All Malaysians have special rights

by Dr. Azly Rahman

“Therefore, the rakyat must unite and never raise issues regarding Malay rights and special privileges because it is quid pro quo in gratitude for the giving in of citizenship (beri-paksa kerakyatan) to 2.7 million non-Malays into the Tanah Melayu federation….Thus, it is not appropriate for these other ethnic groups to have citizenship, only (later) to seek equality and privileges,” said Tengku Faris, who read from a 11-page prepared text.

As a Malaysian who believes in a social contract based on the notion that ‘all Malaysians are created equal’, I do not understand the ‘royal statement’. I have a view on this.

If it comes from the Biro Tatanegara (BTN), I can understand the confusion. But this is from a royal house.

This statement was valid 50 years ago, before Independence. This is an outdated statement that is not appreciated by the children of those who have laboured for this nation.

I believe we should look forward to institutionalising ‘special rights for all Malaysians’. The word ‘special’ is in itself special. Culturally it can either denote an enabling condition or a disabling one.

In the study of religion, one is bestowed a special place for living life well or for doing good deeds. In educational studies, ‘special education’ caters for the needs of those with a disabling physical, emotional or cognitive condition.

In all these, ‘special rights’ are accorded based on merit. One works hard to get special offers and into special places.

In the doctrine of the ‘divine rights of kings’, one’s special right is the birthright. Louis XVI of revolutionary France, Shah Jehan of Taj Mahal fame, Emperor Hirohito of Japan, Shah Reza Pahlavi of Revolutionary Iran, King Bumiphol Adulyadev, and the sultans of Melaka were ‘special people’ who designed institutions that installed individuals based on rights sanctioned through a ‘mandate of heaven’.

Such people use specialised language to differentiate who is special and who is not. Court language is archaic, terse, meant to instill fear and to institutionalise special-ness.

The language of the street or market is fluid, accommodating, meant to instill open-ness and institutionalise creativity at its best and further development of the ‘underclass’ at its worst.

This continuum of language, power, and ideology is characteristic of histories of nations. In Malay history, istana language is enshrined in the hikayat and in Tun Seri Lanang’s Sejarah Melayu. Street language used in Malay folklore and in bawdy poems, pantun and stories of Sang Kancil.

Class consciousness, many a sociologist would say, dictates the special-ness of people across time and space. Historical-materialism necessitates the development of the specialised use and abuse of language. One can do a lot of things with words. Words can be deployed to create a sustainable and profitable master-slave relationship.

A better argument

Let us elevate the argument so that we will have a better view of what race, ethnicity, nationalism and cosmopolitanism means.

I propose we review what “special rights of the Malays” mean in light of 50 years of Independence and post-March 8, 2008.

I agree we must give credit to those working hard to “improve the psychological well-being of the Malays” and for that matter for any race to improve its mental wellness. This is important. This is a noble act.

The question is: in doing so, do we want to plant the seeds of cooperation and trust – or racial discrimination and deep hatred? Herein lies the difference between indoctrination and education.

These days, the idea of Ketuanan Melayu is going bankrupt, sinking with the bahtera merdeka. It works only for Malay robber barons who wish to plunder the nation by silencing the masses and using the ideological state apparatuses at their disposal.

In the case of the BTN it is the work of controlling the minds of the youth. Its work should not be allowed any more in our educational institutions. It is time our universities especially are spared counter-educational activities, especially when they yearn to be free of the shackles of domination.

Over decades, many millions of Malays and non-Malays have not been getting the right information on our nation’s history, political-economy, and race relations. History that is being shoved into us or filter-funnelled down the labyrinth of our consciousness is one that is already packaged, biased, and propagandised by historians who became text-books writers.

History need not be Malay-centric. Special rights for all Malaysians should be the goal of distributive and regulative justice of this nation, not the “special rights of a few Malays”. History must be presented as the history of the marginalised, the oppressed and the dispossessed of all races.

We toil for this nation, as the humanist Paramoedya Ananta Toer would say, by virtue of our existence as anak semua bangsa … di bumi manusia. Malaysia is a land of immigrants.

In this regard we can learn from the former British colony called America. Whatever its shortcomings, it is a land of immigrants and is still evolving. A black man or a woman can become president. This is what America conceives itself to be and this is what Malaysian can learn from. Can a non-Malay become prime minster if he/she is the most ethical of all politicians in the country?

No one particular race should stake a claim to Malaysia. That is an idea from the old school of thought, fast being abandoned. Each citizen is born, bred, and brought to school to become a good law-abiding and productive Malaysian citizen, is accorded the fullest rights and privileges and will carry his/her responsibility as a good citizen.

That is what ‘surrendering one’s natural rights to the state’ means. One must read Rousseau, Locke, Voltaire, and Jefferson to understand this philosophy. A bad government will not honour this – and will fall, or will sink like the bahtera merdeka.

The history of civilisations provides enough examples of devastation and genocide as a consequence of violent claims to the right of this or that land based upon some idea of ‘imagined communities’. We must teach our children to make a history of peace among nations. This must be made into a new school of thought: of ‘new bumiputeraism’ that encompasses all and does not alienate any. Life is too short for each generation to fight over greed.

The eleventh hour of human existence and our emergence in this world has brought about destruction as a consequence of our inability to mediate differences based on race, colour, creed, class and national origin. Each ethnic group thinks that it is more socially-dominant than the other. Each does not know the basis of its ‘self’. Each fails to realise its DNA-make up or gene map.

Life is an existential state of beingness, so must history be conceived as such. Nationalism can evolve into a dangerous concept – that was what happened to Europe at the brink of the two World Wars. It happened in the former Yugoslavia, Rwanda, and in Indonesia when Suharto fell.

I argue that we must evolve in the historical presence of historical constructions. The past and the future is in the present. Let us no argue any more over this or those rights. Let us instead treat each other right.


51 Replies to “All Malaysians have special rights”

  1. Absolutely agree with this article.

    If no more Malay rights, then there will be no racial card to play for. It will deem Umno as an irrelevant party. So you see, Umno will defend this apartheid policy as long as they could.

    I am wondering now can the white Americans go and tell the blacks – “if you still want to live in America, then you must continue to become slaves”. The only country in this world still practising racial discrimination policy is our beloved country.

  2. devilmaster Says:

    Today at 11: 43.35 (18 minutes ago)
    Absolutely agree with this article.

    If no more ………………”……….. The only country in this world still practising racial discrimination policy is our beloved country.

    Should be more specific.
    “The only country in this world still practising racial discrimination policy [openlly by the ruling party] is our beloved country.”

  3. Riiight…….. I’m really impressed with Azly Rahman’s way of thinking. But the real quetsion is: Are the Malays ready for this new paradigm shift with “No more Malay rights”. I believe if majority of Malays can accept this, it is no surprise that BN will be forced to make decisions based on the new way of Malay thinking.

    But still, let the people decide on the issue. We still have to remain democratic.

  4. *** Without Prejudice ***

    Before the independent, those migrants were offer citizenship in return for certain terms and conditions. I think Tun Dr Ismail has a better understanding of the situation back then.

    Our constitution has been amended so many times, and we need to refer to the original copy on Independent day. Based on the book on Tun Dr Ismail: The reluctant politician on the following issue: –

    1. Tun Dr Ismail & Malay Special Right
    2. Tun Dr Ismail & NEP

    Please go to my blog and read about it
    Look under the “Recent Posts” on the left Panel

    I have my share of May 13 Experience, do read about it too

    To me, anyone who are born after the 1957 independent, and for my case after Sarawak join the federation, we have equal right under the constitution. The social contract as per se apply to those who were not born in Malaysia and be admitted into Malaysia as citizen.

    Shiok Guy

  5. Dear All

    If UMNO cannot play with the term “Malay Right”, it will no longer relevant! Do you think they will allow it to fade away?

    Think about it! The same apply to MCA and MIC, the exist for the very fact to counter UMNO. So the play Ping Pong and stage show for us to view. Since we don’t have freedom of expression ( Link ), all the ping pong game and stage show are good to see.

    Enjoy the show!

    Shiok Guy

  6. When anyone want to talk about Islam and Malay rights..UMNO led BN goverment will say sensertive don,t talk…What is happing now in our schools is really sad ..
    Non Malays in goverment schools are being treated as second class citizens…Now everything is about Islam. ..Non Malays are not even allowed to bring home cook food to school.Things are so bad .this is just one of the reason the chiness and indians refuse to sent thier chilren to Sekolah Kebangsaan.

  7. For some of us, the solution is really simple. Why bother even argue with illogical politicians with vested interests? Since non-Malay Malaysians are being warned to put up or shut up, we explore our other avenues as rightful citizens of the world. Our forefathers, Javanese inclusive, all thought along such lines too.
    That’s why you see Malaysian borned British, Austrlians, Kiwis, Yankees and what have you today.
    The truth is that you don’t see the reversal happening and that’s the hard truth of the Ketuanan Melayu to the present gomen…..tempurung mentality!

  8. The goverment must stop spoon feeding the Malays.Help yes,but at the end of the day the Malays must stand up on thier own two feet.The Malays are hard working and smart. It is the UMNO led goverment who are holding the Malays back for thier own political agenda.UMNO knows that without the Malay rights issue .UMNO will no more be relervent.
    Islam is the official religion of Malaysia no body is disputing that .but what is happening, now is that more and more rights of non muslim are being eroded.

  9. ……….

    True enough, Article 153 of the 1957 Federal Constitution does provide for the special position of malays, natives of Sabah and Sarawak, and other marginalised groups.

    However, what this special position means is open for debate.

    Some believe it merely meant socio-economic position, one that changes dynamically and hence can be renegotiated.

    Further, pre-independence documents – the Cobbold Commission Report, Federation of Malaya Constitutional Proposals and the Reid Commission Report – reveal that this position was meant to be temporary.

    The “special right” of malays was therefore understood not as a God-given mark, but recognition of socio-economic status until such a time this could be elevated.


  10. For all those who are borned after merdeka to parent(s) who are malaysians, they would gain malaysian citizenship as a matter of constitutional right. They need not do anything more in order to earn their citizenship of this country. In fact, the right attaches itself automatically upon birth; and no special granting of it is necessary; nor any special application is needed, for one to acquire it.

    And because it is a constitutional right, it is therefore irrevocable. Politicians were often heard urging the government to revoke the citizenship of non-malays.

    That is not quite possible. One must be really stupid to utter such statements.

    I would give those who uttered them the benefit of doubt. But doing so would lead me to the inevitable observation that they who uttered those statements did so for the purpose of striking fear in the bones and hearts of non-malays.

    “Never fear.” “Smith is here.” Smith tells you they cannot revoke your citizenship.

    Like it or not we are all malaysians. Like it or not we all live on this same piece of land. Like it or not we all share everything that is on, in and above it together with everyone else. Like it or not we all would defend the land and our rights should there be foreign threats.

    Thank you Dr Azly for bringing forth your view of the matter.

  11. Hishamuddin should not only raise the tongkat at the next UMNO Youth Assembly but he should lift a whole “baby walker” instead! These guys have learnt to become so handicapped, holding on to a tongkat is insufficient!

    This “perpetual giving” must stop some time, otherwise we will breed a whole lot of “jellyfishes” in Malaysia. Ask our UMNO top leaders if they have actually achieved what the NEP is supposed to do? Robbing from the other races and giving it to the Malays is not going to work forever!!!!!

  12. Come year 2028 or so,
    B.= 75%, Non B. =25%,
    so expect 25% to work extra hard contribute more to subsidise 75% who don’t hv to work hard , yet expect the country to be first world, can work or not??

  13. From MalaysiaKini
    (Ong Kian Ming and Oon Yeoh | May 26, 08 3:38pm)

    Should Anwar apologise?

    In a recent interview in The Star, Haris Ibrahim, the initiator behind the People’s Parliament, made an intriguing observation. He said that he would like to hear PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim apologise for all his actions (and inactions) during his 16 years in government.

    “My contention is very simple,” he says. “Tell this nation, ‘I was wrong. I am sorry and I want to work with you’, and I think we can move forward.”

    Haris added that he had been tracking Anwar’s public statements for the last few years and he has yet to see him make an unqualified apology to the nation.


    YB Kit Siang,

    Many of us who are critical of the BN are of the same opinion above. It is important that we know for sure if Anwar is what he says he is.

  14. If more rational thinking people in the caliber of Dr. Azly Rahman are in the goverment ,Malaysia will have a better future.National Unity will prevail naturally.Unlike the goons in UMNO and not forgetting the ex-UMNO goon as well will be scrampling shouting they are championing Malay cause,Ketuanan Melayu etc etc only when their own personal power/authority are threatened.Actually they are the real traitors to the Malays because just wanting to get the Malay votes which are the majority with the aim of getting popular and staying influential. They will stir the emotions and using fear tactic just to protect their own agenda without considering the risk of provoking racial hatred.But fortunately,Malaysian today are a wiser lot and not falls into their tactic.ISA should be applied to these people.
    I am a Chinese from Malay medium school and most of my best childhood friends and social friends are Malays.I am so comfortable around them becos they are helpful,non arrogant and rational.So it is not the race,its the selfishness,corruptness and greediness in these politicians that are tearing the nation apart.Unfortunately they always use the Malay agenda to hide their true colors.
    When the non Malay ask for equality,it doesnt mean that we are asking to take away the Malay privilege,please by all means give privilege to those who needs it but not to those already flying first class.Not all non Malay is well to do, infact majorities are struggling.This is where we are asking for equal treatment of welfare, wealth distribution,education policies ,financial assistance etc etc. Is this a threat to Malay Supremacy ??

  15. A note to The Prime Minister:

    There are 2 ways I can make you unable to walk:

    Method 1:

    I take parang and chop off your 2 legs

    Method 2:

    I take a wheelchair, make you sit on it, and push you around in it for the next 5 years.
    I guarantee you cannot walk after the end of 5 years!

    How to help our Malays to be on par with the other races?

    You don’t need a rocket scientist to figure tat out…..

    Scrap the NEP!

  16. Dr. Azly Rahman, well written!

    Let’s face it, as long as the BN (read: UMNO) is in power, the Non-Malays will be Second Class Citizens & UMNO will continue to “pitch” the Malays against the Non-Malays & we can forget about a Bangsa Malaysia!

  17. umno structured the rest of the malay society as a handicapped, patronized group. the malays themselves need to overturn umno which is essentially brainwashing the entire race.

    just contemplate how many of the umnoputras are not morons, someone who can actually do something for the betterment of society instead of making fiery speeches and corruption the way of their life.

    even if bodowi gets the sack, another will come onto the display rack and the choices seems limited and equally as bad or worse. everybody is afraid to step on somebody’s toes.

    some intelligent malay gent who can think beyond racial lines is indeed required to lead the malays.

  18. How can they claim “special rights” when they “enacted” the RUKUNEGARA which proclaimed “SEBUAH MASYARAKAT YANG ADIL”. This is a case of “left hand chopping right hand”, they are slapping their own faces! How can these two extremes EXIST simultaneously?????

  19. “In this regard we can learn from the former British colony called America. Whatever its shortcomings, it is a land of immigrants and is still evolving. A black man or a woman can become president. This is what America conceives itself to be…..”

    You’re right about the “still evolving” bit!

    Racism is alive and kicking in America today. The U.N. has last week accused the U.S. of racism – some 200 plus years after the declaration of Independence!

    Barack Obama is clearly the presumptive nominee for the general election, yet they refuse to declare him so.

  20. Sorry to all for the diversion…

    Donated RM50 for each of the three DAP candidates for Serdang Parlimentary seat & 2 state seats. Now that DAP forms the state gomen (and one of them becomes an Exco), they start telling me gomen actually can’t do anything about the Grand Saga road closure but wait for the court rulling, can’t remove the road block erected on state land, MPKJ is powerless etc etc bulls***. And me end up still have to live with 45-minute traffic jam each time going in or out of my Sg Long home.

    Weeping… not for the meagre RM150, but for a hope lost…
    Next time support BN die, support PR also die. Bloody hell……..

  21. Donated RM50 for each of the three DAP candidates for Serdang Parlimentary seat & 2 state seats. Now that DAP forms the state gomen (and one of them becomes an Exco), they start telling me gomen can’t do anything about BMC road closure but wait for the court rulling, can’t remove the road block erected on state land etc etc bulls***. And me end up still have to live with 45-minute traffic jam each time going in or out of my Sg Long home.

    Weeping… not for the meagre RM150, but for a hope lost…
    Next time support BN die, support PR also die. Bloody hell……..

  22. Heres an interesting info i picked from one of the posts somewhere:

    “On May 13, Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim had given Grand Saga, developer Narajaya Sdn Bhd and the Malaysian Highway Authority seven days to reach an amicable solution.

    The issue was not resolved after the grace period.”

    Hmmm, now let me share another interesting info on the Malaysian Highway Authority

    “The Penang Bridge Run 2008 has been cancelled due to financial and manpower constraints.

    Malaysian Highway Authority director-general Datuk Mohamad Razali Othman said last year’s event had “drained all our financial sources to host the event this year.”

    He said the highway authority would need more than RM500,000 to host the run and did not want to tax their sponsors to fund the event.”

    The Penang Bridge Run 2008 was originally planned on 22 Jun 2008. The event date was already planned and decided in 2007. You can go to this website by the Malaysian Highway Authority:

    You can see on the website, coming soon, event date 22 Jun 2008.

    But strangely, after the 8 Mar 2008 elections, this event that has become a traditional yearly event for Penang was cancelled.

    Anyone want to suggest some conspiracy theories on what happened?

  23. What i am suggesting is, don’t be so naive to think that the BN federal government is just sitting quietly there. Their ‘agents’ are also actively working against the PR governments.

    I personally think the term tsunami is a joke. PR has just one one battle on Mar 8. You thought it was hard to win the election on Mar 8? Well think again. That was the easy part. After Mar 8 is where the REALLY hard part starts. DAP better realize that and get their game plan into shape (i.e. they better got a plan, and a real good one too). BN is down but not out.

  24. Dr Azly Rahman, I supposed is a Malay who do not think like what a typical Malay thinks and does. He is truly a human being who believes in fairness in all life aspects. No discriminations because of race, special rights or religion. And because of his thoughts and actions in life, he can still go very far in life and he will conquer and excel in any fields he ventured because he thinks and acts like a normal human being who cares and do not thinks of his backgrounds. What a human!

  25. Dr Azly Rahman is not in power in Malaysia, does he? Surely i agree with him. But do you think UMNO, PAS and even the Malays in PKR would agree with him? I doubt very much.

    Can Azly Rahman and those like him ever come to power in country like Malaysia? I really don’t know. Are we the people ready for colour blind. Most of us are not merely fighting for our rights, but more for our greed.

  26. The interference by the Kelantan royalty was the biggest mistake done in this era.The advisers who wrote the article did not understand basic idea of citizenship.A new American citizen does not become a slave to an older citizen.A new citizen is given equal rights in everything so an Indonesian given citizenship does not become a slave to a Malay.Royalty should be apolitical to gain respect.Jumping into the badwagon hoping to become popular can have drastic effect.Yesterday we saw how the Nepal ruler thrown out and the state declared republic.The Malay institution gives utmost repect to the royalty but time will not be the same.After the debacle of the UMNO the royalty had spoken up but it must be measured in the name of advise if only sorted.Mahathir also believes the Agong should not be brought in because it is a political matter.The Malays are sorting out their political power and so any other thoughts should be kept hold.

  27. Special rights amount to “special protection”. Are the Malays so weak, delicate and facing “extinction” that they need such special protection? If so, they can always apply to WWF (World Wildlife Fund) for a protection order just like the giant pandas of China!

  28. As I have said time and again to whoever wants to listen, the Malays’ Privileges are peddled by Mixed Malays or even pure Muslim Pakistanis, Indians Indonesian, Philippinoes, Thais, etc. who wants those privileges intact for their own selfish benefits. Those real Malays and Orang Asli have no idea what to do or how to make use of those privileges anywhere.
    I don’t know who some of those in UMNO are fooling when they look like Pakistani/Indian, talks like a Pakistani/Indian, but pretends to be a Malay! At one time, I was really taken aback when I learned that a former tourism minister is an UMNO member when all along I thought he was with MIC. Now that Deputy Finance Minister has me laughing ….not at him, but at UMNO..every time I see him on TV. And while I am on the subject, have the Government forgotten that Bank Negara Governor Jeti or what? Time to retire her loh, or do they think they cannot get anyone better in the whole of Malaysia???

  29. Well like many of you, I have something to share.

    Many GLC want only malays to be on the top position. They don’t wish to see any non-malays and i can defend that as it happened truly to my company. The work quality and attendance dropped from 95% to 45% and staff composition is now 95% malays and only 5% non-malays (who actually do their JOB). Do you see the 50% drop? and the drop is still on-going.

    The malay so called managers or supervisors do not know the job but we have to give them (forced by twisting our arms) and the job quality drops (thats ok for the main guys themselves don’t know what they are doing – and this is a power plant we are talking about!) The few non-malays left have to work double shifts to clear the works of the comrades who have the ‘tidak peduli attitude’.

    So can you imagine how our country is run? Safe except for people like the author of the main topic…there are only a handful of smart and diligent malays in this country (sad but true!)

    How much more do we have to stand for a job to be done properly and diligently? Its a sad in this company where i am working, the malays lepak, do work slowly, even if you teach them numerous times still have the ‘duh’ look and say ‘tak tau’ so many times that the senior ‘white guys’ in the industry seems to know what ‘tak tau’ is and make a mockery of that line to the non-malays. Very very very very very tired and sicken by this, feel very frustrated!

  30. I am sure you all will agree when I say there is no country in the world that is corruption free, only how bad the level of corruption is in any one particular country.Hence the existence of Transparency International allowing us to gauge how transparent a country is from its Corruption Index.
    In a like manner one can also say that there is no country that is free from racial discrimination.However there is a difference between attitudinal discrimination and institutional discrimination.In the case of most
    countries,attitudinal discrimination exists.Attitudinal discrimination exists because of personal prejudice or attitude.For example if a person does not like me because of my colour, it is his prerogative and there is nothing i can do about it.But institutionalised discrimination is altogether a different story for in this case it is sanctioned by the state and this will include denying opportunities in life to persons who are of the wrong skin colour.This is morally wrong and totally obnoxious! Malaysia practises this type of discrimination and is probably the only country in this planet doing this now that the South African Apartheid Policy is dismantled!

  31. Dr. Azly Rahman says that “All Malaysians have special rights” and “all Malaysians are created equal”. Who created the special rights for all Malaysians? Who created equality for all Malaysians?
    I know that the British administrators, the Malay leaders of UMNO, the Chinese leaders of MCA and the Indian leaders of MIC had agreed to create the special rights for the Malays and Bumiputras in Malaya before Malaya was declared independence on 31st August 1957. Hence those leaders agreed to provide and allote those special rights for the Malays and Bumiputras in the Constitution for the Federation of Malaya.
    Dr. Azly Rahman says “History must be presented as the history of the marginalised, oppressed and dispossessed of all races.” I assume that Malayan history has presented the marginalised, the oppressed and the dispossessed Malays and the Bumiputras. Until today, Malaysia 2008, how many millionaires are the Malays and the Bumiputras in comparison with the Chinese?
    Dr. Azly Rahman says, “Malaysia is a land of immigrants”. If that is a historical fact, the immigrants in Malaya did not arrive on the same time. The Malays are said to arrive the first. The Chinese and the Indians arrived in the great numbers in Malaya when Malaya was under the British rule.
    Dr. Azly wants Malaysians to learn from the history of the United States since that state is said for all immigrants but USA is not the land of all immigrants since the Red Indians are there before the white men arrived, occupied and ruled that land. They killed many Red Indians to take over their lands. Malaysians should learn from the History of United Kingdom. The Englishmen become as they are today without destroying the royal institution and kingship. Meanwhile, the Frenchmen who destroyed their royal institution and kingship during their revolution. So, Malaysians can become a progressive nation like the United Kingdom, not like France and the United States.

  32. with due respect to Dr. Azly and other liberal malays, its a known fact
    through history that every Malaysian in former Malaya came and settled in this land from neighborings countries unless the Malays dropped in from the sky like Mr. Bean for special rights which non malays cant demand. Everyone who settled were from two main religious groups until after the 14 th century when Islam and later Christianity was introduced which cannot be denied in history. So what is wrong going on?

  33. ///Racism is alive and kicking in America today. The U.N. has last week accused the U.S. of racism – some 200 plus years after the declaration of Independence!///—Undergrad 2

    Racism should not have been in Malaysia at all, if not for the NEP. Racism in America is not said to be institutionalised. The people in USA would be able to change them, and the situation is improving with time. In Malaysia, it is legalised racism, and the people will have to change the governement, and yet we might not be able to move away from racism after UNNO has nurtured it for all the time it has been in power. Racism has gotten worse with time. When the people in UMNO enjoying government power now might consider reducing racial tension, other UMNO leaders and have- beens are getting more racist, and they are planning to regain power through exploiting racism.

    UN’s accusation of USA does not make Racism in Malaysia more acceptable. We know that racism in USA now is not as serious as it was in 1957. In the case of Malaysia, racism has gotten worse now compared to 1957.

    Until the persons in power in UMNO are willing to take politics as a service to the nation, rather than a means to enrich themselves, and willing to use the the enormous people vested in them for the benefits of the people rather than for self benefit, and are willing to be judged on their performance, rather than to create the vote banks through divide-and-rule policies, racism in the country will remain institutionalised. We shall be forever a low income country. The country may have tourists but most of our nationals cannot afford to be tourists pretty soon.

  34. “As a Malaysian who believes in a social contract based on the notion that ‘all Malaysians are created equal”

    how could all malaysians be created equal? there was slavery when malay rulers held absolute power! you couldn’t even say all men are created equal – let alone malaysians!

  35. Its true UMNO,MCA and MIC agreed for the special rights before
    independence in 1957,but it was not meant for until kingdom come.
    It was not to have the whole pie forever.True there are more Chinese millionaires than malays,but what were the malays doing all these time?. Just eat and sleep with handouts before the Chinese and Indian came to Malaya? They did not bring with them wealth or gold,just what they wore and some rags to sleep on.They toiled and worked hard to earn what they have today.

    The malays should have done the same since they were here much
    earlier and had all the advantages instead of robing from the non-
    malays.Be proud of race and earn your share like the others and
    not being spoon fed.

  36. “Racism should not have been in Malaysia at all, if not for NEP.”. Loh

    Cannot be.racism has always been in Malaysia, in Singapore,in USA and in any country on this planet that you care to name and will never be eradicated cos this racism is attitudinal whereas the racism coming out from NEP is institutional!! That is the big difference.In institutionalised racism you are denied of your place under the sun if you possess the wrong colour.Nothing of that sort happens in attitudinal racism and that’s because such racism usually comes from your childhood environment,your upbringing.

  37. One more thing Malaysia is probably the only country in the world today practising institutionalised racism, now that the dreaded South African Apartheid Policy has been dismantled.I’ve mentioned this earlier in this post.

  38. MGR1940,

    The Reid Commission did not mention anything about Malay special rights,only special position of the Malays.Don’t let this guy Ibrahim Abu Bakar misinform you.This recommendation came about, and rightly so, because at that time the Malays were largely ill prepared educationally because of their economic conditions and this was meant to help them catch up.However this special position is to be reviewed after 15 years (1972) but this was orally agreed by the founding fathers unfortunately.This special position then becomes special rights and gets carved in stoneThen NEP came about and the rest is history.
    I like to point out one outstanding thing and that is this Malaysia is also the only country in this whole wide world whereby the major ethnic component of the population needs protection.Every other country it is the minority that needs protection because of the following reasons:
    (1) Numbers are small (often only a few %)
    (2) Financially weak
    (3) Politically weak.
    (4) militarily weak.
    ARE THE MALAYS IN THIS COUNTRY WEAK IN THE AREAS? In this country the UMNOPUTRAS has succeeded in making quite a large number believe so for the last 50 years.However what most failed to realise is that they are being used to enrich these UMNOPUTRAS.Hence the sad state of affairs in ths country today!

  39. Tun,

    Dont bother what ppl said, you did a great job during ur term. Kita difahamkan bahawa isu perkauman tidak dibentangkan kerana ia isu sensitif. Masalah ramai bukan Melayu tidak fasih berbahasa Malaysia adalah kekurangan pergaulan di anatara kaum, tetapi dengan kaum sendiri and berkomunikasi dengan bahasa ibunda. Sometimes, we have to think on other perspective, firkirkan dari sudut yang berbeza. Kaum bukan bumi terutamanya generasi muda, tidak faham tentang hak-hak istimewa, tapi ramai bukan bumi pun hidup dalam kesusahan, tapi berkerja dgn lebih tekun walaupun dalam keadaan yang kurang memihak kepada mereka. Contohnya, seorang bukan bumi mengalami masalah untuk memasuki universiti kerajaan, kerana bumi quota, oleh itu, dia memasuki universiti swasta, tapi dengan pembayaran yang lebih tinggi, contohnya Rm25 ribu untuk ijazah bisnes, berbanding dengan univertist kerajjan RM10 ribu. Walaupun dibernarkan perminjaman PTPTN, lepas graduate, kena bayar lebih kpd PTPTN. Selepas itu, bila nak cadang membeli rumah, bumi diskaun 7%, cuba fikirkan perasaan bukan bumi itu. ini merupakan contoh yang ringkas, dan banyak keadaan belum dibincangkan. Ini telah membangkitkan semangat utk bersaing, lihat pada orang Jepun, mereka sentiasa ditimpa bencana dan selepas bom atom masa perang dunia kedua,telah membangkitkan semangat utk memajukan negra itu.

    Mungkin salah satu sebab negara kita sentiasa aman, dan tidak ditimpa bencana alam seperti negara lain, kerana bila berlakunya bencana seperti ini, semua orang akan menolong sesama sendiri, tanpa mengira kaum, sebab kita semua manusa, ada darah dan daging, kita semua insan yang dilahirkan dengan cara yang sama.

    Saya dapati sesetengah orang di sini memberikan komen emosional yang terlalu ekstrem dan tidak berfikir. Tak kira apa bangsa, kita nak majukan negara! Semua kaum mempunyai kelemahan dan kelebihan tersendiri, compliment to each other. Terutamanya era globalisasi skrg, org cina boleh berdagang dengan Rakyat China, Org Melayu berdagang dgn Negara Arab, Org India berdagang degn Rakyat India, negara-negara yang disebut itu menpunyai potensi yg amat besar dan kita Malaysia saja di dunia ini yang mempunyai kelebihan ini dalam bahasa dan kebudayaan yang mempunyai persamaan tertentu.

    Saya berasa sedih Raykat Malaysia kini masih dibelenggu dlm isu perkauman, isu untk bersaing dan dengki kepada kaum lain di Malaysia, tapi bukan memikirkan untk bersaing dengan org Jepun, Amerika, Korea yang lebih maju.mungkin sesetengh komen bloggers adalah betul, bumi ditolong, subsidi telah melemahkan semangat persaingan di antara bumi. Sampai bila kita nak maju ni? Wawasan 2020? pada pendapat saya, tidak dapt dicapai jikalau keadaan sebegini berterusan.

    (Nota:saya adalah seorang pemuda, Rakyat Malaysia yang bukan berkaum Melayu.)

  40. Those who advocate “All Malaysians are equal” are questioning the special rights accorded to the Malays under the Constitution of Malaysia and are deemed to be challenging the laws. Malays are “son of the soil” and their privileges should not be questioned or challenged. The special rights of the Malay have also not been fully explored. I feel that the Malays are still not being conferred enough privileges in the work place, schools and sport. The government should look into legalising these rights and it should also be further extended to work place, schools and sports. A lot of Malays are still being placed in secondary position in these three areas especially the work place. Strengthening and legalising these special rights will help enhancing the capability that is needed in order to stay relevant in the globalised world and to give us a better position to compete in the international arena with other races such as Japanese and the Koreans. The strengthening and legalisation of these special rights should not be deemed as racist action as non-Malays have their own rights also. However, these rights should be differentiated from those of the Malays due to the unique background of the country. I hope the BN led government can look into this and I understand the opposition can fully support this proposal in order for Malaysia to move forward.

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