Send Uthayakumar to IJN – Abdullah should heed the plea of his mother

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi should heed the plea of Hindraf leader P. Uthayakumar’s mother, K. Kalaivaniy, 64, to allow her son to be admitted to the National Heart Institute to deal with his deteriorating health.

Alternatively, Uthayakumar should be admitted to any private hospital of her choice as she is willing to bear the cost of the medical treatment and not burden the authorities with the medical bills.

It is not good enough for the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar to dismiss widespread concerns about Uthayakumar’s health claiming that there is no truth in claims that Internal Security Act (ISA) detainees at the Kamunting detention centre were being deprived of proper medical attention.

His assurance that ISA detainees will never be denied nor deprived of their right to receive proper medical treatment, is neither satisfactory nor acceptable as it is given from his air-conditioned office and has no relationship with what is actually happening in the detention centres to the detainees.

As a ISA detainee twice, I can speak with some authority that medical treatment for ISA detainees especially in sensitive cases like that of Uthayakumar, who is a diabetic with many grave complications, were often unsatisfactory.

Uthayakumar and the other four Hindraf leaders, newly-elected Selangor DAP State Assemblyman for Kota Alam Shah A. Manoharan V. Ganabatirau, R. Kenghadharan and T. Vasantha Kumar should have been released immediately and unconditionally after the March 8 “political tsunami” vindicating their cause for Makkal Sakti and an end to the long-standing marginalization of the Malaysian Indians in the country.

Every day the five Hindraf leaders are incarcerated under the ISA in Kamunting detention centre is a daily proof that Abdullah and his government have yet to fully get the message of the Malaysian voters in the March 8 “political tsunami” that the Barisan Nasional government should end its abuses of power and human right abuses to crack down on dissent.

Until their release , the Prime Minister must ensure that Uthayakumar and the other ISA detainees are given prompt and proper medical treatment, particularly for those suffering acute and sensitive ailments like Uthayakumar.


39 Replies to “Send Uthayakumar to IJN – Abdullah should heed the plea of his mother”

  1. I remember Anwar was admitted to GH while he served his jail sentence. Why ISA detainees are not allowed to go to GH for some serious medical condition?

    What happen is a detainee die while under ISA? Who is responsible?

    Watch the video on April 14 sent a chill up my back, a good chill!

    Shiok Guy

  2. Dear YB Lim,

    Can I use your forum to look for volunteer? You can delete my posting if you think it is not appropriate.

    Parents’ Resource for Autism is an NGO in Malaysia helping parents of autistic child. I am one of the parent who has a son suffering from autism, actually both my sons are.

    We are having an Art Exhibition from 20-26 April 10am-10pm in The Pavilion KL. We need volunteer to help man the exhibition in the following time slot, 10am-2pm, 2pm-6pm and 6pm-10pm.

    We do provide meal and transport allowance as token of appreciation, not a lot OK!

    Visit here..
    or from my blog

    I need confirmation latest by tomorrow evening.
    Thank you

    Shiok Guy

  3. Whoever the one who put those Hindraf 5 in the ISA should be dealt severely ‘cos they’re worse than the devil.
    My only wish is for God, be it Allah, Jesus, Buddha of whatever to condemn these sort of people to hell!
    If these people really believe in the existence of god, they won’t have the heart to do such an act.
    Who are they fooling anyway???

  4. Evil man will only do evil thing. ISA is the worst that this evil man can used to safeguard himself. A so call religious man using his had-whatever-dari to silent opponent.

    They have proof but cannot use it to charge them in court or is it really that there are nothing against them but to save their own face they have to hold them as long as they can without losing face.

    GE 13 – No matter what, we must ensure that umno bn do not regain the power like they had for the past fifty years.

  5. Pak Lah has no right to condemn Tun M for his ISA abuses if he has no guts to release the Hindraf 5 who are political prisoners rather than security threats!

    I may forgive Pak Lah for his weak leadership and directionlessness but I cannot forgive and will not forgive Pak Lah for his heartlessness and inhumanity, the same that I would not and cannot forgive Tun M for his cruelty and human rights abuses under all sorts of hypocritical and diabolical guises. When a man fails to have the heart of a man but adopt the ways of animals and give free range to such base instincts, then they deserve nothing but the utter contempt of all right-thinking and decent folks.

  6. Judging from the way they handled LGE on his first victory speech in Penang & how the police are after PKR leaders & the Indian papers, one can’t help smelling vengeance coming from BN.
    The sooner PR can form the Federal government, the less the rakyat will suffer from the on coming “punishment” from BN.

  7. I wonder why SIL has been very quiet lately?
    Perhaps DAP can take a court order to allow a specialist go to Kamunting and examine Uthayakumar? If that doesnt work, perhaps we can submit a memorandum to UN to interfere – as refusing to give medical treatment to a person in need is againts the very basic of human rights..

  8. The way the Malaysian government behaves and the administering of ISA by the Home Minister against the detainees is no better than the Guantanamo in Cuba by American. They all preached Human Rights on the surface, and underneath, threw all the basic human & civil rights into the wind.


    The government is repeating their mistake similar to this case.

    I believe that they want Uthayakumar to be silenced permanently.

    How much longer can he suffer? We cannot presume to understand the amount of pain he has to go through without medical treatment.

    I consider this as an intentional act of torture. The people must voice up to stop this after what he sacrificed for this country.

  10. Please heed the call of an old mother if the Minister concerned has a mother! Don’t be arrogant, be fearful of God’s punishment.

    Considering their arrogance, Kadazan in Sabah, and Dayak in Sarawak must demand for Kadazan and Dayak CM respectively immediately; they are the major native of the respective land when they were invited as one of the 4 partners (Malaya, Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak) to form Malaysia. With the divide and rule and Ketuanan Melayu strategy, they had been displaced in their own native land! Shame on the Kadazan and Dayak leaders. They should leave BN and join PR and getting ready for the CM post in the next state election. This is a major step undone to correct the unfair situation in the 2 east Malaysian states.

  11. BN is suffering from cancer now. It also needs medical attention or else it will be sent to meet Satan in the hell.

    I am thoroughly disappointed with BN. May God condemn it. I feel sad for the inaction of BN to treat Uthayakumar.

    It is hoped that Hindraf 5 will be released asap as their detention was unlawful and unfair. I dare BN to bring them to court immediately.

  12. Pak Lah, we can’t make heads or tails of your actions. On one hand, you express your intention to be fair, on the other, you act in a manner that can only be interpreted as arrogant and abusive.

    Please allow Uthayakumar to receive proper treatment, instead of just announcing that detainees are never deprived of proper treatment. Your actions will speak more for you than all your words put together.

    Please do not be vindictive, do not take out your vengeance out on the Hindraf detainees, even though they may have play a large part in creating the turmoil you are going through now.

    It is better to be remembered for compassion and fairness than to be known for cunningness and deviousness.

  13. PM, you have got to change!

    This is not a one man’s decision, it must be the consensus reached by the cabinet. But as the PM, AAB should cast his deciding vote here. Under extraordinary circumstances and in special cases, the top man should seize the occasions to set the direction and the tone the cabinet is to take. He is the leader, he gets the accolades when things turn out to be right, and he, too get to shoulder a larger portion of the blame when things turn out bad. AAB should know by now this is his greatest weakness. He should know by now the rakyat will not allow anyone to absolve oneself of blame by pleading consensual decisions.

    MM was very good at this and he was seen as effective and decisive. PM, you have got to change!

  14. If anything untoward happens to Uthayakumar , you will be nailing the last nail in your political coffin.

    Malaysians, lets act in concerted effort to convince your UMNO friends to kick AAB hell out of his office.

  15. “The way the Malaysian government behaves and the administering of ISA by the Home Minister against the detainees is no better than the Guantanamo in Cuba by American.” shortie kiasu

    Allow me to expand on that a little.

    The U.S. government has been able to do that because they classified Guantanamo detainees as enemy combatants and held them outside continental U.S. and are not subject to due process and do not have 5th Amendment rights under their Constitution. However, some of these are now being brought to trial.

    It is worse in the case of Malaysia. We have laws that allow our government to detain citizens without charge or trial.

  16. To the hell yeah pak lah!!! most of the nation doesn’t even understand the language that you spoke in the media….. cakap lain bikin lain…. penipu rakyat….

    You are still wearing the same mask and same old sarong…… before GE12 and after now you have lost 5 states…. you still wanetd to rules this country….can’t you wake up …half off the nation has rejected your pathetic weak management skill..and you masih tak rasa menyesal….malu ke….

  17. Why no more candle light vigil, is it because the general election was over? What do we do if we can’t fight for them in court or we can’t reason or plead on their behalf? I feel that PAS has nothing almost nothing thus far.

  18. Where the hell is the sense of HUMANITARIANISM in our leaders in office?

    Humanitarianism transcends all borders. It is colourless and deaf to any sort of bigotry, political affiliation or inclination, religious belief, skin type, time and space.

    Will those responsible for putting just anyone in Kamunting under the sweeping powers of ISA or its equivalent in disguise, wake up to the calls to allow any detainee who is found to suffer from SERIOUS medical conditions to seek APPROPRIATE medical attention?????

    Failure to do so IS tantamount to MURDER! Or could be charged as having ill intentions, whatever it may be.

    The immediate minister responsible for affairs relating to holding detainees under ISA should wake up and do all that is deemed necessary, failing which ALL MALAYSIANS who are of sound mind should demand his removal and have him face appropraite legal actions. Everyone has the right to medical attention. Third party doctors should be allowed to visit the detainees to ascertain their actual medical conditions.

    Malaysians, of certain affiliations, so to say, reacted very quickly whenever there is a disaster or tragedy anywhere in the world, and claim to have done so unashamedly and to have achieved a record of some sorts -“The first to be there”, “The first to provide medical relief”, etc., etc. They would condemn so-and-so to be unfair and cruel ( just like a pot calling a kettle black ), They would try to mediate between political rivals in other countries.

    However, back in our very own backyard, things are different. One can just wonder why? They can show concern when AUNG San Sukyi is sick ( which is rightly done), but can easily disregard when some political detainee here in Kamunting needs immediate medical attention.

    Well, let the person responsible answer. And let the people judge for themselves. Seems like the people’s voices are not heard. The results of 3/8GE2008 have not sink in as yet, it seems. Or rather it is unimportant, comparing to the survival of a particular political party. It sure smacks of arrogance and utter disregard.

  19. The Rakyat gave the mandate to the government to rule, and rule it must! And do the necessary, for goodness sake!

    Religion taught us compassion. It taught us virtues. It is universal. It taught us to be responsible and kind. It taught us to be humble. Religion, in any name, transcends colours, creeds and beliefs.

    What more to call oneself a follower of a particular religion and to have been devout at that! Seems like some people do not practise what they preach. What hypocrites they are!

    Well, let good sense prevail. Can’t we put aside any discrimination and behave like grown-ups? We can’t be models to our kids who are watching our every moves, can we?

  20. If anything “bad’ happens to Uthayakumar, Pak Lah (by the way is this what that Hadari thingy is all about?) & Syad Hamid Albar will forever have his “blood” on thier hands.
    They will pay, one way or another, either in this life or the after life!

  21. This is something that makes me feel sick to my stomach. Nevermind the politic. This is a human’s life we’re talking about. Let him get the proper treatment. I can feel the pain of his mother. It’s unbearable. This is humanity at the lowest level.

  22. Ahhh, I see now! By denying Uthayakumar proper treatment, by keeping the HINDRAF 5 under ISA & by suspending that Tamil Language Paper’s Licence we are seeing the “immenient judcial reforms” being implemented!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. again and again the Umnoputeras are showing that they are nothing but inhumane morons, parasites and scumbags of this bumi, these vermins must be rid off forever. that day i hope is not too far away, for i await to rejoice that moment.

  24. Uncle Lim, DSAI, Tok Guru; the ball is in your court. Do what ever necessary to get the remaining seats to form the necessary seat to form the goverment. Kick these revengeful regim out.

    Enough….we had enough of these regim….Please….Please do this for those who have place the trust in Pakatan Rakyat. These Uthaya started the ball rolling for the Makkal Sakthi and later boom into the political tsunami….please I beg you 3 guys. Please save him….please save us….please save MALAYSIA.

  25. I think it is time to go to our beloved Agong for his help in this matter. We are talking about a Malaysian life here. Is this the attitude of a civilised nation or society? Yet, we (our gov) criticise others about it. Look at our own backyard first.

    If anything tragic happens, the gov will have to bear the legal consequences & be held responsible for it.

    Btw, has anyone come out with a book on our historical, sociological & ethnic roots…something like ‘origins of the Malaysian’…Could be an interesting research…? Believe there are many historical facts not disclosed or can be made out “alive” in our school textbooks.

  26. If anything untoward happens to Uthayakumar , i curse that the home minister syed albar will get massive heart attack and will be a vegetable for the rest of his life , bluddy botak fatso inhumane moron.

  27. PM will not budge unless he feels the pressure.
    Anyone has any idea what to do?
    We are just grumbling on a blog
    PM might now even know how to switch on a computer.
    How is he going to feel/get any pressure to release the HIN=5?

    Does anyone have a concrete plan or deadline?
    Are we just going to wait and see what happens while they rot in Kamunting?
    DAP, Mano is your elected rep. What are you going to do?
    With his election win, you have gained a seat.
    Now what?

  28. It is the making of a martyr , a hero fully grass root malaysian hero, and sleepy head is helping to make it happen, they another one in the making , pending hearing in Penang…somehow the system is playing with time and waiting for him to die before his hearing.

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