies.
    In fact most major car manufacturer has their diesel variant and their production is expected to overtake their petrol cousins soon.
    In the US, General Motors is closing 4 of its 4×4 and SUV vehicles plants. They already foresee the slowdown on these vehicles.

    How much of the saving in subsidy is plough back into transports and utilities companies to soften the impacts on the poor and needy ? The rebates, will it be open to abuse ?

  52. Dear Mr. Shamshul,
    If the country has been governed by capable ppl and not racists and bigots, our country would have been so much better. Well positioned to face any global price increase.

    If our currency has been stronger, it will make imported things cheap. If our transport system has been better, less ppl will need cars. If our education system has been fair, no bright Msians would have to go overseas to study.

    But if you still say the Gov. is very fair already in giving citizenships to non Malays/Muslims, vernacular schools to Chinese and Indians, then I have nothing to say to you. Because you are part of the political system that has impoverished the nation.

    Yes, the price increase is inevitable. But we could have been in a better position to face it. Not like now when most of the country’s riches go to the pockets of UMNObrats like you.

  53. Do away with oil subsidy,
    do away with car import, excise, sales, AP, road tolls etc, etc
    do away all corruption, wasteful projects, negotiated contracts, wasteful educ. policies, ‘kulitfication’ etc, etc

  54. “Do away with oil subsidy,
    do away with car import, excise, sales, AP, road tolls etc, etc
    do away all corruption, wasteful projects, negotiated contracts, wasteful educ. policies, ‘kulitfication’ etc, etc”

    Pak pandi is following Cao Cao stance.

  55. One of the goals of this hefty price increase in petrol is to encourage PR MPs and state assemblymen to cross over to BN – to become a member of the BN elite who enjoys free transport (state maintained car).

  56. Dear Max2811,

    My point is very simple. Sometimes, those who play with racial sentiments are the loudest condemning others. Jugding from what these people wrote, there are nothing good what UMNO or Govt did.

    UMNO is ridiculed by people like you who claimed Govt’s policiues only benefitting UMNOputras. You should check the lists of those receiving scholsrshiups. You would be surprised that they come from varied spectrums.

    Several years ago, Dr Mahathir tried Wawasan School concepts. Expectedly, Lim Kit siang and DAP scared The Chinese that it was a ploy to eradicate vernacular schools.

    I do agree with suggestions on a more efficient public transport. What I do not accept is venomous attacks hidden behide freedom of expression

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