Siapa yang biadap sekarang

by Md Asmawi Md Nor

Saya bersetuju bahawa Saudara telah tersilap dalam isu majlis angkat sumpah MB Perak tetapi saya juga sangat hormat apabila Saudara dengan cepat menyedari kesilapan tersebut dan dengan segera memperbetulkannya dan melakukan tindakan yang tepat dengan memohon maaf kepada pihak istana secara peribadi. Tahniah atas tindakan anda tersebut.

Nah, sekarang Terengganu pula menghadapi isu yang sama dimana 23 Adun dengan segera mengumumkan untuk memboikot majlis angkat sumpah MB Terengganu yang dijangka akan diadakan esok sebaik sahaja ayam tambatan mereka Idris Jusoh tidak terpilih sebagai MB. Seperti biasa, media UMNO Utusan Malaysia akan bersikap ‘double-standard’ dalam menanggani isu ini. Maksud saya secara spesifik ialah bila mana Saudara mengeluarkan statement dalam isu MB Perak dulu, Utusan Malaysia dengan segera dan ‘bold’ terus dengan muka depan “DAP Biadap’, dan dikuti dengan pelbagai rentetan propaganda dan provokasi lagi. Saya sebagai rakyat Terengganu mahukan perkara yang sama kali ini dilakukan oleh Utusan Malaysia dalam menanggani isu 23 Adun yang biadap ini termasuk Idris Jusoh. Tajuk yang perlu keluar dimuka depan mereka sekurang-kurangnya ’23 Adun Biadap’. Mereka semua juga perlu memohon maaf seperti mana yang Saudara lakukan dahulu.

Saya amat berharap Saudara dapat memantau isu ini dengan diberi perhatian istimewa agar UMNO khasnya sedar jangan hanya pandai melihat orang lain biadap tetapi mereka sendiri boleh bersikap biadap dan bertindak sesuka hati mereka. Macamlah negara ini tiada undang-undang.



170 Replies to “Siapa yang biadap sekarang”

  1. There are two set of rules, one for Umnoputras and one for the Rakyat.

    If the Unmoputras do it they call it the voice of the voters and while others do it is call biadap.

    Let the do what they want and come 2013, they, the Umnoputra will know the effects…….

    Maybe the Umnoputras should be rename UmnoMaharaja.

  2. It shows that Uncle Lim who was under enormous pressure from both sides then has acted wisely all along.
    A lot of bloggers who have been so super quick to cast hard/ruthless judgement on you owe you an apology.
    But for now let just move on tactfully!

  3. Sekarang rakyat akan dapat menilai parti Melayu UMNO yang selama ini berjuang untuk Agama, bangsa, Negara dan Raja-raja….
    Sebenarnya mereka adalah barisan sampah yang paling jijik sekali tetapi ingin menonjolkan diri baik dan pembela…
    Saya sekeluarga tidak menyesal menyokong DAP/PKR/PAS pada PRU12..
    Apa guna jadi barua/balaci Melayu UMNO yang terang2 mementingkan diri sendiri dan kroni2…
    Perebutan kuasa MB di Terengganu cukup jelas mempamerkan moral rendah pemimpin UMNO/BN…
    no class…..

  4. Background of looming constitutional crisis: Terrenganu palace preferred Kijal assemblyperson Ahmad Said as MB and gave appointment letter.

    Umno president and prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Deputy Najib and all 22 BN assemblypersons, excluding Ahmad had backed former menteri besar Idris Jusoh to retain the menteri besar post. Federal Umno leadership also issued a warning to Ahmad not to accept the post, threatening to sack him from the party. Threat was carried out and he was stripped off UMNO membership.

    Malaysiakini writer K Kabilan reported on 23rd March what a local constitution expert Prof Abdul Aziz Bari said, that is:-

    “Under the present situation, it would be difficult for the party-less Ahmad to assume the post”.

    Prof Abdul Aziz Bari said that even if Ahmad is sworn-in, the BN state representatives can call for a vote of no confidence against him.

    “In such circumstance, the sultan would then have to name another person who enjoys the support of the majority of the elected representatives or call for a snap state election.”

    Prof said that there was also another precedent to this in Malaysia, going back to the situation in Kelantan in 1977.

    “In Kelantan, the PAS assemblypersons – the majority in the house – passed a motion of no confidence against their own menteri besar Mohamed Nasir.

    “As it happened however he refused to resign and this gave the federal government an opportunity to declare emergency on the state and eventually called a snap election – and won the state – in 1978,” he added.

  5. Syabas, Md Asmawi! Saya bersetuju dengan kandungan artikel.

    Sdr Lim Senior,

    We responded strongly and many did give out `kutuks’ or knocks, that you went against the stream of thoughts and feelings in the Perak MB issue, and you did well.

    Many have not spoken up on the Terengganu issue.

    From Perlis to Terengganu! It means that there is a great shaking of the powers, and PM is losing his grip, not a good sign – if he holds on like this.

    There must be a reason. The Sultan, who is King, must have his reasons, as in Perlis. In the Malaysian harmonious way, PM should withdraw and look for another candidate who is suitable. Why is the Kijal candidate not suitable to the PM.

    Dato’ Idris Jusoh should also approach the Sultan rather the press and public. He cannot possible run the State, if he is at loggerheads with the Sultan.

    We, as ordinary folks, do not know the inside story, but I am sure PM should address this issue with the Sultan, and it should not become controversial and hit front pages.

    BN and PM@PL cannot possible win this salvo. It heightens confusion and shows weak leadership, and using the Perak example, the 22 assemblymen have done wrong.

    The ongoing political uncertainty does not bode well for the nation.

    Next question: “Who is in control?”

  6. Sebab itu rakyat semakin menghormati LKS, DAP dan bangsa lain bila kes di terengganu berlaku.. ini akan membuka mata seluasnya pihak yang masih termakan dakyah UMNO-BN.. diharap rakan seperjuangan sila sebarkan maklumat alternatif kepada mereka yang kita kasihankan..

  7. A big thank you to En Asmawi for rushing to defend our beloved Kit. I did not agree with Kit’s initial rash behaviour but he was gentleman enough to apologise, to Malaysians in general, and also to HRH Dr Nazrin in a private audience.
    To understand Kit’s predicament at the formative stage of the Perak government I would like you all to refer to a very beautifully writen letter to Malaysiakini by ProArte which I reproduce below. I can understand the dilemma faced by Kit at the time when he was trying to put up the state government.

    “It seems that the response to Kit Siang’s initial objection to Nizar, the new Menteri Besar of Perak has not been fair or rational. In fact is has been hysterical without any real regard for the truth and facts.

    How can Kit Siang be anti-Malay or anti-Muslim if the DAP CEC which Kit Siang is a member, endorsed Jamalludin of PKR who is Malay and a Muslim for the post of MB?

    The Regent of Perak is regarded as an intellectual and has publicly gone on record exhorting Malaysians to feel beyond a shadow of doubt that irrespective of their colour ,creed or geographical location, they really belong to this land.

    There was a genuine feeling that the DAP candidate would be considered for the MB-ship by virtue of having the overwhelming number of seats in the coalition as would be the case in a fair democratic process. In the event, the democratic spirit was subverted due to adherence to the constitutional restriction which barred non-Malays and non-Muslims from the highest office.

    The royalty, in their wisdom, chose not to waive this constitutional caveat which they had the authority to do. Surely, any reasonable person would understand the great disappointment of a party which is rejected because its candidate is told in effect that he does not really ‘belong’ to this nation and hence cannot serve in the highest office because he has the wrong colour and religion.

    To further compound the problem, the candidate from PAS, a party with the least number of seats was chosen. Anwar and Kit Siang had recommended Jamaluddin of PKR in the event of Ngeh being excluded. How does this square with the democratic process?

    It is well known that DAP did not have a pact with PAS and was dead against their stated aims of setting up an Islamic state and introducing Sharia and Hudud law. After all, it is Hadi Awang who has called for the death penalty for apostates and has yet to make a retraction. They may have down-played these goals for this election but who is to say they will not renege?

    We must understand that Hadi reneged on the BA manifesto in 1999 and tried to introduce a whole slew of Islamic laws which were discriminatory such the Kharaj Tax for non-Muslims, including support for the Taliban. The 2004 election rout revealed to PAS that even Muslims were dead against their vision for Malaysia.

    The people who voted for DAP did not vote for a PAS MB. Are they not allowed to protest at the triple injustice?

    1) The injustice of not having the MB-ship on the basis of having a candidate with the wrong colour and religion.

    2)The injustice of the endorsed candidate from the DAP/PKR pact who is Malay and Muslim being rejected.

    3) The injustice of appointing an MB from a party with the least seats which wants to introduce the death penalty for apostates.

    In this mad rush for power, the bloggers – with their disparate ideologies – have come down like a ton of bricks on Kit Siang purely because DAP had legitimately chosen to show their deep disappointment by threatening not to attend the swearing-in ceremony. How else could DAP protest? Kit Siang was not being biadap to the royalty. Yes, he did apologise to the Regent but he apologised on the basis of the perceived insult, and not on the legitimacy of the protest.

    As things stand, we have the Lina Joy who has been a Christian for more than 10 years and who wants to marry her Christian boyfriend but cannot do so. This is because the civil courts have denied her her constitutional right by failing to recognise her Christian faith and have unconstitutionally imposed the Muslim label on her. The Shariah courts which Anwar Ibrahim has so much confidence in has separated Revathi from her beloved Hindu husband because it refuses to accept that she is Hindu despite undergoing six months of psychological torture in an Islamic rehabilitation centre, in a failed attempt to get her to renounce her Hindu faith. This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are numerous other cases. What answers do Anwar and PAS have for these wronged people?

    The above are not trifling issues and go to the heart of what democracy, human rights and dignity is all about. The cybertroopers who attacked Kit Siang’s blog with their ‘berak’ (as Dean Johns puts it) have shown their true colours. The scurrying for power has seen racial discrimination, religious bigotry and the subversion of the democratic process win the order of the day.

    Isn’t this BN all over again? Quo vadis BR?”

  8. YB Kit is right when he used the “Smash UMNO political hegemony” in its 12th GE campaign. UMNO have been arrogant, rude and recalcitrant and I hope those Malay idiots that have protested recently in Perak, Penang and Selangor do the same in Terengganu.

    UMNO act as if they are above the law. And they are also right about NEP. But … puiiiiiih. The rakyat all have witness the ugly side of UMNO.

    I as a Malaysian am now demanding that the 23 UMNO Aduns to apologize to DYMM Sultan Mizan. I am also demanding that Utusan Melayu do the same on what they did to Kit.

    Shame on you UMNO malays and Utusan Melayu … ibarat meludah ke langit, kena muka sendiri.

  9. Worst still, UMNO object their own party member to be named MB?
    can imagine what happen when MCA, MIC. Gerakan, or even SUPP and etc parties members, have been named MB/CM by the royalty?

    Would advise Sdr Kit and other BR leadership to remain humble and not quick to attack UMNO on this issue, lets all rakyat see for themselves the true color of UMNO?

  10. Media Malaysia yang pro be end khususnya umno paling biadap. umh no pula bermaharaja rela di atas batasan undang undang. Demonstrasi tanpa permit, engkar perintah sultan. Ditambah pula taktik taktik kotornya…..stop project sebab rakyat tak pilih be end dan cuba memanaskan isu perkauman melalui DEB.

    Cuba bayangkan apa akan terjadi kepada malaysia and raykatnya bila ada orang yang sebegitu perangai and tingkah laku memerintah. Rakyat dituduh bila kalah, ini pula keputusan Sultan dicabar.

    Peliknya, leader diam diam saje. Umpama membenarkan mereka bertindak.

    Harap 2013 nanti tahu tahu lah memilih.

  11. This unfairness is what we citizens have been fighting for thus long. They call this “Ketuanan Melayu” among the small minded backward thinking Umnoputras. No matter how big or how bad, it will never be an issue because they fight for Malay rights. This is like Talibans bombing the innocents in the name of GOD, an act the world world condemns
    Earlier it was the protest rally at Komtar, Penang and now it’s boycot call by UMNO in Terengganu. Real hypocrites.

  12. Adat and respect would require UMNO state reps to meet ruler to resolve amicably differences of views over appointment of MB Terengganu amicably.

    If one goes strictly by law and constiutional practices alone, under our constitutional monarchy parliamentary system – as distinct from absolute monarchy system – it would be normal for Ruler to appoint MB who commands the confidence of a majority of the state assembly as advised by the PM of the government formed from majority in parliament.

    Idris Jusoh has clear support from the majority of the Terengganu assemblymen a notch better than Shahidan, in Perlis who may have the PM’s confidence but not necessarily majority of Perlis assemblymen.

    In an impasse with ruler Terengganu assemblymen in Terengganu state council could pass motion of no confidence on ruler’s appointee Ahmad Said, who is party – less anyway.

    Repeated no-confidence motions on palace appointees could force the ruler, in a worst case scenario, to dissolve the state assembly and precipitate snap elections, thereby giving PAS/PKR a chance of a ‘second bite of the cherry’ to win this oil rich state!

  13. Lucu betul budak budak Barisan Naional di Terengganu,sampai nak boikot majlis angkat sumpah MB negeri Terengganu.Tak kan mereka ni tak tahu siapa dia Idris Jusoh.

    Ada lagi yang cakap mereka akan letak jawatan jika Idris gagal di lantik sebagai MB.Semua ni cakap sahaja,kalau berani letak jawatan sekarang sebab Idris tidak mungkin di pilih-lah.

  14. What so special to name Idris as MB. He was a puppet MB for Trengganu. Patrick Badawi was running the govenment with KJ wiping out all the Petronas royalties.

    Now if Ahmad Said succeeds then he will have to cover all this. But he is now against Idris. So BN Trengganu needs someone pro to PM and KJ. They have to use Idris as the MB to plot their business deals for another 4 years.

  15. LOL! WHAT A JOKE…..hahaha.

    They called KS “biadap” even after he has personally apolozied and NOW, LETS SEE WHAT OUR beloved PAK LAH GOING TO DO WITH ALL THESE “BIADAPSSSSSSSSSSS”!


  16. When the “Kataks” from Sabah jumped over from the Opposition to the BN years ago, it was ok. Now that they may lose Assemblymen to the Opposition, it’s wrong & “tak bermaruah”.
    When HINDRAF had the street Demos, it was “not our culture” & so they were blasted with Tear Gas & Water Cannons & their leaders thrown under ISA (they are still locked up!). However, when UMNO Members have Street Demonstrations, it’s ok as they are not happy!
    Here again, when LKS protested to HRH Dr. Raja Nasrin’s choice it was “Biadap” & he should not only make an apology but make a public apology also. Now they do the same thing in Terengganu & to top it all they are going against our DYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Agong!
    To UMNO & BN, please note it’s … Kesetiaan Kepada Raja & Negara not “Kesetiaan Kepada UMNO & BN”!

  17. Recent events show everyone is beginning to assert independence from BN’s governance. First wave is Rakyat’s on 8th March; now State Rulers in Perlis and Terrengganu over appointments of MBs. In Gua Musang Ku Li asking for EGM to challenge leadership. Meanwhile Rafidah says Wanita UMNO not represented at cabinet level.

    The fall out of political tsunamy of March 8th still reverberates, and come April 15 when Anwar becomes ‘qualified’ to hold political positions, who knowse when is in store???

    Some Use the word “implosion” within BN as such a term is understood to mean some kind of sudden collapse inward, a compression.

    I reminded of poet WB Yeats who wrote these stanzas :-

    “Turning and turning in the gyre,
    The falcon cannot hear the falconer,
    Things fall apart,
    The centre cannot hold,
    Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world”. :)

  18. This is the second “slap” on the face of PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, it must be painful and humiliating when his so-called “appointments” of state MB were not recognized by the Rulers of the state of Perlis and Terenggu.

    Since they are all UMNO state assemblymen, they should have no qualm as to who the rulers preferred instead of who Abdullah preferred.

    Under the state constitution, the ruler has the perogative power over the appointment of MB. So who is disrespectiveful?

    Now UMNO went further by sacking the MB appointed from the party. Where the fiasco is heading, when the fiasco is going to end? Good luck!

  19. Not just BIADAP.,

    but UMNO leader ‘DERHAKA’ against the Sultan..

    This is excerpt from Malaysia kini news:
    Bakal MB terlucut keahlian Umno
    Mar 23, 08 10:35am

    kemaskini 11:30am Dalam perkembangan yang semakin menggemparkan di Terengganu, calon menteri besar Datuk Ahmad Said telah terlucut keahliannya dalam Umno kerana mengengkari arahan Umno Malaysia supaya tidak menerima watikah pelantikannya itu.

    Ahmad, yang gagal mengangkat sumpah jawatan tersebut hari ini akibat pemulauan 23 lagi wakil rakyat BN, menerima watikah pengisytiharan pelantikannya daripada Yang Dipertua Majlis Penasihat Pemangku Raja (MPPR), Tengku Sri Panglima Raja Tengku Baderulzaman Sultan Mahmud, di Istana Tetamu, Kuala Terengganu.

    Bagaimanapun, tarikh upacara angkat sumpah belum ditentukan lagi.

    Arahan larangan tersebut dikeluarkan oleh Umno dan BN melalui setiausaha agungnya Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor malam tadi, beberapa jam selepas pejabat Sultan Terengganu mengumumkan Ahmad, 51, dilantik menggantikan Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh.

    Tengku Adnan dilaporkan berkata, Ahmad tidak berhak berbuat demikian kerana Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, yang juga presiden Umno, telah mengeluarkan surat cara pelantikan kepada Idris Jusoh untuk jawatan tersebut.

    Tengku Adnan mengingatkan Ahmad bahawa Adun itu akan dikenakan tindakan disiplin Umno dan “menanggung akibat” jika menerima pelantikan dan mengangkat sumpah jawatan menteri besar.

  20. Recently, YB Lim’s initial act of wanting to boycott on the appointment of the MB of Perak from PAS caused an uproar. But he had quickly and subsequently apologised to HRH the Sultan and the Regent of Perak. This is the showings of a true statesman and a gentleman.

    But after that, still not satisfied with the very public apology by YB Lim, there were a bunch of stoopeed idiots from UMNO who had held a demonstration in Ipoh, accusing YB Lim of all sorts of things including insulting the Malay royalty, race, etc. Their demonstration was apparently to protect their Malayness and also to the palace as YB Lim had insulted the palace directly and them indirectly. This was despite the fact that YB Lim had already officially apologised.

    The event was also well publicised in all the MSM.

    Well, you know what? We need to get that same bunch of bigot and zero brain content UMNOputras who did the demonstration to now go to Terengganu and do the exact same thing to their colleagues in that state.

    So like to boikot mah! Why not now you all go and do the same thing to the 23 ADUN in Terengganu as they had blatantly done the exact same thing there in Terengganu. They also boikot now mah. You all must go and protest as they too have insulted the royal family in Terengganu there and also your “Malaynessness”. They, the 23 ADUNs are still maintaining their stand so far. No apology and even challeging the royal’s choice of MB. They even want to quit if made to accept a choice that is not in their favour. So, I figure you need to organise an even a bigger for this lah now as they have outdone YB Lim!

    Go lah, go there now – scream and shout. Bring all your posters along. Go and protest and send the 23 ADUNS the same message. And during the protest, I dare the BN biased media to cover the event in the same angle.

    So how about it, TV3, RTM1 and 2, Bernama, Star, NST, etc…? Please ask them to go and protest lah – then you all give them the same coverage as what you have done previously in Ipoh. You must maintain your very high standard and professional journalism ethics mah, right?

    My take, you all no balls lah!

  21. This is the time for BR to hit back those UMNO scumbags after so much discredit they had done on the Perak MB fiasco issue last few weeks ago. They also stir up racial sentiments in Penang and Selangor.

    It’s payback time & God is great. You do bad to others… it will come back to you.

  22. YB, please ensure that UTUSAN publishes the arrogance of these 23 monkeys.

    If they do not print them in the headline, the rakyat can then officially announce the UTUSAN as a UMNO propaganda and to classify UTUSAN as gossip publication, rather than part of the MSM publications.

    They are doing a lot of harm to the Malaysian people by publishing one-sided, biased information!

    Please consider revoking their license under Article 7(1) of the Printing Presses and Publications Act!

    (reference to

  23. Whatever happened to ‘pantang anak Melayu derhaka pada Sultan?
    Mana pi adat dan kesopanan orang UMNO sekarang? Biar mati anak..jangan mati adat tapi UMNO dengan adat barunya;biar rakyat menyaksikan sikap sebenar orang UMNO. Bagai menikam Sultan sendiri! Memalukan bangsa sahaja ! Aku malu melihat mu UMNO !
    Uncle Kit Siang..syabas for handling things well !!

  24. Many were quick to jump all over YB Lim KS over the Perak MB issue recently, even to the extend of expressing doubts on the viability of the DAP/PKR/PAS coalition after that. Some even expressed awe at BN’s 50 years experience at being the government. Events in recent weeks has however, exposed the so called 50 years of BN experience in running a government. This ‘experience’ include among other things, massive perversion of the judiciary, the government administrative machinery, etc,etc, for just as massive corrupt personal gains by BN members and their cronies. And what more now, we have, the mother of all ‘biadap’ expression, by UMNO-BN towards HRH The Sultan of Terengganu.
    Give me an inexperienced BR government any time, I say, keep your 50 years of BN rubbish!

  25. I remember not so long ago, DAP’s LKS voiced to his mates to boycott the CM swear-in at the palace. As a result of that, the sultan was angry. UMNO was angry. The malays was angry. And so poor LKS had to apologized for his action.

    However, now in Terengganu, something major is taking place. Something that makes LKS episode sounds like child’s play.
    Not only are we merely talking about calling for a boycott, THEY actually BOYCOTTED. THEY actually went AGAINST the sultan.

    Er..doesn’t that amount to DERHAKA? And doesn’t derhaka kepada sultan carry a heavy penalty? Or maybe pancung kepala of sorts?

    But the point is that why UMNO and BN is so silent on this act of contempt? And that Azhar guy from Penang as well?

    Why is it that back in those days, when the opposition stage a boycott, they said that it is not our culture to do such a thing. When Bersih and Hindraf boycott, the police came in with water cannons and dispersed them in an instant, and of course, sent 5 men to jail under the ISA act.

    But it was alright when UMNO did that in Penang. Again, that Azhar guy was hailed as a hero of sorts. Also, it was still alright when UMNO did that boycot thing again in Selangor to press CM Khalid not to select a deputy CM to protect the malays.

    Where were the water cannons? Gas cannisters? or FRU swooping in on the protesters? Why weren’t there anyone thrown into ISA?

    Is it because you are in power and that you can preach and bend the rules as you pleased, PM?


  26. In the Bible there is a quotation: The beam in your own eyes you can’t see, but you could see the splinter in your brother’s eyes.

    Pak Lah, apa macam? UMNO assemblymen are now biadab, and you as the head cannotdiscipline them eh?
    Don’t run down LKS. Lim is a real gentleman to apologise to HRH the moment he knew his mistakes. But UMNO men always think theyare right. That is the reason why the country is going south wards. Fortunately the oppositions are partilly in cnotrl to check wrong doings of BN.

  27. I am back! Would like to thank BN so much for all this crap. They have just shown to Malaysia and the World that how low can a person go for the sake of Power and Money.

    Oh yeah, with all this crap going on, i guess terengganu and perlis will be the sixth and seventh state to go down to the opposition in the next GE! :)

  28. I wonder if it is pure coincidence that the Agong who has just completed his term and the Agong who replaced him both acted in like manner to disgree with Pak Lah’s MB appointees? Perhaps they know something we rakyat don’t

    YB Lim had the last laugh. UMNO and UMNO Youth, Kerisman included, must be looking for the nearest hole to hide their faces. So too, the main media and their sycophant editors- especially those who have sold their souls to the UMNO devils. By keeping quiet they are yelling their hypocrisy from all the rooftops. With morons like these all you need to do is to give them more rope to hang themselves.

  29. Utusan rarely reported the news of opposition parties fairly.
    Utusan has been practising doulble standard for a long time.

    It is hoped that Utusan’s readership will skydive.


  30. dap do, biadap…bn do, biasa. i was flabergasted as few weeks ago they lambasted yb for doing so and now they did tat too. it was such disgrace to bn and disrespect to the king. at least the oppositions settles it in a peaceful manner. but [deleted] now, ‘boycott’ the kings decisions………

    should we say bn is funny? yeah and stupid too…..

  31. When I read this news in the main stream media, “UMNO biadab” came to me immediately because I remembered reading the “DAP biadap” front page headline on Utusan Melayu. Actually, there is one word that people haven’t used yet… MENDERHAKA !!!

    Now, let’s see how they “get down from the stage”…

  32. I salute the Sultan of Terengganu for standing by his principles.
    But I doubt what the rakyat’s wishes are? If we take the results of the elections as reflecting the rakyat’s desires, then much as I dislike these UMNOputras I can’t see how the Sultan can triumph in this struggle.
    But March 8th has taught me something, anything is possible!!

  33. Dear YB

    The situation at Perak & Terengganu were different. Whilst Perak was an act of true democratic principles (remember there was a prior agreement between PKR-DAP…then came PAS; but this is no more an issue) in which DAP has in goodwill honoured the decision of the Perak Royalty. In the end everyone was happy-happy. The Perak issue was not against the Perak Royalty on the whole but never mind that now…let’s look at our poor bros in Terengganu. Here, we are talking about a single party – UMNO – strongly against the Royalty…this is a revolt & treason in many accounts.

    I also believe the way Terengganu was wrestled in a many suspicious way…but that’s not the issue here yet, unless we ask everyone in Terengganu what they think about the UMNO-gang doing is right or wrong…going against their Royals. The UMNO-gang claimed that a decision against them is a decision against the Rakyat…ya-kah? So, what they are saying is that the Rakyat voted them to go against the Royalty or have given them the birth right to do so!? Here is again an example of UMNO-arrogance.

    There must be more bigger reasons why the Royals do not want their man…whom we all know is buddy-buddy with the infamous SIL. Why is PM AAB so quiet…who is he going to send now to sort the mess while he enjoy the sofa of Sri Perdana? Nobody wants to go as it is against the Royals & the Agong. Here’s a hint on why the Terengganu Royals are upset about UMNO: Where did all the contracts go to? Another X-File…in the SIL cabinet. Now we know how many people & who are involved in all of the hanky-panky in Terengganu. It’s all over the papers!!! Thanks to The Star. Too bad YB Ahmad Said is just a trustworthy man the Royals have faith in for the people of Terengganu & that he is no golf-buddy with the SIL / YB IJ. For being that person, he got axed by UMNO. Very quickly too I say.

    Daulat Tuanku-3x. I believe the whole of Malaysia right now is behind our HRH Agong. Terengganu should go into total bi-elections (void the 12th GE results for Terengganu) & this time, shall see what happens to BN without hantu-voters, multi-ic-voter & postal-votes. This time will be the real Rakyat Terengganu votes. Then we will also see if the Rakyat Terengganu voted them to be biadap to their Royalty.

    How do we tell our Agong that the Rakyat is behind him on this?

  34. If UMNO-gang there want to prove that it is the wish of the Terengganu Rakyat (to act against the Royalty), then they should all resign & contest the elections again to prove their point.

    The Tun Salleh Abbas video testimonial about how BN has raped their oil-$ on Malaysia Kini should be aired in all internet-cafe all over Terengganu…even in the most remote areas.

  35. It is also believed that the sultan was also unhappy with the “apparent cockiness” shown by Idris during his tenure as menteri besar. However he has backing of the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister and 22 BN assembly representatives. Ha22 tell me who is Biadad now? Birds of a same feather flock together.

  36. Constitutional crises of this nature should be welcome if only because they will test the system and our belief in the working of a constitutional monarchy. Trengganu represents a unique situation and the best opportunity for us to put our beliefs to a test. It is unique in that it is not complicated by non-Malay issues. It is wholly a Malay affair.

  37. Idris had had his chance as MB of Terengganu. The Sultan has no good reason to refuse him this time if he had carried out his responsibility and duty according to the needs of the People. The Sultan is right to decide in the best interest for his subjects.

    Let’s have a snap by election. PAS, PKR and DAP can move in to grab the state from these power crazy UMNOputras denying them another state to govern. Also, by then, our Saudara Annuar has his ticket to be contesting candidate without having to sacrifice one of PKR winners to make way for him.

  38. On one-hand it may be a total Malay affair. However, it is also big oil-$ affair. Oil royalties go back to state-gov for projects…who controls state-gov & who give out state projects? Korek, korek, korek. In the end, the total sum still goes to BN (oil-$ & oil royalties). How is this conspiracy theory?

  39. Issues like whether a non-Malay could be an Mentri Besar, whether the state constitution allows any say to the Sultan in his choice of who best represents ‘his’ government are some of the issues now surfacing.

    My disappointment in the case of the state of Perak is that the DAP gave in to PKR and PAS – and the Sultan. The opportunity we had of testing the state constitution and the constitutional role the sultan has in the choice of the Mentri Besar who was to lead his Majesty’s government was lost.

  40. The ppl should demand an apology from BN for this act of ” menderhaka” to the Ruler at the same magnitude the voice of protest raised towards LKS earlier during the Perak MB swearing in.

    This is indeed the most disgraceful thing happen to the Rulers supremacy since 50 years of independance.

    Well LKS did apologies for his no offense to Perak Sultan.

    Pak Lah and Idris; are meant to say you both fellas are above the King or your party constitution overwrites the Federal Law???

  41. Episod ini hanya mengesahkan lagi kelemahan kepimpinan Pak Lah. Beliau sepatutnya dgn mudah mengambil tindakan proaktif untuk mengadap Sultan Terengganu bagi menyelesaikan perkara ini dgn baik.
    Nampaknya sudah terlewat…..,Pak lah…Pak Lah hang tidok ka????

  42. BN reps have mirrors everywhere. They have mirrors that talk back and tell them that they are the best, the greatest, the smartest. For this, we can thank KJ who has built the biggest talking mirror for his father-in-law.

  43. Most of us here have criticised YB Lim for his previous actions in rgd to the swearing-in of MB Perak me included. So i ask each of us (holier-than-thou) to condemn these Umno scums to the ground. Make sure we dont practice double standards. :)

  44. that’s why from the beginning,the BN shouldnt use ‘dacing’ as their logo,it’s an iusult to justice!
    All the while the UMNO only shouted like mad dogs,they never behave themselves,and they always accusing other ppl being arrogant,rude or uneducated(kurang ajar)!
    imagine,an education minister never even know how to cross-examine himself whether it is crucial to proceed with brandishing’kris’,and the fellow UMNO leaders all defenced him!

    to me,UMNO is the most ‘kurang ajar’ ppl in malaysia,they put the laws into their hands,always twisting facts!

    look at the issue of hopping to another party,which was the party that always bribe other’s to join them?Why the issue was not discussed,why suddenly they critisize those who wishes to hop over to another party???

  45. YB,
    What goes round come around.
    Please be very patient and let UMNO settle this problem. At the end we will know the true reason when they want Idris Jusoh as MB.The picture is getting clearer.

  46. We appeal to DYMM Sultan Terengganu to call for a snap poll. UMNO and Badawi are showing utter disrespect for DYMM and the rakyat. We all know that greedy and corrupt UMNOputras are after the oil royalties and need someone whom it can control in the MB seat.

  47. Tetapi, apa salah nya, jika Sultan nak lantik Amad Said itu.?
    UMNO tak dapat beri satu alasan/jelasan/sebab yang tepat untuk membantah lantikan tersebut. kenapa hanya Idris Jusoh boleh menjadi MB. (jika Sultan tetap tak terima, apa pula?). keliru lah!
    Tak hormat Sultan dan tak hormat DYMM Agung juga!

  48. Salam all
    This is indeed very unsettling especially for me Terengganuians. I do wish HRH would call for snap election so that PAS/BR can take back the state. It was reported that Ahmad Said has the backing of 7/8 division leaders which prompted istana to appoint him as MB. So, I think UMNO members are divided over this issue. HRH of Terengganu is very much liked by the people. If asked to choose between Idris and HRH, I think 9/10 would choose HRH. Cuma UMNO has not just biadap but MENDERHAKA to HRH for doing this. I like what PSM and others have mentioned…it’s kesetiaan kepada Raja dan Negara. UMNO/BN has pissed in their pants over this issue. I for one am glad because this would:
    1) Show rakyat what a bunch of pricks these UMNO/BN are
    2) Enable re-election for Terengganu
    Long live BR!

  49. Badawi spent hours at the Sepang International Cicuit today, but had no time to seek audience with the DYMM Sultan and Agung to clarify matters. Badawi, you still have your priorities wrong. Looks like the GE results means nothing to you. Please resign with UMNO and return some dignity to Malaysia.

  50. negarawan
    you’re right…he feels F1 is more important than settling this issue – what the HECK is he thinking? It’s a freaking turmoil in K.Trg. Police/Army are everywhere with helicopters and all that. Trg could be in chaos easily with clashes between Idris ppl and HRH supporters. It’s a shame…

  51. Saya terpanggil untuk komen sedikit mengenai artikel di atas dan komen pembaca-pembaca di sini. Saya amat-amat marah dengan tindakan UMNO menentang keputusan Sultan melalui pejabatnya mengenai perlantikan MB Terengganu. Saya orang Melayu, saya beragama Islam. Sistem BERAJA telah sebati dengan orang Melayu sebelum di jajah oleh bangsa asing lagi! Even di jajah sekalipun, sistem beraja tetap kekal, sehinggalah ke hari ini selepas merdeka. Apa yang tidak relevannya dengan Sistem Raja Berperlembagaan? Adakah ia bersifat Komunis? Atau bersifat Sosialis yang keterlaluan? Apa kurang Ratu England dalam memerintah negaranya? Begitu juga dengan Raja-Raja atau Sultan-Sultan di negara lain? Salahkah sistem ini? Tak cukup demokrasikah kita? Kenapa sampai ada yang sanggup menghina dan mencabar Sistem Beraja kita? Kenapa perlu pertikaikan? Dan kenapa ada antara pembaca di sini bersifat sunggu ekstrem menafikan Sistem Beraja Berpelembagaan kita? Kenapa? Anda hendak sebebas mana? Kita ada undang-undang. Kita ada asas perlembagaan yang kuat. Kenapa perlu pertikaikan semua ini?

    Seperti pembaca bernama chuchueey yang ibarat mempertikaikan peranan Sultan. Apa akan jadi jika Perak tidak ada Sultan? Kemungkinan besar, anda semua sesama parti-parti politik pembangkang akan bergaduh sampai tak berpenghujung. Sultan itu melihat, menafsir, mendengar dan menilai apa yang terbaik untuk rakyat. Baginda ingin memastikan MB yang dipilih diterima SEMUA rakyat, bukan satu parti politik. Ini Barisan RAKYAT. Itu peranan Sultan, bukan duduk senang lenang dan bermewah-mewah sahaja. Apa yang terjadi di Terengganu juga sama. Itu negeri Baginda. Dia punya hak untuk memastikan keadaan stabil. Negeri tak stabil, rakyat huru-hara, adakah Sultan tetap akan selesa dan duduk diam? Tidak bukan? Ia melibatkan semua pihak. SEMUA.

    Dalam hal berbangkit mengenai Syariah Law, kenapa perlu dipertikaikan? Kami orang Islam tak menggunakan undang-undang itu kepada agama lain, kecuali yang beragama ISLAM. Dalam kes Lina Joy yang dibangkitkan, telah terbukti dia dilahirkan sebagai orang Islam, ibu-bapa Islam, dalam keluarga Islam. Jadi, dia tertakluk di bawah undang-undang Islam dan sivil. Kalau dia nak kahwin dan isytiharkan kepada satu DUNIA dia Kristian, tidak menjadi masalah langsung! Kami orang Islam juga berpandangan terbuka. Yang jadi masalahnya, kenapa dia berdegil tidak mahu membuat pengakuan KELUAR Islam di mahkamah Syariah terlebih dahulu? Apa masalahnya? Selepas itu, jika benar (pastinya), keluar dari Islam, Lina Joy berhak untuk menukar nama, kad pengenalan, dan kahwin sesama Kristian dengan bebas. Kenapa tak nak mengikut proses undang-undang? Kenapa? Inilah yang menjadi persoalan. Dalam Islam di Malaysia, kita ada hitam putih mengatakan kita Islam. Bukan sekadar ucapan.

    Dan kenapa pula orang-orang bukan ISLAM lain takut dengan SYARIAH LAW? Ia hanya untuk orang Islam. Kami yang Islam yang perlu risau. Sebabnya? Kami tertakluk kepada 2 (DUA) undang-undang. Sekali lagi ditegaskan, DUA bukan SATU. Kami tertekan? Kami risau? Tak pernah dengar pun antara orang-orang Islam mempertikaikan undang-undang Syariah.

    Semua kes-kes mahkamah (sivil dan syariah) ikut prosedur. Ada hitam putih. Kenapa perlu pertikaikan?

    Saya hanya cuba ingin melihat semua sudut dari segi rasionalnya sahaja. Bukan marah, bukan melenting. Yang jadi masalah ialah ketidakfahaman dan salah guna kuasa oleh pemerintah (BN) sekarang. Itu kita kene perbetulkan. Kita kene tahu asas PERLEMBAGAAN yang membentuk MALAYSIA. Saya masih lagi tidak nampak kepincangan dalam perlembagaan kita, yang membentuk sosial kontrak rakyat Malaysia. Yang jadi masalah, sekali lagi ditegaskan, cara perlaksanaannya. Itu kita semua kene faham. Itu sebab saya undi Barisan Rakyat. Banyak sangat salahnya dengan BN. Sangat-sangat banyak.

    Janganlah juga ada di kalangan kita (Barisan Rakyat) yang Cina, India, merasa tertindas oleh orang Melayu. Kalau betul Perlembagaan kita salah, dah lama Malaysia ini seperti South Africa di zaman Apartheid dulu. Kita perlu ubah mentaliti kita. Seabgai satu contohnya, bila India miskin, kita salahkan orang Melayu. Bila Cina tak dapat bantuan, kita salahkan orang Melayu. Bila Melayu miskin? Oh… sebab mereka MALAS! ADILkah mentaliti sebegitu? Kita perlu dari sekarang berfikir sebagai rakyat Malaysia. Kita perlu berubah berfikir ke arah itu. Dan sebagai rakyat Malaysia, kita ada RAJA. Itu sahaja.

    Semua kenalah adil dan saksama. Saya sayang Malaysia.

  52. The selection of the MB should not be a big deal to the PM because there is no reason that only one particular person is qualified. This event jsut shows the arrogance of the PM and UMNO going against the constitution and tradition.
    They just don’t want to lose face with the “pantan dicabar” attitude especially after losing big in the recent election and giving in to the Sultan in Perlis.
    What they are doing does not make it right for others to follow or to justify what LKS did.
    Just like PAS losing Kelantan in 1978 after the snap election, I am quite sure UMNO would lose Terengganu if there is again a snap election today. PAS would win by just telling the Terengganu Malays that UMNO has gone against the Sultan.

  53. “The state MCA, Gerakan and MIC are standing behind Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in his choice of Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh for Terengganu Mentri Besar.” Star Online

    These foolish Chinese and Indian leaders just not very smart.
    They should just let this be an UMNO-Sultan fight. Not very smart for Chinese and Indians to be involved.

  54. Utusan is biadap if they dare not headline UMNO biadap.They have lost the respect of professional journalism by their readers.Again the bunch of thieves who shouted loud and clear that demonstration was not their culture should now slap their faces hard and also put their feet into their mouths.

  55. Hope the DYMM our King could see what Cinta_Adil just wrote.

    Star Online: Someone just push the “bark” button & all these component parties start to bow-wow for the master. It appears UMNO truly believes that Terengganu belongs to them, even the rights to it. The true colours revealed.

    Financially, BN lost a few key states (incl. FT), seems they are desperate not to lose Terengganu due to oil-$. Deep inside they know in the next GE, there is a lot of uncertainty for BN…thus, makan sepenuhnya the next 4-5 years. Terengganu will be left high & dry. Looks like someone’s new house/istana & new S-class got to wait.

  56. I say let UMNO boycott. They can boycott forever if they want & surrender without contest to PAS-BR. The new MB can carry on without them (surely can still run without the 22-23 cronies). Let Terengganu Rakyat take back what’s theirs & decide how’s best for their own people. Any excess boleh pinjam to 5-BR states + FT kah?

  57. It will be interesting to see the headlines for tomorrow newspapers. When Lim Kit Siang directed the 15 State Assemblymen to boycott the swearing ceremony of the new MB, they accused him as disrespect for the Sultan of Perak. UMNO even organised a demonstration demanding Lim to make an opened apology to the Sultan of Perak.

    Will the newspapers headlines tomorrow highlighted 23 ADUN TRENGGANU BIADAP. Will UMNO organise a demonstration demanding the 23 ADUN to seek pardon from the Sultan. Ahmad Badawi, Tengku Adnan and the AG Gani Patil should also do likewise.

    I will bet my life that no pardon from the 23 ADUN, Ahmad Badawi, Tengku Adnan and AG Gani Patil will be made, and that UMNO will not organise a demonstration demanding the 23 ADUN to seek pardon from the Sultan.

    And all this explains what Justice is to the UMNO/BN is all about. Let us hope the rakyat in Trengganu will bear witness to this shameful act of UMNO/BN.

  58. All Concern.
    Lets all of us here pass the Massage to all the People .
    Make 1st APRIL,2008
    NO MORE RTM 1,2,TV3.
    WE want the true STORY.
    GOD BLESS Lim Kit Siang,LIm Guan Eng.


  59. cinta_adil,

    I agreed with most of what you said…. yes, it is too easy to blame the person next to you for your predicament… especially if he is somehow “different” from you.

    However, I do not agree with you on the Lina Joy case, the reason is that under Syariah Law, apostasy is a crime. Therefore, if Lina is to be subjected under the Syariah Law (as an ex-Muslim), then she will have to undergo “rehabilitation”, which is really undefined as to how long and what is the method…no ?

    The dissenting judge (1 our of 3) in this case pointed out that it is unreasonable to expect Lina Joy to submit to the Syariah Court due to this.

    Therefore, she is exercising her rights as a Malaysian citizen, the rights to freedom of religion as guaranteed under our constitution and to have her case heard under the highest court in the land, which is the Civil Court.

    However, it was a disappointment that the Civil Court abdicated their duties.

    If such a test case does not uphold the Civil Court as the final arbiter for all Malaysians seeking justice… what then is the use of our judiciary ?

  60. If there is a snap election, and in the interest of BR solidarity PAS cannot insist that it only can contest the state seats. There should be no ‘no-go’ areas in Malaysia.

    If the argument holds true that people voted for change as opposed to a particular party, then if people voted for BN in 24 seats and only 8 for PAS, PAS cannot claim to ‘own’ Terengganu. They must open up the State seats for PKR and DAP to contest as well.

    BR must represent all Malaysians in all States. Isn’t the aim for BR to have a united plural Malaysian Malaysia?

  61. Terima kasih atas pandangan anda semua tentang komen saya di atas yang tak seberapa. Subjek kita di ruangan ini pastinya adalah tentang hak kita tak kira bangsa, Melayu, Cina atau India di Malaysia di bawah Sistem Raja Berperlembagaan.

    Namun, saya sebagai rakyat biasa ingin memberi pendapat ringkas tentang pendapat petestop berkenaan dengan kes Lina Joy. Memang benar Lina Joy berhak membawa kesnya ke Mahkamah Sivil dahulu, yang paling atas dalam sistem kehakiman negara. Tetapi, pastinya Lina dan peguamnya juga bijak bagaimana kes beliau boleh diselesaikan. Jika Lina atau peguamnya faham dan pandai bermain dengan sistem kehakiman negara, pasti kes beliau boleh diselesaikan secepat mungkin.
    Murtad (keluar Islam), secara terang salah di sisi Islam. Tapi, di Malaysia, kita ada cara untuk memastikan beliau benar-benar murtad. “Rehabilitation” seperti yang saudara terangkan. Jika Lina benar-benar Kristian sejati, beliau pastinya senang menyakinkan pihak berkuasa Islam bahawa beliau murtad dalam sesi ‘pemulihan’. 3 kali. Hanya 3 kali kita beri nasihat, beri panduan, beri taklimat tentang tindakan beliau keluar Islam. Beliau boleh mengambil inisiatif sendiri pergi ke sesi ‘pemulihan’ (jika kes dilengah-lengahkan) dan yakinkan pihak pentadbir bahawa beliau benar-benar murtad dan menganut Kristian. Selepas itu, di atas kertas, surat tandatangan mengatakan beliau murtad akan dikeluarkan (disekalikan dengan ‘saman’ murtad). Mudah.
    Itu jika beliau benar-benar yakin pada pendirian dan pegangan agama Kristian yang beliau anuti. Dalam Kristian sendiri pun telah menjelaskan bahawa seseorang itu perlu menyerahkan dirinya sepenuhnya ke atas Tuhan dan anak-Nya, bukan? Prinsip dan pegangan beliau perlu jelas. Di Malaysia, kita ambil pendekatan ‘mulut’, yakni memberi penerangan dan kesan akibatnya. Bukan memaksa, tapi penerangan. Itu sahaja. Dan saya sendiri tidak percaya akan konsep paksaan. Itu salah. Dan kembali dalam kes Lina, jika beliau ikut prosedur undang-undang dengan betul, yakni pergi ‘murtad’kan diri di mahkamah Syariah dahulu, selepas itu di bawa ke mahkamah sivil, pastinya kes ini akan selesai dengan cepat. Sekarang, apa terjadi? Ibarat bergantung tak bertali. Lagi memakan masa dan mungkin mengaggu intergriti pegangan agama beliau sendiri. Sebab Islam di Malaysia adalah hitam putih, di atas kertas. Beliau kene faham atau terima hakikat bahawa sebelum ini beliau adalah seorang Islam. Fahami konsep dan undang-undang Islam (melalui peguam jika beliau tidak mahu ambil tahu) dan baru ambil tindakan.

    Dalam mahkamah sivil, jika sesuatu isu itu berkaitan dengan agama Islam, secara terang Hakim akan memberi nasihat membawa kes itu ke Mahkamah Syariah jika relevan. Jika dah diselesaikan dan memerlukan tindakan mahkamah Sivil, barulah dibawa kembali ke mahkamah Sivil. Di sini menunjukkan bukan mahkamah Syariah lebih tinggi daripada mahkamah Sivil, tetapi mahkamah Sivil perlu tahu dengan jelas status keislaman seseorang itu atau pertubuhan itu.

    Anuti dan percayailah pada agama apa sekalipun. Itu hak kita. Tapi, sebagai orang Islam di Malaysia, sekali lagi ditegaskan, kita ada DUA undang-undang yang perlu digunapakai. Sivil tetap di atas tapi Syariah digunapakai untuk menentukan dan memastikan ‘keislaman’ individu atau pertubuhan. Jelas, kita bukan negara Islam, tapi keperluan Syariah Law adalah disebabkan lebih 50% rakyatnya menganuti ajaran tersebut. Secara logik, ia satu keperluan bukan? Ditambah pula semua Raja-Raja dan Sultan-Sultan adalah beragama Islam.

    Kembali kepada kes UMNO di Terengganu, cara PM kita handle situation ini sangat-sangat tidak profesional dan ‘menderhaka’. Beliau tidak bersuara dengan jelas apa dan bagaimana suatu isu patut dilakukan dan diselesaikan. Inilah kelemahan paling besar dalam pemimpin UMNO. Saya sangat benci (terpaksa gunakan perkataan ini) kepada UMNO yang kotor dan sebenarnya MEMALUKAN bangsa MELAYU. Lihatlah bagaimana kuasa rakyat (saya undi DAP di Perak) dalam pilihanraya lepas dan bagaimana SULTAN-SULTAN juga bencikan UMNO. Perlis dan Terengganu sebagai contoh. Ini bukan kebangkitan rakyat lagi. Ini kebangkitan menuntut KEADILAN.


  62. After all, which party in BR will stand up for Ayah Pin and allow his commune to be re-built in Terengganu? Which party is going to stand up for Kamariah who is an apostate and who has already spent a number of years incarcerated for expresing her freedom of conscience? She is currently facing further persecution under the Syariah courts who want her to serve a further custodial sentence.

    These are important issues which cannot be swept under the carpet. It ultimately a test of what BR stands for. If PAS cannot allow for freedom of conscience as is guanranteed in the constitution, then it has no right to be in BR , otherwise BR will be seen to be a grubby power hungry coalition of convenience, which is there purely to serve the interests of power hungry individuals.

  63. cinta_adil kata:

    “Beliau boleh mengambil inisiatif sendiri pergi ke sesi ‘pemulihan’ (jika kes dilengah-lengahkan) dan yakinkan pihak pentadbir bahawa beliau benar-benar murtad dan menganut Kristian. Selepas itu, di atas kertas, surat tandatangan mengatakan beliau murtad akan dikeluarkan (disekalikan dengan ’saman’ murtad). Mudah.”

    Tak mudah langsung saudara!

    Kalau kita lihat keputusan Mahkamah Syariah dalam kes Revathi, hakim berpendapat bahawa orang Islam tidak langsung boleh Murtad. Jadi kalau macam itu, apa guna buang masa dengan ‘rehabilitation’ kerana akhibatnya sama, tidak boleh Murtad. Revathi kata dia lebih benci kepada Islam selepas di tahan dalam tempat pemulihan Islam selama 6 bulan. Kalau nak beri nasihat 3 kali, mengapa ambil masa 6 bulan? Memisah Revathi dengan bayinya dan suami, bukan itu satu perbuatan kejam? Ini jelasnya bukan cara Islam.

    Hanya Tuhan sahaja yang boleh menentukan jika seorang itu Murtad atau tidak. Lina Joy adalah seorang Kristian. Perlembagaan Malaysia memberi dia hak menganut ugama Kristian. Tidak terpulang kepada Mahkamah Syariah untuk menentukan ugamanya.Dia dah buat deklarasi secara umum bahawa dia bukan Islam , jadi cukup jelasnya. Mengheret dia ke Mahkamah Syariah itu tidal adil dan bercangggah dengan perlembagaan kerana dia seorang Kristian. Dalam Perlembagaan, Mahkahmah Syariah hanya ada ‘jurisdiction’ atas orang Islam dan bukan orang berugama Kristian.

    Semua ini memberi pandangan kepada orang ramai bahawa Islam tidak logik atau adil. Mana kita boleh terima Lina Joy sebagai orang Islam jika dia berpendapat bahawa Nabi Isa adalah manifestasi Allah sebagai manusia dan kalau dia tidak terima Muhammed sebagai rasul?

  64. I’m sorry but I find cinta-adil misguided in his understanding of the constitutional role allowed by the state constitution to the sultan, the use of his discretionary powers, and politically naive in his view about the freedom of the Malays to choose his or her own religion.

  65. For example, at one point he said the Malays are not complaining about being under both civil and syariah law jurisdictions. So why should non-Malays and non-Muslims fear? They do not come within the syariah law jurisdiction – only the civil.

  66. The constitutional crisis now looming in the state of Trengganu could have been avoided. It appears that the sultan has differences with the UMNO state leadership and this is what has precipitated the constitutional crisis. The other implication is that Abdullah Badawi as President of UMNO does not have the kind of control he should have. Anorher reason why he should quit.

  67. I personally feel ashamed to have BN to governing Malaysia…

    UMNO no long relevant in Malaysia context, it’s outdated and just a follower rather than a driver…

    therefore since UMNO members are “BIADAP” on Sultan Terenganu choice of MB, they MUST APOLOGIZE and should request full page on UMNO premier newspaper… else resign and get-out of Terengganu…

  68. Oh tuan puan salah; kalau umno buat bukan biadap tapi menegakkan keadilan! Kalau Uncle Lim buat biadap. Itulah umno! Mengajar anak ketam berjalan. Yang menjerit di Ipoh dan Shah Alam tu, kaki pukul umno bukan rakyat bangsa Melayu yang mempertahankan institusi Raja. Kalau dia orang benar-benar Melayu sejati sudah tentu mereka bangun menentang sesiapa saja yang BIADAP terhadap raja Melayu.

  69. Saudara Lim merupakan seorang tokoh politik yang sememangnya mempunyai integriti yang tinggi. Selagi UMNO dan BN menerajui kerajaan ini dengan sikap yang sedemikian, Malaysia tidak akan mendapat manfaat yang sepatutnya. Saya berharap kerajaan akan mengimbas sekali lagi kenapa rakyat bangun dan membuang undi untuk pihak pembangkang. March 8 ialah hari yang bersejarah untuk semua. Bukan setakat orang yang membuang undi untuk pihak pembangkang tetapi untuk semua rakyat Malaysia. Mereka mengundi pihak pembangkang kerana sudah bosan dengan jentera kerajaan yang bersikap kronism dan angkuh terhadap rakyat tanpa mengira kaum.

  70. The greatest threat to our modern, progressive and multi racial and religious country is the faceless racial and religious extremists, thugs and crooks in the position of trust, power and influence.

    Some grossly irresponsible politicians are using politics to play with the future of ordinary people and country.

  71. Idris should just bow to the wishes of the State Ruler (and Agung in this case) and allow someone else to be the MB. Why the power play? Cant he serve just as well as an elected adun? Does he need the position of MB?

    Are these people really out to serve the people or to serve their own interests? I hope the rakyat wake up and realize whats going on. I also hope the terengganu folk now regret having voted BN.

  72. Malaysian For Equality Says:

    “If the argument holds true that people voted for change as opposed to a particular party, then if people voted for BN in 24 seats and only 8 for PAS, PAS cannot claim to ‘own’ Terengganu. They must open up the State seats for PKR and DAP to contest as well.”

    I agree with you. Perhaps PAS needs to relook at its basic policies to see what is frightening the electorate from placing them in power. Perhaps a more moderate stance on some issues would help gain more votes. And having PKR or DAP contest in some seats would help the cause of the DAP/PAS/PKR coalition to gain more seats.

  73. Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan
    Kesetiaan Kepada RAJA dan Negara
    Keluhuran Perlembagaan
    Kedaulatan Undang Undang
    Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan

    This is our Rukun Negara.

    If DAP-PKR-PAS can adhere and understand the pillar to our constitution well, I cannot see why BN can’t !!!

    Their egoism is going to backfire.

  74. Is UMNO trying to tell all Malaysians that only Idris can run the state of Trengganu. What is wrong for accepting Ahmad Said who is also an Umno member as Mentri Besar. This shows that the Umnoputras are serving themselves and not the rakyat.

    In this episode, BN is saying that the Ruler must appoint a person who gain the most support from the state assembly….then how about Perak?

    Whatever the outcome, the rakyat have lost confidence in BN….come the next election……BN will collapse and becomes history.

  75. I really admire DYMM SPB YDPA Sultan Mizan for his stance.

    DAP-PKR-PAS should come out and defend the King.

    Laungan ” DAULAT TUANKU” should be make strong and loud for Malaysia.

    I was taught to proclaim the Rukun Negara when I entered standard 1. I still remember Rukun Negara now.

    I would really be ashamed to be from Terengganu now because their so called elected leader has been putting this beautiful state in the wrong light.

    Come out with banners along the palace …. Daulat Tuanku … Daulat Tuanku … Daulat Tuanku …. you don’t need to demonstrate but you need to support His Majesty the King NOW !!!

    Daulat Tuanku … Daulat Tuanku … Daulat Tuanku ….Daulat Tuanku … Daulat Tuanku … Daulat Tuanku ….Daulat Tuanku … Daulat Tuanku … Daulat Tuanku ….

  76. All the 23 so called BN Adun is the actual Biadap. Never even give due respect not only the Sultan of Trengganu but also the King of Malaysia! As we all knew very well that all press is controlled by BN, surely this Utusan will not do the same as what they did to YB LKS.
    So…we all knew over and over again, double standards, lies, corruption, cronies etc so come 2013 or maybe much earlier (probably 2012, as the ’13’ is sway or bad luck for the PM), let’s vote PKR, DAP & PAS lor… lesson 1 never teach them, then teach them lesson 2, maybe 3……….

  77. Saudara Md Asmawi Md Nor,
    Taniah kepada saudara yang telahpun peka kepada perkara yang telahpun berlaku sejak berpuluh tahun lalu. Saudara juga perlu menerangkan perkara sedemikian kepada saudara-saudara kamu yang kenal sebab saya percaya kebanyakan mereka (terutama kaum saudara) masih lagi terpengaruh oleh media sedemikian.

    Adalah adil and saksama kepada pihak tertentu jika kita menilai sesuatu dengan rational sebelum membuat sesuatu kenyataan.

    Saya juga mengalu-alukan saudara untuk berkomen tentang akhbar yang lain seperti akhbar cina atau tamil bila mereka melakukan perkara sedemikian.

  78. Hehehehe …. come to think about it, if YDPA keep on appointing someone other than IJ to be MB , then he will be sacked by UMNO and so on ….. until IJ the only one UMNO member left. Ha ha … Then can set up the first Independent State in Trengganu …. Wow … LOL

  79. Pingback: mental jog
  80. I had made a call to the Editor on last Saturday after glancing at the Utusan Head Line claiming DAP Biadab was at the same time coming out from the mouth of our corrupted Mike Tyson.
    No one dare to face my call semua nya i tidak tahu ,it is just exactly the culture from our AAB the Mr. I dont know.
    Anyway Biadab and kurang ajar are applied to Umno as well as Editor of Utusan now unless they appologise to the trengganu Sultan otherwise , we, the RAKYAT WILL CALL the Utusan and Umno Kurang Ajar and Biadab……..Hurray!

  81. But UMNO claims they mempertahankan kedaulatan raja-raja Melayu, and now they are against the sultan / Agong ??
    I am confused !!

    Last time they hentam YB LKS kuat kuat in the press and media and even protest like wild monkeys on Komtar, but now they boikot pulak… threatening to kick own member out from UMNO.

    I used to respect Pak Lah, i thought he won’t lie but too bad he is lying.

    My opinion is supported by Tun Dr. Mahathir, i might be wrong but who can be wrong than a 3 term Prime Minister with 2/3 majority.

    Some one must give Pak Lah a slap in the face to ask him STOP LYING! personal opinion.

  82. selama ini saya adalah antara ‘gurkha’ yang bekerja untuk menumbangkan BN, tak kiralah yang bertanding PAS/DAP/PKR ..

    jadi diharap tiada sesiapa diantara setiap parti ini sibuk bermain-main dengan sensitivi bangsa dan agama.. cuba tanya DAP siapa yang bantu jadi counting agent bagi peti undi P102 di saluran SK Jln 3, N26 secara percuma?

    TOLONG JANGAN BIADAP ..biar apa juga agama dan bangsa, tolong hormat-menghormati .. selama ini saya masih belum mendengar orang melayu Islam membantah keputusan urusan orang beragama hindu dalam kuilnya, urusan orang budha dalam tokongnya atau urusan orang kristian dalam gerejanya ..

    jadi biarkan orang Islam uruskan hal mereka dalam masjid dan mahkamah syariah mereka.. kenapa perlu sibuk-sibuk hal orang Islam dalam masjid dan mahkamah syariah mereka ..perlembagaan telah menjamin hak dan kebebasan beragama.. kenapa perlu orang agama lain campur tangan urusan orang Islam??

    asyik disebut-sebut kes Lina Joy..sudah terang dan jelas dia lahir dan membesar sebagai orang Islam.. jadi dia tertakluk kepada mahkamah orang islam jika dia nak keluar dari Islam.. Orang Islam tertakluk kepada undang-undang mereka, sama ada sejak lahir Islam atau sukarela menganut Islam ..

    CUKUPLAH ..jangan diganggu lagi hal ehwal agama orang lain.. balik kepada urusan bersama kita .. TUMBANGKAN BN, TADBIR MALAYSIA DENGAN PENUH BIJAKSANA.. BUKAN DENGAN PENUH PRASANGKA

  83. The US sub-prime crisis in graphics – Part 1
    The US sub-prime mortgage crisis has lead to plunging property prices, a slowdown in the US economy, and billions in losses by banks. It stems from a fundamental change in the way mortgages are funded. There seems to be no end to this and with the collapse of the investment banking giant Bear Stearn last week, it is believed more is to come.

    It is inevitable the there is going to be a global economic crisis unlike the 1997 crash which started in the stock market, this has started in the core of the economy – Housing. In no time it will see our shores and our new cabinet has to be ready to face it. This two part article is to give us Malaysians a better understanding of this crisis preempt our government.

    How it went wrong!


  84. My concern here is the fact that Royalty may be exceeding their constitutional powers and this is dangerous for democracy. God forbid that we should go back to feudal times where Royalty were unaccountable and above the law.

    If anything one can make an argument that the Agung is being ‘biadap’ towards the constitution which as a constitutional monarch he has to follow. Remember Keluhuran Perlembagaan in Rukun Negara?

    If the majority of assemblyman support Idris Jusoh, then the Sultan has no choice but to appoint him. Unless he is invoking his ’emergency’ powers, then His Royal Highness owes the Rakyat a proper explanation.

  85. Well … be it constitution or not. The problem here lies with Idris Jusoh’s fall out with Palace and BN’s arrogance.
    If the Sultan think that he is not suitable , someone elses from BN can take over his post. Problem is … IJ and AAB … there is just something very fishy.
    YDPA is not a fool. The monarchy know’s their role and he did not appoint anyone from PAS as MB. If that is the case, then I would say that we are in big trouble.
    It has got to do with IJ / AAB and BN. that we will be able to see soon.

  86. There are good constitution and bad constitution, it has become obvious that BN has make use of it’s constitution right to boycott its own members so that certain individual can benefit from it especially the cronies. Today these ppl can use constitution to bring you down, can they use it for corruption (the more the merrier)? Why not, if every leader start discriminate a specific person? the old will become powerful the young and innocence will have no chance to rise to represent the Rakyat.

    I’m glad Malaysia has a good constitution clause whereby the Sultan can refuse and offer the MB post to candidates who is deem to be more suitable.

  87. I read this interesting revelation in MT related to Trenggannu also known as Bright Rainbow. Daulat Tuanku, Daulat Tuanku, Daulat Tuanku.

    Monsoon (Cup) winds of change
    Posted by Raja Petra
    Monday, 24 March 2008

    Mat Said is a fighter. And even as a ‘nobody’ he stood his ground against an outraged Eric Chia who was foaming at the mouth while screaming the Prime Minister’s name. No Chinese gangster or Menteri Besar or even the most powerful Prime Minister could shake him. And that is the kind of Menteri Besar His Majesty the Agong would like as head of his state government.


    Raja Petra Kamarudin

    Guano pulok puak-puak Amno ni bekeng sangat? Dah Tuanku amboh, amboh lah! Mende nak main paksa-paksa pulok? Bila menatang Cheena buat kacau kat Perak, bising. Ni, menatang Amno pulok nak tunjuk bekeng. Beso kemaluang Ganu kite.

    That is probably what the Kuala Terengganu folks at the Pasar Payang wet market are lamenting. When the Rulers keep quiet, the rakyat complain and question the purpose of retaining the Monarchy if the Rulers do not earn their salary. However, when they do act, the raykat complain and accuse the Rulers of getting involved in politics. The Rulers must work for the people, argue the rakyat. The bottom line is, the rakyat don’t really know what they want.

    In the 1990s, a well-known Malaysian business magazine reported that Terengganu is the second richest state after Selangor but its rakyat are the second poorest after Perlis. The Kelantan Menteri Besar, Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat, retorted that Kelantan may be poor compared to Terengganu, but its people are rich. “Kekayaan Kelantan di tangan rakyat,” said Nik Aziz. Kelantenese, Nik Aziz stressed, do not need to depend on the government. They will travel far and wide, even to Singapore, to earn their living. And they will send money back to the state to help prop up its economy.

    This is true. You can find a Kampong Kelantan in Singapore but not a Kampong Terengganu or Kampong Kedah or whatever. And Kelantanese will go back to Kelantan to pay their zakat (tithe) so that the money can go to the state and not to the federal government. And that is why the federal government attempted to nationalise the zakat collection — they wanted to deny the state the money. But Kelantanese are stubborn and they are in fact proud that they can survive without federal funding and in spite of being squeezed of federal funding.

    Take their water supply as one example. Kelantanese are being denied clean water because the federal government will not give the state the money it needs to improve its water supply. Because of this many have died of cholera over the last two decades but the Kelantanese refuse to hand the state back to Barisan Nasional although by doing so they could then get clean water and would no longer suffer so many deaths. Kelantanese treat the high number of deaths and the loss of their loved ones as ‘collateral damage’ which one has to endure when opposing the federal government. Yes, they are sad that many have to die, but in any struggle people die and the struggle against the tyranny of the federal government overrides all other considerations.

    Terengganu, however, is not like Kelantan. The people of Terengganu are not so stubborn or resilient. ‘Ganu’ means rainbow and ‘terang’ means bright. Kelantanese used to refer to the land south of their state as ‘bright rainbow’ and that is how the state eventually became known as Terengganu. Terengganu, of course, has gold and the English say that at the end of the rainbow you will find gold. But there is not that much gold really. Sure you can find some, although it may not be that economically viable to mine it on a large-scale or commercial basis. But what it lacks in yellow gold it more than makes up for in ‘black gold’.

    And that is why Terengganu is the second richest state, because of its black gold. But in spite of its black gold and in spite of it being the second richest state, its citizens are the second poorest and even Sabah, Sarawak and Kelantan are far ahead. That is what the popular Malaysian business magazine reported in the 1990s.

    In 1999, the Terengganu voters decided to give the state to the opposition for a change. A few months later, the federal government punished Terengganu by withdrawing its 5% oil royalty that it was entitled to under the Petroleum Development Act 1974. The money, which at that time came to RM800 million a year, was handed over to Idris Jusoh, the head of Umno Terengganu, to manage; and from 2000 to 2004 he managed the money as his personal petty cash.

    The Terengganu voters realised that they could get their hands on what had now grown to RM1 billion a year only if they gave the state back to Umno. And they did just that in March 2004 and Idris Jusoh was installed as the new Menteri Besar. But while the state went back to Umno, the RM1 billion a year did not go back to the state. The money remained in the hands of the Prime Minister’s Department and control of the money shifted from Idris Jusoh to Wan Farid Wan Salleh, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s Political Secretary, and Patrick Lim, whom Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad calls Patrick Badawi.

    So it was no different then. Whether Umno or the opposition rules the state, the RM1 billion a year will still not go to the state but would instead be in the hands of two or three individuals, to be used and abused as they see fit. On 8 March 2008, the Terengganu people wanted to hand the state back to the opposition. Umno knew this and what was at stake was not just control of the state but control of the RM1 billion a year that came with it. So thousands of Bangladeshi voters were ‘imported’ into Terengganu to ensure that Umno would be able to make a clean sweep of the state. And the hundreds of bus-loads of voters were escorted into Terengganu by police and army trucks to ensure that the opposition supporters would not be able to make any ‘citizens’ arrest’ of phantom voters. And so Umno, yet again, swept the state like it did four years before that in March 2004.

    But one thing that Umno could not control is His Majesty the Agong who is also the Sultan of Terengganu. Tuanku knows what is going on and Tuanku also knows how the cheating is being done to perpetuate Umno’s rule in the state just so that the RM1 billion a year can continue to be manipulated, exploited, and abused. And Tuanku sought legal advice on what the Federal Constitution of Malaysia and the Terengganu State Constitution have to say about the appointment of the political head of the state government. And so Tuanku rejected Abdullah’s choice of Menteri Besar, Idris Jusoh, and instead made his own choice, Ahmad Said. And a few well-known lawyers are ready to spring into action to defend Tuanku if the federal government decides to challenge Mat Said’s appointment in court.

    Mat Said is no pushover. When Eric Chia was heading Perwaja, he embarked on a housing project and started building the houses even before the Kemaman local council could approve the project. Mat Said stepped in and issued a stop-work order. Eric Chia was outraged. He complained to Menteri Besar Wan Mokhtar Wan Ahmad and said that he reported direct to the Prime Minister and has carte blanche to do what he likes.

    But Mat Said would not back down, Prime Minister or no Prime Minister. He even went against his own direct boss, Wan Mokhtar. The law is the law and even the CEO of Perwaja, the Menteri Besar of Terengganu, and the Prime Minister of Malaysia are not exempted from obeying the law. This was just a YDP of the Kemaman local council but he took on the giants and refused to back down and finally won when the all-powerful Eric Chia was forced to halt construction until all his papers are in order.

    Mat Said is a fighter. And even as a ‘nobody’ he stood his ground against an outraged Eric Chia who was foaming at the mouth while screaming the Prime Minister’s name. No Chinese gangster or Menteri Besar or even the most powerful Prime Minister could shake him. And that is the kind of Menteri Besar His Majesty the Agong would like as head of his state government.

    Terengganu has only about four years left. According to Petronas, after 2012 there will be no more oil in Terengganu. Four years at RM1 billion a year is merely RM4 billion. This RM4 billion will disappear in four years if Idris Jusoh is installed as Menteri Besar. And, in 2013, Terengganu will revert to being just a fishing village like what it was in 1973 before they discovered oil.

    Yes, it was a great 40 years. But the 40 years which started in 1973 will end before 2013 is out. Terengganu can choose to allow Idris Jusoh to run the state and therefore allow the RM4 billion to finish by 2012 or they can instead ask Mat Said to run the state and ensure that the RM4 billion will last till 2020. His Majesty would rather choose the latter.

    Seven of the eight Umno divisions in Terengganu support Mat Said. Thus far, 20 of the 32 State Assemblymen have confessed that they also support His Majesty’s choice of Menteri Besar. Why then did 23 of them declare that they support Idris Jusoh? They allege that they were ‘locked up’ and forced to sign the letter of support so they had no choice but to do so. Since seven of the eight Umno divisions want Mat Said and since more than half the State Assemblymen also support His Majesty’s choice, then it is in compliance with the State Constitution that Idris Jusoh be rejected in favour of Mat Said.

    The same thing happened in the State of Perlis. When two of the three Umno divisions and ten of the fifteen State Assemblymen rejected Shahidan Kassim, Abdullah’s choice of Menteri Besar, the Raja of Perlis acted within his Constitutional right by rejecting Shahidan. Anyway, this so-called ‘Constitutional Crisis’ was expected and had been looming over the horizon for quite some time now. Malaysia Today had in fact addressed this awhile back but, as Tun Dr Mahathir is fond of saying, Melayu mudah lupa. To those who have already lupa, allow us to refresh your memory. We re-publish below an article which was published before this and which addresses what the real issue is really about, the ‘crisis’ which the mainstream newspapers are trying to pass off as, kononnya, a ‘Constitutional Crisis’.


    One thing that Malaysia Today would like to raise is the matter of Terengganu’s oil royalty which we hope Mahathir will address on 28 July. Since the mid-1970s, Terengganu had been enjoying a 5% royalty on all the oil and gas extracted in the state. That is what is provided for under the Petroleum Development Act. In fact, not only Terengganu, but any state in Malaysia where oil and gas is extracted they would enjoy the same. However, in 2000, this royalty was withdrawn and converted to Wang Ehsan (goodwill money). Suddenly, the RM800 million or so a year that Terengganu was supposed to get as its 5% share of the oil and gas revenue was transferred out of the state and into the hands of one man, Idris Jusoh.

    Malaysia was then already suffering from an outbreak of JE. But in Terengganu it was JE of another kind, Jusoh Enterprise, Idris Jusoh’s family business. Jusoh Enterprise or JE was suddenly flush with funds, RM800 million a year to be exact. Then, in 2004, Umno, under the stewardship of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, won back the state from the opposition. But the state did not win back its 5% oil royalty. The Wang Ehsan continued and Idris Jusoh, who now became the Chief Minister, continued to single-handedly manage the fund. Even the State Economic Development Corporation (SEDC) and the Terengganu State Economic Planning Unit (UPENT) were left totally in the dark. One man, Idris Jusoh, decided how the money was spent, and it is a lot of money.

    But the new Prime Minister, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, would not tolerate one man managing the state’s coffers. He wanted Idris Jusoh’s hands out of the RM800 million a year cash box. However, to revert to the 5% royalty only meant that the money would come directly under state control. That would not serve their purpose. They wanted direct control of the RM800 million. Now it is under the control of the Prime Minister’s Department but passed down to Idris Jusoh’s hands. What they needed to do was to get Idris Jusoh’s hands out of the equation.

    Then Khairy Jamaluddin, Abdullah’s son-in-law cum adviser, came out with a fantastic new ‘umbrella concept’, better than even Mahathir’s. They wanted control of the RM800 million a year. But they did not want to get it out of Idris Jusoh’s hands by putting it into the hands of the state. That would merely be a case of out of the frying pan, into the fire. They wanted direct control of the money without Idris Jusoh deciding on how the money is spent.

    And this is how they did it. First they appointed Wan Farid, Khairy’s ‘running dog’, as Abdullah’s Political Secretary. Then they appointed Wan Hisham, Wan Farid’s brother, as the State Exco Member in-charge of tourism. Then they gave Patrick Lim, Khairy’s business partner, the sole monopoly of all state tourism projects. Now the network is intact and Idris Jusoh has been cut off.

    Patrick Lim’s job is to create all sorts of state tourism projects at hugely inflated prices. He would then propose these projects to Wan Hisham, the man in-charge of tourism. Wan Hisham would then pass them on to his brother, Wan Farid. Wan Farid would then pass them on to Khairy. Idris Jusoh would of course be left out of the loop and he would only know about them when it was a fait accompli — as the Malays would say, “Nasi sudah jadi bubur.”

    They built 30 houses at RM1 million each on an island in the Trengganu River . They launched a RM300 million a year yacht race called the Monsoon Cup. Hundreds of millions a year is being spent to ‘attract tourists to Terengganu’. It seems this year the amount of Wang Ehsan has shot up from RM800 million to RM1 billion — so there is even more money to play around with.

    To ensure that Idris Jusoh keeps his hands out of the cash box, Abdullah himself chairs the state meetings though he is the Prime Minister and not the Terengganu Chief Minister. Of course, Idris Jusoh, being the Chief Minister, is allowed to sit in on these meetings though he has no say on what they propose. Patrick Lim, though he is not in the government, is also allowed to attend these meetings.

    Abdullah would then propose all sorts of tourism projects conjured by Wan Hisham, Wan Farid and Khairy. Details are of course not discussed; only the gist of things and the amounts involved. Whenever Idris Jusoh raises any questions, he would be told to ‘leave it all to Patrick Lim who knows what to do’. Idris Jusoh is not to involve himself in the details.

    After awhile Idris Jusoh got quite pissed and tried to resist. One project that he knew nothing about was placed before him and he was told by Patrick Lim to sign the papers. But how could he sign the papers when he knew nothing about it and would eventually have to bear responsibility for it?

    Patrick Lim walked out of Idris Jusoh’s office and phoned Wan Farid who complained to Khairy. Within an hour Idris Jusoh received a phone call from Abdullah who ordered him to sign the papers, which he of course did straight away.

    Patrick Lim’s hold on Abdullah was apparent to all but somehow not to Idris Jusoh. One day Abdullah visited Terengganu to chair the regular meetings on how to spend Terengganu’s RM800 million (which is now RM1 billion because of the increase in oil prices). Idris Jusoh fetched Abdullah from the airport but before his car could move Patrick Lim’s car cut in front of Idris Jusoh’s car and Abdullah got out of Idris Jusoh’s car and got into Patrick Lim’s car. Idris Jusoh should have realised then who really runs Terengganu.

    Yes, RM1 billion a year is a lot of money. This money, which should belong to Terengganu, is not going to the state. It is going to Wan Hisham, Wan Farid, Patrick Lim and Khairy. And Abdullah chairs the state meetings to decide how the money is spent. And Wan Hisham, Wan Farid, Patrick Lim and Khairy help spend the money. And they spend it all. And Idris Jusoh has no say in how it is spent. And if he refuses to sign the papers he will get a phone call from Abdullah.

    Now do you know who runs this country? Abdullah says he and not his son-in-law runs this country. Idris Jusoh however will tell you that Khairy runs this country. And Khairy also runs Terengganu and manages its RM1 billion a year through Wan Hisham, Wan Farid and Patrick Lim. And Abdullah chairs the Terengganu State meetings on behalf of Khairy and according to the plan on how Patrick Lim wishes to spend the RM1 billion a year.

    And now do you know why Mahathir is so pissed? And he has every reason to be pissed. In fact, I too am pissed. And that is why I agree that Mahathir stays pissed with Abdullah and his son-in-law. The Terengganu issue alone is enough for me to get pissed. And rest assured that Terengganu is but the tip of the iceberg.

    Yes, it is nice being able to walk in the corridors of power. And much can you do when you walk in the corridors of power. And RM1 billion a year is nice to manage if you have that power to do so. And when you walk in the corridors of power you would of course have that power.

  88. Lets be honest about this.We are not really supporting the Sultans action of appointing anyone that he pleased because that is against the principle of democracy.This however provide us with windows of opportunity to criticise UMNO and their hipocrital practice.

    One should never however endorse the Sultans action of appointing anyone that he like as this will contribute to more problem than solution.What happen if the oppositions are in the same situation as those Terengganu.Just because the Sultan dont like that person he could boot him whenever he pleased.That is totally against the principle of democracy.

    To complicate the matter our country had more than one monarch and each of them cost the peoples money and they are not even elected unlike the BN wakil rakyat that we sorta despice of.

    Remember, with the monarchy system we get discriminatory laws such as non muslim/malay cant be MB,need certain amount of malays as excos and so on.

    Sure we had the rukun negara but it was written by UMNO.We ha constitution but it is written by foreigners.

    rukun negara number 2:

    Kesetiaan pada raja.

    I know this might sound “loyar buruk”,but really we dont have Rajas.we have Sultans.


    It’s obvious UMNO failed nearly all of the above.

  90. dapforever, don’t just read the final portion of the rukunegara. you should read the whole text and especially the words “membina sebuah masyarakat yang adil” in the preamble. tell me how much has been done towards realizing these words? if at all the masyarakat set up by bn is adil, then why does malay special rights still persist? can there be adil when these special rights are still in force.

  91. I am a Terengganu-ian & I support the Sultan of Terengganu. The issue here is that the Sultan really understands the Terengganu people’s real frutrations, but Idris, the PM, KJ & Patrick Badawi dont. The bad guys (known as JE = Jusoh Enterprise, similar to the deadly Japanese Encephalitis Virus) have robbed the Terenggau people of its yearly RM1.0bil oil royalty money. How do u explain the fact that Terengganu is the 2nd richest state in Malaysia but with the 2nd highest poverty rate in Malaysia? Can the PM & ex-MB of Terengganu explain what happened to the royalty money? Hhhmmm…….the Terengganu people all know…… went to the yearly RM350.0mil Monsoon Cup arranged by Patrick & his honchos which the poor Terengganu folks dont even benefit. what about the Masjid Kristal project that even the Muslims cant use for praying?? Now that’s why the rakyat of Terengganu including me is so pissed off…..& the Sultan knows this………DAULAT TUANKU

  92. Ambil tindakan undang-undang kepada sesiapa yang tidak menghormati Sultan dan Raja ….
    tidak menghormati Raja adalah mencemarkan rukun negara.
    Sepatutnya pemimpim mesti memegang teguh kepada rukun negara
    Lihat balik rukun negara no 2
    Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan (Belief in God)
    Kesetiaan kepada Raja dan Negara (Loyalty to King and Country)
    Keluhuran Perlembagaan (Supremacy of the Constitution)
    Kedaulatan Undang-Undang (The Rule of Law)
    Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan (Mutual respect and good social behaviour)

  93. Agreed with Guane…the Sultan knew about it…that’s why BN dun want to give up till they want to boikot….Terrengganu is a rich states just that the money dun flow in to the people for development but flow out to those who has the power to influent…Terrengganu is one of the BN primary resources…

  94. its predictable to how PM UMNO & CO will handle these issues

    when things are not going their way. Why there wasnt much fuss

    when the Perlis MB of PM choice was rejected? Why the special

    attention the PM & UMNO giving to the Terengganu MB chaos?

    Keep an OPEN eyes to this! something fishy…


    One thing that Malaysia Today would like to raise is the matter of
    Terengganu’s oil royalty which we hope Mahathir will address on 28
    July. Since the mid-1970s, Terengganu had been enjoying a 5% royalty
    on all the oil and gas extracted in the state. That is what is
    provided for under the Petroleum Development Act. In fact, not only
    Terengganu, but any state in Malaysia where oil and gas is extracted
    they would enjoy the same. However, in 2000, this royalty was
    withdrawn and converted to Wang Ehsan (goodwill money). Suddenly, the
    RM800 million or so a year that Terengganu was supposed to get as its
    5% share of the oil and gas revenue was transferred out of the state
    and into the hands of one man, Idris Jusoh.

    Malaysia was then already suffering from an outbreak of JE. But in
    Terengganu it was JE of another kind, Jusoh Enterprise, Idris Jusoh’s
    family business. Jusoh Enterprise or JE was suddenly flush with funds,
    RM800 million a year to be exact. Then, in 2004, Umno, under the
    stewardship of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, won back the state from the
    opposition. But the state did not win back its 5% oil royalty. The
    Wang Ehsan continued and Idris Jusoh, who now became the Chief
    Minister, continued to single-handedly manage the fund. Even the State
    Economic Development Corporation (SEDC) and the Terengganu State
    Economic Planning Unit (UPENT) were left totally in the dark. One man,
    Idris Jusoh, decided how the money was spent, and it is a lot of

    But the new Prime Minister, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, would not tolerate
    one man managing the state’s coffers. He wanted Idris Jusoh’s hands
    out of the RM800 million a year cash box. However, to revert to the 5%
    royalty only meant that the money would come directly under state
    control. That would not serve their purpose. They wanted direct
    control of the RM800 million. Now it was under the control of the
    Prime Minister’s Department but passed down to Idris Jusoh’s hands.
    What they needed to do was to get Idris Jusoh’s hands out of the

    Then Khairy Jamaluddin, Abdullah’s son-in-law cum adviser, came out
    with a fantastic new ‘umbrella concept’, better than even Mahathir’s.
    They wanted control of the RM800 million a year. But they did not want
    to get it out of Idris Jusoh’s hands by putting it into the hands of
    the state. That would merely be a case of out of the frying pan, into
    the fire. They wanted direct control of the money without Idris Jusoh
    deciding on how the money is spent.

    And this is how they did it.

    First they appointed Wan Farid, Khairy’s ‘running dog’, as Abdullah’s
    Political Secretary. Then they appointed Wan Hisham, Wan Farid’s
    brother, as the State Exco Member in-charge of tourism. Then they gave
    Patrick Lim, Khairy’s business partner, the sole monopoly of all state
    tourism projects. Now the network is intact and Idris Jusoh has been
    cut off.

    Patrick Lim’s job is to create all sorts of state tourism projects at
    hugely inflated prices. He would then propose these projects to Wan
    Hisham, the man in-charge of tourism. Wan Hisham would then pass them
    on to his brother, Wan Farid. Wan Farid would then pass them on to
    Khairy. Idris Jusoh would of course be left out of the loop and he
    would only know about them when it was a fait accompli — as the
    Malays would say, “Nasi sudah jadi bubur.”

    They built 30 houses at RM1 million each on an island in the
    Terengganu River. They launched a RM300 million a year yacht race
    called the Monsoon Cup. Hundreds of millions a year is being spent to
    ‘attract tourists to Terengganu’. It seems this year the amount of
    Wang Ehsan has shot up from RM800 million to RM1 billion — so there
    is even more money to play around with.

    To ensure that Idris Jusoh keeps his hands out of the cash box,
    Abdullah himself chairs the state meetings though he is the Prime
    Minister and not the Terengganu Chief Minister. Of course, Idris
    Jusoh, being the Chief Minister, is allowed to sit in on these
    meetings though he has no say on what they propose. Patrick Lim,
    though he is not in the government, is also allowed to attend these

    Abdullah would then propose all sorts of tourism projects conjured by
    Wan Hisham, Wan Farid and Khairy. Details are of course not discussed;
    only the gist of things and the amounts involved. Whenever Idris Jusoh
    raises any questions, he would be told to ‘leave it all to Patrick Lim
    who knows what to do’. Idris Jusoh is not to involve himself in the

    After awhile Idris Jusoh got quite pissed and tried to resist. One
    project that he knew nothing about was placed before him and he was
    told by Patrick Lim to sign the papers. But how could he sign the
    papers when he knew nothing about it and would eventually have to bear
    responsibility for it?

    Patrick Lim walked out of Idris Jusoh’s office and phoned Wan Farid
    who complained to Khairy. Within an hour Idris Jusoh received a phone
    call from Abdullah who ordered him to sign the papers, which he of
    course did straight away.

    Patrick Lim’s hold on Abdullah was apparent to all but somehow not to
    Idris Jusoh. One day Abdullah visited Terengganu to chair the regular
    meetings on how to spend Terengganu’s RM800 million (which is now RM1
    billion because of the increase in oil prices). Idris Jusoh fetched
    Abdullah from the airport but before his car could move Patrick Lim’s
    car cut in front of Idris Jusoh’s car and Abdullah got out of Idris
    Jusoh’s car and got into Patrick Lim’s car. Idris Jusoh should have
    realised then who really runs Terengganu.

    Yes, RM1 billion a year is a lot of money. This money, which should
    belong to Terengganu, is not going to the state. It is going to Wan
    Hisham, Wan Farid, Patrick Lim and Khairy. And Abdullah chairs the
    state meetings to decide how the money is spent. And Wan Hisham, Wan
    Farid, Patrick Lim and Khairy help spend the money. And they spend it
    all. And Idris Jusoh has no say in how it is spent. And if he refuses
    to sign the papers he will get a phone call from Abdullah.

    Now do you know who runs this country? Abdullah says he and not his
    son-in-law runs this country. Idris Jusoh however will tell you that
    Khairy runs this country. And Khairy also runs Terengganu and manages
    its RM1 billion a year through Wan Hisham, Wan Farid and Patrick Lim.
    And Abdullah chairs the Terengganu State meetings on behalf of Khairy
    and according to the plan on how Patrick Lim wishes to spend the RM1
    billion a year.

    And now do you know why Mahathir is so pissed? And he has every reason
    to be pissed. In fact, I too am pissed. And that is why I agree that
    Mahathir stays pissed with Abdullah and his son-in-law. The Terengganu
    issue alone is enough for me to get pissed. And rest assured that
    Terengganu is but the tip of the iceberg.

    Yes, it is nice being able to walk in the corridors of power. And much
    can you do when you walk in the corridors of power. And RM1 billion a
    year is nice to manage if you have that power to do so. And when you
    walk in the corridors of power you would of course have that power


    One thing that Malaysia Today would like to raise is the matter of
    Terengganu’s oil royalty which we hope Mahathir will address on 28
    July. Since the mid-1970s, Terengganu had been enjoying a 5% royalty on all the oil and gas extracted in the state. That is what is
    provided for under the Petroleum Development Act. In fact, not only Terengganu, but any state in Malaysia where oil and gas is extracted they would enjoy the same. However, in 2000, this royalty was withdrawn and converted to Wang Ehsan (goodwill money). Suddenly, the RM800 million or so a year that Terengganu was supposed to get as its 5% share of the oil and gas revenue was transferred out of the state and into the hands of one man, Idris Jusoh.

    Malaysia was then already suffering from an outbreak of JE. But in
    Terengganu it was JE of another kind, Jusoh Enterprise, Idris Jusoh’s family business. Jusoh Enterprise or JE was suddenly flush with funds, RM800 million a year to be exact. Then, in 2004, Umno, under the stewardship of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, won back the state from the opposition. But the state did not win back its 5% oil royalty. The Wang Ehsan continued and Idris Jusoh, who now became the Chief Minister, continued to single-handedly manage the fund. Even the State Economic Development Corporation (SEDC) and the Terengganu State Economic Planning Unit (UPENT) were left totally in the dark. One man, Idris Jusoh, decided how the money was spent, and it is a lot of money.

    But the new Prime Minister, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, would not tolerate one man managing the state’s coffers. He wanted Idris Jusoh’s hands out of the RM800 million a year cash box. However, to revert to the 5% royalty only meant that the money would come directly under state control. That would not serve their purpose. They wanted direct control of the RM800 million. Now it was under the control of the Prime Minister’s Department but passed down to Idris Jusoh’s hands. What they needed to do was to get Idris Jusoh’s hands out of the equation.

    Then Khairy Jamaluddin, Abdullah’s son-in-law cum adviser, came out with a fantastic new ‘umbrella concept’, better than even Mahathir’s. They wanted control of the RM800 million a year. But they did not want to get it out of Idris Jusoh’s hands by putting it into the hands of the state. That would merely be a case of out of the frying pan, into the fire. They wanted direct control of the money without Idris Jusoh deciding on how the money is spent.

    And this is how they did it.

    First they appointed Wan Farid, Khairy’s ‘running dog’, as Abdullah’s
    Political Secretary. Then they appointed Wan Hisham, Wan Farid’s
    brother, as the State Exco Member in-charge of tourism. Then they gave Patrick Lim, Khairy’s business partner, the sole monopoly of all state tourism projects. Now the network is intact and Idris Jusoh has been cut off.

    Patrick Lim’s job is to create all sorts of state tourism projects at
    hugely inflated prices. He would then propose these projects to Wan Hisham, the man in-charge of tourism. Wan Hisham would then pass them on to his brother, Wan Farid. Wan Farid would then pass them on to Khairy. Idris Jusoh would of course be left out of the loop and he would only know about them when it was a fait accompli — as the Malays would say, “Nasi sudah jadi bubur.”

    They built 30 houses at RM1 million each on an island in the
    Terengganu River. They launched a RM300 million a year yacht race
    called the Monsoon Cup. Hundreds of millions a year is being spent to ‘attract tourists to Terengganu’. It seems this year the amount of Wang Ehsan has shot up from RM800 million to RM1 billion — so there is even more money to play around with.

    To ensure that Idris Jusoh keeps his hands out of the cash box,
    Abdullah himself chairs the state meetings though he is the Prime
    Minister and not the Terengganu Chief Minister. Of course, Idris
    Jusoh, being the Chief Minister, is allowed to sit in on these
    meetings though he has no say on what they propose. Patrick Lim,
    though he is not in the government, is also allowed to attend these

    Abdullah would then propose all sorts of tourism projects conjured by Wan Hisham, Wan Farid and Khairy. Details are of course not discussed; only the gist of things and the amounts involved. Whenever Idris Jusoh raises any questions, he would be told to ‘leave it all to Patrick Lim who knows what to do’. Idris Jusoh is not to involve himself in the details.

    After awhile Idris Jusoh got quite pissed and tried to resist. One
    project that he knew nothing about was placed before him and he was told by Patrick Lim to sign the papers. But how could he sign the papers when he knew nothing about it and would eventually have to bear responsibility for it?

    Patrick Lim walked out of Idris Jusoh’s office and phoned Wan Farid
    who complained to Khairy. Within an hour Idris Jusoh received a phone call from Abdullah who ordered him to sign the papers, which he of course did straight away.

    Patrick Lim’s hold on Abdullah was apparent to all but somehow not to Idris Jusoh. One day Abdullah visited Terengganu to chair the regular meetings on how to spend Terengganu’s RM800 million (which is now RM1 billion because of the increase in oil prices). Idris Jusoh fetched Abdullah from the airport but before his car could move Patrick Lim’s car cut in front of Idris Jusoh’s car and Abdullah got out of Idris Jusoh’s car and got into Patrick Lim’s car. Idris Jusoh should have realised then who really runs Terengganu.

    Yes, RM1 billion a year is a lot of money. This money, which should
    belong to Terengganu, is not going to the state. It is going to Wan
    Hisham, Wan Farid, Patrick Lim and Khairy. And Abdullah chairs the
    state meetings to decide how the money is spent. And Wan Hisham, Wan Farid, Patrick Lim and Khairy help spend the money. And they spend it all. And Idris Jusoh has no say in how it is spent. And if he refuses to sign the papers he will get a phone call from Abdullah.

    Now do you know who runs this country? Abdullah says he and not his son-in-law runs this country. Idris Jusoh however will tell you that Khairy runs this country. And Khairy also runs Terengganu and manages its RM1 billion a year through Wan Hisham, Wan Farid and Patrick Lim. And Abdullah chairs the Terengganu State meetings on behalf of Khairy and according to the plan on how Patrick Lim wishes to spend the RM1 billion a year.

    And now do you know why Mahathir is so pissed? And he has every reason to be pissed. In fact, I too am pissed. And that is why I agree that Mahathir stays pissed with Abdullah and his son-in-law. The Terengganu issue alone is enough for me to get pissed. And rest assured that Terengganu is but the tip of the iceberg.

    Yes, it is nice being able to walk in the corridors of power. And much can you do when you walk in the corridors of power. And RM1 billion a year is nice to manage if you have that power to do so. And when you walk in the corridors of power you would of course have that power

  97. We Malaysians are all for the interests of the people of Terengganu who have been terribly short-changed by UMNO abuse.

    As long as Said has the support of the majority of his assemblymen, then the constitution will not be violated. I suppose the Sultan knows these UMNO types. Initially there was all this ‘solidarity’ with Jusoh but that is melting away as we speak and the Sultan looks like getting his way. Anyway, Abdullah is so weak he simply cannot take on the Agung and alienate the Malay ground further. If Abdullah had moral authority the case would be different. His reason for keeping Jusoh is purely to fill UMNO and his cronies coffers, surely a despicable reason when the people of Terengganu are suffering.

    When Mahathir took on the Royalty early in his tenure he had the support of the Rakyat. This is not the case now, as Abdullah is a lame duck PM. He squandered a golden opportunity to put right the wrongs of the Mahathir era in 2004 when he had a landslide victory.He decided to ‘retire’ and leave the running of the country to his now infamous and politically illiterate son-in-law. He is now paying for abdicating the responsibillity which was entrusted to him. He has lost the not only the non-Malay ground but crucially the Malay ground is abandoning him.

    It looks as though Abdullah will not last long now. He has been badly been damaged with his tussle with the Royalty. Why back an utterly corrupt MB when you are so weak politically. He should have approved the Sultan’s choice to give himself political breathing space to consolidate his position in UMNO. Now he has enemies in UMNO, PAS, PKR , DAP and the Agung to boot!

  98. gurkha,

    The issue is not Islam……it is the decades of narrow, shallow and damaging politics of religion to gain support and retain power at all costs.

    The fact that there are Islamic terrorists involving some Malaysian Muslims in the bombing of Bali speaks volume of unchecked and dangerous Islamic extremism and fundamentalism in the country.

    Politics in the country is dirty, narrow and damaging…..when you mix religion with politics, religion will be grossly tainted.

  99. Some stunning revelations by Suara_Kami. Thanks for sharing.

    Whatever it is, let’s hope the Oil-$ (if 5% = RM1B…where is the other 95%=>RM19B?) under the new Terengganu-CM, it will be well distributed for the poor Terengganu bro & sis. I heard that the Kristal Masjid got a RM5 taxi boat fee to ride across to get to the Masjid. Is it true??? Otherwise, one is forced to drive one big circle (30-60min) to get there. What’s the logic if true?

    I am planning my next holiday to travel around Kelantan next! Many beautiful buddhist temples to visit. Best information to get is from locals – not MTDC.

  100. To Malaysian For Equality,

    Pak Lah is digging his own grave now, how can the old man listen to Khairy? Khairy is passing him a spade to dig the grave deeper so that he won’t get disturb once he step down. This has proven Oxford textbook politic has failed Khairy, has blinded the PM and the judgement day is approaching.

  101. KLCC Twin Towers belong to Kelantanese & Terengganu people. Built by Petronas Oil-$$$. Where are the royalties for these 2 poor states for profits generated by KLCC Properties Holdings Bhd? No proper clean water supply & other basic amenities for the poor…but can spend RM350M for Monsoon Cup (very proud of it also). High mortality rate due to these lack of basic amenities & what does the BN do, blame PAS. The BN owe the people of Kelantan & Terengganu for all the lost years for their sufferring & raping its resources for a benefit of a few. Kelantan people suffered only to defy what they deem as evil. Terengganu people now open their eyes through the indirect messages sent from the palace. Tun Salleh Abbas also made a stunning revelation to the people in a video in Malaysia Kini. No apology is enough from BN for Tun SA. ZA is just doing PR work for PM. Tun SA is just being humble.

  102. Salam All

    Lady Godiva
    I think it’s quite irresponsible of you to post something of which you are not sure of. If you read carefully, Rustam Sani said “I think financial…” which means he is not too sure. Where are the evidence? If you want to put up an argument, fine – back it with evidence. Otherwise it’s irresponsible posting. You are deluding people just on hearsay…how are you different from BN people?

    Fyi, Sultan Mizan is people’s Sultan in every sense. He attended basic common schools (SM Sultan Sulaiman) in Terengganu and has many rakyat buddies, not friends – buddies. There are many stories that documented he went against his father a few times to be with rakyat. He is very down to earth person and as Terengganuian, I cannot imagine many people would go against him, not even if he is pit against Tuan Guru Hj Hadi, much less Idris Jusoh.

    I am not quite sure what is the reason behind him snubbing Idris Jusoh but I do believe in him and I believe he has rakyat in his interest. If anything, he already showed to people how fickle minded these BN goons are when fighting for positions/titles and the lies they spread of respecting the Sultan so that’s a bonus to BR already. Please be more responsible when commenting on something you are not sure of.

  103. Kemana pergi “Kesetiaan Kepada Raja dan Negara”.

    Ketika DAP Perak mempertikaikan keputusan Sultan Perak untuk melantik Adun PAS untuk menjadi Menteri Besar Perak, tanpa segan dan silu Barisan Nasional (BN) yang ditunjangi oleh UMNO telah menuduh DAP tidak menghormati Sultan Melayu, dan bersikap biadap terhadap sultan. UMNO telah menuntut Penasihat DAP, Datuk Lim Kit Siang untuk memohon ampun dan maaf kepada Pemangku Sultan Perak, dan ianya telah dilakukan oleh Datuk Lim Kit Siang dengan segera tanpa banyak soal. Perkara ini berlaku lagi, tetapi bukanlah berkaitan dengan Parti DAP, tetapi parti Umno Terengganu. 24 Adun parti UMNO akan memulaukan majlis angkat sumpah Menteri Besar Terengganu yang mendapat restu daripada Sultan Terengganu. 24 adun berpihak kepada Perdana Menteri dan Seorang Adun mendapat restu Sultan. Kehendak Sultan tidak diperstujui oleh 24 adun UMNO dan mereka sanggup untuk memulaukan majlis angkat sumpah yang akan dihadiri oleh Sultan Terengganu. Boleh lah kita simpulkan disini, BN boleh menidakkan Sultah tetapi kalau parti pembangkang jangan sesekali kerana ianya menyentuh sensitivity masyarakat melayu, dan itu mesti dihormati. Bagaimana sekarang siapa yang lebih berkuasa untuk melantik Menteri Besar, Sultan atau Perdana Menteri. Dapatlah dilihat disini tidak ada yang “Mantap” dalam Barisan Nasional, intergritinya tidak ada, sehingga tahap untuk tindakan disiplin parti akan dikenakan kepada Adun Kijal, Datuk Ahmad Said, sekiranya menerima perlantikan daripada Sultan Terengganu. Sekiranya keadaan ini terus berlaku, dimana tidak ada persefahaman diantara pihak kerajaan dengan pihak Istana, ini akan menimbulkan satu situasi yang tidak seimbang dengan perlembagaan Malaysia. Perlembagaan Malaysia, “Kesetian Kepada Raja dan Negara”, mana perginya Kesetian Kepada Raja dikalangan pemimpin kerajaan sekarang. Sultan mempunyai hak untuk melantik Menteri Besar sesuai dengan perlembagaan negeri yang sedia ada, Sultan hanya menjalankan tugasnya sebagai Sultan yang mungkin telah melihat, menimbang dan telah mengkaji kelemahan calon Menteri Besar yang dipilih oleh Perdana Menteri. Pemimpin Kerajaan (UMNO) pandai cakap saja, tetapi tak serupa bikin….

  104. This is truly divine intervention and Allah has executed his powers on all those arrogant, corrupt, inhuman, greedy, over ambitious UMNO fellas. This is what you call POLITICAL SODOMY of the own kind. They still do not seem to realise and accept and repent for all their wrongdoings, sins, arrogant attitudes and accept the fact that the ALL-KNOWING AND ALL-SEEING ALLAH is behind their downfall. Are they looking for another giant earthquake with 10.0 on the richter scale within UMNO.????????????

    UMNO fellas it is not too late to repent and mend your ways and accept whatever you have at the moment and continue your Management and Administration solely for the welfare of the rakyat and dont go around chasing witches and shadows and barking at the moon. GET DOWN TO SERIOUS WORK.

    PM stop listening to all the JUDAS AND BRUTUS who are only waiting for your downfall and BEWARE of the guy on your left and right. BE LIKE TDM put the young upstarts in their shoes and dont let them overrule you. IN POLITICS YOU CANNOT AND SHOULD NOT EVEN TRUST YOUR FATHER LET ALONE YOUR SIBLINGS AND SO-CALLED CLOSE FRIENDS. (just remove the “R” and they become FIENDS)

    Pak Lah I sincerely symphatise with you and pity you and I know what is going on in your mind and PREDICAMENTS AND DILEMA you are facing. WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP, otherwise this will be the beginning of your END.

    concerned rakyat

  105. Have u all seen the latest news? Those UMNO supporters were shown on TV putting a Banner that insulted the Agong which read “Kami Nok Idris, Natang” which literally translated means “We want Idris, animal”. In Trengganu linggo, NATANG = BINATANG. This is treason of the highest level. If them govt can punish that student who created the Negarakuku song & even send in the police to shoot & arrest at crowds who burnt the Malaysian flag in KT last yr, thn why the police didnt even bother to stop these people? These people shld be caught for treason & send to jail. Even more dangerous than the HINDRAF 5. If this was to happen in Thailand, the person who insults the king who’ve been jailed…….what ha the PM to say now?

    U can go see it at this site:

  106. Kepada controlnation1,

    Hati-hati dengan pendapat tidak kukuh anda tentang sifat Perlembagaan Malaysia. Ianya boleh menimbulkan rasa tidak puas hati di kalangan rakyat.

    1) ‘Kesetiaan kepada Raja dan Negara’. Rukunegara dengan penggunaan perkataan ‘Raja’ bukan ‘Sultan’, tidak relevan? Fahami dan olah maksud di sebalik penggunaan ‘Raja’ dahulu sebelum membuat kesimpulan naif. Jika di Perak digelar Sultan, dan di Perlis pula digelar Raja. Adakah berbezanya? Adakah membawa maksud yang lari dari sifat asalnya?

    2) Menyamakan sistem Beraja di Malaysia sebagai Monarki feudal yang mendikriminasi. Ini sekali lagi membawa pemikiran yang dangkal. Sejak bila Sultan/Raja di Malaysia hanya membuat keputusan sendiri? Baginda dikelilingi oleh Majlis atau Council yang mengawal keputusan bersama. Mereka termasuklah semua pakar-pakar dalam pelbagai bidang seperti undang-undang dan sebagainya. Jika berlaku kepincangan dan terpaksa di bawa ke mahkamah atas keputusan Baginda itu, Baginda sendiri perlu mengeluarkan bukti-bukti dan asas-asas kukuh sesuatu perkara yang berbangkit. Bukannya ikut kehendak hati semata-mata! Ini bukan sistem zaman feudal!

    3) Rukunegara ditulis oleh UMNO? Perlembagaan ditulis oleh Penjajah? Tak perlulah saya nak terangkan sekali lagi pemikiran yang dangkal ini. Maafkan saya, tapi pemikiran seperti ini sekali lagi boleh mencetuskan rasa tidak puas hati dan tersinggung semua pihak. Ini yang akan mencetuskan ketegangan. Kita nak hidup harmoni. Pikir-pikirkan.

    Yang penting, kalau kita semua nak keluarkan pendapat tentang sesuatu isu, fahami dan dalami isu tersebut, bukan di atas permukaan sahaja.

    Kita bukan dalam fasa krisis perlembagaan, tapi krisis politik. Krisis politik diselesaikan secara politik. Dan letakkan perlembagaan sebagai payung di atas untuk menyelesaikannya. Dan fahami paras mana politik berada dan paras mana perlembagaan perlu berada. Barulah semuanya berjalan lancar.

    Dan ingatlah, tiada satu negara pun di dunia ini punya demokrasi MUTLAK. Semuanya kene mengikut perlembagaan masing-masing. Yang menjadi asas pembentukan sesebuah negara.

  107. “I think it’s quite irresponsible of you to post something of which you are not sure of. If you read carefully, Rustam Sani said “I think financial…” which means he is not too sure. Where are the evidence? ” AirJ

    That’s journalism. You report what was said. Readers are intelligent and mature and they know what to believe or not believe. They are free to make up their minds – and, of course, they can do without your condescending attitude.

    Rustam Sani said he thought there were financial interests involved. What’s so irresponsible of the journalist in reporting it?? You are free to read and form your own opinion. If the Sultan thinks that is slander, he should consult the state legal advisor as to what to do. You cannot shut Rustam Sani up because he is merely stating his beliefs when interviewed – right or wrong. And that is not slander or defammation!

    You barking up the wrong tree here! Don’t you think you should ask the maker of the statement that, and not the person who reported it or wrote about it. I’m not even the source.

    “Irresponsible posting”?? I suppose to you a journalist writing only what you like to read is “responsible” writing or posting. Have you not heard of “fair and balance” reporting? Why do you think some newspapers have a wider readership than others?

    “Please be more responsible when commenting on something you are not sure of.” Have you not heard of the freedom of speech?

  108. “”Jika di Perak digelar Sultan, dan di Perlis pula digelar Raja. Adakah berbezanya? Adakah membawa maksud yang lari dari sifat asalnya?””

    That wasnt an important point at all.Its just my own way of expressing the dichotomy of our system.Why state Raja when most are called Sultan?Why when Islam came the raja change their tittle to Sultan?make no difference isnt it?Anyway it isnt an important point at all.

    “”2) Menyamakan sistem Beraja di Malaysia sebagai Monarki feudal yang mendikriminasi. Ini sekali lagi membawa pemikiran yang dangkal.””

    A system in which only certain people with certain race and religion could hold certain position isnt a discrimination??Owww…

    “”Jika berlaku kepincangan dan terpaksa di bawa ke mahkamah atas keputusan Baginda itu, Baginda sendiri perlu mengeluarkan bukti-bukti dan asas-asas kukuh sesuatu perkara yang berbangkit. Bukannya ikut kehendak hati semata-mata! Ini bukan sistem zaman feudal! “”

    That is unlikely to occured.Wheres the justice in the monarchy system?They are not even elected.In fact isnt status gain by blood instead of action kinda lame?What great things the Sultan ever did?Is the Sultan a genius that all of his decision are followed blindly?Did they hold an awesome lot of degree?

    Eventhough most of us here dont like that Idris fella he is still involved in a day by day work,but the sultan?Did he ever experience management?
    Is the Sultan that holy that we couldnt disagree with him?What if the same thing occured to the opposition?

    About the constitution written by foreigners and Rukun negara by UMNO.Isnt that correct?Its a fact, even if its hard to swallow.

  109. Lady Godiva
    I never faulted Rustam Sani, I faulted you! I pointed to what he said and what you have concluded. You said “It is all about money! It is not about the rakyat! Don’t be fooled.” based on Rustam Sani allegation that money is the driving force behind Tuanku Mizan’s move? RS didn’t even bother to supply any evidence and you can strongly say that his words are true? Are you Terengganuians? Don’t think so. You have just slandered Tuanku Mizan and where is your evidence? You did not even name the Royalties company names, their income, contracts they have won from the Government, nothing. Are you not the same as BN goons in that respect? Do some research, talk to Terengganu folks. Tuanku Mizan is closer to his rakyat than his late father. What does that say about him? Many times he secretly went to many parts in Terengganu without his securities/entourage to see how ordinary folks are coping with life. I am sorry, but I am Terengganuian and I take charge in your irresponsible posting.

    It’s a shame if you think Freedom of Speech means you can say whatever you want and not be accountable for its content. That tells me what kind of person you are really.

  110. Controlnation1

    To answer you, Tuanku Mizan has served the state government dulu and I am quite sure being YDP Agong means he has experience managing at very high sense. Even though Idris dealt with day-to-day issues, I would rate Sultan’s contribution to Terengganu far more valuable than Idris. I am not an expert in constitution, neither I am a historian so I cannot respond to your queries on that but I grew up in Terengganu and I have not heard of any negative stories being told of Tuanku Mizan. He had Tuan Guru Hj Hadi as one of his tutor even when BN was in power (pre-1999, imagine that!) and he accepted Idris as MB in 2004 with no fuss. He has not shown any preference towards any party as far as I can tell. His reason to refuse consent Idris as MB is beyond me but I have faith in him that he did it for Rakyat’s sake. In Islam, no one is above another except his conviction and piety towards Allah so ofcourse Tuanku is not beyond any of us but as far as I can tell, I am more than happy to have him as my Sultan and I will be behind him (as most Terengganuians would be) on this issue. I can see you want to relate this issue with that of other state/other royalties but I think we cannot generalize but rather take/judge case by case basis.

  111. To put it simply, Umno’s case is… the pot calling the kettle black!

    Knock ’em dead, DAP… show the world what you can do — minus the arrogance and hypocrisy which are so synonymous to UMNO!

  112. “It’s a shame if you think Freedom of Speech means you can say whatever you want and not be accountable for its content. That tells me what kind of person you are really.”

    It is even a greater shame when you see someone who thinks the media should only publish what he thinks is the ‘truth’!

  113. “His reason to refuse consent Idris as MB is beyond me but I have faith in him that he did it for Rakyat’s sake.” AirJ

    Rustam did not provide the grounds for his belief that financial interests may have played a part. So maybe you can provide the lesser informed among the readers here with some grounds for your belief that he did what he did “for the rakyat’s sake”?

  114. It seems JI apologised to our DYMM…then he added he has no idea why he has to apologise…he apologise because many people told him so…apa ni? typical BN arrogance. if want to apologise, apologise lah…what for want to say all these things some more…for what?

  115. “”I am more than happy to have him as my Sultan and I will be behind him (as most Terengganuians would be) on this issue.””

    The problem is his action is unconstitutional and could set bad precedence which would adversely affect our establishment system.Sure we can blame Idris for all bad things that occured in Terengganu but we cant ever blame the Sultan?.Come on why appoint a MB who cant even spoke english?
    The Sultan are throwing our democratic system haywire…….

  116. LadyGodiva
    Do you have children? If I go to your children and tell them you are a bad parent, all decisions you made are not for their sake what would you do? Predictably you’d say “None of your business”. I asked you are you Terengganuian? You are obviously not because Terengganuians know their Sultan. You can say whatever negative things you want but back by evidence lah, that’s all I ask. You chose to slander Sultan Mizan without any evidence and you are proud of it? You masked it under your right as freedom of speech? Most of people here resoundingly promotes fairness, transparency and equality and this is what you can come up with? Your definition of truth seems to be whatever things that are sensationalized, you thrive on gossips and lies – how old are you?

    I did not ask you to take my stand on the Sultan’s decision. That’s why I said “I” have faith in him – I is the key word. Even if I provide all accounts to back it up you obviously would not believe me, so do a little research. Wiki him, google him, talk to Terengganuians (not Idris Jusoh’s relatives/supporters of course), come back as learned person. If you can provide me with concrete evidence, I will humbly accept your words. Till then please learn to be more responsible. It’s what adults do….

  117. Controlnation1

    If you carefully look at the state constitution it’s a little subjective. I am not an expert on constitution but from what I read, in laymen terms, the Sultan is supposed to appoint someone who he thinks have the majority backing. Majority here is not clear whether is applies to ruling parties assemblymen, or all assemblymen or rakyat Terengganu. Even Zaid said the appointment of MatSaid cannot be legally faulted. I don’t like the guy either. I don’t think any BN guys are clean for that matter but I support my Sultan’s decision.

    If you study Perak’s case also you can see the subjectivity of the constitution that I talked about. Besides MPPR member has one former senior judge member who I am sure have studied the constitution to the letter to protect Sultan from legal wrangle. I would not say his decision is unconstitutional based on that. I don’t think Sultan is above the law – far from it but from what I know of him previously, he has not shown he has crossed the law. I don’t know him personally but I know some of his soccer buddies. Yes, he used to play soccer with rakyat biasa dulu2. My dad was a longtime state government servant, interacted many many times him, told me stories about him all the time. Nothing but respect. That is the reason he has my backing. I know some people don’t trust royalties because of previous stories/incidents but he is of a different breed.

    Think about it, BN won the state which supposedly mean many Terengganuians favor BN right? but when the Sultan is pitted against PM/Idris, majority backed the Sultan. Check out interviews carried out by BN-funded Utusan or TV3, many people said they supported Sultan’s choice. That confirms his choice had “majority” rakyat backing. Afterall, MB of Terengganu should be for all Terengganuians. He is our “parent” and we are grateful to have him as our Sultan. Daulat Tuanku.

  118. Chief Ministers

    When Terengganu was an absolute monarchy, the Chief Minister was selected by the Sultan of Terengganu. Since the declaration of independence of Malaysia (then called Tanah Melayu) and the first general election, the Chief Minister has been the State Assembly (ADUN) member elected by a majority of all State Assembly members, who are themselves elected by universal adult suffrage of the citizens of their constituencies
    ——————————————————–In truth,we are reveresing our country system.As I’ve said earlier he is setting a bad precedence for other Sultan to follow.Next time it doesnt matter if a person had good qualification and hardworking,what matter the most is he had a good rapport with the sultan.What a blast to the past…….

    You may have always heard good things about him but,people change just like Pak Lah, from Mr Clean to Mr Corruption.The way I see it,he is appointing Ahmad Said for the sake of appointing anyone other than Idris.Even if his intention is good it is still undemocratically constitutional as far as democratic goes.

    As for the interviews,clearly the Rakyat are not supporting +”Ahmads appointment” but rather the “appointment made by the sultan”as they are still in dellusion that the Sultan is always correct,correct,correct…….

    If you really want to know who the Rakyat really want as MB,why not set up a new election exclusively for selecting the MB.That way we can really who the rakyat want without royal intervention.

    “”He is our “parent” and we are grateful to have him as our Sultan. Daulat Tuanku.””

    Everyone had a parrent even if they didnt know who they were,but not everyone had a sultan.In fact 95% of countries in this world didnt have one.Besides whats the difference between having a Sultan or not?

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