The Lee Kah Choon saga is an opportunity lost for Malaysian leaders to emulate the Malaysian voters in the March 8 “political tsunami” to rise above race, religion and political differences to work single-mindedly for the good of the people, state and country.
In the last Parliament, in keeping with the perverse notion of “Support Barisan Nasional, right or wrong”, a new rule was formulated for all Barisan Nasional MPs that they cannot support Opposition motions whether right or wrong and cannot vote according to their conscience but must toe the party line.
As a result, the then Chairman of the Barisan Nasional BackBenchers Club, Datuk Shahrir Abdul Samad (now Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister) was forced in May 2006 to resign from his post to avoid disciplinary action against him for speaking up in favour of my privilege motion in Parliament to refer the then MP for Jasin, Mohd Said Yusuf to the Committee of Privileges over the impropriety of an MP asking the Customs and Excise Department to “close one eye” in a case involving the import of sawn timber in Malacca.
It was in disgust at such obtuse and petty-minded mentality where individual and party interests were placed above parliamentary, public and national interests that the Malaysian voters rose as one to teach the Barisan Nasional a salutary lesson in the March 8 “political tsunami”, depriving the BN of its hitherto unbroken two-thirds majority in Parliament and power in five states.
In the March 8, 2008 general election, Malaysian voters crossed ethnic, religious and even party lines to vote for change and the Lee Kah Choon saga would have been one opportunity for Barisan Nasional leaders to demonstrate that they have heard the voices of the people and are prepared to emulate the voters’ example to put aside personal and party differences for the betterment of the people, state and nation.
Initially the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sent out the right signals in his first public reaction on Tuesday on Lee’s appointment and acceptance of the posts of Penang Development Corporation (PDC) director and InvestPenang executive committee chairman – that for him, “it’s okay as long as there is no clash in policy”.
However, in a matter of a few hours on the same day, Abdullah was prevailed upon to ignore the voices of the people in the March 8 “political tsunami” and to come out with a hardline stand declaring that Lee’s decision was “against the spirit of BN” and requiring action from the Acting Gerakan President, Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon.
The latest pronouncement on the matter came from Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy Barisan Nasional Chairman Datuk Seri Najib Razak yesterday that Lee’s acceptance of the two Penang state government positions was against the “clearly stated policy of BN” – making it the most unknown “clearly stated” BN policy as the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and BN leaders had not known about it for 48 hours!
One important reason why Malaysia had lagged behind other countries in economic development and international competitiveness in the past four decades is because of the country’s failure to give top priority to meritocracy and excellence in nation-building.
The Lee Kah Choon saga shows that the Barisan Nasional government and leaders have yet to hear the voices of the March 8 “political tsunami” who want Malaysian leaders to emulate the voters in transcending ethnic, religious and political differences to work for the betterment of the people, state and nation by creating a new culture of talent and merit unsullied by partisan considerations.
Only a total defeat for the BN will make them learn for sure!
Pak Lah’s initial reaction is the right one but, as in other occasions, is prevailed by the anti-reform faction to make a turnabout.
However, no matter. From Pakatan Rakyat & DAP’s standpoint, if Gerakan’s Lee Kah Choon were a qualified person for appointment to InvestPenang and PDC’s board, so be it.
His appointment is consistent with Opposition parties’ policy to appoint the most suitable person based on merits for the job beneficial to rakyat and country transcending extraneous barriers of race, creed, religion and political affiliation.
The BN’s position to enforce the whip (discipline) not to allow its member Lee Kah Choon from accepting the position in Opposition state government only shoots its own foot and undermines its own position relative to the Opposition.
You should offer more positions in Opposition run state governments to BN MPs of merits and capabilities and see what happens : BN cracks its whip, these people resign as members of BN component parties and contest under Pakatan Rakat in the ensuing by-elections resulting in more and more cross-overs based on acceptable reasons of service to country and result of BN’s whip.
In a political paradigm shift as that witnessed on 8th March 2008, it would serve Pakatan Rakyat’s interest to secure crossovers in such manner of BN’s members esp members if parliaments with qualifications and capabilities.
If this process gains momentum, there will be more defections and cross overs from BN of its capable and qualified people representing a brain gain for Pakatan Rakyat and brain drain for BN, a process that also saps and drains the BN or reactionary factions thereof off the vitality and strength to further resist the momentum for reform under Opposition’s banner generated by the 12th Malaysian General Election.
Opposition parties are not afraid that BN uses the whip : they are afraid that BN does not crack it. So don’t teach them the better!
Sorry typo in 3rd para from bottom, rectified in capital : – “…of BN’s members esp members OF parliaments with qualifications and capabilities…”
An opportunity loss to BN is an opportunity gain to the PAKATAN. What is wrong with the fact that Datuk Lee is doing all this for the betterment of RAKYAT!!! In addition, what is wrong to change for new “employer” if the existing “employer or(BN)” can’t even pay!!!
It is very clear now that BN has not learnt and nor will it learn from the lesson of the 12th GE.
Come 13th GE, we shall give them the boot.
The BN’d be digging its own grave and lose with bigger margins if the same, dilapidated, and outdated policies remain. (eg. ISA, 7% Discount, etc.)
After 8th March BN’s position is reduced to such a position that its divide and rule policy may now be used against it by the Opposition subject to one difference : the Opposition does not adopt BN’s divide and rule strategy based on race card of pitching Malays against non Malays or the religious card of Non Muslim versus Muslims.
The Opposition’s divide and rule strategy is based on, firstly, the merits criteria of the meritorious and capable as against those who are not and secondly the reform criteria of those who support institutional reform to make the country a better place and those who are not and who are comfortable with the political milieu handed down by TDM.
If the above is correct, Opposition parties will – and should – offer positions in state governments controlled by it to all BN members esp BN’s members of parliament who satisfy the criteria of (1) merits and capability and (2) reform minded inclined to help change the existing political order for the better.
That this should be the case is obvious because there is no way Pakatan Rakyat can materialise its agenda to rule this country with comfortable majority except if and when it could secure significant sections of support and switching of camps from those within the BN ruling coalition. The Opposition may as well absorb those who have brains and capabilities from the other camp and who are not resistant to reform for the higher interest of the country.
I say you should do whatsoever necessary to execute this divide and rule policy beased on criteria of merits and reform to facilitate and accelerate this “brain drain” from BN and “brain gain” by PR for its agenda.
For these reasons we need the BN then to enforce its whip, so we will not discourage or teach them the better not to do so!
It is nauseating to hear the shrill voices of those BN morons who had forgotten the Rakyat completely through their overstaying in power for the last 50 over years.
The scenario of Lee Kah Choon (LKC) makes me believe that they had taken the Rakyat to be fools when they themselves acted like fools in punishing LKC for wanting to do a good job for the people and the state of Penang, but protecting their political brothers of wrong doings like Zakaria and the One Eye Jack, two of the many notorious characters of the Bangsat National. They do not know what is right and what is wrong but only sing the same song, “skin, religion and political affiliation” is only the prerequisite and a norm.
They can never and will never hear the voices of the people because they had been trained to be arrogant and will never subscribe to the philosophy of “the best wins” but to them the best is what is best for UMNO only. Unfortunately component party like Gerakan played into their hands and in spite of the clear message from the Rakyat Gerakan has not learned its lesson. I pity the old fox LKY for in spite of his years of experience in politics has not become an inch wiser. He needs the most pity now, instead of pitying others like LGE but LGE is a CM today and now he pitied LKC. We all should pity him for leading his party to almost a completely wiped out.
From all these we all know they will never want to hear the voices of the Rakyat. Perhaps they will only hear us when we put them into the coffin. Period
The cracking of the “whip” by the BN (or rather, UMNO) has produced a crop of conscienceless government MPs who will do whatever the top echelons wanted of them instead of doing what is good and right for the people and the country.
Therein lies the rot!
The earlier we dump the BN, the better it is for the country.
hi, first time submitting comment. have been reading comments but never give one.
after the GE-12, i sincerely believe there is a new political paradigm. Majority of Malaysians, Malay-Chinese-Indian-Etc.. are able to decide above racial based politics. Or we just really feel the incompetency of the government led by BN.
Share my view….let’s compare Malaysia and Singapore after 50 year to present….
1. Singapore have to import water from malaysia..(This is basic human requirement)
2. Singapore do not have petroleum (to my knowledge)
3. SIngapore do not have natural resources such as rubber, palm oil, tin and etc….
So, how on earth that Singapore currency value is around 2.3 times higher than Malaysia.
SOmething is wrong somewhere for this 50 years. Mismanagement??Corruption????Mediocare intelligence of our leaders???
With this reasoning, therefore I decided to vote for a change. Vote Pakatan Rakyat during the last March 8 GE.
It’s always actions that speak louder than words. The people in the BN are still stubbornly clinging onto the distorted notion that ruling the country their birthright. They are still refusing to change. Poor fellows, they are digging deeper into their own graves.
They refuse to change their mindsets and still cling to the dying gravy train, hoping that it can be restarted. The PR state governments should continue coming up with such innovative moves and put sealed to BN’s gravy train!
LKS and Karpal, Lim Keng Yaik is seeking your help – he is saying Guan Eng couldn’t have consulted the both of you when he offered the job to Kah Choon. Would you two be kind enough to tell him that G. Eng is doing what the rakyat wants.
Tell him also that the 2 of you, though old, like him, are more realistic and have also heard the rakyat’s wish. Tell him, you are prepared to put the interest of the nation first!
Pathetic, panicky (cowardice), distasteful.
How can a country like Malaysia who already have its own “astronauts” produce such “excellent” politicians with such high “character”.
This only proves how big this dragnet of “corrupted individuals and creatures” are.
While many would say that corruption is something that is unavoidable in politics, the pressing concern here is that there is a high probability there are none good men, capable men, men of justice, men of principals and God fearing men in the BN & UMNO!
We are talking about the future of Malaysia here! We can’t be kidding ourselves by letting them lead this country!
AAB’s about turn in many of his decisions shows he is really sombong & bodoh! And that goes to all BN & UMNO MPs!
So, instead of pointing out the areas where they can improve, we should go on and degrade them and let them continue to be arrogant and stupid. If we are serious about changing Malaysia, they should be taken off the upper echelons of Malaysian politics for goodness sake.
It’s now or never. They must be changed not because of the political parties they represent, but because their moral & character are irreparable.
If they bow easily to the peoples’ demand for reforms now, it will just show that they have been committing crimes all this while, sure they will carry on dallying and trying to make it look hard to change certain policies as if they have no control over!
YB KS, do all you can to pour petrol into its wounds now that it is exposed and full of gangrene!
Apply more pressure!!
Kick out all these creature bas****s!
PK Penang has the right to appoint Lee Kah Choon or anybody to the posts. However, within the context of present political environment, why add another factor to an already complicated equation. Is Lee Kah Choon the only one best available for the job? If so, so be it. If not, may be PK Penang should appoint someone as capable but less controversial given the very difficult situation now. We all know the Federal Government is playing politics. The PK states, to my mind, must give them the least opportunity to do so. Whether we like it or not, bringing investment to Penang and managing the activities of PDC may require lots of complementary support from the Federal Government. Lee’s appointment may add further complication, at least for the time being. However, I do agree that in the long run, Malaysians must cross racial, religious and political lines when come to development efforts.
Sorry to digress-
Why bother waking up at 3am to study?
It happened to me back in 1974 and after 34 years they are still at it. How sickening! Who is the Education Minister now, he ought to be fired immediately!
Lee Kah Choon should have joined DAP long time ago. It’s just a waste of talents if you can’t work effectively under the dictatorship of UMNO/BN. ‘Working for the Rakyat’ is never the culture of UMNO/BN, they only look after their wealth.
I hope more clearn and capable BN politicians like Chua Soi Lek will join DAP. This crossover is just the beginning of the end of UMNO/BN.
Time is running out for UMNO/BN unless it implements drastic reforms like those suggested by YB Kit. Else DSAI will become our PM very soon I predict.
This UMNO guys think that we Malaysia owe them everything we have ,Without UMNO the country will go to the dogs…Please you people in MIC ,MCA, PPP, GERAKAN and all the other parties in SABAH and SARAWAK…It is because of UMNO that corruption is so high.
This UMNO guys are so arogant that they openly flaunt their ill gotten wealth infront of every body to see .Their children drives BMW and Feraries .Only ACA can,t see .ACA is blind to all this.One good example is the palace in KLANG.
If I am LGE, I will not engage LKC but seeing the senario now, its a good move.
Here we have a leader who is not revengful but go all out to accomodate all. BN should learn from LGE.
For that matter, I believe Teng, Speaker of Sel, will also be acting on fairness to all when on duty.
This is what we Malaysian want…FAIRNESS for all irrespective of what race, party or upbringing…
Only being fair to all will Malaysia progress and we shall then be among the progressive countries rather than regressive one.
PR carry on…..practise what you preach and we shall see to it that you shall be our Govt for a long long long time
Kam Siah
gofortruth Says:
Today at 17: 09.03 (41 minutes ago)
Sorry to digress-
Why bother waking up at 3am to study?
It happened to me back in 1974 and after 34 years they are still at it. How sickening! Who is the Education Minister now, he ought to be fired immediately!
Dear gofortruth
It happened to me too… it is pay back time. Now we know why BN lost. Inequality.
Pak Lah was only doing what he does best i.e. flip-flopping.
Perhaps, it has never crossed the minds of our so-called leaders that their job is to serve the country and the rakyat and not their own interests.
Is it not a blessing for rakyat that BarangNaik top-tier leadership never learn their lessons, continue to repeat those narrow-minded, unpopular and flawed acts and on path to david-copperfield from the surface of this bolehland in a not-too-distant future?
In the pea-sized cell-like matter between the 6-inches of the 2 ears, the only computable option for these walking piece of meat is control – party members that cannot be controlled has to be repositioned to next planet.
Without resorting to race,religion, party interest, these BN politicians are politically bankrupt.
To me, it is not that they did not hear the voices of the people. The hardline stance taken now smacks of personal vested interests towards safeguarding their positions in their respective political party.
They do not want to be seen as ‘agreeing’ or ‘conforming’ to the Pakatan Rakyat. Otherwise, their political foes within their own party will use that to attack them.
In a nutshell, too much politicking will ruin the country!!
I am a little ashamed that LKY is an old boy of my school. He seems to speak sense sometimes but in this case, he is quite wrong.
If we follow “BN policy”, at any time 50% of the population cannot be working with you. So the PM cannot be claiming to be PM of “all Malaysians” etc.
If political leaders behave like this we should scrap NS that costs RM600m plus – we cannot hope to instill racial tolerance with such bad examples of nation-building.
Could fellow bloggers please expose who is masquerading as ‘ . Would appreciate your help?
The offer by the Chief Minister to someone albeit from another party which used to run the government is a recognition of the need to work on a non-partisan basis for the betterment of the island economy.
However, the fact that the offer appears to have been made to someone without the relevant experience is bound to raise eyebrows. I think it is a smart political move!
Here’s another matter which appears to have gone relatively unnoticed, an issue over which RPK wrote extensively on his blog. But I must admit it does not appear to have much relevance to the topic of this thread – or does it?
“The new Speaker of the Selangor State Assembly finally wore a songkok when he went before the palace to take his oath of office. Earlier, this Chinese State Assemblyman from DAP wrote in his Blog that he will never wear a songkok and that he will boycott any function that requires him to wear one.”
I must congratulate YB LGE & gang on achieving something virtually unprecedented in Malaysian political history! Why, they’ve even outdone the PAP of Singapore! That paradigm shift was such a shocker to those UMNOputras that their tiny pea brains just imploded!
Admittedly, it’s really tempting to offer such a plum job to your own backers/supporters/mah chai as reward for their faithful support all these years, but look. Sure, I gather some DAP supporters aren’t happy at “the enemy” being “rewarded” like this, but I hope we can all see beyond the superficial. It’s really an opportunity to demonstrate what’s this thing called meritocracy. I’m sure the rakyat will appreciate this far more than those UMNOputra
As for Mr. Flip Flop, what else is new?
Guan Eng: What’s the fuss?
Guan Eng was right. What’s the fuss? UMNO-led BN are being too fanatic.
Lim Keng Yaik called Kah Choon a opportunist.
Lim Keng Yaik’s move from MCA to Gerakan – the rakyat called LKY a opportuinist.
Not accpetable – chided Najid.
Equally not acceptable – chided Mahathir to Najid on his silence.
With Kah Choon’s total break with from Gerakan, what is the gain for Gerakan?
No gain but further batterings to an already batttered image.
Further confirmation that Gerakan can’t handle matters on its own – Gerakan still subservient to the dictates of UMNO.
Further confirmation of Gerakan’s failure to accept the rakyat’s expressed wish.
Further confirmation of Gerakan’s fixation on narrow political interests.
Further confirmation of the rakyat’s impression of Gerakan’s inability to transcend race-base politics.
Further confirmation of Lim Keng Yaik’s influence over Koh Tzu Koon.
Further confirmation of Gerakan’s inability to transform to stay relevant in this new political environment.
A sad commentary!
….and these jokers are still searching high and low for the reasons why they lost 5 states.
This exposes to one and all the arrogrance that they think the country owe it to them to run the country. Even Mercedes need to be send to the scrap yard one day and now that their time has arrived, they are still going round thinking that they are the flavour of the month!
BN should be ashamed of themselves,DAP has taken a very brave and crossed-political-interests’ steps for the sake of the Penangites,which would be impossible for the BN to do!
LGE is a true leader,all the votes casted to DAP were worth-while,i urge LGE to built Pinang as another Singapore,be independant,be highly productive,and be the best developed province in Malaysia!
…don’t, even for a moment, think that these ppl doesn’t know the
reasons why the debacle was handed to them this GE. By seemingly
looking for the answers and at the same time throwing wild accusations
of sabotage, they are quietly setting up the stage for the next big
show$. They are not lay mans at playing the political game and no one
should think that they are push overs.
All through the 5 decades, they have been using the same tactics to
pull wool over the ‘rakyat’s’ eyes and ears, even the brain took a good
dose of detergent. But the rakyat’s blessed with so many intellectuals
coming to the rescue. Talking them to death takes ages, like what the
blogs are doing but real action is still needed to put nail to coffin…
There has been a proliferation of bodies over the years under BN with each duplicating the functions of the other. Besides being a waste of scarce public resources, it is often the subject of complaints among foreign investors. The One Stop Center concept under Rafidah Aziz helped clear up some of the confusion and expedite the processing of investment proposals when federal and state bodies all get together to discuss the problems encountered by foreign investors.
SEDCs for example were set up in the 70s not only to counter the inevitable bureaucratic red tape (that is one area MIDA does best) but SEDCs provide the catalyst in many of the projects by allowing the state to take up equity in industries where foreign investors are hesitant to enter – either because of the huge capital outlay, the low return to investment, the long gestation period or all of the above.
Given the above scenario, the Chief Minister must know that cooperation and coordination with federal bodies like MIDA is crucial and one which the state government cannot afford to ignore. Land is about the only matter over which the state government has complete control.
The problems that the state government is now facing is precisely the reason why Penangites have in the past chosen to let the national coalition have control over the state assembly and run the state government, and the DAP to safeguard their constitutional rights as citizens by representing them in the federal Parliament. They have been ridiculed for their choice and are now about to be given a lesson in where the balance should lie.
The appointment of LKC to the board of PDC is best understood and appreciated within this context.
You all notice how Barisan Nasional is on her knees, apologizing. Dato Hishamuddin apologizing for his keris act. However on the other side in Kelantan, they still want the Ketuanan Melayu to be around. MCA apologizing to the Chinese community but look at the way they cast out one of their own. Prime Minister admitted not doing what he had said. Till today, nothing much is being done. Barisan Nasional itself should change, should undergo a big reformasi.
NotProudToBeMalaysian Says:
Today at 15: 12.18 (6 hours ago)
Only a total defeat for the BN will make them learn for sure!
You sum up all the points in ONE. That is just too RIGHT!
Pakatan Rakyat. I hope that you people really can
form the new Federal Government SOON!
TOO SICK with BN’s policies!
One thing which we can learn from the American Politics is that even though the Democrats and Republicans are at loggerheads on many issues but when it comes to things which are beneficial to their Citizens and loyalty to their country, they will come together and forget that they are in opposition camps.
Well done! This is the way to initiate reforms in a pluralistic society in which its stone-heart government shuns reforms. The Opposition, by opening opportunities to BN’s capable leaders and politicians, would provoke BN’s jealousy and cause them pain. Hopefully, they, for fear of losing out, would reciprocate by opening opportunities to Opposition’s people. In this way, we will eventually have a Malaysia where race, language, religion, culture and ideological beliefs are no longer a stumbling block in national integration.
Tonight’s Sin Chew Daily (page 6) reported that Lee Kah Choon’s big boss (T. K. Koh) lamented over the former’s resignation from the party. Koh said Lee Kah Choon should not have RASHLY taken such action. Obviously, Koh was in big disappointment and feeling the “loss” of a capable assistant.
I think by now, Koh and BN should understand what COMPETITION is all about. Basically in Malaysia we now have a two party system (albeit in its infant stage). If one party does not do well, its politicians or the rakyat can flock to their other party to find shelter and comfort!
A two party system would probably speed up the nation’s progress as both parties attempt to outperform each other and win support from the rakyat.
Whipping members into line and what it means – lest the annoying character that lurks around the threads here thinks it is about girls dressed in cat woman outfit cracking their whips on men who pay them to do it!
“The political party officer in the Congress of the United States charged with “whipping” the members into line, enforcing attendance, and voting discipline is called the whip. Each party has its own whip in each house. The office was formally initiated in the House of Representatives of the United States in 1899 and in the Senate of the United States in 1913. The office and its name originated in the British Parliament, where failure to follow the whip on important votes is tantamount to withdrawing from the parliamentary party.”
The use of the whip so to speak to threaten MPs to vote as a bloc is a restraint on the consitutional right to free speech.
BN have reached a point of no return….period
“…. Abdullah was prevailed upon to ignore the voices of the people in the March 8 “political tsunami” and to come out with a hardline stand declaring that Lee’s decision was “against the spirit of BN”…”
What is the spirit of BN?
In reply to:
“…. Abdullah was prevailed upon to ignore the voices of the people…”
Abdullah’s co-partner (compared to Abdullah) is even more hardline and less likely to engage in reforms (from what I observed in his speech to the news reporters). I hope he won’t become the next PM.
Would appreciate if YB raise the question in Parliament when Petronas will be under the
preview of Parliament rather than under the PM
Among some of the spirits of BN are its bodyguards and its political adviser who murdered a mongolian. Is that the spirit Abdullah is talking about?
Among some of the most significant spirits of BN we can see are the leaders who raped the country in every way possible and what is left over for the Rakyat is more and more burden. Is that the spirit Abdullah is talking about?
The spirit of BN has long been laid to rest in peace and ever since they built the most admirable tombstone visible from miles away, one of the tallest in the world, the Petronas Twin Tower.
I don’t care if Lee Kah Choon can do the job, but at least I know he have conscience.
After ‘operating’ Malaysia as a ‘sdn bhd’ for 50 years, BN thinks they own not only the country but also the people!. They expect every malaysian to kowtow to them because they are the ‘MASTERS’. These bunch of bankrupts do not have their hearts for the country. They only have time to plan to ‘cow’ the people. Of course the saddest part is the largest majority of the population is so ‘cowed’ by them,they purposely and willingly forget all the day-light robberies committed by BN.
Just look at the actions of Mrs.Toyo. She had the audacity to transfer funds which belong to the State Gomen AFTER her husband had already lost the election! What mentality she has!!
Is it out of desperation? or mere stupidity? or after 50 years, it has to be mine, taken for granted??
Let’s not waste time on such nimcoompops! PR just act rationally and you all will surely take control by the 13th GE!
“against the spirit of BN”……yes for all i knw….the spirit of bn is to korek the people and the spirit of bn are all full of liars,cheaters,actors,plotters,schemers,bodohans,good for nothing sssholes,racists,clowns,barbarians,suckers and god knws whr has all the peoples money gone to and how they distribute the nations wealth among themselves without even getting caught.
p/s: do u see any leaders in bn who has really contributed and benefit the people of malaysia in this present government?the only thing i really see we common people get fr this present government are taik lembu.
Weak BN leadership shows up again !! All top BNs are selfish lots. They only choose their own kind, corrupt, narrow-minded and not far-sighted. I shiver when I think of Malaysia in the next five years under their rule.
The Lee Kah Choon saga will not be the last. The BN goons are already asking the civil service not to cooperate with opposition state governments.
The sorry state of affairs can only end with a change of government at federal level. I am hoping that Anwar will act sooner rather than later, for this country is going to the dogs.
Must congratulate LKE and LKC.Both are gentlement enought to break the ice and becomes icon of statementship working for the betterment of the nation.
The Malaysian at large must ensure BN be buried in peace. Hishamuddin like Pak Lah tendered his apology on the ‘kris’ issue. Basically being an ordinary malaysian apology not accepted. All UMNO including other BN component parties must also be armed with the “kris” to face ‘mungkar nangkir’.The ‘kris’ hopefully protect them from being further harrass and questions.
How come the “new” ACA is not investigating this? Or it is waiting for the mullah to give the go-ahead?
As penangite, I fully support the appointment of LKC. It is a wise move by LGE.Penang state government should keep those who really can serve the people and can help for the development of the state. I have confident that LGE can manage the state well. We penangites like him so much. All should give him full support.
When I watched Koh Tsu Koon comment on TV that he talked to Lee Kah Choon about bigger role in Gerakan and implied he was not patient enough, I realized why the smart people that I know think he is in fact boot-licking idiot.
At this hour, without proof, they are trying to paint him badly – crass negative campaigning at a time when the electoral is looking for actions and leaving politicking behind. How out of touch is that?
Its one thing for crazy doctor to go ALL negative on Lee Kah Choon, he is suppose to be retired and can wax lyrically about anything. And even then he is being compared to Dr. M which the chinese don’t take too kindly now.
KTK should really just go. He is an embarassing geek now only.
Wonder which is more important?
Spirit /Interest of BN /UMNO or
Spirit /Interest of Malaysia n her citizens.
As a former Penangite myself, I feel it was a smart political move in more ways than one.
The offer by the Chief Minister to someone albeit from another party which used to run the government is a recognition of the need to work on a non-partisan basis for the betterment of the island economy. PR would need all the cooperation it can get from the federal government.
However, the fact that the offer appears to have been made to someone without the relevant experience is bound to raise eyebrows.
In any case I think it is a smart political move by DAP.
As a Penangite, I sokong what you said! Yes, for Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, that was a smart political move, magnanimous gesture!
As for retiree Lim Keng Yaik, he and Dr Mahathir should spend time throwing saliva at each other, for all we care.
I think those againts LKC move must be ppl afraid of LKC may expose their loop-hole……
Yes do not stop doing it. Get the best from wherever they are to lead and and manage the State and very soon Singapore will start to look up to us even. This is simply because we have about 26 million strong to choose from. They only have about 5million. Congratulation to LKC. You did the right thing. Although the whip has been on you and you faced all type of pressure, you should realise now that in the eyes of the people of Malaysia, you are a hero, well respected and beyond petty politics. Please continue your good work and make us even more proud by catapulating Penang into a new league of development and expansion to rival even Singapore.
Thank you also to LGE for making a fantastic move. Perhaps he should recruit somebody like Zaid Ibrahim next to come over to serve PR. BN is now at its last phase of existence. Get their best to serve the country before they are eclipsed. Also can somebody or some company volunteer to fix the roof of the CM’s official residence so that the CM does not need to stay in his father’s house. We owe him at least that much.
Yes, I fully agree with you on this matter. The bird-brained, corrupt, selfish and racist BN members are too wrapped up in their own warped invention to know what is happening despite the results of the recent GE. As one contributor has pointed out it is only when the rakyat totally vote these unsavoury characters out of power then maybe they will wake up & out of their drug-induced stupor. Let us all do that in the next GE. Insyallah.
Just as a demonstration of the idiocy of the BN’s perverse notion of “Support Barisan Nasional, right or wrong”, where all Barisan Nasional MPs that they cannot support Opposition motions whether right or wrong –
WHAT IF during the opening session of the next Parliament, a rookie MP were to propose a motion of confidence in Abdullah Badawi?!
IF the BN MPs are bound by the BN order NOT to support any Opposition motion, THEN it would be seen as having NO confidence in Pak Lah!
IF ON THE OTHER HAND, they were to actually support the motion of confidence, then it would show that they had violated the stupid BN notion of NOT supporting any Opposition motion!
Of course, the other Opposition MPs need not support the motion either, but then this will have no effect, since there is no similar Opposition order to vote against their beliefs and conscience.
This motion by a rookie MP would serve only to demonstrate the idiocy of the BN order.
Spirits of BN :
1)Apolozise with your mouth but not with your heart . Hishamuddin
said sorry to all Malaysian for kris incident however next UMNO
youth meeting will leave the kris infront-on the table .
2)When BN lost the state , wives and supports of BN transfer all
accounts to ” swiss bank “.
3)Any BN wrong doings exposed , ACA spring into action , results not
enough or concrete evidences proved-Woman Minister is there to
cut ribbons and have a few dishes of abalone , bird nest soups .
I am sure you guys can add more……….
Before the election, I did know much about Lim Guan Eng regarding his leadership, except that he is the son of LKS, and who has been detained under the ISA. One of qualitites of a good leadership is being original, creative, innovative. LGE was shown this superb quality by appointing someone outside his party to an impotant post. This simple idea of recruiting the best person who is from a different party to do a job for a better nation has never occurred to the BN leaders since their 50 years of ruling. (This reminds me of Lee Lam Tye but then it’s a different story.) Never mind if DAP has its own agenda, what is important is that this person is very qualified to hold the post. It’s a normal pratice in some countries like in America, but still, to do this in Malaysia is quite something out of the original and to be proud of.
I believe more to come from LGE.
After reading and hearing Hisammudin apologies for the kriss waving incident.He still sounds arogant to me.All in all he still blame the rayat for not looking at the kriss as a symbol.
Yes he can raise the kriss ,Yes he can kiss the kriss but must he treaten the other BN component party members not to touch on Malay rights with the kriss.This UMNO bigots are not protecting Malay rights but the rights of UMNO to go on cheating the raayat.
In any practice of “Talent Management ” one need to find balance between ” internal and outside ” recruit…. that the way most of the success and powrerful country keep their competitiness eg…. US ,,, a migrant country and also increasing trend in EUR countries …. nearest country .. Singapore , recruiting “Talent ” irregardless of race and religious …. some of your brother or sister may be working there … right…
DAP/ LGE , You hv done a Great Job on this….
Pls continue with this strategies ,, BN sure Kaput…
“In the last Parliament, in keeping with the perverse notion of “Support Barisan Nasional, right or wrong”, a new rule was formulated for all Barisan Nasional MPs that they cannot support Opposition motions whether right or wrong and cannot vote according to their conscience but must toe the party line.” Kit
With their majority whittled down, and BN leadership in disarray, don’t expect BN leaders to change the rules.
BN MPs have always been programmed by their leaders to believe that conscience is their enemy, that conscience is not God’s presence in Man but the Devil’s – or worse the DAP’s. So do not expect BN MPs to suddenly realize on whose side the Devil is really with!
No money to carry out the project say so lah, don’t blame others!
If Singapore sneezes, then Malaysia would be having terminal cancer
Those of us in the private sector knows that their good staff are always been headhunted by others, and usually come bonus/increment time, management wait in anxiety who among them will tender their resignation. In most cases, the immediate superiors are always the last person to know.
If Keng Yaik expect to be consulted BEFORE his staff is pinched, that is unrealistic. Job offers are two-way processes, and its always between interviewer and candidate. Either can accept or reject
We all know they were playing poker games of “bluff” the with the rakyat before the GE-12 that was all.
Just observe, very soon all their corridors will one by one collapse, except Johor Iskandar the only one might possibly remain standing. They have no money!
This proved that DAP is very open minded unlike the BN who are too selfish, boastful and greedy.
Unlike other countries, when the opposition were to win, the losing party is willing to hand or co-operate with the winning party without any problem.
If Umno were to lose completely, I’m 100% sure that there were be chaos in the country.
As for the Johor Iskandar project, I’ve a feeling that it will fail for good ‘cos it’s too ambitious.
As the chinese saying goes, “If you don’t have a big head, don’t wear a big hat”.
Umno den of thieves on tongkat have always been living beyond their means, 22 years of training under the former dictator – no money, no proble just use tax-payers’ lah and who are the tax-payers?
Re “corridors”, I mentioned ‘except Johor Iskandar’, not that I have faith in it but, just bagi muka lah, out of the 5(?) correct me if I’m wrong, if they can’t get one to work, then they are doomed!
The offer to a Gerakan member Lee Kah Chuan to sit on the board of Penang government’s corporations reflects the magnanimity, forward-looking and progressive stance of DAP, in the interest of the nation in general and the people of Penang in particular.
It is therefore extremely disappointed that BN leaders do not consider the interest of the nation above its partisan interest!
This episode and other post-election behaviours of BN should prompt the leaders of Pakatan Rakyat to make a more serious consideration of gaining control of the federal parliament earlier than it heretheto intends.
It is SAD that “opportunities” are taken to gain “political points” with their own “kakis”. All they know is how to tembak, tembak and tembak.. even with blanks…
That’s why I say, it AMPLIFIES the need to have political earthquake and bring in PRakyat at Federal level !!!!!
CHANGE the TOP… then the rest will fall into place… and the “kakis” will just become a footnote in our history books!!
Let me offer my contrarian opinion.
I am from the electronic industry and I am very familiar with the situation in Penang.
Most people here obviously have no clue on the situation and just elect to pass opinion on matters they have little, if any knowledge on.
If you talk about selecting the best qualified for the job, I can easily name a dozen Malaysians who would fit the bill. But LKC won’t be nowhere near the list for the simple fact that he has no qualification whatever for the post.
I can only conclude that LGE has politics rather than meritocracy in his mind for selecting LKC. And it is also rather transparent that this has been in planning for some time, seeing the actions of LKC after the 12GE.
If I were LGE I would have de-politicised the position by having apolitical candidate to fill it. However, LGE is bent playing on political upmanship and try to weaken Gerakan/BN by enticing their top leaders to defect.You can expect LKC to join DAP when the heat is off in the near future.
What is going to happen is that LKC will be dead on water by the time he starts to work since he has antagonised both side of the political divide.
The sentiments of the Penang investors is one of caution, or more accurately cautiously negative. There has been too many statements by DAP senior leaders and mid-level leaders during the 12GE and after that upset them .The meeting held between the Penang new govt and the investors apparently didn’t go well, according to some of those who were present. The investors apparently unimpressed by LGE and his team and to make matters worse a few new exco members made some ill advised statements that betrayed their lack of knowledge. And Jeff Ooi in particular appears to be a rather unpopular figure, I wonder why….
The opposition parties can consider filing a motion of confidence in PM AAB. If BN’s parlimentarians do not support the motion of confidence in PM AAB which is filed by the opposition parties then PM AAB should resign as he obtains no confidence from the 140 parliamentarians of BN.
I’m on all fours with Killer and I’m not even in the electornics industry!
Foreign investors are right in wanting to steer clear of local politics. Bodies like MIDA, Ministry of Trade & Industry, Bank Negara, Customs and Immigration are relevant to their needs.
Guess where prospective foreign investors go to get their project approvals and guess who help them identify local partners and decide on foreign equity participation and matters like tariff protection? Guess where they go to negotiate for a waiver of import duties for machineries they bring in, and which banks they go to to negotiate for their import and export letters of credit, trust receipts and bills discounting facilities and term loans and overdrafts? Guess where they go to get their work permits for their expatriate staff? These are federal bodies.
What is left is the issue of land and infrastructure.
It show how bad BN stand on matter’s concerning members choice to work with opposition goverment they should instead support and appreciate the post offered to them.By pressure they lost a good members.Poor BN please change your mindset see the benefit for the whole people of penang and not otherwise..
Excerpt from NST Online:
PETALING JAYA: Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng yesterday said he was surprised by the negative responses to his appointment of Datuk Lee Kah Choon as director of Penang Development Corporation and investPenang.
“Lee was appointed because he fulfilled the requirements outlined in our principles of competence, accountability and transparency.
“The Penang government welcomes all Penangites who share this philosophy regardless of race, background or political beliefs.”
Asked why Lee was selected when he had no experience in a similar capacity, Lim said he had his own reasons.
– NST Online 2008/04/25 –
IF the article by NST Online is accurate, then here’s the fuss:
The last line of the NST excerpt above reads:
Asked why Lee was selected when he had no experience in a similar capacity, Lim said he had his own reasons. – NST Online
Notice this statement: “…Lim said HE HAD HIS OWN REASONS.” This is my biggest worry.
I don really care about the politics behind it cos end of day, the politicians and govt administration (whoever they are or what chop they carry on their foreheads) are there to do only one thing for me: make me a Malaysian that can improve my quality of life here in Malaysia now so that I can improve the quality of life of Malaysians to come.
As such, the decision on any national-serving post must solely rest on Meritocracy, nothing more, nothing less. Dont care what colour or creed the person who fill it, he or she must not only be competent but must be super-duper excellent in knowledge and delivery of results by exceeding all Malaysian and International accepted standards of achievement in order to fill the said post.
Malaysians all smart people, sure got those who can exceedingly fit the bill one.
LGE’s “I have my PERSONAL REASONS” dont guarantee that LKC can deliver anything at all.
Sounds to me more like a: ‘i help u then u help me’ kinda deal man.
Or maybe it’s a: ‘I show BN what I can do man” thingy.
Or maybe wan to show Sabahans how to: ‘defect’ gracefully and legally, and stil hold your head up high.
Mr Penang CM, i can suggest:
1. Articulately (no ambiguity please, dont be a Pak Lah) state the exact and detail nature of the responsibilities of a Director of the Penang Development Corporation (PDC) and investPenang.
2. Match your choice, LKC’s credentials alongside the Job Responsibility so that all Malaysians know how he measures up.
3. Stop using the lines: “I HAVE MY REASONS” or ‘”I will explain to DAP members and hopefully they will accept my decision..
Btw, I voted DAP so you better listen!
I’ve taken a crushed course on the subject of “paradigm shift”. The last 12th GE clearly demostrated that the rakyat have exercised their rights either consciously or unconsciously on the concept of paradigm shift. BN was once too powerful that they were locked up in their own set of rules which now backed fire within their own “box” . I believe PR has taken a right step towards that shift to propell and steer the country towards a better future for all .
Spot on !
Investors want political and macroeconomic stability and they don’t care about politics. The situation in Penang previously was very different. The relationship between Federal and state government was very strong and the policies were consistent. What was promised by the Federal government in terms of legislation, incentive and infrastructure would be delivered without any questions by both Federal and state authorities.
In Penang the situation was unique since Koh Tsu Koon had such a close knit relationship the investors. He was held in much respect by the investor community and in fact he would have been the Federal MITI Minister had he won in the 12GE.
In fact many investors decided to stay in Penang rather than move to another low-cost country purely due to the personal touch of KTK.
However, the DAP govt has shot themselves in foot before the 12GE by raising issues such as Intel and Motorola. In fact the case of Motorola raised by that idiotic Jeff Ooi made international news and harmed the global image of Motorola. I was in the US at that time and the publicity did the company a lot of damage especially when it is performing poorly at the corporate level.
Many other “populist” statements by the DAP leaders since the 12 GE also had frightened the investors. There are a lot of worries about the future of the 2nd Bridge and the Monorail projects and all these contributed to much negativity in the Penang investor community.
To make matters worse, the meeting between the new state govt and the investors didn’t go well. Some foolish exco members made ill-advised comments that offended the investors. Though the investors were polite upfront to the new govt but they were seething inside.
Expect some major annoucements of closure / downsizing in Penang by some major MNCs in coming months, likely in Q3/Q4. As for Samsung deal that KTK almost secured, well, kiss it goodbye…
mybangsamalaysia Says:
April 25th, 2008 (2 days ago) at 17: 54.16
gofortruth Says:
Today at 17: 09.03 (41 minutes ago)
Sorry to digress-
Why bother waking up at 3am to study?
It happened to me back in 1974 and after 34 years they are still at it. How sickening! Who is the Education Minister now, he ought to be fired immediately!
Dear gofortruth
It happened to me too… it is pay back time. Now we know why BN lost. Inequality.
Dear godortruth and mybangsamalaysia.
to be honest with you… i also feel sick about this… i am malay and i am very sad to see all my chinese classmate that sat beside me, go to canteen together, study together, play football together, march in band together… and suddently he is the one who unable to get to university although i admit that his result is better than mine. When i got my uni result, he went to my house….and told me his bad news… i dont know where should i put my face when i got the offer.. i dont know what should i said to him when he ask me my uni application result… i dont feel happy or proud at all when i get the offer from the uni when i see my friend that are better than me being discriminated politically….
but thank god he understand.. that i am not the reason of him not going to uni…. UMNO and the kroni are the one that made this stupid law!!! and try their best in giving as much ‘prasangka’ to hate the non malays… what the hell are they UMNO thinking????
i just want to let you know that we are also not happy with this kind of treatment…we also dont want to see non bumi being discriminated etc…. because of this, we are separated, i really pissed of with BN racist goverment that keep playing this kind of game…
we are the generasi muda are not stupid! now its time to change!
the BN agenda is crystal clear,and worst still,supported by the ‘blind’ component parties like MCA,GERAKAN,MIC,BERSATU,PPP and so on,so lets see wat’s their AGENDA:
inorder to promote fairness in certain sectors,like Economy and Education,a quota has to be set to achieve ‘equality’!
i was thinking,my as well quote everything in ‘quota’,so wat’s the point of having free- competitions in business and examinations in education?didnt BN know tat tis is damn contradicting?tat means inorder to achieve your so called ‘quota’,we must have equal number of professioanals like lawyers,accountants,doctors,engineers,scientists and etc for Malays,when these protected- unqualify species go into their profession,could they perform professionally?who the hell dares to engage these ‘ppl’ to be their lawyer,or the worst thing,doctor whom will conduct surgical into their body?DIDNT YOU KNOW TAT WHEN COME TO THE ISSUE OF PROFESSIONALISM,THERE CANT BE ANY COMPROMISE?
throw your agenda to the garbage-bin,nobody wants it anymore!go for MERITOCRACY!then only Malaysia can prosper!
we dun hv to spent million of rm to go overseas for ‘lawatan sambil belajar’ kind of non-sense trips,the Rakyat knows alredy,these are merely excuses to spend tax-payers’ money to go for ‘makan angin ‘percuma!
You local councils must be humble,just learn something from small tiny red-dot,then we will definitely see some improvements!
Dear Mohammadharrisjalil,
Thank you for your frank opinion.
I am in the ‘uncle’ age category, not ‘anak muda.’ And I am Chinese. But I was once ‘anak muda’ like you, and like your friend, I couldn’t get back to continue my studies in A Levels even though I qualified on merit. My place was taken by a Malay. Now, my children are ‘anak muda’ and they are studying overseas.
In truth, what has happened to Malays, Indians and Chinese has hurt all three races BUT strengthened us as well:
– the non-Malays were deprived of places in pursuit of education even as far back as 30 years ago; what it has made us is simply TOUGHER! Those who can study went to alternative institutions (today, you call this off-campus, twinning etc). Those who couldn’t/can’t study went to work. And most gravitated to the commercial centres (today, key market centres have huge concentrations of non-Malays)
– the flip-flopping of policy on Malay language hurt Malays more than it did non-Malays. Chinese have good command of either English (my era) or Mandarin (increasingly today). Indians have good command of English since they don’t have Tamil as an alternative mainstream language. Malays? Unlike Chinese and Indians who expose themselves to a minimum of 3 languages and/or dialects, Malays are NOT forced to expose themselves beyond Malay. We lost 13 years of good solid base in English when the kids were forced to switch to Malay in schools. The Chinese medium schools continued to teach in Mandarin. English is lingua franca for 60% of the world, Mandarin for at least 30%. Malay? Some will argue Malay-speakers are more populous than Japanese (250mil to 150mil) and therefore a ‘world’ language. That’s speaking with the heart, not the brains. Indonesians are Malays who laugh at how Malaysian Malays speak ‘Malay.’ You don’t see Japanese in the north laughing at how Japanese in the south speak the language, do you? Malay is a fragmented language even in Malaysia. How can a fragmented language become a ‘world’ language? It will take time, a long time. But not now, not even in your time.
So, ‘generasi muda’, spend some time to analyse what the heck went wrong. You are not stupid for sure. And it’s time to change! For the better, for Malays and all races. Competition is good otherwise you get the Dr whathisname on the NTV7 panel reviewing the GE12 results. He was such an embarassment. he didn’t have a point-of-view. He couldn’t express himself well. He had lousy command of English, and basically he was just POSTURING! In the real world, posturing won’t last.
IF DAP Penang wants the Rakyat to trust its principle of CAT, should not ALL vacant positions be advertised and the BEST candidates be selected from the respondents. Dont fall into the same trap of BN’s croneyism that violated all principles of openess in filling public statutory poistions. There could have been a better way of filling in this tax payers funded public position.
anak sungaisiput
I am with you. The post should be depolitised and open for all Malaysians and best man/woman irrespective of race or political affiliation.
LGE has made the situation worse not only continuing the tradition of appointing the person but also using it for political machinations. Either way LKC is dead on the water…
As for LGE, Penangites’ eyes will be on him and LKC on to see how much investment they bring in or, looking at the current situation, how much they can keep from leaving Penang.
Perhaps LGE being a non-Penangite and non-businessman does not understand the importance of the electronics industry to Penang. His political career could be over before it started if he fails to address the issue of foreign investors….
It would be interesting for him to know that he is already been compared unfavourably with KTK by the Penang investors community….
Fifty years of bondage under the ketuanan UMNO in the coalition of convenience, the component parties will find it hard to grow up and mature, judging from the talks and statements given by these so called leaders, especially after the debacle of the recent general election, they remained defiant to what they held as truth for the last 50 years.
If they do not grow up and out, then their political obituary is just a matter of time, and soon.
From what our PM said, it should not be a right move for Kah Choon to accept the positions. Why? Because the state government is not a BN government? Even, it is a Bn government, has the RAKYAT interest in the first place of his list? Nope, UMNO’s interest is in the first place of the list. This is the government of the RAKYAT not the Umno’s. If the person is capable and has the purpose to serve the people, why not?? Kah Choon, please accept the position in good faith and ensure perform beautifully and woe more investors to Penang and proof the PM is wrong 100%. Take up the challenge and proof that they (BN) are all wrong!
“In fact the case of Motorola raised by that idiotic Jeff Ooi made international news and harmed the global image of Motorola. I was in the US at that time and the publicity did the company a lot of damage especially when it is performing poorly at the corporate level.” Killer
This guy has a lot to learn. His background has been in journalism and that is never good with potential investors when he is also an opposition politician at the national level. He should know better. Investors basically do not like change because it creates instability. It makes for difficult planning – certainly in the medium and long term.
Deteriorating federal and state relationship is a cause for concern for these foreign investors who do not understand local politics and do not wish to be embroiled in it – especially so in the case of Malaysia which has had the same party ruling it for some five decades. True they have no choice and has to accept reality but the DAP has to tread very carefully. Deteriorating federal and state relationship certainly is not something that could be marketed to potential foreign investors.
BN will try and punish Penang Chinese for voting for the opposition but just how they are going to do it remains to be seen. A loss to Penang and is also a loss to the country.
The Penang government has to organize a trade investment mission to countries like Japan, Taiwan, Korea and Europe and the United States. Among their objectives would be to explain to them that they should have no cause for concern as investment policies and guidelines remain the same, and that the new state government will work hand in glove with the federal government to ensure that their requirements will be looked after. Expect some tough questioning. Included among those participating in the mission should not just be those from bodies like PDC but also MIDA officials, officials from the Ministry of Trade etc.
I would suggest Jeff Ooi be dropped from the mission.
dear kerishamuddinitis
thanks very much for your opinion as well…. i totally agree on all your opinion.
I can say that the chance of Penang mission succeeding in any overseas mission is close to a big fat zero. So LGE might as well save the money and time to retain investors from leaving.
The world’s competitive landscape has changed very much in the last few years and sadly, the political developments in Malaysia, especially in Penang has damaged the attractiveness as a location for FDIs.
There are a few companies in the pipeline for investments in Penang from the KTK regime and especially promising were his efforts to woo companies from the photonics and bio-tech sectors. I see that the Penang Science Park in Bukit Minyak is almost ready. But sadly, all these likely to go waste…
Another danger is the lurking Singapore. Even during KTK’s time these Kiasu folks literally “stole” the investors under our nose by “bribing” them. Singapore is well aware of the situation and will maximize the uncertainties by scaring and then luring the potential investors aware.
And btw talking about Motorola, expect some announcements from them as a response to the Jeff Ooi Fiasco. The price that Penang going to pay for this a moment of idiocy of self-proclaimed most influential blogger in Malaysia will be very heavy.
Opposition has just formed the state govt in less than a month, LGE & Opposition in Penang are new kids in the block, there’s always a learning curve on how to run the state government in a way attractive to and not inimical to foreign investments. It is just too early to make the call that they will not be doing things right Penang mission will fail etc just because of some ill advised highlighting by Jeff Ooi of issues relating to Motorola and Intel before the election or appointment of LKC as director of Penang Development Corporation and investPenang.
Whilst I have no doubt that Koh Tsu Koon had a close knit relationship with investors and held in respect by the investor community, are Penangnites and Malaysians as a whole prefer the BN to continue ruling Penang state government for this reason? If we believe that principles wise transparency, accountability and meritocracy are the right compass and the way to go in the long haul which will serve in longer term the cause of attracting FDIs, then we should give the Opposition a chance – at least some time to show what it could do.
Anyway, is there any objective data (other than the anecdotal) thus far that shows initial reaction of FDIs being uncomfortable with Opposition running Penang or for that matter Perak & Selangor based on concerns like that of deteriorating federal and state relationship??? Take the case of Singapore, which has been said to be maximizing on uncertainties by scaring and then luring the potential investors away – what I have heard (from S’pore bankers) is that some Singapore companies are beginning to invest in Penang precisely because of the change of State government to Opposition.
If there are concerns by foreign investors coming to Malaysia, I think it is the general concern vis-à-vis the whole country, and not just the PK states. Malaysia’s declining competitiveness, competition from other countries as well as present uncertainties hovering over the global economy all play a part. The PK states may not be perfect and probably still have lots to learn. By all means be critical, but we should also be acutely aware of the obstacles faced by these states, particularly Penang. I believe if the leaders are smart, honest and willing to work untiringly for the people, the PK states can outshine the rest. The most important thing is the PK states must cooperate and confront the Federal Government jointly on issues relating to Federal-state relations.
Having read some of the comments above I must say that some commentators here have very exacting standards and high expectations of the opposition now running Penang. So Jeff Ooi has become an idiot shooting his mouth off about motorola and LGE is just playing petty politics by selecting LKC for the post, overlooking many others who are more suitable with more impressive credentials. It is so easy to criticize and condemn isn’t it. Oh come off it. Give these guys a chance and some time. One cannot realistically expect Penang to be like Singapore in 5 short years. If they made mistakes point it out to them. It is not necessary to call somebody an idiot just because what he did wasn’t to your expectation. If you think that there are others who are more qualify than LKC why don’t you just name them here. I am sure LGE will be more than happy to have more good men working for him and the country. Also if you think that you can do better than Jeffrey and LGE why don’t you just volunteer to take over or at least help them out. I do not know whether what has been said about their performance here is accurate or deserving as I do not belong to the inner circle but one thing I know well and that is these guys are there working their butts off to realise a dream which we all share.
I think it is high time we help them with more constructive comments than wanton condemnation.
“And btw talking about Motorola, expect some announcements from them as a response to the Jeff Ooi Fiasco. The price that Penang going to pay for this a moment of idiocy of self-proclaimed most influential blogger in Malaysia will be very heavy.” Killer
Again I’ll have to agree with you!
Confront the Federal Government jointly on issues relating to Federal-state relations??
This is the kind of populist garbage we can expect to hear from someone standing on the soap box in some park somewhere. “Confronting” the federal government when the federal government has control over your purse strings??
The key word has to be “cooperation” and not “confrontation”.
“..what I have heard (from S’pore bankers) is that some Singapore companies are beginning to invest in Penang precisely because of the change of State government to Opposition.” Jeffrey
They must have known that you are a DAP supporter, and told you what you needed to hear.
In truth potential foreign investors are not interested in local politics and avoid them like they would avoid the plague. They are not about to drag the government to courts, for say, changing the rules mid-stream. They are not in the business to sue anybody – certainly not the host government! They are in the business to make returns to investment which would make their shareholders happy.
What are transparency, good governance and accountability if not empty words to foreign investors. Political stability is the word. The fact that the Penang has fallen into the hands of a party which has no control in Kuala Lumpur should be a cause for concern to me as a foreign investor. As a foreign investor I could be caught in the cross fire so to speak. Project approvals would be slow to come. Guidelines may be harder to meet. Rules may change mid-stream.
“Confronting” the federal government when the federal government has control over your purse strings??
Precisely for someone who can’t think outside the box; for someone who can’t see cooperation is two ways street; for someone who will docilely accept dominant and subservient relationship. This is the type of personality who should rightly be engaging in gossip blogs than a serious blog like this.
In truth potential foreign investors are not interested in local politics and avoid them like they would avoid the plague.
In truth, what truth? Who got the truth, you?
If the arguments of undergrad2 hold, I think there is no need for state election or state governments. Or may be he moronically assumes that the state governments will always be within BN family. Bunkum again.
“Again I’ll have to agree with you!”
Agree based on what? What Killer told you? You think what Killer said was nothing but truth? You think others are all idiots? Before election, both of you probably were supportive of what was disclosed by Jeff.
It has nothing to do with telling me what I liked to hear. One of the reasons FDIs all along have given Malaysia a pass for other countries is not just corruption of bureaucracy and delays in issuance of licenses – because these are something that these other countries too have in varying degrees – but much of it is the unfair policy of 30 per cent Bumiputera equity required by the Foreign Investment Committee in giving approval to foreign acquisitions. Which is why the government, acknowledging this, decides to ease enforcement of NEP in its favoured Iskandar Development Region. It has been said that Kuwait Finance House and other Middle East companies agreed to invest in a property project that includes homes, a medical center and a financial district in the Iskandar Development Region in part obecuase of this easing of NEP. In Penang’s case some Singaporean investors are probably thinking that LGE’s state government would ease the NEP restrictions as touted in the Opposition’s electoral campaign. Apart from that whilst political stability is important, so are transparency, good governance and accountability in governance to many FDIs, which BN’s administration is not exactly renowned for. In his first meeting with Business Council’s members, it was reported by those attending that Selangor MB Khalid Ibrahim got the business executives tickled – and charmed – by his opening remarks that “from now onwards, no more bribes”. :)
Although many investors would take wait-and-see attitude on how BN federal government would work with Opposition state govt, many would not just dismiss that confrontation is inevitable. Selangor, Perak and Penang are economically important states contributing substantially to the country’s Gross Domestic Product which the Federal Government is not expected to just simply shut off the funding to these states without jeopardizing ongoing infrastructure projects or those in pipelines, and compromising official projections on national growth.
“…but much of it is the unfair policy of 30 per cent Bumiputera equity required by the Foreign Investment Committee in giving approval to foreign acquisitions.” Jeffrey
When I was liaising with MIDA on behalf of some of the foreign investors (which was one life time ago) I believe the 30% foreign equity participation was for those relying on the domestic market. Something like up to 100% foreign equity was allowed for those 100% export oriented. You find most of these located in the FTZ in Penang and Malacca and Johor.
“In Penang’s case some Singaporean investors are probably thinking that LGE’s state government would ease the NEP restrictions as touted in the Opposition’s electoral campaign.” Jeffrey
MIDA a statutory body under federal government control, deals with this issue of equity participation allowed to foreign investors, and project approvals will have to come from them. I believe the state government has minimal input on the matter. MIDA conducts the feasibility studies needed, and in many cases try to match the local partners to the foreign partners with the foreign partners, of course, having the final say. It is after all their capital and their risk to take.
I believe conditions have since changed and MIDA has loosened some of its requirements including the strict requirement of 30% foreign equity participation in their guidelines. The restriction to the 30% of foreign equity participation was meant for those using depleting natural resources and those which depended 100% on the local market. The foreign investors that I had the opportunity to deal with had no strong opinions about the 30% guideline. They understood where it was coming from and were too happy just to be allowed to operate locally.
However, it is very much a different story it comes to the local Chinese investors or the local partners of a joint venture company whenever there is a bumiputra requirement. Privately they would resent the restriction when they cannot identify the kind of bumiputra partners they want. But the more innovative ones would always find a way out. I don’t want to go into this because it is an entirely different ball game. Suffice it for me to say here that invariably you find family members of politicians and members of the royalty taking up the bumiputra portion but with the equity provided by the foreign partner! How about that for NEP, huh?
No more bribes? Bribery takes many forms and rears its ugly head where you least expect! We can never get rid of corruption entirely but we can control it. A corruption free environment only exists in the minds of those with an attap type education.
“Although many investors would take wait-and-see attitude on how BN federal government would work with Opposition state govt, many would not just dismiss that confrontation is inevitable.”
Yes, “cooperation” is the key word and not “confrontation”. Whoever suggests that the state governments under opposition control “confront” the federal government must have his head checked. What is there to confront the federal government with?? Potential foreign investors choosing say Indonesia over Penang, or Thailand over Penang or Philippines over Penang, is a loss to the country as much as it is a loss to the state of Penang. It is still a major loss in foreign exchange. Not to mention import and export duties and taxes which are all revenue, and of course employment.
The state governments are in no position to demand. Nothing much to negotiate either. Not when investment guidelines are under MIDA, licensing under the Ministry of Trade and financing by banks under the control of Bank Negara. – not to mention immigration and customs and of course the ubiquitous Prime Minister’s Department.
For someone who has been in government service for 20 years, he should know better.
You are right that Federal MIDA is in charge of issuance of many sorts of licences – manuficaturing, pioneer status, import and export of controled comercial products etc and FIC (Federal) under EPU sets/changes guidelines on bumi equity, relaxing on those exporting and earning foreign exchange and higher value goods. However states too play a significant role, for example how Tsu Koon & Penang state govt then, for example, used PenangIndustrial Council and the Human Resource
Development Council to bring together members from the public sector, the private sector and the academia to explore ways and means to assist economic development; and used InvestPenang to set up a Penang Pavilion to provide opportunities for Penang-based technology companies to showcase their products and services, and working closely with the Penang Tourism Action Council to market Penang as a tourist destination. Land is under state per our constitution and state investment corporations play a role to provide available land. Besides under our National Land Code, besides FIC approval, foreign acquisition of land would additionally require state authority approval. The state government could give cheap land. Queensbay mall in Penang for example was originally joint venture between Penang State Development corporation and private sector. It is probably true that the promotion of FDI(s) and economic development is a function of efforts of both Federal and state governments acting in coordination without one frustrating the other, the former’s policies are something that investors know from advices of consultants whereas the state policies (besides resources and infrastructure) too play a part, for example FDIs are keener on (say) Penang and Selangor than Kelantan. As regards bribery, it is true only the naive believes that corruption can be curbed substantially but say what you like, whatever Khalid said – and the Opposition’s platform of reform to bring more transparency and acountability (& open tenders) as compared to BN’s existing record – do, like a breath of fresh wind, revive hopes that the problem of corruption and its more blatant manifestation will be confronted in ways better than just lip service, not to mention that they may also believe or at least perceive that the state governments (at least those not run by PAS) may recruit more capable administrators based on ability than just kulitfication or religiosity. Take for example and comparison peresent Selangor MB Khalid Ibrahim and his predecessor Toyo, the former evinces more promise in both busines sense and experience considering his resume, experience and record in running a conglomerate like (then) Guthrie Berhad.
I am relatively new to this blog and one thing that struck me the most is the propensity for people to offer their opinions on matters that they have zero knowledge on. Their complete lack of knowledge but a high proclivity to shoot from hip never failed to amuse me. Perhaps these guys are from the new generation of DAP supporters are in their twenties but even then it is still no excuse…
As such I am pleasantly surprised to see your comment, which for clearly showed that you know exactly what you are talking about in regards to investment /FDI.
There have been much said about how the 30% bumi requirement scaring the investors away. Of course this is complete rubbish but unfortunately many people actually believe this. Foreign investors are exempted from many of the regulations that govern the local businesses if they are export-orientated they are allowed to have 100% ownership. Of course if they are targeting the local markets, different rules apply.
To say that the NEP and the bureaucratic inefficiencies and corruption had made Malaysia less attractive is another myth without a factual basis. Today China remains one of the top destinations for FDI despite horrendously inefficient bureaucracy, lack of transparency, poor human rights records, endemic corruption and complex ownership rules. India embracing the western style democracy is far behind in terms of attracting FDI. Countries like Vietnam and Myanmar continued to be attractive to investors despite their poor human rights and administrative inefficiencies.
That the Singaporean investors that Jeffrey is talking about, it could be true but perhaps he has confused investment in manufacturing with those buying properties. The Penang property market has been red hot in the last year or two mainly driven by the new infrastructure projects (Penang 2nd bridge and the monorail). The areas in both mainland and the island where the new bridge connects have been the hot spots for property developments. The industry has been given a major impetus due to the arrival of blue chip Klang Valley developers. Many Singaporean are keen to jump on the bandwagon, in fact some of my personal friends even asked me for recommendations.
However, the market has cooled down significantly since the 12GE with many players are taking a cautious stance, not helped by some populist garbage that being mouthed by LGE and his team. In fact some people are already bracing for a crash in the Penang property market.
As for administrative efficiency and corruption free rule, well LGE’s actions unfortunately have not kept up with his talk. Like his father he is still in “Opposition” mode, merely contend to bash BN and go around on a witch-hunt. While he is spinning stories about clean governance, it is amusing to see that PR folks already embarking on a vicious fights among themselves to get state contracts by dislodging the previous ones.
LGE is in a very precarious position. Since he has no power base in Penang, he will be undermined by the Penang DAP leadership if he fails to “reward” them through plum governmental positions or lucrative contracts. Already his decision to give LKC this senior position has infuriated many Penang DAP leaders.
Watch closely if LGE keeps his promise of open tenders, for I believe he will not. It is amusing to see that the very same DAP supporters who accused the previous BN state government of cronyism are now demanding that they are rewarded with state contracts for their loyalty to the party.
Killer posted:
“I am relatively new to this blog and one thing that struck me the most is the propensity for people to offer their opinions on matters that they have zero knowledge on. Their complete lack of knowledge but a high proclivity to shoot from hip never failed to amuse me. Perhaps these guys are from the new generation of DAP supporters are in their twenties but even then it is still no excuse…”
I am not sure if they are DAP supporters but I do know UMNO supporters such as yourself do exactly that – spout opinions based on thin air.
An excellent example would be you stating that Malaysians standard of living is almost as good as Singapore’s.
Killer posted:
“It is amusing to see that the very same DAP supporters who accused the previous BN state government of cronyism are now demanding that they are rewarded with state contracts for their loyalty to the party.”
Where is the evidence? Kindly state them here or did you pull that out from your rear orrifice?
Truth is, in Msia, Fed govt had much bigger power/ authority than state govt, Fed govt can “bully” state govt.
Only a change a Fed govt policies (by same BN Or New Govt) can really improved FDI in Msia.
Soneone quoted Myanmar is attractive to investors, Had to disagree with this statement, maybe only to investors from China?
Ichk, yes i agree with you completely. Like his opinion on Hindraf detainees. Killer, I hope whatever you said was based on facts, which will make you a very knowledgeable insider. Otherwise, please have some respect for those whose freedom has been deprived. Please don’t think you have lots of supporters here. They are nothing but gullible fools consumed by big fat ego!
limkamput posted:
Killer posts personal opinions which he claims are facts.
I have challenged him repeatedly to provide evidence to back his so-called claims and he has NEVER once did that.
Which goes to show the type of slimeball we are dealing with here.
Someone said, “There have been much said about how the 30% bumi requirement scaring the investors away. Of course this is complete rubbish”
So, he is saying that Mr Rommel from E.U is talking rubbish?
If this “30%” thing do not apply to certain F. Investor, than, why should local investors (even if the product is for export) be required to comply with this??
Some local investors in fact went over to Thailand to set up factories (which could hv been set up in Msia, like rubber based etc). Why? U guess lah!
You are right about states having a role.
But seen within the context of worsening federal and state relations, and looking from the perspective of prospective foreign investors rather than local investors, it is a cause for concern. And for someone to be calling for opposition controlled states to “confront” the federal government without so much as an indication on what it is they need to confront the federal government with is to engage in useless rhetoric when time could be better spent calling for both federal and state governments not to let bipartisan politics dictate their every move.
Land is a state matter. Like it or not foreign investors setting up business need to get approvals for land/properties, whether for factories, offices or even residence of their expatriate staff. And we should not selectively talk only of high end value added export manufacturing entities the likes of Motorola, which I assume will easily get a Manufacturing licence from MIDA exempting it from NEP’s equity specifications. FDI(s) comprise a whole range of other activities : Eg Singaporean investor wanting to invest in a chain of retail malls in KL, Penang and Ipoh. The foreign investor will need to comply with NEP requirements of Bumi equity ownership. To say that 30% bumi requirement scaring the investors away is rubbish not only implies Mr Rommel from E.U is talking rubbish but also the NEP government does not know what it is doing in trying to promote Iskandar Development Region by (in principle) easing of NEP’s application at political costs. To say it is all a myth that the NEP and the bureaucratic inefficiencies and corruption had made Malaysia less attractive by comparing China misses the entire point. China remains one of the top destinations for FDI despite horrendously inefficient bureaucracy, corruption and poor regulatory and legal system because of over compensating factors of huge market and cheap labour, something that either countries like Singapore or Malaysia have – so this is poor comparison – and if one looks at bureaucracy in terms of efficiency or inefficiency, corruption or accountability and transparency or consistency of application of laws and regulations, Singapore wins hands down, no prize for the best guess why.
“….something that Neither countries like Singapore or Malaysia have”
This is for Cheng On Soo…
From the US State Dept’s 2007 Report…Data for the FY 2007 is not yet out…may be by mid-2008…
“According to government figures, at the end of October 2006 cumulative foreign investment approved by the MIC totaled 401 projects, valued at $13.9 billion. This is 79 percent higher than the cumulative total listed at the end of March 2005.
Extrapolating from the latest government statistics on FDI flow for Burmese FY 2005-06 (April-March), the U.S. Embassy estimates a 2832 percent year-on-year increase in the value of new FDI approvals ($6.066.billion) in three leading sectors compared with total new investment approvals in FY 2004-05 ($158.28 million). Potential investments from Thailand ($6.034 billion in power and oil and gas), India ($30.58 million in oil and gas) and China ($0.70 million in mining) received approvals. The amount of FDI investments approved in FY 2005-06 were the highest-ever reported. The approved FDI amount significantly rose in the end of the fiscal year in March with Thailand’s planned investment of $6 billion in the Ta Sang hydropower project.
The vast majority of approved new investment since 1997 has come from Asian countries. Western countries have largely stayed away from the Burma market, largely due to the abysmal investment climate, including an absence of rule of law, economic mismanagement and endemic corruption. New U.S. investment ceased in 1997 when the U.S. government imposed an investment ban.”
In Penang and other state govt’s contexts, discussion is a bit hay wired here because of the need but failure to distinguish between two things : (1) Opposition avowed policies to infuse meritocracy and to mitigate corruption by more transparent and accountable policies (say) of open tender and at the same time investment friendly and (2) experience or inexperience of novice Opposition MBs or state councilors running the state governments.
In long run, and also in principle, as far as (1) goes, the investment climate should be more positive than under BN’s.
The problem is (2). If Penang state government and state exco make immediate policies like for examples:-
o immediate declaration of abolishment of NEP giving occasion for opportunist and trouble makers to take to street demonstrations;
o adopt too idealistic a position of catering for the agenda of every NGO in town
o seek to disrupt status quo and change main contractors or turnkey contractors of existing Federal projects – second link or monorail – on grounds of idealistic principles striking down any outfit tainted with cronyism or nepotism, of course the Federal government would strike back either by way of cutting funding or aborting the whole project to detriment of Penangnites.
In respect of (2), as I said, the Opposition boys are new kids on the block and there’s a learning curve of how to balance idealism as against pragmatism; how and where to overlook certain things and where to take the stand against…..It is a maturing process. I mean to tell Federal government that it should not award to Scomi when it was already legally awarded before 8th March, what do you expect Federal to do – be led by the principles of LGE’s State government??? If Federal pulls back projects in what way Penangnites benefited? Running a state government is a different mode from being in Opposition just opposing! Can Jeff Ooi afford keep hammering at Motorola in same vein he did before 8th March???
When we discuss the issue we must keep (1) and (2) separate. (1) is compass good investment-wise for the long haul; (2) is a separate problem, it needs time, learning, experience to form sound judgment of how to balance competing imperatives. Investment decision as Life’s decisions are never clear-cut. It is always balancing competing and conflicting imperatives and how to weigh, balance and choose one for a time over the other is a lesson from experience and maturity.
….”when time could be better spent calling for both federal and state governments not to let bipartisan politics dictate their every move”.
That is gullible wishful thinking. “A little learning is a dangerous thing”, who said that, certainly not Confucius.
There is a time for everything. No body here calls for cooperation and bipartisanism to be ignored. Only self indulged ego who wish to put words into others will say such a thing.
BN did not have a history of cooperation and bipartisanism with any state government pre March 8. What make you think they will do anything different now? Cooperate the PK states must with the Federal Government. But it is also time to chart new course and new paradigm. Seeking cooperation with a group of tribal leaders without alternative course of action will only lead to protracted quagmire. NO time to waste, PK.
Perhaps you are unfamiliar on the background of Mr Rommel. If you had followed his interviews in the newspapers and magazines prior to that infamous incident you would have realised that he had more than business reasons as motivator for his outburst. When I first read his interview (I think it was the Edge), I was shocked by his commentary which completely betrayed his lack of knowledge on the local investment rules.
At that time I believe he was not pleased with the decisions that went against EU companies, notably Digi and the ban on the expansions of hypermarts. But rulings affecting these two companies are very different issues altogether and nothing to do with bumi shares requirements.
The ironic thing about his comments was that EU is no better than Malaysia in protecting their market by erecting barriers. While they promoted integration within EU they are less kind to non-EU members.
“….as I said, the Opposition boys are new kids on the block and there’s a learning curve of how to balance idealism as against pragmatism; how and where to overlook certain things and where to take the stand against. It is a maturing process. ….Running a state government is a different mode from being in Opposition just opposing! Can Jeff Ooi afford to keep hammering Motorola in same vein he did before 8th March???” Jeffrey
A realistic assessment of the situation facing the Penang state government.
In this IT (fast bulk, data communication) era, this 30% requirement for local investors to comply had NO meaning, if they can exempt foreign investor, local investor can always bypass this requirement by having their fund from oversea, or set up a branch / subsidiary Co. in oversea, and use this oversea branch / subsid Co. to invest in Msia to bypass this “30%” thing.
Come on, Nobody (esp New breed of businessmen) is going to give 30% for nothing!
///If this “30%” thing do not apply to certain F. Investor, than, why should local investors (even if the product is for export) be required to comply with this??/// – cheng on soo
The FIC guidelines don’t just bifurcate between foreigners and locals only : it is also based on financial threshold of value transaction applicable to locals. Acquisition of property by non bumi of property belonging to Bumi would require approval if valued between RM10 and 20 million (rule 4.1) and in the case of non bumi from another non bumi party of property for (say) car assembly/manufacturing would also require FIC’s approval if transaction value is more than more than RM20 million (rule 4.2). Any foreigners acquiring property for their businesses from local interest or for development would, of whatever threshold, still have to acquire it via a locally incorporated company subject to NEP equity and employment requirements (rules 4.3 & 4.4) – unless it falls under specified exemptions such as MSC status, operating within approved corridors, manufacturing with MIDA/MITI’s licence (ie those who export high value goods, help in technology transfer etc and enjoy pioneer status), those endorsed by Secretariat of Malaysian International Islamic Financial Centre (sub paras of rule 9). Even leasing property for a term longer than 10 years (rule 4.16) or disposal of property of any value by foreign interest to another foreign interest or of value of more than RM20 million if disposed to local interests (Rules 4.17 and 4.18). The labyrinth of overlapping guidelines are subject to changes from time to time according to variations to government’ public policies. Many investors are not happy with this kind of regulation. Even if they, by virtue of the nature of their investments, are entitled to certain exemptions, the fact is that they still have to separate wheat from chaff amongst the many rules, apply for approval (even if entitled to approval as of right per rules) and subject themselves to government’s discretionary changes in policies impacting on such rules from time to time. Ask yourself are foreign investors coming in droves to invest in our various development corridors? You will observe that the rules are not just to control foreigners. Handed down during TDM’s time, they are to keep the PM’s dept informed as to who is doing what of any significance – ie economic pulse – of the country. Rules are cited from FIC guidelines issued by FIC, Economic Unit of PM’s Department. Mr Rommel. If you had followed his interviews in the newspapers and magazines prior to that infamous incident you would have realised that he had more than business reasons as motivator for his outburst.
Whatever may be said of Mr Rommel’s lack of knowledge on the local investment rules and bias from being not pleased with the decisions that went against EU companies, notably Digi and the ban on the expansions of hypermarts, it is fact that the NEP requirements reflected in FIC rules, the complex and changing regulatory framework of these rules are generally a put off as far as foreign investors are concerned (though it may not be so in cases of those specific ones who enjoy exemptions).
So, FIC rules are complicated, so “30%” thing is a “put off” or not??
Thanks for giving figure on FDI to Myanmar, but $6 bil a year cannot qualify Myanmar as an attractive place for Foreign Investment. This $6 bil, come from practically (>99%) Thailand only.
please lah yb kit, kah choon got no principles…besides he cant wait for another 5 yrs otherwise his political career is gone kaput….there are plenty of politicians out there crossing over for the sake of their security. Take for example ‘tua pek kong’ from klang who openly crossed over to PKR. This guy has been a two faced snake and when the results of the election seen obvious he immediately jumped ship. Are these the people we want in your coalition? I think other than the lack of talent amongst PR coalition there is no other reason to accept these bunck of ‘advantage’ taking morons.
So tell me which idiot foreign investor would want to bring in RM1 into Malaysia just to lose RM0.30 the minute he sets up business here?
Before some of you go off the tangent completely, rules requiring local partnership / restrictions in a business venture is not unique to Malaysia. Almost every country countries, including the US has various rules that prevents a foreign investor from acquiring or setting up a business venture. We have seen how the US has blocked foreign investors from China / Middle East / Europe from acquiring local companies or even from owning some stakes in them.
In some countries it is a blanket requirement while some only impose the condition for certain strategic industries. Bodies such as FIC is common in many countries.
For example, in China the only way you can start a business venture (other than export-based), you have to do it as a joint-venture. Well, this hasn’t prevented Mr Rommel’s countrymen from rushing headlong into the Middle Kingdom. The rules for the joint venture not only unclear but also changes with the whims and fancies of the officials you are dealing with. I recall Sime Darby losing a quite a significant amount of money in China due to this “phantom joint venture” partner.
But such written rules are just part of the regulations one faces in China, the unwritten ones are far worse.
Here’s a useful link for people to read, taken from the US Department of State’s Investment Climate Statement 2007.
I have taken a key phrase for people to read before they post further rambling statements not grounded on reality.
“Corporate Equity
One of the government’s racial preference policies is a requirement that foreign and domestic non-manufacturing firms take on bumiputera partners (with a minimum of 30% of share capital). If a company seeks public listing on the Bursa Malaysia (formerly Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange), it is required to reserve at least 30% of its initial public offering (IPO) for purchase by bumiputera. In 2003 the GOM ended a formal requirement that corporations issue additional stock to bring bumiputera equity back up to 30% if those shareholders had sold their stock. However, bumiputera equity remains a consideration when companies apply for an array of required permits and licenses — many of which must be renewed either annually or biennially.
The government caps foreign investment shares in most sectors. To alleviate the effects of the regional economic crisis, in 1998, Malaysia temporarily relaxed foreign-ownership and export requirements in the manufacturing sector for companies that did not compete directly with local producers. In June 2003, the government extended this policy indefinitely, permitting expansion of existing investments in manufacturing concerns to be foreign-owned. Manufacturing investments approved under the liberalized measures are not subject to racial preference requirements for divestment or dilution. Those with prior investments must honor the initial conditions to which they agreed but may request that they be changed. Malaysia’s 2003 liberalization of foreign equity ceilings in manufacturing led to a spike in both foreign and domestic investment in the sector.
In September 2004, the government announced that venture capital firms could be 100 percent foreign-owned, in addition to manufacturing and information technology firms, subject to government approval for each investment project. Approvals are handled by the Malaysian Industrial Development Authority (MIDA) for most manufacturing projects and the Multimedia Development Corporation (MDC) for Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) status companies (see below). Especially in the case of investments focused toward the domestic market and those in sectors other than manufacturing, the GOM has used this authority to restrict foreign equity (normally to 30 percent) and to require foreign firms to enter into joint ventures with local partners. The GOM often approves investments in high-tech industries, but is becoming less inclined to approve lower-wage manufacturing and in some cases will not renew tax abatement agreements to existing manufacturers not perceived as sufficiently high-tech.”
This is from the same report for Singapore…though they are more open but restrictions are still in place.
So my advice is that please do not post comments without first understanding the issue.
Limits on National Treatment and Other Restrictions
Exceptions to Singapore?s general openness to foreign investment exist in telecommunications, broadcasting, the domestic news media, financial services, legal and other professional services, and property ownership. Under Singapore law, Articles of Incorporation may include shareholding limits that restrict ownership in corporations by foreign persons.
Some observers have criticized the dominant role of GLCs in the domestic economy, arguing that it has displaced or suppressed private sector entrepreneurship and investment.
This is for China….from the same source.
Investment Requirements
Although China has revised many laws and regulations to conform to WTO investment requirements, in practice, Chinese industrial planners “encourage” investments that meet economic development goals. U.S. companies are concerned that “encouragement” may amount, in many cases, to WTO-prohibited requirements, particularly in light of the high degree of discretion provided to the Chinese officials who review investment applications. For example, according to U.S. firms, some Chinese officials still consider export performance and local content when deciding whether to recommend approval of a Chinese bank loan, which is often essential to a foreign direct invested (FDI) project’s success.
Investment Guidelines
China defines its foreign investment objectives primarily through its Foreign Investment Catalogue. The most recent version went into effect January 1, 2005. The catalogue is revised every few years and supplemented by directives from various government agencies. Contradictions between the catalogue and other measures, some of which are outlined below, have confused investors and added to the perception that investment guidelines do not provide a stable basis for business planning. Uncertainty as to which industries are being promoted and how long such designations will be valid undermines confidence in the stability and predictability of the investment climate. Of note, in December 2006, China opened the renminbi market to foreign banks, subject to the requirement that banks incorporate, in China, local subsidiaries of their overseas parents.
Refering to the point Jeffrey raised about giving the LGE’s exco a chance, well, in this flat-world, you don’t expect the earth to stop its rotation just because you are brand new CM. You just have to adjust yourselves to the realities of the world and hit the ground running.
To someone is smart and experienced enough, it doesn’t take too long to make an accurate judgement. Personally, the regime of LGE had left me massively unwhelmed.
Let me tell you why. First like his father, he is stuck in his “retro” mode where he is still acting and talking like an Opposition leader.
Sometimes I wish you could show more humility and diplomatic manner in the way he makes his speeches.
Secondly, he has antogonised the Federal government by going on a witch-hunt and making highly confrontational statements. If I were him, I would stop talking to the Federal govt through the media add reach out to Pak Lah. Instead he has taken a populist and heroic but kamikaze way of doing things.
Thirdly, he has make several controversial decisions in selecting the exco and key posts (like LKC) that is going to undermine his position in Penang. Being an outsider he is already on a shaky ground and by sidelining the local DAP leaders he has antogonised some key personalities. Already his DCM2’s (Dr Ramasamy’s)
political career has stalled before it started. Dr Ramasamy not only has no support among the Penang DAP leaders but he also completely alienated the DAP Indian members as well.
Lastly and most importantly, LGE’s team has offended the powerful investors group. This is not only the foreign ones but also the local investors. I can’t be very specific on details at this point of time, but in matter of months there will be announcement of pull-outs and lays-off of key foreign investors. I was informed by my industry sources that this will involve around 7 to 8 big names.
It is not difficult to predict how this story going to end by looking at the beginning – in tears….
Killer, rules and restrictions exist everywhere. So what is your point? Malaysia therefore should have more unreasonable rules since others are also having it?
Please don’t talk like a hero here. Malaysia should have fewer rules because other countries are gaining competitiveness in other factors. Besides, just to illustrate: Singapore can have 20 rules and Malaysia 10 rules. But to resolve 10 rules in Malaysia probably take twice the length of time and money than solving 20 rules in Singapore. Got it, my friend? What more the Federal Government may now want to make the rules even more difficult for state like Penang.
I have no problem debating with you are long as they are objective and about issues on hand rather than getting personal.
Perhaps you are missing the points I am making here. As illustrated in the case of China, it is not the number of rules or good governance or even the indices published by the various global bodies, which determines the FDI a country receives.
The factors are highly complex and many MNCs have sophisticated methodologies and criteria for selecting the location for FDI. I should know since I am involved in such decisions myself. What we should do is to view the issue of competitiveness in a broader perspective.
I think it is stupid to say that Malaysia has too many rules or accuse the bumi requirements to be a barrier for FDIs. Many countries are in awe of our success in attracting FDIs. In fact Malaysia is one of the most successful countries in the world in terms of FDI. This is despite our small market, unlike the natural advantage enjoyed by China, India, Brazil, Russia, Vietnam and other nations with large populations.
It is also idiocy to compare Malaysia with Singapore. Firstly due to their small market they are not attractive for foreign investors aiming domestic market. The sectors that matter like telecom, retail banking, transport, broadcast, property, media, etc are all strictly controlled. And the stifling influence of GLCs is everywhere.
While attracting FDIs is very tough, losing them is ridiculously easy as demonstrated by LGE. I am sorry to say this but the result of 12GE has been highly detrimental for the FDIs and expect the 2008 numbers to be rather low. As I had said, not only that the incoming FDIs has dried up but MNCs are actually planning to leave. Singapore’s EDB is watching the developments like an eagle and ready to exploit the situation. Our local newspapers unwisely have named some of the companies that are in the pipeline (perhaps leaked by LGE as a damage control) as Singapore will try to “potong trip” (such cases have happened many times in the past).
If I were him, I would stop talking to the Federal govt through the media add reach out to Pak Lah
What if he did? And I doubt Pak Lah or UMNO gave him full benefit of the doubt. Many times the “reaching out” as demonstrated by previous administration ended up in a cupboard full of skeletons filling it up over time until the door gave way. The media will only give a glimpse and scarce updates of what really transpired. Of course the well connected ones whether politically or among influential business networks (perhaps includes u?) will know ahead of the rest of the nation as to what will happen next. So extensive media coverage will be good for us,mere commoners who do not want to be at the bottom of the pile of skeletons.
U also pointed out that there are many factors n complex methodologies used by MNCs to determine where to invest. I have to say Jeffrey has a point there when he said one of the factors China has been the top destination for FDIs despite the high level of corruption, inefficiency in the bureacracy, etc, the overcompensating factors of, inter alia, huge market and cheap labour are just too attractive to be given the pass. I think this has been admitted even by MNCs themselves. I remember there’s a documentary in either Discovery or NGC where the GM of Mercedes in China admitted that even though China govt takes huge percentage of the profit due to similar equity requirements, loads of their competitors and MNCs fr oth industries jump on the band wagon because even with the equity requirement, Mercedes and those other MNCs which invested still reaped huge profits. This is because of the huge market and they concluded in the long run, even if they keep only 50% of the profit, it’s still good and big money for them. Conversely, Malaysia has neither huge market or cheap labour, thus when taken in combination with the 30% equity requirement, Malaysia is a less attractive choice. What’s ur opinion on this?
Maybe ur in the know but I tend to think that people have different opinions n methodologies on investments and nobody can claim that they are absolutely right. With all investments, there will always be an element of risk because it’s based on expectation that the future will hold,conditions will continue to be favourable,etc. However, we can only do so much as predict and nothing more. Stan O’neal of Merril Lynch, Chuck Prince of Citigroup,etc also insisted that based on some calculations of some risk wizard, junk bonds masked as AAAgrade bonds are good investments. Now everyone knows that their methodologies n hell bent opinions didn’t hold water. What do u think?
erm the opening line of my previous post is quoted from Killer’s post. N is intended for his response. tq
I know factors attracting FDI is complex and multi-facets. If we know Malaysia is disadvantaged in some areas, there is no harm to make ourselves more attractive in other areas. That is how the game is played by most countries.
I don’t have much quarrel with your observations on attracting FDI except one point – your observation that the new administration (DAP and LGE) may have caused the FDI to decline. Yes, Malaysia used to attract large FDI flows when compared with other countries of similar size and stage of development. But that is history now, since the Asian Financial crisis of 1997. Factors governing FDI flows have changed and more countries and regions are now playing the FDI game. In fact Malaysia has been out of the FDI radar for a long time way before March 8 election. To attribute the lack of investment (in Penang or other PK states) to political uncertainty after the March 8 election is, to me, grossly unfair. As far as I am concerned, the Federal Government is doing a lousy job in making Malaysia a destination of choice for businesses and investment due to its many poorly conceived policies, corruption, bureaucracy, rent seeking complexes, and cost of doing business.
I am not being personal. It is the way you write – I know this, I know that, I am involved in this and I am involved in that. Please, we all know something. Otherwise we would not want to come here.
Let me answer your question in this way.
What many people don’t understand is that FDI can be in two different forms. One is the export-based FDI where the investors will take advantage of a country’s comparative advantages to produce goods/services for the export market. The 2nd is the FDI that is meant for domestic market. This can take the form of investment in new companies to sell locally, buy local companies/ their equities or purchase properties.
Usually every country will compete fiercely for the 1st type of FDI. But for the 2nd type, many countries are highly protective or cautious. This is because they are afraid their local companies will be forced out of business by the giant foreign MNCs and their economy controlled by the foreigners.
In my view, we should encourage both types of FDIs but be cautious in allowing the 2nd one. There are certain industries we need to protect from foreign competition due to their strategic nature. But at the same time, such protection can bring about much inefficiency and breed corruptions and other negative practices. Of course a classic example is Proton and the local steel industry.
However, the 2nd type of FDIs sometimes can be detrimental to the long term benefit of the country’s economy especially when the inflow is for unproductive sectors such the property market and equity. Since the funds can also leave as quickly, these outflows can result in an economic catastrophe as was evident in the 1997/8 Asian Economic Crisis.
If we look at the FDI trend over the past several years, Malaysia has been lagging but many of our competition has been attracting short-term FDIs that mainly used up in buying up local companies or for the stock market. For example, Singapore has seen an over-investment in the property sector (including for the IR project) and seen a lot of funds flowing in from sources of dubious nature (mainly illegally gotten monies from Indonesia and Myanmar). Singapore government used the data to tout its attractiveness as a location for FDI without revealing the true nature of these investments.
It is the same for China. It is estimated that around 60% of their FDIs are actually what is termed as “round-tripping”, ie, the fund that originating from China but routed through foreign tax-haven in order to gain preferential treatments given to FDIs. Many people would be surprised to find that the top FDI contributors in 2006 were from nations like Hong Kong (No 1), British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands and Western Samoa.
Secondly, most of these FDIs are for unproductive sectors such as the property, stock market and the purchase of equity. Only a fraction went into manufacturing and other productive sectors.
Having said that it is also true that we are no longer a low-cost producer and many foreign investors are looking at cheaper locations such as China and Vietnam.
The competition for FDI is also much fiercer now with new players and countries offering excellent incentives to lure FDI.
As such we need to re-invent ourselves and look for ways to grow using radical new strategies. My view is that it is foolish to depend too much on FDIs. Though we should continue to look out for FDIs but for the right reasons and for the right sectors.
As we have seen even China now lost their ability to attract export-based FDIs and the investors are abandoning them for Vietnam and other newer locations. The real impact for China will be felt after the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
That’s why I had mentioned in another thread sometimes back that these economic Corridors that AAB had been launching is an excellent idea. However, the political situation we have now is highly detrimental for a major transformation of the nation or attracting the right kind of FDIs. In the current situation, we need long term solutions and not instant populist garbage. Without the requisite political alignment, I think the transformation that Malaysia must undergo is impossible.
Thanks for d info.
“Since the funds can also leave as quickly, these outflows can result in an economic catastrophe as was evident in the 1997/8 Asian Economic Crisis.”
I agree wif u on this point. In fact, as stated by numerous analyst on the so called 10th Anniversary of 97 financial crisis, Asia is in a better position now after learning fr the mistake of not depending too much on FDI in case foreign investors “pull the plug”. It could be agreed that cautious must b practised encouraging the 2nd type of FDI because Msia don’t want to end up in a position where foreigners have huge claims over our assets.
Am I correct to say that u seem to suggest that d previous administration presents a more favourable condition for attracting FDIs,investments,etc? I think it may be accepted as a general truth that as with all kinds of changes,its a temporary destabilization of d equilibrium while still in transition period to adapt and find the new equilibrium hence establishing stability once again. What about the fact that the people actually welcome the change and applaud the aggressive stance of DAP in exposing scams, pressuring for transparency,etc? though it may be interpreted as potential instability or bad conditions for business by investors, biz community(presuming i read ur opinions correctly). Would it not be the case that the fed govt would bow to the pressure for change in the near future and find that it’s too much a cost to abandon or punish the PR controlled states since these very states, when combined contributes a huge portion to the GDP? If that’s the case then we might after all be pushing in the right direction for better conditions for biz or for a nation as a whole.
Killer posted:
“It is also idiocy to compare Malaysia with Singapore. Firstly due to their small market they are not attractive for foreign investors aiming domestic market. The sectors that matter like telecom, retail banking, transport, broadcast, property, media, etc are all strictly controlled.”
Check your facts first before you mouth off here, otherwise you end up looking like the village idiot of the LKS blogsphere.
Singapore has one of the most liberalized investment banking environments in Asia.
There are more than 40 foreign bank offices in Singapore and six foreign banks have licenses to operate stand-alone ATM machines in places like MRT stations and shopping malls. Contrast that with Malaysia and see what sort of restraints foreign banks operate under Bank Negara rules and regulations.
Killer posted:
“That’s why I had mentioned in another thread sometimes back that these economic Corridors that AAB had been launching is an excellent idea.”
Again, you never bothered to explain how exactly these economic corridors are excellent ideas.
Perhaps you should check before shooting from the hips. It is not a smart idea to buy the propaganda that being sold by the Singaporean govt. Leave that to Singaporeans and naive foreigners.
Of course they can afford to be more liberal than us because they want all the dirty monies that the cruel dictators, corrupt Indonesian politicians and tycoons and power-mad Myanmar Generals have.
This is from the US Dept of State…read and weep..
“In June 2004, the Government announced further liberalization measures in the domestic retail banking sector. Effective January 1, 2005, QFBs are permitted to have a maximum of 25 service locations (up from 15). In addition, they can now negotiate with local banks to allow their credit card holders to obtain cash advances through the local banks’ ATM networks.
Despite liberalization, foreign banks in the domestic retail banking sector still face significant restrictions and are not accorded national treatment. Aside from the limit on the number of foreign QFBs and their customer service locations, foreign QFBs are not allowed to access the local banks’ ATM networks, a major competitive disadvantage, although they can share ATMs among themselves and (as noted above) can now negotiate with the local banks to allow their card holders to obtain cash advances. Customers of foreign banks are also unable to access their accounts for transfers or bill payments at ATMs operated by banks other than their own. Local retail banks do not face similar constraints. Nevertheless, QFBs have made significant inroads in retail banking, with substantial market share in products like credit cards, personal and housing loans. “
Obviously you know zilch about the banking environment in Singapore.
Stop believing in your own UMNO spin and start reading facts.
Witness the abundance of foreign bank standalone ATM machines at publicly accessible places such as MRT stations and shopping malls.
Do you find any foreign bank standalone machine in Malaysia? ZILCH!
Your article is dated at 2005 which is years ago – take a look at the banking centres at SMRT stations that Citibank has in Singapore today.
Obviously the fact that the US state dept being controlled by UMNO is news to me….
Well, both personal experience and the US govt State dept’s report contradict with your arguments. The only foreign bank that has any significant presence there is our own Maybank even though it faces significant restrictions.
If you want to convince me perhaps you could quote a reliable and independent source for your claim (please stay clear of Singaporean agencies, they are all propaganda machines of PAP).
And btw, I also had explained why SG allowed foreign bank to operate in a limited way (excluding the retail banking that is). They just wanted to be the center for the ill-gotten gains of the Asian Gallery of Rogues and Dictators.
FYI, 1/3 of millionaires in SG are Indonesians and a significant % of the rest are foreigners of dubious reputation. It has been estimated that almost US $ 1 trillion has been taken out of Indonesia alone by the corrupt politicians and tycoons to be deposited in the Singaporean banking system.
Perhaps you could explain why these corridors aren’t such good ideas in the first place ?
Fact: Spore had many big ticket investment (each cost >US$ 1 bil )now. many of this in Jurong Island, in petrol chemical, pharmaceutical, biodiesel plant, commercial bldg. etc Their FDI is easily > 2.5 times as compare with Msia.
Their construction activities is booming, huge factories, big offices, resort complexes etc, I am in buidling construction. This is a fact, Ask anybody dealing with building product / equipment in Msia / Spore, compare the sales, then you know.
“FDI contributors in 2006 were from nations like Hong Kong (No 1), British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands and Western Samoa.”
Pardon me, I heard of Hong Kong, BVI, Cayman Isl. as financial Island, but anyone heard of Western Samoa as a financial Isl.??
I might be going Singapore to work for 2 or 3 yrs, i will be filthy rich when i retired in Singapore. So, why do i need to stay in Malaysia.
There already huge migration of Johorean to Singapore.
So, whoever still remain in Malaysia will have to beg the govt. to provide the bridge & monorails, even state funds.
The Federal govt. is having severe constipation to drop funds for state improvement & requirement.
In Canada we have the Provincial Tax, and Federal Tax. Soon, all the opposition should have State Tax so that these state can develop themselves with the amount of funds they earned.
Dear Cheng on soo
I have…
Bro, do some research,check it out in wiki under IFC.
You have a good sense of humour….more likely you will end up working in hawker center or Changi airport even after you retire.
In Malaysia, may be you have to beg for projects but in Singapore you don’t even have it bother…… because the government’s stated policy of denying aid to Opposition-held area.
Good luck on PR state govts if they want to start a state tax, that is the surest way of getting booted out of power in the 13E.
Thanks, Mr. Killer, had checked,, under “Western Samoa.”, but cannot find what U claim, wil check under IFC. later.
Anyway, would appreciate, if U can explain why we need RM2.28 to buy SG$1, when in 1984, it was only RM1.09, & in 1975, only RM0.99
cheng on soo
Try under IFC or check out sites like IMF or other financial portals.
As for the exchange rate, well, it is a long and complicated story. It is determined by a host of factors like interest rate and inflation differentials, current-account deficit, terms of trade, economic performance, supply/demand of the currency,etc.
Obvious these factors are reflected in the exchange rate. But we also need to understand that BNM historically kept ringgit weaker against SGD for reasons of competitiveness. As such, the ringgit is likely to be undervalued against SGD.
It started of with a parity in 1973 but this was quickly discarded. Initially it appreciated until 1985 due to favourable economic condition but the mid 80s recession wiped out the gains.
But we need to understand that SG is a First World country while we are firmly rooted in the 3rd world.
Thanks, Mr Killer, so at least U said SG is 1st World, we still 3rd world.
Then U said “they just wanted to be the center for the ill-gotten gains of the Asian Gallery of Rogues and Dictators. ”
If they are not good, not more efficient, better management etc, then, why these Rogues and Dictators want to park their money there, why not here (at least part of their US$ 1 trillion as stated by U?) Their cost is much higher than here. Surely it is not so simple as “they just wanted”
Isn’t it cheaper here, as Ringgit is only about 44 cents, there.
FYI, Mr Killer, I was working in Brunei, from 1977 to 1984, during this period, Brunei $/ Sing$, never worth less than RM, so, yr statement Ringgit appreciate (Vs Sing$) up to 1985, is not true!
Perhaps you could explain why these corridors aren’t such good ideas in the first place – Killer
Anything that is mooted by Badawi Al-Korridor will have the kiss of death. Has anything mooted by Badawi EVER taken off ? Badawi does not understand that “taking off” means a project having started. His only knowledge of the words “taking off” refers to removal off the list – the UMNO list.
There’s another meaning to “taking off” and that is when an UMNO turncoat and outcast decides to masquerade as a deeply loyal supporter of DAP i.e. the kind who would throw himself under a bus to save the Party (or so he claims) – even changing his ethnicity in the process. This individual is deeply conflicted and has some very serious issues with himself as not to know who he really is all these years – apart from being pathetic. We all know him as that retiree from Kg. Attap, the small time pimp. To others he is known as the “village idiot” because of the empty space between his ears.
If you don’t already know who we are talking about, Killer, you’ll soon know if you hang around for another week! Even now you can spot him since he suffers from ADS and paranoid schizophrenia among others. You may want to ask Godfather what ADS mean. It has nothing to do with the car’s braking system.
Car braking system is known as ABS and ADS. What else do I have to say, zilch.
sorry, Car braking system is known as ABS and NOT ADS. What else do I have to say, zilch.
Here it is! The first clue.
I said ADS has nothing to with the car’s braking system.
Confucious once said: “Stupidity is forever, ignorance can be fixed”. This is clearly not a case of ignorance.
Wait for the second clue.
ADS is a behavioral issue.
You posted two pieces of bull crap.
1) You stated that Maybank is the only foreign bank with any significant presence in Singapore. Standard Chartered is the bank with the biggest branch network in Singapore with 20 branches and employs more than 2,000 people.
Citibank is the foreign bank with the largest ATM network amongst foreign banks in Singapore – more than 120 ATMs nationwide including at most SMRT stations.
2) You stated that almost USD 1 trillion worth of cash has been transferred out of Indonesia into Singapore. Provide the evidence then – otherwise you are making yourself to be more of a dimwit than you already are!
Killer posted:
Perhaps you could explain why these corridors aren’t such good ideas in the first place ?”
You do not reply my question with a question of yours.
Please state your reasons why you believe that the so-called economic corridors are excellent ideas. Otherwise, I take it that you are expelling hot air.
I said, car braking system is known as ABS and not ADS. What else do I have to say, zilch. You said ADS has nothing to with the car’s braking system.
Now we know why people disdain lawyers. It is like you got caught naked in bed with another woman by your wife, and you would still turn around and say, “honey, this is not what you think. We are just having a conversation here.” It reflects one’s integrity again, Sigh….
ADS is a behavioral issue.
Yes, it is true. It applies to those who frequently use it.
You mean a person can “use” ADS as though it is a braking system?
I’ll tell you guys why the corridors are NOT a good idea.
It was mooted for vote-getting, nothing more. They were all hurriedly announced immediately prior to the elections. Everybody knows that there isn’t enough money for all of them to take off – but of course Badawi Al-Korridor decided that he should please everybody.
If BN were to have retained control of all the states, there will be “token” investments by GLCs – Sime will put a billion or two in the Northern states, Petronas will put a billion or two in Trengganu (never to benefit Kelantan). After March 8, they awoke to find that a number of key states have fallen to Pakatan, so now there is no squeak from the federal government or from the relevant GLCs on most of the corridors. In fact, now that the BN state government in Trengganu is asking for oil royalties to be controlled by the state, you can bet your bottom ringgit that Petronas will not be in any hurry to “invest” in the Eastern Corridor.
Another reason for announcing the corridors was so that the relevant state cronies could have a hand in the construction pie. Koh Tsu Koon was supposed to turn the other way when the Penang projects were “allocated” to UMNO Penang or to Badawi cronies like Patrick Lim. Idris Jusoh was supposed to announce a few more construction projects in Trengganu on top of the Monsoon Cup.
Killer also took LGE to task for not holding out an olive branch to Badawi. What was LGE supposed to do ? Tell Badawi that when he was sleeping, Penang UMNO took most of the construction contracts in the state ? Tell Badawi that land was allocated by Penang UMNO that even Koh Tsu Koon didn’t know about ? Tell Badawi that publicly listed companies made announcements on contracts that were not even approved yet by the state government ?
The impasse between the various state governments and the federal government is essentially caused by the fact that the stealing under BN rule had reached epidemic proportions, and the Opposition is still trying to unravel these crimes. Badawi isn’t going to make it easy for the Opposition, and the Opposition isn’t able to compromise. Imagine what we would do to LGE if he strikes a deal with Badawi to “forgive” Penang UMNO’s transgressions in exchange for federal projects.
No, the state governments must come clean and they must expose the thieves for what they are – petty thieves. If federal projects don’t proceed, the BN cronies have more to lose – they were all “designed” for BN anyway. The Emperor has no clothes.
If I am not mistaken, the government is supposed to provide only basic infrastructure and regulatory and legal framework for the corridors. The actual investment should come from the private sector, i.e. private sector driven. Other than that, clap clap clap again.
Yes, the moment the oppositions compromise, they will end up like BN. The tenacity of PK parties is still unfolding though. Not sure how long they will last and how long the people are williing to wait to see substantive results.
Yes, that was always the original intention – let the private sector lead the development of the corridors, but they must be crazy to think that there are billions of private sector money waiting to go into Kedah, Perlis or Trengganu or Pahang. What they wanted to do was that the “private sector” in the form of Sime Darby and Petronas will spend some money (a billion or two for national service) to provide the impetus for additional investment capital.
With most of these states under Opposition rule, even this “billion or two” have gone missing. I think the country has to get worse before we all realise that the only option is to remove the inept federal government.
Sorry guys, been out of the country…
Ok, let’s take it up from here.
Let’s talk about the Corridors. Folks put your politically tainted lenses away for a moment and talk economics for once.
As I had said, Malaysia is no longer in a low-cost location but neither we are in the leagues of economic giants like Singapore, Korea, Japan,etc.
So what we do ? We can either upgrade our skills and knowledge to compete with 1st World nations or find some ways that would give us comparative advantage over these nations.
The 2nd important purpose of these corridors are to have a balanced regional developments instead of the money being poured to create white elephants as it was during Dr M’s time when the focus was Klang Valley alone.
As such the Iskandar DR was a brilliant idea as it is situated right next to Singapore on a large tract of land. One, it offers a large, cheap region next to high cost, congested Singapore. It also offers cheaper labour and operational cost.
The foreign investors love the central location of Singapore, political stability, business friendly policies and its financial, regulatory and physical infrastructure. But the high cost of operations and the scarcity land are some of the issues they are facing.
By offering a location close by, these investors will tempted to move away their business operations and even residence while still maintaining their core operations in Singapore. Unlike in Shenzhen in China, Malaysia also offers a large pool of skilled and professional work force to staff these operations too. So these investors can enjoy the best of both worlds. I can easily think of a dozen industries / operations that can be relocated to IDR.
The appointment of Khazanah, SD and Petronas and other GLCs are meant to address the perennial Malaysian problem of poor execution and the political interference. With their managerial skills and experience, they offer something that our govt officials lack for a project of such magnitude.
Also the appointment of these bodies will ensure the development of integrated corridors rather than the disjointed efforts that are the characteristics of the past efforts.
The other corridors are less ambitious but nevertheless I found them to be well thought out as well.
This really makes me wonder if you are an apologist for the Singapore government…seeing you being do defensive..
Anyway here you go…
Indonesia seeks lost trillions in Singapore
By Bill Guerin
JAKARTA – Indonesia and Singapore last Friday sealed a bilateral extradition pact, opening the way for Jakarta to apprehend and try the many wayward business people and bankers who allegedly stole untold billions of dollars’ worth of assets from the country and parked them in Singapore in the wake of the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis.
Successive Indonesian administrations have been stymied in their pursuit of footloose white-collar criminals, many of whom Jakarta
contends have fled and taken refuge in neighboring Singapore. Singapore has long denied the charges and refused to sign the extradition treaty unless Indonesia agreed to a concomitant defense treaty, which will expand on the previous Military Training Area bilateral arrangement that began in 1995 and ran through 2003.
read more at :
Read and weep….
Sand in Singapore’s Gears
Tag it:Our Correspondent
05 March 2007
Indonesia, seeking legal recourse to nab fleeing financiers, uses the world’s cheapest commodity as a weapon
It started with a barge-load of Indonesian sand, or a whole fleet of them, delayed for the last two months on their way to Singapore to be used in reclamation projects.
At first Indonesian officials insisted the sand without a country was held up for environmental reasons. Now, it appears the sand is actually political leverage in an extradition tiff with Singapore over a brace of crooked bankers hiding out in the city state.
What’s really at stake is not sand, which should be the world’s cheapest commodity, but an extradition treaty that Singapore government authorities have been refusing to sign for 34 years. Indonesia wants a bunch of elusive bankers who took part in an astounding heist of more than US$13.5 billion looted from the Indonesian central bank’s recapitalization lifeline to 48 ailing banks during the 1997-1998 Asian financial crisis.
more at :
Read how “clean” and “efficient” is the Singaporean banking system
Monday November 5, 5:18 PM
U.S. tells Singapore to cut bank ties with Myanmar
BANGKOK, Nov 5 (Reuters) – The United States told Singapore and its banks on Monday to sever financial links with Myanmar’s junta, widely believed to use the city-state as its main off-shore banking centre.
“We believe that there are regime officials with accounts in Singapore,” senior State Department official Kristen Silverberg told reporters in Thailand during a regional tour to drum up support for a tougher Asian stance against the former Burma. “We hope that they ensure that their financial institutions are not being used as sanctuary for Burmese officials,” said Silverberg, who is responsible for U.S. liaison with groups such as the Association of South East Asian nations (ASEAN).
Perhaps more importantly, Singapore is the banking center of choice for Burma’s generals and their business cronies. Most have Singapore bank accounts, as does the powerful 43-year-old tycoon Tay Za, who is close to junta leader Than and his family. Tay’s Htoo Trading Company was one of two main contractors that built Burma’s new administrative capital, Naypyidaw. The other was the Asia World Group, headed by Tun Myint Naing, or Steven Law, son of Lo Hsing-han, who, in the 1970s, was branded by US authorities as the King of Opium in Burma’s sector of the Golden Triangle. Both Tay and Law are frequent visitors to Singapore, and Than himself goes there for medical treatment.
Singapore bank secrecy threatens EU trade talks-MEP
Tue Oct 2, 2007 6:43am EDT
SINGAPORE, Oct 2 (Reuters) – Singapore’s refusal to soften its strict bank secrecy laws could scupper talks with Europe about a trade agreement, a European politician said on Tuesday
The European Union and the 10-member Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) are negotiating partnership and cooperation agreements, which are a prerequisite for a fully fledged free trade deal
Continued…from above..
“We say that we don’t think there’s money laundering going on here, but clearly people engaged in money laundering are looking for places like Singapore with low levels of transparency to actually engage in money laundering,” Ford said.
“If I was looking for somewhere to do my money laundering, Singapore would be getting towards the top of my list these days,” he added.
So this IDR is a good idea according to Mr. Killer here. IDR was launched on Oct/Nov 2006,
Let see how well it developed, say by Oct.2009 (3 years after its launched) ?? No need to argue, wait n see. Time will proof it.