By Ishwar Nahappan

In the euphoria of the opposition severely denting Barisan’s overwhelming dominance of the Malaysian Parliament and further taking control of 5 state governments, the opposition should be cognizant of the extent to which some senior members of UMNO will stoop to in order to sustain themselves in power. UMNO controls all key instruments of government whether it be the police, army, civil service, judiciary and additionally, all aspects of media.

Historically, since 1970 with the inception of the NOC and more obviously since 1981, when Mahathir became Prime Minister, all instruments of government were ruthlessly and cynically manipulated at his whims and fancies. Unfortunately, this policy has been continued by many UMNO leaders in order to perpetuate their power and more importantly, the rich gravy train.

UMNO is presently like a wounded tiger ready to attack anything that presents a threat to their continued power, continuance of the rich gravy train and the dominance of the party by a few well established families. They will use all instruments of government and media to whip up the more radical elements of their party into frenzy and thereby re-establish control under the pretext of maintaining law, order and stability.

Therefore, at this very early juncture of Malaysian democratic renaissance, it would be prudent not to provide any ammunition to UMNO leaders for them to distort seemingly innocent statements which could be misrepresented to the Malay community. We now have to be very circumspect in the positions we take, the statements we make and perhaps even use the art of Wayang Kulit posturing which is a specialty of UMNO leaders.

In particular, I would draw everyone’s attention to 2 great Asian philosophers, Sun Tzu and Chanakya who both subscribed in their own individual way, “not to reveal what they thought upon doing, but by wise council kept it secret being determined to carry it into execution”.



  1. Yes a very wounded tiger & potentially dangerous!
    Uncle Lim please be alert & always think 3 steps well ahead of them.
    Once again a big bravo to what you have done & achieved for all of us irrespective of race, religion & culture and we look foreward to better days to come for Malaysia.
    Thank you uncle & take care & rest well!

  2. Sir,

    … which is why I said, the folks at DAP, especially the older guards need to react differently to the unique circumstance at hand. PR skills are glaringly lacking.

    The motive and message is the same, its just the approach and the timing needs further works and refinement. Get some help from PR professionals. Capitalize the moments and stay away from any statements that the other camp can capitalize and use it to their advantage. Instead turn the tables on them.

    A case in point. The UMNO bigots are continually making fools of themselves contradicting everything their leader is saying for example, behaving like stupid sore losers in the streets of Penang and also in Ipoh, shouting themselves silly! Can’t seem to grow up! So sickening to see them degrading themselves like this.

    On the other hand, the new coalition government – by behaving maturely and focusing on the task at hand and continually but gradually announcing positive steps one by one, will make all these actions by these stupid, low level thinking “Datos” from UMNO look very very small and insignificant. It will throw them off balance and will be totally lost on what to do next. They will be constantly in self denial which will be what we want them to do…

    Such PR skills will be the weapon which must be used to the advantage of the new coalition government.

  3. Engaging a wounded tiger in its own habitat requires significant skill and wisdom – not hotheadedness, bigotry, and recklessness. Unfortunately, the Opposition does not have enough leaders with such skills. Generally, each party has to walk the tightrope between the left and the right, and both sides have a tendency to shout their positions from lofty heights for all to hear.

    For now, we will give them the benefit of the doubt, and hope that they get their act together. If they don’t, the wounded tiger will be back in power in another 4 years, and the recent experiment will be consigned to history.


    Sorry guys, I know this off topic. After reading the above article my blood started to boil. This former EXCO members have just shat on our heads. When an employee is sacked form office, can he/she remove all the documents from the premises. This shows how uneducated and unethical this UMNOpurtas have become. (They must have alot to hide from the rakyat and the law….) What do they mean the documents are personal property, the bloody paper it is printed on belongs to the PEOPLE OF MALAYSIA. They should be arrested for STEALING GOVERNMENT PROPERTY and thrown behind bars. BN, your credibility sucks and you are just making it worse. We voted the BN out, we the rakyat are the BOSS and if BN ever wants our votes again you better use your BIG EARS to listen. The way things are going BN can have my vote when HELL FREEZES OVER!!!

  5. That goes to prove that in BN it is easier said than done. Didn’t they tell us to vote them out if we do not like them? And insinuate that once we had voted for them we had given them the mandate to do what they like.

    Fortunately or unfortunately we took their advice and now they behave like wounded tigers. If we had voted for them they will behave like mad dogs. I would prefer them to be wounded tigers and die of starvation than to be mad dogs and we will die of rabies from their bites.

  6. Please named them and report the case and made known to all. Put them behind bars if possible. Make sure they don’t come back again the next election. What a shame, must be the Gerakan fellas!

  7. A timely advice!

    This journey – precious
    – hard-earned
    – fragile

    The path – perilous (full of landmines)
    – unprecedented
    – uncharted

    The enemies – ruthless
    – unscrupulous
    – opportunistic
    – powerful

    The co-stakeholders – impulsive
    – hard-headed
    – rigid
    – prone to posturing

    The reward – worthwhile
    – fulfilling

    So, stalwarts and veterans of PKR, DAP and PAS can you do it?

  8. Good to hear that things are now gradually becoming more stable but, I’m very worried with the recent statement by Husam Musa from PAS stating that they are “confident of setting up an Islamic government”. This is uncalled for and if PAS has this long term intention (Our constitution already state that we’re a secular country), it’s definitely something not favorable in a multi-ethnic society like ours. Uncle Kit, I hope you could do something about this perhaps having the PAS VP to retract that statement and publicly state that Malaysia is a secular country as it’s really untimely after all the positive development things that have happened the past few days.

  9. choonchoy Says:

    Yesterday at 23: 35.18
    Aiyo I thought it only happened in Kedah. How to bring these offenders to book?The head must be held responsible?

  10. I fully agree. It is always good to keep your strategies and game plans amongst yourselves. The less they know the better. They do not need to know what you want to do anyway. What would be good is if each state and each party (DAP/PKR/PAS) appoint a spokesperson to speak to the press and no one else. That way, we can make sure that no one will talk cock or melatah.

  11. Uncle Lim
    This destroying of important state records must be brought up by the BR coalition in a very BIG way through police reporting & what else have you to inform all the citizens of Malaysia.

    Next GE :- BN 0 – BR 13

  12. The Gravy Train !!

    I have long said that all basic necessities of the people should not be privatised (or piratised). Water, electricity, telephones, education, health-care, roads, waterways & sewerage should be state-owned and not for profit. When all these basics are profit oriented the people will end up paying more. You can run it as a corporate but it should be Govt owned and not individually owned.

    I hope BA/BR will be able to amend these anomalies, at least in the 5 states that they are ruling, and hand back all these amenities and facilities to the people.

  13. “8 pm News Flash – Anwar’s double whammy: New rival plan to replace bumiputra policy, Opposition to form formal alliance – signals 2-party system is here
    • New plan called, Malaysian Economic Agenda, will replace NEP, keep Malay agenda, draw up new agenda for Chinese, Indians
    • Opposition leaders continue to throw govt off-balance with bold moves – Selangor chief minister visits site of demolished Hindu temple”

    – Malaysian insider
    Uncle Lim
    Is it advisable to have a BR news web site to up date us the latest events instead of hearing it first from site like Malaysian Insider etc etc?
    This way you can keep the rakyat well informed of the truth and not easily fall prey to lies.

  14. Dear YB

    Perhaps some genius from anyone in DAP-PKR-PAS can draw out a gravy-train or $-train chart?

    The recent UMNO-Penang protesters must be from Putrajaya or out-of-job UMNO-putras that got nothing better to do than watch their own propaganda on RTM/TV3/NTV7/Bernama. Why ISA was not used against them for inciting racial issue…& yet AAB can warn LGE about it the same time? UMNO-arrogance continues…why didn’t AAB stop them? Didn’t he say this is not our culture? Wasn’t the protest illegal? I believe the nation is demanding a reply on this issues. As usual, there was no response from AAB on this but yet he has the time to give warnings…

    When AAB warned that $ will not be given for Penang development…it was very amusing coz all the major projects were given to his cronies (UEM, Patrick Lim, Scomi, etc) that whole of Malaysia is aware of. Another classic AAB case of shooting himself in the foot or maybe he didn’t know about it himself!!! Of course, KTK pleade to AAB not to pull the plug as it will effect his pocket as well now that he is out of a job (as if he hasn’t got enough in his bank account).

    If possible, maybe all the 5-BR-States can some up with the finances (incl. FT) & be independent from the Fed-Gov. Not to mention our Tax should go to state-funds rather than Fed-Gov. This way, each state will manage their own taxes/funds more effectively & efficiently…rather than give it to the abusive hands of BN-gov. Starve the BN-gov. They should borrow from the state if they need, with interest charges, that interest gained will then benefit the poorer-rakyat…that can be used for social welfare purposes, etc.

    It’s funny that the Fed-Gov use the rakyat $ for development & then make claim for it for what they have done to glorify themselves…they forgot it was their job to do so & need not reminding us mindful citizens who are paying tax for it. So, effectively, the Rakyat, would have own gravy-train.

    Selangor state, if not wrong, could have sufferred the highest abuse such as with the PKFZ scandal, Zakaria-Palace & many many more. All these can add up to BILLIONS of RM gone without a trace. All these were silent to the public.

    BR must work intelligently, pro-actively & steadfast against all the barkings of BN plus whatever temptations they will throw-in with their $$$-politics. BR must continue to uphold the justice, integrity & corruption-free policies, go into the next GE to win 2/3 or even 4/5…then charge all those corrupted-corrupts that have betrayed the sultanate, country & rakyat for so many years.

    May you & other BR-leaders continue to guide the new Malaysian leaders for tomorrow’s Malaysia. That will be the legacy in the history of Malaysia. What happened on the 8th Mar 2008 political tsunami will be told from generations to generations…as the catalyst for a truly united Malaysia, for Malaysians.

  15. Well. at long last, it seems the Perak state coalition government is on its course of being formed. Take heed guys, this is only the beginning of a long journey. There is much work to do. In fact the rakyat are awaiting eagerly to see how functional the “accidental DPP formation” could be.

    There are lots of lessons to take in order to be able to administer the state. Now you have to contend with the mundane and daily affairs. Make sure the roads are not jammed. The drains are cleared. The parks usable. The tourist spots attractive. The taxes collected. The projects and tenders go through proper scrutiny.

    There is also the need to look into the local councils formation. The mayor to be chosen. Enforcement should be seen to be proper and effective and people-friendly…no more bullying tactics..confiscation of goods from traders..which is seen to be one of the evils which the rakyat considered as being ruthless, vicious and unnecessary. Help the poor traders in the morning /night markets to earn their living. They are just trying to eke out a living. LIcensed all of them. You only need to provide them a space to trade and they would worship you till the cows come home. Making a living is difficult enough..not helping them would only compound the matter many folds. Believe me.

    You are in the government now, and govern you should. Do more, talk less. Be mesra rakyat. Quickly put in place well thought out mechanisms which help make an efficient administration. Action speaks louder than words.

    Good luck guys. You fought hard to unseat the BN and you succeeded. You have taken over the helm. You have to prove that you are better. Translate your political quest into a better administrative and effective management of the the state.

    To all of you out there who are supportive of whichever political parties…it seem fun to play politics..but it would mean a different thing to run a government. You have to be answerable to the rakyat.

  16. Dear YB

    Shouldn’t the Official-Secrets-Act (OSA) be applied to the state officers removing state owned documents? For what? Homework? The officers who did it should be arrested for questioning.

  17. To all who were against the selection of the MB from the DAP/PKR/PAS ( so-clled DPP ) coalition government. REmember that when LKS made a slip up of telling his men not attend the swearing-in of the MB, and for which he had duly apologised for, you guys went to the extent of protesting against him, and even took to the streets and padang to tell the world that LKS had offended the sultan and regent.

    Now that the sultan and regent had accepted the nomination and the MD had even been sworn in, your act of telling the royal house-hold not to accept the DPP coalition government and to suggest that the BN be allowed to form a minority government IS EVEN MORE OFFENSIVE! Would you be apologising to sultan and regent whom you had pledge allegience and support?

    To the NGOs in Perak and their orgnising leaders, you have some soul searching to do.

    THe DPP coalition is the government of the day in Perak. Not to accept them would be tantamount to disagreeing with the order of the sultan and going against the riyal house-hold. Announce your stand to the press your position now as you had announced your opposition earlier. Just accept the new reality.

  18. One4All4One, in short, they are SORE LOSERS!

    You want to win everyday? Can… No problem… Treat us like we are Malaysians and i will “consider” to give you my support!

    If not, go and FLY KITE! :)

  19. Agree. The BN-MPs who protested against the DPP-MB-Perak swearing in MUST apologize to the Perak Royalty, publicly & personally. This is again, the double-std or hypocrisy practised by BN. They have clearly shown no respect to the Regent & Sultan of Perak.

    At least our YB LKS did the most humble thing immediately the next day on behalf of the CEC. Priceless.

    The UMNO-putras protested in Shah Alam should also apologise to the Selangor Sultan for making such racial remark on the appointed MB of Selangor by the Sultan. It is an insult! Again, clearly shows that the UMNO-putras were not taught to respect any of our Royal Family. They obviously think they are above the Royals, let alone the Law. What did AAB did? Nothing…perkara biasa-lah.

  20. it has been understood how these crooked umno leaders will manipulate and scheme up any sorts of dramas and lies in order to achieve wat they want.and its been known thru out the years how they got away with every single crime they hv commited.lets show them that malaysia doesnt belong to only umno but the rest of all malaysians.i hate to say this but it is true to this stage that almost every leaders in the government are all corrupted.we hv to face the facts that these people think they are immune and nothing can stop them fr doing anything they want.its so sickening till u can see how these people will manipulate others to hold demonstration of sorts to show their dissatisfaction over the new government in the states.wat sore losers.i think they hv been pampered too long and now their water pipe has been cut off and no more lubangs for them they cant bear to live and see wats gonna happen to their furure.these fxxkers only care abt their own pockets.
    empty promises were made to the people…4 years….we waited for real changes fr a decent looking leader but wat do we get?…submarine deal?….get our own c4 to bomb a human?…paying millions to send a man to space?….tearing down temples?….raising oil prices?….letting ur cronies off for building a castle without a scratch whn thr shud be heavier penalties imposed on that idiot…..having ministers behaving like hooligans and no actions were taken?….not heeding the sensitivities of others whn u wave ur kris…u think u guys grandfather own this land ka?……discriminating other races in every aspect of economic social opportunities?…..even in terms of educations…such a leader cant even see whr he went wrong…getting an idiot to become information minister and made a laughing stock out of our country….these are only the shameful and arrogant surfaces of the common issues that we ordinary folks knw abt….wat abt the rests thats gone so wrong behind back doors?i doubt this pm of ours is ever wise…if he is he wont let this monkey of his to do watever he wants(u knw who i am talking abt)…and the one who plays a big part on his downfall.
    talking so much abt this leader is just a waste of my time.the people hv voiced out this time around and i believe they hv shown how disgustful and frustrated we are towards his governance.we hv said it all in our votes.time to change and we did.and now its time to change for the better.pls dun dissapoint us this time barisan rakyat.dun talk kok like wat they did wat u hv promised us.all we wan is a fair,prosperous and a harmonious country to live in.

  21. From The Star paper (March 17):

    Perak PAS secretary and Pasir Panjang assemblyman Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin was sworn-in as Mentri Besar, taking the oath of office before the Regent of Perak, Raja Dr Nazrin Shah at Istana Iskandariah in Kuala Kangsar at 11.45am on Monday.

    However, individuals and members of several non-governmental organisations had started gathering at Istana Kinta in Ipoh as early as 8am.

    The organisations’ representatives presented letters to the palace at about 10am, pledging support for a Barisan minority government.

    Former Perak Barisan elected representatives council (Mubarak) secretary Datuk Dr Dzulkarnain Abdul Rahman said Barisan had the more legitimate claim as it held 28 seats.

    “We are only here to give the memorandums to the Sultan of Perak, not to stage a protest,” said Dr Dzulkarnain, who is also Perak Umno Veteran vice chairman.

    Well……..when Lim Kit Siang told his men not to attend the swearing-in of the MB earlier, and he had valid reasons to do so then..and the issue had been duly resolved and apogised for….the BN supporters organised protests and even suggested that LKS had been disrespectful to the Sultan of Perak.

    Everyone knows LKS wasn’t being respectful. The fact that he came up with an apology soon afterwards in his blog after realising the slip-up shows that he had been proper and not didn’t mean any disrespect.

    Now, who is being truly disrepctful? The individuals and MUBARAK owe the Sultan and Regent, the new MB, the people of Perak who had voted in the new government, and the new governmrnt itself an apology.

    To suggested that a minority BN government be formed is in direct opposition to the Sultan’s order.

    Will BN leaders tell their supporters what to do next? They are holding the royal household in contempt when they question the wisdom and authority of the sultan and regent.

    Moreover, the street protests are illegal and by stating their loyalty to the sultan would not justify their blatant disregard for authority. The statement of loyalty is only used as an excuse to protest. Ada udang di sebalik batu, that is.

    Why can’t BN , or more specificlly the UMNO losers accept the results of the fairly conducted election? To shout Ketuanan Melayu would not make any difference. It was the show the keris and shout of Ketuanan Melayu which brought the about the big loss and defeat of BN government in Perak, PEnang, Kedah, Selangor and Kelantan.

    Wake up guys. It is no more in fashion to brow-beat others using symbols or symbolism. It is accepting everyone as equals and extending respect and goodwill that matter. There should not be discrimination and abuse of power. Let’s not be kids anymore. There are lots of things to do other than shouting slogans and waving kerises. Don’t you guys have work to do?

    Go see the wakil rakyat. Check with them job opportunities. If thee are none, then see if they can help creat jobs and bring investments into the state. Pretty sure they will try harder.

    Good luck.

  22. AAB claimed that the elections were fair & transparent. If so, then why are his members doing? The protest not only go against the Royals, by being disrespectful & insulting the intelligence, they also go against the voice of the rakyat…who in the first place, put them there in the past 4 years. If they didn’t get their “share” of the NEP, then they should blame the failure of the NEP or take the matter with AAB to claim their share! The rest of us want to move on with the MEA.

  23. DEAR YB





  24. A wounded tiger is most dangerous……it needs to be isolated and caged for it to heal to prevent unnecessary harm to the innocent victims…….or if there is no hope of recovery, in the best interest of innocent people and the tiger itself, you need to do the right thing by destroying it quickly.

  25. Some of the leaders in DAP are without class.. Hotheadedness & doing without thinking e.g. Teng of Perak.

    How are you going to be different from the goons of UMNO, the party that Malaysian has just booted out.

    It calls for refinements, never forget you are now sitting on the government chair and not those of the opposition.

  26. As we read from paper report yesterday saying that DAP decided to pick Teresa as candidate for DMB of Selangor with reason to encourage more women participation in politics.

    Cant DAP give us Selangor Voters a better reason for that as we all know that she need to serve both Seputeh and Kinrara and if DAP is serious to encourage more women participation why DAP didnt do it when forming Penang State goverment which they have plenty of opportunities to do so.???

    We, Selangor voters reserve to have somebody who can devote full time on this job rather than somebody need to split her time to so many jobs.

    Funny reason

  27. Can the 5 States ban the media NST, Star and Utusan and come up with their own publication. It is time to look into this. Of course there will be opposition by the UMNO and MCA clowns but circulation within the 5 States should be sufficient for a start to honest reporting and expose the crimes , scandal etc etc . Replace and ban Utusan is a priority as it is all lies in its reporting to the Malay folks.

  28. We, the Rakyat have decided what kind of future and risk that we should embarked from now since that faithful 080308.
    As we are expecting, UMNO will never let go what they have been enjoying since Merdeka. they have been enjoying the culture to cheat on Orang Melayu welfare and emotional feelings over the Ketuanan.
    After so long, I believe Orang Melayu have realised their rights have been ‘taken a ride’ by UMNO.
    I don’t think Orang Melayu will give their full support to UMNO like those days.
    Now, Orang Melayu will able to read along the lines before making their decision.
    As for the mass media, I believe we can afford to play along with UMNO since it’s the national channel of communication. However, we will also bring along our own TV/reporter crews for each event and compare their news. We can eaisly put these up in Youtube for public to compare their tricks.
    We need not fight against them , just flow with their forces and we will enjoy sweet victories each time.

  29. wow,wat a world record,only hardly 9 days,can DAP marginalise Malays?the UMNO leaders are a bunch of crabs and shits,keep-on stirring racist issues,they are very good at that,no doubt about it!

    that’s why i said,we should blame ourselves for implementing the NEP 40 years ago,now,the UMNO thinks of the finger-sucking-good,they will do whatever it takes not to let go it,including to create another 513 incident,they are trying that in Penang now!

    All the true Malaysians must now unite and turn-down UMNO’s evil agenda!

  30. When UMNO demonstrate, police do nothing but watch. When the marginalise and down trodden demonstrate, police use teargas and water cannons. Both have no permit! What gives? Stupid govt.

    Officials removing state documents must be charged with OSA. No less. Let them feel what its like behind bars with no bail.

  31. Come on DAp,Teng is the opposition leader in the last government.He deserve the credit to be DMB.When the DAp/BR is weak,Teng’s the only one (out of two) who could speak out for the people in Selangor.Now were strong,Teng’s contribution are forgotten?Its like an old malay saying…..Kacang Lupakan Kulit.

  32. UMNO’s a bunch of hypocrites.what demonstration? I thought it is “Bukan Budaya Kita”.Plus a lot of people who protest in Penang are not exactly a Malay but some Mamaks who claim to be a Malay.example:Nor Mohammad Yakob.,Abdul Kader syeikh fadzer,Abdul Azeez(that youthful UmnoPutra Mat Rempit supporter).

    Ketuanan MELAYU?

    Yeah right……..

  33. Your are so right and your advice is most timely. Those people in UMNO are just waiting for the DAP,PKR or PAS to make mistakes giving them an excuse to declare Martial Law on the pretext of maintaining peace and stability for the country.

  34. Mr Lim,
    The Malays and Indians who had no connections during UMNO reign are really left behind. So whatI suggest is that in giving contracts, ask LGE to reserve a certain percentage exclusively for Malays and similarly for Indians. The remainder can then be open to all races including the Chinese,Indians and Malays. Only then the Malay and Indian interest are taken care of. Make sure that the Malay and Indian contractors are genuine.

    If DAP does it well in Penang, it would be a showcase to the rest of the states like NS, Malacca . Most probably, it could sweep all the states in the west coast. Combine with PKR which would sweep PAhang and Johore, together they could win the federal governmnt.

    No only Penagites are watching you all , the rest of the country is. If all these state Keadh, Perak, selangor, Penang and Kelantan are free from corruption, cronyism and nepotism, I am sure all of you would take Malaysia.
    This can be a reality. Who can imagine that Berlin wall could come down?

  35. controlnation1 Says:

    Today at 09: 19.38 (56 minutes ago)
    Come on DAp,Teng is the opposition leader in the last government.He deserve the credit to be DMB.When the DAp/BR is weak,Teng’s the only one (out of two) who could speak out for the people in Selangor.Now were strong,Teng’s contribution are forgotten?Its like an old malay saying…..Kacang Lupakan Kulit.


    Being good as the opposition leader does not necessarily translate to being a good DMB. The skill set is quite different.

    Furthermore, in general, loyalty is a poor criteria for promotion. Capability should be the main criteria.

    If you want to reward Teng for loyalty, there are much better ways. For example, give him a plaque or give him a medal or even give him a songkok. Heck, you can even give him a plaque and a medal plus a songkok.

    If you want to reward

  36. We criticise MCA guys for being quiet in Parliament.
    Now I wonder how is this DAP guy going to debate in Parliament.
    If I could speak Mandarin, I myself would have been in politics long time ago. How to face Chinese people when a Chinese cannot speak Chinese? That is me.

    “Newly-elected Bakri MP Er Teck Hwa of the DAP, who said he was stunned by his win in the recent polls, admitted that he had language barriers to overcome.

    “I am planning to hire private tutors to help me improve my skills in both languages,” said Er in Mandarin, adding that it would help him communicate more effectively with the non-Chinese residents in his constituency.

    Er, 35, added that being able to understand and speak Malay well was also crucial when it came to conveying the problems and needs of his constituents in parliament.

    Although he completed his SPM at SMK Jalan Junit in Muar, Er said that his Malay and English language skills had become rusty over the years as he rarely used the two languages. ” Star Online

  37. Being good as the opposition leader does not necessarily translate to being a good DMB. The skill set is quite different.

    What?Theresa better than Teng?

    Dont be like UMNO which can dump anyone they like when they are in power.Like what they do to Tunku Abdul Rahman and DR.M

  38. “If you want to reward Teng for loyalty, there are much better ways. For example, give him a plaque or give him a medal or even give him a songkok. Heck, you can even give him a plaque and a medal plus a songkok.” cto

    A DAP medal boh pakai. No title.
    A songkok would be an insult to Teng.
    From what RPK said, it appears that Teng is allergic to songkok.

  39. “”Furthermore, in general, loyalty is a poor criteria for promotion. Capability should be the main criteria.””

    Tell that to the Sultans,which cretaria they appreciate the most?

  40. When Khir Toyo was made MB, he renovated his residence at RM5mil. Negeri Sembilan Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohamad Hassan spent RM4.5 million for renovation of his residence. Pak Lah spent RM15.81mil to renovate the newly completed Putrajaya Seri Perdana residence which was constructed at a cost of RM24.17mil. Najib spent almost the same sum to renovate his residence in Putrajaya. Selangor Menteri Besar Datuk Abu Hassan Omar spent a total of RM77,642.07 on hotel accommodation and expenses while waiting for the renovation of his official residence to be completed…

    All these while millions of poor Malaysians cannot afford RM25,000 low cost homes

  41. bro kit,

    a wounded tiger indeed but why fear the wounded tiger when you have started the renaissance and reformation. carry on with what you have promised the people and progressively execute your promises and the wounded tiger will eventually fade off into oblivion.

    it is now left entirely up to the victors, the opposition to do what they have to do and please repeat please never never never antagonise the rulers and/or the king. please go along with the current and you will conquer the remaining majority in the next GE.

    meanwhile the UMNO defeated, shameless upstarts are just barking and showing their fangs which is harmless and little realising that by doing so they are only weakening instead they should be carrying out some serious constructive repairs to their disgraceful collapse and start getting rid without fear or favour of all the troublemakers and deadwoods.

    GET CRACKING UMNO LEADER if you are in the blog

    concerned rakyat

  42. Old Geezer Says:
    Today at 10: 56.18 (23 minutes ago)

    Talking about medal, now that DAP is in the govt, can they nominate people for state awards?

    I think we should do away with all these. It do not do good to society as a whole but only make these people feels good and looks good but seldom do anything good. Zakaria Mat Deros is a shining example and so is our Lingam chili sauce and many many many more. If the law is fair and we have good governance, Sungei Buloh prison might not be enough for them.

    I simply loath people who thinks of nothing better than harping on these. Normally people with only this in mind are thinking of self rewards only and will not serve society well. I think this is a British legacy but we are overdoing it and make a mockery of it.

    I hope when BR comes to power in the federal govt. its time to get rid of this or at least minimize all these nonsense.

  43. I hope Lim Kit Siang’s name or other BR leader’s name would appear in the history textbook 50 years from now on.Unlike current school textbook in which only UMNO orBN leaders are mentioned.They take all the credit.

  44. Very often we are ashamed to see our Datuk Datuk or Tan Sris appearing in the news for the wrong reasons. The world is laughing at us. We do not want to be snickered at when we go overseas. We want to walk tall with respect.

  45. Inasmuch we all want to reveal all the wrongdoings of the BN while they were in Govt., and we still want to when we are aware of glaring and blatant abuse of powers, let us also not go on a witch hunt. We have to guard against appearing petty and if I know the Malay culture well, we should not be humiliating and stepping soemone when they are already done. In short, we should be magnanimous in victory and not sink to the level of the BN if they wish to swim in the gutter.

    Furthermore, witch hunt distracts and takes up too much valuable time which could be better utilised on more fruitful and productive efforts to improve the lives of the people.

  46. “Very often we are ashamed to see our Datuk Datuk or Tan Sris appearing in the news for the wrong reasons. The world is laughing at us. We do not want to be snickered at when we go overseas. We want to walk tall with respect.” pwcheng

    We realise that some awards can be bought.
    But there are also many awards given for exemplary service to the community and country.
    I don’t see the national practice of honouring somebody for good service as something to be ashamed of.
    The US also have medals/awards, such as Congressional Medal of Honor for bravery, etc. Only difference is that in the US, the medal does not carry a honorific title.
    UK has awards such as MBE, CBE, etc., and so are other countries around the world.

  47. Uncle Lim
    Now that the people have spoken through the ballot box, DPP coalition has a much louder voice.

    I suggest one of the first voices coming from the DPP coalition should be:-


    Honestly, no fair minded Malaysian is happy to see Indian friends being bullied & bulldozed left, right & center by this arrogant BN regime. If BN have done any soul searching at all, they would have released the 5 by now or at least charged them for any wrong by giving them a fair trial.

  48. DAP is doing the same as UMNO…ie. to dump those who have served well when in bad times…but when in good times…these are forgotten or even tried to be waylaid…or back stabbed by new comers.

    How will we know the infamous Zakaria? How will u fight when you have been warned not to exposed too many scandals in BN?

    How many times have you been banned from State Assembly for fighting for your rights? How many times have you been suspended for trying to push thru your cause for the rakyat?

    My friends…pls look back to the sturdy and hardcored tough guy in Teng (though he looks so thin and weak) who don’t care much about himself and fought for the rakyat by exposing so many scandals of BN reps which had more or less helped in fuel the great discontentment in the rakyat and caused BN’s downfall in so many states.

    What other qualities does cto wants in a DMB for Selangor?

    If the above fighting spirit, care for rakyat and steadfast loyalty for the party’s cause are not cukup then what do you see in the other candidates for the post???

    Sighhhh……just another replica of BN component parties…lots of infighting when ada power….I rest my case….cuz I don’t have the ability to influence DAP to pick the right person for Selangor (my state)…..but somehow…I will still continue to vote and help in their GE campaign work…..

    SIGHHHHHHHHH…………………………………Buat lah sesuka hati kau….asal BR masih teguh dan bolih memerintah Selangor dan bawa banyak adilan untuk rakyat….

  49. Remember Dr Tan Chee Khoon an opposition. He was made a Tan Sri by Tengku Abdul Rahman, the only very loveable and sporting Premier.
    Now you ask Pak Lah to give opposition a Tan Sri? No way he would do it. The present BN always regards opposition as nuisance because they are always exposing corruptions of them and their relatives.
    Tengku was a very righteous person. Not ahame to tell you that he was a sinner – like gambling and horse racing. May his soul rest in peace!!!

  50. Have you read MT posting on “PKR invites Umno for talks on NEP ” ?

    1)…Sabah Progressive Party president Datuk Yong Teck Lee said he was puzzled why the NEP was still an issue when it had been replaced by the

    ..’National Development Policy’(NDP)…

    .. TUN DR M launched the “NDP” which year ?

    2)…“so called cancellation of the NEP” was completely redundant because it no longer existed and it was equally disappointing that Penang Umno was still harping on a non-existent policy.

    3)…no wonder that some politicians both from ruling and opposition have lost focus on which policy to talk about,”

    Someone from Sabah talk sense….. My Sabahans friends are laughing at us .

    Syabas. Barisan Rakyat.

  51. “Now you ask Pak Lah to give opposition a Tan Sri? No way he would do it. ..” grace

    I meant the state awards from state govts such as Selangor or Penang. Obviously, the Fed govt would not.
    Also doubtful the Perak royalty would give one to LKS after what he did to them.

  52. The titles and awards do not really depict how a person behaves. There were many Datuks who committed crimes, murders, blow-up ppl with C4.

    The BN ppl would like to have all these titles. Most which can be bought. I don’t give a damn even if the bigot is a TUN. No respect from me.

    No need for the titles. Just get the job done.

  53. We all should be thankful for YB Teng and his services to people that trusted him in Klang.
    YB Teng, I know that you might felt ‘hurt’ by the latest development within your own party.
    Yet, it’s more important to serve the people that voted for you which is the nearest to your heart.
    You have always been outspoken individual and that matters most.
    As for higher political front especiallt when come to state exco level, I urged you and yur understanding that certain things are much better to leave out rather than to get inside of it.

  54. This UMNO wounded tiger would be hammered by MCA, MIC Gerakan during BN Council meeting.

    Look at Ong Ka Ting, he put the blame on UMNO. OKT tried to wash his hands proving his innocence. The Chinese will always remembered him for his betrayal. MCA was the body-guard of UMNO when the latter bullied the Chinese.

    So don’t advice UMNO or MCA or MIC what to do. Let them fall into their own blunder. We want to see the Barisan Rakyat to take over the govt.

  55. # controlnation1 Says:
    Today at 10: 39.21 (2 hours ago)

    Being good as the opposition leader does not necessarily translate to being a good DMB. The skill set is quite different.

    What?Theresa better than Teng?

    Dont be like UMNO which can dump anyone they like when they are in power.Like what they do to Tunku Abdul Rahman and DR.M


    First of all, I made no reference that Theresa is better than Teng.

    Secondly, you are making the a priori assumption and assertion that the DPM must be from DAP. Has it ever occur to you that if the Barisan Rakyat (coalition) is truly a partnership and meritocracy is a value that we all treasure, perhaps based on merit the MB and the DMB may not be from DAP. Are we willing to accept that or are we only partners when it is convenient and meritocracy matters when it suits us? Or are we so entrenched in our quota system that we must do everything by the quota system?

    Thirdly, who is taking about dumping Teng? If he really cares for the rakyat, my expectation is that he would like the best person to take the job. I don’t think he will necessarily becomes poorer as a result of this sacrifice. As I said before if you want to reward him for his loyalty, there are other ways.

  56. # controlnation1 Says:
    Today at 10: 49.12 (2 hours ago)

    “”Furthermore, in general, loyalty is a poor criteria for promotion. Capability should be the main criteria.””

    Tell that to the Sultans,which cretaria they appreciate the most?


    The sultans have the right to their opinion. And I have the right to my own opinion.

    There is some fairness in this world. Each person is entitled to his or her own opinion, no matter how great or small. :)

  57. Oh…I forgot how teng was asked to be a spare tyre in 1995 Ge when Wee Choo Keong was fined by court for contempt of court and Teng was ask to be a independent standby candidate just incase Wee was disqualified. The seat is Bukit Bintang.
    History showed that Wee was accepted to fight and won but Teng was then asked to withdraw as independent and of course even lost his deposit.
    The cheek of it was that Wee then lost the seat in a court case.

    Now what does that show? Teng took orders from DAP and make a sacrifice in Bukit Bintang. Is that not being loyal? Is that not being team player?
    Then he just stayed as Klang state assemblyman till today and did his work so diligently and exposing so many malpractise in Selangor.

    If such qualities of a leader cannot be recognised…then I don’t know what qualities you need. Guess he should have been a goody goody guy and just stay diam diam and he will be the new Selangor deputy MB….right? hahahahaha….what a joke……DAP wake up….

  58. Barisan Rakyat led states should consider forming an economy pact to strength their political clout (study how the European Union and Asean did this). For example, in the economy pact, Selangor may adopt Kelantan as a “sister state” (within the context of economic co-operation). Selangor may recommend investors to shift their labour-intensive industries to Kelantan to take advantage of Kelantan’s ample land and manpower resources and lower cost of doing business (say, special tax holidays and water rates discount offered by Kelantan). In return, Kelantan pays part of the revenues collected from investors to Selangor. Once Kelantan is popular on the investors’ radar, Kelantan may choose either to renew the pact or pull out of the pact (assuming the pact has a limited time period of 2 years, say).

    Similarly, Penang may help Kedah to build highways and bridges, in return, Kedah will sell commodities at offer price to Penang’s commodities processing industrialists (say maximum 10 tons per year to prevent them from profiteering by re-selling the commodities to a third party).

    Both Selangor and Penang are wealthy industrial states, they should unleash their economic might/ influence to uplift the economic status of the less developed Barisan Rakyat led states.

  59. Why are we seen here to be fighting over who should or should not be promoted? Doesn’t this bring a very bad image to the public? Are you aware that readers from all over the world are reading this blog (I’m from Paris)? Hhow can I continue to campaign for DAP when I see you DAP supporters can’t even trust your DAP leadership to put whoever in whatever position that they think its best to serve the people and to win the next election?

    If you continue to argue here, you are only going to lose a lot of votes, especially the Malay votes. So wise up guys! Or are you really DAP supporters????

  60. pwcheng Says:

    Today at 11: 46.38 (1 hour ago)
    Very often we are ashamed to see our Datuk Datuk or Tan Sris appearing in the news for the wrong reasons. The world is laughing at us. We do not want to be snickered at when we go overseas. We want to walk tall with respect


    NO MORE shall we be snickered by the world! I am so proud (and have been since 8th March 2008) for being a Malaysian. Where ever I go today and when people asked me where I am from they immediately launch a discussion into the 8th March GE. The whole world has seen what Malaysians have done and can do to a (corrupted) government that has the means to silence its people.

  61. # chanjoe Says:
    Today at 12: 29.59 (29 minutes ago)

    DAP is doing the same as UMNO…ie. to dump those who have served well when in bad times…but when in good times…these are forgotten or even tried to be waylaid…or back stabbed by new comers.


    My friends…pls look back to the sturdy and hardcored tough guy in Teng (though he looks so thin and weak) who don’t care much about himself and fought for the rakyat by exposing so many scandals of BN reps which had more or less helped in fuel the great discontentment in the rakyat and caused BN’s downfall in so many states.

    What other qualities does cto wants in a DMB for Selangor?

    If the above fighting spirit, care for rakyat and steadfast loyalty for the party’s cause are not cukup then what do you see in the other candidates for the post???

    [snip, snip]


    OK, you asked for my opinion so let me give it to you.

    Let’s see …..

    I pick up

    1. Not a fair weather DAP guy (Ok good for DAP but may not be good for the Peralk govt)
    2. Sturdy, hardcore tough guy inside (Not good unless I am forming a gang which I am not)
    3. So thin and weak (Not good unless I am looking for a model for a diet program advertisement which I am not)
    4. Self sacrificing (Ok good)
    5. Anti BN (Good if you are in the opposition)
    6. Stirrer ( Again good if you are in the opposition)
    7. Loyalty (Ok good for DAP, let’s give him a medal, plaque and a songkok)

    What would I be looking for – How about diplomacy? How about tact? How about statesmanship? How about the ability to think critically? How about the ability to work with other parties in the coalition?

    How about the ability to stop peeing on every single pole in sight?

    Sorry to burst your post election euphoria. At the rate that some of the DAP/PKR/PAS MP and some their supporters are nit picking on every single thing, winning the election for the five states would be a cake walk compared to the task of governing well. When you are in power and you want to be good, you actually have to do something useful. When you are in the opposition and you want to be good, being good at bickering and complaining may be good enough.

    My friend Realworld is correct – BN screwed up. The opposition did not win the 5 states, BN lost the 5 states.

  62. NST online

    Below is the new Cabinet Line-Up announced by the Prime Minister moments ago.

    Prime Minister: Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
    Federal Government Administration Center, Bangunan Perdana Putra, 62502 Putrajaya
    Tel: 03 8888 8000 , Fax: 03 8888 3444

    Deputy Prime Minister: Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Abdul Razak
    Aras 4, Blok Barat, Bangunan Perdana Putra, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, 62502 Putrajaya
    Tel: 03 8888 1950 , Fax: 03 8888 0035

    Ministers in the Prime Minister’s Department:
    Minister: Tan Sri Bernard Giluk Dompok
    Minister: Datuk Ahmad Zahid Hamidi
    Minister: Datuk Mohd Zaid Ibrahim
    Minister: Datuk Amirsham Aziz
    Minister: Datuk Seri Nazri Abdul Aziz

    Deputy Ministers Ministers in the Prime Minister’s Department:
    Deputy Minister: Datuk Johari Baharum
    Deputy Minister: Datuk Dr Mashitah Ibrahim
    Deputy Minister: Devamany Krishnasamy
    Deputy Minister: Datuk Hassan Malek

    Ministry of Agriculture & Agro-Based Industry
    Minister: Datuk Mustapa Mohamed
    Deputy: Datuk Rohani Ibrahim
    Wisma Tani, Jalan Sultan Salahuddin, 50624 Kuala Lumpur
    Tel: 03 2617 5000 , Fax: 03 2691 3758

    Ministry of Unity, Arts & Culture
    Minister: Datuk Mohd Shafie Apdal
    Deputy: Teng Boon Seng
    Tingkat 26, 27, 30, 34 & 35, Menara TH Perdana, Maju Junction, 1001 Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50694 Kuala Lumpur
    Tel: 03 2612 7600 , Fax: 03 2693 5114

    Ministry of Defence
    Minister: Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Abdul Razak
    Deputy: Datuk Wira Abu Seman Yusop
    Jalan Padang Tembak, 50634 Kuala Lumpur
    Tel: 03 2071 1333 , Fax: 03 2691 7217

    Ministry of Domestic Trade & Consumer Affairs
    Minister: Datuk Shahrir Abdul Samad
    Deputy: Jelaing Mersat
    Lot 2G3, Presint 2, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, 62623 Putrajaya
    Tel: 03 8882 5500 , 1 800 866 800 (Aduan Harga), 1 800 882 002 (Anti Piracy), Fax: 03 8882 5762

    Ministry of Education
    Minister: Datuk Hishammuddin Bin Tun Hussein
    Deputy: Datuk Wee Ka Siong
    Deputy: Datuk Razali Ibrahim
    Aras 5, Blok E8, Parcel E, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, 62604 Putrajaya
    Tel: 03 8884 6000

    Ministry of Energy, Water & Communications
    Minister: Datuk Shaziman Abu Mansor
    Deputy: Datuk Joseph Salang Gandum
    Block E4/5, Kompleks Kerajaan Parcel E, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, 62668 Putrajaya
    Tel: 03 8883 6000 , Fax: 03 8889 3712

    Ministry of Entrepreneur & Co-operative Development
    Minister: Datuk Noh Omar
    Deputy: Saifuddin Abdullah
    2 (Lot 2G6), Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, Putrajaya
    Tel: 03 03 8880 5000, Fax: 03 8880 5106

    Ministry of Federal Territories
    Minister: Datuk Zulhasnan Rafique
    Deputy: Datuk M. Saravanan
    Aras 1-4, Blok 2, Menara PjH, Presint 2, 62100 Putrajaya
    Tel: 03 8889 7888 , Fax: 03 8888 9140

    Ministry of Finance
    Minister: Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
    Minister: Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop
    Deputy: Datuk Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah
    Deputy: Datuk Kong Cho Ha
    Kompleks Kementerian Kewangan, Precinct 2, 62592 Putrajaya
    Tel: 03 8882 3000 , Fax: 03 8882 3892

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    Minister: Datuk Seri Rais Yatim
    Deputy: Datuk Joseph Salang Gandum
    Wisma Putra, 1 Jalan Wisma Putra, Precinct 2, 62602 Putrajaya
    Tel: 03 8887 4000 , 03 887 4570 (After Hours/Emergency), Fax: 03 8889 1717

    Ministry of Health
    Minister: Datuk Liow Tiong Lai
    Deputy: Datuk Dr Abdul Latiff Ahmad
    Blok E7, Parcel E, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, 62510 Wilayah Persekutuan
    Tel: 03 8883 2539 , Fax: 03 8889 5245

    Ministry of Higher Education
    Minister: Datuk Khaled Nordin
    Deputy: Hoo Kok Choon
    Deputy: Datuk Idris Harun
    Blok E3, Parcel E, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, 62505 Putrajaya
    Tel: 03 8883 5000 , Fax: 03 8889 3921

    Ministry Housing & Local Government
    Minister: Datuk Ong Ka Chuan
    Deputy: Datuk Robert Lau
    Deputy: Datuk Hamzah Zainuddin
    Paras 5, Blok K, Pusat Bandar Damansara, Peti Surat 12579, 50782 Kuala Lumpur
    Tel: 03 2094 7033 , Fax: 03 2094 7380

    Ministry of Human Resources
    Minister: Datuk S. Subramaniam
    Deputy: Datuk Noraini Ahmad
    Level 6-9, Block D3, Parcel D, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, 62502 Putrajaya
    Tel: 03 8886 5000 , Fax: 03 8889 2381

    Ministry of Information
    Minister: Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek
    Deputy: Datuk Tan Lian Hoe
    Angkasapuri, Bukit Putra, 50610 Kuala Lumpur
    Tel: 03 2282 5333 , Fax: 03 2282 1255

    Ministry of Internal Security and Home Affairs
    Minister: Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Syed Jaafar Albar
    Deputy: Datuk Chor Chee Heung
    Deputy: Senator Wan Ahmad Farid Wan Salleh
    Blok D1 & D2, Parcel D, Pusat Pentadbiran & Kerajaan Persekutuan, 62546 Putrajaya
    Tel: 03 8886 8000 , Fax: 03 8889 1613

    Ministry of International Trade & Industry
    Minister: Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin
    Deputy: Lee We Keong
    Deputy: Datuk Jacob Dungau Sagan
    Block 10, Government Offices Complex, Jalan Duta, 50622 Kuala Lumpur
    Tel: 03 6203 3022 , Fax: 03 6203 2337

    Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment
    Minister: Datuk Douglas Uggah Embas
    Deputy: Datuk Abdul Ghapur Salleh
    Tingkat 13, Wisma Tanah, Jalan Semarak, 50574, Kuala Lumpur
    Tel: 03 2692 1566 , Fax: 03 2691 9426

    Ministry of Plantation Industries & Commodities
    Minister: Datuk Peter Chin Fah Kui
    Deputy: A. Kohilan Pillay
    Aras 6-13, Lot 2G4, Precint 2, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, 62654 Putrajaya
    Tel: 03 8880 3300 , Fax: 03 8880 3422

    Ministry of Rural & Regional Development
    Minister: Tan Sri Muhammad Mohd Taib
    Deputy: Tan Sri Joseph Kurup
    Deputy: Joseph Entulu
    Blok D9, Parcel D, Kompleks Kerajaan Persekutuan, 62606 Putrajaya
    Tel: 03 8886 3500 , Fax: 03 8889 2104

    Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovations
    Minister: Datuk Dr Maximus Ongkili
    Deputy: Datuk Fadhilah Yusuf
    1-7, Blok C5, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, 62662 Putrajaya
    Tel: 03 8885 8000 , Fax: 03 8888 6070

    Ministry of Tourism
    Minister: Datuk Azalina Othman Said
    Deputy: Datuk Seri Sulaiman Abdul Rahman Taib
    Tingkat 6, 21, 32-36, Menara Dato’ Onn, Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra, 45 Jalan Tun Ismail, 50695 Kuala Lumpur
    Tel: 03 2693 7111 , Fax: 03 2694 1146

    Ministry of Transport
    Minister: Datuk Ong Tee Keat
    Deputy: Datuk Anifah Aman
    Aras 5, 6 & 7, Blok D5, Parcel D, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, 62502 Putrajaya
    Tel: 03 8886 6000 , Fax: 03 8889 2537

    Ministry of Women, Family & Community Development
    Minister: Datuk Dr Ng Yen Yen
    Deputy: Senator Noriah Kasnon
    Aras 1-6, Blok E, Kompleks Pejabat Kerajaan Bukit Perdana, Jalan Dato’ Onn, 50515 Kuala Lumpur
    Tel: 03 2693 0095 , Fax: 03 2693 4982

    Ministry of Works
    Minister: Datuk Ir Mohd Zain Mohamad
    Deputy: Datuk Yong Khoon Seng
    Tingkat 4, Blok B, Kompleks Kerja Raya, Jalan Sultan Salahuddin, 50580 Kuala Lumpur
    Tel: 03 2711 1100 , Fax: 03 2711 6564

    Ministry of Youth & Sports
    Minister: Ismail Sabri Yaakob
    Deputy: Wee Jeck Seng
    Lot 4 G4, Presint 4, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, 62570 Putrajaya
    Tel: 03 8871 3333 , Fax: 03 8888 8767

  63. PUTRAJAYA, Tues:

    Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi unveiled a Cabinet line-up today full of major surprises. He dropped Umno stalwarts Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz, Datuk Seri Radzi Sheikh Ahmad, Datuk Seri Dr. Jamaluddin Jarjis, Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor and Datuk Seri Azmi Khalid during the announcement at his office in Putrajaya.

  64. gofor truth :

    The matter here is not among us supporters of DAP but they are fighting among themselves…the newly elected state assemblymen.

    If we want a good govt then we must at least have good experienced people to help run the state.

    Its very clear that Teng is the guy but the others are trying to push him out and claim the post for nthemselves but not realising that there is only 1 post available….so they will also be fighting among themselves even after getting rid of teng…see the point?

    We are loyal and will still be loyal supporters of DAP but just sick in our heart that some people go out of head to claim power….

    Sometimes…these people don’t look at the negative sides cuz they want power…well we can’t blame them cuz they have waited so long to ntaste success and suddenly become gila kuasa….hahaha

  65. Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor –now he can go around the world with lingam in 80 days

    Datuk Seri Dr. Jamaluddin Jarjis–he can start using his pension fund to buy the crash landed scrap metal junk

    Tan Sri Muhammad Muhd Taib — suppose chief umno strategist, now came up with lame excuse of bn losing. to think of it he should be the minister of MOL (Ministry of Losers), but he becomes minister of rural development……….oh dear how much money will he gobble up?

  66. “”perhaps based on merit the MB and the DMB may not be from DAP.””
    Why would you vote for DAP if you thought most of its candidate are questionally unqualified based on merit?And I’m not just referring to the just concluded election where lots of vote are protest vote.How about the previous one?

    “”Thirdly, who is taking about dumping Teng? If he really cares for the rakyat, my expectation is that he would like the best person to take the job””

    And who do you actually think best?Is it not Teng???

    By the way youre sort of pointing that Teng had no capability?

    pst:Anybody know what post Nazri Aziz get?

  67. chanjoe
    I share your view but I think its better to channel such thoughts & concerns about who should and who should not (would be seen by the public here as DAP infighting & will be used by BN to humiliate us) directly via DAP home page:-

    Surprised to find Nazri is still in the PM’s department. It was because of his arrogant remark about the 1000 lawyers walk that made my blood boiled and started to campaign for the opposition. So, in a way its good news for DPP coalition that Nazri – the arrogantman is still around.

    All the best to DPP (BR?) coalition!

  68. BN government may not be able to change or amend the constitution but definitely they still wield a lot of power, the majority they have would certainly make most governments with governments-in-waiting happy.Look at this BN government they have their fingers on the buttons on all four key areas of power police army civil service and the judiciary as pointed out correctly by Ishwar Nahappan.On top of that the main media is always at their disposal to do their spinning.A wounded tiger will see any move you make as provocative and would not hesistate to jump on you.
    Press statements that you make must be made with care, not like the flip-flops that were made earlier.Learn to throw away words like Chinese,Malays, Indians Kadazans.Adopt words lke Rakyat, Malaysians,affirmative actions that are needs-based (chuck away the word NEP),common people and use them all the time in your speeches or public statements you give because these words will not promote deleterious reactions. Win the public all the time as you go along your way for your if fraud with danger.

  69. The new 27-seat cabinet has 66 MPs (out of 140 elected = 47%) and 2 senators appointed as ministers or deputy ministers. Wow!

    More BN MPs will be appointed to hold other posts in various ministries. Looks like BN MPs will be holding multiple posts and well paid.

    KJ must be the shadow PM and Finance Minister.

    Nazri Aziz

  70. controlnation1 Says:

    Today at 13: 57.56 (29 minutes ago)
    “”perhaps based on merit the MB and the DMB may not be from DAP.””
    Why would you vote for DAP if you thought most of its candidate are questionally unqualified based on merit?And I’m not just referring to the just concluded election where lots of vote are protest vote.How about the previous one?

    “”Thirdly, who is taking about dumping Teng? If he really cares for the rakyat, my expectation is that he would like the best person to take the job””

    And who do you actually think best?Is it not Teng???


    You are assuming that I voted for DAP. How do you know that and how can you think that? The beauty of the internet is that you do not even know who you are talking to. You argue and debate based on the points raised. It really does not have to be personal, just logical and factual.

    Voters vote for a variety of reasons –

    1. It may be for the party
    2. It may be for the party leader
    3. It may be for the party’s election platform
    4. It may be for the local candidate
    5. It may be a protest vote against the incumbent party
    6. It may be a protest vote against the incumbent MP
    x. It may be because they received some money. :)

    I will vote for the person that I think is best suited to serve the people and I have no loyalty towards any party or candidate. Assuming that everyone who reads this blog is an ardent DAP supporter is an incorrect one.

    Just because Teng was voted in a number of times before does not necessarily make him the best choice for the DMB post. Getting voted in recently is a necessary but insufficient condition.

    You asked, who is best? Frankly, I don’t know. What I do know is that I do not agree your reasons and chanjoe’s reasons that Teng is the best.

  71. Grace, correction, it wasn’t Tunku who gave Dr. Tan Chee Khoon a Tan Sri title, but rather Tun Hussein Onn, who for all his political faults was reputedly a fine fellow… unlike his son.

    Chanjoe, who are the newcomers backstabbing Teng? Teresa Kok? Psh.. for your information, Teresa and Teng basically started their political careers around the same time. You want to talk about working for the Rakyat? Well, I bring to you Squatgate and the single mothers’ society.

    Both Teng and Teresa are fine people. But only one person can be DMB. The Party selected Teresa, and I as a DAP supporter am behind her all the way.

  72. “”You are assuming that I voted for DAP.””

    Do you?

    If not why bother?

    Teresa has a job in Parliment.Its best for her to sat where she is and for what she is voted for.Teng only got one seat that is in Selangor DUN.Surely you would expect him to be able to do the job better with his experience in Selangor DUN and also his time expidiency?

  73. To all Yang Berhormat,

    Dear YB Menteri Besar ,Kedah ,Perak, Selangor.

    Dear YB Chief Minister,Penang.

    Have you appointed your IT official press secretaries yet ?

    I believed all Penang, Kedah, Perak, Selangor, Kelantan rakyat- rakyat want to communicate with all your BR State governments.

    What are your listed IT Links for the followings :-

    1) Penang, Kedah, Perak, Selangor, Kelantan Government Websites to receive feedbacks , queries & complaints ?

    2) CM ,CM1, CM2 & MB , Deputy MB1, Deputy MB2 Blogs ?

    3) all your personal Blogs ?

    4) all excos Blogs for all 5 BR States ?

    5) all state Assemblypersons & MPs Blogs?

    5) all 5 BR States DAP,PKR,PAS Blogs ?

    6) so far working & updated websites are :

    Cannot trust Bernama, Star, Utusan ,TST, TVs , as all their news are ‘ bluffology’ ?

    Once all we are able to verify news online from PKR,DAP,PAS ,no more confusion, OK.

    Syabas. Barisan Rakyat.

  74. controlnation1 Says:

    Today at 15: 47.50 (1 minute ago)
    “”You are assuming that I voted for DAP.””

    Do you?

    If not why bother?


    My vote is my secret. You have the right to ask and I have the right not to answer. :)

    I did not know that one must vote DAP to be able to write here. If there is such a rule, please let me know. How do you screen for that, btw?

    I bother because just like you I like to see progress in Malaysia. Where we probably differ is that I am not an ardent Teng or DAP supporter. And I am not sure why you keep on refering to Teresa as if I am her secret admirer. I have no hidden agenda in case you are searching for one. :)

  75. To my hero Lim Kit Siang,
    I know you was hurts, very hurts by the UMNO’s evil did.God is watching you, He will save you from it.We Malaysian appreciate your sacrifice.Well done! We love you and remember what you had done for the RAKYAT! Hidup DAP! HIDUP DEMOCRACY!

  76. Just read an email Khairy got the permit to hold a meeting with all the Muslim at Masjid Negeri Penang on this 20/3/08. My guess if its true it’ll be another demonstration on DEB, an attempt to cause an racial riot but I think he’s playing with fire. So if its true lets just ignore their demonstration, don’t even go to view it.
    KJ + UMNO Penang could only get mostly non-Malays who think themselves as Malays for the first demonstration now they plan to use gathering in Masjid Negeri Penang on 20th to get the Malays to join in the demonstration, But most Malays knows when UMNO speaks of protecting DEB in Penang they mean protecting their projects and tenders in Penang

  77. chanjoe Says:

    Today at 12: 29.59 (10 hours ago)
    [snip, snip]

    My friends…pls look back to the sturdy and hardcored tough guy in Teng


    What other qualities does cto wants in a DMB for Selangor?


    My first reply to you was reviewed by the moderator. I admit that I was pushing the envelope. Thanks, moderator for allowing my reply to be posted.

    Seriously though, do you really want a “sturdy hardcore guy” as a senior member of Govt? If I am reviewing his resume for the job and he is described as a hardcore guy, that’s an automatic rejection.

    I think that the good people of Malaysia deserves better and they do not need any “hardcore guys or gals” running the state or country.

  78. There are eight Ministers and Deputy Ministers in the Prime Minister’s Department. Why does the PM need that many to advise him? It shows how much or how little trust he has in his own advisers.

    He is the ‘consensus’ Prime Minister dispensing democracy, a Prime Minister who wants to be fair to all and as a result ends up being fair to none.

  79. LOL You always answer my post with the presumption that I actually made certain rules for you here.Let me counter that with your own way of answering of post.

    “”My vote is my secret. You have the right to ask and I have the right not to answer.””

    When did I actually said you had no right not to answer anyway?

    “”I did not know that one must vote DAP to be able to write here. If there is such a rule, please let me know. How do you screen for that, btw?””

    Since when did I said I am an “Ardent” Teng or DAP supporter?I just thought thats the right way of things that should occured.Of course it is just an oppinion.

    “”I bother because just like you I like to see progress in Malaysia. Where we probably differ is that I am not an ardent Teng or DAP supporter. And I am not sure why you keep on refering to Teresa as if I am her secret admirer. I have no hidden agenda in case you are searching for one.””

    First of all I never refer you as a secret admirer of Theresa.If thats the thing in your mind,maybe it is since you keep making such presumption,I dont know.

    So basically youre Anti-Teng/thank

    Someone might think LKS as hardcore.Would you reject him just because of that?Never mind his 40 years contribution to the PPN(party/people/nation)?

  80. controlnation1 Says:

    Today at 09: 54.26 (12 minutes ago)
    LOL You always answer my post with the presumption that I actually made certain rules for you here.Let me counter that with your own way of answering of post.


    They tell me that imitation is the best form of compliment. :)

    Reluctantly, I have to agree. In some ways I am glad that my time here is not wasted and you are learning a thing or two. However, I deeply regret that I am not accepting any followers/disciples. Thanks for the interest anyway.

    You also need to realize that the world is generally non-binary. Therefore when you quantize information, please make sure that you do it properly. Otherwise, you are throwing away a lot of potentially useful information. Some examples -when I say “Where we probably differ …” I am essentially saying that you are probably an ardent Teng support, I made no assertion that you are. Also, when I said that your reasons for supporting Teng is flawed, it does not equate to me being anti-Teng. Please do not look at this world as only black and white, you miss a lot when you do that.

    Ah, regarding Teresa – At the risk of huring Teresa’s feelings and since you insists, for the record – I do not admire Teresa. :)

  81. “”Also, when I said that your reasons for supporting Teng is flawed, it does not equate to me being anti-Teng.””

    You know from the way it is spelled that I am just know: Anti-Thank?Your statement didnt have quiet enough info for me to render you as an anti Teng.

  82. Klang major problems: severe traffic jam, high rate of scary accidents, crimes, high rate of unemployment due to hiring of foreigners amid the increasing cost of living, high school dropout, air pollution (severe haze). Really hope that there will be some improvement within these four years intead of infighting for the deputy Selangor CM power. 2ndly, hope that there will be standard balloting system & open tender basis for contracts & land alienation as to be practised by PEN CM?

  83. Almost,if not all the people in the wooden(kayu) cabinet have a title to their names like Datuk,Tan Sri etc.Makes me wonder what these so called personalities achieved to earn these awards or did they have to pay for it?With the astounding and ridiculous numbers
    of titles being bestowed nowadays,I wonder what is the actual
    rationale behind them.If it is for the recognition of their sacrifices to the country,fine,by all means.But I have heard of countless times where so-and-so paid a certain amount to receive these titles running into the tens of thousands.So a title nowadays is nothing to be proud of anymore.YB Lim,you do not need a datukship,tan sri ,tunship or whatever.What you and D/P/P have is
    our heartfelt respect and gratitude for your relentless pursuance
    for a better nation for everyone which no title can justify and which the BN people will never have.I salute you!

  84. BN’s usual tactic is to harp on racial issues, UMNO especially. See what they did in Penang recently? It must have been a big blow to them when PAS and PKR came out in support of DAP.

    It’s time to ignore the hardline chinamen in DAP and pay more respect to PAS and PKR. The old guard’s methods can be used when you are in the opposition but not when you are in charge.

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