Apology to Perak Sultan and Regent – No offence intended

My three-paragraph statement at 7 pm last night that the DAP Central Executive Committee emergency meeting on 9th March had not given approval for a PAS Mentri Besar to head a Perak coalition state government was not made out of disrespect to the Perak Sultan and Regent both whom I have always held in the highest regard and I apologise for any offence caused. The statement was on the party position at the time.

There have been further discussions and developments on the matter in the hours after the statement. Announcements of the latest position will be made.


1,799 Replies to “Apology to Perak Sultan and Regent – No offence intended”

  1. YB LKS,

    Please listen to the rakyat. We are looking forward for formation of Barisan Rakyat after the 12th General Election. Whether PAS/PKR/DAP became MB of Perak is of no importance as Perak Sultan and Raja Muda with all respect and wisdom have shown fairness to all rakyat.

    Please ensure Barisan Rakyat stand strong thru storm and sunshine as we rakyat have given mandate to Barisan Rakyat and not DAP nor PAS nor PKR.

    This is from a Chinese have more than 50 rockets behind his back and we will ensure no matter what circumstances Barisan Rakyat will stand. Dont ever give the enemies a chance to destroy the coalition. Please uncle for the rakyat sake.

  2. Dear Lim,

    The current happenings in Perak and Selangor had shown very clearly
    that malaysian Malaysia is still a dream and may remain so for as long time to come
    but I do believe that if DAP can focus on getting “fairness, transparency,
    accountability and incorruptible” governance in place then any racial issues will
    automatically fall apart as it is fundamentally against fairness.

    So please use your mandate from the people as a tool for the better of all malaysian
    and lets begin it in Penang and Perak.


  3. Uncle Lim,

    Please go(although I dun really feel nice to have a PAS MB)!!!

    But all and the all…. we need to show some RESPECT before we can ask Malay-Muslim to respect us as well….

    Without respect we just cant have fair discussion and work together, and we will still just form another barisan depending on races… cos Malay will turn back for not support DAP and chinese not willing to accept PAS…And Opposition-coalition will only be able to lead 4 yrs only….

    Yet forever we cant be successful in the process to work hard together and form Malaysian Malaysia!!!

  4. The Sultan did not make a very wise decision. In the democratic system, the majority is the winner. My thought was DAP would take control as MB. It may be difficult for the three parties to announce so, but if Sultan picks it, the people would not say anything. Now the sultan made a different choice. Chaos started….

    To reiterate my suggestion. Those in the state government, no matter they are from DAP, PAS or PKR, please detach yourselves from a particular party.

    Why Anwar did not mention anything?

    The sultan is in favor of PAS! UMNO would be in trouble, for sure.

    The Malay monarchy has to adopt to changes as well, consideration above the race, religion and sex.

    Last point. What kind of multimedia corridor is boleh????? All the major websites became tak-boleh after the election. Is this kind of situation justified for country with multi-media corridor?

  5. YB LKS…

    I do hope you think before you act everytime. Shocking decision like this really leaves us the rakyat shattering. This is not how we envisioned a full fledged Barisan Rakyat to work….you guys need to work together..PLEASE work together…you always talk about ONE MALAYSIA…and now this! What are you trying to do…crossing over to BN?

  6. Dear YB LKS,

    It must be a real hard time for you over the last 12 hours… but I do hope this issue is now resting on the ground… and we’ve got to move forward, for a long 4 years…

    Much damage had been done, I hope DAP learns how to undo the damage, and also to formulate a more systematic way to deal with tons of issues… :)

    And I seriously hope DAP could dig more into the partnership with the other opposition party… :)

    Your supporter,

  7. Kit,

    I must say I’m very disappointed with all this nonsense. At a time where discretion should have been exercised, you have displayed an appalling lack of it.

    Why all this fuss?? You can’t trust PAS?? Why? Malaysians from all walks of life trusted you guys, but now you seem to have betrayed it.

    Is this all about power?? Penang not enough? Come on! You just gave BN all the ammo it needs to send shivers down the spine of the fence sitters!

    Sigh! I’m beginning to think that there’s no difference to all of you..

    Unfortunately, damage done..no matter what remedies you take henceforth…

  8. Uncle Lim, you are back on track again. No doubt is PAS MB, so what….you party still the main. Work for the people and prove to be end that BR is much much more better. Everyone wanna to see a total change in GE-13.

    DAP, PKR or PAS i’ll vote for them.

  9. Thank you Kit. This is a wise decision and it is you to be praised for “never too stubborn to learn from a life lesson from the rakyat” – not Badawi.

    You already control a majority in the coalition and the the exco and therefore it is your party which makes the decision behind the MB; this MB thing is just a minor hiccup. Let the MB carry out the malay religious custom which you are unable to do.

    The longer term picture is to stabilise the coalition and win the next 13th GE.

  10. PAS would be a ideal&good ruler maker.
    DAP, a sraight and fast implementation mesin
    PKR, carry out fair and balance the above honourable human wish

    U 3 musketeer have a big job 2 make over MALAYSIA


  11. PAS would be a ideal&good rule maker.
    DAP, a sraight and fast implementation mesin
    PKR, carry out fair and balance the above honourable human wish

    U 3 musketeer have a big job 2 make over MALAYSIA


  12. Cheers….at least we have Barisan Rakyat again…….we have more works to do for the 5 states governments….to proof that they are liberal and more effective/efficient than previous states goverments…
    and with this i am sure you will gain more trusts……..let the new Malaysian lead Malaysia …….

  13. I was one of the heavier critics on your decision to call for DAP Assemblymen to not attend the Ceremony. Eventhough the damage have been done, but nonetheless, it takes a real man to stand up to one’s fault, and places priority of his people above one’s own. Only then will one truly be serving the people from its heart. All the best YB, must have been rough time you’re going through. I believe the situation will be salvaged and BN wont have much to capitalize on this untoward incident.

    Long Live Barisan Rakyat, Long Live Malaysian Malaysia

  14. Uncle Kit Siang,

    This is my first message on your blog. I am truly honoured when I was able to meet you at the Ceramah in Serdang on 25th February! I want to Congratulate on the success of DAP in the 12th General Election! You are truly a leader for all Malaysians! I have been reading your blog often since three weeks ago. I am quite upset with some of the replies on your previous post but nevertheless you’re a very generous and open-minded person as till the point of even allow such replies to be posted on your blog. I am truly encouraged by your humility.

    Personally, I do not mind a PAS MB in Perak if that it what the Sultan of Perak has decided as DAP Leaders have addressed the issue clearly to the supporters of DAP already. Therefore, I do not see any reason for supporters who thinks otherswise.

    You’re a person with strong convictions on your principles and I applaud you for that! I hope that you and your colleagues at CEC will make the best decision to make a strong DAP-PKR-PAS Coalition Government in the three state governments as the Rakyat is ready for CHANGE IN MALAYSIA!

    To others, let us not forget on how much Uncle Lim Kit Siang has sacrificed for us and the country! When this issue of the MB of Perak is resolved, let us hope that Uncle Lim Kit Siang to be awarded an official title, let is be Tan Sri’ or Tun’ for his service to Malaysia eventhough I am sure Uncle Lim himself does not need such title and award!

    Uncle Lim! You’re always a Hero to all Malaysians in hearts and souls! Take care and have a good rest when all the three DAP-PKR-PAS state goverments are properly established.

    May God provide His abundant grace and wisdom to all DAP leaders including PKR and PAS leaders!


  15. Uncle kit,

    I felt so relief with your apology. I found myself lack of arguments when my friends attack your decision not to attend the wear in ceremony.

    No matter what your final decision is. i will always stand by you. I trust you have enough wisdom to overcome this. I have given it a thought how to reconcile the differences between dap and pas.

    1. make PAS issue a statement to give up their ambition to build an islamic state in perak.
    2. should PAS starts any islamisation process, DAP shall pullout from the coalition unconditionally.
    3. Let the PAS candidate crossover to PKR.

    However, I personally feel that 5 years is enough for the perakians to gauge the performance of a PAS MB. If PAS manage to rule better than BN, the oppositions are hopeful to take on the federal government next rouund. It’s worth a gamble!

  16. Good! Thank you uncle Kit for the timely reversal of your earlier decision. Let good sense prevail.

    BTW I’ve visited most of the popular blogs (including this) and noticed all readers unanimously against the boycott.

  17. Uncle Lim probably did not expect such a overwhelming support of people toward a PAS MB. No, not a PAS MB, but the coalition MB! He would expect we blast at him, saying DAP has no guts, etc., but we blasted him for a different matter.

    Remember that the Malays voted for DAP as well, not because of DAP but because of coalition.

    Now with our support of the MB, it is easier for Uncle Lim to handle this business with PAS.

    ok. Uncle Lim is not going to be just the DAP leader, but also the coalition leader.

    I am sick of reading news about samy or MCA. Can the newspapers stop reporting those meaningless news?

  18. I am glad to hear that you have reversed your decision, and decided to attend the ceremony now. It is not easy, but I am glad that DAP is really listening to people voices – we need a government that listen to their people, who love their people and work for their people. Love Live! and God bless

  19. Well, everyone makes mistake. Noone is perfect. The best one could do is to learn from his mistake and not to it again. In this case, I think DAP has done a good job here!

    Cmon guys, don’t be so harsh. At least now DAP has apologized and moved on. We should also accept this apology.

  20. I am glad that DAP is still open to the new Malaysian Scenario. We have hoped beyond hope that Malaysia will be a country free from racial and religious politics. This recent new dawn surprised many of us old timers and has given us new hope. It has given all of us a window of opportunity to make Malaysia into the potential it has.

    Let’s give the new hope as desired by so many Malaysians a chance. Work with PAS for this time in Perak. I too am wary and worried of how PAS might turn out but I prefer to overcome my fear with faith, hope and love. Let all Malaysians have faith, hope and love again.

  21. I am relieved with your statement that was followed by Perak DAP leadership. YB, once again the fellow Malaysians have proven that they will take anyone including (with all due respect) you when something is overlooked or ignored that will affect the general interest of this nation. Can all of us see how we have united as one nation?


    AND to Pak Lah Please don’t warn our CM Lim Guan Eng. He is doing the best for all Malaysians. We will be behind Lim as long as he works for all.

  22. YB Lks i am so dissapointed with CEC decision not to mandate the appointment of the mb of perak.As say and do if your chairman of perak consent if any of the 3 coalation party is choosen they will accept whatsoever the decision is.But now seem like flip flop on pak lah case.I think so you should resign and stay away from the politic seem you been talking other please feel what the rakyat felt about you now.Please RESIGN

  23. MCA & Gerakan is putting oil in the fire…..they never understand what the people want. That young ka ting is making stupid statement again. He is trying to gain interest and publicity…old fashion mind thinker….throw him out forever. Election already over he should not interfere BR matter.

    Uncle Lim, I support your move. Think of the people future, Malaysian Malaysia rule by BR. A new landscape for Malaysian.

  24. I have all my 30years of my voting life lookup to Uncle Kit as my inspiration. His earlier statement is out of his concerns that we as voting rakyat has given the mandate to DAP and not PAS to lead which I must say a lot of us still a bit ‘uncomfortable’. Uncle Kit has issue his statement out of this concern on behalf of us and we should appreciate what he has done. This is to Uncle Kit, ….we understand your earlier statement is bourne out of your concern that we rakyat may feel short changed. We want to let you know that I am from the Chinese community in PJ and are beyond race and religion when it comes to fight against corruption, nepotism and injustice. If En.Nizar is along this line of thinking and treats Malay, Chinese, Indians and minorities as equals, he has my blessing. Uncle Kit, give him a chance to prove me right and I want to say you still have my full support.

  25. Hope all goes well..

    Deep in my heart, i’m sure all these will show -“Mohammad’s appointment went against the wishes of voters, especially non-Muslims” statement STUPID.. Uncle Lim gave Ong Ka Chuan the answer.

  26. Dear YB,

    I am glad that you have come to your senses. However, I think a press statement is insufficient. The damage has already been done.

    Please seek an audience with the Perak royalty to personally apologise to the royalty. I think that would be better and a more humbling thing to do. To put it bluntly, you and DAP have a serious PR exercise to do to regain the confidence of the people notwithstanding the apology.

    We want to see a united BR working for the welfare of the ordinary people. We don’t look at positions but service. Lead and serve us well with a spirit of unity for the next 5 years irregardless of race or religion and we will return our votes.

  27. YB LKS,
    Dalam komen saya beberapa artikel yang lepas ada saya mengatakan pakatan DAP/PKR/PAS bukan sahaja perlu untuk menafikan 2/3 majoriti kepada BN. Malah apa yang kami mahu BN terus di lumpuhkan kerana kami sudah tidak percaya lagi kepada BN.

    Walaupun PKR/DAP/PAS berjaya mencapai hasrat menggagalkan 2/3 majoriti kepada BN namun kami juga berasa amat bangga apabila pakatan ini dapat merampas Kedah, P.Pinang, Perak dan Selangor. Satu bonus yang tidak diduga.

    Untuk makluman YB, saya berbangsa melayu yang sebelum ini penyokong kuat BN. Selepas 4 tahun kepimpinan Pak Lah, saya sekeluarga mula rasa jengkel dengan kelemahan kepimpinannya dan yang tidak pernah berpegang kepada kata-kata. Malah kami tidak menyokong Islam Hadhari walaupun sebagai kaki tangan kerajaan dipaksa untuk menyokong segala arahan kerajaan BN.

    Pada PRU12 ini, saya sekeluarga telah berpakat untuk tidak menyokong BN lagi dan kami percaya pakatan PKR/DAP/PAS akan dapat mengubah suasana politik negara. Apa lagi dengan slogan DAP: JOM UBAH! Kami yakin dan turut walaupun pada mulanya rasa sangsi dengan pakatan ini.

    Oleh kerana kami tinggal dikawasan Kinrara, saya sekeluarga telah pergi ke pejabat DAP untuk mendapatkan bendera, banner DAP untuk kami membantu berkempen secara tidak langsung. Kami kibarkan bendera DAP dikereta dan rumah kami hingga menjadi perhatian orang ramai kerana mereka hairan, saya seorang berbangsa melayu dan kaki tangan kerajaan menyokong pakatan DAP/PKR/PAS. Saya berasa bangga mengibarkan bendera/banner PAS dikereta dan rumah saya.

    Walaupun sumbangan kami kecil dari segi membantu berkempen untuk pakatan PKR/DAP/PAS. Kami lakukan dengan keikhlasan dan keyakinan bahawa pakatan ini boleh mengubah nasib Malaysia dengan lebih cemerlang lagi. Saya tidak mendaftar nama di pejabat DAP untuk bantu berkempen atau di lain-lain tempat parti pakatan. Bagi saya itu semua tidak penting tetapi yang lebih penting ialah kejayaan.

    Kepenatan saya membantu berkempen akhirnya berbalas dengan kemenangan besar pakatan dibeberapa buah negeri dan persekutuan. Pada saat itu saya sekeluarga dengan megah tunjuk pada jiran-jiran kejayaan pakatan ini. Kita semua bersatu untuk mencapai kejayaan. DAP tidak lagi mainkan sentimen bangsa, PAS tidak bangkitkan soal ugama dan PKR boleh diterima oleh semua, malah boleh dikatakan masyarakat boleh terima pakatan ini.

    Pada pagi ini apabila terbaca surat khabar tentang kemelut yang berlaku di Perak terutama kenyataan YB supaya ADUN DAP boikot majlis perlantikan MB Perak, hati kami begitu terguris dan amat sedih sekali. Sepatutnya YB perlu berfikir secara terbuka sebelum membuat sesuatu kenyataan terutama yang boleh menggugat kestabilan pakatan yang baru lahir ini. Pihak lawan sentiasa mencari peluang untuk merosakan pakatan yang mulia ini yang dibentuk atas aspirasi rakyat yang sedar dan insaf betapa perlunya kita hidup bermasyarakat.

    Tetapi dengan kenyataan maaf YB ini, saya sekeluarga berlinang air mata bukan sahaja YB sanggup mengaku silap dan memohon maaf kepada DYMM Sultan perak secara terbuka tetapi yang lebih berkesan lagi ialah untuk memenuhi aspirasi rakyat yang berbilang kaum.

    Saya sekeluarga sentiasa berdoa semoga YB dan lain-lain pucuk pimpinan parti pakatan PKR/DAP/PAS berada dalam petunjuk jalan yang lurus bagi membentuk satu bangsa Malaysia yang dinamik dan mengkagumkan.

    Terima kasih.

  28. It’s time to change. The Menteri Besar must represent all rakyat and not a particullar race, party, religion or gender. As long as the MB is capable, clean, fair and listen to rakyat, then we will support.

    In future, we should look into let the rakyat to elect who should be the MB, regardless the race, religion, party or gender. Should have debate in public to show thier capability and vision and let rakyat decide.

  29. good move uncle lim.. and we people don’t see any harm of having a PAS MB.. we vote for the coalition.. not for a specific party… i think this is the point where DAP should be more malaysian and work collaboratively with other parties (PKR/PAS)… i noted that there are quite a numbers of Malay voted for DAP and Chinese voted for PAS/PKR during the last election… people from different races are moving forward to be closer to each other… we should focus on overall matters, not individual ideology. Think wisely and act wisely. I really admire people who can talks to the crowd and keep his virtue… let’s live in harmony and peace…


  30. Tahniah LKS.. sdr LKS akan dipandang lebih tinggi oleh orang melayu/islam dengan kenyataan maaf ini.. ini dapat menunjukkan kepada barisan pembangkang di Perak bahawa pemimpin tinggi juga mampu untuk meminta maaf kepada penyokongnya..

    PAS sudah menyatakan dari awal ketika kemenangan PKR/PAS/DAP bahawa kerajaan yang dibentuk di Perak adalah kerajaan PKR/PAS/DAP.. bukan kerajaan PAS jika MB dilantik dikalangannya.. anda semua boleh layari HarakahDaily untuk rujukan.

  31. Thank you, uncle Lim. Thank you. Some people has been reading too much from your statement, saying that you are racist.
    A second reading of your previous statement shows that your concern is on the CM coming from DAP, PAS or Keadilan. Not based on race.
    It will help if you can reassure us that race is not important. Uncle Lim, you gave us hope, don’t crush it.




  33. Since Mr. Lim voiced out his disagreement for PAS elected MB to take office, which is not unreasonable, but given the people sees that the opposition should move as one which is one of the underlying factors of the whole shift in power, why aren’t there any non-Malays exco or deputy MB in Kelantan, Kedah, as well as Selangor even if DAP has not contested in the former states? It is a “one opposition” party that the people sees after all, No?

  34. Dear YB Lim,

    I can understand your party position. In a true Westminster Democracy spirit, the CM post should be given to your party in Perak. But you’ll have to be pragmatic, DAP is not as strong as you have been lead to believe. Don’t misconstrue the result of this election, the voters did not choose DAP or PKR or PAS, they were rejecting BN.

    Now, do get this right, you were given an opportunity to prove yourself because of the circumstances not because of your party strength. Boycotting the ceremony will be taken by the voters that DAP is showing sign of arrogance, and politically you don’t want that. Also, you should know this better than me, you (DAP/PKR/PAS) didn’t win enough seats in Perak to amend the constitution, so there’s really nothing you could do about the Perak Regent’s decision, accept it, after all you still want to form a Perak State government.

    Personally, I think there are a lot of good could arise from this, DAP is given a golden opportunity to show what you are fighting for, please do not let this opportunity go to waste.

  35. “Good! Thank you uncle Kit for the timely reversal of your earlier decision. Let good sense prevail.” cheong

    “good to hear your latest statement.” Kafkalee
    Where do I find Kit’s latest statement about the reversal of DAP’s decision of rejecting MB from PAS? Please advise

  36. It is very clear that DAP still needs to discuss further and more announcement will be made !!! This is the spirit of DAP !!!

    However if eventually DAP accept it, I still support the decision, but just want to know the reason behind. I afraid DAP become another party that only know how to make compromises instead of fight for a fair society !!!

  37. what ever it is DAP need to be MB of perak. uncle kit don’t fall to all the sweet talks. why need to see sultan in the first place? to get DAP the MB. If Pas or KPR no need to see sultan.

    please! please! i beg have DAP be the MB

    if not you can’t for get all the support i have given to DAP in the past.

    you going to regret if pas is MB of perak.

    is there any way we can make take off agong and sultans?

  38. Kit, I support your stance and principle against PAS. Yes, in order to re-elect that racist umno/bn back to perak, PKR+DAP+PAS must work together, this is fact. But never forget PAS for their ideology to have malaysia as islamic country, their name already spells out. however, nasi sudah jadi bubur, ppl say the sultan/raja muda got wisdom, and pas gets to become MB ? why PAS ? why waste a MB post for a puppet. just imagine if PAS is given autonomy to govern perak, what will be their first step? cancel all perak development ? lobby sunday becomes working day ? pathing kelantan influence to perak ? if pas is generous, they shouldn’t object vehemently dap as mb, they shouldn’t even nominate themselves since they already got 2 states, they should relent and agree with DAP to give way to PKR. why they so hunger for power ? is not DAP that racist or greedy, it is PAS here! and it is blessing they cannot do this in selangor!

  39. YB, I’ve have the greatest respect for you as a leader, and as a man of character. The refusal to attend the ceremony, however, has really opened the door for the BN to paint the opposition as incapable of working together. I am glad for the reversal of your previous statement, but it’s my sincere hope the damage is not done. Unity between the coalition parties, for the sake of the rakyat, has to be the priority in these historical times.

  40. Hi YB Kit, I guess after a long tiring week, every little thing that does not go the way it was initially planned can really get into our nerves.

    Like what Utopia says..’everyone makes mistakes”. but the diference is all eyes are on the DAP-PRR-PAS coalition states. every single tiny mistake is made into a national news by our Barisan Najis media.

    Please do not make hasty decision or hasty remarks over the blog or during PC.

    After all that is said… i still support you YB Kit.

  41. Thank you for reconsidering your decision. Please… go to the swearing-in ceremony. Although I am shocked that PAS will become the MB of Perak, I still feel that we shouldn’t ‘boycott’ them. It’s a matter of respect and graciousness. Thank you.

  42. Its a shame now that DAP members are fighting for the Deputy MB post. Give to the most experinced and capable person. Forget about the your conies. Look like Au Yong is only a puppet. Comes on be a hero, forget your own benefits and really come out to serve people. We have donating money to DAP, we want to see they are paying back the people. Donate your salary, as some are now on double pay.

  43. Dear Uncle Lim:

    I am glad that the LIGHT finally shines upon you.. Bravo! Only great leaders realizes their follies and apologies unashamedly. In this new era we all must live and work together as a team for the betterment of Malaysia. Keep up the good work and God Bless Our Nation. It is only the beginning of a long and strenous fight ahead of us but be assured we are behind you in your courageous fight for our nation and its citizens!!!! Syabas and thank you…

  44. How can 1 be so naive? The mindset has been like that for 50yrs. How can it change over night over 1 election?

    I don’t care if “Ah Chong”, “Ahmad” or “Raju” becomes the MB as long as he serves everyone well, fair and get his job DONE.

    I am glad you are reconsidering your decision.

  45. Good job YB!! Again, BN loves to make every politics into a race-based politics. Any opportunities for BN to attack would be done, as you can see in our local newspapers who are very much pro-BN papers. Sultan of Perak obviously did not elect based on rakyat’s majority wishes, but lets not allow that to deter our determination to make this Malaysia as one-race country. I suspect Sultan’s decision may have been in favour of BN, so that these racial issues would arise again.
    However, I’m sure DAP-PKR-PAS can sit down together and overcome differences and govern this country away from BN. No more race-based politics!!
    Another hope I have is to see some Malay joining DAP, and Chinese joining PAS so that we would have politics that is based on merits and achievements but not race. Once again, “Doesnt matter if the cat is black or white, as long as the cat catches the mouse!!”

  46. Kit,

    The RAKYAT has spoken, once again, judging from the contents from majority of the comments.

    Please, do not try, not even to think about building a dynasty within your family or your personal/close supporter. Use the mandate given to you to serve to the best interest of the RAKYAT. Use the best people you have and not side-lining non-main stream MP’s.

    Teng is one of the example, he should be the best candidate for deputy Selangor MD. If in-fighting continue even within DAP, what confidence are you giving us that BA will work?

    Jeff Ooi, Tony Pua and others, do not over shine or out do your bosses, you know what I mean, unless Kit and GE are willing to change.

    Thank you.

  47. all BN parties, hardcore opposition leaders, and hardcore supporters, pls respect sultan’s decision.

    my guess is that this round of politics tsunami is about malaysian’s malaysia, prove this a model, and everyone will find their fight more meaningful and respected.

    with major DAP+PKR in the government, PAS pls remember the BA government is for the ppl, be appreciate being involved in the historical moment, pls work hard with all and defy all challeges.

    i hope all malaysians can show their support and acknowledge the good works.

  48. Dear Lim,

    I’m a Malay and I have taken much of my time to convince many Malay friends to vote for your party and they did. Whether they assisted DAP or not is a fact that can’t be contested today.

    When your Party objects to the New MB, my question is: Does DAP think that they love the people of Perak more than the Sultan? Does they think that they care for the people of Perak more than the Perak Sultan? Does they think they care about the wellbeing, welfare and prosperity of the people of Perak more than the Perak Sultan? Does DAP think the Perak Sulan is stupid and that DAP is the best to know who should lead Perak? Why does DAP say that it respects the consitution and works for the people and the Sultan and spits at the face of the Sultan; the ruler of Perak? So DAP cares for Perak’s wellbeing while the Sultan is its enemy? Ka?

    Do you know the Sultan is naive? Do you think the new MB is naive as to know what should be done? I’m hurt and I do know how I can recover but we need a detailed apology.

    BN: Pliz note that BN is dead. UMNO is dying and MCA and Gerekan were parties that used to exsist and they are no longer here. They are the past. If your fear that the MCA Star will character assasinate you and lambaste you always, remember what they did to Anwar? They literally lynched him but we the Malays voted for his party and DAP and PAS as he has suggested. If the MCA Star newspaper lynches you just like Anwar, it will only make you greater and more relevant. Remember the Chinese saying: A true gold doesn’t fear fire. Hope you read the mood of the nation and tread carefully.


  49. Mr.Lim,
    I spoke to one of your DAP MPs last nite. I understand the problem was created by the lack of communication between Perak DAP and the CEC. The thing to do now is to make a wrong thing right. You need to attend the ceremony.

    DAP is part of the Perak Gov., not the Opposition. You have a different role to play. DAP is THE GOVERMENT in Penang, Selangor and Perak.

    Support your colleaques in Perak. There is so much work to do. All the local councils need cleaning up. These are the more important issues at hand and not who is the MB. We expect the corruption in DBI and other Gov agencies to be addressed and the whole system revamped. Don’t make the start of a difficult job more difficult by creating new issues.

    Don’t give any opportunity to the BN media to attack the People’s Front. OKC is trying to play hero by commenting on DAP/PAS coalition. Ali is playing card again. DAP has 5 years to prove that it is a viable party with the capabilities to rule.

  50. Well said ……………. musyu99 said:
    “Saya sekeluarga sentiasa berdoa semoga YB dan lain-lain pucuk pimpinan parti pakatan PKR/DAP/PAS berada dalam petunjuk jalan yang lurus bagi membentuk satu bangsa Malaysia yang dinamik dan mengkagumkan.”

    I urged that
    “PAS/PKR/DAP practice a liberal and open-minded and sincere leadership ”
    “PAS/PKR/DAP terus berjuang dan berkhimat demi semua lapisan masyarakat dan negara…dan bukan kepenting segelinter/sekumpulan/atau sesebuag parti saje, yang penting memberikan peluang secara adil dan saksama, memajukan ekonomi dan memahami suara dari lapisan masyarakat…..”

    terima kasih

  51. I am sure that this new batch of PAS leaders are open-minded to know how to cooperate with the DAP leaders.

    Give them a go and see what happens. The DAP still control the numbers, although PAS control the swinging votes that will determine who will be in the MB’s seat.

    We just go by convention – it is aprt of constitutional law – by appointing non-Malays and DCM1 ans DCM2. What’s the problem.

    Handled properly, the relationship will scale new heights in political cooperation based mainly on the interests of the people of Malaysia as Malaysians.

    Let us leqarn to give and take. Let us provide a mnew model in political cooperation – a cooperation of equals and not the master and the eunuch.

    My best wishes to the DAP, PKR and PAS leaders. May God guidethem in their journey into uncharted waters.

    And yes, my congratulations to Kit for a fine job of wresting so many seats from the formidable National Front.

  52. Uncle Kit, bear in miind, don’t ever be emotional. Chinese got a saying that “Revert One Step Behind, The Sky & Sea will be Clear”.

    I felt a big releif because to gain is not easy instead to lose is just as simply as a wrong utter. History will always be fair and square. The Malaysians are waiting you all guys to create a history.


  53. I hope to see one party only to represent only the alternative front, rather than, we divide ourself into DAP, PKR. I have to count PAS out as I do not think PAS could fit into one vision because of their islamic idealism which we respect them.

    Dissolve DAP, PKR and merge them into one new party. I think thats most ideal.

  54. Uncle Lim
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I’m truly relieve to read this latest update. Being a Malay, i’m dissapointed with what the BN has done to uplift the welfare of Perakians. The new partnership has my blessing

    Chandan Boy

  55. pas, dap, pkr adalah dari tuhan yang sama. kita juga berhadapan dengan iblis yang sama. kepada penyokong kaum cina, janganlah jadi ultra cina. pikirkanlah juga hati orang melayu dan india. kita semua tidak mahu ada ultra malay atau ultra india. kita duduk di bumi tuhan yang sama. lepas ini kita akan mati dan tinggalkan ini semua. nasib kita ditentukan tuhan, tapi kita yang ‘lead’ kepada nasib kita. lu pikir la sendiri….

  56. Uncle Kit, your decision to issue an apology was a wise one. The longer you take, the bigger the damage.

    For pulau_sibu and Chong Zhemin, please think along this line;

    Q1) Who will control the state govt if Jamaludin of PKR appointed MB? Answer : Anwar Ibrahim

    Q2) Who will control the state govt if Nizar of PAS appointed MB? Answer : Ngeh Koo Ham as DAP has 18 seats compared to 6 in PAS. Don’t forget that they can work together as Pasir Panjang is a Negeri state in Bruas Parliament. Moreover, it was Ngeh himself who nominated Nizar, the most academically qualified of the 9 Malay state assemblymen.

    Q3) Who will control the state govt if Ngeh appointed MB? Answer : UMNO. Why? ‘Coz it’s so easy to entice 2 out of 9 assemblymen to cross over to BN. They will say it is ‘justified’ to do so to protect the rights of the Malay Muslim.

    Q4) Who is smarter? Answer : Raja Dr. Nazrin and Ngeh Koo Ham

    Q5) What needs to be done by DAP? Answer : To convince the chinese voters that Nizar is a technocrate, not an ‘ulama’ and is clean. Nizar and Ngeh will actually report to each other. Also, with 18 seats + 4 non-bumi seats from PKR, you have the upper hand. Well, DAP has four years to do that & defend against MCA and Gerakan’s lies to the rakyat.

  57. Uncle Lim,

    First i would like to express my congratulations to DAP for its victory in the just completed election.
    I am a Perak citizen from Taiping and I voted for DAP. I voted for DAP not because of chinese ethnicity and chinese right. I voted for DAP for a better Malaysia.
    As a Perak citizen of this new state goverment of DAP/PKR/PAS, I do not see the appointment of Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin as a PAS MB. I view him as the new coalition state government MB. I do not think this has caused shock and consternation to the people of Perak. And why should it be?
    Uncle Lim, DAP is now the government of the Perak state. No longer an opposition. Boycott is not a wise move. In fact, it shows the lack of attitude.
    Yes, the Sultan can use his prerogative to overrule the constitution in this case. But i would prefer the prerogativeto be used under a more important circumstance. Overruling just to appoint the party leader with the most seats in the state is not justified. My suggestion is, now that DAP is part of the state government it can propose to the state to amend the state constitution regarding the appointment of MB to open to all qualify citizen of Malaysia. This will secure a long term solution to the equal rights of Malaysian rather than asking the Sultan to overrule everytime a new appointment of MB is needed.
    This is my view on the new state government. This is my state and this is my government. The government should rule by the people. That’s is why BN was denied.

  58. DAP will become irrelevant like BN and it’s component parties if it keep playing “opposition” or race card.same goes for PAS,PKR and all the rest.i can understand, it’s been too long since neither party has had a chance to rule anything.all both know is to play opposition. but guys, it’s time all you grew up. ppl want a strong opposition, not stupid infighting ones.country and people come first and not your petty grievances.

    if you guys are smart, you have been given a golden opportunity to be a TRUE OPPOSITION. ACT LIKE ONE then!

    i foresee, someday, the party will become inconsequential and the individuals will matter more.so watch out on the next election.as many have said, the worst enemy of all the opposition parties are themselves.

    i am a malaysian, and many like me do not wish to be identified by our race anymore. i hope to live long enough to see the day when “RACE/RELIGION” no longer is printed on government forms and stuff. we are malaysians, not indians and chinese or malay anymore. we want a TRUE OPPOSITION.not silly squabbles like this.

    Remember, you are the government now.Don’t play stupid opposition anymore!work for the people and country and people will vote for your again and again.

  59. “MCA & Gerakan is putting oil in the fire…..they never understand what the people want. That young ka ting is making stupid statement again. He is trying to gain interest and publicity…old fashion mind thinker….throw him out forever. Election already over he should not interfere BR matter.” nahoda

    Looks like OKT & the like have not learned their lessons yet. Such cheap shots will only earn the wrath of the voters!!!

  60. KIt Siang,
    Thank you for your public apology. What a sigh of relief! To err is only human. The important thing is that you have risen to the occassion and did the right thing. Right now, if I may put my 2 cents worth, you need to thread carefully and avoid any more actions that will sabotage the so called Barisan Rakyat (of which the DAP is part of), lest you unwittingly provide more ammo to the BN to kill you or worse still alienate your supporters. Working alone as DAP was easy. Working in a coalition is a different game altogether. It is like walking on a tightrope. To avoid similar problems in the future, please take the lead and work through your other coalition partners (PKR & PAS) a cohesive strategy for the way forward. The current loose terms of reference of the BR is going to be a recipe for disaster. The BR had worked out a brilliant strategy pre election. Now that you guys are in the driving seat, what is the way forward? Public bickering on your ideologcal differences will be your archilles heel. LIm Guan Eng is making statements on the NEP which is contrary to the Peoples Declaration that the DAP has endorsed. PAS has said something else on the NEP. Anuar has postulated another view. It is time that all the coalition partners of BR iron out these issues and come out with a united stand on these sensitive issues. If the BR intends to be a solid alternative to the BN, please get your act together. If BR’s left hand does not know what it’s right hand is doing, your credibility is at stake. It is time to to tone down partisan chauvinism and learn how to work as a cohesive team. As loyal supporters, we hope an pray that the leaders in DAP, PKR and PAS will have the maturity and wisdom to do the right things to take advantage of this golden opportunity which took a long 50 long years to present itself. We may never get this chance again. So please do blow it. Think before you act. Your actions must be seen to be fair to all races, be it Malay, Chinese, Indian or others. Rise above partisan politics and work towards serving the needs of a trully Malaysian Malaysia.

  61. Like it or not, despite the term ‘Barisan Rakyat’, there are people who believe that there is a marriage of convenience going on among DAP-PKR-PAS.

    Are these three sleeping partners having a common dream – a fair and progressive Malaysia where race and religion are not divisive factors but provide strength and diversity to the nation?

    The results of the 12th GE are just the beginning of a new and untested dawn for lots of hopeful Malaysians (many of whom threw caution and suspicion into the wind to vote for DAP, PKR, and PAS) who dared to dream of changes for the better of all Malaysians, today and tomorrow.

    DAP, PKR, and PAS: Please do not for one minute think that you have reached the political summut. You are just embarking on a long and winding road to the political summit. The real battle is 4 to 5 years from now when the 13th GE will be held. By then, voters, your bosses, would have decided to kick you out/terminate you or give you the mandate to rule the federal government as well.

    If DAP, PKR, and PAS screwed up this incredible opportunity to convince Malaysians of their worthiness, then they will force voters to go back to the racial cocoon mentality.

    DAP, PKR, and PAS should learn from this appointing Perak MB incidence. There are rules in the real world and you have to work within the rules, some of which are beyond the control of political parties and cannot be changed overnight. You should know the rules before going into any GE!

    DAP, PKR, and PAS: you are no longer opposition parties in Perak and Selangor. Together you are majority but on your own, you are not. Remember the BN has 28 seats in Perak DUN. Anytime, with crossovers of a couple of DAP, PKR, or PAS chaps to the BN, you will very quickly revert to be the opposition again!

    DAP, PKR, and PAS: Do the right things!! Avoid going down the slippery road taken by the BN!!

    Voters are smarter now and not so easily brain washed by mass media.

  62. I am a Chinese malaysian. And please, uncle Lim, you go to the palace, go on your knees and ask for forgiveness.

    It is only proper. Because this is a monarchy and the state sultanate system is accepted by all who live in Malaysia or call themselves Malaysians. it is a basic constitutional structure. You respect that. If you don’t all hell breaks loose.

    And then you tender your resignation as party honcho and downgrade to member.

    Because, from your actions and your blogging, you have proven yourself unfit to lead the party. Utterly irresponsible.

  63. Dear YB Lim,

    Guess you are now in the same category as Pak Lah, today say something, tomorow change. Today DAP perak says they will respect the wishes of the sultan ( and you or your CEC did not object ) and when the sultan made his choice, you call for boycott. Before even starting to work for the rakyat, you are now trying to show off your power. I think that you really need to relook into yourself to see if you are the right person now to lead us into the next GE ( well DAP has won this round & perhaps its time for you to make an exit when you are still at the top ). I’m really dissapointed with your stand as i voted for DAP for the 1st time this GE ( and i hope i won’t regret this for the next 5 years)

  64. YB Lim,
    I’m glad to read this statement and I agree that you should attend the ceremony, don’t give the UMNO asses to exploit this issue.
    We must be extra hard working and careful with Penang as UMNO will 100% play the race card. That’s the only card they can play. They cannot fight DAP on corruption and efficiency. DAP will need to keep campaigning to counter all UMNO and its cronies BS racial statements.

  65. Ong Ka Chuan is irrelevant already. He still behaving like an eunuch. No balls. After his humiliation loss to Fong Po Kuan in 2004, he begged his younger brother, Ong Ka Ting, to give him to contest in a safe seat. He doesn’t have the courage to stand again in Batu Gajah. What a shame. And now he’s trying to take some cheap shot. Haha. Nobody will fall into his trap as we are now more matured. MCA will still forever an eunuch to UMNO. This is the reality.

  66. Dear all,

    Wrong or unwise decisions are (and will continue to be) made from time to time. To err is human.

    If there is anything to be gained from this episode, it is that the voice of the masses are respected by those now in power, and that can only be a good thing as we go forward.

  67. Guys,
    uncle kit is a old hand at politics. I suspect that what he did was a ploy to placate the old generation supporters as well as to deflect potential bullets from MCA and the like which DAP will get had they submissively accepted the appointment of Nizar.

    I can bet that he had prior agreements with the coalition partners ie Nik and Anwar before he came out with his statement last night.
    Notice no comments from Anwar and PAS??

    In one stroke, he has achieved his objective. I dare to further wager ( can see that I’m a betting man..)that he will instruct Ngeh and team to enthusiastically support Nizar at the swearing in ceremony today!

    Syabas to DAP and Barisan Rakyat (uncle, you need to quickly formalize this body. We need this to move on to win over the rest of the Country!

  68. Hello Uncle Lim,

    I am glad that DAP has accepted working with the PAS and PKR on Perak regardless of who is the head. The keyword is all parties are working with one another. Neither is above the other when it comes to the matter of fairness to the people.

    Like what others have mentioned, the people have voted in the opposition(government in waiting?) as a whole.

    Changes take time. It takes understanding. It takes tolerance. Most of all, it needs cooperation.

    BN lacks all of the above. Its going to be a tough fight uphill for the BA. It won’t be easy taking over runnings of the 4 new states. More than likely, the BN will be at every corner trying to create trouble and make the BA look bad. This is where unity is important.

    By uniting the 3 parties as a BA, what you all have done is unite the voices of all the races under a whole rather than separated.

    It does not matter if our nation grows by 10% a year when the corruption grows equally or even more. So much wealth is squandered on unnecessary or overblown projects.

    Police earning as low as RM800 a month in federal land when a 7-11 cashier earns RM700 a month!!! Its little wonder that to the people, the police moto is “why risk it?”.

    Just by working removing the problems with the system, there will be a visible improvement in the standard of living all round.

    The people have had enough of economic growth that benefits only the wealthy and the powerful which is invisible to the people.

    Humility, cooperation, tolerance, fairness… thats what the people want to see.

  69. Uncle Lim must be shocked with the sentiment of the people when you announced boycotting the swearing in of MB ceremony. I hope Uncle Lim will learn to think before acting on impulse. I have been an unwaivering supporter of DAP all my life and have the highest regards for Uncle Lim and DAP team but I must say this incident actually acknowledged my fear of the coalition not being united which is exactly the opportunity that UMNO is waiting for. Please deny UMNO the pleasure of capitalizing on this and say to the raykat, “See, I told you so. How can they run a government when they cannot even work among themselves?” This is a crucial term for DAP/PKR/PAS to prove to the rakyat on their unity.

    We need to respect the Sultan’s decision. The Perak Sultan and Regent have my highest regards among all the royalties other than Selangor Sultan. Having said that, it does not mean I am for a PAS MB but I believe there is a reason for their choice. Uncle Lim has to understand and compromise with all your Assemblymen. All have to work towards a common goal. That’s what the rakyat want. Quoting a proverb which is equivalent to a Hokkien saying,
    “For a tree to grow taller, it must grow tough roots amongst the rocks.” Put internal differences aside whether with PAS or among DAP members.

    I hope the outcome from the new discussion and development would be a wise choice. You have my support.


  70. Uncle Lim,

    it is really sad to know that you even had the intent to boycott the swearing in. who gives a rats a** is the person sworn in is from a minority party or is Malay or what. If that is your reasoning, then all that you have said during campaign are total lies.

    1) Chinese rights. should we be 2nd class because we are minorities? VS DAP should be MB because PAS is minority

    2) Malaysian VS malay, chinese, indian, bidayoh, dayak, kadazan, or even orang utan (aka khairy).

    You said that you have read out a 3 para statement to apologize to the Sultan. Please post the statement in the blog or newspaper and prepare a statement of apology for the people.
    I cast my vote for you Uncle Lim. Yes I am in your constituency. Please do not make me regret my choice. I did not vote out blood suckers in exchange for hypocrites.

  71. saudara lim kit siang.

    lima tahun bukan tempoh masa yang lama. sukacitanya saya nyatakan, tidak mustahil sokongan kami kembali kepada barisan nasional jika barisan rakyat gagal berfungsi dan berperanan sebagaimana yang diidam-idamkan.

    lim kit siang, anda bermain dengan api. sifat perkauman anda terlalu tebal dan bebal. adakah anda fikir dap boleh berjaya sejauh ini jika tidak kerana sokongan kami. kami bukan bodoh menyokong sesuatu yang akan menggugat dan menghakis hak kami.

    kami dituntut untuk berani melakukan perubahan bagi menuntut hak sebagai sebuah keluarga baik cina, india mahupun melayu tetapi bagaimana dengan anda.

    berapa lama perjuangan anda selama ini dan apakah pencapaian anda jika tanpa sokongan kami.


  72. hello! LKS thank you and you did a correct job ..for perak MB post.. we dap member thru out the nation will give feedback and complaint thru this blog…let the member be your rocket eyes for BN authority observant.

    plan stragically in penang to creates pillar for DAP to launch more rocket thru out the malaysia nation in next polling… set an example from LKY past experience and i belief that your son can managed penang fairly to all regardless races , poor or rich.. now we have to attract foreign investor for penang development…

    i should suggest that set a good example in rulling a states as in penang… i think DAP can manage 50 fold better then the rest of the party…

    Good luck to you and the gang… keep the spirit high cos we have managed ourself to deny 2/3 ..we should enjoy… stay happy and healthy…. stay low profiles for a time being to consolidates stratergic planning….. for the next launch….

  73. Tnanks Uncle,
    I knew my faith in you is justified . I understand that what the Sultan decided was not really fair to DAP and you are magnanimous in giving the apology anyway.
    I pray you will always bear in mind that the vote given to DAP and the mandate is from all Malaysians including Malays like me .

  74. YB Lim;

    last night l called you UNCLE KIT, today you’re different one, really a YB. Never pretend to be a Guan Eng father, DAP Supremo, Chinese fighter BUT nation statesman.

    Kudos for you sir.

    We can deny BN in GE13.

  75. In this difficult situation that DAP is facing I would like to say that at this moment, this can be considered a wise move by Sr. Lim. From the begining I have state that I dont quite agree to have a chinese candidate to be the menteri besar of Perak. This is bcos in the next election Barisan Rakyat might faced a backlash from the malay communites. BN will definitely stand to gain from backlash if there is any. Secondly, if a chinese from the DAP will to become the menteri besar then he will faced a lot of difficulty to run the state efficiently. He will faced tremendous pressure from the BN and the malay communities in Perak. Issue such as land, housing and etc will be made into a racial issues.We must bear in mind that the non-malays in Perak are the minoritiies. Thirdly, the candidate from PAS will probably take a more moderate islamic stand in this mixed population unlike Kelantan. Fourthly, the perak ppl irrespective of race will gain more if the PAS candidate practise equality, transparency and accountibility unlike the BN discriminatory policies. This will definitely put pressure on the BN government to change their existing discriminatory policies if they wants to win back the non-malays vote. From this episode , we might say that it is too bad that the PKR candidates do not have any paper qualification.

  76. Uncle Lim,
    I understand the predicament that DAP faces, and in my opinion, there is no single candidate out of the 3 components that would meet 100% approval from everyone. The saving grace of course, is that BR has a common vision and purpose to bring about a just society for all malaysians, to uphold justice, practise good governance and to weed out corruption.

    Your earlier stand is not without merit completely, esp in the light of MCA’s accusation published in the STAR today. The sentiments of the DAP supporters notwithstanding, however, we need to look at the big picture. I imagine you and your team will be reaching out to the people of Perak to help them understand and to garner their support for the new state leadership team. Lets all give the new MB a chance to prove to the people that, the new govt of perak will be good and fair to all.

    I applaud you for the courage shown thus far… to be a dissenting voice even though u must know yesterday that your stand will not be popular, and hving done that, eat the humble pie and apologise now.

    I wish you and your team all the best….

  77. Thanks, Kit, for doing the right thing.
    Let’s bury this topic in the category of ‘human mistakes’, irrespective of the damage it might have done.

    “I am sick of reading news about samy or MCA. Can the newspapers stop reporting those meaningless news?”
    pulau_sibu, why not instead you stop reading them?
    If you stopped reading them, and everyone else stopped reading (and buying) them, the problem would solve itself.
    I am sure the wise leaders and advisers of BR are aware of the fact, that one of the next huge steps will be the establishment of a daily paper providing fair reporting. If things move on as they are at the moment, Vincent Tan might be tempted to pick up on the idea.
    Also, our brothers and sisters in the rural area must not be deprived of decent reporting, neither.

  78. Hi,

    I am one of the voters who gave PAS a 72-vote majority in Lubok Merbau, which may be one of the reasons why the opposition is able to have a marginal majority in the Perak state assembly. I hope Mr Lim and his DAP “comrades” treasure the opportunity to prove their governing ability to the people, not resorting to political ploys even before the formation of the state government. PAS is a minority party in the assembly, and with a large number of BN representatives, the people are not worried about over-islamization of the state. In fact, from recent reports in even Chinese newspapers, quite a lot of people are having the impression that the PAS candidate is indeed a better choice among those proposed.

    Hann Wei

  79. Dear Uncle Lim,

    Please, you must help the People in Perak to stop this. DAP must rule, I heard that there is such rule that only muslims are allowed to be MB.

    Honestly if other parties are made the MB, then 4 years later, not alot of people will vote for Opposition party anymore. I was born in Perak and I dont feel like anyone of us like Jawi words on the signboards,

    Chinese or Indians or any other religion people can rule the state as well, why would people say we are a multi culture country where it can only be run by muslims?

    Better say this is a muslim country and people like chinese and indian stay at our land! This is so unfair!

    Uncle Lim, with all respect DAP must win this or opposition will be at threat on the next election.

    I would say not more than 10% of people would prefer Perak to be run bu PAS, can you imagine your wife or daugters are fouced to wear Tudung? no more pubs and liquors? no more late nights?

    Please help!!

  80. Thanks Hero from DAP for your sincerly APOLOGY! DATO Lim Kit Siang you are my hero again. You had teach us the lesson we must do our correction for the mistake we made. Thumb up for our Yang Berkhidmat LIM KIT SIANG.

  81. One more thing Uncle YB Lim,

    You are now the govt of Penang, Perak & Selangor. You are now no more the opposition. Whatever that you say or do will now have an impact on our economy… Look at today’s KLSE, after one comment from you.. it drops again. This is because your comment now has an impact on investors and this will have an negative impact on us ( the normal rakyat who is trying to survive ).

    I urge you and your party to think before you open your mouth and say something stupid as you are now the govt of today and not just an opposition party or leader. Please, do not open your mouth and shoot like before as DAP is now the Govt of 3 major states in Malaysia. No point saying something and then say sorry later as investors will just move away and we , the rakyat who voted for you suffer. DAP is no more an opposition party like before, in 2008 DAP is the kerajaan of perak, penang & selangor. Please remember this ya..

  82. All DAP member please be a observant and feed back in this blog if you can see people are trying to spread lies , negative thought that they are using to split barisan BA… especially the little ong saying that DAP duped chinese voters… i don’t think the little ong is a chinese …supporter… I heard that during that nite after election on 08,march,08 almost everybody that votes for BA are praying on thier knees to deny 2/3.. i got feedback from among my fren… most of them are praying hard for the change/…. take it easy LKS and the gang I think in our nation we have 12million are behind your back …. for support…

  83. YB Lim.

    Bravo on your statement. You will have my continued support in our fight for justice and equality irrespective of race and religion. Let us just form the government first and from there BA has to prove to the rakyat that they are really an alternative to BN. Your speech in USJ12 eventhough you are not well at that time inspired us. Irrespective of the race and religion we are all brothers and sisters and we are malaysians. Give PAS and BA a fighting chance.

  84. Uncle Lim,

    From the bottom of my heart, please do not repeat such a stupid action. I woke up this morning and my ulcer acted up because of the news showing the statement you made yesterday evening. I am thinking, first your son has to go on air telling the whole country about the NEP and your rejection of PAS Menteri Besar. I smelt racism at highest level. I hope and pray that your apologies can undo the damage you have done to the DAP and the hurt that you have incurred to the voters who voted for DAP.

    Please instruct you son to set up a website to gather input on how to make Penang great again. And tell him, the abolishment of the local council summon is not a good ideal, it will be better if the summon can be discounted like 70% if the offender pay within 30 days. And do not abolish the NEP, you can practise the NEP in a more transparent and fairer manner. NEP is meant to help the poor of all races, so do it and don’t stop it.

    Lastly uncle Lim, loosen your grip on the young team you have there. Do not act like you own them. You have a good team now, let them grow and reinvent a more dynamic DAP for the future.

  85. Dear Democracy,

    Do you know why we are supporting DAP this time?

    If comparing with BN, DAP is with lesser experience to lead the PERAK state!

    We supported DAP because it is able to fight not only for the chinese community but also for all malaysian towards democracy!!!!

    DAP is able to do and say something that BN would not do in BN! This is the most important strength of DAP!

    Unfortunately, DAP has made a very wrong decision in PERAK!!! Now, DAP is no longer as its role! DAP Perak just acts as MCA!!

    DAP of perak is giving up the people there as well as democracy for power and certain position!

    Please remember that :-

    IF DAP of PERAK acts like BN , why dont we choose BN since BN has more experiences?

    The minority to lead the majority in PERAK is a shame on Democracy!

    DAP of Perak would pay for it in the 13th GE!!!!


    Many Thanks!

  86. Few could have anticipated the outcome of the 12th GE. Quite obviously, I don’t think the possibility of forming coalition government in states like Perak and Selangor had crossed the mind of PKR/DAP/PAS leaders.

    It is not an easy task to form a coalition government in such a short time, especially when the 3 parties were not prepared in the first place. I believe that the voters understand this situation and are prepared to be very forgiving for any initial hiccups.

    Please try not to make any hasty decisions and/or statements. We voted for BR and we want to see BA succeed!

  87. Uncle Lim,

    Pls understand now u r the government not the opposition…discretion is greatly advised. We have put u there to teach the ruling party how to administer a Malaysian state and how all Malaysian can co-exist to develop a state regardless who the MB is coz the state in not the MB’s alone. It’s the rakyat’s…MAKKALSAKTHI..remember.

  88. Uncle Kit, you know we have been waiting 50 years for this moment, we had been working so hard at the bottom of our heart to see DAP will prosper and florish for the nation. Future generation’s propect lays in the hands of B.R.

    So, the responsibilities and tasks lay on your shoulders and vital. Have a clear mind and objective NO matter what kind of obstacles strive on. This is just a beginning………………

  89. Thank you Uncle Lim.
    It was a test on your humility & meekness.
    It takes a brave man & a bigger man to turn around & to apologise on an extremely difficult decision made earlier and today you are that bigger man.
    It goes to show how humble & pliable uncle Lim is and he is always at the ground to listen & lead all the rakyat of Malaysia.
    Many congratulations uncle Lim, you have passed the test with flying colours!
    Rest well & stay sharp!

  90. All’s well, that ends well….well, not quite so fast, at least not just yet.

    The journey to replace BN has only just begun. Now BARISAN RAKYAT has to prove they can deliver in the 5 states, helping each other to score more and more successes along the way.

    Come 2013, Barisan Rakyat will be ready to be the new government in Malaysia and will replace the corrupt, crony-istic BN.

  91. i am dap supporter. thanks for your wise decision. we need a chance to show our leadership and now sultan has given it to us. we should appreciate that. i respect malays and indians. they are my fren. i welcome the wind of change. and i strongly believe the new perak government is better than the previous !

  92. Uncle Lim – I voted and I persuaded my family to vote for you – so please don’t disappoint me by doing these sort of brainless CRAP.

    If it have to be PAS, so be it. It looks STUPID and DISHONOURABLE to have given written agreement for the Sultan to pick as he wishes, only to cry uncle when the Sultan pick the 1/3 that you don’t like.

    Live with it! PAS is already trying their best to temper their manifesto to work with you guys, live up to the name and stop making such bigot decisions!

    Hope you guys will clean up your act … sheesh what a LOUSY start….

  93. i am shock to hear that PAS became the MB. But i am disappointed but have to respect the decision by the Sultan. What ever it is . i sincerely hope the new MB from PAS will be a fair and just,when making decision in this multi races Perak state.


  94. Dear LKS,

    I am a Malay Muslim supporter of Barisan Rakyat and agree with most ppl who commented. Thank you LKS for hearing us out! To reiterate what others have spoken — DAP (and PAS too) should refrain from unnecessary idealistic public statements for now, stick with our common grounds (peace, justice, accountability, integrity, serving the rakyat/community etc etc) and common goals (kick UMNO/BN out!!!). We need to keep the momentum going throughout this next 5 years. Treat each day as election day!

  95. We can see so many comments from our malays in this blog to support Kit’s statement of apology.It proves that Malay also support DAP for the sake of creating a better Malaysia. I can see many people have asked DSAI to settle this issue with DAP last night as per DSAI blog. They are very concern about it.

  96. Uncle Lim,

    I am glad that you apology on this matter.

    Although I respect your firm stand that DAP is not happy with a PAS MB, I guess you have mis-judged on how high the respect Malaysian people given to the Perak sultan. His majesty is kind like the one and only one King that can gain so much respect from people in this country.

    I hope you and the DAP party can be more confidence. As long as the result seen in Perak and Penang … the rulling term shall continue… let’s get back to work!

  97. Thanks YB Lim for the apology.

    It’s important that we admit our mistakes.

    Being a Chinese, for the first time, I have successfully convinved my family members to vote for PAS instead of MCA/BN. We don’t mind PAS being the MB as long as he practices equality, justice, corruption-free policies, and does not turn the state into an Islamic state.

    As long as the DAP-PKR-PAS coalition can prove themselves to be better than BN, I will continue to support them!

  98. Thank you uncle Lim for the statement. I also would like to apologised for remarks I made about you yesterday.

    I believe everyone here is a bit emotional and get carried away. I believe PAS may not be the ideal candidate in a Chinese dominant state. However, under the current political tsunami/government change or whatever you might call it, PAS will need to show that they can cater to the needs of the people (Malay/Chinese/Indian).

    PAS idealistic religious government has had mixed performance ie very good in eradicating corruption & maintaining peace but poorly in socio economic. I believe it is our duty to assist PAS, to enlighten them to take the moderated/modern Islamic approach in managing government. Like Lim Guan Eng said yesterday “Don’t tell me the problems, tell me the solutions!”. Instead of criticizing them of their religious believe and their failure, lets help them make Perak a multi cultural place. If they refuse to listen, then only we shall drop them.

    Together, let us make this Malaysia for Malaysian. And finally I am starting to believe in Malaysia Boleh

  99. Wise move, Uncle Lim! As a Ipohan + Perakian, I could see where you come from. Bein’ the majority seat holders, you’ve every reason to do so in favour of a fair and democratic outcome. You’re in a very difficult position. But since DAP has left its fate to the Sultan, like it or not, it’s the Sultan’s choice, and we’ve to respect your highness’s decision. Since the MB, and TMBs involved 3 races, and all representatives for 3 parties, this is the “Best combo” we could ask for. I reckon we, Perakians will understand, that’s nothin’ to do with your’/DAP competency to defend your stance and rights, accepting the appointment is just bein’ respectful and big-hearted. Btw, you must have really heard us, both from your blog n facebook account, thank you for listenin’ to the rakyat voice! Bravo Uncle Lim!

  100. To pas/dap/pkr coalition, while campaigning we use slogan “vote for change. Vote for moon,rocket or bull’s eye”..now that we are winning why suddenly whether you represent moon,rocket or bulls eye become sooooooo matter…….hope all the new leader be careful in making statements.

    SO WHY BOTHER BECAUSE PAS MB IS OUR MB, DAP MB IS OUR MB AND PKR MB IS ALSO OUR MB. ITS OUR NEW STATE GOVERNMENT ANYWAY. WE RULEEE!!!!….for the time being respect Sultan decisions and move along with it.

    The most important thing is to sort the differences and move on and show to the people who give trust on us and give another shock to BN that we can work and progress better than when they rule the state.



    p/s: perjuangan masih panjang….

  101. Before 12thGE each party head of DAP . PAS & PKR could rattle off their heads.But now after 12GE , Barisan Rakyat which was sneered as a “ marriage of convenience by incompatible partners” by BN has turned out to be an awesome “BN Terminator”.

    Now the BN controlled media shall seize every opportunity to headline in the daily newspapers each and every utterance from DAP, PKR and PAS leaders taken out of context of course. After the damage is done , any apologies or retraction will be reported in small print in some obscured back pages. So BR component party members beware as you are now given immensely much more news media coverage that reaches the masses.

    Lim Kit Siang should from now onwards be careful about what he says since this tri-partite coalition is still in its infancy. Given time Barisan Rakyat shall very certainly evolve to be the most sophisticated political machinery Malaysia has ever seen. BN shall shudder each time they tangle with BR.

    Dr. Koh Tsu Koon is indeed a gentleman and deserves praise for the respect he accorded BR especially Lim Guan Eng by requesting to be given the opportunity to attend and witness the swearing in ceremony for Penang on Tuesday 11 March since he had to attend PM’s ceremony on the 10 March. Coming from an arch foe is truly heart warming. Hence when DAP threatens to boycott Perak’s swearing in ceremony , we wonder if the time has come for old guards like LKS to ride off into the sunset with Samy Vellu.

    So Saudara LKS, being the wise old owl , kindly throttle down your fiery comments since you are now not only speaking for DAP but for and on behalf of Barisan Rakyat since the people respected, accepted and voted for the opposition coalition front BR. This intricate coalition fabric weaved together by RPK and DSAI with DAP/PKR/PAS is very fragile indeed right now. I guess the leaders of PKR and PAS can learn something from your trespass on this issue. In politics one seldom get second chances, damage control hardly works especially where the media is biased and stacked against the “offender”.

  102. Dear YB Lim and all leaders,
    We are so sad but please bear with it, as it is just the beginning. the most important task is to form a new government smoothly and have a good working relationship with Sultan and all. We are dissapointed, but we can understand as it is not DAP fault. It is the final decision made by respective authority. We will not blame DAP or anybody, but praise God for what God has bless DAP on earth for 12th GE result. Well done ! We love you and wish all of you our lovely leaders the best ! Work smart and work wholeheartedly for the RAKYAT who needs you!

  103. Good going uncle LKS…Don,t be afraid of PAS..Show UMNO LED BN gorverment that DAP can work with PKR as well as PAS,ISLAM is a beautiful religion.It is UMNO WHO IS POISONING the mind of people.

    UMNO VETERAN Tan sri ABDUL AZIZ TAPA said that Malays who voted for DAP are not patriotic.I am one of them.Please i voted for DAP,Because of UMNO being a corrupted party.PGCC PROJECT IN PENANG CLEARLY SHOWS HOW CORRUPTED BADAWI IS.

    BADAWI himself launch the project .When no approval was given by the state.This is only one case.I bet there will more issuses like this.

    Talk about the NEP,Only MALAYS who support UMNO benefits.If a malay who openly supports PKR ,PAS OR DAP ,CAN FORGET ABOUT ANY KIND OF HELP.Why are there so many poor malays in

  104. LKS & CEC, the damage is already done! Public support for DAP will be affected. Malaysia is for Malaysians not DAP! Please remember this election is won with protest votes. DAP has not yet won the battle for the hearts of Malaysia.

    This coming 4-5years DAP must prove that you guys are not TALK ONLY. Please be wiser in the future. If you DAP old guards cannot see the bigger picture please retire now.

  105. LKS, congratulation on your reversal of your earlier decision.

    I believe that the role of MB is to manage the body of execo members. Representation at this level should be based on share of seats won by each party. In another word, the MB is sort of a Chairman of Perak Inc. !

    I hope you now see the light why the Sultan’s choice should be respected!

  106. Well……i guess agreeing who and whom and which party the MB is suppose to come from is and will not be a big problem at all.Am sure the coalition will come to terms.After all if the Sultan or the Regent have chosen…am sure the choice made were best for all and most of all the entire state.Am confidence DAP will be a strong partner in Perak state and works towards a betterment of the state and the entire nation.We have lost so much under BN.

    The biggest problem starts when BN lost badly in the just concluded GE12…they will “REINVENT ITSELF” and i am very sure of that.You see…..every failure comes success.
    Lets make a comparison between Opposition parties and BN.
    Opposition fought like hell decade after decade as opposition and they have created a bench mark for themself.Their failures to capture any states (let us all exclude Kelantan to make the explaining easier) or even form any government since the beginning of time have made the opposition parties a “GOAL”.And unfortunately their goal is to deny 2/3 etc.And now GE12….they eventually achieved its goal and made even better achievement by capturing a few states.So the main aim and goal for the opposition have been achieved(LET NOT BE COMPLACENT).And they will remain as it is in which it will comprise of the few parties namely DAP,PKR AND PAS.So….the three parties will remain the same if they do not increase its benchmark which is ultimately “COMBINING INTO A SINGLE PARTY”.

    As for BN………..they were the government for almost all states as well as the entire nation.But 12GE cost them dearly.They divide and rule for so long and finally they lost badly.When that happens…don’t you guys think BN benchmark and their goals have change entirely? My opinion….BN will seriously or in the process of upgrading its benchmark and they the BN will eventually merge and form a single party system(A STRONG multi racial party)
    Look if this were to happen…..the only loser at the end will be the current opposition parties in the mid and long term.Like i said earlier…every failure will turn into a success and if the opposition can’t catch up with the BN sometime in the near future then the opposition future will spell doom if nothing are done to transform into a single party system.

  107. uncle Lim,
    i think it’s ok if PAS going to be the MB even i’m a chinese…
    what we want now is fairness…
    please show that BA can develop and improve the country…
    work together…
    i agreed with justice_fighter…
    the important think is equality…
    even my friend a malay and indian also vote for DAP…
    it’s not only chinese in our party…
    forget about races…
    but work for the RAKYAT…MALAYSIAN…

  108. My wife and I were having a gloomy day yesterday after seeing your public response. I work as a GP doctor and I do deal with public, esp those before, during and after the election. The sentiment for change is so real, you can feel the heat of victory even during one of the worst day at Stock Market on monday.

    The whole sentiment almost got lost yesterday when I read your public statement.

    I appreciate your courage to reverse your statement today, not because we (inc. my wife, who was never a politically aware individual, except this time, which is also her first time she make sure that she exercised her voting right) like PAS, but we do feel that for the first time in our Political history, we feel there is hope for our daughter in this generation.

    Let the fragile opposition coalition works its way up, and make sure there is no turning back. We beg your wisdom to let this happen, Mr. Lim.

    And thanks again for your reversal of stand today.

  109. BN’s decades of divide and rule policies had created an unhealthy and damaging distrust between the races and religions.

    Due to the damaging and unhealthy condition, the people must start to think before they say or do anything without any intention to harm/hurt others.

  110. Not attending the ceremony is very poor form in my honest opinion. Has DAP boycotted all the ceremonies where a BN MB was sworn in? If not, unless DAP is closer to BN than PAS, why boycott this one?

    If DAP does not want to be part of the opposition alliance with PAS, then get out of it. Can’t have the cake and eat the cake.

  111. What a relief~! Kit Siang has proven to the us that he is willing to listen to the rakyat!

    Now, all of us who has voted for BR are eager to see you, the mighty supremo LKS to defend the rakyat against the evil in the parliment, together with our victorious opposition MPs.

    You as the si-fu of DAP, get prepared to battle in the front line while leave the states affair to your students. From this drama, it is beyond my expectation to witness the maturity of Perak DAP branch members headed by Ngeh in handling the issue.

    My worries after 7pm are vanished after this post. Thank you again for making it happened.

  112. Hi! This is your first test to show what that DAP stands for justice. How can PAS member be MB when they have the least number of MP? This is not fair and if DAP stands for justice, then stand up for it. We voted for DAP and not PAS. So, I do not want PAS person to be MB otherwise, I cannot go to a pub any more, I cannot buy “sew yoke” in the open anymore, I cannot wear my miniskirt anymore, I cannot do so many things just like those guys in Kelantan.

    If DAP cannot stand up to PAS now, this will show that you are a push over! Don’t let those “nonsense” about unity get over your head. PAS and Anwar is trying to make use of DAP and you are old enough to know that. These guys are snakes and they will spike DAP when the time is right and form a single party oposition instead of a united opposition front.

    Down with PAS MB and Go for DAP MP. It’s all or nothing ok. REmember…the saying “Lembu punya susu, Sapi punya name”. DAP won the biggest in Perak; so DAP should lead Perak!

  113. We MUST move FORWARD!!! We cannot look at the past, we have to look forward! Work together as a team is the most important task at this moment for Barisan Rakyat! PKR + DAP + PAS, this term is the most crucial years for all of you to work together and make Malaysia a better country to live! Don’t because of POWER that spoil this relationships and very soon, people will loose HOPE in this BR and vote swing back to BN.. DAP can celebrate this tsunami, but if you don’t do the right thing, the next tsunami will go the other way. Show us what you can do, and give us what we want! Go Go DAP!

  114. Kit Siang. good sense prevails. Whatever reasons you may have for the protest, resolve it internally. Look at the bigger picture and the reality of the situation. The Sultan must have his reason for appointing a PAS MB.

  115. DEAR MR LIM,





  116. Dear Uncle Kit,

    I am unsure of what other announcements you will be making later on behalf of DAP but I do hope you will attend the swear-in ceremony as well. Barisan Rakyat will remain a distant dream if DAP, PAS and PKR don’t cooperate and bring about the changes the rakyat sorely need.

    Let the winds of change blow for the good of the nation.

    Thank you.

  117. Lim,

    Smelt racism at highest level in Perak and Selangor, Where is the fairness ? racial issues fall apart as it is fundamentally against fairness.

    I cast my vote for “fairness, transparency, accountability and incorruptible” . I did not vote out blood suckers in exchange for a bunch of hypocrites.

    Please do not make me regret my choice

  118. ///The sultan is in favor of PAS!/// – pulau_sibu

    This is not true. By State Constitution, menteri besar has to be a person of malay descent. If the DAP thinks that the State Constitution is racially discriminatory, then change it if it can with summon 2/3rd majority in the state assembly to go its way. (Whether this is advisable in the context of “give and take” and appropriate respect ought to be given to Malaysian Malays’ sensitivities is a separate issue). But until state constitution is changed – we’re talking of the situation now – the MB has got to be a Malay, and no matter that one thinks by democratic practice the DAP wining the most seats in Perak ought to be entitled to the top post, the fact is we are still a nation governed by laws that have to be adhered! Following the present state law and constitution, it will be a choice between two malays out of the list of 3. However between the PKR’s malay candidate and the PAS’s malay candidate offered for the position, the latter is more qualified, and therefore the choice by the Regent of the later is consistent with DAP’s espousal of meritocracy!

    Then the next question – about having a PAS’s candidate as MB whose theocratic agenda runs squarely against DAP’s secular and pluralistic platform.

    In the first place – because of the ideological chasm and gulf between DAP and PAS – I have never approved of DAP having any more permanent power sharing agreement with PAS with PKR in between other than informal pact not to have three cornered fights. I won’t even vote for PAS in a straight fight between BN and PAS something that majority of readers here disagreed with me in the time preceding the election.

    However the DAP and its politicians have gone the other way during the election campaigning. They have told the voters that the choice was simple – vote opposition regardless PAS, PKR, DAP or even the donkey, anything as long as it was not BN! The implicit message here was that all three could work out their differences and share power to oust BN. Again I was skeptical of this prospect but never mind that’s what the DAP represented expressly or impliedly to voters.

    Then came Perak : the fact that PAS, PKR, DAP submitted their respective choices to the Regent of Perak showed that all three had not worked out their differences before the election. They took the easy – and short sighted – way out. Lets bash the BN first then only worry about building the bridge when they came to the river. They never calculated they would by their message to the disaffected voters reached the river that fast and suddenly they found out that there was this technicality about the malay being a MB in the state constitution and there was no bridge of prior understanding between them that the opposition party that won most seats would be supported by the other two to take the spoils of victory. That’s where the trouble begins.

    If one has not followed principles before the election at least do so after.

    Principle No. 1 : Perak is the problem of PAS, PKR, DAP which did not have an pre-electoral understanding on this issue but now that it crops up, they throw the buck to the royals to decide and make up the short coming of the Opposition and arbiter their disputes. If the Regent decided that under the circumstances, though not ideal, the MB should be PAS’s candidate, then the DAP should honour that!

    Then comes Principle No.2 – the DAP says it cannot honour because to do so would thwart the democratic will of majority in Perak opposed to PAS. That may be true but the fact is in the time running up to the election, the DAP had presented the picture that it could work with PAS, that DAP supporters should vote PAS if against BN and PAS/PKR’s supporters should vote DAP if arrayed against BN.

    One cannot represent such position to say you can work with PAS up to the time of election to defeat BN and change rules thereafter in victory and say that PAS should not be entitled to plum position if circumstances such as state constitution and the Regent’s unexpected decision favoured PAS. This is opportunistic.

    It is also opportunistic because Rakyat voters of all races bought DAP’s story line that Malaysian politics should move to another level transcending race and religion – and that the three opposition parties had resolved sufficiently the differences to enable them working together if they secured the state assemblies, which apparently it is not true, otherwise there won’t be a Perak fiasco of this scale.

    From day one I can understand where PAS is coming from – that it will show case Kelantan, soften face and show the true colours when it reaches nearer to goal with help of PKR and DAP – and in this the PKR would always side this PAS pivot of Malay base to DAP when it came to the crunch.

    This had happened before leading to DAP’s leaving the BA dominated by PAS and the same dynamics will operate in the present so called Barisan Rakyat in which PAS would always have advantage of dominance.

    That is why I said that any deeper DAP’s cooperation with PAS would also help PAS to realise its ultimate goal of a theocratic state faster with DAP being used. This is because to PAS it is striving for the Almighty’s dictate to form His state and that never changes.

    But never mind that’s just my personal opinion. If the DAP along with its supporters claimed that the DAP could work with PAS without differences before the election, don’t come crying after saying that the system and the legal infrastructure favoured PAS and that you have been played out.

    We lie on the bed we make. That is responsible action. You can’t tell the Malaysian public you could work with PAS before election and after getting the benefit of votes from all sides in victory turn around and say after election that you can’t work with PAS! What kind of principles is that?

    DAP like a man knowing very well the unacceptable temperament of a physically attractive woman (PAS), represents to her that he loves her and enjoys the sexual intimacy and later when unexpectedly due to their collective acts, she got pregnant (state govt won), this man (DAP) is saying I can’t marry her because of her impossible temperament. What principle is that? It is a principle of a cad. You should not have associated with and made representations to a woman of such a temperament in the first place – and leverage on the sexual benefit of that relationship and later complain that you won’t be responsible for the child with defective DNA from the mother! You have to lie on the bed you make and try to give credence of what you represented to the whole world, relatives and friends supporting the relationship that you said would work. You have to try at least to make it work ie take responsibility for your own actions even if you ought to know better that your earlier actions were wrong, opportunistic and may be short sighted.

  119. DAP biadap
    13/03/2008 12:37pm

    KUALA LUMPUR 13 Mac – Ketua Penerangan UMNO, Tan Sri Muhammad Muhd. Taib menyifatkan arahan DAP supaya wakil rakyatnya di Perak memulaukan majlis angkat sumpah pelantikan Menteri Besar, sebagai sungguh biadap dan kurang ajar……..

    but BN people didnt turnout at the swearing…

  120. Hi,
    Saya sebagai org Melayu yang amat bangga di atas kemenangan parti DAP di kawasan saya berasa sedikit kecewa dengan apa yang berlaku ketika ini.Saya tidak mengira siapa Malayu,Cina,India,apa yang penting perpaduan di antara kita.Kemenangan pihak pembangkang janganlah di rosakkan atas sebab-sebab yang sebegini rupa.Saya amat berharap tuan memahami kami yang mengundi DAP.

  121. DAP + PKR alone cannot fight BN UMNO……….with PAS given a chance to show their true self with support from Non Malays………..BN UMNO days of narrow and damaging politics of race and religion are numbered!

  122. Dear Bro Lim,

    I’m glad you reversed the decision. DAP have the most seats in the assembly so whatever DAP decide carries much weight. And we long to see that every decision of the coalition is working towards enhancing the coalition as such will weaken the BN indirectly.

    Let Penang, Kedah, Perak, Selangor and Kelantan be the examplary references to voters in the next GE in terms of transparent and good governance with all accountability to the rakyat.

    And you have a huge role to play towards this strategic move to a better future.

  123. There you go again.
    Bad start for DAP.
    You can protest whatever you like, but never go against the sultan/regent decision and show disrespect.
    Should you try that, the whole malay community (Barisan Rakyat + BN) will go against you. Dont believe me? Just try.
    There is a lot of other effective ways to overcome this issue.
    Chill out a little bit. Take it easy. DAP have the majority, right? You know what to do.

  124. Just that this as a scenario. Digi vs Celcom vs Maxis… They always challenge each other to the limits. In the end who enjoy all the benefits? Rakyat lar…

    Some similarity here is that, if we have strong opposition vs the government, then we rakyat will benefits in the long run as they try their best to outdo each other. :)

  125. Uncle Lim, Thank You, Thank You, and please tell everyone to attend this afternoon ceremony. Please also remember, Do, try lah, do not make similar mistake because the next time round, It won’t be this easily forgiven.
    COngrats for apologizing and be a man. The rest of us need to be as ONE. Prepare for rough ride ahead. We’ll overcome. Be watchful of enemies from other faction but stay FOCUS! We Are One Big Family. Bless all Malaysian

  126. I wonder why the option of allowing the Perak Sultan to pick one of the three including PAS candidate was made in the first place!! since PAS candidate was offered as one of the MB candidates, we cant blame the Sultan for picking him, as he was offered as one among the three. If only DAP & PKR candidates were offered in the first place and the Sultan rejected the two and ask for others, then, there’s still a way out. There’s no reason to hurry into making decision on this, as long as it is a right decision!

  127. Dear Uncle Kit,

    Thanks for resolving this matter. Sultan must have his own reason to pick PAS as MB. But no matter what, we should respect the decision of the sultan.

    If later the new MB cannot do his job properly then we will ask the Sultan to reverse his decisions and pick someone with more calibre.

  128. Uncle Lim, thank you for your reversal. Now we could look forward to a fair and progressive Perak. All Perakians in other states or overseas should help is whatever ways in making Perak a better place for all Malaysians in the years to come. Make Perak another opposition stronghold just like Penang.

  129. Man of Steel = LKS, whoever become the Minister of Perak is no importance. With 18 state seats won by DAP, u must be assure of many council seats held by the DAP. Therefore, u guys are the foundation of Perak Government, and not let the BN to laugh at you guys for letting a PAS member to be the Perak Menteri.

    Uncle Kit, we have the faith in you. Therefore, step into circle of the council and be a great assistance to the Perak Menter. Most importantly, making the Perak government a stronghold for the opposition!

  130. YB Lim Kit Siang,

    I have a great feeling you have fall trap by the BN dirty tactics. And you have responded too fast (or hasty) .

    I am sure this is not the last and BN will continue to do whatever to crack the young coalition of PKR/DAP/PAS.

    No harm give some leeway and suffer a bit on the current favorable Barisan Rakyat background (any, way you have suffered so much more all these 40 years). I know it is difficult to answer the hard-core chinese voters in Perak, but they will , (I am sure) see the bigger picture in due course. DAP must strengthen its PR/communication strategies.

    Watch out for more BN tactics in the coming days and months and be prudence.

    Respect your courage for the apology to the Regent of Perak.

    Also please forgive us (those who “hammered you last since last nite) for we all your true supporters in building a better nation.

  131. PAS, PKR, or DAP,
    WE are all MALAYSIAN
    Let it be NOW that we begin the era of
    Just being MALAYSIAN
    WHO ARE WE ?
    Let Go of the past
    Let’s start on the right footing

  132. Daulat Tuanku!!
    & Syabas LKS !

    Go and attend the historical ceremony of BR and apology to the Sultan.
    We are sadden and shock with your earlier statement but since now you apology and realised, I assume that the future Malaysia Malaysian and bigger victory and better Malaysia is what matter more than who will be the MB.We don’t really care who will be the Perak and Selangor MB as long they are from BR and will serve the state as per what they preached during the last GE and we will con’t to support them.
    Don’t let smallest crack to split the newly born Pakatan DAP/PKR/PAS. BN is eyeing on all this possiblity.

  133. DAP is a governing party now (Penang, Perak & Selangor!!! Major States) and no longer as opposition party like before, what ever DAP says and does carry much weight now compared to before, so it is very important that thorough discussion (DAP, PKR & PAS) and decision making should be carried out first before making statement which being retracted later!!! it does not reflect very well on the party that issued the statement.

  134. Uncle Lim
    It is going to be a monumental task just to clean up these few states just won and its going to be uphill all the way.

    1) A good place to start would be corruptions & crimes.

    2) Another area would be open tenders to state government contracts.

    3) NEP matters can come in much later but immediate help & care must go to those Malay graduates who can’t get employment. May be through some further training in whatever form that is deemed most effective.
    Reach out to the poor Malays and help them the best you can.
    There must be a loud & clear message that the new state governments love & care about them and this must be communicated & widely publicized not just in words but in action. Hopefully & eventually they will get to know the truth & happily agree that NEP should be done away with. Rome was not built in a day. Similarly something that has been done & still on going can’t be undone in a day.(BN will look for the tiniest excuse to flare up racial tension).

    Hold joint consultations with PKR & PAS and come out with a common policy that will appeal to the people of Malaysia irrespective of race & religion.

    All the best to Uncle Lim & take care!

  135. Dear Sheeps,

    It is not just about doing the gracious thing of accepting a PAS candidate as MP.

    LKS is right in his uproar. Afterall, the people pf Perak has spoken and it is very clear that DAP is the popular choice. So if it is a question of doing the right thing – ask yourself why PKR and PAS is so “hadap” for the MB post? They could decline and support DAP’s choice as the candidate.

    The regent of Perak has disappointed many. Despite all his talk of equality and his power to nominate a non-Malay non Muslim, he ended up choosing one. So in the future, becareful of the wolf in sheep’s skin.

    Hindsight is always 20/20. We shall see what a PAS led coaliation in Perak have in store for us.

  136. Dear LKS:

    – It takes courage to apologize.

    – In the dark corners of politics lurk the people
    who want to break up the BR alliance.

    – I thank you for all you’ve done over the years
    for _all_ Malaysians. I’m proud of you.

  137. It takes real courage to admit mistakes and apologise. YB, you have done it and we salute you.

    You have shown us that DAP will not cover up mistakes but will own up and apologise. This shows that we may have disagreement on certain issues but we will respect the final decision made based on common objective.

    We set out to be a strong voice for the people in the state assembly, we still are except that we are at the admistration side this time round.

  138. Although apology done, but damage has also been done. If PAS who was once somewhat extremist also can review their ideology to somewhat more moderate, why can’t DAP who preached that it represent all Malaysians?

    Is it because some of the people, such as those in CEC are already too deeply polluted by the race/religion based politics in the country? If the direction of the party cannot be change to suits the more mature people nowadays, then probably it’s time to change the leadership.

    Honest speaking, sometimes I do admire your son much more than you as he projected a more moderate and tolerant figure while sometimes we do see arrogance projected by you. If you cannot step out from the BN/UMNO’s model of thinking which had been voted out by the people, then probably it’s time for you to let those who can make the change to lead.

  139. emanuel,you have been reading the MSM too much,go get the facts right before you speak about PAS in Kelantan.Do you have any chinese friends in Kelantan? Kelantan MB Nik Aziz is a man of humility,very humble and righteous has won many respect from people of all races me include a chinese.Ask me to chose MCA,UMNO,MIC to PAS.PAS anytime.

  140. DAP’s refusal to work together with PAS should not be interpreted as a move against Malays, as what it is opposed to is PAS’ agenda of Islamic State, rather than Muslim Malays. I hope DAP will not yield to pressure and start working with PAS, thereby going against its own ideologies of Malaysians First, secular democracy, and meritocracy.

  141. Kudos Mr Lim for accepting that you had indeed made a mistake.

    Let this be a lesson to all the Barisan Rakyat representative. You are voted into your position by the Malays, the Chinese, the Indians & all other Malaysians. During the PRU 2008, all seats has been fought one-on-one, so whomever the candidates were, the people has given their support & voted for them collectively regardless of the symbol that they hold, as long as it is against the BN candidate. So please, don’t let Barisan Rakyat become another BN … We are all after all Malaysians, aren’t we ?


  142. Hope we all share the same pain of Uncle Lim. He must have reasons to do so, his political wisdom cant be nyanyuk overnight.

    Majority chinese (before election) cant accept DAP to work with PAS – but actually this is BN’s dirty tactic to sway away chinese votes from DAP. DAP has to keep distance with PAS to prevent BN step in and take advantage. (on the other site, please dont forget BN also use the same tactic to PAS – support PAS, chinese will be penalised by PAS. Same old tactic they had been using for ages…we have grown up, stupid BN)

    I wish to say that Malaysians are now more mature and have more political awareness. Uncle Lim must be worry of DAP’s chinese supporters as PAS member was chosen as MB. He has the reason to release a harsh statement to stand DAP’s policies not to work with PAS.

    However, Uncle Lim must be surprised to find out Perak Chinese and could be all Malaysia Chinese do not agree to boycott the swearing ceremony (I should not always address us as Chinese, we are all Malaysian indeed. The day has come if not soon). Good sudden turn over after gathering opinions from grassroot rakyat. We should respect Sultan’s decision and we can accept PAS as MB as long as they did not impose silly rules. Anyway, DAP has 18 seat in the state assembly, if any rules made is not beneficial to all, i mean ALL regardless of races, DAP can still object. Dont practise the undemocratic BN’s democracy whereby everyone in BN must agree what UMNO/PM decides.

    Although we have let BN a chance to badmouth on Barisan Rakyat, never mind. Words wont affect us. Your wise ACTION and good ruling of the state will shut their mouth off!!!! BN still sleeping with their rotten practices – “Got mouth to critic others, got no mouth to critic themselves”….BN, BN….your retrogression has come. I wish to see them collapse soon.! Padan Muka.

  143. being multi-racial .. DAP should have fielded a Malay in the last election and he would be the MB from DAP. Unfortunately DAP is not mutlt-racial but just a Chinese party. Next time make sure that the DAP field a Malay as one of his candiates and there will be no problems of this sort!

  144. DEAR SIR,

  145. stk, i am with you. I have a lady friend, a chinese who teaches in Kelantan. She expressed that Kelantan is a very safe and peaceful place. Indians and chinese, buddhists, chirstians, hiddus are treated with great respect. And, no problem in getting pork supplies..

    So, dun worry. Give the new state government a try and remain focus in battling with our common enemy, the BN-machinery.

  146. One will be naive to expect UMNO will stop attacking the opposition with its propaganda especially DAP after it lost 5 states in the recent general election. But as I watch the afternoon news today, I can see that the newscaster was feeling disgust as she uttered all those nonsense and lies, her eyes was full of sadness.

  147. Kudos LKS, for correct the mistake.
    It has been tough to be a opposition leader for the pass years. Maybe it is hard to change the habit of “pembabkang”. Please remember DAP has to play two roles. As a Parti Pembankang in Parlimen and As a Part of Kerajaan in Penang, Perak as well as Selangor. Don’t just membankang for the sake of membankang. Please be careful not to make similar mistake again.
    The new DAP-PKR-PAS coalition is in infant stage, the coalition is very fragile and need time to grow strong. Such nuisance should be avoided at all.

  148. To whoever above who thinks that DAP is the Almighty, please wake up and face the fact that people are voting for Barisan Rakyat and not DAP itself. People are voting for a change and not DAP itself. Without the votes from our friends from all the races, DAP cannot attain it’s victory by just having Chinese or even Indian votes. Do not deny the contribution of PKR and PAS towards this victory or else I can only mourn that the Democracy in Malaysia will dies soon.
    We do not care who is the MB whether it’s from DAP, PKR or PAS. Just do your job to prove that barisan Rakyat is a better choice than BN. Or else you won’t be given the vote anymore in 5 years time.

  149. Dear YB,
    I must admit that politics has never been my interest and I am also not a radical follower of any party. I believe in seeing is believing and from there we are able to judge ourself. With what has happened to Malaysia, the Rakyat has had enough and we have proven it on 8 March 2008. I am so thankful that I have been brought up for not believing in racism or double standards. I do want to keep some of the traits that we have from our forefathers and as we all know, the Agong/ Sultan is the Head of the Country. That is something that we need to keep as only 32 countries in the world are governed by monarchs system. I am so looking forward for Malaysia to go hand in hand and make it a better place for our children. This would be the right time for us to prove it to the world and BN. With the statement that you made yesterday has upset many people Chinese, India and Malays etc. And this is the tool that the BN would use to shatter the BR dreams for governing together in unity. Let us not be like BN, let us put work together and make sure that we are the voice of Malaysia. If not, then DAP or PKR or PAS are just the same like BN. This is not what we want.

  150. Hi STK! I have non-muslim friends there too that tell me how deprived they are in Kelantan after seeing other states. I am for DAP but not PAS. PAS seems to have changed and that is what they want to do to garner votes. This also show that they are highly political, they change their tune all the time so as to win votes not the hearts of the people. I have been around long enough to know how much PAS can be trusted; don’t try to teach me how to suck eggs, OK?

    DAP-PKR-PAS alliance is a marriage of convenience. At the end of the day, I do not want them to replicate BN. DAP being accomodative to PAS particularly in this scenario is like MCA giving in to UMNO. So what is the difference?

  151. You must not be too drunk for power!!!! Take some steps back and see things objectively, even in Penang. Let everything sink down before you shoot from the hip.

    You are making too many bad decisions and statements in just a few days. This is BAD, BAD, BAD.

    Why don’t you now see how PAS AND DAP can reciprocate each other in Penang and Kedah? And why did PKR object to DAP joining the government in Kedah?

    If you don’t want to give PAS an Exco seat in Penang, then let him have the Speaker’s post or something.

    And among the three parties, the DAP is already losing respect and support.

    Come on, do something. Otherwise the party is going to break up and be gone.

  152. Whether or not we are voting for DAP. PKR or PAS is not the point.

    The decision to assign new MP is not in our hand.
    Its Sultan’s decision! Please remember this!

    Attending swearing-in ceremony carry no meaning that DAP is endorsing PAS’s mission in anyway! Please remember this as well!

    DAP always stand up for us and against any administration based of any races and religions. And this is the 1st time where a non-Malay, non-Muslim candidate name had been submitted to Sultan for selection!

    If unity worth nothing, yet no way for us to really work out a Malaysian Malaysia. Respect is what we need to learn and need to show by ourselves before we can really ask other to show the same to us!

    (PS: emanuel… you will never walk far if you still cant really think as a ‘MALAYSIAN MALAYSIA’ vision, and the most importantly learn how to RESPECT!

    MALAYs and MUSLIMs did contributed much in DAP winning in GE12! They did tried to accept DAP, when there are still with huge number of us which voted another barisan! Perak is not a state with pure Chinese only! We cant walk alone by only ourself.

    All Lao Uncle… Lao Ah Soh…and also with your LAO KOK KOK mind!
    Malaysia had been announced as an Islamic Country, even without PAS flag flying in every corner in this country.

    Learn how to respect Malays and their religions and they will do the same on us.

    For the very least reason, all 3 parties in Barisan rakyat willing to have ‘fair discussion’ within 1 another.

    Still you are making noise and tell that we should reject Sultan’s decision by pulling them down.

    No one will respect you if you cant even willing to show some respect to Sultan’s decision.

    SAD on your Lao KOK KOK mind, which just wont work at all this is country’s democracy development!)

  153. YB LKS,

    You have made a wise decision. I am a malay and I voted DAP for both State and Parliament seat. I am proud of you guys and I believe Perak will be a better state with this new transparent state government.

  154. ALso another note to all people in malaysia reading, listening or watching main stream media (MSM), just listen and never trust.

    Go to Malaysiakini.com for the truth!

    hahaa…one good outcome of this election, we have now one neutral media call Malaysiakini!!!!!! Bravo! Hope they run print as well (but i doubt BN wil give them license).

    Suggestion to DAP, please create another centralized online space like dap-election.com in near future. Get all DAP MP, assemblymen progress on single place, yet everyone can maintain his/her own blog. Not every DAP rep know how to maximize the power of Internet, (i.e Bukit Mertajam MP’s blog has been no update since 2007) at least a centralized place and a centralized Internet team can help every DAP reps. We need to know the actual work done by you instead of relying the blind/shameful/yet still people cant resist to have MSM..sigh

  155. It takes courage to stand one’s ground. It takes even greater courage to admit one’s mistake….this is shown by Mr.Lim – a great leader who placed the interest of his country above his party and personal interest.

    Have we ever heard of BN leaders apologising for their mistakes??

  156. Please do not think that DAP wins big in the election. People vote for Barisan Rakyat and not for DAP. The argument that DAP has more seats and demanded for MB post or lead the state does not hold!

  157. Lim , we votd u just not because you DAP, we vote for new Malaysia, don’t bring your sentimen here. Just build the goverment and governe well, don’t involve much politiking la…we are tired of corruption, rising prices and etc, don’t be so stupid. Just accept the Sultan choices and move on. OR in PRU 13 , we’ll never vote you la…so, Penang goes to BN again. CHANGE FOR THE BETTER

  158. YB, you have done a good job do not give any chance to our BN enemy to laugh at us, just calm down and see what our Pas can do for Perak and DAP should not be worried on MCA to criticise .in fact they hv already started . Most important is all the 18 DAP members should work together with PKR and Pas for the faith of Perak which is now so backward and dull.[ i m a Perakan and feel so bad of Perak development compare to other states.] Anyway as LONG AS Pas do not implement anything that will hurt the feeling of non muslims we believe with a strong contingent of DAP and PKR members in the Dewan Negeri Pas will carry out their duty very carefully otherwise he might hv to face for the VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE .
    Come back to Penang, AAB is now like a Serigala that unable to get the grapes but keep claiming that the grapes are sour! YB Guan Eng SHOULD hit back the 11 UMNO men and demand for the assets declaration and see how clean they are. Show AAB that Penang DAP will help all the Malaysians regardless of race. Stick to our policy THE MALAYSIAN MALAYSIA ….HORRAY………

  159. Even if Pas has been named as MB of Perak, i am sure he can’t do any thing he wishes isn’t it. There are still DAp and PKR and also not forgeting peoples power.

    Penang MB is DAP, Selangor MB is PKR, well it’s seem fair Pas as the Perak MB, even majority is won by DAP. Ther is what we called fairness and equality.

    Work together to form a good goverment and remove racist. Show the BN pigs what we are capable of.

  160. “One will be naive to expect UMNO will stop attacking the opposition with its propaganda especially DAP after it lost 5 states in the recent general election. …..” dawsheng

    And that was one of the main reasons it lost 5 states in the recent GE – attacking the opposition with its propaganda especially DAP!!!

  161. Kit Siang did not apologise for refusing to work with PAS of ordering Perak SLAs to boycott the swearing-in ceremony. He only apologised for the offence caused by the statement, which he said was not intended to show disrespect to the Sultan and the Regent.

  162. Mr Lim,

    He/she who knows what is right will do it right.
    In order to show people that the CEC is right, uguys seemed to be unwise.
    And being unwise makes uguys simply stupid.
    Retract the statement and accept the appointment.
    The most silly thing i can see here when u are trapped by your own words. Its Malaysian Malaysia, start acting like one.
    Walk the talk man, walk the talk.
    This is already a bad sign, the CEC should learn if they continue to act like this, im very sure the rakyat will abandoned BA next time.


    CS Chong, Batu Gajah.

  163. emanuel,

    maybe you can elaborate as to what deprivation your friends have highlighted. If its only a matter of having more karaoke joints and vice dens, please don’t bother..

    if its the lack of modern infra, then blame BN for not providing federal aid to the state. PAS can only do what it can given its resources…and, from what I’ve been told, they’re doing a heck of a job!

  164. We are worried about this development. Thank God for giving Uncle Lim the wisdom and courage to do this. We all like to see a comfortable coalition. Take a rest your mind would be refereshed.

  165. again, i see this decision made to select PAS leader as MB is CHOOSING THE BEST CANDIDATE WITH BEST QUALIFICATION! not like the case whreby BN had no choice but to choose a dull from MIC because the post is reserved for MIC.

    Dear Malaysians, brighter days will come. But dont forget to stay alert. After all, we should not let politicians ‘use’ us, we should lead and ‘use’ em.

  166. Lim,

    It’s a humble and correct thing to do. Although sometimes it may seem unfair, but hey, lets put our differences aside and look at the brighter side. I believe that this is period of challenge for the DAP-PKR-PAS coalition to try to understand one another in a peaceful and harmonious way. It really shows the people of Malaysia how conflict can be settled through serious discussion and agreement, unlike the BN government where all the say goes to UMNO.

    Lets show the people of Malaysia that difference races not only are able to live harmoniously, but united in one voice, the voice of Malaysians. Keep up the good work!!!

  167. Star Online:
    ‘KUALA LUMPUR: DAP has cheated its voters as a PAS state assemblyman will be sworn in as the Perak mentri besar today, Perak MCA chief Datuk Ong Ka Chuan said.
    Ong, who is also the MCA secretary-general, said DAP should apologise to its voters, saying it was sad to hear that Perak PAS secretary Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin will be the mentri besar.
    He said Mohammad’s appointment went against the wishes of voters, especially non-Muslims.
    “Having a mentri besar from PAS creates fear among non-Muslims. This also creates political instability.”
    Ong, who is also the newly-elected Tanjong Malim MP, said the Chinese in Perak voted for DAP to uphold justice and change for the better but the opposite seemed to have happened.’

    I think Ong is right. We should support Kit Siang, Guan Eng, and, Dr. Tan’s rejection of PAS candidate as Perak MB.

  168. As my earlier posting, I’m glad this just a political manoeurve to get MCA off DAP back. It seem this time you have trapped Ong Ka Chuan to open his big mouth. The public respond from your earlier statement shown how much we, the Perakian can accept a PAS’s MB and how important DAP in the equation of Malaysia for all. Don’t worry about public perception about DAP working with PAS, by now most of us can accept this reality. Just work together for the benefit of the people, don’t let self interest and ego destroy the partnership, we will support you again in GE13.

  169. YB Lim, just rember this, We vote u NOT because u DAP, but we vote u because of NEW MALAYSIA, we ARE TIRED OF CORRUPTION, RISING PRICES and etc, so, pliz leave your sentiment out and accept the Sultan choice and MOVE ON.
    One more thing, not all the chines voted U and there also malays who vote DAP. So, pliz be more clever.

  170. Yes, this is the best decision. HRH made the wise decision. Let us support HRH’s choice.
    Since the state constitution states quite clearly that MB must be a Malay, let us not make this an issue. After all we are very angry with BN for not rspecting the country’s constitution. let us show them that we are civil and law abiding people.

    Let us make the coalition a model for BN to follow. Do not cause any untoward incident to jeopardise what you have been working for.


  171. One day when majority of the people say, “We LOVE our new state government very much!” Then, those fellows in BN cannot make
    too much noice next time.

    So, PAS, DAP, and PKR, I know you all will implement many good policies in the coming days.

    Let’s show rakyat what you all can do, especially to BN
    and people in other states who support BN.

    One day, when those people see many good jobs
    done by PKR, DAP, and PAS, they will sure envy that
    we people in Penang, Perak, Kedah, Selangor, and Kelantan,
    have such a new state government. By that time,
    I am sure that more people will sure vote for
    PKR, DAP, and PAS in the next election.

    Let’s make that happen one day.

  172. What a relief!

    At long last good sense prevail. Don’t you worry LKS. I believe the Sultan and Regent of Perak will understand. Perhaps you have been looking at the election results for too long : DAP(18)
    PKR(7), PAS(6)..which may translate to DAP (MB), PKR (TMB1), PAS (TMB2). LOL! I don’t blame you…because you have fought so long , so hard to achieve what others can only dream of.

    A lot of parties are envious of the DAP-PKR-PAS alliance at the moment. However, we must not forget who put the alliance there. The rakyat. It is the rakyat’s will that you guys be there to serve the people, state and nation. You guys have a mandate to fulfill. Others are doing soul-searching and have bitter pills to swallow. Whereas you guys are enjoying the best moments of your lives. The rakyat are with you guys. Make the alliance work. Be a true blue politician. Stick with one another through thick and thin. Let’s not look from only one’s own religious or belief’s window. Let our “Vision Be World Embracing”.

    Let us embrace Unity, because without Unity there won’t be peace, no matter how hard we try. Let’s embrace each other as brothers and sisters, just like the the “Flowers of One Garden”. We may have different political ideologies. But if we think about our aims and goals we know we are heading towards a single goal.

    Let’s unite and work for the better.

  173. Mr.LKS, I have great confidence that you would set aside all your reservations and do the right thing. Whatever arrogance we have seen of the people of BN, I am sure I would not see that in you.

  174. Dont forget the effort to almost eliminate the 3 corner fight among PKR/DAP/PAS in this 2008 election is a GREAT achievement.

    We have seen the first step and the result of it.

    Long journey ahead, hitches will surely be there.

    We just need to be focus.

  175. # sotong Says:
    March 13th, 2008 at 13: 44.23

    It takes courage to stand one’s ground. It takes even greater courage to admit one’s mistake….this is shown by Mr.Lim – a great leader who placed the interest of his country above his party and personal interest. Have we ever heard of BN leaders apologising for their mistakes??

    Yep, LKS is the man!

  176. the whole netizen were shocked with your myiopic statement last night. for a veteran, you dissappoints. i have been telling my kins to take chances and that it doesn’t matter which party is in power, as long as they are clean, honest, effecient. seemed like even DAP is not immune from the “temptation” of power. BN is also a coalition of parties, under one name – very much like the present scenario, albeit without ONE brand name. nothing wrong with a coalition, in fact, it is good that each party will have their say without worrying of “whip” but with some measure please. the outburst such as last night’s is very uncalled and destroy the trust. do DAP really wants to be cast into the “wilderness” again so soon? Give everybody a chance to work. PAS MB can’t do much without DAP support and DAP can’t get much done without PAS either. And thank God for PKR, seemed they are more level headed people there. Mr Lim, you are a statesman to many of us, please don’t destroy your reputation once your party tasted power, which is not even one week old. Please, please, act as a leader like DS Anwar instead of the warrior like last time. Please….

  177. Dear Lee Wang Yen ,

    Why dun you just think and go ask ONG did BN submitted Chinese candidates before for MB selection?

    Its not that DAP turn to support PAS ideology right now! Its just about the decision of Sultan Perak. And your mind just cant think about this and your eyes just been polluted with other blur blur tut tut mind!

    They act blur blur while talking to reporters and trying to confusing us…. Yet you are becoming tut tut and convinced with their say about doubt the right way !!!!!

  178. Whether this was a “sandiwara” to please the chinese voters or not is not a good start. I for one wants to see a wakil that represents the people regardless of race, religion or ethicity. My wakil must fight for me; if not he deserves the sack in 4-5 yrs time.

    The old way of ChinaMan to MCA, Malay to UMNO and Indian to MIC etc. must change under the Peoples’s Front. All races voted for non-dacing. I believe this round, many were blinded to the “dacing/scale” symbol and voted whatever was there. Next round, we’ll be more certain now that we’ve got a benchmark.

    An apology to the learned Sultan is the right step. Both Perak and Selangor have very highly regarded Sultans who have the Peoples’ heart in mind. Please do not blow your chance.

    People are your boss, don’t forget that please.

  179. This is an excellent move. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes as long as you learn from them. My philosophy is – ” A smart person learns from his own mistakes. A wise person learns from others mistakes. A fool never make mistake.”

  180. Great work YB LKS.. This what a leader should be.. Admit their wrong and try to change it..

    But, I hope this is not a drama.. No matter what, this eventually maybe have seal some Malay vote for DAP in the GE.. If that so, a really good job..

    Hope BR will last till the break of dawn..

  181. # sotong Says:
    March 13th, 2008 at 13: 44.23

    It takes courage to stand one’s ground. It takes even greater courage to admit one’s mistake….this is shown by Mr.Lim – a great leader who placed the interest of his country above his party and personal interest. Have we ever heard of BN leaders apologising for their mistakes??


    So true. Shame on those BN people.
    only always know how to point fingers
    at others, but never look at own mistakes
    and ADMIT that!

  182. Dear YB LKS

    You are a great leader and a wise one, whatever your reason that you have objected early does not matter now.

    You have apologised and that make you a great leader that every love and respect.

    Move on to capture the next election, free us from BN.

    Remember we in Sabah is still not free and still under the old unfair system

    god bless you.

  183. KUALA LUMPUR 13 Mac – Ketua Penerangan UMNO, Tan Sri Muhammad Muhd. Taib menyifatkan arahan DAP supaya wakil rakyatnya di Perak memulaukan majlis angkat sumpah pelantikan Menteri Besar, sebagai sungguh biadap dan kurang ajar……..KEPADA 11 adun umno DI Pulau Pinang. What a stupid million dollar escaper to Australia trying to paly fire !!! damn it !

  184. This is our responds to Lee Wang Yen article at press time 13:55:40.
    While the rakyat plead for a peaceful ending, you try to create chaos among us.

    This lead us to present you with one question: –

    ARE YOU FROM THE MCA-BN CAMP WHO DISGUISE AS A PKR/DAP/PAS VOTER, who we highly suspected you are OKC.

    Please stop saying that we made a wrong choice by voting PKR/DAP/PAS, you guys had been defeated. Take this time to to find solution to your camp and stop finding fault on others camp.

  185. DAP has most seats in Perak. This is what MCA did not achieve in the past. Thus, one cannot make that comparison.
    When GERAKAN created the post of deputy CM for UMNO after the latter demanded, DAP accused GERAKAN of cowardly kow-towing to UMNO. But UMNO had more state seats in Penang than GERAKAN at the time. Now that DAP has thrice the number of seats, GERAKAN would say that DAP’s acceptance of PAS Perak MB is a more cowardly compromise.

  186. I would suggest all the 5 sates work together especially in economic matter. You can be sure Federal will hold back most of the funding to these states. UMNO will try to regain Selangor using every dirty tactic in the book. If the 5 states combine and stick a single economic plan, they can out preform the BN states. Be a shining beacon to the rest of the BN states.

  187. Dear YB Lim

    It is not easy to claim victory from BN. Please be very smart to make your remark think carefully before doing so.

    I have been a great admirer of your for the last 30+ years. However, I am a bit saddened by this statement from you after claiming victory over BN in Perak.

    Please have some sensitivity over the majority Malay comrade in the state. You will have to win big in next GE, and they are your best hope.

    Think before you leap. Think also before you make statements that may hurt.

  188. Uncle Kit.. We are at the stage where everybody are looking at us and will judge us for the next 5 years. Then there will be the next juggement day. Hopefully the next judgement will be better the one we have now. Remember what we are fighting for. Malaysia belong for all Malaysian where RACE & RELIGION are invisible. SELAMAT BERJUANG MALAYSIA..

  189. Is this the crook that Raja Petra always wanted to shoot down? Muhammad son of Muhammad? Just get rid of him. If he dies of heart attack NOW, there will be mass celebrations throughout Malaysia! :)

  190. i’m upset with u YB Lim
    I’m Malay, and I’m Muslim.
    at the recent pru, I decided to give my precious vote to DAP, hoping for a better Malaysia. But with this kind of circus, I wonder if I still have faith in the Barisan Rakyat.
    I think you should be more mindful before you speak your mind.

  191. I wonder why Umno is so quiet over Ong Ka Chuan’s statement regarding the appointment of PAS ADUN as MB. OKC is insulting the Sultan by instigating DAP should not accept the PAS MB.

    Bring Ong Ka Chuan to kneel down in front of Sultan and give him 100 smacks on his bottom!

    ermmm……wonder why UMNO is so quiet this time!!??

  192. UMNO can lose its majority and right to rule as government anytime should there be a substantial numbers of its members choose to crossover to the opposition coalition. Similarly, UMNO can also bolstered its position by buying some of the opposition seats. In this scenario, it is highly unlikely that the DAP candidates can be shaken as they have no place to crossover except leaving the party to become independent because MCA, Gerakan and MIC has been rejected outright by the Rakyat and in no position for such a bargain. Hence, in the coalition of the opposition, naturally we should worry more about Malay-Muslims candidates from PKR and PAS, any unhappiness and objection to appoint a Chinese Menteri Besar may trigger the racial sentiment to crossover to UMNO, that’s why many of us will agree to have PAS MB and fore go our rights and principles of democracy as the majority, just to avoid what some termed the “backlash” from UMNO. Isn’t this is the sole reason why Lim Kit Siang has to take the blame?

  193. Let’s hope the final decision making is not by this MB but by all representatives of the coalition.

    Let see if this PAS MB is fair to the people…. will he implement hudud laws in Perak? If so, there will be a lot of restrictions, though pork and safety is promised. I hope PAS do not simply implement anything from the party, specifically Islamic laws. It’s a coalition of three parties, they have to respect DAP and PKR and the people of Perak. I hope PAS leaders do not do anything stupid to make the people loose confidence in the oppositions. Otherwise, the people will learn from this mistakes and vote back BN.

  194. Dear Sir

    I think it is time for you to act more statesman like and consider that in Perak, DAP should not act as though it is in the opposition. If you persist, you may as well throw in your lot with BN – you’re no different in putting party agenda over the people’s agenda. You cannot agree to leave the decision of picking the MB in the Sultan’s hands one day, and then back out the next. All it shows is that the opposition coalition cannot be trusted. And making an apology the next day doesn’t do much to repair the damage. Sir and the DAP CEC, please, for the sake of all Malaysians who voted for the opposition, think before you release statements. This may just be another sandiwara on DAP’s part, but it certainly doesn’t foster confidence.


  195. Ini UMNo punya orang memang ada kurang sekolah sikit…wang rakyat dia makan, darah rakyat dia hisap atas nama DEB…padahal DEB hanya menguntungkan KRONI-KRONInya sahaja. Banyak contaoh saya ada, kalau mahu cerita tak cukup time lor… So apa yang Guan Eng nak buat tuu betul, hapuskan DEB dan buat satu pelan tindakan yang baru yang benar-benar boleh mebangunkan melayu di P.Pinang. Tak guna suap makan sahaja seperti DEB, tetapi kan lebih baik kita bagi orang melayu peralatan untuk maju setanding bangsa lain. Seperti kita tahu, orang melayu bukan bangsa pengemis seperti yang di war-warkan oleh UMNo, orang melayu boleh berusaha sendiri tanpa disuap… so, apa yg saudara Lim Guan Eng buat tuu memang betul…dia boleh memajukan orang melayu di P.pinang setanding bangsa lain tanpa menyuap… Ini UMNO dia dah panik, tak tahu apa setimen nak main lagi..pasal tuu hari hari mau main perkauman punya api..UMNo Kolot!

  196. ALERT!! ALERT!! ALERT!!

    UMNO baru is planning to disrupt the swearing in ceremony by deploying Pekida, tiga line, mat rempit, samseng, Rela trouble makers…etc to places around Kuala Kangsar Palace in Perak.

    They are using the DAP statement as excuse to stir another racial riots.

    Sultan Please Send in your Royal Malay Regiment & Army Immediately to protect the elected Representative and the people.

    We will not tolerate this nonsense anymore from UMNO Baru. Be Warned!!! They are DESPERATE. We must disrupt, disrupt these goons plans!! Its easy to identify them, they come in bikes and in a groups!!

    I have rushed team Mat Kilau there fyi!!


  197. Since UMNO always threaten the other component parties that they can form the government even by it self when other component parties were making partition, their wish has come true!!!

  198. The fact that DAP CEC objected to the PAS candidate for the MB post shows that PAS failed to make a collective decision when they submitted their candidate choice to the Sultan.
    What happens if PAS goes ahead in their move to implement some Islamisation policies despite the objection by DAP CEC? This Perak MB issue sets a dangerous precedence.

  199. My previous comments did not come through, but all that ends well is well.

    In short any disagreement must have been before meeting the Sultan and behind closed doors. We only want to see solidarity. With DAP having the lead, I see no problem with a PAS MB.

    Finally Saudara Lim KS; you are no more the opposition; but a ruling party with powers. More care when DAP issues statements – think twice from now on.

    Good Luck and God Bless

  200. To Democrate,

    MCA couldn’t propose their candidate for a deputy MB post even though they had more seats than DAP. The point is whether they had more or less seats than UMNO.
    Likewise, the issue is the number of seats DAP has as opposed to what PAS has.

  201. Its a pity only a person in LKS’s capacity could scarifies himself, to be ridiculed by UMNO, MCA /BN in the hope to make good this swearing in crisis.

    We must be vary that any moment between now and the Royal ceremony, the risk of BA candidates being bought over , or defect is high as ever.

    Only a person in LKS himself knows how bitter it is to swallow this predicament, best known to himself between the rakyat, Royal Household and BN.

    Henceforth, the more we must respect him for the ” invisible ” sacrifices……..

  202. walaupn c lim suda minta maaf tp ramai sudah ‘makan hati’ dengan dia… apa yg kita bimbang msykt akan melihat DAP mempunyai niat jahat sedangkan majoriti org2 DAP amat toleren, bertolak ansur dan dpt bekerjasama dgn org2 PAS… hanya segelintir org2 vateran DAP ni yg berfikiran 70an .. kolot, besar kepala dan tak mau mengikut perubahan zaman..

    paling bagus LIM letak jwtn la… bg urg lain yg open minded yg rule DAP.. kita BANGSA MALAYSIA(cina, melayu , india)tak berjaya membentuk kerjasama yg kuat kalau org mcm lim ni ada.. dia lebih suka memboikot daripada mencari titik persefahaman..

    hero to zero… wek!!

  203. Lee Wang Yen,

    1. Was there ever a chinese deputy menteri besar in Perak? There is going to be one now.

    2. Like you said, UMNO demanded. They don’t ask.

    3. The Malaysian Indians received 2 deputy CM’s posts. Do you think they will ever get them under UMNO?

    4. Let the new state governments do their job and stop speculating and create suspicions.

  204. Wang Yen..

    The reason Sultan choose the PAS is because

    1. They will always be a Islamic function in Perak and the MB must attend it and sometime need to organize it..

    2. The Malay Muslim majority in Perak will feel that their Sultan is been mocked by DAP..

    3. The PAS candicate is stated by Ngeh Khoo Kim(I think the spelling is right) is the best candidate because of his high knowledge..

    Yet, I think Wang Yen is one of the causes or agitator that he think that the Malay can’t consider other right.. Even in Islam, it is HARAM to discriminate other races.. It is the freedom of religious and we as a MALAYSIAN should be together against the corruption and evil minion of BARISAN NASIONAL especially UMNO, MCA , Gerakan and MIC..

  205. If today as the majority in the Perak state shall make the concessions to another “majority” as oppose to principle of democracy then we must honestly do so with a clear understanding of the consequences that will follow. MCA and Gerakan has already taken the blame, with DAP becoming another scapegoat of the “bigger picture” some of the voters here demand, what will be left to choose in the next general election?

  206. Uncle Kit, Thank You Thank You for responding quickly.
    Pls do not repeat such mistake and ‘jump the gun’ the first time.Remember! Remember Not to take it for granted. A mistake like this may not be as easily forgiven. You know that.
    Then again, wisdom does make a difference though still learning.
    What a relieved. Yes, all ye DAP, attend this afternoon ceremony as a show of One-ness. Walk your Talk. For all of us Loving citizens will be with you in faith. DO the right thing. DO not let the
    enemies sway us in anyway. DO not listen to MCA in particular.
    They has their chances and now its time they SHUT-UP!!!
    Don’t try to be nice now. Its over-done! Just say good things about new Rakyat Government.
    Cheers Everyone.

  207. Come on roza, saudara lim sudah cukup baik dan gentleman bila dia meminta maaf.

    Kalau orang UMNO dah buat salah, mana tahu minta maaf? Orang UMNO akan cakap dia betul sahaja.

    Ini kita namakan demokrasi dimana buat salah kita mengaku…


  209. To rozariorecardo..

    It might be true that some of the Malay voter who vote for DAP ‘makan hati’ because of his recently statement.. I, myself felt like I was slashed from the back when I heard this news..

    But, now everything have calm and the only thing that YB LKS should do now is TRY TO WIN THE MALAY VOTER HEART AGAIN!!! You have at least 4 years to do so but I doubt it will 100% succeed because Malay is always so sensitive with their heart.. Once broken, considered no more.. Hope LKS do his best!!!

  210. Let’s see how things unfold. I’m inclined to think that PAS will start asserting itself and revealing their Islamisation and Islamic State policies in the near future. Let’s see how those who have urged DAP to work together with PAS will respond when that happens.

  211. the word hudud has been humialiated many times. Hudud – potong tangan. Hudud-potong jari. lol
    folks..tell u..hudud is only for Muslim…yes..only MUSLIM are executable with hudud law..

  212. Dear KS Lim,

    Please think before giving your statement to the public. At this very moment, situation are tense as there is no indications as to how DAP will manage the Perak states and implementing future government policy. By accepting, the new PAS Mentri Besar, should be a wise step, at this near future.

    Challenging the Perak Royal’s decision is not a wise one. BN will make use of this issue to propogate to theirs advantage. And this may caused racial tension.

    Respecting royals is what DAP should do. Malays and non malays are supporting the royals, as they are neutral. If you can recall, why Bersih delivered memorandum to YDP Agong and not PM? Simply because they are neutral.

    Even though, DAP won the majority seat but mutual agreement between BA still vital at this infant stage.

    Minutes ago, I read PKR will pull out from Perak government unless fair seat allocation between BA is practised.

    Please do some rational thinking and anticipate what circumstances what will happen should you want to comment….

    Thank you,

  213. Lee Wang Yen is certainly a skeptical person.. PAS-PKR-DAP will work together in their decision about PERAK..

    Do you all read at the malaysiakini(Malay version) that the PKR will be likely to pullout if the exco seat is not considered again??

  214. Dear Lee Wang Yen,

    You are sick.. Really !!!

    Did you see any one in BN sent Chinese candidate for MB selection?

    Do you know that DAP is not..will not .. and never endorsing PAS ideology?

    Did you know that the decision of new MB of perak is made by Sultan?

    Do you see any Deputy-MB before in perak?

    Did you see any MCA leader questioning about their limitation in BN?

    The only thing that you see it right is with MCA we couldn’t propose anything…. but PAS-PKR willing to discuss everything with DAP!!!

    The decision is made by Sultan, and not the selection of DAP as well as coalition. Get its clear and explain it to your Idols in another barisan… They pretend cant think and you are convinced with them…

  215. This election has dealt a serious blow to BN………the party is hurting and disintergrating to being grossly unattractive and irrelevant to the well informed…hence the desperation to regain their support at all costs.

    BN’s days are numbered….let time take care of it.

  216. YB,Time to switch you gear because you are no longer minority opposition.Discuss within your party first before you make a statement.You can consider to form a think tank that handle political issues and public statements.Because you really don’t want these things happen in the future whereby letting people lose confidence with shocking statements.Not saying you can’t tell the truth but you have to be very careful, consider overall as factor.More flash light is pointing you now compare to the pass.Be more steady on stands and statements.This is probably a chance that could only happen once in 50years.We place high hope on you.

  217. We young people nowadays think so properly before we act, so I hope the older generation will do the same.People can forgive but never forget. And if they do so, it will take long n hardwork to convince them to regain trust.
    I think Roza got a point, politicians cannot make mistake. That include having affairs, sex with prostitutes, homosexual etc.

  218. To implement Islamic law (i.e. hudud), PAs would have to get the approval of 2/3 of the floor. I doubt that the BN @ UMNO reps would be willing to support given their “Yes boss!” mentality … So why worry about something that would be impossible to happen ???

  219. YB Kit,

    Can DAP send a petition to State Sultans of Perak and Selangor and also to HRH DYMM SPB YDP Agung for the release of M Manoharan from detention under ISA because he has been elected by the people of Kota Alam Shah to represent them as their rep.

    Although the Home Minister and PM have incarcerated him under the ISA, the Home Minister’s boss, i.e. the Rakyat have over-ruled his decision and have voted for M.Manoharan.

    I call on you to move with great haste to get him released.

    Why Sultan’s of Perak and Selangor? Because he is being incarcerated in Perak and he was elected in a Selangor State seat.

    Please act with haste!

    Also since he is not a threat to anyone, and no charges have been made against him, he should be released immediately so he may perform his duties as an elected representative.

    I believe, the Agung, will consent to his release as the Rakyat so desires that he be released.

    The voting pattern of the rakyat will also show the Agung that the Rakyat object to BN’s heavy handed action taken against the citizens of this nation who tried to hold a peaceful gathering to submit a memo to the British High Commission, and the Palace. Excessive force was used on these peaceful gatherings. If anything, the Home Minister should sincerely apologize to the subjects of His Majesty for the Home Minister’s wrongful treatment. Detained subjects should be released forthwith.

  220. emanuel Says:

    March 13th, 2008 at 13: 38.36

    DAP-PKR-PAS alliance is a marriage of convenience. At the end of the day, I do not want them to replicate BN. DAP being accomodative to PAS particularly in this scenario is like MCA giving in to UMNO. So what is the difference?


    What is the difference? Well, not much just 50 years of history on one side while on the other you have not even given it a chance . :)

    It is up to DAP/PKR/PAS to show to the voters that is not a marriage of convenience just for the election.

  221. showsomemercy

    memang dah minta maaf, tapi bak kata pepatah melayu,
    “terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlajak kata, buruk padahnya”
    sebab sebelum ni ketiga-tiga pihak bersetuju untuk terima keputusan sultan. tapi dengan kenyataan YB LKS, sedikit sebanyak ianya mengguris hati kami, pengundi melayu yang mengenepikan calon bn untuk memangkah DAP.

    Saya sendiri pun boleh terima sekiranya bukan calon PAS yang dipilih. Tapi apapun, perkara sudah berlaku. Saya cuma berharap DAP, PKR dan PAS selepas ini lebih bijak dan matang menguruskan pentadbiran negeri masing-masing.

    Perkara ini walaupun kecil dan remeh, tapi impaknya sangat besar.

  222. We should feel happy becos we are getting the first deputy MB who are chinese.Be optimistic, PAS is not so bad and PAS also promise for not using the islamisation policies in managing Perak state.Nothing to worry.
    What we have to put more attention is the BN. Hope Lim GUan Eng talks less at this moment and will not fall into their trap.
    I also suggest that LKS should step down liao after this term.

  223. Abdullah is now reduced to being a lame duck leader. The longer he hangs on, the more damage he would inflict on his party and country.

    If Abdullah does not step down now, Malaysia will in effect have no chief executive. The whole Cabinet and indeed the entire government machinery would be consumed with a leadership struggle, both overt and covert, right till the upcoming UMNO General Assembly this August. Nothing substantive would be done, not that Abdullah was an effective executive at the best of time. Everyone would be jockeying for position. It is this uncertainty that is so corrosive to investor confidence.

    Indeed, the infighting has already begun. It starts out small, naturally enough, in the tiny state of Perlis where there is now an ugly tussle for the chief minister’s post. Soon the crisis will spread, of trying to find scapegoats for the party’s humiliations and over the dwindling goodies. It would not be pretty.

  224. To YB LKS… apa khabar… apa khabar semua perjuang-perjuang rocket.

    First of all you did a correct moves since most of the northen region are belong to BA governent who be the MB is not a question
    Perak,Kedah,Kelantan = PAS Selangor = PKR , Penang = DAP
    ( Resources ) = ( Administration ) = ( Finance )

    From here we can see that all BA representative must work harder for this 4 year to proof that BA manifesto are not for vote puller purposes.

    (Perak,Kelantan and Kedah ) have all the resources that BA can enhanced wealth to develop the nation which is under BA rulers and try to think about this kelantan has oil resources, perak and kedah are agricultural based states , Selangor are very close to port authority,logistic, administration for most of major multinational company and Penang will be the BA states that governed the wealth e.g finance,banking , property etc. from here the BA gang can become stronger and i do not see any major setback in your votes if you can fullfill at least 70 percent of your manifesto which you present during election campaign. Therefore
    please pre plan a head and heads on future.

    It is time for DAP to plant rocket launching platform for the PRU13

  225. Dear Yang Berkhidmat LKS

    You are the MAN !! Appreciate what you have done. It takes a great leader to admit its own mistake. Be a witness to a greatest history in the making. Drive safely to the meetings.

  226. I don’t know what the hell is wrong with PKR-DAP…

    just read malaysiakini that PKR is threatening to pull out??!!

    Damn it! if this is the way these guys are going to screw us, the rakyat, to hell with all of you…I will not vote next time!

  227. dear Mr lim,
    i feel shocked when i heard your response last night.
    i tot the situation in Perak is going to be worse
    and i worried
    all the parties shd stand and make decisions togather
    and saw the apology
    this is a great action taken
    you’ll always have my support

  228. I have confidence DAP leaders are gentlemen, just like Koh Tsu Koon when he offer to resign for his failure. BUT I have little confidence in the other two parties, yet. The coming four years will be the time for them to convince many of us who are not malay and muslim who voted them into power. Will they look into the interests of the non-malays and non-muslims (I’m not talking about chinese only). If so, how? if many of the unfair policies are still in place??? There is a VERY BIG question mark many of us are still wondering HOW because if the policies are not altered, it is very difficult to make significant change.

    I am very very happy at least Penang abandon the NEP. Changes will emerge very soon for Penang, but I have worries for the other opposition states.

    Though the request for MB by the Perak sultan can be treated as a special case and that many people believe He is fair and smart, He seemed to have overriden the process of democracy for religion purposes. Fair enough, we should respect that. Hope He is as smart and fair as the people has thought.

    Eventhough PAS leader is chosen as the MB of the state, I believe many of the things such as unfair policies can still be brought up to the table and I really really hope something is done about some of the policies rather than running the state as it is, it will be no difference compared to BN because you take all the SHITS leftover by BN. The people see difference face running the state, but we have the same SHITS. You get what I mean?

    No matter what, I hope the other oppositions is smart enough and don’t disappoint the people because the people do not simple vote you guys for fun.

  229. Lee Wang Yen Says:

    March 13th, 2008 at 14: 35.32
    Let’s see how things unfold. I’m inclined to think that PAS will start asserting itself and revealing their Islamisation and Islamic State policies in the near future. Let’s see how those who have urged DAP to work together with PAS will respond when that happens.


    DAP choosed to align with PKR and PAS before the election. To change its tune almost immediately after the election is very bad form. If DAP does not want to work together with PAS, it should have stated so before the election not after. Otherwise, it has hoodwinked the voters and I think this is a poor move. I expect better from DAP.

  230. Thursday March 13, 2008
    MYT 2:48:54 PM

    Guan Eng instructs Perak assemblymen to attend swearing-in of MB


    PENANG: DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng has ordered the party’s assemblymen in Perak to attend the swearing-in of the Mentri Besar this evening even though party adviser Lim Kit Siang had earlier told them to stay away from it.

    Guan Eng said the decision was made after he had discussions with various party leaders on Wednesday night.

    He said certain things were done by the Perak DAP out of the mandate given by the national leadership.

    “That is why probably certain developments took place. I have decided, as party secretary-general, that we should deal with the party’s internal matters on a different platform,” he told reporters Thursday after attending the Penang state exco swearing-in ceremony at Dewan Sri Pinang here.

    On Wednesday, Kit Siang had said that the DAP did not agree to the appointment of PAS’ Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin as Mentri Besar, as the party had decided on Sunday night that the post should either be held by its state chief Ngeh Koo Ham or state PKR treasurer Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi.

    Perak DAP secretary Nga Kor Ming later said that the party’s elected representatives would still show up at Istana Iskandariah in Kuala Kangsar for the ceremony at 4pm.

    On Thursday morning, Kit Siang apologised to the Regent of Perak Dr Raja Nazrin Shah for his statement on Wednesday over Mohammad Nizar’s appointment.

    Guan Eng said he viewed the issue in a broader context of national interest as well as respect and loyalty to the Perak Sultan.

    “There is consistency here, in the sense that this was a directive from me as the party secretary general (for them to attend the ceremony).

    “But, the question of going outside the mandate given by the Perak state leadership will be addressed on another platform, without giving the impression that we do not respect the Sultan, as claimed by certain parties,” he said.

  231. Dear Lim

    I read with sadness of your attitude.
    Your men were also voted in by the Malays to give you a big majority. So please stop, we cannot afford to split the Barisan Raayat. We must work together irrespective who the MB is. If we can proof that Barisan Rayaat will take over completely in the next GE or achieve greater heights.

  232. Now PKR also making noise liao about the appointment of exco. I have no confident that Barisan Rakyat is able to form the state government now. It will finally fall into BN.Hope ANwar will step in to discuss on this issue with the other 2 parties. Very sad!

  233. showsomemercy , saya bukan fikir pasal or UMNO krn saya x pernh meyokong UMNO.. saya sendiri tau bagaimana perangai UMNO..saya bercakap mengenai kita perlu b’jwb terhadap tindakan kita demi kepentingan perpaduan…

    dan ini berita terbaru …PKR ancam keluar k’jaan campuran Perak. lagi 1 kerja bodoh!!! kamu ingat rakyat vote mereka (DAP,PAS n PKR) utk lihat ini semua? ade beberapa org dlm pakatan ini yg BODOH SOMBONG dan berpikiran taik!!! PAS ( parti majoriti melayu islam) sendiri x de masalah dgn pembahagian exco PKR pulak yg bising2…

    mereka bukan nk pikir pasal kerja tp dok begeser pasal exco … kalau pn ada rasa x puas ati cari penyelesaian sesama pakatan (DAP,PKR dan PAS) bukan suka2 buat stetament membabi buta… BODOH!!!

  234. I have a feelings tat these politicians are playing games. Even Keadilan said they would pull out of perak administration if nothing is agreed. Wat is this? they all cannot trust. Apparently there is no proper planning.


  235. THANK YOU YB Lim, for making this very rational decision and listening to the people.

    As I have said in my earlier comments, there will be the Chinese Ultra hardliners to convince about this MB appointment from PAS but please do things one step at a time. We understand why you are doing this but the charade must be done indoors and not let the BN have the edge again to exploit issues like these.

    There are too much to be done to let the BN media and all start their spin with the perception of the ‘crack’ at the Perak DAP. Now that, that is resolved and things are moving forward, you can all sit down and trash things behind closed doors. That is what political maturity is all about.

    Please do not let the BN media spins shred you and the rest of the DAP folks to pieces again. It is sad to see them spin stories about YB Lim Guan Eng’s statement about the NEP. They have said 50% which is to scrap the NEP but forgot conveniently to mention the other 50% which is to be to safeguard all the poor and needy INCLUDING the Malays. See what an incident like that can do?

    Anyway, we have made our point and am VERY GLAD that good sense has prevailed. All the outcry here from your supporters, me included, is a cry of concern that we may lose traction in achieving our goals, especially so when it is so early in the success coming from this historic 12GE, which need to be built on. This takes a lot of time and a lot of effort. Appearing to be disunited at this stage will only be detrimnetal to the common objective of all.

    I sincerely hope PAS will do the right thing and appoint the DAP assemblyman in Kedah to the EXCO to reflect the start of real cooperation between all the coalition parties (yes and please remember that – as on TV and most the media, they are still referring all of you as the opposition ganging together or “party pembangkang”!). I hope that YB Husam’s (PAS) call will be heard within the PAS community and that they too do the right thing to appease all Malaysians.

    THANK YOU again YB Lim. If I had sounded unkind and harsh, I too apologize. It is only my personal views and is not influenced in any way by any of the readers here. I look forward to seeing more positive developments in the coming days with PKR, PAS and DAP speaking cohesively as one!!

    Good luck YB LIm.

    Malaysia for Malaysians!


  236. I felt relieved after hearing the news, even moved to tears. Thank you so much Mr Lim! My Chinese friend vote for PAS in DUN Sg Abong in Muar while I’m a Malay who vote for DAP in Kota Melaka n Kota Laksamana. Our candidates won!! We are worried about your previous statement but now we are both so happy and so with the rest of the people who wants the Barisan Rakyat stays unite. With 18 seats won in Perak you don’t have anything to be worried of. Ir Nizar won’t be making decisions alone because we are 1, regardless of race, don’t you worry about that.
    Thank you once again. It’s time to prove to all that we can work as a team and build up Perak. As long as we stand united in this, nothing can stop us!

  237. This time round DAP Perak is really f*cked to the max. DAP Perak is the pawn in this game. First those self-claimed “RAKYAT” blasted Uncle Lim’s insight. Alright then we gave in! Let PAS take the MB! Then we can have more EXCOs as consolation..

    Then came PKR, threathen to pull out if they don’t get bigger share in EXCO seats, which were discussed and finalize even before the nomination of Perak MB. Great!

    My dear self-claimed “RAKYAT” who supports DAP…who is on the losing now??? 18 seats won boils down to nothing now. Happy everyone?

    Now it’s the time you bashers change direction for your comments outpour.. GO TO ANWAR IBRAHIM BLOG NOW! DO IT THERE LIKE WHAT YOU DID TO UNCLE LIM NOW!!!

  238. Agreed with ypmeng

    No party will be successful without the support from all races.. Dun tell me all Chinese in Perak voted DAP in GE12.. Even it is true, still DAP will never be able to win some seats with the absent of Malays votes.

    Now you are barking around and dun willing to show some respect to Sultan’s decision.

    Other parties do this just to try to cut out the support to opposition coalition. And your mind just cant figure the real true by yourself judgment.

    Let me tell you again….. with BN we see no Chinese D-MB before…. without PAS still we already being declared as an Islamic country…

    WAKE UP!!!

  239. Hi LKS,

    Rakyat already endorsed DAP, PKR & PAS for Perak and to other 4 states. We believe in you and all others to make the changes to us all in Malaysia. Let’s proof to other states that are still under BN that Barisan Rakyat is capable to do better job. This is the time for you to gain the momentum for 2012 or 2013. If you fail to do it this time, I afraid there will be no second chance.

    So put aside all differences and start to work, work and work. As you said earlier this week if Rakyat could put aside BN this time, we Rakyat could put out DAP, PKR or PAS next time around if you guys fail to deliver.

    We have work hard to lobby to make change, so hope you could also do the same work hard for Malaysia. We are feed up with all the politicking issues from the previous government. We really need to change.

    I am happy that you have apologize and to me that is a noble thing to do. Not like BN guys, they are afraid to surface and even now they are keep lying. Read MalayMail today about Khir Toyo. He is lying again.

    So let’s work together for better Malaysia.

    Satu untuk Malaysia and Malaysia untuk Semua.


  240. Lee Wang Yen,

    Are you Ipohan or Perakian? Most Perakians that I have spoken to have no issue about who the MB is and where he is from. They want the opposition to get together and get on with the business of governing the nation. Period. There is much to be done.

    When the Perakians voted, be they Chinese, Indians or Malays, they voted against BN and not particularly for DAP/PAS or PKR. Do bear that in mind. The fact that most battles were ono to one against BN means that the votes were generally anti-BN. And note that the Perakians could easily vote DAP/PAS and PKR out again if they are not happy with their performance. What happened in this election is basically the feeling that anything would be better than BN.

    The Perakian are now unhappy that the outgoing governments sealed several offices with the support of the police force and took documents out. This is precisely the reason that YB Lim Kit Siang said there should be a caretaker government. The taking out of files is wrong by any measure. But I guess the BN did not know and never in their wildest dreams expected to lose. So now they need time to clear up corrupt practices dating back 50 years.

    But of course, our ACA did not send anyone to monitor it and the police worked with the corrupt ( all same boat).

    Lee Wang Yen, if you are Perakian, I hope that your file has gone missing so that you have immense problems to get what is rightfully yours.

  241. LKS, damaged already done with your earlier statement. The BA supporters like me were trying hard to convince our freinds and colleagues to give chance to BA to show their capability and DAP and Pas are not racist like BN…but damn you!! All this while the Malays were told by BN that DAP only care about Cina, anti-Malay…and thanks to you, they’re almost right! You have not show repect to the Malay Sultan…and tho you intention was to get the majority to hold power, but it seems that you can’t accept the Malay to be your leader! Why can’t you compromise?? Baru menang sikit sudah mahu tunjuk gila kuasa!

    Thot you’re open-minded leader, but you not better than Bush and Lee Kuan Yew…negative perception on Muslim leader…what’ve Pas done to Chinesse that you’re so worried about Pas? Have any Chinese being punished with hudud in Kelantan? You against them bcoz they ban liquor? becoz they don’t allow skirts? So you prefer drunken men, and ladies wearing sexy skirt and bra like western? You have not given them chance to rule but already make negative judgement. You are just like Umno malays who will not give chance to Dap to prove that they will be fair to all…coz their perception is Dap = anti malay.

    You’re just an Adviser, pls stick to that. Why are you trying to steal the limelight from the SecGen or the Chairman?? If you got nothing better to say, just SHUT UP! Old man, let the smarter people like your son and Karpal Singh do the talking, please.


    Latest news just came in..PKR threathen to pull out of the BR in Perak if they don’t get more EXCO seats. Terms were agreed beforehand and now they wanted more.

    This news posted on Malaysiakini.com half an hour ago. Time to move away this Uncle Lim issue and start facing reality just created by PKR.

  243. Hi LKS,

    First of all, I must say I am rather dissapointed as most Malaysians that you fell for what BN was waiting for so long. Now, the governement machineries, racist NGOs all over Malaysia are chewing not you but the Malay voters who gave you their vote. This effectively weakens your coalition partners, especially the more multi-racial PKR. The damage is huge and may snowball if you don’t do anything about it. Barisan lost mainly due to this snowball effect, so beware! Next why is the hurry to drop the NEP, we have lived (I am a non-Malay btw) with it for so long and there is no hurry to drop it in toto, you must convince the Malays that they have indeed got a better deal by voting the opposition through better governence and a transparent system. If you do so they themselves will find the merit to do away with it. Remember they are the citizens of this country and since they have been enjoying a certain fruit, what happens if you suddenly take it away. What will happen to a person who is somewhat brainwashed to believe that he can only walk with a crutch when you just take it away from him, he will fall, even though he can walk. As they say it is all the mind. To change peoples mind take time, it took 50 years of struggle to be where we are, so lets wait a couple of more years to slowly but surely dismantle they system with the consent of all Malaysians or else DAP will not be the loser but the millions of Malaysians who voted for you.

  244. From Malaysiakini.com

    PKR threatens to pull out of Perak state gov’t
    Mar 13, 08 1:52pm

    Just as one fire has been doused in Perak over the appointment of a PAS man as the new mentri besar post, another one is taking place.

    PKR has today threatened to pull out from the Perak coalition government on hearing that eight of the 10 executive council posts will go to DAP while the remaining two going to other parties.

    In a statement issued by PKR deputy president Syed Husin Ali, the opposition party expressed its objection to “the agreement made between PAS and DAP with regards to the composition of the Perak state exco”.

    “In the spirit of sincere openness, we stress that the composition of the exco must reflect the composition of the population of Perak and represent the interests of all ethnic groups fairly,” said Syed Husin.

    “We ask that this composition be discussed again and if the composition is not altered to the satisfaction of all parties involved, PKR will not take part in the administration of Perak.”

    However, he said that PKR will honour its agreement to support the coalition government.

    According to available statistics, Malays represent 53.7 percent of the population in Perak, Chinese (31.4 percent) and Indians (13 percent).

    It is believed that an earlier agreement between the three parties was for the 10 exco posts to be distributed among them where DAP will have six, PKR two and PAS two.

    In last Saturday’s general election, the opposition won an unprecedented 31 of 59 state seats – DAP 18, while PKR has seven and PAS six. The remaining 28 are in the hands of BN, with Umno 27 and MCA 1.

    According to Syed Husin, PKR accepts Sultan Azlan Shah’s decision to appoint PAS state assemblyman, Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin, as menteri besar of Perak.

    “While at first we stressed the need to choose an individual that will be well received by the majority, we now accept the decision in the spirit of cooperation between PKR, PAS and DAP as well as in the interests of stability and harmony for Perak and for the whole of Malaysia.”

    Furore in Perak

    Yesterday, DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang created a furore when he said DAP would boycott the swearing-in ceremony today in protest against Nizar’s appointment as mentri besar.

    However, in a dramatic reversal this morning, he apologised for any offence caused to the Perak royalty over his statement, which he said was not made out of disrespect to the Perak sultan and regent.

    Meanwhile, state DAP chairperson and Sitiawan state assemblyperson Ngeh Khoo Ham told Malaysiakini that all the party’s elected representatives will attend the swearing in ceremony before the Sultan of Perak in Kuala Kangsar at 4pm.

  245. Good decision!!! You got the support from us, the DAP supporters.

    Yes.. DO NOT LISTEN TO WHAT MCA and GERAKAN SAYS IN THE PRESS .. they are just trying to create more chaos ..
    We definitely support your decison on attending the ceremony.

    No worry please. We could assure you most of us are with you nevertheless. Some BN people or other people are just taking their chances to cause chaos…

  246. Once upon a time, a rich old fellow was struck down by a serious illness. His children hastily called in 3 famous doctors, a Malay, a Chinese and an Indian to cure him.

    Now, the old ffellow could only be cured by the combined efforts of the 3 doctors working as a team. However, for reasons of prestige, each of the 3 doctors clamoured to be made head of the team.

    In the end, the old fellow died while the 3 doctors were still haggling over who should lead the team. And the children of the deceased chased the 3 of them out of the house.

  247. LKS,

    We have all waited long for this day. You have struggled to see this new begining. Do not crumble during your moment or success .
    We understand that you are walking a tightrope with the new BA . It is definately not easy. However, whatever decision you make, do not only make it for the Chinese. Do it for the Malays, Indians and the bumiputras in Malaysia. Do it for the betterment of all of us.

    It is now PAS who has Perak. It is the BA who has Perak. Remember that.

  248. The sell down at KLCI is expected, it suppose to happen months before the general election on March 8. Abdullah must have interfered with it as the performance of KLCI before general election was not consistent with the movements of world market but the question is, whose money?

  249. He was commenting on the spread of text messages calling on the Malays to a rally at Istana Iskandariah to protest against the DAP “for challenging Malay supremacy.”


    See how the media twisted the word staying away for swearing ceremony as anti Sultan, anti-Melayu and some Chinese asking DAP not to work with PAS; we are slowly but surely falling into BN’s trap already.

    All be calm…….

  250. saya lihat ada org2 veteren ni meyusahkan kita…semalam c lim.. sekarang c syed husin ali dari pkr…

    rasanya cara mereka berfikir ketinggalan zaman.. plz sapa2 brain wash mereka2 ini .. skrg menteliti rakyat windows vista tp mereka masih windows 98..

    saya nk p cari blog c syed .. mau kasi ‘tiaw’ dia dulu…

  251. PKR campaigned against race-based politics before 8/3. But now it is urging us to take race-based considerations seriously. Perhaps Chandra Muzzafar is right.
    The unfolding of the events gets DAP into an embarrasing position that is strikingly similar to MCA/GERAKAN. As they couldn’t take their stance and had to compromise, DAP is now being forced (threatened by PKR) and urged (by many of its own supporters) to yield and compromise.

  252. I’m truly disappointed with events happening in Perak. Please look at the big picture, guys.

    What is this? Protest by DAP and threaten to pull out by PKR? Please reserve your public statements and be thoughtful about it before publishing it. Please refrain to act like oppositions cos you guys no longer is one.

    If you want to show you guys are better than BN, please work together and show them you are. Look at the big picture. If the cooperation could not be attain in state level, how do you expect us to hand the country to you guys to run?

    What happen to the ceramah spirits from last week when you have one common enemy, BN?

  253. Commonfolk,

    What Syed Husin said is again playing to racial sentiments. We should all move away from this. But he did not say that PKR would withdraw support for the new Perak government, resulting in its collapse. Read it carefully again.

    It would only be fair to DAP to get the major share of seats as it won the most seats. Note that due to the peculiar situation, it was even unable to get an MB position despite having the most seats.

    But lets move away from racial politics. Otherwise we are no different from the BN that we have replaced. Are we saying that the Chinese and Indian Exco members will not look after the rights of Malays who voted them into power? That would be a sure recipe for disaster, and a sure way to guarantee that BN will return to power with even stronger race based politics.

    Just like AAB once said he is a PM of all Malaysians (before changing his tune), the Exco represent all the rakyat; they are not Exco for Malays/Chinese or Indians separately. Lets work beyond racial lines and show what Malaysians are capable of. We in Perak can do it. The Rakyat are willing, why are you Politicians squabbling unnecessarily?

    Its only BN that has been operating along racial lines. Lets show our maturity and move away form this.

  254. Y.B LKS,

    This is a time when DAP,PAS & PKR must stand together, united with one voice. The leaders need to be strong and show wisdom and courage.

    We are all praying that all goes well and common sense prevail.


  255. At the moment, i think DAP have to unite with PKR or PAS. It’s due to the government trying to take advantages by mislead the people due to some minor issues within the barisan alternative. But frankly, i wish DAP to rule Perak as this is what most people in Perak vote DAP as DAP has more seats.

  256. there are two views ( two sides of a coin ) in this episode of the perak menteri besar. i can feel the tsunami of generous and great sacrifices offered here. i can feel the tsunami of being the good samanritan and humbled beings. i can feel that praises heap on kit siang over his repentence of statement. i can feel that he is now a wiser man.


    that the dap ( as a party that won the most state seats in perak is history and irrelevant .)

    that the dap ( is only a chinese party like mca and advocate only ketuanan cina) if it at all possible.

    that kit siang has shown disrespect to the DYMM Sultan and is perceived as rude.

    in my heart of heart, kit siang i feel so sorry for dap.

    HRH the Sultan of whichever states is the sultan for all malaysians.
    if this is the case, the election results must be addressed and translated to a fair and reasonable appointment of the mb. ( HOWEVER – IT IS UNDER THE STATE CONSTITUTION THAT THE MB FROM THE STATE MUST BE A MALAY ) . than our forefathers have already decided for the future generations that MALAYS MUST LEAD. so dont blame the Sultan. ( blame those who drafted the constitution ).i suggest that every states constitution be checked and read and reread to find the STATED CLAUSE. so we are prepared that MALAYS MUST LEAD, or as in Selangor, the deputy mb should preferably be a malay too as reported .

    racial politics will be here to stay in MALAYSIA, AND BANGSA MALAYSIA IS STILLBORN. if we so gracious to ask kit siang to apologise, than we must also be gracious to accept THIS FACT.

    In the next snap election, which bn will called within two/three years, those who are dead – are dead, but those who are still living must remember that besides the shout of ‘reformasi ‘ and equality and transparency , make very sure , dap takes on umno and pas takes on mca and pkr takes on mic. THIS WILL THAN BE THE MOTHER OF ALL ELECTIONS. will it happened ? NO. it will be the same grandmother goose situation. THIS IS THE REAL LITMUS TEST OF NON RACIAL BA/BN.

    i am not too sure how many of us voted here, and even is a registered voter. but i am a voter and did vote. with 15million eligible voters, we have only 10.5 million. PATHETIC !

    i respect the Sultan’ s decision, but the fools that submitted the three names have betrayed the voters choice. and btw, kit siang , you are wise enough to know that there is NO LEARNING CURVE IN POLITICS.


  257. MCA is correct. As Ong Ka Chuan said, “Perak’s voters has been cheated by the Opposition”! Giving PAS to lead the coalition will cause chaos as PAS will try to make Perak a Islamic State.

    In the Star Online today (13/03), the incoming PAS MB said, “On concerns over the implementation of Islamic rules, he said the policies would take into account the people’s interests”. This means that the PAS MB has the intention to turn Perak into a Islamic State. If it happens, definitely the next general election, Barisan Nasional will WIN back Perak!

    Uncle Lim knows and understand well. To save the Opposition and to build up the confidence of the people so that the Opposition can continue to rule Perak, the Perak MB must either comes from DAP or PKR and NOT from PAS!

  258. Kit,

    Please listen to the rakyat wishes, please. We all have come a long way. Dont let UMNO-BN turn us against each other.

    As a chinese, myself, I have no problem with the MB from Perak from PAS, because I dont see the guy as a malay. I see him as a Malaysian. Whether he is yellow, green or blue does not matter. Lets the true spirit of Malaysian Malaysia prevail.

  259. Mr Lee WY, I think many have heard you loud and clear. We can appreciate your arguments. But I guess it is a little too late now for this particular case, i.e the appointment of Perak MB. How can the DAP CEC be so careless and not aware of the statement jointly made by the three parties to allow HRH the make the ultimate choice. So, please just cool it for a time being and see what happen next.


  260. Ok lah, PKR merajuk tak mahu jadi sebahagian dari Pentadbiran Perak hanya kerana tak puas hati pembahagian exco yang tak adil menurut mereka. Tetapi akan tetap bersama dalam pakatan PKR/DAP/PAS bagi membentuk sebuah kerajaan gabungan/pakatan bersama.

    Tak ada masalah pun disini. Apa mahu kecoh-kecoh. Ini perkara biasa. Kalau PKR tolak jawatan Exco hanya kerana tak puas hati pembahagian, biar dia lah. Sekurang-kurangnya kita dapat lihat warna sebenar PKR ni. Mereka bukan saja berminat nak jadi Adun tapi sasaran untuk jadi Exco. Dah kemaruk sangat nak jadi Exco. Kalau jadi Adun biasa tanpa jadi ahli Exco tak boleh berkhidmat dengan baik kepada rakyat kah?

    Macam perangai budak-budak pulak berebut jawatan.

    Bikin malu saja….

  261. “PKR threatens to pull out of Perak state gov’t
    Mar 13, 08 1:52pm ”

    Looks like the Opposition Coalition don’t really have an understanding amongst themselves. A real pity. A historic win being marred by the parties pettiness.

  262. Like I said…the damage is done. Its illogical that PKR is left with the crumbs. PKR got more seats than PAS but they got only 2 EXCO seats…..
    I am not PKR member but things have to be fair. We don’t mind PAS being the MB but pls set things fair.
    Just as I have said before….I won’t be surprise that in the next few days, few BA ADUNs will jump ship to BN and this may include even DAP ADUNs and then BN will be the Govt again in Peraqk and all our efforts in voting for BA will go down the drain….
    Perak voters are not knocking their heads agst the wall for giving BA so many seats but can’t even agree amongst themselves to have a good share distribution of EXCO seats.
    What a WASTE!!!!!!

  263. The best formula for the state exco will be 7-2-1. ( DAP-PKR-PAS). PAS which is having the least State assemblymen should be given 1 seat. Afterall, PAS was gieven the MB position already. Currently, PKR is not given any seat in the state exco. No wonder, they want to pull out.

  264. The irony is…our beloved Perak state got so famous this fews days…for the wrong reason!

    Hope such publicity can create more awareness of Perak and bring in more revenue in the future. >.<” sigh…

  265. Dear YB Lim,
    Please listen carefully here. We are DAP supporters. Most of us understand the situation that you face in this case. We are actually OK with any open-minded MB be it from DAP, PKR or even PAS. Please do not get too worried by the situation where too many people saying too many things.
    We think the most important things are that:-
    1) In Penang where Guan Eng is the CM, DAP should exercise an open-minded, good and transparent leadership in Penang state government.
    2) In Perak where DAP man is the Deputy MB, DAP play a heavy role in Perak state government in achieving a state government that is open-minded, good and transparent.
    3) In Selangor, DAP play a substantial role in Selangor state government in achieving a state government that is open-minded, good and transparent.
    If you could the points 1 to 3, we could assure you that DAP would only get greater support in the next General Election. At least we would garner more support for DAP in the next General Election.

  266. may i know state constitution is power over (over power) the malaysia constitution?

    malaysia constitution is no say national government PM must be belong which race ? why perak constution over power ?

    who can let me know the answer ?

  267. DAP. Please prove to the rakyat that you are sincere in your pursuit of opposition unity. After all, what happened to your idea of Bangsa Malaysia? I hope that you will work together with PAS and PKR. Political seats and positions should take a backseat. Prove that you are different from BN! Apologise to the rakyat. This debacle has caused a lot of misunderstanding and resentment.

  268. LKS is great.He wanted to prevent the chinese community from falling into the trap of thinking that DAP is working in alliance with the pro islam Pas.Do not be misled by opportunistic and false allegations made by certain MCA leaders like OKC during this critical period.LKS is no racist.He has already made it very clearly that either DAP or PKR should be appointed the Perak MB.But alas,the Sultan’s choice is ultimate and it has to be respected.

  269. to everyone who claims to be malaysian

    please, i dont get it. we keep saying that we voted BN out because they are outdated, still wanting to practice racial politics. we have the nerve to say we are the new generation, that we want a better malaysian for all.

    so why all these non-sense with “we chinese voted dap; dap is majority so dap shouls be appointed mb”.. mind you, these do not only come from sir lim, these come from so called malaysian for justice.

    come on people. face the fact. u honestly think that because u , and only u chinese voted fro dap, so dap won? haha.. berpijaklah di bumi nyata… malays also did vote for dap, not because dap is a predominantly chinese party, but we believe in justice for all.. indians voted for pas, does that mean they suddenly become muslim? no.. obviously no.. its because we, malaysian, we believe is a fair and just state, good governance..

    i support mr lim guan eng not because he is a chinese, but because i believe he can manage penang well.. bringing prosperity to all, major or minor. i like tian hua because he speaks up for justice for everyone, not just the chinese. i look up to nik aziz because he practice what he preaches, justice to all. ask those chinese in kelantan. and i am an engineer, of course i want the country’s economy to soar, but so does our leaders in pas, ir nizar for one, and leaders in pkr tan sri khalid for instance, as well as in dap, economy is among the issues brought up during your ceramah, right?

    so, if we malays are willing to do away with ‘melayu’, and work towards the betterment of our malaysia, i seriously hope chinese stop being “we are chinese, we help only our community” or what not, and the indians “we must fight for our rights, lets hold another hindraf rally”… its time to move forward. we are all here to stay, like it or not, face that. malays, chinese, indians, other races, we are all here to stay. so lets work hand in hand, and stop this malay chinese indian (other races) sentiment. come on.. sudah sudah lah tu.. jadilah org yang matang. our counterparts worldwide is moving into globalisation, yet we in malaysia still.. ko cina, aku melayu, dia india.. sudah lah, cukup lah..

  270. This is the biggest joke of the year for us voters or rakyats. First, we have the sleepy BN guys running the country and we all thought that by voting for change, things will change. But in reality, all are the same as before coming into power.. DAP & PKR talk this and that and we the rakyat believes in them. But once in power… they behave the same as any BN or UMNO guys… terrible.

    Today, in Perak.. only a state, we can see all their true colours coming out. Boycotting lah, pull out from partnership lah.. My god, what would happen to Malaysia if you guys won the elections.. If only by winning a state shows your attitude and colours, i would not be surprise on the results of the next elections. PKR or DAP, go on and fight for your exco’s seats as if you keep on showing this kind of attitude,you can see the results of the next GE in front of you now. We Rakyat can trust you once but once you mislead us & the trusts gone… it will take you another 50 years to change the peception. One thing i learn in marketing, if you have nothing good to say in public… don’t say anything.


  272. Haiya Uncle Lim, please don’t do this thing again lar. We nearly got heart attack after heard the news. Lets us be united as one Malaysian race and stay strong when facing challenges from the other side. Proof to them that they’re all wrong!

  273. I woke up on Sunday beleiving I’m now Bangsa Malaysia. After the past two days fiasco, I’m beginning to think otherwise…. I guess we still can’t see past race and political ideology. Very sad…..

    Although LKS did the right thing in apologizing and retracting its statement, I still wonder what the other politicians are saying. All those ceramah, asking us to work together as one bangsa, now we sit taking about allocations. But after the surprise victory, all said seem to have been forgotten.

    Why are all my chinese friends in Kelantan voting PAS all these while? Because Tok Guru is an excellent leader, a leader by example and walks the talk. DAP seems to be using it as a slogan and punchline. It boils down to the right candidate, not race, not how many seats each party win? wouldn’t it be great to see party with more seats giving position of power to those with less seat? If not, we are no different from the UMNO-BN government refusing any cabinet seats to the opposition? We are better than them. We should show them we are better than them.

    Hope it works out well. I hope this shakes up DAP, PAS and PKR that the hostile response shown indicates we do not support your parties but more of rejecting the current government. And like Haris Ibrahim and RPK, we will continue to voice our opinion and be the watchdogs to ensure we achieve Bangsa Malaysia. AS political leaders, you should start looking into you team, and weed out those kiasu, calculative and racist people. Hypocrites are not acceptable. The ideals must stand……

  274. If DAP has to yield to PKR and PAS, it does not matter whether Perak is ruled by UMNO-MCA-GERANKAN-MIC-PPP or PAS-PKR-DAP. In either case, race-based politics and Ketuanan Melayu and Islam still reign. The only difference is that the former is proven corrupt while the latter is not (yet).


    now – who is power crazy ?
    who is the puppet master?

    now that chinese and indians also voted for pkr, do to annuar what you did to kit siang.

  276. Anyone wanna go to Kuala Kangsar Palace n see wat happen there?
    Maybe got fireworks n free satay?
    Think about it, how nice if it could be tat way, free satay, free nasi lemak n drinks for all, celebrating.
    Where is the Malaysian spirit?
    Work it out !!!! Where is Anwar? Hiding? Show your face.

  277. There you go…Its confirmed that PKR does not get any seats in the Perak Govt and they are opting out of the Perak govt. In such case the DAP+PAS Govt will collapse at anytime. PLease get the damaged repaired before some ADUNs jump ship to Bn and Bn becomes the new Govt.

    This is a VERY URGENT!!!!! message…DAP>>>pls get noticed…

  278. BN is working furiously to buy two Perak ahli DUN (any two from DAP, PKR, and PAS) to jump like a toad to become BN Perak ahli DUN – to change from the current 28 BN : 31 DAP/PKR/PAS to 30 BN : 29 DAP/PKR/PAS!

    With the right price, a politician will sell their soul and their father/mother/wife/husband!

    So, the drama has not reached its climax!

  279. That is why I said that the Perak MB issue set a dangerous precedence. The post itself is not really a big deal, but it has serious implications, both for the political principles of anti-race-based politics and meritocracy, and the future working relationship between DAP, PAS, and PKR.
    If Malay rights and sensitivities are cited in the MB issue, it will be (and is now being) cited in the EXCO issues, and will be in future policies etc. If it is right, as so many people here say, for DAP to compromise for ‘the big picture’ on the MB issue, it should also compromise on future policies, for ‘the big picture’ and the realities of race-based politics. In that case, DAP will not be able to implement its own political ideology, which is what we have supported them for.

  280. Now is the time for the coalition to stand together as 1.

    Uncle Kit, please listen to the voices of the people.

    As it was very hard for the Malays to vote for DAP, it too was very hard for the Chinese to vote for PAS. But in the end, it was a victory of the people!

    We want change! And we want people who can deliver. Honourable. Trustworthy. Clean.

    Please – do not wish for any of you to betray our trust in you.

    Chinese/Malay/Indian/Iban/Kadazan/Dusun/Sikh it all doesn’t matter. Color of the skin doesn’t matter. We want a smart move for the coalition to go stronger.

    You can’t fight against BN media.

  281. The following is taken from Anwar’s blog
    Pendirian KeADILan Mengenai Perak

    Namun, kami tidak bersetuju dengan persetujuan yang telah dibuat oleh PAS dengan DAP tentang komposisi Exco Negeri Perak di mana lapan kerusi Exco diperuntukkan untuk DAP dan dua selainnya untuk parti lain. Kami dengan ikhlas menegaskan bahawa komposisi Exco ini sepatutnya mencerminkan komposisi bilangan penduduk dan mewakili kepentingan semua kaum dengan saksama. Semua parti hendaklah peka kepada harapan serta sentimen rakyat.

    Kami meminta komposisi ini dibincang semula dan sekiranya tidak diubah dengan memuaskan bagi semua pihak, KeADILan tidak akan menyertai pentadbiran negeri Perak.

    Dr. Syed Husin Ali
    Timbalan Presiden
    Parti Keadilan Rakyat

  282. Possible scenario:
    Namun, kami tidak bersetuju dengan perbantahan DAP mengenai policy X, Y, Z (related to Islamic state and Islamisation). Kami dengan ikhlas menegaskan bahawa policy yang dijalankan sepatutnya mencerminkan komposisi bilangan penduduk and mewakili kepentingan agama mereka. Majoriti penduduk Perak beragama Islam, and mereka memerlukan policy X, Y, Z. DAP and supporters harus menghormati…

  283. The Internet is here to stay!

    As shown in the 12th GE, the Internet is mightier than the keris!

    What is written in or loaded on the Internet can, on one hand, work wonders and uplift a person, and, on the other hand, destroy the same person.

    So, before we click ‘Enter’, we should think, think, think! We may be one click away from an eternal disaster!

    Once a message is uploaded onto the Internet, it becomes a public property for all to see. It has its own life in the borderless cyberspace and gets replicated exponentially. It spreads around the world within a short time. It may be one’s worst nightmare that returns to haunt one endlessly!

  284. MR LKS,

    Pls be cooperative with other parties in BA. We want Perak to be the one that is truly ruled by a collective agreement amongst the opposition parties and examplary that BA can really work and not ‘syok-syok’ as said by PM.

  285. WY Lee,

    Dont simply cut and paste news items to confuse bloggers. You must be a Gerakan supporter out to cause problems here after your masters did badly huh? Well I pity you for your support but most of us here are supporters of Malaysia, and not DAP per se.

    PAS and DAP have not sat and discussed the share of EXCO seats, so dont spread bad rumours here.

  286. Pengalaman luas aset utama Nizar terajui Kerajaan Negeri Perak

    Johari Jaafar
    Thu | Mar 13, 08 | 12:46:32 pm MYT

    Mengenali Menteri Besar Perak yang baru, Ir Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin, beliau dilahirkan pada 17 Mac 1957 di Kampung Air Hitam Labu, Kampar Perak. Beliau telah mendapat pendidikan awal di Kampar, kemudiaannya meneruskan persekolahan di Sekolah Menengah Anglo Chinese, Kampar.

    Selepas itu menyambung pelajaranya di Sekolah Menengah Teknik, Persiaran Brash, Ipoh. Pada tahun 1972 beliau mengambil Advance Level (A Level) di Norwich City College Of Arts & Technology Norwich, Norfolk, England.

    ImageBeliau merupakan lulusan Sarjana Muda Sains Kejuruteraan Mekanikal dari University Of Aston di Brimingham, United Kingdom. Sekembalinya ke tanahair, beliau bekerja di beberapa agensi kerajaan termasuk Jabatan Kerja Raya bahagian bengkel dan kuari, Perbadanan Pembangunan Bandar (UDA – Daya Urus), Perbadanan Pembangunan Pulau Pinang.

    Beliau berpengalaman luas dalam menjalankan beberapa projek besar negara. Antaranya Projek Dayabumi fasa 2 & 3 pada tahun 1983, projek Pusat Islam (BAHES, Jabatan Perdana Menteri (1984), projek Wisma Darul Iman, Kuala Terengganu (1985), pengurusan bangunan-bangunan kerajaan dan swasta termasuk KOMTAR, Bangunan Persekutuan Gunasama, pusat membeli belah dan pengurusan semua lif di hospital Kerajaan Negeri Perak, Pulau Pinang, Kedah, Perlis sehingga kini.

    Sebelum dilantik menjadi Menteri Besar beliau merupakan Pengarah Urusan di beberapa firma swasta. Di luar negara pula beliau banyak menjalankan beberapa projek di beberapa buah negara, antara di Birmingham, United Kingdom, Zug Switzerland, Miano Italy, Bangkok Thailand, Sdyney dan Goldcoast Australia, Doha Qatar dan Tehran, Iran.

    Dalam bidang politik pula, beliau berkecimpung dengan PAS dengan memegang Ahli Jawatankuasa PAS kawasan Kampar (1999 – 2001). Beliau menjawat jawatan Yang Dipertua PAS kawasn Kampar (2001 hingga kini). Di peringkat PAS Negeri Perak, beliau memegang jawatan Bendahari PAS Negeri (2001- 2006), Setiausaha PAS Negeri (sebelum menjadi Menteri Besar Perak).

    Walaupun beliau seorang yang berpendidikan tinggi tetapi beliau amat aktif dengan kegiatan masyarakat. Antaranya kuliah dan majlis ilmu di masjid-masjid dan surau-surau, ceramah motivasi pelajar dan institusi pengajian tinggi, menyampaikan khubah jumaat, bantuan kepada fakir miskin, mewakili PAS dalam program program kaum bukan Islam serta terlibat secara langsung dengan beberapa Badan Bukan Kerajaan (NGO).

    Beliau mempunyai lapan orang cahaya mata hasil perkongsian hidup bersama isterinya, Fatimah Taat. Anaknya pertama merupakan lulusan BA Syariah Universiti Mut’ah, Jordan. Anak kedua pula lulusan hafiz al-Quran di Universiti Mut’ah Jordan. Anak yang ketiga juga lulusan hafiz al-Quran dari Universisiti Damsyik, Syria dan Universiti Lebanon. Manakala anak yang ke empat hingga ke lapan sedang belajar di beberapa pelbagai institusi pendidikan dalam negeri.

    Menurut Setiausaha Kerja PAS Perak, Khalilul Abdul Rahman, Nizar merupakan seorang yang pemurah dan mudah bergaul dengan masyarakat dan mengambil berat masalah kakitangan di bawahnya. “Jika ada kakitangannya yang menghadapi masalah, beliau akan cepat menyekesaikan masalah temasuk masalah kewangan,” jelas Khalilul. “Sebagai ketua pejabat, beliau seorang yang peramah dengan orang ramai termasuk orang bawahannya dan beliau bersedia mendengar pandangan orang lain,” ujar beliau.

    Memperjuangkan hak dan kepentingan rakyat menjadi agenda perjuangannya, kerana itu beliau bergiat cergas di dalam Badan Bukan Kerajaan (NGO). Umpamanya Gabongan Pengguna Air Perak (GPAP).

    Keistimewaan beliau, walaupun lulusan dari luar negeri beliau mampu mengajar (buka kitab) di masjid-masjid dan suara-surau.malah beliau sendiri mampu mengelenggarakan ibadah kurban termasuk penyembelihan bintang kurban.

    Di samping itu Haji Nizar juga selain boleh berbahasa Inggeris, ia juga boleh berbahasa Cina dan Tamil. Inilah Menteri Besar yang dikehendaki oleh rakyat, mampu mentadbir, berwibawa dan mempunyai pengetahuan agama dan boleh membaca khutbah jumaat. Perkenan Sultan Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah yang memilih Mohammad Nizar sebagai Menteri Besar Perak memang tepat, oleh itu semua pihak perlu akur dengan keputusan yang dibuat oleh Sultan Perak. – mr

  287. Hey Emanuel. Watch what you say about Kelantanese. In kelantan we still can in pork and our pork markets are so much cleaner than your ipoh markets like buntong. Soetimes little piglets escape from their stys and malays here just “shoo” it away. If it happens where you live i bet there will be riots. Come to Kelntan and see for yourself. We have the most beautiful budhist temples in Malaysia. Not perakians or Penangites. So you worry that the PAS mb will pull down the brothels in Perak? By the way emanuel sounds like a guy name and you wear miniskirts? Sayz a lot about you. By the way there are still chinese gals who wear miniskirts in kelantan. You dont see them? Cos we are only i think 3% of the population. Do you see Malays at Buntong market? No right?
    Uncle kit im really sad as to what has happened. Damage has been done. Please have a private meeting with the sultan. He and his son the prince are “THE” coolest royals in Malaysia. I will always stand by you uncle kit


    I am utterly disgust and sad. After all these euphoria and joyfulness of the last week’s election, I finally woke up to the cruelest reality of this country: After 50 years of race politics perpetrated by the ruling party, Malaysians are just a bunch of downright racists of their own justification. The Chinese are racist, the Malay are racist, the Indian are racist… everyone is a manifesto of their communalistic chauvinism.

    Lim Kit Siang had went into trouble by propagating too much of ethnocentrism Chinese superiority during his election campaign in Perak. Now his party had done terrifically well in Perak (beyond his anticipation) and that’s why he is in dilemma. He has to make a stance of his pre-election promise to the Perak Chinese voters that DAP will never be PAS comrade when the question of Islamic State comes.

    By abiding the decision of having a PAS MB, he will have a political backslash in Perak. Now we are seeing these “having a PAS MB will turn Perak into a Islamic state!” and “We Perakian know best what Perak is, you outsiders Shut Up!” kind of rhetoric amongst Chinese voters (though not all, I must stress here). These statements could be loosely translated into the racist BN/UMNO analogy of: “Having a Chinese MB in Perak will be the HARI KIAMAT for orang Melayu!” or “We Malay know us very well and this country is a Malay land and you non-Malay Shut Up!”

    I just want to say that if no Malays that voted for DAP, DAP will not be possible to win 18 state assembly seats in Perak. Now some Perak Chinese voters sounds as if the DAP represent ONLY THE CHINESE and that’s why they must have a Chinese DAP Menteri Besar for Perak. See how the analogy works? We are no different from the UMNO/BN racist formula that we claim to hate.

    This reminds me of Raja Petra’s campaign speech for DAP not long ago in Klang. He said: All these while the UMNO, MCA and MIC has been championing that they are the “defender” of their won race, the UMNO will “mempertahankan hak Melayu”, the MCA “mempertahankan hak Cina” and MIC “mempertahankan hak India”… Then Raja Petra asked: “Nak mempertahankan dari siapa? Orang Jepun kah?” (There was a big laugh from all the audience) Raja Petra then made a very down to earth statement saying (I could not remember in verbatim, but he did say something like this): “If all respective races in Malaysia are needed to be “protected” by their respective race parties of BN, it means all races in Malaysia are actually ENEMIES!” The Chinese are the enemy of Malays and Indians. The Indians are enemy of the Chinese and Malays and Malays are the enemy of all races except the Malay race itself. How sarcastically true! And even truer, I see this completely in the “Perak MB’s fiasco” drama, courtesy of all racist Malaysians and their racist political parties. The PAS and DAP is indeed ENEMY! Now it all make sense to me, the BARISAN RAKYAT being advertise all these while are just bullshit!

    Don’t get me wrong, you may think I am Malay. Actually, I am an ethnically Chinese (I can’t choose my genetic blood, it’s not my fault). Most importantly, I am a Malaysian, I always hate to tell people my ethnicity before my nationality, but I am doing this now because Malaysia is such a racist country! I was graduated in Taiwan and I studied using Mandarin for my tertiary education. While I was in Taiwan, I voluntarily give up the status of “Oversea Chinese Student” or “??” status because I didn’t want the Taiwanese immigrant authority to see me as a “Chinese Diaspora”. I felt this is an insult to me as I am a citizen of a sovereign state call Malaysia! Not some Chinese squatters begging the mercy of other people’s nation. Though UMNO rhetoric had classed me so time after time, I refuse to give in and still fight for my dignity while I was studying in Taiwan because I truly believe in Bangsa Malaysia. Though it may be far from reality, I really hope that it could be materialized one day…

    As I insisted, the Taiwanese authority finally agreed to give me the status of “Foreign Student” or “???”. I lost all my privilege and subsidies for being a “Foreign Student” but I felt satisfied because being an “Oversea Chinese Student” is really an insult to me. While I was in Taiwan I mostly socialize with the Indonesians. This is because they speak the language closest to home and the Malaysian students studying in Taiwan speaks very little or no Bahasa Malaysia at all. I really appreciate the linguistic beauty and the affiliation of myself towards the Bahasa. Though mine version and theirs (the Indonesian) are somehow a little bit different, I really see Bahasa Malaysia as my national language and I am proud of it.

    Malaysia is no more a place that I had once knew when I came back from Taiwan. Cronyism, despotic rules, racism are festering from bad to worse. In spite of these worrying situations in Malaysia, last week’s election was really one of my happiest day. Perhaps that’s still hope after all in Malaysia, I thought. After all these excitement and joy, I started to cool down and access the situation.


    Last week’s election was just a MARRIAGE OF CONVINIENCE between the opposition parties. All races in Malaysia cast votes to the oppositions based on respective ethnic agenda that are utterly racist. It is so wrong for any analysis and reports that suggest Malaysian had finally discard the race politics. Malaysia is still a racist country, more than ever and ever it will.

    PAS, DAP and PKR are enemies just like UMNO and MCA and MIC are enemies to each other. This is because Malay, Chinese and Indian are ENEMY after all. Now Hindraf supporters are demanding Hindraf leader to be named high post in the new state government. Though I really felt sympathy towards the plight of the Indian community in Malaysia, but as far as I am concern, Hindraf is a religious centred-ethnic based movement. Just how pathetic! Another racist!

    Finally, Lim Kit Siang’s action had unmasked the very true nature of DAP. DAP is an outright opportunist political party that uses ethnic appeal just like any other Barisan Nasional racism parties such as UMNO. What a shameless party DAP is. But nevermind lah! Malaysian all like that one, all racist one! So DAP racist is acceptablelah!

    Lim Kit Siang valued his party’s interest and Chinese voters in Perak above all else, and his announcement had jeopardized and destroyed the achievement of the opposition parties in last week’s election. Now we discover how hypocrite and selfish these politicians are. For Lim Kit Siang, a simple sorry statement doesn’t help anymore as damage has been done. Lim Kit Siang will go down in history as one of the stupidest Malaysian politician. I will not vote for DAP in the coming election same as other parties because Malaysia is ultimately a RACIST COUNTRY!!!

    LONG LIVE RACISM IN MALAYSIA! Pray that we’ll destroy each other some day.

    An utterly disgusted and shattered CHINESE MALAYSIAN, now increasingly becoming a racist himself.

  289. Well, Uncle Lim, look at the bigger picture!.
    Work in the principle of Barisan Rakyat. You can’t change alone by DAP. Work for equitable Barisan! rather than a loosely form one.
    As so call our founding father already agreed on certain lopsided agreement, work toward reaching a fair equitable front.

    If you read below, maybe you should think harder on how to overcome the principles where the BN has captalised on in the past doctrine to instill fear in all and influence to secure their position. Lee Kuan Yew sure knows how to get Singapore out of it fast.

    How about we redefine it on ground of equitable and just. BN sure have to listen… in their current position.

    LKY statement

    “”According to history, Malays began to migrate to Malaysia in noticeable numbers only about 700 years ago. Of the 39 percent Malays in Malaysia today, about one-third are comparatively new immigrants like the secretary-general of UMNO, Dato’ Syed Ja’afar Albar, who came to Malaya from Indonesia just before the war at the age of more than thirty. Therefore it is wrong and illogical for a particular racial group to think that they are more justified to be called Malaysians and that the others can become Malaysian only through their favour.

    Lee criticised the government’s policies by stating that “[t]hey, the Malay, have the right as Malaysian citizens to go up to the level of training and education that the more competitive societies, the non-Malay society, has produced. That is what must be done, isn’t it? Not to feed them with this obscurantist doctrine that all they have got to do is to get Malay rights for the few special Malays and their problem has been resolved.” [7] He also lamented, “Malaysia — to whom does it belong? To Malaysians. But who are Malaysians? I hope I am, Mr Speaker, Sir. But sometimes, sitting in this chamber, I doubt whether I am allowed to be a Malaysian”


    “ There is no such thing as a racial “right” to be given special treatment. And that is not me being argumentative, it’s the Constitution. You won’t find “Malay rights” in the supreme law of our land, instead, you will find terms such as “special position” of Malays. The difference is more than semantics. A right implies something inalienable. A privilege on the other hand is a benefit, presumably given to those who need it. ”

    Through the understanding and debate we can redefine the “Malay Right” in its original meaning.

    The right should be accorded fairly to those who need it and not blindly to those who exploit it as the rich UMNO guys did.

    There are Malays who really in need, never get it for simple reason that the “Right” is exploited beyond porpotioned and its original meaning.

    The rich does not only exploited it as their god given right, but blindfold the deserving Malays.

    The “Special position” is only for those (Malays) in need and not ment blindly for all.

    Let the truth prevail!

  290. Ya I agree with the statement from KeAdilan……DAP has ruled Penang. In the state exco there is ONLY ONE MALAY REP i.e the Timbalan Ketua Menteri (but none of the Malays from PKR or PAS tried to boycott the angkat sumpah ceremony). As for Perak, DAP should agree on allocation of more seats to PKR and PAS as there are more Malays in Perak as compared to Penang. Pls don’t be greedy. If DAP just can’t be tolerate, I vote for PKR & PAS to opt out of the coalition.

  291. Guys, girls, ladies and gentleman please stay united. This blog is not infested with many UMNO, MCA, and Gerakan people.

    They want to see us crack and they can laugh at us later. My pledge to all, stay united and don’t react to what they want you all to do.

    Calmness is a virtue… It is not the end of the world! Stay Calm ya people!

  292. OH NO – here we go again!

    Just when I thought the DAP/PAS MB crisis has settled down, another bigot bigwig from PKR has started this nonsense all over again.

    HELLLOOOOOOO…..Can all of you please, pleeeezzzeeeee GROW UP??? Do you need to be whip on your bare bottom before you finally realize what you all are doing?

    This is no longer a BARISAN ALTERNATIF or reformasi or whatever, it is People’s Power – BARISAN RAKYAT!! Please stick to this agenda, set aside your obnoxious and contradictory behaviour (PKR), remove your chinkiness from your China Ah Piang outlook (DAP) and the Taliban image (PAS) and start behaving like a Malaysian where you blood flowing in your bodies are all RED!!

    So tiring la….



  293. YB Kit,

    I was rather surprised and disappointed by the statement released. Whatver prompted it, it remains ill timed and badly handled. I am sure there is room to work it out with all parties concerned. Having fought such a hard fight to get to where the Opposition is now, I think it is silly to throw it away with petty squabbles.

    All parties should be able to see the larger picture and rise above the disagreement of the sharing of power. 100% of zero is zero. So if the members of the Opposition coalition fight among yourselves, you could end up with nothing. The people will see to that and your enemies will see to that. Let cool heads prevail and work this out amicably. This is the best chance ever for all members of the Opposition to show the rakyat how you can cooperate to look after their interest and not your own interest. If you fight in public in this manner you play right into BN’s hands. And the rakyat can see all this and punish you just like they punished BN in the next elections.

  294. One day at a voting for the position of the school head prefect , assistant head
    prefect and treasurer of prefects, there were 2 pacts of students in the running ( 3
    guys voted by the students to be in the running , and 2 sore losers which were
    previously administrating the prefect board ).

    This 3 guys where Ali , Atan and Ah Seng. While the 2 other guys were Mat and Ah Ba.
    Mat and Ah Ba got the support of the supremo Discipline Teacher (Mr. Ahmad).

    But no student like any of them . They wanted only Ali , Atan and Ah Seng.

    The Discipline Teacher wanted Mat and Ah Ba to be elected for the post, but couldn’t get
    the majority of the students to consent to this.

    Well what can Mat, Ah Ba and Mr. Ahmad do ? “Well if we can only get one of them,
    maybe Atan to join us !” says Mat.

    “Yeah, with Mr.Ahmad backing, tentu boleh ! ” says Ah Ba.

    Mr. Ahmad , Mat and Ah Ba then starts to plan up ways for this to happen. “Hey, what if
    they fight against each other ? They usually do you know , since primary days, that
    will sure create havoc! , but then how can we instigate them to fight with each other ?
    ” says Mr. Ahmad .

    On the other side of the school, an emergency back lane meeting between Ali , Atan and
    Ah Seng is on.

    “Hey…how how…we dunno what is going to hit us u know ? , Mr Ahmad might err…buy anyone of us to their camp lah…” says Atan.

    “Yalah, die lah…before getting elected we sure be crushed! , they will spin tales to the other students about us” says Ah Seng.

    “Although I’m just starting to like you guys, Mr. Ahmad and gang sure will instigate us to fight each other lah ” says Ali.

    The backlane meeting progresses, Ali , Atan and Ah Seng cracking their heads to find a solution.

    Out of the many ideas up their sleeves, they thought of a wise and great idea .

    “If they want a fight ! We will give them a show of fights ” says Ali.

    Somewhat confuse, Atan and Ah Seng ask in detail about the plan.

    “Well, since we have no choice and we know what is going to hit us, why not play along with them, at least if the problem arise within ourselves, we be able to control it better, rite ? ” says Ali.

    ” You mean we pretend to fight each other ? Won’t that be a bad impression on us to the students ? ” saya Atan.

    ” What choice do we have, if we don’t do this, they will probaly paint an even uglier picture on us to the students, Ali is right, if we control the problem , we can close it as easy as opening it” says Ah Seng.

    ” Ok then, lets really get into the act and lets hate each other from now till about 1 moth after we get our positions ” says Atan.

    So from that day onwards, Mr. Ahmad , Mat and Ah Ba were caught by suprise how easily the 3 students were not united. Instead of plotting new ideas to crush them, they are not capatilizing on the problems created by the fights, hoping that will bring them down.

    But funny, after each problem arise, there was a solution out of it. But Mr. Ahmad , Mat and Ah Ba still belive that it was what they were doing that brought all this “fighting” within the 3.

    Until it was too late. Atan , Ah Seng and Ali got elected to the highest post in the Prefect Board.

    Although the images of this 3 were effected in the eyes of the student, they won the students trust back by the fair and just service to them.

    Story sounds familiar anyone ? Hoping this is how it turns out.

  295. YB LKS,

    I from High Education University as academic staff. I’m the Barisan Rakyat supporter since 1994. But when i know and read what have do you wrote, i lost my confident and cannot trust 100% with DAP now. Although you apologize but i’m and all malay know what is the hidden feel of you and all DAP members.

    I want to let you know, Sultan and Raja Perak are not stupid people. They have higher education qualification and know who should to be MB Perak. And if you compare the achievement and academic qualification of three names MB’s candidate, Nizar is the best person to be MB.

    To be MB, is not just to have more votes but also need experiences, high education qualification, and ‘berjiwa rakyat’ for all races.

    I think malay peoples do not trust DAP anymore unless DAP member’s need to do something. I do not know what should you need to do, but you need to develop the confident from malay people about DAP again.

    Sorry YB. Be carefull before you say something.

  296. To all DAP, Keadilan and PAS Leaders:

    Please negotiate and sort out all the matters in the close door meeting. After that, nobody should make any more statement stating their dismayed over what has been agreed over the meeting.

    You will only give bullets for BN to shoot you. So please think careful before you say anything or release any statement.

    We all want this DAP, Keadilan and PAS coalition to work. Please proof to us. Otherwise we will vote BN in the next general election!

  297. Now the people of Perak can see the true colours of DAP.

    Before the election, it was very easy for DAP. They rant and bitch about the government from afar.

    And when the rakyat gave them this huge mandate, they are now tripping over themselves.

    The win got to DAP leaders’ heads. And they are now fighting for power and control with PAS & PKR. Where is that so-called teamwork??

    The rakyat must see what the real DAP & LKS.

  298. We need conscientious and critical supporters, not blind ones. We don’t want DAP to slip into GERAKAN/MCA irrelevance by unprincipled compromise. What’s more important to me is DAP’s ideology of Malaysians first and meritocracy.

  299. WY Lee,

    Kami meminta komposisi ini dibincang semula dan sekiranya tidak diubah dengan memuaskan bagi semua pihak, KeADILan tidak akan menyertai pentadbiran negeri Perak.

    This just means that PKR will not form part of the EXCO but still gives its support to the coalition so DAP/PAS/PKR still have control over Perak.

    But all of these statements are premature because the seat allocation has yet to be discussed and agreed.

    Hence as a professed DAP supporter dont rock the boat, ok.

    Perakians want the opposition to form the government here. They have had enough of BN. So dont instigate.

  300. Dear LKS,

    I am a malay muslim and registered as a PKR member. During the 2008 GE, I have voted for PAS (Adun) and DAP (parliment). Eventhough I am a Malay, I have a strong belief that only PAS, PKR and DAP can fight for better Malaysians. Eventhough I am a muslim, I have a lot of respect to your ideas and firm stand in your belief.
    Your statement to sideline PAS realy disturbs me as a Malaysian. I didnt believe what I read since I would have thought that you are fighting for better Malaysians, not based on religion or races.
    LKS, please…. we Malays supports you because we believe you can deliver. Dont spoil it.

  301. ” What’s more important to me is DAP’s ideology of Malaysians first and meritocracy.” ~by Lee Wang Yen

    Ya! But from your way of arguing… You are looking more to Non-Muslim first rather than Malaysian first!

  302. I think Lee Wan Yen must be a Malay (besides having a chinese name). Do not cause trouble here. We all know that BN (comprises of UMNO, MCA, MIC, PPP etc.) lost in the election in Perak whereby the opposition go the majority state & parlimentary seats, the BN now are freaking out.

    Even now, Pak Lah cakap yang bukan-bukan trying to pull down the curtain on Guan Eng and others trying to cause havoc in Perak. The BN has its 50 glorious years. Let the opposition has theirs too.

  303. Please read this

    “Upacara angkat sumpah MB Perak dibatalkan”????

    I do not trust DAP anymore and also malay people. DAP had promised to give 2 excos to PKR and PAS and DAP take 7. Now DAP just want to give only one and want to take 8.

    How to trust DAP anymore?

  304. Actually if you think about it, the ability to criticize each other, thats democracy.

    With BN, the component parties pick up the scraps thrown at thema nd are grateful to their political masters.

    See what happens to Sabah and Sarawak due to whom BN have remianed in power. What will happen to them? The majority Iban/Dayak/Kadazan/Bidayuh/Murut etc are ruked by minority Melanau and Malays (umno–a johnny come lately). Lets see the fate of these two states.

    Much of the oil and timber that came from these states have not gone towards developing these states. What happened one wonders? With the increase in oil prices, the 5% royalty paid to the state should increase substantially. Why is development still slow?

  305. Malaysians first – given that Malaysia is muti-religious, multi-cultural, and multi-racial, it should be a secular democracy rather than an Islamic or Christian theocracy.

    Isn’t this the principle of Malaysians first?

  306. Sorry to say that Sultan Azlan may not be a wise sultan. he does makes mistakes. Just like the BN. If he’s wise, he should give the Menteri Besar seat to the party that monopolize in the state seat during the 2008 election. That means… the DAP.

  307. My workplace colleagues who voted for DAP/PKR unanimously said that Uncle Lim is “nyanok”. Your stance embarassed us and we felt in our hearts that you let us down. How can a mature leader as bright as LKS made such a childish mistake? I don’t know, maybe it was lack of sleep or maybe there are too many little indians running around the DAP leadership. Too many cooks spoil the soup, I think! Remember the Victors today could be the Vanquished tomorrow. Don’t let Success get into your head. Stay humble, stay rooted to the ground and embrace change and lern to compromise. The Perak MB post is best left to the Sultan of Perak who commands everone’s utmost respect. Sorry, uncle lim. Today you have deserve a black eye. Try to learn from this mistake. The DAP/PKR/PAS have an uphill road to climb in the days and weeks to come. Good luck.

  308. WY Lee,

    If the Federal Constitution says that Islam is the official religion of the nation. Then so it is.

    If the State constitution says that a Malay must be the MB, so it should be. Why fight the constitution? And why argue about something you cant change yet? Get a 2/3rds majority and have it changed. But to do that you need to work to get the 2/3rds majority right? And the way to do that is through good givernance with your partners.

    We Perakians have no issues about who the MB is. We want the work to start. There is lots to be done to undo 50 years of mis-management.

    From your not replying to my repeated question, I can only surmise that you are not a Perakian.

  309. saya sudah ‘tembak’ c syed ali d blog anuar ibrahim… saya rasa perlu ‘tembak’ mereka kerana befikiran 70an dan bertindak ikut kehendak perasaan sendiri tanpa mengambil kira perasaan BANSGA MELAYSIA (melayu, cina , india)..

    that y saya katakan… ada org2 vateren ( bukan semua) hanya mengganggu perikatan yg kita bentuk. mereka ini umpama virus ..

  310. hey friend what century you living in. DAP needs PAS and PKR.
    PAS and PKR are 100 times better than UMNO. What crap did UMNO give MCA or MIC. Atleast in Perak DAP can be part of the EXCO, together bringing development to the Perak people. Who is MB is not breaking the pack. Giving UMNO control is not an option.

  311. YB Kit,

    I understand your disappointment on PAS as Perak MB and there isnt any negotiation being discussed earlier… but God will, we was granted a PAS MB for Perak and we must obey the LAWS…

    I believe Nizar will discuss with Nga and Ngeh before taking any action as DAP is the leading party which PEOPLE of Perak had chosen… dont go against the PEOPLE will and like… DAP Selamatkan Perak, from corruption, cronysim, nepotism and “iron-fist” UMNO/BN..!

    ask MCA Ong Ka Chuan to shut his bloody mouth..! BN fallen because of his type of “leaders”..!

  312. can we stop bashing each other and keep to the agenda.


    kindly inteprete this statement.

  313. Gone. Malaysiakini latest report.

    breaking news updated 4.45pm In yet another dramatic twist to the formation new state government in Perak, the swearing-in for Mentri Besar Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin has been cancelled. more

  314. In yet another dramatic twist to the formation new state government in Perak, the swearing-in for Mentri Besar Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin has been cancelled.

    Mohammad Nizar, a PAS assemblyman, was to be sworn in at the Istana Iskandariah in Kuala Kangsar at 4pm today.

    However, palace officials made an announcement at 4.20pm that the ceremony had been put off. No reason was given.

    malaysiakini report

  315. So I see some were blaming DAP , due to Sultan’s decision…. DAP did proposed Chinese for MB and it 1st in history…. DAP candidate managed to be 1st DMB, and you never appreciate this hard work….
    Malays-Muslim was willing to shown their support to DAP and contributed to this successfulness… still you are mentioning as long as its Nazir , yet its not for us… So in your ideology Malaysian first must lead by non-Muslim… And you are ridiculous just like your Idol in MCA…

  316. In the 12th General Election, 5 States go to the Opposition whereby PAS leads 2 States i.e. Kelantan and Kedah.

    Why does PAS still want to go for the Perak Mentri Besar??? This show that PAS is greedy and only think of its own interest and not the interest of the rakyat!

    PAS should not in the first place nominate its member for the Perak MB. PAS nomination has caused crack in the coalition and made the Perak Sultan did an unwise decision.

    We appeal to our beloved Uncle Lim to uphold your principle and to pursue what is the best for the Perakian. We place our trust on you.

  317. YB LKS,

    I’m a pure Rocket man! I’ve been voting DAP as long as I can remember. The 12th GE results really took me by surprise, and this is the day I’ve been waiting for. I was really shocked by your call to boycott the swearing-in for the Perak state Govt. YB LKS, you should look at a bigger picture, the 12th GE voters just want to reject the corrupt BN leaders and they just want to vote for the Opposition. The question of who becomes the next CM of Perak is irrelevant. For your info, I’m Chinese and I voted for PAS this GE, because I moved house.

  318. Well , Lee Wang Yen,

    What bullshit theocracy are you talking about? PAS has dropped the Islamic State thing.

    Malaysia is indeed a constitutional monarchy. The constitution allows secular democracy in choosing the citizen leaders while retaining the monarch. The Menteri Besar is part of the monarch system so therefore chosen by the monarch as a representative. The Menteri Besar acts according to the Sultan in terms of religious matters but if you talk about land issues etc., MB is subject to the secular democracy excos of which DAP is the majority because of the majority seats won.

    What is the problem? What bullshit are you talking about?

    I think you have some issues with understanding concepts.

  319. At this juncture we are recognising a bangsa malayasia or still any different between malay MB,Chinese MB or Indian MB..etc etc etc we need the barisan Rakyat not this kinda nonesense ….which is the person we felt good and transprent enough let him be MB we need an accountable MB PLEASE

  320. pulau_sibu Says:

    March 13th, 2008 at 11: 14.09
    The Sultan did not make a very wise decision. In the democratic system, the majority is the winner.


    I hope you understand what is meaning of majority (more than 50%!). DAP neither is majority nor most seats.

    No party (BN is considred a party since they registered officially as alliance with SPR) won the majotity in Perak.

    In a democratic system, BN shall be the one given priority to form a new government by Perak Sultan.

    BN is gentleman enough not to submit their name to sultan, otherwise we all may have to accept BN government in Perak.

  321. Hey! Cool it. Don’t let the big win get to your head. Especially Lim Guan Eng outburst just now on PM’s remark. That’s not the way to talk to the Prime Minister; as much as you want the people to respect the CM of Penang. Please learnt from Datuk Pairin Kitinggan of Sabah; the way the verbal assaults on each others betwen the CM and the PM will bring down the Barisan Rakyat government in Penang & other states very soon. You can’t survive even one year in power; if that’s the way things are going.
    I write this out of concern for the long term survival of the Barisan rakyat & DAP.

  322. However, palace officials made an announcement at 4.20pm that the ceremony had been put off. No reason was given.

    malaysiakini report

    To allow more time for BN to negotiate or buy over DAP/PKR/PAS ADUNs?

  323. Now The Sultan Has call to put off the ceremony, Now you are the enemy of DAP. I belive all DAP members will blame on you if the BA couldn’t form the state goverment.

    I feel is time for you to retire.

    I am a Malacca Chinese who support you for 25 years.


  324. WY Lee,

    Rome was not built in a day.

    LGE had to spend time in prison for trying to bring justice for a underaged malay girl. And he could not stand for elections for a few years due to this conviction. We the rakyat would see the punishment as wrong, but he had to go through it. It is going to take time to right the system.

    The first few steps are being taken. We should all be supporting the formation of an alternative government. This is for our best interest. When we have a credible alternative government, thats when they will both be tripping over each other to do what is best for the rakyat.

  325. wow… How about Selangor ? If DAP, PKR & PAS cannot decide on working to develop the state and to improve the lives of the rakyat… Please resign immeadiately and return the states to the rakyat to vote again. You will then see what the rakyat thinks of all this events that you guys are creating. No need to be MB or state exco members.. leave that to the BN guys and you guys can fight until the next GE and then decides on who will be the MBs if you guys can win again. All this fighting and delay in forming the state govt is not good for the economy of the country. Please RESIGN if you are not ready to lead the state & rakyat…

  326. KUALA KANGSAR, 13 Mac: Majlis angkat sumpah Menteri Besar dan barisan Exco kerajaan negeri Perak yang baru terpaksa batal lagi hari ini apabila anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri dari PKR pula tidak berpuashati hasil dari salah faham.

    Pesuruhjaya PAS Perak, Ustaz Ahmad Awang ketika dihubungi Siasah mengesahkan perkara ini dan majlis yang sepatutnya berlangsung jam 4 petang ini (13 Mac) terpaksa ditangguhkan.

    PKR salah faham apabila menyangka mereka tidak mendapat sebarang kerusi dalam kerajaan Perak, padahal persetujuan yang dicapai adalah DAP akan mendapat 6 kerusi, PKR 3 dan PAS satu di samping MB.

    Taburan ini adalah berdasarkan bilangan Adun masing-masing dalam kerajaan bersama itu iaitu DAP mempunyai 18 anggota, PKR 7 dan PAS 6.

    “Persetujuan ini dicapai semalam antara DAP dan PAS selepas mereka dipanggil oleh Raja Muda Perak, namun tidak dipanggil PKR kerana ketika itu PKR tidak terlibat membantah,” kata Ahmad Awang.

    Hari ini, Timbalan Presiden PKR, Dr Syed Husin Ali membuat kenyataan tidak akan terlibat dalam pembentukan kerajaan negeri Perak itu.

    Pagi tadi, rombongan tujuh Adun PKR di Perak menemui Penasihat Undang-undang dan seterusnya mengadap Raja Muda Perak menyatakan bantahan mereka.

    Ketika dihubungi Siasah, Ketua Penerangan PKR, Tian Chua memaklumkan bantahan itu dibuat kerana PKR seolah-olah tidak ada sebarang kerusi dalam kerajaan Perak yang baru itu.

    Namun beliau mengaku taburan 6:3:1 dalam Exco yang baru beliau ketahui itu adalah taburan yang sangat sesuai dan boleh diterima.

  327. Wise decision by DAP not to boycott the swearing in ceremony of the new MB for Perak.

    Some comments seemed designed to stir up communal sentiments of the Chinese. But the majority has ignored such approach. This augers well for “A NEW DAWN” for Malaysia. :D

    Lee Wang Yen Says:
    March 13th, 2008 at 14: 20.35

    The fact that DAP CEC objected to the PAS candidate for the MB post shows that PAS failed to make a collective decision when they submitted their candidate choice to the Sultan.
    What happens if PAS goes ahead in their move to implement some Islamisation policies despite the objection by DAP CEC? This Perak MB issue sets a dangerous precedence

    The road towards a NEW MALAYSIA is not expected to be smooth sailing as the three coalition partners were not ready and the “Political Tsunami” had caught not only them but the entire nation off guard. Even the ruling BN were caught off guard.


    Did you realize that for the first time you have quite a few Malay brothers visiting your blog and making encouraging comments?

  328. The problem is, with PAS’s islamic state agenda that is diametrically opposed to DAP’s secular democracy and Malaysians first, and Anwar’s going back on his words against race-based politicis, do we have a credible alternative coalition here?

  329. Come-on Uncle Lim, you may jeopardise the coalition with your remarks after all the hardwork.

    PAS MB is not wielding the keris la…so..why worry? After all, we need the rocket to go to the moon maaaa…

  330. Guys go and read the latest from Raja Petra at http://www.malaysia-today.net/2008/content/view/4292/84/

    Summary of the article:
    * Kit Siang is not DAP and DAP is not Kit Siang.
    * Power struggle in DAP Selangor for DMB between Teng, Ronnie Liu, Teresa Kok..plus demonstration by Teng’s supporters (aided by MCA & Gerakan members)
    * Perak PAS Commissioner jumped the gun and announced their candidate had been picked for MB even before announcement by Sultan. The move was not sanctioned by PAS Central Committee.
    * In Selangor, Hassan Ali of PAS was secretly negotiating with Khir Toyo to form Selangor government but talks broke down because both wanted to be MB.

    So..what the hell is going on now? Damn we’re screwed!

  331. Hello all, we have constitution to obey. If the Sultan made his decision, we all should respect it. YB Lim Kit Siang objection is his democracy right but in the end, he respected the Sultan and leader decision. This mean YB LKS did not act on his own, he’s merely testing whether other party leader will follow his view to stop attending it.

  332. I think a PAS MB may create a fear on minority. First place PAS is not realy ideal candidate. I rather someone from Keadilan or DAP. Why can’t the PAS learn from Dubai? They give freedom to other races.

  333. Oh did anyone read in NST that someone tried to kill Teng Chang Kim?!?!? He was crossing the road when a white vehicle with tinted glasses nearly run over him, lucky he managed to jump back. The vehicle sped off. Sounds damn fishy to me.

  334. True face of DAP.. oh God!.. Why did I vote for them?!

    I know YB Teng of DAP Selangor is very close to Pas supporters, the consequences was; his name was nearly dropped from DAP candidate list..

    Why DAP so scared of Pas?..

    None of my Chinese friends feel that way.. they even praise Nik Aziz for his sincerity..

    DAP need to be more moderate.. flexible.. patience..

  335. If you do not understand about Islam, please go back and study it. Islam law ONLY FOR MUSLIM. You, is not muslim, use civil law ok. That’s all. Simple thing that all CHINESE AND INDIAN IN MALAYSIA AND ALSO IN THE WORLD SHOULD UNDERSTAND. Also DAP leaders if you still afraid about islamic state agenda.

    Please study, understand then sure you are not reject islamic state. The problem all non muslim reject it before want to know what is the agenda first.

  336. We have all waited for this day to form the coalition government and I hope DAP do not screw it. The people has given DAP the mandate to deny BN 2/3 majority but fate has it that BN lost in Perak and this is the best chance to prove ourselves.

    I am disappointed that DAP has shown disrespect to the Sultan which is the highest institutional in the state which must be respected.

  337. Yellow card for the opposition
    Posted by Raja Petra
    Thursday, 13 March 2008


    Raja Petra Kamarudin

    Lim Kit Siang is a passionate person. That is not crime I suppose because I too am a passionate person. I am passionate about my wife and I am passionate about Malaysia Today. I expect this passion is required in my line of work and to stay focused for decades on end. I have been with my wife since 1968, one year before May 13, and to spend 40 years with the same woman and still feel like we are on honeymoon does require a lot of passion. I may have been working on Malaysia Today just four years now, but it is four straight years, 365 days a year, morning till evening, with no holidays in between. And six years before that since 1998 I was working on http://www.freeanwar.com as well as my own website that carried my name. (I was hoping that after ten long, non-stop years I could go into retirement, but it now appears I have more work ahead of me compared to the first ten years before this).

    Anyway, back to that passion bit. While Kit Siang and I share the same thing in common, we are both passionate, I would like to believe that my passion is positive while I am yet to decide how to categorise the Grand Old Man of DAP’s passion. From where I am sitting, Kit Siang is passionately opposed to Islam and this does not bode well for DAP at all.

    But Kit Siang is merely the ‘non-executive’ Chairman of DAP. Is it not the Secretary-General who has executive powers instead of the Chairman? Why then is Kit Siang making all these damaging statements when in the first place he should not be the one making them. When he was the Secretary-General, he was the one running the party while Chan Man Hin, the Chairman, sat quietly in the background and did not ruffle anyone’s feathers. Now that he is the Chairman, Kit Siang should also sit quietly in the background and allow the Secretary-General to run the party like how he did before this when he was the Secretary-General. Kit Siang is not DAP and DAP is not Kit Siang. Apparently, this important fact seems to escape him.

    For more than four years now PAS has never touted the Islamic State issue. For all intents and purposes, PAS has practically dropped the Islamic State issue, though they did so silently and gave the issue the decent burial it deserves. Apparently this is still not good enough for Kit Siang. He wants PAS to stand up on a soapbox and openly declare that it is abandoning Islam. Would in that same breath Kit Siang also want PAS to abandon the ‘Islam’ word in its party name and change the name to Parti Melayu or Parti Malaysia or something like that (because that would be what it would tantamount to)?

    In the recent 2008 general election campaign, the DAP ceramahs were practically flooded with PAS flags and T-shirts. Motorcycle convoys with riders wearing PAS T-shirts and carrying PAS flags escorted the DAP candidates as they made their rounds to meet the voters and to speak at the ceramahs. Why did DAP not chase away these people? Some of them were Malays from PAS while many were Indians from Hindraf. Yes, Indians from Hindraf were wearing PAS T-shirts and carrying PAS flags at these DAP events. But no one chided these people or demanded that the ‘offensive’ PAS paraphernalia openly displayed by PAS and Hindraf activists be removed from sight.

    When DAP wants to win votes it does not mind the presence of PAS members or their T-shirts and flags. Now that it has won the votes, DAP does not want to have anything to do with PAS. Hello….brother….it does not work that way. You won with the help of PAS members so now you have to live with them as partners for at least until the next election. Then, in the next election, maybe PAS and DAP can engage in three-corner fights and we shall see who wins the most number of seats.

    In both the 1999 and 2004 general elections, DAP could only win 10 seats in Parliament and did not have enough state seats to form the government. Now, not only is DAP’s 28 Parliament seats a new record for the party, but it even won enough seats to form the state government in Penang. And this was achieved not just on anti-Islam Chinese votes alone. It required Malay and Indian votes as well to achieve this.

    DAP is not an anti-Islam Chinese party. It would get nowhere as an anti-Islam Chinese party. Even Chinese themselves do not want and will not support an anti-Islam Chinese party. Most Chinese are intelligent enough to know that DAP will not get anywhere as an anti-Islam Chinese party. So why this passionate anti-Islam stand?

    Is Kit Siang’s ‘stage-show’ merely a distraction from what ails DAP in Selangor? Supporters of Teng Chang Khim, Teresa Kok and Ronniu Liu are locked in battle. Each has their clique that wants to see their candidate installed as the Deputy Menteri Besar of Selangor. But there is no Deputy Menteri Besar post and His Highness the Sultan of Selangor will not appoint one. So why bother to squabble over who should be the candidate to fill a post that does not exist? Yesterday, Teng’s supporters held a demonstration to demand that their man gets appointed as the Deputy Menteri Besar. In spite of the announcement that there shall not be any Deputy Menteri Besar, today, they plan to hold another demonstration and MCA and Gerakan are going to send their supporters to help Teng mobilise a crowd of 10,000 to prove that his support is overwhelming. Can we please remember this name and come next election we send him to where Zakaria Deros now resides?

    Three names were submitted to His Highness the Sultan of Perak. As they could not agree who of the three should be the new Menteri Besar of Perak, they left it to Tuanku in his wisdom to decide who should be the Menteri Besar. Tuanku looked at the State Constitution and Tuanku looked at the candidates. PKR said their candidate is the least qualified of the three and it has no objections to one of the other two from PAS or DAP being selected. PKR does not want to insist on its candidate just for the sake that the Menteri Besar is a PKR man.

    Before Tuanku could decide, Ahmad Awang jumped the gun and announced that the Menteri Besar will be from PAS. Even the PAS President was caught by surprise. But the damage had been done so all he could do was hold his tongue. PKR knows that PAS Perak has a mind of its own and is practically uncontrollable. The PAS party structure is such that each state is independent, practically autonomous, unlike Umno where the President rules with an iron fist like the true dictator that he is. Even the Umno President’s son-in-law has more power than the state heads of Umno who most times would also be the Chief Minister (Menteri Besar) of that state. There is of course both good and bad in such an arrangement but there is certainly more good than bad as Umno has so many times proven.

    So PAS Perak jumped the gun. The PAS central leadership bit their lips and allowed the ‘transgression’ to pass. PKR too, in the spirit of comradeship, decided to say nothing lest it upset the delicate partnership that was in the midst of being formed and had yet to take off. But DAP decided to oppose it and to boycott the swearing in of the new government, giving the impression it was still anti-Islam in spite of the strong presence of PAS in DAP’s recent election campaign and in spite of the large number of Malay votes it garnered to be able to do as well as it did.

    PAS too has not been too honest about what happened in Perak. It realises that DAP would not be too comfortable with a PAS Menteri Besar so it stole the thunder and hoped that the ‘early announcement’ would ‘lock’ DAP and PKR and leave them no more room for negotiations. PKR was quite happy to not negotiate the issue anyway so the ‘hijacking’ was totally unnecessary. It just made matters worse when the end result was a hopping mad DAP that would rather see Perak fall back to Barisan Nasional than a PAS Menteri Besar taking charge of the state.

    In Selangor, Hassan Ali engaged in secret negotiations with Khir Toyo to explore the possibility of PAS forming an alliance with Umno to jointly rule the state. This alliance would of course exclude PKR and DAP who were going to be Menteri Besar and Deputy Menteri Besar respectively. The delay in forming the state government due to the disagreements and the DAP infighting about who should be the Deputy Menteri Besar meant that this would give Hassan and Khir time to come to an agreement. But they could not come to an agreement because both Hassan and Khir wanted to be Menteri Besar and none would back down in favour of the other.

    This is treason of the highest degree and Hassan Ali should be tied to a tree and shot. I would do that myself if not for the fact that I would like to live a couple of years longer instead of being hanged by the neck until I die before the year is out.

    The market perception is that PKR can’t be trusted. The common belief is that the people in PKR can be bought. In fact, Azalina did buy off one PKR candidate for RM1 million so that she could win the election uncontested. And in other parts of Malaysia a couple of other PKR candidates were bought off as well, the going price being RM1 million per head. But it appears like PAS and DAP are bigger slime-balls than PKR. At least PKR did not try to sabotage the forming of the Kelantan, Kedah, Penang, Perak and Selangor state governments.

    The opposition parties have disappointed more than 50% of Peninsular Malaysia voters who gave them five states and helped deny Barisan Nasional its two-thirds majority in Parliament. Consider this your yellow card. If you are not careful, Barisan Nasional can call for an election on 8 March 2011, the earliest legally allowed, and the voters will give the opposition its red card. Then the opposition can be sent back to where it came from, a dog barking at a hill (anjing salak bukit). Maybe that is all the opposition is good for. Maybe all the opposition is capable of doing is to bark at the hill while Barisan Nasional just laughs at them and asks them to go back to China or India or wherever it is that they came from.

    Lim Kit Siang said Barisan Rakyat does not exist. Hello….brother…..it does exist lah. Barisan Rakyat is the people’s front or people’s movement. This is the people’s power or makkal sakhti that we screamed at every ceramah for two weeks leading to the 8 March 2008 general election. Barisan Rakyat is not Barisan Alternatif lah. Barisan Alternatif is a two-party coalition comprising of PAS and PKR, which DAP was also once a member of. Barisan Rakyat, however, is the people’s front. It is a movement of people who support all those six political parties which endorsed THE PEOPLE’S VOICE and THE PEOPLE’S DECLARATION just before the recent general election. Barisan Alternatif, the two-party coalition (plus DAP of course) did not win the recent general election. The recent general election was won by Barisan Rakyat, the people’s movement, a coalition of all races.

    Let me tell you, my dear Kit, that Barisan Rakyat not only does exist but is also a very potent force. Barisan Rakyat will decide who gets to form the government. And Barisan Rakyat can also kick you out and change the government if you do not perform or you misbehave. And, today, Barisan Rakyat has given you a yellow card. Don’t force Barisan Rakyat to give you a red card the next time around.

    Makkal sakhti. Suara rakyat, suara keramat. People’s power.

  338. WHAT???? cancelled, are u happy now, uncle LIM?? So, what’s next? BN on again, isn’t it. I’m malay and vote for DAP, so, actually, i’m regret of that and for sure, in next PRU13, you are not my choice anymore, thanks for showing your true face

  339. Lee Wang Yen or WY Lee sounds like wily

    From wile (“ruse, trick”) + -y
    wily (comparative wilier or more wily, superlative wiliest or most wily)

    1. sly, cunning, full of tricks
    Horatio’s new girlfriend is a wily coquette and poor Horatio is too smitten to see it.
    sly, cunning

  340. Dear YB Lim ,

    Times has changed.It is the 21st century now. The very reason people voted for the opposition is that we wanted peaceful CHANGE..NOT INFIGHTING !!

    Please bear this in mind. This is the only chance the opposition will get to work together.Let me emphasize here.. THE LAST AND ONLY CHANCE to show that DAP-PKR-PAS can form a Barisan Rakyat , created by the rakyat for for the rakyat. Therefore we MUST STAND UNITED .If… this infighthing continues…I CAN ASSURED you that we can forget about election 2013 , the opposition WILL DISSAPEAR forever , its influence , the rakyat that supported them because people already have no confidence in the so – called Opposition pack. I can say , in 2013 , if we still don’t BUCK up now.. the opposition will loose WORST than 2004 and never to recover again.

    Allow me to be direct but DAP , PKR , PAS got the votes because the rakyat believe finally , these opposition parties has set aside their differences and form a united front , representing the rakyat to topple the corrupt government.

    Not even 4 days…not even 4 days.. the opposition has shown .. they are power hungry as well..arguing over petty matters like who the hell is going to be the Menteri Besar.. come on , grow up..can we look a little further , be more visionary ? By the time DAP uttered these , BN has already orchestrating ASSAULTS from all angles to destroy the Barisan Rakyat.. starting a full swing ASSAULT from the Mainstream Media . Look at the papers.. everyone of them are painting bad picture ( which really is … ) of rifts between the pact.
    You think everyone is like us who reads blogs..? All these will reflect back to rakyat by the mainstream media , like my parents.. who are saying they regretted voting for the opposition if this is the case.

    All the people wants to see is TEAM work !! Not I got 18 seats , the other has 6 seats , so minority can’t lead. Not over petty matters like 3 excos..you 2 excos.. but a whole working TEAM..!! A Barisan Rakyat .. regardless of race , religion !! Even if the Menteri Besar is PAS member , so what ? If he respect the Chinese and Indians.. no big deal for him to become menteri besar. Unlike BN people who discriminate.. why DAP have to complain ? Is DAP another version of the BN in another sense ?

    1st we must know DAP WILL never and can never RULE Malaysia..it is the Barisan Rakyat , the Makal Sakti that have the final say.It is the people power now , and if the people have no issue about appointing a PAS menteri besar.. why does DAP has to complain ?

    Now , I am a Chinese that has voted for DAP and I am sorry to say.. I am totally dissapointed with the intolerable infighting , power hungry parties , trying to ‘bahagi’ the spoils of the previous government. And I am ashamed that after all the ‘shouting ‘ of Makal Sakti in each of the opposition ceramahs.. where the people stoodby rain or shine , totally immerse in believing that finally the pact has come together .. this is the outcome.

    The opposition will not have an easy time for the next 5 years , let me tell you this. ALL the mainstream media will be watching us, any slight mistake they will blow it up as if the world has torn apart. And don’t even think they will even write any good things that the Opposition has done or will be doing..

    My last warning …

    If we SCREW this bigtime now.. forget about 2013 , forget about any opposition in 2013 , forget about Penang..BN will have landslide victory .. and the opposition will only have themselves to be blamed.

    Remember this YB , there’s an old chinese saying that my parents always highlight to us the children… ‘ In order to gain respect , we must first show respect 1st’ . If we want the rakyat ( Malay, Chinese , Indian ) to support us.. it is not just the fiery speeches you gave in Parliment but also the ‘heart’ you have for all you ‘soldiers ‘ and ‘ generals’ that have fought along with you .

    Please ponder upon it for the future of YB Lim Guan Eng.If you really want him to bring DAP to another level. Don’t destroy his future.


  341. Please have a look at this article:

    “Can you imagine, Malays who for a life time being told that their enemy comes in the shape of the red Rocket, putting an “X” against the Rocket? It must have been the hardest thing to do for many of them, if not most. And yet they did it.

    Paul Warren

    Kit has still not got around to feeling like DAP is now government. He still thinks he has to oppose everything!

    Kit has to realise that the DAP’s role for now and for the remaining five years is to address the senses and sensivities of all those Malays who voted for DAP, the red Rocket. ….”


  342. # Lee Wang Yen Says:
    March 13th, 2008 at 17: 06.14

    The problem is, with PAS’s islamic state agenda that is diametrically opposed to DAP’s secular democracy and Malaysians first, and Anwar’s going back on his words against race-based politicis, do we have a credible alternative coalition here?

    So What do you wish to say?
    Telling us that our votes to change was wrong?

    ~And I will just said.. no matter what is the agenda of any parties within this coalition… For the very least I believe that 3 of them will have equal chances to debate and to discuss for a solution…

    Still you feel that BN are the best?

    ~And I will just remind you… whatever being told by Unmo will be the decision of BN

  343. Although YB LKS is considered the supremo of DAP but officially LGE is the Secretary General. So, why the ultimate decision seems came from LKS rather than LGE? Is there a confusion on the hierarchy of DAP’s set up? If not, then LKS should not act in a “insubordination” manner and undermine the authority of LGE, even LGE is his son.

    If LKS continue to act in this manner the impression of DAP being one man party (DAP=LKS) will persist on and all slogan shouting will evaporate into the thin polluted air.

    Be mindful of the future and not the prize you had just won as it may worn out without u realiasing the expiry date is due.

  344. Alexx:
    ‘~And I will just remind you… whatever being told by Unmo will be the decision of BN’

    That’s why. That’s why DAP CEC’s objection to PAS’s candidate should be taken seriously.

  345. In dealing with NEP, I think Lim Guan Eng or DAP for the matter must learn from PAS

    Look here their media strategy:-

    Kerajaan Kedah tidak tolak DEB sepenuhnya

    In one single sweeping by LGE that DAP will not implememt NEP, I think this is disaster for DAP credibility.

    The objective of NEP is good , it is only the implementation that it has failed and abuses benefiting selected cronies

    The affirmative policies to help the needy and poor is good.

    Without even having review what actually are the abuses, LGE made that sweeping statement definitely will hurt many people, (I mean those needy people)

    What need to be done to review the abuses and take immediate action.

    Make adjustment to ensure the original intention and objectives of NEP prevails.

    DAP has in its manifesto say it will give bonus RM6,000 for those household annual income less than RM6,000. so you have that intention to help the needy. So what is wrong with NEP?

    Seriously, DAP need to immediately take action to improve its PR/communication strategy.

    Look at what PAS says:-

    “Kerajaan Kedah tidak menolak Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB) secara total, bagaimanapun akan melalui beberapa perbincangan khusus sebelum menentukan dasar kewangan negeri yang boleh memberi manafaat kepada semua pihak.

    Menteri Besar Kedah, Ustaz Haji Azizan Abdul Razak berkata, kerajaan negeri akan mengadakan perbincangan terlebih dahulu dengan pihak Unit Perancang Ekonomi Negeri (Upen) dan pihak yang terbabit sebelum mengeluarkan satu garis panduan mengenai dasar kewangan. …”

  346. Br LKS

    I m sure whatever u or the present BR coalition wish 4 /hope 4 /intend doing will always be in the interests of ALL Malaysians in mind. I have the greatest faith that the Almighty will ALWAYS be with the righteous…my two cents worth
    haji muhammad bin abdullah @ tan wah guan

  347. Sir,

    The people of Malaysia are trying to get away from communal politics. We voted opposition without worrying whether it was PAS, DAP or PKR.

    And here you are exhibiting racial/religious bias.

    Please stop it. You shouldn’t have signed the letter agreeing in the first place if you didn’t agree.

    Please, if you cannot work within this new reality, step aside.

    Thank you.


    Uncle Lim, you need to get over your head that you are no longer the Head of Opposition in Parliment. DAP is now a part of the government for almost 50% of Malaysians.

    Whatever issues that you have with your partners that are deemed to be sensitive should be discussed closed door. DAP insubordination should also be discussed closed door.

    We know that your thinking and some of those here are light years away, but many folks in kampungs and villages are not. This is also the reason why DAP is voted in, to bring progress to this people and in times their mindsets will change. But it definitely will not happened overnight.

    Anything happened to the common folks out there just because of your outburst, you will be remembered down the history as the fire starter and blood is in your hand.

  349. Hi All. Two main issues opined to have created the fiasco over the past few days are fear and distrust. These two element is linked to race. Having said that, Malaysia is not the only country facing this problem as this is most prevalent in certain western countries, where fear and distrusts is showered over Asians. But one can’t really generalize because not everyone in the West are of that sort.

    Take out corruption from the equation and the corrupted people, and if the common folks of Malaysia, including all opposition parties are able to work on this fear – of being suppressed, fear of being excluded , fear of discrimination and rebuild trust amongst the people, which is extremely fragile at the moment, given distrust is exacerbated by BN taking advantage to stir up a greater storm, I believe, it will lessen the burden of the oppositions such that they can transfer more of their resources and strength and focus on the most important issues on hand – economic condition. Having said that, it is difficult because some parties have extreme or selfish hidden agendas. Whilst other parties react to protect the people from the possible uprise of these unwelcome agendas. I believe everyone will need to put down their weapons and work on it………

    My other fear is, can Malaysia withstand huge unforseen shocks for example shocks caused by global economic condition, given most of the country’s resources and wealth (hard cash and not brick and mortar ie. buildings) has disappeared during the reign of the BN thus draining the Malaysian people’s pocket dry.

  350. I regret some of you take Ong Ka Chuan word. Racist politics goes nowhere. Now the politics of meritocracy as DAP struggle for. The the most credential one from PAS. He was graduated from England and got primary and secondary education in chinese school. Can speak Mandarin. Can speak English.
    Don’t take MCA word. They lost in the election. Remember DAP now in the goverment. Not oppotition anymore. MCA is oppotition. Let they say what they want.

  351. Please give us confidence that we are making the right choice for rejecting BN and given you the coalition government. However, as events unfolded in Perak reveal to us that the coalition of DAP/PKR/PAS is so fragile. Every party made threatening statements about pulling out the coalition instead of how we can work together for the betterment of rakyat. Don’t forget that you only won by very thin majority over BN. Any slip up will cause the coalition collape and give BN victory.

  352. First DAP wanna boycott the event, now PKR wanna boycott the state govt. If there is a foreign investor wanting to invest in Perak , i guess by now they would have change their mind because no smart person would want to invest in a state where the parties who wins the election after making so many promises cannot even agree or decide on the forming of the state govt ( tday KLSE drop 30 points & the rakyat suffers again ) . Good that the event did not take place as the parties would eventually fight again in the future. I’m not sure if DAP, PKR or PAS have the guts now to hold a by election and let the rakyat decides… No need to fight anymore… let us the rakyat decides. no need campaigning days.. just choose 1 day & let the rakyat vote. i know where my vote will go now

  353. LKS

    How on earth do you expect us to continue to support the opposition if you can’t even unite before getting to the starting line.

    It is time for you to evolve. You need to discard your firebrand disposition and mature. It’s time to unite and you’re now becoming part of the problem.

    Prove to us that we should vote you into power in the next GE. We’ve given you an opportunity – do not squander it!


  354. All of the opposition parties, stop playing around. This sure give oppurtunity to BN on taking over PERAK State Government. People votes for change. Now the change is given to DAP/PKR/PAS, but “perang saudara” among each other.

    Sit down together, discuss everything. Wait for good news

  355. What laaa…maybe now the tussle is about excos ….
    I pray everything is settled fast and our Barisan Rakyat government in Perak get to work.
    Uncle Kit, Raja Petra said you are passionate….I think your passion is a passion for justice and humanity…
    Please continue to make our winnings work out…

    And guys and girls , what is this Malay visit Uncle’s blog thing?
    We are Malaysians first remember?
    I have Chinese customers , Indian customer , Malays customer , I go to Chinese shop , Indian shop Malay shop …
    I cried when my Chinese neighbour’s brother died in a accident

  356. Is this the beginning of the end of the so-called DAP/PKR/PAS partnership? Or, is this the end of the nascent DAP/PKR/PAS partnership?

    Are voters (the bosses) more matured than politicians?

  357. Dear leaders Lim Kit Siang,Guan Eng and all,
    Pls give our good leader Sg Pinang Mr Teng Chang Khim a chance to serve the people of Selangor as Deputy Chief Minister of Selangor!He is the best person as he has all the good experience,characteristic and leadership that DAP need to form a strong local government!Pls don’t give him up due to internal issue.Forgive him for his shortcomming if any and give him a new chance to lead in Selangor government ! Surely He can do it and he has proven it since 1995 to serve the people as state assemblyman! People of Selangor & DAP, pls support Teng!

  358. YB Lim,

    I am a DAP supporter in Segambut. I was glad that DAP won the seat this GE. The Wind of Change swept over Msia with Tsunami result. I was optimistic and positive with the future in Msia after the GE. I knew there would be challenges and obstacles in carrying out the responsibilites in the various new governments of the coalition parties. The various issues that need to be addressed for example the common goals of improving the status of the multi-racial poor, working amicably with the BN to achieve this working constructively with the coalition parties, etc for the next 5 yrs.

    Before these all can start, you have made a blunder, a big blunder!!! Are you so power crazy that you have forgotten that we are in a multiracial country? Sultan Azlan Shah and his son are highly respected, educated and fair member of
    Perak royal family. You have forgotten your position!

    You may be the cause of the downfall of DAP. Where is the true Malaysian spirit that DAP talked about during the Election campaign? Just empty talk??? You have given the impression that DAP is anti-Muslim with your latest action. What a mistake!!

    The Rakyat feels some of the senior members should know when their time is up and make way for the younger generation. You are one of them. Your son is the Secretary of General of DAP and not you after all.

    What about your fellow DAP comrades, Teng and Wee? They are senior and experienced members who have contributed a lot to DAP and not being given due appreciation.

    I am very sad. What is the future of DAP now? Will any non-Chinese join DAP now? Do you realise that not only the Malays are against you now, even the Chinese??

    Anti-Melayu!! That’s not the way for a harmonious Malaysia.

    Lim Guan Eng, as Secretary General, should make his statement now to salvage DAP and its future.

    Very sad that you think you are above the Sultan!!!

  359. This old man did not see PKR is a challenge to DAP. PKR is trying to get more seats in the contest in Penang, Perak and Selangor. DAP seems to rule like iron hand and one can see PSM and many NGOs are under the wings of PKR. Even more and more chinese are flocking into PKR. So I rather have a PAS MB than a PKR.

    DAP cannot even exercise a simple solution if PAS decided to implement Islamic solutions. What is so complicated? Just quit and have no confidence in PAS . Just tell the people that. Even wife and parent, one can divorce or disown. Elementary LKS. You have create a big shit out of a small mound

  360. I think Sultan Azlan is most wise in picking the MB from the smallest winning party. By doing so, the MB from PAS will have less power or influence to rule and must consult DAP and PKR before implementing its policies. Likewise, DAP will not be able to do everything according to its whims and fancies without the MB’s approval. Its sort of balances out the power in Perak.

    I must admit that I was shocked at Uncle Lim’s previous statement. However, after analyzing the issue more thoroughly, I think he has played his cards right throughout this entire episode.

    Just think about it…

    With the Sultan favoring PAS nominee, the old-school DAP members (predominantly Chinese) in Perak, not to mention MCA, will largely be discontented and will accuse the party for selling out to PAS. Therefore, DAP must show that they are somewhat against the idea. Doing so directly under DAP banner would have been bad. It will portray the party as shaky and cause unnecessary problems and confusion to the PKR-PAS-DAP coalition. So Uncle Lim decides to sacrifice himself by issuing his statement in his own blog and then waits for the public outcry.

    Now the old-school DAP members can see that boycotting is against public wishes. It will do more harm than good to the party. So they have no choice but to accept it.

    His next brilliant move was to get his son Guan Eng to issue out his order for the DAP assemblymen to attend the ceremony. This not only increases the popularity of Guan Eng, it also showed that he is a real leader of ALL Malaysians.

    So in the end, the real winner of this entire saga is Uncle Lim’s son.

    Not bad… not bad indeed.

  361. Good that the swearing in is put off now for the Perak MB. The Sultan should allow at least 2 days to BA to put their house straight and then submit 1 (ONE) name only to him for consideration of MB…not 3 names.
    The mistake made was 3 names were submitted and so he can choose anyone from the 3. Dun blame the Sultan or Regent.
    BA shld come to consensus to 1 name only for the MB post and I personally think PKR is the best of all.
    Pls dun cause any more trouble or else the frogs will start to jump and thats the end of BA govt in Perak.
    Just can’t understand why BA can’t keep their heads clear and dun be so power crazy.
    The people want a good accountable and caring govt with fair share of responsibilities all round.
    Pls come to you senses……..grow up….






  363. Lee Wang Yen,
    Don’t get carried away by your own judging capabilities. But I suggest you to think along with the implementation phase of a NEW MALAYSIA. What Malaysians want now is a CHANGE! From 8 Mar 08, there set a new dawn for Malaysia by Malaysians. But the sail to a NEW MALAYSIA won’t be so smooth and direct, there will be hiccups or even setback at times.

  364. I fully agree with Lee WY regarding Malaysian Malaysia meaning any malaysian CAN BE the MB, or as a matter of fact, be the PM.
    But it appeared to be too early to get this thru as evident from what is happening now.
    As a matter of principle, the party that get the most seats should be the leading person in the government UNLESS it is agreed by ALL (in the coalition) that a minority partner is to be the head. Why PAS jump the gun and wanted his man to be the MB? Has PAS got the agreement from DAP & PKR, the other parties in the coalition?

    What is happening now shows very clearly that we are far from the ideal of a malaysian Malaysia.

    As I said earlier, If we cant get what is is supposed to be due to the present limitations of our political environment, then instill good practice of fairness, transparency, accountability and incorruptible governance into the system, and until such time, then amend the constitution to remove all hindrances to a truly malaysian Malaysia.

    I do hope that this can happen in the next or the following GE.

    BTW, the Sultan of Perak, whom always have my highest regard, and being a learned person, might have this (our current local political conditions among races) consideration in his mind in deciding on the candidate for the MB post.




  366. How many times must be said & said again that it was not PAS’s Islamic ideology that won; not PKR’s Reformasi ideology that won and not DAP’s Democracy ideology that won in this PARTICULAR 12th GE. It was a simple Malaysians’ angry votes against the arrogant BN coalition. In fact if you put a real dog to stand, that K9 would also have won. Does that mean you can appoint that K9 to be MB or exco member?

    These states won are just rare “BONUSES” and also a big test on whether you the loose coalition can get together to SERVE the people. Perak Sultan just put you all to the simple test, and I’m afraid you all failed miserably still thinking that it is your own party that has won so & so many seats and you are in fightiing for control.

    In fact this is a golden opportune time to show how you can give in to the other parties and not how much you can take from it. If you can’t take care of each other how the rakyat can put their trust that you can take care of them??? Take heed or else BN will push you all out faster than you came in!!!!

    Close your doors now all you HEADS of this loose coalition parties and first work out your management team properly and then hold a BIG press conference to tell the rakyat you are ready for business and then go and submit whatever names you have to the Sultan.

    Wishing all of you all the best!

  367. To every one of the oppositions that won include PAS / PKR and DAP.

    Firstly, practice moderation and not extreme in what ever you do. As tolerance in the key success factor. Too much of anything always has adverse effects. One man’s medicine is another person’s poison.

    Secondly, do not repeat the same mistakes as the BN. Make sure we preach transparency, and most important enforce it. For the benefit of common results irregardless of race and religion.

    Third, don’t start making stupid policies. It is the easiest thing to do and also the worse if wrong policies are made.

    Don’t forget that Oppositions wins because you stood together, the ruling coalition also made too many mistakes and you started off with some key persons that brought a new era and trust. Now is not the time to go against BN. No matter what BN is still part of the government we all need to support, irregardless of the past. We should look forward and work together and help Pak Lah prove that we can work together as oppositions and ruling coalition as a government to benefit the country.

    No more wasteful mega projects that has zero accountability, transparency and pave out plans with clear objectives and common goals for “results’.

  368. I sighed and was sad to see so many people jumping the gun on uncle kit based on emotions. try to put yourselves in his shoes when you shoot him. is politics so simple as maths 123? if it is, uncle kit wouldn’t have suffered for donkey years in politics!and i may have become the CM already….by day dreaming i suppose.

    it was not about race, he has already said that he accepts a malay from PKR, didn’t he? period.

    PAS has a bad reputation on issues of an islamic state. will they give up so easily?i doubt it, it is therfore, only logical that we ordinary chinese( sorry to mention race again) are not comfortable on this appointment, uncle kit would have no exception.

    what do your guys expect of him? just keep quiet and let things happen as they are? and if the things that he fears will happen do really happen in future, you guys expect him to swallow the dead cat again?

    if your guys sound so democratic, why shouldn’t you let uncle kit speaks his mind?afterall he represents so many others too, besides those who have jumped on him. He is only making very clear on his stand, what’s wrong with that?

    if you guys are so democratic, why are you not supporting the democratic process of the party having won the most no of seats to be the cm? don’t push the matter to the sultan lah to give excuses please. try asking PAS in kedah to do the same thing, ie to appoint a malay from PKR to be the CM, will they agree?

    i am also surprised that some well known bloggers like Rocky Bru and Zorro have also jumped on the band wagon to criticize so frantically on uncle kit as if they themselves are the saints. Common old men, you have preached so much about democracy, freedom of speech and bla bla bla in your blogs, now can’t you even stay calm, analyse the situations and try to offer good advice to resolve the crisis? you didn’t try to put out the fire, instead you add on fuel to blow up the whole thing further for no return.

    This is typical Malaysian style!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  369. The possible fiasco should not be attributed to Lim Kit Siang. The problem is with the irreconcilable differences between DAP’s and PAS’s political agendas, and probably Anwar’s problems as warned by Chandra Muzzafar.

  370. now that the swearing in has been postponed.
    what would be a celebration, has turned into ugly circus, instead. how powerful one’s statement in internet could do to a country. this is a lesson to everyone, i guess. and if, after what has happened, PAS make way to whomever to be the Perak MB, despite being choosen by the Sultan, I would have to re-think my support to DAP. not because i’m malay muslim, but more to my dissappointment at how things going from bright to gloom. But I hope my vote that help Nie Ching’s won (Parlimen Serdang) would not be wasted. At 27, she’s relatively young but I hipe she can deliver.

  371. congatrulation to uncle Lim.

    sorry just my personal comment :

    when u don’t expact someting . now u got more than what u want.

    So u become greedy in ‘power’. U shld set precedent by the majority winner “PAS/PKR”. as future we cannot predict.

    remember, remember…… we only minority !

  372. Let’s BN take over. All Malay start now onward, do not trust to DAP anymore. PRU13 never have 1 fight 1. Barisan Rakyat from PAS and PKR will fight with DAP and BN.

    You are not appreciate Malay who are also vote for you. What the Malay people think about you is truth now. All the trust fall down. Go out and walk alone if you think you are good party, DAP. tq







  374. DAP can’t even see who has the final say as to the MB of Perak. It is the Sultan. In fact DAP should be glad that the responsibilty of selecting the MB is in the hands of the Sultan. What has the Perakians to complain? Don’t like – then fly kite in Penang or go to KL. Also DAP should have taken the opportunity to silence BN and its critics about its ideology – Malaysian First and not look at race or religion in supporting PAS MP. It is a free advertisement to attract Malays into DAP. In the next election maybe DAP has Malay ADUN, then the post of MB goes to DAP. I believe very strongly in PAP of Singapore as they practise fairness but very disappointed with DAP under LKS.

  375. Lim,

    I though you are difference with them, but you also Power Crazy.

    YOU are the ONE who spoil the soup.

    I really disappointed!!!!!!!!!!!

    Shame on you!!!

    Resign is the only way. Act fast.

  376. # Lee Wang Yen Says:
    March 13th, 2008 at 17: 29.41

    The claim that Perak MB has to be a Malay Muslim is exactly what you claim to be racial and religious bias.

    Why are you asking this only after BN handed over the state but not before? Or this state’s law had been setup only after BN lost?

    You are just like those MCA leaders… Refer this to DAP but not Unmo in last 50 yrs…

  377. So much is happening and so fast! This is too much…. arghh! I need a break. Let’s have a KIT KAT!!!!

    Back to serious discussion. Whoever made the decision to post pone the swearing in of the new MB has made a wise decision. It would give the three parties a chance and more time to hammer out an agreement.

    If they fail to agree after this the sultan should withhold his consent since they are doomed to fail as they would not be able to function as a government let alone lead the people.

    Raja Petra has a point but he should not blame one person alone. We are all collectively insane at the moment and when we wake up I think common sense will prevail!

  378. Latest From Malaysiakini,

    Reason Of the Cancellation of MB searing-in.

    PKR disputes regent’s choice

    Meanwhile more details are emerging as to the details of the meeting the three menteri besar candidates had with Raja Nazrin this afternoon.

    According to sources the main reason for the postponement of the swearing-in ceremony this afternoon was due to an objection by the PKR’s Jamaluddin over Nizar’s appointment.

    Apparently Jamaluddin told the Raja Nazrin that he disputed the choice made by the regent yesterday to make Nizar the menteri besar.

    It is learnt that the regent became upset with this and instructed all three of them – Nizar, Ngeh and Jamaluddin – to go back to the drawing board again to determine their preferred choice.

    A statement issued by Ngeh earlier today indicated that Nizar was the regent’s choice to be the state’s menteri besar. According to Ngeh, the regent had rejected his (Ngeh’s) and Jamaluddin’s name although these were the first two choices.

    It is also learnt that the regent had asked all 31 state representatives from the three parties to be present before him to swear the allegiance to the new menteri besar, whoever it is.




  380. Does the MB & State exco’s positions comes with lots of money or potential money to be earned ? Then why is DAP & PKR fighting about ? You talk about BN being bad & corrupted.. now when you see the pot of honey, you too start behaving like them.

    i will not cry if Perak goes back to BN because you guys dun deserve to lead the state. I really dun know what will be your next GE ceramah message.. Just hope that Penang will be manage better. Perak as good as gone in next GE..

  381. Stop bull shyt BA will not end as long as Rakyat still around and remain calm to monitor the situation, if you are trying to incite riots then u r BN old thinking. Whoever become MB is not so important most importance is to fight for Democracy. Problems are we have these old taboo which is the constitution created long time ago that stated only Malay with Islam can be MB only Sultan can change that taboo not us the Rakyat or YB Lim Kit Siang.

    This is the same taboo like in South Africa, Only White man allowed to use the beach that was the time British Ruled South Africa, in India, Mahatma gandhi time, only whiteman can sit on a train cabin. In any part of the world, prior to democracy, old constitution need to be changed to allow healthy grow of democracy, free press, transparency, and human rights.

  382. Hi elindamin & others, the cancellation of the swearing of Perak MB this afternoon was a SMART and MATURE move. All 3 parties i.e. DAP, PKR and PAS have to rethink the MB issue bearing in mind the interest of the Perakian. I am very sure that the Perakian is not in favour and is not prepared for an Islamic State. Let appoint a candidate that can be accepted by all Perakian and not a candidate that may cause fear among the Perakian. Listen to Lim Kit Siang and Anwar advice.

  383. ///If Malay rights and sensitivities are cited in the MB issue, it will be (and is now being) cited in the EXCO issues, and will be in future policies etc./// —Lee Wan Yen

    The constitution of Perak state is very clear regarding the appointment of the MB. Until it is amended, if ever, Chinese will never become a MB unless it has the majority which would be logical for the Sultan to decide that an exception can be made as provided in the constitution. The question then is should DAP participate in the election under the present constitution. The answer is yes. So, it has to abide by the decision of the Sultan.

    We have experienced the harm of racial politics, and we hope that eventually there would be a two-party system where race would not be the predominant issue. 50 years has been long enough for race-based parties to move away from race and they have not. DAP and PKR are multiracial in its constitution and we hope that they will grow. They will need PAS in the interim to form government. It is hoped that PAS might evolve itself into a multiracial party, even of Islamic origin.

    When political parties are truly multiracial in the composition its members and elected representatives, the constitution that have specific restriction on the ‘characteristics’, the race and the religion, of the person for MB would be against proper functioning of the political party in terms of party hierarchy.

    If the MB is required only to follow the set policies of the state government as decided by the Executive Committee, the racial origin of the person does not matter. But as the CEO of the state, the capability of the person matters. To restrict the position to Malays it would limit the choice of the best candidate, since it was possible that they could be better candidates who happen to be non-Malays.

    The constitution has not met with this issue for the past 50 years. In the interest of allowing for proper development of multiracial political parties in the country, it is hoped that the constitution can be amended accordingly. In the meantime DAP will have to accept the present arrangement. In fact if DAP had only one Malay representative, he would have been put up as the MB. Would this not make other DAP DUN members feel less happy when a junior member in party rank becomes the senior member in government position? In view of the possible anomaly, the constitution ought to be amended, in due course.

  384. Br RPK

    tried logging onto Malaysia Today but cudn’t ..reason…I didn’t get my username and password correct…this i must honestly admit probably a sign of early dementia for a 58 yo fart, thinking i can keep a lot of things in my numbskull n not having noted them down. FYI I m a chinese muslim n have been and still am passionately married to the same malay woman for the past 36 yrs have 6 children who are now MALAYSIAN professionals contributing towards this beautiful country called MALAYSIA, a doctor a teacher, an engineer a corporate a pharmacist and 6 grandchildren (shud I tell more how MALAYSIAN my family is? )
    If u shud b reading this post…appreciate if i cud retrieve my username and password thru your goodselves and certainly can contribute and share my two cents worth . My email is [email protected]

    Makkal sakhti. Suara rakyat, suara keramat. People’s power.

  385. Umno will now try to break up the BR alliance
    A statement by the state palace said the swearing-in ceremony was postponed because “latest developments” showed the three opposition parties had not reached a “clear mutual understanding” on forming a stable coalition government in Perak. No fresh date was immediately scheduled for a new ceremony.

  386. We RAKYAT give a chance to opp. Parties because we want a CHANGE! but not to create any “others” issues to this country.
    Who is the MP for Perak is not important, as long he is capabale enough to lead the state for change! As what been understand, opp. parties let the SUltan to make a decision. But looks l;ike this decision is disagree form what has been agreed. REMEMBER, rakyat can vote for opp this time, also can turn their back ! because what we need is AMAN & DAMAI.

  387. A perfect storm is forming ahead of us and another tsunami is about to hit us all! Pom, pom, pom!

    There is only a thin line between victory and defeat. The victor may become the vanquished within nanoseconds.

  388. BN 1
    DAP 0
    PAS 0
    PKR 0
    BR aka Rakyat in Perak including urs truly makan pisang.

    Sad day today for Malaysia politics. Hope Selangor doesnt get screwed again. Please buck up guys. Plan, sit down, discuss, get feedback, communicate between DAP/PAS/PKR before making public announcement. Else the enemies will find all means to shoot you down. Penang CM shouldnt talk so much at this moment but go to the ground, get feedback from the public, discuss among members and change only when necessary. Learn from AAB mistakes, dont sprint else after one yr lose steam. This is a marathon, takes time to slowly improve. You have 4 yrs to prove yourself.

  389. In the first place, these 3 parties have made a mistake by submitting the 3 names for the Sultan to choose.I strongly believe another tsunami will happen in Perak where ending up the BN governs this state.
    You have to agree with the Sultan’s decision after submitting that 3 names. Please sort this out.

  390. Hi YB,

    There are so many objections when you made the decision by stopping all the elected MPs to attend the MB swearing ceremony. Now you made a sudden reverse. Anyway the people that elected Barisan Rakyat want to know WHY you made that decision at the 1st place. There must be a reason on that. I am from penang, though Tan Sri Koh already out but still he is gentlemen enough to attend’s your son’s swearing ceremony without hesitation.

    So YB, please act accordingly.

  391. DAP cannot see the treat actually comes from PKR. All along they are competing with DAP in chinese areas. Just look at Sarawak, Sabah and even Perak, Penang and Selangor. So to be please with PKR MB will be a disadvantage to DAP. See because of an outburst, many Chinese will be flocking to PKR. In next election, if PKR decided to challenge DAP, and because of its outlook, DAP will lose.

  392. To all leader from DAP,PKR and PAS please read the blog here your supporter doesn’t want you guys to fight for MB post… some of our opposition are laughing at us…. you guys must present the BA top representative to lead all the BA party . We are sad to see all the power are not even distributed…. do not forget that on that day of 08,March,2008 almost 4 million nation voted BA to rule our country…. The more you struggle for the post among yourself the more people will be laughing at you and upset….


    if you guy are fighting among yourself and screwed up the whole BA agenda and that will levelled yourself among BN gang… and that don’t make any difference…. before and after 08,march,08

    BA are superior …..Bersatu Teguh Bercerai Roboh….

  393. Aiyyaa.. YB Lim still talking about Islamic State?

    Pas has abandon that slogan long time already.. Pas is progressing, DAP still worry about Islamic State!!.. Aiyyaa..

    Move forward la.. not backward..

  394. The Latest statement from the Regent himself stated that it was PKR’s objection and not Uncle Lim statement. Our DAPs are already willing to attend the ceremony..what else can we do?

    Last minute at the Istana Kinta, PKR’s Jamaluddin objected! Now can we swift a bit of Uncle Lim bashing to this guy?

    DAP did what it is suppose to do. Voice out our concern, then apologized, then support and will attend the swearing-in. Now it’s up to PKR already. I think DAP fulfilled it’s duty in this issue.

    Pls be noted, earlier reports says it was due to EXCOs allocation but now with the latest from Malaysiakini, the actual culprit to the postponement of Perak MB is JAMALUDDIN. Nothing to do with EXCO’s and Uncle Lim.

  395. hi eyuppie

    you’ve got your point there. but i don’t think nizar will change Perak into an Islamic State. he’s too smart not to think about people’s sentiment. having said that, i wish all the three parties would take this as a lesson, the coalition is too fragile, we’re still a baby. such a small mistake will be played down by the bn.

    i wish those in bn to shut their mouth for good.
    as Pak Lah said:

    “dah kalah, kalahlah…”

  396. Mcm mana nak cakap tak taulah.Aku bukan pandai pasai politk tapi aku megikuti fenomena ini dengan penuh minat.Aku ni dah kena tipu ka?Apa depa ni semua dok buat.nampak mcm dok gila kuasa saja.Semua pakat dok cakap orang puteh saja.Apa dah abih dah ka bahsa dalam dunia ni yang orang boleh paham.Sebelum mengundi aku semangat jugak dengan depa ni .BA ka BR?Mampoih pi la apa pun janji bukan BN.Tapi bila dah jadi mcm ni,lani dok teringat kat janda BN pasai
    bini yang baru ni(BA ka BR?) banyak kusut masai(uncertain).Baru tau belang masing-masing nak tunjuk power. itu makkelsakti sudah taruk dalam laci.Aku sentiasa dok atas pagar sebab aku tak suka hipokrit.Mana tak betul aku tak sokong.Sebelum ni aku personally pi kempen air liur basi puji BA ka BR?Ah tak pedulilah janji bukan BN.Dulu kempen punya la semangat one nation,one nation tapi la ni mcm mana?Apa takkan nak panggil orang jepun ka mat saleh ka mai jadi leader for one nation.po..dahhhh.Cakap berapi rapi.Where is your standing come on guys show your standing clearly to rakyat don’t play with our feeling.We support you guys because our trust to your combination and not to see the drama that you guys have created.Fighting for power.Lepaih ni aku pi qeja kena duduk diam-diam nanti kena kutuk dengan gang BN.Haiya…wa manyak susah lo sikalang.Ayuh rapatkan kembali barisan dan jadikan barisan yang lurus.Teguhkan kembali ikatan jadikan ikatan yang kuat supay tidak terputus lagi.Penuhi dan hormati janji pada rakyat.We believe to you.For uncle Kit Siang I really respect to your stand and reverse stand.Salute uncle..Anwar where are you?

  397. I strongly agree with euppie. Perakain want an MB with a PAS logo with them. Just drop the PAS nomatter how capable the candidate is. I am very sure the rakyat of Perak will not make any fuss.

    Kit is very very focus and I am sure he is a Democratic Leader.

  398. selepas balik pangkah on that day, my children, age10/12 ask me, who you vote for and why! why! why!…
    told them…
    BN is a coalition partners with all races. but bcause of one, BN UMNO, it have destroy the democracy for all Malaysian. and moreover with their outdated ketuanan mentality.
    told them…
    i support DAP bcause of their believe in democracy for fairness and equality for all Malaysian. now, this election saw three oppo coalition join together, and since PKR fall on my vote area, I vote PKR.
    children ask…
    why not PAS, well reason was, politics and religion should not be mix together when rule a multi racial country. religion is personal, and it’s you to believe and should not be force on others. but since this election is a join force, i will support them no matter what. but hopefully, they will tone down with their religion principal on others, whether they are non-muslim or muslim, which some have different way of thinking. some are too conservative, some are conservative, some are open, some are more open…
    told them…
    karang, kita semua tak seimbang, satu ke atas, yang lain ke bawah… timbang dacing dah jadi berat sebelah. kerna ingin melihat semua rakyat seimbang, kita kena memilih parti yang syorkan, semuanya sama rata tanpa memilih warna kulit, maupun ugama. kerna kita semua are just ordinary humanbeings.
    tu lah sebabnya saya pangkah barisan alternatif…

  399. No differences between the BN and the still born Barisan Rakyat.All of them got 1 aim “MONEY” if not for the money why is all these craps happening?All selfish lot, power crazy and the rakyat who put them in is at the backseat.The rakyat who voted them in is shaking their head disbelieve wondering ,are they the same monkeys as the previous govt.All these happening makes me sick,cannot be trusted at all.I need to escape to the cave “mo gan tai”.

  400. Please talk sense fellow bloggers.It is a matter of fairness and principle.It does not have anything to do with whether there is a pot of honey to be grabbed or a heap of cowdung to be discarded.When credit is due,it should be given.But look as if we are still living in the old fuedalistic society and not in a modern 21st century where a black may become the President of the predominantly white America.

  401. YB

    To all the pre 12th election victory regulars + all the new rocket boys + girls… it feels great….the alternative had arrived + YB Lim had alot of credit for the turning of the tide.

    Used to be able to read all the comments on each posting, but now that all the DAP blogs are more like Rock Stars’ blog, so can’t really take note of what others had said.

    Regardless, the Perak issue is really a catch 20 – 20. YB, i don’t envy you.

    In any democracy, the party that gets the most seat, will be the leader. But in Penang case during the dark days of BN’s rule, Umno did gave the CM post to the now demised Gerakan. Off course Sabahans were forced feed the rotation system as well, curtesy of Lord Mahathir.

    Perak pose a big headache, as the people voted DAP, while (unlike the Umno + Gerakan gangsters in Penang) PKR + PAS is a distant 2nd + 3rd.

    The rakyat + the Sultan (Daulat Tuanku) spoke. More voters wanted the DAP, but the Sultan decide on a PAS MB.

    The only way out is to be truly Malaysian Malaysia:
    1) Get the color out of the way.
    2) As a constitution Monarchy, the rules are for the elected officers to up held.
    3) Yet all parties agreed to support His Majesty’s decision + the Raja had already bertitah.

    YB, either way it will cost you + DAP. The only way out is to have more exco members from the DAP, excecute Social Democratic reforms + policies as best as you can. The Rakyat will know at the end of the day if you had performed well.

    YB, Malaysians who don’t want the agony of having BN rule, must UNITED + Daulat Tuanku.

  402. JoeJoe,
    On 8 Mar 08, we unexpectedly witnessed the new dawn of Malaysia. Issues like Perak MB happen because BR is still relatively loose, weak and new in term of a coalition. But BN is already proven ROTTEN, Rakyat would still like to see changes to happen. These are just some hiccups and setbacks when we are sailing to NEW MALAYSIA. We know some people here or out there are taking this precious opportunity to hammer DAP as much as they could. Well Goreng as much as you want. But believe it or not, UMNO is outdated and it is not appealing. PKR and DAP (esapecially PKR) both would be able to garner more and more votes in the coming elections. A lot of fence sitters have jumped ships from UMNO and MCA and MIC for your info.

  403. Guys, stay tune and glue yourself to the tv or Malaysiakini vidoe clip. Not for you to trust the comment but watch the videos recorded at Istana Kuala Kangsar, Perak and the streets of Selangor.

    Huge turn out of DAP supporters, complete with banners and flags. Especially in Perak, when we received sms saying that Malays urged their race to gather in large numbers in front of The Istana to teach Uncle Lim a lesson, and even repeat the 513 incident to teach us Chinese a lesson. These Perak DAP supporters still turn out to defend democracy and ready to take on anything thrown to them, from the way they reacted on the news on tv just now(NTV7).

    You have my greatest respect for democracy guys. Thank you.

    No one was hurt in the incident coz our Malays understand it’s a propaganda…from dunno who..else.

  404. Dear Bro Lim and all DAP Members

    This is a warning to DAP..

    Rakyat negeri Perak telah memberikan undi kepada PKR-DAP-PAS. Ikutan daripadanya parti Barisan Nasional di negeri Perak telah tumbang. Sejarah telah dicipta pada 8 Mac 2008. Ingat… Ini merupakan suatu perkara yang mengejutkan semua. Berbeza dengan negeri Selangor, Kedah, Penang dan Kelantan, di negeri Perak tiada suatu parti politik yang berjaya mengusai majoriti. Oleh yang demikian kerajaan campuran terpaksa ditubuhkan.

    Persoalan siapa menteri besar telahpun terjawab. YB dari Pas telah di pilih oleh Istana negeri Perak. Namun,… DAP seakan-akan mempersoalkan keputusan tersebut. YB Lim mengajak YB DAP yang lain memboikot majlis angkat sumpah MB Perak (kemudiannya membatalkannya). Begitulah tanda awal ketidakserasian gabungan DAP-PKR-PAS. Selain itu DAP berhajat untuk menduduki 7 kerusi EXCO terutamanya EXCO Tanah dan Exco Ekonomi.

    Mungkin DAP tidak sedar bahawa dengan memenangi 18 kerusi, itu tidak membolehkannya memerintah negeri Perak. Malahan jika hanya bergabung dengan PKR sekalipun ia tidak akan dapat menubuhkan kerajaan. Sedar atau tidak, DAP-PKR memerlukan PAS bagi menubuhkan kerajaan di Perak. Tanpa PAS tiada erti kemenangan wakil DAP dan PKR. Namun kini apa yang terjadi ialah DAP seakan-akan tidak menerima perlantikan MB dari PAS. Malahan YB Lim menyeru semua YB DAP negeri Perak untuk memboikot majlis angkat sumpah tersebut. Begitulah sikap sebenar DAP.

    Ini merupakan ujian atas keikhlasan wakil DAP dalam memperjuangkan agenda Rakyat. Rakyat negeri Perak memilih PAS, DAP dan PKR kerana percaya mereka mampu membuat perubahan dan menjadikan Negeri Perak lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Rakyat pastikan akan kecewa melihat betapa lemahnya perpaduan kerajaan yang baru dipilih ini. Mampukah mereka menjalankan tugas akan terus menjadi persoalan yang menarik.

    Bercakap tentang persoalan ’ketuanan Melayu’. Orang Melayu di Negeri Perak amat menyanjung tinggi institusi Raja (Sultan). Sultan Perak sentiasa berada di tempat yang tinggi di hati orang Melayu. Apabila YB Lim dan penyokongnya mempertikaikan (di dalam blognya) tentang pemilihan orang Melayu (wakil PAS) sebagai MB, ini menyinggung hati orang Melayu. Kenapa minta Pemangku Sultan Perak memilih MB Perak dan kemudiannya dipertikaikan. Amaran kepada DAP ”Jangan Politikkan Istana Perak, … Pantang orang Melayu.. Istana di permainkan”

    Seperti semua maklum, Perak ialah negeri yang majoritinya ialah orang Melayu. Ketamakan DAP untuk mengusai jawatan MB dan tujuh kerusi Exco menjadikan orang Melayu jelek. Percayalah, orang Melayu di Negeri Perak bersedia melakukan perubahan sekali lagi. Orang Melayu akan ingat sampai bila-bila tentang ketamakan DAP. Sokongan orang Melayu yang diberikan kepada Barisan Rakyat akan dikembalikan kepada Barisan Nasional sekiranya Menteri Besar Perak dilantik dikalangan orang bukan Melayu ataupun Exco negeri Perak di monopoli oleh orang bukan Melayu.

    Please bear in your mind, that what you do today, will always be remembered by all Yob and Yong (Perak Malays). See you in Pilihanraya 2012.

    Yob Seman

  405. “Perak MB’s swearing-in put off. breaking news updated 5.33pm In yet another dramatic twist to the formation new state government, the swearing-in of Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin as mentri besar has been postponed.”

    What happen? If this has got to do with the boycott then I think DAP really blew it. I sincerely hope this is not the case.

  406. The recent and latest development over the Perak MB issue is necessary process and stages that the newly formed opposition coalition of state government will have to go through. Any objections and dissatisfaction over the formation state government during the negotiation should be scrutinize from every aspect without fear or favour, this including views from the commentators in this blog which will have to be taken seriously by all parties involved. I can only urges everyone to fully utilize the new media for the right purposes and the right way, your voices are being heard. UMNO and BN will not give you this freedom and space, please cherish and appreciate it.

  407. To RocketDap,
    My earlier posting:

    The Latest statement from the Regent himself stated that it was PKR’s objection and not Uncle Lim statement. Our DAPs are already willing to attend the ceremony..what else can we do?

    Last minute at the Istana Kinta, PKR’s Jamaluddin objected! Now can we swift a bit of Uncle Lim bashing to this guy?

    DAP did what it is suppose to do. Voice out our concern, then apologized, then support and will attend the swearing-in. Now it’s up to PKR already. I think DAP fulfilled it’s duty in this issue.

    Pls be noted, earlier reports says it was due to EXCOs allocation but now with the latest from Malaysiakini, the actual culprit to the postponement of Perak MB is JAMALUDDIN. Nothing to do with EXCO’s and Uncle Lim.

  408. Dear all,

    Do have trust that Barisan Rakyat is stronger than this. Don’t let temporary emotions cloud what Kit, RPK, and everyone else in the Barisan Rakyat has done over the last few years.

    We should understand that during the last few days, Kit and everyone else must have one hell of a busy schedule. Using this blog as example, he printed something which is PRINCIPLED based, but it got turned into a racial slant when none is intended (as far as I can see). I read and reread Kit’s entry, and nowhere does it say that he is against a Malay MB. I read it as more a principled thing. The only party that benefits from having it turned into a racial slant is BN. Ass-u-ming everyone here prefers Barisan Rakyat, then, don’t fall into the trap.

    Furthermore, I applaud the State DAP for not complying with National DAP views, when it does not make sense. It proves that we have good thinking State DAP members there, and that must be a good thing.

    Furthermore, Kit has also apologized promptly. I think this is also a good thing since he is flexible enough to know that when he is wrong, he apologizes. This is a good trait for leaders to have. I am sure we know many BN leaders who would never dreamed of apologizing when it was clear that they are proven wrong, and the veterans here can name quite a long list. Kit is clearly not BN.

    I have also noted that RPK has written a scathing article against Kit. In the comments in MT, (at the time of reading), I did not notice any of the commentators mentioning about Kit’s apology, even though Kit made this promptly. Perhaps someone should gently point this out. Remember, the only persons who have vested interest in seeing Barisan Rakyat broken up are BN, not the Opposition.

    Anyway, we have what we now have, and all that we can do going forward is to continue to be responsible in our comments. And hopefully, we can all be above racial politics. We have made good progress so far – look at what’s being achieved in both Penang and Perak in terms of having Deputy MBs that are including more MALAYSIANS irrespective of race. Sure there is still a lot of room for improvement, but let’s continue walking the path of improvement TOGETHER, not as separate parties. United we stand, Divided we fall!

    God Bless,
    Old Observer.

  409. It is beginning to llok like DAP is power hungry. Come on!! What is happening here? What happen to all the talk during the ceramah. What happen to our Malaysian Malaysia? What happen to the coalition working together for the people. Now you guys are fighting over exco seats? My gawd…..do we dare to give you mandate to run the country….this is ridiculous……I’m really disappointed with the so called Barisan Rakyat.

  410. RocketDap, I can’t help laughing, sorry guys, everyone. It is funny – “shifting Uncle Lim bashing to Jamaluddin bashing” priceless….the whole situation at the palace as reported sounded so tense and gosh, loss of faith and trust….

  411. Some of you are really talking nonsense, probably from the wrong orifice.

    Lee Wang Yen talks of this “possible fiasco” not attributable to LKS. This is not a possible fiasco. It is a fiasco. Period. It is fully attributable to LKS as it first appeared in his blog. Nobody farts in DAP without the approval of LKS.

    Irene talks of dropping PAS and the people of Perak will not make a fuss. Helloooooo……you are also talking of PKR and the Regent of Perak here.

    Get out of your Opposition mentality, Kit. There is no need to feel insecure, no need to behave with a siege mentality. Administer under the mandate given by the voters. If you sincerely believe you can’t work with PAS under whatever circumstances, then come out into the open and tell the voters. Let the voters decide what is best for Perak.

  412. We need to be rational…. not emotional…..

    Uncle Lim reaction is a ‘knee jerk’ reaction…

    In is normal based on democratic principles that the party which have most number of seats should lead.

    But, at times the have to take the circumstances into consideration too.
    I am not sure of all the MB candidates profiles. But it seems that the PAS candidate profile is reasonably acceptable..

    I hope someday in the future the not so reasonable constitutions to be amended.

    Let the best person in the state or country to become PRIME MINISTER or Menteri Besar/Chief Minister – regardless of the race… The post of SULTANs and AGONGs let it be reserved to MALAYS…

    I don’t mind whether the PRIME MINISTER is :


    as long as he is competent…….

    SULTANS AND AGONGS remains a Malays…. Nbody challenge that…

    but if you can amend the CONSTITUTION so that INDIANS, CHINESE, SIAMESE , IBAN, KADAZAN or PENAN can be a agong OR SULTAN……… I have no problem with that too!


  413. Stop fighting in Perak. People are laughing at us who voted for DAP.

    Your remark to boycott the swearing in ceremony has shocked and angered a lot of your voters.

    Now your enemies are waiting for the early demise and disintegration of your coalition.

  414. What Barisan Rakyat? There is no such word! The oppositions have never expected that they will win this BIG. But, once they won, they will have to form a coalition if they want to form the state government. And, the oppositions won mainly because the people are throwing in the protest votes. The outcome is ACCIDENTAL!! Try calling re-election next week, it’s going to be a different outcome!!

    DO NOT get carried away by the election results. The formation of DAP-PKR-PAS will never work, simply because all three DO NOT share the same ideology & agenda. Some even having different intentions. This has been proven in the 1999 general election!! Terengganu has learned their lesson!! DO NOT WORK WITH PAS!!

    Now, the press are already talking about a two party systems. But, the reality is the most challenging time has yet to come. LET’S BE REALISTIC!!!

    Everytime we quarrel, PAS gain something. For no reason at all, with only 6 seats, they are now the MB of Perak. What a COMPLETE MESS UP!!! UNTHINKABLE!!!

    LKS has made the CORRECT remedy by issuing out a statement not to attend the inauguration because they are sure to lose votes in the next election. But, by doing so, this may risk angering the royals…..The damage has been done!!!!

    The rookies in DAP Perak leadership really have got a lot of serious lessons to catch up!!!!


  415. “Before Tuanku could decide, Ahmad Awang jumped the gun and announced that the Menteri Besar will be from PAS. Even the PAS President was caught by surprise. But the damage had been done so all he could do was hold his tongue. PKR knows that PAS Perak has a mind of its own and is practically uncontrollable.” RPK

    Looks like PAS members fart everywhere uncontrollably hence the fiasco!

  416. jetaime.f Says:
    March 13th, 2008 at 18: 33.59

    RocketDap, I can’t help laughing, sorry guys, everyone. It is funny – “shifting Uncle Lim bashing to Jamaluddin bashing” priceless….the whole situation at the palace as reported sounded so tense and gosh, loss of faith and trust….

    Hi Jetaime,
    You sound like a visitor to Malaysia. This is candid Malaysia: colourful, emotional, insane all in one… Not much different from the rest of humanity.;)

  417. A friend of mine told me he refused to join DAP bcoz of LKS presence. He also told me a lot of info with regards to his biaseness. I hope to see DAP progressing but somehow I don’t think with LKS presence (another dinosaur) it can.

  418. “Lee Wang Yen talks of this “possible fiasco” not attributable to LKS. This is not a possible fiasco. It is a fiasco. Period. It is fully attributable to LKS as it first appeared in his blog. Nobody farts in DAP without the approval of LKS.” Godfather

    What is the point here?

  419. Dear KS, you did the right thing to apologise to HRH, otherwise we would think you have gone amok! Please think twice next time when you want to talk something that may arouse ill feeling of another race. Please be reminded inter-racial relationship has been very fragile because of the ‘divide and rule’ policy of the UMNOputras for the past 40 years since 1969, how could you ignore such sensitivity just overnight?
    By having a PAS MB ruling Perak, it is a good opportunity for BR to show to non-Malays in other states how such coalition could work, taking away the fear of non-Malays toward PAS.
    It is also a relief to Malay supporters of BR that they do not see the ‘loss’ of a Malay MB because of the support of BR.
    Lastly, please take care of your health, the real battle has just begin!

  420. It is plain stupid to give a clear-cut opportunity to to the Barang Naik coalition to exploit this issue to the full.

    Kalimullah, Wong Chun Wai, the Ong Brothers, UMNO Youth – these people can’t believe their luck. Stop thinking that this has no bearing on the voters.

    Before the elections, everyone hit Bodohwi and Ong Ka Ting so hard over their incompetence, etc. Now the charge of incompetence is on those that the people voted in to administer.

  421. lkt-56, I am not laughing at anyone, but it was a funny comment and honestly I think everyone needs a relieve pill….for a few secs……I still say, Malaysian Politics more interesting compare to the Hillarys and Obamas, not to say American politics are not interesting but different in their own way…. :-)

  422. I refer to jennifer who ask us to support Teng Chang Khim as Deputy MB selangor . Halo ! Are you so insensitive to as to canvass and covet for a position at this moment when we have a delicate sitiuation in Perak. Where are your priorities ? If you are a TEAM PLAYER you will definitely be chosen, if you are NOT A TEAM PLAYER – you wont be chosen….. read RPK’s comment.

  423. Dear jetaime.f,

    jetaime.f Says:
    March 13th, 2008 at 18: 33.59

    RocketDap, I can’t help laughing, sorry guys, everyone. It is funny – “shifting Uncle Lim bashing to Jamaluddin bashing” priceless….the whole situation at the palace as reported sounded so tense and gosh, loss of faith and trust….


    This is actually our way to promote our ghost town, or rather ghost state Perak, which had disappeared from the eyes of the world compares to the old days where Perak is one of the leading tin exporter. :)

    It’s publicity stunt. Whether good or bad, a news that caught attention of others, are publicity. It’s FREE anyway. Welcome to Perak, Malaysia. :)

  424. Beware,Umno is fanning the flame of racial sentiment during this critical period.Even MCA’s Ng Yen Yen and PPP’s Kayveas have advised Umno to change now for the future of the nation.Some of the critics who passed highly racialistic remarks on TV are definitely inspired by this outdated racial political entity.

  425. # showsomemercy Says:
    March 13th, 2008 at 18: 56.20

    That’s more like it CommonFolk. At times, we must see things in different angles… :)


    What else can we the common folks do? Our Parents(BR in Perak) are fighting…then we the people of Ipoh can only do so much and say so much…while getting some popularity for Perak is not bad either..obviously for the wrong reason lo… :)

  426. We could have leveraged on our success against the Barang Naik coalition by exploiting the divisions within the BN parties. We could have hammered more on people like Ali Rustam who refuses to admit that the voters want change.

    Instead we threw away the initiative and gave the BN thieves the opportunity to hammer us through the mainstream media. This is totally unnecessary. Totally stupid.

  427. You all should learn from CommonFolk. Looks this from different angles. No use shouting and cursing now. Let’s just see how their performance. Let them walk the talk…

    Enjoy… Malaysia politics is colorful once again… :)

  428. This is what happens when we look at the trees and losing sight of the forest.

    An extract (translated from Bahasa) of an article written in Malaysia-Today:


    This is apparent from comments posted on his (LKS) blog wherein many of his supporters have voiced their disappointment regarding Lim’s decision which represents a threat to national unity threatening to divide members of the Barisan Alternative.

    One of his commentators wrote:

    “If DAP starts this internal bickering three days after the elections, I would ask the DAP to pull out now because it shows clearly that the DAP is unable to work with its partners.”

    It is obvious that Lim’s decision is an attempt to sow the seeds of racial discord and it is necessary that Malaysians throughout Malaysia condemn strongly such an arrogant attitude shown by the DAP leader, says a political observer here.


  429. Hi CommonFolk, Perak is not a ghost town, Perak has been talked about as the state “producing good looking girls and guys” regardless of race and the state that brings out a lot of high achievers and for its good food overseas…… :) Glad that everyone is not as tense now.

  430. Godfather, Ali Rustam really sucks man. He openly said, projects in town area must be look and think over for two times after all their candidates in town is washed out.

    Even the great Wong Nai Chee got swept into the drain…

    I really hope Malacca will be taken over by opposition in GE 13 or don’t let them have 2/3 majority…

  431. Now PAS claim what was once UMNO’s Ketuanan Melayu

    Umno menolak Ketuanan Melayu?

    Dr Siddiq kembali kepada kami dengan tesis tebalnya yang saya sudah lupa tajuknya. Penyelia beliau adalah Prof Dr Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas yang pada saat itu ialah pensyarah UKM. Kajian itu mungkin berkisarkan hal-ehwal Melayu. Mungkin hal politik Melayu dan kebudayaan Melayu.

    Yang sempat saya ingat dan catit, menurut tesis itu bahawa hal Umno menolak Ketuanan Melayu memang tercatat di dalam Parliamentary Debates entah volum ke berapa, saya tidak ingat. Tapi, beberapa hal penting adalah sebagai penjelasan di bawah ini:-

    Parti yang berusaha keras memajukan usul berhubung Ketuanan Melayu ialah Parti Islam SeMalaysia (PAS) yang menggesa agar usul itu diperjelaskan dan dimaktubkan dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Ini perlu dibuat bagi menjelaskan negara ini milik Melayu.


  432. Yeah that’s more like it jetaime.f … We Rakyat should not get that tense so quickly… This is only just the beginning. Like what we always like to shout, Let the party begins…:)

  433. Mr.Lim Kit Siang

    Berhati-hati bila berkata. Jangan Terlalu Biadap Dengan Kesultanan Melayu. Jangan Cuba Tiupkan Isu Perkauman. Jangan CABAR Anak Melayu Perak…Kami Anak-anak Melayu Rasa Tercabar Bila Titah Tuanku Tidak Dihormati…

  434. Greetings,
    Really disappointed with you 3 self serving parties now. We give you a big mandate to rule without prejudice of race, religion and gender. Now, you can’t even give and take to choose a MB among 31 state assembly persons, how can you rule the state then? Maybe we are wrong thinking it is time for a change for the better. You guys now look likeBN component parties with only different names. God Bless this nation.

  435. Ok now all Malaysians agree to a change and yes they did good for a change.

    Now we as Malaysians ourself must change our own attitude. Uncle Lim has done so much to the nation and just because he made a heated statement, he is considered the public enemy?

    The change i want all of us Malaysians to have is to be appreciative of what Uncle Lim had done all this years rather then just looking at one statement and thinks that he’s the public enemy right?

    Jom Ubah! :)

  436. There is nothing wrong with choosing the PAS rep as the MB. If I were the Perak Regent, I’d do the same thing – select the rep that has the smallest power base so that he cannot get carried away and make decisions unilaterally. He would have to look over his shoulder all the time. He would have to seek consensus – which is what the Barisan Rakyat is all about.

    Choosing the rep with the smallest power base should result in the fewest bickerings against the MB’s office.

  437. “PAS, too, has not been too honest about what happened in Perak. It realises that DAP would not be too comfortable with a PAS Menteri Besar so it stole the thunder and hoped that the ‘early announcement’ would ‘lock’ DAP and PKR and leave them no more room for negotiations. PKR was quite happy to not negotiate the issue anyway so the ‘hijacking’ was totally unnecessary. It just made matters worse when the end result was a hopping mad DAP that would rather see Perak fall back to Barisan Nasional than a PAS Menteri Besar taking charge of the state.” RPK

    PAS has not been too honest and it became DAP’s fault. Wow!

  438. Loh Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    March 13th, 2008 at 17: 57.14
    ///If Malay rights and sensitivities are cited in the MB issue, it will be (and is now being) cited in the EXCO issues, and will be in future policies etc./// —Lee Wang Yen

    The constitution of Perak state is very clear regarding the appointment of the MB. Until it is amended, if ever, Chinese will never become a MB unless it has the majority which would be logical for the Sultan to decide that an exception can be made as provided in the constitution. The question then is should DAP participate in the election under the present constitution. The answer is yes. So, it has to abide by the decision of the Sultan.

    We have experienced the harm of racial politics, and we hope that eventually there would be a two-party system where race would not be the predominant issue. 50 years has been long enough for race-based parties to move away from race and they have not. DAP and PKR are multiracial in its constitution and we hope that they will grow. They will need PAS in the interim to form government. It is hoped that PAS might evolve itself into a multiracial party, even of Islamic origin.

    When political parties are truly multiracial in the composition its members and elected representatives, the constitution that have specific restriction on the ‘characteristics’, the race and the religion, of the person for MB would be against proper functioning of the political party in terms of party hierarchy.

    If the MB is required only to follow the set policies of the state government as decided by the Executive Committee, the racial origin of the person does not matter. But as the CEO of the state, the capability of the person matters. To restrict the position to Malays it would limit the choice of the best candidate, since it was possible that they could be better candidates who happen to be non-Malays.

    The constitution has not met with this issue for the past 50 years. In the interest of allowing for proper development of multiracial political parties in the country, it is hoped that the constitution can be amended accordingly. In the meantime DAP will have to accept the present arrangement. In fact if DAP had only one Malay representative, he would have been put up as the MB. Would this not make other DAP DUN members feel less happy when a junior member in party rank becomes the senior member in government position? In view of the possible anomaly, the constitution ought to be amended, in due course.

  439. Things are cooling off here. Ok people, we elected them to represent us. So let them do their job. They know what is best. We only look at the outer circle and we don’t know what is going on inside. So we let the people we have chosen to settle all this for us.

    If we start giving suggestion on who is suppose to get this and who is suppose to get that, that shows we Rakyat ourselves are also power crazy.

    We are not power crazy right? So stop the bickering and hold our Malays, Chinese and Indians brothers hands and be united in whatever we are doing.

    Inilah bangsa Malaysia yang kita idam-idamkan… So stop those unwanted and unnecessary arguing as it will bring more harm then good.

    Let’s look at another angle, who knows the ceremony was put off because riots was about to happen? To safeguard the safety of the Rakyat, that’s why the ceremony was put off… :)

    Just my 2 cents…

  440. Correct me if I am wrong, but I have this strange feeling that DAP & PKR is on the the same boat to punish PAS. Why? Here’s why, it’s strategy;

    1. PAS is already a big winner with 2 state fully under their government.

    2. PAS was the first to announce that MB of Perak will be from PAS when at that time right after the election, Ngeh from DAP is calling the shots temporarily due to DAP majority winnings. It’s a tactic from PAS to quickly gain popularity first hand, to poison their supporters and try to convince us. Remember they held their press conferences solely on their own? When DAP and PKR held their press session, they were all together, DAP+PAS+PKR. So gave OAS the right to hold it on its own in the first place??? Cheap shot for publicities la this is called….

    3.In order to retaliate, DAP and PKR made a pact to teach PAS a lesson on being greedy. Agreed upon, Uncle Lim being the senior in politics compares to DSAI took the first step and then followed by PKR, both with different tactics. All these are just to “force” Raja Nazrin to re-select, which they had succeeded. Pls note, the main reason this MB swearing-in was postponed was due to Jamaluddin Objection on PAS MB designate..not the EXCO seats allocation.

    4. If all these are true, then I am happy because we, together DAP+PKR, still on the same boat and did the right thing to teach PAS a lesson.

    Well, it may be a dirty tactic employed by Uncle Lim and DSAI, but it worked. “Use only dirty tactics against dirty tactics(PAS)”..

    At the same time, we Perakians got publicities for Perak. For non-Perakians, some got upset for being cheated, some got angry, some got entertainment and some got….heart attack and casualties :)

    Too bad..that’s politics. Sometimes tactics have to be used in order to gain for the people and the party, which serves the people in return.

  441. Kit himself is in the best position to comment on what RPK wrote. Kit should simply come out into the open and say if it is true that “DAP would rather see Perak fall back to BN than a PAS Menteri Besar taking charge of the state”.

    If that is truly what the DAP thinks, then walk the talk. We the voters would also want a BN administration in place of a continously bickering Barisan Rakyat in charge of the state.

  442. bcoz of the postpone and dispute, i really worry BA can be formed in perak. to me, perak DAP, PKR and PAS are not ready, to avoid any more damage, they should give up forming BA in Perak, and let ummo take the government. top leaders in oppositions must work harder to bring their ppl together and convince their ppl by next GE by showing how the idea works in other states.

    if opposition leaders put themselves before voters, they will soon lose support in next GE, they need to take care of their long time supporter, but they must equally consider the voters who make this happen.

    dont break the hope of most voters, we need opposition to make this happen.

  443. Dear paramount leaders of PKR,PAS and DAP,

    Please get it right once and for all.

    Please have a discussion among the 3 top national leaders and also the top state leaders of you 3 three rakyat parties once and for all so that you do not give opportunity to BN to capitalise on this matter.

    Remember, we voted across the racial divide;Malays voted for DAP,non-malays voted for pAS,PKR etc.

    A journey of a thousand miles begin with a single step.

    To take one step forward ,we may have to take 2 small steps backwards.

    Please give and take.

    See the BIG PICTURE – A better tommorrow,Malaysia and one which is a Malaysia for all Malaysians – one without the BN in power.

    One for all,All for one.

    United we stand,divided we fall.

    “Victory or Death”

  444. All I can say is Shit,Shit and Shit. If the elections is held now I am sure BN will again retain the 2/3 majority and bye bye to Perak, Selangor and Kedah and maybe even Penang for any chance of winning and forming the state government by showing your true colours. BR has shown that they cannont work together and fighting for power same as BN so why bother might as well stick to BN for another 50 years!

  445. Four? Why dont we make it all? Isnt that better jetaime.f
    And really, i really jetaime all the post by CommonFolk. He is looking things at different angles… Rather then, Uncle Kit the big bad wolf!

    ho Ho ho! :)

  446. # Godfather Says:
    March 13th, 2008 at 19: 23.45

    There is nothing wrong with choosing the PAS rep as the MB. If I were the Perak Regent, I’d do the same thing – select the rep that has the smallest power base so that he cannot get carried away and make decisions unilaterally. He would have to look over his shoulder all the time. He would have to seek consensus – which is what the Barisan Rakyat is all about.

    Choosing the rep with the smallest power base should result in the fewest bickerings against the MB’s office.


    Absolutely. Nothing wrong with a PAS MB, somemore this guy is so well educated. But we are not against this candidate! We are against tactics employed by PAS top notch. They try to loot from the strong coalition of DAP+PKR, the real major winners in Perak. For this, we DAP supporters really cannot shut our mouth..or our hands.

    Server crashed so many times we still try-try non-stop to get in. Kudos to Perak’s DAP and PKR supporters! Make sure we even burn Uncle Lim’s site hosting server RAM! Then we all can go to sleep early and read the BN papers tomorrow. Ok? :)


    Guard against bloggers who post messages to incite the Barisan Rakyat parties and leaders to fight against one another!

    Those who do so are actually cronies of BN.They are easily identified.Do not fall for their trick.

    At this time,we should be urging the Rakyat leaders and parties to give and take.

    See the BIG PICTURE!

    PERAK and SELANGOR are actually bonuses for the 3 Barisan Rakyat parties although I never doubted that Penang will be taken.

    Very few expected Perak and Selangor to be won.

    So give and take

  448. Uncle Lim, in the heat of the situation, do not forget the people. Do not forget the support that they have given you. Dont take the wrong step for BN are waiting for you to make trivial mistakes so they can make a big hoo-haa out of it. Do not be wavered by their comments on pro-BN media because they trying to make you fluster and make mistakes.

    Have a bit of compromised in the coalition and think before you act. Bad press is all it takes to lose some or most of your support. Remember what you have fought for all these years. I hope this issue is quickly gotten over with the best solution for all.

  449. There’s an entry by “ian”. I was thinking the same thing. Great political manouvre, to show stance for the DAP supporters and representatives by “trying” to boycott yet turning the tables and save the day by apeasing the people by retracting the boycott.

    My worry though, is the need to please the DAP supporters and reps. Haven’t they learnt to see through color and race? Forgotten the true agenda before the elections of forming the government of Bangsa Malaysia?

    And all of the sudden, why are everyone getting paranoid? Isn’t the PAS candidate the perfect MB in this case? Someone to lead, yet not enough power to be corupted? That should he have his way and be funny or succumbing to higher political pressure, his allies and partners will dump him out of power?

  450. You want to know the big picture dawsheng? U have to ask Uncle Kit or DSAI! They will know the big picture better then all of us. :) We rakyat could not see the big picture one… Unless we are in the circle. We can just see from the surface…

    But one thing i would love to pledge to all readers and supporters, Malaysia is and will be a better place without BN. That is for sure! :)

    Yeah they got no experience in running government but it does not mean they won’t do good right?

    One things for sure, they have not have any first hand experience on corruption and power abuse. :)

  451. Guys,

    It’s time for dinner for everyone. Let the server rest abit(I own my own hosting site too), if not it will really crash again and burning the RAM is not really impossible. It happened before :)

    To DAP supporters,

    Please grab your munch and stay tune to 8pm news on tv. See how our comrades fought for democracy in Perak and Selangor. Trust me, you’ll feel good seeing them…but pls don’t listen too much on the commentary from the news caster. Just watch the clips.

    I prefer NTV7 than anything else on our tv. I’ve watched for almost a week and I find them more…….equal.


  452. It is clear that there are many “Pro” Government people around here. So beware! They are trying to dismantle us with some crappy ideas and some racial issues. So please take note Rakyat Malaysia.

    Anyhow, i need to take a break. Porn anybody? LoLz! :)

  453. Yeah, LKS has already apologized, and we, I included have already had our heyday bashing DAP for their immature statement, it’s time to let it rest, and hope for the best from the coalition.

    A timmy guy in RPK’s site did have another view of why LKS said the things he said, and I’m not discounting that possibility.

    Bottom line is, since we’ve already been so entreched in our determination to boot the corrupted bn, and we’ve succeeded in doing that, let’s not be swayed by this one misstep and give bn a chance of resurrection. Shall we?

  454. Ha ha………..some welcome diversion from Malaysia Today. But I feel they forgot to specifically name Khairy as one of teh causes too!:-

    Terbaru keluar di MyKMU, Bahagian Batu Wilayah Persekutuan telah menuntut Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi berundur secara terhormat. Ini merupakan Bahagian UMNO yang pertama yang menuntut pengunduran Presiden UMNO dari jawatan Perdana Menteri.

    Petisyen dari Bahagian Batu tidak dapat di perolehi lagi, namun berdasarkan draf yang telah diterbitkan di MyKMU, petisyen itu mungkin berupa seperti di bawah ini:


    Keputusan Pilihan raya umum 2008 menyaksikan Barisan Nasional menerima kekalahan teruk. Tidak pernah dalam sejarah BN menerima kekalahan begitu besar iaitu hilang lima buah negeri dan hilang majoriti 2/3 di Parlimen.

    Kekalahan ini sungguhpun mempunyai 1001 sebab, namun sebab-sebab utama jelas menjurus kepada kelemahan kepimpinan dan dasar Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

    Seperti kata Perdana Menteri Keempat Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, “Sekiranya kemenangan besar 2004 diuar-uarkan sebagai kemenangan Abdullah, maka Abdullah juga harus bertanggungjawab dalam kekalahan ini.”

    Menurut kaji selidik laman web penyokong UMNO http://www.mykmu.net, antara punca utama kekalahan Barisan Nasional akibat secara langsung daripada Abdullah. 10 sebab utama ialah:

  455. It ends with

    Sehubungan itu, kami sebagai ahli-ahli UMNO dibawah dengan ini memohon agar:

    1. Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi meletak jawatan secara sukarela sebagai Perdana Menteri dan Presiden UMNO.


    2. Sekiranya, Datuk Seri Abdullah dan Ahli Majlis Tertinggi UMNO berpendapat Presiden parti masih mendapat sokongan ahli UMNO, maka sewajarnya, satu Perhimpunan Agung Khas UMNO dipanggil dan satu undi sulit mengenai kedudukan Presiden UMNO diadakan.

    Sekian, terima kasih.

  456. hi! to all YB and BA parliament member, DUN that we have appointed you to represent us. can you guy closed the door to discussed over the matters and issue among yourself of who will take over the MB position for perak state silently.

    you guys doesn’t have to published that you guy are fighting for the position openly…. this act will dicredited BA account towards nation who selected you to represent us.

    I have told you guys puts all discredit point ,agenda ,issue that can create tense among BA component.

    Thank you ( God bless you guy ) you see what they have show in TV3 ..TV3 saying that you guy are not in aligned

  457. I see from this blog’s postings that we here don’t mind a PAS MB. But we are staunch DAP supporters.

    For the ordinary Perak Chinese/Indian, they don’t. I have Perak friends and they all do not support PAS and want to have nothing to do with PAS at all! In my kopitiam gossip here in Johor with perak friends, some have already said they regretted voting for DAP & that is the sentiment in their kampung!!!

    So unless Nizar totally disregards religion in his administration & runs the state secularly, I forsee the DAP-PKR-PAS coalition is doomed to lose in the next GE. And this will affect DAP’s popularity in other states too! So DAP better wise-up.

  458. Once upon a time, UMNO tells BN to look at the big picture, MCA, Gerakan and MIC then tell everybody to look at the same picture! As the years went by, the big picture became bigger, and the bigger picture became the biggest picture. And the big picture never stop growing and became so big nobody has room to accommodate it anymore, it was dumped! But soon after that, people begins to see another picture, it was a big picture, will this big picture also grow into bigger picture like the previous picture that we have dumped?

  459. this is what i have to say to DAP. In case anyone says i’m racist or whatever, let me just state for the record that i’m a Chinese.

    1. RE-negotiate with PAS regarding the EXCO seats and allow for 1-2 seats for PKR. DAP does not need to take up to 8 seats for goodness sake. So greedy for what?

    2. Work as a team with PAS and PKR if you wish to see the next election to go in your favor. We Malaysians have put high hopes in the 3 parties, not just 1 and we will not hesitate to deny you the votes next round.

    For christ sake, why go argue on such petty stuff? If the person is more qualified, please let him take the post. The same goes to PKR and PAS. Isn’t that what we’re promised prior to the elections? You guys preached about meritocracy and not political or racial favor. START WALKING THE TALK NOW!

  460. If all 31 assemblymen signs a letter of undertaking, Nizar should also sign a letter of undertaking to run the state in a liberal manner & not have any religious agenda affecting the people.

  461. The current picture is like this, PAS ‘potong jalan’ PKR keep quiet DAP object later accept and apologize but PKR object pulak then PAS say they are the real Ketuanan Melayu! Yep, very nice picture!

  462. YB,
    I am truly disappointed with the latest development or to be more specific DAP ‘fiasco’ in Perak and Selangor, and statements from you/DAP on NEP. I am a Malaysian with Chinese ethnicity and i live in Pg.
    The past few days were truly historic in a sense that i thought i can see the beginning of a new chapter of a truly Malaysian’s Malaysia. But note my word ‘the beginning’ ….. all of us should know this will take a long process of change, acceptance, compromise and perserverance from all ethnics in this country. I hope Barisan Rakyat realize this as well and not let the ‘euphoria’ of the moment go over your head.
    Barisan Rakyat win in PRU12 certainly sent a signal to those in governance that 50 yrs of racial politicking is no longer relevant and will be more so in the future to come. It is not your win, DAP. We chose you as a vehicle to send the signal.
    I do emphatize the voices of under priviledged Malays, Indians. They have no where to turn to. UMNO and MIC truly abandoned the mass ppl and benefits their own cronies. I personally experienced that in the area i lived, Byn Lepas. The progress over the years have basically caused the less economically priveledged races (mostly Malays and Indians) have to move out from the lands that they have occupied for so long which they call home, and replaced by latest real estate development. Who managed to afford these real estates ? Well u know who they are. I am one of them. And most owned few properties just for the sake of property speculation driving the market artificially up.
    I am surprised that the exco of Png has to be from parties who won, again maintaining the status quo of previous government style. This is the time to show what truly Malaysian Malaysia really mean. Take someone from BN, maybe UMNO, to join the exco as well. Show that Malaysian Malaysia is beyond political inclination, color, ethnicity.
    Let the healing process begin and let the healing turn into a real revolution that last. Be FIRST in implementing things that have not been done by previous government.
    I hope that i can really see a Malaysian Malaysia in my lifetime.

  463. Dato Azhar Ibrahim Setiausaha Perhubungan umno is asking the Federal Govt to withdraw all projects and mega projects slated for Penang in light of the people’s rejection of umno.

    Ha ha…so you want to threaten the Penangites ah? Good for you. This will make sure you get less votes in future.

    But its a win for Penangites. We dont have to overpay for the projects. And can do better projects to develop Penang properly.

    Let the professionals come in and take over the show!

  464. Thanks for the complete information lakshy! :) They even want to ask the government to take back Rapid Penang! Wah Liew eh…
    Ugut, black mail… Make sure you are gone in the next elections! :)

  465. For the first time in the Malaysian history, the voters had shown that they could vote above racial and religious lines.

    The voters had given the mandate to the opposition parties to form coalition governments in certain states.

    This mandate is overriding: form a stable coalition government, whenever and wherever necessary, as it is the people’s wish.

    It is time for the opposition parties to work togather above certain party line, as the people had given them the mandate to do so.

    This is the best opportunity for the DAP to work with PAS for a brighter future, as the election results had proven beyond doubt that no one party, not even UMNO, can survive by itself.

    Please do not reject the people’s mandate.

  466. Can you have a good coalition state government with PAS always want to ‘potong jalan’? Can you see the big picture with PAS telling the Chinese and Indians they respect our rights and on their own side they are singing heaven is a place on earth which excludes you, you and you?

  467. Your callous act has destroyed whatever goodwill gained over the last few weeks from the Rakyat of all colors – coming from a seasoned politician like you this act is disgusting – Don’t try to deny that the DAP has no agreement with PAS and PKR – it was percieved that there was and that’s why you won so handsomely – and please do not be as arrogant as UMNO idiots – don’t try to show your power in DAP – the power you now have in the country is derived from the rakyat – remember this – so stop throwing your weight around

  468. The problems in Perak are uncalled for. After DAP/PAS/PKR having claimed to have an understanding, now all of this surfaces? And since you know you always get bad press, why are you still talking to each other through the press? How to cooperate like this? Dont get blind-sided by the “glamour” of appearing in the media.

    You guys have been elected to get serious work done. If you are not up to it, get out.

    And YB LKS, if it really was a wayang, I am deeply offended, and I can safely say, so are many Perakians. Do you think we do not know what we are voting for? Do you have to do a wayang to show that you know better than us what is good for us? Dont patronize us ok?

    Non-malay Perakians can accept a PAS MB. What can he do to amend the constitution or make it an islamic state, when you guys wont support them?

    We voted you guys in to get things done. Not play race politics. Ohhh mannnnn!

  469. D Azhar is making a stupid request, already start to show the ‘wolf tail’. Said ‘don’t blame us, is the wish of people Pg’.
    This is the real attitude of him, just imagine what he will do if empower. Clearly he is pushing to punish rakyat decision. How can we let such kind to be voice of rakyat. I’m really upset with his treat, still want to hide he means not ‘revenge’.

    He is joining the ‘level 4’ team which people said are the contributors towards the worse result for be end on the GE 12.

  470. With all the squabbling on the appointment of Perak’s MB, it’s a wonder BN has not yet capitalise on your weakness to entice (with $$$$) certain ADUNs to cross over. Where would we be then? Corruption and Croynism with a Capital C!!

    Get your act together, for goodness sake! We don’t want to be in the stifling clutches of BN again! If PAS Nizar is MB, be it…..at least the PAS-led goverment in Kelantan, if my feedback is anything to go by, is quite fair and transparent to their non-Malay brothers.

  471. I like the way they handle Perak, this shows transparency and raise the level of understanding for all parties to understand how politic works and how certain decision are fixed. Unlike the BN government everything do it first then kira later like the PGCC project Pak Lah launched it first last year, but it has yet to be approved like a blank cheque from the public which surprised everyone including YB Guan Eng. YB Lim Kit Siang really handle it professionally so that Rakyat know what is happening, also why certain parties object it. This is really an open and fair fight for everyone.

    Good Job DAP! Hell to Dato Ong Ka Chuan who know shyt abt politic jus know how to bark like a hound, but did not look at the big pictures of why certain parties will fight among themselves.

  472. Latest news on TV tonight ..Penang Umno Liaison guy wants Federal Govt to cancel all the mega projects in Penang slated under the 9th Msian plan, including the North Corridor projects. Hey, Fed guy -> remember who is paying for development. It is the taxpayers’ sweat and tears, it is the people who voted for change. For a government who subscribes to fairness to all, irrespective of race and religion, how dare he threaten Penangites who dared to voice out the conscience of the nation.

    People of power -> do not bow down to the threats of small-minded Federal officers.

  473. “Dato Azhar Ibrahim Setiausaha Perhubungan umno is asking the Federal Govt to withdraw all projects and mega projects slated for Penang in light of the people’s rejection of umno.”

    This is an act of contempt of Malaysian Constitution… The rakyat had made the choice, so respect it…. Blackmailing RAKYAT in order to get their support in not democratic…. THE RAKYAT SHOULD REMOVE THESE GROUP OF PEOPLE FROM THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AS WELL, SO THE BLACKMAILING WILL STOP.

    If the federal government want to punish the rakyat of the STATE GOVERNMENT or constituency held by the non-BARISAN party,




    if the Barisan Nasional still arrogant, let the next TSUNAMI determine your fate!!

  474. Uncle Lim, wise decision you have made; you have scared me till die for the passed 12hours(or more).

    Bravo, you get my support again………….ops no………..Barisan Rakyat get my support again.

    Way to go, show to all of us- Rakyats Malaysia that you guys are able to do better than the corrupted BarangNaik harga coaliation.

    Ps:- my sincere apologies to you too if my earlier statement at the earlier post have offended you.

    Jimz- a loyal and concerned DAP and BR supporter.

  475. Here this is what happened, and its all because of poor communication:-

    Angkat sumpah MB Perak batal: KeADILan pula buat hal?
    Thu | Mar 13, 08 | 5:53:00 pm MYT

    KUALA KANGSAR, 13 Mac (Hrkh) – Majlis angkat sumpah Menteri Besar dan barisan Exco kerajaan negeri Perak yang baru terpaksa batal lagi hari ini apabila anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri dari Parti Keadilan Rakyat (KeADILan) pula tidak berpuashati hasil dari salah faham.

    Pesuruhjaya PAS Perak, Ustaz Ahmad Awang dalam satu laporan akhbar online mengesahkan perkara ini dan majlis yang sepatutnya berlangsung jam 4 petang ini (13 Mac) terpaksa ditangguhkan.

    KeADILan salah faham apabila menyangka mereka tidak mendapat sebarang kerusi dalam kerajaan Perak, padahal persetujuan yang dicapai adalah DAP akan mendapat 6 kerusi, KeADILan 3 dan PAS satu di samping MB.

    Taburan ini adalah berdasarkan bilangan Adun masing-masing dalam kerajaan bersama itu iaitu DAP mempunyai 18 anggota, KeADILan 7 dan PAS 6.

    “Persetujuan ini dicapai semalam antara DAP dan PAS selepas mereka dipanggil oleh Raja Muda Perak, namun tidak dipanggil KeADILan kerana ketika itu KeADILan tidak terlibat membantah,” kata Ahmad Awang.

    Hari ini, Timbalan Presiden KeADILan, Dr Syed Husin Ali membuat kenyataan tidak akan terlibat dalam pembentukan kerajaan negeri Perak itu.

    Pagi tadi, rombongan tujuh Adun KeADILan di Perak menemui Penasihat Undang-undang dan seterusnya mengadap Raja Muda Perak menyatakan bantahan mereka.

    Ketua Penerangan KeADILan, Tian Chua memaklumkan bantahan itu dibuat kerana KeADILan seolah-olah tidak ada sebarang kerusi dalam kerajaan Perak yang baru itu.

    Namun beliau mengaku taburan 6:3:1 dalam Exco yang baru beliau ketahui itu adalah taburan yang sangat sesuai dan boleh diterima./wann

    Even kids have better communication! Ada hand phone…tak mau pakai!

  476. Hi Kit
    I have been following the DAP saga since 9pm last night. I have been a hardcore supporter since the 70’s ! Yes, since the days of former MCA president Tan Koon Suan. In the olden days we didn’t have internet where we had instant access to information. All we had were our precious greying and well thumbed copies of “The Rocket” which we read again and again……we were so starved of information then! I particularly remember an article which wrote more than 30 yrs ago. You mentioned that it would have been easy to you to make money. You are qualified lawyer – all you had to do was to start a law firm and everyone would have come to you and you would have been set up for life. Even when you were an MP then you could have made money – just cross over to MCA and straightaway you will become a minister. So many have done the same thing, L L Thye comes to mind. Instead you sacrificed your health and your liberty ( twice jailed without trial under ISA for 18 months) for the people of Malaysia. Don’t let ANYONE tell you that you don’t know what you are doing ! You have eaten more salt than they have eaten rice. The clever ones can discern sandiwara when they see it . You are 10 steps ahead of them. Anyway Ong KC has taken the bait-hook,line and sinker when he mentioned in the Star that DAP cheated the people of Perak. I am sure you anticipated that and he fell for the trap.

    Yes, a lot of agent provocateurs surfacing now – so everyone use your brains,ok?

    My prediction – in a few months time when all positions have been filled nobody will remember this episode. I am confident this will happen because we had the DP Vijendran video tape sex scandal many years ago ,also near election time, there was a big hooha. Within a couple of months everyone had lupa and BN did well in the GE then.
    BR – just concentrate on performing well, we are all behind you. All this are birth pangs of Malaysian democracy . Any pregnancy ( I am a doctor) is fraught with perils but in the end we deliver a healthy baby. Also, everyone – pls expect fireworks re the Selangor lineup. Biasa lah – new born baby find it difficult to walk at first but after that can run. So be sabar lah. Just support them as nobody is perfect. It takes a lot of guts to stand as opposition candidate.

  477. Bro Lim,

    What a remark??!??!? Do you learn history, bro Lim? Asking for apology? Why don’t you think before you say something? Damage done.

    And Dato Azhar Ibrahim, Setiausaha Perhubungan umno another one…
    whose money that finances all the projects… UMNO? The taxpayer money!! So don’t collect taxes from Penangites !!!

  478. We hope to see new Malaysia.Malays,Chinese and indians have given their trust to PAS,PKR and DAP. we want to see new govt which deliver justice and fairness to all. We do not want to hear racist remark anymore..why are we still trap in the idea that only Chinese is to take care of Chinese and Malay for Malays. A good leader will always take care of all. if not, in the next election, we will go back to square one, where malay only vote for malay and chinese for chinese!

  479. Pg Uuuum no Liaison guy !

    Why Pg only ? Tell your fellow team to do the same for Kedah, Kelantan, Perak and must not miss, Selangor as well.

    Shame to know they are representing people voice

  480. The whole episode is becoming sickening.I guess we shouldnt have voted the opposition.They are power crazy and not ready to be the ruling party. Let them returned to the opposition den.They dont deserve anything.If only I can turn the clock back I will just spoil my vote.Frankly they are no better than B.N goons.

  481. UMNO are nothing more than greedy samseng that use NEP to fill their own pockets and without truly helping the poor Malays. As long there are still a huge number of poor Malays they can use NEP to fill their pockets. That’s why after 50 years there is still a huge number of underprivileged Malays. Curse these bastards. What about the people in Penang that gave them their existing seats. To hell with them also.
    Now UMNO is showing its true greedy face

  482. gosh, everyone is sure getting worked up. By the way its Hadi Awang not Ahmad Awang. I agree with dawsheng all this started becoz hadi awang jumped the gun and said that perak would be ruled by PAS and went on to detail all the rules and regulations PAS planned to implement. That got to everyone. Notice how its now Husam Musa (Pas Vice President) is now making all the comments and doing damage control and it shows that they have realized their mistake.
    So has the DAP by admitting their mistake about last night.

    PKR and anwar are up to something. Would be safer to keep an eye open for them than PAS.

    Anyway bottomline is we were all thrown into this “marriage” whether we like it or not. So just put up a front do the right thing and behind closed doors. Do whatever you guys wanna do. “kill” each other for all I care BUT remember its the people of Perak who put you where you are so dont any of you three parties put us into turbulent times and cause trouble in OUR (not your) State.

    JUST DO THE JOB WE ELeCTED YOU TO DO. Worry about our votes in five years time and not who becomes MB. You Three are making us the laughing stock of Malaysia. And as a Perakian I dont take to kindly to that.

  483. YB Lim,

    Being one of the supporters with all 20 family votes thrown in to vote your candidate in Penang, we have expectation on your Party to prove to all of us Penangites that your Party is one live on with integrity and honour your manifestos to change the Government that we considered incapable and corrupted! We gave you the supports and now your Party won but, you must not be overwhelmingly be obsessed by the Powers and that too much powers will entrench you into behaving like UMNO dictators and racists that we all are hatred of! You must always take the peoples’ welface at heart! The tussles for powers must be stopped in order to deserve our supports on you and your Party. You will have to show to the peoples that your Party is capable to run a difference! Failing which you will not be proven better than BN for being power crazy and corruption sure will be the next temptation that will creep in! Even you have all the powers, we, the supporters will discard your Party 5 years later and you will be fallen back to square!

    Walk the talks is what your Party should concentrate to perform and do not create a scenario that your Party has no difference with the last administration! This is my 2 cents.

  484. Dawsheng,

    Unfortunately, most people are caught up with the so-called ‘big picture’. I think this is short-sighted pragmatism. We really need to worry about the plight of non-Muslims. According to Islam a-la PAS, Islamic State is a must and non Muslims are dhimmis (second-class citizens).

  485. Lee Wang Yen:

    Stop the nonsensical postings about PAS. Tok guru has already said that PAS treats all malaysians as equal. If you don’t trust them, that’s a different matter. Just don’t put words into their mouths.

  486. If what is written here is true about the federal govt withholding funds to develop penang, perak, selangor,kedah … is there any law that says that then the people in these states stop paying their taxes because the money is going to be kept by BN and not the country?

    This 4 states are financial power house ya, so it should be this states stop the delivery of taxes to the federal govt and use its own taxes to develop the states. The rakyat here only pays taxes to the states only.. & the states uses this money for development. Then BN cannot create treats to the rakyat…

  487. Many members of my family votes PAS. Mr. Kit Siang, a majority of the Malaysia Rakyat voted the various opposition parties putting race and religion aside for a better future. You, on the other hand, seem to be stuck in the dark ages by harping on race. We, the Malaysian Rakyat, want to be a Bangsa Malaysia. We are on the treshold of a new era and no longer want to be enslaved by race or religion. So if you cannot or are unable to see beyond your own prejudices then you have outlived your purpose. Resign and let young Malaysians who have a clear view of what the people want to take over. Listen to the will of the people. Change is in the air. Your blustery ways are no longer viable. We are now a savvy society who want our opposition leader to be equaly savvy and diplomatic. People don’t want keris ‘wavers’ or leaders who only have a lot of hot air to blow. Try to understand that the opposition is bigger than you. Your ego has no place in our society. If you chose to be stubborn then you risk becoming a political dinasour like Tun Mahathir Mohamad and Samu Vellu.

  488. please do not underestimate kit siang intelligence.

    dap has to appease the died hard and core supporters. dap cannot depend on the katak voters, that changes loyalty much quicker than knickers.

    kit siang has expressed dissatisfaction. with no intention to show disrespect to HRH.

    kit siang apologised.

    guan eng said go.

    pkr say no go.

    HRH postphone swearing in.

    pas mb will be in.

    dap hardcore supporters pleased with kit siang gungho first and humility.

    anti dap like mca , gerakan – mouth sealed.

    katak voters? still confuse till the next election.

    respect kit siang.

  489. We must remember that BN/UMNO still holds the biggest numbers of state seats. However, because there is “very loose” coalition of DAP-PKR-PAS in Perak, this coalition is given the first go of forming the state government. The first step was to select among themselves who should be the MB holding all the power of final say in future matters. Being unable to decide among themselves, they took the initial public “united” stand that they will give three names to HRH Regent to make the final selection, and will accept that decision. Note how they order the names in the order of seats obtained, which is quite natural here. HRH Regent / HRH Sultan then obliged by choosing and thereby consented that the best qualified among them would be the MB, ie the PAS candidate. The “loose” coalition should then collectively honour their earlier “united” stand and not make cheap posturing gimmicks or remarks.

    Disappointedly, we are seeing how that first “coalition” decision is turning into a possible fiasco. HRH Regent is very right to be very displease that DAP-PKR-PAS cannot be consistent in staying united. This could paralysed the state assembly and the next MB office very fast. With the rakyat best interest at heart, I am very happy that HRH Regent has commanded them to decide among them ONE name for the MB position. And the coalition must remember that none of them has more seats than BN UMNO.

    I hope some members of this “loose” coalition can see the lessons that they need to learn here. Firstly, do not disrespect our royalty. Both our HRH’s are no fools be used by political creatures. Secondly, DAP-PKR-PAS must learn very quickly how to be real partner in running a state government as joint-partner.

    Personally, I accepts HRH Regent’s decision on who should be our new MB. DAULAT TUANKU!

  490. According to Wikipedia
    PAS has publicly stated its intent to instate what it claims to be sharia law, including the full range of criminal laws…
    Moves by PAS to extend the already implemented sharia laws, such as by limiting the sale of alcoholic beverage, forbidden to Muslims, and a ban on gambling. In 1999 the Terengganu Government passed the Hudud and Qisas bill which drew much opposition, and eventually prompted the Democratic Action Party to leave the Barisan Alternatif coalition

  491. One of the best comments by jbozz. You got my vote as well!

    “I like the way they handle Perak, this shows transparency and raise the level of understanding for all parties to understand how politic works and how certain decision are fixed. Unlike the BN government everything do it first then kira later like the PGCC project Pak Lah launched it first last year, but it has yet to be approved like a blank cheque from the public which surprised everyone including YB Guan Eng. YB Lim Kit Siang really handle it professionally so that Rakyat know what is happening, also why certain parties object it. This is really an open and fair fight for everyone.

    Good Job DAP! Hell to Dato Ong Ka Chuan who know shyt abt politic jus know how to bark like a hound, but did not look at the big pictures of why certain parties will fight among themselves.”

  492. They can’t withhold, because allocations are part of every year’s budget in return for collection of taxes, etc. However, they can make life difficult going forward so it takes a lot of skill and effort to negotiate with the federal government. Projects that are already approved at Federal level could be delayed e.g. the Penang bridge, but then the profits were already factored in by the contractors (UEM) and their UMNOputra subcontractors, so to delay them would cost the thieves more money.

    There are projects that the state can initiate e.g. the domestic tram system on Penang or expansions of the airport and port.

    Remember, the thieves can threaten to delay or stop projects, but they are the ones who would be hurt the most as the projects have been allocated to their cronies anyway.

  493. I think most of you here missed a vital point. The position of MB carries with it certain inherent power which over time can dominate other EXCOs. This is especially so when other members of the EXCO are weak, inexperienced or corrupted. With the state machinery, important portfolios, local councils and municipality behind him, the MB could gradually build up his power to subjugate the aspirations and objectives of coalition parties. No matter how many deputies he appoints, a deputy is still a deputy. If we are talking about our long term aspiration of achieving a secular multi racial Malaysia, then a PAS MB in Perak (which traditionally has always been more liberal and multiracial) is a bad idea no matter how expedient and practical it may sound at this stage. We must also take cognizance of the fact that PAS has only 6 seats in the State Assembly. This means that the Party and its ideology right now have only limited acceptability in Perak. Why then give PAS the MB post to allow him and the party to expand, widen and deepen the PAS agenda in Perak? You guys have to think long and wide before making all kind of accusations against those who may have reservation on this issue. We don’t want to trade short term expediency for long term misery again, do we?

  494. If the Federal govt really withholds development funds, they are stupider and arrogant than I give them credit for. You are talking about Kedah – the rice bowl of the nation, Penang – the manufacturing/silicon valley of the east, Selangor – the premier state, Perak – another strong state. Oh and don’t forget our capital Kuala Lumpur is in Opposition hands now. Will they withhold development from KL? The elections show that the people will no longer be cowed like this. Do that and the next time around, it will be curtains for them.

  495. We have lived with the BN cheats, liars and thieves for 50 years, and now we can’t live with our state partners after one week. Sigh. You should simply give the state back to BN administration.

  496. Lim Kit Siang (2003):
    Kulai, Sunday): DAP opposes and rejects the PAS Islamic State blueprint made public by the PAS President Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang on 13th November 2003, and the reasons include:

    It violates the 46-year “social contract” of the major communities entrenched in the 1957 Merdeka Constitution, the 1963 Malaysia Agreement and the 1970 Rukunegara that firstly, Malaysia is a democratic, secular and multi-religious nation with Islam as the official religion but not an Islamic state; and secondly, the Federal Constitution is the supreme law of Malaysia as provided in Article 4 and not the syariah law as intended by the PAS Islamic State blueprint;
    It violates the 1999 Barisan Alternative common manifesto “Towards a Just Malaysia”, to restore justice, freedom, democracy and good governance with clear commitment by all subscribing parties to uphold the fundamental principles of the Malaysian Constitution, binding PAS not to pursue the establishment of an Islamic State while in the Barisan Alternative;
    Incompatibility with democracy in placing the PAS Islamic State concept beyond criticism by equating it with Allah’s injunction;
    Incompatibility with human rights – the English text of the blueprint specifies the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), which is totally omitted in the Bahasa Malaysia master text. There is also no elaboration of the qualification in the English text that support for the UDHR is subject to the proviso that it must not contravene the Syariah, by spelling out the human rights in the UDHR which are offensive and unacceptable.
    It ratchets up the UMNO-PAS competition to out-Islam each other and to turn Malaysia into an Islamic state to new and unprecedented height and intensity.
    Although Hadi had welcomed public views and debate of the PAS Islamic State blueprint, the PAS leadership has not been able to respond to the many issues which had been raised about its Islamic State blueprint in the past 10 days, in particular on pertinent and legitimate questions about the compatibility of the PAS Islamic State blueprint with the “social contract” reached by the major communities on the attainment of national independence, democracy, human rights, women rights, pluralism, social tolerance and modernism.

    Mursyidul Am PAS Dato’ Nik Aziz Nik Mat has proposed a meeting of all presidents of political parties on the PAS Islamic State blueprint. DAP will definitely be represented in such an all-party leaders’ discussion on the PAS Islamic State blueprint to detail the DAP’s objection and rejection of the document if such a meeting is held. However, I do not believe that such an all-party meeting will materialize.

    DAP’s stand on the Islamic state issue had always been constant, consistent and principled in the past 37 years, whether before, during or after the DAP’s participation in the Barisan Alternative.

    The DAP helped to establish the Barisan Alternative (BA) with PAS, Keadilan and Parti Rakyat Malaysia in 1999 with the sole objective to crush the political hegemony of the Barisan Nasional and end its unbroken two-thirds parliamentary majority to advance the objectives of justice, freedom, democracy and good governance as spelt out in the 1999 general election BA common manifesto “Towards A Just Malaysia” which had nothing to do with PAS’ objective of an Islamic State.

    Immediately after the 1999 general election, DAP had wanted the BA to address the people’s concerns about the Islamic State issue but we found no support from the other BA component parties despite persistent attempts by the DAP in 2000. As a result, DAP decided to engage PAS in direct discussion on the issue in 2001, where we proposed a five-point position for Barisan Alternative on the Islamic State issue.

    When talks broke down between the DAP and PAS leaders on the DAP’s five-point “No Islamic State” formula for the BA, DAP was left with no choice but to pull out of the opposition front.

    The DAP’s five-point ”No Islamic State” proposal for the BA position were:

    That the 1999 BA Manifesto “Towards A Just Malaysia”, while respecting the different ideological positions of component parties, binds every party during the duration of the BA to a commitment to uphold and respect the fundamental principles and basic structures of the Malaysian Constitution and to give the assurance that there would be no radical change to the Malaysian Constitution such as for the establishment of an Islamic, Buddhist, Hindu or Christian state. Any effort by any component party to pursue the establishment of an Islamic, Buddhist, Hindu or Christian state will be against the BA Manifesto.
    A clear reiteration that under the BA Manifesto, a vote for BA is a vote for democracy, justice and good governance and not a vote for an Islamic State and PAS agrees that in the duration of the BA, PAS would at all levels of the party join forces with other BA parties to strive for “A Just Malaysia” and not for an Islamic State
    BA Presidential Council to be given prior notice of any proposed enactment or measure in the Kelantan and Terengganu PAS state governments which could impinge on the sensitivities of the different religions, communities and political parties to allow for fullest consultation and agreement.
    A special BA committee to be set up to ensure that controversial or sensitive pronouncements or statements affecting religious and other rights which are against the BA manifesto are only made after prior consultation and to deal with cases of infraction.
    Although PAS is committed to the objective of an Islamic State, it accepts the fact that in a plural society like Malaysia, the establishment of an Islamic State is not suitable or practicable.
    The PAS leadership were prepared to accept Points 3 and 4 but not Points 1, 2 and 5.

    PAS Islamic State blueprint must be opposed, but the only effective way to ensure that Malaysia does not go down the path of the Islamic State as envisioned by PAS is also to reject the so-called “moderate” Islamic State advocated by UMNO in the arbitrary and unconstitutional “929 Declaration” that Malaysia is an Islamic State made at the Gerakan National Delegates Conference on Sept. 29, 2001.

    Malaysia has undergone a sea-change in the nation-building process in the past four years with very few people conscious of its grave far-reaching political, economic, educational, socio-cultural and citizenship repercussions.

    In my 30 years in Parliament from 1969-1999, I had never heard the term “Islamic State” used in any parliamentary debate, but in the past four years, Parliament has been turned into a battleground between PAS and UMNO to turn Malaysia into an Islamic state.

    For over four decades until four years ago, the defence of a secular Malaysia with Islam as the official religion was the mainstream nation-building agenda while calls for an Islamic State were rare and came from the periphery of the nation and society. However, in the past four years, a secular Malaysia with Islam as the official religion as popularized by the first three Prime Ministers have become a “dirty expression” and pushed to the periphery, replaced in the mainstream agenda by an Islamic State – whether ala-UMNO or ala-PAS.

    If this spiral of UMNO-PAS competition to out-Islam each other and turn Malaysia into an Islamic state is not halted, it may not be long (and could be as fast as after the next general election), when what was mainstream nation-building agenda, viz. to defend and uphold a secular Malaysia with Islam as the official religion, could be regarded as seditious and anti-national!

    There are two important reasons for this sea-change in the nation-building process:

    The political and parliamentary marginalization of DAP in the 1999 general election, where DAP was the biggest loser in the Opposition, thanks to the campaign of lies and falsehoods of Gerakan and MCA that a vote for DAP was a vote for PAS and a vote for an Islamic State.
    The failure of the Barisan Nasional, in particular MCA, Gerakan, MIC and SUPP, to stand firm by the legacy of the first three Prime Ministers to defend the 46-year fundamental constitutional principle of Malaysia as a democratic, secular and multi-religious nation with Islam as the official religion but not an Islamic state.
    If the DAP had won 25 to 30 parliamentary seats in the 1999 general election, there would be no “929 declaration” or the UMNO-PAS competition to out-Islam each other to turn Malaysia into an Islamic state, for the Barisan Nasional would have to be mindful of the reactions of both Muslim and non-Muslim sectors of the population.

    With the continued debacle of DAP in Parliament in the 1999 general election as in the 1995 general election, UMNO was only concerned about competing with PAS to win back the lost Malay electoral ground, without having to worry about the concerns of the moderate Malays or the non-Muslim electorate, whose support could be taken for granted as safely in the Barisan Nasional bag!

    Although there is no possibility in the next general election that PAS can put its Islamic State blueprint into practice – as the issue in the next general election is still whether it is possible to deny Barisan Nasional its unbroken two-thirds majority in Parliament – the PAS Islamic State blueprint can have far-reaching consequences to change the Malaysian nation as it will ratchet up the UMNO-PAS competition to out-Islam and out-Islamic-State each other to a new and unprecedented level with grave damage to the very fabric of the 46-year social contract and Merdeka Constitution of Malaysia as a secular nation with Islam as the official religion but not an Islamic state, whether ala-PAS or ala-UMNO.

    This was why two Malaysian news made world headlines in the global village in the past month, given prominent coverage in the media in the countries in the West, including small-town newspapers and publications in the United States, viz Mahathir’s anti-Jewish speech at the OIC Summit and the PAS Islamic State blueprint, the former because of a sense of “outrage” in the West and the latter because of a sense of “foreboding” in the West that another country was embarking on the road of an Islamic State!

    The next general election will be the last opportunity for Malaysia to put a stop to the spiral of competition between UMNO and PAS to out-Islam one another to turn Malaysia into an Islamic-State with the return of a strong parliamentary DAP presence to put the country back on track of a democratic, secular, multi-religious, prosperous and progressive Malaysia with Islam as the official religion but not an Islamic state.


  497. dear KS,

    Politic is not only at the surface of winning or losing , it is about maneuver of the situation.
    pls learn fr anwar’s skill.

    look how he got 31 parlimental seats from just one at the previous election.

    He has both votes from DAP and PAS supporter, can you do tht????

    I have great respect for you, but yr last move is totally a failure.

    De Scorpio

  498. Hey I know why His Highness & The Regent of Perak chose Nizar of PAS. Because he is the most learned person compared to other candidates. And the Perak Royal family is the very very learned.

  499. lina [March 13th, 2008 at 20: 44.30]… well said :)

    As for Saudara Lim Kit Siang, whatever happens, let me just say thank you for being the first line of defense in Malaysia against the erosion of secularism, endemic corruption, abuse of power, communalism-over-meritocracy, and just plain bad governance, for decades, well before I was even born. And thank you for taking so much personal risk upon yourself. You’ve had a tough job, and mistakes have been made over the years, but you’ve done a far better job than any mortal could. And now the cherry on the ice cream sundae is that you are humble enough to actually “apologize” instead of the political copout of “expressing regret”. Well done, sir.

    I am glad Malaysia could make your dream of breaking the BN’s 2/3 dominance come true. It’s the least we could do for you anyway. Not to mention doing it for our own sake too!

  500. Lim Kit Siang said something very important in 2003:
    Although there is no possibility in the next general election that PAS can put its Islamic State blueprint into practice – as the issue in the next general election is still whether it is possible to deny Barisan Nasional its unbroken two-thirds majority in Parliament – the PAS Islamic State blueprint can have far-reaching consequences to change the Malaysian nation as it will ratchet up the UMNO-PAS competition to out-Islam and out-Islamic-State each other to a new and unprecedented level with grave damage to the very fabric of the 46-year social contract and Merdeka Constitution of Malaysia as a secular nation with Islam as the official religion but not an Islamic state, whether ala-PAS or ala-UMNO.

    This was why two Malaysian news made world headlines in the global village in the past month, given prominent coverage in the media in the countries in the West, including small-town newspapers and publications in the United States, viz Mahathir’s anti-Jewish speech at the OIC Summit and the PAS Islamic State blueprint, the former because of a sense of “outrage” in the West and the latter because of a sense of “foreboding” in the West that another country was embarking on the road of an Islamic State

  501. I stayed up till almost 3am to read thru all the comments in LKS’s blog yesterday, the moment I heard about his boycott call. After all these and today’s news about PKR’s “threat”, I only have one conclusion to make in the end : Malaysian politics seem to be hopeless, sorry to say.

    I’m a Malaysian chinese born in Ipoh Perak, studied in and working in Singapore now. I have been watching & hearing the entire elections with great enthusiasm and listening to Anwar, Kit Siang and other opposition figures. I was positive about their stands and ideologies. When the BR won 2/3 and even took over S’gor and Perak which I did not expect at all, I was very happy for them that there could finally be some change in the corrupt and inefficient government we have..I had urged my parents earlier on to vote for DAP in both Parliament and State too.

    Why is it so difficult for the 3 parties to get together and talk things over before announcing to the public and mainstream, making the coalition looks so weak and disunited? I personally do not mind a PAS member being the MB, provided of course, strictly no unilateral decision from him on any Islamic policies. Anyway, the majority of DAP excos are there to protect non-Malays rights even if he does. So if he’s the most qualified (and of course, a Malay is always better in this scenario), why not? DAP has also disappointed me that within itself,it is already so inconsistent and contradicting in this issue, making people feel that there is just some internal rife in the party.

    Now, on the Excos line-up, like someone rightly pointed out above, what makes one think that non-Malays cannot represent Malay? Afterall, isn’t PKR and DAP stands for the same ideas and policies? If the answer is no, then you have cheated many voters. Eventually, it is about give and take I believe. You can understand why DAP wants a bigger representation in the Exco given that now, the MB is from PAS. Even if DAP is not suspicious of PAS agenda, put them in a better position to explain to the Chinese on this. At least there is a trade-off. Afterall, DAP won the most seats as a party, whether or not the votes come from Malays or non-Malays.

    Anyway, I think what is most important for DAP PKR PAS now is..to unite together and form a single party. This is the only way squabbles like this will not happen, at least will not be visible to the public. Because by then, all you guys will only be known as “Barisan Rakyat”’s assemblyperson. In fact, this is how Singapore’s PAP is playing the game. Everyone knows there is no place for opposition in Singapore politics, but this is in fact the reason why. PAP fields candidates irregardless of whether they’re Chinese, Indian or Malay, and they represent a party which has proven to the people for so long to be highly efficient, professional and transparent. In fact, various MPs even group together to form a GRC (Group Representative Committes) which will normally take on 1 sole Opposition candidate, and so when they win, they win it all. This may be biased, but it shows how unity works! I am not saying that S’pore PAP is perfect, in fact, I have heard a lot of negative things too, but look at S’pore today..eventhough democracy is not so there, but are the people complaining? They freely vote for PAP again and again!

    But I know it is not easy for PAS, DAP and PKR to come together and set a common agenda. PAS and DAP, especially, would have to sacrifice some of their ideologies, more so sensitive when it touches religion. But this has to happen, somehow, someday, else this coalition will never work, or it will just turn into another BN.

    At the end of the day, we just want a government who is effective in handling the economy and security, fair to all races, transparent and non-corrupt and humble to listen to the rakyat’s feedback as much as possible. The events that have been taking place these few days (esp in Perak) just go to show that the BR politics is still so immatured and everyone seems to be power-crazy. Well, I agree that the coalition is still so new and things like this are bound to happen. Perhaps, worse issues could be coming..but pls act fast and smart together, else you will be losing the people’s trust very soon. There could be only one chance to show that an alternative could work..don’t waste it away!

    P/S : Since this is Anwar’s blog, I must say that I hope (and are waiting) to hear your comments on the recent issues in Perak. You are considered the bridge between PAS and DAP to many and I have always respected your views and ideologies ever since you were in PKR. In fact, without your speeches across the nations, I do think the opposition could achieve this today. So, pls do something for what you have been preaching during your campaigns and now. By the way, I had ever thought of returning to Penang to work since I have trust in the PAS PKR government in prospering Penang, but now, I have to think twice. All the best, BR!

    A Malaysian Overseas

  502. Limkamput:

    Penang is the only state that is majority non-Malay. Perak’s ethnic composition mirrors that of Bolehland i.e 65 pct Malay and 35 pct non-Malay. Do we respect proportional representation in terms of population ?

  503. In short: supporting PAS will have ‘far-reaching consequence’ as it will set off a race between UMNO and PAS to ‘out-Islam and out-Islamic-State each other to a new and unprecedented level with grave damage to the very fabric of the 50-year social contract and Merdeka Constitution of Malaysia as a secular nation with Islam as the official religion but not an Islamic state, whether ala-PAS or ala-UMNO’.

  504. I believe, correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe the position of Islam as the religion of the Federation relates to the position of the Rulers. Just like how the monarch in Britain is the Head of the Anglican Church, it does not mean that the country is governed according to Anglican/Christian principles. And this is how Malaysia is meant to be.

  505. Lee Wang Yen:

    Has LKS reiterated his stance in 2003 during the 2008 elections ? Has he reiterated his 2003 stance in his speeches in the last few days ? Has he said categorically that he cannot work with PAS because of the ideological differences, and that therefore he cannot count on PAS as a coalition partner ?

    Why should you be forcing him to reiterate his 2003 stance ?

  506. If the government stops their mega projects in the states under the opposition, then the money would at least not be wasted. The money was meant for the connected cronies anyway. These states do not have to survive on the mega projects. They should learn the concept of sufficient economy from the King of Thailand.

    We shall see migration of people to these states which do away with NEP. The poison of NEP is that decisions are based on race.

  507. LWY:

    Has LKS reiterated his stance in 2003 during the 2008 elections ? Has he reiterated his 2003 stance in his speeches in the last few days ? Has he said categorically that he cannot work with PAS because of the ideological differences, and that therefore he cannot count on PAS as a coalition partner ?

    Why should you be forcing him to reiterate his 2003 stance ?

  508. GE 2004 was a good basis to gauge the real strength of each party and from the results we all know how weak PKR & DAP & PAS actually are.

    So, in this 12th GE, how did the extra strength (or votes) come? Was it because PKR is so additionally good that more people voted for them? Was it DAP is so exceptionally appealing that more votes went to them? Was it PAS is more acceptable now that they won more votes? Or was it that the combined loose coalition of the three has managed to convince and won them the additional seats? The answer is NO NO NO NO.

    The truth is most if not all these adiditional votes came from people who are just too fed up of BN. FED UP FED UP FED UP of BN!

    So, please none of you PKR or DAP or PAS should come out and claim who has won more seats than the others and then should use that to demand such and such position in the new state governments.

    Your first step should be that the 3 heads of PKR,DAP and PAS to organise a BIG press conference to openly thank the public and openly pledge again to deliver all your promises.
    Then go back and close your doors and trash out about the shape & form of new state government and the key people to be involved so that you have the best team serving the people and you are in the best position to win over the other 8 states come next GE.

    When you have confirmed the names of the people to head the new governemnt, then go to the sultan for blessing.
    It has been a long & tiring campaign & punishing journey to get this far, please hold your patience with a generous give & take spirit. Remember, we can always vote out the one who plays funny political game and cheats.
    All the best to you all the leaders of PKR, DAP & PAS!

  509. mycroft,

    I am truly sad with your posting…for Perak.


    # mycroft Says:
    March 13th, 2008 at 21: 07.59

    If the Federal govt really withholds development funds, they are stupider and arrogant than I give them credit for. You are talking about Kedah – the rice bowl of the nation, Penang – the manufacturing/silicon valley of the east, Selangor – the premier state, Perak – another strong state. Oh and don’t forget our capital Kuala Lumpur is in Opposition hands now. Will they withhold development from KL? The elections show that the people will no longer be cowed like this. Do that and the next time around, it will be curtains for them.


    All the states you mentioned sounded strong except for Perak-a strong state?. Say la something nice…like we have famous hoywood actress Datuk Michelle Yeoh, or even fomous Ipoh pretty girls, nice hand-made shoes you girls bought in KL and paid hundreds of ringgit for(yes, they are from Perak from a place call Menglembu and Tanah Merah, near Ipoh), pomelo ka or many many caves also can ma… :) :)

    Seriously, you comment has just awaken us Perakians, how weak our state is compares to the other 4. Even someone like you being kind to write good stuff for us(5 states) you can’t even convincingly point out our strong point and sectors. Wei, Perakians…it’s time to wake up and take up this positive challenge! We want to at least behind Selangor or Penang 5 years down the road! Healthy competition will only benefits all of us. :)

  510. Kalau setiausaha perhubungan umno tak suka tinggal di Pulau Pinang, jangan cakap banyak pindalah ke negeri penuh dengan umno. Kerajaan baru pun tak suka umno, jangan cuba racun penduduk di Pulau Pinang. Sudah kalah, gentleman sikit.

  511. ///In short: supporting PAS will have ‘far-reaching consequence’ as it will set off a race between UMNO and PAS to ‘out-Islam and out-Islamic-State each other…./// — Lee Wang Yen

    It was true in the past. But the race now might be for them to attract support from the non-Malays through policies acceptable to them. And that is what we hope the political situation would change to a two-party system.

  512. Let me understand ur phrase correctly, comrade Loh, NEP should be decisions based on specific individual, in reality not even a single shyt is going to the race else the chinese, malay, indian, christian, and minority race won’t be voting against their respective race based parties (MCA, Gerakan, MIC).

  513. According to Islam a-la PAS, we non-Muslims are dhimmis. According to Wikipedia, dhimmis are actually second-class citizens, because they have ‘FEWER LEGAL AND SOCIAL RIGHTS THAN MUSLIMS’. Wikipedia:
    A dhimmi (Arabic: ????, collectively: ??? ?????, ahl al-dhimma, the people of the dhimma or pact of protection, Ottoman Turkish zimmi) is a non-Muslim subject of a state governed in accordance with sharia law. The term connotes an obligation of the state to protect the individual, including the individual’s life, property, and freedom of religion and worship, in exchange for “subservience and loyalty to the Muslim order”,[1] and a poll tax known as the jizya.

    This status was originally only made available to non-Muslims who were People of the Book (i.e. Jews and Christians), but was later extended to include Sikhs, Zoroastrians, Mandeans, and, in some areas, Hindus[2] and Buddhists.[3][4] Dhimmi had fewer legal and social rights than Muslims, but more rights than other non-Muslim religious subjects

  514. YB Lim,

    As a savvy politician, you should know when to talk and when to keep your mouth shut. In case you forget, allow me to remind you that “talk during campaigning and work after election”.

    Rakyat have given DAP once-in-a-lifetime chance to prove its worth. It is time for DAP to take rational, beneficial and democratic actions for Rakyat. Don’t turn DAP into NAP (i.e. No Action Party). Avoid being labelled as NATO (i.e. No Action Talk Only).

    Don’t disappoint your ardent supporters and you should not replace NEP (New Economic Policy) with NAP (No Action Policy)!

    It is a wake up call for you to start WORK and not to make unnecessary comments!

  515. If those of you who sincerely believe that PAS is the enemy, then walk the talk. Tell DAP to pull out of the coalition, and BN can take over the administration of the state. Don’t treat PAS as the enemy, and yet you want to rely on their votes to take over state administration.

  516. Wikipedia:
    Dhimmis were allowed to “practice their religion, subject to certain conditions, and to enjoy a measure of communal autonomy” and guaranteed their personal safety and security of property, in return for paying tribute and acknowledging Muslim supremacy.[10] Taxation from the perspective of dhimmis who came under the Muslim rule, was “a concrete continuation of the taxes paid to earlier regimes”[11] (but now lower under the Muslim rule[12][13][14]) and from the point of view of the Muslim conqueror was a material proof of the dhimmi’s subjection.[11] Various restrictions and legal disabilities were placed on Dhimmis, such as prohibitions against bearing arms or giving testimony in courts in cases involving Muslims.[15] Most of these disabilities had a social and symbolic rather than a tangible and practical character.[16] Although persecution in the form of violent and active repression was rare and atypical,[17], the limitations on the rights of dhimmis made them vulnerable to the whims of rulers and the violence of mobs[18].

  517. I guess the BN didn’t learn from what had happened to them. They just can’t admit defeat. That’s what happen when they were so comfortable being on the top and couldn’t care less about what happen to the people down here. I watch the program ‘Bersamamu’ on TV3 week by week and how could they say the NEP works for the Malays? It’s not relevant anymore, it just won’t work.Full stop. The media and the government are the one who plays with the racial sentiment here. When the Penang, Kedah, Selangor and Perak unanimously vote for the opposition what you think actually happen? We’ve had enough! The Hadhari didn’t work, the NEP didn’t work, the RMK didn’t work, the whatever corridors didn’t work and God knows what else. What happen to NEP? The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer, as simple as that! Unity is strength, that’s what the people need in a country, not bickering about races, for God sake, stop it! I’m getting worried now, especially from the BN who will be a dangerous opportunist with the current situation. I’m a Malay, and I’m worried about this . Please don’t judge all the Malays are the same, because I’m not. I’m sick of the UMNO people who claimed to be the voice of the Malays. We don’t need them to be our voice! They are clapping hands now I’m sure, like telling the Perak people are making a huge mistake for voting the Opposition:( Whatever the decision is, I never regret to vote for DAP at the election, Betty Chew and Sim Tong Hin won and I’m proud that I contributed to their victories:D
    Let us hope and pray that things will get better soon.
    And by the way, nobody care at what happen in Terengganu? Can’t get any news on the appointment of the MB, I reckon.. It seems the media are too busy looking for issues in Perak, huh!

  518. In short: supporting PAS will have ‘far-reaching consequence’ as it will set off a race between UMNO and PAS to ‘out-Islam and out-Islamic-State each other to a new and unprecedented level with grave damage to the very fabric of the 50-year social contract and Merdeka Constitution of Malaysia as a secular nation with Islam as the official religion but not an Islamic state, whether ala-PAS or ala-UMNO’. Wan Yen

    We have Islamic state ala-Hadhari too which gave birth to the “masjid kristal”. A collision between PAS and UMNO will not be very far away.

  519. Wikipedia:
    Humiliation of dhimmis
    Many Muslim scholars advocated humiliating dhimmis, while others oppose it. In his commentary on Sura 9:29, Ibn Kathir writes that dhimmis must be:

    disgraced, humiliated and belittled. Therefore, Muslims are not allowed to honor the people of the dhimma or elevate them above Muslims, for they [dhimmis] are miserable, disgraced, and humiliated.[108]

    Friedmann sees some Quranic verses as suggesting that Muslims inflict humiliation and misery on unbelievers in support of the goal of making Islam prevail over all other religions.[109] According to 14th-century Egyptian scholar Ibn Naqqash: “[T]he prior degradation of the infidels in this world before the life to come — where it is their lot — is considered an act of piety.”[110] In societies where honor plays a critical role, denigration of dhimmis was supposed to reduce them to the lowest level of human life, helping to generate many conversions among dhimmis of upper classes.[111] Bernard Lewis comments:

    The Qur’an and tradition often use the word dhull or dhilla (humiliation or abasement) to indicate the status God has assigned to those who reject Mohammad, and in which they should be kept for so long as they persist in that rejection.[112]

    As recommended by many Muslim scholars, jizya was to be collected in a humiliating procedure:

    [T]he collector remains seated and the infidel remains standing…, his head bowed and his back bent. The infidel must place money on the scales, while the collector holds him by his beard and strikes him on both cheeks.(Al-Nawawi)[113]

    Jews, Christians, and Majians must pay the jizya… on offering up the jizya, the dhimmi must hang his head while the official takes hold of his beard and hits [the dhimmi] on the protruberant bone beneath his ear [i.e., the mandible]… (Al-Ghazali)[114]

    Following this [the handing over of the jizya payment] the emir will strike the dhimmi on the neck with his fist; a man will stand near the emir to chase away the dhimmi in haste; then a second and a third will come forward to suffer the same treatment as well as all those to follow. All [Muslims] will be admitted to enjoy this spectacle. (Ahmad al-Dardi al-Adawi)[115]

    On the day of payment they [the dhimmis] shall be assembled in a public place … They should be standing there waiting in the lowest and dirtiest place. The acting officials representing the law shall be placed above them and shall adopt a threatening attitude so that it seems to them, as well as to the others, that our object is to degrade them by pretending to take their possessions. They will realize that we are doing them a favor in accepting from them the jizya and letting them go free. They then shall be dragged one by one for the exacting of payment. When paying, the dhimmi will receive a blow and will be thrown aside so that he will think that he has escaped the sword through this. This is the way that the friends of the Lord, of the first and last generations, will act toward their infidel enemies, for might belongs to Allah, to His Prophet, and to the believers. (Muhammad Abd al-Karim al-Maghili)[116]

    The dhimmis posture during the collection of the jizya – [lowering themselves] by walking on their hands, reluctantly; on the authority of Ibn ’Abbas (al Tabari).[117]

  520. YB, you missed a golden opportunity to demonstrate that you have managed to get rid of that demon in you called HANTU CHAUVINIST CHINA and PAS/islam/PHOBIA.
    We thought the new DAP was different. We have not lost hope on this new Malaysia but we cannot afford to have any chauvinist and racist in any position of power or influence be it in UMNO/PAS/DAP/MCA/GERAKAN.
    I am afraid you are now a liability to the new DAP and the hope for The New Malaysia. You blew it.

  521. Again… the problem is we don’t hope PAS to take advantage of this election and form a government of PAS itself. Even before MP of Perak is elected, PAS started to come out with all sorts of ideas to rule Perak in an islamic way. I’m very concerned about the fairness of PAS to rule Perak. Majority will decide the formation of the government. PAS is not UMNO. Do not compare it that way. PAS is formed for the sake of Islam.

    Why is Anwar not voicing anything? i’m waiting…

  522. To godfather, it is becos for 50 yrs these BN cronies are robing Rakyat their rights & priviledges and stop solving the difference in term of allocation of governance, for the last 4 yrs, the MIC, MCA, Gerakan, UMNO leader all become matured and very arrogant all failed to settle setback taking the TAKPERLAH… policy approach. The BA policy is good it shows how parties work together to solve the difference rather than to leave it, transparency in the formation of Perak govt. all the ppl know should be grateful.

    In the end, the BN supporter like u will become the barking dog instead like now and the opposition take over from barking dog to become master. The BA is much better as they work together to reach a common objectives unlike BN who MCA,MIC,UMNO are completely paralyzed dog not doing their job well to represent their race. A democracy BA, mean if 1 party have a problem, everyone will reject things, and work on those indifferences.

    A dog that bark is much better than a non barking dog, becos non barking dog like BN allowed robbers (cronies UMNO) to steal from the Rakyat, whereas barking dog alert all the parties leader from BA to prevent something bad from happening in the FUTURE.

    That’s why many ppl will still believe in BA irregardless of the SHYT the BN throw! becos the BN is screwed.

  523. Just ask either PRK or DAP elected rep to step down and ask Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim to go for by-election and get the seat won.

    For the replacement just give some portfolio in the Perak State government for the losses the vacating YB is going to loose.

    This is in accordance with the agreement that PKR-DAP jointly to rule Perak.

    This solves the whole process. Ask DSAI for his opinion.

  524. People like LWY and Dawsheng should simply answer this question:

    In your opinion, should the DAP openly repudiate the cooperation arrangements with PAS and openly state that the DAP cannot work with PAS in any state administration ?

    Don’t dance around this with wikipedia definitions.

  525. May I suggest that DAP adapt a holier than thou approach in the states that they govern. Be magnanimous when you are treating the “other’ races – show them that you are not racially biased like the BN. The generosity will not be forgotten. If the Malay/Muslim population gets a better deal under the DAP or BR the BN will find it hard to return.
    Do not be cowed by Ong Kah Chuan’s rhetoric that the DAP has betrayed the Chinese. Show him that the DAP is not made up of bigots like him and is far sighted enough to accept that the appropriate person be the Perak MB. This sacrifice is not only for the good of DAP but the BR as well. You represent our aspiration. Do not let this oppurtunity pass. Do not stir up communal feelings and be fodder for the BN.

  526. Yes, as I said in several previous postings, I think DAP should either quit the coalition governments in Perak and Selangor or get PAS to publicly renounce their agenda of Islamic State.

  527. Godfather Says:
    “Limkamput: Penang is the only state that is majority non-Malay. Perak’s ethnic composition mirrors that of Bolehland i.e 65 pct Malay and 35 pct non-Malay. Do we respect proportional representation in terms of population ?”

    No need to get so emotional. First, I think your statistics for Perak is not quite right but I don’t have the numbers with me now to correct you. Second, with your proportionate representation argument, you are assuming that all Malays are supporting PAS which is not correct. I think it is quite safe for me to assume that Malays can be supportive of secular multi-racism also. For those who are not, it is the belief of DAP that they can be gradually turned around someday. Otherwise there is no business for DAP to exist.

  528. chapter closed!!!
    it seem, some are only good in condemning YB.
    YB and some DAP representatives have been in parliment many years and have been there for us all malaysian. moreover he have been detained and was put in prison. but, none of BN coalition and x-supporters dare to voice out. give him some respect!

    everybody do mistake, nobody is perfect.
    he have personally apologizes.
    now is the time to look forward. let tomorrow be a new day…

    hidup DAP! hidup LKS!

  529. Hey now what we talk also no use… balik balik same thing… Wait for next happenings only discuss more…

    Have a coffee and watch tv la… :)

    So much stress and tension… i am going to Old Town White Coffee. Originated from Perak! Hooray…

    Perak is having all the spot lights now! Like i said, let the party begins! ! ! :)

  530. burn Says:
    March 13th, 2008 at 21: 46.17

    chapter closed!!!
    it seem, some are only good in condemning YB.
    YB and some DAP representatives have been in parliment many years and have been there for us all malaysian. moreover he have been detained and was put in prison. but, none of BN coalition and x-supporters dare to voice out. give him some respect!

    I agree with Burn 100%.

    I always respect YB Lim Kit Siang & Karpal Singh. Without them, probably you may not be sitting in your comfortable chair, typing into this blog using your personal computer.

  531. burn you are the man! :) Show some respect to the old horse la… How many of you enter jail before? I guess many haven’t. I myself also haven’t enter lock-up! Anyway i was talking to one of my friends yesterday night where he ended up in lock up for no reason…

    You know what he told me? Jail is not for people to stay one. Em si lang kia eh… If you get lousier cells, you will hear Karaoke non stop by some of the mad ppl in there… So show some respect to uncle kit la…

  532. As Malay, it was very hard to convince myself to vote DAP, but I did because I want changes. DAP should know they won because of coalition by three parties PKR-DAP-PAS and not because DAP is so darn good! Rakyat voted opposition because they want TO PROTEST and CHANGES. Uncle Lim statement showing his disrespectful of the decision by Sultan Perak, which showing his true color and attitude towards Malay community and ‘ketuanan’. I have a doubt if DAP could protect Malay community. DAP should look into this matter professionally. Winning today does not mean you already have power to ‘hina’ Sultan. Rakyat have 5 years to see if this coalition is truly for Rakyat or just another political story like BN to win seats.

  533. No, you are wrong; only one is out to hentam me. He is a coward who uses different ID. He even went into other blogs to impersonate me and said all kind of nonsense there. Jong was kind enough to warn me.
    I am sorry if the word emotional hurts you. I read so many postings of yours and i think you are passionate about the issue, that is all. It is ok to be emotional, we are human. Besides we must hold dear with what we believe unless proven otherwise. I am emotional all the time. My apology again.

  534. In this early time after the historical victory in 12th election. I believe the priority must be given to gain the trust of everyone, be it the rakyat who support you, the community, those investors and even those vote for BN.

    Buy more time for the new goverment in Pg and other states that have voted for opposition to gain a stronger foot hold, establish quickly a strong and non-bickering coalition.

    Keep a low voice and not making too many statement.

    The time will come when you are ready to lead us more strongly when you are ready.

  535. Aiyoh, cyberworld can have many different nicks but same person. Even in dating websites, you might just fall for the girl you are chatting with but finds out later that the person that you falls in love with is a man!

    So to those cowards, show your face if you got the biji! If not, we Malaysians, Chinese, Indian, Malay and all races in Malaysia will know what to do next…

    I am not being emotional but being rationale!

  536. “PERAK CRISIS”!!! The STAR screams in today’s edition. “ONG: Perak voters cheated” the STAR went further ahead in page 6 of the same edition.

    The STAR and MCA are very good at this type of shit stirring. It portrays the DAP in the most negative light possible. The MCA are very sore and very bad losers.

    So please DAP! Don’t give them the ammunition to shoot you with.

  537. I guess this issue is not about power sharing. It is more on PAS potong queue! :) DAP already said ma, PKR no problem… If it’s about power sharing then DAP will say i want all! :)

    Correct me if i am wrong! :)

  538. Limkamput: No offence taken. We are all on the same side. According to available statistics the ethnic composition of Perak is 53.7 pct Malay, 31.4 pct Chinese and 13 pct Indian.

    That’s all on this matter from me. I want to train my gun on people like Ali Rustam, Noh Omar, Ong Ka Ting and KJ – everyone who still cannot accept the will of the voters.

  539. Bravo ! Mabrouk! Mr. Lim. You have done the right thing. Moga Perak bertambah maju dan makmur dibawah pimpinan baru DAP-BA-PAS. Let show to BN we can do better than them.

    Enough is enough to “Be End”

  540. Mr.LKS..I voted because of “Malaysia For Malaysian”
    We cannot unlearn speedly what we have be brainwashed with the last 50 years. Old habits die hard..but at least if we have a strong opposition or equal front like the Barisan Rakyat,,we can be heading in the right direction…Be patient a bit..Good things happen to Good people..coalating with PAS is a way for the moment..WE love You..You are the best..

  541. This whole issue can be resolved in the twinkle of an eye.


    By us Malaysians subscribing to the notion that we have equal value and will no longer countenance racism and religious bigotry which has been the defining characteristic of our body politic.

    What has Reformasi been all about? Wasn’t it about a new paradigm where each Malaysian will treated with equal dignity;where there will be a breaking down of the walls which divide and demean us? Wasn’t this election about a new Malaysia? Why should we have a mirror image of BN in the form of BR?

    Why can’t a Chinese Malaysian become MB? Why havent PAS and PKR appealed for the Malay/Muslim stipulation in the state constitution to be abrogated or waived? They are just sitting pretty! Who are the real Chauvinists? People sit up and think!

    If people reflect dispassionately, they will realise the Muslim/Malay stipulation is outrageous and scandalous! It is also un- Islamic.You must put your money where your mouth is. No point shouting Reformasi, Keadilan or Islamic values if you do not know what it means. Reform the State constitution, show Keadilan to the Chinese in Malaysia and follow the teachings of Islam first.

    Prophet Muhammed said in his last sermon :

    “All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action.”

    Stealing the election by appointing Nizar of PAS who has no mandate to lead the coalition is a most heinous and corrupt act.

    It is sad the the Perak Royalty have brought the institution of the monarchy into disrespect by going against the Will of the People.
    The Regent made a much heralded speech last year which stated:

    “All Malaysians, regardless of race and religion, have a place in this nation, and society must recognise that they share a common home and responsibility to build the nation together.

    “Malaysians of all races, religions, and geographic locations need to believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that they have a place under the Malaysian sun.

    “Only when each citizen believes he or she has a common home and is working towards a common destiny, will he or she make the sacrifices needed for the long haul.”

    The decision by the Regent to reject Ngeh because he is a Chinese and non-Muslim smacks of humbug and hypcrisy of the worst kind.

    The Perak Royalty have only one choice left if they do not want their reputation to be tainted irrevocably in the annals of history; they have to appoint Ngeh to be the Chief Minister, period. Otherwise, they would have shown the world that Islamic Rulers do not respect the democratic process and can only rule in a primitive, racist and unjust manner.

    Kit Siang does not need to apologise to anyone for upholding democracy and the dignity of all Malaysians.

  542. The Opposition Alliance never thought they would win this many seats, let alone form a Government in some of the states it won. Hence, lots of squabbling are happening now. Now that a “Barisan Rakyat” has been forged (if this is the right term to use), please don’t become a me-too of BN where individual parties are being referred to. Many of the top politicians call their alliance UMNO and BN, which means UMNO first and by itself, and second, BN to mean MCA & MIC. So please do not follow their path.

    It took a mighty long time for BR to succeed this far. Let’s not play the racial game or the proverb “Once bitten, twice shy” will come true in the next GE. I think all parties must remember the main purpose of BR when things do not go their way. What matters the most is what the RAKYAT wants. If all parties refect on this principle or motto, there should not be any reason to say things that could cause embarrassment to yourselves and to the RAKYAT who took a big risk in voting for you. Remember, the new opposition (BN) is just looking for any excuse to laugh at you and the RAKYAT.

    I concur with some of those above who say that how many seats you won is not important and that a Govt should not be based on the number of seats won by various parties. Please do not forget that during the 12th GE, voting was not based on skin colour. Every party has all races voting for them because of the common aim of denying BN a 2/3 majority and everything bad that goes with absolute power.

    So please, I beg you, please do not disappoint the RAKYAT. Please sort things and don’t air your dirty laundry in public. Don’t give the RAKYAT a reason to question our voting decision. You will not have a second chance, believe me.

  543. Lee Wang Yen,

    Found this info in wikipedia

    “the population was estimated in 2001 to be: Malay (1,101,105 or 53.68%), Chinese (643,129 or 31.35%), Indian (262,121 or 12.78%), Other (6,536 or 0.32%), Non-Citizen (38,345 or 1.87%)”


    with the statistic,it is wise enough for the Sultan to pick the Menteri Besar among PKR/PAS Adun [since DAP do not have any Malay ADUN]

    PAS potong queue??? I would say that the Sultan of Perak must have his own reason and within His Royal Highness prerogative.

    We are very lucky that Lim Kit Siang statement did’nt trigger another 13th May incident.

  544. Dear Caring Malaysians

    My handphone has been ringing frantically the whole afternoon. Different callers, same question. “Has the new Perak MB sworn in ?”

    I didn’t know what to tell them anymore. I almost replied “This is a recording. Please leave your message after the beep”. Even my reliable source has gone to bury his head in the sand. I am totally disgusted with DAP’s action. DAP is now parading like a peacock with its tail opened. Proud and arrogant.

    First they were not happy with the Sultan’s choice for the MB’s post. Sensing pressure from certain quarters, they became conscious and apologised for their hasty move and claimed it was a misunderstanding. We can accept that.

    Minutes into the swearing-in ceremony, they squabbled for the Exco seats. Initially it was settled for 6-2-2 (DAP-PKR-PAS respectively), now DAP’s aiming for 8-1-1. Mana boleh ? I have a feeling they’ve been drinking from UMNO’s water-hole.

    We, in Perak are preparing for the worst. The longer this drags on, the more dirty tactics will emerge from the other side. Sooner or later, this will turn into just a dream. As if all these has never happened. It’s like going to the movie and soon after ten minutes, the hero died. Mana ada meaning ?

    Although it is hard to say Goodbye to the party you so loved, it is even harder to say “MCA please come back, all is forgiven”. Judging from the way things are heading in DAP, probably we have to look for a new party to lead us.

    “Hey look, there’s Kayveas ! This way people.”

    From One Disappointed Malaysian To Another

  545. DAP has just shot itself in its foot and have lost whatever goodwill gain in the GE12. Remember, it’s the Rakyat that vote all the DAP-PKR-PAS in; stop the squabbling and seat grabbing or else you are no different from BN. And KitSiang’s trademark of walking out from assembly is so outdated and no body buy that anymore…..

    Compromise, Corporate all are MALAYSIAN and show us Rakyat that you all are worthy for us to vote you in if not we definitely will know what to do next….5 years is very short time!!!

  546. Now how ? This is the change I have voted for ? How ? go stock up on rice and Maggi Mee , lock up the family and wait to die ? How Mr Lim . What a let down. Now I would not get to enjoy the fruits of my labour since I am the boss. With one outburst gone gone gone no more and welcome back Mr UMNO. UMNO should thank Mr Lim for making it so easy to take back Perak as we have try to save it for ourself.Now how Mr Lim ??????? Maybe should go to Tesco and buy a bag of rice.

  547. “Kit Siang, the choice is the Sultan’s…..and this is no ordinary Sultan. Can you get that? He is the ruler and he definitely don’t want any Mat, Beng or Apu to run his state. I am a Perakian and I detest your arrogance and blatant disrespect, in asking your people to boycott the installation of the Menteri Besar. As we age, we are supposed to me more mature, more wise, but this doesn’t seem to be what is happening in your case. AND YOU DON’T WALK OUT ON YOUR FORMER KING AND SULTAN.”


    This sums up the outrage many Malays must have felt at the threat of boycott. Those who cannot understand why Malays are so outraged at the thought of a boycott, would do well to talk to their Malay brothers and sisters who support the idea of a Barisan Alternatif but who would stop short at tarnshing the very symbol of their political struggle for freedom – the Malay sultans (not the Chief Ministers and the Governors). It is one thing for Malays to speak ill of their sultans but it is another for non-Malays and non-Muslims to do the same. After all these years little has changed.

    I find the above comment rather controlled.

  548. Hello Burn, what’s wrong when YB Lim Kit Siang voice out his discontentment as he’s acting on behalf of his party interest and wishes (DAP – PKR) he is exercising his democratic priviledge to voice out his view on pertaining to this matters.

    DAP & PKR won the most seats, as per Democracy rules the party who win the majority get the priviledge to form the govt. Except that old taboo, which required Menteri Besar to be Muslim – Malay, therefore, 3 names are submitted to allow Sultan to give preference, but that doesn’t give the Sultan power to decide which one should be the next MB of Perak. So the scoreline is 1-1 The Sultan preferred PAS representative, whereas the PKR-DAP coalition prefer PKR representative, hence, the BA have to step in to settle it.

    During this time, buy a newspaper and watching nightline, sure the BN govt will start to smash the BA, bla…. bla…. bla…. well that’s the price to pay for Democracy.

    I’m sure YB Lim Kit Siang & his coalition will work out a good workable way.

  549. I am really sick n tired of all this sandiwara on the Perak mess. Please try to stop the arguments here…each and everyone of you have your own opinion on the mess but lets pray hard that those small boys/gals ADUNs from PAS, DAP & PKR will just grow up and be sensible to forge the govt and not to let slip this chance to show everyone in Malaysia that we can be a good govt.
    If this chance goes down the drain…you may never get another chance again.
    Please govern in a proper way so nthat your govt will go on for many more elections to come and shut out BN forever…
    Work together and don’t let slip this opportunity.

  550. Yes, Ali Rustam is a scumbag, but that’s UMNO politics for you. As an UMNO VP, he is in a strong position should Badawi be “knifed” by his own people. The key here is that we should not stop at just winning 5 states. Negeri and Melaka are ripe for the taking – the voters there have enough of the lying, the cheating and the stealing, so if we do our job well in the 5 states that we currently control, we will have a good chance in winning Melaka, Negeri and possibly Perlis and Trengganu. Then we can form the federal government !

    The inability of BN to admit their mistakes and reform is good for us. We just have to make sure we don’t make mistakes that allow the running dogs in the mainstream press to deflect attention from their problems to ours.

  551. Some of us may not be aware that there are PAS members who are not happy despite their man getting the MB post. They feel their party ought not be cooperating with a party that has, rightly according to the constitution, refused to accept that Malaysia is an Islamic country.
    What I am trying to get at is that trying to get DAP,PAS & PKR to work together will be a long and ardous path. But I hope you will remember that the voters have placed very high hopes on you guys laying the foundations of a more civil and democractic society by denying BN that 2/3 majority.
    PLease practise more tolerance and give-and-take. RPK has issued the opposition a yellow card on behalf of the Barisan Rakyat. I can only hope and pray that you folks will take heed.

  552. Dear LKS,

    Good move to apologize to the Sultan and Regent. You should also appolozing to the rakyat who gave you the opportunity to prove yourself. (????) Please attend the swearing-in ceremony for Perak Mentri Besar. Please don’t forget you are no longer the opposition (in some states at least) therefore you can no longer go around blabbing anything and everything you want. Your word is ‘YOUR HONOUR’, lose it and all’s lost. Now get down to showing BN that they are not the only ones capable of running this country. Listen to the rakyat, act with integrity, obey the rule of law and never compromise on principles. Above all work with the rakyat’s best interest in mind and you should do fine.

  553. Tricky Tricky Tricky…

    It started on the wrong foot, thats why it would not end well.

    First of all, PAS should not be in the picture. DAP being the largest winner should discuss with PKR and decide on the MB. Uncle Kit and Anwar can decide. Looking at the circumstance, if a DAP MB would not pass the Sultan, then I believe Uncle Kit and Anwar would chose a PKR MB although democratically in any other country, the majority would have been chosen. The Exco composition then would be 7-2-2 for DAP-PKR-PAS.

    We need not even troubled His Highness the Sultan. Simple right?

  554. What are the models of PAS’ ‘kerajaaan kebajikan’?
    ‘Dari segi sejarah, model Negara Berkebajikan sebenar yang menjadi rujukan dan panduan PAS telah dilaksanakan di sepanjang peradaban manusia. Ia termasuklah pemerintahan Mesir dari seerah Nabi Yusuf a.s, kerajaan Nabi Sulaiman a.s, dan pemerintahan Rasulullah saw, sehingga pemerintahan Khalifah Umar Bin Abdul Aziz. Kesemua ini menjadi asas kepada Negara Berkebajikan yang diperjuangkan PAS.’

  555. I HAVE A SUGGESTION TO SOLVE ALL THESE PROBLEMS NOW IF ALL PARTIES ARE WILL TO ACCEPT PAS MB AND DAP DeputyMB, (than the third position just suggestion, the K. SINGH FROM PKR, THAT WAY YOU BELI HATI ALSO THE SINGHs in the state and all over Malaysia THEY BECOME VERY PATRIOTIC as you can see they always support Karpal, WITH PENANG DCM INDIAN, SELANGOR?,
    PAS – MB – 1 seat taken up
    DAP – DMB – 1 seat taken up
    PKR – 2DMB – 1 seat taken up SINGH?
    STATE EXCO – 7 DAP + 1 DMB = 8 SEATS
    0 PAS + 1 MB = 1 SEATS as
    3 PKR + 1 2DMB = 4 SEATS
    THIS IS WORKABLE AS PAS WAS not supposed to be MB, but since the status of mb carries some weight than p
    this is suggestion only since the mb goes to pas than state exco dont need or Dap 6 / Pkr 3 / Pas 1 , all give and take, pkr also gets advantage, by getting BASICALLY ALL GET SOMETHING this is workable , think BANGSA MALAYSIA / BARISAN RAKYAT we the rakyat gave mandate for malaysia for malaysians, if you 3 dont work it out than next election all 3 have a lot to lose akin to 2004

  556. Dear Mr Lim,

    If the DAP want to become more stronger and get more supporter in the future, you did the right thing. Because DAP won the majority in Perak and Selangor.

    I can bet on that if you corporate with PAS, the rakyat sure wouldn’t respect you, in the future DAP will not easy build up. Think yourself, how long DAP want to built up the emperor ?

    If you let go the Perak, I think Selangor state will be under your control !!! Why ? This is my opinion only ahh.

    PAS & PKR sure want eat this big cake in Selangor. If you pull hand-brake, what is the impact !!!

    PAS & PKR sure will negotiate with you, at that time you can ask for 5-7 seat of EXCO.

    Let say if PAS surrender, get off the game, PKR sure will support you. Hahahahaha……..

    So, who will WIN !

    In the future DAP will be get more support from rakyat.

    It will let DAP control whole Selangor.

  557. “jbozz Says:
    March 13th, 2008 at 22: 10.16
    Hello Burn, what’s wrong when YB Lim Kit Siang voice out his discontentment as he’s acting on behalf of his party interest and wishes (DAP – PKR) he is exercising his democratic priviledge to voice out his view on pertaining to this matters.”…

    i know! YB have the rights! no comment!
    we can call ourselves malaysian malaysia!
    but what do you expect when they themselves have not really open the doors to others. they need time to digest! it’s a beginning of new era. after 50yrs under ketuanan mentality that was planted in their brain. they need to know that, the other malaysians are humanbeing too… luckily, only few have done it!

  558. If the news about PKR’s 2 reps defection is true, you will be held accountable. The delay and confusion gave the satanic BN the room to maneuver. As a senior member of DAP, I will condemn you in the strongest terms if BR fails to form the next state govt in Perak. You better pray that it’s false alarm.

    Ppl in the past, including ex-MPs & Reps had gone against you, and were victimised. I know bcoz I’ve been a member for 25-26 years. It’s time you QUIT!

    P.S. You can delete my comments coz they are unacceptable to you. But, there are other avenues.

  559. Kit Siang may not need to apologise but the fact that he did, shows he has humility and not arrogance. It shows he is the bigger person.

    Right now, if DAP can show how well they govern Penang, it will be an eye opener and possibly a bigger following in the next GE. With a smaller state to govern, do it well and let it be a good ground for training the young and inexperienced candidates. So don’t be so greedy to chew more than you can handle.

  560. LKS has apologized…

    And after all the flak on LKS in all the blogs… latest news on Msiakini… PKR also objected to the PAS candidate for MB and has raised it to the Regent, causing delay…

    So maybe we should cut LKS some slack now huh…

  561. I am an ordinary just-learned on politic observer. I believe Mr. Lim Kit Siang had been trying his best to salvage what is best for the people who had voted for him and the party. Perhaps, the “sudden twist of events” as some news said had a role in it. Being the majority of the coalition goverment and the hope that all its supporters are longing for, DAP must somehow show its utmost intention to lobby for the MB post. Be it for the party, its supporters and all Malaysian who had voted for DAP without fail in all the 18 constituencies. Dun worry, Mr Lim…we understand the struggle all these while for 40 years…you have been struggling…It’ll never end…maybe not in the near future. I believe that if we are good whether we are Malay, Indian, Kadazan, Dusun, Iban or Chinese or any other race in Malaysia, one day the best person will be chosen…not just a MB but even the Prime Minister of Malaysia. However, we need to show commitment and utmost understanding between all the coalitions member and direct Perak to greater height….An International Airport maybe? Or the most rapidly growing state…This is because the majority people in Perak or even Malaysia might not know the struggle behind this..I believe I know…and for the federal goverment, please do not just criticise and cause confusion…why can’t we just agree in our words and our action..If you accept the rakyat’s vote…please do not cause further confusion but give support…Because without the highest taxpayer in the country (i think Perak is), Malaysia would not be able to be where we are…Please Mr. Lim and all whether opposition or government or neutral…please show and tell me that I am not naive and the govt to be is for the whole Perak if not Malaysia

  562. “In your opinion, should the DAP openly repudiate the cooperation arrangements with PAS and openly state that the DAP cannot work with PAS in any state administration ?”

    Firstly, there is no official arrangement or co-operation pact between DAP and PAS for the recent general election. Secondly, the three parties involved in the current tussle over Perak MB position are from the opposition, each have their own agendas but it is their common enemy that binds them together. Officially it was in 1999 but the Rakyat rejected BA but at that time there is no movement like Barisan Rakyat yet.

    This is not about question of whether one can work with each other as it has been proven by the recent general election that DAP/PKR/PAS can be a potent force if they worked together, and the reason it happened this time is not because PAS like DAP or DAP like PKR but the will of the people which rally behind Barisan Rakyat who wants to put BN away that resulted in such a unique position today. BN was denied two third majority and lost 5 states but the PKR/DAP/PAS did it except without the 1999 BA common manifesto.

    Although civil activist like Raja Petra Kamarudin and Haris Ibrahim put foward the People’s Declaration as some sorts of replacement for the 1999 BA common manifesto but PAS saw the opportunity to push foward its own agenda by endorsing the People’s declaration and toned down its Islamic State rhetorics in order to gain more ground which the party achieved in the recent general election. Immediately after PAS gained ground they did not reincarnate to become the party for all Malaysians, PAS is still that PAS before. How valid is the People’s declaration and how strong is the influence of the people’s declaration which PKR/DAP/PAS and all opposition endorsed? Who can answer this question? If PAS declares Kedah as an Islamic State, will the People’s Declaration swing into effect and make PAS declaration of Islamic State invalid. I doubt so!

    I think DAP should uphold the party’s principle. I dare not suggest DAP break the opposition state coalition. The best person to answer your question is none other than RPK himself. The people are the boss but RPK is the boss of the people.

  563. Actually, it is really not easy to be a politician.
    We can only be here shooting whatever we want.
    However, if we are in their shoes, there are just
    too many decisions have to be made, and making
    just one mistake, the end result can really horrible.

    Whatever it is, I just hope that this case can be
    settled as soon as possible.

  564. The common & angry citizens of Malaysia casted their votes against BN by voting oppositions and these PKR & DAP & PAS are all so quick to claim all the credits for the seats won. This is incorrect!

    True we have succeeded in denying BN’s 2/3 majority and these surprising win of opportunity to form 4 new state governments are just bonuses for the so called loose coalition of 3. Why not just settle the issues amicably among yourselves behind closed doors without making a scene.

    This is a damn good place to start for winning the next GE. Why throw it all away?

    Look at the sorry state of affairs now in UMNO, MIC and MCA, they will be your easy meat come next GE. But if you start devouring each other for power & control sake, you will lose it all
    So stop all public argument and get behind close doors and trash things out in the interest of the PEOPLE, not your party!
    I just realise the situation of the loose coalition is like the horse photo I took :-


    Lets pray that they will have a complete break through soon. Amen!

  565. To those who call on Uncle Lim to quit because he is old and other stuff, I will not argue. But before anything else, please read this first and you don’t have to be sentimental….just reading it is enuf;

    Facts from the past:

    Lim Kit Siang nabbed at the airport

    LKS Series # 3

    Dear Sir

    Re: Hello Lim Kit Siang. (28 years old). On 13th May 1969, where art thou?

    The 1969 May 13th racial riots started from the house of the then Menteri Besar, Dato Harun Idris. The house was in Princes Road ( Jalan Raja Muda). Half a kilometre away, at Fook Chuen Mansions, Batu Road ( Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman ) was the office of the then Secretary General of the Democratic Action Party, Mr Goh Hock Guan.*. He was and still is a Chartered Architect and Town Planner practising under the name of M/s Goh Hock Guan and Associates.

    Prior to 13th May 1969, LKS was a political Liliputian. He was the DAP National Organising Secretary and the Editor of The Rocket** then. His first political debut projected to the Malaysian public was his participation in the “ Great Cultural Debate” between the DAP and the Gerakan which took place before the General Elections of 1969. At that point in time Gerakan was in the Opposition. After the 13th May riots, Gerakan joined the Alliance to form the Barisan, until today. The debate was held at the MARA Auditorium which was at Batu Road, Kuala Lumpur.

    When the ethnic riots started on 13th May 1969, LKS was in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. A political novice, untried with no credentials to back him up. He was campaigning for the independent candidates there. Fellow members of the DAP in Petaling Jaya called LKS on the phone asking him not to come back to Kuala Lumpur for his own safety until such a time when things cooled down. (Official fiqures:190 plus, Malaysians killed.)

    LKS in his maiden political quest for justice, freedom, upholding of democracy and an equal right to happiness, dignity and fulfillment in life, was already under the “protective” custody of the KK police. He replied that he “ is going back to Kuala Lumpur immediately and is not afraid to DIE for his political convictions” — all for a better life for all Malaysians. There was no choice. He had to martyr himself. There was no alternative. However, in case his life was spared, LKS was prepared to face any charges that the Alliance Government will bring up and charge against him.


    Flights between East and West Malaysia was suspended. Also at that point in time there was no direct flight between Kuala Lumpur and Kota Kinabalu. LKS took the first flight out of KK to Singapore en route to KL on 15th May 1969. He had to stopover in Singapore.

    When he was in Singapore, he had many friends and supporters to discuss the racial riots and its consequences on opposition members. Anything can happen. There was no guarantee on his safety. LKS was adamant that it was his sacred duty to go back to KL.

    He took the first available flight to Subang International Airport ( now Sultan Abdul Aziz Airport ) on 18th May 1969. He boarded the plane at the Paya Lebar International Airport, Singapore The plane took off for KL.

    While airborne, all of a sudden, LKS found that he was now alone. Alone to face the music. He cannot turn back then, unless of course the pilot turned the plane around. Samuel Taylor Coleridge can describe him as:-

    “Alone alone, all all alone

    Alone on a wide wide sea

    And never a saint took pity on his soul in agony” – in the Rime of the Ancient Mariner.

    Samuel Taylor Coleridge

    The airborne mariner cannot change his mind then. Can he call for help? Call who? Call the CIA?. Call the FBI? Call the KGB?. Call MI 5?. Call OSS?. Call Chin Peng?. Call Chen Tian?. ( there were no mobile phones then)

    Lim Kit Siang believed that he was going to be eliminated. On this last home coming flight, he decided to write a last letter to his wife – a homemaker. He asked his wife to be strong, to expect the EXPECTED and to bring up the four children.***. To LKS, the demise of LKS is NOT important. The Political Future of Malaysians and the Future of Malaysia ARE of Paramount Importance. Malaysia MUST GO ON! The letter was physically handed to the flight stewardess for posting. But it was without a stamp. Until today the letter was not delivered.

    The curfew was on. There were lots of soldiers around the Subang Airport then. They were there guarding the airport and to PROBABLY “welcome” home in a formal reception “ceremony” for Mr Lim Kit Siang. All the soldiers’ SLR rifles were on a horizontal level. Their forefingers were just glazing the side of the trigger, in preparation to shoot at any time.

    The moment of truth had arrived. The stage was set. The grand finale was about to begin. LKS came into the arrival hall. The atmosphere was unexceptionally quiet. Nobody was talking. The silence was deafening. It was tense and solemn because everybody were expecting the arrival of the Yang Berhormat, the DAP MP for Bandar Malacca (now Kota Melaka). LKS was no fugitive. LKS, a young, non violent, non belligerent man, stepped out of the arrival hall. A group of Special Branch Officers and soldiers with their horizontal SLRs “greeted” him. LKS need not hail a taxi for his transport to KL. There were no taxis anyway. There was also NO shooting.


    On his journey to the High Street Police Station, LKS saw for himself the senseless carnage, atrocities, plunder and destruction. Smoke can still be seen from houses which were torched. After a few days of detention in the High Street Police Station, LKS was sent to a Police Station in Kuala Selangor, Selangor.

    Prior to 13-05-69, Dato Dr Ismail (later Tun), left the Government. He joined back the Government immediately after 13-05-69. The first words he said was “Democracy is Dead”. As the Minister of Internal Security, Dato Ismail signed the Detention Order on LKS. LKS was then sent to the Muar Detention Camp. He was entitled to free food and lodging for the next 18 months at taxpayers’ expense. Ironically, Muar was 32 miles away from LKS home. His house is in Batu Pahat, Johore

    The Internal Security Act is an Act of Parliament formulated to suppress the communist insurgency and to arrest the communists at that period of time. Ironically, the PAP’s ( later DAP) Member of Parliament for Bungsar (now Bangsar) , Mr Devan Nair supported the ISA Bill earlier then.****. It is detention without trial.

    While under detention LKS was appointed the 3rd National Secretary General of the DAP (in absentia). There was a vacancy. The appointment was necessary because somebody had disappeared but can be found in another country. He stayed put in that country then. “ I am NO LIM KIT SIANG. If I go back then, all of you will be deprived of a Great Leader”. The vacancy was filled. LKS held the post of National Sec-Gen till 1999.

    LKS could have absconded while in Singapore. ( Singapore was given independence by Malaysia in 1965). He could have asked for political asylum in another country. He could have been an MP in exile. He was and is a true loyal Malaysian Citizen. With guts, he went back to the hornet’s nest – “a river of no return”, says Marilyn Monroe. Sorry. My apologies. He was and is still in one piece. He was never charged in open court then. He will still be around for many years to come.

    “ Cowards die many times before their deaths, the valiant never taste of death but once”—Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare

    Again sorry lah Kit, (as he is fondly known as). We do realise that, the particular effective organ that is part of your anatomy is your gift of the gap – a non lethal instrument. Now we know you are battle hardened. In spite of your tireless, relentless political pursuit, vocal, articulate or otherwise, until today, matters have become from bad to worst. True, “That All Men Are Born Equal” but then some selectives are more equal than others—Abraham Lincoln’s version for 2nd class citizens.

    LKS was again detained, the 2nd time in 1987, (after the 1986 General Election) under the Mahathir Administration. He got free curry lunch, lodging, bed and breakfast again for another 18 months, on the auspicious pleasure of the host — the Barisan Government ala taxpayers. Again no charges were brought against him. Can somebody name me a similar Malaysian likewise?


    Somebody say LKS only NATO ( No action, talk only). If that is the case, let him talk! We like to hear him talk. Why detain him to stop him from talking? You are hitting below the belt. Do you want him to talk on what you like to hear and then stop him from talking on what you don’t like to hear? But at the same time you go on talking and talking on what we don’t like to hear! (Editor: hahah…that’s a good one! )

    Finally, a belated sincere tribute must be made to the powers that be, at that critical, predatory point of time. LKS’s life was spared. The expected was not performed. The expected was unexpected – so to speak! Had LKS, the political apprentice left us to join the happy hunting ground, he will be forgotten. Nobody will raise an eyelid after all:-

    “When beggars die, no comets are seen.

    The heavens blaze forth the marriage of princes” Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare’s

    modern version

    The powers that be was still rational then. Maybe its was mercy.

    “The quality of mercy is not strained

    It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven”

    The Merchant of Venice. William Shakespeare

    So to the players of May the 13th, I am wishing a belated words of thanks. To Whom It May Concern. Thank You Very Much for the fact that we still have LKS around. Say what we like. We argue. We are all still Malaysian Citizens. We are born here. Do you want to deprive LKS of his citizenship like Mr Lim Lean Geok ? By the way LKS is local born and can be classified as a Baba and his wife a Nonya. He is more Malaysian than a bigger number of Malaysians put together!

    Finally, we reiterate that we are all peace loving citizens. Some say we are citizens “by default”. This is subjective and debatable. Supposing we ARE citizens by default, we are still citizens, maybe 2nd class citizens or otherwise.

    To all Malaysian mankind:-

    “He loveth best, who loveth best, both man and bird and beast.

    He loveth well, who loveth well, for all things both great and small

    For the dear God who loveth us, he made and loveth all.”

    Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s moral message to humanity especially to Malaysian humans.

    The writer notes that after the riots of 13th May 1969, the Deputy Prime Minister, Dato Abdul Razak (later Tun) set up The National Operations Council. Parliament was suspended after all “Democracy is Dead”. Looking after this NOC, was Dato Ghazali Shafie (later Tun). 4

    Incidentally, the 3rd man in ranking, in the NOC then, was a slim, serious, handsome, no nonsense looking man – a politically unknown then. He was probably the “executive secretary” of the NOC. He literally commanded the day to day operations of the NOC — hands on. He was already a “Chief Executive Officer” and “Prime Minister” then, way back during 1969. He looked familiar and was identical towards a former school mate of mine from my Alma Mater : Methodist Boys School, Penang. My school mate’s name was and is Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

    Lastly, to all the participants of May the 13th that are not indicted including Lim Kit Siang. All are still executives of liberty, happy, free from all encumbrances and despotic control. All will live happily ever after including LKS.

    * Mr Goh Hock Guan was the 2nd DAP Secretary General (1968 to 13th May 1969). Mr Goh’s sister, Ms Phyllis Goh was an architect undergraduate then and was a college mate of the writer.

    In 1969, the writer was staying above the office of M/s Goh Hock Guan & Associates at Fook Chuen Mansions at Batu Road, Kuala Lumpur. He had a 1st Class ring side seat cum an On Line, Real Time bird’s eye view of the May 13th story.

    ** Lim Kit Siang was the 1st DAP National Organising Secretary and Editor of The Rocket. (1966 to 1969).

    Lim Kit Siang was appointed the 3rd DAP Secretary General (1969 – 1999) – the longest serving DAP Sec Gen.

    *** As at 13th May 1969, Lim Kit Siang has four children then. The eldest is a son 9 years old then. He is Lim Guan Eng, the present day Secretary General of the DAP. An Australian Graduate of Monash University, he is an Accountant by profession.

    The second child is a daughter. She was 7 years as at 13th May 1969. She hold a double degree – in law and in accountancy.

    The third child is also a daughter. She was 6 years old as at 13th May 1969. She is a B.A degree holder.

    The last and fourth child is a son. He was 3 years old as at 13th May 1969. He is a heart specialist. A few years ago, I understand that he was attached to the IJN (Institut Jantung Negara) as a cardiologist.



    PAP is the People’s Action Party of Singapore which was already ruling Singapore in 1964.

    Mr Devan Nair was born in Malacca on the 8th of August 1923. He was the main organizer and founder of the DAP. Naturally he became the 1st Secretary General of the DAP ( 1966 – 1968). He stood as a PAP ( later DAP) candidate in Bungsar in the 1964 General Election. Winning this Bungsar seat, he became the Member of Parliament for PAP in the 1964 – 1969 parliamentary session. From 1981 to 1985 he was appointed the President of Singapore. Dr Chen Man Hin, the present day DAP Life Advisor said “ Without him the DAP may not be born”.

    The writer at 18 years old, campaigned for Mr Devan Nair during 1964 General Election. His son Janadas (now Ph D) recalled the days when he was small boy as at 1964. He remembered an incident when the writer was nearly apprehended by the police when the writer put up a 2nd political banner at the Railway Station KL prior to the 1964 General Elections. The setting up of the 1st banner was earlier accomplished at the flyover, beside the KL Railway Station. The banner says “ Vote PAP – a Non Communist Democratic Socialist Party”. The writer then was able to outwit, out manoeuvre and run away from the police in a busy KL because he was young, agile and was on a portable bicycle!

    Dr Jana (as he is known to me) who is now residing in Canada. He was here on 2006 during the DAP Devan Nair Memorial. We recalled the good old days.

    The writer deliberately put in the names of the literary writers because of requests from the younger readers.


    Watch out for

    1) Dr Lim Kit Siang.

    2) “Lim Kit Siang – 18 months after 13th May 1969” in the coming episodes.

    3) Lim Kit Siang an opportunist and an agent of UMNO?

    Yours truly,

  566. How come there be a difference in decision between DAP PERAK STATE EXECUTIVE and ths DAP CEC (the former submitting 3 names for MB position and the latter 2)? Or is there a miscommuniscation between the central state and the national CEC? Or maybe the organisational structure of DAP is decentralised,that is to say the state central committee of each state can make their own independent decisions? Worse still are there mavericks in your Perak organisation?
    I don’t know. I am just curious to find out other possible source of this big explosion.

  567. Malaysian.Democrat Says:

    “Only when each citizen believes he or she has a common home and is working towards a common destiny, will he or she make the sacrifices needed for the long haul.”

    Actually the entire humanity is headed towards a common destiny: DEATH

    We like to speculate and what will happen if we do this or do that. Some look back and say we should not have done this or done that. Very few look at “WHAT IS”.

    WHAT IS happenning now is a paradigm shift towards non-racial politicking.

    <bWHAT IS happening now is the hegemony of the Barisan Nasional is almost broken.

    WHAT IS happening now is that we could be seeing the emergence of a viable alternative government to check the monopoly of power held by one single party.

    WHAT IS happening is there is a softening of PAS’ stand in their ideology as they venture into politics outside the Malay states.

    Look at WHAT IS and see the difference it will make to our attitude.

    Realize that we are all NOT CONSCIOUS OF WHAT IS?

    NOW we have a choice. Choose WHAT IS or what might have been or what will be.

    Wake up my dear friends!

  568. uncle lim, please la. be more matured. how are you going to a great leader when you acted like a kid. dont get something, boycott. my word, if you are the prime minister, you’ll boycott everything.

    i am with BA to kick out the government but you guys and especially you acted in sure a shameful way. i dont care if the MB is a malay, chinese, indian or others, i want a good malaysian irrespective of his/her race and religion.

    you are sending the wrong message and people hates you for that. grow up uncle. this is not 1950 or 1960. this is 21st century and all are malaysian.

    i have respected you but this childish act screwed you deep uncle. keep this is mind – we the people put you there and we can take you done.

    stop all this nonsense and back to work and lets work together to make malaysia an excellent place with barisan alternative for malaysian, not chinese, malay, indian or others.

  569. Well “argument and negotiations” into forming a government are part and parcels of a healthy political environment.It allows spaces for expressing opinions.After all it is only few days from the just concluded GE12.Am sure Perak constitutions do states the days needed to form a government …so relax people.When umno RULES Perak, all other component parties are not allowed to disgree, negotiate or even have an opinion heard..it is all by FORCE.So…tell me….which is healthier?Umno eras or now?Give them time…….a state govt need not be form in a week’s time.We should be focusing our energy and safe guard from leaches of BN and gangs.Stop reading their papers…and lets start boycotting.

  570. Dear YB, You have missed this golden opportunity to rid yourself of this demon in you called Hantu CHAUVINIST and iSLAM/PAS/PHOBIA.

    We thought the new DAP was different. We have not lost hope though . We know that in order for the NEW MALAYSIA . the mALAYSIAN mALAYSIA to have a chance we have to be wary and must not allow any chauvinist to be in any position of power or influence, be it in UMNO/DAP/MCA/GERAKAN/PAS.

  571. I think we should give them some time.
    This new coalition have to take times to find their own balance…

    Dear Fellow Malaysian, You can stand 50 years under BN rules, but you don’t have the patient to support a new form coalition that not even more than months????

  572. Also all this while, the ruling party had been BN. Actually, the majority in Perak especially Ipoh are living peacefully and well. I believe we, Malaysians had gone through all sorts of racial tensions in the past (not even before I was born) and we lived through it though with bitterness. Hence, the issue on the MB is not the main issue for us. However, living in peace does not mean that we are satisfied with what the previous administration had given us as shown in this election. We want to move forward and ahead and not surviving on porridge for all. Therefore, if a MB does not act in favour for all Malaysians….he would not be able to stand long…maybe the power of people (quoted from Gobind) is not that strong to overthrow now but please do not think that it will not happen in the future as what was shown in this election. The most important thing I want to stress here, consent…show your consensus to one state leader and all the rakyat would heed to do that no matter what race he or she is……unless the MB fails us…

  573. Thank you, I can see all have just stopped posting..hopefully you guys are reading.. those not, please do so..pls I beg you all..read first.

    After reading you still have the right to call this Uncle to quit because he is old…but pls do not use other words or nicknames to despise him. He doesn’t deserve name calling.

    Thank you guys.

  574. Malaysian.Democrat says

    “It is sad the the Perak Royalty have brought the institution of the monarchy into disrespect by going against the Will of the People.”


    The depends on the construction given to the definition of the word “people” – wide or narrow.

  575. Wy Lee: Read RPK’s article of 10th March parts of which are posted here……..sheeshhhhhhhhhh!

    Now, with regards to the talk floating around that Tok Guru Haji Abdul Hadi Awang has announced that Kedah is going to introduce Hudud laws; this is not true. Tok Guru confirmed he never made such an announcement. The trouble is, many of you wear these
    ‘boycott the mainstream media’ T-shirts yet you still read and believe what the mainstream media spins. Would you become terrible offended if I shout ‘Bodoh punya orang!’? I really don’t know what else to shout under these circumstances. Let me repeat what I have said many, many times in the past. PAS does not have 150 seats in Parliament. In fact, PAS, DAP and PKR combined do not have 150 seats in Parliament. Read my lips. “PAS NEEDS 150 SEATS IN PARLIAMENT TO CHANGE THE LAWS OF THIS COUNTRY OR OF THE STATES!” Anyway, 150 seats or no 150 seats, PAS does not intend to introduce Islamic laws, PERIOD.

    Okay, can we now get down to some serious work?

  576. A tragic beginning to a new era! A doubt has been cast in the minds of the rakyat – did we make the right choice? can the opposition coalition work for we Malaysians? Do we need to go back to the BN during the 13th?

    BA! Make bloody sure we get thru to the next GE! I had to drive inter-state on 8th to make sure my family members voted for you in different states. Why create this mess so early in the morning? The next GE is in the evening! Can BA last till evening?

    I was disappointed despite the apology to Tuanku.

  577. Dear Uncle Lim

    So happy to hear that you have reverse your decision to boycott the swearing in ceremony for Perak MB. With all due respect, your emotional outburst is uncalled for. Hope that this does not happen again. Please remember you not the opposition in Perak State, you are part of a ruling party as such you do not have oppose everything. Please use your right to oppose wisely and timely.

    Your die hard supporter

  578. Many people in Ipoh are beginning to get the jitters as news of an UMNO meeting in Ipoh on Sunday gets around and threats are starting to fly…hope its not true. These are just rumours so people of Ipoh dun listen to rumours.
    Meanwhile, news of some PKR ADUNs are joining UMNO & other BN parties…hope thats not true too….
    If thats true….then PKR is responsible for the loss of everything in Perak by refusing to be part of the swearing in of the MB…
    Hope my fears of BN ruling Perak again is not true….


    You are a great patriot, no one could have done so much for so little for 40 yrs… keep going.

    Guys, guys, unfair to call names, we may disagree with his stance, but I suspect there is good reason behind it. Let them sort it out privately.

    Now PKR wants their rep to be Perak MB, isnt this more worrying than PAS?

    The question remains, why did the Regent pick PAS when PKR was the obvious choice (I am assuming MB has to be Malay by constitution, so Ngeh is ruled out for sake of argument), and now perhaps PKR realises the bigger picture reason for PAS as a choice instead of PKR, the PKR desire is back in play.

  580. Here’s the link for the article I posted above just now…in case someone interested to follow up.. :)


    Dear Lee, ahpiow and lakshy, Can you guys do me a favor? Please read the article above and if you wish you can read through the link I provide. Pls, 3 of you, pls read…I beg you. After that start again okok? This has nothing to do with anything you guys discussing…this is just to know who is this guy call Uncle Lim.

    The reason why I did not post this link earlier was to cool everyone off and stop calling this Uncle names…right here..like right now. Sorry! :)

  581. To Burn, related to your statement below:-
    “after 50yrs under ketuanan mentality that was planted in their brain. they need to know that, the other malaysians are human being too… luckily, only few have done it!”

    Now the problem here is why MB must be a muslim, can it be buddhist, indian for democracy? who set the constitution which is ethnic biased? that’s what causing the problem after 50 years of independence but hopefuly the great Sultan can seek & support change by electing a non Malay because only his power and wisdom can bring happiness to our childrens tomorrow. In United Kingdom, they abolished the monarchy but Queen Elizabeth & Prince Philips are still well respected by the people in UK.

  582. Lee Wang Yen Says:

    “Softening? Ask PAS leaders whether they have abandoned the goal of setting up an Islamic State.”

    When we are unhappy we look for something outside to blame for our unhappiness when in fact the choice is ours to be positive or negative… to be happy or unhappy…;)

    Lee Wang Yen Says:

    PAS did introduced Hudud laws in Terengganu several years ago.

    We dwell on the past… unable to let go and fail to see the present… WHAT IS

    Get it. ;)

  583. “NST Online » NewsBreak

    Penang Umno challenges Lim to produce NEP alternative
    By : Audrey Dermawan

    GEORGE TOWN, Thurs:

    Penang Umno has challenged chief minister Lim Guan Eng to produce an alternative plan to look after the interest of minorities, especially Malays, following Lim’s statement that the state government would cut down bad practices under the NEP. ”
    I say lets concentrate on other more pressing issues like corruptions & crimes, attracting foreign investments,open tenders, helping the rural poor Malays & Malay graduates who still can’t get a job etc etc.
    NEP issue can come much later lah, how about after next election where you can see what results have this new state government achieved during this term.

    BTW, anyone producing rubber door stoppers products, contact me, there is a French businessman serching for such items. He is a big supplier to whole of Europe. My service is FOC. Yeah, my first effort to bring in foreign investor to Malaysia!

  584. With all the current development in Perak and Selangor, I am very disappointed with opposition parties. Looks like the oppositions are not much different from BN ie crazy of power.

    Have you all the oppositions considered the feelings of the rakyat who stand in the rain to listen to the ceramah, contributed money and time to make you all win.

    At the rate you all oppositions are doing do you all expect us to vote for you all next time.

    Can you all stop all the ‘fighting’ in the public and start to do what you all have promised.

    Does an extra state council seat, or Deputy MB or MB really that matters?

  585. Commonfolk, I read the post. I have no quarrel about what YB has done in the past.

    I live in Perak now and we in Perak dont want BN back in power. We would like the coalition to work. The previous Govt here is a non-performer.

  586. Look at it this way.
    All of you (DAP, PKR & PAS) submit an application to be MB to the Big Boss (Sultan). BN not qualified because it was rejected by the people. Of course the Sultan will choose the best qualified candidate to run his state. So what is the problem here? Stop bickering and get down to work pronto!

  587. Read this in case you miss out!Yes, we finally have a CM do dares to voice out loud!


    Penang CM slams PM, denies stoking racial tension Beh Lih Yi | Mar 13, 08 5:57pm Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has vehemently refuted Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s claim that he was stoking racial tension over the issue of dismantling the New Economy Policy (NEP) in the island state.

    In a sign that could signal the start of a rocky relationship between the federal and the state governments, Lim has instead slammed Abdullah for seeking to provoke racial tensions with his allegations.

    “I said we will have an open-tender system (in Penang). What’s the problem with that? Unless Abdullah doesn’t like open tenders but corruption, cronyism and inefficiency.

    “I don’t understand what has it (abolishing the NEP) got to do with marginalising the Malay or the Indian community. I think he is not right, (he’s) going on the wrong facts and trying to provoke (racial) sentiment,” Lim told a press conference after witnessing the swearing-in of 10 of his state excos at the Dewan Sri Pinang today.

    Yesterday, Abdullah expressed his dismay over the plan by the DAP-led state government not to practise the NEP, an affirmative action policy which favours the bumiputeras.

    “Do not marginalise the Malays. I want to ask Lim Guan Eng what are his plans for the Malays in Penang. What are his plans for the Indians in Penang. What are his plans for other minority groups in Penang?” said Abdullah.

    Who hold the shares?

    At the press conference, the Penang CM argued that the NEP was a source of corruption, citing the example of the unequal distribution of wealth, including shares which were ‘swallowed up’ by a few selected individuals.

    “If they want to help Malaysians, I asked these people to ‘vomit out’ some of the (bumiputera) shares… Who hold these shares? Perhaps (Umno Wanita chief) Rafidah Aziz,” he claimed.

    “We have not enacted any policy which marginalises a certain group. The only decision that we have made is to waive the (traffic and hawkers) summonses – tell me, which group loses out with that?”

    In a sarcastic tone, Lim said the premier’s criticism could have been linked to his revelation yesterday that the RM25 billion project of the Penang Global City Centre (PGCC) had yet been approved by the local authorities.

    “I understand why he may not be happy with my decision on the PGCC, but the PGCC is not even related to a Malay developer,” argued the Penang CM.

    The PGCC is undertaken by developer Abad Naluri, an associate company of Equine Capital Berhad which is controlled by the premier’s ally, businessman Patrick Lim.

    Abdullah ‘not informed’

    Lim also suggested that the prime minister might have made his criticism without checking out the facts beforehand.

    “The PM maybe provoked by Utusan Malaysia – that I wouldn’t know. (But) I understand, because when he launched the PGCC, he was not informed that the project was not even approved, still he went ahead and launched it – this could be just the same case,” a combative Lim said.

    Asked on his assurance to the Malay community in the state that they would not be marginalised, Lim reiterated that his government is for all races.

    Meanwhile, PKR – DAP’s ally in the state government – gave the party’s backing to the Penang state government on the decision to do away with NEP.

    “The NEP is no longer new – it has been there for 30 years and it has failed to a certain extent,” said Bayan Baru member of parliament Zahrain Mohamed Hashim, who is also PKR state chief.

    “It’s time to explain to Malaysians about the Malaysian Economic Agenda which is fairer,” said Zahrain, referring to the need-based policy advocated by PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim.

    “The Malays would not be sidelined in the new state government, this is an assurance that Lim has given to me and it’s the duty of the state government to ensure all communities are taken care of,” said Zahrain

  588. I am from Perak. Why Lim Kit Siang want to boycott and delay the process of forming a team to manage Perak properly? I feel frustrated that the sign of crack between opposition rally appear so soon. Agree to the candidate of MP selected by Sultan with full support! I hope the opposition rally can prove to all Malaysian they can bring new development to Perak economy.

  589. YB LKS,

    you need to chill out.2008 is not same as 1999. you need to get over your phobia.People are more open with PAS and we are not fools, we did see this BR was a 3 party thing,PKR,DAP,PAS!!

    and if the post requires a Malay, so be it. Afterall there were Malays who voted for DAP. The key is how does the team manage Perak the next 5 years. That is the performance you need to measure, not who is the MB.

  590. Wy Lee

    What Hudud laws were introduced in Terengganu?

    Hudud (Arabic ????, also transliterated hadud, hudood; plural for hadd, ??, limit, or restriction) is the word often used in Islamic social and legal literature for the bounds of acceptable behaviour and the punishments for serious crimes.

    In legal terms (Islamic law being usually referred to as Sharia, ???????) the term is used to describe the fixed punishments for certain crimes considered to be “claims of God”:

    * Drinking alcohol (sharb al-khamr, ??? ?????)
    * Theft (sariqa, ??????)
    * Highway robbery (qat’ al-tariq, ??? ??????)
    * Illegal sexual intercourse (zina’, ??????)
    * False accusation of illegal sexual intercourse (qadhf, ?????) [1]

    These offenses are defined as “claims of God,” and therefore the sovereign was held to have a responsibility to punish them. All other offenses were defined as “claims of [His] servants,” and responsibility for prosecution rested on the victim. This includes murder, which was treated as a private dispute between the murderer and the victim’s heirs. The heirs had the right to compensation and to demand execution of the murderer (see qisas), but they could also choose to forgive.

    The punishments vary according to the status of the offender – Muslims generally receive harsher punishments than non-Muslims, free people receive harsher punishments than slaves, and in the case of zina’, married people receive harsher punishments than unmarried.

  591. “Before Tuanku could decide, Ahmad Awang jumped the gun and announced that the Menteri Besar will be from PAS. Even the PAS President was caught by surprise. But the damage had been done so all he could do was hold his tongue. PKR knows that PAS Perak has a mind of its own and is practically uncontrollable.” RPK

    Ahmad Awang is even mightier than the Tuanku, how can there be meaningful partnership with PAS?

  592. To all bloggers,

    To quote Georg Simmel, a sociologist’s word, conflict is the process of socialisation. It really means that when we socialise with others, conflicts are inevitable. The rule is: what can we learn from it? It is better for the parties to have conflict and get to know each other than hiding one’s grievances behind the smiling face and retaliate later on. So I don’t take Kit Siang’s ‘offensive’ statement too seriously. This is the first point.
    The second point is that it takes lot of courage to say ‘sorry’ in front of public, and for that, Kit Siang’s apology deserves our applause. It is brave to admit that we say something wrong, better than we cover our faults.
    So my suggestion to all bloggers, leave the whole matter to Perak coalition and trust that they together with the advice of the Royal family can make a good decision. More important, we should seek the wisdom and tolerance from the Almighty that the coalition can function properly as a team, without neglecting the enemies besides them.

  593. Do all malays benefit with the implementation of NEP? Only those in UMNO or know UMNO leaders benefits from it. One example is the belated Datuk Z who rose from a KTM gatekeeper to UMNO chief of Klang and are able to built a ‘istana’. He truly benefits from NEP.

  594. Hi LKS,
    Plse shut up and let Guan Eng do the talking,
    The way you are going might break up the Barisan Raykat and the true spirit of One Malaysia for all races. Doesn,t matter who runs the state in the BA but lets us all stay together and work towards improving our lives.
    The next time you say something like this we will vote you out.

  595. This is by Azly Rahman

    There is a lot of work to be done in the area of social justice, education for multiculturalism, and development for the people, by the people, for the people. A lot of people must also be brought to justice – those who have been for decades protected by a corrupt regime. We have seen much violation of human rights. We have
    seen many who voiced their opinion on matters of social justice and freedom thrown into jail and detained without trial.

    We have seen, especially during the Abdullah administration, the rise of Malay politicians whose leit motif has been arrogance and perpetuation of dangerous divisive politics.

    Selangor, the advanced state, will move a new level of sophistication but one founded upon sustainable development that meets the needs of people. The same goes for the paradigm of development in Perak.

    Kelantan’s prayers against a takeover by Barisan Nasional (BN) was answered. Some say that truth and justice will always be allies of the righteous.

    Full credit goes to Malaysians from all walks of life. They are the real winners and they are not to be betrayed. Their children need a better life, through education as a means for social, economic, moral, ethical, and intellectual progress. They are much more intelligent now, after 50 years of independence.

    Each state run by the new order of governance must showcase what an ethical system looks like and how the creativity and problem-solving skills of the rakyat ought to be developed. This will teach us what development based on needs means, instead of one
    based on greed and conspicuous consumption. The latter has destroyed this nation.

    The new regime needs to bring abusers of power to justice. The universities need to be freed, the education system need to be radically improved, good healthcare plans made affordable, the Mat Rempit and Along stopped, cultural pride restored through schooling that improves higher-order thinking skills, poverty eliminated, and the independence of the judiciary restored.

    The party’s over but the revolution continues. Malaysians must make a Malaysian Malaysia a reality.

    This revolution is made possible by the daulat of the rakyat – the Makkal Sakti

  596. Hello Malaysians, I still see many debates here and there… Maybe some of you are right. Yes, LKS might be fighting for DAP’s interest… But after the 12th GE, don’t these politicians get it??? People’s interest MUST come first before own’s interest. Should DAP’s interest be put on top of the People’s (in this case Perakians’) interest?

    Bear in mind of the People’s Power, it will be the time for any politician/party’s downturn when own interest is above the people’s interest and welfare.

    Uncle Kit (I still call you Uncle Kit out of respect),
    Please do not fail the people’s trust. Is this how you treat the people who voted for a change? Is this how you plan to disappoint the people who have given you, Barisan Rakyat (Not just DAP alone), the mandate to form a coalition to manage the state for all the Perakians? Without your partners in PKR and PAS, with just 18 seats, where the hell are you getting the mandate/majority to rule? DAP Wake up Uncle Kit, I pledge you to wake up or DAP might become irrelevant in the next coming election as you would have destroyed the trust of the People due to your crave for Power and Arrogance.

  597. It is a SAD DAY for peace-loving Malaysians. Especially so when our beloved Sultan of Selangor and Sultan of Perak did not seem to exercise their authority in a manner seen as transcending racial and religious demarcations. No offence intended, strictly no, Your Highnesses. On the contrary it is out of utmost respect that I am doing this as an ordinary citizen of Malaysia, because justice needs to be done and needs to be seen to be done.

    Malaysia is a multiracial and multireligious country. It is born out of plurality. And will remain so for as long as the nation exists. More so in this age of globalisation. Malaysia is our motherland. Any action taken by the leaders would be felt all over the country, its implication and ramification would permeate everywhere, even beyond our shores for the world to see. Its impact would affect the lives of the citizenry, for good or for bad, depending on which divide we belong.

    But it is my fervent hope that there would be no divide between Malaysians as we do not wish to live divided. On the contrary we wish to live united and be known as Malaysians, side by side without barriers of any sort. Without the slightest suspicion of whether we would be differentiated by whatever colour or creed.

    Without unity there would be no hope of everlasting peace. We have been taught to be tolerant and to respect one another’s religion. Our rights have been enshrined in the Constitution. There should be no doubt and suspicion.

    If we are still bound by old thinking and ways, we would not be able to move forward to achieve greater heights and civilisation. And it is time to exercise our wisdom to accomodate the changes which is taking place in the country.

    In the just concluded general election, there are new challenges which arose and need to be addressed with utmost wisdom. I believe our learned Sultans are as concerned as the rakyat.

    The way the rakyat voted, it could be seen that there need to be changes in the way the nation is to be managed. The message is written on the wall for all to see and judge. Malaysians are ready for change, and are demanding that changes be made. We do not vote along racial and religious lines anymore.

    Democracy is very much alive. The citizens are getting more aware of political developments in the country. And they are learning by the day. The internet greatly expose them to fair and untainted reporting. Thus they are more informed and are able to make better judgement. We cannot treat them like they do not know much. They had voiced their sentiment and wishes through the ballot box.

    Sadly missing was affirmative and clear signals on the part of the royalty. Our beloved Regent Of Perak Dr Raja Nazrin Shah, the beacon of hope, who always shines when issues of national importance arose, has to come forward once more to lead the way.
    Please actively participate by asserting your birth-right authority on matters relating to choosing the Menteri Besar. Democratic processes and procedures should take precedence so that any signal which is sent out to the rakyat would indicate that the royalty had been impartial. And without fear or favour.

    General opnion on the ground is that religion should not be that much of a consideration compared to capability and popular votes in a democratic process. An executive is being chosen, not a religious officer. Religious funtions could be performed by religious officers. Let the Menteri Besar and the Duputy MB concentrate on matters of development and building a better state. There is only one nationality in Malaysia, Malaysian that is. And we are not voting along ethnic lines, so that should not be a question.

    Hopefully your Highness would overlook the religious and ethnic requirement in considering the candidates who would manage the affairs of our beloved states. And the rakyat are ready to accept them. They are ready to accept change. Only your intervention would give them the chance to serve.

    Terima Kasih.

  598. Zainon Ahmad’s article…Anger did it!

    It is apparent that the BN leaders had misread the mood of the people. After ruling for half a century it believed in its
    invincibility and refused to acknowledge that the people were angry with some of its policies, decisions and actions.

    They thought that the street demonstrations in Terengganu and Kuala Lumpur were nothing more than occasional show of defiance and dissatisfaction over simple bread and butter issues and nothing more beyond that.

    The BN leaders refused to accept the fact that people were now more intelligent than they were fifty years ago. That they were willing to come out and demonstrate, showed that they were really angry and want their grouses be quickly attended to.

    Instead, they belittled the demonstrations as something initiated by the opposition parties. This annoyed many people and when BN leaders said that demonstrations are not part of the Malaysian culture, so much so someone wrote that “Umno was born out of demonstrations against the Malayan Union.”

    Beside simple bread and butter issues like the rise in prices of consumer items, anger had built up from frustrations with the government’s seeming inability to deal with the increase in the levels of crime, refusal to acknowledge the on-going Islamisation, refusal to deal with complaints of neglect of minority races and its insistence to continue with the NEP.

    They were also angry at the level of corruption and the seeming unwillingness of the government to root out the problem, but were instead seen as condoning some of the abuses that were becoming widespread.

    Unable to demonstrate to get their grouses heard they shouted out their protest and anger through the only avenue available to them — in fact, the only recourse encouraged by the government for them to take instead of demonstrating — through the ballot box.

    It was their anger that did it. They wanted to show that they matter and are not a mere doormat. What PKR, DAP and PAS did was merely to harness that anger into votes for them or against the BN and they were quite surprised how easy it was for them to do it.

    To his credit, de facto Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) leader,Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, because of his determined effort to cobble together some form of cooperation between his party, DAP and PAS, emerged as an opposition icon, something the BN leaders had not counted on, as to them he was already “irrelevant”.

    His ceramahs became rallies, and thousands flocked to his meet-the-people sessions throughout the country. His
    rallying call for people to vote opposition regardless of which party and as long as they did not vote BN was effective.

    For instance, in the state constituency of Bukit Selambau in Kedah the voters rejected the MIC candidate and instead voted for the only other non-BN candidate, an independent, also an Indian. The result was a surprise as the more than half of the voters were Malays and demonstrated that the anger was multiracial anger.

  599. Halo, you guys voted. PERIOD. If so many here want to play GOD, wonder why you are not in politic and fight fot the RAKYAT and Bangsa Malaysia. If anyone can be do 20% of what Uncle Lim did, then you have the right to talk.

    All because Uncle let you all talk, you just step on his head and pee. Why didn’t you all do the same the BN the past 50 years or maybe last 4 years????

    Either be a Politician or a Socialist – then you know what its like. IF GOD TAKES YOU TO IT, HE WILL TAKE YOU THRU IT!

  600. Please be reminded that tremendous amount of votes swinged to DAP coz people weren’t happy with the corruptions in BN. Malays who has always been a diehard fan of UMNO/BN has even voted for DAP as an alternative if PKR or PAS is not in the picture. Analyse your votes basing on the ratio of races in a particular areas. You’ll get the answer.

    BN did not actually help the Malays. They still remain the poor majority making them relying on BN. Take advantage of the situation to win their hearts. Help and educate them. We’ll maintain getting their votes. DAP must not dream of managing a state through a single race dominancy. Your actions of a ‘Malaysian Malaysia’ and the abolishment of NEP must not be drastic. I can assure you that DAPs votes will lessen tremendously in the next election and loose what they had gained. Not what we want!!!

    PAS learned from their mistake when they lost tremendously in the 2004 Election. They thought the party won the hearts of the people in the 1999 Election. Whereas the tremendous amount of votes came from UMNO members who dissappointed with their leaders. Once UMNO was back in order. The votes swapped back. I can assure you that BN can gain back their strength once ‘overhauled’.

    Learn from PAS in Kelantan on how they gained the hearts of the minority chinese and indian. Every race & religion has been taken care of. Every policy was done slowly with thorough explaination to the people to make people understand. Even until now, no hudud law has been implemented yet. Sabotage from government media did not effect their relationship with the people. PAS is there to stay for along period!!!

    Lastly, stop fighting about the MB post for Perak. DAP-PKR-PAS has to learn to cooperate as a strong Team. It does not matter if the Royalty chooses a malay muslim as long as long as all decisions are as a team, transparent, clean and efficient.

    What if one day, for no apparent reason UMNO gains majority in Penang due to a split in chinese votes between MCA/Gerakan/DAP? Can we accept a Malay Chief Minister. I don’t think so!!! The same goes to Perak. Let them take the MB Post. DAP supporters and other by-standers will eventually look into the delivery of the Team. A strong cooperative, understanding & clean coalition is needed to win the confidence of the majority. Learn what is good from BN not the BAD!!

  601. There are always two ways of looking at everything.

    My wife and I were sitting at a table at my high school reunion, and I kept staring at a drunken woman swigging her drink, as she sat alone at a nearby table.

    My wife asks, “Do you know her?”

    “Yes,” I sighed. “She’s my old girl friend. I understand she started
    drinking right after we split up those many years ago, and I hear she hasn’t been sober since.”

    “My God!” says my wife. “Who would think a person could go on celebrating that long?”

    So you see, there really are two ways to look at everything.

    Cheers! Good Night! Tomorrow shall bring better news. Perakians who voted for change will not be denied!

  602. DAP said that MCA is UMNO body guard, so I hope DAP will NOT become PAS body guard. DAP won the majority in Perak Assembly, WHY MB is PAS? Please say NO, if not..DAP is just SAME with MCA! WASTE MY MONEY CAME BACK FROM SO FAR TO VOTE FOR DAP!

  603. Good job..finally u show off your true colour towards malays..hypocracy shown..we, malays will accept the apology but it doesn’t meant that we will forget u’r statement..this will make us beware on u guys..u know what most malays will think??this time u tend to make a word that hurts us and almost betrayed us..who knows in some other time if u got the whole power u will neglect all malays from malaysia!like the one with singaporean malays!we will never let it happen..we,rather die to protect our religion..so u better watch your words..our silent doesn’t meant that we scared!!we,trust DAP because of their coalition with other BA..and believe that the BA will make a good movement for malaysia against corruption etc..thank GOD BA not win in all over country..if not DAP will be so arrogant that they got the majority and want to be menteri besar in all states!next time, malays will make sure not to vote DAP again as they almost betrayed BA and cannot be trusted..like our old idiom “diberikan betis nak paha”u know what,it so hard to make people trust us so do not take it for granted..thank u..and my opinion is behalf the other malays..it comes from our hearts..and do considered it if we want to live in harmony.

  604. Dear Yang Berkidmat LKS

    Pls allow me to share these sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad
    with ALL which has been and still is the guiding beacon lights in our home for the past 36 yrs (the number of years since Munah and I have been married in 1972. FYI and also for all readers of your blog, ours is an intermarriage between a malay and a chinese)

    Text in BM and English translation in brackets

    Perbicaraan yang lojik adalah keugamaanku
    (Discussing logically has been my religion)

    Percintaan dan kasih sayang tapak hidupku
    (Love and affection the foundation of my existence)

    Minat adalah jentera pengangkutanku
    (Enthusiasm my transportation)

    Keimanan punca kuasaku
    (Faith my source of inner strength)

    Pengetahuan adalah senjataku
    (Knowledge my weapon)

    Kesabaran kebaikanku
    (Patience my virtue)

    Kebenaran ialah keselamatanku
    (The truth my salvation)

    Dan semasa sembahyang, tenangkanlah mataku dan fikiranku
    (And in prayer do relax my sights and thoughts)

    Thru reading what YB LGE ‘s reply to PM’s accusation of stoking racial tension….I m proud to say U have taught him well as a father..certainly i must admit following what has been taught by the Holy prophet himself..Kudos to u

    My two cents worth

    haji muhammad bin abdullah@ tan wah guan

  605. WAO Statement
    07 June 2002

    Terengganu Hudud Laws

    If a woman is not able to get 4 just men to testify that they witnessed the rape of her body, she will not be able to prove that she was raped. Instead, she will be subject to 80 lashes for making a false accusation.

    An unmarried woman who is pregnant is assumed to have committed zina, even if she has been raped. She will face 100 lashes if she is unmarried, and if she is married, she will be stoned to death.

    This is just some of the provisions in the Terengganu Hudud Laws soon to be tabled at the state assembly. Rape is defined as zina i.e. illicit sex and the premise is that the victim – survivor will have the burden of proof.

    Other provisions include whipping, stoning, and the cutting of limbs for crimes committed by both men and women.

    Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO) is appalled that in this day and age, the Islamic PAS led Terengganu government can codify a law that is not only an affront to human dignity and in conflict with human rights norms, but is essentially unconstitutional. The Federal Constitution clearly defines crime as a federal matter, not a state matter. This is why we have in place a Penal Code that all Malaysians – irrespective of religion – are subject to.

    The potential conflict between the civil, criminal laws and the Hudud law would be nothing short of disastrous. Not only that, having a separate set of criminal laws which is applicable to only specific sections of the community is unacceptable and grossly unfair.

    WAO is opposed to the Terengganu Hudud laws in totality and does not encourage negotiating to amend only parts of the bill.

    WAO respectfully acknowledges that hudud is a Quranic principle, but understands that implementing hudud in this day and age is impossible. This is because the consequences will be unjust on both men and women, and justice is an essential principle of the Muslim faith

    Although the opposition PAS appears to be the visible form of extremist thinking, WAO has always maintained that these attempts to interpret the Qur’an in a discriminatory way and restrict women’s lives is not new. There are extremist elements in all quarters both in government, opposition and ” civil society”.

    There are clear indications that we are on our way to a restrictive society that uses religion to control women’s lives. Some male government officials have refused to extend their hand to greet women with a handshake; women have been told that they cannot wear sleeveless attire when seeking services in public service agencies; women (both Muslim and of other faiths} are expected to wear a scarf when entering a public office of the religious department; separate queues and separate pools are being created for men and women; a chief minister’s solution to incest is polygamy and another postulates that perhaps a chastity belt is the way to protect women from rape; and many Muslim women face gross discrimination in Syariah Courts.

    WAO takes the position that Malaysia is a multi racial democratic country which reflects the values of Islam and other faiths, and is wary of shaping Malaysia into an Islamic state that is extremist and undemocratic in principle. Most urgently, civil society needs to discuss these trends openly and not be told that these are sensitive or seditious matters. Malaysians should decide what kind of a country we want to live in as such important issues should not be in the hands of political leaders and religious authorities alone.

    Ivy Josiah
    Executive Director
    Women’s Aid Organisation

  606. Dear all,

    YB Kit Siang is a visionary man…
    I think he has his reasons for his initial respond…
    Myself voted for PAS in the GE 2008 but somehow i do fear that if PAS win big, they will pursue with their Islamic state agenda…
    I guess Uncle Kit fear of the repeat of the sudden betrayal by PAS in the 1999 GE promises. Would it have effect on the next GE… where non-bumi would have to think twice before voting for BA???

    As for the recent incident, before judging the party or personality of the MB….
    The PAS representative should have communicate on the MB candidate and DAP & PKR should also have the consent…. but PAS aggresively declared he is the MB to the media before discussion.

    Besides, why not PKR Malay Muslim as the MB post since DAP only have an indirect parnership with PAS??
    If we were to talk about non-racial issue… let’s not talk about whether DAP can accept a PAS MB or not… but lets talk bout how open do Malaysians to accept a non-bumi MB since we are fighting for equality…

    How well the other 2 parties can accept that the MB post to be given to bumi/non-bumi by judging on the party performance, the candidate’s leadership, vision and capability and not abiding to the conservative requirement??

    If the final result, PAS rep chosen to be MB, i would still accept it but he must reaaly walk his talk, open minded, unbias, no NEP…. and the State Exco’s power always prevail.

    Uncle Kit, u are a man with full of responsibility and courage… I might not 100% understand what’s in your mind…. but if this happen to the BN leaders… they will deny and said the media twisted the facts.


  607. Com’on guys. NEP or NAP or whatever it may be they are just names given to some policies. A good policy need not be written in the rocks. Solid but may not be what we want. A good policy even if you call it ABC or XYZ is still a good policy.

    Please give our elected new representives ( indeed they are reprenting us, right?) some time to go through the files and plan their job. Let us not be duped by anybody who say doing away with NEP or NAP or XYZ or ABC is going to cause a riot or racial tension!!

    We see with our eyes , listen with our ears to whatever is going on. Are the new kids on the block creating any trouble to us? Are they frightening away investors? We voted them in , so let us give them the space and time to prove themselves. Only those with interest are getting restless when they feel that their ‘turf’ had been encroached upon.

    Let us tell them we are not incited and we are not ‘tensioned’. In fact a lot of people are happy to have the new kids on the block.
    They are our watchdogs…not dogs, as some are tempted to call them.

  608. My attitude is simple : God and my Mum I trust. Everyone else, please lay your cards on the table where I can see them.

    And for a long time, I found it hard to trust PAS. And since I do not see eye to eye with their vision of an Islamic state, it had always been difficult for me in the past to imagine my ever voting for a PAS candidate, let alone articulating my support for one.

    DAP entered into a loose alliance with PKR and PAS in 1999. DAP paid the price amongst the Chinese voters at the elections then.

    DAP has not forgotten and, it would seem, fears a backlash from the Chinese voters if any DAP-PAS election pact is perceived.

    Hence Lim Kit Siang’s statement on 6th March that there’is no such thing as Barisan Rakyat. DAP has no general election co-operation with PAS’.

    His statement is, in my view, factually correct. To the best of my knowledge, there was never any election pact or co-operation between DAP and PAS. PKR appeared to play the go-between.


  609. correction:

    Please give our elected new representives ( indeed they are representing us, right?) some time to go through the files and plan their job. Let us not be duped by anybody who say doing away with NEP or NAP or XYZ or ABC is going to cause a riot or racial tension!!

  610. The following implies that Hudud law was passed in Terengganu
    Judicial CP – July 2002


    Straits Times, Singapore, 9 July 2002
    Amendments made to Bill
    KUALA TERENGGANU – Several changes were made to the controversial hudud law which was passed in the Terengganu state assembly in response to criticisms by women’s groups who felt the proposed law discriminated against women.

    Copyright @ 2002 Singapore Press Holdings. All rights reserved.

  611. Do whatever Barisan Rakyat need to do to keep the fragile coalition intact. Now, the ‘enemy’ out there must be laughing while watching the infighting between DAP/PKR/PAS. Prove them wrong. Put your act together. Do it before it is too late.

    Value the votes & trust given by rakyat. With the votes & trust come the heavy responsibilities.

    If the rakyat of Perak can vote DAP/PKR/PAS in, the rakyat of Perak can vote DAP/PKR/PAS out.

    Stick together. Focus on your election manifesto – THE PEOPLE’S VOICE and THE PEOPLE’S DECLARATION endorsed by DAP/PKR/PAS.

  612. Rosy hudud picture becoming horror show
    Sunday, 14 July 2002
    Many of us would recall that PAS leaders have always told their non-Muslim listeners that they should have no fear of the Islamic state that it wants to set up should it come to power.

    Painting a rosy picture of a utopian society, PAS vowed that non-Muslims – who hold the crucial votes in the elections – would be exempted from the hudud law.

    In the run-up to the 1999 general election, there was no shortage of opposition politicians, who appeared along with their PAS counterparts at ceramahs, singing the same tune.

    Trips were organised by some misguided Chinese groups to Kelantan and Terengganu to convince the voters that the two states were role models of what PAS wanted to achieve.

    They blamed the media for the extremist image of PAS, saying these politicians could be trusted. They were, of course, wrong and had the Chinese voters supported the opposition front in 1999, we would be in dire straits now.

    Last week, PAS president Datuk Abdul Hadi Awang announced that the Terengganu government would impose the controversial hudud law on non-Muslims as well.

    The PAS hardliner said the hudud law would cover non-Muslims when ”every citizen understands them.”

    That, of course, is very subjective. More so in Terengganu where non-Muslims are a minority and will not figure much when the Islamist party decides that the citizens are ready to live with the hudud law.

    In pushing for the hudud law in the face of strong public opposition, Hadi has shown total contempt not just for the Federal Constitution but for public sentiments.

    Worse still, he made offensive remarks about Christianity. He quoted a report from the Daily Mail, an English newspaper known for sensationalism, that 80% of male and female church leaders had sexual relations outside marriage and that 90% of them had engaged in unnatural sex.

    He had singled out the report in the context of stressing a point on social problems among church leaders.

    Hadi’s remarks are indeed provocative and seditious. Even with recent reports of Catholic priests being involved in sex scandals, especially in the United States, the majority of these Christian leaders are committed to the faith and their service to the followers.

    The majority of them have dedicated their lives to helping the people, irrespective of their faiths, particularly in education through the missionary schools.

    The Catholic church has also been in the forefront in setting up old folks homes and schools for the blind, something very evident in Malaysia.

    Hadi, who is the Terengganu mentri besar, also pointed out that the Federal Constitution was drafted by Lord Reid, a Christian, when debating the hudud bill.

    I cannot understand why Reid’s religious background should be a factor. The point is that the Federal Constitution, based on common law, has worked well for this country.

    It has been amended many times to suit the times but, more importantly, the secular laws have been well accepted by the majority of Malaysians. The Federal Constitution, which received the support of the main ethnic groups, have guaranteed the rights of Malaysians, irrespective of their race and religion.

    For the Chinese community, the Federal Constitution erased questions about their citizenship rights. They also enjoyed the right to vote, like their fellow citizens of other races.

    That right cannot be taken from them and the fact that they are Buddhists or Christians have little relevance to their rights but the same cannot be said about the hudud law.

    The decision by the PAS-led Terengganu government should serve as a lesson to opposition supporters, who back PAS for the sake of opposing the government, without thinking of the consequences.

    It is good that Malaysians have stood up and voiced their objections against PAS’s hudud law. The four Umno state assemblymen in Terengganu should have voted against the bill instead of abstaining.

    But the voters in Pendang and Anak Bukit in Kedah can express their protest against the hudud law by rejecting PAS at the ballot box.

  613. Hallo Uncle LKS,

    i am a malay..my mother is a chinese….i have campaign to all people around me to vote for opposition including DAP, likes others to see a new malaysia…please don’t let our trust on you all destroy..

    i want to see all races like in harmony …we fight for corruption, missuse of power, misuse of people money by bn…we fight together with our own money, energy, time…now when we get what we want , you suddently forget all our effort…i am malay…also want my right as opposition, i want a change in our government…i dont to see some monkey in our government…

    LKS…you should understand that we malays are not that bad…we are muslim…our religious prohibit us from taking other people right..its haram for us (not like the last government ) you know haram…only hell is the best place for those who like to do haram thing…we are muslim…real muslim dont do that…but again we have to protect our right if necessary….for us anything in this world is owned by Allah….

    so…our PROPHET MUHAMMAD HAS SAID, always remember 5 things before come another 5 things :

    1) remember our life before the death come
    2) remember when we are rich before we became poor
    3) remeber when we are healthy before we become sick
    4) remember when we are free before we become busy
    5) remember when we are young before we become old.

    please consider our view….we will give our vote in future to dap if you can tolerate with all of us…

    young man..malay chinese blood.

  614. To supersagi related to the below statements:-
    Why didn’t you all do the same the BN the past 50 years or maybe last 4 years????

    BN will put you under ISA, if you voice up! there is nothing except the manipulated newspapers and media to deny Rakyat the truth they wanted to hear. BN is a failed government, their race based parties failed due to their leaders negligence, take a look at Sammy Vellu, can he speak for his race?

  615. Prof Dr. Zulkiflee Mohammed, former Deputy YDP PAS said (1964)

    “(Jawatan-jawatan yang disebutkan) adalah tempat yang subur dengan kuman-kuman yang membawa sengketa kepada kita. Apa yang akan kita buat saudara-saudara diwaktu kita menghadapi ini semua? Yang akan kita buat adalah berpegang kepada keikhlasan iaitu menyucikan tujuan kita kepada perlaksanaan dasar parti dan mengenepikan sebarang kepentingan yang lain dari itu.”

  616. Malaysian state passes Islamic law
    Monday, 8 July, 2002, 12:53 GMT 13:53 UK

    A state government in Malaysia has approved a bill to bring in Islamic criminal laws, including death by stoning for adultery and cutting off hands and feet for theft.
    The bill on hudud law – the Islamic penal code – was proposed by the government of Terengganu, a rural state in the north-east run by Islamic party PAS.
    The bill was easily passed as PAS (Parti Islam se-Malaysia) has 28 members in the assembly, with only four from the United Malays National Organisation (Umno) which dominates nationally.
    But PAS has little chance of imposing the proposed law as the federal government controlled by Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad’s coalition has vowed to block it.

    The state government in Kelantan, the other Malaysian state controlled by PAS, passed similar laws in 1993 but they have never been enforced because of federal government opposition.

    Harsh punishments

    As the controversial bill was passed on Monday, the Umno legislators left the chamber in protest.

    Under the code, a robber who kills his victim can be sentenced to death and crucified. A thief’s right hand is amputated for his first offence, and his left foot for the second.

    A Muslim who renounces Islam is punished by death.

    Women’s groups have been particularly angered as the bill states that four male Muslim witnesses are needed to prove a rape.

    If they cannot back up their claims they can be charged with slander, which is punished by whipping.

    Sodomy and adultery is punishable by death by stoning, while Muslims who consume alcohol can be whipped up to 80 times.

    Analysts say PAS – the main opposition party in Malaysia – is using the Islamic law as a way to try to win the support of the country’s Muslims ahead of general elections due in 2004.

    But Terengganu’s Chief Minister Abdul Hadi Awang has defended the bill.

    “Although our penalties are harsh and terrifying, we must realise that these offences and sins… are truly evil and despicable,” he told the assembly on Sunday.

    Mr Abdul Hadi, a hardliner, has been the party’s acting president since the death last month of more moderate leader Fadzil Noor.

    Muslims make up just over half of Malaysia’s 23 million people, but they are in the majority in Terengganu.

  617. Uncle KIT,

    You have gone too far off this round. Please listen to the voices of the people. The mandate have been given to the opposition forces.

    For once, myself being a Chinese too felt that your announcement is too way out of path. Being an opposition and for the very first time winning several states in one election, you must take this chance at the highest possible rating.

    Since DAP-PAS-PKR are now part of the Malaysian Government, stop acting like a grown-up baby crying looking for mama. Ignore whatever possible issue and only work at your best for development and up-stake the progress for the people by the people.

    On the issue of seats or taking over the Menteri Besar post, we as the RAKYAT don’t mind who is holding the Helm but we do care and constantly looking at the SERVICES brought by our constituent candidate. Even if no Exco seat allocated for DAP, the candidate can still serve the people. Having an EXCO is just token of bonus while serving the people is the REAL breadwinner.

  618. Dear MR LKS,
    Do not let BN laughed at the Barisan Rakyat … Thousands and thousands of humble Malaysians took that plunge to change for the better; for our children, grandchildren and generations to come …. Does it really matters whether the MP is Pas as long as he is JUST and Fair and Tolerant (isn’t that the CORE of every human being, regardless of what religion we are.) Who are we to Judge another fellow Human Being? Sometimes I am appalled at the way politicians speak about another politicain… the mouth fouls!!

    We have failed to see things as they truly are if we just argue for the sake of arguing..We know how to say ‘enough to BN.. But do we say that to ourselves…which will create our downfall. We have not even started to help the Rakyat and we are already fighting over power, so what difference does it makes between BN and BR?

    Only the Peral Royalty knows the real reason for not chosing DAP or PKR as the MP. Water will takes it level.. this is the universal law. Learn from what happen to Zakaria…his sudden demise… The family was indeed humble to apologize to the whole nation.

    As the Hokkien saying “we staying on borrowed time here ..”Chio-Tua nya, luan sim mi ” Nothing is permanent and changes happened every second. I was reading about CM Guan Eng being put to jail when he tried to protect a child … Would he expect to be the CM of Penang overnight? How did that happen? The universal law of nature…Credit = Debit at the end of the day.

    How could the scale be able to balance when it does not has a base and a center to hold it (looking at the BN symbol). Over 40 years (accumulated) of being lop-sided will it be able to hold its position and not topple over? There is so much to learn from the Scale symbol and does the BN politicians reflect on it daily and practice the values diligently.

    Looking at each of the party symbols one will be able to learn the core values and what have been practice is questionable? The judgment lies within oneself..

    We really got to search our selves what is it that we are fighting out there – for what ? and for who? Is it EGO or is it to really to reach out to the poorer Malaysians (regardless of ethnic groups) and make a difference in their lives a little bit better if not better…

    To all those leaders who were elected in the 12th Election – asked yourself theses 2 questions: What do you want to do? What you are doing now? In trying to do what you want to do, should you STRIVE to do what you OUGHT to do? Time will not wait for you… Whatever titles you have on your head does not matter most important is what is pounding in your heart – the CONSCIENCE deep within. We can say a lot of things… at the end of the day, the true judgment lies within ourselves ………..

    So move on with life dear leaders and do your best these 4-5 years for yourself, and all the CHILDREN of Malaysia to bring them up to be happy citizens with a caring and compassionate heart to heal this sick nation. Pause and Listen to our heartbeat the next time you speak…Remember the law of Attraction… Don’t send energy to bad energy areas… you are building the ‘tumor’ up.

    Wish all of you well and happy always……..

  619. A)What so difficult if we are fair and not greedy ?
    1) Give Keadilan 2 exco seats (7/31 x 10 exco seats)
    2) Give PAS 2 exco seats including MB (6/31 x 10 exco seats)
    3)Give DAP 6 exco seats (18/31 x 10)

    Be a sports since Sultan had already selected adhere to it !

    B) Need have better communication get Anwar,Lim Guan Eng & Hadi to come together with all the Perak opposition ADUN to sit down and thrash out all misunderstanding, improve communication and set common agreeable strategy going forward.

    C) Organize press conference to show unity

    D) Temporary avoid sensitive issue on NEP and Islamic state.
    1) Agree on to help all underpriviledge rakyat with greater proportionate allocation to Bumi here as per intention of NEP.At least ensure resource is allocated where is deserved.
    2) Agree that in Msia Islam is the main official religion of Msia and others are allowed practise their own religion as well.Govt will allocate at least 80% of its Religion development budget to Islam and another 20% to other recognise religion as well.
    3) Where the Govt chose to adopt Islamic rule it is only applicable to muslim only, however non-muslim will be govern by civil law.
    4) In the case of non-muslim trying to take advantage of situation by converting to islam to take advantage being a muslim benefit, for the 1st 5 yrs probabtionary period, civil as well as islam law is applicable to him. In other words he needs to conform to both muslim and civil law and where there is a conflict civil law is uphold during probabtion period but after probabtion Islamic law applies.

  620. Well “argument and negotiations” into forming a government are part and parcels of a healthy political environment.It allows spaces for expressing opinions.After all it is only few days from the just concluded GE12.Am sure Perak constitutions do states the days needed to form a government …so relax people.When umno RULES Perak, all other component parties are not allowed to disgree, negotiate or even have an opinion heard..it is all by FORCE.So…tell me….which is healthier?Umno eras or now?Give them time…….a state govt need not be form in a week’s time.We should be focusing our energy and safe guard from leaches of BN and gangs.Stop reading their papers…and lets start boycotting.

  621. Monday, 17 June, 2002, 23:20 GMT 00:20 UK
    Rape bill angers Malaysian women

    By Mangai Balasegaram
    In Kuala Lumpur

    Women’s groups in Malaysia are fighting a controversial bill proposed by an Islamic party which states that four male Muslim witnesses are needed to prove a rape.
    The bill on hudud law – the Islamic penal code – has been proposed by the government of Terengganu, a rural state in the north-east run by the opposition Islamic party, PAS.

    The party has declared it wants to set up an “Islamic state”.

    The bill is set to face stiff opposition from the federal government led by Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad when it is tabled in the state assembly next month.

    It is also facing legal challenges as, under the constitution, crime is a federal matter under the Penal Code.

    About a dozen women’s groups have formed a joint action committee to fight the bill, which they say is “perversely unjust”.

    Women’s anger

    The bill’s original draft states that those who renounce their faith should be put to death, and that unmarried women who become pregnant – regardless of rape – should be whipped or stoned to death.
    Sisters of Islam (Sis), which has lobbied Pas leaders on the issue, says the bill is a “total distortion” of Islamic law.

    It argues that the original provision for four witnesses in hudud law was to protect women against accusations of adultery, noting that a wife of Prophet Mohamad was accused of adultery.

    “This is man-made. It’s barbaric,” said Sharifah Zuriah Aljeffri, a founding member of Sis. “God is all-forgiving and all-merciful in the Koran. That never comes up in this bill. All they talk about is punishment.”

    Ivy Josiah, executive director of the Women’s Aid Organisation said the bill was “clearly misogynistic”.

    “There’s a lot of fear that women are becoming equal to men,” she said.

    Political motive

    Terengganu’s Chief Minister Mr Abdul Hadi Awang, who is also deputy president of PAS, has said the bill has been amended to take account of objections by women. But the details will not be made public until the bill is tabled on 7 July at the Terengganu State Assembly.

    Political analysts say PAS is seeking to gain political mileage over Dr Mahathir’s United Malays National Organization (Umno) party ahead of general elections due in 2004.

    “They want to show that they are the better Muslims,” said Nur Jazlan, an Umno youth council member. “This is the problem within Islam nowadays.

    “Everyone is saying ‘My version is better than yours’.”

    Religion has long been a basis for party politics in PAS, which gained strength following the sacking and jailing of former Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim in 1998. The party won control of two of 13 states in the 1999 election.

    However, the 11 September terror attacks on the US has changed Malaysia’s political balance. Dr Mahathir has consolidated his position as a moderate Muslim, gaining support among moderate Muslims and non-Muslims in the country, and strengthening ties abroad.

    Earlier this month, he met Pope John Paul II to discuss peace initiatives in the Middle East.

    PAS, however, was badly affected after the arrest of several suspected militants with ties to the party. Analysts say the party is no longer trying to win non-Muslim votes and is now concentrating on Islamic politics.

    “They’re targeting their own people in doing this,” said Mr Jazlan.

    Ms Sharifah Zuriah said although PAS would probably not be able to implement the bill, given the opposition against it, the fact that they were trying to do so was alarming.

    “After this, what’s next?” she said.

  622. Wy Lee, Thanks for the update, but its not complete and seems deceptive. Notice the dates 8th and 9th July of the same year!

    Amendments made to Bill (Straits Times, Singapore, 9 July 2002)
    KUALA TERENGGANU – Several changes were made to the controversial hudud law which was passed in the Terengganu state assembly in response to criticisms by women’s groups who felt the proposed law discriminated against women.

    The major amendments were found in the sections on zina (illicit sex) and qazaf (accusation of zina without proof in the form of four male Muslim witnesses of good character).

    Under qazaf which carries a punishment of 90 lashes, a woman who cries rape without having such proof would be found guilty. The women’s groups had protested that it was impossible for a woman to bring such evidence.

    Under the amended section, complaints of rape where there is circumstantial evidence (qarinah), must be investigated. If there is evidence of rape but insufficient for a hudud punishment, the man will be punished under takzir (punishment at the judge’s discretion). The woman will not be guilty of qazaf.

    As for zina or illicit sex, a new section has been added to list out eight circumstances under which hudud punishment cannot be imposed. The old section had sparked protest because pregnancy in an unmarried woman was deemed as proof of zina, even if she was raped and had no witnesses. Now, a woman is not guilty of zina if she was forced, or tricked by black magic or drugged.

    Zina is punishable with death by stoning for married men or women. For unmarried offenders, the punishment is 100 lashes and a year’s jail. –New Straits Times

    And as your article rightly points out:-

    But PAS has little chance of imposing the proposed law as the federal government controlled by Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad’s coalition has vowed to block it.

    The state government in Kelantan, the other Malaysian state controlled by PAS, passed similar laws in 1993 but they have never been enforced because of federal government opposition.

    As you can see, it Hudud laws have never been imposed or enforced. I am yet to hear of a thief having his hand chopped off or a rapist having some member of his body chopped off.

  623. You may say that BERNAMA is biased. But given PAS’ track record in 1993 and 2002, I’m inclined to think that the following is quite plausible:
    KOTA BAHARU, March 9 (Bernama) — PAS leaders plan to introduce Hudud (Islamic) criminal law in Kedah to become part of the state laws, despite the same move made in Kelantan and Terengganu before had sparked controversy as it ran contrary to the Federal Constitution.

    PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang said the Kelantan state’s administration and management would be adopted for Kedah.

    “This will be within the legal ambit of the state (Kedah) government,” he told reporters after chairing a PAS central committee meeting here today.

    The opposition front in Kedah won 21 out of the 36 state seats in yesterday’s general election, enabling them to form the new state government, with PAS obtaining 16 seats, PKR four and DAP one compared with Barisan Nasional (BN)’s 14. One seat was won by an independent candidate.

    Out of the 15 parliamentary seats in Kedah, PAS won six, PKR five and BN four. The opposition front also captured Selangor, Perak and Penang in yesterday’s elections.

    PAS’ earlier plans to implement Hudud was met with strong opposition from various quarters as criminal law covering rape, theft, robbery, murder and many other offences, comes under the jurisdiction of the federal government and not state governments.

    So far, the Kelantan PAS government has only managed to pass the Hudud law and include it in the state’s law but has not implemented or enforced it.

    Abdul Hadi said to pass the Hudud law, PAS must have a two-third majority in the State Legislative Assembly.

    Asked whether the Kedah government would ban entertainment outlets that sell liquor, discotheques and gambling outlets, he said PAS would discuss matters related to cultural and religious practices with its partners in the opposition front, namely DAP and Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR).

    Abdul Hadi said the PAS central leadership had agreed to ask the Kedah government to appoint two non-Muslim executive councillors, through whom the non-Muslim communities could convey their needs and problems to the state government.

    “Meanwhile, we will cooperate with the federal government in the implementation of the Northern Corridor Economic Region development programme.

    “We will support what is good for the people, like the development programmes, but will reject negative things for the people,” he said.


  624. there is no need to guess or conclude why the sultan make his decision as such. if you are some few who have mingled with these people will know why. there are more than what you read in the head lines and its content. dap just be wise and take action correctly.i wont blame uncle lim for his action. he has every right, no need to say sorry cos rakyat will not be able to see what lies under every decision that was made by affiliated people who worked with XXXXXX and XX. there are more than a business deal than a simple reason in selecting the MB…..it should be given to dap or pkr. i belive EQUAL POWER on BN(aka barisan niaga) and opposite sides( BS-barisan suara) this will not result in misconduct of anything. both side are equally strong in keeping control of each other. clear and clean in all projects and developement.50 years is enough!the are many dirty linens that the rakyat are not aware…you only know” harga minyak naik, harga komoditi naik tetapi gaji tidak naik..” who sign the permits and holds all your money from taxes??? not BS but BN la.

    all the very best rakyat and leaders…

  625. Very proud of you LKS. Certainly you are a man with great wisdom and humble at heart.

    DAP has always been a democratic party. Fighting for the right and justice of all rakyat.

    LKS, you have done well, being the ears and voices of rakyat. I can see what you wrote in the status above “thanks everyone for their views”. It just shows that you are always with your people and will be with them in good times and in bad times.

    People need to understand sometimes, certain decisions are not easy to make. It is easier for supporters to pass unfair comments without thinking of the consequences. I appeal to those who wish to give unfair comments on LKS decisions, to put yourselves in LKS shoes and ask yourselves what would you do if such a situation arises especially when it involves the Regent decision and other coalition party.

    I trust LKS in all his wisdoms and political experiences he will be able to make the right decision and bring DAP to work harmoniously with PKR and PAS for the betterment of Malaysia.

    Finally, Malaysia for Bangsa Malaysia.

  626. “dawsheng Says:

    March 14th, 2008 at 00: 01.47
    Meanwhile, Uncle Kit and Anwar go drink tea together, where got problem?”
    Yes! What beautiful pictures to behold, better still together with Head of PAS.
    Yes! They need more tea tarik sessions together in light and jovial moods, may be some Mee Rebus & Roti Canai, why not?
    The rakyat will love them. Yeah!!

  627. Hey guys,
    Like it or not, BN are our federal government again. They are without the majority that they’ve enjoyed since the 1970s, but they are still the leaders of this country. And if there’s a time a nation needs to rally behind them, it is now. When I say this, I’m not asking people to support Barisan Nasional, but rather, to give positive input. Instead of just standing by the side of the opposition and laughing ‘ha, ha, you lost’, it is time for us to tell the Federal Government to start doing a good job. If they have learnt a lesson through the past weekend, is they need to start listening.

    Read the rest of my thoughts at

  628. With 16 out of 36 seats it cant amend the state constitution can it?

    And as clearly stated in your artice above:=

    Abdul Hadi said to pass the Hudud law, PAS must have a two-third majority in the State Legislative Assembly.

    Asked whether the Kedah government would ban entertainment outlets that sell liquor, discotheques and gambling outlets, he said PAS would discuss matters related to cultural and religious practices with its partners in the opposition front, namely DAP and Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR).

    Dont you find that the Bernama article is contradicting itself? On one hand it says PAS will implement Hudud laws and on the other it says “PAS would discuss matters related to cultural and religious practices with its partners in the opposition front, namely DAP and Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR).”

    Hmmm……..one wonders…..

  629. Some commentators in this blog have very high regard for Tok Guru Nik Aziz. Some even says that we should believe Tok Guru because he has promised to treat everyone equally.
    But this Nik Aziz is the one who made sexist remarks that discriminate agaisnt women such as:
    1.women who wear skimpy clothes invite rape
    2. women are the main cause of “social ills and moral decadence”.
    3. my faith could be weakened by an exposed navel
    4.Even my faith as a religious teacher can be weakened by watching them [according to context: women who wear revealing clothes, including clothes that expose navel {belly button}”]
    He particularly criticised young women who wore revealing clothes, including blouses that exposed the navel, and said the way they dressed invited men to rape or molest them.


  630. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/963834.stm
    Monday, 9 October, 2000, 14:36 GMT 15:36 UK
    Malaysian minister in rape row

    A Malaysian official is under fire after saying women who wear skimpy clothes invite rape.
    Nik Aziz Nik Mat, chief minister of Kelantan state, also accused women of being the main cause of “social ills and moral decadence”.
    He admitted that even his faith could be weakened by an exposed navel.

    Mr Nik Aziz is a religious teacher and spiritual adviser to the opposition Parti Islam se-Malaysia (PAS) which rules Kelantan and neighbouring Terengganu.

    Malaysian women’s representatives immediately accused Mr Nik Aziz of being out of touch and having no respect for women.

    Mr Nik Aziz made his comments during his weekly religious meeting in the Kelantan state capital, Kota Baru.

    He particularly criticised young women who wore revealing clothes, including blouses that exposed the navel, and said the way they dressed invited men to rape or molest them.

    “Even my faith as a religious teacher can be weakened by watching them,” he was quoted saying.


    Azalina Othman Said, a member of the supreme council of the ruling United Malays National Organisation (Umno), described Mr Nik Aziz as “out of date and narrow-minded”.

    She pointed out that old people and women who covered their entire bodies also got raped.

    Zainah Anwar of the Sisters in Islam Forum Malaysia said men must take responsibility for their own actions.

    “The solution to society’s ills does not lie in the shrouding, segregation and control of women,” she added.

    Ng Yen-yen, of the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA), said Mr Nik Aziz’s statement reflected PAS’s discriminatory attitude against women.

    “[His attitude is] medieval, showing his ignorance against the role of women in modern Malaysia,” she added.

    Mr Nik Aziz has previously said that pretty women should be discouraged from working.

    He has also introduced separate checkouts for female and male customers at supermarkets in Kelantan.

  631. Ya right! And you think Nik Aziz gets fair press coverage without twisting of what he actually says?

    Have you tried to meet the man? Do you know his life style?

    Why is it that our media only highlighted supposed illegal logging in Kelantan but not elsewhere such as Terengganu and Perak?

    Wake up. Dont be too gullible!

  632. kepada YB Lim Kit Siang..

    saya merupakan penyokong kuat pembangkang(kini kerajaan di beberapa negeri)..termasuklah DAP..walaupun saya orang melayu.

    adapun, penyataan YB kemarin amat mengguris hati dan perasaan saya. kerana pada hemat saya,ia menunjukkan biadap pada DYMM Baginda Tuanku Sultan Perak..
    pernyataan maaf tidak cukup..ini perlu disusuli dengan surat rasmi kepada Baginda Tuanku dan YB harus menghadap Tuanku..
    saya tidak berniat mengajar YB tapi demi keharmonian BA dan meredakan kemarahan org2 melayu, saya kira ini penting dilakukan.
    sekian terima kasih..HIDUP BA/BR!!

  633. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/712376.stm
    By Frances Harrison in Terengganu
    The new Islamic government in Malaysia’s north-eastern state of Terengganu has said foreign tourists should be sensitive to the local culture or else steps will have to be taken to keep them in line.

    Tourism is an important source of revenue for the state, and some in the industry fear moves to segregate the sexes and limit the sale of alcohol will scare away visitors who have come to Terengganu for beach holidays.

    Even traditional cultural dance shows have been discouraged by the new Islamic government, which objects to what it calls “the free mixing of the sexes”.

    Alcohol sales to tourists may also become a problem because the government has only authorised eight outlets in the whole state to sell alcohol to both the local Chinese community and tourists.

    According to the state government, foreigners come to Terengganu for the local scenery and natural beauty of its islands and beach resorts, not for alcohol.

    But hotel managers say their guests regard drinking as part of the relaxation of a holiday.

    Islamic policies

    Terengganu is ruled by the Islamic Party, or Parti Islam SeMalaysia (Pas), which also controls neighbouring Kelantan.

    The chief minister of Terengganu, Abdul Hadi Awang, said tourists must bear in mind the sensitivities of local people or else steps would have to be taken to control them.

    Asked if his Islamic policies wouldn’t put off tourists, the chief minister said Iran and Saudi Arabia were still popular tourist destinations despite their Islamic laws.

    Local people who voted for Pas in large numbers say they do not like to see scantily-clad women.

    Female tourists said they felt uncomfortable with people staring at them because they were wearing shorts or sleeveless tops, and one French couple said they were cutting short their trip to Terengganu as a result of the atmosphere.

  634. Do you know what you have just done? You had said no personal attacks and yet you have made personal attacks against Nik Aziz. Double standards yeah?

    Do you know why the chinese and indians who know the man have extremely high regard for him?

  635. I think the thousand views given by the readers have provided enough input for LKS to come to a good decision.

    We have given them the mandate for 5 years and should now give them some space (like 1 year) to produce results.

    Take the experience with the other partners and maybe in the next polls there will be a standard procedure for such power-sharing deals. This time the wins are really unexpected.

  636. http://www.time.com/time/asia/covers/501030310/politics.html
    Nik Aziz Nik Mat doesn’t look like a man out to fundamentally change Malaysia…BUT
    But beyond his down-home charm, Nik Aziz has a sterner message to deliver. Though the majority of Malaysia’s people are Malay Muslims, many others are Chinese and Indian. Nik Aziz, however, wants what is a multiethnic, multireligious country to become a state governed by Islamic law. Under the rigorous dictates of ShariŒa, thieves would have their hands chopped off, adulterers would be executed by stoning and anyone engaging in premarital sex would be lashed. As chief minister of northern Kelantan state and, more importantly, as spiritual leader of Malaysia’s Islamic Party, known by its Malay acronym PAS, Nik Aziz’s voice is impossible to ignore. “Islam is for everybody,” he preaches. “I don’t see any alternative to Islam.” …
    Nevertheless, Islamists today are a more formidable force than they have been for decades. Four years ago, PAS was a marginal player in Malaysian politics, limited mainly to Kelantan. But in the 1999 general elections, PAS took over a second state government, in neighboring Terengganu, and more than tripled the number of seats it held in the national parliament, to 27 out of 193. Even though PAS is unlikely to take power at the federal level, it is now the only serious opposition to long-serving Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad and his political party, the United Malays National Organization (UMNO), and is looking to gain more ground in the next general elections, expected this year.

  637. PAS on its own cannot impose Islamic state on mixed race states such as Selangor,Perak,Penang,Negeri,Melaka,Johor, Sabah and Sarawak unless they pakat with UMNO !

    But not all muslim and malay wants an islamic states ! Easily more than 30% of malay and muslim will oppose

    But majority of non-muslim do not want to be govern by islamic law

    If they impose on non-muslim they are asking for trouble bcos all 40% of non-muslim will revolt and together with say 30% of muslim or malay they will lose in the election.

  638. Shame,shame on Malaysia.Look at America,even a black can run for the post of the President and he is very likely to succeed.What about Malaysia,supposed to be truly ‘Asia’,but there is no fairness and equality.Many things are tainted with race and religion.We may not cry literally.But our hearts are weeping and we are very saddened by what is happening in Perak and Selangor now.

  639. I do believe Uncle LKS, has his reason by doing this…please give him support. All of the non-muslim races are shattering outside if PAS selected to be the MB. If you think from the rakyat side yes we do not care who will be the MB but in LKS side, maybe what he did was just prevent any non-fairness or others bad thing may happen on us in future.

    LKS can’t made the wrong choices now, if he accept and say OK in every bad situation like this, it may force him into a dead pit cause RAKYAT will only know how to blame but not understanding at the end.

  640. DAP is also stronger today. So is PKR. And you think PAS is gonna wipe them out?

    ha ha……..good. As long as we have people like you to remind us, it wont happen.

    But do investigate and do read what you paste. Dont just paste it. And sometimes you need to read between the lines.

    Politicians play games with each other. In this case, its to see who is more islamic. umno or pas. Its all a game to them in order to portray the image of being the protectors of islam, and accuse the other of betraying the true north principles of islam.

    Leave them be. We dont want to become an islamic nation, although bn has declared we are.

    Dont you have a problem with thatd eclaration? Dont you ahve a problem with the brandishing of the kris? And corruption? And the state of our judiciary? Price hikes? AP’s for cars to selected few? High price for Penang second bridge given to UEM so they can mark up and award to the Chinese? etc etc etc?

  641. From the angle of the other stakeholders


    PAS Bukan PARIA?
    March 13, 2008 · 12 Comments
    PAS Bukan PARIA!

    Pinggan tak letak, nasi tak dingin. Kit Siang tak hendak, rakyat tak ingin!.

    Usaha memPARIAkan PAS adalah usaha memPARIAkan rakyat. Jika Lim Kit Siang gagal mengawal emosinya jangan ingat rakyat pun tidak akan gagal mengawal emosi mereka.

    Rakyat Malaysia sudah buktikan bahawa mereka menyanjung usaha meMalaysiakan politik Malaysia tetapi, Lim Kit Siang anak beranak jelas gagal memperjuangkan semangat Malaysia. Jelas, Lim Kit Siang masih melihat Barisan Rakyat masih Cina, Melayu, Cina, India, Cina, lain-lain, Cina, Islam.

    Usaha mencemari bumi Maharajalela dan mengkhianati perjuangan Pasir Salak jelas sekali mencabar rakyat Malaysia.

    Di dalam pemilihan Menteri Besar dibumi tumpahnya darah J.W.W Birch, Sultan Perak berhak membuat pilihan dengan memilih yang Baginda fikirkan terbaik. Dalam hal ini, Tuanku telah memilih seorang Jurutera bertauliah berbanding dengan seorang Bekas Posmen. Baginda tentu mahukan yang terbaik untuk negeri baginda dan rakyat di bawah naungannya. Apakah pembatalan upacara angkat sumpah ini sebagai petanda baginda sudah murka di atas ketiadaan muafakat dikalangan tiga parti yang berlagak mahu bersatu menubuhkan kerajaan.

    Di dalam hal ini, jelas sekali, apapun terjadi, nampaknya kemenangan 8 Mac 2008 kepada rakyat kini tidak lain sekadar menang sorak, kampung tergadai. Terima kasih kepada Lim Kit Siang anak beranak.

    PAS harus berundur dari terlibat menubuhkan kerajaan di negeri Perak. PAS telah banyak berkorban. PAS telah terlalu banyak berkorban. PAS telah mengambil langkah-langkah yang membawa risiko yang amat tinggi dengan melakukan pelbagai pengorbanan ini. Pengorbanan ini akan menghantui PAS di masa depan. Jika Lim Kit Siang anak beranak tidak mau berkorban, maka usahlah PAS memPARIAkan dirinya lagi.

    PAS telah buktikan bahawa PAS adalah parti untuk semua. PAS for ALL. PAS tidak perlu membuktikan apa-apa lagi. PAS harus fokus kepada pentadbiran Kelantan dan Kedah dan biarkan rakyat tidak menyesal mengundi PAS seterusnya berbangga pula dengan pilihan mereka. Kedah sudah di atas landasan yang betul. Kedah tidak mengambil model pemerintahan PAS di Kelantan. Ini bukti bahawa PAS sebuah Parti Politik Moden yang bukan ortodoks.

    Tetapi dalam usaha menjadi sebuah Parti Politik Moden, janganlah PAS di PARIAkan!

    Pengorbanan PAS dengan membenarkan ADUN nya di angkat sebagai Menteri Besar Perak demi penyatuan Barisan Rakyat, nampaknya memalit seribu dusta kepada PAS. Penglibatan PAS dalam kemelut di negeri Perak bukan lagi positif. PAS dengan DAP tidak ada pemuafakatan dan DAP jelas menolak PAS. Mengapa PAS harus korbankan segala-galanya untuk DAP yang tidak sanggup berkorban untuk PAS walau sedetik pun.

    PAS seharusnya mengambil langkah neutral. PAS tidak perlu menyelamatkan DAP jika Kit Siang anak beranak tidak mahu. PAS tidak perlu gadaikan maruah ADUN nya dengan merelakan dia menjadi ketua tanpa pengaruh dalam Barisan Exconya.

    Tanggungjawab PAS sekarang ialah membuat rakyat di Kedah yang berketurunan Cina, India dan Siam bangga menggelarkan diri mereka rakyat Malaysia. Bangga tanpa penindasan dan bangga dengan kebebasan mengamalkan adab budaya dan ajaran agama mereka. Bangga kerana pemerintah melindungi mereka seperti yang termaktub di dalam Perlembagaan Malaysia dan perlembagaan Negeri.

    Sementara itu, Lim Guan Eng perlu bangkit dan sedar, bukan semua yang mengundi DAP di Penang bersetuju dengan ideologi DAP. Sebaliknya mereka mengundi untuk tidak memilih BN, bukan mengundi untuk memilih DAP. Jadi, waspadalah. Waspadalah.

    Kepada Lim Kit Siang dan anaknya, ingatlah, Rakyat Tidak Perlu Takut Kepada Pemerintah, Tetapi Pemerintah Perlu Takut Kepada Rakyat. BN sudah mempelajarinya. Akan tiba masanya Kamu pula akan diajar.

    Rakyat Tidak Perlu Taat Kepada Pemerintah, Pemerintah Hanya Hamba Kepada Rakyat!

    Rakyat hanya perlu taat kepada Penciptanya. Tentu sekali Pencipta itu bukanlah Lim Kit Siang!

  642. nampaknya ada provokater kat sini.
    berita yang dah lapuk tu, jangan dibangkitkan!
    mai kito maju ke hadapan sesama. biarkan wakil wakil kito berbahas sesama sendiri untuk mencapai satu penyelesaian atas isu isu sensitive antara satu sama lain. kito bukan ahli politik.
    let it be…


  643. Is being MB so important? More important than peaceful existence amongst the ppl of Msia?

    The opposition must remember that most of the Chinese in Msia embrace moderate beliefs, especially the urban Chinese. We are unhappy because it is getting more and more difficult to make a living. Profits are razor thin. While we slog and break our backs the UMNO cronies are making tons of money. I once asked a friend how he can agree to accepting less than half of a contract sum when he does all the work and he bears the capital for a project while Messrs.Cronies get more than half while enjoying teh tarik in a posh hotel..my friend smiles and says it is better than no work at all and further he has a lot of workers to feed.

    Simple logic will tell us that the escalated price borned by the Rakyat for the said project could’ve been used to assist poor families irregardless of creed, race and religion. This is what we are fighting against…corruption of mega proportions!! We voted against a corrupt system of patronage, against suppression of our basic human rights and most importantly against injustice.

    What we didn’t bargain for is DAP fighting for a Chinese MB in Perak. If having a Chinese MB in Perak causes unhappiness and tension amongst the Malays then forget about it. It’s not worth it to live in a situation like that. If one day in the future all Malaysians say the MB of Perak is an efficient and fair MB and incidentally he is of Chinese descent then so be it. Having a Chinese MB is not what we voted for if the Malays are unhappy. How long is peace going to last? How soon can real unity be achieved, if ever.

    The same goes for Malay privileges. This is enshrined in the Constitution since independence. It was not amended last week. If Mr.LKS thinks that what we Chinese want is to abolish it then think again. Ask any non Malay citizen who has a strong grasp of our political landscape and he or she will tell you that this is not the time to question Malay privileges. Because now the majority of Malays are not on an equal footing with the other races in Malaysia. The UMNO beneficiaries yes..in fact they have reached the super wealthy categories but not the ordinary Malay Malaysian. If the Malay Malaysians decides one day that OK now we are confident enough we don’t need no privilege anymmore then so be it. But until then we should stop talking about it and go about the process of healing, growing and strengtening Malaysia. This is SENSITIVE. Can’t you guys get it? How can you claim to understand us Chinese Malaysians if you can’t even get the basics right.

    So what do we want? First and foremost PEACE. Peace at home and at work, peace amongst our multi racial colleagues, staffs and partners. We want a united Malaysia where we are Malaysians first and everything else second.

    Next on the wish list is a clean and efficient government. Not a government for a few ppl. Not a government that on the pretext of protecting their respective races screw the Rakyat and drain the country’s resources. We want a just and accountable government of the people and for the people.

    Finally our freedom of religion, culture and speech. I believe I speak for the majority of Malaysians whether those who voted for BN or BR last week.

    So please Mr.LKS, DAP, PKR & PAS start working and show us the way and stop the bickering. No need to organise any celebration. Prove to us you can do a much better job and then we Malaysians will celebrate with you. Remember, 5 years passes at the blink of an eye.

  644. A man who speaks his heart out is a great leader and good politician. Did you guys hear what Chua Jui Meng said about Ong Ka Ting? A politician who don’t speak up is not a good politician.

    Now, this Uncle speaks his heart and mind out AND what he gets after that? Bashing! If he don’t speak his mind and heart out, you guys say What lar, we want you to speak your mind out…

    Dilemma lar… No matter who is incharge, DAP, PKR, PAS, BN (Rubbish party) etc etc… We will never get everybody to be happy.

    You all agree with me? If yes, there’s no more point arguing.. :)

  645. Lee Wang Yen, how can you say such things? You must be a BN person because you dare criticise PAS and Tok Guru Nik Aziz. Don’t you know all the Chinese and Indians in Kelantan all love Tok Guru? Don’t you know that PAS is the best party around? So what if they want to chop of people’s hands? If those people are thieves then they should get their hands chopped off right? So what if they say that women should not work because their husbands might want to have incest or they get tempt their male colleagues? So what if they say that a woman who dresses skimpily is asking to be raped? So what if they say that divorced women are all horny and not good? So what if they say that a rapist cannot be convicted unless it is witnessed by 4 upstanding Muslim men?

    Don’t you know PAS is the best? All those things you are talking about is a result of BN lies. You see, it is all lies. Yes. Whatever bad thing about PAS are lies and whatever good things about PAS is the truth. Shame on you, Lee.. Shame! Shame! For daring to criticise PAS. In Kelantan, they let us build our statues and eat our pork, so we are happy happy happy dhimmis.

  646. highly efficient, professional and transparent. In fact, various MPs even group together to form a GRC (Group Representative Committes) which will normally take on 1 sole Opposition candidate, and so when they win, they win it all. This may be biased, but it shows how unity works! I am not saying that S’pore PAP is perfect, in fact, I have heard a lot of negative things too, but look at S’pore today..eventhough democracy is not so there, but are the people complaining? They freely vote for PAP again and again!

    But I know it is not easy for PAS, DAP and PKR to come together and set a common agenda. PAS and DAP, especially, would have to sacrifice some of their ideologies, more so sensitive when it touches religion. But this has to happen, somehow, someday, else this coalition will never work, or it will just turn into another BN.

    At the end of the day, we just want a government who is effective in handling the economy and security, fair to all races, transparent and non-corrupt and humble to listen to the rakyat’s feedback as much as possible. The events that have been taking place these few days (esp in Perak) just go to show that the BR politics is still so immatured and everyone seems to be power-crazy. Well, I agree that the coalition is still so new and things like this are bound to happen. Perhaps, worse issues could be coming..but pls act fast and smart together, else you will be losing the people’s trust very soon. There could be only one chance to show that an alternative could work..don’t waste it away!

    P/S : Since this is Anwar’s blog, I must say that I hope (and are waiting) to hear your comments on the recent issues in Perak. You are considered the bridge between PAS and DAP to many and I have always respected your views and ideologies ever since you were in PKR. In fact, without your speeches across the nations, I do think the opposition could achieve this today. So, pls do something for what you have been preaching during your campaigns and now. By the way, I had ever thought of returning to Penang to work since I have trust in the PAS PKR government in prospering Penang, but now, I have to think twice. All the best, BR!

    A Malaysian Overseas

  647. I have already told you that I’m a supporter of DAP. I certainly reject the brandishing of keris.
    BN is corrupt and inefficient; PAS’s agenda of Islamic state is dangerous. My rejection of PAS does not make me a supporter of BN

  648. I can see Malaysia is not mature about united. It is still a long way to fight for the day all races united. Uncle Lim i will always support you. Go on your ideal and fight for right of peoples!

  649. That is all politics is all about… Ghost whack Ghost… Hantu pukul Hantu… Kui da Kui…

    We as rakyat just enjoy the show… Free viewing for all! No need pay RM 9 for tickets… Let the show begins!!! :)

  650. Who would u Chose ?

    Fair Islamic Government or Corrupted and an arrogant Govt ?
    This choice need to be exercise only went we are betrayed by PAS and Keadilan

    PAS,Keadilan and Dap need to cling together and next to approach East Msia to build up in forces ie. getting support of Kadazan in Sabah and dayak and Iban from sarawak.

    Perhaps also have to build up women right awareness party to get more women support as they are 52% of the population.

    Go for 2 party system BR v BN n chose based on merits

  651. If directing people to read news clips from BBC and the Times is an attempt to mislead people, then would you please kindly let me know what sources of news are credible? (Note: I’m not saying that BBC and Times are infalliable. They don’t have to be – they just need to be generally reliable)

  652. PAS plays important role for DAP+PKR against BN, while PAS islamic agenda is headache to many, i believe DAP+PKR are working hard on this. i can only hope PAS can make it exception case for perak and perak ppl give PAS a chance, at best.

    if break out with PAS, expect PAS continue against BN, opposition remain 1 third in parliament. (UMNO merge PAS for greater malay?? then other story), at state level, PKR depends on DAP and PAS for selangor (PKR+DAP just half, need 1 more for simple majority), and DAP depends PKR for penang (DAP need 2 more for simple majority), PAS depends PKR for kedah (PAS need 3 more for simple majority), some level of PKR-DAP-PAS co-operation still required. in perak DAP:PRK:PAS = 58:23:19 will require more co-operation. guess anything bad happens in perak will not affect other states. if they can co-operate for 3 states, i think they will continue work hard to get together for perak, they will not simply let it go back to BN. at that time, perak supporters, pls at least try out for 1 term.

  653. In an interview, Abdul Hadi Awang clearly indicates that he would impose his ideology of Islamic State on us.

    The Issue of Islamization seems to be hurting the Alternative Front (AF) alliance. The Democratic Action Party (DAP) always criticizes the PAS on the Islamic issue. Do you think the PAS should slow down on its Islamic program?

    Awang: No. We will not slow down our Islamic program in Terengganu. Regarding the opposition alliance, I had a dialogue with the DAP which is putting pressure on PAS to abandon the idea of the Islamic state.

    The DAP also want us to relax the rules on the gambling premises in Terengganu. I represent the PAS in the dialogue with the DAP and I say there is no way for us to relinquish on this issue. The DAP and the PAS works together within the opposition alliance on issues such as the ISA. But when it comes to the Islamic state issue, we do not give way; this is part of our foundation and this is why we are different from UMNO.

    Part 1

  654. I really hope your apology is genuine. Don’t fall into YB K.C.Ong’s trap. He is just trying to destroy this so called coalition. If you want to fight over such minor thing, how on earth do we expect your party (or the coalition) to govern the state??

    It took lots of effort from lots of people for this amazing feat to happen. Please for heaven’s sake do not spoil it. Where is the spirit of give and take? We have propel ourselves to another level; if you are still in the old level, I think your game is over. It’s high time to step down from active politics and be a good grandfather.

  655. Dear YB LKS,

    I am new to your blog but certainly not new to you and DAP. I am not Chinese but I am not anti Chinese either but rather I am a Malaysian who loves Malaysia above all. Many have shared their piece of mind as surely as a political veteran you know what should be done.

    While I do not believe what the main stream medias have spreading but yet I am very concern about the state of affairs among the BR. I am begging your wisdom not to jeopardise the growing tree of hope planted by the people during the 12th GE. DAP should not worry about the Malays or even Pas as you all have shown that you could work together on common grounds like what you have done in Bersih. There are so much common grounds ample for everyone in BR to work on for the benefit of all. Please listen to the people, I am begging you. The reason why they chosed to divide the seats among DAP-PKR- Pas and not to a single party because they want BR to share and to rejoice together to struggle on a common ground – the well being of Malaysia.

    DAP should not worry or be afraid of being associated with the Malays or other races as well as Pas first and foremost because we are in a multi racial nation where none could live without the other. We should remember that this land is ours together not the Malays alone. Everyone acknowledged the vivid fact that DAP’s victories could be attributed to other races votes. Thus, as seasoned politician you and your colleagues should appreciate the fact. One UMNO veteran stated that Malays who voted for DAP weren’t patriotic but I beg to differ as those who voted DAP were actually heroes who loved this country more than themselves. They could not stand watching BN continuously pillaged the land unchecked.

    Pas’ intention to uphold Islamic laws are actually acknowledged and practised by the BN since Independent through Islamic Family legislations and the Penal Code through Ta’zir. Therefore, other races including Chinese should not fear of such stand. In fact if they were to do so therefore surely Malaysia will be more peaceful as such harsh punishments like amputating the hands will certainly deter right thinking humans from committing offences. Again, one blogger Raja Petra said Pas needs 150 seats to do so but they only contested in 60 seats of which only 23 were won plus even if they contested in 150 seats they would not win every singles seat.

    Thus, once again please listen to the people who have voted BR as the government in 5 states. PLease do not disappoint us with such trivial matter as to whoi should be the MB, in fact it would be noble of DAP to let any Malays to be appointed as MB. This will certainly give credence to DAP as people will see that DAP is there for them and not for positions.

    There’s no shame to eat the humble pie as it will educate us to be humble and serves as a reminder that those in power are there to serve the people not themselves. T o all DAP members, have courage to embrace Pas as equal partners in the struggle to better Malaysia. The past should remain as reminders for us that there are more to lose if we are separated. Again, to YB and all Malaysians in DAP show solidarity for a better Malaysia!

  656. If u r a non-bumi or non-muslim which is less than 40% of the population u have no choice by being a king maker ie either vote for BR (consist of PAS ) or BN.

    At the moment BR is still a better alternative bcos DAP & PKR can counter it.

    Thats the reason why BR need to expand to EAst msia quickly bcos this state people are more moderate

  657. lee wang yen why pour petrol somemore, why bring up all this hudud that hudud, pas needs 2/3 majority of any state to implement huduuuuuud, hai yah almost getting heart attack with all this why you scaring people somemore are you from umno? enough of this bullshit either dap/pkr/pas work together or breakup than can sit down and all cry together, to pas I say, by jumping the gun and being overeager you going to just make yourself unbeleivable to the public, to pkr I say you do this next election you won’t even get the 1 vote in permatang, you will be worse tha 2004, to dap you will always be opposition for the rest of your lives if the coalition does not work because people will be reminded by bn about dap’s credibility with the people when they had a chance they blew it why waste time, to the rest calm down,
    man man, as they say in chinese, let the leaders work it out, if cannot than sei loh, go to opposition and bark there lah what else can do , the rakyat gave them a chance and they are already squabbling, worse than children like spoilt brats, if the state you cannot form a united policy, how to rulle a nation, LKS AND DAP CALL BADAWI MR FLIP FLOP, NOW WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING, ALL THREE CLOWNS, CANT EVEN GET THEIR ACT TOGETHER, WAKE UP LAHHH GOT A LOT OF WORK TO DO DON’T FALL A SLEEP, GET TO WORK, WE THE RAKYAT ARE BOSS AND YOU ARE THE KULI,!

  658. malaysia4all:
    ‘i can only hope PAS can make it exception case for perak and perak ppl give PAS a chance, at best.’

    Abdul Hadi Awang: ‘But when it comes to the Islamic state issue, we do not give way; this is part of our foundation and this is why we are different from UMNO.’


    I’m sorry to disappoint you, Malaysia4all

  659. Lee Wang Yen is another MCA guy. Try to hack LKS for his stupid skying copy-paste information.
    Go to Kelantan and see it yourself. LKS has publish article by Richard Ho regarding the life in Kelantan.
    Do you think PAS can change the whole state with six seat.

  660. PAS leders respect non-Muslims religious perspective? They want to impose their view on Islam on us. Abdul Hadi Awang says that :

    ‘On the issue of Islamization the DAP should not be afraid since the response from the non-Muslims are positive. During the past two years, we have seen the votes of the PAS and the Alternative Front (AF) increased during by-elections. This was due to the support of the non-Muslims.

    We cannot follow the pro-government media, which is against an Islamic state. I realize that those who are anti-Islam are those with western education. The Chinese community read western media and they get a picture of extremist Islam, fundamentalist and all. Most of the Chinese people who are anti-Islamic are those who follow what the western media says. Those with Chinese education and who reads Chinese history can see that from a historical point of view Muslims in China practices Islam and its culture peacefully, and there were no wars between the Al-Mawiyah, Abbasids and the Chinese kingdom. This indicates that Chinese history portrays Islam positively.’

    The problems stems from those with Western education, people of the like of Mahathir Mohamad himself. The ugly picture of Islam portrayed in the Western Media always influences his ideas. Even though he is against the western media, yet his thoughts are based on the principles laid out by western thinkers.

  661. Malaysia should not follow the model of Saudi Arabia and Sudan as proposed by PAS but emulate the best features from the 20 countries with the highest UNDP human development index

    Media Statement
    by Lim Kit Siang

    (Penang, Friday): DAP is most disappointed that PAS Terengganu Mentri Besar, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang is bent on pushing on with efforts to put the Terengganu Syariah Criminal Offences Enactment (Hudud and Qisas) on the state statute books despite strong protests on six grounds against the enactment, viz: that it is:

    Against the Malaysian Constitution;

    Violates human rights;

    Discriminates against women;

    Destroys the 1999 Barisan Alternative Common Manifesto,

    Flouts widespread objections of the civil society; and

    Will put great pressure on UMNO in the unhealthy competition between the two parties to out-Islam and “out-Islamic State” each other.to the great detriment of the orderly development and progress of plural Malaysia.

    When introducing the Terengganu Syariah Criminal Offence (Hudud and Qisas) Bill in the Terengganu State Assembly on 7th July 2002, Hadi had cited Saudi Arabia and Sudan as countries with safe and peaceful societies because of the implementation of the syariah criminal laws.

    Malaysia should not follow the model of Saudi Arabia and Sudan as proposed by PAS but other countries with higher UNDP human development index (HDI).

    In the recently-released Human Development Report 2002 by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Human Development Index for Malaysia had fallen three places to 59th placing as compared to 56th placing in the UNDP Human Development Report 2001. Even then, Malaysia is more favourably placed then Saudi Arabia and Sudan, which are placed in the 71st and 139th positions respectively, as compared to their 68th and 138th placing in 2001 respectively.

    The HDI measures the overall achievements in a country in three basic dimensions of human development – longevity, knowledge and a decent standard of living. It is measured by life expectancy, educational attainment (adult literacy and combined primary, secondary and tertiary enrolment) and adjust income per capita in purchasing power parity (PPP) US dollars. The HDI is a summary, not a comprehensive measure of human development.

    In his dialogue with the Chinese community at Negri Sembilan Chinese Assembly Hall in Seremban last Sunday, Hadi said that in Saudi Arabia which implements the hudud and qisas laws, there were hardly ten criminal cases in the past ten years.

    I have checked the international crime statistics available on the Internet and found that Hadi’s claim is baseless. Interpol publishes sets of international crime statistics every two years since 1950 and every year since 1993. The Interpol website (http://www.interpol.int/Public/Publications/sci/default.asp) gives country statistics relating to major categories of criminal offences brought to the attention of the police in Interpol member countries from 1995-2000, and the statistics for Saudi Arabia are as follows:

    1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
    1. Murder 141 146 138 92 172 147
    2. Sex offences (including rape) 3,262 2,849 968 3,314 7,230 7,856
    2.1 Rape 102 96 106 248 110 30
    3.Serious assault 3,005 3,863 735 35 181 26
    4. Theft (all kinds of theft) 15,268 14,169 7,763 13,568 26,218 33,667
    4.1 Aggravated theft 448 258 – – 835 1,123
    4.1.1 Robbery and violent theft 3 4 – – 47 30
    4.1.2 Breaking and entering – – – – – –
    Theft of motor cars 8,553 7,202 7,922 7,677 11,021 15,896
    Other thefts 6,264 6,705 – – 15,237 16,618
    5. Fraud 161 151 – 87 319 441
    6. Counterfeit currency offences 245 257 – 152 809 764
    7. drug offences 7,303 7,474 7,539 7,736 10,727 12,204
    8. Total number of offences contained in in national crime statistics 29,488 28,992 17,143 25,232 60,722 72,512

    From these statistics, Hadi’s statement in Seremban that there were hardly ten criminal cases in the past ten years were completely wrong, when in the five years from 1995-2000, there were 234,009 or nearly a quarter of a million criminal cases.

    Hadi and other PAS leaders had repeatedly said that the Syariah laws and hudud had long been practised in Saudi Arabia and proved to be effective in maintaining peace and security.

    He said it was only on “rare occasions” that people convicted of offences are punished under hudud, “may be there would be one or two cases in 10 or more years”.

    Hadi said that there was too much public concentration on the punitive aspects, such as the chopping of hands and whipping, which had obscured the “beauty” of the laws, and asserted that “punishment under the hudud law cannot be meted out on the suspect even if there was a 0.01% of doubt”.

    These claims by Hadi are also not verified by facts. The Seventh United Nations Survey on Crime Trends and the Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (http://www.odccp.org/crime_cicp_surveys.html) gives the following data for Saudi Arabia for “Persons convicted in the criminal courts, by type of crime” for the three years from 1998 to 2000:

    1998 1999 2000
    Total convicted for attempting intentional homicide 424 440 616
    major theft 6,623 6,999 6,346

    From these data, the number of people in Saudi Arabia who had been subject to the hudud punishments of amputation of limbs must run at least into tens of thousands – and not “one or two cases in 10 or more years” as claimed by Hadi.

    Amnesty International recorded 90 judicial amputations in Saudi Arabia between 1981 and December 1999, including at least five cases of cross amputation (right hand and left foot), but it said the true number is probably much higher.

    In its 2000 report, Amnesty International said it had recorded 1,163 executions in Saudi Arabia between 1980 and December 1999. The figures indicate a rising trend in the use of the death penalty. The average annual number of executions between 1980 and 1986 was 29. The average between 1987 and December 1999 was 73.

    The Human Rights Watch 2001 Report said that in the first nine months of 2000, at least 104 Saudis and foreigners had been beheaded, “exceeding in nine months the total of 103 that Amnesty International recorded in 1999”.

    The US State Department Human Rights Report 2002 on Saudi Arabia states that the Saudi authorities acknowledged 81 executions during 2001.

    Although Malaysia’s democracy, human rights, rule of law and good governance have deteriorated in significant manner in many important areas, they are still undoubtedly superior to that prevailing in Saudi Arabia – a fact which is unanimously upheld by all international studies and surveys.

    Saudi Arabia’s justice system, where criminal cases are heard in the general sharia (Islamic law) courts, is highly secretive with practices which deny fundamental due-process rights to criminal suspects.

    The system, described by Amnesty International as “Justice system without justice”, perpetuates a wide range of human rights violations – arbitrary arrest and indefinite detention, the incarceration of prisoners of conscience, torture, secret and summary trials, cruel judicial punishments and executions – which are all facilitated by the state’s policy of secrecy and the prohibition of the right to express conscientiously held beliefs.

    In early July, the UNDP released its first Arab Human Development Report, which cited lack of political freedom, discrimination against women and inadequate education systems as having led to a substantial development gap between Arab countries and far poorer regions of the world.

    The report praised Arab countries for significant gains in literacy, an increase in life expectancy of about 15 years and sharp falls in infant mortality in recent decades. Yet in virtually every measurable area of opportunity described by the report as crucial to future growth and development, the Arabs fall short.

    On international measurements of government accountability, civil liberties, political rights and media freedom, Arab countries score lower than any other region in the world. While per capita income exceeds the rest of the developing world, except for Latin America and the Caribbean, only sub-Saharan Africa has had a lower rate of income growth.

    The UNDP concludes that most Arab countries are providing both too little education and the wrong kind, creating “a major mismatch” between what Arab education systems are teaching their youth and the needs of their own labour markets.

    Arab countries have the world’s lowest level of information “connectivity” – the percentage of people who use the Internet and those with access to a personal computer. More than half the Arab women are illiterate and the “utilization of Arab women’s capabilities through political and economic participation remains the lowest in the world, in quantitative terms”, the report said.

    Should Saudi Arabia and the Arab countries, which are richer than they are developed, be the models of development for Malaysia to emulate as advocated by PAS, when the quality of human development enjoyed by Malaysians are by and large very much higher in the country – although Malaysians rightly demand higher standards of political, economic, educational, social, cultural and religious life and attainments so that Malaysia can be ranked among the world’s first 20 instead of among the first 60 nations in the annual UNDP Human Development Index (HDI).

    It would appear that PAS would want Malaysia to be in the company of nations ranked between 70th and 140th placings in the UNDP Human Development Index (presently occupied by Saudi Arabia and Sudan).

    Malaysia should not follow the model of Saudi Arabia and Sudan as proposed by PAS but emulate the best features from the 20 countries with the highest UNDP human development index, namely: Norway, Sweden, Canada, Belgium, Australia, United States, Iceland, Netherlands, Japan, Finland, Switzerland, France, United Kingdom, Denmark, Austria, Luxembourg, Germany, Ireland, New Zealand and Italy.


  662. ANOTHEr THING STOP ALL THE DEMONSTRATION, if it true that dap supporters went to sultan palace to protest this protest that, this is exactly what umno needs, this is how may 13 started fools, badawi needs something to bring umno together and take the pressure of him getting all the blame as what harun did in selangor in 69, now you just gave him ammunation morons

  663. Dear Lee wang Yen
    Thank you for your very informative links but we can argue until the cows come home and we will still be heading no way at the end of the day. Islam is more than 1400 years old lah!
    So, what exactly is your stand ? DAP to pull out of the now loose coalition of 3? Which means handing over the state control to BN?

  664. Dap had 18 out of 59 from Perak, not enough I think to warrant a Chinese MB for Perak since hopefully I am not wrong here, the rest of the seats are held by Malay-dominated parties.
    The Sultan did made the right decision though one should understand all these take time to sink in.

  665. As an alternative party BR we need to give what the people want.
    If people of Kelantan,Kedah, trengganu and perlis wants Islamic state then give them Islamic state ! This is where we call democracy. BR component PAS has strength here !

    At the moment other moderate state will have difficulty accepting PAS islamic state rule, then BR must give the moderate image.BR component PKR and DAP should serve well here.

    Listen to the People and listen to the market, then as a political force BR can succeed !

  666. Has the Perak MB been appointed by the Sultan, of is the matter still held in abeyance??

    It is against the state constitution that three names be presented to the Sultan for him to decide. The sultan does not decide but only acts on advice. Convention requires that he appoints the person who is able to command the confidence of his peers enough to then go and form the exco.

    Any departure from convention may precipitate a constitutional crisis! It may happen now or it may happen later.

  667. Gofortruth,

    The problem is not with Islam per se. I’ve met Islamic scholars from Indonesia (I was involved in research on religion) who had a very progressive view of Islam. These were charming people. The problem is with PAS’ fundamentalistic and medieval interpretation of Islam.

  668. Showing sensitivity and respect among coalition members is very crucial at this stage. Though it’s natural for a party with most wins to ask for more seats, respect and consensus are pivotal in ensuring fair distribution of power among members. In the just concluded election we saw an enormous amount cooperation from all members of different walk of lives. This has to continue for greater success of coalition.
    I have been following the developments in Perak and I think it is necessary for DAP to give at least 2 seats to PKR. Surprisingly PKR excise very matured approach and it’s time for DAP to appreciate their role as well. On the same note one can see Anwar has so far refrain from issuing any open statement that could go either way, which I think is smart move.

  669. Lashky,
    I said in an earlier post that ‘PAS did introduce’ Hudud Law in Terengganu. This claim is accurate.

    According to BBC,
    A state government in Malaysia has approved a bill to bring in Islamic criminal laws, including death by stoning for adultery and cutting off hands and feet for theft.
    The bill on hudud law – the Islamic penal code – was proposed by the government of Terengganu, a rural state in the north-east run by Islamic party PAS.
    The bill was easily passed as PAS (Parti Islam se-Malaysia) has 28 members in the assembly, with only four from the United Malays National Organisation (Umno) which dominates nationally.

    Note that I didn’t claim that the introduced and passed law was implemented.

  670. My analysis why 3 name is submitted is bcos DAP want to push their luck.
    As constituition allow only for a malay and muslim to be MB of Perak, but it also provide for exemption if sultan waive it.

    In addition in order for Perak opposition Govt to form it must have DAP,PKR and PAS seats to offset BN seats.

    Hence it is legitimate to submit 3 names for Sultan consideration in fact the 3 Party Agreed to accept the Sultan’s decision.

    If DAP is sincere to deny PAS, they should support PKR and pull their weight with PKR instead of putting their name in.

    The sultan is not willing to give exemption hence DAP out, thus his choice is either PAS or PKR which have xtra 1 seat only.
    But PAS candidate is more qualify, thus he is chose PAS !

    The sore point why DAP need 8 exco seats ?
    Lets stick to 6 exco seat thats is sufficient to check the situation and this is fair and is proportionate to the ADUN seat it won

  671. Lashky,

    Regarding your observation of the so-calle date descrepancies (8 July, 9July), I think you have mixed up two different news clips (BBC: 8 July; The Strait’s Times Singapore: 9 July).

  672. Dear YB,

    What a big joke! So pitiful for those voters who have voted for DAP. My first question to you, are you a Malaysian? Where is your motto ‘Malaysia Malaysian’? Why should you stir up the situation right now? Do you know that your winning in the 12th GE is the effect of citizen protest to BN, more accurate to AAB.
    First the boycott, as if you’re mocking the royal Sultan decision. Now you demand for 8 DUN seats as it was agreed earlier 6 to DAP 2 for PKR and 2 for PAS. Do you know that your act right now is exactly the same as BN, “cakap tak serupa bikin”.
    Don’t be blind by the greed uncle. If you want to be in the throne for a long time better take it easy. Try to work together and tolerate each other. Show the BN’s that DAP have the heart to compromised regardless the race or religion. Make them wrong. Don’t give them bullets to shoot you back later. We all are Malaysian. We love our country very much. I do believe, if you let your greed effecting your decision then you’ll pay the price later. Stop this nonsense, please. We Malaysian demand CHANGE.

    Power to the people

  673. First of all, I would like to make it clear that I am not a supporter of the Barisan Nasional party nor do I support the opposition. However, I do like some of the ideas which was presented during the manifesto of both the opposition and the ruling party before the general election.
    However, I would like to voice out some of my concerns regarding the
    events which has unfolded since the end of the election last week.

    I seriously cannot believe that the DAP is unsatisfied with the appointment of a PAS candidate as the MB of Perak. Why would they want that after expressing their intentions of wanting to have the majority of the state exco members consisting of their party members?

    This is absurd. It is clearly stated in the constitution of states ruled by the Sultans that the MB must be a Malay. Why couldn’t they obey simple rules like that? By insisting that the MB should be appointed among members of the DAP party, it clearly shows that the lack of respect towards the constitution and the the Sultan of Perak.

    Apart from that, it clearly shows the lack of respect DAP has for the Malays not only in Perak but also the whole of Malaysia. The sheer lack of thinking and planning is seriously inexcusable. Are you trying to raise racial tensions among the people of Perak and the rest of the country?

    Throughout the campaigning period, everything the DAP did and said was laced with racial issues which I seriously think was gibberish. I mean, if you are an opposition party, looking to lead the nation, and help increase the standard of living of the citizens, why would your campaign be focused on the Chinese community alone? Doesn’t the country consist of other ethnicity as well?

    The main function of the ruling government is to serve the whole nation. Not just certain groups of people. This is directed not only towards the DAP, but also MIC, MCA and BN. I seriously think that your campaining tools and mechanisms is in serious need of overhauling. The BN shouldn’t only focus on the Malays. It is evident that during certain campaigns there were slogans of “Memperjuangkan Hak Melayu” being vented around. This I think is inappropriate in a country of multi ethnicity as it may sound a bit racist towards the other races in the country. The DAP and MCA were certainly focused on the Chinese and I don’t think it is necessary for me to explain further on why I say what I say. Just look at their campaign slogans and speeches given during their campaigning days. The same goes for the MIC.

    Whether or not you are the opposition or the ruling government, I really think that it would be appropriate if your manifesto and slogans are designed in a way, so that it would not sound racist if people from other races or nations were to hear or read it. The main functions of the parties is to serve the people of Malaysia. Not just the people of the party they represent. If they continue to do so, I believe that the racial tension among the people would get to a level which could lead to chaos and this I believe, would be the end of Malaysia.

  674. Either quit the coalition state governments or make PAS publicly renounce Islamic State. The second disjunct does not mean that I trust PAS. I suggest the second disjunct because this is the best way to protect DAP from future attacks from UMNO/GERAKAN (who would claim that DAP deceived its voters). If PAS goes back on their words after making public declaration, no one will blame DAP.

  675. Don’t get it wrong !
    Perak is not an islamic state although it has a PAS MB.
    In addition, if DAP gets a simple EXCO majority,rules n policy cannot pass thru without their consent.

    This is good enough to protect the Perak Turf Club, Empat Ekor and Night Club !

  676. Lee Wang Yen is anti Malaysian IS A RACIST AND WORKS PURE AND SIMPLE FOR BN, WHY KEEP POURING PETROL, like I said before Pas needs 2/3 of the state house to implement anything, they cannot introduce hudud, another question to the people of Perak, will now the mufti of perak have to apply for new job, hope so investigate him cukup2 bloody snake create all that problems with rumour mongering
    by the way in canada there is this very funny Indian comedian who likes to ketuk all the asian ethnic races and its so funny, tempers are getting hot here so hear this guy and laugh your heads off and enjoy

  677. What can DAP as a minority party do if it quit BR ?
    Then BN will have a big advantage and can go back to corruption and arrogant.

    DAP need to stay with BR and pull their weight and check PAS n PKR.

    If DAP failed and BR is rule by PAS.

    We Voters still can vote for BN then.

    No need to worry within this 4 yr ,lets see what happen !

  678. Lee WY
    Many thanks.
    DAP has no religious agenda & PAS obviously has. But both also have social eonomic agenda. I’m sure they can find a common line along the social economical path to work together with PKR in also a step at a time.No big leap like what uncle Lim said in Riz Khan’s interview.

    Therefore is it possible for DAP to make a public declaration to such effect to DAP supporters without having the need to drag into DAP’s circle?

  679. It looks rather late to apologise as you had made a unwise statement openly ragardless of what date DAP had made.
    The BN particular the umno had spread rumours that you & DAP are against the ruler of Perak.Gangs & trouble makers had start gather around Ipoh & KK to show you some colours.
    I sincerely hope the police could control the situation.
    Next time,think twice bf making public statements,we knew that you are trying to gain some propoganda from your chinese supporters to show that you are doing your job,but wrong timing,wrong place,wrong issue.
    May god bless you until the new MB swearing in.
    Sleep well.

  680. From what i see BR would lose big going fwd !
    All are greedy,unable to work together and no compromise !

    Despite winning 5 states getting 48% of popular votes, it will be heading hill.

    This is very sad !
    Please buck up !

  681. Please remember this !
    Other than Kelantan .
    All the state majority is very thin !
    U actually cannot govern alone.
    If BR alliance break u will be handing back all the 4 state to BN even b4 the next election.

  682. I am repeating this;

    Menang atau mati Says:

    March 13th, 2008 at 19: 31.07
    Dear paramount leaders of PKR,PAS and DAP,

    Please get it right once and for all.

    Please have a discussion among the 3 top national leaders and also the top state leaders of you 3 three rakyat parties once and for all so that you do not give opportunity to BN to capitalise on this matter.

    Remember, we voted across the racial divide;Malays voted for DAP,non-malays voted for pAS,PKR etc.

    A journey of a thousand miles begin with a single step.

    To take one step forward ,we may have to take 2 small steps backwards.

    Please give and take.

    See the BIG PICTURE – A better tommorrow,Malaysia and one which is a Malaysia for all Malaysians – one without the BN in power.

    One for all,All for one.

    United we stand,divided we fall.

    “Victory or Death”

  683. YB Lim

    I dun care the reason you protest Nizar being the MB or w/e.

    But boycotting is the most childish way to settle a problem. “When the goin gets tough, run away and sulk like an emo baistard cryin the world is unfair”, is that the msg you’re tryin to tell to the rakyat?

    You’ve seen how devastating the act of boycotting when Po Kuan decided to do so before the naming of candidates, I thought you’ve learned your lesson from that, and be fully grateful and remorseful that she’s decided to retract her decision, but alas, I’m disappointed that didn’t ring your bell the moment you opened your mouth declaring that you’d like the whole of DAP to boycott the swearing-in.

    Solve the problem constructively, call for a meeting, have a discussion, make sure the outcome of the discussion is TRULY 100% AGREED by everyone. That is a much more honourable and grown up way of handling this problem.

    Whatever the situation is right now, do please attend the swearing-in ceremony. Period.

  684. I am also repeating this;

    Menang atau mati Says:

    March 13th, 2008 at 19: 38.51

    Guard against bloggers who post messages to incite the Barisan Rakyat parties and leaders to fight against one another!

    Those who do so are actually cronies of BN.They are easily identified.Do not fall for their trick.

    At this time,we should be urging the Rakyat leaders and parties to give and take.

    See the BIG PICTURE!

    PERAK and SELANGOR are actually bonuses for the 3 Barisan Rakyat parties although I never doubted that Penang will be taken.

    Very few expected Perak and Selangor to be won.

    So give and take

  685. The whole Perak MB incident started off with some “clever and ambitious” people announcing the MB would be from PAS.

    This is follow by the other 2 state coalition party leaders who make decision without getting approval from HQ. Something is fishy?

    Both DAP & PKR HQ was shocked with the arrangement as it did not have the mandate of the HQ.

    Why didn’t these state leaders follow the mandate of HQ?

    More surprisingly, they proceed to submit the list of names without approval from HQ.

    Thereafter, problem starts….

  686. Dear YB LKS,
    Thank God you did the right thing at the right moment. My thot on the Perak MB is this – in order for a ‘marriage’ to work, trust must be nurtured as it is d foundation of it. Then u will gain respect and cooperation from others. Remember the old adage: no risk, no gain? A PAS CM will b seen as a figurehead of the State govt. only. There is DAP & PKR in the subsequent 2-3 layers down the heirarchy. So, I believe its OK 2 hv a CM from PAS in this case.

    I m also glad you finally saw d light at d end of the tunnel that, it is crucial you learnt to respect the Sultan’s decision. You’ll need to convince the Sultan tht you r really here to serve d people. Tht’s why he is auditing you to see if you really are with d decision to appoint a PAS CM. Patience is key in this situation.

    Keep up d great work done thus far. You hv my 101% support all d way.

  687. In addition to my repeat postings,I am also saying this;

    Someone who has been posting agressively here fits the profile of being a BN crony;interested only to cause divisions in the Barisan Rakyat.

    He seems interested to instil fear in us for PAS by digging all the old stories about PAS;trying to create in us a distrust for PAS.

    He also seems to have no understanding of what the “BIG PICTURE” is!

    From now on, watch all his postings.

    To throw us off-track,he may sometimes play the good boy by posting messages that we like to hear.

    But his ulterior motive is easily seen.

    “Victory or Death’

  688. Hey i think i got one good comments from a fella who post about this matter:- Oh yeah Menang atau Mati, i am not from BN! :)

    “There is no race issue here with LKS. He’s agreeing to a Malay MB from PKR. So race issue doesn’t arise.
    He’s not uniting the Chinese either. He is just don’t want the BN to exploit the religion issue and says that DAP collaborating with PAS. You can’t expect people to forget immediate PAS Islamic state ideology and DAP worst defeat in 1999 when it aligns with PAS.
    Things need to be proven out. Chinese accept MCA last time although it aligns with UMNO because UMNO has no Islam name in it, it is about race Malay. Chinese can accept race issues, but religion card is very hard for them to dissolve because whatever seen as common practice in Chinese is a sin in Islam.
    So LKS is protecting DAP and PAS from further harassment from BN, it may sound far-fetched, but you can see BN is happy to see DAP not align with PAS, and they won’t have any valid reasons to attack DAP and PAS because they are misalign. Before Perak gov is formed, BN already started the attack. If yesterday LKS didn’t protest, you can see the headline today, “DAP duped Chinese as they back PAS for MB”.
    When PAS MB sworn in and perform and show the Chinese community in 5 years time, PAS is not that extremist as portrayed by BN, and the Perak Chinese can live happily under PAS just like Kelantan, then LKS can proudly announced that DAP can cooperate with PAS effectively.
    For now, he has to draw his line clearly, that he is not supporting PAS that is to show he is true to his words and principles. Or else DAP will abandoned him for MCA and Gerakan and there goes Selangor and Penang. BN is playing so many tricks, issuing statement after statement on racial lines, so LKS has to be on the attack mode to be on the defensive side.
    If he cannot maintain his party, how can you expect him to bring his party for form Barisan Rakyat with PAS when the next election arrives? That’s our ultimate goal, and that cannot be achieve in a day. A step at a time.
    A protest then a gracious acceptance then ultimately an understanding that PAS is not that bad. No race issue here definitely. Religion issues yes, as all the Chinese had with Islam because all common practices of the Chinese (although we know is no good) is a sin in Islam. BN is smart trying to ‘melaga-lagakan’ the opposition.
    Did Harakah condemn LKS yet? Why it didn’t? Anwar has been silent because I believe he will do the same if he is in LKS shoe.
    I rest my case. “

  689. There is one common safeguard in the nature of prudent men, which is a good security for all, but especially for democracies against despots. what do I mean? Mistrust. Keep this, hold to this; preserve this only, and you can never be injured. – Demosthenes

  690. Those who slander me of being a BN crony must check out the facts before making wildly false accusations. If you search the archives you’ll find that I’ve contributed to this blog and those of various other DAP leaders (e.g. Teresa Kok) for a few years. From those comments it is clear that I’m a supporter of DAP.
    If criticising PAS makes me a BN crony, what do you make of Kit Siang’s harsh criticisms of PAS, cited above?

  691. Dear showsomemercy,

    Yes, I am still awake.

    No, I have not paid much detailed attention to your postings ,so you are not profiled.

    Perhaps,I should now -as they say “siapa makan chilli,dia rasa pedas”

    In the last 2 hours or so I was going through the net and reviewing the postings.

    Can you not make a better guess.

  692. With exception to a handful, many bloggers are using this platform to outdo, outperform & outsmart each other….. apa deeeehhhh…

    iTS the bloggers here that argue more than the 3 parties in Perak. People voted them in and the very same also trying so hard here to destroy them cos’ the rakyat head also become so big cos’ they are in ‘Barisan Rakyat’ – finally the Rakyat can claim to be the mother of the winning parties …….


  693. Those who think that we should not criticise PAS for what it and its leaders did and said in 1993, 1999, 2002. 2003. 2004, 2006 etc should ask themselves why they kept mentioning what Abdullah, Koh Tsu Koon, Hishammudin, Kairy, Ong Ka Ting, Samy Vellu, go-back-to-your-country Nor Omar, Bocor MP, close-one-eye MP did and said in the past.
    The reason is simple: one’s past track record is a justified basis of assessing one’s future reliability.

  694. Lee Wang Yen, case closed!!!
    balik tidor, pi make more babies, non-bumis populations are getting lower every year. in future, non-bumis will totally become a minority group and have no say whatsoever… so better hentam more… accidentally!!!


  695. Expedients are for an hour, but principles are for the ages, Just because the rain descend, and the wind blow, we cannot afford to build on the shifting sands. – Henry Ward Beecher

    Goodnight :)

  696. Uncle Kit< Why apologize ? you have done nothing wrong., The way I look at it is since BN did not win the 2/3 majority it is the Sulatans and the Regents now doing the dirty job for them i.e. to cause disarray and infighting within the opposition and distrust against the same by the gullible Mlaysian public. Just don’t fall into the trap ,thread carefully.

  697. We hope for a day when we will no longer be harrased by sexual insinuations, be it in formal (e.g. Parliament) or informal political discourses.

    Our society…

    It reminds me of offensive remarks by those corrupt BN MPs, ‘masuk sikit’, ‘bocor tiap tiap bulan’, etc.

  698. By Common Folk

    “To those who call on Uncle Lim to quit because he is old and other stuff, I will not argue. But before anything else, please read this first and you don’t have to be sentimental….just reading it is enuf;

    Facts from the past:

    Lim Kit Siang nabbed at the airport

    LKS Series # 3

    Dear Sir

    Re: Hello Lim Kit Siang. (28 years old). On 13th May 1969, where art thou?

    The 1969 May 13th racial riots started from the house of the then Menteri Besar, Dato Harun Idris. The house was in Princes Road ( Jalan Raja Muda). Half a kilometre away, at Fook Chuen Mansions, Batu Road ( Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman ) was the office of the then Secretary General of the Democratic Action Party, Mr Goh Hock Guan.*. He was and still is a Chartered Architect and Town Planner practising under the name of M/s Goh Hock Guan and Associates.

    Prior to 13th May 1969, LKS was a political Liliputian. He was the DAP National Organising Secretary and the Editor of The Rocket** then. His first political debut projected to the Malaysian public was his participation in the “ Great Cultural Debate” between the DAP and the Gerakan which took place before the General Elections of 1969. At that point in time Gerakan was in the Opposition. After the 13th May riots, Gerakan joined the Alliance to form the Barisan, until today. The debate was held at the MARA Auditorium which was at Batu Road, Kuala Lumpur.

    When the ethnic riots started on 13th May 1969, LKS was in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. A political novice, untried with no credentials to back him up. He was campaigning for the independent candidates there. Fellow members of the DAP in Petaling Jaya called LKS on the phone asking him not to come back to Kuala Lumpur for his own safety until such a time when things cooled down. (Official fiqures:190 plus, Malaysians killed.)

    LKS in his maiden political quest for justice, freedom, upholding of democracy and an equal right to happiness, dignity and fulfillment in life, was already under the “protective” custody of the KK police. He replied that he “ is going back to Kuala Lumpur immediately and is not afraid to DIE for his political convictions” — all for a better life for all Malaysians. There was no choice. He had to martyr himself. There was no alternative. However, in case his life was spared, LKS was prepared to face any charges that the Alliance Government will bring up and charge against him.


    Flights between East and West Malaysia was suspended. Also at that point in time there was no direct flight between Kuala Lumpur and Kota Kinabalu. LKS took the first flight out of KK to Singapore en route to KL on 15th May 1969. He had to stopover in Singapore.

    When he was in Singapore, he had many friends and supporters to discuss the racial riots and its consequences on opposition members. Anything can happen. There was no guarantee on his safety. LKS was adamant that it was his sacred duty to go back to KL.

    He took the first available flight to Subang International Airport ( now Sultan Abdul Aziz Airport ) on 18th May 1969. He boarded the plane at the Paya Lebar International Airport, Singapore The plane took off for KL.

    While airborne, all of a sudden, LKS found that he was now alone. Alone to face the music. He cannot turn back then, unless of course the pilot turned the plane around. Samuel Taylor Coleridge can describe him as:-

    “Alone alone, all all alone

    Alone on a wide wide sea

    And never a saint took pity on his soul in agony” – in the Rime of the Ancient Mariner.

    Samuel Taylor Coleridge

    The airborne mariner cannot change his mind then. Can he call for help? Call who? Call the CIA?. Call the FBI? Call the KGB?. Call MI 5?. Call OSS?. Call Chin Peng?. Call Chen Tian?. ( there were no mobile phones then)

    Lim Kit Siang believed that he was going to be eliminated. On this last home coming flight, he decided to write a last letter to his wife – a homemaker. He asked his wife to be strong, to expect the EXPECTED and to bring up the four children.***. To LKS, the demise of LKS is NOT important. The Political Future of Malaysians and the Future of Malaysia ARE of Paramount Importance. Malaysia MUST GO ON! The letter was physically handed to the flight stewardess for posting. But it was without a stamp. Until today the letter was not delivered.

    The curfew was on. There were lots of soldiers around the Subang Airport then. They were there guarding the airport and to PROBABLY “welcome” home in a formal reception “ceremony” for Mr Lim Kit Siang. All the soldiers’ SLR rifles were on a horizontal level. Their forefingers were just glazing the side of the trigger, in preparation to shoot at any time.

    The moment of truth had arrived. The stage was set. The grand finale was about to begin. LKS came into the arrival hall. The atmosphere was unexceptionally quiet. Nobody was talking. The silence was deafening. It was tense and solemn because everybody were expecting the arrival of the Yang Berhormat, the DAP MP for Bandar Malacca (now Kota Melaka). LKS was no fugitive. LKS, a young, non violent, non belligerent man, stepped out of the arrival hall. A group of Special Branch Officers and soldiers with their horizontal SLRs “greeted” him. LKS need not hail a taxi for his transport to KL. There were no taxis anyway. There was also NO shooting.


    On his journey to the High Street Police Station, LKS saw for himself the senseless carnage, atrocities, plunder and destruction. Smoke can still be seen from houses which were torched. After a few days of detention in the High Street Police Station, LKS was sent to a Police Station in Kuala Selangor, Selangor.

    Prior to 13-05-69, Dato Dr Ismail (later Tun), left the Government. He joined back the Government immediately after 13-05-69. The first words he said was “Democracy is Dead”. As the Minister of Internal Security, Dato Ismail signed the Detention Order on LKS. LKS was then sent to the Muar Detention Camp. He was entitled to free food and lodging for the next 18 months at taxpayers’ expense. Ironically, Muar was 32 miles away from LKS home. His house is in Batu Pahat, Johore

    The Internal Security Act is an Act of Parliament formulated to suppress the communist insurgency and to arrest the communists at that period of time. Ironically, the PAP’s ( later DAP) Member of Parliament for Bungsar (now Bangsar) , Mr Devan Nair supported the ISA Bill earlier then.****. It is detention without trial.

    While under detention LKS was appointed the 3rd National Secretary General of the DAP (in absentia). There was a vacancy. The appointment was necessary because somebody had disappeared but can be found in another country. He stayed put in that country then. “ I am NO LIM KIT SIANG. If I go back then, all of you will be deprived of a Great Leader”. The vacancy was filled. LKS held the post of National Sec-Gen till 1999.

    LKS could have absconded while in Singapore. ( Singapore was given independence by Malaysia in 1965). He could have asked for political asylum in another country. He could have been an MP in exile. He was and is a true loyal Malaysian Citizen. With guts, he went back to the hornet’s nest – “a river of no return”, says Marilyn Monroe. Sorry. My apologies. He was and is still in one piece. He was never charged in open court then. He will still be around for many years to come.

    “ Cowards die many times before their deaths, the valiant never taste of death but once”—Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare

    Again sorry lah Kit, (as he is fondly known as). We do realise that, the particular effective organ that is part of your anatomy is your gift of the gap – a non lethal instrument. Now we know you are battle hardened. In spite of your tireless, relentless political pursuit, vocal, articulate or otherwise, until today, matters have become from bad to worst. True, “That All Men Are Born Equal” but then some selectives are more equal than others—Abraham Lincoln’s version for 2nd class citizens.

    LKS was again detained, the 2nd time in 1987, (after the 1986 General Election) under the Mahathir Administration. He got free curry lunch, lodging, bed and breakfast again for another 18 months, on the auspicious pleasure of the host — the Barisan Government ala taxpayers. Again no charges were brought against him. Can somebody name me a similar Malaysian likewise?


    Somebody say LKS only NATO ( No action, talk only). If that is the case, let him talk! We like to hear him talk. Why detain him to stop him from talking? You are hitting below the belt. Do you want him to talk on what you like to hear and then stop him from talking on what you don’t like to hear? But at the same time you go on talking and talking on what we don’t like to hear! (Editor: hahah…that’s a good one! )

    Finally, a belated sincere tribute must be made to the powers that be, at that critical, predatory point of time. LKS’s life was spared. The expected was not performed. The expected was unexpected – so to speak! Had LKS, the political apprentice left us to join the happy hunting ground, he will be forgotten. Nobody will raise an eyelid after all:-

    “When beggars die, no comets are seen.

    The heavens blaze forth the marriage of princes” Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare’s

    modern version

    The powers that be was still rational then. Maybe its was mercy.

    “The quality of mercy is not strained

    It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven”

    The Merchant of Venice. William Shakespeare

    So to the players of May the 13th, I am wishing a belated words of thanks. To Whom It May Concern. Thank You Very Much for the fact that we still have LKS around. Say what we like. We argue. We are all still Malaysian Citizens. We are born here. Do you want to deprive LKS of his citizenship like Mr Lim Lean Geok ? By the way LKS is local born and can be classified as a Baba and his wife a Nonya. He is more Malaysian than a bigger number of Malaysians put together!

    Finally, we reiterate that we are all peace loving citizens. Some say we are citizens “by default”. This is subjective and debatable. Supposing we ARE citizens by default, we are still citizens, maybe 2nd class citizens or otherwise.

    To all Malaysian mankind:-

    “He loveth best, who loveth best, both man and bird and beast.

    He loveth well, who loveth well, for all things both great and small

    For the dear God who loveth us, he made and loveth all.”

    Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s moral message to humanity especially to Malaysian humans.

    The writer notes that after the riots of 13th May 1969, the Deputy Prime Minister, Dato Abdul Razak (later Tun) set up The National Operations Council. Parliament was suspended after all “Democracy is Dead”. Looking after this NOC, was Dato Ghazali Shafie (later Tun). 4

    Incidentally, the 3rd man in ranking, in the NOC then, was a slim, serious, handsome, no nonsense looking man – a politically unknown then. He was probably the “executive secretary” of the NOC. He literally commanded the day to day operations of the NOC — hands on. He was already a “Chief Executive Officer” and “Prime Minister” then, way back during 1969. He looked familiar and was identical towards a former school mate of mine from my Alma Mater : Methodist Boys School, Penang. My school mate’s name was and is Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

    Lastly, to all the participants of May the 13th that are not indicted including Lim Kit Siang. All are still executives of liberty, happy, free from all encumbrances and despotic control. All will live happily ever after including LKS.

    * Mr Goh Hock Guan was the 2nd DAP Secretary General (1968 to 13th May 1969). Mr Goh’s sister, Ms Phyllis Goh was an architect undergraduate then and was a college mate of the writer.

    In 1969, the writer was staying above the office of M/s Goh Hock Guan & Associates at Fook Chuen Mansions at Batu Road, Kuala Lumpur. He had a 1st Class ring side seat cum an On Line, Real Time bird’s eye view of the May 13th story.

    ** Lim Kit Siang was the 1st DAP National Organising Secretary and Editor of The Rocket. (1966 to 1969).

    Lim Kit Siang was appointed the 3rd DAP Secretary General (1969 – 1999) – the longest serving DAP Sec Gen.

    *** As at 13th May 1969, Lim Kit Siang has four children then. The eldest is a son 9 years old then. He is Lim Guan Eng, the present day Secretary General of the DAP. An Australian Graduate of Monash University, he is an Accountant by profession.

    The second child is a daughter. She was 7 years as at 13th May 1969. She hold a double degree – in law and in accountancy.

    The third child is also a daughter. She was 6 years old as at 13th May 1969. She is a B.A degree holder.

    The last and fourth child is a son. He was 3 years old as at 13th May 1969. He is a heart specialist. A few years ago, I understand that he was attached to the IJN (Institut Jantung Negara) as a cardiologist.



    PAP is the People’s Action Party of Singapore which was already ruling Singapore in 1964.

    Mr Devan Nair was born in Malacca on the 8th of August 1923. He was the main organizer and founder of the DAP. Naturally he became the 1st Secretary General of the DAP ( 1966 – 1968). He stood as a PAP ( later DAP) candidate in Bungsar in the 1964 General Election. Winning this Bungsar seat, he became the Member of Parliament for PAP in the 1964 – 1969 parliamentary session. From 1981 to 1985 he was appointed the President of Singapore. Dr Chen Man Hin, the present day DAP Life Advisor said “ Without him the DAP may not be born”.

    The writer at 18 years old, campaigned for Mr Devan Nair during 1964 General Election. His son Janadas (now Ph D) recalled the days when he was small boy as at 1964. He remembered an incident when the writer was nearly apprehended by the police when the writer put up a 2nd political banner at the Railway Station KL prior to the 1964 General Elections. The setting up of the 1st banner was earlier accomplished at the flyover, beside the KL Railway Station. The banner says “ Vote PAP – a Non Communist Democratic Socialist Party”. The writer then was able to outwit, out manoeuvre and run away from the police in a busy KL because he was young, agile and was on a portable bicycle!

    Dr Jana (as he is known to me) who is now residing in Canada. He was here on 2006 during the DAP Devan Nair Memorial. We recalled the good old days.

    The writer deliberately put in the names of the literary writers because of requests from the younger readers.


    Watch out for

    1) Dr Lim Kit Siang.

    2) “Lim Kit Siang – 18 months after 13th May 1969” in the coming episodes.

    3) Lim Kit Siang an opportunist and an agent of UMNO?

    Yours truly,”

  699. This is my first time leaving a post here and I just wanted to say we should at least try to see Malaysia’s future in a different light. (Actually, one which we have all been studying in our textbooks and yet not dared to dream it, let alone live it). Malaysia’s races and religion is what makes it unique and potentially its winning factor amongst other neighbouring nations. It should be promoting excellence for all, be it Malay, Chinese or Indian. Agendas on race and religion has been cluttering the efficiency of our political system for far too long. But that doesn’t mean disregarding our race. A good ‘Chinese’ or ‘Indian’ would open many doors for M’sia and the plurality of Malaysia means we are able to respond to many changes and demands from the outside world.

    Malays shouldn’t see Chinese or Indians pain in the back or a threat and vice versa as we are in the same boat, like it or not! We are in for a long haul but I hope Malaysia will in the next 50 years be promoting excellence. Do we really want to see talented Malaysians leaving Malaysia out of ‘race’ and ‘religion’ issues? Do we really want to continue ‘stereotyping’ people, unable to connect properly and communicate real issues because of different skin colours? Perhaps some people will be nodding at that thought. But that is the kind of attitude which is pulling Malaysia down and continues to make Malaysia lose its edge against competition from other nations. We have been wasting so much of our time on these issues. Let it rest and we can start thinking about our economy, our education system, the larger issues of environment and culture.

    Unfortunately and realistically, the thorny ‘race’ issue will not be resolved in a short span of time. I have my admiration of LKS for speaking his mind and responding accordingly. Is he fuelling the racial issue by going against the Sultan for having chosen a PAS MB, when DAP and PKR won the majority of the coalition? I think DAP made an initial mistake of agreeing to the Sultan electing the MB which led to LKS’s rash move of boycotting the swearing in, but not for the wrong reasons. And now PKS are making their sentiments known too. We can see the coalition showing signs of crack which is not totally unexpected as we read the differences in opinions of those who left their voices here. Speaking them out is already a step closer to making it really work. After all, we all learn from our mistakes and given the relative infancy of our political and social system, there are more rooms for mistakes and real growth. The way has just been paved but the real work has only begun. Hopefully people will give the politicians opportunity to heal the differences, create changes where it needs be and not bring up May 13th as a threat. We all want it to work!

  700. So many talk about “Barisan Rakyat”. The expression crept into Malaysian lexicon in period running up to Malaysian 12th General Elections when Opposition Parties (PKR, DAP and PAS) canvassed and rallied support from rakyat against the BN. Barisan Rakyat is People’s coalition to galvanize change for better governance and accountability, and to work towards dislodging of Barisan Nasional in the interest of rakyat by Opposition parties co-operating and ironing out their differences in spite of disparate ideologies.
    But what happens after electoral victory – in Perak for example? Pretty much like the way Stalin’s Russians immediately scrambled to expand the Soviet Empire with Western allies fighting against it by establishment of NATO and erecting of Berlin Wall immediately after and in the wake of their joint collaboration to defeat common enemy, Hitler and destroy Nazism.
    It was not just DAP objecting to PAS’s Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin being sworn in as Perak’s mentri besar : Malaysiakini reported that the main reason for the postponement of the swearing-in ceremony in afternoon of March 13th was due to an objection by the PKR’s Jamaluddin over Nizar’s appointment. It further reported : “PKR also issued a statement threatening to pull out from the state administration on hearing that eight of the 10 executive council posts would go to DAP while the remaining two going to other parties. Originally it is believed that an agreement was made whereby DAP would get six exco posts and two each for PKR and PAS. However, there was a last-minute change where DAP was given eight seats in the exco, while PKR one and PAS one”.
    Where are the much-touted co-operation and ironing out of differences in spite of disparate ideologies expressly or impliedly promised by Opposition parties to rakyat to secure their votes???

    Differences of ideologies notwithstanding, they are just the means and excuse to jostle and leverage for positions as Perak’s developments show. Ultimately it is, as always, still ambition and the drive for personal power and positions that rule the day – the same imperatives that have driven and still drive BN’s politicians to cling to power by whatever means, which are criticized and condemned by counterparts and detractors on the opposite side of the political fence just as susceptible to the same sins.

    Rakyat, you’ve been had!

    It is surreal that we are still talking about the objective of “Barisan Rakyat” and pleading to Opposition leaders to resolve their differences in the interest of Barisan Rakyat’s objectives but do they hear you? One prominent amongst them Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is strangely silent, with customary eloquence lost. I wonder what he is planning or strategizing at this juncture.

    What we have done is to project unto Opposition politicians all our collective frustrations at BN’s mis-governance and hopes for a better future.

    Projection is, in parlance of psychology, a defense mechanism to reduce anxiety and frustrations by ascribing desire or impulse to other people (politicians) who have cleverly tapped on and articulated on these through the magic words “Barisan Rakyat” to score political victories riding on the wave of popular and widespread frustrations which bring them nearer to their personal goals and ambitions for political positions, power, fame and who knows opportunities to wealth – not true?

    What hopes one projects unto others who promise to realise them does not necessarily mean they are serious to think of your interest OK? Get real.

    Talking of politics and politicians of whatever political shades and undertones (generally) I am always reminded of what the actor who later became president said of politics as a profession – “I used to say that politics was the second lowest profession and I have come to know that it bears a great similarity to the first” :) – Ronald Reagan as quoted by The Observer 13th May 1979.

    So as Menang atau mati said Adieu, Sweet dreams! Have a good sleep, don’t worry to much about it, Life goes on.

  701. Dear DAP Perak’s brilliant legends,

    We ( oppositions) are not leading BN by 20 seats to rule Perak. The difference is only 2 seats. Only 2 seats. The moment BN to buy those 2 seats, all this saga will come to an end.

    Therefore, stop dreaming to rule Perak and start get on action. Also, please stop making deals with PAS outside istana kinta, and consult with DAP’s CEC.

    NGEH’s stupidity outside istana kinta had impacted in all this.

    Stop all this drama and get the swearing ceromony done.

  702. Oh by the way what Lee Wang Yen said about PAS’s political potential and overarching threat to Malaysians’ known way of life is pretty real, whether or not one wants to deny it due to this “projection”! PAS will always maintain one consistency that is unswerving – the establishment of the theocratic Islamic state – all other words, means and actions can be inconsistent for so long as they serve this ultimate objective. And you know why? Because they believe it is the objective of the Almighty to which everything else and all other compromises and concessions may be temporarily be conceded for so long as they bring it nearer and nearer to that ultimate divine objective transcendental to everything else.

  703. Will the Sultan appoint a muslim to be advicer even though he is not capable?! Sorry I don’t mean anyone from PAS
    I hope to reminds the sultan of Perak that although Singapore has got a non muslim PM. The muslim Singaporeans still pratice islam and are happy with the goverment.
    Why not the Sultan introduce some basic Islamic religious course to the non muslim? and give them a chance?

  704. So don’t be too harsh on poor Pak Lah that he could’nt fulfill – and in some cases contradicted – his 2004 electoral promises. He is just doing what many other politicians (on both side of the political divide) before him have done and are still doing and will do if provided opportunity and power! At least he couched his promises in picturesque expressions. And (as compared to predecessor Tun Dr Mahathir) allowed a greater public space for democratic discussion and discourse amongst Malaysians focusing on his dis-connect and disjunction between promises on one hand and non-fulfilment on the other other – not to mention the half hearted establishment of two ineffectual royal commission hearings in which expose of “correct, correct correct” and “sound like me look like me but but…” no doubt have contributed in no small measure to massive voters swing to and in favour of Opposition in 12th General Election to bring about a better “balance of power” between politicians at opposite ends

  705. ROAR!!! Before you guys throw everything on Uncle Lim, read RPK site first :


    “In Selangor, Hassan Ali engaged in secret negotiations with Khir Toyo to explore the possibility of PAS forming an alliance with Umno to jointly rule the state. This alliance would of course exclude PKR and DAP who were going to be Menteri Besar and Deputy Menteri Besar respectively. The delay in forming the state government due to the disagreements and the DAP infighting about who should be the Deputy Menteri Besar meant that this would give Hassan and Khir time to come to an agreement. But they could not come to an agreement because both Hassan and Khir wanted to be Menteri Besar and none would back down in favour of the other.”

    And also this site


    To all PAS members and Malays who voted DAP in this general election, pls remember that we, Chinese also voted for PAS. I even throw away my prejudice on PAS to support them yet what are they doing to us!!!!! We gave them a chance to deny Barisan Rakyat in the hope to deny BN 2/3 majority power and yet what PAS doing now!!! Before you guys jump into conclusion that Uncle Lim is making trouble, read RPK and Mat Saman Kati site before you slam anything again in this blog.

  706. Perak sultan is smart to ask the coalition members to sign, so that no FROGs will come out of the well.

    Will it end up with a coalition government between PAS-UMNO-PKR-DAP? Let everyone govern.

  707. Sultan of Perak was a judge. He knows the law. The Regent also learnt from his father. Everything must be black and white as an agreement so that nobody can claim that they disagree with the choice of the Sultan later. Daulat Tuanku.

  708. wow, you guys are really pushing it by insulting the sultan… very smart, i know you guys are mostly pro secularist but this is still an constitutional monarchy. Have some respect la ok. As the days pass i regret more and more the day i X DAP. I am all for the disbandment of the NEP but insulting the royals… thats low.

  709. the true victors of this stupidity is BN… way to go all the work down the damn drain….

    1. gave another reason to the PRO-keris kissing UMNO 1 more reason to hate/fear DAP as they are not only bringing down the NEP (which i am all for it) but now openly insulting their symbol of their heritage, and culture, the royals. Super smart.

    2. Shows the whole malaysia that, BR cant even decide properly on their MB what more if they ever go federal? i love to see the bickering on who becomes PM…..

    If DAP knowing so damn well that they are from the far left side of the political spectrum why even try to make an alliance with a political party from the far right of the political spectrum…. A secular party Vs an Pro Islamic party…. even a moron could tell that will never work…

  710. Wy Lee,

    Ok, you dont like the brandishing of the keris? Your masters wont be happy to hear this!

    Do you know which states use morality police and charge people? It’s not Kelantan or Terengganu. Its Selangor by the way.

    Which state destroys temples that have been around before our constitution was drafted? Not Kelantan or Terengganu.

    Which State Govt has given land for temples when bn govt has denied the request repeatedly? PAS

    Why do we have so many indians and chinese who have been here before independence who still dont have citizenship, while indons who have been here a couple of years can get citizenship. What the heck they can become MB of our most industrialized state and control election results in Sabah!

    Where does body snatching occur? Where does separation of children from their mothers occur? Where do the Lina Joy cases occur?

    Do you know the previous Chief Justice Ahmad Fairuz said Malaysia should implement Syariah law instead of common law, and no one in BN said anything against him.

    All this happened Not in PAS controlled states you know?

    Sure be afraid of PAS. Good for you. Then just make sure they dont get 2/3rds majority.

    But in teh present case in Perak, you need PAS to form the State Govt. Show that there can be cooperation to deliver what the rakyat wants.

    Otherwise we return to BN rule. Thats what you prefer isn’t it? Perhaps some of you and your families benefit from cronyism and dont want to lose the patronage.

    Well good for you. But thats not what the majority of Perakians voted for.

    Learn to respect what Perakians voted for.

  711. That includes YB LKS too! Learn to respect what the voters voted for. Otherwise what you are saying is that DAP prefers to remain an opposition party.

    If thats the case, then so be it, go and remain in the opposition. And also see how long the coalition in other states are going to last.

    And what will the rakyat be left with. Think about it and do what is right. Even if it means swallowing your pride. If you dont do it, you stand to fare very badly in the next GE.

  712. This Perak issue. First DAP caused some delay. Then PKR causing more delay. These 2 delays would give BN more time to buy someone to their side and bingo…..tomorrow, you wouldn’t be surprised to find announcement BN is gonna be the next Perak state government. So who will be blamed for starting all these delays? DAP will. How can a seasoned politician like LKS not know this?

  713. Fram Malaysia-Today:-

    An old saying by Chinese that “it does not matter who becomes the ruler of a country, as long as the rakyat is taken care the ruler is then a good ruler”.

    This was the very reason that we voted out the insensitive Government which did not care for the rakyat last week.

    Malaysians are now more accommodative to multi racial party, and the most celebrated fact was that Malays voted for the notoriously chauvinistic DAP and the Chinese voted for the Islamic party PAS. The trend suggests one thing; racial politics is being eroded and what becomes the public attention is the cost of living, harmonious interaction in the country among races, and other issues which touch upon the daily life across all races. The prevail of this sentiment not only defeated the BN in several states, it also reflected the fact that electorates are now more matured and they want accountability, transparency and growth.

    Malaysians should celebrate the presence of the accommodative neighborhood, which comprises of Malay, Chinese and Indian and other minorities, which have been living harmoniously. They have voted other parties from different race. All these defy the long held and wrongly idolized BN racial system.

    This multiracial system has been born as what the rakyat wants in PRU12, and the politicians voted should behave as what they are required by the rakyat. The mandate given to the politicians are not mandate to profit oneself, or to advance to higher ground, but to serve the rakyat. This include education to all, eradicate poverty, fairer distribution of wealth, meritocracy and at the same time ensure the needy is not left out in the development regardless of race and religion. These were not achieved by the previous administration, and these are the reasons why the oppositions were voted in to check and balance to ensure the realization of these objectives.

    The ability to do better than previous government will surely ensure reelection, or at least we rakyat can witness a two party system which will pose a check and balance born in Malaysia after 50 years of independence. Either way, we the rakyat will benefit from it.

  714. If BN win Perak in the next general election 2013, BN will put a crony malay islam to become MB, i would rather put a pure islamic malay PAS to be MB rather than a liar MB like the type of Khir Toyo who deserved the broom award himself and Mat Deros the istana infamy. PAS MB is very good if he did anything wrong don’t forget the Tok Guru is there to watch his action.

  715. why keep harping on the same issue?
    why want to provoke and prolong it more. what’s done, is done!
    just move forward… unless some of you’re actually a provocateur… that wanted to make this too a bigger issue…

    if you believe in DAP, then you should support it, not kill it!
    40yrs, DAP have been struggling for all malaysian, just because of this, some of you’ve already making a fuss. nobody is born perfect! we do mistake too at times…


  716. Prof Dr. Zulkiflee Mohammed, former Deputy YDP PAS said (1964)

    “(Jawatan-jawatan yang disebutkan) adalah tempat yang subur dengan kuman-kuman yang membawa sengketa kepada kita. Apa yang akan kita buat saudara-saudara diwaktu kita menghadapi ini semua? Yang akan kita buat adalah berpegang kepada keikhlasan iaitu menyucikan tujuan kita kepada perlaksanaan dasar parti dan mengenepikan sebarang kepentingan yang lain dari itu.”

  717. Different views are fine….our country is taking her first step to heal and reconcile decades of narrow, short sighted and damaging politics of race and religion, divide and rule policies and implement true democracy where freedom of speech and media is essential.

    Obviously, there are many who would like to see the continuation of corruption, anthoritarian/dictatorship rule, gross excesses and abuses, increase in crimes, bad leadership and governance of the country and etc.

  718. At this point in the life of the new fledgling BR coalition, there are some realities that we must face and accept:

    1. Even though DAP commands the majority against a combined PAS and PKR, DAP cannot and should NOT provide the MB. No of DUN seats alone is not the measure of a true democracy, at least not the type the BR promised

    2. The Perak MB CANNOT be a non-Malay by constitution; we must respect that ‘social contract.’ That’s part of a healthy BR-type democracy.

    3. The Sultan has the final say, and if the Sultan picks a PAS candidate for MB, so be it! And the rest of us non-Malays must simply RESPECT that! Again, that’s part of a healthy BR-type democracy.

    Thank you, LKS, for your apology. You apologised to His Excellency. Great! What about apologising to the RAKYAT for your unbridled outburst? You think for one moment that those of us who gave you our wholehearted support in GE12 LIKE TO SEE A TUSSLE FOR SEATS, POSTS AND POSITIONS under the mask of ‘democracy’ – when you know that the checks and balances put in place are to protect the special position of the Malays. ACCEPT THAT! When our Malay brethren are ready, they will invite us non-Malays to be whatever we should and can be as defined in our BR-type democracy. It may take another 50 years to achieve but this process has started with the Power of the People on 08 March 08.
    There IS HOPE now when there was NONE before this historic occasion. DON’T DESTROY THIS HOPE. MAKE IT A REALITY.

  719. Dear LIM KIT SIANg…

    You uncle masih ketakutan dgn PAS…you look like a jumud man…
    sedangkn PAS telah berubah menjadi PArti yg begitu pragmatik dan accepted by all race n religiuos…

    At least, respect skit la bcz…PAS telah berkerajaan 18 tahun…

    You br 1 negeri…jgn ego..if you dh 18 tahun perintah Penang…i will respect you…

    Don’t act like a kid berebut gula2…

    shame of you la uncle…

  720. I refer to certain comments saying that “learn to respect voters”. Dear Malaysians, we Perakians only voted candidates from DAP, PKR, and PAS in to become our assemblypersons. All Peraikains also agree to coalition BUT many Perakians do not agree that MB just being selected that way. We Perakians did not vote the MB. By just appointing MB many Perakians feel, this is to fragile to form a state goverment especially at this point in time where all parties are having high hopes to become MB whereby in real democracy and democratic system MB should go the the party having highest number of candidates to form the goverment.

    Now do you guys understand the real meaning of Democracy? We Voters should make a second vote for our Perak MB to stop all this rejection form either party.

  721. Kit !

    becareful, don’t create another May 13 episode. Don’t talk about Malaysian Malaysia if you are trying to destroy it. Kit Siang should step down. You are not relevent anymore as a DAP supremo.

  722. A Minority Government Could End Perak’s Crisis (www.bernama.com)

    DAP, PKR, PAS make up your mind and convince the Sultan that 3 of you can form a STABLE coalition government, or else if the issue of “minority government” crops up and a NEW ELECTION is called, you will give your opponent another chance to win back Perak!!!

  723. I don’t mind who become MB, but social contact are containing some bias factor, no body wants to correct it??? We cannot simply follow the concept that are 50 years ago, we should move on to a fair state where everyone is equal.

    Discrimination = No Human Rights.
    Discrimination = Bias


    I just read a posting by RPK on Malaysia Today entilted:

    Appeal to stop the bickering among the opposition parties

    and I tried to post a reply but could not find a button to register before I could post. So I guess posting it here would also get the message across to him eventually.

    In his posting RPK obviously got loss in his emotions and forgot what he had set out to do when he sat down to pen the article… I did not see “An appeal to….. stop the bickering….” but the entire article seem to focus on putting the blame on certain party.

    The language used by RPK also betray his state of mind:

    However, the results last week proved the propagandists wrong; Malaysians are now more accommodative to multi racial party, and the most celebrated fact was that Malays voted for the notorious chauvinistic DAP and the Chinese voted for the Islamic party PAS.

    See how the highlighted words shows his confusion over an appeal to stop the bickering or is it more of an invitation to the other parties to defend themselves;)

    Another one…

    And if Malay can accept a Chinese as Chief Minister, why can’t the Chinese accept a Malay to become a MB? Further, by voicing to boycott or to disrespect certain race, it contradicts all together the very supports of the rakyat and the objectives of our struggle for just Malaysian for all.

    See how RPK himself sucumbs to his communal mindset without realising it. See how the “boycott” is equated with “disrespect to a certain race?;)

    I wonder if we will ever break out of this cummunalistic mindset if these people who are seemingly “progressive thinking people” fall prey to their own biases….

    My firends… please take heed:

  725. The national leaders from DAP/PKR/PAS need to meet and solve the impasse. But agreement must also come from the elected ADUNs. Otherwise, they can jump ship for RM10 mil.

    I feel, at this hour, the State leaders of the parties shouldn’t issue any statements. Let the national leaders decide and abide by it. Look at things at a broader perspective, at national level. Any baggage not thrashed out will affect the Govs of Penang and Selangor. Then, we will be back in square one. Street protests, rapes, murders, curruption, inflation,….and this list go on.

  726. We have agreed on a marriage of convenience, so let’s close ranks and see if we can make it work. There are agent provocateurs out there from MCA and UMNO Youth who will try to create trouble, confusion, and perhaps even violence, so let’s stop all this bickering and move on. Eventually, people like Wong Chun Wai and Kalimullah will get tired of their usual spin on behalf of their political masters.

    Can we all agree to move on ?

  727. #############################################

    I always think people call DAP a chauvinistic party is very funny,

    For 50 years under BN rules which parties are not chauvinistic???

    UMNO not chauvinistic?
    MCA not chauvinistic?
    MIC not chauvinistic?
    Gerakan already become chinese base Party.

    PAS not not chauvinistic?
    Even PKR also dare not touch case like Lina Joy.

    DAP sure a chauvinistic party!!! but why you dint ask why they become chauvinistic?

    Because :
    If you are not a not chauvinism, why you want to have special rights???
    When you got discriminate policy then you have chauvinistic, when you are not equally treated you have to be chauvinistic to protect your race.

    If you the one who have special privilege and have to protect your own races…and always say social contact this ketuanan melayu that… YOU DON’t QUALIFIES TO SAY THAT DAP IS ACHAUVINISTIC PARTY.



  728. halo mr. Lim Kit Siang…
    sikap you amat membencikan…gila kuasa
    you patut gratefull bila anak you dapat chief minister in penang…
    sekarang you dah keluar tanduk ‘horn’…
    maby you got the vote now, but it just 4 years only…
    now we can see who you are really..

    ‘pigirah lim kit siang’…

  729. I would like to echo the pointed advice given by Keng Yaik to Pak Lah and suggest to Pak Lah to start using his brains and to rely less on his advisers. For example, the accusation levelled at LGuan Eng is a no-brainer, unwarranted and insensitive:

    Quote from malaysiakini:

    “I don’t understand what has it (abolishing the NEP) got to do with marginalising the Malay or the Indian community. I think he is not right, (he’s) going on the wrong facts and trying to provoke (racial) sentiment,” Lim told a press conference after witnessing the swearing-in of 10 of his state excos at the Dewan Sri Pinang today.

    Yesterday, Abdullah expressed his dismay over the plan by the DAP-led state government not to practise the NEP, an affirmative action policy which favours the bumiputeras.

    “Do not marginalise the Malays. I want to ask Lim Guan Eng what are his plans for the Malays in Penang. What are his plans for the Indians in Penang. What are his plans for other minority groups in Penang?” said Abdullah.

    I would like to end by asking Pak Lah in the same vein:

    “Do not marginalise the non-Malay Malaysians. I want to ask Pak Lah what are his plans for the non-Malays in Malaysia. What are his plans for the Indians in Malaysia. What are his plans for other minority groups in Malaysia?” said Endnangerd Hornbill.

  730. Let’s learn from mistakes and move on. DAP should give more Exco seats to other this is certain. Equal sharing to be fair.

    Dont give people like Josceline starts writting tons of RUBBISH in The Star. Learn from mistakes and move on. Better learn now than never.

  731. aznir, please do not threaten people with may13. The malays nowadays are not as stupid as in 1969.

    We don’t mind PAS MB if the sultan requested it, we honour it. But now PKR wants more exco seats, what is this?!

    You call this democracy?

    The people of Perak did not vote for this!

    PKR is singing different tune now. What is meant by the representation doesn’t fit the composition of the people of perak? What is this? We are back to BN concept, PKR / PAS serve the malays, DAP serve the chinese. What happen to the serve the malaysians concept!

    I am very disappointed with what PAS and PKR are doing, shame for malaysians. It is humble enough for Lim Kit Siang to apologise and give away what he had fought for.

    The people of Perak irregardless of race voted DAP for 18 seats, why can’t you people respect that and honour the process of democracy? Sad!

  732. If RPk claimed that DAP is the most chaunvinistic party,he is damn wrong.Actually UMNO is the most chaunvinistic party.Just look at the various policies carried out,the speeches made by its members during their party assembly,parliament sessions,on TV,in newspapers.DAP is and has been fighting chauvinism since its inception in 1967 through the ‘Malaysian Malaysia’ policy.LKS,you have our backing.

  733. YB – I guess you’ve been ‘fighting’ for so long that it has ingrained into a reflex action. If HRH Sultan wants a Muslim MB, go petition for two Deputies, one non-muslim and the other Muslim like what Selangor is trying to do. This way, I believe, all communities will be served in the absence of HRH n the MB.

    The Rakyat have given you, the Opposition, the mandate to bring order back into the chaos created by UMNO and their lapdogs. The Rakyat will take it back in 3-4 years time if you, the Opposition, don’t work together. Trust me, BN will look for opportunities to hold the next elections early to remove you all from Parliment.

  734. Perak sultan is smart to ask the coalition members to sign, so that no FROGs will come out of the well.

    Will it end up with a coalition government between PAS-UMNO-PKR-DAP? Let everyone govern.

    It is time for the federal cabinet to bring in opposition party members as ministers!

  735. citizen Says:
    The people of Perak irregardless of race voted DAP for 18 seats, why can’t you people respect that and honour the process of democracy? Sad!


    The reality is the people of Perak who voted 18 state representatives are DAP supporters who are predominantly Chinese. That this is the REALITY is but the result of the perpetuation of communal politics by the ruling parties.

    Please do not forget the people of Perak includes other races who have feelings and emotions like you and I….

  736. Where got equality and fairness in Malaysia? Some people still have the mindset of the outdated and feudalistic society.Wake up,we are now living in the 21st century and a Black can become the President of America.

  737. I thought peoples so called their self as “new era of Malaysian” or “DAP” will jump into the ideologies that brought by DSAI and PAS and “DAP” itself without compromises since what they has struggled reflected in both parties but sure everything is wrong! . Sure they can’t or never left behind the hatred to the previous gov. I knew LKS will never accept PAS because they afraid the “Islamic” that he knew which is he understand just “potong tangan” without accepting the wonderful of Islam. That’s what he knew under the gov so called “UMNO”. So, to turn everything back to normal or to undo of what UMNO/BN did is really loads to the Barisan Rakyat. So as a humble Kelantanese, I hope our relatives from Perak and all the Barisan Rakyat states, from all the racial not even chinese, things before act. Believe in what you’ve believed, Secure of what we’ve because only Barisan Rakyat this time can bring the changes to Malaysian and Malaysia. We not led the gov for the couples of the day but we led the gov forever. This message is not only to LKS, but to all the chinese or even malays that i noticed flamed the racist issues in Blog. Remember, not all the malay is the UMNO’s but we are the malay that using Islam as a agenda which is clearly proven separated the racial and religions issues but give more to the humanitarian, justice, accountability and faith same as DAP spirit..think about it..

    just my 2 cent.

  738. In this new beginning, everything will not be a smooth start.
    They all decided to meet up and join hands to provide rakyat a new dawn to save this country from BN corruption.
    In any new meet up, things are normally much friendlier and comfort because everyone will compromise each other for some effort in formation.
    As the relationship expended into long term commitment, there will be enough true-self to be reflected.
    As for BR, it’s all about trashing out the old principal beliefs that will cause this relationship to break off and start hearing what rakyat want from them.
    To me, it’s about growing up and make changes to fit todays’ challenges.
    We failed to walk the pace required to face the daily challenge as what have been shown happening to Malaysia for 50 years ….. we just cannot quit believe that we will eventually complete this race as a winner.

  739. Dear Uncle Lim,

    With DAP, PKR and PAS in power, already it’s a lot better than having BN to rule Perak, and that is what our rakyat are looking forward to. Please don’t make it worse by making emotional statement, especially those that will offend our Malay friends.

    As I said, it is already better with DAP in the cabinet, we are very very very happy to see that, regardless of who will become the MB.

    I am a Chinese from Sarawak, I too trust Raja Nazrin, as do most Perakian Malays and non Malays. Thank you very much for heeding our opinions.

  740. Dear Irene,

    Perakians – what, you are a nation by yourself? Penangnites. Kelantanese – what, all these are separate peoples living in separate nations? Look at the bigger picture. We are talking about democracy for a Malaysian Malaysia. We are talking about a BR-type democracy. If and when the BR coalition ever does become the government of Malaysia, there will be enough time for a new definition of democracy that is fair and equitable to all races. At this point, we MUST respect the checks and balances in place, NOT try to overthrow them. All arguements come to nought if we accept that the Sultan’s decision is final. I am Chinese but I do not support that DAP is a party for Chinese and the implication that it needs to ‘look after the Chinese interests.’ That RPK has accused the DAP of being chauvinistic is not without reason as while it champions the non-Malay, especially Chinese, interest and rights, it is pretty silent on Malay interests. Therefore, we Chinese must act to ensure that LKS himself keeps his focus on the BIGGER picture. He has apologised to the Sultan – that means LKS has accepted the checks and balances in place. And that also means he has recognised and accepted, in this case, a manifestation of Malay rights. Let us all think as Malaysians and act as Malaysians, not Perakians or Kelantanese or Penangnites lest we all descend down to the depths of thinking as people of little self-serving racial enclaves. HIDUP RAKAT BERBILANG KAUM!

  741. During the recently completed GE, lots of enlightened and brave people, who are not members of any political party, stuck their necks out by actively convincing their family members, relatives, colleagues, and friends to vote for DAP, PKR, and PAS, in order to deny BN the right to rule a couple of states and to deny BN 2/3 majority at the federal level.

    They did that out of their love for Malaysia – for a fair and progressive Malaysia, where all Malaysians are valued and given equal opportunities to excel and contribute. They were fed up with the arrogance and lousy governance of the BN. They proactively took the initiative and risk to vote for DAP, PKR, and PAS – with the hope that DAP, PKR, and PAS, given the chance to govern, will bring a better tomorrow for all Malaysians.

    Please don’t let these people down. Their family members, relatives, colleagues, and friends are already sneering at them now – “You asked us to vote for the opposition party candidates for a better tomorrow for all Malaysians. O yeah? In less than a week, they are fighting like dogs and cats. Crap! Kena conned!”

    Remember the statements that people used just a week ago (seems a long time ago now), before the voters went to the poll on 08.3.08, “Pak Lah can con you once, but don’t let him con you twice!” and “Once a con, always a con!”

    Hopefully, people don’t have to use these statements on DAP, PKR, and PAS before or during the next GE!

  742. All parties in Malaysia are chauvinistic, some more so than others. DAP included. Amongst the various opposition parties, I like PKR best because they are least amongst the 3. At least for now.

  743. Total democracy is a long and bumpy journey. We do have a democratic system since independence, but everyone is awared that it was jsut a devil in disguised.

    The drama in Perak is perfectly normal. We are in the infant stage in breaking out of the system rooted for half a century. It takes time to grow. The leaders need time to groom, to learn to work with each other with different political beliefs and background.

    So give them the room and space they need. But they need to be clean, honest and dedicated to the rakyat. They have to listen to the voice of the rakyat and respond. They have to admit their mistakes and correct them promptly. They have to bear in mind the importance of racial and religious harmony when crucial policies are made.

    These are the MUST and the LEAST to stay in office for the next term, or else either the individual or the party will be dropped for good. BN has fooled us long enough, the rakyat will not tolerate you infant-BR if you fool around. You are still having our blessings but the clock is also ticking, good luck.

  744. Those mainstream media are all in favor of BN and don’t listen to them. They are all talking bullshit. For example, they call Lim Kit Siang–Si Biadap, and it is from a purportedly national television network, what a shame! Biadap is a very rude word indeed. I wonder why they didn’t use the same word to address Zakaria when they are talking about offending the royalties.( forgive me, I don’t mean to offend a deceased person. I am refering to the time when he is still alive).

    RTM is always talking bullshit. They invite analysts to talk, but the analysts are all talking as if BN is going to win. Might as well just invite an orang utan and it will be more entertaining listening to it bwak bwak bwak. And I believe orang utans are a lot better than those so called analysts.

  745. What a fuss !
    Just sit down and have a close door meeting within the 3 party.
    I believed there will be a way out for a just and fair government.
    We have committed to vote for you and now is the time for you to fulfilled your promise not to give us headache !!!

  746. Dear LKS,

    This is your 1st test, whether you take action and move according to the existing rule. You should not forget the Undang2 Tubuh Negeri Perak. Its a test 4 u whether u can play with rule. PEOPLE WILL RESPECT YOU IF CAN OBEY THE EXISTING RULE. THE HISTORY NEVER CHANGED.

    you should be more PEOPLE ORIENTED , not party oriented.
    you should realise that people swing n vote u, NOT BCOZ OF YOUR IDEALISM, but they just hate the BN.

    you must remember.. if you not consider the people feelings, no wonder in GE13, DAP will lose again.

    We people of islam, malay n PAS, has been too much sacrify our feelings, money, energy to coaliate with you, just to against the cruelism of BN. islam not against having cooperation with non-muslim to against the bad thing.

    R U ISLAMIPHOBIA? you must learn the openness action taken by PAS, and the evolution of PAS. they are lots of professionals, engineers, lawyers, architects, doctors, have joined PAS, not just ustaz2 kampung.

    why r these people choosing PAS? bcos ISLAM and PAS is for all. WE ARE NOT ORTODOX.

    last but not least, again, i stress.. better BE PEOPLE ORIENTED, NOT PARTY ORIENTED.

  747. Dear Mr. Lim

    With all your years of experience as an opposition leader, it is understandable that you react the way you did. But your party together with PAS PKR are in the driving seat. After fifty years
    of struggling, when the rakyat finally summon the courage (despite
    the threat from BN) to boot out Barisan and its cohort in these
    few states and and get it right, you and your people have to shoot yourselves in the foot.
    I have no doubt that you have a desire to see a great Malaysia with all the ideologies of a perfect setting, but maturity takes time and I doubt in our life time we will see that.
    The Malays are sensitives to their needs and you should know that. It is encouraging this time to see them come out in droves despite their reservations about DAP and cast their vote to give DAP a chance to prove itself. Perhaps they are simply too fed up with Umno’s corruptions to throw their vote to DAP. Whatever the reasons may it be, do not throw this away with insensitives remarks and gungho actions to please the chinese community.
    Years of Umno brainwashing to the Malay population that DAP is a Chinese chauvanist party catering for only the Chinese will be proven right if your party would continue with your line of thinking.
    Whatever remarks of changes to be make with reagards to the NEP must be made with a gentler message with strong reassurance to the Malays that some other program will be install to take care of their poor. It is only in this light that DAP will be accepted as a true Malaysian party. You have only one chance. I doubt you will ever get it again if you fail, and the Malays will forever stick to UMNO again, and only God can save us again.

  748. jspt Says:
    My friend just called me that he received a SMS that there will be a demontration by Malays at 3pm today at Penang Komtar. Do not know how true is it.

    It will not be a surprise if it is true. Our Malay brothers have fears just like us. The only thing you can do is do not pass the SMS around to generate more fear. Just sit back and hope common sense will prevail and not lead to any problem.


    We have read through comments here carefully. From our detailed analysis, there are at least a few CONMEN posted their comments here in the hope of causing some chaos and confusions to DAP or BR supporters. These CONMEN could be generally broken down into the following categories:-

    They “look like DAP/BR supporters, sound like DAP/BR supporters” but they had not posted in LKS blog site before especially during GE2008 campaign period to call for support to DAP/BR. They pretended to be DAP/BR supporters that had voted for DAP/BR instead of BN last Saturday.

    They now say that they have TREMENDOUS level of understandings over the parties in Malaysia JUST AFTER A FEW DAYS and that they REGRETTED voting for DAP/BR. They now say that they would vote BN next election in the hope of swaying some genuine DAP/BR supporters ‘CONNABLE’ to vote for BN in next election.

    They “look like DAP/BR supporters, sound like DAP/BR supporters” but they had not posted in LKS blog site before especially during GE2008 campaign period to call for support to DAP/BR. They pretended to be DAP/BR supporters that had voted for DAP/BR instead of BN last Saturday.

    They know DAP, KDR and PAS have their own standings for Perak MB. This type tried to sound like they are very disappointed with some standings and kept EXAGGERATING on their DISAPPOINTMENT. They are in the hope of influencing some genuine DAP/BR supporters ‘CONNABLE’ feel disappointed as well as to vote for BN in next election.

    They “look like DAP/BR supporters, sound like DAP/BR supporters” but they had not posted in LKS blog site before especially during GE2008 campaign period to call for support to DAP/BR. They pretended to be DAP/BR supporters that had voted for DAP/BR instead of BN last Saturday.

    This group is the most cunning type potentially from some UMNO, MCA and GERAKAN elites who now “menganggur” and got nothing much to do as they have lost in the elections. They know DAP and Keadilan would like to exercise higher level of FAIRNESS in some of their new state governments. But this group purposely claimed that their pursuit of TRANSPARENCY and FAIRNESS so NOBLE a level that EXCO members must also include members of UMNO or BN. AND SO ON…

    This group using double standard, picked fault on BR solely based on IDEALISTIC NOBLE PRINCIPLE but not based on past standards demonstrated by BN. They are in the hope of influencing some genuine DAP/BR supporters ‘CONNABLE’ as to vote for BN in next election.

    TO CONMEN: You may be able to con some people all time or you may be able to con all people some time, but you would definitely not be able to con all people all time.

  750. Can anyone please alert LIM GUAN ENG about this rumous of demonstration by Malays at Penang Komtar,3pm today? This is for prevention and further action plan can be taken to overcome this issue. Thks.

  751. Can someone stop usin’ dirty tactics to stir up racial sentiments here? We’re all Msians, there’s nothin’ to worry or fear bout! We might not agree with each other, but we could discuss and sort things out! Pls stop it! Remb what Haris Ibrahim said: Kita semua anak-anak BANGSA MALAYSIA! Tak kira KAUM, semua MANUSIA! Pls respect other races and respect yourselve as a open-minded and civilised Malaysian! United we stand, divided we fall, that’s the only way to we’ve voted out BN!

  752. So its true… no matter who we vote the rakyat will always lose. BN or DAP sama saja. Both power hungry. It was never about the rakyat wasn’t it? And you try to go against the sultanate? The sultanate may be low key in the political arena but a lot of the people love them. And I do believe the King (DYMM Agong) is the last resort & saviour of the people. Remember that DYMM Agong is the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces and only the Armed Forces have the power to topple any tyrannical government by force. And do take note that the Armed Forces’s loyalty is not to the Federal Govt but rather their loyalty lies with DYMM Agong. So since its seems no political party has the rakyat’s best interest in mind I look to the Sultanates to help the rakyat.

    Congratulations DAP! Another voter turned off by your actions.

  753. DAP, PKR, and PAS can agree to disagree, as long as the constant is change, change for the better.

    However, please hammer out your differences on various issues behind closed door and come out with a consensus and a unified stand on the various issues.

    You are a nascent coalition (if in fact there is one, since we only heard of PKR-PAS and PKR-DAP collaborations) in a number of states that you accidently were given the mandate to govern. Yeah, hot potatoes or babies thrown into your laps to look after.

    Please show your maturity and capability to face the challenge. Do not shoot your own feet and keep coming out with vulnerable mistakes and howlers that will haunt you in the next few years!

    Remember, the BN and their machinery are all ready to pounce on you, bitch on your mistakes, and kick your asses.

    If you foul up in the next few years, the voters will terminate you too! “We’ll Be Back!”

  754. You can weed out the conmen by ignoring their comments. The traffic is very bad. An average of about 200-300 comments before GE has jumped to 1K+.

    There are many who are from the opposite camp with different ideals. Just like their BN masters, these ppl hv no principles, no moral and no integrity. Their duty is to create havoc, disunity and cause alarm.

    The BN media is spinning anti-BR stories. If UMNO Youth wants to demonstrate in Komtar, it’s a good thing. I want to see if the Police is really fair in dispersing them like they did to BERSIH and HINDRAF.

  755. Demonstration in Penang..?

    Guan Eng, it is a great chance to show off the tolerance of the state government of Penang for the first time!

    Make sure you send a definite order to those guys in blue uniform, red helmets with batons and shields that tear gas, water cannon and violence cannot be used!!

    Show those keris waving xastards and the world the true meaning of democracy in Malaysia starts from Penang!


  756. LKS,

    Please remember without coalition with PKR & PAS, DAP will never win Malay heart and get Perak !!!!!! We suggest you officially write an apology letter to palace and see the king.

    Think before you speak !!!. Malays in entire Malaysia felt so ‘Hina’ and dissappointed by your statement. Prolonging the situation will coz disaster in DAP for next election to win Malay people heart again.

  757. Uncle Kit,

    Can DAP do a survey to get some feedback from the Malay Community on the NEP issues scientifically ?

    Does DAP have any Performance Measurement ?

    The Corrupted BN have been using KPI (Kronies Performance Indicator) to measure thier performance and they failed !

  758. News Report From Harakahdaily … Hopefully a solution at last

    Upacara angkat sumpah MB Perak bila-bila masa dari sekarang
    Johari Jaafar
    Fri | Mar 14, 08 | 10:07:45 am MYT
    IPOH, 14 Mac (Hrkh) – Ketua Penerangan PAS Perak telah mengesahkan kesemua Adun daripada ketiga-tiga parti politik, DAP, PKR dan PAS telah mencapai kata sepakat untuk bersetuju dengan Ir Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin sebagai Menteri Besar Perak.

    Kata sepakat itu katanya, telah dicapai jam 10.00 malam tadi di Pejabat PAS Negeri Perak setelah penjelasan diberikan kepada Adun KeADILan yang mempertikaikan pencalonan Menteri Besar daripada PAS dan pembahagian kerusi Exco.

    Persetujuan telah dicapai berhubung pembahagian kerusi di mana DAP mendapat 6, KeADILan 3 dan PAS 2.

    Kesemua Adun terbabit telah menandatangani penyataan persetujuan untuk menerima Haji NIzar sebagai Menteri Besar yang baru.

    Selepas kata sepakat dan penyataan persetujuan diambil dari kesemua Adun dari ketiga-tiga parti, wakil-wakil dari DAP, KeADILan dan PAS telah bergegas pergi ke Istana Kinta untuk menyerahkan penyataan persetujuan kepada pihak istana.

    “Upacara angkat sumpah Menteri Besar ke-10 di Istana Kinta akan dibuat pada bila-bila masa dari sekarang,” ujar beliau.

  759. Dear DAP, please remember that the people put you where you are today. I hope I have made the right decision voting for a party that really cares about the people, not their personal party agenda. I DON’T CARE WHO RULES THIS COUNTRY (WHATEVER RACE, RELIGION AND GENDER) as long as he/she is capable of administering justice and root out corruption. Please don’t let success cloud your judgment. Stop championing the rights of certain group of people. Champion the welfare of ALL MALAYSIANS. Take initiative to bridge the gap between races, not tear it further apart – especially TRUST AND TOLERANCE. If you want respect from the people, you need to earn it. You know you can’t force. If you take a step backward (regressing) now, I don’t need to tell you how you will fare in the next election. By the way, I hope to see more “Malaysian faces” in DAP. It’s hard not to perceive that a party is ‘race-based’ when they have so many of one race.

  760. BY LKS,

    I am glad you are humble enough to appologise to the Sultan of Perak. As a leader should also show by example how others should follow.

    To the coalition, May I urge all parties in the fragile coalition in Perak to refrain from focussing on who has more seats, as it was the wishes that whoever in the opposition be given their chance to show what the opposition can do. Remember, Perak had a very narrow win for the opposition. So, please do not argue over trivial matters, and do the right thing to fulfil the wishes of the Rakyat for the state of Perak.

    For the sake of unity among the coalition, we should just accept whoever is the Mentri Besar although DAP had a larger number of state seats won the the 12th GE. That might not remain the same and will depend on the outcome of how the coalition takes the state this 4~5 years.
    Please remember, there are also voters of other races who supported an opposition led government in this GE. So, even if DAP took 18, it may not necessarily means other races were not supportive of the other opposition parties.

    Tolerance is the mark of maturity. Let the goodwill prevail at all times. A leader can only be a leader if he or she is respected and accepted by all.

  761. sejarah hari ini!!! sesuatu yang amat memalukan bagi barisan nasional . harap kan pagar … pagar makan padi… rakyat yang menolak barisan nasional untuk menjadi kerajaan cronies.kita sebagai rakyat yang setia selama ini telah sedar pada hari 08,march,08 yang selama ini kita hidup merana ,tak tentu kan arah dari mandate yang kita beri pada pak lah pada PRU11 yang lepas kerana kita sokong segala dasar dasar BN selama ini tak kira kaum jelata ,agama dan masyarakat jelata…

    Saya harapkan BA kali ini dapat bukti kan yang pergabungan kamu ini dapat yakin kan semua masyarakat yang pilih kamu memerintahkan negeri.Dengar sini kamu ialah kerajaan baru yang akan memerintah kan negeri dari mandate yang di berikan oleh rakyat tak kira bangsa,agama,…. jadi jangan memilih hak siapa yang jadi menteri besar di perak bagi semua yang memilih kamu pada hari itu tidak memikir siapa yang akan memerintah kan negeri tak kira dari DAP/PAS/PKR bagi kita kamu sama saja .Tiada makna kalau gabungan ini tidak dapat di jalankan dengan lancar jikalau antara kamu menolak antara satu sama sendiri.

    Bukti kan pada kami yang kamu dari barisan rakyat dapat menyuarakan dengan suara yang lantang menjaga kebajikan masyarakat tidak kira dari kaum melayu,cina atau pun india dan penghapusan rasuah di kalangan kerajaan dan masyarakat. Manusia kena sayang antara satu sama lain hingga ke ahirat nanti

    We are born in malaysia and will pherish in malaysia… so lets say no power tussel among yourself and please do not forget the “makkal sakthi ” words that we voice out during the recent campaign that has lifted up BA to this level as you as now.

    Don’t forget the mandate that we have voted you .Please heads on future and establish as a new government that can fullfill nation right and amplified our right,voice to other nation from the rest of the world.

    stay harmony..stay happy and face the reality form your government…

    Sesuatu yang amat memalukan jikalau kerajaan di tol

  762. Ok everything is done now! Let’s look forward to a better Malaysia. One thing is for sure there will still be some problems here and there. Let’s help these people up there to make malaysia a better malaysia! :) Go Go Go… Let’s Kick those UMNO people out and of course it cannot be done over night! :)

  763. Enough of kutuk of LKS. He has apologised and that’s the end of it. Close ranks and don’t weaken the party. It is the wish of MCA and UMNO to weaken DAP and some may even infiltrate here as a provocateur.

    PAS Harakah does a good job of disseminating news to its supporters fast and efficiently. DAP should emulate Harakah on this. Looks like news from DAP is dwindling after the election.

  764. In my opinion, the BR should have consulted amongst themselves before submitting the names of the MB hopefuls. I’d prefer a person from PKR, because PAS has already gotten hold of two states. They should not be too greedy.

    It was stessed that PAS have let go of the extreme views. That actually awaits to be seen in the next 4-5 years.

    And it’s amusing to see some Malays (or maybe some non-Malays) saying they regret voting for DAP because they felt “hina”, or something like that. This can’t get anymore foolish.

    Lim Kit Siang (& DAP) was never against the Malays, or Islam. He’s only against the extremist views of PAS and the risk of Islamization of Malaysia.

    I’m sure even (moderate) Muslims in Malaysia hate to live in that kind of oppressive situation, right? Well, I as a non-Muslim would surely do.

  765. ‘Stupid, stupid, stupid’ and ‘Bohong, bohong, bohong’ Nazri Aziz said that “the Malays, especially in the town areas, had become more confident now and felt they could compete with the other races on a level playing field; the educated Malays do not care about Malay rights (ie, NEP) anymore.” – theStar, 14.3.08

    Nazri also said it looked like some Malays felt that the NEP was unfair, and questioned why special rights should be given to the Malays. – theStar, 14.3.08

    Yes, it took a political tsunami for Nazri, the loudmouth dumbo, to realize that the abuse of NEP is now irrelevant to a large number of Malaysians, who believe that NEP should be modified to assist all poor Malaysians.

    NEP should not be abused to assist Malays from cradle to tomb and from one generation to another and another. NEP should not be abused by Umnoputras and their selected cronies to eternally enrich themselves.

    For socially and economically disadvantaged Malays who have rightfully benefited from NEP to become educated professionals, they should be proud and confident to stand on their own two feet and compete with the other races on a level playing field, locally and globally. It’s gratifying to see that they are saying “We have benefited from NEP and no, thank you, we don’t need NEP anymore for ourselves and our children. We can look after ourselves and our children. Let NEP be modified to enable it to assist all economically disadvantaged Malaysians for the good of the nation.” All Malaysians salute them!

  766. May I also suggest that the 3-member coalition form a consultative committee to discuss issues that tend to be sensitive. This would give more credence to the opposition led coalition on it’s sincerity to work for the good of all.

    The confidence of the Rakyat is of paramount importance. This is an aspect of what a just and fair soceity wants. Not a single race should be marginalised.

    Bring back the glories of the old Perak where it once enjoyed. Formulate State Policies that are seen to be fair to all, and Perak can continue to proper. And, do not neglect the needy. That is what the Rakyat is looking forward to.

    To all the ADUN of Perak, we look foward to you, to play that role.

  767. It’s getting out hand here. Come on why bring up all those news. Remember that this 12th GE the people that put DAP on the mantle are not only the DAP supporters but also the PKR and PAS supporters. Even those fence sitters voted OPPOSITION be it DAP, PKR or PAS. So this is not a party based victory but the voice of MALAYSIA that is fedup with the BN. PAS has even issued a statement supporting the Penang CM and it’s lineup.
    “PAS sokong KM dan TKM baru Pulau Pinang
    Mohd Sabri Said
    Fri | Mar 14, 08 | 10:32:25 am MYT
    PULAU PINANG, 14 Mac (Hrkh) – PAS Pulau Pinang menyokong penuh perlantikan Lim Guan Eng sebagai Ketua Menteri, Timbalannya, Mohd Fairuz Khairudin sebagai Timbalan Ketua Menteri 1 dan Profesor Dr. Ramasamy, Timbalan Ketua Menteri ke-2.

    Pesuruhjaya PAS Pulau Pinang, Ustaz Saleh Man berkata, PAS juga bersedia bekerjasama dengan kerajaan baru pimpinan DAP semata-mata mahukan pembangunan dan pembelaan terhadap masyarakat Islam tetap terpelihara.

    Bagi PAS apa yang sesuai dilaksanakan oleh kepimpinan baru itu nanti biarlah memberi impak kebaikan kepada semua rakyat serta jauh berbeza daripada layanan Barisan Nasional (BN) selama ini.

    “PAS ucap syabas kepada kepimpinan baru dan bertekad akan bekerjasama untuk menjayakan hasrat kerajaan untuk masa depan rakyat,” ujarnya ketika dihubungi. – mns ”

    Work together now and and whatever disputes that needs to work out please do it behind close doors. Don’t wash your dirty linens in the public.

  768. Next GE, no more DAP, PKR or PAS. All party shall be merged to become party Barisan Rakyat. No more talking about race and religion. All talk about how do bangsa Malaysia succeed in the era of globalisation.

  769. I hope the news of the settlement is true and things will move on now and everyone is satiafied. Please don’t give us anymore such heart attacking news of stupid post bickering again. Please work as a TEAM.

    In corporate world…TEAM work is very impt and its the value of REAL TEAM work that can move mountains.

    Lets all work together as a TEAM and move forward.

    By the way…I think its good for LKS to ask for an audience with Regent or Sultan to express his apologies to show that he is really sorry to explode in such manners. There is no harm done by doing this.

  770. Upacara angkat sumpah MB Perak bila-bila masa dari sekarang
    Johari Jaafar
    Fri | Mar 14, 08 | 10:07:45 am MYT
    IPOH, 14 Mac (Hrkh) – Ketua Penerangan PAS Perak telah mengesahkan kesemua Adun daripada ketiga-tiga parti politik, DAP, PKR dan PAS telah mencapai kata sepakat untuk bersetuju dengan Ir Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin sebagai Menteri Besar Perak.

    Kata sepakat itu katanya, telah dicapai jam 10.00 malam tadi di Pejabat PAS Negeri Perak setelah penjelasan diberikan kepada Adun KeADILan yang mempertikaikan pencalonan Menteri Besar daripada PAS dan pembahagian kerusi Exco.

    Persetujuan telah dicapai berhubung pembahagian kerusi di mana DAP mendapat 6, KeADILan 3 dan PAS 2.

    Kesemua Adun terbabit telah menandatangani penyataan persetujuan untuk menerima Haji NIzar sebagai Menteri Besar yang baru.

    Selepas kata sepakat dan penyataan persetujuan diambil dari kesemua Adun dari ketiga-tiga parti, wakil-wakil dari DAP, KeADILan dan PAS telah bergegas pergi ke Istana Kinta untuk menyerahkan penyataan persetujuan kepada pihak istana.

    “Upacara angkat sumpah Menteri Besar ke-10 di Istana Kinta akan dibuat pada bila-bila masa dari sekarang,” ujar beliau

    Good news! Lets do it and get on with the business of running the state.

  771. I guess expectations are super high on the Barisan Rakyat after this thumping victory. I pledge to the Rakyat be patient as there is no perfection in everything they do. Help them, assist them as much as you can so that Malaysia will be a better place for all!

    We have accepted rubbish for 50 years, of course we expect some changes will be brought in by the Barisan Rakyat success BUT please dont expect miracles from them as they are neither a Saint or God.

    So sabar ya kawan kawan sekalian… Tanam pokok pun kena tunggu bertahun tahun baru ada buah. Tak mungkin ini hari tanam esok sudah ada buah… :) My Bahasa not bad eh… You know why? Because i am a Malaysian ma! :)

  772. Sorry for little emotional, lkt-56, but it doesn’t matter if DAP is voted mainly by chinese or otherwise, all I know is DAP is for ALL malaysians and I’m all for that ideology. I would prefer DAP to have more influential roles in the state government eventhough MP is taken by PAS and one or two more exco seats is given to PKR if that will work out. I can assure you I definitely don’t want the end results to go back to BN. By all means, just give an take, but in the end it has to be fair to DAP because the fact is DAP has 18 state assembly seats.

    What I’m getting at is, the ground work must be worked out properly so that DAP should have a “say” in future in any of the governance issue, as I trusted DAP is really for all Malaysians.

  773. Dear lim kit siang, stand firm on your view, boycott the swearing ceremony, MB post should belong to DAP, as DAP has won the majority,please do not be too tolerant as MCA, otherwise i swear ,i wont vote for you or any DAP candidates again in the next general election !!!

  774. Dear Administrator,

    U said BN are not transparent……….but u urself is not transparent….Why did u amended my comment….Are u afraid……pls grow up and walk the talk…….No more vote for DAP……U are a bunch of monkeys just like BN

  775. Just for your info I’m a chinese resently staying in Kedah but voted in Penang my hometown. I’ve voted for DAP the last 4 GE and was very happy that finally the vote paid off. The debacle in Perak has been a let down but I sincerely hope that all parties put aside whatever differences aside and work together. Give PAS the benefit of a doubt on the islam agenda. Even in Kedah they are taking a very moderate stand.

    Got his from HARAKAH again.
    Kemenangan BA menuntut persefahaman pakatan yang jitu
    Suhaimi Taib
    Fri | Mar 14, 08 | 11:05:07 am MYT
    Sehari dua ini saya melepak di depan lap top untuk mengikuti perkembangan politik seluruh negara melalui maklumat terkini dari laman web dan blog politik sebagai pengimbang media milik Umno hari ini.

    Kekalutan politik di Perak umpamanya cukup terasa apabila suatu kesefahaman jitu belum terbentuk dalam soal pemilihan Menteri Besar, Timbalan Menteri Besar dan nisbah bilangan exco kerajaan antara DAP, Parti Keadilan Rakyat (KeADILan) dan PAS.

    Terbaru nisbah 6:3:1 satu formula yang dikatakan agak sesuai dengan situasi politik negeri itu. Nisbah itu memperuntukkan DAP mempunyai enam kerusi Exco manakala KeADILan (tiga) dan PAS (satu) di samping jawatan menteri besar miliknya.

    Ramai penulis blog (blogger), memberi saranan agar kepimpinan politik gabungan parti-parti pembangkang yang dikenali sebagai Barisan Alternatif, menghormati keputusan rakyat mengamanahkan mereka sebagai kerajaan dengan berhati-hati ketika bertindak dalam saat genting sekarang.

    Bagi saya, ia suatu memori tidak indah dipahat di landskap politik baru Malaysia apabila kesefahaman dalam soal perlantikan penting terbabit tidak diputuskan selepas perbincangan dan mesyuarat semasak-masaknya dibuat.

    Tidak perlu tergesa-gesa mengadakan majlis mengangkat sumpah sekiranya banyak perkara penting belum selesai di peringkat mesyuarat kepimpinan tertinggi Barisan Alternatif.

    Negara ini mempunyai sejarah tersendiri termasuk sejarah kesultanannya. Semua pihak perlu mengkaji semua perkara itu sebelum membuat sesuatu keputusan yang boleh mengeruhkan hubungan antara kaum dan agama di negara ini.

    Nisbah 6:3:1 suatu yang agak relevan di saat ini. Jika demikian yang sesuai semua pihak perlu menerimanya dengan hati terbuka demi kebaikan rakyat berbilang kaum di Perak.

    Begitu juga dengan pemilihan menteri besar dan timbalan-timbalannya.

    Yang penting ialah kepentingan rakyat Perak perlu dijaga sebaik-baiknya. Jangan keputusan memilih kepimpinan negeri yang tidak kosistent menimbulkan suatu pandangan lain di kalangan rakyat sehingga ia boleh dipergunakan Barisan Nasional (BN) untuk mengapi-ngapi rakyat supaya menolak Barisan Alternatif dalam pilihan raya umum akan datang.

    Biarlah perkara seumpama ini tidak menjadi luka membarah di kalangan kepimpinan dan parti di bawah kelompok pembangkang.

    Ini kerana perjuangan Barisan Alternatif ialah untuk memerangi segala perkara yag menyusahkan rakyat. Yang paling utama ialah memastikan rakyat hidup selesa tanpa rasuah, jenayah, penyelewengan kuasa, kronisme dan nipotisme.

    Pembangunan yang dibuat dan dirancang perlu mengambil kira apakah manfaatnya kepada rakyat terutama golongan miskin di ceruk-ceruk kampung.

    Pembangunan perlu diambil kira keperluannya kepada mengurangkan kadar kemiskinan di kalangan rakyat.

    Bahkan pembangunan hartanah yang dirancang perlulah dimulakan dengan merancang penempatan baru penduduk yang tanah mereka digunakan untuk tujuan tersebut sebelum memulakan projek pembangunan kerajaan bukan membiarkan mereka mencari tempat tinggal sendiri dengan pampasan tidak seberapa.

    Inilah suatu kelemahan perancangan pembangunan ketara dibuat sebelum ini di banyak negeri termasuk Terengganu.

    Adalah diharapkan krisis kepimpinan Barisan Alternatif Perak tidak berlarutan sehingga menyusahkan banyak pihak termasuk pihak istana.

    Dipercayai keputusan memperuntukkan kerusi dipertandingkan dalam pilihan raya sudah dibahagikan dengan sewajarnya dan diperbincangkan dengan sebaiknya. Jangan pula soal perlantikan kepimpinan negeri berlaku sebaliknya.

    Semua aspek perlu diambil kira termasuk Undaang-undang Tubuh Negeri Perak. Soal keutamaan menjaga agama Islam yang penting maka kaum yang bukan beragama Islam perlulah akur dengan undang-undang berkenaan.

    Aspek jumlah kerusi juga perlu diambil kira. Yang mustahak ialah tolak ansur antara parti dalam pakatan Barisan Alternatif akan membuahkan hasil yang baik khususnya untuk kebaikan rakyat negeri Perak. – mr

    I think that the ratio of 6:3:1 is a very good ratio and with PAS willing to take only 1 it shows they are trying to work it out. So I sincerely hope that DAP will do the same and accept the ratio and not ask for 8.

  776. I’m happy they solved this matter last night. Hopefully swearing-in ceremony could be done & Start work!!..

    Sultan Azlan has made a wise decision, Menteri Besar is a government post, not a party post.. whoever served as Menteri Besar is responsible to all including DAP, PKR, Pas, Umno, MCA & MIC members as well as all rakyat.

    Malay/Muslim still have 35 seats (Majority) in DUN Perak, The ruler may have considered that..

    In BN era, the Ruler seems to just folow whatever being decided by Umno.. So, this should be a good sign.

  777. On an unrelated note, here is some good news.

    Raja Nazrin blessed with a baby son


    The Regent of Perak, Raja Dr Nazrin Shah, and the Raja Puan Besar, Tuanku Zara Salim, were blessed with a son today.
    The prince was born at the Damansara Specialist Hospital at 10am, Col Datuk Abdul Rahim Mohamad Nor, private secretary to the Sultan of Perak at Istana Iskandariah, told Bernama.

    Mother and baby are doing fine, he said.

    Let’s put the past 2 days away. A new baby for the Regent of Perak, a new Government for Perak. Start fresh today!

  778. “Before Tuanku could decide, Ahmad Awang jumped the gun and announced that the Menteri Besar will be from PAS. Even the PAS President was caught by surprise. But the damage had been done so all he could do was hold his tongue. PKR knows that PAS Perak has a mind of its own and is practically uncontrollable. The PAS party structure is such that each state is independent, practically autonomous, unlike Umno where the President rules with an iron fist like the true dictator that he is.” Raja Petra kamarudin


    Anyone think RPK lied in his latest article? I don’t think so too. If what RPK wrote in the article is true, how can there be meaningful partnership with PAS, PAS’s Ahmad Awang is even mightier than the Tuanku of Perak.

  779. Hi Guys,

    I posted the following message in Haris’s blog at http://harismibrahim.wordpress.com/2008/03/13/barisan-rakyat-we-the-rakyat-must-lead-the-way/#comments:
    tswern Says:
    March 13, 2008 at 11:02 pm
    I think what Harris said is correct. I did some digging at LKS’s archive.

    To put things into perspective, LKS and DAP got burned very bad in year 1999:


    Anyway, I suppose PAS had put this episode behind?


    Come onlah…. for the sake of the rakyat? Yes, PAS, can we hear from you?

    Other interesting info, LKS proposed merger with PKR in 2004:
    And that idea was SHOT DOWN:

    Note also on Tony’s latest post:

    I say, enough of this LKS bashing. Let us NOT let BN exploit this issue. Although I personally felt that DAP could be a bit short-changed this round, but they MUST KEEP THEIR WORD in supporting PAS candidate as DAP Perak agreed to support the Sultan’s choice.

    Again, acussing DAP to be RACIST in this episode DOES NOT hold water since DAP agreed to have PKR candidate as MB aside from one of their own. We do not know why there is a disconnect between CEC and DAP Perak. But the accusation of being RACIST does not make sense in this current context.

  780. If we succumbed to PAS underhand below the belt tactics, although Perak will still be under the opposition coalition government but eventually it will turned out to be a failed state.

  781. New Straits Times – 6 August 2007:
    Raja Nazrin suggested three ways for effective and sustained nation-building — the first is upholding the Constitution.

    The second, is economic and social justice.

    “The people you work and play with, the friendships you make, must never be constrained by ethnicity. Pre-conceptions, paro-chialism and chauvinism can be eradicated if we interact actively with others of a different ethnic group or religion, even if it is just one teacher, one policeman or one classmate.”

    The third, is good governance and a thriving civil society. “Only those who are capable, responsible and scrupulously honest should be allowed to serve in positions of leadership. Those who are inefficient, incompetent and, most importantly, corrupt, should be held in absolute contempt.”

    It was very important, he added, to have leaders who were earnest in building unity and did not resort to religious or ethnic posturing to further their careers.

    Malaysians of all races and religions need to believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that they have a place under the Malaysian sun. “


    The thoughts and wisdom Raja Nazrin should serve very well as the guiding principles to and reminders for all the opposition parties voted in by the people to form coalition governments in the various states, and subsequently running them.

    The choice of the candidate to be the Perak MB can largely be seen as based on the following principles:
    1. Follow the Constitution, be it State or Federal
    2. Practice meritocracy
    3. Take care of the people’s interest

    DAP can not be seen as opposing these principles, be it in Perak, Selangor or Penang.

    How well the opposition parties work together, no matter how difficult it is, decides on the fate of these parties in the next election.

  782. DAP may compromise to sacrifice in the hope of retaining Perak in the opposition state coalition and in doing so DAP may sacrifice your rights as Perakians which it possible by the ending of DAP’s tenure in Perak, it may have loss more than Perak State.

  783. hi! to all cyber warrior i am in this blog again something has crossed my mind and lets talk about baby food.

    i need opposition to work on this if you are listening.i am myself a regular shopper for baby product especially for my young one and i did noticed that milk powder contain better nutrition for baby brain and physical development are far more expensive then the regular milk powder. Please take not to all reader to my suprised that during a trip to a village in salak tinggi recently i feel so upset cos i have seen some parents could not afford baby milk product with higher nutrition due to the cost and I have seen some infant are feed with a normal milk that from the cans ( teh tarik punya susu dalam tin )

    Please BA please do something about this you need to look into this lets all nation regardless the poor ,rich from city and urban area have a better nutrition for better child development.. Cos the infant are the future..


    Opposition compromises, all systems go in Perak
    Mar 14, 08 12:04pm

    The opposition has successfully averted a disaster after party leaders reached an amicable decision to reallocate the composition of the Perak state executive council posts last night.

    PKR deputy president Dr Syed Husin Ali confirmed that the new composition will be six DAP, three PKR and one PAS to form the 10-person Perak state exco.

    Yesterday, PKR threatened to pull out from the Perak state administration on hearing that eight posts will go to DAP.

    “In the spirit of sincere openness, we stress that the composition of the exco must reflect the composition of the population of Perak and represent the interests of all ethnic groups fairly,” said Syed Husin in a statement yesterday.

    Syed Husin said a PKR senator will also be appointed and all the names will be revealed after the swearing in of the new Perak Menteri Besar Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin from PAS.

    He also revealed that a second deputy MB post will be allocated to PKR.

    He added that the compromise was reached after both Perak and central leaders concluded their discussions last night.

  785. I appeal to all leaders and supporters of the coalition to close rank and let the Sultan to decide on who is the MB.
    Fair or not, we’ve to let aside all our grouses or grievance because our plan is to not to fight for the MB post but to deny the BN goverment of the two third majority.
    Since we’ve achived that, why not we combine our strenght and forces to build up the states economy to prove to the BN that we can do much more better without them.
    Arguing and fighting for the MB post is just like mad for power and that’s what the BN have been doing for all the years.
    When things like this happen, it will be back to square one.
    To some of us chinese, don’t be so stupid and stubborn.
    Datuk Ong Ka Chuan words are just trying to disrupt us so as to make our plans fail.
    Wake up guys!!!

  786. Ladies and gentlemen, just to share with you what i got from http://rockybru.blogspot.com/

    Letter from Tun M.’s son to request AAM to resign!

    12th March 2008

    Dato’ Seri,

    Let me take this opportunity to thank you and the party’s leadership for the faith in me and the chance to contest in Jerlun as a Barisan Nasional candidate. With the blessing and hard work of the party’s leadership and machinery as well as the people of Jerlun, I have won the elections and am now a new Member of Parliament.

    However, sadly enough, my victory is rendered meaningless in view of the defeat that Umno and the Kedah BN suffered in the hands of the opposition. Apart form Kedah, four other states as well as the Federal Territories also received similar humiliation in defeat.

    In fact your own state of Penang was wrested by the DAP from the BN. Kelantan is again under Pas rules. In other states, the BN also suffered a similar humiliation when the level of BN support by the people has tremendously reduced. This, Datuk Seri, has never happened in the history of BN rule.

    The sole intention of my letter to you is meant to save UMNO and BN from being rejected further by the people and from being no longer relevant to our religion, race and nation.

    Dato’ Seri, the people are unhappy and the message from them is very clear, and that is they have rejected you as the nation’s chief executive.

    Contrary to your claim that you still have the support of Umno and other component parties, the reality is that even our own party members had reneged in their voting pattern by supporting the Opposition and inflicting the BN its defeat.

    Dato’ Seri, when the people held street demonstrations you openly dared them to resort to the ballot boxes to demonstrate.

    They took your challenge by coming out, especially tho people in the Peninsular, and they demonstrated their feelings by voting us out at the BN at State and Parliament levels.

    It is therefore clear that your leadership and your handling of the issues faced by the people and the nation are no longer accepted. Let’s not deny the truth just for the sake of keeping your seat as Prime Minister.

    For the love of this country and the people, I beg that you take responsibility for the defeat. We can save UMNO, the BN and the nation only if you relinquish your positions as Prime Minister and the President of UMNO.

    Dato’ Seri, I hope you will understand that I make this plea with the intention of salvaging a very dire situation. A move has been made to woo the BN representatives to join the Opposition. The enemy needs just 35 seats more to topple the government of your leadership.

    If you do not resign in the near future, I fear that the situation will become untenable and that the Malay support for Umno and BN will be a thing of the past.

    This plea I make without malice, and I am aware that your reaction and that of other UMNO members could very well be hostile.

    But come what may, I am prepared, for the sake of the Malays and UMNO, to face the consequences of my action. With all humility, I leave my fate to Allah SWT.

    Dato’ Seri, I am sure that you will do the right thing for the sake of the people and the nation. May Allah SWT bless you for the sacrifice you make by stepping down.


    Yours Sincerely

    Mukhriz Mahathir
    Jerlun Member Parlament

  787. This is your working partner speaking by the way…

    Bukan semua ahli dan penyokong PAS mempunyai kesabaran seperti para pemimpin PAS. Saya orang Mat Sabu, walaupun Mat Sabu tidak memerlukan “orang Mat Sabu”. Mungkin Mat Sabu boleh bersabar malah mungkin juga beliau boleh berunding dengan pemimpin DAP untuk meredakan kebencian mereka terhadap PAS.

    Saya tidak mempunyai kesabaran seperti itu.

    Sudah berpuluh tahun DAP mencetuskan api perkauman dengan perbuatan mereka menghina perjuangan PAS. Kemuncaknya selepas PAS menang banyak kerusi di Kelantan pada pilihan raya 1990. Tidak sedikit pun DAP menghormati hak demokratik PAS untuk memperjuangkan Islam.


  788. One4All4One Says:

    March 13th, 2008 at 23: 33.43
    It is a SAD DAY for peace-loving Malaysians. Especially so when our beloved Sultan of Selangor and Sultan of Perak did not seem to exercise their authority in a manner seen as transcending racial and religious demarcations. No offence intended, strictly no, Your Highnesses. On the contrary it is out of utmost respect that I am doing this as an ordinary citizen of Malaysia, because justice needs to be done and needs to be seen to be done.

    Malaysia is a multiracial and multireligious country. It is born out of plurality. And will remain so for as long as the nation exists. More so in this age of globalisation. Malaysia is our motherland. Any action taken by the leaders would be felt all over the country, its implication and ramification would permeate everywhere, even beyond our shores for the world to see. Its impact would affect the lives of the citizenry, for good or for bad, depending on which divide we belong.

    But it is my fervent hope that there would be no divide between Malaysians as we do not wish to live divided. On the contrary we wish to live united and be known as Malaysians, side by side without barriers of any sort. Without the slightest suspicion of whether we would be differentiated by whatever colour or creed.

    Without unity there would be no hope of everlasting peace. We have been taught to be tolerant and to respect one another’s religion. Our rights have been enshrined in the Constitution. There should be no doubt and suspicion.

    If we are still bound by old thinking and ways, we would not be able to move forward to achieve greater heights and civilisation. And it is time to exercise our wisdom to accomodate the changes which is taking place in the country.

    In the just concluded general election, there are new challenges which arose and need to be addressed with utmost wisdom. I believe our learned Sultans are as concerned as the rakyat.

    The way the rakyat voted, it could be seen that there need to be changes in the way the nation is to be managed. The message is written on the wall for all to see and judge. Malaysians are ready for change, and are demanding that changes be made. We do not vote along racial and religious lines anymore.

    Democracy is very much alive. The citizens are getting more aware of political developments in the country. And they are learning by the day. The internet greatly expose them to fair and untainted reporting. Thus they are more informed and are able to make better judgement. We cannot treat them like they do not know much. They had voiced their sentiment and wishes through the ballot box.

    Sadly missing was affirmative and clear signals on the part of the royalty. Our beloved Regent Of Perak Dr Raja Nazrin Shah, the beacon of hope, who always shines when issues of national importance arose, has to come forward once more to lead the way.
    Please actively participate by asserting your birth-right authority on matters relating to choosing the Menteri Besar. Democratic processes and procedures should take precedence so that any signal which is sent out to the rakyat would indicate that the royalty had been impartial. And without fear or favour.

    General opnion on the ground is that religion should not be that much of a consideration compared to capability and popular votes in a democratic process. An executive is being chosen, not a religious officer. Religious funtions could be performed by religious officers. Let the Menteri Besar and the Duputy MB concentrate on matters of development and building a better state. There is only one nationality in Malaysia, Malaysian that is. And we are not voting along ethnic lines, so that should not be a question.

    Hopefully your Highness would overlook the religious and ethnic requirement in considering the candidates who would manage the affairs of our beloved states. And the rakyat are ready to accept them. They are ready to accept change. Only your intervention would give them the chance to serve.

    Terima Kasih.

    Excerpt from Malaysiakini :

    “The Sultan of Selangor does not need the menteri besar or the deputy menteri besar in matters pertaining to religion and Malay custom,” Prof Abdul Aziz Bari (left), who lectures law at the International Islamic University Malaysia, told Malaysiakini.

    He added that the sultan, being the head of Islamic matters and the Malay adat, is the person in charge of such matters in the state, and not the menteri besar or his deputy.

    Abdul Aziz was referring to media statements made by the Selangor sultan’s private secretary Muhammad Munir Bani on the palace’s “preference” for a Malay deputy menteri besar.

    Yesterday Muhammad Munir denied reports that the sultan wanted “a deputy from a particular race”.

    However, he added the sultan was the religious head for Islam and Malay culture and the mentri besar has the task of assisting in these duties, which would also have to handled by his deputy and as such, it was only proper that a Malay be the deputy mentri besar.
    He added that the sultan, being the head of Islamic matters and the Malay adat, is the person in charge of such matters in the state, and not the menteri besar or his deputy.

    Abdul Aziz was referring to media statements made by the Selangor sultan’s private secretary Muhammad Munir Bani on the palace’s “preference” for a Malay deputy menteri besar.

    Yesterday Muhammad Munir denied reports that the sultan wanted “a deputy from a particular race”.

    However, he added the sultan was the religious head for Islam and Malay culture and the mentri besar has the task of assisting in these duties, which would also have to handled by his deputy and as such, it was only proper that a Malay be the deputy mentri besar.
    Khalid has not named his deputy but it is believed that a Chinese candidate from the DAP, which is second biggest party in the ruling coalition, will fill in that slot.

    Unnecessary and unconstitutional

    Abdul Aziz said that a prolonged delay in the appointment of a deputy menteri besar was unnecessary and might even be unconstitutional.

    “Matters cited by the palace are entirely within the sultan’s jurisdiction,” he said. Abdul Aziz added that this was also the position in eight other states which has sultan or raja. In states without the sultans – Malacca, Penang, Sabah and Sarawak – the gap is filled by the Yang di Pertuan Agong.

    “As the sultan may act on his own discretion on these matters, the constitution provides that a council may be appointed to assist him.

    “This is what is commonly known as religious councils or majlis agama, which looks after the religious department or the jabatan agama. In the other four states and federal territories, the Agong will have the same establishment,” added Abdul Aziz.

    He further stated that in any event that the sultan needs assistance on such matters, he has the state mufti to fall back on.

    “The reason why the constitution put those matters under the sultan’s exclusive jurisdiction is pretty clear; namely history and that it will prevent religion from being politicised.

    “Given this, the reading of the Selangor palace is quite contrary to the spirit of the constitution.

    “In fact, the problem within the Muslim community is that the politicians control the mosques while religious matters are being handled politically at the expense of Islam,” he said.

  789. As shown in several posts, some who disagree with PAS’ agenda of Islamic state urge DAP to set aside differences and work with PAS to consolidate the opposition coalition. The argue that this is the big picture. But may I direct you to a bigger picture, painted by none other than Lim Kit Siang in 2003. In that article he explains why PAS’ AGENDA OF ISLAMIC IS STILL DANGEROUS THOUGH THERE IS NO POSSIBILITY OF IMPLEMENTING IT:

    ‘Although there is no possibility in the next general election that PAS can put its Islamic State blueprint into practice – as the issue in the next general election is still whether it is possible to deny Barisan Nasional its unbroken two-thirds majority in Parliament – the PAS Islamic State blueprint can have far-reaching consequences to change the Malaysian nation as it will ratchet up the UMNO-PAS competition to out-Islam and out-Islamic-State each other to a new and unprecedented level with grave damage to the very fabric of the 46-year social contract and Merdeka Constitution of Malaysia as a secular nation with Islam as the official religion but not an Islamic state, whether ala-PAS or ala-UMNO.’

  790. Sometimes when I read the comments on this blog, I really despair as to the level of understanding and comprehension that some people display. The amount of disinformation that is peddled on this site is quite shocking, especially when several facts are already known. Already in the spate of two days, people have shot their mouths off without thinking.

    One such lie is that the DAP is an anti-Malay/anti-Muslim party because it does not agree to the appointment of an MB from PAS. Since when did PAS have a monopoly on who is a Malay or Muslim? I thought such statements come from the mouths of UMNO people. How is the DAP being anti-Malay and anti-Muslim in this respect, especially when it has supported the appointment of the PKR candidate as MB? Or are these people trying to say that only a PAS candidate can be considered as a Malay/Muslim?

    As much as I have respect for the Raja Dr. Nazrin as a person, I do not see him as sacrosanct. We have, or at least should have, gone far beyond feudal times when daring to express civil dissatisfaction against a royal’s decision would lead to one losing his life. These days, we need not fear the hangman if we were to express our views, but we are still subject to verbal attacks and ad hominem attacks by stormtroopers.

    The fact is that with just six seats, the smallest in this loose coalition, PAS suddenly becomes primus inter pares in the State government.

    Perhaps, the Sultan in his wisdom believes that by giving it to the smallest party, it will foster a greater spirit of cooperation between the three parties. Although they may be the smallest, PAS is the swing factor in this administration. Without PAS, it will not be possible to form a government. So why not make them happy by giving them the premier position but at the same time allocating the majority of ExCo seats to the other larger parties?

    But there is a danger to such a tactic. The Menteri Besar isn’t just a normal position. He or she represents the State government and has certain inherent rights, dignities and privileges. When he speaks, he will speak with the authority of his office. He might not be able to shape the laws as he wishes to according to his party. but there is nought to stop him from using his voice of authority to influence how things are done.

  791. I was about to post – “all is well that will end well”, when someone posted everything is settled.

    It took me 1.5 hours to catch up on the postings and I only left this blog this morning at 4 a.m

    Someone (Adam Ibni…) said it is the calm before the storm.

    I was about to say it is “the storm before the calm”

    Again beware of BN Agent Provocateurs!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thses guys have nothing else to do except to sow discord.

    They are either professionals – paid agents or the unemployed ,now that they have lost the election and their kingdom.


  792. Evenmind, watch your words. Questioning the decision of the Rulers to me is ok. But to question their position is, I should remind you, sedition. Someone please delete this comment.

  793. To many people who ask me
    PAS is dangerous, so what? Do they have 2/3 majority (in Malaysia, Perak, Kedah, Selangor)? Will they have 2/3 majority in the future? (implying that we can make sure that will not happen)

    I would like to say in response that, according to Lim Kit Siang’s article in 2003, PAS’ programmes of Islamic State and Islamisation are dangerous EVEN IF there is no possibility for them to gain enough power to implement them. This is because these programmes will set off a competition between PAS and DAP to out Islam-State each other, thereby undermining our social contract and our nation as a secular democracy.

    That’s the bigger picture that we have to take into account.

  794. After seeing the latest developments in Selangor, you folks out there should appreciate what the Perak royalty has done. They created 2 DCMs and I felt that was very accommodative to everyone already.

    Anyway, my most frank opinion is this. Truly, the most IDEAL form of democracy where fairness and freedom is at its highest level will never ever happen in our beloved Malaysia. This is because we do not have the correct culture to suck it all up. So YB LKS, please don’t have too high a hope that you & your colleagues will ever succeed in preaching democracy to others (esp. Malays) even though I truly can see that your intentions are noble tht it is for the good of all Malaysians. Everyone have their own agenda on democracy and they don’t know the true meaning of it. Sad…sad… (sigh). Everyone is just saying it for the sake of just saying it. Period.

  795. In this PARTICULAR election, PAS did not win any extra seats through their whatever ideology, PKR did not win any extra seats through their whatever ideology,DAP did not win their extra seats through their whatever ideology. It was the rakyat who just want to vote out BN. THAT’S ALL!Voted they did!

    So let no political party claims any credit for it. The extra seats to you are just grace bonuses (even though you did not deserve it, the rakyat gave to you anyway). The rakyat also diliver into your hand the bonus of bonuses, the state government.

    I hope PKR, DAP & PKR can see it and quickly share these bonuses EQUALLY (I say it again, none of you earned this bonus through your effort, it was given freely to you 3 as a gift so that you have a good start to prepare yourselves for the next election).
    More importantly quickly get behind closed door to formulate a workable pack together and announce it to the rakyat.

    I think all of us should move away from this & let the 3 heads do their job. Let us focus on what’s going on over the BN side. They say attack the enemy when they are at the weakest moment. Don’t you agree they are weakest now? Why are you still wasting so much time infighting (those DAP demonstrators fighting for someone to be deputy MB, please grow up!) and let BN slips away. Who is stupid?

  796. Erratum:
    ‘This is because these programmes will set off a competition between PAS and DAP to out Islam-State each other’,

    should have been

    ‘…between PAS and UMNO to out Islam-State each other’

    I’m sorry for the terrible slip-up

  797. MR LKS Mesti berwaspada apabila membuat seseatu kenyataan,
    DAP mesti berfikir untuk meletak calon melayu untuk bertanding
    Apa yang saya dapat lihat contohnya di Pulau Pinang, Banyak orang Melayu telah beralih arah menyokong DAP. Ini adalah satu angin peralihan dan DAP patut berfikir jika banyak sokongan yang diterima, maka agenda DAP yang ada patut diubah / disuaikan untuk semua kaum. Jangan lagi bangkit untuk bercakap pasal soal kaum cina sahaja, sebaliknya , cakaplah untuk rakyat malaysia.
    Pada masa sekarang rakyat secara keseluruhannya masih tidak dapat menyokong DAP sepenuhnya, kerana agenda yang tersirat dan tersurat masih menjauhkan rakyar khususnya orang melayu.

  798. Speaking of Tun’s son asking Pak lah to step down. Who do you guys think can lead Malaysia?
    Who are the candidates waiting to step into his shoe?

    Najib? – Do we want him?
    Hishamudin? – Again, Do we want him?

    Ku Li? Is he even in Umno and even he is I think he is too old

    Who else?



    I think Malaysia don’t have much choices.

  799. evenmind, don’t go overboard…
    remember rukun negara… taat setia pada raja dan negara!
    kito patut bekerjo samo samo…

    unless, you ni kaki provokater yang sengaja nak buat hal kat blog LKS… everybody here know the rules!

  800. Hey,what can’t we drop the issue of religion in politic and also no racist politic,else we may never reach a compromise.Don’t you guy think for the past 50 years BN is using this religion and racist politic to rule the country.And now we have make the change so why still bother about PAS or Malay to control,this is just the poision from Gerakan and MCA to kill the DAP.Be focused on what we achieved so far and thank Rakyat and manage the mandate graciously,if PAS harmful then void them out by vote,(do we see anyone who get the hand chopped in Kelantan so far? why the biggest Buddha statue still in Kelantan? why BN ruled out the Ma Chu statue in Sabah,what MCA/Gerakan answer? they can’t say nothing!!) and we still have PKR.Remember we can vote those who can’t walk the talk out.
    Dear LKS,just manage the mandate granted newly professionally and forget about those poision tongues from BN from distracting our focus of Malaysia Malaysian.Now we BR (may be you are disagreed with this terminology,but the facts speak for it, so don’t shy as long we are not scandalous like what happen in MCA) ruling and we must prove to Rakyat that DAP PKR PAS is a better choice in the next GE and so on..just imagine there are another 7 states for at least 2 DAP MB (irrespective Malay,Indian or Chinese)PKR and PAS take the rest.What say you? Tak percayakah?

  801. The wheels of change has started to grind- WHAT CHANGES? ……………..for accountability, integrity, good coporate governance, Malaysians’ Malaysia………………..before the egos of some gets any bigger- eat some humble pie

  802. The sad part is that there are alot of adverse comments of PAS by people who have not lived under PAS in Kelantan.I am a Chinese kelantanese who have lived here most of my life.I came back to Kelantan from the west coast one week before election so I could campaign for PAS.I even spoke at a ceramah to a chinese audience and pleaded with them to support PAS.I have lived under B.N rule in Kelantan and I can say without fear that I would prefer a PAS govt. By the way, Azam, my name is Richard Teo and not Ho.Yes my article about kelantan under PAS was posted here sometime ago and I have given my views without reservation.So please for those who have no idea about PAS and their administration please refrain from making adverse comments.In the beginning I had pleaded with LKS to exercise magnanimity to appoint a PAS M.B as preferred by the Sultan. If only LKS had been more statesman like we could have averted all the unpleasantness and backlash.Barisan Rakyat have to succeed in the five states or face a quick exit in the next election.After all the hard work it would be a pity if it was only for one term.


    We have read through comments here carefully. From our detailed analysis, there are at least a few CONMEN posted their comments here in the hope of causing some chaos and confusions to DAP or BR supporters. These CONMEN could be generally broken down into the following categories:-

    They “look like DAP/BR supporters, sound like DAP/BR supporters” but they had not posted in LKS blog site before especially during GE2008 campaign period to call for support to DAP/BR. They pretended to be DAP/BR supporters that had voted for DAP/BR instead of BN last Saturday.

    They now say that they have TREMENDOUS level of understandings over the parties in Malaysia JUST AFTER A FEW DAYS and that they REGRETTED voting for DAP/BR. They now say that they would vote BN next election in the hope of swaying some genuine DAP/BR supporters ‘CONNABLE’ to vote for BN in next election.

    They “look like DAP/BR supporters, sound like DAP/BR supporters” but they had not posted in LKS blog site before especially during GE2008 campaign period to call for support to DAP/BR. They pretended to be DAP/BR supporters that had voted for DAP/BR instead of BN last Saturday.

    They know DAP, KDR and PAS have their own standings for Perak MB. This type tried to sound like they are very disappointed with some standings and kept EXAGGERATING on their DISAPPOINTMENT. They are in the hope of influencing some genuine DAP/BR supporters ‘CONNABLE’ feel disappointed as well as to vote for BN in next election.

    They “look like DAP/BR supporters, sound like DAP/BR supporters” but they had not posted in LKS blog site before especially during GE2008 campaign period to call for support to DAP/BR. They pretended to be DAP/BR supporters that had voted for DAP/BR instead of BN last Saturday.

    This group is the most cunning type potentially from some UMNO, MCA and GERAKAN elites who now “menganggur” and got nothing much to do as they have lost in the elections. They know DAP and Keadilan would like to exercise higher level of FAIRNESS in some of their new state governments. But this group purposely claimed that their pursuit of TRANSPARENCY and FAIRNESS so NOBLE a level that EXCO members must also include members of UMNO or BN. AND SO ON…

    This group using double standard, picked fault on BR solely based on IDEALISTIC NOBLE PRINCIPLE but not based on past standards demonstrated by BN. They are in the hope of influencing some genuine DAP/BR supporters ‘CONNABLE’ as to vote for BN in next election.

    TO CONMEN: You may be able to con some people all time or you may be able to con all people some time, but you would definitely not be able to con all people all time.

  804. Latest from Malaysiakini:-
    Deal stitched, all systems go in Perak
    Mar 14, 08 12:04pm
    The opposition has successfully averted an impasse after party leaders reached an amicable decision to reallocate the composition of the Perak state executive council posts last night
    PKR deputy president Dr Syed Husin Ali confirmed that the new composition will be six DAP, three PKR and one PAS to form the 10-person Perak state executive council.
    Good start.

    Uncle Lim
    Is it possible to make this kind of announcement via joint press conference of DAP, PKR & PAS instead of just through a senior member of one party, for example here, the PKR deputy president. Or is it better from now on to appoint a particular coalition spokeman to channel such news?
    Take care Uncle Lim!

  805. New Broom Sweeps the Best……………………I am sure everyone is well versed with this phrase.

    All policies are implemented after much thought(maybe some aren’t) but definitely implemented as an instrument to offer solution(s) to issue(s)and conflict(s)

    Before these “NEW BROOMS” start dismantling existing policies (good or bad) -shouldn’t the process of identifying flawed policies starts with – an ANALYSIS, DEBATES, Establishing frameworks of Problem Definition and Options available, Options Evaluation and Selection, Implementing the Selected Options, Evaluating the implementation. Going back to step one doesn’t neccessarily mean you are not a good manager of public policies but rather one who accepts the philosophy of “To Err is Human”

    Stop being POLITICIANS and start acting as public policies managers

    NEP was implemented with well intended objectives- I am sure everyone would agree with me that NEP is meant for the poor and needy and not intended for the rich and their cronies and well connected.

    Why dismantle the entire policy when we know what and where are the shortcomings. JUST FIX THE SHORTCOMINGS and not DISMANTLING THE GOOD INTENT AS WELL- should be the driving force in public policy formulation

    How good would it be…….. NEP of the people, by the people and for the people………………………I wonder if Khairy is the product of NEP (which is meant for the POOR AND NEEDY)- Khairy certainly do not need NEP for he has BILLIONS

  806. In a possible scenario, at the heights of UMNO infighting and leadership crisis, in anticipation of some of its constituencies to jump ship over to join PKR and PAS, decided to open its door and offers Anwar a deal to become the Prime Minister, in order to restore stability from destruction within the party. At that juncture, Anwar will gives you all sort of reasons and these reasons atr for the sake of the country, and it is the bigger picture that all Malaysians has been look foward to. Then you will ask what is the fate of PKR then? It is quite simple really. A puppet leader can be installed to lead the party under Anwar, and you may called it one leader two party system where Anwar control both PKR and UMNO and together with PAS and the rest of BN components parties, once again having more than 2/3 majority of seats to rule the country without the participation DAP, where DAP remains as the sole opposition in the country for light years to come. If such a scenario is possible, what we as a Malaysians can do to prevent it from happening?

  807. matterofchoice2008, you’re right on. I have always voted for DAP and I’ll continue to do. No one can persuade me otherwise. I can see clearly many wolves in sheeps’ skin here.

  808. Some argue that what counts is this PARTICULAR election, not what Kit Siang said about PAS in 2003, or what PAS said and did in the past. However, the fact that the statement was made in 2003 does not automatically mean that it is no longer irrelevant. Whether it is relevant now depends on whether PAS still has an agenda of Islamic State. If they still do, the competition mentioned by Kit Siang will happens, making his statement in 2003 relevant now.

    Now, does PAS still have an agenda of Islamic State? Some may point to the fact that Islamic State is not mentioned in their 2008 election manifesto. But this does not mean that they have given it up. As their leader Hadi Awang said in an interview (cited above), PAS cannot give way on the Islamic state issue, as this is why they are fundamentally different from UMNO.

    Given that the agenda of Islamic State is the core identity of PAS, what Kit Siang said in 2003 still applies now. In fact, I would say that it applies a fortiori (to a greater extent) now, given that PAS is currently stronger than it was in 2003. Having 23 MPs, 3 MBs and more than 70 SLAs (if I remember correctly), PAS has certainly prompted UMNO to work harder to out-Islam and out-Islamic-state itself, which will in turn makes PAS itself works even harder to out-Islam UMNO, thereby setting off a vicious ‘progress’ towards Islamisation and Islamic State.

  809. Lashky,

    I have just answered the same question posed to me by gofortruth. Before answering gofortruth, I had also reiterated my stance on that issue several times in my comments on this and other postings of Lim Kit Siang.

  810. “………….Richard Teo Says:

    March 14th, 2008 at 13: 40.15 If only LKS had been more statesman like we could have averted all the unpleasantness and backlash……………..”

    Uncle Lim you should weaned yourself of the “rolled up sleeves/ clenched fists” Culture. Though you may have 40 years of political experience BUT YOU CERTAINLY DID NOT GAIN ANY POLITICAL MATURITY from these 40 years experience.

    Take the cue Bruce Lee died young

    MOVE WITH THE CHANGE lest you shall be left behind……….

  811. To Matterofchoice2008,

    I would add the 4th type:
    the non-blind, even-minded and critical supporters of DAP: they should not be falsely accused as undercovers of BN. They should not be rejected just because they are critical (in a broad sense, not necessarily referring to criticising DAP or its leadership) or hold some different views, unless we can only tolerate blind supporters.

  812. With only 78 seats UMNO do not have much bargaining power and with infighting and leadership crisis in the party if not resolved soon enough, UMNO will be heading for destruction. But the future of UMNO is very bleak even though Pak Lah step down, because Malaysians can only anticipate that Najib can only be worst than his predecessor, going down the lane of its party leaderships and the party’s ideology’s of Ketuanan Melayu, UMNO will be obsolete within a span of a decade to some.

  813. DAP Biadab that is what the Racist Umno control Utusan Melayu said this morning. Immediately I called up the press. and look for the Editor who refuse to disclose her name. I just put a question to her that if the Chinese AND Tamil press use the same Umno biadab what will be their reaction. Do not forget the action of how biadab the Umno was when they confronted the Chinese Community Hall /.

  814. Either quit the coalition governments in Perak and Selangor or make PAS leaders publicly renounce their agenda of Islamic state. The second disjunct does not imply that I trust PAS (we must not forget Taqiyya). The second disjunct is meant to protect DAP from future attacks from MCA/GERAKAN (e.g. the claim that DAP deceived its voters into supporting PAS’ Islamic State). If PAS goes back on their word and resume their Islamic state and/or Islamisation programmes after making the public declaration, no one will blame DAP.

  815. I agree with gofortruth that any such major announcements must be made by one who is a senior leader but to be with senior leaders from the other 2 parties.
    What we don’t want is later there are denials and another strong outburst again….
    I don’t understand why a collective statement be made and this announcement will be by all parties and not rather just from the mouthpiece of 1 party.
    Is it that difficult to sit down together to face the press????
    If can’t sit together then how to be a stable govt???? Pelik lah…
    Please all parties…don’t for the sake of wanting to be Hero or want to claim credit and shoot out statements….for goodness sake…issue statements from a secretariat representing all 3 parties… CAN YOU ALL DO THAT OR NOT???? WANT US TO TEACH YOU MEH????

  816. Lakshy:

    This was what LWY posted earlier:

    Lee Wang Yen Says:

    March 13th, 2008 at 21: 43.16
    Yes, as I said in several previous postings, I think DAP should either quit the coalition governments in Perak and Selangor or get PAS to publicly renounce their agenda of Islamic State.

  817. Anyway, how come all the bickering on the Barisan Rakyat side? UMNO, MCA, MIC, Gerakan all now got fight also… :)

    For instance, Tun Mahatir’s son asking AAB to step down for instance… Go and shoot them down lo… :)

  818. Those of you who are all in favour of DAP quitting the state governments in Perak and Selangor (since PAS will never publicly renounce their agenda of Islamic state) should go one step further – get DAP reps to resign so that by-elections can be held and let the voters decide who they want to represent them. You cannot disenfranchise voters who thought all along that they should give the Opposition a chance only to find out AFTER the elections that the Opposition parties don’t want that chance.

  819. This is the info about PAS taken from their official webpage http://www.pas.org.my :

    Parti lslam Se-Malaysia atau ringkasnya disebut PAS adalah sebuah parti politik yang diluluskan pendaftarannya pada 31hb. Mei 1955. Pada awalnya ia didaftarkan atas nama Persatuan lslam Se-Malaya.

    Tujuan atau matlamat perjuangan PAS ialah memperjuangkan wujudnya di dalam negara ini sebuah masyarakat dan pemerintahan yang terlaksana di dalamnya nilai-nilai hidup lslam dan hukum-hukumnya menuju keredhaan Allah serta mempertahankan kesucian lslam, juga kemerdekaan dan kedaulatan negara. Dasar dan pegangan PAS tidak lain daripada memperjuangkan lslam. Dasar ini tidak pernah berubah dari dahulu hinggalah sekarang.

    PAS bergerak dan bekerja untuk kedaulatan lslam. PAS terus menjadikan lslam sebagai landasan perjuangan dan menjadikan lslam sebagai matlamat gerak kerjanya.

    We must remember that eventhough Nizar is a moderate young generation professional PAS leader, he still has to abide by the party’s objective in general, which is controlled by the PAS Pusat. We do need a majority of DAP and PKR in the state exco to control the policies and decision making to be fair for all. The latest agreement struck to have 6-3-1 (DAP-PKR-PAS), with PAS MB and 1 DMB from DAP, 1 DMB from PKR looks good and fair to me. Moreoever, I believe Nizar and Ngeh are both capable and qualified leaders. Let’s hope for the best for the BR coalition in Perak.


    POM POM POM POM POM POM POM POM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  821. …..or, as Bernama now suggests, there could be a formation of a minority government. The suggestion does not name BN, but as the coalition with the biggest number of seats in Perak (28), BN is the logical choice. Let them form the government, then they will dissolve the state assembly and call for new elections. The voters can then decide based on much clearer “principles” from DAP and PAS.


  822. In an earlier blog posting, Lim Kit Siang accuses the Star for lying about DAP’s arrangement with PAS to lead the national government after the election and demands it to apologise within a certain time limit in Star Online.

    We can reasonably infer from this that DAP had no intention to work with PAS in a coalition government. Some may point out that what Kit Siang refers to is ‘national’ government. Yes, strictly speaking, he is referring to ‘national’ rather than state government. But this misses the point. The point is that, if he is not willing to work with PAS to form a national government, there must be some irreconcilable differences which are relevant on the level of state governments.

    Some may argue that that posting does not show that DAP had no intention to work with PAS. It just shows that an arrangement has not been made. But if that is the case, one wonders why Lim Kit Siang is so worked up and demands an apology from the Star for a trivial technical mistake.

    Lim Kit Siang’s harsh criticisms of PAS and his clear stance against its agendas of Islamic State and Islamisation show that my (inductive) inference mentioned above is quite reasonable.

  823. Devilish Star heading with two lies in 11 words – call for nation-wide firestorm protest without instant Star online apology
    (Media Conference Statement 2 at DAP Ipoh Timur Ops Centre on Friday, 7th March 2008 at 12.30 pm)

    The Star headline “Opposition senses victory – Anwar and Kit Siang confident of forming next govt with PAS” today are downright double lies.

    This is the Star report (N 12):

    PKR and DAP will form next Government , say Anwar and Kit Siang


    KUALA LUMPUR: Buoyed by the large crowds at their rallies, opposition parties are now claiming they can win the general election and form the next Government.

    PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and his DAP counterpart Lim Kit Siang both expressed confidence that their loose coalition, which also includes PAS, had the support of the voters.

    In Rembau, Anwar said he was confident the Opposition would win and “our first duty to the people is to bring down oil prices.”
    “God willing, we will win on March 8. You tell those Barisan (Nasional) boys we will win,” he saud.

    “And when DAP, PKR and PAS win on March 8, we will bring down the oil prices on March 9,” he said at a ceramah yesterday.

    In Ipoh, Lim said a strong and powerful wind of change was blowing in the land and he was also confident of the voters’ support.

    This, he said, was evident by the mammoth turnout, enthusiastic responses and generous donations of Malaysians at ceramah held in various states.

    “The crowd numbered from several thousands to more than 10,000 at the ceramah I attended in Malacca, Negri Sembilan, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Perak and Penang in the past three days,” Lim told reporters yesterday.

    “But the question is whether the wind of change rising will be strong and powerful enough on March 8 to make it a day of history and a day of destiny for Malaysia,” Lim added.

    There is nothing wrong with the report filed by the Star reporter Chan Li Leen but everything wrong with the heading given by the sub-editor or editor.

    I believe as a conscientious reporter, Chan would have filed a fuller report of my media conference yesterday, particularly the most important message, viz:

    “Let me advice all BN leaders and candidates: Grow up and accept the ups and downs of the democratic process and stop being spoiled brats when at most the Barisan Nasional is losing two-thirds parliamentary majority and not losing power.”

    This important paragraph had been deliberately omitted by the sub-editor or editor as it would have spoiled the devilish plot to concoct the mischievous headline:“Opposition senses victory – Anwar and Kit Siang confident of forming next govt with PAS”.

    Neither I nor any DAP leader had ever claimed in the general election campaign that it is possible to topple the Barisan Nasional government on March 8 – as we have consistently maintained that the most that could achieved is the denial of the BN two-thirds parliamentary majority, which is already a tall order and would have historic and far-reaching political implications.

    Let the sub-editor or editor responsible for the double lies by using my name to justify the mischievous headline step forward and identify himself – for he is the worst specimen of a journalistic prostitute completely devoid of journalistic ethics and values and must be hounded out of the journalistic profession, although he is devilishly clever in able to concoct two lies within in eleven words: “Anwar and Kit Siang confident of forming next govt with PAS”, viz:

    • The first lie, that together with Anwar Ibrahim, I am confident of toppling the BN government on March 8; and

    • The second lie, that DAP has an arrangement with PAS to form the next national government.

    I call on Star to publish a fulsome apology for these double lies in its headline, which must be done immediately on Star online and not wait until tomorrow. Secondly, the sub-editor or editor responsible for the mischievous and devilish heading must be identified and sacked, unless the Star is giving full support to this ‘biggest lie of Malaysian journalism in the 12th general election.”

    If Star is not prepared to immediately apologise within the next two hours (i.e. by 2.30 p.m.) on its online version, there should be a firestorm of protest by outraged Malaysians by phoning Star offices all over the country to condemn such despicable and devilish journalism.

    The phone contacts of Star offices nationwide are available from the following:


  824. If Star is only wrong about the fact that an arrangment HAS BEEN made between DAP and PAS, while DAP has an intention to make such arrangement (should it win), then it sounds unjustified and implausible (or misleading) for Kit Siang to accuse the Star of ‘such despicable and devilish journalism’.

    So I would infer that it is because Lim thinks that DAP has irreconcilable differences with PAS.

  825. saya minta maaf kepada kawan2 cina dan india atas kenyataan timbalan pkr dr syed ali semalam.. kami berpandangan kenyataan dr ali tersebut adalah kenyataan peribadi beliau dan bukan kenyataan mewakili seluruh penyokong PKR dan barisan rakyat.

    seperti kenyataan saudara lim kit siang … kami juga menganggap ianya kenyataan peribadi beliau (mungkin dr ali dan lim kit siang vateran yg lambat menerima perubahan zaman)

    walaubagaimanpun kritikan keras telah d lemparkan kpd dr syed ali d sebabkan tindakan beliau yg kurang bijak . (sila lihat blog anuar ibrahim).

    walau apa pun saya d fahamkan pembahagian exco sudah selesai… saya berterima kasih kerana DAP bertoleransi …kpd pemimpin2 PKR yg bebal x pandai berubah jgn la risau.. kami akan ‘AJAR’ mereka..

  826. brothers and sisters, why are we fighting among ourselves? in the eyes of God, all of us are brothers and sisters, all of us are equal. no one race should dominate another race. Darah semerah. only those who do not believe in God’s will, will seek to destroy us by instilling fear and hatred among ourselves using discriminatory wicked means. these are the worked of men possesed by the syaitan.

    So be truthful to God, and say TAK NAK to the devil, for the devil has lost.

    What is the point of worshipping God, and yet to commit sin by greed for power, materialistics gains and seeking to destroy another brother.

    it is high time all of us including the leaders to bring ourselves up to a higher level and to look beyond our race, religion, skin colours, beliefs and to be united, to strive for the sake of our countrymen as bangasa malaysia.

    we should love our brothers and sisters, more than we love ourselves. do it this way, and the world will be a better place. Peace onto you all.

  827. Now that all 3 parties have agreed to the formation of Perak government. Let us all pray for the betterment of Perak and its people.

    I am looking forward to the swearing in ceremony.



    I am happy that the issue of who gets to be the “Menteri Besar”, is resolved amicable and common sense has prevailed. The Menteri Besar or literally “The biggest minister” with his big stature has the carry his followers (on his back if necessary) through life’s ups and downs. ;)

    We attach all kinds of meaning of the position “Menteri Besar”:
    It is associated with power
    It carries authority
    The position gives us more say
    It symbolizes dominance
    The dominance of the position gives us influence and so on and so forth and…..

    Therefore we act irrationally and before you know it the newly found optimism of moving into a NEW DAWN suddenly becomes clouded in uncertainty. People become fearful when only yesterday they were celebrating the coming of age of Malaysia.

    The position of Menteri Besar has become everything but a platform LEAD the people into the NEW DAWN.

    I hope that we have learned a good lesson from this episode…

    Citizen said:
    … but in the end it has to be fair to DAP because the fact is DAP has 18 state assembly seats…

    My heart goes out to all who felt disappointment but we must accept that nothing is fair in life. What is “fair” anyway… considering that everyone has different opinion on what is fair and each opinion has a limited range of validity according to the arguments they put up.

    Why are some people born into rich families, into palaces and some born into homes where the poor souls are wandering where their next meal is coming from? Why are some born into a first world country and some born in poor Africa?

    If you are religiously inclined you may perhaps be asking the almighty why he is NOT fair. My dear friends… even God cannot be fair. My dear friends….


  829. Lee Wang Yen Says:

    March 14th, 2008 at 14: 17.01
    Either quit the coalition governments in Perak and Selangor or make PAS leaders publicly renounce their agenda of Islamic state.
    I am very sure by opting to quit we can say bye bye for good to DAP in this lovely land of Malaysia.
    If we can grasp the overall mood of the land, people are yearning to have a 2 party system so that a good form of check & balane is in place that will ensure the best interest of the people irrespective of race & religion always take priority.
    At the end of the day, people don’t care how much you know about Islam, how much you know about democracy or what else have you, but PEOPLE JUST WANT TO KNOW HOW MUCH YOU CARE.
    So I say try to work on a common social economic path. No body will accuse DAP or any other party if it doesn’t work out. BN of course will try their level best to feed poison here & there but I think fellow Malaysians are much better informed now than years ago without the INTERNET!

  830. salam sejahtera buat kawan2 seperjuangan…saya berpandangan mulai dari saat ini kita harus bekerjasama utk mempereratkan lagi BANGSA MALAYSIA (CINA,MELAYU, INDIA) . kita mempunyai matlamat yg sama utk menjadikan malaysia ini milik bersama (BANGSA MALAYSIA) tetapi usaha memantapkan hubungan kita perlu d lakukan secara berterusan.. kita mahukan perasaan ‘perkauman’ ini d nipiskan atau d buang sama sekali dlm diri kita. spt yg saya katakan malaysia utk BANGSA MALAYSIA….UMNO /BN seboleh-boleh mau melayu, cina dan india ini merasa curiga sesama mereka. inilah strategi mereka utk terus mengekalkan kuasa… ya mereka mungkin mempunyai byk sumber (TV,AKHBAR) namun saya percaya dgn usaha dan niat murni kita yg berterusan akan berjaya membantu kita. saya mengharapkan agar kwn2 saya (CINA dan INDIA) bersama saya menjalankan usaha ini..

    di bwh saya post kan artikel dr HISYAMUDIN RAIS . begitu menarik utk kita renungkan..

    Friday, 14 March 2008

    Hishamuddin Rais

    Rakyat Malaysia dalam pilihan raya ke 12 telah memilih ABU – Asalkan Bukan Umno/Anyone But Umno.

    Ada masalah ke? Apa masalahnya?

    Apa masalah DAP menubuhkan pentadbiran baru di Pulau Pinang? Apa hal jadi kalut apabila PKR akan menubuhkan kerajaan baru di Selangor? Apa halnya bila DAP mendapat undi terbanyak di Perak dan menubuhkan pentadbiran baru? Kedah dan Kelantan di bawah PAS ada problem? Apa problemnya?

    Ada masalah ke apabila PKR akan mentadbirkan Wilayah Persekutuan/Kuala Lumpur?

    Soalan-soalan saya ini timbul kerana saya terus membaca di akhbar-akbar lekeh arus perdana yang memaparkan berita yang cuba menimbulkan agenda perkauman Melayu. Saya juga menerima tek pesanan ringkas yang cuba mengapi-apikan sentimen Melayu untuk menimbulkan perasaan anti-bukan Melayu kerana rakyat telah memilih ABU.

    Mari kita lihat bagaimana sebuah akhbar Melayu arus perdana yang lekeh lagi melekehkan. Lihat bagaimana akhbar ini menguruskan sentimen anti-bukan Melayu. Apabila rakyat memilih Abu kelihatan akhbar ini di laman rencana dan di ruangan surat pembaca telah cuba menerangkan kepada pemilih ABU bahawa kini ‘ ketuaan Melayu telah hilang!”

    Ha ha ha … surat khabar corot ini masih lagi memainkan keset lama tentang ketuanan Melayu. Saya telah jelak , mual dan hendak muntah membaca dan mendengar agenda ketuanan Melayu. United Malay National Organistions ini cuba disamakan sebagai Melayu. Tolong sikit beeb… bukan semua Melayu berpayung di bawah agenda ketuanan Melayu. United Malay National Organisations mengakui ada hampir 2 juta ahli. Woit! Dalam negara ini ada berapa juta lagi orang Melayu?

    Tidak semua Melayu di Malaysia ini bersetuju dengan konsep ketuanan Melayu. Tidak semua Melayu akan menyahut seruan ketuanan Melayu. Tidak semua Cina mahu bertuankan ketuanan Cina. Dan tidak semua India mahu bertuankan ketuanan India. Dan tidak semua Punjabi mahu bertuankan ketuanan Benggali.

    Mereka yang telah memilih ABU kerana mereka mahu bertuankan keadilan, ketelusan, kebenaran dan kesaksamaan derajat. Mereka telah muak dengan agenda pecah dan perintah. Mereka tidak mahu diri mereka dilihat – ini Melayu, ini Cina, ini India atau ini Bumiputera. Mereka mahu dilihat dan ditakrif bahawa mereka adalah warga Malaysia yang setaraf. ( Kenapa berat dan ngok sangat kepala untuk memahami bahawa agenda ketuanan Melayu ini telah lama bungkus dan telah di humbankan ke dalam tong sampah sejarah.)

    Apa salahnya anak muda itu di terima masuk ke fakulti perubatan walhal kelulusan anak muda ini cukup cemerlang. Anak muda ini di tolak hanya kerana dia Cina dan tidak termasuk dalam agenda ketuanan Melayu. Ini perbuatan gila. Orang sakit di Malaysia ini kalau dia sakit dia tidak mengira bangsa apa, agama apa atau dari parti apa doktor yang mengubati.

    Kenapa kontrak buat bangunan sekolah itu di berikan kepada si Polan ini? Dalam masa enam bulan sesudah siap sekolah ini runtuh rahai? Jawabnya si Polan ini di beri kontrak kerana dia Melayu dan ini agenda ketuanan Melayu. Ini kerja gila. Pengundi ABU mahukan yang terbaik bukan yang TERMELAYU.

    Kenapa Naib Canselor di universiti-universiti semuanya Melayu walhal kebanyakan dari mereka benak, tidak berilmu, bebal dan tidak ada mengeluarkan tulisan-tulisan ilmiah. Jawabnya Naib-naib Canselor ini dilantik hanya kerana mereka Melayu dan ini agenda ketuanan Melayu. Ini kerja gila, kerja orang bodoh. Dunia akademia bukan mahukan Melayu. Dunia akademia mahukan mereka yang bijak , berilmu dan bukan berMelayu. Ilmu datang bukan kerana dia Melayu tetapi kerana insan profesor itu berilmu dan ada keupayaan untuk berfikir, menulis dan berhujah secara ilmiah. Kaki bodek tidak termasuk dalam Cv dan biodata untuk menjadi profesor di universiti.

    Dalam ruangan pembaca di media yang sama saya juga terbaca tentang ‘ survival Melayu’. Mula-mula saya ingatkan ini program TV yang bernama “ survival’ rupa-rupanya bukan. Survival yang di perkatakan oleh akhbar lekeh ini ialah survival Melayu.

    Haha haha.. lawak betul akhbar ini. United National Malay Organisations bukan oksigen beeb. Tolong lah beeb… Manusia Melayu telah wujud ribuan tahun tanpa United Malay National Organisations. Pertubuhan ini pula baru muncul pada tahun 1946, ini pun kerana perancangan British yang sedang nazak dipukul oleh perjuangan rakyat Malaya yang mengangkat senjata.

    Saya tidak tahu bagaimana dan apa pertalian United Malay National Organisations dengan kunun apa yang di panggil ‘survival’ Melayu. Tapi saya tahu apa yang tidak akan ‘survive’ dan pupus nanti. Yang akan pupus ialah ‘contract junkies’. Yang akan pupus nanti ialah Mat Subcon. Yang akan pupus nanti ialah mereka yang tidak berkelayakan untuk masuk universiti pasti tidak akan dapat masuk universiti. Tolong lah beeb…jangan samakan makhluk-makhluk ini dengan 300 juta susuk-susuk yang dipanggil Melayu di Nusantara.

    Selepas – ‘survival Melayu ‘ muncul pula apa yang kunun dipanggil agenda perpaduan Melayu. Satu lagi lawak tengit. Apa barang yang di panggil perpaduan Melayu ini? Benda ini ada di jual di Maidin ke? Ada di jual di Chow Kit ke? Berapa harga sekilo?

    Perpaduan Melayu untuk apa?

    Susuk Melayu tidak pernah bersatu, tidak akan bersatu dan sampai dunia kiamat pun TIDAK akan bersatu. Susuk Cina tidak pernah bersatu, tidak akan bersatu dan sampai kiamat pun tidak akan bersatu. Susuk Arab tidak pernah bersatu, tidak akan bersatu dan sampai kiamat pun Tok-tok Arab ini tidak akan bersatu.

    Jangan mimpi dan jangan berkhayal tentang perpaduan Melayu. Benda ini tidak pernah wujud. Dalam sejarah perjalanan tamadun manusia, dari semenjak manusia keluar dari gua-gua batu di Kenya Afrika susuk yang di panggil manusia ini telah terpencar-pencar dan tidak pernah bersatu.

    Menggunakan satu bahasa ibunda juga tidak akan menjanjikan perpaduan. Buktinya negara Arab yang semuanya bercakap Arab. Mereka tidak pernah bersatu. Satu warna kulit tidak juga menjanjikan perpaduan. Buktinya benua Afrika – mereka semuanya berkulit hitam. Satu asal usul budaya dan bahasa yang sama juga tidak menjanjikan perpaduan. Buktinya Cina dan Taiwan. Satu agama dan satu konsep tuhan pun tidak akan menjamin perpaduan. Buktinya Pakistan Timur dan Pakistan Barat. Pakistan Timur kini menjadi Bangladesh.

    Manusia bukan batu bata yang boleh disusun mengikut rasa. Manusia mempunyai akliah.

    Mengapi-apikan rasa benci antara kaum dan bangsa ini adalah jenis politik bankrap. Ini jenis politik orang kalah. Jenis politik inilah yang telah di tolak oleh ABU. Mengajukan kebencian terhadap sesama manusia bukan sifat insan yang berilmu, berfikiran dan bertamadun.

    Menakut-nakutkan orang Melayu bahawa mereka akan hilang Dasar Ekonomi Baru adalah cerita hantu lama. Cerita hantu ini telah menjadi tidak seram lagi. Menakut-nakutkan orang Melayu bahawa mereka akan hilang hak keistimewaan samalah seperti George Bush sedang cuba menakut-nakutkan rakyat dunia tentang ‘keganasan Islam’. Orang Melayu tidak akan ambil pot. Rakyat dunia tidak akan ambil pot.

    Untuk sementara waktu ada susuk Melayu akan termakan racun bergula dari akhbar-akhbar lekeh lagi melekehkan. Ini samalah seperti ada sebahagian rakyat dunia yang termakan propaganda Bush tentang cerita seram ‘ kejahatan Islam’.

    Sebenarnya di belakang agenda menakut-nakutkan Melayu ini ialah para cukong, para contract junkies, para Ali dan Baba, para Mat Subcon, para lanun dan penyamun, para perasuah dan pengguna C4, para komisen agen, para broker projek – mereka inilah yang sedang dalam ketakutan kerana rakyat telah memilih ABU – Asalkan Bukan Umno/Anyone But Umno.

  831. Wy Lee,

    And you think that DAP’s stating unequivocally that it will not support the formation of an islamic state is not sufficient? Then just to please you, ask them to get it carved in stone or ivory somewhere.

    Even when you marry someone, you have to accept that you will not agree on everything. as an example; I may want one child while my spouse may want many. Or I may be Christian while my spouse is Hindu/jew/muslim/sikh/buddhist/atheist. I cant take spicy food whilst my spouse can.

    Knowing where each of them stand at the outset is good. e.g. as a christian, you should not marry a muslim without knowing before hand that they are muslim.

    We can agree to disagree on issues and even fundamental issues. But that does not mean we have to get divorced.

    Perakians want this coalition government(marriage) to work in this manner. With the presence of differences whether they be in religion, skin colour, race and ideology, we can get better checks and balances. We want to move beyond all of this to show we can be Malaysians first. Isn’t that one of the goals. We also want to shape a credible alternative government. That way we can have better checks and balances. In fact, for future elections, we would have a definite alternative. Thats what we are working on now. This is a work-in-progress. First we need to give these guys the experience in administrating and running a state.

    To ask PAS to state that it wont pursue an Islamic state, would that really please you? The fact is that PAS has already said it wont do it for you? It proves that even when they say it, it wont be enough. What would you want? But remember, they are not hear to please you. They are hear to work for the Perakians who voted them in.

    But But remember, do remember that DAP prior to nomination day stated that it is only contesting in Chinese majority areas. So does DAP represent Indians? Malays? The fact that Indians and Malays did vote for DAP shows that DAP capitalized on the momentum created by the Bersih and Hindraf rallies and anti BN sentiment.

    Should DAP now be made to make a declaration that it stands for all Malaysians? Will that suffice? Would words suffice when actions speak louder than words?

    Thats why DAP’s unequivocal acceptance of Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin would have gained it much respect amongst the Malays.

    But that moment has passed.

    Why didn’t DAP field a single Malay? If it expected to win Perak, and new the laws, they should have placed a few malays to contest in Perak.

    DAP did not field a single Malay candidate. And yet the malays and indians voted for DAP.

    DAP should also start working hard like the Bn parties to reinvent itself. Or else come the next elections, it will be history.

  832. Suggestion to Lim Kit Siang if you are listening this.

    Please start a new topic on the sour grapes Penang UMNO. They:

    1. boycotted the swearing in of a new Government not only showing disrespect to the new government, yang di Pertua Negeri and the citizens of Penang. They never apologised but gave a arrogant excuse that all of them happen to be engaged at the same moment!

    2. request the Federal Govt to withdraw all projects to Penang and let the people who voted the new govt. suffer.

    3. instigating rallies at KOMTAR and Secretariat Building at Selangor. This is probably their gravy train and livelihood have been threatened by the cutting off of cronyism.

    They have done much, much worst than you. You have apologised while they are not only unrepented but they sabotage the citizens of Penang and Selangor and disregard the voices of the majority!

    Start a thread and direct all the anger and heat from this blog. I noticed you have not added anything new and therefore people have nowhere to go except to linger here to vent up their anger and frustrations.

  833. May I add, if DAP should quit the pack, as surely as the SUN will set on the west, so BN will return to rule for the next 50 years and you will still have ISLAM at your front door!

    1960 muslim population 50%
    2008 muslim population 65%
    2058 muslim population 75 – 85 % ????????

  834. Really happy to heard that BR already agreed on the formation. Work together, let’s show BN how to manage

    Congratulation…… Congratulation to all opposition parties. You all really done a good job.

  835. To Dawsheng and Lee Wang Yen:

    If the issue in Perak has been settled (i.e. choice of MB and allocation of state exco seats), would you both still call on the DAP to quit the state administration on grounds of principle ? Would you both still demand that DAP publicly ask for PAS to renounce their Islamic agenda and that if PAS does not do so, DAP will quit the coalition state governments in Perak and Selangor ?

    Or will you both go quietly with the current arrangement as agreed by the DAP leadership ?

  836. Dear All,

    Of course there will be minor “dissent” when you have 3 different parties trying to work together. Fair? What’s fair & what’s not? Since when was life fair? We’ve had 50 years of BN! Was that fair?!
    By “fighting” the DAP, PKR & PAS are playing into the hands of UMNO!
    We the Rakyat wiped the smirks off their faces in the 12th GE. Let’s keep the smirks off their faces for good.
    HRH the Sultan of Perak has made his decision. Let’s respect it & move ahead for the betterment of all Malaysians.

  837. Given that Lim Kit Siang has highlighted the danger of PAS’s agenda of Islamic State and Islamisation although there is no possibility for them to implement it, and that what Kit Siang said in 2003 is still relevant today (as you say, PAS has not renounced and will not renounce their Islamic State agenda), quiting the coalitiion is the only way to show that DAP cares – i.e. they care enough to want to prevent the kind of scenario mentioned in Lim’s 2003 statement, which will lead to Islamisation and Islamic state, thereby undermining the social contract and secular nature of our country.

  838. Lets move on to non race based non religion base politics. In fact whoever is the faster coalition to merge into a cohesive party with an attractive agenda for ALL the citizens regardless of race & religion will have the upper hand to win the next election and stay on for the next 50 years.

  839. Godfather says
    To Dawsheng and Lee Wang Yen:

    If the issue in Perak has been settled (i.e. choice of MB and allocation of state exco seats), would you both still call on the DAP to quit the state administration on grounds of principle ? Would you both still demand that DAP publicly ask for PAS to renounce their Islamic agenda and that if PAS does not do so, DAP will quit the coalition state governments in Perak and Selangor ?

    My answer is ‘yes’.

  840. Since we can all infer that you do not agree with the compromises made by the DAP in Perak and Selangor, what will you do next ? Continue to campaign against PAS ? Quit the DAP ?

  841. Saudara-saudari sekalian….. mari kita semua sama-sama menuju ke arah perpaduan dan membentuk satu bangsa saje…iaitu bangsa Malaysia ….

    sesungguhnya, DAP/PAS/PKR yang sekian lama berjuang, GE12 yang kali memang mendapat kejayaan yang tidak pernah ada sejak kemerdekaan….

    mari kita berkerja-sama membentuk satu Barisan Alternatif mahupun Barisan Rakyat untuk semua lapisan masyarakat Malaysia yang terdiri daripada hanya satu bangsa iaitu rakyat jelata Malaysia.

    Dalam perenggan 5 tahun ini, BA/BR mesti membuktikan kepimpinan, keiklasan, keadilan untk membawa kesemua negeri bawah kepimpinan BA/BR….agar menjadikan satu kejayaan cermelang untuk menujui GE ke-13, maka dengan curahan yang diberikan, yakin kita akan menerokai kejayaan yang lebih besar dan bermakna untuk rakyat jelata Malaysia….


    terima kasih…………………

  842. Wy Lee,

    Well, thats probably where you differ with Perakians. We have something on our mind. And we know DAP can check PAS moves in Perak. PAS cannot make any changes to the state constitution without support from others. It has the smallest number of seats.

    Even if Bn reps all supported PAS’ call for an Islamic state, they still would not have 2/3rds.

    And if DAP walked out, BN would be back, and the body snatchings, keris brandishings, contracts only for cronies, mega projects, the morality police and corruption would all continue. And I guess you feel that would be really better for Perakians.

    We dont think so.

  843. gofortruth Says:

    March 14th, 2008 at 15: 14.15
    Lets move on to non race based non religion base politics. In fact whoever is the faster coalition to merge into a cohesive party with an attractive agenda for ALL the citizens regardless of race & religion will have the upper hand to win the next election and stay on for the next 50 years.

  844. No, don’t get me wrong, I am all for free speech but what I am more interested in is the psyche of the right wing of the DAP. I am also interested in whether this right wing of the DAP can accept what the majority wants. You have every right to disagree with me or the DAP leadership but at the end of the day, will you go along with a majority decision ?

  845. Pepatah Melayu ada mengatakan `Orang tamak selalu rugi’..

    Looking at the current situation if DAP keep on with its rigid policy.. then DAP will start losing Malay support.. even Indian support as well.

    You’ll always be in losing side.. In 4-5 years time BN will take over Perak, another big swing.. And DAP will be back to where they deserved to be.

    So start behaving now.. be a good government to all rakyat regardless of their Ethnic, races or religions.

  846. Wy Lee,

    From your post above :-

    “Given that Lim Kit Siang has highlighted the danger of PAS’s agenda of Islamic State and Islamisation although there is no possibility for them to implement it, …”

    So YB LKS knows it cannot be implemented. So YB LKS and DAP are willing to work with PAS (and PKR) in running Perak.

    Perakians also want this coalition to work.

    What are you going to do now? Vote Bn the next time you have a chance?

  847. to all cyber warrior !

    The nation are under the transistion of government rulers.I strongly belief that this will enhanced our business economy cos malaysia economy will auto correct itself. Without a huge amount feeded to those crocs perhaps in two year times we will become a better nation… Congrats

  848. Lee Wang Yen Says:

    March 14th, 2008 at 15: 14.34
    Godfather says
    To Dawsheng and Lee Wang Yen:

    If the issue in Perak has been settled (i.e. choice of MB and allocation of state exco seats), would you both still call on the DAP to quit the state administration on grounds of principle ? Would you both still demand that DAP publicly ask for PAS to renounce their Islamic agenda and that if PAS does not do so, DAP will quit the coalition state governments in Perak and Selangor ?

    My answer is ‘yes’


    If your answer is “Yes” now, should it be “Yes” as well before the election?

    Is there any new information regarding PAS’s position on Islam following the election? Answer is No

    The only logical conclusion then is that DAP deceived the public regarding its position on PAS. This cannot be good for DAP.

  849. Now that the dust has settled, let us move on to make Malaysia a place for everybody under the sun. Let us rise above race, culture, religion -> let us rise to be a true Malaysian. It is not Hidup Melayu, it is not Hidup Cina, it is not Hidup India – it is HIDUP MALAYSIA.

    The political leaders use communal politics to divide and rule. For the sake of the future generations, we must break this parochial mentality which is still prevalent in those who have lost their political power. If those who voted for change think they took a risk -> it is a risk worth taking. At least we are moving away from demented beings who hold on to power for self-enrichment and self-preservation.

    May the voice of reason rise above the voices of desperate men like Nazri Aziz.

  850. Dear Sir

    Firstly let me congratulate you and the team for making it thru the GE. Syabas. Now…you guys have to work hard to keep the BR team in order. Do not let UMNO or other related parties downroad you guys. Yes there will many nonsenses said and press esp MSM will play havoc at the opportunity they get, just ignore them. You rule with common sense and head not your heart.

    If we the rakyat get their heart involve we will get no where only chaos. WE DO NOT NEED THAT!

    Thank you too for a being the better man with the apologies. You should attend the swearing in.

    I saw my new MB’s face…i have not much to say just that I hope he rules the state well and has all the rakyat’s concerns in hand.

    DAP/PKR/PAS make sure you stay together and DO NOT GIVE BN the chance to laugh at you guys. Many of us voted for you guys..so stay focus!!!!!!!

  851. “No, don’t get me wrong, I am all for free speech but what I am more interested in is the psyche of the right wing of the DAP. I am also interested in whether this right wing of the DAP can accept what the majority wants. You have every right to disagree with me or the DAP leadership but at the end of the day, will you go along with a majority decision ?” Godfather

    Nothing will be so perfect until nobody has a word to say about it, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The majority decides the minorities always criticizes, this it is just another vicious cycle. What is wrong?

  852. DAP can check PAS?

    DAP has just set a dangerous precedence of yielding to PAS and PKR despite having the most seats.
    If PAS MB wants to implement an Islamisation policy in the future, and DAP tries to block that, I’m sure PAS supporters will quote many, many commentators here and argue that, ‘As many of your supporters say in Kit Siang’s blog, let’s be realistic, let’s be considerate, let’s look at the racial composition of Perak. Given that Malays are majority in Perak, given that Malays are Muslims (that’s why we need a Muslim Malay MB though the Sultan can overrule it), the policy of Islamisation is suitable. Minorities must respect us.’
    You may say, in that case DAP should insist on their view and reject the policy.
    Well, as you and many people here warn in relation to the MB issue, such defiance will lead to PAS (or/and PKR) treatening to pull out from the coalition.
    And everything is back to square one.

  853. saudara lee wang yen…bila pulak pas melaksanakan islam nya?sudakah kamu melawat kelantan? adakah kamu ingat M’sia yg BN kuasai selama ini bukan negara islam?

    sekiranya kamu melihat PAS adalah taliban dan melayu melihat DAP adalah kominus .. maka kita tidak akan dpt mencapai matlamat membina MALAYSIA UTK BANGSA MALAYSIA (MELAYU,CINA dan INDIA).

    sebenarnya utk makluman kamu.. UMNO-BN ini memang mahukan urg2 cina / india dan bukan islam melihat PAS adalah taliban dan mereka juga mahukan org2 melayu melihat DAP sebagai komunis.. mereka mahukan melayu ini melihat DAP ini sbg 1 parti yg jahat.. begitu juga mereka mahu org2 cina melihat PAS ini parti pelampau .

    lee wang yen…saya harap agar anda dapat bercuti di keantan . berjumpalah dgn org2 cina d kelantan… dapatkan lah maklumbalas drpd mereka dan kemudian barulah anda buat kesimpulan adakah PAS ini parti pelampau atau bagaimana..

  854. WY Lee,

    I am sure that if it comes to that, DAP and PKR WILL pull out of the coalition. So why go off on some obscure direction, when it does not seem likely to happen?

    Its like preparing for floods when you live in Tanah Rata, Cameron Highlands!

  855. The rakyat voted for the opposition not so that you can fight for places in the respective state government. You have been chosen as a hopefully better alternative to the previous administration. However, in falling over one another for seats, you are doing a disservice to your people. Stop this nonsence at once and work together for a better coalition.

    For Penang, please do not try to patronise the Chinese by removing the NEP. We did not vote you in to abolish the NEP. In fact most CHinese are in favour of the NEP. We are only against the implementation and how it was abused by certain people.

    Be warned. The rakyat are the real bosses. Make a false move and we will be watching. Make sure by the next GE, you don’t become irrelevant.

  856. “when volcano erupt, it will cause chaos…then only that land will be flourished”..my hope for my beloved state c:

    we never thought that BR going to rule perak.i believe that we have smarter (than most of us) leaders in DAP,PKR,& PAS. many things have to take into consideration within this very limited period to discuss,decide & agree on who will be the MB, alocating how many exco seat for each party, etc before switch all the promises in GE’S menifesto into reality.It is normal to fight while discussing before any decision being made. fight with wisdom, not with emotional.

    BR is not perfect…keep learning to be better.

    i have faith in PKR,DAP & PAS. i believe that DAP will getting better in knowing PAS and vice versa, so as PKR..as long as all of you keep standing for honesty, just and us…

    it’s not an easy job to become a strong, smart,clean leader…

    BR candidates (won/lose)…
    thank you for your commitment & courage…
    thank you for being our ears, eyes & tongue…
    lets save our beloved country…

  857. It does not seem likely to happen?
    This claim is unjustified

    Hadi Awang: ‘We cannot give way when it comes to Islamic state issue, for that is why we are different from UMNO’
    (the reference is provided in my earlier posting)

    Someone has also pasted PAS’s mission statement.
    We should rely on these rather than making unjustified claim that ‘it does not seem likely to happen’

  858. Can all the argument topic of we want or do not want PAS stop. Please get the facts correctly as many many Perakian like me are not opposing to PAS leadership BUT we oppose to the system of appointment.
    We Perakians could not accept the appointment of the party who won the least number of seats. If PAS have won more than 18 seats then we Perakians will not make so much noise.
    We want DEMOCRACY. BUT most the comments posted sound more like Perakians are ANTI PAS which is totallly WRONG.
    Perakians on the whole are more concern about a party who win more seats to rule the state.
    How many of you out there are Perakians like me?

  859. the LESSONS to be learned from this general election can be as :-

    1. this pas/dap/pkr is like an engagement ring . for the sake of the family or wider picture – lets get engaged first .

    2. this pas/dap/pkr will have the nuptial blessings with the wedding ring . for the sake to appease all of us who pom pom pom here. terms and conditions ( without prejudice )

    3. this pas/dap/pkr will unless the leaders ie. tok guru, anwar, kit siang ( being their parents) are in-laws, will than have the suffering. dap wants a son, pas wants a daughter , and pkr wants no children.

    however, whatever will be will be. i am GLAD THAT BA comes to senses. AND GET BACK TO WORK TO ERADICATE CORRUPTION, ERADICATE CROYNISM. BE FAIR TO ALL MALAYSIANS. DONT SIMPLY NAIK HARGA. btw, guan eng, dont be too populist. WE VOTED YOU TO WORK, AND NOT BEING POPULAR with summons write off – bad precedent.

  860. Lee Wang Yen Says:

    March 14th, 2008 at 15: 29.26
    DAP can check PAS?

    DAP has just set a dangerous precedence of yielding to PAS and PKR despite having the most seats.
    Dear Lee WY
    With all due respect for your highly educating discourses on Islamisation, I’m surprised you are still in the opinion that DAP won the most seats. I beg to disagree totally. DAP did not win the extra seats as compared to 2004, these seats are a generous gift from the angry rakyat ( Chinese, Indians & Malays).Please don’t claim any credit but be thankful you can have a good start, don’t throw it all away.
    I don’t think DAP upholds your line of thinking, otherwise the rakyat will dump DAP like a lame duck. Uncle Lim is much wiser than this.

  861. Why do you look at democracy as a vicious cycle ? It is a virtuous cycle.

    I think I speak for the majority of Opposition supporters when I say that we look at the glass as half full rather than half empty. We look at the 5 Opposition controlled states as an opportunity for the DAP/PKR/PAS coalition to prove that they can do better than the thieves that they displaced. We want them to do well so that the formula can be extended to all Peninsular states (and rub the smirks off the faces of people like Ali Rustam and Ghani Othman). The downside risk is significant – if we cannot prove that we can handle the 5 states, then it is a foregone conclusion that in the next GE, the thieves will be voted back in. We should not do anything to give the thieves hope that the DAP/PKR/PAS coalition is so fragile that all it takes is for some small incident to make it collapse. The BN thieves are already at it: inciting racial sentiments, using agent provocateurs to protest in Penang, Perak and FT. We need to be strong or there will be serious repercussions, including possibly emergency laws if the situation gets out of hand.

  862. Lee Wang Yen,
    It seem that you have proudly positioned yourself as a non-blind, even-minded and critical supporters of DAP (critical in a broad sense, not necessarily referring to criticising DAP or its leadership or hold some different views).

    It is not uncommon sometimes some people think that they are very good, unfortunately most of the time they are only good in THEORY. Lee Wang Yen, welcome to the real world. When most of us think that BN is terrible and we vote for BR, that does not mean that we expect BR to be SO perfect. In real world, nothing is that SO perfect. The real world is in analog form, not just ‘0’ or ‘1’.

    You said “Either quit the coalition governments in Perak and Selangor or make PAS leaders publicly renounce their agenda of Islamic state.”.

    Lee Wang Yen, it is so easy for you to say something like “quit the coalition governments in Perak” and “make PAS leaders publicly renounce their agenda of Islamic state”.

    Lee Wang Yen please tell everyone here practically how your practical and implementable steps in making PAS leaders publicly renounce their agenda of Islamic state. Bloggers here would get a chance to see whether you are more of a theoritical person or more of a practical person.

    By the way Lee Wang Yen, can you yourself take some sharp-pointed questions from bloggers in the first place since you are currently so critical of DAP?

    1) There were DAP-KDR coalition, KDR-PAS coalition in this election to prevent cross-fires among the opposition parties. Indirectly DAP and PAS are still in a form of loose coalition. Why didn’t you make loud noise prior to the election? Where was your principle then to prevent Islamic State?

    2) There is at least a firm DAP-KDR coalition in this election, what makes you think that “quit the coalition governments in Perak” could be so easily accepted by KDR and Rakyat as you said? What if KDR does not want DAP to quit the coalition governments in Perak?

    3) If you simply call DAP to “quit the coalition governments in Perak”, what if KDR also want to quit the coalition governments in Penang and other states? So you still you are so smart and wise??

    4) If you put it to other opposition parties like “Either quit the coalition governments in Perak and Selangor or make PAS leaders publicly renounce their agenda of Islamic state.”, Lee Wang Yen who wants to do coalition with you next time round?

    Lee Wang Yen above are actually some simple questions for you, just to seeif you are able to be critical with you own standing. Either myself or others would field you more questions if ONLY you could answer all these questions well and from practical perspective. Please don’t get offended as we are talking about being critical. Nothing to lose and at very least you would get a bit more attention.

  863. lakshy Says:

    March 14th, 2008 at 15: 32.30
    ‘WY Lee,

    I am sure that if it comes to that, DAP and PKR WILL pull out of the coalition. So why go off on some obscure direction, when it does not seem likely to happen?’

    How should you reply to PAS supporters who appeal to ‘the big picture, the need to be senstive to the Malay majority, the need to respect Islam as an official religion in Malaysia, as many supporters cite in the MB issue?

    You may say that we can just ignore these appeals or argue that the multicultural and mutireligious characters of Malaysia should be a greater consideration.

    My question is, why can’t you apply this to my MB issue?

    Of course, the analogy of Cameron and Tanah Rata is false. PAS leader has stated that PAS will not give way on the Islamic state issue.

  864. matterofchoice2008,

    The threat of PAS’ agenda of Islamic State and Islamisation is not a mere THEORY. It is very real and has serious implications on our PRACTICAL lives, as Kit Siang pointed out.

  865. OK Guys (all rakyat only),

    I’ll suggest a SOLUTION. Since rakyat has voted and handed over the power to the politicians, lets hope BA can perform their best and set a precedent to BN. Next term all rakyat, please vote BN back. By that time BN will reform. WHY?

    1. DAP and PAS will are extremists on opposite sides. DAP will not accept PAS Islamic State policy. PAS will never accept DAP Secular policy. Don’t argue that seculat is not a religion coz’ if any party are so committed to a cause, it can be a religion BUT in different term and understanding.

    2. The better BA can govern the 5 states, the better BN will reform. Who’ll benefit from this?. The RAKYAT..you and me. If DAP decided to divorce from BA nor, so be it. BN will immediately come in again. WHY? Coz’ BN is a better coalition than BA. That’s good for the RAKYAT too….

    Next topic plzzzzz…./

  866. berkenaan dgn NEP.. sebenrnya ideanya NEP ni baik malangnya perlaksanaan nya yg tak betul.. spt yg saya katakan sebelum ini UMNO -BN ini suka perkara yg tak betul..mereka meyalahgunakan idea baik NEP dan mengaut keuntungan … that y NEP gagal mencapai matlamatnya..

    kami melayu islam sendiri mempertikaikan penyalahgunaan NEP . Hanya segelintir (org2 UMNO) yg berkuasa sahaja mengaut keuntungan NEP . bangsa kami melayu still mcm tu juga. sudahlah UMNO menayahgunakan NEP .. bangsa INDIA lagi mereka abaikan.. bagi kami org ISLAM ini satu DOSA besar krn meyalahgunakan kuasa dan gagal menjaga kebajikan bangsa lain yg d amanahkan oleh tuhan..

    DAP mungkin boleh mengubah suai NEP ini agar idea baiknya dapat tercapai. rakyat inginkan 1 pengubahsuaian agar dpt membantu semula bangsa kami (melayu) yg sedia susah, dan memberi pembelaan dgn meningkatkan ekonomi bangsa2 lain spt INDIA yg selama ini d abaikan . saya yakin DAP dpt melakukannya kerana ramai pakar dlm DAP:-)

  867. LKS, Chinese in Perak voted for DAP with the hope that you are able to walk what you talked. Now you landed us in great dismay, you are betraying us for supporting PAS to lead the state. For heaven sake, please don’t put up all those political stunt on one hand pretended you are against PAS’s appointment, whereas in reality you are supporting him and worst of all using our DYMM Sultan to do all the dirty works for you. Enough is enough, you will see how you and your men would be EJECTED out from our state in 4 years time.

    In the first place, why not just nominate PKR adun to be the MB if Chinese can’t be the MB due to restriction in constitution? If you guys maintaining the stand firmly, you think PAS will withdraw their support to Barisan Rakyat and swing to BN? Come on, we are not politically ignorance as you thought. Lets face the reality, most of the voters voted you all in not because all were supporting opposition. They just fed up with BN on certain policies and the way their YBs behaved. It was a wave of protest more than a wave of change.

    Uncle Lim, I suggest you go to the pasar and have a feel how people reacted to your ‘new stand’ and how people see you as a ‘changed man’ within 96 hours after being sweet talked into it.

    For PKR/DAP/PAS to success, either DAP give up their ethnic colour or PAS give up their extremist nature. Good luck my dear friend.

  868. “I think I speak for the majority of Opposition supporters when I say that we look at the glass as half full rather than half empty.” Godfather

    As I have said before it may an illusion when in fact the glass is empty or they may be no glass at all. For 50 years the minority criticizes the majority for making the wrong choice, and today the minority that almost became the majority criticizes the minority they once was before, taking the views of the majority the criticizes before. If this not a vicious cycle, I suppose we can call it democracy.

  869. Why should I look at PAS as a half-full glass? Why not take a more optimistic view and see it as a virtous cycle?

    Why don’t we take an optimistic view of BN?
    I think you’ll say that you cannot take that optimistic view because BN’s past track record shows that it is corrupt and inefficient.

    I agree with you on this (i.e. about BN). And that’s precisely what I would say in response to your question – I cannot take an optimistic view of PAS or a coalition with PAS given its past track record, as reported in BBC, TImes, Singapore’s the Strait’s Times etc, cited above.

  870. wargamalaysia Says:

    March 14th, 2008 at 15: 48.56
    OK Guys (all rakyat only),
    So well said!
    I think we have given LEE WY enough time & space already.
    Lets move away!

    Do we have other leads like:
    MCA internal fight;
    TDM son’s letter to Pak Lah
    Pak lah cabinet down size
    etc etc???

  871. Lashky, I have answered a lot of questions to a lot of people. For example, I have reiterated my answers to Gofortruth, you, and etc. Of course, I have ignored some irrelevant questions (like whether I’m a Perakian).

    A Malaysian and a DAP supporter can comment on an issue related to DAP. What counts is the arguments, not the discussant’s origin.

  872. Yewtzeee:

    If you “dunno”, don’t simply make postings like this which could put you in serious trouble with the police. Check first before you put such serious matters on the internet.

  873. thank you warganegara!!!

    lim guan eng should not abolish (NEP) . he should learn from pas and pkr saying that bad (NEP) removes and enhanced new (NEP) for all malaysian..cos the old (NEP) was from 1970 and he should says that the new version of New (NEP) version 21st century for all

  874. The Rakyat’s feeling and intention must also have to be taken into consideration.

    This was not the main intention of the Rakyat for power crazy when they casted their votes.

    Get all the things straight in writting and move on.

    Barisan Rakyat here we come :)

  875. If directing people to reports about PAS in PAS own media, Lim Kit Siang’s statements about PAS, BBC, Times, and Singapore’s The Straits Times should be seen as PAS bashing, then…would you suggest the best way to get to know about PAS.

    LKS, Wikipedia, BBC, Times, The Straits Times (SIngapore) all colluded with me to bash PAS?

  876. Yewtzeee:

    How old are you ? Can you read proper English ? The star.com.my talks about dispersing protestors at Komtar. There is no fighting, so don’t spread rumours here, or via sms. It is to nobody’s benefit to spread rumours like what you just did.

  877. Oop’s my sincere apology, Wang Yen. How careless of me to assume that you are in our time zone.

    We all understand your concern.

    Something to lighten your burden:

    Chuang Tzu…
    Anger and joy,
    happiness and sorrow,
    anxiety and hope, laziness and willfulness,
    enthusiasm and insolence – like music arising from emptiness
    or mushrooms sprouting in the dark – they spring before us, night and day. We do not know from where they come.
    Stop thinking about it!
    How can we understand it all in one day?

  878. stnaaron Says:
    March 14th, 2008 at 16: 05.14
    thank you warganegara!!!

    WELCOME!!! As a malay contractor in penang, I don’t really bother about LGE abolishing NEP. It’s just a good policy. Bad implementation. So, what is LGE policy? Open tender? Good!

    One question to LGE. How do you stop the rich from robbing opportunities from the poor like me? No matter about the race of the rich people. All the same.

    If LGE perform worse than GERAKAN, I’ll kick him out also from the KOMTAR. Simple as that.

  879. LWY: Searching the net for outdated articles on PAS can be done by just about everybody. You kept referring to wikipedia reports on dhimmis, and to 2002 or 2003 reports on PAS. This is 2008. Show me an article in the BBC, The Times, the Straits Times Singapore that recently bashed PAS.

    Sitting in the UK and writing all the negative things about PAS isn’t going to help. Come back and do some more recent research on PAS in Kelantan – then talk.

  880. PAS leaders has said that they cannot give way on the Islamic state issue. Their mission statement is still the same.

    These are good reasons to show that those past reports are still relevant.

    I’ve aldready provided good reasons to show that they have not changed. The burdern is on you to show that it has changed.

  881. Uncle Lim said it very clearly yesterday in the Riz Khan’s interview to the effect that this is a new Perak state government & in light of new challenges let’s take a step at a time and no big leap. And that I think is very wise.

    Look out for common social economic path to work together in the loose coalition instead of searching for a reason to split. Take baby step to change, we the rakyat are just as happy.


  882. saya harap agar kwn2 saya dlm DAP dpt meyakin kan pihak2 dlm DAP yg agak sangsi dgn PAS…

    kawan2…mari kita fikirkan sejenak… kalau nk ikut kan PAS boleh sahaja anytime dari sekarang bergabung dgn UMNO bg membentuk kerajaan malaysia… skrg pun ramai urg2 UMNO mengajak pemimpin pas bergabung dgn mereka.

    barapa banyak pujuk rayu dr pihak UMNO agar PAS boleh bergabung dgn mereka agar BN boleh mendapat 2/3 majoriti. pasal 2 la pak lah bila d tanya sama ada UMNO akan terima org PAS bergabung dgn BN dia bagi tau dia x de maslah .(sedangkan sblm PRU UMNO bg tau xde sapa2 d luar kompenen d terima masuk BN).

    pemimpin PAS menegaskan mereka lebih suka dan lebih memberi komitmen terhadap DAP dan PKR…maksudnya PAS lebih percayakan DAP dari UMNO.. pasal 2 UMNO tgh pening skrg merengek mcm budak kecik…u all boleh lihat d berita pun mereka skrg lebih berhati2 ketika menghentam pas..dah x byk berita ‘meghentam’ pas skrg .

    dlm ucapan kpd penyokong2 juga pemimpin pas juga merakamkan terima kasihnya kpd pengundi2 yg telah menyokong PAS, PKR dan DAP. ramai kwn2 saya penyokong tetap PAS juga berkempen dan mengundi DAP pd PRU lepas..

    kwn2 yg saya hormati.. pihak UMNO-BN ingin sangat kalau mereka dapat melaga-lagakn PAS dan DAP. mereka menghasut org2 melayu PAS agar membenci DAP. dgn perkembangan terkini mereka cube yakin kan org2 DAP ini biadap, parti yg keras kepala, parti yg x boleh bekerjasama. kita kena peka terhadap permainan jahat org2 UMNO -BN..

    saya harap agar kwn2 DAP saya dapat meyakinkan pihak2 dalaman dan menukar persepsi negatif mereka terhadap PAS…

  883. I got source that the rumours are spread thru UMNO Scorpion members by Khairy Jamaludin. The police should be able to trace who started the SMS. Problem is Pak Lah should not warns Guan Eng in the newspaper this will incite racial tension. Then Khairy should not call his thugs to spread rumours. All Penangites should stand firm, hope Guan Eng govt can retaliate their attacks because i have a feeling that someone in UMNO will be going down now before their UMNO meeting.

    After the end of 1st world war, In Germany because the people has become very loyal to the party they failed to recognized who really is their leader (Adolf Hitler) in the end, all the people will start ethnic riots & send Jews to concentration camp even though they think is not humane but at that time they are loyal to their party. It might happen to Malaysia too, if bad blood in UMNO (Federal govt) are not been removed, the Federal will start sabotaging the state. The state will have to declare independence like Bosnia, Lithuania vs Russia. Pakistan vs India.

    Ethnic unrest is caused because after 50 yrs, they are used to read and listen to their own govt propoganda unwilling to change as change is “Dilemma of Melayu” a book written by Tun Dr. Mahathir he was sacked by Tunku Abd Rahman. Tun already see this will happen, that’s why he form BN, but he made a big mistake which he bravely admitted it, he though Pak Lah can revolutionalize UMNO this will make BN stronger, that’s too bad, it does not works. Luckily after 10 yrs, we still have Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim, but his party is still working hard to get the credential and trust to take over the Federal. Well, now is the time for change! expect some fight from the old school.

  884. It is up to the paranoid to prove that what was written years ago still holds true for a certain party. It is up to the paranoid who is driven by wikipedia definitions to investigate if such definitions are still applicable. Just as LKS has not publicly said post-elections that the DAP can never work with PAS or that the DAP will withdraw from state coalitions in Perak and Selangor, PAS has not said anything to the contrary. Stop the paranoia, particularly if you are enjoying life in the UK.

  885. YB LGE, what about participation of malay contractors in contracts by Chinese private companies? Will us be set aside due to unwritten discrimination due to the unwritten policy against NEP?

    No solution to that? Why? Coz private sectors are not under state government jurisdiction? If that’s the answer, then you are worse than Koh Tsu Koon.

    Wait and see.

  886. yewtzeee…the report was a street protest not FIGHTING as you put it. Furthermore it is a protest from umno not the rakyat.

    Please refrain from spreading something that you cannot verify ie; especially sms.

  887. —————————————————————-
    Lee Wang Yen Says:

    March 14th, 2008 at 15: 59.00
    I’m currently in UK. So that was 7 pm

    Lee Wang Yen Says:

    March 14th, 2008 at 15: 57.48
    Why should I look at PAS as a half-full glass? Why not take a more optimistic view and see it as a virtous cycle?

    Why don’t we take an optimistic view of BN?
    I think you’ll say that you cannot take that optimistic view because BN’s past track record shows that it is corrupt and inefficient.

    I agree with you on this (i.e. about BN). And that’s precisely what I would say in response to your question – I cannot take an optimistic view of PAS or a coalition with PAS given its past track record, as reported in BBC, TImes, Singapore’s the Strait’s Times etc, cited above.

    Ok. Begin to understand why Lee Wang Yen’s comments are as such.

  888. From Harakah:

    Umno ulangi senario 1967, pelawa PAS sertai BN atas alasan bangsa

    Basiron Abdul Wahab
    Fri | Mar 14, 08 | 4:03:10 pm MYT
    BERA 14 March (Hrkh) – Ahli Jawatankuasa PAS Pusat, Mazlan Aliman berkata, situasi sekarang seolah-olah mengulangi senario 1969 apabila Perikatan (kini Barisan Nasional) tewas di negeri Selangor, Perak, Pulau Pinang dan Kelantan.

    Katanya, Umno cuba memainkan isu perkauman sempit yang digunakan dahulu sehingga PAS bersetuju menyertai kerajaan campuran dan akhirnya membentuk Barisan Nasional (BN).

    “Stretegi sama mula dimain Umno kini, pemimpin mereka cuba mendekati PAS dengan memainan sentimen Melayu kononya demi survivasl bangsa, agama dan sebagainya.

    “Jangan terkejut jika dihubungi oleh orang-orang Umno mengajak untuk bertemu dan berbincang atau mengajak bersatu di bawah Umno,” ujarnya ketika berucap pada majlis kesyukuran petugas BA kawasan Bera di Darul Ikhwan dekat sini.

    Menurut Mazlan, pemimpin Unmo itulah yang suatu masa dahulu mensabotaj ahli PAS di kampung-kampung, menafikan hak untuk mendapatkan subsidi baja, hak untuk mendapatkan saham Felcra, tanah dan sebagainya, mereka itu mungkin akan menangis ketika bertemu bagi menunjukkan betapa perlunya PAS bersama Umno.

    Itu semua kata, Mazlan adalah usaha terdesak Umno ketika berada dalam “kritikal” serta sedang mengerakkan usaha memujuk ahli-ahli bersatu di dalam Umno, sama seperti senario 1969 dahulu apabila Tun Abdul Razak menyediakan helikopter untuk mengambil Presiden PAS, Dato’ Asri Haji Muda untuk bertemunya.

    Mazlan menegaskan, ahli PAS perlu tegas menolak pelawaan bersatu di bawah Umno. Ini kerana PAS mendapat mandat rakyat, mereka mengundi PAS mengapa pula perlu bersatu di dalam Umno, sepatutnya Umnolah yang menyertai PAS.

    “Buat apa bersatu di bawah Umno yang bakal dilupuskan, sepatutnya orang Umnolah yang menyertai PAS, bersatu di dalam PAS,” tegasnya.

    Katanya, perkara itu telah diputuskan oleh pimpinan PAS baru-baru ini, bahawa PAS tidak akan melayan pelawaan Umno.

    Pengalaman (1969) membukti Umno hanya memerlukan PAS semasa parti mereka sedang ‘nazak’ apabila Umno kukuh, PAS ditendang keluar daripada BN atas alasan cuba mengembangkan pengaruhnya di Johor.

    “Umno perlukan kawan semasa susah, apabila kuat mereka lupa kawan dan tendang PAS keluar dari BN pada tahun 1978,” katanya.

    Difahamkan di kampung-kampung, pemimpin Umno merupakan hero, merekalah yang mensabotaj dan mencadangkan kepada pihak berkuasa supaya menyahkan orang PAS daripada mendapat subsidi baja serta bantuan kerajaan lainnya.

    Malah, imam-imam yang disyaki menyokong PAS turut dibuang malah tiada ahli PAS dicalonkan untuk menduduki Jawatankuasa Kemajuan dan Keselamatan Kampung (JKKK) dan sebagainya.

    Menurut Mazlan, Umno semakin tidak releven, parti itu dikuasai oleh pemimpin korup yang tamak, membolot kekayaan negara tanpa mempedulikan nasib rakyat.

    Apa yang perlu PAS buat kini ialah memperkuatkan organisasi bagi menerima penghijrahan beramai-ramai ahli Umno ke dalam PAS tidak lama lagi.

    “Senario ini akan berlaku tidak lama lagi dan PAS serta rakan –rakan BA mesti bersedia,” ujarnya.

    Pada pilihan raya 8 Mac lalu, Mazlan bertanding kerusi Parlimen Bera. Beliau tewas kepada Dato’ Ismail Sabri dengan majoriti 3,821 undi.

    Bagaimanapun beliau berjaya mengurangkan majoriti lebih 1000 undi berbanding pilihan raya 2004 lalu. – mns


  889. The opposition pact was a forced compromise based on the Perak Royalty’s refusal to accept that all Malaysians are equal.

    Ketuanan Islam and Ketuanan Melayu are alive and kicking being abetted by the unelected Royalty. So much for Raja Nazrin saying:

    “Malaysians of all races, religions, and geographic locations need to believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that they have a place under the Malaysian sun. Only when each citizen believes that he or she has a common home and is working towards a common destiny, will he or she make the sacrifices needed for the long haul”

    Raja Nazrin rejected the DAP candidate with the overwhelming majority of seats in the State assembly purely because of a racist and religiously exclusive provision in the State constitution which discriminates against Malaysians who are not Malays and not Muslims. Raja Nazrin had the authority to waive this stipulation but he chose not to. WHY?

    In future Raja Nazrin should stop making speeches which give non- Malays the false hope that they “need to believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that they have a place under the Malaysian sun”.

    Royal Humbug!

    Isnt the forced compromise line up looking like the NEP, Ketuanan Melayu and Ketuan Islam all rolled into one? What is Barisan Rakyat all about?

    Where are the calls by the democrats in PKR and PAS to change the racist constitution? They are just sitting pretty! The Chinese and Indians in PKR are happy to play their MCA and MIC role in PKR with their ‘beggar’ mentality.

  890. js Says:
    March 14th, 2008 at 15: 24.28

    Sad to know that UMNO is having demostration now in Komtar Penang.
    js.. jgn bimbang kami urg2 melayu dlm pkr dan pas akan mempertahankan DAP peneng… mereka berdemo kerana masih tak mengaku kekalahan … kami akan ‘hentam’ mereka …

  891. Breaking news:
    1. Umno penang held a demonstration at KOMTAR against Guan Eng’s NEP pronouncement at around 3 p.m;

    2. Perlis has a new MB, Shahidan is out Isa Sabu is in;

    3. Former PM’s son Mukhriz has openly asked PM Pak Lah to resign;
    4. I don’t want to know anymore the status of Perak Government.

  892. I’d like to put my opinion across that a lot of us seem to be expecting immediate changes (rakyat decided, rakyat voted, rakyat demands what rakyat wants right now). I think the Barisan Rakyat needs to be given a fair period to make adjustments, given the fact that the unexpected magnitude of wins in the election that they have garnered. I feel that some of us are becoming to quick to make judgements of statements, actions, aspirations, etc of the BR. Do take into consideration, that the BR experience in governing states cannot be directly compared to that of BN. I believe that we the rakyat need to be fair. Constructive advice/ observations would be helpful, but criticism that I have read so far should be much uncalled for although I do disagree with YB LKS’s statement to boycott the swearing in of the new Perak MB.

    We the rakyat have voted, if we do not place faith in what we have decided, then the election would have meant nothing. I do hope that BR would start gaining grown once all these current setting up issues are ironed out. Let’s not be hasty to put the BR down. I agree that there are many things BR needs to learn and adopt. Faith is believing in what you cannot see and has yet to happen. Let’s continue to hope and pray for wisdom for people the rakyat has voted for to make Malaysia for all Malaysians.

  893. “It is what I expect of the DAP right wing – the continous PAS-bashing so that they can exploit the insecurity of the Chinese voters into voting along totally racial lines.” Godfather

    I think you are giving too much credits for me and Wang Yen. Insecurity towards PAS is an understatement, it is mistrust by the non-muslims towards PAS due to its past history where in a broader context the party’s stand on the Islamic State agenda which is not consistent, which is why the formation of Perak state government with PAS thoroughly examines, from every aspects necessary. Where as in a narrower context of its own supporters, PAS Islamic State agenda is not only consistent but they are always in competition with UMNO pushing for new boundaries, even as we speaks. In Perak today, in view of DAP having the majority of seats in the DUN, some thought we can cooperate with PAS to govern the state when in fact those calling to look at the big picture thought they can also exploit the situation by using PAS to keep UMNO and out of the Perak state, but they should also keep in mind they are just replacing UMNO with PAS.

  894. Why should we be surprised that Penang UMNO is leading the demonstration after friday prayers ? These thieves stand to lose land deals, plus major contracts like the Penang Monorail, plus the goodies promised by Chinese developers like Abad Naluri. What is the basis of their existence now ? Worse, there are now calls from within UMNO for Badawi to resign.

    Hence they need to engineer distractions. Sad to say, we are giving them the right reasons to do so.

  895. —————————————————————-
    Lee Wang Yen Says:

    March 14th, 2008 at 15: 46.30

    The threat of PAS’ agenda of Islamic State and Islamisation is not a mere THEORY. It is very real and has serious implications on our PRACTICAL lives, as Kit Siang pointed out.

    Pertaining to the few simple questions fielded to you to test your practical perspective of upholding your own standing and your so-called principles, you come back with the answers like this arh??
    PRACTICAL lives???

  896. Dawsheng:

    We simply cannot equate PAS with UMNO. UMNO steals from you and I, the taxpayers. They create concessions for themselves, they issue APs to their cronies, and they create privatisations so that they can skim from the contracts. PAS does not steal from us. Yes, their ideology is different, but we must try to co-exist with them. This is 2008.

    Just so that you know, the Penang bridge contract awarded to China Bridge Construction and immediately subcontracted to UEM was bogged down by UMNO’s insistence that all further subcontracts must be given to bumiputra contractors only, and that they all have to sign a declaration that they cannot further subcontract down the line to non-bumiputra contractors.

    The voters have had enough of this. Don’t give the opportunity back to these thieves.

  897. Aiyaaa…for those of you DAP supporter (whatever wing you are from), keep the suspicious to yourself. I’m also suspicious about DAP…. but I’m excited to participate in the so-called (not proven yet) justice, transparent and all the good things to all.


  898. dawsheng Says:
    March 14th, 2008 at 16: 45.39
    Sorry should read ” with PAS must be thoroughly examines”.

    Aiyaaa… we examine after 1 year la. If I want to examine based on their PAST, it will be ‘F’ for me. But I’m waiting for their delivery of better governance – fair to all races. If not, BAD PERFORMANCE political parties can go back to become oppositions like BN now. FULL STOP.

  899. THe Perak MB & Exco deal has been solved according to Malaysiakini. Cheers to Barisan Rakyat on that.

    Wish that the swearing in ceremony would be smooth and joyous.

    Uncle Kit, now you can concentrate on the bigger picture now. All the best!

  900. Barisan Rakyat please take note that you only have 4 years to show your performance to the rakyat not 5 years! BN wants to throw you out as soon as they can. Therefore, schedule you projects and development works not longer than 4 years so that the rakyat can see your achievements.

  901. Umno protesters in Penang. What next? MCA protesters in Perak? Why are the BN people so predictable……They just want to divert the attention of others from their internal tsunami ….

  902. Federal Government Sabotaging Penang state government in Penang Komtar. Look why these people don’t server the people of Penang but choose to protest over certain individual agenda! Look at the banner, it carries different message! it disturb the peace! it is totally different compare to Hindraf.



    Whereas their leader are laughing nicely to allowed this to happen prior to 2008 election




    And this man is an owner of TENC boutique in KL Pavillion and represent Rembau.


  903. BTW, Guan Eng should insist on a proper accounting of the new Penang bridge project. It has blown up in costs from RM3 billion to RM4 billion, and certain parts of the bridge (especially the viewing decks) have to be sacrificed to keep costs down. As usual, the subcontracts from UEM downwards have been kept totally secret, and the layers and layers of subcontracts meant that costs could escalate further. Although this is a federal project, I believe that the state has made some contributions to the costs.

  904. Sorry GUYS, one question.

    I am a malay. I’ve been discriminate by chinese while working in private sectors before. My wife also being discriminate by chinese in her office. What her boss answer, she is being discriminate because chinese are being discriminate by NEP.

    My chinese friend also told me some chinese suppliers will charge a malay like me more expensive than their chinese counterparts.

    What say you all chinese malaysians??????? Can you answer that.

  905. So much has been said & so much has been argued about…..since the matter has been settled…please do not argue here….eacj one of us have our own reason for voting opposition….whats the point of shouting your reason? Most impt is that Opposition has won in 5 states.
    We should look forward and see how much we can contribute towards a better tomorrow in the 5 states and compare with the other states which BN still rules.
    If we can contribute our hard earned cash during the ceramah…we can noe help to push forward for a clean and transparent govt…
    Please don’t waste our time arguing about PAS or PKR or DAP….we are all in the team…ie BA or BR…..
    This time…all racial barrier has been broken and we should keep it that way….
    “Lets not ask what the 5 state govts can do for us but lets ask what we can do for the 5 state govts” that should be our motto…
    Please do not forget the vultures out there (BN) waiting for just a small mistake or chance to snap at us….be alert and be awake….
    If we can beat the hell out of them this time….we should work towards beating the hell out of them more teruk in the next GE…
    What say you??????

  906. Wargamalaysia:

    If you are not treated fairly by DAP Penang, then vote them out the next time. Give them the benefit of the doubt at this time. If you find a Chinese supplier who charges you more just because you are Malay, go to another supplier. Not all Chinese suppliers behave the same way.

  907. Let me paint a more positive image of PAS for you. The Perak state government coalition is finally installed with PAS assemblymen as the MB. PAS condoned legal gambling and sale of alcohol practices in the state under UMNO coalition government because of its minority position and limitations in the state council, business as usual for a couple of years but here PAS is slowly becoming an UMNO, except its assemblymen may not be corrupt.

    Now for the picture we refused to see. At the same time PAS will relentlessly push for more Islamic State agenda as it has more reasons and aspirations to do so since the position of MB was given to the party based on principles of race and religion which do not violates the state constitution but rather than on principles of democracy in which it violates the principle of democracy as the position should go to DAP. As such, PAS will tell its supporters that the Sultan of Perak endorsed the Islamic State agenda.

    I may have a different opinion if it was the consensus of all three parties, but under the circumstances how PAS got the MB post, I cannot but be more suspicious of the party. The appointment of PAS assemblymen has far reaching consequences of doing more harm than good to multiracial Malaysia.

  908. yewtzeee tats not a demonstration, it is merely a rally paid by some cronies to keep their stake in Penang alive. Looking at the banners it signals a different message to the Rakyat of Penang. I also see their face are happy off course lah if you paid me RM 200 or RM 500 to hold that banner sure i will be happy to carry it but my heart still with DAP. Lol!

  909. Former Kota Bahru parliamentarian Zaid Ibrahim asked the UMNO media to stop pitting Malays against non-Malays.

    Zaid Ibrahim is the good guy in UMNO and yet he was not chosen by Pak Lah to defend his seat. That shows Pak Lah is the type of person who could not appreciate a talented guy with clean image like Zaid Ibrahim.

  910. I’m not judging DAP based on their past. I’m looking forward to their future performance. I still trust DAP can do better than GERAKAN/BN even though LGE announced the abolishment of NEP. To me NEP is just a written policy.

    Written law also says that BRIBERY is an offence. What about implementation.

    I’m hoping to receive fair, justice and transparence administration as pledged by DAP/BA.

  911. Wargamalaysia,

    I heard that Malay go to pizzahut can waive the tax.. but chinese and indian go have to charge… every races have some bastard.

    racist is every where in malaysia.

    as a malaysian we should vote out those unfair laws.

  912. Dawsheng,
    You mentioned that big picture.
    “In Perak today, in view of DAP having the majority of seats in the DUN, some thought we can cooperate with PAS to govern the state when in fact those calling to look at the big picture thought they can also exploit the situation by using PAS to keep UMNO and out of the Perak state, but they should also keep in mind they are just replacing UMNO with PAS.”

    What you so-called big picture is not really BIG enough a picture for most of us. Listen carefully here:-

    a) PAS itself has got its own limitations in West coast states like Perak. If PAS is so great and influential, PAS will have been able to take Perak from UMNO directly long time ago. (50 years already)

    b) Keadilan on the other hand has the potential to take on UMNO in long run especially in West coast states like Perak. (Believe it or not, 31 seats in Parliment now)

    c) We want Keadilan to rise to a level that Keadilan-DAP become major players in Perak and in West coast of Malaysia.

    d) We must take the fact that Malay is majority in state of Perak, and in Malaysia, we want Keadilan to replace UMNO, DAP to replace MCA/GERAKAN.

    e) Our main and strong Opponent is BN. In order to be able to handle BN, we must be able to get along with PAS during implementation phase. No point creating too many enemies. PAS has its own ground to play no matter what as evidenced by last 50 years.

    f) In a bigger picture, we must further strengthen Keadilan-DAP coalition in West Coast states so that they would be to take on BN comfortably in future.

    g) We must unite and see a big picture of NEW MALAYSIA. We must also be strategical. Some setbacks or hiccups during implementation phase should not rock the boat too much.

  913. BTW, Guan Eng should insist on a proper accounting of the new Penang bridge project. It has blown up in costs from RM3 billion to RM4 billion, and certain parts of the bridge (especially the viewing decks) have to be sacrificed to keep costs down. Godfather

    Please note that the Penang Bridge is a Federal Project to be implemented at the state. I don’t think Guan Eng has any say in it. The Federal Government may even delay the implementation if so wishes. The best is to ask Guan Eng to work quietly. No need to make a lot of statements here and there. It is not good, and at the same time you don’t get your job done. In fact I gave him low mark for the first few days of his chief ministership – too gung-ho and too populist. Don’t play to gallery lah, just do your work. Penang people need discipline not pampering. The whole city is like sh*t lah. It is time to kickbutts and get them to be civic minded and maintain orderliness and cleanliness.

  914. It any of the countries, change in government sure will bring up protest by some quarter, look at Taiwan! it is the same if Mah Yin Jiu win the President, Chen Sui Bien activist will start raging.

    Pak Lah should be condemn because he started to lit racial tension when he warns Guan Eng in the front page of the star paper. Well it has become obvious that the mastermind for this unnecessary protest might not be from Pak Lah perhaps Khairy?

  915. All Msians should be able to see so much controversy from the post election media reporting.

    Firstly, well before March 8, all media…be it mainstream publications (STAR, NST, Utusan Malaysia etc) and the TV media were indeed very pro BN with little coverage of the opposition events. Even there were, these coverage were blanked of the audio version of opposition leaders’ voice.

    Datuk Wong Chun Wai, Sherkawi Jirim (Bernama News) etc were having reports or conducting talks that skewed towards a pro BN motive. We all know from the way it was braodcast, the way questions were posted to responders, etc.

    But look at the post election events. They are the same people who now sing a different song & tune. Congratulating the opposition now?? What is this…this insincere comment. Totally irresponsible. Today, Datuk Wong Chun Wai said in his commentary “Denial Syndrome Must End” seems to tell us that he is more knowledgeable now than many Msian. Why all these calling now on the Govt-run TV stations, media etc to be prepared to relook its editorial policies? Isn’t he is slapping himself? Moreover, conducting the recent event where all participants including Dr Dennison Jayasooria etc discussing on the pretext “What next Msia” is another sarcastic event. Pretense does not absolve ones bad intention.

    Today’s papers (STAR) indicated another ploy by the BN leaders. Mr Kerisman said, “DAP decision will affect all Msians” and Mr Denial (Nazi not Mr Nazri) said, “We may see an end to NEP”.
    Do we all Msians know why these two were placed side by side on page N6 STAR? Well if you don’t, please be aware that there is this ploy. By Mr Nazi saying this, he hopes to incite the Bumiputra Malays to rise against it. It’s racial incitement!! But in a different way—the BN way.
    He even went to the extent by saying that “We UMNO have to really sit down and rethink. It looks like those educated Malays do not care about Malays rights anymore”. What does this infer? He is trying to shoot those educated Malays in their legs..Stop short of saying these educated Malays are stupid in voting for the opposition so much so the opposition is now taking away the Malay rights!!. But on the other hand, Mr Nazi forgot that by saying UMNO has to relook the NEP policy means two things. One is a threat to the Malays and secondly is to tell all Msians, they have no other choice but to reinvent UMNO to be relevant. He is such a stupid & dump politician. This also means that UMNO rode on this matter to fight for the Malays (or rather cling on to power) even though they knew all the way in the past 50 years that this will one day happen as what happened on March 8…but just ignored the needs of all Msian (not just the Malays). Thus it can be deduced that UMNO plays along racial lines. Msains are no longer stupid today!
    On the contrary, Mr Keris’ comments is an ultimatum to the people of Msia. Retain NEP or there will be chaos. Who says there will be chaos unless it is instigated by UMNO politicians such as Mr Keris. He intentional use of the benefits of NEP to all Malays is a masking ploy. Surely it’s meant to stir up the Malays. The NEP actually benefited all UMNO politician, that’s the reason they continue to champion he NEP. The rural Malays may not realise this but the urban Malays know very well it did not benefit them at all. A simple give aways of a few hundred Ringgit to these rural Malays would shut their mouth & of course obtain their votes. Nothing comes free for lunch! But the urban Malays especially the educated ones showed their mettle by voting the opposition.

    Syabas to them in standing up to “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH”.

    Wake up all Msians. Our future lies from what we need to do from now. Don”t let them hook & blind fold us anymore.

  916. wargamalaysia Says:

    March 14th, 2008 at 17: 09.53
    Sorry GUYS, one question.

    I am a malay. I’ve been discriminate by chinese while working in private sectors before. My wife also being discriminate by chinese in her office. What her boss answer, she is being discriminate because chinese are being discriminate by NEP.

    My chinese friend also told me some chinese suppliers will charge a malay like me more expensive than their chinese counterparts.

    What say you all chinese malaysians??????? Can you answer that.


    The fact that most readers here are against DAP on this Perak MB topic should answer your question.

  917. http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/79822

    Uncle Lim, sorry to side track. This is another clear evidence that the police are doing double standard.

    Hindraf & Bersih rally was meet with acid rain and tear gas….but what this UMNO members get? No arrest was made! Children are consider harmful for general public….but these sour lossers are not.

    I hope the Barisan Rakyat can jointly issue statement on the double standard pratice by the Police.

  918. “undecidedmoron Says:

    March 14th, 2008 at 17: 07.15
    Hi everyone,I don’t want to start a rumor, but I just want to find out if anyone knows if there is anything happening in KL tonight?”

    There will be happening tonight in KL….Beach Club, Rum Jungle, etc….:)

  919. PENANG: Police have dispersed the crowd which held a short street protest near the Komtar building on Friday.

    Banners and posters were seized but no one was arrested.

    The protestors began gathering in the area after Friday prayers to demonstrate against the DAP-led state government.

    Earlier Friday, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan had warned the public not to assemble illegally at the location.

    He said those who defied the order would be arrested for illegal assembly.

    Meanwhile in Selangor, about 50 protestors gathered at the state secretariat building in Shah Alam on Friday afternoon, but they dispersed about 20 minutes later.
    That was whats in the star latest…..
    Nothing great so please do not be alarmed…..

    Opposition has lost in so many GE and yet we don’t go out demonstrating…..is that what UMNO is…cannot accept losing???
    You win some and you lose some….I wish to call on our Malay brothers to please tell those trouble makers to cease all such actions…becuz people will only hate you more…and what about Penang & Selangor MCA, MIC & Gerakan??? What is their stand?

    One stupid move and you all will be condemed forever and no chance for you to rise again……

    Funny isn’t it???? No arrest made???? hahahaha…a small girl wanting to present flowers at a peaceful march pun kena ditangkap…. ooiiiiiii IGP….don’t test our wits and patience….if you continue to be BN’s lackey….then don’t blame us if we too come out to protest your inaction…..your are paid by us Rakyat…so act and do fair for all rakyat and not only close 1 eye on BN’s demonstration…..so DAMN STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  920. As a political entity elected by the people into office, not only DAP has to carry out the responsibilities the people entrusted to them but at the same time, as a political entity in the Malaysia, whether elected by the people or not, DAP has to carry out the responsibilities to protect the constitution of Malaysia. We must see a clear distinction in between the multiple roles that DAP has undertaken today, with such a huge responsibility nothing can be taken lightly.

  921. There are rumours now that Tengku Razaleigh and Muhyiddin will ask Anwar Ibrahim to join UMNO and oust Abdullah Badawi http://kuda-kepang.blogspot.com/

    I am worried that Anwar will abandon PKR and join UMNO. According to Harakah website, UMNO is also asking PAS to join them.

    I hope DAP would cooperate well with PAS and PKR so that UMNO will not be able to entice PAS & PKR to join them.

  922. To wargamalaysia

    Why u still call yourself a Malay after 50 yrs of independence? aren’t you a Malaysian?

    “My chinese friend also told me some chinese suppliers will charge a malay like me more expensive than their chinese counterparts.”

    some chinese suppliers, but not all, you can always “open tender” for the cheapest. Please deny the fact you are a malay, because u should be Malaysian not Malay.

  923. The best thing for the Opposition is that Abdullah Badawi will remain as PM. Then, coming next election we can have more bullets to shoot at BN. Clean people like Tengku Razaleigh is no good for Barisan Rakyat. Don’t pressurize Abdullah to resign. Let him stay as PM.

  924. Lee Wang Yen Says:

    March 14th, 2008 at 15: 33.31

    The answer to your question should be quit clear from my 2 or 3 comments regarding LKS’s posting on the Star Devilish lies.


    My apologies for being pedantic here but you are talking in riddles. What is quite (sp?) clear?

    One of the things that is clear to me that this fiasco is not doing DAP or Kit any good.

  925. Zaid Ibrahim is the proof that UMNO main jahat. Not all people from UMNO are bad. There are good guys among UMNO i.e. Tengku Razaleigh & Zaid Ibrahim but the good guys are normally ousted.

  926. First To Lee Wang Yen;

    Are you really a Chinese and a DAP supporter?

    You seem to be bashing PAS claiming to be a strong DAP supporter.

    Then you also bashed DAP!

    Now to Stnaaron, Lakshy,Gofortruth, Godfather, Rozariorecardo, Fairnation and the others:

    Let’s just ignore the person who tried to compare himself to Lim Kit Siang(pl refer to my earlier postings)


    Let whoever wants to demonstrate do so as long as it is peaceful.

    Let them express out what they feel inside.

    Let them voice out their side of their story and let the rakyat decide on the merits of thier story.

    We may not agree with them ,but the least we should do is to hear them out.

    Isn’t this democracy?

    Those with hidden agenda will be in due course be exposed!

    Your faithfully,
    Victory or Death

  927. for all malaysian don’t worry, this is small amount of people who loss their benefit/position/contract/business/(lubang cari duit haram/easy money/depend/tongkat for stand)that are not surely not satisfy,
    if you want to become UMno member , you must be the one like RAJA klang Zakaria Zeros,when live so rich with un-known money and past away got so many dirty friend come and give you face, so for NEP only making this kind and others same ask him rich/wealthy only.they the clever one use this NEP to take all that reserve for malay, but ordinary malay don’t get it, only spacial upper UMNO VIP member got it,tha’s is why after 50 years of NEP,a lot of malay not upgraded yet, the upper reserve for malay being blood sucked all ,not only malay blood but hole malaysian blood, may they get sick on this life bodily and mentaly,and may the burn in hell for one trillion year…..so you all must have clever/mature mind. work togerther and you will get your pieces of cake,,,thankyou

  928. I felt betrayed and frustrated ! We have high hopes to see that one day a new government would be formed, one that which is justful, free from corruption and one that can bring this country to a greater heights.

    But here we are, before the dust even settles down, one old man has become a loose cannon and putting coalition of barisan rakyat into serious a jeopardy.

    Right before our eyes, the fighting has started over the spoils of war. It was never about the rakyat, it was all about power all along. I should have known !

    Listen here ! When we cast our vote last Saturday, we have never seen you people as DAP, PKR or PAS but we look at you as Barisan Alternative, Barisan Rakyat who would free us from the oppression by UMNO and it’s accomplice. If it has been a PAS and UMNO battles in all the seats, we would have voted for PAS ! We don’t care! All we want to see is UMNO to fall.

    It was such a nice start when we read about how all the 3 parties would be willing to accept whoever is the MB until an old man comes in and put his mouth before his head!

    The 3 parties now has acted like looters in a chaos, everybody try to grab whatever is there for their own selfish ends. If this is the begining of a show of a power craze politicians- putting the interest of the party first before the rakyat, we will hear many more squabbles in days to come.

  929. U all boleh tgk betapa jahatnya UMNO.. org2 PKR dan PAS meyokong kerajaan negeri p.pinang tapi UMNO saja mau buat kecoh… so yg perlu kita lawan ini bukan PKR dan PAS tapi UMNO BN.

  930. “a) PAS itself has got its own limitations in West coast states like Perak. If PAS is so great and influential, PAS will have been able to take Perak from UMNO directly long time ago. (50 years already)”

    PAS understood its limitations and this specifically why the position of MB is important to them, and they got to get it by hook or by crook. If PAS do not understands its own limitations, they will willingly give the position to DAP and PKR.

  931. YB,

    Good luck for you. Harapan akan datang sebelum keluar statement mesti bincang among your pakatan BA, especially with DSAI. Semuga orang melayu, cina & india akan dapat bersatu dan tiada orang yang miskin di Malaysia. Boleh kah kita ikut harga minyak seperti negara pengeluar minyak yang lain. Venezuela, Brunei, Arab Saudi, Kuwait, Nigeria dan UAE. Tolong bagi jawapannya. Another question, berapa perbelanjaan Malaysia hantar angkasawan ke ISS dan berapa buah rumahkah akan diperolehi jika kerajaan BARISAN NASIONAL sedekahkan kepada orang-orang miskin yang memerlukan rumah jika kita tidak menghantar angkasawan kita itu? TQ

  932. BoycottLocalPapers Says:

    March 14th, 2008 at 17: 52.07
    “The best thing for the Opposition is that Abdullah Badawi will remain as PM. Then, coming next election we can have more bullets to shoot at BN. Clean people like Tengku Razaleigh is no good for Barisan Rakyat. Don’t pressurize Abdullah to resign. Let him stay as PM.”

    I actually agree with Boycottlocalpaper and was actually along the same wavelength although I did not expressed my thoughts.

  933. wargamalaysia Says:

    March 14th, 2008 at 17: 09.53
    Sorry GUYS, one question.

    I am a malay. I’ve been discriminate by chinese while working in private sectors before. My wife also being discriminate by chinese in her office. What her boss answer, she is being discriminate because chinese are being discriminate by NEP.

    My chinese friend also told me some chinese suppliers will charge a malay like me more expensive than their chinese counterparts.

    What say you all chinese malaysians??????? Can you answer that.

    Her boss really dare to say something like that!!!! Shame!!!
    ask her quit lah, if she is capable, malaysia got prenty job and better boss for her. bumi banks non malaye get discriminate, government sector non malay get discriminate. malaysia is sick!!

    If chinese charge you more, you got negotiate with him or not? you got survey market or not? If you got survey market they cant easily cheat you. I think most of the malay quite “qingchai”, for chinese if the price not right, they will go to others shop.. so chinese supplier like them will lower the price to gain chinese customer. next time you should say xxx shop give me this price what price can i get from you…

    Did you support to set an anti-dicrimination laws?

  934. We Chinese and Indians are being discriminated by the UMNO government. Therefore, we should not and never ever discriminate the Malays because we know how exactly it feel to be discriminated. Those Chinese or Indians who discriminate the Malays are damn fools!

  935. “b) Keadilan on the other hand has the potential to take on UMNO in long run especially in West coast states like Perak. (Believe it or not, 31 seats in Parliment now)

    c) We want Keadilan to rise to a level that Keadilan-DAP become major players in Perak and in West coast of Malaysia.

    d) We must take the fact that Malay is majority in state of Perak, and in Malaysia, we want Keadilan to replace UMNO, DAP to replace MCA/GERAKAN.”

    “We” as a Malaysians should uphold the principles of the constitution of Malaysia. “We” will be powerless if “we” thought we have won.

  936. “It is an agenda but not a priority right now, as the focus is on improving the state administration like curbing corruption and implementing our version of a welfare state. We are far from talking about implementing hudud. Islamic laws will come in stages when the people are ready. People are not ready to accept Islamic laws because they do not understand Islam. When they do, we will consider implementing such laws.” Kedah’s new MB Azizan Abdul Razak


  937. Chinese and Indians should abandon MCA & MIC to join multi racial parties like DAP, PKR, or even Gerakan. Many Malays are already abandon race based political party like UMNO. Why must Chinese or Indians still hang on to BN (UMNO)? It is time to join DAP!!!

  938. Menang atau mati Says:

    March 14th, 2008 at 18: 04.08
    BoycottLocalPapers Says:

    March 14th, 2008 at 17: 52.07
    “The best thing for the Opposition is that Abdullah Badawi will remain as PM. Then, coming next election we can have more bullets to shoot at BN. Clean people like Tengku Razaleigh is no good for Barisan Rakyat. Don’t pressurize Abdullah to resign. Let him stay as PM.”

    I actually agree with Boycottlocalpaper and was actually along the same wavelength although I did not expressed my thoughts.

    Good one, BoycottLocalPapers!! Same wavelength.

    But no worry, one thing for sure Pak Lah would still want to sit on that place. Khairy would still want Pak Lah to be in place. Pak lah will not come down so easily!!

    Najib is a very careful person. He won’t challenge so easily unless he is pretty sure he got at least 70% support of UMNO members. Somemore, AAB got something to hold him back if not mistaken.

    Even if Najib takes the gut to challenge AAB, the impact of such in-fightings in UMNO will weaken UMNO for the next General Election. Some losing members of UMNO will probably switch to support Keadilan.

  939. Good one, BoycottLocalPapers!! Same wavelength.

    But no worry, one thing for sure Pak Lah would still want to sit on that place. Khairy would still want Pak Lah to be in place. Pak lah will not come down so easily!!

    Najib is a very careful person. He won’t challenge so easily unless he is pretty sure he got at least 70% support of UMNO members. Somemore, AAB got something to hold him back if not mistaken.

    Even if Najib takes the gut to challenge AAB, the impact of such in-fightings in UMNO will weaken UMNO for the next General Election. Some losing members of UMNO will probably switch to support Keadilan.

  940. Kit,

    I hope you do take this as a lesson, as you are now sitting on the different side of the fence. DAP is rulling party now, at least at state level. Though the rakyat voted for change, but everyone must realize change does not happen overnight. For real change to happen, mutual respect must come first. Malaysians had long been divided on racial and religious line, created by the govt to achieve personal interests. DAP had long fight for equality, meritrocary and transparency. As long as he is qualify, then give him a chance to prove himself he can deliver, regardless of race and religion. The voters will have to understand this point to create a unite Malaysia. We should not destroy what we took almost 40 years to built in just 4 days after the historical election. The 12ht general election is already a history, we have to move on and work together to create another history.

    If Malaysians still do not understand this point and still lobbying a particular race to hold the CM/MB post, then we are not ready for a real democratic government, might as well vote back BN into power as it make no difference anyway.

    Long live New Malaysia.

  941. Untuk makluman seluruh kepimpinan Barisan Rakyat (DAP/PKR/PAS),

    Rakyat secara keseluruhannya mengundi DAP, PKR dan PAS kali ini bukanlah sebagai ekspresi menuntut HAK. Hak kaum ataupun agama. Tetapi kami semua mahukan sebuah kerajaan baru yang lebih baik, yang lebih berkesan dalam melaksanakan PERANANnya. Supaya semua kaum dan agama mendapat keadilan sewajarnya.

    Kalau DAP ingin merebut HAK orang Cina, dan PAS mahu merebut HAK orang Islam apabila diberi mandat, lihatlah nanti… PRU-13 akan kembali menjadi MILIK BN!!!

    Bila mendapat berita DAP ingin memboikot pelantikan MB PAS, ramai orang Melayu yang telah memberi undi kepada DAP baru-baru ini menjadi TERGURIS dan KECEWA. Saya tak fikir DAP akan mendapat banyak kerusi DUN atau PARLIMENT tanpa undi daripada orang Melayu.

    Harap DAP, PAS dan PKR mewujudkan kerjasama yang kuat sebagai alternatif kepada Kerajaan BN. Kami akan menilai anda semua sebelum PRU-13!!!

  942. Hi, Wargamalaysia,

    I hope that just because you experience discrimination, you would not think all Chinese are not trustworthy. In the market place there is always some
    form of discriminations. I go to a Mamak restaurant, I know for sure
    that many times I was charged higher than an Indian, so, do I hate or dislike them? Even as a Chinaman in business dealings
    if we go to a new supplier our prices and terms are naturally less
    competitive as compared to an old customer.
    Discriminary practices cut across racial boundaries. There are as many Chinese racists as Malays or Indians in this country. Our system of government the past 50 years did not help either.
    So when you are discriminated just move on to another supplier,
    I am very sure you’ll find some good and honest people. Is it not prudent to source for a few suppliers to get the best price for the
    products you need?
    We can live better with each other without listening to the provocations of our politicians who are trying to seggregate us because of our differences. let’s kick out all these people, perhaps
    we can live in trust and harmony with each other.
    In my times during the 70’s, where English was the medium of instruction in schools, the Chinese the Malays and Indians, we
    really got along very well. But now, I can only pray for the good old days to return.

  943. The demonstrations at Komtar,Penang and Shah Alam,Selangor were inspired and organized by UMNO.At these demonstrations,we can see Umno’s fanatical racialism was rearing its ugly head once again.Let PKR/DAP/PAS bulldoze this political samseng and rascal in another election so that we can have a brighter future.As long as Malaysia is ruled by this political rascal,everybody will suffer.We hope the Malays can use their wisdom to discern the misdeeds of Umno and now support the new coalition.

  944. Police disperse protestors in Penang, this is a double standard way! Get what I mean by double standard?

    The Star quote :-
    “They were subsequently released after their statements were taken down. It was a relatively peaceful protest.

    Don’t be threatened by Umno !

  945. Hahaha…Keng Yaik just took the heat off Uncle Kit….Now everyone will bash Keng Yaik

    “PAS MB: DAP misled Chinese, says Keng Yaik
    Andrew Ong | Mar 14, 08 6:34pm

    Outspoken Gerakan veteran Lim Keng Yaik today slammed the Perak DAP leadership for opportunistically forming an alliance with hardline Islamic party PAS and agreeing to the appointment of a PAS menteri besar.

    “They have misled the Chinese. I challenge them to ask their constituents if they want a PAS menteri besar. If most of them do, I will quit politics forever!” Keng Yaik said sternly during a press conference in Ipoh today.” – Malaysiakini

  946. Life has its ironies.

    Kit has apologised to Perak royalty for his outburst. There is agreement on the MB, who should be sworn in tomorrow. The state exco seat allocation has been agreed. The DAP/PKR/PAS coalition will start administration in Perak from tomorrow.

    Yet we have the far right supporters of the DAP who are playing the broken record of “PAS is evil”, “PAS is bad”, “PAS cannot be trusted”. These are the people who call on the DAP to renounce any cooperation with PAS and to give the state administrations of Perak and Selangor back to the BN rather than work with PAS.

    Cukup lah. Accept the decision of the DAP leadership and move on. Luckily these people are in the minority or we could see protests against the DAP in Ipoh, Kuala Kangsar and PJ.

  947. LWY and Dawsheng:

    We know what you want. We know you want the DAP to quit the ruling coalitions in Perak and Selangor. We know you want to give the administrations in these states back to BN. It isn’t going to happen. The DAP leadership has decided that it is going to give the coalition a chance to see if it can work.

    Now please accept it and move on.

  948. Gerakan adviser Datuk Seri Dr Lim Keng Yaik has condemned the Perak DAP for making use of the Perak royal family to chase after their ambitions to be members of the yet-to-be-formed state government.

    In a press conference here this afternoon, Dr Lim accused Ngeh Koo Ham and Nga Kor Ming, the party’s respective state chairman and secretary, of being power-crazy and showing disrespect to Sultan of Perak Sultan Azlan Shah and Raja Muda of Perak Raja Dr Nazrin Shah.

    He claimed that both Ngeh and Nga, who are cousins, wanted to blame the dissatisfaction among the Chinese in the state for the non-appointment of DAP as menteri besar on the royal family.

    “What they have done over the last five days (since Sunday) was to pass the buck to the sultan. This is very bad on their part. The DAP has chosen (Muhammad) Nizar (Jamaluddin) from Pas and they now want to throw the blame of the reaction of the Chinese (community) on the Sultan. They nominated the Pas menteri besar and the DAP is now pulling wool over the ordinary people’s eyes by trying to pass the buck which was the most unfair thing to the ruler… shows that they have no respect for the ruler,” he told reporters.

    Also present were Perak Gerakan chairman Datuk Chang Ko Youn, women’s wing chairman Datuk Tan Lian Hoe and some of the party’s candidate who lost in the recently concluded general election. Gerakan lost all four of the state seats and two of the three parliamentary its contested to the DAP. The only seat it won was the Gerik parliamentary constituency by Tan.

    Dr Lim said while Sultan Azlan Shah had the power to approve a ruling government and the appointment of the menteri besar, it was the DAP that had originally decided that Pas be given the menteri besar’s post.

    When asked if he was privy to any insider information regarding his claim that DAP had intended from day one for Pas to become Perak menteri besar, Dr Lim merely said that his statement was based on information received from his sources.

    (Press reports however show that this is not correct. It was Pas which had on Sunday announced its nominee for the MB’s post without consultation with the DAP.)

    “DAP has sold its soul by supporting Pas. The masterminds the two cousins (Ngeh and Ngah). They are the power-seekers in the DAP. DAP will have to take total responsibility for this fiasco. One way out for DAP now is to honorably step aside and make way for BN with 28 state seats to become the minority government of Perak,” said the fired-up Gerakan adviser.

    Meanwhile, Dr Lim’s “unwarranted” criticism received a stern rebuke from Ngeh, DAP’s state chairman. “As a retired senior politician, the Gerakan adviser should act in a statesman-like manner by not showing his disrespect to Sultan Azlan Shah and Raja Nazrin Shah and belittling the intelligence of the voters.”

    “He is spouting lies and half-truths. He should not belittle or treat the voting public with contempt for having voted for the DAP. The public knows about the mandatory provisions in the Perak Constitution and the ruler’s discretion to waive those requirements.

    “The DAP did not nominate Pas for menteri besar’s post. But, in keeping with the coalition spirit all three parties submitted their respective names in order of the number of state seats each had,” he said in response to Dr Lim. – NST

  949. Why DAP must be Perak MB??? because they win 18 DUN???

    BN win 28 DUN…. BN is a legal combine party, have a documentation when they combine together…

    DAP-PAS-PKR have legal documentation on combination??? or just saying they combine without any documentation…

    Stupid DAP…. Jangan Kurang Ajar dengan Sultan Perak……. nak tengok 13 mei jadi lagi…. atuk nenek you tak ajar ker….

  950. It’s time the PM of BN call for ISA those UMNO leaders in Penang for provoking demonstartion based on racial sentiments, an offence more serious than the BERSIH. This about creating a bigger racial riot in times to come..so it should be ISA straight, no question asked. Can someone pls remind Uncle Lim to hammer Pak Lah with this..ask Pak LAh to show us fairness!!!!!

  951. “DAP has sold its soul by supporting Pas. The masterminds the two cousins (Ngeh and Ngah). They are the power-seekers in the DAP. DAP will have to take total responsibility for this fiasco. One way out for DAP now is to honorably step aside and make way for BN with 28 state seats to become the minority government of Perak,” said the fired-up Gerakan adviser.”

    Wow! Keng Yaik must have been reading this blog, and must have realised that he has support on this position from DAP supporters like Dawsheng and Lee Wang Yen. Even Jeffrey may be supporting Keng Yaik’s point of view.

    My message to Keng Yaik is this: NFW. You have retired, stay retired. Despite the noises from some DAP supporters, we are going to give the new ruling coalition a chance to succeed. We have no desire to let the BN thieves back in administration.

  952. Lim Keng Yaik should really follow the example of his predecessor as Gerakan President, Tun Lim Chong Eu, and learn what retirement means. Even his successor and ex-Penang CM, Koh Tsu Koon is refraining from making attacks on the new DAP-led administration in Penang. But then again, for all their political faults, both Tun Lim and Koh are gentlemen while Keng Yaik has been known to have, to quote a translated Cantonese saying, “more saliva than tea”.

  953. YB Lim

    Tell Keng Yaik that he is wrong. You are acting on behalf of the rakyat. The rakyat wants you to agree with the appointment and build up the strength of the new coalition. We now have a choice – malaysia for malaysians. No more racial politics. Tell him to retire.

  954. ini bangsat lim keng yaik pn mcm UMNO juga… ade ja cara dia nk kasi org berpecah.. suruh dia jaga dia punya parti la. apa pulak sibuk2 pasal DAP pulak. dia punya parti mcm kapal mau karam lor.. apa pasal dia sibuk kapalm org lain. itu hari b 4 election dia banyak ‘hentam’ anuar sekarang napa tarak hentam lagi? ini macam punya org pun tak malu mau keluar tv lagi ka? haiya…

  955. jbozz Says:

    March 14th, 2008 at 17: 51.54
    To wargamalaysia
    Why u still call yourself a Malay after 50 yrs of independence? aren’t you a Malaysian?

    david138 Says:

    March 14th, 2008 at 18: 44.01
    Hi, Wargamalaysia,
    Discriminary practices cut across racial boundaries.
    Thank for your feedback.

    My point is – what is fair? How to be fair?

    To Jbozz – I believe none of you can deny your identity, whether it is your race, locality and many more. Why LGE give priority to penangnites? Are perakians, kedahans, kelantanese are not malaysians?

  956. oh ya ka godfather… saya rasa dia mau cube2 join DAP la. tapi org DAP pun x suka sama dia lor. dulu dia pernah cakap DAP adalah NATO (no action talk only) .gerakan suda kalah P.pinang sekarng apa lagi dia mau cakap? hahahaha… ok ini ada maklumat sikit tentang MB perak…. mungkin ianya salah 1 sebab kenapa raja perak pilih dia… dia pandai cakap cina ma… jadi dia ada sedikit kelibihan dari kami punya calon PKR .:-) http://greenboc.blogspot.com/2008/03/nizar-jurutera-yang-boleh-berbahasa.html

  957. A Malay point of view

    “DAP is one example of a serious infliction of Islamphobia. The DAP people are so scared of Islam and scared shit that the non-Muslim Chinese will punish them come the next general election if they form a coalition government in Perak with a PAS man as the Menteri Besar. Can we really blame DAP when they have suffered such punishment in the past and the very thought of this episode being repeated sends shivers down their spine?

    It is easy to accuse DAP of being anti-Islam but if we were in DAP’s shoes we would certainly not act any differently. This is, after all, a matter of political survival, and if it is politically expedient to oppose Islam, then this is what must be done just to stay relevant to the non-Muslim Chinese and to continue getting their support. If DAP is seen as ‘selling out’, this would be the beginning of the end for DAP. Nevertheless, while we can appreciate what motivates DAP — and while we may have no quarrel with their reasons for flying off the handle at the prospect of forming a government with PAS and then having PAS as the Menteri Besar on top of that — it is their methods that we find fault with” (Read more….)


  958. Do you guy still remember what the BN has been telling the rakyat, even before the election?


    Now, it is all out there for all of us to see TODAY AT KOMTAR, PENANG.


  959. The staronline reports that one of the leaders of the Penang demonstration was Reezal Merican. He is not only an UMNO Youth leader, he is also private secretary to Badawi in the Ministry of Finance.

    So we have a politician who is also paid by the federal government as a civil servant demonstrating against a validly constituted state government. This is the main reason why the BN was booted out in Penang and elsewhere – Badawi never walked the talk. If they are not careful and still refuse to accept reality, then we should think about booting them out of the federal government too.

  960. Ya umno is a really a joke now……first saying street protest is not their culture and now they are starting it. Well they are showing their colours in desperation to win back the malay support.

  961. Oh, I forgot to mention that Reezal Merican drives a Bentley around the Klang Valley. I always thought that the RealWorld guy who used to post a lot of pro-BN comments on this blog was Reezal in disguise because RealWorld used to boast about cruising in his Bentley.

    I guess there are many UMNOputras who own Bentleys and go for holidays in Australia and New Zealand, and who watch live Chelsea games in London. These are the same UMNOputras who are now leading protests for “fairness” for Malays in Penang.

  962. You look at the list of those leading the demonstration – Azhar Ibrahim, Rashid Abdullah, Ahmad Ibnihajar – these are all parasites that stand to lose a lot under the new regime as their “projects” get cancelled or postponed, or their cronies will no longer be able to proceed with their promised contracts.

    These are the people who no longer have reason for existence, hence they have to stir up racial sentiments and hope to have a chance to return to the good old days.

  963. These parasites were not demonstrating for the Penang Malays. These parasites were demonstrating as their pockets have suddenly become empty. Who is going to pay for petrol for a V12 Bentley ?

  964. The issue in Perak has come to an amicable end. A few days’ delay to sort things out and no harm done except in the eyes of the perfectionists that cannot see any sign of discord. Three different political parties with three different ideologies are involved here, for goodness sake!

    There is little coverage about the difficulties BN is facing in forming state governments in Perlis and Trengganu, while the delay in Perak hogged the headlines everywhere.

    As of now (8:20 PM), the main stream newspapers are still harping on the negative news, e.g. The Star: The swearing-in of the new Perak Mentri Besar has been postponed indefinitely.

    Gerakan and MCA are taunting DAP for collaborating with PAS, thus betraying the Chinese.

    Every statement coming out from the new Penang state government is being twisted with the aim to inflame racial sentiments.

    UMNO Penang and Selangor are organizing their “perhimpunan aman”, and apparently no permit is required for these ;)

    Can’t everyone see what is going on? The battle for a just and better Malaysia has hardly began.

  965. In Perak, we need to ensure rightful representation as per the election results in the state exco – it’s the wish of the people. Let’s now all work together to build a strong, fair and progressive state.

    In Penang, I’m not sure and doubtful if the demonstration is organized by several people who stand to lose from their existing “crony” contracts. If so, that’s just sad. I believe DAP stance is to implement the open tender system where award of contracts if fair to all races and a revised NEP that provides assistance based on need as opposed to race. Thus, if the Malays are poor, help them. Same applies to the Chinese and Indians. Isn’t that good and beneficial? Aren’t we against cronies? Sometimes, I just don’t understand – perhaps, people should start pondering and reflect before getting involved in such demonstrations.

  966. Uncle Kit,

    Sorry for some more offensive words used in my previous comments. I was just too afraid that any minor mistake or actions would jeopardize the Barisan Rakyat coalition and let Perak falls back to BN’s hand and destroy people’s faith and confident in the possibility of making a change.

    It’s great today to hear that finally 31 members from BR had signed agreement which prevent anyone from sabotaging the coalition’s effort to joint ruling Perak and that the new MB is sworn in.

    I wish the new Perak’s government all the best. I hope that Barisan Rakyat would be united against BN and the 5 states under Barisan Rakyat would show shining result which would sustain the people’s faith towards the alternative parties and vote BN out from gaining even minor majority to rule the country.

  967. Dear Mr. Lim KS,

    You might be over-acted, but at least, you get the 6:3:1. I know someone must do something and you sacrifice.

    The protest in Penang, they just wants to get some flashlights. Just assume if the protest came from PKR or PAS. FRU will splash the water, and all the news “smallise” the impact, but .. this came from UMNO, everyone has a chance to show their disappointment on TV.

    Wonder why only UMNO leaders busy shouted there, caused they lost their side-income.

    Mr. Lim, why not DAP, PKR, PAS setup TV station ?

  968. Wow! 1300 comments. Let’s put this into perspective — I think LKS must’ve pondered this – Do and you’ll be damned, don’t do and you’ll still be damned. Question is, which is the worst damnation?

    If LKS kept quiet about how unfair the constitution is as such that even with a clear majority, DAP couldn’t head the state govt due to the colour of their skin – then all that DAP stood – equality – would be down the drain. DAP would’ve lost credibility amongst its supporters. DAP keeping keeping quiet about this unfairness?

    As for the objection to PAS, again the same principle holds as above.

    Now that LKS has voiced his mind, I think he is sleeping more peaceful. Yes, he may be damned that he’s an ultra for almost sabotaging this hard-earned win for the opposition and DAP and even be accused of misreading what modern Malaysians think (they don’t care who is the CM as long as it is not BN), at least one thing is for sure – you cannot say he has no principle!

    Whether this gamble/tactic/outburst will pay off in the long run (I am sure there will be a lot of media spin on this), I am sure people on both sides will respect the stand of his principles.

    Anyway, he apologised – and that’s always a good thing. Contrast this with politicians from the other side – have you ever heard of proper apology from the likes of KJ?

    LKS, I don’t know whether he’s a brilliant tactician or is just a stubborn old fool now!

  969. Lim keng aik the’ soh low ‘ doctor was condemning DAP just a couple of minutes ago via TV3, This old man has no more political capital,and since you r retire just shut up and enjoy your old age pension ok, jangan buat NYAYOK like our TDM lagi. let the opposition solve their problems. And they can overcome u ta payah sibok lah…..

  970. jt84 left a comment suggesting that Uncle Lim gets a Tan Sri or some title. I hope your wisdom will allow you to reject such titles. I believe that this is one of those sicknesses peculiar to us Malaysians.

    By your example may future politicians follow your example and rise to serve the rakyat not for immediate self fulfilling grandiosity.

    With that I also hope that one day these titles become meaningful only for those who truly deserve them.

  971. YB guan eng those 11 Umno Adun must be among the human scum Demostrators in the Afternoon. catch hold of them and demand their assets declaration and see how many tons of ringgit they hv wollup thru the NEP. they cry cos of losing all the contracts .Godfather is correct! correct! CORRECT! VKLINGAM QUOTE !!

  972. http://www.nst.com.my/Current_News/NST/Friday/National/2186524/Article/index_html
    ALOR STAR: There will be no “Taliban-style” government in Kedah, said Menteri Besar Azizan Abdul Razak.

    Only Islamic laws that are acceptable to all races will be implemented. Even then, they would only come into force when the people fully understood Islam, he said at his office at Wisma Darulaman yesterday.

    Excerpts from the interview:

    On Islamic laws and regulations:

    “It is an agenda but not a priority right now, as the focus is on improving the state administration like curbing corruption and implementing our version of a welfare state. We are far from talking about implementing hudud. Islamic laws will come in stages when the people are ready. People are not ready to accept Islamic laws because they do not understand Islam. When they do, we will consider implementing such laws.”

    On Islamic dress code:

    “That can also wait a while. I believe people will willingly adjust.”

  973. I have some questions, which I hope the PAS supporters/fellow travellers here would answer.

    1. What is PAS’ position on conversions from Islam to another religion?

    2. Does PAS support the printing, publishing, and distribution of non-Islamic holy books such as the Bible in Malay?

    3. Does PAS support the dignity and rights of women to live, work, and grow in society equal to men, without being persecuted or patronised?

    4. Does PAS support the freedom of the individual, especially with regards to what goes on in the bedrooms of two (or more) consenting adults?

    5. Does PAS believe that a non-Muslim can be the PM of Malaysia?

    6. Does PAS hold that Arabic culture is not Malaysian culture, and seek to repudidate the Arabisation of our country?

  974. Some say that my claim about PAS’s agenda is outdated because I based it on outdated sources.
    However, the fact that a report or statement is made in the past does not necessarily mean that it no longer applies.

    The following are 3 reasons why I think that PAS’ agendas of Islamic state and islamisation are still the same.
    1. Hadi Awang said in an interview that PAS cannot give way on the Islamic State Issue, for that is their defining identity (for reference see my post above)
    2. The mission statement of PAS
    3. According to NST online 14/3/08, PAS Kedah MB Azizan says that Islamic laws are still in their agenda though they will come into force later. Islamic dress codes will also be introduced later.

  975. YB LKS,

    What kind of a smile are you wearing on your face after looking at all the comments on your blog?

    As for me, after looking at the comments (good, bad and ugly) -> Malaysia should be proud that we have come a long way in the quest to have a fair, just and prosperous country. So many of you out there REALLY, REALLY CARE about this country, to scold and remind the alternative government of their responsibilities.

    I am proud to stand together with you all out there. HIDUP MALAYSIA!!!

  976. Those fellows who demonstrated at Komtar are just stupid supporters of the bunch of thieves who have plundered the wealth of the nation for 50 years.The state Umno leaders of Penang are real scums compared to KTK.In Selangor that idiot went into hiding and refused to show face.He is such a contrast compared to KTK.If the country is allowed to be ruled by these corrupted hypocrites for another term or more, a lot of people are planning to pack and leave.

  977. salam sejahtera… saya abru selesai menonton berita RTM. saya memng tak suka menontonnya tp hari ini saya mau lihat apakah bahan yg d spin oleh mereka. mereka balik2 pusing pasal:-
    1). keyataan penghapusan DEB oleh lim guan eng
    2). kenyataan boikot angkat sumpah lim kit siang
    3) penangguhan majlis angkat sumpah d perak krn kenyataan pkr.

    saya mlihat memang dahsyat dan jahat sekali rtm/tv3…saya tak pasti bagaimana org ramai dapat mengelakkan diri dr terpengaruh dgn dakyah2 rtm / tv3 tersebut.. dalam 100 org yg menonton saya pasti dlm 30-50 org akan terpengaruh..

    so ini adalah pengajaran kpd semua pihak…saya fhm niat lim guan eng adalah baik utk membentras kurupsi kesan dr penyalahgunaan DEB . kita perlu pandai berbicara dgn media.. mengapa tidak mengunakan pendekatan spt pas dan pkr .. PKR dan PAS juga tidak setuju dgn perlaksanaan DEB. mereka x mengatakan DEB d hapuskan tetapi d ‘ubahsuai’ pada yg sama mejalankn dasar yg adil kpd bangsa2 lain dan tidak menindas…dengan cara ini UMNO-BN tiada peluang untuk mempergunakan isu agar org melihat DAP sebagai parti yg jahat…

    spt saya maklumkan sebelum ini UMNO -BN ingin rakyat malaysia terutamanya melayu ini melihat DAP parti yg jahat dan UMNO juga mahu kalau boleh org melayu menolak DAP selamanya.

    segalanya sudah pn berlaku… d harapkan agar segalanya akan berjalan lancar…

    pandangan saya kpd DAP.. jgnlah ikut sgt kehendak beberapa ultra cina yg ada dlm parti kamu. bukan apa ..ruginya nanti DAP akan kehilangan golongan muda dan sokongan melayu…saya mau rakyat terutamanya golongan muda dan org melayu dapat menerima dan mengundi DAP bukan sahaja untuk 5 tahun tapi selamanya…. sekian..

  978. ##js Says:
    March 14th, 2008 at 20: 42.57
    I really do not understand why “Open tender concept” by Lim Guan Eng not accepted by some of the Malays.It is more transparency right?

    To js:
    I have just spoke about this issue with my Malay friends. Actually the answer is: I don’t care about NEP and I don’t benefit from NEP either. They actually think Open Tender is good as it can be awarded to the lower price and higher quality vendor and thus save the government and us, the tax payer’s money.
    Maybe those who cannot accept it are either those who loose their so called “commision” due to Open Tender or those who have not come to realize on the facts and benefit of Open Tender towards the country and people as a whole.

  979. If you are not happy with the decision of the DAP leadership, bring it up with them directly. Write to Kit’s email address. Don’t spin your broken record here, which is getting tiresome for the majority who are supportive of the DAP leadership’s decision to go along with the coalition administration.

  980. The problem, we must remember, is that for years DUMBNO has fed the lie to the Malays that they cannot survive on a level playing field, that they need to be spoonfed or else they would drown.

    DUMBNO has actually been the Malays worst enemies. With DUMBNO around, no Malay Malaysian can ever feel as if he or she has risen up by right. DUMBNO has steadily insulted the Malays by calling them stupid and incapable. No doubt there are some selected Malays who have benefitted from DUMBNO’s policies, but what of the others? And even the successful ones – they get their positions questioned by others. I have no doubt that there are many CEOs of leading companies in Malaysia who are Malays and capable in their own right. Tan Sri Khalid when he was CEO of Guthrie is one. Dato’ Amirsham – the outgoing CEO of Maybank is another. These are highly intelligent men. But do they ever get full credit for it? No! Why? Because DUMBNO’s policies make people think that they are/were there because of their race and nothing else.

    The demonstrations in Penang are a symptom of the DUMBNO disease. It is a cancerous growth that has festered for too long in our society.

  981. Some attack me for writing while enjoying a comfortable life in UK (I’m sure many of you are enjoying a much more comfortable life than me). Which of my arguments is rendered (epistemically) unjustified simply because I’m now in UK?

    Please assess the merit of arguments according to epistemic principles (i.e. whether it uses good inferential rules, rests on reasonable assumptions etc).

  982. Godfather Says:
    March 14th, 2008 at 20: 26.13

    These parasites were not demonstrating for the Penang Malays. These parasites were demonstrating as their pockets have suddenly become empty. Who is going to pay for petrol for a V12 Bentley ?

    You are right, Godfather. These parasites must respect the rule of democracy. People of Penang had already voted out Barisan Nasional. These parasites must respect the wishes of the majority. Dont try to act like some barbarian. If these parasites dont like how Penang is being ruled, then get out from Penang and move to Putrajaya. Malaysia will one day be destroyed by this type of parasites.

  983. PAS is bad….PAS is bad….don’t work with them….we should give up the state administrations and let BN rule….PAS is bad….PAS is bad…..

    Sorry, I can’t rap very well – must be my old age.

  984. YB LGE and the Gang

    are you guys really know what are you doing……!!!! I hope you don’t make any drastic changes which will sparks racism sentiment.

    stay low profiles … people mind tends to forget thing very fast what i am trying to say is that developed nation,planning,merger with other component BR party and your major task.

    Later on then you talk about (DEB) revision but i don’t think to removes entirely is a smart moves for now.

    It is not a good time to talk about (DEB) issue.

  985. open tender creates competition ie. people with good tendering skills and experience is required in order to increase the probability of winnings but also, via an open tender system, the company’s skill set is evaluated so to ensure the job is completed within budget as tendered for and within the stipulated time frame, and workmanship or quality of work is of the highest standards. People who has been spoon fed for a long time or lack the skills and experience will find that competition is daunting.

  986. it is obviously unmo is losing is grip in penang…trying to manipulate and making chaos among this so called 1000 “strong crowds”.sore losers…thats the only thing i can think of right now abt them.the fear in themselves losing out on big cakes affect only those few dirty crooks of the government.and the rest are all just blind fools thinking and worrying abt their so called rights.wat abt the rest of the malaysians.like wat we hv said…enough is enough.like wat pak lah said..”kalah…kalah la…”.accept it with grace and be a gentleman.a lot of us this time fought for wat we believe in regardless of race,colors and cultures.we stood up becos we believe we are true malaysians.we had enough of being played out and sidelined at the end of the day.the rich are getting richer in umno,mic,gerakan or any scumbags fr bn.and we common people are denied every opportunity that we rightly deserved in terms of equalness,faith and most of all the love for this country.
    these idiots took us as fools and robbed us of billions of ringgit.and it has been too long it seems that nothing can be done to these scumbags.thr is law above everything in this world.but in malaysia….the laws can be bought.we chinese are sick of mca…we indians are sick of mic…we malays are sick of umno.we said it all in our votes.let the new fronts lead us to higher hopes of a cleaner and fairer government for everyone in this country.give them a chance to live up to wat they hv promised for the sake of the people.
    just face it….the malaysians of today are not born suckers.

  987. Young man or young lady: Go through the 1300 comments here, and figure out if your views are acceptable to the majority or not. Can you get the message that we want to move on – just as the DAP leadership wants to move on – and address more serious issues than this ?

  988. Godfather Says:

    March 14th, 2008 at 21: 21.08
    PAS is bad….PAS is bad….don’t work with them….we should give up the state administrations and let BN rule….PAS is bad….PAS is bad…..

    Sorry, I can’t rap very well – must be my old age.’

    I’ve not been rapping.

    I’ve been arguing my case and supporting it with citations (for easy references).

    Your caricature is unfounded. I would appreciate if you could provide substantial arguments.

  989. Godfather,

    Dismissing one’s arguments as rapping is not a very good way of responding to the arguments.

    To show that my arguments are nonsense, would you please show us some reports that show that PAS has abandoned their agendas of Islamic State and Islamisation?

  990. The negative response to YB Lim Kit Siang and the CEC objecting to the appointment of Nizar is a case of barking up the wrong tree!

    The fundamental and burning issue is why a Malaysian citizen who belongs to a party which has an overwhelming lead, been rejected ?

    Apparently democratic principles, equality, dignity, religious tolerance are not as important as forming a coalition government with disparate ideologies. How can it hope to be a beacon for change and enlightened government when you lose track of core values which are fundamental to a civilised society? Surely,this is BN all over again.

    What Islam ( submission to God ) is this when we clamour for the MBship knowing full well we have no moral right to do so by virtue of securing the least number of seats in a democratic election? Why do we use the fig leaf of the immoral constitution to justify an immoral act? Allah is all seeing. You can’t fool Allah by shouts of ‘Reformasi, Keadilan’ if you do not want to Reform the constitution and cannot show ‘Keadilan’.

    Raja Nazrin has shown himself to be a ‘Munafik’ Prince. His decision not to waive the immoral constitutional provision that an MB had to be a Malay and a Muslim has shown his true colours. He showed to the world that he was prepared to condone racism and religious intolerance. He cannot hide behind the fig leaf of the constitution because he had the authority to ignore the racist and bigotted provisions. His speeches with their noble sentiments have been proven to be mere claptrap and hypocritical.

    If the Perak Royalty were ruling in South Africa and USA, Nelson Mandela would still be in Robben Island without being the 1st Black President of South Africa and Barack Obama would not be running for the American Presidency.

    Kit Siang and the CEC were being the conscience nation when they protested at the shock appointment of Nizar. DAP had agreed to the appointment of Jamaluddin in the event Ngeh was rejected but the Prince decided to add insult to injury by appointing Nizar!

  991. Lee, since you are in the UK, I feel really sorry for you. Last I checked it was 8 pounds for a pack of cigarettes and you can’t smoke in pubs. What sort of civilised society is there? Anyway, bravo to you for speaking your mind. Being far away, you are probably better suited for seeing Malaysia and Malaysian politics in the eyes of someone who can view it with an eye that is not clouded in emotion.

  992. # Menang atau mati Says:
    March 14th, 2008 at 18: 04.08

    BoycottLocalPapers Says:

    March 14th, 2008 at 17: 52.07
    “The best thing for the Opposition is that Abdullah Badawi will remain as PM. Then, coming next election we can have more bullets to shoot at BN. Clean people like Tengku Razaleigh is no good for Barisan Rakyat. Don’t pressurize Abdullah to resign. Let him stay as PM.”

    I actually agree with Boycottlocalpaper and was actually along the same wavelength although I did not expressed my thoughts.

    same wavelength by the way

  993. Uncle Lim
    Like you said in Riz Khan’s interview, take it a step at a time and not in a leap. How wise!
    In the 1st term of the new state government:-
    1) Change business corruption situation – This will save the rakyat billions of ringgit.
    2) Change crime situation – give people a safer place to stay.
    3) Bring in foreign investments therefore more job employment oppotunities , tourism etc and increase people’s wealth.
    4) Improve health care

    BN took 50 years and got us no where and if you can handle these 4 tasks well in the 1st term, you will gain lots of people’s confidence.

    The NEP issue will automatically become redundant by itself when people enjoy increment in their pockets so just leave this.
    All the best to uncle and your coalition partners.

  994. The parasites have no principle.They cannot distinguish the right from the wrong.LGE should be steadfast and he will eventually win.All right thinking people know the selfish and dirty agenda of the leaders who started the demonstration.They said demonstration was not their culture.Now they should slap their faces hard or put their feet into their mouths.

  995. is thr any chance raja petra or raja nazrin will be the pm of malaysia?….i mean these are the most capable and most highly regarded muslim leaders in this country.forget abt that useless monkey(sil of badawi).

  996. Clean people like Ku Li (wait.. is he REALLY clean?) may not be good for the Opposition, but it will be good for Malaysia. We cannot take five more years of misadministration. If the BN does something good, I will support them. If they don’t. I will attack them. Ultimately, both government and Opposition must work together in a spirit of bi-partisanship to bring about a better Malaysia.

    Unfortunately, some people dont’ understand that. Such as those clowns in Penang DUMBNO.

  997. What makes u so affraid to PAS???

    Pas tidak pernah mengeluarkan kenyataan yang meyinggung Ahli DAP. Tetapi Lim Kit Siang bercakap tanpa berfikir terlebih dahulu. Ramai rakan saya berkata mereka akan mengundi PKR dan Pas untuk menolak BN tetapi mereka tidak akan mengundi DAP kerana pemikiran DAP yang IslamPhobia. Apa yang anda takut dengan PAS?? Adakah non muslim di kelantan di tindas oleh kerajaan PAS??? Go and ask non muslim at kelantan and what will they say. Walaupun saya seorang melayu, saya bersetuju dengan konsep bangsa malaysia dan tiada bumiputra kerana konsep bumipetera menyebabkan melayu manja dan tidak sedar diri. Tapi Lim telah bercakap sesuatu yang nampak seperti sangat anti Islam. Semasa PRU 12 mungkin saya akan mengundi DAP tetapi sekarang saya fikir sekiranya calon tempat saya dari DAP saya tidak akan mengundi DAP dan saya akan undi MCA. Ini kerana secara terang ENGKAU Lim Kit Siang ekstrimis yang anti Islam. Next PRU 13 malays will not vote for u anymore. Baru sahaja DAP mendapat keyakinan dari pengundi melayu kerana bergabung dengan PKR. Engkau ingat senang ke nak dapat kepercayaan pengundi melayu untuk undi DAP?? Sekarang ko tak hormat kepada kami. I’ll say no to DAP anymore. For DAP people join PKR.

  998. The past predicts the future. That’s one of the main forecasting methods used by analysts. The past predicts the future concept applies well with numbers but most analysts use it with caution or use it with a critical mind. Similar critical thinking needs to apply to using the past to predict future human behaviours.

    But the REALITY is, Malaysian people is desperately in need of a change to their current life, economic and social condition, hence why they’ve voted for the oppositions. Incidentally, the Malaysian people has given their agreement to give the opposition parties or DAP+PKR+PAS the benefits of the doubt that they can perform better than the BN. This is one of THE factors that one will now need to consider in using the past to predict the future behaviour of the opposition parties.

  999. Let them protest as much as they want. The more the merrier. Then we can see those true colors from them. Not only that, how naive and stupid they can be! Kayveas already in the Taiping zoo… I don’t want to see more of them sharing the same cell as Kayveas! :)

  1000. It seems like they have predicted….


    Awas provokasi hasut Melayu Pulau Pinang demonstrasi
    Annuar Ismail
    Fri | Mar 14, 08 | 10:59:53 am MYT
    Parti KeADILan Rakyat Bahagian Bayan Baru pada 13 Mac 2008 telah menerima laporan umum berhubung satu hebahan secara sulit menghasut orang Melayu/Islam berdemonstrasi menentang kerajaan baru Pulau Pinang di Komtar, Pulau Pinang pada 14 Mac 2008.

    Pihak KeADILan dan gabungannya bertegas tidak akan terlibat perhimpunan ini dan ia dipercayai didalangi oleh pihak-pihak pembangkang untuk negeri ini.

    Pihak parti bahagian ini dimaklumkan juga kehilangan bendera-bendara KeADILan yang diletakan di beberapa tempat dan jalan-jalan sekitar bahagian ini.

    Sehubungan itu, kami bimbang bendera-bendera kami akan disalah gunakan untuk tujuan yang dimaksudkan.

    Suatu laporan polis berkenaannya telah dibuat di Balai Polis Sungai Nibong, Bayan Baru pada 11.00 malam, 13 Mac 2008 oleh Ketua Penerangan KeADILan Bayan Baru, Annuar Ismail bersama-sama jawatankuasa bahagian. Turut hadir adalah ADUN Pantai Jerejak, Sim Tze Tzin.

    KeADILan meminta semua pihak tidak terlibat usaha jahat yang telah dilakukan dengan menimbulkan ketegangan kaum dengan tujuan menimbulan keadaan cemas dalam negara akibat dihimpit kekalahan teruk parti-parti pembangkang negeri ini.

    Ketua Penerangan Bahagian Parti KeADILan Rakyat Bayan Baru – mr

  1001. Lim Kit Siang’s action had unmasked the very true nature of DAP. DAP is an outright opportunist political party that uses ethnic appeal just like any other BN racism parties such as UMNO.

    Lim Kit Siang valued his party’s interest and Chinese voters in Perak above all else, and his announcement had jeopardized and destroyed the achievement of the opposition parties in last week’s election. Now we discover how hypocrite and selfish DAP is. His statement had destroyed virtually all confidence of the Malay voters towards the DAP which PAS and PKR had work so hard to convince them, make worst by today’s Utusan headline: DAP BIADAP.

    For Lim Kit Siang, a simple sorry statement doesn’t help anymore as damage has been done. Lim Kit Siang will go down in history as one of the stupidest Malaysian politician.

    Finally, I admire PAS for keeping their mouth shut throughout this fiasco ignited by Lim Kit Siang. That show how gentlemen and generous PAS is compare to DAP.

    I think it’s better for DAP to forever be oppositions as they are no class of a matured and ruling government.

    Disgusted Malaysian

  1002. Yup, but they may confuse the lapisan masyarakat….as every action MUST have the reason behind or motive behind or “udang” at the back of the “batu”……

    showsomemercy Says:

    March 14th, 2008 at 21: 53.40
    Let them protest as much as they want. The more the merrier. Then we can see those true colors from them. Not only that, how naive and stupid they can be! Kayveas already in the Taiping zoo… I don’t want to see more of them sharing the same cell as Kayveas!

  1003. Like i said earlier, the party has just begun! No need go cinema pay RM 9 to watch movie… Watch in the streets in Penang… Who knows later Perak…

    Have you all watch Vantage Point? :)

  1004. Again, I seriously feel DAP is not doing ENOUGH in its media/PR.

    Look at how the mainstream spin on the 2 issues

    1. DAP Perak MB

    11. LGE’s approach of NEP

    Severe damages have been done and sunk into people’s perception if DAP do not respond quicky and with depth. What good intention you have but not VISIBLE is not good enough.

    DAP, please pay attention to your PR.

    Look at Harakah, hat off to them they doing very well.

    P.S. Can anyone update what happen to Jeff Ooi, who is DAP’s e-campaign in-charge. His site has not been updated since March 10.

  1005. Good statement from PAS for good relationship (not like U Lim Kit Siang better change ur name to Lit Kit Malam because ur act make our coalition in a dark)

    PAS sokong KM dan TKM baru Pulau Pinang
    Mohd Sabri Said
    Fri | Mar 14, 08 | 10:32:25 am MYT

    PULAU PINANG, 14 Mac (Hrkh) – PAS Pulau Pinang menyokong penuh perlantikan Lim Guan Eng sebagai Ketua Menteri, Timbalannya, Mohd Fairuz Khairudin sebagai Timbalan Ketua Menteri 1 dan Profesor Dr. Ramasamy, Timbalan Ketua Menteri ke-2.

    Pesuruhjaya PAS Pulau Pinang, Ustaz Saleh Man berkata, PAS juga bersedia bekerjasama dengan kerajaan baru pimpinan DAP semata-mata mahukan pembangunan dan pembelaan terhadap masyarakat Islam tetap terpelihara.

    Bagi PAS apa yang sesuai dilaksanakan oleh kepimpinan baru itu nanti biarlah memberi impak kebaikan kepada semua rakyat serta jauh berbeza daripada layanan Barisan Nasional (BN) selama ini.

    “PAS ucap syabas kepada kepimpinan baru dan bertekad akan bekerjasama untuk menjayakan hasrat kerajaan untuk masa depan rakyat,” ujarnya ketika dihubungi. – mns

  1006. ??????2???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????“Hidup Melayu????????”?

    I don’t really understand what the Chinese words are but one thing is for sure, they still don’t get it… Hidup Melayu? Not in my vocab anymore i guess…

    If they would have shouted hidup Malaysia! Then i can accept… :)

  1007. I have been a DAP supporter all my life and I revere Lim Kit Siang, but I must say I was a bit disappointed with the Perak affair. I think the people have spoken this election, regardless of race. I have long hoped that DAP would become a truly multiracial party. I see signs that this is happening.

    It has been 50 years, and I think it’s time we look at ourselves not as Chinese but Malaysians. Let’s work for equality for all. At the same time let’s do it with sensitivity and finesse.

    I think this is a watershed year. DAP, PKR and PAS are no longer opposition parties. The coining of the term BR shows that we look toward you to lead us to our dream, a good, clean and fair government for Malaysia for all Malaysians. Perhaps this big win was unexpected, and the three parties did not plan the next strategy together. I think it’s high time you three sit down and do so. That means diplomacy.

    The race issue should be handled gently, NEP should be handled slowly, and best handled by all three parties working together, with Chinese, Indian and Malay, with people of all religions and those who do not believe in religion.

    I have never supported PAS, but at this point if they see a future for themselves as part of the government then they have to learn to respect non Muslim’s views. At the same time, we should also learn to slowly make our Malay brothers see that we are all Malaysians and we will take care of one another. That is the only way this Election can really make any difference. Squander these 5 years and there will not be another like this.

    As for Datuk Lim’s Meritocracy in place of NEP, I am fully in support, but we must also be compassionate Meritocracists, to look after those who cannot catch up. The key word to Malaysia’s success is not pure meritocracy, but a team spirit in which the strong help the weak, to move together forward. It’s not the case of best man wins only, but best man wins for everyone’s benefit. I think once people see that and see it in action, they will be sold. It is more important for people to try their , to be honest and sincere, than to be just merely the best. I don’t think anyone can argue with this framework. However, in all these years I have not seen anyone attempt to pitch it this way.

    To sum up, the opposition is truly in a new era, and it’s time to do some soul searching and re-invent yourselves. We are all watching you, the world is watching you, and for sure the BN is watching you to stumble, like hawks. Don’t give them a chance!

    Syabas, Gongxi, Makkal Sakti.
    Al, Kuala Lumpur (from the once DAP constituency of Bangsar)

  1008. I think Lim Kit Siang should responsible to his statement and step down from DAP advisor but please dont step down as MP u had good voice at parliament. To get back malay vote Lim Kit Siang should step down

  1009. The negative response to YB Lim Kit Siang and the CEC objecting to the appointment of Nizar is a case of barking up the wrong tree!

    The fundamental and burning issue is why a Malaysian citizen who belongs to a party which has an overwhelming lead, been rejected ?

    Apparently democratic principles, equality, dignity, religious tolerance are not as important as forming a coalition government with disparate ideologies. How can it hope to be a beacon for change and enlightened government when you lose track of core values which are fundamental to a civilised society? Surely,this is BN all over again.

    What Islam ( submission to God ) is this when we clamour for the MBship knowing full well we have no moral right to do so by virtue of securing the least number of seats in a democratic election? Why do we use the fig leaf of an immoral constitution to justify an immoral act? Allah is all seeing. You can’t fool Allah by shouts of ‘Reformasi, Keadilan’ if you do not want to Reform the constitution and cannot show ‘Keadilan’.


    Kit Siang and the CEC were being the conscience of the nation when they protested at the shock appointment of Nizar. DAP had agreed to the appointment of Jamaluddin in the event Ngeh was rejected but the Prince decided to add insult to injury by appointing Nizar!

  1010. Zonefinder Says:
    March 13th, 2008 at 12: 05.25

    uncle kit is a old hand at politics. I suspect that what he did was a ploy to placate the old generation supporters as well as to deflect potential bullets from MCA and the like which DAP will get had they submissively accepted the appointment of Nizar. ”

    You have taken the words out of my mouth!
    However, once the dust has settled down and everything is working smoothingly, it’s time to form a shadow cabinet with a view to toppling the BN in the next GE.
    Perhaps we can now see the light at the end of the tunnel!

  1011. Ooh.. look a Disgusted Malaysian. Or should that be Stupid Malaysian? Unfortunately, we seem to be seeing plenty of them around these days. Kit Siang is bad because he conveyed the CEC’s message that they do not support a PAS MB? Oh dear.. BAD BAD KIT SIANG! YOU ARE AN OPPORTUNIST! ANTI-MALAY OPPORTUNIST AT THAT! BAD KIT SIANG!

    So opportunistic that he went under ISA twice before many so-called expert commentators here were even born. So opportunistic that when he was given the chance to jump to BN in the 1970s,he didn’t. So anti-Malay that he supported the appointment of the PKR chappie to be MB of Perak. But wait, Jamaluddin is not Malay? Oh wait.. he is!!

  1012. Lee Wang Yen,
    I fielded some questions to you and you gave the answer something like PRACTICAL LIVES. PRACTICAL LIVES??
    I feel sorry that you have to rely on the information from Wikipedia and some internet links to re-consolidate your understandings about PAS, and put forth your arguments just like that.(quite likelihood with some imaginations to help you piecing up the information you gather from internet)
    If you had known that some of us like myself who had ever stayed in Kelantan for some years, you would probably be more humble in putting forth your own arguments and understandings about PAS to bloggers here.
    No wonder prior to knowing your posting from UK, I already sensed that what you wrote here seem to be very much from theoretical perspective.

  1013. He not affraid to malay but he affraid to Islam…so stupid he is. As you know Islam is religions for malay, also chinese and indian or other race in malaysia….he start the fire. Did PAS leaders said anything bout others religions?? Do the something bad about it??? Nik Aziz do attend Chinese New Year cleberation at chinese leader at kelantan?? Do the demolish the largest buddha statue at kelantan?? hope that Lim Kit Malam (formely know as Lim Kit Siang) say about this???

  1014. Damn, I still blame Perak DAP and the CEC of DAP. I think they are sleeping, incompetent or just too in the hurry to form the state government. I think the process of getting the MB nominated and consented by HRH is most stupid. Why the Peark DAP agreed to each party nominating a candidate in the first place. In the first instance, DAP should have told the other two parties not to nominate any candidate because DAP has the most number of seats. If and only if HRH rejects the DAP candidate, then the issue of each party nominating a candidate may be considered. As it is, I think DAP Perak is completly short-changed by the other two parties. As for the CEC of DAP, I think they are too careless or they assume that HRH would select the candidate from either the DAP or PKR.

    We must note that the MB post carries it certain inherent power. A deputy is a deputy, no matter how many deputies one appoints. With the state machinery, important portfolios and municipalities and other local authorities behind him, the MB may gradually gain more influence for his party at the expense of other coalition partners. PAS now only has 6 seats in Perak, why give the party the MB post which to me would enable the party to expand, widen and deepen the party’s influence in Perak, a state which is relatively cosmopolitan and multiracial. It does not make sense to me, in addition to what Lee WY has been arguing endlessly thus far.

    Please don’t get me wrong, I am proposing a DAP candidates for the MB post, not because that candidate is a Chinese. Far from it. It is about multi-racism and democracy. Rightly, the two parties, PKR and PAS, should not have submitted their respective candidacies in the first place. Let the Sultan decides on the sole DAP candidate first. If it does not work, then only the three parties think about what to do. That should be the process.

    Please don’t hentum me kuat kuat ok. I also strong supporter of DAP lah (read my posting before election). I am just trying to be rational here. Perak DAP certainly does not have very smart people there. So how to handle a smart MB, you tell me.


    With due respect to all, no matter whatever opinions you may have, and all of us do have our own opinions, nothing wrong with that, because we have a mind of our own.

    The fact that so many of us are here to discuss and share our views shows that DEMOCRACY IS VER MUCH ALIVE IN MALAYSIA. Give yourself a pat on the back because the views would be read by all and woud be deliberated upon. The different views arise because we may have different background , different ideas, different taste, different agenda, different aims and objectives. But that doesn’t mean we can’t share our inner thoughts, right?

    No one may be right all the time, and no one may be wrong all the time. We have to be fair to others, just as we wish them to be fair to us. So what does this mean, and where are we heading to?

    To be sure we want to be heard. We want and hope that the right solutions are arrived at. We hope that things would work out the way we wanted and wished for?

    Now, there may be more than one thousand and one opinioins expressed here. Ask yourself, how are we to implement everyone of them all at once? WE have to take into consideration so many factors, so many situations, and so many people to satisfy. How is that going to happen straight away? Quite impossible , isn’t it?

    Just consider: You are thinking of going out for a movie with your girlfriend / boyfriend , say 11.30 tonite. About one and half hours away. And you have not taken your dinner yet, your partner has’nt too. So you are thinking about going out for dinner also.

    Each of you has the good habit to clean up first and put on some really favorite clothes and fragrance.

    You would have thought about where to go for your dinner. What to eat and drink because you enjoy eating out together so much.

    After getting ready, each of you set out from your own home to meet up at your favorite meeting point. Both of you drive. Oops, as you approach a certain the traffic juntion, the congestion is very bad. You called your partner to expect a delay, how long you won’t be able to really tell as the jam is really bad, unexpectedly, of course.

    You start to curse a little and start to have negative thoughts. You may not be able to make it to your favorite spot on time to meet up with your darling and enjoy your favorite meal, and may even have to miss the movie.

    Oh shit, you say to yourself as you find out that there was an accident ahead which made it not possible to go through soon enough to do what you have set out to. Luckily, being the quick thinker that you are, you call your sweetheart on the latest model mobile phone and make other arrangements. Nevermind the restaurant and movie. You are going to enjoy yourselves as much too.

    The above story is purposely made up to illustrate that we may have plans, but sometimes unforseen circumstances may thwart them and we may have to settle for something else. But still we can accept it and enjoy it as well.

    Just as in the story, all of us may have different ideas and opinions. But what if the situation changes? What if what we think may be right is not that suitable under existing circumstances. WE change. We change our stand. See we may also have to change our position acccording to the situation.

    OF course the story is simplistic. Sometimes real life situations are much more complicated and difficult to address. Certain rules and regulations have to be adhered to.

    The recently concluded election is one such situation. Nobody ever expected the BR win big, win so big!! A lot of us are happy with the election results because we voted for that.

    But the situation is quite complicated. So many things to consider. ANd so many people to please. But we have to be reasonable because it is not quite possible to please all of us all the time.

    How do we go about it then? Compromise, of course. IT makes sense to sit down together and discuss to come up with the most viable solution. The are laws to follow. There are protocols. The are rules and regulations. There are these and that. It takes time to sort things out. Let’s give ourselves time.

    LEt’s keep our cool. Let the elected members of the parties concerned get together and discuss, negotiate sensibly, and come up with an agenda. The rakyat has voted. The BN has been denied their 2/3 majority. However, please bear in mind what lies ahead is more important. We want to see the loose coalition start working together to achieve set goals. We wish them well. WE want to see them suceed. We want to see a bigger majority in the next GE. Mind you, time is flying. We cannot let BN disrupt the running of the alternative government.

    SO cool down brothers and sisters. Let us croos our fingers and let things work out.

    Thank you and sorry being so long winded.

  1016. I think DAP should be more sensitive with changing policy.
    This case, he could have asked the Malay Deputy to annouce and explain well to the Malays. I saw the protest on TV3, it could stir some anti Chinese feelings among Malays.
    Open tender policy. Not everyone is clear about tat, when they watch TV, they just know Malay is not happy, and this may spread.
    Be sensitive, this is Malaysia.

  1017. For limkamput,

    MB candidates will be which race are majority each state. Malay are majority in Perak. If u said that PKR or Pas want that MB post…do they put their malay candidates in Penang?? Its because chinese are majority there. If u put non malay for MB post in Perak which malay are majority… we are trying to suicide our coalition and off course for next election perak will not be in our hand..and also selangor will be to BN back.

    Hope u understand that.

  1018. “gofortruth Says:

    March 14th, 2008 at 21: 37.30
    Uncle Lim
    Like you said in Riz Khan’s interview, take it a step at a time and not in a leap. How wise!
    In the 1st term of the new state government:-
    1) Change business corruption situation – This will save the rakyat billions of ringgit.
    2) Change crime situation – give people a safer place to stay.
    3) Bring in foreign investments therefore more job employment oppotunities , tourism etc and increase people’s wealth.
    4) Improve health care

    BN took 50 years and got us no where and if you can handle these 4 tasks well in the 1st term, you will gain lots of people’s confidence.

    The NEP issue will automatically become redundant by itself when people enjoy increment in their pockets so just leave this.
    All the best to uncle and your coalition partners.”

    Agree on the DAP planned initiatives for their term in govt. However, I have concerns that DAP has made so many headlines within a week post elections:

    1) and 3) especially, it appears a little bit “gung ho” to me to make such commitments and statements so early on in govt, <1 week!


    We are going through very FRAGILE TIMES, pls exercise extra caution in your actions.

    We will be reasonably patient to see results of your rule (but pls dont say belum ‘warm up’ in 2 years).

  1019. UNcle Kit

    I was one of your ardent supporters before DAP came into power. I thought you and your team could really change things. But looking at how you guys handle things showed me otherwise. Why gave UMNO n BN so many bullets within 1 week to shoot you guys? You really think Melayu mudah Lupa?

    Cant you guys be a bit tactful? You guys were once opposition and claimed that ppl like Hisshamuddin and AAB goons were disrespectful of other races. What I see now you guys are walking that path soon.

    Pls change b4 it is too late.

  1020. saya dan kawan2 dalam pakatan BARISAN RAKYAT sedang ketawa terbahak2 bila pak lah pun mau keuarkan watikah perlantikan MB perlis… akhirnya watikah paklah tak laku..mcm badut sudah org UMNO ni.wakakakakak

  1021. It has been a while since my last comment in this blog.

    YB, i dont see how DAP can work with PAS. I would like to see DAP progress in Malaysia but what had happened in Perak (MB of Perak is from PAS) worry me. With due respect, can YB further elaborate on this matter. Thanks.

  1022. # leeann Says:
    March 14th, 2008 at 22: 32.26

    I think DAP should be more sensitive with changing policy.
    This case, he could have asked the Malay Deputy to annouce and explain well to the Malays. I saw the protest on TV3, it could stir some anti Chinese feelings among Malays.
    Open tender policy. Not everyone is clear about tat, when they watch TV, they just know Malay is not happy, and this may spread.
    Be sensitive, this is Malaysia.

    DAP… kita belajar dari kesilapan… ya kerosakan telah berlaku namun saya percaya masih belum terlambat kita memperbaikinya.. usaha ini perlu d mulakan dengan DAP sendiri.. bilamana pemimpin2 tertinggi DAP mengakui mereka dlm proses menerima arus perubahan , saya percaya keadaan akan perlahan2 pulih walaupun ianya ambil masa.. so DAP harus banyak berbincang dengan wakil2 PKR dan PAS dari sekarang… plz jgn takut berbincang dengan org PAS..mereka tak makan org.. berbuat baliklah dengan pemimpin PAS, sering berbincang dengan mereka saya percaya majoriti bangsa malayu akan cepat menerima kembali DAP…. UMNO-BN akan terus menakut2kan dan meperburuk2kan DAP agar melayu rasa menyesal mengundi DAP.. hanya pihak PAS sahaja yg dapat mempertahankan DAP dr fitnah2 UMNO ini.(penyokong2 PAS paling taat terhadap pemimpin berbanding PKR) .jika kamu ikhlas ingin mohon pertolongan , pihak PAS dgn seikhlas2nya akan membantu…

    ini adalah pandangan dari kaca mata saya sebagai melayu islam …sekian.

  1023. NEP is for the Malays? It’s a tool used by Umnoputeras to become rich. Our mentality: Never mind we Malays remain poor as long as the Umnoputeras are rich. I’m happy to see them rich sucking the country dry. Better see Umnoputeras rich rather then the Chinese.

    Is what I’ve said above is true? If yes, there’s no hope for the majority of the Malays.

  1024. I 100% agree with gofortruth, well said and indeed very smart thought.

    DAP people not diplomatic, and this will give chance to UMNO to catah them offguard.

    How come human being can be that stupid? I thought we have brains.
    Where the hell are their brains, first LKS talk before think, now Guan Eng act before think.

    I have a feeling I can even be a MB now. It doesn’t need so much brains, and I have more then enough.

  1025. smeagroo,
    I can’t agree with you more. Some of the DAP people are like those from Kampung baru type lah. So chauvinistic for what? Won already, keep quiet and do your work lah. Why shout here shout there. Hello, before election ok la, after election just shut up and get down to work. No need to behave like a typical opposition again lah. Sickening lah, like forever hungry for publicity! Whole life give press conference here and there for what. Once a fortnight enough lah, and confine it to state administration enough lah. Talk less on politics ok. Remember the first PBS government of Sabah or not. You have to find a way to work with the Federal Government lah. That is the reality. I assume most you got that ability but I think I may be wrong lah. Most of you are too confrontational and too gung-ho. It will backfire if you are not careful. Don’t get too euphoric with your success lah. Be humble and that was my first unsolicited advice to Guan Eng on the night of election result.

  1026. leeann you can’t make such conclusion… You are not in the circle you will never know what is going on… :) Yeah they might look dumb for what they are doing but behind the scene might be another story… :)

  1027. The night of the long knives is drawn on Badawi by the Najib/Mahathir fraction. They are training their guns on DAP where their real objective is to oust Badawi. They are trying to re-enact history by creating racial riot and put the blame on DAP again. They are harping this time on Guan Eng raising malay sensitivity on the flimsy excuse that he is doing away with NEP. There will be a series of protest by UMNO in the hope of gaining momentum to pit malays against non-malays.

    Do not allow them to use us, the innocent citizens, like what happened in the past for their selfish ends. They won’t blink an eye if there are civil unrest as long as they remain in power and plunder the nation’s coffer.

    Remain cool and level headed and don’t start any provocation or be drawn into any provocation. DAP is well advised to keep a low profile and avoid sensitive statements in the press. If there is any statements to be made it should be made by the coalition BR by a malay like Anwar.

    In times like this the malay component parties like PKR and PAS should come forward to expose UMNO nefarious intention and to diffuse the situation by explaining that it is the ordinary malays and all citizens to benefit from open tenders and transparency. The ones who lose out are the UMNOputras who drives expensive cars and living lavish lifestyles; these people have not protect the ordinary malays when they are in power.

    It is also in the interest of PKR and PAS to defend the BR stance because it is not DAP alone who is fighting for the cause of all malaysians but also PKR and PAS.

  1028. YB Lim, you should have listened to what I posted two months ago on January 14th, 2008 at 03: 25.33 under your discussion “Suspend-little-napoleon-school-principals-who-trample-on-rights-and-sensitivities-of-plural-malaysia”
    on the songkok issue, long before the election.

    Part of my comment was:

    “…….There is a reason I bring this up and it involves the DAP.
    When the DAP ADUNs and MPs are required to meet the Agong or Sultans and if there is a dress code that involves the songkok for the men, what would the DAP ADUNs or MPs do?
    Before somebody suggest boycotting the Audience with the Agong or Sultans, let me remind them that, as citizens, all Malaysians have sworn allegiance to the Agong and the Sultans. By being elected representatives of the people, the DAP ADUNS and MPs represent the wishes of the people. So, you have to meet the Royalty and follow the protocol.
    An opposition party should have a platform policy that it only represents different policies and ideas in the running of the country, and for the common good of the country (inclusive of the Malays and non-Malays). It should assuage others that its aim is not to turn the country upside down by disrespecting the Agong and Sultans, or the system of government.
    In Japan, Britain and other Western countries, voting the opposition into power does not alter their traditional respect for the Royalty or the system of government.
    The DAP should earn respect from the Agong and Sultans by first of all respecting the position of the Royalty and to follow the royal protocol. If the protocol involves wearing the songkok, so be it.
    Otherwise, the DAP would find it hard to earn the trust of the Malays and the Royalty; and would have no credibility as a responsible political organization working for all Malaysians…..” (Old Geezer, January 14th, 2008 at 03: 25.33)

    I got flamed for that comment.

    Now I hope you guys understand what a mess the DAP is in now for being disrespectful to the Sultan and Regent of Perak.

  1029. During Hindraf and Bersih rally! abt 10,000 ppl or more Indians, and Chinese took to the street, water cannon and FRU were used to dispersed the crowd, some ppl were hurts by the police, subsequently Pak Lah issued ISA to arrest the ppl involved and Nazri commenting the incidents as haram.

    The UMNO members should protest for Pak Lah to step down, because he didn’t managed his party well, this also causes the components party MIC, MCA, and Gerakan to collapse. Don’t blame other because of your own leader failure. Those who protest are putting shame on themselves, their religion, and party, it shows the world the real spirit and integrity of UMNO.

  1030. I hate to say I told you all so.

    But this is another comment I made under that same thread I mentioned above about a hypothetical dress issue after being criticised by “scorpian6666”.

    “Old Geezer Says:

    January 14th, 2008 at 09: 14.29

    “….Some in UMNO are extreme on the other end and I can see from this blog that some in DAP can also be seen as extreme on this end.
    But first and foremost, it is important that discussions and criticisms be on facts and not knee-jerk reactions.
    I have always advocate caution when making critical comments.
    I remember reading some time ago about DAP ADUNs not attending a Royal ceremony in one of the states for some reasons. That did not give a good impression among the Malays.
    If we simply act on every complaint by somebody without first studying the issue and the facts, there would be riots in Malaysia every now and then.
    That type of mentality does not bode well for the future of a multi-cultural Malaysia.

  1031. jetaime.f Says:
    March 14th, 2008 at 21: 50.55

    The past predicts the future. That’s one of the main forecasting methods used by analysts. The past predicts the future concept applies well with numbers but most analysts use it with caution or use it with a critical mind. Similar critical thinking needs to apply to using the past to predict future human behaviours.

    Hiya jetaime,

    Your Truth has a limited range of validity. The human is intelligent and logically should be able to learn from the past. But we have this saying: “History repeats itself”. Despite the three world wars and so much sufferring, we have enough weapons to annihilate the the world at the push of a button.

    Intelligent mind is useful but it is also a source of problem: This thing call EGO can become destructive it it thinks it has more rights than others. ;)

    The emotional mind is unstable and clouds clarity of thinking too.

  1032. stjames Says:

    March 14th, 2008 at 22: 39.34
    “gofortruth Says:

    March 14th, 2008 at 21: 37.30
    Uncle Lim
    Like you said in Riz Khan’s interview, take it a step at a time and not in a leap. How wise!
    In the 1st term of the new state government:-
    1) Change business corruption situation – This will save the rakyat billions of ringgit.
    2) Change crime situation – give people a safer place to stay.
    3) Bring in foreign investments therefore more job employment oppotunities , tourism etc and increase people’s wealth.
    4) Improve health care

    BN took 50 years and got us no where and if you can handle these 4 tasks well in the 1st term, you will gain lots of people’s confidence.

    The NEP issue will automatically become redundant by itself when people enjoy increment in their pockets so just leave this.
    All the best to uncle and your coalition partners.”
    Oops I’m so sorry stjames I have misled you. The 4 initiatives are just my own personal thoughts (not DAP’s) of how works should be tactfully carried out.
    I was just trying to chip in some input for uncle Lim to consider. Sorry agan stjames!

    Uncle Lim
    Needless to say alot of “people” ( you know who lah) will be losing a lot of money under the new government so it will be wise to beef up the personal security of the new governing team members including yourself.
    Take care uncle!

  1033. Are PAS and PKR going to fight for constitutional amendments to enable the MB post to be held by a Malaysian irrespective of race or religion?

    All these Gung-ho critics out there who talk about BN corruption and racism do not realise that their criticism of DAP rings hollow if they condone the exclusion of Ngeh who is the rightful MB.

    What is mind boggling is that all these ‘reformists’ and ‘democrats’ and anti- BN rasuah guys have not condemned the State constitution which is racist and religiously intolerant.

    Accepting the PAS guy as an MB is condoning moral corruption. What shameful hypocrites!

    Imagine, a Senoi or Jakun who holds a PhD at Harvard cannot be the MB of Perak because he is not Malay or Muslim. How shocking! The indigenous people of Malaysia have been ostracised, how wicked and shocking!

    All I can say is that the State Constituion is very ‘Cantik Muka’ for the Malays. But is it downright racist and bigotted? The answer is a resounding Yes!

    So why should anyone support BR if it condones and practices racism and bigotry?

    This election has been stolen with the abettment of the Royalty.

  1034. I find it extremely funny here. Apart from YB Lim, PKR disputed the Regent’s decision, too, but why nobody condemn PKR like they’ve or are condemnin’ YB Lim? But just blow things out of proportion here? Don’t get me wrong, im not sayin’ PKR should also face the music PKR for disagreein’ with the Royal’s, too. As a counterpart, we certainly DO NOT want PKR to go through the pain that YB Lim is goin’ through now. But what we’ve seen here is these 2 parties have certainly reach a consensus that candidate from PKR will be a more suitable. But, since it’s your highness’s decision, 3 parties have now all agreed to accept PAS candidate, Pls see http://anwaribrahimblog.com/ . So what is the problem now? I don’t see the point of highlightin’ and exaggerating’ the incident further, again & again & again& again unless u want to stir up more problems..It will only tear the coalition apart and become a laughing stalk for opposite camp. So,let’s MOVE ON. PKR-DAP-PAS have come to an happy endin’. Enough said, its time to let them perform!!!!!

  1035. Great damage have been done. I see with great dismay on the BA leadership in Perak. Very indecisive and no transparency at all.

    Unless, something to be done, DAP would most probably losing their support in the next general election. DAP will definately lose my vote if the party leadership keep showing this kind of arrogance.

    The people have spoken loud & clear. Who are the people are we talking about? Are they all Malaysian or just malays, chinese, PAS, Indian, Gerakan, MCA, UMNO etc?

    I am a Malaysian’s chinese & don’t mind having a Muslim leader so long as he can bring great development & social improvement to the community.

    Please wake up. Racial or religion is not the main issue now. I would have voted for PAS if the party can govern with integrity, fair, transparent & approachable.

  1036. If it is UMNO, the protest will end peacefully and without any untoward incident.

    If it is PKR, DAP, PAS, BERSIH or any other party, the protest surely ends with the supporters “mula Bertindak Ganas dan tidak mengendahkan arahan polis. Lalu Polis TERPAKSA menggunakan meriam air dan gas pemedih mata untuk menyuraikan mereka”

    The Penang Malay issues has been around for some time. Be it with or without NEP, Penang Malay is admittedly the least developed race. But may we ask why? Its not like that the previous government have not done anything at all.

    Malay is too dependent on NEP. This spoon feeding will ultimately produced a complacent and non competitive Malay. What use is tenders for BUMI only when the tenderer who won the bid will ultimately pass the work to their Chinese counterpart. And malay contractor is only keen on low level and easy job. You can see a throng of contractors attending site visits for tenders like brush clearing, landscaping, cleaning and waste disposal, supplying stationeries, A4 papers, replacing gate and everyday items. But for high technology, skilled and very hard jobs the scenario is different. Imagine only one contractor showing up during site visit.

    From my personal experience, Penang Malays is the most complacent lot. Yes, in this era of inflation and rising costs of living we ought to find some side income be it MLM or moonlighting. But many have resorted to become eyes and ears for tow truck service. You can see them hanging around alongside the Juru – Sg Dua toll stretch with their wary eyes hoping for a crash. And if their tow service gets the job, they may get a reward of RM 20-30 per car.

    Apart from that, they also seems to come to work as they please. If company employee turnover rate is to be compared, i can safely say that Malay will have in the biggest share in it. I have seen several cases of employee resigning for no reason whatsoever, and when i checked with him later on he is doing nothing, just loitering around. Now we can understand if you get a better offer from rival company but just sitting around does not make any sense.

    I`m sure the Penang Government have plans in place to address this problem. IMHO, the key areas is fair formal and informal education for all. By providing fair education, we can nurture the competitive spirits among our children. Without spoon feeding, they will become more competitive and over time, they will acquire the survival skill necessary to compete in this world. And by informal education we can educate the masses to be more productive and competent. And this we should do regardless of race. There are poor Chinese,Indian and Malay in Penang. There are illiterate Chinese, Indian, and Malay in Penang. There are Chinese, Indian and Malay criminals. With education only we can remedies all these societies illness.

    It will be a long and uphill battle until all of us dissolve the race barriers and gave birth to a true MALAYSIA. Be it Chinese, Indian, Malay or any other race, our blood is still red. We still breathe the same air polluted by Malayawata Steel , drink the same murky water provided by PBAPP , pay the same 7 dollars for the bridge and eat at the same Pelita Nasi Kandar. So what for me being a Malay supporting DAP led government? Does that make me Murtad (apostate or loosely a traitor)?

    A Verse from Holy Quran

    “Allah tiada melarang kamu untuk berbuat baik dan berlaku adil terhadap orang-orang yang tiada memerangimu karena agama dan tidak (pula) mengusir kamu dari negerimu. Sesungguhnya Allah menyukai orang-orang yang berlaku adil.” QS 60:8

    I dont think DAP led government have done anything in contrast of this Quranic verse. But for a reality check, there has been incidents in our history where Muslims gets displaced and confronted in the name of Religion. And it is not done by the so called kafir dhimmi.

    BTW I just want to share something,

    Kafir : Rejecter. Unbeliever in Islamic Pillars.
    Jahil : Ignorance. Lacking knowledge or information.

    How could anyone be a rejecter or kafir if in the first place he did not have enough information and knowledge about Islam? Unfair right? Islam is about fairness so which one is it?

    Like i said, it will be an uphill battle to clear all these misunderstanding but with a more transparent government, it can be done.

  1037. Dear Mycroft, I hope you read this:

    I’m not saying Kit Siang is anti-Malay. I am accessing him by the perspective he is the party leader. All Malaysian, me included had been fallen victim to the communalistic political situation which had been continued for 5 decades. Hence, for a party to secure the ballot box, the shortest route is to championed, or at least play up some racial/religious affiliation to gain support from your targeted voters.

    Though DAP party manifesto is to fight for a Malaysian Malaysia, I do believe sometimes being hampered by the Malaysian racial division reality, DAP simply have to give in and revert to some “convenient” route. And that’s where all the trouble comes. DAP had nightmare of aligning with PAS to form the BA front in 1999. So, DAP simply have to detach from this short-lived political alliance and profess its staunch standing of opposing the Islamic state.

    Just as there are no eternal enemy and no eternal friends in politics, Abullah’s disastrous management of the country brought back DAP and PAS together with PKR to form the BA. However, bear in mind that PAS and PKR had play their important part of pulling some Malay votes to make this (the election results) happen, which had been unprecedented in Malaysia history.

    I believe Kit Siang never actually anticipated that the BA would win in Perak. If not, he would have foreseen this situation and ask Anwar to field some senior PKR leader in Perak as a provision candidate for Menteri Besar if BA wins (which really happened). The fact now is we have a victorious state assembly government of the BA, and that unfolded the drama.

    I believe PAS had learn their lesson to some degree, that’s why they discard the notion of Islamic state and focus on welfare state instead in this election. However, not all Chinese live in Kelantan. As the result of BN’s media in demonizing the PAS all these years, there were a lot of Chinese aunties and uncles in Perak who are in grave scare of the PAS, as if PAS will bar them from eating pork and chop off their hands tomorrow if there is a PAS MB. I believe apart from BN’s propaganda, the general Malaysian ignorance of our country law making process also cause such a situation to take place.

    I understand Kit Siang’s position, it’s like a damn if you don’t and damn if you do situation for him. So, in order to pacified the vehement uproar from the grassroots DAP (which I believe quite a number of them still hold on to some very Chinese-centre affiliation), and the Perak Chinese voters, Kit Siang have to make a decision. However, I think his statement had gone too far, so much so that it actually blow away many hard earned threshold of the non-race based politics landscape in Malaysia, and also equally important, the unprecedented Malay votes which support ABU (asalkan bukan UMNO), including DAP.

    So, by Kit Siang’s perspective, comparing losing the hard earned Malay votes in the coming election like losing a thumb, and losing Chinese votes and grassroots DAP support as if losing a limb, then it’s better for him to lose his thumb instead of a limb. He is just doing what is politically correct in the view of his party and his most secured supporters (Chinese votes). However, this also comes with a price which by the expenses of his alliance parties and the fragile and innate consensus to discard racial politics by including those Malay brethren of our country.

    I just want to say we Malaysians have been victim of communalistic, race-biased politics for too long. Looks like it takes a lot more than just a political tsunami to heal our ignorant, emotions and sentiments poisoned by racial politics. I hope Kit Siang will be more careful next time and I revert my emotional condemnation on him during my previous post. Looks like I’m no better then Kit Siang : ) I’m sorry and thanks.

    Disgust (stupid, by your view) Malaysian

  1038. MWong, the answer to your question is simple. Some people just have a hatred for Kit Siang and the DAP as a whole. To these people, Kit Siang can be held responsible for the following:

    1. Stock market downturns
    2. Global warming
    3. Rising price of oil
    4. The war in Iraq
    5. Nuclear armaments
    6. Famine in Africa
    7. Crime
    8. Endangered species
    9. The extinction of the dodo

  1039. limkamput, you got some point there. Many DAP are not so well educated, even they do, act like now , see how they behave now.
    Showsomemercy, people act the way they talk, no brain act like no brain , where got something behind la.

    The point now, is , how to make them use their brains?

    How can we help?

    You read Anwar’s blog, the Malays there are pretty forgiving.
    DAP too arrogant, like limkamput said.

    Why we Chinese got power already wanna act so loud? attract negative energy.
    I wanna go Penang shopping, now cannot already.
    Give us some peace,we just wanna live a normal and peaceful life.
    NEP has been here for ages, if wanna change, do it slowly and quietly. DAP!!!! use your brain, I cannot stand stupid people.

  1040. That is why I said there is no fairness and equality in Malaysia.We are still living in the 16th century feudalistic society.In a democratic society,the person who obtains the majority votes should be elected as the leader.But not in this ‘boleh’ land.

  1041. FYI
    Imagine, a Senoi or Jakun who holds a PhD at Harvard cannot be the MB of Perak because he is not Malay or Muslim. How shocking! The indigenous people of Malaysia have been ostracised, how wicked and shocking!

    It might happen in Malaysia but not sure under which govt, BA or BN? pls be realistic, you know the statistic of this country, majority of race are made up of Malay, Chinese, Indian, Christian, Kadazan, Iban, Dusun and small minority as per your mention. Is there any Senoi or Jakun make it overseas? this is very rare but off course, here we are looking at big picture the welfare of majority.

  1042. There is a lot of wisdom in what gofortruth has said. Take it easy first.

    The NEP comment by Guan Eng was too hasty. It would have been enough to say that the implementation of the NEP is the problem, not the NEP per se. Why start agitating the Malays’ feelings when you have not even warmed your chairs? If you manage ande govern well by basing your words and actions on what is just and fair, the NEP will die a natural death.

    Sure, the open tender system is the answer to nip corruption at the bud but at the same time you have to think also about giving some special consideration for the Malay businessmen. For example, a Malay class F contractor would definitely find it hard to fight with the Chinese in an open tender system. Not because he cannot do a good job but because his community has a late start in that business and his community does not have the associations, the guilds, the community and business support and the mentoring culture that the Chinese enjoy since time immemorial. So, maybe, it is still necessary for certain percentages of big construction contracts to be allocated for the Malays but between them, the open tender system may be practised.

    There are a lot of these nitty-gritty things to think about in governing a state. Therefore you don’t just go in and bash, bash, bash. We know what is wrong but the ordinary Malays are not to be blamed for the malaise we are now facing. So, sensitivity and smooth handling are called for.

    And this forgiving of all summonses on hawkers. I think it is too hasty as well. An across the board discount would have sufficed for humanitarian reasons but an across the board forgiveness of offences against the law I think is too suggestive of an attitude of ‘to hell with the law’, too smacking of an anti-establishment behaviour. We still need to enforce the law to maintain order. Or else, one day I may wake up to see a hawker stall right in front of my house blocking my driveway.

    And this Teng Chang Khim fellow, why does he have to comment so quickly that he could be the Deputy MB but will be blocked from the post by the CEC, as if he is so hard-up for that post? Take it easy.

    There will be teething problems but I think the BA should sit down and discuss and agree on a common platform and approach in terms of policies and strategies before they go on making unnecessary mistakes again. I am not saying that you are not fit to govern but I am only afraid that if certain brakes are not applied and certain sensitivities and restrains are not practised, you will start shooting at your own feet, shooting at each other and let the BN shoot at you.

    One thing for sure, the people who have voted you in know that you need time to adjust from being in nthe opposition camp to being rulers. We will give you the time to adjust and grope and learn but in the beginning of things, unnescessary mistakes are to be avoided. And the first rule is – take it easy and slower. Think hard before blurting out. Consistent and common platform of thoughts, policies and strategies and a good communication channels between the leaders of BA parties are vital.

    As someone, I think it is gofortruth, says – Don’t screw up.

  1043. Saudara Lim Senior

    [I call your goodself Saudara, not because I am a DAP member, but because of your long-time belief and advocacy of a Malaysian Malaysia…..from a MALAYSIAN MALAYSIAN]

    It must be tough to read so many comments. I wrote two on the last page of th 12th of March. Have you read them?

  1044. showsomemercy, quietly means humble and sensitive. thats wat i meant, not corruption like BN did.

    Anyone heard any more news from the protest?TV3 is so pro BN, showed men shouting ‘ melayu hidup’ in angry voice.
    Poor uneducated Malays would surely join any protest if they do not know the details, open tender policy, trying to be fair to all.
    Where is Anwar? he should come out, cos ppl now say he is traitor of Melayu, doesn’t he want to defend himself?

  1045. ts16, yes I’ve read what you wrote.. Well obviously since I am writing back to you. So here is my response. Do the people of Perak want a PAS MB? The fact is that out of 22 seats that PAS contested, it only won 6. 6 out of 22. I have no doubt that if those seats had been contested by PKR, more seats would have gone to the Opposition. The fact is that PAS is not that well accepted on the west coast. We might talk alot about UMNO, but it is obvious that over here, UMNO seems more preferable than PAS.

    However, we can also see that Malay-based/dominated parties won the most seats (when tallied together). In this case, one can only conclude that the MB should be a Malay. Because although the DAP won 18 seats, we should bear in mind that UMNO won 27. But UMNO can’t form the state govt because it doesn’t have a majority. The DAP/PKR/PAS triumvirate has it. Naturally, as the largest party (according to seats) in the coalition, the DAP has every right to submit a candidate for MB. It is nothing to do with being insulting to the Malays. And as the party leader, Ngeh gets nominated.

    Now here is the tricky part, which some people seem to have trouble understanding. Ngeh will not run well as MB because, whether you like it or not, it is obvious that there are more Malay ADUNs than non-Malay ADUNs. So best choice is to give it to a Malay ADUN from another coaltion partner. Who should that be? PKR is thus seen as more palatable than PAS, which whether you like it or not, still has connotations of Islamic fundamentalism that is not acceptable in west coast urban areas. And yes, Perak is a west coast urban state – mostly anyway.

    I really do not see how the DAP can lose the Malay votes if it expresses its disagreement with the appointment of a PAS MB. They did support a PKR MB. And I believe that most Malays in urban areas would prefer a PKR MB than a PAS MB.

    Although there are some Chinese-centric people in the DAP. Just as there are Arab-centric people in PAS and Malay-centric people in PKR, to say that opposition to a PAS MB is caused by Chinese-centrism is quite mischevious. Like I’ve said again and again, the DAP never opposed the appointment of a Malay MB. The MB, especially in a coalition, is someone who must play a pivot. Can the DAP be the MB? No. Can PAS be the MB? No again. Why? Because both parties are so idealogically apart, to put them in such a strong position would tip the scales too much. So the best pivot now is PKR. It is acceptable to both DAP and PAS.

    Having said that, I would like to commend PAS ADUNs in Selangor for pledging to donate 30% of their salaries to charity. I believe that that is an excellent and noble deed. I hope that the charities they are donating to will be Malaysian and not just Muslim charities. Nevertheless, bravo to PAS for that.

  1046. wargamalaysia Says:

    March 14th, 2008 at 17: 09.53
    Sorry GUYS, one question.

    I am a malay. I’ve been discriminate by chinese while working in private sectors before. My wife also being discriminate by chinese in her office. What her boss answer, she is being discriminate because chinese are being discriminate by NEP.

    My chinese friend also told me some chinese suppliers will charge a malay like me more expensive than their chinese counterparts.

    What say you all chinese malaysians??????? Can you answer that.

    Warga Malaysia,

    I worked in the govt sector before. I was discriminated -> my bosses denied me promotion by changing the date of appointment of my colleague. By doing so, I was made a junior, and my junior became my senior. Where got chance to be promoted? Many other people in this country have been and are being discriminated.
    There are too many stories to tell.

    I cannot apologise for every Chinese who have discriminated against you. Like there are very dirty Chinese around the world, there are equally very good ones too. We could continue on and on – BUT FOR WHAT? We do our part to be a good citizen of a country. If we do not want to be discriminated, then let us not discriminate other people.

    Actually, there is nothing great being a Chinese, a Malay or an Indian or any other race in the world. Just aim to be a proper human being. Start by not talking and thinking along racial lines.

  1047. Anyway, just to clarifiy, I oppose PAS’ intention of creating an Islamic state. Yes, I am Chinese by descent. No I am not an old uncle and aunty. I am in my late 20s. I am a liberal who believes that personal privacy and rights should be respected, while everyone has a common responsibility to work towards a better society. I oppose the legalisation of morality. No I am not a Chinese chauvinist. I oppose Chinese schools. I believe however that Chinese schools and Tamil schools are a response to the Malaynisation/Islamisation of national schools. I believe that there should only be Malaysian schools with students being able to take Chinese or Tamil classes.

  1048. saya tidak pernah melihat anuar ibrahim sebagai pengkhainat org melayu… kalau dia inginkan kesenangan cara mudah masa dia keluar dari jail dia boleh aja terima pujuk rayu masuk UMNO kembali. dia d tawarkan kedudukan tinggi dlm UMNO, wang dan harta yg melimpah ruah tp dia memilih utk berjuang melawan UMNO. dia memilih utk bersama-sama rakyat utk ‘mengajar’ UMNO. d hina d fitnah hari2 sebelum PRU yg lepas tidak mematahkan semangatnya dan terus berjuang hingga hari terakhir..

    kita tak meyangka kan perkara sebegini ( kacau bilau perlantikan mb perak) terjadi.. UMNO sungguh jahat memainkan sebarang isu dan kini anuar pula telah d anggap sebagai pengkianat bangsa melayu.

    tak lama lagi bila sokongan semakin kuat ,UMNO tuduh pulak yg menyokongnya juga adalah pengkianat.

    umno memang inginkan rakyat memberontak ketika ini . apabila d lihat sokongan cukup kuat maka mereka akan minta rakyat buat petisyen menuntut pilihanraya dlm tempoh terdekat… dan apabila itu berlaku apakah anda semua yakin kita akan mendapat kemenangan yg sama spt yg berlaku pd 8mac yg lalu?

    untuk renungan semua d harapkan anda semua dpt baca-

  1049. Oh and before I forget, I would like to withdraw my harsh words to you, ts16. Thank you for your civil response. Again though I need to emphasise, the DAP never opposed a Malay MB. Disagreeing with PAS being the MB isn’t opposing a Malay. It isn’t being chauvinist or anti-Islam or anti-Malay. It pains me to see that people are now associating anti-PAS with anti-Islam/anti-Malay. I mean, isn’t this what UMNO does? They say if you oppose UMNO, you oppose the Malays.

  1050. yes…true as to wat toyol said…even tho i am a non malay…i wont object to NEP as long as its implementation is strictly adhered to and supervised just to help the hard core malays.we knw wat thr real objective of the NEP is…but till today it does not help much to most of the malay ordinary folks.we shud knw whr all the money has gone to.nobody is to blame but the government and its greedy leaders.i believe that i as well as many others wont object to anything as long as any implementation of policies are fair to the people.
    we dun hv to abolish NEP…we just hv to abolish the people whos misappropriating the policy to their own advantage.just kill thos scumbags.

  1051. jetaime.f Says:
    March 14th, 2008 at 21: 24.58

    open tender creates competition ie. people with good tendering skills and experience is required in order to increase the probability of winnings but also, via an open tender system, the company’s skill set is evaluated so to ensure the job is completed within budget as tendered for and within the stipulated time frame, and workmanship or quality of work is of the highest standards. People who has been spoon fed for a long time or lack the skills and experience will find that competition is daunting.

    Ah you must be an engineer like me. ;)

    Sorry folks I just felt that we need a relieve from all these heavy stuffs.

  1052. WargaMalaysia’s comments are important.

    We are all [nearly all] guilty of discrimination, and should reexamine ourselves…everyone.

    Discrimination must stop. I am Chinese. I would firmly say that NEP i.e support of the struggling majority is as important as support of the poor, the minority, the marginalised, widows, orphans etc.

    It is important to look after the interests of the majority. eg. it has taken a long, long time for America to consider a black for Presidency. Britain is still not ready for a Pakistani to be PM, and Australia not ready for an Asian PM.

    For now, it is still important, in my opinion to look after the interests of the Malay majority, as much as the other races. I feel strongly that this will be the test of the ‘opposition’ now turned government in Penang, that they look after the interests of ALL, especially the Malays – to assure them that there is no bias against them.

    LGE should say..we will look after the interests of all PENANG people, especially the Malays. This will go a long way to show that the gracious and good way can be even better than the NEP, which in my opinion, should not be mentioned at this moment, [except on these blogs], by mature [hopefully] people.

  1053. Just_True Says:
    March 15th, 2008 at 00: 37.21

    Actually, there is nothing great being a Chinese, a Malay or an Indian or any other race in the world. Just aim to be a proper human being. Start by not talking and thinking along racial lines.

    I’m hoping that LGE/BA can perform better than Koh Tsu Koon/BN but I still have some reservations on how good is LGE. So far nothing special yet. Announcement about abolishing NEP but has he got his counter-policy that he can claim to be fair? Or else everything is still in his mind.

    One statement – Open Tender means nothing or it could mean lots of things as well.

  1054. People’s behaviors are very difficult to comprehend, sometimes…

    Pak Lah, in the 5 years as the PM, had the most disastrous defeat for UMNO in 50 years, lost 5 states and he did not get as much flak as Kit Siang.

    On the other hand Kit Siang had the sweetest victory in 50 years, and had not even form a Government in Perak, yet he already got so much flak and some people have already called for his resignation.

    Guys, are you being fair to this old man who has just celebrated his birthday and had devoted all his life selflessly for the oppressed Malaysians and as a result has tasted “nasi curry” in Kamunting twice?

    If anyone of you critics could walk taller than this man, then you are justified to overlook his accomplishments over his minor shortcomings. Otherwise, give him a break and your respect to an elder, guys!

  1055. “Finally, I admire PAS for keeping their mouth shut throughout this fiasco ignited by Lim Kit Siang. That show how gentlemen and generous PAS is compare to DAP.” ts16

    I agree with you. PAS has acted nobly and even gave up an exco seat to PKR.
    I wish DAP had acted as nobly as PAS.
    I am a Chinese and am just as disgusted to see all the amateurish performance by people who should have known better after so many years in Malaysian politics.
    From what I read, the PAS candidate has a more impressive resume. The DAP, having championed the cause of meritocracy all these years, should have recognised that. The original distribution of 6-2-2 was fair and who were the people who tried to make it a ridiculous 8-1-1? Whether that was true or not, it gave a very bad impression lending credence to the claim that DAP was power-hungry. With 6 exco seats, DAP already have a powerful majority vote in the exco and they should just have stayed that way without damaging their reputation by demanding 8-1-1.
    All these negotiations for seats are OK and to be expected. But the main problem is that all these negotiations should have been done all at once, instead of piece-meal, before submitting the list to the Sultan. Calling for a boycott of palace proceeding is the most serious mistake in this whole fiasco.

  1056. jetaime.f Says:
    March 14th, 2008 at 21: 24.58

    open tender creates competition ie. people with good tendering skills and experience is required in order to increase the probability of winnings but also, via an open tender system, the company’s skill set is evaluated so to ensure the job is completed within budget as tendered for and within the stipulated time frame, and workmanship or quality of work is of the highest standards. People who has been spoon fed for a long time or lack the skills and experience will find that competition is daunting.


    Open Tender is only half of the process. The LGE (government) part is difficult – to evaluate and to decide. How to be fair? How about those rich people bid the open tender with the poorer?

    If LGE does not have answers to this, he’s doom to fail. Fail to be fair. Rich people be it malay, chinese or Indian will still rob the opportunity from the poor (malay, chinese or indian). That’s the main issue. The failure of the system is no NEP or discrimination between races.

  1057. Dear Mr. Lim,

    I have been zealously following the unfolding of events in Perak in the aftermath of the GE2008 with great interest for several reasons. I am a law graduate, and was born and bred in Ayer Tawar, the hometown of Mr. Ngeh and Mr. Nga. I speak for many friends and supporters of Barisan Alternatif (BA) when I say that we cherish great hopes of witnessing the BA work together in great harmony for the sakes of the people and the nation.

    Whilst most people view the political impasse in Perak as a misfortune, I prefer to view it as a blessing in disguise.

    The people in Malaysia have thought the time ripe to call for the ‘winds of change’ to be swept across the land. Like many others, I too believe that change will take time, and we’re just stepping into the initial phase. By mandating the BA to govern in five states, the people are effectively setting the ultimate benchmark – we want to see if you are capable of working together, if you are capable of taking it to the next level, if indeed, you are capable of even governing at the federal level.

    If this theory holds water, then all eyes will be on Perak. People from all across the nation will eagerly eye the produce/outcome of the coalition between DAP-PAS-PKR in Perak because out of the five states, Perak poses the biggest challenge to every party within the BA to work together to reach consensuses, achieve compromises, battle problems and accomplish unity and solidity.

    Unlike Kelantan, Kedah, Penang and Selangor, Perak holds the key to unravel the true test of surmounting the differences between every separate component within the BA because no single party holds the trump cards. It is in Perak that the coalition between all three parties hangs by the delicate balance of a thread. In Kelantan, Kedah, and Penang, the coalition between two parties alone (whether DAP-PKR, or DAP-PAS, or PAS-PKR) would have sufficed. In Selangor, the issue is moot because PKR as the holder of most seats comprises a lineup of ADUNs from every race.

    I see this as a golden opportunity offered to the BA of Perak to manifest important and consequential possibilities to the people. The people not only want to know if you are able to work together as one, but they NEED to know that you’re still able to work as one when riddled with controversies, challenges and differences. Indeed, even the requirements of the Perak State Constitution requiring the MB to be a malay, a muslim, and a person who commands the confidence of the ruling government are synonymous to the requirements of the Federal Government in the case of a PM.

    I urge the people of Perak to take note of this important reality. The predicament we are facing now in Perak would play itself again should the winds of change sweep in greater magnitude towards the federal level in future. We should accept with serenity the things we cannot change (the Federal and State Constitutions – at least not in the near future), the courage to change the things we can (the right to vote for whomever we think is fit to govern us), and the wisdom to know the difference.

    To Mr. Lim, your supporters will not forget all that you have toiled for year in and year out for the DAP. You’re one of the ‘predecessors’ who planted the trees for the benefit of future generations (an ancient chinese proverb) and we thank you for your dedication and passion. Therefore, we shall continue to have faith that you will continue to subscribe to the greater good, and the bigger picture in your judgment and actions.

    In the interim, all our eyes are on Perak.

  1058. Dear Mycoft,

    Thanks for your elaboration and I understand what you meant. Well, it’s PAS previous (though I’m not sure whether they will say it again) Islamic state agenda that put DAP and Lim Kit Siang into this quandary. I didn’t say that DAP oppose PAS’s MB appointment based on racial line.

    Like I mentioned earlier, and just as what you’ve said, PAS is not well accepted in the west coast/urbanized area in the peninsular because PAS had previously shoot themselves in the leg by saying “Taliban is our bothers” and “we’re adamant in the execution of Terengganu Hudud law” because they were so poised after the 1999 election. DAP paid heavy price for that and DAP had since gave assurance to its supporters that they will adhere to the opposition of PAS Islamic state agenda.

    However, my main point is that Malaysian have been so accustomed and poisoned by racial line of dichotomy generalization when they view racial issues and politics in this country. Like I mentioned earlier, not all Chinese live in Kelantan to actually see how PAS governance is. There are lots of Chinese-newspaper-only reading aunties and uncles who think that PAS will chop off their hand and stop them from eating pork tomorrow. By equal means, there are lots of Utusan-reading Malay who actually cast votes to DAP because they are angry of some UMNO politician’s arrogance and the hike of commodity prices that is so hurtful to their wallet, not so much of a transcending-racial solidarity.

    What my point is not all Malaysian are as analytical and rational as you. To those Chinese aunties and Utusan-reading (Utusan is still the No 1 circulated paper in Malaysia) uncles, The appointment of the PAS MB and the “DAP biadap” headline are equally hurtful to this scenario. I want to say that many Malaysian are still living in a very racial-biased or religious prejudice conception. And that’s the saddest thing about Malaysia. I got your point, but there are a lots of Malay who sees the “DAP biadap” headline as Chinese arrogance and insulting Malay Royal family, they will not focus whether DAP agreed a Malay MB in Selangor or they advocate the PKR candidate. In the same manner, those Chinese aunties and uncles will see PAS as an evil Taliban party to deny them of eating pork, gambling, liquor, destroy all their Buddha statue (the biggest Buddha statue in Malaysia is in kelantan) and chop off their hands. I had even encountered some aunties and uncles who say to me that Islam is a “malai-gao”, or “Malay-religion” in Cantonese. See, there are still just too many Chinese and Malay who like to generalize things in a very irrational dichotomized way. And with the instigation of the media like Utusan and TV 3, what would the Malay think? Remember there are still vast numbers of Malaysian that doesn’t have access to the internet and alternative views like we do.

    Finally, I would just like to stress that likewise Malay, Chinese or Indian, we have been pathetically poisoned and distorted by 50 years of racial politics, made worse by religious extremism, courtesy of the PAS vs UMNO battle of the “holier-than-thou” epic during the last decade. I just want to say that not every Malay or Chinese out there are as rational and analytic as you. I totally agree with what you said in the previous post.

  1059. I oppose the legalisation of morality. No I am not a Chinese chauvinist. I oppose Chinese schools. I believe however that Chinese schools and Tamil schools are a response to the Malaynisation/Islamisation of national schools. I believe that there should only be Malaysian schools with students being able to take Chinese or Tamil classes.

    Mycloft… oops pardon the tongue (must be the Mandarin lessons I am taking now at the age of 51)… Mycroft:

    I took up Mandarin because I practice “qi gong” and most reference materials are written in Chinese. And you know what? I fell in love with it because it is such a beautiful language…

    If you care to read Chinese history you will realise what a rich culture it is. And the “San Ta Jia” – three great philosophies… contains a lot of wisdom that the will benefit not just the Chinese but the entire humanity as well. Same with learning Greek, Arabic, Hindu, or the language of any other great ancient civilization.

    Please do not confuse learning Chinese or any other language with whatever unpleasant experiences we have in regards to communal relations we have with our fellow Malaysians of other races.

  1060. Well there has been a lot of bashing in all directions. Its OK as all only bagi opinion saja. Many times it could be wrong because we are not privy to the full information, real facts and happening behind the scenes.

    For me, I fully support 100% what Uncle Kit did given the circumstance he is in. Damn if you do, damn if you don’t. What to do when sometimes we are caught off-guard with such a windfall.

    Also, lets give some time to Barisan Rakyak Coalition especially when it comes to sharing of power. How do you expect them to kiss and hug overnight. Rome was not build in a day. Remember, Barisan Rakyak is what the Rakyak initiated. Formally, the parties where got Barisan Rakyak? Does it you say do, they can do straight away? Give them time lah brother. Sure got bicker for a while but cannot be too long lah.

    Going forward what is important are:
    1) PAS must demonstrate it has BURIED its Islamisation agenda once and for all and focus on creating a Caring Society.
    2) DAP must show how it can create a absolute model of Meritocratic and Efficient Government for whole of Malaysia to emulate.
    3) PKR to demonstrate it is Un-corruptible, Just and Fair to ALL races.

    If we can do that, next GE13 ha ha ha……you know what. Also, set a few broad common objectives/goals/values and keep to it like a leech.

    Very important to SURROUND YOURSELF with World Renowned Experts in the field of Education, Economics, Finance, Science, Technology, Good Governance so what we can compete with the world.

    At the same time be caring and compassionate to the LEAST of the society so that they too have a escape route up the ladder (best way is Education). Be wary of people who surround you for favors but be sensitive to those who need genuine help. Last of all, stay HUMBLE ALWAYS. Once pride sets in, its the start of the downfall. You have seen enough examples. Bravo, Cheers. Get going. Now.

  1061. The notion that a Chinese cannot represent a Malay is simply illogical. The cancer of ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ has to be excised otherwise it will destroy this marriage of convenience that is BR.

    Please remember that DAP is vehemently opposed to PAS ideological aim to set up an Islamic State where the Sharia is the supreme law of the land where Hudud is practised with stoning and amputations being part of the baggage. They have not renounced this and as such DAP cannot have a formal pact with a party whose aim is to undermine the secular constitution of Malaysia.

    Did PAS people who supported DAP during the election agree that Lina Joy should be allowed to legally marry her Christian boyfriend? Did the PAS guys who supported DAP agree that a Chinese should have equal rights in the State constitution?

    It would appear not and the main reason was tactical voting for mutual benefit. The common enemy was BN which Malaysians irrespective of race felt needed to have its wings clipped.

    There has never been and never will be an ideological meeting of minds between DAP and PAS as long as PAS adheres to its Islamic state and Hudud agenda.

  1062. The reason for the failure is simple, ppl are getting more and more sophisticated yet there are still few who relied on their party rather than reality.

    Look at the below:-


    This afternoon gathering at Komtar is an example of wrong teaching by leader of the UMNO. The UMNO member protest supporting Pak Lah, yet Pak Lah is supporting his son in law Khairy rather than the people who voted him 4 yrs ago, else these people will not be marching on street just to make themselves look less islamic and against the real purpose and fight for UMNO.

  1063. wargamalaysia Says:
    Open Tender is only half of the process. The LGE (government) part is difficult – to evaluate and to decide. How to be fair? How about those rich people bid the open tender with the poorer?

    The tender document if drawn up clearly and without ambiguity will allow a fairer evaluation by the engineers. But not fool proof of course, nothing is 100%. That is why the the human species is so dangerous… they use their intelligence for the wrong purpose. ;)

    Rich people bid open tender with poorer people has no bearing on open tender. You tender for job values within the financial capacity of your firm. I once owned an engineering with some friends and we started the firm with a mere Rm300k capital but with our combined track record and experience the banks have great faith our ability to do the job and they went all out to help us when we tendered for a job with a value of Rm14 million.

  1064. ts16 to Mycoft,

    It’s Ok, it’s me that spill some very irritating words in the first place : )

    However, the racial-religious prejudice of many, or at least substantial of Malaysian remain my gravest concern. This election is not about the BN or BA affairs so much. We need to demolish these poisons inherited from 50 years of racial politics. Once we have the maturity as a whole in the entire nation to deal with racial and religious sentiments, I am not afraid even if we have 100 UMNO or PAS parties manipulating the rakyat. That’s what the ultimate democracy struggle of Malaysia in my view, though I remain very skeptic to this goal. If we able to attain that, it doesn’t matter who rule us anymore cause love and compassion will prevail over racism and hatred. If there were Gandhi(s) in Malaysia, now is the time that we dearly need you all.

    Anyway, very thoughtful and rewarding discussion with you. Do drop me a few line if you want to: [email protected]

    ts16 to Mycoft

  1065. I refer to boycottlocalpapers.

    Zaid Ibrahim belongs to liberal group of Malays that include Bakri Musa, Azmi Sharom, Raja Petra, Din Merican and so on. UMNO is made of a system that will automatically reject anyone who thinks liberal and in the way of his neutral treatment of non-Malays like Malays. Otherwise they got nothing to politicize with Malays and so may loose Malay support.

  1066. 9to5 Says:

    March 15th, 2008 at 01: 05.19
    People’s behaviors are very difficult to comprehend, sometimes…
    …….If anyone of you critics could walk taller than this man, then you are justified to overlook his accomplishments over his minor shortcomings. Otherwise, give him a break and your respect to an elder, guys!

    Absolutely true!
    Now that the step 1 of the job of denying BN 2/3 majority has been achieved, we are on step 2 – to run a few new state governemnts that will face up with a lot of difficulties from the Federal governemnt which is still in BN’s hand.

    Instead of going round issues of blaming & accusing in circles, can all of us invest our precious time here to put our head together to chip in some tactful ideas to help this very young coalition? I am sure Uncle Lim could use some useful ones.

    Please help!

  1067. lkt-56, Chinese schools do breed communalism. That’s the problem. I used to teach in a private school, where I have students of all races. And do you know who gave me the most problems? The ones who came from the Chinese schools. They insist on just mixing with each other. How Malaysian is that?

    Just because I am opposed to Chinese schools doesn’t make me anti-Chinese language. I have no idea where you get that idea from. I never said anything bad about the language at all. Like I said, I believe in the creation of MALAYSIAN schools where the languages of all along with English would be taught.

    I cannot speak Mandarin, nor can I read it. Some people say that I should be ashamed because I am Chinese. But I am not. I am more ashamed, because of my education which was mainly done overseas, I am not able to speak the language of my people. When I read that Chin Peng, during the peace treaty signing, spoke in perfect Bahasa Kebangsaan, I thought wow now that is something admirable. Hey, don’t forget he was living in China all this while.

    I am not saying don’t speak Chinese. By all means speak it. By all means learn it if you can. It is always good to know another language. But to have a separate education system like that is not healthy. Singapore does not have Chinese schools. Does Singapore oppose Chinese language? I don’t think so.

    It is late and maybe you are old and you have trouble comprehending what I said. But I must say that it is very disappointing that, like so many people, you shoot without aiming first. Again I want to emphasise that I did not in any way say that I’m opposed to LEARNING CHINESE! My opposition to Chinese schools stand. It is just a shame that thanks to the BN policies and the Malaynisation and Islamisation of our national schools, more and more non-Malay/non-Muslim parents are turned off by the schools. Not to mention the fact that they (the national schools) are not known to be centres of excellence.

  1068. I dun know about you guys. I just cant wait to see the action in the coming parlimentary assembly with so many opposition members.

    Wondering if bodohwi can still sleep as he liked as before…hahaha. DAP, PKR, PAS~~Show them what we are made of! And dun forget, never let go the son-in-law as well!

    Up Up DAP! Up Up DAP! Down Down Bodohwi! Down Down Bodohwi!

  1069. Let me share what was my immediate response to the PAS man becoming the MB! How can that be! They got the least seats. Obviously DAP man has to be the MB. DAP got overwhelming majority, more than PKR plus PAS! I said to myself and close friends DAP is not MCA! Not going to “kow taou” to pressure!Initially I could not fathom the logic having the least seats man as the MB. Where is the fairness? It made no sense! I even quoted

  1070. ts16, ahh.. but didn’t get Gandhi get shot? And India isn’t exactly more stable than Malaysia. I am reminded of Bertold Brechts famous lines in The Life of Galilleo..

    Andreas: Unhappy is the land that has no hero
    Galilleo: No, Andreas, unhappy is the land that needs a hero.

  1071. YB, whatever it is… I just want you to think again, in whatever action or reaction that your political party are now in RULING parties.

    Dont la alway act like, “once opposition we will always be in opposition”. NO, you party are no longer opposition, you have won the election especially in Perak and Penang. I do not agree with the attitude always wanted to oppose. Please, for the sake or rakyat who have got all the courage to make the change, we would like to see the same courage from all BA leaders. Put aside minor misunderstanding, lets “Be End” see that we can works together better than UNMO+MIC+MCA coalition.

    So, please lah…. think wisely before you or your party members react.

  1072. Hello all you guys/gals out there,

    Why are you all dwelling on what has been and what would be with and among the Bariasan Rakyat parties and their leaders?

    Everything has been resolved and if not will be resolved.Any future hiccups will be resolved.

    Have faith and faith will move mountains.

    Why not dwell on how to make Malaysia a better place by giving suggestions to the BR leaders on ideas and strategies to topple BN as well as govern as a People’s Government.

    I am assuming that BN will not change its waywardness.If they do ,I may vote for them in future.

    I am happy to know that there are some who agree with me not to ask Pak lah to resign.

    Let Pak Lah stay,since he wants to – unless you want Najib to be UMNO President and PM.

    If Pak Lah stays,there is bound to be infighting and isn’t it good for BR.

    Have you guys heard anything about DSAI,LKS or Hadi Awang calling for Pak Lah to resign?I think not.So you see they are definitely smart people.

    The same goes for Ong Kar Ting and Samy vellu.

    It may be difficult to topple Samy Vellu in MIC.
    But if he stays, it is a done deal that the Malaysian Indians will not give their support to the party.

    Samy Vellu stays,MIC is doomed.

    As for Lee Wang Yen,I was trying to ignore his postings.

    He asked what is broken record.Broken record is-

    Lee Wang Yen,Lee Wang Yen,Lee Wang Yen,Lee Wang Yen,Lee Wang Yen,Lee Wang Yen,Lee Wang Yen.Lee Wang Yen,Lee Wang Yen,Lee Wang Yen,Lee Wang Yen,Lee Wang Yen,Lee Wang Yen,Lee Wang Yen…………………………………………………!

    Also of all places,quoting from Wikipedia?

    I understand that Wikipedia articles can be authored by anybody who wishes to do so.Correct me if I am wrong.

    Also, I did say that let those UMNO guys hold a protest in Komtar if they wish, so long as it is peaceful.

    Look at what LGE said:


    Posted by kasee
    Saturday, 15 March 2008
    PENANG (March 14, 2008): The Penang government is always open and will listen to any views by any dissenting groups but if they insist on holding demonstrations, it is their right to do so as long as it is held peacefully, said Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.
    “We believe in the freedom of speech and assembly as long as it is peaceful. Anybody who wants to protest, we have no qualms about it but please do it based on facts and not based on certain interests or to try and test the state government,” he said.

    You can go to MalaysiaToday for the full article.

    Lets start planning and working towards GE 2013?

    To the battlefield!

    Victory or Death!

  1073. Maybe DAP, PKR and PAS should merge.. of course to be fair everyone gets to keep a part of their name in the new party.

    PAS (Parti Islam Se-Malaysia) will contribute Parti (they go first as they are the oldest)

    DAP (Parti Tindakan Demokratik in Bahasa Kebangsaan) will contribute Tindakan.

    PKR (Parti Keadilan Rakyat) can contribute Rakyat.

    And then, we can call the new party.. Parti Tindakan Rakyat. No prizes for the English translation. Now that will really cheese UMNO off won’t it?

  1074. That PAS MB is good, he has the paper qualification, and I’m quite confidence in PAS as Tok Guru will be around to keep his leaders clean from UMNO cronies.

    Well for MB, there is a constituion that the candidate must be Malay muslim, unless the Sultan change the constitution or waive it. Since the Sultan has made up his choice, we all should respect the loyal decision.

  1075. Matterofchoice2008

    Please don’t jump to conclusions.
    I did cite Wikipedia, BBC, Times, etc. That does not mean that my knowledge of Islam and PAS derives solely from these sources.
    Wikipedia is not the source of my knowledge about Islam (My first two degrees are related to religion). I just cited it to provide quick and easy references for commentators here to check out my claims. If I quote academic papers and books, people will accuse me of ‘flaunting my assets like a woman who has just undergone a plastic surgery’ (someone made this despicable remark about me in response to my comments on one of LKS’s previous postings).

    If you think that reports about PAS in BBC, Times, Singapore’s The Straits Times, LKS’s previous media statements, PAS’ own website, NST online are all unreliable, would you please let me know what reliable sources we have?

    I’m very surprised by the fact that many people refuse to face up to the facts about PAS. For example, PAS Kedah MB has openly said that
    1. Enforcing Islamic laws and regulations in Kedah is still on their agenda.
    2. Enforcing Islamic dress code is on agenda
    But many have chosen to be selectively blind and deaf about these facts about PAS. Many accused BN leaders and supporters of denial syndrome…

  1076. I refer to Fort:

    DAP has only 18 seats with them. Unlike Penang they are not absolute majority. Umno has 28 with them. In fact if you had read Rais’ statement you would not say like this. Please refer : http://www.no2umno.blogspot.com . In addition to this, according to Raja Petra UMNO is lobbying for party hoppers aggressively. Just like PAS, DAP too has prove its stance for all Malaysians.
    Overall we have to see this as comradeship. Even in this blog one could realize most of us are agreeable to Pas man at the top. PKR is showing a lot of flexibility in this.
    Let us put our superiority aside for now to show DAP is willing to do whatever necessary to deny BN.

  1077. Matterofchoice,

    Aren’t all those BBC reports cited above crystal clear about the far-reaching implications of PAS’s policies of Islamisation and Islamic State for OUR PRACTICAL LIFE?
    -dress code
    -hudud laws
    -separate counters for men and women

  1078. mycroft, you should learn chinese, If you dont know chinese this is great lost to you.some of the meaningful chinese word cant just simply translate into english., it will lost it tune.

    I pity you!

  1079. lkt-56, it is not a matter of you hurting my feelings. It is a matter of you accusing me of something which I didn’t do, which in this case was saying that I am opposed to learning Chinese. My question remains the same, why do we need Chinese schools? When Merdeka was negotiated, many Chinese were afraid their rights and cultures would be eradicated. Hence the creation of Chinese schools. But 50 years down the line, the fact that we cannot feel secure enough to be Malaysians without dividing ourselves into sub-categories is a shame. Chinese, English, Tamil, and Malay should be the official languages of the country along with Malay as our NATIONAL language.

    For your information, I did study Chinese history. And though it was the English translation, I love the Dream of Red Chambers. I love the stories of Zhuge Liang. And one person I admire in history is Zhou Enlai.

  1080. To Mycroft,

    Yes, Gandhi was shot, just like Anwar Sadat and Yitzhak Rabin. Dato’ Onn Jaafar was rejected for his super-advance, unacceptable for his time and people for the idea of opening UMNO membership like what you’ve just suggest: a truly multi-racial and religious party that accommodates all. (Dato’ Onn’s idea still does seems to be too-advance in today’s Malaysia, that’s why I say it’s pathetic for this country)

    But nevertheless, these men stood at least on the brighter side of the conscience rather then succumbing into hatred and prejudice. Though they had sacrificed their life, it’s still better to have live in blindness. Like Gandhi says: An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind. Malaysia needs such heart amongst its people.

  1081. …and they’re laughing at us all like mad!

    sure it is kind of unfair appointing perak mb from third and smallest party. but why can’t dap/pas/pkr sit behind closed door and resort this issue? do we have to get it in the open???

  1082. “Finally, I admire PAS for keeping their mouth shut throughout this fiasco ignited by Lim Kit Siang. That show how gentlemen and generous PAS is compare to DAP.” ts16

    PAS kept their mouth shut because they stole the election, they had no leg to stand on!

    It was PAS guy Nizar who declared himself Menteri Besar on March the 9th which showed the ugly side of PAS.

    The PAS guy had the arrogance to declare himself the front runner discounting Jamalludin of PKR as ‘uneducated’ and Ngeh ‘ineligible’ because he was Chinese. This was even before the Sultan gave his approval. If that is not ‘biadap’ behaviour than what is? Who was being power hungry?

    This led to an immediate response from the DAP CEC on March the 9th to declare that Nizar had no mandate to lead the coalition as Jamalludin was DAP’s choice and also by virtue of PKR having more seats than PAS, in the event the Sultan chose not to exercise his prerogative to appoint Ngeh who should rightfully have been MB.

    What choice did the DAP CEC have?

    Yes, they kept quiet initially because they were hoping that the Regent would be fair in the spirit of Bangsa Malaysia and Muhhibah and appoint Ngeh from DAP who had won an overwhelming 18 seats as opposed to PKR 7 and PAS 6. As it turned out, Raja Nazrin added insult to injury by appointing the PAS guy! So Kit Siang had no choice but to voice out the CEC’s position.

    Imagine a Malay Malaysian winning Gold medal in athletics in Bejing and then to be told that he will be given Bronze medal only because Gold medal is only reserved for Chinese and Buddhist nationals. Would Malaysians clap and attend the awarding ceremony? Of course not! Would the Malaysian government be justified in protesting? Will they be then told by China not to be ‘Biadap’ and apologise? In fact, if the Malaysian government did not protest, the whole world will protest and boycott the Bejing Olympics in solidarity with the rightful winner who is a Malay Muslim. But where is that sense of justice, fair-play and decency amongst the Royalty and Malays? What are basic Islamic values?

    If the world new about this shabby election in Perak and the deplorable manner it was handled by PAS and the Royalty, Nazrin and the Malays he represents will be made to hold their heads in shame.

  1083. In Perak out of 31 members PAS has only 2. The balance come from DAP and PKR means majority is still on our side. Most importantly PAS too seems to be opening up. Look at their deputy President Husam, his views are quite liberal and acceptable compared to Hadi which means the younger Pas members are also willing to rub solder with non Muslims.

  1084. Lee Wang Yen, BN is not a tolerant govenment and is also pushing it’s Islamic agenda in wanting to Islamize all, not only Muslims. I’ll give PAS a chance since they’ve open declared that non-Muslims will continue to enjoy what their religions allow them to do; Islam can’t forbid them to do what their religion allows them to do.

  1085. Ok, this is a bit late in replying, but I only saw Common Folk’s response. Aiyoh, sorry man.. I didn’t mean to make it sound like Perak is so bad. My father is a Perak boy himself anyway, so I guess that makes me erm.. part Perakian by descent. It’s just that writing so fast, it was hard to think of a concrete strong point.

    Good food? Yes. Pretty girls? Yes. erm.. Michelle Yeoh? Sheesh.. she’s an MCA person. She can go fly a kite for all I care. But Perak does have potential if proper development is placed into it of course. Just hope that the new state govt will do it. Then maybe my uncle’s house will rise in value. He bought it for 100k back in 1990 and today it is still worth 100k.. in Ipoh!

  1086. Wow, it seems that some are suggesting things like the following

    ‘Don’t believe what BBC, Times, The Strait’s Times, NST Online, LKS (in past media statements) and etc say about PAS, Nik Aziz, and Hadi Awang. Don’t believe what Wikipedia says about Dhimmis. Just listen to me! I assert that PAS has no intention to push Islamic State. I assert that Tok Guru will treat everyone equally. Don’t believe the reports that say that Tok Guru said that pretty women should not work, divorced women are …Don’t believe these lies! Believe me, Tok Guru treats everyone equally. Kedah MB said Islamic laws are still on agenda? NO, no, no, he didn’t say that. That must be a lie. How could he have said that. That’s incompatible with my belief about PAS leaders, who care so much for us that it is inconceivable that the would say such a thing’

    That sounds like communist rhetorics.

  1087. PAS fundamentalistic version of Islamic state is worse. As Kit Siang has reiterated, we don’t want Islamic state a-la PAS or a-la UMNO.

    Malaysia is a secular state. That’s what DAP has been defending. We should also do the same.

  1088. Some of my two cents worth:
    Though I may not be as learned as Lee Wang Yen (I don’t hold two degrees in religion), but as for now, PAS is under check of this marriage of convenience of the opposition parties. Nevertheless, Straits Time is a UMNO-bias PAS bashing media, and some foreign media she mentioned has the propensity (in my view) to relegate their Orientalist-bias on this part of the world.

    I suggest Wang Yen to visit Kelantan someday, and spend a very nice and tranquil stay to contemplate about the idea. Maybe she’ll find that UMNO is more extremist and Islamize than the PAS in certain aspects.

    It’s sad that apart from race, religion is increasingly becoming a communal factor in Malaysia. I contribute Malaysia’s non-Muslim dilemma of today to the “holier than thou” battle between UMNO and PAS all these while, made worst when the non-Muslim voice was increasingly being silence and drown. Though I now have better perception towards PAS as compare to 1999, I would prefer to wait and let the dust settle down for the time being.

  1089. your time has come…
    leave the youngers to plan ahead their future…
    we are smart enough to foresee what future will brings…

    pls leave while people still remember…
    not until the start hatred you….

    so rest assured…
    seat back and relax….
    we will do all the dirty jobs…

    remarks this message…
    and remark it carefully….

  1090. ts16, Lee was quoting the Straits Times of Singapore. Which for all its faults is definitely not UMNO biased.. PAP biased maybe. And does not bash PAS. Workers Party bashing perhaps. Definitely Chee Soon Juan bashing. Kelantan.. nice place for a holiday perhaps. Good spot for a retreat. Love the rice there. But will you stay there for the rest of your life?

  1091. Dear Wang Yen,

    I know, it’s just a simple typing error, I know the difference between Singapore’s Starits Time and the UMNO’s Straits Time. Though I didn’t key in the word “NEW”, doesn’t mean that I’m ignorant in this aspect.

    You don’t have to be so meticulous in pinning my spelling error, I didn’t intend to go into some serious debate with you where pinning on verbal slip and spelling mistakes are common. Nevertheless, I’m not bashing you, just some honest suggestion.

    Hope that you’re fine and I wish you all the best.


  1092. Yupp, Mycroft, you’ve got the point. Let’s hope that DAP will have the far-sight in this matter. If not, the situation remains bleak for the next election (forgive my pessimism). Gotta go, got Farish Nor forum to attend to in a few hours time.

    All the best for everyone and Malaysia

  1093. Hello all you guys/gals out there,

    Why are you all dwelling on what has been and what would be with and among the Barisan Rakyat parties and their leaders?

    Everything has been resolved and if not will be resolved.Any future hiccups will be resolved.

    Have faith and faith will move mountains.

    Why not dwell on how to make Malaysia a better place by giving suggestions to the BR leaders on ideas and strategies to topple BN as well as govern as a People’s Government.

    I am assuming that BN will not change its waywardness.If they do ,I may vote for them in future.

    I am happy to know that there are some who agree with me not to ask Pak lah to resign.

    Let Pak Lah stay,since he wants to – unless you want Najib to be UMNO President and PM.

    If Pak Lah stays,there is bound to be infighting and isn’t it good for BR.

    Have you guys heard anything about DSAI,LKS or Hadi Awang calling for Pak Lah to resign?I think not.So you see they are definitely smart people.

    The same goes for Ong Kar Ting and Samy vellu.

    It may be difficult to topple Samy Vellu in MIC.
    But if he stays, it is a done deal that the Malaysian Indians will not give their support to the party.

    Samy Vellu stays,MIC is doomed.

    As for Lee Wang Yen,I was trying to ignore his postings.

    He asked what is broken record.Broken record is-

    Lee Wang Yen,Lee Wang Yen,Lee Wang Yen,Lee Wang Yen,Lee Wang Yen,Lee Wang Yen,Lee Wang Yen.Lee Wang Yen,Lee Wang Yen,Lee Wang Yen,Lee Wang Yen,Lee Wang Yen,Lee Wang Yen,Lee Wang Yen…………………………………………………!

    Also of all places,quoting from Wikipedia?

    I understand that Wikipedia articles can be authored by anybody who wishes to do so.Correct me if I am wrong.

    Lets start planning and working towards GE 2013?

    To the battlefield!

    Victory or Death!

    mycroft Says:

  1094. mycroft Says:

    March 15th, 2008 at 02: 50.17
    We should note that the DAP should not be too dependent on PKR/PAS to get the Malay votes. It is time the DAP reach out to the Malays in a big way.


    Why reach out only now? DAP should be reaching out all races before and now.

    However, better late than never. :)

  1095. I think its not fair to criticise LKS like that, he is trying to do the non-malay Perakians a favour. From what i see in the news about Ong Ka Chuan kept on accusing DAP cheated voters in Perak by allowing PAS becomes MB, LKS must have thought that the non-malay voters are unhappy and afraid of PAS MB. So to make the voters happy(as he thought so), he opposed to PAS being MB.

    It was commonly misunderstood by Malays that he is discriminating malay’s Ketuanan or favouring the chinese or being racist by opposing, but it is clear that he wasnt, as he agreed to the appointment of a malay PKR to be MB, just not PAS. I believe the crowd that protest outside of the palace is made by started by UMNO to make the problem look worse.

    After he made the boycott order, he got lots of feedback from Perakians from all races that they are fine with PAS being MB, so he apologised and took back his words. So i believe this is a misunderstanding by LKS due to the accusation by MCA Ong Ka Chuan about what the Perakians wants.

  1096. continue from 15th March 1:44

    I even quoted what Anwar said in his Press conference on 9th. March: The party that has the overwhelming majority shall lead the coalition.

    I cannot see any sense of fairness or justice in Democracy when the people had given the mendate, yet we are not or do not have the political will to follow through to implement the mendate.

    To me, is very simple DAP has more seats than PKR plus PAS. There is no way that the least seats man can head the coalition. He should not!
    He cannot!
    He must not!

    However, I see a lot of talks about Kit being arrogance and etc… To me, he is not! Far from that!

    A mature Democracy will allow Koo Ham to be the MB!

    Of course our is an immature one. So all the the talk is about compromising. It is about expediency (a regard for what is politic or advantageous rather than for what is right or just). It is like a mature elder brother is giving way to a younger brother!

    50 years from now, by then, I hope that Malaysia can be mature democratically. like America, you can have a black President. We too have the best man be the PM irrespective of race!

  1097. cto, the DAP has tried to reach out before. Hence the founders of the DAP included men like Nor Jetty and Daing Ibrahim, and please don’t forget we also had men like the late Sdr. Ahmad Nor with us. But the problem is that the DUMBNO controlled media created a sense of fear about the DAP. This is especially with the Malaysian Malaysia policy, which DUMBNO claimed is anti-Malay.

    But over the years, some events have taken place to show the Malays that the DAP is not some evil ogre that DUMBNO has painted it to be. Some of which are:

    Lim Guan Eng’s helping of a Malay girl in the Rahim Thamby Chik case.

    The decision of PKR and PAS to cooperate with the DAP on certain joint-issues.

    But, now I fear that the DAP will just let PKR and PAS handle the Malay matters and leave non-Malay matters to themselves. With the Party leading Penang, this is a great time for it to show that there is no need to be afraid of competition and a level playing field.

  1098. Fort, it took the Americans, more than 250 years or so, to finally even think of having a black President. And you know what? Some people won’t vote for him because he’s black. Similarly, it took the US slightly under 200 years to have a Catholic president. Malaysia is a still young – at 50 – and judging from the comments of some people, we are not yet there in political maturity.

  1099. Dear Kit Siang,

    Wining is not easy! You and Guan Eng are now shoulder with heavy responsibility to deliver the promise DAP has made. From the press statement Guan Eng and you have made separately, I can see that both of you are getting tired and the mind need a clear rest. Please force youselves to have a good night sleep before you talk to the press again. Do not say things that allow UMNO to take advantage of the situation. This is not the time to stir up sensitive issues. Deal with sensitive matters later. WE have no problem for DAP to work closely with PAS and PKR for the benefit of rakyat. The Chinese community in Kelantan is very happy and supportive of the PAS government’s humble, clean and fair administrative approach.

    We are especially concern about Guan Eng. HE is surrounded by DAP leaders who are good fighters for the rakyat when in opposition. But now, Guan Eng needs good advisors to help him to manage the situation in Penang and to face the press. Do not worry about what Lim Ken Yaik or Ong Ka Chuan is criticising DAP for working with PAS or not championing for Chinese community. Lim Ken Yaik and Ong Ka Chuan are merely trying to help UMNO to trap DAP. The rakyat have given DAP the confidence and DAP should go ahead to work with PAS and PKR to fight against UMNO’s corruptive government. UMNO has marginalised poor Malay, Chinese and Indian for last 50 years. And now, UMNO is taking advantage of the situation by showing that they are championing for the Malay through Mamak street protest in Penang. Please work with PAS and PKR to demonstrate DAP’s commitment to help the poor Malay while championing for the betterment of Chinese and Indian communities. Do not let UMNO abuse the poor Malay again and marginalize Chinese and Indian!

    Leave Perak and Selangor to the good hand of the state DAP-PKR-PAS leaders. Get good advisors for Guan Eng instead of fighters to run Penang well! Win the trust of Malay community and get the support of Chinese and Indian with real action and result. We believe DAP-PKR-PAS will bring better life for all rakyat regardless of race and religion.


  1100. “What is mind boggling is that all these ‘reformists’ and ‘democrats’ and anti- BN rasuah guys have not condemned the State constitution which is racist and religiously intolerant.” Malaysian.Democrat

    “This election has been stolen with the abetment of the Royalty.” Malaysian.Democrat

    Sedition Act 1948 Sec. 3 1(d) in particular.

    The sultan may act in his discretion when appointing the MB and convention requires that he appoints the leader of the political party that has won the mandate to govern, to be the MB. What most people failed to notice is that the state of Perak was put on the brink of a constitutional crisis when three names were submitted instead of just one. The sultan or (in his absence) the regent should have sent it back and asked that only one name be forwarded to him – and one name only. I do not think the discretion the constitution allows the sultan or in his absence the regent is that wide as to admit this kind of situation whereby the sultan is forced to use his ‘discretion’ to almost arbitrarily decide on one of three names. DAP, PKR and PAS leadership should have sat down and collectively agree to one of their own (and not each to one of their own) so that one name could be forwarded to the sultan who acts on advice.

    You don’t condemn the constitution. You amend it. Religious and racist though it may be but it is the constitution.

    Haven’t you heard of the rule of law??

    I believe the state of Perak will swing back to UMNO/BA come next general elections – provided UMNO puts its house in order, and provided the present leadership struggle within that party (which is just beginning) is resolved and resolved to the satisfaction of Malay voters who cast their votes for the opposition. Whatever loose working arrangements agreed by the tripartite alliance is unlikely, judging by events so far, to stand the test of time. There is little of that common ideology to unite and hold them together as a cohesive whole. Even if the caveat were to be removed, a lot more depends on how and when Malays being the majority race, unite for the (read: their) common good.

    Western style democracy as practiced in the Third World is unworkable as it tends to degenerate into a tyranny of the majority over the minority.

  1101. RE: “Fort, it took the Americans, more than 250 years or so, to finally even think …”

    Fort, undergrate, mycroft, et. al.

    The Americans are not that clever. In fact, they are notoriously unwilling to learn from history or from mistakes. Theirs or someone else’s. I think Malaysians are smarter than that!

  1102. The DAP should have stood firm and not accept the MB from PAS. It would be interesting to see how the courts would decide. Meanwhile, some sort of provisional government has to be put together. As it turned out the DAP leadership should be ‘congratulated’ for its 2-step forwards and 1-step back management style!

  1103. Let us not pretend that Malays are inherently racist. They are not. The laws which we have were formulated by the British in their typical divide and rule modus operandi. It is colonial bagage which has been exploited by UMNO and turned into a virtual tablet of stone. The fact that Penang, Melaka, Sabah and Sarawak can have a non-Muslim and Non-Malay Chief Minister is again a colonial inheritance.

    Malays throughout history have been amenable to all races and and all creeds. The Malays were Hindu and animist prior to Islam reaching these shores. The ‘Portuguese’ of Melaka are in actual fact Christian Malays.

    The British in their desire to exploit this land commercially encouraged mass immigration from China and India and formulated laws to give the impression of ‘supremacy’ to the local Malays and to keep the races apart. All this served British commercial interests. Malays, Chinese and Indians were just pawns. We all know that in their ‘ supreme’ state the Malays were the most economically and educationally backward class by the time of independence. UMNO has continued the British tradition of divide and rule to enrich itself by reinforcing Malay and Islamic ‘supremacy’. Sadly it has become a crutch which Malays are addicted to. We all know it is bad and it cannot be justified rationally or morally.

    In some cases of drug addiction, going ‘cold turkey’ is the best approach to achieving a cure. Malays have to go ‘cold turkey’ in their ‘Ketuanan Islam’ and ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ addiction.

    Personally, I believe DAP & Guan Eng can lead the way in Penang to cleanse us of this wasteful colonial curse. The NEP has to go. No ‘fine tuning’ etc. It has to be dead and buried forever. Zaid Ibrahim felt Guan Eng was being provocative and insensitive but I feel Guan Eng did the right thing by announcing it early that there would be no more NEP.

    DAP will lead the way in making Malays truer to their faith. Special rights and privileges are anathema in Islam. ‘Ketuanan Islam’ has paradoxically killed the spirit of Islam which is about submission to God, the God of Jesus and the God of Abraham.

    As Prophet Muhammed said:

    “All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action”.

  1104. undergrad 2 said:

    “You don’t condemn the constitution. You amend it. Religious and racist though it may be but it is the constitution.

    Haven’t you heard of the rule of law?? ”


    The constitution has to be condemned if it is racist or incites people to racial hatred. I believe the State constitution as it stands is racist and unIslamic as as such needs to be condemned.

    Why is there a need to amend it if it does not justify condemnation?

  1105. ///My question remains the same, why do we need Chinese schools? When Merdeka was negotiated, many Chinese were afraid their rights and cultures would be eradicated. Hence the creation of Chinese schools/// –mycroft

    When you need to ask this question, then you have no idea of why Chinese schools are needed to propagate Chinese culture, and that the teaching of Chinese language can best be carried in the Chinese schools. Malaysia is multiracial, and multi religious. The problems that we are not able to treat each other, or rather the majority group would not treat the minority as fellow Malaysians are because of politics, and not education system.

    The theory that students must go to the same school from childhood to tertiary education so that they can feel that they are equal citizens is a myth. If that was true, students who go overseas for university education would not be able to stay on to live in foreign country, because their foreign classmates were not with them from young.

    Chinese schools had been in the country long before Merdeka. Chung Ling High School in Penang would have been close to 100 years old. It was the school of choice by students in south east Asia including Thailand and Indonesia until Independence.

    Chinese school has been the single most important issue that our Chinese forefathers fought at all cost for its survival. It was more important than political right, which they did not have experience of their utility. The Malays have a saying such as ‘Biar Mati Anak, Jangan Mati Adat’. To Chinese, Chinese education is the foundation of Chinese ‘adat’. There was also an expression as to casting pearls before swine, for swine knows not the value of pearls. For a person no having been educated in Chinese schools he should not made those remarks. UMNO wanted to make the survival of ‘Chinese education’ a trump card in its political game. Yes, some who knows not the value would trade off Chinese Education, but to others it would be over their dead bodies.

  1106. “In some cases of drug addiction, going ‘cold turkey’ is the best approach to achieving a cure. Malays have to go ‘cold turkey’ in their ‘Ketuanan Islam’ and ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ addiction.

    Personally, I believe DAP & Guan Eng can lead the way in Penang to cleanse us of this wasteful colonial curse. ” Malaysian.Democrat

    We need to wake up and smell the coffee! The Brits have left the country some five decades ago. One can understand the need to rally and bring people together against the so-called colonial baggage that UMNO has been carrying, but the fact is there is a new enemy here! The new enemy today is Islamo-fascism.

  1107. Malaysian.Democrat …

    The ‘supremacy’ of Malay becoz the Malay is privilage more than other race in the Tanah Melayu since the Sultanate empire. Not becoz the British divide and rule.

    The Chinese and Indian is unwanted visitors that the Malays compromise to accept them as Tanah Melayu ‘citizen’.

    Imagine The Mainland China invaded by the British and the British bring along the 3 billion Indonesian to work for them as their coolies and suddenly after independence, the coolies Indonesian ask for the Chinese to accept them as citizen with the same right as the Chinese who traditionally have teir culture thru their former empire.

    You dont simply give the Indonesian same right as the Chinese, do you?

  1108. Lim Keng Yeik should do the right thing and leads all Gerakan members to join DAP, then he can shut up and retires forever. An old man like him should know losers must not speak so loud as losers got no say, but now everyone knew he is a sore losers. Pathetic politics!

  1109. Menang atau mati,

    I did too.

    I also feel, like what RPK said, that those who did not vote have no right to make comments on the elections. Do something about it, or else, sh-t up. And furthermore if you are sitting in a distant country, please dont preach to the rest of us.

  1110. kt-56 Says:
    March 14th, 2008 at 23: 41.53

    Hiya jetaime,

    Your Truth has a limited range of validity. The human is intelligent and logically should be able to learn from the past. But we have this saying: “History repeats itself”. Despite the three world wars and so much sufferring, we have enough weapons to annihilate the the world at the push of a button.

    Intelligent mind is useful but it is also a source of problem: This thing call EGO can become destructive it it thinks it has more rights than others. ;)

    The emotional mind is unstable and clouds clarity of thinking too.

    Morning lkt-56, bloggers,

    I don’t disagree with you. I was merely retorting at the one who continuously “play down” the current DAP+PKR+PAS coalition and not allow them the benefits of the doubt as the people of Malaysia has agreed to via their votes.

    On another note, re the protest by BN in Penang. That shows how desperate one needs to cling on to rules, laws, policies to protect one’s benefits AT THE EXPENSE of others.

    To have a healthy competition is most difficult (one needs to have the knowledge/ education, experience/ skills and most importantly the desire to succeed and willingness to invest the time required) but to create policies and regulations to protect oneself in contrast is easier. The latter is the “lazy” way out.

    To use protectionism means to enhance the COUNTRY’s and Nation’s well-being is viewed as acceptable when other countries are encroaching into the nation’s economy to reap more benefits (out of greed) at the expense of the target Nation (people). (Attack->Protect)

    But to use protectionism to grow the one specie to be DOMINANT at the expense of and to the detriment of its other FELLOW species who together have been living in the same habitat for a very very long time is not acceptable. The latter is known as discrimination.

    The unwillingness to accept the differences of these Fellow species, the unwillingness to respect them for who they are will continue to fuel the existence of this menace. This menace I believe has disrupted the social unity and may continue to do so. Correct me if I am wrong, social unity is perhaps stronger 30 or 50 years ago compare to now and from what I perceived from reading the blogs. And I believe there are many out there who want to have that moment again where regardless of race and religion, and without having to feel threaten by the other, everyone respect, and work together for the better all. May be this only exist in dreams.

    The opposition/ coalition now has a handful. Their To Do List may look like this (I reckon more interesting than Santa’s List :) )

    1) Rebuild social unity and harmony
    2) Rebuild the economy
    3) To pacify and ward of the menacing and childish behaviour of the BN
    4) Rebuild the country’s education system
    5) Others…….

    A lot more effort is required than usual in implementation because resources and effort will be wasted to deal with the childish act of BN who will try and has proven to try to sabotage.

    Don’t forget, time is needed to allow for the trial and error phase, then the correction phase before each new policy can be perfected and be efficiently put in place.

    The Conclusion: Malaysia, despite its beautiful buildings, many high rise buildings, infrastructure, shopping and more shopping, is so many light years away compare to Singapore perhaps, or Japan, and the European countries. And it may take longer than the 4 years term accorded to the coalition/ opposition.

    But most importantly, the people has took the first step – voted against corruption.

  1111. As internal dispute intensifies within UMNO due to the ‘silent majority’ calling for Abdullah’s resignation, Najib’s mouth freeze, he don’t know what to say as he don’t know where he stands, he has no feelings, he has no idea, he is worried, but he wants to be the next Prime Minister. Will Najib be the next Prime Minister? No! Malaysians cannot accept a Prime Minister’s personal bodyguard who bombed a Mongolian with C4 on behalf of his political advisor. But if it is not Najib will it be Anwar Ibrahim or it will be Mukhriz Mahathir? I think that depends on when Mahathir get another heart attack.

  1112. Lee Wang Yen,
    No offence intended but what you said really make people laugh.
    No wonder what you wrote here has been so THEORETICAL.

    What you claimed:-
    – “In-depth” understanding PAS at UK
    – “reliable” BBC, Strait Times, Wikipedia
    – “academic” degrees in religion

    Some of us had even stayed in Kelantan for some years, please be more humble in putting forth your own arguments and understandings here.

    As an analogy, what you do here is like an Ang Mo
    – searches the recipes of Penang Hokkien Mee all he could at UK
    – tries to reason out from the recipes he could find there and derive something out from the recipes
    – when his bowl of Penang Hokkien Mee is out, he proudly claims to all that he has successfully prepared original and authentic Penang Hokkien Mee
    – he even challenges Penangites if his bowl of Penang Hokkien Mee is not original and authentic enough, where else he could find the recipes as to prepare an original and authentic Penang Hokkien Mee

    Even you have a UK PHD degree in researching Penang Hokkien Mee, that does not mean that you can prepare a more original and authentic Penang Hokkien Mee than an uneducated hawker in Penang.

    Be more humble. And be more practical.

  1113. “I also feel, like what RPK said, that those who did not vote have no right to make comments on the elections. Do something about it, or else, sh-t up. And furthermore if you are sitting in a distant country, please dont preach to the rest of us.”

    Talk also cannot then how to talk about democracy? Wah..! Talk also cannot ar??? Wah…!!!! Stay overseas also cannot ar..??? Wah…!!!

  1114. ………………………”dawsheng Says: March 15th, 2008 at 07: 45.15 ……………………Talk also cannot then how to talk about democracy? Wah..! Talk also cannot ar??? Wah…!!!! Stay overseas also cannot ar..??? Wah…!!!…………….


  1115. The wise Sultan should have picked a PKR candidate (the most logical & practical choise) as the new MB. That should have avoided all the mess.

    The buffoons blaming Uncle Lim would have done the same thing, if they were in his shoes. At least the man stuck to his principals by refusing to shortchange his voters.

  1116. Don’t worry abt PAS at this moment, they need 149 seats (2/3 majority) in Parliament to do what they wan! This is impossible for the next 25 years. At this moment, they cannot even field 75 candidates for Parliament!
    Go n visit Kelantan, they say only but they can’t really impose Islam law, U know who can impose Islam law (the former BN! with more than 2/3 in Parliament!)
    As long as no single party get 2/3 majority in Parliament. No one can impose Islam law in Msia.

  1117. DAP/PKR/PAS do something on postal votes in the next general election. Postal votes are large, wide-opened backdoors for errant election candidates to take advantage of.

    Since BN now has less than 2/3 majority in parliament, why not DAP/PKR/PAS bring up this postal votes issue in parliament and request for a change in postal votes arrangements?

    Here is a little suggestion: Army/ police personnel who cannot cast their votes in person must authorize somebody (their brother or sister) to represent them at the polling station. The person representing them at the polling station must produce, in addition to a letter of authorization, a letter issued by the employer of the army/ police personnel to verify that the voter is an approved army/ police personnel currently serving the nation.

    I am no politician – my suggestion may or may not work. But please do something on postal votes. We the electorate want to see a fair and clean election in the next general election.

  1118. Msia can only progress further, when we fight NOT for race, or religion but fight for good governance, good development plans, anti Corruption, good job, high living standard, freedom, good health care, etc
    Perhaps, krismudin grand father (Oon Jafar) was right, if we only hv one type of citizenship (MALAYSIAN), no division of Chinese, Malay, Indian, Christian, Muslim, Hindu etc, in all official documents, then really save so much trouble or arguement!
    Teach all from young to respect other fellow Malaysian and live as one MALAYSIAN! Save so much arguement. Sigh!

  1119. Utusan Malaysia can boldly splash its front page with “DAP BIADAP” in order to arouse the Malays’ sentiment.The government and the other communities are all silent.But what if Sin Chew Daily or Star were to print their front page headlines with “UMNO BIADAP” in Mandarin and English.Do you think the government and our abang adik will keep quiet?

  1120. ……………………Raja Nazrin added insult to injury by appointing the PAS guy! So Kit Siang had no choice but to voice out the CEC’s position????????????????????…………………………….TAKE OUT THAT PRISM GLASSES OF YOURS- PLEASE







  1121. It is all very well to talk about Islamic State and Hudud knowing full well you cannot implement it. PAS knows it cost them the 2004 election because they were focusing on pie in the sky atavistic Islamic Rhetoric which delivered nothing to the people. This is the reason why they now talk about Welfare State. Well they are learning, so we have give them some credit.

    Sharia is outdated and not practicable in the modern world. Justice is a universally understood concept. There is no need for the Sharia per se. Our laws in Malaysia have served us well. It is the judges which are the problem. Islamic laws are not the solution as you can still have corrupt Islamic judges. Justice is the answer.

    I would advise PAS just to focus on universal concepts of justice, equality and religious tolerance.

  1122. It is not for Raja Nazrin to select the person he feels is best for the job. He is a constitutional Monarch and is obliged to follow the will of the people. The will of the people gave DAP the majority of seats by a long way. He should have chosen Ngeh if he was fair and not racist. Raja Nazrin was wrong to elect the minority party. That is not democracy.

    Anyway, things have been resolved thanks to the intervention of Kit Siang, Syed Husin and Anwar. PAS has had their wings rightfully clipped and the have only one seat on the Exco and DAP has Veto power. 6:3:1 DAP:PKR:PAS.

    Any insensitivity towards other races and religions will be slapped down hard by DAP. People power rules!

  1123. Dawsheng,

    Please be careful with your words, especially to avoid references that may be derogatory.
    This is a good blog to express views, not to shoot, hit, slam – or you would stir up wrong ideas, views about the Chinese and non-Malays.

    In promoting a Malaysian Malaysia, we have to be a Malaysian Malaysian….that means we must love and respect all citizens….that means love and respect all races, all religions, all cultures.

    I love the Malays as much as the Chinese, as much as the Indians, as much as the new immigrants. I also respect other faiths, apart from mind. It does not matter if others do not think the same of you, but you too must be open to change.

    We cannot keep thinking….Chinese, Chinese, Chinese or Indian, Indian, Indian….but….Malaysian, Malaysian, Malaysian….and if we think Malaysian, we think Malay, Chinese, Indian etc….we think and respect Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism….even if we do not embrace the religion.

    We can always live together, respecting each other’s differences.

    As for food, why stir the issue of the four-legged fat creature, whose head is sometimes seen on the table!

    No offence to you.

    Tim Sng

  1124. Hey guys, the Perak fiasco has not ended yet with Raja Nazrin reportedly upset with YB Lim Kit Siang. According to palace official, the Regent did not agree with the concept of deputy MB. So, DAP is not out of the woods yet as far as the Perak royalty is concerned.
    I suggest you all tone down your rhetorics.
    This doesn’t sound good.

  1125. “////…One can understand the need to rally and bring people together against the so-called colonial baggage that UMNO has been carrying, but the fact is there is a new enemy here! The new enemy today is Islamo-fascism…//” – Undergrad2.

    I am pleased to note that you have the clarity of mind to acknowledge that “there is a new enemy here – “Islamo-fascism!”

    The fact is that it has always been there, lurking, biding its time, wearing a softer face because it needs to, by the ‘boiling the frog method’ overcome the resistance of a still substantial multiracial and pluralistic section of the populace resistant against its agenda, work with parties like DAP and PKR diametrically opposed to its agenda, to kick out the unpopular common enemy before it seizes power and shows its true face. If anything the extraordinary gains that PAS reaps in the recent elections – and the considerable support evinced by the opinions of posters in this blog – have testified to the viability of its strategy…..

    The only credit that you could attribute to our local Islamo-fascism as compared to that being spawned elsewhere is that the local ones are firstly patient and secondly willing to play by the existing constitutional rules and the law (until such time they could seize power and overthrow the constitution in the sense of changing radically to suit their agenda) unlike their impatient counterparts elsewhere that resort to militant actions and revolutions.

    Lee Wang Yen’s contributions in this blog are invaluable for their clarity of thought even if what he says is a minority opinion and heaps of sarcasm and unflattering remarks thrown on him are unnecessary and unfair although may only be natural because what he says dashes at least, for many here and throughout the country, the collective hopes and aspirations for a better future facilitated by a viable Opposition made up of PKR PAS and DAP to dislodge the moribund BN whose very existence is disapproved by many here! But such is the workings of minds, even intelligent minds, that we rather think along lines that represent hope than face the ugly truth. Imagine even a hostage abductor can learn to empathize over time the position of his abductors! Lets have contrariety of opinions and dissenting voices here, no matter how many times they are expressed rather than silence them as replay of broken records!

    Be that as it may, we must recognise that what we so fervently want to believe – to sustain our hopes and maintain our sanity – is one thing and what is the probable truth, that in our moments of objectivity and clarity of mind, ought to be able to discern and recognise is another.

    The fact is the threat of Islamo-fascism is there and gaining grounds whether you want to admit it or not. It is gaining ground because its detractors are caught between the dilemma of either (1) tolerating the intolerable policies of the existing incumbent coalition or (2) support the party with the agenda of Islamo-fascism presently dressed in different and more moderate livery and dress for popular presentation, and many would predictably fall for the latter’s blandishment because it at least resonates with their hopes and aspirations. The fact that we have no choice but to go along with (2) is testimony of our pathetic predicament.

    The polyandrous marriage of convenience between the three Opposition partners has not the ingredients to succeed. To expect DAP (if it keeps to its principles) to be able to work with PAS (if it keeps to its principles which I think it will) is a triumph of hope over logic.

    The only good that could emanate from this erstwhile liaison and collaboration of expedience is that hopefully their collective victory in the last election will cause an implosion within the ruling coalition – which I believe is already beginning – and serve a wake up call for the BN and UMNO in particular to re-invent itself for the better in terms of proper and fairer governance to stop the country from slipping into the abyss of failure we witness elsewhere from Nigeria to Sri Lanka or the vise grip of Islamic theocracy…..

    For the record, I do not agree that DAP should just at this moment walk out of state governments because PAS’s member is chosen MB and has gained numbers in state governments just because the marriage of convenience will cause lots of friction and not work.

    The reason is that the People have voted the DAP in. You (DAP) just don’t walk out because you’re not happy with your partner (PAS or PKR) after election when you told people that he was your partner before election. You owe to it to the voters who voted you in to stay and fight for them whether against BN or PAS or PKR! In other words DAP has to lie in the bed that it makes, at least for now, to see how the impossible alliance can work. Besides things are dynamic, one does not know the equation, Anwar and PKR may just join UMNO, and even one day, one never knows, DAP may join BN to fight PAS’s theocracy on the other side. We can’t change what has happened (alliance between DAP & PAS) – it has brought some good to shake up BN and deny them 2/3 which hopefully will accelerate their implosion or re-invention and broughtsome bad by making PAS stronger, and its goal a litle nearer but still we have to move on vigilant of the dangers.


  1126. ….third para….apart from mine.

    Sdr Lim Senior,

    You are a good man, humble in many ways, taken a lot of beating, suffering, and mental abuse over the years.
    Now, in victory, if you show grace and mercy, your `enemies’ , who have already been put to shame, may change.

    We want change. Change in them and also change in YOU.
    Some think you are arrogant….probably not true.

    You must now champion ALL races – the poor, the marginalised, the orphans, the widows, the prisoners. Go out to the villages, to the slums etc.

    After all, you have more time [he ..he…:) ]

    On a serious note again, you must change and begin to show the true spirit of a MALAYSIAN MALAYSIAN…which is to love all races, respect all religions and cultures.
    So, do tell your bloggists to change to. They must stop thinking…Chinese, Indian, myself, me.

    And, of course…..you are the man, who can moderate Sdr AI, and PakCik Tok Guru to some extent…or perhaps a lot.

    Tim Sng

  1127. I think Ngeh KH is qualified and capable.By profession,he is a lawyer.Moreover he has served as an ADUN for quite a while and he is the DAP state chief.Look around you folks,how many MBs in Malaysia are that qualified?By right,if not because of the two taboos ‘race and religion’,he should be the Perak MB now.

  1128. Now the question is who is qualified and who is not is abt whether Barisan Rakyat can stand united to sort out the differences. The Sultan choice is a challenge to the Barisan Rakyat, because in those area DAP won, don’t forget the Malay votes in Perak are significant too. It is great that finally Barisan Rakyat agreed to work together, only then it is powerful enough to fight Barisan Nasional (the cronies, law,news & media manipulators govt, and corruptions coalition).

  1129. source (i think it was written by wong ho leng)

    From Prisoner to Chief Minister

    His story was remarkable. In 1987, he was detained under the ISA. He was the last of the Operasi Lalang detainees to come out from Kemunting, together with his father Lim Kit Siang. In 1998, he was sent to Kajang Prison, the aftermath of speaking out without fear or favour for an under-aged Malay girl who had been raped by a Chief Minister. Two months into jail, Siew Chiang and I felt the excruciating pain of sitting together with his skinny body in his jail to see him eat the “curry” chicken. Ten months later, I personally saw his first step to freedom, from the place where he learnt to endure. Only tears could recount those moments. On 8th March, 2008, this ex-Prisoner became the Chief Minister of Penang, the first Chief Minister of any state from the DAP. Because he had faced injustices, so he knows the true meaning of justice, equality and fairness. He will be a good leader for Penangites, and all. Do not fail us Malaysians, Sdr Lim. The people of Malaysia want to see Penang as the beacon of hope to democracy. The article below was written on the day that Guan Eng was free.

    We Saw Guan Eng Out of Jail

    It was barely 10 months ago when Guan Eng wanted me to send a message to Party members and supporters in Sarawak: “Tell them not to despair over my fate. Tell them that they can break my back, but they cannot break my soul.”

    At that time, in Kajang Prison, Chong Siew Chiang and I had a heart to heart talk with Guan Eng for 1 hr. 45 minutes in respect of his legal case, which had cost him his freedom, political office as an MP, professional career, pension and much else besides. It was an ultimate sacrifice from a political leader. It was a sad but eventful meeting.

    The 25th day of August, 1999 marked the end of the year-long incarceration. Chong Siew Chiang, Wong Sing Nang and I had the honour to represent DAP Sarawak to welcome Guan Eng back into our fold.

    The township of Kajang came to life on this 25th August, 1999.

    Thousands of men and women, young and old, lined the road to the Kajang Prison. They came from all walks of life, and from the Malay, Chinese and Indian communities. Banners inundated the entire stretch of the road, written in English, Chinese, Bahasa Malaysia and Tamil. Flags of political parties were seen everywhere, be they of the DAP, KeADILan, PAS and PRM.

    It was history on the making this day. Never before in Malaysia had there been one occasion where thousands of Malaysians of diverse races and from multi-political parties had assembled voluntarily to welcome a CRIMINAL who had finished serving his jail term.

    Never before had Malaysians held their heads high to embrace unashamedly a CRIMINAL coming out of jail.

    Never before had there been Malaysians who would weep openly at the sight of a Prisoner being released from jail.

    But this was no ordinary criminal. He is Lim Guan Eng! He was/is a Prisoner of Conscience, so declared Amnesty International.

    Our coach went at a snail’s pace amid the sea of human beings. We had little choice but to alight. I caught sight of a man with a walking stick alighting in front of me, tapping his way. I had never met him before. Instinctively, I took his hand and guided him for the difficult walk ahead. Dozens of cameras zoomed on this blind personality. I asked whether he could see what was happening around him? “No, I can’t see at all, but I can feel it. I can feel the air of freedom. I can feel that Guan Eng is free, and that is all I want”, came the remarkable reply. With everyone crowding in around us, I did not realise when I let of his hand. But I was sure that there would be people in the thronging crowd who would be his eyes.

    At about 9:45 a.m., Guan Eng arrived. As he stepped atop the Mercedes Benz to the roars of the thousands, his clenched fist and unmistakable gesture of pumping in the air told us all – Guan Eng had survived all tribulations. No one had managed to break his back, nor less his soul.

    The masses celebrated and chanted during his trilingual speech. Cries of “reformasi” echoed everywhere.

    50 feet away, the Federal Reserve Unit stood their ground and listened attentively – there was no fear of anything going awry. Next to them was a lorry-load of Indian plantation workers; it was an opportune moment to lend their ears for a Prisoner’s speech. No vehicle moved for as long as Guan Eng held on to his microphone.

    A distance away, a Kajang Prison bus became jammed in the crowd. The dozen of wardens in there wound the glass panels down and listened attentively to what their ex-charge/prisoner had to say. All along, Kit Siang was behind to ensure that Guan Eng stood his ground on top of the car. Kit Siang found it hard to control his emotions at times; he was a loving and caring father, after all.

    Guan Eng was no longer the criminal jail-bird, but a hero, and a phenomenon.

    The release of the hundreds of balloons by Guan Eng signified emancipation and the road to freedom.

    As the balloons dotted the air above the township, it was time to disperse. People whom we had never met before bade us goodbye amidst cries of “reformasi” and “hancur BN”. Our coach took more than an hour to get out of Kajang.

    Kajang will always be remembered as a little town that had helped foster racial unity and solidarity on this day.

    The DAP Headquarters was abuzz with activities and expectations as we arrived. It was just after 12:30 noon when Guan Eng and his family marched in to the thunderous applause of Party leaders, members and supporters, all of whom had assembled underneath the red tents to be nourished by his courage and aspirations. All were comforted by the fact that Guan Eng had done the Party proud for not giving up his political belief despite 12 months behind bars.

    It was another forceful speech, not lacking the vigour, sharpness and sensitivity of his pre-jail era. But there was a difference, as he said:

    “Today, I walk out of Kajang Prison with my head unbowed, spirit unbroken and faith unshaken. Just as it was a dozen years ago, prison walls cannot extinguish the fires of truth, justice and righteousness from burning in our hearts and minds; Neither can prison walls frighten us and kill our spirit to fight for justice until the rule of law, not the rule of tyranny, is established in Malaysia. … Today, I leave the prison walls as an ordinary citizen. I have lost much and learnt to endure more. But I am thankful for the unqualified support of my parents, siblings, wife and children despite the pain they felt. Without them I would not be here today …”

    Tit, tat, tit, tat, came the droplets onto his written statement that was placed on the table. These human tears thumped down hard at the injustices that had befallen upon his shoulders and family members.

    Guan Eng was undeterred by these shameless tears. Gritting his teeth, he continued:

    “To all my friends here, especially my dear comrades in the DAP, do not despair at my fate. … Success that costs nothing is worth nothing.

    “Let us then rejoice that what has happened to me has really served to advance our cause of democracy, truth and justice. I believe that the bars and walls surrounding me have encouraged you to further the struggle of the party more courageously and fearlessly.

    “We can be justifiably proud where we stand in the eternal struggle between right and wrong. Let us inspire all Malaysians to do the same – stand up for right and punish wrong.

    “Malaysia deserves better!”

    Who could doubt his sincerity? And that of Betty Chew who on the spot pledged her wholesome support to her husband in his political endeavour after his jail term?

    It must have been an emotional day for Guan Eng but freedom at long last had not come without a price. As his words pierced the hearts of conscientious Malaysians underneath the scorching tents, I could hear sobs behind and around me. Looking in front of me, I was relieved to see the blind man with his walking stick once again, seated, head bowed, a hand over his nose, and the front of his trousers, where the teardrops had fallen, wet. He must have similarly felt the freedom and the price that went with it.

    “Welcome Home, Saudara Guan Eng” were the only words that I could muster and say to him.

    25th day of August, 1999 at Kuala Lumpur

  1130. I don’t know if Sdr. Lim made a mistake or this was political drama but in the end, I don’t think he did anything wrong. In fact it seems to have worked out quite well – for now.

    DAP now looks as if it is more than willing to bend over backwards with Barisan Rakyat partners and accept reality without losing too much of its gains.

    The issue is will DAP gamble turn out to be a smart one to trust its Barisan Rakyat to this extend. With the MB and at least 4 other exco seats in their partners, DAP cannot push through its agenda but must seek consensus. In the near term there should be enough common agenda to work on that short term interest should not spoil things but in the longer term, its harder to predict. Anwar is a political chameleon and never can be trusted fully.

    First thing first I guess..

  1131. To me whether the MB from DAP, Keadilan or PKR is of no importance, but the person must be clean, capable, and the choice of all. I strongly believe in the judgement of Sultan Azlan Shah and Price Nazrin Shah of getting the right person for the job. I don’t see any reason why Sdr. Lim should blow the whole thing out of proportion. This is the only time in history for the whole Barisan Rakyat to come together and work toward one common vision for the Rakyat of Malaysia

  1132. Guys! do u feel taht the Sultan now is more sided to Barisan Rakyat, and also wise to choose the minority voice.

    I think the Malaysia Sultan is very wise and professional in handling MB choices, in Perak they choose PAS to proof to Rakyat that Sultan is supporting Barisan Rakyat (assure the ppl that DAP+PKR+PAS are strong enough to take on BN), and in Perlis they rejected BN MB candidates selected by Pak Lah, but choosing the other that Sultan preferred. Whereas in Terrenganu, things might be changing as well.

    As a Malaysian, i think the Sultan is fair and they exercise their right wisely as long as we support the Barisan Rakyat and manage the state well.

  1133. ….”Malaysian.Democrat Says:

    March 15th, 2008 at 08: 52.16
    It is not for Raja Nazrin to select the person he feels is best for the job. He is a constitutional Monarch and is obliged to follow the will of the people. The will of the people gave DAP the majority of seats by a long way. He should have chosen Ngeh if he was fair and not racist.” ………………………….









  1134. BR victory is an act of God!!!!

    So true!!!


    Friday, March 14, 2008
    Did you see God’s invisble hands in the General Elections? I did.
    Friends, the so-called pundits and political analysts from within and without the country, most of whom confined to the comforts of their air-con chambers, with piles of books stacked on their shelves, were confidently predicting that the mighty Barisan Nasional would easily emerge with a two-thirds majority in Parliament. Some even went so far as to predict a BN victory in Kelantan.

    They thought BN’s 3Ms – media, machinery and money, were insurmountable since the Opposition was fractured. And yet we won. How? Why?

    This victory is not due to Anwar Ibrahim alone, or the cooperations of Barisan Rakyat, or bloggers.

    Our enemies too contributed towards our victory. They delivered this victory on a silver platter – Hishammuddin’s Keris, Zam’s blabbering, Mahathir’s sulking, Nazri’s histrionics, Khairy’s arrogance, Abdullah’s broken promises, lies, private jet, Michelle’s Yeoh’s shoulders, C4 blasted Altantuya, Attorney General, Election Commission, BERSIH, Hindraf, Lingam Tape, MBs call for zero Opposition, temple demolition, body snatching, Bible confiscation, banning the use of ‘Allah’ and corruption in high places, Zakaria’s palace. I can go on and on.

    Why didn’t the media seek the views and predictions of those unqualified pundits perched on stools at the roadside warongs with a cigarette in one hand and black coffee in the other? Yes, they knew better than University Professors!

    I met a few of them who even predicted a BR victory if it could bag half the seats in East Malaysia.

    Every single “soothsayer cum professor” fell flat on his face while the warong pundits puffed away with protruding chests, with a “Didn’t I tell you so?” look.

    BN leaders had completely lost touch with the pulse of the nation. They were living in another dimension and overly confident that the gullible voters will absorb lock, stock and barrel, dished out from them as being Gospel Truth.

    They were positive Anwar Ibrahim would meet his waterloo and go into political oblivion when the votes were counted.

    But now the PM, his henchmen, advisers, hangers-on, 4th floor boys and his cronies are running hither and thither like headless chickens, not knowing what hit them. One of them even died of a heart attack when the results were announced.

    Now, readers, please tell me, what are the chances of the combination and convergence of all these factors just on the eve of March 8 2008 – a date presumably picked by a Feng Sui master. (He has probably gone into hiding or fled the country.

    God loves Malaysia. Believe me, he does. The hands of God were there on that much dreaded 8 of March 2008, which will go into the future as the most significant date in the nation’s history.

    The Almighty guided the hands of the voters to place that blessed ‘X’ on their ballot papers.

    This country is so blessed with plenteous natural resources. God has protected it from earth quakes, typhoons, lava from volcanoes and hurricanes. He put different races, all with the same red blood running in their veins, in this country to live as one family.

    He had preserved this nation thus far and He is not going to allow some greedy, rapacious politicians from raping and plundering this country’s wealth. When the evil is vanquished, what remains is peace and prosperity for the nation.

    It was He who brought about the combination and convergence of all these forces and issues to give us this victory over mighty Goliath, the Barisan Nasional.

    He wanted to save the country. Then why were the non-Muslims and Christians voting for PAS and Malays, the DAP? It was God’s prompting.

    Prayers went up to the heavens from the mosques, churches and temples. We called on Him and He answered us. HE GAVE US THIS VICTORY!!!

    Didn’t you all feel the holy vibrations sweeping through the country and urging the people to vote for truth, freedom, justice, integrity, honesty, unity and righteousness.

    Now it is for us to safeguard this precious gift of God. Cling onto it, preserve it, embrace it, treasure it and we will prevail. A time will come when there will be no more Malays, Indians or Chinese, or Khadazans or Ibans in this country. We will only have Malaysians – all children of the same God.

    But be warned!! If the BR leaders allow this victory to go to their heads, they too will meet the same fate.

    God has done His part. Let’s do ours.

    So let us give HIM the glory He deserves. Bahais, Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Taoists, Sikhs, and Zoroastrians. We are all one family. Amen.

    Allow me close with a nursery rhyme ;
    UMNO Dumpty sat of the wall,
    UMNO Dumpty had a great fall,
    All BN forces and all the Feng Sui Masters could not put it together again.

    (NOTE: You may replace UMNO with MCA or MIC)

    Mr Smith

  1135. The ex deputy CM of Penang,please stop being a racist and a stupid hypocrite.Don’t behave like a rascal and a gambler who went berserk and turned the table when he lost his stake.Don’t push your futile and ugly attempt against the wishes of the Penang people.You selfish and self serving idiots should now jump into the Selat Pulau Pinang and get lost.

  1136. Hello all, Malay oso voted for DAP, the DAP+PKR+PAS supposed to form BR to oppose BN, what if PAS also put in candidates at those DAP area, the vote will be saturated when ppl vote for race? think abt it, the Sultan decision is wise, as it is not bias, it is supporting BR not the majority.

  1137. Old Geezer Says:

    Today at 09: 03.10 (1 hour ago)
    Hey guys, the Perak fiasco has not ended yet with Raja Nazrin reportedly upset with YB Lim Kit Siang. According to palace official, the Regent did not agree with the concept of deputy MB. So, DAP is not out of the woods yet as far as the Perak royalty is concerned.
    I suggest you all tone down your rhetorics.
    This doesn’t sound good.


    How sure are you?? U know someone there?

  1138. Dear YB Lim,

    i hope you do read other’s blog as well and it really concerns that what you did in the early had hurt the feeling of Malays that stands united against BN and voted for DAP instead even the candidate is non-Malay.. they exercise their right in yr favor and THIS IS WHAT YOU INTERPRET? VERY ARROGANT OF YOU!

    please do go and read this blog for the good sake of DAP,PKR, PAS and ALL MALAYSIANS!! http://saifulislam.com/?p=1573#more-1573

    “people gets more sensitive and wiser over time, but do you?”

  1139. justiciary Says:

    Today at 10: 32.04 (1 minute ago)
    The ex deputy CM of Penang,please stop being a racist and a stupid hypocrite.Don’t behave like a rascal and a gambler who went berserk and turned the table when he lost his stake.Don’t push your futile and ugly attempt against the wishes of the Penang people.You selfish and self serving idiots should now jump into the Selat Pulau Pinang and get lost.



    What they do will make rakyat even get fed up
    with BN. Next election, they will lost even more
    and really CRY.

  1140. Dont understand what Catharsis is talking about.

    In the coalition, DAP got the overwhelming number of assembymen elected. In any other civilised democracy DAP would have had the MBship. Biut this is Malaysia. Malaysia Boleh!

    If he had been a Malay, he would be the MB. Ngeh was marginalised and discriminated against because he was Chinese, period.

  1141. 1. RGRaj Says:
    Today at 07: 58.56 (2 hours ago)
    ………………….. At least the man (UNCLE LIM) stuck to his principals by refusing to shortchange his voters………………….



  1142. …………………”Malaysian.Democrat Says:

    Today at 10: 38.59 (6 minutes ago)
    Dont understand what Catharsis is talking about………………”


  1143. Malaysian.Democrat Says:

    Today at 10: 38.59 (8 minutes ago)

    ……………If he had been a Malay, he would be the MB. Ngeh was marginalised and discriminated against because he was Chinese, period…………………………………



  1144. I fully agree with what Justiciary says above, now we can see how a sore loser behave. I remembered they said street protest is not in their culture but behave otherwise yesterday. They protest not because of their bangsa,mainly because of their own pocket. If you guys really love Penang and Malaysia please think first before start protesting and have illegal gathering. I am sure our new CM is open for discussion. Please stop behaving like hooligans, air out your grievances in a matured way and think of Penang’s economy. We have many foreign investors here, don’t scare them away! In the end who will loose more, tell me?


  1146. Now that the dust had settled…lets not waste our valuable time debating abt the Perak tussle again.
    We shld instead look forward and offer our 2 cents worth about how to have a good governance govt which will ensure the people is satisfied and this will then pave the way towards many more Barisan Rakyat govt in Perak and in fact lay the groundwork towards a Barisan Rakyat govt in all the states in Malaysia and also to form the next Federal Govt come the next General Election.
    Lets put our effort and energy towards BR for our country’s future.

  1147. Yeah, scaring investors away is not wise and the BN should stop their childish acts. The country, without analysing its “statistics”, seems to be in need of cash. Brick and mortar will not feed the nation. Malaysia has new competitors for foreign investments – Vietnam…

    The nation is suffering….

  1148. Mycroft, don’t spin spin lah… IF nizar is’t malay, then LKS will agree, that’s the fact. LKS so biased, all that he care is himself. LKS for malaysia … pooooorahh, see u in the next GE, i’ll never vote for DAP again.

  1149. There isn’t any spin. In fact, all of you are the ones who are spinning it. The CEC has agreed to Jamaluddin. ISN’T JAMALUDDIN A MALAY?! And stop saying you’d never vote for DAP again, because you never even voted for DAP in the first place. You are all pathetic. All of you. Absolutely pathetic and stupid.

  1150. But let’s face it, people here have been showing their stupidity for the past 3 days. Perhaps even more. What kind of morons are all of you? You have it in front of you but you don’t see it. You keep on saying the DAP is opposed to a Malay. The DAP is opposed ot a Malay. But where are the FACTS?!

  1151. jetaime.f Says:
    Today at 07: 19.41 (4 hours ago)

    1)…To have a healthy competition is most difficult (one needs to have the knowledge/ education, experience/ skills and most importantly the desire to succeed and willingness to invest the time required) but to create policies and regulations to protect oneself in contrast is easier…

    2)…Correct me if I am wrong, social unity is perhaps stronger 30 or 50 years ago compare to now and from what I perceived from reading the blogs. And I believe there are many out there who want to have that moment again where regardless of race and religion, and without having to feel threaten by the other, everyone respect, and work together for the better all. May be this only exist in dreams…

    On point number one…
    We have had close to 40 years of NEP being implemented. This has resulted in an entire generation of Malaysians who are accustomed to the system. The current march of the world towards globalization will expose the weakness of this policy and I should think it is a matter of time before we are forced to wake up from this state of UNCONSCIUOSNESS. Those who are prepared will survive better than those who are not. We need WISDOM in leadership and FAST!

    On point number two…
    Yes the earlier days were definitely better. But then again my own experience tells me that without communal politics we can co-exist with absolutely no problem. One one of those days when I want to just reach out to another human being and touch their by giving them a smile and wishing them well… I can do it to a Chinese, an Indian, or a Malay and they will respond with equal warmth. ;)

  1152. If I’m not mistaken, this site may contain remarks or postings by the Cyber Troopers of the government out to create discord among the visitors of this blog.
    Please be discerning regarding what you read.

  1153. ?????????????????


    Please allow me to write in Chinese since my English cannot fully express my opinion or suggestion. Someone please help to translate if you think it is worth to share with others. Thanks in advance.





















  1154. One one of those days when I want to just reach out to another human being and touch their by giving them a smile and wishing them well…

    On one of those days when I want to just reach out to another human being and touch their lives by giving them a smile and wishing them well…

  1155. Let’s us see DAP can make their state better or not. It’s only 1 week pass the election. And DAP haven start to perform yet, but some of us just complaining them. Is it fair? If we don cooperation with our new goverment, god also won help to improve ourselves.

  1156. For Malaysia to change, the Malays must change first. All of them.

    So I think they shouldn’t have any problem accepting a DAP guy as the new MB, if they really RESPECT democracy.

    Otherwise, new government or no, issues like Ketuanan Melayu, Islamization, NEP, etc will NOT go away. Then immigration might be the only way for those of us who want equality.

  1157. Hi brothers & sisters,

    I am new here and generally shallow in Malaysian politics as i’ve only started paying attention to it since the election period. I’ve been reading quite a bit before the elections and eventually became a fanboy of the opposition and was so so happy when the election results came out. At that time I really believed that we could all finally be treated equally as so many people around the forums have mentioned that even the Malays are supporting the satu bangsa satu negara thingy.

    However after the elections, things did look well at first until I hear that the oppositions will defend the Malay’s rights. I tried looking at it from many perspectives but I just can’t see how this is fair?

    I hope someone here would be able to point out things which I may have overlooked. I’m sorry if anyone finds this post an unintelligent one. Anyway thanks. Hope to hear from you guys.

  1158. ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
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  1159. hello, uncle Lim,
    you cant have Malasyian Malasyia until the day you can spend 365 days straight without reading the anti DAP/PKR/PAS coalition media.
    So, for the next 365 days NEVER even have a look at those papers and TVs.
    Instead, we want alternative media that are 100% free from biasness- whatever that may be- reliogion, race, gender, party. Let that media make money for you guys. Let that media be the choise of the rakyat. Let all other pioneer media of the last 50 years go bankrupt over the next 365 days.
    You must CREATE true “malasyian media” before u are able to create a ‘malaysian malaysia’. Mlaysian media must reflect all those universal virtues prevail in the developed world for the last hundred years-truth, transperency, openness, fairness, justice, respect, dignity, teamwork, nationbuilding, protection of the weak and the poor, intelligence, compromise, negotiate. Thank God, uncle lim doesnt have to create any new value. The ‘rakyat’ in those developed nations already have shown perfect examples for all of us. Now it is our turn to show the world, the Malasyia truly ‘boleh’.
    Dont hurt PKR or PAS uncle anymore, please. PKR and PAS are your true frenids for the next 50 years. Dont be obsessed with tiny issues and listen to rumors. Dont be trapped in conspiracy. There is at least something common between Lim Guan Eng and Anuar. both of them were jailed. Dont you feel pity to them? If you dont have any pity for your son and anuar, then you dont have any pity for us, the people on the street. Look beyond your eyes can see. Dont be shortsighted. Dont be naive. Stop childishness. Respect Anuar, Lim Guan eng and the pas. They will automatically respect you and so far they did. They will continue to respect you because you care. Take care uncle Lim.

  1160. Hi All,

    Just want to voice out my opinion. As you all know, life ain’t fair. You cannot have a fair deal on everything immediately, especially in Malaysia.

    PRK-PAS-DAP is treading on very dangerous ground as they are against an opponent with vast resources to topple them.

    Plus around 40%-50% of the old generation mindset of racial politics and racial rights.

    So its quite simple to see that all this action by DAP ( in particular uncle lim ) , PAS and PKR are merely like “loading bullets” in their gun to be use in the next election .

    It’s useless to be “100% fair” now, as it will only be use by the BN propaganda to haunt them in the future.

    E.g. BN propaganda : DAP cowards to bow to Muslim MP ( but hey DAP did fight and compromise) .

    See the bigger picture lah guys.

  1161. Uncle Lim…

    I really feel that nowadays your blog full of rubbish comments from……(perhaps kaki tangan another barisan lol)

    Forward your doubt to BN… Ask them why and why and why in past 50yrs…

    MB Perak chosen by Sultan…
    Its not DAP hiding as the back of PAS…

    DAP did submitted Chinese candidate as well…. Does this happen before in pass 50 yrs?

    But for the very least we have 1st Chinese DMB… Again, does this happen before in pass 50 yrs?

    I believe that DAP have enough assembly person in Perak to block any administration rules which is not fair for all.
    And again, I trust DAP dare to object anything that is not good for us. But not just keep silent and yet turn back to tell us.. ” Never with high tone… Only for successfulness!” lol

  1162. Wow, so many comments. I’ll just like to add that the bickering over the Perak and Selangor administration is normal and to be expected for diverse parties which have never worked together but found themselves thrown together after a shock win. If anything, it indicates a healthy relationship among the parties as a coalition of true equals, not a master-servant relationship like Umno and the minority parties.

    The mainstream press will try their best to crack the coalition. We have Lim Keng Yaik and MCA Ong Ka Chun denouncing DAP for “cheating voters” by working with PAS. These old world politicians are still flogging the dead horse of racial politics, unable to realize that the paradigm has changed.

  1163. Just now I was watching TV2 afternoon mandarin news and saw this:
    Demonstrasi Aman di Komtar, Pulau Pinang

    shouldn’t it be:
    Perhimpunan Haram?

    why double standard again???
    Looks like they haven’t realise why they lose!

  1164. Let’s the dust settle guys. Again IMO who’s going to the next MB is of no importance so long as the person selected is of high integrity, moral and ethical background that with rule the state with justice and fairness. What for elects an MB with character like the formal MCA chairman(uTAR champion to be specific) who reaped off billions of ringgit from the country? Rather to have PAS candidate to maintain law and order.

    Even if the future MB in any stage of his career failed to uphold justice and fairness to all, believe the Sultan and Raja Muda at their wisdom and fairness will speak for the rakyat. Perak Royalty has always been consistent in their stand and we Perakians have full trust with our Sultan and Raja Muda. Again this is from a Chinese with more than 50 rockets behind his back.

    With 6 DAP exco represent the state not forgeting 3 from PKR and 1 from PAS, I as a Perakian hope they can boost the state economy by creating more jobs for the locals (and not illegal foreigners), ensure infrastructure and basic necessity of all the kampungs and small towns are well taken care off and improve, encourage more cottage and light industry not forgetting even small farms with high value export products like eg dragon fruits, pamelo, herbs etc be encouraged to boost the state economy. Many Perakians have migrated to other states due to employment issues. If Barisan Rakyat in Perak/Penang/Kedah/Selangor can make use of the rapid expanding consumer force in China, produce something valuable just to serve the high growth market in China, very sure many Malaysians will be benefited. Perak state has plenty of land and labour force. Please make use what we have to boost the state economy and well being of the people. Remember, oil reserve in the country is drying fast, global inflation is rising each day. People of Malaysia have to wake up to accept this fact and move forward. Else we will be wiped out if vast majority still refuse to change, keep harping on MB exco NEP issues. Yes, time to change to accept one another and move as one Barisan Rakyat.

    Like it or not this country need to have 2 strong party system to have check and balance in the administration. Like in US if the Republican cannot perform next term people will support Democrats and vice versa. It is so important now to give full support to Barisan Rakyat and not just DAP nor PAS nor PKR since BR is still in its infancy stage. This country need to achieve 50:50 support between BN and BR to ensure both party perform. If any party being so narrow minded and short sight thinking winning an election is the only goal of the party, very soon after 4 yrs they will be kicked out by the rakyat.

    Give full support to BR for the time being, may be 1-2 terms to prove themselves. Clean up the country starting from the Election Commission and town councils. Get this Rashid fellow and the cronies kick the hell out of the EC and rakyat will have less chance of getting short changed and cheated. People will celebrate in fact!

  1165. Sigh….I go away for half a day, and the postings here continue to reflect the short-sightedness of so-called DAP supporters.

    People like Lee Wang Yen, Dawsheng and Jeffrey continue to bash PAS, continue to spin their broken record that PAS is bad, that DAP should not work with PAS, that DAP should simply quit the state governments in Perak and Selangor, and hand over administration in these states to BN. What are these people thinking of ? Firstly, the people calling for DAP to quit the state governments of Perak and Selangor are in the minority, judging by the postings here. The majority are all in favour of coalition administration, of seizing the opportunity to show BN that the opposition can do better. Second, the DAP leadership has decided that they will go along with PAS/PKR/DAP coalition governments in Selangor and Perak, so why is there this continous PAS bashing ? Third, these idiots (I generally don’t use such terms) don’t seem to understand that by criticising DAP’s decision and by bashing PAS, they are simply playing into the hands of scoundrels like Lim Keng Yaik and Ong Ka Ting. These defeated BN lapdogs are now singing the tune that DAP has misled the voters of Perak and Selangor. Never mind that the majority supporters are in favour of the working relationship between the three Opposition parties – they are simply seizing on the comments of PAS bashers like LWY, Dawsheng and Jeffrey.

    I have harped on the fact prior to elections that the BN’s stupidity knows no bounds. I have harped on the fact that Badawi is simply an incompetent and stupid leader. Now I have to harp on the fact that the right wing supporters of DAP are clearly doing a disservice to the majority of us who want to see the Opposition rule as many states as possible with their damaging comments. Worse, these damaging comments come at a time when the DAP has already decided that it wants to work with PKR and PAS – and yet these right wing supporters still cannot accept this decision.

    What is wrong with you people ? I can understand some not understanding English or not understanding logic but, of all people, Jeffrey is pouring oil on the fire.

  1166. It is hightime that a new and independent MSM be set up to counter the lies and tons of insinuations propagated by newspapers and tvs.It has been proven in many countries progress can be expedited when there is press freedom and independence.

  1167. well done to Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng, we support you 100%. But pls be careful of the UMNO and MCA, they are all out trying to catch what you say and what you do and will make use of every single words you had mention, twise it and manipulate it for an evil purpose – niat jahat ! so pls talk wisely and carefully in front of public or reporters, surely you can do it and DAP,PKR and PAS will lead Malaysia to a better tomorrow!

  1168. Yes, there are plenty of cybertroopers, blind supporters, narrow minded old foxes try hard to break the coalition.

    Keng Yeik and Ong KT just slapping their own face for their outdated comments. Wake up Mr Lim KY and Mr Ong KT.

    Lu cua lang kee Holand ah!

  1169. whoever that take control over the government, please be extra careful on all the statements to be made. the concern seems to be that certain irresponsible party, whether it is out of their person interest or whatever, will take advantage over certain decision made by the ruling party.

    i urge the ruling party to be more thoughtful over decision or statement to be made to avoid creating opportunity for other side to take advantage.

  1170. If you don’t like what the leadership of the DAP has done, then quit the party or go join MCA or Gerakan. Don’t give the den of thieves every reason to hype up the “problems” or “issues” faced by the Opposition parties. We are already facing some serious racial problems fanned by UMNO and its partners in crime. We don’t need you to continue with the bashing of the coalition governments in Perak and Selangor.

  1171. hi! to all new coalition army

    we want press freedom!! we want neutral news from all newspaper,media etc… please work on this …..!!!!!!!!!

    TELL US THE TRUTH>>>>>no more biased media

    lim keng yaik kalau sudah pencen please keep your mouth shut

  1172. i totally agree with what mycroft had said earlier. Can anybody here tell me which part of Uncle Lim’s statement shows that he is biased towards a Malay MB? Can anybody show or tell me?

    I guess many are out to kill the popularity of DAP towards the Malays with this issue.

    If anybody can tell or show me, i will vote for Barisan National next election!!! :)

  1173. Uncle Lim,

    I was happy that the Malaysian has shown the people power during the last 12 general election. I am pretty sure none of us expect this so call ‘political tsunami’ will take place not only in Penang, also in Kedah, Perak, Selangor and Wilayah Persekutuan. It is cleared that people are opting for opposition without seeing the race, gender or seniority.

    Some senior citizen were worry about the huge winning of opposition parties in certain state would cause chaos like what happened in May 13, 1969. However, Malaysian people are much more matured and educated. They know what they want and where they stand. Well done!!!

    I am pretty sure none of the leaders in the opposition coalition team would predict such a big swing this time. That’s why they face some problem in deciding who should lead the state government. I can understand you frustration that in a democratic country, the minority (DAP won 18n seats, PKR 7 seats and PAS 6 seats) would become the MB of the state. I was not satisfied with the statement put up by PKR’s Deputy President, Dr Syed that the composition of the state exco must reflect the composition of the Perak’s population. However, I am sure that all three parties of DAP, PKR and PAS would come to a conclusion which will benefit and interest of the people first.

    I am also glad that the people in Perak are prepared to accept MB from PAS. This shows that every one is accepting the coalition of DAP-PKR-PAS. Hopefully this coalition of DAP-PKR-PAS would not fail the people.

    I am surprised that the UMNO in Penang called the federal government to stop all mega projects in Penang, and wanna see the newly sworn in state government DAP-PKR how to run the state and fulfill their promise to the people in Penang. However, I give my due respect to previous CM Dr. Koh with his gentleman approach in handing over the government and his call to the federal government should not take back the allocation for the funding of the mega projects for Penang.

    People in Malaysia, please do not listen to all rumours. Let’s leave it to the parties leader to sort out everything for us. We know how to be a boss during the election day, we should also be ready to be a boss waiting for all of the YB to report to us and show the result what they promise to do for us…

  1174. Dear YB LKS

    Thanks for humbling yourself (you have got “bigger ears” than you know who-LAH) & also prove that you/DAP listen to the RAKYAT. This is an excellent example that explains one of the reason for the downfall of BN, in which they have themselves to blame for & not the opposition. TRUE DEMOCRACY at work here. It was a master stroke YB. I think you should be honorary prof lecturer to some university set up by BR/BA to train up future MASTER opposition politicians to keep racial-BN at bay for the next 50 years & beyond.

    They still haven’t come to grasp that it was the RAKYAT that voted them out…& now they want to punish the RAKYAT because we support the opposition??? We have got men/women who haven’t got out of their diapers in parliament! Did they forget who elected them to power in 2004? Looks like money-power craze can also cause alzheimer’s disease (not age), that’s what I can sum up on current BN.

    I think this recent election can truly appreciate the ideology that you stood for steadfastly, now with PKR & PAS joining in. I think this is an achievement that should be honoured. You were years ahead of everyone, together with the founders of DAP. I believe it is only natural that DAP can now forged into a true multi-ethnic political party, regardless of race-religion.

    On top of that, will ex YB LKY (Gerakan) eat his own words? He has said that if all the DAP-Perak signed to agree to the PAS CM-Perak, he will retire from politics forever…will he keep to his word as he did say that he is a man of his word. There is a loop-hole, he can create a blog…so that he doesn’t have to speak at all. YB LKY was an opportunist…when Gerakan jumped-ship to BN, it was clearly for the big $$$. Can all the other state governments (BN-control) follow what the 5-BR states are adopting: especially declaring assets, local council elections, etc? This should be the main issue. BN opposing such ideas will be obvious to the Rakyat. Do not use the NEP to cloud the people anymore; is there anything else besides the NEP that they can talk about??? I believe there is still a lot of lost sheep out there…hope the BA/BR will also work on this for the next GE. All that is required is another 10-15% of the votes…& BN knows this very well. The NEP was a “marketing gimmicks” to lure support BN-power so that they can rape the countries tax-$$$, which at the end of the day are all of our tax-$.

    Political rights of everyone must be upheld & respected as set out by our founding fathers, who have started off well to shape the country in their collective visions. It has taken 50 years for it to happen again…there should be more critical national issues that are more important than the NEP…the NEP will succeed only if the nation succeed first.

    Despite the parachute-votes, many of the major BN-seats lost out due to the big turn-out of voters. So many stories on the ground about what happened in this polling station & that station. The biggest suspicions were PL & KJ themselves…after recounts…which for some reason may have taken several hours (when the 1st count were very much less hours), the winning majority shot up tremendously (as reported via malaysia kini live reporting). Many of the official reporting of the EC were also delayed, etc. The most honourable I heard was of lembah pantai…when all of a sudden 14 ballot boxes turned up when all the ballot boxes were accounted for. It was understood that both candidates (BN & PKR) agreed those ballot boxes were not for lembah pantai…BN candidate already conceded with the highest grace. She has redeemed herself & well noted will not join the corrupt-BN coalition anymore. She should be a modal politician to all…well, for now to BN’s. What I am trying to say is that while the EC & BN claims the GE was 100% honest, people on the ground truly doubt it. There are more funny stories…in which was the reason for the Kelantan downfall of BN but I shall have to refrain…the damage is done, that’s important. Now it’s time to start kicking-ass & get everyone to start work!!!

    Congrats once again YB, may you continue to guide the future leaders of the country, for our future & our children’s future. God bless you.

  1175. pjboy i totally agree with every word you said there! Keep it up… Let’s keep our mind and soul clear of all this bull shit that was posted by those cyber troopers…

    “Bersatu Kita Teguh, Bercerai kita Roboh”

  1176. this blog wont be so long if all of us stop blaming one another. what i have read so far are mostly condemnation, finger pointing that bring rise to hatred, ill-feelings and hostility.

    instead of blaming the other, why don’t we look in the mirror. it is easier to blame people than to blame oneself. for those of us who have lost, please concede defeat, admit our mistakes, learn from it and see how we can improve ourselves. people, next time you want to blame others, stop and think. please give constructive critisms, not destructive ones.

    negative arguments brings us nowhere, except more feeling of hatred. is this what we want? please give constructive comments on how we can work together for the betterment of all malaysian.

    those of us who believe in God and worship Him, please love our brothers and sisters more than yourself. In God’s eyes, we are all created equal. God wants us to be kind, helpful, love and treat one another with respect, love and kindness. why kill each other with wicked words and cause disunity among brothers. people who truly believe in God’s will not do this. otherwise, all our prayers for God are fruitless. No point being holy on one hand, and being wicked on the other.

    if our character and behaviour can be built upon God’s wishes for us, then does it matter who our PM, our MB, our exco, our representative are??

    Peace be unto all of us and may God bless all of us

  1177. So I see…..

    I see MR Lim KY asking DAP to quit the coalition state’s government, in order to prove that DAP never endorse or support PAS and its ideologies (which turn the country to Islamic states as the main)…..

    So, where some others in another barisan acted racist, or even made announcement to turn our country into Islamic country officially…. And Gerakan (as well as MCA etc ) still with them….

    Conclusion, Gerakan ..MCA etc endorsing Islamic states and also those racist reactions????

  1178. Lim Keng Yaik only talk $hit! I think it’s the first time in Malaysia history, a lot of “Wakil Rakyat” all of a sudden became not relevant! :)

    So why care so much on what Lim Keng Yaik said? Even his son also lost to Tian Chua (PKR) in the elections! lolz…

  1179. ‘Condemming the constitution suggests a repudiation of the entire document.’. undergrad 2.

    And if I may add further, without a two thirds majority win repudiating the entire document can only mean REVOLUTION!

  1180. Lim Keng Yaik has even said MALAYSIA IS AN ISLAMIC STATE supporting his boss the mamak.But when challenged to a debate by YB KIT,curled his tail between his legs and quietly hid somewhere else.That’s LKY for you.

  1181. Kit’s blog has never been more entertaining. ;) Trawling through I noticed these few comments…

    KennyGan Says:
    Today at 12: 04.45 (57 minutes ago)
    Wow, so many comments. I’ll just like to add that the bickering over the Perak and Selangor administration is normal

    :D Yup, all very normal. We all need to be assured that we EXIST. If we do not find something to disagree we have nothing to discuss/quarrel and suddenly our very EXISTENCE is in peril. This is the problem of the doctrine of separation: I & THE WORLD.

    Godfather Says:
    Today at 12: 17.33 (45 minutes ago)
    I can understand some not understanding English or not understanding logic but, of all people, Jeffrey is pouring oil on the fire.

    Jeffrey the INTELLECTUAL is very human. ;)

    jetaime.f Says:
    Today at 12: 19.33 (43 minutes ago)

    Ah… you must be from Great Britain. :)

    RGRaj Says:
    Today at 11: 50.17 (1 hour ago)
    For Malaysia to change, the Malays must change first.

    TRUE CHANGE comes from WITHIN. We have no control over the external events happening around us. The entire universe is in a constant state of flux and no one can defy the TAO.

  1182. See Pak Lah’s interview with Channel News Asia. Apparently he stated that the cause of the “loss” was internal issues within BN, fielding wrong candidates, a more experienced and better list of candidates wld have had different result.

    I just dont get it, BN must be from another planet, they have clearly lost touch!

  1183. As unpalatable as it may seem, it will be hypocritical of us to call for action to be taken on those DUMBNO members who decide to take to the streets and demonstrate. After all, just 3 months ago, weren’t we doing the same thing albeit for a different cause? Freedom of assembly isn’t something that is exclusively for one side.

  1184. I see Mukhriz is trying to emulate his father… So, he gets expelled (just like his father did when he criticised Tunku in 69).. he gets expelled, Najib launches a palace coup (just like his father did), and becomes PM. But who is going to play the Doc?

  1185. congratulation to dap on winning whole 18 seats contested in perak. well, it’s the time for us to turn back to the reality. well, we know that the problem of the country whether you agree or disagree, you must accept the chosen MB by the supreme ruler of the state. this is a time for us not to oppose or discuss who is MB. the facts where the voters wanted and cares would be we are enough the bullies by the good damn corrupted BN government. we needs something new to give bright hope to our next generation. if the application don’t works?????my vote will go to BN or otherwise leave here to get a better environment for my children

  1186. stjames Says:

    Today at 13: 32.59 (9 minutes ago)
    See Pak Lah’s interview with Channel News Asia. Apparently he stated that the cause of the “loss” was internal issues within BN, fielding wrong candidates, a more experienced and better list of candidates wld have had different result.

    Pak Lah is claver and he is right….
    If he can take away those who always act racist to be hero in his own party… speech aggressively and never respect other that outside of his community…love so much to play ‘knife’ out of his own kitchen… and sleep deeply in the public places……etc.

    Yet BN will always gain much higher support than as current…

  1187. Since Malaysia is in a political transition, here is A QUESTION TO ALL BARISAN RAKYAT SUPPORTERS:

    1) Do you trust DSeri Anwar Ibrahim to lead a proggressive and moderate opposition/government?
    2) What actions or words of his has convinced you that his current stance is genuine given allegations of his fundamentalist past?

    Pls do not misunderstand, there is no intention to create a split in the opposition, I am simply struggling to find the answer.

  1188. Lim Keng Yaik has earned his keep when he frankly and openly told his old boss the causes for the downfall that brought down the BN. BN. He is now retired and need not say things that please Pak Lah.

    He should put the nation first. By stirring up racial sentiments is detrimental to the peace and security of the nation. The rakyat has indicated it very clearly that it rejects the race based politics that the BN has been practising.

    We want to move past this divisive part of our history, please move with us. We want a united and peaceful nation!

  1189. “How sure are you?? U know someone there?” – alancheah

    I apologise for not mentioning the info was from Star. I thought everybody knew that.
    It is disturbing to me that YB Lim has not met the Regent personally to apologise.

    Star Online Saturday, March 15, 2008:
    “Palace may not agree to appointing two Deputy MBs
    Highly placed sources said the palace had not given consent to the coalition for the creation of two Deputy Mentri Besar posts, as it was not provided for in the State Constitution.

    “The issue was also never discussed with the Regent. The discussion has been on the position of the Mentri Besar,” according to a source closed to the palace.

    The Mentri Besar-designate, the official said, had made the proposed appointments without consulting the Regent, who is already unhappy with the statement made by DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang calling the 18 DAP state assemblymen to stay away from the swearing-in ceremony on Thursday.

    Lim, the MP for Ipoh Timor, had since apologised to the Sultan and the Regent but it is understood that the apology made through the media and Internet did not go down well with the palace.

    “It should have been done in a formal manner, not via the press or online. There is a certain decorum when dealing with the Sultan and the Regent,” the official added.

  1190. Coliation administration must stand together to solve all problem. Don’t care about what MCA and GERAKAN voice, they are totally out (obsolate). Hey, pls lah….. loss already just stand a side. Useless on make so much voices.
    Keep your eye open, give a chance for BR to handle it. Scare ppl can do better than you ah……..

  1191. Blogger YB Jeff Ooi is Penang CM’s chief of staff.
    He has a very good write up in his blog.
    I like this part especially –

    “I will strongly advise the state government to help the Malays and Class F contractors in Penang. I saw them suffer and marginalised after 50 years of Umno dominance as I walked the streets campaigning in the Jelutong constituency.”

    I think this is super wise & tactful to first take care of the poor Malays. Full write up:-


  1192. Uncle Lim,

    Sorry for side tracking again.
    Flood in Johor are getting worse….but I don’t see Pak Lah @ Najib @ Hishamudin @ all the strong BN/UMNO leaders that was stongly supported by Johor showing face or let alone talk about it. They are busy in selecting Cabinet, busying in arguing that Sultan can’t ignore their choice of MB. Or plain busy on micro managing PKR/DAP/PAS on how to run Penang,Selangor,Perak.

    BN fiscos….be realistic….first do your duty as a elacted member. Utusan Malaysia reprted the flood in pg 15, but headline is How is Perlis MB? The flash flood in Johor is not as significant as why the Sultan did not chose BN crony. Life lost in the flood not as important as putting a huge coverage on UMNO demonstrate against Penang Goverment.

    What happen to all the BN big guns…let alone …not even the small kids of BN concern about the flood. Maybe Johor need to see what type of leaders they have choosen.

  1193. “stjames Says:

    Today at 13: 57.47 (8 minutes ago)
    Since Malaysia is in a political transition, here is A QUESTION TO ALL BARISAN RAKYAT SUPPORTERS:

    1) Do you trust DSeri Anwar Ibrahim to lead a proggressive and moderate opposition/government?
    2) What actions or words of his has convinced you that his current stance is genuine given allegations of his fundamentalist past?

    Pls do not misunderstand, there is no intention to create a split in the opposition, I am simply struggling to find the answer.”

    The problem is those who are always ’emotional’, ‘aggressively’ and never know how to respect others… are actually younger generations in his party… and they will be the leader for his party and the barisan in future… And when the day come? ……haizzz…

    Yet let turn and look at ours (so-call) representative parties in barisan… nearly all younger generation are ‘Kind –man” ( those who did voiced out louder for us not even given a chance in the past election’s nomination) to his party’s leader as well as barisan… So will they going to be so noble and voice out in future for us? …lol…

    The barisan already turned to be an imbalanced coalition… Till one party’s subordinate youth’s leader dare to ‘chase’ another party out of the barisan… Again, how can we bare hope on those party, which it’s own also need to see others face?

    AS for Barisan Rakyat… I am not sure that BR is better or not… But I am really sure; all 3 parties will always have equal chances to voice out in every discussion, and be able to show respect to each other as well.

  1194. don’t questioning too much or all will fall in blank.More question you ask more stupid you will be.The best think is sit together as discuss as a team or a groups how to be best of the best.If so many objection also is not are healthy scenario.Don’t bother about fly cause they only like the shit.

  1195. Whether he’s lying or still sleeping, he still never learn.
    With the BN still under his leadership, I’m sure it’ll be either in four to five years time that his whole party will be totally wipe off.
    Only in Sabah and Sarawak, will he triumph.
    Frankly speaking, if not for the postal votes that save him during this GE, he would certainly have more bigger headache by now.
    So, go ahead with your old ways and keep on lying to the people.
    As for the present situation about MB, let us all be mature.
    Never give in or listen to all those BN crooks who’re trying to sabotage this blog. Use our common sense and judge from our own point of view. Don’t argue or reply any of their comment and I’m sure they will be hitting out at nothing.

  1196. Well…Terengganu & perlis too are having their trouble & problems but not much of a word to shoot them? Is it becuz here its easy to shoot that we have to keep shooting?
    Can’t we offer more constructive suggestions towards a better governed BR Govts in the 5 states?
    Lets start cracking our heads to offer good intentions rather than use this space to start shooting each other….lot of things brought up are already HISTORY…so lets work for a better tomorrow if contributing ideas and plans on how a better malaysia should be…

  1197. “NotProudToBeMalaysian Says:

    Today at 14: 36.21 (2 minutes ago)

    Frankly speaking, if not for the postal votes that save him during this GE, he would certainly have more bigger headache by now.”

    And I believe that SPR needs to prepare much more begs for postal votes 4/5 yrs later lol…

  1198. As for Lim Keng Yaik, please keep your mouth shut!
    Please remember that during the ceramah, you did criticise about Lim Kit Siang proposing of “marriage” between Lim Guan Eng and Anwar. Partly because of your dirty, smelly, saliva spitting mouth that cause the people got sick and wipe your party off.
    You too mention that you’ll slice yourself piece by piece from head to toe, if DAP takes over Penang. So! now what???

  1199. Pak LAh and the federal government and perhaps the police failed to act fast on the demonstration by UMNO’s people yesterday.

    Since words that there would be a demonstration spreaded like wild fire much earlier on…WHY did Pak lah did not advise his people, especially those UMNO state leaders, not to do it? Obviously there is double standards here. Or Pak Lah could not control them anymore?

    I am a peace loving malaysian, not given to side any party in particular. Can’t our people grow up? Sometimes it seems there is an absence of common sense and self-control. WHen other people demonstrate, there was hell. But when UMNO demonstrate..it seems it is OK. The is one reason why many people voted for opposition last election. The government is not listening to the silent majority still. Sigh.

  1200. Ya. Lim Keng Yaik ever said that he will slice himself piece by piece from head to toe, if DAP takes over Penang. Can we get Media reporter to call him to confirm the date of slicing taken place. And also at the same time to ask him to shut his month and get lost. He is out of picture now and we do not have to spend so much time on this old man.

  1201. Blogger YB Jeff Ooi is Penang CM’s chief of staff.
    He has a very good write up in his blog.
    I like this part especially –

    “I will strongly advise the state government to help the Malays and Class F contractors in Penang. I saw them suffer and marginalised after 50 years of Umno dominance as I walked the streets campaigning in the Jelutong constituency.”

    I think this is super wise & tactful to first take care of the poor Malays. Full write up:-



  1202. “One4All4One Says:

    Today at 14: 57.39 (2 minutes ago)
    Pak LAh and the federal government and perhaps the police failed to act fast on the demonstration by UMNO’s people yesterday.

    Since words that there would be a demonstration spreaded like wild fire much earlier on…WHY did Pak lah did not advise his people, especially those UMNO state leaders, not to do it? Obviously there is double standards here. Or Pak Lah could not control them anymore?

    I am a peace loving malaysian, not given to side any party in particular. Can’t our people grow up? Sometimes it seems there is an absence of common sense and self-control. WHen other people demonstrate, there was hell. But when UMNO demonstrate..it seems it is OK. The is one reason why many people voted for opposition last election. The government is not listening to the silent majority still. Sigh.”

    This is really funny and keeps happening from times to times….
    He did and keep warning ppl not to go on street, but his own party’s man just feel exciting to have ‘celebration’ on street always… and still they are pound to have ‘Perhimpunan Haram’ around….
    They will never need to worry about their own action…

    Totally Double Standard

  1203. Well some of us say what we honestly think is the situation of greater threat to the nation from Islamo facist agenda of PAS whilst others, being so fed up with BN will want to be “constructive” and see the positive aspects of collaborating with PAS even if the essential prerequsites of collaboration are not to be found as recent events in Perak show and yet cling to hope. I guess you can’t mix hope with reason. We may have different opinions – competition of opposite ideas is not bad – but what is important is that we express them out of genuineness and sincerity for what we think is good for all and the country. There is no need to tell anyone here off as broken record or pouring oil on fire unless your own different beliefs and views are not secure or strong enough being pinned more on hopes than facts to withstand the contrary stand or the ugly truth, so to speak.

  1204. to all DAP representatives, please remember our rukun negara, ta’at setia pada raja dan negara. you all are not born in china, but in malaysia.
    here, we have our own malaysian traditions. please follow it. it’s nothin wrong wearing a songkok or baju kurung when attending important functions. it won’t make you less malaysian non-bumis. sebelum di respek oleh orang lain, kamu sendiri patut respek tradisi malaysia. so bila berbuat gitu, ramai akan menyokong kamu…
    and please buck-up your bahasa… jeff ooi can teach you all…


  1205. Uncle Lim, please start a new forum to fire back on Keng Yaik’s comment on the Perak coalition agreement . I am so upset with Keng Yaik latest comment . Being a ex-senior minister, he still can’t sees why is BN defeated. I am a chinese & I don’t mind having a PAS MB if he is fair to the rakyat and implementation of any rules is in consultation with the Perak State Exco. Why is he still playing the racial card? He & Mahathir must learn to retire gracefully and keep their mouth shut!!

  1206. Let’s us put things in perspective.

    We are all people of Malaysia. Hence we are all Malaysians. One Nation, One People. WHy then are we that divided?? We are not suppose to be divided, simply because we are One.

    Just because there are different political parties, doesn’t mean some are more malaysian and the others lesser. Eveyone is equal before the law. Hence we should have equal rights.

    Just because we have diferent religious beliefs and cultural inheritance, doesn’t mean we are divided. ‘Cos we are One.

    Unity in Diversity, that is us proudly Malaysians, as we are more often than not incline to project ourselves to the world.

    We have One national constitution. One Parliament. One National Language. One Currency. One common purpose which is to make our One country a progressive, peaceful, united and well-liked place on planet earth.

    As in any politically active nation in the world, there are bound to be different political parties…but this is not for the purpose of dividing the people. It is meant to be a mechanism whereby the citizenry have the means to exercise their inherent and inalienable right to choose the right people to lead the country to pursue and achieve set objectives. Which happens to be called Democracy.

    Now, no matter whichever party is chosen the people have to close ranks and allow the legitimately elected representatives to lead. The people have spoken.

    Policies are made, and they are not perpectual. They can be changed to suit current situation and to also corret whatever imbalances that occur before. That has to be acceptable. Let the winner the time frame to govern as we had allowed the previous elected reps to govern. That is only fair.

    Don’t get too caught up with racialism, fanaticism, self-interest(ism), because that will not do any good. Let us be fair to one another. Didn’t we always ask for a level-playing field? Now that the election is over, let’s get down to business. Ali, Ah Chong, Muthu, Ah Singh, Pairin, Robert, all of us…I am sure we have work to do. Family to feed. Children to play with. And a thousand and one things to catch up on.

    Let’s busy ourselves with our living and let the system work, or at least try to let it work. Let’s stop all the unnecessary bickerings. Let our children see that we are responsible adults. Not silly idiots ( sorry, can’t think of another word, tell me if you have a better one!). To pit one against another is really kiddy stuff. Thought the voters have grown out of that!

    Let’s close rank and be One, because we are indeed really One. Just Malaysian. The game’s over for now. If you didn’t have enough of it, then practise your lines, and then four or five years down the road we play, play again. Right? Better be correct, correct , correct.

    Good luck Malaysia.

  1207. Lim Kheng Aik has about run out of steam with the old argument that DAP-PAS cooperation is bad for the Chinese. He believes he is DAP’s nightmare by harping on the issue, even in a changed environment, and a moderated PAS. It’s a sign of Gerakan exasperation.

    I think DAP should turn the issue around, and shove LKA-like thinking into the dustbin of history. DAP can take the initiative to re-categorize PAS as an ally of democracy, and explained to its more conservative supporters.

    After all, it doesn’t make sense to demonize PAS when it wanted an Islamic state, but also demonize PAS when it moderates and now emphasizes its version of welfare state.

    Why punish improvement in PAS attitude? By rewarding PAS with conditional support (“I’ll leave you if you make Islamic state a priority again”), DAP will reinforce PAS’s evolution. DAP can claim to have influenced PAS with its clear reasoning on democracy.

    Fighting a moderated PAS will lead to mutual injury for both DAP and PAS. DAP can respectfully claim partial ideological victory even by – especially by – cooperating with a moderated PAS.

  1208. We voted for DAP in this GE. We totally agree to let PAS assemblyman to be the Perak MB. However, if the Perak MB introduces any “Islamic” regulation in Perak, we advice DAP to pull out from the Perak state government immediately, otherwise DAP may lose all its seats in Perak.

    This is the stand taken by almost everybody I know in my area. Good luck to DAP, PKR and PAS.

  1209. C’mon let this pass. If number played here, why give the Sultan hard time with a list of names. Trying to fool the Sultan? He made his choice and that is, else give him only one name.
    It’s great for Lim to be flexible here for the sake of unity. Malay takes time for all these to sink in, even the UMNO will finally admit defeat.
    We just got to look to the future and pray the next five years our choice did change the country for the better !

  1210. “AntiRacialDiscrimination Says:

    Today at 16: 29.39 (6 minutes ago)
    We voted for DAP in this GE. We totally agree to let PAS assemblyman to be the Perak MB. However, if the Perak MB introduces any “Islamic” regulation in Perak, we advice DAP to pull out from the Perak state government immediately, otherwise DAP may lose all its seats in Perak.

    This is the stand taken by almost everybody I know in my area. Good luck to DAP, PKR and PAS.”

    Just as what being told by PAS assembly person.. All regulation needs 2/3 of the support…

    So unless otherwise we have PAS+PKR+BN assembly person (in Perak) work together in passing all those ‘Islamic regulation’… Else it should not be able to occur and ‘suffering’ us as non-Muslim…

    The best way is to let DAP itself owning more than 1/3 seats … So that they can block all ‘unfair’ rules by themselves to become ‘law’ for all of us to follow…

  1211. Yes lets move on to chip in our ideas to help this young coalition new state governments please!

    Below is an article from Malaysianinsider:-
    “PKR, DAP planning new economic agenda, says Anwar
    PENANG, March 15 — Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim says his party and the DAP would introduce an economic agenda which covers some of the objectives of the New Economic Policy (NEP), particularly eradicating poverty…….” Full article :-

    I think its a jolly good a tactful move. Better still the pack of 3 should quickly appoint a coalition press secretary to make such important announcement.
    All the best to Uncle Lim & the young coalition!

    The Malaysian Economic Agenda had been drawn up to safeguard the interests of Malays in the lower and middle classes, he told reporters after meeting Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng yesterday..”

  1212. PAS’ track record in furthering the course of Islamic state and Islamisation according to its president Hadi Awang,:
    (taken from his blog)

    Mengimbas kembali pemerintahan PAS 2000-2004

    Saudara saudari peserta dan pemerhati Ijtma’ sekalian,

    Sepanjang empat tahun pemerintahan PAS, kita telah meletakkan asas-asas yang sangat kukuh dalam mendaulatkan Islam dan membina kesejahteraan rakyat Terengganu. PAS telah membangunkan pemerintahan Islam Terengganu dengan membentuk pasukan (team) pentadbiran dan pengurusan yang terbaik. Kita telah memperkenalkan dasar pemerintahan yang berlandaskan Konsep Syura. Dalam hal ini, pasti para pegawai pentadbir negeri tidak akan melupai bahawa mereka diberi peluang menentukan dasar negeri, melalui Mesyuarat Pra-EXCO. Hanya negeri Terengganu sahaja daripada seluruh negeri-negeri Malaysia yang mempunyai amalan ‘Mesyuarat Pra-EXCO’, sebelum daripada mesyuarat mingguan EXCO.

    Kerajaan negeri pimpinan PAS mendaulatkan Islam di negeri Terengganu dengan meminda Undang-undang Tubuh Negeri ( Fasal IIIa ), meletakkan Al-Quran, As-Sunnah, Ijma’ dan Qias sebagai rujukan tertinggi. Enakmen ini telah diwartakan pada 1 Ramadhan, 1424 Hijriah bersamaan 27 Oktober 2003. Enakmen Pentadbiran Hal Ehwal Agama Islam telah dikemaskinikan menepati kehendak-kehendak siasah syari’ah dah hukum syara’. Selain itu, undang-undang baru yang tidak ada sebelumnya, telah digubal dan diluluskan. Undang-undang tersebut ialah:

    Undang-undang Mahkamah Syariah (Terengganu) 2001
    Undang-undang Tatacara Mal Mahkamah Syariah (Terengganu) 2001
    Undang-undang Tatacara Jenayah Syariah (Terengganu) 2001
    Undang-undang Keterangan Mahkamah Syariah (Takzir) (Terengganu) 2001
    Undang-undang Kesalahan Jenayah Syariah (Hudud dan Qisas) (Terengganu) 2002

  1213. The matter of wearing the songkok should best be left to the various races to handle….there shouldnt be any force on anyone to wear a songkok.
    As far as I know…its a Malay tradition to wear a songkok and if the Parliament does not force the Chinese MP to wear a songkok, then DUN should be the same.
    We are suppose to be tolerant to all races and not to use force…and I believe the Sultans of Perak & selangor are understanding that Chinese and Indian ADUNs do not need to wear a songkok if they don’t want.
    The wearing of suits are an international official suit and many years ago…the batik was deemed enough as a replacement for baju melayu.
    Lets be tolerant and be magnimous…

  1214. YB Kit,

    Please go help resolve the issue in Selangor together with DSAI as the exco can’t be formed just because of Teng of DAP creating such a fiasco on the songkok issue, as mentioned by RPK in MT.

    Come on guys don’t let the people down it’s already been a week and till now the Selangor Exco can’t be formed because of Teng’s snobbish and insensitive attitude. Remember the power of Makhal Sakhti and it is the people who put you guys there and please listen to us for the sake of a better Malaysia.

  1215. http://presiden.pas.org.my/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=18&Itemid=66

    Iltizam PAS: Islam Berdaulat Rakyat Sejahtera

    Saudara saudari yang dikasihi sekalian,

    Sebagai sebuah parti yang memperjuangkan kesejahteraan rakyat, PAS akan terus iltizam yakni bersungguh-sungguh untuk melaksanakan agenda Islam Berdaulat Rakyat Sejahtera. walaupun BN telah merosakkan usaha-usaha yang telah dijalankan oleh kerajaan sepanjang pemerintahan PAS 2000-2004. Sekiranya PAS diberi mandat memerintah dalam Pilihan Raya Umum ke-12, PAS akan komited dan beriltizam bagi mendaulatkan Islam dibumi Terengganu Darul Iman ini dan berusaha membawa pembawa pembangunan kearah kesejahteraan rakyat.

    PAS akan mengangkat semula panji-panji Islam di negeri Terengganu bagi menguatkuasakan undang-undang tubuh negeri yang telah meletakkan Al-Quran, As-Sunnah, Ijma’ dan Qias sebagai rujukan tertinggi undang-undang negeri dan seterusnya akan menguatkuasakan Hudud dan Qisas sebagaimana diwartakan.

  1216. All Concern.
    Its not the time to fight each other.We have to give more time to DAP to do their job,its only few days .We have to help them to help us.Dont forget the UMNO-BN are waiting to destroy DAP.
    Im sure we all need to give Guan Eng time to settle down and do the work.The UMNO still did not get the massage .The most all Malay reject UMNO.WHY ? ask them.so ? UMNO PENANG ?the money is belongs to ALL RAKYAT. You are penang people so work and help Penang to build the Island.Its for all people.
    TO Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng .
    All the best and Good luck in the future.
    Do very careful and take good care
    God Bless you.
    GO all out to suport DAP to run Peanag.Its ur Island
    Give them time .
    Ireland Malaysian

  1217. Many of you have strong views about the Moorthy case and felt that the rights of non-Muslims have to be respected. The following excerpt from Hadi Awang’s (PAS president) speech taken from his blog indicates that he is upset about the non-Muslims’ protest in relation to the Moorthy case:


    ‘Umat Islam cuba diperkotak-katikkan oleh golongan bukan Islam dalam kes Moorthy. Implikasi daripada kes Moorthy, seramai sembilan orang menteri cabinet, diketuai Dato’ Seri S. Samy Vellu telah menyerahkan memorandum kepada Perdana Menteri menuntut supaya undang-undang berkaitan pertukaran agama disemak semula. Mereka juga menuntut perkara 121 (A) Perlembagaan Persekutuan berkaitan bidang kuasa Mahkamah Sivil dan Mahkamah Syariah dipinda. Memorandum itu mengandungi cadangan “Majlis Perundingan Mengenai Agama Buddha, Kristian, Hindu dan Sikh.”

    Beberapa NGO antaranya “Sisters in Islam” dan Majlis Berbagai Agama, telah mewujudkan satu badan yang dinamakan “Inter Faith Commision of Malaysia” atau IFCM (Suruhanjaya Antara Agama Malaysia) yang ditaja oleh sebuah NGO Jerman. Mereka mendesak kerajaan meluluskan memorandum yang telah dihantar oleh mereka untuk mencabar umat Islam. IFCM menuntut agar rakyat Malaysia hanya dibenarkan beragama apabila genap umur mereka 18 tahun.

    Sekiranya desakan ini diterima maka anak cucu kita akan datang bukanlah seorang Islam apabila mereka lahir. Kita juga tidak pasti apakah agama mereka, apabila mereka berumur 18 tahun kerana ibu bapa dilarang mengajar agama kepada anak-anak mereka. Anak-anak boleh menolak untuk diajar Islam kerana mereka dilindungi oleh undang-undang, sebagaimana cadangan yang dikemukan dalam memorandum IFCM.

    Mutakhir ini, Roadshow Pakatan Artikel 11, dianjurkan keseluruh negara, kononnya menjelaskan hak rakyat untuk ‘menganut dan mengamalkan agama pilihan mereka’. Pakatan ini menuntut supaya peruntukan perkara 11, membawa erti kebebasan untuk meninggalkan agama atau murtad secara terang-terangan.’

  1218. http://mohamadsabu.com/berita111.html
    Oleh MJ

    KOTA BHARU, – Mursyidul Am PAS menganggap pemimpin bukan Islam semakin berani mendesak kerajaan menyemak undang-undang berkaitan pertukaran agama kerana ideologi memisahkan agama dan politik masih menjadi anutan pemimpin utama negara.

    Tuan Guru Dato’ Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat berkata, punca berlaku tuntutan seumpama itu kerana kefahaman pemimpin yang memisahkan agama dan politik dalam pentadbiran negara sudah merebak. “Ini punca yang mendorong pemimpin bukan Islam berani mendesak kerajaan menyemak semula undang-undang berkaitan pertukaran agama. Pemimpin negara masih menganggap agama sekadar sembahyang, puasa, keluar zakat dan menunaikan ibadat haji semata-mata.

    “Anutan itu dibiar berkembang sehingga sekarang, sedangkan agama mencakupi semua bidang dalam kehidupan manusia termasuk aspek politik,” katanya pada kuliah mingguan di Medan Ilmu di sini, hari ini.

    Semalam 10 menteri kabinet bukan Islam dilaporkan mengemukakan memorandum bersama kepada Perdana Menteri bagi meminta Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi menyemak semula undang-undang berkaitan pertukaran agama.

    Sebelum ini Presiden MIC, Dato’ Seri S Samy Vellu meminta kerajaan meminda perlembagaan sedia ada bagi memastikan hak orang bukan Islam di negara ini lebih terpelihara.

    Isu itu timbul selepas berlaku kontroversi pendaki Everest, Sarjan M Moorthy atau Mohamad Abdullah memeluk Islam sebelum kematiannya tanpa pengetahuan isterinya yang masih beragama Hindu.

    Desakan pindaan itu dibuat terhadap Artikel 121 (1A) Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Malah ada pihak berhujah pindaan itu sekiranya dibenarkan akan menjejaskan Artikel 3 yang memperuntukkan Islam sebagai agama rasmi Persekutuan.

    Tuan Guru Nik Abdul Aziz yang juga Menteri Besar Kelantan berkata, penyakit itu terus merebak kerana kefahaman asas politik yang dipisahkan daripada elemen agama.

    Dipetik Dari:

  1219. alexx Says:

    Today at 17: 26.50 (10 minutes ago)
    ‘Dear Lee Wang Yen,

    And….. Till now you still dunno what is the different between “PAS-states” and “Coalition – states” ?’

    This rhetorical question misses the point.
    The excerpts are meant to show that, according to recent sources (2008), PAS leaders have not abandoned the agenda of Islamic state and their negative attitude towards non-Muslims’ request for religious rights.

    By the way, the fact that PAS does not dominate Perak and Selangor does not mean that it is not dangerous. Some may think that DAP’s current co-operation with PAS is innocuous because the latter does not have the 2/3 majority to push their agenda. However, according to Lim Kit Siang’s article in 2003, PAS’ programmes of Islamic State and Islamisation are dangerous even if there is no possibility for them to gain enough power to implement them. This is because these programmes will set off a competition between PAS and UMNO to out Islam-State each other, thereby undermining our social contract and our nation as a secular democracy. Below is what he says:

    ‘Although there is no possibility in the next general election that PAS can put its Islamic State blueprint into practice – as the issue in the next general election is still whether it is possible to deny Barisan Nasional its unbroken two-thirds majority in Parliament – the PAS Islamic State blueprint can have far-reaching consequences to change the Malaysian nation as it will ratchet up the UMNO-PAS competition to out-Islam and out-Islamic-State each other to a new and unprecedented level with grave damage to the very fabric of the 46-year social contract and Merdeka Constitution of Malaysia as a secular nation with Islam as the official religion but not an Islamic state, whether ala-PAS or ala-UMNO.’

    Although this statement was made in 2003, it is still relevant, given that Hadi Awang has said that PAS will not back down on the Islamic state issue.

  1220. PAS leaders are against the separation of religion and state (or ‘church’ and state, as it is originally used in political philosophy), which is an essential element of secular democracy:

    ‘Tuan Guru Dato’ Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat berkata, punca berlaku tuntutan seumpama itu kerana kefahaman pemimpin yang memisahkan agama dan politik dalam pentadbiran negara sudah merebak. “Ini punca yang mendorong pemimpin bukan Islam berani mendesak kerajaan menyemak semula undang-undang berkaitan pertukaran agama. Pemimpin negara masih menganggap agama sekadar sembahyang, puasa, keluar zakat dan menunaikan ibadat haji semata-mata.’

    “Anutan itu dibiar berkembang sehingga sekarang, sedangkan agama mencakupi semua bidang dalam kehidupan manusia termasuk aspek politik,” katanya pada kuliah mingguan di Medan Ilmu di sini, hari ini. ‘

  1221. just an observation on the endless stream of comments:

    It is good that people are now more open to air their views but just look at the many points that we are arguing about.

    Maybe that is the situation among the BR partners and also why LKS is somewhat quiet now – he must be doubly busy now compared to the campaign period working out problems within the BR.

  1222. “It is not for Raja Nazrin to select the person he feels is best for the job. He is a constitutional Monarch and is obliged to follow the will of the people.” Malaysian. Democrat

    It is for the Malay Ruler of the state of Perak (or the person who represents him i.e. the Regent) to appoint, in his discretion, the person who commands the confidence of the political party which has won the popular mandate as MB and then for the MB to appoint members of his EXCO.

    In the case of the Federal Government, the Agong has discretion under Article 40 Sub-clause (2) but acts upon advice. Similarly the Regent in the case of the state of Perak may act in his discretion but that discretion has to be justiciably exercised and does not extend so far as to include actually choosing one of three names put forward to him. The Regent acts on advice. Where is the advice when three names were proposed instead of one? As constitutional monarch he is above politics – meaning not only that he is supposed to act on advice but constitutionally speaking has no political view or preference. His personal views do not matter. The discretion given to him is narrow and limited and exercisable only when there is no clear leader in the party that has won the mandate of the people. Yes, I would agree that it is not for the Ruler or the Regent in his absence, to select the person he feels is best for the job.

    “ The will of the people gave DAP the majority of seats by a long way. He should have chosen Ngeh if he was fair and not racist. Raja Nazrin was wrong to elect the minority party. That is not democracy.”

    The leader from the party that has won the elections and therefore the popular mandate to rule and who commands the confidence of his party should be the only name forwarded to the Ruler. The DAP may have won the most number of seats but in this case they would not be able to form the state government on their own without the cooperation of the other two members of the coalition. The coalition won the popular mandate to govern. Together they exercise the will of the people. You are wrong when you say that the will of the people resides with the DAP. It resides with the coalition.

    Calling the Regent a racist is seditious.

  1223. “Lee Wang Yen Says:

    Today at 17: 44.58 (23 minutes ago)
    alexx Says:

    Today at 17: 26.50 (10 minutes ago)
    ‘Dear Lee Wang Yen,

    And….. Till now you still dunno what is the different between “PAS-states” and “Coalition – states” ?’

    This rhetorical question misses the point.
    The excerpts are meant to show that, according to recent sources (2008), PAS leaders have not abandoned the agenda of Islamic state and their negative attitude towards non-Muslims’ request for religious rights. ”

    And I just want to remind you:

    Malaysia had been declared as an ‘Islamic Country’ decade ago even without PAS wining as the majority in this nation.

    And also so many years I did saw only DAP ALONE in against this declaration. DAP forced to form coalition state’s government which inclusive of PAS is simply because of many else (perhaps you as well) just simply vote ‘blindly’ and caused DAP has not enough seats.

    People who in Penang practice the best solution for you (which giving DAP-PKR enough seats to form state’s government)

    And also as the respond to UMNO-PAS competition..
    With Barisan Rakyat… all 3 parties seem balance and always have equal chances to vote out… to deal within 1-another for solution and dare to say ‘NO’ to another….But what for another barisan else?

    I appreciate you to be so hardworking in telling us all about PAS story… But its will be far for better for you to sound your doubt to PAS directly in their leaders’ blogs …. Yet helping all of us to gain their confirmation….You are making this blog too messy by posting so much funny things around… No one right here will know what actually in PAS mind… only they themselves…

    So, go ask directly to them indeed of spaming here! I believe Uncle Lim oso dunno what is in PAS leaders mind!

  1224. ANTI RACISM PLS!……………….

    Q> Why is this so hard?
    a> Majority seats rules!

    Q> Why is this so hard?
    a> Hire Muslim Apprentice/Adviser regarding muslim issues!

    Q> Why is this so hard?
    a> Chinese w/e as long as WE LOVE AND RESPECT EACH OTHER!

    Q> Why is this so hard?
    a> Are U so dump u dunno whats the issue here?!


    enough said… peace -.-

  1225. The suggestion is that, we can never know PAS’s agenda and their views on issues like the religious rights of non-Muslims, whether from BBC, Times, the Strait’s Times,…or even Niz Aziz, Hadi Awang, PAS official websites…Whatever, since only Hadi Awang has privileged access to his own mental states…

    Wow, it sounds like we either have something akin to divine incomprehensibility or simply a denial syndrome.

    Or perhaps we have just bumped into a sceptic about other minds.

  1226. ‘PAS is such and such, did such and such, and holds such and such’
    -No, I don’t believe
    BBC reports
    – biased
    the Strait’s Times (Singapore)
    Lim Kit Siang’s past media statements
    -biased, outdated
    This interview statement by Hadi Awang shows that many claims about PAS made in the past are not outdated
    -I reject this, whatever it is, I refuse to believe
    NST online report
    -obviously biased
    excerpts of PAS leaders’ speeches, taken from their blogs
    -bi..oops. No, no bias. But how can we know their mental states? Even if they say something negative about non-Muslim rights…Well, you can never prove that he really mean this since no one has privileged access to their mental states.

    Wow, I’m amazed, really amazed!

  1227. Dear Lee Wang Yen ,

    If you really ‘hate’ PAS so much….

    Yet I would like to suggest you, spend your time from now (as well as the next 4 yrs) in convincing public placing their votes to DAP and PKR in GE13. So that DAP-PKR can organize states’ government without the inclusive of PAS…

    Thats all…

  1228. Alexx,

    ‘No one right here will know what actually in PAS mind… only they themselves…

    So, go ask directly to them indeed of spaming here’

    An interviewer has already asked Hadi Awang, PAS president. And he has already said that PAS will not give way on the Islamic state issue, as this is why they are fundamentally different from UMNO.
    See the reference provided in my earlier post.

    Besides, Kedah PAS MB has already said that Islamic laws and regulations (including dress code) are still in agenda and will be introduced later.

  1229. Alexx,

    I don’t agree with PAS’s agendas of Islamic State and Islamisation. But I don’t hate PAS people.

    I don’t agree with my late supervisor on some philosophical issues, but I love him.

    Disagreement DOES NOT IMPLY hatred.

  1230. alexx Says:

    Today at 18: 44.27 (5 minutes ago)
    Dear Lee Wang Yen ,

    ‘If you really ‘hate’ PAS so much….

    Yet I would like to suggest you, spend your time from now (as well as the next 4 yrs) in convincing public placing their votes to DAP and PKR in GE13. So that DAP-PKR can organize states’ government without the inclusive of PAS…’

    I don’t think I need to do this. I’m inclined to think that PAS will later or sooner reveal their Islamisation agenda, and people will then react accordingly.

  1231. [ Lee Wang Yen Says:
    Today at 18: 49.39 (4 minutes ago)
    I don’t agree with PAS’s agendas of Islamic State and Islamisation. But I don’t hate PAS people.
    I don’t agree with my late supervisor on some philosophical issues, but I love him.
    Disagreement DOES NOT IMPLY hatred.]

    { If you really hate…..} and { If you really ‘hate’ ……} are both different , if you dunno the art of { ‘ ‘ }

    [Lee Wang Yen Says:
    Today at 18: 52.38 (2 minutes ago)
    I don’t think I need to do this. I’m inclined to think that PAS will later or sooner reveal their Islamisation agenda, and people will then react accordingly.]

    So you dun agree to have a coalition-government with the inclusion of PAS…
    Yet you are not seeking to ‘workout’ a coalition-government that without PAS….
    And what were you busy around right here?

  1232. “….I don’t think I need to do this. I’m inclined to think that PAS will later or sooner reveal their Islamisation agenda, and people will then react accordingly.” Lee Wang Yang

    So is Lee saying that in future, if PAS reveals its Islamisation agenda, those people who cannot accept PAS’s Islamisation agenda will not vote for PAS?

  1233. Dear Lee Wang Yen,

    And you need 3 comments indeed of 1 post……

    You are spamming indeed of comment…….

    No wonder till now you still cant really ‘read’ mostly of us….

    Sick on replying you….

    Enjoy yourself with your Idol in your Barisan!

  1234. [Lee Wang Yen Says:

    Today at 19: 27.44 (8 minutes ago)
    The fact that I don’t agree with the views of most people here does not mean that I don’t understand what they say.]

    And the conclusion is you are not with us…..

    You can’t see things that we saw….

    Still you are never trying to figure the real…

    Stubborn around and ignore the realistic…

  1235. Dear Lee Wang Yen
    With all due respect the situation on ground is that the pack of 3 has moved on to step 2 as to how best to run the new state governments. We should respect Lim Kit siang’s blog to try to keep our comments at that.

    But keep Belting out with your high flying Islamization stuff here is very uncalled for. Do you have a blog of your own? Give us the address so that those of us who are interested can go over and have equally high flying discussions with you.


  1236. Hi all, I hate to interrupt, but curiousity kills, may I ask what is Mr. Lee’s objective and do you see that it will be achieved here and if you don’t mind, can you explain how would you want your objectives be realized here? Sorry if I have aggravated anyone by sounding so dumb. I guess some enlightenment may help everyone and perhaps Mr. Lee himself?

  1237. alexx,

    From my observations, there are at least two possibilities why Lee Wang Yen worked so hard to post his comments here.

    1) He is someone from BN who tries to sound like some academics to give some unreserved comments about PAS and Islamisation. But his actual intention is to build up the fear factors among DAP supporters so as to sway some people to vote for BN in the next election.

    2) He is a young chap doing his advance degree in UK on some religion topics. He possibly does a research degree and relies heavily on Wikipedia, BBC, Strait times and other online info. Theoretically he thinks he knows religion topics well and he wants to comment. He thinks that he deserves a little bit more attention as he does well academically especially in religion topics.

    Both possibilities are possible, but my best bet is no 2).

    I already advised Lee Wang Yen to be more humble and be more practical.

    Alex, by the way I find that your suggestion to Lee Wang Yen is very down to earth and practical as Lee Wang Yen claimed to be a DAP supporter.

    “Yet I would like to suggest you, spend your time from now (as well as the next 4 yrs) in convincing public placing their votes to DAP and PKR in GE13. So that DAP-PKR can organize states’ government without the inclusive of PAS…”

    I am not surprised that he would reject your suggestion. After all he is more concerned about his advance degrees, his research theories, his research topics more than anything else.

  1238. Lee Wang Yen,

    Start your own blog…..since you are so free in replying everyone mail every ten minutes!

    I hate the fact of reading this blog and wanting to hear peoples views and constructive comments and end up seeing your ranting entries in every three entries here.

    I’ll visit your blog….promise. call it “I worry about not having my bakuteh, sio yuk and char siew”. Start now! and don’t bother with a reply. Unlike politics, I do not need your vote!

  1239. In Kit Siang’s latest blog entry, he says that DAP had no relation with PAS before 8/3, and that the voters’ choice has created a scenario that led to their co-operation.

    However, this raises serious questions.

    Why did DAP refuse to work with PAS before 8/3? If DAP leaders believed that PAS’s agenda of Islamic state and Islamisation was no longer a problem in this general election, why didn’t they form a coalition with PAS alongside PKR during the election campaign?

    If their reservation about PAS’s agenda led to their refusal to co-operate with them before 8/3, do they seriously believe that this (i.e. PAS’s agenda of Islamic state, which led to DAP’s reservation in the first place) is no longer a problem after 5pm on 8/3?

    If PAS’s agenda of Islamic state, which led to DAP’s refusal to co-operate with them before 5pm 8/3, remains the same before and after 5pm 8/3, DAP’s current co-operation with PAS will be rightly deemed as unprincipled:

    Before 5pm, 8/3, DAP refused to work with PAS because of X; after 5pm, 8/3, DAP is willing to work with PAS DESPITE X

  1240. Why can’t people like Jeffrey, LWY answer this simple question:

    The DAP Leadership has decided to go along with the Perak MB, and the state exco allocations. They are not considering if they should join, they have now agreed to join. So what’s the purpose of posting endless PAS-bashing comments? What’s the purpose of posting endless quotes from PAS that are unrelated to this issue of Perak MB and Perak state exco ?

    We are in agreement with the DAP leadership move, we don’t make postings of “hooray” all over the place. We just tell everyone to respect the DAP leadership decision and move on.

    What else does Jeffrey or Lee Wang Yen want ? You want to bicker against the DAP decision so that the clowns from BN can seize upon your comments as the voters being cheated by DAP? So that the clowns from BN can write in the mainstream press that DAP supporters are against the coalition governments because they are dead against working with PAS ?

    I can understand if you continue to spin the broken record when the coalition is not formed or is in shambles as you want to influence the ultimate outcome, BUT THE COALITION IS DONE.

    So stop spinning the PAS-bashing rhetoric. You don’t know what harm you are doing to the new state governments.

  1241. “…………………Malaysian.Democrat Says:
    Today at 11: 03.00 (10 hours ago)
    Is that a logical reply, Catharsis?………………………………..


  1242. Of all people, Jeffrey should know about this blog allowing the expression of difference of opinions as the hallmark of democracy, but repeatedly advising the DAP not to work with PAS AFTER the coalition governments in Perak and Selangor have been agreed – isn’t that stupid ? Are you REALLY DAP supporters ? Your position has now been seized upon by BN, and used against the very party you support ?

    Is this not bodoh sombong ?

  1243. I see many chauvinists and racists here. Godfather was being gracious by refering them as DAP right wingers. Right wingers and chauvinists are two different kind of fish. It is OK to be on the right but it is not acceptable to believe in unconditional supremacy.

    In my earlier comment I said that DAP/YB LKS missed a golden opportunity to ridself of that chauvinist demon in them. At least it is the perception of Malays of DAP. Malaysian Malaysia cannot afford to have any chauvinist in any position of power or influence be it in UMNO/PAS/PKR/DAP/MCA. Malaysian must rally against them for any hope for Malaysian Malaysia.

    Unfortunately my posting has not been approved. My HAIL CEASAR posting was however cleared without hesitation.

    Where got freedom of speech, ma? freedom only if you kow tow, ma. and it is a blog by an advocate of democracy and freedom of speech.

  1244. It is not PAS who demolished the Buddist temple in Melaka.

    It is not PAS who demolished 100-year-old Hindu temples.

    It is not PAS who ban the construction of the Mazu goddess statue in Sarawak.

    It is not PAS who set up religious police to spy on youngsters holding hands in the park.

    It is not PAS who ban Iban bible and siege imported Christian material.

    It is not PAS who repeatedly deny the permits of non-Islam place of worship in their area of governance.

    It is not PAS who prohibits “Allah” to be use by other religious groups other than Islam, claming that it’s a word monopolized by Islam where else the truth is that’s only a simple word of saying “God” in Arabic.

    It is not PAS who send “promiscuity police” to raid on hotels, only to infuriate and anger some foreign tourist couple on vacation in Malaysia.

    It is not PAS who compulsory to ask prayers to be said every time before class begins in some Sekolah Kebangsaan, which gravely worried other non-Muslim parents.

    It is not PAS who force Hindu students to witness cow slaughter ceremony during Hari Korban.

    It is not PAS who initiate the segregation sections of pork stalls in Pasar and supermarkets. At the same time, there is a Pasar in the “mysterious east coast state” which Chinese pork sellers could sell their meat at ease to non-Muslim without any segregation. The best thing is… the pork stall is situated right beside a taxi stand where hundreds of Muslims pass by everyday.

    And surprisingly, the largest Buddha statue in Malaysia is situated in this “mysterious east coast state” which is full of Talibans and Al-Qaeda, beware!!!

    It is not PAS who put in the identification of Muslim and Non-Muslim in the secondary school exam slip, be it PMR, SPM, or STPM.

    It is not PAS who send religious authority to snatch dead bodies from the decease’s family while claiming the dead ones to be Muslims in a controversial way.

    And many more…….

    Which political party does all the above, and claim itself as a “progressive and moderate Islamic” government? The truth is this party uses Islam simply for its ethno-centric ultra nationalistic agenda.

    Does the BBC, Straits Time or what ever foreign media say this? Though I’m not saying that PAS is 100% trustable, but at least they don’t do the above mentioned things like some “moderate Islam” party in Malaysia.

  1245. Write to Kit to view your disappointment. Go work for MCA and Gerakan and spin your anti-PAS record. We don’t need people like Jeffrey and Lee Wang Yen to continously try to disrupt the coalition against moving forward for the majority of us who want to see them succeed.

  1246. I’m sure DAP appreciates conscientious supporters who are genuinely committed to their principles of Malaysians first and secular democracy. They may be critical, they may lack herd instinct,… but what makes them so are (partly) their commitment to what the party strives for – Malaysians first and secular democracy.

  1247. eshams:

    They can be chauvinists, but somehow they don’t understand the need to close ranks once the DAP leadership has agreed to work with the state coalition governments. It is as though that they are angry and they want to give ammunition to the BN clowns to go against DAP in the mainstream press. In one posting, I called them “stupid”.

  1248. Regarding expressions of differences within supporters of DAP. You can see them from another perspective (especially since you’ve been calling others stupid and obstinate). You can see them as an opportunity to do soul searching within DAP, an opportunity to rethink the rationale of our decisions and how we could properly and rationally respond to genuine concerns and legitimate questions.
    If we can’t even respond to genuine concerns and legitimate questions of fellow DAP supporters with proper respect and thoughtful arguments, how could we deal with external critics in a responsible manner.
    Unfortunately, many have chosen to respond with abuses, ad hominem attacks, … and refused to deal with the arguments.

  1249. Godfather, i could see that you are a voice of reasons. I read your posting on songkok and I told you so. Chauvinists due to their extreme views are not difficiult to uncover. DAP has a lot to do to rid itself of these chauvinists. They must not be tolerated. DAP is the prime advocate of Malaysian Malaysia but it is also the number ONE stumbling block to this very concept due to the presence of these loud chauvinists.

    Presto, my earlier posting has been approved. Many half baked democrats around manning the administration. Lacking in experience, I guess.

  1250. DAP is happy with all sorts of supporters. DAP asks for opinions from supporters. But DAP would wish that supporters who do not agree with a certain course of action KEEP THEIR MOUTHS SHUT once the DAP leadership has decided on that course of action.

    Continously bitching about our course of action being the wrong one, continously bitching that one of our coalition partners is evil or up to no good – that only plays into the hands of the people we displaced in Perak and Selangor.

  1251. Respectable Sirs / Mdms of Barisan Rakyat,
    It is rollicking moment to learn when the Opposition Parties have making a giant leap in 12th Election but that feeling was short live after learning the knee jerk statements were being made again and again for not able to achive any admin consensus.

    The so called Barisan Rakyat has practically leave the rakyat who casted their votes to BR, in nasty storm or in the lurch and feel sorry with the clown-like statements published in the news.

    If the Barisan Rakyat couldn’t put their act together.. hmm..!! This, BR Flight #12, practically is poised to crash even before take off or with all tyres punctured in the runway.

    So, please sort out whatever grey areas behind closed-door instead of having negative media coverage. Negative news kills..!!! BR is basically leaving yourselves in a very vulnerable state.

    Let this SEED of Barisan Rakyat grows for Rakyat’s sake who trusted your mandates instead of having split personality leadership…!!!

    As I was saying earlier, do us proud for choosing YOU…!!!

  1252. I’m sure DAP appreciates conscientious and critical supporters who voice their concerns by setting out their arguments and reasoning properly.

    A self-critical community is better than one dictated by herd instinct.

  1253. LWY:

    You are sitting in the UK, posting your views on PAS, about how bad they are, about how untrustworthy they are, and it has been going on for days now. We know your position – you don’t want the DAP to cooperate with PAS, and you would rather that the DAP withdraw from the state governments of Perak and Selangor.

    We all heard you days ago. The DAP leadership also heard you. But we decided that we should try and give the new coalition state governments a chance. We have agreed the state exco seat allocations.

    Water under the bridge. No u-turn. We all want to give the coalition time to see if they can work together.

    So accept this reality, and stop making comments that people like Lim Keng Yaik and Ong Ka Ting can parrot. Stop making comments that give MCA and Gerakan hope that there are DAP supporters out there who are angry with the DAP, who do not agree with cooperation with PAS, who prefer to withdraw from the state coalitions.

  1254. You are seriously undermining the very party that you purport to support. You are also seriously undermining the coalition governments in Perak and Selangor.

    If you don’t understand that, try to get an explanation from people like Jeffrey.

  1255. Everyone out there please forgive our belove Lim Kit Siang. Although I’m surprice by his statement on not accepting the Pas MB but I do understand his stand. He had been bitten once by PAS which almost make DAP bungkus. We’re all human that mean will sometime make mistake. LKT please fight on we all Malaysian will support you. You still get my whole family support. Shame to BN not willing to accept the result. But the good point is if they keep behaving this way it will collapse soon look at the fighting among their own party. Again I would like to emphasize all youngster out there should boycott Malaysia Newpaper for at least the next 6 months because this is not reporting News it was a paper that helping BN to pass the message. SUCKS

  1256. Respectable Sirs / Mdms of Barisan Rakyat,
    It is rollicking moment to learn when the Opposition Parties have making a GIANT leap in 12th Election but that feeling was short live after learning the knee jerk statements were being made as a result of not being able to achieve common ground among the opposition leaders.

    The Barisan Rakyat has practically left the rakyat who casted their votes in nasty storm and feel sorry with ourselves for the clown-like statements published in the press, nets and all.

    If the Barisan Rakyat couldn’t put their act together.. hmm..!! this, BR Flight #12, practically is poised to crash even before take off or with all tyres punctured in the runway.

    So, please sort out whatever grey areas behind closed-door instead of having negative media coverage. Negative news kills..!!! BR is basically leaving the new line up in a very vulnerable state.

    Let this SEED of Barisan Rakyat grows for Rakyat’s sake and not to those senile with split personality leaderships. We trusted your mandates and please think before you act next time as this has far reaching effect on the political success and counter-productive indeed.

    Do us proud coz we still believe in you..!!! Nothing is impossible…!!!

  1257. Perhaps it would be good if DAP leaders could explain why they refused to work with PAS during the election campaign.
    They might also want to explain why they kept emphasising that there was no relation whatsoever with PAS during their election rallies.

  1258. # Lee Wang Yen Says:
    Today at 23: 16.26 (18 minutes ago)

    Perhaps it would be good if DAP leaders could explain why they refused to work with PAS during the election campaign.
    They might also want to explain why they kept emphasising that there was no relation whatsoever with PAS during their election rallies.

    They did that to gain support from the Chinese community. What DAP has done is right! & I fully support 100%.

  1259. it seems like someone here is trying to create an issue here…
    can he just create his own blog or argue at MT with RPK or just go straight to harakah website to get the clearer picture…

    ko ni macam memang sengaja nak buat hal… crita yang lama pun hang nak korek keluar. orang lain takdo masa’alah. ko pulak, asyik membebel, sampai orang lain pun naik bosan… panjang crita pulak tu!
    rakyat kito ni baru nak bersatu, ko pulak nak ceraikan formasi rakyat. aku rasa ko ni memang sengaja nak provoke. lagi lagi mesti bukan kaki supporter. kalau kaki supporter tu memang dah paham, sure diaorang tau… mana yang patut dan tidak patut dikatakan!
    kerna sekor punya hal… hancur semua!

  1260. LKY…..why are you trying so hard to put a spanner in the coalition of DAP-PKR-PAS? If DAP is not your cup of tea then go find another party to support. We are trying to move forward and you trying to stop it. It makes one wonder if you really support DAP.

  1261. In this blog, I see 2 different DAP supporters. One who supports PAS, and the other who are against any collaboration with PAS. One should know that this blog consist mostly DAP staunch supporters, or we will not be able to even find this blog over the net in the first place. I am NOT in favour DAP collaborating with PAS in any manner. What Uncle Lim has done is correct.

    In my kopitiam talk (the following is revealed in opinion of the people) – I statistically say that in 100 people (DAP voters), only 5 supports PAS. 95 are against PAS due to religious fanatics. In that group, also 5% supports BN(UMNO-rule), 95% dislike UMNO (specifically mentioning Hishamuddin & Khairy). The Indians I’ve talked to all supports DAP. Chinese – no need to say; but a significant number of Malays said they will not vote BN, no matter what the opposition is, including DAP. Reason = Cronyism.

    So statistically, I put that the Chinese/Indians votes in favour this GE : (1=strongly dislike to 7=supports most):

    1. PAS
    2. Pemuda UMNO
    3. UMNO
    4. PKR (Malay Candidate)
    5. MCA & Gerakan & SUPP (same spot)
    6. PKR (Chinese/Indian Candidate)
    7. DAP

    More findings…
    There is still a strong support for MCA/Gerakan, with the only dislike is that they are the ‘yes-man’ to UMNO. No other negative comments, except they are acting as stooges. In fact, MCA has done well to help the Chinese, building more schools, going all out against crime, helping the needy etc. That is why the sentiment when I talk to a Kulai guy (Ong Ka Ting constituency) is that OKT is very good & helped the rakyat a lot – explaining his high majority. Whereas talking to Perak guys, they are not saying MCA is no good, but as MCA must support UMNO as ‘yes-man’, he got no choice but to vote DAP. A significant number of Chinese also associates Samy Vellu=MIC=UMNO=BN & vote opposition, even though his area is PAS vs UMNO.

    But this is special as only 5% will really vote PAS – anyway, they vote out of anger & no other choice of opposition. Anyway, this guy is a big time Chinese contractor & seeing his projects all go away to UMNO crony, he doesn’t mind PAS. The normal Chinese man on the street will still vote UMNO in favour of PAS if presented these 2 choices.

    Anyway my sample size is small… If you guys have more kopitiam talk opinion of the people, pls share it here… I want to know more of what Malaysians think, regardless of their political ideologies in which DAP can use to strengthen their presence in the future.

  1262. http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:AdVw7yqqi_UJ:www.kairos-malaysia.org/view_file.cfm%3Ffileid%3D3+ng+kam+weng&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=3

    Critical Comments
    By Dr. Ng Kam Weng

    Birds in a bird park, we may blithely assume, would be happier in than their feathered brothers shut up in small cages in a home somewhere. After all, birds in a park can take longer flights and enjoy a measure of freedom and security, albeit within the netting. But birds know better. Give them half a chance and they will fly off to real freedom that lies beyond the netting.Some of the questions posed in the recent PAS launching of their Islamic State Document raised the ridiculous suggestion that birds should accept life within confinement just because the park keeper is able to give them tastier seeds and larger nettings. Surely, these questioners have missed out on the more fundamental issues of freedom and equality in limiting the discussion to issues like granting permission to non-Muslims to drink and gamble, and seeking less severe punishment for adultery.To be sure, the glib answers from PAS officials may persuade some to accept the Islamic state. At least, PAS has now laid its cards on the table with its manifesto that is sprinkled with the language of piety. The manifesto even affirms fundamental liberties.But the people need to be wary—what the bold print giveth, the fine print taketh away. On the one hand, the PAS document accepts the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. On the other hand, it specifies that the rights must not contravene the provisions of the Syariah. What can this mean? Non-Muslims are at liberty to practice their cultural expression, presumably “within the ambit of the Syariah.” PAS offers such concessions precisely because it is replacing the Federal Constitution with its version of the Syariah as the supreme law of the land.The PAS proposal strikes at the foundation of our whole legal system. Hence, we must reject it. To borrow a phrase from PAS officials, we must defend our fundamental liberties and rights to equal citizenship enshrined in the current Federal Constitution because they are “immovables”.The Constitution formulated in 1957 and 1963 was arrived at through the tradition ofmusyawarah-muafakat ( consultation and consensus) of the nation’s Founding Fathers to reach a consensus. It epitomizes a social contract among equal partners that promises equality of all citizens—regardless of race and religion—in a pluralist democracy.In contrast, PAS insists on the Ulama (from which non-Muslims are obviously excluded) as the final interpreter of the laws of the land. In other words, non-Muslims are relegated to a subservient position.PAS assures us that their rule will include consultation (Shura) within Parliament. Butunfortunately, without the premise of equal citizenship, and with PAS reserving the right to make the final decision, such consultation will only be tokenism that provides a veneer of legitimacy for PAS’ undemocratic rule.What will happen when PAS replaces the current politics of democratic consensus? Politics of mutual recognition will then be replaced with a politics of hegemony where all Muslim citizens are ‘more equal’ than others.
    Page 2
    2The PAS document lists out various freedoms that include the right of mother-tongue and cultural expression. But political scientists and historians often warn us that paper guarantees are insufficient to protect democratic rights. For example, the 1936 Soviet Constitution (Article 125) guaranteed by law freedom of speech, the press, assembly and even street demonstrations. It added that “these rights of citizens are ensured by placing them at the disposal of the working people and their organizations of printing shops, supplies of paper, public buildings, the streets, means of communication, and other material requisites for the exercise of these rights.” These promises did not prevent the rise of tyranny.Rhetoric must be fleshed out in concrete institutions to be credible. In this regard PAS’document fails to demonstrate how the party will move from pious principles to concrete policies in the context of establishing just institutions that will preserve the checks and balances of political power.PAS appears reluctant to spell out concrete details. Regardless of whatever concessions it makes, PAS reserves the prerogative to define the limits of the rights of its non-Muslim subjects. To be sure, the document emphasizes that “the citizens possess all rights to demand transparency at all levels of leadership.” But sadly, such transparency was not evident when PAS was thrown the question on kharaj. PAS gave a misleading answer by suggesting that it was merely taxation.Kharaj may be deemed as merely taxation if it is equally required of all citizens but if it is imposed on non-Muslims then it can only be a continuation of the historical policy of relegating non-Muslims to the inferior status of the dhimmi since historically kharaj was considered as jizyah (protection tax) on their conquered land. PAS evocation and evasion contradicts the document’s assurance of transparency.The practice of telling half-truths emphasizes the fragility of political language that is open to distortion and misinformation. Barisan National politicians who look forward to a field day attacking PAS and its manifesto ought to take note that their criticisms will have credibility only if they are not seen as political opportunists, but they are genuinely defending the sanctity of the Constitution and strengthening our democratic institutions.I sympathize with my Muslim fellow-citizens when PAS seeks to impale them with a dichotomy between loyalty to the Constitution and loyalty to God. But surely, the choice between serving God and our fellow-men is both false and unnecessary.Indeed, we may argue that religion plays a vital role in promoting a pluralist democracy when its believers move beyond self-interests to promote the common good and foster social relations of mutual respect in the context of just institutions.The real choice for all of us is clear. We must choose either the present Constitution that preserves justice and equality for all citizens and affirms the importance of religion, or PAS’ document that evidently undermines democratic justice and equality and renders religionvulnerable to political exploitation.November 2003

  1263. There you go again….surfing the net and posting articles critical of PAS. When will you stop ? You want to DAP leadership to explain its position that you are so opposed to ? Why don’t you join Gerakan or MCA and then ask for the explanation ?

    Anyway – my simple question is this: When will you stop bashing PAS and calling for DAP to quit the state governments of Perak and Penang ?

  1264. An excerpt from
    Dr. Ng Kam Weng


    PAS’s attitude towards non-Muslims can be described as condescending. Non-Muslims clearly understand that PAS’s Islamic state will impose Islamic law on all citizens in a such way that their religious freedom will be violated. Indeed, PAS’s politicians are being disingenuous in suggesting that non-Muslims are against the Islamic state just because they want freedom to eat pork, operate casinos or dress indecently in public. The fact is non-Muslims are more concerned about the fundamental issue of citizenship rights.

    I recall a forum where YB Nik Aziz was asked whether non-Muslims could play a meaningful role in the legal system of the Islamic state PAS has in mind. Would they have a genuine say in the formulation of laws and public policy? Would non-Muslim lawyers be allowed to represent their clients as advocates in courts? Would non-Muslim judges be allowed to make judgments in the Shariah courts? YB Nik Aziz’s response was very revealing – he did not give an affirmative answer to any of these questions. Instead he gave a roundabout answer which suggested that non-Muslims would accept Islamic law when they properly understood it. In effect, he evaded the issue that most troubles non-Muslims, that is, whether PAS’s Islamic state effectively disenfranchises non-Muslims from the legal system.

    Worries about legal disenfranchisements are inevitable if PAS’s Islamic state maintains a distinction between Muslim citizens and non-Muslim subjects by categorizing the latter as dhimmis. Muslims may enjoy the full legal status under the Shariah law while dhimmis are assigned a subordinate role. This subordinate role is epitomized by payment of the poll tax, the jizyah and kharaj. Indeed, in 1999, an attempt to impose the Kharaj on non Muslims was put off only after a public outcry against it. Dhimmis cannot assume authoritative positions in PAS’s legal system precisely because unbelievers cannot understand the Shariah law. Dhimmis are also excluded from holding senior positions in government. Maududi, an influential jurist from Pakistan explained that the Islamic state is an ideologcal state and as such non-believers who do not share its ideology cannot share political power. But does not such exclusion amount to legal apartheid? It would be easy for PAS to allay the anxieties of non-Muslim by declaring decisively that it will not implement the dhimmi system and that all citizens will be accorded equal rights and legal status. PAS appears reluctant or unwilling to do so. As long as PAS fails to undertake this pledge, we can only regard its assurances about tolerance and justice as inconsequential concessions and empty rhetoric.

  1265. Part 2
    An excerpt from
    Dr. Ng Kam Weng


    Let it be stressed that the anxieties of non-Muslims are not abstract fears. Indeed, they have for some years experienced painful restrictions on their own religious rights even under an UMNO led government. For example, some government officials – acting from a narrow interpretation of Islam – make it difficult for non-Muslims to gain approval to build places of worship. Some state governments even prohibit non-Muslims from using some crucial technical terms like Allah, Iman, Wahyu, Injil, Kitab,Nabi etc. In effect, non-Muslims are denied the right to talk about the central tenets of their own religion. Non-Muslim religious literature have been confiscated on grounds that they contain such words. Is it any surprise that non-Muslims fearfully anticipate that PAS – with an even more narrow interpretation of Islam – can only make matters worse?

    In the light of these grave concerns, the non-Muslim’s objection to the establishment of an Islamic state should not be taken as an act of animosity towards Islam per se. It is, rather, a reaction towards a serious threat against one’s fundamental citizenship rights. Polarizing citizens into contesting groups – divided along the criterion as to whether they are for or against the Islamic state – would only cloud the real issue. As such, conflictive politics should be replaced by a positive approach concerned with defending the inalienable basic rights of all citizens as enshrined in the Constitution.

    It is therefore appropriate to clarify the relationship between religious and political institutions envisaged by the Federal Constitution. Of direct relevance is the clause which states that “Islam is the religion of the Federation, but other religions may be practiced in peace and harmony in any part of the Federation.” The additional Constitutional provisions that empower the government to render assistance to Islam, especially pertaining to education, require lawmakers to be sensitive to the concerns of Islam. But the status of Islam was clarified by our first Prime Minister when he explained that the clause referred to the ceremonial role of Islam at official functions.

    To put the matter in historical perspective, we need to recall that the original architects of the Federal Constitution assured the Sabahans and Sarawakians during negotiations for the formation of Malaysia that the clause “does not imply that Malaysia is not a secular state.” Put positively, Malaysia is therefore a secular state. By a secular state is meant a state that adopts religious neutrality in a pluralistic society. Notice that neutrality is far from hostility towards religion. Indeed, a secular state should maintain a benevolent neutrality that respects the integrity and equality of diverse religions of the nation.

    Two consequences emerge if we demarcate a clear boundary between state and religious institutions. First, the state is judged as lacking competence in matters religious. The Latin term saeculum (from which the word ‘secular’ comes) means pertaining to temporal matters. The call for a secular state is to remind state authorities in a democratic society that the electoral mandate given to them in elections only pertains to temporal matters in society. The state should respect the autonomy of religious institutions even though both institutions work together in promoting a moral society.

    The act to remove religious institutions from state sovereignty should not be seen as an act to undermine religion. On the contrary, the act alleviates the status of religion since its institutions become independent public institutions capable of censuring state authorities if it should arrogate for itself the final authority in human affairs. If anything, state authorities are morally held accountable to a higher transcendent authority.

    Second, the separation between state and religious institutions is necessary to avoid possible conflicts in the event that some politicians exploit religious sentiments and incite disgruntled citizens to resort to violence. A quick look at Nigeria and the Indian sub-continent should serve as a salutary reminder against the temptation to mix religion and politics. Maintaining the precarious harmony between the various racial communities in Malaysia is already a most difficult task for any government. Confusing the boundaries between religious and political institutions will make matters worse given the conflictive nature of politics.

  1266. Dear Administrator or is it Uncle Lim who does the moderating?

    I suffer the same fate as OneforallAllforone,Jeffrey and Prelude.

    I am clueless as to why my posting is still under moderation for at least 20 hours.

    I don’t see anything offensive in my post.

    At least,advise what’s wrong with it?

    Is the moderator on leave or what?

    BTW, that Lee guy – just ignore him/her – could be BN cyber trooper!

  1267. //Jeffrey, is your waiting for moderation that long?// – Loh

    One of 2 postings on current debate about PAS-DAP collaboration was posted more than 48 hours which I consider is as good as ‘deleted; the other more than 12 hours, so I am writing anything more on this subject for the time being. Which is why I am puzzled from which of postings that appeared I had said that DAP should walk out of the state government in Perak attributed to me by Godfather.

  1268. According to Dr. Ng Kam Weng, ‘Dhimmis [non-Muslims] cannot assume authoritative positions in PAS’s legal system precisely because unbelievers cannot understand the Shariah law. Dhimmis are also excluded from holding senior positions in government.’

    Is this such an Islamic notion of Dhimmi’s role the reason why (i.e. the rationale underlying the state’s consitution) non-Muslims cannot be Perak MB? Could it be that Perak’s consitutional restriction of the MB post to Muslims reflects such a notion? If so how could DAP accept such an arrangement?

    As Dr. Ng says, ‘But does not such exclusion amount to legal apartheid? It would be easy for PAS to allay the anxieties of non-Muslim by declaring decisively that it will not implement the dhimmi system and that all citizens will be accorded equal rights and legal status. PAS appears reluctant or unwilling to do so. As long as PAS fails to undertake this pledge, we can only regard its assurances about tolerance and justice as inconsequential concessions and empty rhetoric.’

    (see my post above for reference)

  1269. Lee Wang Yen…….so basically now what you are saying is that:-

    1) DAP should not work with PAS. They should not even try to take an initiative to work with PAS even if it means for the betterment of the people.

    2) DAP should leave the coalition and let BN form the goverment and go against the wishes of the people that have voted BN out.

    3) Challenge the Sultan of Perak on the MB post and make it a racial issue and in the process create animosity between the races.

    What does that sound like? A DAP supporter? As Godfather says
    “Godfather Says:

    Yesterday at 22: 53.28
    You are seriously undermining the very party that you purport to support. You are also seriously undermining the coalition governments in Perak and Selangor.”

  1270. The coalition governments in Selangor and Perak may well be short-lived, given the differences between DAP and PAS, unless DAP keeps compromising, thereby evolving into another MCA or Gerakan. Either way, there is not much benefit for the people.

  1271. Whether it is workable will all depend on the parties involved. So we must give them the benefit of a doubt to work together even if they have different ideologies. This is what democracy is about. We all want the same thing. A Malaysian Malaysia. As has been said many times before , sometimes we need to move back a step in order to move forward. Compromising for the good of the people is not a bad thing. We have to show that DAP is not an arrogant party.


  1272. Some people think that it is possible to mould a political party to what he likes, like a teacher training or brainwashing the students. PAS has its ideology, and it has its hard core supporters. So has BN which appears to be the art of making money. There are more than 17 political parties in the country and each has its own special agenda, and supporters. Otherwise, all the 13 junior BN component parties would have merged; UMNO would remain the party which has perfected its strategy through Ketuanan Melayu, and would not accept others to join as equal members. PAS has now been singled out to be condemned because of its support for Islamic state for which it has not explained how Islamic state would function.

    Though different political parties have different ideology, we do see coalition governments elsewhere in the world, and in the five state governments in Malaysia for the first time. Obviously when these parties form a coalition, they would be looking for common understanding of issues that they could agree, and they would retain their core differences distinguishing among them.

    It makes no sense not to cooperate for the government to function. When those that they could not agree ever predominate in the coalition government, a vote of no confidence can always be called during the five years, and new election would be held.

    It is the first time in fifty years that BN state government is replaced. This is an opportunity for the coalition to work together, which hopefully would prove to better than BN. For the BN, the hiatus gives them a chance to realise that they have to earn the right to rule, and it is not their entitlement. It is hoped that come next election they can given ‘Barisan Rakyat’ a good competition.

    There are people who have made disproportionately more postings to impress others of the danger of PAS regarding Islamic states, and perhaps Islamic teaching itself. That might give notice to PAS about the fear non-Muslims have about Islamic state. Yes, PAS could become stronger through their participation in coalition governments. There might be a risk that they become too strong that they would turn this place into an Islamic state, in 50 years. Risks are everywhere in life. MCA should not have agreed with the formation of the Alliance government, fifty years ago. That was the wisdom of hind sight. We are now suffering under BN. Should we just accept our fate, and migrate? Should not we take the risks?

    People who are currently overseas can advise us to maintain the status quo because they do not earn their livings in Malaysia. They can enjoy cheap food of cheap quality with the high exchange rate. People who are currently in the situation of frogs in the gently warming water rising to a boil would like to be taken out of the water; if they are aware of their real situation while feeling pretty comfortable at the moment. Should anyone stop the hands that lift the frogs out of the wok?

  1273. Some jump to the conclusion that I’m one of those ‘who are currently overseas [who] can advise us to maintain the status quo because they do not earn their livings in Malaysia. They can enjoy cheap food of cheap quality with the high exchange rate’, from the fact that I’m writing in UK.

    This is a baseless statement. The only thing they know is that I’m writing this while in UK. But I could be on a holiday trip, or a business trip, or studying here, or about to complete my studies and return home. They present these bold and baseless conjectures as if they are facts.

  1274. Some don’t like properly reasoned arguments. They don’t like those who back up their statements by providing quick references for others to check out (note: this does not imply that those who cite these references derive their knowledge about a particular subject solely from those sources). They don’t like those who try to argue a point by providing materials from diverse sources.

    But they themselves like to make baseless conjectures and assert them as truths.

  1275. I salute you for your courage to make an apology to the HRH Sultan of Perak and the Regent of Perak. This was done without much time wasted, otherwise the media and BN-UMNO members will manipulate and make a mockery out of the differences that exist in the lose coalition.

    Make the lose coalition works, and show to BN-UMNO that DAP-PKR-PAS can rule better. BN-UMNO used to boast that only they can rule Malaysia, and that chaos will prevail if other than BN-UMNO rules this country. Prove them that they are dam wrong.

    Show the them the exit door to BN/UMNO.

  1276. ///This is a baseless statement. The only thing they know is that I’m writing this while in UK.///

    The statement referred to did not have Lwy listed, and Lwy was not needed for the argument. So the reason why Lwy is anywhere is not important to that statement. The argument relates to people working overseas. If the hat fits, wear it.

  1277. # Lee Wang Yen Says:

    ………….or studying here, or about to complete my studies and return home………..

    I bet you are a young chap who is about to complete an advance degree in UK. Most likely your research topic is related to religion. And you think that as you do considerably well academically, you deserve more attention by putting forth your THEORETICALLY “CORRECT” comments. Some of us here had also been to UK for further studies.

    Be more humble, and be more practical. And don’t just see the real world issue from religion perspective where you think you know best.

  1278. # Lee Wang Yen Says:
    ………….or studying here, or about to complete my studies and return home………..

    I bet you are a young chap who is about to complete an advance degree in UK. Most likely your research topic is related to religion. And you think that as you do considerably well academically, you deserve more attention by putting forth your THEORETICALLY “CORRECT” comments. Some of us here had also been to UK for further studies.

    Be more humble, and be more practical. And don’t just see the real world issue from religion perspective where you think you know best.

  1279. Lee Wang Yee ,

    I strongly feel you have negative think about the whole Malaysian politic .
    complete your studies IN uk FIRST, THEN come back to malaysia to be a truly Malaysian with moden thinking, dont just think you are chinese, they are Malay or indian. We are True Malaysian for all we are the same. We are looking for better life in Malaysia.

    Are you introduce yourself as Chinese Malaysian in uk ? or i from Malaysia

  1280. In my days for 50 years i kept reading MCA is chinese representatives of Chinese Malaysians.

    But in those same 50 years, these thick skin fools still cannot get their thinking straight perhaps blinded by bar girls or night clubbing, or girlie barbers squats.

    That they are not representatives of Chinese Malaysians but only their members.

    For those who are young, I dont blame you getting to think that way because there is no other source of media. Lies has appear truth, the power of the media.
    If it takes 50 years to get this understanding blame it to MOE an BN and your father or yourself for not seeing beyond the veil.

    The Chinese Malaysians vote DAP like all other non Chinese Malaysians because they stand up for well being our future , our children future not just talk and make dream statements like angkasawan -NAH…and making nice glamorous motivating statement while siphoning $$$$.
    All because they have media on the strangle hold.

  1281. LWY:

    If you believe so strongly in your principles, come back to Bolehland and join UMNO in the protests in Perak against the PAS/PKR/DAP coalition. Any supporter of the DAP who puts the new ruling coalition at risk is a moron. No other word to describe this.

  1282. It is disgusting, disgraceful and shameful thatthe media as expected highlighted the demos that were held at Komtar in Penang and in Ipoh. The first relates to demo in protest over Ketua Menteri Penang statement on DEB, and the second demo refers to a demand on an opened apology to HRH Sultan of Perak over Lim statement that DAP SAs to boycott the swearing ceremony of the newly appointed MB of Perak.

    Did these two demos received police permit to hold the demos. It is everyone guess. It is obvious that both demos are meant to instill fears and hatred towards the DAP in particular and PKR and PAS in general.

    If such demos become a daily event, imagine what subsequently will follows – bloodsheds in the country. This will be an excuse for the federal government to impose emergency rule in the country.

    The rakyat are intelligent enough and are sick with the cheap propaganda of the BN/UMNO. As a matter of fact the lies and demos that were carried out will backfired on them, as more and more people will give their full hearted support to DAP-PKR-PAS lose coalition which explained the lost of the five states and denying two thirds majority to BN/UMNO in the Dewan Rakyat in the recent election..

  1283. Godfather Says:

    Today at 01: 06.55 (9 hours ago)

    If you believe so strongly in your principles, come back to Bolehland and join UMNO in the protests in Perak against the PAS/PKR/DAP coalition.

    Yes…… that’s the way to go

  1284. Look like Sabahans know what is the ” Truth”.

    > Someone from Sabah talk sense…..

    1)…Sabah Progressive Party president Datuk Yong Teck Lee said he was puzzled why the NEP was still an issue when it had been replaced by the

    >’National Development Policy’(NDP)…

    > TUN DR M launched the “NDP” which year ? I forgot the year ,do you remember ?

    2)…“so called cancellation of the NEP” was completely redundant because it no longer existed and it was equally disappointing that Penang Umno was still harping on a non-existent policy.

    3)…no wonder that some politicians both from ruling and opposition have lost focus on which policy to talk about,”

    Why PKR,DAP,PAS & West Malaysians are still dreaming ? ….Lost focus ?

    Why MCA, Gerakan, MIC, PPP, PBB,PRS still hiding the ‘Truth’ ?

    Bravo, Sabahans dare to speak out.

    Repeat for reference only.

    Syabas. Barisan Rakyat.



    GEORGE TOWN: The DAP has expressed shock and anger over Pas’ proposal to form an Islamic federal government.

    DAP life adviser Dr Chen Man Hin said the party would not agree or co-operate with Pas should they insist on forming an Islamic government at the federal level.

    “This is not part of our understanding. It will be no-go for the DAP if they do that. We will surely not accept it.

    “Their proposal has left a big question mark over our future co-operation,” a visibly upset Dr Chen said while angrily pushing aside a newspaper article on the Pas proposal.

    Dr Chen, who was at the day-long DAP national leadership convention, said the party decided to co-operate with Pas because of its intention to convert Malaysia into a welfare state.

    “But look at what they are saying now,” he said when asked to comment on Pas vice-president Datuk Husam Musa’s statement that Pas was confident it could soon set up an Islamic form of government at the federal level.

    Husam had said there was growing support among the Chinese and Indians for the party’s political struggle.

    Dr Chen said the DAP would be discussing the matter soon.

    “While I would like to leave this matter alone at this moment, I think the party will need to seek clarification on this.

    “Right now, we do not know whether it is Husam’s personal view or the party’s.”

    Parti Keadilan Rakyat vice-president Sivarasa Rasia also expressed surprise at Husam’s statement.

    “I have looked at the latest manifesto of Pas and there is nothing stated about an Islamic government.”

  1286. Husam clarifies ‘take-over’ statement


    KOTA BARU: PAS vice-president Datuk Husam Musa has clarified that his statement on the party taking over the Government at the federal level was taken out of context.

    “I mentioned that we are hopeful of taking 30 more parliamentary seats to win power and not about forming an Islamic Government,” he said.

    Husam urged the mass media to be careful in its reporting to avoid antagonising anyone unnecessarily.

  1287. You live in the UK – maybe you don’t understand Bahasa. If you do, read what PAS has said regarding the NST article. Or maybe you will still whinge that PAS is not sincere. Sigh. Bodoh sombong betul.

  1288. That Lee guy should come out clean.Declare himself.

    Just like DAP assemblymen are required to declare their assets.

    Lee,declare yourself.

    Do not just say you are in UK now.

    Are you in UK as a student,holidaying,a PR there or a citizen?

    If you want others to take you seriously,declare yourself.

  1289. http://www.harakahdaily.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=13310&Itemid=28

    “Persoalannya dalam situasi sekarang, apakah warna sebenar politik PAS? Adakah pemimpin PAS akan membiarkan mereka dipermainkan oleh DAP? Atau mungkin kerana kuasa segala prinsip perjuangan dikorbankan? Hanya masa akan menentukan.”

    Saya ingin menasihati Zul bahawa rakyat telah pun bersuara melalui PRU ke-12 lalu, suka atau tidak, selesa atau sakit, suara rakyat perlu dihormati. Demi mempertahankan keputusan rakyat itu PAS memutuskan untuk membentuk kerajaan campuran walaupun sedar DAP hadir di dalamnya. Kalau Zul tidak memutarkan kenyataan Tuan Guru Presiden PAS semasa pelancaran Manifesto PAS: “Kerajaan Beramanah, Adil dan Bersih – Menuju Negara Berkebajikan”, beliau akan dapati bahawa dalam majlis itu Presiden PAS berkata (apabila diajukan tentang persoalan darihal kerjasam PAS dan DAP), kita tunggu bila tiba masanya. Bermakna bila tiba suasana itu PAS akan membuat keputusan dan kini PAS telah pun memutuskannya.

    Soalnya adakah akan tergadai maruah perjuangan PAS apabila berkerjasama dengan DAP ini? Zul dengan kecenderungan politiknya sudah pastilah akan menjawab: Ya!

    Tetapi hakikatnya dalam kemelut politik hari ini, semua mengakui bahawa PASlah yang paling kelihatan matang dan mempamerkan kedewasaan. PAS saya yakin akan terus mempertahankan agenda Islam dalam apa keadaan sekalipun, kerana ia Parti Islam, kekalahan atau kemenangan tidak akan merobah hakikat itu. Sama ada PAS pembangkang, PAS membentuk kerajaan negeri, PAS bersama BN (tahun 70an) atau kini PAS bersama PKR dan DAP, tidak sesiapa pun yang bekuasa mengikis atau mematikan matlamat perjuagan PAS itu.

    Kini PAS sudah membentuk kerajaan (selain di Kedah dan di Kelantan) bersama PKR dan DAP di Selangor dan Perak. Asas pembentukkan kerajaan itu sudah pastilah berdasarkan muafakat hormat-menghormati dan saling faham-memahami. PAS sudah pasti akan berusaha melaksanakan agendanya dalam ruang-lingkup dan keterbatasan yang ada baginya. Mana yang mudah dan boleh diterima semua, diberikan keutamaan manakala yang rumit dan perlukan kefahaman dikemudiankan, bermakna prinsip bukan dikorbankan tetapi dipelihara dan dimantapkan.

    Bagaimana kalau berlaku pertembungan, bagaimana kalau perlu pilih antara menerima atau menolak Islam? Di sinilah kedudukan kritikal PAS dalam kerajaan tadi akan diambil-kira oleh semua. KeADILan dan DAP sedar akan hakikat ini, begitu juga PAS. Kita mengharapkan kerajaan ini tidak akan menghimpit PAS sampai ke peringkat itu,

    PAS akan terus mempertahankan prinsipnya
    Roslan SMS
    Sun | Mar 16, 08 | 4:32:16 pm MYT

    PAS saya yakin akan terus mempertahankan agenda Islam dalam apa keadaan sekalipun, kerana ia Parti Islam, kekalahan atau kemenangan tidak akan merobah hakikat itu. Sama ada PAS pembangkang, PAS membentuk kerajaan negeri, PAS bersama BN (tahun 70an) atau kini PAS bersama PKR dan DAP, tidak sesiapa pun yang bekuasa mengikis atau mematikan matlamat perjuagan PAS itu.


  1291. PAS rejects secular democracy (DAP’s ideology). Theocracy is the Only Option:

    Pemikir-pemikir politik Barat, sedar akan kemunduran kerana dijajah oleh keagamaan Kristian yang banyak tidak rasional terhadap mereka, menyebabkan negara mundur.

    Dari sinilah lahirnya fahaman sekular yang memisahkan penghidupan dengan agama, sekali gus memisahkan agama daripada politik (daripada kalangan Kristian).

    Meskipun itu boleh berlaku dalam masyarakat Barat yang berpegang dengan fahaman Kristianiti, ia berbeza dengan agama Islam.
    Pemikiran politik Islam bertitik tolak daripada kefahaman Islam yang tidak memisahkan Islam daripada pemerintahan.

    Ia bersatu dalam satu perkataan di istilahkan sebagai Ad-Din, cara hidup yang lengkap, terungkap seperti firman Allah (mafhumnya): “…Pada hari ini, Aku (Allah) telah menyempurnakan bagi kamu agama kamu, dan Aku telah cukupkan nikmat-Ku terhadap kamu, dan aku reda Islam menjadi ad-Din kamu (cara hidup yang sempurna)…” (Surah al-Maaidah, ayat 3)

    Oleh kerana itu, kita umat Islam perlu terima hakikat, Islam adalah agama yang sempurna, termasuk cara berpolitik, memerintah cara Islam.

    Jika kita menolak pegangan ini dan memilih yang lain, ia bermakna menolak ketetapan Allah dan merendah-rendahkan agama, seolah-olahnya cara hidup ciptaan manusia, lebih sempurna dari ciptaan Allah.

    Merendah-rendahkan agama Allah boleh menyebabkan kerosakan akidah.

    Bersama Dr Haron Din: Pilihlah parti untuk kebahagiaan dunia, akhirat
    Dr Haron Din
    Thu | Feb 28, 08 | 10:08:47 am MYT


    [please – limit your posting to ONE thread, multiple posting of the exact same comments = spam]

  1292. The Islamist’s view of politics and state rests on their
    fundamental premise that Islam is not a “religion” in the
    sense in which we speak of Christianity and Hinduism
    today, i.e., a code of religious beliefs and doctrines, a
    mode of spiritual orientation, or a set of some outward
    rituals. Islam is a complete way of life; it covers the entire
    spectrum of human activities. Islam means total
    commitment and subordination of all aspects of life –
    individual, social, economic, political, international – to
    God. Hence, Islam is both religion and politics, mosque or
    church and state, joined in a single goal of serving God
    and implementing His commandments.

    Nasharudin Mat Isa,
    Secretary General,
    Islamic Party of Malaysia
    10th February 2003


  1293. PAS vice-president Datuk Husam Musa has clarified that his statement on
    the party taking over the Government at the federal level was taken out
    of context.

    “I mentioned that we are hopeful of taking 30 more parliamentary seats to
    win power and not about forming an Islamic Government,” he sa

  1294. PAS vice-president Datuk Husam Musa has clarified that his statement on the party taking over the Government at the federal level was taken out of context.

    Lee Wang Yen, you happily and selectively took NST and STAR reports to support your arguments.

    Our best guess is that you are still a PHD student, possibly doing some research in religion or so.

    It looks like you are more concerned with your own arguments and research topics than really thinking of some PRACTICAL and IMPLEMENTABLE ways to move Malaysia to a BETTER Malaysia.

    Be more humble, and be more practical. The world is definitely much more diverse than what you could see from your research topics.

  1295. Note that I have not used that particular NST online report for any argument.

    Note that the Star online report of Husam’s clarification does not prove that he has not made the statement, insofar as one thinks that the NST online report does not prove that he has made it.

    Here is a case where we have a claim and counter-claim by two different newspapers. Without further evidence, we do not know whether or not Husam has made the statement.

    I’m not anti-Islam. I reject PAS’s agenda because it is not appropriate for the multi-religious and multi-cultural Malaysia. I’ve talked to progressive Islamic scholars from Indonesia, and have very high regard for them. Part of the problem is PAS’ fundamentalistic interpretation of Islam.

    By the way, I’m a philosopher of science and have no academic degree in Islam or anti-Islam.

    Godfather, one cannot get any research degree in any respectable university by just ‘academic regurgitations’. Also, regurgitating the claim that someone’s else is allegedly doing ‘academic regurgitations’ without making any substantial points about the subject under discussion does not further any discussion.

    When a discussant D has provided arguments X, Y, Z for a certain proposition P, one who disagrees with P may take great pleasure in saying all sorts of bad things about D. But at the end of the day, one still has to face up to the fact that nothing useful has been said about P and X, Y, Z. People enjoy and engage in ad hominem arguments because they either have no substantial ones or do not take them seriously.

    Sadly, many people think that they can argue their case in a serious and rational discussion with the rhetoric and strategies they use in squabbling with their family members.

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