May 22, 2008 – Sad Day for Sabah (In video and Hansard)

This is the video clip and Hansard extract of the parliamentary proceeding yesterday – another sad day for Sabah.

It could be the day for redemption for Sabah, the first step in the realisation of the 30-year dream of Sabahans to end the nightmare of illegal immigrants which have made them and future generations strangers in their own state.

Apologies for the defect in the video clip of the parliamentary proceeding yesterday on the rejection of my amendment to the Motion of Thanks for the Royal Address to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry to resolve the long-standing problem of illegal immigrants in Sabah.

It is now uploaded together with the Hansard (official parliamentary report).


Tuan Lim Kit Siang [Ipoh Timur]: Tuan Yang di-Pertua, saya berdiri di bawah Peraturan Mesyuarat 30 dan 33 untuk kemukakan satu pindaan kepada masalah di hadapan kita, untuk meminda usul dengan menambahkan perkataan-perkataan “… dan memutuskan bahawa satu Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja ditubuhkan untuk menangani masalah berlarutan mengenai pendatang tanpa izin di Sabah sehinggakan timbulnya kekhuatiran yang berasas…”

Timbalan Yang di-Pertua [Datuk Ronald Kiandee]: Yang Berhormat tidak perlu baca, Yang Berhormat.

Tuan Lim Kit Siang [Ipoh Timur]: Ya, itu pindaan saya, “… bahawa bilangan orang asing kini melebihi jumlah bilangan rakyat Sabah di dalam negeri Sabah selepas perkataan-perkataan Penggal Pertama, Parlimen Yang Kedua Belas”. Dan saya kemukakan ini di bawah Peraturan Mesyuarat 31 dan 33(3). Bolehkah saya memberi hujah-hujah mengenai perkara ini?

Timbalan Yang di-Pertua [Datuk Ronald Kiandee]: Saya buat keputusan Yang Berhormat. Yang Berhormat, kita akan buat keputusan sekarang, usul ini perlu diputuskan oleh Tuan Yang di-Pertua dan saya akan buat keputusannya sekarang.

Tuan Lim Kit Siang [Ipoh Timur]: Pindaan, satu pindaan?

Timbalan Yang di-Pertua [Datuk Ronald Kiandee]: Ya, Sila duduk Yang Berhormat.
Ahli-ahli Yang Berhormat, saya telah menerima satu cadangan pindaan ke atas Usul Menjunjung Kasih daripada Yang Berhormat Ipoh Timur pada 16 Mei 2008. Saya mendapati bahawa cadangan pindaan tersebut tidak berkaitan dengan Usul Menjunjung Kasih Ke Atas Titah Ucapan Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong. Cadangan pindaan Yang Berhormat Ipoh Timur adalah melebihi, exceeding dari Usul Menjunjung Kasih. Cadangan pindaan yang dikemukakan oleh Yang Berhormat Ipoh Timur itu sepatutnya dibuat secara usul bersendiri.
Oleh yang demikian, saya tidak membenarkan usul tersebut dikemukakan. [Tepuk]

Tuan Lim Kit Siang [Ipoh Timur]: Tuan Yang di-Pertua, adakah Tuan Yang di-Pertua sedar bahawa ini adalah bercanggah dengan semua konvensi-konvensi Parlimen Komanwel.

Timbalan Yang di-Pertua [Datuk Ronald Kiandee]: Yang Berhormat, Yang Berhormat Ipoh Timur.

Tuan Lim Kit Siang [Ipoh Timur]: Ya, saya tahu saya tidak mahu masuk keputusan Peraturan Mesyuarat 44, tetapi bolehkah Tuan Yang di-Pertua ada buat satu kajian, oleh sebab sama ada di UK, Australia, India, ini adalah tradisi dan konvensi dan bukan sahaja oleh sebab usul menjunjung kasih ialah satu usul dasar. Usul dasar di mana apa-apa perkara yang bersangkut dengan dasar boleh dibincangkan.

Timbalan Yang di-Pertua [Datuk Ronald Kiandee]: Baik Yang Berhormat, baik Yang Berhormat.

Tuan Lim Kit Siang [Ipoh Timur]: Keputusan Yang Berhormat dibuat, ini adalah extra ordinary dan tidak pernah ada berlaku dalam Komanwel Parlimen.

Timbalan Yang di-Pertua [Datuk Ronald Kiandee]: Yang Berhormat duduk, Yang Berhormat. Yang Berhormat tidak payah explain. Baik, Yang Berhormat. Saya akan respons kepada Yang Berhormat. Kalau kita baca Peraturan 31, yang berbunyi, “Pada sesuatu usul itu dalam timbangan Majlis Mesyuarat atau Jawatankuasa Majlis Mesyuarat, boleh dicadangkan pindaan-pindaan jika pindaan itu berkaitan dengan usul itu”.
Kita ketika ini adalah untuk membahaskan usul Titah Ucapan Diraja. Maknanya Ahli-ahli Parlimen mengucapkan terima kasih ke atas Titah Ucapan Diraja dan adalah tidak sopan bagi kita untuk mengucapkan terima kasih, tetapi memberi syarat kepada raja untuk mengaibkan satu usul yang tidak berkaitan dengan ucapan terima kasih kita kepada raja.[Dewan riuh] Itulah sebabnya Perkara 31 itu, tidak dipakai dalam penolakan ini kerana pindaan ini tidak berkaitan dengan usul yang sedang kita bahaskan. Inilah keputusan Tuan Yang di-Pertua.

Tuan Lim Kit Siang [Ipoh Timur]: Ya saya tahu itu..

Timbalan Yang di-Pertua [Datuk Ronald Kiandee]: Yang Berhormat Ipoh Timur, Yang Berhormat Ipoh Timur, nanti Yang Berhormat.

Tuan Lim Kit Siang [Ipoh Timur]: [Bercakap tanpa pembesar suara]

Timbalan Yang di-Pertua [Datuk Ronald Kiandee]: Saya tahu Yang Berhormat Ipoh Timur, saya tahu Yang Berhormat. Yang Berhormat Ipoh Timur, duduk dahulu Yang Berhormat. Saya belum habis lagi Yang Berhormat. [Dewan riuh] Yang Berhormat, Yang

Tuan Lim Kit Siang [Ipoh Timur]: Dahulu, saya ada kemukakan pindaan kepada Usul Menjunjung Kasih dan pernah dibahas sungguhpun ditolak. Sekarang nampaknya adalah melanggari precedent itu.

Timbalan Yang di-Pertua [Datuk Ronald Kiandee]: Saya tahu Yang Berhormat. Kita berpandukan kepada peraturan kita yang ada. Kita harus berpandukan jika peraturan berkata tidak berkaitan, kita tolak usul, kita tolak. Yang Berhormat Ipoh Timur, saya tahu Yang Berhormat Ipoh Timur prihatin terhadap masalah ini, tetapi saya ingin katakan bahawa Ahli-ahli Parlimen termasuk daripada Sabah termasuk saya adalah lebih prihatin terhadap isu ini dan kita melihat…

Tuan Lim Kit Siang [Ipoh Timur]: Kalau begitu…

Timbalan Yang di-Pertua [Datuk Ronald Kiandee]: …bahawa biarlah usul, kita ada tempat yang sesuai untuk kita membincangkan usul ini dan ketika ini adalah usul untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Titah Ucapan Diraja. Maka kita tidak perlu meletakkan sebarang syarat terhadap ucapan terima kasih kita kepada raja.

Dato’ Seri Tiong King Sing [Bintulu]: Tuan Yang di-Pertua, dahulu kita bahas, dia tidak sokong!!

Timbalan Yang di-Pertua [Datuk Ronald Kiandee]: Ahli-ahli Yang Berhormat, sekarang saya kemukakan masalah kepada Majlis bagi diputuskan. Masalahnya ialah bahawa Usul Menjunjung Kasih ke atas Titah Ucapan Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong, oleh Yang Berhormat dari Kulai itu hendaklah disetujukan,
Usul dikemuka bagi diputuskan, dan disetujukan

Bahawa suatu ucapan yang tidak sepertinya dipersembahkan kepada Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong, demikian bunyinya:-

“Ampun Tuanku,
Patik, Yang di-Pertua dan Ahli-ahli Dewan Rakyat Malaysia di dalam Persidangan Parlimen, memohon ampun mempersembahkan suatu ucapan yang ikhlas daripada Majlis Dewan Rakyat mengucapkan berbanyak-banyak terima kasih, syukur dan menjunjung kasih kerana Titah Ucapan Tuanku semasa membuka Penggal Pertama Parlimen Yang Kedua Belas”.

Timbalan Yang di-Pertua [Datuk Ronald Kiandee]: Ahli-ahli Yang Berhormat, Mesyuarat pada hari ini ditangguhkan pada jam 10.00 pagi, hari Isnin, 22 Mei 2008.

22 May 2008 Hansard


17 Replies to “May 22, 2008 – Sad Day for Sabah (In video and Hansard)”

  1. yes, Sdr Lim

    Do not give up. We need more people like Sdr Lim to continue to bring this issue to the Parliment.

    Can they just put the current crisis aside just like this?

  2. Kiandee vocal composure is worthy of praise…not too bad for a Sabahan as he is equally good in BM syntax, and actually better in tonal expression compared to previous Pen. deputy speakers…

    He did his homework well, but he missed the greater deed for losing on the trees….

    All the same, Sabahan should gfarland Kiandee when he next touches down at KKinablau airport from his 1 st class MAS seat.

  3. Only only Sdr Lim only? Why no action from PAS or PKR? Are they supportive of Sdr Lim and DAP or are they just “moving along”? Have you all heard any view from PAS and PKR with regard to illegal immigrants issue in Sabah and also for that matter, Peninsula Malaysia?

  4. All this talk about illegal immigrants in Sabah..Give another 2 years or so, when there is a slow down in the economy .All the legal as well as illegal immigrants will be out of a job.Bosses will start calling RELA officers to arrest thier workers so they don,t have to pay salary.
    Those that escape will do anything to survive ..We should worry now….

  5. The fact of the matter is that part of the reason why this problem have gone on for so long and have been so severe is because the Sabah politicians themselves would not do anything about it unless there was something in it for them and they tacitly agree to insidious and greedy motive of UMNO.

    Its why I don’t believe Anwar has the ability to turn 30 BN Sabah politicians. I am sure there are a few that genuinely want to turn but 30? Not likely simply because their consuming and pervasive self-interest and cowardice stands in the way.

    Its ridiculous for the Speaker from Sabah not to let the motion be tabled. To be afraid that the BN Sabah politicians would support it is sheer political self-castration. Even if the Speaker want to support the PM, its not the way to do it. The way to do it would have been slowed down the debate and let the PM dogs go out and round up the Sabah politicians. What the Speaker has done is the fat and lazy eunuch way of doing things..

  6. The illegal migrant issue in Sabah is complex and monumental, and putting a proper handle to it shall require at least a coalition of the principled and willing. Talks and promises from various Malaysian legal, political, NGOs, youth wings etc [none from religious bodies as yet] to solve the matter have all been heard in bygone eras without any materially substantial reduction and or stoppages of the influx of such migrant, and yet further talks are just parroting the past two decades of let-you-feel-good mumbo jumbo, which roped in law enforcement and military initiatives to suit of the moments.

    Because of the complexity of the matter, Malaysian citizens rightfully need to ensure common acceptable terms, definitions, quantifications etc in describing the issues that envelope the illegal migrant in this Sabah factor. No one, and I am confident, no one without a term of reference will ever begin to understand how to even start an approach to a solution.

    As such, firstly LKS moves to have an RCI established on this matter represent the most even keel approach; anything less than an RCI for a reference will lead Malaysian citizen astray.

    Secondly, Sabah BN MPs who commented they have a solution in hand will remain just that- comment, devoid of practical plans. At best they are self serving to the many precedents.

    Some of the issues in this Sabah factors that begs to be defined are, and others are free to add to this list:
    . factors making these illegal migrant favor Sabah,
    . demography, and point of origin,
    . religious context, etc

    Historians, sociologists, political scientists and religious bodies should contribute professionally to this matter in addition to the proper motion proposed by LKS.

  7. Sad day indeed. Please continue to push for the RCI YB LKS. Or, continue to push BN MPs especially from Sabah to table a motion on the RCI themselves. Anifah Aman said he would. We must hold him to that promise. If he or anyone else does succeed in tabling the motion, I hope every Pakatan Rakyat MPs will support this. Nevertheless, the rakyat, especially Sabahans, will always remember your efforts in seeking RCI. If they never table any motion, the rakyat and PR must continue to apply pressure on them. We are sick and tired of empty talk. We want RCI.

  8. Bumiputra non Bumiputra… From Gorverment jobs to giving out of scholarships.Even number of seats in elections and appointment of ministers are also base on this.BUMIPUTRA NON BUMIPUTRA.
    Base on this do you think the federal goverment care about this problem.
    End of the day its the UMNO Malays who gain.Let the goverment show the actuall break down of race and not Bumiputra non bumiputra.I bet we all will be surprise.

  9. Greetings! YB Kit

    I suggest that you leave Sabah & the Sabahan alone. This is because I think you will have more important roles to play here in west Malaysia rather than wasting time to fight for those who’s not appreciate and support the RCI you’ve table.

    Today, my younger brother has asked me question that I don’t have definite answer for him as the following: –

    i) Where or in which state in Malaysia do you think was DAP hold a Strong Foot? Isn’t in Penang or WP? And what is DAP strategies to maintain or protect it for another 10 ~ 20 years?
    ii) In UMNO, majority of the members know the party fights for the Malay Right & Interests, How about DAP?
    iii) Have DAP ever educate their members or civilians that the meaning of Inflation rate, the unemployment rate & economic standing of Malaysia when they hold the “Ceramah” instead of “Dig & Find” wrong doing by the government ?
    iv) The DAP people’s elected MP’s and State YB were carrying their personal or common party mission & vision, which is which?

    Lastly, we all would like to see a stronger DAP in a near future and it would be more meaningful and opportunity when PR become a government days come.

  10. There is a greater calling in Sabah and one that begs for balanced approaches, which rightful thinking person particularly Malaysians can only benefit better.

    There is elegance in the way LKS approaches are to this matter, sharpening in both ways. Unless some else more principled with precedents to match, LKS looks the most qualified to man this call.

    Sabahan do need such torch bearers; that state is so befuddled and its BN MPs could nary differentiate between day or night, what more to pin any hope on them for any specks of principle. These MPs are too busy and too beholden in their courtyard dramas where players are needed for the roles of royal backstabbers, jesters and clowns.

    The illegal migrant factor in Sabah is a mere façade. The momentum to open this veil to the public has to be sustained as it is the most appropriate way to begin a greater understanding of the larger picture.

    As such, we cannot leave the Sabahan alone on this matter.

  11. What a laughing stock the “Deputy Yang Dipertua” make out of Malaysia. If the only thing that PM can say is “Thank You”, what is it for to waste Malaysian tax payer’s $$ to have such a lengthy debate in parliment. It must well just be published in the newspaper which is more cost effective!

    Its truely “Malaysia BOLEH!!”

  12. lew1328, me and many Sabahans seriously appreciate LKS’s efforts. Some have even named u as a possible CM.(probably half-jokingly, but i dont mind) Most of us didnt vote for the current MPs. Part of the reason they were elected was because of this very issue of immigrants. There is a significant number of immigrants who have been given ICs as well as right to vote. A lot of these MPs relied on these votes. There are other reasons as well why they won. Hence, u cannot say that the MPs truly represent the voice of the people. Please continue to help Sabah LKS.

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