ISA release of Hindraf 5 – first post-March 8 test for MCA, MIC, Gerakan

The refusal of the Home Minister, Datuk Syed Hamid Albar to release newly-elected Selangor DAP State Assemblyman for Kota Alam Shah and four other Hindraf leaders, P. Uthayakumar, V. Ganabatirau, R. Kenghadharan and T. Vasantha Kumar from Internal Security Act (ISA) detention should bring Malaysians back to reality – that the second Abdullah administration has not really heard the voice of the people in the March 8 political tsunami for change towards a more democratic, accountable, just and progressive Malaysian society.

Hamid’s explanation is completely unacceptable. He said: “We cannot simply react to political parties’ calls. We have to give priority to public safety and peace and will give due consideration only if there is no threat to national security.”

This is because the ISA detention of the five Hindraf leaders last December – purportedly linking them with “terrorist organizations” which have proved to be completely baseless – was the result of calls by Barisan Nasional component parties, particularly Umno and MIC, and had nothing whatsoever to do with national security.

Having myself being detained twice for a total of 35 months under the ISA, I can vouch that ISA detentions had been used as political instruments to suppress dissent which have no relationship whatsoever with national security – and the ISA detention of the five Hindraf leaders fall directly under this category!

The first Cabinet meeting last Wednesday created all-round national disappointment as there were no positive indications that the second Abdullah administration would be a reformist one, to fulfill the Prime Minister’s many reform pledges – though four years late.

Proposals for far-reaching judicial reforms to address the two-decade long subversion of the independence, integrity and quality of the judiciary came up against a stonewall in the Cabinet – where even the unsatisfactory and inadequate proposal by the de facto Law Minister, Datuk Zaid Ibrahim that the government should apologise to the judges who were victims of the 1988 judicial crisis could find no acceptance.

Hamid’s refusal to release Manoharan, Uthayakumar, Ganabatirau, Kenghadharan and Vasantha Kumar from ISA detention despite the very clear desire of the Malaysian voters is the second solid proof that Abdullah’s claim that he has heard the “message” of the people in the March 8 political tsunami – that “Point made and point taken” – is clearly not the case.

After the March 8 political tsunami, the other Barisan Nasional component parties, particularly MCA, MIC and Gerakan had blamed UMNO for their electoral debacle – declaring that they would no longer stay silent against the arrogant, undemocratic and unjust policies and attitudes forced on them by Umno Ministers and leaders.

Let the immediate and unconditional release of the Manoharan and the other four Hindraf leaders from ISA detention be the first test of MCA, MIC and Gerakan post-March 8 political tsunami:

• firstly, whether the MCA, Gerakan and MIC Ministers and Deputy Ministers are prepared to ask the Cabinet next Wednesday to end the ISA abuse and detention of the five Hindraf leaders; and

• secondly, whether MCA, Gerakan and MIC national leaderships are prepared to submit a joint memorandum to the Prime Minister for the immediate and unconditional release of the Hindraf five from ISA.


74 Replies to “ISA release of Hindraf 5 – first post-March 8 test for MCA, MIC, Gerakan”

  1. ISA may be necessary in post 9/11 era but it must be subject to judicial review whereby a judge must be satisfied there is sufficient evidence to warrant further detention.

    Now it is based just on the whims and fancies of the Interior Minister who can put you away for 2 years and the world knows nothing about your existence.

    It appears that the authorities are hardening their stance towards dissenters.

  2. UMNO is on a teetertotter and paralysed. They can`t do anything:

    On the other hand, a ’no confidence’ motion in Parliament carried through followed by OBE’s resignation from the PMship opens the way for the Agong to appoint as PM someone who, in His Majesty’s view, commands the confidence of the majority of the Dewan Rakyat.

  3. “We cannot simply react to political parties’ calls. ”

    This explanation by Hamid betrays the real reason for the refusal to release the detainees and not on any real threats to national security. This messed up Govt. knows it has screwed up big time by detaining the Hindraf 5 due to a knee jerk reaction when “Big Ears” wanted to act tough and act out his “..I do not like to be challenged” boast instead of looking at the problem in a rational manner and resolve it amicably. Having painted themselves into a corner , they have no way to back out graciously now. And instead of admitting their mistake and do the right thing by releasing the five, it will be even harder for them to bring themselves to release them due to calls by the Opposition.

  4. There’s an obvious reason why they put Syed Hamid at the helm of Interior Ministry. He is a rightist. When Parliament convenes, he’s going to get a bashing from the Opposition to support his reason why he thinks Hindraf 5 are security threat and what proof he has that they are linked to terrorist groups. If he is unable to support the official stand, he should push for their release.

  5. It seems that only those who have been jailed and tortured would become great politicians in boleh. Or it was because they were great politicians, thus they were tortured? This jail, where many great politicians stayed, should become a historical monument. It will be like the jail where Nelson Mandela once stayed. The funny thing is, however, this kind of jail is for keeping the person who have done the right thing, i.e., fighting for justice and freedom.

  6. Sdr Lim, you mentioned, firstly and secondly,…. may I add one more, thirdly, if the first and second failed – all MCA, Gerakan and MIC representations in the Administration resign en bloc.

  7. PM and his gang fail to grasp the voice of the people. They remain stuborn. ISA , as well as the NEP is a product of its time and is no longer applicable now. Go read the history book again!

    Communist’s threat is over. What national security is he talking about? On what basis is he talking like that? Street demonstrators are peace-loving people who never in their mind think of causing national calamity.

    But, all is not lost if MIC,MCA,Gerakan,PPP etc stand up and shout into PM’s ear to make him listen what the rakyat wants.

  8. Looking forward to the day that this BN UMNO thing will be bye bye forever. If BN UMNO want to commit suicide… be it. Its better that way. BN SUPP will be next. OLD WAY. OLD HOPE. Sayonora BN UMNO SUPP.

  9. MCA, MIC, GERAKAN, PPP, PBDS,SUPP , PBS and others should be independant of their UMNO masters. Support UMNO if they are doing the right thing and stand up for your rights and tell them off if you think they are mischeivous.

    Dont be pondans in the cabinet and use the BN spirit and BN channels as excuses for being impotent. People dont buy this kind of sissy excuses anymore.

    By keeping quiet and accomodating all UMNO’s dirty childish stupid racist tactics, the components have lost support and seats.

    Now that Ong Ka Ting, Samy Vellu, Koh Tsu Koon and Kayveas are out of the cabinet they should show themselves to be true leaders of the people and champion the peoples rights and not champion their own narrow selfish rights

  10. ISA is an absolutely “SAKAI” law, meant only for “uncivilized” people. Its existence is long overdue and defies natural justice where “one is innocent until proven guilty” but this draconian law pronounces you guilty and you have to prove your innocence.

  11. To all who love this country, it is extremely sad
    to see our Federal Govt. still does not hear
    the voice of Rakyat. Really pain in the heart
    to see that we have people like those who
    still manage our country. Think deeply what
    they have done to rakyat, we will really
    drop tears.

    WHY…GOD??? Why does our country
    have such people who simply mis-use
    the power and think that RAKYAT got
    no eye to see REAL Facts, no ear to hear the
    RIGHT Truth & no brain to analyze
    the REAL Situation??!!!

    I beg you GOD or if there is any alien
    around too, please use your magic
    power to wake more people up in
    this country and vote for PKR-DAP-PAS
    in the next election.

    So, we don’t need to suffer and have
    such BN govt to lead us anymore
    forever! YES, FOREVER. We really
    don’t need a govt. like that who
    does not respect and listen to

    GOD & Aliens… if you were really
    out there, please help save this
    country. Really desperate & sad!

  12. as expected- the mullah will only reform to getting a deeper sleep. isa is is a tool used by bn to suppress the truth and any form of opposition to the government. isa should be abolish completely. thanks you uncle lim for raising the issues in the parliament though these buggers don’t seem to get it. whats more important is that we can see your intentions to uphold what is right though it may fall on deaf ears

  13. Gerakan has already voiced out for the release of the Hindraf 5.

    MCA’s Ong KT has just announced that their party will change its “lying low” public image and will speak up in a responsible,fair & correct attitude & manner to channel the voice of the people.
    Lets see if Ong KT meant what he said and will come out and make known publicly their official stand on this Hindraf 5.

    If BN continues to ignore voices coming from their own cmponent parties, MCA & Gerakan should seriously re examine where they should really belong instead of just waiting for the bread crumbs to fall from the master’s now “collapsing” table.

  14. It would appear that in making this call, YB Lim is delivering a timely double blow to BN.
    He is rubbing salt into the wounds for mini-MIC, y?-MCA and emptycan-Gerakan who after the severe punishment meted out to them on GE8308 will have nowhere to prop their faces. They have never even been heard during a cabinet meeting (call that representation!!) let alone have to take a stand and submit a joint memorandum to PM calling for the release of H5. This would be a tall order, indeed.
    Inevitably, the longer the bodoh-UMNO-Minister Datuk Syed Hamid Albar takes in working towards the release of H5 especially the new Selangor DAP ADUN, willingly or otherwise, the deeper and more permanent will be the rakyats’ resentment and despise towards AAB regime which is blindly ape-ing the cold cruel iron hand glove of ISA so gleefully and mercilessly donned by the oh-I’m-innocent despotic mamak.

  15. If they are good MPs who see the plight of the people and who had wished to be able to affect change from within BN but to no avail and were simply sidelined & muted all these years, is it not then a good time for them to throw in their towels and also say “enough is enough”?
    Will we see a change of Federal government very soon instead of having to wait for another 5 long suffering years ?

  16. “Gerakan has already voiced out for the release of the Hindraf 5.”

    But we don`t have any news on their Youth Chief (Paranjothy) who has been brought before the Disciplinary Comittee on instructions on instructions of UMNO – to be sacked for saying that UMNO was the root cause of racial problems.

    So Gerakan is still playing a double game.

  17. If Gerakan, MCA and MIC have anymore decency left in them (assuming that is) and if they are worth their salt at all, they should QUIT from the ruling coalition BN. If not for the pocket-lining ‘crumbs’ thrown at them, it is just inconceivable for anybody to continue drag themselves through indignity and have their noses plough through slime and mud just for the charade called UMNO.
    No hide-and-seek or double-talk will be saving the day for them. Just get out, lick their wounds, recuperate and regroup. Perhaps some time later, in a different political landscape in Malaysia hopefully, they can TRY to re-emerge.

  18. Malaysia’s Beauty only Skin Deep – A Nomad

    This article was written by a traveller and an expat who had lived in Malaysia.

    Malaysia is a great country! Unspoiled beaches, excellent diving spots, mountains surrounded by misty fog, exotic fauna and flora and a healthy, vast rain forest are attracting plenty of visitors. Islands like Pulau Langkawi, Tioman, Penang, the Perhentians or locations like Genting Highlands have a legendary reputation with travelers.

    The country embraced tourism already many years ago and the slogan “Malaysia – truly Asia” will ring in your ears forever; once you saw the mesmerizing advertising campaigns on CNN, BBC or other global TV stations.

    However, Malaysia’s politics were never that idyllic and recent years were no exception:

    What happened so far?

    For details visit my blog

    Also in my blog:

    Tony Pua (MP PJU) – Even A Cow Could Have Won

    The US sub-prime crisis in graphics – Part 2

    The US sub-prime crisis in graphics – Part 1

    The Malay Struggle – Please Explain


    To Hear and To Listen

  19. Sir,

    This five persons are consider ‘lucky’ (my apology) compare to the others who had detained before, Why?
    They are giving fully support from the indian communities nationwide and not forget to mentioned the DAP lawyer team. Even yourself and Sir Karpal Singh is personally attend and involved during the court.

    As compare to the detain of Sir and your saudara’s under the same act, who and which group of people are willing to do like your’s DAP team whereby most of your have been detain and lockup.

    Appreciate the DAP is here for them.

  20. The new BN administration seems to have 2 minds over his issue. On one hand, it wants to release the detainees but on the other hand, it doesn’t want to be seen as a pushover to the opposition and the NGOs.

    The problem is compounded by Syed Hamid Albar, being there as the Home minister. With his usual fumbling style, he confuses more than he clarifies !

    The self-proclaimed champion of Indian rights, the self-styled expert of Indian needs, should be now at the forefront fighting for the release. Could he be too modest to be seen as the first one calling for the release ! Someone else should take the lead then, and then, send him an invitation!

  21. AAB is still asleep and still does not hear the rakyat.

    When he challenged the rakyat against the gathering, the rakyat replied in full (peaceful force).

    When he challenged them to use the electoral box, they replied again.

    When they voted for Manoharan, the rakyat were yet again speaking to him, but he is still not listening. Has he so soon forgotten, that he serves the rakyat? Teh rakyat have voted for Manoharan, and who is he to deny the rakyat?

    This message has to be carried to a higher level!

    It’s time to petition the King and Sultans of Selangor and Perak, for the release of the Hindraf ISA-5.

  22. I, Pencil – The Miracle of Freedom, Life story of a Lowly Lead Pencil

    To summarize the philosophy of freedom and marvel a t the results, one must wonder at the mystery of the creation of so simple an item as a lead pencil. Here is a pencil’s story as told to one Leonard Read in 1958. The pencil’s official name is “Mongol 482.” Its many ingredients are assembled, fabricated, and finished in Eberhard Faber Pencil Company, Wilkes-Barre , Pennsylvania.

    This should be read by all government and party leaders past, present and future hopefuls.

    Read all at

  23. Vintage Syed Hamid Albar,

    Still thinking like lalang days…..forgetting March 8th’s voice of the nation.

    This is a time for reconciliation…..and remember that the next Home Affairs minister may be from BR.

    Mercy and grace is the order of the day. Harshness does not win hearts.

    DSHA, Please soften and say, “We will do our best to review the situation, now that the political situation is stable, and the Hindraf issue less hot.” It is a good time for reconciliation, healing….that is the way BN should go….to win back the hearts of the people, not continue in its old ways.

    Why does it take more than one `thrashing’ for lessons to be learnt? We welcome BN back, if it can change or can’t it ever?

    What is PL’s views, or does he have to wait for the next Cabinet meeting?

    A moderate Malaysian Malaysian speaking.

  24. I always believe that if one believes that he/she is doing the right thing, he’s not scared of being wronged. In this case, if indeed the government is doing a good job and take into account the views affecting all communities or will proactively do something about it, they should not worry about releasing the Hindraf members. Obviously, in this case, it’s not.

  25. Hello Syed hamid Albar ? Why did you not arrest your botherhood mamaks in Penang when they demonstrated , why the double standards ? To me you and your United Mamaks National Orginazation is a vintage piece of S H I T. Get a life along with some hair on your ugly moronic head.
    ( A pissed of Malaysian Speaking )

  26. Syed Hamid is such a mutt! WHere is the security threat posed by Manoharan?

    Does Syed Hamid think the people of Kota Alam Shah who voted for Mano are idiots to vote a terrorist to the state assembly?

    Hello, Syed, show some brains! And some guts – just say Mano is a political prisoner in the likes of Aung San Suu Kyii. If you’ve fought so vocally for Suu Kyii’s release, would u do the same for Manoharan or do u wish him to get the Nobel Prize for Peace before you move that big a##.

  27. I think someone should submit the names of the Hindraf 5 to the Nobel Peace Prize Committee in Oslo for their consideration. That should put Malaysia on the map for having 5 detainees win the NobelPeace Prize for their struggles of conscience for the rights of a minority.

  28. One4All4One Says:

    March 26th, 2008 (3 days ago) at 16: 08.07
    To hold The Hindraf 5 any longer is unlawful. The government should either charge them in a court of law now or release them unconditionally.

    What about those who demonstrated against the wishes of the sultan of Terengganu who happens to be the YDP Agong? What actions are taken against them?

    The Hindraf is just voicing out against social injustices. They meant no harm to anyone. In fact they meant well for society.

  29. LEt’s put things in the RIGHT perspective pleaseeee…shall we?

    MY goodness! What on earth is happening here in our beloved land? Really, it is so unbecoming of all who are involved and the power-that-be. What sort of politics are all of them playing? Don’t insult the intelligence of the rakyat, intentionally or unintentionally.

    We ARE above and beyond the standard and level of the game being played out. LEt’s put our inferiority/superiority complexes behind us, or if you would, just throw them out of your coloured windows.

    Hindraf 5. A threat? WHAT THREAT? You guys must be kidding. Political motive, perhaps. And a weak one at best. So that premise is unacceptable to any sound minded Malaysian.

    What next? Just because some political parties (have to be from the other side of the divide, of course) asked that they be released which makes it unacceptable. What weak argument here. It must be noted that the opposite divide represents a majority of the electorate. And the voice of the people, which is loud and clear, is to be taken into consideration. Hence, it is two (2) to nil (0) here, as far as the release of the H5 is concerned.

    WHat next to consider? Nothing. So, the vote had been taken. The ball is at the federal govt’s side.

    Just for reference: a senior police officer was alleged to have commited corruption by accepting a bribe of RM75k. But he is still being allowed to go on duty because , as the IGP said ‘he is innocent until proven otherwise in a cour of law.

    WEll , what about the H5? Are they already being proven guilty to be incarcerated? Where do the government stand in this matter? What about the judiciary? WHat about the Bar? What we hear is SILENCE. Thought the-power-that be subscribe to separation of power between that of the judiciary and the executive? This smacks of inteference.

    Comments please.

  30. Uncle kit,
    Keep up the pressure,this UMNO led govt are still living in the stone age.Who is the national threat?YB MANOGARAN won by the majority of 7650,it shows the people power support. The big ears PM is still snoring and ignoring the peoples verdict.The malaysians denied BN 2/3 majority bcoz of this arrogance.RELEASE THE 5 IMMEDIATELY!!!!

  31. When someone said that he is very open minded, 99.99% his mind is not open at all!!! just imagine some one says that he is a very humble person, do you think he is a very humble person?? similarly, AAb always says that he heard the voters message, do you think he really heard it??? he who heard the message loud and clear will carry out immediate action to rectify whatever that is not right.Read my lips!!! I predict BN will close shop in the next election if AAB continues his ways, he thinks that his way is Tun M’s way!!! sorry, it is no way!! but too bad that opposition needs to wait for another 4 to 5 years before they can form the next federal govn. unless something drastic happens before the next GE.

  32. Meanwhile, BN govn. continues to “eat” all they want before the next GE, as they know that it would be their last!!! Read my lips, there will be more and more mega projects to be carried out to drain the coffer of the country!!more and more contracts to be signed in secret (RAHSIA) into the future, 10, 20 or 50 years into the future, so that they can lock in their “profit” now than future, as they jolly good know that there will be no future for them!!!


    Post 9/11 many countries have adopted similar legislation. The U.S. Department of State has stopped calling for the repeal of this Act by the Malaysian government the way it did before 9/11. In fact the U.S. took a page out of Malaysia’s experience in combating terrorism when it passed its own equivalent now known as the U.S. Patriots Act and the Real ID Act. It even provided for the suspension of habeas corpus.

    The Brits introduced the legislation to British Malaya to help it fight terrorism which formally ended in 1960. The Brits are still fighting terrorism in Ireland and still have their Internal Security Act. Singapore has used its Internal Security Act to detain Islamic terrorists. Canada has introduced its own Anti-Terrorism Bill as many countries have done – post 9/11.

    Now that the world is fighting the worst form of terrorism, and against enemies who look upon death as a welcome release, it may not be wise to call for a complete repeal of a piece of legislation which has served us well during the Emergency years. We were then fighting a form of terrorism which did not espouse martyrdom – unlike today. Today the world is changed forever and we need to look at this kind of legislation through the colored prism of that singular event we refer to as 9/11.

    The original Internal Security Act had safeguards against abuse built into the Act which the BN government through their two-thirds control of the country’s Parliament saw it fit in 1985 to remove by way of amendments i.e. the all important right of judicial review. We had politicians since who fought the elections using campaign promises for a more free society and a more liberated and liberal media – only to claim to ‘see the light’ when they won the elections, making a token release of prisoners detained without charge and trial. Others are left to languish in prison to await the results of their rehabilitation into ‘more responsible’ citizens.

    Rather than abolish the ISA we should ‘abolish’ those who use it for purposes unintended by Parliament when it passed the law. It is important that we not throw the baby out with the bath water.
    Suffice it to say that the “evil” lies not in the legislation but in its arbitrary use and abuse.

  34. The MCA, MIC, GERAKAN and the other component parties in the BN are impotent even to speak up when injustice is seen to be done and HAS BEEN DONE TO THE HINDRAF 5.


    Are the eunuchs of the MCA, MIC, GERAKAN AND THE OTHER COMPONENT PARTIES OF THE BN too emasculated even to speak up?

  35. Hamid and Pak Lah are certainly still in their slumber land..

    1) “React to political parties’ calls?”

    What bout the ONE MILLION SIGNATURE petition? It is the voice of the rakyat, and it should be the thing that matters most!

    2) “give priority to public safety and peace…”

    If the HINDRAF Leaders are deemed to be as scary, threatenin’, and destructive as what BN has described, why did the ISA detainee has not only won, but won with big majority? Remb, the ballot is the expression of the rakyat voice.

    Are we not concern bout our own safety n peace to have voted someone associated with “terrorism” IN? C’mon BN, is time to come to ur senses and reliaties, dont use ur “bad means” to justify “good ends”. We’ve had enough! Rakyats are not as stupid as you. FREE THE HINDRAF 5!

    Btw, Uncle Lim, any chance to post the first cabinet on youtube? Cant wait!!

  36. The issue is not so much the release of some from a particular organization deemed as having links to terrorism but the release of all detained under the ISA. Charge them, release them on bail or release them unconditionally. Why should these people be denied their right to due process?

    “Having myself being detained twice for a total of 35 months under the ISA, I can vouch that ISA detentions had been used as political instruments to suppress dissent which have no relationship whatsoever with national security – and the ISA detention of the five Hindraf leaders fall directly under this category!” Kit

    You did not lead street protests in the nature of what we saw, and you did not appeal to a foreign government to interfere in what is essentially a domestic affair of a sovereign state; or base your struggle or draw your inspiration on the activities of a foreign organization supportive of terrorism. Or did you? Did you travel to China to get support of the Chinese government to stop the racial discrimination here? Or did you?

    Let all detainees be charged or released unconditionally and without bail.

  37. The govt. just wanted to redeem their pride since everyone has rejected them, the states Rakyat from the 5 states, and the royal family from Perlis & Terengganu. If they continue to detain the Hindraf 5 at least for some time, they can shows the opposition, look here what u guys can do? we are stil in power, we don’t give in to any s….t or threat!

    They don’t care even lawyer said is unconstitution, they can said the appointment of MB is unconstitution in Perlis & Terengganu, the use of ISA is also unconstitution but as long as within Pak Lah order, he will use it. Why Sultan can use his power to appoint MB? Now Pak Lah jus want to show rakyat he got power to use ISA even though the opposition has won but still there’s not much opposition can do, he don’t even care abt. YB Karpal Singth, YB LKS, and other opposition leaders plight to release them. I really feel sad, this guy is making me a Rakyat Malaysia want to fill the ISA detention camp so that they ran out the capacity. I suggest we have a big march if they continue like that, really unjust.


    They were just telling BN government the plight and sufferings of Indian in Malaysia. How could BN arrest them under the ISA just based on a police report implicating them with TTER terrorist group?

    So, if I make a police report alleging that Samy Vellu despoil the wealth of Malaysia and Indian, will Syed Hamid incarcerate Samy Vellu under the ISA?

    BN if you have evidence against them just prove it in court, if you do not do it you are just a castrated eunuch and coward.

  39. Wow…wonder who is the terror behind all these?
    Allegedly bought ACJ 319 VIP jet from Airbus costing between US$55 million and US$60 million, but denied the claim in January last year, saying that the government had only leased the aircraft from national carrier Malaysia Airlines Bhd and that that the plane was not for his use alone.

    Alleged by Turkish newspaper Hurriyet to have ordered a RM30 million super-luxury yacht in August 2006, alongside a claim that he had been in Bodrum to check on progress – Abdullah denied it and was mulling legal action against the newspaper.

    Initially linked to ownership of a RM60 million mansion in Perth, Australia, in April 2007 but subsequent reports quoting son-in-law Khairy Jamaluddin said the house belongs to the PM’s son, Kamaludin.

    Implicated in a UN agency independent report in the worldwide oil-for-food scandal involving Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, but denied doing anything more than signing papers endorsing people in business.The report traced payment of US$10 million by Mastek Sdn Bhd, originally registered as a sawn timber company and a dormant company revived by Abdullah’s sister-in-law Noor Asiah Mahmood, her ex-husband Faek Ahmad Shareef and businessperson Jaya Sudhir.

    Awarded the RM25 billion Penang Global City Centre project to Abad Naluri – a 25 percent-owned associate firm of Taman Equine which is wholly owned by developer Equine Capital, whose executive chairman Patrick Lim has close ties to Abdullah.

    Awarded the RM3.4 billion Penang monorail project to Penang Port and Scomi Group, in which Kamaludin holds the controlling stake; Scomi has also been refurbishing railway coaches for Malayan Railway, acting as contractors to Petronas and has reportedly made a bid for the Penang Second bridge project.

    In February 2004, BBC reported that Scomi subsidiary, Scomi Precision Engineering Sdn Bhd was making centrifuge for export to Libya, for nuclear devices. Two years later, the CEO and four executives of Mitutoyo Corporation were arrested by the Tokyo police for the connection of sale of equipment to Scomi, for the production of these centrifuge. Scomi disclaimed knowledge of the intended use of the parts.


    Sec. 11 of the Internal Security Act (ISA) allows for review all detentions by an independent board i.e. the Advisory Board. Currently, the recommendations by this Board are not binding on the government and are ignored.

    Since the Board is appointed by the Agong albeit on the advice of the Prime Minister, and judging from the growing independence in the use of his personal discretion there is some hope yet that the Agong could use his personal discretion to initiate some sort of review by the Board whose recommendations the BN government would do well not to ignore.

  41. Why Indians in ISA: We have no representations in this country. Indians are like “anak yatim piatu”. The only way to release the Innocent Hindraff 5 from ISA is; MIC, MCA, PPP and Gerakan leaders must persuade the PM and make the Indians happy. Till then you people will be unpopular among them and other Malaysians. This is your last chance to prove yourself that you are not what they think.

  42. Thanks to UMNO, nothing could save the smaller component parties in BN.

    They have grossly neglected the basic rights of their community under the Constitution and as responsible, peaceful and hard working INDIVIDUALS who contributed significantly to the country.

  43. Dato Samy is right. Release the 5 Hindraf detainee.Give due respect to Dato Samy. Sungai Siput (U) have progress very well since 1974.
    Emotional vote by Indians deprive him another shot.

    No doubt… we are not prefect. DAP leaders had given the chance. Prove your capabilities to serve the rakyat. Improve the quality of our life. ADUN Jalong should keep her promise to stay in Sungai Siput (U)

  44. One commentator says: “You did not lead street protests in the nature of what we saw, and you did not appeal to a foreign government to interfere in what is essentially a domestic affair of a sovereign state; or base your struggle or draw your inspiration on the activities of a foreign organization supportive of terrorism. Or did you? Did you travel to China to get support of the Chinese government to stop the racial discrimination here? Or did you?”

    1. Is street protest a legitimate act? (please don’t confuse with legal or illegal ok); Who actually converted a street protect into a violent protest?
    2. Is soliciting foreign support for a legitimate cause an illegal act?
    3. Is it wrong to draw inspiration from anywhere including from a foreign country?
    4. What evidence have you got that Hindraf sought help from an organisation supportive of terrorism? (pls don’t deny, lots of things are said by implication.)
    5. Is racial discrimination per se bad? Does it matter one seek support to get rid of discrimination from anywhere?

  45. Undergrad2 says: “Since the Board is appointed by the Agong albeit on the advice of the Prime Minister, and judging from the growing independence in the use of his personal discretion there is some hope yet that the Agong could use his personal discretion to initiate some sort of review by the Board whose recommendations the BN government would do well not to ignore.”

    What legal or constitutional basis have you got? To what extent you want to give the royalty and the Agong the “personal discretion”? Someday, can this discretion be detrimental to democracy?

  46. undergrad2 says: “Rather than abolish the ISA we should ‘abolish’ those who use it for purposes unintended by Parliament when it passed the law. It is important that we not throw the baby out with the bath water.
    Suffice it to say that the “evil” lies not in the legislation but in its arbitrary use and abuse.”

    NO, the evil is in the legislation itself. If the legislation has not said so, the executive branch would not be able to abuse it.

    Poor analogy – it is not throwing the baby out with the bath water. If we want safeguards, the legislation must specifically and unequivocally say so.

  47. 1. Is street protest a legitimate act? (please don’t confuse with legal or illegal ok); Who actually converted a street protect into a violent protest?
    In China, you will get mow by tank. Incidents in Tiananmen

    2. Is soliciting foreign support for a legitimate cause an illegal act?
    Myanmar has been doing it for years, even the UN was aware but nothing much can be done.

    3. Is it wrong to draw inspiration from anywhere including from a foreign country?
    Don’t think so, i think you can ask Aung San Su Kyi, as she’s expert in drawing inspiration even nobel prize fame to her country.

    4. What evidence have you got that Hindraf sought help from an organisation supportive of terrorism? (pls don’t deny, lots of things are said by implication.)
    Basically it is just a hot & sizzling accusatopm, it’s fun to include those line in, e.g. Anwar & Sukma case.

    5. Is racial discrimination per se bad?
    UMNO fight for Ketuanaan Melayu, not Ketuanaan Rakyat?

    Does it matter one seek support to get rid of discrimination from anywhere?
    If those who oppose can get 2/3 majority, then it matters.

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