Tamil Makkalosai suspended for a week – beginning of crackdown post-March 8?

Popular Tamil daily, Tamil Makkalosai, has been suspended for a week by none other than the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar himself for giving too much coverage of Pakatan Rakyat news.

With immediate effect, Tamil Makkalosai will not appear in the streets until next week, awaiting the fate of its appeal to the Home Minister.

Is this the first sign of repression and crackdown on human rights and the little space opening up in the printed media after the March 8 “political tsunami”?

It is clear that the decision to stop the publication of Tamil Makkalosai, which is still awaiting for its KDN this year, has got the “green-light” from the Cabinet meeting this morning.

Why did the Ministers, particularly from Umno and other Barisan Nasional component parties, particularly from the MIC, who have promised to end their subsidiary and subservient role in Cabinet , agreed to such a repressive measure as to immediately close down Tamil Makkalosai?


111 Replies to “Tamil Makkalosai suspended for a week – beginning of crackdown post-March 8?”

  1. The arrogance and blindness still carry on. Let it carry on. Only when this continue, Then, BN can be destryed thoroughly. Recently, finding that the NR is useless, almost all the supports are there for him to rescue BN but at this critical moment he pretend obedient, wait for the owner decision. If he continue behave like this, in near future, the member might ask him to get lost as well and let MY to come up with HH as assistant. I really hope this will happen as i can’t wait to see the owner carry his little jantan puppy out from the hall. So please be brave NR! if you do not want to accompany the owner with his pet out from the hall.

  2. A democratic country?
    Bet they don’t even know what “democratic” means.
    As long as it not the star, nst or any other government own media, it’s vulnerable to suspension.
    What is press freedom?
    Guess they only knows how to talk and yak alot!
    Good or no good, every rules are set by them.

  3. It looks like business as usual from the Umno camp. Inspite of rejection from the voters, they are not going to change are they? Either they are too thick to understand the new mood in the country or simply too arrogant I’m sure which. Instead of picking up and pieces and move on, they’re so engrossed in revenge. What a bunch of sore losers.

  4. i told u…if talk too much abt the truth…kena ban or isa.who cares abt wat they are gonna do.they hv always done things like they own this country for too long and they think nobody can stop them.how we hv suffered and lose biillions of dollars to these suckers…i cant wait people like them to be sent to hell.if we are talking abt democracy in this country….ha ha…u cant even see any democracy in umno itself.a bunch of suckers and poor losers.its so obvious we can see how many of the umno idiots they hv come up with trhu these recent years.all takde betol punya orang.

  5. Syed Hamid has stooped very low to conquer. Is he scraping the bottom of the barrel of his morals? Is Syed Hamid simply being repressive as a last resort before BN and UMNO bites the dust?

  6. This only serve a reminder to Malaysian,,,


    We must get rid of BARISAN NASIONAL from federal government as well nest election……

    BARISAN NASIONAL is not fit anymore to lead this country..

    No! to Barisan Nasional!

    Yes!!! to Democracy

  7. What freedom of the press are they professing when AAB himself admitted that he had controlled the press, tv and radio stations but forgot about the web right after BN lost the GE.

    This amounts to a self confession by the PM himself, so can we ever have freedom of the press in Malaysia?

  8. Perhaps it is a warning of worse to come?
    No, not against the MSM that are already so subservient to their political masters.
    Maybe malaysiakini, malaysiatoday and non BN inclined blogs will be shut down.
    I know I’m being an alarmist but I hope that will not come to pass.

  9. When they called a MB to police station to record statement, When they start knocking opposition leaders doors early in the morning, AND WHEN UMNO IS IN TROUBLE we all know what’s going to happen. They need to shut up the opposition and divert the attention. Remember operasi lalang and before that.

  10. I have totally stopped buying main stream English newspapers these days but enjoy reading Chinese newspapers instead!

    I also surf foreign websites for Malaysian news to widen my knowledge of what is actually happening in Malaysia.

  11. Respectful Lim & DAP,

    I know that the Barisan Nasional will do something to block the Makkal Osai publication.

    And later they will say “ini tak ada kaitan dengan politïc!”.

    Barisan Nasional aims to suspend this newspaper since they lost many seats in the last election due to Indian voters say NO to BN!

    I hope they will be more open minded on this issue.


  12. this is time for BN to make revenge on all news paper/media news/PR state,the BN government is going to fall to helll of fire soon,l hope soon PR will take over malaySIAN government ,let this BN person who mis use power/corrupt/useless /feel proud /thinking they’re bosses ,remenber we malaysian were the boss of Government ,I think no need to wait until next election ,they will fall straight to hell soon.

  13. BN will be forming a government in HELL soon… coz when all of them die.. the will be the majority there!..
    UMNO will be the head as usual and will take the place of the devil. Who will lead the devilumno in hell… there will be internal conflict there as everyone will be fight among each other as to who has done the most sin amongst them!

  14. UMNO is still in the Bangun pagi,gosok gigi,cuci muka,pakai baju era ( song that was taught in Std One)
    The Cabinet jokers… please wake up. Malaysia had enuf of Primary School Brained Ministers. We need REAL grown ups here!

  15. JUst need to say that they have not learned their lessons after the drubbing they took at the recent GE.They are only digging their own grave and paving the way for them to be wiped out at the next GE. Guess they never learn!!!!!

  16. Everyday in the BN media, they say they are very afraid about ‘alternative media’ (internet) and newspapers & TV can do nothing much.

    Yet they go ahead and suspend Makkalosai… Why we have the best alternative medias around Malaysiakini & this blog etc…

    Sooo many issues here with the some losers suffering fr inferiority complex… Just the time for Anwar to make a comeback. Bet this time if he’s contesting Permatang Pauh, we target for the UMNO candidate to lose his deposit money :)

  17. ARROGANCE AGAIN AND THIS TIME AROUND ANOTHER BALDY……….cant these fellas ever learn and repent and what do they ever need to beat their brains out and make them realise when they jolly well know that their downfall was mainly ARROGANCE, ARROGANCE, ARROGANCE, ARROGANCE displayed and expressed openly by these so-called human beings in UMNO.

    dont they still realise………SEDAR DIRI…. but rest assured this BALDY will be the next to go and this time with disgrace following behing.

  18. Those who think that UMNO can reform itself better think again. The same bunch of thieves, the same bunch of bungling clowns, are in charge. They still think that it is business as usual.

    Can someone ask semi-value what he thinks of this particular episode ?

  19. The results of the recent election to me is ideal for Malaysia as a whole. Forget about the economy, the economy can come back later but at least we have a country to come back to. The “people” up there, if they can be considered people at all is already dragging the coumtry to the abyss and yet they don’t seem to comprehend at all. Total lack of wisdom or none at all. With these so call leaders “running” this country, what chance do Malaysians have. They don’t listen, they don’t care, they are BIGGER than thou, they definitely enriched themselves at the country’s expense. So let GOD be their judge. They cannot get far, so just watch.

  20. They never learn even after the blow on their heads on 8th March 2008 polls. That is how arrogant UMNOPUTRA are.

    Good for them for never learn. The next blow would be a final nail in their coffin, even their Daim Zainuddin predicted too.

    They can close all the mainstream newspaper if thay want. The alternative media would be more active and more participative.

  21. The recalcitrant attitude is too much ingrained in the culture of UMNOPUTRA; and to this day the scourge hangs on.

    As Paul Keating called his Malaysian counterpart then as recalcitrant. It manifested expressive and pervasively through the spectrum of the culture of the said party.

  22. Uncle Kit

    Are you speculating or quoting the official reasons given by the Ministry ? This doesn’t make sense they have been publishing pro-HINDRAF and anti-MIC news for months now.

    I do hope you don’t commit the same mistake as some mainstream papers in reporting speculation and accusations as news.

  23. Partial democracy. Anyway, I still read all the Barisan Nasional controlled newspapers but with questions in my head as I read every line. It amazes me how the writers write and yes, if someone does not know, then it will be like heaven. Don’t think that people do not evaluate. They evaluate between the idealism written in the newspapers and reality in their life and they know the difference. It is those who pitifully still think that the newspaper is all truth and nothing but the truth. Datuk Cheek said that there is merit in the newspaper and that there is no quota of news. Yes, there is merit. But it is how the editors write, edit and re-edit. I think conscientious people of the mass media should blog and blog about the real truth. They can give their views to balance out the news.


    If PL is smart enough, he should immediately dismantle all the harsh rules and laws passed by his predecessor Tun M. By so doing, it will pave the way for him, after leaving office, to influence or criticize future UMNO leaders without fear of being prosecuted.

    PL should understand that while he holds premiership, these harsh rules and laws (e.g. compliance of a certain quota of support from UMNO division heads to qualify for contest in UMNO presidency, banning of “sensitive” publications, the ISA, etc ) work in his favour but AGAINST him when he LEAVES office.

    I am sure his predecessor is now in big regret that he cannot express himself freely due to his self-created harsh rules and regulations when he was in office. Did not he said Malaysia is a “police state”, the press did not have freedom and they did not always publish his message (presumably for fear of being punished). I am sure Tun M did not foresee, while in office, the harsh rules and regulations he created, actually worked against him after he left office!

    If UMNO people could treat such a highly esteemed and popular person like Tun M with lowly remarks and contempt after he ceased to hold premiership, how much worse they would treat PL – a mediocre premier.

    PL’s days are numbered, he must act fast to get rid of the “restrictions” his predecessor created, so as to open a pathway for him (PL) to stage a comeback in UMNO.

  25. Its OK…Cool down…..this guy is helping PR to wipe out BN. He knows he dont have much hope in BN, so he is trying to be nice so when BN shut down……he will come around PR and say…..seeeee, i have help you guys to shut down BN. Pleassseeee…..i beg you may i join PR now????? Those UMno at the top force me to do it. Im just following orders…..pleaseeee…forgive me. A$$!!!!!!

  26. Speak no PR, Hear no PR, See no PR, Dream no PR, Gossip no PR, SMS no PR, E-mail no PR, Swear no PR, Sing no PR, Touch no PR, Smell no PR, Taste no PR, Pray no PR, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!
    Rakyat BE WARNED!
    DEEEESpite THE FACT BN lose the worst Election in 5 states in Malaysian history!
    BN will never ever learn from their Mahathirist mistakes.
    BN will never kow tow to the Rakyat.
    BN will by keris or by CROOK get even with opposition.
    BN will punish states they sorely lose.
    BN will polis-state the rakyat that dream of a better Malaysia.

    We are still living in the era of the Mahathirist. Only it’s getting worse by the days. Unless rakyat ‘force’ a change, there will be no better future for every rakyat.

    BN wants rakyat to behave like the 3 SIL moyet – Speak no PR, Hear no PR, See no PR!

  27. The more they banned, the more people wants to find out? I think they are just silly, hello it’s already 2008 and if can’t get hard copy we can always go to the internet.

    We will continue to speak MORE PR, Hear MORE PR, See MORE PR! Hurry up, let’s take over.

  28. Why doesn’t Syed Hamid ban UTUSAN which rarely makes fair report?

    What a stupid world and a stupid BN! A newspaper banned for reporting too many news of opposition parties?

    Syed Hamid is quite hawkish and taking a toughline to the media.
    He will eat his humble pie in the future. I wll never vote for BN as it has never learnt its lesson.


  29. PM, you have got to change!

    This is not a one man’s decision, it must be the consensus reached by the cabinet. But as the PM, AAB should cast his deciding vote here. Under extraordinary circumstances and in special cases, the top man should seize the occasions to set the direction and the tone the cabinet is to take. He is the leader, he gets the accolades when things turn out to be right, and he, too get to shoulder a larger portion of the blame when things turn out bad. AAB should know by now this is his greatest weakness. He should know by now the rakyat will not allow anyone to absolve oneself of blame by pleading consensual decisions.

    MM was very good at this and he was seen as effective and decisive. PM, you have got to change!

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  31. merdeka Says:

    Yesterday at 17: 42.48
    YB Lim,

    This is not the first time a daily being suspended & it won’t be the last either !!!! To stop this, Pakatan Rakyat must form new govt. EASY AS THAT !!!!


    Yes, that is RIGHT! I really cannot wait to see
    that day coming. BN people still say thing like,
    “It will never happen”, “That is only their dream”.

    Before election, nobody would have thought
    that PKR-PAS-DAP would such a BIG one.
    And now, BN people still don’t believe that
    something which is impossible in their brain
    WILL really happen!

    Please, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim & the rest
    of the leaders of Pakatan Rakyat, make it HAPPEN.
    I strongly believe that Majority of Malaysians would
    really want to see Pakatan Rakyat to become
    the New Government in Malaysia AS SOON

    I really cannot stand how BN people still
    carry out double-standard & unfair policies!
    Really FED-UP with BN!!!!!

  32. Makkal Osai belongs to Datuk Subra. What has he got to say now? He was busy campaigning for BN and suddenly join hands with Samy velu in MIC. No back bone at all. No shame to go back to samy velu when he was kicked out of MIC. Let subra learn a good lesson about BN/UMNO. Pakatan Rakyat should ask subra to join them and he should learn to be wise. Unfortunately, subra can’t do that because he too like the other BN leaders has caused a mess in Maika holdings and the two penguins need to clean up the mess so subra just can’t join PK at the moment.

  33. Do you know why BN banned Makkal Osai? UMNO has started reading Makkal Osai. UMNO does not read english or malay dailies anymore. After March 8, UMNO only reads Makkal Osai so that is the reason why it is banned. Just got news from Putra jaya 4th floor.

  34. “The April 14 rally by PKR was given wide coverage with good size photographs of Anwar wearing a garland of flowers. The move by the Home Ministry to deny Makkal Ossai a licence will re-ignite the debate over the Printing Presses and Publications Act.”

    This is why a simple majority would not do. You can’t repeal repressive legislation such as this. Would a strong opposition in Parliament make a difference? Not in our Parliament!

    Have there been instances when government MPs voted in favor of a motion introduced by the Opposition?

  35. Does suspension of Tamil Makkalosai represent first sign of repression and crackdown?

    A different signal is given by government’s standard bearer, NST. In a rare front-page editorial, NST 16th April defended AAB against growing calls within UMNO calling for his resignation; said March 8th Tsunami was everyone else’s fault, not just PM, and NST openly admitted that :
    “The truth is that the people have long been disgusted with the kind of boorish, loutish behaviour that Umno leaders had exemplified because of their grip on power since indepen Abdullah is not solely to be blamed and everything will not suddenly be all well again if he goes. Umno, from the roots to the high branches, all have to share the blame for their silence, their greed, arrogance and shenanigans that have turned off voters.”
    NST has singled out two top Umno leaders for criticism – Umno Youth chief Hishammuddin Onn and former Selangor mentri besar Dr Mohd Khir Toyo.
    “Brandishing the keris was hurtful to the non-Malays but the party leadership did nothing to take the Umno Youth chief to task for the menacing and insulting gesture.
    “Which was why he (Hishammuddin) was emblodened to repeat it and provide extra impetus for the Chinese and Indians to abandon BN at the polls.”
    Khir Toyo was lambasted for the “desecration of the (Hindu) temple” under his watch as mentri besar as well as awarding a broom to a top government servant, a gesture which has enraged the civil service.
    Thank you NST – and Kalimullah.

  36. (Continuation) What does this signify?

    Two forces are raging within ruling circle.

    1. Forces calling for AB’s political demise and
    2. Forces resisting –

    Forces 1 (call them the “M Forces”) never wanted change, opposing AAB from day one. Even today they blame AB for 8th March debacle. This is convenient. If AAB were the one responsible, then it is not the fault of the rest and the rest could carry on with what they were doing. These M Forces are the people who would influence suspension of Tamil Makkalosai, resist release of Hindraf’s leaders and even punish former sessions court judge Zunaidah Mohd Idris for earlier releasing them on sedition charges. They just want to blame anybody for helping Hindraf because Hindraf for stirring as catalyst Indian voters in particular and other Malaysians in general against the mighty BN.

    I unreservedly support NST’s position and all forces in 2 – to admit and not engage in denial of their own faults blaming AB for everything. Because without admission, there can be no reform, just perpetuation of you know who’s legacy….

    You will see clearly who stirs M Forces. The purpose is to protect a certain political legacy that AAB is blamed as an unwitting agent of its unraveling, as evinced on March 8th . If legacy were unraveled, so does immunity from accountability. NST seems to be opposed to M Forces. We should know why someone in NST has been described, with vintage tradmark sarcasm, as having power of “Hindu God and Muslim Priest”!!!!!

    The great contest for the soul of Malaysia is : allow the continuance of that political legacy and all it stands for – or fight tooth and nail to dismantle it and oppose M Forces.

    You can see even today how he reaches to cajole encourage and fight to perpetuate the political legacy by unseating incumbent to be replaced by men protective of it.

    Many Malaysians don’t agree. They voted resoundingly on March 8th for an disparate Opposition led by his nemesis that he punished. What does that mean??

    Yet he perseveres, he doesn’t get it. Malaysians old enough – think! What was life before his advent into the stage and what happened steadily after??? It has never been the same since then.

  37. BN has not changed at all. They are still using their bully tactic to silence and blind the eyes of the malaysian. They have not learnt anything from the GE12. Dont they know that by controlling and banning the media they are only pushing the malaysians to the alternative media? Malaysians will be more eager to get their alternative news thru the blogs and websites and are even prepare to listen to the rumours even if it is untrue.

  38. The next will be The Sun, while Citizen Nades and Terence Fernandez will both be thrown in under ISA.

    Would our media be fine then?
    Of course not!
    Malaysians awakening is in the midst and its going to get bolder.

    BN might not make it to year end………

  39. Too little too late isn’t it?? – Undergrad2

    Maybe but still at least someone somewhere acknowledges the depredations of a certain political culture and legacy that someone else is trying very hard to perpetuate by deposing current incumbent.

    What was life before the advent of that person into the political stage?

    You have said it well in the other thread on Islamic state and I quote:

    “Should Malays expect a return to the era of Tunku (who loved whisky, poker and horses, and women – not necessarily in that order), Razak and Hussein Onn, when religion was a personal matter, when you could then eat at Chinese restaurants all over PJ Newtown and had second helpings of char koay teow, drink Anchor, Carlsberg and Tiger beer by the jars at Pines and pubs scattered all over KL and PJ, smoked weed at discos at Time Tunnel along Jalan Ampang and The Cellar in PJ, dressed in revealing miniskirts and tank tops and do whatever you chose to do including Saturday nights “kereta rosak” along Jln. Damansara with your hot boyfriend or girlfriend when the police could be counted upon to provide security, when nobody gave so much as a second look at you, and when there was no moral police around to spoil your fun. Not to forget Rose Chan and her many young and sexy apprentices, when smoking acquired a new meaning and ping pong balls had nothing to do with the game of ping pong?” – Undergrad2

    It was a time when Malays Indians and Chinese mixed as Malaysians. Where there was mutual camadarie (racial harmony) it is now mutual suspicion. Yes then no gleaming towers and infrastructure, but also no repression and no moral policing, raids, with religion enforced in every aspect of lives. Culture was relaxed, simple, with Malay girls in kampungs going out to take water with sarongs rolled up to just above the breast without consciousness of what others thought and said. Today some are so worried that they swim fully clothed in public and hotel swimming pools.

    We can never return to Life as it was – no point in nostalgia – but we can fight against aspects of that which have changed everyone’s lives for the worse and certain sections are still manoeuvring to preserve. The battle is still raging as I said in preceding post.

  40. It was a time when judges had horses’ hair on their heads following English tradition – until the present Sultan of Perak came along and spared the judges the further agony of having to continue dorning horses’ hair on top of their balding heads, and had them replaced with songkoks.

  41. Malaysiakini’s breaking News: “The Home Ministry today rejected the renewal of Tamil daily Makkal Osai’s publication permit, a move believed to be related to the widespread coverage given to the opposition. It is noted for the extensive coverage given to the opposition often featuring lengthy articles on their leaders such as PKR’s Anwar Ibrahim. The daily’s headline today was about police presence at Anwar’s house yesterday over the Black 14 probe. It also asked if Anwar’s wife and PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail would be arrested for failing to give a police statement. Insiders also say that the ministry was also upset over the daily’s publication of photographs of Hindraf leader, the ISA-detained P Uthayakumar, while receiving treatment at the Taiping hospital last week.The daily, launched in 2005, has also given prominence to the Makkal Sakthi (people’s power) movement which sprang to life following the Nov 25 mammoth rally organised by the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf)”.

  42. “After his statement was recorded, Khalid accompanied Dr Wan Azizah, Azmin and Yahya to the Selangor police headquarter at 3pm and all four left an hour later. The three were interviewed separately and each gave a statement that lasted from 30 to 45 minutes.”

    All is well that ends well??

  43. undergrad2 Says:

    Today at 08: 10.48 (2 hours ago)
    Readers must know we’re talking about ping-pong diplomacy of the 60s when Richard Nixon visited China.

    – Oh, is that so? Where does Rose Chan come in or was she in the entourage?

  44. Sore losers, the move against Makkal Osai is hardly surprising. Yes I agree Nades and Fenandez may be next.

    Hamid Albar can close down all mainstream media for all we care. Despite the unfair reporting against the opposition(Pakatan Rakyat), and tens of millions of ringgit spent on advertisment in nst, star, utusan and nanyang etc, it made no difference, the rakyat still voted against them resulting in 5 States opting in favour of PR govt.

  45. The BN still believe in the out-dated mode of communication and that they can brain wash people by controlling the mass media and by removing messengers that speak truth. Truly pathetic!

    Every PR service centre must have a PC and printer. Educate people, especially those in the heartland and states under BN rule, to surf the Internet to read non-msm news and commentaries. Otherwise the PR service centre should print or photocopy non-msm news and commentaries and circulate them free to people.

    Educate people and prepare them for the next political tsunami!

  46. OMG! All of you still read the government tabloits?! Get in the groove and read the net. Isnt it why we are here to see another side of the big picture? Its not hard to put two and two together and see whats staring in your face. Internet is a godsend… cant wait what the garment (government) will come up with to bottle up this loophole of no holds barred opinions. Well thank the gods I am a tech guy, I do hope they know the internet are like roaches… it can never stay dead. Long live the internet!

  47. How much of these Rose Chan, mini skirts and tank tops as well as Malay girls rolled up their sarongs just above the breasts things are due purely to our own doing, i.e. the M force or whatever? Did global resurgence of Islam especially after the Iranian revolution as well as PAS’s forever “piousness” play a part too?

  48. This may be –

    BN Sandiwara – later on MIC or/and UMNO big guns will become hero in approving the publication permit

    Knowing of the great impact of march 8th Tsunami, it is comitting suicide by creating this as an extra issue to Indian ethnic.

  49. Why are we so sure that the replacement of AAB will be protective of M legacy? After all didn’t M appoint AAB thinking that everything is going to the alright? After 22 years in power, he thinks he can do no wrong. He blames AAB alright. The reality is if he had appointed N as his successor in 2004, the March 8 2008 results would still be not much of the difference. Do we really think N would have done things differently? It is the decadent of whole UMNO, not just one or two of its leaders. UMNO must reach the bottom before there is any hope of rejuvenation, irrespective of whether the majority now in UMNO belong to force 1 or force 2 as described by Jeffrey.

  50. Chong Zhemin may be right. It’s possible if the 5 State goverment has the will to go ahead. Under Printing Press and Publication Act, state governments are exempted from licensing under PPPA.

  51. Yeah, the General Election-12 was all about rejecting BN/Umno for their arrogance, incompetence, corruption and judiciary rot. Even if my dog was put a candidate, she would have won a seat, hands down!

    To blame AAB is convenient. Infact the whole bunch of them should go. I just can’t wait for Pakatan Rakyat to bulldoze them down all the way.

  52. Mamakz wanna demonstrate in Penang.
    No matter its the mamakz right.
    Mamakz sakti!!

    Guang Eng says no corrupt NEP
    PKR wanna have dinner/gathering at private club.
    NO way.broke the unjust law.Must make statement.
    Politz must investigate
    Politz sakthi!!

    Makkal Osai gives opposition coverage.
    No way.seditious.harmful to the government.
    Albar Sakti!!

  53. All claims that Malaysia, our beloved country, is a democracy sound like rubbish.

    Zero tolerance for dissenting views.
    Zero tolerance for different opinions.
    Zero tolerance for being yourself.
    Zero tolerance for being different.
    Zero tolerance for opposition.
    Zero tolerance for ‘no-man’. (as opposed to yes-man)
    Zero tolerance for standing up to your basic rights.
    Zero tolerance for not conforming.

    And yet the people up there always claim to be fair to all and upholding the Federal Constitution.

    Well, let the people be the judge.

    Oops…wondering if the ISA would be used against me for just voicing my views….better shhhh..

  54. I say again…PR MUST topple the faggot BN government if we are to even inch ahead. BN was and never will be for the people. Forget what you read in MSM. Actions speak louder than words. So far only PR states are working. BN government still fighting amongst themselves for self preservation. Nothing will move in M’sia till end of 2008. Bless us all!

  55. These people really dont understand. The more they do the more hatre they get. During the result of the election and until now there are not much of coverage on the winning party and even so they don’t publicize the whole truth but only a little bit there and here. You think we are very stupid leaving in zaman purba. Even the housewife and grandmother know how to use internet lah. BODOH. So you people who likes to shut down there and here, better shut down the internetlah, BODOH.

  56. I am sorry, i think i did not make mayself very clear earlier. I repost here:
    How much of “things” we reminiscence, like Rose Chan, mini skirts and tank tops as well as Malay girls rolled up their sarongs just above the breasts are due purely to our own doing, i.e. the M force or whatever? Did global resurgence of Islam especially after the Iranian revolution as well as PAS’s forever “piousness” play a part too?

  57. I still maintain that religious values should not intrude on the private lives of citizens and Article 3 of our Constitution did not open the door to it!

    I think our constitution allows us the choice of spending the evening with Rose Chan and her snake or the serpent, the apple and the Tree of Knowledge.

  58. It was proven beyond any doubt that controlling all the media could not cover all the one sided lies thrown to the Malaysian public, so I wonder why the need to ban any paper? Is it so that the Indians could only read those papers published by Samy?
    It is really an act of futility by someone bankrupt of better ideas to serve the nation! Those who you could lead by the nose couldnot read anyway; and among those who can read and write they will prefer the newer media. So why waste the energy and creating indignation doing such superficial action?
    It is sure sign of desperation in action by a party to whom we have had given 50 years of our time and life with an expectation that was eventually destroyed through arrogance and deceits. Nothing less!!

  59. So it beats me what the 4 big posters with the words “BUAT KERJA” hanging on the outside of the KL Courts complex really mean. Does it imply that the civil servants and judges within this complex will only begin working NOW, as they were all SLEEPING previously? This amounts to a self confession of the incapabilities of these people within and if senior judges working within this building saw what I saw, they should demand that this STUPID posters be taken down immediately!!!!

  60. The more the govt bans, the more the rakyat will want to see & hear fr the alternative media – internet.

    If the govt didn’t ban Namewee, we would not know & we will not visit You-tube to watch.

    When the BN govt thought they are smart confiscating Malaysiakini’s computers etc etc, Malaysiakini became famous & is a key media to help BN lose badly in this GE.

    So BN – continue your mistakes, it won’t take long before you will be out of Parliment.

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