March 8 political tsunami – 8 matters for first Cabinet working meeting tomorrow

I have sent an urgent fax to the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi on the eight matters which the new Cabinet can do tomorrow to show that he is prepared to respond to the March 8 political tsunami and be on top of the changes demanded by Malaysians.

The March 8 general election results have wrought far-reaching political changes and it is beholden on all political players to heed the demand for change which the Malaysian voters have spoken loud and clear on polling day 17 days ago.

The first working Cabinet meeting tomorrow is being watched closely as to whether the new Government is prepared to respond and be on top of the changes demanded by the people.

The eight matters which the Cabinet can do tomorrow to signal that Abdullah and the new Government are ready and willing to hear the voices and aspirations of the people and begin the process of healing the divisions in the country are:

1. Immediate and unconditional release of the five Hindraf leaders, P. Uthayakumar, newly-elected DAP Selangor State Assemblyman for Kota Alam Shah M. Manoharan, V. Ganabatirau, R. Kenghadharan and T. Vasantha Kumar from Internal Security Act (ISA) detention as their only “offence” is to voice out the legitimate grievances of the long-standing marginalization of the Malaysian Indians and which have been vindicated by the March 8 general election results.

2. Restoration of national and international confidence in the independence, integrity and quality of the judiciary with the establishment of a Judicial Appointments Commission and a Royal Commission into the two decades of judicial crises starting with the arbitrary and unconstitutional sacking of Tun Salleh Abas as Lord President and Datuk George Seah and the late Tan Sri Wan Suleiman Pawanteh as Supreme Court judges in 1988.

3. First-World Parliament – full commitment to comprehensive parliamentary reform and modernization including live telecast of parliamentary proceedings, an Opposition Deputy Speaker, an Opposition MP to head the Public Accounts Committee, ministerial status for Parliamentary Opposition Leader and a full Select Committee system headed by Parliamentarians where every Ministry is shadowed by a Select Committee.

4. All-out drive to eradicate corruption with the elevation of the Anti-Corruption Agency as an autonomous agency answerable only to Parliament.

5. Leadership by example on integrity by Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Chief Ministers, Mentris Besar, MPs and State Assembly members, including public declaration of assets, end of discrimination in allocation of constituency development allocations to Opposition elected representatives, eradication of money politics as its use to induce defections and electoral reforms for free, fair and clean elections.

6. Full implementation of the 125 recommendations of the Royal Police Commission to create an efficient, incorruptible, professional world-class police service to reduce crime, eradicate corruption and uphold human rights, particularly the establishment of an Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC).

7. All-party inquiry to enhance Malaysia’s international competitiveness to enable the country to successfully face the challenges of globalization.

8. Public inquiry into the RM4.6 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) bailout scandal to demonstrate the new Government’s commitment to accountability, transparency, integrity and good governance.


198 Replies to “March 8 political tsunami – 8 matters for first Cabinet working meeting tomorrow”

  1. As I said, AAB should spend more time at home with Jeanne & build their relationship up first, instead of spending time at office cracking his head on politics… :)

    That is what his Chinese Horoscope says this year for bunny Rabbits.

  2. LKS,

    I am glad I voted for DAP. With solid and committed leaders such as yourself, I feel secure in the knowledge that there is still hope for our Country. I read your 8 pointers and salute your sharpness on key issues facing our Nation at this juncture. True, there could be so many other problems and issues but our top leaders especially the Cabinet has to realize that we need to confront major issues head-on and correct them. Thank you Sir!

    p/s: I doubt our PM has the acumen or the courage to change course. In my opinion, he is history (yesterday’s man).

  3. Uncle Kit,

    You can tell them 8 point and explain in depth till your mouth froths and your feet go numb.

    But what if a moron like Nazri turns and tells you ” I’m still not convinced these are the issues dear to the rakyats heart “.

    No use ? You send a letter to someone, the person who recieves must be able to read and understand what he reads.

    You have 2 BIG beautiful ears , but what use is it if they dont HEAR ? What if the ear does hear but the message cannot be relayed because there is NO BRAIN.

    My advice, just concentrate on these 5 states and make them world class, by 2013 all will fall in place……….

  4. Uncle Lim,

    I don’t have confidence on the new Cabinet and I don’t think they believe the 8 points are of utmost importance.

    On point #3 itself, from past records where so many Barisan Najis MPs ponteng Parliament sessions, I can’t wait to see PKR-DAP-PAS in action this time.

  5. just simply shoot an umno member in the head and 90% of the time, you will get a corrupt person.
    heck, the law should be changed so that anyone who gains RM1mil through corrupt practices should return the money and be hung till death. That way, we get back the money and have one leech less to care for…
    Good way to teach corrupt leeches that their ways will lead them to hell where they belong

  6. Yb Lim

    If the sleepy PM is to take your advise seriously then 99% of his cronies will be landed in Sungai Buloh prison. Do you think he will do it???

    The only way to adopt your 8 matters is to change the government which i believe can be done sooner or later.

  7. Yes, yes, yes, I agree with you. Also the following:

    1. ACA DG and senior officers to declare publicly their assets, just as for Cabinet Ministers now have to do. Also get the ACA to be fully accountable for their actions and especially their INACTION.

    Same too for the IGP and his senior officers.

    All declaration of assets should include assets OVERSEAS and immediate family members.

    2. Live telecast of Parliament sessions or to allow interested parties to do the live telecasts.

    3. The Elections Commission to be fully revamped to allow for greater transparency, accountability and integrity. Also declaration of assets as per above. Also, its members should be properly appointed.

    On the other hand, I must also enquire what the Opposition Coalition (OC) is going to do now? A lot of silence lately.

    Pak Lah has announced his Cabinet. What is the OC doing about forming its SHADOW CABINET? Why no progress on this?

    Also, too many members are both MPs and SAs, especially from the DAP and Keadilan. Why, some are even state Exco members now. Names that come to mind are Khalid Ibrahim, Teresa Kok, Lim Guan Eng, Ramasamy, Ngeh and Nga etc etc etc. Just how are they going to focus on their responsibilities?

    Perhaps some of them might wish to vacate their seats for new blood in by-elections when these are held, together with Anwar Ibrahim. Consider that.

    And don’t forget that other rubber stamp chamber called the DEWAN NEGARA or Senate. Just how relevant is it? Should it be abolished? Or should the Opposition Coalition now appoint their members up there to give it some “life”, some check and balance, some usefulness?

    I also propose that all Opposition MPs and SAs should NOT be rewarded with all kinds of titles like “Dato Seri”, “Dato”, “Dato Panglima Garang” etc etc. They should not be awarded or accept titles, just as they are not allowed to apply for land in Penang. No titles for the Socialists and the like. Just work for the people.

    Incidentally, I feel the DAP is entitled to the Opposition Leader’s position as it has more LEGITIMATE MPs than PKR. Why?

    Well of PKR’s 31 MPs, there are several who are NOT PKR members at all even though they stood under PKR’s banner. Who are they?
    Wee Choo Keong (Wangsa Maju) comes to mind. Isn’t he from MDP? Another is that giant killer Jeyakumar (Sungei Siput) from the Socialists party. Aren’t these two parties still in existence? The Socialists too have a state seat in Selangor under PKR. PAS too has an UMNO renegade Ibrahim Ali who stood under their banner. Let’s face it. PKR has many MPs and SAs who won even though they are not party members unless they have joined the party recently. And if 15 or 16 BN MPs cross over to the Opposition, how should they be treated? The DAP has made its stand on crossovers. What about the others?

    Yes, still many issues to be looked into by both sides.

  8. To ric23, stop mockering that Teng is not in the exco list, since decision already been made, action will speak louder now for Teng to continue in a supportive role. I hope to see YB LKS become the first chinese Menteri Besar in Perak but why not, should there at least an explanation? There are things beyond our expectation, it is all fated, if Teng feel unhappy he can join his cousin at BN camp, i hope that’s not what he wanted to.

    Hope this time Nazri will not call & finger point YB LKS a liar, and stupid. This is the time for him to reflect himself in the mirror to swallow back his word and cabinet antic.

  9. One more.

    Declare Petronas and all GLC accounts to Parliament. These bodies belong to the people and we want to know how our money is managed. We also need to relook into all the agreements, concessions and ‘Built n Operate’ arrangement. Like the Penang bridge for example, it is already on maximum capacity and the operater wants to raise toll because they still cannot cover expenses? Something is terribly wrong. PLUS highway too. The rising tolls, the expensive food at their rest areas…

    And again, why only the 5 hindraf leaders? Why not ISA detainees? It is time BN earn some sympathy. The longer Badawi takes to release them, the faster the BN ship will sink. It is already a popular belief that BN will collapse in 2 to 3 months.

    On the finer points… all Governments must immediately start talking to all Resident Associations and Non BN NGOs to get the the truth on the ground and and to listen to all. Don’t just believe in lies coming from irresponsibles and good for nothing members in JKKK, RT and BN created NGO’s to sabotage the real NGOs.

  10. What about this? Also very big sum involved at RM800 million a year, total RM3billion to RM4billion over the last 4 years.

    I am sure YB Lim should ask where these Wang Ehsan gone to.-accountability, transparency etc. Almost same magnitude as PKFZ abt RM4 billion.

    UMNO-Led Federal Government ‘s Fiduciary Irresponsibility for Trengganu’s Oil-Money

    Trengganu MB crisis: Follow the money trail

    Palace, Pat Lah and the Petroringgit…….

    Monsoon (Cup) winds of change

  11. ACA…no way. They will want in under their control although the rakya have showed they want an independent ACA. PKFZ, case close since Chan Kong Choy quit.Declare assets, is all talk and if done will be done without much transparency. Basically this BN govt is not sincere in fight against corruption.

    Judges, seems they will apologise. I hope they do on behalf of previous govt.

    IPCMC, well he will say not in his 2008 manifesto. Again do not believe Pak Lah will deliver on his promise. We want IPCMC and no other versions.

  12. Uncle Kit, I thought Wan Azizah as the parliamentary opposition leader is the one who’ll take on this matters when parliament convenes tomorrow on behalf of PKR, DAP and PAS. I also find it strange that the eight matters to be brought up in the first parliamentary meeting are not endorsed by PKR and PAS, is there consensus between the oppositions in this matters?

  13. Some times when we try to point one finger to others we should know that 3 fingers point back to us. Mr Lim, we Klang people seeking an explanation from u regarding Selangor Exco list.

    Why 3 first timer being elected as Exco and a four term ADUN being eleminated to post of powerless Speaker ??? Maybe u forgot or u follow BN’s culture of ” cakap tak serupa bikin” when u did hit BN’s policies regarding brain drain. Dont treat us like stupidful. Vote DAP this time doesnt mean we vote u forever.

    The 29 years old being appoint as an Exco just like a secondary school student attending school graduation.

    Mr Lim, we are expecting your explanation.

    Representing a ground of Pandamaran voters.

  14. I am not concern about teng or whoever … i am talking about the internal politic of DAP which become serious and more serious … which can ruin the situation and make the opposition fell …

    Teng is one case … how about Batu Gajah Fong case? another internal politic also …

    Stick back to your propaganda, DAP … i guess reasonable for this appeal?

  15. thanks uncle lim. those are the issues that needed to be address since ages ago. bodohwi has a lot to answer for esp for why the hell the buaya taib can be in the cabinet. this will be a disastrous turn for the parliament to be another third world.

    uncle lim, i also applaud u for being realistic and in touch with us. cont to fight the good fight for the good of ALL malaysians

  16. Please stop harping on the Selangor Exco’s List. Dunno who is Mr. Teng but he seems to have some supporters on this blog. The Exco members are already appointed so stop harping on it. Makes no difference.

  17. max2811

    I disagree with you to halt on the request for DAP to explain to us as voters why YB Teng has been excluded with obvious experience and merits

    Ifi you suggest to sweep this issue under carpet, then DAP will sent to wrong message to the Rakyat.

    DAP has been raising the issues of judicial review, transparency of appointment of judges where more experience candidate have been by-passed for promotion. If DAP does not take effort to clarify this matter, this will be an issue the voter will raised in the next election.

    DAP must not only talk about transparency, but must be also SEEN to be transparent.

    I agree with kslaw70 comment.

  18. I agreed with max2811, let’s respect our leader choice, if you trust the leader, you must not think what is not.

    Here’s some info on Mr. Teng
    Teng Chang Khim
    Location: Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
    4th term Member of the Selangor State Legislative Assembly since 1995. Opposition Leader of the Legislative Assembly(1995-1999 and 2004-2008). A practising lawyer.

    Whoever become exco not important, most important is the party struggle to eliminate and reduce BN cronies. Look at point 8, MYR 4.6 Billion Govt. Bailout who approve that? OMG! with that we can build some bridges, highway, reduce fuel price by increasing fuel subsidy to the rakyat or send RM 6,000 red packet each year to every household of Malaysia with income less than MYR 6000 per month. Well, there u go, the federal govt. bailout MYR 4.6 billion, will Malaysia go bankrupt as of what Najib said?

  19. Again Sdr. Lim, even at the twilight albeit the height of his career, is a national treasure for being a positive critic of the govt. The leader of opposition politics in almost all other countries including Anwar Ibrahim would not be so generous as not to harped on issues that are at the core of DAP ideology namely the issues of secularity, religion and NEP.

    It would have been unproductive to harp at these ideological issue when such urgent practical matters need to be addressed.

    If UMNO-led BN were truly gentlemen and had the heart of Bangsa Malaysia, they should confer a Tan Sri ship to Sdr. Lim before the end of this term.

  20. The Cabinet meeting will start an hour late because someone has overslept as usual.

    Then the Cabinet ministers will spend the next hour blaming each other’s party for the election losses.

    Next hour will be spent trying to figure out what dirty secrets will be revealed in all the states that has been taken over by the DAP/PKR/PAS coalitions.

    Finally they will discuss how likely the BN MPs will jump ship and if the BN will lose the control of the Govt.

    Then meeting adjourned as someone needs to go back to sleep.

    So, YB Kit, forget about your proposals. No time.

  21. kit,
    would we add list number 9. Rulers remains as figure heads and does not interfere in the administration of the running of governments. They should not be seen in interering with any politics whatsoever. Afterall we have spent unnecessarily millions if not billions to maintain such an institution. Respect we must but please let us carry on and such a stalement (as in trngganu) is unwarranted and uncalled for. It should not happen and must not be allowed to happen anywhere, anytime, anyhow.

  22. The priorities of the new cabinet:

    1. Figure out who in BN is likely to cross over to the other side, and what the BN can do to prevent this.

    2. What to do with the Royal Commission of Inquiry on the Lingam tape.

    3. What are the effective ways to discredit the other side.

    4. Ways to congratulate ourselves and put a positive spin on the recent GE.

    All cabinet ministers rise and say in unison: “Saya Sokong”.

  23. I don’t think bodowi will meet your requests. He will say “It’s not realistic enough because some minister/GLC/cronies/police officers will go bankrupt if they are being scrutinised so tightly. They will loss their extra income”

  24. Another priority for the new cabinet will be to tell all ministers not to talk to the press without clearance from Tengku Adnan – a clear reference to Zaid Ibrahim for putting the cat amongst the pigeons.

  25. Bro Kit,

    Excellent points to be considered by Pak Lah (how do we ensure that he is still not sleeping?).
    However, Dawsheng noted, I am not optimistic.
    Well, one positive thing though, the Rakyat can look forward to the next GE to complete the job we started in the 12th GE, so we can get a “REAL” Cabinet!
    Keep up the good work.

  26. dawsheng Says:
    Today at 14: 21.51 (1 hour ago)

    Uncle Kit, I thought Wan Azizah as the parliamentary opposition leader is the one who’ll take on this matters when parliament convenes tomorrow on behalf of PKR, DAP and PAS. I also find it strange that the eight matters to be brought up in the first parliamentary meeting are not endorsed by PKR and PAS, is there consensus between the oppositions in this matters?

    No need-lah…. Just keep life simple. ;)

  27. That doesn’t mean opposition leader must be used as tool to push DAP 8 critical agendas. Stop been childish.

    Each party must be able to voice out in the cabinet either represent themselves as party or on behalf of the BR. Too bad there is no live on tv. Hope there will be showing, because rakyat will be anxious and interested to know what’s cooking.

  28. lakilompat Says:

    Today at 14: 11.11 (1 hour ago)
    “To ric23, stop mockering that Teng is not in the exco list, since decision already been made, action will speak louder now for Teng to continue in a supportive role. I hope to see YB LKS become the first chinese Menteri Besar in Perak but why not, should there at least an explanation? There are things beyond our expectation, it is all fated, if Teng feel unhappy he can join his cousin at BN camp, i hope that’s not what he wanted to.”

    Lim Kit Siang had no chance of being the first Chinese MB of Perak because he didn’t even run for and win a state seat. How can he be the MB without a seat in the State Assembly?

    Also it is Teng’s younger brother Chang Yeow who is in BN under Gerakan. He might have a cousin there, but it is TCY who is the most famous one, and no doubt you were alluding to him. Goodness me. People should get their facts right before shooting.

  29. Come what may,UMNO will never make any positive or realistic moves to eradicate corruption. Why should they? The purpose of being in UMNO is to enjoy the short cut to richness through dubious means called CORRUPTION. They are not going to hang themselves with their own ropes as they had been enjoying these forbidden fruits for so long and without it, they will be like mortals without a soul

    Everybody knows their Trademark, UMNO=Corruption and Corruption=UMNO and it will never go away or even fade away if you give them the choice. The fruit is just too juicy and that is why they are fighting tooth and nail with the royalty in Trengganu to retain someone whose hands are soiled and hence easy to manipulate.

  30. We must not give them the choice. We must kick them out and kick hard in the next general election and send them into oblivion and never to be seen again. That is the only way to eradicate corruption in this beloved land of ours.

  31. To mycroft,
    “People should get their facts right before shooting.” this is true

    It seems you did not observe the statement clearly before u begin shooting into wrong direction. Look carefully my earlier statement stated “i hope” what I’m trying to convey is that, there shouldn’t be explanation to each and every appointment.

    There are more important matters to be explained such as the 8 critical points listed out by YB LKS. The eight points looks critical and interesting RM 4.6 billion govt. bailout approximately USD 1.3 Billion.

  32. dawsheng, please read carefully what Kit has written. He is talking about the cabinet meeting tomorrow and not Parliament meeting.
    Pak lah will lay out the plans he has for Malaysia and the Opposition leader will have the right to reply to him. Wan Azizah is Opposition leader but MP’s are free to bring up anything they want. Stop making it seem there is disunity among the ranks of DAP,PRR and PAS when there is none.

  33. to Max 2811,

    if you don’t know Mr Teng, then maybe you don’t know much about his achievement. He is a 4 term assemblymen and has always been acting without fear and favour. He exposed the late Zakaria mansion. He exposed the 10 exco “bungalows” (which was “only” around RM21 Million as admitted by ex Selangor MB Khir Toyo). For your information, I am a Johorean and have never met Mr Teng. The reason that Mr Teng has so many supporters is that he always proved his work by showing results. I have always supported DAP since year 1995 because I always believe that DAP is fighting for every Malaysian regardless of race or religion. They have always champion Malaysian Malaysia concept and has a huge followings. However after the announment of the Selangor Exco lineup, I feel very sad and upset as DAP seems to be no different from UMNO. Instead of selecting the best candidates for the 3 exco slots given to DAP, DAP has selected 3 first term assemblymen into the exco, leaving Mr. Teng behind with a powerless Deputy Speaker (subject to Sultan’s approval). I must say I admired Mr Teng magnanimity because until now he still did not say anything. I am supporter of DAP but I feel that in Selangor already DAP started to behave like UMNO and also behave like MCA cause DAP has been reduced to 3 exco slots instead of 4 exco slots cause it was being informed the ratio of exco between malays and non malays should be equal or more. (Please read RPK’s( blog regarding the issue of non-malays, malays etc etc). I thought after the rakyat has elected BR into power in 5 states, there should not be any talks on malays quota, non-malays quota etc etc. If we still live in the world of quota here and there, how to build a Malaysian Malaysia identity. I have lost much faith in DAP after the Selangor exco incident. However, I still give them time and chance to prove me wrong. I can only feel sorry for Mr. Teng. Maybe Uncle Kit can give us an explaination on why Mr Teng is not selected although he is most senior and most eligible to be an exco (or even deputy MB if ever there is such a post). that is without question of Mr Teng’s credibility and ability.

    One thing for sure, I am not Mr Teng’s crony, just a layman from Johor and a Malaysian chinese who love Malaysia. (oops! I should not say Malaysian Chinese! hopefully in future there is no distinction when we identify ourselves as Malaysian Malaysia)

  34. “Penang school heads told not to invite State Govt leaders as VIPs
    School heads in Penang have been instructed or “advised” not to invite State Government leaders and elected representatives from the DAP-PKR as VIPs and guests-of-honour. The message was conveyed during a briefing last Wednesday by a senior official from the Penang Education Department, which comes under the federal-level Education Ministry……………….;”
    Judging from reaction in Penang, do you really think the gomen will heed any of the 8 proposals?

  35. I am really AMAZED by what LKS has preached in calling for 8 critical points to be addressed by BN BUT in DAP’s own house…..a tested SA was bypassed by new untested SAs in appointment as EXCO in Selangor.

    Please practise what you preach….show us your reasons for the exclusion or rather the Fiasco…. Where’s your transparency? Where’s your ear to people’s voices?

    I really can’t get in ito my mind on the logic Teng is out of EXCO Selangor and to appoint him as Speaker is to put him on the “Altar” to consloe him.

    Luckily Teng is Gentleman andd a steadfast and calm man and do not go round threatening anyone wit any threats when not getting the EXCO post like what UMNO Perlis & Trengganu did just to grab a position.

    DAP should have more of such leaders like Teng who don’t mind not getting his recognition as previous Oppostion Leader in Selangor…..What a SHAME…

    We demand a good explanation and full “Royal Commision” (to borrow from LKS”s normal reaction) on the issue.

  36. Uncle Lim,

    Can you add another one especially education. The JPA scholarship must be transparent. Those students who get 10 As and above must be given scholarship not counting any races.

    He is Malaysian PM, must be fair to all Malaysian. Not just certain group of people.

  37. Teng Chang Khim is up to his old tricks again. Thank goodness DAP did not pick him as Exco member. He seems to have several “supporters” who are always harping on his ” good qualities”.It is obvious why he has not been picked – he has used extra party tactics to influence the leadership of DAP to choose him. Go check his blog – he has a “large ” fan club who are always extolling his “good Qualities”. These supporters seem to know beter than the DAP leadership ! We are only too polite to list down the reasons why he has been bypassed. The more his supporters carry on this ” crusade” for him the more silly they will make him look. Sorry I meant to write supporter and not supporters.

  38. teejay…show us the reasons that he was bypassed…

    What we are talking abt here is that we want a good administrative team and an experience governmental quality person…

    If being loyal for the past few terms and doing the right thing in bringing out shit in the Selangor Govt is not counted then please tell me what are the real qualities DAP want?

    Its what we the rakyat of Selangor thats more important.

  39. “During the last elections, we lost the cyberwar.”
    PM still thinks they lost because of the internet.
    Is this the reason why they are trying to be friend the netizens now?

    Did he mention anything about them being arrogant, it appears so to any fair minded person, in the ways they bully (Hindraf rally & the 5 etc etc); bulldoze(Bresih on Election commission by changing the consititution ; PKFZ etc etc) and consealing truth (Lingam, Mongolian girl etc etc)?

    Do you think there is a REAL change of heart in BN now to get right & serve the rakyat?

  40. Don’t believe live telecast would cost a lot of money as stated by one of the ministers in the ruling government. Wonder what sort of excuse they will be giving next for not doing so.

    Mr. Lim, I’m just trying my luck, can we have that broadcast on a secured website too?

  41. Wonder how many of us can afford to “ponteng kerja” to watch the live-telecast of Parliament sitting?

    No joke. A sitting can last > 4 hours. How many of us are eager to spend so much time to watch all these?

    Teng Chang Kim an exco? I prefer having him as an independent vocal ADUN who can criticize even the new state government. A good revolutionist does not make a good administrator.

  42. Man of Steel – Lim Kit Siang, I hope that the Penang Chief Minister, Perak Menteri Besar, Kedah Menteri Besar as well as the Selangor Menteri Besar will dig more proof of the past politicians who has been sitting on the realm for too long that these people are very much into corrution. The world are not eyeing on the status of Malaysia now.

    We all know very well that previous administration of the state are a bunch of corrupt officers. I’m sure Lim Guan Eng and his team will dig more dirt out from the previous administration government dirty stuff and I am looking at Selangor Menteri Besar now. We know Zakaria is a corrupt councillor who is now living 6 feet under the soil. So, I am looking forward for all these corrupt practices to surface and put an end to all these crap!

    Tomorrow at the 1st Parliment meeting, bring along fresh tomatoes and possibly watermelon. Those who hurl abuses and stupid slang against the DAP, PKR and PAS, pls Uncle Kit, throw it inside their mouth!

  43. I am just a melaka folk, and not from Klang, you can trace my IP address to see whether i am wrong

    I am not talking about supporting Teng … i am talking about the PRINCIPLE OF DAP …

    We want transparent policy for tendering. We feel shame and reject policy in which a non-bumi that hard work and have achievement is rejected outside local you …

    For Teng case is just a sample of wat DAP is facing … when we critic UMNO for having crony … are this selangor exco list is a crony issue as well?

    To be fair, can DAP gives a tranparent approach on how you nominate Exco member? I guess this is fair enough to give an explanation?

  44. Prior to the campaign, losing is never in their mind, so they spent all their time here and there to fill up their pockets. Whereas, the opposition are busy preparing its cyber guerillas (Political bloggers) to fight a big war. If Khairy or Pak Lah open their own blog, do you think, there will be ppl to write good stuff on their blog?

    Just becos YB Teng name did not make it to the exco list, that doesn’t mean he’s subject to abuse by DAP. And i hope u guys don’t blame YB LKS or any BR leader who made the decision. There are more important task to do now rather than deciding who deserve what?

  45. To ric23_my pls dun sensationalize the issue. By the way, the ip address can be easily change as Streamyx is using random IP, fixed ip is very xpensive unless you are from cybercafe. Are you from the BN camp? because your brother are not chosen in exco u tried hard to sabotage it the BN way, please that’s not DAP way to handle issues by harping in DAP blog, it won’t do him any favor.

  46. It’s not about blaming … it is responsibilities of us to ensure opposition is strong and eliminate BN soon …

    The main point that we want to focus is … we reject UMNO becoz of the crony policy …. but wat happen now? Fong in batu gajah, now is Teng …

    I tot we focus on make use of talent so that it can benefit all the people?

    With all the comments here, it seems like DAP is also similar as UMNO Putra? We can ask BN to give explaination for unfair policy and want tranparent reason, but we cannot ask DAP to give explaination on criteria to select Selangor exco list with transparency?

    This make DAP no difference with UMNO Putra!

  47. to lakilompat, unless u are stupid enough? At this time, for sure ppl are using internet from office, unless i am jobless …

    and office is usually using leash line which has fix ip address …

  48. To ric23_my the statement u’ve put in there, seems to propogated from the BN. Well done, MCA or Gerakan, nice lie, BN enjoy lying they feel insecure becos ppl don’t believe them they have to seek pardon from ppl to believe what they said. In the newspaper the BN old man is wearing the BN shirt to gain sympathize that they have help someone in the internet, do you think the Rakyat will care, oh that old MCA guy did it. Now MCA is fighting so hard to regain and attack DAP, well among one of the agenda is to make ppl believe them again, welldone, ask ppl check ur ip for wat only stupid BN man will do cheapskate trick to lure ppl believing there’s something wrong with DAP.

    Well u can go ahead check my IP, I’m from Germany.

  49. Appraarently S ungai Pinang DAP assemblyman Teng Chang Kim, a lawyer, is not happy that he is not in the Selangor’s executive
    council although he will be appointed as the first non-Malay Speaker in the state assembly.
    It is an open secret that Teng, a Selangor assemblyman since 1995,cannot see eye-to-eye with party secretary-general and Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.

    I would suggest that Teng should cross over to PKR.

  50. There was mention in this blog that Uncle Lim be awarded titles.
    I don’t think that he’ll feel honoured by such “gifts”.
    I think that to him, it’s far more satisfying to serve the people without such “titles” than to hanker for them.

  51. lakilompat … i guess you are from UMNO Putra, which have the similar mindset, like to twist here and there and do not want to face question that ppl asking.

    I am a DAP supporter becoz of their propaganda. U can write an email to DAP admin or uncle lim and ask for my ID “ric23_my”. U can find the personal info of myself with that ID as i have apply for member in DAP …

    A request for DAP top management to answer what is the criteria for selection of Selangor exco is it too much? We support for DAP becoz of their propaganda and the approach. When we saw something happen not in a correct way, and we ask for an explanation, is it too much also?

  52. The tsunami has come and wreaked havoc. The wave that drowned some of the corrupt has receded only to be replaced by the prospect of an even bigger wave in a few years’ time – five years to be exact.

    Let us not help them unite and heal their wounds by making demands we know the importance of which they can never begin to understand let alone try to solve them. Give them time to do their post mortem analysis on what happened on March 8. Let’s hope that the inevitable blame game will continue to divide their ranks and drive a wedge between their followers and their leaders. This is the much awaited after shock. More will fall like pins in a bowling game. What did a wise old 7th century Chinese general say about an enemy that is doing a good job at destroying himself if not never to intervene?

    We see some of that happening in Perlis and Trengganu.

  53. ric23_my ,
    I absolutely agree with you. We voted for DAP. We all want change. We should forget our own personal agenda. We don’t want a bunch of new monkeys replacing the old one.

    We demand transparency. Let things be open. We want details.
    I have nothing against Au Yang, but who is this young and inexperinced guy and why he is appointed in lieu of Teng? Where is the justice?

  54. I guess a request for explanation is not too much right? Selection of student to enter university is based on score.

    what are the criteria and consideration for an exco candidate by DAP?

    I support DAP is becoz of the Semangat of DAP? Is not the person of the DAP.

  55. undergrad2, we all want to see opposition can replace BN soon, and send UMNO,MCA,Gerakan and MIC to museum ..

    but with the case of Fong in batu gajah and teng in Sg pinang, how can we ensure that elimination of BN that pro-crony …. there wont be another crony politic emerge?

    DAP have to give an explanation on this. At least to show we are transparent since we always want transparent.

  56. It’s amusing to read that PM & co “blame” the internet for losing the GE now. Wonder who told him that. He is still missing the point. So, we shall have to wait patiently for the next GE coz it will be just another charade next few years…

    Also, the spin doctors are already hard at work…

  57. I have posted this question 2x already . Has Teng Chang Khim taken down the ” gigantic ” banner put up by his supporter(s) promoting his qualities to be included into the Exco ? so far no one has replied — better still anyone got photo of it ? I am a big supporter of Teng and I hero worship the ground he walks on ! Pleassssssse DAP let us know why you chose Teresa Kok, Ronnie and Ean Yong instead of him.

    I promise I am not Teng himself writing under a pseudonym.

  58. YES…..we want transparency in DAP Selangor EXCO Fiasco….

    LKS & LGE owe us Selangor DAP supporters/voters a BIG Explanation but sad to say…..until today….no word from them….

    We know there is a Cold War in DAP Selangor but please put us rakyat’s interest first as what DAP had say they will when asking for our support.

    Now sudah menang = kacang lupakan kulit

  59. “It’s amusing to read that PM & co “blame” the internet for losing the GE now. Wonder who told him that.”

    Who else but his lovely wife, Jeanne? He heard talks about the power of the internet from his aides but it was only just yesterday he learned how to get on to the internet. You must remember he grew up before personal computers made their debut.

  60. We have met some DAP members. We were told now DAP MPs and state assembly members not only do not need to contribute part of the remenuration to the party, they receive financial support to hire secretaries and runners to serve their constituents. This is because DAPs are now controlling the richest state in Malaysia.

    Poeple will line up throwing them big cars and gifts before projects are announced and handed out.

    DAPs, we will be watching you from the sidelines whether you keep up with your promise.

  61. Yes , we demand explanation why his Highness Teng is not given the post of King of Selangor Exco. His magnificent qualities are needed to save the nation !

    Ps, I am not Teng himself writing under a pseudonym.

  62. teejay…..ur sarcarstic remarks are uncalled for!!! We are all for a noble cause for a just society.


    We are not necessary Teng’s men but we are DAP’s men.

    We asked for transparency in the Govt…..but we are not shown the transparency in such situation.

    Subang Jaya ADUN Hannah Yeoh promised to be transparent on the election expenses which was partly sponsered by the public thru donations either personally or via the successful ceramahs.

    What abt other winning ADUNs?

    We read of how much was raised or collected during ceramahs but what abt the transparency?

    Its this transparency that warrants us a satisfaction to know how a rookie ADUN can be the EXCO while tested experienced ADUN can be sidestepped.

    I really would like very much to know what criteria was used???

  63. Uncle Kit and LGE owe us an explaination in the selection of Selangor Exco. If the matter is beyond DAP’s control, we can understand (eg. Deputy MB and Malay quota which HRH Selangor Sultan suggested) What we cannot understand (I believe ric23_my and skyquest2000 is with me) is that how could DAP select a 29 years old boy over a four term assemblymen? Does it make sense? If it does not make sense, then DAP CEC shall explain to DAP supporters why MR. Teng is dropped. There is a likelihood that in the next GE, DAP may form a coalition federal government. If there is no tranparency now, how do we expect transparency in future? Uncle Kit, before you ask UMNO putras and their coalition for the 8 matters you mentioned above, please look at the mirror yourself whether you need to explain to us. I am beginning to feel there is not much difference between DAP and UMNO in this Selangor Exco selection. Please explain cause we are very curious what wrong (if any) has Mr Teng done to be excluded from becoming an EXCO

  64. Like I’ve said before, I like Teng, I think he is a good man and a good representative. But these are not qualities needed to be in the ExCo. You need to be a team player and to work with a group. And Teng, for all his qualities, is a maverick at times. You cannot sing rock and roll in a jazz band.

  65. I’m sure all of us have a million and one reasons to choose A and another million reasons for not taking B but don’t you think this is best left to the party leadership to decide?

    All I want to know is whoever selected must be able to function effectively & efficiently as an individual as well as a party team player. Time will tell. Why can’t we give them sometime to prove their worth instead of arguing here?

  66. mycroft… we want to have an EXCO who will follow party lines when faced with sticky situation like when BN MPs or SAs have to toe the line when rakyats’ interest is at stake as shown previously in all BN state assemblies and the Parliament?

    I would prefer an ADUn or EXCO who is daring to speak up for us rakyat rather toe the line and keep quiet.

    Remember what happened to Sotinathan (MIC), Devamany (MIC) and other BN ADUNs in Penang when they voted agst the govt policy after finding out it goes agst rakyat’s wishes?

  67. Uncle kit,
    Everybody voted for BR for the change in the way country is being managed by BN.I personally voted and campaign for DAP in serdang with 1 motive-RELEASE OF THE HINDRAF 5.The arrogance of BN,by calling penyagak , spryed chemical laced water canon and tear gas towards rakyat shows the mentally of the BN leaders.They even spryed water canon to the children who been carrying flower for him on the 16th feb.JUST imagine wht kind of leader oUr SLEEPING BADAWI IS?his days are numbered!!!!

  68. Unless DAP wins Selangor on its own, then only it can do things according to its manifesto and ideology.

    However, this is a DPP coalition government (or PDP, or PPD, whatever). I don’t think it is DAP’s CEC decision alone.

    There must be more that meets the eye as to why Teng was left out, but still a Speaker position is still a first for Malaysian Chinese, no ?

    If the DAP guys prove their worth, maybe even Deputy MB sometimes in near future ?

    So, stop the bickering and get back to work and prove your worth.

  69. well….seems LGE’s hands are all tied up with Penang’s dubious land deals of the previous BN state govt.

    My pity to him but am glad he is strong to face the issues and hope he get to exposed all those involved and get them to book.

    I realised Ean Yong is the Selangor DAP chairman and so he has to be the EXCO member huh? What abt being Opposition Leader for past Selangor Govt?

    Can’t figure out how DAP Selangor picks EXCO????

  70. We demand to know why Teng is not in the Selangor Exco.

    I am not interested about the Terengganu crisis, how the DAP/PKR/PAS coalition is running the 3 states, the campaign to release Manoharan from ISA, when Anwar will return to Parliament, about USD $ 100 oil, etc.

    I only want to know why Teng tak dapat Exco ???????

    Ps, I am not Teng himself writing under a pseudonym.

  71. actually wat i want to focus out is the semangat of DAP -> with propaganda “make best use of talent” and “we want transparency” …

    so i am not blaming or anything. I just ask for explanation of the criteria how DAP select the exco candidates … i think this is reasonable enough. Else next time how can we find any excuse to ask BN to give explanation on unfair policy. If BN tell “it is a decision and have have it own reason”, will u accept?

    If u can read chinese, see wat is the comments from the new appointed mentri besar, Khalid on this issue … he say he do not know the reason from DAP, and he cant interfere DAP decision as a respect …

  72. The criteria are for Selangor EXCO are

    1) Put party interests first
    2) Team player
    3) Attend Selangor DAP meetings regularly
    4) Attend CEC meetings regularly
    5) Whether there was any contribution of one’s DUN allowance to National DAP
    6) Integrity
    7) Did not campaign openly for power and position

  73. I admire Teng very much. I attended his ceramah before. In fact I attended Teresa, Ronnie and Ean Yong’s ceramah too.

    Teng’s contribution to Selangor is unbeatable, apart from revealing the Zakaria’s case, he managed to reveal alot of wrongs of two MB’s before Khir, inclusive of Muhammad Taib. It is not wrong to say, Teng single handledly make the previous 3 MB of Selangor loses their position. The contribution mentioned above by the fellow bloggers about Teng is understatement. He definitely deserves more praises.

    But I fully supports the CEC decisions on appointing Teresa, Ronnie and Ean Yong. A formidable line up to me. I have met them all.

    I don’t have insider news, let me tell you what I believe.

    For the 3 EXCO positions,
    – previous achievements or works are not related or relevant. Michael Chong’s contribute the most to MCA in terms of service, but he don’t make Minister. Chew Mei Fun is one of the most hardworking MPs for her constituency, but she lose her MP place. It is not relevant, what you can do on your service and the suitability to field the place.

    An EXCO must do EXCO works,
    – In DAP context, DAP needs 3 person for the EXCO that are TEAM players, 3 of them can work together in this team, can support each other and can work as a team to check UMNO, or even to certain extent PAS or PKR.
    – Star players don’t work for DAP in the current situation, team players are more important for DAP.

    I am not saying Teng is not a good team player and person that like to do one-man show. I am not saying that.

    But what I try to say is, it is DAP prerogative to decide who is the 3 most suitable one to work as a team. And they have make the decision. And we should respect the decision because they know best, which 3 are the most suitable one that can work as a team.

    If whoever, which work hard and solves alot of people problem will get the highest position, Michael Chong should be MCA president and Chew Mei Fun should win the election with a big margin. They are good worker, but doesn’t mean they will be a good Minister or MP or exco member.

    And DAP is not in position to tell why A is chosen, why B is chosen. Each person has his own strength and weakness, and it is demotivating for B, if DAP tell the whole world why B is not chosen. B should be told by DAP why he is not chosen. I believe this is the case. And case close.

    If this is not the case, I agree that DAP should work on this.

  74. chanjoe ,
    Ean Yong is the Selangor DAP chairman. But he is only a puppet. “It is not easy to be a party head in Selangor DAP if you not follow the mainstream”, says a DAP state assemblyman.

    Therefore Ean Yong is only a representation. I am interested to know who maneuvour this young and inexperienced guy. Its interesting, isn’t it?

  75. ckloh … in that case … next time u make sure DAP dun ask UMNO about this:
    (1) Why definition of who is poor is based on skin, but not a formula like calculation of salary per family which is more convincing
    (2) Why 80 percent of the tax contributed by chinese but chinese school is not fully subsidise yearly
    (3) Why non-bumi scoring many As is rejected to enter local university, but other less achiivement can
    (4) Why contracts is not open tendered
    (5) Why non-bumi are treated like 2nd class citizen
    (6) and etc …

    Coz UMNO will answer you with this:
    (1) Score many As does not necessary can enter local u. Coz if based on perfoemance, micheal chong already MCA president
    (2) They are not in position to tell why u choosen to enter local university, why contract is not open tendered and etc …. coz like u said, each have weakness and stregth, and it will demotivating for A and B & bla bla bla

    Will you accept this answer from UMNO next time?

  76. From this chaotic condition, emerges a tremendous opportunity for the PM to carve a honorable place for himself in the history of Malaysia.

    The present bleak and depressing circumstances can defeat the spirits of any man, but the PM should look beyond this and seize the opportunity that has presented itself.

    This opportunity, if capitalised by the PM, can create a just, prosperous, safe, harmonious and happy nation for the Malaysian rakyat.

    All that are required of the PM is his commitment to walk the path and his determination to stay the course :-

    > the commitment to come up with programs to improve the livelihood of all poor Malaysians (regardless of race),

    > the commitment to reinstate the judiciary to its rightful place, as the third branch of the democratic system,

    > the commitment to say and act in a positive and democratic manner, in all things and, under all circumstance,

    > the commitment to eradicate all corrupt practices encountered so as to strengthen the political fibre of Malaysian politics,

    > the commitment to practise honest and transparent politics to change Malaysian politics for the better,

    > the commitment to provide law and order as to guarantee security for the rakyat,

    > the commitment to revitalise the economy by exercising proper and prudent resource management and by cutting wastages.

    Through such deliberate commitments the rakyat can receive great benefits and the nation can be a paradise for the rakyat !

  77. Mr. Lim,
    I fully agree with your 8 points though there are many more but the 8 should be given priority by the BN government if they are sincere.

    It is not really important that the BN carries the 8 proposals but as a responsible Opposition it is its duty to inform and highlight to the BN what its priorities are and what the rakyat expect of them.

    I hope ALL the opposition MPs irrespective of their party ideology and manifesto would work together as Barisan Rakyat team and show the BN how parliament should be.

    Don’t be baited by the likes in BN such as Nazri, KJ, Najib and the oxymoron Kerismuddin. Let them bark. It’s their right. Rabid dogs cannot be cured of their insane malady.Only time or death would put them out of their misery.

    In the case of the above nut cases, their exit from parliament should suffice.

  78. Dear KS,

    I don’t think the PM will respond to the 8 demands. He is will only listen to his SON IN LAW.

    Lets not wasting time with him, just concentrate on the 5 states will do!


  79. As transparent as DAP can be, there must be some thing best left unsaid.

    Still most of us are not stakeholders in DAP, we just voted for them, are we even members to demand an answer from them ?

    I’m sure that as members, there are proper channels to get an answer on why Teng was left out.

    Having said that, it is probably the best thing for DAP CEC to come clean as to why Teng was left out.

    I’m also curious as to what it means by “Perak DAP” have overstep their mandate, in the Perak MB fiasco. I know YB Ngeh and YB Nga personally and know them to be man of their words, so, really curious why DAP CEC decides to throw in the spanner at probably the worse of time…. and really put Perak DAP in a bind.

    I guess each are entitled to work in their own mysterious ways.

  80. mycroft,

    Never have I indicated that Ronnie, Ean Yong and Teresa will betray the people. I am puzzled how you come to such a conclusion??????

    What I meant was Teng has the experience in all his years of politics as an assemblyman.

    Why don’t we use his experience over rookies in such a post?

    My argument is that its a safer bet to have an experienced guy to face the UMNO hooligans.

    If Teng is not a team player, then DAP should not have nominated him for the GE and then again, he shouldnt be the previous Opposition Leader and the post should have been given to Ng of Sekinchan.

    My argument is we need all the experience and tenacity to prove that BR can rule Selangor and rule with good results so that in future GEs, Selangor shall be in BR rule. There’s no time for experimenting.

    Ean Yong can bid his time to be tested as a new ADUn and come next GE he can then be promoted.

    Ain’t that better?

  81. I dont think we should be harping on about Teng in this blog. It is off topic for a start. What has Kit Siang got to do with a Selangor State matter?

    Even before the exco list was announced, Teng had already predicted he would not be included because of his differences of opinion with the DAP. So there we have it, Teng knows the reason.

    He has a great supporter in the from of Kua Kia Soong a well known vitriolic critic of the DAP lobbying for Teng in his article for Malaysiakini soon after the elections. If you do not show loyalty to a party or are not able to be a ‘teamplayer’, it would be disastrous for DAP to play an effective party role in the Selangor Government Exco.

    If we look at the leaders blogs in the DAP website, Tengs blog became active almost after a year of deep slumber! Where was Teng from December 06 to Novermber 07? Missing in action? it would appear that he is only cctive when there is an opportunity for power and glamour just before the elections. Need I say anymore?

  82. We are in the process to kick out the crony UMNO lead BN … and now … we thought that we can have a bright future with opposition … but with this Teng issue, is it indicates that DAP emerge as a new crony politic?

  83. I dont think we should be harping on about Teng in this blog. It is off topic for a start. What has Kit Siang got to do with a Selangor State matter?

    Even before the exco list was announced, Teng had already predicted he would not be included because of his differences of opinion with the DAP. So there we have it, Teng knows the reason.

    He has a great supporter in the from of Kua Kia Soong , a well known vitriolic critic of the DAP lobbying for Teng in his article for Malaysiakini soon after the elections. If you do not show loyalty to a party or are not able to be a ‘teamplayer’, it would be disastrous for DAP to play an effective party role in the Selangor Government Exco.

    If we look at the leaders blogs in the DAP website, Teng’s blog became active almost after a year of deep slumber! Where was Teng from December 06 to Novermber 07? Missing in action? It would appear that he is only active when there is an opportunity for power and glamour like just before the elections. Need I say anymore?

  84. Hello Mr LKS,
    All the 8 matters above are systematically aligned, it would be a great thing to witness the integrity of our representatives in the parliment tomorrow, unfortunately we don’t have a transparent parliment. We are left in the dark over 50 years, blind-folded, allowing the clay brained BEE ENN to draft bills of any kind that ruins alot for the minority.
    A transparent parliment would foster the involvemnet and participation of the common citizen in the governmental decision-making processes.
    In the presence of internet, the transparency of the parliment can be further improved, this can be done via your brilliant discussions with the BR.
    As i was reading the matters above i noticed the abolish ISA act is not printed down, it certainly will be a thoughtful inclination towards the greater protection of human rights.I hope that Mr LKS will bring this matter up too.
    Hope that the cabinet be a better place for understanding people’s rights and for the betterment of the economy and growth of the nation.

  85. chanjoe, your very words..

    chanjoe Says:
    Today at 19: 32.56 (2 hours ago)

    mycroft… we want to have an EXCO who will follow party lines when faced with sticky situation like when BN MPs or SAs have to toe the line when rakyats’ interest is at stake as shown previously in all BN state assemblies and the Parliament?

    So let’s look at it this way. You are championing Teng and saying that he will stand up for the rakyat’s interests. By inferrence you are saying that the 3 DAP ExCo members will not. Otherwise, why raise that matter at all?

  86. Is there a proxy war here? Sigh…. disillusionment.
    Some of us demand explanation. But are we important enough to demand an explanation? I sure DAP will give us an explanation in due course if we are important enough. But I don’t think we are important enough now.
    I read a news report someone asking Theresa Kok about Teng, and she said it is up to Teng. What kind of answer is that? But I am not taking side for I know nothing about all these people. I only know they are DAP ADUNs.

  87. ric23_my,

    Will you accept this answer from UMNO next time?

    I believe this is in line on what I am saying.

    When you are talking about university pre-entry criteria, the main criteria is examination result, if they is other criterias involved, it is important every applicants should know the exact criterias, so that all the applicants can be prepare themselves to ensure they all qualify. This is call fair play.

    For a leadership selection for certain position, all the applicants should know the exact criterias too. As I mentioned earlier, Teng should know why he is chosen or why he is not chosen. But for the public, I don’t think it is necessary for the public to know. The public are not the candidates for the position, why they need to know? There are more cons to pros, if the exact criteria is told public. And also, the criteria for choosing exco on 2008, and the criteria for choosing exco on 2012, might be very different. It is all depends on situation. So, it is not wise, to tell the public as there is not standard benchmark. I mentioned again, it is all depends on situation. To promote fair play, the candidates must know.

  88. We said we reject crony, but now we implement crony …

    We ask BN to have tranparent policies, as rakyat have the rights to know about it … yet when ppl asking wat is the criteria for selection of Selangor exco … but DAP not interested to explain … only with reason it is decided and no need to ask further …

    Is this a double standard that we hate all the while that always used by UMNO Putera? Like Uncle lim ask boycott Perak assembly ceremony and they scold biadap, yet they can boycott in terengganu …

    With this Teng issue, wat is the difference between DAP and UMNO Putra?

  89. ckloh,

    With ur fair play approach, it seems that u have so called double standard mind like wat we critics UMNO Putra is having …

    be4 election, propaganda of us “Rakyat is the boss”, and rakyat have the rights to know everything, that’s y we want tranparency … but now in this case … u said “I don’t think it is necessary for the public to know” … does it sound convincing or double standard?

    It is very obvious Teng know why he will not be selected, not becoz of his qualification, but becoz of he is not the same group with the crony … this happen also with Fong of Batu Gajah …

    When we ask ppl to be transparent, we must be tranparent as well. Else, how we can convince the others?

  90. ric23_my,

    Where is the double standard?

    I don’t think your definition of transparency equal to rakyat have the rights to know everything is not convincing.

    When we are talking about transparency of project tender, those who concerns must know everything. Rakyat might be part of it, so rakyat must know how it works.

    And when we are talking about transparency of leaders selection, those who concerns must know everything too. Rakyat not part of it, why rakyat must know?

    It is too different scenario, if I can convince you to see it. It is two different things, not sure why you compare both scenario.

  91. selection of talented and capable leader will benefit the rakyat … since it involve rakyat interest …

    If ur argument selection of leader do not need to be known by rakyat … but when abdullah included Najib and some of the contraversial minister in the cabinet list … we opposition make very huge noise ask for explaination with excuse rakyat have the right to know about it … did u read newspaper on this matter?

    this is not a double standard?

  92. If they do/follow just 1 which has been suggested by Uncle Lim,
    I will cut off all my hair to botak!! Forget about it, and let’s vote for DAP, PKR and PAS in the next election too. Let DAP, PKR,
    and PAS win even BIGGER, and let them take over the federal government. I have zero hope towards BN now!

  93. Dear YB





    4. BANKLICENCE – as above

    5 etc etc etc

  94. DAP questions UMNO the transparency of university qualification, because rakyat is part of it, so rakyat must know exactly how the formula works.

    DAP questions UMNO the transparency of project tender, because rakyat is part of it, so rakyat must know too exactly how the formula works.

    DAP has not questions the transparency of UMNO leadership selection criteria, because rakyat have nothing to do with it. It is their family business, let them settle themselves. Has DAP questions the formula of UMNO choosing their treasurer, for example?

    So, why rakyat questions DAP leadership selection criteria, and say DAP apply double standard? It is their family business too.

  95. ckloh,

    A good and talented leader will bring benefit to the rakyat. Why rakyat cannot ask to know about it?

    If that is the case, all the rakyat kenot complain for abdullah coz he is selected by BN? But we keep complaining on his leadership …. this is not double standard?

  96. Firstly, I declare I do not know Teng.

    I heard him speak at a Hannah Yeoh’s ceramah in Subang Jaya and he was really good. Prima facie, basing on seniority and track record, he should be selected to be on Exco of Selangor.

    Having no knowledge of the person as an outsider, I would not like to venture to support or not to support him for the position. I would only advise that “true gold is not scared of fire”. Teng will outshine others if he continues to perform well in the Selangor DUN.

    Meanwhile, I will not speculate about the Teng issue and would give full confidence and support to the DAP leadership. We have a chance to kick them out if they do not perform in 4 to 5 years’ time. The time now is to consolidate and work; not bicker.

  97. BN till now still does not admit that they have done
    so many wrong things, which lead them to such a big
    lose. Yet, they still mention that rakyat actually does
    not want to see BN to kalah big time, and … wowwowo,
    the more I type… the more I get pissed off by their

    I REALLY can see that BN will KALAH even BIG TIME
    in the next election!!!!!!!!!

  98. ric23_my,

    You are refering to different thing now again. Have I said rakyat cannot complain?

    Of course we can complain.

    I just said DAP have no obligation to tell their leadership selection criteria to you, because you have no interest in it. If they tell you openly the leadership weakness, it gives a signal to the leader that he is not wanted and leave the party. And we lose a leader.

    Just to satisfy you, and lose a leader. Worth it?

    And also, the leader is not selected now, doesn’t mean they don’t like him. Just that it depends on SITUATION. And this SITUATION, the leader is not suitable, but in future, the leader might be VERY VERY IMPORTANT in another suitable position, maybe bigger role.

  99. This Teng is a senior member of DAP, with his achievements for the past 4 times of ADUN … at least DAP should show some respect …

    A member that contribute so much to the party, but the party dod not even appreciate … do u think the party DAP will appreciate normal ppl like me, that contribute only one small vote to them?

  100. ckloh, i think u do not know wat is happening, beside this Teng, how about the others?

    Lim Lam Thai, quit DAP and join MCA … a nice person also who is handling the national service at the moment

    Wong, the one won parliament seat in wangsa maju, quit DAP also and now plan to join PKR

    The talented girl, Fong from Batu Gajah, that almost quit before election but then contest again …

    This teng is not abodan in current selangor exco list, is alredi many years excluded in the DAP mainstream

  101. Lim Lam Thai, quit DAP and join MCA … a nice person also who is handling the national service at the moment

    Goodness me.. Lim Lam Thai quit? Oh god!! Who is Lim Lam Thai?

    Wong, the one won parliament seat in wangsa maju, quit DAP also and now plan to join PKR

    Wong won the seat in Wangsa Maju? hmm.. Dear me… I don’t recall a Wong winning.

    Moral of the story. If you can’t get your facts right, it really spoils your credibility.

  102. it is wee choo keong, not wong in Wangsa Maju. I reluctant to comment on the other leaders, as I do not know exactly what happen. Unless you are internal people in DAP, then I think it is fair for you to comment.

    But base on the criteria above by teejay,
    1) Put party interests first
    2) Team player

    And base on what I heard personally from Teng in his ceramah, I don’t think he is the suitable person that fulfill the two criteria above.

    I say this base on my own understanding and opinion, in one scenario, he mentioned that he teared out some important document and because he is not willing to apologise, he is banned from attending DUN meeting for 2.5 years, if I am not mistaken.

    Personally, I respect him very very much, because he has principle, and do the right things, and sacrifice his pencen money, that worth 6 figures.

    But what this means, it means DAP is only represented by the ADUN from Sekincan, and there is only 1 opposition for more than two years.

    Is this what we call put the party interest first? Is this what we call team work?

    DAP certainly can not afford to have exco that act this way at this moment. The war is just begin, there is no room for personal interest first before party interest.

    Again, this is personal observation and I don’t have internal news. You can check out what I said in Teng’s blog too, and it is up to you to make your judgement.

    I do agree, teng is very popular and has the most contributions among all the 13 ADUNs for Selangor. I rest my case now.

  103. The whole issue on Teng is very simple.

    What he possess :

    Ex-Opposition Leader
    Steadfast Conviction On DAP’s Stand For The Rakyat
    Assistance In Ceramahs For Young & New Faces In The Recent GE eg. Hannah Yeoh (Subang Jaya), Lee Ying Ha (Teratai), Johor Candidates etc…

    I am not Teng’s loyal supporter but I feel that the above qualities are more than enough for him to be selected by DAP to be EXCO Selangor.

    I never said or implied that Teresa, Ronnie or Ean Yong are not capable but if we have a much more qualified candidate, why not select him?

    We as loyal DAP suppoters are of course liable to a good explanation from DAP on the criteria of selection, don’t we?

  104. PM should do something boldly to bring about good changes in the country. If he is kicked out because of that, he will be remembered as a good PM. Ptherwise he will be remembered as the lousiest PM.

  105. ok, apologise for translation error, as i translate the name directly from mandarin …

    wat we want is very simple, wat is the criteria for selection of selangor exco member … we are not asking to compare who is good or not good …

    but at a glance, we see something not logic, and ask for requirements on selection, is it too much?

  106. We as loyal DAP suppoters are of course liable to a good explanation from DAP on the criteria of selection, don’t we?

    On my opinion, we should rest the case since DAP CEC already decided.

    Imagine, all of the people that have a ‘war’ here are not supporters for any leaders, inclusive myself, what happen we continue to bring up this issue and the impact among the loyal supporters of the leaders involve?

    Just get explanation from DAP, and risk internal conflict, does it really worth it? The war is just begin look ahead.

  107. This is a critical issue, as we do not want DAP just a government for penang for next 5 years, and lost in the next election …

    just for this issue, ppl around vote for opposition (previously BN) in this GE, comments and critics on this … ask wat is the different between DAP and UMNO Putra -> labelled with crony

    Later on if Anwar competing for the parliment seats … he needs chinese voters … u have to know chinese usually the decision is ery floating … Teng issue make them have impression that if opposition take over, it will be unstable due to crony …

    if anwar is going to lose because of this, how the opposition can take over the federal government?

    ppl around me alredi make noise of this, i guess ppl around u more or less can see some making noise as well?

  108. ric23 says

    “ckloh, i think u do not know wat is happening, beside this Teng, how about the others?

    Lim Lam Thai, quit DAP and join MCA … a nice person also who is handling the national service at the moment

    Wong, the one won parliament seat in wangsa maju, quit DAP also and now plan to join PKR”

    ric23 betrays his ignorance = Lee Lam Thye is not a “nice person” he betrayed the DAP when he quit just before the GE in 1986 and we had to scramble to get someone to contest in Bukt Bintang. In return he got a Tan Sri, director of Sime Darby with a personal driver and a Mercedes.

    It is patently obvious that Teng’s hand behind the various blogs extolling his virtues even after party leadership has decided on the Exco. This shows up his true colours, ie personal ambition rather than party interest. His job is to undermine the credibility and integrity of the DAP leadership. Do you notice how many postings begin with ” I don’t know Teng personally …..and then go on to tell us 10 reasons why he should be chosen. Very suspicious …..
    Yes, Teng …pls tell us why your blog inactive from Dec 06 to Nov 07 as found out by Malaysian for Equality – good job , Bro !

  109. i suggest Teng should resign and join PKR for better future. We cant blame him if he quits DAP. I do know understand why Teresa Kok is selected as EXCO since she has been holding the MP post. Some time I also do not understand the management of DAP. Really make me headache.Hope LKS is reading all comments here.

  110. So we are on the ‘same boat’, just different opinion.

    Understand on your concern, I think you worry too much. In politics, you can’t make every single people happy. Come next election, they will make the right judgement and comparing both. I am sure they can differentiate it.

    What BN go through is 100% crony, which we have alot alot of proves. Need not to say more. On Teng’s issue related to crony, it is just assumption of some, you can speculate, but can you give me the prove? Even, you can give me the prove, what you will do? Boycott the next election, and spoilt your vote?

    BR is not perfect, and not a single party in the world is perfect. Politic is dirty. At the end, how you are going to make judgement, choose the one that is slightly cleaner. Don’t expect BR can be 100% pure and perfect.

    If people want to make noise, it is their choice, but can you say BN is better than BR, just because of one single issue of Teng. If you say yes, I would say you are short sighted.

    BN loses not because of one issues, there are hundred of issues that are far far more important than this, and they can’t explain to the rakyat. That is why they lose so badly.

    Since, Teng already settled, and just view his blog’s newest theme. So, move ahead.

    My personal opinion is, if we don’t look ahead, and continue with this issue, your friend will make noise too, why internal conflict, fighting among ourselves. No matter what, your friend will complain, does it relevant? Look ahead.

    If Teng really have what it takes, I will say, this is even better to him. He is the most senior here, so he has to helps 3 of his colleagues jobs too. And if he don’t mind and help them, it certainly helps his career, and who knows because of this role, he is the one that benefited most, he might hold up a more important role in the federal cabinet in 5 years time because of this.

    If Teng is not happy and can’t get rid of this, then I am glad, he is just not the leader that we thought he is.

    [As much has been said, let me assure all that the DAP team in the PKR-DAP-PAS Selangor state coalition government includes Teng as well as the three DAP Excos, Teresa, Ronnie and Ean Yong. As the full DAP team in the Selangor coalition state government has not been formed, it is premature to explain. Suffice for the present to say that all four, i.e. Teresa, Teng, Ronnie and Ean Yong are fully conscious of the responsibility of working as a team to make a success of the coalition state government. Manoharan will be the fifth member of the DAP team in Selangor state government when he is released from ISA, hopefully very soon.- Kit]

  111. We came back from an insurance award nite. There were significant number of Insurance People took part in the last GE. Some won and other who went up in the wee hours and lost.

    There are speculation that we will see Opp state members (now state council members) being made Datuk. Some state members are already ready to kow dow to make ways for the Datukship.

    People are just ordinary people. We dun mind. But dun pretend to be the Mr. Clean and act innocent.

    We want genuine, sincere serving members. Lets see whether we voted for the the true heroes.

  112. lady gorilla says: “Who is asking you to?? No doubt a bloated sense of self importance!”

    And who is asking you to read? You have no one else to feign tonight? Come on, i am straight, go look for someone else.

  113. To ric23_my

    I’m not UMNO putra, i don’t have to proof myself like what you do i think you are applying the wrong concept, the problem you have now is that you are upset because your DAP idol has not been in the Selangor exco list and you try to blame it on the the DAP Principle. I mean, come on, just obey the leader decision. There is no right or wrong principle, this rule does not apply here, majority of the DAP member agreed to it, that should be final.

    There are better area to emphasize on transparency such as the no.8 points, within the party i believe at the right time YB LKS will give explanation if it is deem necessary but appointing Selangor exco, let’s give them a break whoever appointed as long as he or she can deliver, Rakyat wouldn’t mind. Also, pls do not look down on new comer, most of the MB in state like Perlis and Terengganu are new face too. All DAP members should have equal chance and right irregardless of their accomplishment.

  114. I remember in a ceramah by Fong Po Kuan in SS2 before GE 12, she questioned our PM how is he going to function effectively as a
    PM, Minister of Finance and Minister of Home Affairs as all of us only have 24 hours. My question to Teresa Kok is the same. Although I feel that she is a very hardworking MP, how is she going to cope as ADUN for Kinrara, MP for Seputeh and Senior EXCO for Selangor Government? I dont think she can handle the 3 portfolio effectively. I just feel pity for Mr Teng. [deleted]

  115. Dear saubing,

    Don’t expect the impossible, everything is possible as long as you got the gut and some determination. Nobody expect opposition to win so many states prior to the 12th GE. So, I would like to tell you that, if they accept the roles sure there will be way to get things done.

    It’s abt how you delegate & communicate your portfolio effectively to the staff. In Europe one person can manage many portfolios, look at China cabinet, Japan cabinet, and many more developed (already developed) country parliament, if today you said cannot, then forever you still unable to break the chain. If you go Europe factory, 1 person can handle everything from sales order, production, quality inspection, till packing everything automation, just 1 dedicated person handle everything. Actually he also have time for coffee and tea break. The secret of doing multi task shouldn’t be hard if you are smart not hard.

    A small ants can move foods 10 times of its size, someone in ancient are able to build the pyramid but some claimed it was build by alien, how about the Great Wall, and how can Genghis Khan wage war in Europe, he started as a small Mongolion tribe with only his brothers and mother without the help of other tribe as these so call tribe man abandoned Genghis Khan family after his dad “Yesugai” (Mongolian royal blood chieftan) died poisoned by enemy. Anyhow some claimed history is written by victor, well whether is it true a single person can accomplish so much, that would depend on your gut and determination.

  116. Although I feel that she is a very hardworking MP, how is she going to cope as ADUN for Kinrara, MP for Seputeh and Senior EXCO for Selangor Government?

    Teresa is on her third term on Seputeh, and familiar with Seputeh inside out. What DAP needs to do is to identify a future candidate for Seputeh, or maybe two, put him/them to handle most of the Seputeh works and Teresa guide them. I don’t think people in Seputeh will be dissapointed on this arrangement, in fact they have more people to serve them. It is a win win situation for everybody, it helps to delegate Teresa works, and at the same time train 1 or 2 new leaders for DAP by giving them hands on.

    And Teresa can take most of her time to concentrate serving Kinrara and EXCO works. One thing to take notes is the opposition in parliament now is 82, not 19 as at previously. Previously, she took alot of time of doing research for debates, now with more people in the parliament, it allow her more time to work on the EXCO works and concentrate less on fact findings in parliament.

    I am from Seputeh, in recent election, whilst other DAP doing ceramah everyday for their own consitituency, Teresa had to dot it on alternative day for Seputeh and Kinrara respectively. And her opponents questions her for being too greedy and can’t handle the tasks. But obviously the people in Seputeh does not worried to get less attention from her, or else Teresa wont won by the biggest margin in Malaysia by over 36,000 votes.

  117. I guess u all do not pick up the main point … wat i mention here is not about Teng or not Teng supporters … this is just a sample to use to discuss about an issue …

    Ask urself before u make any comments … why you choose DAP?

    Then i tell u, for myself, i choose becoz of the propaganda … we crititics BN that not best use of talent, we critics they implement crony, we critic them got double standard … but then now wat happen?

    (1) In ceramah, we all critics Adbullah beside prime minister, holding the post of finance minister and internal security minister, and has to jaga his wife, how can he manage to handle so many jobs at the same time?
    – And now teresa kok are MP, senior exco and exco member also. Is this show that we slap our own mouth?
    (2) In ceramah, we all critics that many GLC company choosen their favourite ppl but not choosing the BEST. But now in Selangor, we can see some senior with 4 times experience of ADUN and achievement, is left out but choosen 3 others new faces. Is this also slap our mouth for another time?

    This issue is important for party, not for personal. We have to convince ppl to choose opposition during the 2008 GE. And now, these ppl are asking wat it does not work like DAP propaganda be4 election …. how can i give an explanation?

    Wat is the difference for this situation compare to UMNO Putera? That one thing other do is wrong, but we do it ourself, it is right?

  118. Ladygorilla, I thought your English is super good! To feign also don’t know how to be here. To bs lah especially on women with intention to prey on them. Just look at how you behave – that is to feign or to prey, ok ladygorilla.

  119. These matters are of utmost importance. It has been tabled the last term (after the 2004 election).

    I thought Pak Lah said he wanted the nation to grow. Can someone please ask him what is he waiting for? Why is he not implementing some of the points like IPCMC and First World Parliament which is good for the nation?

    Tell him, if he does not want to do that.. Come election 2012, we are not only going to deny BN 2/3 majority. We are going to deny them the simple majority as well.


  120. Dear ckloh,

    I think prior to the election not many calibre young talent would dare to speak for opposition especially in public because you are risking yourself with curry rice meal at Kamunting. At the moment, Teresa will be the vanguard, soon i believe when everything is settle down or put in place, people whom the party can trust will be put in charge. DAP has many generals all it needs now is soldiers to help carry out the party agendas. DAP is like Liu Bei in three kingdoms, with alot of highly talented generals but drafting capable soldiers are still in progress.

    It will be tough and take time to assimilate the UMNO, Gerakan, MCA, and MIC govt. servant. Massive purging and injecting DAP man will only create a counter attack effect. Therefore, it must start fast at the correct pace. When Qin army defeated it’s enemy and conquered the territory the first thing they will do is to bury all the soldiers they’ve captured alive, this is cruel but inorder to install the new govt. this must be done so that nobody dare to resist change. The old way is thru coerce, but in today, the new govt. need to reveal all the wrong doing at convince the people.

    To ric23_my, sidelining Teng in the S’langor exco list does not mean crony, or double standard. You must be able to differentiate, when ppl talk abt crony it is abt how Khairy amass billion of dollars from Terengganu, and how 22 adun (cronies) against the appointment of Datuk Ahmad Said as MB of Terengganu, and also MD Isa Sabu as MB of Perlis. Double standard to me mean, when Pak Lah threatened his own member to go against the decision of Sultan. Pak Lah using the party power to suppress Sultan’s appointment wish, also using the media and press, even Zaid was there support it, therefore it has become clear that Khairy’s cabinet man is behind all this protest, they put up banner like this “We Want Khairy, Natang” that’s an insult to Sultan only Khairy can do it, same thing happen to Penang Komtar, Khairy man put up a banner saying Anwar Pengkhianat Bangsar, it’s an insult to DSAI. Well, you should be able to differentiate crony and double standard from the past incidents.

    You are upset and trying to attack the DAP Principle, I’m sure Mr. Teng shouldn’t resolve it thru BN way that’s to sensationalize and create riots among the DAP supporters. As DAP member we are unlike UMNO who prefer to boycott certain ppl thru protest and street rally. I’m sure Mr. Teng agreed to the decision, only then the exco list is submitted. Now, as a supporter or DAP member we must just cooperate, tolerate, and monitor only then we make decision. Do not judge too fast just because emotional you feel that leader is better for the post. Personally, all leaders are good if they are not, they will not be spared by their boss, or rakyat.

  121. Dear lakilompat,

    With ur approach, then this is wat we should do as well?

    (1) Mohammad Taib and Nor Omar appointed as minister/deputy by Abdullah
    (2) Khairy as the “advisor” to Abdullah

    We should fully support, coorperate, tolerate and monitor only for them as they are selected by Abdullah? And we should not question in any further why they are in place?

    So i hope is this is wat u mean, we do not want to see any noise raising this issue in future?

    If DAP cant make it as mentioned above, then this will become so called double standard. Or more precise, we said we want to hear, but we only hear and accept good thing about us, but not bad things about us?

  122. LadyGodiva, will you please shut up not that you have any sustance! Do give us – contributors and readers some peace, will ya? You are such an irritant! By whatever names(keep changing!), you are still your old self. Please be a little serious, grow up and stop disturbing peace on this blog.

    Thank you.

  123. Dear lakilompat,

    besides that, from ur approach … can we say this?

    Do not judge too fast just because emotional you feel that leader is better for the post … Lets abdullah have more time to lead?

  124. …and for saying that I was accused of making a pass at you by your sidekick limkamput. He has given a new definition of making a “pass”. If that means making a pass then I must have made many passes at his mother who must be no less than 100 years old.

  125. “All-party inquiry to enhance Malaysia’s international competitiveness to enable the country to successfully face the challenges of globalization.” KIT

    But the trend is reversing as job losses mount and industries are relocated to India and China. Protectionism seems to be taking hold in countries like the U.S.

  126. the fall of BN is not possible as long as opposition like DAP not stick back to their propaganda …

    please show transparency and fair play that we always hate of … please give an explanation or at least the guide on how the selection of candidate in Selangor exco is made …

    you owe me an explanation, we support you becoz of the propoganda …

  127. LadyGodiva,

    Whether I am 72 or 27 years old, whether I should be watching American Idol, should not be of concern to you, should it? And what gave you the idea that I took offence to it? I dropped the bait and you took the bite, good you are not that smart afterall! It was really pointless for me to waste my time responding.

    I sometimes feel sorry for you when I see every entry you made here was with sole intention to tear others down especially the one you just called as my “sidekick”! But you forgot he too called me names before thinking I was taking sides against him. Can we just have some peace and decent exchanges?

    I just want to know what is it about you that you hate in yourself, that you need to tear others down?

  128. Tks, Kit for your reassuring words that the DAP team of Teresa,Teng,Ronnie & Ean Yang will work together to fulfill the dreams and aspirations of the ppl who voted them in.
    I am a Malaysian and proud of it. I was born in1958 and experienced the political climate in the 70’s,80’s,90’s and up to the present time.
    I have experienced the euphoria of Tanjung 1 in 1986, steadfastness in1987 during Operation Lallang, despair in 1999 when the ppl rejected our B Alternative and now renewed hope & joy at this present time. Many ppl shake their heads and tell me that they never expected this in their lifetme !

    ric23 is obviously not a DAP supporter – he keeps on harping about Teresa having various posts etc.
    LET’s IGNORE THOSE WHO KEEP MOANING ANG GROANING ABOUT TERESA.TENG,RONNIE & EAN YANG. They just want to sow doubt and confusion to those who are reading the postings

    Many tks to Tony, Dr Cheah & Weng San for their PJU thanksgiving dinner on monday nite. I even got to shake hands with Edward Lee and told him I voted for him.

  129. teejay,

    i guess u r from UMMNO Putera … that’s y i said cant see wat is my main point …

    my main point is when we critics others, we must make sure the critics we make towards other, we cannot implement it .. else it will not convincing …

    Why we do not choose BeeNNN? As simple as we hate about the style that they have, compete for power and crony …

    And we choose DAP becoz of their propaganda! And we have the responsibility to ensure that they do not follow the step as BeeAnn!! As we do not want DAP only be goverment for 5 years!!

    Why we CANT we see this issue as a NEUTRAL SIDE? Why we want only to listen to good things about us but not bad thing about us?

    If can read chinese, try to read as a NEUTRAL SIDE on this article:

  130. “I sometimes feel sorry for you when I see every entry you made here was with sole intention to tear others down especially the one you just called as my “sidekick”! ” LadyJong

    Having done that, I hope it’s not too difficult for you to see that my presence here is mostly to make sure this character limkamput stays on the straight and narrow. When he stops abusing others, I’ll be gone. I must admit I take particular relish in seeing how the guy stumbles and mumbles his way.

  131. Just in case you don’t realise it LadyGodiva, you have displayed for all to see what a mean character you really are! Please think about what you just wrote:

    “I must admit I take particular relish in seeing how the guy stumbles and mumbles his way”.

    That was real mean! What a shame, don’t think you should feel proud of that. For all that has been said, I’m still hopeful you show some tinge of regret for expelling those words.

  132. Kit,

    Thanks for commenting on my comment. Glad to listen that all 4 plus Manoharan is in the picture. Selangor State have very good talent of leaders, besides all 5, they are also some of the leaders that I admire like Weng San, Hannah and Jenice which I think will be in exco some days. Being met almost all of the exco in Selangor personally, I am sure DAP does not have 3 EXCOs working, I am sure the rest that are not selected will be helping doing some of the tasks too, maybe in research, facts finding and thing like that.

    Hope you can continue building DAP success and not rest on the laurel on the little success gained so far. Should continue building base in states like Johor, Sabah and Sarawak, although there are already positive signs there by their standard. Still think Pahang is rather slow, and some attention there might be helpful. Place like Bentong where there are 3 DAP candidates in the state seats, with good election machinery, might do a trick.

    Understand, that most seats are segregated, not like in Klang Valley, one leader can be in 4-5 night ceramah in a day. Places like Johor, Sabah, Sarawak and Pahang which are very segregated between each states seat will need bigger resources to have effective ceramah, something that is not possible this generation, but is very possible next election.

    And also hope to see more calibre Malay joining DAP. If there is good DAP candidates in both Selangor and Perak, might solve a few problems especially in MB position in Perak and DMB position in Selangor. But saying that, the Malay must be in the place by self merit, not because the race they belong, or else people will say double standard again. Understand the Malaysian Malaysia concept, but putting this changes might take some time, you need to gains the trust from rakyat first, before you can make change easily.

  133. Any outline on how the 5-BR States + FT will work together for economical & social prosperity? Or is it in the pipeline? I can appreciate that Perak & Selangor was a shock or syok win for the BR…while all the individual states say they will do this & that, but, what about what the states will do for each other?

  134. “And also hope to see more calibre Malay joining DAP.” ckloh

    Well, we have ‘limkamput’ here spewing his vitriol! Of course, he doesn’t qualify as “caliber” or even close to anything like it.

    I don’t understand why this fella has to bash his own race to prove he’s right. Apparently, he thinks the DAP is a Chinese party and so feels the need to hide behind a misleading handle. That’s really sad.

  135. gorilla, come2papi or whatever sh!t you want to call yourself, you leave my mother alone, you sob.

    You have no calibre to debate with me, you have to face reality. You are just a coward who twists and turns to put words into other’s mouth.

    Yes, you tried to make passes on Jong and Jenny and the moderator deleted your posting. You can’t deny that, pervert.

    my records show i contribute more than you here. So just shut your filthy mouth.

  136. Limkamput,

    You are reverting to your old self which is using abusive language, confrontational and divisive in your attitude. I think it is your attitude which has spawned this myriad of negative reactions from these commentators. If you stop they will stop.

  137. kickbutt asks “what’s wrong with your mother??

    limkamput Says:

    Today at 01: 45.36 (1 hour ago)
    there is nothing wrong with my mother. but if you are a sob, obviously there is something wrong with your mother.”

    what is a sob?

  138. undergrad2, i already told you many times. if you can’t be fair, just shut up. on second thought, you can’t even be a judge. You are such a bias person. so go fly kite. there are no many commentators against me. it is just one coward using different id, the sob.

  139. Undergrad2:

    Why would you bother to engage a person who is simply bereft of ideas, and can only condemn others ?

    In today’s papers, it is now clear that Zaid Ibrahim is simply a BN stooge with the ability to say the right things to pacify public anger, and who will distort his original comments to pacify his political masters. Zaid is now tasked with producing a paper on judicial reform – the “first” paper, according to the press. This “first” paper would come AFTER the findings of the IC on the Lingam videoclip. Then he goes on to say that it is too early to set a time-frame for judicial reform.

    Zaid also went on to say that the government was “considering” his views on the apology to those victimised in the 1988 judicial crisis. He then called Karpal “naughty” for suggesting that Mahathir should make the apology.

    Wasn’t Badawi (and half the present cabinet) part of the former administration ? Who determines who were the actual victims ? The victims go beyond Salleh Abas and the other judges – it is the public who were the victims given that we have been living post 1988 with a tainted judiciary.

    Further, if there were “victims”, there had to be “crimes” and who identifies the “criminals”? Even if the chief criminal were the former PM, he has to be brought to book, and not absolved on the ground that “that administration is gone”.

    Cakap tak serupa bikin – the usual motto of BN representatives.

  140. “Undergrad2:

    Why would you bother to engage a person who is simply bereft of ideas, and can only condemn others ?” Godfather

    I ask that too sometimes.

    Zaid is a product of the NEP brought in by the backdoor, into his Cabinet. What does that tell us?? It is ‘change’ we cannot believe.

  141. “Why would you bother to engage a person who is simply bereft of ideas, and can only condemn others ?”

    Who is engaging who now? Big fat ego, as you are full of ideas. What else most of you do other than condemning everyday?

    If one can’t see I am just retaliating to a sob, then that person or persons stand condemned.

  142. It is obvious that something must be wrong some where in DAP. There are those who defended the DAP CEC’s decision to bypass TCK on the Selangor exco list due to their “blind faith” in LKS & LGE. Some even go the extent to accuse those who question the selection process as being anti DAP. Come on, every political party has its core ideology and principles as a survival tool. But, yet some who just comment base on their own preference without taking into consideration of the said principles and ideologies.

    Whether TCK is fit for the exco post as compared to those selected will be known quite soon. But, obviously, we don’t want a Ean Yong Hian Wah & Roonie Liu who are just not up to the mark. Or more bluntly, i would have said, Ean Yong is just a joke. Manoharan and Lau Weng San are more capable than them.

    LKS, as much as i admire your courage to fight for justice and equality for malaysian, i too hope u have more confidence in tackling people management skill which you seems lacking. Don’t invite another “KOKS” campaign.

    For other DAP elected representative, don’t ever become YES man just those in MCA or MIC, or else u should not be in politics and the rakyat will kick u off in next election. Remember not of u being elected base on REAL ABILITY rather than the tsunami effect.

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