Passing of a great Malaysian patriot

Shocked this morning to hear of the passing away of a great Malaysian patriot, Rustam A. Sani, 63, academician, scholar and political activist suddenly at about 2.30am at his home in Gombak.

Deepest condolences to his wife, Rohani, his children Azrani and Ariani and grandaughter, Arissa.

Together with Fong Kui Lun, DAP National Treasurer and MP for Bukit Bintang, I paid my last respects to Rustam at his Gombak home.

Rustam is one of the great Malaysian sons and daughters who have made incomparable contributions to Malaysian nation-building but who have not been given proper national recognition and yet who continued to give his best for the betterment of the country through his writings and ideas till his last breath.

Rustam’s passing is an irreparable loss to Malaysia.


17 Replies to “Passing of a great Malaysian patriot”

  1. YB LIM.

    thank you for being there with the family. we may be chinese, indians , malays or any other race, BUT OUR BLOOD IS STILL RED IN COLOUR.

    and in death. the ALMIGHTY decided.
    Qada dan Qadar.

    thanks again YB LIM.

  2. The current leader Pak Lah & Najib will only pay respect to Mat Deros who squandered the poor building a huge castle for himself and family. Their nose are so high, that they were blinded by their ignorance.

  3. The current leaders will only pay respect to Mat Deros who squandered the poor building a huge castle for himself and family. Their nose are so high, that they were blinded by their ignorance.

  4. ISA was intended for terrorists. But most of the detainees are Great Sons of Malaysia. Or perhaps if we one to be great, we must first pass the test of ISA?

    Malaysians should work hard to get rid of ISA.

    I wonder whether all Malaysian PM, past & present, actually study Chinese history. Chinese Emperors are famous for beheading patriotics & great chinese for fear of losing theirs thrones. In Malaysia, we have ISA……….

  5. Al Fatihah buat Sdra Rustam

    Tahziah buat keluarga Sdra Rustam

    I always love reading your articles including those in your blog.

    You are a great writer and will be missed by many, many people.

    Semoga Allah SWT mencucuri roh mu, dan meletakkan roh mu di sisi orang yang beriman – AMIN

  6. I just wish to add that when I was a Malaysian student at Yale College, I met Rustam and his family in New Haven while he was doing a post-graduate program in Sociology at Yale University. He was always welcoming. I had delicious Malaysian food cooked by his wife and learned how to smoke a pipe from him. Rustam, rest in peace.

  7. Al Fatihah buat Sdra Rustam

    Tahziah buat keluarga Sdra Rustam

    I always love reading your articles including those in your blog.

    You are a great writer and will be missed by many, many people.

    Semoga Allah SWT mencucuri roh mu, dan meletakkan roh mu di sisi orang yang beriman – AMIN

    This is a great individual that walks what he talk.
    His sharing have been very educating and open our hearts to face what is good for this country and her people.
    My Salute to you, Rustam ….

  8. Uncle Kit , if ever PR become the ruling party of Malaysia, saudara Rustam A. Sani should be post humously honoured where credit is due. Saudara Rustam, your fight for a equitable Malaysia will not be forgotten. RIP

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