Abdullah’s “goodies” on Sabah/Sarawak grouses – satisfied?

May 31, 2008 20:32 PM

Fed Devt Dept Scrapped, Cabinet Committee On Illegal Immigrants Formed – Abdullah

KOTA KINABALU, May 31 (Bernama) — The 17-year wait by state government leaders to scrap the Sabah Federal Development Department ended Saturday when Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi announced the good news.

Following the abolition with immediate effect, Sabah State Development Office would handle the Prime Minister’s special allocations and monitor implementation and progress of federal government projects.

Abdullah, who met state government leaders and senior state government officials, also announced the formation of a cabinet committee on illegal immigrants to be chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to discuss and solve the perennial illegal immigrants’ problem in the state.

The committee, comprising several Sabah leaders, would seek solutions to the problem, particularly foreigners holding the “IMM13” a document in lieu of passport issued by the Immigration Department to Filipino refugees which permits them to remain in Sabah, he told a media conference.

The prime minister also announced a RM1 billion allocation from the prime minister’s special allocation to be distributed according to development requirements in Sabah and the appointment of Sabah-born Professor Datuk Kamaruzaman Ampong as the new vice-chancellor of Universiti Malaysia Sabah would take effect on June 18.

Yusuf Saringgit, another Sabah-born was appointed to an important post. He was named the new Sabah Federal Financial Officer effective Sunday.

He also announced that a 300MW (Megawatt) power station would be built in Kimanis, Papar, under a joint venture with Petronas and Sabah Foundation.

State Barisan Nasional (BN) component party leaders, who met Abdullah here on April 17, had unanimously asked for the abolition of the Sabah Federal Development Department and its operations be placed directly under the state government’s supervision.

The department was set up in January 1991 under the Implementation Coordination Unit in the Prime Minister’s Department when Sabah was governed by Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) which was then in the Opposition.

PBS pulled out from BN in July 1990 but was readmitted into the coalition on Feb 23 2002. The department was established to plan, coordinate and monitor implementation of federal government development projects in Sabah.

At the press conference Saturday, Abdullah explained that he decided to abolish the department after considering the state government’s request.

With the abolition of the department, the Sabah State Development Office has been established with the same roles and functions with that of the state development offices in other states.

With the abolition, officers and staff, about 70 per cent of whom are locals, would be transferred to district offices, with their emolument totalling RM1.69 million a year, borne by the federal government, he said.

The Sabah Federal Development Department has four divisions — administration and finance, planning, coordination and implementation and technical.

Besides the head office in Kota Kinabau, it has branch offices in Kudat, Sandakan, Tawau, Kota Belud and Beaufort and a sub-office in Keningau under the administration of the Beaufort office.

From 1996 to 1999, the department received allocations totalling RM770.83 million from several ministries and federal departments to implement various development projects in the state.

Under the Ninth Malaysia plan, Sabah has been allocated RM20.1 billion to carry out various infrastructure and social development projects including eradicating hardcore poverty by 2010.

The allocation was supposed to be channelled through the Sabah Federal Development Department.

Following scrapping of the department and increased roles and functions of the district offices in Sabah, Abdullah said district officers and assistant district officers would be given additional management training by the Public Service Department in efforts to strengthen the district offices.

On the illegal immigrants’ problem, the prime minister said the setting up of the higher-level committee was necessary as it was a major problem and was not easy to settle.

Local political leaders and opposition parties had voiced concerns over the illegal immigrants’ problem and they wanted the federal government to set up a royal commission of inquiry to get to the bottom of the issue and come up with the best solution.

The illegal immigrants’ issue was the main campaign material of the opposition parties in the last general election.

On Wednesday, Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman said arrests of illegal immigrants were continuing and last year alone, a total of 26,332 of them were rounded up and 18,707 deported.

Between January and March this year, 5,256 illegals were detained and 4,089 were sent back to their country of origin.

Musa estimated that there are 440,000 illegals in Sabah, of whom 230,000 are foreign workers, 80,000 Filipino refugees and 130,000 illegal immigrants.

To address the illegal immigrants’ issue, the National Security Council had increased the number of temporary detention centres in Sabah from three to five — in Papar and Sandakan.

Abdullah, who is also Finance Minister, said the additional RM1 billion allocation for Sabah was approved by the Cabinet to expedite development in rural areas with infrastructure projects for parliamentary constituencies.

The prime minister also said a masterplan for the development of downstream petroleum and petrochemical industries would be drawn up for Sabah.

Abdullah also reminded the state government to speedily approve big-scale agriculture development projects especially projects associated with the food security plan and projects for renewable energy sources.

Asked on his aspirations following abolition of the Federal Development Department, he said: “I hope with this change what the Sabah people wanted with regard to channelling of funds will benefit them.”

“I also hope district offices will increase their efficiency,” he said, referring to the additional workload shouldered by the offices with the channelling of funds for development projects through the offices.

Meanwhile, the Implementation Coordination Unit (ICU) said a panel, jointly chaired by the state secretary and Sabah Federal Secretary, had been set up to streamline functions said to be overlapping with the federal and state agencies.

It also explained that the “Focus Group” on poverty established by the government in efforts to wipe out abject poverty and reduce poverty rate would focus on poverty eradication in Sabah and Sarawak.

The census on hardcore poor and poor families is expected to be completed in June.

To ensure balanced distribution of allocations, the government through ICU would use a new distribution formula based on population, size of state/district, level of development of a state and poverty rate.

This formula would be used for development allocations to be disbursed, the ICU said in a statement.


87 Replies to “Abdullah’s “goodies” on Sabah/Sarawak grouses – satisfied?”

  1. In Boleh Land…..all will be NATO (No Action Talk Only)…However..I think it will be enough for the Kataks to hold their hourses for now.

    I think our PM will sleep better for the next few months to come.

  2. With the remover of SFDD , now Musa Aman , BN ministers and their cronies will be laughing all the way to the Banks . There will be no real development unless all development projects are ascribed with “CAT” – as been inpelemented in Penang and scrutinise , participate by NGO and opposition parties. There are simply too much crooks inside the BN.

  3. Abdullah has given 60% of what they wanted.The rest will be thought of seriously as it might affect the other states.Sabahans should sleep peacefully and should not think of crossing over.The Federal government had been stretched and any more goodies depends on their performance.Abdullah had done his homework well and so we should salute him.No need to resign.Stay put and direct the country till the next term.The contenders to work hard and show why the change should occur.

  4. A cabinet committee on illegal immigrants chaired by Najib? Sheesh! Fat lot of good that will do. What about the proposed royal commission on Project Sabah ? Our Sabah MPs must support YB Lim Kit Siang to push for an independent royal commission that will bare all and not settle for a political committee that will whitewash Umno’s dirty linen. You can all see the difference between a committee and a royal commission in the case of the Lingam Tape. It is manifestly clear BN-Umno does not want the truth revealed. Sabahans, insist on a royal commission and nothing less.

  5. There you see….how powerful and effective People’s Party is!!
    Cannot imagine UMNO will move their arses…to do the right thing.
    Good news indeed for Sabah/Sarawak..and hope they KNOW..these are done out of no choice by UMNO..and out to win vote….not that UMNO love to do things right for them… sincerely. They have a reputation….to play out-dated ..race and religion politics…and when Melayu start shouting their disapprovals….they will jump again..to please their own race……calculating…those votes are more important that Sabah/Sarawak.
    Jokes aside…Dollah is a kind hearted man….but also very selfish and too cautious politician…with no guts to walk the talks…making him ….a liar and a hypocrite..declaring….being he is People’s PM….daily showing… the opposites.
    Lets see….he respect the Malaysians….by releasing the 5 Indians under ISA. That….he will not…as by doing so….means …he has committed a big big mistake…..and that is the part of UMNO mentality…never admit any wrongs…that’s what make Malaysians…sick to the stomach….with their boastful mentalities.
    And don’t ever Dollah thinks……with all the goodies he is giving…voters will ignore….the many corrupted UMNO men/women..all fee and easy. Then making….Mat bin Mat ..a Senator…..paving the way to be a Minister…….shows clearly.. what Dollah is…and what UMNO mentalities are. They can do any and every thing …to their fancies and whims….disrespecting Malaysians all the time.
    So right now….plenty of goodies….but not one UMNO or BN high profile filthy rich person…put into jail..for corruptions.
    They have a system….same like foreigners..getting citizenship……so hard to get one…as they focus on one race only.
    So on corruptions…police….then to..Min of Justice..Judicial side ….then maybe involve Home Ministry…and finally to PM…to make it so complicated….for a fair and simple verdict.
    Notice …how ALL ministers talk about 100% proof needed..to put one into jail? Yet…so many thousand cases ..around the world…putting corrupted politicians into jail….so easy…based on heap of substantial evidences… is good enough..no need hard facts.
    Laws are man made….and laws can swing to favour goodnesses….with no fear ..being unlawful and unfair..to the culprits!
    UMNO fears good laws.

  6. Pak LAh’s efforts to please Sabah politicians is every bit a last-ditch measure to prevent the last nail on the coffin from being hammered by Sabah politiicans.

    Now, if Pak Lah can stand Aman Musa’s track record amidst all those allegations of corruption and put him back as CEO of Sabah, then Pak LAh may be just as guilty of being a slimy poitician. In any case, Pak Lah has zero credibility left today. He should call for fresh elections and be shown he is an emperor without clothes.

  7. I’ve never felt such patriotism as i felt on march 8th. However, as Malaysians, we need to know that it is only the beginning of the struggle to make this country a better place.

    To the people of Sabah, why trust the snake that had already bitten your hand? Do you want to place your trust in the hands that once betrayed you?

    As the younger generation that wants to see a better Malaysia, please do not fall for their tricks. Do not sell yourself for the crumbs that fall off UMNO’s table.

    I could see from this recent general election that we are more united than ever. Please malaysians, no more talks and thoughts of race. We need each other for real changes to happen in this country.

    Lets unite, its either now or never. If we do not rise up now, this country will be the same for the next 50 years.
    We want capable leaders to be put in position of power, proper systems and accountability. With accountability, comes responsibility.

    Do you want the same/current system in place? Look where it has brought us.

    Malaysia is a resource rich country, and if we just managed it right, we do not have to fight amongst ourselves. We should be thinking of competing on a global level. And we can do it, but first, we must get rid of the wrong people in power. And we could only do it by uniting together, under one voice.

    The country now is like a pocket with holes. We keep trying to fill it, but our hard earned money keeps falling off the holes in the pocket. We must first stop, mend the holes, and continue working to make this country a better place.

    Mend the holes Malaysia. Unite, Bersatu, demi Negara tercinta.

  8. “announced the formation of a cabinet committee on illegal immigrants to be chaired Najis”, Tak Bernama.

    Wow, from now onward Sabah immigration and entry records will go missing easily.
    Sabahans will see very often Rose and C4.

    Bodowi is ” Got 2 eyes but has no pupils”!

    Also, Rose will do another stunt, slap Najis under public eyes in KK.

  9. The formation of the Cabinet commitee headed by DPM Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to dicuss and solve the illegal and “legal illegal” (Indonesians and Fillipinoes with genuine Blue NRIC/MyCards) immigrants problem cannot be looked upon as a goody but rather a way to ‘cover up’ the people and departments who are responsible.

    During the past, many so call task force by the Federal/State government have conducted excercises with the objectives of resolving the illegal immigrant issues. The writer personally had, in a way, assisted in at least one of these operations while working in a plantation in Sabah. During one of these operations, all the workers who have no NRIC must have their photos and particulars taken. Four photos were required and taken using an instant camera whereby each workers had to pay RM10.00 per set and ofcourse, the photographers would be laughing all the way to the bank. The question is what happen to all these past facts finding missions. And instead of solving or reducing the illegal immigrant problems the situation has magnified and even given birth to a more complex “legal illegal” immigrant problems.

    Talking about “IMM13” document in lieu of passport holders, they seem to be more fortunate than west Malaysians as they do not have to renew their stay in Sabah every three months!! They may even have the opportunity to become bumiputras in the end?!?

    Sabahans are definitely in for another disappointment as the new Cabinet committee is not likely to resolve the problems. Can the authorities identify “legal illigal” immigrants and take back the Mycards? Or is this just what people say only and not true?

  10. 100% ageed with LionHeart. We must rid off the current corrupted BN politicians before Malaysians can see light of the end of the tunnel.

    Badawi, do not try to claim credit by promising “goodies” as we sabahans do not consider that as goodies , because you have first robbed them from us now you are only giving back a dismal portion of what is rightfully ours !!!

    All credits should be given DAP, PKR , PAS and all PR politicians who have pin-pointed all the short-comings that BN had inflicted upon sabah for 50 years.

    Shame on you Badawi !!!, now you have finally wake up from your hybernation to hear the plight of Sabahan.

  11. What a spineless prime minister ! Giving the piggy bank to Musa Aman in order to quell the potential rebellion in Sabah ? Letting the fox guard the chicken coop ? The poor there will not see a single sen of development funds. It is indeed Christmas time for Musa Aman and his cronies.

  12. Pak Lah’s “goodies” are not impressive as compared with the 20% oil royalty offered by PR (if they hold office).

    So long as there is corruption in the system, there will be no end to the illegal immigrants problem.

  13. I started to get suspicious when no cross over of big shots to Pakatan Rakyat happens, yet former Anwar’s people crossed to UMNO. In my opinion, you cannot count on the politicians in Sabah. Being a frog for once, you are always frogs. That is the culture of Sabah.

    In politics, you never know what is going to happen next. If you can do it now, then go ahead to do it right away. Else the chance may never come by.

  14. This solution is not to be underestimated. What it really is giving the corrupt who control the state more money and power which is what they want in the first place. It does little to solve the problem but it is the most powerful political solution.

    The downside is that if they get greedy and its exposed that the corruption is very bad, then they will be unreliable allies to Badawi. But it buys the PM time way beyond December and that is what is important to him right now..

  15. by the way, Sabahan has their own choices..!

    why never excersice it..?

    or you’re still believe BN will do something for you… yes, maybe another 50 years..! wake up lah… you’re not in Brookes era liao…!

  16. “Abdullah also reminded the state government to speedily approve big-scale agriculture development projects especially projects associated with the food security plan and projects for renewable energy sources.”

    Over the years, Sabah’s forests had been hugely exploited to make way to oil palm plantation. And who owns the oil palm plantation? Certainly not the normal Sabahan people.

    More than 50% of Sabah’s forests were cut down, most of them turned into oil palm plantation which makes Sabah’s palm oil output accounted for 1/3 of Malaysia’s output. Sabahan however, did not really enjoy a fair bit of returns from this huge plantation profits. The profits are usually channeled back to the federal politicians pocket, as well as the state government leaders “home development fund”…

    It is disheartening to see Sabah being dominated oil palm plantations, you can see them whenever you take a flight within Sabah state. Borneo is host to one of the biodiversity hotspot, which is also home to some of the charming animals which conservationists trying to promote as “umbrella species”.

    So the federal and state government seem to seek more “big-scale agriculture development”… I’m praying for my beloved Sabah’s nature, as a biologist myself, I realize the Natural heritages in Sabah may just well be gone within next few decades under the hand of some incompetent and ignorant politicians.

  17. “He also announced that a 300MW (Megawatt) power station would be built in Kimanis, Papar, under a joint venture with Petronas and Sabah Foundation.”

    Isn’t it funny?

    Sabahan has enough power, the problem is with the connection network. The power supply is never well cabled to the rural area…

    More power more merrier? OK, never mind. So the Petronas is funding for the power station in Sabah. Why can’t Petronas also fund for development project such as the second bridge in Penang? I thought I heard Petronas chief saying Petronas does not fund for public project?





  19. Kuching South mayor went to a CEO of a timber company. This reminded me if the guy is a crony of Taib Mahmud. The news cited that SUPP is not given the post because it performed badly in the state election by losing the four seats. I think the opposition should deserve the mayor post because they won the seats. Why no one protested loudly to the chief minister? SUPP is now totally ignored in Sarawak BN. When is SUPP last breath?

  20. And what about this, no news:
    Wednesday February 6, 2008
    KOTA KINABALU: Former chief minister Tan Sri Chong Kah Kiat is suing his successor Datuk Musa Aman and three others over the halted Ma Zu or Goddess of the Sea statue project in the northern Kudat district.

    Chong, Kudat Thean Hou Charitable Foundation chairman, filed the suit through his lawyer Ansari Abdullah at the Kota Kinabalu High Court at about 10.25am Wednesday.

    Others named as defendants in the suit were former State Secretary Datuk K.Y. Mustafa, the Permanent Secretary in the state Local Government and Housing Ministry Datu Ujang Selani and the Kudat Town Board.

    Among others Chong sought to declare that Musa had abused his powers in issuing directives and orders to the other defendants with regards to the Ma Zu project.


  21. “Musa estimated that there are 440,000 illegals in Sabah, of whom 230,000 are foreign workers, 80,000 Filipino refugees and 130,000 illegal immigrants.”

    Are we to understand by “foreign workers” that these are foreigners issued with temporary w/permits? Is there a policy allowing foreign workers to come into the country to do jobs Malaysians are unwilling to do?

    What is Malaysia’s policy towards “refugees”? How many of these are actually “economic migrants” and should be deported along with the other illegal immigrants?

  22. Building detention centres to accomodate illegal immigrants is one thing but how much of tax-payers’ money is being spent to feed and clothe these law breakers? Who pays for the cost of their deportation? How much of such costs are paid for by the foreign embassies?

    What steps are being taken to prevent the illegal border crossing? How many of those detained are repeat offenders? Should repeat offenders be charged and jailed for their crimes before being deported?

    You do not need a royal commission of inquiry before such questions could be answered.

  23. Sabahan really got what they are dreaming of?

    Cabinet committee over immigrant issue… why can’t it be an RCI? or what the sabahan parliamentarian calling for… a parliamentary selected committee?

    How fair could the cabinet committee be? I can’t think of any… especially when the chairperson is none other than the DPM…

    Also, what about the Sarawakian? All this while we heard of Sabahan’s complaints… Sarawakian? nothing leh… is Sarawakian not one of the poorest in the country? I see Sarawakian MPs are all quietly sitting under the Taib Mahmud’s bless..

    Anyway… Timber issues in Sarawak are just about as serious as Sabahan’s illegal immigrants issues…~~

  24. Oh by the way… the Illegal Immigrant issue is part due to uncontrolled and undesirable issuance of citizenship to those illegal immigrants… how could the government solve this problem?

    and worse, such infamous practice of issuance is favoring BN, which we witnessed in Vote March 8, how possible for the BN led cabinet committee to expose and fix such issue?

  25. You have asked all the pertinent quetions in your 2 posts and by having Najib to head the cabinent committee to solve the illegal immigrant problems in Sabah is nothing but a big joke! All this big influx of immigrants in the first place is a devious method employed by UMNO to minimise the Christian influence there.How could Najib presence there resolve this issue I wonder.

  26. UMNO-BN will be toppled soon……Justice_Fighter

    Ezam has started to keep up to his end of the bargain. In an interview with Mingguan Malaysia, he painted Anwar as a political chameleon, noting that Parti Keadilan Rakyat seemed to have a fluid political ideology.

    “If we remember, PKR was declared as a multiracial party with a Malay spine. This resulted in the party getting support from civil servants and Abim. But lately it seems that it has become a multi-racial party. This change happened after Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was released from prison.

    “This was done because he understood the economic situation and the sentiments of the Chinese. This decision shows clearly that PKR is willing to change its position or struggle. To me this is not consistent. I can tell you that in a few weeks time, Anwar will bring back the Malay image to try and attract Malay leaders and prominent Malays into PKR. This he will do because he is being attacked for not caring enough about the Malay agenda.

    “What this means is that he will once again abandon the PKR position and move to get the Malay market.”

    He disagreed with Anwar’s position on the New Economic Policy, saying that he was playing a dangerous game.

  27. I think what Abdullah should do first is to set up INDEPENDENT bodies to monitor the use of allocated funds to the state government. This is to ensure the allocated funds be RIGHTFULLY and EFFICIENTLY distributed/channeled to the Sabahan and not to certain people pockets.

    Enough of the high corruptions in the country!!! We got to stop this disease before it becomes worse.


  28. And if Abdullah is sincere in his effort to eradicate corruptions, he should employ opposition parties or PR to be the INDEPENDENT parties to carry out the monitoring of the allocated funds from the federal government.

  29. Abdullah has to give in to the state that gave him the most support in the parliament, otherwise the cross-over if happened will cripple his government. He ends up with nothing and Mahathir will be laughing all his way.

    When the such a big chunk of money is channelled to sabah state, others will suffer in turn. The fund has to come from some where. The government financial resource is limited, a zero sum. When sabah gets additional money, somewhere the money will have to be squeezed.

    The current budget is already in deficit and plus the cummulative deficit over the years, the country will end up insolvent soon.

    So nothing to cheer about that is Abdullah’s political ploy to survive the potential cross over of MP from BN to PR.

    The only people who will cheer will be the BN of the state of sabah. With lots of money, the likelihood of corruption will be heightened, as the old habits and old culture die hard.

  30. Goodies do not come…after 50 years.
    Goodies should be an on going ..good flowing process….until everyone enjoy the fruits of the goodies.
    Goodies given by UMNO now….is similar to an animal trainer…tempting that idiot to do this or that…with a ‘goodie’ reward.
    Are Sabahans and Sarwakians easily be tempted by UMNO goodies?
    Why do they give now?
    A child can even understand.
    Enjoy the goodies. Why not!!
    But stay loyal to country and Malaysians…not as Sabahans and Sarwakians…but as Malaysians.
    This can only cone into reality…if race and religion politics are completely out.
    Can you honestly say…..UMNO and BN do not support race and religion politics?
    You made the terrible mistake to support it..and now…somehow…God have given Sabah and Sarawak politicians…the once in a lifetime opportunity….to serve all Malaysians….by supporting a change in government.
    So again…enjoy the goodies….and join People’s Party soon.
    Do not ever say…….God did not give you a chance to do Malaysians……all good.

  31. Is there a difference between being an idiot and being stupid? Well, it doesn’t matter because Sabahans will be both if they accept this kind of offer. It’s not even worth the amount to compensate Sabahans for their suffering since they join us to form Malaysia.

  32. This is the time where Sabah & Sarawak states going to experience surprises that come with fat allocations. This is the time they should ask (no need to beg any more) and allocations will keep pouring in. Will this event keep Anwar’s numbers in check?

  33. Greetings! YB Kit

    Certainly you have the credit for it. You’d putting so much weight on their shoulders. This time, I’m going to have a big clap for you.

    So, where’s your next strategy location in order to make them to be more competence?

    Thanks in advance.

  34. Undergrad2, please be informed that in Sabah you may find Indonesians with valid passports, Indonesians without passports, Indonesians with expired passports, Indonesians with passports plus a Blue IC and/or now MyCard and ofcourse, Indonesians with MyCards only. Some are employed with Work Permits but the majority have none. It is the same case with the Flipinoes. So how do you categorise all these sets of peoples? Ask any Sabahans, they can confirm whether the above is the actual situation or not.

    YB LKS, do you think I am right????

  35. “Ask any Sabahans, they can confirm whether the above is the actual situation or not.”

    A relevant point to make. But we need more than just an opinion poll to formulate the correct policies. At least the government does. Government stats provide the premise upon which government policies could be built. If the stats are inaccurate or even false or misleading then we’d be formulating our policies on false and misleading premises.

    I believe there are more than just 440,000 illegals in the state of Sabah. The government has a reason to manipulate the figures to downplay the seriousness of the issue of illegal immigration. I believe the real figures are multiples of whatever figures the government comes out with or declares.

    The U.S. government interestingly enough has a way to find out the real number of illegal immigrants within its borders. It runs what is called a DV Lottery every year. Anybody anywhere in the world, in any country of any nationality (except Indians, Chinese from China, Fillipinos and Vietnamese because they are already too many of them) can participate by mailing in the information – and this includes those who are already in the United States. Every year 50,000 Green Cards (proof of legal permanent resident status) are issued. Records show that there are some 11.0 million illegals residing and working illegally in the U.S. because there are 11.0 million applications submitted by these people. A lot of very useful data is collected about them e.g. their nationalities etc and the U.S. government could be relied to use such data in formulating public policies. That’s how they arrive at the figures!

  36. But in the case of Malaysia, we should not expect to get the same kind of response from illegal aliens within her borders.

    Why? Because the borders are so porous that they could cross over in broad daylight and not be detected. Papers i.e. red ICs, work permits etc could be purchased for a fee. So where is the incentive for these illegal aliens within her borders to participate in such programs?

    The other reason is the credibility of our government and its officials. If we don’t trust our own government, we should not expect illegal aliens to trust it! What guarantee do they get that the government would not come knocking on their doors and deporting them? In the U.S. from the information provided by participants in this program, the government knows where illegal aliens reside and they could provide ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency) with the information and these enforcement agents could appear in the middle of the night or early hours of the morning and detain them to await deportation. But guess what they don’t do that!

  37. Obviously PL is just looking one day ahead. So today, it is Sabah. Which state will be next? Sarawak?
    I don’t think he can govern the country prudently and responsibly anymore. Allocations should rightly be given based on identified needs and budget. How can we simply throw the money like that? On what basis is it based on? We may all agree that Sabah needs more allocation, but it must be properly identified – who are the target groups and what programmes and projects are we talking about. Otherwise it is just money going down the drains or money ended up to enrich the state leaders.

  38. What’s good about a cabinet committee on illegal immigrants, of which there are some 130,000 in Sabah, when by terms of reference it excludes from its purview allegations of some 1-2 million ‘legal’ foreigners – mostly from the Philippines and Indonesia as well as from Pakistan – issued ICs come under so-called Project IC, or sometimes referred to as Project M, which is the greater and real problem in Sabah?

    Besides the narrow term of reference that does not address the larger problem, there is a problem of composition – it is to be chaired and headed by UMNO Deputy President….This is nopt correct. It should be headed and chaired by Sabahan, proceeding on the assumption, albeit questionable, that he is more likely to empathize with his homeland’s problem than UMNO Deputy President.

    By position and definition, Umno’s interests will always come first above all else to its Deputy President .

    And it will be recollected that this 1-2 million ‘legal’ foreigners stems from the so-called “Project IC” or “Project M” which is commonly understood to be a mass naturalization of immigrants in the 1970s under USNO and 1980s under BERJAYA government to ensure that BN component parties in Sabah won within a political system and coalition dominated by UMNO.

    This means 1-2 million ‘legal’ foreigners under the so-called “Project IC” or “Project M” serve UMNO’s ultimate interest.

    It also means a committee headed by UMNO’s deputy president (dedicated to putting UMNO’s interest above all else) cannot manage conflicts of interest to put Sabah’s interest first!

    So the cabinet committee on illegal immigrants may appears to some to be an eyewash to address the small problem whilst distracting attention from the real greater one.

    What Bigjoe said in posting at 09.52.5 – (“what it really is giving the corrupt who control the state more money and power which is what they want in the first place. It does little to solve the problem but it is the most powerful political solution”) – appears generally correct…

  39. Saturday, 24 May 2008
    “(The Daily Express) – Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Vice-President Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan claims Sabah will be losing a huge revenue of RM15 million daily if the 20 per cent oil royalty demand is not entertained by the Federal Government. Based on the current world price of petrol at US$100 per barrel and Sabah oil wells’ daily production of at least 400,000 barrels per day, he said this loss amounts to a staggering RM4.5 billion a year.”

    There you are Sabahan, go compare that with the RM 1 billion of special allocation to be administered by the the PM department. Giving Jeffry the benefit of a doubt, taking that he is out by 50 %, Sabah can expect to see RM 2.2 billion a year from oil royalty in Sabah production which is forecasted to go higher with more deepwater production coming on line by 2010. RM 1 billion under the control of the PM is measly, and can mean many things including not giving a cent unless Sabah MPs drop all demands.

    Two most important matters undoubtedly for Sabah: the deficit budget the state has been running all these years, and the illegal migrant. In the end, these matters mean poverty for Sabah, each matter impoverishing Sabah’s ability to eradicate her abject poverty.

    Much needed positive economic sharp turnaround for Sabah can only come from two sources: an immediate rush of heavy weights FDI to the state, or rapid monetization from what nature has endowed her with. Forget about the perennial federal loans, for if that was of any help, poverty would have long been a departed stranger to Sabah.

    On Najib as head of special Cabinet Committee to tackle the illegal migrant matter does not bring any confidence at all based on his negative achievement in the earlier special inquiry into the Lingam tape which resulting in nothing at all. The issue of trainees deaths in the NS under his ministry is also associated with his trademark. In short, our modern expectation of a leader is one with high universal principles with precedents to match.

    Well, to ever hope to tackle a complex subject as the Sabah’s illegal migrants is, the person leading it must have nothing less than highly successful credentials.Shouldn’t this be so?

    At this stage, one must also expects the term of reference for this Cabinet Committee to be transparent, and highly principled. A pertinent question at this point of time is whether Najib has an envisaged specialist members for this special committee.

  40. It’s to little and it’s too late. No amount of goodies will be enough to compensate the mess created by BN for so many years. Those in charge in Sabah should know that change is now or never. Not only Abdullah must step down, BN must go too.

  41. Well, sleepy head is putting out a bait now. Do not just accept these ‘goodies’ blindly. Notice there is no counter check and balance in the team sleepy has put up?
    If he is sincere then there should be people from the PR team involve!! Just another of his NATO theme here as someone earlier said ( no action talk only ). Every action taken is still to cover themselves up, no sincerity from the heart. Beware!!!

  42. PM scared he will lost stand on his current leadership and thus offers lots of ‘goodies’ to Sarawakian and Sabahan to gain both states supports..it’s so obvious…but whether what he said will be implemented or otherwise is another question…NATO = No action talk only?

  43. >Minister in the Prime Minister Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz had announced on May 29 that there was a fairer distribution of Public Service Department scholarships for studies abroad, with 1,100 scholarships awarded to Bumiputera and 900 to non-Bumiputera students.

    Sending undergraduate students abroad is the mentality of many underdeveloped countries who cannot afford to have their own universities. Malaysia was like that several decades ago. Now Malaysia is much better developed and good students should be kept to study at local institutions. Spread this vast amount of money to more students who study locally.

    Sponsored students sent overseas should be limited to the doctoral students in the fields where we lack specialties. For example, you don’t want to send a doctoral student to study Malay literature overseas.

    We should not waste our money unnecessarily. The JPA is simply not a smart body and yet they don’t listen to the suggestions of others?

  44. Goodies for Sabah but not for Sarawak.Why ? because Sarawak is richer then Sabah. The annual income is more then what Sabahan is having.

    Goodies for Sabah but not for Sarawak.Why ? Sarawak doesn’t need the goodies because we have vast area of timber , oil palm , rice , oil and Gas,land etc that is enough to develope the state under the second wave of Politic of Developement.Who is richer ? May be Pak Lah and Khairy has some share in it…no body knows.

    Goodies for Sabah but not for Sarawak.Why ? Sarawak MPs apart from DAP Chong were mum in the Dewan. Unlike Sabah MP i.e Ghafur ,Amnan and few others excluding big mouth Kinabatangan had displayed good statementship. They had made their case loud and clear. Congratulations YB.They deserved to get what they want.But if Pak Lah fails to fullfill his promises please cross over to Pakatan or pressure more to get the 20% Petrol Royalty.

    Goodies for Sabah not for Sarawak. Why ? Sarawak MPs were secared to raise issues. Taib had planted his KGB DS Sulaiman dan YB Nora Tun Rahman whose job to report to the father when ever Sarawak MPs speak in the Dewan.So Sarawak MPs had little alternatives but to be carefull in the langange / matters that need to be raised. These two KGB were to ensure the language and issues raise must not content elements that will smear the reputation of the State’s leadership.

    Look at SUPP MPs, SPDP MPs,PRS MPs and PBB’s MPs all were dumb during the debate. Read the Hansard !!!!!!!They wanted to be a goodboy at the expence of their voters and rakyat in general. Their balls shrinked.They looked tired not because they were participating in the debate but tired because they were pin down in the Dewan for hours doing nothing.

    Goodies for Sabah and not Sarawak.Why? Because UMNO haven’t set their foot in the State.Pak Lah need Sabah UMNO inorder to win the Presidency Post in December 2008. He knew that delegates in Peninsula Malaysia is going to throw him and his son in law out of UMNO.So Sabah support is very vital to secure his seat.

    Tun Mahathir said that Abdullah is “Lembik” but he is smarter by offering goodies to Sabahan. LKS isn’t this is an act of corrupting Sabah State Goverment to indulge UMNO members (delegates) to support him in running for office of UMNO President in December 2008 ? Pak Lah benefits from these goodies any way.

    Goodies for Sabah but not for Sarawak.Why ? Taib had owed Abdullah a favour. First favour: DS Sulaiman had been accepted as BN Candidate and won the Semarahan Seat.Second favour was to appoint DS Sulaiman Taib as Deputy Minister of Tourism.Third favour to accept Nora Tun Rahman candidacy as MP for Tg Manis who shall be responsible to oversees SCORE. He had the three wishes being fullfill by Pak Lah,what else does he wants ?

    These Goodies must be first tabled and accepted in the Dewan. RM400,000.00 additional allocation must be applicable to all MPs. Why only Sabah MPs ?

    Since Abdullah tookover the primership even my son at the age 8 years old now talking in millions and billions.

  45. Is this a checkmate by BN against PR.. though its seen as only a Sabah issue ? Let’s see how it may be.

    DSAI may have a tough time now honouring his word of a PR government change over by Sept. This recent pledge by the PM for the Sabahans could be too hard for them to resist perhaps and they may view the offer as a “golden carrot” instead. Those MPs who thought of crossing over last time may now consider again whether is it worthy to make such a move.

    Those MPs may be think why cross over when about 50%-60% of what they want all this while is now offered by BN who’s now actually in power, not PR ? Why want to take the risk of the unknown when the known is lucrative as well and could be certain.

    So if they decide not to go ahead, then there is no MPs from Sabah defecting BN, this will mean no MPs from Swk as well would follow suit. Then of course PR can’t form the next governent as the numbers do not make up.

    So is this BN’s king card to PR ? Looking at it carefully however, whatever offered are merely promises as usual by AAB, where based on the past, we all know many promises remained just promises by AAB. Hope the Sabahans can see this illusion, that what they are offered is not really a golden carrot stick so to speak but could be just a mere “ubi kayu” stick. The illussion created is too hard to be true, based on past records.

  46. AAB’s recent carrot to Sabah is noteworthy for one aspect – to students in negotiation classes in the aspects of ‘control’, as in recognizing a position of control and negotiating from a position of control.

    Note the caveat for the “RM 1 billion of special allocation to be administered by the PM department”, and this is the biggest chunk of the carrot AAB is waving, as all the other monetary allocations are mere pittance. The media would like Sabahan to know that the word ‘administer’ here means nothing more than the usual administrative protocol, as the 4 th floor boys would have all Sabahan understand.

    In Negotiation 101, ‘administered’ here means ‘controlled’. Sabahan should simply read the sentence as “RM 1 billion of special allocation to be controlled by the PM department”, with emphasize on the substitute word ‘controlled’. In basic negotiation, this is recognition of negotiation power ……phewww! those 4 th floor boys would even underestimate Sabahan negotiation skills and treat them as wild men of the rainforest!

    With tacit approval from Sabah’s BN, the acceptance of this special allocation will turn the negotiation table in favor to AAB, and this means Sabahan will have a drastic fall from its position of power, or so they think.

    Sabahan should now look at two things:
    – Whose tacit approval was it to formulate that special allocation, and
    – Use the N.Krushchev strategies

    Look Sabahan, the 4 th floor boys respect for you is just that – very basic indeed.

  47. The strategy of forcing Badawi’s hand through the making of more and more empty promises is a good one.

    The federal government is near bankrupt, with fuel subsidies, rice subsidies, sugar subsidies, flour subsidies, all killing them (and us as well). Then we have GLCs and Khazanah being owed money by politically connected parties such as Perwaja, AirAsia, Naza – with little hope of recovery. Creative accounting can only get you so far. Soon, TNB, MAHB, Petronas will have to go after these politically-connected debtors.

    Badawi will have to handle lots of impatient bodies, and we all know his record of delivering on his promises – near zero. All his corridors are gathering dust, a storm is going to break out on the only corridor that makes sense – his haste to “open” the Southern Corridor meant that he had to “sell” substantial rights to the Arabs, at the expense of locals.

    Badawi will soon have to “jaga” his son-in-law’s shop at the Pavilion upon his retirement.


  49. It is just politics unless there is proof that the monies are being abused.

    Having written that, it shows that it is not a question of “IF” but “WHEN” Malaysia will see a change of government.

    Someone wrote about our subsidy culture that really creates massive losses in leakages such as the fuel subsidy. Any subsidy scheme is bad as it creates more unproductive work and inefficient administration.

    Just see what some bright spark has proposed to control the fuel problem.

  50. For the past 30 years the UMNO led BN goverment is treating goverment monies like it belongs to BN.From general elections to by elections .They are using rakyats monies to buy votes.Every BY ELECTIONS Millions of ringgit is spent ,just to show that the UMNO led BN goverment is people friendly.Even now when the RAKYAT has spoken. The UMNO led govermen are punishing the people who put the PR in 5 states.


  51. look at the economic side is that if they wanna do this, should do it many many years ago. at average each family at least have 1 to 2 illegal immigrants maid serving in each family in Sabah, abolishing of illegal immigrants ought to be a right thing to do but aren’t this will give a sudden short-handed manpower to the people of Sabah?

    not to mention it will affect the construction sectors where 99% workers are illegal immigrants! those whom had stayed in Sabah for centuries that some already have their families there. what will happen to them?

    have anyone considering that?

  52. I agree with dawsheng. Democracy cannot be linked to unjustified claims and lies. Killer is not brave enough to show up again or at least be courteous to apologise after throwing unjustified allegations. Rahsia sudah bocor, cepat-cepat lari loh…

  53. Greetings! YB Kit

    I came to Penang for business trip this week and some of my old friends wanted to know if you have “Goodies” for them here?

    What they cares are mainly for the future development and economic affairs… Please share with us if you already layout the plan here in Penang with thanks.

    Looking forward for long life DAP.

  54. “Democracy cannot be linked to unjustified claims and lies.”

    democracy is about free speech! and that includes spewing racial hatred, bigotry or whatever. you as reader have every right to ignore postings made and comments made; or if you so choose to challenge, debate, and spew your own untruth or your version of the truth or the truth as others see it!

  55. Folks,

    With his lies being exposed big-time by the administrator of this blog, we will never see the pathetic UMNO scumbag appear as “Killer” again.

    First Realworld now Killer sudah hangus.

    Let’s see what new pseudonym he will assume next when he licks his wounds and returns with a vengeance here…..hahahaahaha!

  56. If all the ‘legals’ were to reverts back to ‘illegals’, Sabah would be the 2nd richest state instead of 2nd poorest state. Most of the illegals immigrant came to sabah empty handed. The millions of them may be the reasons Sabah is considered the 2nd poorest state. It is just statistic. It is well known fact that many Sabahan flys to shop in Hong Kong during their week-ends. They may have better taste in fashions than most malaysians think. I can’t say of the sabahans in the rural areas like keningau which the government should really help to bring up their standard of living.

  57. badawi giving ‘goodies’ to sabah? what goodies? ACA should have taken him to court for being openly bribbing sabahan.
    1. sabahan expected badawi to announce the appointment of a sabahan to NRD director’s post. this may solve the mystery of 285% increase in sabah population between 1980 to 2000. and another 12% between 2000 to 2007. NRD director have the authority to dig and expose dubious birth cert and ic application within that period in question. and most probably exposing those involes, faster results than establishing RCI or FCCI which proven to be ineffective.
    2. another FCCI chaired by najib? badawi must be joking. what happen to the previous FCCI in 2000 and 2006? God knows the truth. surely, abdullah, najib, anwar etc are part of UMNO’s gameplan in shipping UMNO to sabah in 1994. are they willing to expose their rots?
    3. kimanis 300mw petrochemical power plant. wow! how amazing. after robbing oil and gas from sabah for more than 40 years? its going to dry up in 14 years time anyway. why not nuclear based power plant?
    4. 1 billion additional allocation? harvest festival angpow? or for musa aman to distribute them to his proxy, again. 20 billions 9MP allocated to sabah. not to mention sabah’s natural resources contributions. sabahan are contributing 5 billions in the form of taxes, and it is increasing every year.

    Obviously, sabahans are disappointed and insulted, again. but, not for long though, come GE13, UMNO will be heading home to where it belong to, if its existance still relevant to it’s people by than. no doubt, UMNO is the mother of all evil, thus, it should go hell..

  58. “It is well known fact that many Sabahan flys to shop in Hong Kong during their week-ends.”

    i spoke to the well heeled among sabahans and this is what they have to say. they fly to singapore for a haircut and to hong kong for their week end shopping.

  59. ” bernadette Says:
    Yesterday at 20: 34.22
    this blog needs people like “killer” to provide us with the alternative view which is what democracy is all about.”

    almost all comments from killer were repeats and quotes from someone. these are not views. and when asked to rebut points was unable to offer for discussions. so what views do killer has?

  60. All comments pointed towards the fact that the illegal immigrants is real. Which state in Malaysia has no illegal immigrants? But the most critical state appears to be Sabah as all comments and attention are now being focused there. But I have yet to see comments as to how to resolve the following problems.

    a) Say they are able to saperate the illegal culprits, are they going to be them put in jails or detention camps? Do we have enough places to temporary put them before deportation?

    b) Do we have enough police personel to cope with unruly circumstances which is bound to surface?

    c) How are we to deport them? Would their country of origin cooperate and accept them?

    d) How are we to identify and prevent them from coming in again and again.

    e) What are the measures to take to prevent or reduce the existing problems?

    We are not talking about 10 or 100 people but maybe 100,000 or even 1,000,000. God knows!! It is easier said than done. But like what TDM said it is better to remove the gangrene legs in order to safe the patient.

  61. Every problem has a solution!!! We cant just dont do anything because it is a very big problem!!! There are many ways to resolve the illegal immigrants problems even if we are talking about millions!!! We can start small with soft approach e.g. amnesty to those who want to go back to their home country, followed by issuing work permits to regulate those our country needs etc. , next to enforce immigration laws strictly to prevent any more illegal immigrants from entering our country without proper procedures. All these will only work if our govt is sincere in wanting to resolve the problem and not to make money or political advantage out of all these problems!!! We can propose anything (actually the govt knows how to resolve all these problems) , but it all depends on the will & sincerelity of the present govt and the public servants!!! the next better option is to vote out the present govt. and replace with one that is competent and sincere in solving problems!!! Time to change!!!

  62. PU12 draw result:
    Grand prize: Sabah….?billion….
    second prize: Sarawak…….
    consolation prize: Umno….Bcoz still control the federal fund….

    Loser…Pakatan Rakyat….not prize….eat themselves..!!!!

  63. First we divide the nation by race. Then we further divide them by East and West.

    These BN Govt has this control and dominate fetish. They want to control and dominate the non Malays with the NP. Then they want to control and dominate the East Malaysians by setting up Federal agencies to control development. They went further by marginalising capable E. Malaysians.

    Why make an issue of appointing the first Sabahan to be VC , why Sabahan this and Sabahan that? If that is the best man for the job, put him there irregardless of where he is from. And if there are qualified Sabahans to sit in senior W. Malaysian civil service positions put him there and not a token appointment in Sabah.

    And I am West Malaysian.

  64. Bernadette,

    You are talking with the UMNO BN link Sabahan and not the common Sabahan. Most Sabahan do thier hair cut in barber shop (RM 7.00) and shopping in Gaya street and Tamu.

  65. As many have pointed out above, Pakalah is doing what he is doing to buy time. Pacify those money hungry Sabah MPs with promises of money for them to get their filthy hands on and ALL of THEM WILL shut up and STOPPED harassing him for a while.

    “….formation of a cabinet committee on illegal immigrants to be chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to discuss and solve the perennial illegal immigrants’ problem in the state.”….Huh, really!…well, there will be plenty of discussions for sure and mostly in Manila I supposed. Plenty of “things” for Najib to “discussed” in that place of pleasure. And I AM VERY SURE that the “illegal issues” will amount to no more than arresting some illegal immigrants, building more detention camps to house and feed them, and then some more discussions with the governments of these detainees for repatriation purposes, and after some time the whole situation will revert back to what it was and will always be…and that is: Sabah will have an even more significant numbers of IMPORTED BUMIPUTRAS!.
    To those who are complaining the most over this issue now that these “imported Bumiputras” are competing even in native land application, “serve you right for selling your inheritance by way of selling ‘surat anak Negri’ to these people for short term gain”. If they are not guilty of this really2 stupid act, then they should take their village or native chiefs and punish them in the most severe way in accordance to native customs. But then again, I am sure that might amount to paying a couple of buffalos or pigs and all is well again.

    Sabah so called “illegal immigrants” is too complicated to solve without understanding the complexity of the problem. Again I would urge bloggers to STOP referring to them as “illegal immigrants” because they are in actual fact LEGAL IMMIGRANTS with real honest to goodness MyKads. The focus SHOULD BE to distinguish the REAL NATIVE BUMIPUTRAS from the IMPORTED BUMIPUTRAS and to state that status in the Malaysian legal documents. If this is not sorted out, ALL Sabah Native Bumiputras WILL LOSE OUT..or rather they are losing out NOW to these imported Bumiputras in government benefits, subsidies, educations, employments, government contracts, native land titles, etc.

  66. It just struck me that today’s UMNO (BN) is like the Sabah USNO time. It seemed impossible to bring USNO down, but Sabahan united under BERJAYA and brought it down never to recover again. However, back then, Sabah had real Sabahans instead of the hoards of legalised immigrants now presently forming the majority in Sabah.
    Come to think of it, Heck, these legalized immigrants is the government of Sabah!

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