Anti-Corruption reform – Abdullah pre-empting parliamary question directed to him next week

It has become the practice for Cabinet Ministers to pre-empt questions which MPs have given notice in the forthcoming parliamentary meeting by giving answers before the questions are actually asked on the dates they are listed.

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, has proved that he is no exception and is beginning to answer my first question for question time in the 12th Parliament beginning next Wednesday, which asked him “to outline the top ten priority reform measures which his government will implement in the next 12 months to demonstrate that he has heard the voices of the people in the March 8, 2008 ‘political tsunami’”.

This morning, Abdullah announced that the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) will be made a full-fledged commission by year-end and will be answerable to Parliament.

He said said this was one of the four key reform initiatives that would be carried out by the government in the move to address the public concerns on corruption in the country.

The commission’s workforce would be increased to 5,000 officers over a period of five years and the government would also introduce legislation to provide a comprehensive protection for whistle blowers and witnesess in corruption cases.

Furthermore, the government would also take immediate steps to improve the public procurement process through measures targeted at addressing specific problems in the system.

Last Thursday, Abdullah announced measures towards judicial reforms, viz:

• Ex-gratia payment for “the pain and loss” suffered by the late Tan Sri Eusoffe Abdoolcader and Tan Sri Wan Suleiman Pawanteh and their families, Tun Salleh Abas, Tan Sri Azmi Kamaruddin, Tan Sri Wan Hamzah Mohamed Salleh and Datuk George Seah in the 1988 Judicial Crisis.

• A Judicial Appointments Commission;

• Review of the judiciary’s terms of service and remuneration to ensure that the Bench can attract and retain the very best of the nation’s talent.

As the “proof of the pudding is in the eating”, more details are needed before an informed judgment can be made of the reform measures concerned.

Although belated, reform measures to restore public confidence in the efficacy, efficiency, independence, impartiality and credibility of national institutions whether judiciary or the anti-corruption agency are welcome as they have been long-awaited by the people.

Yesterday, I had told some reporters that I was astonished at the Prime Minister’s confirmation that he was studying a proposal by the ACA for it to become more independent.

This was clearly putting the cart before the horse as it is the Prime Minister and Cabinet who should take the policy decision that they have heard the voices of the people in the March 8 “political tsunami” and want an anti-corruption agency which is completely independent of the government, answerable only to Parliament , followed by directives to the various agencies such as the ACA and the Attorney-General’s Chambers to draft the necessary legislation based on best international practices like the Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) to implement such a policy decision.

The government’s failure in the fight against corruption in the past four years, highlighted by the ACA’s inability to net a single one of the 18 “sharks” targetted at the beginning of the Abdullah premiership and the six-point plunge in the Transparency International Corruption Perception Index rankings from No. 37 in 2003 to No. 43 last year, is an undeniable and indisputable fact.

I am glad that 24 hours after my comment, the Prime Minister has committed himself to a policy position on an independent anti-corruption agency.

Malaysians will not want a new anti-corruption commission which purports to be independent in name only but not in fact in spearheading the fight against corruption to restore integrity in the nation’s public life – becoming a second Suhakam which is tasked to be an independent body to protect and promote human rights but is completely unable to do so without the necessary powers and wherewithal to carry out such a human rights mandate.

Furthermore, is Abdullah prepared to fully respond to the March 8 “political tsunami” and initiate far-reaching national reforms including the establishment of the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) by tabling such a bill in the first meeting of Parliament and to free the Malaysian mass media from the shackles of the Printing Presses and Publications Act?


134 Replies to “Anti-Corruption reform – Abdullah pre-empting parliamary question directed to him next week”

  1. Making the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) independent is not enough, Pak Lah should also give them power to prosecute directly without seeking consent from the AG. If Pak Lah can make the ACA as effective and transparent as Hong Kong’s ICAC, I’ll convince my whole family to vote BN next round.

  2. Do we trust our ACA? AG’s Chambers? PDRM?

    No, no, no.

    Are they subservient to certain political masters? Do they ensure that everyone is equal under the Malaysian law? Your guess is as good as mine.

    Harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi!

  3. Dear uncle kit,
    Weeks have passed, can you please help me to ask Ong Tee Kiat when is he going to announce the full details of PKFZ?

    Come on Ong Tee Kiat, show us some efficiency, your sleepy Boss has improved more than you on this.

  4. Is this meant all the while it has not been independent?

    Real stupid! How could a govt. leader slapping his own face. Also noticed, they compensate to the judges but does not agreed to apologize?

  5. For 4 years, he moved like a snail. Suddenly he want to do everything at once? Is he biting off more than he can chew?

    If he moves too fast, I think he will find himself fired from his job! AND nothing really gets done….

  6. //I’ll convince my whole family to vote BN next round…//

    I don’t have such a big forgiving heart like justice fighter. Has he/she forgotten those who are still being locked up in Kamunting Camp under the draconian ISA? Shouldn’t the ACA be effective and transparent to begin with? If I rebuilt what I destroyed, I prove that I am only a lawbreaker.

  7. It is real good move for rakyat Pak Lah – an independent ACA accountable to a Parliament split in power almost equally between Opposition and ruling coalition – shortly in the wake of judicial reforms announced……

    An independent Judiciary & ACA – are bulwark against corruption any society.

    At this juncture, it also a good move for getting Rakyat’s support against those political rivals sympathetic to TDM’s cause within the ruling coalition out to depose him : because if they could oust him, all institutional reforms initiated by Pak Lah (albeit belatedly) to take the country out of the woods will be cast a huge shadow of doubt of further proceeding to fruition.

    It is good move for Pak Lah to cramp-push the reform agenda in light of tight time framework with which you have to operate. If you have to go down fighting the conservative and rightist elements within the ruling coalition opposed to reforms, at least he would redeem some of goodwill lost in the first four years immobilized by fears of opposition from these elements.

  8. All these years Kit and the rest of us have been clamoring for an independent ACA accountable to Parliament (instead of PM), and now Pak Lah says, “yes we will do it” and then he gets scolded or ridiculed (“govt leader slapping his own face”) for this. It seems he can do no right! I think a little encouragement if not appreciation is more appropriate under the circumstances.

  9. What’s the point of having it independent? In the end the ACA also have to Kow Tow to the UMNO scum bags.

    Like what justice_fighter says, if ACA can prosecute without seeking consent from the AG, then lain cerita but just independent is not enough. Anyway or anyhow, i will still vote opposition

    haha! :)

  10. Even with the ” reform ” , every decisions and recommendations made by the ACA will hv to be scrutinized and approved by PM b4 actions taken . What happen when PM , himself or members of his family are involved ? I still can’t figure out how a young chap , slightly over 30 yrs old can be multi-billionaire after leaving school .

  11. Whatever the scepticism, at the very least it is a very big first step. Pak Lah I believe knows he has reached the stage where he is damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. So he has decided to go for broke and defy those UMNO power brokers that has been making it difficult to implement unpopular changes such as these. These UMNO power brokers has vested interest to see that the ACA remains under their thumbs.

    But by implementing this huge change to become a commission and answerable to Parliament, it will forever free the ACA from this shackle and allow it to be independent. But there are good reasons for concern on the implementation given this country’s penchant for ruining every good idea with bad implementation. Hence the people and Parliament must act as the watchdog and do whatver it takes to ensure that the changes goes down the right path.

    As for the IPCMC, did AAB balked because of the threat from the 90,000 strong PDRM that they will vote Opposition if AAB went ahead with the IPCMC? Well the people have spoken with an even louder voice than the 90,000 PDRM. AAB, if you have big ears you would not have failed to hear the people’s voice and should now ignore the PDRM’s oppoisition to the IPCMC and go ahead with its appointment in accordance with the wishes of the people.

  12. “proof of the pudding is in the eating”- Kit
    How aptly said. Lets hope the additional work force are not “exclusively” employed to hunt & creat havoc for PR leaders.

    Lets see what happens to Lingam case first then we talk lah.

  13. And please give the MCAC the powers to look into and review all previous cases that has some how disappeared into the black hole.

    For a start, perhaps foreigners with no vested interests, might be employed to help look into all the cases, past and present, like an independent Oversight Committee. It has been done before e.g. in Danaharta.

  14. ///This morning, Abdullah announced that the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) will be made a full-fledged commission by year-end and will be answerable to Parliament.///

    We won’t know who would be the PM by year-end. If PM AAB was honest when he said that there were more pressing issue than this to be tackled during his first term, then he had got his priority wrong. It would appear that he knows his time is up, and that he is getting all the necessary changes initiated, to be stopped by his successor, if he leaves sooner.

    Unless the componenet parties in BN had a say on who they would support as PM, if they were not afraid to be ISAed, PM AAB does not stand a chance to stay till year-end. Good luck to him for his efforts, irrespective of his intention.

  15. In Malaysia is the cases are too old, they will said, they forgot, or too complicated to review case. This is how soon, the Atlantuya case will take another 5 yrs or 10 yrs, then end up, Mr. Razak came out a free man.

  16. I have some questions to Pak Lah:

    1. why wait until year end? why not next month? In year end you will be too busy with UMNO election and you may not be the PM anymore, then all of us will be fooled again!

    2. what are the criteria to choose the head and staff of MCAC?

    3. what do you mean by “full-fledged commission”? Does it mean MCAC can prosecute your family members including you if you are found to be corrupt?

  17. 1. why wait until year end?
    UMNO crisis

    why not next month? In year end you will be too busy with UMNO election and you may not be the PM anymore, then all of us will be fooled again!
    If can drag just drag.

    2. what are the criteria to choose the head and staff of MCAC?
    Don’t ask me, I’m not the PAPA MCAC.

    3. what do you mean by “full-fledged commission”? Does it mean MCAC can prosecute your family members including you if you are found to be corrupt?
    Everyone ok except my family, stay away from them, well since i’m not going to stay on power for long, i don’t really care.

  18. YB LIM.


    until we get it signed and sealed and passed in parliament and approved by DYMM, i will wait and see.

    i will wait and see, the deliberations and further deliberations by the attorney general office, the protection of whistle blowers, the inabililty of the income tax department to determine the sources of wealth , i will just wait and see.

    IP 7305. reported in year 2005. when abdullah badawi was hoo haa about fighting corruption. i will just wait and see.

    abdullah can promise a lot but ,i just wait and see.

    the de facto law minister must convene a meeting with stakeholders, and than the constitution minister must make sure, that the corrupted rights are NOT INFRINGED. than the bpr ( badan penuh rasuah ) will investigate, and than refer to ag to decide on OTC ( order to charge ) . than incomplete investigations, than return to I.O for further actions, than we all forget.

    than whatever changes will be watered down and wait till the next tsunami before any one is really charged. and than because of lack of evidence, or evidences are traced to japan or austria,and we need our foreign minister to sign a treaty to exchange confidential informations , the corrupted can afford bail of even rm 100 million, and than even datuk zainal abidin yusof – head of dpp , also cannot convince the yang arif that prima facie established.

    the whole story is, YB LIM , why DO you get excited so easily by abdullah’s preempt. remember on the 12th of february , and the 13th of february, we sure were taken for a ride .

    wait and see. i dont feel good. i feel negative.

  19. YB lim, you stated that 5000 officers will be recruited over 5 years.
    very good. maybe 1000 are chinese. 1000 indians. 1000 kadazans.
    1000 ibans. 1000 malays. ( + /- 30 % variance ).

    why not, if merits are considered.

  20. lakilompat.

    you make sense.
    why end of the year. when he may no longer be the pm.

    YB LIM, are you in good mood today.?

    the implementation must be by MAY. and with the numbers of pakatan raayat mps in parliament and if bn is dead serious, it can be done sooner than later.

    no immunity please to vvips.

  21. If the ACA is really independent like Hong Kong ICAC then i think 90% of the police force will be in jail and 100% of Umnoputera will also be in jail. Will the sleepy pm brave enough to do so?

  22. YB LIM,
    YB LIM.

    do we have to wait for the new look bpr before pkftz 4.6billion be investigated. i bet you one roti canai and two kopi o, that abdullah badawi, will say let the new look, ( new uniform too) to investigate the pkfts scandals. THIS IS TO ENSURE THAT THERE IS NO INTERFERENCE FROM THE GOVERNMENT, than that answers your questions on pkftz in parliament. who said abdullah badawi is not smart.

    SIR JEFFREY.YOU ARE HIRED. how to contact you.?

  23. Kit, it doesn’t really matter if Abdullah pre-empted your questions as long as he does something effective to comply to our wishes. In a sense, you can pat yourself on the shoulder that he is reacting to your demand. Continue to ply the pressure on him and his government on all issues affecting us. Don’t lose the momentum that PR has started. People are slowly relising that a strong opposition is very necessary in a democratic system, contrary to what the government had been spinning all along.

  24. That Ong Tee Keat is a liar, he said wanted to reveal the RM 4.6 billionth, now what, his brother is having troubled sleeping night?

    Who still remember Sheik Muzzaphar, he said he will revealed the results of his experiment in space? what has he revealed to rakyat?

    Don’t trust these big time liar. Trust urself and ur family much better than them.

  25. YB LIM.

    can we get the new aca ( with new uniform ) to reopen the case against certain vip, that have led to our poor YAB LIM GUAN ENG served jail sentence years back.

  26. If the opposition’s questions pressurised the government to act, then the oppostion should keep on the pressure. Keep sending them questions. That is the reason why the opposition MPS must not be deliquent in this area. They must be diligent in submitting the questions.

  27. novice101, i will want to spank those who did not practice their dillengency, even though some are professor or lawyer, without practicising dilligently, they are only “Cakap Besar” MPs. YB LKS and YB LGE don’t spoil them too much.

  28. OK lakilompat. iam sorry.i apologise.

    BUT maybe wear a badge that reads ” rasuah is haram “.i can sponsor the badges la. cannot – rasuah again.
    i am being cynical. i am cynical.

  29. “This morning, Abdullah announced that the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) will be made a full-fledged commission by year-end and will be answerable to Parliament” Kit

    What does “answerable to Parliament” actually mean?

    Is there a judicial committee chaired by an opposition leader? The head of the ACA is then placed under oath and faces this committeee in a Q&A?

  30. ‘What does “answerable to Parliament” actually mean?’ – Undergrad2

    According to malaysiakini, the PM said that the commission [Malaysian Commission on Anti-Corruption] would have to table an annual report and be answerable to a parliamentary committee on the prevention of corruption.

  31. “Ex-gratia payment for “the pain and loss” suffered by …”

    I strongly suggest the aggrieved parties commence a wrongful dismissal suit against the BN government based on whatever admission made so far – and I think the public admission made so far is enough to form the basis for such a law suit.

    General and special damages and punitive damages along with loss of earnings would easily bring the quantum of damages to millions and in double digits too. This figure could well be higher if the services of a QC like Jeffery is sought.

  32. “Wrongful dismissal suit against the BN government based on whatever admission made so far” claiming for “general and special damages and punitive damages along with loss of earnings would easily bring the quantum of damages to millions and in double digits too”?

    I thought it was your position that you too didn’t believe in making we rakyat pay through our taxes for acts of an authoritarian leader brooking no dissent. And may I add, neither would our aggrieved judges of integrity who are looking more at this juncture for moral vindication than pecuniary recompense.

  33. “I am glad that 24 hours after my comment, the Prime Minister has committed himself to a policy position on an independent anti-corruption agency.” KIT

    YB Kit,

    Respectfully, now is not the time to step back and enjoy the scenery, breathe the fresh air and smell the coffee – though no one can dispute that you have worked hard to plough the land and sow the seeds. It will be premature until you see the fruits of the harvest – and that is still a long way off.

    What has become of Lingamgate? Will he be allowed to korek, korek, korek and spoil your harvest?

  34. “I thought it was your position that you too didn’t believe in making we rakyat pay through our taxes for acts of an authoritarian leader brooking no dissent. And may I add, neither would our aggrieved judges of integrity who are looking more at this juncture for moral vindication than pecuniary recompense.” Jeffrey QC

    Liability has first to be established. Perhaps we cross the bridge when we come to matters of execution (of the judgment). Remember, we are also to be blamed for allowing it to happen and for it to continue as long as it did. Didn’t we help put BN into power? We should be accountable for our actions, don’t you think?

    The judges are not looking for monetary compensation?? We are talking millions here? Anyway that is not the sole purpose of the law suit. The primary purpose would be to establish liability and you cannot go into it without knowing what had really happened. This is better than any commission could hope to do! The proceedings are public and transparent.

  35. We last heard of a woman (Lingam case) testified that ACA personnel had paid her RM3000 so that the case is closed, it just goes to show how corrupted this ACA body is.

    First thing first, ACA itself must undergo a complete spring cleansing before new recruits are similarly infested.

    ACA should be led & stuffed by God fearing personnel instead of money worshippers. Get the religious bodies (Muslims, Christians, Budhists etc) to recommend potential recruitees instead of just filling up the posts with unemployed undergraduates.

  36. From what I understand, ICAC Hong Kong does not have prosecutorial powers. However, if MCAC says go ahead with prosecution – and AG says no, then AG must fully justify in Parliament – they need to put this into the MCAC Act as well. At the same time, the 5000 odd officers of MCAC should be well versed with criminal procedure code and Evidence Act – we do not want bungled investigation. MCAC should only recruit the cream of the crop from AG Chambers, the Police, Judicial Services and professionals.

  37. If the ACA is to follow the ICAC of Hong Kong,maybe there is still some light in malaysia’s fight for corruption.I bet ICAC is one of the best in this region and Pak lah should implement it as soon as possible if he wants to save the country from getting worst.Maybe,this is the time for him to repent as his time is ticking by the minutes.The people would remember him for the good deeds that he has contributed before he gracefully exited from the political scene.

  38. You guys are so naive. This “promise” from a drowning rat who would clutch at straws. This from the same guy who promised “booklets” on the AP scandal and the crooked bridge fiasco. This from the guy who started reading the 600 page report a year ago and never finished.

    The Chinese have a saying: “No head, no tail” for someone who has proven never to walk the talk.

    ACA reporting to a parliamentary committee? Consisting of which members ? Reports to be submitted to the AG’s Chambers who can then decide if there is a case or no case.

    The basic tenet of the den of thieves: When a party’s membership is predicated upon the need to steal, that party isn’t going to expose its tactics. It may make promises to do so, but rest assured that there will be backdoor means to avoid detection. Complying with public demands simply means the death of the party concerned.

  39. Take for example the Public Accounts Committee. That reports to a parliamentary select committee, doesn’t it ? Totally toothless, both in terms of the Committee itself and the parliamentarians it reports to.

  40. hmmm….i’m confused…..

    was it an independent,or “independent” aca ?

    what does “answerable to the parliment” mean ?

    who are the parliment ? and until recently has the parliment had a much more balanced voice of the ppl,…and what if the ratio droped again to 90/10% in the 13th g.e ? what will that “parliment” be again ?

    imho,….the real independent body should be answering directly to the people…with reports of the closed case available to the public,…like the classified papers of uk/us that are open to public after 30 years or so…then and only then will it be really transparent…

    and how do we know it’s really independent ?

  41. I welcome the piece of news reported by the newspaper concerning the Anti Corruption Agency, Malaysia going independent. Not just independent. But also non interferences by any party. The ACA should be empowered to prosecute and arrest.

    The ACA should go right after the big corruptors. Not small time corruptors purposely planted in some tiny, forgotten government office and recorded in the report as a case solved. Don’t use this small fly as a threat which will never be carried out. What’s that between Ringgit Malaysia 8000 and Ringgit Malaysia millions, if not billions ? Stop giving excuses. Just drag them to the court of justice and question them. Make sure whoever who has the power to finance, who can touch the finance and who have a say to the finance should have their names highlighted. Not that they have committed a crime but it is better to make them always be on a alert before they think it is fun to play with the people’s money.

    Malaysians, the money is yours. Stop being screwed by the people whom you elect.

  42. I sometimes do not understand the opposition supporters – criticized for not doing and criticized for doing. What should it be, folks?

    Now, please don’t get me wrong for I am no BN supporter. To me BN is all about UMNO and UMNO only – UMNO’s pies, UMNO’s rights, UMNO’s happiness, etc., etc.; others should be good tennants and be happy to be allowed to live in this country. In fact I have been an opposition supporter since the early eighties.

    Anyway back to my point.

    Instead of criticizing our PM, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, we should applaud and support him for the various changes and measures he has introduced recently. I believed he is being sincere when he annouced that he has heard the voices of the rakyat, hence all these changes and measures which is for a better future of our country. More of these measures will be in the pipe line soon. Syabas!

    Our PM has now shown us his bravery and determination by pushing for these changes inspite of him having (in my opinion) to face a near mutiny from within his own party, some old guards of Dr. M and Dr. Moron himself. If the old Dr. Moron had still been the PM today we could not even smell, let alone, see these changes taking place now.

    For someone who had already lost all hope of this country, I am now begining to see a little ray of light at the end of the tunnel.

    For this I salute and support you, our PM – Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

  43. Let’s “put our eyes long” (direct Chinese translation) and see how CLEAN the proposed upgrading of the ACA will turn out to be. If I am not wrong, it is a case of “Changing the soup without changing the medicine”.

  44. Actually Abdullah is doing the things he said he would in 2004, which he had not done till 2008. Objective observers will give grudging approval. Challange is for DAP to respond with intelligent comments, support what is right, and criticise what is wrong.

    The worry is that DAP elected assemblymen will become like arrogant Barisan people. In Penang, CM’s political secretary comes across as proud, and does not seem to appreciate sincere comments made to enhance CM’s position. Others make promises only to change at last minute, just like barisan. Why not be HONEST, and say NO immediatedly if unable to fulfill request. Also learn to sound pleasant and friendly when saying “no”, instead of being proud, self-rightous and haughty.

    Otherwise it will be a quick return for Abdullah and his men !!

  45. I believe the most appropriate person that the independent ACA should report to should be our Agong.

    He is above politic and so not bias towards any political party.
    He will always has the rakyats’ welfare ( like trengganu’s sultan) in his heart.

    If BN can control 2/3 the parliament(I am just saying only ,IF)
    then the ACA will go back to square one.

  46. These public announcements are nice to read and look good on paper. But really the only justice we could hope to get is when there is a change in government.

    While we should not be naive as to expect ‘change’ everytime ‘change’ is announced or mentioned, we have to give it the benefit of the doubt. In my opinion, it is not likely to be much more than window dressing by a Prime Minister who is probably seeking to preserve whatever is left of his battered legacy.

  47. On the issue of judicial reforms, I’m curious why the issue of the return to the jury system has never been raised.

    Let the judge give the instructions on the law to the jury, and let the jury be the trier of the facts of the case rather than the judge be the trier of both law and facts.

    We should have a full jury system and one that is not limited to just capital crimes.

    The reasons for doing away with jury trials are no more valid today. Those days it is difficult to find people who are educated up to high school to serve on the jury. Some half a century later Malaysians today are more educated and the pool of jurors can easily be drawn from the electoral rolls.

    The jury system would help reduce instances of miscarriage of justice due to corruption and corrupt judges.

  48. it showed tat the BN gomen either they are stupid or stubborn,why every time they need the advice from oppositions?myself LKS or DSAI be the PM,vision 2020 is definitely achievable;i dun trust the BN,especially always the UMNO head be the PM,PM should be selected by people,like Mr.Ma Ing Jiu from Taiwan,he is a true leader,rakyat’s leader,not UMNO head automatic become PM!

  49. Anti-corruption reform is a good start but I totally don’t agree with someone saying will convince whole family vote for BN just for this. This is a good check and balance which I will fully support not that I’m a die hard Pakatan Rakyat supporter is because we all had eye to notice that the BN government and also the so car MCA is doing a lot of chances after losing badly in GE12. If BN had won the GE12 for 2/3 majority you think all this will ever happen see what had happen after our curren PM won almost 92% of parliment seat. He when on sleeping for the next 4 years and the Keris issue came out.

  50. Wat ?? give me a break !! M’sia ACA to become HKG’s ICAC …. Another cakap –cakap and siok siok sendiri only lah…. Let’s see how it work out and may have to wait for another 4 years to see some ikan bilis being kantunged …. Ai yah !! all wayang kulit loh !!!

  51. Common compliant is that the PM indulges in empty rhetoric but not deeds, and action speaks louder than words.

    In a developed matured political society, a leader who talks without walking the talk sullies and undermines the democratic process but the same is not necessarily true in a converse situation.

    In a feudal political culture like ours, which has steadily over past 40 years become increasingly corrupt and authoritarian, rhetoric, even unsupported by action, is important to reverse such a culture.

    Any leader who talks and walks the talk will immediately be eliminated by vested interests within and feeding on such a system, resistant to change.

    There are some advantages in talking without walking the talk in such feudal political culture.

    First, it (rhetoric) benchmarks and reaffirms standards of governance for electorate; rhetoric sets rakyat’s expectations of their elected representatives and leaders higher; make it easier for electorate to turn skeptic to contradict and discredit their leaders in respect of their disjunct between what is claimed and what actually is implemented by such leaders, the wider the disjunct, the likelier the withdrawal of voting support, thereby exerting pressure on the ruling elite to narrow such disjunct and gap to re-establish support by accommodating democratic changes demanded by the awakened voters.

    On May 8th we witnessed how the leader’s rhetoric unmatched by deeds has awakened the electorate to demand for change and deprive the ruling coalition from its two third majority with every promise to deprive it even the simple majority the next around.

    So I am in favour of the PM’s recent announcement of judicial reforms and reforms to ACA to make it independent – mere rhetoric many skeptics here are entitled to say. They are the continuance of the benchmarking process (since AAB took office) so necessary to transform a political culture going the way of Nigeria and Zimbabwe if unchecked, and which has so far shown positive results by creating a ‘political tsunami on March 8th 2008 and promises to take the BN out if such benchmarking is not attempted by the ruling coalition to be honoured by deeds.

  52. he never took stern actions against deceased Datuk Zakaria related to his corruption,he ignored Hishamudin and KJ’s remarks and extremed behavior that had hurt the non-Malays,now,he deploy MMT,ppl like sakai Bung Mokthar to be leader of back-bencher in Parliament,if you trust him,i think you are in saint!

  53. In a matured political culture, walking the talk is prerequisite of leadership. In an autocratic, corrupt and feudal political culture protected fiercely by vested interests and warlords, the only realistic mothod of un-doing such culture is to talk, talk and talk (benchmarking) so that one may be left alone by vested interests warlords and protectors of the system thinking that one won’t walk it, without them realising it is precisely such talk that incite voters and outsiders from pressuring the system from outside to cause its implosion by the simple device of mass swing of votes against such vested interests, warlords and protectors in a general or by elections.

  54. Many Non Malays in 2004 supported the BN. If they were not “hurt” would so many have been awakened to unite and deliver a masive protest vote against the BN that has achieved the result of splitting Parlaiment right into two equal halves of the ruling coalition and the opposition? The “hurt” was exactly the right medicine without which the BN system would continue unshakened.

  55. Saudara Lim,

    I would like to sugest that gov. also may evaluate in setting uf 1 Federal agency that focusing on complicated crime issue & high profile cases particularly kidnapping cases. Sad to say our Police are not that competent in solving high profile kidnaping cases such as Nurin, Sharlinie & many more unresolved cases.
    This federal agency could that the example of FBI in USA that are more focussed, equip with needed & special skills that focus on high profile cases and could specialize in various aspect of crime.
    Our current police is to occupy with many things that make them (maybe) from my opinion unable to focus all the needed effort in getting the crime to be solved.
    This federal investigation & crime agency could take over any high profile cases from any State Police or any Police dept. should they responsible police department unable to solve that case.Eg. should there by a kidnapping case, Police will iniate the 1 action but in the event the police dept. unable to solve the case within certain duration let say 2 months; the Federal Investigation & Crime Agency will take over as they’re more specialized, skilled and has federal authority to command other fed. agencies such as rela of JPA3 in supporting the investigation effort.
    In other word we should have our own Malaysian’s FBI agency.
    This in other could also ease the police burden, they could focus more in solving state cases and their rutin daily operation could be much more effective.
    It will also potray outside confident in our effort to fight crime more effectively & systematically.
    Hope this question could rise in Parliment.

    Thank You

  56. 1 best example to justify my opinion above is the Federal Agency of APMM or Agensi Penguatkuasaan Maritime Malaysia – copying the US Coast Guard version.
    APMM are more focussed on Malaysian maritime enforcement & security measures that previously were tasked to the TLDM.Help to ease the burden of TLDM in focussing on the defence of our sea.


  57. Let us don’t judge the PM without giving him a second chance. Slow as he is, finally he has agreed to do what he had promised; having waited so long [ since ’04 ] we can all wait a little longer. If this site continue to bash others without being appeared to be reasonable and rational, this site may lose its audience.
    Let PR rise above the previous Gomen, show them that you are made of sterner stuff.
    It is good for Penang Gomen to rope in Lee of Gerakan, be brave to act out of the box! If Lee can contribute to the growth of Penang, why not? Leave Keng Yaik along, he had nothing better to do than to follow his Grandmaster who now thought Najib was useless!!
    Malaysians being forgetful and absent-minded will allow politicians to screw them up again, after a year or two.
    This the KARMA of Malaysians.

  58. Hello all, guess how much it cost a foreigner to receive 1 day ward stay at Malaysia private hospital?

    Shenzhen hospital is charging RM 1K for 1 day stay. That’s filthy expensive, are all chinese enjoy cheaper per night stay at hospital. With RM 1K you should be able to get 6 star ward at top private specialist in Malaysia, am i right?

  59. In my opinion , AAB is using the populist approach toward his presumed early exit from forced retirement. Beside the Judiciary reform, the ACA reform , two other reforms will be present with his ongoing fight with TDM. AAB had a lot to choose from, repeal of the PPPA (Printing, Press and Publication Act ) the IPMC reform , repeal of the ISA act etc..He might even release the Hindraf 5 too? Nevertheless with his last found passion we should thank him for these unpopular reforms within his corrupted BN .

  60. undergrad2, be careful of what u wish….and think hard before u say anything…..

    jury system !

    [1] malaysia is not,and have not became a developed cuntry.

    [2] malaysia have not had >90% literated population.

    [3] malaysia had more than 50% “stupid” people per capita,as indicated by the recent election results,not to mention the “damaged” votes.(why are there so many ?)

    [4] a random survey of this blog alone has indicated a hi-number of idiots without critical thinking.[deleted]

    [5] as suggested by the pervious thread,we still have a hi-number of err…”programed” people who have certain biased p.o.v.

    [6] malaysian still has a high tendency to be lead/mislead by the state-controled-media.

    [7] look at the u.s,where trial by jury prevails, misscarriage of justice happened more frequent than terror attack.(remember darryl hunt /martin tanklef/joshua riverra and more), oh,…not to mention that the entire case are lost/won by jury manipulation…

    think again….

    suggested reading :

  61. “[4] a random survey of this blog alone has indicated a hi-number of idiots without critical thinking.[deleted] allasstra

    Very interesting! But regretfully it is one observation that I must say I do not share. I mean about the high number.

    You as attorney may exercise your preemptory challenges to get rid of potential jurors who have a low IQ. But sometimes you need dumb jurors to be on the panel! That depends. One type of preemptory challenges does not need to have reasons assigned. The other requires reasons and are limited in number of challenges.


    Lawyers and people in law enforcement are not qualified to be jurors. I do not think there is a law exempting people with low IQs from serving as jurors. He or she must know, of course, right from wrong. If there is such a law then all our Cabinet Ministers are exempted.

  62. undergrad2 Says:

    “You as attorney may exercise your preemptory challenges to get rid of potential jurors who have a low IQ. But sometimes you need dumb jurors to be on the panel! That depends. One type of preemptory challenges does not need to have reasons assigned. The other requires reasons and are limited in number of challenges.”

    —that’s my point,…jury system had enable justice to be manipulated,by the rich(good lawyer who knows how manipulate the juries) or by luck(the juries that was asigned to your case is just dumb)

    that jury system alone,…in the end will fill this cuntry with more blood-sucking s/d.o.b.s[law-yers] rather than being more democratic….

  63. Allastra,

    No juror is “assigned to your case”. They are chosen from a pool of potential jurors from the electoral roll or from the data base of DMV – more like the latter.

    But your lawyer is allowed to exercise what they call ‘preemptory challenges’ until he gets the right type of jurors that he thinks would be good for your case. The jurors must number a minimum twelve (not including alternate jurors) and all must be agreed to by both lawyers.

    Jury selection is a specialized field and jury consultants in the U.S. make tons of money sometimes as much as $250k per case that goes to trial.

    Think again. The traditional view is that justice is about you being tried by a jury of your peers and not by a judge.

  64. arghghghg…!!!

    as u had said:

    “No juror is “assigned to your case”. They are chosen from a pool of potential jurors from the electoral roll or from the data base of DMV – more like the latter.”

    —after they ARE chosen,then they BECAME ASSIGNED to your case….ie,they had became the juries of your case…

    “But your lawyer is allowed to exercise what they call ‘preemptory challenges’ until he gets the right type of jurors that he thinks would be good for your case. The jurors must number a minimum twelve (not including alternate jurors) and all must be agreed to by both lawyers.”

    —yes,so a poor homeless guy will get a state asigned lawyer,which may OR may not be really interested in your case. worst is when there are sub-reputable lawyers who offers u a pro-bono service to fullfill thier “social obligation”,which,…due to thier already sub-standard reputation,have nothing to loose by loosing ur case…and may even profit(under table) by cutting a deal with state prosecutor who are under intense media pressure.

    i really doubt that a poor homeless guy could afford a lawyer that will spend lots of $$$ and time on jury profiling/selection process on a pro-bono basis….

    as this line of yours says it well

    “Jury selection is a specialized field and jury consultants in the U.S. make tons of money sometimes as much as $250k per case that goes to trial.”

    —which will translated into [only those who could afford the best and the most expensive lawyers that can afford costly jury profiling and selection will have a favorable verdict].

    and that is why the poor in the u.s.a has always been shafted by the rich, to the point they hav a saying that goes,and i quote :”LAWYERS GOES TO HELL” end-quote.

    so when u said:

    “Think again. The traditional view is that justice is about you being tried by a jury of your peers and not by a judge.”

    —only after u had spent a lot of $$$ to hire some1 to choose this “peers” of yours that would sympathise/agree/understand with u.

    will a cheap lawyer hired by a middle class family goes as far as spending lots of $$$ on jury profiling ?

    and now i have the feeling that i wouldnt wanted to be judge by a jury such as u. as u are clearly either too rich to think from the point of the poor,or just plain stupid.

    p/s: forgot to mention that u r also included in
    number [4] of my earlier post.

  65. Let’s give support to Pak Lah on the decision to make ACA something like ICAC. However, it must be seen to be real ICAC. Make sure no black hand at the back to meddle in putting someone’s cronies in its senior staffs appointment, otherwise it defeats the purpose!

    It must be headed by someone real ‘clean and capable’; meritocracy must be practiced in this department. If the staffing shows again controlled by single race, then it only shows its uncleanness right from the start! This is the problem with our civil service; the government purposely allow it to be a hot bed for the growth of racist and religion extremist. Let this Malaysian ICAC the first department that shows our multi racial staffing can deliver!

  66. chiak chua,…your comment didnt makes any sense.

    it’s your

    “If the staffing shows again controlled by single race,”

    and the

    “Let this Malaysian ICAC the first department that shows our multi racial staffing”

    u see,…malaysia is made up of roughly of :

    70% malay
    20% chinese
    10% indian
    (discounting the demographic in sabah/sarawak)

    therefore,any balanced .org will be made up of 70/20/10 malay,chinese and indian respectively.

    therefore is has a 70% chance to be headed by malay,and mostly senior admin will be made up of malay.

    this can be seen as it [being controlled by a single race]

    to have it other way,ie headed by chinese or indian would imply that it has abandoned malays in favor of the chinese/indian. then, it would in the eyes of the malays,be seen as [being controlled by a single race]

    no matter what u do, it cant be seen as fair to all in the racial context

    the issue of race/gender should be droped out completely…and ppl should stop seeing an .org as being controled by which race,and instead focus on what it does, transparency, fairness, effectiveness, and stuff like that.

    even if it’s controlled by 100% of a certain race(eg:singh) is fine with me,as long as it’s 100% fair,just,effective and didnt waste my tax $$$.

  67. If you are a rich client and you have the best legal brains working for you, it may make a difference bearing in mind that a defendant can only be found ‘not guilty’ which is not the same as saying he or she is innocent. I can give that to you.

    But in most cases if the veracity of the evidence is against you, no matter who represents you, you are likely to be found guilty. There will be miscarriage of justice, of course, since the adversarial system is not perfect but this is the best we have.

    We have prisoners languishing in jail for some ten years only to be released because of a third party’s DNA evidence found at the scene of the crime, evidence which was not available at the time of trial. In many cases they did the crime but in view of new DNA evidence surfacing years later, it can no longer be said that it has been proven beyond reasonable doubt that he did the crime.

    In a jury trial it can be argued that the defendant stands a better chance of being found not guilty – than in a non-jury trial where the judge is both the trier of the law and the facts. In a developing country where the level of poverty is high, the rate of literacy is low, you have difficulty in identifying jurors. I do not think Malaysia today falls in that category.

    Both micro and macro aspects of justice will have to be considered in the drive for judicial reforms.

  68. undergrad2;

    u said :

    “In a jury trial it can be argued that the defendant stands a better chance of being found not guilty – than in a non-jury trial where…”


    and when public emotions were involved, o.j simson,..m.jackson.

    and u said:

    “In a developing country where the level of poverty is high, the rate of literacy is low, you have difficulty in identifying jurors. I do not think Malaysia today falls in that category.”

    —really ?…are average malaysian hightly literated ? i.e..have ablity to comprehend sophisticated legal babel ?

    are average malaysian highly-educated and have a clear understanding of international affairs/human rights awareness/enviromental issues ? legal rights ?

    i myself did not graduate form 5,..thanks to naj1b.

    can u really tell me how many malaysians have a clear understanding of the hi-profile case like al-tantuya case,and not just based on the current report by the state controled media/cafe disscussion/hear-say…

    do we have less than 5% proverty ?

    have we had the ablity to extract dna samples for analisys ourself ? in all states where there’s a court ?

    immagine the case of be trialed by jury….
    the outcome may be even more dramatic then the one we saw on u-tube….

    a judge stays after every trial,so if we had a 100% transparent policy,corrupt judges could be held responsible, not so when dealing with 12 random dolts.

    thus, coming up with a good judicial policy beats having 12 rs-hauls on the bench. and that’s what we should really do.

    dont be such an rs-haul.

  69. What commission for ACA??? hoooh.. it also will end up like IPCMC… Why it takes too long to establish the commission??? Another flip flop decision by the most flip flop PM… Pak Zzzzzz


    Do u know in Malaysia a group of farmers or estate workers were denied the IQ and Knowledge acquisition opportunity, not becos they want, is becos of nature of their business and they are still working to make ends meet by neglecting the IQ & Knowledge growing opportunity. It is no surprise there are 56K Spoilt votes every 4 yrs these ppl. will come out and make silly mistakes. The spoilt votes has increased tremendously.

  71. lakilompat.

    its ok. knowledge can be in many forms. a farmer has good knowledge of the weather that many learned person may not know.
    the estate worker knowledge maybe confine to when to tap and when to collect the latex, and the knowledge of which part of the estate has snakes , but many smart high iq person may not know.
    i have more respect for the estate workers and farmers for they are not arrogant.

  72. Its impossible to make ACA an Independent body as Umno/BN Master are all corrupted to the core. Although they does but only seniwara.. like some long episode Movies.

    We dont trust a single words by Umno & Others Members of BN government.

    Only In Pakatan Rakyat we Trust.


    lets make peace. we have a common enemy in fighting corruption .
    back to the main agenda . malaysiakini reported that many ngos are not impressed by abdullah badawi statement. if abdullah badawi is sincere, than ong te kiat MUST TELL ALL ABOUT PKFTZ FIASCO NOW. TODAY.

  74. they will need to change the top brass at aca in order to put in new reforms. After all the oldies let the situation deteriorate in the past, means they do not dare to speak out – they connections they have with the politicians also means that they will be forever “indebted” to somebody somewhere unless they are moved out….

  75. I am beginning to believe that Badawi’s time is nearly up with this. This is political suicide for him. All these moves does not make the ultra-UMNO happy BUT they may not win votes for him

    If in Sept/Oct, there is a by-election for Anwar AND Anwar wins convincingly, the ultras in UMNO will complain that his plan is NOT working. Its another round of attack Just before the GA in December.

    His days are numbered. I almost feel it…


    it is having the courage to investigate and prosecute the well connected. a not smart guy like me will also question, where the deceased zakaria deros could have amass so much monies and breach so much laws and get away scot free. but alas God had the final say.

  77. That’s why the farmer & estate workers will not mind to vote for BN, these are the group which are not rebellious, all you need to do is offer them some crumbs, they will vote for you. They don’t have much time for blogging, most of the time is cleaning & maintaining their gears, the “racun tank” and products.

  78. lakilompat.

    i disagree with you on the estate workers voting for BN. maybe before 2008, definitely not in the 12 ge. hindraf birth was in an estate. i remembered what lim keng yek, said to humiliate indian estate workers. not repeating it here.

    btw, nobody choose to be an estate worker. they are poor.they are marginalised. and they have been ripped off by big conglomerates. it is not that they have no time to blog, they have no food to eat. no schools to go. and YB LIM, ISA must be abolished. release the hindraf 5. PLEASE.

  79. C’mon guys
    There are so many issues to settle and we need the input of all.
    Whether or not it makes a major contribution is not that important.

    So why waste so much energy belittling others? Just discuss the topic and no need to get personal with all the name-calling etc.

  80. hj angus.

    arbitration doesnt work all times. that’s why we have the courts and lawyers. ( sigh !)

    anyway, i respect you sir.

    [All posts arising from allasstra’s personal comments have been deleted. Such personal exchanges are not welcome on this blog. – Admin]

  81. THE STAR REPORTED (page 10)THAT YAB TUN IS PREPARED TO BE investigated by a full and formal public inquiry if DSAI becomes premier.

    however, the former premier said he hoped that those who sit on the board of inquiry would be nuetral, impartial and PROBABLY FOREIGNERS. ( PUN INTENDED ).

  82. Bigjoe

    “His days are numbered”

    ……Like everyone else. He is going to be gone probably within a year and maybe it’s the last chance to do a few good things before he leaves office.

    Maybe at this juncture we should look at how the PM is selected as UMNO may not be the determinant party anymore.
    There is some logic that UMNO is leader in BN and therefore the PM comes from UMNO. Maybe BN parties should re-look at this logic.

  83. the former premier said he hoped that those who sit on the board of inquiry would be neutral, impartial and PROBABLY FOREIGNERS.

    The judges who convicted Anwar of sodomy/corruption were NOT foreigners. The judges in the Altantuya case are also NOT foreigners. So why is the mamak demanding to be judged by foreigners?

  84. dear k1980.

    as stated, there is a double meaning to it.

    1. he is being sacarstic that dsai will be teaming up with foreigners, and manage the country. i think this is the insinuation.

    2.he cannot trust any malaysians. which of course is regretted.

    thank you.

  85. “—really ?…are average malaysian hightly literated ? i.e..have ablity to comprehend sophisticated legal babel ?” allasstra

    You do not need to be legally qualified, understand legal jargon or be literate in the meaning and use of legal terminology to qualify and serve as jurors. In fact lawyers are not qualified to serve as jurors. You must be tried by a jury of your peers who are ordinary folks.

    Jurisdictions which follow jury trials and non-jury trials (sometimes there is a choice, others mandatory), the only qualification is your age which is 18 and whether you are a citizen.

    Members of law enforcement agencies are not qualified to serve as jurors to prevent bias or the appearance of bias.

    The system of preemptory challenges is to ensure that you get jurors who are not biased against you. However, gender and race are not grounds and challenges cannot be mounted on grounds of race and gender. But of course there are ways since you do not have to assign reasons for some of the preemptory challenges.

  86. Many of you appear either naive or born yesterday. You condemn AAB for both doing something or not doing anything! After 22 years under TDM, I can hardly blame you all. You put all the blames on AAB. I blamed him for not taking any action after’04; belatedly he has crawled forward, in the last few weeks. Since we had waited for so long, let’s wait at the most, another year or two.
    I believe from now on he has decided to slowly [ in his style ] move to open up all the cans of worm!! Just let TDM keeps talking and insulting him, he will move! There is always a limit to one’s dignity or patience, once he felt hurt, he WILL react !
    Just wait a little longer, he may even burst all the cans wide open!
    Since you all believethat BN is composed of crooks, then we can wait for the new ACA to act. If not, BN WILL definitely close shop, come 13thGE, maybe, if Anwar is right, within the next 6 mths!!

  87. I don’t think AAB will go all out to empower ACA to burst all the cans wide open. No matter how battered his patience and dignity, AAB and family too are ‘crooks’ of BN I believe. Every UMNO crook has a gun pointing at each other’s head. You pull the trigger I pull the trigger.

  88. What says is true, everyone in UMNO are loading their weapons and choosing sides…

    If they let out the bullets into public domain, surely the ACA, newly-empowered-independent body MUST ACT !!

  89. Opposition state leader, what u guys been doing, still celebrating? what u guy doing when Pak Lah announced the below?

    1) Second bridge delay due to costs and design issues
    Who will be interested to come Penang to invest if the Federal Govt. failed to delivery 1st class infrastructure looking at current situation? Penang belong to opposition state.

    2) KL-Singapore bullet train derailed by high cost
    The future investment has been stop, now, any foreigner will be interested to come Malaysia? KL belong to opposition state.

    Are opposition just going to sit there and ask question, without any action?

  90. It is not easy for ACA to be fully independent as long as the gift culture and family culture is still intact. In future, maybe ACA become another “family business”. we should set a target for the ACA to hit, e.g top ten clean country in next 5 years, top 5 clean country at 2020, otherwise, all the ACA officers is accountable for that. There are too many case they can work. e.g cost of government to build a road. why we are much more expensive than Singapore for 2 times for a similar road. is it our sand, stone, cement, oil or worker is more expensive than Singapore? Answer is NO, explanation i can deduce for this case is Malaysia have many main contractors and subcontractors with single small office only but do not have equipment and worker to do the work. Unfortunately, these kind of contractor is the one who win the government tender. Any corruption behind? Let’s leave it to ACA.
    Above is the small part of an iceberg.

  91. “Malaysians will not want a new anti-corruption commission which purports to be independent in name only but not in fact in spearheading the fight against corruption to restore integrity in the nation’s public life ”

    “This was clearly putting the cart before the horse as it is the Prime Minister and Cabinet who should take the policy decision”

    Very simple. The corruption is reach a serious deterioting stage that possibly all government top-gun might have to face the court if those ACA cases to be revisited.

    The judicial system that created by TM in the past is obviously absurd and it is obviously encourage the corruption to breed.

    First , prosecution of a corruption will be stop by the PM if it related to his interest.

    Second, in the event prosecution to be proceed like ” Correct,correct story”, then the case will be delay or claim as no case.

    At the end… the result is no case.

    Like the one of Bank advertisement ” The merz is at my house. I see… not you see ”

    This is ” NO CASE AT ALL? No even mention how to improve”.

    The ACA and the PM can say whatever they like. Provided that action taken to proof themselve, it is same as ” Wayang Kulit”.

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