Brave new M’sian identity emerging?

by Dr. Azly Rahman

“Our government teaches the whole people by its example. If the government becomes the lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy.” -Louis D Brandeis (American Supreme Court Justice, 1856-1941).

I do not wish to remove from my present prison to a prison a little larger. I wish to break all prisons. -Ralph Waldo Emerson, American transcendentalist.

The second wave of Independence, achieved with the storming of the “Bastille that is Putrajaya” in March 2008, in a phenomena called “implo-volution” in which the old regime was crushed by its own weight of contradiction and one whose ruins were charted some fifty years ago, present an interesting possibility. It is that of the ethnogenesis (emerging new culture) of a new Malaysian identity. Political will is complementing this philosophical vision. The Internet is aiding in speeding up the process.

The wave is forcing the various ethnic groups to think of defining itself as a ” new nation” when power-sharing of a truly multicultural nature at the state level is becoming a reality. Not only the different ethnic groups are fairly represented in what I call the “yellow” states of “Perak and Selangor” but religious background of the state leaders are also playing a key role in the evolving nature of the leadership.

The yellow states are forging ahead with care – aware of the sensitivities of the different ethnic and religious groups, focusing on the pragmatics and ethics drawn from each cultural tradition. Thus, we saw Penang CM Lim Guan Eng refusing to use thousands of ringgit of state funds to move to a new office, we saw the Kedah chief minister and we saw the continuation of Kelantan chief minister’s commitment to the principles of Islam in governing the state with prudence and tolerance.

What is displayed is Confucianist-Taoist ideas and Islamic brand of ethical leadership – two seemingly radical philosophies that actually complement each other. When it comes to statecraft, both are useful in forming as basis for a philosophy of governance that appeals to the Malays and the Chinese. These ideals are no different that the ones taught in Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and the cultural philosophy of the natives of Sabah and Sarawak and of the Orang Asli.

The “ethics of authenticity” as philosopher Charles Taylor would put it, is universal enough to be a guiding light of this new nation. Ethics by any name is a system of check and balances of the Evil and the Good within. It is the Middle Path of Inner Statecraft.

Istana Zakaria and pondok Nik Aziz

In speaking of the manifestations of the excesses of greed and the imbalance of evil within, two installations of polar opposites are worth quoting as semiotics of conspicuous consumption, in a country such as Malaysia.

The old and dying regime, Barisan Nasional too consists of Chinese and Malays. But the evolution of racial-politics necessitated the development of a style of leadership that requires extra-ethical means to be employed in order for power to be sustained via the control of wealth and resources. Not only these are controlled but they are displayed conspicuously and of late, with arrogance. This brought about the shocking defeat of the 50-year-old seemingly indestructible machine. The excess of this image of conspicuous consumption is in the Istana Zakaria.

The alter image to Istana Zakaria would probably be the house that Tuan Guru Nik Aziz inhabits. But why do we have these contradictions? How have we come to this historical juncture in which the moral compass of the national leaders are misplaced or even lost and what we are seeing are the consequence of the capitalist system that is rearing its ugly immoral head. We have created monsters out of the freedom we give human beings to profit from the consumerist capitalist system we created out of the fear of socialism and Communism.

Billionaires and multi-millionaires in this nation are creations of a system. They are the products of the evolution of individuals that are installed by the institutions derived from the ideology of uncontrollable free enterprise constantly wanting to be freer and freer. Over a long period of time, the system creates a huge gap between the haves and the have-nots. It creates antagonism – of class and the hypermodern caste system. This is the Reaganomics of poverty – a mass deception of the “magic of the marketplace”.

As a nation, what do we want to be known as? How do we re-engineer another evolution? How do we maintain a sense of personal freedom in the process of crafting a synthesis of “national identity and freedom?” Will the Internet be the great deconstructor of such an identity, once we forget it?

There are multiple contradictions in these questions. They are worth exploring.

Themes of freedom

I suggest we explore these themes below, either out of your own interest or for your graduate work. I think these are fertile areas of research to help us contribute to the ongoing conversation on the politics of identity.

– Human nature and freedom

– National Front, freedom and its problems – based on political economy of identity formation

– People’s Front and freedom – even more problematic since we have multiple layers of identity, construction, deconstruction, and reconstruction of identity.

– New bumiputeraism.

– Archaeology of identity

– Philosophy of beingness

– Theology of existence

– Sociology of nationhood

– Technologies of the mind and body

– Education and cultural engineering.

– Culture critique and ethnogenesis

– Social reproduction and social relations of production

– Institutions and installations

– Self in society

These I believe are themes we will explore as Malaysia progresses into the age of postmodernity bringing forth the excesses of freedom in a world characterised by the rapidisation of technology and the heightening of chaos and complexity. The question of “freedom” will be more daunting as the politics of identity and the identity of politics become inter-twined.

What does “nation” mean? How must a nation be “free”? What kind of freedom must a nation enjoy and protect? In a consumerist society, how is freedom defined? How do bring the notion of freedom down to the grassroots level of the rakyat—how will we synthesise these notions?

Brazilian educator Paulo Freire would call this synthesis “praxis” in which the subjective and objective aspect of the phenomena under study become synthesised and transformed into action. The stage “cultural action for freedom” is an important aspect of this Malaysian revolution of 2008. How do we turn those at the grassroots level into active participants of the national development agenda? How do we teach them to reject all forms of state propaganda?

Freedom is an elusive concept and has its ambiguities. Mat Rempits think they are free and lead a life of total freedom, but who controls the production and reproduction of Mat Rempits. At another level, the power elites in the government think that they are guardians of Freedom/Merdeka but what is the meaning of freedom when those “corridors” built are institutions that will benefit the few and sell the country to foreign investors – in the name of progress.

Freedom is a prison-house of language

The new state governments in the yellow states (Kedah, Penang, Perak, Selangor and Kelantan) will need to showcase what freedom means and how the rakyat will benefit, in the most meaningful and tangible ways. What are the benchmarks of social justice and freedom that the rakyat will see in the agenda? How will “standards” of tolerance, justice, and peace be set and achieved – how will these be measured? How will the rakyat be the judge and the ones to decide if these standards are achieved?

We’re getting into a serious business of systemic and systematic change here, after the revolution.

Even fundamental is the question: who defines freedom? These themes below need to be explored in order to answer the question of the authorship of the definition of freedom:

– Needs versus wants

– Eco-philosophy

– Radical philosophy

– Poverty of culture and culture of poverty

Culture not merely and house we inhabit and the tools we use but both, evolvingly – technology shapes our consciousness.

Where do we go from here – in our exploration of two contradictory terms nationhood and freedom?

Let us discuss this question – as a new nation.


141 Replies to “Brave new M’sian identity emerging?”

  1. “Where do we go from here – in our exploration of two contradictory terms nationhood and freedom?”

    I think you meant “statehood” instead of “nationhood’. “Nationhood” implies national consciousness which is separate and independent from its existence as a state, and without freedom there can be no national consciousness and vice versa. We have only achieved “statehood”.

  2. It is so ironic that we were not allowed to march to demonstrate and tell the government what is going wrong. But then we had the “Big March” of the year. That is “March 08 2008!”. Every voter came out marching. :…….. oh when the Saints go Marching in!

  3. Dear Mr Lim

    All problems can be solve by going to the main point.

    Please focus on the main point — education (Confucian is the best).

    I hope you (or your son) can establish one good school (as great kindergarten) in Penang.

    Please understand deeply from my advice.

    Thank you very much.


  4. Talking about Opposition’s running of “yellow” states of “Perak and Selangor” how exactly can Confucianist-Taoist ideas and Islamic brand of ethical leadership – two seemingly radical philosophies – actually complement each other when translated into governance????

    Is there real complementarily in theses two streams of thought and even if so, does such fusion tantamount to “ethics of authenticity” “universal enough to be a guiding light of this new nation”?

    In terms of “statecraft” to be showcased by Opposition for the nation, what kind of statecraft is that where “yellow” states of “Perak and Selangor” are supposed to combine ‘Confucianist-Taoist ideas and Islamic brand of ethical leadership’ whilst other states like (say)) Kedah and Kelantan, their chief ministers’ commitment is towards the principles of Islam based on prudence and tolerance only????

    In respect of questions raised – ‘how must a nation be “free”? What kind of freedom must a nation enjoy and protect? – what part do these traditional secular precepts of (a) separation of 3 branches of government (b) separation of law from private morality separation of religion from government play in the praxis as well as practice of governance by Opposition parties in the Penang, the “yellow” states of “Perak and Selangor” as well as the “green” states of Kedah and Kelantan, will governance be consistent and uniform or otherwise depending on whether they are yellow or green states???

    Can Dr. Azly Rahman give specifics and examples for concrete action plan (without the big and nebulous ideas expressed in big and abstract words) that common people of ordinary intellect like us can divine and understand???

  5. All malaysians must treasure March 8. It is when we all came together as one, voting and hoping, praying too for a new malaysia. By the grace of God, His guiding Light, our elected leaders must perservere to lead in integrity,transparency and fairness to all. All malaysians must learn to share. There is enough for all. Only for the greedy enough is never enough.

  6. The people that we expect to uphold the nation’s Rukun Negara are themselves the betrayer through their political greed and hegemony. Their power (or they thought so) derived from championing one particular race and religion. They became too powerful as they again thought that they are indestructible and invisible.

    March 8 is not just a wake up call but the beginning of the end of racial based politics. The new gen are people who wants peace and harmony. I can see the cry for a Bangsa Malaysia is real.

    The fella who has wielded the Keris is again giving directive to all teachers and school head masters not to attend any DAP-PKR-PAS coalition functions and not to invite them to any school’s function.

    So the very people whom we expect to educate the society towards a united Malaysia is the very person who destroy UMNO and the nation.

    So BN, you have been given 50 years to develop a Malaysia Truly Asia but you have screwed it up.

  7. Sultan tarik balik gelaran “Datuk” dari Idris Jusoh, Rosol Wahid dan Din Adam
    [ ]
    Sultan Terengganu yang juga Yang Dipertuan Agong marah dengan Idris Jusoh, Rosol Wahid dan Din Adam kerana bersikap “kurang ajar”. “Kami nak Derih natang!” begitulah yang tertulis disepanduk ketika Umno Terengganu berdemonstrasi menuntut jawatan MB diberi kepada Idris di Istana Terengganu.

    Penggunaan istilah “Natang” yang bermaksud Binatang dalam loghat Terengganu ini telah menimbulkan kemarahan rakyat Terengganu kerana dikatakan menghina Institusi Raja. Laporan polis telah dibuat mengenai isu ini.

    Damian has written on it, and there`s a pic:

    Oh, and another pic here. Looks like they were going to town on it. So much for those who talk of `culture`:

  8. The English Version:
    Sultan of Terengganu withdraws Datukship titles from 3 treasoners!
    [ ]
    Idris Jusoh, Rosol Wahid and Din Adam are now plain commoners just like the rest of the vulgar bunch who thought that they could mess with the Sultan of Terengganu as they tried to show their ‘terror’ with demanding that the ‘Istana’ capitulate to their demands?

  9. “Our government teaches the whole people by its example ….”

    This is a very good statement … the Selangor state government should show a good example to the people …

    When we have the propaganda to “best use of talent” and hate “favourism” and “cronysm” … we must implement it …

    The selangor exco line up is against the propaganda, and without any reason establish that everyone want to understand … please dont operate in a blackbox

  10. A useless essay for the BN.
    BN does not understand what a nation is, or what a society is about.
    But its gives hope for the new generation, provided the young minds are not poisoned or prevented from developing by imposing multi-million law damages.

    But as for the “two seemingly radical philosophies that actually complement each other” – we need to see the outcome of it in the next elections.

  11. Earlier on i heard is March 28th, the end of Pak Lah-Khairy era. Well, tats some prediction i get from insider.

    Pertaining to the capitalist dream a satay seller can build a palace, that’s purely a disgrace and failure of BN govt., is there anyone will believe that Dato Zakaria Mat Deros really save enough honest and hard earn money to build it? I saw the UMNo leader was there to pay the last tribute to him, is it necessary? such a person deserve the respect from leader of Malaysia? Whereas those really fight for their race, Hindraf was still detained under ISA. They only care abt the rich, but not really care abt the Rakyat.

  12. i will keep comments on abdullah government for wat is going wrong as we see since last time …

    and i will keep asking for an answer for this selangor issue as well …

    i am looking into the issue, not against a person!

    why cant you see issues in a neutral side?

  13. i really don understand – it seems that all oppos members are GOOD guys, and all BN are BAD guys – is allright for BN to be extravagant spend millions refurbishing the residence, boycott swearing ceremony. Whereas oppos must jaga kelakuan, particularly DAP must be saint, humble and modest.

    i wonder if some oppos member caught adultery will be bashed much much worse than our glorious ex-health minister……

    really sicko.

  14. We keep asking for open tender, coz we understand if the tender is nothing going wrong, it should not a problem to show it …

    and i am asking for reason that everyone is curious to know about selangor esco, if nothing going wrong inside, why can give a reasonable statement … then no body will ask again

    it is as simple as that … unless there is no reason or not convincing reason, i cant see is there anything to hide

  15. melurian,

    it is commonly known that our ex-health minister can considered someone who can work, but remember this …

    if you put a good apple in a fridge that full of spoilt vege, the apple will imune itself, as the apple need to survive as well …

  16. To ric23_my the decision is final, a red card in a football match has been issued. Even a good scorer like Wayne Rooney might get red card or missed scoring opportunity. Don’t be sad, don’t blame on the referee or teammates for not passing the ball.

    If Pak Lah is still around and Khairy still in power, then it will be hard for Opposition State to push for reform, they can easily sabotage the plan.

    Look at DBKL, cables stolen this is all done by professional, or contractor themselves ordered by who else.

    They (Federal Govt.) will continue to sabotage every single plan from Opposition govt. Look at the Malay who wear a giogio armani spec at yesterday meeting with YB LGE, he said “open tender” serupa “Gergasi lawan kerdil” and he said “Kerdil need help & protection to defeat Gergasi” this is their weaknesses. With this sort of mentality it will continue to deprive the Malay not able to stand up to face up the challenge. I think it’s not true, they are many capable Malay who can do better job compare to its cronies. That’s why our Proton car (Milo tin) is so expensive compare to Japanese car and Korean car. Inorder to protect “Kerdil = Cronies” Rakyat have to burden themselves with huge debt. This is Malaysia not a country to protect dwarf. There’s no such constitution to protect dwarf = crony, they must use their brain to defeat Gergasi or giant. This is a country abt Meritocracy who can supply at cheaper rate get the contract. My friend tender a contract, he incorporated everything from his experiences, but end up the contract has been tendered by a person with higher cost, why? it is not logical, also he lost duit kopi cost abt RM 2K-4K.

  17. funny headlines in the star – “Malay Chamber of Commerce wants fair deal in Penang”

    yeah, they will have “fairness” if they acquire 80%-90% contract from the state ……

    really sicko…

  18. quote: “Sultan tarik balik gelaran “Datuk” dari Idris Jusoh, Rosol Wahid dan Din Adam”

    wow, and PM and his advisers and lawyers in PM department will shout back “This is unconstitutional!”

    why the sultan t’ganu aka agong withdraw PM’s “datuk seri”-ship for very same reason …..

  19. lakilompat,

    Some of your points make sense, and i agree with you as well. I against not towards you, but against some points that you have made …

    I understand for this fact very well … greedy is a human nature that cant be changed … A poor one who later become rich, will forgotten about the other poor one … A normal person who gain power, will attempt to get more power and forgot their principle …

    To ensure this will not happen, the only way is to have a transparent policy, written down or stated in black and white, as a guide or reference for everyone … when anyone who go beyond the guide, then we consider something wrong …

    Selangor case is one sample of this issue … what i ask is not why someone is choosen or someone is not choosen … or i am supporter of this leader or another one …

    The selangor issue make ppl feel something smell fishy … with this feeling, ppl urge for what are the criteria for selection of selangor candidate …

    we just want the guide or criteria in black and white … is it very difficult to do that?

  20. lakilompat,

    if we see a red card issued in a football match is reasonable, we will accept it and make no noise … but if we see a red card is issued in a very unreasonable manner … the football assoaciation always have a door open for you to appeal … as the REFREE is a human as well .. and human tend to make mistake due to the greedy and favourism nature …

  21. I’ve seen you bashing abt DAP Principle, and crony. Well i think the proper misunderstanding you’ve had with DAP leadership is the below, not principle and crony, am i right?

    “What are the criteria for selection of selangor exco member”

    UMNO member has held the post for 11 terms, yet is there a standard constitution drafted and implemented pertaining to criteria of Exco member? I would think the basic are they have no criminals record, correct me if I’m wrong. I think MB will normally select its own exco members based on recommendation proposed by the winning party.

    Opposition has just begin its 1st term, and you are seeking them to provide explanation, i must admit this is not transparent, perhaps someone can clear the air but that doesn’t mean DAP is against its principle, or crony. E.g. YB LKS proposed 2 candidates from opposition party, but the Sultan choose the other candidate from PAS, it doesn’t mean DAP is against its principle or crony. It is just sometimes, it is beyond our expectation.

    Everyone know Khairy is behind Pak Lah, and why not we topple the govt and punish them? The problem is we can’t because ppl will not believe. We know that Mr. Mike Tyson (Taib) is not a good guy but yet he was selected into the cabinet. Sure UMNO ppl will seek explanation, the point is, was it necessary for Pak Lah to explain why Taib is in his new cabinet. And Sharizat who has been defeated appointed minister class advisor, why he didn’t appoint some leader from Sabah & Sarawak, do he have to explain? Obviously, u can’t question both Ruling and Opposition coalition leader. As I believe YB LKS allowed all his members to have a chance into the S’langor Exco list. The final result might not be desirable but at least we must respect it. Should we just sit and wait, the consequence of choosing the wrong person in charge?

  22. lakilompat,

    DAP leader submitted the candidates lists of 3 excluding teng for Selangor Mentri Besar to choose … and even the menteri besar also feel difficult to answer journalist on this issue …

    what we want to know is not about explanation … is about wat is the guideline on making the this decision by DAP selangor … just a very rough guideline also so difficult?

    who knows the decision is made based on these that’s why teng with his achivement is excluded?
    (1) 38D 24 38 for the body figures, teng does not have
    (2) center parking hair style, teng does not have coz he side parking
    (3) 75KG weight, teng is skinny that’s y excluded

    There must have a guide line right?

  23. lakilompat,

    it is commonly agree for many ppl that the selangor exco list for DAP have the smell of favourism … that why ppl are asking on this …

    if DAP Selangor can show that this is not a case, why should ppl still continue asking?

  24. (1) 38 24 38 for the body figures, teng does not have
    (real nice, well i think she deserved it as she won the majority)
    (2) center parking hair style, teng does not have coz he side parking
    (OK, it’s not abt the hair but this man is working hard all the while)
    (3) 75KG weight, teng is skinny that’s y excluded
    (Is not abt the weight)

    We shouldn’t discriminate those who get elected. I believe before the 3 name is finalize, within the party, there’s a general consensus among the leader. I’m sure ppl will need explanation from those who’ve elected, but i believe the answer will be the same, it has been discussed and agreed by everyone. I do hope they also have sign a letter to acknowledge the 3 candidates proposed to exco list just like what the Perak Sultan resolve it his MB appointment.

    ric23_my is that 38 24 38 genuine? i don’t think is correct but with that figure i think is attractive.

  25. i tell you lah…

    my Kampong Head wasn’t MCA/Gerakan men…

    he had been denied an allowance since the day he was our Kampong Head… by the way, he’s our real hero, trusted person and he nv reject our plight… and he’s DAP man…

    We want a PEOPLE headmen rather than Party-men, who has not heart to serve the PEOPLE…

    if UMNO (head men) wanted to resign, just resign lah… we’re going to appoint a Head Men (Ketua Kampong) who’s willing to serve the RAKYAT not the party…!

  26. lakilompat,

    that is wat u said, but it does not look like that way …

    when journalist asking why teng not attend the assembly ceremony, one of the DAP exco said “may be address not updated, invitation card cannot reach” … one DAP exco said “i am not sure” … another one said “you have to ask teng” …

    don’t feel any smell of favourism on this issue?

  27. This is an excerpt of interview with Teng Chang Khim in a Malaysiakini article yesterday 26/3/08 :

    “Sungei Pinang DUN Teng Chang Khim said he has no ill feelings about the newly formed PKR-DAP-PAS state govt or with the Sgor DAP following his exclusion from the Exco line up.
    At a personal level I am alright with the new state line up.
    This is a new era let bygones be bygones.
    Teng also advised the media not to sensationalise the matter.”

    Teng seems to have settled the matter with himself and the DAP.

    So this begs the question why does ric23 continues to press the point about Teng and Teresa,Ronnie and Ean Yang.

    I can only think of 2 possibilities :

    1) To sow the seeds of doubt in the mind of the readers that the DAP practise cronyism. Actually I agree LKS practise cronyism on Guan Eng ! …to such an extend of the cronyism that father and son were both detained under ISA for 18 months in1987.

    2) To cause ill feeling between Teng and the rest of Sgor DAP. It has been rumoured that Teng will be appointed Speaker. ric23’s job is to poison the atmosphere between them and lead to the downfall of the DAP/PKR/PAS govt.

    3) It is obvious that ric23 does not have the interest of the DAP/PKR/PAS coalition at heart. His main job is to disrupt,misinform and destroy. Unfortunately, he did not know that my other name is ” Lie Detector ” and he has now been exposed. I will continue tracking him.

    Kit and Guan Eng – you are our men !!

    Incidentally, I still remember when we had a week long candlelight vigil outside the court house in front of the Selangor Club padang in 1998 to show solidarity with Guan Eng – I still have “Free Guan Eng”
    t shirts from before and I took it out to show off to my friends when we gathered round to discuss election results.

    Cheers , friends …

  28. ric23_my mean he’s not inside the league, to become a leader he must be able to earn his trust among the members. No doubt he can garner more votes for the DAP, but can he earn a place in every DAP leaders heart. Will UMNO still want Tun Dr. Mahathir to be their godfather?

    U haven’t answer me 38 24 38 is it true?

  29. lakilompat … 38 24 38, you go plastic surgery then u can get one lar

    teejay … u r in the state of mindset same as UMMNO PUTRA, one thing u did is ok, but done by others, it is wrong …

    My point is very straight with this (*Notes: please view as neutral side, no heronism nature)
    (1) We shout loudly we want “Malaysian malaysia” … but after the election we argue and want to fight for how many seat should allocated for each races … this is the thing i feed sad, why dun we stand firm with our principle?
    (2) We urge to have transparent and fair policy … but when asking about how the selection of selangor exco is made … which is a very small matter … but the requestor is labelled with anti-DAP and create choas …

    If a Salesman selling a vitamin product to a consumer, and tell the consumer how good the product is … but the Salesman dun even take the product by himself … how can the Salesman con convince the consumer about his idea?

    Doesn’t see my point in a neutral side?

  30. ric23_my…I hate to butt in, but cute….:)

    Can you consider the following:
    Won’t it be too soon to demand an explanation when Mr. Lim himself twice asked that this matter be dropped for now. If I am not reading his message wrong, an explanation will be given when things are firmed. May be there could be changes, may be not because it sounds like things aren’t 100% confirmed.

    Can you also consider whether it will be too late to demand for an explanation later such that it is a peril to the country and how will that be. If you are privy to certain information and is very sure that this will be detrimental to the country, then, perhaps this should be made known to everyone so that, everyone may consider demanding an answer right now too.

    Having said that, I don’t have any bad intentions of insulting you or whatsoever but just something for you to think about and perhaps ease your misery of not getting an answer now.

  31. I agreed with comrades jetaime and teejay, so comrade ric23_my pls accept it with grace. I’m a bit upset tho 38 24 38 u’ve mentioned is jus some illusion.

    If the salesman is selling or promoting new type of condom, do you mean he have to test it out? I don’t know why u like relate things like this.

  32. teejay and lakilompat … u r smart person, but please dont follow the step like followers of UMMNO Putera that support everything blindly …

    We fight against cronysm,favourism,corruption and discrimination!! We have given chances to BeeAnn but they dissapoint us. That’s why we spit on them …

    We choose DAP becoz we hope that the party stay firm with the principle and bring us against the cronysm,favourism,corruption and discrimination … this is our only hope …

    We want transparent, should we also transparent? We against cronysm, should we dun implement cronysm? We against favourism, should we not implement favourism?

  33. lakilompat,

    If a salesman selling condom tell a consumer that the new condom 100% secure and wont leak, and explain until the saliva fly here and fly there …

    but when the consumer says … quite convincing and “looks” very secure … but why you so sure … did you tried it?

    the salesman scrach his head … thinking for couple of minutes .. and throw up thousands of excuse why he dont try … Do you the the consumer will convince with the idea?

    Selangor case shows that we shout transparent is good for ppl, but when ppl asking why the Selangor exco list in that way, we give many excuse … cant you imagine?

  34. As a matter of fact, I’m not yet member of DAP, but i was there in each and everywhere their ceramah band went, in Penang chinese townhall, in Han Chiang indoor and outdoor. I’m in fact in dilemma now whether to join PKR or DAP, because my area belong to PKR, i think PKR need more help now. But i prefer DAP, well cos my DAP idol is there, Teresa Kok. My confession is that, should we put principle 1st or favourism first?

    At the moment i just enjoy my life whichever party i join must deliver else i will quit or stop supporting it.

  35. Ha ha , nic23 call me UMnOPutra again ! ! He does it becos he cannot reply to to my points that Teng himself has settled it in his heart already with himself and DAP and wants to move on. if Teng can settled it , why can’t nic23 call it quits about the exco matter. Simple, to keep the percieved notion that there is “disunity” in DAP and undermine the coalition. Make no mistake – this is no novice here. A deliberate attempt to continue to misrepresent the sitiuation – who was it who said ” If you tell a lie long enough people will start believing it.”

    jetaime.f , thanks – yes I know Kit has asked us to drop the matter twice already. Sure I listen to my taiko wan. But I cannot tahan this kind of subversive element who wants to undo the good work that has been done already.

    btw, I just read ric23 saying he is neutral , ha ha.

  36. Pertaining to new type of condom salesman, he can use some sample fill it with water to convince buyer, no need test just a simple scientific test, also can apply for international test association on the brand. But i believe for start, if you are a new businessman, it won’t have so much capital to invest in those license & certification. But the point here some stuff are impossible to test, e.g. smoking will cause cancer, but my grandpa has been smoking he died of diarhoe at 80+, he was admitted to hospital but due to his old age he’s too weak to awake?

  37. lakilompat,

    If DAP against favourism, but they implement favourism (like selangor case) … then is our responsiblity to critics towards them …

    If for all the parties that gain power and forgot their principle … then i suggest you give up to join any party … may be we both go shaolin temple become monk … eat vege and may be peep female monk shower … more happy and get rid of politic reality

  38. teejay,

    think in neutral way … teng case is just an example … he selected or not is not my problem …

    my point is we always shout “how good singapore is … they are good becoz they make use of talent” … but in selangor issue, how to explain?

  39. lakilompat,

    your condom example run out of topic lah … see this thread … 1st line … “Our government teaches the whole people by its example …”

    We shout for transparent and make use of best talent .. should we practice it as well so that it can give a good guide to ppl? But wat happen to selangor? It’s not about the person, it’s about the principle

  40. ok, you crack me up :) but there are ladies online too……..

    Don’t think the people of Malaysia forgets what they want that easily, needless to say, instead some are pressing for all issues to be resolved with a snap of the finger, which is not possible….

  41. teejay,

    unless your are blind? 4 times ADUN is not appointed but a 29 years old is appointed … and with the political background of achivements is not under consideration …

    does not feel the smell of favourism and cronysm? For sure i will repeat using this phase for this issue coz this is wat ppl asking … impossible that i related this issue with corruption, right?

  42. teejay,

    it is the same as why ppl keep asking and critics abddullah about “4th floor advisor” …

    this is considered tactic or lie as u mentioned? This is wat ppl see and feel that’s why ppl is asking.

  43. ric23_my,

    k……I think perhaps you need a break. I think everyone knows and wants to see the country to be better and though I can’t say for everyone but I think at the back of their minds they too are conscious of things.

    It is just timing and time is needed now….

  44. jetaime,

    i understand ur point … so should we ask all the opposition and ppl here take a break, and stop attacking abbdullah cabinet … it is just timing and time needed .. may be they can perform well this time?

    for sure not convincing, coz when it become serious on this issue, more and more talented ppl leaving DAP, then how DAP can be strong? I dun thin u want to see DAP as goverment for 5 years only right?

  45. it is a known and proven fact that Datuk Badawi’s party failed the country along with their integrity, trust and confidence which can’t be or difficult to be restored, but the coaliation just started….

  46. agree with you jetaime … but when the time coalition started, we already smell something fishy … why cant we critics? we cant let coalition going towards the way like BeeAnn … that’s why even at the very beginning, when see something wrong, we make noise

  47. To ric23 that’s why even at the very beginning, when see something wrong (u see is wrong but are u in Teng’s shoes)? Yes he is no doubt the longest serving SA man, that doesnt mean a 29 yrs old will not be able to deliver better or on par? Don’t look down on age, Qin shihuangdi become the 1st emperor to unite CHINA at very young age. Whereas Genghis Khan completed his Western Conquest at age 60.

  48. lakilompat,

    Cant you see the point? No body says the 29 yrs old cant perform. He might be better than Teng, no body knows.

    The question arise on how the selection criteria is made, as execution of a state goverment is not a trial and error game. It involves the interest of ppl, hence we want experienced ppl for this reason especially it is FIRST TIME DAP GOVERNING

    If you are going to run a newly operate business (assume as the state government), and you want to hire an OPERATION LEADER. 2 person come for interview, one bring resume with experience stated and achivements stated (Teng), one bring a certificate from university since fresh graduate (Ean) … How you want to convince and give convidence to the company staff is the one with experience is dropped but a fresh one is selected?

    This is crucial as we need experience ppl to START A NEW coalition … and the fresh one we should allocate in another position to gain experience from the experience one, and if perform well we will promote it …

    cant see the logic and point?

  49. to lakilompat,

    How would you feel if DAP won the most seats for opposition and Uncle Kit not appointed as Opposition Leader and instead say Tony Pua (1st Term MP) became Opposition Leader. And further no explaination given from DAP CEC. Will you accept the decision? If you can accept and not query further, then I got nothing to say. I believe ric23 and my concerns are very clear. Why a 4 term SA is not even in the list for Exco? Make sense? No? Then we shall also not question our PM for appointing Muhd. Taib since this is PM’s choice and it’s his prerogative. We understand that young and inexperienced MP or SA also can be hardworking. The appointment of Exco Selangor must come with justification. Teresa exposed the “Squatgate”. Teng exposed the “Zakaria mansion” and many others. what has the 29 year old boy done to deserve an Exco place? No favouritism?

  50. DAP must put things right for matters under their control. We can understand that for some of the matters which are beyond their control such as the composition of the Exco, quota for malays or even the MB Perak issue. What I want is TRANSPARENCY! Well done to the new Penang GOVT whose policies have been very promising after GE12. That is what we want! In Perak, although the majority of rakyat is Malay, they can still accept ratio of 6:3:1 for DAP/PKR/PAS. that is what rakyat want! Transparency! When it comes to DAP Selangor, the most senior SA and opposition leader has been excluded. I remember reading somewhere along the comments when a reader stated that DAP do not need someone who is suspended for 2.5 years (Last Selangor Assembly) and lacks teamwork. My Q is this, in order to please the party, shall an MP or SA follow blindly Party’s order or even bow to pressure although it is wrong? Then how is he going to act without fear or favour?

  51. I was hoping the increase the speed limit of penang bridge 120 km/h this will help ease the congestion, the bridge is getting old and cramped. I’m not sure whether PAS in Kelantan did that, but according to Penang state & federal constitution, it is necessary for state govt to negotiate with federal govt. Well, don’t worry, i heard there will be meeting soon, as internal fights are becoming rampants these days, those puteri UMNO is going wild against PL decision to postponed the meeting because their leader was not in the cabinet, and this will also have causes their husband or boyfriend (Putera UMNO) to change their view toward PL administration.

    Anyone of you watch yesterday night news, there was this Malay wearing GioGio Armani branded spec, during a press conference with YB Lim Guan Eng, he claimed “open tender policy” will never work because it is like “Gergasi lawan Kerdil” or “Giant vs Dwarf” as a Malay, he’s insulting the race, he stressed that Kerdil need protection. For me the Kerdil here mean those UMNO cronies. In Malaysia, we don’t have any law drafted to protect the Kerdil, but the problem is, this is their mentality. That’s why our Proton car (milo tin) cost so expensive, for the price of Proton Waja, you can easily get a better quality car in US, Canada, or Australia and even Thailand. The actual price of new 2008 Toyoto Altis full spec in Indonesia cost RM 108,000 but do you guys know how much it cost in Malaysia? even those imported car, Indonesia is selling at cheaper cost than us, who get most of the commission. Is the the law of protecting the kerdil?

    We’ve had a bad news yesterday, Maybank acquisition of Indonesia bank at RM 8.6 billion, this cost major shareholders of Maybank to drop 10.6% in shares market. Well, did the govt. analyze the impact and whether it is necessary for Maybank to acquire this Indonesia bank? who is the broker this time, what is his name and how much commission he get after brokering such deal? Why not turn RM 8.6 billion into state bonds, so that the 5 opposition controlled states can benefit and further developed itself? the 5 opposition states represent 60% of Malaysia Economy. More and more funny things coming up, I’m wondering whether is this man qualified enough to be the Finance Minister?

  52. to suporters of BR,

    DAP must put things right for matters under their control. We can understand that for some of the matters which are beyond their control such as the composition of the Exco, quota for malays or even the MB Perak issue. What I want is TRANSPARENCY! Well done to the new Penang GOVT whose policies have been very promising after GE12. That is what we want! In Perak, although the majority of rakyat is Malay, they can still accept ratio of 6:3:1 for DAP/PKR/PAS. that is what rakyat want! Transparency! When it comes to DAP Selangor, the most senior SA and opposition leader has been excluded. I remember reading somewhere along the comments when a reader stated that DAP do not need someone who is suspended for 2.5 years (Last Selangor Assembly) and lacks teamwork. My Q is this, in order to please the party, shall an MP or SA follow blindly Party’s order or even bow to pressure although it is wrong? Then how is he going to act without fear or favour?

  53. lakilompat,

    ur statement at the last one … “I’m wondering whether is this man qualified enough to be the Finance Minister?”

    A bit not fair hor? You can wonder why someone can be finance minister ….

    But i kenot wonder why a fresh one selected but not an experience in Selangor exco?

  54. To ric23_my, same question for me, u r pondering abt why a fresh one selected but not an experience, whereas im pondering on whether Pak Lah is qualified to be Finance Minister to allowed Maybank to quietly invested RM 8.6 billion, causing Malaysian shares holder to lost 10.6% as a Finance Minister he has failed to control the outflow of funds. The Rakyat lost in this case for each and every Maybank shares you guys hold on hand.

  55. lakilompat,

    besides that, it will be hard for us to ask others for “open tender policy” … coz ourself also cannot show transparency in selangor exco list which everyone is asking …

    How we can stand firm to against others in this situation as we also have same problem?

  56. Ha ha ,ric23 now says whether Teng selected or not is not his problem ! He has been harping on Teng non selection for so long and now turn around and say not his problem.

    He brings up the point that a 4 term ADUN not selected and a 29 yr old ( referring to Ean Yang ) was selected instead.

    The answer is obvious, length of service is not the only criteria which the DAP leadership is using.

    For the benefit of everyone,

    Kit was the National Organising Secretary of the DAP when he was only 25 yrs old ( 1966-1969).
    He was elected to be MP for Kota Melaka in 1969 and promoted to Secretary General of the DAP in the same year when he was 28 yrs old.

    Guan Eng won Kota Melaka seat when he was 26 yrs old in 1986 and was DAP Socialis Youth Chairman when he was 29 yrs old in 1989.

  57. lakilompat,

    then i answer ur pondering with the answer u gave me lah …

    answer: dun ask too much, give time for pak lah. It is a decision and u must accept it …. then with the red card in football match example also …

    Would u accept my answer?

  58. teejay,

    Hopefully Anwar compete and won a parliament seat, and take over the federal goverment … and the coalition appoint DAP’s Ean Yong as the deputy prime minister, LGE as Minister of Sport and LKS as Minister of Tourism …

    then u don pendering me WHY, i will answer u age is not a problem …

  59. teejay,

    If length of service not a criteria, it means that you are willing to accept many fresh faces as our Exco? This is not a trial and error game. The rakyat only give BR one term to try their abilities. BR cannot to fail! If Teng served for 4 terms and do nothing then DAP may be justified in not naming him as Exco. But he almost single handedly pulled down Abu Hassan, Khir Toyo and the late Zakaria. How about the 10 “Bungalows” built for ex-Excos. All these are not achievements? Please tell me one achievement that Ean Yong has done. Anyone?

  60. ric23,

    BR may appoint Nurul as Finance Minister if they form Federal Governement cause she is young and energetic as illustrated by teejay. Cannot ask WHY? They will explain later! If the selection of Ean Yong is not favouritism, then prove to us DAP selected him on merits!

  61. saubing,

    this teejay u explain until saliva fly here and fly there also no use one lah … better save the energy and go cut grass at the roadside, more meaningful …

    he is a hardcore supporter, means support everything blindly, without thinking in a rational way … if all the DAP members like this, also dunno DAP can survive for how long …

  62. ric_23,

    you have my support. It is such a pity that after waiting for 50 years, DAP can take part in forming of coalition State government in 3 states and the UMNO style of selection emerge immediately. If PM insisted in appointing KJ as Minister, I believe many, including teejay and lakilompat will shout cronisym, favouritism etc etc… But when DAP Selangor selected Ean Yong over Teng, no reason or explaination has been given. Before GE 12, who knows Ean Yong? Maybe i am ignorant. First step already wrong. So if DAP really form a coalition government after GE 13, we will see more in the likes of Ean Yong, Nurul, Teo Chieng Nie and sideline Tan Kok Wai, Tan Seng Giaw and Chow Kon Yeow? TRANSPARENCY! Please don’t act like UMNO Putras! Uncle Kit, I put it to you that the selection of Ean Yong is the same as PM selecting Muhd x2 Taib as Minister.

  63. My case is different, i can judge the result based on fact, but in your case you’ve to really give time for Ean Yong to proof you wrong.

    4 yrs oledi gave him, enough is enough. But you’ve never give EY a chance to proof you wrong.

  64. ya …

    I think tonite i go temple and pray … pray that abdulah tomolo appointed khaiiry as finance minister …

    then i want to see this “lakilompat” wil lompat tinggi tinggi and the teejay will shout and pondering asking why or not …

    then abdulah will tell them: “give him sometime, may be he is good. age is not a problem”

  65. lakilompat,

    dun u think it is risky? later 4 years if Ean cannot perform well (no body knows) … and another election comming, u ask them to vote DAP again … they will tell u … 4 years .. enough is enough … then they vote BN …

    that time i want to see u will lompat lompat or not …

  66. all of us are supporters of DAP or rather anti-BN. this is the first time I fell upset with DAP after this GE. As a future government (government in waiting like for DSAI said) we must prove that the running of the country is different from BN. Penang has taken every positive steps from GE 12 till now to show their commitment, transparency and caring to the people regardless of race and religion. I have nothing against Ean Yong but he got nothing to show us his abilities! He may be better than Teng but we must remember that 4-5 years is not long. BR cannot afford to make any mistake! Even then, it is principally wrong cause in my mind, the best is not selected. Teng commands our respect because he acted without fear or favour in exposing the wrongdoings of the ex Selangor government. He was also there at the Rimba Jaya incident. Even to the extent that he was suspended and his allowance of SA has also been suspended. If this is not his merits then I don’t know what is. I am really curious and can anyone tell me what have Ean Yong done in “bela” our rakyat to be able to be an exco at age 29 in his first term as SA. Maybe I am ignorant.

  67. lakilompat,

    the rakyat has waited 50 years for a change. as i stressed earlier, BR cannot afford to fail! Our beloved party, DAP’s motto- Transparency! No Cronisym, No Favouritism, No multiple posts (Fong PK criticised PM for having too many posts in an SS2 rally during GE12 for being a PM,Min of Finance and Min of Home Affairs but see what happens to Teresa now -exco,SA,MP). We are no different from BN. Still want to try fresh face?try 5 years, if cannot perform then only change Teng? if after trying 5 years, the rakyat got fed up and vote back BN cause no progress shown by BR, then we may have to wait for another 50 years or longer for another change. Malays also can abandon UMNO to try for a change. The stakes are high for BR to perform well in 5 states. In UK, it’s a norm for the two party system system to change governent every decade or so but in Malaysia we have waited for 50 years to change for the better. BR, please don’t fail us

  68. saubing,

    u make them confuse that u have age discrimination lah … make it simple …

    if u want to choose someone to lead a business … one experiece and one fresh graduate … u must show result in 4-5 years times … 1st time u have this business …

    which one u choose? in a rational sense and benefit for the staffs in that business?

  69. I rest my case about nic23 and saubing – they talk the same . are you related or the same person i wonder ….

    When they cannot answer they will resort to personal attacks. When Teng,Teresa,Ronnie & Ean Yang positions are aready settled they still complain about it. why ? ….ulterior motive lah

    They will bring up this ” favoursim ” and “cronyism” topic all the time even when the topic of this article is ” Brave new M’sian identity Emerging” by Dr Azly Rahman.

    If you don’t believe me check out the next article Kit puts up.

    I think the the saying ” If you tell a lie long enough people will believe it” was said by Joseph Goebbels – Hitler Nazi master Propangadist.

    Please study their replies carefully ” Single handedly pull down Abu Hassan, Khir toyo, Zakaria” . this means that others didn’t play a part ?

    I repeat , they are NOT supporters of DAP – their responses betray their true character.

  70. teejay,

    you can check with the administrator. I have given all my genuine details to the administrator. For your info, I am a Johorean. I got no more “saliva” to persuade you what is transparency. You can think of ulterior motive is a very genius attempt. even my name is real on the blog. You have too much suspicion. Am I telling a lie? what ric23 and i said are lies? I wonder how old are you. When we are concerned about DAP you said we are not supporters of DAP. Please check with the administrator. All of us log in here because we support our party. I don’t even bother to log in to UMNO or other BN blogs. Teejay, I rest my case. you don seem to understand why Ean Yong was selected without any merits. My only consolation is that all of us support DAP and have changed the history of malaysia’s politics. mind you, if DAP cannot perform well, we the rakyat can still vote them out. teejay, i feel like i am talking to wind. my Q went unanswered. you can even quote the lie things whereas I am merely stating facts. the exco has already been selected, let’s just hope they can perform well and be good “cats” regardless of race and religion. one final thing teejay, I believe everything you said, please don’t be too suspicious. not many people wants to lie here.

  71. Just as I suspected, when Kit posted an article about the Cabinet at 12noon today, the first response was by ric23 . What did he talk about ? You are right …. exco again …

    Why ? To sow doubt about DAP

  72. teejay,

    then u write an email to webmaster and ask to sue me lah, they got even my house address from my application of member, to send the application form via mail ….

    ppl just asking wat is the criteria for selection of selangor exco list only, then u twist here and there say ppl personal attack.

    very difficult to establish a guideline on how the selection is made? if no guideline, then how they select? using throw coin method? why cannot show us the selection guide?

  73. To Saubing

    [QUOTE]”No multiple posts
    (Fong PK criticised PM for having too many posts in an SS2 rally during GE12 for being a PM, Min of Finance and Min of Home Affairs
    but see what happens to Teresa now -exco,SA,MP). We are no different from BN.”

    I will applaud Fong, the problem is this old man is holding too many post but never seems to deliver any result. As Barisan rakyat supporter,
    we shouldn’t mind to give Teresa Kok (Sassy MP) a chance if she can handle the 3 post -exco, SA, MP and deliver good result to Rakyat.

    [QUOTE]”Still want to try fresh face ? try 5 years, if cannot perform then only change Teng? if after trying 5 years, the rakyat got fed up and vote back
    BN cause no progress shown by BR, then we may have to wait for another 50 years or longer for another change.”

    I can see you are pessimistic and impatience, if the freshie can’t handle it, before 5 yrs I’m sure someone within the party will topple him, don’t have
    to wait during the general election to do so. I’m sure, YB LKS and his team will ensure that all members are in line with the DAP principle.
    Some positive points noted, is that YB LGE banned all DAP members to apply for state land, this is indeed a very good move to silence all the DAP critics
    out there.

    [QUOTE]”Malays also can abandon UMNO to try for a change. The stakes are high for BR to perform well in 5 states.”

    Malay did not abandon UMNO, it is the leader of the UMNO that has become arrogant and subsequently abandoned them.

    [QUOTE]”In UK, it’s a norm for the two party system to change government every decade or so but in Malaysia we have waited for 50 years
    to change for the better.”

    We are not any better now, Federal Govt. is still control by UMNO cronies, they are now trying in vain to win back supporters by sabotaging every single
    effort proposed by the Opposition State Govt. Fortunately, state do not control the armies, else we will declare independent. Then war will break off
    Najib will send his fleet of Shukoi over our sky. The person who’s suffering will be the BR supporters. You see, corruption, leader who lied causes war,
    and war causes death, it’s happening in everywhere not even the US were spared. 4 thousand US soldiers died (since US declared war on Iraq) not defending
    their country but fighting for someone belief (truly patriotic but against principle) often has been proven wrong e.g. the Weapon of mass destruction and
    Iraq link with Al Qaeda. How about the family of these 4 thousand soldiers there will be more than 4 thousand orphans, and widows in US whereas did media
    report also include how many innocent Iraqi childrens, and adults died due to constant bombing in their homelands since war break off?

    [QUOTE] “BR, please don’t fail us”

    BR won’t fail if they start deliver results. I’m pretty satisfy jus 2 wks and 4 days after the 12th election, YB Lim Guan Eng are able to save RM 700. RM 100K
    for refusing to fix the rooftop of the govt. house, and 600K+ cancelling the 5 Perdana V6 for exco ordered by previous administration. Jobs welldone!
    Why CM salary is not RM 100K per month, why not if he can safe more than that? because all these old constitution, prefer to declared it low, then
    undeclared it more (avoid returning back) that’s how our old system failed the govt, push the minister into corruptions. With money, you ultimately
    become powerful.

  74. saubing

    I severely damaged both you and nic23 case about Teng becos Teng already said bygones be bygones. Now they want to use Ean age to continue this conspiracy.

    You say Ean was “chosen without merits”, Wow ! You know better than than the DAP CEC, man…………..

    I repeat You are NOT supporter of DAP !

  75. teejay,

    i tot u remember wat i said previously? i will keep questioning until it is answered. Why cant u be open minded? U act exactly like UMMNO, only want to hear with good thing …

    If i am not DAP supporter, why i raise this issue in this DAP blog? I for sure is not so stupid to do that as already know here got tons of hardcore supporters (support blindly without rational thinking) … if i really want to create chaos and spoilt the reputation of DAP, i can always go other public blogs to raise it up, as those blog shave more visitors than here 100 times .. furthermore many youngster have awareness of politics after 200GE … and i can affect their emotion easily … and let MCA easily make use of it …

    but why i did not do so but i raise it here? This is the only internal source that i can find to express the disactifactory … impossible that i can face to face ask the DAP leader, rights?

  76. ric23,

    it’s his nature to be suspicious. He may think you, me and Teng is the same person. Funny isn’t it. If I don’t get any feedback from CEC DAP, in next election I won’t be surprised if DAP formed coalition government after GE13, many fresh faces will become important cabinet ministers and sideline more experienced MPs. I hope in the next election BN will not use this as an issue to attack DAP, understand? haiya, teejay, you want to suspect you just suspect la. Breathless la! What DAP used to attack BN especially UMNO during GE12, DAP itself have practised. Understand? Teejay, can you accept KJ as Minister now? If you say it is fine with you, then ric23 and me are very wrong here. If you cannot accept KJ as minister now, then i hope you understand our concerns regarding Teng. I hope you understand. or maybe I will see another of your “suspect” theories. or “lies” theory

  77. teejay,

    one thing very happy to see and appreciate is the web master of LKS blog is practicing the basic democracy … at least they only delete comments with fault word but not deleting comments which does not sound good …

    imagine the web master have the character like u, then all the comments sound not good, will be deleted … and the blog only full of praise and say LKS handsome …

    If u r supporter of DAP, then have the semangat of DAP lar, keep asking if see something wrong and never dies …

  78. teejay,

    I just love to see your conspiracy theories on me and ric23. Merits and achievements are not given by party leaders. it has to be felt by the rakyat. The papers have to report it. whatever DAP do now also if we don’t want to question. many years down the road, we may do what the malays do to UMNO in the election by rejecting them. UMNO claims to “bela” Melayu but they have failed. DAP stated Malaysian Malaysia but if they fail to honour it, rakyat may also reject DAP. Please answer my question on KJ, thanks. I repeat Ean Yong may be good but he has not been tested yet. why take this risk? I believe if we are not DAP supporters, why we want to log in here? teejay, do you know mca blogs,no? same with me. We can’t be bothered. right? come on, all of us hope DAP will be better and better. Just hope that the public will understand the justifications in the exco selection and hope bn will not use this to attack DAP in next GE. Khir Toyo already attacked Selangor Govt for sidelining Teng. Please see malaysiakini now.

  79. ric23_my ur problem is, u insisted on something which has already been finalized. There shouldn’t be further question asked when it is final. I’m not hardcore DAP supporter, In fact, I’m not even a member, so I’m more like neutral, but i can see you are trying in vain to destroy and create a drama whereby Teng has been kicked out unfairly from the Exco namelist. Even when Teng explanation can’t satisfy you. You should go to Teng blog, to do it, or join BN coalition, put it in your little note there, when the next election come, you can raise this point out.

    I know Teng brother is from Gerakan, well, there have pretty good generals there now, too bad their leader “Mickey” wasn’t a good leader cos he’s playing hand in hand with Ah pek siau.

  80. Don’t follow what UMNO have done! during Dr M time, he changed lots of rules in UMNO. No Party election for many years, those vying for president must have 60 divisions (or branches, i can’t remember the percentage). the leaders choose not to listen to the grassroots. The grassroots voted loyally to them until they cannot stand anymore. i believe all those who log in here have bona fide intentions. we just hope CEC DAP will take note of what we feel wrong(it may not be wrong). It is up to them on whether they want to listen or not. i also believe lakilompat and teejay are very loyal. we want DAP to grow stronger. what else can we do if our opinions, representing only one vote for every person are not noted by CEC DAP? we exposed UMNO cronisym and favouritism (sorry teejay i have to use it again) as everyone knows KJ is only 31 years old and he is already no.2 man in UMNO Youth, please don’t let them have any chance to say “a pot calling the kettle black” on this Teng issue. that is my concern. Further when we said PM have not enough time (as one day only have 24 hours) to hold 3 portfolios, then don’t let BN to have a chance to attack back on this issue. please reduce the workloads of our beloved multi-tasking ADUN and MP. for GE13, hopefully, DAP MP and SA will be different. I believe by then there will be many talented and young energetic individuals who is willing to take up the challenge. Good luck DAP!

  81. lakilompat,

    why cant u see the point? let say we dun say teng lar OK? may be we say tiong or tang … why DAP want to discriminate talents? teng is just an example!

    Fong in Batu Gajah, the girl compete for parliament, last minutes say dont want to compete and lost contact … and hint that due to discrimination that make her cant do her work efficiently … but at the end after persuading, then come back and won … u forgot already the case?

    We are asking becoz we feel the smell of favourism .. and this is crucial as it will only make talent go off the party … and it is not good for party …

    still cannot understand?

  82. lakilompat,

    I remember reading somewhere in the MSM that Teng also has an uncle who is an MCA SA or MP. I think what ric_23 feared is that if we don’t show the public on the transparency, then in future how are we going to question BN on this issue. (remember those 4th floor boys with KJ as leader). what ric23 wants to know is explaination, DAP cannot behave like UMNO. Decisions often made but with no explaination. Many around the blogs questioned the reason Muhd x2 Taib been selected into cabinet. Don’t you want to know why? But our PM don’t even bother to explain. Do you think it is a popular move? hope you understand ric23 and my concern.

  83. ric23_my i know, i’ve mentioned before Liu Bei has alot of capable generals, Guan Yu volunteered to be chosen, but Zhuge Liang objected, Guan Yu insisted, Zhuge Liang said fine, u must write military verdict in case he let go of Cao Cao he will have to bear the responsibility. Well, see what happen? favoritism? Guan Yu is capable but will he choose loyalty or principle? Don’t forget his bro is Gerakan, will you?

  84. lakilompat,

    u pls lah, now is 2008 … u talk until china dynasty so long for wat? better u talk until jurassic park and all the dinasour also come out …

    straight to the point lah … we dun talk about teng lar, OK? we talk about Fong in Batu Gajah … how to explain? Cannot smell another favourism?

  85. Look what President Bush has done to the American, more than 4000 orphans, widows, or handicap soldiers returning from Iraq war? what do they get? is it an honor to get killed by friendly fire and enemy defending their home soils? He’s lying abt the weapon of mass destruction to gain support from allies and the ppl, he’s lying abt Saddam Hussein having link with Al Qaeda so that ppl will want to punish him badly. Well, ppl still support him right? Who can topple him? that’s the evil of democracy.

    To Saubing & ric23_my i believe the explanation is clear, that he was not selected and he respected the decision.

  86. lakilompat,

    his bro is gerakan, uncle is MCA, it does not make any difference. Who wants to join opposition in the first place if they want money and post. those who is brave enough to join opposition is not afraid of ISA, lost business opportunities and many other factors. why we donate to DAP during GE? It’s because they need the money for day to day expenses.every single flag or posters the candidate need to bear. that’s why i really salute opposition party leaders. ISA is always waiting for them. Teng is a practising lawyer, do you think he will be popular among those large corporations especially banks and developers. I know that P Uthayakumar is also a lawyer and he spent most of his personal money to fight for the justice of his fellow Indians adn he is still under ISA detention. I always believe if a person join opposition party, it means he really can’t be bothered of lost opportunities. Salute to those opposition MPs and SAs!

  87. When human died, the body will rot but the soul will be reincarnated. Scientifically it has yet to be proven, but is there anyone on earth can claimed this is not true and never existed.

    History often warn us, tryant will failed, poor governance will lead to rebellions, such as the case when a group of incapable Eunuch take over the government. Leader who lied will lead the nation to destruction and despair, look at the American today. How many widows, orphans, handicap young man & woman they’ve produced as a result to achieve some individual patriotic dream?

    Intelligent ppl observe the past (history) study the star, river flows, and rate the governance. By correcting history so that it won’t repeat, this will pave way for future. Identifying the past mistakes, correcting it now, observe and monitor during the implementation phase then rectify it or replace it to achieve the result desired. I believe, in order for a healthy system to work, patience is required.

  88. lakilompat,

    so we patient for 4 years lah … next election when DAP go near to the Selangor ppl, if they said … 4 years … enough is enough …

    whose butt should i kick? i think i am going to voodoo u if this happen

  89. Ean is appointed to settle the case involving Zakarria palace which digged out by teng …

    we will see whether he can play his roles and dun fear against actions from UMMNO putra in near future …

    see whether he dare to stand firm agaisnt these ppl or not .. if not, next year should immediately replaced

  90. well then, u must ask them always but not in the manner earlier on, i mean earlier on u r relating the incidents to DAP principle, crony and favourism which might create an impression that they are not acting as one.

    I agreed with saubing let’s move on.

  91. Hey Tickler,

    You should know better than to get readers here worked up on events in Trengganu surrounding the Palace and the Malays there!

    Why do you think YB Kit stays clear of the issue or issues surrounding the case? A cursory reading of the article would no doubt leave the less perceptive among readers that the DAP has been singled out for praise. It is not the case! There is nothing written that is complimentary of YB Kit and Karpal Singh!

    (translated for the convenience of readers)


    “However, deplorable some of the activities of non-Muslims in Malaysia they have yet to offend the teachings of Ad Deenullah, insulting the sovereignty of the Malay sultan.

    Lim Kit Siang has yet to insult the Sultan the way UMNO Malays have done in Trengganu.

    However stubborn Karpal Singh may have been in his protest against the implementation of Shariah law in our country, he has yet to insult his Majesty.”


    Needless to say, YB Kit in his infinite wisdom has chosen not to comment on the issue in his blog for fear of being dragged into the controversy.

    “Mahaguru” is one blog non-Malay or even non-Trengganu Malay readers may want to visit occasionally to understand the Trengganu Malay psyche, but make no mistake it is not exactly a blog that could be said to subscribe to the concept of Malaysian Malaysia.

  92. lakilompat, DAPSY (DAP Socialist Youth) membership is open to people below 40. That is the youth wing of the DAP. Not very sure, but I think if you join the Party, you are automatically seconded into it.

  93. saubing Says: “I also respect Teng’s decision. Just hope that in future DAP CEC will be more transparent and careful in every decision they make.”

    What statement are you making? You “hope” and in “the future”? So are you saying if Teng is wronged, it is ok? You just “hope” that in “the future” it will not happen again. I think this is not the way to support a political party. I want DAP to do the right thing now, not in the future. I expect and demand the DAP to do the right thing now, I don’t hope.

    We must be rational when we support a political party. If we are blind and fanatical, in no time the party we support will behave like another BN.

  94. limkamput,

    please look at the earlier comments made by me,ric23,lakilompat and teejay. It is never my intention to say that it is ok if Teng is wronged. DAP CEC still do not want to give an explaination on why Teng is dropped. We, as concerned voters queried but still there’s no reply from DAP CEC. what can i do? I admire ric_23 persistence but what can we do if DAP do not want to answer our queries?

  95. limkamput,

    please look at the earlier comments made by me,ric23,lakilompat and teejay. It is never my intention to say that it is ok if Teng is wronged. DAP CEC still do not want to give an explaination on why Teng is dropped. We, as concerned voters queried but still there’s no reply from DAP CEC. what can i do? I admire ric_23 persistence but what can we do if DAP do not want to answer our queries? you can see whether i blindly support or i have many queries? whatever it is let’s move on…….

  96. “We must be rational when we support a political party. If we are blind and fanatical, in no time the party we support will behave like another BN.” limkamput

    Saubing, you’re new on this blog. So you could be excused for not knowing that only this self-appointed resident gatekeeper is rational, not blind and not fanatical.

    But hey who says in the land of the blind the one-eyed jackass is not king??

  97. saubing Says:
    I admire ric_23 persistence but what can we do if DAP do not want to answer our queries? you can see whether i blindly support or i have many queries? whatever it is let’s move on…….

    What can we do? We also have lots of complaints against BN, and what can we do? Hmm, nothing much we can do and let’s move on……and we have been doing that for 50 years. If we are not careful, the next 50 years is another “let’s move on….”.

  98. saubling,
    I think you don’t understand me. I am referring to Teng’s case and my point is we just can’t move on unless we get some answers from DAP. Otherwise DAP will be no difference from BN. Be it on Teng’s case, be it on the administration of a state government, and be it on the management of a political party, the principles of transparency, fairness and accountability are the same and they equally and unequivocally apply. If we can sacrifice Teng, we can sacrifice bigger issues in the future.

  99. limkamput,

    We have been asking for explaination since Monday but until today there is no justification or explaination from the CEC DAP regarding their criteria in choosing the three excos. they want to behave like UMNO Putras mentality “we think what is best for the rakyat” selecting the 29 years old boy is the same like PM selecting KJ as Minister. no justification. maybe u can refer to my previous comments. I am tired of repeating.

  100. saubing said,

    “selecting the 29 years old boy is the same like PM selecting KJ as Minister.”

    I can think of a hundred reasons why KJ should not be a minister and his age is not one of them. Similarly, I cannot think of any reason why Ean Yong’s age should count against him. I think you are being highly insulting by calling him a boy. He’s 29 years old, which means that he is 11 years past 18, which is when most people are considered to have become matured. That’s hardly a boy, is it? Or are you saying that his constituencies are stupid for electing a “boy” to be their representative?

    Age is only a number. William Pitt the Younger, one of Britain’s most famous and respected Prime Ministers became the PM at the age of 24. Ok, granted in those days things worked differently, but he was also derided by his political opponents for his age more than anything.

    As for Teng not being in the ExCo. I think the matter should be dropped. Instead of attacking the DAP for that, I don’t see anyone of you questioning why the DAP was only given 3 seats which is what PAS won when the DAP won 13 seats compared to 8 seats for PAS.

  101. mycroft,

    saubling might make u misunderstand on this issues … it is not about age or person

    it is the same theory why we all curious on certain formation of abdullah cabinet … we will ask if we curious …

    selangor case is why an experience and has achivement candidate is not appointed but a fresh one is appointed … usually fresh one is selected if we have no other choices … but in this case it is not …

    bare in mind … we have only 4 years time … and chances that BN will take over selangor is very high … BN fall this time becoz they have too much weakness … not becoz the opposition have many achivements in governing state (since we dont have chances for 50 years) …

    with this short time of 4 years, we need to make use of ppl with experience to ensure that the experience can efficiently help to achieve some performace on the state government … DAP need big achievemnt, not minor achievement in selangor goverment …

    that’s the reason why ppl curious and asking, why dun make use of the experience one but a fresh one IN THIS CRITICAL MOMENT?

  102. mycroft,

    I’m sorry if I make u misunderstand my meaning. To cut things short.

    Q1- Why must DAP use an untested Ean Yong as Exco to investigate the matters that were brought by Teng?

    Q2-Why must DAP drop a proven SA with creditable showing in the late Zakaria istana issue and let Ean Yong investigate?

    Q3- Who has more knowledge in the istana Zakaria NOW?

    Q4- What is the justification in selecting Ean Yong over Teng?


    or is it?

  103. mycroft,

    maybe I am wrong, the reason that DAP got 3 exco instead of 4 exco is because the Sultan “advised” that the proportion of the Malays and nono-Mal;ays exco be be at least equal. I am sure DAP would not want to dispute this as they may end up like UMNO Trengganu and the MSM may sensationalise the issue (like what they did to Uncle Kit for the Perak MB issue). 13/36 is 36%. so we are almost there if Teng is made a Speaker.

  104. saubing,

    u better save enegy lah, they are DAP Putra …

    it will be the same as if you ask UMMNO Putra about the DEP, they will twist here and there to make it out of topic and finding excuses to escape …

  105. The appointment or the non appointment of Teng goes beyond age and experience arguments. It may also connote hegemony within DAP where senior and potentially capable leaders are sidelined.

    I see that we are vociferous in our attack against Ean Yong and Ronnie (to some extent) but we have left Theresa untouched. May I know why, is it because she is a woman or a popular MP? Is she really that capable or resourceful to be everywhere and holding so many positions? Never mind, we shall all see the quality of her work as well as Ean’s and Ronnie’s from now on. Besides, I think the positions they are holding now are not their own doing or decision. Ultimately, it is CEC and Sdr Lim who need to provide some explanation on this.

  106. Pak Lah can’t take KJ, else he have to declare, also it is much better for KJ to remain low profiles to keep things secret anyhow Pak Lah will still seek KJ advise on certain federal contracts, the Iskandar projects etc. Don’t forget Pak Lah need to enjoy family life with Jeanne, grandson, daughter, son, ultimately Khairy. If you appoint Khairy as minister, he will be busy. Now Khairy is not minister he can easily fly here and there enjoy his life, any new contracts come, he will get first hand info. He’s probably enjoying his massage now or sipping his coffee at one of the golf ranch while the rakyat and opposition struggles to fend off federal sabotage and EXCO appointment.

    Pls look and think far! Why i need be a minister when im a prime minister eye and ear?

  107. Q1- Why must DAP use an untested Ean Yong as Exco to investigate the matters that were brought by Teng?
    [Rejuvenate – New ideas, talents that doesn’t mean Ean Yong can’t deliver]
    Q2-Why must DAP drop a proven SA with creditable showing in the late Zakaria istana issue and let Ean Yong investigate?
    [They work as a team whoever is drop and rise, does it really matters? Is it in the constitution one must be creditable in order to get the appointment?]
    Q3- Who has more knowledge in the istana Zakaria NOW?
    [Who care?]
    Q4- What is the justification in selecting Ean Yong over Teng?
    [Rejuvenation? perhaps, give young generation a chance]
    [Off course else you wouldn’t have statement made from Teng]

  108. lakilompat,

    this issue make ppl feel the smell of favourism, and sidelined of potential and caliber leaders ..

    since DAP selangor have their reason and criteria to select the exco list … if it is convincing, why so scare to let other knows?

    If DAP selangor will tell ppl that exco is selected based on criteria “who’s armpit hair is the longest” … then i am going to use a ruler to measures … if teng’s armpit hair is the shortest, then i will keep quiet and accept it …

    there must already a criteria how the formation is made, right? Then what it is? ppl curious to know since there is smell of favourism …

  109. I have never doubted Teresa’s ability cause she has shown results since becoming an MP from 1999. the same goes to Teng who have been showing results since 1995. But then the same cannot be said of Ronnie and Ean Yong. hope they can be good or even better than Teresa and Teng. Just curious why DAP want to risk this little chance given by the rakyat after a 50 years wait to test on fresh SA. I agree with ric23. with DAP Putras in DAP, the CEC do not need to show Transparency here!

  110. Malaysia’s Beauty only Skin Deep – A Nomad

    This article was written by a traveller and an expat who had lived in Malaysia.

    Malaysia is a great country! Unspoiled beaches, excellent diving spots, mountains surrounded by misty fog, exotic fauna and flora and a healthy, vast rain forest are attracting plenty of visitors. Islands like Pulau Langkawi, Tioman, Penang, the Perhentians or locations like Genting Highlands have a legendary reputation with travelers.

    The country embraced tourism already many years ago and the slogan “Malaysia – truly Asia” will ring in your ears forever; once you saw the mesmerizing advertising campaigns on CNN, BBC or other global TV stations.

    However, Malaysia’s politics were never that idyllic and recent years were no exception:

    What happened so far?

    Visit for details.

  111. Original Version

    The Ant works hard in the withering heat all summer building its house
    and laying up supplies for the winter.
    The Grasshopper thinks the Ant is a fool and laughs & dances & plays
    the summer away.
    Come winter, the Ant is warm and well fed. The Grasshopper has no food
    or shelter so he dies out in the cold.

    New Version

    The Ant works hard in the withering heat all summer building its house
    and laying up supplies for the winter.
    The Grasshopper thinks the Ant’s a fool and laughs & dances & plays
    the summer away.

    Come winter, the shivering Grasshopper calls a press conference and
    demands to know why the Ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed
    while others are cold and starving.

    TV1, TV2 & TV3 show up to provide pictures of the shivering
    Grasshopper next to a video of the Ant in his comfortable home with a
    table filled with food.

    The majority of the Parliament is stunned by the sharp contrast.
    How can it be that this poor Grasshopper be allowed to suffer so?

    Khairy stages a demonstration in front of the Ant’s house.

    Nazri goes on a fast along with other Grasshoppers demanding that
    Grasshoppers be accorded the same comfort during winter.

    Most of the related people criticize the Government for not
    upholding the fundamental rights of the Grasshopper.

    The local newspapers (MSNs) & the Internet are flooded with online petitions
    seeking support for the Grasshopper (many promising Heaven and
    Everlasting Peace for prompt support as against the wrath of God for

    The u must not object controlled Parliament immediately passes a law preventing Ants from working
    hard in the heat so as to bring about equality of poverty among Ants
    and Grasshoppers.

    Krishammudin provide ‘More Special Reservation’ for Grasshoppers in
    Educational Institutions & in Government Services.

    The Ant is found guilty and fined for failing to comply with 30% sharing. Having
    nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes; its home is confiscated by
    the Government and handed over to the Grasshopper in a ceremony
    covered by the MSNs.

    Prime Minister announces to the whole nation that this is part of
    the Never Ending Policy and all have to respect, no questions asked and have to follow

    Many years later

    The Ant has since migrated and set up a multi-billion dollar company in its new country.

    In spite of the NEP, 100s of Grasshoppers still die of starvation everywhere.
    With the loss of many hard working Ants who worked very hard feeding the Grasshoppers,
    the country still remains a developing country!!!

    Where will the country be without the ants……………………….

    so…. are you the brilliant hardworking ant or the grasshopper that is dependent on the NEP
    and forever hopping for aid???

    Found this in the net….enjoy

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