Abdullah could only think of seven priority reform measures…

Yesterday, my parliamentary question (No. 5 on the Order Paper) asking the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi “to outline the top ten priority reform measures which his government will implement in the next 12 months to demonstrate that he has heard the voices of the people in the March 8, 2008 ‘political tsunami'” was not answered as only three got replied.

From the answer Abdullah would have given (reproduced below), the Prime Minister could only think of seven priority reform measures (many of which are quite unsatisfactory) although he had promised Malaysians wide-ranging reforms since he took over from Tun Dr. Mahathir Mahathir more than four years ago.

May be you can outline more reform measures which deserve Abdullah’s top priority in the next 12 months.

Abdullah’s answer: Continue reading “Abdullah could only think of seven priority reform measures…”