Bad start for 12th Parliament

Its a bad start for the 12th Parliament, with Parliament setting the bad example of breaking and bending laws and rules to fit the whims and fancies of the Barisan Nasional government, whether during question time or in the first debate on the Royal Address.

Those who have seen the live telecast may want to give their views for the benefit of MPs.


251 Replies to “Bad start for 12th Parliament”

  1. See the The Star report

    “Police tow away Ooi’s car

    AN opposition MP had an unpleasant start in Parliament when his car was towed away by the traffic police for parking outside the Parliament house.

    Jelutong MP Jeff Ooi, was shocked when he could not find his car after attending the official opening of Dewan Rakyat and Dewan Negara by the King.

    In the dark: Ooi explaining that he was issued a VIP parking pass with an ‘E’ on it, but no one knew where Section ‘E’ was located. Ooi said he was upset with the Parliament officials and the police as he was earlier instructed by the police to park outside the premises due to lack of parking space.

    He said he was given a VIP parking pass that indicated Section ‘E’ to display on his dashboard but no one knew where section ‘E’ was.

    He explained that he did not display his MP crest on the seven-year-old Proton Wira as it was not his official car and he had borrowed the car from his wife.

    ”However I managed to collect my car later but am not sure if I would have to pay a fine,” Ooi told a press conference at the Parliament lobby.

    He added that he would raise the matter in Parliament when debating the Royal Address.

    Say Jeff boy, have you thought of referring this matter to the Chief Parliament Jaga Kereta Boy aka the Minister of Parliament Affairs Nazri Aziz? Maybe he wanted to wash your car.

    To raise this matter during the debate on the King’s speech is just not on. Savvy?

  2. Surely it is. Watched the live telecast obver RTM1 and Pandikar Amin was obviously biased when he disallowed “soalan tambahan” but finally gave in after Pak Lah asked to allow 1 or 2 questions.

    This again shows how undemocratic Parliament can be. Time to change.

  3. Dear brother KIT Siang,

    I definitely do not like the way you express yourself on the issue of removing the UMNO hegemony. We need not be arrogant about our achievement and as citizens we played our part with the hope for better governance and not in anyway to ridicule or to give power to any individual or party.

  4. in respond to pwcheng

    “hope for better governance” without fight, will there be better governance if just sit there and hope.

    Just ask YB LKS to sit there and eat his roti and kopi, that’s why to all the stupid idiot and the 55 NGOs go eat buns & coffee and do nothing than complaining ur feelings.

  5. Yes, most BN fellows have been so arrogant, proud and boastful at all the times and in return, that’s what they get.
    So to our pakatan rakyat team, please don’t follow their foot step.
    You need to treat us all Malaysian like part of the family’s member,
    fair and equal.
    Not all BN fellows or even part of Umno, are baddies.
    It’s just that they have no right to voice their rights and some are even frustrated too.
    They are all human being and have feelings as well.
    Unlike their leaders who are heartless and totally numb.
    Show us the good personality and discard all the bad ones.
    We need unity in all races in order to be truly a Malaysian.
    Otherwise, we are just malaysian only by name!

  6. Dear All,

    I had the opportunity of watching the live session of the parliament debate this morning and concur with YB Lim on his observation whereby the Speaker appears to be slanting towards the ruling coaliation and refused the opposition to question the Prime Minister on one of the most important issues affecting the rakyat. I truly believe that the rakyat reserve the right to know even more deeper the policies outlined by the government to prepare the country in the face of this trying and very troubling time brought about by the inflationary situation.

    The Speaker should have also allowed the opposition to raise a few questions to the prime minister as he is often absent from parliament due to other pressing matters in the administration of the government.

    I was also slightly shocked when the Speaker allowed a question from the floor only after the Prime Minister agreed to it. Is this a sign of the Speaker taking order from the ruling government?

    The opposition should constantly reming the ruling government of their weaknesses. Of course I understand that it is also not easy for them to take such flaks all the time, but would you rather have praises heaped and sung on you only to wake up one day that you have been fooled by false accolades?

    The opposition also should fully take advantage of its stronger position today in the parliament.

  7. YB LIM,

    again and again, you have play to the tune of admonishing umno. i am equally sure, that you would not like other parties to do that to dap.

    in any party , there are good and not so good. i can also state that there are many good umno members that are marginalised and stood up for umno,in good and bad times , and not being rewarded to high post or even monetary gain.

    to open parliament, with arrogant comment that ” with the election tsunami,umno is over,” is overboard. you have failed to understand that many malays will fear dap now, and your relationship with pas is not a bed of roses too. being telecast live, i personally find it lack of professionalism to hit at umno , when the whole barisan nasional component parties are responsible for What Malaysia is today.

  8. Did you see how the Kinabatangan a**h**e did his bombardment in Parliment today? – Just like a typical a**h**e. Really samseng lah. What an embarassment.

    The speaker was MORE than biased. He was totally on the other side! No where near neutral. Remember, he wasn’t elected to the seat. He was picked to be seated there! He’s job is to “officially” crushed any opposition attempt to do any check and balance on the goverment.

    Then again, did you see how hopeless he was in trying to get the house to show some respect and to listen to him? Maybe they should have appointed the gula-gula hacks guy to do the job. It makes no difference lah.

  9. Truely sad to see that opposition MPs were asked (many many times) to sit down and diam diam!

    They spoke for us, rakyat, and not for themselves!

    And now this Live broadcast may not be continued
    next time, according to one news which I read somewhere.

    Truely sick with BN policies!

  10. dear lakikompat.

    pwcheng makes sense.

    it is through the ballot box, the ketuanan raayat decide who are our leaders. fight in a right way, but not belittling others. otherwise, pakatan raayat is no different from arrogant barisan nasional leaders.

    and if dap continues to marginalised the malays, and given that it is live telecast, and the speaker certainly was bias, and the first twenty minutes was on technicalities, than even YB karpal singh should not be in parliament , if he finds the swearing was wrong in law.

    this is well CHOREOGRAPH debate in parliament,( live telecast) that abdullah badawi, had also graciously agreed to ANSWERS to questions after objections by timur barat mp. abdullah badawi wins this round of parliament live telecast. SURPRISING THE OPPOSITION LEADER , was not even complaining.!!!

  11. “You need to treat us all Malaysian like part of the family’s member,
    fair and equal.”

    This is what YB LGE did when he appoint LKC to manage PDC & Penang Invest.

    He was bashed by 55 govt. funded NGOs (dogs) – who the hell are they to interfere in govt. affair?

    He was forced to leave Gerakan after serving many years, none of the leader stop him and persuade him to stay. This imply if you are still under BN who will appreciate you? more than 10 yrs or just 1 yr there is no difference when you quit. Unlike the ah pek gila Keng Aik who received a big vase as token of appreciation for him.

  12. Dear Adam,

    U r wrong, there is no such thing as clean ballots don’t be ridiculous. U think it is kindergarten? Those who are in the Penang Invest or PDC will offcourse want back the old regime as they have vested interest in the old regime, there’s sure money politic to influence the ballots. Now, YB LGE did a great job there to on one hand they want back the Gerakan ppl. (who is capable and based on merits) 2ndly to show the people that Federal Govt. will never welcome such move.

    The powerful will always rule, now PR have to manage this well, that’s a pretty nice move to cripple BN and expose the stupid 55 NGOs dogs.

  13. dear laliloo,

    absolutely agreed with you that the YB Speaker was appointed by non other than the Prime Minister. but care to answer what happened to the nomination of deputy speaker YB Tan, that one vote was missing from the so called pakatan raayat. ?

    it is the case of minding other peoples’ problems, that the in house problems are easily forgotten to attend to. who is the culprit ?

    YB LIM.
    YB hadi, was blabbering about ngo and professional involvement in the economic crises and telecast over. the point is than, maybe pakatan raayat need a ‘whip ‘ too in parliament.

  14. I am sorry; I have to take off my gloves today. Looking at the way the deputy speakers are voted, I just feel that the opposition leaders were not even serious in performing their first act in the new parliament. Secondary, I think at least 17 opposition MPs are “bodoh sombong” – proud but stupid. Imagine if this is a policy matter. Are you saying they will just go along and hope for the best? If you guys continue to behave the way you do, I can assure you in six months, the bulk of your supporters will desert you. I think it is definitely easy for you to criticise the deficiency and shortcoming of BN. But please look at yourself. Real bunkum.

  15. CIMB Group CEO Dato Nazir Razak : “My worry is that when the government is trying so hard to help the Bumiputeras, it may hamper and undermine their future and achievements. When you give them contracts and money easily, you are actually undermining the spirit of entrepreneurship.”

  16. dear lakilompat.

    i cannot comment or disagree with you on the penang state adminstration, as i have no information. but my personal opinion is that YAB LIM GUAN ENG IS MAGNANIMOUS , BUT datuk lee should have resigned from gerakan before accepting the post. that will make it better. Than datuk lee will be apolitical when appointed and not after. thanks lakilompat for the brief on the ngos anyway.
    hope life have been good to you.

  17. Wow! This is such an intelligent comment. I respect Dato Nazir Razak.

    “When you give them contracts and money easily, you are actually undermining the spirit of entrepreneurship.”

    That is so so true!

  18. I was totally dissapointed with the way our Dewan Speaker conducting the paliament! obviuosly….is one-sided! How can we let this kind of human being continue to manuplated our system…even Pak lah himself has stood up and demanded additional questions to be allowed…a slap to “dictator speaker”….shameful…Maybe the MP of Sabah haven’t get the lession from the PU12 tsunami…..Dear follow S & S…pls wake up….

  19. wasnt dato nazir razak related to deputy prime minister of malaysia.?
    and if yes ? talk about meritocracy- surely if he is not bumiputra, i doubt he will get a banking licence.

    remeber umbc , kwong yik bank and many other…


  20. Who gave them the guts to act like hooligans in the parliament?
    When Mahathir was in power, none of his ministers dare to behave like that, be it in the parliament or outside.
    Just look at the previous Samy Vellu, for example!
    Whenever the opposition question him, he would take as if the whole country belongs to him. Also the Kinabatangan MP as well!
    All are not educated and behave like rascal.
    What about Nazri and Omar?
    All these are the work of the present PM.
    As long as he’s still in power, we have to bear on.
    Otherwise, we have to wait for their total defeat!

  21. “I was totally dissapointed with the way our Dewan Speaker conducting the paliament! obviuosly….is one-sided!” eddieqh

    We know speaker and deputy speakers obviously have important roles to play to ensure fairness in the House. Now, did the PK leaders and MPs do their job properly when electing the deputy speakers? As I said earlier, the leaders are not serious in performing their first act in the new parliament and at least 17 PK MPs are proud idiots. It does not matter PK candidate for the deputy speaker was going to lose in the election process. The message must be right.

  22. Limkamput,

    An intelligent comment is still an intelligent. Doesnt matter it comes from who. Maybe it could come from you and I will still respect it. You are so emotional. Cool down. 1st day of Parliament session and you aint giving nobody a chance.

  23. Clearly, the live telecast is just BN’s tool for its propaganda, and it’s clear why they just take it for 30 minutes, in the 1PM news on TV1, they just report about Karpal making the “big foot” statement but didnt do on the part that the Kinabatangan MP’s reply “big monkey”.

    All opposition MPs should think a new and better way to deal with this new tactic of BN.

  24. Cool down. 1st day of Parliament session and you aint giving nobody a chance.

    Please don’t behave like BN, full of excuses – first time lah, inexperience lah, overwhelmed lah. Look, some of the leaders were there for umpteen years lah. The issue really is how serious PK wants to take their job. If they don’t know, they can always ask. I am not even sympathetic of Jeff Ooi’s car being towed away. He deserved it because he should have gone there slightly early and find out where was his designated parking lot.

  25. lakilompat, Just be cool. I think you had misunderstood what I am trying to say. I am referring to brother Kit’s way of delivering that “tsunami” message which most of us had known and as responsible citizen we had done our part to try and put it right and we had sent 81 or 82 MPs from the PR to do the job now. There is absolutely no necessity to repeat the “tsunami” again in Parliament, especially in such emotional wordings, gestures and tone.

    It certainly not look good for the start, especially for DAP. Why must we follow the BN to be arrogant and abusive when in the first place we know that is wrong. We always have better and more intelligent way to replace them.

  26. pwcheng:

    I think it is difficult to remain cool in the face of the usual bullying and provocation. Sometimes you feel that you must also shout to have your voice heard. Ask our friend Limkamput – he has been provoked no end until he had to take off his gloves. I do sympathise with him.

  27. So you want gentle comments. I tell you what; honeymoon is going to be over soon for this group of PK MPs. I am pissed. Most of them are new and yet they show such a lackadaisical attitude. There is no oomph in them lah. Wait lah, one year later, I think they will behave exactly like BN MPs. I am doing PK a favour, my friend.

  28. When dealing with arrogant MPs, you got to be as arrogant, if not more arrogant than them. Then you give them knowledge and tell them the reality to educate them…..with these narrow minded and insecured people, it would take a long time.

    This is exactly what Mr. Lim did.

  29. Give them a chance Limkamput. You are judging too fast and being too harsh. They are human afterall. Plus not everyone agree with your all your view anyway. You have your points but give them time.

  30. I can’t be totally sure what to say to our PR MPs.

    But I strongly feel that those “peanuts” (oath taking tecnicalities, parking space & etc.) should be left out.

    Jeff: Although his car might be towed away – it could perhaps be a human mistake, just forgive and forget. Act like a MP, even if there really is agenda against you! Be like Mr. Bruce Lee – to win, you must first learn how to absorb pressure (or take punches)!!!

    Karpal: Should channel your energy to something more important! If you are serious about helping the Rakyat, don’t get in the passion or “routine” of your struggle in Parliament!

    1-0 down, get your act together!

    YB LKS, rally our MPs, lead them, where is the strategy? BN has delivered the sucker punch, even in the midst of their internal problems, they look better as a cohesive unit with strategies to win!

    No point pointing out those petty mistakes on live TV?!?! Go for the issues important to the Rakyat:

    1. PKFZ
    2. Lingam
    3. Developments in oppositions state
    4. Unity among Malaysians
    5. & etc & etc & etc & etc !!

    Aiyoh!…we did not elect you guys to see all of you on live TV!


  31. Ilovedap,
    Please check my records in this blog. I think I am one of the most fervent supporters of DAP and PK. But I am also rational. I am not being harsh for nothing. I have been following and observing. Frankly, when they are new, the enthusiasm should be there. If they can’t resolve simple tasks, how can I expect them to do research, read or participate in debating and formulating national policies. Anyway we shall see. I want them to succeed as much as you.

  32. “In addition, if everyone thinks like you, I think we will be switching government as frequent as we change our underwear.” llovedap

    Precisely, we are gentle people. We let BN worn that underwear till it rotted. That is today why we have rotten underwear everywhere today.

  33. limkamput,

    keep it up with your criticism, only then there will be improvements. We are all trying to give constructive views, this is Parliament, our MPs have to learn fast, that’s where our veteran MPs come into play, to lead the newbies, and form a strong voice in Parliament.

  34. “When you give them contracts and money easily, you are actually undermining the spirit of entrepreneurship.” – Dato Nazir Razak

    I wouldn’t disagree but where did the money come from? Is it your money Nazir?

  35. Sdr Lim,

    Based on the observations noted, if there was arrogance on either side, then both sides have not learned the lessons of humility, in representing the rakyat.

    Parliament is not the place to throw abuse at fellow parliamentarians, all of whom are rightfully elected and thus present.

    Focus must be on matters and issues affecting the nation. Politicking must be done before parliament, and outside parliament.

    Once elected, parliamentarians should speak on issues, not declaring which party, which leader is greater or the best.

    If parliamentarians use their time, to gloat on their success, then they have missed it all.

    Okay, for the new comers, it is the first session and all can be forgiven. For the veterans, who have suffered a lot of abuse in the past as opposition members, perhaps you can celebrate by having such a big presence, but do get on with serious work and serious discussion.

    Parliament is not the place to shout victory shouts of any party… it UMNO, DAP, PAS or PKR……MCA, MIC and Gerakan, of course have been silenced for now.

    To do so when on live telecast gives minus points to the one who rises to speak. It is time for serious work, serious matters….and that is where The Agung’s speech was excellent and relevant.

  36. ‘Serangan’ Ibrahim kemudiannya mengundang kemarahan sebilangan besar ahli parlimen khususnya daripada DAP yang meminta Ibrahim menarik balik kata-katanya itu kerana membawa maksud menghina. – from Harakahdaily

    I am very disappointed with Ibrahim Ali(IND-Pasir Mas) who stood under PAS ticket. He was acting like an UMNO MP. Perhaps he should just rejoin UMNO. But UMNO had already closed its door to him before GE 2008 started. So is he now trying to impress UMNO to take him back?

  37. this is sad. chaos in the parliament like a tenth world parliament. i hope that PR will not follow the monkey antiques of BN like the likes of Khairy, Bung Mokhtar etc. these fellas let them rot and decay. no need to add salt to preserved the budaya samseng BN

  38. PR : Fail.
    BN : Fail.
    All act like monkeys. Lets hope is just from too much excitement from the first parliament sitting.

    I wish Karpal Singh would please stop wasting his fellow MP’s time! Fellow MP’s here include MP’s from PR.

    PR MP’s should have some form of agreement/discussion before parliament on what are the key issues. And during parliament present a focused and united effort in discussing the important issues. Not wasting time sparring words over pointless technicalities.

    Stop attacking UMNO. You are in parliament to discuss the future of this country and people. Not to verbally bash certain parties. Please get down to doing your jobs: serving the rakyat, or has DAP MP’s forgotten that?

  39. I wouldn’t disagree but where did the money come from? Is it your money Nazir? – dawsheng

    Well, a banker I know told me that come election time his Bank made donations to BN political parties.

  40. kingkenny Says: ”

    No point pointing out those petty mistakes on live TV?!?! Go for the issues important to the Rakyat:

    1. PKFZ
    2. Lingam
    3. Developments in oppositions state
    4. Unity among Malaysians
    5. & etc & etc & etc & etc !!”

    IMO and others’, the most important issue is economy. While DAP is an opposition party at federal level, at state level it is already a governing party. Economy is everything to a governing party. DAP must be seen placing high priority to economy.

  41. It is clearly that the Pendikar Amin is helping BN, but in the way of playing tai chi.

    Lim, please keep it up! I’ve seen that only you’re fighting with the Pendikar Amin when he disallowed for soalan tambah, the other should stand up and support Lim too!

  42. dear devil master.

    we have expected the speaker to be biased.

    BUT, we never expect that pakatan raayat could not forge a unity in voting for a deputy speaker. is that a fair comment.!!

    i am equally sure,that the penang, selangor, perak,kedah and even kelantan will slant over to party first policy. this is politics.

    but , UNTIL PAKATAN RAAYAT IS UNITED, its the enemy within that is worrying the voters.

    and for YB glugor and puchong having to spend about 20 minutes about swearing under adminstrator, abeit LIVE TELECAST, it looks more like a court drama than a parliament debate.

    BUT, we never expect that pakatan raayat could not forge a unity in voting for a deputy speaker. is that a fair comment.!!

    I don’t understand this comment at all. There were 81 PR MP’s + 1 independant. 81 MP’s voted for Tan. What is all the talk about no unity?

  44. Can the Opposition MPs display some professionalism and maturity in their roles as an MP in Parliament? What is all this shouting & name calling business when Parliament is in session? Surely all of you do not want to stoop to the level of the BN MPs who, in my mind are brainless nit wits who take every opportunity to create a circus in Parliament without having anything beneficial or worthy to debate.
    Please use yr common sense and do not play to the tune of the BN MPs

  45. BUT, we never expect that pakatan raayat could not forge a unity in voting for a deputy speaker. is that a fair comment.!!- ADAM YONG IBNI ABDULLAH

    I beg to differ. The story actually was like this. The Pakatan Rakyat MPs were not aware they only needed to vote for 1 candidate. Some of them were confused as were to vote for 1 or 2 candidates. Hence, 17 of the Pakatan Rakyat MPs voted for Wan Junaidi. They thought it was compulsory to vote for 2 candidates.

  46. Out of 69 postings on this thread (and counting), 10 postings (and counting) expressed disappointment with the behaviour of PR MPs on their first day – a small group led none other than by the representative from Kg. Attap who insists he is extremely loyal and supportive of the DAP!

  47. So you think these 17 fellows deserve to be there representing us? If they are not sure, ask, find out, whatever. I think they take their responsibility very lightly. Honestly if they can’t do a simple task like this, what greater task can we expect from them? First, some MPs from DAP and PK did not submit questions for oral answer. Now, they don’t know who and how to vote. What would be the next fiasco?

  48. It is said’ It takes two hands to clap’. MPs from both sides of the aisle are equally guilty. If the BN MPs acted rowdy, why did the PR MPs had to react in the like manner. Surprise them, act dignified, they will be stunned!

  49. They did asked the speaker. But there was no replied. devilmaster

    NO, according to the report, one of the MP asked and the speaker answered. Now, some MPs may be didn’t hear. That is beside the point. It is a serious matter when MPs exercise their votes. So, if there is no reply, or if they did not hear, can the MPs simply vote? Please, I am talking about how the MPs must be serious with their work. I know DAP candidate (Dr.Tan) would not win, but the message must be clear. We laughed at BN MPs for being stupid; just look at their votes, solid, 140, not one more, not one less.

  50. “Does Agong wrote those speech? Why did the PM hand it over for the Agong to read?.” Shiok Guy

    Multiple test question (for Shiok Guy)

    1. The Agong forgot to bring the speech he himself wrote with him to Parliament because he was told it was going to be a tea party.

    2. The PM is preparing to take over the Agong’s job when PR takes over the government in September and passed the speech he wrote for the Agong to read.

    3. The PM handed over the speech for the Agong to read because he was too sleepy to read.

    4. All of the above.

  51. Thought this new speaker would make a difference – apparently another letdown. A laughing stock for the Region. Taiwan is agressive, Singapore is ordered, Malaysia is a circus

    Malaysia needs intelligent people at the helm – anybody knows if this new speaker is qualified educationally ?

  52. my 2cents
    Having watch the live telecast on rtm, its obvious that the whole parliment system is biased base on the number of questions being permitted to the oppostion and also how the parliment speaker run the show.

    “hidup” YB Lim KS “mansui”

  53. Let do some math.
    Total MP = 222
    BN = 140
    PR = 81
    IND = 1 (The one joker who criticize KS? The one on PAS ticket but act like UMNO joker)

    Voting time = PR got full support of 81 while the ungrateful joker vote against PR.

    Settled? case closed?

  54. In reply to Ron260461’s:

    “Can the Opposition MPs display some professionalism and maturity in their roles as an MP in Parliament? What is all this shouting & name calling business when Parliament is in session?”

    No big deal with all the shouting and name calling so long as it is NOT “Taiwan style” (i.e. MPs jump on the table and throw shoes at their opponent).

  55. The PR MPs shouldn’t had reacted in the like manner when the BN MPs were being provocative and acted like unduly, rowdy school children.

    They should have behaved in a more dignified manner and showed decorum in the House.

    It is hope the opposition MPs can behave diffrently from today onward. Even if provocative behaviour and abusive language are thrown at them, they should react with controlled language and manner. Don’t fall for their bait. This will surely stun the BN MPs. Show contrast, assure the people they ahd voted correctly.



  57. “undergrad2, seriously lah!
    I don’t know the protocol. I am merely asking so I can learn more!” Shio Guy

    The King (Agong) cannot act except in accordance with advice and that advice is the “advice of the Cabinet” or “of a Minister acting under the general authority of the Cabinet”: Article 40 Federal Malaysian Constitution 1957. This doesn’t make him into a rubber stamp but a constitutional monarch – walking and breathing like you and me.

    There is some limited but important discretion given to him under certain circumstances. Believe me you don’t want to go into that now.

    But that discretion does not include writing his own speeches.

  58. Shiok Guy,

    The “advice” referred to is not the kind of advice your father would give you when you are about to run off with your Malay girlfriend so you could get married in Australia and claim asylum from the Australian government.

    This is the kind of ‘advice’ the British Advisors in the 1800s gave the Malay sultans who later sat around a table to sign that piece of paper surrendering transferring sovereignty to them.

  59. This is not the place to ‘monkey around’ !

    This is not how we want you to act, not in our parliament! MPs from both sides of the aisle should refrain themselves from acting in such unduly and rowdy manner. Does your insolence know no boundary? We want you to act as our responsible representatives in parliament, not as clowns. Is this the type of behavior you want the the younger generation to emulate. We want you to fight for us (our interests) not to fight amongst yourselves. Don’t make a spectacle of yourselves. Don’t have to show us what good actors you are. We are not interested!

  60. To be very honest I think members of opposition fell short of their worthiness today. YB Karpal, Gobind and you and others seemed to have over reacted on issues that could take back seat.
    If this approach continues on opposition part, we may soon see the lost interest of voters like me. Also, I was disappointed with karpal’s maiden remark on Bung Mokhtar calling him big foot just to be reciprocated with words ‘big monkey’. Can we expect our PR leaders to demonstrate the best manner under whatever situation while being firm in principle.
    But please don’t think I condone with Ibrahim Ali because I never consider him worthy on anything relates to principle and manners. The PR could just ignore him as I’m sure of people’s impression of him.

  61. I believe the UMNO cyber troop is patrolling Kit Siang’s blog every now and then. Therefore, I assume this blog could be treated as a platform for ‘direct communication’ between us, the people; and you, the enemy of the poeple.

    Please send a clear signal to those sitting a few levels above your sorry-state pc clusters that: the poeple will REMEMBER each arrogant stunt you pulled in the parliment, and be prepared to be punished by our votes in the next GE.

    As simple as ABC. You could enjoy acting in front of your dawning bosses, by all means do it more frequently. I would certainly enjoy seeing your sorry axx apologizing everywhere after being haunted by the fear of losing in the next GE.

    Let us take kerismuddin, khairi-the-beruk, OKT, Khir, Sami veilu as the few significant examples. So guys, let the ignorant to learn their own lessons…the HARD way.

  62. Dear YB Lim, i woke up at 3am to watch RTM1 all the way from england! Im dissapointed with the speaker yes, but im not one bit suprised.

    Im doubly, and triply dissapointed with PR (specifically DAP) MPs especially Karpal Singh, not to mention you. Whilst it was funny with Karpal and ‘Bigfoot’ name, it was uncalled for. When you make fun or insult someone it is bound to come back at you. The Pasir Mas MPs comment on YB Karpal was not right one bit, but it reflects my point just the same. Kudos to Azmin Ali for being one of the few people to talk sense and be civil! He was absolutely and completely right in his telling Karpal to take it as a gentleman.

    The same goes to you YB Lim. I have the highest respect and admiration for you, however it is very often that you take cheap shots at the BN. The issue about the tsunami and UMNO hegemony need not have been said, especially in the way it was said. It gave the impression of arrogance and contempt, and that is not why your in parliament. Please tread these issues more carefully. Not just the malays, but even any right thinking non-malay would have felt that such a statement (in the way it was said) was not right.

    MOST IMPORTANT, is that opposition MPs must stop taking cheap-shots and harping on trivial and nitty-gritty issues. I know that being the first session of the new parliament, and especcialy with i t being telecast live, that everyone is excited.

    Bust you must keep your calm. Taking cheap shots at individuals, like Karpal amd the ‘right hand’ issue is not right. You shouldnt act like your adversaries in the BN. Just watch british parliament sessions on BBC, and you will see how they remain completely civil, respectful and focused on the goal. All this meesley politicking has to stop.

    Taking shots at people might score a few political miles temporarily, but you very quickly loose twice as much respect from people. Especialy since it is live on TV, it is all the more reason to remain civil and dignified. Im very dissapointed with you and karpal especialy today. Whilst most PKR MPs did not speak much, when they did they were certainly more civil. To a large extent DAP MPs were like ‘tin kosong’ banging on about pointless issues.

    Please focus on the important things rather than harping on nitty-gritty details for political milage. Swallow your pride if necessary. today it appeard more like an ego boosting/bashing session than anything. When you remain dignified in the face of the BN and unfair speaker, thats when you gain the most respect. Put forward important national issues.

    Im not saying to keep quiet. Absolutely not. But please be more civil and cut down on all this politiking. When you hurl insults, do it legitimately, fairly and such that even BN MPs will say “Ai Say!” not so crudely and offensively. please.

    i particularly hope you will pass my opinion on to karpal who is becoming increasingly like a nyanyuk loose canon.

    I hope to see a much better parliamentary session on monday!

  63. Jeff Ooi comment on the car right after Karpal Singh statement on the mongolian father towards the death of his daughter is a sign of disrespect. (Jeff please choose your battle wisely. I hope you know when to choose the battle. Winning is a give and take situation.)

    Karpal Singh comment on “big foot”. Please be more professional. I’m a staunch supporter of DAP but the comments irk me. What do you think the Malay voters would think? Once again, choose the word wisely.

    Lim Kiat Siang: Dear sir I respect you a lot but your poor command in Bahasa is an obstacle for you to present a strong debates. As a politician for so many years, you should realize that Bahasa is very important in order for you to debates/argue with the UMNO.

    Lastly, DAP performance in the parliament is dissappointment. Please choose your battle wisely!! We love you but your performance truly sadden me. Regardless, how unfair BN treated you but please remember to protray yourself as a professional !!!!

  64. To BN leaders reading this blog. Though we complaint about DAP but we’re also aware of your unfairness towards the Pakatan Rakyat.

    Please YB lim kiat siang remember this is a Public Relation war now. Please tell all DAP parlimentarian to choose the words wisely. I would recommend DAP to review how US politician debate their issues. I’m not sure if you can see it on CSPAN. Again, learn from the Republican on Public Relation.


    To me, that female speaker seems to get hurt easily. Demanding an apology for something as small as that magnitude just prove my point. I believe that she should not response by lecturing other people. She is handling an adult, who isn’t as easy to command or lecture as compared to little children.

    That Karpal Singh to me is another problem. I mean, he isn’t elected by the people to call other MPs a Big Foot, or is he? Has he forgotten that the people are watching him? For all I know, whosoever who name call the other people in the parliament will sink down to the same status as the people who says ‘BODOH’ or ‘pondan’. Bung Mokhtar is evidently not a Big Foot even if he didn’t deny the statement done by Karpal Singh.

    It is clear that there are no big foots or big monkeys in the parliament, so why should anyone reply to such name calling? If a child calls an adult names, what would the most mature reply be?

    Please, no more name callings. Unless, never mind about the issues that they need to discuss, it is more important to call each other names. Calling names comes first in the list of discussion before abolishing ISA and NEP. That’s what politicians in Malaysia do and is their duty to do so in front of their people. I want my leaders to call names at each other. It is fun to watch leaders making a fool of themselves. While teachers are teaching the students that name callings are not professional, but who cares, our politicians do it. What a great example our politicians are making for the future generations. Heck, maybe I should approach to name calling if I am unsatisfied with foreigners, because after all, rich and powerful politicians in Malaysia do it, why can’t I?

    So, the moral of that telecast to little Malaysians is, one of the best arguments ever is made through name callings. Take each name callings personally. I call you stupid, you call me idiot we get things done better this way.

  66. Lim Kit Siang,
    I’m totally disappointed with Karpal Singh at the Parliament session today. I don’t expect an experienced MP like him to behave like that. Why want to waste time bringing out the unnecessary issues about the swearing session or even the number of words in the question being asked when there are more things to be debated about. Why not the opposition let Pak Lah to finish his answer and then take the time you’ve to question again. Just like the forum. Not every one has a chance to ask more question. But at least after the speakers finish talking then the audience one by one questioning. Because you opposition bring up these not important issues, that’s why the BN monkeys starting to throw bananas at you all. Why have to do this at the parliament? Grow up la. I voted DAP this election and don’t expect you all to behave like this. If this keep going on, I’ll vote you guys out next election, especially Karpal Singh.
    On the other note, Katdog, economic is not the only issues among chinese and that’s not the only reason we voted DAP. Chinese voted DAP because of wanting equality in terms of status, education, opportunities etc. So Katdog, please don’t make false statement towards Chinese.

  67. 3 out of 73 questions.

    Great work!

    The best I’ve seen so far.

    Keep it up!

    If I can manage to discuss the fourth questions, I guess I should consider quiting my studies and start being a politician. I guess I have to find better name callings from now on.

  68. Lim Kit Siang,
    Can’t you see that all these name callings is belittling the profession of politicians? It was use to be about responsibility, respect, mature, professional, role model, and putting the people’s demands first.

    Now, it’s like a child’s play, where there’s none from the above. Some how, deciding who is Big Foot or Big Monkey is more important than the other 70 questions.

  69. YB Lim
    I just watched the video.
    I know sometimes we have to response to those who bark, but our response should not be barking back. If we do that we are lowering ourself to the same level.

    Can I suggest this Mr Lim? When the BN MP is throwing abuse which is unparliamentary. All PR MP turn around and face away from the lot. Imagine 81 MP doing that and I am looking forward for it to be on TV.

    Shiok Guy
    Please read my questions for PR MP at my blog..

  70. “Views for the benefit of MPs??”

    First of all, there’s too much showing off by some that they are knowledgeable about the House standing orders and procedures. Both procedural objections raised, and efforts by Speaker to address and make a ruling on them wasted time that otherwise could be used to debate meaningfully substantive issues of national importance. Examples of such trivial procedural objections are:

    · citing the standing orders to question certain BN leaders who failed to raise their hand during the swearing-in ceremony on Monday – Karpal Singh.

    · questioning why Karpal, who is wheelchair-bound, did not ask permission from the House to allow him to speak without having to stand up – Independent MP Ibrahim
    · complaint that Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail (PKR-Permatang Puah), who has been appointed opposition leader, should have been the first to pose questions in the new parliament – Azmin Ali (PKR-Gombak).
    · Seeking to nullify question posed by Bung on grounds that it exceeded the 40-word limit – Bandar Kuching MP Chong Chieng Jen

    An exception to this is YB Kit’s procedural objection to Speaker’s ruling refusing to allow the usual follow-up supplementary questions to the PM’s response. Don’t know whether it constituted “a mockery of parliament” & democratic process, but I agree that such procedural objections by Kit to the Speaker’s ruling is substantive in the sense that if not raised by him (1) substantive matters from supplementary questions would not have been otherwise addressed by the PM and (2) the Speaker whose position requires familiarity of standing orders get away from making a procedurally wrong ruling ie that no supplementary questions are entitled following answer to the main question!

    Although Karpal’s “Bigfoot and Bung’s Monkey exchange was unnecessary and arguably unparliamentary, I don’t have strong feelings against it or its “entertainment value” provided that it did not provoke Parliament to a shouting match, pandemonium and waste too much parliamentary time. Maybe my expectation is a notch lower – when MPs are not customarily equal and proficient in witty verbal exchange, name calling appears to be the substitute…

    I am more concerned with BN’s choice of Pandikar as speaker. Not knowing the procedure – that 2 or 3 supplementary questions following the main one are allowed – is one thing, perhaps a small concern since he too learns on the job : what I am more concerned is (1) his neutrality and (2) his temperament. He is too conscious of his authority and wisdom being challenged (All the time I hear “sila or tolong duduk”) and lacked the right balance of firmness and conviviality sprinkled with the right elements of humour, wit and charm to control the motley crowd in Parliament struggling to ascend from third world to first world parliamentary debates.

  71. Pingback: mental jog
  72. Although I do not agree with YB Karpal Singh using the name “Big Foot” in the Parliament, unfortunately we need to use “animal language” to talk to “animals” sometimes. Malaysians have not forgotten that Bung has insulted women with his famous “Bocor” remarks.

    As far as the uncomfortable “Big Foot” remarks being made, I am even more disgusted by a few BN MPs including Bung himselves not only challenging YB Karpal Singh to stand up but also laughed at him after the insensitive remarks being made. It is totally unacceptable and deplorable! Therefore, some BN MPs are by far more arrogant than before!

    The above link is a proof of repetition of offence and insensitivity made by some BN MPs again.

    I am quite fine with the way YB Lim Kit Siang performed today, every MP has their different way of approaching the parliamentary sessions. However, I agree with many here that the Pakatan Rakyat should be in a more uniformed manner to deal with the Governing MPs but it is all too early to pass jugdement based on a short 30 mins and edited clips from the news. I am not quite sure about YB Lim’s opening speech on “Umno’s political hegemony”, but at least YB Lim was not afraid to express his views on the March 8th Political Tsunami. In fear of a back fire in the over all picture, I suggest that the bashing on “Umno’s political hegemony” to be put to rest now for the moment as Umno’s internal turmoil is doing a far better job in restraining their political hegemony and any additional firing from outside might do more harm than good now.

    Yes, Pakatan Rakyat should use its 82 seats strength to “flex” its muscle. Work on a certain policies, empowering our new Opposition leader. When any of the BN MPs behave worse than an animal, the Opposition Leader & the other 81 PR MPs may stand up, turn away, face away or even walk out in protest…etc. I am not sure about the rules of parliamentary meetings but I guess 82 MPs is quite a number YB Lim!

    In conclusion, I see no other better choice besides supporting the Pakatan Rakyat! Besides, the rakyat has given Barisan Nasional 50 years! and it is way too unfair and early to pass negative judgement on Pakatan Rakyat who has just formed for a mere 5 weeks. And Pakatan Rakyat knows well enough that the rakyat will vote anyone out the next time if promises (of best efforts) made during the election campaign are not met in the next 5 years!

    YB Lim, with your continous effort and this blog. I must say that I can truly felt that our voice be heard in the Parliament because of you! Thank you! Take care and have a restful weekend.

  73. After the rowdy parliamentary session, our Information Minister Ahmad Shabery Cheek said the ministry would review whether or not to continue the live telecast.
    He is wrong….He should continue live telecast.
    Amongst various reasons, I will for now cite four, as they occur to me: –

    Firstly, if he were ashamed of MP’s conduct, then there is more the reason not to cover it up from the rakyat whom they represent. So that rakyat could also continuously evaluate how their representatives perform in parliament and make the right choices in the ballot box in next election or by election.

    The second reason is why shame of conduct is never a good reason to bury it under the carpet is that it is from televised proceedings that rakyat and spectators could give criticisms – often constructive criticisms – by way of feed back to assist the MPs to correct their gaffes and move on to better conduct.

    Third, the rowdiness or rambunctious of proceedings may be a temporary phenomenon. Like two new partners (two equally strong ruling and opposition sides) in a dance (or contest if you will), they need a time to adjust how to conduct themselves adversarially without uncivility; how to take pot shots at one another within framework of order without descending to chaos and disorder!

    Fourth, it is consistent with democratic principles of transparency and accountability of politics that parliamentary debates be televised. In the process citizenry learns about the legislative process, how bills and laws are debated and passed. How could there be broadening down of democracy to wide spectrum of citizenry when their democratic right to be educated in the legislative process and what their representatives elected are doing in parliament is denied (in the sense not made freely accessible via media of television, You Tubes and so on)??

  74. I didn’t really see any coordination between PAS, DAP, and PKR. The connection from tvpas was very poor; thus, I might be wrong.

    Following are few points I believe it would help the Pakatan Rakyat:
    1.Let Wan Azizah/female MP to start the question. With a women questioning about BN’ statement, if any MP from BN show disrespect this will result uproar from fellow Malaysian.

    2.PAS, DAP, and PKR needs to coordinate together asking question. This show the cooperation between the parties. Yesterday, I can only see DAP requested for “soalan tambahan”. This mean whenever a party ask a question it would be follow by another pakatan rakyat party.

    3.Also, allow the unknown “new MP” to request for “soalan tambahan”. I think this would not allow the viewers to associates negative perception of “old DAP”. Hence, they’ll listen to substance of the question. Certainly, the new MP must have the stomach to show firmness towards asking tough question.

  75. The performance of the Speaker is pathetic!

    He is unable to maintain order or even the appearance of impartiality. Aren’t the following, duties of the Speaker?

    The Speaker has full authority to make sure MPs follow the rules of the House during debates. This can include:

    Directing an MP to withdraw remarks if, for example, they use abusive language.

    Suspending the sitting of the House due to serious disorder.
    Suspending MPs who are deliberately disobedient (known as ‘naming’).

    Asking MPs to be quiet so Members can be heard

  76. dear devilmaster.

    “they thought it was compulsory to vote for two candidates ”

    I thought i did request Yb lim, to get all the heads of department of pakatan raayat to brief their respective ‘new mps” on the procedures in parliament, when some mps ” thought they forgot to submit questions”.

    so the other 64 mps from pakatan raayat are second term mps?
    ( now i have to exclude the mp that stood on pas ticket as from pakatan raayat ). now dsai, will need to get an extra mp from sabah n sarawak to meet the numbers.


    And this is serious constructive comments. the people in coffee shops are already laughing about this. my newspaper man already said, ‘sama juga’. –

    If YB LIm, only wants to hear the good news liken abdullah badawi, that all is fine on the ground, ( which i dont believe YB is such a man ), than if we love dap, the more, we need to inform YB of the grassroot feelings.

    thank you master devilmaster.

  77. Hello this is a litmus test, whether opposition can gain further and conquer the federal. If u all the Malaysian wanted to win, it must first gain capacity in the parliament, with the current situation, opposition must used different tactic only then can gain yards, just like rugby.

    There’s no need to discuss any good things with BN, cos they will not listen anyway. It is very good tactic to first tackle the law & rules etc so that ppl. will see whether BN men has change or not. But looks like that old stupid Bung have yet to change. And that new Yang Dipertua looks like the king of hypocrite, he’s there to make sure the flow preventing supplementary questions. I never see in other country got such an idiot there to prevent questions been asked and answer.

    If the leader are weak, couldn’t justify most of the questions from the opposition firstly from rules angles, then it is the best tactic to use. Good job PR! Don’t expect opposition to feed the stupid BN men. Pak Lah now even extend the EPF contribution to 60 yrs old, mean these BN men going to stay on for longer. So Malaysian will suffer further, PR has nothing to discuss except for rules & laws, cos BN men are known to be outlaws.

    By the way, CHAMPION LEAGUE champion will be CHELSEA in MOSCOW by penalty kick becos that filthy rich owner ALREADY BOUGHT the trophy. Man Utd probably retained the EPL trophy. Even at international level also there’s corruptions. Riise did Chelsea a big favour at the last 4th minutes of injury time, do u think it is real? same with our parliament today, no matter anything, PR must 1st drill in to the Rules & Laws, because Pak Lah wanted to reform, he must answer how to reform?

  78. Rakyat from all walks of life glue their eyes on the first live telecast dewan sitting which could as well be the last. The dewan just look like a bunch of playful kindergarten kids. Precious time being wasted. Elected MPs must understand that when the rakyat elected them to the parliament house, they carry their aspirations and must perform to their expectations, especially on current issues that are affecting their livelihood. STOP the shouting game and behave like YBs!

    Uncle Lim, I notice Datuk Samy sitting at the dewan back row. I wonder how he feel being there as a non-MP. That’s life, right? Someday we are up and someday we are down. The important thing is – don’t forget to look down when we are up!

  79. Dear Sir jeffrey.

    whatever legal jargons are IRRELEVANT to the largely rural voters.
    whether it is swearing under admin or the breaking of rules by the speaker.

    they heard loud and clear yesterday, karpal and bung calling each other big foot and monkey. period. and rtm will repeat this over and over again.

    is that impressive.?

    nyet. bung will be bung, and why karpal must play fiddle with him.?


  80. Looks like Pandikar has done a good job on his first day! He’s out to “stop” the PR all by himself!
    Now we hear the Minister of Information wants to stop the Telecast of the Parliment Sessions. He says Parliment is not a Circus. Really? If it’s not, then stop putting up a Circus Show! He does not want the Rakyat to see how the BN MPs behave!
    After watching how the BN MPs & the Speaker behaves, all I can say is, THANKS! More of the Rakyat will start supporting the PR!
    By the way, when is the PR going to come up with a Shadow Cabinet? And please try not to “sink” to the level of the BN MPs.

  81. Bung mokhtar discriminates against disabled. There’s one blind man politician appointed by BN govt. we can ask him to read it out as well.

    To kentutoyol,

    Don’t be stupid this world has nothing as ideal:-

    “Precious time being wasted.”

    Since independence, we Malaysian already given mandate to the BN govt. to waste time. Do you think we are advance today, we can even lost to Vietnam, Laos, or Cambodia.

    “Elected MPs must understand that when the rakyat elected them to the parliament house, they carry their aspirations and must perform to their expectations, especially on current issues that are affecting their livelihood.”

    Do u think they dunno law? do u think Malaysia got law? Atlantuya case, Lingam case, stop been stupid, do u think Pak Lah abide law? his son in law, and son? do all bloggers feel stupid today? Malaysia has no law, that is why PR have to ask question pertaining to law and rules. Before the GE12, there’s already no law, after the GE12 it is even worst, no law.

    “Bung Mokhtar asking Karpal to stand up is like telling that blind politician BN appointed to read out loud to everyone what he see.”

    To all the bloggers, use brain and think, Malaysia is continue like that no foreigner will come or be attracted due to deterioration in law and orders.

    Penangites, future is at stake, 2nd Penang bridge on hold (cancel in a nice way) KL – Singapore bullet train cancelled (who is so stupid to destroy future infrastructure, with this infrastructure ppl. can easily migrate to Singapore to work, also bring in inflow of foreigner funds). Whoever cancelled the project is at the expense of Malaysian. Without future infrastructure such as the transportation how can Malaysia remain competitive? If the MP don’t abide the rules and regulation do u think they will understand what it means by competition.

    PR u guys did an excellent job, keep stressing on Rules and Laws, becos there is no point to discuss other craps. It is not wasting time, it is in fact buying time so that soon these bunch of useless craps like Bung and PL will be booted for good before December 2008.

  82. If we don’t build these infrastructure now, it will cost much higher tomorrow. Have u ever heard land value drops? because LAND in economic is SCARCE. STUPID govt. has no appreciation for basic ECONOMIC knowledge. If they don’t build these infrastructure Malaysia will remain uncompetitive, foreginer definitely will not come due to political unstable and govt. not willing or encourage to build infrastructure to sustain development. It make us looks like 3rd class citizen where we are no difference compare to Utophia in Africa, the citizen have to beg for food.

    If we don’t built them now, it will cost us three or four times more expensive later because land value increases and the cost of land acquisition will be higher (basic economy).

    I hope before December 2008 govt. will be change, else all bloggers can continue to rants without seeing any improvement.

  83. Whereas India and China, or even Indonesia govt. are constantly building these infrastructure or encourage private companies or manufacturer to build for them.

    Many Taiwanese manufacturer are setting up plan in China provided they build schools, roads, bridge for the local. What is Malaysia govt. lacking? LEADER (ZzzZzzz sleepy dragon before and after GE12)

    Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia all these countries are continuing encouraging foreigner companies to set up plants, even grant lease land to people so that they can develop it.

    In Malaysia, we don’t all those land go to relatives related to UMNO. Why? for what? self benefit? In the end the Malaysian have to share the burden, because inflow of foreigner capital is low.

    We all end up buying more expensive stuff, also those stuff are not of any better. We drive a lousy proton milo tin car which many foreigner will laugh why malaysian are so stupid for that price they can buy a better car like the Honda car at cheaper cost.

    In Malaysia if u r average or poor, u will have to pay higher cost to live becos our govt. charge us the highest petrol cost among the petrol producing country. Other petrol producing country, the cost of petrol is cheaper than us, you can compare with Mecca petrol cost. The Toyota Camry is very cheap there, here Malaysian pay higher some of those 20% or 30% duty are gone to politician pocket? so far what MITI has done to exploit or re distribute these funds back to the community? or only enrich their pockets while Malaysian have to suffer.

  84. The UMNO govt. has done a terrible sin to deny Malaysian all these opportunity so that the poor can become average, the average can become rich, the rich can continue to prosper. Now all the average and poor are burden further by inflation, u have to kill ur childrens now due to this high cost, ur children even though they get all the A’s but difficult to get subsidize due to quotas system, there is not much medical benefit u can get and there are many more social issues e.g. lack of proper infrastructure, cause massive jammed etc. Loss of job opportunities, the previous govt. acceptable practice using the people money to bind Motorola to continue remain in Penang, this is clear indication why the cost of living in Malaysia is getting higher while our income does not prosper. The more they practice their so called acceptable “faux” practice it makes the foreigner investor e.g. VW feel the govt is ridiculous, therefore VW insisted to sell their car, at charge Malaysian higher cost 250K (equivalent to Honda Accord V6) to humilliate Malaysian, if Malaysian so rich go and buy VW, actually VW don’t aim to gain any sales, just wanted to see any stupid Malaysian will buy it becos they are stupid to drive milo tin car, sure there will be some rich stupid willing to buy it. Good Job VW, if im the boss there well it is OK to do so cos Malaysian are basically stupid.

  85. It is not the first time they do it, but continue to do it, soon the ppl. will revolt. GE12 is a clear indication yet the UMNO PL still continue to do so in the parliaments. Wait and see by the end of December 2008 hopefully, justice will regain in Malaysia.

    All these cheating figures, UMNO lands, next few years cost will be higher so they delay them to become rich when they retired from politcis, what a nice move.

  86. “Big foot and monkey” may be unacceptable to serious Opposition supporters here but I really don’t know about want ordinary or rural folks think but judging from the pix on front page of The Star, some having a good laugh at the circus. I wish to note that even if once in a while the August House turns circus, it does not imply that serious substantive issues will not get a chance to be debated. If it was unfortunate that only 3 out of 73 questions got answered, it was more due to procedural squabbling (to be eschewed) than trading of “Big foot and monkey” insults…

  87. Corrections, there is no country named Utophia in Africa,
    Cambodia n Laos are certainly behind us in FDI or infra. developmt, or GNP/ capita, or size of GNP, etc.
    Our petrol price is not highest among petrol producing country, at least Norway is much higher! But yes, our car price is VERY HIGH!
    pls, don’t write something you are not sure!

  88. pwcheng is right. We need not be arogant over DAP’s success.
    I support DAP all my life but I beg to differ in their presentation in the Parlliament yesterday. Mr Lim could save so much shouting and allow more serious business tp be done. In bickering over those issues like unfair number of questioning and so forth, precious time is wasted for nothing.
    The rakyat know very well that there was so much bias ib the proceeding. And we know what action to take during GE.
    If DAP and its allies could behave in more civil manner, they would definitely win mor votes in future.
    Already my neoghbours and friends whom I convinced them to vote for DAP are regretting over thier action.

  89. Personally I feel no great abhorrence at Karpal’s Big Foot reference to Bung, and the latter’s “Monkey” in retaliation. In first world parliament – the British House of Commons debate – don’t be surprised at occasional name calling like “useless oppressive monkey”! At least our MPs don’t vie for media attention like their Taiwanese counterparts who resorted to fistfights and brawls!

    I am indulgent of insults – even occasional name calling – because (rightly or wrongly) it is only natural and not uncommon in parliaments anywhere. This is again because of the institutional setting of parliament where interaction between government and opposition is more often than not adversarial and confrontational. This is not a perfect debate environment like that between schools for trophies. It is inevitable that adversariality in such a setting will be accompanied by other ancillary aspects to controversy of negative value involving rudeness, hostility, animosity, name-calling, put-down, insults, ad hominem attacks, misinterpretation etc

  90. Dear YB Kit
    May I humbly suggest that you lead our Parliamentarians the way to be the “best-in-class” legislators. Do not let the clowns drag you and your Party colleagues unwittingly down to their same gutter or sewage level by emotional response and reaction. Remain cool, detached and unaffected and keep intact your grace and decorum.They are already in the deepest stinkiest pits so stay away fimly on solid and high moral grounds. In this way DAP colleagues can look down at them, remain pensive and contented and with peace from within. Smile at them but do not snigger like Maha-Firaun, the senile politician was fond of doing.
    By the way you and your colleagues should not be affected at all by the antics of Ibrahim Ali because he has proven to be capable of doing unbelievable things, all unprincipled and immoral, for money and himself as he had sold his soul many times over. He is the most distrusted politician in this beloved land of ours.
    Wishing you all the best in your struggles for our blessed nation.

  91. We don’t have a perfect debating environment and there is always a place for verbal warfare and the art of insult – one can’t escape that.

    And this is because in a performance orientated parliamentary setting, the objective of MP’s, besides canvassing information, is to promote one’s own party’s or coalition’s image or ostensibly the rakyat’s position and demote the image of the opposite party of different ideology in eyes of audience.

    Civilised debate based on logic, procedures and facts has its place but not all the time because their effect depends on (1) eloquence/fluency of the language spoken in parliament and (2) the other side’s as well as the audience’s receptivity and ability to grasp, be affected and capacity to respond…

    Those who judge harshly the MPs performance will do well to reflect the arguments and debates in this Blog – this blog is also an environment of debate – in which we too argue our positions and contradict the others : has it ever been “perfect” here based on all courtesy, civility, logic without insults and name calling???

    MPs are our elected representatives and whatever our higher expectations of them, I wonder whether it is realistic for us to expect them to display a higher standard of debate, free of all name calling, than their critics here.

  92. To Cheng

    Corrections, there is no country named Utophia in Africa,

    Cambodia n Laos are certainly behind us in FDI or infra. developmt, or GNP/ capita, or size of GNP, etc.
    Their growth rate compare to Malaysia present growth rate

    Our petrol price is not highest among petrol producing country, at least Norway is much higher!
    Norway have high living standards, it’s part of the EU compare to Islamic oil producing country like Saudi Arabia, Mecca

    But yes, our car price is VERY HIGH!
    pls, don’t write something you are not sure!
    Lol! yes im not sure, but who is more sure, the frogs in Malaysia.

  93. What stupid business u can do if the BN shyt won’t even allowed to answer the rules & regulations.

    “Mr Lim could save so much shouting and allow more serious business tp be done.”

    Go back home u stupid UMNO putras.

  94. “Already my neoghbours and friends whom I convinced them to vote for DAP are regretting over thier action.”

    Another UMNO putra, so many UMNO putras in YB LKS blogs, now the Gerakan wolves, and 55 NGOs received fresh support & backing from Cronies UMNO, soon Malaysia will sell out to these dogs.

  95. Given that human beings are diverse, I do not think there is anything out of the world about how the session has gone the way it has been – I firmed believed that we need a few sessions for parliamentarians to orientate themselves and it is ok to stumble upon some hickups and progressions take place along the way.

    We have to agree taht the session is unique to Malaysia and even if it does not look like how parliament was conducted in other countries, it is acceptable for there is no other Malaysia alike out there.

    In this new age with the technology supporting extremely fast feedback loop, it is more important that politicians be equipped with
    new skillsets including acting – one has to be percieved good in addition to being a good character – and ability to pick correct words to use in split seconds – now that the output are scrutinized in realtime and over more channels.

    Healthy politics, like it or not.

  96. There is a great deal of criticism of Karpal calling Bung “big foot”. I have a sneaky suspicion Karpal was baiting Bung to put his foot in his mouth, which he is prone to do once he is provoked.

    The Information Minister complains of rowdiness from the Opposition but it takes two hands to clap. I totally disagree with his views that he might want to terminate the live telecast. Please do not insult our intelligence. We know what is right and wrong. And if he thinks the Opposition is wrong to create such scenes, all the more reason he should allow live telecast as it would benefit the BN if the Opposition continues to disgrace themselves live on TV. Unless of course, he is worried that the BN MPs will make bigger fools of themselves.

    Furthermore the Speaker’s actions (or the lack of it) did not help matters. He was clearly nervous at being at the center of the line of fire and I could detect in his voice and mannerisms that he was also trying very hard to contain his anger and frustration. He must learn to cultivate a sense of humour and time such tension breaking interjections to ease the tense situations.

    I agree that the Opposition leader should be given the courtesy of asking the first question. But I suspect the real reason for this lack of courtesy has nothing to do with deliberate disrespect but more to give the PM the chance to have his full propaganda say in Parliament with the live coverage. And the Speaker tried to help to maximise the value of the PM’s reply by disallowing supplementary questions that could have embarassed him. YB Kit was right to lambast the Speaker for this. He has disgraced the august house of Parliament because the fundamental purpose of Parliament is to debat such issues. The Speaker kept harping that he made the decision to disallow supplementary questions was in order that other questions for the benefit of the rakyat be tabled as well. Well, I am also interested in the supplementary questions because they are also in the interest of the rakyat. Especially those which the PM has promised on security etc which he has made many promises but delivered none.

  97. PL is weak to answer, that’s why that Yang Dipertua is there to shield it for him unlike Tun Dr Mahathir, who will dare to challenge, or Rafidah Aziz, these ppl. will be very outspoken, the reason why Pak Lah did not answer much question is becos, most of those dirty jobs are done by previous Tun Dr. Mahathir ppl within UMNO. If Pak Lah talk too much he will sure kena tembak further. Hence, Pak Lah need protection, when Rafidah still around she could have jeopardize opposition from asking further.

  98. Well said Cinapek, agree with you on Speaker.
    Btw has anyone noticed the arrogance of that sil? How timely, the Opposition gave him that opportunity, this guy never fail to hop on for cheap publicity, does he ever?! :D

  99. how are we going to have a good parliament if you look at the varieties of MPs here:
    1)Dato Seri Tiong (Bintulu):billionaire (fighting for public interests?i doubt!)
    2)Bung Mokthar:monkey king and possible to speak w/o a mic
    3)Paklah:sleeping beast(was him the person who bought the most expensive matress tat worth rm 50k?)sleep well,dear PM!
    4)Rafidah:absent queen,shopping queen,richest woman in malaysia!
    5)KJ:anti non-malays,clean sweeper of mega projects,mat-rempits’ supporter!
    6)Hisham:malaysia’s best actor,ever,after belated P.Ramli
    7)Dato Seri Fong:penjilat PM yang terbagus!
    8)Azalina:her mission impossible this term is to make the 5 states become ‘zero-tourist’ areas (Pinang,Sel,Perak,Kedah and Kelantan)
    9)Rustam:babi ada virus,burung tak ada!
    10)Taib Mahmud:property king in malaysia,1.4 million hectors of land in sarawak,i think the premiums are free too,otherwise you smart ppl go and calculate how much wud it be!

  100. We think all of you as YB Member of Parliament should know what is best for all of you.

    Not only you all are elected to be the Honorable ones and representatives of the ordinary people of the country, all of you are LEADERS in your own right and are expected to show and demonstrate leadership quality under whatever circumstances.

    To us, some of the MP behaved more like monkeys and as elected representatives and LEADERS of the country.

    If any of the MP is not ready to be so, then he or she should quit, that is all to it.

  101. Well we have to just ignore the UMNO Putras. We should not get ourselves too worked up by their outward behavour.
    Please bear in mind what they are all made of:-
    1. No brains at all. Some may have small brains but they had been fossified eons ago.
    2.A Parasitic DNA. In fact they are worse than leeches because leeches when they are full after injesting blood would be contented to drop off. But not the UMNO Putras. They are forever a parasite. Their scienific name is umno-putraparasitiis.
    3.They are forever handicapped. Can never move around without clutches.
    4.They think and behave as if the World owes them a living. So they all walk with their clutches but with one hand outstretched for alms and handouts.
    5.They have never developed mentally. So still with an undeveloped infant mindset.
    6.Their world is a lost world. The UMNO Putras are all Neanderthals. All their other Malays party followers and all other Malays, Indians, Chinese, Ibans, Bidayuhs, Kadazans and the rest of Malaysians are Homo Sapiens sapiens with a totally globalised mindset.
    Anymore UMNO-negativism?
    So why worry for them?

  102. I do hope DAP could save so much shouting and allow more serious business to be done. Precious time is wasted for nothing.Do not arque on small issues, you have more and more important issues to address.Be more professional.I believe your good suggestions/proposals which are for the benefit of Malaysian, will definately be accepted by BN. All MPs should work together…no condemn on each other.

  103. MalaysiaToday carries Sin Chew’s report on Ong Kah Ting’s denunciation of Malay Supremacy, mono-race, mono-religious policies of the BN. My feeling is that there is a conspiracy for a repeat of Operation Lallang which started with the quarrel between the MCA and the UMNO on the issue of “pendatang”. We have to be careful with this sudden ferocity of the MCA in shouting against UMNO or the BN. I repeat that I think there is a big, big conspiracy between the MCA and UMNO to create and stir up enough reasons to invoke the ISA with massive arrests.

  104. Nothing will be gain if PR MP,s scream and shout in Parliment. I know it will hard for PR,S MP,s.Just remember an empty vessel mades the most noise.
    This BN MP,s will use all the trick in the book to make it hard for the opposition MP,s .But please no more walk out .

  105. In the confrontational setting of parliament between Govt and Opposition of almost equal strength but divergent ideology, the natural goal of each group will (inevitably though not admirably) be to challenge, undermine the credibility or authority of the opposite group, and if this is accepted, then insults (even if directed at targeted one member of the other group which is intended to cast a reflection on all other members of other group supporting him) cannot be ruled out.

    Once insults are inevitable then definitely insults will, as normal, focus on the targeted person’s characteristics such as physical impairments, a low intellectual capacity, and moral shortcomings etc.

    It is all part of the game and Bung & Karpal are showing this to Malaysians by insulting each other “Big Foot and Monkey” during parliamentary session and thereafter shook hands with all smiles. It is all part of the natural order of things in Parliament. If we’re shocked it is not because they (Karpak & Bung) were wrong but we’re not adequately exposed to parliamentary debates here or elsewhere by televised on time unedited means!

    As always the challenge in Parliamentary Code of Conduct is how to draw a linew between what is permissible insult and what is unparliamentary. It depends on nuance, context and words used which is subjective as it is difficult to benchmark. For example if “Big Foot and Monkey” are permissible insults why not “bochor”? If “bochor” what about “stupid” or “old man”???

    The difficulty for the Speaker is where to draw the line. One has to think through and come out with some principles on this.

  106. I have not seen the live telecast but from what I heard and read, it is a good move forward to telecast the session live. At least the people can judge for themselves who they voted for.

    It is high time for people to be more aware of what actually goes on in Parliament. Isn’t this what democracy is all about. Hopefully, the next time anyone votes, they will be more aware of who they are voting for instead of just ticking the next to the dacing sign or rocket sign or whatever. Some voters do not even know the name of the person who is standing for election. If you put a dead wood next to the BN sign, in all likelyhood, some voters would probably still vote for the dead wood as long as it is next to a BN sign.

    The live telecast should be extended beyond 30mins. Let the elected people be seen and heard. Afterall, public funds are involved in all that the government does. The public has the right to know. Obviously, the Info Minister thinks otherwise. Sounds like the BN is not prepared to take the heat and subject themselves to public scrutiny!

  107. All groups go through the following phases : FORMING –> STORMING—> NORMING —> PERFORMING —–> ADJOURNING and maybe even MOURNING.

    It is possible that we can fall back to the previous phase or never even progress to the next. And even progress directly to the MOURNING phase.

    Where will our MPs “progress” to if at all? Will we be stuck at the “FORMING” and “STORMING” phases and never progress to the “PERFORMING” phase?

    It all depends on the individual members who form the whole.

  108. both sides should stop name calling and go on to the real issue of the rakyat.i dont even care if the opposition seats is not cushy and comfy compared to the bn with it and debate the rakyat issues not the wakil rakyat issues.

  109. Wisdom is the word … we really need.
    Just hope our YB Karpal,
    and other senior or junior PR YB, should speak more wisely.
    don’t insult people and don’t get insulted by other people,
    especially we all know how is the record of that person.
    if we keep argue with him, we lower down our “standard”

    “By love they will quench the fire of hate,
    by wisdom the fire of delusion.
    Those supreme ones extinguish delusion
    with wisdom that breaks through to truth.”

  110. I cannot disagree with Jeffery that the Minister of Information to discontinue the broadcast of parliament proceedings IS WRONG. As voters, taxpayers and rightful citizens of Malaysia, it should be the duty of the Government to make known to us of the performance of each and every MP via any available technology of the day to disseminate such information’s and of which we had been deprived of since time in memorial and without censoring. If we are given the mandate to be able to vote, we must also be recognized that we are matured enough to discern what is right and what is wrong and not to be told what we must see and what we must not see and deprived us vital information not only on the performance of our MPs but also critical first hand information on the well being of the country. I think is not a privilege but a right of all voters to have such info.

    Ahmad Shabery Cheek might have his own political reason/reasons to stop the broadcast, but citing the scenario at parliament looking like a circus and some MPs taking opportunity to play to the gallery is unacceptable and too flimsy an excuse. In fact he should telecast live for the full parliamentary sittings for the benefit of the voters whose right s must not be denied.

    As a matter of fact, I was the first to express my dislike at Lim Kit Siang’s way of expression on the tsunami and issue of removing the UMNO hegemony with strong traits of arrogance and somewhat inciting in his very own blog here.We do not need this in good governance. Many bloggers subsequently agreed with me. If Kit Siang listens, the country would have benefited from this and the broad cast is definitely not wasted. I can see that many are giving good and constructive criticisms but there are of course a few loose cannons.

    I strongly think most Malaysians voters do not have the extremist instinct but will ride together with those whom we think will form a better government and this broadcast can be a good guide for us to know whom we should vote for when the time comes.


  111. You keep preaching about having a First World Parliament. And yet you have people like Karpal Sing, NOT A FIRST TIME MP, calling Kinabatangan Big Foot. I didnt follow the telecast. I didnt know what was the reason for him to use such word. I dont care if he was provoked or that Mr Kinabatangan started it or if there is any other pathetic excuse. It was just unacceptable. Grow up please.

  112. What kind of Speaker do we have? He doesn’t speak the truth. He doesn’t listen to the truth and he certainly does not know how to see and identify what is true and what is not! The three wise monkeys would be laughing at how the Speaker tried to exert his control.

    If I were the Speaker I’d throw all the MPs out and lock the door behind them until the end of the statutory cooling off period.

  113. I think BN allow the Live Telecast not without any hidden agenda. They want to dictate what the viewers get to see and hear…..but in the end LKS is smarter. Good move. LKS.
    On the name calling, I would suggest Pakatan Rakyat lead the way by being professional and matured in their speech. It has to be deliberate meaning PR MPs must be briefed and all buy-in a certain code of conduct. This way, BN MPs would stick out like a sore thumb. Go for hard hitting solid points to catch BN pants down and avoid childish antics. All the best!

  114. For example if “Big Foot and Monkey” are permissible insults why not “bochor”? If “bochor” what about “stupid” or “old man”??? The difficulty for the Speaker is where to draw the line.” Jeffrey

    Don’t expect the Speaker to be able to draw the line because he’s old and stupid though only sometime bochor!

  115. mr not against on yr efforts for a better malaysia. having see the live telecast brings up a few questions.why should the MP’s bring up issues like Point of Order and such??is it necessary??i seriously think that more important issues should be addressed rather than how the questions by MP’s is brought the Speaker has said..issues like seatings of Pasir Mas MP is “remeh”. i hate to agree but true..MP should directly have the 73 questions answered and not have issues not related to the public welfare addressed.that way, MP’s have the chances of having more supplementary questions in parliament and more issues can be addressed efficiently in the span of time given.. instead of brinigng up issues that is not related to the rakyat. Also, opposition MP’s i see has the tendency to go against BN MP’s in the harsh way and sometimes overreact too much…i feel that Mr Karpal remarks of Bigfoot shouldn’t have being said. This is the reason why arguements and exchange of words happened. I strongly feel that if things are talked out in a pleasant and professional way will gain respects by other MP’s. that way is much more the nation is watching, opposition MP’s should take this opportunity to fight for the rakyat continuously and show that they’re worth each and every vote of the rakyat..pls refrain from immature acts for the sake of the rakyat..thank you and best of luck! cheers!!

  116. The casting of the Parliament proceeding is an eye-opener for Malaysian to observe and understand how a parliament functions and how the MP discuss on legal issues and matter faced by the voters.

    I was quite happy to see the Oppositions stood up for the betterment of the country. However,It is really disappointing to see the MPs argued on the trivial issues, for instance the sitting of the sole independent MP, rather than discussing on more important issues like rising of food prices and crimes rate especially Mr Karpal Singh, Mr Gobind Singh and you, Mr Lim Kit Siang. The precious time had been consumed by you guys on trivial issues.

    Is this how you guys always act all these while in the Parliament? It seems to be a political game rather than speak up and enact good laws for the people.

    Shame on you!!

  117. Given Opposition are obviously suppressed by the biased Speaker, they do have to shout louder to be heard.

    On Supplementary questions not allowed, it is totally unprecedented.
    If this is disallowed, might as well the MPs don’t attend Parliament, just wait for a written answer. In fact they can do it from home, with email, Internet and all.

    So, to those who got brainwashed by MSM that it is a circus and implied that Opposition is at fault… well… think deeply again on what is the actual reasons for the ruckus.

    When you fell oppressed (by the Speaker) what you do ?
    When you just keep getting “sit down, be quiet” from the Speaker, what do you as MPs do ?
    Sit quietly and sip on your StarBucks/mineral water…. come on !!

    We vote them in to FIGHT for US, and that is EXACTLY what we expect them to do.

    Having said that, it is probably better for Pakatan Rakyat parties to get themselves more organised, and not to have individuals get drawn into their trap. Argue your points eloquently, for all to see.

    But half hour is too short, we want continuous live telecast for the whole session.

    With modern technology, it is so easy to repeat live telecast over the Internet. Visit.

  118. ///…“But half hour is too short, we want continuous live telecast for the whole session. With modern technology, it is so easy to repeat live telecast over the Internet…///” – petestop

    Continuous live telecast – good idea but not just over the Internet.

    What about not so internet savvy older folks ??
    Malaysiakini interviewed Gerakan advisor Dr Lim Keng Yaik (“LKY”).

    Malaysiakini: “Blogging is the new past time for politicians. Will you become a blogger?”

    LKY: “No lah it’s not easy. Although emotionally I would be suitable (to be a blogger) but I don’t sit hours and hours (in front of the) computer. I’m more of a traditional TV man. Astro has enough programmes to interest me. I hardly go online. In fact I’m computer illiterate… I had interest in it about seven-eight years ago when I was on the verge of chatting with my nephews and nieces. It was the time at KTAK (Energy, Water and Communications Ministry) that took away too much of my time, so I decided called it quits”.

    Malaysiakini : “So you won’t be reading this interview then?”

    LKY: “No, but they will download for me (smiles)”.

    So talking about continuous Live Televised Broadcast of Parliamentary session, have it under Astro for benefit of “computer illiterate” senior citizens and for benefit of children under the Channel 615 Cartoon sections.

  119. They will stop it, as it embarass the country image, the Agong’s face, the prime minister as well.

    Last time we are proud of our outspoken Prime Minister, but now our PM is very weak not able to answer. It is better to give the PM position to those civil servant who cut grass on the roadside.

  120. PL said he preferred live telecasts of the parliamentary sitting be stopped. If he really goes ahead with his word, PR can include “If wield power, PR will live telecast all parliamentary sittings to promote parliamentary operation transparency” in their next manifesto. This will certainly give PR extra credit in garnering the rakyat’s support.

    Apparently PL and UMNO are still unaware of the intense political competition arising out of the emerging 2-party system in the country.

  121. What surprise me is hearing and reading the number of people who don’t understand what was going on and why.. The number of people who thought the opposition was wrong was actually surprising.

    This is democracy, its not suppose to be pretty. Even if Karpal and Bung Mokhtar had punched each other lights out, it would have been OK by me. I would criticise and laugh and if they continue a few more times, I would stop voting for at least one of them, depending on who started the violence first.

    Stop being babies. How many of us in this country, are better than our counterpart in other countries in what YOU DO??? Do you expect then our politicians automatically to be better????

    Give me a break…

  122. MP should attend a course on parliamentary rules, n behaviour of MP, etc,
    Any MP “langgar undang2”, just fine them RM400/- for 1st offence, n RM800 for 2nd offence, and RM1200 for 3rd offence & so on, the amount can be adjusted, if these amount are too little.

  123. Live telecast is simply not possible for Badawi. His 4th floor handlers know that they take a huge risk each time they put him in front of live TV without the proper prompting and pre-arranged answers.

  124. cheng on soo, where got law & rules existed in Malaysia. If got, there will be so many foreigner lining up to invest in Malaysia rather than Singapore, or our neighboring countries. And it is surprisingly fun all the big projects & country commissions are given to relatives and kinsmen.

    Well, his Oxford advisor need to tweak that monkey brain to respond faster. It’s an Ox brain or Monkey brain?

  125. Whenever Malay are proposed Law & Regulations there will complained and pickett that they’ve been exploited, that they are Kerdils (Dwarf) versus Gergasi (Giants) while they travel on 1st class, driving around in Porsche, BMW, Benz, and playing golf at priviledge club with Royalties for “Dwarf Projects” commissions.

  126. Generally, the rakyat end up paying higher premiums from these bunch of UMNO Dwarven.

    The Dwarf can also eat their own babies, contravening the trade rules, award billionth of project just to retain Motorola to continue its operation saving 10K employees bowl. Instead of inviting new players it is giving favouritism to certain group who deals with Dwarven Govt. They knew it is very hard for new MNC to invest in Penang or other states, becos Malaysia reputation is so stink that Kak Fida can no longer become trade ministry with his infamy AP Queen title.

  127. Foreigner investors will go Shanghai or Beijing not becos it is cheap to start up, becos the chinese govt. take very serious action against graft, look at the punishment. Sammy will be the first Indian to get shot if he’s in China for that cracked and collapsed building. Tun will be sent to jail for graft more than 10 yrs + look at the example of recent Chinese govt. decision to put a mayor to jail after he retired, and that mayor agreed.

    Malaysia, around 65% are Malays, with the current leader, how can they advance? or even compete in international arena. We can’t self sustain we are unlike Japan with millionth of population, the whole Malaysia only 20+ millions ppl. and Penang only have 700K++ ppl. while Singapore have roughly 3.8 millions. If we don’t have the population, don’t have the leader, how many more burden the population have to carry. Many Malaysian graduate choose migration, they will migrate to Canada, US, Australia, UK seeking for better quality of life, better value etc.

    I can’t migrate, becos my wife can’t separate with her parents, that has become a norm certainly for many Malaysian. Qualification is never a problem, because i’m experienced, with good education, just that sometime we are tied up by family business, roots, etc. that’s why most of us, chinese, sent our children abroad so that they can have better life, we love our childrens. We don’t trust the local U, it’s not even recognized worldwide, it has no ranking in international yet our leader dare to go international podium and talk? who the hell are they in international arena, ppl will wonder, from some cheap local Universities with ABCD multiple question, and scrutinize syllabus?

    We love our country, that’s why we voted for a better Malaysia, the PR must be aggresive to take on the BN. We are pretty comfortable at this moment.

  128. Once and for all, everyone should just stay united no matter whatever party they represent. And to see this from the MPs are depressing. So since, for example karpal is being a “monkey” should we blame azizah from pakatan rakyat for his behaviour?

    Just like most of the comments here blaming pak lah for some BN leaders’ behaviour, how relevant is that?

  129. Why making all that fuss over shouting and name calling at our parliament proceedings. Was not the televised British parliamentary session characterized by booing, jeering, yelling and bench-thumping? It was a norm to see all these “chaos” at a televised British parliamentary session during my student days in the UK.

    People in this country who have not exposed to televised parliamentary sessions are probably finding it odd to see all the “chaos” taking place at the session.

  130. what the heck happened in the parliment man?! i’m actually expecting DAP to be a more matured party. No Big Foot and unpolite words in the parliment. I expected DAP to educate BN on their arrogance and come out with fantastic ideas. more civilised one. Everybody’s eyeing on DAP. All the best…

  131. yhsiew, norm in the UK doesn’t mean a norm in the asian civilised country. shouting is not the exact way to have your own stand in the parliment. True leader need not shout like a barbarian.

  132. Dear YB LIM and other MPs,

    I would like to let all Malaysians know that Jabatan Perdana Menteri’s Biro Tata Negara has all this while missused thier position and $$$ to brainwash government servants and to a certain extend, GIC employess.

    I could not believe myself how racist they are if I were not participated in the previous round. Some of their tricks to incite hatred among us (Malays, Chinese and Indians)

    Please, someone must stop this or perhaps expose it to the general public that this kind of unlawful brainwashing events are in place. I encountered a few aunties that have really been “cheated” by this bunch of scumbags.

    Some of their unjust provaocations:
    1. UMNO is malays’ only savour.
    2. DSAI is a trator of malay and being used by Jews.
    3. We have given Chinese and other non-bumi citizen status and they should not have asked more than that! i.e.fair treatment… ya he mentioned in front of a small no. of non-bumi. They even threatened to revoke non-Bumis’ citizenship!
    4. Malays need government contract and will sub-con to Chinese once they got the projects cause Chinese own most of the trailors, construction machines…. (can u believe it???)
    5. Racial riot video, one being stabbed and slahed…
    6. UTAR/KTAR are illegal, Dong Jiao Zhong is extremist, Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaaan is too much. (???!!!)

    and many more!!! and they even mention some sort like “China balik China and India balik India” (wat the fck!!!)

    Please can someone raise this question in the parliament and it has to be stopped.

    Or you can suggest them to rebrand it as “BIRO TATA UMNO”???

  133. Bad start…..more like a zoo….with monkeys and kangaroos.

    Poor show by all parties. Maintaining the telecasts will help show the country the true picture.

    Let us hope that they [both sides] will improve, when all eyes are on them, including and especially the veterans!

  134. Reading postings in this thread made me wonder if some of the people here are actually living in some god-forsaken caves.

    That these people have been suffering from an advanced form of “Ostrich-head-in-the-Sand” Syndrome is pretty obvious going through the torturous posts.

    The verdict of ordinary Malaysians on the street is one of revulsion and deep disappointment. They feel betrayed and cheated. The much anticipated 12GE Parliment turned to be nothing more than a rowdy platform for PR MPs to score political points and thumb their chests at BN. If this political hooliganism is going to continue, I suggest PR MPs better start making their exit plans for the 13GE.

    Personally I am neither surprised nor particularly disappointed. As someone who is familiar with these MPs, I would be have been shocked if the session turned to be well-ordered and intellectual one.

    And that Jeff Ooi’s raised the issue of his car being towed perhaps best sums up the mentality of these MPs that we have voted in. People who knows him personally or through his blog would have expected nothing less from this political Ah Beng from USJ.

    I had many encounters with these MPs over the years and being a non-political person I had the opportunity to observe their immaturity over the years.

    Many years ago, in one of the GEs Tian Chua stood for PKR and lost badly. After announcing the winner, the EC officer invited the contestants to come up to the stage and say a few words. The winner (I think it was from MCA) went up and recorded his thanks to the supporters, volunteers, the police, the EC, etc and asked them to go home and rest. Then came Tian Chua. He spent the next 1 hour harraguing the EC, BN, MCA, etc. Then he continued with a political speech laced with seditious accusations before the stunned audience. For me that summed up Tian Chua’s maturity as a person and a politician.

    People are surprised by LKS’ poor command of Malay, well, this is a joke as many of the non Malay PR MPs can’t speak the national language well at all. Just wait and see.

    Many people think Poh Kuan is a sort of a modern day Mother Teresa and Joan of Arc rolled into one. But listen to her and you would mistaken her some bleach blond Ah Lean from Kepong.

  135. It appears to me that if “people here are actually living in some god-forsaken caves”, and “that these people have been suffering from an advanced form of “Ostrich-head-in-the-Sand” Syndrome”, you are obviously participating in a wrong and unsuitable blog – and sharing communication with a segment of cyber community not commensurate with your level of comunication.

  136. Jeffrey

    Perhaps you are right. But if PR MPs and their supporters here are ignoring the sentiments of the common people, they face the wrath just like BN did in 12GE.

    Their level of delusion and a stubborn refusal to see the reality is…well, blindingly obvious.

  137. killer, you have a point there.

    and someone mentioned that shouting, jeering, booing is the norm in Britain’s parliament? So?

    Shall we compare ourselves to Western counterparts? Surely not. First and foremost, whatever madness displayed in our parliament recently certainly was not Malaysian culture to say the least. I’m cringing at the mere fact.

  138. Killer posted:

    “Reading postings in this thread made me wonder if some of the people here are actually living in some god-forsaken caves.”

    I am not sure about some people but I am dead certain that you haven’t ventured out of your mud hole very often as ascertained by two of your comments listed below:

    1) The average Malaysian’s standard of living is almost equal to the average Singaporean.

    2) Maybank is the only foreign bank with significant presence in Singapore.

    Looks like some UMNO village is missing its idiot.

  139. Income Tax is something we all need to pay if we are taxible. I look into the tax amount and some of the tax rebate items and I find it totally make no sense to me at all.

    Let’s look at the 2 items call umemployed wives allowance and children allowance.

    Wife is RM3,000.00 for a year. If I take RM3,000/12 months = RM.250.00 per month. If let say RM3,000/365 (days in a year) = RM 8.22 a day! DO YOU THINK YOU CAN RAISE A WIFE WITH ONLY RM8.22 A DAY! I went to buy i meal i.e. only CHINESE ECONOMY RICE that is RM4.50! 3 meals will be RM 13.50.

    Let look at our chilren allowance. RM1,000.00 per child. same simple arimethic. RM1,000/12 (months) = RM83.33 per month. If let say RM1,000/365(days in a year) = RM2.74 a day! This is even worst! MY CHILDREN EXPENSES WORTH ONLY RM 2.74 A DAY! THIS IS NOT EVEN ENOUGH FOR ME TO BUY 2 TIN OF MILK POWDER OR TOTALLY NOT ENOUGH TO FEED MY 12 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER IN 3 MEALS A DAY!

    I wonder base on what is the government plug these numbers or amounts from?

    Is these amount base on 10 years ago when rice is only around RM18 per pack and today I went to Carrfour rice is RM31.55 per pack? And the government telling the nation we have enough rice and annoucing 3% inflaction! This is more than 50% inflaction!

    I came to know my wife expenses worth only RM8.22 and my child expenese worth only RM 2.74 a day! With the rising cost in every damn thing today should this two basic items to be reviewed and revised as the initial stage?

    I have not talk about my children school fees, my chuldren clothing, wife clothing, my car fuel and many more to calculate here. THIS IS DAILY FOOD TO FEED MY FAMILY! OH MY GOD!


  140. lchk

    I think you have some serious mental health issues that requires need urgent attention…

    Why don’t you go to the original thread if you wish to prolong your childish arguments….let’s not hijack this thread and waste people’s time.

  141. Killer Says:

    Today at 01: 24.15 (7 hours ago)

    I think you have some serious mental health issues that requires need urgent attention…

    Apologies lchk & others, I withdraw this comment…personal attack is wrong so I take it back.

  142. lchk

    On the otherhand you are not off the hook yet in terms of debate.

    Here comes the first salvo.

    Corporate Information : About Maybank in Singapore

    About Maybank in Singapore
    Maybank’s Presence in Singapore
    Maybank started its operations in Singapore in 1960 as a full licensed commercial bank and its first local branch was opened at South Bridge Road in December 1960. Thereafter, within the next few years, the Bank aggressively opened another 21 branches.

    Maybank is currently among the top five banks in ASEAN and is a Qualifying Full Bank in Singapore. The Bank has the most extensive network of branches and ATMs amongst the foreign banks in Singapore. All our 22 Branches and 32 ATMs are strategically located in both the business districts and the suburban estates for the convenience of our customers.

  143. Dear lchk

    The moral of the story is that just because someone once worked in Singapore for a few years as a Production Operator / Assistant Hawker, it would not automatically make the person an expert in Singapore banking sector.

  144. Dear readers,

    I refer to views by many readers. Allow me to express views that seldom heard here . I am referring to views of simple kampung people whom I met . And I also would like to express the viewpoint of several professionals about current political situation in Malaysia.

    These views may surprise the readers here as you will not read this in Star or New Strait times.

    Some of the views are:
    1) Allah is merciful to UMNO that It still allow UMNO to retain Federal Govt. This is the most common responses among Malays, rich or poor, academicians or despatch boy.

    2) Many Malays regretted . We “over punished UMNO”. “Ingat nak sedarkan UMNO sikit. Tak sangka sampai hilang kerajaan negeri”.

    3) With regards to UMNOputras, they include people from PAS and also PKR. There is no denying that many members of PAs and PKR actually received scholarship from JPA, MARA.

    4) MCA , Gerakan, MIC fared very badly as Malays , upset over Hindraf, the ”
    slogan One vote for MCa meaning one vote for UMNO” decided not to vote for Malay candidates. Hence Tan Chai Ho lost in Bandar Tiun Razak, Fu Ah Keow lost in Kuantan and also Palanivel lost in Hulu Selangor seat.

    These are some views that I gathered among kampung people. Of course, I can expect some bloggers will stood low low by condemning me as UMNOputra, narrow minded. ect.

  145. Folks and Uncle Kit

    Last night a group of friends (obviously me included) gathered for a dinner to catch up socially and to talk about the political situation.

    None of us were politicians or strong supporters of any party. I guess most if not all of them voted for PR during the 12 GE as such there was much expectation for the 12GE parliament. But the most common theme of the dinner was the performance of Karpal and yourself. Many of them only have heard of both of you fighting fearlessly for the rights of Malaysians. Some of them had attended your ceramahs during the 12 GE campaign.

    The unanimous verdict was that both of you were a total failure. They were utterly disappointed and let down by the behaviour of the 2 most senior members of PR. I think both of you had lost completely the credibility that you had built up over the years. Many of these people are non-political folks who took an interest only recently and they feel cheated.

    Unfortunately for you, that seems to be the general sentiments of many Malaysians (of course the Ostriches roaming this site are exempted). I think this is rather unfair since I had followed both of you for a long time but that’s politics I guess.

    Finally, I see a remarkable parallel between Pak Lah’s fortunes since 11 GE and yours post 12GE. Just like Pak Lah you have reached the zenith of your career, brace yourself for a deep dive to oblivion.

  146. Killer,

    You stated that Maybank is the ONLY foreign bank with significant presence in Singapore. Pure BS, my suggestion is to go take a look at StanChart and Citibank.

    Your sources states that Maybank Singapore has 32 ATMs – are you aware that Citibank has more than 100 ATMs in Singapore?

    Click on the link below and see how many ATMs and ATM locations Citibank has including at all major MRT stations.

    I’ll keep it short and simple for you:-

    The ACTUAL moral of the story here is that you know absolutely NOTHING about banking in Singapore or even about Singapore in general besides what you read in the Utusan newspaper i.e. UMNO mouthpiece. In reality, you know even less so than a Malaysian factory operations worker in Singapore.

    Your statements regarding the quality of life in Malaysia being almost on par with Singapore’s and about Maybank being the only foreign bank worth its salt in Singapore are evidence of that. I am sure the readers here can decide who is posting facts and who is spouting waste out of his rear orrifice.

    Hence, I have serious doubts about your declaration that you spend almost half your time in Singapore.

    If you want to spin your own credentials, it pays to check your facts and be consistent in lying through your teeth. Otherwise, folks will point them out and you end up with egg on your face and make yourself look like a bigger fool than you already are.

  147. Killer,

    I believe all of us here know you are a BN/UMNO cyber mouthpiece in LKS’s blog.

    If you want anyone here to take your views seriously, post factual and objective comments instead of accusing the readers of Kit’s blog of being frogs under coconut shells or worse, posting outright lies and attempting to pass them off as facts.

  148. Dear lchk

    Chill out bro….get a hold of yourself and refrain from making a fool of yourself.

    Well you said “are you aware that Citibank has more than 100 ATMs in Singapore? ” and provided the link but you know what the link says ?

    ” With effect from 31 October 2007, the atm5 Shared ATM network will be available at a selected list of over 125 ATMs of the 5 Qualifying Full Banks (QFBs) – ABN-AMRO Bank, Citibank, HSBC, Maybank and Standard Chartered Bank”

    You see yet again I have proven with the necessary data and this time using your own source to show that your are completely wrong.

    I suggest that in order not to be humilated yet again, please refrain from debating with me unless it is about factory production operations or selling char koay teow in Singapore.

    BTW, you can call me village idiot / BN cyber trooper / Nazi storm trooper etc, that doesn’t affect or concern me at all. I always held the principle that when someone resorts to personal attacks and insults, that’s the clearest indication that he/she is intellectually bankrupt. So go ahead, insult me !

  149. desmondlee Says:
    Yesterday at 15: 24.45
    Income Tax is something we all need to pay if we are taxible. I look into the tax amount and some of the tax rebate items and I find it totally make no sense to me at all.

    Let’s look at the 2 items call umemployed wives allowance and children allowance…………

    …. our chilren allowance. RM1,000.00 per child. same simple arimethic. RM1,000/12 (months) = RM83.33 per month. If let say RM1,000/365(days in a year) = RM2.74 a day! This is even worst! MY CHILDREN EXPENSES WORTH ONLY RM 2.74 A DAY! THIS IS NOT EVEN ENOUGH FOR ME TO BUY 2 TIN OF MILK POWDER OR TOTALLY NOT ENOUGH TO FEED MY 12 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER IN 3 MEALS A DAY!
    AGREED TOTALLY, this RM1000/- a year for a child is sheer nonsense!

    This killer / lchk, must continue! very interesting, but think Killer, quoted US$1 trillion of foreign fund parked in Spore, why these fund nver come to Msia? Mr Killer, U know how many zero is a trillion or not (US or UK or European definition).

    BUT, fact, standard of living in Msia, surely cannot approx. = that of Lioncity ,south of here?

    n Jeff Ooi, is an MP from penang, not from USJ lah.

  150. Hey friends out there, I have seen the tremendous show and do you all realize that non malay MPs speak very well in malays and this show that MPs in late 60’s with english education background can really really speak malay well. What happen if they change to English session, do all the MPs can speak well too? Well I dare to say they can’t, only 10% can but not all .

  151. Dear YB Kit,
    Quote: “Public outcry over the unruly first sitting of Parliament is unwarranted as sessions should be robust and peppered with spirit, Bukit Gelugor MP Karpal Singh said. He said one of the dullest places on Earth was Parliament except for the occasional exchanges between the Opposition and Barisan Nasional MPs.

    “We need a Parliament which is robust. Lively exchanges and repartee enliven what would otherwise be mundane and dull proceedings,” said the DAP chairman who has been an MP for 26 years.” Unquote

    Please tell Karpal that I beg to differ from his remark. No matter how dull a place the Parliament can be, MPs must respect the August House and please refrain from those name calling, but show good behaviour, especially so when there would be daily visits by groups, irrespective of whether students or others, to the Parliament daily.
    Let the BN MPs do whatever they like; such as showing disrespect to fellow handicap or female MPs. Just show them the smile. Please, the Rakyats have voted such a big PR group into the Parliament this time is to show the BN that we deny them the 2/3 majority and the PR group is expected to be in Parliament to do the “check & balance”. Just raise question like the one raised on Ministry of Defence requesting the breakdown cost of maintenace for each fighter plane.

  152. Killer,

    You are practising selective reading and obviously know nothing about ATM networks – Citibank is part of the ATM5 network which is similar to the HOUSE ATM network in Malaysia.

    Citibank has its OWN branded ATM machines, read the press release below:

    Citibank’s latest initiative to open branches and Instant Banking Centres at MRT stations will position it as the only bank in Singapore to have such a comprehensive presence in MRT stations across the island. At the same time, it will more than double Citibank’s current branch network to 19, and more than triple its proprietary ATM locations to 75. As part of the arrangement, Citibank is working with AXS to deploy Citibank-AXS terminals at all MRT stations as well. As at 1 December 2006, Citibank’s customer touch-points included 9 branches, 24 proprietary ATM locations, over 370 Citibank-AXS terminals and more than 140 ATMs under the ATM5 network.

    And you said that Maybank is the only foreign bank with significant presence in Singapore. The above FACTS just blew you out of the LIES that you have been posting in this blog.

    cheng on soo, thanks for reminding me of the 1 trillion matter.

    Killer, where is your EVIDENCE that there are USD1 trillion worth of funds from Indonesia which have been parked in Singapore?

    Is the quality of life in Malaysia as good as in Singapore?

  153. lchk

    Well, please re-read your own post bro. This is hilarious…thanks for shooting your own feet.Appreciate it.

    Note that Citibank’s network of 140 ATMs Do NOT belong to them but shared among all the foreign banks, unlike Maybank. There is no way Citibank has a bigger presence than Maybank in Singapore, unlike of course your are mouthing PAP’s propaganda here.

    And Citibank can only claim better coverage in MRT stations as they have exclusive deal with MRT.

    If you disagree with me , please provide a source that says otherwise.

    As for illegal funds from Indonesia, well I have posted many articles and links in the thread on LKC. I will re-post there here if you wish.

    And BTW, why are you so defensive about Singapore’s record ? Are you an apologist for the PAP government ?

  154. Anyway here you go…

    Indonesia seeks lost trillions in Singapore
    By Bill Guerin

    JAKARTA – Indonesia and Singapore last Friday sealed a bilateral extradition pact, opening the way for Jakarta to apprehend and try the many wayward business people and bankers who allegedly stole untold billions of dollars’ worth of assets from the country and parked them in Singapore in the wake of the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis.

    Successive Indonesian administrations have been stymied in their pursuit of footloose white-collar criminals, many of whom Jakarta

    contends have fled and taken refuge in neighboring Singapore. Singapore has long denied the charges and refused to sign the extradition treaty unless Indonesia agreed to a concomitant defense treaty, which will expand on the previous Military Training Area bilateral arrangement that began in 1995 and ran through 2003.

    read more at :

  155. lchk…

    Read and weep….your paymasters are being shred to pieces…

    Sand in Singapore’s Gears
    Tag it:Our Correspondent
    05 March 2007

    Indonesia, seeking legal recourse to nab fleeing financiers, uses the world’s cheapest commodity as a weapon

    It started with a barge-load of Indonesian sand, or a whole fleet of them, delayed for the last two months on their way to Singapore to be used in reclamation projects.

    At first Indonesian officials insisted the sand without a country was held up for environmental reasons. Now, it appears the sand is actually political leverage in an extradition tiff with Singapore over a brace of crooked bankers hiding out in the city state.

    What’s really at stake is not sand, which should be the world’s cheapest commodity, but an extradition treaty that Singapore government authorities have been refusing to sign for 34 years. Indonesia wants a bunch of elusive bankers who took part in an astounding heist of more than US$13.5 billion looted from the Indonesian central bank’s recapitalization lifeline to 48 ailing banks during the 1997-1998 Asian financial crisis.

    more at :

  156. lchk..

    Read how “clean” and “efficient” is the Singaporean banking system

    Monday November 5, 5:18 PM

    U.S. tells Singapore to cut bank ties with Myanmar
    BANGKOK, Nov 5 (Reuters) – The United States told Singapore and its banks on Monday to sever financial links with Myanmar’s junta, widely believed to use the city-state as its main off-shore banking centre.
    “We believe that there are regime officials with accounts in Singapore,” senior State Department official Kristen Silverberg told reporters in Thailand during a regional tour to drum up support for a tougher Asian stance against the former Burma. “We hope that they ensure that their financial institutions are not being used as sanctuary for Burmese officials,” said Silverberg, who is responsible for U.S. liaison with groups such as the Association of South East Asian nations (ASEAN).

  157. more….

    Singapore bank secrecy threatens EU trade talks-MEP
    Tue Oct 2, 2007 6:43am EDT

    SINGAPORE, Oct 2 (Reuters) – Singapore’s refusal to soften its strict bank secrecy laws could scupper talks with Europe about a trade agreement, a European politician said on Tuesday

    The European Union and the 10-member Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) are negotiating partnership and cooperation agreements, which are a prerequisite for a fully fledged free trade deal

    “We say that we don’t think there’s money laundering going on here, but clearly people engaged in money laundering are looking for places like Singapore with low levels of transparency to actually engage in money laundering,” Ford said.

    “If I was looking for somewhere to do my money laundering, Singapore would be getting towards the top of my list these days,” he added.

  158. Killer Says:

    Today at 12: 08.22 (26 minutes ago)
    Anyway here you go…

    Indonesia seeks lost trillions in Singapore
    By Bill Guerin

    Probably Indonesia is taliking about trillions of Indo. Rupiah, not trillions of US $. Where to find trillions US$ in Indonesia when Indonesia annual GNP is not even 0.6 trillion US$.

  159. Dont think Indonesia should blame Spore for fund running away from Indon. to Spore,
    Indon should blame itself for their corrupt officials (previous govt) which collaborated with corrupt businessmen to suck funds out of Indon. If these funds dont hide in Spore (as claimed), the fund will go elsewhere to hide, the fund will also NOT go back to Indon.

  160. cheng on soo

    Are you lchk in disguise as both of you sound suspiciously alike…

    BTW why are you so adamant in protecting the PAP’s government ? Are you an apologist for the PAP regime ?

    Earlier you claimed my arguments about the dirty money in Singapore to be lies and now after providing the evidence, now you blame the Indonesia instead.

    The reason why crooked Indonesians run to Singapore if because PAP protects the corrupts and criminals as long as they are rich and do their dirty deeds outside Singapore. That’s why a lot of dirty money from Myanmar, Indon, the Phil, Malaysia, India, China and other countries are parked there secure in the knowledge that PAP will protect them.

    If SG is innocent why can’t they be transparent with their banking system ? Read the story about EU being critical. The objective of the PAP regime is simple, to attract the money from crooks and dictators.

    It wasn’t too long ago that I read in Straits Times that 1/3 of millionaires in SG are actually Indonesians. The high-end property boom that SG is enjoying is partially due to the influx of further dirty money for the purpose of money laundering.

    Singapore today is built upon dirty and blood -encrusted money that was stolen from the poorest people of Asia. The prosperity that Singaporean enjoy today was in fact due to this tainted money.

  161. Killer,

    1) “…..proprietary ATM locations to 75” – this is more than Maybank in Singapore. Also, both Maybank and Citibank are participants in the ATM5 network i.e. this is a network which enables the participant bank customers to withdraw money from each others’ ATM machines without incurring interbank charges. The 140 total is an aggregate amount of all participating bank ATM5 machines. Obviously you know jack about ATMs – I suggest you go back to your keris waving antics like your master Hishammuddin.

    2) You stated that trillions of US DOLLARS were parked in Singapore from Indonesia – where does it state that trillions of dollars were moved ashore? LIES!

    3) Quality of life in Malaysia = Quality of life in Singapore? Provide proof otherwise you are talking of your rear end again.

    I don’t need to defend Singapore as I am not a Singaporean – all I wish to do here is poke holes into your flawed statements and lies and expose you for the UMNO mouthpiece that you are – all hyperbole.

  162. cheng on soo:

    You said ” Probably Indonesia is taliking about trillions of Indo. Rupiah, not trillions of US $. Where to find trillions US$ in Indonesia when Indonesia annual GNP is not even 0.6 trillion US$”.

    Please, do some thinking before saying your piece. This money was stolen and taken out of Indonesia for years. Also obviously you are unfamiliar with the concepts of GDP, as such it is advisable that you steer clear of it.

  163. lchk

    Are you saying Maybank is lying ?

    Fact 1 : Maybank has the most extensive network among the foreign banks in Singapore (see below)

    Fact 2 : Citibank only has 36 ATMs and NOT more than 100…

    I am sorry lchk, you lose again.

    Corporate Information : About Maybank in Singapore

    About Maybank in Singapore

    Maybank’s Presence in Singapore
    Maybank started its operations in Singapore in 1960 as a full licensed commercial bank and its first local branch was opened at South Bridge Road in December 1960. Thereafter, within the next few years, the Bank aggressively opened another 21 branches.

    Maybank is currently among the top five banks in ASEAN and is a Qualifying Full Bank in Singapore. The Bank has the most extensive network of branches and ATMs amongst the foreign banks in Singapore. All our 22 Branches and 32 ATMs are strategically located in both the business districts and the suburban estates for the convenience of our customers.

  164. Mr. Killer, I am surely NOT lchk in disguise.
    In this internet age, one need not say the other don’t know this or that, GDP, & GNP are NOT fantastic economic concepts, any Form 5 ppl, can easily understand. FYI, I had higher than Form 6 for basic education.
    Anyway thanks for your lively exchanges with Mr lchk.
    Dirty funds will go anywhere where their corrupted owners think fit. I maintained that rather the dirty fund owners & govt of the countries (Wherever) where these funds derived shall bear a greater blame !

  165. Mr Killer, said US$ 1 trillion was stolen over years.
    Remind that, years ago , say 1968 to 1998 (Year Suharto stepped down), money was even more valuable than today, Indonesia’s GNP was even much smaller then, so US$ 1 trillion (from Indonesia alone?) very unlikely lah!

  166. cheng on soo

    Why are you so bent on defending the PAP government ? Why arguing over trivial issues and conveniently side step the bigger issue ?

    First of all, do not debate about economy, finance or GDP if you are unclear or have no knowledge.

    Firstly based on IMF data,the Indonesian GDP for 2007 was $US 0.838 Trillion. Secondly please look up the definition of GDP before you make more silly statements.

    In any case I am not a representative of the Indonesian government so I am not privy to details on how much and who stole the money and parked it in Singapore. If you are keen to find out, please give a call to the Indonesian embassy at Tel : 603-2116 4054.

  167. Full list of Citibank ATM locations in Singapore which are far more than Maybank’s, as per the links below. See for yourself.

    Killer, you claim that Maybank is the ONLY foreign bank with significant presence in Singapore. You are LYING thru your teeth.

  168. Killer,

    Do not talk about comparisons of quality of life between Malaysia and Singapore if you don’t even know what it means.

    Also, you stated USD1 TRILLION was moved to Singapore from Indonesia. Where is the proof?

  169. Ichk

    Welcome back. For a moment i thought you had ran away in shame.

    Well, do not confuse the issue by posting irrelevant links. I don’t want to know where the Citibank ATMs are and I don’t care.Where is the data for showing Citibank has more than 100 ATMs ? Your own wiki link stated there are only 36 ATMs.

    As for Indonesian money being parked in SG, please do and read the earlier posts or call the Indonesian embassy.

  170. Killer Says:

    Today at 10: 45.1Firstly based on IMF data,the Indonesian GDP for 2007 was $US 0.838 Trillion. Secondly please look up the definition of GDP before you make more silly statements.

    Mr. Killer, so every body else is making silly statements except U!, well , now this US$0.838 trillion is PPP, or nominal value, U know the diff. between nominal value & PPP value ?, so according to U nobody here can debate economy, finance & things like that with U! OK lah,
    Dr. Economy / GDP / Finance / Foreign Investment Expert, Killer , Happy?

  171. cheng on soo

    Please do some research before posting, otherwise you will end up with shooting your own foot like lchk here.

    The point is whether it is PPP or nominal, it is still the GDP. The application of nominal or PPP figure would depend on the situation. I can’t recall claiming my data to be nominal GDP.

    The issue here is the GDP does not capture the complete output of a nation, especially in a country like Indonesia which has poor administration and widespread corruption. This was worse during Suharto era when corruption was endemic.

  172. Thanks, Mr. Killer,
    I maintained that my figure for GNP or GDP of Indonesia , Year 2007 is less than than US$0.6 trillion, (nominal value). I don’t quote wrong figure, Your figure is PPP value. OK?
    If U can prove me wrong, (nominal value), I can belanja U a dinner in any restaurant in KL !

  173. Killer,

    Unlike you, I am not a paid UMNO cybertrooper who earns his RM2,000+ keep by squatting in opposition party blogs and forums 24X7 and can’t afford the time to be here everyday.

    The only one who is confused is you.

    The issue is plain and simple – you stated that Maybank is the ONLY foreign bank with significant presence.

    I pointed out that it is a LIE by stating that Citibank also has a significant presence in Singapore. Care to counter that? The links I have posted showed that Citibank is a siginificant retail foreign bank player in Singapore.

    Count the number of Citibank ATM locations in the links and you get at least 70. As several locations have more than one ATM machine per location (such as the branches), it is more than 100 ATM machines.

    You don’t comprehend English very well, do you?

    My question to you is WHERE IS THE PROOF THAT USD 1 TRILLION was moved to Singapore from Indonesia? Your links did NOT mention USD 1 trillion at all! So you are making it up! Look who is shooting his foot now.

  174. Killer,

    You lied about 3 things:

    1) Malaysian quality of life almost on par with Singapore’s quality of life

    2) Maybank is the ONLY (and I stress that you use the word ONLY) foreign bank with significant presence in Singapore

    3) DAP leaders in Penang are angry with LGE for not giving them plump contracts (which you stated so in a previous thread)

    A word of advice – if you want to spin fables, I suggest you check your facts and have a good memory. UMNO should hire a better spin doctor than you.

  175. When one move one’s money to another country, which one counts? One’s earning in PPP or nominal value, the answer is obvious!
    Even base on PPP, Msia Std of living cannot match that of Spore, not to mentioned nominal value.
    There is someone who claim to know so much, yet not realizing that there are so many really poor Msian in rural areas. he can’t really explain why we need RM2.28 or so to buy SG$1. & then simply brand others as silly or not familiar or PAP supporter, I am Msian living in Msia, why should I concern or support PAP?

  176. lchk

    Your bull-headed, ill-advised passion in defending the PAP regime amazes me. I guess Singapore pays you very well for being an apologist, or your could be a Singaporean agent in disguise.

    Rm2k+ per month for squatting Opps sites ? That sounds a good way of making easy $$, can you give the contact of the UMNO persons so I could work on a deal ??

    How many times I had to tell you that I am not interested in the location of Citibank ATMs ? The link yourself provided clearly stated that Citibank only has 36 branches.

    Why I say Maybank is the only foreign bank with significant presence ? This is because they have the most extensive presence in Singapore, it is as simple as that. Ciitbank meanwhile has most of its branches in the Central /South region, defeating the purpose of retail banking. Also as you know Citibank’s business so varied that their core business in SG is not retail at all.

    And to answer your second question, here you go…

    Page 1 of 2
    Indonesia seeks lost trillions in Singapore
    By Bill Guerin

    JAKARTA – Indonesia and Singapore last Friday sealed a bilateral extradition pact, opening the way for Jakarta to apprehend and try the many wayward business people and bankers who allegedly stole untold billions of dollars’ worth of assets from the country and parked them in Singapore in the wake of the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis.

  177. cheng on soo

    I think you completely lost your way here….I didn’t claim that GDP (whether PPP or nominal) would have any direct bearing on the money that was stolen. It was you who brought the issue of GDP in the first place and claimed that Indonesian GDP was less than US $0.5 T.

    Nominal GDP is poor measure of a nation’s wealth especially Indonesia which is 3rd world country vs Singapore (which is a First World nation). That’s why I pointed out the PPP-adjusted GDP but knowing that you are poorly-educated in economics, I did not bring up the complexities of PPP/nominal GDP.

    However, for some reason you tried to be smart and ended up confusing your own self. I guess probably you had asked someone who knew econs but without telling the context to that person.

    As I had lectured the other day, the exchange rate does not tell the whole story. SGD might need Rm 2.2/2.3 but how about the Japanese Yen, HKD, Taiwan dollar,etc ? Does this mean our economy is stronger than Japan, HK and Taiwan ? I am sorry your argument is silly and betrays a lack of knowledge of finance. I suggest you stick to selling char koay teow.

  178. Ok, now let’s talk about the other issue.

    1. Quality of life of an average Malaysian & Singaporean

    It is rather simple to prove this isn’t it ? It is very different when you are a student, production operator, char koay teow seller/etc who lives in a cramped flat or stay in JB (but earns SGD).

    Let’s say for argument sake, both take the same take home pay in their own currency. Here we are talking about the average Malaysian who stays in an urban area. It can be an executive or a technician, but it has to be an apple to apple comparison.

    If you campare both of them, there will be almost nothing to separate them in terms of living standards.

    The thing that the average Malaysian lags is in the quality of infrastructure, government delivery system and public health care.

    However, on the other hand the Singaporean loses on personal space and freedom, car ownership, mother tongue education,etc.

    But when you compare with other countries like Indonesia, Thailand, India, the Phil, it is a very different story.

    OK, now lchk want to debate ?

  179. lchk

    You said “DAP leaders in Penang are angry with LGE for not giving them plump contracts ” as a lie. Well, you don’t expect me to provide a written and sworn admission from these power-hungry guys don’t you ?

    As I had mentioned in anothe thread, I do have my sources. This issue is not in public domain yet but just wait and see how long before these leaders start to openly challenge LGE.

  180. So, every body here is poorly educated in economic except Mr. killer, I am not talking abt absolute exchange rate, but rather, exchange rate over a period of time,
    Yes JP Yen, NT $ , HK$ are smaller if compare RM 1: 1, but how about compare over a period of time, say, 1996 Vs 2008, JP Yen, NT$, HK$, SG$, Renminbi, had all appreciated over this period of time! I thought U know what I means, but U didn’t!
    Let me tell u, absolute value do not mean much, Govt of a country can always re-denominate a currency, it already happen in many countries, New Ghana Cedi is more value than RM (at least at April,2008), but I would say Msia economy is stronger than Ghana’s.
    U are very arrogant, U think every body else here can only sell char koey teow. It is empy vessel like U makes the most noise!
    I never say US$0.5 trillion, but US$0.6 trillion, anyway, prove me wrong,(nominal value of Indonesia GNP or GDP for 2007 is less than US$0.6 trillion)

  181. Killer,

    I don’t need to defend the PAP as I am not a Singaporean. My purpose in this thread is to poke holes into your lies and mock you for the UMNO cybertrooper that you are.

    You however need to defend UMNO at all costs or rather the cost of a RM2,000+ monthly salary as a cybertrooper. No point denying it because that’s what you are judging by the amout of time you spend here taking potshots at LKS and the rest of the posters here.

    Regarding Citibank Singapore, I have already posted FOUR links specifying North, Central/South, East and West areas showing all ATM machine locations. The previous link I provided is an old wikipedia link with dated information. The latest four links clearly shows that Citibank Singapore has FAR more ATM locations than Maybank’s if you bothered to count.

    Retail banking is dependent on products offered e.g. credit cards, housing loans, ATMs for easy cash withdrawal, etc. Another indiciation of your idiocy and zero knowledge of retail banking when Citibank is big time into retail banking in Singapore. Stop trying to impress us with your knowledge of banking because are no banker and you know jack!

    There is no mention of TRILLIONS of US DOLLARs as you claimed – it only states trillions. Trillions of what?

    No evidence forthcoming from you regarding Malaysia quality of life being almost as good as Singapre’s? Or Penang DAP leaders demanding for spoils from LGE? Be thankful that LGE or LKS doesn’t take up a court case against you for defamation and slander.

  182. Killer wrote:

    Since you are so fond of GDP figures, look at the per capita figures for Malaysia and Singapore and see who has more money and a better life.

    You mentioned the average Malaysian – are you stating only KL and Penang or thr entire Malaysia?

    There are plenty of Malaysians who don’t even have enough to eat let alone come close to an average Singaporean lifestyle.

    A quote lifeted from the article as per the link – “In Malaysia, 20 percent of children under the age of 5 are malnourished.”

    I think the char keuy teow seller has better brains and knowledge than you as evidenced by your statement about comparing quality of life between Malaysians and Singaporeans.

  183. Killer wrote:

    “As I had mentioned in anothe thread, I do have my sources. This issue is not in public domain yet but just wait and see how long before these leaders start to openly challenge LGE.”

    Sources from your char keuy teow seller? LOL!

    If it’s not public domain, then kindly refrain from posting such slanderous remarks otherwise you might end up in the dock if LGE or LKS decides to cleanse slanderers like you from his blog.

  184. Guys

    I think both of you have completely and utterly gone bonkers. Chill bros, this just a debate no need to get so worked up and get an hernia.

    Ok, let me give you guys another series of lectures, one by one.

    cheng on soo :

    You said ” I am not talking abt absolute exchange rate, but rather, exchange rate over a period of time,
    Yes JP Yen, NT $ , HK$ are smaller if compare RM 1: 1, but how about compare over a period of time, say, 1996 Vs 2008, JP Yen, NT$, HK$, SG$, Renminbi, had all appreciated over this period of time! I thought U know what I means, but U didn’t! ”

    But you actually had said earlier ” he can’t really explain why we need RM2.28 or so to buy SG$1.”

    Where did you actually state that RM had depreciated over a period of time over SG $ ? Perhaps you could point that out. It is very obvious that you know nothing about econs and finance and when kena whack by me you run to someone who do know these topics for advice. And then you post a completely different argument. Bro, I can see through you like a glass. Stop wasting my time and go back to your char koay teow…


    You said ” Regarding Citibank Singapore, I have already posted FOUR links specifying North, Central/South, East and West areas showing all ATM machine locations. The previous link I provided is an old wikipedia link with dated information. The latest four links clearly shows that Citibank Singapore has FAR more ATM locations than Maybank’s if you bothered to count”.

    My question to you is very simple, please give me a source that Citibank has more than 100 ATMs (not shared one) and I will concede that I was wrong to claim that Maybank has the most extensive network. I did count in the link and it was now where near 100….

    You said “There is no mention of TRILLIONS of US DOLLARs as you claimed – it only states trillions. Trillions of what?”

    Ok, let me re-post the article. Obviously you either have eyesight or mental issues or both…

    Page 1 of 2
    Indonesia seeks lost trillions in Singapore
    By Bill Guerin

    JAKARTA – Indonesia and Singapore last Friday sealed a bilateral extradition pact, opening the way for Jakarta to apprehend and try the many wayward business people and bankers who allegedly stole untold billions of dollars’ worth of assets from the country and parked them in Singapore in the wake of the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis.

    And I never did claim that Malaysia’s GDP/capita is equal to Singapore so don’t waste you and my time arguing about it. I had always stated that we are 3rd world and SG is First. But for an average Malaysian in an urban area, the std of living is not much different from a Singaporean. Go ahead, prove me wrong !

  185. Mr.Killer, thanks, for yr secondary school “lecture”. NVM, U dont hv thank me for my “lecture”
    Mr. lchk is correct lah, that article never said trillion of US$, likely trillions of Indo. Rp lah! (Inside the article said billions of dollars)
    I had mentioned earlier, that, 2008, SG$1 = RM 2.28, 1984, SG$1 = RM1.09, 1975, SG$1 = RM0.99 Isn’t this appreciation over a period of time.
    I may hv to run to ppl who know econ/finance when kena whacked by someone on econ/finance knowledge, but that someone is definitely NOT U!
    If U like to count in trillions or billions, U can go to Zimbabwe now, U can become a trillionaire! U can hv trillions (10 to the power of 12, US definition) of Zim $. Come back only when they re-denominate their currency. HAPPY COUNTING YR TRILLIONS!

  186. Killer,

    You haven’t gone bonkers, you are just plain idiotic. I have never seen soneone who realizes he has made a mistake in babbling faster than his brain can work and is now squirming so much out of his own moronic comments.

    Let’s not forget you stated that Maybank is the ONLY foreign bank with significant presence in Singapore, don’t twist your own words and shift your statement to be the foreign bank with the most extensive network. Citibank is a foreign bank with SIGNIFICANT PRESENCE in Singapore.

    Here’s why:

    Comparison of Citibank Singapre and Maybank Singapore

    Citibank has the following ATM locations:
    16 north
    16 central/south
    14 west
    13 east

    Total 59

    Also the following Cash Deposit locations:

    3 north
    6 central/south
    3 west
    1 east

    Total 13

    Total self-service terminal locations = 72

    Total of 18 branches

    Logically, if you deduce that 18 of those ATM locations are bank branches, there would be at least 2-3 ATM machines at each branch so a figure of 100 is about right.

    Which even with just location number alone far exceeds Maybank Singapore.

    You stated TRILLIONS of US DOLLARS.

    The article headline stated TRILLIONS.

    Tell where does it state TRILLIONS of DOLLARS.

    You must be dyslexic – go for treatment, seriously.

    Per capita income already shows Singaporeans earn far more than Malaysians.

    You also stated average malaysian, now you are twisting your own words with “average malaysian in an urban area”.

    Don’t BS your way through in a publicly accessible blog, everyone’s watching – this isn’t your typical UMNO mouthpiece where it’s all one way traffic.

  187. lchk

    Please do not evade my question and show me an indpendent source that shows Citibank has more than 100 ATMs. And don’t use your “logical deductions” for what is logical for a noodle seller might not be logical for the average person. BTW I see even your counting is wrong, perhaps you didn’t even complete your primary school. Not only that you trying to mislead people but you also claim wiki to be outdated which you had earlier given as evidence to support your claim. Once you realised you had shot yourself in the foot, you switch tactics and trying another trick.

    BTW, for the Indonesian money the article clearly states that some crook “stole untold billions of dollars’ worth of assets”. Any average person understands that dollars means US$. But that’s OK, noodle seller like you are not considered as an average person in IQ, so your confusion is understood.

  188. cheng on soo

    So you admit that you were wrong and had consulted someone else to advise on econ ?

    That’s OK, I understand. No harm in asking someone who knows better. It is always good to learn something new.

    But I do see some merit when you (or your friend) bring up the point of depreciation of RM vis-a-vis SGD. This is of course is true. But I guess I had explained this before but just for your benefit I will explain one more time.

    The exchange theory has all kind of parameters for determining the rate between two currencies but the real rate on the market is often depending on many other factors (market related and also due to govt intervention).

    The current exchange rate between SGD and RM certainly reflects the level of development between MY and SG but this are not the only factor. Another key factor is that MY has been long artifically kept undervalued by the govt for various reasons. Other factors likely to be SG’s role as the financial and trade center, their location as the HQ for many MNCs and the usage of SG port by MY firms for exports.

    Anyway it was a good debate and as long as we keep emotion is check, I have no problem with that.

  189. Mr. Killer, U dont read English well, I said, “I may hv “, but FYI, believe it or not, I hv never consulted any econ/finance friend yet for all previous postings.
    Thanks for yr explanation for the exchange rate, but sorry to say, nothing special abt yr expalnation that I didnt know before.

  190. KUDOS uncle kit,

    read from malaysiakini that u KENA that KeraJantan kau-kau.

    lets teach this arrogant tin kosing some lessons.

    I like the “oxford grad” part the most. wahahaa

    hm… hope tat oxford can revoke his cert judging by his Kera type of IQ and comments in parliament.

    Uncle Kit, u r my IDOL!!!

  191. Killer,

    Don’t attempt to change things. You are beneath the intelligence and dignity of a noodle seller so don’t insult them.

    Here is what you originally stated:

    1) You stated that Maybank is the only FOREIGN bank with significant presence in Singapore. I proved you WRONG by stating that Citibank also has significant presence in Singapore with more ATMs than Maybank. So what you said was a LIE!

    2) An average person understands the difference between BILLIONS of dollars and TRILLIONS of dollars. You originally stated TRILLIONS of dollars. You obviously are not an average person and not a noodle seller as they certainly have more brain matter than what little resides in your cranium. LIE again.

    3) Malaysia quality of life = Singapore quality of life? LIE thrice!

  192. Mr. Killer, so, are U saying I lied, ok, which one?
    SG exchange rate? Indonesia 2007 nominal GNP or GDP? Jef Ooi is an MP represent a constituency in Penang? U be a trillionaire in Zimbabwe? (Pity yrself if U are not one!), proof me wrong. & I lost u a bet of $150 million (Zimbabwe $ of 6 May,2008, or equivalent in RM, using parallel market rate, otherwise U lost me a bet of RM9) iGive me yr bank account nos. if U win.
    I nvr say U or I live under a coconut shell! ok?

  193. Killer,

    Told you about the 100 ATMs already. With 72 ATM locations, not difficult to realize there are at least 100 ATM machines at these locations as many ATM locations have more than one ATM per location.

    So do you still think Maybank is the ONLY foreign bank with significant presence in Singapore?

    and Citibank is just a small time bank in Singapore?


  194. Killer,

    Learn to comprehend English and the difference between BILLIONS and TRILLIONS.

    No wonder you try to disparage chao keuy teow sellers – they can count better than you and hence exhibit much more intelligence than you. That’s why you are so envious of them….

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