5 DAP MPs did not submit a single question for Parliament – apologies

I was taken aback when Chong Zemin put up the post that a blog had disclosed that there are 29 MPs who did not submit a question for the coming parliamentary meeting starting at the end of the month, and that five of them are from DAP.
The five DAP MPs cited are:

• Charles Anthony Santiago – Klang

• Er Teck Hwa – Bakri

• Hiew King Cheu – Kota Kinabalu

• John Fernandez – Seremban

• Dr. P. Ramasamy – Batu Kawan

I have checked with the five DAP MPs and they have confirmed the mistake of missing the deadline for the submission of questions, i.e. April 8, 2008, for the month-long inaugural meeting of the 12th Parliament starting on April 28 – although they would still be able to take part in the supplementary question stage of the daily 90-minute question time.

The Party had reminded DAP MPs not to miss the deadline for questions and lose the opportunity to pose questions in the first meeting of Parliament (an important aspect of the work of Opposition parliamentarians) but mistakes are still being made.

Work pressures as new elected representatives, lack of experience with parliamentary standing orders and breakdown of communications have contributed to the five DAP MPs not fielding a single question for the first meeting of the 12th Parliament.

These are not acceptable excuses as voters in the March 8 “political tsunami” have high expectations of DAP MPs and they have the right to expect the new batch of Opposition MPs to live up to a higher benchmark of parliamentary performance and to subject them to scrutiny.

The Party leadership will ensure that these mistakes will not be repeated in the rest of the current parliamentary term

The five DAP MPs and the DAP apologise for this regrettable episode.

186 Replies to “5 DAP MPs did not submit a single question for Parliament – apologies”

  1. AT least there IS an acknowledgement that a mistake was made and an assurance that it won’t be repeated again. That is something as compared to the elegant silence from BN.

    NOW if this is not accountabilty, then I really don’t know what else is.

    Something tell me that things are changing for the better in Malaysia. Damm…It is starting to feel good about being a Malaysian.

  2. Unlce Lim your 40 years of political experience should be translated into a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the new members of your party follow and adhere to. It never too late if there is a will

  3. We can only hope that the sense of euphoria and honeymoon is over! Back to serious work.
    By the way, I met YB Sr. Exco T. Kok for the first time, can I suggest that she should remember she is no more talking to the street crowd. She needs to remember that she carries the hope and inspiration of Selangor voters. So please SPRUCE it up and please change your sing song style of public speaking.
    By the way, since the Selangor State Gomen has resolved the toll issue for the ppl living in Mahkota Lion, can it also look at the same issue along the Federal 1?. Please join up all the parallel roads alondside this toll road. I believe all the land on both sides of this ILLEGAL TOLL is State controlled. So just link up all these roads and see how the toll collector react!!

  4. The members of the opposition should get together to brainstorm and plan their questioning concertedly and convergingly to impact on a better outcome before each session- TEAM WORKING FOR A BETTER OUTCOME

  5. All of them are new MP’s, I presumed.

    It’s okay and we won’t crucify you all for the mistake. You’re new and the euphoria still have not died down yet. All of a sudden, you’re all now something else, compared to more that a month ago.

    We understand. But just don’t make that a habit-lah!

  6. Mistake committed, mistake pointed out, mistake acknowledged , apology made and promise of non recurrence.
    Thank you to Chong Zemin for helping to keep tabs and making it public knowledge.
    Let’s not be too harsh -they are indeed first time MP’s, hopefully they’ll perform their expected duties more diligently now.

  7. TAKE HEED…………..If these question and answer sessions are to be televised live- it would be a good platform to position yourselves as the effective PEOPLE CHOICES and PEOPLE MOUTH PIECES in parliament

  8. Dear YB Kit,

    May I also add. The DAP Exco of Perak did not even set up any blogs nor answer any emails posted to their respective name@perak.gov.my

    I wonder if they ever read those emails that we sent??? As a Perakian who have voted the new government in, I am a bit disappointed. I don’t expect them to serve 24×7 but at least response.

    Remember during the ceramah prior to the 12th GE, some of you raised the issue of Paklah setting up the warkah untuk pm’ website and you fellas expect response from him!


  9. One voter’s reaction and opinion!

    My reaction on reading this, is one of total disbelief! Countless questions flooded my mind. How can this happen? How can this be allowed to happened? Why on earth, do these people offered themselves for election, in the first instance? What motivated them, then? How can the motivation disappear so fast? Do they have any principles or are they just plain opportunists? Who do they think the voters are – just brainless idiots! Are these newly-minted MPs aware of the duties and responsibilities of a MP? Have the parties they represent play its proper roles?

    Do our opinions still count with these parties and these MPs? I have decided to overlook this. I will attribute this negligence to the inexperience of the parties and the MPs. I will even offer an excuse, on their behalf – too much demands with too little time!

    But just in case they mistake my magnanimosity for stupidity, I will issue them a warning – no more seat-warming from now on! We voted for you to represent us in parliament, so work you must!

    For the leaders in DAP and PKR – your delinquent statistical percentages are 18% and 29% respectively. These do not speak well of your sense of responsibility! I cannot discern any difference between your MPs and those from the BN. I voted for you because I want to have a difference – I want you to provide the check and balance in parliament! Please show me you are up to the tasks

  10. my..my…this totally unacceptable…are this guys bunch of std one kids..who need to be reminded…this clearly shows signs of ignorant or uneffecient communication from top level to bottom level….sometimes do make make me wander are they fit to be WAKIL RAKYAT…..Uncle Kit plse make sure this does not repeat im very SAD and angry..or come next election MP Klang you wont get me and my family’s vote….
    ps. if not mistaken klang mp do have a blog and so many articles written…dont tell me cant even raise one single question…….like they call me MY..MY… we in klang are drowning with so many complain and issue…like i said PLSE turun padang then you will know what we klang ppl mean.

  11. Uncle Kit,

    I hope that the people will accept your sincere apology. Let’s hope that this issue will be rested when DAP MPs start to fire tough questions to the BN Minister in the coming parliamentary session. Thanks for this prompt response. At least there is some damage control now.

  12. The blog has this to say:

    “We do not need seat warmers in Parliament. We do not need people who are there for the position and perks and insist on being addressed as YBs wherever they may appear. We do not need slimeballs/ovarians in the august house. We do not need opportunists, period. Get out if you have any dignity!”

  13. It is only fair that the full list be disclosed here.

    1. Abd. Rahman bin Bakri – Sabak Bernam – BN
    2. Datuk Haji Wahab bin Haji Dolah – Igan – BN
    3. Dato’ Dr Abdullah bin Md Zin – Besut – BN
    4. Ahmad Lai bin Bujang – Sibuti – BN
    5. Datuk Anifah bin Aman @ Haniff Amman – Kimanis – BN
    6. Abit Joo Hulu – Rajang – BN
    7. Ding Kuong Hiing – Sarikei – BN
    8. Datuk Seri Dr Jamaluddin bin Mohd Jarjis – Rompin – BN
    9. Dato’ Dr James Dawos Mamit – Mambong – BN
    10. Dato’ Seri Mohd Radzi bin Sheikh Ahmad – Kangar – BN
    11. Dato’ Sri Muhammad Leo Michael Toyad Abdullah – Mukah – BN
    12. Dato’ Seri Rafidah binti Aziz – Kuala Kangsar – BN
    13. Datuk Dr Tekhee @ Tiki Anak Lafe Mas – Gading – BN
    14. William @ Nyallau Anak Badak Lubok – Antu – BN
    15. Datuk Haji Yusoff Bin Mahal – Labuan – BN
    16. Charles Anthony a/l R Santiago – Klang – DAP
    17. Er Teck Hwa – Bakri – DAP
    18. Hiew King Cheu – Kota Kinabalu – DAP
    19. John a/l Fernandez – Seremban – DAP
    20. Prof Dr P Ramasamy a/l Palanisamy – Batu Kawan – DAP
    21. Abdullah Sani bin Abdul Hamid – Kuala Langat – PKR
    22. Haji Ahmad Kassim – Kuala Kedah – PKR
    23. Chua Tian Chang – Batu – PKR
    24. Gobalakrishnan a/l Nagapan – Padang Serai – PKR
    25. Dato’ Kamarul Baharin Abbas – Telok Kemang – PKR
    26. Manikavasagam A/L Sundaram – Kapar – PKR
    27. Dato’ Rashid Bin Din – Merbok – PKR
    28. William Leong Jee Keen – Selayang – PKR
    29. Datuk Dr Zainal Abidin Bin Ahmad – Hulu Selangor – PKR

  14. They forget too easily……..that their resposibilities have only just begun.

    With so many MPs and SAs now, the DAP should come up with a Secretariat to co-ordinate things. And whack your slacking MPs and SAs.

    We did not elect sleeping MPs. Do your part.

    We are watching you. We wont forgive you next time.

  15. The “Mat Rempits” of Sabah? Why no action against these thugs?

    “Assemblyman Jimmy Wong assaulted

    Saturday, 19 April 2008
    By Christy Chok, BORENO POST

    TAWAU: Sri Tanjung Assemblyman Jimmy Wong was assaulted by one of the committee members of a motorcycle convoy when he was looking into public complaints about traffic obstruction in front of Tawau Municipal Council (TMC) yesterday.

    Jimmy, who is the sole opposition Assemblyman in Sabah, said he met the organizing chairman and committee about 10am after receiving complaints from the public on the obstruction which made it difficult for them to find parking space there during office hours.

    The committee asked him to have a drink first while waiting for the convoy to clear the site within half an hour, but he refused as he wishes to solve the matter immediately.

    “We were still discussing the matter inside the TMC building and there were about 30 people. Suddenly, they scolded me when I was still discussing with them in a low voice,” he said.

    “I told them I was there just to discuss with them the road-blocking problem faced by the public. It was unfair for the public to wait for the completion of the convoy as they suffer from parking space problem on a working day.

    “After that, we carried out our discussion outside TMC. The situation became very tense until one of the committee members assaulted and punched on my chest.

    They also pulled the shirt of his assistant Francis Chong.

    “I was shocked but I did not run away because I am responsible to solve the problem as soon as possible,” Jimmy said.

    According to him, he felt very thankful as they did no assault me seriously.

    Jimmy said he will not lodge a police report even though he went to have a medical examination, as he wants the matter to end quickly.

    It was learned that the event started at 8am and obstruction happened at the area of MayBank to Public Bank of Fajar.

    The road was reopened to the public some 10 minutes after the alleged assault.

    Jimmy said exhibitions and other public events should not be held at the area during weekdays. “

  16. YB Kit,

    It’s not fair to hammer the MPs who did not submit questions on the first sitting. A better assessment of performance is over a period of time with quarterly review. I don’t expect supermen out of our MPs. The voters must also do their part to make them better MPs. But don’t make impossibe demands on them that the MPs must carry out their every wish. The MPs are not to please everybody but do what is right for the greater good.

  17. DAP MPs may be pardoned for not submitting questions because they are new to the game and parliamentary procedures. They are criticized for being elected, reposed voters’ trust, not being on top of things and not doing their jobs by not asking questions.

    But are we ourselves asking right questions?

    When opposition members are few, they ask questions of government to establish accountability.

    But now opposition members are neck to neck with BN and if we believe DSAI Opposition has numbers (with undisclosed crossovers etc) to win by majority vote of no confidence to take over government.

    If you can vote to take over government can’t the Opposition introduce new laws, repeal bad ones by private member bills???

    Why waste time asking question when you can initiate change of law.

    Think of the implications : changing the laws relating to corruption like Anti Corruption Act, the ones curtailing press freedom like Printing Press Publication Act, introducing Freedom of Information Act, amending the ISA to make ministerial discretion subject to judicial review or even repealing it etc.

    When Zaid was MP he tried to introduce by private members bill namely the Malaysia Press Council Bill to establish the press self-regulatory body, today if such a bill were introduced, its chances of being passed are greater.

    My point is Opposition MPs are today not what they were before 8th March, a minority who could not do anything except asking government questions. Today they are there to initiate new laws and repeal bad ones and have the numbers to support these initiatives.

    So look at the larger picture, think big and don’t dwell on small things. Their role now is to initiate legislative change to solve the nation’s ill rather than just ask questions to make the BN look stupid. The power is already in your hands – via Private Members Bills. Get organized in this area….

  18. 1st, I’m from Sarawak & Congratulations to Sarawakian for voting overwhelmingly for BN! Left 1 for DAP only.

    2nd, Congratulations to Sarawakian again because out of the 29 MPs who do not submit questions, 8 is from Sarawak! ie. 27.59%. We have the largest number of BN MP from Sarawak, ie 30, but 26.67% do not even bother to submit any questions. Come on, WAKE UP, Sarawakian!

    Hope to see some changes when State Election come in 2 years time. DAP, PAS & Keadilan, please do your homeworks fast in Sarawak. We need changes.

  19. We must thank Mr Chong Zemin for his survelaince on the parliamentary performance of MPs.
    Though we can excuse the 5 MPs for their novice debut, it should be the last time this kind of thing should be allowed to happen.
    High standard must be maintained for DAP MPs. The alternative is obvious !
    Does the DAP have its own sergeant-at-arms ?

  20. Kit,
    We greatly appreciate your swift apology and I trust your sincerity. Many of us here have given our fullest support to the BR/PR, plus, we had gone all out to persuade our friends and family members to make extra effort to vote for BR/PR candidates in the GE12. The least we would expect is perhaps a joint apology by the careless 5, and a statement to reassure us that it was a genuine “greenhorn” oversight, and it won’t happen again.

  21. High hope lah, if asking questions also cannot, want to propose private member bills.

    Come to think of it, asking question is about the easier thing to do lah. If no question, may be these MPs don’t know what the heck is going on the country lah.

  22. Sdr Lim trying to cover for these MPs lah, saying may be they are busy or inexperience. Come on, Sdr Lim, Guan Eng and other national leaders not busy meh, why they still got time to submit questions. May i know what is this Ramasamy’s contribution to DAP for being given so much privileges and positions.

  23. “If you can vote to take over government can’t the Opposition introduce new laws, repeal bad ones by private member bills???” Jeffrey

    You cannot hope to do all that by private member bills! Most would never get passed anyway.

  24. Uncle Kit,

    We hope the reps should be more carefull next time. Mistakes made are forgiven this time, but please do not repeat them again.

    Yes, please get the guilty to donate their allowance to charity.

  25. Not only to MPs, but to ADUNs, please make sure
    that you all always listen to RAKYAT’s voice.

    Do the RIGHT thing RIGHT.

    Many of us are eyeing on you people’s performance,
    and will make comparion with those previous ADUNs
    and MPs.

    Whatever you all have promised to RAKYAT, please
    fulfill and make them HAPPEN!

    on you people.

  26. Dear Uncle Kit,

    Given the rather large number of newbie elected representatives, perhaps DAP can organise a mass reminder via e-mails or SMSes on important dates? This will certainly help if they are too busy.

    In return, they should contribute a fixed allowance to DAP to sustain this service?

  27. Uncle Lim,

    In my organisation where I work, there are oversight committee, reputational risk committee, internal audit, compliance officers. COMPLIANCE OFFICER i would view as most important as they keep checking and rechecking our work so they are in compliance. Maybe you can adopt one of those.

    In anycase 100 days is approaching. We would like you to table your 100 days report soon. Jangan malukan pengundi….

  28. Given their inexperience and busy workload, first time is excusable.

    Use an organiser to remind on urgent appointments. Get a Personal Asst or secretary to keep track. These are affordable necessities.

    PR, keep the pressure on the opposition in the states, and on the ruling BN govt, particularly UMNO.

  29. Each candidates can only submit 15 questions, 10 of which are meant to be responded to orally during Parliamentary Q & A sessions, while the remainder 5 will be given written responses. In addition, each question limited to 40 words.

    Some MPs already published their questions in their blog, for more info, you can visit Tony’s, Po Kuan’s and Nie Ching’s blog to view all the 15 questions asked by them. Good for them to practice transparency, hope more MPs from DAP follow the good practice.

    Now there are 82 MPs from Pakatan, to ensure balance and check, and 82 X 15 = 1230 questions to be answered by BN. Even in the first session, with only 68 MPs from Pakatan, it stills 68 x 15 = 1020 questions to be asked to BN to be answered.

    From the articles from Chong Zemin, I am surprised, not because the 14 MPs does not submit the questions. But DAP. PKR and PAS does not talk to each others so that all the 1000s questions asked are not repetitive questions and waste all the MPs time in parliament and leave other questions unasked. Do expect questions on hot issues like Sharline and etc. will be asked by more than 1 MPs, if not checked.

    I would suggest and expect a person is hired/in charge, and all the 82 MPs will submit all the 15 questions to the person in charge to compile, 1 week before the parliament submission dateline. And if there are repetitive questions, both MPS are informed and it is their decision to change the question.

    By doing this,
    1) All the 82 MPs will be checked by the person in charge to meet the dateline of quesiton submission.
    2) Quality of the questions can be controlled, no repetitive questions thus save each other time.
    3) Generally, the Pakatan leaders can derives statistics which ministry has the most questions, and ensure the ministry that does not have questions be asked, so that they don’t terima gaji buta.
    4) And also shadow cabinets, if derived, will ensure all the questions are properly answered of their cabinets in charge. If the ministry does not give a good answer, the shadow cabinets may go 1 step further to make press conference and etc. on the answer given by the ministry in charge.

    By doing this, hopefully we have a first class parliament. 1000s of quality questions are asked, those that can’t take the pressure to answers those questions will be eliminated soon, and only the fittest will stay in the ministry and answer the question.

    This Q&A session is important for everyone to prove themselves, either they are from the government or the opposition. If the ministry in charge dare to give lousy answer, ensure it is transparent to the rakyat. The rakyat will vote them out next election.

    And also for opposition who asked stupid question, the rakyat will vote them out too.

  30. In short, I am suggesting a Pakatan’s parliamentary secretary is chosen, and his/her jobs are to compile the questions asked by all the 82 MPS and also made a summary of answer from all the 27 federal ministry.

    If possible, make a blog for this purpose, and the rakyat will know which ministry give stupid answer. Those that can’t perform and answer for their ministry, will be transparent to the public, and it is public choice whether to choose them again on next election.

  31. Uncle Kit,
    Not to worry,these MPs just want to observe the level of intelligence of our ministers before they launch their attack the second round.With so many people asking questions ,ministers have to copy their answers from each other and work throughout the night.

  32. What lah.. if you see the names of the 5 DAP MPs ..they are all first timers,I know its wrong but kasi chance …lahhh..Give some time i know this 5 MPs will do a good job.There will more sitting of Parliment.

  33. Called up PG DAP HQ to follow up on certain things submitted near to 2 months ago. Was informed by a chinese lady staff taking the call that there is no status update, reason being they have formed the government, workload is high, they have no time, submission not yet processed.

    Asked when there be status update, the staff informed that “not sure and as explained that they have formed the government and workload is high and no time to process the submission”.

    It is hurtful when the Rakyat has been taken for a ride.

  34. a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

    this is a good example. we need MPs like these who admit when they make a mistake and not the ‘bukan saya bukan saya’ attitude like BN. may this continue always and by the next election, BN! get ready to vacate!

  35. The question here is not first timers, give chance.

    As an opposition MPs as at in many parliaments in the world, their number 1 task should be to question any wrong doing of the ruling government.

    For the first timers, they suppose to have more passion than the old timers, they suppose to prepare the questions weeks ago, because ‘clean broom sweeps better’.

    However, this is not done. We are not blaming them to the extent we will vote them out next time. Nope. But something is not right here.

    And I think the things that is not right is they get their priority wrong. They think that the number 1 task of being a MP is to service people, to clean the drains and etc. I have visited some new MPs blog, and have saw comments like they are quite busy to attend with people problem and no time for meeting with the government to discuss the issue together.

    The priority is wrong. Let the local government to do the job, as an opposing MP, you must find flaws of government and questions them in parliament, and if the government can’t answer your question, tell the whole world know. Since the MPs now are increasing more than one third, some suggest they can use the parliament to propose some ideas too rather than just to question them. Use the parliament to the fullest to serve the rakyat.

    And I think Uncle Kit doing the right thing by guiding the first timer on the importance of the tasks, which obviously the first timer MPs don’t see it is important. They are passionate to serve the rakyat, but not doing the job in parliament. Thus, they are more suited to be in the local government role, work in DBKL or MBPJ, rather than to be Member of Parliament. MP means member of parliament, they should do the jobs in parliament, this is why the rakyat vote them in.

  36. Come on Malaysian wake up. You guys take thing too easily. Thats the reason why BN deeds can be taken for granted so long.
    There ‘s no excuses for committing the mistakes. Some kind punishment should be imposed.

    Otherwise, when we say: “enter from the back door” also get sued.

  37. MPs are lawmakers, we elect them to make good laws and repeal and amend bad ones. That’s primary function; asking questions is secondary compared to the first. This is basically a numbers game, so I don’t se why not. A private member bill if approved by a majority in both houses will become an Act of Parliament and law of the land. [The problem is see is likely in Dewan Negara]. Before 8th March private members’ bills were introduced by Opposition or backbench MPs normally to raise awareness of a particular issue – they didn’t stand a chance of becoming law because no majority vote in support. Situation is different after March 8th: Opposition parties now have already almost equal numbers at least in the Dewan Rakyat – the majority if you believe in DSAI. All we need is either abstinence or some support from BN MPs. Why that is not impossible is because BN is presently torn in factionalism : in cases of introducing Freedom of Information Act or Malaysia Press Council Bill, there may be some support from BN’s side. We also have no knowledge how many from BN’s side are contemplating realigning with and secretly sympathetic with Pakatan Rakyat’s side negotiating with DSAI behind the scenes to cross over and participate the next new government to be formed soon by the Opposition when a more comfortable majority are sealed by DSAI. They would follow the perceived winning side, ie where the direction in which strong winds of change blow! They don’t want to be irrelevant and keen to ally with the right side of the near future getting power. I believe DSAI is negotiating hard, that’s why he is low profile, not making statements. Cleverly he does not ask any of his proxies at this moment to give up any state seat held by PKR for to do so means (1) his own people lose one seat (2) in ensuing by election BN will use all fire power and all financial resources available to finish him at the seat he contests and (3) as defacto leader he commands moral authority to negotiate and having no official position enjoys flexibility in this task of negotiating with BN people (As I said before, without major defection from BN, Pakatan cannot form stable govt). DSAI has to make the move soon because time operates against Pakatan at least from two angles. First if and when the reactionary faction is able to remove the Pak Lah faction, they may be able to unite and think ways of how to emasculate Opposition including repression ie arrest Opposition leaders for minor infractions of police permits etc and secondly, they may try use Federal powers over funding to stave opposition controlled State governments so that they may be seen as not performing in rakyat’s eyes. Against such a backdrop and political milieu after 8th March where some from BN side are negotiating crossing over and others may want to be seen “reinventing and reforming”, some sections of support from BN for an Opposition’s private member bill cannot be written off as “mission impossible”….

  38. Tried to subscribe to The Rocket periodicals. Handed in the subscription form together with a cheque close to 2 months ago at the PG DAP HQ. Till to date, cheque not yet presented to my banker for clearance and no news on the status of the subscription. Called the HQ up, given the reason that they have formed the government, high workload, no time to process the subscription form and they will process it when they have time.

  39. If the first timers have less passion to ask questions in parliament, do you think they have the same passion on propose bill and make laws? Go to the basic first, questions any wrongdoing of the government first in parliament. Then, if you have any better bill, propose it.

    Hope I am wrong, but has the feeling of some MPs think that attending Parliament is waste of time. They are more interested on solving the people problems, where the files are pile up in their service centre desk.

    This is what I said get the priority wrong. Their main jobs are to make the government & law system in Malaysia better so that the files in their service centre are not pile up. If they think being MP is just to solve all files open, then I think it is time someone told them to change mindset.

    That is why I agree Uncle Kit should be harsh to them, penalised them for charity for first offence. If you are too easy with them, they don’t learn their lesson, and will continue have the mindset Q&A in parliament is waste of time. For normal people like us, we can say that. But what hope the country is, if the MPs think in this line too?

  40. # waterfrontcoolie Says:
    Yesterday at 19: 42.08

    We can only hope that the sense of euphoria and honeymoon is over! Back to serious work.
    By the way, I met YB Sr. Exco T. Kok for the first time, can I suggest that she should remember she is no more talking to the street crowd. She needs to remember that she carries the hope and inspiration of Selangor voters. So please SPRUCE it up and please change your sing song style of public speaking.
    By the way, since the Selangor State Gomen has resolved the toll issue for the ppl living in Mahkota Lion, can it also look at the same issue along the Federal 1?. Please join up all the parallel roads alondside this toll road. I believe all the land on both sides of this ILLEGAL TOLL is State controlled. So just link up all these roads and see how the toll collector react!!


    Hey, maybe you shall head over to YB Teresa Kok’s Website, http://teresakok.com, check out her email or just leave a comment in her blog! :) This may help her better… than to rant in her party leader’s blog… ;)

  41. Dear Uncle Lim,

    I mentioned that in an earlier comment as well, and just to remind you about my earlier comment, No, an excuse about being a first-timer is way off. I reckoned there was a briefing prior to questions submission, and there were 13 DAP first-timers who successfully submitted the questions on time…

    I believe the outrageous response by the people will remind the 5 questionless DAP MPs to put this question submission matter at the FIRST place prior to the future house meeting.

    But I’m satisfied with the quick response from DAP, well, at least way faster than the others isn’t it?

    Meanwhile, I hope the 5 MPs will make a public apologies in a press conference to prove their sincerity over the issue. ;)


  42. For readers of this blog, a worthwhile and interesting digression:

    From none other than HRH Sultan of Perak, a former Lord President and legal luminary, a word on what constitutes royal prudence, wisdom and advice –

    “He said that though the Ruler acts on the advice of the head of government, the Ruler should not give his consent if the advice so given does not reflect justice.

    In accordance with the spirit of the constitutional monarchy, a Ruler has the role to convey advice and opinion, offer encouragement and give reminders or make criticisms, he said.

    “A Ruler must rightly use prudence and wisdom in giving his consent, particularly in matters related to the interests of the state and people,” he said.”

    For the full report, see BERNAMA:http://www.bernama.com.my/

  43. The rakyat is giving the DAP, the PAS, the Keadilan and other parties the golden opportunity to change the circumstances under Barisan Nasional. The Barisan Nasional is resorting to tricky tactics of trying to turn members of parties against each other. Therefore party members have to be on alert and to be reminded the actual reasons for them being elected. The rakyat has waited for the past 50 years. Please don’t keep them waiting again.

    Myself, I am looking at Penang. I am making a comparison between Chief Minister Lim and the Chief Minister in my own state. I really hope that Chief Minister Lim would set an example for the people of my state to follow. Yes. Chief Minister Lim being an example to the people here, faraway from Penang, to follow. We here are fed up with our state’s Chief Minister. There are so many reports of him taking money using his position. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, we are looking to you for our inspiration here. I hope that my state’s people would have the same courage and the same desire as the people in Penang to change.

  44. “He said that though the Ruler acts on the advice of the head of government, the Ruler should not give his consent if the advice so given does not reflect justice.

    In accordance with the spirit of the constitutional monarchy, a Ruler has the role to convey advice and opinion, offer encouragement and give reminders or make criticisms, HRH the Sultan of Perak said.” HORNBILL

    According to the Federal Constitution of 1957, the Agong “may act in his discretion” in only three sets of circumstances:

    – appointment of the Prime Minister
    – withholding of consent to the request for dissolution of Parliament
    – requisition of a meeting with the Conference of Rulers.

    Article 40(1) states clearly that the Agong “shall act in accordance with the advice of the Cabinet…”

    Please note that he is referring to the “spirit of the Constitution” instead of just the letter. It is difficult to say where that spirit will take us to though we can all agree where that spirit should not take us to.

    I’m sure you’ll agree when it comes to matters of the spirit we must tread gently and carefully.

  45. dun follow in the foot steps of our sleeping beauty.thr wont be any honeymoon years for u guys.and dun give excuses for the sake of making excuses.we people fought hard with u for the betterment of the rakyat.we gave u the tidal wave.dun make a mockery of urself.we hv high hopes on u guys.dun be like those good for nothing sss holes.oni knw how to sleep,korek and talk kok.

  46. I thought the constitution says the Agong must appoint someone who enjoys the confidence of the majority in the house of representative as the Prime Minister. That being the case, does he really has the discretion?

    On withholding consent to the dissolution of Parliament, my question is: can Agong withhold consent when the term of the Parliament is up for re-election?

    I am not sure about requisition conference of rulers.

  47. The Agong can withhold his consent, for example, when there is a motion of no confidence against the PM which is then passed, who then calls for a dissolution of Parliament. By withholding his consent to such a request, the Agong in effect gives the party no alternative but to appoint someone who has the confidence of the majority of the party to take his place.

  48. There are no other circumstances that I can see when the Agong could, in his capacity as Agong according to the Constitution, withhold his consent to a request for a dissolution of Parliament. He can of course go ahead and refuse but it would be ultra vires the constitution and therefore void.

  49. Honestly , I was disgusted when I saw the list of 5 MPs from DAP which did not submit their questions for Parliment. It should not happen if Standard Procedures are in place. However, the timely apology and assurance that this will not happen again in the future reflects true leadership.

    But, I cannot accept and shocked that experienced MPs and even Ministers from BN also did not submit their questions. What a disgrace.

    Anyway, high five to PAS….not even an MP from PAS is listed.

    Long Live DAP.

  50. Looking at the full list of the 29 MPs who did not submitted the questions before the dateline, it is interesting to note some of them are seasoned politicians and former ministers. It is obvious that these seasoned politicians and former ministers are not really interested to take part in the parliamentary debates and their interests are only in making money and looking after their personal interests. These people should never be given a chance to be elected again.

    For those who were newly elected this time around they may be excusable and if they are to repeat the same mistake, they should be shown the exit door, and in the next election get others who are more interested to contest their MP seats.


    YB Lim, i wonder why do you apologise. ? i think
    1. charles anthony siantiago
    2. er teck hwa
    3. hiew king cheu
    4. john fernadez
    5. ramasamy
    the above five gentlemen should apologise.

    and YAB DR. RAMASAMY should be the first to apologise,being the titled yang amat berhormat, for being the deputy chief minister of penang and for being nextdoor to YAB lim guan eng.

    YB lim, by initiating an apology after dear chong zemin’s enlightenment is just lliken to abdullah badawi paying compensations to the sacked judges on behalf of YABhg Tun, after aid ibrahim ‘s call for justice in the judiciary. why the five YBs cannot apologise in this blog is best known to dap inner circle.

    as billgates comment, daps’ MPs and WK, dont even reply to his emails and suggestions. i bet you come the next election, Datuk Ngeh will email to you billgates. for sure, when he wants your vote.

  52. You know why PAS MPs are not in the list…..because they are FOCUSED….if you are a PARLIMENTARIAN….then you must be focused to bring the people’s issues to parliment….otherwise its just dereliction of duty……let’s just all vote PAS…..they seem organised…..who knows we may even be an economic superpower….you know…less talk….more work….

  53. as for Sir, jeffrey,

    the pakatan raayat mps must first have common sense. forget about all these legal jargons of “motions and private bills”.forget about all these now. forget about telling us all these now. COMMON SENSE is very important now. and what is lacking now are the following :-

    1. pakatan raayat : if it is sustainable, by the very actions of their mps ( from dap and pkr ) not fulfilling their BASIC ROLE.

    2. DAP – by keeping busy in assisting Yabhg Tun in continued updating the raayat the misdeeds or no deeds of abdullah badawi, while within the states being ruled by pakatan raayat, many promises were not done. Look at the penang counsellors ( hope the spelling is right ), just who are they. ?

    3. PKR- the de facto Pkr leader dsai, and the pm in waiting is busy travelling here and there, and mind you SIR YB LIM, it is not that pakatan is strong, it is because bn is weak. it is not because, i believe in pakatan, it is because i dont trust bn.

    4. pas – did i read somewhere, that pas and pkr are meeting with umno guys next week. race is still blood deep. like the lims association, wongs association, this is hereditary. what are the agendas for such get togehter . COMMON SENSE AGAIN IS NEEDED.

  54. RAVEN 77. this is what is important. FOCUS ON THE JOB, like pas is doing, focus on their job and careless about what abdullah badawi is doing or not doing.

    raven – dap and pkr , most of their new mps are accidental mps, (lest i am accused of being pro bn again ). this tsunami of change will come to nothing if the dap is not focused. many a times, i have suggested that bloglimkitsing should FOCUS, on what they should do and implement, but alas, many a times, it gives FOCUS ON ABDULLAH BADAWI.

  55. I have to break up my postings,because the beautiful moderator had reminded me , not to write too long.

    YB LIM KIT SIANG, i admire you. i respect you. but as head of dap, you must be accountable for actions and inactions of all dap elected representatives. btw, i am too a stakeholder in this election, by contributing funds to your call for help. it is not the amount of monies, it is because, i trusted you. Maybe, you can gather all the DAP MPS , before the august house commence sitting, so that when the debates are on and televised “LIVE”, the DAP mps can know what is to be done.

    i can only suggest that a gathering of all dap mps is important before parliament sits. have a common goal and determination . Of course if pkr and pas share the common goal , this is excellent, for which i do doubt, for pas will still be oil and dap is water and pkr is the king maker in transit. Dont underestimate bn, abdullah badawi have already had a meeting with all bn mps. the numbers of pakatan raayat mps are mere mathematical figures, IF DAP,PKR,PAS acts like bufoon in the parliament. YB lim, can called for a get together next week. bolih ke?

  56. i am only a commoner, so the price of rice will increase. maybe petrol price will be increased. my mee goreng is smaller potion now. i am worried. all pakatan raayat mps, deduct rm100 per month into tabung welfare for the poor please. not me.i am not poor yet, but will be poor soon.

    YB lim, the apology is not from you. must be from the five mps.

  57. The party briefing and training to new elected MPs is equally essential in making them understand and obliged to Rakyat expectation.
    Thus, the system in the party in ensuring this from happening important. It would be inppropriate or insignificant with the apology of the party leader and not the 5 MPs. They should learn from this and this should serve as a good example to other newly elected DAP MPs. Well , again, time,attitude,understanding, commitment etc are the factors here.

  58. I don’t see such a big deal here, where certain MPs have not filed their questions. I think a party should have a coordinated approach and not simply file questions individually. For example, if we think that there are 20 issues to be raised, and there are 28 MPs, then there should be some MPs who should keep quiet but be prepared for supplementary questions.

    It is the quality and validity of the questions that matter – not the quantity.

  59. I don’t think the party should be coordinating everything. The questions should rightly come from MPs, to highlight the peculiarity of each constituency as well as to provide diversity of views. Of course as DAP MPs, they should know the overall party policy. We must bear in mind that not all question filed will be answered orally. From past experience, at most about 8 to 10 questions are answered during each session orally although the questions tabled for the day could be as many as more than 40. So, it is important that all MPs from DAP ask questions because the most questions asked, the most livelihood the questions will be answered orally which will then provide opportunity for supplementary questions. If the questions are not answered orally, there is no possibility of supplementary questions.

    I think it is good that Sdr Lim highlights this issue early so that DAP MPs are kept in their toes, although it is was Chang ZeMin who brought it up first. It is good Sdr Lim, as party elder, apologised on behalf although it will be better to hear what the MPs concerned have to say. Being busy and inexperience are simply not good enough reasons. It shows complete lack of enthusiasm and interest.

  60. ///If the first timers have less passion to ask questions in parliament, do you think they have the same passion on propose bill and make laws?/// -ckloh

    Of course not, you TTDI_KL ADAM YONG IBNI ABDULLAH are all right, first thing first, they have to learn baby steps of asking question – esp when that is part of their job in the for entire term as opposition parliamentarian – before making or repealing laws.

    That’s however not the drift of what I am trying to say. There may be reason for their lapse. I am saying that big and experienced opposition guns have not coached their baby MPs on procedures because there are other priorities, big guns are planning on a big initiative soon, the opposition does not intend to be the opposition for rest of term asking questions. Baby MPs are not making laws themselves but for now are useful to play their most immediate role of getting ready to make up numbers to vote for or against some bill that would be initiated by big guns at some point of time soon to defeat and replace the national government. Our self critique and making big deal of the new Opposition MPs lapse in not filing questions in time merely give Mainstream papers opportunity to highlight on first page to national audience Opposition MPs shortcomings (without highlighting BN’s side). To be fair to those Opposition MPs in default, so to speak, we have made a big issue of something that is really not at this moment because of an overriding Opposition agenda that will be pushed for soon.

  61. “Wow! We have a very unforgiving electorate !” – Godfather

    Did you forgive Pak Lah & BN??

    We expect our Wakil Rakyats to work and represent us, not forget about things. Yes, this may be the first time BUT if we are really serious in wanting to form the next government, nothing is too petty.

  62. You guys who supported DAPs and PKRs will have more to see. This is only beginning. No only you disappointed, my whole gangs members who voted for change feel the same too.

    Soon, youe will Datuk KOK and Datul Ronnie from Selangor as well. Where to find time to answer your questions. Forget it. Wait for the next election.

  63. You guys don’t even know what was asked, whether they were relevant, etc. If an MP were to ask “what are the break times at Parliament?”, he would be on the list of those who asked questions. He would qualify for the simple criterion of asking at least one question.

    Stop condemning people until you know exactly what has transpired. PAS MPs may have asked questions, but until we find out what those questions are, whether they were relevant, whether there were duplications, we should not praise them for their efficiency either.

  64. Hi KIT,

    Let me add my little voice. The whole country is watching the effects of March 8th. Please do not let us down. Tell the boys, ” those who are good at making excuses are good at nothing else “. They must buck up. We expect you to lead, too. Please turn the party machinery from opposition mode to leading the country mode.

  65. I have been involved in new ventures and organization for two decades and there is always immaturity in any such effort. The point is to deal with it maturely.

    My advise to Sdr. Lim, Anwar and Husam is to make sure their reps get the message this is not High-school. If they behave like it is, then mommy/daddy will take away their toys….

  66. Baptism of Fire for the DAP-5 . Not sure about their experience but I have to agree with Godfather here ‘on what is relevant should be asked’.
    We also need to support them as much as they need to support us.

    We have both ‘seen’ and heard a whole lot of empty vessels making a whole lot of noise pollution during these sessions.

    My impression of the DAP-5 are that they are learned and will perform over time. Never judge a book by it’s cover, lets read a few chapters before deciding if it’s crap or not.

    Perhaps we could also present our questions for parliamentary meeting to our representatives ?

  67. 8 of these MPs are Sarawak’s BN MPs. –

    Sarawak BN won 30 of 31 parliament seat contested. Now of the 8 of the 30(27%)BN MPs did not do their jobs properly….shows many Sarawak voters voted wrong candidates…….probably too ignorant or naive!

    And 8 of total 29 – its is 28% from Sarawak BN MPs…….

    How about Kuala Kangsar MP? Seasoned MP, no more in travelling doing MITI function, no more in charge of AP….. but did not do her homework! It is high time to retire, Rafidah!

  68. godfather.


    diehard supporter of dap can also correct wrong.

    first time MP: so what. if they made a msitake, we can certainly admonished them. especially so,when they talk about responsibility, accountability and the RAAYAT FIRST before elected.

    abdullah badawi is a poor comparison . thats why we voted for pakatan raayat.

    ANYONE check on the penang appointed councillors ? boys will be boys!!

  69. Sir jeffrey, who is excellent in anaolgy of terms like apology. what was YB lim, trying to establish when he started this post by “I WAS TAKEN ABACK ……………….” ?
    to me it means ,he did not expext it to happen.

    now that ambiga is datuk ambiga, can we reform the bar counsel and the advocate and solicitor discciplinary board. MR. JEFFREY. CAN you advise us how many complains are there against lawyers?
    this is nothing personal, but since you know so much about laws and laws, i would appreciate your comments.

  70. Now this is splitting hair. We are talking about asking questions. Of course subsume in this is the MPs are supposed to ask pertinent and relevant questions. Frankly, I can’t fathom MPs asking irrelevant or stupid questions (unless we have idiot MPs). I think it is not wrong for us to criticise these MPs. As first time MPs, simple enthusiasm and interest would have prompted them to see that this task is done. We can all accept the fact that we should give PR MPs and ADUNs more time to show results. But to me it is never wrong to point out any shortcoming from the beginning. We have to set the work culture and value right.

    Personally, I also don’t feel good the Perak MB and the Senior Exco be given the state award so quickly. Here again, we must set apart from BN culture. Respect and admiration must come from service and output, not based on titles and award given routinely to people of positions. Of course, after a long service and for those who have proven credible, there is no harm to give them awards and titles. I guess after 50 years of BN rule, many of the third world/feudal cultures are very much ingrained in us.

    But for Sdr Lim, he should be given a Tunship now. I said this before the election, and I am saying it again. Look, forty years already. It is time he gets a Tunship.

  71. YB Lim,

    I feel that the DAP should as party coordinate all the questions. The elected MPO should learn to ask respected question and not just ask question for teh sake of asking. It is no point to all the DAP MP to field 10 question each but in the end, there are only 10 similar or same question in reality. It is also pointless the ask thousands of unrelevant question. Quality question is what we Rakyat demand and not quantity question. I do not wish to see Parliment turn to a Pasar Malam place.

    There are so many new MP from DAP. Many are kids in Parliment. Many may not even know how to ask question. They are used to streets talk, in Parliment it is different and they must know it.

    YB LIm, I feel you should have the obligation to guide them as new MP. You are a an “old ginger”. If it is not you, who else ?. For the MP to forget is unexcuseable and hard to believe. It is their job as an elected representative. It is better to say I have no question.

    These MP today, could potentially be one day our country front man or Ministers. They should learn from here. This exercise of forget certainly show how shallow their minds are still at at this moment.

    They forget they are now Elected Representative and no longer street fighters. GOOD LUCK

  72. ADAM YONG IBNI ABDULLAH , I don’t know much about laws and lawyers or number of them against whom public have lodged complaints. Maybe the Bar Council’s website has got something on this. If you have a complaint against lawyer, I am sure you can write to the Bar Council on how to lodge a complaint. You seem to be unhappy not only with Judiciary but also lawyers in general. There are, as always good and bad ones, as in any profession but if we have had one or two bad experiences it may be because we happened to have engaged services of the wrong ones and we have to learn how to choose the right from the wrong ones. It would not also be a correct picture to tarnish all in the legal profession or any other profession due to the shortcomings of those we have had unfortunate experience to deal with and suffer as a result of. Our own experience may be a limited sampling to draw general conclusion.

  73. “How about Kuala Kangsar MP? Seasoned MP, no more in travelling doing MITI function, no more in charge of AP….. but did not do her homework! It is high time to retire, Rafidah!”

    For her there is an excuse. What is there for her to ask? To account for all the APs going to the wrong hands. Yes she should retire completely. She should resign the Kuala Kangsar seat and let DSAI to contest there, how about it?

  74. Nothing wrong Jeffrey. My question is why the standing ovation and non stop applause during the dinner that night. Are the lawyers completely satisfied with the announcement or are they mere suckers? May be to give face, i don’t know, you interpret for me, QC.

  75. Just to reiterate ADAM YONG IBNI ABDULLAH’s comment on Why YB Lim to be the one who apologies instead of all 5 of them?

    well, DAP must be the first to apologize… since DAP gave the 5 MPs the tickets to contest in the general election… :)

    But yes… the 5 MPs should hold a press conference in their own constituencies… and apologies to their voters!

    Talking about PR (Public relation, not Pakatan Rakyat… hehe)~~

  76. 15 MPs of BN too did not submit their questions for parliment, then what the fuss for just 5 DAPs. They are still new, give them a chance and i know they willeven perform better than BN.

  77. To err is human, to forgive divine.

    More so that YB Kit has moved swiftly to apologise as soon as the news of the problem broke. I wonder why PKR has not made any comments or given similar apologies? Hope they are not too busy trying to meet up with UMNO and PAS over the Ketuanan Melayu and NEP issue and taking their voters for granted after having been similarly infected with the BN’s “arroganceisis” disease.

    These are new MPs and probably still suffering from hangover from the euphoria of their win. But it is no excuse and I would like to suggest that Pakatan Rakyat call all their new MPs together for a briefing and training session on Parlimentary proceedings in order that these newbies knows how to conduct themselves properly in Parliament to avoid making embarassing mistakes that the BN can exploit.

  78. If u r not FIT to be politician better seek consultation or advice from ur respective leader. I believe these failed MPs are not reluctance to trouble their leader, and it is good for leader not to teach them, that mean YAB LKS and YB DSAI will not babysit them. This allowed BN govt. to profit from it by informing the Rakyat, look at these leader they want this and that now they are elected they sit nothing but eat rice.

    I’ve 2 things to inform,

    1st Robbers in Penang will continue, already some cases happening in Perak & Penang, there will be more rampants robbery at goldsmith. Police continue to roadblock and check at PORR is no use, first of all i’ve noticed many syndicate leaders with “W” car plate already infiltrated Penang and other opposition state. Normally these leader drive very old either white or black sport car.

    2nd I believe right now YB LGE can feel the same dilemma CM Koh is facing, the state income flow tightened and major state arms authority transferred to federal, well, CM Koh have to resort to other meant to gather more resources for himself and his followers. No doubt he gave up the GE12 as he already knew the outcome when his face is pale, and voice is low while answering the reporters. A good pyschologist will tell, why he gave up Penang CM.

  79. LKS,

    These DAP guys’ attitude is deplorable. I feel disgusted. The people have already given DAP a chance to show that it can not only critise, but also govern. The people will verify what you have said and will say, and what DAP elected have done and will do in near future. Good luck.

  80. What the fuss for just 5 DAPs..

    Why no comments on the BN reps..
    1. Abd. Rahman bin Bakri – Sabak Bernam – BN
    2. Datuk Haji Wahab bin Haji Dolah – Igan – BN
    3. Dato’ Dr Abdullah bin Md Zin – Besut – BN
    4. Ahmad Lai bin Bujang – Sibuti – BN
    5. Datuk Anifah bin Aman @ Haniff Amman – Kimanis – BN
    6. Abit Joo Hulu – Rajang – BN
    7. Ding Kuong Hiing – Sarikei – BN
    8. Datuk Seri Dr Jamaluddin bin Mohd Jarjis – Rompin – BN
    9. Dato’ Dr James Dawos Mamit – Mambong – BN
    10. Dato’ Seri Mohd Radzi bin Sheikh Ahmad – Kangar – BN
    11. Dato’ Sri Muhammad Leo Michael Toyad Abdullah – Mukah – BN
    12. Dato’ Seri Rafidah binti Aziz – Kuala Kangsar – BN
    13. Datuk Dr Tekhee @ Tiki Anak Lafe Mas – Gading – BN
    14. William @ Nyallau Anak Badak Lubok – Antu – BN
    15. Datuk Haji Yusoff Bin Mahal – Labuan – BN

    Don’t take The Star reports seriously.
    They don’t have standard lah..
    TheStar is just like reading comic or gossip…waste your money.
    Go to the Blog..better.

    We should once again boycott TheStar…..
    BOYCOTT The Star !! BOYCOTT The Star!!

    Lets assume,
    The newspaper cost RM1.20 per day.
    If 100 peoples boycott, will cost them RM120.00
    If 1,000,000 peoples boycott, it cost them RM1.2million per day.
    Boycott them for 1 week RM1.2million X 7 days= RM8.4million

    If they don’t feel any pain, boycott them for another week.
    That will costs them another RM16.8 million.

    To all fellow Malaysians,
    Let our Boycott begins tommorrow.
    Let starts the ball rolling.
    Teach them a lesson.

    To fellow DAP,
    Charles Anthony Santiago – Klang

    Don’t worry, People around you knows you are working very hard.
    Setting up your new service centre and I beleive the people don’t mind lah..
    Continue with your good job…



    WHY we find it wrong, especially all these Pakatan MPs, who will find time for everything before becoming mps, but forgot or no time after elected mp. tian chua is one bufoon.
    dont compare with bn mps. we knew they were so. and continue to be such. afterwise dont ever use the word” POLITICAL TSUNAMI”.

    and jeffrey. if you give me your contacts, i will hire you to be my lawyer and write to asdb. what say you. are you among the good lawyers? this is not touting because i look for you.

  82. First of all, I personally opinion it was wrong for the DAP MP to forget to submit the question but everyone should be giving a 2nd chance. I forgive them for now since this is just the first session of parliment where there were many more to come. I will judge them over a period of 4-5 years before the next election.
    As another issue I fully support caishen that we should start boycotting The Star so one sided. Today I read the newspaper it make the main page seem like a big crime being done by Pakatan Rakyat MP where in fact there were more in BN not doing so. Shit I had to stop reading newspaper for the next one month. It was really sad that I don’t have alternative for newspaper as another English press ‘NST’ is control by UMNO. ANywhere in matter of fact I think NST is bad but not as bad as MCA’s THE STAR. START THE BOYCOTT NOW………………………………………………..


    I am sure if you ask around, you will get from those you ask, names, surely not hard out of 13,000 presently around. It is yourself making right choice.

    Since you asked, I’d give some pointers. It is just a personal view: It works for me when I hire lawyers.

    Now you can’t go wrong if you remember not to believe in just claims and boast of lawyers themselves. They sure claim they are good for ‘cari makan’ reasons. Self-serving statement (one praises his own self is no use). Rely on references from those in market who have used them before. Good lawyer is not just technical competence, and ability to analyse and solve problems creatively. That is only expected of all persons holding themselves out as professionals. Much depends on his years of experience and area of specialty. This can be objectively verified. What needs to be subjectively assessed and verified is his temper of mind and basic character. You just have to ask yourself after meeting him:-

    · Is he an honest and down to earth chap; does he tell you honestly what he knows and could do and what he does not know and cannot do; is he on the level, does he tell you the unvarnished facts of your case – win or lose – without misrepresenting and creating fall hopes to make you happy to part with your money?

    · Does he put pride in his work for you more important than money factor?

    · If he takes your money as fee, will he put your interest as client first above all else and give you his best?

    If the answers to these question “YES” then you have found him/her. It can be a lawyer or anybody else, personal architect, dentist, accountant etc – same criteria….

    Sorry to rest for topic digression.

  84. Busy. Yes, everyone is busy. Everyone has 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

    Some politicians are overly ambitious and got elected to be both an MP and a state assembly person. Some among them are now holding additional portfolios as well. Can they multitask? Can they handle all the tasks effectively and efficiently? Are we too much to expect them to fulfil their duties, however minimum?

    Many former opposition party politicians are now MPs or governing some states. Time for them to not only talk and criticise, but also to act. We have enough of NATO (no action talk only).

  85. Teng dilantik Speaker DUN S’gor

    Apr 20, 08 2:51pm Malaysiakini.com

    Wakil rakyat DAP bagi Sungai Pinang, Teng Chang Khim telah dilantik sebagai Speaker Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Selangor.

    Beliau merupakan penyandang bukan Melayu pertama yang dilantik memegang jawatan tersebut.

    Pelantikan Teng yang merupakan bekas ketua pembangkang di DUN Selangor, diumumkan oleh menteri besar, Khalid Ibrahim hari ini.

    Pengumuman itu mengesahkan spekulasi sebelum ini bahawa Teng akan dilantik sebagai Speaker selepas tidak dilantik dalam barisan exco kerajaan negeri Selangor.

    Sementara itu, bekas setiausaha agung Gerakan, Lee Kah Choon, yang bersara dari politik tiga minggu lalu, dijangka dilantik sebagai pengarah Perbadanan Kemajuan Pulau Pinang (PDC) dan InvestPenang.

    Rabu lalu, edisi bahasa Cina Malaysiakini melaporkan ketua menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng dijangka melantik Lee ke jawatan tersebut bagi memperkukuhkan lagi pentadbiran kerajaan negeri.

    PDC berfungsi sebagai badan pelabur kerajaan negeri dan antara tugasnya ialah untuk merancang projek-projek pembangunan, manakala InvestPenang pula ditugaskanmenarik pelabur ke negeri tersebut.

    Lembaga pengarah PDC secara tradisinya diketuai oleh dua timbalan ketua menteri – Mohammad Fairus Khairuddin dan Dr P Ramasamy.

    Bulan lalu, Lee melepas semua jawatan parti yang disandangnya, iaitu pengerusi Gerakan bahagian Jelutong, penolong setiausaha Gerakan Pulau Pinang, anggota jawatankuasa kerja Gerakan di peringkat negeri dan pusat.



  87. Everyone ,
    Try not to be too harsh on the DAP.
    If you apply the same standard to BN , they will fail miserably.
    I for one believe that there are BN MP who have never ever raise
    a question for the duration of their term.
    Hope The Star would publish the last parliament record , then you will judge.

    Don’t worry.There are enough questions for the BN and I don’t think all the questions can be or will ever be answer.

  88. Would DAP start a poll to find out from the rakayt if its MPs and state assemblymen and assemblywomen should accept awards while they are still in office, or should they wait till they have shown they have contributed, i.e. after they have retired.

  89. Lim Sey Wee, lawyer in Muar, Johor, Malaysia, with LLB from University of Malaya, called to the Bar in 1991, joined opposition party DAP in 1993 but resigned in 2007 due to …….. Even though not in DAP but still incline towards the DAP’s political ideals. Hope to play a part in creating a better Malaysia for Malaysians.


    Hi all, visit his blog sometime :D

  90. a bit of digression. if anyone to deserve a datukship should be YB LIM KIT SIANG, and not the ngeh from perak. what had he done so far ? except to create uncertainties in the very beginning of the mb fiasco.not even 100 days on duty. but that’s the Sultan’s prerogative. maybe Sultan sees what i did not see. just accept otherwise seditious again.

  91. Anyway, even when the STAR “played up” this issue in today’s STAR (Sunday, 20 APR 2008), their headline included headfaces of Tian Chua (PKR), Dr Ramasamy (DAP), Charles Santiago (DAP) and Datuk Anifah (BN)… then small print, out of total 29 MP’s… 15 BN, 5 DAP, 9 PKR.

    So is this bias or what ??? Btw, out of 15 BN, there were 3 ex-Ministers and 1 ex-Deputy Ministers.

    So who are the remaining BN reps who kept “silent” ???

  92. The mainstream played it up because certain blogs played it up. for 50 years nobody bothered if written questions were submitted for the first session of Parliament. Suddenly, we became so unforgiving that we started to harp on the ‘wrongs’ of the first-time MPs, and this became fodder for the BN press goons.

  93. If an MP had submitted a written question – any question, such as “Is Parliament a non-smoking zone?” – he would be off the list. He would not have done any wrong according to some DAP supporters here. Syabas !

  94. It is ok, at least now all the DAP MPs and ADUNs will be on their toes. This is good. I am sure in the future they will be more careful and diligent. If this episode is not highlighted, I am quite sure many will repeat the same mistake.

    Datukship is too low for Sdr Lim already. It should be Tunship or minimum TanSriship.

  95. jeffrey . you are hired.

    undergrad2 . thanks for the advice. but i dont think i can afford the fee for lingham. neither do i trust him. cheers mate.

    i have a lawyer who always have m.o.b.

    godfather : if an mp is to raise a question like ” is parliament a non smoking zone ? ” then he is a simpleton amplified. and hopefully none from dap. thank you.

  96. May i suggest that the 2 State Reps and the MP for Klang area please have a web site so that you all can hear the real problems bewitching the Klang residents?
    For matter, include the Reps from Port Klamg area too.

  97. “if anyone to deserve a datukship should be YB LIM KIT SIANG, and not the ngeh from perak. what had he done so far ? ” – Adam Yong

    – Can’t agree more. Infact I was just thinking about it today. YB Lim Kit Siang has done so much for the party and country. I certainly cannot imagine how this country would be if without him to expose those corrupted BN thieves. Too bad the datuk title went to the wrong Perak MP.

  98. Hello brothers and sisters of the blog, there are more serious and pressing issues to be addressed immediately and one of it is shortage of food which is currently face by the world and it looks like it is not going to improve with all the global warming, deforestations, environmental pollutions, reduced cultivations, agricultural prime lands turning to property developments ( just take a drive along the padi lands of Kedah and Perlis and you will see practically ” tuang pasir di periuk nasi ” padi lands being landfilled with red earth for property developments. Is this what PM has called to increase food production.

    Please dont harp on petty issues like submitting questions by MPs before dateline. Start looking into how we are going to appease the rakyats’ stomach and prevent situations from occurring like what is happening in Haiti and India and so on.

    States like kedah, perlis, perak, kelantan do still have agriculture potential and most of the lands are very fertile and ideal for fruit, vegetable, cattle, goat, chicken cultivation and our MPs and ADUNs should start looking into it immediately.

    Please stop all the bickering and start getting down to serious work for a start.

  99. Dont you people realise that another 5 to 10 years down the road we may be living from hand to mouth. Money wont be able to buy even food when there is none around. All you bloggers should start telling our elected MPs and ADUNs and reminding them of this impending shortage of FOOD. Drum this FOOD item into their thick skulls. No one seems to care whether there is food or not, whether we go hungry or not…………….WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH YOU PEOPLE……

  100. YB,
    Since DAP has more MP’s than MCA and MIC put together, DAP are suppose to champion the cause of the of ethnic chinese and indians communities. You can safely say that you represent our interest now. The minorities have voted DAP to take care of their interest. If the MPs keep slacking in their work, we will feel that our interest is not being taken care of. There is no MCA n MIC MP on the list.

  101. Godfather Says:

    Today at 20: 03.37 (3 hours ago)
    If an MP had submitted a written question – any question, such as “Is Parliament a non-smoking zone?” – he would be off the list. He would not have done any wrong according to some DAP supporters here. Syabas !

    If this is the type of question our MPs can think of, then we know what a grave mistake we had done with our precious vote.

    Hope our newly-minted Mps have more substance than this!

  102. “Infact I was just thinking about it today. YB Lim Kit Siang has done so much for the party and country.” Jong

    Crooks too have been ‘honored’ and remained ‘honored’ by such titles. The issue is not so much whether Kit deserves it but whether he could decline it without insulting the Sultan or the Agong!

  103. YB,

    There is no reason for the MP’s not submitting any questions. Too much workload??? Forgotten the deadline??? New MP’s??? Such reason only shows that they are not capable or not well managed.

    1. If these MP’s r so tied up then they should not take up so much position or portfolio. I don agree with candidates going for MP and DUN. How will he/she has time to serve both. And it also shows that the party is lack of candidate to fill. One candidate should contest for one seat only. Let others qualified candidate to have a chance.

    2. I am sure these MP’s could get a personal assistant to help out the workload and keep the MP’s well inform of important dates.

    3. As usual we malaysian likes to wait till the last minute. And this is a very classic mistake and missed the deadline.

    I am strong supporter of the opposition but this will not be a very good starting impression for the opposition. Please work harder and don’t forget your duties, even simple task. Look likes some one or some system is needed to monitor such important tasks and deadline, which involves every MP’s. Hopefully you dont have to monitor this. Uncle Lim, you have more important things to do.

    All the best in the first session of the 12th Parliment seating.

  104. I will excuse them this time.
    May be better not to submit a lousy question and take up valuable time that can be used for more important issues.

    However it is good that so many have given feedback to the MPs. You are being watched and evaluated at every step.

    I also agree with a reader’s comment that the political parties should have organised the type of questions to focus on, but with some leeway for questions for specific local problems.

  105. DAP could independently send all its elected members of parliament a reminder of the actual deadline to submit questions. Anyway, there are only 20+ phone calls or letters only. Very low cost.

  106. By the reactions of some of the DAP’s supporters in Penang, it would appear that their mentality is not much different from that of BN’s. Clamouring for maximum seats in local councils with the sole aim of monopolizing, trying to shut out even NGOs.
    I believe NGOs should constitute at 45% of the membership of the council. Hey, the State Gomen still has the final say! The public want their grievances to be heard!! Then the Gomen can decide!
    Likewise, I hope the Klang Council would have the ratio indicated above. Please don’t behave like BN by putting all small time politicians who would use that platform for their political agenda only and the public will ensure that PR will large only this round!

  107. now I know (m.o.b) tqs. m.o.b. several times will take years, after High Court, then Court of Appeal then Federal Court, your cost will be more than damages claimed for. sometimes better you negotiate direct to resolve dispute with the other side. lawyers both side like to keep the dispute going, without litigation instigated, no “cari makan”. :)

  108. Let’s not whack our MPs for every single mistake they make, especially those who are new to the game; they are only human.
    We should continue to post about any shortcomings here for discussion and to establish a trend regarding DAP MPs who are slackening in their work. Then Uncle Lim should take it up from there.
    To whack them for every single mistake is to demoralise them and destroy their effectiveness in Parliament.

  109. Some of us seems to equate two wrongs to a right. For democracy to work, every one has to be responsible. Every responsibility/duty that needs to be done has to be carried out. Where does the rot start? From the fish head. Where about on the fish head? From a small spot on the fish head. If we let go the small things and just look after the big things, then we have started the rot.

    Why scream that democracy is a big let-down, later, when we do not carry out our duties and responsibilities when democracy is given to us, why do we not nurture it properly.

    We kept quiet for the last 50 years and what we got is a big mess. Can we not learn from our past mistake, must we repeat our past mistake.

  110. Some of criticisms are disproportionate, forgetting the ask questions within time frame for first time parliamentarians is no big sin or offence. What for ask question for the sake of asking or asking unimportant question wasting parliamentary time on trivial issues? Or ask questions that the opposite side can answer with full justification to look good reflecting on the stupidity or ignorance of the questioner??? What we need are fearless Opposition MPs who dare express the rakyat’s hopes, fears and concerns and engage fully in parliamentary debates against the BN’s side. Supposing as a DAP MP I don’t ask any question, others ask the questions, BN relies, debate begins, I am able to debate (against BN’s MPs) with the strongest force of logic and eloquence in line with the highest tradition of parliamentary debates of standards as high if not higher than that which exists in other Commonwealth Parliament including Westminister – am I that useless a DAP MP, deserving of all criticisms for not submitting questions in time for first session?

  111. Those unfamiliar with parliamentary procedures of filing questions have not yet had the opportunity to familiarise themselves with parliamentary rules and procedures because they basically did not have anything important to question (at this moment) the BN – so give them some time. Why would we want MPs, who got no important question to ask, make it a point to immediately show or pretend to us that they know alot of parliamentary rules and file in the questions just for the sake of giving us a good impression that they have interest in their job? Why do we want “pura pura” MPs???
    Let them learn on the job – procedures, I mean. If they have had any important questions at this moment they would have make it a point to find out procedudures and file them within time. If they don’t have, let it be, there are many other ways to perform duties as effective Opposition MP (eg engage sensibly in active debate give input on bills proposed, supporting other Opposition MP’s point of contention than just asking question of BN for the sake of asking….There is really no reason to make a big issue out of the initial infraction of not knowing the rule on filing questions in time. It does not by itself reflect on an MP’s capabilities, that will be shown only over time.

  112. This is a good sign – the rakyat is playing its role! It is providing the check and balance. It had been negligent for the past 50 years and the BN MPs had got away with ‘bloody murder’!

  113. Seeing that many newbies are in Parliament it would be good not to destabilise the political scene further by supporting any motion of “no confidence” in the PM.

    All, including the BN leaders, have a steep learning curve after the 12th GE.

  114. Dear Jeffrey, one must learn how to fish not blame other for not getting the fish.

    No doubt, this is the starting point and first sign of weaknesses. It should not be tolerated in long term.

  115. I see that some are very willing to defend MPs who have failed to submit the questions. I don’t really get it – learning to ask the right questions, and learning the procedures of asking questions? I think educated laymen also know how to ask questions and also know the procedures involved in the Parliament. If a MP has not pertinent question, then something must be wrong. If a MP does not know the procedures involved and therefore may want to hold back questions shows complete lack of initiative and enthusiasm. Stop defending them for nothing.

  116. Apology accepted because these are new MPs.

    However, i thk they are still going to be better than BN MPs in Parliament 11 who were just mere seat warmers and makan gaji buta. I am sure they will play active role in Parliament 12 to ensure justice and fairness to all Malaysians

  117. The apology from the DAP 5 is accepted. Yes, we shall forgive them this time , probably they are real new. I’m saddened to see one of the MP is from my hometown in Muar, though I’m now residing in Pahang.

    Please make sure they do their homework in the future; voice out for the rakyat! Voice out on policy, not just longkang issue!

  118. “The price of rice in the U.S. has also gone up!”

    In US, they don’t rely on rice to survive.

    Corns, potatoes, barbecue pork, beef, lamb, taco, pasta, spaghetti, lasagne.

    What’s the big deal?

  119. Dear YB Lim,

    It is instead dissapointing as it does not even take much of their time to get the questions on the paper..You should teach them how to manage their time and by the way..you guys are new and if you guys have to work 16 hrs a day so be it..U have no other choice as some of you are in the state government and have to catchup things fast..Let me ask you all , do you think easy to become an MP for the people and by the people..? Just ask them to buck up their damn time management and dont give anymore damn excuse..people might only accept this silly excuse once..If they want to become ” longkang” MPs then prepare for exit next PRU…They should know we rakyat have enough all this from BN..And some MPs, why they do not have an email or blog site? Better get them to start to have at least an email printed on the DAP website as some time the rakyat need to feedback their opinions to them. If not how do they know what the rakyat in that their constituency want to voice?

    YB i have much respect for you and hope you will teach all your MPs well..

  120. I think Pak Lah is pretty smart, let opposition become state govt. so that he can continue hinder and plunder the country resources.

    Malaysia development has been further hindered by the BN govt.

    1) Second bridge delay due to costs and design issues
    Who will be interested to come Penang to invest if the Federal Govt. failed to delivery 1st class infrastructure looking at current situation? Penang belong to opposition state.

    2) KL-Singapore bullet train derailed by high cost
    The future investment has been stop, now, any foreigner will be interested to come Malaysia? KL belong to opposition state.

    Are opposition just going to sit there and ask question, without any action?

  121. Congratulations to YB Teng Chang Khim for elected as DUN speaker for the 1st time in Malaysia history ! Yes , Teng is a great leader from Klang who can do it ! Victory to DAP ! Victory to Teng ! from : DAP supporter

  122. Why DAP MP – lazy for the very first time ? Lazy, beat the bud! To : Lim Kit Siang – pls teach all these lazy DAP new MP how to start work instead of making day dreams! LAZY LAZY LAZY no good !

  123. i think those dap fellas bz trying to accomodate new ‘walkovers’ from mca especially one by the nicknamed ‘tua pek kong’. This guy is notoriously linked to some questionable activities. To received this guy with open arms is a smack in the face for PR. But i suppose good or bad just jump in lah coz PR also got no much talents in depth. Booooooo

  124. “In US, they don’t rely on rice to survive. Corns, potatoes, barbecue pork, beef, lamb, taco, pasta, spaghetti, lasagne.What’s the big deal?”

    What’s the big deal? Here’s the deal. Asians and Hispanics eat rice and together they make up close to 30% of the total U.S. population.

  125. Dear YB Kit,
    I would like to humbly suggest that your goodself lead our Parliamentarians and State Assemblymen by good conduct and behaviour. Please try your level best not to be provoked by the antics and nonsensical behaviour of the Barisan Nasional counter-parts. The whole world is watching you as well as the other legislators. Kinabatangan continues to dig a deeper grave for himself. The former Jelai had been self-buried.
    Do not go to their same gutter or even sewage level but maintain all decorum and grace at all times.
    Best of luck in your endeavours and struggles.

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