No DAP CEC mandate for PAS Menteri Besar in Perak

The decision to appoint a PAS Assemblyman Mohamad Nizar Jamaludin as Perak Mentri Besar has caused shock and consternation to DAP leaders, members and supporters.

The DAP Central Executive Committee, at its emergency meeting in Penang on Sunday, 9th March 2008, had given approval for the formation of a Perak coalition government comprising 18 DAP Assembly members, seven PKR Assemblymen and six PAS Assemblymen.

DAP is prepared to accept DAP chairman and Assemblyman for Sitiawan Ngeh Koo Ham or PKR Behrang Assemblyman Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi as Perak Mentri Besar.

As the appointment of PAS Assemblyman for Pasir Panjang Mohamad Nizar Jamaludin as Perak Mentri Besar representing the third and smallest political party in the proposed coalition has not received the mandate of the CEC, DAP Perak Assemblymen will stay away from the swearing-in ceremony for Perak Mentri Besar scheduled tomorrow.


1,010 Replies to “No DAP CEC mandate for PAS Menteri Besar in Perak”

  1. Although I do not necessary agree with the appointment of a PAS Menteri Besar, considering the huge DAP win there, I do however advise DAP-PKR-PAS to sort all differences out, and project an image of a strong coalition which can work together. All opposition parties now are under the watch of the Rakyat, to judge if the opposition really have the ability to form and manage a coalition, and next a country.

    Please do sort this out and solve it immediately. Also, I don’t think staying away from the swearing-in ceremony helps at all.

  2. As much as DAP supporters are disappointed by the selection of the PAS member for the top post in Perak, your actions are potentially very inflamattory.

    I think the DAP unfortunately needs to compromise here. Please do not worsen the situation by publicly displaying your disapproval. You can potentially undo all your good work in the elections with this action.

  3. “The DAP Central Executive Committee, at its emergency meeting in Penang on Sunday, 9th March 2008, had given approval for the formation of a Perak coalition government comprising 18 DAP Assembly members, seven PKR Assemblymen and six PAS Assemblymen.”

    Is staying away from the swearing-in ceremony for Perak Mentri Besar scheduled tomorrow overturn the approval given by DAP CEC for the formation of Perak coalition government on the 9th March 2008?

  4. if pas won six seats and be given the mb post. than lets do not preach democracy in this cyberblog.

    than dap shouldnot appeal for funds for this election support.

    IF THIS IS CALL BANGSA MALAYSIA. than i suggest that only two parties represent malaysia. umno and pas.

  5. LKS your man said he will accept who ever the sultan chooses.Please walk the talk.This is not the time to sulk and give BN a chance to get a crack at us.Walk the talk please and lead by example.You are wise. please be there at the swearing in with the 18 assembly man.Its the rakyat wish.please honour it

  6. There is nothing to be afraid of a PAS MB. Dont let the ghost of 1999 haunt us. Just explain to the people this is under state constitution and those PKR candidates do not have the proper paper qualifications. And since the sultan of perak refused to defy the state constitution, hence the post had to be given to the PAS representative.

  7. Guys, just have to face reality, whatever is it, the MB post will surely be led by a Malay, since Perak is still a Malay majority seat. We are not a country which has totally eliminated race base politics like the USA. So it’s either from PKR or PAS.

    Why the Sultan chose Pas instead of PKR is still a question remained to be answered.

    BUT Please:

    “As the appointment of PAS Assemblyman for Pasir Panjang Mohamad Nizar Jamaludin as Perak Mentri Besar representing the third and smallest political party in the proposed coalition has not received the mandate of the CEC, DAP Perak Assemblymen will stay away from the swearing-in ceremony for Perak Mentri Besar scheduled tomorrow.”


    I would be very happy if the MB is from DAP as I’ve always been a DAP supporter. But life’s like that, it’s never fair! DAP will still rule the Exco state member seats! DON’T LET SUCH THINGS JEAPORDIZE our co-operation with other parties.

  8. I’m not a DAP member but I and my family have always supported you and your ideals of a Malaysian Malaysia and voted for DAP whenever possible. I’m wondering if this step is necessary?

    Since there’s no formal pact on who should be the MB because this has been an unexpected victory, and you’ve decided to form the state government together, I think it’s only right for your state assemblymen to attend the swearing in ceremony. I think it’s plain stupid if you guys decide not to attend the swearing in ceremony but remain as part of the state government.

  9. There is inequality in the Perak’s constitution at the first place, many had hoped for the Royal family to be fair and equal, once again, the majority of people’s voice has fallen to deaf ears, it is too late to do anything now for the Royal announcement had been made…We know now what the will of the family is…Non muslims do not have a future in Perak…it is very clear now…sad…

  10. “As the appointment of PAS Assemblyman for Pasir Panjang Mohamad Nizar Jamaludin as Perak Mentri Besar representing the third and smallest political party in the proposed coalition has not received the mandate of the CEC, DAP Perak Assemblymen will stay away from the swearing-in ceremony for Perak Mentri Besar scheduled tomorrow.”

    If staying away from swearing-in ceremony in the solution, uncle Kit must be kidding me. What is in store for Perak Uncle Kit? Is DAP showing some muscle now? I think it is too late. Just accept it.

  11. YES I agree with Itshowtime and devilmaster!

    There is more at stake. DAP knows they can’t defy the Sultan’s decision, just accept it with an open heart!

    I live in Ipoh, I don’t mind who being the MB. I’m sure others can too.


  12. Do not resign and force a by election. It might just worsen an already tense situation. DAP MUST fight for top posts in the mayors and exco offices. Go for the major ones. Only that way can we keep PAS at bay.

    WE WANT DAP FOR THE MAYORS POST, LAND EXCO, ECONOMICAL EXCO etc. Demand the posts. We gave Perak away but lets gain control in Ipoh. Don’t let PAS have too big a say in Ipoh. MB is enough everything else MUST go to PKR and DAP.

    Come on Anwar, YB Lim you promised to listen to us now prove it. Listen to what the people want. We want fairness. Dont give the mayors post to PAS too just on the reason a malay should hold the post.

    Lets Be That BANGSA MALAYSIA we all talk about. And dont think ALL the Malays support PAS. They DONT.

    Please listen DAP and PKR.

    Without PAS we will still be a hung state. Ever thought that maybe PAS won the six seats because there was no PKR or DAP candidate in that particular constituency. And if there was maybe PAS wouldn’t have won???

  13. Quote:

    Jackychin Says:

    Today at 19: 57.59 (1 minute ago)
    There is inequality in the Perak’s constitution at the first place, many had hoped for the Royal family to be fair and equal, once again, the majority of people’s voice has fallen to deaf ears, it is too late to do anything now for the Royal announcement had been made…We know now what the will of the family is…Non muslims do not have a future in Perak…it is very clear now…sad…

    Cmon guys, we are the one who is asking people not to be racist and overly religious, now see who is the hypocrite now? THIS IS A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY TO ALLOW PAS TO SHOW IT’S MORE MODERATE SIDE through PERAK!

    PS: I live and grew up in Ipoh, I really don’t mind this!

  14. i objection for pas as a MB perak.
    after 2012 or next election, perak state will become is islam state.
    because 2008 umno state seat (dun) will be win by pas.
    now and begin now pas have power and increase pas effect in all state.

    sorry.. perak orang… you are 2nd grade citizen

  15. pls be clear on your main objective! your manifesto.! The sultan has the last say, so compromise,work together n not rock the boat that just started sailing. Is post so important then working as a team to achieve our objective?

  16. Kit,
    This boycott thing is not a wise move. How can the DAP function as a government if it boycotts the swearing in ceremony. How is DAP going to work with the MB after that?
    DAP should cooperate with the MB and see how he functions. There is good chance he will go along with DAP demands.

  17. lina, I’m utterly dissapointed with your words. WITHOUT PAS, WE CAN’T EVEN HAVE KEDAH, PERAK and SELANGOR UNDER OPPOSITION! If it’s not for those non-bumi who voted for PAS against UMNO, we wouldn’t have gotten so many states.

    Now you all are getting suspicious with PAS? Of cmon guys, WHY ARE ALL OF YOU AS HYPOCRITICAL AS UMNO/MCA/MIC etc?

  18. Lim Kit Siang, pls ask your DAP Perak Assemblyman to attend the swearing ceremony . We do not expect such a ‘childish’ action frm you. Let’s respect the appointment from the Sultan. Please do not give ammunition to the BN and the press ‘sing’ about the coalition between DAP-PKR-PAS in Perak?
    R you willing to forgo Perak then Selangor just bcos of this appointment? All the hard work that your assemblymen have done? If your answer is YES, I think those who had voted for DAP, will be really really really really disappointed.

  19. Posted this earlier but it says it’s still awaiting moderation. I’ll repost it but without the s t u p i d word.

    I’m not a DAP member but I and my family have always supported you and your ideals of a Malaysian Malaysia and voted for DAP whenever possible. I’m wondering if this step is necessary?

    Since there’s no formal pact on who should be the MB because this has been an unexpected victory, and you’ve decided to form the state government together, I think it’s only right for your state assemblymen to attend the swearing in ceremony. I think it’s plain s****d if you guys decide not to attend the swearing in ceremony but remain as part of the state government.

  20. YB LIM,

    Please don’t do it! please! I am a Chinese and a DAP supporter, please don’t this. It will definitely be targeted by BN that the opposition front can’t work together! Don’t do it! I beg you!

    We must be united! WE must! The Rakyat don’t want to see any fraction in the opposition states!!!!



  21. Uncle Lim

    What a great way to show our Malaysians that we can even work together with a minority PAS man as MB.(Just like a team leader lah). Ultimately whoever the MB has to listen to the Barisan Rakyat directives right?

    Whichever the arrangement, make sure you deliver your promises to the people who voted you in – clean & fair society.

    Be watchful, I know it has been a tiring journey to get here, so many busy meetings & sleepless nights. It may not be easy to think clearly & wisely.This can become a potential crack for the lurking BN to capitalize and attack.

    So, rest up well & think trice & think wisely over the larger picture.

  22. —————————————————————-
    ncysan Says:

    Today at 20: 02.33 (4 minutes ago)
    i objection for pas as a MB perak.
    after 2012 or next election, perak state will become is islam state.
    because 2008 umno state seat (dun) will be win by pas.
    now and begin now pas have power and increase pas effect in all state.

    sorry.. perak orang… you are 2nd grade citizen


    Cmon, post some construtive comments. You can’t obeject shit. The decision has been made and please accept it with a mature mentality. I’m from PERAK and I don’t give a damn to who is the MB. DAP will still have the majority exco members.

  23. Hi YB Lim, please have the 18 assemblymen go for tomorrow’s swearing in ceremony. We really do not need this from DAP. you guys are suppose to work together. What is this? This will definately show uncertainty and instability in the DAP-PKR-PAS coalition. yes, DAP won the most seats. but the law states that a malay muslim has to be the MB. it doesnt matter.
    Please grow up and dont be a child.
    Yes you may be unhappy but please do not show to the people in Perak that there is struggle among you guys. If you guys are not cannot agree in one thing – MB – how can you guys agree in many more things especially running of a state????

  24. I am disappointed with this post. Where is the solidarity? When the rakyat voted for the opposition, they did it regardless of whether it was DAP, PAS or PKR. As others have posted, DAP may not have that many seats anyways if PAS or PKR supporters did not vote DAP. I had also been reading the Harakah where PAS seems to be doing their best in offering an olive branch to DAP and reassuring non-Muslims that their rights would be protected. Is it just a sham/marriage of convenience to empower DAP? I was disappointed the UMNO reps boycotted Guan Eng’s inauguration as CM but now that the Ruler of Perak has decided, DAP is going to do the same, stooping to their level?

  25. Kit,
    Did you give any specific instructions to Mr Ngeh on the appointment of Perak MB.
    Ngeh then could have conveyed the parties views to the ruler.
    Ngeh had said that all 3 parties will abide by the rulers choice. Then it is wrong to boycott the swearing in ceremony.
    The voters have given the 3 parties the green light to work together. Why not this marriage a chance?
    The UMNO putras will laugh at the BR and urge Malays to unite against the DAP.
    Your magnanimity here will win the hearts of the Malays. Please rethink.

  26. This is the last thing we want. Don’t undo what have been acheive in this election. Accept the situation and see how it goes. Otherwise people who have given their votes to you will be disappointed.

  27. The only thing DAP will get by voicing this out is the impression that DAP will toiuch on malay sensitivities and risk the stability of the different races. I am Malay who voted for DAP ever since the 1998 Anwar case. But looking at the reaction of DAP once in power in Perak makes me doubt if I would again vote for DAP.

    If DAP is any wiser, you’d agree happily with this and not voice any challenge on this issue. But no, DAP has shown impatience. And that is detrimental to the opportunity of having what you have today.

  28. Please, Mr Lim, reconsider. Let us show that we can work together. Don’t spoil what we have all achieved. Don’t let the people down.

    Work with the new MB. Show the people of Perak that the coalition can work. For the next 4-5 years, serve the people of Perak well and they will surely vote you in again.

    Abide by the Perak Constitution and the Sultan’s decision. It’s a wise one to defuse any possible tension.

    Show us you are a wise leader. You above many others deserve this victory in the 2008 GE after all the sacrifices you have made throughout the decades. You don’t deserve to see it scuttled.

    I too have waited decades for what happened on March 8 and I’m very concerned that we all move on to greater heights. May the Barisan Rakyat show Malaysians that they are united in wanrting to unite the people!

  29. Why not?
    If PAS as MB and DAP/PKR as deputies, I don’t see any problem with it. I do see PAS as having a more sincere effort in building Perak with the rest of our other ‘Rebelious’ states. You tauted DAP as a WIP Multi-racial party and here we have you staying away from the swearing in ceremony because of technicalities.

    I remember witnessing PAS Marshals standing in between the BERSIH supporters and the FRU, they were the first to be hit, in order to shield ordinary men from being hit. PAS is like DAP, in the process of changing its party to a softer & friendlier stance, if PAS can do it, why can’t DAP?

    Please accept the decision and prove DAP is sincere in running a state government with people’s mandate with Barisan Rakyat.

  30. IPOH, March 12 (Bernama) — The secretary of the Perak PAS Liaison Body, Ir Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin, 51, has been picked for the post of Perak Menteri Besar by the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah.

    Mohammad Nizar will lead the coalition government to be formed by PAS, DAP and PKR which together won 31 state seats in the general election on Saturday.

    The swearing-in ceremony will be held at Istana Iskandariah, Kuala Kangsar at 4pm tomorrow.

    Mohammad Nizar, who is also the State Assemblyman for Pasir Panjang, said the consent from the Sultan of Perak was conveyed to him by the Regent of Perak, Raja Dr Nazrin Shah, who had granted an audience to the leaders of the three political parties at Istana Kinta, here at 5pm today.

    PAS, DAP and the PKR yesterday submitted three names — Perak DAP chairman Ngeh Koo Ham, 47, Perak PKR treasurer Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi, 52, and Mohammad Nizar, — for selection by Sultan Azlan to lead the new state government.

    The three names were submitted after the three political parties had received the Sultan’s consent to form the coalition government.

    Speaking to reporters outside Istana Kinta, Mohammad Nizar said Ngeh would be appointed Deputy Menteri Besar I.

    Ngeh won the Sitiawan state seat as well as the Beruas parliamentary seat in the recently-concluded general election.

    He said the post of Deputy Menteri Besar II, who would represent the Indian community in Perak, would be announced later.

    Mohammad Nizar said both the Deputy Menteri Besar posts were being created taking into consideration the interests of the multi-racial communities in the state, particularly the Chinese and Indian communities.

  31. Kit, If only you realize how many Chinese voted for PAS. I think this community can accept PAS as long as it does not go overboard with its Islamic stance.
    You also have to realize that without PAS assemblyman, you would not be able to form the government. Or do you want BN to take is back by default.
    I am sure most readers will disagree with you on this.
    You are giving BN ammunitions. Look at the larger agenda.

  32. Utopia, DAP has only one seat in kedah and is NOT EVEN an EXCO. DAP won Penang without much help from PAS. SAme as in Selangor PKR won BIG not PAS. And for you info YOU CAN HAVE OPPOSITION led states without PAS.

    BE more positive. DAP and PKR have evolved to a better party thats why they won not because of PAS.

    I too have lived in Ipoh all my life and I am married to someone who supports PAS, so I know what they think of PAS people and Non-PAS people.

    Me, I support fair and just treatment for all Races and religions. Not just one.

    DAP and PKR should work for the people, Listen to the People.

  33. I totally agree with littlebird,BlueBear and many others.LKS and DAP should take it in good spirit and trust the judgement of the sultan.Please dont show disrespect to the sultan.Your dap man appeared on tv and made a pledge he will agree whoever the sultan chooses.Please honour it.Thats a request by the rakyat.The ones who put you guys up there.Please serve the rakyat not your own agenda

  34. Yeah, Uncle Kit, I strongly urge DAP or CEC to reconsider this decision. I’m glad there’s so many readers here who are mature enough to understand the matter. And I really hope DAP will too.

  35. Staying away from the swearing in ceremony will only benefit BN. If PKR is not objecting, why is DAP doing it, you all are suppose to work together and this is the reason why we are vote for the opposition for a Change. Firstly you are insulting the Sultan as he was given the choice to choose. Be realistic, if DAP was given the MB post, he will only hold it for a couple of months, maybe not even swear in because some Malay from PKR or PAS would cross over to BN and they will run the state and DAP will be in the opposition. Not only that, there will be a domino effect and will happen to Selangor. Therefore, better think twice before you decide not to attend the swearing in ceremony and will be the beginning of the end for BR.

  36. I think it is only good who will be the Menteri Besar when the Sultan said so, we now know PAS candidate has not received the mandate from DAP CEC but what is DAP CEC as compare to the power of the Sultan? At least we know DAP upheld its political principle of multi-racial Malaysia by nominating both DAP chairman and Assemblyman for Sitiawan Ngeh Koo Ham or PKR Behrang Assemblyman Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi as Perak Mentri Besar.

  37. agreed with Libra2, Utopia, BlueBear …etc

    Uncle Kit, as a Perakian and Malaysian, DAP gestures here in Perak will NOT be forgotten and will be remembered for forever.

    I hope to see a capable Chinese or Indian as MB of Perak and eventually PM of Malaysia!

    Please consider your stand wisely :-)

  38. Something doesn’t add up between Malaysiakini’s account and Kit’s blog.


    Malaysiakini —> “Ngeh told reporters that all three parties have in principle agreed that the DAP would be holding the majority of exco positions as they hold the most number of state seats. “In a normal democratic process, we would be invited to head the state. But in the special circumstances of Perak and to be sensitive to Malay Muslims, Mohamad Nizar was appointed menteri besar,” he said. ”

    Kit’s blog —-> “As the appointment of PAS Assemblyman for Pasir Panjang Mohamad Nizar Jamaludin as Perak Mentri Besar representing the third and smallest political party in the proposed coalition has not received the mandate of the CEC, DAP Perak Assemblymen will stay away from the swearing-in ceremony for Perak Mentri Besar scheduled tomorrow.”


    Sounds very much like two different views to me. What’s going on? Can DAP-PAS even cooperate in a Perak-lead state government if did they even get along in the swearing-in ceremony??? The official work hasn’t even started!!!

  39. Why do we have to return to the same old spot after the big leap on 8 of March? Isn’t it we have seen the rakyat looked beyond the racial lines and managed to get rid of the corrupted theives?

    I am sure the selection of the MB is not an easy task for the Sultan, if the intention has been racist and bias, the result would have been declared way before this. Thus, I believe this choice was made based on many solid reasons to maintain a stable society. Yes, I know DAP won 18 seats while PAS only has 1…which is why we do not have to be worried about major changes because for those are afraid of the Islam elements, we have 18 chinese angels from DAP looking after our back always, right?

    It was pointed out by someone last night that we did not win the battle on 8th March. Yes, it is true…we are still far away from the great victory of throwing out those corrupted thugs totally from the government. But we did reach a great milestone in history as the poeple has voted beyond the racial lines. However, by reacting so negatively to the appointment of the PAS MB has thrown us back to the old spot which has therefore deny the hardship the poeple has gone through in reaching this milestone. So YES, I have to admit that we have gained nothing, the milestone on 8th of March is just a fantasy, a dream too good to be true because we would never be able to look beyond the racial lines.

    Once again, it has proven that the people would rather being bullied by the the keris-weaving [deleted] other than to work out peacefully with other races…beyond the racial and religious lines. So, dun sob about the same old junk anymore when BN comes in again next time, because we are simply too politically shallow to recognize the importance of racial harmony.

    I would like to quote a few statements of a great chinese blogger:

    “Did any PAS members or supporters ever threaten to harm other races? The last time I checked, Hishamudin waved his keris every year, Najib publicly said “Keris ini mahu minum darah orang Cina” while waving showing his keris in 1987 before Ops Lalang commenced. Where are these people from? Not PAS.”

    “That isn’t all. Did you see any temples and churches in Kelantan being torn down by the state government? I bet if there’s any, the BN government will publish it front page on major newspapers. But it happens under the BN rule, but not informed to public at all.”

    “Guess what PAS president Hadi Awang said after winning Kedah? It will be a welfare state which caters for all races. They would only implement hudud laws only after consulting PKR and DAP. Now, ain’t it funny when Indian temples get demolished or some whackjob waved a keris live on television before consulting MIC or MCA beforehand?”

    So you are still not awakened, you should really get prepared to go back to China or India. I do not see the Malays or PAS as enemies. The real enemy is the ultimate BN machinery which has malays, chinese and indians. OKT is a chinese…but what has he done for the chinese society? He cant even do a thing to save Bai-Siow in Selangor, he did not even make a sound when others threatened us with a damn keris. So what does it matter with the skin colour of our MB? As long as he is an honest and noble man and willing to give his best to the PEOPLE, we should accept him as our own…for he is a Malaysian, Bangsa Malaysia.

  40. SungaiSiput is right.


    Very very poor form, and I JUST CAN’T BELIEVE Kit has suggested to boycott the ceremony.

  41. I really hated the TV evening news today. I think that sleepy guy is trying to create racial issue. If he has the goodwill, he will not advise publicly but privately. Other then creating racial conflict, I guess he has nothing better to do. Loser.

  42. Kit Siang, don’t worry that there will be a backlash from the voters. This situation is different from the 1999 elections. PAS is more accepting to Chinese now compared to UMNO. Although their goal is to set up an Islamic State, they can only do with 2/3 majority. Don’t just think about Penang. We now have Selangor and Perak under the PKR-DAP-PAS coalition. No need to get so upset. Draw up an accetable arrangement rather than making it looks like the coalition will crumble. I think the Chinese voters will understand. In the coalition if PAS is to implement any values not acceptable to the Chinese, then we take action. For now….lets just follow the mandate given by the electorates…not just voters of DAP. Infact many Malays voted for DAP this round just as PAS who got many votes from the Chinese. Lets not get emotional and look at the bigger picture.

  43. I assume not attending the ceremony is just a symbolic act, so DAP won’t appear to be in approval of a PAS-led state govt. Otherwise, non-Muslims who voted for DAP in Perak will feel cheated. Let’s hope the new MB won’t emulate the state govt in Kelantan.

  44. Any disrespect to the sultan is not acceptable.DAp and all the assemblyman must be at the swearing in ceremony thats a request by the rakyat.Dont let us down.With tact we can over come all obstracles.Be brave.A new dawn has drawn and we must all learn to live together.Dont see him as a pas man see him as a partner in our new coliation.please dont let us down.

  45. YB, I am strongly agree with your statement. To those chinese that are well educated, maybe they will pursue DAP to for the swearing ceremony that will be held on tomorrow. Pls bear in mind, “1 vote for DAP = 1 vote for PAS” will be the slogan in next general election. And yet, 18 state seats will be the best record for DAP in perak state FOREVER……..So, have to think carefully before you act. I do remember the word spell out by Ong ka woi during his ceramah in Ipoh timur, the ultimate goal for PAS and Umno is to form an islamic country by all meant.
    If DAP still can tolerate with the deputy CM post and step behind PAS, we all as a voters WILL NOT BELIEVE DAP ANYMORE!!!!

  46. Non muslims and non bumis in Perak have hit the ceiling, this is the the furthest we can go…The constitute clearly says, not only “Muslims” but there’s another requirement in it thats “Bumi”…its a special group and a special Race…Very much in contradiction with the believe of “Bangsa Malaysia” we like to belief in…Bangsa Malaysia is unachieveble in Perak!

    YB Lim,

    We are unhappy with the decision, not with PAS or Nizar its not their fault, we cannot do much at this point, but to go by it and hope for the best…We still believe in the coalition…


  47. When PAS Marshals were hit, do you think they get to choose which PAS, DAP or PKR supporters to protect?

    DAP and the rest of Barisan Rakyat worked so hard to get where we are, you as DAP stalwart are suppose to be exemplarary to others. What message are you sending to the rakyat when DAP stays away from the ceremony tomorrow?

    Would you stay away from swearing in if let’s say PAS have a bigger win and picked DAP as MB?

    If DAP starts this internal bickering 3 days after election then I beg you, please let DAP gulung tikar ‘coz it will prove DAP never meant to work with others.

  48. oh god … !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It’s not gentleman and will CAUSE BIG PROBLEM if DAP Perak Assemblymen will stay away from the swearing-in ceremony for Perak Mentri Besar scheduled tomorrow.


  49. This should not be happening.

    Ultimately we all should preach what we practice and the way i see it, i believe that the message was that we are all ONE BANGSA MALAYSIA.

    This is defintely not good for DAP and this is playing right into the hands of BN. Stay united. After all there are 7 others states remaining and another 5 years to go.

    If this type of thing is going to go on, the people will start to ask themselves, ‘Would it had been better to stick with the devil we know?’. Doubts will creep ino the minds of the people and feeling of regrets over eclecting the opposition will start to overcome us and before you can say, ‘Stay united!’, the people will start to swing back to the devil they know.

    Your days of opposing for the sake of opposing (in Perak anyway) are gone. Start acting like admnistrators!

  50. Having read the statements here, I am beginnning to think that some of the reporting in the mainstream papers on DAP’s stand is right. Maybe the papers are right in that agreeing with DAP would be like sleeping with the enemy. I didn’t believe it then, now I am beginning to believe so…

  51. I think the best way to do this is to take a vote of the people here. I am not from Perak myself, but I do not oppose to the idea of having a PAS MB.

    Do not mind PAS MB – 1
    Do mind PAS MB –

  52. liewkk80 , you are wrong there.

    I dont agree 1 vote for DAP = 1 vote for PAS.
    But i agree on 1 vote for MCA/MIC/Gerakan = 1 vote for UMNO.

    First of all, DAP has no business to do with PAS. We do not take any order from PAS. But MCA/MIC/Gerakan do take order from UMNO. And each time an order be given by UMNO to them, they will just obey. No question asked.

  53. Another thing, if this scenerio is in Malacca, I am sure PAS and PKR will agree that the Chief Minister would come from DAP because there is no Sultan and you must realise that religion may be also involved and is always sensitive.

  54. In the spirit of meritocracy, I think the best candidate should get the job regardless of race and religion.

    The credentials (or CVs) of all 3 candidates should be published for rakyat to judge for themselves if the appointment is fair and transparent.

  55. Uncle Lim! I don’t understand you DAP guys. You won not because of Chinese votes only. Without support of Malay votes, you think DAP could have won? Bloody hell we give you chance now you want to pull this off. Are you any better than MCA!!

    Watch out now. You do anything that endangers the Barisan Rakyat, you will pay dearly in the next election. Suppress those hooligans in your own party! (You guys complain about the goons in UMNO now same thing is happening in your party)

  56. Now,before everyone lambast Uncle Lim for choosing to stay away from the swearing in ceremony of the Perak MB tomorrow let’s choose to view this from his shoes.

    If DAP were to support the decision to have a member of PAS as the Perak MB,it may not go down too well with some quarters of Chinese.Do you still recall that the last GE, DAP lost their support from the Chinese community because they were lump together with PAS and some of their extremist policies?While some Chinese voted for PAS during the recent election,there are still some who are wary of PAS and their true intentions as PAS can be very extreme with their policies.

    However, if DAP chooses to attend the ceremony tomorrow the media will have a field day by taking it as a sign that DAP endorses PAS and it’s extremist policy.Already the major media players are starting to angle their story to paint a negative picture of the opposition by nit picking on their weaknesses.If DAP is not careful,they may just slip and fall.

    Either way,it’s a catch 22 situation here.

    I just hope Uncle Lim will think it through and make the best decision for the people of Malaysia,the very people who have put them where they are today.

  57. Uncle Lim,
    Does it really matters who is the MB? We just want the state and municipal council to function correctly and efficiently, “WITHOUT FEAR OR FAVOUR”? We have enough of racial and religious problems in the last 50 years and I don’t think anyone in Perak want to repeat what the BN had done.

    Moving forward and serve. And I think it would be suicidal for PAS to jump wagon after the swearing in. And Malays will never forgive them.

  58. songsong Says:

    Today at 20: 36.06 (1 minute ago)
    But why PAS? not PKR


    Because PAS candidate has better qualifications than PKR’s. Succesful busianessman, holds a couple of master degrees. I thought Barisan Rakyat’s agenda was to promote “Promotion based on merit and not based on connection, creed or other belongings.”


  59. [b]We really don’t need this at this time![/b]

    Reconsider your action Mr. Lim, or you might not see another tsunami for BR in the next coming election. Don’t throw this opportunity to the drain. :(

  60. Mr. Lim, after 50 years of struggle DAP finally won the goodwill of the people and you want to squander it after 3 days?

    I talked to my in-laws for days to get them to swing to PAS so that opposition can win and now you are going to scare them off in tomorrow’s paper. Think again.

  61. Kit,

    You have two choices.

    1) Reject PAS outright loudly, cause great disharmony in Perak state goverment, potential defections, Malay goodwill lost, lose power & seats in the next elections?? Fight, fight, fight?
    2) Disgrutingly accept PAS, but work quietly from the inside. Experience slight unrest in the Chinese community but still an effective government.

    Which of these are the lesser of the two “evils”?

    Please decide wisely KIT.

  62. haha… i thought that we all want a change and effiecient government… today we Barisan Rakyat has made it a historical moment…. so now… because…just who become MB…everyone complaining…. ….

    pls remember that isn’t that we want a malaysia with malaysian people….so

    if malay/chinese/indian/indian/chiense/malay/malay/indian/chinese/etc as long as they are citizen of Malaysia and there are called Malaysian….. why so care about who is who….

    we want Malaysia Malaysian…. so…. don;t trap into racist/religions agains….stay as one bangsa that is Malaysian that has a new dawn …………

    we will be breaks like a vase…hit into ground…., and next GE…everyone back to square one…..

    Whoever take up any position be it MB/CM/Exco etc…., please execute your tasks….. well…
    Menjalankan tugas yang diberi dengan jujur/ikhlas demi kepentingan rakyat jelata Malaysia……. untuk semua lapisan… bukan untuk segelintir, sekumpulan, atau satu ethnic..saje…..

  63. What has paper qualifications got to do with it. Bill gates never finished Uni and he still is a one of a kind leader. Paper qualifications should not be the deciding factor.

    the ability to work with all races should be the one. For me personally PKR would have been a safe choice. It stands in the middle.

    But with all said and done basically its the man on the streets opinion that is what really counts. We can agree and disagree. We can love PAS or Hate PAS, but the man on the street will get what he wants.

  64. This is crap YB! Sia sia I go vote for DAP….you guys didn’t walk the talk.

    Please end this boycott…..this is very very bad image for DAP. I’m sure many will remember this day comes next election if the boycott goes on. BN is already capitalizing on this squabble.

    Just bad…you guys are nothing more than another BN…support PAS = PKR = DAP!!!

  65. We don’t wnat this kind of news any more. They think they are heros. They should go to hiding quietly!

    Samy says no to cabinet post
    Chan Kok Leong | Mar 12, 08 1:53pm
    updated 7.25pm The MIC president also said that he would not be seeking a senatorship as a back-door entrance into the cabinet.

    Ka Ting to reject cabinet post
    Mar 11, 08 7:56pm
    The embattled MCA president said he was doing so to take responsibility for the party’s poor showing in the general election.

  66. I believe there is a third way forward to salvage the situation, and you will need all the party leaders to resolve this.

    If indeed DAP Perak has acted without the instruction of DAP CEC, then the decision is ultra vires. But what can happen now is for PAS rep to carry on first, and perhaps within a few months, say that PAS is stepping down for PKR candidate.

    Whatever it is, it would be best to work this out quietly instead of blowing up for BN to criticise the coalition.

  67. Do not give up ; DAP should be the MB .
    We said MCA is hiding the UMNO sarong now DAP is hiding under the PAS sarong; the whole party of DAP has lost its integrity, the people will laugh at us- coward.

  68. Mr. Lim,
    If PAS is notin DAP’s list as MB, its name should notbe submitted its the first case.
    Actually HRH is in a difficult position too I suppose. Om one hand the Malay subjects have to be appeased too. The urban Malays may accept a Non-Malay but definitely not the rural ones.
    Thus the choice of a Malay is the most logical. But for appointment of PAS as MB? Why not settle for PKR? This would make most of us happy.
    In coalition there would be plenty of give and take to make it work. Otherwise it is as good an over!!!

  69. The first mistake was made when 3 names were submitted instead of 2.
    Boycotting the ceremony will be a bigger mistake as it will be considered an insult by the Ruler as you need all the goodwill to consolidate the party’s position in the state.

    Also may cause a state crisis even before DUNs take the oath.
    Suggest the DAP should compromise.

    My 2 sen worth.

  70. Kit… pls laa… after so much effort that we have spent .. a sentence from your mouth will destroy what we have built… a New Malaysia.

    Dont force us to take the step of sacrifice you for the sake of Malaysia… if we need to…. I start to understand why there was KOKS campaign long time ago

  71. This evening I was waiting at the newstand fervently wanting to know Sultan’s choice. Yes, I heard rumours saying that Ngeh Khoo Ham will be Perak Menteri Besar. I was sooo happy. But, mana tahu the owner of the newstand complaint that newspapers under Sin Chew Media Corporation (Sin Chew Daily and Nanyang Siang Pau) has been misinformed. So they withdrawn the newspapers printed in the evening and reprinted them all over again. Everybody waiting for their night edition of both newspapers ended up getting their copies late. I am wondering how the journalists can get misinformed.

    Let’s face the reality, YB Lim. Sultan is a politically neutral entity. He is the Sultan of all. Please, ask your men to attend the swearing-in ceremony. Be rest assured that Menteri Besar is not an absolutely autocratic person. He/she will still need majority votes to implement any policy. But let us make sure that the new Menteri Besar will not sell our common interests out, OK?

    Please, the Sultan have sovereignity.

  72. As I’ve written in this blog prior to the election.
    Vote for any opposition except PAS. If got PAS vs BN(UMNO), then make undi rosak. But it was disregarded & see what happened…

    1. Kedah PAS Govt did not nominate Kota Setar DAP Candidate into Exco.
    2. Sultan of Perak got a PAS member as MB.
    3. In PAS election manifesto says not going for Islamic state. But Hadi already said in public to ban ‘UnIslamic Entertainment etc’ in a nice way ‘thru the consent of everyone’ (but by majority of PAS).
    4. Even Sultan of Selangor confidential secretary announced today that the Deputy MB shall be a Malay.

    See what happens when we vote PAS???

    They are wolfs in sheep clothing (dropping Islamic state etc)

    Now have no choice but to boycott PAS in Perak & send memorandum of protest to Sultan Azlan & Raja Nazrin.

    Another way to work is as DAP has majority, we just don’t listen to the MB at all!!! We assume & take Ngeh as MB & disregard everything Nizar says or do. He cannot act alone. We have majority – just ignore Nizar & pretend he is not there & go along with our own policies.

    If any state policies need Nizar to approve, DAP just ignore & go ahead & don’t bother.

  73. Kit Siang, i am so disappointed with you decision. i just coulnt believe you’ve said that. Pls reconsider. If DAP boycott the swearing ceremony, how do the perak pple would have confidence in the new gov? I m from Perak and I m worried not because member of PAS is becoming the MB but the statement you have made here. The coalition is falling apart in less than a week time, how could we have confidence for the next few years?

  74. In the first place why submit 3 names for the Sultan when DAP is not agreeable to PAS candidate. When your strategy failed, you cry foul. Ngeh has agreed publicly that DAP will “sokong dengan sepadunya” to whoever is being chosen by the Sultan. Now you are singing different tune. Shame,shame,shame on you LKS!!!!

  75. VERY VERY SILLY STATEMENT. When so much has been won on non-racial, intelligent platform, to now THROW IT ALL AWAY on a stupid quarrel over the PAS MB in Perak.

    Please show strong leadership and tell all short sighted narrowminded people in DAP, look at calibre of man, not at his skin or religion. If you behave like this, how do you expect MALAYS to accept Lim Guan Eng as CM ??

    You are putting at risk all you won on 8th march. Only UMNO is happy. Is this the work of UMNO spies in your party ???

    I am Chinese and Non-Muslim, and a DAP supporter! But if DAP is truely so bigoted and narrow minded, then you really deserve all the problems and chaos you will inherit by this very very stupid statement. No more politiking – get to work to improve people’s lives.

  76. Dear Uncle Kit,

    I am sorry to hear about this DAP decision. DAP’s choice will not only isolate itself from the Malaysian Malays, instead all Malaysians come the 13th general election will shun DAP.

    I made a conscious choice to vote for PAS eventhough I have don’t agree with its Islamic state agenda. Why? Because the greater good necessitate the need for an alternative government.

    Yes, PAS is imperfect but at least they are evolving. Why can’t DAP understand that in ensuring the rakyat interests are upheld and defended, a united and cooperative team is needed?

    You must understand that in the first place, the rakyat place their hope in Barisan Rakyat / Barisan Alternatif for winds of change. If DAP want to create infights so early in this coalition, the real loser ultimately is DAP, PAS and PKR.

  77. DAP should have made their MB selection clear from the start that they support a candidate from PKR. From the beginnning I do not favor a DAP candidate. The decision to nominate a DAP candidate for the MB position is a wrong one. The MB from Perak needs to be a bumiputera muslim, a DAP MB is too drastic a change and also against the MB tradition. Though PAS is the minority opposition in Perak, DAP-PKR still needs their seat to form a simple majority in Perak, hence they have the bargaining power.

    I suggest that DAP made their decision fast and clear that they are prepared to accept a PKR candidate as MB but not from PAS.

    Please guys, it’s not whether we(here) are prepared to accept a PAS MB, it’s about the majority of Perakian Chinese. Most of them do not have the same thinking as us. They will live in fear under a PAS MB. I am from Perak, I am ok with a PAS MB but most of my friends back in my hometown doesnt think the same way. The DAP CEC is making the correct decision now.

  78. Kit, as much as the average chinese person on the streets who voted for DAP would slightly begrudge a PAS MB, I can guarantee that he would find the DAP CEC action to boycott even more disturbing.

    Act FAST Act NOW.

  79. This whole charade is a joke.

    – for those who keep arguing about Bangsa Malaysia and not wanting DAP to associate themselves with PAS be ****ing realistic. The goal for Bangsa Malaysia cannot be achieved overnight and do not forget significant Malay votes that have gone to Barisan Rakyat coalition.

    – why submit three names of Perak MP to Sultan INCLUDING PAS nominee? I thought you folks of all got agreement already? Don’t make BR a laughing joke for BN!

    – disrespecting Sultan’s wishes is political suicide, period. Uncle Kit, you better convince DAP CEC and show up at the ceremony tomorrow.

    – finally it is obvious between PAS and UMNO the former is the lesser of two evils. While PAS may not have abandoned their Islamic state manifesto they’re not as fascist as UMNO. So for good of the nation work with them for the time being.

    Please remember the rakyat can vote you out as fast as they voted for you in!

  80. Can a period of one year be given for each party to be MB? A trial period of sorts to let the people decide. After 3 years, Let the people decide MB post for the remaining duration. That way all parties get a chance and for those of us who dont want a PAS, wont worry to much and for those who dont care who is MB, well still wont care, but at least it will be fair and transparent. And PAS wont be able too many restrictions and PKR and DAP can counter any negative effects during their terms. Since the people decide the MB for the last few years all the reps will have to work really hard for us.

    My opinion only…. Still doesn’t mean I approve of PAS (mostly due to Hadi Awang and his comments and the fact he thinks only he is right) but it would be a compromise..

  81. I’m 20 years old chinese and i noe i dun have that much experience than anyone here to speak up about politic. I feel proud to be malaysian after BA won 5 states, many of my frens also feel the same way. They want new government. History prove that a federal government can be change but not in one election, but through a few election. This time BA won almost half, so i can say that if they keep their work done and gain respect from 3 party(PKR, PAS, DAP) supporter, i believe BA might won the next election due to the young supporter that they will have in the next 5 year election. However, Perak which should be the example of Malaysia on the next 5 year have give a bad impression to WE, the future voter, how do you want us to vote for BA next time? It is true that DAP won much seat but it is in the constitution that only malay can be MB. They should accept it. Most malaysian have been expecting the result and they can accept it, why cant DAP, our role model cant accept. If they accept, this give confident that it would be no problem for the BA to form the next federal government. Try to look at LOWYAT FORUM, this time election have unite lots of young voter from different races, there are malay who happy for penang DAP win, chinese and indian who happy for kedah PAS win. They dont mind who be the next MB as long as they treat all races equal. But this blog has leave a bad impression to BA(Barisan Alternatif) and DAP. Anyway, who are me to give so many suggestion. I just wish BA good luck and can deal with this matter. Perak represent the next 5 years Malaysia, show good example. Do remember BN is laughing in Perak matter now.

  82. “In the first place why submit 3 names for the Sultan when DAP is not agreeable to PAS candidate. When your strategy failed, you cry foul. Ngeh has agreed publicly that DAP will “sokong dengan sepadunya” to whoever is being chosen by the Sultan. Now you are singing different tune. Shame,shame,shame on you LKS!!!!” Pac

    I think that is not the case. The case here is the DAP CEC’s mandate, only 2 candidates received the mandate from DAP CEC. PAS has also submitted their candidate of course knowing they have only six ADUN. Hence, the three nominees. Remember that PAS has no electoral pact with DAP.

  83. Think of the greater good. We are all in this together for a better Malaysia. To achieve our goal, there will be successes, there will be disappointments and there will be sacrifices to be made. Do not let this setback get in the way. Any impulsive actions will play straight into the hands of BN.

    Think of the people that had voted for DAP. The people … not Chinese, not Indians and not Malays. We all voted across racial lines to put you guys where you guys are today in KL, Selangor, Perak, Penang, Kedah and Kelantan. The political tsunami would have happened if only the Chinese had voted for DAP. We turned our back on UMNO/BN because we trust you. Do not betray our trust and sacrifice ….

  84. This is how opposition working together?

    Why DAP agreed to submit three candidates to Sultan? Now Perak Sultan choose PAS candudate, then accept the decision.

    No yet forming new government, you people already fo into dog fighting.

    Be prepared to be opposition in next election.

  85. I am a staunch DAP supporter.

    But all went wrong in Perak.

    I feel the only most gentlemanly solution for this is for DAP to admit its mistake & to allow 2-3 DAP ADUNs to resign and seek by-elections again to see whether the Chinese community supports this PAS MB.

    If DAP is voted again – then OK, the Chinese community says yes. If MCA is voted, we know what the Chinese community want.

  86. Even I as a malay minority living in penang, looking forward to the BA government leading by DAP. Now I am dissapointed with DAP for deciding to boycott 2morrow.

    Before this, all agreed form coalition, to submit names to the Reagent and accept whoever being chosen as MB. Perak is not owned by DAP or PKR or PAS or BN. They are only elected leaders on behalf of the people. The state is owned by Perak’s people.

    Then, it really show DAP true colours. I’m dissapointed. BN will have the last laugh. Not even a week after the election.

  87. alaneth Says:
    Today at 20: 53.04 (52 seconds ago)

    As I’ve written in this blog prior to the election.
    Vote for any opposition except PAS. If got PAS vs BN(UMNO), then make undi rosak. But it was disregarded & see what happened…

    1. Kedah PAS Govt did not nominate Kota Setar DAP Candidate into Exco.
    —> This was due to objection by PKR ADUNs. Not PAS’s fault although you can say they could have had 2.

    2. Sultan of Perak got a PAS member as MB.
    —> Everyone said they would accept the decision. If DAP did not want this to happen, then they should have said that they would not form the state government with PAS and PKR, and BN would form the minority government in the state, I suppose.

    3. In PAS election manifesto says not going for Islamic state. But Hadi already said in public to ban ‘UnIslamic Entertainment etc’ in a nice way ‘thru the consent of everyone’ (but by majority of PAS).
    —> And do they have a majority in Perak?

    4. Even Sultan of Selangor confidential secretary announced today that the Deputy MB shall be a Malay.
    —> He said that they prefer it to be a Malay but it won’t be.

    Not sure what’s the whole story but since the Perak DAP leader has made the statement that everyone would accept the decision, I don’t see why this is happening now.

  88. Please don’t underestimate the wisdom of Perak Sultan. Among all the Rulers, I only have faith in him. I think there must be a good reason behind this.

    The Perak Sultan wants to show that the state can be better managed by PAS than BN, and that PAS is not an extreme as BN. Once this becomes reality, then more Chinese will support PAS rather than BN in the next GE.

  89. Kelantan Chinese will tell you how well they’re being treated. I don’t see any problem for this coalition. Need to show be end our vote is not a waste. Most importantly there is development for all….shud b better then be end

  90. i think it would be a test for the opposition, sultan might be testing the unity of the oppositions. it was not important who becomes the mb, the most important thing is that will br make any changes to all the citizen in perak.

    to me now, the unity is not there. to me, it is not who becomes to mb, it is who can make the changes that matters. or else, br is nothing different than the bn

  91. ‘Ngeh had said that all 3 parties will abide by the ruler’s choice.’.Libra 2.

    The ruler have spoken and how on earth can one find any excuse not to honour the pledge.Ngeh,by the above press statement has check mate himself for which there is no way out.The decent thing to do is to be there for the swearing-in ceremony.You haven’t got a choice,have you?
    Being in the driver seat is no easy undertaking.Your problems are just beginning and rest assured,there will be bigger ones coming your way.You have made a few stumbles early in the game.Quickly pick yourself up,brush off the dust and bounce back.The rakyat is also watching closely every move you make and believe you me they will throw you out the same way BN is thrown out this GE.
    Take heart.Be strong,be fair,be honest and just keep at it.You will be ok I am sure.

  92. I, part of Chinese Malaysia, who voted DAP in General Election-12, is deeply disappointed with the action taken by DAP!!! The reason why we VOTE for DAP, PKR and PAS because we want to have a better future, against corruptions, and most important thing is we are MALAYSIANS. We are the RAKYAT, we THOUGHT we have VOTED the right PARTY, but today, your statement here made me think TWICE whether I have voted the WRONG PARTY!! Uncle Kit, you are selfish, you only think of your own PARTY DAP, you did not think of us, RAKYAT, you have forgotten what the promises, you have forgotten WHY WE VOTE the BARISAN RAKYAT, you have FORGOTTEN why in the first place, Barisan RAKYAT won 5 states in GE12 for the first time. And if you think only yourself and DAP, the next General Election, our vote will go back to BN. And you can be proud today, but only 4-5 years left. THINK TWICE, and be SMART!

  93. I suggest all BA YBs in perak resign and hand over the state government back to BN. Hope by now BN will learn their mistakes. Better than BA who cannot follow BN’s coalition.

    This is just Perak, not Malaysia.

  94. I do not disagree with Uncle Kit’s decision to stay away from the ceremony, I only think it is a bit too late for such a drastic action. We saw it coming didn’t we but we all cannot do anything about it? Do be careful when expressing yourself in this blog as it belong to the person who fought for you even before some of you were born.

    But even though the drastic action is too late, and if all DAP leaders find it necessary to stay away from the ceremony, I will still support DAP no matter what happen, because DAP is the only party who upheld their political principles for a multiracial democracy in Malaysia.

  95. I do not see this as wise move by our respected YB Lim. If at all there was a denial it should have been before the announcement. As all 3 parties were instrumental directly and indirectly in opposition victories .
    I’m sure PKR too would have preferred their candidate to be appointed as MB. But since the palace have chosen, please show our willingness to abide and I’m sure DAP being the major player would ensure rights of all Malaysians protected. Please all leaders this is the time to perform base on clear understanding as all we Malaysians wanted is the right person who work for all Malaysians. Please do not break the solidarity that we have just found. It also goes to Hadi, president of PAS.

  96. THE Ultimate question is, you guys want UMNO(With Cronies and MCA lapdogs in the Exco or PAS MB(With DAP majority in the Exco)? Cause if things go at it is now. UMNO will take Perak back in next GE! *Sigh*

    Is it that hard to choose?

  97. Dear Kit Siang,
    The issue about who becomes Menteri Besar does not arise if the opposition coalition did not work together in this election. It is the voice of the citizen that brought about this change in Perak, not DAP alone. It does not matter who is MB, does it? Think about it, what exactly are DAP comprising now by having PAS as MB? We have more than what we bargain for in this election due to the people power, now we have more chinese in the executive committee. So please show your leadership and quash all these unnecessary uncertainties circling around the coalition. Remember that the coalition is what appeals to the people, not any party alone.

  98. If im the perak MB, i will give the post to PKR, if DAP still want to boycott the swearing ceremony, for the sake of Barisan Rakyat and for future support in the next election. Btw, im a malay and im a PAS supporter. Im very sad because of this.

  99. alaneth Says:

    Today at 21: 03.26 (6 minutes ago)
    I am a staunch DAP supporter.

    But all went wrong in Perak.

    I feel the only most gentlemanly solution for this is for DAP to admit its mistake & to allow 2-3 DAP ADUNs to resign and seek by-elections again to see whether the Chinese community supports this PAS MB.

    If DAP is voted again – then OK, the Chinese community says yes. If MCA is voted, we know what the Chinese community want.


    Only monkeys will vote you again.

  100. Then why did DAP form a coalition with PAS in Penang and Selangor?
    I presume you are gauging the ground feeling here. Now that you heard it, I suggest you get all DAP members elected to attend the swearing in.
    The majority of your readers here are against your decision to boycott the swearing in.

  101. When DAP said they will accept whoever candidate the sultan name is a mistake. If DAP is not prepare to accept a PAS candidate, it should be made clear.

    Only one way to solve this dilemma. Each party will nominate a candidate for MB other than his own party.

    Sure DAP will choose PKR.
    PKR will choose PAS.
    PAS will choose PKR.

    Isnt the situation clear enough that PKR should be the MB which is most acceptable to majority of the parties and also the Perakians.

  102. Then why did DAP form a coalition with PAS in Penang and Selangor?
    I presume you are gauging the ground feeling here. Now that you have heard it, I suggest you get all DAP elected members to attend the swearing in.
    The majority of your readers here are against your decision to boycott the swearing in.
    Unless you want to return the state to BN.

  103. BA should show confident to us, the young voters. You need our vote five years later. BN and all their press are going to say and write lots lots thing about BA to make people lose confident on them. Only LOWYAT FORUM show us that many malaysian is supporting BA. Last few day, BA gain respect from all malaysian, dont let down us. Continue the government in Perak. Tomorrow is actually a history day to show us what will happe in malysia next 5 years. IF BN won Perak, who will be MB? A chinese? Still it will be Malay but may be corrupted, this new malay PAS MB will be clean than BN MB. So, why dont we accept them. Dont let us down tomorrow. You may only gain few non-muslim suporter in Perak but lose the support of chinese toward the whole nation.

  104. “THE Ultimate question is, you guys want UMNO(With Cronies and MCA lapdogs in the Exco or PAS MB(With DAP majority in the Exco)? Cause if things go at it is now. UMNO will take Perak back in next GE! *Sigh*

    Is it that hard to choose?”

    This is like one question in George Orwell’s Animal Farm.

  105. Yup… When DAP said they will accept whoever candidate the sultan name is a mistake. If DAP is not prepare to accept a PAS candidate, it should be made clear.

    We don’t want a flip-flop party like BN. We don’t practise double standards like BN!

  106. CORRECTION on earlier posting …

    Think of the greater good. We are all in this together for a better Malaysia. To achieve our goal, there will be successes, there will be disappointments and there will be sacrifices to be made. Do not let this setback get in the way. Any impulsive actions will play straight into the hands of BN.

    Think of the people that had voted for DAP. The people … not Chinese, not Indians and not Malays. We all voted across racial lines to put you guys where you guys are today in KL, Selangor, Perak, Penang, Kedah and Kelantan. The political tsunami would NOT have happened if only the Chinese had voted for DAP. We turned our back on UMNO/BN because we trust you. Do not betray our trust and sacrifice ….

  107. If ……IN GOOD FAITH …..PAS, DAP and the PKR submitted three names — Perak DAP chairman Ngeh Koo Ham, 47, Perak PKR treasurer Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi, 52, and Mohammad Nizar, — for selection by Sultan Azlan to lead the new state government…..


    This MOTHER of all MOCKERY

    The “rolled-up sleeves”culture should be discarded in the name of political maturity

  108. I’m starting dissapointed with BA/DAP. These politicians just ‘GILA KUASA’. My suggestion, Perak people just throw these BA leaders in perak into the selat melaka and let them govern the fish.

    This is the part that I envy BN. They can really form the coalition.

  109. DAWSHENG: “UMNO will take Perak back in next GE! *Sigh*”

    UMNO may even take it NOW!

    If the fighting continues, the Sultan may have no choice but to hand a minority government to UMNO.

    This is the most disturbing news I have read in this blog.

  110. It’s a NO! NO! NO!

    Don’t Fight!

    You’re going to fall in the BN’s trap.

    Accept it DAP,It’s a fact of life,

    You cannot be so emotional.

    Don’t destroy everything because of a small matter.

    What important now is moving ahead and planning for the

    next general election.

  111. Uncle Lim,

    It’s really unfortunate that we have a scenario in Perak unlike other states such as Selangor, Kedah, Penang and Kelantan which is quite straightforward. On one hand, DAP won the majority state seats, more than PAS and PKR combined, which by politcal convention, should have ruled the state and an MB. However, we have a state constitution which provided that only Malay Muslim can be an MB unless Sultan of Perak waived it. On the other hand, DAP has no other choice but to let a Malay candidate from either PKR or PAS to be an MB.

    The 3 political parties have made a wise decision by nominating each potential MB from their respective parties and let the Sultan of Perak exercise his royal prerogative. However, as far as the non-Malays in Perak are concerned, especially in those 18 areas where DAP wins, they might feel uncomfortable if the Sultan of Perak choose a PAS candidate to be an MB, which is now the case. As far as I am concerned, I think the non-malays in Perak should respect the decision made by their Sultan. Afterall, the Sultan cares for the people of Perak, whether they are Malays, Chinese Indians and others, right? So whatever decision the Sultan made, the people of Perak, whether Malays, Chinese, Indians and others should abide by the decision, because it’s the decision made by the Sultan, not by any political parties, whether it’s DAP, PAS or PKR.

    However, the people are confused here. On one hand, Ngeh Koo Ham, the DAP chairman has stated the other day that all the 3 parties will abide by the decision of the Sultan for the MB candidate on whoever the Sultan chosen. On the other hand, now this blog stated, “The decision to appoint a PAS Assemblyman Mohamad Nizar Jamaludin as Perak Mentri Besar has caused shock and consternation to DAP leaders, members and supporters” and “As the appointment of PAS Assemblyman for Pasir Panjang Mohamad Nizar Jamaludin as Perak Mentri Besar representing the third and smallest political party in the proposed coalition has not received the mandate of the CEC, DAP Perak Assemblymen will stay away from the swearing-in ceremony for Perak Mentri Besar scheduled tomorrow.” The question now is, which is which? What are DAP real stand on this matter? This has the potential to be exploited by the BN.

    We now have an interesting situation here. The argument of some people here is that now the rakyat is colour-bind. That’s why they now vote for the opposition, no matter which race he/she is from. The “race” thing is outdated and irrelevant after 50 years of independence. The rakyat are mature. They knows what is right and wrong and will not easily by fooled by the media or any empty promises of BN politicians. They don’t mind which race the MB come from as long as he is fair, transparent and does the work well to serve the people of Perak. However, the issue here is not so much on race, but religion and it’s impact on social structure? Why religion, you might ask? Because PAS still habour the ambition to make Malaysia an Islamic State which really scare of the non-Malays voters. Remember, Najib has declared Malaysia is already an Islamic State? This is where BN will exploit DAP here. With Perak MB now in the hands of PAS, some people have said that DAP has “sold-out” to PAS. Even it’s not, some people have said that DAP can save all the troubles explaining to the non-malays in the 18 constituencies and providing “check and balance” on PAS in the Perak State Assembly IF the MB is from DAP or PKR.

    On the other side of the argument, some people have said the rakyat is mature enough and will not be taken in by all these craps. Just look at the General Election results. With all the might of BN machineries under their belt such as TV1, TV2, TV3, NTV7, 8TV, Utusan, NST, STAR, national radios for their campaigns, the rakyat is not foolish, and instead vote for change. So this means that with all the exploitation by BN on the issue of Perak MB to the detriment of DAP, the people of Perak will not be fooled this time around. They have matured and will look for alternative source and news like the internet for information.

    So Uncle Lim, it’s a 50-50 situation whether non-malays Perak will accept a PAS MB. Whatever it is, let’s unite for much more urgent issues at hand such as good governance, tranparency, fairness, equitable policies, policies based on merits, and etc.

  112. For christ sake..pas supporters also voted for dap where ever they stood in good spirit.Dont destroy what we are trying to built.go attend the swearing in ceremony.grow up please.We are entering into unchartered territory and we must be united and move in unison to build a strong alternative party to Bn.Dont let us down the rakyat

  113. Mr.YB, We are the voters who were behind you, went all out to some extent even begged some of those to support all parties- PKR,DAP and PAS. Please don’t do anything that jeopardize, BN is just waiting for you all to make blunders.
    If you fail us there won’t be a second time. We want honest and capable Malaysian to lead us, doesn’t matter even if he or she is Kadazan, Baba or Punjabi Sikh. Talking about this please look at Indian Prime Minister who lead 1.2billion people.

  114. It’s very strange that the destruction of DAP does not come from BN, or even the mass-controlled media, but from the horse’s mouth itself….

    Please don’t self destruct the party, Uncle Kit, I beg you.

  115. Before the election, I behaved like a nincompoop (hence limkamput) because I just wanted the DAP to win. That was why I vehemently did whatever I could to defend and confront whatever doubts that had came from various quarters. When the Penang result was known, tears were in my eyes and my throat was choked with emotion. Like many others, I have waited so long for the miracle to happen. At that time I wanted to hug Sdr Lim Kit Siang and wished that he was the one appointed the CM of Penang.
    Now the election is over, I don’t think I want to be a nincompoop anymore. Someone ought to explain to me what happened in Perak. Whose decision was it to submit three names in the first place? Why not one name from the DAP and let His Royal Highness decides. Why not the other two parties (PKR and PAS), in true spirit of partnership, voluntarily withdraw their candidacies and allow the DAP candidates to be decided first. As I see it, the other two parties have no right to nominate their respective candidates in the first place.
    If His Royal Highness rejects the DAP candidate, then and only then the three parties shall think of the next course of action. As see it, DAP is just too eager to form the government regardless of the consequences. A deputy MB is a deputy MB no matter how many deputies are appointed.
    Finally Sdr Lim, are you still in charge of the DAP or not. Goodness me, if this important matter can be decided without CEC, how are you going to control and monitor your greenhorn (and probably some could be as corrupted as those in BN) DAP MPs and ADUNs.

  116. Election already over… is about forming a goverment and serve the country+people. I think uncle lim already forget how his party won….not only chinese votes but malay and indian as well. Why can’t worker together for the people who voted. Prove it to the be end the dawn quoted by DSAI means something new and priceless. Only few days after the CE, this is the most sad news i read. Objecting the Sultan means suicide…..furthermore where chinese face going to put ? Cakap lain but lain….we are definately not like PL la……please work together for a new dawn and future….the objective is to conquer malaysia as a whole…this should be small matter…..remember we are the one who vote for you

  117. Before the election, I behaved like a nincompoop (hence limkamput) because I just wanted the DAP to win. That was why I vehemently did whatever I could to defend and confront whatever doubts that had came from various quarters. When the Penang result was known, tears were in my eyes and my throat was choked with emotion. Like many others, I have waited so long for the miracle to happen. At that time I wanted to hug Sdr Lim Kit Siang and wished that he was the one appointed the CM of Penang.

    Now the election is over, I don’t think I want to be a nincompoop anymore. Someone ought to explain to me what happened in Perak. Whose decision was it to submit three names in the first place? Why not one name from the DAP and let His Royal Highness decides. Why not the other two parties (PKR and PAS), in true spirit of partnership, voluntarily withdraw their candidacies and allow the DAP candidates to be decided first. As I see it, the other two parties have no right to nominate their respective candidates in the first place.

    If His Royal Highness rejects the DAP candidate, then and only then the three parties shall think of the next course of action. As see it, DAP is just too eager to form the government regardless of the consequences. A deputy MB is a deputy MB no matter how many deputies are appointed.

    Finally Sdr Lim, are you still in charge of the DAP or not. Goodness me, if this important matter can be decided without CEC, how are you going to control and monitor your greenhorn (and probably some could be as corrupted as those in BN) DAP MPs and ADUNs.

  118. If you DAP MPs boycott the swearing-in ceremony, the following will be some of the consequences.
    1. Show to everyone in Malaysia that the opposition cannot work together for the good of the people.
    2. Show to people in Perak that the coalition government is not united and reduce confidence.
    3. Show to the Malays/Muslims that DAP is not racially-tolerant.
    4. Show to the Chinese that you cannot work together with the Malays, although the Malays are the majority.

    As you can see, it is an extremely bad suggestion. If you MPs show this kind of pettiness and unwillingness to work together, I will rally every single person that I know not to vote for DAP in the next election!

    PAS has experience governing two states: Kelantan and Terengganu. It makes sense to me for the Sultan to appoint the PAS guy to be the MB.

    Uncle Lim, if you want the best for your party, your time will be better spent ensuring that the DAP MPs perform well in the new governments (especially Penang). If the PAS MB is incapable, the people will know and PAS will suffer in the next election. Your showing of pettiness and lack of magnamity reminds me of BN.

    Don’t make the same mistake of being arrogant and intolerant. Attend the swearing-in ceremony and the above effects will be reversed.

    from a Malaysian Chinese.

  119. C’mon. U are behaving like BN. Surely power is not everything. BA only has 3 seat majority and you are dangerously destroying that too. I really thought DAP, PKR, PAS can really work together harmoniously for the people IRRESPECTIVE of race & religion. Why was his name included in the first place if this is going to be the case? Why said you’d agree to The Sultan’s choice in the first place & then when he made the decision you go back on your word? Where is your dignity? Why are you afraid of PAS? Stay in Kelantan for 1 month & get to know them better – you will be pleasantly surprised. We put BA in power to work for us, THE RAKYAT. If you are losing focus on your objective because of this, then all the struggle could be in vain & BA will be the opposition again after next PRU. Think long term!…

  120. DAP, you are heading for own peril for your arrogant and immature action.

    You cannot even keep your word to accept a candidate picked by Sultan. Disrespect to Sultan mean that Malays will forever shun DAP.

  121. “The decision to appoint a PAS Assemblyman Mohamad Nizar Jamaludin as Perak Mentri Besar has caused shock and consternation to DAP leaders, members and supporters.”
    Not here, though, at the house of a staunch DAP supporter.

    “DAP Perak Assemblymen will stay away from the swearing-in ceremony for Perak Mentri Besar scheduled tomorrow.”
    This, however, comes as a shock. Worse though, after one has reasonably passed the prerogative to the very understanding Ruler. If you can’t stand to your own words, not even for 24 hours, what else to expect from you guys?

    Firstly, what much could Nizar mess up, with his minority of 6 out of close to 60? He’ll need all of you badly, with 28 BN representatives.
    Perak, sorry, second, isn’t exactly the heartland of the economy. Personally, I perceive it as the sign-board: “Here we prototype the Bangsa Malaysia for tomorrow. Despite our narrow majority, we are living proof that race-based policies are irrelevant. More so, we play by the rules, and respect the decision of the rakyat for a non-BN government, the wish of the Sultan, the anxieties of the majority.”
    [At least, as long as the chap refrains from babbling about abolishing booze and pork knuckles. And I am pretty sure, he is not going to start any of such stuff. Hell, PAS has learned the lesson in 2004, and is repeating it in 2008: Even with the Malay electorate, you don’t crown kings from being die-hard fundamentalist.]

    Please, Kit, get the six to go and attend happily! It is their MB, and their government-to-be that will be sworn it. How can you talk ‘coalition’ if you don’t agree with the MB (for whom you yourself have passed the choice to a third party)?

  122. mr.lim, don’t ruin the success by making such a racial-oriented remark! if you are sincere in collaborating with Pas & Pkr, do backtrack your racist remark. BA is on the right track, don’t be a donkey & destroy this! It is known to all; all races has supprted for all BA component parties!

  123. uncle lim, my family have voted DAP for 40 years and now you are doing this to us? Maybe you did this becoz u afraid chinese will turn back on DAP, I’m not a perakian but i can assure you that my setiawan friend doesn’t mind PAS being a MB, afterall they only have 6 assemblymen, what can they do? Please keep your words to make malaysia truly malaysia. If DAP cant work with PAS, then this election will be in history for the wrong reasons…..Also, Sultan of Perak is one of the most respected sultans in history, boycotting the swearing means betrayal. then DAP forever lose the Malay support, which DAP had this election, remember, people doesnt vote along racial lines….this a good chance to show DAP is truly multiracial…..I thought DAP said they will work with everyone???

  124. IN….GOOD FAITH………….PAS, DAP and the PKR yesterday submitted three names — Perak DAP chairman Ngeh Koo Ham, 47, Perak PKR treasurer Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi, 52, and Mohammad Nizar, — for selection by Sultan Azlan to lead the new state government




  125. Hello YB,

    I can understand how you feel but these issues should and could have been sorted out behind closed doors…

    All the press has been positive to date regarding how the 3 parties are approaching it… one name each, live it to the Ruler to decide whether to waive the muslim/malay ruling and then all abide by it… it all sounds positive, mature and sensible.

    Also, the Ruler’s decision does not marginalize any community, in fact, just like Penang and hopefully Selangor next, it could pave the way for a much more inclusive way of growing the country.

    DAP and PAS both have to move away from your perceived ‘ultra’ stance in order to attract more malaysians and truly offer an alternative government to BN…

    So I appeal to you right now, as someone who supported DAP and voted for PKR and PAS… to think of the bigger picture…


  126. Cheh!! This is so childish. I voted for DAP & waited 50yrs for this….and now, all this is going to the dumps because of an immature act of boycotting. Grow up Uncle Kit, please…. this is the new Malaysia. This is so immature.

    Not attending the swearing in tomorrow will only benefit BN. Lets just get on with the swearing in 1st. After that, sit down with PAS & just ensure that since DAP has the majority, all decisions must be made on a consensus of majority rule or rotate the MB post or whatever it takes to stay as one. I’m tired of DAP fighting with PAS, as it doesnt serve the people. We’ve come a very long way, this is no time for kindergarten fights. Pls just stop it once & for all & think of the future of BA. If the boycott stays, I’m never again voting for DAP.

  127. YB Lim,

    I am not a member of any political party but have always supported DAP for its principles and integrity. I also made a strong financial contribution to assist the DAP in the last General Election and my son voluntarily served DAP as a Polling Agent.

    I would like to tell you that I am deeply shocked by the news of PAS taking the Perak Mentri Besarship. That a PAS member is now Menteri Besar is of little importance to me. What disturbs me greatly is that, during the election, DAP frequently said that it no longer works with PAS, inspite of accusations by BN to the contrary.

    I can’t believe that the MBship was given to PAS without the knowledge of the DAP CEC. It was widely known for the last few days that PAS was going to get the MBship and even the MCA criticised this possibility in the Star a few days ago.

    I would conclude as follow:

    (i) The DAP was sleeping on the job in the midst of such an important matter as the appointment of an MB.This is an irony as the DAP and its supporters have frequently alleged that the PM was sleeping on the job.

    (ii) The DAP lied to the public; and all that are going on now, including the claim that the party’s CEC was not aware of this matter and the intention of the DAP Assemblymen to stay away from the swearing in ceremony tomorrow, are nothing but a sandiwara to further fool the members of the public.

    It is a sad state of affairs that the DAP is starting off with a big lie. In view of the DAP’s denial of any knowledge of the appointment of a PAS MB even though it is the party holding the largest number of Perak State seats, I reckon that your party, YB Lim, will be held responsible for any unacceptable action that may be taken by the MB in future. This will undoubtedly be taken into account by the people in the next General Election.

    Personally, I feel a big letdown and I think that, in order to win in the last election, DAP had resorted to misleading the people about its real relationship with PAS and is now trying to cover its track with further lies.

  128. What a mixed reactions blog. I assume there are many DAP supporters here. And I see the DAP supporters are already split in opinion.

    I am all out against a PAS member being the Perak MB.

    Just see the No. of bloggers online (1200 persons now!) See how many people you have shocked in just <3 hrs).

    I also believe DAP should BOYCOTT the new MB. Don’t worry for the current situation (i.e.Perak). Show the people of Malaysia, the Chinese/Indian community that you stand by what you say “DAP will not and never work with PAS”.

    Why worry about the short term when you lose in the long run. Boycott & show that DAP is still relevant in the future!

    If you allow PAS MB, in future you & the opposition will lose the majority of seats in Perak, Selangor, maybe Penang as well – all by the resentment from the Chinese/Indian community!!! Take my word YB Lim & be smart!

  129. Dear Mr KS Lim, political analyst all agree that the people have swung votes to the opposition at the last elections and we all expected a new Dawn in Malaysian politics. The dust hasn’t even settled yet from the elections and it looks like lessons have not been learnt. Tell your son not to get too comfy in Penang, because you are now ignoring the people and destroying this new Barisan Rakyat. Ignore legal charters, ignore that DAP got more seats in Perak, ignore that DAP were not given a seat in Kedah!!!!! You should be bigger than this. There are no Malays, Chinese, Indians this time around. The younger generation want only Malaysians. We are not crayons to be chosen by colours. You are one of the veterans and I doubt you can read what the younger generation wants. We want change, not more racial problems. Didn’t we have enough of these type of politics. Where is the new dawn we are promised. Broken in just 4 days. Goodbye DAP, you all worked hard for this and everyone will remember the day it was destroyed. I am a chinese, I just want to live in Peace. I have no problems living in a Muslim country, I have been doing so all my life.

  130. Dear Sir,

    Let’s not throw the spanner into what we have waiting for MANY years. We don’t need this now…BN will be celebrating knowing this crisis.

    3 names were given to the Sultan(from respective parties)..all 3 agreed that they will respect the Sultan’s decision…let’s walk our talk.

    Failing to stick to what has been agreed will only show the people that DAP failed to be true gentlemen.

    This will create distrust from the people and the other parties. I am sure DAP needs trust from everyone, right?

    Let’s accept the Sultan’s decision with OPEN heart and move on together.

  131. BlueBear Says:
    Today at 21: 18.39 (3 minutes ago)

    DAWSHENG: “UMNO will take Perak back in next GE! *Sigh*”

    Sorry, I think you refer to the wrong person. I did not mske that statement, it was utopia.

  132. I truly feel quite shocked and disappointed.
    Don’t get me wrong, is not because of a PAS assemblyman as MB but the reaction from Mr. Lim Kit Siang.

    If DAP doesn’t want a PAS assemblyman to be MB, why agree to the nomination at the beginning? DAP should have more or less expected 50% probability of him appointed as MB. I also think it was a joke for DAP to nominate a Chinese. Is DAP hoping miracle to happen or dreaming?

    For the sake of the racial harmony, no way a non Malay Muslim will be appointed MB.

    I bet at the moment this statement was made public, BN people will be laughing and celebrating. Please think for the coalition and the DAP supporter of Perak before making such comment which will only benefits the opposition(in this case BN).

    All Perak DAP assemblyman should attend the swearing-in ceremony to show the respect of the Sultan’s decision and maturity of the party.

    Maybe retraction of this boycott and public apology should also be considered.


  133. I’m writing this to appeal for your call and decision…

    Seriously, Malaysian needs a rest, I bet Perakian too… Most of the people, who love the country believe that it is not really important the MB’s race after all… DAP could fight for double DMB post…

    I saw somewhere that you are to remained “open-minded” with the DAP-PKR-PAS alliance… and I believe this is a very good start to the alliance…

    DAP should follow what they’d decided earlier on that it will endorse whoever Sultan of Perak chosen, and I don’t want to see DAP opposing their own word by boycotting tomorrow’s sworn-in ceremony because this is a total disrespect to the Sultan of Perak and also to DAP’s own word!

    I seriously hope YB Lim you could reconsider this decision…me and my family and a lot of Malay, Indian, Chinese friends voted for DAP… We don’t want to get disappointed thus soon… and we are tired of so much infighting within Opposition and even DAP itself…

    Give us a rest… :(

  134. Hey, DAP, do you think you really win 18 seats in Perak ah? In your dreams la! The Malays opt a moderate stance and vote for you, but that doesn’t mean they are ready to accept a political turn-about and live under a Chinese MB. Malaysia has yet to reach that level of open-mindedness. Moreover, your lot going around advocating the removal of NEP will never sit well with the Malays. NEP needs to be reformed, not removed (I’d have to admit that PAS is spot-on on this). Since you’ve already pledged your support to whomever HRH chooses, you better fulfill it!

    You’ve obviously gone overboard thinking that Perak belongs to you. Idiots!

  135. Please don’t do this now….
    I am really disappointed, Why can’t DAP accept a PAS MB when majority of the people can accept it.

    I have been an admire of you and DAP, while others say DAP was only a party of Lim’s family. I didn’t believe them.

    But now… really looks like DAP is becoming a Lim’s Dynasty…….

  136. Infighting among DAP, PAS and PKR is the last thing the voters want to see!!

    Uncle Kit, please show some generosity and sincerity to serve the people, not to fight for power!! Else DAP will lose support from people like MCA!!

  137. # alaneth Says:
    Today at 21: 35.45 (5 minutes ago)

    I don’t even mind that in the current lineup, the new MB is from BN(UMNO)!

    I just abhor PAS & cannot accept PAS & so are my Perak friends.

    alaneth.. your are the racist in blanket.. and you prefer to have corrupted UMNO to be Perak state government , shame on you

  138. I hope Perak DAP leaders really got to re-consider
    this matter.

    I am from Perak. No matter PAS, PKR, or DAP
    candidate becomes the MB, I am very happy.

    And the fact is that, like many of those who
    have mentioned above, DAP really got to
    respect Sultan’s final decision & dun let
    BN and MCA have a chance in attacking
    you people further.

    You all have agreed that no matter who
    (among the 3 candidates from PKR, PAS
    and DAP) becomes the MB of Perak, you
    all will accept that. Now, how can you
    all go and boycott the swearing-in ceremony?

    What is important to us is the good-job
    done in the future by PKR, DAP and PAS
    in Perak.

    Please respect Sultan Perak’s decision
    and listen to the voice of rakyat from

    Thank you.

  139. Uncle Kit , In my opinion Your CEC should made an alternative stand, let the Dap Perak decide for this Delicate decision . Even though the Tough stand of the CEC in disapproval of the selection of the Pas assemblyman had already been made. The rationale of the Dap CEC should be the past bad experience of GE in 1999 ( the working with Pas in that election had most of the Dap Leader routed.) Food for thought, anyhow don’t let your foes capitalised on this MB issues

  140. Uncle Lim,

    Please stay together. All DAP, PAS and PKR must be remained united and be supportive for each other. Don’t leave any holes for
    UMNO or any BN to take advantage. Please, stay united and work
    together to form the next govt. I believe in all of you when you
    talk about us,Malaysian as one race with equal rights!





  142. Frankly, I am very disappointed at DAP.First they agreed to abide by the decision of the Sultan and now just because they are not elected to be M.B they protest.If they cannot agree from the beginning I dont see any future for the coalition of Barisan Rakyat.The position DAP has at the moment is of their own making.After more than 40 years they are unable to have malay candidates to contest under the DAP flag.In this respect it has fail miserably as a multi racial party.Maybe we have to reflect on our support for such race based party and just give our undivided support to PKR in the next election.Unless DAP reinvent itself it will suffer the same fate as race based party like MCA, MIC, UMNO and Gerakan.

  143. We, Rakyat, don’t really care if PKR, PAS or DAP becomes MB; as long as it’s not Barisan National. Isn’t our common objective to fight against BN?

    Since Sultan has already made the ultimate decision, we as Rakyat will have to respect his decision as Sultan Azlan Shah stands neutral and we believe he has definitely thought it over carefully before deciding on the MB. Boycotting the swearing-in of PAS MB is indeed unwise and ultimately is biadap towards our Sultan!!!

    Very very unwise!!! You don’t need such bad publicity now!!! Why do you want to shoot your own feet now???? The war has just begun!!!

    Uncle Lim, please seriously reconsider and drop this decision. PLEASE DON’T DISAPPOINT US, the RAKYAT.

    We’ve placed so much high hopes in the Barisan Rakyat, and please don’t do this to hamper our progress now!!!

  144. Mr Lim

    i as ordinary Malaysian who support the federal opposition humbly ask DAP not to boycot the ceremony for the sake’s of federal opposition unity. it were rakyat who voted for federal opposition. not only chinese, indians or malays. dont let rakyat see federal opposition querrel about the mentri besar post. it’s like ‘belum hidupkan enjin kereta, enjin dah rosak’

    mentri besar is just a post. all the decision should be made after consult all the excos.

  145. ARROGANCE is the reason we denied BN this time

    Got it.

    All you work done last 40 years are destroyed with a stroke of pen and your ARROGANCE.

    All the DAP’s young promising YB and ADUN credibilty and professionalismn completely burnt and tainted.

    Bye Bye!!!






  147. Orang tua, jangan degil…. perjalanan masih jauh.
    Orang tua, dengar nasihat orang muda.

    Aku melayu, orang UMNO ajar aku DAP “hell-bent” anti-melayu dan anti-Islam. Demi kemualan terhadap UMNO, MCA dan MIC, aku undi DAP dan minta kawan-kawan aku undi DAP demi menafikan BN.

    Bukan semua undi DAP datang dari Cina & India.
    Bukan semua undi DAP datang dari Non-muslim.

    Tanpa kerusi PAS, DAP dan PKR tidak boleh buat pakatan di Perak. Banyak mana pun kerusi anda, anda masih tidak cukup untuk membina kerajaan majoriti mudah tanpa PAS.

    PAS dan PKR, tanpa DAP, juga mustahil akan dapat menguasai Persekutuan.

    Jika benar tidak mahu bekerjasama dengan PAS, tidak perlu tunggu PAS jadi MB. Kalau sudah benci sangat, jangan buat pakatan langsung. Tidak perlu memerintah. Jadilah pembangkang sampai bila-bila. Mungkin nanti anda akan duduk sebelah menyebelah dengan UMNO di meja pembangkang.

    Selagi DAP tidak mendapat sokongan dari orang Melayu selagi itulah anda kekal sebagai pembangkang. Untuk apa anda berpolitik, sangat membingungkan saya.

    Sila nyatakan dengan jelas :
    1. Adakah DAP anti-melayu?
    2. Adakah DAP anti-islam?
    3. Jika titah Baginda Sultan pun dipungkiri, adakah anda membenci fakta bahawa Sultan itu sendiri mesti Melayu dan Islam?

    Kenapalah perlu memalukan Sultan sampai begini sekali? Anda betul-betul menghiris perasaan orang Melayu…

    Saya fikir orang Cina berpegang kepada janji, saya salah.
    Saya fikir orang Cina beradat dan berbudaya, saya salah.
    Saya fikir orang Cina tahu erti bersatu, saya salah.

    Dari sebelum pilihanraya sampai setelah menang, tak habis-habis bertengkar dalam parti sendiri.

    DAP mengecewakan saya…. Tak ada tempat di Malaysia untuk DAP. Pergi beli pulau sendiri di tengah-tengah pasifik, perintahlah semahunya di sana.

  148. My conspiracy theory on the selection of PAS MB for Perak.
    BN is behind this selection and is influencing the Sultan of Perak.
    If PAS was to defect to BN because cannot work with DAP, what will happen?



  149. Please retract this statement immediately. The consequences of this selfish, childish and extremely irresponsible statement from a DAP Supremo is beyond words descriptions. Do you even realise the grave you’re digging here? The people voted for a Barisan Rakyat, a change in government for the better, a Malaysia Malaysian. In a coalition, we have to give and take. This is the way things work. The last thing we want to see is BR to kill itself due to internal conflicts which will make you guys a mere laughing stock of BN and erode confidence of the rakyat towards YOU not DAP. This clearly is a personal vendetta of yours and certainly does not reflect the sentiments of DAP Perak. DO what is right for your party, BR and most of all the people who ‘once’ believed in you.

  150. Dear Kit,

    My family is in your Ipoh Timur constituency. Please dont mess up!!!
    You can insult all of us that supported you against BN but you definitely cannot insult the Sultan of Perak. Perakians of all races ( i m chinese) is duty bound to oppose DAP for the next GE.
    Make a public apology now and fast. Then retire. You have a capable son to take over. When its time to go, it is time to go.

  151. Uncle Kit, i’m afraid you and ur company already embarrass us all the supporter of DAP. for our trust in you that we will have a bangsa malaysia future, YOU AND DAP let us all down. me and all my chinese friends will look down on DAP forever should you and your company do not walk your talk tomorrow.

    as a chinese i do not agree on this, so as malay and indian i believe.


  152. My humble opinion (oxymoron because humble means no opinion)

    Points are:
    1. The Perak Royalty had in the person Sultan Azlan Shah and his son, Raja Nazrin are two most respected and sensible royalties around.

    2. If the choice of the MB was done by the sultan, due respect must be accorded to him. To stay away from the swearing-in ceremony in front of the sultan would not be a wise idea.

    3. Think long-term, YB Lim.

    Note 1: Election is over, I have done my small part and most likely this would be my last post for quite a while. So all the cyber friends, undergrad, limkamput, godfather, hornbill, toyolbuster, dawsheng, darkhorse, etc read more of your guys’ comments in future. Got to work lah.

    Note 2: Thank you YB Lim for allowing me to post here.

  153. since uncle Kit doesn’t want PAS ADUN to be the MB, may be we should suggest PAS to form the state governent with BN,
    and PKR and PAS also join BN to form state governent in Penang and Selangor, and DAP continues to be the one and only opposition party.

    I totally cannot understand the logic and rationale of uncle Kit’s statement.

  154. Why you all worry so much? Just see what happen tomorrow. No matter what happens, we just hope for the best for all Malaysians. Uncle Kit knows what he is doing. Just that now all of a sudden, they have so much power, they also blur blur sotong liow… So please i pledge to ALL Malaysians, we vote them in, means we trust them. They are only 4 days into their job and you all expecting all to be good. Don’t forget, DAP, PKR and PAS are no saints! They are still human…

    Take it easy first lar…

  155. Simple arithmatic will tell you that it is impossible to have a chinese M.B. B.N has 28 representative in the state legislature , add the six and seven from PAS and PKR and you have an overwhelming Majority of malay representative DUN as compared to the 18 DAP DUNs.So where can DAP has the numerical strength to demand a chinese M.B?

  156. Damn I’m disappointed..please please please DAP fanatics please accept this is the will of the Sultan..don’t talk crap about Malaysia for all Malaysians when you cannot even accept a PAS MB..PAS people are also Malaysians..please shed your old way of more flexible and practice muhibah in making all decisions.

    Do you guys want to syok sendiri for 1 term and then get booted out again for the rest of your lives or do you want to continue ruling Perak and in the future Malaysia in a coalition of parties? If you cannot work with PAS then just hand over the state back to BN, spare us your drama.

    Already you are making people having second thoughts and regrets in voting Barisan Rakyat..just because you compromise for the greater good does not equal to kow-towing like MCA kow-tow to UMNO. Have you all thought about the Malays who voted for DAP and Chinese who voted for PAS? Neither party will be where they are today without the support of the other. So please reconsider and work together..otherwise we are really fu**ed.

  157. Totally agreed with Richard Teo points.

    Tomorrow papers, this will be the headline. Basically it is what the BN and media are waiting for. Perhaps they already completed their attacking bullet about this breaking news days earlier. Telling malaysian ours vote and trust is a waste.

    I never expect DAP so arrogance, never think about people who vote for. Boycott Sultan is not a good move, all malaysian will know and don’t tell me this is the 1st time such thing happen which is from a multi racial party lead by chinese… H.Clinton said..’shame on you’

    A good suggestion is to shift the vote to PKR

  158. Uncle, I am a 40 y old chinese and this is my 1st writing here after read your statement in MsiaKini. This 12th GE, we gave our votes to DAP, PAS and PKR as long as it is not BN. Denied BN 2/3 majority came just by luck as many didn’t expect it.
    If you really want to scr*w things up. I can promise you all my family members will not give any more vote to DAP. You should be wise enough to give Nizar a chance just like we did .

  159. keants Says:

    # alaneth Says:
    I don’t even mind that in the current lineup, the new MB is from BN(UMNO)!
    I just abhor PAS & cannot accept PAS & so are my Perak friends.

    alaneth.. your are the racist in blanket..

    No keants, sorry, he is not. You (and I) disagree with him completely. But try to get it right, if only for a few days after 50 years of indoctrination. alaneth clearly uses no racial terms, he mentioned ‘PAS’.

    Compare to

    mateRealWorld Says:
    […] they are ready to accept a political turn-about and live under a Chinese MB.

    mateRealWorld better took care of his terms. There is no discussion at all about a Chinese to become MB of Perak. The candidate that DAP so haplessly prefers is a Malaysian who goes by the name of Ngeh Koo Ham.

    Think about it. Yesterday I already had to scold dawsheng for racial undertones.

  160. What the hell just happened? I thought you guys have already agreed to respect the decision of the Sultan on the appointment of the MB. To boycott the swearing-in ceremony tentamounts to disrespecting the Sultan!
    This is a very deangerous and immature move from the DAP. How would the Perakians have confidence in a state government who could not even agree on the selection of the MB. Don’t you think this will also affect the working relationship in other opposition state governments, notably Selangor? How would this enhance the already fragile race relations in the country?
    With such a turn of event, I don’t think its implausible if the Selangor Sultan would not consent on the DAP-PKR-PAS government in Selangor.
    Good Bye DAP. I’m voting for anything except DAP in the next election.

  161. LKS,

    As a melayu who voted for DAP I ask you:

    1. After winning are you working for us rakyat or are you more concerned with rank & power like AAB?

    2. Is the DAP going back on it’s word that it will accept the Sultan’s decision?

    3. Did I vote the wrong guy?

  162. Well, I think the selection of Perak MB has not been fair and transparent. With opposition winning the most seats, they should be the MB. However, the Sultan has decided not to his power and dampen the voice of the people. Quite disappointed with the decision. Don’t the people have say in this???

  163. Well, I think the selection of Perak MB has not been fair and transparent. With DAP opposition winning the most seats, they should be the MB. However, the Sultan has decided not to his power and dampen the voice of the people. Quite disappointed with the decision. Don’t the people have say in this???

  164. I’m a Malay and I’m so thankful with election result. As a Malaccan, I showed my support to Betty and Sim (for Dun Kota Laksamana n Parlimen Kota Melaka respectively). Please, please don’t do this Mr Lim, the MB from PAS won’t be able to make decision without the consent of DAP and PKR and vice versa should the DAP or PKR is the MB. It’s a win win situation as the state will have more representatives from DAP. Being the MB doesn’t mean he will have the sole power of decision making, I’m sure Ir Nizar himself know that.. Don’t do it at time like this, all eyes on us now, looking for mistakes, u know the media still haven’t learn their lesson! Please, please, take back the decision.If u ask me it doesn’t matter who’ll become the MB, be it from DAP, PKR or PAS. As long as he can do his job and lead the people, that is all it takes, regardless of race. Let us become one strong group that will be the voice of the people wholly. DEB didn’t work, everybody knew that. Lim Guan Eng’s decision is a wise one, even Hadi Awang said it’s a wise decision as DEB only benefits the cronies and not the people. Come on now, you had the best team and let’s prove it, let set aside racial stuff, let’s work as one strong unit in Perak!!


    WHAT ARE YOU DOING???!!! FFS you guys are already falling apart before you even start!


    Show a united front!

    Stop being so narrow minded, that is EXACTLY what they want you to do, the appointment for a PAS MB was calculated to get the exact reaction from DAP. Don’t fall for it.

    Work it out with your coalition partners, you guys agreed that you would ACCEPT WHOEVER the Sultan chooses, STICK TO IT or you will be just as bad as the bunch of BN shits we just kicked out.


  166. What fighting already before honeymoon is over? I rest my case. The DAP should respect the Regent’s decision. After all you collaborated to ask him to arbiter and to drag him into this issue that was supposed to be resolved between yourselves. Between yourselves you could not even resolve to submit one name – that of the person representing the Opposition party that secured most state seats. So what kind of leverage DAP has in this coalition of Barisan Rakyat or Barisan Alternatif, whatever you call it?

    The Opposition (Barisan Rakyat comprising DAP, PAS & PKR) had campaigned successfully the 2008 general election on the platform that UMNO/BN were wrong to leverage on communal issue of Ketuanan, and that race should not be a factor….

    What we’re seeing now is that race is. That’s reality but it is anomalous because it was DAP/PKR & PAS that told UMNO/BN that it ought not to bve the case!

    Wasn’t it true that it was PAS (supported by Anwar’s PKR) who objected to DAP’s Ngah Khoo Ham being made Mentri Besar (even if DAP won the majority of Perak’s state seats) on technical grounds that under the state constitution, the menteri besar had to be a Malay Muslim? Have PKR and PAS say that they would help amend the state constitution in this regard? I don’t recall.

    In Selangor it seems the state ex co is also in contention. Maybe even the deputy menteri besar post, whether (1) or (2) has to be a Malay Muslim. Have PKR and PAS say that they would help amend the state constitution in this regard? I also don’t recall.

    The results of 2008 general election show all the three Opposition parties did well, which due to DAP’s supporters voting for PKR – and PAS – in straight fight against BN’s candidates, PKR did as well as DAP in terms of winning seats and PAS also did well though not as well as the other two.

    Yet out of the 5 state seats that fell to or continue in Opposition parties’ control, outwardly at least PAS benefits most when its candidates take top MB posts in 3 out of the 5 – Kelantan, Kedah and now Perak, in each case with PKR taking side of PAS (quite reminiscent of 1999 when the Terengganu Government passed the Hudud and Qisas bill which drew much opposition, and eventually prompted the DAP to leave the Barisan Alternatif coalition when PKR refused to back DAP (even though their mutual multiracial agendas are purportedly congruent and similar) and instead stayed on in collaboration with PAS…

    Isn’t it also true that just in the wake of the successes of 2008 general election, PAS leaders (principally president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang) had announced that PAS (with 2/3rd majority) planned to introduce Hudud (Islamic) criminal law in Kedah to become part of the state laws, despite the same move made in Kelantan and Terengganu before had sparked controversy as it ran contrary to the Federal Constitution??? Why is it that we don’t hear either PKR and DAP publicly opposing what Hadi Awang say?

    Is this a sign of things to come that in place of UMNO’s hegemony to which MCA/Gerakan were criticized by DAP to be subservient there, is now evolving, in the incubatory stage, another kind of hegemony – a theocratic hegemony by PAS – to which even the DAP is subservient in consideration of the benefit of “Penang jewel” obtained from the loose tripartite cooperation of DAP, PAS and PKR? But apart from crown jewel of Penang what about Malaysia?

    I have said before the leopard never changes its spot – and I mean PAS truly committed to its theocratic agenda, which as Lee Wang Yen said, it is willing to make temporary concessions, wear a softer face (one recalls that before elections it dared not even mention the forming of Islamic state) before slowly, unveiling the true face when it consolidates positions and power (as it has done so in considerable extent in this 2008 general elections, and hence the daring mention of introducing hudud in Kedah!)

    Come next elections if Opposition parties win more and even dislodges the BN, is there a doubt that PAS will not be doing even better and asserting its will to form the Islamic state in the face of acquiescence of Anwar and PKR, not siding then with DAP on principles (as Anwar and PKR repeatedly had not do so in the past as well) and the helplessness of the DAP (resorting to feeble and ungracious boycott of the swearing-in ceremony for Perak Mentri Besar scheduled tomorrow when the DAP was party to agree to the Regent’s determination?????)

    My stand is that there is wisdom in the MB’s position being given to a Malay because that is in the state constitution, because DAP still has the majority in the State executive council but most important Non Malays should behave themselves : just because you ‘win’ the elections – and with considerable help from Malays – is no excuse to step on Malay community’s sensitivities, custom and usage and institutions like Mentri Besar position based on race – these things will take time to evolve and change, coming from Malays themselves. In Penang, you can operate on merits on appointments but no reason to immediately broadcast that you wanted to do away with the NEP to make some Malay supporters wary of you and your detractors on the other side to whip on sentiments against you….

    That there is wisdom (unity of all races in Parak inclusive of Malaysian Malays identification with Opposition’s cause) in having a Malay as the MB according to existing constitution (until such is changed) is but one issue quite separate from the other in which you don’t seem to have the support of PAS, backed constantly by PKR on any major issue – and my concern is if the other two can unite against the DAP on the MB issue, wouldn’t they do so onbn the Islamic state issue later on when and if they could dislodge BN from seat of power??? You’re slowly becoming to PAS/PKR what MCA is to UMNO in both instances used – and your supporters used as well. When are we going to realise that we are always taken for a ride? :)

  167. LKS, I am really DISAPPOINTED that you made your opposition statement publicly, our wish is to make malaysian malaysian, BA is on the RIGHT track but now you break it, I am considering to MOVE MY VOTE AWAY FROM DAP in next general election …

  168. It is a coalition government. I think we must respect our Sultan’s approval. YB, you should opposed when 3 names submitted to Sultan for selction, not after selection was made. Sorry YB, I don’t agree with you. BN is waiting for a chance to retain the state if anything collapse between DAP, PKR and PAS. Please don’t boycott the ceremony.

  169. Dear Lim Kit Siang,
    I am disappointed with you. You must look at the big picture here. DAP did not win this election alone, but with DAP-PKR-PAS. If you have your any disagrement with PAS, work it out internally. I do not see any issue with PAS ADUN appointed as MB.
    Make me believe that DAP is changing the face of Malaysia politics.

  170. “The Malays opt a moderate stance and vote for you, but that doesn’t mean they are ready to accept a political turn-about and live under a Chinese MB. Malaysia has yet to reach that level of open-mindedness” or maturity…
    have to agree with mateRealWorld says

    it was a surprise jolt for DAP to have won many seats. but there should be give and take. the bumis at the moment are not very comfortable havin a non-bumi as their MP. they need time to digest! it’s just a beginning. give them more time to have trust…

    time will tell, as long as DAP, PKR and PAS are willing to work together as a team. do not kill malaysian malaysia… people will lose faith on DAP…

    at times, i do feel that BN UMNO have got somethin to do with it. or just maybe, the majesty want to see the reaction from this so call barisan alternatives if he were to choose the lowest winner. can they work together as one???

    please be there… for malaysian malaysia!

  171. please do not it screw up…. please please… it took us 50 years to reach where we are today… to actually denied BN 2/3 majority with 3 major races coming together…

    ATTEND the swearing ceremony tomorrow… OK!

  172. Saudra Lim,

    We are disappointed. We are no more the opposition. Please remove this 40 year old mentality.

    A decision (and stand) must have been made before meeting the The Sultan, not now. Go along and support it. You can change it in one or two years time – if absolutely necessary. Proof PAS is not good enough. Innocent before proven guilty – Simple democracy and co-operation.

    Are we going (backwards) again in the style of Barisan National – good riddance, Is this what we all worked for?.

  173. Very disappointing, Mr Lim.
    Look at the bigger picture.
    Your Perak chairman said DAP will respect the Sultan/Regent’s decision.
    If your chairman was not authorised to decide, disciplie him!! Why have him as the chairman in the first place then.
    The BN is going to have a field day.
    The Sultan/Regent will not trust the word of any DAP leader in the future – is this what you want?
    Can the Rakyat trust the DAP?
    Much effort has gone into arriving the position the opposition parties have today.
    Please bear in mind the BIGGER PICTURE and let us move forward.

  174. Luckily mine was racial undertones. :) You mention any Chinese, Malay or Indian, you are a racist. A word can be wrong, a sentence could be worst, an article can be a disaster, a statement Uncle Kit’s just released, can explode!

  175. Dear YB,

    I am not sure what happened behind the scenes but the unilateral release of such disagreement within a week of mandate is regrettable. We expected more from the opposition. KEY IMMEDIATE ACTIONS required:

    A JOINT STATEMENT ON THE MATTER WITHIN 24 HRS. We are losing confidence of the opposition by the second.

    ATTEND THE SWEARING IN CEREMONY. I think there is nothing wrong with PAS being the MB, given there are DMBs. However, PAS MUST CONCEDE to a rep in Kedah. I do hope DAP have PAS exco reps in the Penang council.

    MANAGE YOUR PRESS STATEMENTS AMONGST OPPOSITION over the coming weeks. If you have been following the mainstream media, they have been spinning all you opposition in very negative light post election, and you all are giving them every oppty to do so. Pls dont be like BN where everyone is conflicting each other in press statements.

    MANAGE YOUR OPPOSITION INTERNAL CONFLICTS INTERNALLY. We are in fragile times, BN are not stupid, this can be easily used as an opportunity to regain popularity.

  176. i voted for nga kor ming in pantai remis state seat.
    i voted for ngeh koh ham for the beruas parliamentary seat. and btw, i’m a malay. all this while my vote has always go to BN.
    lim kit siang, i wud seriously give a second thought on the next election if u continue to act like this. we need a strong opposition.
    not a strange opposition…..

  177. SDR Lim

    As an Indian who thinks God has answered our prayers, let me give you my views.

    Let goodwill prevail and prove to the racist BN Govt that you are willing to walk the talk. PAS of ten years ago and PAS of today is very different. I personally know of 100s of Indians and Chinese who campaigned and voted for PAS. We need internal strength to face the greater evil called BN.

    Please look at the bigger picture and call off the boycott. Let PAS have the CMship, if indeed it is the best choice – at least from HRH the Sultan’s POV. With just minimal participation, PAS cannot do anything much against your collective wish.

    In fact, I believe enough damage has been done by this call and the main media is going to have a field day tomorrow.

    Most importantly, you need to give a reassurance to the general Malay populace that they are not losing anything by putting in the opposition in control of the government. Just imagine yourself in thier shoes, and I am sure you will understand thier feelings of insecurity during this evolving times. Do not – under any circumstances – allow the evil BN regime to get any excuse to sabotage the BR.

    I am beginning to get tremors when I see the sleepy PM making racist remarks against the new Penang government. Please go slow on any reforms. Make them digestible. We need the support of the Malays as much as the Chinese and Indians.

    Please do not do anything that will compromise on what we have won so far.

    Please RECONSIDER your decision to boycott and instead extend your full support of the PAS CM.

    God bless!

  178. Dear YB.LKS, please withdraw your unmatured statement and let the DAP candidates to attend the ceremony. First of all you have no bloody respect for the States Sultan, how come you can be leader, luckly you not the PM of this country, so arrogant and egoistic. From my perception you are not fit to be member of parliment and the public too not need a outdated person as a MP.
    It’s time for you to keep your bloody mouth shut and keep quite.
    Futhermore you have no right to comment about the appointment of the Perak MB because you are onl;y a member of parliment. So, stay away from this issue.
    I’m a Perakian

  179. i felt a bit disapointed on this decission , guess is not wise to do this to boycot the swearing in ceremony ! you hv submitted the list , and is up to Sultan to decide,,, now u said boycot ??? you shud hv not to submit the name at fisrt place…. look really ugly >>>
    this is not the true spirit of Barisan Rakyat ,,, please , give them a try… by the way , we got D CM….
    I vote for DAP in PRU12….

  180. Dear YB.LKS, please withdraw your unmatured statement and let the DAP candidates to attend the ceremony. First of all you have no bloody respect for the States Sultan, how come you can be leader, luckly you not the PM of this country, so arrogant and egoistic. From my perception you are not fit to be member of parliment and the public too not need an outdated person as a MP.
    It’s time for you to keep your bloody mouth shut and keep quite.
    Futhermore you have no right to comment about the appointment of the Perak MB because you are onl;y a member of parliment. So, stay away from this issue.
    I’m a Perakian

  181. The Sultan gave the MB post to PAS. Why? Many think it only fair to have a MB from DAP or PKR since they’ve more seats than PAS. Might be, the Sultan stands by the constitution to only have a Malay Muslim MB. Then why not from PKR? Maybe nobody in PKR is qualified? Maybe some other reason that evades me.

    Anyway, the final conclusion from me is why the Sultan is stepping in now when the BA is in power? Why never such a thing when BN is in power? Are we missing something here? Something’s wrong with the picture?????

  182. I know it be very painful for DAP to face the ppl in perak; but let’s really prove that DAP can work PKR & PAS; forget about who get the CM post; think long term…. our future is in your hand…

    again, please DO NOT boycott the ceremony!

  183. am really sad that this happens.

    BTW Kit Siang you are elected by u and u are not the last person to approve, the flow is like this..
    We vote, you get elected, u decide who to submit as MB candidate (at this point you should agree who ever chosen, these candidates should be agreed upon by the incoming state govt component parties), then and only then the Sultan or Regent selects. And what he selects should be final.
    If you boycott, would it not be seen as a rebeling subject of the state!!!

    You are a joke, did you not thought of the repercussion when you click sent on this press release?

    Did you think at all when you sent this statement to the press!!

    Think now is too late.
    Thought it was a change for better, even when the stock market fell 10% I wasn’t upset, even though I lost more money, thought in the longer term is better for our children. Perhaps not now.

    Do remember one of the main reason BR was voted in wasn’t because we like/love BR it is because we thought we need change from BN. Those who voted for BR was because they hated BN.

    BN will have a field day for the next few days or even 5 years.

    BR u better work not doubly hard now perhaps three times.

    Lim Kit Siang just made BR’s vision as the next govt much more challenging

    Really SAD

  184. Sir,

    Your man, Ngeh, came out on TV agreeing to accept the decision by the Regent. Surely this was with your agreement!
    So what are you trying to do?
    Remember that a lot of Malays and Indians also voted for DAP this time.
    Please turn up for the swearing-in. Certainly Ngeh should.

    Don’t be a j a c k a s s.

    Thank you.

  185. Remember where we are now…

    Im Malay and denied BN badge during last PRU and support the winning opposition namely DAP at my area. Theres no racial issues and PAS giving full support eventhough without their candidate.

    Denying Sultans decision is unacceptable.Don’t start a flame as people are watching, please respect AND DONT BOYCOTT the ceremony.

  186. Dear Uncle Kit,
    Please attend, as earlier agreed to abide by the Sultan’s decision. It will be a laughing ass esp from BN’s group! I know you are not happy about the decision, same for us too! Please don’t behave like young school boys. After all, Your birthday wish already granted!
    To all the Perakians, if you are not happy can always consider move to Penang!

  187. Come on Unc Lim, be a sport….. It is the Sultan’s perogative to appoint the MB and I reckon he has given much thought on the appointment of PAS’s representative. He has also been gracious enough to create 2 deputy MB positions to serve the community..(a multi-racial) pack. Your call for all DAP reps to boycott tomorrow’s swearing in ceremony is indeed very NAIVE!! Don’t behave like the (BN sour grapes) who have boycotted YAB Lim Guan Eng’s ceremony yesterday.

    The people have voted the opposition for a reason….they want to see CHANGE….’integrity, transparency, unity’ are few of the virtues that people long to see in the new government. So, please live up to DAP party’s promises.

    So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE attend tomorrow’s swearing ceremony, hey PAS reps attended your sons’ ceremony didnt’ they? So, come on….. be humble and act wisely.

    All eyes are on the new coalition now… your action counts!!

  188. Dear Mr Lim

    I’m a malay and staying in Bercham Ipoh. For 12th GE my family decided to vote for DAP….Last GE we voted for BN…We decided to vote for DAP because we already fed-up with BN… & we believe new collaboration between PKR DAP PAS will make a big change to our political scene. BUT after read your statement I am very sad..sad sad.

    Honestly I do prefer the candidates either from PKR or DAP to be the new MB for Perak. BUT I respect decision made by Istana. For me who ever been chosen it does not matter..the most important no more BN rules this state.

    MR LIM
    I know you very well since 80’s . I know your political style. Remember this day your old styles are no more valid. If you still sustain your old style …I strongly believe…the next GE you will not be able to see what you have see now…

    Mr Lim
    Remember…this situation will make our “enemy” laughing. and definately they will take for granted. So who will loose…DAP? PAS? PKR?…The big loser will be “the rakyat”. Mr LIM don’t be selfish and childish…You said the BN goverment so arrogant…but I don’t see any diffrences between you and BN.

    Mr LIM
    I’m proud to be a “new malaysian” . PLS don’t spoilt it…

  189. Uncle Kit,

    On 8th March, 2008, there was a tsunami swing of votes towards a United Opposition. People were willing to vote against BN for their excesses and arrogance, they did not care which opposition party.
    The votes were cast across racial lines, for whatever agenda each voter had.

    Now you are going to lead a no-show, effectively thumbing your nose at the Sultan of Perak’s choice, when your Perak DAP leader was reported to say that DAP did not mind who was chosen to be the new MB.

    I think it is not going to look good for you and the party. Think of a better way to express dissatisfaction. The media will play it up and BN will gloat over this. Uncle Kit, think hard of another way of handling this. The journey has just started -> you have to try to explain to your people the situation. I know it is difficult. A no-show at the swearing-in is not the best DAP performance you can put up. Think…think…hard.

  190. The DAP’s decision to boycott the swearing in of the PAS MB is not a racial one. Please do not find racial statements where none is made. To appoint a PAS MB in a multi-religious state like Perak is a slap in the face for many. People should stop saying that they are ashamed to face their Malay friends like one poster above. NOTICE FOR PEOPLE WHO CANNOT READ WELL! THE DAP NEVER REJECTED A MALAY MB! HELLO?!! IT HAS NEVER REJECTED A MALAY MB!

  191. Sir,

    I think you just proved one thing. You guys politician, were all just the same… the BN, and even the BA, you urged us to vote say that its the interest of rakyat, but its seem its just for your personal interest. So i here by relinquish my right to vote.

    Called me un-Malaysian if you may, but i just tired to be your pawns.


  192. If DAP doesn’t agree rep from PAS to be MB, then his name should not been submitted to the Regent. Now DAP wants to object after the MB has been chosen from the 3 names. I think it is too late.

    You risk to destroy all the goodwill that DAP has just won! Don’t do it. The Rakyat doesn’t want to see UMNO’s style bully practiced by DAP.

  193. I think the win in Perak caught DAP by surprise. They are only ready as a opposition party bcos everyone know that in Perak only a muslim can be a MB.
    But by winning 18 seats ,suddenly it is possible to have a non chinese MB!!!.
    Uncle Lim , your target is to deny 2/3 majority for BN in DUN or Parliament, you already surpassed the target. Let’s work together with PAS-PKR and wait for another 4 years and win 2/3 majority seats in the next election and change the constituition to have a non muslim MB!!!!

  194. come on laa uncle Lim. Perak doesn’t belong to u, DAP, PAS or PKR. It belongs to Perakian ppl!!! Stop being childish n racist!!! I think what u need now is a holiday.

    By the way, if u don’t know, Sultan Perak is one of the most respected person in Malaysian history. If u ever try to dishonour him, u’ll dishonour most of Malaysians. Keep that in mind!!

  195. dear uncle kit,
    you are a wise man.
    please think again before boycotting tomorrow’s swearing in ceremony.
    we have come a long way. please do not disappoint the rakyat.
    attend it with an open heart. accept it. work together with the new MB.
    remember, in order to just change it, we have to change first.

  196. shame ! shame !!! why fight for the CM posted ??? all politic = power ??? people can vote u this time , people oso can kick u out next time !!! same for PAS CM , if he is not performing , we shall kick his ass out !! and impeach him…… through not confident vote to him….
    why do this to boycot ?#$^^$@~!%&*(((((

  197. Be it DAP or PAS or PKR or even ABC, CDE, EFG ….the truth is that… we are all malaysian… as a whole to fight for welfare, to develop all the states…. and start to serve the people here…..
    since u are the leaders as appointed please show the a open minded leadership …

    i think the supporters coming from different ages… the change of this drastical GE results were from the youngster who has started to open their minds to accept malaysia as only 1 bangsa that is Malaysian… but the old generation may still shadow with old mentality…

    anyway…. if this persists………. BN will laugthing ….

    may be just combine PKR/PAS/DAP to form a new Parti ….. and name it as Parti Malaysia Baru and all members are satu bangsa Malaysian…………… which coming from single race called Malaysian.. and i still believe new race call Malaysian…..

  198. Top Stories in the STAR now:
    DAP to boycott Perak MB swearing-inLatest News
    The DAP central executive committee (CEC) has voiced its unhappiness over the appointment of Perak PAS secretary Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin as Mentri Besar of Perak.

    Tomorrow it will be their headline and UMNO/BN will be laughing and gain votes from BA!! You want this to happen Kit??!!

  199. The DAP Perak only 3 days already mabuk of power,1 week before election Poh Kuan case.Regret donate to DAP 200 bucks.Very disrespectful of the Sultan.I ‘m a Chinese what wrong with a PAS MB.Opposition controls Perak is already a bonus what more do you want? What different is it now with DAP and BN now care only for themselves and not the people.Advice your goons in Perak to walk the talk on who ever appointed by the Sultan will abided and it is in every news media.You have gone so far and DAP is resposible if the Barisan Rakyat crumbles where our hope of CHANGE crashes.You create the word CHANGE and you screw it.

  200. I have great respect for Uncle Lim but this time, regretfully, I have to say, “NO” to him.

    It is clear that for too long in the Opposition bench has made LKS miss the forest for the trees. The appointment of MB is the sole prerogative of the Sultan. By boycotting the swearing ceremony, what are you telling us the voters. Does that not show a great disrespect for the Sultan or Regent?

    You want the apple and yet you want to eat it. If that is so, then let BN form the Perak government and DAP can remain forever as an Opposition.

    Granted, that you wanted to show the DAP members of your bravado stand and played it to the gallery that you have stopped the encroachment of PAS. It is better to work with the devil you know that the devil (UMNO) that you don’t know.

    Your actions show that you are more of a unionist than a stateman. Politics is an art of the impossible and you are nothing more than an oppositionist. Please start to behave like a ruler than an oppositionist. Maybe you enjoy to be the Parliamentary Opposition Leader, a post now taken over by PKR.

    Lose a battle and win the war. The war is not with PAS BUT with UMNO. Get your priorities right. A PAS MB will be just a figurehead as the power behind the MB throne is DAP. Get as many EXCO positions and control the State Cabinet.

    Better be the kingmaker than be the king.




  202. LKS,
    you are being STUPID for instructing your Perak assemblymen not to attend swearing in tomorrow. Why put up your posting blog at this time, you are being dishonest. I voted DAP and asked my friends to vote for you. Your own enemy is not BN or UMNO BUT you including your CEC. You deserve to lose big in the next GE and I believe you are ARROGANT BASTARD

  203. I am a True Blue Perakian. I know they are many many of us Perakians who are concerned with PAS for what they use to stand for. Forgive us but honestly we are very afraid of the green tide. Why should there be any surprise? Remember DAP did not work with PAS before 8th March 08. How do you expect DAP and PAS to suddenly start kissing and hugging overnight. It certainly takes time right? If it does, wouldn’t DAP be seen as hyprocrites too. Cakap tak serupa bikin? How are they going to answer to those of us who voted for DAP and do you think people would wholeheartedly support DAP in future?

    First, PAS has to prove it has no motive to exert its agenda and project its progressive and professional image. All this coorperation takes time. No doubt, we need to be sensitive to other side but is ANYONE sensitive to DAP on this? If we are colour blind, why not give the MB to the party that wins about 3X more seats than the next guy?Furthermore, we know DAP would definitely be more than fair to the others? Who can’t ANYONE be sensitive to what DAP is facing by giving the post to PKR (remember not DAP!) Still a Malay right?

    Anyway, all have been decided and I am sure all DAP and all the parties would work together to make Perak the most progressive coalition government in Malaysia. However, please be sensitive to DAP and all Perakians who have difficulty in accepting this decision, just like you have been sensitive to all the other parties. I am sure we would move forward with Barisan Rakyak with each party proving they have no hidden agendas but only the PEOPLE from ALL RACES at heart. Bravo!


    WHAT ARE YOU DOING???!!! F F S you guys are already falling apart before you even start!


    We voted you guys in NOT to see this kind of immature egoistic selfish sulking drama bs.

    Work it out with your coalition partners, DON’T INSULT the Sultan. Don’t insult the voters.

    You guys AGREED that you would ACCEPT WHOEVER the Sultan chooses, WALK THE TALK and STICK TO IT or you will be just as bad as the bunch of BN s h i t s we just kicked out.


  205. To mycroft,

    I feel ashamed facing my Malay friend because we, together with many Barisan Rakyat supporters including Harris Ibrahim and Raja Petra Kamarudin untireless promoting DAP as a multi racial party irrespection of race and religion.

    You said “To appoint a PAS MB in a multi-religious state like Perak is a slap in the face for many. …” What is the problem here?

    ARROGANT isn’t it?

  206. can anyone stab vincent to death? what kind of comment is that?
    there must be a reason why such a wise sultan make a decision like this… what will be the factor, could it be the feeling of malay in perak? could it be the quality he saw in Mohamad Nizar Jamaludin?

    …or could it be a TEST for barisan rakyat?

    if the 3rd one is the answer the barisan rakyat is screwed by now!!!
    even your attendance at the ceremony tomorrow will not save barisan rakyat…

    next time THINK before you act, Uncle Kit, or should i call you YB…

  207. If the 6 PAS rep cross to BN, what DAP & PKR will be? Opposition.
    Hey, I thought all idiots are with BN. Are we thinking with our brain or what? Use common sense. Whatever DAP thinks, DAP must understand that DAP have won all the Chinese majority seats. The rest are Malays(split between BN,PKR and PAS). We want to be in Government only this term? And lose forever after? Give your respect to HRH Sultan of Perak. The constitution says only a Malay can become MB. Only PAS has majority Malays. PKR although more seats than PAS but less Malays. DAP should understand that with current simple majority we can’t even amend any rules. Period. Don’t be arrogant-the same thing that BN did.Understand the scenario? Sudah beri betis, lagi mahu peha kah?

  208. Sir,

    I think you just proved one thing. You guys politician, were all just the same, the BN, and even the BA… Say one thing, and change it the minute after … you urged us to vote say that its the interest of rakyat, but its seem its just for your personal interest. So i here by relinquish my right to vote.

    Called me un-Malaysian if you may, but i just refused to be your pawns. Not anymore.


  209. I do not understand the reason behind the boycott of the ceremony, as I gathered from the news that the three parties agreed to leave the selection to the royal and once a decision is made, everybody should support it. Secondly, we dislike BN and MCA because they craved for position and not the benefit of the people. Now, it seems that you behave like one of them. It is utterly disappointing to hear that. I personally believe that once this PAS CM take his office, he will also learn to listen to all parties, including DAP. Thirdly, I think, Ngeh may not have the experience at this stage to take the position of CM as he is too young in politics. He will have to cope with too many problems if he was the CM of Perak. Thus, I suggest that DAP should attend the ceremony with gratitude and understanding that serving the people is more important than who should be the CM. Afterall, there are some principles being agreed by the three parties, isn’t it?
    A DAP supporter

  210. haha hahaha hahaha bravo lim kit siang
    the key words are power sharing or is it power hungry for you
    go talk to your son or ronny
    these are the faces of malaysian politics today
    come PRU13 and you boycott the swearing in tomorrow we in the cyber world will make sure you’re voted out
    “malaysian malaysia?” read the law books
    don’t be so damn ignorant
    the sultan is testing the fragile co-operation between dap-pkr-pas and mind you he’s one of the smartest sitting in the majlis raja-raja
    are you that naive??????????????

  211. Mycroft I agree with you. DAP’s rejection was not based on race but the mere fact that PAS won the least seats between the three parties.

    However, i suspect there are two reasons behind this:

    1) DAP believes majority of Chinese in Perak did not cast their vote for a PAS govt, worried for a backlash. I guess the answer is in all the above comments. Overriding majority seem ready to be BANGSA MALAYSIA.

    2) PAS’ exclusion of DAP rep in the Kedah exco council which I feel amust be corrected in return for DAP accepting the Perak PAS MB. DAP, i reiterate, must get their representation in Kedah.

    PLS MAKE AN OPPOSITION JOINT STATEMENT TONIGHT. Mainstream papers will be spinning this story and can lead to unnecessary unrest, mainstream still has greater reach to masses.

    PLS APOLOGISE TO THE SULTAN as part of your remedy to this problem.

  212. shame !! shame !! at very begining , u shud not hv submitted the potential name !!! now u act the other way,,,, and not given respect to the decission maker >>.the Sultan… whatever decission been made by his majesty … is up to HIM … this is the game , no one shud complaint ,,, else , pls do not participate at first

  213. Why is it everybody fails to see the back scene at the Perak and Selangor stage. Why can’t everyone sees that there are some force behind pulling the string. What I meant is that there is a possibility that the Sultans especially the Selangor Sultan have been instigated by the UMNOs. Now an even more headache scene is at the Selangor state. The Selangor sultan refused to have a non-malay as a deputy menteri besar. My view is that it is better that YB LIM accepts the Perak Sultan’s appointment. This is because there are only two choice for the non-malays in this country. Either we fight for the end of the discriminatory NEP policy and live with PAS as the Perak mentri besar or reject PAS as menti besar and live with the discriminatory NEP policy. For me , I will chose the first. This is bcos I believe PAS can later on have a more moderate stand after governing a mixed race state like Perak. Further more, PAS and PKR agrees to end the NEP and this itself will put pressure on UMNOs to end the discriminatory NEP or at least modify it. So pls , LKS do conisder my view and dont rock the boat of BARISAN RAKYAT.

  214. Dear LKS,

    make another announcement now to say that the CEC have deliberated and respect the Sultan’s decision, then the MSM will have to retract everything they will have printed for tomorrow’s papers!

  215. Only a nincompoop (a stupid and foolish person) would say “Decide on one nominee and let the Regent decide” and “If the Regent declines to give his consent, then the names of other nominees should then be submitted.”

    The Regent acts on advice and cannot but give his royal consent to the appointment. The person whose name is submitted will be the MB.

    Submitting more than one name and then leaving it to the discretion of the Regent is without precedent in the constitutional history of any of the Malay states and not just the state of Perak.

    Boycotting the swearing-in ceremony would be in contempt of the Royal throne of Perak. If this is any indication of things to come, no one can blame the people if they lose confidence in the ability of the coalition to govern.

  216. Do we really have to go thru’ all this. It’s obvious that the people voted not on race on religious lines. It is a shame the way things are unfolding…. the MB is just a post … the majority of the state EXCO will come from DAP right!!! Don’t quarrel over this as this could be your only chance to show Malaysians that there is really an alternative to the BN. Remember you just wanted to deny the BN their 2/3 majority !!! Anything more than this was really a bonus. Work together … find common ground and grow strong together.

  217. Since Sunday, 3 days ago, you knew through the papers and the internet, that your Perak branch had agreed with the other two parties to accept the Regent’s choice on the appointment of the new MB.

    Yet you and your CEC remained QUIET. Now that the MB selected is not to your liking, you raise hell. What the F..k!!!

    Do you fellows have any HONOUR? On the one hand you say you respect the Regent, praise him, now you INSULT him by not honouring your words.

    Come on man, Mr Lim, accept it. But ask for the 2 Deputy MB’s posts. Give PKR the Speaker’s post or other high government position.

    BUT don’t ever lose your dignity or respect by creating all this hulabaloo. We are watching you.

    And don’t forget, you are a has-been now. Anwar has taken center-stage and has accepted all the accolades for the Opposition’s success. He will take over Parliament with his 31 MPs plus PAS’s 23 MPs. Next elections, he’s going to take over all your seats as well. Who is going to stop him?

    Face the facts and realities. You are important no more. So concentrate on keeping what you still have.

  218. Why reject when earlier they say will accept any candidate endorsed by the Sultan? This is hippocratical. Please remove the opposition mentality that DAP has been carrying so long. You are now part of the state govt. Please act and behave like a responsible party. SERVE the people.

  219. Personally, I have no objection to have a PAS MB. But if we look at the bigger picture, DAP may lose support from the Chinese in the next GE if they were to accept this. On the other hand, a lot of Malays may be uncomfortable if DAP pushes on to be the MB, so DAP will lose support as well.

    Not everyone is as open minded as people on the Internet who has exposure to the world and object race-based politics. Nevertheless, I’ve a strong feeling that most of the states will return to BN in the next GE. I’d rather build confidence in the people than to tussle over the MB position.

  220. Uncle Lim,I beg you please do not destroy what have been achieved so outstandingly recently by the three component parties.
    Please respect His Royal Highness wise decision and judgement.My family and I have voted for the rocket during the recent election.
    Please ,please……..I beg you again…. to reconsider your decision for Bangsa Malaysia sake!!!!!!!!!!!.

  221. After Uncle Kit has done so much for Malaysians, he should know what is best for all of us. I find it unfair to call him arrogant and some even hurling insults, threats to him and DAP. Do you think Abdullah and UMNO, MCA and Ong Ka Ting, Koh Tsu Kun and Gerakan will create a blog for you to give your input? Dream on! Please cherish the purpose of this blog.


  223. Come on Uncle Lim

    Saya dan keluarga berkempen berhabis habisan untuk DAP menang. Tolonglah ketepikan ego atau ideologi tu. Tunjukkan BA boleh memerintah tak kira la DAP, PKR atau PAS.

    Kalau macam ni 5 tahun lagi orang lama macam Uncle ni kami nak tunjukkan jalan keluar seperti Zam dan Samy.

    Blogger semua please pressure them to listen to us (rakyat). Kekadang orang lama ni degil nak ikut idea dia aje.

    Untuk rakyat semua please jangan boikot. BN ketawa besar nanti. Baru nak bersukahati BA ni nak sedih pulak.


  224. hello uncle lim kia su, what is wrong with u????
    what r u trying to do? split the people up by race and start another May 13?

    earlier press statement from DAP, we will accept whoever the sultan choose, which he did and now u r trying to wage a war with a highly respected Sultan ?

    come on man, u still hold the majority in this newly form coalition goverment and u got nothing to lose. by gracefully accepting the decree from the sultan DAP will be showing that it is truly a MALAYSIAN for MALAYSIAN party without looking at the race or religion.

    btw i am from Johor and my whole family voted for Dr. Boo Cheng Hau and Dr. Zaleha(PKR) because we trust the DAP-PKR-PAS to form a better goverment than BN

  225. Well……i guess agreeing who and whom and which party the MB is suppose to come from is and will not be a big problem at all.Am sure the coalition will come to terms.After all if the Sultan or the Regent have chosen…am sure the choice made were best for all and most of all the entire state.

    The big problem starts when BN lost badly…they will “REINVENT ITSELF” and i am very sure of that.You see…..every failure comes success.
    Lets make a comparison between Opposition parties and BN.
    Opposition fought like hell decade after decade as opposition and they have created a bench mark for themself.Their failures to capture any states (let us all exclude Kelantan to make the explaining easier) or even form any government since the beginning of time have made the opposition parties a “GOAL”.And unfortunately their goal is to deny 2/3 etc.And now GE12….they eventually achieved its goal and made even better achievement by capturing a few states.So the main aim and goal for the opposition have been achieved.And they will remain as it is in which it will comprise of the few parties namely DAP,PKR AND PAS.So….the three parties will remain the same if they do not increase its benchmark which is ultimately “COMBINING INTO A SINGLE PARTY”.

    As for BN………..they were the government for almost all states as well as the entire nation.But 12GE cost them dearly.They divide and rule for so long and finally they lost badly.When that happens…don’t you guys think BN benchmark and their goals have change entirely? My opinion….BN will seriously or in the process of upgrading its benchmark and they the BN will eventually merge and form a single party system.
    Look if this were to happen…..the only loser at the end will be the current opposition parties in the mid and long term.Like i said earlier…every failure will turn into a success and if the opposition can’t catch up with the BN sometime in the near future then the opposition future will spell doom if nothing are done to transform into a single party system.

  226. Dear bloggers…, we have been throwing all our words from deep heart…….Have all the message being convey ? Is there any of those who today becoming MP/ADUN/etc…..getting our message?
    Have they forgotten what they are fighting for before 8-Mar?

  227. What do you think you are doing?

    People from all races vote for DAP not because DAP is great but because BN is rotten. BN can now glee happily and tell us ‘I TOLD YOU SO!’ You have now effectively allow BN to switch position with you by publicly announcing your tantrums. Remember, you are suppose to be fighting for us, put away your differences, suck up when required for the better of the people not your party.

    Think it this way, the more you show yourself to be the magnanimous one, the more support you are going to get in the long run.

    You are giving this yound adult here a heart attack!

  228. Why does it matter if a PAS representative become the CM? Is he not Malaysian? His blood colour is green? Is he a racist? I do not follow the political scene in Malaysia, or of anywhere in the world for that matter. I do not know who this PAS rep is, nor do I know about you Mr. Lim; I am not even a Perakian, hell I am not even in Malaysia.

    But does it matter? Does it matter if it’s PAS, PKR or DAP being selected as the CM? After all we are all Malaysians. We want to change the racial segregation built up over such a long period of time, yet we’re making a fuss and being skeptical over such a minor thing? I care not if it’s a Chinese, Malay, Indian or rep of any other bloodlines to be my CM. As long as equality is practiced and my rights as a Malaysian are held up, that is all it takes. I am ashamed to have to use the term Chinese, Malay, Indian in this comment. For me in Malaysia those terms are all obsolete. If you’re a true Malaysia they are all obsolete. DAP, PAS or PKR they are all obsolete and irrelevant terms. Remember that you are ONE. I have the heart of a Chinese, complexity of an Indian and look of a Malay. What party and race does that make me? I regret to see that my BC registers me as Malay, because I am not. And so are you. So should you.

    I dearly hope that this entry is just a knee-jerk reaction resulting from the exhaustive past several days, and is not written in your best state judgment and perception. Please – fly up high and look below on the ground. You will see that it is all one and there is no differences.

    There is no reason to be worried about having to move to Penang; or having to be a second class citizen at all. At this crucial moment pessimism is the last thing on Earth that we need. This is the testbed to prove your ability to the eyes of the observers. This is your make or break for 2012 GE. Have a little faith, will ya ;).

    Best of wishes from New Zealand and congratulation on your dearest birthday present.

  229. Kit Siang, you are a making a mistake. For a start, please respect the Sultan’s decision. If there was never any intention to accept PAS as MB, then why nominate him in the first place. I am a Chinese, I voted DAP. Please dont mess things up. We have come too far for this. Your opposition coalition is not just about the Chinese, but also about our Malay and Indian friends, regardless of idealogy.

  230. ha ha ha ha
    lim kit siang…look at you
    the key words today are power sharing….not power hungry
    you guys mention that there is no representation for dap in kedah…how about pas in penang?
    please work something out
    the sultan is smart enough to test the fragile co-operation between pas-pkr-dap
    don’t be so naive
    talk to your son or ronny
    you boycott the swearing in tomorrow we will boycott you in the 13th GE

  231. To all Perak DAP Leaders,

    Kindly attend the swearing-in ceremony.

    As mentioned above, I am from Perak,
    and I think this announcement really
    shows no respect to Sultan Perak’s decision.

    I don’t mind to have a Perak MB who is
    from PAS.

    Please don’t bring any political-power fighting
    to the swearing-in ceremoney.

    It is, again, the final decision by Sultan Perak.
    Kindly RESPECT that.

    Thank you.

  232. I know it be very painful for DAP to face the ppl in perak; but let’s really prove that DAP can work with PKR & PAS; forget about who get the CM post; think long term…. our future is in your hand…

    Please DO NOT boycott the ceremony!!!!!

  233. Uncle Lim,

    I strongly believe that Sultan of Perak and the Regent have picked the best option from all possibilities. Both members of the royal family are quite open-minded and fair in most of issues. The fact that DAP and Indian community will get the deputy MB posts shows all is not lost. This is actually a history. DAP will get most of exco members and should take the important portfolio like finance and education. Believe me, if DAP and other partners can really show the success of coalition in Penang and Perak’s models for the next 4-5 years with most of promises fulfilled, the future is bright for DAP and I even predict DAP and the alternative coalition to grab Negeri Sembilan, Perlis, Terangganu, Melaka, and possibly Johor, and rule the Federal Government. Why not!

    Pls show the very good side of DAP – cooperative, compromise and respect, and ask your DAP Perak Assemblyman to attend the swearing in ceremony. Think about the FUTURE! Don’t give any chance to BN to whack DAP.

  234. Well, who knows the heart of the people? Who knows the mind of the king? As the decision is made by the royal, it should be answerable as far as DAP is concerned. We should take the decision and move forward. DAP need to understand that working together is the true spirit of Malaysia’s Malaysian. Otherwise, we are not proving to the people that we are mature enough to handle the leadership problem. DAP should attend the ceremony, or else people of Perak will be disappointed and BN will be laughing at the back.

  235. LKS Dai Lou, please accept larr. You are our IDOL. You guy and pkr and pas isnt it same side? Try pas ppl please, they can be faithful. Compare to ppl in BN which practice discrimination, PAS is always better!!!

    And you have to respect Sultan decision sometime.

    Show that you can respect islam by accepting him. So that he can prove to other chinese that he can respect other religion!

  236. Dear LKS, now ure sounded more like KJ & to make things worst, ure offending the faith given to BR & sultan’s decision.

    Fr all the reader’s views tat support u, I got a feeling tat tis coalition is somehow fragile & insincere…the hell to whoever b the MB as far as he is in BR.
    U’ll lost my vote fr now.


  238. Look at this statement – “the DAP is prepared to accept DAP chairman and Assemblyman for Sitiawan Ngeh Koo Ham or PKR Behrang Assemblyman Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi as Perak Mentri Besar”. Ok PKR Behrang Assemblyman Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi is a Malaysian malay so DAP’s rejection of PAS Assemblyman Mohamad Nizar Jamaludin (also a Malaysian Malay) as Perak Mentri Besar is not because of race factor or the fact that PKR having womn less state seats than DAP. If not because of race factor or PAS’s securing less seat than DAP, when reject PAS Assemblyman Mohamad Nizar Jamaludin as MB? There is by process of elimination only one justification – he is PAS’s man whose theocratic ideology of an Islamic state backed by hudud is real and incompatioble with DAP’s secular ideology and its supporters’ support of the secular constitution and pluralistic and diverse Bangsa Malaysia.

    This is all understandable except why before elections did the DAP persuade your supporters to vote for PAS (in straight BN vs PAS fight); why give the impression to all that PAS had changed for the softer and the better and that’s why you were indirectly collaborating with it through PKR by an informal electoral pact of no 3 cornered contest to thrash BN and after thrashing BN, to now assert PAS’s Mohamad Nizar Jamaludin is (unlike PKR’s Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi) not acceptable as Perak’s MB (impliedly because PAS’s ideology is diametrically opposed to DAP’s) when, if this were so, this was hardly mentioned much les acknowledged before the elections just to defeat the common enemy BN ?

    This smells of political duplicity involved here where principles are cast aside for expedience but more than all that is a certain unwise insensitivity to Malaysian Malays’ feelings and sentiments at this juncture (as I have said in my earlier posting) that will make them regret supporting the Opposition’s cause against the BN that will deal the lethal blow to the whole movement towards bringing Malaysian electorate’s tentative steps towards another higher level of political maturity of rejecting BN’s brand of politics!

    The impression we get is that the crumbs of patronage, power and position (MB) are as important to Opposition parties as BN that had been acused similarly of, which will of course help BN to make a come back against its recent electoral set back in the next election.

  239. It takes time to change. What happen on Mar 8 is the first step towards the change in Malaysia. DAP should be thankful that the rakyat has given them the mandate.

    Please be open minded. Please don’t throw away what the people has given you. Work together and serve the people. DAP still get the Deputy MB post. A PAS MB will not be able to do much and it needs the support of the other coalition members ad DAP has 18. It will not be a problem.

    Please go and attend the ceremony. BN is already laughing at us. Don’t make it any worse.

  240. tolong baca komen2 d m’sia today.. kami duka cita dgn kenyataan dan tindakan saudara lim kit siang… d saat lim guan eng mengapuskan deb d p.pinang kami masih menyakin kan dan mempertahankan kwn2 melayu kami yg tindakan lim guan eng itu akan menjadikan melayu besaing dan p.pinang akan bebas dr kurupsi… wktu ada deb d bwh gerakan(BN) pn melayu bukan nya maju d p.pinang so napa tidak guna pendekatan baru menghapuskannya agar kita menjadi lbh telus..

    tapi dgn kenyataan lim kit siang ini saya sendiri benar2 kecewa… patutnya kita fokuskan agenda menjadikan negeri2 kita ini terbaik dgn kerjasama PKR ,DAP dan PAS.. jdkan sebagai cnth kpd negeri2 BN lain.. ITU KEHENDAK RAKYAT. ITU TUJUAN RAKYAT PILIH KAMU (DAP,PAS, PKR).. bukannya kami suruh kamu berebut jwtn menteri besar..!!!!

    percayalah bahawasanya musuh kita BN akan mengambil kesempatan berkaitan hal ini… dan parti UMNO yg d kenali parti penjahat melayu akn mempergunakan isu ini bg mempecah belahkan kita.. saudara lim.. plz la.. kalau pn ada masalh kamu selesaikan d antara pakatan kita (DAP, PAS, PKR) baik2. tak perlu nk umumkan mcm tu.. buat rugi kita ja…

  241. Kit Siang, you are making a BIG mistake. Please respect our beloved Sultan’s decision. I am a Chinese, and I voted for DAP. So do most of my friends. So, please dont mess things up. The opoosition is not just about the Chinese, but also about the Indian, Malays and other races regardless of ideology. What is wrong with a PAS MB?

  242. “And don’t forget, you are a has-been now. Anwar has taken center-stage and has accepted all the accolades for the Opposition’s success. He will take over Parliament with his 31 MPs plus PAS’s 23 MPs. Next elections, he’s going to take over all your seats as well. Who is going to stop him?” Sheriff Singh

    Nobody is to blame but ourselves. Today, Uncle Kit stand up for a noble principle for all Malaysians, many here rejected his stand, call him names, insulted him! Who is going to help us when Uncle Kit is gone?

  243. YB Kit,

    At this point of time, we have to look beyond DAP.

    Many voters have accepted PAS and there is no more fear. Our main target is racist umno.

    We have 18 great warriors to ensure fair play for all.

    As I commentted on my other post, I know nuts about politics but you know much better, as the situation arise such as this I hope that your decision either way will benefit the Rakyat.

  244. Boycotting the Swearing-In ceremony which is before the Regent?? Clearly a case of contempt. I would like to see DAP go through with their threat because history is being made! It is one thing to be able to walk on water but this is clearly a case of the DAP treading on unchartered waters.

  245. I really hate the idea of DAP working with PAS as I don’t trust PAS. The last time DAP works with PAS, I decided not to support DAP. However, I think Uncle Kit shouldn’t boycott tomorrow’s swearing-in ceremony. Uncle Kit should not worry. We will not blame you, if the PAS MB decided to implement strange laws later like the ones introduced in Kelantan.

    I really hate the politics of this country. It is hopeless. If it is not about race, it will be about religion. The worst part is it is about race and religion.

    Personally, I think the MB post should go to PKR since the state law does not allow a non-Malay/non-Muslim to be the MB. Too bad the PKR guys do not have good academic qualification.

    DAP had decided to work with PAS (an idea which I think is not going to work) so, you guys have to learn to work with each other now. Since we cannot accept Islamic sharia, we should agree on principles i.e. whether you are a Muslim or non-Muslim, I am sure we both want a fair and just society. Try to work on these principles that we could agree on. It is too late for DAP to back out of this coalition. Please don’t disappoint us or else we will have no choice but to vote for MCA or Gerakan and be the slaves of UMNO again. Please don’t do this to us.

  246. Uncle Kit I don’t understand why you are doing this maybe to get some feedback from us. Look the maths is simple for the opposition to work as a viable alternative to BN you must cooperate with each other. Malaysia is a multi racial and religious country. I am from Sarawak but I hate to see the Barisan Rakyat break apart because of this and the wind of change to die. You must attend the swearing in ceremony. Sultan Azlan Shah is a respected figurehead and to snub the ceremony is to insult the Sultan. If DAP had won 30 seats you can demand who to be the MB. You don’t. Think of the bigger picture maybe you can get some concessions from PAS in Kedah and more posts in Perak. BN has been successful for the last 50 years because of this formula of consensus. Sometimes we have to move back one step to move forward two steps. You live in Perak-a Malay majority state. If the Malays did not vote against BN they will be the majority. Politics is a game a very serious one think of crossovers. BN only needs two. PKR already agree why do you have to do this? Let PAS be the MB and you still have the numbers to stop any “hudud” laws. That is where you draw the line. Personally I think the PKR candidate would been a better choice. Uncle Kit, the whole process of selecting a MB has been bungled but you cannot go back without insulting the Sultan. Anyway you call the shots sir make it the right one. I hope my two cents opinion can make you do the best thing for democracy and good governance. Thank you.

  247. I totally agree with ZhouYu’s words of wisdom. We should pray for Kit Siang for great tolerance toward PAS, even though there was a unhappy incidence in the past election. Even if you want to boycott, please give your valid reasons beyond the number of seats and religious issues.

  248. agree with my buddy alancheah above. i’m from perak also! yb ngeh koo ham already said in the paper that all parties will honour whoever chosen to be the menteri besar.

    if we do not agree with pas candidate, this should have been voiced earlier not after the royal announcement. everyone in malaysia knows that the perak royal family is the best, well educated and humble royal family. but everyone has temper. this decision to boycott the swearing in might anger the sultan. because already said earlier will support whoever is chosen. it’s like dap going back on its words.

    please uncle kit, give the pas mb a chance. i believe the younger generation of pas candidates are moderate and they accept malaysia is multi racial….

  249. I suspect DAP Perak broke ranks with DAP CEC and unilaterally issued a statement to the press stating it would accept any candidate from the list, inclusive of a PAS candidate.

    Not sure what is going to happen now. DAP is in a very difficult position.

  250. I am a God-fearing malay muslim who prays 5 times a day. I am a PAS supporter but (and?) I voted for DAP parliamentary candidate in my area – the candidate won.

    I am sure many other malay muslims did the same – showing our support behind BR regardless whether it was DAP, PKR or PAS because we believed in the coalition and what it could potentially achieve.

    We overcame our reservations about DAP and told ourselves that DAP fights for justice and fairplay, which are central Islamic values and in any case PAS and DAP have looked past their differences and are working together with PKR on their shared struggle.

    Now comes this news.

    To me, this only confirms my fears that DAP doesn’t really care very much about malays, muslims or the sovereignity of the Sultans.

    It’s also stupid and just drags everyone else in the BR coalition down. You’re just committing suicide.

    Please, don’t make me regret my vote. Retract the statement please.

    Remember, we voted you in and we can vote you out.

  251. someone said : // quote //
    Do you think Abdullah and UMNO, MCA and Ong Ka Ting, Koh Tsu Kun and Gerakan will create a blog for you to give your input? Dream on! Please cherish the purpose of this blog
    this blog has help and assist DAP to secure more support i guess …. if we can’t even express over view and opinion… then , that’s it >> i’m done and logging out !!!

  252. Tomorrow’s newspaper headline ” I TOLD YOU SO”. BN will be saying that they have warned the chinese that voting for DAP is voting for PAS. Strategically, Uncle Lim move to declare a boycott may not be wise move although it echoes and to cool the chinese down .However the Sultan have seen this in advance. Tuanku is wise knowing that if Nizar was nominated by DAP & PKR, the chinese citizen in Perak will be very unhappy & think that DAP have betrayed their trust. Hence tuanku take charge to have the nominee submitted to him. Is his call to nominate Nizar and all the citizen must accept it. What DAP need to do is to explain this to the grassroot and voters that Sultan made the call. Nizar must also be sensitive in implementing any rules that will cause any discomfort to the people. Barisan Rakyat must remember they are ruling because they vowed to exercise a transparent, fair and corruption free government. Once this is done, everyone won’t see the colour on the surface anymore.

  253. yup… i”m sure if they try something stupid like implementing hudud law… we hv more than enough representative to counter that! just look at terengganu… they won once…but failed to retain it…then you know why already…

  254. Uncle Kit,
    Your respond to the MB appointment don’t sound like you although it look like you. Perhaps this just another political manoeuver just to satisfy some voters from Perak and I strongly hope so. I’m a Chinese, from Ipoh and my family and I voted DAP every GE and I can accept a PAS’s MB as long as he can take good care of Perak. We are to denial the 2/3 majority in Perak and it’s consider a bonus to kick out BN from Perak. You never promise to give Perak a non PAS MB during the campaign and why should you worry how to answer your constituent. I’m rather sad to read such a strong respond from you, I always respect you as an elder statesman with wisdom. Please don’t throw in the spanner now. It’s better to retreat one step and gain two step.

  255. uncle lim, i support your stance. it is fact that PAS is religious based party – its name already spells out and their main goal no doubt is to convert malaysia to islamic country. I support DAP because of its ideology championing every citizen regardless race in malaysia, upholding constitution as put front by our forefathers that malaysia is secular state. for CEC to attend the ceremony means DAP endorse what PAS stands for. As part of Perak exco/DUN, and because of Sultan decision, perhaps Perak DAP should attend , but not the CEC.

  256. Uncle Lim, You are the worst ever decision maker I came across.
    If our effort of building Malaysian Malaysia fail, you are the solely one to blame! Get on actions now and attend the swearing in ceremony tomorrow! Let slap BN face once and again! Else we will slap yours. Pls wake up!

  257. So early in the game DAP has made 2 flip-flops.The first one made by Guan Eng who said in the press that he is going to do away with the deputy CM post but when it came to announcing his exco line-up Holy Moses we have 2 deputy CMs, one more than Tsu Koon’s line-up.Now this.You have asked the Sultan to choose from a list of 3 names and that DAP will abide by his decision.Isn’t it crystal clear that your integrity is at stake if you renege on your pledge!
    DAP must have been fully aware that the Perak State Constitution does not admit a non Malay as her MB unless the Sultan under special circumstances make a waiver.Under today’s circumstance there is no way the Sultan will waive the rule (total Malay assemblymen in Perak=41 whilst we have only 18 DAP assemblymen).So why was this issue not thoroughly deliberated? Has it occur to DAP to submit 2 names, one from PKR and one from DAP so that whatever outcome would have a more acceptable outcome to your supporters?

  258. Uncle Kit I don’t understand why you are doing this maybe to get some feedback from us. Look the maths is simple for the opposition to work as a viable alternative to BN you must cooperate with each other. Malaysia is a multi racial and religious country. I am from Sarawak but I hate to see the Barisan Rakyat break apart because of this and the wind of change to die. You must attend the swearing in ceremony. Sultan Azlan Shah is a respected figurehead and to snub the ceremony is to insult the Sultan. If DAP had won 30 seats you can demand who to be the MB. You don’t. Think of the bigger picture maybe you can get some concessions from PAS in Kedah and more posts in Perak. BN has been successful for the last 50 years because of this formula of consensus. Sometimes we have to move back one step to move forward two steps. You live in Perak-a Malay majority state. If the Malays did not vote against BN they will be the majority. Politics is a game a very serious one think of crossovers. BN only needs two. PKR already agree why do you have to do this? Let PAS be the MB and you still have the numbers to stop any “hudud” laws. That is where you draw the line. Personally I think the PKR candidate would been a better choice. Uncle Kit, the whole process of selecting a MB has been bungled but you cannot go back without insulting the Sultan. What about a rotation system as practiced in Sabah? Anyway you call the shots sir make it the right one. I hope my two cents opinion can make you do the best thing for democracy and good governance. Thank you.

  259. Correct me if I have read the 12th GE wrong. It was not a case of a victory of DAP over BN, not PKR over, not PAS over.

    It was not even a case of victory of the combined loose coalition of DAP,PKR & PAS that beat BN.

    It was a simple case of the PEOPLE that has beaten BN. ( Remember Malaysia belongs to its people?)

    Quite frankly, if you have put up a dog (I mean a real dog) against BN, I would have voted for that K9 instead of BN or their chinese or Indian “running dog”.

    So, just take the people’s winning & cooperate in an amicable way & start serving the people. This is only a state. Come in the short future, you will have the federal government.

    One has to admit the way the Sultan has gone is a bit funny. We must not be too hard on Uncle Lim. He has gone through unimginable amount of continuous stress & over stress over the last 2 months. Let him rest well & have & chance to clear his mind. Lets pray for him.

  260. This is sad.

    When we finally deny BN their 2/3 majority and win over these 5 states, now it seems we are fighting for titles and position.

    To me, it is a good move to give the Perak MB post to PAS. DAP will be able to win more malay support this way. And after all, DAP is holding the Pg CM post.

    It is sad to see us fighting amongst ourselves.

  261. Dear Uncle Kit,

    I and my bunch of Chinese friends have no issue with PAS being the Menteri Besar of Perak. Since the exco will be primarily in a bigger amount DAP members, it should be ok. The excos can stop him anytime if strange laws were to be made.

    Besides, Husam Musa had said they will consult people of other religions and races before making any implementation of law. Since he has agreed to tolerate, I think DAP should tolerate with that as well since the chinese in this page and those that I know is ok.

    Give it a chance. If all these boycotting and stuff keep on going round and round with DAP and PAS not agreeing on simple things like this, then rest assured the fate of the Malaysians will be doomed.

    If Perak can accept UMNO MB for so many decades, with all the keris wielding thing at the federal, why can’t we accept PAS who did not do all that crap?

    I think people need to be sensible to change things step by step. DAP may think it is not very fair but things need to happen little by little.

    Please please please do not jeopardize the coalition Uncle Kit. The greater cause is more important … Uncle Kit I plead to you to get everyone to go to the swearing-in ceremony. Please give your support as a representative of the people.

    Uncle Kit, please please please… greater cause … for everyone…


  262. Dear YB,

    Everybody agree it is very unfair but we have to accept the fact that this is the decision of the state Royalty. Any protest would not make things better; on the other hand it may even be used against the newly born coalition. Please bear in mind that the opp only won by a razor thin majority and there are lots of jealous eyes watching, waiting for every opportunity to kill. Didn’t you see those spin masters have already headlined the issue today. This is the first time we encounter such situation, I am sure it can be sorted out within the coalition. I just do not wish to see our hard work gone to waste. Such opportunity may not come in every GE.

  263. The people had voted the opposition.Not LKS alone.Dont speak on behalf of all the DAP’s state assemblymen.All 18 of them should talk sense into LKS.Wake up from your victory.LGE is already the CM of Penang.This is a real BLUNDER !ATTEND the swearing-in ceremony at all cost or else DAP is doomed.

  264. It is mentioned in that “Under the state constitution, the menteri besar has to be a Malay Muslim, but there is a provision that allows the sultan to waive the requirement.” Why can’t the sultan simply just waive the requirement of a muslim MB and allow a non-muslim? Dear sultan, can you just open your mouth and say “I’m ok with a non-Malay”. Is it so difficult? I’m sure a DAP MB can do an equally good job, or maybe better than a Malay MP. Why make such a fuss? Come on, this is Malaysia and we are always promoting Malaysia as a MULTI-RACIAL country. Why does it always have to be Malays and Muslims? Will Malaysia loose its identity if a non-muslim is elected MB? Will Malays be a lesser Malay if a non-Malay is sworn in as MB? Malaysia is a democratic country and we’ve seen true democracy being expressed in this year’s election and those words came out of our dear PM’s mouth after BN lost 2/3. If a non-Malay is being sworn in, it is a sign to the world showing that race is no more a biggy in Malaysia and we can truly live in racial harmony. It is a sign to the world that we don’t really care what racial background our MB is from just as long as the interest of the nation is taken care of, and that he rules the state well. Why not show the world that, rather than showing that Malaysia is a Muslims-are-supreme regime? Haven’t we had enough of racial tension already? Isn’t that what our nation is chanting for in this year’s election where BN lost? Aren’t we chanting for a cleaner government and equality? I take it that BN lost because the nation is expressing dissatisfaction with how the country is run, and a lost of confidence toward the current ruling party? If we are to keep giving in to nonsense, why did many of you out there vote for the opposition parties? When will enough be enough? When will the minority races not be taken advantage of and push to the limits? When will this stop?

    I know we must respect our sultan’s decision. But respect must be earned, not taken for granted. If really a Malay must be the MB, why not from PKR? Why must he be from PAS? If the sultan can make a decision without the DAP CEC’s consent, then he might as well give the ruling authority back to BN? If the sultan can simply appoint anybody he wishes without following the normal procedure, which is appointing the MB from the party having the majority seats in the state, why even hold an election? Just leave everything to the sultan. The sultan can then pick whoever he fancies. What if the sultan asks for everyone’s head be served on a silver platter? Will we give in? I know that is speaking on the extreme but that is what we are doing if uncle Lim were to give in. If we still can’t go race-free on the MB issue on the state level, how then can we even eliminate the MEP on the national level? Our king can easily rule out on any proposal to eliminate MEP! We need to re-write our country’s constitution!!! We are Malaysians, not only Malays. I urge the rulers of this country to be sensitive to racial issues. We the other minority races have been very tolerant all these while. Why can’t our rulers be tolerant for once? Malaysia is for Malaysians, not just Malays. I hope the new government will make Malaysia a land where it is truly, truly a multi-racial country. A nation that tolerates and respects the other races. I hope the PM will live up to his words of being a PM for Malaysia, not just a certain race. We can live in harmony without all the racial propaganda. Make Malaysia a race-free government for all!

    Mr Sultan, it’s your call. You can change everything with just a “Yes” from your mouth even though a decision has been made. U can remake another decision, it’s no harm. After all, you are supreme over all laws?

  265. Dear Sir,

    Please reconsider your move.

    Your state chief agreed in the first place to accept whoever chosen by the Perak Sultan, but after the Sultan’s announcement you are going to boycott. That is not gentlemen and will only give chance to BN (Barisan Najis) gains political capital.

    Please reconsider your move.

  266. Whoever be MB/CM/ excos for 5 states….. you are representing Rakyat…you no longer tie to any party…u are the new government who need to develop the states for the people in 5 states who are all malaysian……..

  267. i follows husam musa blog, and he is one of the pas leaders that makes me change my perspective of pas. just give them a chance uncle kit. don’t jeopardise guan eng’s future as chief minister for many many terms to come!!

  268. No doubt it is a strange decision by the Sultan. But Kit, you have had high regard for the wisdom of the Sultan in your earlier blogs. Maybe the wise Sultan sees a longer term picture such as:

    1. The PAS candidate may be the least able to be bought over by BN. If the Mentri Besar switches camp it will be disastrous especially if a PKR MB would have crossed over.

    2. PAS is the smallest no. in BR. Even if they cross over the coalition is still able to function. This way the coalition will be more stable.

    3. The PAS candidate may be the least corruptible. Look at Selangor example, because of the MB Toyo the whole state was rejected by the rakyat. Maybe the wise Sultan don’t want the coalition to lose in the GE because of a corrupt MB.

    There could be a host of reasons but you jumped the gun without first asking the reason why. Maybe you should seek an audience with the Sultan and ask the reason before you make any decision which may come back to haunt you later on.

  269. No doubt it is a strange decision by the Sultan. But Kit, you have had high regard for the wisdom of the Sultan in your earlier blogs. Maybe the wise Sultan sees a longer term picture such as:

    1. The PAS candidate may be the least able to be bought over by BN. If the Mentri Besar switches camp it will be disastrous especially if a PKR MB would have crossed over.

    2. PAS is the smallest no. in BR. Even if they cross over the coalition is still able to function. This way the coalition will be more stable.

    3. The PAS candidate may be the least corruptible. Look at Selangor example, because of the MB Toyo the whole state was rejected by the rakyat. Maybe the wise Sultan don’t want the coalition to lose in the next GE because of a corrupt MB.

    There could be a host of reasons but you jumped the gun without first asking the reason why. Maybe you should seek an audience with the Sultan and ask the reason before you make any decision which may come back to haunt you later on.

  270. Uncle Lim
    Correct me if I have read the 12th GE wrongly. It was not a case of a victory of DAP over BN, not PKR over BN, not PAS over BN.

    It was not even a case of victory of the combined loose coalition of DAP,PKR & PAS that beat BN.

    It was a simple case of the PEOPLE that has beaten BN. ( Remember Malaysia belongs to its people?)

    Quite frankly, if you have put up a dog (I mean a real dog) against BN, I would have voted for that K9 instead of BN or their chinese or Indian “running dogs”.

    So, just take the people’s winning & cooperate in an amicable way & start serving the people. This is only a state. Come in the short future, you will have the federal government.

    One has to admit the way the Sultan has gone is a bit funny. We must not be too hard on Uncle Lim. He has gone through unimginable amount of continuous stress & over stress over the last 2 months. Let him rest well & have & chance to clear his mind. Lets pray for him.

  271. For once I thought we can form a formidable coalition against the impossible the BN monster. And when i heard the statement by YB Nizar that all the decision will be by consensus of three parties i felt that he is the right man. But then when LKS made astupid statement like this, that is LKS is truely ultra fanatic with his own idea. I don’t think we need somebody like you. you should offer your retirement together with Dr M, Samy, chong Eu.

    You are way past your time.

  272. There are just too much comment which could be similar.
    I suggest… we all should just feedback to YB Lim whether to ATTEND or support his BOYCOTT of swearing-in ceremony….
    Let see if he listen to the people…
    I go first…


  273. Dear Uncle Lim, the people of Malaysia has decided. BN is not delivering and that is why the BA (Barisan Alternatif) is given the chance. SO PLEASE, DON’T FLUSH IT DOWN THE TOILET!

    A decision has been made by the Sultan, and we should respect that. Boycotting will only make things worse for the BA especially for the DAP. The Chinese and Indians will be disappointed by your childish act, the Malays will be offended. You are giving the impression to the people that you are insulting the Sultan. How bad can that be? In less than a week after election, we already start to see that our effort for CHANGE is failing.

    There is a positive change in Malaysian politics whereby the people finally unite their voice in this 12th GE. It’s no longer a racial thing but rather, the MALAYSIAN voice. You may have your reasons against the election of the PAS assemblyman as MB but please, work that out among yourselves (DAP-PKR-PAS). Don’t give people the wrong impression. It’s not easy to win the people’s trust but it only takes a statement to ruin all the hard work and effort you have put in so far and you may not get a second chance anymore. This is considered the most valuable and interesting election that I can see. The people are actually hoping to see changes for the next five years and not regretting/wasting their votes only a week after the election.

    DAP-PKR-PAS must prove to the people that you are better than BN and most importantly, your actions fit your words. This boycotting is not what the people of Malaysia, especially Perakians, cast their vote for.

  274. I would like to stress that after 50 yrs rascist politic still existed, in moving toward Democracy whichever party win the most should be able to appoint it’s own Menteri Besar, now the Ruler of Perak rejected it, it shows, Democracy are still not widely accepted by Royal Family. Parti Keadilan have better result than PAS why not choose a Malay from Keadilan (are u saying PKR are unislamic) ?The Rakyat of Perak who majority choose DAP or Keadilan still unable to break the Dilemma of the Royal Family. I sincerely thinks that as a modern Royal, there should support the Rakyat, a single race for everyone that’s Malaysian.

  275. 1)even koh already lost heavily….koh tsu koon attend the ceremony of lim guan eng be the cm…

    2)now u dap have the most exco in the coalition,so why do u boycott?
    furthermore,the menteri besar from pas in my mind is more experienced then that from dap. pls don’t views one person from its religion and race.

    3)even the ngeh from dap is not menteri besar,he is still deputy…

    4)dap,pkr and pas already pass the choice to sultan to choose.

    5)u guys promise to accept the choice from sultan

    6) no one from malaysia call u to boycott

    so,pls attend the ceremony

  276. I have no problem accepting any leadership so long as he/she is a true malaysian and can lead a fair and transparent government.

    I will reserve my judgement till GE13. No point regretting over an action we had made. Who are we to judge?

    A good leader will handle any situation given in a graceful manner but he/she is still human who cannot run away from being emotional. I believe that – If God takes you there, He will take you thru’

  277. There are so many of us rooting for you guys in the CEC and various the DAP reps to attend. I believe you are above all of this and I believe that you are a far-sighted, honourable and selfless person. I will pray for you.

  278. 3 days enjoyment had just turned sour. Ur statement is contradicting w whatever YB Ngeh’s & BR coalition party’s. Why is it happening now & is tat something wrong w u or DAP/PKR/PAS now?? This first assignment in installing MB already created much noise, r u REALLY sure to run the state’s??? if not, better leave it back to BN…

  279. We are all the subjects of the King. Before the King, all our ideologies must be put aside. The wisdom of the royalty must not be questioned for He decides what is best for all. I think this wisdom is not be present in many of our political leaders who sometimes say things without really thinking of the consequences and they caught.
    Since the menteri besar is chosen by the Sultan, the mb must work for all and administer the state in the best way possible.
    This elections has seen changes which we have never seen before, so with them come new challenges.Lets be open and put aside our previous fears and suspicions and overcome these challenges as matured Malaysians.

  280. Your respond to the MB appointment don’t sound like you although it look like you. Perhaps this just another political manoeuver just to satisfy some voters from Perak and I strongly hope so. I’m a Chinese, from Ipoh and my family and I voted DAP every GE and I can accept a PAS’s MB as long as he can take good care of Perak. We are to denial the 2/3 majority in Perak and it’s consider a bonus to kick BN out of Perak. You never promise to give Perak a non PAS MB during the campaign and why should you worry how to answer to your constituent. After all this is the Sultan Perak selection and you can diplomatically put it that way. I’m rather sad to read such a strong respond from you, I always respect you as an elder statesman with wisdom. Please don’t throw in the spanner now. It’s better to retreat one step and gain two step.

  281. Mr Kit,
    I voted DAP not because DAP is great. in fact it’s really just so-so.
    I voted DAP because BN is too arrogant.
    I would have voted a dog, yes a dog that knows crap about judicial crisis, economy growth, democratic system, and even a dog who doesn’t know how to use a video camera.

    But did i vote for a party that is so arrogant as to go against the sultan?

    Mr Kit,
    Don’t be arrogant.
    Come GE13, if your arrogance persist, you can kiss my ONE vote goodbye.
    Yes, it’s only ONE vote, but it’s still a vote.

  282. Kit Siang, I was borned in Ipoh, raised in Ipoh, I am a chinese, I have been a DAP supporter but I do not agree with what you have said.

    Look at all these faithful comments. They are coming from the heart and soul of Malaysians and DAP supporters. Please correct the situation as soon as possible.

    Be Lim Kit Siang for MALAYSIA, not Lim Kit Siang for DAP or Lim Kit Siang for Chinese (only).

  283. A lot of my madfish erman’s friends have supported DAP. Don’t make DAP the butt of the joke of the 12th GE. You have 18 warriors is the state assembly to keep tabs on the MB. Go and attend the ceremony and make us proud of DAP. Show BN what DAP is made of. DAP is here to serve the people.

    Win over the general population by showing that DAP is NOT an ARROGANT party. Remember that the Barisan Rakyat won the 12th GE because of the ARROGANCE of the BN and in particular the Umno-putras.

    Please attend the ceremony and have closure with the other oppositon party. Tomorrow is a new start for the new state government. Show the people that the mandate given was a right one.

  284. i’m a young professional malay 1st time voter, who start to trust barisan rakyat, who believe DAP-PAS-PKR can work together for our nation, who reject arrogance BN, who 1st time register to internet blog tonite:-
    really hope Uncle Lim can do the right thing for future of Malaysia….
    attend the ceremony tomorrow….please uncle..please..please..
    show to all Malaysian that DAP-PAS-PKR can lead Malaysia in the future…show that in PERAK!!

  285. To all my Christian, Muslim, Buddhist and Hindu brothers and sisters. Please pray for Uncle Lim and that he receives God’s grace and wisdom. Just imagine the pressure that he is under right now. I am confident with divine intervention he will see the light.

  286. The DAP promised CHANGE, I voted for CHANGE… yet the same OLD politics is being played out in Perak. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE withdraw your statement on the Perak MB. We made a lot of progress on 8 March and we should not be regressing into racial politics. I am a 30-something Malaysian Chinese who thought he was voting for a new non-racial Malaysia. If DAP betrays the rakyat like this, you are no better than BN!

  287. No doubt it is a strange decision by the Sultan. But Kit, you have had high regard for the wisdom of the Sultan in your earlier blogs. Maybe the wise Sultan sees a longer term picture such as:

    1. The PAS candidate may be the least able to be bought over by BN. If the Mentri Besar switches camp it will be disastrous especially if a PKR MB would have crossed over.

    2. PAS is the smallest no. in BR. Even if they cross over or pull out, the coalition is still able to function. This way the coalition will be more stable.

    3. The PAS candidate may be the least corruptible. Look at Selangor example, because of the MB Toyo the whole state was rejected by the rakyat. Maybe the wise Sultan don’t want the coalition to lose in the next GE because of a corrupt MB.

    There could be a host of reasons but you jumped the gun without first asking the reason why. Maybe you should seek an audience with the Sultan and ask the reason before you make any decision which may come back to haunt you later on.

  288. chinese + indians over 55% population in perak
    only 300++ message.
    can not representative for withdraw lim kit siang for say boycott ceremony.
    i hope PKR can as a MB, can be solve now problem.
    hope Amwar help this issue.

  289. chinese + indians over 55% population in perak
    only 300++ message.
    can not representative for withdraw lim kit siang for say boycott ceremony.
    i hope PKR can as a MB, can be solve now problem.
    hope Amwar help this issue.
    we also dont want pas as MB, a seed will be come a big tree

  290. Saya merasa sungguh sedih dan kecewa dengan sikap pemimpin DAP yang diketuai oleh Lim Kit Siang sanggup mengeluarkan statement menentang keputusan Raja dalam memutuskan jawatan MB Perak. DAP perlu ingat, kemenangan PRU12 yang lepas oleh DAP bukan hanya oleh sokongan bangsa Cina tetapi juga Bangsa Melayu!! Salam simpati kepada DSAI kerana segala pengorbanan beliau selama ini seolah-olah terpadam dalam masa beberapa jam sahaja. Adalah menjadi harapan saya DSAI dapat mewujudkan seberapa segera majlis perundingan barisan alternatif bagi memastikan perkara begini tidak berlaku lagi. BA harus hanya mengeluarkan pernyataan sensitif seperti ini bersama. Sekiranya DAP tidak mahu dan tidak bersetuju, maka saya merasakan kita telah berada di pihak yang salah dan kita (PKR & PAS) perlu mengasingkan diri kita dengan DAP yang selama ini saya ingat telah meninggalkan semangat jumud bangsa cina! Kepada uncle Lim! air mata saya menitik merasa terharu bila mula-mula mendengar bahawa DAP akan akur dengan keputusan Raja tetapi harapan menggunung kepada pimpinan DAP terus hancur dengan kenyataan media tadi. Kepada mereka-mereka yang begitu racist terutamanya yang berbangsa cina perlu sedar dan akur DAP menang dengan sokongan melayu yang terdiri dari penyokong PAS,PKR dan juga Umno. Tanpa kami tidak mungkin DAP akan menang dan harus diingat kesemua kerusi yang dimenangi DAP, bangsa cina bukanlah majoriti kaum disitu (spt sg siput dll) tetapi oleh kerana percaya bahawa uncle lim dan rakan-rakan BA betul2 ikhlas maka kita memberi kerpercayaan kepada DAP. Kepada Puan Lina, u don’t derserve to give your comment here! u r too racist and chauvinist and should be sent to either Singapore or go back to China. If pas n umno members can learn how to accept the multiracial y not u? If u don’t want please give me your details so that i can keep your details. People like you and few others will lead to another 13 May incident. We the malays willing to forgo the DEB on the basis that you guys is really sincere but with this remark we won’t be sitting here silently. Becarefull of what you wish to

  291. It is obvious your members in Perak have blundered. So as a responsible leader, stand by them. Please don’t destroy the hard work you’ve put in to get to this level. Don’t let BN say “you’ve split even before you’ve started”.

  292. Uncle LIM,

    I think many of us already showed our opinion in your blog….
    i just cant log in because too many people there….

    I have been very disappointed with PAS became MB previously…
    but my mind changed after reading so many positive feedback from people….
    I think you must re-consider the action u made in your blog…
    If you not attend the ceremony, the fact still cant change as Sultan already made the decision
    and you people already announced previously will respect Sultan decision…
    Please look for a big picture and future plan…
    the parlimen need PAS support to fight with BN…
    the other state also the same…
    Please dont spoilt people good feeling upon your son GOOD deeds in penang.
    people just look down upon umno member who didn’t attend you son swearing-in ceremony…
    why you wan to do something same?
    please listen to the voice to people…

    finally, please go to the swearing-in ceremony in Perak tomorrow…
    don’t spoilt the hardwork of people for this election! thanks!

    yours sincerely,
    Dr Lim Tek Khoon

  293. For my just my opinion. No matter the MB is Malay, Chinese or Indian, this is not important. But when PAS hold MB post, this is most of the none muslim concern.

    PAS will implement islamic law when hold the power. Islamic law is totally not accept by none muslim people just like the people at Kelantan. No night entertainment, different gender need to queue saperately when make payment at market etc.. ini tak boleh,
    itu tak boleh… itulah PAS !!

  294. YB LKS, your statement is not only paralysing for the rakyat but also the perfect ammunition for the BN. You may be a savvy, veteran politcian; you may even have your legitimate reasons (known only to you and a select few) for making this statement. I am not questioning your political capability. But I cannot believe that you would have disregarded the power of perception and public opinion especially at this nuptial stages of the inroads being made by the coalition. And therein lies the disastrous and unmitigated risks for all. I shudder to even think of the field day your opponents will have in the press tomorrow morning.

  295. the 3 names had been submitted.
    All said will accept whoever to become MB.
    Now, want to boycott the swearing-in ceremony.

    What is this???

    Please… tolong… dun do this.

    Accept it and attend the ceremony

  296. I have stayed in Kelantan for most of my life and I have no qualms living under the PAS administration.I find they are alot better than B.N. I came back to Kota Bharu for a week to campaign for PAS. I spoke at the Chinese ceramah in support of PAS.DAP show extend a olive hand to embrace PAS.Show your magnanimity by giving them the M.B post.It will win alot malay votes for DAP. Dont be short sighted and think of only immediate gains, look at the long term benefits.A journey of a thousand miles begins with a first step.Dont let your first step also becomes your last step.Just attend the swearing-in ceremony tomorrow.

  297. Well said RocketDAP
    “Tomorrow is a new start for the new state government. Show the people that the mandate given was a right one.”

    As tomorrow until next GE13, the new Colliation new State Government need to proof that they are indeed capable of doing and not just talking….as when you perform well….the next GE13, will be sapu not only the current 5 states…but indeed the whole nations the whole states…….. and that’s even a new Dawn for new Malaysia for Malaysian…..

  298. Why are you protesting the PAS MB?

    1. This was already agreed by your state leadership. Ngeh was at a JOINT press conference to announce the new MB.

    2. If you were not happy, you should have made it clear at the outset. That is your failure.

    3. Making a PUBLIC statement like this makes you look like a SORE LOSER.

    4. If this is a coalition government, it does not matter if PAS has the least seats.

    I attended your ceramah in USJ for Hannah Yeoh and thought you were for all Malaysians. Now I wonder if you are just for DAP. I am imploring all DAP MPs and State Assemblymen to go against the CEC statement.

  299. Ayo yo yo..

    YB Lim,

    What happen? Why said something when your team already said something else? Where is the integrity in your team?! Aiseh man… so sad lah…you can start make people think that the ‘protest’ is a waste… the only choice for ‘rakyat’ to show this ‘protest’ to BN is when DAP, PAS and PKR work together…believe me.

    I don’t think you should worry about PAS. They know, Perak is not like Kelantan and this guy is not a stupid guy. Hence, DAP got biggest number of exco, right?

    Please don’t repeat the BN style in the new ‘government-in-waiting’ team…very sad maaa…

    ps: now is just 4 days…you got 4 years to go to prove your credibility to ‘rakyat’.

  300. Arrogant and childish act by DAP, trust’ve just given the BN another good point to tell the Malay voters not to vote for DAP in the next election. So sentimental, stupid, arrogant, childish move!
    You could have gained Malay supports by giving consent to the appointment, DAP can gain extra milleage in gaining supports from the Malay community by showing their support for this new PAS MB. So stupid..n what a waste of opportunity! Do you think you won the election all by yourself eh? I voted for you as a Malay….there are 70% of Malay community who still has big suspicion on DAP, you need their vote in the future, but you’ve just confirmed the “belief”.

  301. DAP might think losing malay support is OK..

    Then I think by refusing to cooperate with PAS, It is clear that DAP are not much better than UMNO.. Another Ultra Racist Party..
    PAS has willingness to change but DAP were not.. It shows that BR are not sincere enough.. next GE.. forget Perak..

  302. The appointed MB is the main spokesperson for the government. Hence of critical concern is the handling over such an authority to a PAS representative to spread its ideology.

    Mathematically – the objections to a PAS headed government should include BN for they do not agree to PAS ideology. Maybe BN can stand alongside as true Malaysians.

    Now that the Royalty has thrown in the spanner, there is a real need of clarification to come from the palace in line with principle of democracy.

  303. LKS, Please have the DAP assemblymen attend the swearing-in ceremony. Demonstrate that we are truly Malaysians! Otherwise, it may undo all the good work by the millions of Malaysian voters who voted for Change.

  304. Please think of next GE, 41 out of 59 seats (From Perak) are from malay dominant area. If chinese become MB, 6 PAS and 7 PKR will loose as well in the next GE.
    Besides, if you don’t want rep. from PAS to be MB, you should discuss with all other leaders earlier before submitting names to Sultan, this just show to all Malaysian you guys cant work together.
    Also, please mind your words to be a DAP leader, last time you are from opposition so you don’t have to be responsible with what you had talked….

    Now Sultan already announced, if you boycott…none of us will respect you anymore….

    Please respect sultan and the whole malaysian will respect you..thanks

  305. Apparently majority of us here have given our view that DAP should attend the swearing in ceremony. So DAP be wise. We know your constraint. Nobody will blame you and DAP. That’s why you are the government of Perak now. YB Lim, please make sure your DAP members are that in full support.

  306. Dear Mr. Lim Kit Siang,
    Are you afraid of a political backlash from your Chinese voters if you do not object to a PAS MB? Please note that your Chinese voters will reject you the next round if the coalition govt. in Perak falls apart because DAP. Not only that but also Malays and Indians who have voted for DAP.

    Please do the right thing and support the Sultan’s decision. The time for racial politics and postering is over. If you cannpt accept this, then consider taking your well earned retirement.

  307. Uncle Kit;

    I really really thought BN’s media trying to demonized DAP when l read about DAP will boycotting Sultan of Perak (read people of Perak) until when I read myself still hard to believe I’m reading Lim Kit Siang’s blog (maybe BN elements already hack ya blog?).

    When the supporter of BR stroke the pencil during GE12 nothing in their mind BUT to deny BN 2/3 victory (in this non-representative FPTP electoral system instead of better OMOV system).

    If they realized the supreme leader of DAP (LKS) will do this to the trust given, THEY’LL DEFINITELY WILL NEVER VOTE FOR BR though this is loose alliance unlike BN.

    Your corky-ness will destroy people hope to have better Malaysia in the next election (I guess you rather give ya vote to BN instead of PAS and even Anwar if you know he’ll give you unfavorable effect). This is the Opposition leader we used to know, isn’t? Or you just ready to be a Opposition Leader instead of a statesman? I guess so if we take latest scenario.

    You show no difference than TDM, LKS pun mudah lupa just because you have ya son as Penang CM, majority in KL seats, won in Kuching and KK. No wonder you and Guan Eng mere trying to deny BN 2/3 instead of ruling this country better than corrupted BNputras’ government.

    Please withdraw ya statement and ask for apology to the King (well educated and from Ivy League and UK top varsity as well, and he has same view like us).

    Ya stubborn will only benefit BNputras (l’m no surprise if you will surrender ya seat to Perak BN).

    Maybe quit from politic is best decision you must opt if it’s better for Malaysia and Malaysians at large. Too old and we have new aspiration to get rid RACIAL-BASED political action. Remember we don’t want racism rule us. Arrogant has no place in Barisan Rakyat. Perhaps, we should have a REAL pact instead of loose one like this.

    Forgive my harsh words BTW l still respect you Uncle Kit but you must have brand new positioning in ya political decision. get rid the has-been things in yourself.

  308. Uncle Lim, not to worry whom is the MB, whether from PAS, PKR or DAP bottom line, we want someone who can work and honest. As what people say, it doesn’t matter whether the colour of the cat is grey, white, brown or etc as long as it can catch the rat it’s fine.

  309. YB Lim KS,

    It is understandable that you have hot opposition blood running in your veins. But please do not object for the sake of objecting. What happened to the ideology of doing what is best for the people?

    It does not matter that the MB is from PAS, PKR, DAP, MIC or even UMNO. What the people want is someone who will lead and govern effectively, and fairly. Please focus on the unifying common ground of putting the welfare and development of the state and its people!!! Isn’t that what you have preached all along?

    The MB is just a person. There will always be personal traits in a person. The person will carry the identity of Malay, Chinese, Indian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Christian, etc.

    So, why are we so fixated on these personal identity traits? As long as the new MB is able to rise above these ‘marks’ and put the people and state above himself, how can you argue against that person?

    And most of all, you have done a great disservice to yourself chiefly, and DAP as a whole by going against the Sultan of Perak.

    I forgive your ignorance since you are not from Perak. But let it be known that the single most important unifying factor in the heart of all Perakians is the respect and reverence for our Sultan.

    You politicians from PKR, PAS, DAP or BN can argue all you want on who better represents the people. But the fact is the people has the utmost respect for the Sultan. For the simple reason of regal and dignified manner which he carry himself and the Royal institution of Perak, the Sultan automatically wins the heart of the people. No need for any heated Ceramah!!!

    YB Lim KS, please retract your statement. Else you will incur the wrath of the entire loyal subjects of His Excellency Sultan Azlan Shah.

    As for DAP Perak, (especially Ngeh Koo Ham and Nga Kor Ming) please have the guts to stand up to the so called CEC.
    Please stand up for the the word and pact that you have committed to in accepting the Sultan’s decision.

    You are the wakil rakyat. And the people who voted for you overwhelmingly supports the decision of the Sultan. So please act as you promise. Represent the voice of the Rakyat. We put our trust in you.

    Don’t disappoint us.

  310. uncle lim, if you dislike PAS becoming the MB, you shud voice out before the sultan announces. DAP dont juz depends on chinese votes to win, if not for malay voters, opposition probably cannot form the government. Maybe DAP n PAS have different ideologies, but PAS only have 6, DAP 18…DAP still controls, and i’m sure if the coalition govern well people will have no qualms to vote in u again, no matter what race……….when DAP can work wif other parties, It can attract support from all races, that’s only when bangsa malaysia can fully achieve

  311. YB Lim KS,

    It is understandable that you have hot opposition blood running in your veins. But please do not object for the sake of objecting. What happened to the ideology of doing what is best for the people?

    It does not matter that the MB is from PAS, PKR, DAP, MIC or even UMNO. What the people want is someone who will lead and govern effectively, and fairly. Please focus on the unifying common ground of putting the welfare and development of the state and its people!!! Isn’t that what you have preached all along?

    The MB is just a person. There will always be personal traits in a person. The person will carry the identity of Malay, Chinese, Indian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Christian, etc.

    So, why are we so fixated on these personal identity traits? As long as the new MB is able to rise above these ‘marks’ and put the people and state above himself, how can you argue against that person?

    And most of all, you have done a great disservice to yourself chiefly, and DAP as a whole by going against the Sultan of Perak.

    I forgive your ignorance since you are not from Perak. But let it be known that the single most important unifying factor in the heart of all Perakians is the respect and reverence for our Sultan.

    You politicians from PKR, PAS, DAP or BN can argue all you want on who better represents the people. But the fact is the people has the utmost respect for the Sultan. For the simple reason of regal and dignified manner which he carry himself and the Royal institution of Perak, the Sultan automatically wins the heart of the people. No need for any heated Ceramah!!!

    YB Lim KS, please retract your statement. Else you will incur the wrath of the entire loyal subjects of His Excellency Sultan Azlan Shah.

    As for DAP Perak, (especially Ngeh Koo Ham and Nga Kor Ming) please have the guts to stand up to the so called CEC.
    Please stand up for the the word and pact that you have committed to in accepting the Sultan’s decision.

    You are the wakil rakyat. And the people who voted for you overwhelmingly supports the decision of the Sultan. So please act as you promise. Represent the voice of the Rakyat. We put our trust in you.

    Don’t disappoint us.

  312. I am astounded! However as a battle hardened veteran who hold strongly to principles and the lesson you have learned from previous experience I can somewhat emphatise with the stand you have taken.

    But you have seen the opinions expressed and you know that the majority of your supporters accept the decision in the greater interest of heralding in a new dawn of non-communal politics in Malaysia. Please do not lose sight of victory over communalism because of your stand against PAS’ Islamic State stand.

    Everything in the world is in constant change and nothing is permanent. Do not cling on to unhappy memories. I hope you will not boycott the swearing in of the new Perak MB. I would like to share this with you:

    I cannot tell if what the world considers “happiness” is happiness or not. All I know is that when I consider the way they go about attaining it, I see them carried away headlong, grim, and obsessive, in the general onrush of the human herd, unable to stop themselves or to change their direction. All the while they claim to be just on the point of attaining happiness. My opinion is that you never find happiness until you stop looking for it.

    Chuang Tzu


  313. yes, devilonpois…
    agree…. I really hope that DAP, PKR and PAS
    will sapu all states of M’sia in the next election.
    But now, with such an announcement of not
    attending the swearing-in ceremony, it really
    makes many supporters upset.

    Please… DAP leaders, attend the ceremony
    and accept & respect the final decision made by
    Sultan Perak.

  314. After 50 long years we, the rakyat, has finally reached maturity and plucked up our courage to vote out the racist and divisive BN politicians. We do not want to go back to such a polorised society. Please tell us the BR polticians are not of the same mould as the BN politicians.

    Please move away from racial politics.

    BR reps., do all you can to strenghten the baby step we have taken toward true democracy. Don’t bring our nation backward!

  315. Richard Teo,
    If the opposition alliance is non racist, then why can’t they accept the DAP candidate as the MB of Perak? Don’t get me wrong. I propose DAP candidate because the party has the most number of seats in the opposition coalition not because DAP candidate is a Chinese. I have no objection to PKR candidate being proposed and appointed as the MB of Selangor.

    In Perak, I think PKR and PAS should have voluntarily declined to offer their respective candidacies for the MB post in the first place if they are genuine and sincere in their cooperation. We should distinguish the difference between a DAP candidate and a Chinese candidate. DAP has the most number of assemblymen in the coalition and therefore naturally it should be given the first choice and other parties (PKR and PAS) should only come into the picture when HRH has rejected the DAP candidate.

    I strongly believe the process must be allowed to take its course first before other names (from PKR and PAS) are proposed and considered. This is what Malaysians First is all about. This is the raison d’etre of DAP. What has had happened in Perak today showed that DAP is no difference from MCA and Gerakan.

    I therefore blame everybody – the coalition for being greedy, DAP Perak for being stupid and also for being too eager to form the government and to get the deputy MB and other exco posts and DAP CEC for not holding a tight reign on important matters such as this one.

    I agree with others that it is probably too late now to boycott the swearing-in ceremony. But I also think that DAP is going to suffer big time.

  316. Personally I dun support PAS at all, since that its not a party for ALL. I have no idea why you guys submitted 3 names indeed of 2 (DAP and PKR) for Sultan to make his decision, if DAP can’t accept PAS assembly person to be chosen. Anyway, since that Sultan already made his decision and I really feel that we all should show our respect to him.

    Why we all voted opposition parties? Cause we all wish to setup a new era for this country. And we all hope that all races can work together and all religions should respect each other. Since that the decision was made by Sultan, yet I believe that public especially non-Muslim will understand this. Although some might mind Perak has a PAS MB, but many more else will concern more to state’s administration. As long as we can see the changes in administration, we shouldn’t care so much on MB. (Personally I somehow feel that UNMO and PAS have no different at all)

    Uncle Lim I know that you did sick after election and perhaps you need more rest right now, but still I hope that DAP will go for swearing-in ceremony due to the below reasons:

    (1) DAP wont did well without the support of Malay~ Our biggest race in this country is Malay. No party can represent all of us as a Malaysian if without the support of Malay. And all Malay in this country is Muslim. What will they feel later if they know about Uncle Lim’s team in Perak dun even willing to ‘give face’ to Sultan as well as the newest MB?

    (2) DAP urges to build up Malaysian spirit~ We are always asking others to be fair and dun treat us depend on our religions and races. Uncle Lim dun you think that we should show this 1st before we could ask other to do the same on us? We know the decision for MP selection was made by Sultan and its due to State’s law. That why we understand that even Uncle Lim go for swearing-in ceremony also didn’t mean that Uncle Lim as well as DAP has changed mind and to endorse PAS mission just because of wana gain more seats or support. We trust DAP and Uncle Lim. We understand also in order to have a functional coalition states government; all 3 parties should respect each others. Uncle Lim just goes. We need to show the majority (Malay-Muslim) that we respect them and willing to work together with them. And DAP is ready for everyone, even a Muslim!

    (3) Its more just Perak~ I know DAP has the most seats in Perak. But can DAP gain the most seat in other states in future especially those with heavy population of Malay? Or DAP just care about those states leaded by DAP and ‘hand-over’ others to PAS-PKR? Let think about this way. Now we respect them, and in future a new states (which PAS leading) government will need to show their respect to us as well. Otherwise they will just say, WHY should I listen to you? Dun you remember you dun even show your respect to us in perak? Or Uncle LIM you decided to abandon those which are in such states were PAS will be the leader?

    (4) What make Oppositions-Barisan Different from Barisan-National? ~Uncle Lim pls think about this question before you go sleep! Why we all support Opposition-Barisan( Barisan rakyat and Barisan Alternatif) right now? This is because we all wish to form a new Barisan where every parties within it can really respect each others and form a ‘fair stage’ for every discussion. We already have ‘Barisan National’ but we did decision to switch other support is simply because of there is no Respect at all within Barisan National. The leader party inside BN just too self-oriented and this cause no way for a ‘fair-stage’ to be form.
    Now DAP had the most seats in Perak as well as the coalition states Government. Are you going to show other that DAP just like another leader party inside BN? Or you want to show Malay that DAP can respect them (even PAS). I believe that PAS will sure appreciating ours respect, and this might convincing them to change the way even for those states where lead by them in future? Future more, Nizar just someone extraordinary, and I did really never expect PAS has someone like him.

    No matter how, I still think that if we really want to build up MALAYSIAN SPIRIT, yet we should respect every capable person. Anyone can simply change his party of involved; we shouldn’t ignore anyone just because of his party. Without PAS (although they are the smallest party in this states coalition ) still we are unable to form a new government for Perak.

    So, Uncle Lim …… Please go…. If you feel sick you can rest at home and as some other else to represent DAP for that historical day..

  317. Please understand Mr Lim has a very heavy responsible to face those who has support his Party. Maybe PAS should come out more often to alleviate the fear of the non muslim. Anyway I hope DSAI will come and help to find a solution to this predicament.

  318. YB Kit,

    I am a true supporter of DAP and you in particular and have done my best this GE to spread the hope of a new Msia to everyone I know. The results was astounding!

    But after this episode I have my doutbs.

    DOes it really matter who is the MB? The rakyat have cross racial borders to vote for each other to kick out BN and now you are doing this of all people?

    If PAS, PKR and DAP can work together in the most difficult of places imagine what you guys can do in the next GE!

    If PAS MB cant perform, the next GE if BA/BR again comes into power I am sure The SUltan will do what is right then.

    You guys are walking on a thin line and nothing is certain for now. ALl it takes is a spark to start a fire and BN will again come back into full power and if that is the case, all I can say is Let’s pack our bags and leave for greener pastures!

  319. Newly appointed Menteri Besar of Perak Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin of PAS gives a press conference after seeking an audience with Raja Muda of Perak Raja Nazrin Shah at Istana Kinta in Ipoh Wednesday. He says all decisions will be a COLLECTIVE decisions of the 3 parties.

    Please do the right thing and attend the ceremony.

  320. now problem is PAS.
    Sultan consents, Islam, malay, DEMOCRATIC which one is important ?

    sultan consents+islam+malay+democratic = PAS or PKR
    PAS – objection by chinese or indian also reject by DAP
    But PKR can accepts by All race, why no choose PKR, also support DAP.

    support DAP no attend the swearing-in ceremony tomorrow.

  321. DAP state assembly men should attend the swearing ceremony. This is only the beginning. It is better to quickly form the state government before any enticement to jump ships. This will not only disappoint all DAP supporters but also allow BN to tell the whole world that DAP, PKR and PAS coalition does not work.

  322. YB,
    I am equally shocked that PAS has been chosen to be MB of Perak, being party with least seats. Rightfully should be from the DAP or the very least PKR due to Perak State constitution. Boycotting the swearing ceremony will serve nothing but fall into the hands of the BN who will say……….there you see, they can’t even see eye to eye even before the work starts. Pls do not follow the unsporting behaviour of the 11 Penang BN assemblymen who boycotted YB Guan Eng’s swearing in ceremony. Lets prove to the arrogant BN that the coalition can not only work but do a better job. Just ensure Perak is not a PAS govt but a coalition govt. Composition of State Excos and key positions must reflect this.
    Lets move on…………..

  323. Uncle Kit,

    I’m from PJ, we have helped in the campaigning of Tony, Weng San and Dr Cheah’s seats, also contributed to Jeff’s campaigning fund.

    We were at DAP PJ jumping with joy together with the PJ team when the results came in on 8th March 2008, and we had fried meehoon for supper!

    All the people I know do not have problem accepting PAS to be on our side.

    Please do not spoil it with the non-existence fear of a Chinese vote backlash, DAP will instead gain more from Malay vote in the next GE.

    If say 1-2 years down the road, DAP find that the MB is no going the right direction, then DAP ADUN can always walkout right?

    So, please go attend the swearing in tomorrow, or rather today to show respect to the Sultan.


  324. Don’t boycott and break the last chance for unity.

    I love DAP …. I would have voted for PAS to teach BN a lesson. Instead now YB LKS , you need to learn to break from racial/religion politics. PAS as far as I can see, is changing and maybe this is the best chance to change them.

    issuing a statement ONLY AFTER Perak Sultan had made up his mind is being utterly disrespectful. You should have said it earlier but you did NOT.

    My Buddhist/Chinese family still live in Perak and they do not see any problem as long as DAP is still in control.

    Long live DAP and democracy.

  325. 1st of all, what is the objective of BR?
    Against BN 2/3 majority both Parliaments and state governments.
    Now can rule the state government consider as “bonus”.
    Now BN is look at you all and start laughing. Don’t let BN use this as your weakness to split the BR.
    You all has same “enemy” ie. BN, stop in fighting.
    I know your main worry — BN especially MCA and Gerakan will use this to attack DAP.
    Why not discuss PKR and PAS and ask them to come out and explain to the public. Before MCA and Gerakan make it a big issue.
    Please respect Sultan decision, moreover this is agree during the time 3 party summited the candidates to Sultan.

    **Remember, if DAP (18 Seats), PKR (7 seats) and PAS (6 seats) cannot unite, then cannot form the government. You need to unite to form minor majority.

    This is what BN (28 seats) wants to see, in fighting between BR party. Just why till now, Ex-MB disappear since losing election. He know BR sure have the problem in MB decision.

    BR, let show supporters, your strengths and not your weaknesses.

  326. DAP please go for the ceremony. We have to be realistic – we are in Malay land! We have to be practical and understanding. MB at times has to attend religious functions. It is impossible for a Chinese MB to handle this kind of functions. It is the prerogative of the Sultan to select the person best suited for the MB post. Presumably one of the requirements for the post is that the person must have very good knowledge of Islam so that he can effectively handle religious functions. If that is the case, I am not surprised that PAS candidate is selected. None of the coalition component members is to blame, if PAS candidate is selected. Just respect the Sultan’s choice and abide by the country’s constitution.

    I suggest DAP take the post of Deputy MB if it is offered. I think DAP should explain clearly to its voters why a Malay Muslim with good Islamic knowledge is preferred for the post of MB, making clear that the element of discrimination does not play a part. DAP should also reassure its voters that although the MB is a Malay but decision making in running the state is done collectively by component members of the coalition. I am sure voters will accept DAP’s explanation.

  327. My Hero YB Lim,
    I’m sure your are a wise man and please make sure your DAP member attend the ceremony. It has been 50+ years we all pushing the huge wheel called “Malaysia For Malaysian”. Now the wheel is start rolling and it might take 5 or 10 years, my wish, to reach the finish line. Please don’t put a huge stone in front of the wheel because I don’t have another 50 years to wait. My Hero, please grant me my wish.

  328. Stand United! Don’t boycott as this is not wise.This is a test!

    If you fight over a state then how are the oppositions going to

    win the heart of Malaysians for the next GE?

    It will become a laughing stock of the BN.

    Be sensible and don’t lock horns.In the end it will spell


  329. PErhaps we all should urge DAP committees and supporters to accept the wishes of the rakyat. Give PAS the MB post. Perhaps the pressure came from grassroots and YB Lim has to do what’s good for the party first.

    But let’s look at the bigger picture. We havent even won yet (take over the govt) and we have already burned all our bridges.

    Majority of the comments here urged you to reconsider. Pls tell you DAP supporters to accept the wishes of the rakyat and most of us here are chinese.

  330. Clearly, the deserving Perak MP should go to DAP or at least PKR – it’s the wish of the people and the electorate. It is the question of principle of upholding democracy which we in Malaysia are all about moving forward to the future. If a PAS candidate is to be selected (which in this case garnered the least votes in this state), it does not reflects favorably on the outcome of the elections. It’s almost as if the elections didn’t matter at all. Then, why have it – this is sad..

  331. DAP leaders, this announcement has really made
    many people upset, sad, worried, and probably
    have a sleepless night.

    Many of us still not sleeping yet at this time, because
    we are all very concerned about the negative effect of
    this decision of not-attending-swearing-in-ceremony,
    which will bring towards DAP later.

    We people are not politicians like you all.
    So, what we want are very simple:
    Peaceful & Progressive environment
    in Perak.

    With such a fighting of MB position,
    what is the point? Many of us who are
    from Perak really don’t mind of having
    a MB from PAS.

    We just want to see good jobs and
    good policies being able to implemented
    by you all – PKR, PAS and DAP.

    Please listen to many of our comments
    here and attend the swearing-in ceremony
    with open-heart.

    We still support you people, no matter what
    will happen, but not a decision like this, which
    does not show any respect to Sultan Perak’s
    final decision.

    Thank you.

  332. Mr. Lim, from the hundreds of comments posted here, the majority disagree with your decision to boycott the swearing in. Are you going to stick to your poor decision? Remember it takes a strong person to admit he’s wrong but a weak-willed one will just cling to a bad decision just for “face”.

  333. lim kit siang… dont b stupid la.. fikir dulu seblm buat kenyataan. 8 mac lepas kita berjaya gagalkan 2/3 Bn krn usaha semua rakyat m;sia . bukan usaha kamu 1 org PAHAM!!! kenyataan kamu boleh jadi akan membuatkan org2 PAS kecil ati..boleh kamu bayangkan kalau PAS bertindak bergabung dengan UMNO? BN akan dpat kembali 2/3 majoriti dan segala usaha kita GAGAL!!!.. so plz .. lebih baik kamu berusaha jernihkn keadaan … ambil hati urg2 melayu dan pas..

    ya… kamu terasa puas kerana dapat membuat keputusan ‘keras’ sebagai membalas keputusan M.B itu. kamu kununnya rasa rugi.. tetapi tahu kah kamu ianya membuatkan org marah.. kini semua marah pd kamu.. saya percaya urg cina juga marah pd kamu..

    kamu sebenarnya telah terlepas peluang keemasan utk menaan hati urg melayu dan islam seluruh penduduk m’sia .saya membayangkan jika kamu mengeluarkan kenyataan ‘DAP gembira dan bersetuju dengan pilihan yang telah di buat sultan’ sebentar tadi, saya pecaya seluruh bangsa melayu dan islam dari perlis sehingga ke johor , sbh srwk akan ‘jatuh cinta ‘ dgn kamu dan DAP.. bukan kah ini baik utk parti DAP? mereka bkan hanya memangkah DAP hanya utk 5 thn tapi mungkin hingga dunia kiamat..

    pengajaran:- pejuang yg hebat bukan memilih faedah besar yang hanya akan kekal sehari ,tetapi memilih faedah kecil d hari ini utk menggapai faedah lebih besar hari esok dan selamanya…


  334. Dear YB LIM KIT SIANG,
    I am a malay and the recent election was my first vote for DAP. And I think it will be my last after your intention to boycott the swearing ceremony. There are 3 possible reasons why you did this:
    (1) you were being paid by BN
    (2) you are damn stupid
    (3) you are a racist

    As a malay I dont mind at all if the Sultan decided to choose a chinese as a MB even if PAS or PKR has the majority as long as its not BN.

  335. I am from Pasir Puteh, a Malay Muslim of PAS member. Me and my colleagues worked like hell to convince our people to vote for Uncle Lim and Thomas Su and we paid huge price for that. We worked so hard to explain why we should vote for DAP instead of BN even though Uncle Lim and Thomas Su had never been to our kampung and meet the Malay voters.

    Why was that?

    It was because we believed that DAP is now 39 years more matured than what BN always said about the 1969 whatsoever. We believe that BN, even if they are from the same family of us, are never better than any of the opposition parties.

    PAS had grew so much. The idea of Islamism is very much dynamic as you can even see in many other countries. PAS worked so hard to educate its people that Islamic State is not about hudud or closing down cinemas. We want good governance. Malay, Chinese, Indian whatsoever have more potential to grow under good governance rather than the so called DEB.

    PAS and PKR are not the enemy of DAP. But this the time to see how DAP can play with the rule and learn to create changes by priorities. PAS had already made its statement that they will cooperate with whoever the appointed MB is going to be.

    But Uncle Lim, you really dissapointed us.

  336. I am a Penang born chinese and even i can see how bad all this looks.

    Perak is a Malay state with a Malay sultan. It should have a Malay MB. Submiting a chinese candidate for the post of MB of Perak shows a complete lack of respect to the sensitivities of the malays.
    I was shocked at such a decision. I had expected DAP to graciously select a Malay from either PKR or PAS.

    Even more shocking. Rejecting the decision of the sultan, the malay symbol of authority, of the selection of a PAS MB, is an insult to all malays.

    You DAP-CEC people, you have just stepped all over malays. And after all that talk about equal treatment for all races and a new dawn. Aren’t you all ashamed?

    Maybe i should vote Gerakan next time cause Koh Tsu Khoon has shown more honour and grace in his defeat than the lot of you. Show some respect to the malays!

  337. Jeffrey’s and Limkamput’s excellent posts have said most of what I want to say.
    Kit Siang has done the right thing in protesting the appointment of PAS candidate as the Perak MB, which shows that he does not give up his principles for the sake of consolidating his power.
    PAS says that they will make all decisions collectively. But given that Kit Siang says in this post that the DAP CEC was not prepared to accept a PAS candidate for the MB post in their meeting on Sunday, PKR and PAS’s decision to nominate the PAS candidate is clearly not a collective decision. If DAP compromise on the grounds of political realities, they would be no different from MCA and GERAKAN, who was notorious for kow-towing to the demands of UMNO.
    This is a matter of principles. Given that Anwar campaigned on the platform of anti-race-based politics, PKR should advocate the appointment of Perak MB without reference to race and religion.

  338. Please, everyone, come to your senses – during election day you have shown to have them – please!

    While it is understood, that some feel 18 seats are comparatively more than 6, and they are, 18 seats are not even one third of the overall seats. Will you please keep this in mind!
    This slope of thoughts is too slippery, hopelessly slippery. Nobody gave DAP any kind of majority in Perak. Contrary to Penang.
    The moment anyone brings up numbers, the Sultan has one choice: swear in a BN person. Because BN was given the highest number of seats, 28.
    We have been able to convince the Sultan, that his people have taken the liberty to allocate 31 seats to DKP (the alternative political group consisting of DAP-PKR-PAS). It would be political suicide to start bickering in front of the Sultan, about who has contributed more. Actually, if he was interested in the welfare of His People, and I am sure he is, he ought to withdraw his offer and instead pass the post to someone from BN. Together we stand, divided we fall; and in this case not only as metaphor, but in real numbers.
    So stop even *thinking* in numbers, will you.

  339. Please don’t boycott the swearing in ceremony tomorrow. Instead attend the ceremony with open heart. As long as the MB treat all races equally, that’s not the big issue who become MB.

    BN is waiting for the chances to fire BA. don’t give them a chance. Show to all Malaysian that BA treat everybody equally. We are all Malaysian, no Malay, no Chinese, no Indian, etc…… anymore

  340. Hey guys. What Kit Siang did is TOTALLY understandable. He is just speaking up for many of us who do not understand why PKR cannot be give the MB.

    Is it so strange that many of us have reservations over PAS agenda? When we voted for DAP in Multi-racial Perak, we did not vote for a PAS MB. We thought this would only happen in Kelantan. Imagine our dilemmna when we get a PAS MB by voting for DAP? Our joy has turned into a strange disappointment. Would those things that is implemented in Kelantan be done in Perak. Would our personal freedom be jeopardize? A lot of fear in our own home.

    Now that the decision has been made, I am sure Kit Siang and DAP would know what to do. We have to movement forward and make Perak the best Coalition Government. Just give Kit Siang has space to voice our fears and concerns. Remember, we are not even asking for DAP MB. We are just asking for a neutral PKR MB when DAP has won 3X more than the next guy. Is this so unreasonable? You mean we can’t even voice our disappointment?

    Going forward, we would like to see PAS exhibit their professionalism and progressive thinking so that in the next GE, there would be absolutely no inhibitions on our part not to support PAS. Guys, its still early days, don’t get excited. Let’s let PAS prove they have no hidden agenda. Thereafter in the next GE, we would be ONE BIG BARISAN RAKYAK FAMILY. PAS, over to you to demonstrate that you are able to be fair to all races and religions!

    If you can, all of you please help Kit Siang explain to people who have reservations about PAS. This would help him a great deal.

  341. YB Lim, I have been a DAP supporter and followed your political career since the 1974 elections (Yes, 1974 when I was still in school). I have the highest respect for you but I believe this is a mistake. Please do the right thing and let the DAP assemblymen attend the swearing-in ceremony.

  342. “…you have an overwhelming Majority of malay representative DUN as compared to the 18 DAP DUNs.So where can DAP has the numerical strength to demand a chinese M.B?” Richard Teo

    How stupid can anybody get??

    Convention requires that the leader of the political party that wins the elections head the executive branch. BN did not win the elections! It is not a matter that is subject to voting cetainly not one involving members of the party which lost the elections! Hello??

  343. Uncle Kit, no one can say anything bad about DAP from today onwards. The majority here say they voted for you and you should listen to the people’s voices, and they want DAP to compromise because of the big picture, haven’t they told the MCA and Gerakan to compromise before and later voted and dump them? It is the voters that made MCA and Gerakan what they are today and the same thing they want to make DAP become tomorrow. Sad!

  344. Attending the swearing-in cremony with open-heart will at least reflect that DAP is liberal….. just saw the TV3 news…the whole nation already know… so if tomorrow, not shown in the swearing ceremony…. what i can say haha…

    8-Mar the star rise…and we see light and future…and 13-Mar, the star falling down….
    what a pity….. we lost the entire forest…just because of one tree….

  345. My friends WE still have all those fifty filthy years of slavery lag and servant mentality in our coconut head.

    and still not have enough of it , unable to get sober yet—

    I thought you guys wanted democracy and change and a forward change….think aloud man, think outside the box, get into the MILLENNIUM not at the brim and all those catchy and rhymies slogans,,,,,you fellas think this is just a soccer match or what still in front of the telly box over a cuppa..

    Get into the main stream get into GLOBALISATION, it not a just stream we are crossing it , it is our children future and their children and there not enough place for old ancient ways , especially feudal ways, those are fairy tales….it wont thinking wont help the future.
    Don just please yourself the today’s men, the ego are way over us.,
    todays children need to study matrices mathematics, not anymore sequential arithmetics.
    Why we being parents are still bickering over todays face saving or this right that right.

    All the learning and reasoning cannot help us, because many cant get rid of the inferior complex between master and servant.

    JUST CHANGE, it is just talk or what.
    ” majority” wins means shit and
    it just an english word.

    Stay FOCUS if your head is not a COCONUT.

  346. can we stop spoiling the mood the Malaysians are having now? we are very happy with the victory. stop fighting for position. whoever it is dont be power hunger… we need a oppositin to guide us and save us from BN. not to fight each and other.. so YB kit Siang plzzzz stop this

  347. Mr Lim,

    With your comments clearly written in black and white, do I sense an arrogance that comes with power? Would you care to write in your blog why are you so against a PAS candidate being the MB? Let all the people know your reasons.

    We have supported you during the election and now I sense that there is a feeling of invincibility on your side. Bear in mind that we have voted out the BN and we can also cooperate with the BN to do other things.

  348. DAP, I am very disappointed in the proposed absense from the swearing in ceremony. We have to accept the Sultan’s choice since Mohamad Nizar Jamaludin was one of the three names submitted to the Sultan. Why submit his name in the first place? And remember we all complain earlier when BN absense themselves from Lim G E’s swearing in? And what do the rakyat think of that BN action? God has mercifully shown us the deplorable absence of BN to tell us (DAP) not to follow suit.

    DAP is unanimously requested to attend to show magnanimity and graciousness.

  349. This is another Fong Ku Kuan incident. I am too sick with DAP’s sandiwara.

    My warning to Lim, the moment you boycott swearing-in ceremony, DAP will be out of Malaysian political radar forever.

    We ordinary rakyat just live in a hopelesss land governed by BN forever.

    As Malay folk says “itu takdir tuhan!”

  350. you know if this nizar was waving keris, or waving the quran, spewing islamic stuff non stop, or not qualified, then mabye the boycott is justified,

    instead, DAP is just acting like sore losers, sour grapes, power hungry, WTH la! dont make DAP supporters look bad !

  351. “Good point 9to5. Exactly what I posted earlier. There’s something amiss in the picture. Why the Sultan suddenly step in when BR won and never when BN won.”


    “energize Says:

    Yesterday at 22: 59.45
    I am a God-fearing malay muslim who prays 5 times a day. I am a PAS supporter but (and?) I voted for DAP parliamentary candidate in my area – the candidate won.

    I am sure many other malay muslims did the same – showing our support behind BR regardless whether it was DAP, PKR or PAS because we believed in the coalition and what it could potentially achieve.

    We overcame our reservations about DAP and told ourselves that DAP fights for justice and fairplay, which are central Islamic values and in any case PAS and DAP have looked past their differences and are working together with PKR on their shared struggle.

    Now comes this news.

    To me, this only confirms my fears that DAP doesn’t really care very much about malays, muslims or the sovereignity of the Sultans.

    It’s also stupid and just drags everyone else in the BR coalition down. You’re just committing suicide.

    Please, don’t make me regret my vote. Retract the statement please.

    Remember, we voted you in and we can vote you out.”


  352. Kit Siang,
    Many chinese have prejudice against PAS, like wise many malays have against a chinese Perak MB. We have to live with some compromise for the sake of Malaysia. To have a chinese Perak MB is too drastic of a change for Malaysians, on top of that PKR do not have a good line up for a MB candidate compared to PAS. Furthermore, the newly formed govt. gave the Sultan 3 candidates to choose from, the Sultan has made his choice. We must respect it. What good do you expect from the boycott? There might be uneasiness about it at the beginning, but Trust is needed in for this coalition to work out. Proof to us it is worth voting for the opposition!!

    Please reconsider the boycott and make this GOVERNMENT work! We have to hope for the best, furthermore, the people of Perak has given the mandate to the opposition parties to make the change. JUST DO IT!

  353. Why there was 3 cadidates submited to Sultan rather than 2, if DAP dun willing to accept abother 1?

    The question now is not about who should take the MB post. This is because Sultan already made his very decision.

    The question now is about whether we are going to show our ‘RESPECT’ or not…

    If we can Respect Sultan, new MB and PAS.. yet we can expect to have the same respect as the return from Malay as well as Muslim.

    If we arent prepared to show our respect to other, yet we shouldnt ask other to respect us or work together with us in any kind.

    We are the one who urge to form Malaysian Spirit- which respect each other in no account of races and relegions. Please show to the majority (Malay-Muslim) that we as the minority can repect, will respect Sultan and PAS, for the very least as we all are Malaysian.

  354. A respect given will be a respect earned. DAP must do the right thing and not make this into a joke. LKS wake up. You are now part of a state government and a Federal govt in-waiting. Please look at the bigger picture. My friend madfish a staunch supporter was appaled when he saw your statement.
    A new dawn has already started. Don’t let this be the down fall of DAP.

  355. I don’t have time to read every single response of this blog, but I think 99% of these over 300 responses are disappointed with LKS statement and decision.

    I too is disappointed with it. I supported DAP so far, and this is not something I like to see. I thought DAP always believe “Malaysia for Malaysian.” What’s wrong with having a PAS member as the MB? We had a lot of arrogant BN people as MB, ministers, even PM in the past.

    I believe our beloved and respected Sultan of Perak wanted a good leader for the state and strike a balance in the state government. I fully trust the wisdom of the Sultan.

    So, take back your moronic statement and reaction, for the sake of the country, if you really care about it.

  356. Uncle Lim, can the decision be changed?
    if YES, then i fully support you on your decision but things should be carried out in a different manner together with PKR.
    if NO, then i think we need to think positive and to carry on with the decision.
    Its not really nice for not attending the swearing ceremony irregardless of whast had happened.

    No matter what happened, you will always be my number 1 choice. Always remember that others are watching……..GO GO GO

  357. Also, about credibility.
    A few weeks ago only, when Badawi declared not to dissolve parliament within the CNY, only to reverse his own decision within 24 hours, what a heap of shame was poured over him. What a bunch of nice and thoughtful expressions did we have for him!

    It makes me wonder if DAP has taken the proper idol to follow in this case, here and today.

    Please, please, consider and if necessary reconsider the decision. Badawi’s steadfastness does not need any imitation.

  358. I don’t believ a PAS MB would be worse than a BN MP. Also, in a coalition government where PAS has only 6 seats, it will have to consult with DAP and PKR. Nizar has already stated that this not a PAS government but a coalition government and that all decisions will be made collectively. He has kept calm in responding to your aggresive statement and has gained my respect by doing this.

    BTW, I’m a Christian and have no problem with a PAS MB. Please withdraw the CEC statement.

  359. Shame on you Kit. I though you are Malaysian leader. But you are just another selfish fellow. Shame no you.

    Who else do you want for Perak MB. See Malay with english and mandarin speaking fellow.

    Bernama melaporkan, Mohammad Nizar yang menang kerusi Dun Pasir Panjang pada pilihan raya Sabtu lepas merupakan seorang jurutera perunding lulusan Aston University of Science & Technology di Birmingham, England.

    Setiausaha Badan Perhubungan PAS Perak itu menyertai parti tersebut pada 1995 dan bertanding kali pertama bagi merebut kerusi Parlimen Kuala Kangsar pada pilihan raya umum 2004 tetapi tewas kepada penyandangnya Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz.

    Menteri Besar Perak yang baru ini memulakan persekolahan di Sekolah Rendah Anglo-Chinese School(ACS) Kampar sebelum meneruskan pendidikan menengah di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Anglo-Chinese School Kampar dan Sekolah Menengah Teknik Ipoh dan menyambung pengajian peringkat A-Level dan ijazah di England.

    Beliau memulakan kerjayanya di Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) sebelum berkhidmat sebagai jurutera di Perbadanan Pembangunan Bandar (UDA) dan Perbadanan Pembangunan Pulau Pinang PDC).

  360. Limkamput,
    I beg to differ. Do you remember in Penang during the previous election when Gerakan only won 8 seats whereas UMNO won 12?They wanted to take the M.B post by virtue of their majority.But it was not given to them because if you add MCA and DAP the chinese outnumbered the 12UMNO DUNs. By that reasoning if UMNO were to insist on taking the Chief Minister Post the next election DAP will probably win all the MCA and Gerakan seats so that they can have a chinese chief Minister.Same as in Perak, PKR,PAS and UMNO has 7,6 and 28 DUNs in the state legislature, majority are malays.Now how long you think a chinese M.B will stay in that position?Worse case scenario is that members from PKR or PAS may cross over to B.N in order to have a malay M.B.Is that not possible?DAP should show magnanimty by giving the M.B post to PAS. That way at least the coalition will remain intact and prevent any crossing over.

  361. Calm down everyone. Please read Uncle Lim statement again. He never ever said he wont support a Malay MB. In fact he said he supports PKR Malay assemblyman as the MB.

    Perak DAP chairman Ngeh Khoo Nam and Ngo Kor Min also said they respect the Sultan’s decision.

    Please attend the ceremony and work together for the benefits of Perak people though i hope.

  362. Dear Assemblyman,

    who cares about the CEC’s mandate ?
    It’s the people’s mandate that you should care.
    It’s the people’s welfare, that you should care.
    please reTHINK about your actions, you will live to regret it.
    what is the ?????.
    Sultans has his reasons.
    Just go lah, please don’t ?? our votes.


  363. Before we attack YB Lim any further, suggest we take a step back and ask some questions:
    1) Why is PKR’s Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi not selected as the new Perak MB? It is so obvious and logical to everyone that he would be the best compromise candidate for all parties.
    2) We asume that the Sultan or Regent of Perak are wise men. Is this assumption true? Have they been influenced by external forces? Could it be sabotage by BN?
    I am sure that there are many things that we are not privy to. Perhaps, the Sultan or Regent of Perak, through their spokesperson, can tell us why they choose PAS instead of PKR. It will go a long way to prevent any misunderstanding between the different races in Malaysia.
    Having said the above, I strongly feel that DAP should not boycott today’s ceremony. If things do not work out with PAS, you can still make changes at the later date because the majority of Perakians (read: People) supported DAP.

  364. written by The dragonheart, March 13, 2008 | 00:29:23
    You can curse PAS but not DYMM PADUKA SERI SULTAN PERAK…

    To the Malays, this is what we call biadap and kurang ajar

    As I wrote above PKR/PAS/DAP won because we had a one-to-one battle against BN. we worked this success together.

    If there is no Barisan Rakyat coalition, I don’t think any party could beat BN!!! It is because only one party contested against BN and therefore we won. DAP did not win single handedly. DAP should thanked PKR and PAS too.

    Perak constitution stipulated that the MB MUST be a MUSLIM.

    DAP claimed that they are not single race party but why majority of its top ranking are Chinese? should DAP have a Malay or a Chinese Muslim, they could be the MB.

    If DAP do not understand how to be a team player, then from the very beginning tell us so. I am a strong PAS supporter but I vote for DAP because I believe we are in the same team.

    My dear LKS, I don’t mind if the statements above were made by UMNO,MCA,MIC or GERAKAN… but when it comes from you, I am very disappointed.

    We want change but we also must use our 2 sen brain that we cannot change the paradigm of the people just overnight. People take time to change. and it took years for RPK to convince the people in M-T that it is ok to vote for PAS or DAP.

    And now suddenly you forgot the you won because PAS and PKR and fence sitters and frustrated BN people voted for you… and you thought you win all by yourself!! This is what I meant by greed…

    If you want to form a government in Malaysia learn to respect the Malay Rulers… If you do not know the protocol you better start learning now… The Malay Rulers are the Umbrella to the Malays and the religion of Islam and I am positively sure, the Malays (does not matter what party he may come from) will defend their Sultans maybe even with their live if people like you starts to be KURANG AJAR and BIADAP!

    I am sound hard here but I am saying it sincerely, so beware and use your head not just your feel…

    I still hope this BR thingy still works, if not the Malays should either go to PKR or PAS, and leave DAP alone.

  365. I thought after this election, we would let go off:

    -Cold-hearted politics where only the numbers matter and the words of the law. When the Hindu temples were demolished, it was because the authorities observed the law without taking into account the wider context of how long they’ve been there and the significance of the structure itself.

    -The lack of checks and balances and overt Executive power. I thought DAP Perak would’ve been smart enough to use its ability as a check against the MB’s executive power and thus moderate his policies and increase trust between the communities.

    Today, DAP has destroyed my hopes.

    The beginnings of a two-party system? Not after this. It’s gonna take a long while if DAP does not come to its senses.

    DAP thought that all votes it got was because of DAP. It forgot that our First-Past-The-Post system meant that wasn’t true.

    Remember, not all votes the new ADUNs of Perak got was explicitly for a DAP or PKR MB. You can’t claim a larger number of ADUNs as a direct endorsement of any one single chief Exec.

    Many people say that this appointment was also due to race and religious preferences. Now, how do you go about proving that?


  366. Uncle Kit,

    Please take a look at your blog comments. So many concerned supporters are voicing out. We are supposed to go to sleep as we have to work tomorrow. I am trying to register to put a comment and I had to wait so long as the blogsite is so congested!!! This shows how much concerned we are with this one decision of yours!

    Your decision for today can affect millions of Malaysians for the next coming years!!! Please make decision with the rakyat in your mind.

    Please give us a reasonable justifications as to why DAP cannot accept a PAS Menteri Besar. Please do not just quote the reason “unhappiness”. This is really sad and bad. I cannot imagine that our happiness is short-lived.

    What’s the use of boycotting? If you boycott tomorrow’s swearing-in session, what about the future state exco meetings, future development issues, future of many millions of hopes put on your shoulder, are you going to boycott us too???

    I almost packed my bag already trying to look for greener pasture but because of this incredible result from the GE, I am holding on. Please do not disappoint us. You are now carrying millions of hopes and you can either destroy them just like that or continue to keep these hopes burning alive.

    Sleepness tonight.

  367. Sir,

    HELLOOOOO WHAT IS GOING ON HERE??? Did we not hear the message to vote for PKR, DAP or PAS? This we did in our response to ALL of you. Should you not walk the talk? I am very disappointed to your reaction – totally out of line. The folks who are still demanding for the seat to be DAP’s etc… when are you going to wake up? Dont you get it? We are trying to get to the finish line with the mulit racial approach. By boycotting and all that, you will only give the BN media a field day, upset people who believed in you and turn the cake which was so hard to bake completely upside down. We are supposedly politically matured, so act like it. THANK YOU!!!


  368. An ideal solution would be appointing Mr. Kula Segaran as the MB, as this would fulfill the aspiration of the marginalised
    Indian community. He has manifested his strong leadership with gusto and credibility for the good of all Malaysian.

    He will also represent the rightful candidate who should come from the party with the most number of elected DUN.
    It is also ripe time for the Opposition Front to walk the talk, to manifest that meritocracy should blurred the boundary of racial divides.

    More importantly they must show BN that they are able to
    work together cohesively in unison for the good of the Perakian, irrespectively of the colour of the skin of their leaders. The Bangsa Malaysia dream should be given this golden opportunity to germinate after 50 yrs.

    I trust the Honourable Sultan, who is extremely learned in the constitution, will exercise his wisdom provided in the constitution to exempt himself the need to appoint a Malay MB.

    As a head of state respected highly for his democratic and impartial principles, we hope the Honourable Sultan would
    decide on a candidate acceptable to all parties, not limiting himself to the constraints of the constitution.

    PKR and PAS, as the minorities in the coalition government, should first respect the wishes and decision of the Rakyat.
    They have decisively elected for the leader to be from the party which won the most DUN, nevertheless the merits have to go to PKR and PAS.

    Any possibility of a minute conflict and disunity among the Oppositon Front should not be allowed to emerge, as the bigger objective of the next GE of taking over the whole government of the country is yet to be realised.

    We hope to see an amicable solution soon.

  369. I do not understand why DAP need to boycott the swearing ceremony.
    If DAP do not agree with PAS candidate why don’t say it up front early?
    If DAP do not agree with PAS candidate as MB, then DAP should withdraw from coalition. Would you be happy to see BN to take over MB post?
    This is a starting point, if you can’t work together and show the support, how is DAP going to work together with the coalition for the next 5 years?
    Penang BN ADUN look childish for not attending DAP CM sworn, it also look foolish that DAP boycott N.Sembilan MB sworn in. But don’t boycott in Perak that is you own coalition and your comrade. So if you boycott PAS MB, then are you going to reject a appointing a DAP deputy MB as well?
    Please put down what ever personnel reason behind and show support.

  370. I am a Malaysian Chinese residing in Petaling Jaya and had voted for your party’s candidates in the 12th GE.

    I had attended practically all your party’s ceramahs in the PJU and nearby areas. In the ceramahs, your speakers had continuously stressed the importance of a multiracial government that takes care of its rakyat regardless of status, race and religion.

    It is therefore a great shock and disappointment to hear that the DAP is calling its Perak state assemblymen to boycott the swearing-in ceremony of the new Perak MB tomorrow just because the MB is from PAS. I feel very much let down by this decision.

    Firstly, your party calls for the establishment of a Malaysian Malaysia. Isn’t PAS part of Malaysian Malaysia. Or are you telling us now that just because they are from PAS, they are not? Then in the first place, you should not have ask the voters, especially your supporters, to vote for the ‘Bulan’ knowing fully well it is referring to PAS. If you can ask voters, especially your supporters, to vote for PAS, then why can’t your party now accept a PAS assemblyman to head the state government. I was led to believe that as long as a person is qualified, he will be supported. As many speakers said in your ceramahs, ‘It doesn’t matter whether it is a white cat or a black cat, as long as it is able to catch rat, it is a good cat.’ Doesn’t the same argument holds, whether the MB is from PAS, DAP or PKR, as long as he is able to look after the welfare of the rakyat, then he is a good MB.

    Secondly, if a candidate from PAS cannot be accepted by the DAP, then why in the first place you decide to set up a coalition government with them? The argument that you can cooperate with the six PAS assemblymen and yet can’t accept a PAS member as the Perak MB does not hold water. Are you trying to fool us just like what the BN government had done over the last 50 years? Don’t think that the public is stupid. How can we, the rakyat, trust you now when even before the state government is set up, you are already fighting among yourselves in the so-called ‘Barisan Rakyat’ coalition.

    Thirdly, your party’s Perak state chairman Mr Ngeh Koo Ham had repeatedly said that DAP, PKR and PAS will abide by any decision made by the Sultan on the Perak MB. Now that a decision had been reached, you are going back on your words. As I recall from one of the speeches by Mr Gobind Singh Deo in SS2 on March 7 in which he said, “A politician must be responsible for what he said. After making a statement, he cannot then said that he is saying things in a sarcastic manner etc so as to deny his earlier statement.” Mr Gobind Singh said this when commenting on Tun Mahathir’s statement that when he said Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was innocent, he was being sarcastic about it. The same standard should then be applied to all DAP party leaders and speakers. You must be responsible and accountable for what you say. When you said that you will accept the decision made by the Sultan, then you must stand by what you had said. Going back on your words now can only show that the BN is right and that your party leaders, especially Mr Lim Kit Siang, is only going after personal glory/power without any regard to the well-being of the rakyat and the party. DAP would then be just a party that is “cakap tak serupa bikin”.

    Fourthly, your party has not come out with any reason for the rejection of the PAS assemblyman as the Perak MB. I, as a voter that voted for your party, demand to know the reason behind this decision. Your party had always stressed the importance of accountability and transparency in your election manifesto. Now, please ‘walk the talk’ by also being transparent and explain your decision to the public. Anything less would make you no better than the BN government which 50% of the peninsula rakyat had just rejected. Anything less would also guarantee that the rakyat would make their voices heard again in the next general election, voting against the DAP.

    There are many more reasons for my feeling of utter disgust and consternation for this decision made by your party’s CEC. However, I will keep them to myself at this moment.

    On the morning of March 9, 2008, I truly believe that a new era has dawned on Malaysia as we are finally able to transcend race and religion in our efforts to make Malaysia the truly great country that she should be. A truly Malaysian Malaysia. Sadly, just three days later, that new era does not even have a chance to begin as the group of leaders that are supposed to lead us there are now fighting among themselves for whatever reasons best known to them.

    How can we move forward as a nation when we have leaders that are so selfish, egocentric and who don’t practice what they preached? Is our country forever going to be mired in mediocrity amidst a culture of intolerance, suspicion, fear, corruption and cronyism?

    I sincerely thought that DAP is part of the future and a cure of our country’s ills. However, this decision by your CEC had shown that DAP is a party of the past. It is already blinded by its election success and is no longer in touch with the aspirations of the rakyat to build a nation based on trust, integrity, tolerance, responsibility and accountability, regardless of status, race and religion. You had forgotten that the rakyat is the boss that voted for you and put you there to serve us. You had betrayed your voters and had rejected the rakyat’s wish to move forward to form a Malaysian Malaysia.

    I rest my case.

    By Teh Seng Hin

  371. The opposition coalition was voted in because we taught that all of you have a common ground to agree on. Regardless that DAP don’t want to work with PAS, but the fact that DAP work with PKR and PKR work closely with PAS means that DAP can tolerate PAS. And similarly, PAS tolerate DAP. PEople see PKR as the bridge in the coalition. And anwar’s appearance convinced us that this can work. At 12GE, no coalition partners can claim exclusive success. You have to work together because that was your selling point.

    DAP is successfull in Perak because of the support of malay muslims as well and they support DAP not because any of its ideals and the long-perceived image of being anti malay and anti muslim, but because they are better option than the BN and can find common ground with coalition members.

    Pls LKS don’t be so drunken with your success in Perak because this first mandate is just a litmus test to your trustworthiness as a multiracial party of a plural society amid the fact that malays are majority. Pls look beyond this 5 year period. There are many more years with promising future if you take care of this one well.

    If your son can prove in penang that malays are not left behind in the island state, i believe that one day a chinese or indian can be MB anywhere in the country. But pls take the opportunity to prove your worth first. You may not live to see this but the time will come. The malays as the majority in other states have never had chinese MBs before except penang so it’s easy to accept the fact that LGE is there. But for other states? not yet. For chinese and indians, they are used to malay MBs. Excel in penang first, please.

    LKS, I am beginning to like you despite your arrogance and greediness. You want everything but not wanting to give any.

    Anyway, damage had already been done. Regardless if tomorrow DAP still turned up during swearing-in, your statement has herded malays away from DAP. DAP is already doomed and it will forever be irrelevant to Malaysia particularly to malays.

    Of course unless DAP remove LKS.

  372. If DAP prides itself on standing by its principles, than this is not the way to show it.

    They should uphold the principles of Parliamentary checks and balances, of collective cabinet decisions regardless of who becomes MB.

    If this is a principled move, then DAP should just pull out of the coalition.

    Its move to boycott the swearing in is a blatant attempt and pleasing the Chinese Ultra vote yet at the same time it’s willing to stay in power with PAS. Where are the principles in that?


  373. obviously its not a matter of race, but is it a matter of religion? if that was what transpired in the CEC meeting, i feel like SLAPPING the OLD COOT who brought it up. i know there are some christians in DAP and if those christians caused this I REALLY want to slap them, please leave religion out of this, im chinese atheist and i dont care if the MB is PAS, so long he can do his job! BODOH!

  374. I hope YB can update this page soon and gv us the good news.

    But at the back of my mind I believe this is just a ploy to show the malays that DAP has sacrificed alot for the good of the country come tomorrow when LKS announces that they will be attending the swearing in ceremony. By doing so DAP would have sealed the malay votes in the future.

    But for now it will only be in my dreams.

    Will be watching this site closely for any updates.

  375. despin,

    Don’t be silly, the most is 30% Chinese are hardcore DAP supporters. People like me called fence-sitters are at another 30-35%.

    DAP can be a mosquito party like PPP if you think Chinese voters will keep you alive.

    BN will take back all states when people hated BN vote according their own party as before.

    This big win makes DAP men a big head donkey especially junior and senior Lim.

  376. Uncle Lim and fellow assemblymen

    I am so so Disappointed with you,
    I heard you speak before, i know this is not you.
    i know you are a solution oriented person.
    THIS will go a long WAY.

    the rakyat wished to give the coalition the federal government, in the coming election.

    Proof to us that this work, proof to us that we don’t need them.
    you can do this. Just imagine if win deferal goverment liao what will happen, sure make noise summore.

    PLEAASEEEEE look forward !!!!!! THIS will go alooong way.

    please Just go lah, please don’t waste our efforts and trust on you.

    we will always stand behind you,
    malaysia citizen

  377. I voted DAP for change not to DAP for such a boycott. We have to admit the fact that things will change and we are in the right path. We need malaysian from all walk to support and be a real multi-racial and multi religious party. If we show some compromise on this issue, DAP supporters will give praise and at the same time we show that we are more mature than others. Ask for more respresentive in the state to refrain PAS to extend unfavourable practices to Perak. In time to come I am sure PAS will learnt how to position themself amoung multi-religions. Look towards to the big picture. Even muslim will appreciate our tolerence.

  378. I am adding to the hundreds of protest. It is a stupid statement, it is bad taste and just so damaging. What a start to governing. Talk about the arrogance of the BN. It is sheer bad timing. Do you really expect this coalition government can survive if it is already starting on a bad footing? I think it is fair that the Sultan picked one of the three names; the situation is delicate, the coalition is tenuous and you have a condition that is potentially divisive, ethnically. I think the Sultan has picked on the right choice. Why so impatient? I thought the DAP would believe in collective governing — so what if the MB is from a minority party? Once you agree to be in the coalition –just pick the right man, or woman regardless of race to lead. Isn’t that what the DAP believes in? Do you mean to say that the thousands of multiracial voters didn’t know that they were voting in a Chinese chauvinist party? Do not underestimate that such stupid gesture (disrespectful of the Sultan for eg) can prick many sensitivities in ways that the DAP will not want to be responsible for. For goodness sake, withdraw the statement and be gracious enough to attend the swearing-in ceremony tomorrow!!

  379. Sheesh… can people actually read or is this a result of a BN run education system? Please note.. the DAP is not against a Malay MB. The DAP IS NOT AGAINST A MALAY MB! HELLO?! THE DAP IS NOT AGAINST A MALAY MB! SO STOP SAYING THAT IT IS!


  380. Hi YB,

    Disappointed that DAP still engage in these type of posturing. Has all our hopes over the last few days come to this?

    My family and I have supported DAP all this while, maybe we were wrong?

    We understand the constraints in Perak. DAP will have a majority in the State EXCO somewhat reflecting the number of seats won, No?

    Please retract the statement.

  381. Why are we giving the BN opportunities to hit us back? This is ridiculous. After all the hard work, why must let this happen? We have been living in this situation for the past 50 years. It takes time to change. We have to do it slowly and steadily. There should be no rush. Why the sudden rush for positions the very thing we kept condemning the BN. We don’t care which party gets the MB post, all we want is a fair and responsible govt that takes care of the need of all its people irrespective of race.

  382. Dear YB

    We agree with your argument for a PKR MB as alternative due to the state requirement (which is racist in nature). But decision has been made by the state Ruler based on 3 choices presented. Respect the Ruler’s decision.

    We all agree that the dramatic shift in power caught everyone unprepared. Malaysians have spoken and voted in Barisan Rakyat because of the united cooperation of DAP/PKR/PAS. The cooperation should continue as this is good for the nation.

    DAP is a multi-race party and would remain so. Moving forward we should have programmes to attract more Malaysians of Malay origin to join the party. Of course, they must subscribe to the Malaysian for Malaysia concept. Only then we can be unshakeable. We cannot remain to ride on the non-malays sentiment.

    When majority Malaysians’ and the Rulers’ mindset has changed, then we wouldn’t face such an awkward situation.

    We hope that YB (with unanimous concurrence from CEC) would release another press statement, making good the situation (earlier press release).

    Do the right thing for Malaysia.

    I remain DAP loyalist forever and remain YB supporter for now… unless.

  383. Now Utusan Online and Star Online already championing the issue. By tomorrow morning, the BA coalition will be the laughing stock…

    OMG…just 4 days after the election out of 5 years (1 term)…..premature ejaculation!!!

  384. Leaving issues of race and religion aside, lets look at it from the party’s unity point of view. Boycotting the event only shows the lack of unity in the new administration. It will shake the people’s confidence as power struggle and conflict has already occurred even before the state gov. is formed. How are they going to govern Perak effectively for the next 4yrs I wonder. Hopefully, Mr LKS will make a wise decision.

  385. Umno used to win more seats in Penang yet it handed over the CM seat to Gerakan. Why not DAP follow that example of “sacrifice” and let PAS be the MB for Perak. I am sure Sultan Azlan have considered all aspects. This is Malaysia, not Singapore or HK or Taiwan!

  386. We should respect Sultan decision and if Nizar is not from PAS I believe that no one will reject him to be the MB.

    He has the educational qualification for this post. He master well not only in Bahasa Melayu. And the most importantly He is humble enough and he understand clearly about our worry on PAS.

    Now still some of us are rejecting him. Rejecting just because of he is from PAS. Yet we are showing that we are still unable to at least show our respect to Muslim. What a sad case?

    Its hard to find any other extrodinary person in PAS just like Nizar, who care about non-muslim and voiced out our worry, yet given assurance that Perak will never turn to a PAS-state.

    He has the very qualification and he did try his best to ask for acceptance. Why we are still reject him just because of he is from PAS?

    We cant expect other to respect us if we dun willing to respect them at the 1st place. Change we had voted it out, and we need all leaders to change his mind. Never-ever reject or support just because of races and religions, but not qualification..

    This is not fair at all at least to Nizar. He try so hard to give away assurance to us as non-Muslim. Still we never give him even 1 chance.

  387. From one Lim (me) to an older and wiser Lim:

    DAP does not have to dominate (even if it may have the right to) and I’m sure there are other means to strike a balance in the power-sharing entity. The MB would have:

    1) symbolic powers (so be it; afterall Perak is still a Malay-majority state)
    2) exco powers (this is where the balancing act is critical and a majority DAP-populated exco should ensure some checks-and-balances to decision-making)

    There are a lot of good points raised by some of your supporters here. I was even going to suggest a rotation scheme PAS-DAP-PKR over the term but that may not be effective and may pose some practical challenges.

    Do the right thing. I’m confident you will.

  388. What is the principle of DAP? To make sure a Chinese to be Menteri Besar?

    Go back to read DAP’s party article, DAP is a multi-racial party. Why there was no a single Malay candidate in the DAP team?

    If you got Malay DAP assemblyman, the mentri besar post sure go to DAP.

    DAP is dream of forming any state government without the support of fence sitting Chinese, Malays and Indians.

  389. DAP LEADERS, DYMM Sultan is thinking ahead for picking PAS MB, for our sake, your sake and the nations sake.

    DAP MB is out of the question.

    DYMM chose PAS instead of PKR, it takes guts and foresight to do that. Figure it out.

  390. btw DAP is not in the opposition now (at least at state level) and all elected ADUN should focus on gaining experience jointly administering the state of Perak with other coalition members.

  391. Dear uncle lim

    We didn’t vote BA in so that UMNO can make a mockery of you, because ultimately it reflects badly on the electorates’ choice made last Saturday.

    There’s something you probably don’t realise. We anak Perak love and revere our Sultan. He’s very close to our hearts. Also it’s unlikely that he’s being influenced by BN. He must have valid reasons for choosing the PAS candidate. We will honour his decision.

    Pls don’t boycott the ceremony. Thanks


  392. sudah la bro… u faham ka apa maksud hilang kepercayaan? bukan senang bro mau lihat malay vote 4 DAP.. kami pangkah ikhlas dgn harapan DAP bekerjasama dgn PKR n PAS membentuk krjn yg baik..

    DAP members plz do something.. lim kit siang..u also should do something..

  393. 1. Everybody be calm. Don’t panic because of one blog post.
    LKS is not Mahathir. We have to allow some working/sparring space to figure out the political relationships among partners. Even husband & wife will have differing opinions and behaviors.

    What is important is we are moving towards a Malaysia for all Malaysian, as demonstrated by many of the mature posters here and their moderate opinions. Give some credit to LKS/CEC that they will decide the most appropriate action, considering the complex circumstances.

    For those are expecting a perfect world after March08, you could be too naive/idealistic. Be patient & we shall be rewarded.

    2. Beware of agent provocateurs & suspicious posts stirring up racial/emotional subjects similar to those from the posters below.


    *Anyone of them could be a sweaty, bald, fat, greasy faceless BN agent behind a computer. No offense to the genuine sweaty, bald, fat, greasy Malaysians who voted for change.

  394. YB LKS: I am chinese ethnic. But I would like to tell people I am Malaysian when I am abroad. What is happening is not healthy after a good & hopeful start. DAP is sounding like UMNO-BN already. The boycott of new Perak-MB being from PAS is exactly what they were waiting for. It will be painted all over the media tomorrow. Pls do not act in such impulsion. You have already achieved no other politician in Malaysia, as far as I know, have achieved in the 12th GE. Not asking you to backdown or be ‘soft’…but show some goodwill (money cannot buy one you know)…this will only make DAP even more stronger into the next GE. Otherwise, it will only last until then. PLEASE the majority that voted DAP. Were the majority Chinese? The majority were ALL the Perak people. I think the tsunami also washed away the level thinking…give the new MB a CHANCE. You asked for CHANGE, the voters gave you. Don’t betray the voters. It may take forever to gain the trust again. Don’t waste the 50 years. Respect the Sultan’s decision. Going against the Sultan’s decision is a BIG NO-NO & big mistake that will cost DAP dearly into the next GE. I believe there is already a compromise that there will be more state exco in Perak…what’s wrong with that? What’s so great about the CM post? Is DAP going to tell the whole Malaysia that it is a power-crazy party? Tell the people of Perak to give PAS CM a chance. The PAS CM can’t have absolute power right? The PAS CM still have to report to Tok Guru & going against the PAS CM is as well as going against the Tok Guru. This would not be an issue if PAS decide to divorce…then Perak will go back to BN hands. Who will have the last laugh? We may not know the whole story of your decision but pls think over it again & consider a bigger picture here for DAP, for the Rakyat. Show the goodwill. It will be worth more than just the CM post of one state.

  395. DAP should be grateful that the Perak Sultan agreed to appoint a non malay Deputy menteri besar. In Selangor, the appointmnet of a non malay deputy Menteri besar was rejected. DAP should be grateful with this small mercies given by the Perak sultan.He is one ruler who command the respect of all Malaysians.

  396. Asking why PAS not PKR just a metter to creat the differences in the Barisan Rakyat. PKR/PAS/DAP should work collectively.
    PAS candidaten was chosen by the most wise sultan. The Sultan must have good reason for this.
    Academic wise, Nizar is an engineer, studied in chinese school from primary to MCE level. Then going to England for Engineering. Got IR. Is that part of your meritocrasi?
    Having said that, the dicision is made by the sultan for the seek of the state.

  397. Well, some said it’s just a sandiwara; in Cantonese “choe hei”. I really hope it is. Otherwise, it would be very disappointing for us rakyat who VOTED FOR CHANGE in the 12th GE.

    I understand that it’s no easy solution but we have to keep to our course and promises. I believe we Malaysians (Malaysian Malays, Malaysian Chinese, Malaysian Indians) have learnt to ‘accept’ PAS as one of the Barisan Rakyat members. We have no problem voting for them during the last election.

    Let’s work together for a better Malaysia. I thought I saw a light in the tunnel on the 9th March 2008, but when this news come about, the light starts to get dimmer. Remember, you’ve been given an opportunity by the rakyat, so don’t let us down.

  398. Dear YB LKS,

    If you posted this blog to gauge people’s response, pls note that we non muslims in Perak or originally from Perak (im an Indian originally from Perak and residing in Penang now, with parents still in Ipoh), have no qualm on having a Pas chief minister in Perak. As mentioned earlier pls live up to the statements made prior to the audience with Raja Nazrin on respecting his decision on choice of MB, otherwise why in god’s name did you guys submit 3 names plus come out with statement that the choice of MB is irrelevant, since DAP still has a mojority of exco seats. Pls dont boycott the swearing in ceremony, it really sounds childish and irresponsible coming from a matured politician like you

  399. When majority Malaysians’ and the Rulers’ mindset has changed, then we wouldn’t face such an awkward situation.


    Agree, sultan selangor’s private secreatry said even deputy CM must be a Muslim Malay. His reasoning is DCM may have go to open mosque.

    There are many old donkeys still living in this country.

  400. Its sad indeed to see how so many LKS supporters so QUICKLY come in with all sorts of negative personal attack (Rocky’s blog).

    I hope all of us can appreciate & understand how tired & energy drained is Uncle Lim by now having just gone through all the punishing campaigns & doubly more punishing meetings after the election. In our runners’ analogy, its like running another higher quality Full marathon immediately after having finished one and all that at the age of 60 plus!

    It is at such a time such a person may not be able to think at his best. It is at such a time like this that we the Malaysians should gather around him & encourage him & gently put in our other opinion & better advise.

    Lets not come down so hard on LKS please. He is but a man like you & me. Wanna join me for a full marathon?

  401. Dear fellow netizens,

    It surely had been a very, very hectic time for ALL of US…the candidates of the just concluded elections and fellow supporters. And not to mention the dizzying and totally out-of-expection results.

    Winning an election is all about getting ready to serve the rakyat. Isn’t that the number one priority?? BN had been denied 2/3 majority..mission one accomplished. The rakyats are just have to go around ..people all over our beloved country are happy with the better-than-expected outcome. Look at it..our Mr Lim Guan Eng is already in the thick of things in Penang..serving the rakyat and informing them about events and affairs which concern them most…Congrats..

    Now coming to Perak.

    I have a few word for our beloved Raja Dr Nazrin Shah.

    Dear Raja NAzrin.

    I am a great admirer of your goodself and for that reason I tried to read whatever you wrote in the media and followed your speeches whenever possible. You have indeed been a beacon in our homeland. When Raja Nazrin speaks, everyone will take heed because of your impartiality and learned approach toward issues. And you dare to speak your mind and beg to differ whenever an alternative voice is needed.

    When there were misinterpretation of the Constitution or any issues that affect national interest you gave your piece of mind to put matter back into the proper perspective. Your wisdom and sound judgement help to reassure fellow malaysians.

    From your speeches and writings you very often touch on economic and social justice, civil society. nation building, and religious issues. You did mention the importance of having leaders who are earnest in maintaining unity and never resorting to religious or ethnic posturing to further their political careers at the expense of peace and unity. I salute you for making this statement while addressing the first student leaders summit sometime last year. That would mould not only our aspiring leaders but also serve notice to all present leaders about the preferred stance that they have to take in order to better serve the rakyat.

    Back to the just concluded General Elections.

    Definitely the outcome took everyone by surprise, and I think even your goodself. The fact that three political parties combined won the majority of seats in the Perak State ( coincidently my home state) election present a somewhat challenging situation, especially when ethnicity and religious issues arose. The decision to choose the Menteri Besar would have been straight forward if only one particular race is involved.

    There may be particular clauses in the Perak constitution which are to be considered in making the decision. But then you also have the authority to take exception to the rules.

    We are a democratic nation and the whole electoral process attest to that. All of us know that in our political system, majority rules. This fact had been emphasised and reemphasised in various fora, and had been accepted by all. Even this had been inked in our constitution, which we hold to be supreme.

    The ethnicity and religious backgroud of a person should not stand in the way when he is being considered for the Menteri Besar post. You are selecting an executive and not a religious officer. In this respect the fact of the matter has to prevail, that is the candidate who had received the most number of votes would
    be chosen, bearing in mind that we are a democracy. Else the rakyat, whom we lead would lose confidence and would be further alienated.

    The rakyat would lose faith and feel disillusioned. They would distance themselves in the future from taking part in the system which is supposed to protect and serve their interest. They may also lose respect for the royal entity which may be construed as not being supportive and partial.

    We, the people of Perak do hold Your Highness in high esteem. We appeal to your wisdom in selecting the Menteri Besar. Our sincere wish is for you to give due consideration to the democratic process
    which would be seen as the more acceptable route to take. And as you have said that the preferred approach is to adhere to the principles of the constitution to avoid any misunderstandings.

    Thank you,

    Yours Sincerely,

    A Loyal Perakian and Malaysian

  402. When I read about your statement in Malaysiakini, my heart sank. What now? You have come this far on this long journey of freeing Malaysia from the shackles of the racist BN. The job is not over, we have only given BN a hard knock. They will regroup and in fact the battle is only begining. We still have another four long years to battle and prove to the racist BN that DAP-PKR-PAS can do a better job. And you are about to shoot yourself & DAP and the other members of the so called Barisan Rakyat in the foot. Come on Kit Siang please walk the talk. Give and take lah. Not showing up tommorow will only give BN political capital, aside from losing goodwill with the most respected Royal Family on our nation. Please la.. rethink you decision and show up at the swearing in ceremony.

  403. An open letter to the DAP on Perak MB’s appointment
    Posted by labisman
    Thursday, 13 March 2008

    I am a Malaysian Chinese residing in Petaling Jaya and had voted for your party’s candidates in the 12th GE.

    I had attended practically all your party’s ceramahs in the PJU and nearby areas. In the ceramahs, your speakers had continuously stressed the importance of a multiracial government that takes care of its rakyat regardless of status, race and religion.

    It is therefore a great shock and disappointment to hear that the DAP is calling its Perak state assemblymen to boycott the swearing-in ceremony of the new Perak MB tomorrow just because the MB is from PAS. I feel very much let down by this decision.

    Firstly, your party calls for the establishment of a Malaysian Malaysia. Isn’t PAS part of Malaysian Malaysia. Or are you telling us now that just because they are from PAS, they are not? Then in the first place, you should not have ask the voters, especially your supporters, to vote for the ‘Bulan’ knowing fully well it is referring to PAS. If you can ask voters, especially your supporters, to vote for PAS, then why can’t your party now accept a PAS assemblyman to head the state government. I was led to believe that as long as a person is qualified, he will be supported. As many speakers said in your ceramahs, ‘It doesn’t matter whether it is a white cat or a black cat, as long as it is able to catch rat, it is a good cat.’ Doesn’t the same argument holds, whether the MB is from PAS, DAP or PKR, as long as he is able to look after the welfare of the rakyat, then he is a good MB.

    Secondly, if a candidate from PAS cannot be accepted by the DAP, then why in the first place you decide to set up a coalition government with them? The argument that you can cooperate with the six PAS assemblymen and yet can’t accept a PAS member as the Perak MB does not hold water. Are you trying to fool us just like what the BN government had done over the last 50 years? Don’t think that the public is stupid. How can we, the rakyat, trust you now when even before the state government is set up, you are already fighting among yourselves in the so-called ‘Barisan Rakyat’ coalition.

    Thirdly, your party’s Perak state chairman Mr Ngeh Koo Ham had repeatedly said that DAP, PKR and PAS will abide by any decision made by the Sultan on the Perak MB. Now that a decision had been reached, you are going back on your words. As I recall from one of the speeches by Mr Gobind Singh Deo in SS2 on March 7 in which he said, “A politician must be responsible for what he said. After making a statement, he cannot then said that he is saying things in a sarcastic manner etc so as to deny his earlier statement.” Mr Gobind Singh said this when commenting on Tun Mahathir’s statement that when he said Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was innocent, he was being sarcastic about it. The same standard should then be applied to all DAP party leaders and speakers. You must be responsible and accountable for what you say. When you said that you will accept the decision made by the Sultan, then you must stand by what you had said. Going back on your words now can only show that the BN is right and that your party leaders, especially Mr Lim Kit Siang, is only going after personal glory/power without any regard to the well-being of the rakyat and the party. DAP would then be just a party that is “cakap tak serupa bikin”.

    Fourthly, your party has not come out with any reason for the rejection of the PAS assemblyman as the Perak MB. I, as a voter that voted for your party, demand to know the reason behind this decision. Your party had always stressed the importance of accountability and transparency in your election manifesto. Now, please ‘walk the talk’ by also being transparent and explain your decision to the public. Anything less would make you no better than the BN government which 50% of the peninsula rakyat had just rejected. Anything less would also guarantee that the rakyat would make their voices heard again in the next general election, voting against the DAP.

    There are many more reasons for my feeling of utter disgust and consternation for this decision made by your party’s CEC. However, I will keep them to myself at this moment.

    On the morning of March 9, 2008, I truly believe that a new era has dawned on Malaysia as we are finally able to transcend race and religion in our efforts to make Malaysia the truly great country that she should be. A truly Malaysian Malaysia. Sadly, just three days later, that new era does not even have a chance to begin as the group of leaders that are supposed to lead us there are now fighting among themselves for whatever reasons best known to them.

    How can we move forward as a nation when we have leaders that are so selfish, egocentric and who don’t practice what they preached? Is our country forever going to be mired in mediocrity amidst a culture of intolerance, suspicion, fear, corruption and cronyism?

    I sincerely thought that DAP is part of the future and a cure of our country’s ills. However, this decision by your CEC had shown that DAP is a party of the past. It is already blinded by its election success and is no longer in touch with the aspirations of the rakyat to build a nation based on trust, integrity, tolerance, responsibility and accountability, regardless of status, race and religion. You had forgotten that the rakyat is the boss that voted for you and put you there to serve us. You had betrayed your voters and had rejected the rakyat’s wish to move forward to form a Malaysian Malaysia.

    I rest my case.

    By Teh Seng Hin

  404. Dear Fellow Malaysians

    Allow me to clarify on this matter. At the DAP CEC meeting in Penang on Sunday March 9th 2008, the CEC has decided that my name be submitted as the DAP’s choice of candidate for the Menteri Besar post. In the event that my candidacy is rejected, the DAP is to endorse the PKR candidate. Upon my return to Ipoh, the Perak DAP leadership had a discussion with the PKR & PAS Perak leadership. After taking into account the views of PKR & PAS the three parties decided to submit the three names from the repective parties in accordance to the number of seats each party holds in Perak. My name was placed first on the list, followed by PKR candidate and PAS candidate. It was by consensus that whoever HRH Sultan of Perak chooses, the three parties will unanimously accept and support. Any misunderstanding arising from the LKS’s statement has now been clarified and resolved. The DAP elected representatives have now been instructed to attend the swearing in ceremony tomorrow.

    I hope this issue will be put to rest.

    Thank you.

    Ngeh Koo Ham
    DAP Perak Chairman
    Beruas MP
    Sitiawan State Assemblyman

  405. Your call for the DAP assemblymen to stay away from the swearing-in ceremony of the new Perak MB is totally uncalled for and I, like the many voters who have voted for PKR-DAP-PAS, hereby urge you to change your stand immediately.

    Perhaps your argument may be that DAP should not be seen to be collaborating with advocates of an Islamic State in PAS but the very fact remains with PAS that PKR-DAP-PAS won the right to establish the State Government there.

    In the Sultan of Perak’s eyes, Ir Mohamad Nizar Jamaludin, a professional, may just be the best-qualified person to be made MB of Perak and hence his appointment. Fact of DAP winning the most state seats in Perak is irrelevant going by DAP’s political struggle of Malaysian Malaysia.

    Walk the Talk Now, Uncle Lim!

  406. Since leaving BA after electoral defeat in 1999, DAP has kept PAS at bay, for very good reason – DAP is opposed to PAS’s agenda of Islamic State.
    I respect Kit Siang, Guan Eng, and Dr. Tan for holding on to their principles. They are not political chameleons who are prepared to go back on their words for political expediency.
    DAP should either quit the coalition governments in Selangor and Perak or request PAS to publicly declare that they have no intention to set up an Islamic State whether in the near future or in the long run.

  407. now i see your true colour mr your picture with your son in CM office really gift bad impression to all i see dap as parti dua beranak..malay will never gift their vote to you anymore if you continue with your arrogant style.if pas leader can risk their party by working with dap just to make sure malaysian get a better gov..why not you???

  408. This is an opened letter to you from Malaysia-today website, just in case you haven’t read it yet.

    An open letter to the DAP on Perak MB’s appointment
    Posted by labisman
    Thursday, 13 March 2008

    I am a Malaysian Chinese residing in Petaling Jaya and had voted for your party’s candidates in the 12th GE.

    I had attended practically all your party’s ceramahs in the PJU and nearby areas. In the ceramahs, your speakers had continuously stressed the importance of a multiracial government that takes care of its rakyat regardless of status, race and religion.

    It is therefore a great shock and disappointment to hear that the DAP is calling its Perak state assemblymen to boycott the swearing-in ceremony of the new Perak MB tomorrow just because the MB is from PAS. I feel very much let down by this decision.

    Firstly, your party calls for the establishment of a Malaysian Malaysia. Isn’t PAS part of Malaysian Malaysia. Or are you telling us now that just because they are from PAS, they are not? Then in the first place, you should not have ask the voters, especially your supporters, to vote for the ‘Bulan’ knowing fully well it is referring to PAS. If you can ask voters, especially your supporters, to vote for PAS, then why can’t your party now accept a PAS assemblyman to head the state government. I was led to believe that as long as a person is qualified, he will be supported. As many speakers said in your ceramahs, ‘It doesn’t matter whether it is a white cat or a black cat, as long as it is able to catch rat, it is a good cat.’ Doesn’t the same argument holds, whether the MB is from PAS, DAP or PKR, as long as he is able to look after the welfare of the rakyat, then he is a good MB.

    Secondly, if a candidate from PAS cannot be accepted by the DAP, then why in the first place you decide to set up a coalition government with them? The argument that you can cooperate with the six PAS assemblymen and yet can’t accept a PAS member as the Perak MB does not hold water. Are you trying to fool us just like what the BN government had done over the last 50 years? Don’t think that the public is stupid. How can we, the rakyat, trust you now when even before the state government is set up, you are already fighting among yourselves in the so-called ‘Barisan Rakyat’ coalition.

    Thirdly, your party’s Perak state chairman Mr Ngeh Koo Ham had repeatedly said that DAP, PKR and PAS will abide by any decision made by the Sultan on the Perak MB. Now that a decision had been reached, you are going back on your words. As I recall from one of the speeches by Mr Gobind Singh Deo in SS2 on March 7 in which he said, “A politician must be responsible for what he said. After making a statement, he cannot then said that he is saying things in a sarcastic manner etc so as to deny his earlier statement.” Mr Gobind Singh said this when commenting on Tun Mahathir’s statement that when he said Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was innocent, he was being sarcastic about it. The same standard should then be applied to all DAP party leaders and speakers. You must be responsible and accountable for what you say. When you said that you will accept the decision made by the Sultan, then you must stand by what you had said. Going back on your words now can only show that the BN is right and that your party leaders, especially Mr Lim Kit Siang, is only going after personal glory/power without any regard to the well-being of the rakyat and the party. DAP would then be just a party that is “cakap tak serupa bikin”.

    Fourthly, your party has not come out with any reason for the rejection of the PAS assemblyman as the Perak MB. I, as a voter that voted for your party, demand to know the reason behind this decision. Your party had always stressed the importance of accountability and transparency in your election manifesto. Now, please ‘walk the talk’ by also being transparent and explain your decision to the public. Anything less would make you no better than the BN government which 50% of the peninsula rakyat had just rejected. Anything less would also guarantee that the rakyat would make their voices heard again in the next general election, voting against the DAP.

    There are many more reasons for my feeling of utter disgust and consternation for this decision made by your party’s CEC. However, I will keep them to myself at this moment.

    On the morning of March 9, 2008, I truly believe that a new era has dawned on Malaysia as we are finally able to transcend race and religion in our efforts to make Malaysia the truly great country that she should be. A truly Malaysian Malaysia. Sadly, just three days later, that new era does not even have a chance to begin as the group of leaders that are supposed to lead us there are now fighting among themselves for whatever reasons best known to them.

    How can we move forward as a nation when we have leaders that are so selfish, egocentric and who don’t practice what they preached? Is our country forever going to be mired in mediocrity amidst a culture of intolerance, suspicion, fear, corruption and cronyism?

    I sincerely thought that DAP is part of the future and a cure of our country’s ills. However, this decision by your CEC had shown that DAP is a party of the past. It is already blinded by its election success and is no longer in touch with the aspirations of the rakyat to build a nation based on trust, integrity, tolerance, responsibility and accountability, regardless of status, race and religion. You had forgotten that the rakyat is the boss that voted for you and put you there to serve us. You had betrayed your voters and had rejected the rakyat’s wish to move forward to form a Malaysian Malaysia.

    I rest my case.

    By Teh Seng Hin

  409. dear YB,

    as well as i respect you as one of our leaders, i do expect this issue could be ironed out amicably.

    we, the rakyats , are the ones who MADE the changes a REALITY. Never ever forget that.

    And we, the rakyats, do not need this type of things anymore.

    I believe any differences SHOULD and COULD be ironed out through a better consultations among the PAS/PKR/DAP leaders.

    Please DO NOT disappoint us… THE RAKYAT….

  410. YB Lim,

    I’m expecting a better tomorrow in Malaysia, that’s why I voted DAP, both parliament and stage in Melaka. I care not only for Melaka, but Malaysia. Below was said by Ngeh:-

    “All three parties have unanimously agreed that we will fully endorse the Sultan’s choice,” said Ngeh, speaking for coalition.
    He stressed that, irrespective of the Sultan’s choice, the new coalition government will make decisions collectively.
    “We therefore call upon party supporters from all three parties to fully support the new menteri besar,” he said


    May GOD shower His everlasting blessings upon ALL Malaysians!

  411. iam DAP voter. Really disappointed of your decision. You are too arrogant insulting Sultan Of Perak. You must respect the Sultan decision. Don’t make any stupid statement anymore. Decision can be change as we are human. As long the MB can serve for Rakyat. Soon all bloggers & voters will boycott you. Will see…

  412. YB,
    This appointment and delegation by the SULTAN is completely LAWFUL!

    Please HONOUR DAP’s words that DAP will accept whoever delegated by the SULTAN.

    If YB LKS you think this is unfair to other ethnic, please win the seats with 2/3 majority and change this clause! Do it in a LAWFUL manner and LEGALISE it…..

    BOYCOTT culture is primitive, passive and ineffective way of showing your unsatisfaction. Now is no more May13 era. We set the law and EVERYONE shall honour.

    With due respect, some gentle reminders for the benefit of DAP:
    1) Please voice out BEFORE the incident
    2) Please honour your words
    3) Please obey the LAW
    4) Please be aware that DAP does not belong to Lim Family.

    Anyway, I am still very proud of DAP!

  413. Imagine this.

    The CEO of Perak Sdn Bhd is the Sultan. The BOD of Perak Sdn Bhd is the people of Perak. And there were three candidates who went for a job interview to get the post of “managing director” of Perak Sdn Bhd.

    In the end, the CEO thinks only one candidate is the best and most qualified after taking into account the overall sensitivities of the BOD.

    Respect the CEO’s decision.

  414. Mr LKS, I thought we voted a Malaysian’s Malaysia, now what’s wrong if PAS given the MB post? We have made ur point. With the current affair, ur dieheart ‘chinese only’ supporter will forgive u for supporting a PAS MB, all of us who have voted DAP-PKR-PAS wanted to believe there is a Bangsa Malaysia! SHow us u r with us the rakyat bangsa Malaysia!

  415. Uncle Lim,
    Uncle sudah dipilih oleh rakyat. Uncle patut mendengar suara hati rakyat, bukannya suara hati uncle sendiri. Bersatulah demi rakyat Malaysia.

    DAP, PKR and PAS. Do the best. – FOR US.

  416. Dear Mr Lim

    I’m a malay and staying in Bercham Ipoh. For 12th GE my family decided to vote for DAP….Last GE we voted for BN…We decided to vote for DAP because we already fed-up with BN… & we believe new collaboration between PKR DAP PAS will make a big change to our political scene. BUT after read your statement I am very sad..sad sad.

    Honestly I do prefer the candidates either from PKR or DAP to be the new MB for Perak. BUT I respect decision made by Istana. For me who ever been chosen it does not matter..the most important no more BN rules this state.

    MR LIM
    I know you very well since 80’s . I know your political style. Remember this day your old styles are no more valid. If you still remain your old style …I strongly believe…the next GE you will not be able to see what you have see now…

    Mr Lim
    Remember…this situation will make our “enemy” laughing. and definately they will take for granted. So who will loose…DAP? PAS? PKR?…The big loser will be “the rakyat”. Mr LIM don’t be selfish and childish…You said the BN goverment so arrogant…but I don’t see any differences between you and BN.

    Mr LIM
    I’m proud to be a “new malaysian” . PLS don’t spoilt it…

  417. One4All4One, nice note… next bday surely on Datukship list ->kidding my friend.

    Raja Nazrin is very well respected and smart. He knows what he is doing but he cant say why he is doing what he is doing. Which explains why there is >500 postings here + LKS’s boycott cos its difficult to understand the underlying rationale for his choice.

  418. I believe there are over 66% of the blogs here say “give PAS CM-Perak a CHANCE”. Simple as that. PAS leaders have 18 years experience to running Kelantan state without gov-funds. Draw from that experience! Will DAP get that kind of chance to run any state for 18 years? Those who agree just “aye”. Show YB LKS that we will support his boycott reversal…YB LKS will be immortalised for it. Otherwise, crucified.

  419. Dear Uncle Lim,

    The thing happened cannot be changed. We have this problem due to you did not trust us – the voters, yourself did not believe the power of people.

    You should be well verse with constitution of every state. Why you did not put a Malay DAP candidate for Perak DUN? You need to admit this is your biggest mistake in your life.

    I hope you will not make mistake again. We all know who is the best candidate for Selangor MB 1. Please do not choose the one you favourable but not really the best choice.



  420. LKS: If you think, after your dap ppl take 18 seat which is the majority in opposition coalition in perak, then you talk loud loud want this want that want MB, then I will see you as no different than BN coalition which always use majority to bully the minority.

    Please retreat what you have said. and make a proper apologise to Sultan Perak.

    Btw, I am chinese.

  421. LKS, please give us some good reason. Tell us that you have evaluated all the consequences. What can be wrong to have a PAS MB? What can be right if DAP boycott the swearing.
    The rakyat make history 8 Mar, our pride and our joy. Don’t blow it, PLEASE.

    I hope you hear the rakyat voice here…..

  422. “DAP should be grateful that the Perak Sultan agreed to appoint a non malay Deputy menteri besar. In Selangor, the appointmnet of a non malay deputy Menteri besar was rejected. DAP should be grateful with this small mercies given by the Perak sultan.He is one ruler who command the respect of all Malaysians.”

    Richard Teo, are you being sarcastic or you have been a changed man? Your article about the regent of Perak is still very fresh in my mind and I remember your fierce arguments as you defended your almost seditious article and comments.

  423. LKS
    You just become arrogant in a matter of days. What a let down. Just wish I did not vote DAP because you just confirm my suspicion that DAP is not trustworthy. You just made me laughing stock to BN supporter.
    You have no respect of the Perak Sultan and because of that Sir you just lost mine.
    In the future you can count me out. I won’t vote for DAP. I will tell my family and friends that DAP is just a racist party. I’ll vote BN (even Pak Lah or KJ is still around) at least they have the decency to respect the Sultan.
    Is the MB post is so important to DAP?

  424. Dear Uncle lim,
    Please be sensible and respect the decision of the Sultan.May be the PKR candidate don’t have the paper qualification. What if the Pas members join with the BN and form the coalition state government, then the non-malays will not even have a chance to be Vice Menteri Besar at all. So, don’t make the matter worse. Just cooperate with the pas and pkr. Pls don’t boycott the ceremony. Otherwise the BN will just laugh at us. Pls don’t disappoint us. ok . Thank you.

  425. The issue here is one of respect for human dignity and democratic values.

    It would appear that the Sultan has gone beyond his constitutional powers to appoint the PAS candidate. DAP had endorsed the PKR candidate in the event that the Sultan chose not to exercise his discretionary powers in appointing the rightful candidate who happens to belong to the DAP and who happens to be a Chinese and non-Muslim. Thus the out of the 31 state assemblymen in the ‘opposition’, 25 had agreed to nominate the PKR candidate. But this most illustrious and judicious Sultan has turned logic, decency and democracy on its head and appointed the PAS candidate knowing full well that DAP and PAS do not see eye to eye on fundametal values and have never worked together before the election on a common platform.

    DAP has to show their disgust at this most shameful of outcomes which has perverted the democratic process. By not attending the swearing -in ceremony, DAP is in fact being principled. DAP is answerable to the electorate and not to an unelected anachronistic institution which does not understand basic notions of justice and democracy.

  426. “Since leaving BA after electoral defeat in 1999, DAP has kept PAS at bay, for very good reason – DAP is opposed to PAS’s agenda of Islamic State.
    I respect Kit Siang, Guan Eng, and Dr. Tan for holding on to their principles. They are not political chameleons who are prepared to go back on their words for political expediency.
    DAP should either quit the coalition governments in Selangor and Perak or request PAS to publicly declare that they have no intention to set up an Islamic State whether in the near future or in the long run.” Lee Wang Yen

    I agree.

  427. Hi Kit, Grow up Kit, today’s Malaysian is no more those before 8-March08. Forget about your paintful passed 40years of failure. Head up and walk proudly to the swearing-in ceremony. Let our future generation remember always the good you bring. Dont let us down, please.

  428. ****Letter from Teh Seng Hin to DAP posted on Malaysiakini****

    I am a Malaysian Chinese residing in Petaling Jaya and had voted for your party’s candidates in the 12th GE.

    I had attended practically all your party’s ceramahs in the PJU and nearby areas. In the ceramahs, your speakers had continuously stressed the importance of a multiracial government that takes care of its rakyat regardless of status, race and religion.

    It is therefore a great shock and disappointment to hear that the DAP is calling its Perak state assemblymen to boycott the swearing-in ceremony of the new Perak MB tomorrow just because the MB is from PAS. I feel very much let down by this decision.

    Firstly, your party calls for the establishment of a Malaysian Malaysia. Isn’t PAS part of Malaysian Malaysia. Or are you telling us now that just because they are from PAS, they are not? Then in the first place, you should not have ask the voters, especially your supporters, to vote for the ‘Bulan’ knowing fully well it is referring to PAS. If you can ask voters, especially your supporters, to vote for PAS, then why can’t your party now accept a PAS assemblyman to head the state government. I was led to believe that as long as a person is qualified, he will be supported. As many speakers said in your ceramahs, ‘It doesn’t matter whether it is a white cat or a black cat, as long as it is able to catch rat, it is a good cat.’ Doesn’t the same argument holds, whether the MB is from PAS, DAP or PKR, as long as he is able to look after the welfare of the rakyat, then he is a good MB.

    Secondly, if a candidate from PAS cannot be accepted by the DAP, then why in the first place you decide to set up a coalition government with them? The argument that you can cooperate with the six PAS assemblymen and yet can’t accept a PAS member as the Perak MB does not hold water. Are you trying to fool us just like what the BN government had done over the last 50 years? Don’t think that the public is stupid. How can we, the rakyat, trust you now when even before the state government is set up, you are already fighting among yourselves in the so-called ‘Barisan Rakyat’ coalition.

    Thirdly, your party’s Perak state chairman Mr Ngeh Koo Ham had repeatedly said that DAP, PKR and PAS will abide by any decision made by the Sultan on the Perak MB. Now that a decision had been reached, you are going back on your words. As I recall from one of the speeches by Mr Gobind Singh Deo in SS2 on March 7 in which he said, “A politician must be responsible for what he said. After making a statement, he cannot then said that he is saying things in a sarcastic manner etc so as to deny his earlier statement.” Mr Gobind Singh said this when commenting on Tun Mahathir’s statement that when he said Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was innocent, he was being sarcastic about it. The same standard should then be applied to all DAP party leaders and speakers. You must be responsible and accountable for what you say. When you said that you will accept the decision made by the Sultan, then you must stand by what you had said. Going back on your words now can only show that the BN is right and that your party leaders, especially Mr Lim Kit Siang, is only going after personal glory/power without any regard to the well-being of the rakyat and the party. DAP would then be just a party that is “cakap tak serupa bikin”.

    Fourthly, your party has not come out with any reason for the rejection of the PAS assemblyman as the Perak MB. I, as a voter that voted for your party, demand to know the reason behind this decision. Your party had always stressed the importance of accountability and transparency in your election manifesto. Now, please ‘walk the talk’ by also being transparent and explain your decision to the public. Anything less would make you no better than the BN government which 50% of the peninsula rakyat had just rejected. Anything less would also guarantee that the rakyat would make their voices heard again in the next general election, voting against the DAP.

    There are many more reasons for my feeling of utter disgust and consternation for this decision made by your party’s CEC. However, I will keep them to myself at this moment.

    On the morning of March 9, 2008, I truly believe that a new era has dawned on Malaysia as we are finally able to transcend race and religion in our efforts to make Malaysia the truly great country that she should be. A truly Malaysian Malaysia. Sadly, just three days later, that new era does not even have a chance to begin as the group of leaders that are supposed to lead us there are now fighting among themselves for whatever reasons best known to them.

    How can we move forward as a nation when we have leaders that are so selfish, egocentric and who don’t practice what they preached? Is our country forever going to be mired in mediocrity amidst a culture of intolerance, suspicion, fear, corruption and cronyism?

    I sincerely thought that DAP is part of the future and a cure of our country’s ills. However, this decision by your CEC had shown that DAP is a party of the past. It is already blinded by its election success and is no longer in touch with the aspirations of the rakyat to build a nation based on trust, integrity, tolerance, responsibility and accountability, regardless of status, race and religion. You had forgotten that the rakyat is the boss that voted for you and put you there to serve us. You had betrayed your voters and had rejected the rakyat’s wish to move forward to form a Malaysian Malaysia.

    I rest my case.

    By Teh Seng Hin

    ****Letter from Teh Seng Hin to DAP posted on Malaysiakini****

  429. It took me 30mins to register in your traffic packed blog using a tiny PDA, so you can imagine how important it is to tell you my views. Uncle Lim, I am Chinese from Petaling Jaya. For 11 year since I could vote but was first barred to elect for the first time in 1999. This year I decided to get up to attend the endless ceramah in PJ. I followed the who event thru thinking what a great birthday present that I am getting that Samy din get cos my vote got me the Malaysian Malaysia that I always preach to foreign visitor.

    I need to tell you to please look at the big picture. I need to believe the BR spirit of a powerful coalition is here to stay. Please DO NOT boycott the ceremony. The rakyat needs the new leadership to be patient. DAP has alot of work to do for the people. Don let BN laugh at the childish action. Now is time for you all to act like leaders. Stop squabbling and not waste my vote and the many I help convert.

  430. Correction:

    The ethnicity and religious backgroud of a person should not stand in the way when he is being considered for the Menteri Besar post. You are selecting an executive and not a religious officer. In this respect the fact of the matter has to prevail, that is the candidate who had received the most number of votes would
    be chosen, bearing in mind that we are a democracy. Else the rakyat, whom you lead would lose confidence and would be further alienated

  431. I am going to sleep after posting this.

    Hope that DAP leaders will change the mind
    and attend the swearing-in ceremony tomorrow
    with open-heart.

    Fight for the right thing and not something like
    this, which will give chance of BN in attacking
    you people, and let rakyat of whole nation
    change the mind in supporting you all
    in the future.

    If PAS does not perform well, people will vote
    them out in the next election, as simple as that.
    This is Malaysian Malaysia, and we don’t mind
    having candidate from PAS to become the MB
    of Perak.

    It is not easy to win extra seats, and
    now, you all suddenly could take over
    BN and govern Perak, that is an amazing
    achievement, which are given by rakyat
    Perak. Thus, you people really got to
    appreciate that.

    Attend the swearing-in ceremony tomorrow.
    Respect Sultan Perak’s final decision.

    Thank you.

  432. Lim Kit Siang :
    I’m chinese born in Taiping, this is my third time voting for my belover country Malaysia and also is the my first time i VOTE DAP cause i never like DAP especially when the leader of DAP is Lim Kit Siang. (i never vote DAP again)

    Why i hate you ?
    1. You are a moron with no brain.
    2. Your are the must self fish person.
    3. You never keep your promise.
    4. You only think about your self.
    5. You not qualify as a leader.
    6. You are screwing up Barisan Rakyat.
    7.You are farking racial B*stard.

    The reason why i vote DAP :
    1. I’m not voting DAP, i vote Barisan Alternative or Barisan Rakyat.
    2. I want a purely none racial GOV. NOT YOU MORON.

    Try to use your brain to think the question below, if ur brain is sightly bigger then OTAK UDANG.
    1. You think DAP can win without them (PKR,PAS)?
    2. Why you never WIN ?
    3. Did you ever do something good for Malaysian other then complaint on small matter. (don’t pay your toll or pay by 1 cent, come on GROW UP KID).
    4. Do you think those supporter who vote DAP is cause or DAP or Barisan Rakyat.
    I’m Challenging you to create another speech in KL, tmn tun, ss2 or any where or disclose your asset in Malaysia and oversea …..

    My request on you.
    1. Please step down from politic and DAP.
    2. Keep your mouth SHUT.

    You are nothing different with Badawi, TDM and Samyvellu.

  433. Uncle Lim,

    The rakyat of Perak has kicked out BN and gave the Barisan rakyat to form a new government. DAP can not form a new government without PAS. Be vary careful, don’t give BN the oppourtunity fo exploit the situation by enticing some of DAP or PKR assemblymen to cross over and form another BN government. IF this happens then you would have squandered this onetime opportunity to replace the corrupt and racist BN government. Since the Sultan has selected one of the 3 persons put forward by all 3 parties you have to respect and support the decision of His Royal Highness. DAP supporters will have to face the reality. If PAS decides not to participate in forming a new government, DAP will be back to square one, continue to be in the opposition. Give the new PAS MB a chance to prove himself to serve all rakyat without discrimination. If he doesn’t live up to his words, DAP can kick him out anytime. The Rakyat has spoken, they want a new government! Please honor the will of the rakyat!

  434. I thought one the opposition’s manifesto was to govern with intergrity, honesty , eradication of corruption and put back what very basic fundamentals for us Malaysian?
    It doesnt matter who is the MB as long as the above is duly adhered to.
    Why is race coming into the picture again??
    Please be informed that the Rakyat gave their support to the opposition because they are fed up with 50 years of shit. If the oppostion is no different from BN, then….. why vote? All shit smells the same!
    I am very dissapointed with what is going on…

  435. Honorable Yang Berhormats, CEC Members of DAP.

    Please for heavens sake and for the sake of the Barisan Rakyat and the millions that voted you….PLEASE SUPPORT TUANKU’s DECISION

    Trust PAS for once, we the people will react accordingly if they fail.

    True Muslims respect other religions, values and faith.Non-Muslim Perakians have nothing to worry.

    We have so many other battles ahead; this is not one that needs to be fought.

    I for one don’t care if it is a Malay, Chinese, Indian, Iban,Bidayuh,Negrito or Sikh who will be MB, as long as he/she is Malaysian that has the values Barisan Rakyat shares.

    Your actions today will determine many events in the future.

    Show strength and solidarity….Show the people we are above racial politics….come on MAKE US PROUD!

    A Very Concerned Malaysian!

    Syed Yazrine Shahab

  436. The fact is, the Sultan has already made his decision for reasons best known to him. Any public or symbolic protest now is at best disrespectful. You’ve won one battle in this elections, the war continues… you do your campaign no favours by highlighting the divide between us, your warriors. We have already tasted division with the BN government and have no appetite for this strategy.

    do the right thing, take one step at a time and we will patiently march with you. We understand all your constraints. Have faith that DAP supporters have enough wisdom to comprehend your acceptance of the Sultan’s will. Enough said, read all the above comments , do the right thing and accept this with magnanimity . Please do not only attend the ceremony, attend with pride and honour for all of you deserve it!

  437. Uncle Lim,
    in my opinion, u did nothing wrong, just to voice out your feeling towards the “sudden” change….
    y i say “sudden”, before that, all the candidates cannot decide, so they pass 3 names to sultan,
    if you are not happy at 1st, u should ask for only 2 names.

    to all the “repliers”, if LKS did not voice something out towards this “sudden” change, what will u all think again?
    :is it that all daps “scared to say something and S H U T U P???
    or y is it no “daps oppose the news” and DAP is a majority…
    rethink again… if u din see this article and see only the newspaper of announcing the new MB from PAS, what is the feeling?

    in the news, and media they have BOOST and make this big as the “cracking” for the newly form Barisan Rakyat…
    so don’t make this mistake and let people get angry towards the party.

    please go to the swearing-in to give the support for the new MB, DAP will take the deputy n 7 seats in the DUN, is it still not enough?

    from a concern citizen.

  438. Uncle Lim, im really sad of the decision to boycot the swearing-in ceremony…
    by doing this,its like u r showing to rakyat that DAP is just the same like BN;and i hope ur not.

    dont act like a child,be rational.u r just losing the opportunity to show that DAP,PKR,PAS coalition can run the state better than BN.

    remember that our vision is to build BANGSA MALAYSIA,so i dont think that having PAS as Perak MB should be a big issue,because we are all MALAYSIAN,SATU BANGSA YANG BERSATU.

    im a malay,and my vote is for DAP;not PKR or PAS.its time for u to show to me,and thousands of malays that have voted for ur party that DAP along with PKR n PAS can build a better nation.

    please,im begging u to make a wise decision…

  439. Lee Wang Yen Says:
    Today at 01: 21.14 (1 minute ago)
    “Since leaving BA ….in the long run”
    Do you think people voted DAP on its principles or for that matter,PKR’s principles or PAS’s principles?

    I think people just want to shut the BN’s arrogant mouth,Period!

    This is a God given chance to them (DAP, PKR & PAS) 5 states to show all Malaysians how they can bring about a clean & fair & progressive society with the people irrespective of race & religion as oppose to BN style.

  440. YOU DUMMY !




  441. I’m surprise that many DAP supporters are pleading with Kit Siang to kow-tow to the so-called realities of race-based politics in Malaysia, thereby slapping DAP’s own face for
    (1) deriding MCA/GERAKAN for kow-towing to UMNO, and
    (2) denouncing BN’s race-based politics
    Guan Eng is right that the appointment of Perak MB is undemocratic. I’m glad that he said what he thought was right, rather than succumbing to the pressure of those who advocate unprincipled pragmatic approaches.
    If DAP accepts PAS Perak MB without voicing any protest, do you think MCA and GERAKAN will praise it for its open-mindedness? They will accuse DAP of facilitating the eventual establishment of an Islamic State a-la PAS, and cowardly kow-towing to PAS, in a way that is worse than MCA/GERAKAN’s submission to UMNO (GERAKAN has to submit because it had less seats than UMNO in Penang).

  442. Uncle Kit,
    I believe u r wise in all decisions and remarks. I do believe it was difficult to explain to the voters on PAS MB. Wat I can say about PAS is ‘ meah gein Siau” (shame) to lobby for MB post.
    I do agree that the MB post should go to Malay as the constitution says so.( Must blame the MCA ,Gerakan or MIC for this.) When given to the Malay, we can gain confidence of the Multi racial soceity that DAP is very gentleman and moderate and can accept others.

  443. written by Negarakuku, : “I read the Raja Nazrin made PAS member as Perak MB. Although DAP member should actually be appointed as MB because of majority seats won by them, a Pas member was appointed. I would like to ask Raja Nazrin is this modern Democraty we are practicing in Malaysia. Why not appoint PAS MB to all states won BA and turn Malaysia to Pakistan? I think Raja Nazrin talk only wanted to help Malaysian of all races but the truth revealed. Cakap tak seruapa bikin la U!!!!!!!!!” – comment in MT.

    This is really no no no no good…..please rectify…

  444. I voted to DAP.
    I spread the word so that people around me voted for DAP, if not a choice then PKR; or if left with no choice, even vote PAS.
    I was happy with the BR win in my home state.
    I was disappointed but not disheartened to hear that a PAS MP was appoint MB.
    I am utterly crushed and totally disappointed to hear Uncle Lim announce this.

  445. Uncle Lim,

    Pls do not make the efforts of the people wasted by boycotting the swearing in ceremony and making it look like not respectful of the sultan of perak.

    Show the people that the DAP can work with other parties well (perhaps use it to show it is way better than the dacing).

    On paper the PAS candidate looks qualified enough, being a professional engineer. I fully believe that you can make it a successful governance even if you do not have your pick of the MB. We got to give and take in our lives; put the interest of the people 1st.

  446. Hi Uncle Kit, it is not a wise choice for the DAP Perak Assemblymen to stay away from the swearing-in ceremony for Perak Mentri Besar. Now, it is the opportunity to show the Malaysian that DAP-PKR-PAS can work together and it will increase the chances to win the next GE.

    As a leader, you should not support the above action. To be frank, I would much prefer and support Guan Eng’s leadership than you.

  447. With my all respect to Raja Nazrin, i was hoping our Sultan has put aside of racial issues and looking forward to new modern Malaysia. In fact, i was quite dissapointed once he announce PAS assemblyman as MB. Anyhow, i still respect his decision ultimately.

    As for Uncle Lim, i see no reasons why you want to boycott to this ceremony. Furthermore this act doesn’t reflect any good image to BA parties, and especially you as the highest seniors in DAP. Please respect Sultan decision and try to work it out to form a government that really can serve the people. I really quite dissapointed on your statement you made.

    ** Malaysia Malaysian (DAP/PKR/PAS)

  448. I voted for you in Ipoh Timur Mr Lim and with great expectation we all gave you a chance to change despite the propoganda and threats so looking at your outburst on the appointment of a PAS MB I can tell you that I would rather live under PAS then BN. Why are you trying to take that away from me ? The final nail is to be hammer onto the BN coffin and yet you are trying to help this devil raise again Why ? Why bother to go for election again ? No point as it is a waste of time and energy. If I would to wake up tomorrow morning with the return of the BN goverment you would be blame and I would be packing my bags and changing my address to Kelantan.

  449. i not believe PAS and i rather than PKR BE a CS after i discuss with my family member…bcoz i thk mayb many from us are miss calculate the power of CM…my family will not vote DAP in next election bcoz i feel betray…u know all my family member who working in JB,Spore,KL,Penang come bk to vote ..dream that DAP can really help us to change better fair rules in malaysia…actually really we only can dream..DAP cannot do it!

  450. Lim Kit Siang,

    Without PAS, no DAP nor PKR can rule Perak. Very funny when your guy Ngee (DAP Representative) has given his words as well as the PKR guy to the Sultan stating that any appointment from his Majesty is the final say. No question will be asked.

    But once the MB position has been decided by the Sultan, then Mr. DAP is talking rubbish…frankly in my view, the Sultan perhaps the people of PERAK also will have no TRUST NO MORE TO DAP, since DAP has given HIS WORDS.


    The other thing, PAS can swing and form up new coalition with Barisan Nasional for special case in Perak, then at that moment, DAP PERAK have no say at all…Cannot Rule Perak…DAP only has 18 SEATS, whereby BN has 28 + PAS 6 = NEW PERAK GOVERNMENT….

    Final say, DAP should be matured in playing politics not like kindergarten kids….what can I say is, the TRUE COLORS HAS BEEN SHOWN….CAN THE PEOPLE IN PENANG HOLD ON WITH DAP FOR ANOTHER TERM……….DAP has no integrity towards any of their decision….How is DAP going to face the BN Media tomorrow…what a shame….WORK AS A TEAM…NOT WORKING ON YOUR OWN…THE WORLD IS HUGE FOR US TO SHARE WITH EVERYONE….

  451. Uncle Lim,

    I think ur too old to be MB…forget it ur ambious. If u insist and still want it.. pls go to PRC may be they want u…pls lah don’t sell a cheap polictical agenda. some many things have to do. UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!!!beramvos

  452. I’m deeply sadden with Lim Kiat Siang statement yesterday. Last Saturday, I was overwhelm by the election result so I donated RM300 to your party. However, I doubt it was a wise decision. Don’t you think this will cause mistrust from the Malay voters because of your statement. I thought your main priority is to govern Penang in order to show the voters of other states that DAP is fair and effective government . As of now, your statements only allowed BN to use it against you and the voters. Please remember you won because of Malay, Chinese and Indian. Indirectly, we need each other. Lastly, why did you submit PAS name as a candidate in the beginning?

    Remember the big picture! We need to create a strong opposition. Also, eliminate corruption, reduce crime rate, and build up the economy. I don’t think Malaysians are worry about having a Malay being the leader. If that is the case we would have voted you in the previous election. Please focus on the important issues first to all Malaysian.

    I beg you for the sake of all Malaysian please listen to our voice. Otherwise, I’ll vote BN next time!


  453. It is a test of statemanship now and not purely politics.
    The DAP should attend and not risk the whole BR partnership.

    This arrangement will give both or rather the 3 parties a good chance to learn and grow from each other’s policies. If the “marriage” is not workable, can dissolve after 2 or 3 years?

  454. DAP need to show that they not only represent chinese but also all malaysian. Standard 6 pupil also will think DAP make a very wrong impression not to the malays but to others as well. DAP need to compromise on these issues, as a lot of malays also vote for DAP. Try to look into voters statistics, you will find the figures. If not this will be the first and the last votes from malays to DAP. For sure BN will use these stories to fire BA. Who will loss? BA. SULTAN OF PERAK also will be very angry to DAP. But anyway, damage has been done, WHATEVER DAP will do now/tomorrow, BA will receive the effects. PLEASE, honour our votes…………………..

  455. The DAP Central Executive Committee, at its emergency meeting in Penang on Sunday, 9th March 2008, had given approval for the formation of a Perak coalition government comprising 18 DAP Assembly members, seven PKR Assemblymen and six PAS Assemblymen.

    DAP is prepared to accept DAP chairman and Assemblyman for Sitiawan Ngeh Koo Ham ‘ or ‘ PKR Behrang Assemblyman Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi as Perak Mentri Besar.

    Everyone are splitting hairs …. legally speaking.

    I believe to appoint PKR Jamalddin as MB is the best viable solution.

    Tomorrow , we will wait for ‘ Mandate of heaven this nation awaits’

    Thing can change for the better within 24 hours.

    Syabas. Barisan Rakyat.

  456. Uncle Lim…

    Lets face it. There are winds of change. But changes take time.

    With PAS as BM, DAP as Deputy1 and PKR as Deputy2.. it looks like the ideal balance not to scare off the malays.

    The BM himself cannot do things alone. He needs the deputies to support him. Don’t forget that DAP holds majority of the state assembly. Whats there to fear?

    The chinese while initially wont be terribly happy, is already used to such things. But there is time…

    Show us that the alliance can work.
    Show us that things can be done in an impartial manner even without DAP as the head but by working together.

    Show us that PAS, DAP and PKR can work together
    or else there will be no more strong opposition next elections.

    on a stronger note….

    YOU gave YOUR consent the other days for the 3 names. Now YOU object. How does that look??

    Walk away from the swearing in… and DAP will just be like the BN who walk away from YOUR OWN Penang BM swearing in.

    I’m terribly disappointed at this last minute turn of events. But its still not too late to fix things.

  457. PKR/DAP/PAS should be honest and have concensus before meeting Raja Nazrin. We heard concensus but not honesty.

    BN will take their wake-up call by this tsunami just as a ‘FALSE ALARM’ and they will all laugh at the RAKYAT who supported BA…

    “See I told you..PAKATAN SYOK-SYOK…”

  458. Hoi DAP! I am Chinese, but for the sake of opposition unity, please let this one go! We need to show a united opposition front. After all, PAS did not take this away from the DAP. It is due to the state constitution!

    So there is no way you can get it unless the Sultan says so. You can’t govern Perak if the Sultan says no. Final.

    But you can still work together with PAS & PKR to forge a strong government. You can then convince the Chinese and Indians not to fear a PAS government. After all, you will have a big representation in the state government.

    So please, do not play racial politics. This is not about DAP’s power too. It is about a coalition government. Without PAS’s seats after all, DAP will not have made it.

    Please…for the sake of of opposition unity. Don’t incur the rakyat’s wrath, less the rakyat boot you out for showing immaturity in the next elections!

  459. YB Lim, I am dissapointed in you. Support la. Be all you can as what DAP stands for, a Bangsa Malaysia that does not see where or who the leader is from. There maybe in house information in DAP about this matter that we are not privy too in public but your decision to boycott does not occur well with the unity spirit you profess all this while. I believe the DAP is wrong in carrying out this boycott. I am sure now that being in power is a different ball game altogether. If the DAP can’t even get this right god help us.

  460. This is bad news for the people who deserved the BA’s winning at this stage. I believed, the opposition party will lost their votes for the next general election only because of this unprofesional attitude. They will realized that DAP is a selfish party. DAP is trying to deny the Sultan’s decision with unrespected statements. Come on DAP, our mission is just begin. Don’t destroy the civilian’s dreams. Be profesional or you want us to say “good bye” to opposition party especially DAP for the next mission

  461. Very well concerned about the new MP for Perak. I don’t wish to see Perak becoming an islamic ruling state. (1 moment being happy that PAS would seek agreement from DAP-PKR before making any amendment). The trust is still not there. Banning this and that is a nonsense. (e.g Banning smoking does not stop people from smoking) PAS should just concentrate on how to improve the lifestyle of muslims within themselves and not control the environment to make them a good muslim.
    (e.g. Banning liquor is haram in islam but not in other religion. This issue doesn’t arise in other religion therefore PAS SHOULD NOT USE OTHER RELIGION AS AN EXCUSE OF BANNING THINGS. PAS should consider the world is not just religion. There are free-thinkers as well)


  462. For those who support LKS/DAP for not attending the swear in of Perak MB on the reason of principle, conside this.
    You should have made it known on last Sunday after the election NOT after you sumitted three names to Sultan for consideration. At least the Regency knows where you stand.
    You just showing how disrespectful of DAP to the Perak Sultan.

  463. Since we can drop down BN. Our force also can repel any party which did not do their job well. Pls let us see what DAP-PAS-PKR can do for us. We don’t wish any in-harmonics’s situation happen in our motherland. Juz Keep tolerance with each other to show your ability to change nowadays corrupted Malaysia to brighter , non- racist, clean cut Malaysia.

    PS: It really meaningless to chase Menteri Besar, as long as who do thier job well. I agree anyone be Menteri Besar.

    PPS: We can change the fortune of Malaysia after fourth year too, if “government of waiting” didn’t functional well.




  465. HJ Angus : “This arrangement will give both or rather the 3 parties a good chance to learn and grow from each other’s policies. If the “marriage” is not workable, can dissolve after 2 or 3 years?”

    Now only 4 days…..

  466. Sultan of Perak could be thinking in strategic terms. Look at it this way:

    1. MB from DAP – Malays in Perak MIGHT revolt. Even if not, PAS, bing the smallest representative might run the risk of being ignored by DAP & PKR in the future. What if that happens and PAS decides to go against them? If PAS decides to raise the issue of faith, things could get complicated real fast & real bad in Perak for BR.
    2. MB from PKR – See PAS’s scenario above.
    3. MB from PAS – Guy is in the driver seat. Malay Muslims pride is maintained – AND – he knows he can’t ignore or bully his way through because of the ‘big’ brothers i.e, DAP & PKR. That way, ALL 3 PARTIES ARE NEUTRALIZED AND FORCED TO WORK WITH EACH OTHER.

    If I may say 1 thing, the Perak Sultan is a brilliant guy.

    I hope DAP top echelons could understand the Sultan’s decision. Hurry guys, things can still be salvaged!

    I have a suggestion, hope it merits some consideration:

    Attend the ceremony tomorrow (oops, today). There, have a self deprecatory laugh at yourself. And announce to the world you accept the decision. And leave a cryptic remark something like “Thinking through, I’ve been a fool. The Sultan of Perak is most wise indeed. You guys should think about it why he made the decision.”

    You’ll save everything at once. The people, the Barisan Rakyat, the royalty. Everything. And that way, only a fool will think you are a fool.

  467. uncle lim, this make the rakyat who voted DAP/PKR/PAS look stupid! Please consider to retract this statement and start walking the talk for the benefits of the rakyat! We don’t care who is the MB as long as the new government deliver. Don’t be silly, please urge DAP members to go in full force to support the start of a new dawn in Perak.

  468. My Dearest YB,

    I m fm Penang and I was shocked and sad with the situation in Perak. The state government hv not even been formed and you guys are fighting among yourself and it defeat our purpose of voting for a change. I know this is my personal view and i m neither good or an expert in politics but guess that it’s only down to comon sense.

    The coalition is fresh and fragile and is vulnerable to even a small puff of wind and i can sense an earthquake will be on the way. With your decades of expreince, you should be the father figure and not the firestarter. You have fought for this all your life so dont destroy it, have you forgotten the sacrifice the heartache the sorrow the agony you have gone through to be here and acheive this? why throw it all away? How can we withstand this when we can’t even get through the first hurdle?? This initial phase is most critical and we must show that we are all united. I don’t see the major obstacles of whoever going to be the MB? MB alone will not be able to chart or have the power to effect any idealogy or laws without the consent of the coalition. To me MB will just carry the title and will not have any adverse effect on the running of the state.

    So please swallow your pride and don’t succumb to your ego, get on with the reform. We must start sowing our seed and in time our roots will grow in and by then we can withstand any challenge be it earthquake or tsunami. The current scenario will not only make us voter’s feel betrayed and disappointed, it will hv a negative moral effect on all the elected MP’s especially the first time elected YB’s which are fresh and full or inspiration to serve and not being bog down by this demoralising episode. This too will give the opportunity to your enemy to tempt those newly elected to defect. It’s so easy now if moral’s are low and temptation of cash and power, freshly elected MP’s might fall for it and everything we voted for and believe in will just crumble.

    We must learn and adapt and cannot hold on to historic principles we must play to current tune dont let our enemy predict the ending. We are falling into the enemies trap now, free ourselves use the enemies weapon against themselves. They want to picture us as anti islam or malays but we are much better than that we embrace them show them we care and get their trust and if this is accomplished I can bet with my life the coalition will be here to stay for another 50 years and not a one term joke.

    I can imagine the front page news on all the main stream media ‘DAP MENGHINA SULTAN DAN ISLAM”.

    TO GAIN IS DIFFICULT TO PROTECT IS EVEN HARDER so i hope this will be a small obtacles and with your vast expreince and wise thoughts i hope this will not the begining of the end.

    Please help yourself and us

  469. I am sure YB Kit Siang is just wanting to show to the whole world that he has tried his very best, exhausting all avenues to ensure democracy works in this country. Congrats YB Kit Siang. You have done your best. I, and I am sure many others are very proud of you for what you stand for — a man of principle!

    But in this world you cannot get everything you want. What else can you do after you did everything within your human ability and scope. There’s nothing much, isn’t it?

    Thus, after giving your very best, you must eventually accept the reality of the day. The most this will last is 5 years. Not eternity. It was difficult for Al Gore to accept defeat to Bush in 2000. But what else can a mere human do after he tried everything within the horizon?

    Be a good sport, and YB Kit Siang, you will earn even more respect.

  470. Lee Wang Yen Says:

    Today at 01: 35.49 (2 minutes ago)
    I’m surprise that many DAP supporters are pleading with Kit Siang to kow-tow to the so-called realities of race-based politics in Malaysia, thereby slapping DAP’s own face for
    (1) deriding MCA/GERAKAN for kow-towing to UMNO


    If so, from day one Perak DAP must reject PAS as alliance partner.

    Why you are crying like a baby after the sultan has made a choice from three candidates submitted together by opposition front.

    You know what is hyprocrite? I am telling Junior and senior Lim are the one.

  471. LKS,

    Previously, three names from DAP-PKR-PAS have submitted to the Sultan & all parties agreed to leave it to the palace to decide.

    So please respect the Regent’s choice! Afterall its stated in state constituent.

  472. “By wargamalaysia
    BN will take their wake-up call by this tsunami just as a ‘FALSE ALARM’ and they will all laugh at the RAKYAT who supported BA…”

    Remember things need to change but not immediately. We need to do it cautiously. DAP let’s try to govern Penang first. If you do a good job you’ll definitely gain confident from all races in the next election!!!

  473. I understand that MB must be a malay. But, PKR also got malay candidates!! Why choose PAS that won the least?? Aihh, I guess 100% democracy will nvr ever happen in Msia.

    Look at how CM Lim Guan Eng abandon the NEP policy that is being heavily slashed by our PM (now only he wake up:p) hahah~! NEP policy is the one that cause racial tension!!

    It’s by fair distribution that malay can prove their ability to other races. With NEP, other races will nvr believe malay actually do hv ability, chinese and indian will keep on think bcoz gov alwiz help malay, so tat’s y they can successful.

    Support CM Lim every move!!!!!

  474. Damn.. I wan PKR la.. pas dunwan..But no one can reject it wat.. It was Istana Work. So, Let just see wether Pas rulling is good or else.. Let see if there is any job given to Dap and Pkr Or not.. I just hope it is not dominant in PAS DUN only..
    And again.. I should repeat, DAP should not give any chance or mandate and also have relationship with PAS in Perak. This could be a disaster thing that might happen in Perak

  475. Dear YB,

    Give a chance to PAS means give a chance to yourself (DAP)…Perak is a bonus, dun ruin the afford of ppl who support DAP-PKR-PAS, to form a new government. we hav long way to go, pls remember tat ppl of Malaysia r watching…we can judge 5 years later, with our vote, dun afraid.

    Salute to DAP-PKR-PAS! looking for a better tomolo.

    p/s: is there any other way to solve the CONFLICT except stay away from the swearing-in ceremony for Perak Mentri Besar scheduled tomorrow?

  476. uncle lim…
    i dont know what is your purpose of doing this?????
    you cant ever blame PAS for this!!!!
    this is SULTAN decision….why not you just accept it???
    PAS never want the MB position!!!!n never did since they know that they r juz minority……n even if SULTAN did chose MB from DAP or PKR, i think PAS wil also accept it…….PAS never be SUCH A GILA KUASA like Be eNd….n AMMMNOO…..think about that…


  477. When DAP is NOT attending

    -1) DAP does not shown the very respect to Sultan’s decision.
    -2) DAP does not shown the very respect to Nazir and PAS
    -3) Tags DAP as a party that is for non-Muslim.
    -4) Hurt State’s coalition Government development. How are these 3 parties going to work out a functional state’s government if you dun willing to show a little respect?
    -5) DAP shown that its still not yet ready to work for and to serve Malay-Muslim, but only to gain their vote when election is around the corner.
    -6) DAP cant even practice ‘MALAYSIAN SPIRIT’, where races and religions should not be the main aspect for selection.
    -7) DAP shouldn’t reject the Sultan’s decision. If DAP really dun willing to accept a PAS candidate to be MB, yet DAP should not agreed to submit 3 candidates indeed of 2 (DAP-PKR) to Sultan for selection.
    -8) DAP justify person from its background rather than his real personality and qualification.
    -9) DAP is unable to practice the very basic principal ‘Fair to everyone’. Rejecting Nazir just because of his political back ground is not FAIR at all to him.
    -10) DAP just like another UNMO in BN. Hurting others coalition-parties members’ feeling just because of the result or outcome of an incident if not the will of DAP.
    -11) DAP will be abandoned by the support of Malay.
    -12) DAP will be just a Opposition party forever!

    We all Chinese (as well as other non-Muslim) will always understand that its not because of DAP endorsing PAS mission, but just we are showing our respect to them. Malay wills even willing to give away support to DAP in future as well.

  478. Heya YB Lim,

    Im a Perakian, also Ipohan from Ipoh Barat. I could understand DAP n yourself is in a very very DIFFICULT position now. On one hand, you’ve to be cooperative in the loose coalition; on the other you’ve to answer to the Chinese voters who form the majority of the populace in Ipoh, else might suffer a political repercussion in the next election.Compromisin’ on the appointment of PAS candidate as MB contradicts DAP manifesto to establish a Malaysian Malaysia which is colour blind, democratic, just n fair. And u know this would definitely become a point of attack for MCA n Gerakan in the next election, accusin’ DAP of their inability to fight for justice and defend themselves even they’ve won the majority seats in Perak Assembly Govt.Just like MCA n Gerakan,compromised under the pressure of UMNO in BN. It’s tough. However, instead of boycotting’ the ceremony, I thk DAP should explain to Perakians, DAP to accept the appointment is a gesture of respect to the Sultan’s decision, but will ensure Perak State Assembly government ruled by 3 races in a fair and just manner. I know it’s not easy, also, pls, rakyat’s help to understand DAP position.

    Hope this issue could be resolved asap. Bless Perak!

  479. 2nd day after pru12, haji hadi said they will apply hudud in Kedah. The next day, kedah new mb said, that is not the priority right now. Why, because he don’t want to break non-malay voters. Now, on 12/03/08, LKS said all dap adun will boycot or withdraw the swearing-in ceremony for Perak Mentri Besar because the new mb are malay from pas. did you aware this action will break the malay supporters who vote for dap although they are pas member.

    if you do so, i’m very sure you will not get any vote from pas member anymore in pru13.

    think wise before late….

  480. Pls remind that if PAS did not join the team, you also cannot rule the perak. DAP is having 18 seat in state assemble, what is big deal you guy cannot be a MB. If DAP do not attend the swearing-in ceremony, you are just begin a fire in Perak & it would spread to Penang & Selagor. Pls put your vision wider & put respect to Sultan Perak .

  481. 2nd day after pru12, haji hadi said they will apply hudud in Kedah. The next day, kedah new mb said, that is not the priority right now. Why, because he don’t want to break non-malay voters heart. Now, on 12/03/08, LKS said all dap adun will boycot or withdraw the swearing-in ceremony for Perak Mentri Besar because the new mb are malay from pas. did you aware this action will break the malay supporters who vote for dap although they are pas member.

    if you do so, i’m very sure you will not get any vote from pas member anymore in pru13.

    think wise before late….

  482. DAP Perak Assemblymen will stay away from the swearing-in ceremony for Perak Mentri Besar scheduled tomorrow.

    That has got to be the stupidest mistake the DAP will ever make.

    Don’t insult those that voted for you, don’t insult the Sultan and most of all, DON’T GO BACK ON YOUR WORDS! The DAP originally agreed to heed the Sultan’s decision, why this now?


  483. jpmm Says:

    Today at 01: 44.59 (11 seconds ago)
    I am sure YB Kit Siang is just wanting to show to the whole world that he has tried his very best, exhausting all avenues to ensure democracy works in this country. Congrats YB Kit Siang. You have done your best. I, and I am sure many others are very proud of you for what you stand for — a man of principle!


    If Lim knows what is principle and a man of principle, DAP shall not have any alliance with PAS in the first place.

    BN says it right, DAP and PAS alliance is just a marriage of convenience.

  484. we all should accept it there is Menteri Besar only for malay, So dun argue about it. It could not be chinese or others also.
    And for selangor also, Both menteri besar and Timb they want from Malay.. So kuasa sultan ma..

  485. Uncle Lim, I hope that we can be more tolerance. I don’t think it has been easy for Raja Nazrin to make that decision. There are many factors that he has to consider on the selection of MB. Such as,
    1. The sensitivity of the malays in Perak, can they accept a Chinese as a MB? If not what will happened?
    2. Representation of parties and various ethic groups. If CM goes to Malay PAS, CM1 goes to DAP-Ngeh and PKR can provide an Indian as CM2. If CM goes to PKR-Malay, CM1- DAP-Ngeh, CM2 will be an Indian from DAP and PAS will be left out. There aren’t many choices. Either the current arrangement or CM-Ngeh, CM1-PAS, CM2-PKR Indian. But the latter requires the waiver of constitution and testing the sentiment of the Malays in Perak and the whole Malaysia. What would you do if you were in his shoe?

  486. Dear MR LKS,

    An earnest appeal….DO NOT boycott tomorrow’s function. Just consider what happened in Penang…The fact that UMNO’s DUNs did not attend LGE’s swearing-in ceremony did not speak well of themselves. It showed that they are ill-mannered and downright disrespectful of not only the office of the Chief Minister, but also the TYT Yang di Pertua and the people of Penang!

    Kudos to Tan Sri Koh for his gracefullness. It shows his character and moral standards. He deserves much respect.

    So, LKS..please don’t be like those ungrateful people. Show your face as others show theirs at LGE’s swearing-in. The Regent of Perak is a wise guy, he may have his reasons. Getting the MB post is ideal..but it is not everything.

    EVERYONE knows that DAP receive the highest votes in Perak DUN. Look beyond the MB post. Let this be a learning process..the political journey is a long, long one… are tired…take care of yourself after all the hard work.

    Look your best tomorrow. Be there , be graceful and you will be honorable and respected as well.

  487. Please be smart, lets examine the outcome. The menteri besar is decision made by the king. We cannot fight all the time. We will jam at every issues. The mark of good leadership is to compromise and when to take a stand.
    In this case, DAP already agree to abide what the king decide. So accept our words. Anyway, by not going to the sign in ceremony is not only stupid but make DAP looks and declare as stupid.
    Be gracious fight another day. We have waited 50 years for this. We protest but we must be gracious. Make an official statement that we disagree baised on the unfairness of the voting representation but we abide with the king decision. Let us be gracious. Winning war is never decided on one battle. Protest LOUD and CLEAR but we must maintain our manners…

  488. Ir Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin become MB

    Some Logic here:
    Just because Ir Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin from PKR, then LKS couldn’t accept it.

    Let’s say,
    if Ir Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin from PKR, then LKS accept it.
    if Ir Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin from DAP, then LKS happy accept.

    if Ir Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin not from PAS, then LKS can accept it?

    My 2 cents, if

    Perak DAP chairman Ngeh Koo Ham, 47, Perak PKR treasurer Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi, 52, and Mohammad Nizar, —

  489. 1. Do we agree with Ketuanan Melayu? Please talk to PAS supporters to find out if they think it is part of their duty to defend Ketuanan Melayu (see Harakah Daily).
    2. Do we agree with race-based politics? We denounce BN for practicising this but urge the opposition to do it??!!??
    3. Do you want a fundamentalistic Islamic State or several Islamic states in Malaysia? The answer to this question will tell us why DAP has to reject PAS. It has nothing to do with Chinese chauvinism. Rather, it has to do with DAP’s rejection of Islamic chauvinism. A secular democracy is most appropriate for a multi-religious Malaysia, and this is what DAP stands for. Compared with PAS’s agenda of Islamic State, which is inappropriate for the multi-religious and cultural character of Malaysia, DAP’s promotion of secular democracy shows that it wants the most egalitarian approach for peoples of all races and religions. Given PAS’s agenda, acceptance of PAS is tantamount to a rejection of the spirit of justice for peoples of all races and religions.

  490. I am happy to read that majority of the comments here are positive in accepting the new Perak MB. That shows the younger generations today are politically matured. They see the bigger picture.

    Mr LKS, I am a Malay Muslim so you may not want to listen to me. But listen to the majority of your own people here. Do the right thing.

    Perhaps one day a DAP assembly man can be appointed as Perak’s MB. But that day is not today. You have to patient. It took hundreds of years for a black man like Obama to have a chance to the President of the United States.

    Be patient Mr. Lim, please see the bigger picture. Please do the right thing. Please attend the ceremony today. Next election we want to take over Malaysia.

  491. My whole family have always voted for the opposition, mostly for DAP as I am from Batu Gajah and I am Chinese. As for me, I have no problem supporting DAP, PKR or PAS because I believe a country should have a strong opposition party. Appreciate the opportunity, I don’t have a problem having a PAS MB, if he truly taking care of all races. It is only the beginning, BA has 4 years to prove to the people and so is PAS. Give the people in Perak a chance to know the real PAS, it might help them to overcome their fear. It is important that you are able to work well with the coalition else BA will not get a second chance again. Don’t let BN use this on BA. I am sure the Sultan has his reason for his decision. Let’s work together!

  492. Sorry below is the correction:

    Ir Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin become MB

    Some Logic here:
    Just because Ir Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin from PAS, then LKS couldn’t accept it.

    Let’s say,
    if Ir Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin from PKR, then LKS accept it.
    if Ir Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin from DAP, then LKS happy accept.

    if Ir Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin not from PAS, then LKS can accept it?=.

  493. Dear YB LKS: I am a nobody but pls consider in bigger perspective. Voters of Perak more important or your party members? Does your party members out number the voters of Perak? Can DAP claim they won the state seat majority without PAS? Even the combination of DAP-PKR do not beat BN. The Regent of Perak is well respected & honoured. So will his decision. So, let’s respect his decision. The best thing to do now is to give some credit to Perak-PAS also lah. Maybe one day we will see DAP in Kelantan? Without each other, BN will take over tomorrow instead of BR. It will be a walkover. That will create another 1st in our history. BN people are probably waiting outside palace to replace everyone from BR right now. So, the boycott becomes meaningless. DAP will also be no different to UMNO-Penang if DAP chose staunchly not to attend the ceremony. Live & let live, forgive & forget. Pls consider to accept the Dep-CM post for DAP graciously. Is DAP thinking only to stay in Perak for next 4-5 years & then get run over by BN?

  494. ( myvoice Says:
    Yesterday at 23: 42.43

    For my just my opinion. No matter the MB is Malay, Chinese or Indian, this is not important. But when PAS hold MB post, this is most of the none muslim concern.

    PAS will implement islamic law when hold the power. Islamic law is totally not accept by none muslim people just like the people at Kelantan. No night entertainment, different gender need to queue saperately when make payment at market etc.. ini tak boleh,
    itu tak boleh… itulah PAS ! )

    Hello mr/miss… Are you Kelantan Chinese , Have you been in kelantan. Go to Kelantan first and ask the non muslim in kelantan bfore you said anything .
    LKS….I rasa you kena p rehat macam Tun Mahatir laa. Walaupun saya melayu tetapi saya sokong DAP sebab SAYA BENCI KORUPSI.dan undi saya telah berjaya MEMBERI KEREHATAN KEPADA KAVVIAS. Mr Sammy juga telah mendapat hadiah dari rakyat yang mahu pembaharuan … Mungkin anda patut turut serta mereka kerana NOW DAYS WE ARE NEW MALAYSIA GENERATION AND I SEE IT IN MOST OF COMMENT ABOVE.
    Apa yang awak paparkan membuktikan tiada keikhlasan anda dalam memperjuangkan dan membersihkan Malaysia daripada korupsi. JANGAN SENTUH SULTAN KAMI DAN JANGAN SENTUH AGAMA KAMI MAKA KAMI BERSEDIA BEKERJASAMA DENGAN ANDA DEMI UNTUK NEGARA MALAYSIA
    Terimakasih kerana memberi khabar gembira buat BN SERTA MENGHANCURKAN BA dan menyatakan pendIrian dan perjuangan anda yang sebenar

  495. I don’t quite like what’s going on now but I guess this is what I voted for – transparency.

    I guess I’ll let the politicians fight it out among yourselves before I run riot in the streets.

    But quick smart … puh-leeeeeeze.

  496. Dear Uncle Lim,

    We admire your principles and we share your sentiments on the matter. However in this case, boycotting the swearing-in is akin to suicide. As reflected by most of the comments here…please…please…for the sake of Malaysia…please reconsider…it’s still not too late….

  497. saya hormati pandangan kwn2 DAP yg inginkn demokrasi.. ya DAP mendapat kerusi terbanyak d kita kena mulakan demokrasi ini perlahan2.. saya x nafikan akan dtg bukan sahaya menteri besar dari non malay, PM pun buli jugak dr non malay. so kita perlulah ‘ambi hati’ rakyat. kalau BN mendabik mereka adalah pakatan terbaik , hubungan parti komponen mrk baik, seharusnya kita tunjuk yg kita lebih baik. bukan perangai mcm budak kecik!! ingat.. ini m’sia .. dlm keadaan media arus perdana x meyebelahi kita so seharusnya kita harus berhati2 dgn kenyataan kita…

    apa2 pn ‘nasi sudah jadi bubur’.. tak dinafikan ada org rasa tertipu ..
    hari yg indah dan ceria sudah bertukar kusam..lesu..

    ku rasakan panas berpanjangan tp hujan d tgh hari…

  498. What is this “Your comment is awaiting moderation. ” BS??

    Censorship! Haha you are no better than the BN, and all this stupid ruckus over Perak MB…. Perak is a bonus win. Childish boycott.

    I am so dam sorry I ever voted for your racist party, if 4 days after election you are already acting like this, I don’t know what the next 4 years will be… looks like it’s back to BN and MCA for me.

    I was so happy when BR won, but I am having my doubts now if this coalition can even hold together.

  499. Perak voted for DAP and to make PAS the menteri besar is betraying the hopes and trusts of the people of Perak. This is not democracy, this is a farce.

    Why should PAS be MB when no one voted for them? Do not betray the voters, if PAS becomes MB, you can bet that the next elections the opposition front will not win in Perak again. Because the people of Perak will not be fooled twice.

    If PAS has long term goals of winning more seats in the state, they should step down now or the opposition would in 5 years loose everything.

  500. It’s time for Senior Lim to retire like Mahathir. You may be a liability to DAP as Samy to MIC if you cannot sense the wind of change.

    If PAS Menteri Besar can approve Chinese to build a statue like Mazu will shut off UMNO’s mouth.

  501. LKS..oi…please show your respect to our sultan…although i disappointed on this final result, but pls show your respect to our dear sultan decision…..n dont do this stupid thing again…and dont throw our chiness face and make us malu just bcos your nonsence and your childish thinking……………………..

  502. With such a fighting of MB position,
    what is the point? Many of us who are
    from Perak really don’t mind of having
    a MB from PAS.

    We just want to see good jobs and
    good policies being able to implemented
    by you all – PKR, PAS and DAP.

    Please listen to many of our comments
    here and attend the swearing-in ceremony
    with open-heart.

    We still support you people, no matter what
    will happen, but not a decision like this, which
    does not show any respect to Sultan Perak’s
    final decision.

    Uncle LIM make Stupid Statement, next election you will not get any Malay vote… Confirm

  503. “repost with a correction in line 2 in the 3rd paragraph”

    I am happy to read that majority of the comments here are positive in accepting the new Perak MB. That shows the younger generations today are politically matured. They see the bigger picture.

    Mr LKS, I am a Malay Muslim so you may not want to listen to me. But listen to the majority of your own people here. Do the right thing.

    Perhaps one day a DAP assembly man can be appointed as Perak’s MB. But that day is not today. You have to be patient. It took hundreds of years for a black man like Obama to have a chance to the President of the United States.

    Be patient Mr. Lim, please see the bigger picture. Please do the right thing. Please attend the ceremony today. Next election we want to take over Malaysia.

  504. Honestly, the behavior of Lim Kit Siang, is childish and non-sensical. He should remember who had voted DAP – the Rakyat, which comprises the Malay, Chinese and Indians. He is such a let-down to the Rakyat, acting immaturely like a spoilt brat. As much as we want a change, we want a positive change whereby leaderships in the Government-In-Waiting act like a REAL LEADER. The co-alition party hasn’t even started governing the winning states, and is already making a big fool out of themselves. Pak Lah and KJ must be laughing to their beds tonight. Shame on you, Lim Kit Siang – you just made all of us who voted for BR look like a damn fool. I am a Chinese, I have no problems to have Nizar as CM. If you have problems, it seems you may have a vested interest yourself. Stop being childish – your childish and irresponsible actions have put the entire BR to shame. By the way, everyone should not be listening to Lim Kit Siang. He should be given the freedom of speech, but at the same he, for what he represents, should be mindful of what he says – it is a definite confidence shattering remarks. Lim Kit Siang – GROW UP!

  505. Wah, looks like I’ve made the biggest mistake of my life voting for BA this time around, and I’ve got to endure this for maybe 5 years before I can vote them out? Not even a week has passed, and we are already seeing this nonsensical bikering!!!!

  506. Once upon a time, MCA and Gerakan were heroes to many Malaysians but look at them today. Who has made MCA and Gerakan what they are today? Have some of us forgotten how we criticizes MCA and Gerakan for failing to stand firm on certain principles. How can it be different now with the DAP. Yes, I understand your vote is very powerful, it can destroy any political party, even when you voted wrong reasons. I think it is ok if the next election some of you who disagree vote MCA and Gerakan back to compromise everything else under the sun.

  507. Uncle Lim,
    The Rakyat did our part… we got you guys this far (short of killing of the SIL)…

    Firstly, ideally… yes, the CM should be from DAP. I disagree as much that a PAS rep is made CM.

    THis would have been Ngeh’s bloody job to convince whoever he needed to… if all fails & this is what it has to be for now… work within it!! DAP still controls the Perak state assembly & the exco!!

    I think DAP voters will understand that…

    DO NOT fall into BN’s trap… they are in the background stirring sh*t to break up Barisan Rakyat…

    Boycott is a NO NO!!!… work wihtin what we got….
    thats what we have been doing it for so long…. & now we r just beginning to succeed.

    C’mon DAP… don’t make us look bad now… we are just beginning to kick ass!!!

  508. Oh and another thang – Uncle Lim …

    If you are doing this simply because it is to appease a certain constituency … rather than what is right … than you are just being another two bit politician.

  509. You people really cannot see the big picture and what the Sultan is trying to do. He is trying to be fair to all 3 parties. He wants a Malay, a Chinese and an Indian in the top three post. If he chose the MB from PKR, where is the Indian candidate coming from, PAS or DAP? We know there is no Chinese or Indian in PAS. So basically the Sultan have no choice.
    Anyway why the big fuss about who is going to be the MB, The main power is in the whole EXCO, and you people are going away from your belief, which is a Bangsa Malaysia, so why bother about what colour or religion about the MB.
    Boycotting is a very childish move and you will be the loser at the end. I understand your problems with the Chinese DAP members, but they should see the big PICTURE….

  510. Uncle Lim, I was very disappointed with you move.
    Please do not spoiled the party.

    Do you think this is a wise decision to not to attend/ boycott the MB swearing-in ceremony???

    With your arrogant, you are now showing dis-respect to the Sultan and Raja Muda of Perak. Are you thinking that you are higher than everyone else? even higher than the Sultan and Raja Muda?

    Please stop it now and asks your all Perak assemblymen to attend the MB swearing-in ceremony tomorrow afternoon or else DAP will absolutely kick out by the voters at the next GE.

    My sincere advice to you and your CEC members – from a loyal concerned DAP supporter.


  511. hi guys,

    i seriously want to know what is the reason why our Perak Sultan’ve chosen PAS as MB. and now conflicts between PAS and DAP happens…

    I guess our Perak Sultan should explain to his people…i believe he has considered many aspects…but i guess most of the people need to know WHY?!

    and WHY DAP couldnt accept PAS as MB, they have the responsibility to explain to people who votes for them.

    before i have the answers, I won’t comment who is wrong…

  512. Is a copy statement posted at Malaysiatoday…………
    An open letter to the DAP on Perak MB’s appointment
    Posted by labisman
    Thursday, 13 March 2008
    I am a Malaysian Chinese residing in Petaling Jaya and had voted for your party’s candidates in the 12th GE.

    I had attended practically all your party’s ceramahs in the PJU and nearby areas. In the ceramahs, your speakers had continuously stressed the importance of a multiracial government that takes care of its rakyat regardless of status, race and religion.

    It is therefore a great shock and disappointment to hear that the DAP is calling its Perak state assemblymen to boycott the swearing-in ceremony of the new Perak MB tomorrow just because the MB is from PAS. I feel very much let down by this decision.
    Firstly, your party calls for the establishment of a Malaysian Malaysia. Isn’t PAS part of Malaysian Malaysia. Or are you telling us now that just because they are from PAS, they are not? Then in the first place, you should not have ask the voters, especially your supporters, to vote for the ‘Bulan’ knowing fully well it is referring to PAS. If you can ask voters, especially your supporters, to vote for PAS, then why can’t your party now accept a PAS assemblyman to head the state government. I was led to believe that as long as a person is qualified, he will be supported. As many speakers said in your ceramahs, ‘It doesn’t matter whether it is a white cat or a black cat, as long as it is able to catch rat, it is a good cat.’ Doesn’t the same argument holds, whether the MB is from PAS, DAP or PKR, as long as he is able to look after the welfare of the rakyat, then he is a good MB.

    Secondly, if a candidate from PAS cannot be accepted by the DAP, then why in the first place you decide to set up a coalition government with them? The argument that you can cooperate with the six PAS assemblymen and yet can’t accept a PAS member as the Perak MB does not hold water. Are you trying to fool us just like what the BN government had done over the last 50 years? Don’t think that the public is stupid. How can we, the rakyat, trust you now when even before the state government is set up, you are already fighting among yourselves in the so-called ‘Barisan Rakyat’ coalition.
    Thirdly, your party’s Perak state chairman Mr Ngeh Koo Ham had repeatedly said that DAP, PKR and PAS will abide by any decision made by the Sultan on the Perak MB. Now that a decision had been reached, you are going back on your words. As I recall from one of the speeches by Mr Gobind Singh Deo in SS2 on March 7 in which he said, “A politician must be responsible for what he said. After making a statement, he cannot then said that he is saying things in a sarcastic manner etc so as to deny his earlier statement.” Mr Gobind Singh said this when commenting on Tun Mahathir’s statement that when he said Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was innocent, he was being sarcastic about it. The same standard should then be applied to all DAP party leaders and speakers. You must be responsible and accountable for what you say. When you said that you will accept the decision made by the Sultan, then you must stand by what you had said. Going back on your words now can only show that the BN is right and that your party leaders, especially Mr Lim Kit Siang, is only going after personal glory/power without any regard to the well-being of the rakyat and the party. DAP would then be just a party that is “cakap tak serupa bikin”.
    Fourthly, your party has not come out with any reason for the rejection of the PAS assemblyman as the Perak MB. I, as a voter that voted for your party, demand to know the reason behind this decision. Your party had always stressed the importance of accountability and transparency in your election manifesto. Now, please ‘walk the talk’ by also being transparent and explain your decision to the public. Anything less would make you no better than the BN government which 50% of the peninsula rakyat had just rejected. Anything less would also guarantee that the rakyat would make their voices heard again in the next general election, voting against the DAP.

    There are many more reasons for my feeling of utter disgust and consternation for this decision made by your party’s CEC. However, I will keep them to myself at this moment.
    On the morning of March 9, 2008, I truly believe that a new era has dawned on Malaysia as we are finally able to transcend race and religion in our efforts to make Malaysia the truly great country that she should be. A truly Malaysian Malaysia. Sadly, just three days later, that new era does not even have a chance to begin as the group of leaders that are supposed to lead us there are now fighting among themselves for whatever reasons best known to them.

    How can we move forward as a nation when we have leaders that are so selfish, egocentric and who don’t practice what they preached? Is our country forever going to be mired in mediocrity amidst a culture of intolerance, suspicion, fear, corruption and cronyism?

    I sincerely thought that DAP is part of the future and a cure of our country’s ills. However, this decision by your CEC had shown that DAP is a party of the past. It is already blinded by its election success and is no longer in touch with the aspirations of the rakyat to build a nation based on trust, integrity, tolerance, responsibility and accountability, regardless of status, race and religion. You had forgotten that the rakyat is the boss that voted for you and put you there to serve us. You had betrayed your voters and had rejected the rakyat’s wish to move forward to form a Malaysian Malaysia.

  513. Uncle Lim, See the bigger picture of why the rakyat has shun the BN. The rakyat does not mind if the MB of Perak (my home state) is from PAS. What is more important is that the state matters are decided collectively by the people representatives for the betterment of the people of Perak.

    DO NOT BOYCOTT THE CEREMONY! This is not why we voted the opposition into power in that state. Your statement sounds like DAP is hungry for power, which most of us believe is not the case. Pls make a statment that you will reconsider your earlier decision and work with the MB of Perak for the sake of the people and then go and prove it.

    We’ll judge you in the next election!

  514. LKS,

    as malay my view for your decision for me would just make things more complicated. i’m from selangor, as youngman malay i admit, voting for dap is the best way to tell bn that people don’t want this strategic bn leader’s plan to take over the government regardless of people’s choice. i thing many 1st time voters agree with me, this is the time.

    in perak mb’s case, by math surely dap deserved for the post. same as selangor’s case, all ba assemblymen already agree with tan sri khalid as new mb, but what the selangor sultan says? he need justification from the coalition by submitting rep from all parties. same like sultan perak. but since the sultan prefer from pas, maybe he got something in his mind. take note that in kelantan there was chinese too, and they didn’t give bad testimonial so far.

    so from my opinion, with sincere i tell you please, reconsider. i still convince that you got my words. give the new mb a chance. i nearly sad because of your decision, hopefully not from your heart, maybe somebody has encouraged you to do this. but please, if i as a sultan, maybe i can judge the selection but i’m not. the sultan has something in his mind. remember. pas won’t do something bad to non-muslim ppl without their agreement. i as a muslim learn from our prophet muhammad, making nation with multi-racial is a success, despite including jewish as we know as pest in this world. no problem at all. some of you may didn’t knew this.

    please, respect the sultan, i beg you. give the new mb a chance, unless later on of his decision not to go in the post. thank you

  515. A “man of principle” in the political context means: being able to be accomodative and flexible within certain boundaries.

    If cannot be flexible and accomodative, then why should be in the “dirty” world of politics in the first place?

    Might as well be in the non-political religious morality ministry.

  516. I hope all those who advocate working together PAS will not back off or plead with DAP leaders to do something when PAS begins to introduce Islamisation in Selangor and Perak. They have begun to do this in Kedah.

  517. A bunch of us here do not agree with what Lee Wang Yen is saying – HELLO, didn’t you form a coalition after sorting the differences?! You don’t form a coalition to fool us, the Rakyat, into voting against BN. Idiotic remarks like this from blind supporters of LKK show that LKK is on his way to be the next Mahathir. DAP would definitely be the next BN-In-Waiting (meaning a BN-In-Destruction) – I tell you honestly, if LKK doesn’t retire from DAP – you will see many of us, if not thousands, than hundreds of thousands to boycott DAP. We voted you in, we shall vote you OUT! LKK is definitely a liability not only to the DAP, but to the Government-In-Waiting – he truly needs “parental guidance”. SEE A PSYCHIATRIST. If blind supporters of DAP continue to support his stance, well that’s telling us that DAP is another Umno in the making! Guys, we pack our bags and move to Selangor!

  518. Dear YB: We look forward to seeing you in your best combed-hair, suit & tie (well, in the papers). Attending the ceremony tomorrow is worth more than the CM-post. It marks the political struggle that you have strived for & WON by being there. The new generation of voters & future generation of voters will remember that. Stuff like this goes into history, not CM-posts. Whoever is influencing you on such a decision is a spy (infiltrator) for the BN!!!

  519. wolf Says:
    Today at 01: 44.35 (12 minutes ago)

    Sultan of Perak could be thinking in strategic terms. Look at it this way:

    1. MB from DAP – Malays in Perak MIGHT revolt. Even if not, PAS, bing the smallest representative might run the risk of being ignored by DAP & PKR in the future. What if that happens and PAS decides to go against them? If PAS decides to raise the issue of faith, things could get complicated real fast & real bad in Perak for BR.


    Why are we always afraid that the Malays will revolt? Can some malays here pls speak up? Everyone seems to think that Malays are childish revolutionaries that will pick up stick and hit anything that is against their “ketuanan melayu.”

    I don’t agree Malays are childish revolutionaries, so why are we constantly afraid that they will revolt?

    We must all do what is right without fear, if not what is the bloody point?

    Revolt this revolt that, u think Malays have nothing better to do?

    * I use the word “bloody” because apparently its now an accepted politically correct phrase ever since our PM used it.

  520. Mr. Lim,

    DAP cannot rule Perak on its own..DAP need need PAS and PKR…If you not agree….probably People of Perak will not trust on any DAP statement no more…you said to Sultan to agree with any of the Majesty decision…but when time comes….DAP is acting like kindergarten….perhaps my son in kidergarten is more matured that DAP…

    Remember..BN only has 28 seats….DAP has 18 seats…PAS has 6 seats…PAS can form up special coalition with BN to form a NEW PERAK GOVERNMENT and bye-bye to DAP….PAS can still be the MB for PERAK…

    Just my 2 cents …

  521. LKS, I would have thought you would have been smart enough to realise this but I am now disappointed. For goodness sake please realise that there are millions of people behind the BA now waiting for things to move and none of them would welcome such a silly antic from you.
    Not in the lifetime of you or your son would you ever realise your dream of such a monumental victory and it was with the help of the pact.
    As per the state constituition, the component that should be more qualified to voice their disagreement is actually PKR not you. All in all it is still your decision but dont let the rakyat feel that the intelligence and integrity behind the pact is now down the drain.
    Again I have to remind you that though DAP and PAS had been providing such a strong opposition for such a long long time, they had never been able to achieve much as compared to this election where the were able to ride and aircon bus and be where they are now.
    cc Anwar Ibrahim

  522. This is unbelievable, so many people here accusing the DAP of being power hungry. Accusing Kit Siang of being power hungry. You are calling him a hypocrite. Do you even know what a hypocrite is? The DAP has maintained that it does not work with PAS. And this is not because it is anti-Malay or anti-Muslim. If it is would it have worked with S46 in the past? Would it have worked with PKR now? It will not work with PAS because the Islamic State idealogy that PAS subscribes to is completely incompatible with the DAP’s idealogy of a Malaysian Malaysia.

  523. YB LKS,
    jangan buat perbuatan yang “biadap” ini, kita mesti mematuhi peraturan ini,sekarang Sultan sudah pilih MB utk Perak, jadi terima sajalah….jangan-jangan nanti sampai musuh kita ada alasan utk membangkikan kemarahan orang ramai.

  524. Jong Says: limkamput, I believe there had been attempts to impersonate you on BakriMusa and DinMerican blogs. Check it out.

    Jong, thank you for telling me; will check later, just managed to login and may want to read first what is going on. I think we are all screwed – one way or the other! It is not just lousy decision. It is lousy decision made worse by lousy and incompetent processes. Sigh!

    Who do you think will impersonate me? I am not a newly elected MP or ADUN lah!!!! But I think my guess is your guess, Jong.

  525. dawsheng Says:

    Today at 01: 58.27 (4 minutes ago)
    Once upon a time, MCA and Gerakan were heroes to many Malaysians but look at them today. Who has made MCA and Gerakan what they are today? Have some of us forgotten how we criticizes MCA and Gerakan for failing to stand firm on certain principles. How can it be different now with the DAP. Yes, I understand your vote is very powerful, it can destroy any political party, even when you voted wrong reasons. I think it is ok if the next election some of you who disagree vote MCA and Gerakan back to compromise everything else under the sun


    Don’t talking cock.

    DAP please withdraw from alliance and let BN form the new governmemet as a matter of upholding democracy principle.

    This is only way out to show us that you are standing firm on principle.

    DAP will never get my vote, luckily my constituency is UMNO vs PAS. I will vote DAP with 4-letter word if I shift my address in future.

  526. RESPECT is what it’s about!

    Attending a Swearing-In ceremony doesn’t mean that DAP is ENDORSING PAS’s mission in anyway. WE ALL KNOW THIS.

    Furthermore, Nizar just someone extraordinary and Understand our worries by assurance with mentioned Perak will never turn to become a PAS-State.

    RESPECT is the 1st step that we need to show, in order to really form a Malaysian Malaysia. If we can’t respect, we will never be able to discuss together and yet work together.

    RESPECT !!!!!!

  527. I am an ethnic chinese who voted for PAS in the same spirit as many many of my Malay brothers voted for DAP where it counted – in the spirit of Barisan Rakyat.
    As far as I was concerned, the PM and DPM of the then Govt. had already declared the Nation an Islamic nation, and backed it up with actions such as not defending non-muslim’s rights under Article 11, and more so snatching bodies of alleged converts without ANY sensitivity to their families, or recourse in the Civil Courts.
    As far as I’m concerned, Ong Ka Chuan’s statement is already a hypocritical one as they did NOTHING! MCA and Gerakan have NO mandate to even speak on this issue anymore given their own actions. The Rakyat have already DECIDED where they belong – in the scrap heap of racial and racially divisive politics.
    Today, Saudara Lim Kit Siang, YOU, have the chance to cut across religious and ethnic barriers, to the aspirations of all the voters who have put you in this unique situation, for the chance to create a greater nation.
    Please do not jeopardize this one opportunity. The Ruler has decided. The candidate has the qualifications. Accept it with magnamity and in the spirit of Barisan Rakyat.
    A great statesman is one who can win people over by diplomacy rather than by aggression and confrontation. Work the issues, not against it. United we stand, divided…

  528. Jong Says: limkamput, I believe there had been attempts to impersonate you on BakriMusa and DinMerican blogs. Check it out.

    Jong, thank you for telling me; will check later, just managed to login and may want to read first what is going on. I think we are all scr*wed – one way or the other! It is not just lousy decision. It is lousy decision made worse by lousy and incompetent processes. Sigh!

    Who do you think will impersonate me? I am not a newly elected MP or ADUN lah!!!! But I think my guess is your guess, Jong.

  529. Ngeh was reported to have said that the 3 parties, DAP, PKR and PAS, will accept whoever of the 3 candidates submitted to the Sultan to be appointed as the menteri besar of Perak. There was no correction by DAP and/or DAP’s CEC to that statement then. Now, DAP CEC says no such mandate was ever given and in fact, DAP CEC only consented to the appointment of either the DAP or PKR candidate as the MB. What’s going on? Was there a break in communication? Since Ngeh had mentioned the supposed DAP position in some of the national dailies, why didn’t anyone from the DAP CEC correct him if what he had said is incorrect? DAP, what’s going on? Pleasae explain.

  530. Before the GE we supported the DAP to do a lot of thing, multi-racial lah, some even suggest DPM should be Chinese lah, abolish NEP lah and many more things unimaginable, scroll back all the pages and read carefully and slowly. Today’s reaction is totally the opposite, suddenly, the bigger picture came into mind. We have fought for hard for today some say. Really? Let me tell you who fought hard for today, it is DAP who fought hard and the man you criticizes as hypocrite who fought hard for all Malaysians, irregardless of race and religion! DAP will not fight to this day just to compromise its principle, I hope!

  531. Politicians, when are you guys going to put your political interests behind for the sake of rakyat? Doesn’t matter who’s the MB, but if you don’t perform and behave well, we can kick you out. Just remember that.

  532. I cant believe someone from the party that obtain just 1/3 the number of seats from DAP could occupy the MB post.

    I think the Sultan is being unwise in making his decision.Raja Nazrin had always said he promote national unity and equality regardless of race or religion.Yet the throne of the state that he is going to succeded had discriminatory archaic laws in which only malays and muslim could be appointed as MB.


  533. That depends on your boundaries of acceptability.
    Abdullah says that failing to deliver his promises to stamp out corruption is acceptable flexibity.
    GERAKAN says that kow-towing to UMNO’s demands is acceptable flexibility.
    But we rejected these claims. Yet some of us argue that
    1. working with PAS, whose agenda is Islamic State, is acceptable flexibility
    2. kow-towing to PAS is acceptable flexibility
    This kind of double-standards just shows that the advocate…


  535. I think the below gives a better idea of what is happening. Seems the 13th General Election has already started. DAP should not sideline PAS. In reality it would be better not to have any race based or religious based parties. That has strangled our democracy. And there are serious issues between DAP and PAS, but it is better that PAS is with them and moderated (if it needs to) than without. I myself have no problem with PAS. I believe the person chosen had the most qualifications compared to the PKR candidate (this is the impression I got).
    There are serious issues to consider in governing Perak, including transparency, introducing local elections in Ipoh, helping the marginalised of which there are many in Perak etc, and this should take priority over politicking. After all DAP will form the bulk of the exco, they will have enough on their plate.

    P.S – as many PAS supporters said in other blogs Uncle Lim, they voted for DAP this time, if this is how they are treated, can you expect them to vote for you next time? This is a collective victory Uncle Lim

    Cracks Appear In Perak Opposition Coalition, Differences Between Perak DAP & HQ

    IPOH, March 12 (Bernama) — The pact between the DAP, Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) and PAS which had earlier agreed to form a coalition government in Perak appears to have caused differences between Perak DAP and its headquarters over the post of the Menteri Besar.

    The DAP Headquarters have directed that 18 of their state assemblymen not to attend the swearing-in ceremony of the PAS representative, Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin, as the new Menteri Besar of Perak scheduled at Istana Iskandariah on Thursday.

    DAP Advisor Lim Kit Siang said in a statement tonight that the decision to appoint PAS Assemblyman Mohammad Nizar Jamaludin as the Menteri Besar did not receive the mandate of the DAP’s Central Executive Committee.

    The three political parties had collectively submitted a letter to the Sultan of Perak to form the coalition government and had named Perak DAP chairman Ngeh Koo Ham, Perak PKR Treasurer Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi and Perak PAS Secretary Mohammad Nizar to be considered as candidates for the post of Menteri Besar.

    The Sultan of Perak today consented that Mohammad Nizar be appointed the 10th Menteri Besar of Perak and the decision was announced by the Regent of Perak, Raja Dr Nazrin Shah, who also had an audience with the three candidates at Istana Kinta here this afternoon.

    An Istana Kinta spokesman tonight made available copies of the letter to the press.

    Dated March 11, it was signed by Ngeh as the Perak DAP chairman, Perak PAS Commissioner Ahmad Awang and Perak PKR chairman Zulkifly Ibrahim.

    They had unanimously agreed to abide by Sultan Azlan’s choice as to who would be the menteri besar.

    Lim, who is also the Member of Parliament for Ipoh Timur, however, in his statement said the DAP was only prepared to accept Ngeh, who won the Sitiwan seat or Jamaluddin, who captured the Behrang seat, as the new menteri besar.

    In Saturday’s election PAS won six state seats, PKR seven while the DAP 18 for a total of 31 seats, which gave them a simple majority to form the new government. The incumbent Barisan Nasional (BN) lost in the election after garnering only 28 seats out of the 59 at stake.


  536. here we go again. all the effort and hardwork by all the coalition members now gone down the drain, thanks to you. those MSM bastards will have a field day not just tomorrow but come the next GE as well. why cant you guys have a seat and discuss this over some coffee instead of shooting your freakin mouth off?

    seriously, are you a closet-MCA member or what?

  537. Dear Mr Lim,

    I would first like to congratulate you, DAP and Barisan Rakyat in general for the fantastic performance in the 2008 Elections, especially in my hometown Penang. The level of this victory was certainly unexpected, not only for us Penangites but I surmise also for Barisan Rakyat.

    As a Penangite and Malaysian who is now based overseas, I had until recently “given up” on the government. I visit Penang annually and each visit breaks my heart as Penang seems slowly but surely to be crawling towards an inevitable path of destruction. I had a great time growing up in carefree Penang during the 80s and 90s which at the time felt like it was still a quaint pretty little town peppered by remnants of our colonial past.

    The political situation of recent years and my leaving Penang and viewing the situation at home with an outsider’s pair of eyes cause me to wash my hands of my own country. I refused to read any news about Malaysia, had little positive things about it in my mind and generally felt helpless and in despair. Occasional visits to Penang only further cemented my views of my country and it truly felt as if everything was determined by nothing more than the political interest of individuals or certain groups.

    When Barisan Rakyat won Penang, I was incredibly proud of my fellow Penangites who chose democracy, transparency and change for the better above familiarity, nepotism and race politics. More importantly, I was extremely delighted that Penangites had the courage to choose hope. When your son, Mr Lim Guan Eng gave his first press conference after having been sworn in, I was truly beaming with pride and for once in my life, I truly and actually felt proud to be a Penangite and a Malaysia. There was after all hope!

    However: when I was alerted to your decision for DAP to boycott the swearing in of Perak’s Menteri Besar who happens to be a member of PAS, I felt a sense of nostalgia – is this not what the 11 UMNO reps did to Barisan Rakyat when Mr Lim Guan Eng was sworn as a CM for Penang? You may argue that it is different because DAP effectively won the majority of the seats in Perak. That is an undoubted fact and truth; however, (1) DAP’s majority will be reflected in the number of Perak’s state exco seats; (2) DAP, like PAS and PRK were voted in as part of Barisan Rakyat, standing for its values. I know you may at this point argue about PAS being an Islamic-centric political party. But, if you think about it, a lot of Malays too think that DAP is a Chinese-centric party incapable of compromise; and (3) a divided Barisan Rakyat will be the lacuna on which Barisan Nasional will exploit.

    I urge Mr Lim, to please look at the bigger picture as all we Barisan Rakyat supporters did and continue to do. We put faith in Barisan Rakyat, in fact, my fellow Penangites put faith in a DAP-PKR coalition with little to now government experience to head the Penang government. Unlike in the US or the UK where the policies of each political parties are scrutinised by the independent press and media and where the virtue of accountability is still practised, we took a chance with the DAP-PKR coalition by voting the way we did. I urge you not to let this issue about who sits as the Menteri Besar for Perak to marr Barisan Rakyat’s and your personal political achievements. Keep to your words that DAP is a party for the people by accepting and co-operating with the PAS soon-to-be-appointed Menteri Besar of Perak. I can assure you that this would be worth more than squabbling over unnecessaries which serves nothing more than to divide Barisan Rakyat and allowing Barisan Nasional to triumph.

    Yours truly,
    Proud Penangite

  538. Dear LKS,

    I strongly urge that boycott DOES NOT take place. The long term objective is a truly democratic Malaysian govt which is blind to skin color and religion. The rot in this great country of ours has been going on for decades and cannot be remedied overnight. It is an uphill battle to realize a Bangsa Malaysia when the population has been brainwashed by the BN for so many years. (By this action to boycott you to have been brainwashed quite badly) The racial and religious discrimination must be stopped and it surely is not going to be stopped by the BN. Lets be bigger people then BN, let the beginning to the end of racial and religious discrimination start with us. Considering our fellow countrymen, the Malays too are afraid that the Chinese will take over the country and leave them to rot, so says the UMNO doctrine. Yet they voted DAP, PAS and PKR. Let us be gracious about this (not to mention honoring your words to abide by the Sultan decision) and remember that Bangsa Malaysia can only be achieved when all the races are united. In PRU12 the battle might have been won but the war continues. Please practice what you preach. You’ll never get a second chance at this should it turn out to a big ‘boo-boo’. Please, please don’t let BN be correct about the BR/BA not being able to work together.

  539. yes i agree what mycroft say….Islamic State idealogy that PAS subscribes to is completely incompatible with the DAP’s idealogy of a Malaysian Malaysia.”

    dear all our frens if no power how to make decision ???this is politic we cannot too dream of ideal….we must know that no power no decision…i rather than DAP give up 2 man!bcoz i feeling that PAS are more power hungry…………

  540. mycroft Says:

    Today at 02: 08.03 (1 minute ago)
    This is unbelievable, so many people here accusing the DAP of being power hungry. Accusing Kit Siang of being power hungry. You are calling him a hypocrite. Do you even know what a hypocrite is? The DAP has maintained that it does not work with PAS. And this is not because it is anti-Malay or anti-Muslim. If it is would it have worked with S46 in the past? Would it have worked with PKR now? It will not work with PAS because the Islamic State idealogy that PAS subscribes to is completely incompatible with the DAP’s idealogy of a Malaysian Malaysia


    I am too sick with your nonsense holding principle argument.

    Holding principe is to pull out from alliance government and serve as opposition party.

    Boycott swearing-in ceremony does not prove to me that DAP is walking the talk.

  541. Jangan lupa ini….

    Previously, Ngeh had told reporters that all three parties would respect the decision of the sultan and cooperate to form the new state government.

    kami pengundi, kami berhad mengundi balik BN pada PRU13, jadi ingat we are the boss.

  542. KS,
    First, i thought your website could be hacked thus posting such a controversial post. But there isn’t any action to remove this post after 6 hours, i started to believe this is coming from you.
    Well, very simple question. If DAP CEC did not agree with PAS candidate as early as 9th March, logically his name should not be submitted to the Sultan. It is irresponsible for you to boycott the swearing-in ceremory later today, 28 BN members would be so happy to see the absence of 18 DAP members…. joke….

  543. Dear Kit Siang,

    If you cannot find it in your heart to trust PAS, how do you expect to the Barisan Rakyat to survive beyond a week? Your fear of Islam = Umno’s fear of Chinese economic dominance. This is the 21st century, my friend. The old kneejerk reactions are reactionary at best – and totally ruinous at worst to any possibility of our ever freeing ourselves from the criminal government of Umno-BN.

    What happened on 8 March 2008 is the first sign of political maturity amongs the voters. I beseech you: do not let political immaturity and factionalism amongst BR leaders sink the boat of genuine friendship before it even leaves the jetty.

    It’s not too late to come to your senses and apologize for this shocking regression to pre-GE12 politicking. I for one do not fear PAS. Nobody who has
    a clean conscience and an open heart needs to fear anybody with a worldview
    different from our own. Those guided by love, empathy and wisdom – rather than genetically inherited or culturally imprinted fear and suspicion – will always find a way through the quagmire of religious differences without recourse to hostility, tantrum-throwing, and aggression. What you just did comes close to shattering the hopes of every single Malaysian who voted for change last Saturday. Please do not join the ranks of the obsolete and irrelevant – old guard politicians who simply cannot transcend their own hardwired prejudices! Believe in the younger generation and all will be well.

    I shall say it one more time: let love and wisdom and open-hearted acceptance be your guide. Admit that it was merely a kneejerk reaction arising from fear. Apologize for the slap-in-the-face of your political ally from PAS – who strikes me as a good man – and for your serious faux pas vis-a-vis Raja Nazrin Shah’s royal decision.




  544. Yes, DAP should either quit the coalition governments in Selangor and Peark or get PAS to publicly renounce the intention to set up Islamic theocracy. That is a genuine way of holding on to its principle. I strongly urge DAP leaders to consider this.

  545. Uncle Lim,

    Adalah sangat menyukarkan bagi kami orang Melayu yang telah bermati-matian mempertahankan DAP dari serangan perkauman orang UMNO selama ini.

    Adalah sangat menyedihkan bagi kami apabila melihat DAP yang kononnya multiracial seolah-olah tidak boleh menerima orang Melayu yang kuat pegangan agama Islam sebagai Menteri Besar.

    Adalah sangat membanggakan bagi kami apabila Barisan Rakyat menang kerana kami telah memangkah DAP dan PKR maka kaum Cina di Kelantan, Kedah dan Perak juga telah memangkah PAS dan PKR.

    Adalah satu penghinaan bagi kami orang Melayu (yang juga telah mengundi untuk kamu dan DAP dimana jua) sekiranya 18 orang ahli DUN kamu bertindak memulaukan istiadat tersebut.

    Jangan sekali-kali DAP menghina Sultan kerana jika itu berlaku, maka percayalah kamu, sekutu-sekutu kamu termasuk DAP tidak akan mendapat kepercayaan orang Melayu walau untuk 100 tahun lagi.

    Jangan kamu bermimpi lagi untuk menang pilihanraya walau di Perak, Melaka mahupun Penang tanpa sokongan orang Melayu.

    Tidak mudah untuk orang Cina memangkah PAS dan begitu juga tidak mudah untuk orang Melayu mengundi DAP. Tetapi mereka melakukannya kerana percaya atas Barisan Rakyat boleh menumbangkan Barisan Nasional yang angkuh itu.

    Tolong jangan mengalah dengan sebilangan kecil ekstrimis yang menyokong kamu.

    Uncle Lim, sila tarik balik kenyataan tersebut, tunjukkan DAP bukan perkauman dan teruskan bersama Barisan Rakyat demi untuk Perak dan Malaysia khususnya.

    Hormati Sultan, hormati rakyat Perak dan hormati semua rakyat Malaysia – Melayu, India dan Cina yang telah menghormati kamu sebelum ini.

    Uncle Lim,
    Dengan segala hormatnya kami memohon, tolong jangan menghina Sultan. Sila tarik balik kenyataan untuk memulaukan istiadat perlantikan tersebut.

    Terima kasih.

  546. By the way, you guys must have discussed before you sent in the 3 names – which means that you should have at the back of your mind that one of them will be selected by the Regent of Perak. Did the Regent of Perak chose someone else other than those 3 fellas that you have submitted. Come on… stop talking about principles and whatever nonsense – we have eyes and we have brains. Stop your habit of opposing for the sake of opposing. You guys are now the Government-In-Waiting, such a small heart and small brain – my god, we are really moving to Selangor!

  547. bodoh la semua ni..jangan la jadi bodoh macam orang BN yang tak guna tu..wakil rakyat DAP ke PKR ke PAS ke,jangan la jadi BANGANG!Woi LIM Kit SiAng.ko pun satu..jangan jadi bodoh..ko tu dah tua..bagi la contoh yang baik..

    Korang semua kena ingat apa tujuan jadi WAKIL RAKYAT yang sebenar..wakil yang berkhidmat untuk RAKYAT..jangan la nak sibuk2 nak berebut jadi MB ke EXCO la yang susah kalau niat dah terpesong..nak jadi EXCO so boleh pegang kuasa projek apa2 senang dapat kat kroni…BANGANG la korang ni..same je macam BN..adui susah betul nak cari wakil rakyat yang faham maksud wakil rakyat ni..

    lina said “WE WANT DAP FOR THE MAYORS POST, LAND EXCO, ECONOMICAL EXCO etc. Demand the posts. We gave Perak away but lets gain control in Ipoh. Don’t let PAS have too big a say in Ipoh. MB is enough everything else MUST go to PKR and DAP.”

    tengok statement di atas..nampak sangat sebab apa DAP nak sangat portfolio2 ni..sebab nak control semua benda..jangan ingat orang lain BODOh

    and one more thing..kalau PAS yang jadi MB pun negeri ni tak jadi macam Pakistan la..kenapa nak lim kit siang nak sangat MB post tu dapat kat DAP,sebab nak orang cina control everything?senang lepas ni nak bagi projek..jangan la macam tu bodoh..kalau PAS jadi MB macam yang Sultan nak. bagi je la.DAP still boleh berkhidmat untuk rakyat(CINA, melayu, india), apa yang nak takut sangat.

    WAhai semua wakil rakyat sedar la sikit anda di atas adalah disebabkan dari rakyat(CINA melayu india) dan kepada rakyat(CINA melayu india) anda kena berkhidmat..ingat tu..Jangan terlalu sibuk nak berebut jawatan..sekarang nampak sangat korang semua bukan nak berkhidmat untuk rakyat(CINA melayu india) tapi untuk jawatan..apa ni KIT SIANG..untuk rakyat ke untuk DAP

  548. you guys are really giving BN the support it needs to swing back the malay voters by openly insulting the sultan. My god guys seriously, what the hell is wrong with you guys the sultan throws a monkey wrench into DAP plans and u already are suffocating. What more at the Federal level. Please la don’t be so arrogant to believe that DAP big win is just coming from the non Malays. Perak could have been the other way around if PAS or PKR were to put their people in the areas DAP were competing and i can assure you DAP would not have got all those votes. As a Malay and as a person who VOTED DAP, i taught i would see a stronger opposition, and a path to move forward.

  549. This is an insult on democracy, we could participate in the election but not willing to work together for rakyat. Its just the beginning, but the opposition (may be should they stay as opposition forever) already quarelling who will be the captain. If Sami & Subra can bury the hatchet, can we?

    Please do not waste our vote!

  550. Lee Wang Yeng, seriously, you are one of the few people who actually talk sense here most of the time. Others are just so caught up in the moment, they’d bend themselves backwards for PAS.

  551. Mr Lim…Its beyond me and most of us on your strong statement..not after your representative said A-OK…you could have discussed this internally..flared it up internally and settle it internally…how do you expect us, Malaysians, to support sudden outburst? BN representatives boycotted the Penang CM ceremony and we all said “how childish”…and now DAP wants to do the same in Perak? This is not the Olympics! This is about changing the political landscape in Malaysia. I have no fear of PAS cos I am steadfast to my belief…and I know most Malaysians have passed the fear factor as clearly seen in the election results. Don’t let BN supporters turn around and say ” I told you so”…the nation has lot to lose if cooperation is not there.

    If that is the case, DAP should not have any links with PKR and PAS in the election…it should be clear from the start to avoid problems…politics is politics..but this is my (and our) country as well for god sakes! Don’t toy with it!

  552. chewchew Says:

    Today at 02: 13.10 (30 seconds ago)
    yes i agree what mycroft say….Islamic State idealogy that PAS subscribes to is completely incompatible with the DAP’s idealogy of a Malaysian Malaysia.”

    dear all our frens if no power how to make decision ???this is politic we cannot too dream of ideal….we must know that no power no decision…i rather than DAP give up 2 man!bcoz i feeling that PAS are more power hungry…………


    IF DAP is totally cannot agree with PAS, let pull out from alliance government.

    This is a mother of hypocrisy, if Menteri Besar goes to DAP, everything is OK for DAP although PAS is still a partner in alliance government.

    DAP please pull out from Selangor and Perak government to show us you are walking the talk in rejecting PAS islamic state concept.

    Please do so before DAP lose your credibility from your Chinese supporters.

  553. I think its time old dinosaur like you should resign from DAP.

    As shown in this latest election, there is no longer racial election but more of an ideals election. We all voted for opposition be it DAP, PKR or PAS because we felt that the current government could no longer serve us but a coalition of opposition party could serve us better. But your childish/ out dated mentality seems to say otherwise. I think this is not the DAP I wanted to vote for. Its the new DAP generation that I feel that can serve us better (you know who I’m talking about). So I suggest you seek opinion within the party and see if they agree with you and if you should step down. This is the same reason I was very reluctant to contribute/vote for the opposition because people like you still exist within the party. Just because you bleed for the last 30 years does not give you the right to guide the whole DAP your way.

    As for PAS turning Perak into an islamic state, how “not islamic” is Perak now? The NEP etc is here to stay, at least for now. We cannot win the election overnight and expect our culture to change immediately.

    As for PAS ignoring DAP’s voice. I believe it will only last for 4 years because as mention earlier, the Rakyat now vote on ideals and people who can serve them. If PAS doesn’t make the Perak people happy, 4 years later they will be gone without a trace. Didn’t we suffer for 30+ years under Barisan? what is another 4 more years?!?!

    FYI I’m a Perak born and bred Chinese who got educated as Chinese as you can be. At least I can see the big picture and I’m so disappointed by myopic people like you, who needs to put in a fork in the big wheel that we all are trying to make it work

  554. Ideology is just a principle. If you are perceived to be fair by the rakyat than you are fair. Is DAP only answerable to DAP chinese voters only? What about BA voters.

    Read comments in MT – more than 90% (including chinese) disagree with DAP’s decision to boycott.

  555. Hmm.. I quite surprised by Lim Kit Siang’s reaction regards on the MB Perak.. In the Perak constitution, in stated that the MB must be a Malay Muslim.. So, this is by far is not a statement from the PAS.. In other case, it is the choice of the DYMM Perak should all the Perak’s citizen considered..

    FYI, the Barisan Rakyat or Alternative Front should hold on together because the BN will seek a loophole so that they can regain Perak..I know that DAP hold more seat than PKR and PAS, yet the BA should discuss this more detail so that the ceremony will be smooth as a silk..

    Still, in my opinion, I think it should not be a big problem for DAP because they will hold 7 of the state exco which I heard on the TV3..
    They can still dominate the state consult with majority of their supporter.. Last but not least, I hope the BA stick together so that the evil coalition of BN will scattered eventually..

  556. Dear Sir,

    I have no idea how you can so blatantly put something like this up there. Five days after the astounding voice of the people rang out, you’re already disagreeing on a matter decided by the Regent. I walked next to you at BERSIH when we went to see the King.

    You respected him then did you? And now you don’t?

    This is no different that the antics of BN. The decision has been made, accept it. If you’re making this no-show decision simply based on the fact that Nizar shouldn’t be nominated because PAS won the littlest amount of seats, you’re just the same as BN. Arrogant. We voted half your people in with no experience in government either, we believe in your ideals… we trusted you. And now, you pull this stunt? It’s disappointing. Also, as for PAS endorsing an Islamic state – we know you pulled out in the past cos they did this. But we’re giving all of you a chance again, PAS included. Please be responsible with this mandate.

    If you’re doing this because you’re afraid of your supporters talking about DAP, you’re a coward. And if you’re really going to boycott the swearing in, you are nothing but a sulky little child as a party.

    I had so much faith in your leadership and Guan Eng’s too. But this taints your entire party. You keep this up man. You’ll be hearing from us as you are hearing about it on this comment box. We put you there, and we’ll take you out of government.

    Have some respect for your fellow Malaysians who put you there.

  557. Just heard the news about the Perak MB. I support and respect the Sultan of Perak’s decision to appoint Nizar Jamaluddin as MB. I really don’t see what’s the big hoo-ha about race and religion. A non-Muslim Chinese is also susceptible to corruption, etc. (About having a Malay Muslim MB, you might want to read up the historical context before judging the constitution as “racist” and whatnot.)

    I’m disappointed with DAP. As Omar mentioned, DAP seats weren’t won by only DAP supporters, but PKR and PAS supporters, too (there weren’t any DAP vs PAS / DAP vs PKR seats that were contested). The point is that the people of Perak voted against BN. If DAP wants to lead, it should not have shown (initial) support of PKR and PAS, then later insist on its own way. Sadly, when it comes to the crunch, DAP doesn’t seem to want to co-operate.

    My dua sen.

  558. strange where is my previous reply?

    hi guys,

    I hope to hear why our perak Sultan chose PAS as MB. he must have some reasons, but he need to let all his people know WHY?

    LKS & DAP also have responsibility to explain to people who votes for them. Why they can’t accept PAS as MB.

    so..please stop argue before we clearly know WHY?!
    this is unfair to LKS and Sultan Perak

  559. Dear YB:
    For whatever not so obvious political reasons that you or CEC are rejecting the PAS candidate, it is very unwise to boycott the swearing in ceremony of the candidate barely 4 days after a resounding election victory, won with a pledge to look forward to the future with a coalition govt formed to reform 50 years of divisive rule under the BN. I voted twice for the BN in 1999 and 2004 and decided to give this next chance to the DAP in 2008 because of “an opportunity” for change. We are awaiting the deliverance of this promise.

  560. Salam Sejahtera buat Mr Lim,
    Mohon kemaafan kerana menggunakan bahasa kebangsaan yang mana bahasa in jugak yang Mr Lim gunakan di Parlimen. Pertamanya saya sedikit terkedu berhubung kenyataan bertulis Mr Lim ini. Untuk pengetahuan Mr Lim saya adalah salah seorang ahli biasa Pas yang berdaftar dan pernah bertugas menjaga Puan Zaiton yang bertanding di Selayang pada tahun 1999 atas tiket DAP. Sepanjang masa bertugas saya bukan sahaja menjaga beliau tetapi turut menjaga parti yang diwakilinya dalam pakatan BA. Semasa itu Mr Lim kami jaga umpama menjaga presiden kami sekiranya ada yang berniat jahat kamilah yang akan kehadapan. Jalinan kami dengan petugas dan penyokong DAP amat baik dan kami semua mengharapkan agar jalinan tersebut akan berterusan. Tetapi sayang selepas kekalahan besar DAP dalam pilihanraya 1999 kepimpinan Mr Lim telah bertindak untuk keluar dari gabungan BA dan dengan marah mengatakan PAS adalah puncanya. Kami tetap bersabar dan terus menjelaskan kepada ahli-ahli yang ini hanyalah bersifat sementara kerana bagi kami ini adalah masalah antara kepimpinan atasan dan kami petugas serta penyokong dibawah senantiasa bersangka-baik sehingga sekarang. Tidak terlintas difikiran kami untuk terus memboikot DAP walaupun cemuhan demi cemuhan, tomahan demi tomahan dilemparkan kepada kami oleh pihak Mr Lim bagi kami agenda kita adalah menjatuhkan BN yang selama ini menyusahkan rakyat. Walaupun kadang-kadang cemuhan dan kata-kata pihak Mr Lim menghentam Islam tetapi kami masih bersabar sampaikan saya terpikir sampai bilakah kami perlu bersabar je. Saya secara peribadi menghormati pemimpin-pemimpin DAP dan juga pemimpin BA yang lain. Kesempatan berjumpa di Parlimen saya akan cuba menegur bertanya khabar walaupun sesekali macam dipandang sebelah mata oleh pihak Mr Lim bagi saya, saya masih mengharapkan penyatuan antara kita. Saya kadang-kadang tertanya kenapa pihak Mr Lim marah sangat dengan PAS? Apakah silap kami? Adakah kerana dakwah kami kepada masyarakat Islam satu kesalahan yang merugikan DAP? Ataupun kerana hukum hudud yang PAS war-warkan? Sekiranya hukum hudud dijadikan sebab saya rasa Mr Lim sebagai seorang insan yang bijak dan hebat apabila berhujah diparlimen (walaupun suka menjerit-jerit) gagal sebagai seorang pimpinan dalam menjelaskan isu ini kepada orang-orang Mr Lim. Ini kerana hukum hudud ini hanya dilaksanakan kepada mereka yang beragama Islam itupun sekiranya mereka didapati bersalah sekiranya tidak bersalah mereka tidak perlu takut. Bagi yang bukan beragama Islam agama kami mengkehendaki kami memelihara agama yang bukan Islam dan kami tidak boleh mengkhianati sesiapa pun termasuklah dari kalangan yang bukan beragama Islam. Saya percaya sekiranya pihak Mr Lim dapat menterjemahkan perkara ini ke peringkat akar umbi nescaya salah faham pihak Mr Lim berhubung hukum hudud akan terurai. Sekiranya ada sebab-sebab lain yang membuat kemarahan pihak Mr Lim kepada PAS saya rasa sebagai ahli biasa perkara ini boleh dibincangkan diperingkat atasan secara muhibah termasuklah perkara yang Mr Lim luahkan ini. Sebagai orang yang bijak berpolitik Mr Lim tidak patut meluahkan ketidakpuasanhati secara umum. Pakatan BA walaupun belum rasminya digabungankan mempunyai Majlis-majlis Presiden atau Majlis Tertinggi yang membolehkan Mr Lim meluahkan pendapat Mr Lim. Tidak elok perkara ini diperpanjangkan secara umum dalam situasi kita mencapai kemenangan yang agak besar. Perihal perlantikan MB Perak saya ahli biasa yang belajar setakat SPM ada bertanya kepada sahabat-sahabat yang pernah bekerja di SUK. Memang termaktub dalam enekmen perlembagaan kerajaan negeri hanya bangsa melayu yang beragama Islam sahaja yang boleh memegang jawatan tersebut ataupun atas budibicara Al Sultan. Untuk pengetahuan enekmen ini bukan pihak PAS yang reka. Dalam hal ini Al Sultan telah meminta parti-parti gabungan BA untuk menyakinkan pihak istana berhubung gabungan ini memandangkan DAP mempunyai kerusi yang lebih tetapi Al Sultan perlukan kata kesepakatan dari gabungan BA untuk lantikan jawatan MB ini kerana secara automatik calon dari DAP tidak memenuhi kriteria awal jawatan tersebut. Oleh itu gabungan BA Perak telah bersepakat pada awalnya untuk menghantar nama-nama calon untuk diangkat sebagai MB dan ini merupakan penghormatan kepada Al Sultan memilih calon untuk jawatan MB yang selama ini tidak pernah berlaku semasa era pemerintahan BN Al Sultan sekadar dijadikan cop mohor sahaja. Kepimpinan PAS menghormati DAP yang mempunyai lebih kerusi tetapi atas titah dari Al Sultan yang meminta nama calon-calon MB maka pihak PAS terpaksa akur. Akhirnya atas kuasa Al Sultan telah memilih calon dari PAS sebagai MB. Disini dimanakan silap PAS yang membuat Mr Lim mengeluarkan kenyataan sedemikian kepada umum? Saya memohon janganlah ada perbalahan diantara kita perlu diingat pengundi-pengundi sedia untuk menghukum seperti mana berlaku pada BN. Cukuplah pengalaman suka dan duka yang kita lalui bersama. Bijak berpolitik bukan sahaja pandai bercakap tetapi bijak juga berstategik. Dalam peperangan pihak musuh akan menyerang apabila barisan hadapan lalai, longgar dan bertelagah. Banyak lagi yang saya ingin berkongsi bersama Mr Lim tapi cukuplah setakat ini dulu. Cuma satu sahaja pesanan saya jangan disuatu hari nanti saya dan rakan-rakan rasa benci melihat bendera DAP lebih dari BN. Mohon kemaafan dan harap apabila berjumpa di Parlimen nanti kita akan bertegur. Jangan marah ini satu pendapat dan pandangan.

  561. please for god sake, stay united. DAP-PKR-PAS must behave like parts of one SINGLE body. Dont let any part of your body bleed nor hurt. We the rakyat want you to stay united. Respect your promises. Who is the MB doesnt matter. What’s more important is to sacrifice our emotion now.
    Lets respoect the Sultan’s decision. Lets not try to get everything overnight. We are in a PROCESS. lets compromise. Lets swallow just a bit of our pride now. Lets respect each other. We must respect to gain respect. DAP, please accept Sultan’s decison. DAP=PKR-PAs is one entity, not Three entities. Please, DAP-PKR-PAS stay united. Please meet frequently. Consult. Be humble to each other. Dont fight. Dont misunderstand. Dont leave any room whatsoever for any fight among yourselves. Your enemies are just waiting for any opportunities to capitalize upon. Dont let your enemiies swallow you again once more. Please be patient. Cant you wait another five years? Dotn try to divorce your spouse too fast. Your fans and your children will suffer. For every cost, please DAP-PKR-PAS STAY UNITED. Remeber, unity is an strenth by itself. Dont try tobe selfish. Dont be overly shrude. Dont be cruel. Dont be p[ower hungry. Dont betray the rakyat again. No, I dont want any more major election until 2012. Wait until 2012. Respect the Sultan. Dont try to change the world in one night. Please allow time to breathe. RELAX. please. There are better things to come for DAP-PKR and PAS and for the rakyat. Please, everyone be patient. Let there be a DPP center in each state where DPP supporters can meet and leave comments, suggestuons and ‘harapan’ for the rakyat. Lets not forget, Anwar made great sacrifices. Anwar suffered a lot in his life. Lets not make him suffer anymore. He himself, I am sure, wants to see DAP-PKR-PAs united for the next fifty years. Please, plan strategies for next election in 2012 for a more suirprising tsunami, i.e, 80% BA domination in the federal / central govt. That’s the only way we can teach the Bn govt of 50 years a good lesson to be humble, listen, be trusnperent and reduce red tapes, cronism…..etc…. In 2012, we shall see 80% of Petronas funds will be in the hands of DAP-PKR-PAS coalition. Cant you wait. DAP, please dont fool yourself. Dont be foolish. Be patient.

  562. Uncle Kit, you want the DAP and its partners to kick off the government of Perak by a confrontation with its good and revered Sultan? What is wrong with a PAS MB? I think it was a big mistake for you to call for a boycott. Who are you trying to shame? What are you trying to prove? Don’t put the Sultan and Mr Ngeh in an embarrassing position. You can be confrontational to the BN but not to the Sultan or your political partner or your own party member. Let us see if the PAS MB would be a good MB for all people of different races and religions. If Mr Ngeh as a Perakian can say that he can accept a PAS MB, why can’t you? After all, he has declared that he will abide by the Sultan’s decision and he has submitted the name of and therefore agreed to accept that very qualified PAS candidate to be the MB. Why the flip-flop within the DAP in just a few hours? You may have just shown to the people that the DAP is not capable of making a firm political decision. You may have just proven to the people that you are as chauvinistic as some of them thought you were. Please do not boycott the ceremony. Please do not screw up a sweet victory we have just clinched. You asked us to ‘just change it’; you did not say there was this condition that the change is acceptable only if the MB is not from PAS. Please compromise, be peaceful and be at the ceremony. And please whisper an apology to the Sultan and explain your position. I am sure you have a good reason for what you have said. I am sorry if I had sounded harsh or disrespectful. I just feel that it would be a wrong move if you do what you had proposed to do. With the few hundred endorsements here within only a couple of hours, not many of your supporters will criticise you for attending the ceremony and giving your blessings to the new MB.

  563. Everybody thanks for the opinions and i believe that LKS will think it over tonite and have the answer for all of us tomorrow morning. Please give that old man a break… He’s not superman and after fighting for so many years on behalf of all of us as opposition we should atleast give him some respect. Hopefully his answer will satisfy the majority.

    Afterall democratic means majority right ?

  564. My point is simple – if Barisan Rakyat is to mean anything at all, if it is to be a credible alternative, it has to start from Day One with a new way of doing things and a new way of doing politics. It is a way that is true to their espoused values.

    Unless I am mistaken, PKR & DAP are ostrensibyl built on the foundation of among others racial equality. PAS’ ideology is religious and not racial in nature – they are not founded to promote the interests of a particular race.

    All that I am asking for is for them to be true to their word :-

    (1) Stop all this “pragmatic” rationalizations – “let us change later” “let us do it the old way for fear of bringing the wrath of this raceor that race”. These are all thinking that will inevitably lead back to the status quo, the same status quo that is strangling us to death.

    (2) With humility, straightforwardness and resolve, just select the candidate who is the best for the job in integrity and leadership REGARDLESS OF RACE OR RELIGION.

    (3) Do all you can to bring downt he racial and religious walls that is carving our country apart. Learn to love dissimilarity and plurality, be comfortable with the fact that your neighbour dissagres with you agreeeably.

    (4) lead and govern the states that have been entrusted to you in unity and wiothout bringint in your own narrow ideologies and agendas.

    (5) administer the states in competence and in complete innocence and integrity.

    Barisan Rakyat will truly be Barisan Rakyat in 5 years’ time if they can do this.

  565. Uncle Lim, whatever your reason behind it, I hope it turns out well for all Perakians who supported DAP. I hope that this will be the beginning of the end of years of suffering for many under BN government.

    Let us build and reinforce our opposition states so that BN will have no chance of recapturing them.

  566. btw, is YB tricking all the bn guys to attend today’s event ? (by giving them some glimmer of hope to rampas and form the state admin)

    Obviously, the elected Penang bn (UMNO) ADUN has shown great disrespect to the Penang people who has spoken, by not attending the CM swearing in ceremony.

    Let’s wait and see. Maybe we would have a good laugh then.

  567. Lim Kiat Siang,

    First and foremost, I would like to say that I respected you and DAP for what you fighting for => Malaysia for Malaysian!

    Now, back to the big issue here. Lim Guan Eng had set a good example by announced few encouraging policies, such as abolish of NEP, open tender for government contract, declaration of property by all exoc of government and etc, eventhough he appointed 2 vice chief ministers, as contradicted with what he said before the election, where there will be no vice chief ministers. (1st lie of DAP)

    With all those great policies, and if it all run well, I truly believe that DAP-PKR-PAS coliation will be ruling the country on the coming election. But in only 3 days after the election, all the good works have been hindered by the your “lies”. (2nd lie of DAP)

    If you said DAP-PKR-PAS already reached agreement that only candidate from PKR or DAP will be allow to become Perak MB, why PAS candidate name is submitted to Sultan Perak for selection at the 1st place? (Question 1)

    Furthermore, you should jumping around and barking or perform what ever “act” you prefer to show your objection when PAS candidate name is submitted but NOT until NOW when “NASI menjadi BUBUR”!! (Question 2)

    Your objection at this stage of time would be seen by many as protection of chinese voters, however many chinese voters that have crystal clear eyes will see this as an act to cover your “lies” and “empty promises” in order to retain chinese supports! (Question 3)

    Well, I’m not racist, and I’m certainly not against a PAS MB, but you always support reveal of truth in government, it would be good if you follow suit by answering the questions that running in our head.

    P/S: Everyone please check the post in PAS website that saying DAP Leader agreed this is Country of Melayu. PKR, PAS and DAP are fighting for diffrent ideology, I really have no idea how this will work out, if they took over the federal goverment. Malaysia => Islamic state? Or All Malaysian must be Muslim!?!?

  568. Mr LKS,

    Kau sama aje macam UMNO/MCA/MIC/ETC @ BN!

    Semenjak 1990, Mak Aku Melayu UNDI DAP (Janji Pembangkang), Kemudian sejak 1995 aku UNDI KEADILAN (Kerana kita BA Supporter) walaupun AKU AHLI PAS @ PARTI ISLAM SEMALAYSIA!

    1) Kalau kau tak setuju awal awal lagi, tak yah lah submit nama wakil PAS tu, bincang dulu sebelum submit nama.

    2) Jika kau lupa nak kata tak setuju, nama dah submit dan Sultan dah setuju, kau bincanglah ikut pintu dalam, bukan kasi tau kat public. Kau tak tau ke erti kematangan berpolitik dan seni membuat kenyataan umum?

    3) 500 ++ komen di sini, kalau kau masih tak dpt faham apa mesejnya, lebih baik bersara dari politik.

    Sebenarnya BN telah memulakan episod lenyap dari bumi Malaysia pada 8 Mac, 2008, sebab BA Team Networks @ Supporters/Voters telah BERPELUANG untuk MEMBUKTIKAN KEBENARAN, KEHEBATAN, KEUNGGULAN kita MENGURUS dan MENTADBIR NEGARA MALAYSIA mulai 8 Mac hinggalah PRU13, 14, 15 @ 2020 nanti BN DISEMADIKAN SELAMANYA!

    Dengan PELUANG & KEIKHLASAN yang kita ada untuk mengurus dan mentadbir NEGARA secara profesional, matang, bijaksana, telus lagi luar biasa HASILNYA, MEMUSTAHILKAN RAKYAT untuk memilih BN kembali.


    ESOK menjadi SAKSI. Beberapa JAM lagi.


  569. now i’m sick of dap bcoz they fall in bn LWY, all the while you only saw image of pas through umno..umno not practising true islamic teaching..i feel sorry for dap if you think you are right just go ahead with your plan and after this muslim from pas/pkr/umno will see you as enemy the state!!!!

  570. remeber : DAP=PAs=PKR. BA= DAP+ PAs+ PKR.
    DAP hangus means PAS hangus.
    PKR hangus means PAS hangus.
    PAS hangus means DAP hangus.
    DAP hangus means PKR hangus.
    PAS hangus means PKR hangus.
    DAP hangus means BN menang.
    PAs hangus means BN menang.
    PKR hangus means BN menang.
    DAP menang = PAS menang = PKR menang.

  571. UNCLE LIM, this election is graced by GOD for the string of events to get this outcome is a miracle.

    Be smart, officially PROTEST and STATE CLEAR WHAT was wrong from DAP point of view but not attending is uncope and unacceptable. Be smart, this election is not about numbers alone. I think if we made a statement then attend, the goodwill bought will come back many fold. There is time to take and time to give.

    Listen to all the people voice. If only we can get what we want all the time, irrespective of other concern, we end up like BN today.

    In the bigger picture, gentleman, we can be tough and right without being stupid. This is the time.

    Study all the situation, what is the best course, I am sure you can see this logic. Let not use all the goodwill in one instance where the outcome in any otherway is a dead end.

    Protest you must. Explain why you think it is not right by DAP but please attend the signing in.

    In this instance, you have a chance to score goodwill with others and not regret to be connered to look like a spoilt brat. Pure uncompromising ideals, right or wrong, like UMNO is irrelevant nowadays.

    Yes, we must be real, morally and ethically correct. This is what prevails in the end. Always have and always will. 50 years for an opportunity is worth the wait.

    Who am I to teach a first generation master of your craft?

  572. based on current situation involving those archaic laws,DAP would be given a chance to govern only 4 states-penang-malacca-sabah and sarawak(in which the population of chineese voter or iban or dayaks are much more than the melanaus,malays yet they still govern the states.)

    This is not a law which should apply to any modern first class nation.

  573. Uncle Lim, Please heed the majority’s view on this and go in full force to attend the swearing in ceremony. Dont give the enemies fodder to break up the BR at such an early stage.Please respect the ruler’s choice for the sake of the coalition to work. All eyes are on us. Keep our pride and and be friendly comrades to make BR a success. There are much obstacles ahead and dont let this victory
    blind us. Keep cool and best regards.

  574. Perhaps the Perak Sultan will find the time to explain his decision one day. The right thing to do now is to respect the Sultan’s decision & get on with it. Move on.

    The number one priority should be on the nation’s interest, not any political party or it’s ideologies. Believe PAS will be making changes along the journey – Tok Guru is a wise guy. I have Chinese friends in Kelantan that respect & even vote PAS.

    BN lost dearly because it did not evolve or update itself. Will DAP follow the same route, just when things just started? Think ahead, don’t make the same mistake.

    There will be a lot more voters in the next GE & a lot more at stake. The tsunami stopped at Selangor probably due to all these “potholes” in Perak & Selangor. Other states are watching how the DAP-PKR-PAS are doing to repair these “potholes”. It’s a whole new experience, that will influence the voter’s decision the next 4-5 years until the next GE. *yawn* goodnite all.

  575. Uncle Lim, for god sake, what’s the problem of the appointment of Nizar to be the MB of Perak. I’ve spoken to several Chinese friends of mine, none of them have any issues with the appointment. Please do everyone a favour and don’t be a party spoiler!!! You are giving BN the opportunity to stern things up again. FYI., I flew all the way from HK to cast my vote on Sat and i intend to see these DAP-PKR-PAS coalition work. So, grow up and stop winding!!! The DAP-PKR-PAS have achieved the “mission impossible” in the history of M’sia. Just don’t rule it! Think ouside the box, Mr. Square!!! If you feel the kitchen is too hot for you, get out and give the seat to Anwar or a younger open-minded candidate. For the rest of DAP Perak members, you must attend the ceremony to show good gesture and respect! If you listen to this Mr.Square then i can assure you that things will get very messy and you all will be out of office after one term. Last but not least, I’m not a PAS fan but I’m willing to let PAS/Nizar to have a go and judge from then.

  576. mr lim, i think you are beginning to look very silly, already! why not start a racial incident like may 13th, why are you trying to make it march 13th this time? dont say the whole country know where this leads to. dont you & your chauvinistic team, see any writings on the walls on your way to your dream palace?

  577. # wargamalaysia Says:

    It’s a mistake to vote BA. Might as well vote BN, at least peaceful and stable government.

    BA? can only last 4 days out of 5 years. Not even a week!!!!
    BN? 50 years…..


    AFTER 50 YEARS OF LIES..haha..

    BA is not ready to form a joint-government if they is still a power hungry leader.. I personally attack my statement to all of BA leader..

    But, I trust that BA will eventually overcome this and hope LKS attend the ceremony..

  578. Less than a week there’s already a gap in the armor. Over a relatively inane matter as who in the new coalition will be Perak’s MB no less. Who around here actually believes the idea of a unified Malaysia, a ‘Bangsa Malaysia’ if you will, will magically transform overnight? Not me.

    In Penang a major step was taken, in declaring outright the dismantling of NEP. That was huge. What was even more important, that there was no heavy rumbling from the ground from the Malay base. Regular working class Malays are beginning to accept NEP doesn’t really benefit them, it primarily enriches the ruling elite. But still, the NEP has been the status quo for so long, its pretty amazing to me that declaration of NEP-free Penang weren’t ensued by a knee-jerk reaction as I would’ve expected from the ground. So kudos to people of Penang.

    I also believe the un-doing of this “Barisan Rakyat” would come either from Pas or DAP. Well congratulation Mr Lim, give yourself a pat on the back, you just won the “knee-jerk-reaction” award.

    It was never a “Barisan Rakyat”. It had always been a marriage of convenience. A rakyat like myself have absolutely nothing to do with it, we could only vote. You’re just confirming the power jostling between the new coalition forces as who will take a bigger share of the pie, and in so doing, sabotage what could’ve been a real alternative to BN’s ethnic politics. Give yourself another pat on the back. If Bangsa Malaysia is really DAP’s motto, then shouldn’t the ethnicity or religion of Perak’s MB a non-issue? Apparently not.

    Now I could totally understand the reservation to PAS’ candidate being the MB. It would’ve been better if it was PKR’s candidate, being a middle of the ground candidate. But three names were submitted from respective parties, and the sultan made his choice. For whatever reason. It was your coalition’s mistake for submitting three names instead of two. But to be followed up with another mistake by publicly whining about it and threatening with a no-show? I thought you, as the head of DAP would have a little more class than that. That is an embarassing move. A seasoned politician like yourself, one would’ve thought you’d be a little more sensible than that. This is an UMNO-like underhand wrangling, and BN media will have a field day thrashing the new coalition tomorrow.

    Less than a week, and it looks like the coalition’s done. The dream is over. Thanks for nothing.

    -A young voting Malaysian

  579. Since BR leaders have changed the MB’s power to that of a ‘Chairman’ to chair the state exco meetings with no absolute executive power like in the past, then why is LKS/DAP CEC so upset and angry with this appointment? What is the big deal about the MB post that warrants such a response from LKS and DAP CEC?

    Pls publish a retraction because this is truly bad press since Astro and Bernama have already run this latest news flash with unsuppressed glee (“I told you so” .. the ‘loose’ coalition can’t even agree on the exco and MB appointments).

  580. To many Malaysians the shock and consternation caused by your ill-considered decision to disallow the DAP elected representatives to be present at the swearing-in ceremony is certainly beyond measure. If this intention is indeed materialised, you are no better than (a) those arrogant and corrupt politicians best personified by that disrespectful and ill-mannered ex-MB, (b) those so-called incorruptible Judges (c) that ex- Prime Minister who is responsible for the sad state of affairs we are in now. Malaysians are already sick of these characters to the marrow and thus many voted for your DAP on March 8 but your puerile and uncompromising attitude that you proudly displayed today over this exceedingly sensitive matter truly make us disappointed with you and we deeply regret for doing you the favour on March 8. Your political enemies will of course be relishing this thoughtlessness on your part.

  581. mr lee, i give my life to the person who will make this issue go away tomorrow. please consider the consequence of your action. the whole media have a field day, exposing the weakness in this coalition. i hope you will find wisdom by the time you wake up.

  582. Dear Uncle Lim & the DAP CEC,

    Ever since i was eligible to vote, i have voted DAP. All along i had hopes that one day the DAP would be able to take charge of a state and Perak is my state. So for the past few days ever since the 12th election results came out, i have been euphoric that finally my state Perak would have the DAP as part of its government. The Perak constitution is quite clear as to who can be its menteri besar and me and my fellow DAP supporters are aware of this. What many of us were not aware was section 12(2) which allowed the Sultan to waive this requirements. His Highness has made his decision and as loyal Perak citizens, we accept it in good faith.

    Tonight after reading your blog, our euphoria has turned to sadness for it appears that the DAP CEC is unable to accept a PAS Perak MB. Are we still talking about a Malaysian Malaysia? Is the designated PAS Perak MB not a Malaysian. Do we still cling to our race-coloured politics? These are questions running through over minds. Is the DAP message of “Just Change IT” just an election slogan? Have we Malaysian Malaysians been taken for a ride by the DAP? Is the DAP for real?

    Though DAP has won all the 18 state seats it contested in Perak, it must be noted that Perak has a total of 59 state seats and what has been won by the DAP does not constitute a majority. If the DAP had won 30 seats on its own then many would consider it not right if section 12(2) has not be made use of.

    The 12th election has shown that Malaysian Malaysians are ready for change and are going away from voting along racial lines. During the recent election many Malaysian Malaysians DAP supporters have been telling their family members and friends to follow DAP message to vote for change and to deny the BN a two thirds majority. We were all out voting non-BN candidates. All these efforts have resulted in the turn away from the BN. Now it looks like all the good work would come to nought.

    Is the DAP CEC fearful that the DAP supporters would turn away from it in the future if a PAS Perak MB is accepted by the DAP CEC? Don’t be wrong like the BN, Malaysian Malaysians will support any party that can prove its worth and is good for the rakyat. To allow the present golden opportunity of the coalition of non-BN parties to show what it can do for the 5 non-BN controlled to slip by will not be forgiven by Malaysian Malaysians. We will know how to respond appropriately if PAS does not do what is good for Malaysian Malaysians. The DAP must be willing to tread where it is deemed or seemingly look impossible. Like all true Malaysian Malaysians, PAS must change and march forward. Prior to 9th March, the present state of disarray of the BN did not appear possible but the political tsunami has come to pass. Do not rubbish the present political maturity of the Malaysian Malaysians. Many will not forgive the DAP for allow this golden opportunity for co-operation of the non-BN parties to pass by. The DAP CEC must deal with the present and move forward, Malaysian Malaysians will continue to support it if it is on the right path. Not allowing the coalition of DAP-PKR-PAS an opportunity is not an option this time. Look at the long term and not short termed gains. Never fear if PAS or PKR or even DAP do not do what is best for Malaysian Malaysians, they will know how to react appropriately when the 13th election cometh.

    It is not too late for the DAP to reconsider and change its stance. The new Perak MB is scheduled to be sworn in at 400pm on 13th March. Remember also what Perak DAP chairperson Ngeh Koo Ham had confirmed yesterday, he said ::

    “All three parties have unanimously agreed that we will fully endorse the Sultan’s choice”.

    Does the DAP CEC want the Perak DAP chief to be called a liar and not honourable and having gone back on his words? Does the DAP CEC want to let Malaysian Malaysians lose faith in it and tell the whole wide world that the DAP message of “Just Change It” is nothing but a fraudulent mere election slogan and that the DAP, itself, is not ready for change and is still not ready for the new-found maturity of the Malaysian voters?

    We pray that the DAP CEC will reconsiders its decision and react appropriately.

    God bless Malaysia.

  583. Many are urging a pragmatic appraoch. Altough they reject PAS’ agenda of Islamic State, they think that we should still work with PAS to consolidate the opposition coalition for the moment. The risk of emboldening PAS’s agenda is a long-term one. Most people here think that we should focus on the immediate gains of working with PAS and set aside the long-term consequence. I can understand this pragmatic sentiment. However, this short-sighted approach is ill-advised, especially when DAP has had a bad experience with PAS. When DAP tried to work with PAS in the 1999 election, perhaps they had a similar consideration. However, we all know what happened. DAP has clearly learnt its lesson and I applaud them for keeping PAS at bay.

  584. Hey, what principle? Uncle Lim has been head of his party for so long and a lot of people have left DAP because of that. He has fought the good fight but there are times when even I could not stomach him and the things he was saying. I guess that is what being in opposition for so long against such a vast machinery does to you. It makes you bitter (no sign of this recently from Uncle Lim but in the recent past, yes)

    This is boycott might be good for DAP but bad for rakyat malaysia.

  585. this mr ngeh k h is useless person, even you give him an easy task ,also can’t get it don’t.take him out put other DAP member who qualify,as easy as summiting yourself and the person PKR Jamalludin the DAP agree on for the position & as easy as pick up phone call lim kit siang to ask for his opinion on the matter you don’t know, this thng is so stupid and useless ,even a child know how to make a phone call and ask,,why PENANG can have CM and PERAK cannot,this is race discrimination (their is a said from royal men/child ?- WE MALAYSIAN UNDER THE GREAT SUN IS ALL SAME whether is MALAY/CHINESE/INDIAN/OTHERS or SKIN COLOUR IS .. why this very important thing happen like this , this is not a game that loose or win no matter..

  586. Dear YB LKS,

    If you posted this blog to gauge people’s response pls note that a good many non muslims (im a Perak born Indian residing in Penang with parents and property in Ipoh) in Perak have no qualm in having a Pas MB for Perak. Pls live up to statements made before the audience with Raja Nazrin that the MB post is irrelevant and the coalition will abide with any choice made by Raja Nazrin. You are directly insulting Raja Nazrin’s decision by your childish and irresponsible statement. Encik Mohd Nizam Jamaluddin has the necessary qualification to be the MB of Perak. Pas VP Encik Husam Ahmad has already said much earlier that Pas grassroot in Perak and been specifically adviced that if a Pas candidate is chosen as MB he will be considered a coalition choice and in no way be considered a Pas candidate. Pls do not destroy all we have gained by playing a political gimmick to satisfy your Chinese constituents many of whom are mature enough to accept a Pas candidate for MB and aware that DAP still have the majority of exco seats and the deputy MB post as well, something unthinkable under the previous BN government. Pls ensure all DAP state assemblymen are present at tomorrow’s swearing in. Let a new dawn begin and do your best to fullfill Mr Ngeh statement to make Perak a model state

  587. BTW, for those of you who believe that PAS runs an Islamic state, I suggest you talk to the Chinese in Kelantan and OPEN YOUR SILLY EYES to know how liberal Kelantan can be compared to your previously silly BN control, so called non islamic state called Perak

  588. Why we form Barisan?
    It’s to prepare a stage for ‘Fair discussion’ among all parties with different ideologies… And yet enable to produce a decision that is “Apparently Fair” to everyone…

    Why BN is not our choice right now?
    This is because we all feel that ‘leader party’ inside BN does not RESPECT other parties (which representing us) anymore.

    So what happen if we dun even willing to show a little bit RESPECT to Sultan’s decision?
    It shows that we are just another UNMO. Are we?

    Every Party has its very own ideology….
    That’s Why Malaysia will never being lead by 1 single party only….

    A successful Barisan is just about the RESPECT within all participate parties. As long as we can respect each other, we can always have fair discussion and yet work out a solution which is fair for all.

    An now you tell me that DAP just cant accept the Sultan’s decision, and yet dun even willing to show a face in tomorrow swearing-in ceremony…

    Yet you are just no different at all with Penang-UNMO. You dun willing to respect PAS and you are not qualify to ask UNMO to respect others parties in BN anymore.

    If you really want to ‘Draw a clear line’ within you and PAS, yet just dun form a coalition state’s GOV which involving PAS.

    Respect PAS is not kow-towing to a religion, as long as state’s administration are fair to everyone. Rejecting PAS is just like you are asking others to Kow-Tow on DAP, and you will just show your face and hurt others feeling…. Another Unmo but leading with major Chinese….

  589. Dear DAP & Uncle Lim Bashers,

    Can you all pls stop pretending to be Perakians? Do you know what is the wish of us, the actual Perakians? We want DAP & PKR. NOT PAS. This time the MB go to PAS, next election they’ll have this mentality that Perak belongs to PAS. What will happen when they lose more to DAP in next General Election? They are a bunch of extremist. They will go on riot, just like in Terengganu. It is not the first time. We don’t want PAS for a reason.

    Stop being the outsiders where you all are not even from Perak(real Perakians excluded). What do you think your comment represent the wish of Perakians? We want our fate to be in the hands of DAP and PKR, NOT PAS!!!!!

    Please keep your comments on Perak at bay and keep your focus in Selangor. DAP won big in this GE12, but now it seems like DAP is the biggest loser among the 3. NO other race for Deputy MB except Malay-Muslim? I thought the Ceremonial stuff is handle by the MB himself but now claims even the DMBs also have to get involve.

  590. YB,

    I believe this decision to boycott must have been taken by the CEC:
    -to avoid giving DAP supporters the notion that it is not taking care of its chinese voters concerns over a PAS MB
    -to show consistency in DAP’s earlier stated policy that it would not collaborate with PAS.

    These although legitimate but compared to the impact of displaying such a division in the Opposition so soon after the elections, really sends trembles across all of us who thought DAP-PKR-PAS could really get their act together to be a truly viable alternative to BN. Compared to a corrupt, etc BN, a divisive/in-fighting alternative govt is far worse – at least there’s stability with BN.

    Please please reconsider the boycott as the spotlight that is finally shining on BN’s issues will abruptly be diverted to the Opposition’s problems instead. This is playing into and is exactly what Ong Ka Chuan of Perak MCA (and other BN leaders) wanted to happen through his recent instigating comments about DAP contradicting itself now by working with PAS. We voters are mature enough to know the present situation cannot be helped by DAP in having a PAS MB – it is clear that DAP still has more EXCO seats in Perak than PAS, hence control over state policies. If PAS tries anything while holding the MB position, they will be the bad guys but until then, pls don’t allow DAP to be portrayed as the spoiler here. I have spoken to many many DAP supporters just these last couple of hours and all unanimously agree that the boycott shouldn’t go ahead. We all understand, YB, that the MB position decision is out of DAP’s hands and think that while there is so much goodwill and momentum from the public for the Opposition’s cause against BN, such a boycott will only deflate hopes that the opposition can truly work together for the people’s good instead of imploding under power squabbles like this. The time has come to not show ‘opposition’ traits but truly display mature abilities to govern for the good of the people.

    In short, we your supporters already fully understand this PAS MB situation is not condoned by DAP so there is no need for such a boycott. Hence don’t give BN fodder to attack DAP and seriously cause opposition voters to doubt whether DAP can really transform into a governing party, especially when voters confidence in this aspect of DAP-PKR-PAS is still very much fragile.

    From, A DAP supporter who has waited for this election outcome for man years.

  591. BN already declared Malaysia is an Islamic state.

    What option do ordinary Chinese have? Waiting DAP alone forming a federal governmet to nullify Islamic state is a daylight dream.

    I am not bother PAS want to form Islamic state or not as long my father’s body does not snatch away to be buried as muslim.

    UMNO does not allow pork sale in any open space while PAS does not bother pork is sale in market patronized by muslims.

    The biggest buddha statue is in Kelantan while UMNO banning Mazu statue with haram reason.

    DAP men listen, change must come slowly in Malaysia where there are many powerful old donkeys still around who even said deputy MB must be a muslim malay because he has to open mosque.

    I totally agree with Sultan private secretary, if DMB has to open toilet, our sultan may have to appoint a toilet cleaner for the DMB post.

  592. Unlce Lim & DAP CEC members,

    Your public statement for boycott the swearing-in of Perak MB has shown that DAP is arrogant similar like the arragont UMNO reps boycotted the swearing – in of Penang CM. Penangites are silently angry with BN action. Now DAP statement caused the entire Malaysians are dam mad with your uncivilised decision without using your professional brains to act unwisely. Well, Perakians of all races are angry with DAP CEC for deceiving us to vote for DAP to form a colation govt, where end of the day DAP is more focus of grabbing power crazy like BN. We wonder DAP will continue to be relevant in the next 13th GE after this serious statement was issued and action is taken on Thursday. Well, it is a coming political tsunami for DAP and Oppositions if DAP fails to address this problem instantly and apologise to Perak Sultan and all Malaysian on this unpleasant statement and explain a wrong decision the voters are your Masters and DAP-PKR-PAS are our servants today.
    We sincerely believed that your good dream is true last Tues will become a nightmare in the next election especially for your good son, YB Lim Guan Eng. We believed that 12th GE is Uncle Lim last term and please dont let DAP CEC destroy you son long term Penang CM future with this irresponsible statement from his beloved father and CEC members. Kindly retract this statement and issued a new statement to apologise and support the new Perak MB.

    GradUnion of Perakians – All Races


    Saya pun nak tulis juga…just refer to above link. I will write in Malay. For sure all the M’sian can understand..

    Saya orang Melayu. Apa yang anda tulis di baca oleh semua kaum di Malaysia. Bagus, free country us like shud allow all this kind of practice. Muhibbah. (Faham ke? Tentu, if U claim as a Malaysia citizen))Di dalam negeri dan di luar negara. Juga pemerhati ‘luar’ serta penyokong BN. Saya? Kalau dikatakan menyokong DAP, for sure kena hentam punya mah! Tapi itu lah yang berlaku sekarang!!

    Di Penang, di Selangor, di KL. Kefahaman yang ujud antara kita adalah BN atau BA. Itu sebelum 8hb Mac. Sekarang? Sudah jadi BN, PAS, PKR, DAP dan sebagainya!! Kenapa begitu? Kerana kita lupa? Atau pura-pura lupa? Mahu kepentingan kelumpok sendiri? Yakin tentang kekuatan DAP sendiri? Tak yakin dengan ideology parti lain? PAS terutamanya!!

    Begitu lah kita. Bermain bola dah berpuloh tahun. Mencari-cari bola. Bila bola di kaki, banyak fikirnya. Kita bermain bola bukan berseorangan. Kita main mesti cukup pemainnya.

    Mr Lim dan kawan penyokong DAP semua.
    Ingat sejarah Projek Penang 1,II dan Penang III. Pada masa itu, ICT terhad. Hand phone pun tiada. Nak SMS tak boleh. Media dikawal BN. Kita dipermainkan oleh pemerintah. Dilagakan antara parti pembangkang. Projek dikira gagal. Orang Melayu, pantang dengar DAP. Tak setuju. MP Ahmad dari Penaag dikutuk orang. Mr Lim faham benar. Tetapi, gelombang 1999, menyebabkan seluruh negara mentafsir semula politik amalan BN. Siapa penggeraknya?

    Memang ada kes Anuar Ibrahim. Tetapi, penggerak utama reformasi selepas AI dipenjara, adalah ustaz Fadzil Noor. Semua ini memungkinkan gerakan pemikiran politik baru dikalangan rakyat Malaysia. Kebanyakan orang Melayu berpindah arah. Tetapi tidak orang Cina dan India. Keputusannya? Tetap pembangkang walaupun jumlah MP bertambah.

    Jadi? So? Projek 1986, gagal sebab kebanyakan orang Cina berpindah arah. Tidak orang India. Sudah orang Melayu tidak akan menyokong DAP! So, pembangkang consider gagal.
    Tahun 1999. Orang Melayu berpindah arah. Kebanyakannya. Undi popular BN meredum. Tetapi orang Cina dan India menyokong kuat BN.

    Sekarang……banyak faktornya. Ketiga-tiga kaum utama Malaysia, telah berubah arah! Ke mana? Bukankah menyokong BA atau BR. (yang mana satu niih? Barisan Alternatif atau Barisan Rakyat. Saya pilih BR) Maknanya, bukan pangkah BN. Tentu sekali bukan DAP, PAS atau PKR. Ia memangkah BR. Di semua tempat terutama di negeri yang dikawal oleh BR.
    Ingat! orang Melayu boleh memangkah DAP atas anggapan….DAP adalah parti komponen BR. (Walaupun BR belum dibentuk) Parti semua kaum walaupun kebanyakanya Cina dan India. PKR juga parti semua kaum. Lihat komposisi calonnya! Orang Melayu? apa partinya? Sepatutnya UMNO. Tetapi tidak! Ia memilih PAS atau PKR. Ditempat tiada PAS atau PKR, ia memangkah DAP!

    Cuba rujuk konsep BN. Walaupun pelbagai perti dan kaum yang mengaggotainya. BR pula tidak boleh mempunyai konsep berkongsi kuasa seperti mereka? Kenapa? Jika tidak boleh, hayat pembangkang yang ‘bersatu’ akan mempunyai hayat yang pendek.
    …dan BR akan menjadi pembangkang yang lemah, tidak bersatu dan tiada hala tuju. Cuma, setiap parti sibuk mementingkan hala tuju masing-masing. Dan, next election, berperang dan bertanding 3 atau 4 penjuru. BN akan ketawa.

    >>Pakatan BR. DAP dianggap oleh orang Melayu MACAM parti Cina yang lain dalam BN. Like Gerakan atau MCA. PAS semacam UMNO. PKR? Susah juga describe this party belong to which group. Ok lah macam PPB or PBS. Since they can accept all the Malaysian to join them.

    So, jika DAP macam MCA atau Gerakan, apa perlu pertukaran sokongan? Sebab kita menyokong BR. Bukan sokong BN. Jangan lah DAP nak bertindak seolah-olah kemenangan yang tidak dijangka ini kepunyaan DAP sahaja atau PKR atau PAS. Of course the majority will lead the coalition government. Semua state macam itu. Cuma….cuma di Perak ada halangan perlembagaan. Kita kena faham semua perkara yang basic sebegini. Mr Lim tahu perkara ini. Jadi, apa masalah nya? Perlu berkompromi. Apa lagi ianya atas budi bicara Tuanku Sultan Perak! Kita seharusnya terima.

    Susah benar? Susah? Jika susah,…. letak jawatan atau kekal diri anda, kita dan pakatan longgar BR kepada pembangkang!! Apakah itu yang kita mahu?

    Seterusnya nanti, kita beritahu anak cucu kita,…… dulu-dulu kami ada peluang tubuh kerajaan Perak. Tapi sebab kami (DAP) menang banyak, majoriti dan tidak dapat kerusi MB,…kami tolak pakatan itu. So, siapa pun tak dapat. Akhirnya kami hanya berbangga menjadi pembangkang yang ramai tetapi tiada kuasa. Back to square one. BN yang korup dan menindas telah dapat kuasa percuma just kerana kami tak mahu bersepakat.

    Mr Lim…
    Usia BR sangat muda. Begitu muda.
    Perjanjian pun guna mulut sahaja.
    Tiada panduan awal atau precedent practice.
    Belum teruji dan tidak matang (sungguhpun pendokong parti masing-masing adalah ‘orang lama’)
    Rakyat memerhati. Penyokong mendesak. Musuh meneropong.
    Sekali tersilap, akan diguna pakai oleh BN hingga 10 kali PRU.
    Yang penting , cari titik temu. Bukan mempamirkan pertelagahan dan kepentingan ideologi masing-masing.
    Berdiskusilah di bilik mesyuarat. Kerahsiaan isu tertentu perlu dijaga.
    jangan sampai jadi terleka. Dek kerana kuasa yang sementara. Kita Berlaga !! BN sangggaaat sukkaaaa……

    Ingat. Kita menyokong BR bukan PAS, DAP atau PKR.
    So,…..kita ada 5 negeri dibawah BR. Pembangkang di Dewan Rakyat mewakili BR!! Kami memangkah kerana BR. Otherwise,… just break off. U get nothing. We get nothing. Our next generation just say…they want everything!! That why laaa….

    Remember…I’m Malay.

  594. this is not something win or loose matter,this is the majority people matter, what they will feel if the person or party thet voted for cannot get the post and for next election if DAP take all the seat and all are

  595. just 4 short paragraphs containing 140 words (i counted) and cec has managed to turn this into a major political debacle with social implications.

    irregardless of whether dap attends the swearing in ceremony or not, the damage has already been done. you will be dragging BA down with you and since you created this mess, it is only proper you find a solution for it.

    when the press ask you for your comments on the above matter…just respond by saying “it looks like my reads like my blog but i cannot confirm for sure that it is my blog” who knows…it might work. good luck.

  596. Why are all of you scare about Islam and Malay??
    We accept everybody without exception(Excluded UMNO)..

    Do not be fear as the freedom of religious will go on and we will live in harmony as a COMMUNITY or MALAYSIAN!!!

    New dawn may come to an end if LKS do not solve this..

  597. it took only “4 days” and there is a crack already….
    i wonder how are they going to survive this whole 5 years working together!!!

    hey my father (chinese) voted for PAS in the titiwangsa parlimentary seat too
    my father supported the idea of a stronger opposition too….

    but then, i thaught PAS promised to appoint an exco member from DAP in Kedah
    and yet the real story that come out is different

    let just stop the bickering….
    what i can tell u is
    BA is a joke!
    DAP can’t work together with PAS….

    end of the story….

  598. CommomFolk,
    Please keep your comments on Perak at bay and keep your focus in Selangor. DAP won big in this GE12, but now it seems like DAP is the biggest loser among the 3. NO other race for Deputy MB except Malay-Muslim? I thought the Ceremonial stuff is handle by the MB himself but now claims even the DMBs also have to get involve.


    You shall shut you mouth off, deputy menteri besar is selangor’s matter. Perak Sultan is kind enough to appoint Ngeh as DMB unlike selangor sultan.

    DAP will the biggest loser in next GE, I promise you.

  599. where is the racial tolerance that make u votes for opposition? DAP is multi racial party and YES, they have the largest number of seats won. But it is Sultan that made the decision on who can be a MB.
    anyway, if PAS has the MB position, DAP has a stronger voice in EXCO Perak. Got it? this is the benefits of power sharing. Furthermore, there will not be a Islamic state in Perak as stated earlier!! PAS are just one of the partners in the coalition of government!

    If u vote for MCA and BN wins, do chinese have a chance to be Deputy CM? forget it la.

    Now, I hope Uncle Lim will read this blog and attend the ceremony.

    Do the best for the Rakyat,

  600. To all DAP supporters, members and newly elected officials,

    I agree that it is unfair for the Sultan to appoint a PAS representative as Menteri Besar of Perak.

    Parti KeADILan Rakyat did after all get 1 more seat than PAS and therefore should be the front-runner for the MB seat since the issue with Perak state constitution introduces barriers to the appointment of a DAP candidate as MB.

    With that said however, I have a few points to highlight and myths to dispel:

    1. The loose DAP-PKR-PAS coalition submitted a list of 3 names to the Sultan of Perak for the Sultan to decide who would be the new MB. At that point, all three parties made press statements saying that they would accept the Sultan’s decision, why does the DAP go back on its word now?

    2. DAP has 18 seats in the Perak state government. That is more than PKR and PAS combined. It would be impossible for PAS to make Perak into an Islamic state like Kelantan without the votes from DAP assemblymen. So there’s no reason for people to have the fear that PAS would enact hudud laws.

    3. Boycotting an event like this is not only childish, but also a big insult to the Sultan of Perak. Think of the implications of your actions and look at the bigger picture.

    4. Every single instrument that was used previously to scrutinise the Barisan National government will now be used to scrutinise the DAP-PKR-PAS government. Acts like this is only going to set off alarm bells and deteriorate the people’s impression of the opposition parties, resulting in a general disbelief that the opposition parties can form a stable federal government in the future that would be able to nurture a resilient economy. Thus reinforcing the image of the opposition parties promoted by Barisan National.

    5. Do remember that the opposition parties are in the strong position they are in today due in large part to the votes of educated and modern voters. Educated and modern voters who wouldn’t think twice about reverting to a Barisan National government should the opposition fail co-operate and deliver an efficient and stable governance.

    With all that in mind, I urge you as an educated supporter of the DAP-PKR-PAS formula that you do not under any circumstances boycott the swearing in ceremony later today.

    Best regards.

  601. Let’s look at the next General Election, and put the BN as opposition in the parliament.
    I strongly believe this will happen, if and only if the ‘coalition’ can now work together and govern the states well and free of excesses and abuses. Prove it.
    If not for the co-operation between PAS-PKR-DAP, all 3 would not have got those seats. And BN would still be keeping the state.
    Show that DAP is realistic in view of Perak constitution and we also respect Sultan’s decision. Pls don’t boycott.
    Mr Lim, we have a bigger thing ahead of us 4/5 yrs from now. The coalition (not DAP alone) must gain rakyat’s trust and take the parliament.

  602. Have you ever thought that the Sultan chose the most QUALIFIED of the three ? Not because he is from PAS or DAP or PKR.
    Everybody knows if compare PAS person and PKR person, the PAS person is more educationally qualified.
    If compared to Ngeh, unfortunately, although we don’t know his qualifications, but the “drama” of Fong Po Kuan before elections already shows what kind of a leader he is. If he cannot handle DAP people before elections, what more in a coalition government with other YBs from other parties ?
    The most gentlemanly thing to do is to accept the Sultan’s decision, and put it down to Sultan choosing the most qualified person, not based on race or religion, or even party.
    That is meritocracy.

    BTW, people voted not for PAS, or PKR or even DAP.
    We voted for Barisan Rakyat !

  603. PAS is currently the kingmaker and the decider in any vote with their 6 seats in Perak and 8 seats in Selangor.

    My advise to PAS is to stay out of the state governments of Perak and Selangor, since clearly you are not wanted by your “parrtners”.

    You can be the true peoples’ representative, when your 6 and 8 seats are needed for a vote.

    At that time you can vote for Government (DAP/PKR with 25 in Perak and 28 in Selangor) or Opposition (BN with 28 in Perak and 20 in Selangor), depending on the situation, for the good of the Rakyat.

    Your 6 and 8 votes are important to the Rakyat, for check and balance, even if DAP cannot see it.

  604. continued above(SORRY)
    and all are chinese/indian/orang asli/non muslim,and one seat from opposition (BN),and you going to appoint that BN person ask CM ?,because is muslim, and you call this is democracy election,no need lah, ask the king to become CM for ever , no need election waste a lot of people money & time & RESources ..thankyou mine king ,and long live the king.

  605. Dear YB,

    I guess DAP has started to fail us the rakyat by showing us your disgusting stands. it seems to me YB and DAP team are having the same attitude like BN after having POWER, beginning to be ARROGANT! Have you forgotten that we the rakyat voted you in?
    Among the rakyat through out Malaysia who voted you and DAP in, hundreds thousands are PAS supporters.
    Our votes to you, DAP, PKR and PAS are for united voice against BN. If you cannot have simple agreement with PAS which supporters are behind you, please do not expect us to believe you’re for all MALAYSIANS! bullshit!

    Please do not think that only DAP has its own principles while we the rakyat are just your mediums to be in power. The moment the peoples feel they’re being cheated, you know where you’ll be in another 4-5 years. Peoples has just shown that we can bring down 50 yrs of BN power and what is that for the newly untested government.

    Pls sort your differences now or we’ll make all the opposition to eat their humble pie again!

  606. Dear Uncle Lim KS and all voters,

    Come on!
    Please be wise!
    Hudud is only for Muslim and not compulsory for Non-Muslim!
    Why must we worry?
    Don’t let ‘Barisan Naikkan’ (Harga Barang) take advantage of these issue!
    Non of Chinese nor Malaysia in Kelantan ever being beheaded nor being cut their hand in Kelantan by PAS Government!

    Please check this out:

    May GOD The ALMIGHTY ALLAH Bless our coalition and cooperation and move forward progressively.

    Jahanam Racist NO-UM(PPHH)!

    [email protected]

  607. dawsheng Says:

    Today at 02: 48.30 (1 minute ago)
    Suddenly, democracy is not about the majority, if that is the case, BN is not the government already


    Under a true demoicracy system, the right to form government shall go to BN, not to PKR, PAS or DAP since three opposition parties are not alliance officially.

  608. Hello Lim
    Nie anak melayu nak cakap.
    Kau menang sebab ada undi melayu. Aku undi DAP di skudai. Kalau berani letak jawatanlah aku orang pertama akan ke tempat kau akan berkempen untuk memilih BN.
    Menyesal aku memilih DAP. Kau TAK HORMAT SULTAN AKU. bermakna kau tak hormat bangsa aku. Aku cabar sebagai anak jantan letak jawatan sebagai yb. JANGAN MAIN DENGAN API

  609. Dear my respected LKS,

    First of all, my biggest gratitude for you. After fighting for democracy in the past forty years, i can understand how you feel at this stage. an opportunity to correct many things that went wrong even since before independence. however, things are impossible to be changed overnight. the harder you push, the more detrimental the outcome may be. you know that better than anyone else who commented senselessly on this blog. it will take decades if not centuries to replace this defective constitution in our country and to call ourselves, be it Chinese or Indian, as Malaysian. majority wins, but this does not mean you should stop fighting. your effort will be recognized one day. This period is more difficult for DAP than ever. You know what I mean. But please bear in mind that there are millions of people out there supporting you all this while. To keep fighting, you need to garner more supports. Principles are important, but be wise – retreat today for a bigger battle tomorrow. Like everyone else, I am not qualified to tell you what to do (listen this, bloggers), but I do want to share what I would do and think, if I were in your position:

    1. to remind myself that we are Malaysian. the only way to go is to live harmoniously with other races in Malaysia

    2. to improve internal management of DAP. seriously, the resultant strength and efficiency of the party reflect its ability to run a government

    3. to implement ‘perfect’ formula in Penang as a vehicle to manifest a free, equal and fair government benefiting all Penangites to prove rakyat that DAP is the right choice for all races

    4. to reinvent DAP as a multi-racial party with only quality members from all races, especially indigenous communities in our East brotherhood, do not forget them

    5. to be mesra-rakyat in building a reliable, rational, thoughtful, intelligent, rakyat-centric and trusted leader personality to earn respect from all Malaysians (not like those samsengs in Parliament). your voice will be louder than ever

    6. to attend the ceremony tomorrow as a professional politician and as a respect for rakyat. a brilliant and strong midfielder in a soccer team is more important than a blunt striker

    every decision that you/CEC make now affects not only DAP survival but also Chinese’s and Indian’s future. do not be overpowered, but be smart in playing political chess. sometimes, a small team in a longer game still can checkmate a full team. it’s all about strategy.

    LKS, all the best.

    Note to bloggers, surfers, people:
    please be constructive. this is not a blog for you to throw out negative and demoralizing remarks. help your leader for your own future and your kids’ sake

  610. If DAP stay away in swearing-in ceremony tomorry it will reflect weaknesses in coalition parties between DAP-PKR-PAS. This just the beginning, if 3 above failed to cooperate and compromise in formation of state government, in next election voters surely not confident with BA.

    Show some respect to Sultan decision and some good examples to Malay as well.

    If you failed with this issue more bad things will happen in future. Remember BN/MCA/Umno is waiting for the right moment to condemn this coalition.

  611. Keep those emotions at bay. Uncle Kit knows what is best. We are just mere outsiders of the real stuff. Yeah, at times we get some wind here and there but, the cause and the root of all the real issues we don’t really know.

    Kit has fought all for everybody. It is about time we gave him our respect. So people, respect him for what he has done and what he is doing.

    Don’t get emotional over such things.

  612. I wasted my time, my vote. It’s ok Mr. Lim i don’t blame you but i blame my leader coz they said it ok to vote for DAP.

    Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan
    Kesetiaan Kepada Raja dan Negara
    Keluhuran Perlembagaan
    Kedaulatan Undang-undang
    Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan

    DAP bukan sahaja biadap tetapi derhaka kepada raja.

  613. CommonFolk you have no idea on what you have said. Please see the bigger picture. We all know that Undang Tubuh Negeri perak has stated that only malay and muslim can be appointed as the Mentri Besar. HOWEVER, Sultan have the power to waive that clause. SO, DAP itself doesn’t seems eager to have the post MB to them, since the majority in Perak is MALAY. Even the winning party in PERAK is malay if you combining PKR, PAS and BN. Therefore, Sultan wants all 3 names represent each party for him to be review. Based on the review and qualification on paper, maybe PAS candidates is the best from all 3 candidates after a thorough consideration. PKR might be suitable and appeal to chinese compare to PAS, but the qualification as MB maybe missing from PKR representative.

  614. CommonFolk Says:

    Today at 02: 38.30 (12 minutes ago)
    Dear DAP & Uncle Lim Bashers,

    Can you all pls stop pretending to be Perakians? Do you know what is the wish of us, the actual Perakians? We want DAP & PKR. NOT PAS.
    Then you should make this very clear in the first place not to accept PAS and therefore will not be able to have a majority to take over Perak state government, which means we Perakians (I’m from Bidor) will still be under BN.
    Like I have said & I will say it again, in this 12th GE, the Rakyat has won, not any of the PAS PKR or DAP.

  615. hey friend be cool an calm is not joke again … everyone stood to gather and votes for all those party we call barisan rakyat.. no dap, pkr or pas now all for rakyat… i basically dap suppoter…. but now accetp it for our future .. pas will do nothing bad to us … they need to be win next election as well.. so they will do the best for all… so pls dont fight …all those party agree to do so in 1 place now rejecting will be bad for our own future.. we are democrats so pls alll people malay indian and chinese support it .. start the demokarasi from here… not from here will nv start from else where…. as indian we aslo nv get any mp/cm post is not improtant now anyway … now is the time to show later part the time to rules….. hidup hindraf …. pls dont see other in different way alll are our brothers…

  616. Common YB Lim.. I’m a malay, I’m Pas Member but I also vote for DAP and I know many other muslim Pas Members vote for DAP on common ground.

    Gentleman la.. respect the Sultan once his majesty made his verdict..

    DAP need Malay support, Pas also need chinese support.. win-win lah..

    Work within our `Circle of Influence’.. not `circle of concern’.. Yes you’re concern about Pas becoming the MB Perak and losing your Chinese support but remember by being a gentleman, you’ll gain more malay support & confidence in DAP..

    DAP won’t go anywhere without Malay support.. pls accept the fact..

    Common YB.. don’t boycott.. you’ll get more respect as Koh Tsu Koon got..


    I’m from Taiping, and I’m a Chinese who supported DAP with all my heart and soul.

    Please learn from BN’s mistakes! I hope you would take back your words because your statement is not only insulting the Sultan but to the rest of the people who supported DAP. How PATHETIC!

    It’s clearly that you do not think of the consequences of the statements you made. There must be a way to solve this issue and I DO NOT think that “boycotting” the ceremony will bring any positive effects to the party, the people and yourself!

    If you insist on this, I, for one! along with the rest of my family will be truely disappointed with your remarks. I don’t think we can ever live peacefully and harmony with our Malay and Indian friends! It’s clearly now that we will never achieve PEACE in Malaysia with your own sentiments and agendas of DAP. You clearly shown that you’re someone with the same rank/level of the people from Barisan Nasional! SELFISH!

    Truely Disappointed!

  618. Uncle Kit, are you going senile or getting Dr. M’s sickness. Just such up if u have nothing constructive to contribute to a Malaysia for all Malaysians. We have seen what our “makkal sakhti” can do and we will not hesitate to do it again ti DAP if u try to jeopardise the BR in any way. As it is, we are all treading on thin ground by giving the opposition 5 states to rule. U do not even have the experience but we r willing to give u a chance so why can’t u give the Perak MB from PAS to do his job. We r not interested in the Perak DAP chief as the MB…remember how MP Fong Po Kuan nearly give up her Batu Gajah constituency out of frustations with these top echelons of power. They are just as stubborn, egoistic and china-apek as u. DAP won becos the other parties supporters voted u in….not becos they were taken by DAP’s “charismatic” leaders…pleaselah DSAI did a better job of uniting the coalition parties to ensure BN got the trashing they deserved. If has always been the DAP that threw the spanner into the works and break up the coaliton all the while. This time we got it right n u come up with a disrespectful stunt like this and make us Chinese feel so embarrassed. The Perak Royalty, especially Raja Azlan Shah and Raja Nazrin have been our nation’s keeper of conscience and justice. They deserve our deep respect. For once in your life, relax, rest on your laurels….u are no longer the opposition here, you are a statesman, Yang Berhormat.

  619. See, guys, this time DAP won 18 seats because most voters just want to vote for opposition. Try to talk to other Malays friends and ask why vote DAP, your answer is that they can’t be bother which party they voted for as long as is OPPOSITION. So suggestion is, please respect our SULTAN decision as you DAP, PKR and PAS were the one that agree to take the decision before submit of name to Sultan. Lets work together and make Malaysia a better place for every races, kick out those ugly politicians. I am not sure if DAP’s candidates are better than Nizar, but I believe Perak’s SULTAN must have a reason to choice Mohamad Nizar, (this could due to qualification, experience and personality). It is like when we work for people, don’t u feel good if you are working for someone better than you? I think what LKS should do is concentrate on Selangor’s issue instead of Perak, u already got support from SULTAN Perak for deputy. BUT NOT SELANGOR, Read this.

  620. Dear Mr. Lim,

    I congratulate your Teams’ victory over the recent election.
    It is a good Team work that makes it success; especially those who had subdue themselves to work under leaderships in order to see things through; in achieving great missions.
    I heard of your name as DAP leader with other great names like Karpal Singh and a few more ever since my childhood. But sincerely speaking, your suffering in prison under ISA for good cause has my respect more than the way you lead your Team. I do not mean you need to suffer more to impress me for I do not deserve it. Moreover, those who voted you deserve your time and service. After all, how much more time you left for your family and your self? Not to mention time consume to foster the next line of leadership in DAP. I presume you have this thought in mind if not being too demanding from a leader like you.

    I was a little disappointed when the funeral for the late President of Damansara Primary School “fight-on” committee has no show of you. But it takes a leader to respect the effort and contribution of other leaders in order to induce mutual support. One says this is TEAM BUILDING, some say Thin Building.

    Boycotts have never short of use during your attendances in Parliament with BN. But repeating it 4 days after a mile stone success seems contradicting and disowns the Team success too hastily. It is more like you are trying to punish your own member for not consulting you before meeting Perak Sultan of His decision in choosing the MB for Perak.

    Your member Mr. Ngeh must have his good reasons for accepting the Proposal from Perak Sultan. I hope you can rent your ears before setting boycotts and tell us WHY you think his reasons can be as bad as MCA’s frequent consensus previously.
    Maybe you should first appreciate the UNITY of Opposition Front that offered you launching your oncoming “Boycott”. As boycotts do not work with BN, so what chance you think it works this time towards your own TEAMS ? More like for your personal fun.

    It will just be 4 to 5 years of Opposition appointment as MB in Perak if your TEAMS do not stay together as one. I basically do not think PAS has the power to surge up religious conflicts in Perak within 4 to 5 years by looking at how they loss Trengganu State. It is a golden opportunity to try their (PAS) sincerity, methods/applications with PKR and DAP. Consider it a small price to learn their hearths to avoid fitting into same shoes as like biggest losing parties has did for donkey years and still ignore lessons learned.

    Anyway, I still respect you.
    Just being hopeful if you have had read this passage until here as a Leader by renting your eyes and mind.

    Thank you
    Sincerely yours,

  621. thank you DAP for helping make Malaysia an Islamic State.

    My vote for you was because I believed in your dream of a Malaysian Malaysia.

    If I knew that we were to be betrayed like this I wouldn’t have voted for you.

    Please do something to change the situation. I fully support your statement above… where is Anwar when we need him?

    He is lying to us all – he is a snake and will say whatever it takes to get into power.

    Please Uncle Lim, do what is best for our beloved country.

  622. Mr. Lim Kit Siang. you tolong jawablah, you agaklah calon-calon parti DAP yang menang diseluruh negara tu tak dapat undi daripada ahli dan penyokong PAS ker ? You menang di Perak semuanya kerana undi ahli DAP ker ? Sampai you mahu angkuh sampai mcm ni sekali ! I ahli PAS dan I bukan saja vote DAP tapi I juga gantung poster calon DAP, I juga jadi PACA untuk you punya calon apa ? Kita semua tau penolakkan you terhadap PAS bukanlah kerana prinsip atau apa2 pun tapi ianya semata-mata kerana survival politik DAP saja yang takut dilabelkan berkawan dengan PAS ! Tapi kalau kita tidak mahu jadi kawan pun pleaselah jangan jadi musuh ! Tapi kalau you betul-betul mahu jadi musuh you beritahulah satu Malaysia, beritahu yang DAP tak mahu ada apa2 hubungan dengan PAS dan umumkan juga bahawa DAP tidak perlukan undi dari ahli dan penyokong PAS senang kita buat kira untuk next general election !

  623. Commonfolk,

    Pls note that the guy who made the statement on Selangor deputy MB is a civil servant. As mentioned by Param Cumaraswamy the MB has the right to nominate the deputy MB, do not get carried away Tan Sri Khaled Ibrahim will make the right choice the will be a Chinese deputy MB (most probably a women to boot as well), and maybe even an Indian deputy MB (keeping my fingers crossed) and also pls stop making stupid remarks for us to be pretending to be Perakians, we love the state as much as you idiot

  624. Raja Petra Kamarudin

    The last few days, while everyone was still in euphoria and celebrating the recent ‘victory’ in the 12th general election, a few Malays who can be regarded as from amongst the elite, intellectual, progressive and privileged-class were busy meeting and planning preparations for the next general election due in 2013 if this government goes the full five-year term. Yes, even before the Perak and Selangor state governments could take their oath of office, this handful of people were already hard at work contemplating the next election in five years time though most of these ‘concerned’ Malays do not even know if they are going to still be alive five years from now.

    The plan was simple. Leave PKR to its own devises and allow it to sort out its affairs. After all, PKR has Anwar Ibrahim and who better than this one-time Finance Minister cum Deputy Prime Minister to sort out the party that was born out of his six years incarceration. DAP and PAS, however, would need some weaning. And they would have to be cajoled and coaxed into a massive image makeover from the present Ketuanan Cina or Chinese chauvinism and Islamic fundamentalist or extremist/Taliban baggage that they are currently carrying.

    The make-up of this group of Malays was quite a mixed bag. There were Umno die-hards, civil society movements types, revolutionary wannabes; basically not the usual Malays you would meet in a mosque or government department. But they were Malays and Muslims nevertheless. The only difference with these Malays as opposed to the ‘usual’ Malays was that they all shared one thing in common — they would like to see emerge in Malaysia a single ‘race’ that no longer carried the label of Malay, Chinese and Indian and who were no longer separated by religious differences and intolerance.

    I woke up early this morning to start updating Malaysia Today and after a ten-hour stint left for a 6.00pm meeting followed by a dinner appointment. I returned home at 1.00am and thought that I could at last jump into bed and get a good night’s sleep. Twenty hours is, after all, a long haul and a 57 year old man like me needs as much beauty sleep as he can get. But sleep eludes me. I have been told that there are problems with forming the Selangor and Perak state governments and the problem appears to be DAP.

    There goes our plan of transforming the Chinese face of DAP. There also goes our plan of transforming the Taliban face of PAS. It now looks like we shall have to go back to the drawing board and rethink our entire strategy.

    The ‘secret agenda’ we hatched was to build up a group of Malays who share the same aspirations of seeing a one-Malaysian race emerge from the ashes of Barisan Nasional’s ‘defeat’ in the last general election. Barisan Nasional is about race and was founded on race. It also needs to make race the main issue to stay relevant. If race no longer becomes the issue, then Barisan Nasional becomes irrelevant. And this can only happen if DAP is no longer perceived as a Chinese party and PAS a Taliban party.

    It is now past 2.00am and I am still not asleep. I might as well stay awake and make it a 24-hour ‘shift’. So, instead of hitting the sack, I am writing this article because if I don’t then I can’t sleep anyway so it makes no difference.

    The PAS problem is simple. We are already talking to various non-Muslim Chinese to moot the idea of them joining PAS. We have of course not spoken to PAS yet so we really don’t know if PAS will want non-Muslim Chinese as members. We hope they will though, as this will show the non-Muslims that PAS is not the enemy and that an Islamic party poses no danger to those not of the Muslim faith.

    DAP is more dicey. They will of course not turn away Malays, as in the past Malays have even held key positions in the party. The question would be whether DAP would accept Malays as equals the same way they rant and rave that Chinese must be accepted as equals and that there should not be any first-class and second-class citizens. It is easy to dispense medicine but not that easy to take the same medicine you dispense others.

    How wonderful to see Indians and Chinese not of the Muslim faith running around in PAS. How equally wonderful to see intellectual, progressive, elite and privileged-class Malays ‘infesting’ DAP. The mobilising would take over two or three years. Then, in 2010 or so, the exodus of non-Muslim, non-Malays into PAS and the Malays into DAP would commence in time for the next general election in 2012 or 2013. In one swoop, PAS and DAP would be transformed into true multi-racial, multi-religious parties and, together with PKR, Malaysians would have three ‘Rakyat Malaysia’ parties to choose from.

    DAP says, never mind whether it is a black cat or a white cat. The most important thing is that the cat catches the mouse. DAP says that there must be a one-Malaysian race and not Malaysians labelled as Malays, Chinese and Indian. The Malays are ready for this. At least the intellectual, progressive, elite and privileged-class Malays are. And they are also ready to see the end of the New Economic Policy and a policy that considers deserving and needy cases, plus merit, as its replacement.

    It takes two hands to clap though. The Malays are ready to take that one step forward. But if DAP keeps taking one step backwards, then that bridge can never be built and the divide will never be eliminated. Why must it always be Malays who are asked to sacrifice? Malays are prepared to sacrifice. But why must it be only the Malays who are asked to sacrifice? Should not nation-building be everyone’s duty and not the duty of just one race.

    The Malays are prepared to accept a Chinese Menteri Besar. The Malays are prepared to accept a Chinese Menteri Besar even if that Chinese is from DAP. And the Malays left it entirely to Tuanku to decide if Tuanku wants a Malay or Chinese Menteri Besar, never mind from which political party he may be from. But DAP won’t accept a Malay Menteri Besar regardless if the Malay is from DAP, PKR or PAS. It must only be a Malay Menteri Besar who is not from PAS.

    DAP says, this is people’s power. DAP says, the people are the boss. This has been DAP’s rallying call and battle-cry from one election to another. The 2008 general election was about people’s power. The people demonstrated who is the boss in the 2008 general election. But DAP does not respect people’s power nor regard the people as the boss in its decision to defy Tuanku by boycotting the swearing in of the Perak state government.

  625. Lim Kiat Siang,

    First and foremost, I would like to say that I respected you and DAP for what you fighting for => Malaysia for


    Now, back to the big issue here. Lim Guan Eng had set a good example by announced few encouraging policies, such as

    abolish of NEP, open tender for government contract, declaration of property by all exoc of government and etc,

    eventhough he appointed 2 vice chief ministers, as contradicted with what he said before the election, where there

    will be no vice chief ministers. (1st lie of DAP)

    With all those great policies, and if it all run well, I truly believe that DAP-PKR-PAS coliation will be ruling the

    country on the coming election. But in only 3 days after the election, all the good works have been hindered by the

    your “lies”. (2nd lie of DAP)

    If you said DAP-PKR-PAS already reached agreement that only candidate from PKR or DAP will be allow to become Perak

    MB, why PAS candidate name is submitted to Sultan Perak for selection at the 1st place? (Question 1)

    Furthermore, you should jumping around and barking or perform what ever “act” you prefer to show your objection when

    PAS candidate name is submitted but NOT until NOW when “NASI menjadi BUBUR”!! (Question 2)

    Your objection at this stage of time would be seen by many as protection of chinese voters, however many chinese

    voters that have crystal clear eyes will see this as an act to cover your “lies” and “empty promises” in order to

    retain chinese supports! (Question 3)

    Well, I’m not racist, and I’m certainly not against a PAS MB, but you always support reveal of truth in government,

    it would be good if you follow suit by answering the questions that running in our head.

    P/S: Everyone please check the post in PAS website that saying DAP Leader agreed this is Country of Melayu. PKR, PAS

    and DAP are fighting for diffrent ideology, I really have no idea how this will work out, if they took over the

    federal goverment. Malaysia => Islamic state? Or All Malaysian must be Muslim!?!?

  626. I think the PAS MB-designate is a moderate new generation PAS member. As a PAS MB in a an Assembly consisting mostly of representatives of the people who are opposed to a theocratic Islamic State, he would be forced to chose either to be a moderate so as to be with his fellow Assemblymen or to be an extremist in line with his senior comrades and in opposition to his fellow Assemblymen. If he chooses to be moderate, he could be the catalyst to the emergence of a moderate and modern PAS. In the modern world, we have Christian political parties which do not advocate gouging the eyes which commit adultery. If he proves to be an extremist, he would not be able to get along with his fellow Assemblymen for long and in that situation, I think even the Sultan would want him out and replaced. Anyway, at the end of the day, if by a democratic process the majority of the people wants and votes for an extremist theocratic Islamic State, the only choice for the minority is either to accept that democratic result or to pack up and get out. Presently, while we still can, our job is to convince the potential advocates and voters for such a theocratic state that it is neither necessary nor a pretty alternative. And we can best persuade them only when we are in their midst, definitely not by shouting at them from a distance, by being a friend rather than an enemy. That is, of course, just my thoughts.

  627. If really unacceptable,
    yet shouldnt sent 3 candidates list indeed of 2 to Sultan for selection….

    If sent 3 candidates,
    yet shouldnt expect Sultan to select only among DAP candidates or PKR candidates…

    If sultan already made his decision,
    yet should learn how to respect Sultan’s decision, other parties as well as other feel….

    Perak is not belongs to chinese or non-muslim or otherwise. Its impossible for a party or a barisan to rule this country if its contain no voices from Muslim…

    Attending swearing-in ceremony does not mean at all that DAP will endorse PAS ideologies…

    Missing in swearing-in ceremony is definately show that DAP just dunno how to respect Sultan’ decision , as well as other party that form the same coalition…

    Malaysia has been declared as an Islamic Country even without PAS wining in all states… Any change of states administration need the support of assembly person… If DAP cant pass all state’s rule by itself, yet why are we worry so much on PAS to take over MB(PAS seats far more less den DAP)?…

    If DAP choose to show that they are not willing to respect PAS, yet its hurt all Muslim feeling directly no matter how strong reason you are backing up to gain the support of non-muslim…

    Not all chinese as well as non-muslim support this move, and you will definately lost the support of Malay if you take this move… Yet perak will just be 4 years under you…

    Its not about PAS or non-PAS. When talking about Malaysian Malaysia, yet we should really forget about religions and races. Since that we are agreed to submit 3 candidates indeed of 2. Yet we should accept Sultan decision no matter what is the outcome. We did not object at all before Sultan had his decision anouced. And now you just said that you are still not prepared to accept this outcome…

    If we all chinese had bad feel in Shu-Qiu incident before and after the election election….. Yet, for Muslim this situation will definately hurt them as what we felt before….

  628. Come on guys, some of you even said that you were disappointed that you have voted BR. Just after 4 days, you all so fickle minded one meh?

    You think, Uncle Kit never thought of this will happen? Simply just make a statement just like that? I am sure he has his reasons. Wait for his reason and we will know the answer! Simple as that… This is only just a minor hiccup.

    Trust me, we should continue supporting the opposition. Actually, this is the best composition for Malaysia in politics and we should keep it this way. 60 odd% government and 30odd% to opposition.

  629. To all DAP supporters, members and newly elected officials,

    I agree that it is unfair for the Sultan to appoint a PAS representative as Menteri Besar of Perak.

    Parti KeADILan Rakyat did after all get 1 more seat than PAS and therefore should be the front-runner for the MB seat since the issue with Perak state constitution introduces barriers to the appointment of a DAP candidate as MB.

    With that said however, I have a few points to highlight and myths to dispel:

    1. The loose DAP-PKR-PAS coalition submitted a list of 3 names to the Sultan of Perak for the Sultan to decide who would be the new MB. At that point, all three parties made press statements saying that they would accept the Sultan’s decision, why does the DAP go back on its word now?

    2. DAP has 18 seats in the Perak state government. That is more than PKR and PAS combined. It would be impossible for PAS to make Perak into an Islamic state like Kelantan without the votes from DAP assemblymen. So there’s no reason for people to have the fear that PAS would enact hudud laws.

    3. Boycotting an event like this is not only childish, but also a big insult to the Sultan of Perak. Think of the implications of your actions and look at the bigger picture.

    4. Every single instrument that was used previously to scrutinise the Barisan National government will now be used to scrutinise the DAP-PKR-PAS government. Acts like this is only going to set off alarm bells and deteriorate the people’s impression of the opposition parties, resulting in a general disbelief that the opposition parties can form a stable federal government in the future that would be able to nurture a resilient economy. Thus reinforcing the image of the opposition parties promoted by Barisan National.

    5. Do remember that the opposition parties are in the strong position they are in today due in large part to the votes of educated and modern voters. Educated and modern voters who wouldn’t think twice about reverting to a Barisan National government should the opposition fail co-operate and deliver an efficient and stable governance.

    With all that in mind, I urge you as an educated supporter of the DAP-PKR-PAS formula that you do not under any circumstances boycott the swearing in ceremony later today.

    Best regards.

  630. Why Mr. Lim?? Why you said like that? Kalau u nak DAP perintah Perak, kenapa DAP tak bertanding semua 59 kerusi? Kenapa u nak berkerjasama dengan PAS, tapi bila Sultan lantik MB dari PAS u boycott? Mcn ni baik u bekerjasama dengan BN la, lagi baik. I mula-mula happy bila PAS-DAP-PKR boleh bekerjasama. Maknanya bukan saja BN yang boleh buat perpaduan kaum, tapi party lain juga boleh. Tapi bila ini terjadi, I rasa lain kali kalau pilihanraya baik tak payah satu lawan satu lagi. Tak payah buat pembahagian kursi bertanding. Senang bagi kami mengundi. Kalau kami nak DAP kami pangkah DAP, kalau kami nak PAS kami pangkah PAS. Senang. Tak payah nak fikir banyak-banyak. I Melayu, u ingat senang I nak pangkah orang selain dari Melayu. Tapi kerana I percaya pada pakatan “Pembangkang” maka I undi walaupun calon bukan Melayu.

    Mr Lim. Fikir la. Tengok la Kelantan, Cina & India tak disisihkan di Kelantan. Nasib mereka terbela. Tolonglah terima keputusan Sultan untuk rakyat Perak.

  631. Extremely saddened by the onslaught of attack against LKS now. This man is where he is today because never once before in his life had he deserted his principles. Not in jail, not in face of BN’s seemingly unassailable supremacy… 42 years of being a loser to fight for this belief in absolute democracy. It’s not like he’s completely rejecting the appointment of Malay as MB though that by itself is already contradicting democracy. He said yes to PKR candidate didn’t he?

    So this is nothing racial. And the last thing i think this is about is LKS’s ego. This is a PAS leader we’re talking about, you can’t deny that it’s not ideologically unsettling to any non-Muslims out there; maybe that’s the reason for him not being too thrilled about this turn of events. I don’t understand how this proves he is power crazy either. In fact I think it proves just the opposite. Who the MB should rightfully- in a perfect democracy- should go to I think is obvious. If LKS was to suppress his objection then he would be betraying everything he stood merely for the control of Perak. That, would be power-crazy.

    Once long time ago when interviewing Chan Kong Choy, we asked why MCA was allowing racially-biased university entrance practice in today’s public university and the reply was sth along the lines of tolerating for the bigger picture. Everything MCA represents is going to manifest in LKS’s submission tmw. For the bigger picture. We voted for a just and democratic Malaysian Malaysia. If it’s just corruption and the degree of administrative transparency you wanna change, then fine, I wholly agree with sentiments here. But if we are to go one step further, for the racial element to be totally discarded esp in consideration of important positions like chief of a state, I believe that’s what LKS stands for.

    Uncle Lim, it’s a bloody difficult position for you to be in but I respect you for your struggle this far. No matter what you do tomorrow, it can’t take away what you did already for us.

  632. sudah jam 3.30 pagi tapi ramai org tak boleh tido . malay susah mau tido, cina susah mau tido , india pun susah mau tido pasal u (lim kit siang) .. yang boleh tido nyeyak sekarang ni urg UNNO n BN.. dan mereka ini sangat2 la suka ..dan paling mereka suka kerana kita (barisan rakyat) bergoncang bukan kerana kerja jahat mereka tapi kerana kebodohan org dalam barisan kita..


  633. Hello brother…..jgn jd hipokrit & gila kuasa. Jgn sampai kaum lain bangkit menentang. Hormat lah sikit rakan…..Hormat lah raja. Kenapa tidak boleh bekerjasama? Jgn sampai orang kata BA “cakap tak serupa bikin”. Jgn sampai pengundi tak percaya. Apakah kerana statement seseorang yang ‘GILa KUASA’ maka yang lain tak boleh berfikir dgn rasional dan menerima reality yang ada? Jgn kerana nila setitik….lauk sebelanga di buang. Jgn kerana LKS seorang maka perikatan BA berpecah belah… Kalau inilah yang terjadi dan terus terjadi….. “SAY GOOG BYE TO LKS AND SAYONARA TO DAP”

  634. gofortruth,

    You are still day, or perhaps night dreaming. The appointment of the new Perak MB is already out of the Rakyat and Democracy concept. It’s called side-siding. First thing first, democracy is based on majority rules, just like making a big decision in MNCs. Among the pakatan, DAP is the major winner, hence they get to have the loudest say. Second, the Sultan had a choice. HRH Sultan and Raja can waive the Perlembagaan rules. He didn’t because this may upset the Malay. Being afraid is not an act of democracy.

    Not listening to the people wantings which shows in DAP majority, and being afraid of upsetting the Malay, is not Democracy, so it cannot be claimed as representing the “Rakyat” like you said.

    Stop kidding yourself over the RAKYAT issue, this act of PAS is already so unRakyat.

    P/S: Do we from Ipoh have different frequency from our comrades in Bidor? Maybe Ipoh is a city where we really think like one. Bidor……..that I do not know.

  635. Legally and technically, BN shall be the one forming state government in Perak and Selangor.

    BN is the majority party in Selangor and Perak, both Sultans already giving their consent to opposition loose alliance to form government itself is a democratic way.

    Don’t blame Perak sultan is undemocratic to pick PAS candidate because opposition alliance have submitted three candidates.

    Perak Sultan is just exercising his constitutional power to reject DAP candidate. Nothing is undemocratic in this aspect.

    DAP can amend state constitution to revoke this clause if you can get 2/3 ADUN to support you.

    If DAP is upset with sultan choice, I will say DAP is the one undemocratic for refusing to accept sultan constituitonal power given by the Dewan Negeri and rakyat.

    YB Lim, if you truly believe democracy and holding principle, the best thing is DAP pulling out from Perak and Selangor government.

    Let BN form the perak government and PKR and PAS form the selangor.

    Don’t play this sort of emotional trick, DAP is looking bad in the eyes of people.

    YB Lim you are loser after this incidence.

  636. menyesal angkat bendera dap masa pru 12,WE CAMPAIGN FOR U LIKE HELL..u mau retired as a millionaire ka?berapa banyak bn offer sama lu?i wish i can withdraw my vote for u.between me and u sir..-YOU JUST LOST 1 PRECIOUS VOTE YOU ARROGANT

  637. sensititive is sensitive but who made it sensitive?

    god never say you are greater than the person standing next to you…….. god fearing? my foot.

    might as well say non malays have no voting rights…….PERIOD.

    but i do agree with all, for the time being…… its difficult for everyone to swallow…. its only sensible for all to attend the swearing in but with the principles of DEMOCRACY keep ringing close to their ears until it go into their brains!!!

    malaysia for malaysian!

  638. Dear Uncle Kit,

    We fully understand that the idealogy between DAP and PAS is totally different….but in this scenario we also know the coalition is a marriage of convenience for the opposition parties in the GE12 election.

    My opinion is the Sultan of Perak is a wise man and there is a very good reason why PAS was chosen to be the MB instead of PKR. Relax and think about it…what is the reason?

    If DAP attend the ceremony tomorrow…then i think this article is posted with an aim or reason which Uncle Kit knows best.

  639. Honestly speaking I don’t how many ‘experts’ above come from BN to spread rumour…How many BN supporters and PAS supporters.

    U all love to blame but not using brain to analyze whole situation especially reason behind: Let spend some valuable time on my note:

    Actually not so many people think in the broad mindset and from the reason behind…no matter chinese, malays or indians on the protest.

    The fact is: On Sunday, DAP AGM(majority seat) want to pick from only 2 candidate which are from DAP or PKR…but Sultan intention is 3….Then Nga simply tell the media, that he will agreed on sultan decision(which is not the voting tells only 2 candidates)….Then PAS of course will submit their candidate on sultan request(but not under majority DAP and PKR agreement on first stage).

    Then, suddenly drama begins: when Sultan decide PAS ability is higher than PKR…so conflict comeout…

    Every experts above only think of the promise made by Nga but ignore the top commitee decision on Sunday. Then start blaming LKS for not keeping his word, but actually is spoken by Nga(different person).

    Well! I knew u all are not non-muslim from perak….no one know why perakians non-muslim so scared about.
    Tell u all the voice of non-muslim from perak(many friends in perakians).

    From DAP politicians point of view:
    a)The reason is simple: DAP can accept PKR muslim, why? because is nothing to do with Malays and sunday meeting actually pick DAP / PKR as a choice.
    b)Scared of 1999 result…why? because PAS islamic nation ideology can’t comfort non-muslim as they need to change business style, life-style, man-woman life-style. Only that religious is protected by PAS. This cause all the non-muslim vote go back to BN on 1999.

    From perakians non-muslim voters point of view:
    a)Same as politicans aspect, changing of life style. PAS really need to do a lot work to proof he is not building islamic nation to force other religion to changing life style. But what happen in Kedah on this new election. Despite transparency contract and anti-currupt policy announced in Penang and Selangor, Kedah immediately implement Hudud that is nothing benefit but only create fear on non-muslim people. So, can PAS supporter know why non-muslim perakians is so fear on this? Nothing to do with muslim or malays (PKR can accepted by DAP and perakians)…

    *Islamic Ideology sounds good, but can’t force others to obey, just like suddenly Penang implment buddhist ideology nation, do u think muslim will agreed on? not even chinese will support because it is religious based on nation.

    Even u all no support my point, just think vise versa and not emotional. Tell u the truth of perakians voters, if any islamic idelogy implement in Perak, DAP supporters all gone from BR, PAS/PKR/DAP all lost in next state election after 5 years.

    **Forcing on other people religion is only way to death, Kedah should be a stepping stone if PAS really want to conquer more state….Sometimes u must make all races happy with ur policy**

    Lastly: highly educated person won’t believe what written in BN control media like utusan malaysia, that nothing talk for anti-currupt policy and transparency upload of YB, MP asset and contractor on internet…but just emphasize on demolish DEB that only benefir cronism UMNO minister and friends not the true poor Malays.

    *Think LKS decision from many aspects, not one way thinking: If non-muslims espeically perakians not support, they will go back BN anytime….then Malaysians wait another 50 years for cooperation. Do doubt I am still curious on real reason of Regent of Sultan Perak decision. His honour should open a media conference to explain all the reason of decision to comfort and convince all population, this is wiser that cause conflict in BR cooperation.

    Don’t blame LKS anymore(their agreement on sunday already stated clearly either DAP / PKR) . Only Nga (DAP) said different story…just blame Nga and those PKR/PAS that fight for power.

    Please proof PAS islamic ideology works well in multi-racial in Kedah first, until All non-muslims comfort, then u will automatic get attention and support from non-muslim on other state.

    **Ideology needs evident to proof, not forcing people to believe ur ideology without right to quetion of***

    Pitty Lim Kit Siang, suddenly become Abdullah Batawi.

    I have to emphasis on one wrong statements by experts above…

    Can u answer why PKR Malay Muslim is selected and accepted 1 of the candidate of DAP during meeting?

    Hey friends, don’t think in racist…if u always think that way, no doubt all senario is racist decision. PKR is accept that means no races issues here…Don’t simply talk rubbish, the main reason is only because of PAS ideology is conflict with DAP ideology. DAP not supporting PAS candidate to be submit on sunday, only request from sultan and Nga simply say words, nothing related to LKS.

    I am not a politicians, but just analyze things fairly and fighting for equality.

    **Equality not slogan but should be a action and promise **

  640. uncle, uncle,…
    u use to be my hero,..but after reading this, i drop my glasses..
    have u take ur pills? or have u been too use to be in opposition that the habit to object on everything is still itching?

    This is an act of a spoil child!! U r given bike u wanted so much on ur birthday. But u cry and boycott not riding it b’cos the color is GREEN instead of RED.

    Yes, i do admit i’m a little disappointed with the outcome, but this is not actually the mandate we vote u guys for… MB or no MB, it is never in ur Manifesto.. U guys don’t even expect it.. a deputy is already a bonus.. moreover this is mere a Name or a Label.. as a Rakyat, i don’t care what u want to call urself as long u do what u have promised in ur Manifesto.

    ur son is working hard in Penang. There’s only few years to execute what have promise. this is the only chance to prove this government work. the whole world is watching. If u press this reset button, u’ll bring him back to zero..

    Be a gentleman… Call Off ur boycott.. Pick a nice tie and attend the ceremony.. u’ll be still my hero…

  641. I think you chest beating Kitsters failed to realise that we did not get a vote of confidence from the rakyat. We benefited from a vote of no confidence against the BN.

    I don’t blame the DAP yet, I know for a fact that a lot of DAP cadres are as upset as I am over this. The blame has to fall squarely on Kit’s shoulders.

    I don’t know what type of a game he’s playing but I think he may have showed hand a bit too soon and might end up being the biggest loser. Shame on him for risking both the DAP and the loose coalition that so many have tried to hammer out just to give the rakyat a chance for change.

    If this is really a maneuver against the MCA’s propaganda and a plan to catch them with their pants down at his own expense, then I probably owe Kit an apology.

    Either way, if this finally does turn out well, it would do Kit as well as the others here that this type of stunt will only work once. If it screws up, we have a whole generation of Malaysians to apologise to.

  642. Dear LKS,
    I share your disappointment on the non appointment of DAP rep as MB. I think it should not be problem if he is of good characters. Please remember that the election of DAP reps came with the support of PAS & PKR members. So long as the State affairs are managed collectively, it does not matter who the MB is. MB is for all the people not just any Party supporters.
    Instead Perak DAP should look into appointing a real calibre Mayor for Ipoh to revise Ipoh glorious past as the most desirable city to live in the country.
    Ipoh has been left behind for years and decades. Even city like Seremban has caught up with Ipoh. We have been losing people from Ipoh due to lack of development in this city.
    Prove that you can govern in Penang and prove that your state exco in Perak can make a difference. The next Perak MB will be DAP’s.

    from Auckland

  643. The situation in Perak is unique. Under the constitution, DAP it is not able to head the government without nominating a Malay from within the party as MB. So, the MB will come from one of the two coalition parties. DAP would be happy if the MB is selected from PKR. DAP accepts the selection of a PAS asemlyman as the MB but it is not happy about the selection. There is no disrespect to the Sultan if DAP does not attend the swearing in ceremony, since it is the MB who is to be honoured with the appointment. DAP need not be a hypocrite to be there to congratulate the MB on his appointment whom DAP did not prefer. They will of course work together on issues of state.

    I suggest we leave the matter of ceremonial issue aside. I realise that those who are opposed to PAS getting ‘stronger’ would be willing to return the states which PAS control to UMNO. The state government did not have much power, and they are certainly not able to turn the states they control into Islamic state even if they wanted to, without approval from the parliament. Together with UMNO, they might be able to do so. But it is quite clear that UMNO is using the religion for political purposes, and it would not be willing to have theocracy when they have the ultimate power to enjoy as secular state.

    State governments are more important to UMNO because the office of MB can take of the finance of the party in the state. Without that the party would not be as active as in the past. We may be going into a ‘two party’ system comes next election.

  644. CommonFolk Says:

    Today at 03: 23.05 (6 seconds ago)

    You are still day, or perhaps night dreaming. The appointment of the new Perak MB is already out of the Rakyat and Democracy concept. It’s called side-siding. First thing first, democracy is based on majority rules, just like making a big decision in MNCs. Among the pakatan, DAP is the major winner, hence they get to have the loudest say. Second, the Sultan had a choice. HRH Sultan and Raja can waive the Perlembagaan rules. He didn’t because this may upset the Malay. Being afraid is not an act of democracy.

    Not listening to the people wantings which shows in DAP majority, and being afraid of upsetting the Malay, is not Democracy, so it cannot be claimed as representing the “Rakyat” like you said.

    Stop kidding yourself over the RAKYAT issue, this act of PAS is already so unRakyat.

    P/S: Do we from Ipoh have different frequency from our comrades in Bidor? Maybe Ipoh is a city where we really think like one. Bidor……..that I do not know.


    I hope you understand what is democracy?

    The state constitution wrote by previous Dewan Negari is a document approved through a democratic process. Fair or not fair is another issue.

    If DAP feel the state constitution is not fair to non-Muslim, please get 2/3 ADUN support to revoke sultan discretion power in picking new MB.

    Lim, you ppl were so stupid to submit three names, why not just submitted two names from DAP and PKR.

    Don’t crying like baby to protest the decision of Perak Sultan.

  645. I watched the news (VIDEO) on RTM1 showing DAP, PKR and PAS assemblyman sitting together announcing the submission of the proposed candidates to the Sultan of Perak. In the statement made, Ngeh who is speaking state clearly that all of them will accept the decision of the Sultan of Perak.

    When Sultan made his choice why all DAP wanT to stay away, from the swearing ceremony askind of boycot sign????

    Please DO NOT LIE as what is done by the BN.

    Hold to your words or else you will lose people’s confidence just like the BN and if that happen people will see your true color and remember that clearly until the next election.



  646. LKS, I am shocked your decision which is really childish!. Why did DAP agreed to submit one name along with the other two parties? If you do not agree with the game, you should have said so earlier…

    I regard this as a kind of disrespect for the Sultan. Time has changed….UNCLE LIM. Maybe it’s also time for you to move aside….

  647. showsomemercy… saya tau perangai UMNO… saya urg melayu tp saya kenal benar sgt sikap urg UMNO..UMNO-bn parti yg jahat. mereka akan guna kenyataan LKS ini dan memupuk perasaan benci kpd kaum cina.. saya percaya kenyataan LKS bukan lah mewakili suluruh pandangan anggota DAP/ cina tp BN ini spt yg kita tau parti suka menipu dan batu api.. mereka akan gunakn isu ini..lebih parah bila mrk mengatakan kita mengingkari perintah sutan…

    saya dh x da idea…

  648. Not attending the swearing in ceremony is not a very constructive action at this point of time.

    The DAP needs not fear of PAS pushing its agenda in Perak as DAP would still control the Assembly, by having a majority in there and in the number of EXCOs. The MB cannot overule the majority. In fact, to be frank, in this scenario, the MB’s post would be more of a figurehead rather than a sign of political dominance. As for alienating the supporters, I believe its a matter of choosing the best option given the current circumstances. By not attending the swearing in ceremony:
    1. DAP will not look like it “sold out”. This will help appease supporters in the short term.
    2. DAP can retain some of the support it garnered. (I say some, as it has been rightly pointed out earlier that a number of people voted AGAINST the BN, and not necessarily FOR the opposition.

    However, by attending the ceremony and endorsing the CM:
    1. DAP can prove that it is looking at the broader picture instead of minor technicalities (PAS is having the least number of seats, besides it not being endorsed by the DAP leadership and should not be made MB. The point is that the opposition is ruling the state in a COALITION, the state coalition leaders rightly handed the choice to the Sultan and the Sultan has spoken). The DAP cannot stand alone in Perak, neither can PKR or PAS.
    2. DAP is extending a hand to all Malaysians and shows that it is a party for all (After having BN spew lies about it being a chauvinistic party)
    3. DAP can actually increase its support base from a mainly Chinese one to a multi racial one.
    4. DAP shows that it respects the Sultan and gives nothing to the BN to talk about. Besides, as I’ve said…there is nothing to fear since there are more DAP reps than there are of other coaliton partners. Let’s stop scaring ourselves.
    5. Since, no one in their right minds would try to bulldoze their agenda giving the small majority the opposition has in the state, DAP can actually show the people that PAS is NOT a sinister party waiting to pounce on every non-Muslim’s rights. This in turn will help the DAP in the longer run, and would only serve to strengthen its cooperation with the other BA parties.

    Let’s not shoot ourselves in the foot AFTER we have won. Two simple facts:
    1. The MB post in this unique case would be symbolic. The MB cannot rule without the assembly.
    2. DAP will still have the bulk of power in any case, regardless of who becomes MB. So there is nothing to fear…

    So lets not fall prey to the BN batu api tactics and endorse the PAS MB already! PAS is already gentleman enough to extend its hand by reassuring non-Muslim voters that their rights will not be encroached upon. It will not make that promise without knowing that if it goes back on that promise, it will lose votes in the future.

  649. Let them say what we want. In the end of the day we are the one who decides whether we still want BN or not right?

    Kita, rakyat MALAYSIA yang akan menentukan bahawa kita mahu BN atau tidak rozariorecardo.

    Say no to BN!!!

  650. “State governments are more important to UMNO because the office of MB can take of the finance of the party in the state. Without that the party would not be as active as in the past. We may be going into a ‘two party’ system comes next election.”

    Did anyone knows that Perak is the 4th poorest state in Malaysia? Before this, state gov. got financial aid (owe) from federal govt…

  651. Dear,

    Why are you seeking so much attention with all your fiery postings? Cheap publicity stunt like PAS?? Izzit very quiet in terms of traffic at your site? No wonder you spoke much for PAS, same mentality. Cheap tricks and publicity stunts.

    No? Change your nick then!

    P/S: If you want to run a forum on Malaysia’s issues, do your own reporting, at least some. Not all from others. Copy others news from major news portal and Malaysiakini? Careful with copyright issue, for being lazy. :)

  652. while i do believe that uncle Lim has a very good point here but his comment is potentially very inflammatory. we have to remember that the Sultan ultimately holds the sovereignty and that his power is ‘lent’ to the people i.e. us hence we HAVE to respect that.

    i wouldn’t want to justify Sultan’s action here as i believe that i’ll be repeating other who has pointed it out earlier in the post.

    the way i see it is this, accept HRH decision to have an MB from PAS but with conditions that DAP-PKR agrees. I am sure Nizar is smart enough to notice that DAP makes the largest in the coalition and will have to sought our DAP and PKR views collectively. five years isn’t long to wait. in the 13th GE, make sure that you have a malay candidate in your so called ‘malaysian malaysia’ so this problem wont arise in the future. in the mean time, work hard and prove to us that you can make changes for the good and we will vote you again.

    all the best! we will all be watching closely. your moves will signal us rakyat, how mature you are in tackling this sensitive issue.

  653. I personally felt DAP CEC should accept the PAS MB and take the gamble. If the PAS MB acts more moderately ( which I strongly believes, he will ) compared to BN MB, then I think the issue of losing support from the Chinese community will not arise. DAP CEC makes a very bad statement asking for boycot. Boycot earns you nothing, you lose respect from both Chinese and Non-Chinese.

    DAP have a chance now to reach for non-chinese only to have this statement destroying it. I hope LKS retract his statement. Although DAP wants a Malaysian Malaysia regardless of race or religion, it cannot be rushed… it needs time.

    I think Lim Kit Siang is afraid of what happened to them when they cooperate with PAS last time. Chinese non-muslim and other non-muslim are just afraid of islamic values being imposed on them and by having a PAS MB, MCA and the BN media are going to go around and tell everyone exactly that and DAP are risking being destroyed in the next general election. Simply because DAP cannot depend on Malay votes to survive, they reason why Malay vote for them this time is largely because of the anger they have on BN and they may not have this in the next general election.

    Before DAP can break away being associated being a Chinese Based Party and depends on Chinese votes,the racial politics must be destroyed first and it is not easy for a 50 years of racist brain-washing.

    Everyone must be extra careful because BN media is waiting to make headlines of any small issues faced by the 5 new non BN state gov.

  654. Oh yeah, just in case some holier-than-thou fellow would like to tell me off for being an outsider .. I HAVE a 08 in my IC, anak jati Perak, berketurunan Tionghua, yang selalu lepak kat Durian Sebatang for the damned good Chee Cheong Fun. And we whupped Ipoh in Under-18s field hockey for 16 years in a row.

  655. DAP, just pull out from Perak alliance government.

    One hand you are greedy with the power and another hand you are telling us you believe in democary and reject PAS islamic state concept.

    This is not hypocrisy? Then what is hypocrisy?

    I am sick with your sandiwara.

    Who is on earth telling us that the state constitution was approved by the minority.

  656. the way to solve it is put 2(nazir & jamalludin) & 2 indian & 2 chinese =6 candidate for vote by the people of state perak for CM/DCMA/2ndDCM, let the power of people to decided same as selangor state, is very fair. ok

  657. MB post in Perak should be given to PKR that would have gone down better if not well because PKR is multi-racial and would have been less of a shocker to non muslims who are still apprehensive about PAS being an othordox muslim party. If PAS is farsighted it should do the right thing to decline. Whatever the outcome, I hope the decision maker, HRH the Sultan of Perak comes forth with his explanation. We are reasonable people and if the reasons are sound we can accept. Just don’t do another BN on the Rakyat and expect the Rakyat to swallow without question.

  658. As a Malasysian, I look to move forward. Forward to what…

    BN who are decadent beyond redemption and was guiding all us with dead end road of negativity and hatred.

    Let move positive. Protest the unjust and also the incorrectness.

    But like all relationship must in some extend have compromises. We need to because we may not all came in at the same frequency or level.

    So compromises is not weakness. Clarify our stance so that on record we protest for what correct and truthful reasons. Sometime we
    have to wait for our brothers to be ready to accept. Anything else is negative.

    I have two kids. I love them so I am willing to wait for them to grow and mature always guiding with Love.

    Children forces you to have patience. If you have the love. Start with love, you cannot go wrong.

    To work we have to focus on fundamental issues and approaches first start with Love, Compassion and Understanding.

    Liberate the demon in all of us and focus on POSITIVENESS like RIGHT, EQUALITY, LIBERTY, JUSTICE etc. As oppose on negative issues like personalities, race and issue that divide us like this.

    The real issues are bigger than all of us. May I propose let us start with a Manisfesto of Alliance for all politicians.

    We are only humble servants to serve good of all the people;
    We first accept this union with our heart open, with love, compassion and understanding;
    We will focus and promote the Positiveness;
    We will highlight and vanquish the Negativeness;

    For I am GOOD, I do GOOD.
    Feel, think, plan and DO Good, with clarity, balance and truth then all Good will come.

    Many times it all begins with ourself. So if they not yet ready, explain what DAP feel it is wrong, protest it loud and clear but accept because there is still some maturing on all to go.

  659. gofortruth Says:

    Today at 03: 00.42 (11 minutes ago)
    CommonFolk Says:

    Today at 02: 38.30 (12 minutes ago)
    Dear DAP & Uncle Lim Bashers,

    Can you all pls stop pretending to be Perakians? Do you know what is the wish of us, the actual Perakians? We want DAP & PKR. NOT PAS.
    Then you should make this very clear in the first place not to accept PAS and therefore will not be able to have a majority to take over Perak state government, which means we Perakians (I’m from Bidor) will still be under BN.
    Like I have said & I will say it again, in this 12th GE, the Rakyat has won, not any of the PAS PKR or DAP.

    Gofortruth puts it perfectly – we cannot say on the one hand that we have the right to form the next government because we have the greater number of seats which includes those won by PAS and on the other hand scream that we do not want or did not vote for PAS. We have to make up our mind; if we detest the PAS so much, then have absolutely nothing to do with them and stay in the opposition camp in Perak. If you need them or want to use them to form the government, then somehow fit them in. Otherwise, the allegation that it is only a marriage of convenience is not at all untrue and you would be open to charges of hypocrisy and of being power crazy, not unlike the BN. Uncle Kit, I think you should just give your blessings to the PAS MB and thereafter guide the governance of Perak based on the universal principle of justice for all which is also a political basis or ideology acceptable to PAS and all right thinking Muslims.

  660. ya. u r rite.. saya juga sedang memujuk kwn2 PAS agar tidak terlalu tersinggung ( walaupun mrk memang terguris ati) dan tak ambil keputusan join UMNO perak bg membolehkan mebentuk krjn negeri ..

    saya x paham kenapa LKS sgt benci PAS . jika d ikut kan PAS lagi baik dr UMNO krn mereka membenarkan patung budha terbesar d kelantan.. mana kala UMNO pula d arahkan patung Mazu di batalkan d sabah..

    harap pemimpin DAP kena byk bergaul dgn msyrkt berbilang.. saya percaya ada cina d kelantan dan mereka gembira d sana.. so LKS perlu bkw dgn mereka2 ini supaya dpt gambaran PAS.

  661. Cuba anda fikirkan…..
    1)Apakan pemimpin seperti LKS patut dihormati……pencetus perpecahan BA? Tidak menghormati rakan seperjuangan?

    2)Apakah rakyat tidak merasa hampa apabila ada penkhianat dan pengadu-domba didalam perikatan?

    3)Wajarkah BN memerintah kembali disebab kekecohan dan ketidakpercayaan antara pemimpin BA itu sendiri?

    4)Percayakah anda BA akan hancur disebabkan GILA KUASA pemimpin ini?

    “People Watching…… and will REFORM” believe it……

  662. CommonFolk Says:

    Today at 03: 39.26 (1 minute ago)

    Why are you seeking so much attention with all your fiery postings? Cheap publicity stunt like PAS?? Izzit very quiet in terms of traffic at your site? No wonder you spoke much for PAS, same mentality. Cheap tricks and publicity stunts.

    No? Change your nick then!

    P/S: If you want to run a forum on Malaysia’s issues, do your own reporting, at least some. Not all from others. Copy others news from major news portal and Malaysiakini? Careful with copyright issue, for being lazy


    Loser, this a typical response after losing an argument.

    My site have too many visitors beyond my server limit and I do not hope any DAP supporters to visit my site.

    The material is not yours, shut off your mouth.

  663. MalaysiaToday dot com,

    Aside from traffic and attention seeking, stop using too much news report from BERNAMA on your own website. I can see you are a great fan of BERNAMA. What race or which party are you in, I am not interested. The enlightened ones will know.

    Too much copying from BERNAMA poisoned you and your head. Do your own reporting if you want business fro your forum. Malaysikini is a good role model for you to start, not good model for you to copy and certainly BERNAMA will only spoil your site reputation because the are famous for fanning issues for those not-so-intelligent readers. Are you one of them?

    Alright let me help you a bit.

    Dear friends, pls go to now. The admin needs attentions and more traffic for the website…or else couldn’t make enuf for next months hosting fee. Come on now..go pls.

  664. Loser, run out ideas to fight back my attacks on YB Lim.

    Ask YM Lim to remove my fiery comments from his blog is best way to run away from the public scrutiny.

    Too believe DAP is Chinese bodyguard is an obsolete ideology and too greedy on power is started poisoining DAP leaders.

    So, you shall understand why BN and MCA are corrupt…

  665. “DAP should be grateful that the Perak Sultan agreed to appoint a non malay Deputy menteri besar.” Richard Teo

    Like the post of the Deputy Prime Minister, the post of the deputy MB is not provided for in the state constitution. It is purely an administrative position and is up to the MB in his discretion to appoint his deputy or deputies – or not to appoint any according to convention. The matter of deputy MB does not come before the Sultan.

  666. I am a Chinese from Sitiawan, Perak staying in Selangor. And a supporter of DAP. I believe the MB post should in all fairness go to DAP nominee, Mr. NGEH KOO HAM, but such is the political landscape in this country where race and religion still reign supreme in spite of all the sweet talks. Sigh!

    I seldom write unless ‘forced to’. This is an excerpt from the book How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.

    “THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG was fought during the first three days of July, 1863. During the night of July 4, Lee began to retreat southward while storm clouds deluged the country with rain. When Lee reached the Potomac with his defeated army, he found a swollen, impassable river in front of him, and a victorious Union army behind him. Lee was in a trap. He couldn’t escape. Lincoln saw that. Here was a golden, heaven–sent opportunity – the opportunity to capture Lee’s army and end the war immediately. So, with a surge of high hope, Lincoln ordered Meade not to call a council of war but to attack Lee immediately. Lincoln telegraphed his orders and then sent a special messenger to Meade demanding immediate action.

    And what did General Meade do? He did the very opposite of what he was told to do. He called a council of war in direct violation of Lincoln’s orders. He hesitated. He procrastinated. He telegraphed all manner of excuses. He refused point blank to attack Lee. Finally the waters receded and Lee escaped over the Potomac with his forces.

    Lincoln was furious. “What does this mean?” Lincoln cried to his son Robert. “Great God! What does this mean? We had them within our grasp, and had only to stretch forth our hands and they were ours; yet nothing that I could say or do could make the army move. Under the circumstances, almost any general could have defeated Lee. If I had gone up there, I could have whipped him myself.”

    In better disappointment, Lincoln sat down and wrote this letter. And remember, at this period of his life was extremely conservative and restrained in his phraseology. So this letter coming from Lincoln in 1863 was tantamount to the severest rebuke.

    “My dear General,
    I do not believe you appreciate the magnitude of the misfortune involved in Lee’s escape. He was within our easy grasp, and to have closed upon him would, in connection with our other late successes, have ended the war. As it is, the war will be prolonged indefinitely. If you could not safely attack Lee last Monday, how can you possibly do so south of the river, when you can take with you very few – no more than two-thirds of the force you then had in hand? It would be unreasonable to expect and I do not expect that you can now effect much. Your golden opportunity is gone, and I am distressed immeasurably because of it”

    What do you suppose Meade did when he read that letter?

    Meade never saw that letter. Lincoln never mailed it. It was found among Lincoln’s papers after his death.

    My guess is – and this is only a guess – that after writing that letter, Lincoln looked out of the window and said to himself, “Just a minute. Maybe I ought not to be so hasty. It is easy enough for me to sit here in the quiet of the White House and order Meade to attack; but if I had been up at Gettysburg, and if I had seen as much blood as Meade has seen during the last week, and if my ears had been pierced with the screams and shrieks of the wounded and dying, maybe I wouldn’t be so anxious to attack either. If I had Meade’s temperament, perhaps I would have done just what he has done. Anyhow, it is water under the bridge now. If I send this letter, it will relieve my feelings but it will make Meade try to justify himself. It will make him condemn me. It will arouse hard feelings, impair all his usefulness as a commander, and perhaps force him to resign from the army.”

    So, as I have already said, Lincoln put the letter aside, for he had learned by bitter experience that sharp criticisms and rebukes almost invariably end in futility.”

    I HEREBY URGE MR. NGEH KOO HAM to do a General Meade and defy the DAP CEC and DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang and gather his men to attend the swearing-in of the Menteri Besar.

    Unknowingly, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, by the stroke of a pen, had undo all the achievements witnessed recently which was built over the decades. What a great shame!


    Just a short piece of unsolicited advice:-

    It is not how well you treat yourself and your fellow Muslims that your greatness as a leader is measured but how well, how understanding, tolerant and benevolence you are to others and the non-Muslims who are different from you, the weak and the small that your legacy in history will be judged.

    Thank you.

  667. Frankly speaking I don’t how many ‘experts’ above come from BN to spread rumour…How many BN supporters and PAS supporters.

    U all love to blame but not using brain to analyze whole situation especially reason behind: Let spend some valuable time on my note:

    Actually not so many people think in the broad mindset and from the reason behind…no matter chinese, malays or indians on the protest.

    The fact is: On Sunday, DAP AGM(majority seat) want to pick from only 2 candidate which are from DAP or PKR…but Sultan intention is 3….Then Nga simply tell the media, that he will agreed on sultan decision(which is not the voting tells only 2 candidates)….Then PAS of course will submit their candidate on sultan request(but not under majority DAP and PKR agreement on first stage).

    Then, suddenly drama begins: when Sultan decide PAS ability is higher than PKR…so conflict comeout…

    Every experts above only think of the promise made by Nga but ignore the top commitee decision on Sunday. Then start blaming LKS for not keeping his word, but actually is spoken by Nga(different person).

    Well! I knew u all are not non-muslim from perak….no one know why perakians non-muslim so scared about.
    Tell u all the voice of non-muslim from perak(many friends in perakians).

    From DAP politicians point of view:
    a)The reason is simple: DAP can accept PKR muslim, why? because is nothing to do with Malays and sunday meeting actually pick DAP / PKR as a choice.
    b)Scared of 1999 result…why? because PAS islamic nation ideology can’t comfort non-muslim as they need to change business style, life-style, man-woman life-style. Only that religious is protected by PAS. This cause all the non-muslim vote go back to BN on 1999.

    From perakians non-muslim voters point of view:
    a)Same as politicans aspect, changing of life style. PAS really need to do a lot work to proof he is not building islamic nation to force other religion to changing life style. But what happen in Kedah on this new election. Despite transparency contract and anti-currupt policy announced in Penang and Selangor, Kedah immediately implement Hudud that is nothing benefit but only create fear on non-muslim people. So, can PAS supporter know why non-muslim perakians is so fear on this? Nothing to do with muslim or malays (PKR can accepted by DAP and perakians)…

    *Islamic Ideology sounds good, but can’t force others to obey, just like suddenly Penang implment buddhist ideology nation, do u think muslim will agreed on? not even chinese will support because it is religious based on nation.

    Even u all no support my point, just think vise versa and not emotional. Tell u the truth of perakians voters, if any islamic idelogy implement in Perak, DAP supporters all gone from BR, PAS/PKR/DAP all lost in next state election after 5 years.

    **Forcing on other people religion is only way to death, Kedah should be a stepping stone if PAS really want to conquer more state….Sometimes u must make all races happy with ur policy**

    Lastly: highly educated person won’t believe what written in BN control media like utusan malaysia, that nothing talk for anti-currupt policy and transparency upload of YB, MP asset and contractor on internet…but just emphasize on demolish DEB that only benefir cronism UMNO minister and friends not the true poor Malays.

    *Think LKS decision from many aspects, not one way thinking: If non-muslims espeically perakians not support, they will go back BN anytime….then Malaysians wait another 50 years for cooperation. Do doubt I am still curious on real reason of Regent of Sultan Perak decision. His honour should open a media conference to explain all the reason of decision to comfort and convince all population, this is wiser that cause conflict in BR cooperation.

    Don’t blame LKS anymore(their agreement on sunday already stated clearly either DAP / PKR) . Only Nga (DAP) said different story…just blame Nga and those PKR/PAS that fight for power.

    Please proof PAS islamic ideology works well in multi-racial in Kedah first, until All non-muslims comfort, then u will automatic get attention and support from non-muslim on other state.

    **Ideology needs evident to proof, not forcing people to believe ur ideology without right to quetion of***

    Pitty Lim Kit Siang, suddenly become Abdullah Batawi.

    I have to emphasis on one wrong statements by experts above…

    Can u answer why PKR Malay Muslim is selected and accepted 1 of the candidate of DAP during meeting?

    Hey friends, don’t think in racist…if u always think that way, no doubt all senario is racist decision. PKR is accept that means no races issues here…Don’t simply talk rubbish, the main reason is only because of PAS ideology is conflict with DAP ideology. DAP not supporting PAS candidate to be submit on sunday, only request from sultan and Nga simply say words, nothing related to LKS.

    I am not a politicians, but just analyze things fairly and fighting for equality.

    **Equality not slogan but should be a action**

  668. Sigh…DAP DAP DAP…as a Chinese you should very well know the art of Chinese politics eg Romance of 3 Kingdoms, Art of War etc. You think it is easy to change people’s mindset overnight? Then why rock the boat? Do it think this is a revolution isit..consolidate your gains, compromise and plan for future battles..instead you get into petty squabbles..where is your sense of reasoning? Baru win 1 battle, you think already win the war. So why you want to start to stab everyone in the back now?

    To all the DAP fanatics (not all DAP supporters – just the Chinese chauvinists) please watch your mouth in here and stop insulting the Malays and PAS members who willingly voted for DAP and the royal family of Perak. You have destroyed months of goodwill in a single day..just like that..sigh..maybe Malaysia has no hope for a better future after all..I hope good sense prevails in the end.

  669. Last post of mine on this topic:

    You can submit the list with candidates that is acceptable for you to Sultan…
    You can submiting 2 name only (DAP and PKR candidates), if DAP can only accept this 2….
    Since that 3 is on the list mean 3 are all acceptable… Please dun tell me that non of DAP members knew about the list contain of 3 candidates….

    And also we should respect Sultan’s decision no matter how… Never hurt Muslim’s feeling as you are going to if you take such move… Never show others that we cant practise our mission.. We are blaming abother barisan that the leader party inside just dun Respect others parties at all.. And we are going to show others that we are not going to Respect Sultan decision, new MB, as well as PAS as well…

    (P.S:CommonFolk and MalaysiaToday.. Stop its… Dun spam this responds with fighting… Yet Uncle lim lazy to read the comments and neglected some sensefull voices..)

  670. I watched the news (VIDEO) on RTM1 showing DAP, PKR and PAS assemblyman sitting together announcing the submission of the proposed candidates to the Sultan of Perak. In the statement made, Ngeh who is speaking state clearly that all of them will accept the decision of the Sultan of Perak.

    When Sultan made his choice why all DAP want to stay away, from the swearing ceremony askind of boycot sign?

    Please do not lie as what is done by the BN.

    Hold to your words or else you will lose people’s confidence just like the BN and if that happen people will see your true color and remember that clearly until the next election.

    Keep to your word or do not say you will accept the decision of the Sultan in the first place.

    People is watching

  671. tahniah!kerana kamu baru saja memecah belahkan barisan baru ini.apa yang majlis tertinggi dap bincangkan kami tidak tahu tapi yg kami tahu anda memboikot majlis angkat sumpah mb perak tersebut sebagai protes!terimakasih.dalam malam ini sahaja dah ramai yg terkejut dgn kesombongan yg anda tunjukkan.ini belum hari esok,lusa, minggu depan,tahun depan dan seterusnya.apa yg saya ingat adalah perasaan saya malam ini .kalau semua adun dap tak pergi,kami pakat tak akan sokong parti dap lagi.menyesalnya kami kerana anggap kamu lain dari parti cina yg lain.pru13 will not be the same.please enjoy this short terms in perak…kawan kawan semua,dap tak boleh dipercayai!

  672. YB LKS: Hope you would make the decision based on the big picture. The circumstance would be much greater than Dr Koh giving away the seat to YB LGY. I believe we should respect Sultan’s decision like Dr Koh, and we get respected as well. We all can’t wait to see how well PAS could serve for Rakyat. Work Hard YB! :)

  673. # Says:
    Today at 04: 01.45 (5 minutes ago)

    Loser, run out ideas to fight back my attacks on YB Lim.

    Ask YM Lim to remove my fiery comments from his blog is best way to run away from the public scrutiny.

    Too believe DAP is Chinese bodyguard is an obsolete ideology and too greedy on power is started poisoining DAP leaders.

    So, you shall understand why BN and MCA are corrupt…


    How old are you???? This politic not a fighting match. This is for the sake of Perakians not you and your website. Is it who win who has the last convincing voice. Then you just put DAP on the right track and slapped yourself twice.

    Below are the details fo your website. Used fake phone numbers credible are you in your argument?? This boils down to attention seeking right? You post fiery stuff to get noted because your domain will expire need more traffic and hits to sell more ads.

    Copy news from others then use fake contact numbers…zzZZ..zz. Where’s your journalism? Honesty and First hand is journalism, not yours. Attention seeking? Yes it’s you.

    WhoIs Results for
    Contact Type Registrant
    Organization Name: Malaysia Today
    First Name: DotCom
    Last Name: Sdn Bhd
    Address 1: Via email only
    Address 2:
    City: Kuala Lumpur
    PostalCode: 50000
    Country: MY
    Phone: +60.0161111000
    Fax: 60
    EmailAddress: [email protected]
    nameserver: DNS2.2020HOST.COM
    updated-date: 2007-11-17
    registration-expiration-date: 2008-11-30

  674. In an earlier Press Conference, DAP Chairman of Perak Ngeh Koo Ham has mentioned that the parties will accept the decision of HRH Sultan of Perak. HRH Sultan Azlan was after all former Lord President, he’s not letting his state slide down Shariahville.
    So, let’s move on, honour your words, retract the boycot. Mohd. Nizar Jamaludin is after a professional Engineer (Ir. preceeding his name). DAP and PRK will have the Exco Council to smoothen issues out internally.















  676. Wait …everyone here, is Anwar plot again to bring down even the Sultan? U n I know Lim Kit Siang can’t be tat stupid to submit 3 names and then disagree. WE are being played. They are playing games here.

    Wat u think guys?

  677. Old Man Lim, I had, in the past, always thought of you as a hero, but after hearing the way you stammer your way in parliament, and your stupid behaviour now, takes away much of the lustre.

    Why had you NOT decided among yourselves the appointment of the MB BEFOREHAND??? Even before the elections? Utter stupidity, and now you add to it by asking for a walkout.

    I sort of think YOU were the one which stunted Malaysian Opposition for so long.

  678. DAP Loser, you forget how BN personal attacking on Anwar backfired on them. Forget this cheap stuff.

    You cannot argue with brain, you shall join BN team.

    I have reposted my comments on YB Lim to RPK website.

    No tomorrow for DAP if YB Lim is still around.

  679. CommonFolk can you stop your flame war right here and now!! If you have nothing better to contribute but pick fights then I suggest you go and sleep NOW!, please do not respond anymore to CommonFolk. Just ignore.

    Have a good night everyone. Just wait for things to sort itself out tommorrow.

  680. Today at 03: 31.40 (30 minutes ago)
    CommonFolk Says:

    You are still day, or perhaps night dreaming. The appointment of the new Perak MB is already out of the Rakyat and Democracy concept. It’s called side-siding…..
    The result of this 12th GE caught everybody by surprise, even BN with their vast information resources could not predict such a catatrophic outcome would befall upon them.

    So what I’m trying to say is that the 18 so called majority seats DAP won this time around is by no mean a concrete prove of vote for DAP Democracy (how many seats did DAP get over the last 3 elections?).

    This election is a very simple “people” voting against the arrogant BN, not any particular political ideology.Please! ( I’m all for Democracy)

    If one thinks DAP won all the seats by their Democratic ideology, then I don’t know who is day or night dreaming.

    All of us brag so much about a fair & just & democractic society with equal oppotunity for all the people irrespective of race & religion. Here the Sultan put a small practical test and all of us fell flat already. Sigh!

  681. You and YM Lim speak out for Perakians or oneself? How many perakians give you the voice?

    18 seats is not even a half of Dewan Negari seats. 18 seats already make you so great and make you forget that these seats are not solely from Chinese votes.

    Be prepared for less than 5 seats in 5 years time…I promise this will happen.

  682. MalaysiaToday dot com,

    You have just proven my insight. Double posting all over in the oppositions’ blog. Boils down to?? Attention seeking.

    When I argue, I want to make sure I am not seekers like you..the more heated the argument the more people will notice you and you funny news forum..but you really succeeded. Maybe not here..maybe in Anwar’s Blog.

    Your last statement just shows you are not interested in politics..the way you attacked Uncle Lim and DAP.
    You don’t even want to sound just want to scold and create hoo-haa. Go to those online gaming forums where those 15’s and 18’s argue..they’ll be easily hooked and tricked by you.

  683. Good job lar DAP in leading an infighting. Guess that BN will be very happy now, and it’s very likely that they’ll rule M’sia 4ever since there’s no unity among the oppositions. I once thought that there’ll be hope for M’sia, but it seems that I’m just too naive. DAP has just betray the trust the Malay has put upon them (I’m a Chinese FYI). This racist and religious political agenda will 4ever remain in M’sia political setup and I bet BN will still win the next GE coz BN is the expert in playing the racial games.

    I pity all the M’sians, for they’ll forever be under the evil BN rules, and that they’ll be no party strong enough to defy their racist dominance. I rather be an illegal immigrant in a foreign country (for which I’m actually now in, but not yet illegal) than be a 2nd class citizen in this racist and discrimatory country, where I do not have much rights of my own anyway.

  684. Lim Kit Siang thought there will be a political backlash against DAP if he did not object to an MB from PAS. But the electorate has spoken. It is clear there WILL be a political backlash against DAP if the party carries through with its decision to boycott the swearing in ceremony.

    The paradigm has indeed shifted. It was what made this political tsunami possible in the first place. Leaders muust adjust their thinking to suit the new paradigm or just retire.

  685. DAP is no more sit in the opposition bench in four states, do not beg me to be nice on DAP as before.

    YB Lim is just not gettig more heats from BN, I see at least 90% voters who voted BA would spitting on DAP.

    Your politics is power greedy like BN boys….so I am not interested on that.

  686. YB,

    I received this e-mail, source unknown, and felt it apt to reproduce here:-

    New state gov’ts – don’t blow it
    Product Of the System | Mar 11, 08 5:40pm

    Greetings to the new leaders of the state governments of Kedah, Penang, Perak, Selangor and Kelantan. We congratulate the parties for a hard-won battle against the seemingly insurmountable Barisan Nasional.

    We the voters stood by you – DAP, PKR and PAS – during those days you were known as the opposition. We gave a great part of ourselves to help in your noble cause. We parted with our hard-earned money and donated generously at your open air ceramah. We braved the unrelenting terrible weather, stood heel-deep in mud listening to your promises of a better Malaysia.

    We refused to budge under all adverse circumstances. Some of us have placed our careers and families at risk. We were vocal critics and diligent ‘Deep Throats’ supporting the opposition while earning a living in the civil service.

    We slogged and blogged, wrote and re-wrote, voted and revolted. We did it all for only one reason – that together we can initiate change towards a better Malaysia. You have now won victoriously, far beyond anyone’s expectations. Do not disappoint us, the rakyat. You have proclaimed us your bosses by your own admission and we lay claim to that role.

    You will fulfill your promises and we expect you to demonstrate genuine effort even if you fail in the end. In the past, you could cite limited resources and forced inhibition as excuses for delivery failure. No more now. You are in charge and the last thing we rakyat need is more mitigating factors.

    We will judge you by the same measures by which we have expelled the previous regime. Rest assured that you will be held accountable to every proclamation and condemnation that you ever uttered over the last four years.

    We voted you in without regard to your skin colour, religion or biological makeup. We were Chinese who have voted PAS, Malays who have chosen DAP and Indians who opted for PKR. We were the oppressed who saw you as liberators and the cheated who believed in the truth. We, your bosses, have set aside our differences and we shall settle for nothing less than the same among you. If we could unite in spite of years of BN racism, you as leaders have even more reason to collaborate and achieve.

    While we won’t expect you to see eye to eye in all things, we do not want any washing of dirty linen in public, either. We affirm our right to praise or criticise you and it is our privilege to have a say in decision-making. We do not desire fanciful slogans or sweet-sounding promises. Rather, we wish to taste sincerity and humility, and we demand you from this moment to observe humility at all times. We insist on our right to be heard, our grouses to be attended to and our welfare to be considered.

    We seek justice, not exhibitionism. Do not betray the trust we placed in you, lest we show you the exit the way we did to the previous regime that betrayed us. This is your time – your one and only chance to prove you’re worth your salt.

    Don’t blow it.

  687. The Sultan did not make a very wise decision. In democratic system, the majority is the winner. My thought was DAP would take control as MB. It may be difficult for the three parties to announce so, but if Sultan picks it, the people would not say anything. Now the sultan made a different choice. Chaos started….

    To reiterate my suggestion. Those in the state government, no matter they are from DAP, PAS or PKR, please detach yourselves from a particular party.

  688. Aiyah, so many politicians here meh? Why picked fight with one another. This is democracy, so everyone is entitle to voice their opinion.

    If you don’t like what’s going on now, you get your chance in GE13. Now, no reversal already. HHmmmmmmmm …… Human, being human – full of emotion.

    Maybe what we can do is be realistic and put ourselves in Uncle Lim’s position instead of our perception. Probably we behave 10 times worst than him ….

    I am still confident that BR will live up to our expectation. Its like a middle class family just won a million dollar lottery and things went out of control. They’ll come to their senses once the hangover is gone.

    Ok, good night and may all of you rest well for a new tomorrow.

  689. Another article by Michael Backman 12/3/08

    Lets see the bigger picture ok guys?

    MALAYSIA Boleh! (Malaysia Can!) is Malaysia’s national slogan but after last Saturday’s elections, the real slogan should be Malaysians Boleh! for ordinary Malaysians are to be congratulated. The humiliation they handed their government at the federal and state elections demonstrates how politically sophisticated and mature they have become in the face of a high-handed and patronising government.
    Five state governments were won by the opposition and federally, the Government had its worst showing ever. But it was the clinical precision in which voters went about their business that was most impressive.
    Zainuddin Maidin, the information minister, lost his seat. A measure of how complacent the Government had become was its appointment of the inept Zainuddin to the role in the first place. His appalling performance on Al Jazeera television late last year was a very public international humiliation for all Malaysians. Voters did what Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi did not have the guts to do: they removed him from office.
    Malaysia’s media has become so discredited that local bloggers are now hugely popular. Zainuddin had patronisingly warned Malaysians about false information spread by bloggers. They responded by voting one of the most popular bloggers — Jeff Ooi — into parliament.
    The birthday of Samy Vellu, the long-serving public works minister and head of the party that represents Malaysia’s Indian community, coincided with election day but it was Malaysians who got the birthday present. Samy lost his seat.
    No one is more to blame than he for driving Malaysia’s Indians into their pitiful state as second-class citizens. His deputy also lost his seat, as did the head of the party’s youth wing, its vice-president, and the head of its women’s wing. The party barely exists now.
    Meanwhile, a lawyer who championed the rights of Indians and who has been detained without charge since December because of it, won a seat in a state parliament — a seat in which the majority of voters are actually Chinese. It seems that ordinary Malaysians have a greater sense of fair play than their Government.
    The Government lost power in the state of Penang. Lim Guan Eng, the much-respected new chief minister, was arrested and jailed in 1994 after he distributed a brochure complaining about the handling of claims that the (then) chief minister of Malacca, Rahim Thamby Chik, had sexual relations with an under-age girl who happened to be one of Lim’s constituents.
    Unbelievably Thamby Chik was not charged for what amounted to statutory rape but Lim was, for having distributed the pamphlet. How embarrassing for Abdullah that he must now deal with a chief minister that his Government so unfairly jailed.
    Only the state government of Sarawak was spared voters’ ire but only because it had its elections last year. But nature will bring change there too. Its long-serving, outstandingly greedy, cancer-stricken chief minister is soon to learn that a shroud has no pockets.
    More broadly, the very legitimacy of Abdullah’s Government is open to question. At the federal level, the opposition received 47.8% of the vote; a remarkable result given voting fraud, a frightened media that gives the opposition almost no positive coverage, and severely rigged electoral boundaries. As it was, about a third of eligible voters did not vote, meaning that Abdullah’s Government was returned by only four out of 10 eligible voters.
    Late last year, I met with former finance minister and senior ruling party lawmaker Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah at his residence in Kuala Lumpur. He told me how appalled he was by the direction Malaysia had taken. He said that Malaysia needed a free media and a truly independent judiciary. He decried the corruption and nepotism that had beset the leadership of his own party. “But why don’t you stand up in parliament and say these things?” I asked.
    “Because the media would be instructed not to report it,” he said.
    If the opposition parties and their leaders can put their egos aside and think strategically, they have a chance of giving Malaysia what it sorely needs, a stable two-party system.
    Opposition figure Anwar Ibrahim will become eligible for election next month with the expiry of the ban following his criminal conviction.
    The nightmare scenario for Abdullah is that Anwar’s wife, who was again elected on Saturday, will resign in the coming months, forcing a by-election at which Anwar will be elected. He might then help to coalesce the opposition parties into a more unified and effective voice. If he were to lure the Chinese-based MCA and perhaps the Sarawak-based United Traditional Bumiputera Party away from the ruling coalition, then the opposition would have precisely half the members of parliament. And if just one more government member were to walk — Tengku Razaleigh perhaps — then the Government will fall after 50 years in office. The current 13-party ruling coalition would be replaced by a five-party coalition. Whether or not this happens, there will be constant tension from the fact that it might.
    Abdullah has emerged as probably Malaysia’s most pointless prime minister. The election results are an unmitigated disaster for him and his Government. If the opposition is sufficiently disciplined and the ruling coalition starts to crack, then his nightmare has only just begun. Could Abdullah negotiate such a minefield? So far his political talents don’t seem to have stretched beyond using chemical-laden water cannons against his own people. It would seem his days are numbered.

  690. I watched the news (in video) on RTM1 showing DAP, PKR and PAS assemblyman sitting together announcing the submission of the proposed candidates to the Sultan of Perak. In the statement made, Ngeh who is speaking state clearly that all of them will accept the decision of the Sultan of Perak.

    When Sultan made his choice why all DAP want to stay away, from the swearing ceremony askind of boycot sign?

    Please hold your words not as what is done by the BN.

    Keep to your word or do not say you will accept the decision of Sultan in the first place.

    Everyone is watching. Don’t let us down.

  691. I believe he will be a good MB for all.

    Ngeh willingly accept him as he stated in the press conference after the submission of names to Sultan.

    CEC should respect Ngeh stand in that matter. Let Perak DAP have their own way working with PAS and PKR. After all, you submitted 3 names.

    I hope DAP would not have similar perception as MCA and BN about PAS.

    You have yet to know them.

  692. Saudara Lim,
    Wake up to reality…DAP could not have done so well without support from PKR and PAS. Wake up…get all DAP ADUN to attend the swearing in and walk the talk..or else you are history…

  693. A fine article by Michael Beckman except that luring the corrupted MCA to join the opposition coalition is not on the cards. But to get back to the point, all cyberspace warriors must continue to put pressure on Uncle Lim to reverse his decision. Uncle Lim please listen! If Malaysians and Perakians of all races can accept a PAS MB, why can’t you?

  694. Good morning Malaysian, really take me 2 hours to read ppl voices and ideas. This matter really really sakit kepala. All I can said for those who won in this election for sure they will do their best so in the next election they will win more voters. This part everyone must agree. I love to sing this song “The winner takes it all, The loser standing small” or even this song too “My Way”.

    ah yo yo poor DAP sudah dapat pun terpaksa kena letak balik……sometime to many cooks spoil the soup….after all….. lembu punya susu sapi punya nama lagi

    Sacrified is not a easy thing to do and if DAP can do it ………..i think every Malaysian even the Sultan will salute to DAP as a hero party.

    By the way…….at PAS website Guru Hadi Awang ever said before if a chinese can be a head he will support too………aiyah time up already have to go to work……….thank you for reading.

  695. You people out there , grow up please, be gentlemen, obviously there is no communication with the Perak State DAP and the central DAP, IF a letter was acknowledged by the state rep, so stand by it, should have known better, now that the sultan has chosen the PAS man for the job , don’t moan and groan , its not anybody’s fault but your own. Don’t act like little children now.

  696. You people out there , grow up please, be gentlemen, obviously there is no communication with the Perak State DAP and the central DAP, IF a letter was acknowledged by the state rep, so stand by it, should have known better, now that the sultan has chosen the PAS man for the job , don’t moan and groan , its not anybody’s fault but your own. Don’t act like little children now.

  697. You people out there , grow up please, be gentlemen, obviously there is no communication with the Perak State DAP and the central DAP, IF a letter was acknowledged by the state rep, so stand by it, should have known better, now that the sultan has chosen the PAS man for the job , don’t moan and groan , its not anybody’s fault but your own. Don’t act like little children now.

  698. It’s not a time to boycott. Put your differences aside now and work together as a team to show people that DAP-PKR-PAS coalition can deliver their promises. The new Perak state government is already quite weak, the last thing you want is to further weaken it. I understand that some supporters may not agree with the new Menteri Besar coming from PAS, but it is Perak sultan’s decision that the BN state opposition cannot point their fingers to DAP and PKR. I think people understand that DAP and PKR dominate the new state government and PAS will have to consider all members’ views.

  699. The mainstream media is quick to jump on the negative news with fodder provided so graciously provided by Mr. Lim Kit Siang. See what you have done Mr. Lim? I have voted for DAP every election but now I’m feeling disgusted at your petty politicking to satisfy your ego.


    Cracks Appear In Perak Opposition Alliance

    Wednesday, 12 March 2008
    KUALA LUMPUR, March 12 (Bernama) — Cracks have appeared in the opposition pact between the DAP, Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) and PAS which had earlier agreed to form a coalition government in Perak.

    The Perak DAP assemblymen have been told to stay away from the swearing-in of Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin as the new Perak Menteri Besar at Istana Iskandariah tomorrow.

  700. LKS, please post an apology and your course of action regarding this issue.
    You really need to pacify the nation before this turns sour.
    I have been up without sleep hoping to hear some announcement from you.
    I am tired man, real tired.

  701. Uncle Kit
    I voted for BA. I did not care which symbol was there , I voted for BA and I want BA to work. Please please uncle KIT do not let the enemy of freedom and justice have an upper hand because of this .
    I beg you for the success of the BA and for all Malaysians to accept this unfairness for the meantime and make it work . Ir Nizar is a humble man who works for the greatest good, I am sure he is servant leader and not as obnoxious as some of the older PAS leaders are. Give this coalition a chance .
    Uncle Kit I do not love you less for this but I am very sad right now not throw away our wins .

  702. Kit:

    I am very disappointed with this posting of yours.

    Your representative, together with the reps of PKR and PAS have gone to see the Sultan, presented him with a nominee from each party, and told the Sultan to choose a Menteri Besar from the 3 nominees. Further, all three reps told the Sultan that they would abide by his decision, and that all three parties have agreed to support that decision. Now that the Sultan has chosen the PAS rep as the MB, you come out into the open and say that there is no DAP CEC sanction and that therefore the DAP reps would not be attending the swearing-in ceremony. What is your motive to write this posting ? Are you retracting the commitment given to the Sultan ? Are you not offending the Sultan by not attending the swearing-in ceremony ?

    Not having the CEC sanction is merely a technicality. In the corporate world, we have teleconferences and circular resolutions that can regularise matters in hours, if not minutes. You guys can do the same, yet you choose to come out publicly to air this “dirty” linen.

    What are you trying to prove ? That you have changed your mind ? That you cannot really work with PAS ? That those who have voted for the Opposition should regret doing so ? That you really want to warn PAS and PKR that you are no pushovers ?

    I suggest you get rid of the Opposition mentality and start behaving responsibly like a true leader of a ruling regime.

  703. Kit, don’t blame the Sultan. Just bcos of Mr. Ngeh not discussing the issue with you and the CEC, he has caused havoc. He is inexperienced in negotiations and bargaining. But the rice is already cooked.Just eat it.

    DAP/PKR/PAS is now the coalition Gov, not Opposition. How can DAP boycott its own Gov? DAP has one term to make things right. It has 7 excos, why worry?

    The BN media is having a field day. The useless and corrupted OKC is talking shit from Tg Malim. Change things at a slower pace. Don’t be rash! Order your men into the field! Attend the swearing -in ceremony.

  704. I read in the paper that the DAP ADUNs went against the party line and went to the swearing in ceremony anyway. This is a brave move and I applaud it. Although the Star seemed to spin it as a crisis I choose to see the assemblymen as putting the interests of the people of Perak first ahead of party loyalties, and having a working government in Perak should be paramount on the list of priorities. I believe the actions of the DAP high command (whatever it is called) in issuing the boycott is stupid and serves only BN’s interests. Also, I hope that the assemblymen who went ahead and attended the ceremony will NOT face any disciplinary action by the party, as I feel they are doing what they think is right for the people. Lets not follow BN’s example here.

  705. It is easy to comment but let us all put ourselves in uncle lim’s shoe. I fervently think that he has his own reason for doing it and whatever he did , its for the people’s sake!
    So , people out there, things had happened….STOP behaving like a hero and if you think you can do better than uncle lim ,then you go ahead and prove yourself!

  706. js Says:

    Today at 08: 05.34 (59 minutes ago)
    Good News!Heard that DAP will be attending the swearing in ceremony today.


    Is the above a confirmed news? I truely hope so.
    Alan Cheah.

  707. Honestly, Uncle Kit, I have never been more disappointed before. How could you publicly voice your objection about the decision of the MB’s candidate? Shouldn’t it be discussed among the coalition and make a collective decision? It might easily create turmoil within the newly formed coalition and spoil the new cooperation among the 3 parties. As a Chinese, I do think that we should accept and respect the decision made by the Regent as what DAP reps had mentioned before, since 3 names were submitted and the MB was chosen among these 3.

    I found Nizar’s response are much more amirable and respectable:
    When contacted for an immediate reaction, Nizar said: “We believe that as a coalition government, all decisions will be collective.”
    “We would not respond to comments being made outside the new coalition government,” he added.

    Uncle Kit, I seriously do not hope your action would not caused any negative impacts towards all DAP representatives. I seriously hope that you would not make all supporters who had voted DAP last Saturday regretting that they have done so. Please give us, all the rakyat a acceptable answer towards this issue to prevent this being used by BN towards Barisan Rakyat.

    With deep concern, I urge that you do not disappoint the Rakyat who had resulted in DAP’s grand victories and starting up a dispute before anything even started to be done for the people.

    I applaud the DAP ADUNS for daring to do what is right!

  708. We all like to see a comfortable and forward looking alliance in Perak. I believe in Sultan Perak as well as you uncle Lim can cause it to happen. Please consider ‘Da chik wei chong’.

  709. in monday morning, press had got the next perak MB right, reading the report, i was confused why not PKR if only Malay allowed, however Nizar profile looks acceptable and PAS seems co-operative, i felt assured.

    then 3 parties decided to let sultan choose, i think it was fair since DAP, PKR and PAS made up the simple majority. sultan’s decision was unexpected to some, but deputy MB is a remedy, i’d say the outcome is good though not best.

    i’m confused seeing LKS made such a disappointing statement, wondering if this is from his heart or something going on. but the statement has caused the damage and remedy is hard. i hope other leaders in DAP and PKR will ignore LKS’s call, support and assure new perak government for all. when the new government gains ppl support, LKS should change his tone.

  710. “DAP is prepared to accept DAP chairman and Assemblyman for Sitiawan Ngeh Koo Ham or PKR Behrang Assemblyman Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi as Perak Mentri Besar.”
    Please be very clear that DAP is NOT racies !!! DAP only want to have a fair selection.

    The conversation with the Sultan by the 3 candidates might be able to give us the clue why the least popular party was selected. DAP leaders are aware of the conversation, I fully believe that there is something unfair behind.

    In certain cases compromise is good, and on the other hand compromises will lead the coalition become BN number 2. We want change, we want a fair society, we respect constituion, we want to have PKR who is supported by the DAP to be the MB !!! we do not want BN number 2!!!!

  711. Saudara Lim,

    You have patiently and doggedly struggle for close to 40 years so that we (the post 69 generation) have the opportunity to effect the change we saw last Saturday. I don’t believe even Mr Lee Kuan Yew and Mr Devan Nair would have the sheer perseverance to do so. The school history books may not say it but when history is written about Malaysia’s first 100 years, your place stands right at the top.

    Now having achieve the beach head needed to get rid of the communalist and racist paradigm of colonial politics than the BN perpetuated, let’s continue to fix our eyes on the goal – that is the eradication of BN politics and the creation of a true bangsa malaysia who is at ease with itself and its fellow citizens regardless of creed, race and colour. Otherwise, we are showing we do not have good judgement.

    Whatever the reservations of DAP CEC about a PAS lead government in Perak, please remember that on 8 Mar 2008, over 50% of peninsular Malaysians voted based on ideals (of equality, justice and good governance) instead of the sound of names and race. I voted PKR and PAS because I don’t want BN anymore. Malays and Indians voted DAP because they don’t want BN anymore.

    So why does it matter than the smallest party in Perak holds the MB post if the parties agree to submit 3 names to his Highness and his Highness choose the PAS wakil rakyat. After all, you, Anwar and Hadi Awang have reiterated time and again that these “Barisan Rakyat” adminstrations (I don’t want to call you guys the opposition anymore – let the BN be opposition) will be carried out based on collective decisions. Saudara Nizar is merely primus inter pares or first amongst equals in Perak – the State Exco is multi-racial and dominated by DAP. Do you and your CEC members not realise that if DAP (despite being the biggest party) can endorse a PAS wakil rakyat, what that says about the maturity, magnanimity, self confidence and high moral fibre of the DAP? Why make your CEC sound so small minded and petty?

    So please I beg and implore you to revoke the CEC protest and let’s continue to heal the fissures that BN has created and maintained all these years. Let’s show BN that Barisan Rakyat is bigger than them, we can compromise and work together, for the higher interest of the rakyat and of the country.

  712. Correction on some typo in my previous comment, correct one should be:
    “Uncle Kit, I seriously do not hope your action would caused any negative impacts towards all DAP representatives.”

    I do hope that DAP would make consent as a whole to support the newly joint coalition which bring hopes and “change” which was promised to the people before the election.

    We, the people do not want to see any inside fighting and disagreement which would make the people to loose confident.

  713. Saya kira Mr. LKS seorang yg jujur dan mengota apa yg dijanjikan…tetapi itulah sebaliknya. Setelah rakyat memberi memberi mandat ukt pasukan BA memerintah, rupanya ada pemimpin yg cuba merosakkannya persahabatan dlm perikatan. LKS telah menghancurkan harapan rakyat. LKS telah menanamkan bibit-bibit kebencian pengundi. Apakah LKS sedar kedudukan yang ada adalah dpd rakyat. Kenapa mesti ada ketidakpuasan setelah awalnya dipersetujui? Kenapa raja yang dijunjung selama ini dinafikan keputusannya. Bukankah semua telah setuju diawalnya? Apakah LKS mahu pengundi melebelkannya sebagai PEMBELOT. Ingatlah pesan in:
    “Orang berbudi….kita berbahasa, Rakyat dah bagi undi….Jgnlah LKS jadi Gila Kuasa”
    “Terlajak perahu…boleh diundur, Tetapi terlajak kata….kami akan binasakan”

    ++++ MAKKAL SAKHTY ++++

  714. Correction to my earlier posting : LKS and not DAP is anti-Islam. I just read in Malaysia Today that Perak DAP will defy LKS and attend the MB swearing-in-ceremony after all. I hope the DAP members will vote out LKS and his stooges then install a more vibrant and progressive leaders in DAP. LKS has served beyond expiry date.

  715. This is time when the 3 parties have to help us voters trust that the 3 parties can work together! If you disagree to have PAS nominee be nominated as MB, then should have protest before the names/nominees are given to the Sultan. Now this????? Please give us voter faith to trust that we have made the right decision last Saturday, and not feel sorry for voting you all PLEASE, look at us, the people, what is our needs, and not the party/DAP. I believe it is not an easy job to form a working coalition to work together. But again, this is a crucial time to show us voters that you all can be trusted.

  716. Dear Uncle Kit,

    Even if PAS be the MB, but I am sure PAS will not implement anything will hurt chinese / indian interest as we have 2 deputy to work things out.

    I hope that we can put Malaysian interest as priority. Please dont cause Malaysian to suffer just because who get to be MB.

  717. Dear LKS…

    i woild say u never dream about this election DAP can get this much support from malaysian citizen (be it malay, chinese, india and others) and mostly is because we are sick of the previous goverment.

    Please show malaysian that this new goverment can do a better job then previous goverment.

    Please work together make us proud that we make the right choice.

    Please don’t fight among yourself over MB post, just respect the Sultan choice, i beleived the former Cheif Justice should have a good reason why His highest choose Nizar

    because u just need 2 katak to jump over then all of you can become the opposition AGAIN!!!!!!!!

    Please put Malaysian interest above the party interest,

  718. If you’re wondering why they never seem to stop fighting in the middle east then look no further than at our own BA coalition fiasco right now. They have fought too long and too hard that they don’t know when to stop, all sense of compromise seems lost along the way. I am a Malay who voted for DAP just as any Chinese and Indian who voted for Pas, so the situation is bigger than DAP or 1 party alone. Please remember, “change” is the main agenda, not DAP or Pas or PKR. We voted for the coalition because without one another you wouldn’t have had any of this miracle happening, so please don’t turn it into a nightmare. There has to be a good reason for the appointment of a Pas MB and one of it is probably because no other party has managed to govern a State before let alone for 18 years of unbeaten run. Pas in Kelantan have managed to survive discrimination and BN pressure for so long, there is a thing or two that can be learnt from Pas which makes him one of the more qualified candidates, and I’m sure with his professional qualifications his appointment makes sense to the Sultan as a learned individual himself. And for those asking where is Anwar and Nik Aziz in this situation and why we haven’t heard from them till now, give them time, do you make a lot of noise when you are fixing things? That’s right, I didn’t think so either. With our collective effort we have managed to ultimately silence BN but look at the front page of Utusan today, we’ve given them their voice back instantaneously, congratulations.

  719. I have never posted any comment anywhere before but felt compelled to say something on this…

    I studied in Perak for 4 good years. I met many Perak people who told me how lucky they are to have a Sultan who is open, wise and has the welfare of the Rakyat regarless of race at heart and I agree with them based on my observation of the way members of the royal family carry themseleves and the speeches made by them. So, I have faith in that the Sultan has considered all angles and had chosen the one he believes will bring the most to the Rakyat of Perak and I think most Perak people too.

    Anyway, it was already agreed upon to abide by the Sultan’s choice. This statement only show that what we called in Cantonese – “no mouth teeth”.

    I think many will forget this episode if you just say that you were too happy for your son that you missed all the headlines in the newspaper. I know how you feel because I am a parent too. :)

  720. Besides being a good Muslim, these are some of Ir Nizar’s accomplishments as quoted from Harakah:

    “Beliau berpengalaman luas dalam menjalankan beberapa projek besar negara. Antaranya Projek Dayabumi fasa 2 & 3 pada tahun 1983, projek Pusat Islam (BAHES, Jabatan Perdana Menteri (1984), projek Wisma Darul Iman, Kuala Terengganu (1985), pengurusan bangunan-bangunan kerajaan dan swasta termasuk KOMTAR, Bangunan Persekutuan Gunasama, pusat membeli belah dan pengurusan semua lif di hospital Kerajaan Negeri Perak, Pulau Pinang, Kedah, Perlis sehingga kini.

    Sebelum dilantik menjadi Menteri Besar beliau merupakan Pengarah Urusan di beberapa firma swasta. Di luar negara pula beliau banyak menjalankan beberapa projek di beberapa buah negara, antara di Birmingham, United Kingdom, Zug Switzerland, Miano Italy, Bangkok Thailand, Sdyney dan Goldcoast Australia, Doha Qatar dan Tehran, Iran”

    And little do we all know he is well versed in Malay, English, Chinese and Tamil

    So please, let’s get behind our newly appointed MB and have a little faith in his bid for change

  721. Hi Fellow Malaysians and LKS,

    To be honest I am deeply sad, with what is happening in Perak Govt formation. Before the General Election all the sweat things was told by PKR, DAP and PAS saying that we are opposition going to work for Rakyat, but the way I am seeing now, PKR, DAP and PAS are fighting the position and power and not to server the Rakyat. We as Rakyat appointed you because we are sick and exhausted with BN. But looking at current situation now I feel, I better to stay with the BN DEVIL which I knew for 50 years. PKR, DAP and PAS come into power only for 5 states and you are fighting to form the government. I wonder what would happen if you all won the entire nation.??

    I would like to stress to all the reader here some of you; you might think I am supporting BN. I am not!!!!! I do not support BN at all. I HATE THEM!!!!!! But I am sad what is happening, why DSAI is keeping quiet now. He is the “Master Mind” for this opposition coalition party. Why DSAI not doing anything to resolve the problem. We the Rakyat if can’t see that PKR, DAP and PAS working as a team, do you think we the Rakyat will vote for PKR, DAP and PAS in the next General Election. I am non Muslim, but I voted for PAS. Why I voted PAS. Think about it… We want a Change not Fight among the opposition team.

    Now PKR is threatens to pull out of Perak state gov’t. ( You all come to power to server the Rakyat or to server your “kroni”. If the opposition true identity is to server Rakyat I strongly believe you all will stop fight for power and think how to server the Rakyat.

    We are all Malaysian One for ALL, ALL for One Malaysia

  722. Uncle Lim has apologized and withdrawn his directive to boycott the swearing in ceremony. Kudos, Uncle Lim! Anybody can make a wrong decision but it takes courage and leadership to admit when one is wrong. I apologize if I’ve said any harsh words and may DAP, PAS and PKR work as a cohesive force to eventually oust the corrupt BN regime.

    Thank You YB Lim Kit Siang!!

  723. DAP. You should get your best people, form an internal think-tank with clear objectives. Then have a closed door discussion with PAS.

    PAS should present it’s intension throughly to all citizens in Perak. I am sure we can understand. Don’t be like BN in the past that hides everything under the hood and sweep the dirt under the carpet and always put the wrong person in the wrong places.

  724. i am a voter for barisan alternatif, and i casted my vote to DAP too.

    immediate after the statement made by Mr Lim senior, i have placed my statement in this blog but unfortunately, it has been censored.

    please dont do that, it only makes me think that you are behaving exactly the same as BN, filtering through only information that you think it deems fit for this blog and not others. That is not freedom of voice and transparency!

    what we the rakyat wanted to see is that you the opposition coalition can really walk the talk and preach the principles that is really against the wrongdoing of BN and not behave as one like them.

    so please allow me to have my own voice in your blog, Yang Berhormat. If you really think that my comments are overly sensitive, then please amend some words and do not simply erase it all as i believe i do share my 2 cent worth for the BA and the rakyat.

    Thank you very much!

  725. Dear Uncle Lim and the rest of bloggers here,

    Though LKS have withdraw his ealier statement but it will not makes us (pkr & pas) forget the basis of your ealier decision. I’ve read quite substantial numbers of chinese here still feel that DAP is chinese parties. That’s the reason y go against Sultan like the Sultan is just another umno partner! Lucky you guys that umno is too afraid to over re-act on all of this statement. But if i have your details i will personally ensure i will press charges of treason to you for issuing statement offending our Sultan. Frankly my fellow chinese, if you think you can and will change malaysia to become like singapore then seriously be remembered of 13th May. What happened then? We the malays are occay with good governance and respeciting and serving all races needs. Malays comprise of 51% of Perak populations. So who the H…l r u questioning the sultan right and even if Sultan is occay you should consider people at large the majority malays sentiment in Perak and all over malaysia! For thoose who still support LKS ealier decision and decided you now forgo that statement just for immediate needs. It means that you are not sincere. That you will not uphold the constituency and the malays privileage. Even we the PKR n PAS already said that we will not marginalised the chinese n indian and so others as our main ingredient in our manifesto but for u guys this is not enough. U still want DAP to rule as DAP not as coalation government that will uphold the constituency with the Sultan be on top of it. Then please, either go to Singapore or go back to mainland China, hong kong, taiwan but please get out from this beloved Malaysia. We don’t need you here. Same goes to LKS! I used to respect with u and your son. I was there during guan eng release from the prision in Kajang. My tears drop when i saw PAS supporters carry DAP flag and DAP supporter carry PAS flag! I thought you have change! It seems like you want to be like Lee Kuan Yew and turn Malaysia to be like Singapore. Please stop dreaming! remember because of 13th may the english dictionary used and adapt the word “amok” to refer to the specific behaviour that is really wild and that’s only have in deep of all the Malays heart that for the past years the malays learn to let it dumped in the bottom of our heart and we try not to think about it hoping that our new brothers and sisters from other races already take us as the same family! But remember, the words and the spirit is still there! Ask for it, and call for it! it will come and i don’t mind to die to protect the Sultan and i knew most of the malays is the same with me.

    LKS if you really sincere, please first issue a lengthy statement to apologize not just one paragrah statement! 2nd Call for emergency meeting for All coalition (PAS,DAP & PKR) to form a joint committee to stream line all press release to reflect the pact opinion. 3rd Issue a guideline to all members (DAP,PAS & PKR) in issuing personal statement that will have an impact to races & religion issues. If you need to bang, bang in the meeting not outside. You may want to get DSAI to lead this initiative. But if this is not happening in the coming month, then you will loose forever the history that you just did. I will personally join gerakan and launch all out attack to make DAP not relevant at all. Because, though i’m malay, i won’t use racial issues to win mileage. So hope you make the right decision. Remember, becarefull of what you wish to!!!


    P/s: to PKR DSAI & PAS, if DAP is not sincere let’s call Pak Lah to pass the PM post to DSAI and nego with other BN component and few credible umno to join us and leave DAP to join the revamp BA government. Though i still hope uncle lim take my advise. Thanks

  726. Salam Sejahtera buat Mr Lim,
    Mohon kemaafan kerana menggunakan bahasa kebangsaan yang mana bahasa in jugak yang Mr Lim gunakan di Parlimen. Pertamanya saya sedikit terkedu berhubung kenyataan bertulis Mr Lim ini. Untuk pengetahuan Mr Lim saya adalah salah seorang ahli biasa Pas yang berdaftar dan pernah bertugas menjaga Puan Zaiton yang bertanding di Selayang pada tahun 1999 atas tiket DAP. Sepanjang masa bertugas saya bukan sahaja menjaga beliau tetapi turut menjaga parti yang diwakilinya dalam pakatan BA. Semasa itu Mr Lim kami jaga umpama menjaga presiden kami sekiranya ada yang berniat jahat kamilah yang akan kehadapan. Jalinan kami dengan petugas dan penyokong DAP amat baik dan kami semua mengharapkan agar jalinan tersebut akan berterusan. Tetapi sayang selepas kekalahan besar DAP dalam pilihanraya 1999 kepimpinan Mr Lim telah bertindak untuk keluar dari gabungan BA dan dengan marah mengatakan PAS adalah puncanya. Kami tetap bersabar dan terus menjelaskan kepada ahli-ahli yang ini hanyalah bersifat sementara kerana bagi kami ini adalah masalah antara kepimpinan atasan dan kami petugas serta penyokong dibawah senantiasa bersangka-baik sehingga sekarang. Tidak terlintas difikiran kami untuk terus memboikot DAP walaupun cemuhan demi cemuhan, tomahan demi tomahan dilemparkan kepada kami oleh pihak Mr Lim bagi kami agenda kita adalah menjatuhkan BN yang selama ini menyusahkan rakyat. Walaupun kadang-kadang cemuhan dan kata-kata pihak Mr Lim menghentam Islam tetapi kami masih bersabar sampaikan saya terpikir sampai bilakah kami perlu bersabar je. Saya secara peribadi menghormati pemimpin-pemimpin DAP dan juga pemimpin BA yang lain. Kesempatan berjumpa di Parlimen saya akan cuba menegur bertanya khabar walaupun sesekali macam dipandang sebelah mata oleh pihak Mr Lim bagi saya, saya masih mengharapkan penyatuan antara kita. Saya kadang-kadang tertanya kenapa pihak Mr Lim marah sangat dengan PAS? Apakah silap kami? Adakah kerana dakwah kami kepada masyarakat Islam satu kesalahan yang merugikan DAP? Ataupun kerana hukum hudud yang PAS war-warkan? Sekiranya hukum hudud dijadikan sebab saya rasa Mr Lim sebagai seorang insan yang bijak dan hebat apabila berhujah diparlimen (walaupun suka menjerit-jerit) gagal sebagai seorang pimpinan dalam menjelaskan isu ini kepada orang-orang Mr Lim. Ini kerana hukum hudud ini hanya dilaksanakan kepada mereka yang beragama Islam itupun sekiranya mereka didapati bersalah sekiranya tidak bersalah mereka tidak perlu takut. Bagi yang bukan beragama Islam agama kami mengkehendaki kami memelihara agama yang bukan Islam dan kami tidak boleh mengkhianati sesiapa pun termasuklah dari kalangan yang bukan beragama Islam. Saya percaya sekiranya pihak Mr Lim dapat menterjemahkan perkara ini ke peringkat akar umbi nescaya salah faham pihak Mr Lim berhubung hukum hudud akan terurai. Sekiranya ada sebab-sebab lain yang membuat kemarahan pihak Mr Lim kepada PAS saya rasa sebagai ahli biasa perkara ini boleh dibincangkan diperingkat atasan secara muhibah termasuklah perkara yang Mr Lim luahkan ini. Sebagai orang yang bijak berpolitik Mr Lim tidak patut meluahkan ketidakpuasanhati secara umum. Pakatan BA walaupun belum rasminya digabungankan mempunyai Majlis-majlis Presiden atau Majlis Tertinggi yang membolehkan Mr Lim meluahkan pendapat Mr Lim. Tidak elok perkara ini diperpanjangkan secara umum dalam situasi kita mencapai kemenangan yang agak besar. Perihal perlantikan MB Perak saya ahli biasa yang belajar setakat SPM ada bertanya kepada sahabat-sahabat yang pernah bekerja di SUK. Memang termaktub dalam enekmen perlembagaan kerajaan negeri hanya bangsa melayu yang beragama Islam sahaja yang boleh memegang jawatan tersebut ataupun atas budibicara Al Sultan. Untuk pengetahuan enekmen ini bukan pihak PAS yang reka. Dalam hal ini Al Sultan telah meminta parti-parti gabungan BA untuk menyakinkan pihak istana berhubung gabungan ini memandangkan DAP mempunyai kerusi yang lebih tetapi Al Sultan perlukan kata kesepakatan dari gabungan BA untuk lantikan jawatan MB ini kerana secara automatik calon dari DAP tidak memenuhi kriteria awal jawatan tersebut. Oleh itu gabungan BA Perak telah bersepakat pada awalnya untuk menghantar nama-nama calon untuk diangkat sebagai MB dan ini merupakan penghormatan kepada Al Sultan memilih calon untuk jawatan MB yang selama ini tidak pernah berlaku semasa era pemerintahan BN Al Sultan sekadar dijadikan cop mohor sahaja. Kepimpinan PAS menghormati DAP yang mempunyai lebih kerusi tetapi atas titah dari Al Sultan yang meminta nama calon-calon MB maka pihak PAS terpaksa akur. Akhirnya atas kuasa Al Sultan telah memilih calon dari PAS sebagai MB. Disini dimanakan silap PAS yang membuat Mr Lim mengeluarkan kenyataan sedemikian kepada umum? Saya memohon janganlah ada perbalahan diantara kita perlu diingat pengundi-pengundi sedia untuk menghukum seperti mana berlaku pada BN. Cukuplah pengalaman suka dan duka yang kita lalui bersama. Bijak berpolitik bukan sahaja pandai bercakap tetapi bijak juga berstategik. Dalam peperangan pihak musuh akan menyerang apabila barisan hadapan lalai, longgar dan bertelagah. Banyak lagi yang saya ingin berkongsi bersama Mr Lim tapi cukuplah setakat ini dulu. Cuma satu sahaja pesanan saya jangan disuatu hari nanti saya dan rakan-rakan rasa benci melihat bendera DAP lebih dari BN. Mohon kemaafan dan harap apabila berjumpa di Parlimen nanti kita akan bertegur. Jangan marah ini satu pendapat dan pandangan.

  727. uncle lim…mi again…nice to hear u did this right mention…this morning. i know your difficuly to accept PAS on this situation and worry lose our(chinese) support on next election. but pls think twice and collect popular opinion first before do any important announcement . pls…pls…pls dont do it again..u are chinese reprensentative on this 20 year. we hope that our reprensentative is a intelligence, accomplishment, embrace and make us automatically show our respect people.

    lastly, i want to said


  728. one more, as a good leader must accept people advice…i think your son is do better than u now…our chinese say huo dao lao xue dao lao…n…xue wu zhi jing, da zhe wei xian. pls try to learn from your son.

  729. Hi LKS, DAP’s YBs & Pro-Chinese fellow,

    U guy had receieved an unexpected mandate from the people of nation wide, this is the single chance of thousand years for u guy to form a coalition roling covernment.

    My advice is, pls reduce drasticly DAP’s Chinamanship in order to get real @ genuine support and trust from the Malay comunity.

    Do not ever fall into the rasist and religion trap that UMNO awaiting for, any single mistake or over react from u guy especially the Chinese Tauke in DAP will cause politic disaster.

    Also, sadly to see that DAP isn’t show the quality as PKR during the state transformation like PKR in Penang and Selangor.

    If, really PKR behavour like u guys (DAP), LGY may not so easy to be the CM of Penang in short time. Here we see the “OPEN MIND and HEART” of Anwar Ibrahim and other PKR even PAS leaders, but not DAP’s.

    Be extra careful of your Chinamanship!
    Never ever let even a Malay supporter feel negrect to “VOTE FOR CHANGE”,
    Never ever let Malay thought that the Malay has loose their power, it should be “BN” lost,
    Never ever let the less (Chinese @ Indian) feel unsecure under DAP @ coalition ruling covernment.

    8 State EXCOs for DAP (non of them was Malay) is too much! Pls think wisely….

    Now isn’t the time for you guy to SHOW OFF!

    I’m a Chinese and will be watching u guy tightly, if need I will not hesitate to go against DAP.

  730. May I offer a suggestion to break impasse in Perak? Would it be a good idea for DAP in national interest and also in the interest of “Barisan Harapan Rakyat” to come to a compromise.

    Update: I do multi-tasking and while waiting for this to open (long time) I do other stuff and I saw that a compromise had been reached so my suggestion is now no longer relevant.

    May I humbly suggest someone from DAP, PKR or PAS have a look at Open letter to DAP, PKR and PAS. I know you guys know more about politics and governing a country, but still…..

    Reluctant “protest” blogger
    Blog for Positive Changes for Malaysia and the world
    Digital Candlelight Vigil

  731. LKS threat for not attending the swearing in ceremony might appear to some as showing disrespect to the royalty of Perak for which LKS has already apologised to the Sultan and the regent of Peak. LKS clarified that it was not his intension to show disrespect, and he certainly could not stop people having that perception and hence he apologised for creating such perception. We should have no doubt that the Sultan and the Regent of Perak would not hold that against LKS.

    There were suggestions that LKS should have kept this an internal affair within DAP and accept the fait accompli after the Sultan had agreed to the appointment of the MB, and that to the outside world, all is well. The method of sweeping things under the carpet has its merit, especially when the Barisan Rakyat is breaking into a new venture, and it needed to have a smooth start.

    After the DAP decided to attend the ceremony, PKR considered it necessary to review the arrangements. That again gave BN a chance to clam that the opposition would not be able to work together.

    Now that the three parties have come together with a new formula, it would mean that the agreement will better meet the interest of all parties; so the dust kicked up by LKS might have been worth the trouble. But the episode shows that coalition government is more difficult to be established, and that they show that responsibility-sharing is truly happening.

  732. to malaysiabaru2008, i do support and agree with your comment on march 13th.the statement by LKS shouldn’t happen again.we don’t want the tragedy of may 13th overwhelming our country again.i’m willing to do and sacrifice anything as our SULTAN the first priority!!!

  733. what Uncle LKS provoke to ADUN DAP to ‘pulau’ the ceremony are a good idea to me. Although it can make a little bit ‘huhahuha’ everywhere but that decision is actually opening the people’s mind.

    the DAP supporters, are ready to know even closer to what happening in the istana and how much power that the SULTAN has. Let dont use the word ‘power’ instead we can use ‘the rights to make a decision for good purpose of nation’. done.

    And, most important, soon, when BARISAN RAKYAT won 2/3 of the next election, this PERAK MB story are strongly remembered by all the rakyat. And, we can move this nation truly with our heart and avoiding the bad politician that can carries ‘corruption’ , ‘chronisme’ , ‘nepotisme’ , ‘economic unstabilization’. Please, BARISAN RAKYAT, Work together…

  734. yb,selayang area punya bandaraya hari ni i punya kereta park tepi jalan kena tarik ,asal lagi mau bayar tiga ratus,i parking tak sampai satu jam sudah kena tarik,tepi jalan pun takda sigborad tulis zon tarik.i parking tepi jalan ,saman tulis parking atas batu jalan .kereta banyak parking tak cukup ini bukan salah kita.lagi pun pergi bayar serupa hutang dia orang satu juta.bandaraya punya staff semua duduk kat office gurau saja,kita bayar incometax lagi mau tenggok muka dia orang.jalan rosak pun tak pergi repair,tulis saman dan tarik kereta pandai lah.lepas tarik dan tulis saman minum teh tunggu balik,sebenaya staff mesti nak pergi ronda mana jalan nak repair kan.semua tunggu gaji buta.pengawai punya kerja time baru lima jam.lagi pun bandarya office ada orang kata boleh settel $250,rasuah kuat,bpr ada pun serupa takda.TQ

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