Questions about the charging of ex-sessions judge for falsifying document

Last Friday, former sessions court judge Zunaidah Mohd Idris was produced in the Raub sessions court where she had sat as presiding judge from 2004 to 2005 and charged with falsifying a document written by magistrate Nurul Mardhiah Redza in relation to a drug case in the magistrate’s court.

Zunaidah, 48, pleaded not guilty to committing the offence in her chambers on Sept. 14, 2005.

If convicted, Zunaidah can be sentenced to seven years’ jail and fined. She was released on RM2,000 bail and the hearing fixed for July 8.

Without getting into the merits of the charge, the prosecution handling of the case has raised questions.

Firstly, deputy public prosecutor Mohamad Hanafiah Zakaria told the court the prosecution would be conducted by prosecution division head of the Attorney-General’s Chambers Datuk Mohd Yusof Zainal Abiden.

This has raised eyebrows and question why the head of the Attorney-General’s Chambers is conducting the prosecution of this comparatively minor case when neither he nor the Attorney-General is conducting the prosecution in the high-profile Mongolian Altantunya Shariibuu murder trial with its far reaching political and good governance implications. Continue reading “Questions about the charging of ex-sessions judge for falsifying document”

Fate of 200 doctors from unscheduled universities

by Unrecognised doctors

The Star, published an article, “Flunked doctors have a chance”, dated April 10, 2008. We were very saddened to know, that the Health Minister and the Director General of Health, have failed to understand the plight of our situation. This issue should not be treated as a platform for showing ones power or a battle of egos, or a money making scam.

Many of us have graduated from the year 1992. We all have families to support, and not having a steady income, to come up with the finances yet again for this purpose is not only near impossible but even unreasonable. Even if we are helped by the government giving us loans, for those of us who have passed and received our medical degrees over 15 years ago, to go for a compulsory course of 3 years, then sit for the final exam, only to become a houseman seems unfair and impractical. After this process, one has to slave for 2 years as a houseman, and 3 years as a medical officer, and then is eligible for permanent registration. Many of us will be near retirement age, and this proposal seems unrealistic. We seem to be getting the shorter end of the stick, and come to you for support. Continue reading “Fate of 200 doctors from unscheduled universities”

Reflections on Malaysia’s Economic Progress and Wealth Distribution: Some Key Questions to Policy Makers (3)

By Dr Teck-Yong Eng

5. What measures have the government put in place to explore and exploit Malaysia’s strategic and cultural position of two major growing economies in Asia, India and China?

Malaysia’s foreign economic policy with regards to India and China remains relatively under tapped from a strategic viewpoint. Despite our geographical proximity, advantage of language and cultural similarity, and established networks with commonwealth countries (serve as potential economic and business conduits), there is no evidence of systematic economic initiatives in helping Malaysian businesses to see the bigger picture of economic rewards and how Malaysia could leverage its economic position. Continue reading “Reflections on Malaysia’s Economic Progress and Wealth Distribution: Some Key Questions to Policy Makers (3)”

Reflections on Malaysia’s Economic Progress and Wealth Distribution: Some Key Questions to Policy Makers (2)

By Dr Teck-Yong Eng

2. Have ordinary citizens benefited from the period of economic boom or growth from the mid to late 1990s? If not, what went wrong and what lessons can be drawn to prevent such recurrence?

Unfortunately, only a minority of people reaped the rewards of the long gone boom period in the Asia region. Again, most would argue that this is due to deeply entrenched corruption, nepotism and cronyism in awarding projects, siphoning state resources, and misusing funds and abusing of power. I would refrain from the topic of corruption and clean governance to focus on economic and wealth distribution. Continue reading “Reflections on Malaysia’s Economic Progress and Wealth Distribution: Some Key Questions to Policy Makers (2)”

Reflections on Malaysia’s Economic Progress and Wealth Distribution: Some Key Questions to Policy Makers (1)

By Dr Teck-Yong Eng

The People have delivered their verdict on the recent Malaysia’s 12th general election and it is time for all bickering about political rhetoric to take a back seat. In the midst of chaotic restructuring and constant backstabbing of politicians, the opposition could lose focus on turning the election manifestos into reality and serving the people.

Economic wellbeing and progress of the nation is one of the main reasons for the people’s dissatisfaction with the ruling government (BN), which transpired to a historic election defeat.

In a crude sense, our economic malaise especially economic and wealth distribution is not the sole responsibility of the current PM but has been simmering under the various positive headlines with politically motivated agenda of the previous premier. Continue reading “Reflections on Malaysia’s Economic Progress and Wealth Distribution: Some Key Questions to Policy Makers (1)”