Lim Kit Siang

Eye specialist problem – another multiracial problem

by Dr. LMK

I am an eye specialist (ophthalmologist) currently practising in UK, I
cannot come home because of my specialist degree.

“FRCS(Glasgow) in Ophthalmology” (hereinafter refer as FRCS) is a
specialist degree recognised by the whole world, the eye specialist
must go through a proper training and exam in order to get this
degree. Many eye specialists in many are holding this degree
including our famous eye specialists in Tun Hussain Onn Eye Hospital.

FRCS was confered by 4 boards, ie, Edinburgh, London, Ireland and
Glasgow. In 1999, UK has decided to change its training service due
to the European Union. FRCS exam was be replaced by MRCS exam. For
your information, MRCS is not a recognised degree in Malaysia.
However, Glasgow board is STILL offering this exam for this degree
until NOW.

In 2003, this group of bureaucrats in the specialty board of
ophthalmology of Academy of Medicine (the specialist board for KKM)
has declared that FRCS (Glasgow) is no longer recognised as a
postgraduate degree, holder of this degree will not be listed in the
specialist register. They forwarded their decision to Cawangan
Pembangunan Profesyen, Bahagian Perkimbangan Perubatan, KKM. Datuk
Dr. Abdul Gani (the deputy DG at that time) issued this circular – Bil
(104) dlm KKM 87 (P13.221) Bhg 3 dated 23/3/05.

There was a bit of “noise”, they have decided that those graduated
before 2003 will be recognised, those graduated between 2004 to 2005
will be case by case basis, those graduated after 2005 will not be
entertained. Recently they even amended it further that those
graduated after 1993 will not be recognised. (please look under
“Ophthalmology” section –

For your information, KKM has been employing a lot of expatriates with
unrecognised master degree practising in their hospitals as a
specialist. They are all given 6 months period of gazettement (a
period of monitoring for KKM doctor) to be a specialist. This is for
the fulfillment of the Perintah-perintah Am dan Arahan Pentadbiran –
Bab F, Pelbagai V, sesi 27 (a), (b)(i) and (b)(ii).

Some of our friends did ask them for the reason. These bureaucrats
said that the local Master program has recently (2003?) changed to 4
years instead of previously 3, so FRCS is no longer recognised.
Remember, these bureaucrats spent their 3 years master program last
time. If they de-recognise this degree, they should de-recognise

When Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow knew about
this comment, they changed their curriculum immediately(in 2004) to
4.5 years instead of previously 3. RCSGlasgow has, in fact, amended
their system to suit their need!!! What more excuse they have?

Why an unrecognised degree could be gazetted and FRCS is not able to?
Why they want to de-recognise a UK degree that they also have? I
think Malaysian government is treating the expatriate better than
their own citizen.

Uncle Lim, our country is very short of doctors, eye specialist is
very deprived, why they still want to impose such regulation? Those
bureaucrats are holding this degree !!!

Why they want to de-recognise this degree? Do we have enough of eye
specialist in Malaysia? They have gone through the same training
format as us, why they de-recognise this training?

Many of us (Malays, Chinese and Indians) are holding this degree in UK
dying to come home, some of our friends in Malaysia with this degree
are not able to register as a specialist. MCA and UMNO refused to
entertain them, KKM is ignoring them, my friends in UK and Malaysia
are very helpless at the moment.